The Book Eating Magician (female protagonist rewrite) - BattlerY (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1-5

Chapter Text

Chapter 1 – The Greedy Grimoire #1

"Liliana Miller."

A man with dark circles under his eyes called Liliana’s name. The man's thin cheeks pushed his cheekbones higher, giving off a bonier impression. He would’ve been considered a resident of the slums if he had been dressed poorly. However, this man was actually a third-grade professor and a 5th Circle master, making him one of the best within Bergen Academy.

The skinny man, Professor Vince, spoke in a businesslike tone, “You should know why I called you.”

Liliana Miller, shortened to Lili, nodded with a shadowed face. This was because she couldn’t bear to open her mouth and answer the question. She had been prepared for a while, but it felt like her heart was falling apart now that it was actually happening.

“Your written grades are brilliant. You were only deducted three points among all your subjects. Even then, they were just minor mistakes. There was no one else who could answer it except for you, so you can think of it as a perfect score.”

Although it couldn’t be confirmed publicly, some test questions had been ‘designed to be wrong’. It was a tacit rule in the academy so that a full score wouldn’t be granted easily. Nevertheless, Lili only had points deducted for three questions. Perhaps it was a better performance than some professors.

Vince admired the talent of this young girl while feeling sad at the very same time. It was because Liliana Miller lacked the talent to become a sorceress.

“However, you can’t graduate because your practical results were a failure.”

The decisive voice pressed firmly on Lili’s back.

The academy had two graduation requirements: one was to have a written score above 70 points; and the other was to become a 3rd Circle master. The former wasn’t difficult, but the latter condition was the problem.

For Lili, who had been born with a low amount of magic power and sensitivity, the wall of the 3rd Circle was too high for her. Even though she had reduced her amount of sleep just so she could practice, she couldn’t even reach the level of her classmates’ feet. Despite her practice, her magic would pour out wildly.

As a result, Lili hadn’t been able to graduate for three years.

“Hu… Liliana, what circle are you now?” Professor Vince asked with frustration.

He had asked the same question last year and the year before that. However, the answer had never changed. Lili once again repeated the same answer, “…2nd Circle.”

It was a terrible number.

Most of the academy’s students usually reached the 2nd Circle by the end of the first grade and the 3rd Circle when they entered the third grade. It wasn’t uncommon for excellent students to reach the 4th Circle by graduation.

However, Lili had stayed at the academy for five years and still couldn’t cross the wall of the 3rd Circle. Additionally, that wasn’t the only problem.

“Have you mastered 2nd Circle magic?”

“…I failed.” Lili’s voice died down even further.

If the only thing that was lacking was just the amount of magic power, then she could supply it from outside sources. This was a bit expensive to do, but if she took reagents made of magic power, she could gain enough power needed for the 3rd Circle.

However, Lili’s sensitivity was close to the bottom, and this was indispensable for using magic. The lack of magic power could be overcome, but there was no method to increase mana sensitivity.

It was why Professor Vince had given up on sponsoring Lili.

‘It is a waste of Lili’s brilliance, but… with poor magic sensitivity, she will never survive as a sorceress. Spending 5 years and not even mastering 2nd Circle magic, it is hopeless.’

He looked down at Lili with a wistful expression.

Any other student would’ve given up sooner… Lili, who knew better than anyone else that she was without talent, had been trying for three years. That commitment was incomparable to the other students who had grown up like plants in a greenhouse.

If Lili had ordinary levels of magic sensitivity, then the position of chief graduate would’ve been hers.

However, reality was too cruel to Lili.

Professor Vince pulled out an envelope from the drawer and hesitated for a moment. This wasn’t the first time, but it felt like the weight of the envelope had increased as the years passed. It was a letter given to a grade repeater.

“This is my role as a professor, but… I can’t help feeling like I’m doing something wrong to you. I’m sorry.”

“…No, it’s fine.”

“Read it once and discard it. There shouldn’t be anything different from last year, but you never know.”

Lili accepted the envelope calmly.

Her fingers were continuously on the verge of trembling, but she managed to resist it somehow. This was her third repeater letter. Receiving it once would make someone an object of ridicule, while receiving it twice would make someone the shame of their family.

Lili was the only student at Bergen Academy ever to have received it three times.

More than anything, the third repeater letter had a separate meaning. This was the last one. A fourth letter didn’t exist.

Professor Vince hadn’t said it, but if Liliana Miller didn’t graduate next year, she would be expelled. It would be a scandal so disgraceful that it would be better for her to quit and defend her honour.

‘Is it only up to here?’

Lili looked down at the repeater letter with empty eyes.

Her eyes which had once been filled with dreams were darkening. The young girl, who had stepped into the academy to become a great sorceress, now had to face the grim reality which would cause her knees to buckle.

‘I can do it next year. I can graduate next year.’ Such a hope was now devastating for her, as she stood on the precipice of ruin.

Liliana Miller… She was born the eldest daughter of a disgraced noble family. The Miller family, which at one time had served the feudal lords as earls, had been pushed to their downfall 100 years ago. Their attempts at re-establishing their family had left nothing for Lili.

So, Lili had wanted to become a sorceress. Unlike those who had to undergo harsh training since childhood, children with noble titles were able to enter the academy without much difficulty. She thought she was quite smart, so she convinced her parents and stepped inside, beyond the threshold of the Royal Academy.

However, it was up to there. Lili would sleep later and got up earlier than anyone else. She worked enthusiastically in class and reduced her amount of sleep in order to practice her mana. Rather than blaming the scarce environment, Lili had believed she would be rewarded if she put in more effort.

‘Was I too optimistic?’

Her classmates had graduated two years ago, and juniors one year younger than her had graduated already. Now, there would be juniors two years younger than her who would accept their degrees.

Even the new students knew her name. She was the academy’s long-time dunce.

Lili would bring dishonour to the fallen Miller family.

‘Where did it go wrong?’

Was it when the spells used in the first test had failed? When she had realized that it was hopeless with her magic sensitivity? When she had accepted her first repeater letter a few days before the graduation ceremony? When she had thought that her efforts had been lacking after receiving two letters? Or maybe… it had been when she first dreamt about becoming a sorceress.


So far, she had never resented her own poverty. There were people who ate less than her and those who couldn’t live in abundance. Even though their status had fallen, Lili was still a noble and had managed to enter the Royal Academy.

However, her patience was reaching its limit.

The magic reagents which other students drank like water? Lili had given up on those knowing that one bottle would cost two months of the Miller family’s budget.

Hiring another magician as a private tutor? She wouldn’t be able to afford one even if she sold the Miller estate.

Of course, many students graduated without using such methods. They increased their magic power with natural born talent and didn’t need to be taught separately. With no talent or no money… One could still graduate even if they were lacking just one of these things. However, Liliana Miller had nothing.

“I should be going back.”

As soon as the professor nodded in agreement, Lili turned around.

She wasn’t confident about maintaining this cool composure much longer. Her calm face was already half-distorted. At the very least, she didn’t want the professor to see something so ugly.


The door closed with a harsher sound than when she’d entered.

With a heavy expression, Professor Vince looked toward the door through where Lili had disappeared, but the professor soon dropped his gaze back down to the book he was reading. The pages of the book weren’t turned for a long time.

* * *


The loud bell could be heard in the hallway. It was a clock signaling that it was evening.

Due to magic, the volume was constant no matter where it was heard. Students staying in the dormitory couldn’t leave school after this time, while students not staying in the dormitories were required to leave.

As Lili headed to the dormitory blankly, she suddenly stopped moving.

“…Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten dinner yet.”

Should she go to the cafeteria now?

She thought for a moment before shaking her head. Due to the repeater notice in her hand, Lili didn’t have any appetite. Should she go back to the dormitory and sleep? No, her drowsiness had been lifted a long time ago. It would be fortunate if she didn’t get a nightmare while sleeping.

In the end, Lili’s footsteps headed to the same place as always.

It was a place that rarely had visitors, and it was the most comfortable place for her in Bergen Academy—the library.

Chapter 2 – The Greedy Grimoire #2

The library wasn’t far from the dormitory.

As she took a few steps towards the library’s shabby door, the scent of old paper and bookshelves tickled Liliana Miller's nose. It was a pleasant smell she was now familiar with.

After pushing the door half-open, the empty library was revealed.

‘Well, I thought it would be like this.’

The sight was always the same. It could be said that no student other than Liliana Miller would be found in the library after class.

Most of the books collected here talked about difficult concepts which the professors only explained the simplest parts of in class. There was no reason for adolescents to feel excited when they were busy playing.

Thanks to that, Lili was able to secure a peaceful space.

“Today… I should look up lightning magic one more time.”

Lili walked between the bookshelves in a familiar manner. Having spent five years in this library, she was able to find any book with her eyes closed. Even professors who occasionally came to find books would come to Lili before the librarians, so there were no doubts about her accuracy.

Lili pulled out the books she wanted.

‘[Lightning Magic Primer]… I’ve memorized everything, but I might have missed something. Additionally, [Why is Lightning Difficult to Control?] could be helpful. [Principles Behind Lightning Strikes]? It is closer to meteorology than magic, but let’s take this as well.’

Three thick books were instantly piled up.

Each book was very thick. Even a person with a fast reading speed would have to spend a day and a half to finish them. One book might be memorized, but that didn’t apply to the other two books.

There would be a loud spectacle if other students needed to read this for homework. However, to Lili, this thickness was only a day’s worth of reading. The professors were aware of this but ignored it because it was no use.

If they knew the amount of knowledge Lili had read, they wouldn’t be able to hide their regret like Professor Vince.

Rustle… rustle…

There was only the sound of pages being turned in the library.

Lili liked this silent time. It was because she coveted knowledge which could help her shake off this suffocating situation. Here, there were no professors who dismissed her or students making jokes.

Lili channeled all her stress into studying every day. Her superior brain was used to this stress, and it absorbed the knowledge which had been accumulated in the library like fleece sucking up water.

It had been five years. Was she imagining it?

As Lili looked at the books carefully, it was like the letters on the paper were sparkling.

* * *


Lili’s fingers closed the last book. This was the third book. The clock in the library was pointing to 10 o’clock. She had arrived in the library at 6 o’clock, so she had read three books in only four hours. This was a pace truly worthy of being called speed reading.

‘Um, that was quite interesting.’

They were interesting books. In particular, [Why is Lightning Difficult to Control?] systematically summarized why lightning magic was so difficult.

The most difficult spell in the 2nd Circle was ‘Lightning Bolt’ as creating lightning and keeping it flowing in a straight line was difficult. It wasn’t uncommon for even 3rd or 4th Circle magicians to be inexperienced with lightning magic.

Lili laid aside the book before aiming her palm at the window and muttering.

“Lightning Bolt.”

Just maybe… She hoped it would work.


However, the result was as expected. There was a faint electrostatic discharge before the spell was broken. The formula of the magic spell was perfect, but her ability to control it was too weak. A person who lacked control couldn’t be a sorceress.

It was something she had heard time and time again, but it was still a sad sight.

“Damn! What the hell is wrong with me…!”

Sensitivity was also known as affinity, and it was considered a talent. It referred to one’s ability to control magic power. Sorceresses with high sensitivity were more powerful than other sorceresses, even if the same spell was used. It was the same for the rate of magic power accumulation.

Therefore, sensitivity was an indispensable part of being a sorceress. Since there was no method to raise it, the trait became more prominent. For Lili, it was like reaching for a pie in the sky.


She couldn’t help sighing.

After five years, Lili’s hope had been worn thin. She thought of her parents who were waiting for her and the people who thought of her as their master. She would be shamed if she couldn’t get her degree.

A sorceress who graduated from the academy would be able to waste time for several years just by relying on the academy’s name.

‘But can I graduate next year?’

Despite having reduced her amount of sleep, she had only reached the 2nd Circle. It was almost impossible for her to master the 3rd Circle, which was a Bergen Academy graduation requirement, without dying. Next year would be meaningless.

The girl, who had been so confident when she left home, became a young woman afraid of failure.


It was the bell which signaled lights out. This was also the sound which indicated Lili’s time was over. He had to hurry or the door of the dormitory would be locked.

First, he needed to put away the three books. Lili embraced the three books, like she had done in the beginning. However, the moment she tried to raise her body…


A book on the desk caught her attention.

‘Didn’t I clearly only bring three books? Did I accidentally carry another book among the three?’

It was strange, but she should put it away anyway. Lili stood up and stretched out her left hand. It was a fairly thin book, so she was going to pick it up with one hand. However, the sensation at her fingertips was strange. It felt like she had stuck her hand in a sticky barrel of syrup, or like slimy flesh was tickling the palm of her hand.

…It was like she had put her hand in the mouth of something alive.



Lili hurriedly pulled back her left hand at the creepy feeling. She fell to the ground hastily, letting go of the books in the process. However, that didn’t matter. Lili needed to identify the thing which had touched her palm.

After she scrambled back up, Lili gazed toward the unidentified book. However, there was nothing on the desk.


Her eyes widened as she couldn’t understand the phenomenon. Had she seen a hallucination? She could still feel that creepy, sticky feeling that tickled her palm.

Lili touched her left hand carefully. She wanted to check if it was damp. It would prove that what had happened just before hadn’t been a hallucination. However, the palm of her left hand was dry without any signs of wetness.

“Hallucination…? Didn’t it feel slippery? There was clearly a shabby book on the desk…”

Lili muttered and sank weakly to the floor. She sat on the edge of a book, so her butt was sore. However, the pain was nothing compared to the psychological impact.

Didn’t a sorceress always need to be cool-headed? Had her mental state fallen to the bottom due to her sense of insecurity?

‘Should I drop out this year?’

It was better than being expelled. Lili knew that, but she had held onto the hope of becoming a sorceress for five years. It wasn’t a dream she could just throw away. Without making a decision, Lili sighed, then she put her hand on the cold floor to raise herself up.

It was at this moment that…


All of a sudden, her left hand felt a strange texture. It was slippery and sticky… The hallucination which had tickled her palm had appeared again!

Lili looked down reflexively at her left hand touching the floor…

And she saw something shocking.


A tongue was sticking out of Lili’s palm. It had a smooth pink surface and was a long piece of flesh which looked like it came from a reptile. The tongue sprang from a hole in the middle of her palm and shook like a snake in front of food.

The tongue swayed slowly from side to side.


Like a frog grabbing a fly, it snatched a book from the floor. Its speed was so fast that Lili couldn’t even see the afterimage. The tongue wrapped itself completely around the book.

No one could’ve predicted what happened next. The tongue which held its prey was then sucked back into the hole in Lili’s palm.


There was the sound of something being swallowed. A book on the ground had suddenly disappeared into her left hand.

Liliana looked down at her left hand with an absurd expression. However, the book her palm had swallowed didn’t emerge.

Instead, Lili heard a voice. It was a voice with a strange tone she had never heard before.

[‘Lightning Magic Primer’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[2nd Circle magic ‘Lightning Bolt’ has been acquired.]

[After waking up from a long sleep, Gluttony is very hungry. Hurry and relieve Gluttony’s hunger. The time limit is 10 minutes from now. (1/5)]

Chapter 3 – The Greedy Grimoire

What? There was no time to have doubts. As soon as the unknown voice cut out, waves of knowledge entered Liliana Miller's mind. The amount of information couldn’t be controlled by the human senses. In an instant, years of experience filled her head. Simultaneously, Lili had a hunch that she could now use ‘Lightning Bolt’ fully.

Lili hadn’t just learned mere knowledge; she had received the wisdom of the author of the book, [Lightning Magic Primer].

“…Lightning Bolt.” She chanted the spell unconsciously. This was a magic spell that had failed just a few minutes ago, yet the results were quite different this time.

Paijijik! Blue lightning shot out of the open window. The image Lili had visualized in her head was a complete success. The leaves which the lightning bolt passed by turned black. If the lightning bolt had hit a living creature, then it absolutely wouldn’t have been safe.


It was a spell she had failed to execute several hundred times. Lili had even failed frequently in the basic elements. Lightning attribute magic was considered to have the highest difficulty level, so it was bound to be even harder for her.

Seeing the static electricity on her palms as if she had experienced an earthquake, Lili was glad. Had she really succeeded in Lightning Bolt at once?

‘This isn’t a hallucination…!’

She folded her fingers which were trembling from the shock and felt the sweat on her palms. Lili realized this was the turning point of her life. She was a sorceress lacking in sensitivity and magic power. This was her chance to reach the 3rd Circle which had been impossible for her!

‘Okay, let’s start over from the beginning.’

This was when Lili sobered up. The strange phenomenon had cleared her confusion and depressed emotions, giving her a ray of hope. At this moment, her thinking abilities returned to normal. Her brain, which even first-class magicians had acknowledged, began doing a high-speed analysis.

This situation had started when she found an unidentified book. She’d felt a horrible touch on her left hand when she tried to pick up the book, and then it disappeared somewhere. After that, a strange tongue had sprouted from the palm of her left hand. The tongue had grabbed and swallowed the book, [Lightning Magic Primer] on the floor, and Lili had learned Lightning Bolt.

…No, just before that, she had heard a voice. Lili recalled the words the voice had said.

[’Lightning Magic Primer’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[2nd Circle magic ‘Lightning Bolt’ has been acquired.]
[After waking up from a long sleep, Gluttony is very hungry. Hurry and relieve Gluttony’s hunger. The time limit is 10 minutes from now. (1/5)]

The important thing wasn’t the first two sentences. Swallowing the book and learning Lightning Bolt was a secondary thing.

As Lili remembered the last sentence, she mumbled involuntarily, “…Gluttony?”

Unexpectedly, there was an immediate reaction.

Jjeok. A hole appeared in her left hand, and a red tongue emerged from it. The hole didn’t just have teeth; there were lips as well. Lili observed the scene closely instead of being astonished or frightened. She was filled with expectations about whether the tongue could talk or not.

However, the answer came from a place she hadn’t expected.

[Severe hunger. If you want to talk to ‘Gluttony’, relieve that hunger. Feed it four more times to relieve that hunger. The remaining time is 6 minutes and 24 seconds.]
[Gluttony is a grimoire which comes from an era not recorded in the history books. It increases strength by eating magic items and likes books the most. The owner can benefit from providing food to Gluttony. However, if neglected, Gluttony might treat its owner as food.]

Although Lili heard the answer she’d been wondering about, it was something she hadn’t expected. It would eat the owner if it wasn’t fed? The words were chilling for Lili, who seemed to be the owner. Gluttony would eat her if she didn’t feed it anything in the next 6 minutes and 24 seconds.

Lili felt a cold chill down her spine as she looked around hurriedly. Books, books, books, and books. Fortunately, the food was piled up like a mountain. Lili looked around with her eyes, rather than moving her hands.

‘There is still time. It is in the single digits, but this is enough…’

She moved her feet while thinking continuously. Lili had obtained ‘Lighting Bolt’ from the book, [Lightning Magic Primer]. This meant that the food and the reward weren’t independent from each other.

If she had to feed it books, then she should choose food which would benefit her. Lili knew the location of all the books, so her hand didn’t hesitate. The voice had definitely said that it needed four more. Lili pulled out a stack of books without any hesitation.

They were books she had read a few times but hadn’t helped her. Lili had understood them with her head, but she couldn’t use the magic. Anyway, she’d memorized all the contents, so there wouldn’t be a problem even if she wasn’t rewarded with anything.

“Then…” Lili took a deep breath. She pointed at the pile of books with her left hand and called out the name, “Gluttony, eat.”

And the mouth answered.

Slurp. The tongue stretched out again. It seemed impossible to swallow several books at the same time, so the tongue twined around the top book. This was like a frog eating.

The books were sucked into the mouth on Lili’s palm in the blink of an eye. More than 500 pages had disappeared without a trace. No, there were some traces left. Was it correct to say it was engraved in her?

[’Fundamentals of Subduing the Elements’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[Affinity with the four elements has increased.]
[Gluttony isn’t satisfied yet. Feed her three more times to relieve her hunger. The time limit is 5 minutes and 11 seconds from now.]

She was right. As Lili had speculated, she received the knowledge of the book which was swallowed.

The elements were the fundamentals of all magic. The criteria of becoming a master of each circle was to prove that the elemental magic could be used freely. Lili had known this after becoming a 2nd Circle master.

Fire, water, wind, and earth… The flow of magic for each element was now becoming more intense and familiar.

However, there wasn’t time to feel emotional. The tongue stretched out and grabbed the next book. It licked the cover, as if savoring the taste, before Gluttony swallowed the books in succession. At the same time, Lili was hit by relentless waves of information.

[’The Circulation of Magic Power’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[Your sensitivity to mana has increased slightly.]
[’Creating a Magic Circle – Fundamentals’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[You can create 2nd ranked magic circles. Starting from 3rd ranked circles, the probability of success will drop sharply.]
[’Application of Defense Magic’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[You can alter the shape of the 2nd Circle magic ‘Shield’.]

“Keuk!” The aftermath was quite intense after the three books were eaten instantly. Lili wobbled like she was drunk and flopped down on the floor. It was obvious she would’ve fallen if she hadn’t done that.

Her eyes were spinning, and her head felt like it was going to burst like a boiling kettle, after receiving a great deal of knowledge. Lili felt dizzy, like she had a high fever. It took around 10 minutes for her status to calm down.

‘Damn, from now on I will feed it one by one.’ Lili muttered inwardly as she pressed a hand to her still throbbing temple. This was the first time she had ever got a headache. It was a terrible pain, like her head was being stabbed with an awl. She didn’t want to experience this pain ever again. Lili had never imagined this dizziness would occur while eating one book at a time.

Still, the pain was worthwhile.

“Magic Power…” Magic power was stirring in her body. It spread from her heart and moved through the blood vessels to every part of her body. However, it hadn’t accepted Liliana Miller. Just quickly pulling at the magic power usually required a huge concentration from her. The lack of sensitivity was a burden which was hard for her to bear.

Her eyes turned red from her choked up emotions. Lili tried desperately to refrain from crying. She couldn’t be satisfied with just this.

Right now, she had only reached a 2nd Circle Master. In order to graduate, Lili needed to master the 3rd Circle.

For the first time since entering the academy, after enduring all types of shame, the rope of destiny had finally appeared before her.

“…Yes, isn’t it full?” Lili said in a low, subdued voice. She looked at her left hand on the ground and spoke to it.

“It is supposed to speak after eating five books.”

She remembered…The Gluttony Grimoire had the ability to speak. The voice had said to get rid of its hunger for that to happen. Lili didn’t know the identity of the voice, but it had never lied so far. So, she had to believe it for now.

Indeed, the voice didn’t betray her trust.

Jjeok. The mouth opened just like when it ate a book. It was a hole with no visible bottom. The tongue popped out of its dark hole and flickered like a snake listening to a flute. This would be a scary sight for a weak person.

Before long, sounds began to emerge from Gluttony’s mouth. –I, eat magic, greed, grimoire, Gluttony.

It was a creepy, eerie voice, like a simmering swamp. Somehow, her way of talking made the gloomy atmosphere more prominent. It didn’t have eyeballs, but she could feel its gaze.

-Liliana, Miller.

After calling Lili’s name… –What… do you… want to know?

The greedy grimoire asked.

Chapter 4 – The Greedy Grimoire

Lili gulped unknowingly. It was because the sound of Gluttony calling her, seemingly from the depths of an abyss, had caused her to stiffen. She loosened up her rigid neck. Lili had to say something, but her lips wouldn’t open. Fortunately, the voice was there to remind her.

[The greedy grimoire, Gluttony, has filled its hunger. Gluttony’s intelligence has been restored temporarily. It is willing to repay the owner who filled its stomach.]

[Gluttony’s current state is incomplete. Please provide it plenty of food in the future to restore its performance. Gluttony will fall into a deep sleep except when asking for food. It will answer one question immediately after it feels full. The wisdom of the old grimoire, Gluttony, is truly vast.]

[Please ask your question before Gluttony goes to sleep.]

The explanation was verbose, but the conclusion was simple. One question and answer… It meant she would receive one answer to one question.

According to the description from the strange voice, Gluttony was a very ancient grimoire. It must have spent years swallowing books, so the knowledge it had would be enormous. Even if it had only eaten one book a day, that would be over 300 books in a year. If all the books were related to magic, then the value truly couldn’t be measured.

For sorceresses seeking endless wisdom, the value of this conversation might be greater than the heart of a dragon.

‘What question should I ask?’

She didn’t have much time to worry about it. This little lady only opened its eyes for a moment because it was hungry, but it would soon fall into a deep sleep again. Lili didn’t know how long it would take, but she knew it wouldn’t be long.

What should be asked and what answers would be sought? Lili looked within herself.

‘I have to ask something that will help me now.’

To Lili, who had just become a 2nd Circle sorceress, the knowledge of ancient magic was meaningless. Questions about hidden treasures and the ability to find them were separate things.

There was an old tale which told how being overly greedy would invite disaster. Lili wasn’t going to be an idiot like those people. If so, the questions she could ask now were fixed.

“I will ask a question.”

Gluttony responded briefly,
- What, I wonder?

The voice was still unnerving, but she could withstand it better the second time compared to the first. Lili still couldn’t stop the unsettling feeling from running down her spine, but she managed to open her mouth somehow.

“Gluttony, I want to ask for information about you. Let me know what type of grimoire you are.”

There was silence for a moment. Was it an unexpected question? Lili didn’t know. She just felt that the voice became clearer.

- Okay.

It agreed to answer her question.

- However, to understand me, your insight… narrow, poor. Language, convey, can’t.

Lili frowned at the words. The grimoire couldn’t convey it in language? It was the same as saying it couldn’t answer the question, and the reason was because Lili’s insight was narrow and poor. Lili had never fallen behind when it came to her brain, yet she couldn’t reach the ancient grimoire’s standards.

However, Gluttony’s words didn’t stop there.

– I, visualize, information. Human, owner, show, like it.


– This, it is the feeling.

It said to her.

As soon as the dialogue was over, odd characters flowed from the palm of her left hand to Lili’s head. There were numbers, letters, and language concepts. She felt dizzy and understood why Gluttony couldn’t communicate it through language. It was a huge behemoth which defied common sense.


Grimoire… It wasn’t a book nor a magic spell. This was the fragment of an existence which mocked the world. The best magicians living today wouldn’t be able to produce it. Even Lili, who had accepted the information about Gluttony, could barely explain it.

Yes, Lili only saw a vague form.

[Grimoire “Gluttony”/ F Rank]

[Effects: elemental affinity increases by 1p; magic sensitivity +10; calibration and creation of magic circles; ‘Lightning Bolt’ acquired; and increased proficiency in ‘Shield’. * Incomplete state. Most of the functions are sealed. * Once a day, it will wake up to relieve its hunger. * Immediately after relieving its hunger, it will answer one question. * The abilities it feed on will be given to its owner. * Extracts an essence from eaten books or items. The higher the owner’s understanding, the greater the efficiency.]

Indeed, it was an easy-to-understand description. Perhaps it had been frequently used by humans before entering Lili’s hands. Otherwise, it would be difficult to summarize the information into such clear words.

As Lili went over the information in her head several times, Gluttony yawned.

- Hrmm…then, I answered…

Gluttony’s voice drifted off at the end until it could no longer be heard. The tongue and hole disappeared.

Lili looked down at her left hand with a blank expression. There were no traces left of the five books it had swallowed. The knowledge remained in her head, and the unfamiliar magic power proved that this was real.

“Ha, hahaha…”

A dry laugh emerged from somewhere. She didn’t realize where until her dry lips touched. Liliana Miller… The sound was coming from her own mouth.

This was the same library, a place to where she fled from the helpless reality which despised her. How could she have known she would find something amazing here?

‘I can graduate. No, graduating isn’t a problem now. There will be more chances!’

Lili had a good head, but was a dunce at magic. She absorbed knowledge like she was pouring water into a bottomless pit. Lili understood that it meant nothing, but she hadn’t given up. No one else had noticed her talent except for Professor Vince. Even Professor Vince’s efforts was like a pile of leaves. Yet, a bud had now sprouted from those dead leaves…

[The higher the owner’s understanding, the greater the efficiency.]

The meaning of this brief sentence was something the current Lili couldn’t even guess. This wasn’t just memorizing books or formulas. Every time notes filled with her handwriting piled up, wisdom began increasing in her brain.

The Grimoire itself had selected its owner. It wasn’t a coincidence that Liliana, who craved knowledge more than anyone else, had been the one to find it.


A heavy bell broke the silence. Lili looked reflexively at the clock in a corner of the library. The clock hands were pointing straight up. It was already time for the dormitory to be locked. She had discovered Gluttony around 10 o’clock, so quite some time had passed.

‘I can’t sleep in my bed… but well, I feel good.’

Her magic power was boiling up from excitement. Right now, Lili was confident she could succeed in any 2nd Circle magic. Her sensitivity had only increased slightly, but this feeling of satisfaction was frightening.

Lili once again looked at Gluttony’s information. There was a brief mention of the change in her sensitivity.

‘Mana sensitivity +10.’

It wasn’t a big number because it said there was only a slight increase. Still, what if this 10 increased to 20, 30 or 100? It might take some time, maybe a few decades… but she could fulfill it.

“…Okay, I will read more books.”

Lili wanted to use magic, but the library wasn’t a place to use it. If she accidentally set fire to something, she didn’t know what punishment she would receive from the professors. It was necessary to choose books for Gluttony in advance, and that would be more useful than napping in her seat.

Lili moved with excitement in her steps. The books which had been like a pie in the sky now seemed like treasure chests placed right in front of her.

The existence of the repeater letter in the outer pocket of her dress was already long forgotten. Now that her long-awaited dream was right before her, Lili had no time to think about dropping out of school.

The greedy grimoire, Gluttony… This was its first meeting with Liliana Miller.

Chapter 5 – What Does This Book Taste Like? #1

Ding-dong-dang-dong… The lively bell sound announced the end of the second semester. Every student's final report card would be distributed one week from this day. Bergen Academy's school year had ended today. Students, not dressed in their school uniforms, ran out the doors, and the professors' advice to not play around during winter vacation was disregarded by the students. Generally, except for some younger students, the Academy's students avoided staying in school.

"Huu, there is an uproar. Even though it's chilly, they can still run around like this. Truly, I think being young is the best."

"Who doesn't? Ah, maybe a lich?"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that a lich will just be more bones."

"Aha, that is a pretty nasty point!"

Even the professors were in a good mood. Finally free from the students who caused them all types of problems, they enjoyed a cup of coffee while chatting with their colleagues. Some talked about the students, while others talked about what to study during the holiday. Some professors were planning to go home a few days later too.

One professor asked Vince, "Professor Vince, are you staying at school during this vacation?"

"Yes, I am," he replied with a cold expression as usual. Professor Vince's soulless voice matched his blank expression. His fellow professor couldn't help flinching. However, due to the fact that they had spent a few years together and had adjusted a little bit, he didn't stutter when he spoke again. "Recently, I heard that you were focusing on a research project. Is it because of that?"

Professor Vince's eyes became cold. Naturally, it was rude for magicians to spy on each other's research. His low voice revealed his discomfort. "That isn't something to be talked about here."

"Ha, haha. That's right. Forget that I asked."


Vince glanced at him for a moment before turning his gaze out the window. The atmosphere of the room suddenly grew chill. Professor Vince was famous for not being very friendly. He was a first-rate magician dispatched from the capital to Bergen Academy, and his position as a senior magician (6th Circle) put him above the other instructors. In other words, he was a dispatched lecturer and was difficult for the other professors to deal with.

"Oh! You were here, Professor Vince."

At that moment, a professor entered the office. To put it mildly, this professor was a person with a lot of fat. He packed it in a neatly dressed suit, making him look like a balloon. Thus, the students nicknamed him 'Balloon.' The so-called balloon, Professor Balloon, spoke in a giggly voice, "Can I ask you one thing?"


Vince couldn't spit on that grinning face. He stared at Professor Balloon with an annoyed expression. Vince didn't like this pig who liked to chatter on. Not surprisingly, the words which emerged from Professor Balloon's mouth didn't fail to irritate Vince's nerves.

"Did that girl not graduate again this year?"

His eyebrows wriggled in an obvious taunt. Liliana Miller… Professor Vince's eyes flashed as he recalled the student. Liliana Miller was a student who was betrayed by her talent and wasn't rewarded for her efforts. The fact that Liliana had received a repeater letter three times meant she became a notorious celebrity.

Other faculty professors approached them.

"Aha, is it that Lili child?"

"Isn't this year her third repeater letter? After next year, we won't see her anymore. I'm sorry… Should I not say it? Hahaha!"

"Professor Claude is very mean, saying such empty words."

"In the end, she is a child of a fallen noble family. Their talent has dried up."

Obnoxious remarks were being spoken.

'The ones who open their eyes but can't see anything.'

Vince took a few steps back and stared at them with disdain. It felt like his ears would rot away if he continued to listen to their conversation. These were educators who didn't even know the truth about the students they were teaching. No, even if it was correct, should an educator be disparaging their students? He shook his head firmly at this question.

'Lili is a far better sorceress than you.'

Yet those words couldn't emerge from his mouth. Vince wanted to grab Professor Balloon's hand and throw the coffee cup in his face. However, Vince stopped himself… because in the end, it was true. He had given up his personal sponsorship of Liliana due to her lack of sensitivity. There was no denying that Vince had turned away a student due to her lack of talent. That was the only thing which stopped Vince from meddling in their words.

'Liliana Miller.'

Vince looked out the window with a nauseous feeling in his stomach. The newly darkened sky seemed to represent his inner heart. Then he realized that the lights at the opposite building were coming from the library and sighed once more. There was only one person who would visit the library on the day of the closing ceremony. Vince prayed for the day when that effort would be rewarded.

* * *

At this time, Lili's shoulders were dancing.


The desk shook with a loud thump. This was because seven hardcover books had just been placed at the center of the desk. Dropping these many books on her foot wouldn't end with just a bruise. It was a joke but there was a ghost story which told about how librarians were often killed by cursed books. 'Even if there isn't a curse on these books, wouldn't I die if this were a normal situation?'

The books were heavier than bricks. If one of them fell from a high bookshelf and hit someone, the skull of that person passing by would be broken. That's why there was a warning to not make a disturbance in the library. It truly was dangerous, so they had even put a sign up.

"Okay, this is enough for today."

Lili rubbed the grey substance off the palm of her hand. The library was a place where people didn't frequent often, so every book she picked up was dusty. The person in the position of librarian would just check the locks occasionally. It was lucky that Gluttony had swallowed without chewing, otherwise, she would've had to wipe the books down first.

'First, I have to use Appraisal.'

Lili moved her left hand in a familiar motion. She was about to measure the value of the book using Gluttony's 'ability to judge food.' The way to use this power was much simpler than she'd thought. Lili pointed her left hand at the book, just like when Gluttony had been eating. Then she gave the command, "Appraisal."


The tongue shot out from Lili's left hand. It appeared with a loud sound and reached out towards the targets. Then it licked the cover of the book on top. At the same time, a visual representation of the information emerged.

[Ignition and Ignite are Different]
[-This book is about an improved version of Ignition magic and explains Ignite magic. Unlike Ignition, which creates fire on a surface, Ignite can create an ignition point in the air. The advantage of Ignite is being able to use it from a distance. However, the firepower is slightly lower than that of Ignition.
* Your understanding is very high. (96.7%)
* The grade of this spellbook is 'Normal.'
* After ingesting, 1st Circle magic 'Ignite' will be acquired.]

"I remember that this spell seemed useful."

She laughed and picked up the book. Gluttony's 'Appraisal' was a means of measuring the food. This helped her determine the benefits of the food which was consumed. Using Appraisal meant there would be no problem even if it was a book Lili hadn't read before. Having the Appraisal magic also meant she could pick out the books with special qualities.

'Thanks to this, picking a book is much easier.'

It was also possible because it was Lili. After spending five years in the library, there was no book that she didn't know. Lili put the books she'd read once and those she'd read a few times but didn't understand on separate lists.

The moment she was about to use Appraisal on the second book…

-…Hungry. feed, please.

Gluttony woke up.

[Gluttony has woken up from her sleep and is complaining about an empty stomach.]
[The regular meals have reduced her hunger a lot. There is more room to choose her food. Gluttony will answer one question after eating two books and will immediately fall asleep after the third book. The remaining time is 30 minutes.]

Two books or three books… It was a choice she'd made several times already, but it was always a struggle. If she selected two books, she could get an answer. If she selected three books, she could extract one more essence. Last time, she'd thought it was important to improve her skills and had chosen to feed her three books. What should she choose this time?

Chapter 2: Chapter 6-10

Chapter Text

Chapter 6 – What Does This Book Taste Like? #2

‘Well, I won’t lose anything either way.’

In other words, it was a matter of priority. Lili could choose to learn one more magic or borrow Gluttony’s wisdom. If she selected the wrong thing, she could just wait for tomorrow. As a result, there was no difference. If Gluttony suddenly started fasting, then she would be more worried about the situation.

Therefore, Lili came up with a simple answer.

“Let’s do two books this time.”

She had something that she wanted to ask Gluttony. Lili grabbed [Ignition and Ignite are Different] and put it aside. Ignite was a rather useful magic for the 1st Circle, except that the difficulty was too high. Above all, it consumed less magic power than anything else. Despite Lili only having the magic power of a 2nd Circle, she would be able to use it 100 times.

It was now time to pick the other book.

‘I think that all six books I selected earlier are good but… I don’t know yet.’

She would leave it to Gluttony’s Appraisal rather than her self-judging. Appraisal magic was probably better than her own analysis anyway. Instead of being unreasonably stubborn, Lili extended her palm.


The hungry tongue slipped out quickly. It moved over the six books lined up before it and started using Appraisal. As the books became sticky with saliva, the information entered her head. With calm eyes, Lili looked at the essences of the books Gluttony had discovered.

‘[Fire Elemental Summoning]… eliminated. If I don’t have an affinity with the elemental, then I can’t make a contract with it, which means there wouldn’t be much point in summoning the elemental.’

Thirty years ago, the mystery of making a contract with an elemental had been revealed, showing that it was impossible to make a contract with an elemental without having an inherent affinity. A magician who adored elementals had finally achieved success. He had opened the door to the elemental world with a magic circle and developed a way to make a simple contract.

The [Fire Elemental Summoning] was a book from that magician, and Lili could summon the elemental with Gluttony’s abilities. However, this book only gave her the magic to summon the elemental. Making a contract with the elemental and using its power was a different story. When Lili entered the academy, she had been told to give up because she had an elemental affinity of close to zero.

“It is regrettable, but it can’t be helped.”

She had experienced it several times already. Thanks to that, Lili had gotten used to getting rid of any lingering attachments without any fuss. It had been a week since she first began the strange cohabitation with Gluttony. Lili might be the academy’s dunce, but she had grasped this grimoire’s bizarre nature.

One, it was meaningless to feed Gluttony a book if Lili’s understanding was low. Two, no matter how high was Lili’s level of comprehension, it was impossible to acquire magic beyond her competence. Three, there was some magic which was useless even if she learned it. Four, eating the same book again wouldn’t give her anything.

…There might be other habits which Lili didn’t know about yet, but she never saw anything apart from these four. [Fire Elemental Summoning] was an example of the third case. There were other magic with a magician affinity attached as a condition. This was why she didn’t acquire white magic, which required ‘divine power.’

‘There’s a magic where ‘castration’ is the prerequisite… Urgh, just thinking about it gives me goose bumps again.’

Apparently, some lunatic in the east had done it to learn magic. Even Lili didn’t have the stomach to read through the pages. What had the person been thinking? Lili touched her skin before moving her hand to her next prey. It was [Circulation of Water] which would increase her water affinity but was put as pending for now. Her understanding of [Enchant – the Basics] was lower than she’d thought. She would eat it after studying it a bit more, so it was eliminated. The vision enhancing magic [Hawk Eyes] had a side effect of gradually worsening her eyesight—eliminated.

Lili repeated this as she filtered through the books. By the time 15 minutes passed, there was only one book left in front of her. She remembered the title of the final book, so expectation filled her face. According to Lili’s conjecture, the value of the last book in the list was obviously the highest among the seven books she’d gathered today.


Finally, the essence of the book popped up.

[Ballistics Magic]

[This book describes the high application of magic missiles. It explains techniques to form compressed magic missiles and modify the shape of the arrowheads. The author, Alfred Bellontes, became a hero of the war with these magic missiles. The depth of the wisdom is superior to that of ordinary magic books.
* Your understanding is very high. (97.2%)
* This magic book is rated ‘Rare’.
* Once ingested, the proficiency of ‘Magic Missile’ will increase greatly.
* This is the original copy which was directly written by the author. There is a low chance to absorb some of Alfred’s experience.]

Indeed, its contents didn’t betray her expectations.

“No, wait a minute. This book is the original?!”

Lili was shocked to read the final line in the description. Magic books were usually created by the author and then a copy was made of the original. Everything from the cover to the contents would be copied completely using magic. Therefore, it was very hard to distinguish between the original and the copies. The originals were hidden by those who hated having a value added to knowledge by collectors. If it wasn’t for Gluttony’s abilities, Lili wouldn’t have known that the book in front of her was the original.

Alfred Bellontes…

He had been born approximately 30 years ago as the third son of King Bellontes. Magic power didn’t accumulate naturally for him, and he only became a master of battle magic after cutting into his bones. Magic Missile was only a 1st Circle magic. Alfred had killed dozens of knights and hundreds of magicians with this shabby magic. He’d died at the end of a long war, but he then became renowned.

‘Alfred Bellontes wrote [Ballistics Magic]! If book collectors know about this copy, it would be worth a few thousand gold, even covered in dust.’

Lili removed the dust carefully. If she were to prove its authenticity, then this book wouldn’t be piles of paper but an item more expensive than a gold bullion.

Yes, if it was possible to prove it. Lili’s excitement subsided at the thought.

“…No, there is a problem even if I can prove it.”

In the first place, this book was owned by Bergen Academy. Although she was feeding the books to Gluttony, she planned to put back some of the books which were eaten one day. If Gluttony didn’t threaten her life, then she wouldn’t have taken the books. In some ways, it could be called a struggle for survival.

However, taking Alfred’s book was simply stealing. It wasn’t seeking knowledge as a sorceress or saving lives. As a noble, Liliana Miller couldn’t throw away her pride. She would rather feed it to Gluttony than exchange it for money. Her worries lasted for a while, but her decision was quick.

“Eat, Gluttony.”

The tongue popped out without any hesitation.


Gluttony grabbed [Ignition and Ignite are Different], and it was sucked into Lili’s left hand.

[’Ignition and Ignite are Different’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[* After ingesting, 1st Circle magic ‘Ignite’ will be acquired.]

A familiar wave flowed into her body. It was knowledge about ignition magic. At this point, Lili could create a small fire in the air. Due to the fact that it was a 1st Circle magic, there wasn’t that much information, and the wave soon calmed down. It was similar to eating bread, but Lili was satisfied.

Gluttony’s meal wasn’t over yet. The unsatisfied tongue snatched its next prey…

The original [Ballistics Magic] written by Alfred Bellontes. It was the moment when a precious book with the same value as a gold bullion would disappear forever.


Then there was a moment of silence. Lili waited for the change with a more nervous expression than usual. It was the first ‘rare’ rated book she had fed Gluttony. This was also the original copy of a famous war hero’s book. This food would definitely be worth more than ordinary books.

Previously, it wasn’t unusual for Lili to feel pain when four books were eaten in one go. Lili closed her eyes and prepared for the aftermath.

‘Now, come at any time!’

Shortly after that…

[’Ballistics Magic’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[Your proficiency of the 1st Circle magic ‘Magic Missile’ has increased significantly.]
[An original copy has been consumed. The synchro rate with Alfred Bellontes is being checked… You are at an appropriate level. You can absorb some of Alfred’s experience. The episode will play for 21 minutes and 35 seconds.]
[Synchro is starting.]


What was that? Then at that moment…


There was a sharp ringing sound! The sound cut through her eardrums and made her dizzy. It felt like she was being pulled out of her body. Before that godlike sucking power, the human mind was like a weak blade of grass. In the end, Liliana’s mind was sucked into the palm of her left hand. She fell into the darkness and reached the faint stars.

This was the remnant of the memories contained in Alfred Bellontes—no, in [Ballistics Magic].

* * *

Around 45 years in the past, on the frontlines of the Bellontes Principality…

Liliana Miller opened her eyes.

Chapter 7 – What Does This Book Taste Like? #3

Dagadak, dagadak, dagadak.

As Lili's consciousness returned, the scenery around her was moving at a frightening pace. No, it was more correct to say that she was moving through it. Lili, who still didn't understand the situation, turned her head as someone's shouts reached her ears.

"General! The enemy forces have appeared before us!"

General? The enemy forces had appeared before them…? This was something which would be heard on the battlefield.

Lili tried to make a bewildered expression, but her vision moved independently of her will. Then she looked at the face of the knight running next to her. Shortly after that, Lili realized her lips were moving on their own.

"Hrmm, it is a little faster than I expected." It was the deep and solemn voice of a man.

Her fingertips touched her chin and felt a rough texture. Lili wasn't 20 years old yet, so the beard on the chin definitely wasn't hers. If so, there was only one possibility.

'My voice… No, this isn't my body?'

Maybe this was the right answer. Lili thought confidently.

This was right after she'd consumed Alfred Bellontes' [Ballistics Magic]. So, Lili could guess that this phenomenon was related to the description which had said she could absorb some of Alfred's experience.

She didn't know what synchro meant, but if it was absorbing Alfred's experience—

"Prince! I will stand in the lead! The general infantry can't possibly defeat the charge of our knights. I, Vince, will protect Prince with this sword at all costs!"

It was a cry that sounded like roaring flames. The passion in that voice was incredible as the person moved in front of her. Based on his shout, this man seemed to be the leader of the group of knights. Furthermore, his blazing eyes proved what he'd said weren't just words.

However, the prince, Alfred, didn't accept Vince's comment.

“No, I will stand in the lead! You must follow behind me!" The one with the most noble body declared that he would stand in the most dangerous position.

Despite seeing the enemy coming close, Alfred Bellontes didn't slow down his horse. Alfred shrugged off Vince's hand and rushed forward. The two armies soon crashed into each other.


There was a huge roar as the warhorses collided with the infantry troops. The terrible power of the charge was added to the horse hooves and smashed the human body. The enemy's formation collapsed from the surprise, and the Bellontes troops were temporarily dominant as they pushed the enemy forces back.

Alfred roared wildly from the vanguard.

"Bellontes' prince, Alfred, is here! Come forward if you want to claim my head for yourself!"

It was an obvious provocation. As the prince and war hero of Bellontes, Alfred's head really was worth several thousand gold. If they killed him, then this long war might end.

A knight moved through the confused soldiers in response to his provocation.

“I am Richard, the eldest son of Earl Jason!"

Every time his sword flashed, several soldiers were knocked down. It wasn't uncommon to cut through humans like they were straw. Any knight should have at least this much skill. A mere sorceress would have her head cut off.

Richard smiled as he moved closer to Alfred. Lili became frightened as she faced the murderous intent in front of her.

'It is dangerous. At this distance, there is no way to survive unless I am a 6th Circle sorceress!'

In any era, a sorceress's enemy was a knight. They were masters of weapons which dominated in close combat. A knight could cut off a sorceress's head before a spell was completed. Therefore, sorceresses always hired escorts. However, there was no one near Alfred right now. It was a great opportunity for Richard Jason, who was famous for his agility.

As Richard quickly took care of 30 people, he shouted righteously, "Bellontes' hero! I salute your bravery to confront me with the body of a sorceress! But…"

'But it ends here!' was what he was trying to say. However, a gruesome ball of pressure passed through him.


"…Then I will pay homage to your stupidity," Alfred scoffed as he aimed his finger.

One beat late, the body fell to the ground. The brave knight, Richard Jason, who had been rushing toward Alfred just a moment ago, suddenly died.

This was because a hole was drilled into the middle of his brain. It was impossible for any human to survive that, even if they had the blood of an ogre. Once the brain was destroyed, even an ogre couldn't regenerate.

Meanwhile, Lili was astonished by the incredible situation.

'That is Magic Missile? No way!'

It was a blue flash. If Lili hadn't been inside Alfred's body, then she wouldn't have grasped the moment when the spell had activated.

Although it was 1st Circle magic, the chant had been omitted and the output of Magic Missile had been far beyond common sense. It was likely that even the 5th Circle Magic, 'Force Bolt', was weaker than that.


Once again, light emitted from Alfred's finger.

"Kuaack!" Simultaneously, somebody else's breath was cut off.

Every time Alfred's fingertip flashed, one person fell over and died. It was the same for sorceresses who used defense magic or knights covered in body armour. The speed of the Magic Missile didn't let anyone escape, while its power penetrated the defenses and caused havoc. It was literally a mortal blow.

After a few hundred Magic Missiles were shot…

'…Indeed, Alfred's Magic Missiles are fired in this way. Even if the same formula is used, it is bound to fail.'

Lili had surprisingly succeeded in digging out the principles of the powerful Magic Missile. So far, scholars had been studying [Ballistics Magic] for 30 years and hadn't been able to achieve it. It wasn’t because Liliana Miller's talent was superior.

The 'synchro' which allowed her to share Alfred Bellontes' senses was the answer.

'The magic is completely within his body.'

Usually, magic was a technique to handle mana outside the body. Sensitivity was the concept which referred to the efficiency of drawing mana out of magic power. However, Alfred improved Magic Missile in a way which was completely contrary to that concept.

He completed the magic inside his body and shot it out of his body.

It wasn't an easy method. The human body wasn't a vessel to hold magic spells. Alfred had to give up other spells in order to learn this Magic Missile. Through special training, his bones, flesh, and blood had been converted into the magic circle specific to Magic Missile.

As a result, he was able to produce the most powerful Magic Missile.

'A sorceress who only shoots Magic Missile… Can she be called a sorceress?'

What made Alfred think of this magic? He had given up the freedom of being a sorceress and just concentrated on killing people with Magic Missile. Lili couldn't help sympathising with Alfred. She attributed it to the shadow on Alfred's face as he calmly shot a human being.

Soon after, the last enemy soldier was brought over.

“Kuk, release me! Let me go! I am Marquis Belford Astro. My status isn't something to be trifled with!"

He wore a burgundy cloak over splendid plate armour. The intricacy of the embroidered pattern showed that he wasn't an ordinary soldier. Wearing such flashy clothes on the battlefield proved that he was a high-ranking noble.

The soldiers kicked him, making him kneel down. Alfred gazed down at the man with cold eyes and said, “Marquis Astro is worse than a dog, that's what you are."

Resonating with an eerie voice, Alfred continued to say, “Didn't you plunder the houses near the border and sold the women as slaves? I have no intention of letting you live as a captive of war."

"Now, wait a minute, Prince Alfred!"

“I don't have a hobby of listening to dogs. You will die here like a dog."

Alfred stretched out his finger, condemning the man in front of him to death. This man was a person who wasn't even worthy of captivity. Alfred’s finger shone with a blue light.


The corpse collapsed with a hole in it.

"…Dispose of the body," Alfred said while turning around.

Usually, it was polite to take the body and send it back to the enemy kingdom. However, this was a person who had burned down villages and caused men to lose their wives. In such a situation, there was no need to preserve his body. The ugly mass of flesh called Belford soon disappeared without a trace.

At this point, Lili left Alfred's body.

'Ah, it ends here.'

The experience was truly impressive. Lili looked down at the ground which was becoming more distant. It was a battlefield filled with blood, death, knights polishing armour, nauseous sorceresses, and soldiers calling for medics…

Then finally, she saw Alfred Bellontes. At that moment, Alfred also looked at her.


Lili was confused as she saw Alfred's lips moving.

–Young sorceress who craves my strength.

The profound voice echoed.

Alfred wasn't talking to himself. It was advice from Alfred Bellontes to Liliana Miller. This was a gift from the man who had given up freedom for strength and had lived as a war hero instead of a sorceress.

–Don't give up your way as a sorceress.

Finally, the connection with Alfred was cut off.

[The synchro with Alfred Bellontes has ended.]

[The synchro rate is 85.7%, the experience has been maintained.]

[1st Circle magic 'Magic Missile' has sublimated into 'Alfred-style Magic Missile'. Alfred Bellontes' experience has turned into proficiency for that magic.]

[Gluttony is satisfied with the food that she has consumed. Ask a question or feed her one more book.]

In the eastern part of Meltor Kingdom, Bergen Academy's library…

The fallen Liliana regained consciousness.

Chapter 8 – What Does This Book Taste Like? #4

Lili first touched the back of her head before examining her palms, which had no calluses unlike Alfred's. She had only left for 20 minutes, but her body already felt unfamiliar. This meant that the memory of the hero called Alfred Bellontes was deeply ingrained in her. Even now, it felt like a blue flash of light would emerge from her fingertips.

'No, is it possible right now?' Lili aimed her finger impulsively. This was the secret of the war hero, Alfred Bellontes… the flash of death which had shot and killed even first-rated knights.

That feeling was still vivid. The magic power would be pulled from the fixed magic circles inside the blood vessels of the body, then the magic power would take action outside the body.

Pajijik. "Ugh!" There was a pang, like her skin was burning from the inside.

Her arm was different from Alfred's. It was much weaker than the arm which had been conditioned for many years, perhaps even decades. The formation of the Magic Missile caused several of Lili's blood vessels to rupture. If Lili tried to reproduce Alfred's output, then her entire right arm would be broken.

Fortunately, Liliana Miller wasn't that arrogant.

She had asked whether it was possible for her, as she was now, and the memory of Alfred had nodded. Simultaneously, as Lili's blood vessels were ruptured, a blue flash popped out.


The blue light, which was thin and hazy compared to Alfred's, shot through the window of the library and disappeared. However, the power was double or even three times that of conventional Magic Missiles. Even so, the amount of magic power consumed wasn't much different from conventional ones. This was the essence of [Ballistics Magic] and the art of Alfred Bellontes, which had been studied by many magicians.

"…Really, it is a success."

Lili looked at her index finger with trembling eyes after managing to reproduce it. Her forearm was throbbing from the reaction to the Magic Missile, while bruises appeared where the blood vessels had burst.

Anyway, Lili couldn't care less about that right now. She was the academy's long-time dunce, someone who had received the repeater letter three times. No one expected anything from her. Even Professor Vince, the only one to recognize her talent, had eventually turned his head away. The common magic which anyone else could do wasn't possible for Lili.

She had resigned herself to it. It was too difficult to chase after others, so she had given up. Maybe that was why…

The emotion boiling inside her was a joy she had never felt in her entire life. An unknown joy tickled her spine at the thought of mastering a magic that no one else had managed.

'I can do it. I can!'

Lili had been betrayed by her talent and neglected in reality. She had gone five years without anyone stretching a hand out to her. Everybody in the academy had called Liliana a loser, and she didn't have the power to contradict that. She had just shut herself up in an old library.

However, it could be different from now on. No, it would be different.


Lili breathed for a while as she suppressed her heated emotions, then she looked down at her left hand. Today, it had swallowed two books—Ignite and Alfred-style Magic Missile. Thanks to this achievement, which was beyond expectations, even the gross tongue seemed cute to Lili.


The tongue swung at her call.

–Question, do you have?

Lili nodded without hesitation. The two magics she'd learned were enough for today. The magic she got from Alfred Bellontes was greater than the entire profit of the past week. Furthermore, Liliana examined herself calmly and realized that there was no other spell she needed to 'consume' at the moment.

'I have enough of the 2nd Circle magic right now. With some exceptions like Alfred's magic, I don't need to feed it any more. Now, I need magic power that can help me reach the 3rd Circle.'

If magic was a flame, magic power was its fuel. She couldn't use magic spells if she didn't have enough magic power. Conversely, if her magic power was huge, poor control could cause terrible havoc. Possessing almost limitless magic power was the reason why dragons reigned as the strongest species.

If Lili had been born in a wealthy family, then she wouldn't need to think about this. She could gain large amounts of magic power if she bought reagents. It was said that the effect decreased the more it was taken, but it would be enough to fill the amount of magic power required for the 3rd Circle. The problem was that the amount of money needed to buy that many reagents would require selling the Miller estate five times.

So, she asked Gluttony, “I would like to know how to increase magic power."

The ancient grimoire… A relic from a time which wasn't recorded in history books… Among the numerous knowledge which Gluttony had consumed, Lili believed there would be a way to increase magic power without taking reagents.

–……. Gluttony was silent for a moment.

“What, do you not know?" Lili asked, suddenly anxious.

Gluttony then replied in an unpleasant, mocking tone,

–Silly, girl. Question, too verbose. Magic power, over 100 ways, increase it. And, I can tell, you, only one thing.

"T-There are over 100 ways?" Liliana's mouth fell open with astonishment.

The Tower of Magic announced that there were only three ways to increase one's amount of magic power: eating flora and fauna which contained magic; taking alchemy-refined reagents; or receiving a magic circle from another magician.

All these methods demanded an expensive price, so she had never dared to think about them. Yet, apparently, there were over 100 methods. Additionally, Gluttony said she could only tell Lili one method.

“T-Then what should I do?"

If there were 100 methods, then Lili could find one which suited her. Gluttony urged in a trembling voice,

–Conditions, attach. I, narrow down, answer.

“A condition… for example?"

–Most, efficient.


If the adverb 'most' was attached, then there could only be one answer. Having two or more answers would violate the meaning of the word 'most'. Lili understood Gluttony's explanation and hesitated for a moment before deciding.

"Teach me the most efficient method that I can use right now."

No matter how excellent the method, it was useless if it was impossible for her. For example, it would be useless for her to receive advice which required the use of a dragon heart or forbidden black magic. Moreover, she could ask for the most efficient method in general and something that would benefit another species could pop out.

So, Lili narrowed the range. This allowed for Gluttony to tell her the most efficient method that was possible for her.

–I understand.

The familiar voice was then heard.

The information the voice provided was amazing.

Lili was surprised Gluttony had hidden features and that asking this question had unlocked it. It seemed that questioning Gluttony wasn't simply to acquire knowledge. If Lili used it well, she could increase the functionality of this powerful grimoire.

'Things which contain magic power… It seems easy but may be more difficult than I thought.'

It was easy to find objects which contained magic power in the academy. The academy was a place to teach magic, so there was a lot of equipment and materials filled with magic power. If she went to the alchemy classroom right now, there would be a stack of magic tools.

However, eating these tools was different from eating the library books. The library didn't have any proper administration as all the librarians did was lock up. Who would know that a few books were missing from the library? Even if a few bookshelves were taken out, there wouldn't be any sense of incongruity.

However, the classrooms weren't neglected like the library. Even in the alchemy classroom, there were three or four caretakers who checked the quantity every day. If even one reagent vial were taken, they would be able to check the entry and exit records, and figure out that it had been Liliana.

'I can't do it inside the academy. The risk is too big.'

If so, the answer had to be found outside the academy. As Lili agonized over it, she eventually came up with an answer. She needed someone's help to implement the answer. One person came to mind.

"…I have to ask the professor." Professor Vince…

Vince, who felt regret regarding her talent, wouldn't turn down Liliana's favor easily.

Chapter 9 – Dealings With A Black Market Trader #1

The next day, Liliana went looking for Professor Vince.

‘The path is set, so the sooner I act, the better. I’m glad that Professor Vince is staying this year.’

It really was lucky.

Lili was known as the academy’s long-time dunce, so her relationship with the other professors wasn’t very good. Some professors blatantly told her to drop out while others ignored instances of bullying.

A person like Professor Vince, who didn’t care about her status or origin, was hard to find.

Knock, knock.

When Lili arrived at Professor Vince’s laboratory, she knocked on the door.

–Come in.

His voice was cold as always.

“Excuse me,” Lili greeted as she entered the room.

She closed the door silently and faced Professor Vince, who was looking at her with confused eyes. It was Vince who put down his fountain pen and opened his mouth first, “You are an unexpected guest. I didn’t know you would come to find me… Come over here and sit down.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Lili sat down, and Professor Vince asked, “So, what brings you here?”

Lili replied like she had been waiting for the question, “I’m here to apply for a permit to go outside.”

“Huh? Go outside?” Vince’s eyes widened at the unexpected words.

Lili quickly placed the documents she had prepared last night on the desk. If the conversation got too long, then questions about why she wanted to go out might be asked. The confused Vince stretched out his hand. It was so abrupt that he didn’t understand anything.

‘I expected her to be shocked about receiving the third repeater letter. Yet she says that she will go outside.’

Usually, Lili was a student who would only be interested in the books at the library. Vince hid his confused expression and signed the papers Lili had brought. However, Vince was a little bit concerned about the validity period. During the vacation, students were more free to leave the school than usual.

“Liliana, even if you don’t apply for a separate permit, you are permitted to go out until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. This should be sufficient for wandering around the city.”

“That isn’t enough for me,” Lili replied without hesitation.

The city of Bergen, where the academy was located, was quite spacious. As Professor Vince said, that time limit would be just enough for wandering around the city. However, Lili’s purpose was to obtain some magic items, and it would take time to travel there and return.

Vince co*cked his head and asked a few more questions.

“What is your purpose in going outside?”

“It is a simple diversion.”

“Are you planning to stay out overnight?”

“I don’t think so.”


The fountain pen started moving and didn’t stop until it had filled out all the paperwork. Professor Vince hesitated before the final stamp, but he finished everything and handed the permit over to Lili. With this, Liliana would be able to leave the academy until the end of dinner time.

Lili then spoke with a brighter expression than before, “Thank you, Professor.”

“You don’t need to thank me for this minor thing.” Vince waved his hands like it was inconsequential and immediately changed the topic. There was also something he wanted to talk to Lili about. He pulled an envelope out of a drawer, put it on his desk, and opened his mouth. Depending on Lili’s answer, Vince would decide whether or not to hand over the envelope.

“Liliana Miller, have you thought about what I told you last year?”

Lili searched through her memories hurriedly.

Last year, Professor Vince… A few core keywords came up, and Lili could figure out what he was talking about.

“Becoming a magic scholar… that conversation?”

Magic scholars referred to those who studied magic with pen and paper instead of mana and staffs. In order to become a magic scholar, high intelligence was required more than being super sensitive or having powerful magical power.

Liliana was worthy of that standard. Last year, while Lili had been frustrated with her second letter, Professor Vince had invited her to become a magic scholar.

Sure enough, Vince nodded.

“Yes, if you think positively, then it would be a good choice. I can’t stand to see someone with your talent decay simply due to a lack of sensitivity.”

His sincere voice rang throughout the room.

In fact, Professor Vince had been really disappointed. Liliana could obviously become a distinguished researcher at a magic institute. If Lili wanted it, then Vince would send a recommendation to the capital’s magic laboratory.

What was Lili thinking? Lili’s eyes shook for a moment before she bowed her head.

“Thank you for your concern, Professor.”

Professor Vince spoke in a slightly louder voice, “Then…”

“I’m really sorry.” Unlike before, Liliana Miller spoke her dream with a strong and confident voice, “Nevertheless, I would like to become a sorceress.”

Vince was silent for a moment before replying, “Hoo…is that so?”


“Even though I am your professor, I can’t deny your dream. However, if you change your mind, come find me at any time.”

Lili rose from her seat and bowed to Professor Vince before turning around. He was the only one who recognized her in a place where no one looked at her. Although Lili was really appreciative of the offer, she couldn’t accept it at present.


The door closed with a sudden sound.

After the visitor had left, a heavy silence filled the room. Vince put aside the papers he had been looking at, put down the fountain pen, and leaned back on his chair. He picked up the now useless envelope and placed it in the bin. Vince had a premonition that his student would never become a magic scholar.

“Liliana Miller.”

Until recently, Lili had been a sad student. She was a young girl in despair at her lack of talent, desperately seeking knowledge in order to resolve it.

Vince thought that the way out was to become a magic scholar but…

“…Have you found a different answer?”

Hope now filled his student’s eyes. Maybe she had found a way to live as a sorceress.

Vince’s intuition made him feel optimistic, despite cold reason telling him otherwise. Professor Vince smiled like he had found something interesting after a long time.

* * *

“Third grade, Liliana Miller… confirmed. You must come back here before 7 p.m.”

“Yes, then work hard.”

Lili crossed the academy’s gates for the first time in a while.

Last year and the year before that, she had never left the campus. Therefore, it had been almost three years since she’d gone outside. Her last memory of going outside was to practice during the 2nd grade.

As she recalled that time, the city of Bergen soon filled her field of view.

“Ah, I guess not much has changed in three years.”

There were neatly arranged roads with street lights installed at regular distances as well as facilities common in most major cities. Additionally, all the facilities were powered by magic. The presence of the academy, which nurtured magicians, made Bergen richer and more magical than before.

‘So, magic-related items and artifacts are more common here than in other cities.’

The average price difference was more than double. Meanwhile, rare items had five times the difference. An item which other cities were selling for five gold could be bought here for one gold. Therefore, the number of people looking for items increased and so did the circulation of goods and money.

