Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES By BOB BARNES THOROUGH job spring furniture cleaning. shampooing. Also ESCROWS INSURANCE rugs, carpets, W418 Sprague Ave. MA-4318 6-11 The EXPERIENCED a DINNER, try cook, SPOKANE A SAFE DEPOSIT INV. CO.

BR-2567. Tribune Ayndicate waitress. Fast, dependable. References. WHERE SHALL WE GO? 33 KE-2418.

SMORGASBORD WILL do Ironing in my home. ExperiEVERY THURSDAY enced. MA-5967. 5 P. M.


excellent Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, East city limits. references. HU-3949 Highway 10. ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR CURTAINS laundered, stretched. Pick $1.

Children welcome. DANCING 9 up, deliver. Mrs. Snyder, FA-2064. P.

M. TO 1 A. M. Thurs. thru Sat.

BABY sitting. evenings in your home. DANCE with Dutch Groshoff's band. RI-0603. Lake Chatcolet, May 15, 1 a.

m. COLORED lady wishes work. KE-9181. BANQUET rooms Dinner-dance music WASHING. Ironing.

Free pickup and Incl No extra charge, Call Mrs. Haupt delivery. HU-4251 COEUR D'ALENE HOTEL MA-1251 COLORED woman. Day work or reguDANCE- Spring Hill Grange May 15. lar.

$1 hr. RI-0704. Bud Burrows, "Far West Boys." WANTED day work, or restaurant work. BEAUTY SHOPS 38 Experienced. KE-1902.

EXPERIENCED sales clerk and runA SALON PERMANENT ning mangle. Married. HU-1860. This time make yours a Salon Permanent. Mr.

Lowell and his highly Situations Wanted -Male 66 specialized method will give you "that INTELLIGENT personable young man, something extra." 36, employed in transportation inMANITO BEAUTY SHOP dustry, seeks less strenuous position acSix Operators MA-2881 road ahead count slightly disabling injury, Little STAN'S BEAUTY SALON "Tricky stretch of to offer in special skills or training. Eve. Appts. 510 Hyde Bldg. MA-4900 Better stop ACCOUNTANT.

College grad. Experience COLD WAVES $8 50 AND UP and let me but lots of ability. MA-6796. CALL Esther for spring perm'ts. tints.

take over. retall: Controller, office manager. genMirror. 608 Hyde Bldg MA-1051 eral accounting. systems, budgets, staCARDINAL BEAUTY 508 Norfolk Bg tistics.

Desire position with future. $5 up Haircuts, $1 MA-3458 Write 35 care this newspaper. COLD AND UP. JOURNEYMAN painter. nonunion, 20 LU'S Beauty 503 Kuhn Bldg RI-1320 yrs.

experience, wishes job with PERMANENTS FOR FINE HAIR tractor. RI-9163, Apt. 17. Peaco*ck Beauty 412 Kuhn Bg MA-1555 EXPERIENCED caretaker. evergreen SPEC.

$12.50 PERM. $6.50 trimming, planting. References. Von-A-Lu's, Ridpath, MA-6418 5967. Op.

eve. STYLE cut creme oll $8.50 LAWNS cut, trimmed, watered. ExcelKE-7411. Doris or Vivian. lent care, $10 wk.

LA-6229. comp 7470. LANOLIN Nesterine oil verm't. comp. $3 50 N1819 Division FA-9673 EXPERIENCED man wants work on wheat or cattle ranch.

Ebert Book. DISTINCTIVE permits: LA-5800. style cut, Reno ranch. Dubois, Idaho. 2 operators.

Den Mar. EXPERIENCED refrigeration, appliance BEAUTY SCHOOLS 40 repair, desire work with nonunion established firm, KE-1884. STUDENTS GRADS. CAT. driver, experienced, wants work ENROLL FOR SUMMER MONTHS OR on grain farm.

EM-3632. COMPL 10-MO FREE TUITION BEAUTY COURSE job. Must be in Spokane, KE-1439. VETERAN wants steady plain labor CREAM OIL PERM. $4.95 PLOWING.

leveling, lawns put in, complete. Free estimates. HU-2734. SAW fitter, 4. years experience, 26 Morse Beauty School 405 Zukor Bldg RI-4343 years old.

HU-3604, DAY CLASSES. 8:30 TO MAN 35 wants steady lanitor work. Due to acute shortage of operators GL-2931. and hair stylists. we are now BOY, summer farm chores.

GLfree training to mien and women. 3531 after 6 p. m. N4921 Cincinnati, 2 for the price of 1 HELP WANTED--Male 50 RENNEL SCHOOL OF BEAUTY WORK BY CONTRACT 70 RI-1049 W317 Riverside PERM. WAVES AS LOW AS $3.50 Travel Unusual for Victill Opportunity CLOGGED SEWERS advanced, transportation furnished, CLEANED WITH ELEC.

ROOT CUTTER Free Tuition expenses Esther's School of Beauty drawing account. 24-HOUR SERVICE-7 DAYS WEEK N223 POST MA-6027 MUST BE UNDER 25 YEARS OLD. Cesspools, Septic Tanks SEE J. W. MURPHY 'CLEANED, PUMPED DEATHS ANNOUNCEMENTS DOUBLE-TAKE Situations -Female WORK BY CONTRACT HOUSEWIVES' Supplies 104 Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued We love to work- will even sit with your baby If she's over 18.

MA-1295, RI-5587 or HU-1608. E815 Providence. A A SEWER SERVICE WARD'S ROTO-ROOTER for Sewer Troubles No Drainage- No Charge--Call Any Time. E25 Empire, HU-6121, KE-6266 PUMP SERVICE Septic Tanks-Cesspools VALLEY SANITARY DISPOSAL CO. CALL CARL.

MA-3465. ANY TIME sec- CEMENT WORK this Drives, patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Bonded. Free estimate. GL-2189.

be CEMENT WORK Every type. Bonded, Insured, GL-1067 see General Contracting No job too small, work guaranteed. GL-4771, RI-6497. PAINTING Spray or brush. Special rates on roofs.

All work guaranteed. RI-4836. SEPTIC TANKS WA-4264 John Meldinger WA-4827 DISHMAN CONCRETE Products. Inc. CARPENTRY, remodeling.

house bullding. cabinets, floors, garages, roofing. siding. cement work. Cash or liberal terms.

FA-9465, MA-1295. PAINTING Int. Ext. Low Cost. RI-1287 DIRT MOVING Any kind.

Modern equipment. Hoover Construction Co. GL-9089. EXPERT home cleaning. wallpaper, painted surfaces.

Windows. LA-2322 evenings. BLACKLAYING. Carpentry. Remodeling.

Reasonable. Anywhere, odd jobs. RI8391. PAINTING. brush or spray, Inside-outside, good work, good paint, guaranteed reasonable.

LA-3293. PAINTING, papering, patch plastering. Wall cleaning. Estimates. GL-6308.

"Rinker." PAINTING. Interior and exterior. walls repaired, textured: paper steam re moved. Guar Free est. Eaton, KE-7767 WIRING and PLUMBING Contracting hourly.