The current intersection at which Lili was standing alone had four artifacts stores.

“…It isn’t like this at Miller Barony.”

There was a bitter taste in her mouth. Anyway, today’s destination wasn’t an artifacts store. Even if the artifacts were cheaper than other cities, the value of the artifacts themselves hadn’t changed. Due to the high volume of supplies, the prices had fallen but they were still out of Liliana's budget.

“I should speed up.”

Lili headed to the outskirts of the city, rather than the center. She wasn’t looking for a proper store. Lili’s wallet was too thin for an equivalent exchange. That meant she needed to take advantage of the power she currently held.

If things went the way Lili planned, she could sweep up artifacts without spending a penny. The memories from her second grade were helpful in guiding her to an odd place.

‘There was a black market trader on the outskirts who handled genuine, defective, and cursed artifacts.’

They were things which ordinary people couldn’t use. The idiots who wanted to save money would buy the defective goods, while the fools who expected a big hit would buy the genuine items. There were villains who tried to trap people with cursed items.

It was a place without any proper goods.

“But that shouldn’t matter to you, right?” Lili said as she looked down at her left hand.

Cursed items were nothing compared to this girl. The greedy grimoire, Gluttony… Everything was just prey for her to eat up all the magic.

Chapter 10 – Dealings With A Black Market Trader #2

In any city, the outskirts were always more deserted than the center, with fewer people walking around. The same was true for Bergen City. The tall buildings gradually decreased in height, and the clean roads became covered in dirt. The nobles would automatically frown at the sight. However, Lili just felt a strange nostalgia.

‘This area hasn’t changed at all.’

It was different from the main streets which were always changing. Most of the hanging signs were difficult to read, worn out from the wind and rain. It was also common for signs to fly away or to have no letters written. If Lili stepped into the dark alleys, she would see the beggars tossing and turning.

The scenery, which remained the same despite the three-year gap, caused Lili to think back on past memories.

‘Three years ago.’

Three years ago, she had just entered the second grade. The Liliana Miller of those days hadn’t been cynical nor distant from others. In the first year, the lessons had focused on theory rather than practical skills, so she had been able to get better grades than everyone else.

Lili’s future prospects shone brightly enough for some noble children to pay attention to her. She knew there was a black market trader in this area because she had visited it with a friend at that time.

“Ha, what friend?”

Lili laughed coldly at the memory. As soon as her inferiority was revealed, they all turned their backs on her. The one they’d regarded as their friend was an ‘excellent magician’, not ‘Liliana Miller.’ It was ridiculous that she hadn’t recognized their duplicity, and their act of turning their backs on this relationship was disgusting.

She recalled up to here. Lili stopped walking as she arrived at her destination. There were no errors in her memory.

“This place… is it open?”

However, Lili hesitated for a moment without turning the door knob. There was no sign on the shabby shack. The windows showed no signs of being cleaned, and the stairs creaked like they would fall apart at any minute. If there wasn’t a sign saying ‘OPEN’ on the door, she might have turned around.

In the end, she turned the door knob.


The decrepit door opened with a strident sound, and as it opened, the interior was revealed. In short, it was a general store. There were many miscellaneous things piled up, of which the purpose of many of them was impossible to guess. However, unlike a general store, the prices weren’t attached.

One of the characteristics of a black market trader was that the prices would fluctuate due to bargaining with the owner.

‘So, any naive or stupid person will have their nose cut off.’

Black market traders were still merchants. They were talented at extracting money from the pockets of their customers. In fact, their main source of income was selling things cheaply. So, when using a black market trader, it was necessary to be accompanied by a person who wouldn’t be easily shaken.

Lili recalled this fact and prepared her heart. It was at this moment that…

“What, a customer?” A flippant voice was heard from somewhere. Lili turned toward the counter and realized one more thing.

‘…The black market dealer has changed.’

In the past, it had been a balding middle-aged man with a sturdy physique, but the one who greeted her now was a slim young man. The arms exposed under the sleeves were clearly trained, and a snake-like gaze was staring out from between dropped eyelids which made him appear sleepy.

He wouldn’t be as easy to deal with as he seemed.

“Then please look around. Our store isn’t kind enough to explain things, so you will have to choose on your own.”

It was a mess, but this was also a rule for a black market trader. They wouldn’t explain anything about the goods they were selling. In the case of defective products, they would lose the sale if they explained it.

Above all, the cost of cleansing cursed goods exceeded the price of selling it. Sometimes, people would pay the price for an appraisal, but if such a thing was common, then black market traders wouldn’t be able to sell their goods. Rather, it was much easier to find fools sitting on the street expecting to make money.

‘Now, I shall begin.’

Lili first looked at the products on display. The first thing was to check whether or not the ‘abilities’ would be eaten. She carefully picked up a dagger which was displayed on a shelf in the corner.

Then she muttered in a low voice, “Appraisal.” There was a slurp, and Gluttony’s tongue licked the dagger.

[+1 Canine with a Lingering Attachment (Sword Type)]
[A common dagger made of steel. There is no magic treatment, but a deep grudge is embedded in the blade. When cut by this dagger, ‘Open Wounds’ will be applied to the injury.
* The grade of this dagger is ‘Normal.’
* When consumed, a very small amount of magic power will be absorbed.
* When consumed, your understanding of ‘Open Wounds’ magic will increase.
* When consumed, the digestion time is 5 minutes and 11 seconds.]

‘Okay, let’s go!’

Lili grabbed her right hand unconsciously. The result was better than she’d expected. Not only did it reveal the effect hidden in the dagger, but she could obtain something other than magic power from it.

Furthermore, magic such as ‘Open Wounds’ wasn’t easy to learn because it could be used for bad purposes. This was hard to find in the academy’s library, where all types of magic books were scattered.

Lili paused for a moment before searching through the other objects enthusiastically.

‘This dagger is usable. This leather armor… Ack, magic to keep it dirty? And who is the idiot who put a haste spell on an hourglass? There are many useless items as well.’

Well, it didn’t really matter whether the items had value or not. Lili stared at the information windows which popped up and picked things out without hesitation. She picked anything which would increase her magic power after Gluttony ate it. Useless things were the same. The black market shop filled with useless things was literally a golden hunting ground for Lili.

20 minutes later, Lili headed to the counter with a basket of items.


The black market trader looked at her with interest.

“Customer, isn’t this at least a month’s worth of sales for our store? Even with a discount, it will be at least two gold.”

“Let’s see? I don’t think so.”

Lili boldly rejected the black market trader’s offer. Two gold was ridiculous. The only things she put in her basket were defective products. It would be lucky if they were sold for 20 silver, and the seller would still be receiving a profit.

However, the black market trader didn’t know that Lili had all this information. Unsurprisingly, the black market trader laughed lightly.

“Hey, Young Lady. Don’t you know that will be a bargain if a genuine item appears? Who knows what will come out from something that has a flaw in it?”

“Well, that is normally the case.”

The black market trader’s expression changed at Lili’s blase attitude.

“Normally? What does Young Lady mean?”

Instead of answering, Lili lifted her index finger. Then she pointed to an object on the counter. It was a necklace that was falling apart at the ends. It was a necklace that couldn’t be used as an accessory. Furthermore, according to Gluttony’s abilities, “That necklace, it will tighten around the wearer’s neck. The material is too cheap, so it will break. How can I pay so much for such a defective product?”


“These gloves are even more rubbish. It is difficult to grab anything because the fingers have the ‘Grease’ magic on them. And this…”

The trader’s eyes became blank as she kept on describing the items. However, after a moment, the black market trader quickly realized what the descriptions meant. There was only one possibility if a person could speak such genuine information.

Of course, Lili might be lying, but there was another way to check it.

“Young Lady, are you an appraiser?”

Appraiser… It referred to users of ‘appraisal’ magic, which was a type of magic that could only be learned by magicians with special qualities. They were welcomed in many places due to their small number and their usefulness. Even the king, royal families, and nobles wouldn’t hesitate to pay a high price for an appraiser.

“Well, I suppose so,” Lili said brazenly with no shame.

Thanks to Gluttony, Lili could pretend to be an appraiser. It was the result of Appraisal, but she wasn’t actually an appraiser. However, it was necessary to conceal its existence from the Tower of Magic. If they noticed Gluttony’s presence, then they would try to cut off Liliana’s wrist.

“…How interesting. It has been a while since I’ve been so interested.”

The black market dealer got up and changed the signboard on the door to ‘CLOSED’. He determined that it would be more beneficial to talk to Lili for a while. After he closed the door and covered the windows with curtains, he was now ready to talk.

“I’m sorry for my previous words. I never expected an appraiser to come to a black market trader.”

“I think so as well.”

Lili didn’t deny the black market trader’s words. Right now, Liliana was an ‘appraiser’. She’d stumbled onto a weak spot and had to play this role. Therefore, she waited for the opponent’s words instead of making demands. As long as her position was superior, it was the other person who would become hasty.

Soon, the curious black market trader took the bait.

“Yes, Young Appraiser. Why have you come to this humble place?”

The real bargaining would start now. The first part of her plan to increase her magic power through the black market trader began.

Chapter 3: Chapter 11-15

Chapter Text

Chapter 11 – Dealings With A Black Market Trader #3

Lili started to explain about the ‘deal’ she had envisioned. Right now, she was offering a chance to turn meaningless products into a viable commodity. In return, she would take a certain amount of low-grade artifacts and merchandise. In other words, it meant paying for the appraisal of genuine products with defective goods.

The black market trader thought about it before giving Lili a look of caution. He didn’t understand. No, it was incorrect to say that he didn’t understand.

“So… you will appraise the goods in my store, and the cost will be for you to take the defective or low-grade artifacts?”

For the black market trader, it was a suspicious proposal. The cost of hiring appraisers was expensive. The price of appraising a genuine product was around three to five gold, and the profits obtained from selling it was only around one gold. By the way, the fee for a non-genuine item was 50 silver. If he called the appraiser in vain, 50 silver would go flying into the sky.

Of course, the story was different if it was genuine, but… how likely was a genuine item at a black market trader to be worth the expense? If there were 10 items appraised, would there be any good ones?

Let’s say that eight of the products were deficits. The hole made by the eight defective artifacts would be larger than the profit from the two genuine artifacts. Thus, he had been selling off genuine products like cheap lottery tickets. However, he would be able to reduce the cost significantly with Lili’s suggestion.

“Yes, I will take some of them.”

The black market trader’s poker face finally cracked as he smiled at Lili. She was well aware of how expensive appraisers were. She guessed that the black market trader wouldn’t be able to cover the costs.

‘This is an offer that a black market trader absolutely can’t refuse. I am the only one in this world who would offer such a deal.’

This was actually the case. In the black market trader’s head, an abacus was calculating frantically at the thought of such a jackpot. What seemed like a boring day had turned into a drastic change in the store’s books. Anybody would be confused. Before long, the abacus in the trader’s head gave a result.

‘No matter how I look at this, it is an enormous profit!’

Even if nine out of ten items were defective, it was enough to pay for the appraisal. The largest damage would be 50 silver, while the profit would be several times that. Besides, what if he got not one but two genuine products? Or three? The money the black market trader could earn would vary.

He wanted to agree to the proposal right there. However, the black market trader cleared his throat and shook his head.

“Hoo, I am at a loss. I don’t know what to do.”

Lili frowned at his words.

“How come? These are exceptional conditions.”

“Of course. It is because I am well aware of that. This is an offer that can’t be refused… So, I am worried.”

A smile flashed over the black market trader’s face.

“It is strange no matter how I think about it. What benefits will Young Mistress receive from these conditions?”

“You don’t need to know that.”

“I see.”

The black market trader stared at Lili with snake-like eyes. It was like the eyes could see into her head. Quite a few people would jump at those eyes, but Lili didn’t look away. The black market trader smiled as he assessed the response and explained the reason.

“Since I was a child, I learned not to accept one-sided profitable deals. I never know what I will have to pay afterwards. In fact, the person who taught me that was killed for not keeping his word.”

It was worrisome since the black market trader didn’t know what the other person was intending. In this world of humans, he couldn’t believe in anyone but himself. That was why the black market trader hesitated. He couldn’t guess the reason why the appraiser had suggested this proposal.

‘It is too wasteful to reject but too good to accept.’

Should he give up a good deal due to a few doubts or place priority on earning a profit? The black market trader was accustomed to a rough life, so he thought calmly.

“I’m sorry, but if you can’t answer, it will end here.”

Liliana stiffened at the unimaginable resistance.

‘No, he’s refusing because it’s too beneficial? Is this the world of the black market traders?’

Should she go and find other black market traders? Lili hesitated for a moment before shaking her head inwardly. She wouldn’t have known this place even existed if she hadn’t visited here three years ago. Lili had no proper information to look for other black market dealers, and the likelihood of closing a deal was close to zero.

Somehow, she needed to close the deal with this black market trader.

‘But I can’t reveal Gluttony’s existence… How do I convince that guy? A lie created hastily won’t convince him.’

Simply put, it was difficult to instill trust in others, especially if she had to hide the reason. It would be nice if there was a notary, but a black market store wasn’t the type to have a notary. Her attempts to hide her identity might prove futile.

At that moment, something passed through her head.

‘…No, wait a minute.’

Lili’s face brightened as she remembered something. She looked at the black market trader and said without hesitation, “I’m sorry, but I can’t say why. I can only tell you to trust me.”

“Is that so? Then this conversation…”

“Come on, don’t be too hasty.”

The voice of the black market trader was cut off. As he looked at Lili with a confused expression, the concept of a notary emerged.

“If you are a black market trader, illegal transactions aren’t uncommon. You will often come across untrustworthy people.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“…Do you have a Geass Scroll?”

A Geass Scroll was, in other words, a scroll which forced a geas. They were items mass-produced by the Tower of Magic. The black market trader’s face stiffened at those words.

He asked in a nervous voice, “Young Mistress, are you serious?”


“…Then the story is different.”

The trader got up and walked towards the counter, pulling out a small box from underneath it. He opened the box and pulled out a piece of parchment. Even from a distance, the noticeable reddish color and magic circles on the surface proved its authenticity. This was the first time Lili had seen a Geass Scroll.

“Is this it?”

“Yes, it has been a while since I took it out. There aren’t many great things that require writing on this.”

The red parchment between the two people shone brightly. Just like its name, the function was to force a geas. There would be a compulsion to adhere to the contract written on the parchment. If the contract was broken, then they risked blindness or losing their lives.

Thus, a Geass Scroll was more reliable than any notary.

“…Let’s start. My name is Canis. Young Mistress?”

“Liliana Miller.”

“You truly are a noble. Then I will write down the terms of the contract as you described earlier. Don’t regret it later.”

The black market dealer started drafting the contract. If this deal failed, then he would be seeing a loss. The Geass Scroll got rid of any lingering doubts, but he needed to make certain. As a result, it took a long time for half of the parchment to be filled with clauses.

Lili quietly looked at the parchment and added one thing.

“Canis, I would like to add one provision.”

“What is it?”

“Silence about me and this transaction. If you can’t accept this clause, then the deal will be over.”

In fact, Lili had no room to step back, but she maintained a calm face. It was counterproductive for humans to appear weak, so she should seem like she had the advantage.

A strange expression appeared on Canis’ face before he smiled. He thought it wasn’t a big deal.

“Ha, is this revenge for before? Well, okay. This is why we are using the Geass Scroll. I will accede this much.”

This would prevent any information from leaking out. Lili couldn’t help sighing with relief. Although she had a good head, bargaining with a black market trader was a different story. She didn’t have an aptitude for dealing with people. She could only hope that this didn’t happen next time.

“Hey, Young Mistress.”


This time, Canis was the one who wanted to say something. Lili buried any annoyance when she replied.

“Can you appraise cursed items? If possible, I would like to ask that as well.”


Cursed items? It was an unexpected question. Gluttony was a grimoire which ate magic books. She hadn’t verified if Gluttony could distinguish magic curses separately before eating. However, the black market trader had many things that could be used to verify this.

“I’ll try it once.”

Canis brought out an item without saying anything. He was agile when it came to his own benefits.

‘Well, I’m not in a position to speak about that.’

Lili grabbed the ring with her left hand and closed her eyes to focus.


The tongue could be felt within her closed fist. The visualized information entered her head, dispelling any worries.

[+2 The Widow’s Wail (Accessory)]

[A ring made of high purity silver. The first owner of this ring lost her husband early on, and soon followed afterwards from an illness of the heart. The widow’s sorrow remained in this ring and turned into a strong curse. If the wearer of this ring is a woman, the ‘depressed’ state will occur. If the wearer of this ring is a man, there is a low probability that the ‘depressed’ state will occur.

* The grade of this ring is ‘Normal.’

* When consumed, a very small amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, the digestion time is 8 minutes and 22 seconds.

* When worn, the owner of Gluttony isn’t affected by the curse.]

However, this wasn’t the end. The following sentences were enough to make her forget her tired mind and body.

[You have appraised a cursed item. The faint curse has shrunk back at the presence of a predator.]

[Curse magic is a mysterious phenomenon. When you feed Gluttony a cursed item, there is a low probability that the owner may learn the memories, experience of skills of the person who left the curse behind. The more powerful the curse, the greater the probability.]

[Gluttony’s owner isn’t affected by the curse.]

The result was more than she expected. Lili accepted the request without any hesitation. Of course, she didn’t forget to extract a price. The distribution of cursed items instead of artifacts was added as a better condition.

After that, the process went smoothly.


Once the two people added a bloody thumbprint, the parchment absorbed the blood and shone with a red light. It meant the Geass Scroll had activated successfully. Canis placed it in the original box and sealed it tightly. Since the clause had a condition of silence, the existence of the contract itself became an absolute secret for Canis.

“Now, since the deal is established…”

Lili, who was feeling tired, raised her left hand with a gentle expression.

“Let’s start immediately.”

From that moment, it was time for her to fill up her magic power.

Chapter 12 – Dealings With A Black Market Trader #4

The city of Bergen was famous for its beauty. As the sun set over the Nadun Mountain Ranges which spread widely throughout the west, the people living there realized the day had come to an end.

The same was true for the guards at the academy’s main gate. Jason, who was waiting for the shift change with his colleagues, watched the glow of the sunset as always.

‘I don’t like winter vacation… It is comfortable because there is no work, but I am bored without any people.’

Only a few students stayed in the dormitory during summer vacation and even they went home during winter vacation. If he included the professors who remained in their offices, there was a total of approximately 10 people who came and went in one day.

It would be worse if someone heard him say this, but Jason’s boredom was severe.

At that moment, someone was approaching in the distance.

“Pant, pant. Not, pant, not late?!”

The panting and sweat on the person’s forehead showed that she had been running without any rest.

Jason nodded, and Lili sat down with a sigh of relief. The business with the black market trader had taken longer than she’d thought it would, so she’d almost broken curfew. No, if she hadn’t run hard, she would’ve been late.

‘It is okay because it was a good trip.’

She had signed a contract with the black market trader and completed her first work. The things she received in return were enough to cause the backpack on her shoulder to swell. Thanks to that, sweat flowed down but the weight added to her sense of accomplishment.

Additionally, the weight of this backpack would soon lead to an increase in the amount of magic power! It was pleasant, so there was no reason for her to feel displeased.

Jason checked the permit and gave it back. “Third grade, Liliana Miller… Yes, I have confirmed it. You can go inside now.”

“Hah, yes, thank you.”

Lili was still panting as she crossed the threshold. She had a staggering gait but managed to somehow cross the grounds without falling over.

Jason watched the scene from the entrance and muttered to himself, “What the hell did she do?”

From behind, he couldn’t even see Lili’s hair. It was because she kept on wobbling from the weight of the backpack. Jason thought about it for a while, but then he met his colleagues who would replace him and soon forgot about it.

‘Well, who cares?’

In the end, it had nothing to do with him.

* * *

Lili skipped dinner and headed straight to her dorm. Normally, she would’ve gone to the library, but today, there was something more important.

It was an opportunity to increase her lacking magic power! She couldn’t buy magic reagents due to her thin wallet, so she couldn’t miss this chance. The reason she’d skipped dinner was to raise her concentration.

Lili first opened her bulging backpack.


The objects in the backpack poured out onto the ground. Gloves, necklace, broken cooker, worn-out staff… objects of various weights and lengths filled the room. Although their appearances were humble, they were artifacts that contained magic power. If she found the right item, then it could be worth at least a few gold.

Unfortunately, Lili only had one such item.

‘Still, there were five winners out of 20, so it is pretty good. Not every day will be like today.’

Today, Lili had appraised a total of 20 items for the black market trader. It was a quantity that matched the limits of an ‘average’ level appraiser. It would be dangerous to show the black market trader an ability to appraise over 20 items.

Although she did appraise curse items, it didn’t raise any doubts in Canis. As a result, today’s income was fifteen defects and one common artifact.

“Then… shall I feed it one first?”

According to the previous explanation, the ‘simple eating’ function was different from feeding it magic books. Thus, she needed to look at what the difference was.

Lili sat down and picked up one of the defective products. It was the magic gloves enchanted with ‘Grease’ magic.

“Eat, Gluttony.”

The tongue responded to Lili’s call and swallowed up the gloves.

[’Clumsy Hands of a Fool’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[It will take 3 minutes and 12 seconds to digest it fully.]

3 minutes and 12 seconds passed by. The moment the clock hands spun exactly three laps and moved 12 spaces, a voice was heard.

[Your magic power has increased slightly.]

[Proficiency with the 1st Circle magic ‘Grease’ has increased.]

At the same time, changes took place within Lili’s body.


An unidentified magic power was boiling up. The amount wasn’t large, but it moved through Lili’s body like it was her magic power. The two circles on her heart turned like cogs which had just been oiled. Additionally, a narrow area of the application of ‘Grease’ magic entered her mind.

‘This… It is different from magic spells. It is more like pouring knowledge into my head rather than it being engraved. If that is the case, I don’t need to worry about a headache like last time.’

This wasn’t like when she fed Gluttony magic books. When a book was eaten, she felt like the magic was being burned forcefully into her body. However, with the artifact, it felt like she was being taught how to handle the magic. Above all, learning was Lili’s specialty. Even if she fed Gluttony a few at a time, she could accept it without any problems.

Lili found some confidence and swallowed the artifacts in succession.

[’The Tightening Necklace’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[Proficiency with the 2nd Circle magic ‘Hold’ has increased.]

[’Angry Pot’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[Proficiency with the 1st Circle magic ‘Freeze’ has increased.]

[’High-speed Hourglass’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[Proficiency with the 2nd Circle magic…]


[It will take 45 minutes and 12 seconds to digest fully.]

Despite swallowing 14 items, Gluttony’s tongue moved as always. There was so much food that the voice was heard continuously. Lili paused as she listened to the last sentence.

‘The digestion time is determined by the sum total of the food.’

The digestion time had increased until it was up to 45 minutes. If she added the digestion time of all the items eaten before that, she would get a similar number. It was hard to think of this as a coincidence. Ultimately, it seemed like it was necessary to have a lot of free time when eating the artifacts.

“45 minutes… It is an ambiguous length.”

She could focus on other things, but she was unsure if she should leave this place or not. Thus, Lili waited in her spot silently. After 45 minutes, her magic power boiled again.

‘Ohh, this is…!’

The magic power in her body was raging differently from when she ate one artifact. The two circles creaked as they accepted the magic power, since it was close to the limit that the two circles could accommodate.

Lili sensed it intuitively and immediately concentrated on it. There was a response to her call.


The voice of magic which could only be heard by Liliana Miller started resonating. It was the sound of magic power flowing through her blood vessels. This was the sweetest sound to a magician, and it proved that Liliana wasn’t wrong.

As Lili’s consciousness sank to the bottom of a lake…


She started spinning the magic power gathered in her heart. In a space which contained nothing, she had to draw a perfect circle.

She would add a third circle to the current two circles. The magic power moved around according to her will. If this image collapsed, then everything would be in vain.

Her lack of sensitivity meant she had to use all of her concentration power. As usual, Lili’s mental prowess was already beyond that of a 2nd Circle magician. A senior magician would be no match for her when it came to concentration power. Lili’s spirit had unintentionally been tempered by her extremely low sensitivity.

Soon, the third circle started to take shape. Unfortunately, it was up to there.


Lili breathed out and opened her eyes. The result was that it was a half-success. The magic power gained from the artifacts was amazing, but it was a bit short to complete the third circle. Despite her fierce concentration, her limit was just forming the shape.

She would need to consume artifacts one or two more times to achieve a perfect third circle.

“…Was it originally that easy to reach the 3rd Circle?”

There was still more than a month left of winter vacation. If she increased her magic power regularly, even if it was difficult for her to reach the 4th Circle, Lili could reach the 3rd Circle safely. She didn’t need to worry about the academy’s diploma anymore now.

Lili wondered just how far she could go with this help. The owner of this ridiculous monster would never be able to live as an ordinary magician. If so, Lili would go as far as possible.

‘Well, shall I start by cleaning up the knowledge inside my head?’

The story of the future would be postponed until later. Liliana Miller once again made her way to the library.

Chapter 13 – Here Comes The Mutiny #1

The two months of winter vacation were coming to an end. The students, who had gone home, gradually began to return, while the professors were already preparing the class materials. The campus, which had been empty and cold, soon regained its usual warmth.

However, the wind was still chilly, so there weren’t many people outside. In the midst of that, one girl was running around the campus grounds.

“Pant…! Pant…!”

Lili heaved as she moved around the grounds. This would be her 32nd lap. When she first started exercising, she couldn’t even do 10 laps. At least she hadn’t vomited up what she ate after the first day. She used the knowledge she had to exercise properly. Her body, which she had trained systematically for two months, was gradually becoming more slender and toned.

‘With this… 40!’

As soon as she completed her 45th lap, Lili fell to the ground instantly. It was the basic strengthening method of placing her palm against the floor and pushing up and down. She’d read in a book that it was a method the northern knights used.

As her arms trembled, Lili thought about why she was doing this. It started from when she accepted Alfred’s memories.

-From [Ballistics magic], the magic is an arrow and the magician is the bow. The magician not only needs to hone the magic but also to train the body.

In fact, she remembered that Alfred Bellontes’ body had been as conditioned as a knight’s. In particular, the arm which shot the Magic Missile had been like a log. It was clear that physical training was necessary to withstand the recoil and release of magic.

Since then, Liliana had added working out to her routine. She didn’t miss a day of running every morning, and she conditioned her muscles steadily. Although her body was fatigued and screaming with pain, Lili didn’t give in. Rather, she doubled her usual food intake and immersed herself in the training.

“1…90, 2…00!”

Lili fell down after fulfilling her quota. Despite the fact that her forearms had strengthened compared to two months ago, it was difficult to increase the amount she did every day. This much training was possible because a sorceress's body recovered faster than an average person. It couldn’t be compared to the knights who refined mana, but it was enough to allow her not to struggle to get out of bed the next day.

‘Uhh, this is why studying is the easiest part.’

It would be hard to find someone who agreed with her, but Lili was sincere in her own way. Since she’d been born, her memory had been good.

Her active wear was sticky with sweat and her limbs were rubbery to the point where it was hard to stand up. Still, there was a sense of accomplishment like when she was studying magic, so she was able to endure for another day.

Every time she looked in the mirror, her appearance which was different from yesterday was a big motivation for Lili.

‘…Get up.’

Despite the sweat, her body was cold due to the chilly wind. It would be bad if she caught a cold. She got up and brushed away the dirt on her hands. Ordinary people would need to go to the bath, but Lili was different.


With a simple spell, the dirt on her body was stripped away. Other students often ignored this method since they lived well, but Liliana understood the practicality. As the magic power wrapped around her body gently, she became cleaner than before.

‘Is this the 3rd Circle? It feels cleaner than when I used it before…’

It wasn’t a simple feeling but the truth.

Any magic required magic power to maximize its performance. 1st Circle magic could be made more efficient by inserting more magic power. Therefore, the difference between a 2nd Circle and 3rd Circle magician was obvious.

There was a difference between the 2nd Circle Lili and the 3rd Circle Lili.


The third circle around her heart was still strange. She touched her chest unconsciously. However, the number of circles didn’t change. This was a state she had accomplished after visiting the black market trader three times and feeding on 40 artifacts.

3rd Circle sorceress… Lili was now at the same starting point as the other students.

* * *

“Oh, cold. It is finally worth living.”

Unlike the outside where the cold wind blew, the air inside was nice and warm.

The heating had been turned off during the vacation. Lili was more sensitive and realized that artificially created heat was seeping from the walls and corridor tiles. She raised her cold hands and let the warmth penetrate her skin.

‘Applying Heat magic, simple but efficient.’

She admired the person who designed this heating system. It was at this moment that…

Tak… tadak… tak…

Lili, who was warming her hands on the wall, opened her eyes as she heard the sound of footsteps. She unconsciously counted the number of steps which could be heard.

‘Someone is nearing… roughly three people?’

This ability was closer to an ability of an assassin or tracker than a sorceress. It was a type of sensory perception in which she could sense the movement of magic power. Lili had gained the ability after experiencing Alfred’s memories from [Ballistics Magic]. As a war hero, Alfred Bellontes had conditioned his senses to the level of tracking magic. Lili, who had obtained a little bit of the hero’s memories, awakened a similar sense of perception.

Unsurprisingly, three students wearing uniforms appeared in the corridor leading to the dormitory. The four pairs of eyes met in the middle.

‘These guys…?’

She glanced at her opponents reflexively. They had loose ties and rolled-up sleeves… Accessories and shoes with heels which were technically going against the school rules. Lili could tell what type of people they were just by the way they were dressed.

This led to the next development.

“Hey, isn’t she that girl?”

“It seems like it? It is obvious just by the face.”

“Whoa, we are now in the same dormitory. Now I can finally feel like I’m in the third grade.”

Indeed, they spoke loudly to make sure she heard it. Lili moved her feet as she suddenly felt like laughing. This much wasn’t enough to be called harassment. Last year, there had been someone who had shot at the back of her head with shock magic. There had also been someone who created a hole in her bag with a magic arrow.

It was a very good level if they were just talking.

Trudge. Trudge.

Lili passed by the three people calmly. Was it because they didn’t like this response? It was at an angle where the three people couldn’t see her eyes.

The long-time dunce of the academy, the one who was the symbol of a loser since they entered school… Why was she so confident? She didn’t even ask them to move out of the way with a subservient expression. The three people’s sense of superiority boiled over.


Liliana stopped moving as she sensed the movement of magic power. Magic… The magic was only 1st Circle at most, but the epicentre was right under Lili’s feet. If she took one more step, then she would’ve fallen.

‘This magic… ‘Grease’? What a trivial trick.’

It was a trick she was familiar with. Everyone who attacked from behind was the same. They wanted to laugh while watching her fall. It was to ridicule the loser who was older than them but considered inferior. If it was last year, then Lili would’ve been numb to it, but…

‘The suffering ends here.’

As a 3rd Circle sorceress and the owner of Gluttony, Liliana Miller was a completely different person from before. Lili identified the position of Grease using Alfred’s detection ability and immediately counterattacked. At the very least, she should return what they were trying to do.

She didn’t hesitate to point her fingers behind her and cast ‘Grease’. The three idiots didn’t know what was happening at the soles of their shoes.

“Idiots,” Lili said softly before moving again. As she stepped over the area where Grease was, she heard a loud sound from behind her.

The three people shouted loudly from the ground, but Lili didn’t turn back. She would see countless of these idiots in the future.

“The opening ceremony… is in a week,” a cold voice emerged from Lili’s mouth.

A new semester had begun again. It was time to pay back the three years of scorn from the professors and taunts from the students. She knew it was simple, but she couldn’t stop her mouth from curling upwards.

Then a week later, Liliana Miller’s final year in the third grade began.

Chapter 14 – Here Comes The Mutiny #2

Long-time dunce…

The presence of the long-time dunce was a feature of Bergen Academy which was known not only amongst the existing students but the new freshmen as well. Everybody knew the fact that Liliana Miller had to repeat the same year three times. Someone said that this would be her final year, while others said she would drop out.

None of the countless people at the academy thought Lili would be able to graduate. Professor Bernard Wheeler, who was in charge of the third grade’s alchemy classes, was the same.

‘I don’t know why she decided to step foot in the academy… Although she endured four years of it, that impudent girl will soon return to the countryside.’

He looked at Lili, who was staring outside the window like she wasn’t aware of the gossip.

The relationship between the two of them hadn’t been so bad in the beginning. Although Professor Bernard was a narrow-minded person who judged a student’s worth by their status, Liliana Miller was from a noble lineage, no matter how low her family had fallen. There was a separate reason for Professor Bernard’s hostile attitude.

It was perhaps two years ago…?

Lili, who had received her first repeater letter, had still been working enthusiastically in class, and Professor Bernard had still been treating her as a student. The relationship between the two had changed due to something which had occurred in one of the alchemy classes.

-Professor, I’m sorry, but that paper you quoted from was withdrawn from the Magical Society two years ago.

-…What? Are you saying that my class is wrong?

-No, the Magic Society said it.

–How dare someone like you say such a thing?!

Maybe it wasn’t such a big deal. If an ordinary student like a duke or earl had made the same comment, he might have accepted it quietly. However, Liliana was a baroness from the countryside and a poor student who had repeated a year. Such a person was finding fault with Bernard’s class…

Bernard was proud of his status and authority, so he hadn’t been able to endure being shamed like that.

Since that day, Bernard shook every time he looked at Lili. He had spent many nights worrying about how to remove her from the academy. However, Liliana’s conduct was exemplary, and there was nothing to be faulted except for her practical performance. Therefore, Bernard came up with another approach.

“The combination formula you will be learning today is ‘Full Moon Bead’, which is more complicated than you might think. If you make a mistake, then the precious ingredients will crumble. On the other hand, too much magic power will turn it into a poison, not medicine. But the effect is amazing, enough to allow a half-dying person to catch their breath.”

Bernard kept writing on the board while watching Liliana. She was staring at the blackboard without writing anything down. Even so, that gaze was extremely annoying. Knowing that he had already crossed an irreversible river, Bernard forgot his conscience and laughed.

“Then the question… Liliana?”

“Yes.” Lili answered the call with a gentle expression.

“Explain why ‘Full Moon Bead’ is difficult to combine. Haven’t you been taking my class for three years?”

Some of the students giggled at the taunt. There were a few students who remained expressionless, but they weren’t able to hide their side glances of interest.

The day was the same as always, with the same taunts. It was only Lili who had changed.

“Each of the ingredients of the ‘Full Moon Bead’ has strong magic power and can’t be dealt with unless the person is a sorceress. If you can’t control the magic power precisely, then the material will be corrupted. For this reason, the ‘Full Moon Bead’ is very difficult to make.”

Although Bernard was secretly laughing at the answer, he gestured to the other students.

“Yes, you know it. Everybody clap!”

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap…

The insincere applause rang out through the classroom. What else was there? Lili was almost afraid to look at Bernard.

Bernard pointed to the podium where the ingredients for the ‘Full Moon Bead’ were placed and said, “But anyone can do it with their mouths. Liliana, please combine one ‘Full Moon Bead’.”

“…You mean?”

“Yes. If you have studied in this school for five years, then you should be a model for the other students.”

This was what Bernard had been aiming for.

Lili clicked her tongue inwardly as she understood Bernard’s intentions.

Bernard was probably convinced that Lili would fail this combination formula. The ‘Full Moon Bead’ was the most difficult combination drug in the third grade. A task of such difficulty wasn’t something to be given to the 2nd Circle Lili, who often failed.

However, Bernard wanted to show her incompetence to the other students and throw her out for wasting expensive ingredients. If Lili refused, then she would be mocked for the five years she had spent here.

The academy’s professor had a pretty good plan.

‘Well, I can also use my head.’

However, Lili was different compared to before the winter vacation.

“I understand.”

Lili got up from her seat and headed to the podium where the ingredients were placed. Bernard thought that he had made a mistake when he saw Lili’s confident attitude. However, his logic decisively denied his intuition. He believed there was no way it was possible.

After a moment, a brilliant light filled the classroom.


“That is the ‘Full Moon Bead’!”

The glass which Lili was holding contained a liquid medicine with tiny granules in it. Bernard watched the scene with blank eyes before grabbing the glass with a disbelieving expression. He had already forgotten about the other students.

“T-This is ridiculous. Y-You… how…?”

Even if he checked it a few times, it was clearly a perfect ‘Full Moon Bead’. No, Bernard couldn’t even make such a perfect combination. As someone who was a magician before a professor, Bernard’s face turned pale.

Lili added a few words, as if to drive in the wedge, “Professor, I’m sorry, but it is better to add one more moon grass to the formula on the blackboard in order to increase the efficiency.”


“It was in a paper published by the Magic Society last year.”

It was the same situation and same voice as two years ago. Bernard, who faced the revived memory of a nightmare, sank into his chair. After that, he didn’t even look in Liliana’s direction.

The full-fledged change began the day after this incident.

The news that the famous dunce had succeeded in combining the ‘Full Moon Bead’ spread throughout the academy.

All the professors, except for Vince, didn’t believe the rumour, and each one prepared a task for Lili. In particular, Professor Claude who taught magic circles prepared a task which even the other professors would find hard to do.

The task was to execute a triple compound magic circle. Apart from the amount of magic power, they had to understand the meaning and circulation of the magic circle.

In the old days, Lili had understood the secret, but she hadn’t been able to succeed because she hadn’t had the minimum level of sensitivity required. However, for her, it was now at the level of a mere headache.

Lili smiled silently at Professor Claude who was internally aghast.

‘I was fed up because I didn’t have much sensitivity… To think just this slight difference is so big.’

As a result of the steady feeding throughout the winter break, Lili’s talent had jumped almost four or five times.

She learned most of the magic which she’d only had knowledge of, and her magic power reached the middle of the 3rd Circle. If she continued growing like this, she would reach the 4th Circle before the first semester ended.

However, in the meantime, the rise of her sensitivity was minimal. According to Gluttony, it was at most [Mana sensitivity +30]? It was still lower than the average figure.

Even so, Lili’s magic skills had developed brilliantly. Compared to the past, where she had almost no sensitivity, this was like water washing onto dry land. Did those born with high magic sensitivity feel like they were flying around in the sky?

Lili walked back to her seat while thinking about this, and many pairs of eyes followed after her.

* * *

People who witnessed Lili’s change often responded in three ways.

“That person is called a dunce? No way.”

“Yes. Is there something wrong with the professors?”

“That might be the case. Or she really was a dunce until last year.”

“Hey, does that make sense?”

First, there were people who questioned the existing evaluation of Lili. They couldn’t understand why such an excellent person was called a dunce. There were even conspiracy theories that she had intentionally stayed in the academy.

Then came the second reaction.

“She has studied for five years, so I guess this is the outcome.”

“Wasn’t there a saying in the east about a ‘late bloomer’? Maybe Senior grew like that.”

“I think the top graduate this year will be her.”

Some people accepted the reality they saw with their own eyes. Lili was a woman who had succeeded with ‘Full Moon Bead’ and a ‘Triple Compound Magic Circle’. The students who had watched the process from beginning to end began to talk publicly about Liliana Miller’s excellence. Some students even came up to her during break time to ask questions.

Finally, there was the third type of reaction.

“Look at the failure showing off…”

“Isn’t she just a senior with some good luck?”

“A baroness from the countryside who knows some things.”

Despite the rumours, there were people who were convinced Lili was still a failure. Their sense of inferiority or discrimination rose to the surface as they stared at Liliana’s back with hostile eyes.

The academy’s strict rules made fighting almost meaningless, but some tried to find a method.

“Isn’t the next class battle magic?”

“Yes, and it is clearly the first lesson…”

In the third grade, students started learning how to fight using magic. During the first class, sparring was conducted under the professor’s supervision in order to find out the levels of the students. The method they came up with, for the purpose of fighting Lili, was that spar.

“I’ll do it. I’ll crush the pride of that dunce.”

“No, it is my role if it is battle magic.”

“My family has received awards for magic.”

Each one spoke in a confident voice. They would defeat the arrogant loser and show her who the poor one was. A smile appeared on their faces at the thought.

…Of course, it was doubtful that they would be as good as they thought.

Chapter 15 – Here Comes The Mutiny #3

Battle magic was the most popular subject in the academy. Having achievements in battle magic was akin to holding the top rank when academy graduates were assessed for their value. Various academies competed fiercely to recruit these graduates. Bergen Academy was no exception. Naturally, the professor in charge was the best magician in the academy, Vince. In fact, he had a distinguished career as a war magician, earning a noble title for his contributions.

However, that was just annoying to Vince.

“Since ancient times, magicians have had a very close relationship with war. The reason for this is very simple. Magicians are extremely efficient soldiers. While a well-trained knight can cut down more than 10 people, a 4th Circle magician can burn 100 people.”

Some of the students paled at the realism in his cold voice. For them, murder and war were overly heavy topics. The expression ‘efficient’ was simply too cold. However, not everyone responded that way. Some students’ eyes shone at Vince’s words, eager to try the magic right now. There was no greater route to success than being a combat magician. Rather than refusing to kill, they wanted their abilities to be recognized. In any case, this type of personality was much better. At the very least, they wouldn’t throw up.

‘Either way, they are just young chicks.’ Vince assessed the students’ reactions with a sober eye. From his experiences, those who could fight in battle didn’t respond that way. Rather than being lighthearted, their emotions wouldn’t be exposed on the surface. For an ordinary person capable of becoming a separate person on the battlefield… That was the talent needed to be a war magician.

“This academy was once a facility to raise magicians who would be sent to the battlefield. It isn’t obligatory to enter the army now, but the battle magic course is left to develop a sense of real warfare.”

There were a few references in the curriculum he used to teach the students. The one-on-one spar in the first class was a product of those days. Although a few steps had been erased, there was no better way to identify a student’s qualities. Two students would alternate between the roles of attacker and defender, and the one who was superior would be decided as the winner. Even if it was structured, this was a proven training method.

Vince started explaining the rules of the spar. “Well, the rules are simple. I will keep watch, so don’t worry about getting injured. Just do the best that you can… However.”

For a moment, magical power flashed in his eyes. “If you commit a foul, such as disregarding the order of attack or an unexpected strike… I will use my name to get you expelled from the academy. Understood?”

“Yes!” Professor Vince was famous for being strict and fair. Knowing that warning wasn’t a bluff, the students replied with stiff voices.

Vince then took out the attendance sheet and pointed to the first person who would do the spar. “Then we will begin immediately. Number 1, Evans. Pick a person.”

* * *

Bang! A fireball exploded against a shield with a loud sound. Dozens of magic missiles then flew through the air, causing the shield to lose its shape. Lightning shot into a curtain of water, and wind deflected an arrow. At first, the students were nervous, but they now used the magic naturally. The presence of Professor Vince and the pleasure of using magic like this for the first time started to draw out the students’ potential.

The students watching the sparring students didn’t stay still. They watched the exchanges of magic closely and discussed areas to be fixed as well as their own assessments. Some of the students gave harsh assessments.

‘What a mess. The vast majority don’t know about the details of the attributes, and the magic they use is too obvious. Why are they taking 10 seconds to use 2nd Circle magic? If the roles weren’t being alternated, they would have been attacked and finished already.’

There was no end to the problems. Lili pressed against her temples as she tried not to sigh. To be precise, Alfred’s memories were giving her a headache. In the eyes of the legendary magician who had spent his whole life on the battlefield, Alfred Bellontes saw all the flaws. Having absorbed his experiences, Liliana had the same opinion.

Some time passed by. The remaining number of students left to fight each other decreased until the students who hadn’t yet dueled could be counted on both hands. Then Professor Vince called someone’s name, “Number 25, Garcia Carter. Choose your sparring opponent.”

As soon as his name was called, the students suddenly became quiet. Garcia, the second son of the famous Carter family, got up from his spot. This caused the faces of the students, who had yet to fight, to harden. Thanks to the support of Garcia’s family, his amount of magic power was close to the 4th Circle and he was a combat magician with high sensitivity. It was obvious that they couldn’t defeat such a person.

–Don’t choose me, not me… –Stick to some other guy…

As if he knew the students were praying earnestly, Garcia looked around leisurely like a wild beast searching for his prey. Then he noticed Liliana Miller, who was looking at him with a calm expression. With neither fear nor curiosity, it was a gaze with no emotions.

Garcia opened his mouth and said her name impulsively, “Liliana Miller.”

Professor Vince raised his eyebrows as he heard it. “…Um?”

Lili casually got up and moved to the other side of Garcia. It meant she accepted the nomination. Vince paused for a moment before stepping back. It was ridiculous to stop them when the other person had already accepted the nomination. Above all, Lili was a student who never acted without thinking.

‘No, I don’t know why but…’ Vince felt strangely like Lili would be the dominant one. However, that was impossible. Lili, a student who was close to the 3rd Circle, was going against someone who was from a prominent family and was almost at the 4th Circle. The balance would clearly lean toward the latter. Had his intuition become rusty after leaving the battlefield?

“…The both of you, start as soon as you are ready.” After the moment of hesitation, Vince stood between the two and started the spar. Thanks to the coin toss, Garcia Carter was the first attacker. He was from a family of prestigious battle magicians, so he aimed for Lili without hesitation.

“Lightning Bolt!” Blue lightning shot out from Garcia and flew toward Lili at a terrifying pace. Lightning was the best attribute to use in an actual fight against people. It was at a student’s level, but the general aim wasn’t shaken. Indeed, it wasn’t bad. Lili created a wall of magic power.

“Shield.” The lightning blazed as it struck the translucent barrier before losing its momentum and fading away. Lightning Bolt was a practical and brilliant magic, but its strength was limited to its speed and destructiveness. The output itself wasn’t very high, and if the timing of the defense wasn’t too late, it could be blocked easily.

This time, it was Lili’s turn to attack. “Fire Bolt.” A total of 12 fire arrows appeared in the air. It was the maximum number she could implement at one time as a 3rd Circle magician. However, Garcia’s defense was completed before Lili could shoot them.

“Shield!” It was much thicker than a conventional shield and had a tight texture. Even if there were 24 fire arrows instead of just 12, its defense wouldn’t be shaken. Garcia was confident in his defense and smiled fiercely. Lili smiled as well.

“Go.” The 12 fire arrows shot through the air. The strength and disadvantage of bolt-based magic was that it poured out randomly within a certain range. It was good when dealing with a large number of people, but there wasn’t enough power to break through a tightly fixed defense. Thus, Lili added some things to the magic formula.

Pepepepeng! Instead of there being a time difference, they all focused on one point. “Keuk…! What is this?!” Garcia stepped back at the unexpected firepower. The perfectly raised shield became half-crumbled, and there was a shockwave which pushed his body back a few steps. Eyes filled with surprise and suspicion stared at Lili on the other side. That wasn’t the power of a mere Fire Bolt.

However, Garcia wasn’t able to see through it with his capabilities. ‘After adding to the rotation and acceleration, it is pretty usable.’ Lili’s Fire Bolt was upgraded to a level which was completely unrelated to the existing magic formula. The arrowheads rotated; they were concentrated on one spot and the speed was increased. The Fire Bolt, with these three supplementary magic, was already at a level which Garcia’s shield couldn’t handle.

“Then what about this?!” The troubled Garcia couldn’t understand why he was inferior, and a ball of fire appeared on his palm. It was the 3rd Circle attack magic, Fireball. Since Garcia’s magic power was close to the 4th Circle, the scale was three or four times that of the other students.

‘I can’t stop it head on… A magician should also use their head.’ A shield wouldn’t be able to take the full impact. For this situation, something more efficient and optimized was required. In Lili’s mind, dozens of magic formulas mixed together until she created one which met those conditions.

“Shield.” A triangular-shaped shield appeared in front of Lili. Simultaneously, the Fireball shot from Garcia’s hand with frightening momentum. If there was a direct hit, then a three-meter area would be damaged! It was literally a collision of power and technique.

Peeeeeong! The result was that technique obviously won. “What?!” The fireball struck the triangular-shaped shield and lost its shape, scattering over the edges and creating scorch marks on the sides of the shield. It was a perfect defense which even Vince marveled at. If the creator of [The Application of Defense Magic] was here, he would praise the accomplishment with enthusiastic applause.

Lili then became the attacker, and a Fireball appeared in her hand. “Fireball.” Compared to Garcia’s, the size was insignificant. However, its inherent power was comparable to Garcia’s larger Fireball. It was an improved Fireball which compressed the strength on the inside rather than the outside, greatly increasing the explosive power. It was difficult to block with the existing Shield, which was vulnerable to a one-point attack.

Therefore, it would be better to block it with a wall of dirt instead of Shield. “S-Shield!” The confused Garcia used Shield reflexively. Shortly after that, a gigantic wave of heat hit.

Kwaang! “Kuaaaak!” The shockwave shattered the shield and threw Garcia’s body back a few meters. If Professor Vince hadn’t reduced the impact using magic, then he might’ve been seriously wounded. This was proof that there was a clear difference in skills.

A member of the Carter family was defeated by what they considered the dunce! The students, who witnessed the shocking sight, couldn’t help crying out.

Chapter 4: Chapter 16-20

Chapter Text

Chapter 16 – Here Comes The Mutiny #4

“No way! Liliana won!”

“She defeated Garcia in battle magic…!”

“How is she a dunce?”

The students were truly very noisy. It was difficult for them to accept that Garcia, one of the best in their year, had been defeated. The even more frustrating thing was that the girl who defeated him was Liliana Miller.

She had studied for an extra three years, but the gap in talent couldn’t be that much. The students knew that better than anyone else, so their surprise was greater.

Professor Vince was the most surprised person.

‘Great… Fire Bolt aiming at one point, a shield with a variation in shape, and a compressed Fireball… It’s already at a good enough level to be an active war magician.’

No, maybe even more than that. Lili’s face never showed any tension, and she didn’t take a step from her first standing position. It was literally a one-sided win. Vince raised a hand in order to calm the students and declare Lili’s victory.

However, at that moment…

“…Not yet, not yet! I’m not backing down yet!”

Garcia’s eyes were wild as he awkwardly raised his body from where he had fallen. Clearly, he wasn’t in a normal condition. His magic power was running out of control outside his body, and his distorted face revealed his wounded pride.

‘If Father and Big Brother know that I’ve fallen in such an unsightly way, they will never forgive me!’

His father, Viscount Carter, was famous. His family was several times stricter and more hierarchical than other families. If rumors spread that he had lost to not just any student but to the famous dunce, he would never be able to leave the Carter estate.

That was something that could never happen.

“This is the last one. If you can take this spell, then I will admit defeat, Liliana Miller!” Garcia shouted wildly toward Lili, who still had a casual expression on her face.

Garcia knew it was nonsense, but he couldn’t retire like this. He started preparing the spell before Liliana even replied.

‘Tsk, this is why children of prestigious families…’

In the end, Professor Vince clicked his tongue and stepped back. If Liliana had rejected it, then he would’ve interfered. However, Lili didn’t seem to have any plans to resign either. Rather, she was carefully observing Garcia’s boiling magic power with cool eyes. Her eyes, which were as sharp as blades while concentrating fiercely, gave the illusion that she was standing on a battlefield.

Thus, the final confrontation between the two students began.

“「Red light streaking across the sky–」”

A strange voice emerged from Garcia’s mouth. It was a chant which accompanied a magic spell and displayed a different power compared to magic with only one or two starting words. Even if the same amount of magic power was used, the power was increased overwhelmingly. Once it was high-level magic, it could be used as a tactical weapon.

Additionally, there was a function hidden behind the chant.


The jeweled pendant hidden in the uniform began resonating with its owner’s will. It was the artifact, Roaring Flames, which was only given to a legitimate child of the Carter family. This artifact greatly increased the magic power of the contracted owner as well as the output of fire magic.

It was because Garcia trusted in this power that he requested another round with Lili.

‘Now, I can use 4th Circle magic. No matter how hard the three-time dunce tries, it will end with this!’

Simultaneously, Liliana’s face stiffened as she sensed the suspicious magic power. Alfred’s sensory perception sensed a sudden increase in the opponent’s magic power, and she knew it was 4th Circle magic. Lili frowned at the difference in the magic flow.

‘What? The amount of magic power in his body has suddenly increased. Is it a Carter family secret technique?’

Lili could suspect that it was due to the use of an artifact. However, if she made the accusation and it was wrong, then it was likely to backfire on her. Therefore, she prepared her defense instead of objecting. Anyway, Professor Vince would stop her from getting hurt.

Thanks to Garcia’s crude control, the magic formula was read and Lili found an effective means to stop it.

The material was dirt, and she would create a spherical barrier to withstand the heat and shock.

‘If I had to name this, it would be Earth Dome.’

She could load the formula with magic power at any time to create it. So, now, she just needed to match the timing. If she stacked a few layers of magic power, then it should be enough to stop a single 4th Circle fire magic. Liliana believed in her calculations and collected her trembling emotions.

Garcia soon completed the magic. It was a crimson fireball, a magic bullet which would turn a person into charcoal if it touched them.

“Blaze Shell!”

Garcia called out the name of the magic with a confident expression. It was a high-ranked fireball and was considered one of the greatest spells to use against a person in the fire attack magic. The slow speed, destructive power of the flames, and penetration power were supplemented for military use.

It was a fire spell capable of easily destroying a Shield of the same level.

“How about it, will you surrender now?”

Garcia was sure of his victory.

There was no way that Lili, a 3rd Circle magician, would be able to beat the 4th Circle magic. While the other students became restless because they didn’t know what would happen, Vince’s expression grew colder as he watched on.

However, Lili just replied with a blank expression, “Shoot.”

“…What?” Garcia asked in disbelief.

“The class needs to finish, so shoot it.” As Lili spoke, her voice didn’t shake at all.

Briefly, Garcia was lost for words. Then a thick vein bulged and the halted shell started to move through the air. The 4th Circle magic, Blaze Shell…

‘It’s coming.’

As soon as Lili confirmed it was moving, her magic power responded. She poured magic power into the pre-designed magic formula and placed the greatest amount at the point where the shell would hit.

Luckily, Garcia was limited in making the Blaze Shell and couldn’t control its trajectory. Needless to say, there were no improvements such as rotation or acceleration.

“Earth Dome!”

Lili placed her two palms on the ground, and the floor of the academy wriggled like it was alive. The ground crumbled, and the dirt and stone mixed together were hardened by magic power. A spherical dome, with Lili in the center, formed in an instant. The improvised magic spell was truly genius.

Then once the Earth Dome was completed…

The fire shell collided with the earth barrier.


There was a loud rumble.



The students covered their ears and, belatedly, their eyes as the dust fell down. Indeed, it was a mess.

Only Vince was walking around with a wall blocking the dust, wind, and sound. It was common to use things such as smokescreens on the battlefield, so he was used to such measures. Soon after, the dust settled down, and the scene within was revealed.

“N-No way… This—ridiculous…” Garcia Carter was sitting there with a pale face,

“…This, isn’t it just laundry magic?” Lili muttered as she cleaned her clothing.

‘How interesting. Where did I hear something similar?’ Vince laughed at the sight.

Blaze Shell and Earth Dome…

If he compared it to weapons, it was like a spear and a shield. Today’s battle wasn’t a contradiction but the victory of a shield which boasted a stronger defense.

* * *

“Okay, it is over.”

Vince clapped after he finished cleaning up the playing field.

The students, who had gathered in one place according to his instructions, looked around with disbelief. Just five minutes ago, the academy grounds had been ravaged. However, Professor Vince had reset that destruction in five minutes.

‘He has truly amazing skills.’ Liliana was also filled with admiration. These were the skills of Bergen Academy’s top magician.

She understood the formula and application of restoration magic, but she wasn’t confident she could produce the same result. Perhaps it was a trick to control magic, her experience, or the difference in techniques.

Professor Vince returned to the front of the students and frowned as he called a person’s name.

“Garcia Carter, get up.”


Garcia, who was still stunned by his defeat, got up from his seat. He was confused about why he was called, but the answer didn’t come back in words.


Vince’s fist hit Garcia’s chin.

“Keok, P-Professor?”

A war magician also knew hand-to-hand combat. As proof of that fact, Professor Vince’s hands were callused and Garcia’s lips were bleeding.

Garcia trembled from the pain and shock as he grabbed his chin.

“You idiot. Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

“W-What are you saying…?”

“Roaring Flames.”

The color drained from Garcia’s face because he had secretly used an artifact.

This was a serious violation of the school rules. There was the possibility that Garcia would have to repeat a year or he might even be expelled. No, he had attacked another student with an unregistered artifact, so he was likely to face further punishment.

Vince then briefly explained why he knew about the artifact, Roaring Flames. “I served in the same unit as your father on the northern front. I thought he would’ve raised his child better. What a mess.”

Garcia despaired after hearing the reason. “P-Professor! That isn’t…”

“Shut up!” At Vince’s yell, the other students flinched. Some students even lost control of their bladder.

“You will follow me as soon as the lesson is over. I will review your situation at the faculty meeting. Understood?”


“And Liliana Miller.”

Lili raised her head at the sudden call.

“After class, finish your dinner and come to my laboratory. Understood?”

“Ah, I understand.”

“Yes.” Vince nodded after hearing the answer and looked at the frozen students. “Today’s lesson ends here. Next time, I will teach you about the attributes of magic. Dismissed.”

After his words, Professor Vince immediately headed toward the faculty members’ office with Garcia. The rest of the students didn’t know what to do, but they soon started moving toward their next class. They managed to melt the frozen atmosphere by wondering why Garcia was taken away.

‘After school, the professor’s laboratory…’

Only Liliana remained in place as she worried about why Vince had called her.

Chapter 17 – At The Crossroad Of Trust #1

After school, Liliana finished her dinner, just as Professor Vince had advised, and walked with a sunken expression. She didn’t have the chance to enjoy her victory over Garcia because she knew why Vince had called her. In the academy, there was no one who knew Lili better. He had realized that Lili’s abilities had increased abnormally.

‘Plus, he knows that I don’t have the money to buy magic reagents or hire a tutor.’

Vince had cared for her more than anyone else in the past three years. Lili had talked about her miserable financial situation, which was almost like that of a poor peasant, and her horrible mana sensitivity.

Vince was different from the other professors who didn’t pay much attention to Lili. This situation was more dangerous because it was Professor Vince, who always regretted seeing Lili’s talent go to waste and tried to open up another path for her. Professor Vince would be able to grasp the authenticity of Lili’s words.

Above all, there was the problem of coming up with a way to hide Gluttony’s existence.

‘Damn, there is no answer no matter how I think about it. I can’t make up excuses to Professor Vince. It will cause a misunderstanding, and I might not be able to salvage this.’

Gluttony had said that there were over 100 ways to increase magic power, but it had only told her one. In this day and age, only three or four methods were known. Other methods included black magic or fraudulent techniques, but it wasn’t rare for the magic power to decrease instead. In a situation like this, there was no hole to escape to.

How long had she worried about it? Lili had already arrived in front of Professor Vince’s laboratory.

“…I’ve arrived.”

It was her first visit here since coming for the permit. Lili looked at the brown door before her. At that time, she had come out of this room with a gloomy face, and she now returned with entirely different worries.

The position she was in had changed a lot. The one-time 2nd Circle dunce now had the best marks in the grade. This was the result of facing her difficulties without turning back.

‘It is the same this time as well.’

She wouldn’t run away. Lili decided she would face it as she raised her hand.

Knock, knock.

“Professor, it is Liliana.”

An answer came from behind the door, as if he had been waiting.

–Come in.

Lili turned the doorknob, and she could smell the usual scent of coffee. The parchments and books spread out on the desk showed Professor Vince’s diligence. He put down the parchment he was reading and looked at Lili with a face that was difficult to read.

“You came right on time. The faculty meeting took longer than I expected, so I just got back.”

It was as he said. The handling of Garcia Carter was a difficult problem for the academy. Viscount Carter was famous, so they didn’t want to punish his son and cause a problem. The professors were so concerned that Vince was eventually forced to give up on expulsion or repeating a year.

After the meeting ran for two or three hours, it finally came to an end with Viscount Carter’s showing up personally in a crystal ball.

–I’m really sorry that my foolish son was such a nuisance.

As an upright and honorable nobleman, Viscount Carter didn’t try to make excuses for Garcia. Rather, he asked Vince to punish him strictly. As a result, the principal of Bergen Academy decided to leave the decision to Vince.

“It is unsatisfactory. The principal was afraid of the possible future troubles if he made the wrong decision.”

Vince described the situation up to there and stopped talking for a moment. Then he took a sip from the coffee cup on his desk, dissatisfied that the professors at the academy were bureaucrats who only cared about their own well-being.

On the other hand, Lili hadn’t expected much from the professors, so her expression was still calm. Vince saw her reaction and put down his cup.

“I spoke for too long. Should I go straight to the point?”

Before that, Vince pulled something out. It was an impressive pendant on a silver chain. Lili could feel a considerable amount of magic power coming from the red jewel in the middle.

Lili’s eyes naturally widened when she saw the pendant.

‘It’s an artifact! I’ve never seen such a high-quality one before.’

Thanks to spending two months at the black market trader, Lili quickly noticed it. The silver pendant was something that couldn’t be compared with any of the goods from the black market trader. Its configuration of the magic power was completely different.

It might be possible to shorten the path to the 4th Circle by more than half if she swallowed it. The pendant was like an à la carte dish. Then Professor Vince told her the identity of the pendant.

“Roaring Flames is the name of this pendant.”

“Roaring Flames…?”

“Yes. Garcia, that idiot, used this artifact during the spar with you.”

Indeed, it had been due to the power of the pendant. Lili nodded unconsciously. This answered the question of how Garcia, a 3rd Circle magician, had been able to use the 4th Circle Blaze Shell. It was possible with the magic power of ‘Roaring Flames’.

However, her surprise didn’t end there.

“Now, take it.”


Professor Vince suddenly threw Roaring Flames at Liliana.

An artifact, which would be worth at least 100 gold and treasured by magicians, was being thrown through the air. Lili raised her hands reflexively and grabbed it.

Before Lili could ask anything, Vince said, “You won’t receive an apology from the academy. However, you were attacked by this artifact. I think this pendant, Roaring Flames, was sent as an apology by Viscount Carter.”

“No, even so…”

Handing over an artifact like this as an apology… no one in the Meltor Kingdom would do it. At the very least, Viscount Carter wasn’t known for his wealth.

Lili knew this and wasn’t convinced, but Vince casually explained the story behind the incident.

“Instead, Garcia will receive a one-month suspension. I chose his punishment without consulting you, so if you have any complaints, give back the pendant and he will be expelled.”

“…I have no complaints, Professor!”

“Well, I thought so.”

As Lili was stunned by her sudden windfall, Vince smiled and picked up his cup of coffee again.

No matter what punishment Garcia received, Liliana wouldn’t receive any benefits. No, Garcia might hold a grudge if he received a severe punishment. Whereas, accepting the Roaring Flames would give Lili a benefit.

‘Okay, it might be possible for me to become a 4th Circle magician before graduation.’

For a moment, there was a peaceful silence. Lili’s hands were tingling because she wanted to use Appraisal straight away, while Vince closed his eyes and savored the smell of coffee. However, the silence between the two of them was broken shortly afterward by Vince’s voice.

“From here on, it will be my personal question.”

The inevitable checkmate had arrived. The relaxed tension was pulled tightly like a rubber band, and Lili’s expression grew grim.

She lost the false sense of security Professor Vince had given her by handing her the artifact, and a hypothetical dialogue of how this conversation would go popped into her head. The atmosphere in the room seemed to cool within a mere 10 seconds.

“I don’t doubt your capabilities. No, anyone who understands your nature wouldn’t feel doubt. Haven’t I told you a few times already? Liliana Miller, if you had a little more sensitivity, then you would’ve been the top graduate three years ago.”

Lili’s expression didn’t soften even with the praise. Rather, it became tenser. Liliana was afraid of that splendid reputation. Nobody in the academy knew, but one person had guessed about Liliana’s talent. That person was Professor Vince.

“However, that is the limit. There is no way to increase one’s sensitivity, and I felt regret for you.”


Vince looked at her with sharp eyes.

“Since the winter break, you have changed. No, the word ‘change’ is lacking. You have become completely different.”

It was a bit of a relief that no animosity was obviously visible. Lili might have absorbed some of Alfred Bellontes’s talents and experience, but she wasn’t a match for Vince. Vince was a person who had been a war magician for decades and was a powerful person with the 6th Circle in sight. If Lili fought Vince 100 times, then Lili would die 100 times.

Fortunately, Vince was just questioning Lili and didn’t seem to have any hostile feelings.

“It is okay if you don’t want to answer. You are sincere and not a personally flawed student. I know you wouldn’t use a dirty method for such a development.”


“But if you think of me as your teacher, I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you.”

‘I want to teach you’ was the conclusion. At that moment, Liliana Miller had a hunch.

‘Here, this is a crossroad.’

Her life would change depending on which side she chose. Should she tell Vince or should she hide it?