Terma. GL-4476 Rototiller Plowing Close Quarters Specialty KE-2710 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, TOP FILL DIRT LEVELING and DOZING. GL-3639 WALLPAPER cleaning, painting. deco rating. excellent workmanship, HU.

3542. HU-1951. -LAND CLEARING Basem*nts--Leveling Hour--Job Pirello Bros. WA-4074, WA-2813 SEWERS -BAsem*nTS GENERAL EXCAVATING STENSTROM HU-4889 ROOFING- Free estimates. Johnson.

GL-1470 daysevenings. BULLDOZING. compressor. rockwork. basem*nt, roads, blasting.

anywhere. Stenstrom Bros. KE-2916 evenings. PAINTING, paperhanging. taping.

Walls, ceilings textured Satisfaction assured on all jobs, Reasonable. WA-6517. FIRST-class painting. enameling. paperhanging.

kem-toning. interior, terlor. BR-1924. LANDSCAPING LAWNS OUR SPECIALTY KE-0755 WALLPAPER cleaning. painting.

decorating. Excellent work. Overseas veteran. BR-4825. EM-7298.

PAINTING (interior, exterior), roofing. siding. Expert workmanship. Reasonable. RI-6497.

GL-4771. HAULING rocks, rubbish. lawns leveled and seeded. Free estimates. GL-9778, GL-4868.

PAPERHANGING. Kemtoning, painting. samples, estimate. GL-2397. GL-7823.

ALL types construction, stores. ware houses. offices, residences. Dunham. EM-6112.

SPECIALIZING In minor home repairs. Carpenter, painting, and cement. HU-1403. ROTOTILLING, free estimates, reasonable rates, dependable. HU-6966, HU6608.

LOW COST tree service. Insured, bonded. Save! Save! RI-6536. RI-8917. PAINTING first-class; brush or commercial spray.

Low prices. BR-2963. BLOCK laying and carpentry. RI-9694. PAINTING special.

$15 room and furnish paint. BR-3150. Sewers. Weller. GL-8142 GARDEN plowing; lawn leveling.

Close quarters. ready for grass HU-1467 a GENERAL hauling, livestock, trash. rage and basem*nt cleaning. BR-2882, PAINT your house, spray or brush. good workmanship.

GI-8052. PAINTING paperhanging. kemtoning. paper samples Free estimates. EM-1397 UNDERHOUSE remodeling or building by contract.

G1-3224. PLASTERING. patching. Free estimates Clean work. Reasonable.

KE-5862. MODERN log homes Lake cabina. Call John, HU-8428 WANTED- Bulldozing, Any kind. Or land clearing. HU-1145.

GARDEN plowing Equipped for small gardens. $3, $4. GL-3928. GENERAL hauling, rubbish, rocks and GL-2353, GL-1227. A-1 PAINTER, neat work.

HU-4378. GARDEN plowing, lawn and yard leveling. GL-9892 Lester Bonser. A-1 CARPENTER, day, contract, alteration. Built-ins, garages.

Nord. BR-0680. BOULTON INSULATION G1-7496 Sewers, Adams, R1-9998 GENERAL hauling, clean basem*nts. flatbed truck GL-3689. ROTOVATING Rototillina plowing.

garden, lots GL-3662. WA-6509. PLOWING. rotavating. leveling, lawn plant Woodcuck, WA-7024.

HU-3354 BUILDING. remodeling cabinets. exp reliable MA-2816 01 RI-9998 SEWERS, BAsem*nTS, EXCAVATING, FILL DIRT MEL NORDBY, EM-3154 TILE your bath Low cost metal wall tile Duratile N2607 Div EM-6601 EXPERT rototilling, plowing. reasonable rates. MA 6285.

GARDEN plowing. Lawn and yard leveling. GL-7818, Neal Bonser. BRICK veneer, fireplaces, sandstone. For quality workmanship call FA-9009.


E7901 Knox, WA-5975. HOUSE painting, W2017 Gardner, after 5:30 p. m. BR-1596, LANDSCAPING, leveling. dozing.

top soil, fill, back filling. R1-5086. REMODELING. new, old homes. Beat of ref Free est.

GL-3739 Yard Leveling GL-1966 PLOWING -Post hole digging. back fillIng dirt hauling Busby, KE-5237. FLOORS, SANDED AND REFINISHED Campbell Floor Co. GL-1912 YARD grading backfilling. road bldg Go anywhere Carmack.

HU-3356 GUARANTEED roofing and siding Installed Call KE-2851 SEWERS Kelly. KE-4211 REPAIRED. REMODELED KE-8767 FIREPLACES, AS CHIMNEYS BUILT GRAVELY rotary blowing. FA-4379. FA-0466.

PAINTING. decorating. good Job neatly done. GL-7713 evenings. PLASTERING, PATCHING.

FREE EST. BOR JACKMAN, KE-9102 HAULING rubbish. Basem*nt and yard cleaning. Free estimates. G1-7179.

CEMENT work. walks. drives, patios. Guaranteed work. Evenings, Continued Roly "HAS The new Morrison all-steel garage door.

See all others first but before you buy, see the Roly door. ROLY DOOR SALES N2607 MONROE FA-4505 SEPTIC TANKS CESSPOOLS CLEANED For Less-WA-4781 SIMPSON SEWER -BONDED CLEANED CHEAP Cesspools-S- Tanks KE-6266-WA-3345-HU-6121 BONDED--MILT THOMPSON Yard Fences EconomicalAll styles, wood, wire fencing. Free estimates, no obligations. Terms. ACME FENCE E1028 1st KE-8715 SEWERS Up to 36 months to pay.

Have your sewer installed by bonded and insured contractors. EM-2841 or EM-4551. PETEK SANDBERG. INC. TREES By REMOVED- bonded, licensed, Insured ANTED FREE EST.

CASH, terms. or FHA MA-3259 FA-0290. MA-1006 CONCRETE WORK Basem*nt walls, basem*nt floors, driveways, sidewalks, patios. retaining walls, etc. Free estimates Bonded.

FA-4262 FA-4062. 2 PAINTING -Spray. brush. Paperhans ins, carpentering. cabinets.

Plastering. Repairs. Anywhere, Stanley Tiffany, E2110 Fifth. KE-4158. Dressmaking.

Tailoring 72 PAGES FUR SHOP N1901 Madison Made to measure furriers. Restyling Repair. EXPERT tailoring. alterations, dressmaking. Lu's Dressmaking, 319 Kuhn MA-4063.

TV.RADIO Sales. Service 92 TV Thrifty Service, Comp service, experts. Antenna installations- or local. Central N1725 Monroe. FA-5072 TV SERVICE Guar.

install. all N2512 brands TV seta Antenna Div. EM-3148. SPEEDY TV service. Save lowest priced service calls in Spokane.