If she concealed it, then her days would continue like they were now. She would continue eating books from the library and receive her diploma as an elite student. No, would it really be like that?

There was a limit to how many books she could take from the library. Over the past two months, Gluttony had already eaten over 100 books. She had somehow concealed it by changing the layout of the collections or moving the desk positions, but if someone looked closely, then it would soon be clear.

However, if she had Professor Vince’s cooperation, she wouldn’t need to take such risks.

‘No, that doesn’t matter.’

In the end, that was a secondary matter. She had to look at the essence of the situation.

What was the meaning of this crossroad?

Lili stared solemnly at Professor Vince. In retrospect, it was a simple question…

…Should she believe or not believe in Vince?


After a period of silence which was both long and short, Lili finally made her decision.

Chapter 18 – At The Crossroad Of Trust #2

Having spent five years at Bergen Academy, Liliana had realized one thing: she shouldn’t judge people by their light words or temporary actions. Classmates who pretended to be friends had turned away from her, while the professors treated her like a fool. It would be foolish to trust people like them. However, Professor Vince was different.

–Are you the long-time dunce? I don’t know what idiot created that nickname.

–The answer to this final exam was excellent. If you don’t mind, come to my laboratory after school. I will teach you a little more.

–Don’t mind those playing tricks on you. You are a better person than anyone at this academy.

-Liliana Miller, do you want to try being a magic scholar?

Lili remembered all of their conversations. They were words which had saved the frustrated, disappointed, and ashamed Liliana.

Vince was the only one who recognized Lili’s value. The academy’s best magician had said that he believed in the talent of the long-time dunce. His words had created the present Liliana.

‘Professor Vince… the only person in this academy that I trust and can confide in…’

If even Vince wasn’t trustworthy, then she would never be able to tell anyone in the future.

Liliana’s eyes sank as she realized something; she couldn’t live like this forever. Eventually, someone would notice books were missing from the library, and people would raise doubts about Lili’s sudden skills and performance.

In that situation, she was a mere student with neither the power nor the status to preserve her rights. However, it was a different story if she had Professor Vince as her ally.

‘Obviously, I can try to stop that situation from happening… but like this, I can get help. It will also be easier to get the necessary books.’

There was the possibility that she wouldn’t get caught before graduation, or the probability that Professor Vince wouldn’t betray her. Either way, the indefinite future couldn’t be quantified. The scales in Liliana’s mind were leaning toward the latter.

“Professor, I’d like to show you something, so please don’t be surprised.”

“I’ll try.”

Vince, who was watching her quietly, nodded with a serious expression. It was just for a moment, but the weight of the worries which appeared on Lili’s face was really heavy. After such distress, it was a secret she would tell Vince. So, she needed to be dignified.

Lili took a few deep breaths before placing Roaring Flames, which she was holding in her right hand, onto the table. Then she placed her left hand above it.

“Gluttony, come out.”

As always, she responded faithfully to Liliana’s call.


A tongue protruded from the open hole in the palm of her hand. Professor Vince jumped, but he didn’t cast a spell thanks to what Lili had said earlier.

As the eyes of the two people met, Gluttony’s tongue wrapped around its prey as usual. Its prey was the pendant, Roaring Flames, which was emitting an intense magic power.

[+7 Roaring Flames (Accessory)]

[As a silver pendant containing a small amount of mithril, it is a high-grade magic stone. This pendant was produced by Viscount Carter, and the way to create it doesn’t exist anymore. The owner can form a contract by dripping blood on the pendant in order to use all the functions. When this pendant is activated, magic power will temporarily increase and affinity to fire magic will also increase.

* The rating of this pendant is ‘Precious’.
* When consumed, a considerable amount of magic power will be absorbed.
* When consumed, the digestion time is 1 hour and 38 minutes.
*Current contractor: Garcia Carter.
* Starting spell: Red light streaking across the sky]

‘Precious rating…?! It is truly different from the other items.’

Lili admired the value of ‘Roaring Flames’. Until now, most of her items had a Normal rating, with an occasionally Rare emerging. However, ‘Roaring Flames’ was beyond that limit. It was also the first time that the digestion of an object exceeded one hour. The stronger items would probably take longer to digest.

“C-Can I ask for an explanation?”

Professor Vince belatedly regained his spirit and pointed to the tongue with his finger. However, Lili looked down at Gluttony instead of answering his question. She was waiting for her permission like a well-trained hound.

“It isn’t over yet… Eat.”

The tongue instantly wrapped around Roaring Flames, and it was sucked into Lili’s left hand. As always, it made a sound, expressing that the food was delicious.


At the sound, Professor Vince sank back into his chair with an agitated expression.

“Huh, huhuhuh…”

“Professor, are you okay?”

Lili wanted to take a moment for the shock to wear off, but Vince’s eyes were shouting at her to explain. Originally, magicians emerged amongst those who couldn’t refrain from their curiosity. To do this to the curiosity of a 5th Circle master, who was almost at the 6th Circle, was like throwing a thirsty man into the desert.

In the end, Liliana started explaining what had happened to Roaring Flames.

* * *

The story ended earlier than expected.

Vince was a magician as well as a genius scholar. If Lili explained one thing to him, he could grasp three or four other meanings, and Vince soon understood Gluttony’s existence.

“Indeed, it is a greedy grimoire.”

Professor Vince shook his head as he let out a cry of amazement. He was much wiser than Lili, who had absorbed the knowledge in the library, so he knew how ridiculous it was. It was possible to obtain the magic or magic power of the owner just by eating…? This was something which modern magicians couldn’t imagine.

Vince, who was excited for a while, calmed down and smiled at Lili.

“But as a professor, I can’t praise the fact that you fed it library books.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Well, it can’t be helped if your life is at stake.”

It was either the books in the library or her life. Anybody would have made the same choice as Liliana. So, instead of reprimanding her, Vince made a joking remark, and Lili responded like that. It was a story which could be laughed off because the price of books had dropped a lot 150 years ago, with the advent of the book copying magic.

After Vince’s questions were over, it was Lili’s turn to ask something.



“Excuse me, there is one thing I would like to ask.”

However, Vince already knew the question before she even asked it. “I think I know. Do you want to ask why I’m not greedy for the grimoire?”

“I-I’m really sorry.”

“There is no need to apologize. It is an obvious question.”

He took another sip of his already cold coffee and explained about grimoires. “Magicians who don’t major in archeology won’t be familiar with it, but anyone who studies ancient magic like me would know. Liliana, the grimoire stuck in your palm is useless to me.”

“Huh?!” Lili’s eyes widened at the unexpected words.

“Although it is unusual to have a grimoire that takes the form of the name of the book, they tend to choose their masters themselves. If a person kills the owner, they would be lucky if the grimoire doesn’t steal something or retaliate against them. Actually, there are a few cases of magicians being killed by grimoires that they tried forcibly to take away.”


“Of course, it is also impossible to transfer it. Rather, it would be better to study the grimoire by the owner’s side.”

‘Ah.’ Lili raised her head. She now understood what Vince was saying. She nodded with a satisfied expression. It didn’t need to be a one-sided relationship. Lili could negotiate using ‘studying’ the book as a bargaining chip. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the two people were on equal footing.

As a seasoned person, in comparison to someone who wasn’t even in their 20s, it wouldn’t be difficult to fool Lili. However, Vince taught her without concealing any information.

Additionally, Vince bowed deeply toward Lili.

“Thank you for telling me. I, Vince Haidel, will reward your trust as a teacher and fellow magician.”


“Then shouldn’t something be done to maintain this trust in our relationship?”

There was no time to say anything.


As Liliana lifted her head with surprise, a red light shone around Vince’s hands. It wasn’t attack magic nor defense magic. This was the Oath magic which only magicians who reached the 5th Circle could use.

‘It can’t be…!’

Vince’s voice resonated due to the magic power.

“I, Vince Haidel, make this oath. I will be quiet about any secrets that Liliana Miller doesn’t allow me to share. This oath will be observed by the rules of magic.”

It was a magic used in trials and interrogations. The magic couldn’t be triggered through the coercion of others. The user had to make the decision on their own. Additionally, it was a magic which couldn’t be canceled once activated.

Compared to the ‘Geass Scroll’ Lili used, this was a higher-ranked restriction. As the red light around Vince’s hands faded away, Vince stretched out his hand.

“I look forward to our relationship in the future, Liliana Miller.”

Lili was no longer seen as a student or child, but a fellow magician. Liliana grabbed Professor Vince’s hand excitedly. Now that she was recognized as a magician, she wasn’t a child anymore.

“…Thank you.”

Somehow, she couldn’t shed any tears.

Lili closed her eyes as warmth came from Vince’s hand. It was the first time that the academy’s long-time dunce, Liliana Miller, made a true ally.

Chapter 19 – Outside The Academy #1

It had been a week since then.

“If you put the ingredients in the triangle drawn in the center of this magic circle and insert magic power—”

As always, the professor was standing in front of the chalkboard, giving an explanation on magic circles.

Liliana had already studied this three years ago. So, instead of wasting ink on writing down something meaningless, she was reflecting on her conversation with Vince.

A relationship filled with trust had been established with Professor Vince, but Lili’s routine didn’t have any major changes. She still attended classes as a student and fed Gluttony’s hunger with library books.

However, she didn’t have to worry about the aftermath now.

—In the future, submit a list of library books consumed on that day to me. There aren’t any teaching staff managing the library, so it won’t matter if I say that I am in charge.

Indeed, Vince was a professor at Bergen Academy, and his position was very different from Liliana, who was a repeat student. It wouldn’t be difficult for Vince to supplement the library books which had been consumed.

No, there would be no shortage of money even if he bought out the whole library. As a 5th Circle master, he had the prospects and income of a senior magician.

Vince’s face had also distorted when he heard that Lili had been visiting a black market trader.

—…I won’t deny that it was a good method for you. But the black market is a much more dangerous place than you think. I would recommend that you don’t go anymore.

—Even though I used the Geass Scroll?

—Yes. A Geass Scroll is just a forced pledge between you and the black market trader. It isn’t uncommon to be caught in other places. The darkness of that world is deeper than what ordinary people know, and the black market trader is only at the entrance.

Professor Vince hadn’t shown a single smile as he spoke. It was the face of a man who had looked into the darkness seriously and experienced the madness of that world. Facing such an expression, the only thing Liliana could do was nod quietly and retreat.

‘Besides, there is no reason to go to the black market trader like before.’

If she needed artifacts to increase her magic power, she could get them through Professor Vince. The price of artifacts was relatively high, but it was cheaper compared to conventional magic reagents and the ratio of magic power was also excellent. Furthermore, there was the advantage of absorbing the magic skills.

That wasn’t all. Lili looked at the visual information in her head again:

[Grimoire “Gluttony”/ E Rank]
[Skill: Magic Power Amplification, Attributes Affinity]
One of the seals containing Gluttony’s power has been removed. From now on, Gluttony can save a few spells and cast them freely. This ability can be further extended depending on the amount of magic power. The previous owner called this feature ‘Memorize.’ As the current owner, you can change the name if you want.
* Incomplete state. Most of the functions are sealed.
* Once a day, it will wake up to relieve its hunger.
* Immediately after relieving its hunger, it will answer one question.
* The abilities it feeds on will be given to its owner.
* Extracts an essence from eaten books or items. The higher the owner’s understanding, the greater the efficiency.
* Absorbs some magic power from an item which contains magic power.
* The Memorize function has been activated.

This change was triggered a week ago when she consumed ‘Roaring Flames’ in Professor Vince’s room.

The amount of magic power rose from the beginning of the 3rd Circle to more than halfway, and one of Gluttony’s seals was lifted. The activation of the Memorize ability was enough to make Liliana’s mouth drop open.

‘Magic can be saved and then used freely…?! That is a difficult ability to find even in higher-ranked artifacts!’

Lili’s astonishment was indeed correct.

Even the Carter family’s ‘Roaring Flames’ had been an intermediate-ranked artifact. Once an artifact reached a higher rank, it wasn’t something that a family or person could possess. It was common for the artifact to go directly to the kingdom and be designated as a national treasure.

Just the ‘Memorize’ function was enough for it to be considered a national treasure. However, Liliana had acquired the ability just by feeding Gluttony.

‘Only three spells can be stored at one time, but… the explanation means that there can be more.’

Since she had three circles, a simple calculation was one magic spell per circle. Even so, the momentary firepower had quadrupled, so she would be able to exert more power. Professor Vince had called the grimoire a 'book of unprecedented power.'

As fear rose up inside Lili while she thought about it again…

Ding~! The bells of the wall clock rang.

Chatter instantly spread through the quiet classroom, and the professor put down the chalk as he noticed the lively atmosphere. It was the professor who had been humiliated last time due to the ‘Full Moon Bead.’ In the end, Professor Bernard left the classroom silently without ever looking in the direction that Lili was sitting.

‘Phew, pitiful human.’

Lili thought as she stared at the professor’s back before raising her body from her seat. Professor Bernard wouldn’t apologize for his harassment, so Lili would never apologize for embarrassing him. It might stay like this until graduation.

Lili sighed and left the classroom. It was time to find a book to feed Gluttony.

* * *

Lili stopped by the library as usual, pulling out a few books and placing them in her backpack. Until a week ago, she would wait for Gluttony to wake up first, but now, she could just take the books. The written permit from Professor Vince solved a lot of things.

‘Well, there are several things that I need to do.’

It was nothing compared to what Lili received in return. Apart from submitting a list of eaten books to Professor Vince, there was nothing else she needed to do.

So, she moved toward Professor Vince’s laboratory as usual. Soon after, she arrived at the laboratory. Lili knocked politely on the door.

“Professor, it is Liliana.”

—Come in.

She turned the doorknob as soon as she received permission. After the conversation last week, it wasn’t burdensome to go to Professor Vince’s laboratory like before. As always, there was the familiar smell of coffee, and Professor Vince would be covered by the thickly stacked books and papers…


Lili looked around as she felt a subtle sense of discomfort. She looked for something different than usual and quickly realized the difference.

“Professor, did you do some cleaning?”

The cause of Liliana’s discomfort was simple. Professor Vince’s lab was unusually clean. The parchment and books scattered on the floor were neatly organized. The other part was the laboratory equipment, but those were left alone by Vince.

Vince laughed lightly and answered Lili’s question, “Something has happened. It isn’t unrelated to you, so our talk today might be a little longer.”

“Yes? What…?”

“Please sit down.”

Lili sat down in the chair she had become accustomed to. Vince pulled out a pile of paper from his drawer and rummaged through it until he found two sheets of paper. He then handed them to Lili.

Lili looked down at them reflexively. A few letters on the top of the first page filled her vision.

“Meltor Kingdom… 126th annual… magic contest?!” Her initially quiet voice grew louder as she exclaimed with shock.

Meltor Kingdom was famous for its magicians.

The magic contest held every year in the capital attracted magicians from everywhere on the continent. Magicians from the kingdom, as well as foreign magicians, would swarm to Mana-vil, the capital of Meltor. However, magicians who couldn’t prove their credentials weren’t allowed to enter the contest, so there was a long line of people waiting to be tested.

Yet, the sheet of paper Professor Vince just gave her was a letter of invitation allowing Vince to enter the magic contest. Although Liliana was a student, she was also a magician. She knew the value of this invitation.

“Professor, you’ve been invited to the magic contest?”

“It isn’t a big deal. I get it every year.”

In contrast to the excited Lili, Vince was sitting down and sipping his coffee calmly.

Until last year, he had been busy with his research and hadn’t paid any attention to the invitation. He had also planned on staying at the academy this year to focus on his research, but the situation had changed.

He asked with a casual expression, “Do you know why I showed you this invitation?”

Lili looked at Vince’s face with expectation.

“You can probably guess. The invitation states that I can enter accompanied by one assistant. Normally, I would throw it in the trash but…”

As anticipation filled Lili’s eyes, Vince trailed off and laughed. Normally, Lili’s expression was reserved for her age, but what about now? Lili looked no different from other excited peers her age.

Vince presented his gift with a pleased mood.

“How is it? Do you want to go to the magic headquarters with me?”

The answer was already fixed.

Chapter 20 - Outside The Academy #2

Lili nodded at the irresistible words, and Vince immediately handed her the application form to fill in. It was an event that required proof of identity to attend, so Lili spent quite some time trying to recall the name of her great-grandfather on her mother's side. However, she eventually managed to fill in all the blanks.

Vince received the application form from Lili and nodded.

“…Okay, this is fine. Last year, a magician misspelled the name of one of her family members and was dragged out by the guards. So, if you can, it's better to put everything down.”

“Hoo, it is thorough.”

“The magic contest is a symbol of the kingdom. This level of security is justified for this event.”

There were quite a few foreign spies or magicians who tried to sneak into the affairs of the kingdom, so they had to be thorough. Lili checked the application form again; there were no parts she needed to fix.

Lili’s delicate features showed fatigue from spending nearly two hours on the application form, but the conversation wasn’t over yet. Vince smiled at her and said, “Liliana, do you know why I am taking you to the magic contest?”

Lili tried to answer but soon fell silent. Professor Vince wouldn’t ask about obvious things. Perhaps there was something Lili didn’t know or couldn’t guess. Indeed, her reaction was satisfactory as Professor Vince smiled.

“It is important to distinguish between knowing and not knowing, but understanding what you don’t know is the most important thing. You have a talent for the path of a sorceress.”

“Thank you.”

“Then I’ll explain.”

There was a thud as a thick book hit the desk. Lili looked at the familiar cover and soon realized the identity of the book. It was the guidebook that contained all the rules of Bergen Academy. Lili had read the book once when she was admitted to the academy, then she'd stuck it in her dormitory's closet. There was no test on the book, so it was enough to just look through it.

Vince laughed at Lili’s bewildered expression.

“You must be wondering why I brought out this old book. Well, don’t worry. I don’t intend to teach a class on it.”

Then he opened the book and pointed to the corner of one page. Lili unconsciously chased his finger and read the words. It was a recently revised Article 38, Clause 12. Looking at the year, it had been changed approximately 10 years ago.

[Section 38.12. Students of this academy are eligible for graduation after completing three and a half years of studying. However, there is an exception if the student wins a level 3 prize or higher at a contest organized by the Magic Society. The winners can obtain their diploma whenever they want.]

Lili had read it, but she couldn’t understand.

“Professor, this…?”

“You might have guessed already. I don’t think you can obtain anything else from this academy.”


Lili stopped because she couldn’t deny it. Vince’s words stabbed straight at the boredom she’d been feeling these days. In fact, Liliana’s theoretical knowledge was already comparable to the professors. This was already the third time she was repeating the third grade, so she couldn’t help getting tired of it.

She could only relieve her boredom briefly with the library books. However, the level of the books in the academy wasn't very high, and she hadn’t been able to find a single magic book over the 4th Circle.

“Additionally, you have become a controversial subject in this academy.”

To Professor Vince, Lili wasn’t a student but a fellow adult.

“Do you remember the professors who tried to expel you? They are people who live for the sake of their pride and authority. Those idiots will never regret their actions. They will just blame the other person.”


Lili couldn’t help recalling Professor Bernard. He was a middle-aged man who never looked in Lili’s direction, and sometimes an unknown expression would cross his eyes. Perhaps, malice was growing behind that expression. It was quiet now, but Lili didn’t know what Bernard might do someday.

“It would be better to put some distance between you, rather than get tangled up in something dirty. Anyway, I will soon be going to the capital. If you graduate early, you can practice in an environment better than this place.”

“I understand what you are saying.”

The capital of the Meltor Kingdom, Mana-vil… It was a place with four magic towers and a central magic institute. There was no sorceress on the continent who hadn’t heard about it, and there was nobody who dared not to feel respect for it. Mana-vil was overflowing with all types of artifacts, magic books, and talented magicians…

However, Liliana couldn’t help but ask, “But can I win the contest? I might have the grimoire, but I am still just a 3rd Circle mistress.”

“Well, normally, it would be impossible.” Vince agreed with Lili’s words. “But the story is a little different when it comes to you. Garcia can’t be compared to them, but with your skills, you should be able to deal with 4th Circle magicians. Against another student, you will win.”

“The battle magic division?”

“That’s right. The magic contest has a division where only the assistants of the magicians invited can participate. They are students like you.”

At that moment, Lili had a hunch. ‘Indeed, it is worth a try.’

Even though the difference between the 3rd and 4th Circles was large, Lili’s situation was a bit unusual.

She had the ‘Memorize’ ability and her perception had risen thanks to Alfred’s experience. It was a sensory perception that other magicians could only achieve by spending years or decades on the battlefield. If it had been so beneficial in a spar, she couldn’t imagine what it would be like in a contest.

Vince, who had once been a war magician, must have realized this and made the proposal. If Lili had expert-level experience, then she would be able to overcome her magic power difficulty. Truth be told, if Liliana could use Alfred-style Magic Missiles at will, then she would have no reason to fear 4th Circle magicians.

“I will try it.”

“Well, I can fill in some of the lacking parts.”

As if Vince had been waiting for it, he opened a chest of drawers.

“The Magic Society prohibited the distinction of the original and copies of books 50 years ago. Therefore, distinguishing between an original and a copy can’t be done using an ordinary method. But people are always looking for methods. Do you know what this is?” He laughed and handed over the book to Lili.

“A duplicate can’t be made from another duplicate. So, you will know if you use duplication magic on it. It is a simple and reckless trick, but there are some people who go around collecting original books. For reference, this one is worth 50 gold.”

“Then wouldn’t the original have to be kept separately?”

“It is enough to make a physical copy of the duplicate and then use duplication magic on that copy.”

But in that case, it won’t have the abilities of the ‘original’. It would have the same effect as a copy.

The original and second physical copy can be distinguished because a mark is left when doing this. If any illegal copying takes place without the mark being left, those caught will be severely punished.

The price of a normal magic book was around 1 silver, so this was a huge price. It proved that people had a strong lust for collections. However, Vince didn’t care about such things. He would never have bought this book if it wasn’t something that Liliana needed.

However, Lili’s reaction was more intense than Vince had expected.

“C-Can I appraise this?”

“Of course. This was the deal.”

Lili reached out cautiously and picked up the book on the desk. If this was an original, it likely had a special ability like Alfred’s [Ballistics Magic]. She took a few deep breaths before touching the book with her left hand.


The tongue stuck out and licked the cover of the book.

[Introduction to Elemental Magic]

[This book describes the four elementals in more detail than any other book. It is a book about the relationship between magicians and elementals, how to call and make a contract with elementals, and the concept of elemental magic. The author, Myrdal, has been called the greatest elementalist of the century. She is the only one who has succeeded in calling an elemental king.* Your understanding is very high. (95.4%)* This magic book is rated ‘Rare’.* When consumed, the proficiency of ‘elemental magic’ will increase.* This is the original which was directly written by the author. When consumed, the elemental affinity that suits you will be opened. There is a low chance that you might form a contract with an elemental.]

‘Elemental affinity!’

Liliana’s mouth dropped open as she discovered what she had been hoping for. She didn’t know how many times she’d read the books on elemental magic in the library. [Introduction to Elemental Magic] was a book that she had read many times.

However, it wasn’t the original book, and she had given up on eating it due to having no elemental affinity. Yet Professor Vince was giving her a gift like this?

“This is one book. What is the rating?” Vince murmured in a low voice.

Lili finally realized the meaning of this gift.

One week ago, Lili had confided her secret to Vince and signed a contract with him. It was in order to obtain the infinite wisdom which the owner of Gluttony had available to her.

– Vince Haidel will provide Liliana Miller with magic books or artifacts. – Liliana Miller will give Vince Haidel the right to ask a question and receive an answer.

“It is Rare.”

“Then there are two books left. I’ll give them to you soon.”

It would be either three Rare grade items or one Precious grade. That was the decision which Liliana and Vince had made. The Precious rating was difficult for even Vince to find, but Rare grade items could be obtained through just a little difficulty.

Even so, receiving one book after a week was really very resourceful.

“That’s it for today.”

It seemed like it was over.

Vince picked up the parchment he had laid down and spoke while picking up his pen, “We are departing for the capital in three days, so be ready to leave.”

Chapter 5: Chapter 21-25

Chapter Text

Chapter 21 - Outside The Academy #3

Liliana closed the door to Professor Vince’s laboratory and headed back to her dorm room. There was no need to rush, but she wanted to feed Gluttony the ‘original’ as soon as possible. Maybe a special phenomenon would happen, like when he received Alfred’s memories through [Ballistics Magic].

‘It should be time for Gluttony to wake up.’

He lined up the books on the bed and waited for his sleeping partner to wake up. How long did she wait until…?

-…H-Hungry. Come, feed me.

The hungry Gluttony finally opened her mouth.

[Gluttony has awoken from her sleep and is complaining about an empty stomach.]

[The regular meals have reduced her hunger a lot. There is more room to choose her food. Gluttony will answer one question after eating one book and will immediately fall asleep after eating two books. The remaining time is 1 hour.]

Lili's expression changed subtly as she listened to the guide voice.

After eating ‘Roaring Flames’ and reaching the E rank, Gluttony’s hunger had reduced. The quota of one or two books a day was much lower compared to the five books it had required after waking up for the first time.

Lili might have welcomed the change during her days of secret eating the library books, but that wasn’t the case anymore.

‘If this is the case, won’t I have to be more selective about the books…? Once more seals are released, she might wake up every few days instead of once a day.’

Or she might only want to eat Rare grade magic books as her food…

A sorceress should always calculate all the possibilities to get the best results. Liliana worried about how Gluttony’s changes would affect her and decided to discuss it with Professor Vince next time.

Today, she would focus on [Introduction to Elemental Magic]. Lili shook her head and spread open her palm.

“Come out, eat.”

At those words, the tongue stretched out towards the two books on the quilt. As if it wanted to eat the appetizer before the main meal, the tongue started from [Understanding of Healing Magic] which was next to [Introduction to Elemental Magic].

[‘Understanding of Healing Magic’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[Proficiency with the 2nd Circle magic ‘Cure’ has increased. You can heal wounds efficiently.]

A cool breeze blew through her head, and a soft sensation seemed to permeate through her. Liliana understood how to use magic on the blood vessels, muscles, and bones. She knew the tricks and tips which sorceresses at healing clinics used. Now, she could attach sliced-off fingers back on.

However, Gluttony didn’t end there. Next was today’s main dish; [Introduction to Elemental Magic] was sucked into Liliana’s left hand.


Liliana couldn’t help gulping along with Gluttony.

[‘Introduction to Elemental Magic’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[Your proficiency in elemental magic has increased significantly.]

[An original book has been consumed. Promoting a connection to Myrdal Herseim… success. Myrdal Herseim has accepted the connection with the user.]

[Connect is starting.]

That’s it! Lili formed a fist when she heard ‘Connect.’ Last time, she had heard the word ‘Synchro.’ This time, a new word had popped out. Lili wondered what the difference was. However, there was no time to think about this question.


“Ack!” Despite her determination, the sharp sound gouged at her head.

There was a feeling of uncertainty, as if her spirit had left her body and was being lifted into the air. She was aware that it was futile to resist, but the fear of looking into the abyss aroused her reluctance.

Was this the feeling of taking a carriage to a marriage meeting?


Liliana’s pointless resistance ended, and her consciousness fell into the abyss.

Myrdal Herseim was waiting for her.

* * *

Fresh grass, moist air, and a sweet scent…

The warm wind tickled her skin, and she was lying on a bed which felt like it was made of cobwebs. Liliana, who was enjoying the coziness, suddenly opened her eyes.

“Ah!” Lili got up with a startled expression.

The hammock, tied between two trees, swung roughly, but it turned out fine. A moment ago, she had been on the bed of her dormitory, and now, she was in a place like this. The only possible reason for this was that Gluttony had eaten the [Introduction to Elemental Magic].

Lili looked down and saw that she was in her own body.

‘This time, my body hasn’t changed. Is it different from last time?’

It wasn’t Synchro but Connect. She didn’t understand the meaning, but the two words seemed to trigger different phenomenons.

Synchro was assimilation, while Connect was connecting to something. Lili decided to think about the two words in that sense.

It was at this moment that…

“Ah, you are a noisy child.”

A decrepit voice filled with the weight of years spoke out from behind her. Lili looked back hurriedly.

There was an old man with a white beard and long hair. The moment she tried to speak, Liliana realized there was something strange. Her eyes widened, but her body didn’t move.

‘W-What? Why don’t I have a voice?’

Her body became stiff the moment she met the old man’s gaze. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move even a finger. How could the eyes of the old man exert this type of binding force when he didn’t give off any pressure?

The confused Lili continued staring into the old man’s eyes, and she soon realized the reason why.

–Your presence is lacking in front of this grandeur.

The white hair of the old man was like an ice-capped mountain peak, while the shabby body reminded her of the greatest mountain range on the continent. His eyes were clear as the sea and seemed to see right through Lili.

‘T-This person, is he a human…?!’

A magnificent mountain in the shape of a man seemed to be before her. The huge presence was like a weight on Lili’s shoulders.

There was no doubt about the man’s identity. He was the greatest elementalist of the century, Myrdal Herseim. With a pure lineage, the one who opened the door to the elemental world…

He was a genius who would’ve reached the ultimate nirvana if he had lived longer and succeeded in calling an elemental king.

“Hrmm… Let me look at you,” he said in a low voice as his eyes became sunken.

Myrdal’s blue eyes pierced through Liliana Miller. It was with the perception and wisdom that he had acquired as a sorcerer. The eyes of the old man, who had reached the peak in both fields, gazed into Lili’s essence.

Elementals wouldn’t open their hearts to the impure or the false. They only reached out to sincere people. Inevitably, the eyes of an elementalist looked closely at this essence.

After looking at Liliana for a long time, Myrdal opened his mouth. “You don’t know how to burn like fire. You avoid burning yourself and don’t enjoy reckless challenges. A fire elemental would not go well with you.”

It made a lot of sense. Lili was a sorceress who moved with a cold head rather than a hot heart. As Lili grew as a sorceress, she didn’t have a fire-like nature as she’d tried to suppress all impulsive behavior.

“You’re not free like the wind. You are strict on yourself and hate acting without purpose. The wind spirits won’t feel any interest towards you.”

Myrdal saw it correctly. Liliana had always condemned her talent and worked hard to overcome it. Every act which wasted time was a sin, so relaxing was regarded as laziness.

“You’re not as flexible as water. You have defined your life and will move along the set course. That rigidity is certainly wonderful, but the water elementals who always change shape won’t welcome such a person.”

This too made a lot of sense.

Lili had walked the path of a sorceress until the end, even when she was mocked and told to give up. Instead of acknowledging her insufficiency, she added more effort. Despite knowing that it was pointless, she couldn’t give up on such a life.

‘Are you saying that I’m wrong? Is it wrong to not be as hot as fire, as free as the wind, or as flexible as water?’

Lili, who was rejected by three types of elementals, bit her lip with a bitter expression. That bitterness… it was like protesting that she did have talent.

However, Myrdal wasn’t finished.

“But you know how to persevere. No matter how large a rock is, it will someday become sand. The rock has to endure hot lava and have its rough surface smoothed by rain. Fire, wind, and water. Nothing can shake that perseverance.”

Then Myrdal’s mouth, half-obscured by the white beard, rose upwards in a smile. He tapped the floor with the staff in his hand, while Lili was still immobile.

“I will call the elemental that is suitable for your honest perseverance!”

Simultaneously, a bright glow emerged from the end of his staff and brightened the surroundings. Lili blinked unintentionally because of the light, then tears started welling up in her eyes.

‘A young child…?’

The shape of a young child was vaguely visible. It was at least the size of an adult’s palm…?

A small child made of clay floated in the light toward her. Then it hit its head lightly against Liliana’s forehead.

“Hahaha! That child likes you! The child’s name is Mitra, a forgotten ancient elemental.”

Myrdal’s voice was getting further away. Was the connection with her ending? Myrdal’s voice became increasingly faint as Lili’s consciousness faded. Only the tiny dot of soil on her forehead became clearer.

The earth elemental, Mitra…

As the strange bond formed with Lili, her consciousness returned to reality.

[The connection with Myrdal Herseim has been terminated.]

[You have formed a contract with the forgotten earth elemental, ‘Mitra.’]

[Affinity to earth has increased significantly.]

[Gluttony is satisfied with the food she has consumed. Having fed her two books, she falls back into a deep sleep.]

Chapter 22 - Outside The Academy #4

Three days later, Liliana stood by the gates of Bergen Academy in the early morning. Instead of her normal uniform, she wore a casual dress and carried a few large pieces of luggage on her back. If she hadn’t exercised for two months, she wouldn’t have been able to take even a few steps.

‘H-Heavy! I only brought what I needed, but this is still…’

Lili had only brought her clothes and daily necessities. Despite that, her backpacks were thick and bulging.

In order to reach Mana-vil from Bergen, it was said to take 14 days, with 10 days being the fastest. In that time, she had to deliver between 15 to 30 books to Gluttony. If she had known this, she would have learned how to enchant objects with a weight reduction spell. However, she had previously decided to postpone it due to a lack of comprehension.

‘Do I have to ask the professor again?’

Lili dropped her luggage and massaged her stiff shoulders. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I had a lot more to do than I thought.”

Professor Vince showed up in casual clothes he rarely wore. It seemed like the procedure to participate in the magic contest was quite complicated. In recent days, even Lili had found it difficult to meet him.

Vince wiped the sweat off his brow and looked at the luggage Lili had put down. “I forgot to tell you something since I’ve been so deluged with things.”

“What do you mean?”

“It is better to show you directly, rather than talk with my mouth.”

Then Vince took out something.

‘A pouch…?’

It looked like a pouch made of shabby leather. Vince aimed the opening at Lili’s baggage and muttered a word, “Storage!”

Simultaneously, the entrance of the pouch widened, and there was a strange suction. Strangely, the suction didn’t touch the air or the other objects. It just sucked up the designated target—Lili’s luggage. The scene of a backpack 10 times the size of the pouch it was being sucked into… just didn’t seem real.

Lili was amazed as she grasped the identity of the pouch, “Space pocket!”

As Vince put the space pocket away, he agreed, “This item is famous in many ways. It is also convenient.” Indeed, if there was a space pocket, then she didn’t need to carry her baggage around. It was a high grade artifact which could carry as many things as needed.

‘What is the rating of that space pocket?’ Lili wanted to ask, but postponed it as Vince walked ahead.

“Time is a little tight. We can talk while moving.”

“I understand.”

The two walked through the main gates and headed towards the city at a fast pace. At first, they walked silently, but then Vince, who was a few steps ahead, turned back and asked, “Liliana, can you show me the elemental that you made a contract with?”

An ancient elemental… Vince majored in archaeology, so he would naturally find it attractive. He couldn’t hide the overwhelming curiosity in his eyes. This was an incurable disease for a magician. The usual coldness was gone from his eyes, leaving him with bright eyes like those of a child's.

Lili laughed lightly and talked to the girl inside her, ‘Mitra.’ The sleeping girl opened her eyes at her call.

“Ohh…!” A cry of admiration emerged from Vince’s mouth.

It was because the lump of dirt at Lili’s feet had changed into the shape of a little girl. Her eyes and nose were vague. However, a general spirit could barely take the image of a beast, let alone a human. This was only possible for upper-ranked elementals.

Yet the elemental, Mitra, became a human figure as soon as she’d made a contract with Lili.

“Is it possible to talk with her?” Vince asked in a trembling voice.

If it was possible to communicate, then Mitra’s potential was almost the same as an elemental king. However, Lili shook her head with a regretful expression. “I’ve tried talking to her.”

Mitra felt Lili’s gaze and said, [Huing?] It sounded like the cry of a puppy.

“I can only hear this sound.”

“Do you know what it means?”

“Well… it is a little subtle.”

Lili focused on the feeling which was being passed to her from Mitra. The contract with the elemental was a connection of their souls. It was a simple matter to read each other’s surface thoughts, but the situation would be overwhelming if the elemental was more mature.

However, Liliana soon opened her eyes and clicked her tongue. “It feels like I am dealing with a child who doesn’t know how to speak yet. There are only simple words like good, no, I don’t understand.”

“But communication itself is possible. Very interesting.”

Unlike Lili, Vince’s eyes shone. It was different from the intermediate and low-grade elementals who only passively followed their contractor’s will. Vince gave advice to Lili, who was holding Mitra in her arms, “Call her often to talk. An ancient elemental is an individual spirit, so the exchanges it has with its contractor is a great way to grow.”

“She just whined about being called continuously.”

“Hoh, there is already a self-consciousness!”

Vince was amazed again and eventually wrote down things about Mitra in his notebook.

There were a few more things he would like to ask. Where would he get a more interesting study material? Talking to Lili for a few days was much more beneficial than years of research at Bergen Academy. A big smile, which didn’t seem to suit Vince, was on his face thanks to his disciple.

“Professor, do you mind if I ask you one thing?” This time, Lili had a question. She waited until Vince finished writing in the notebook and asked, “How are we getting to Mana-vil? I know that the current transportation arrangements won’t work.”

The west side of Bergen contained the mountain range and toward the north was the Moya River. Thanks to this, invasion from other lands could be avoided easily. However, the journey to Mana-vil, to the northwest of Bergen, would be compromised in several ways.

On the assumption that the horse-drawn carriage didn’t rest, it could take anywhere between 10 days to a month. In order to participate in the magic contest, they had to arrive in 10 days.

“Well, don’t worry about that. I thought about it in advance.”

However, Vince smiled leisurely and kept moving. “There are many people leaving for Mana-vil Capital during this time. Tourists, magicians, foreigners from another kingdom… Do you know who values this period of time the most?”

Lili was puzzled by the unexpected question, but she soon reached the answer that Vince wanted. “…Merchants?”

“That is correct. The number of people will be 10 times more than usual, and there will be magicians with thick wallets. Merchants who can smell money won’t miss such an opportunity. They will try to get as much profit as possible.”

It was no exception for the merchants of Bergen. They ended up creating a new path through the mountain range in order to shorten the travel time. Vince was thinking of using that.

“I’ve used it a few times in the past. It is rare for individuals to use that path, and normally only upper-ranked companies can enter. There are several monster dens, and it is also haunted by bandits.”

“I guess it is fast enough to accept that risk.”

“As I recall, it took me around a week. Compared to conventional travel methods, it is twice as fast.”

Merchants, who realized the idea that time was money, couldn’t ignore such a path. A simple calculation was that double the speed equaled double the profit. Threats such as monsters and bandits were easily taken care of by hiring mercenaries to escort them. The money earned was greater than what they paid, so the upper-ranked companies almost always took this path.

Lili saw a procession in the distance. Their destination must be Mana-vil because she counted close to 30 wagons. There were also at least 100 mercenaries resting nearby.

Then the moment when the two people approached the procession…

“Oh! You came!” A middle-aged man in a tunic suddenly popped out of the procession. He was a big figure in the company, but his attitude was like a peasant who hadn’t seen a noble before. The man bowed toward Vince, who looked impassive as usual.

“There is no better luck than having Professor join us!”

“I should be thanking you, Boss Gordon.”

“Hahaha, you can relax! By the way, is this your disciple?”

As Vince nodded, Gordon grabbed a merchant passing by and gave him instructions. “Prepare a carriage and bring it here. These two are precious guests and shouldn’t be disrespected.”

“Yes, I understand!”

Looking at his attitude, Lili realized the reason for the hospitality—5th Circle master, Vince Haidel. In other words, Vince’s presence was equivalent to 100 or more mercenaries. Being a powerful magician in itself was a precious identity…

And Liliana Miller would be one as well.

Chapter 23 - Night In The Nadun Mountain Ranges #1 Not long after the two people joined, the massive procession began to move. The sight of 30 wagons and a few hundred people moving together was really spectacular. Dust rose up from the earth like a cloud, accompanied by the sound of mercenaries marching. “Then I will be going now. If you need anything, please look for me straight away. I’ll come running immediately.” “Thanks for your consideration.” “Haha, no problem. Please relax!” Gordon maintained the respectful attitude until the end as he bowed and then moved to the front of the procession. He was a model example of a reputable merchant who refrained from extreme flattery. Even though Liliana was wary and vigilant against other people, Gordon left a good impression on her.

Vince stroked his seat a few times and nodded. ‘…A good carriage. He is resourceful to be capable of preparing such a carriage in advance. After a few years, Gordon may become a key figure in this company.’ The carriage Gordon offered to the two was one which would only be arranged for VIP guests. It hardly shook while traveling on the steep mountain trail, and the blanketed floor gave off a soft warmth. Additionally, the curtains hanging over the elaborately carved windows were able to give some shade. It was just like a traveling inn room.

‘I didn’t think I would be able to see the Nadun Mountain Ranges in this way…’ As they left the academy, Liliana looked out the window with a feeling of excitement. The people of Meltor Kingdom knew the harshness of the Nadun Mountain Ranges. It was a land where numerous groups of monsters fought. In the deepest parts of the mountains, there were many dangerous things which would cause even famous adventurers to die. This massive procession was merely passing through the outskirts, never going near the depths.

However, Lili’s interest soon faded. ‘Apart from the thickness of the vegetation, it is just a normal mountain.’ All types of strange creatures grew in the depths. There were no such things in the outskirts where the massive procession was moving. She lost interest in the procession and watched the spectacular sight of the mercenaries climbing up the mountain for a bit. There was nothing much for Lili to see, so she soon turned her attention to something else again.

“Mitra.” The girl answered her call like she had been waiting. [Huing!] It seemed like she was in a good mood. Mitra loved all the soil around her as she spun round and round! She ran around every corner of the carriage. Lili laughed as she watched her and extended a finger unconsciously. [Huung.] Mitra clung to her finger. The moist texture of the soil was unpleasant, but her behavior was so cute that she left it alone. As Lili's right hand gently stroked her head, she swung herself on her finger. She doubted if this would be helpful like Professor Vince said, but at least she wouldn’t be bored. Thus, Liliana took the time to play with Mitra while the carriage headed to Mana-vil.

* * *

In the end, the procession didn’t encounter any obstacles and the sky gradually turned dim. The people, who had climbed the steep mountain trail all day, took out pots and dishes to make dinner, pushing away the cool evening breeze with a campfire. Thanks to Vince, Lili was also treated as a VIP and was able to eat stew and a few pieces of soft bread. ‘Isn’t it quite a treat for eating outside? Indeed, merchants won’t go around chewing on things like dried sardines.’

Eating was one of the most important things on a long-distance trip. Even if the purpose was nutrition, a meal which didn’t have a minimum of taste would just disturb the people’s minds and bodies. A warm and delicious meal didn’t just alleviate physical fatigue but mental fatigue as well. The group which realized this faster than anyone else and devised a solution was a high-ranked company.

After finishing the satisfactory meal, Lili looked at the head of the procession and muttered, “Hoo, I feel sorry that I am more comfortable than the professor.” Vince had gone to install alarm magic near the campsite after his meal. It was also possible for Lili, but the reliability of a 5th Circle alarm compared to a 3rd Circle alarm was like the difference between heaven and earth. The practical effect would differ significantly depending on the level.

As a result, Lili was left alone with nothing to do. ‘Well, it isn’t necessary for me to do anything.’ Rather than returning to the boring carriage, she called Mitra and set her down on the ground. Mitra co*cked her head hesitantly for a moment, before sitting down and using her hands to play with the dirt. The soil touched by her hand became soft or hard and turned into her desired shape. This was possible because Mitra was an earth elemental. Mitra had just completed the fifth of her small earth carriages when…

‘-Uh?!’ A cold chill ran down the back of Lili's neck suddenly. “Detect Evil!” It was a magic to detect enemies. A sorceress of the 3rd Circle could detect enemies up to 50 meters away. So, with Lili at the center, a wave of magic power spread out over 50 meters. Lili ignored the confusion of mercenaries around her and focused on analyzing the results of the magic wave. ‘…It didn’t catch anything? That is impossible!’

Alfred’s perception was still predicting the approach of enemies. She couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but the chill which hit her neck was freezing. It was proof that a threat was approaching. Lili thought about where she’d gone wrong. Detect Evil was a magic which sensed the enemy on the surface. Even if an enemy magician neutralized the magic, it couldn’t hide the fact that someone existed. ‘No, wait a minute.’ “It can’t be…!” Lili’s eyes fell to the ground where Mitra was playing. “Mitra! Go into the ground!” [Hoing!] As soon as she gave the order, Mitra instantly plunged into the ground. While she sank into the ground like it was water, she showed Lili the landscape under the ground. The connection of their souls was a strong bond, so it wasn’t hard to share audio and visual.

Lili's and Mitra’s vision captured the enemy. ‘Hobgoblins?!’ Creatures with dark blue skin and ugly faces were coming up through a tunnel in the ground. The axes in their hands indicated that they weren’t friendly. The headcount was approximately 20-30 enemies. It was a force which could do considerable damage if they did a surprise attack in the rear.

“Professor, I have to tell Professor Vince…!” Liliana reflexively turned her gaze and saw a scene of flames rising in the front of the procession. Kwaang! There was an intense wave of magic power! This was a spell possible for 5th Circle magicians. The head of the procession was probably also being attacked by enemies. In this situation, it might cause unnecessary confusion for Lili to try and contact Vince now. Additionally, there was no time left. The hobgoblins in the tunnel were 5 meters below the surface. The time remaining was less than 15 seconds. Lili only had one option remaining. ‘I have to respond on my own!’

Preparing her mind, Liliana took deep breaths and shouted like she had never done before, “O-h-h-h-h!!” She hadn’t enhanced her voice with magic, but the desperate yell was enough to reach the mercenaries near her. “W-W-What?!” “Ooh, what a surprise!” “What is that girl suddenly doing?”

However, Lili just dropped her palm near the ground where the hobgoblins were coming up. Now, it was 4 meters—no, 3 meters. If she didn’t adjust her timing properly, chances were that she would fail. Nevertheless, Lili didn’t worry that she would fail. Instead, she concentrated on using elemental magic through Mitra. ‘Right now!’ “[Turn into mud!]” The advantage of elemental magic was that she didn’t need a magic formula; she just needed a clear image to get results. After accepting Lili’s power, Mitra naturally transformed the surrounding area into mud. This was a disaster for the hobgoblins about to come out of the tunnel.

Kurruk? Kwieeeek! Kwuaaack! Kyaak! Kuwaaaack! Some of them slammed their heads into the mud, while others got their waists stuck, and some hobgoblins only managed to get their heads out. However, all the hobgoblins stuck in the mud were furious.

That said, Liliana wasn’t done. “[Stiff like a stone!]” Her magic power swept the ground once again, and the mud solidified. It was just a temporary phenomenon, but the power was great. The hobgoblins screamed as the ground hardened into grey clay, and they became stuck. The ones who were hardened at the top slumped down.

Lili wiped the sweat off her face and shouted at the mercenaries standing around her, “What are you doing? Kill them now!” “A-Ah!” “What is going on?” They lived on the battlefield, so they soon realized the situation. It was currently a good opportunity. The hobgoblins, which had their heads or upper bodies exposed, were killed, just like crops being harvested. Halberds broke the hobgoblins’ heads, while others were smashed to death.

In an instant, the 30 hobgoblins from the tunnel had been wiped out. However, the chill Lili felt hadn’t disappeared yet. Pew pew puet—If it wasn’t for her extreme concentration, she wouldn’t have noticed the sound. Lili turned in the direction of the sound and saw something familiar. ‘Arrows!’

The hobgoblins were monsters who used tools like humans and also attacked tactically. If Lili hadn’t responded to the ambush, then many mercenaries would’ve died from the previous attack. This was why hobgoblins were troublesome and dangerous monsters. They stole loot from humans and used them to attack humans. In her head, she recalled Alfred’s memories. –The speed is normal, with a wooden shaft and metal tip. If this was the case, the arrows could be stopped without much difficulty. Together with that intuition, Lili instantly created a wide-area wind barrier. There was no need to stop it with armor. She just needed to affect the trajectory to reduce the power of the arrows. After encountering a headwind, the power of the projectiles would fall by half.

“Aerial Defender!” The evening breeze passing by lent a hand. Strong winds were helpful in this situation. Just a slight change in direction could reduce the threat of the arrow. The arrows affected by the headwind eventually fell to the ground before they reached the procession. Lili was satisfied with the results, but her eyes narrowed as she gazed in the direction of the arrows. ‘…They are coming.’

The hobgoblins, hiding in the shadows, started to move after knowing that two ambushes had failed. In the darkness beyond the campfire, eerie shrieks and red eyes could be seen. During the night in the Nadun Mountain Ranges, a full-fledged battle began.

**Chapter 24 - Night In The Nadun Mountain Ranges #2**

Meanwhile, at the head of the procession, an entirely different scene was unfolding.

The number of hobgoblins at the front was incomparable to those at the rear. It was difficult to measure the number of hobgoblins appearing in the darkness, and they charged forward while equipped with armor and weapons.

Kuwaaaack! Kieeek! Kiyaaak!

Around 10 minutes after that…


Vince stepped on a lump of charcoal at his feet with a cold expression. Few traces were left of the hobgoblins who had just been attacking. The only thing left behind was the melted metal from their armor.

The imposing figure of one man was standing over the traces. There were over 100 traces struck together, which meant at least 100 hobgoblins had been killed in 10 minutes.

‘T-This is a 5th Circle master…!’

Gordon’s eyes were wide with astonishment as he looked at Vince.

He’d thought he understood the significance of the existence of a magician, but the scene Vince had just shown was much more than he had ever imagined. Gordon clearly realized why it wasn’t knights but magicians who were said to dominate the battlefield.

Above all else, the fearsome thing wasn’t the horror created by the flames.

“How trivial.”

The magician who had turned 100 hobgoblins into chunks of charcoal was the terrifying thing.

Even though they were hobgoblins and not people, Vince had casually burned 100 of them to death. Thanks to that, Vince and the others had survived, but the mercenaries couldn’t help gulping with expressions which didn’t hide their horror.

No, in a way, this was Vince’s essence.

He had the image of a good teacher at the academy, but the number of humans Vince had killed on the battlefield couldn’t be counted. The power of a 5th Circle war magician, especially a fire war magician, was literally at the level of a siege weapon. Over the decades of his life, Vince had killed more than 100 people in one battle.

At one time, he had been called, ‘Destruction by Fire’ or ‘Fire Killer Vince.’


“Huh? Ah, ah, yes!” Gordon was surprised at the sudden call and barely replied.

“Send some people to the rear. Perhaps the hobgoblins also hit that area. It looks like they have responded properly, but there might be more than one commander.”

Vince wanted to go to the rear, but if he left his current location, the whole front lines would be in danger.

The hobgoblins had already been defeated, but there was still the commander. If Vince left without finishing off the commander, he would be leaving behind deadly consequences. The defeated hobgoblins would evolve into more cunning and vicious enemies.

Standing there was a hobgoblin shaman holding a staff.

“…Is it an artifact?”

It was a wooden staff with a purple crystal embedded in it. Despite the coarse workmanship, the level of magic power coming from it was significant. Perhaps the staff was what allowed the hobgoblin to withstand his fire.

Vince hadn’t expected to find such a good gift in this place.

“I guess I better hurry.”

He could feel that the waves of magic power in the rear were becoming more intense. The sound of metal screaming didn’t stop. If a commander-level enemy appeared in the rear, then Liliana would suffer.

Vince let go of the force which had been restrained due to the surrounding people.


As soon as his fingers moved, a terrible fire pillar emerged from the ground.

* * *

The flames at the front were so warm that they could even be felt in the rear. Of course, it was possible that Lili was deluding herself, but it was still a spectacular scene.

Lili, who had just aimed a Fire Bolt at a hobgoblin’s head, looked at the front.

“Wow, it seems like a real mess is happening over there.”

Fire-based magic was considered to be the best in a large army. The shockwaves generated by the explosion would burst the intestines of those who came in direct contact with it, while the aftermath of the flames and high heat would damage the lungs.

If a Fireball from the 3rd Circle was that powerful, there was no need to talk about the 4th or 5th Circle.

‘Blaze Shell… no, Flare Burst. If I was right next to the professor, then I would be roasted right now.’

Lili clicked her tongue and fired a Lightning Bolt at a hobgoblin who was preparing to attack the back of a mercenary. The hobgoblin was hit by the lightning bolt and twitched before falling to the ground. For enemies which were creatures, lightning magic was extremely effective. Lili realized it again as she used her magic power.

‘However, Lightning Bolt consumes too much magic power. I can’t use a Fireball in this situation where it is a melee.’

She didn’t have enough magic power to keep using single-attack spells, while there was a possibility that her allies might be affected if she used a wide-area spell. Inexperienced battle magicians often didn’t know how to act in this situation, but Lili moved without much hesitation.

If it was a melee, she would take advantage of it.

“Shock Bolt,” as Lili spoke in a loud voice, eight lightning arrows appeared.

Their strength was far less than Lightning Bolt, making it hard to even catch a rat. It was a magic which students forgot about after learning it.

However, this was enough.


The eight Shock Bolts aimed towards the hobgoblins. The magic was slower than natural lightning, but it was at a speed which the hobgoblins couldn’t avoid. Additionally, they were holding swords which attracted the lightning.

Kiruruk?! Kiyaaak?

Static rose all over the bodies of the hobgoblins. An electrocuted body would temporarily lose control, with pain and instincts momentarily paralyzed. Of course, it was only for a few seconds, but that was enough.

“What? Why did I get a bruise all of a sudden?”

“Get lost!”

It created a gap for the mercenaries fighting them. The hobgoblins, who suddenly stopped moving, had their heads cut off or necks sliced, and fell to the ground.

Some of the mercenaries knew it was due to Lili’s help and raised their thumbs. Lili also gave a thumbs up and used Mitra or Ignite to help the mercenaries fighting the hobgoblins.

As this continued, the balance between the two groups began to crumble, and the humans gained the advantage.

‘It is almost over.’

Lili took a moment to recover as she looked at the hobgoblins, whose number had been reduced by more than half. The mercenaries had few casualties except for a few unfortunate ones. Those who were injured took a moment to bandage their wounds before running back into the battle.

If this continued, the situation would be cleaned up in less than 30 minutes. However, the moment she put her mind at ease…


The reason Lili avoided the blow was thanks to pure luck and a sense of urgency. Lili, who had rolled forward reflexively, stood up and looked at the place where she had been standing.

The ground was cracked and her skin irritated from the shock wave. If it had been a direct hit, it was obvious that her bones and flesh would’ve burst.

“Keuk, this… spear?!”

It was a spear… a spear entirely made of metal! The weight alone made it hard to swing, so how could a hobgoblin throw it with the same speed as an arrow? If it had been blocked with a shield, the spear would have penetrated the body through the shield.

Liliana held her trembling arms close to her body and looked in the direction from which the spear had been thrown.

In that direction, a figure appeared.


As the figure ran out of the forest, an axe flashed and sliced apart two bodies in front of him. The bodies weren’t cut but torn apart. As the upper halves of the two mercenaries fell to the ground, one mercenary barely managed to block the swinging axe with his shield.


“Killing Jones in one shot…?”

“Hobgoblin chief!”

The scream revealed the identity of the enemy.

‘Chief…! This guy has appeared…’

Lili knew it as well.

Hobgoblin chief… A chief was someone who led at least 100 people, with many presiding over thousands of people. Simply being superior in leadership or intelligence wouldn’t allow them to become a chief. As always, the world of the wild turned to the law of the strong.

The chief had to be the strongest in the group.

Kururuk, kuraaaack!

The chief picked up the spear he’d thrown and pointed it at Lili while holding the axe in his other hand.

It seemed like Lili was his target. This meant that he knew about the existence of a magician. As if he had no desire to escape, the hobgoblin chief held the spear boldly like he would throw it at any time.

This couldn’t be avoided.

Lili sensed this and withdrew her magic power instead of raising it. It would be good if she didn’t have to fight, but if there was no exit, she would need to make sure to win against the opponent.

Alfred’s memories pushed at her, saying she would have to deal with this enemy.



As a cold wind blew, the magician and monster ran toward each other.

**Chapter 25 - Night In The Nadun Mountain Ranges #3**

The strength of a sorceress lay in her ability to easily overpower foes with her magical firepower from a safe distance. Even war magicians trained in martial arts would become headless bodies the moment they got into close range with knights. The same applied to the hobgoblin chief, who possessed greater physical abilities than humans.

However, Liliana ran forward first.

‘If I retreat, I will die!’

A naive sorceress would’ve stepped back and died. Instead of ignoring the advice of her senses, Lili gritted her teeth and charged. Backing away was absolutely not a wise choice.

Lili only took five steps before she was within the range of the chief’s spear. No, the chief wouldn’t be able to kill her now by throwing the spear. However, Lili wouldn’t be able to defeat the spear head-on with 3rd Circle magic. Even if she avoided the spear, the axe would slice off her head.

“Haste!” The acceleration magic wrapped around Lili’s body. Her movements were faster, and the ugly face of the hobgoblin chief was soon right in front of her.

The chief was holding the axe over his head like he would bring it down at any moment. Lili had only exercised for two months, and her speed was only slightly faster, so it was a blow which couldn’t be avoided.

She called out to Mitra while sliding, “Now!”

At the same time, the right leg of the hobgoblin chief moved, and the balance of his body collapsed. Mitra had penetrated the ground and created a pit at the chief’s feet. It was only 30cm deep, but thanks to that, the axe hit empty air.


As Lili listened to the sound of air blowing above her head, she aimed at the side of the hobgoblin chief.


The fireball got a direct hit to the chief’s side.


The shock waves caused by the explosion made Lili take a few steps back. Usually, it would’ve ended here for the hobgoblins, but it wouldn’t be a fatal wound for the chief. Lili stared at the grey smoke emerging from the center.

‘Damn, if his head was exposed, then I would’ve used the Magic Bullet.’

Alfred-style Magic Missile, also known as Magic Bullet, would’ve penetrated the hobgoblin chief’s skin without any difficulty. However, the lethal force was exerted only when it hit the vital points.

The skin of a monster was much tougher than a human’s, and their body structure was also different. So, she needed to hit the right place for a fatal wound. Unfortunately, she had never read a book about the hobgoblin’s body.

So, she had used Fireball instead of Magic Bullet.


The chief roared with a mixture of pain and anger from within the smoke. Fireball had hit the chief’s skin, and the sizzling was painful to watch. Nevertheless, the hobgoblin’s combat power was still going strong.

“Fireball is insufficient,” Lili muttered as she saw the chief’s state.

In the 3rd circle and below, Fireball was the magic with the strongest firepower. If it wasn’t effective, then Lili only had two choices left… two means of attack to overcome that defense.

‘Blaze Shell or Magic Bullet.’

The first was dismissed. Lili was able to use Blaze Shell as a one-time ability after eating ‘Roaring Flames,’ but the preparation took too long. She would’ve died ten times by the time she managed to gather the magic power and chant the spell.

It would be a different story if the other mercenaries tied up the hobgoblin chief during that time, but…

‘Hoo, I was wrong to expect a lot.’

The mercenaries had retreated after seeing the difference in skill and were taking care of the hobgoblins instead. No matter how good the money was, it would be no use if they died. The mercenaries had no desire to confront the hobgoblin chief when it was likely that they would die. Rather, it was fortunate they hadn’t escaped and were instead blocking the other hobgoblins.

“…Okay, I will try it once.”

Lili stared at the hobgoblin chief’s red eyes and gathered magic power in her arms. She only had two chances.

If she shot with all her power to penetrate the hobgoblin chief’s defense, she would only be able to use the magic twice. It would be different if she was Alfred, but this was the limit for Lili, who hadn’t completely mastered the magic yet.

The hobgoblin chief was panting, while Liliana Miller gathered magic power in her arms. The confrontation between the two beings was suddenly broken.


The hobgoblin chief ran out of patience and attacked.


He charged with his spear and tried to pierce Lili’s body with it. If Lili hadn’t moved back hurriedly, then she would’ve been skewered like a chicken. This was followed up with a slash from the axe. It was obvious that the axe had enough power to break down a huge log.


Mitra responded to Lili’s call and made a pit under the chief’s feet like before.

Kuruk, kururuk!

Instead of wielding the axe, the hobgoblin chief jumped over the pit. Then he scoffed at Lili. The anger filling the chief’s eyes disappeared. Despite the pain, he was cunning and knew how to use sly tricks. He hadn’t forgotten about the trap he’d once fallen into.

As he thought that, Lili sneered.


Another pit suddenly appeared. This time, it was at Lili’s feet instead of under the hobgoblin.


As the axe missed Lili, who had suddenly fallen down, confusion filled the face of the hobgoblin chief. While lying on the ground, which had become soft thanks to Mitra, Lili pointed her index finger at the chief’s face. At this distance, the chief wouldn’t be able to avoid the Magic Bullet.

A blue flash launched from Lili’s fingertip.


The extremely compressed magic power broke through the wall of sound and tore apart the wind. The power was enough to penetrate armor and turn thick leather into a piece of cloth. The flash reached the head of the hobgoblin chief.


It wasn’t unreasonable to feel confident. The blow was precisely timed. However, perhaps due to the wild nature or a warrior’s instincts, the chief’s axe moved desperately and blocked the flash.


Pieces of the axe scattered, and the hobgoblin chief was pushed back with a hole in his forehead. Despite the blood splattering on Lili’s face, she got up hurriedly and looked at where the hobgoblin chief was.

The chief had already gotten up and grabbed his wounded forehead.

“Dammit, too shallow!”

The wound was too shallow. The flash had faded away before piercing the skull. It was because quite a bit of power had been consumed to break the axe. With this, Lili only had one shot of Magic Bullet remaining. It would end with the next attack.

Kuruk, kururururu…

Liliana’s Magic Bullet was too threatening, so the chief didn’t dare to approach. Rather, he grasped the spear and kept swinging it. He moved swiftly to the left and right, not leaving any gaps. Lili wasn’t confident about hitting a target moving at such high speed.

In the end, the narrow gap widened to a greater distance than it had been at the beginning.

‘That posture…!’

The chief’s arm was flexed like a bow, and the spear was pulled back like an arrow. It was the typical posture of someone preparing to throw the spear. A fearsome blow which would threaten Liliana’s life was about to be used again.

Lili raised her right arm, which still had one Magic Bullet remaining.


A chilly wind blew past as the two beings aimed for each other’s lives. The tension was intense, and even the mercenaries and hobgoblins became breathless as they watched the confrontation. The winning side would gain the advantage… Everybody instinctively understood this fact.

So, it was no wonder that the hobgoblin chief moved first.


The speed at which he rushed was like the wind. At that speed, the distance would be narrowed down in five seconds or less. Lili’s spine grew damp with tension. However, the chief understood the horror of the Magic Bullet and jumped into the air.

‘He’s coming!’

Lili had planned this, but she couldn’t help feeling nervous. Even if she had Alfred’s memories, this was still her first battle. The vivid smell of blood and widespread killing intent tickled her nerves. However, a sorceress fought with her head, not her body. Lili pulled out the card she had prepared.

‘Memorize. All Slots Open.’

The three magic spells, which had previously been stored, were now used at the same time.

“Rise! Walls of Earth!”

The spear couldn’t be blocked by one layer, and two layers were still insufficient. If that was the case, she would block it with three layers. Earth Wall, the 3rd Circle defense magic, was used three times. It was further enhanced by her contract with Mitra, turning the Earth Wall completely solid.

The iron spear struck down on the triple barrier.


The outermost barrier broke. After that, the second barrier started crumbling down. Finally, the last and thickest barrier blocked the fierce momentum of the spear.


The spear seemed like it was going to pierce through to Lili behind the barrier, but then it stopped.

Liliana inserted her finger through a crack in the barrier and said, “I got you.”

Her sharp eyes didn’t miss the target which was still in the air. It was different from the ground where the chief could move easily. No animal could move freely through the air without wings. At least, that was the case for the hobgoblins. The same was true for the chief.

A second flash penetrated through the darkness of the sky.


The hobgoblin chief crossed his arms in front of his face to block it somehow, but the Magic Bullet wouldn’t be stopped by such a clumsy thing. The blue flash lit up the two arms and the head behind it.

Then the body which lost its life fell to the ground.


There was a loud noise, and a pit formed around the body. It was close to 2 meters deep, showing the weight of the corpse.

Lili placed her foot on the body of the hobgoblin chief and threw her head back. Then she raised her clenched fist.

“Ohhhhhhh!” The mercenaries who witnessed her victory cheered.

The remaining hobgoblins soon realized they’ve been defeated and fled to the forest, leaving only the corpses of the hobgoblins behind.

Lili’s first battle in the Nadun Mountain Ranges ended spectacularly.

Chapter 6: Chapter 26-50

Chapter Text

Chapter 26 - Mana-Vil Capital #1 (End Of Book 1)

The raid on the first night was really fierce, but the damage was less than expected. Hundreds of the hobgoblins had been turned into charcoal due to Vince’s flames, while Liliana’s appropriate actions had taken care of the ambush in the rear. Her merit was especially big since the chief had died.

After that raid, nothing had occurred. Was it because they repelled the hobgoblins who ruled the whole area? Thanks to their weapons being soaked in the blood of the hobgoblins, monsters such as goblins, kobolds, and direwolves didn’t dare charge toward the procession. There were a few trolls who attempted an attack, but they were soon butchered by the bloodthirsty mercenaries.

'Speaking of which, can’t a troll’s blood be used as a raw ingredient for potions? It’s no wonder they fought harder against the trolls than the hobgoblins.’

There was no need for Vince and Liliana to interfere. No, the mercenaries were likely to be angry if the magicians interfered. Fire was most effective in killing a troll, but the raw blood couldn’t be obtained. There would be many complaints if they went and burned the trolls with a Fireball.

Therefore, Lili was staring out the window when she saw someone on a horse approach their carriage. The horse had a glossy brown mane, and there was only one person in the procession who would ride such a horse. It was Gordon, the general manager of this procession. He approached without hesitation and praised the two people, “This time, I really survived thanks to the two of you! If the professor hadn’t accompanied me, I would’ve suffered enormous damage. At least half the procession would’ve been wiped out! The professors of Bergen Academy really have great skills.”

“Thank you.”

“And your disciple as well.”

Gordon bowed his head to Lili as well as Vince. The leader of such a large procession was bowing to a 3rd Circle sorceress, but it was appropriate treatment after Lili’s actions. Liliana had killed a hobgoblin chief, the one who led the attack from the Surprising River village. Depending on the size of the group, the strength of the hobgoblin chief was at least a C rank, making them tough opponents for 4th Circle magicians. If Liliana hadn’t stopped the chief, the rear of the procession would’ve been destroyed.

However, a 3rd Circle sorceress had defeated a hobgoblin chief in a one-on-one match…? If it hadn’t been for the mercenaries saying the same thing, Gordon wouldn’t have believed it. Still, Gordon’s mind was fairly flexible as he was an excellent merchant. He was convinced about Liliana’s value, despite not truly understanding.

“I can’t repay this favor with just my mouth, so I’ve personally prepared something to repay you. My conscience will be more comfortable if you both receive it.”

“Hmmm, if you say so…”

“Ah, you will accept it?”

Vince nodded, and Gordon took out a box he had placed on his saddle. The metal box had chains and a lock wrapped around it, making the item seem quite valuable. Gordon took out a key from his pocket and unlocked it. After the chains were released, the box opened with a rumbling sound.

Inside it was a crystal shining strangely. It was a ball which occasionally changed colors, turning from blue to red. When Lili saw it, she couldn’t help asking doubtfully, “This…?”

There were many encyclopedias in the library about magic stones, but this was the first time she had seen such a strange ball. However, Gordon didn’t give a satisfactory answer. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know. It is something that the Magic Society has been searching for these days, but since the quantity is too low, this company could only obtain a few. I am hoping that it will be helpful to both of you.”

“Can we take such a precious thing?” Vince said as he looked at it closely. At the positive reply, Gordon nodded with a bright expression. If he could form a relationship with a magician by using this unknown crystal, it would be a few times more profitable than selling it.

“Of course! If you weren’t here, I might have lost everything. This is under my sole discretion.”

“Then… I really appreciate it.”

“Hahaha! Now my mind can feel at ease! Ah, would you like to return with us after the magic contest is over? I’ll provide a better carriage than the one you currently have.”

“Well, okay.”

After exchanging a few more courtesies, Gordon returned to the front of the procession with a brighter look than before. From his standpoint, he had been able to prevent the hobgoblins’ attack without much damage. He had also been able to form a relationship with a strong magician. With these, his evaluation within the company would increase greatly. Therefore, Gordon rode off in a good mood.

However, Vince made a noise of derision as he picked up the crystal. “This is why ignorance is truly scary. That merchant didn’t know what he was carrying.”

“Professor, do you know what this is?”

“…I’ve seen it a few times in the north. Technically speaking, this isn’t a crystal. Sometimes plants that absorb the blood of monsters will make berries filled with magic power. This one, the Magic Society calls it, ‘Monster Berry.’” Vince explained as he placed the crystal back in the box and locked it with the key he received from Gordon. Then he placed it in his space pocket with swift movements.

“Monster Berries tempt nearby monsters with its fragrance and will strengthen the monster who eats it. The hobgoblins on the first night probably came for this.”

No matter how hard it was to climb the Nadun Mountain Ranges, such a large group of monsters wouldn’t be living on the outskirts. The monsters were well aware of the damage they would suffer if they neared human territory. The hobgoblins were more cunning than other monsters, so they wouldn’t have been unaware of this fact.

The reason why the hobgoblins had carried out such an unreasonable attack was now revealed. Vince touched his chin and muttered in an interested tone, “I remember it as an object which use was unknown… Maybe a use for it might have been discovered recently.”


“The gifts that I will give you may increase by one.”

‘Gifts?’ Lili stared at him with a puzzled expression.

At that moment, someone shouted from outside the carriage, “It is the capital! I see Mana-vil Capital!”

Lili might be a sorceress, but in the end, she was a girl from the country. She soon forgot to ask about the gift and looked out the window. Every person in the Meltor Kingdom dreamed of living in Mana-vil Capital. It was said to be a heavenly city where white spires pierced the sky.

Liliana Miller had grown up surrounded by the rice fields of the Miller Barony, so she had dreamed about the big city many times as a child. Finally, the moment came when her expectations were rewarded.

“Wow…” Liliana had no choice but to let out a cry of admiration when she saw Mana-vil. There was still a while until the procession reached Mana-vil, but the towering spires could be seen in the distance. The city surrounded by white walls truly seemed like a heavenly city. Carriages were flying over it like part of a fairy tale landscape.

This was the capital of the Meltor Kingdom, Mana-vil… The place which people called the home of magic. Even the empire with the strongest national power didn’t have such a city. There were myths which said the dwarves and elves had help to build the city in the past. The city was a symbol of the extreme architecture which couldn’t be reproduced by the skills and manpower of modern humanity.

As Vince sat beside Lili, who was filled with admiration, he looked at the capital he had returned to after a long time. ‘It is still stunning.’ Vince hated the politics and had removed himself to Bergen Academy, but he couldn’t help pay tribute to the city as a magician. He then pulled out a robe from his space pocket and put it on. It was a luxurious robe made of an impressive red color. Vince didn’t know how many years it had been since he last wore this.

The robe symbolized that he was Vince Haidel of the Red Magic Tower. He muttered as if he was talking to himself, “As soon as we pass through the gates, I will take you to the Magic Society.”

The magic contest drew a huge crowd to Mana-vil. Vince remembered the scene from a few years ago, which was why he had started moving a few days earlier. If he procrastinated, one day of work could turn into 10 days. It would also become annoying if the Red Magic Tower knew about Liliana’s existence. ‘I have to avoid them as much as possible.’

The Red Magic Tower didn’t focus on development as a magician but on fostering magicians specialized in combat. From their point of view, Liliana would be a rising star.

Chapter 27 - Mana-Vil Capital #2

As the capital of the kingdom, Mana-vil was famous for its strict checkpoints during the magic contest. In fact, a fool had been dragged to jail after trying to cross the checkpoints without any proof of identity. It was said that he’d spent a month in jail chewing on hard bread until he heard from his family. Therefore, the tourists, travelers, and delegates lined up at the capital’s main gate couldn’t hide their tension. It was for good reason since the event they had been preparing for several months could all be in vain. Gordon couldn’t hide his nervous smile either.

However, Professor Vince looked the same as always. He walked out of the procession confidently with Lili and spoke to Gordon, “Leader, we’ll be going first.”

“Huh?…Ah! You don’t need to wait here?”

“I have a letter of invitation.”

Vince nodded as he looked down at the envelope in his hand. It was an invitation to the magic contest. The invitation letter to the magic contest wasn’t just a measure of the person’s reputation and status but a clear identification card.

The magician who held it had the right to preferentially pass through the Mana-vil checkpoints, and all the stores in Mana-vil would be cheaper for the duration of the magic contest. They also had a bonus right to pick their accommodation. Gordon looked at the invitation with envy, but it only allowed the magician to bring their assistant. So, Vince couldn’t bring the hundreds of people in with him. In the end, Gordon decided to be satisfied with leaving a good impression.

“Things turned out well thanks to Professor. If you need anything, come and find me at any time. I will help you as much as I can.”

“Thank you for your kind words. Then I’ll see you next time.”

“Yes, please go ahead!”

Gordon bowed politely. Vince and Lili left Gordon behind and moved forward, past the long line. Whistles and chatter came from the crowd, but nobody cared about it. Anybody with a normal head on their shoulders would understand what Vince’s red robe meant.

‘Professor Vince, he belongs to the Red Tower.’

Lili couldn’t ask about it and swallowed back the words. She was a student of Bergen Academy, so how could she not know about the four towers of the capital?

The four towers built in the north, south, east, and west surrounded the Magic Society, which stood in the center. The outer walls of each magic tower were said to be painted in a color which symbolized the four elements.

Among them, the place where the fire magicians mainly resided was the Red Tower. It was the most militant magic tower which raised magicians excellent in battle. The mercenary industry was filled with instructions that they shouldn’t confront a magician with a red robe.

Most of the members were excellent warriors who formed the core power of the Meltor Kingdom. The idiots who fought with those war magicians didn’t deserve to step into Mana-vil. The same was true for the guards at the main entrance’s checkpoint.

“Excuse me!” The guard saluted as soon as he saw Vince’s red robes.

By default, those with an invitation card had to be at least of the 5th Circle and equivalent to a viscount. Even Mana-vil’s guards, who were superior to the guards of the noble estates, would have to pay homage to them.

Vince received the salute naturally and handed over the invitation. “I am Professor Vince Haidel from Bergen Academy, a Superior of the Red Tower. The last time I visited Mana-vil was seven years ago. Are there no errors?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

The guard confirmed the identity with a tool which contained all the information about magicians recorded in the Magic Society. Then he asked some questions about the information which had appeared on the tool. After confirming there were no problems with the answers, he returned the invitation to Vince.

Then the guard saluted again, “Excuse me, Professor! You can now pass!”

“I’m sorry that you will be so busy. Then, do your best.”

“Yes, thank you!”

Vince and Lili crossed the checkpoint and passed through the gate. All the basic checks, including examining their luggage, were skipped, allowing them to enter Mana-vil faster than anyone else.

This was the privilege of a magician who had received an invitation. Liliana once again realized the identity of the person who accompanied her.

Thus, Liliana took her first steps into Mana-vil Capital, the headquarters of magicians.

* * *

The ‘Sky Wagon’ was an exotic method of transportation which existed only in Mana-vil.

The word ‘wagon’ wasn’t appropriate, but there was no other proper term for it. The magician, who played the role of the wagon driver, would supply magic power to the mana stones, and the wagons would move through the air using the magic power.

Of course, it wasn’t flying magic, so the speed of the wagons was quite slow. However, looking over Mana-vil from the air was considered a great tourist attraction. A single sky wagon flew over Mana-vil and settled down gently at the front door of the Magic Society.

“We’ve arrived at Magic Society’s front door. 30 silver!”

“That is a lot higher than before. Hoo, I guess that is inflation,” Vince grumbled and gave the driver three silver coins worth 10 silver each.

They’d used a sky wagon which nobles and wealthy merchants often used, so the fee was incomparable to a normal sky wagon. If Lili had come alone, then she would’ve chosen to make her way through the terrifying crowd.

“Now, let’s hurry.”


The two people got off the wagon and immediately entered through the Magic Society’s front door.

As soon as Lili passed through the two antique pillars and wide open gates, her expression changed.

Any magician would be able to feel the density of mana in the air. Their precision might be different, but they could distinguish between a deep or light density. Lili, however, was much better at distinguishing the difference due to her sensory perception.

‘Four or five times what is outside… No, maybe even more than that.’

It had only been a short period of time since she stepped inside, but her breathing was already rough. She struggled with her breathing as she followed behind Vince. Occasionally, a magician with rare garments or one with strong magic would catch her eye, but she managed to make it to her destination without getting lost.

The destination was the reception desk in the center where any external work related to the Magic Society was handled. Vince found an empty spot and extended his letter.

“Vince Haidel, a Superior of the Red Tower.”

“Please wait a moment.” Since this was the magic society, the staff at the reception desk was also a magician. He used a magic tool to verify the authenticity of the invitation.

“Yes, it is verified.”

After completing the simple confirmation procedure, the staff returned the invitation and started to explain the schedule for the magic contest this year. It was an explanation which had probably emerged from his mouth hundreds of times.

After the full explanation, the staff member took a short breath.

“…That is all. Do you have any questions?”

Vince was organizing the information in his head, so he nodded one beat late. He glanced at Lili behind him and brought up the reason why they were here.

“I want to ask for a registration form for my student to apply and enter the Pupil Tournament.”

“Ah, I will be happy to complete that for you.”

The staff member was familiar with this, so he got a piece of paper from a drawer and started asking questions about Lili.

“Please tell me the name and age.”

“Liliana Miller, 19 years old.”

“What do you belong to?”

“I am a student of Bergen Academy.”



10 minutes later, all of Liliana Miller’s personal information was filled in. The staff member was about to put the application in the filing cabinet when he remembered something he had missed. It was an omitted question because he had always gotten the same answer back.

“Is your disciple of the 4th Circle?”

It was a question that he didn’t even need to ask. They had to be the most talented person in the academy to come to the magic contest and participate in the competitions.

As well as having financial support, all the participants were talented 4th Circle magicians. While the 5th Circle could only be achieved through separate enlightenment or achievements, the 4th Circle could easily be reached by accumulating enough magic power to overcome the threshold.

For that reason, all the participants of the Pupil Tournament were 4th Circle magicians. That was why Vince’s answer was even more confusing.

“3rd Circle.”


“I said the 3rd Circle.”

The employee was confused and said with a bitter smile, “I’m sorry, but can you ask your disciple again? All other participants of the Pupil Tournament are 4th Circle magicians. There are basic safeguards, but every year, someone is wounded and even sometimes killed.”

The staff member was afraid to accept the participation of a 3rd Circle magician and therefore explained desperately. It was common sense. Overcoming the difference between circles was never easy. It was difficult for a veteran magician, let alone an academy student.

However, Vince looked back with a casual expression and asked Lili, “That’s what he said. What do you think?”

“I will do it,” Lili replied without any hesitation.

On the way to Mana-vil, she had knocked down a hobgoblin chief alone. In the process, Alfred’s memories and experiences had integrated into her body, so her self-confidence became stronger. No matter how strong the participant, she didn’t think they would be stronger than a hobgoblin chief.

However, the staff member still hesitated as he sighed over the application. He was afraid that the responsibility of the student’s death would come back to him. It was at this moment that…

“What, only a 3rd Circle? If the disciple is being raised by the Red Tower, then she might be able to overcome the difference of one circle. There’s no clause that states a person has to be of the 4th Circle to participate.” Someone’s voice was heard behind Vince and Lili.

“Hrmm?” Vince looked back with a strange expression and saw a blue-robed magician approach.

A blue robe was a symbol of the Blue Magic Tower. In many ways, they were as famous as the Red Tower.

The blue-robed magician approached Vince without hesitation and spoke in a mock friendly manner, “This is a face that I don’t remember. It looks like this is the first tournament for your pupil, right?”

“That’s right,” Vince gave a short response.

A battle of nerves began, causing the surrounding mana to shrivel. If a 5th Circle magician’s emotions got intense, the atmosphere would shake a little bit.

Despite Vince’s chilly answer, the blue-robed man wriggled his eyebrows and lowered his voice as he said, “I came to give you some advice, but your reaction is so cold. Don’t you know that the rules have changed since last year?”

“The rules of the tournament have changed?” Vince’s voice raised slightly at the unexpected words.

This caused the blue-robed magician to smile and nod. “Maybe I can help you.”

No matter how he appeared, his expression wasn’t one which gave off good intentions.

Chapter 28 - Mana-Vil Capital #3

“A scramble?”

“That’s right.”

Loren, an Average from the Blue Tower, walked ahead of them while speaking. His explanation was quite detailed, unlike the suspicious expression he had shown at their first meeting. Liliana, who knew nothing about the Pupil Tournament, was able to understand it easily.

“The participants received an application and, at the same time, one of the token payments. Now, you are called Liliana, right? You should’ve received something from the reception desk earlier.”

“Ah…!” Lili pulled out the item.

It was a gold medal which looked like a coin, but it was attached to a string, so it could be hung around the neck. The number 132 was engraved on it, indicating her registration number.

Loren confirmed it and nodded. “Yes, the participants demonstrate their superiority by leaving this token intact. The loser will be deprived of all the tokens she has, and the number of tokens last owned will become the official record.”

Vince said, “This method wasn’t used in the past.”

“Well, there were several things that happened.”

It was a strange story for Vince, who had left Mana-vil seven years ago. Although he had heard news periodically from his friends in the capital, Vince never heard anything about the Pupil Competition.

Loren noticed Vince’s attention and quickly opened his mouth, “The root cause is that there are too many participants.”

That’s right. As the number of participants who joined the magic contest increased, problems occurred. The rise in the number of incoming magicians meant the number of disciples brought with them also increased.

For high ranking magicians, a direct duel was burdensome, so the fight spread unconsciously to the Pupil Tournament. In addition, the goods set as prizes from the Meltor Palace fanned the flames.

“As you know, the competition was originally a round-robin tournament, but that start is too late. The Pupil Competition must be finished before the magic contest starts.”

“…So, it became a scramble.”

“There are some who say it is barbaric, but I don’t think it is a bad change. You can challenge an opponent and lose in the first round because you have no luck.”

His words weren’t wrong. This competition format had been decided at the end of a rational discussion. Compared to a round-robin, there were advantages and almost no disadvantages.

A competent participant could quickly rise in the rankings by knocking out participants with a large number of tokens, while incompetent participants would fall first. Obviously, this dog-eat-dog type of competition was recommended because it was faithful to the laws of the magic towers.

However, Vince didn’t miss the loopholes in rules of this competition format.

“What happens if a person aims for a tired opponent, or a participant gains a moderate number of tokens and then avoids having another fight? Is there a means of urging the participants?”

“Hoh, good points.” Loren slightly admired the magician from the Red Tower.

He had never seen Vince’s face before, so he had thought Vince was just someone from the countryside. Never would he have imagined that the other person would be famous in the Red Tower. However, it was too late. With a scoff of derision, he pointed to the stadium at which they had arrived.

“I’ll explain first. This year’s Pupil Tournament takes place in the multi-stadium, Pentarium. It consists of five independent stadiums, with the main space open only in the finals.”

“Hmm, they look moderately durable.”

“Hahaha! Even if both of us used all our power, we wouldn’t be able to scratch the outside wall of the stadium.”

Without such durability, the lives of the audience members would be in danger. A 4th Circle magician had strong attack spells which affected a wide area. Like Loren said, the solidarity of Pentarium could be compared to the gates of a large city.

Of course, Vince didn’t agree with the words.

Loren spoke up to there and looked back at Vince and Lili. “Well, my explanation ends here. I don’t know if it helped you.”

“…It was a lot of help. Thank you.”

The explanation that Loren gave was truly informative. Vince had to discard all the strategies he had planned for a round robin. One disagreeable point was the reason why Loren was being so friendly.

As expected, the question was resolved in an unexpected way.

“Huhu, that isn’t necessary. From now on, it will be your turn to help me.” Loren smiled, giving off a sly feeling. He gestured to a boy standing nearby, revealing the reason why he had brought Lili this far. It was closely related to the loopholes Vince had pointed out a little while ago.

“Say hello. This is my disciple and the son of Viscount Gullock, Philip Gullock.”

“It is nice to meet you.”

However, Vince remained silent.

Loren was uncomfortable by the reaction and said a beat late, “Hmm, cough. It was pointed out last year, but some participants were slow to fight. So, this year, there are a few rules to speed things up.”

“Too verbose. Can you cut to the chase?”

“Yes, for example… can a person with only one token deny the challenge of another participant?” Loren asked his disciple Philip, who smiled and applied for a match with Lili.

If this rule was true, then there was no way to avoid a fight. Loren had brought Lili as a meal for his disciple. It was a cowardly trick taking advantage of the rules.

“Kuhuhu, don’t think that this is cowardly. Don’t magicians from the Red Tower often do this? It is your fault for overlooking the mistake.”

However, instead of getting frustrated, Vince just clicked his tongue. Loren, who didn’t understand how to be vigilant, had probably just reached the Average status. Thus, he was trying to increase his career through his disciple.

“The Blue Tower is still using such petty tricks. Are you acting like this despite knowing that reputation?”


“What will you do, Liliana? I think the date of the match can be decided by the person who was challenged,” Vince asked Lili, blatantly ignoring Loren.

Lili had no intention of avoiding this fight. The fool’s disciple didn’t seem that great, and above all, her personality wasn’t the type to delay annoying things. Rather, Lili asked Vince, “Professor, is there anything else scheduled for today?”

“Uhh… I booked a restaurant for dinner this evening.”

Lili’s eyes shone as she heard the words. In recent years, she had been filling her stomach in the academy’s cafeteria. Bergen Academy’s meals weren’t bad, but they couldn’t be compared to a restaurant in Mana-vil.

Lili felt motivated and nodded enthusiastically. “I will finish it as soon as possible.”

Her first fight in the tournament occurred like this.

* * *

Was it because the competition had yet to really start?

Pentarium, which had four stadiums, immediately started Lili and Philip’s match.

The two people each received a robe with three hanging crystals from the host. According to the host’s explanation, these crystals would be able to block spells belonging to the 4th Circle and below.

It was the same as the participant’s health. Once all three crystals were destroyed, the participant was defeated.

Lili asked the host, “Aren’t these quite expensive artifacts?”

“They are disposable, so they aren’t that expensive. I heard they are a few gold.”

“A-A few gold…” Lili stuttered in amazement.

Philip sneered. “As expected from a hillbilly. It is only a few gold, yet you are making such a commotion.”

“I bet you’ve never earned a single gold coin yourself.”

“…It seems like you haven’t been educated properly.”

The atmosphere between the two people became more tense, but the host approached and pushed them to either side of the stadium.

Ready to fire a spell at any time, they looked at the spectators wrapped in a transparent shield. Lili and Philip were nameless, so there were no people in the stands. There were only Vince and Loren sitting across from each other.

Since that was the case, there was no need to wait any longer.

The host confirmed that the two competitors were prepared and immediately signaled the start of the match.


The 1st Circle magic, Light, was used. As a small ball of light appeared in the centre, the magic power of each magician started to rise. Philip, who was proud of his superior magic power, acted first. “Icicle Bolt!”

The ice magic caused the ambient temperature to drop rapidly. Icicles formed from the cold air, and dozens of ice arrows soon formed in front of Philip. The strength of the refined ice magic power was temporarily equal to iron. The solid mass meant that the arrows could contain a power which Fire Bolt and Lightning Bolt didn’t have.


The blue arrows flew through the air. The speed of the arrows was less than that of actual arrows from an archer, but the wounds caused by the icy bolts were deadly. If one of them hit, Lili’s speed would slow down, then she would lose her life with the next one. This was the scary part about ice magic.

However, Liliana countered it without the slightest bit of discomfort. “Shock Wave!”

The arrows were different from the hobgoblin’s attack. Straight arrows would lose strength immediately upon colliding with something. Therefore, she had refined the existing Shock Wave formula by making its area wider and improving the way it blocked. In this manner, Lili’s magic power blasted against the blue arrows.

Pew pew pew pew puk!

Despite not completely killing their strength, the arrows lost their momentum and struck the ground. A shot which didn’t hit its goal was wasted effort. The confused Philip hesitated, and Liliana took the initiative.

Lili promptly aimed her finger, triggering a magic formula which had already been calculated.


Ignite was invoked without an order and suddenly appeared in front of Philip. Even if there was no damage, few people would be able to feel brave with fire right before them. It was no wonder that Philip tried to take a step back.

“U-Uh?” Philip then slipped due to the Grease magic that Lili had activated along with Ignite.

As people usually turned their heads when falling, before Philip could even recover, something hit him in the neck. It was the 2nd Circle attack magic, Wind Cutter.


In exchange for taking the damage, one of the crystals hanging from Philip’s robe was broken. He stared at Lili with a blank face. Lili faced him with a comfortable expression.

Then she said, “What? This is tidying up.”

Chapter 29 - Mana-Vil Capital #4

Liliana had used Ignite to distract Philip and Grease to make him fall, then Lili ended it with Wind Cutter. The combination of 1st and 2nd Circle magic had created such a result, with no spells from the 3rd Circle. If this had been a battlefield instead of a competition, Philip's head would already be rolling around on the ground. In fact, Philip touched his neck a few times to reassure himself.

Then he got up and spat out angrily, "Y-You bastard! Don’t you know how shameless it is to use such coarse magic, you hillbilly!"


As soon as Philip stood up, Lili fired the magic she'd gathered in her hand.


It was an arrow with blue discharge around it―the 2nd Circle magic, Lightning Bolt. The speed, derived from the characteristics of the lightning attribute, greatly enhanced the effectiveness of the 2nd Circle magic. By the time the opponent saw the lightning spell with their eyes, it was already too late.

However, Philip wasn’t that incompetent.

“Don’t expect to surprise me twice!”

Even if he’d been born in a good family and had rich support, he still had to rely on his own talents and efforts. Compared to Lili, his head wasn’t as good, but his sensitivity was several times better. Philip witnessed the discharge of Lightning Bolt and reflexively prepared the magic formula for Shield.

The moment that he was about to shout out the magic with a confident face…



The ground suddenly rose and swallowed Philip’s right foot. The magic formula he had been preparing shattered just before it was completed, and the lightning struck Philip’s face as his magic power dispersed. He grabbed his tattered face as he fell, before rolling around. It was truly a sight to behold.


Once again, the crystal which absorbed the damage was shattered. Now, Philip only had one crystal remaining. If one more was broken, Philip’s defeat would be confirmed, and all the tokens he possessed would go to Liliana.

Liliana looked up as victory appeared before her in an instant. ‘So much silliness... No, is this type of guy common?’ She started thinking about it. Where would people who studied at academies or with a private tutor experience true fights? They might be praised during a relaxed spar or at best, experience being attacked while surrounded by guards. The true meaning of a ‘fight’ had never once been felt by them.

After absorbing Alfred’s experience and the fight with the hobgoblin, Philip was like a child compared to the tempered Liliana.

However, Philip’s thoughts were different. “Kuaack! Damn hillbilly! Don’t you have the desire to fight fairly as a magician? It is insulting to use 1st and 2nd Circle magic in an honourable duel!”

“You, are you stupid? Why does the circle matter, as long as it is magic?”

Vince, who was sitting in the stands, nodded in agreement with Lili's disbelieving feelings.

It was rarely the case that big magic was used in a battle against a large army. Whether it was from Hellfire or Fireball, they still died. The spotlight of small-scale magical battles was dealing a blow to the neck with a small magic spell.

On the other side, Loren hit his forehead at his disciple’s stupidity. Perhaps it was thoughtless to just teach him battle magic.

Lili’s next words were like daggers stabbing Loren. “If your teacher tells you differently, can you really be proud of such a teacher? Or maybe you haven’t learned this part yet?”

“Kuk!” Philip grew silent as the nail had been hit on the head.

The expressions of the two magicians watching the argument were interesting. A smile broke through Vince’s poker face. Meanwhile, Loren’s face swelled like he was going to explode; his blood pressure rose because of Lili’s words.

Had a wise woman said this? A person who lost to words could only swear or throw a punch.

Philip Gullock was a person who didn’t fall far from that category. “Shut up! Soldiers from the frozen ground, hear my call!”

As he drew up magic power angrily, the temperature around him fell rapidly. Frost covered the smooth stone floor, and a chill, which seemed like it would turn everyone into statues, began to gather. Once completed, Liliana Miller would find it hard to prevent the 4th Circle magic, ‘Frozen Orb.’

Of course, if it was completed.

“Don’t you know not to use big things?”

Lili raised her fingers like she had been waiting.


It was an action which was no different from when she cast Ignite. ‘Is she trying to do the same thing again?’ Philip scoffed and moved his head back. He hadn’t known it the first time, but he wouldn’t fall for something after experiencing it already. If Philip didn’t back away, he wouldn’t fall, and his spell wouldn’t fail again.

That was the crucial mistake.


“Keo… Huu…uk?” An unexplained pang occurred in the vicinity of his hips. The crystals which absorbed damage didn’t completely erase the pain.


Philip didn’t care about the last crystal which broke, but as he looked down, he managed to see what caused the terrible suffering. It was a sharpened piece of stone made to resemble a spear. The stone had emerged from the ground and pierced his hip at a precise angle.

Needless to say, it was a collaboration between Liliana and Mitra.

“That, cooperation, ha… keek.” Philip couldn’t finish what he was saying as he fell to the ground. For someone who wasn’t used to pain, this injury was really terrible.

Even the host turned to Liliana with a pale expression. Lili scratched her head as if she had made a mistake.

“Mitra, let’s make the end a little more blunt next time.”

[Huing?] Mitra made a sound as she emerged from the ground and looked at Philip with a naive face.

* * *

Philip looked so terrible that the host called for a stretcher and sent him away. Damage was mostly absorbed by the crystals, so the host had never seen such a terribly wounded person before.

He tried to make a calm expression as he told Lili the result of the match, “Liliana, congratulations on your first victory in the Pupil Tournament.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“You have achieved one victory and obtained Philip Gullock’s four tokens. It doesn’t matter if you lose them, but you are responsible for any damages, so please be careful.”

The four tokens were placed on Lili’s palm. Due to the metal material, they were heavy. Lili realized it was her first victory and stared at them blankly until Vince neared her.

“How was it? Isn’t it easier than you thought?”

“Yes, it wasn’t a big deal.”

“That is the difference of experience. When you received Alfred’s memories, you had already become familiar with fighting. Students who grow up like plants in a greenhouse aren’t a match for you.”

It was the reason why Vince had allowed Liliana to participate in the Pupil Tournament. Skilled war magicians penetrated through the armour and helmets of vigilant knights and were grim reapers who could kill senior magicians. Practical experience made a big difference, and Lili’s sensory perception wasn’t much different from the intuition of a warrior who had been on the battlefield for decades. She could find small gaps in the opponent and dig into that to defeat them.

So, it wouldn’t be too hard for her to win this type of competition. As the two people were thinking hopefully, someone approached them. “Hey, Vince Haidel!”

“What―?” Vince, who hadn’t felt the person’s presence, looked behind with a confused expression.

Then he immediately sucked in his breath. No matter how much he’d fought on the battlefield, it was rare to see such a person. Vince’s face distorted strangely as he confirmed the other person’s face. “Aren’t you too busy to come to a place like this?”

The person’s white beard and hair were a sharp contrast to the muscles which could be seen underneath the blue robe. His two forearms were as thick as logs and seemed strong enough to crush a person’s head. He carried a staff on his back since it was too large and heavy. If he had been carrying a greatsword instead of a cane, he would look like a warrior, not a magician.

At Vince’s grim answer, the sturdy old man grinned and knocked against Vince’s shoulder.

“Hahaha! Don’t be like that when I haven’t seen you in such a long time!”

“Ugh, wait. Ah, that hurts!”

“A man should at least have this much strength. Now, introduce me to the disciple that you brought!”

Vince, who finally managed to escape from the old man’s violence, shuddered as he massaged his shoulder. Despite his trained body, that was enough to hurt his bones.

The old man wasn’t known as the Terror of the Blue Tower or the Muscle Master for nothing.

Vince introduced Lili reluctantly, “This is Liliana Miller, a student from Bergen Academy.”

“It is nice to meet you.”

“Yes, yes! Nice to meet you as well!”

The old man laughed for a moment before it disappeared as he stared at Lili’s face. The expression was quite different from the old man who had been laughing just a moment ago. His gaze seemed to see right through people, similar to what Lili had felt from Myrdal.

“…Interesting. Did you get picked up on the battlefield? It is shameful to call you a greenhorn.”

The gaze of the old magician was so heavy that Lili turned her head away to escape. In order to change the subject, Lili asked Professor Vince a question, “Professor. This is…?”

However, the attempt was interrupted by the old magician. “Hmph! Why are you asking Vince instead of me? If you are ignoring me because I am an old man, you shouldn’t!”

“I-I’m really sorry.”

“Huhaha! Well, it doesn’t matter!”

The old magician was like a storm. He grabbed Lili’s hands, and Lili felt dizzy. There was no magic power in the old man’s hands, just simple strength. Maybe it was possible for the old man to pick Lili up with one hand? Questions kept circling inside her head.

As Lili was feeling dizzy, the old man let go and put on an air of importance. Then he squinted at Vince and urged him to speak.

Vince carried a worn out expression as he told Lili the identity of the old man, “Don’t be too surprised. He is… the Supreme of the Blue Tower, Blundell Adruncus.”

“Ah, indeed… Huh?” The shocked Lili asked with blank eyes.

Then Vince repeated the truth again. He whispered in Lili’s ear so the old man couldn’t hear, “That old geezer is the Blue Tower Master.”

“…?!” Liliana's eyes shook fiercely as she encountered the most important person she’d ever met in her 19 years of life.

Chapter 30 - Catch The Genius #1

‘The Blue Tower Master!’ Liliana's mind went blank as she realized what that short title meant. The magic towers, which defended the Meltor Kingdom, divided their magicians into five stages. It wasn’t as strict as noble titles, but magicians did have to treat those higher than them with respect. New members who had just entered the magic tower were Basic, while those with some experience were called Average. People who built up fame and merits were Superior, whereas veterans recognized as pioneers of the magic tower were Prime. Finally, the wise person praised as the master of the tower was Supreme. The Supreme was the absolute magician and could be called more precious than the seven sword masters of the Andras Kingdom. They were also the backbone of the Meltor Kingdom.

The old man standing in front of her was the top magician of the Blue Tower, a Supreme rank! “B-Bergen Academy’s third grade student, Liliana Miller greets Tower Master!” Lili bowed belatedly as she realized the situation. This caused Blundell to stroke his beard and laugh. “Huhu, there is no need to be so uptight! It is good to be polite, but don’t bow down too much. Isn’t that right, Vince?” “Hah…that’s right.” Vince immediately replied with a dour expression. It was a shameless approach to someone who seemed to dislike him. Either way, he was a difficult person for Vince to deal with. Blundell was the master of a magic tower, yet he had approached under the pretense of a pleasant old man. So, he might have approached with an ulterior motive. Vince thought like this and naturally covered for Lili.

“So, what happened?” Vince had a headache because he hadn’t thought the master of a magic tower would approach them, but his troubles didn’t end here. As annoyance stiffened Vince’s face, Blundell took a step back. It seemed like he knew how disruptive he was. A personality which didn’t know how to quit was bad. “Hmm, ahem. It isn’t anything big. It’s just that it has been a long time since you came to the capital, so I wanted to see what happened. Furthermore, I couldn’t believe the rumour that Vince brought a disciple.” “The rumour has already spread?” “What else would be interesting in these narrow towers? They have no choice but to be curious about the people from outside.” Blundell shrugged a few times, but it was more scary than charming. Liliana was curious about how Blundell had exercised to get that type of body. Just then, Blundell turned to face her again. “Huhu, the more I see, the more I like you. If I hadn’t met another child, then I might have tried to take your disciple.”

“You can’t just say that… Wait.” Vince’s eyes widened as he realized something strange. It was a matter of grave importance if the Blue Tower Master had taken a disciple. No matter how indifferent Vince was to the news, it was a matter he would’ve definitely heard about. He remembered that the Red Tower Master and Blue Tower Master didn’t have students yet, which was why he had tried to avoid them. “Does Blue Tower Master have a disciple?” Blundell laughed at the expected reaction, “Huhuhu, don’t be surprised.” It was a laugh to show off his well-raised child. This was an expression which fit well with the phrase, ‘a stupid face.’ Blundell puffed up his thick chest muscles with a face filled with pride. It was obvious right away that he wanted to boast. “Your pupil is good, but this year’s tournament winner has already been decided.”

“What are you talking abo…” As Vince spoke, a voice announcing the result of a match rang out in the waiting room. “[Stadium 4, the match between Marcus Giovanni and Sylvia has ended. With a time of 24 seconds, it is participant Sylvia’s victory. Marcus will exit the tournament with three tokens.]” ‘…24 seconds?’ The people in the waiting room doubted their ears. It was a difficult record to destroy three crystals in 24 seconds, even if magic was fired from the very start. It would be impossible unless the opponent had stood still like a scarecrow or if they had minimal defense. In other words, the winner of Stadium 4 had completely overwhelmed the opponent. As dozens of gazes focused on the exit of Stadium 4, one person was stroking his beard with a pleased expression.

Kkiiik… The door of the Magic Society facility opened and someone entered. The pale magical lights in the room didn’t blind them like the sun, but people still rubbed their eyes as they gazed at the exit. It was because ‘she’ had a brilliant presence around her. ‘Silver hair…?’ Lili’s eyes narrowed as she couldn’t help feeling in awe. Her hair was like white snow, and her skin underneath it was also fair. The girl's two eyes were as blue as a clear lake and blended with the blue robes she was wearing. Every time she blinked, there was a mysterious dazzle of magic power. Dozens of tokens were hanging from a large staff which seemed disproportionate with her body. While everyone was shocked by the presence of the gorgeous and strange girl, she headed toward the three people with a casual walk.

“Master.” “Ohh, good work!” Blundell laughed and opened his arms, but the girl turned away from him without any hesitation. The old man’s expression became grouchy at the girl’s cold response, but he soon returned to normal like this exchange was normal. He patted her head and told the other two people, “The introduction was delayed. This is the child who I have been teaching secretly for a while, Sylvia.” “…Hello,” a calm voice entered their ears. It was a voice which showed no emotions, just like her eyes. Most young men would lose their composure if she spoke to them. Indeed, Lili was astonished by her presence, but it was for a reason other than her beauty. It was due to Alfred’s sensitivity which allowed her to glimpse her reality. It said that she was an opponent Liliana Miller couldn’t beat!

‘No way…! That girl is stronger than the hobgoblin chief?!’ She doubted it a few times, but her inner conviction never wavered. Her intuition was telling her that the Blue Tower Master’s disciple, Sylvia, was much more formidable than the hobgoblin chief. The strength of a magician couldn’t be judged just through common sense. However, when comparing the appearance and superiority between Lili and Sylvia, she couldn’t help feeling incompatible.

“Hrmm―? It seems like you are interested in Sylvia.” Blundell saw Lili’s trembling eyes and sent her a wry smile. “Why don’t the two of you have a match? Isn’t this a chance to show Sylvia a wonderful appearance?” The joke wasn’t funny. Liliana now realized why Vince had been sneaky regarding the magic towers. There was no way a top magician wouldn’t be able to know Sylvia’s skill after seeing her. If she was stupid enough to nod here, she would lose five tokens and Vince’s reputation would take a hit. Lili took her eyes off Sylvia and refused the invitation. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to refuse. Right now, I can only show you an unsightly appearance.”

Did her interest disappear? Sylvia’s gaze moved away from Liliana. She felt some regret, but it would be stupid to compete with her right now. It was brave to challenge opponents who were hard to beat, but challenging opponents she couldn’t win was just foolishness. Blundell also clicked his tongue at the answer. “…It is too bad. Then I hope you two will fight later.” With those words, Blundell turned around, and Sylvia bowed before following him. As soon as the two people who boasted different types of presences disappeared, the tension in the room was released. The combination of a muscular old man and a girl with silver hair was truly strange.

However, Lili and Vince were still tense. Vince was the one who opened his mouth first, “…What about the booked restaurant?” “Unfortunately, it will have to be for later.” The certainty in victory after her first match had been blown away by an encounter with the strong. Sylvia, the disciple of the Blue Tower Master, Blundell Adruncus… She had the magician genius which Lili had been longing for since childhood. The fact that she was a disciple despite being younger than her proved this fact. An unknown feeling which might be jealousy or longing exploded in her stomach.

“It is best to avoid her and aim for a high ranking.” “I know that is easy.” A genius like her wouldn’t appear that often. The majority of participants would fall victim to her and be eliminated from the tournament rankings. It would be easy for Lili to find people to collect the tokens from and rise in the rankings. Challenging Sylvia was a foolish act.

“Even so, I want to challenge her.” The genius recognized by the Blue Tower Master, an existence born with the talent Lili didn’t possess… However, Lili couldn’t regret her talent now. The grimoire she got her hands on was a genius like Sylvia, giving her a talent that might be comparable to her natural one. Due to this, she wanted to compete against her even more.

“I think it is a ridiculous and foolish choice. But…” A crack appeared on Vince’s cold face. It was the face of a beast which had been seen often during his days as a war magician, the Red Tower’s ‘Fire Killer Vince.’ “My blood is boiling after a long time. I want shock to appear on the face of that old man.” “Oh, that is good. I want to see it too.” Lili agreed. “It really is a great relationship when hearts connect. I didn’t think you would be so motivated.” Vince pulled out his wallet from the space pocket and stared into it with narrowed eyes. Then he muttered in a moderate tone, “Let’s go to the artifact stores and bookstores. Tell me if you want anything.” After 10 years of fighting on the battlefield, this was the moment that the thick wallet opened widely.

Chapter 31 - Catch The Genius #2

After deciding to spend a large amount of money, Vince led Liliana out of the Magic Society building. Commercial activity was forbidden in the vicinity of the Magic Society since it was a research institute. For this reason, the two of them quickly boarded a sky wagon, as there was no better method of avoiding the crowds in Mana-vil. As soon as Vince got in the back seat, he said the name of their destination, “Please go to the commercial district. Sector D, area 27-2 is fine.”

Then as the sky wagon began to move, Vince turned toward where Lili was sitting. “What do you think is the most urgent thing you need to do?”

“…Reach the 4th Circle,” Liliana replied, her feminine voice carrying a subtle hint of self-assurance.

“Definitely.” Vince nodded at Lili’s correct answer. The circle was considered the most basic and important indicator of a magician’s abilities. The number of circles wasn’t just limited to the amount of magic power. The more circles a witch had, the faster her magic power moved, and the more complete the spell became. Even if the same procedure was used, a 5th Circle’s Magic Missile would be stronger than that of a 3rd Circle.

Sylvia was a genius of the Blue Tower Master, an opponent who would definitely have the advantage when it came to perfecting the magic. However, didn’t Lili have an advantage when it came to experience? This meant she would have to use a shortcut to raise her odds, rather than filling the gap in other places. Fortunately, Gluttony’s ability meant she could speed up her growth.

‘I wish that I could go up to the 5th Circle if possible, but… it is impossible to reach the 5th Circle simply through accumulating magic power,’ Liliana thought, the determination evident in her eyes.

If it were possible to reach the 5th Circle in that way, anyone with money could become a 5th Circle witch. Just like in any field, there was a limit that couldn’t be overcome by investing money in magic. This was the so-called ‘wall’ which had to be overcome through their own research and enlightenment. Therefore, Liliana couldn’t escape from this fundamental principle despite possessing Gluttony.

Vince looked down at Mana-vil and said with a confident expression, “This time, there will be many good items in the commercial district. There will be plenty of items that will be able to help you.”

* * *

Rattle! A cheerful bell sound rang out. A bell had been placed at the front door to signal any visitors. After hearing the sound, the owner, Fred, raised himself up at the counter. This was a busy time for tourists, but there was no big difference in the number of customers at high-end artifact stores. Since the prices were so high, it was burdensome to even enter.

Today, he had only had visitors, so he couldn’t help having no strength in his voice. “Welcome—”

However, his helpless attitude disappeared the moment he confirmed Vince’s attire. Since Fred first opened his store in Mana-vil, he had seen thousands of magicians and artifacts. A person in a magician’s robe always had the smell of money around them. However, Fred’s sense of smell shook for the first time in many years.

‘The Red Tower, and also… a Superior rank…! From his gait, he looks like a war magician. There are no artifacts on his body, and is the girl accompanying him a disciple? Maybe I can get two servings.’

Typically, the largest spenders came from a magician’s research funds. The Yellow Tower, known as the Alchemy Tower and money-eaters, consumed 30% of the kingdom’s yearly budget buying materials. In comparison, the research costs of the White Tower and Blue Tower, which were relatively cheaper, exceeded the annual budget of a trading company. However, there were some exceptions.

“Owner, show me all your good products, regardless of price. It doesn’t really matter, but I have an invitation to the magic contest,” Vince said.

“Yes! I will happily arrange it for you!” Fred was excited by the expected sale and rushed into his warehouse. ‘As expected from a war magician from the Red Tower, their spending ability is different!’

The only tower which didn’t have large spendings was the Red Tower, which was considered to be the headquarters of war magicians who spent more time on the battlefield than in the laboratory. Apart from buying pieces of equipment which would save their lives, they normally collected most of the money they earned. If the magicians were satisfied with the goods, they would pay as much as possible. So, a war magician from the Red Tower was considered a VIP in artifact stores.

Fred ran like lightning toward the warehouse and back again at the same speed. “Sorry to keep you waiting!”

Kuuong! An iron box containing dozens of artifacts was placed on the floor of the store. Despite the strict seal, the magic power leaking from it was fearsome. As Lili stared in anticipation, the lid of the iron box was finally opened.

When she saw the contents of the iron box, Liliana’s eyes widened. ‘Ohh…!’ Lili had touched many artifacts at the black market store, and that’s why she knew that the artifacts in front of her were all of the ‘Rare’ rating! If she absorbed all of this, she would be able to fill up more than half of the magic power required for the 4th Circle.

However, Vince asked about the rating of these artifacts and made another request to the owner. “Didn’t I say regardless of the price?”

“Huh? But these are the best items in our store…?” Fred responded.

“No, there is definitely still something.” Vince smiled at Fred and knocked on the counter. “B rank, please take it out.”

“…I understand.” Fred nodded with a face filled with tension.

A Superior magician of the Red Tower was indeed qualified to purchase this item. It was an artifact which he hadn’t taken out for the last few years since opening the store. He’d thought he wouldn’t be able to find an owner for it because of its tremendous price.

Clink! The metal lock of the tightly sealed space under the counter was released, and silver gauntlets appeared.

“Appraise it.”

“Yes.” Lili picked up the remarkable gauntlets carefully. Then she called out to Gluttony, ‘Appraisal.’

[+ 8 West Wind’s Protection (Armour)]

[These are gauntlets made of mithril alloy by dwarven craftsmen. The defense is amazing on its own, but the right method is to use the magic engraved on the gauntlets. By applying wind magic, the owner’s magic power will create an air current which deflects any projectiles. In the past, the owner of these gauntlets was said to have passed through barrages of arrows without much difficulty.

* The rating of the gauntlets is ‘Precious.’

* When consumed, a considerable amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, the digestion time is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

* When consumed, the skill in wind defense magic will increase.

* When worn, ‘Blessing of the Flowing Wind’ is applied.]

‘Precious rating!’ Lili’s eyes shook as she confirmed the information.

These gauntlets were at the same level as ‘Roaring Flames’ which had been given to her by the Carter Family as an apology. Liliana wasn’t very knowledgeable in worldly affairs, but she could judge that the value of the gauntlets wouldn’t be below 100 gold. It would be a few times the Miller Barony’s budget, so it was natural for Lili’s calm to be shaken.

“T-The price?” Lili asked hesitantly.

“It is 180 gold, but there is a discounted rate for those with invitations. I am willing to accept 144 gold.”

“144 gold…!” Liliana felt a little breathless.

Vince stepped forward and pulled out his wallet. It wasn’t a gold coin that appeared but a gold ingot stamped with the symbol of the kingdom. It was worth 100 gold. Vince placed two of them on the counter and said to Fred who was staring blankly, “It is a lump sum for all of them. Are more procedures needed?”

“Uh, no.”

“Then I will take it.”

Artifacts worth 200 gold were swept away in an instant by Vince. The objects disappeared into the space pocket like they were a dream. Fred, who hit the jackpot, just stared after them blankly as the bell at the door sounded.

“…I can stop business for the day.” Then he placed a [CLOSED] sign on the door as he thought about drinking a cup of expensive sake.

* * *

Vince and Liliana didn’t stop with just Fred, who had few customers. Even in Mana-vil’s luxurious stores, only one or two more B rank pieces could be found. After purchasing ‘West Wind’s Protection’, Vince bought items from other stores. The amount consumed in the process was enough to buy a manor house in Mana-vil.

Liliana arrived at their accommodation and was finally able to look at all the artifacts they purchased. ‘Wow, how much did all these cost…?’ She had never seen such a sight before in her life. Most of the items belonged in the ‘quantity’ category, but there were some quality ones among the mountain. Gluttony, which was still asleep, stretched out her tongue like she could feel something. It was because of the tempting fragrance of the magic power coming from the artifacts.

Vince pushed the ‘Rare’ grade artifacts forward first. “Feed it all the Rare grade items. If Gluttony was a person, then this would be an appetizer.”

“I understand.” After taking several deep breaths, Liliana aimed her left hand towards the artifacts. She knew that there was no problem if she tried to feed it several different things at the same time, but she was nervous at the thought of trying to swallow items worth a few hundred gold. It was a tremendous amount of money for a girl from the country.

“Now, eat it.” At that moment…

Gluttony's tongue started on her sumptuous dinner. Necklaces, bracelets, boots, daggers, and armors were sucked into a whirlpool. As the tongue swung once, the familiar voice rang in her head continuously.

[‘The Necklace of Cleanliness’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power is common.]

[Proficiency with the 2nd Circle magic ‘Clean’ has increased.]

[‘Stone Fist Magic Bracelet’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power is common.]

[Proficiency with the 3rd Circle magic ‘Stone Skin’ has increased.]

[‘Sticky Boots’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power is common.]

[1st Circle magic…]


[It will take 1 hour and 58 minutes to fully digest.]

Chapter 32 - Catch The Genius #3

After consuming the bulk of the artifacts, Liliana’s next choice was to start reading. It wasn’t just about gaining enough magic power to reach the 4th Circle. As a 4th Circle sorceress, Lili needed to be able to use 4th Circle magic. She only had a short amount of time, so she had to select useful magic in advance and increase her understanding.

Vince, who still had plenty of time remaining until the magic contest, also joined in. As someone with a rich amount of experience as a war magician, he was able to give detailed information about the strategies which the magicians of the Blue Tower used.

After looking at books for two hours…

“Ah…!” Lili exclaimed as the magic power in her body suddenly boiled up. The last time her magic power had increased this much was when she had consumed ‘Roaring Flames.’ The flow of magic power emerged from the palm of her left hand and wrapped around Lili’s slender form, drawing the faint outline of a shape outside the three circles.

‘4th Circle…!’ she marveled. It wasn’t at the completed stage yet. The shape was there, but she needed more magic power to fill it up. However, even that was a great accomplishment compared to the days when the 3rd Circle had been far away. Lili calmly scattered the remaining magic power throughout her body and opened her eyes once the 4th Circle outline finished. She certainly felt more magic power than before.

Vince recognized the magic power emerging from her and congratulated her, “Congratulations. Now, you are a fellow magician and walking the same path as me. Don’t forget this fact in the future, and I hope you will continue to devote yourself wholly.”

“Yes, Professor,” Lili replied in a trembling voice.

The 4th Circle was just the start of the magic path. The invention of the magic reagents meant that many people crossed the threshold of the 4th Circle. However, those who reached the 5th Circle were just a handful. Some blamed the limits of their talent and remained in the 4th Circle until they died, while others felt desperation and frustration at the existence of the ‘wall’ beyond the 5th Circle.

In fact, even those who were considered as the top magicians in the continent couldn’t cross the wall of the 7th Circle. The tower masters, excluding the Blue Tower Master and Red Tower Master, were also stuck at the 7th Circle. The 9th Circle, which was considered the apex of humanity, had already become a legend and myth for a long time.

In the truest sense, the 4th Circle Liliana had now stepped into was a desert where numerous pilgrims had died.

Then Lili looked at the three Precious ranked artifacts remaining on the bed. They were similar in price to the West Wind’s Protection, purchased for 144 gold at the first store. Each one had a great performance matching their price.

[+7 Hawk’s Skull (Armor)]
[The helmet, made of steel and adamantium, is truly artistic and shaped like a hawk. The blacksmith, who created this helmet for a magician, added the ability for it to function like a real hawk. As a result, the ‘Insight’ magic is given to the wearer of the helmet. The person who wears this helmet will immediately acquire the Insight magic.* The rating of this helmet is ‘Precious’.* When consumed, a considerable amount of magic power will be absorbed.* When consumed, the digestion time is 1 hour and 32 minutes.* When consumed, the Capture magic formula will be acquired.* When worn, the skill ‘Hawkeye’ is applied.]

[+8 Night Prowler’s Mirage (Shoes)]
[These are shoes made from luxurious leather with magic circles of mithril thread sewn on them. These are the reason why the thief Orwell hadn’t gotten caught until the end. The guards had continued chasing the illusions Orwell left behind, and the secret had only been exposed after he’d been killed at a gambling place. The wearer of these shoes can create a lifelike illusion of themselves.* The rating of these shoes is ‘Precious’.* When consumed, a considerable amount of magic power will be absorbed.* When consumed, the digestion time is 1 hour and 41 minutes.* When consumed, the Illusion magic formula will be acquired.* When worn, the skill ‘Illusion Track’ is available.]

‘Hawk’s Skull’ had been worn by a famous mercenary leader, and ‘Night Prowler’s Mirage’ was the symbol of the legendary thief Orwell. They were too expensive and rare to be used as artifacts just to gain magic power. If the craftsmen were here, they might’ve tried to break Liliana’s neck.

To the hesitant Lili, Vince said, “Don’t hesitate.”


“Use whatever means possible for the full preparation. Once you have made up your mind, don’t stop. I will take on all the costs, so you don’t have to be sorry.”

“…I understand.”

The last of Lili’s hesitation went away at Vince’s words. It was correct that she should use all means possible. According to the guesses of the two people, ‘Precious’ grade artifacts wouldn’t end with just increasing magic power. After consuming ‘Roaring Flames’, she’d been able to acquire two abilities as well as magic power.

Artifacts couldn’t be used in the Pupil Tournament. However, there was no rule prohibiting the use of a grimoire. Therefore, it was possible for Lili to use the function of the grimoire, not that anyone would notice.

The grimoire was separate from artifacts, so there was no way to detect its existence. It was fine as long as Lili didn’t reveal the tongue in her palm. In a sense, it might be cowardly, but it didn’t break any of the stated rules.

Despite being sick of war, Vince was still a war magician of the Red Tower. War magicians didn’t care about the means and methods used to win. Similarly, Liliana had received Alfred’s memories so she had no objection to it.


In the end, Lili moved her left hand towards the three artifacts worth around 500 gold.


The tongue was still unsatisfied and popped out like it had been waiting for the command. The gauntlets, helmet, and shoes were sucked in. This was the moment when the value of a mansion in Mana-vil was sucked into the stomach of the grimoire.

* * *

After reaching the 4th Circle with Gluttony’s abilities, Liliana received special lessons from Vince for a few days.

Lili had gained a fraction of Alfred’s experience, but it was nothing compared to Vince’s years on the battlefield. He searched through memories of the past and picked information which would help Lili.

“The biggest advantage of the water magic attribute is its versatility. Offense, defense, suppression… these applications aren’t impossible when it comes to the water attribute. A skilled magician in the water attribute would be an annoying opponent.”

If she thought about water, there was no other attribute which existed in such a variety of forms. The clouds floating in the sky were water, and the river running through the ground was also water. The snow capped peaks were water, and so was the fog rising early in the morning.

The freedom to go between solids, liquids, and gas was the strength and essence of the water magic attribute.

“Are you saying there are no special weaknesses?”

“Its attack is weaker than fire, its defense is lower than earth, and its speed is slower than the wind. The limitations of the water attribute is that it doesn’t specialize in anything.”

“…It is the medium in various aspects.” Lili understood the meaning and nodded.

If so, there were some methods available to her. Her earth-related defense magic had increased greatly due to the contract with Mitra, so she could block 4th Circle magic without much difficulty. She could also use the skill gained from ‘Roaring Flames’ to break through Sylvia’s defense.

While Lili thought for a while, Vince opened his mouth and said, “This is just my guess but… you should avoid a close confrontation with Sylvia as much as possible.”

“A close confrontation?” Lili was confused by the unexpected words.

However, Vince firmly nodded and explained, “The Blue Tower Master. Do you remember the staff the old man was carrying? It is a crude and large wooden staff.”

“Of course.” It was rare to meet a person who gave off such a strong impression. If Blundell hadn’t been wearing a robe, Lili would’ve thought he was a warrior. Blundell’s terrifying appearance matched his staff.

“That staff was really big.”

“It isn’t a staff.”


Lili made a lost expression, causing Vince to shake his head with a sigh.

“It is good as a stick.”


“He learned the eastern method of fighting with a stick as a hobby. The problem is that he reached the rank of a master with it.”

Lili’s face turned pale as Vince added, “He broke the heads of a few knights with it on the battlefield.”

Sylvia was carrying a similar staff to her master. She would rather be hit by a Fireball than a rough staff wielded by a pretty girl.

“Don’t narrow the distance if possible. That is my advice.”

“Ah, I understand.”

The two people took a break for a while before the discussion continued again. Fortunately, Vince was a good mentor, and Lili was an excellent disciple. Vince explained the weaknesses of the Blue Tower Magicians, and the information came together in Lili’s head with Alfred’s experience. Even though one thing was taught, Lili would gain enlightenment in a further three things.

* * *

As the end of the Pupil Tournament approached, Vince rented out a practice room for a final check. If Liliana’s abilities didn’t meet his standard, then he would oppose the match with Sylvia. He didn’t want Lili to be ridiculed in front of everyone. However, he became sure of something. ‘This much is enough to win!’

Vince didn’t specialize in water magic, but he was still a Superior rank of the Red Tower and a war magician. He was a few times stronger than an Average of the Blue Tower, but Lili had stood up to him without backing down. Lili had even saved some of the functions of the grimoire.

Lili, laying on the floor of the practice room with a weary expression, took deep breaths and looked up at Vince. “Professor, did I pass?”

Vince smiled and nodded. “I’ll give you a perfect score.”

Chapter 33 - Tournament Finals #1

The final day of the Pupil Tournament arrived.

In the waiting room at the center of Pentarium, there was a measuring device to check the rankings of the participants. The names of 150 young sorceresses and sorcerers and the number of tokens they had were accurately described there. The bottom-most players naturally only had one token and weren’t in the waiting room. Fortunately for them, no one was interested in the participants at the bottom.

“Hey, look at that…!”

“What is it? Oh, the number one rank? Of course, it is… Huh?”

“…Surely there wasn’t an error in the tool?”

“It was installed today, so what error could there be?”

“If this is true, how many times has she fought?”

The audience murmured in disbelief after seeing the leaderboards.

It was the last round, so the outline of the winner was revealed in the rankings. Participants satisfied with their ranking gave up on any more fights. This was because their rankings could lower if they challenged or received a challenge from someone else.

For that reason, in previous Pupil Tournaments, the final token count had been somewhere in the range of 30 to 40 tokens. There had been no big difference between the token counts of the winner and the other challengers.

However, what did the top of the leaderboard look like now?

[1st Place: No. 13 Sylvia – 95 tokens
2nd Place: No. 7 Pogani Wolgast – 21 tokens
3rd Place: No. 31 Robert Diane – 18 tokens]

The number of tokens possessed by the person in 1st place surpassed the previous record by nearly double, causing the audience to let out cries of admiration.

“9-95 tokens…?!”

“2nd place is only 21 tokens… Doesn’t it mean that other people didn’t have time to collect the tokens?”

“That is the Blue Tower Master’s disciple.”

As the disciple of the famous Blue Tower Master Blundell, she was considered the favorite to win the competition. However, nobody had thought she would reach 1st place with such a ridiculous record. It was a contest where young sorceresses and sorcerers participated, but it wasn’t easy to establish such an overwhelming record.

The people who saw the leaderboard naturally looked at the silver-haired girl sitting in a corner of the waiting room. If it wasn’t for the huge mass of muscles sitting next to her, she would’ve been buried by those who wanted to speak to her.

The mass of muscles, Blundell, spoke in a somewhat rough voice, “Ah, young people these days have no spirit!”

He was lamenting the fact that there had been no challengers for a few days. Blundell had tried to give a good experience to his disciple, but the other participants had turned on their tails as soon as her strength had been revealed.

Did they want to become sorceresses and sorcerers who had to live with failure because they were afraid of defeat? Blundell couldn’t understand the concept of ‘run away.’

‘It is a chance to compete safely with a superior sorceress. A lucky opportunity like this is hard to come by!’

The sorcerers and sorceresses in the area stirred uncomfortably every time Blundell’s eyebrows twitched, and the sparks flying around him were almost as strong as the Red Tower Master's. Their anxiety grew as he grabbed his staff—no, the club on his back.

However, before his temper could explode…

“Good morning, Tower Master,” someone entered the waiting room and spoke directly to Blundell, despite the heavy atmosphere.

“Um…?” Blundell seemed unmoved, but his expression changed as soon as he saw the owner of the voice. His expression was one which wondered why this person had spoken to him. “Vince’s disciple… Yes, aren’t you Liliana?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Lili replied calmly.

She had experienced the presence of the Blue Tower Master once before, so she could tolerate it more easily now. In any case, Lili hadn’t come here to confront the Blue Tower Master. Lili didn’t lose her respectful attitude as she looked at Sylvia sitting next to Blundell. Sylvia’s dream-like beauty still remained, but Lili noticed a change.

‘…I don’t feel like I am unable to win, unlike before. Does it mean I should try it now?’

Unlike when Lili faced the hobgoblin chief, she wasn’t feeling a strong sense of tension at this moment. There was only a cold chill on the back of her neck. It was obvious that Sylvia wasn’t an easy opponent, but she wouldn’t be as difficult as before.

Blundell realized the meaning of that subtle gaze and stared at Lili thoughtfully.

“Hoh, have you reached the 4th Circle? Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

“You wouldn’t have looked for me just to hear these words… Perhaps…?”

As Vince had said, the old man was quick to notice. Blundell laughed and moved his massive body away the moment he noticed Lili’s purpose. Lili was now able to meet Sylvia, who had been hidden by Blundell.

Her eyes were emotionless, like she had already forgotten Lili’s existence. However, that didn’t matter.

“Number 13, Sylvia. I challenge you to a fight in the Pupil Tournament,” Lili’s voice resonated throughout the somewhat silent waiting room.

Some people laughed at her reckless challenge, while others were pleased they could see a funny sight. Sylvia just stared at her blankly and parted her pink lips, “…Me?”

Instead of answering, Lili held out the tokens she had. The five tokens made a rattling sound. They were shabby compared to Sylvia’s 95 tokens. However, the tournament’s 1st ranked participant couldn’t refuse a challenge. It was a rule to give everyone a chance to ascend to the top, making it a perfect opportunity for Lili.

Finally, Sylvia rose from her seat. “…Okay, I also wanted to reach 100 tokens.”

She accepted Lili’s challenge.


The moment the two people agreed, the main hall of Pentarium was opened.

There were two hours left until the end of the tournament, so the match with Sylvia would be the last one. The magic tool recognized that this was the 1st ranked final’s fight and opened up the main hall.

“Oh? The main hall is open!”

“Does this mean the final is starting?”

“That reminds me, the Blue Tower Master’s disciple is participating this year…”

“The time spent here is worth it.”

The people who noticed the opening of the main hall gradually began to gather in Pentarium. They all wanted to see the final match. People were interested in boisterous events, and so the crowds swept in.

They came to see the disciple of the Blue Tower Master. As all sorts of spectators were gathering, the two competitors entered the main hall.

* * *

‘No, why are there so many people…?’ Lili was half-stricken as she looked at the crowd behind the transparent barrier.

When she fought Philip, there had been barely anyone in the crowd. However, this was the main hall and Sylvia’s fame had increased, gathering an audience of more than 1,000 people. Lili’s stomach hurt since it was the first time she had seen something like this.

Fortunately, the voices of the audience members didn’t reach her ears.

“Liliana Miller? Have you ever heard of her?”

“No, I don’t know her.”

“I heard that she came with a magician called Vince…”

“Vince Haidel? Fire Killer Vince?!”

“But a few days ago, she was only at the 3rd Circle. It might end up being more boring than I thought.”

There were doubts and curiosities. A few rare people remembered Vince’s old nickname, but there was no one who thought that Liliana could win.

They noticed Sylvia’s abilities had already surpassed the magic tower’s Average rank and didn’t think that another genius like her would appear in the Pupil Tournament. After all, geniuses were called geniuses because they were rare.

However, Vince, sitting next to Blundell, thought differently as he looked down at his disciple.

“…This is a fight that can surely be won. Win the fight that can’t be won. Isn’t that the motto of the magic towers?”

“You remembered.”

“The Red Tower Master, she always said those words.”