Guaranteed service on all makes Nights, Sundays, holidays, HU-1121, Spokane TV Service Prompt, efficient service, all A makes. Open eves. E2004 Sprague. KE-0421 Rental Plan Meter plan or low weekly payments. Western TV N2111 Div.

EM-5671 RADIO and television service and sales, all makes anytime. Farmer's TV and Appliance, E2111 Wellesley GL-9751. GUARANTEED TV REPAIRS and antenna Inst Call Sundays or after 6 p. weekdays, FA-4331. NEW FREE TV RENTAL PLAN RCA, Bell Motorola Open eves.

CHANNEL TV. N1721 Monroe EM-3516 GUAR TV. radio repair, Call now. 4205 East Side Radio, E3107 Fifth TV SERVICE. antenna Inst.

Guaranteed service. Any time, anywhere. EM-7198 WE RENT TV sets. Northwest Radio and TV HU-8534. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 94 HOLLENBACK'S Shop Warehouse BARGAINS AT E12119 Trent Avenue These are good pianos that have been taken in trade, returned from rental and some repossessed.

Must be removed at once, and are priced to go now. Singer, mahogany 48.75 J. C. Fisher Dark 98.50 Piano Cased Organ 45.00 Fine Parlour Organ 35.00 Nice Walnut Chickering 115.00 Beautiful Walnut Cable 135.00 Chase Mahogany 149.00 Schroeder Brothers Small 215.00 Schaeffer Mahogany 149.50 A perfect player piano 295.00 Studio Kimball walnut 350.00 Wurlitzer Spinet 50, now 575.00 .00 New 73-note apartment Spnt. 490.00 The more cash the bigger the bargain.

Bring your truck and save more money. Exchange privilege year. Easy terms with responsible guaranteed on new piano within one credit. Don't phone, come out to Hollenbacks shop and warehouse, E12119 Trent ave. Get first choice.

FOR RENT PIANOS PIANOS SPECIAL BARGAINS TULL GIBBS FIRST AT WALL MA-3221 2 ACROSONIC spinets, condition like new for $550 each. Also many uprights priced from $85. Terms. Hoffman Bros. Music Riverside.

20 floor. STEINWAY grand, condition like new: for half price. Terma, Hoffman Bros Music Riverside. ALMOST new Wurlitzer Spinet, mahogany, piano. Reasonably priced.

BR4009. OWN new Hamond organ spinet, $40 mo. Sampson-Ayers MA-2134 W915 1st CASH FOR VOUR PIANO HOFFMAN BROS. CALL MA-6841 PIANO Tuning and repair, Goodmans. W907 Riverside.

R1-6111 CLARINET. $75 OSLUND PIANO HOUSE N724 Monroe KIMBALL piano, light finish. Good condition. $100. GL-2473 HOLTON flat alto sax.

Good condition, $95. E320 Boone Ave. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION 96 LESSONS in accordion. plano and band Instruments (swing style). Instruments available.

Interviews welcome No obligation. ALSO voice lessons, BLESSING THUE MUSIC CENTER W910 FOURTH MA-1619 HOUSEWIVES' Supplies 104 Certified Seed Potatoes Priced Reasonable Field-Grown Rose Bushes, 3 for $1 Shrub Sale, $1.25 and up lh. by the Can now A Kennewick ASpArAgUE 10C Apples 97c big box Sweet juicy oranges. doz. for 97c Dry land potatoes.

89c 50-lb. Bedding plants, perenniala, glad bulbs, onion sets and plants of all NEW AND USED FROM $3 TO $15 PER MONTH Rent Applies to Purchase HOLLENBACK PIANO CO. W611 FIRST RI-1157 Wurlitzer-ChickeringSteinway BaldwinSPECIAL OFFER NEW PIANO, FULL 88 KEYS $495 USED UP Wylie Piano Co. E7904 Glass (In Valley) WA-1250 Turn North Off Trent at 7900 Block. Spinet Reduced BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY SLIGHTLY USED REG.

$850 Now $695 $25 DOWN $10 MONTH Hollenback Piano Co. W611 1ST Rent a Piano $3.00 TO $15.00 MONTH applies toward purchase, Liberal trade- Convenient terms. Guertin Ross Music Co. W908 SPRAGUE RI-4915 Kimball Pianos I GENUINE KIMBALL CONSOLETTES) HOFFMAN BROS. RIVERSIDE SECOND FLOOR NEW AND USED PIANOS SPECIAL BARGAINS kinds.

Priced reasonable. Farmers Market E1420 Sprague Open Eves. and Sun. Phone LA-2651 or LA-2682 24 Spokane Daily Chronicle, May 11, BROWNELL EYES REDS IN UNIONS owned defense plants. Offered as Substitute WASHINGTON, May 11.

UP) government has asked congress for far-reaching power to dissolve commu-honeycombed labor unions. A request for this and other new anti-subversive authority was sent to Capitol hill yesterday by, Attorney General Brownell, who said he has the backing of the White House. Brownell proposed that the subversive activities control board (SACB) be empowered 10 disband not only red-infected unions, but--in a new departure to dissolve business firms it finds are communist-infiltrated and in a position to harm national security. attorney general also suggested that congress permit the government .0 bar subversives from privately The union- olution power was proposed as a drastic substitute for a Taft-Hartley labor relations act requirement that union officials noncommunist oaths with the national labor relations board (NLRB) before their unions can be eligible for board services. Senator Ferguson of Michigan, chairman of the senate Republican policy committee, introduced two bills promptlementi Brownell's recommendations.

The justice department is known have had trouble trying to, enforce the noncommunist oath requirement. BOY IS VICTIM OF DOG BITES LOS ANGELES, May 11. (UP)-A 4-year-old boy attacked and viciously mauled by large boxer dog -which also bit his mother when she tried to rescue him -was in critical condition today. The boy, Francis Anesh, was bitten "terribly from head to toe" in the back yard of a rooming house yesterday before a neighbor, William Griffin, 28, jumped a high fence and stunned the dog with a rock. The mother, Mrs.

Mary Anesh, 21, was hospitalized for several bites on her arms, legs and body which she suffered in trying to son free from the 'snarling animal. Allocation Approved OLYMPIA, May 11. (P)- Attorney General Donald Eastvold yesterday gave the opinion that the school emerhas the authority to allocate funds to a school disto building a heating plant or sewage facilities large enough to meet anticipated future needs. New Heart Drug Found Effective for Eye Trouble LOS ANGELES, May 11. (P)- One foremost causes of blindness apparently can be held in check by a rediscovered drug which started out as an aid in the treatment of heart disease.

The surprise benefits of this chemical were reported yesterday to the California Medical association by Dr. Earle McBain of San Rafael, an eye specialist of the Stanford university medical school. The drug known commercially as diamox, dramatically reduces fluid in the eyeball. This pressure causes glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness.

Fluid pressure in the eyeball builds up until it affects, the nerves responsible for vision. Diamox, in reducing the pressure, at least temporarily stays the progress of blindness and gives doctors a new chance to intervene with other forms of treatment against the loss sight. It is being used experimentally in several research centers. The drug, given by mouth, achieves its' effect by helping the system to eliminate fluids. In so doing, Dr.

McBain said, it slows the production of fluids which produce abnormal pressure in the eyeball and interfere with the eye nerves. WORLD PRESS LEADERS MEET VIENNA, May 11. (P)- More than 100 editors from 22 nations were told today that the free world's newspapers urgently need to inform people more fully. Newspaper executives attending the third general assembly of the International Press institute (IPI) heard Lester Markel, chairman of the IPI executive board and Sunday editor of the New York Times say: "There cannot be understanding unless there is good information (by which I mean information that is accurate, complete and in perspective), and the newspaper is, or should be, the prime source of such Recent events, said Markel, "indicate that public opinion is not really informed--or certainly not be as to informed surmount as the it to present crisis." Markel said the "great and immediate task of journalism" is to translate international news into the language of the main streets everywhere. He also saw many signs that efforts to hamper the freedom of the press are on the increase.

WANTED BY WANT AD READERS Good used items you no longer need! SELL 'EM QUICK PHONE MAdison 1121--- and place a fast acting Want Ad in the classifed pages of the Spokane Daily Chronicle Buying, Selling, Renting CLASSIFIED ADS Get Results INDEX TO WANT ADS Turn to corresponding numbers in the want ad pages where arrangement in numerical order Announcements, General Announcements 32 Auction 176 Card of Thanks 14 Deaths 12 Funerals Lodge Notices Lost and Found 28-30 Personals 34 Where Shall We Go 33 Automotive Auto and Truck Repair Parts 539 Autos, Trucks for Sale 544 Autos. Trucks- To Trade 546 Autos. Trucks Wanted 548 Automobiles tor Sale 540 Motorcycles 582 Trailers. Trailer Coaches 542 -Help Want'd Employment Agencies 58 Help Wanted 48-52 Salespeople Agents 54-56 Situations Wanted -General 64-68 Merchandise Antiques 178 Boats and Motors 291 Building Materials 144 Fertilizers and Black Dirt 149 Fuel--Fuel OIl 343-344 Furniture 160-161 Housewives Supplies 104 Machinery 187-190 Miscellaneous 150-154 Musical Instruments 94 Office Equipment, Furn. 354 Radio.

Radio Service 92 Refrigeration 119 Second- Hand Goods Wanted 182 Sewing Machines 122 Stoves. Furnaces. Repairs 164 Vacuum Cleaners 118 Washing Machines 120 Financial Business Opportunities 470 Money to Loan 264-270 Money Wanted to Borrow 272 Mortgages for Sale 256 Instruction Beauty Schools Barber Schools Business Colleges 44 Musical Instruction 96 Practical Trade Schools 43 Schools and Colleges 42 Pets, Poultry, Livestock Harness, Saddlery 250 Horses and Vehicles 246 Hag and Feed 236 Livestock 234 Pets--Dogs. Birds. etc.

228 Poultry 232 Rabbits 230 Real Estate Acre Tracts 500-508 Business Property for Sale 520 Farm Lands 488-494 For Sale or Exchange 528-530 Residence Property 514-522 Rentals Apartments 304-320 Articles to Rent 153 Hotel 310 Houses to 322-324 Houses- Wanted to Rent 326 Motels 315 Offices- For Rent 328 Services Accountants. Auditors 80 Beauty Shops 38 Children Cared For 300 Detective Agencies 226 Dressmaking. Tailoring 72 Electrical Service 126 Florists 10 House Movers 464 Job Printing 350 Maternity Homes 416 Plumbing and Heating 128 Religious Supplies 444 Remedies 408 Stamps, Coins. Hobbles 155 Upholstering 163 Watch, Jewelry Repairs 214 Work by Contract 70 Transfer and Storage 286 Want Ads Accepted Until 8:45 P. M.

Today for Publication Next Day Classified Advertising RATES PER WORD consecutive times for price of three. consecutive times for price of five. Minimum charge of 10 words. Contract rates on application. Note: Rates for Midwives, Oil Promoand Spiritualists will be quoted office.

Phone MA-1121. LODGE NOTICES AUDUBON PARK lodge No. 272. May 12, 7:30 p. m.

Stated Communication. Refreshments. JOE CLICK, W. M. F.

J. WEIMAR. Sec. SPOKANE lodge No. 34.

A. Tuesday, May 11, 7:30 p. m. Special communication. First degree.


H. DENMAN. Sec. YORK lodge No. 234, F.

A A. May 13, 6:30 dinner, entertainment. Brethren and ladies invited. 7:30 p. m.

Stated Communication. JOHN W. MULLIN, W. M. B.

F. McMULLEN, Sec. FLORISTS 10 FOR FLOWERS CALL Peters Sons FLORISTS PHONE MA-4151 24-HOUR PHONE SERVICE Dew Fresh from Our Greenhouses ANGELO'S FLOWERS E2420 29th Avenue LA-2691 NORTH WALI MA-1173 THUG FLOWER SHOP DEATHS 12 CHAPMAN, Leslie F. -Passed Away May 10 at E2429 N. Altamont Blvd.

Survived by his wife Josephine Chapman at the home, 3 daughters, Mrs. Elwood L. Brugger and Mrs. Jane R. Wright both Spokane and Mrs.

Kelly M. Walp, Los Angeles, son, E. N. Chapman, San Francisco, 6 grandchildren. He was a member of the Masonic lodge and Scottish rite at Marquette, also Adelphi chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Spokane, SUNSET MEMORIAL CHAPTER, JEFFERSON STREET AT FOURTH AVE.

ELWOOD BALL FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN CHARGE. CLARK, Stella- -Passed away in Spokane May 10. Her home WAS E411 Sharp. Wife of Tom Clark at the home. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the A HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME.

N1306 Monroe st. HEGWER. Myrtle May- -Passed away May 10 In San Antonio, Texas formerly of K503 Eighth Spokane). Survived by 2 sons, Lt. Walter R.

Hegwer, San Antonio, Texas, and Ray Douglas Hegwer, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: 2 daughters, Mrs. Belva May Ashley, Coeur d' Alene: Mrs. ELLA Lavina Miller, St. Joseph's, 13 grandchildren: 2 brothers, Ernest Foltz, In Thomas Foltz, Salem, slater, Mrs. Ruby Roberts, Lakewood.

Calif The THORNHILL-CAREY FUNERAL. HOME, N1322 Monroe is Intrusted with his last rites. WIGGS. Hattie away In Spokane May 11, Her home WAR E423 Twenty-second. Funeral Arrangement: will be announced later HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME.

N1306 Monroe at. JONES, Orville away May 10, at local hospital, His home WAs at E11419 Valleyway, Spokane Valley. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Kit Jones at the home: 1 daughter, Mrs. Mattie Davis, Long Beach, 4 brothers.

E. E. Jones and W. D. Jones, both Spokane: M.

Jones, Los Angeles, D. H. Jones, Las Vegas, 3 sisters, Mrs. Linnie Parrish, land, Mrs. Stella Crawford, Los Angeles; Mrs.