Then Blundell said, “You think that she is a rival to Sylvia. That child called Liliana, will she be able to win?”

“Well, it isn’t a story that should be told with my mouth,” Vince replied, indicating that Blundell should see with his own eyes.

The match started shortly after that.


As a ball of light rose between the two competitors, Lili pulled up her magic power at full speed.

She had watched Sylvia’s fights several times and noticed one thing—she deployed magic unusually fast. It took 5~10 seconds for her to activate 4th Circle magic, and 3rd Circle magic was invoked with just a word.

‘If she takes the initiative, then it will be hard to take it back. It may be unreasonable, but I have to act first!’

Even if they started their spells at the same time, Lili would be half a beat slower than Sylvia. However, Lili had a means of storing magic in advance.

‘Memorize. Two Slots Open. Double Blaze Shell.’

“Blow forward, strong winds!”

Two fireballs were created in the air, and an additional magic was used at the same time.

Among the four attributes, fire was the best at causing damage, while the wind enhanced one of its weaknesses—speed. Due to the physical repulsion, the compressed fireballs, called Blaze Shell, accelerated.

“Gale Force!”

If this was a battle, Lili would’ve used all her slots for the first attack. However, she couldn’t use all her cards in a tournament match where she had to hit the opponent three times. Therefore, this was the best combination.

The combined power of Blaze Shell and Gale Force, which had both destructive power and speed, couldn’t be stopped with any simple defense magic!


With the wind blowing at its back, the fireballs rushed forward like wild beasts. As a ghastly heat filled the air, Sylvia’s silver hair caught her eyes. Sylvia moved forward with her brutish staff and scattered a blue magic power. Lili didn’t know what defensive magic it was, but it wouldn’t be able to completely block any damage.

With that conviction, the two fireballs shot forward.


It was a bombardment fierce enough to close the mouths of the audience members feeling doubtful about Liliana.

Chapter 34 - Tournament Finals #2

The huge explosion caused smoke and steam to fill the air. Two 4th Circle magics had been accelerated by wind, causing a deadly explosion on the battlefield. The solid stone floor of the stadium cracked apart, and dust rose up in the aftermath. Visibility was sharply reduced in this situation, but Liliana’s eyes shone a brilliant gold.

It was Hawkeye! Hawkeye, the skill she had received a few days ago after consuming ‘Hawk’s Skull,’ naturally penetrated through the smokescreen which covered the stadium.

The moment Lili discovered Sylvia, her eyes shook. It was because none of the crystals hanging from Sylvia's robe were broken.

‘She blocked it? The accelerated Double Blaze Shell?’

The clear ice pieces nearby were indications of Frozen Wall, a 3rd Circle defense magic. It looked like she had overlapped two or three layers of it. However, she couldn’t have blocked that with a defensive ability which was lower than Earth Wall. The strength of the two materials, ice and stone, absolutely couldn’t be compared.

The moment Lili thought this, she felt a chill on her skin.

“…Indeed, it is temperature!”

She couldn’t help feeling in awe as she understood how Sylvia had improved her defense. Some time ago, she had stumbled upon this concept while reading a book.

According to the study of a magician, ice was said to increase in strength as the temperature dropped. If the temperature was minus 30 degrees Celsius, the strength would be similar to human teeth. Once the temperature was below minus 40 degrees, it would be stronger than minerals like amethysts.

If Sylvia had created an ice wall at a lower temperature, then its defense would almost be comparable to that of a steel wall. The barrier had been crushed, but the ice wall had been sufficient to block Lili’s attack.

Lili realized this fact and prepared the next spell, but Sylvia was the one who moved first inside the smoke screen. Her robe flapped as she used her staff to draw a circle of magic power. Lili’s Hawkeye vision penetrated the identity of the magic circle faster than anyone else.

‘Ah, it is the first time I’ve dealt with this magic…!’

Lili broke off the spell she was casting and hurriedly retreated as it popped out of the smoke screen.


‘Liquid Snake!’

It was an attribute control magic which existed in the 4th Circle. The opaque body of water wriggled, and the delicate scales shone as they reflected the light from the ceiling. Clumsy magicians often produced worms, but this was like a work of art. That power was never beautiful.


The water snake rushed aggressively toward Liliana like a real snake. It was like a big swamp snake, but its speed was comparable to that of a wild beast. The tail of the water snake shot upwards quickly.


Lili sensed an early warning as a chill ran down her spine. A lump of water wasn’t that painful, but the Liquid Snake wasn’t an ordinary mass of water. The heavy water was compressed at a high density, making it hard and heavy like metal.

If she was hit once, then it had the ability to cause damage beyond the absorption capacity of the crystal.


The descending tail hit the spot where Lili had just been standing. The ground was shattered like a warrior had hit it with a hammer, and Lili’s robe was punctured by the fragments. It was good that the crystals didn’t recognize that as damage.

Lili hurried out of the range of the water snake.

‘Faster than I thought…!’

However, it wasn’t over after the water snake missed. The water snake quickly turned its head toward Lili. It was a dozen times her size, but it was almost twice as fast as her. It wouldn’t have been possible to avoid the first blow if it hadn’t been for Lili’s sensory perception.

She rolled across the floor and desperately avoided the successive attacks of the water snake.

Kwaang! Kwang! Kwaang! Kuwang!

The tail and body of the snake kept crushing the floor of the stadium. Every move was an attack corresponding to 3rd Circle magic. Lili changed direction repeatedly to aim at Sylvia, but the water snake continued blocking her off.

Indeed, it was appropriate to call the water snake a moving defense. Fireball and Lightning Bolt couldn’t stop the momentum of the water snake. It blocked a few shots that Lili had fired already. If this continued, she would consume too much stamina and magic power. It was time to use one of her hidden cards.

‘My stored Blaze Shell doesn’t have enough power.’

The 4th Circle fire magic could offset that snake. However, that was all.

Wouldn’t it just revert the situation back to the beginning?

There was still a large difference between her and Sylvia, so the choice would just result in a one-sided loss. Then the second option was the Magic Bullet. Even the hobgoblin chief hadn’t been able to withstand it.

The index finger of Lili’s right hand stretched out quietly. She had to prepare enough power to penetrate through the water snake. Now that her magic power had reached the 4th Circle, she could shoot three or four magic bullets. Unlike last time, there was no need to risk her life for one hit.

“…Okay, I’m going.” Lili got up and maintained her posture. The water snake was chasing after her at a terrible speed, but it wasn’t difficult to stop for a moment.

Sylvia’s water snake was persistent magic, but Mitra had been waiting for her call from the beginning!

‘Now, Mitra!’

[Hoing!] Mitra’s cute voice resonated in her head as the shattered floor of the stadium suddenly soared up.


The water snake failed to overcome its own momentum and slammed its head against a wall which had suddenly been raised. The strength of the collision shook the firmly constructed earth barrier, but it couldn’t destroy it instantly. The water snake had to hit it three times to break Mitra’s barrier.

Then beyond the barrier, the recreation of a previous scene appeared.

“Too late, reptile.”

As a bluish glow emerged from the tip of her index finger, Lili aimed at Sylvia standing behind the water snake. Funnily enough, the opaque snake’s body became an obstacle hindering her view. Her trust in the water snake’s defensive ability caused her to become the prey of the Magic Bullet.

Immediately, a streak of light flew across the stadium.


The sound was slower than the streak of light. As the sound caught up one step late, the light had already pierced through the body of the water snake. It didn’t care about the snake, which exploded like a water balloon, and flew unceasingly to its target.

As the audience responded to the blue light, Sylvia’s talent meant she immediately unfolded a shield reflexively.


However, Lili’s attack wasn’t something which could be stopped with a basic shield. The Magic Bullet ruthlessly pierced through the surface of Sylvia’s robe and hit her stomach. She took a step back from the shock of a power which couldn’t be stopped by the Liquid Snake and Shield, and a crystal hanging from her robe broke with a loud sound.


It was a shocking start. While everyone in the stadium went into shock, Sylvia’s bangs covered her face. It was impossible for the spectators to guess what expression she carried. How would she respond to this?

Would she have tightly clenched fists and an angry face? Perhaps she would be startled? Maybe there would be tears from the unexpected pain?


At that moment…


Liliana’s teeth started clattering together. Goose bumps appeared on her skin, and her body shook from the cold. It was an extreme feeling, but it wasn’t caused by fear. The pure cold was cooling down her whole body. The sensation of her muscles contracting as she moved in this cold made her shudder.

Lili looked up reflexively at the ceiling, and her expression hardened. A huge number of ice arrows were pointing at the ground.

‘No, isn’t there at least 100 of them?’

How could Sylvia produce such a number? As Lili pulled up her magic power while being bewildered by the huge number, the arrows started to pour down. If they had a strength proportional to this cold, they would have the same power as a steel arrow. Any accidental scratch would be enough damage to break a crystal.

Above all, there were too many to avoid all of them.

“Burning Hands!”

As soon as Lili’s spell was completed, three pairs of hands made of fire appeared in the air. The hands heated up the air. She learned from Vince that it was better to get rid of magic like Ice Arrow, rather than letting it skim past her body.


The 100 ice arrows and fire palms danced together. The steam caused by the evaporated arrows rose up from the ground. If it hadn’t been for ‘West Wind’s Protection,’ she would’ve been hit. Still, Lili’s efforts weren’t in vain as she managed to get rid of the arrows without a single bit of damage.

‘This steam…’

Lili got rid of Burning Hands and tried to penetrate the steam when…


A girl with silver hair suddenly ran through the steam which had spread like fog.

“Eh?!” Lili’s eyes widened when she saw that Sylvia had suddenly come toward her.

The distance which of almost 50 meters between them had narrowed in a matter of seconds. It wasn’t the 5th Circle magic Blink, yet Haste was too slow compared to this speed. The secret to her rapid movements was the ground at her feet.


She slid along an ice road created by ice magic. It was a technique which was contained in Alfred’s memories. The ice road was a feat impossible without an exquisite control over the centre of gravity in the body and the frictional force.

Nevertheless, the technique was possible due to Sylvia’s exceptional genius. However, Lili didn’t have any more time to think.


The staff which contained magic power appeared right in front of Lili’s nose.


She would’ve been hit if it wasn’t for the warning of her sensory perception. If she had been hit without the damage absorbing crystal, her face would be squashed like a tomato. Lili had just barely managed to avoid the first attack, but the staff was notorious for its length.

Huoong! Hung! Huoong!

Sylvia’s staff was wielded in succession. It grew increasingly closer to Lili’s body and was now at a distance where it rubbed against her clothes.

‘Damn, I’m reaching the limit…!’

Liliana had never learned proper hand-to-hand combat, so she couldn’t escape from the professional techniques. She had only managed to avoid having all three crystals broken due to her sensory perception.

It was urgent for Lili to widen the distance. As soon as she made the decision, she jumped to the rear.


At almost the same time, the staff moved and hit her crossed arms. Her crystal broke half a beat later.


With this, the two of them had returned to a tied score of 1:1.

“Ugh, that hurts…”

Most of the damage had been absorbed, but her bones were still throbbing. She probably had a bruise now. However, Lili used the shock while jumping and was able to widen the distance to almost 15 meters.

She wouldn’t allow her to get closer like before. Lili understood that she shouldn’t get close to Sylvia, so she paid close attention to her. If she took her eyes off Sylvia for even a moment, the same situation would repeat.

For that reason, Lili glimpsed something unexpected as she used Hawkeye.


Sylvia’s emotionless face which seemed to be carved out of ice… Her marble-white face was smiling like a child would.

Chapter 35 - Tournament Finals #3

As the exchange between Lili and Sylvia entered a lull, the unknowingly closed mouths of the audience members finally opened. In the beginning, it was just heavy breathing, but it soon changed to cheers. The Pupil Tournament had simply been treated as a children’s festival, but the competition ended up being at this level!

The mouths of the audience members at the stadium began to move busily. Some of them gave a good evaluation to Lili, who had opened with a heated attack. Her explosive power had grabbed the spirits of all the spectators in the stadium.

"That girl on the left, did you say her name is Liliana? That first attack was really good. If it was another participant instead of Sylvia, she might’ve taken two points."

"Blaze Shell and Gale Force… It is a basic teaching in the Red Tower. The skill proficiency of Vince’s disciple isn’t bad."

"If her achievements accumulate, then she can reach the Average rank."

However, Sylvia’s moves also caused a few people to talk.

"Hrmm, but I would put the Liquid Snake at a higher level. Some of the Blue Tower Magicians wouldn’t be able to control it with such skill."

"As expected from Blundell’s apprentice. Distracting the opponent’s eyes with ice arrows and then sliding along the ice sheet for high-speed movement, followed by a blow with the staff in close combat. It is Blundell’s famous hand combat style."

"I think that using fighting techniques in a magic contest is a bit… but her opponent did lose a point to it."

A person who didn’t know real magic might say something like this.

-No matter how magical a person is, isn’t it strange to treat a weapon hit as valid?

Then every war magician would give the same answer.

–That’s right, if you are someone who wants to be hit. Either way, there is nothing strange about it.

It might seem quite ignorant, but it was true. Magicians basically had to keep an eye on the distance from their opponent in a battle. How much space did they have to cast and what magic could be prepared? The magicians had to take into account the opponent’s movement speed and the range in which they would be a risk. Such precious calculations were the basis of all magic before the spells were cast.

Magicians knew better than anyone else that they were vulnerable in close combat. Therefore, they would prepare a few spells or tactics to prepare for enemies who were nearby. If they were hit by a close combat attack, then the inexperience of the magician or the skill of the opponent was to blame. However, it wasn’t just a matter of questioning the magician’s experience or skill.

Blundell had a rare expression of surprise on his face as he looked at the interesting match.

"…I remember that magic."

Blundell Adruncus, the Blue Tower Master, was over 130 years old this year. The days with the war hero, Alfred Bellontes, had just been part of his youth. In fact, Blundell had fought in the war against the Bellontes Principality. The feeling of the chill which shot down his spine as the blue flash emerged from the finger was still vivid. Blundell hadn’t died at the time, but his wound throbbed every time it rained like that time.


With a flick of Blundell’s fingers, Vince and the surrounding area were covered with a sound barrier. It was a magic curtain which combined air and water to block the transmission of sound. Blundell, who took care not to let the conversation between the two of them leak, looked at where Vince was sitting.

"Alfred’s Magic Missile, did you reproduce it?"

"No. It is that kid’s talent."

"…Um, ‘Fire Killer Vince’ truly has great eyes at recognizing talent."

The fact that a sound barrier had been activated meant Blundell didn’t want the words to spread. Above all, he didn’t have a need to exploit a mere child. Vince answered Blundell’s questions honestly, quickly distinguishing between the information to hide and the information to reveal.

Blundell knocked on his wallet and muttered in a loud voice, "Indeed, I accept your bet. If she has that much skill, then there is a chance she could win."

Liliana’s victory or Sylvia’s victory… The betting odds over who would win increased significantly thanks to these two magicians. In addition to Vince’s 100 gold and Blundell’s 300 gold, the total was close to 1,000 gold. For the most part, the bets were placed on Sylvia’s victory. However, some people chose to bet on Liliana in the hope of getting a big jackpot. If they won, they would get back almost six times the amount they bet.

However, Blundell wasn’t focused on the stakes.

"…Too much talent makes people lonely."


"Sylvia, that girl isn’t good at making friends. She was clearly different, so the other children ignored her."

His words weren’t a commentary but a complaint. Blundell, who was her only family and teacher, couldn’t solve her loneliness. Despite being 17, his disciple had lost all traces of being a child.

Perhaps the Blue Tower’s youngest talent had been blocked from reaching the 5th Circle due to this ‘psychological wall.’ However, the wall was now collapsing in several places.

‘How is it? Is it fun playing with a friend?’

Was it because he had raised her as his daughter? His words might sound stupid, but they weren’t completely wrong. Her smiling face which she had never shown to him…

Looking down at Sylvia who was smiling brightly, Blundell couldn’t help smiling as well.

"Yes, try to play as much as possible."

…Until she got all the joy that she had forgotten in the past.

* * *

Regardless of the situation in the audience seats, the match between the two got hotter after both had lost one point.

Dozens of fire arrows flew through the air. It was a continuous magic which would burn the enemy it hit. Similarly, there were ice arrows which emitted a cold chill. As the bluish lightning struck, the translucent shield of water scattered electric currents everywhere.

Sylvia’s magic didn’t miss the moment the ground became wet.

"Icicle Grow."

"Earth Wave!"

Icicles sprang from the ground and a wave of earth covered it. The weak weight of the icicles were suppressed by the weight of the soil, and they were soon buried. However, the girl with silver hair made an ice road on the ground again.

‘I’m sorry, but I’ve already seen that pattern!’ The speed was obviously scary, but once Lili knew the direction, it wasn’t hard to cope with.

She followed Sylvia’s orbit with her index finger. Reversing the opponent’s offensive was also a tactic. The Magic Bullet could break through any trick. Magic Bullet was launched from her finger.


The flash of light flew through the air faster than an arrow, piercing the side of Sylvia’s robe. Sylvia grinned as she spoke, "…That, you showed me earlier."

Liliana wasn’t the only one who had grasped the opponent’s skill.

The Magic Bullet’s weakness: avoidance was possible in a narrow area. As a result of specializing in penetration power and lethality, the small coin size was easy to avoid. The direct injection method also influenced the way it worked.

The original user, Alfred, had covered that weakness with tremendous speed, but Liliana’s Magic Bullet was still lacking. Sylvia used Haste and outstanding reflexes to barely avoid it. This meant she expected it to come out.


Sylvia’s staff hit Lili only for her to scatter like smoke.


It was Illusion Track! This was the skill Lili had obtained from ‘Night Prowler’s Mirage.’ Night Prowler’s Mirage produced a lifelike illusion of the user. The precision was as great as its reputation, fooling Sylvia easily.

Liliana didn’t miss that gap and created a pit.


Sylvia hadn’t regained her balance and fell down as three stone spears protruded. As a precautionary measure, Lili had prepared the pit and Ground Spear trap in case of a frontal attack. The fact that she managed avoid two of the spears was praiseworthy. However, she couldn’t avoid the spear which rose up in her blind spot.


In the end, the spear stuck in her back and shattered the second crystal. Lili was one point ahead, but she wasn’t careless and retreated a few steps.

It was because she was likely to counterattack. This time, the traps worked well, but it was unlikely that Sylvia would fall for it again. Unsurprisingly, she ran out of the pit wildly.

‘She’s coming. Don’t turn your eyes away from her. Sylvia’s first movement will be—’

Previously, she had used the ice arrows and steam to create a smoke screen. She had taken her eyes off Sylvia for a moment, and she had borrowed the speed of the ice road. If Lili kept a close eye on her, then she would be able to cope with whatever Sylvia did. Lili’s eyes became gold due to Hawkeye, and she concentrated in front of her.

At that moment, Sylvia suddenly stopped moving.



An icicle jumped out from behind, suddenly piercing Lili’s back. It was at the exact same spot which Sylvia had been struck just before. She used a surprise attack from the rear as well! One of the crystals hanging from Lili’s robe broke.

However, there was something else which was painful.

‘This girl, has she been watching my skills and tactics…?’

Even though Sylvia was one step ahead when it came to magic deployment, Lili was ahead of others in this area. She lacked experience as a war magician, so she was lacking when it came to useful applications of magic and proper timing. It was how she stayed a few steps ahead of her despite her genius.

However, Sylvia was absorbing even that at a terrifying speed.

"Hoo, troublesome."

This was the first time she had encountered someone with an equal learning ability among her peers.

* * *

On the contrary, the girl was pleased.

‘This person doesn’t hate me. She isn’t afraid. Furthermore, she is continuously surprising me with magic.’

It was the first time Sylvia had encountered such a thing. The girl in front of her contained no feelings of jealousy or disgust. She was a peer who could unexpectedly compete at the same level as her.

‘So much fun!’

The clear smile she had lost during childhood appeared on Sylvia’s face.

Since childhood, there had been no child who approached her. Her rare silver hair and beautiful appearance had incited jealousy in the hearts of the other girls in her village. Additionally, even though Sylvia wasn’t of noble birth, her natural genius in magic had created a vague situation where her status had been unclear. If it hadn’t been for Blundell stopping by her village by chance, her talent might’ve been buried before it had the chance to blossom.

–Why is she speaking so incomprehensibly?

–Isn’t she just trying to show off?

–Tell me if you don’t want to teach me. Don’t lie.

–You are innately different from us. You are a genius. How about finding a genius like you and playing with them instead?

Someone had been jealous…

Someone else had hated her…

Someone had misunderstood her…

And someone else had turned away from her.

Thus, Sylvia closed off her mind before she got hurt. She gave up on trying to approach others and forgot to extend her hand first. Blundell and the other elders of the Blue Tower took care of her, but they couldn’t take the place of a friend. Their age limited them to being parents. Therefore, the wall in her mind which she had built up since childhood became a ‘real wall’ which interfered with her reaching the 5th Circle.

Had it already been a few years since she’d stopped in place?

–Hoo, troublesome.

Lili reached out to her from beyond the collapsed wall.

Chapter 36 - Tournament Finals #4

‘I want to win against this person! I want to be friends with this person!’

For the first time in her life, feelings of enthusiasm, interest, and appreciation filled her. How long had it been since she felt such intense feelings? The moment her emotions exploded, Sylvia’s stagnant circles started to rotate. The door of the cage which had been locked until now started to open slowly.

Wuooooong! A wave of magic power shook the entire stadium! Sylvia’s magic power sprang up as the ‘wall’ was destroyed, creating a rough wind. It was still too early to call it the 5th Circle, but it was beyond the standards of the 4th Circle.

Liliana paused at her bold declaration before laughing. “Yes, I also want to win.”

She had always been chasing someone’s back. Back when she was a child, it had been the magicians she read about in the storybooks. After entering the academy, it had been her seniors. After repeating a year, it had been the classmates who graduated first. When she had gotten tired of chasing countless backs, the wings hanging on her back filled with new strength.

So, from now on…

“This is the last one.” Lili’s constant chasing of someone else’s back would end here. At the same time, Lili used Gluttony’s abilities of [Magic Power Amplification] and [Attributes Affinity]. The circles started to revolve slowly, and the magic power in her blood vessels rose. She still had one trump card remaining.

Both Lili and Sylvia were convinced of their victory as the two magicians raised all their remaining strength.

Woong, woong, woong, woong! The flow of strong magic power emerged from the two people, colliding and spreading in every direction. The magnitude of the magic power shaking the stadium was already beyond the level of a student’s magic. Some magicians became nervous and forgot about the presence of the barrier protecting the audience.

First, Sylvia was surrounded by blue magic power and floated in the air. ‘Levitation. Is she concerned about a surprise attack from underground? It isn’t a bad decision.’ 2nd Circle magic, Levitation… There was nothing special about it; it was just magic that allowed someone to float in the air. However, it was useful when enemies attacked from underground or when facing ranged attacks.

Against a magician like Liliana who was good with earth magic, it was a decent countermeasure. However, as Lili possessed the mysterious Magic Bullet, Levitation was just an ordinary magic which gave her a still target in the air. Sylvia, who had encountered Magic Bullet directly, couldn’t not know this fact. So, it was natural to think that she had set up a countermeasure. Lili looked up at her with strong determination. As expected from the genius, Sylvia pulled out a magic spell.

“…Ice Shield?” Lili murmured. It was a bit large to call it a shield, and it wasn’t transparent enough to see inside the ice. Maybe it was the shield she’d used to block the Double Blaze Shells in the first attack. Six shields surrounded Sylvia, causing the space she was floating in to be blocked from Lili’s view. It was a carefully thought out countermeasure.

‘There is no way to penetrate that shield with a clumsy Magic Bullet, and I can’t see her, so I can’t aim precisely. If the hit misses and I receive the counterattack, that will be the end.’

Should she bet on Magic Bullet and gamble, or do a frontal confrontation? Sylvia was likely asking such questions as well. She also had magic which she could use in a frontal confrontation. The one who could reverse the other person’s card would win.

Could she break the magic that Liliana envisioned? It wasn’t an exaggeration to say the results would depend on this move.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Lili accepted her challenge. She would use the strongest magic possible and the affinity she was best at. Both of them had great strengths in attack and defense. The power of the two hidden cards was something which wasn’t inferior to ice magic. There were two Blaze Shells remaining in the Memorize slots, plus she could store additional spells.

“Giant of the earth, I command you to throw the stones…” It was the chant for the 4th Circle magic, Catapult. After finishing the chant which lasted almost five measures, she gathered the magic power and pushed it into a Memorize slot. Catapult was stored in Slot 3, and another Catapult was stored in Slot 4.

With this, her preparations were finished.

‘Sorry to trouble you.’ [Hoooung…] Lili communicated with the exhausted Mitra and waited for the ice shield around her head to clear up. It was ridiculous to consume attack power when the barrier would disappear anyway. Based on the magic power coming from the barrier, she could tell that her opponent’s preparations were almost over.


Ice started to form on the floor of the stadium, which was a mess due to all the attacks. This was a phenomenon which could be seen in ice magic above the 5th Circle. Humans caught in the chill would freeze in an instant and die. Even though the destructive power of water magic was lower than fire magic, there was a reason why nobody had said that it wasn’t destructive.

However, Lili didn’t back down and faced the cold. As the edges of her robe started to freeze, the ice shield melted. Beyond that was Sylvia who emerged belatedly. Lili felt a terrible chill the moment she appeared.

“Master of the cold, Ymir. Show your strength to those who dare to ask for it…!”

It was originally the chant for the 7th Circle magic which turned the ground into a lump of ice. However, Sylvia simplified the magic formula and improved it so that she could use it now. Of course, it didn’t have the strength of the original, but it was far beyond a normal 4th Circle magic!

‘Minor Force. Blizzard…’

A murderous blizzard started swirling on the ground.

‘Let’s go, Mitra!’ Liliana also fired the spells she had prepared.

‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Double Blaze Shell. Double Catapult.’ Four 4th Circle magic spells were triggered, but it was still lacking to go against the Blizzard. Two fireballs and two stones couldn’t resist that.

As Sylvia called the fearsome Blizzard, the skin exposed by her robe started freezing. She needed to act before the damage absorbed would cause the crystal to break.

“Fusion Magic.” It was a spell which overlapped the two images of fireballs and stones. Then Lili imagined the greatest disaster on Earth. The entire human race was fearful every time it burst out, and they believed it was the wrath of God. As magma started emerging from deep below the ground, a volcano emerged. In the process, lumps of stones covered in lava fell like meteorites. Then the so-called volcanic ash, in other words…

“Volcanic Shell-!”

It was persistent and rough. The power of the spell which combined the strongest attack with the strongest defense wasn’t comparable to when they were separate. This wasn’t simply a stone covered in fire. The firepower of Blaze Shell was nestled in the massive rock. It didn’t reach the pressure of an actual volcanic eruption, but the destructive power was similar.

Kuooooh! Indeed, the two Volcanic Shells rushed from in front of Lili to the center of the Blizzard. The blizzard was just a breeze before that overwhelming destruction. In the end, Blizzard’s magic power greeted the Volcanic Shells. Immediately afterwards, the two magic nuclei clashed together.

――――――――――! The mouths of the spectators dropped open. “Kuah…!” Black smoke, water vapour, and all types of natural phenomenon appeared. Lili was barely able to withstand the shock wave by triggering a blessing. All her magic power was consumed, and her body wobbled as she held onto the last remaining crystal.

‘My limit… This fight… isn’t over…’ If Sylvia walked out okay, then it was over. Lili was physically and mentally tired, but the anxiety of the situation caused her mind to shake. Liliana couldn’t use Hawkeye anymore, so she had to wait until the dust sank down gradually. ‘Damn.’

Beyond her blurry vision, Sylvia was walking over.

“…You, what is your name?” Sylvia admitted she didn’t know her name, but Lili couldn’t help smiling. She was able to reply somehow through dry lips, “Liliana Miller.”

“Can I call you Lili?” ‘Do whatever you want.’ It sounded like nonsense right now.

“Then Lili, next time, let’s play again…” The sound of someone falling over and a crystal breaking entered her ears. It was a very light sound and seemed like it was coming from a distance away…

“…Huh?” Lili looked down at the crystal in her palm with a bewildered expression. The crystal didn’t have a single crack in it, let alone for it to be broken. Then what was the sound she’d heard just now? The sound was so vivid that she almost dismissed it as a hallucination. Lili couldn’t help lifting her gaze and looked at the girl with silver hair on the ground. Sylvia had collapsed. Then who was standing?

–Right now! The winner of the Pupil Tournament has been decided! The yells of the host echoed through the stadium and into Lili’s ears.

–The winner of this tournament is Participant Number 132, the disciple of the Red Magic Tower’s Superior ranked Vince Haidel! Liliana Miller!

“Wahhhhh!” The audience cheered and clapped. It wasn’t just magicians but normal people who clapped their hands together, unable to control their excitement.

This was because both the girl and Sylvia were so impressive. A battle between fire and ice… The two dynamically moving battle forces were fiercely reminiscent of being on a battlefield. What about that last clash? It was unclear if even Average ranked magicians could do such things. As the two mentors looked at each other with satisfied expressions, the two disciples collapsed on the ground in a similar manner. Unlike the spectacular match, it was a comical finish.

* * *

“She was a formidable opponent,” Vince said as he wrapped a bandage around Lili’s swollen forearm. A healing potion was applied to the wound, but it would still throb for three or four more days. Lili nodded as she touched the bandages. “Yes, she was tremendous. Perhaps that is a genius.”

In fact, Lili couldn’t imitate her opponent even if she could grasp what they were doing. It was different from magic she already knew. Rational understanding was different from understanding with her senses. However, Sylvia had displayed both of these in the match. Furthermore, her rational learning ability wasn’t inferior to Lili’s. She’d gone through an intensive training course in the last two or three months and had barely won the match. Above all, it was because Lili’s body was too soft to display all of Alfred’s experience.

‘I still have a long way to go…’ No matter how fraudulent the grimoire was, Lili needed to focus on her growth. Lili’s eyes sunk as she became aware of this fact. Memorize was a useful feature, but it shouldn’t be relied upon. She needed to accelerate the training of Magic Bullet even further.

Vince interpreted Lili’s sunken expression and tapped on her shoulder. “Well, how about you admire your victory instead of her genius today?”

“Even if you say so… I still can’t believe it.”

“It is all about winning. Now, can you get up?”

Lili wanted to fall asleep, but she raised her body forcefully. The awards ceremony would be held shortly after the Pupil Tournament ended. It was a meaningful event she couldn’t miss, even if she had a severe injury.

Her right forearm was a bit sore, but fortunately, it didn’t stop her from moving. Vince handed her a robe and asked, “You haven’t worn a robe before, right? I will help you.”

“Ah, thank you.” “First of all, put your arm here…” Vince guided Lili on how to wear the robe, transforming Lili into a wealthy noblewoman. The robe was made of a luxurious black fabric, and Lili looked impressive in it, like both a magician and a noble.

“Hrmm, now you look like a true lady.”

“Something feels a bit awkward…”

“It can’t be helped since the robe isn’t tailored to you. Just wear it until the end of the awards ceremony. You are allowed to participate wearing your original clothes.”

“Eh? Then why did you borrow this robe?” Vince tapped his red robe several times and explained, “I heard that His Majesty is appearing at the awards ceremony. So, isn’t this the basics?”

Chapter 37 - Awards Ceremony

Among the events at the Meltor Kingdom’s magic contest, the Pupil Tournament wasn’t considered particularly prestigious. Magicians who participated in the contest sent out their disciples for the Pupil Tournament. Speaking bluntly, it could be called a child’s playful banquet. This year was a bit unusual, but it wasn’t a competition that high-ranking magicians or nobles would typically attend.

However, that perception was turned upside down due to just one person—the King of the Meltor Kingdom, Kurt III.

“W-What? His Majesty himself?!”
“Doesn’t he usually stay at the palace?”
“If this happens, my face needs to be like jade… I can’t look ugly in front of royalty.”
“Attendant! Prepare my dress!”
“Where is the Pentarium?”

The nobles of Meltor were in an uproar after they heard the sudden news. Even though Kurt III had risen to the throne under the halo of the Magic Towers, he held all the military and administrative powers. So, the officials didn’t dare oppose him, especially after some of the noblemen who’d tried to act for their own interests had been beheaded.

‘Now is the time to bow my head.’
‘I don’t want my head to fly away…!’
‘It is best to wait for the next generation.’

If they couldn’t win, it was best to become close to the king. They had to bow their heads to live for a long time in a society like this. In the end, the nobles gave up on fighting against Kurt III and tried to look good to him. Funnily enough, the actions of the nobles strengthened the king’s power.

However, Kurt III concentrated on governing while pretending to listen to their flattery. All the gifts were sent to the treasury to maintain the budget while the young women filled with greed were sent back to their families. Kurt III was the example of a perfect ruler, with no flaws at all.

So, why had the perfect ruler suddenly decided to hand out the prizes for the Pupil Tournament?

Anyone with a brain would think there was something special about the awards ceremony. That’s why so many nobles had gathered in the main hall of Pentarium, where the final match of the Pupil Tournament had been held. When the magicians heard that the disciple of the Blue Tower Master was involved, the scale of the ceremony grew to a bizarre level.

It was natural that the face of the young girl, Liliana, was pale, since she was the center of the ceremony.

“Professor, isn’t the audience in the stands really strange?”
“Hrmm… I can see that. The bureaucrats of several departments have come flocking. Huh, this place has become a spectacle. The three most powerful families of the kingdom have gathered.”
“Uhh, why is this situation…”

It was an event involving the king, but the big shots had gathered in only a few hours! Lili had never even met an earl, so she couldn’t help feeling alarmed. Her skin was already prickling from having multiple gazes on her face, so it was more torturous at the thought of all these high-ranking people watching her.

Lili thought up to there and suddenly looked towards the right.


Sylvia was looking at her. She didn’t know what to do for a moment. Looking embarrassed, she then waved her hand stiffly. Lili almost smiled at her awkward movements but nodded without doing so. Sylvia was relieved by Lili’s actions and smiled brightly. She seemed more concerned about Lili’s reaction than that of the people in the stands.

‘Indeed, there is no need to be nervous until I come out.’ Liliana’s tension was released thanks to Sylvia.

Lili looked more relaxed than before as she waited for the king with Vince. She recited the basic etiquette in her head and prepared herself to be ready for whatever happened.

Before long, the king emerged from behind the curtain.

“Presenting His Majesty!”

As they heard the booming voice of the servant, the people gathered lowered their bodies simultaneously. The movements of the bodies were similar, but the difference in the bows showed each person’s status.

Commoners lay flat on the floor, while nobles bowed at a 90-degree angle. Magicians, however, knelt down on one knee. Their right hands, placed by their hearts, indicated the circles and, in other words, the magic system. One knee against the ground was to show loyalty, while the standing leg was meant to honor the magic, not the king. If this were the Empire, they would be punished for disloyalty. However, that was not the case here.

This was Meltor, a kingdom where magicians were the cornerstone. It was a unique etiquette that could only be seen here. As everyone remained silent, a man’s voice rang out, “Everyone present, raise your heads.”

It was indeed the voice of the king. There was power in his voice. In the past, magicians had stated that the power of words was a lie. They thought that the shorter the chant, the stronger the spell would be.

It was currently treated as an old saying, but Lili could now understand it. The people were guided by Kurt III’s words and raised their heads unconsciously. Their minds were overwhelmed by the king’s dignity, and they raised their heads before they could think about it.

Similarly, Lili raised her head and saw the king for the first time in her life.

The king had golden hair and purple eyes which shone mysteriously. His appearance and atmosphere meant one could see at a glance that he had a noble lineage as well as the elegance of a king. He gave off such an intangible presence that Lili was convinced everyone would recognize the king even if he wore rags.

‘This person is the king, Kurt III…!’

As Lili felt unfamiliar feelings, Kurt opened his mouth again, “It has been a while, Tower Master Blundell. Three months, perhaps?” It was a very familiar tone.

The tower masters were basically treated as the most distinguished people, with no one else having a higher status than them as they accounted for more than 70% of the national power. So, it wasn’t unreasonable for the king to treat Blundell like this.

“Hahaha! It feels like it was the day before yesterday for this old man, Your Majesty.”
“If you hadn’t missed the meeting without any notice, it really would’ve been the day before yesterday.”
“C-Cough!” The smiling Blundell immediately became silent at the sharp criticism. He now looked like a child who was being scolded.

Kurt III looked at Blundell’s awkward expression and changed the topic while smiling. “Did you take a vacation to look after your disciple? This king came here because I wanted to see her.”
“Ah, right. I will definitely show her to you.”
“So, you kept her a secret for 10 years?”

It seemed like Blundell received damage every time he opened his mouth. As Blundell fell silent, Kurt looked down at the two people before him. One was the disciple of the Blue Tower Master, and the other was the one who had knocked her down. These children would support Meltor in the future.

“Then I will proceed with the awards ceremony.”

He hated pretentious things, so he started the awards ceremony without any congratulatory remarks. According to instruction, the person in charge of the Pupil Tournament came forward. He called the identification number and then announced the names of the mentors and the amount of prize money given to the participants.

In the end, there were only two names left, leaving only two children in the center of the stadium. Kurt made the host step back and picked up a handmade plaque.

“Sylvia, Blundell Adruncus’s disciple, come forward.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Sylvia moved forward at the call and bowed slightly. Even though she was told to rise, it was blasphemy to look directly at the king’s face. Kurt accepted the bow and spoke while handing her the plaque, “As the runner-up of the Pupil Tournament, I will give Sylvia ‘Jack Frost’s Staff’ and the title of a baroness.”

“Sylvia, disciple of the Magic Tower, thanks Your Majesty.”
“Yes, I look forward to your future growth.”

It was an exceptional reward, but no one objected to Kurt’s declaration. Once beyond the wall of the 5th Circle, the title of baroness had no great significance to Sylvia. Moreover, she could gain gold and artifacts from Blundell.

Then Kurt called out Lili’s name next, “Liliana Miller, Vince Haidel’s disciple, come forward.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Lili barely managed to reply in a calm voice as she rose from her spot.

“As winner of the Pupil Tournament, I will give Liliana 200 gold, the ‘Protection Bangle,’ and the title of a baroness.”
“Liliana, Bergen’s student, thanks Your Maje—”


Lili shut her mouth hurriedly when she was interrupted by Kurt. After receiving 200 gold, an artifact, and a title, Lili hadn’t expected that there would be anything else.

“After she succeeds the title of Baroness Miller, Liliana Miller will receive the title of a viscountess.”

‘Viscountess promotion!’

Lili’s eyes shook at the shocking declaration, but her mouth was a step ahead of her brain.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

As Lili lowered her head, chatter quickly spread through the stands. A promotion… it was an honor that wasn’t possible unless many merits were accumulated. Yet it was given to the winner of a small contest? It was an unprecedented situation, so some of the nobles couldn’t hide their confusion.

Regardless of whether people understood it or not, Kurt looked at Liliana and Sylvia with warm eyes and finished the awards ceremony.

“This Meltor Kingdom of ours is surrounded by the Harkan Mountain Ranges in the north-east and by the Andras Empire in the north-west. In order to defend our homeland from the savage imperialists who desire war, we need to raise people like these two young magicians. The Magic Society should spread today’s events and don’t slack off… Understood?”

The people gathered in the stadium replied simultaneously to their ruler:

“Yes, Your Majesty! As you command!”


Finally, Kurt III left Pentarium. Afterwards, the nobles swarmed around him like a tide, and the most magnificent event in Liliana’s history came to a close.

Lili and Vince finally went to the restaurant they hadn’t been able to go on the first day. They then returned to their accommodations shortly after the sun set, and Lili lay on the bed while holding her belly. She usually preferred to eat less, but her mouth hadn’t listened at the restaurant in the capital.

Vince laughed at her before saying, “I don’t need to hear you speak to know that the meal was satisfactory. Isn’t that so?”
“…It is exactly like you said.”

The two people looked at each other and laughed lightly. It had been a great day. There was no better way to enjoy her victory. Vince even took out a few bottles of expensive wine, but they didn’t get drunk. It was because both of them were magicians.

Not long after, the moment they had been waiting for came.


A red tongue crawled out from a hole in Lili’s palm. It was the grimoire which ate magic books. Gluttony had woken up.

–Hungry. Bring meal.

Gluttony swallowed books and absorbed their knowledge. After satisfying its hunger, it would take the time to answer one of its owner’s questions. The two people had been waiting for this time. Liliana and Vince’s contract… The moment for the first question and answer had begun.

Chapter 38 - Question And Answer #1

Due to Gluttony’s hungry status, Lili first picked out two books. As soon as she put the books on the bedspread and aimed her left hand in that direction, the hungry tongue quickly swallowed the two books.

[‘Power of Sand and Wind’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[4th Circle magic ‘Sandstorm’ has been learned.]

[‘Surviving in Cold Weather’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[3rd Circle magic ‘Resist Cold’ has been learned.]

The books Gluttony had eaten today were on the magics, Sandstorm, which was required in a desert, and Resist Cold, which was needed in a cold area. Gluttony fed on two books and quickly sent their knowledge to Liliana.


The sensation of two magic spells entering Lili’s brain was still strange. Above all, 4th Circle magic contained quite a lot of information. Lili took a deep breath to calm the aftermath, then she opened her eyes.

At the same time, Gluttony started speaking,

-Two books, it seems like you have a question to ask today.

‘Why is there a sense of discomfort?’ Lili wondered before realizing that Gluttony’s tone had changed. The speech, which used to be cut off, now sounded like a normal person. Wondering why the change had happened, Lili asked, “You… Hasn’t your way of talking changed?”


“Before… you would break off from what you were saying.”

Gluttony snorted and responded,

–It is because you have fed me a large number of artifacts recently. It isn’t enough to unseal the next stage, but it did recover my voice.

“…There was such a function.”

–It is just retrieving my original function. Or did you think I normally spoke like that?

Now that it had recovered its voice, Gluttony talked with more pride than before. Feeding it books would cause it to grow faster, while it almost vomited when Lili fed it cheap artifacts. If she continued listening, this might continue for days, so Lili interrupted Gluttony. “Wait, I’d like to ask you one more thing.”

Gluttony stopped talking and then asked,

–Aren’t you slow?


–I answered your question already. Isn’t the question regarding why my way of talking changed?

Lili’s expression grew distorted. It would only be a one-day wait, but anyone would be frustrated at wasting all that preparation time. However, that frustration soon changed to irritation.

–It is a joke.


–Don’t you know? Jokes are words meant to cause amusem*nts…

“No, I know what a joke is!”

To think that Gluttony was someone who could play around like this… The grimoire really was a strange creature. The main story hadn’t even started, but Lili was already exhausted. She sighed a few times before opening her mouth to speak again. Fortunately, the previous question hadn’t counted as a question for an answer.

“Can I transfer my right to ask a question to others?”

Gluttony made an interested noise.

–Hoh, how interesting.

Was Lili imagining it? An ‘eye’ seemed to appear at the hole the tongue emerged from. It looked at Vince standing beside Liliana and understood the meaning of the question. Even if it said no, Lili was ready to ask the question which Vince had prepared.

Unsurprisingly, Gluttony readily replied,

–It doesn’t really matter. You are the first person to do such a transaction, but there isn’t a problem with the action itself.

“…Go ahead, Professor.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

Lili stepped back, while Vince moved forward. Vince was slightly different than usual due to his excitement at communicating with the greedy book. It was the feeling of a magician finally reaching an answer after running down a long, unknown road.

Vince asked in a trembling voice, “Can I call you, ‘Gluttony’?”

–Any title is good. Do I seem like I care about such trivial things?

“I see. Then let me ask you a question.” He took a deep breath and after several tries, finally asked the question that he had decided, “I want you to teach me about the relationship between language and magic.”


In the far distant past, magic had existed before humans even gave a name for it. Elves who had lived for thousands of years, dragons who had lived for tens of thousands of years, demons tied to a false eternity, and countless other species all used magic power under different names.

Additionally, the magic system was different for each species. Elves danced with the elementals, while dwarves hit metal using fire and earth. Demons mocked the laws using strange rituals, and dragons made the world struggle with just a few powerful words.

Humans were the only ones born without any power. They stole the song of the elves, tapped iron like the dwarves, and sometimes mimicked the rituals of demons.

The first millennium was meaningless. However, the next millennium saw a bit of light. Then in the next millennium, the concept of circles was finally completed. For the first time since the beginning of the world, ‘magicians’ were born into the human species.

Several thousand years had passed by since then, and the grimoire, which had existed since before the foundation of this world, replied to the question of the human magician.

-The question is too comprehensive. To completely explain the relationship between language and magic, there isn’t enough time in your life.

“What if it is limited to the human language?”

–It is the same. There are 526 minority languages, so the amount of information exceeds the limit allowed for one question.

“Hrmm.” It was a difficult situation, so Vince touched his chin while thinking.

In the magic towers where the magicians of the continent gathered, there were few who studied archaeology. Hundreds of thousands of monuments had been destroyed in the past two centuries due to wars, so many previous records had been lost.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that there was no way to explore the forgotten ancient languages except through something like a grimoire. Vince struggled for a while before opening his mouth, “Then please tell me why the words of the ancient languages and modern language cause different magic effects.”

He gave up his greed. Rather than trying to find out too much at once, Vince asked the question he had been facing recently. Words that had the same meaning were often used interchangeably. He wanted to know why it was sometimes more powerful and sometimes weaker.

–That is fine.

Gluttony accepted the question.

-I will define one thing first. I don’t know what you human magicians think, but magic is the act of persuading the magic power in the world. It can be said that you are earnestly asking for it to move.

“Persuasion… That sounds plausible.”

–I will continue. The concept of ‘language’ that you are asking about involves persuasiveness. The closer to the beginning things are, the more the world will listen to the voice of the magician.

Vince’s expression turned strange at the words. Certainly, magic that used ancient languages was more powerful and efficient than modern ones. That was the beginning of his archaeological research.

However, it didn’t manifest frequently, so such incompleteness was a big challenge for Vince. Fortunately, Gluttony explained the part Vince was wondering about without any delay.

–Language is a contradictory medium. Reducing the number of users increases the power. But on the other hand, if there are more users, its existence becomes firmer. If there are few or no users left, the meaning of the ancient language becomes ambiguous.

“I thought I understood ancient languages in my own way.”

–It is insufficient compared to the real ancient people. Unless you can replace your daily life with the ancient language, it will be hard to take advantage of it.

As it was a grimoire, its words were more devastating. Even if Vince’s research skills were perfect, his language skills were significantly lower than the people who lived in those days. Setting aside simple words, it would become more severe if he used magic spells which involved sentences or paragraphs. That’s why it was hard to use ancient languages at higher circles.

Vince listened to the painful words and accepted it.

–What is the name of the ancient language that you are researching?

“It is called Balcard.”

–It remains in my records. It was a language used during the time of the Balcia Empire, when magic was at its peak. Foreigners couldn’t follow the pronunciation well.

At that moment, enlightenment struck Vince like lightning. He muttered unconsciously with a bemused expression, “…Pronunciation?”

-The true value of the Balcard language can’t be seen unless the eight syllables are pronounced harmoniously.

-The same goes for any language. The pronunciation and expression of a language is settled by standard usage.

-The world accepts the courtship of magicians on the basis of words…

It was up to there. Vince couldn’t hear anything else. This was a type of phenomenon called cognitive load. Vince himself had blocked the influx of information since it had exceeded the amount he could handle. He could feel his head turning blank, so any more words would break his brain!


Suddenly, a wave of magic power emerged from Vince and gently swept through the room. It was a phenomenon which Lili had encountered once before. During the final match of the Pupil Tournament, she had felt a wave of magic power coming from Sylvia. The fact that the same surge came from Vince could only mean one thing.

‘He crossed the wall!’ A thrill ran down Lili’s spine as she watched Vince while in awe.

There was no other choice. Before Lili’s eyes, a 6th Circle magician was coming out of his shell. There were only around 100 6th Circle magicians in the Meltor Kingdom, so how could she not pay homage to Vince as a woman and a magician?

However, there was one presence in the room which wasn’t moved.

-Hey, user.

At the sudden call, Lili looked back like she had been deprived of something.

“What? It is over, so you should go to sleep again.”

–I guess you are joking. Normally I would be sleeping, so I understand.

“…So, what is your point?”

Normally, it wouldn’t say anything and would just fall asleep. Lili was aware of this guy’s physiology, and it was just as it had said. Gluttony seemed embarrassed, and its tongue waved around like it was drunk. However, that reaction lasted for only a second.

–I have advice for rapid growth. At this rate, you would be old and dying before you unlock all the seals.

“What is it?”

–As you might have guessed, I have a few more hidden features. Unlike Memorize, unsealing them is something that can’t be done without fulfilling special conditions.

Gluttony spoke in a low voice, just like the temptation of a demon in the legends.

–I’ll teach you one of the hidden functions, without any conditions.

Chapter 39 - Question And Answer #2

After hearing those words, Lili couldn’t hide the shocked expression on her face.

‘A hidden feature…?’

Over the past few months, she had tasted the value of the grimoire, Gluttony. There was the ‘eating’ which changed knowledge into proficiency through the consumption of magic books. Lili could also gain ‘skills’ through consuming rare artifacts as well as use ‘Memorize’ to store magic.

If there were artifacts capable of recreating just one of Gluttony’s abilities, it would be enough to instantly become the national treasure of a country. Yet, now, there was a condition to add another function to it? It was enough to overwhelm anyone.

–It seems like it is appetizing.

“I won’t deny that, but what is the catch?”

–No catch, I just want to help my user grow quickly.

Gluttony whined before continuing.

-The problem is the quality of the food. You’ve never fed me rare books except for [Ballistics Magic] and [Introduction to Elemental Magic]. Don’t just feed me commonplace books.

“The quality of the food…?”

-You might think I am greedy, but doesn’t it benefit you as well?

Certainly, she had experienced eating a ‘Rare’ grade magic book twice. However, there was a limit to how many original books were still roaming around the public. [Ballistics Magic] had been obtained by coincidence, and [Introduction to Elemental Magic] had been thanks to Vince’s help. The books of applications from heroes in other fields weren’t things a student could covet.

However, if Gluttony’s words were true, then Lili had no reason to refuse.

‘In any case, I need to eat Rare books for my growth. If one hidden function is freed up in the process, then that is advantageous to me.’

The same was true even if the conditions to free it were absurd. Whether Gluttony released the hidden function or not was up to her will, so Lili could always give up if it was difficult. There was nothing to lose, only potential benefits to gain.

In the end, Liliana listened to Gluttony’s suggestion.

–The release condition for this function is simple. You can free it by eating something that exists around you.

“What is it?”

–It is just…

Lili’s eyebrows twitched as she heard the condition to free the hidden function.

‘…Why is it that?’


Some time passed by. Vince, who had been in a trance for a while, opened his eyes slowly. His blue eyes glowed for a moment, but the glow soon began to fade. It was a phenomenon caused by the new 6th Circle stabilizing in his body.


A soft sigh emerged from Vince’s lips, and Lili realized Vince was awake.

“Congratulations on your 6th Circle, Professor!”

“Thank you. It is all thanks to you,” Vince responded to the celebration in a sincere voice.

Vince had been stuck at the 5th Circle for more than a decade. If he hadn’t met Liliana and heard advice from Gluttony, he might’ve been stuck for many more years. No, would it have just been be a few years? Some magicians were fated not to cross the wall until death. For Vince Haidel, his relationship with Lili might have been his only chance.

“If I had been studying alone, I might have wasted the next 10 years, maybe more. I think it’s the greatest luck of my life that I met you at Bergen Academy, Liliana.”


“Don’t look at me like that. The question I asked was something which will advance the archaeological field for many years.”

It wasn’t exaggerated praise. All relics involved with the ancient magic empire, Balcia, had already been destroyed. If Vince hadn’t discovered a slate by chance, then he would’ve never studied the Balcard language. The ancient document had preserved the Balcard language in a good condition. It was an opportunity for Vince to study archaeology, but it also acted as a shackle to stop him at the 5th Circle.

He had studied dozens of Balcard slabs and spent 10 years waiting uselessly for more artifacts to be excavated.

‘I have been rewarded for the years I waited.’ Vince barely managed to suppress his magic power as he shook with joy.

Filled with overwhelming emotions, Vince couldn’t help grasping Lili’s hand. Any senior magician knew what it meant to cross the ‘wall.’ Now, Vince’s mind and body were overflowing with magic power. His aging would be suppressed, and he would take the first step on a path to transcend humanity. It wasn’t unreasonable that uncontrollable joy would be bubbling within him.

Lili thought, ‘Is it okay… to do it now?’

One of the virtues of a magician was having sober thinking, so such excitement was rare. It was highly likely that Vince would accommodate a small demand from Lili. Lili thought about the ‘condition for liberation’ Gluttony had told her before falling asleep.

‘Feed it a dimension pocket… Doesn’t it know how expensive and rare that is?’

That’s right, the condition Gluttony had presented was to feed it a Dimension Pocket. Spatial magic required at least the 6th Circle, and in the case of a dimension pocket, a certain amount of space had to be sewn into the pocket, which meant the difficulty was high. So, in the kingdom, it could only be sold to those who were authorized by the Magic Society or magicians of at least the Superior rank. Obviously, private sales were prohibited, and it was almost impossible to replace if lost or destroyed.

Yet Gluttony wanted to consume such an object? Lili would’ve sneered if Vince hadn’t been there.

“Excuse me, Professor.”


“That… Well, there…”

However, Liliana wasn’t such a person. She knew the amount of money Vince had used for Lili to win this tournament and would pay him back one day. Lili couldn’t say that she needed a dimension pocket, so she swallowed back her words.

“No, it is nothing. I forgot.”

“Ah, I see.” Vince smiled and tapped Lili’s shoulder. His warm hand stabbed at Lili’s conscience.

‘Hoo, let’s find another way. I can feed it substandard goods if needed.’

Just as Lili changed her mind, Vince said, “Oh, that reminds me, I have something to say to you as well. I almost forgot about it because of this.”


“Umm, don’t think of it as a burden.”

As Lili looked at him with a confused expression, Vince hesitated slightly before asking. “Liliana Miller, will you be my successor?”

“…Huh? Those words… perhaps?”

“It is as you think. I want to put your name as part of my family tree.”

Lili’s expression turned blank as she listened to Vince’s words.

Any magicians of the Average rank and above were eligible to obtain a disciple. A magician could wander the whole world in search of the second generation to whom they would pass on their research.

It was different from teaching students at the academy. This was the same as being the successor of the research which Vince had built up over his lifetime. The student would become the teacher’s responsibility until death. Vince’s declaration that he wanted to hand over everything to Lili caused her eyes to turn redden.

“…Will it be okay with me?” Lili asked like it was ridiculous.

However, Vince nodded with a little smile. “You may think it is cowardly. I am a shameless person for aiming at the grimoire’s knowledge, even if I don’t deserve it.”


“Still, will you believe in me? I am quite old and have been wanting to ask you this for a while,” Vince spoke these words and finished with a refreshed expression.

He didn’t know what Lili thought of him, but Vince wasn’t a saintly person. The war magician, who used to kill people for no reason on the battlefield, was now asking someone to trust in him. The existence of the grimoire was merely a chance and not the main target.

Vince liked the human called, ‘Liliana Miller,’ so he was pushing this firmly.

Soon, Vince Haidel’s name would become enormously famous. He had reached the 6th Circle in his 40s, so his name would surely be among the top ranking magicians within the next decade. If he could go further, then he would become a candidate to be the next Red Tower Master.

If Lili accepted the proposal, she would become the disciple of such a person and take over later. Liliana was well aware of the weight of this proposal. ‘It really is a burden. This…’

If she refused, then Vince was sure to accept it. He would continue helping Lili like before without revealing his sadness. Occasionally, they would feel obliged toward each other and the cycle would repeat. They would work together without opening up their innermost hearts. It would be equivalent to a calm exchange between magicians.

Lili didn’t want to remain in that type of relationship. She walked forward with a calm face and grabbed Vince’s hand firmly. The trembling passed across each of their palms and met in the middle.

“Thank you, Professor.”

“…No, I’m not your professor now. You have graduated from the academy.” Vince smiled brightly and corrected his title, “In the future, please call me Master.”

During this moment, the relationship between these two magicians, the long-time dunce and a senior professor of Bergen Academy, was newly established.


The next day, Vince enrolled himself as Liliana’s master at the Magic Society’s reception desk. It was a difficult process to cancel once it was established, but he didn’t hesitate to give his signature. He had made up his mind from the beginning.

“Y-You can do it slowly…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“…Yes, I understand.”

The receptionist in charge of the desk advised Vince, but he didn’t listen. Vince’s expression was cold as usual.

Thanks to that, the process which normally took one hour ended in 20 minutes. After receiving the completed file, the receptionist disappeared with an expression like he had seen a monster, while Vince and Lili walked away.

The schedule for the magic contest would really start today. There weren’t many events where the magician could be accompanied by their disciple, but that wasn’t all.

The center of the Magic Society had a large poster which contained the schedule for the magic contest. Vince pointed to the events there and explained what he knew. There were many events he didn’t know about, but fortunately, there were a few events his disciple could attend.

“If you are interested in summoning magic, that event isn’t bad. This time, magicians from the east are participating, so it is an opportunity to see different types of elementalists.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“The ‘attack magic’ hosted by the Red Tower is also good, but… personally, I don’t think it’s a place you should go. There are many there who are interested in crushing small trees.”

In the first place, most of the events from the Red Tower were focused on the battlefield and destruction magic. Consequently, the Red Tower’s budget would be used to pay for the repairs of the damaged buildings.

The two people shook their heads briefly and looked for the next event.

At that moment, someone spoke to them, “Excuse me, are you Vince Haidel and Liliana Miller?”

“Hrmm? Who are you?” Vince asked as he turned around, only to see a magician in a blue robe scratching at his temple.

“I am Melrose from the Blue Tower. I have come to find you for a specific reason.”

Compared to Loren, the blue-robed magician was very polite. Therefore, Vince replied in a blase manner, “Yes, what is going on?”

However, he didn’t anticipate the words which came after that.

“I’m sorry, but please accompany me for a while. The Tower Master has called for the both of you.”

Chapter 40 - Return Home After Five Years #1

The call of the Blue Tower Master, Blundell Adruncus…! Both men were puzzled by the unexpected call but were forced to accept the request. Even if their senior and junior relationship was flexible, this was a command from the person at the top of a tower. They couldn’t refuse even if they didn’t know Blundell’s intentions.

The Blue Tower wasn’t that far from the Magic Society, so the two people followed Melrose and soon entered the Blue Tower. Many faces swung toward Lili as she walked through the entrance.

“..Master, why do I feel eyes on me?”

Vince was also sensitive to the gazes of the people, so he nodded with an uncomfortable expression. “It seems like you have become a celebrity after yesterday. As expected from the Blue Tower, rumors spread unnecessarily fast.”

“Is there anything I should care about?”

“Just ignore it. If you give them any attention, they will just cling to you.”

The Red Tower was crude, while the Blue Tower was shady. Those were the words the two towers used when mocking each other. However, there was a basis for them. The Red Tower emphasized strength rather than logic, while the Blue Tower used a lot of tricks rather than frontal competition. The identities of the two rival towers were quite consistent with this.

Just like it wasn’t good to face a red tower magician who would immediately duel instead of debating, it was also best to not deal with a blue tower magician who could drag things out for hours.

Lili listened to the advice of Vince, who had the experience, and walked while ignoring her surroundings. The two people followed Melrose’s lead and arrived at the top floor where the tower master lived. They stopped in front of a door decorated with colorful patterns, and Melrose bowed down politely. As Vince stepped forward, the door opened with a horrible sound.


Then as soon as Vince and Liliana entered, magic was used to close the door again. Just like magic, the room was suddenly filled with artifacts. The old man sitting on the stool, Blundell, got up and welcomed them.

“Ohh, welcome! Sorry for calling you so early in the morn…ing?”

Blundell opened his arms, then he suddenly stopped moving and fixed his gaze on Vince. His eyes, which had been laughing, suddenly shone like transparent glass beads. After 10 seconds, Blundell smiled so widely that his mouth wrinkled, “Kuahaha! Vince, you finally took a layer off!”

“…What do you mean?”

“Ah, this person! Why are you trying to cheat the eyes of this Blue Tower Master? Anyway, congratulations on going beyond the wall!”

“Hoo, thank you.”

As expected from an 8th Circle magician; Blundell had noticed Vince’s achievement with one glance. He gave a cheerful laugh. They exchanged greetings before sitting down at a large table. An unknown fragrance came from the hot tea. Perhaps the conversation wouldn’t be short.

“Vince, can I ask you something first?”


“932 and 1106. Do you know what these numbers mean?”

Vince frowned at the sudden emergence of numbers. When asked, any wise person would be better off holding their tongues. He didn’t answer, so Blundell naturally taught him the meaning of the numbers.

“Those numbers represent the number of people who have been looking for information on Vince Haidel and Liliana Miller, respectively, since yesterday.”


The eyes of the two people widened when they heard this. They had achieved some fame from yesterday’s awards ceremony, but they hadn’t expected so many people to pay attention to them. Considering that those who were qualified to access information at the Magic Society were limited, it was a considerably large force.

As Vince and Lili stiffened, Blundell shook his head and released some of the tension. “Well, you don’t have to worry. I realized this and blocked it before the ceremony began. The only one with more authority than me is His Majesty, so you can relax.”

“…Did you know it would be like this?”

“It always happens. Every year, people keep trying to recruit promising participants. The scale is just bigger this time,” Blundell replied calmly while sipping his tea.

On the other hand, Vince couldn’t help frowning. He despised these political things and had escaped the capital, but the same people were now reaching out to his disciple. As anger boiled within him, his six circles emitted magic power unconsciously. The air around them quickly became heavy.

The wrath of a 6th Circle magician was truly terrible. Fortunately, there was one more powerful magician in the room.

“Come now, don’t get too heated up.” Then Blundell beckoned.


The air instantly cooled down. The distorted air became cool like the autumn wind, allowing Lili to know the power of the being before her eyes. It was an absolute magic where chanting and casting were meaningless! The power of this magician, who had reached the 8th Circle 30 years ago, was closer to a natural disaster. If Blundell wanted, she could create ice with one flick of her finger. She could make Sylvia’s Blizzard look like child’s play, and it was even possible to cover sand with ice.

After cooling down the atmosphere, Blundell spoke, “Even if you are a 6th Circle magician, you can’t throw away politics. It isn’t a wise choice to be antagonistic to those in power.”

“Then what would the wise Tower Master do?”

“Huh? If it were me, I’d just beat them all up. I'm an 8th Circle magician, so I don’t care about stepping on them.”

As the two people gaped at the ridiculous words, Blundell laughed and pulled something out.

“That is a joke. I’ve prepared this for you.”


It was an envelope stamped with the seal of the Magic Society. Unlike Lili who had a bewildered expression, Vince knew exactly what it was.

“Is it a dispatch? Liliana is still just the Basic ranking.”

“If you can’t get rid of the nuisance, avoid it. It is better than staying in your room until the end of the magic contest.” Blundell smiled with satisfaction as he added, “Liliana, hasn’t it been five years since you returned home? How would you like to take this opportunity to go back?”

“Huh? Return to my home?”

“Coincidentally, the destination of this dispatch mission is to the Miller Barony.”


This made the story a bit different. Vince could remove Liliana from the nuisance eyes of the nobles without worrying about offending them, and Lili could meet her family after a long time. It wasn’t a bad proposition if the difficulty level of the request was reasonable.

Vince watched as Lili identified the contents of the dispatch. It was a report of a cave and contained a person’s biography. The final mission statement contained a few short instructions.

“…Investigate the whereabouts of the magician sent to survey a cave found in the Miller Barony? Isn’t it a pretty simple request?”

Blundell agreed with Lili’s words and continued the explanation, “It isn’t a dungeon but an ordinary cave found three months ago. A moderately smart person was sent to survey the inside, but…”

“Contact has been cut off.”

“Cough, that’s right.”

It happened quite frequently. By default, magicians were self-indulgent people, and their essence didn’t change much after belonging to the magic towers. Once they found something worth investigating, they would become immersed in it for several months. If so, it was common to send someone else to find that investigator.

“You don’t need to do any hard work. It is enough to rest at home and avoid some of the rumors. If you find the magician, it would be nice if you came back with them.”

“…I understand.”

It wasn’t that difficult. The Miller Barony was her playground, and her father was a poor lord with nothing to hide. If they weren’t really deeply hidden, then she would be able to find the magician instantly.

Lili received Vince’s permission and accepted the envelope. Then all of a sudden, Blundell started to speak in a melodramatic tone, “Ah~ This old man is suddenly worried because you are so young. If that person didn’t deliberately cut off contact, it may be a bit dangerous~”

“What are you saying all of a sudden?” Vince asked.