Myrtle Mitchell, Klamath Fails, nephews, 1. niece. Re had resided in the Valley for 26 years. The THORNHILL'S VALLEY FUNERAL HOME. E10300 Sprague is intrusted with his last rites.

ALGER, Alpheus -His home, W1224 Gordon. Father of Harry E. Alger, at the home: 2 grandchildren, 2 greatgrandchildren. Brother of Charles Alger Mrs. Edith Phillips, both of Tacoma, Wash, Funeral May 12, at 12 noon in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME.

N1306 Monroe Rev. Clay Cooper officiating. Burial services Fairmount Memorial Park cemetery. BARGER, Nellie Her home was W1923 Broadway. Aunt of Mrs.

Thelma Jones and Mrs. Helen Blais, both of North Powder. and Robert M. Barger, Portland, Ore, She was A member of the First Presbyterian church and the Martha chapter of the First Presbyterian church. She had been a resident of Spokanc for 44 years, Funeral May 12, at p.

m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 Monroe Rev. Roy E. Howes officiating.

Cremation will follow. CLARK, Stella- Her home WAR E411 Sharp. Wife of Tom Clark at the home. Funeral May 13 at 12 noon in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. Monroe st.

CRANE, Helen Wilsen- was a resldent of E749 23d. She had lived in Spokane 44 years. Survived by 1 son. Robert E. Crane, and 1 sister, Mrs.

Gertrude G. MacColough, both at the home. Private funeral services will be held May 12, at 11 a. m. from the SMITH FUNERAL HOME, W1124 Riverside Canon John P.

Moulton officiating. Interment Riverside Park cemetery. Family requests no flowers. GREEN, Hugh P. -Funeral 3 p.

May 13, from the CHAPEL OF THE VALLEY of the THORNHILL'S VALLEY FUNERAL HOME, E10300 Sprague ave. Rev. Herbert Miller officiating. Interment The Pines cemetery. His home WAS S716 Sutherland, Spokane Valley.

Survived by his wife. Mary L. Green, at the home: 3 brothers, Robert Green, Hagerman, Idaho: Coleman Green, of Idaho; Homer Green, of Nevada: 2 sisters, Mrs. A. J.

Kirkland, of Dishman: Mrs. Earl Wright, of San Francisco. He was a member of Stationary Engineers local 83. Orental lodge No. 74.

F. A. and the Methodist church. JOHNSON Albert home was at Mead, Wn. Survived by 1 in Minneapolis, and 1 sister in Stockholm, Sweden; 1 cousin, Albert R.

Fransen, Spokane; several nephews and nieces in California. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge of Wallace, Idaho, Funeral May 12, at 2 p. m. from the HENNESSEY CHAPEL. N2203 Division Rev.

Albert Tietz officiating. Odd Fellows services at the graveside. Interment Fairmount Memorial Park cemetery. PARY, Dan--He WAS resident of N1318 Howard. Survived by his wife.

Emma, at the home. Funeral May 12 CHAPEL m. from the RIPLINGER N4305 DIVISION ST. Interment Greenwood cemetery. The Dillard C.

Runyan, post 3067 of the VFW, officiating at the grave. PLUMMER, Gordon was resident of E2804 Pacific. Survived by 4 sisters, Mrs. George Mazna, of Spokane; Mrs. Ed Bishop, Bonners Ferry, Idaho: Mrs.

Ernest Kelly of Fresno. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson of Waco, Texas. Funeral Friday May 14 at 11 m. from the RIP.

LINGER CHAPEL, N4305 Division st. Interment Bonners Ferry cemetery, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. POINDEXTER, Della E. -Passed away May 9 at a local hospital. Her home was at W728 First avenue.

She is survived by 2 sons. Harold E. Poindexter, Oakland, Byron A. Poindexter, North Hollywood, 2 daughters. Mrs.

Evelyn Louise Brown, Oakland. and Mrs. Marie B. Murray, Spokane, 8 grandchildren: 2 great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Senior Citizens' Social club.

Funeral May 12, at 3 p. m. Dr. Alexander' Schiffner officiating. Interment Greenwood cemetery.


Funeral May 12, at 10 a. m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 Monroe st. Rev. Gordon Johnson officiating.

Cremation will follow. SUMMERS, Austin Patrick--His home was at 8314 Maringo avenue. Husband of Elizabeth Summers home: brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Laing, Seattle, Mrs. Barbara Reinsmith, Minneapolis, Mrs.

Stasia Day, Detroit Lakes, Mrs. Alice Maier, Winona, Minn. He was a member of St. Paschal's Catholic church and Brotherhood of Railway Machinists. Rosary Tuesday, May 11 at 7:30 p.

m. in the ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 Monroe st. Funeral May 12 at 8 a. m. from St.

Paschal's Catholic church (Park Road and Marietta), Rev. Edgar Sever officiating. WEBER, Charles--His home Fairfield. where he has resided for the last 34 years. Survived 4 sisters.

Mrs. Bertha Wilkens, Walla Walla: Mrs. Clara McCreary, Mrs. Martha Lemke, Spokane; Mrs. Selma Norris.

Spokane; 2 brothers, George Weber, Leo Weber, Minn. He was a member of the Lutheran church. also a veteran of World war I. Funeral services May 13, at 2 p. from the JAEGER FUNERAL HOME at Fairfield, Rev.

Martin C. Keller officiating. Interment Rosewood Cemetery at Fairfield. JAEGER FUNERAL HOME at Fairfield. in charge.

WEST. Martha home WAS at Walla Walla, Wash. Survived by 1 sister. Mrs. Emma Zoller.

San Bernadino, 1 brother, Adam Ochsner, Sutton. 1 nephew, Robert Zoller of Walla Walla. Wash. Private funeral May 12, at 11 a. m.


ZIMMERMAN, Bessie home was in Spokane. Mother of Curtis P. Zimmerman, Spokane: Col. Leslie F. Zimmerman of March air force base, Percy L.

Zimmerman. San Jose. 9 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. Elnora Grover.

Bakersfield. Mrs. Edna Ryker, Spokane: Mrs. Dorothy Stull, Yakima: Addle Canning. Minneapolis, Mrs.

Mildred Amdall, Dallas. Wis. and Walter A. Keyes, Pasco, Wash. She was a member of the Central Christian church and the W.

C. T. U. Funeral May 13, at 3 p. m.

in the ALWIN CHAPEL of the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 Monroe, Rev. Clifford I. Cecil, officiating. Burial services Greenwood cemetery.

CARD OF THANKS 14 I desire to thank my many friends for their kindness, words of sympathy and floral offerings in my late bereavement. FUNERALS 13 Mr. P. O. Nelson.

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 18 Hazen Jaeger FUNERAL INFORMATION ALGER. Alpheus Gothic Chapel BARGER, Nellie Gothic Chapel COOK. Waller V. Alwin Chapel HURLBERT. Roy W.

Gothic Chapel NELSON, Nels J. Gothic Chapel ROGERS. Annie Gothic Chapel RHODES. James K. Alwin Chapel ZIMMERMAN.

Bessie Alwin-Chapel DUBBER, Martha K. EMpire 6666 HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME N1306 Monroe Spokane, Wash. Free Supervised Parking AMBULANCE: PROFESSIONAL MEN Anytime, Anywhere 24 Hours Day Member American Institute of Funeral Directors HENNESSEY Funeral Home N2203 Division THREE GENERATIONS USE SERVICE Our 51st Anniversary affiliated with Spokane Ambulance Co LOST 28 LOST on highway between Spokane and State Line, corner section davenport set. Reward. Call 4-4294, Coeur d'Alene.

ZIPPERED tobacco pouch, $143 currency, some silver. Reward. Harry Lynch, GL-2198 RED female co*cker Spaniel, vicinity Elk, Wash. Answers to Phone 2325 Elk. Reward.

BROWN billfold Saturday night. 1m- portant papers, reward. FA-0751 2 INSURANCE policys Reward RI 1069. Alfred Hansen. 5 INSURANCE policies.

Reward. RI 1069. Alfred Hansen. BABY book In main postoffice. March 17, KE-6462 ANNOUNCEMENTS 32 Drinking Problem? IF YOU HAVE A DRINKING LEM MEN OR WOMEN -CONTACT Alcoholics Anonymous W910 First-RI-3002 W119 Seventh Ave.

-MA-1442 N215 $1.50 PONTIAC cwt. potatoes, seed and miles eating. Peone Prairie Grange. 2. W.

Wagner, E. route 2, Spokane. ASPARAGUS, for Waybright, freezing grower, and WA. CAN2257. WASHING MACHINES Washing Machine Service Repairs for nearly all makes of washers.

Free estimates, work guaranteed. SPOKANE WASHER W203 MAIN RI-7179 ELECTRIC SERVICE 126 ELECTRIGLAS Radiant Heat. Nothing down--free estimates. Sce our showroom display. MAXWELL'S.

INC. E14 Mission FA-2548 AUTHORIZED Bendix and Crosley taco service. Call General Distributors, TE-1431. PLUMBING and Heating 128 NEW 18" steel furnace. Thatcher make, $128.50.

New Nelson stoker, $220. Used furnace blower. $98. W2103 Maxwell. FA-4516, weekdays.

REMODELING -NEW WORK FREE ESTIMATES Womack's 8328 Jefferson RI-3953 BUILDING MATERIALS 144 DOORS INTERIOR RIBBON MAHOGANY $10.00 $11.00 $11.50 2'8 $12.00 EXTERIOR RIBBON MAHOGANY 3'0' H. C. $17.30 S. C. $23.00 a 3'0' 3 stag light $25.00 INTERIOR ROTARY MAHOGANY $7.00 $7.50 $7.75 $8.00 ea.

EXTERIOR ROTARY MAHOGANY 3'0" H. S. $14.50 8 S. $20.00 3 0 3 stg. light $23.00 el, PEOPLES TRAIN HERE AND BE SURE OF Your Future in Beauty Culture Gibson Beauty School Rookery Bldg.

BARBER SCHOOLS 41 PERSONAL INSTRUCTION IN CleanlinessMOLER'S W405 Trent SPOKANE SCHOOLS and COLLEGES 42 SPEEDWRITING Learn shorthand in 6 weeks, days. WEEKS. NIGHTS Qualify quickly for good steno jobs, new classes start May 10-11. S110 HOWARD MA-1131 VETERANS Learn railroad telegraphy and agency work under G. I.

bill, New class starts May 17-June SPOKANE TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. N119 Post. MA3532. FINISH high school or grade school at home if over 18. Study in spare time.

All books and lessons furnished. Diploma awarded. Start where you left school. Write Columbia school. Write 13 care this newspaper.

HIGH SCHOOL Completed at home, Diploma awarded. For free information write American School. W3428 Walton, Spokane, or phone FA-5324. HELP WANTED -Female 48 DRESS DEPT. MANAGER Executive opening for dress department manager.

Buying and managerial experience is essential. An excellent opportunity for an aggressive woman with potential. Salary commensurate with ability and experience. Apply immediately Personnel Dept. Bon MarcheMAIN AT HOWARD Typist, s.

$215 Payroll, N. Wn. $315 legal experience. $250 east side. $250 Sundstrand posting operator $215 NCR, Burroughs mch.

op. $200 (3) typist off. $175-200 Counter price clerk $195 several average needed $200 Typist, exper. work $250 Accts. compt.

$190 Elliott Fisher earn full mfg. $250 ACME PERSONNEL W721 RIV. 0 GIRLS Summer work with Victill Corp. Salary plus bonus. For Appointment, Phone Mrs.

Murphy, MA-3131 DISPLAY MANAGER Specialty shop Permanent position only. Must have experience. Apply in person THE EASTERN W809 RIVERSIDE OTHER POSITIONS! CHECK! BKKPRS. Credit, taxes. general TYPIST Collections, phone RECEPTIONIST Some typing GENERAL PLACEMENT Radio Cent.

Bg. OFFICE NURSE for E.E.N.T. Specialist. Office experience desirable, written application only. State training and experience.

Address: Dr. C. Veasey Paulsen Medical Bldg. EXPERIENCED combination silk and wool finisher Dokken Cleaners, Second and College, Cheney (Good bus service from Spokane to Cheney.) Phone Red. 1701 after 6.

EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, age 25 to 35. good salary, must have pleasing personality and be able to meet public. Apply In person. Bell Furniture Co. W319 Riverside.

Office and Sales Positions for beginners and experienced GOODRICH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 1307 Old Nat'l. Bank Bldg. WAITRESS 5 p. m. to 1 a.

m. Experienced only need apply. Allen's. W412 Riverside. TOP POSITIONS AVAILABLE Commercial Employment 418 Hyde Bldg.

NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Four ladies with ambition to earn money, Full or part time. Comm. RI-0717. MIDDLE-aged woman to care for children and help in the home.

Live In or out. RI-5304. WOMAN 30 to 40, typing, phone and filing records. $180 month. days week, Write 17, care this newspaper.

GIRL or woman, light housework and help invalid wife. References. WA5489. NONSMOKER. NONDRINKER housekeeper for invalid lady and husband.

GL-4138. YOUNG dependable housekeeper, plain, friendly home, one child. live In. RI1583. Best Placement Service 302 HYDE BLDG.

FULL time baby sitter. over 18. under 50. assist housework. Live in.

MA2494. RELIABLE baby sitter, part-time, 5-day week. One child, $10 week, after 3:30. FA-2238. RELIABLE housekeeper.

care children. live in or out. HU-6135 after 5 weekdays HOUSE mother for children's home. $100 month, board, room. laundry.

WA-1027. RELIABLE housekeeper. motherless modern home, prefer under 1463. MIDDLE-AGED woman. light housekeeping for elderly lady.

Small town. Good home. FA-0891. WAITRESS. experienced only.