“Hey! I have a suitable companion for you!” Blundell ignored Vince and beat his staff against the ground. It seemed like a signal for someone else to appear.

As suspicions appeared on the faces of the two people, someone emerged from behind a large bookcase. With blue eyes and dazzling silver hair, Sylvia was carrying a white staff which was different from the one she used in the competition.

“…Sylvia,” Lili muttered quietly.

Sylvia muttered in response while bowing her head, “Ah, hello.”

“Ah, hello…?”

It was an awkward exchange. Both were distant from society, and one person was unilaterally favorable toward the other. It wasn’t a scene where they could possibly communicate smoothly. The two of them had only exchanged a few words during their match, so they were awkward until Blundell pushed Sylvia.

“You aren’t the only ones who have received attention since yesterday. Sylvia is going through a similar thing.”

“Don’t tell me that the companion…”

“Yes, it is Sylvia!”

Liliana swiftly put down the envelope as she realized this. “I’m sorry, but I’ll take the next opp-”

“No, wait a minute,” Blundell interrupted before Lili could say the words of rejection and grabbed Lili’s shoulders. As Liliana was being grabbed by an immense strength, a subdued voice rang in her ears. It was a situation where she couldn’t help feeling afraid.

“It might be a little burdensome, but Sylvia has absolutely no experience with friendship. Her magic skills are great, but she is mentally young. So, I would like her to build up some social experience on this trip.”

“Oh, even so, isn’t it too much for two women to go on a trip alone?”

“As I mentioned, that child is still unaware of social norms. The interest shown to you is due to a feeling of similarity. A friendly person is necessary.”

Still, Lili couldn’t help feeling burdened. She wasn’t able to answer easily, so Blundell took out something resembling a plaque and showed it to Lili. It had the symbol of the Magic Society and Blundell’s signature on it.


“This is a nameplate given to the inspector from the Magic Society, and a grant is given according to the rank of the nameplate. If you take a mission that corresponds to the lowest Rank 9, you will receive a grant of three gold. But…”

Blundell raised a finger to the nameplate, changing the nine to a number five. “I can do this at my discretion.”

“Then the grant…”

“Of course, it will increase. As I recall, I can pay up to 100 gold.”

Lili’s eyes widened as she heard 100 gold. ‘If I receive 100 gold at this time…’

It was a huge amount of money that was several years worth of budget for the Miller Barony! Above all, there were many farmers who were starving to death because they couldn’t produce a harvest.

If she added the 200 gold she’d received as the prize for the tournament, they wouldn’t need to worry about the harvest for 10 years. She could buy nice clothes for her parents who always wore old clothing as well as ease the burden of the poor and hungry in her home.

Of course, she was forced to agree. “…I understand. I will go with Sylvia.”

“Ohh! Yes, you thought well! The opportunity to be accompanied by a 5th Circle magician isn’t that common! Huhahaha!”

While Blundell was laughing loudly, Lili faced Sylvia who was staring at her.

As their eyes met, Sylvia waved with a shy expression. Sylvia’s beautifully smiling face felt much younger than her appearance.

What would she hear when she took Sylvia home?

‘Phew, can’t this be called a gold mine?’

Lili had become a 4th Circle magician and was returning home with 300 gold and a pretty girl. It was something which would appear in the early stages of a hero’s story.

While any young girl would be in a state of envy, Lili could only let out a deep sigh.

Chapter 41 - Return Home After Five Years #2

After the meeting, the events progressed really quickly. They received the full support of the Blue Tower Master, so the Magic Society completed all the necessary procedures to dispatch an investigator, and the 100 gold was immediately paid to Lili.

Although she was distracted, she was able to obtain transportation to the Miller Barony. It was thanks to the merchant company that she had accompanied recently.

“Thank you for your help in acquiring it so quickly.”

“No, shouldn’t I be thanking you? Thanks to Professor and your disciple, didn’t my company reach the capital safely? I can certainly do this simple request for you!”

“You are truly worthy of becoming the boss of the company.”

The carriage Gordon had prepared for Lili wasn’t something which could have been made in one day and as a favor.

The body of the carriage was lightweight due to magic, and it could seat up to six people. Even though it was only a temporary rental, it was a carriage which would cost a few gold. Yet it was used to pay back a mere favor.

However, Gordon just smiled widely. ‘The professor is wearing a robe with the symbol of a 6th Circle magician… This is the chance to form a link with a senior member of the Magic Society!’

Gordon was a seasoned merchant. So, when he learned of Vince’s achievement, he pretended not to know. It was necessary to offer human ‘affection’ in order to form a relationship with a magician who was disconnected from the world.

He kept this position in mind and obtained the luxurious carriage. ‘A thorough merchant. Well, it isn’t bad.’

Of course, Vince knew of Gordon’s ulterior motives but accepted the small favor anyway for his disciple. There was no need to give back what had been given to him. As soon as Vince finished his conversation with Gordon, he approached Lili who was waiting beside the carriage.

He wanted to exchange a few greetings before leaving.

“Have a good rest. After the contest is over, most of the annoying people will return to their homes to concentrate quietly on magic.”

“Yes, Master.”

“And keep that dimension pocket well. There is magic on it for the investigators to track, so the costs will be charged to you.”

“…I will take care of it.”

Lili grew nervous as she looked at the dimension pocket in her hands. She had to consume two to three books a day, which meant she needed a means to carry the large volume of books. So, Vince had rented a space pocket and given it to Lili.

However, the management was strict, so there were many bloody stories about the investigations. If Gluttony swallowed the dimension pocket…

‘I might be dragged to a hearing and…?’ Lili had heard rumors about the Magic Society, so her complexion turned pale at the thought.

She even thought that she shouldn’t hold the pocket with her left hand. So far, Gluttony had never popped out without being called or when it was hungry, but Lili never knew. There was nothing wrong with taking extra precautions.

As they talked about a different subject, the coachman arrived and sat down on the carriage.

“Then, I’ll be going now, Master.”

“Yes, please take care of yourself.”

Lili finished saying goodbye to Vince and disappeared inside, then the colorful carriage started moving slowly. Due to the lightweight magic on the carriage, the movements were soft. Shortly afterwards, Sylvia and Lili were taken away by the carriage, and Vince turned around.

He wished for the safety of his disciple who had left home for five years.


Dakadak! Dakadak! The limited express carriage provided by the Pullonet Company sped up after leaving Mana-vil’s gates. The lightweight magic on the body of the carriage made it possible for the horses to run pleasantly. They ran at a dizzying speed as the scenery outside the window sped past them.

‘Yes… If we continue traveling at this pace, we will arrive at the Miller Barony in five days.’

It would’ve taken a fortnight if this were a normal carriage. Gordon had confidently said that it would arrive in a week, and Lili could accept that confidence after experiencing the carriage. It seemed like there was no need to waste a long time traveling back and forth between the capital and her home.

The problem wasn’t the carriage, but what was inside it.

‘Uh, so awkward…!’ Lili desperately glanced at Sylvia who was sitting next to her.

Despite the glaring natural light, Lili could see her brightly colored eyes and silver hair clearly. She had no idea what Sylvia was thinking. Sylvia suddenly dropped her gaze after meeting Lili’s eyes and pulled something out of the pocket of her robes.

“Lili, let’s play cards.”

“Huh? Cards?” She pulled out a pack of cards.

The back didn’t have any decorations, so Lili couldn’t see what the cards were used for. Common sense suggested trump cards, but she couldn’t imagine Sylvia playing poker. Lili willingly received the pack of cards from her and checked what was written on the front.

“Uh, these characters are…?” Lili’s eyes widened as she saw what was written on the front of the cards. ‘Are these runes?’

Runes formed the most familiar language for a modern magician and an essential element to configuring magic formulas. Sentences written in runes were lined up on the front of the cards.

When she interpreted the runes on one card, she saw that they formed an accurate representation of a magic formula. It was the same for the other cards. There were parts of the formula on different cards and they had to complete the spells.

Lili’s expression became troubled as she understood what Sylvia meant by ‘play cards.’

“You want to play with these cards?”

“Yes. Since early childhood, I played this with my grandfather. Lili will have a lot of fun.”

“No, wait a minute.” Lili turned the cards over a few times and understood how difficult it was. This degree of difficulty would make the academy professors groan. Nevertheless, Blundell seemed to have taught Sylvia magic through this game.

Sylvia’s ability was excellent, but Lili’s expression wasn’t bright.

Who could she play these cards with? With the exception of Lili, there was no one else Sylvia’s age who could play with her. Even those who wanted to be close to Sylvia hadn’t been able to be a match for her to play with, so she had gradually moved away from them.

Being friends was more difficult than other people thought, so it was rare to be friends with someone overwhelmingly superior. Sylvia’s beauty, genius, and nature had kept her away from people.

‘Maybe she can play with me… No, I can’t change Sylvia’s attitude this way.’

Blundell wanted to teach her social norms. If Lili played cards with her, she would be treated in a special way. Other people would remain distant, and she would clearly end up relying on the person called, ‘Liliana Miller.’

Then her magic would become stagnant again. The thing she needed now was a non-magical environment.

“Instead of that, tell me a story.”


“I don’t care if it is anything trivial. It can be your favorite food or place. Something that was fun recently…”

‘Oh!’ Liliana suddenly had a good idea. So, she said, “Are you interested in elementals?”

“Elementals?” Sylvia’s eyes brightened at the sudden word. She seemed to have some interest.

“Mitra.” [Huing?]

A lump of dirt flew in the window and changed into the shape of a little girl. Mitra had become slightly bigger since Lili reached the 4th Circle, but she was still just slightly bigger than her palm.

“…Cute.” Sylvia’s face brightened as she looked at the little elemental who jumped into the carriage.

[Hoing?!] Mitra made a cute sound as she was held by Sylvia. Sylvia stroked the head of the little elemental carefully like she was scared Mitra would break down. Did Mitra like Sylvia’s touch? At first Mitra was in a bad mood, but then she eventually purred like a cat.

It was like a page from a children’s book. Lili felt more relieved now.

‘The susceptibility still remains. It is impossible for a magician to not be interested in Mitra.’

While playing with Mitra, Sylvia smiled and laughed, looking more like a girl her age. This was an expression that Lili probably wouldn’t have gotten to see if they had just played cards. Sylvia was normally impassive like water, but a girl who smiled like that wouldn’t be burdensome.

The journey of the two girls continued in a much gentler atmosphere than she had expected.


The luxury carriage ran from Mana-vil like the wind. The horses were from an excellent lineage, so they were able to go through the hard mountain trails without much difficulty. As they left the mountain ranges, there were no longer any delays.

On the fourth day, the carriage entered the territory of Viscount Teheran, which was right next to the Miller Barony.

Five years ago, Lili had taken a month to reach Bergen Academy. However, this time it only took four days.

“What is Lili’s hometown like?” Sylvia’s awkward way of speaking now seemed quite natural.

Her words had changed a lot. Unlike when she first wanted to only talk about magic, she now talked about the color of her favorite clothes and the scenery outside the window. It was also common for her to be interested in Liliana’s personal history.

Lili thought it was a good sign and replied, “Well, it is just the countryside. The people farm, eat, and live while surrounded by mountains and lush forests. When wild animals come down, they hunt and have a feast. Life isn’t always abundant, but they don’t hesitate to give to their neighbors. It is a place where such fools live.”

As she spoke, the scenery of her home entered her mind.

She pictured the people sowing seeds, playing in fields, working busily in the springtime, running around in the summer, harvesting crops with a smile, gathering with their neighbors, and burning firewood.

Thinking about it again, there had been more years of poverty than abundance. Her father had opened up his warehouses and starved along with his people, so Lili had often gone hungry during her childhood.

The taste of a piece of bread formed from the wrinkled hands of an old man was much more memorable than the white bread she ate at Bergen. The weight of those memories echoed in Lili’s voice.

Sylvia felt something warm and muttered, “A good place.”

“…Yes, it is a good place,” Lili agreed.

As Sylvia said, it was indeed a good place. Lili’s hometown was just that. They never lived richly, but they were happy. The 14 years she’d lived there were more precious than the countless beauty she’d seen in Bergen and Mana-vil.

‘Mother, Father…’ Lili’s eyes turned red at the thought of greeting her parents and neighbors after a long time.

The atmosphere inside the carriage had become warm, when…


“Ah.” A groan emerged from both of their lips at almost the same time. Lili felt a chill on her neck, a warning from her sensory perception. Sylvia had excellent sensitivity, so she noticed the mana around the carriage being depleted.

The two of them opened the windows on both sides without hesitation. However, despite it being sunset, their range of visibility was extremely short.

‘Too dark… The sun can’t have set already. If this is the case…!’

Liliana’s eyes shone gold. She invoked Hawkeye which allowed her to see even through darkness. If Lili concentrated, she could find a single coin situated a few hundred meters away. It was dark around the forest, but there weren’t any difficult obstacles.

The golden light penetrated through the shadows in the distance. Lili stiffened the moment she grasped the outline of the shadows.

A gasp escaped from her lips, “Undead in this place…?!”

As if in response to her words, the shapes wriggling in the darkness emerged. They were distorted, broken, and crushed bodies. The procession of the undead caused a feeling of aversion inside her.

They were moving catastrophes which ate living creatures to increase their numbers, by-products of necromancy magic used by warlocks. The two girls faced the undead that circled around them.

Woong, woong, woong, woong…!

The owner of a grimoire and the Blue Tower’s best genius… Lili’s and Sylvia’s magic power wrapped around each other and caused a mana storm. The undead was stopped by the momentum of the mana storm, but it was only for a moment.

A hard and firm voice emerged from Lili’s mouth, “I will take the left, you the right.”

“Yes,” Sylvia affirmed.

After the simple exchange, the two sorceresses left the carriage and greeted the crowd of corpses.

Chapter 42 - Return Home After Five Years #3

As Lili stepped forward, the driver looked at her with a pale face. Why had such terrible monsters appeared around a village like the Miller Barony? This was the first time he had encountered this in his long career as a carriage driver.

"Oh, Sorceress! What is happening all of a sudden?"

"Mister, go inside the carriage. We will take care of this and come back."

"Please do so! Take care!"

As soon as Lili spoke, the driver entered the carriage. His movements were swift due to his previous experiences with bandits and monsters. Lili wouldn’t need to worry about the carriage.

Instead, he stared at the crowd of dead bodies coming this way. ‘Goblins, kobolds, and orcs… The bodies of large monsters aren’t visible yet. Is a warlock lurking around?’

By default, necromancy was a magic which required control. Uncontrolled dead bodies would attack living creatures indiscriminately, causing turmoil in the area. Then, in order to ruthlessly oppress the whole area, the knights, magic towers, and fixers from the country in question would be dispatched.

So, most warlocks were reluctant to reveal themselves. It was because they weren’t confident with a frontal confrontation and because the forces going against them were so powerful. Lili listened to her sensory perception for a moment, but she couldn’t find the warlock.

"…It can’t be helped."

If it was like this, the only thing she could do was sweep up the crowd before her.


The magic power from four circles resonated in the air. It started with a small spark, then it changed shape into an arrow. A huge quantity of 100 fire arrows were created. It was the same amount of ice arrows Sylvia had created in the final match.

The weakness of the undead were divine power, light, and fire. The sudden appearance of fire caused the approaching corpses to pause. A body which had been dried up of its moisture would become good firewood.

Lili felt sorry for them, but she wasn’t going to leave a single undead around her home.

"Go." As soon as she gave the command, the fire arrows fell from the sky.

Pyu, pyu, pyu, pyuuong…

It was a frightening sight and a real crisis to the undead. The dead bodies couldn’t defend or avoid the attack, so the fire arrows struck them. The rotten skins of the undead were pierced, and the flames entered their bodies, causing a secondary explosion.

Peng! Pepeng! Peng! Pepepeng!

Their necks broke and their heads fell off. There were also torn arms and legs scattered all over the place. The goblin zombies fell to the ground, while the orc zombies stopped moving. Some zombies crawled like maggots after losing their limbs, while others turned into lumps of flesh.

It was a hellish sight, but Lili didn’t show any signs of agitation.

‘Their physical capabilities are low, and they don’t use weapons. If it is like this, we can deal with 1,000 more.’

There were three factors which determined the completeness of the undead: their ability to reproduce the necromancy ability; the utilization of the techniques their bodies contained; and the intelligence they’d possessed during their lives. If all three of them were present, they would be advanced undead. With two factors, they would be intermediate, while if only one was present, they would be of the inferior rank.

By that standard, these undead had the lowest ranking.

Unless the undead’s body was an ogre, she could deal with 1,000 more of these low-rank undead. Lili created another 100 fire arrows. Just on her own, Lili turned the bodies at the front lines into charred masses with the 100 fire arrows.

However, more undead were surging ahead of the fire arrows.

Kuoooh~! A terrible roar emerged from their rotting lungs.

As Lili looked at the epicenter of the monsters, an undead monster ran out of the bushes. Maggots squirmed on its skin and in its rotten flesh. It had lost its eyeballs, and dark magic power flowed around it.

This creature was a type of 4-meter-tall bipedal monster who lived in a swamp or forest. She had previously seen them during the procession with the merchant company to Mana-vil.



Yes, the troll roared and rushed forward.


The troll swung its club, and a few unfortunate orc zombies burst like persimmons. There was almost no evidence of the troll losing strength after dying. Although it might have lost its natural regenerative power, it was still troublesome as an undead. Rather, some of the troll’s weaknesses had disappeared thanks to becoming undead.

‘Damn, Magic Bullet isn’t good against the undead…’

These monsters would move even if their heads were blown off. There were some unusual undead like dullahans, while zombies and ghouls would continue to function unless their core was destroyed. Using something like Magic Bullet was like penetrating them with a needle.

She needed to use something big like Blaze Shell to blow away the whole body of the undead. However, 4th Circle magic couldn’t be abused in a situation where the warlock behind it hadn’t even been revealed.

Lili needed a way to defeat them without using a lot of magic. She needed to draw them together. It was at this moment that…



A water snake suddenly protruded from the rear and struck the undead.

“Liquid Snake?” Lili muttered.

This was the water attribute spell which Sylvia had used in the final match. The snake made of water twisted around the legs of the troll zombie and started to tighten. The troll zombie’s massive body held on for a while, but its bones soon broke. Its flesh broke as well and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of dirt.

Thanks to the troll zombie being taken care of, Lili had a moment to spare and looked in the direction that Sylvia was in charge of. She was curious about what destructive water magic Sylvia had used to clean up the situation.

As she realized what had happened, Lili couldn’t help admiring her.

‘…Hah, so it is like that.’

At the back of the carriage where she was standing, there were traces of a large water snake.

The floor was like mud. As the saying went, overwhelming mass was in itself a weapon. If there wasn’t divine power, then pure physical power would be the undead’s nemesis. Sylvia’s Liquid Snake had wiped out all the undead, including the orc and goblin zombies.

Lili couldn’t help being in awe. “Liquid Snake is 4th Circle magic, but it is pretty fuel-efficient. It would certainly be useful when dealing with cases like this.”

Sylvia, who was manipulating the Liquid Snake, nodded as if the words had flowed into her ears. “Yes, my grandfather said something similar to Lili.”

“Indeed, control type magic…”

It was different from fire which consumed a large amount of magic power to sustain the attack. Of course, magic power was consumed when condensing moisture and making the shape of the snake.

However, it didn’t require a lot of magic power to control and maintain the water snake. It was different from fire or wind magic which would disappear if the control was disturbed even a little bit.

Although Lili didn’t use water magic, she gained enlightenment in other areas.

‘Mitra, can you do it?’


Mitra gave a cute answer and jumped out of her arms.

As an earth elemental, it was possible for her to gaze freely at the surrounding area by penetrating into the ground. Additionally, Lili’s magic power was the 4th Circle and close to the 5th Circle. Lastly, the most efficient attribute for control and maintaining the snake wasn’t the water element. So, was it possible to reproduce the liquid snake in earth?

Lili’s brain came up with an impromptu idea.

“Name… Earth Worm!”

Soil rose up steadily around Mitra.


Mud, sand, and pebbles mixed into a lump of earth. The form which lifted its head was like a worm. Like Sylvia’s water snake, this creature was a piece of artwork, but the coarse features meant it wasn’t beautiful. However, she didn’t care about such ‘minor’ problems.

“Wow…” Sylvia’s mouth dropped open as a shadow covered the undead. It was the shadow of the Earth Worm under the moonlight. From their perspective, the body of the worm was at least a few dozen meters long. Even the undead which didn’t have any intelligence stopped at the unreal scene as well.

In the middle of this silence, Sylvia smiled and asked, “By the way, can you control this?”

Her statement wasn’t without merit. It was likely that any magician who saw it would mock Lili’s Earth Worm. Generally, the difficulty of control type magic increased in proportion to its size. Lili wasn’t brilliant enough to control something of this size.

Yes, but that was if this Earth Worm was ‘normal’ magic.

‘Mitra, can you hear me?’ As Lili’s voice called out inwardly…

Wuuong~ The giant Earth Worm shook its huge body. Sylvia’s eyes widened as she saw the familiar gestures. “Ah, perhaps…!”

“That’s right. I created it, and Mitra is controlling it. This way, I can control it no matter the size!”

It would be impossible for an ordinary elemental with no self-consciousness, but Mitra was an ancient elemental. She could control the earth and had no choice but to play the role of the Earth Worm. This magic was possible due to both of them splitting the role.

Then in the next moment, the Earth Worm rushed toward the undead.



The earth shook!

Every time the Earth Worm landed on the ground, the undead would shatter into pieces. Trees fell, and the undead which the worm collided with all collapsed, regardless of whether they were trolls or goblins.

The Earth Worm headed toward the forest where the undead were flocking from and crushed them. The sight of the dead bodies in the darkness wasn’t much different than a swarm of ants being trampled on. It was truly worthy of being called destruction.

If anyone had seen this, then no one would argue about which destruction attribute was the strongest.

Just three minutes later, a wasteland of broken undead and trees had formed. Judging from the devastation, the warlock hadn’t been present in the first place.


Who could imagine that this scene was caused by a 4th Circle magician? Sylvia’s admiration for Lili wasn’t unreasonable.

The magic that Lili demonstrated far exceeded common sense and was a trick which wasn’t possible without many variables. Lili felt a little dizzy because she herself found it hard to believe.

“Ack!” At the same time, the body of the gigantic Earth Worm collapsed like a sandcastle.

“Lili?” Sylvia moved forward toward Lili hurriedly.

She had a bitter smile on her face as she realized she had almost died from her magic core being exhausted.

Lili had experienced something similar when she absorbed all that knowledge from Gluttony. No matter how much she cooperated with Mitra, she couldn’t completely eliminate the burden of Earth Worm.

However, instead of frowning, she made a pledge. ‘It succeeded… Next time, I’ll do it a little more perfectly. There are still many points to improve, so I will think about it slowly.’

She had a headache, but she also felt intense joy from the success of the magic she had envisioned. Liliana Miller’s persistence, a persistence which hadn’t allowed her to give up on the sorceress’s path for five years, wasn’t as common as Sylvia’s lack of social graces.


After a while, Lili and Sylvia had recovered, and they opened the door of the carriage.

The shaking driver welcomed the two people. “…Oh, Sorceresses! You took care of all those ugly enemies!”

“For now. However, there could be more of them. We should leave as soon as possible.”

“Yes, I understand. I’ll start straight away!”

The driver paled and quickly picked up his whip from the driver’s seat. It was better to drive the carriage in the night than to see those terrible monsters again. The driver swung his whip and made the horses run faster.

Dakadak! Dakadak!

The surrounding landscape, which had become a wasteland, passed outside the speeding carriage.

“Huuuu…” Lili sighed as she glanced at the scenery.

The anxiety she had forgotten about for a while due to the excitement of the battle had returned. ‘Calm down. Based on this number, the undead haven’t been active for long. The warlock and undead have only appeared recently. No matter how remote the Miller Barony is, I would’ve heard about a catastrophe.’

She tried to calm herself logically, but who could get rid of their anxiety so easily? Then she realized that blood was coming out from the fist that she had unconsciously formed.

The joy she’d gained from the success of Earth Worm was receding, and Lili looked at the darkness with shaky eyes. Her home lay beyond the darkness, but she didn’t know its current state.

In the end, she couldn’t suppress a curse from emerging, “Damn.”

This journey was gradually sinking into a bog.

Certainly! Here's a rewritten version of Chapter 43 with Liliana Miller as the main character:


Chapter 43 - Return Home After Five Years

Shortly afterwards, Lili organized her thoughts as she watched the scenery outside the window change gradually. Liliana’s encounter with the undead had occurred closer to the Miller Barony than the Teheran territory. If they crossed a few more small hills, then the plains she had played on during her childhood would soon appear.

It was important for Lili and Sylvia to recover their depleted magic power until then. Of course, it would be best if another unexpected situation didn’t occur. Rattle! At that moment, the carriage rattled, and Lili's eyebrows raised slightly.

‘It is the fourth one, and now there is just one left.’

Lili was recovering her magic power through meditation but didn’t forget to count the number of hills they passed. She remembered that there were five hills between the border zone and the Miller Barony.

As they passed the last hill, Liliana opened her eyes. Her magic power hadn’t completely returned, but it wasn’t always possible to be in perfect condition. Sylvia sensed it and also woke up from her meditation.

“Lili, have we arrived?”

“Almost, Sylvia. Come out of the carriage when I give a signal. I wish that nothing would happen, but I have a bad feeling.”

“Huh, signal?”

“I will knock on the carriage roof three times like this.”

Lili knocked on the ceiling of the carriage. There was a blunt boom boom boom sound. It would be noticeable even if the surroundings were noisy. Sylvia nodded as she opened the door of the still-moving carriage.

Huuuuong! The wind was strong; the wind pressure facing the horse carriage wasn’t at a normal level. If Lili fell, she wouldn’t be able to avoid serious injuries. She stepped cautiously on the hanging door decorations and climbed to the roof of the carriage.

“Uh!” Lili’s body wasn’t disciplined enough to be able to balance on the roof. She hurriedly used Cling, a 1st Circle binding magic, to stick her shoes to the roof and only stood up once her legs were firmly fixed. From this vantage point, Liliana could see some of the scenery from beyond the last hill, and within moments, her expression distorted greatly.

“Damn! Dammit!”

Her eyes, shining with ‘Hawkeye,’ spotted black smoke from beyond the last hill. The black smoke rose up, followed by a nasty smell which was carried over by the wind. It was the stench of bodies that were burning just minutes ago. What was happening beyond this hill?

“Mister! Please move faster!” Lili yelled.

“Yes! U-Understood!” The driver was shocked by Lili’s yell and used the whip again. The carriage seemed like it jumped down the fifth hill at once. If Lili hadn’t used the Cling magic, she would’ve been thrown off the carriage by the acceleration.

However, Lili didn’t care as she stared ahead. Her gaze was already frozen in that direction. She was determined not to be shaken by any devastation. But Lili now faced an unexpected sight. As they finally crossed the last hill, Lili could see the fight taking place on the plains.

Waaaaaah! A group of people was fighting against the undead. They were still quite a distance away, but the heat of the battlefield tickled her flesh. It wasn’t a one-sided defensive position. The battlefield was in a state of flux.

‘Fighting? How?’

As someone who had been born and raised in the Miller Barony, Liliana Miller couldn’t understand the situation. She knew that there were no troops in her hometown. Farmers would occasionally walk around town dressed as soldiers, but of course, there was no one who was actually properly trained. It was impossible for them to create a formation, like what Lili was seeing right now, and defeat the monsters systematically. Additionally, most of the people fighting had rugged faces.

“…Mercenaries,” Lili muttered as she determined the identity of the group of humans. “Moreover, the mercenaries have quite decent skills?”

It was as she said. The mercenaries’ skills, as a group and individually while dealing with the undead, were fairly good. They first broke the legs with medium-ranged weapons and then finished them off with blunt weapons.

Lili wasn’t familiar with melee tactics, but the movements of the mercenaries were faithful to linked movements. She didn’t know why these low-level mercenaries were protecting the Miller Barony, but this was a great opportunity. The undead were preoccupied with fighting the mercenaries and had no interest in going to the villages.

Lili shouted to the trembling coachman before her, “Mister Driver, go ahead first!”

“B-But Sorceress…”

“Don’t worry, and just run! Quickly!”

As the driver stopped the carriage, Lili’s shoes slammed against the roof of the carriage three times. Then Lili jumped down from the carriage, quickly followed by Sylvia. After the two of them descended, the carriage quickly left. If the driver didn’t do that, his life would be in danger.

The two women watched the carriage approach the village before turning to the direction where the battle was taking place. The mercenaries were still crushing the undead, but there was a limit to their stamina. If this continued, the balance between the two groups would collapse within an hour. The momentum of the mercenaries would fall, and they would be destroyed shortly afterward. That was, if Liliana and Sylvia sat still.

“Then, shall we begin?”


The two sorceresses raised their magic power without any interruptions. As it had been mentioned several times, a magician was strongest when they had secured a safe distance away from the target. No matter how much time and money they had, the preparation of a warrior was limited. However, a sorceress’s resources were directly connected to them. Additionally, Lili had a means to use that preparation time more effectively than others.

‘Memorize.‘ Three Slots Open. ‘Triple Fire Arrow.’

A fire filled up the dark skies! The suddenly emerging light created shadows, causing the mercenaries to feel amazed.

“Wow, w-what is that? Fire arrows?”

“Fire Arrow?! Magicians!”

“Friends or enemies? Tell us!”

“If that is the enemy, we would be dead right now, you bastard!”

The mercenaries continued talking even in the midst of fighting. They split apart rotten heads with their axes, but their mouths didn’t stop moving. There was no one who seemed frightened, even when seeing the fire arrows.

One beat later, Sylvia’s magic was completed. “Icicle Arrow.”

The magic formula for the 2nd Circle magic itself was simple. It took only one beat of time to gather the moisture. However, the magnitude of the magic was much larger compared to what she had done at the magic contest. Sylvia’s magic power had reached the 5th Circle, and her sensitivity was several times that of Lili’s. In addition to the fire arrows, over 200 ice arrows appeared in the sky.


There were at least 500 magic arrows in the sky. Using simple calculations, the number of arrows was enough to mercilessly annihilate the mercenaries twice over. The mouths of the mercenaries dropped open when they saw the overwhelming amount. They thought they’d made a mistake as the arrowheads seemed to be pointing at them. The mercenaries hadn’t expected to face such a large-scale battle at this small village.

After a moment of silence, the arrows aimed at their targets and flew.

Dudududududu! It was like a rain of hail. The solid and heavy ice arrows were like rocks punching holes into the undead bodies. The rotten flesh, muscles, and bones shattered, and the bodies, which were turned to rags, couldn’t move anymore.

There was no need to talk about the bodies which were burned by fire. As their attack reduced the number of undead by half, the mercenaries realized they weren’t enemies and cheered.

“Okay, they are allies!”

“A magician’s spells are so reassuring!”

“Hey! I’ll buy you a drink when it ends, so don’t go anywhere!”

“Now! Don’t rest! The kids who fall now won’t be allowed to rest easily for the rest of their lives!”

The increasingly disadvantageous battlefield had been reversed in a single move by the two people, Lili and Sylvia. The mercenaries brushed off their paralysis and continued attacking the undead, allowing Lili and Sylvia to use their massive attack spells without worrying about the undead approaching them.

This was ideal for war magicians. It was a fixed position with a solid escort.


“Me too, Fireball.”

Kwakwakwang! Kuwang! Kwaang! Scorching hot magic continued to be used, allowing the fighting mercenaries some room to rest. This was the virtuous cycle of the battlefield, where reducing the enemy’s defense led to helping their allies. It was due to the existence of magicians who dominated the battlefield.


Thus, one hour passed by like this.

“Sunrise! The sun is rising!”

“These guys are going back! Don’t get caught up and maintain the formations!”

The shouts of the mercenaries awoke Lili, who had been immersed in casting magic. As the mercenaries said, the sky was gradually becoming brighter in the east. It was evidence of sunrise. The undead could move under the sun, but they were greatly weakened unless they were strong undead. Indeed, the undead which had been charging senselessly began turning around. As Lili watched the corpses return to the mountains, she muttered quietly, “…The worst moment is over for now.”

After confirming that the undead would retreat the moment the sun came up, Lili shook her sweaty head and started calming her breathing down. Her stamina expenditure wasn’t great, but she had consumed a significant amount of mental power while casting the magic. Sylvia was also leaning against a nearby tree and breathing hard.

Their bodies were exhausted, making their usual senses dull. Was that why? The reactions of the two women were one fatal beat late.

Kkieeeek! There was a creepy sound. The roar of a terrible predator rang in their eardrums. Above the heads of the mercenaries who thought the situation was over, a rotting flying monster appeared. It was an intermediate undead which had its flight skills preserved.

This was the Ghoul Wyvern!

Liliana cried out as she realized what it was, “Wyvern?!”

There were no wyvern habitats in this area, nor was it an undead which could be made from the monsters nearby. If so, this meant the warlock had unleashed undead which had been found elsewhere. However, that was strange. Why would they do that for a small village like this?

However, she had no more room to think. There was a terrible roar as the ghoul wyvern flew toward Lili and Sylvia.

‘It’s fast!’

This was more like a crash landing than flying. The destructive power of the wyvern increased in proportion to its heavy body as it dived from above. It was clear that if the two sorceresses tried to avoid it, the wyvern would change directions with its wings.

The unimaginable power of the ghoul wyvern wouldn’t just kill the two women but also destroy their bodies. They could block or strike back, but the remaining time in which they had to do it was only three seconds.

‘Blaze Shell interception—no, too late!’

There was no time. Lili immediately unleashed the skill she had recently acquired. It was the Triple Barrier skill from the ‘Protection Bangle’ artifact she’d received at the awards ceremony. The defense of the artifact, which could create three layers of shield, was said to even withstand 5th Circle magic. However, it was unknown if it could withstand the ghoul wyvern’s physical power.

The shields of the two women were activated late, so the shape was thin and soft compared to the wyvern’s attack. The two sorceresses despaired as they intuitively sensed their imminent destruction. Yet at that very moment, a man appeared between them.

“What? You are still children.”

There were falchions in both his hands. The man had thick golden hair and wore shabby chain mail. He also had two clinking ornaments hanging from his waist. The man looked unlike the other mercenaries as he raised his pair of swords toward the ghoul wyvern. It happened in an instant.

Chwaaaaak! The wyvern was cut to pieces as its body collapsed.

“…Eh?” Liliana and Sylvia hadn’t even been able to see what had happened. There was just a flash, then the ghoul wyvern shattered. The only thing they could see was the man’s arms moving as he held the falchions. Both hands had moved six times for a total of 12 movements. This was the technique of a first-class swordsman.

“Hey, I finally got this annoying guy,” the man said with a cheerful grin as he kicked the ghoul wyvern’s head. Then he looked back at Lili and Sylvia. “It never came down from the sky, so I had no way of catching it. I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but I really appreciate your help.”

Sylvia still hadn’t recovered, so Lili stepped forward first and spoke in a courteous tone, “…We just did what was needed.”

The man before Lili absolutely wasn’t a mercenary. Not even knights could cut a wyvern this way. If she fought this man, she would become a piece of meat before she could even chant a spell. So, Liliana decided to reveal her position first.

“I’m Liliana, an investigator sent by the Magic Society. This is my colleague, Sylvia.”

“Ah, hello.” Sylvia looked at the scene like she was scared and bowed slightly. The man smiled for a moment like he thought she was cute, then the smile disappeared. There was no evidence of the previous expression on the man’s serious face. From now on, personal feelings wouldn’t enter the conversation.

“Then I will tell you my name,” the man said as he placed his falchions in their sheaths. “We are the ‘Wandering Wolves’ mercenaries hired by the lord of this village. I am Randolph, the one in charge. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to check your identities first.”

Chapter 44 - I Ask You #1

Liliana's expression changed subtly at Randolph’s words. ‘After returning home in five years, I get an identity check.’ Lili couldn’t laugh or feel angry. Randolph grunted and scratched his head as he interpreted Lili's expression in his own way. He understood that it could sound quite rude to verify a person’s identity after they had helped him.

“I don’t want to be fussy. But looking at the situation, it is hard to let you pass easily without checking. It will just be a brief verification.”

“Yes, it is understandable.”

They were fighting a group of undead in a corner village like the Miller Barony. Lili didn’t know why the mercenaries were in this place, but now wasn’t the time to question it. Lili first needed to gain Randolph’s trust and enter the village.

Lili pulled out the investigator’s badge and the certificate that she had received from the awards ceremony.

“Oh, an investigator’s badge. It has been a long time since I’ve seen it. And this is… the owner of this certificate is an honorary baroness, Liliana Miller. There is a royal seal stamped, so I am pretty sure… Huh?” Randolph looked at the certificate carefully and touched his chin with a puzzled expression.

The names of nobles were different from the common people. Even if the first names overlapped a little, there wasn’t a single family which used the same surname as that of another. For nobles, their surname was a proof of honour received from the king and evidence of the blood flowing through their veins. What idiot would want to share that with others?

However, this name was the same as the lord of the Miller Barony.

“…I heard that the lord here has a daughter.”

“My father.”

“Darn, you’re the daughter of my employer.”

Liliana laughed, and Randolph smiled as he realized why Lili had such a strange expression on her face before. The lord’s daughter had returned but needed to prove her identity. It was funny when they thought about it.

Randolph’s pleasant expression returned, and he stretched out his hand. “Welcome home, Young Mistress. There has been a small fuss, but so far, it hasn’t been a big deal.”

“It was a pretty big group.”

“Well… let’s go in and talk about it.”

The undead didn’t strike when the sun was shining, so Randolph turned around first. It seemed like the story he needed to tell was quite long. Lili and Sylvia followed behind him. In a sense, it was definitely a surprising return home.


By the time the two girls and Randolph entered the village, the mercenaries were already scattered all over the village. It was because of the fatigue which came from staying up all night. The residents gave bowls of warm porridge to the mercenaries and wrapped bandages around the injured.

One of them recognized Lili sooner than anyone else. “Eh…? You, aren’t you Liliana?”

“What? Why would Young Mistress be here when she is studying?”

“No, just look!”

“Well, she certainly looks a lot like the Young Mistress…”

It had been five years, and Lili was dressed fashionably, so the people hesitated to call her name. She looked like a noblewoman at first glance, so they didn’t believe their Young Mistress had returned.

As buzzing started among the residents, an old man stepped out. “Y-Young Mistress Lili…?”

Lili felt like crying when she heard the faint voice and looked over. “Grandfather Albert…!”

Since early childhood, how many pieces of bread had she received from those hands? The hands of the old man were much weaker than she remembered, but Lili grabbed them without hesitation. A gentle feeling was conveyed through the old man’s wrinkled hands, causing Lili to hug him while crying. Lili could finally feel the weight of all those years.

For the old man who didn’t have any relatives, Lili was truly like his granddaughter.

“Ah, our Young Mistress! How is it that you look so respectable…?”

“Grandfather!” Lili couldn’t speak and just hugged him tighter.

“Young Mistress!”

“Young Mistress Lili has come back!”

After that, the residents started flocking from everywhere. Someone was still holding the thread they had been knitting, and another person had rushed out with a piece of bread in their mouth. As all the residents of the village ran out, Liliana was instantly surrounded by a large crowd.

“…?!” Sylvia was standing close to Lili. With her silver hair which shone like a fairy from a story, she drew attention wherever she went. She was unfamiliar with people’s attention, so she stuck closer to Liliana, causing the residents to cheer at her reaction.

“Who is the young lady? Young Mistress, perhaps?”

“Ah, come on. Why else would she bring such a lovely girl?”

“Young Mistress! There is silk at our linen store! It will be enough for a veil!”

“Come on, don’t make me laugh! It is lucky if rags don’t emerge.”

“What is wrong with you?”

The loud commotion caused the mercenaries to wake up or look up from where they were eating. The atmosphere had darkened as the fight against the undead continued, but now there was an air of warmth about the village. It was proof of how precious Lili was to them.

The disturbance soon passed on to the Miller Barony’s manor house.

“Lili, where is our Lili?”

A middle-aged man, with thinning hair and dressed in a humble tunic, moved through the crowd. Fortunately, those who recognized him gave way. Everyone wanted to welcome Liliana, but this person had more right than anyone else.

The man who finally reached the center, Dennis Miller shouted, “Lili!”

“…Father.” Lili could never forget that voice.

As Lili's father pulled her into a tight embrace, the familiar smell of soil and bread tickled Lili’s nose. The smell of her hometown was emitted from her father’s body. No words were needed. They hugged for a while until Dennis let go first.

He firmly grabbed his daughter’s shoulders and said, “Welcome home.”

“Yes, I’ve come home.”

“Don’t you have a lot to ask about? Returning home after so long… I’m sorry this had to happen.”

“Don’t say that.” Lili shook her head. What did her father have to be sorry about? The residents and her father were the ones suffering from the undead.

Dennis was pleased with his daughter’s appearance but noticed the dust on Lili’s robes. He also noticed Sylvia’s shy existence.

“Aren’t you tired? Let’s discuss the rest of the story at home.”

The two tired girls nodded at the same time.


It had been a while since Lili had returned home, but nothing had changed.

The fireplaces and the staircase were still worn out, and the floor creaked every time she stepped on it. The sound of water could be heard coming from the kitchen, and the stain on the ceiling was still there. In fact, Lili could see that the number of stains had increased as she looked at her family seated before her.

Her father had a bit of a mustache, her mother was a little slimmer, and her three-year-old brother was holding onto her mother. ‘Oh, it is the first time I’ve seen him personally.’ Her little brother’s growth was a sight she had missed out on seeing.

However, the caring conversation between her family members was still the same. Lili prioritized solving the problem before her personal feelings. It was enough to spend time with her family after solving the immediate crisis.

“…Then, the undead started appearing around a month ago?”

“Yes, the woodcutter was the first one to find them.”

According to her father, the undead had appeared around a month ago, and they had only started the attacks a week ago.

It was a time difference which Lili couldn’t understand. What had the undead done during those 20 days? Perhaps the missing magician had fallen into black magic, but it would require more than two months to learn how to create a ghoul wyvern. Even a swordsman like Randolph would find it hard if there were more than one on the battlefield.

Moreover, Lili had one more question. “What about the mercenaries? Our estate doesn’t have the money to hire those type of mercenaries…”

“Hoo, I owe too much to them.”

‘Owe?’ Lili looked at her father quizzically.

“They are mercenaries who came to fight the bandits around here. There was no relationship with our territory. But on the same day that they stayed in our village, the monsters came.”

“…So they’ve been protecting this place for a week?”

“Yes. When they leave, I can’t feel regret… I can only say thank you.”

It was hard to believe. Mercenaries were people who would do anything for money. A rare few were righteous and faithful, but many became mercenaries because they wanted to be able to kill people legally. Those people needed to be filtered out. Nevertheless, they were never the type of people to volunteer to do a job.

‘Unless there is a hidden treasure in this village but… that isn’t possible.’

It seemed like she would have to talk directly to Randolph.

After thinking that, Liliana didn’t speak anymore and just quietly ate the soup her mother had prepared. The thin soup with few ingredients went down her throat. There were many delicious soups at Bergen Academy and also in Mana-vil Capital. However, she had wanted to eat this soup.

Sylvia didn’t seem to be picky about food as she also chewed on hard bread. Lili pretended to be unaware of her mother’s glad face and lifted her spoon again.

However, there was still a stack of problems to worry about. The temporary calm of the moment continued as only the sound of cutlery moving could be heard.

“Then I’ll see you later.”


After finishing their meal, Sylvia and Lili separated toward their own rooms. They had traveled awkwardly together for five days from Mana-vil, but two young women absolutely couldn’t stay in the same room. Sylvia followed Lili’s mother nervously.

Then Lili entered her room with familiar footsteps.


Her room, which she returned to after five years, looked no different from when Lili had left. Even the order of the books on the shelves was still the same. The bed she collapsed on was still mushy, and the torn wallpaper showed no signs of repair.

“Huuuu…” Lili took a few deep breaths and then said, “Hey, can you wake up now?”

She was speaking to Gluttony, who was sleeping quietly.

It was something Lili had started to get a sense of after the last question and answer. Not long ago, she had begun to be able to detect the condition of the being living in her left hand. She could sense when it was hungry or whether it was feeling good or bad. Thanks to that, she could feed it the books without worrying about Sylvia, but she thought it was possible to call Gluttony directly now.

Unsurprisingly, Gluttony responded to her call.

-...You understand. You are more sensitive than I thought.

A sullen voice emerged from the hole in her left hand. The voice had a distinct drowsiness to it, meaning that it had just still been asleep. Lili realized that her awareness was starting to increase slowly.

“Long words aren’t needed. How many books do you need today?”

-Two or three.

“Okay. Then I will feed you two books.”

She grabbed the two books she’d prepared in advance with her left hand.

Gulp. The tongue swallowed the two books.

[‘Magic Wall’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[Proficiency with the 4th Circle magic ‘Stone Wall’ has increased.]

[‘Explosion is an Art’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[4th Circle magic ‘Explosion’ has been acquired.]

She learned two 4th Circle magic at one time, but luckily, she had already learned one of them. Thanks to that, the headache affecting her was reduced.

Stone Wall was a higher-ranked application of Earth Wall. It was a persistent magic which built a wall with solid rock. As for the Explosion magic, Liliana used her knowledge and could quickly organize the information in her mind.

This was one spell which would surely be able to deal with a lot of undead.

“…Okay, it is done.”

After the waves of wisdom passed through her, Lili looked down at her left hand with sharp eyes. She could feed it three books, but she had chosen two so that she could ask a question. It was more important to dig around than to have extra magic.

Lili had to figure out how to stop this disaster.

“Then I will ask.”

The grimoire might just know the right answer.

Chapter 45 - I Ask You #2 However, it took a while for Lili to hear the answer. It seemed like Gluttony didn’t know what had been happening while she slept. Lili was forced to explain the situation briefly. She spoke about the missing investigator, the massive number of undead in the area, and the presence of the warlock who controlled them. There were so many questions, but she had to ask just one thing.

-…Yes, I understand, Gluttony said as Lili paused.

–According to your explanation, this certainly isn’t a normal case. I can guess the source.

“What is it?” Lili was taken aback.

A magician event like this fell into its range of questions and answers? This was unexpected. Gluttony, the grimoire who ate wisdom, pulled out an answer which the two geniuses would’ve never been able to guess.

–It is likely that a ‘grimoire’ has been found in the cave.

Lili's eyes widened at the word ‘grimoire.’

Numerous magicians called them ‘unidentified.’ As Vince Haidel had explained, the grimoires possessed huge strength. They were creatures containing wisdom and power, of which the source and origin were unknown. The existence of the grimoires could make the whole world dizzy.

She couldn’t agree with some of the evaluations, but as an owner of a grimoire, Liliana knew just how beyond common sense was the existence of a grimoire. It had made a dunce of the 2nd Circle into someone capable of beating Sylvia.

If the power of such a grimoire had intervened, it was possible to increase a person’s black magic in a short period of time.

“There are other grimoires like you?”

-I am a grimoire belonging to the Seven Sins set. When it comes to grimoires… No, I don’t know exactly. It would be more accurate to detect it, rather than make a hypothesis.

Gluttony seemed to mumble to herself before making a suggestion.

–User, if you agree, I will consume your power to detect any grimoire in the vicinity. I will look for the place where the warlock is hiding as an extra.

“That’s a welcome offer but…” Lili looked down at her palm in a dubious manner. “Why are you being so nice? It isn’t like you, so tell me what you want.”

–Hohoho, it isn’t bad for you either.

There was the sound of laughter, and the tongue acted like the thought was mouthwatering.

-I can also eat ‘grimoires.’ It is possible to absorb the knowledge and functions or even free a seal. If so, your achievements as a sorceress will grow several times faster than it does now.

“…As usual, you are hungry.”

-It is my essence.

Lili was worried about the suggestion for a moment, but there was no choice. Even if a grimoire didn’t exist, it was still necessary to find the location of the warlock. In the end, she nodded, and Gluttony activated the function.


There was a loud heartbeat similar to a wave of vibration, which resonated beyond the range of a human ear. This was a technique which would be called science instead of magic in other societies. Instead of sound or radio waves, the function was reproduced with magic power.

The wave of magic power extended several kilometers before returning to its epicenter.

[Detection complete.]

The voice was heard after the search was over.

–I found it.

Gluttony, which had been silent for a while, had found her target.

–Fairly powerful. It is only the second stage, but it managed to partially block my detection. It also seems to be eating its owner.


–Not all grimoires have a symbiotic relationship like me. Most of them live by becoming a parasite in a suitable host and manipulating the host’s body and mind. The grimoire which attacked you belongs to the Green category.

In fact, grimoires themselves were powerful magic creatures. They were monsters which possessed humanoid intelligence as well as functions equal to national level artifacts.

Lili didn’t know their creators, but a grimoire was something which normal magicians couldn’t possess. Rather, it was common for grimoires like Gluttony to completely dominate its owner. The thought of this caused goosebumps to pop up on Liliana’s smooth skin.

–I figured out their location. I think the cave they went to investigate is the base of the grimoire and its host.

Gluttony gave a long yawn after speaking.

–I answered your question so I will fall asleep.

“Ah, wait a minute.”

–What is it?

The question had already been over, but Gluttony was generally flexible when it came to questions about her function. Lili knew this and asked, “You… Can you eat the undead? They are also made of magic.”

-…Your idea is sound. If that were possible, I could eat stones that were made to float using magic spells. However, the undead only move through magic. They aren’t made of magic power or wisdom themselves. There are some exceptions, but…


–I can’t answer that until you ask it as a question.

Then Gluttony went to sleep without allowing her to ask anything more. Lili tapped the palm of her left hand several times, but there was no response. It seemed to fall into a deep sleep soon after eating.

However, there was no time to complain about that attitude.

Step… step…

There was the sound of someone’s footsteps approaching.

*** The footsteps were uniform and quiet. Most people who had these type of footsteps were masters of martial arts. It was because the body maintained unconsciously its center of gravity, minimizing the noise generated by the body.

Lili analyzed the footsteps using Alfred’s experience and quickly realized the identity of the person who was approaching.


Unsurprisingly, Randolph’s voice was heard from beyond the door. “Young Mistress, are you still awake?”


“Can we talk for a bit?”

It sounded strange, but Lili had been half expecting it. This way she didn’t need to sneak out to the village to talk. “Come in.”

“Then, I’ll do just that.” Randolph entered the room after receiving Lili’s permission. “I’m sorry, since you must be tired.”

“Don’t worry. I thought you would come.”


The expression in Randolph’s eyes changed at Lili’s words. Lili was a sorceress who knew how to fight, so Randolph decided to treat her as an equal. Without further ado, Randolph sat down on the bed across from Lili.

‘Cut to the chase.’ The two sensed it at the same time.

It was Liliana who opened her mouth first, “Are you going to reach the limit soon?”

“…As expected, you’re not ordinary. How do you know?”

“You had no choice but to fight a bloody battle for a week with only 100 people. The fact that you have endured for so long is amazing.”

It wasn’t exaggerated praise. If it wasn’t for the combat power of the ‘Wandering Wolves’, the Miller Barony would’ve already become the land of the undead. Even if regular troops were stationed here, they wouldn’t have been able to show such achievements.

Lili was really amazed by the ability of the mercenaries to overcome a large difference in numbers using pure skill. However, Randolph’s expression simply darkened. “I’m thankful for your words.”

“Can I ask one thing?” Lili said.

“What is it?”

In a sense, it was a question which might decrease Randolph’s friendliness. However, it was better than having a questionable ally. Lili asked the question which had been lingering in her mind, “Why are you staying in this village? You should be able to break through the undead siege without any problems.”

“Simply… I guess you won’t believe it is goodwill. Damn.”

Randolph scratched his head before whispering. “I can’t tell you everything. Is that okay?”

“As long as you can convince me.”

“…Okay.” Randolph hesitated for a while before carefully taking something out. It had shiny gold and looked valuable.

The item was a pocket watch adorned with gold. There was a curious image of howling wolves engraved on the watch, but there was no second hand or minute hand on the watch. Only the hour hand was turning strangely.

Randolph began explaining about the object, which was either a watch or a compass.

“A long time ago, an ancestor of my clan chased after a certain warlock to a foreign country. He left carrying the two heirloom swords and never returned. This watch is an artifact created to detect those heirlooms.”

“Then the direction that the artifact is pointing—”

“It is these damn mountains. It has been 100 years, so I wasn’t expecting anything, but the place that the artifact reacts to is covered in undead!” Randolph let out heartfelt curses.

This was enough to cause Lili to admire Randolph’s bad luck. The heirlooms which had been missing for 100 years had been found in the center of such a disaster, so Liliana couldn’t help feeling sympathy.

However, there was still something which made Lili uncomfortable. “I know that heirlooms are precious… but in the end, you remained because of two swords?”

“They aren’t just swords. The techniques that he learned were left in those heirlooms. If I can control them properly, I may become a sword master in 20, maybe 10 years.”

“…Indeed.” Lili immediately nodded after hearing it.

She could understand this reason. Any sorceress would value a book which would allow them to cross the ‘wall.’ Randolph might be able to become a sword master, so it wasn’t something he could give up due to some undead. It was like crossing the wall of the 7th Circle for a magician.

However, there was no answer as to the very real limitations. Even if the swords could make Randolph a sword master, it would be useless if he lost his life here.

That was why he muttered with a gloomy expression, “But it is up to here. I don’t think I can recover the sword, and my men will just lose their lives. Anyway, the undead will be taken care of by the people sent by the king… So, Young Mistress, you should be ready to evacuate with the villagers.”

Lili's eyebrows raised at the unexpected words.

This was unexpected. In fact, mercenaries cared about nothing but their own bodies. There was no reason for them to protect the residents, except for their voice of conscience which could be ignored.

Nevertheless, Randolph was suggesting running away…? Randolph and the ‘Wandering Wolves’ were all good people, however, Liliana couldn’t accept that proposal.

“Thank you, but I will reject.”

“…Why?” Randolph stared at her. It was impossible to find a better suggestion than this. If Lili suggested that she would stay behind to help evacuate the villagers, Randolph might have beaten her up. “I must acknowledge your skills, but in the process, half of the residents here will die.”

“No, speak properly. Half will get out alive.”

“The result is the same no matter how you express it.”

They refuted each other without giving a single concession.


As the gazes of the two people met, the surrounding air distorted. To be exact, it was Randolph’s anger reaching out toward Lili. If she hadn’t absorbed Alfred’s experience, then she might’ve been frozen by that terrible energy.

Lili barely maintained her calm expression and pulled something out. “So, I have a different offer.”

“Offer? You?”

“To be precise, it is a commission. The Magic Society investigator, Liliana Miller, wants to hire the Wandering Wolves.”

As Randolph’s atmosphere was disturbed by an unintelligible sound, Liliana pulled out three thick pouches from the dimension pocket and set them on the table.

Kung! Kung! Kung!

Each pouch let out a loud thump, and the loud sounds resonated. No, it wasn’t just that. Randolph’s sensitive hearing heard something inside the pouch. It was a sound which was familiar to merchants and mercenaries.

Finally, Lili grabbed the pouch and poured the contents out next to Randolph on the bed.


Gold coin, gold coins, and gold coins! 100 gold coins poured out of the pouch. Spread over the tattered bedspread, there were enough coins to hire the mercenaries for a while, giving the bed a strange golden color.

“Ehhh…?” Randolph stared at the money with a blank expression before looking at the remaining two pouches.

Surely those too? His face was saying. Lili nodded to the unspoken question and said,

“The 100 gold is the deposit, and you will receive 200 gold when the work ends. I will hire the ‘Wandering Wolves’ for two days with this 300 gold.”

It was necessary in order to make this proposal acceptable. Negotiations and the price would come next.

Thus, Lili judged that it was best to get rid of Randolph’s soul first.

Chapter 46 - I Ask You #3

Indeed, Randolph’s expression changed at the sight of the gold coins. Three hundred gold wasn’t an amount to be taken lightly. However, that huge number became much smaller once divided between 100 mercenaries. Even though it was significantly higher than other payments the Wandering Wolves had received, it wasn’t worth risking their lives for two days.

“Let me hear the story.”

Liliana’s gaze sank at Randolph’s ambiguous answer. “It is surprising. Is the pay lacking?”

“Not at all. Three hundred gold is enough. No, I’m afraid the situation will be a mess. So, I will listen to the story first.”

It didn’t matter if it was a high or low amount. Randolph ignored such meanings. He was a mercenary, so he knew their essence.

Mercenaries were people who would slander and kill a person for money or chase after a drake only to be killed. They accepted any dangerous request as long as there was money. That was the principle behind being a mercenary.

However, Randolph placed his instincts before those principles. “No matter how good the money is, I won’t fight a losing battle. I will listen to your plan and then decide if I will accept this commission. It was foolish of you to reveal your wallet. Frankly speaking, I want to refuse the gold, but you wouldn’t have brought out 300 gold without a plan.” As the Wolf spoke, his eyes were gleaming.

‘This person, he is a little strange to be a mercenary.’

If Lili hadn’t brought out the 300 gold, then she wouldn’t have even been able to sit at this negotiating table.

Randolph was different from common mercenaries. They didn’t know how to calculate the odds and losses, only gauging the commission based on the reward. Since Randolph was a descendant searching for lost heirlooms, maybe he was the descendant of a great warrior.

However, from now on, Lili would be the one in charge of the conversation. “As you can see, holding on is unreasonable. At most, two or three days is the limit.”

“It is as you said. The undead are too annoying.” Randolph was also sick and tired of all this.

The undead had unlimited numbers and stamina, so it was an extreme disadvantage. This was why necromancers were targeted with a national campaign. They were vulnerable to powerful individuals but superior when causing mass casualties.

In fact, a warlock using infectious undead had once created a whole undead kingdom. However, the warlock had eventually been killed by a sword master hiding in the center of the city.

“There is only one valid method—a counterattack.”

In other words, the warlock’s main body would have no combat ability. The grimoire ate away at the host, but the essence was still the same. So, the warlock would be defenseless if Lili and the others managed to jump over the barrier of undead.

Above all, this was a great opportunity to get rid of the warlock.

‘The undead weren’t walking around here a month ago, and the grimoire hasn’t completely eaten the host yet. That is probably why the number and quality of the undead is slowly increasing. This has given me more time before it becomes a disaster for the kingdom.’

There were enough clues for her to form this reasoning: the woodcutter’s first discovery of the undead; the appearance of the undead which had then become stronger throughout the week; and the emergence of the ghoul wyvern which had reached intermediate level.

It was obvious that the abilities of the warlock, who had become the grimoire’s host, were still improving every day. If he kept growing like this, he would be able to summon advanced undead. Once that happened, it would be the end. This area would turn into a land of complete death, and there was the possibility that the spread of the undead would be faster than the evacuation rate of the village.

Lili planned to strike before that happened.

“You have a point. So, you intend to hit the base with a small number of elites?”

Lili nodded at Randolph’s words. “Yes, I’ve already found the warlock’s base. Randolph, if you protect the two of us, then it won’t be that hard to take out one necromancer at night.”

“Why bother to attack in the middle of the night? It would be ideal to hit the undead in the daytime when they are weaker.”

“A night operation is better.”

If they were fighting on the plains, then Randolph’s point would be correct. However, the target was based in a nearby cave which was so dense that sunlight couldn’t penetrate it. She would need to engage in a war with thousands of undead to get to the warlock.

So, it was better to strike when the undead were being sent to the village and the cave was at its most vulnerable. During that moment, the trio of Lili, Sylvia, and Randolph would raid the base. This was a strategy which really matched the term ‘counterattack.’

‘…What a monstrous girl. And she’s only 19? What the hell are the magic towers teaching kids these days?’

Randolph started having cold sweat after grasping the outline of the plan. He had a long history of studying tactics as the descendant of a warrior, yet it was a 19-year-old girl who had envisioned such a bold move.

If it failed, Lili would lose her life, but she didn’t hesitate to challenge it. It was like she was carrying someone’s (Alfred) madness.

Apart from that chill, Randolph had to admit that Liliana’s strategy was indeed worthy.

“…I will add a clause here. The Wandering Wolves will remain to defend the village while the two investigators and Randolph attack the base. If the counterattack fails, the troops will evacuate with the villagers. I will also give you 300 gold. How about it?”

The troops would block the undead steadily as they moved toward the escape path.

Randolph laughed as he realized he had no reason to refuse. If he listened to this and retreated, then it would be humiliating in its own way. He would gain 300 gold as well as the heirlooms, so it was a reward worth the gamble.

Randolph finally got out of his seat and took out his mercenary badge. “Randolph, leader of the Wandering Wolves, will accept Liliana Miller’s commission. This oath is made in front of Marcus, the God of War.”

The mercenary badge made of steel shone with a red light for a while. It was similar to the ‘Geass Scroll’ which Liliana had used in the past, creating a compulsion that would prevent the mercenary from breaking the contract.

If the contract was broken, then the mercenary would be punished by the priest of the God of War, Marcus. Now in a true sense, Liliana and Randolph were in the same boat.

However, Lili’s strategy was far from over. “Ah, that reminds me.”


“During a commission, all the loot normally goes to the people making the commission. Is that correct?”

Randolph blinked at the unexpected question. He just thought that the young magician wanted to know about the rules of the industry. When Randolph nodded without thinking, Lili smiled with satisfaction. She had accomplished her purpose of hiring mercenaries, so it was now time to reap back the money.

This was why people should listen until the end.

“Hrmm, since there seem to be family heirlooms inside the warlock’s base… I don’t know how much they will cost.”

“W-What?!” Randolph’s eyes bugged out like he had been hit on the back of the head with a hammer.

The heirlooms weren’t near the base but inside it…? If so, according to the rule, the ownership of the heirlooms would pass over to Lili. In a sense, Randolph’s eyes had been blurred by the 300 gold. The smoke screen covering Lili’s words had now been removed.

Ultimately, Randolph was stunned by the counterattack. ‘…Surely, she hadn’t been aiming for this from the beginning?’

As Randolph looked into Lili’s eyes, he was lost for words. There was a wide smile on the face of the ecstatic magician.

‘I did well to read the report carefully.’ Lili thought.

Perhaps it had been discovered before the erosion of the grimoire had begun, but the magic tower had given her some reports written by the investigator. In one, it mentioned the presence of twin swords found in the cave.

Lili recognized the hierarchical relationship had flipped and pointed to the gold coin pouches next to her. “Randolph, you have 300 gold at the moment, but would you like to share any with me?”

Randolph had never heard it before, but this was probably the devil’s whisper.


In the end, Randolph was forced to exchange ownership of the heirlooms for 200 gold. Thus, Lili hired the Wandering Wolves and an excellent swordsman, Randolph, for only 100 gold. A profit of at least 50 gold was made.

‘I could have more, but… I shouldn’t be too greedy. I can’t ask the mercenaries to fight for nothing.’

She looked back on the conversation a few hours ago.

If she had taken back all of the 300 gold, then Lili and Randolph might have become enemies after this task was over. Unpaid labour was a sin for mercenaries who sold their lives. Whereas if Randolph didn’t have the 100 gold, he would be forced to pay the mercenaries out of his own pocket or they might abandon him. A few gold coins were enough for Randolph since he was mainly after the heirlooms.

“Well, this is a win-win situation,” Liliana muttered brazenly.

Randolph appeared behind her and asked brusquely, “This damn employer, how is it a win-win situation?” He was uncomfortable since a 19-year-old child had tricked 200 gold from him. However, he would get the heirlooms he was searching for, so the damage wasn’t too big.

Lili said with a smile, “We both get what we want, I suppose.”

“Hah, you are really good.” Randolph laughed and continued saying, “The defenses are all in place. We can still block them off even if what shows up is double of yesterday’s number of undead…”

Then as he looked around, Randolph spoke in an admiring tone, “To be honest, it is really amazing. Even though you are magicians, it is great that you can create all of that in half a day.”

The plains near the Miller Barony had been completely altered, making yesterday’s scenery seem like a lie.

White walls sprang up all over the desolate plains. It was the 4th Circle magic ‘Stone Wall’ which Lili had used to create improvised defenses. The walls would survive even if a zombie crashed into them a few times.

Additionally, the mercenaries could use these defensive walls to be more efficient than they’d been yesterday. If a flying-type creature like the ghoul wyvern appeared, they would be able to cope more safely than before.

“Well, it is almost all thanks to Mitra,” Lili muttered and patted the small girl resting on her chest.

There was a faint [Hoooung] sound which tickled her chest. In order to create these walls which could block the black magic that didn’t belong in nature, Mitra had been forced to exert herself.

Then as Lili and Randolph looked around at the walls, Sylvia approached them slowly.

“Hrmm, Lili…”

“Did you wake up just now?”

“…Yes, it has been a while since I took a nap.”