N2002 Division. Knud's Copper grill. HOUSEKEEPER. girls. 20-35 years.

TE-1686. Live in. TYPIST, detail, accurate st. $250 Standard Employment Kuhn Bide. COMPETENT, pleasant housekeeper, live In.

Apply E420. 22nd Ave. NEED OFFICE WORKERS STENOSI Placement Bureau ONB MA-2421 REGISTERED nurse, 3 to 11 m. 5-das week FA-4240 HOUSEKEEPER to live in. 3 children.

$50 month. MA-1821 evenings. HELP WANTED- -Male 50 Boys and Men to Sell Papers GOOD CORNERS ARE OPEN See Mr. Burby, Chronicle Circulation Department MILLWRIGHTS Two expertenced sawmill operating wanted immediately, Contact plant superintendent, Long Lake Lbr. Co.

E2302 MALLON SPOKANE, WN. CARPENTER, experienced house layout, raftera. work to qualified man. Nonunion. Write 1 care this paper.

-CLASS wool finisher. apply In person. The Valley cleaners, 29410 Sprague, Dishman, WANTED planer man for small mill Must be familiar with plan Francis E1819 Francia. DESERT HOTEL 2 p. m.

to 7 p. m. No phone calls. GROCERY clerk with good Green Goods background. Excellent opportunity, sober.

industrious young man in large Inland Empire town with schools, college, churches. Write experience, especially buying and ing green goods, salary expected, when available, how to contact. Write care this newspaper. SALES, retail contacts $6000 Sales men's clothing $260-250 Sales, lumber experience $350 Structural civil under 30 $400 Quality control chemist. S.

Wn. $400 adviser, Pullman, start $250 Pay roll clerk, Cent. Wash. $350 Coll. business trainee $275 ACME PERSONNEL W721 RIVERSIDE A SPOKANE tire distributor has opening for experienced recappers and tion men.

Lodi equipment. Top wages to right men. Write 42. care newspaper. WANTED Japanese-American, must experienced in lawn care.

landscaping and janitor work. Permanent. References required. Apply in person, Mr. Engle, E2901 Sprague.

EXPERIENCED or apprentice grocery man with some produce knowledge. Must be neat and A livewire. Good salary. Write Lemon's IGA store, Moses Lake, Wash. Career Positions for young men in office or sales GOODRICH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 1307 Old Nat'l.

Bank Bldg. RELIABLE nondrinking. competent, married couple for dairy farm. Must handle machinery and have building experience. Rovian Guernsey Farm, Deer Park.

Phone 62236. THE hottest Item on the market and we have it. Have room for two more aggressive salesman. Leads furnished. Car necessary.

Mr. Johnson, Electric Mart, S102 Howard. WANTED, married man 25 to 35, car polishing, inexperienced. consistent hard worker. Steady work, good pay.

No smoking on 1ob. Write 6 care this newspaper. WANTED, guitar accompanist for western singer, preferably one who can sing tenor or baritone. MA-5191 or rm. 6B, Hotel Spokane.

OTHER POSITIONS -COME IN! SALES Salary, exp. comm. OFFICE typing, etc. GENERAL PLACEMENT Radio Cent. Bg.

BANDMILL oiler handyman. Must be familiar with all jobs in mill. Day shift, good wages. Apply Moyle River Lumber Moyie Springs, Idaho. SET-UP man for American 77-A planer.

See or write V. L. Johnson, Bovill, Idaho. HIGH school graduate, single, 18-25 for day work as elevator operator, Apply 805 Paulsen bldg. EXPERIENCED shoe shiner.

See Larry Turner weekdays), Desert hotel barber shop. W. P. A. CERTIFIED lumber grader, day shift.

Baired Naundorf Lumber N3603 Regal. NAILERS and tapers. Experienced only Ray Hasse. WA-1822. EXPERIENCED tapers needed.

Johnson Drywall Co. RI-8318. HELP WANTED 52 PART-TIME PUBLIC OPINION INTERVIEWING Responsible men and women with cars needed for part-time daytime and evening interviewing in Spokane. Salary $1.35 per hour: car mileage 7 cents. No experience necessary.

Write qualifications to 40 this newspaper. RETIRED couple to manage apartmenthotel, handy man. References. a salary, apartment. Write 19.

care this newspaper. SMALL apartment exchange for light work, caretakers' duties. E634 23d. SALESPEOPLE WANTED 54 NEW CAR SALESMAN IN CALIFORNIA Northern California's largest Pontiac dealer has openings for experienced Pontiac salesmen. Located in Sacramento, California's capital, this dealership has market of 300,000 in the fastest growing area on the Pacific coast.

Ideal economic conditions, here. If you can sell new cars, you can realize exceptionally high earnings. Sit down now and write your qualifications and immediate past selling record. Start today thinking about comIng to Sacramento, Calif. Opportunity, high carnings, ideal living conditions are yours for the asking.

Don't wait, Write today. EARL SMITH MOTORS 1530 Sacramento In the heart of California. STAFF MEMBERS WANTED Due to the tremendous growth of the WHITE CROSS PLAN, there are openings for service representatives in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. It you are interested in rep resenting WHITE CROSS In your community contact the sales manager, Ralph Jacobson, In our district office at Bankers Life Casualty company. N2323 Monroe street.

Spokane, Wash SALESMAN wanted. men interested In A career of selling. must be over 21 years of age, have a good personality. car in good condition. not afraid to meet the public, above average earnIngs.

Men who can qualify will be given complete training. Apply W216 4th ave. or phone RI-2290 for pointment, hours 9 m. only. ONE of leading TV appliance stores wants 2 aggressive men, sales experience not required, but must be able to meet the public.

If interested in an excellent long range program, come in immediately. Car necessary. Northwest Radio and TV. Division and Garland. FORD SALESMAN Aggressive young man to sell automobiles in fastest growing town Northwest.

If you're not afraid of work you can make real money here. No experience necessary McDonald Motors, Moses Lake. Wash. Plastic Distributors Will interview men who have the need and desire to earn from $200 to $300 per week. Ability to work hard and follow instructions will be considered more important than past sales experience.

For interview call EM-6383. Real Estate Salesman Experience not necessary, we will train you Earnings unlimited. Must have car. ATTENTION veterans, we will train you to sell real Call FA-4535. Mr.

Olivert. PERMANENT sales position offered by leading adding machine and cash register mfg. for aggressive, hardworking salesman. Top earning opportunity. Send qualifications to 17 care Chronicle.

JOHNS Manville representative to interview salesmen and canvassers, 9 to 11, E1302 Trent. CLEANEST sales setup In Spokane $100 week to start. N2321 Monroe DIRECT sales-comm. Est, routes. Exp or will train N1702 Monroe TEACHERS' AGENCIES 60 CLARK BREWER Teachers Agency 505 Columbia Bldg MA-1403 Western States and Alaska Reg Free Situations Want'd -Female 64 girl wants atendy work, switchboard, typist, teletype, billing machines, receptionist.

also mechanleally inclined. WA-4452. WISH housekeeping, refined motherless home, city or country. BR-1622. or write 47, care this newspaper.