Sylvia had a drowsy face, but the magic power around her body was in a perfect state. The mana responded to her sensitivity, so the area around her was much cooler. Randolph looked at her briefly before turning his attention to the forest which the undead came from.

The reddish sky was gradually turning darker.

“It is sunset, Employer.”

As Randolph spoke, the two magicians looked in the same direction.

The sun was sinking below the mountains, and the children of darkness came out of the shadows. There were already several eyeballs visible in the dense forest. The reddish-blue light was absolutely not coming from living creatures.

The corpses were glowing due to the power which denied the laws of nature. Once again, the night of the undead began, and the period filled with the stench of blood and death would soon start again.

The mercenaries breathed nervously, and some of them even took a sip from the alcohol they had concealed. It was at this moment that…

“…Until today!” Randolph’s passionate voice drew the attention of the mercenaries. “You have suffered in the meantime! Enjoy the night until the sun rises tomorrow! Tonight is the last time! We’ll say farewell to these damn guys!”

After the leader’s words finished, 100 shouts exploded.

“Ohhhhhhh⸺!” The shouts filled with anger and joy caused even the hiding undead to tremble. It was like the howling of wolves responding to their leader.

The night wind blew, shaking the leaves of the trees as the sun finally set below the western horizon. Simultaneously, the stench of death emerged from the darkness.



The corpses headed toward the mercenaries. Even if they couldn’t be seen, the stench of death made it obvious that the undead were coming. Moonlight bounced off the mercenaries’ polished blades as they focused their senses.

Undead and humans… This was the moment when the boundary between life and death crossed.

Chapter 47 - Trio's Counterattack #1

Obviously, the mercenaries were the ones who attacked first.

The mercenaries retreated to the rear of the barrier and pulled out something from their waist. Then they loaded it with stones piled up nearby and started to spin it. The item was a sling, a ranged weapon which used centrifugal force to launch rocks like they were arrows. Slings were easier to carry than bows, and unlike arrows, rocks could be found everywhere. Such advantages were attractive to mercenaries who couldn’t afford expensive equipment.

“Fire!” Instead of Randolph, the vice commander Hank shouted, and the stones flew.

Pak! Pakak! Pak! Puhak!

The small undead like kobolds and goblins were broken in one hit by the stones. The orcs didn’t fall instantly, but it was the same result after being hit three or four times. In a flash, the remnants of the undead fell to the ground. However, that damage was nothing when there were thousands of corpses gathered.

“They are like a swarm of ants.” Lili, Sylvia, and Randolph observed the bodies from their position on a barrier. Looking at the crowd of rotten undead approaching was enough to make a person nauseous. One undead wasn’t much, but the story was different if there were thousands. It was a disaster similar to grasshoppers devastating a field of crops.

Randolph’s mouth dropped open as he stared at the scene.

According to the plan set up by his employer, Liliana, the three of them had to go to the rear of the wave of undead. However, it was impossible to open a path among such numbers, even with the firepower of a sorceress. If they used 4th and 5th Circle spells, there was a chance, but then they would lose the capacity to fight by the time they reached the warlock’s base.

So, Lili thought of a way to get through without fighting.

“Weight Reduction.” Lili's magic was completed a step ahead of Sylvia’s and wrapped around the two of them. It was a lightweight magic frequently applied to objects but not humans. With that, Lili and Sylvia’s body weight was reduced by half. The magic which Sylvia had been preparing was also completed now.

“Hidden Mana Force.” Magic power emerged from her staff and wrapped around all three people this time.

It was a magic which hid the mana pouring from their bodies. It wasn’t a good magic to use against an opponent with all five senses, but there was nothing better against undead which only pursued mana.

With this, the basic setup was done. Lili confirmed that the spells were working properly and nodded.

“It’s done. We can start at any time.”

“Young Lady?”

“I’m ready.”

“…Right then, both of you come over here.”

After hearing their answers, Randolph clicked his tongue and tied his sword more firmly to his waist. Then his large hands grabbed the girl and woman, and he hoisted them over his shoulders. As Randolph’s great strength was now combined with the lightweight magic, he couldn’t feel the weight of the two people at all. Their appearance was indecent, but that couldn’t be helped.

In the next moment, Randolph jumped fearlessly toward the wave of undead while carrying the two people!

“Don’t open your mouth, Employer! You might bite your tongue off!”

As a first-rate swordsman, Randolph’s power was already beyond the domain of an ordinary human. He jumped 10 meters high in a single step, and the distance he leaped covered 50 meters. It was a leap which defied the existence of gravity. However, he didn’t have wings, so he would eventually have to fall down, even if he jumped high.

Soon enough, Randolph began to fall at a terrifying speed.

‘Kuk, opening a path this way…’ He chuckled as he gathered aura in the soles of his feet.

When he thought about it, he realized it wasn’t that difficult. Even if the undead were rotten, it was a lot easier to trample on their heads and move that way! Randolph’s foot landed on the head of an orc zombie.


The impact of the fall and the resistance from Randolph’s aura caused the zombie to explode. As soon as the orc zombie’s head exploded, Randolph jumped again.

It wasn’t just that. The heads of a goblin and hobgoblin further away soon burst open as well. Randolph used them as stepping stones as he crossed the group of undead. This was a method called ‘flying on grass’ in the east, but Randolph used aura to replicate the trick. As a result, the three people were able to get through the wave of corpses, like a fish swimming up a waterfall.

‘Amazing…! Is this movement due to aura? To think a human can move like this without magic…’

In the meantime, Liliana was busy observing Randolph’s movements. She understood the concept of aura when studying at the academy, but she had never experienced it at the level of someone like Randolph. Unlike magic which refined mana in the body, aura was a way of strengthening the human body. It was one of the tricks for those without magic power, and this was also the national power of the arch rival of Meltor Kingdom, the Andras Empire.

It was different from magic which utilized mana in various ways. Aura was the crystallization of pure power, a method developed from studying fighting from beginning to end. An extremely skilled aura user could compete with an ogre, which was an advanced monster, or be reborn as a monster who could split apart a wall with a single sword.

“This… last one!”

Puhak! Randolph crushed the head of a troll zombie and jumped forward. From now on, he could use the tree branches instead of stepping on the undead.

Randolph looked at his right shoulder and said to Lili, “From here on, I will follow the instructions of my employer. Guide me to the fastest path, even if the terrain is a little steep.”

“I understand,” Lili acknowledged.

This was a place where she’d played frequently during her childhood. The vegetation was a bit different, but she was able to find the location of the cave written in the report. Without considering the arduous terrain, a map with the straightest line to the cave appeared in Lili’s head.

“40 degrees to the left until you see a small cliff!”

Following Liliana’s instructions, Randolph shot off again like an arrow. The undead passing below them never noticed the presence of the party. Even if they did, there was nothing they could do to the three people in the trees.

The trio’s counterattack began in the darkness.

The leader of the Wandering Wolves, Randolph, was indisputably worth 300 gold. He stepped on the undead and tree branches, and even climbed up small cliffs and waterfalls. Thanks to that, the trip was reduced from one hour to 20 minutes. However, Liliana’s expression was stiff.

Starting from where they’d entered the forest to their present location, Lili estimated that the number of undead was close to 10,000.

‘That number is ridiculous… What did the warlock do to invoke such a large number of undead? Does this grimoire specialize in summoning undead?’

In particular, the warlock had summoned wyverns and ogres which didn’t exist in this area. It was more likely that he’d called the bodies from somewhere else instead of making them personally. Or maybe he released the undead from the ‘Negative Dimension’ available only for outstanding necromancers. There would nothing unusual about that if he possessed a grimoire.

Just like how Lili unlocked Gluttony’s seals, maybe the warlock had released a seal which gave him access to the Negative Dimension.

“Hey, Employer.” At that moment, Randolph stopped and pointed somewhere. “We’ve arrived at the target area. What are your next instructions?”

“…Put me down first.”

“Whoops, I forgot since you are so light.” In less than five seconds, Randolph’s grin broke his serious expression.

Liliana and Sylvia had been lightened by magic, but Randolph showed no signs of hard breathing even despite all the running. Rather, it was Sylvia who wobbled when she was put down, like she had motion sickness.

Lili walked calmly before the cave.

“View Mana Force.” Blue magic power flashed in her eyes.

The 2nd Circle magic allowed her to visualize mana in the air, so she would be able to tell if the warlock was in the cave. Indeed, the result of the magic was quite good.

“Ack…?!” Lili’s vision was suddenly covered in darkness.

The dark mana spread like a poisonous gas and entered her eyes. She suffered no injuries, but the sudden loss of sight could be called terrible. The density of the dark mana, which she countered for the first time, was at a level which Lili couldn’t have guessed.

She turned off View Mana Force and wiped the sweat off her forehead. “I’m certain. That guy is in there. The mana spread around the cave is filled with darkness. It can truly be called hell.”

If the warlock had left this cave, then Lili’s group would be like a dog chasing after chickens. The counterattack plan would fail, and they would have to immediately return to the Miller Barony to prepare for the evacuation. The 200 gold received as collateral for the swords would also have to be returned to Randolph.

“Sylvia, how’s your condition?”

“Yes, it is okay. I was just dizzy for a moment.”

“Randolph, are your legs okay?”

“Of course. I can’t be a mercenary if I am already tired.”

After verifying their conditions, Lili fell deep into thought. It had been successful thus far, but she couldn’t be sure what would happen next. The dark cave was the warlock’s base, and she didn’t know what was being done in there.

At the crossroad of victory or defeat, she took a step forward.

“Let’s go in.”

It had taken them a long time to reach this location. If the warlock became aware of the trio’s strike, he could escape and bring back the undead. They couldn’t afford to stop due to tension or fear.

“Randolph will be in the lead, I’ll be in the middle, and Sylvia will be at the rear. Keep this formation as much as possible. If you encounter the warlock, then you can move freely.”

“Yes, understood.”

“I understand.”

Lili hadn’t known it, but the memories she obtained from Alfred awakened her abilities as a commander. The two people naturally accepted her direction as they lined up around Lili, and Randolph entered the cave first.

There was no need for them to carry separate tools like torches.

“Light.” Simultaneously, two balls of light appeared in the darkness. The shadows in the cave were pushed away, and its appearance was revealed. Indeed, not all the undead had been sent to fight. The three of them prepared for battle.

It was at this moment that…

[Rats…! You dare to… invade my residence…!] An ugly and distorted voice echoed through the cave!

It seemed like a voice from the depths of hell instead of a human voice. The negative mana responded, and Liliana’s party was covered with a cold chill.

[You may have found my dwelling place, but…! You will never be able to go back alive…!] Anger filled the terrible voice as the undead started moving.

A burned orc warrior picked up an axe, and a direwolf zombie revealed its fangs. A moderate number of undead had been left here as protection.

[Kill…! And, die…] This sentence of death was spoken by the grimoire!

However, Liliana just laughed at the sentence. “I guess we made it in time.”

“Yes. Shall we make that fool sh*t himself while begging?” Randolph noticed and also spoke in a ridiculing manner.

A lion didn’t bark; a person convinced of their victory would have no need to threaten their opponent. If they ran away from this threat, they would miss their prey. Only those who sensed defeat would bark like this while asking the opponent not to approach.

“Let’s go.” With renewed confidence, a crimson flame ignited in the palm of Liliana’s hand.

Certainly! Let's rewrite this chapter with the specified changes for the main character, Liliana Miller (Lili), and the grimoire, Gluttony:


**Chapter 48 - Trio’s Counterattack #2 (End Of Book 2)**

The combination of three people, also known as a three-person team, was really effective in small-scale engagements. In Meltor Kingdom, the tactics of two magicians and one warrior, or two warriors and one magician, had been established. There were numerous proven combinations, so nobody doubted its utility. Liliana’s group agreed with this theory.

Shaaack! At the front of the party, there were flashes of light as Randolph’s two swords moved. He used aura as well while his blades moved through the ghouls. The two blades swung about like whips and mercilessly destroyed five orc ghouls. Before Randolph could be hit by the undead, magic was used.

“Resist Cold.”

“Frost Wave.”

Lili’s resistance spell protected Randolph from Sylvia’s wave of cold air.

All living creatures and the undead froze from the cold, but Randolph had the cold resistance, so he quickly shattered the frozen undead without a moment of delay. The intermediate ranked undead ghouls were washed away like garbage. Randolph clicked his tongue in admiration as he felt like he was hitting scarecrows. ‘Wow, amazing. My employer and the girl are linking their magics in accordance with my movements. I guess she isn’t just talk. This is why she planned the counterattack.’

Even if the combination of three people was excellent, it was useless if the members didn’t coordinate perfectly. Bad teamwork could interfere with each other's movements and, in the worst case, help the enemy kill them. Therefore, Randolph had to appreciate the work of this three-person combination.

“Randolph, jump!” Lili’s command came suddenly but without any panic.

“Wind Cutter!”

Simultaneously, a wind blade appeared underneath Randolph’s shoes as he jumped. It was several times faster than an ordinary Wind Cutter but just as sharp! A ghoul’s ankles were severed, causing it to fall, and Randolph’s sword finished them off.

As their unstoppable linked movements continued, the passage was filled with the wreckage of the undead.

“Hoooo… Let me breathe for a moment.” Lili caught her breath after the third battle and looked at Randolph. Despite the fact that Randolph had to swing his two falchions continuously, his breathing was still calm. It was evidence that he still had a lot of energy to spare.

‘It is reassuring having someone as powerful as Randolph here.’

Just as Randolph admired Liliana's skills, she was also amazed at Randolph. His sword skill was truly ruthless. Even the orc ghoul couldn’t withstand the two whirling swords. Lili was relieved that he was an ally, but she also felt the need to improve in close combat. If Liliana had to fight Randolph now, she would only last 10 seconds. There were fighting tactics which used magic as well as close combat martial arts like the ones Blundell used. Once Lili finished this job, she was going to find one.

Lili finished arranging her thoughts and looked around her. “Sylvia, how is your magic power?”

“Around 80%? There is still a lot.”


“I’m the same. I can keep fighting at this pace.”

Liliana confirmed their statuses and looked at the path covered in darkness again. After three attacks and as many as 100 ghouls, only silence remained in the darkness. Was she imagining it? If she didn't hurry, it seemed like there would be an uncontrollable situation in the darkness.

“…Then let’s move on.”

As the two light spells led the way, Liliana once again began to advance into the darkness.


How long did they move through the darkness? Liliana felt a sense of incongruity and paused for a moment. According to what she’d read in the report, the depth of the cave was only a few hundred meters, so they should’ve reached the end by now. However, the path hadn’t ended, and the room containing artifacts was nowhere to be seen. One possible hypothesis popped up into Lili’s head.



“Carve the cave wall with your sword. If you can afford it, please use aura.”

“…I will try it once.” Randolph was confused but complied with Lili’s order without questioning it.

It was due to his previous experiences with her that he knew Lili wouldn’t speak for no reason. So, Randolph placed his hand on the hilt of his left sword and held it at an angle while concentrating. One strike lashed out. A blue flash emerged, and the wall cracked. The ordinary wall couldn’t stop the aura blade. However, Randolph’s eyes soon widened. “No…?”

The cracked wall was closing up again right before his eyes! As a swordsman since birth, Randolph didn’t know what it was, but Liliana and Sylvia’s faces became serious as they understood the situation. Severely dark mana leaked from the wall, like guts emerging from a living creature. The two people muttered almost simultaneously as they recalled a magic.


It was a powerful 6th Circle black magic spell which turned an area of a certain range into the user’s domain. The time and resources consumed were huge, but if the magic was completed, the power of the dungeon master would increase significantly. Whether it was due to the grimoire or the warlock already reaching this level, this was absolutely not a good situation. The warlock had turned this cave into a dungeon and could freely shape the structure. At that moment, a creepy noise started to ring in their ears.

Kieeeeeeek-! Chills ran down Liliana's spine. The physiological aversion was three or four times more powerful due to the sound waves echoing in the cave. The group automatically activated their aura and magic power as the source of the chill emerged. They were translucent shapes floating in the air.


“Damn, I don’t have any holy water…!”

The group frowned at the specters. Unlike the undead, specters didn’t have physical shapes and were collections of grudges which united together. They attacked by stealing a living body or draining vitality from it. Since they existed as spiritual bodies, physical attacks were ineffective, and divine magic was essential. Cutting them with a sword was like throwing a duck into the frying pan. For Randolph, they were tricky opponents because he didn’t have any holy water.

Shortly after that, the specters discovered the living beings and ran forward aggressively.

“It can’t be helped, let’s try it first!” Although it was unfavorable, the two magicians would be in danger if Randolph stepped back here. Being in the vanguard meant blocking the enemy’s attack first and then becoming a wall. Therefore, aura sprang up fiercely around Randolph’s blades. He would stop the specters even if he had to overuse his aura.

However, he then received an order he hadn’t considered.

“Randolph, fall behind me!” Lili shouted.



“…Damn, understood!” It was confusing, but Lili didn’t disappoint him. Despite delaying by half a beat, Randolph stepped behind in accordance with the order. As soon as he backed away, Liliana stepped forward without any fear.

Kkieeeek! Kikikiiiik! Kikikiiiik! Kihihihik!

Why didn’t Liliana feel afraid of them? The specters laughed wildly and flew at them. It was a charge intending to suck out every bit of vitality from Lili’s body. As Sylvia and Randolph watched in preparation to jump in, the specters reached Lili.

–Eat everything…

This wasn’t her voice. It was the instinct of Gluttony sleeping in her left hand. The unknown hunger was why Liliana was laughing at the specters and why she went forward without hesitation. She felt Gluttony’s tongue emerging from the hole in her left palm. There was a saying which went like this, ‘There is no predator that is afraid of its food.’

Then the eating began.

Kiaaaaaaack! In the face of the original predator, the specters lost their madness. Even though all the grudges and despair tried to escape, Gluttony had already caught them. The cries filled with pain, horror, and fear were heard as the ghosts were sucked into her palm. They were different from the undead like ghouls and zombies. Specters were born with black magic and were made of magic themselves, so they met the conditions for what Gluttony perceived as ‘food.’

[The ghost of the goblin shaman has been consumed.]

[The ghost of the orc warrior has been consumed.]

[The ghost of a foolish troll has been consumed.]


[The user still hasn’t unlocked the function yet.]

Liliana’s consumption of the specters caused an unknown feeling to fill up her body. It was different from eating artifacts or magic books. This was an abstract representation, but Lili felt like her ‘bowl’ was full.

Lili opened her eyes as she enjoyed the sense of fulfillment. By then, all the specters filling the corridor were gone. They had all been eaten, or perhaps the rest had run away. Either way, her original goal of stopping the specters was achieved.

“Hey, Employer?” “…Lili?” However, the others were another story.

“What happened just now? You raised your left hand, and the specters were sucked into it…”

“Lili, teach me that! What did you do? Is it from the drain system? Or a modified version of sealing magic?”

Fortunately, Sylvia and Randolph had been behind her. The hole in her hand and the tongue moving were at an angle which they couldn’t see. This was enough for Lili to evade it vaguely. She was planning to make an excuse by saying it was the ability of a pendant she’d pulled out.

However, the surrounding space began to shake before she could say anything.

“Wah! What is going on?” “This…!” “It is getting wider…?”

This was Dimension Expansion!

Suddenly, the area where the three stood widened into a dome. Lili went from standing in a narrow corridor to a huge room, but she quickly regained her composure. Only the warlock could do something like this inside the dungeon.

Unsurprisingly, there was an ornately decorated door. Kkiiik- As the doorknob turned by itself, the door opened, and someone in black robes emerged. Instead of walking out like a person, he slowly appeared in midair.

Then a sound was heard from inside the black robes, [Well…you broke my creations.]

It was a loud and terrible voice which resonated through the cave. The physique inside the robes didn’t seem strong, but the three could see the eerie and enormous flow of power enveloping him. A darkness, which couldn’t be seen through, surrounded the robe, and the evil voice resonated like it was singing.

[You can kill my creatures, but you can’t kill me. If you were here a day, no half a day earlier, you would have stopped me from completing it. But now, the destiny you will suffer is death!]

The magic power expanded as the voice became louder. The black robes flapped. Unable to withstand the pressure anymore, the robes burst like a popped bubble. The two magicians turned pale at the nightmare revealed amidst the torn cloth.

[Look, the image of death itself! The greatness of the one who is beyond the bounds of a lowly mortal!]

It was a skull without any flesh left, and blue light appeared in the hollow holes where the eyes should be. The black magic gathered there so deeply that even people who weren’t magicians would be able to see it circling around like a fog, while the soil which the death magic touched became rotten, and bodies sleeping in the ground raised themselves.

This was a top-level undead made by a corrupted magician. Even the magic towers would be stunned. Its name was Elder Lich. Unlike a lich which evaded death by keeping its soul bound, a magician had to extract their own soul from their body and seal it. The elder lich would be immortal unless the Life Vessel was destroyed.

A monster which the magic tower would designate with a level 3 difficulty had appeared before Liliana’s party. The bones floated naturally in the air. [At first, I wanted to kill all of you and turn your bodies into my servants, but…]

In front of the three nervous people, the elder lich raised its bony index finger. Then he pointed to Lili in the middle of the party.

[Your body will be an interesting experiment. I will take you alive.]

Chapter 49 - Uh, This Is Eating? #1

It was truly a prideful declaration. The elder lich’s appearance of black robes cloaked in darkness made it resemble a reaper leading the living to death. An ordinary person would panic if they heard those words.

“Ha, you bark well!”

“Who do you want to take on, Lili?”

However, the three people weren’t overwhelmed by the elder lich. It was a top-ranking opponent who could use 6th Circle black magic, but they weren’t weak either. They had an expert aiming to become a sword master, the disciple of the Blue Tower Master, and the owner of a grimoire. In regards to their combat strength, there was no reason for them to be incapable of defeating a necromancer.

Randolph raised his two swords, while frost emerged from the end of Sylvia’s staff. The three people instantly got into their fighting postures as the momentum of the elder lich’s attack hit them.


They stiffened! Neither side was pushed back, so the boundary between them didn’t break. It meant that the three people were equal in power to the elder lich. No, they were slightly ahead in some ways. The three people had the benefits of a three-in-one combination, while the elder lich would have to deal with them coming at him from all sides.

The elder lich floating in the air realized that he was at a disadvantage. [Hrmm…it will be hard to adapt to your trivial power in this unfamiliar body.]

However, his voice still sounded confident. [Experiment… You have a unique power, but in the end, you are a 4th Circle magician… I’ll deal with you later.]

As the words struck Lili with a wave of nervousness, the elder lich suddenly pointed his finger at Lili, and a dreadful magic power streamed from the end of his bony finger.


“What―?” Lili’s figure disappeared without even a crack in the air.



Confused, Sylvia and Randolph turned to look at the place where Lili had disappeared from, but she never returned. Sylvia cried out as she belatedly noticed what the elder lich had done. It was a magic which someone who had just entered the 6th Circle couldn’t learn without great difficulty, but the opponent had succeeded easily.

“Space Transformation…!”

[That’s right.] The elder lich, who had broken the balance of power with a single magic, spoke in an even more relaxed manner. [This cave is already in my hands… Didn’t I say that? You missed out on your opportunity to beat me. While lamenting your fate, be reborn as my servant…!]

Simultaneously, the shape of a man rose from a shadow on the ground.

Wearing broken armour and an old-fashioned helmet, the knight shone with a red light. A great knight had clearly been produced. Anyone would feel a sense of intimidation from the presence of the skull knight.

Most of all, Randolph’s eyes were drawn to the two swords it was holding.

“…It can’t be!”

The pattern of howling wolves on the swords showed they were the heirloom swords lost more than 100 years ago. The horizontal stance of the arms was also familiar. Randolph’s eyes were blank for a moment before anger started to boil inside them.

“Kill… I’ll kill you no matter what!”

[Hoh? Do you think you can beat the blades your ancestor couldn’t?]

“That doesn’t matter,” Randolph spoke curtly and took his position.

The skeleton knight responded with the same stance. It was like facing a mirror, but the skull knight had a greyish white aura around it. The elder lich watched the confrontation between the two swordsmen before glancing at Sylvia, who was holding her staff.

[You’re a prized disciple of the Blue Tower Master of this era… A strange sense of inferiority is coming from my host.]

He was truly excited. To be exact, it was the elder lich, the grimoire, who thought so. If the host felt negative feelings, then the rate of erosion would increase. He would have two specimens to experiment with and the erosion rate would increase even more. He would make the swordsman into a dullahan and the female into a banshee.

[Come play with me.]

“What if I don’t want to?” Sylvia replied in a cold voice as she waved her staff.

Then the air cooled as magic power emerged. “I will get Lili back.” There were no further conversations after her declaration.

The irrational tag match of Randolph and Sylvia going against the skull knight and the elder lich began.


On the other hand, Liliana was subjected to the elder lich’s forced transfer and fell to an unknown place.

Darkness completely covered her view. Lili instantly activated Light, but the dark mana floating in the air reduced the brightness of the light to less than half. Still, dim lighting was better than nothing.

Lili gulped inadvertently as her surroundings were revealed by the hazy lighting.

“This place…?”

It wasn’t a big space. At best, it could be compared to one of the rooms in the academy. However, it was different in that there were no windows, and it seemed thoroughly enclosed. Surrounded by dark red walls, there was no visible way to go outside this room.

The red crystal in the center was the sole thing which told her where this place was; it was the Core Room, the heart of the dungeon. However, rather than being stunned by the fact that she’d been moved to the core room, Lili was stunned by the identity of the red crystal which functioned as the core of the dungeon.

A high-density black magic power was coming from the red crystal. It was the elder lich’s sealed life, the Life Vessel.

‘He put his heart into the core of the dungeon… That was how he could use Space Transformation!’

Life Vessel… It was the word for the life stone where the elder lich sealed his own soul. Unlike ordinary liches who died when their bodies were destroyed, the elder lich wouldn’t die no matter what happened to him. Even if his bones were turned to ash and thrown into a volcano, he would eventually be restored.

The Life Vessel was the reason why the two magicians, Lili and Sylvia, had become desperate after seeing the elder lich. In fact, there was no reason to be afraid of the elder lich aside from the fact that he sealed his life outside his body. If he considered it in terms of a human, their heart would be detached from their chest. Was the elder lich afraid of the three-person combination so much that he exposed his own weakness?

However, the reason for this was simple.

“Blaze Shell!” Crimson flames emerged from Liliana’s hand as she completed the 4th Circle magic in a flash. It was a massive fireball that could destroy rock formations and kill trolls famous for their regenerative power! The powerful attack, which war magicians from the Red Tower enjoyed, rushed toward the red crystal.

That rushing fireball exploded right away. Puhwakak!

However, as soon as it approached the Life Vessel, it disappeared without a trace. Despite it being what she’d expected, Lili cursed with a dark expression. “…Dammit.”

This mysterious defense was also a reason for the elder lich’s existence. It nullified all attacks below a certain level. According to historical records, only the aura of a sword master or the firepower of a 7th Circle magician worked against it.

In other words, Liliana Miller had no available means to damage it.

‘Rejoining the other two… It will be hard to do that. I don’t know the direction, and I would be finished if the ceiling collapsed while I destroy the wall.’

Her group would die if she couldn’t overcome the Life Vessel’s defense. However, it was too risky to create a passage by destroying the wall. Lili was in a situation where she had no sense of direction and didn’t know how far she had fallen. It was more likely that she would collapse from exhaustion after wasting magic power.

This was why the elder lich had confined her in here.

“…Should I try a last hurrah?”

According to common sense, there was no way to be free of this predicament. Lili couldn’t escape from here nor destroy the Life Vessel. The checkmate situation drove Liliana's thoughts into an extreme direction. ‘If I concentrate all my remaining magic power and sacrifice one of my arms to use Magic Bullet…!’ She may be able to break through the Life Vessel’s defense.

A blue light covered Lili’s arm, and her blood vessels began to burst as she concentrated on pushing her magic power beyond her limit. The flash would be enough to even break through the defenses of 6th Circle magic. So, she tried to recreate the power contained in Magic Bullet during Alfred’s prime.

She might lose her right arm, but wasn’t that better than dying? It was at this moment that…


A memory floated into her mind and dispersed the gathered magic power. –The undead only moves through magic. They aren’t made of magic power or wisdom.

Gluttony had continued. What else had she said?

-There are some exceptions, but…

Liliana’s mind started spinning faster. Gluttony couldn’t eat zombies and ghouls, but she did eat specters. What was the difference? The presence or absence of the flesh? No, that wasn’t it. If so, it would be possible to eat spirits, but Gluttony had never shown interest in Mitra.

Then the noteworthy part should be, ‘Did it have magic power or wisdom dwelling inside it?’

“Is that right?”

The Life Vessel which contained the elder lich’s immortality should fit that condition! Lili unconsciously walked a few steps and raised her left hand. The Life Vessel only negated attacks and didn’t have the ability to intercept any approaching objects. That nature served as a deadly poison for it this time.

The cohabitant of Lili’s left hand, the primordial predator, recognized its prey and stretched out its tongue!


Indeed, Gluttony didn’t betray Lili’s expectations.

[+13 Giovanni’s Life Vessel (Magic Tool)]

[This is a seal created using evil wisdom. It contains the soul of Giovanni who was corrupted by black magic. A negative resource contract protects this seal. It invalidates all attacks below a certain level and can’t be targeted by spatial magic spells. As long as this seal exists, Giovanni will acquire limited immortality.

* The rating of this magic tool is ‘Treasure.’

* When consumed, a large amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, the digestion time is three days.

* When consumed, some of Giovanni’s knowledge and proficiency will be absorbed.

* When consumed, a hostile relationship will form with ????.]

After Rare and Precious, the first Treasure-rated item had appeared! The fact that Gluttony’s Appraisal worked was proof that the Life Vessel was suitable for eating.

Liliana recognized this fact and quickly said, “Eat it right now!”

There was no choice left except for Gluttony to eat it. Above all, Sylvia and Randolph were fighting the elder lich in her absence. If she didn’t hurry, they might be placed in an irreversible situation. Did it notice the urgency of its owner? The tongue was moving a lot faster than before.

Then it quickly swallowed the crystal.


The moment that the Life Vessel of the top-ranking elder lich was eaten…

[You have overcome ‘Giovanni’s Life Vessel.’ The amount of magic power it contains is huge.]

[You have absorbed some of the knowledge and proficiency of the warlock ‘Giovanni.’

[It will take three days to completely digest.]


[An unknown person is interested in your existence.]

Chapter 50 - Oh, This Is Eating? #2
At the time when Gluttony was eating a huge jackpot, Sylvia and Randolph’s tag match was slowly ending. Obviously, it was the elder lich who had the edge.

[Rot away…!]

The black magic spread and rotted everything, regardless of whether it was organic or inorganic matter. The ground became compost, and the air turned into a poison that would decay the lungs. It was a level of pollution that even aura users couldn’t tolerate.

The 6th Circle magic, Life Drain, was completed. The elder lich, the top-ranking undead, was immortal. Fighting him with 5th Circle magic was unreasonable.

Thanks to that desperate gap, Sylvia reacted one beat later. “Freeze!”

The air and ground froze, stopping the pollution. The high-speed freezing was due to the artifact, ‘Jack Frost’s staff.’ Additionally, if it wasn’t for her overwhelming sensitivity, she would’ve suffered more.

Other magicians would’ve already reached their limits, but she had just under 3% magic power remaining.

“Hah…! Hah…!” Her hair stuck to her sweaty face in an unpleasant manner.

She wiped angrily at her hair and glared at the white bones floating before her.

Her opponent’s capabilities were a few times higher than hers. The amount of magic power and speed of magic casting didn’t fall behind either. If the immortality was added, there seemed to be no way for Sylvia to attack.

The situation was similar for Randolph, who was fighting nearby.

Kakiing! The two swords collided, causing sparks to fly from the four swords.

The blades moved faster than the sound. Randolph’s left sword broke the opponent’s shoulder, while the skull knight drew a line of blood on Randolph’s neck. The incessant attacks caused a fearsome wind to rise around the two swordsmen.

The knight was just a mere skeleton, so its swordsmanship lacked flexibility after becoming undead, but Randolph cleverly moved through those gaps. However, that didn’t change the fact that the skeleton knight was a tough opponent.

‘Damn old geezer!’

At the same time, Randolph blocked three of the skeleton knight’s stabs with a single blow.

Keeng! Randolph let out a huge sword pressure.

He retreated a few steps from the pressure. It was a perfect type of counterattack that could have come straight from a textbook. If the opponent wasn’t hardened as an undead, his head would’ve fallen off around 10 times now.

‘Still… I found a gap I can dig into.’

The skeleton was using a swordsmanship that had stopped improving 100 years ago, so Randolph didn’t miss the small loopholes that were revealed.

[Young Lady.] Randolph’s voice was heard using a trick that directed his voice toward only one person. [I will give you a gap. Use the biggest technique you have available…!]

Without waiting for a reaction, Randolph focused on his dual wield. For the first time in this battle, the skeleton was thrown back by pure strength. Randolph’s momentum had changed in a very short moment.

‘Have I seen this posture before? An old-fashioned inspiration…’

If a technique had been lost 100 years ago, there would also be a new technique born 100 years later. However, there was no such posture in Randolph’s family’s swordsmanship. The moment it changed from a familiar posture to an unfamiliar one, there was a gap in his body’s defense. It was a mistake Randolph wouldn’t have made if his opponent were alive.


Randolph’s two swords were like two fangs—two streaks of light!


Cracks occurred in the two swords as they accelerated to the extreme, and light flowed from the cracks. Just like a thunderbolt running through the ground, the two swords, which were covered in aura, struck the skull knight’s upper body. Then an intense shock wave was generated and knocked firmly against the skeleton knight.

The large skull knight flew right toward the elder lich.

[What is this…?] The elder lich’s chanting stopped at the unexpected situation.

If he completed the magic, then he might destroy the precious corpse with his own hands. Right now, it was just a skull knight, but it was valuable material that could someday be transformed into a death knight.

During that moment of hesitation, the cold magic power grew. “Master of the cold, Ymir! I beseech you…!”

It was the final magic Sylvia had used in the final match of the tournament, but its completeness and power had greatly increased. The elder lich belatedly noticed the movements of the magic power, but the skeleton knight before him hindered him from avoiding it. At that moment, Sylvia’s magic was completed.

‘Minor Force. Blizzard.’

A terrible whirlwind swallowed up the two undead!

Jjejejeok! Jjejeok! Jjejejeok!

The ground and even the water in the atmosphere froze. Even the black magic power had no way to resist this overwhelming cold. The skeleton knight turned into a statue as it brandished its swords, while the elder lich’s skull was visible in the translucent ice.

In a sense, it was the best attack. The Life Vessel couldn’t be destroyed while the elder lich was still safe. If so, using ice magic that restrained his freedom was the most effective thing to do. In an instant, a huge sheet of ice was built in the middle of the room.

[…How great. Truly excellent skill, girl from the Blue Tower.]

However, his attitude was unchanged.

Despite being trapped in the ice, the elder lich was still in a relaxed state. There was no way for them to destroy his immortality. The result had been decided from the beginning, and this battle was just a process of getting there.

[Nevertheless, you can’t escape from death. The moment that your magic power runs out and this ice dissolves, that will be your last moment!]

“Ah, you’re still barking a lot even until the end,” Randolph murmured as he released his grip on his two swords. He knew this was a fight that couldn’t be won. It would’ve been the same if all three people were present.

As long as there was no means to overthrow the elder lich, it was all just a meaningless struggle. Sylvia’s magic power, which had been maintaining the ice, reached its limit.

Jjejejeok… The ice capturing the two undead started to split apart.

As Sylvia’s magic power was depleted, the cold air thinned. Small cracks spread, and the ice mountain soon collapsed. Finally, the skeletons emerged from it.

[This is the end… From now on, you will become my servants and forever serve the great death…!]

Sylvia and Randolph had no power to resist or get away. As the two of them stood in place, the black magic of the elder lich reached out like a wave of fog. It was black magic that would rot the body of a living person in an instant. Not long after that, Randolph would become a skull knight and Sylvia a banshee.

Then at this moment, an unpleasant sound rang out from somewhere. Gulp.

The fog stopped and the skull made a confused sound. [Um? What does this mean…?]

The sound was accompanied by a strange sense of loss. It felt like something had disappeared from his body as an inexplicable emptiness tickled his head. The soul of the grimoire’s host, the man called Giovanni, had ended up in someone’s stomach.

His end came shortly after that.

[———–!!!] The elder lich struggled noiselessly as his soul melted. The skeletal body rattled, and magic power was scattered randomly.

Sylvia and Randolph saw the immortal flesh turn into ashes. This was the fateful end of the elder lich, Giovanni.


As he disappeared into ashes, the two of them gaped with blank expressions. Victory and defeat had been decided in a place they didn’t know.

The dungeon which had lost its core would certainly collapse. According to that principle, the dungeon created by the elder lich started to shatter back to its original form. It became a cave that was just a few meters wide and a few hundred meters deep.

The core room that Liliana was trapped in was no exception.


As the earth trembled, everything returned to its original state. The expanded walls, the bizarre sculptures, and the soil contaminated with a red power all recovered their original vitality. The core room wasn’t a newly created space but a remodelled one.

Liliana understood this fact as she looked around. “Indeed, this is the room that was written in the report.”

She nodded while looking at the antiques and ragged parchment paper on the ground. According to Giovanni’s report, he had found a room full of treasures, including Randolph’s heirlooms.

‘But there isn’t anything that looks like a sword… Perhaps it is somewhere else?’

The positioning of the items might have changed after the dungeon had been created and then removed. Lili placed the antiques into the dimension pocket and stepped out of the room to join the party.

No, it was more correct to say that she tried to.


Feeling an eerie presence behind her, Lili widened the distance reflexively. She was one step ahead of the ominous presence due to her sensory perception. Lili’s eyes looked around quickly, and she found a book covered in darkness.

It was a book that stretched out chains of darkness!

“Grimoire!” As Lili cried out with shock, a hole opened in the palm of her hand.

–Huhu, you found it! Leave it to me from here on, User!

Gluttony’s usually emotionless voice was filled with a fierce joy. The tongue extended, grabbed the dark grimoire, and threw it to the ground.


–A fresh guy!

Gluttony ignored the eerie scream coming from the grimoire and continued to beat the book. The grimoire was just like a fly caught by a toad. Darkness occasionally seeped into the cave, but Gluttony’s tongue ignored the shock and continued to hit the grimoire persistently.


Gluttony’s attack proved to be effective as the darkness gradually became silent. It was like a person getting thrashed. Lili felt sorry for the grimoire as she was forced to stand still and watch the scene.

The grimoire was probably hit roughly 30 times? It flopped wildly on the ground.

–Impertinent fellow! Daring to take over my user… It would have been better to pick a random person to run away.

Gluttony laughed in a pleased tone. Based on his ridiculing words, the grimoire seemed to have attempted to steal Lili’s body as its next host. The grimoire admitted defeat and became like a piece of food as it rolled toward Gluttony.

Just like a beast grabbing its prey, Gluttony placed its tongue on the cover of the grimoire. At the same time, the information of the grimoire flashed in Lili’s head.

[Death’s Worship]

[This grimoire contains the soul of the legendary warlock, Jerem. As a 9th Circle necromancer who attacked mankind on the side of the demons, Jerem will steal the body of any creature who reads the grimoire and turn them into an undead. He dreams of the perfect resurrection as his soul awaits in the abyss.

The rating of the grimoire is ‘Legend.’
*When consumed, there is a very low chance of absorbing 50-100% of the abilities possessed by the warlock, Jerem. The ‘Negative Dimension’ and undead which belong to Jerem will also belong to you.

When consumed, there is a very high probability that the warlock, Jerem, will rob your body. If you want to hinder this possibility, release another one of Gluttony’s seals and increase your achievements.]
“…9th Circle?” Lili let out a shocked cry when she saw the number.

The peak of magic, the 9th Circle magicians had disappeared from the continent for nearly 1,000 years.

Only the Blue Tower Master and Red Tower Master had reached the 8th Circle, and they were transcendents who dealt with power beyond the limits of humans. They were also the reason why the Meltor Kingdom was able to compete with the giant Andras Empire who surpassed them in size and strength.

However, the 9th Circle? If a 9th Circle magician reappeared, they would be able to dominate the continent alone. Alas, the advice written on the explanation suppressed her greed.

“…Hey, you can’t eat this now.”

–Let’s see? This is an extremely rare chance. Isn’t the opportunity to become a 9th Circle magician worth the cost to your life?

“Don’t speak such funny words.”

Lili could tell by the exchange of words. If she had nothing to do with Jerem, Gluttony wouldn’t have prevented the grimoire from eating Lili. Maybe Gluttony had a separate means of capturing the book or the ability to suppress it.

Liliana’s conviction caused her to open her mouth and say, “You… do you have a way to handle that grimoire?”

–Yes and no.

It was a vague answer, but that was enough.

Lili’s concentration reached its peak, and she quickly found the answer: feed it the dimension pocket and open the hidden function. It was the reason why Gluttony had given Lili the hint without any price.

“A hidden feature. Right?”

Lili might be imagining it, but Gluttony’s mouth seemed to distort.

–I can’t answer any more than that. Ah, and the time I can hold onto the book is only five minutes from now. I just wanted to let you know, so don’t worry.

“This bastard…!”

It was a devilish and enticing answer. If Lili didn’t unlock the hidden function, she would be unable to capture the book. Once that happened, the grimoire would escape from Gluttony’s tongue and find another host.

In the near future, the elder lich or a host, which had reached a higher level, could cause an unprecedented catastrophe. Thanks to the dangerous grimoire, she didn’t have time to worry about the value of the dimension pocket.

In the end, Lili’s right hand reached into her clothes.

Chapter 7: Chapter 51-75

Chapter Text

Chapter 51 - Uh, This Is Eating? #3

‘Dimension pocket… It is an item I borrowed from Master, but I don’t have the means to spare it in this situation.’

If it entered Gluttony’s mouth, then it wouldn’t be considered as lost or sold. Just like the magic books, the devoured dimension pocket would leave no traces. Lili could use the excuse that it was destroyed during the battle with the elder lich.

However, if she missed eating the grimoire here, it was clear that a second or third Giovanni would appear.

In barely two months, a 5th Circle magician had been transformed into a 6th Circle elder lich. If given half a year or a year, a legendary undead like an arch lich might be born. At this scale, it was a disaster which would need to be dealt with by the continent, not one single kingdom.

More than anything else, Lili couldn’t feel assured that the grimoire wouldn’t have a grudge against her existence. She thought for a moment before making a firm decision. “…Gluttony.”


“What will happen to the contents of the dimension pocket if it is eaten?”

Gluttony then replied with a pleased voice, –There is no need to worry. They won’t disappear.

“It is an ambiguous answer… but, hoo… it can’t be helped.”

Lili put the dimension pocket on the ground. It was still hard to believe that the pocket made of ragged cloth and tattered strings was worth hundreds of gold. It was a tremendous luxury which would be the target of any thieves.

Liliana hesitated once more before letting the artifact worth hundreds of gold be eaten. “Now, eat.”

The tongue swallowed the dimension pocket before Lili even finished speaking.

[The ‘dimension pocket’ has been eaten. Error! An unknown phenomenon has occurred due to eating a dimension magic essence!]

[A hidden function of Gluttony has been discovered. The user should check the information about the function. This function will work normally regardless of the rank.]

[Grimoire “Gluttony”/ E Rank]

[One of the hidden functions of Gluttony has been opened after eating the dimension pocket. The grimoire Gluttony has a storage space to store the prey that it can’t digest. The previous owners kept their possessions in it and called it ‘Inventory.’ If the owner wants, the name can be changed.

* Incomplete state. Most of the functions are sealed.
* Once a day, it will wake up to relieve its hunger.
* Immediately after relieving its hunger, it will answer one question.
* The abilities it feeds on will be given to its owner.
* Extracts an essence from eaten books or items. The higher the owner’s understanding, the greater the efficiency.
* Absorbs some magic power from an item that contains magic power.
* The Memorize function has been activated.
* The Inventory function has been activated.]

Lili looked at the information quietly before opening her mouth to say, “Inventory… a type of space storage. If it has the same function as the dimension pocket, then it wouldn’t have been necessary to eat it. You don’t mean to push me to open one more function do you?”

–I don’t do that type of thing, User.

It was a reasonable question, but Gluttony spoke in a low voice like she was scowling. It seemed like Gluttony was dissatisfied about being compared to a mere artifact. Then that meant the dimension pocket must lag behind the ‘inventory’ and couldn’t be compared to Gluttony.

–You can’t hold a grimoire with a dimension pocket. Well, you might keep it for a while but as soon as it regains consciousness, it will flee through the space.

“That won’t happen with the inventory?”

-That’s right. The inventory is a dimensional entity that exists within me and differs from other spaces. Without a power to travel beyond dimensions, the grimoire can’t escape by any means.

Indeed, the story was different if that was the case. It was a dimensional space which could even block the grimoire’s space jump! If she gained that ability, then it was worth sacrificing the dimension pocket. Furthermore, the storage space of the inventory was larger than the dimension pocket, so Liliana had nothing else to say.

Lili finished the conversation and looked down at the book on the ground.


The book was covered in a faint darkness, and an ominous vibration was coming from it. This was the legacy of a legendary warlock, but he probably hadn’t expected to meet a predator like Gluttony. Liliana had never imagined a grimoire which ate other grimoires until she met Gluttony.

“Well, I always considered myself unlucky.”

Shortly afterwards, Lili’s left hand extended toward the ground.


Thus, the grimoire, ‘Death’s Worship,’ immediately entered the inventory where it couldn’t escape.

There were no more items left in the room, and she didn’t know when the cave, which had been greatly altered, would collapse. She also needed to join the group which she had inadvertently been separated from; Lili didn’t know what might have changed during her disappearance.

However, the two people found Liliana first.

“…Lili!” There was a high-pitched voice accompanied by fluttering, torn robes. Sylvia ran over to Lili on wobbly legs and hugged her.

“Uh? Sylvia?” Lili uttered.

“You’re safe, Employer! You seem to look much better than us?”

“…Captain Randolph.”

Randolph, who came a beat later, hit Lili’s shoulders as they celebrated each other’s safety. They didn’t think she would look this well after the lich had caused her to disappear. Come to think of it, it was a wonder that both sides were safe.

The two people had survived the battle with the elder lich, while Liliana had destroyed it. In the meantime, Lili noticed that something had changed about the swords hanging from Randolph’s waist.

“It seems like you got your hands on them.”

“Oh, you noticed?”

Despite the blood pouring from his body, Randolph laughed like a child and touched his swords. For swordsmen, swords were like another limb, and it seemed to be the case with him. Randolph wanted to show off the swords, but there was no more time remaining.


There was a loud noise and the shaking began as a blazing sound echoed through the cave. Thanks to the dungeon conversion being removed, the cave had started to collapse.

The three people stared at each other before they started running without a word more. The victory over the elder lich took a backseat to escaping.


As a result, the Miller Barony was rescued.

Once the elder lich had been destroyed, all the undead had turned into ashes. The things based on the existence of the grimoire couldn’t stay in this world anymore. Those which hadn’t been made directly, like the specters, were forcibly returned to the negative dimension. The undead made of corpses weren’t removed in this way. Thanks to that, the residents were forced to get rid of the rotten flesh and blood personally.

Once peace was finally found, a small festival was held to celebrate the defeat of the disaster. The wife of the miller, Becky, opened her warehouse. Albert of the pastry shop lit up his hearths. The pub owner, Stephen, poured the wine.

Only a short time in a mercenary’s life was filled with wine, leisure, and money, so they didn’t let their fatigue keep them from celebrating. However, there was one person who couldn’t fit in easily with this raucous atmosphere.

“Huuuu…” A deep sigh emerged from Lili’s mouth as she looked at the rubble stacked up. It was a fortunate victory they had gained with luck. If she had made the wrong decision, then it would’ve been impossible to protect her own life as well as her hometown.

She wouldn’t have been able to look at the full moon in the sky like right now.

‘I don’t have enough strength. No, I am lacking time.’

There were numerous means she could use to become stronger. With Alfred’s Magic Bullet, the Memorize Function, and fusion magic, she could become several times stronger. Lili couldn’t expect another situation to occur like how she had found a solution to the Life Vessel. She really shouldn’t expect it. Relying on luck would get her killed one day.

Rather than basking in the victory, Lili looked back on what she was lacking.

“Hey, Young Lady! Why are you looking so grouchy?”

At that time, she heard a voice from behind.

‘This voice…’

As she looked back, she saw Randolph holding a glass of beer, and his face was red. Lili didn’t know how many glasses Randolph had drunk, but his red nose was a sight. Maybe it was because Randolph had just left the festival, but he didn’t seem to have any of the dignity of a first-rate swordsman.

Lili smiled at the funny sight and asked, “Are you calling me Young Lady now?”

“Kuhuhu, it is natural. After giving you 200 gold, didn’t you try to get overtime? I need to get rid of you quickly.”

“I gave you the heirlooms you were looking for.”

“What, do you want me to show them to you just once? Men have been crazy about swords since ancient times.” Randolph was delighted by Lili’s reaction and drew the two swords the skeleton knight had dropped.

Kakiing! There was a sharp sound as the swords were drawn.

Even Lili, who knew nothing about swords, felt like the sound was sharp enough to cut the skin. These were excellent swords and were similar to some of the best swords, despite not going through a magical process.

“…Wow.” Lili’s attention was captured by the image of the wolves.

They almost seemed alive. Every time Randolph raised his sword, a bunch of wolves seemed to charge through the air. The pattern which was reflected in the moonlight seemed like a work of art. Even now, the howling of the wolves seemed to come from the sword.

Randolph turned the blades a few times and said with an elated expression, “As Young Lady said, I wouldn’t exchange this for 200 gold. Even if they weren’t heirlooms, I like these guys. In conclusion, their value is one that I won’t give up until death.”

“Should I make you give me more money?”

“…Young Lady, how about becoming a merchant instead of a sorceress? I’ve never seen a noble as shameful as Young Lady.”

The two smiled at each other and laughed. Maybe it was because Randolph’s light mood moved her, but Lili’s gloomy face brightened. The two talked for a while before Randolph turned around, saying that his subordinates were waiting.

“Ah, and Young Lady.” He pointed his finger in a direction and said mischievously, “You shouldn’t let your girl wait too long.”

“What?” Lili looked in the direction Randolph was pointing and stiffened as her gaze met a pair of blue puppy dog eyes.

‘…This… I knew it would be like this.’ Lili scratched her head as she realized her lack of consideration for Sylvia. Sylvia wasn’t cold towards people, she just didn’t know how to interact with them. She might seem indifferent, but she was actually awkward toward anyone who approached her.

It was a new experience for her to have people introducing themselves to her and saying she was their future mistress.

“Ah, it isn’t like that.” She let out a sigh which was much lighter than before as she walked toward Sylvia, who was surrounded. Lili stopped the miller’s wife from talking and thought about how to send Grandfather Albert back home to rest.

She had now finally stepped back into the comfort of her hometown.

Chapter 52 - The Voices Calling Her #1A few days later…‘Today is the fourth day, and there will be some time for the next three days.’After finishing her mission, Liliana sent word to the Magic Society the next day. The procedure was to report directly after returning, but in a serious situation like this, word should be sent first.As soon as the news was heard, it was clear that a senior investigator from Mana-vil would be sent to the Miller Barony. Lili assumed the person would arrive in three days if they rode a limited express carriage like her.Until then, she needed to calm her unstable circles.Wuuuong…While Lili focused her mind, she was sweating. The bed sheet grew damp with her sweat. She had spent almost half a day in meditation, but the shaking 5th Circle in her body showed no signs of stopping.The 5th Circle, which had been generated from eating the Life Vessel, was quite unstable since it hadn’t been reached through the normal process.“…Hoo, there seems to be discrimination against taking shortcuts.” Lili closed her circles and grumbled as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.Still, it was fortunate that they had become more stable over time. Circles were mandatory for magicians, and they were also another organ fused onto the heart. The movement of unstable circles was no different from a heart disease which could cause life-threatening situations.As a result, a fortnight hadn’t even passed since Liliana jumped to the next circle.‘Grimoires are really absurd.’The same was true for ‘Death’s Worship.’ Giovanni was a magician who had just entered the 5th Circle. He was a man who had been jealous of Sylvia’s accomplishment and had been turned into an elder lich in two months. In retrospect, reaching the 5th Circle wasn’t that great.“How can I tell Master about this…?” Lili thought about this as she left her room and approached the living room.Her father gestured to her from where he was chewing bread at the table. Thanks to the disappearance of the undead, her father’s face seemed calmer than usual.“My eldest daughter has woken up. Did you sleep well last night?”“Yes, Father.”“I don’t have a lot to worry about now. A trustworthy daughter has come home. Hehehe!”He was the noble of a village, but he wasn’t a fool. If Lili hadn’t come back, then Dennis couldn’t guess what the village would’ve been like. His daughter, who he thought was young, had ended up solving the problem.Dennis didn’t know about magicians and the monster called the elder lich, but he knew one thing: he had raised his daughter well. Lili smiled at the voice which was filled with warmth.“Cough. Father’s words are too much.”“Oh, that reminds me about the child called Sylvia.”“Huh? Ah, yes.” Lili blinked as Sylvia’s name appeared.She wasn’t sure what her father was going to say, so she couldn’t help waiting nervously. Fortunately, there was nothing to worry about.“She went to the front gate as soon as she got up. I think someone came?”“Who would come?”“That child clearly said…”Right now, it was around the time that her message would’ve reached the capital. Unless they rode a legendary pegasus, an investigator from the Magic Society wouldn’t have reached the Miller Barony.‘Did someone else come?’ As Lili co*cked her head with confusion…“I think it was an elder from the White Tower?”It was like a fireball had appeared in front of Lili.***‘Sylvia, you should use that good head of yours!’Lili ran out of the house as soon as she heard it. She had to arrive at the appointed place as quickly as possible. Sylvia seemed to be comfortable, but what type of new magician would keep their elders waiting?Furthermore, ‘elder’ generally referred to Prime rank magicians, which meant they were above Vince. Lili might be at a disadvantage if she was pushed by such a person. She used Haste and managed to find Sylvia near the entrance of the village. “Sylvia!”“You came! …Huh?” She welcomed her, but her expression became one of confusion when she turned around. Indeed, it was strange that Lili was sweating so much.“Lili, why are you in such a rush? I thought you would be tired, so I asked someone to send word when you woke up.”“No, an elder of the White Tower has come?”“Yes, Grandfather Shugel.”“Do you know already?”Sylvia nodded in affirmation. Then she pointed her finger at a place near the village entrance.There was a tent which hadn’t been there a few days ago. The magic used on the terrain during the fight against the undead had been refined into neat pillars. She didn’t know when it happened, but it had been reshaped into a fairly organized defense.The elder from the White Tower, Shugel, seemed to be staying there.Lili tried to calm down her breathing as she gestured to Sylvia. “Then shall we go in?”“Yes, he asked me to bring you in today.”“…I rushed here for nothing.” Lili cooled off her body with magic and arranged her clothes before stepping into the tent.There wasn’t as much tension as she’d expected. Was it because she had already met big names like the Blue Tower Master and King Kurt III? She slipped through the tent entrance and bowed with a calm expression.Inside, a deep and aged voice welcomed the two. “Ohh…you came.”The magician with a beard and hair as white as his robes laughed. Unlike his hair, the aged magician’s skin was taut, and there were no signs of aging found anywhere. Like a child, his bright eyes were filled with overflowing energy.Sylvia walked belatedly into the tent and stood closer to the aged mage. “Grandfather Shugel, this is Lili.”“Yes, thank you for the hard work.” He patted Sylvia’s head gently like she was cute and turned his eyes toward Lili. Lili bowed as soon as the magician looked at her. However, it wasn’t because she was pushed by the pressure. She was a young magician paying homage to an adult magician.“Liliana Miller, disciple of Vince Haidel, greets Elder Shugel of the White Tower.”“Yes, I am called Shugel from the White Tower. This time, I came as an examiner of the situation that you reported.”“What is an examiner?” Lili knew about investigators, but it was the first time she had heard about an examiner.Shugel laughed and stroked his beard at the question. It was always the responsibility of the senior to answer the curiosity of his juniors.“Usually, I wouldn’t be dispatched. However, this is an extraordinary incident, so I was sent down separately to determine the causal relationship. It is the reason why the existence of examiners are almost unknown,” Shugel explained.“Ah…, I see.”“Isn’t there one more thing that you’d like to ask?”Liliana flinched at Shugel’s words. She did indeed have one more thing she wanted to ask.Even by horse, it would take one week to go back and forth from the Miller Barony to the capital, yet Shugel had gotten there within less than a day since the news reached the capital. It was a speed which defied common sense in many ways.However, Lili found the answer instead of asking the question. “Elder Shugel is a space magician.”Her voice was filled with a lot of respect. It couldn’t be helped since space magic was a magic system which was classified as having top-level difficulty. Wind attribute magicians had a fairly high aptitude, but nevertheless, those who could be called, ‘space magicians,’ could be counted with fingers. Moreover, sitting right before Lili’s eyes was Shugel, who had crossed the distance with rare space magic!“Huh… That is the right answer. You should feel bad for intercepting what this old man wanted to say to you.”“Huh? Ah, I’m sorry.”“Hahaha! It was a joke, a joke. It isn’t bad to be serious, but life will get tiring if you don’t have a sense of humour.”“I-Is that so?” Just like the Blue Tower Master, it was difficult for Liliana to deal with the elderly people of the magic towers.Lili inwardly sighed as she already felt tired. Meanwhile, Sylvia was just sitting down and reading a book. She must have already finished her conversation, or Shugel must want to hear the report entirely from Lili.***Indeed, the old man stopped with the small talk and began hearing the story of the elder lich.“Finally, I heard that you were the target of the elder lich…” Shugel smiled as he looked at Lili and then continued saying, “Even if you were transferred to the core room, how did you destroy the Life Vessel? Theoretically, it can only be done by a sword master or 7th Circle magician.”“For me, it was a last ditch effort.” Liliana had prepared an answer for the difficult question a long time ago. She had a simple answer to the trick which could destroy the Life Vessel.“I put the Life Vessel into the dimension pocket I borrowed from Master and destroyed the entire pouch. It is crazy when I think about it now.”According to Gluttony’s explanation, the Life Vessel had only been protected by the negative resource, so there had been a possibility of destroying it if it had been isolated in a dimension pocket. Of course, it was just a possibility, so it couldn’t be for certain.However, in this situation, there was no way to verify it and it didn’t sound ridiculous. It was also a great excuse for how she managed to destroy the dimension pocket.The astonished Shugel repeated his words, “Ah, you destroyed a dimension pocket?”“Yes, it happened by accident.”“Dimension pocket… Oh, the dimension pocket? I didn’t think it could be used for such a purpose… Indeed, truly creative…” Shugel muttered with blank eyes like the answer was quite shocking. Anyone who saw him would be afraid that the old man had lost his soul. However, Elder Shugel of the White Tower gradually regained his original complexion.“I was thinking in the wrong direction… It is possible. In the end, you did do it.”“O-Of course.”“Huh… Killing an elder lich with a dimension pocket… It is truly lucky.”In fact, it was. If the elder lich hadn’t moved Liliana, the owner of Gluttony, down to the core room, then the elder lich would’ve won. Subsequently, he would have destroyed the Miller Barony and completely eroded the host, causing a worldwide catastrophe. As Shugel said, the catastrophe had been averted due to luck.Shugel calmed his rough breathing and continued to speak, “Thank you for cooperating. Your words make sense. It matches the testimonies of the other people… I’m sorry that I thought you were an accomplice in this situation.”“No. You just did your job.” Lili finished the conversation with a polite expression.Thanks to her thorough preparation, she convinced the examiner without revealing any dubious parts by mistake.However, Shugel looked at Lili with a warm expression, like he was impressed by her attitude. “Your words have eased my heart. Then I will give you the final message and end this old man’s job.”Liliana’s eyebrows twitched as the warm atmosphere finished. His work as an examiner was over, so what was left?Sylvia also looked up from her book like she was worried. Was Lili’s peaceful routine going to be caught up in a big whirlpool again? A strange feeling went down her spine.“If I just came as an examiner, other magicians would be sufficient. But I came here personally because I received an order to bring you.”“Bring… me?”“That’s right.” Shugel pulled out a piece of paper and read out its contents, “The investigators dispatched to the Miller Barony, Liliana Miller and Sylvia, should return as soon as possible. I give this instruction to Elder Shugel of the White Tower… In the Meltor Kingdom, only three people can command me directly like this.”The old man spoke as he folded his wrinkled fingers one by one, “Red Tower Master Veronica, Blue Tower Master Blundell, and His Majesty Kurt III.”At this point, Liliana’s tension reached its peak. Was it the call of the Red Tower Master who didn’t know her face, the Blue Tower Master who had given her the mission, or His Majesty the King?Lili made assumptions for all three cases, but none of them fit her expectations.“But this is the first time I’ve seen all three names on the command. Liliana Miller, you seem to have caught the eyes of those in the upper echelons.”

Chapter 53 - The Voices Calling Her #2

The power structure of the Meltor Kingdom differed from other kingdoms in many ways. The Meltor Kingdom had been founded by a great magician and prospered due to magic. In modern times, the magic towers occupied the center of its national power. Thus, the nobles were just custodians of wealth and status. The ones who wielded power in the kingdom were the senior magicians. It went without saying that the royal family had risen to the throne due to the support of the magic towers.

In particular, the Red Tower Master and Blue Tower Master were treated as being of a higher rank than the other tower masters. Nobody could beat them in rank except for the king. In other words, Lili was called by the three people at the peak of the Meltor Kingdom.

After finishing her conversation with Elder Shugel, Liliana immediately informed her family. Thanks to her inventory, she didn’t need to bother about packing, but she needed to say goodbye to her family.

“…Something like this happened, so I have to return to the capital immediately.”

Her family had blank expressions after she told them the news. His Majesty and two tower masters…? That was a far cry for a family that was just the head of a village. Her father, Dennis, came back to his senses first, while her mother was busy taking care of her little brother.

“Huh… His Majesty has called you, so you can’t go slowly.” Dennis sighed deeply. He had thought Lili would stay for a few more days, but there was a sudden decree. This was the reason for the heavy atmosphere around her family. For a rural nobleman, Dennis had done nothing except inherit his title.

Dennis approached his daughter, who had become much greater than him, and spoke while grabbing Lili’s hand, “Lili, live for yourself in the future.”


“I’ve felt it in the past. We were blind. I, as well as the villagers, had too many expectations of you… the expectations for you to become an important person and increase the fortune of this village.”

Liliana tried to speak, but she couldn’t. She had never hated their expectations. Lili had believed that she could be a special and great person, just as they had said. It was because of them that she had decided to enter the Bergen Academy which was far away. However, it had sometimes been a burden. There had been days when she didn’t want to go home looking pitiful, so she’d struck her back to move.

Now, she felt like a knot tightening her throat had been released.

“If it wasn’t for you, this village wouldn’t be around right now. No, with the money you added, the sick and poor will be able to have a warm winter. At the very least, you are a much bigger woman than this small Miller Barony.”


“So, I’m looking forward to it. Walk to the point that you want and then come back when you want to rest. That is enough for us.”

The body temperature transmitted through her father’s palm was hot. Instead of answering, Lili nodded with a tight neck. In her heart, she’d always thought she was alone, but her father had touched on that pain.

It was the same for her mother, who spoke belatedly, “Your father has said everything I wanted to say. And when did you start understanding this? You talk like that even though you don’t know anything about it.”

“C-Cough!” Dennis coughed at her words.

Her mother looked askance at Dennis before smiling and hugging Liliana. “There is no need for you to be a big woman or to go far away. Don’t get hurt and be healthy. Please remember that we’ve wished for nothing else since you were born.”

“…Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“And that Sylvia, I like her.”

Finally, she kissed Lili’s cheek and hugged her little brother again. The child called Leo waved his fingers toward his much bigger sister. As Lili grabbed those small hands, she wondered what her brother wanted to be when he was older. Magician or knight… Maybe he would be a farmer.

Lili stepped out of her house, filled with expectations for that day. It was time for her to go back into the world.

“What, are you going, Young Mistress?” At that moment, a man leaning near the entrance spoke to her.


“We will also be leaving this territory. I wanted to say goodbye before you left.” Randolph fidgeted with the two swords at his waist and said in a laughing voice, “It is a shame about the 200 gold, but the time I spent with Young Mistress was a lot of fun. If you want to hire me for something next time, I’ll do it for half price.”

“Maybe it won’t end up as just half price?”

“Ha, you are a rotten employer. But will I be tricked twice?” With those words, he walked away with his usual light footsteps.

Randolph placed his life on the edge of his swords and tried to tempt fate in unknown locations. Maybe he was more suited to life as a mercenary than the descendant of a warrior.