HIGH school senior, commercial major. Typing, light office work during summer vacation, KE-8942 evenings. WANT typing, phone, filing records home. Accurate, dependable, honest. EM-1930.

LBR. CO. E1907 PRANCIS. GL.4763 Lumber, $40 Cedar and F. L.

boards and shiplap. No. 5 com.in pkg. loads approx. 3 m.

ft. Smaller lots add $5 per m. See this bargain. 2x4s, $60 Fence Pickets and Posts Phone BR-2121 Monroe St. Lbr.

Combination Storm and Screen Doors Buy Now and Save First Grade vertical grain doors. 2'8 x6 $14.00 3'0' 14.50 Yes, We Have the Hardware Francis Ave. Supply E1819 FRANCIS GL-2784 Dry Lumber Headquarters or 10" No. 5 Pine S4S. $45 8" or Dry Spruce $50 1x6 No.

3. btr. Pine Rustic, 1x8 No. btr. Pine Panel, $90 1x10 Knotty Cedar $140 1x4 Cedar Picket stock.

ft. 3c 4x4 Cedar Posts $45 lin. ft. 15c 2x4 No. 3 F.

L. 'S4s. $60 4x8 Fir Plywood. $3.20 Independent Lumber Co. E4129 Sprague LA-2689 GARAGES built complete to your specification or precut: 3 years to pay.

1x6 or wider Pine dry shiplap $45 Knotty $68 per No. 1 Comm. red oak floor $210 per FREYA ST. LUMBER cO. N715 FREYA KE-9347 Garage Door Headquarters Wood -Steel -Alum.

Op display. $40 up comp. with hdwe. Crawford Door Sales. E7902 Sprague, WA-1674.

32 x81" COMBINATION $15 25 Tormino Sash and Glass KE-0537 N102 Helene deliver ANY, Amount, Anywhere. Central Pre-Mix CONCRETE CO. EM-7725 SOMETHING Aluminum lock shingles, the finest. Call ALEXANDER'S, LA-4632. for information or write E3129 Trent.

Long Lake Lumber E2302 Mallon, LA-1561 or LA-6355 NEW lumber. irregular cut. Low prices. WARD'S BUILDING SUPPLY N3807 MARKET HU-2131 10x12s. 3x12s CRIBBING blocks.

Brick and other used building material HU8320. Acme Concrete Co. GL-2788 LOW -COST garages, labor, $99; maCOMB. Storm and Screen doors, $14.50 terial, $150. A a MA-2632.

Tom Thumb Bldg. Supply HU-6577 SHERMAN BLDG. SUPPLIES E10417 Sprague WA-5061 PLANTS, BULBS, SEEDS 147 PINCOR POWER MOWER Highest Quality- -Lowest Prices VIC'S E7520 SPRAGUE WA-8014 NURSERY STOCK 148 ROSES. evergreens, flowering shrubs. Perennial, fruit, flowering and shade trees.

Berries. Our prices Are right. Your credit is good. Mayhan's Nursery, E15723 Sprague. WA-3591.

Fertilizer Black Dirt 149 GROUND cow fertilizer, 80c sack at yard. A-1 lawn seed. $1 1b. Peat soil 80c sack at yard. QUEEN AVE.

FUEL GL-1460 "THE TOP 8." Good. rich black dirt. Absolutely no alkali, rocks or weeds. BILL SCULLY, RI-3287, Landscaping. SAWDUST for lawns and gardens, clean and seasoned.

Smith Moore Sawdust, KF-9665. RICH black dirt, analyzed, 2-3-6-yard loads. Cow manure. WA-4571, WA4978. RICH black summer fallow topsoiltested; satisfaction guaranteed: $2.50 yard, 5-6 yard loads.

GL-8320. RICH black topsoll, tested. $2:15 yard (5-6-yard loads). Good 1111. Immediate delivery.

Hitchco*ck. KE-3436. RICH black dirt. analyzed. Prompt delivery, WA-4074.

WA-2813. BULK peat moss. Reasonable. Any amount. WA-3706, WA-4274.

ROTTED manures: black dirt: sk. or yd. Spokane N1903 Ash. BR-5182. BLACK dirt.

fill dirt. sand and gravel. sawdust Trucking WA-9478. SOIL TESTED HIGHEST QUALITY BLACK TOP SOIL. HU-1454.

BEST TOPSOIL, analyzed. Clean fill, gravel. BILL WALLACE- -Very finest black dirt. KE-4406. EM-1305.

EXCELLENT black dirt. Also general hauling. TE-1567. GENUINE peat-soil. also usable As fertilizer or top dressing.

HU-1454. FERTILIZER, reasonable, We deliver small amounts. GL-2924. BLACK dirt. clean fill dirt.

leveling. back-filling. GL-0974. EXCELLENT top soil. yard, depending on locality.

TE-1704. HIGH-test black dirt at only $2.25 yard, gravel. GL-0039. SANDY loam fill dirt. Sand and gravel.

FA-1181. BARNYARD fertilizer, you haul. any load, $1.50. Valleyford, WA-5179. Miscellaneous for Sale 150 BRAND new steel clothesline posts, upright, 2" crossbar.

drilled for 5 fines. $14.95 per pair. WASHINGTON MILLWORK CO. N2801 NAPA GI-9323 NEW 21" Hoffman TV. $159 (slightly damaged), $139.

12" used RCA. $89, 11-ft. Norge Freezer, 5-year WAr- RI ranty, $249. Tower TV. N1504 Monroc, open evenings and Sundays.

DAVENPORT and chair. $40: extra chair. $15; pine dinette, $12: round OAk table, $7. All fair condition. W2808 Euclid.

Mowers Sharpened STANDARD CYCLE E1811 SPRAGUE LA-1321 SLIGHTLY damaged Frigidaire refrigerator. '54 model. 10.3 self-defrosting at big discount. MILLWOOD SUPPLY WA-2432 DRAPES cleaned and pressed, 4-day service. XL.

Cleaners. 8310 Cedar, N3410 Division and Garland and Monroe, Phone GL-0163 for pickup. REPOSS. Adler Zig Zag sewing mach. LA Assume payments, Treadle sewing machines.

$4.95 up, RI-4103. Electro- KE Mart. 1st and Howard RECAP TIRES $4.95 exchange. Nationwide guarantee. Free theater.

tickets with each purchase. Open Sat. p. m. 0.

Rubber Welders, E6801 Sprague 17" MOTOROLA Console TV. Save $80. Wonderful set. excellent reception Assured. Northwest Radio and TV.

HU- MC 8534. Maytag- Whirlpool -ABC Extra Big Trade-in Allowance Now Inland Washer E2608 Sprague KE-6287 BEAUTIFUL white wicker lawn couch, thick leatherette pad, $15. W1104 Fifth. OCCASIONAL, CHAIrS, $14.50. $23.50.

Har-Bet £2011 Sprague, KE-7031..

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.