‘I hope I meet him again.’ Lili also turned in the opposite direction.

The two went on their own way as they hoped for a day of reunion. So, the sorceress and mercenary went different ways at the intersection.


“Okay, are you ready?” Elder Shugel looked at both of them in turn as he finished painting a magic circle on the outskirts.

“Yes, everything has finished.”

“I’m ready.”

The two robed people nodded without hesitation. Lili had said farewell to her family, and Sylvia had quickly finished her preparations.

After confirming their answers, Shugel nodded slowly and talked to the investigator who came with him. “We will return to the capital first. Examine the residual black magic remaining here and report it to the Magic Society when you return.”

“Yes, I understand!”

“I’m sorry, but… then I’ll be going.” As he finished speaking, there was a sudden wave of magic power.

Huuuuong! Shugel’s white hair and beard were pushed up from the stirring magic power. It was different from Liliana’s heavy magic power and Sylvia’s cold power. The magic power of a Prime magician who trained in the wind attribute filled the surroundings like real wind, and the magic circle painted on the ground began to shine with a silver color.

A haze emerged as the space around them seemed to distort. [Hold your breath…] Shugel’s voice echoed.

Even though he was speaking clearly, the sound wave wasn’t transmitted properly. This was the aftermath of the space starting to bend inside the magic circle.

Lili and Sylvia held their breaths simultaneously. As well as its high difficulty, space magic was famous for being dangerous. They didn’t want to see the devastation which would occur if they didn’t follow the advice.

Shugel quickly finished his magic spell and slammed his staff in the center of the circle. [Mass Teleport!]

The appearance of the three people distorted and then disappeared.

‘Ugh…!’ Liliana almost exhaled due to her fear. There was an instinctive rejection as the magic circle was activated.

First, color disappeared and then shapes collapsed. As her five senses shook, she felt dizzy and nauseous. They were traveling through a gap in time and space which wasn’t allowed for living things, so it was inevitable that the magicians would suffer.

Was it for one minute or just 10 seconds?

“Huuuu!” “Hah…!”

Liliana and Sylvia let out their breaths with surprise when they felt like their original senses returned. Lili took a moment to restore her balance before looking around.

‘This place…?’

It was a wide, clean room without any furniture. On the floor was a magic circle similar to the one Lili had just traveled through.

Shugel noticed her curiosity, and after recovering his breathing from the aftermath of the space magic, he explained, “Space movement requires an empty space like this one. If there are any objects or people on the other side, then I can’t guarantee the party’s safety.”

Lili was convinced of this as Shugel moved to the door. There weren’t many space magicians, but it was wise not to stay in the transfer room for too long. The probability of Lili and Sylvia overlapping with each other was like being hit by lightning.

“I will guide you to the reception room. First, I need to go to His Majesty and tell him about your work.”

They exited the transfer room, and Shugel led the two people down the corridor. Lili had not spent a lot of time at the Magic Society, but the structure around her seemed like the inner areas. This was because space magicians were normally dispatched for important missions.

Yet Shugel’s footsteps soon came to a stop as he encountered someone. “You…?”

The person had dark brown hair and had on a red robe symbolizing the Red Tower. Liliana looked over from behind Shugel and discovered the person’s appearance. Surprise, curiosity, and welcome entered her eyes.

Lili cried out without even knowing it, “Master!”

The person who Lili’s group were encountering was Vince Haidel. Shugel’s eyes wrinkled as he realized who it was. “Vince… Yes, there was that name. Did they contact you as Liliana’s teacher? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have known that we would be back at this time.”

The dispatch of a space magician was always kept secret. They were valuable workers for the Meltor Kingdom, but there was also a need to conceal them. Apart from the three people who could send them places and the White Tower Master, no one else had the authority to find out the missions of a space magician.

However, Vince dismissed him without replying. He was looking at Lili with a pleasant gaze, but it was uncomfortable for him to be in this spot.

He confessed like it was embarrassing, “Huu. Elder Shugel, I would’ve stopped you properly, but I hope you consider that I didn’t have time to communicate it properly.”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

The three people were confused for a moment because of Vince’s words.

‘H-Heok!’ A violent presence appeared behind Lili and made her spine freeze forcibly.

This presence was different from that of the elder lich, and the quality of it was different from that of the Blue Tower Master. It was a pressure which pushed at her. Perhaps the other person didn’t even intend to do it. Even though the person was just standing there, the pressure coming from them crushed the surroundings.

This was the presence of an absolutely strong person which couldn’t be hidden!

“What, this little girl is our newbie?” A sweet and deep voice, similar to a well-aged wine, rang out. The voice emerged casually as the speaker appeared before Liliana and Sylvia.

They had really bright crimson hair and golden eyes which were bright like the sun. The robe which wrapped around their body was deep red. The robe covered a feminine and curvaceous body which was truly amazing, but nobody would dare stare at this woman.

‘The air… It’s hot?’ It wasn’t a hallucination. This was a terrible magic power which caused the mana in their air to respond and raise the temperature. Despite the cool weather, the heat tickled her skin. There was only one person who was so transcendent she could change the environment and who looked so beautiful in red.

“Looking at her face for the first time, she is quite a beautiful girl,” the Red Tower Master said as she held Lili’s chin. “From here onward, this Veronica will guide her.”

Chapter 54 - The Voices Calling Her #3

The Red Tower Master, who introduced herself as Veronica, naturally met Lili's gaze. Her golden eyes, filled with curiosity and interest, felt burdensome in a way that was different from the Blue Tower Master’s. As Lili tried to step back unconsciously, Veronica's white hand gripped her shoulder. Despite its soft texture, there was monstrous strength coming from it.

“Eh? You are different from what I heard.” She looked Lili up and down before asking Vince behind her, “Vince, didn’t you say your disciple was a 4th Circle?”

“Yes, that's right.”

“This girl, isn’t she clearly a 5th Circle… No, wait a minute.”

Veronica spotted her circle with one glance, but then her expression suddenly changed. She gazed into Lili's heart with sharp eyes and instantly saw the problem she had been struggling with for a few days.

“It is unstable. Did it wake up through this incident? This is what happens if you cross the ‘wall’ with an unprepared body.”

Indeed, she couldn’t fool the eyes of Veronica who was an 8th Circle magician. Lili admired her inwardly while nodding. Speaking of which, Blundell had also instantly seen that Vince had achieved the 6th Circle. So, it wouldn’t be hard for Veronica, a magician of equal rank, to figure out that her 5th Circle was unstable.

“Girl, is your magic power wriggling by itself, and the circle keeps opening and closing?”


“It is a typical symptom of disharmony. It occurs when the body can’t accept something your head understands, or when the body awakens without an enlightenment. It isn’t a problem that can be solved with time.”

Liliana flinched at her words. She had accumulated a great deal of knowledge from the library books, but she had never seen a single book describing disharmony when crossing a ‘wall.’ Basically, it was something which was experienced only after the 5th Circle, so information about it wasn’t placed in the academy.

Veronica smiled like she knew that and said to Shugel, “Then can I take this girl, Old Man Shugel?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. Even if you did submit the call, His Majesty is the top priority.”

“Hah, Old Man, who do you think I am? I’m just trying to bring her to the reception room instead. Is there anything strange about bringing them to the reception room?”

It seemed like Shugel found her difficult to deal with as he couldn’t come up with a response easily. It involved a large incident that could lead to a disaster. However, he thought it was more dangerous to stimulate Veronica, so he eventually stepped back. “Hoo, then please do so.”

“Okay! It has been decided,” Veronica said as she placed an arm around Lili's shoulder.

Lili stiffened at the sudden contact. It was truly tempting to feel something touch her back while in such a tight hold. This was overwhelming to a 19-year-old girl. She could feel Sylvia's stinging gaze on her, but Veronica spoke quickly, “Hey girl. Can you tell me about the tournament on the way to the reception room? I wasn’t in the capital at the time.”

“…I understand.”

There was no time to spare for her reunion with her master as Lili was now firmly caught by the Red Tower Master.


Her identity was unknown, and her age was unknown. She was one of the few dragon slayers currently in existence. Veronica was the peak of the war magicians, and the strongest and most dangerous person from the magic towers. Until now, Lili had only heard about the Red Tower Master through rumors, but she was now having a conversation with her.

‘This person… She doesn’t hide her feelings at all.’

To put it mildly, Veronica was crude and honest. She was the opposite of Blundell, who always had something behind his smiling face. If Veronica was happy, then she would laugh. If she was surprised, then her mouth would drop open. The sight of her beautiful face changing in various ways was quite eye-catching. As for Veronica’s violent aspect, it was probably due to her personality, as she wouldn’t hesitate to go wild when she was angry.

As the conversation reached the moment when Liliana became victorious, she laughed without any formalities and knocked against Lili's shoulder. “Fusion Magic! It is an old theory, but it must be quite powerful if you used it to win. It had enough strength to beat that girl over there.”

“…I’m not a child.” Sylvia complained in a disgruntled voice as she followed behind them. In response, Veronica stopped walking and just said a few ridiculing words, “No, you are a child if you are only 17.”

However, her reply wasn’t the reason why she had stopped. It was because they arrived at the reception room that was their destination. There were magnificent and luxurious doors before the party.

“Then let’s go!”

At that moment, the destructive instincts of the Red Tower Master ignited.

Dukwang! She lifted her foot without hesitation and kicked the door! The heavy doors which seemed difficult to push were opened with one strike. This was her strength without using magic?

Even Vince, who was familiar with Veronica’s strength, gaped as the door to the reception room was thrown open, and the figures of the two people waiting inside appeared.

“V-Veronica?!” One of them, who had an astonished expression on his face, was the Blue Tower Master, Blundell. The robed covered muscles were still twitching. Veronica frowned at him before turning to the person sitting next to him.

“Uh, Your Majesty. Hasn’t it been a while?”

“That’s right. Is this the first time since you left for the south?” Kurt III, the blonde middle-aged man sitting in a chair, replied lightly.

“Y-Your Majesty!” The shocked Lili and her companions immediately fell to one knee.

They hadn’t been prepared for it. Lili's head became blank as she had met Veronica and then the king so suddenly. Considering the king’s presence, it would’ve been a big deal if someone other than the Red Tower Master had kicked open the door.

Fortunately, Kurt III didn’t care about that. “Oh, don’t worry too much about that. It will be hard to praise your efforts if you maintain that position.”

“As you wish.”

“First of all, get up. Liliana Miller and Sylvia, please step forward.” Despite the king’s quiet voice, it still contained tremendous power.

Naturally, the two girls stepped forward.

The king’s purple eyes alternated between Sylvia and Lili while gleaming with a pleased light. As the master of the kingdom, the appearance of a Superior magician would lead to the advancement of the national power. So, there was no reason not to be pleased.

“I acknowledge your merit for the subjugation of the elder lich that appeared in the Miller Barony. If it wasn’t for you, then she might’ve ravaged the area by now. This isn’t the official position, but I wanted to communicate it directly.”

“I am much obliged for your words.” The two girls accepted the praise according to court formalities and bowed.

“A Class 3 dangerous object, the elder lich… Either way, it was a situation that could have developed into a nation-wide disaster. The merit is too big to be recognized with just a few words. Therefore…” Kurt reached out, and Blundell handed him two pieces of paper.

The two pieces of paper were tied with a red string. Kurt handed them over to Lili and Sylvia, who politely accepted the item with both hands.

The contents of the paper were heard directly from Kurt’s mouth, “This time, Liliana Miller’s and Sylvia’s ranks will be upgraded from Basic to Average. We will pay for the additional expenses incurred and reward for a Class 3 dangerous mission, as well as reissue the dimension pocket that was destroyed during the mission. That is the edict of Kurt III.”

As the two girls were shocked by the words, Kurt gazed at Liliana. “This mission’s main contributor, Liliana Miller?”

“Yes.” Lili suppressed the shaking in her heart and faced Kurt III.

The king wouldn’t call someone’s name carelessly. Even if a person were to be called, the king was likely to borrow the mouth of another person. It wasn’t an official thing, but he had to have a good reason to call Liliana’s name.

Unsurprisingly, Kurt III pulled out an extraordinary reward. “I have determined that your merit is too large to be judged under the existing rules. So, after discussing with the Blue Tower Master Blundell, I have decided to ask you directly.”

“I am listening.”

“Liliana Miller, tell me what you want.”

Lili trembled as the voice of the king resonated through the reception room. “I, at the discretion of Kurt III and Blue Tower Master Blundell Adruncus, will grant you a wish. However, it can’t exceed your merit level.”

A wish that she desired… There was no greater reward in heaven and earth than this! Lili listened to the words but couldn’t understand them. No, she couldn’t accept them. The national power of the Meltor Kingdom might be somewhat lower than the Andras Empire, but the Meltor Kingdom was still classified as a powerful nation on the continent.

Yet, the Meltor King was granting her a wish? It was truly a lucky event which would only occur once in a lifetime.

‘…Wish… I will be granted a wish.’ Lili's head started rolling before she could feel alarmed. In fact, it was surprising that she was rather calm. Lili calmly measured the gravity of this opportunity. Anyone wouldn’t end without just one or two small wishes. Desire was a part of human nature, and Liliana was no different.

‘To have one national treasure… No, the risk is too great. I don’t know if the elder lich is worth a national treasure and asking about it is too much.’

Perhaps artifacts which exceeded the ‘Precious’ rating such as ‘Treasure’ and ‘Legend’ would be treated as national treasures. Lili wanted to get a national treasure with all her heart, but she wasn’t sure if the value of the elder lich was worth one.

Like the old saying, she should refrain from being too greedy or else she might lose more than she gained.

At this moment, she was reminded of a conversation she’d had with Gluttony.

-The quality of the food. Don’t just feed me commonplace books.

Thanks to her advice, Lili had been able to obtain Death’s Worship after the inventory feature had opened. Until now, Gluttony had never given a suggestion to her. Perhaps it would demand to be fed higher grade books as Lili grew.

‘Come to think of it, Gluttony never ate Rare books until recently. Maybe this is a good chance to stabilize the 5th Circle.’

The magic books in the Magic Society and the palace couldn’t be read unless she had permission. If she wasn’t at least a Superior rank, she couldn’t put in a rental application. Additionally, there was a place which was only available when she reached the Prime rank.

The name of the place was the Zero Library. It was the Meltor Kingdom’s treasure house which contained magic books and ‘grimoires’ that couldn’t be replicated.

Liliana finally made a decision and opened her mouth, “Your Majesty, I have an impudent request.”

“I will listen.”

Lili took a deep breath and then uttered her wish in a voice which was as calm as she could make it, “Your Majesty and Tower Masters, if you forgive my impudence, I would like to ask for a book from the Zero Library.”

Chapter 55 - Zero Library Delicacy #1

‘A book from the Zero Library?’ Kurt III and Blundell’s expressions changed simultaneously. Of course, they knew how valuable the books from the Zero Library were to mages. The books could raise a person’s learning ability or even grant magical protection. These were treasures that even Superior magicians found difficult to borrow. However, were these treasures amazing enough when the person could get any wish they wanted?

Kurt III understood Liliana’s words first and opened his mouth, “A book from the Zero Library… It isn’t difficult to rent, but it seems like you are asking for something else.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Do you want ownership of the book?”

The context was right. Obtaining ownership of one book from the Zero Library was worthy of a wish, even if it wasn’t a national treasure. Those who understood the meaning of Lili’s wish showed different responses. Blundell made a perplexed expression as he fidgeted with his beard, while Veronica squinted at Lili with interested eyes. Whereas Sylvia wriggled uncomfortably, and Vince nodded knowingly as he was the only one who understood the situation fully. As the owner of Gluttony, Liliana could transform reading the book directly into proficiency, so it was hard to find a better reward. If she obtained a book from the Zero Library, then she could learn an ability like Alfred’s Magic Bullet and the ancient elemental.

Kurt III worried for a moment but made a decision within minutes. “…Okay.”

Fortunately, his answer was positive. Kurt III looked down at Lili with a serious expression. “I will give you a book from the Zero Library. However, if you ever fail to properly fulfill your obligations, then you, Liliana Miller, will return the book to the Zero Library.”

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s generosity.”

The king spoke in a roundabout manner, but he was basically just giving it to Lili. The obligation to pass on the accumulated knowledge to later generations was a matter of course for any mage, and the book could be retrieved after her death.

In any case, Kurt III determined that Liliana’s achievement deserved such a reward.


“Yes? Why did you call me, Your Majesty?” The Red Tower Master asked from where she occupied one of the armchairs.

“I want you to accompany Liliana Miller and assist in the screening of the books from the Zero Library. And you should be aware of this, but you can’t take anything out from it.”

“Well… okay! It has been a long time since I’ve smelled a book.”

“Then that will be all.” Kurt looked around before raising his body.

As he stood up, the people in the room naturally bent their knees. Blundell and Veronica were the only ones still standing. The two tower masters simply bowed their heads as goodbye to the master of Meltor.

“Thank you once again for your merits. I hope that you enjoy your duties and responsibilities for the Meltor Kingdom in the future. I can’t believe that it has been a fortnight, and I’ve already seen your faces twice.”

At the unexpected words, Liliana and Sylvia shouted in unison, “As Your Majesty commands!”

Finally, their second encounter with the king came to an end.


“Now, shall we go to the Zero Library?” Veronica clung to Lili again as Kurt left.

Veronica might be powerful, but her distinctive scent and soft touch were dangerous to Lili’s senses. Sylvia had left with Blundell. So, it was fortunate that Vince was accompanying Lili.

“Tower Master, Lili is uncomfortable.”

“Huh? Is that so?”

As Lili met Veronica’s golden eyes, she couldn’t help stammering, “A-A bit…”

“Ah, that reminds me, I emit a lot of heat. I don’t feel it, so I forget sometimes. I’ve been doing it since I was born.” She pulled away the arm which was around Lili’s neck.

As soon as the contact surface was reduced, Lili’s hot body immediately became cold again. That said, this heat wasn’t due to her magical accomplishment but had been present since birth?

“Well, people already know this story.” Veronica noticed her curiosity and said cheerfully, “I have the blood of a red dragon.”

She spoke casually like she was just revealing she had soup with white bread for breakfast. Lili unconsciously stopped walking, but Vince already knew the story and walked on with a blasé face.

As Lili regained her spirit and quickly caught up with her, Veronica shrugged it off. “It isn’t such a great thing. It isn’t even half but a quarter. I just live a little longer than ordinary people, and my hair and eyes are vivid.”

Nevertheless, Veronica had inherited the blood of the dragon which was considered the toughest species on this earth, so she could never be ordinary. The limitless magic power and the sensitivity capable of dominating nature wasn’t a realm that could be touched by humans. Her lineage must have contributed to the fact that she had reached Blundell’s level at a younger age.

Veronica brushed back her hair and muttered, “I can push it down consciously to reduce the heat… but it is hard to walk around normally. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. I was too insensitive.”

“It’s okay.” Maybe it was due to her embarrassed expression but Lili answered reflexively, “It was just a little warmer.”

To be honest, it was pretty hot, but she wasn’t an idiot who couldn’t figure out the atmosphere. It was likely she must’ve only had idiots around her.

“…You have a good mouth for a kid.” Veronica tried to look casual, but her stride widened in response. Indeed, her reactions were really honest. It was a different feeling from the cute Sylvia. Their arrival at the destination was 10 minutes earlier than expected because Liliana and Vince had to hurry to catch up with Veronica’s lengthened stride.

The door of the Zero Library was impressive in many ways. When Lili saw the door carved from opaque ice, she muttered, “No, that is adamantium alloy.”

While she muttered in a soft voice, Veronica banged on the door several times.

Kwang! The blows were powerful enough to cause a loud sound, but the door didn’t move. Rather, her white fist became red as it bounced from the impact.

Veronica went on to explain, “If I want to destroy it, I need to use a full day to gather all my strength. It’s the same for a sword master. This place is equal to the secret warehouse of the royal palace. It is impossible to pass through with space movement because this wall surrounds the entire room.”

There still wasn’t a consensus on what the best metal was, but it was clear what the strongest metal was; Adamantium was the king of metals. Once refined, it was a metal that would block all physical and magical attacks. It couldn’t be used to make a weapon like a sword, but it was absolutely effective as a wall that protected something.

Veronica turned to Vince before opening the door of the Zero Library. “Vince, you wait here. I’m sorry, but you aren’t eligible to enter this library. Liliana was the only one who received permission from His Majesty.”

“Of course. Go ahead.”

As Vince stepped away from Liliana, Veronica stretched out her hand toward the door.

Huuuuuuong! As soon as her palm touched the surface, a powerful wave of magic power spread everywhere.

The scale of the magic was at least that of a 6th Circle magician. It might even have reached the 7th Circle. This meant that the keyhole wouldn’t appear if a person didn’t have this much magic power!

Veronica charged the magic power at once and placed the key which she’d pulled out into the center of the magic circle on the door.

Simultaneously, the two people suddenly disappeared.


Flash! Veronica and Liliana disappeared with a brilliant light and appeared inside. The space movement magic was triggered through the temporarily opened gap and accepted the two people. It was a short distance, so she wasn’t affected like last time.

Lili immediately looked around. ‘This… it is the Zero Library?’

It was a space that was lacking realism. The room was bright despite being a fully enclosed space. This was due to the light tool on the ceiling. The light magic functioned semi-permanently, and books were kept in glass boxes.

There were sometimes empty glasses boxes, and Veronica explained these to her, “People borrowed or lost these books. The boxes are left in the hope they will return one day. However, I have yet to see a book returned to the Zero Library.”

“How do they get lost?”

“Let’s see…? All the lost ones so far have been when someone died and the book was stolen. How can we punish a dead person?”

Indeed, there was no mage who would neglect a book from the Zero Library. It was more realistic for the book to be stolen than for it to be lost through the carelessness of the owner.

Liliana was convinced by the answer and started to look at the books surrounding her without saying anything more. The glass boxes were opened without the need for a separate procedure.


A reddish book giving off magic power attracted her interest.

[Hell Fire]

[This book contains the method to summon a flame which exists in the Demon World, a flame which burns all matter. Once called, the flames of hell can’t be turned off in a normal method but only when the user’s power is exhausted or her life force is cut off. This is magic that is difficult to heal. The author of this book has hidden their refinement method.

* The rating of this magic book is ‘Treasure.’
* Acquisition Conditions: 7 circles, affinity for fire magic is required.
* When consumed, ‘Hell Fire’ will be learned.
* When consumed, your ability in fire magic will increase greatly.
* This is the original copy which was written directly by the author. There is a very low probability of absorbing some of the author’s proficiency.]

It was the 7th Circle Magic, Hell Fire! Apart from the Red Tower Master, it was one of the highest-ranked magic which no one could handle freely. Even a sword master would be suicidal if they moved into the path of that magic. The power of Hell Fire was famous for burning down any aura which tried to defend against it.

However, Lili saw the conditions to acquire it and returned the book to its place without making a fuss. It would take a few years or even decades to reach the 7th Circle. The discovery of a ‘Treasure’ ranked book at the start had excited her, but that feeling didn’t last long.

Liliana looked at the books around her with bitterness and complained inwardly, ‘This book is too sophisticated, and the condition to acquire this one… I need to gouge out one eyeball? There is magic for a one-eyed person? Is it similar to the magic that can only be learned if the person is a female or if they are bald?’

As the level of the books went up, the conditions to eat them seemed to get harder. She needed to be of the 6th or 7th Circle to eat some books. She didn’t even consider the ones which demanded a loss or impairment of the body.

Since normally only Prime magicians entered this place, there were few magic spells which could be mastered by Lili, who was a 5th Circle magician. However, at this moment…

“Eh…?” A leather cover with a gold leaf on it caught Lili’s attention.

Her sensory perception tickled her neck. The instinctive desire to grab that book caused Lili to stretch out her hand.


The information from Appraisal stretched out in front of her.

[Battle Song]

[This book contains various ways to strengthen your body in order to fight in close combat. As it was designed by a child from a high-ranking family who couldn’t use aura, Battle Song greatly strengthens the body using magic power. The efficiency is superior to any secondary magic, so it is difficult to find an analogy. However, there is one drawback to using this magic.

* The rating of this magic book is ‘Treasure.’
* Acquisition Conditions: At least the 5th Circle.
* When consumed, ‘Battle Song’ will be learned.
* When consumed, your ability in close combat is greatly enhanced.
* This is the original copy which was directly written by the author. When consumed, some of the author’s abilities will be handed down according to your fitness level.]

Chapter 56 - Zero Library Delicacy #2

Liliana's eyes widened as she read the information window. ‘A sorceress can fight in close combat? Is that really possible?’

Lili had pride in being a sorceress, but she also acknowledged the strength of aura users. No matter how much she strengthened her body with secondary magic, it would be impossible for her to deal with a real swordsman like Randolph. Aura, an extremely refined bio-energy, was a power which gave terrific physical abilities in exchange for giving up other possibilities. Even if a 7th Circle sorceress used Haste, it would be difficult to respond to Randolph’s sword.

“Ah, is that Battle Song? It has been a while.” At this moment, Veronica approached and looked over Lili's shoulder at the book she had picked up.

As a tower master, she could freely go back and forth from the Zero Library, so it wasn’t strange that she knew about the Battle Song. It might be awkward, but she truly was qualified to be her guide.

Lili turned around naturally and asked, “Is it a famous book?”

“Huh? Rather than famous… it is a bit wicked?” Veronica thought for a moment before explaining why. “Usually, ordinary magicians won’t touch this. It is popular with our kids, so studying it is a requirement, but it is more difficult to find someone who has actually learned it.”

“Why? Magic that assists in close combat would be useful in any situation.”

It was as Lili said. Battle Song reinforced the lack of physical abilities, so it wasn’t just limited to war sorceresses. It was a magic which could take care of a sorceress's only weakness! So, why did other magicians ignore this magic?

Veronica smiled like she knew what Lili was thinking. “Everyone who sees the book for the first time will say something similar. Kid, Battle Song is a magic that is as great as you think. If you are a skilled war sorceress, then it is possible to move at the level of aura users.”

That wasn’t all, so she continued speaking, “However, Battle Song is permanent magic, unlike Haste or Strength. Do you understand what I mean?”


“It is like this. If you want to use Battle Song, you have to allocate at least four circles and chant the order without stopping. Which one is more risky?”

Indeed, Liliana had no choice but to accept it.

Just as Veronica said, this was different from magic which would be kept in effect automatically. In order for the effect to persist, she had to spin her circles continually in order to maintain it. Additionally, the flow of magic power had to be fixed by chanting the spell without interruption.

If a 5th Circle sorceress used ‘Battle Song’, they would only be able to use 1st Circle magic. In that case, it would be better to stand in place and chant a spell.

‘Apart from war sorceresses, it is a good idea to avoid this…’

Even 7th Circle sorceresses would be limited to magic of the 3rd Circle when Battle Song was used. If they weren’t war sorceresses who had perfected their fighting skills to the master level, the disadvantages far outweighed the benefits. Even if a sorceress could move at the speed of an aura user, it would be useless if they didn’t know any fighting techniques.

Despite the fact that Lili could use Alfred’s Magic Missile with only one circle, it was hard to trust her unstable fifth circle. While Lili was worrying about Battle Song...

–User, select this book.

Out of nowhere, a familiar voice was heard in her head.


She was glad that Veronica was standing behind her instead of in front of her. Veronica didn’t get to see the astonishment which had formed on Lili's face, then she recovered after realizing it wasn’t a hallucination.

–Don’t ask questions you already know. It is a waste of time.

‘You, can you speak through this method?’

–It is a function that returned some time ago. Isn’t it welcome since you want to hide my existence?

It made a lot of sense. Right now, Liliana's choice of magic book was more important than a minor addition to Gluttony. So, Lili asked for advice about the magic book.

‘What is the reason for selecting this book?’

-It is Treasure rank, so it is a prey to release the 3rd seal. In addition, the function that will be released from the 3rd seal will allow you to use this magic more efficiently.

‘…You can’t tell me what that function is?’

-That’s right.

At the end of the day, the one with the final decision was Lili. She looked at the book in her hand and the glass boxes around her. There was only one choice available to Lili at present, but one day, she would come back for the wisdom in another book.

In the end, Liliana picked up [Battle Song]. Veronica nodded with a pleased expression at her choice. It seemed like many of those who learned this magic were from the Red Tower.

“Well, it isn’t a bad choice! The magic that a girl like you can learn in here isn’t easy, so you should pick something that is in your scope.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“I will be staying in the capital for a while, so you should visit Vince and have a good night’s sleep. We can talk about your circles later, okay?”

It seemed Veronica wasn’t the friendly type to adjust her schedule for others. She poured magic power into the wall while tapping Lili's head with her other hand. Despite it being a truly awkward touch, Lili could tell that she was expressing her affection.

“See you later, Liliana!”

Liliana was sent out alone before she even realized that she had been kicked out of the Zero Library.


After finishing her work in the Zero Library, Liliana headed to her private room with Vince. The magic towers and Magic Society were greatly enlarged on the inside, so there were rooms to accommodate 1,000 magicians.

Of course, the conditions for a private room were tricky, but it wasn’t hard when the person was a Superior magician.

After an early dinner, the conversation between the two people began in earnest.

“…So, that’s what happened.”

Vince listened seriously to the story and was amazed.

It had only been a fortnight since Lili's tournament finals, but it seemed like the owner of a grimoire could never live an uneventful life. As soon as Lili returned home, she’d had an encounter with an elder lich and Death’s Worship.

After Lili finished telling her story, she bowed her head and apologized, “I’m sorry Master. The dimension pocket that you lent me…”

“No, your judgment was correct. It would be a disaster if that grimoire was running free. If the issue could be resolved with one dimension pocket, then everything is fine. Consequently, the dimension pocket has been reissued and the grimoire is sealed, so this is the best result,” Vince praised Lili's decision.

Despite borrowing the power of the grimoire, the salvation of the Miller Barony was a feat which had been accomplished by Lili.

It was a heroic accomplishment which had saved hundreds of lives and prevented the unprecedented disaster that might have followed. There would be no idiot who would disparage Lili just because of one dimension pocket.

Vince wanted to lighten the mood, so he switched to another topic. “By the way, I didn’t know that Tower Master would like you so much. She has a temper and is fickle in many ways, so it isn’t easy for people to approach her.”

“…Is that so?” Lili's expression changed subtly.

As soon as they met, Veronica had put her arm around Lili’s shoulders and dragged her along. She hadn’t showed any signs of dislike toward Sylvia or Vince; she just seemed more interested in Lili. Her facial expression had been the same when looking at the muscular Blundell.

However, Vince spoke decisively, “She is someone who gives off a bad first impression like a dragon, and it takes time for her to get to know a person. In my case, I remember that it took two years until I was called by name.”

“I-It is tricky.”

“It isn’t just me. In any case, I thought you might have chosen for Gluttony to eat something that would be wrong for you.” Vince thought it would be a poison like Hell Fire, but he then saw the book next to Lili and whispered in a moist voice, “Is this Battle Song? It must’ve been 10 years since I last read a copy.”

“Master also learned this?”

“Of course. It is appealing to have a melee ability even though it is limited. Even if it can’t be used often, it is a hidden trick.”

Duplicated copies of the books in the Zero Library existed. If duplication magic didn’t work with it, then it meant it was a duplicate. The special power in the book couldn’t be copied, but it wasn’t a problem to distribute the knowledge contained in it.

Books archived in the Zero Library were treated as special because they were original copies, but most of the knowledge itself was widespread through the duplicate copies. Of course, there were some prohibited and forbidden books, but… it was impossible for them to be read, unless the person was a tower master or the king.

Vince had also learned the Battle Song and repeated all the words. The memory of a senior magician wouldn’t dim even after a few years had passed.

“If you don’t understand something, you can ask me. I don’t know what you will get from this book, but I haven’t forgotten any of the verses of the song.”

“Thank you.”

“Does this mean you will come to the Red Tower?” Vince’s question might sound strange, but in fact, a mentor and his disciple weren’t obligated to belong to the same tower. Even though they were split into four towers, the root was still the Magic Society. So, regardless of the tower they belonged to, there was no impact on their relationship.

Every magician had the right to belong to the tower they wanted to, and Lili chose the Red Tower. “Yes, I want to go to the Red Tower.”

She had become quite interested in the Yellow Tower until she returned home. Liliana had a contract with Mitra the earth elemental, so she’d thought that the Yellow Tower would be good. However, that idea was overturned after meeting the powerful elder lich. Lili had a hunch that her life would never flow calmly.

‘Power is required. If I don’t become stronger than I am now, I am bound to be overtaken by the grimoire. This time, I managed to get out from the situation, but I shouldn’t expect the same luck next time!’

From the very beginning, Liliana hadn’t wanted to live as a researcher. She wanted to live like the adventurous magicians she’d read about during her childhood. Lili wanted to save people and find treasures… She had been obsessed with living the special life of magicians.

After meeting the grimoire, Gluttony, she’d thought her dream had come true, but in the end, she was still an immature sorceress.

As Lili's desire was made clear, Vince nodded firmly. “Okay, I will go and complete the entrance procedure now. Since you are an Average magician, you will be given a private room inside the Red Tower.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“Well, then I’ll be going. Read it at once.”

As Vince left with a warm expression, Lili opened up [Battle Song]. “Uhh… There are a lot of ambiguous words.”

It seemed like the myth that the Battle Song had originated from a foreign magician was true as strange words were mixed into the song. So, the translation of some words was difficult. It was a tricky book worthy of being kept in the Zero Library, but it wasn’t beyond Lili's comprehension.

Her eyes fixed on the characters and started to move back and forth in a mechanical manner.

‘Life energy flows in the body, just like magic power and aura. The body’s performance will change drastically depending on the direction it flows, and the magic described in the book aims to direct this change…’

In the room where Lili remained alone, silence flowed. This tranquility was a haven for magicians acquiring wisdom. Her consciousness quickly sank to the depths as her uncommon level of concentration remained focused on the book in front of her. If she could use the Appraisal ability on herself, she would witness her understanding level rise quickly.

95% was the minimum of understanding required to extract an essence. It was the so-called ‘very high’ level when Lili paused halfway through the book. The combination of exotic vocabulary and extraordinary knowledge reduced her concentration.

Nevertheless, she chose to push herself in order to learn the strange form which was different from the existing magic she already knew.


On the sixth day, Liliana finally put down the book.

Chapter 57 - Zero Library Delicacy #3

"The preparations are finished," Lili said.

Vince, who was also immersed in reading, looked at Lili. Vince knew how much Lili had concentrated in the past six days, but he couldn’t help exclaiming with admiration. The book [Battle Song] was famous for its theory and vocabulary, which were different from existing magic systems. There were a few phrases which were unclear, attesting to their foreign origin.

'But taking less than a week to comprehend it... Lili's comprehension is beyond my expectations!'

The cover of the book had become even more tattered during the last six days. In a situation where the understanding didn’t reach 100%, calling it 'complete' might be offensive. However, it was difficult to understand any more of the book’s contents without the author. The differences in perception between the author and reader, the noise caused by the gaps between the eras and civilizations, the various interpretations of different expressions, and so forth... When such errors were reduced, Lili’s understanding was at 95%.

Vince already had nothing he could teach Lili about 'Battle Song.' In fact, Lili might have a deeper understanding in some parts. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that skill in magic was different from comprehension.

For Lili to improve the magic as a 5th Circle sorceress, it was impossible. If it were that simple, then other magicians would’ve already announced the improved magic. The current situation was one in which she could only have Gluttony eat the book.

"Hooo... Then I shall start." Lili took a deep breath and extended her hand.

This was the third time she would experience something like this. The first time had been when Gluttony ate Alfred Bellontes’ [Ballistics Magic] and shared Alfred’s experience on the battlefield. The memory of shooting the Magic Bullet was still engraved vividly in her mind. The second time had been when [Introduction to Elemental Magic] had been eaten and she’d met Myrdal. Myrdal had casually seen through Lili and called Mitra for her to make a contract with.

‘What will happen this time?’

The previous two times had been ‘Rare’ books, but the rank of this book was ‘Treasure.’ It was likely that an unpredictable phenomenon would occur.


–I have been waiting, User!

Lili’s left hand was held open, and the tongue emerged and found its prey. Gluttony paused for a moment like she was enjoying the taste of [Battle Song] before swallowing it. This was the moment when a book from the Zero Library would be permanently lost.

['Battle Song' has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[The unique magic ‘Battle Song’ has been acquired.]

[An original book has been consumed. Checking synchro rate with Lee Yoonsung… It is judged to be at a very suitable level. Lee Yoonsung will interact with the user. Lee Yoonsung has accepted the spiritual connection.]

[Synchro is starting.]

Her ears started ringing when she heard the familiar voice of the guide. As she felt the sense of confusion which came with her consciousness being separated forcibly, Lili collapsed silently onto the bed.

Vince’s worried voice echoed as Lili’s consciousness was sucked away. Lili fell into the infinite abyss of knowledge inside Gluttony.



As Lili regained consciousness, a refreshing wind blew against her face. It wasn’t a wind which could be felt on the plains. She knew from her past experiences playing in an old mountain valley. This was a light wind which could be felt near a mountain peak. Lili’s lips moved by themselves as she understood this fact.

"…How is it? Is this a good wind?" It was a voice Lili had never heard before.

Since she had already entered Alfred’s body, Lili quickly accepted the situation. She had been half confident when she lost consciousness while hearing the word 'synchro.' Then the owner of this body must be the magician, Lee Yoonsung, who wrote [Battle Song].

‘By the way, who was he talking to just now?’

"You, the person who is in my body right now."

‘Heok!’ Lili jolted with a surprised expression as she was spoken to.

Whether she believed it or not, the man was standing and pointing his finger in one direction. Lili’s gaze followed that finger. Then in the distance, a wooden building which looked like a large mansion came into her view. Even though she was looking down from a mountain peak, the structure was clearly visible.

"I was born into the Fairy Dance Lee family which protects the Baekun Mountains. If this were in the western countries, it would be similar to being the successor of a family of knights."

‘Western countries? Perhaps an Eastern person?’

"Yes, it seems like this wasn’t known after my death."

‘An Eastern person!’ Lili’s consciousness stirred for a moment.

There was a place to the southeast of the Meltor Kingdom and could only be reached by crossing the sea. It was a place where aura was more predominant than magic, so magicians were reborn as independent magicians.

‘How did an Eastern person come to Meltor and create his own magic like Battle Song?’ It was natural for Lili to wonder about that.

"Well, just listen to me," Lee Yoonsung said with a bitter smile. "I was born with a high status, but the path of my life was never straight. I was born with a body that was unable to use aura. As soon as this fact was revealed to my family, I was removed from the family register and driven to the peaks."

Lee Yoonsung’s voice was calm as he looked back through the memories of his life. There was a shabby hut that looked like it was on the verge of collapsing, and images of eating food left by a servant passed through Lili’s mind. Lee Yoonsung’s memories flowed naturally into Lili due to the influence of synchro.

"That was my destiny, but I couldn’t accept it."

Fortunately, Lee Yoonsung had been an intelligent boy. After months of preparation, he had left the hut in the east and decided to turn his eyes toward magic.

At the age of 15, he had left the rugged mountain ranges to enter a magic kingdom. There were a few almost deadly experiences, but he had managed to cross the continent using jewels he’d stolen from his family.

After several twists and turns, he had arrived at Meltor.

"Fortunately, I met a good teacher. Thanks to him, I was able to start my research in a magic tower and developed a magic based on the secrets of my family that I remembered from my childhood. That is the ‘Battle Song.’ I managed to complete it in 20 years."

‘…That’s amazing.’ Lili truly admired him.

Not only had he crossed continents at the age of 15, Lee Yoonsung had finished his purpose in an unknown country. Despite having no talent, he had pioneered his own fate.

"But that magic wasn’t perfect. Since it was based on my family, I added in unnecessary things in order to fill that guilt. I will try to teach you the complete version of ‘Battle Song’ before you leave." As Lee Yoonsung spoke, he took on a stance.

Simultaneously, the circles on his heart started burning. Akin to a waterwheel, magic power flowed out like streams of water and filled up the body. As the magic flowed in accordance with his heartbeat, the sound of the song, ‘Battle Song,’ resonated in the body shared by the two people. It was a violent flow which was intense enough to cause her shoulders to shake.

"Since we are called the Fairy Dance clan, my family’s martial art is close to a rhythmic dance. I recreated the aura flow through ‘Battle Song’ for me, who wasn’t allowed to use it!" Lee Yoonsung spoke furiously while moving his body.

Then as the uncontrollable passion escaped, his gentle dance changed forms.

Kung! His feet were firm against the ground.

‘A fearsome power…!’

As Lee Yoonsung firmly centered himself on the ground like a tortoise shell, he stretched out his fist. His fist was so powerful that the air exploded from a shock wave.


Lee Yoonsung unfolded his martial arts without any rest, not even caring if his clothes were blown away. Every time he did a dance move, the ground would shake and the air would explode. It was an outburst of violence which Lili couldn’t imagine as a sorceress.

Magic born from martial arts, martial arts created with magic… Lili forgot her admiration and focused as much as possible on Lee Yoonsung, knowing she would be a fool to let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass by. Whether or not Lee Yoonsung was conscious of this, he continued moving without any hesitation.

"Later on, I once returned to my family. I wanted to prove that I wasn’t a worthless person they could ignore."

Then he roared like a beast and kicked the air with his right foot.


The wind pressure caused by the kick blew the shabby hut away without a trace. His boiling passion moved the magic power even more, enhancing the power of the martial art. After a few more times, Lee Yoonsung stopped kicking the air. Despite making a mess around the hut, he wasn’t out of breath at all.

His voice shook like a storm was occurring. "...My father was still alive at that time. His face distorted as he said I sold myself for magic. This was despite the fact that I was better than any other person in the family."

Nothing was left as his passion died down, and Lee Yoonsung was eventually murmuring in an empty voice. As his words came to an end, there was a sadness which hadn’t been revealed before. This was the fragment of a soul which had been left behind in the [Battle Song] book.

"Then I returned to the Meltor Kingdom and spent the rest of my life there. Perhaps I paid the price for abusing my body during the process of creating this magic."

Creating new spells were a challenge, and numerous magicians had died in their attempts. A single failure with Battle Song would tear the muscles and cause the failure of one’s internal organs. As a consequence, Lee Yoonsung was near death after the magic was completed.

He spoke in a voice which sounded lonelier than ever, "I didn’t know I would get a successor in this way, but I don’t intend to ask you for anything. In the end, I am just a fragment of the foolish Lee Yoonsung. Rather, I would like to thank you."

‘Thank me… What does he mean by that?’

"It was a dumb life where I couldn’t leave anything behind. The magic I created wasn’t complete, and my family didn’t acknowledge me. I don’t know how I died, but it wasn’t a satisfying life," he spoke to no one as he extended his hands into the empty space.

It was a strange posture where his palm was placed over the fist of his other hand. Lili didn’t know it well, but it was the eastern etiquette called a fist and palm salute. This was Lee Yoonsung’s appreciation for Liliana Miller, who inherited the result of his foolishness.

At that moment, Lee Yoonsung’s world started to collapse.

"I hope this will help you a little bit in your life, Young Lady."

There was no time to respond to his gracious words as the world collapsed. Then as always, Gluttony’s unkind function expelled Lili’s consciousness. As the appearance of Lee Yoonsung looking around the Baekun Mountains became distant, Lili’s third synchro experience came to an end.

[The synchronization with Lee Yoonsung has ended.]

[The synchro rate is 92.8%, the experience is maintained.]

[The unique magic ‘Battle Song’ has been restored to its perfect state. Lee Yoonsung’s experience has turned into proficiency for that magic.]

[The suitability between Lee Yoonsung and the user Liliana Miller is quite high. Depending on the user’s body, some of Lee Yoonsung’s skills and abilities will be handed down. As the user’s physical abilities will increase significantly, a long period of sleep is required. In the meantime, Gluttony will also go to sleep.]

[At the present time, you will sleep for 30 hours and 12 minutes.]

Chapter 58 - Zero Library Delicacy #4

After exactly 30 hours and 12 minutes, Liliana regained consciousness.

As soon as she recovered her mind, she felt a strange incompatibility with her body. Her body felt both heavier and lighter. Either way, the weight difference couldn’t be confirmed. Her five senses also seemed sharp and several times more sensitive.

Sarok… saruruk… A soft sound tickled at her eardrums. Her eyes, which hadn’t opened yet, twitched in response to the noise.

‘…This, is it the rustling sound of the hem of a robe?’ The sound was coming from somewhere near her.

As Lili’s consciousness gradually became clearer, her tightly closed eyelids opened to reveal bright blue-green eyes. Just like her hearing, her eyesight also seemed to have improved, as the stains on the ceiling had become much clearer. It was strange since Lili’s eyesight had been worsening due to all the books she’d read in the library.

Lili quickly realized that she was lying on Vince’s bed and slowly raised her body. Her limbs were stiff due to not moving for 30 hours, so as blood flowed back into her stiff limbs, a soft moan naturally emerged.


“Oh! Have you woken up? What is the status of your body?” When Vince heard her voice, he immediately jumped up. Lili had collapsed suddenly, so Vince had prepared a few emergency potions in case there was a problem. Fortunately, there seemed to be no external issues.

Vince sat back down on his chair and said, “It has been around 30 hours since you consumed [Battle Song]. I don’t know what happened, but you should first take a look in the mirror.”

“Mirror… What are you saying?” Lili got up with a bewildered expression.

She soon had no choice but to look down at herself. It was because the clothes she had been wearing before Gluttony ate [Battle Song] had almost been turned into rags. Her blouse sleeves were fine. However, her bodice area and so on, were snug, and her skirt's thigh areas were covered with holes, like the wrong size had been forced on. Then Lili didn’t hesitate anymore and followed Vince’s advice.

She stood in front of the full-body mirror in the room and found herself lost for words. “Eh?”

Truth be told, Liliana Miller’s body had been in a poor state. She had been exercising for a few months, but her body was still slender. She wouldn’t be able to win against an apprentice knight if she didn’t use magic. She might have some real-life experience with weapons, but it was the same as putting a pearl necklace on a pig.

However, what was with this reflection in the mirror?

“…This is ridiculous,” Lili unconsciously muttered when she saw her body. It was because the image reflected in the mirror was strange.

The shoulders which had revealed collar bones a few days ago were now covered with noticeable muscles, and she would fill up any previously loose-fitting clothes. Her two legs, which had been as thin as branches, were now as strong as a warrior’s. If she had a sword hanging from her waist and wore armor then, she would look like a young swordswoman.

‘It isn’t just that. My strength, stamina, and senses have also improved.’

Lili carefully made a fist. The series of movements stimulated her frontal muscles, and her forearm rose up sharply. The strong muscles were like twisted ropes. She could feel a tremendous strength gathering in the palm of her hand. If she was holding an apple, then some juices might be leaking out right now.

Despite having only gained some of Lee Yoonsung’s abilities, Lili was now at the level of a decent knight. Then that meant Lee Yoonsung must’ve been a monster. He had probably devoted himself to training despite not having the constitution for aura.

That persistence was equal to Lili, who hadn’t given up on the academy despite her low sensitivity.

‘…Your dream, I’ve surely received it.’ Lili recalled the lonely back of Lee Yoonsung and bowed solemnly. He had left without being able to say any of his gratitude.

The completed ‘Battle Song,’ the magic which had been created in order to prove the worth of Lee Yoonsung’s life, had been left to Lili.

After expressing her respect to her satisfaction, Liliana turned to Vince. “Master, I wanted to ask you one thing.”

“Hrmm? You can ask me anything.”

However, before Lili asked her question, she looked at herself again. The result of the third eating experience was more than imagined. She had just wanted the ability to respond in close combat, but the power she got from Lee Yoonsung completely overcame her weakness as a sorceress.

Lili’s hardened forearm could now withstand the recoil of a strong Magic Bullet, and fighting in close combat would be no problem if she combined Battle Song with secondary magic.

Above all, Gluttony’s third awakened function was fearsome.

“The Red Tower Master, Veronica… how can I contact her?”

Now, Liliana had one challenge remaining: to complete the unstable 5th Circle.


Every magic tower had their own role in the Meltor Kingdom.

With their high versatility, the Blue Tower used their life magic to install laundry and hygiene facilities all throughout the kingdom. The majority of magicians in the Yellow Tower were alchemists, and they contributed to the kingdom in fields such as construction and metallurgy. The members of the White Tower, however, were sources of information.

If so, what about the Red Tower which was famous for its war mages? Of course, their role involved fighting.

“Tower Master, a pair of trolls has emerged in Viscount Bermund’s territory. Forces have been sent from the estate, but many people are suffering, so there is an urgent request to dispatch war mages.

A man rushed to the top of the Red Tower and read the report to the Red Tower Master. He knew her personality, so he also knew what she disliked.

Veronica responded to the man’s request only after dealing with one of her documents. “Send Superior David. Additionally, ask for two knights to join as escorts. There will be no problems with a group like that.”

“I will do as you say!”

As the man rushed out, another magician entered the tower. He also quickly delivered his report. “Tower Master, a large group of robbers was detected near Marquis Orten’s territory. Marquis Orten has sent a request for help, so how should we handle it?”

“Orten? Oh, that mustache guy. Why is someone with many knights asking for our help? Tell him to take care of it.”

“Yes, I will.”

While taking care of the two dispatch requests, Veronica had signed over 10 documents. It wasn’t just cursory signing as she read over them first. She had the ability to remember everything and didn’t miss the slightest typo or error. Despite her hot-blooded and violent behavior, she was an extremely competent 8th Circle sorceress.

The problem was that the extent of her abilities depended on her patience.

“Ah, damn! Why is this my only work these days? Why are they asking the Magic Tower for help with their own security? We aren’t dogs to be sent around the royal court!”

In the end, Veronica reached the limits of her patience and tore up the papers. Her eight circles responded to her wrath and burned down the torn documents without leaving a trace behind. She shook off the ashes and placed her legs on her desk. As Veronica lay down, someone popped up in her head.

‘I found an interesting girl… No matter how relaxed I am, 10 days is too much. Does she think she can stand me up after I guided her to the Zero Library?’

The bloodline of a red dragon meant that the most important thing to her was whether she was interested or not. She didn’t want to see people or things that weren’t interesting. Veronica’s nature meant she couldn’t ignore her duties, but she could refuse to entertain empty words.

It was at this moment that…

“Tower Master!” Someone entered the room once again.

“Ah, what is it this time?”

The man turned pale at Veronica’s temperamental reaction and quickly prepared to read out the report in his hand. After all, he couldn’t just make up an excuse to leave the room.

“There is a request to meet you.”

“Meet me? Who?”

“A new magician who just entered the Red Tower, an Average magician called Liliana Miller…”

Veronica popped out of her seat at the name. “Send her in! Right now!”

“Yes, yes?”

“No, don’t do that. It will be faster if I go personally. Hey, go and call an elder to sit here. I have a task to do, so I will leave the rest to them.”


“Then I’ll be going!” Veronica ignored the man’s bemused expression and rushed down the tower. It didn’t matter what happened as long as she could get away from that damned paperwork. Additionally, she was going to meet a very interesting girl.

‘Your timing is praiseworthy, Kid!’

Thanks to her exceptional physical abilities as a quarter dragon, Veronica quickly arrived at the Red Tower’s waiting room. As soon as she arrived, she kicked open the door and was met with Lili’s surprised face.

Simultaneously, Veronica’s footsteps slowed. “Huh…?”

Something had changed. She felt a sense of discomfort, and instead of rushing, she looked Lili up and down slowly. Her mediocre impression of her had disappeared after just 10 days. Lili’s standing posture was the same, however, her center of gravity had shifted like she had learned a solid martial art.

‘Can a human change this much in just 10 days?’

Lili greeted the puzzled Veronica first, “Thank you for your time, Tower Master.”

“Yes? Well, I told you to come and find me. Is it about what I mentioned last time?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The phenomenon involving her circle was a problem which couldn’t be understood through books, and Veronica had asserted it couldn’t be resolved with time. In order to resolve this issue, Lili had come to ask Veronica for help. After all, aside from Veronica, there was no better teacher for this task.

“You are welcome at any time, but… um…” Her golden eyes shone with a strange light as she looked at Lili.

It was impossible to hide her skills in front of Veronica as she could see through her with one glance. Fortunately, she just marveled at Lili’s change instead of feeling curious.

“Well, it doesn’t really matter since I like this better! But don’t be inspired by someone disgusting like Blundell. That is unreasonable.”

“Ah, I understand.”

“Okay, then shall we go?” Veronica started moving.

Lili followed her despite not knowing the destination. As if she knew what she was thinking, Veronica looked back and added, “It is probably a place that you know.”

Chapter 59 - Veronica’s Special Training #1

It was just as Veronica said. The two of them stopped at a place Liliana was familiar with. They were at the five stadium Pentarium where the Pupil Tournament had taken place. Veronica entered the central stadium where the final match had been held. The person who seemed like the caretaker opened the door as soon as they saw Veronica’s face. Maybe she had come here more than once or twice.

“Isn’t there much more space here than at the Magic Society? It is usually used as a training ground or a place to demonstrate magic when a tournament isn’t occurring,” Veronica explained as she stretched her flexible limbs. She wasn’t wearing much under her red robes. As every movement she made revealed a part of her body, Lili didn’t know where to look. It was like she had no idea how provocative she was being as she continued her explanation.

“The best solution to the disharmony you are experiencing is to completely reproduce the situation at the time your circles increased, but that isn’t possible. So, we will use the second way.”

“…What is it?” Lili asked while trying to look unconcerned. It was hard for her gaze not to rest on specific areas of Veronica's body.

“It is simple. In the end, the disharmony is a discrepancy between the body and the mind, so we just need to make it into one.”

Once the warm-up was completed, Veronica stopped stretching and stood in place. Her stance seemed to reveal gaps all over her body. However, Alfred’s sensory perception was crying out the reverse: those gaps were dangerous. Liliana accepted the contradictory analysis. Veronica smiled when she saw Lili instinctively lower her posture.

“I will help you reach the limit.” Shortly after she said this, the heat around Veronica’s body began to boil.


The ground turned red, and the hot wind blew into the air. Due to the wind pressure, her red robes were fluttering. Awe filled Liliana’s eyes as her skin tingled despite the distance.

‘She isn’t intentionally doing this. She is just releasing her magic power…!’

It wasn’t a special phenomenon. A sorceress who reached a certain level would naturally affect the environment. For example, water never dried up around the Blue Tower, and the White Tower always had a breeze around it. Additionally, snow would never accumulate around the Red Tower. However, this was on a different scale. Even if dozens of senior magicians gathered together, they would only cause the temperature to rise or drop a little bit. However, Veronica was burning like a living flame!

Her voice resonated in the haze, “Then girl, do you want to play with me?”

She only looked at her, yet there was a blast of hot wind. Lili got rid of the hot wind with simple wind magic and responded to Veronica, whose form was unclear. She said, “Spar? With you?”

“I’ll give you some concessions. I won’t use magic of the 5th Circle and above, and I won’t attack in any direction other than the front. I will adjust my strength too, so don’t worry.”

One of the two greatest magicians in the Meltor Kingdom was right before her, so Liliana’s concentration level reached its peak. Even if she attached 100 types of penalties, Veronica wasn’t a person Lili could face easily. In general, 7th Circle magicians were on the same level as a sword master, and Veronica’s power was one step beyond that. So, Liliana couldn’t fathom it. However, despite her sober judgment, she could feel her spirit boiling.

“I understand.”

Her titles, as being one quarter dragon as well as an 8th Circle sorceress, were brilliant, but Liliana was the owner of a grimoire. She wouldn’t shrink back just because of her opponent’s name. Regardless of victory or defeat, this was a chance to test things out. It would be nice to make Veronica’s relaxed face look shocked.

‘I will try it once.’

It was possible to spar with Veronica if Lili combined Gluttony’s third function with Battle Song. She would see if it was effective or not. Lili looked down at her left hand and was reminded of the ability which had awakened.

[Grimoire “Gluttony” / D Rank]

[One of the seals containing Gluttony’s power has been removed. From now on, Gluttony will tell you the origin of the artifact or chant a spell in a voice which can’t be heard by anyone else. The former owners called this feature as ‘Another,’ but you can change the name if you want.]

[* ‘Another’ activates magic with the user’s magic power. However, magic which hasn’t been mastered by the user isn’t available.]

It was a ridiculous ability. The ability, ‘Another,’ which had been unlocked from the third seal, was literally a cheat. For sorceresses, there was always the risk that they would be attacked while chanting a spell. It was highly likely for the sorceress to fail in the chant if they were moving. However, a sorceress who stood still would be exposed to attacks.

So, if Lili had ‘Another,’ she would be able to use magic without any risk.

‘It is also possible to apply it this way!’

Five circles revolved within Lili’s body. She used her shaky 5th Circle as an aid while building up the magic formula of ‘Blaze Shell’ within her other four circles. Simultaneously, the mouth on her left hand chanted the spell for ‘Catapult’ in a voice which only Lili could hear. It was Liliana’s strongest Fusion Magic, ‘Volcanic Shell,’ which she’d used in the final match of the tournament.

‘It is magic similar to Memorize, but-’

It was possible to complete the two magics in an instant, as if there were two people.

“Volcanic Shell!” As soon as a giant rock emerged, red flames appeared around it.

The combination of mass and firepower was more intense than before thanks to the aid of the 5th Circle. It could destroy any 5th Circle defense magic with one blow, and Lili shot it without any hesitation.

Veronica extended her hand with a nonchalant expression. “Oho, is that Fusion Magic?”

There was no chance to be impatient as the Volcanic Shell flew towards her. Magic power surged around her palms, and a red flaming spear popped out. The spear shot forward like a flash of light and pierced the shell.


The pieces of shattered stone scattered in every direction. Fire Spear was just a 4th Circle magic, but Veronica had made it stronger. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to destroy Volcanic Shell in a frontal move like that. Veronica truly was going to use only 4th Circle magic. She deemed it would be enough to overwhelm Lili. At that moment, dark smoke filled the stadium, and there was a temporary lull.


Suddenly, a human shape shot out from the smoke. It was faster than it seemed, and Veronica involuntarily let out a sound, “Eh?”

She’d expected Lili to use magic to cover her field of vision and drag her into close combat, but her speed was too fast. Even if Lili used Battle Song, those weren’t the movements of a typical sorceress. It was an acceleration speed allowed only for Lili, who had mastered the full version.

‘Battle Song.‘

‘Sonata of Speed.‘


Lili ran like she was just grazing against the ground. She wouldn’t have achieved this speed if she hadn’t received some of Lee Yoonsung’s abilities. With a perfect center of gravity, Liliana’s body neared Veronica and leapt forward like a thunderbolt. Then she used the momentum to knee Veronica in the abdomen!


There was a heavy sound, and Veronica took a few steps back. She couldn’t believe that Liliana's knee had hit her as the impact was so powerful. The attack had forced Veronica to leave her spot. However, instead of taking joy from her successful hit, Lili turned pale after the collision.

‘…What, this feeling?’

At the moment of conflict, a devastating image passed through the mind of the attacker, Liliana. It felt like a child’s fist hitting a wall several meters thick or like a young child going against a heavily armed infantry unit. Unsurprisingly, a strange smile flashed on Veronica’s face.

“Good, isn’t this pretty exciting?”

Lili felt a sense of impending crisis from Veronica’s beautiful voice. She moved as soon as she felt a chill go down her spine. Lili wasn’t late because she had jumped back desperately.


The air burst due to her fist. Lili had seen this scene during her synchro with Lee Yoonsung. It was a fist which could shatter a rock in one hit, crossing the barrier of sound. Her bones would break from that strike, even if she activated Battle Song. As one quarter dragon, the blood flowing through Veronica’s body gave her an ability equivalent to an aura user.

“Good movements. Haven’t you become a completely different person in 10 days? Why is it that I get so curious every time I see you? You are the best!”

“That— tha—nk— you,” Liliana replied through clenched teeth.

Veronica’s hand-to-hand combat skills were terrible. She did nothing aside from punch or kick. Even so, the absurd strength and speed of her attack made it beyond the level of a human. In the first place, techniques were just for efficiency. It was what the weak studied to figure out how to defeat the strong. However, Veronica had been born with sufficient strength, so techniques were unnecessary for her.

‘I can’t fight her in close combat! Widen the distance!’ Lee Yoonsung’s experience and Alfred’s intuition told her this.

Veronica’s combat skills were bad, but there was no way for her to win in close combat. The analysis was contradictory, but it was reality. While escaping, Lili prepared magic with ‘Another’ and aimed her right hand at the approaching fist.


‘All Slots Open.‘

‘Double Blaze Shell.’

Two fireballs shot out hastily.

“You can use magic while moving?” Veronica’s eyes widened with surprise. Interest and surprise filled her golden eyes as the two fireballs headed towards her. “But it won’t work!”

Wind Cutter was invoked with a single gesture. Countless gusts of wind overlapped and broke the two shells. Despite the 4th Circle magic being destroyed by 2nd Circle magic, Lili was able to achieve her purpose of widening the distance between them. Veronica approached Liliana but suddenly stopped moving. She smiled brightly and clapped several times.

“Wow, amazing! Learning the Battle Song in 10 days… Your movements are great as well. Moreover, you can use Fusion Magic and even cast while moving. This is enough to take down a few 6th Circle magicians that I know.”

She was praising her. However, Lili just listened instead of rejoicing. The result was that she’d failed to land a single strike on Veronica, and she hadn’t reached her limits. Talking in the middle of this situation meant there was something else.

She brushed away the dust on her robe as she spoke, “But that isn’t enough. Girl, do you still have any other means left? You will only feel the limit after using everything possible.”

“Didn't you reproduce Alfred’s Magic Missile? Even if Alfred returned alive, he won’t be able to beat me. He isn’t a match for me.” As she spoke, Veronica threw off her robe. “From now on, prepare to die. I’ll make you regret going in front of me.”

Red magic power rose from her body like lava.

Ku ku ku kung…

The violent presence swelled even more. Veronica had intentionally activated her dragon blood. This meant the scale of her power before couldn’t even be compared to what Liliana had previously experienced. Even people a few kilometers away would flee from this presence. Any sickly person in the Pentarium might have their heart stop beating. Standing before her, Lili raised her finger.

“I will surprise you once more.”

Chapter 60 - Veronica’s Special Training #2

Certainly, Lili didn’t have many means left to face Veronica. Alfred’s Magic Missile, also known as the Magic Bullet, could penetrate even 6th Circle magic defenses. Veronica had decided to only use up to 4th Circle magic, so she didn’t have the means to prevent the Magic Bullet.

“Well, it won’t be that easy.” However, Liliana never lost her vigilance. Even Alfred, who had turned numerous knights and magicians into corpses, had rarely faced a master level. According to the records, Alfred had been defeated by Blue Tower Master Blundell, who had been of the 7th Circle at the time. In other words, even the Magic Bullet’s utility against a master level magician wasn’t absolute.

“…Stop and raise the index finger,” Lili muttered as she looked at her index finger several times. In order to use the Magic Bullet with its original force, she had to train her fingers. The strength of Lili’s body had increased considerably after receiving some of Lee Yoonsung’s abilities, but unlike Alfred, Lili’s range was limited to the mid-range. However, it was a great improvement compared to when it could only be used several times a day.

Fortunately, Veronica waited until she finished thinking. It was an attitude which showed she was confident in her strength. There were still gaps, but Lili had no way to dig into them. “Is there any way I can catch her weakness again? I felt like I had hit a wall with my knee, but it should be somehow okay if I use Magic Bullet. I can’t think of any other way… Okay.”

As Lili finished her preparation, Liliana’s magic power settled down. While her magic power remained still, it was like the calm before a storm. Veronica detected this and started circulating her four circles. Then shortly after that…

Pak! Lili triggered Battle Song, and her body disappeared in an instant. It was at a speed which exceeded a human’s eyesight. Lili would maintain a large distance between them the moment she realized there was no chance for her to win in close combat. That seemed like the most plausible move she would make, but Veronica’s keen vision quickly caught her movements.

“Coming to the medium range? I like you even more.” As Veronica spoke, she created fire arrows. One Fire Bolt had enough power to pierce through any heavy armor. There were roughly 100 of such arrows. The arrows were completed in the blink of an eye and flew forward.

Dudududududu! The stadium floor was soon punctured with holes like a honeycomb. Sweat dripped down Liliana’s face as she barely avoided the fire arrows without any damage. She had used Battle Song to strengthen her skin as much as possible, but if she had blocked the attack from the front, she couldn’t guarantee that any 5th Circle defensive magic would’ve been able to block it.

It was reckless to fight against her with fire magic. Lili experienced this fact directly and immediately changed her attribute. “Earth Wave!” The ground shook from where she touched it with her palm, and the already tattered stadium floor moved like a wave towards Veronica. Having an enormous mass of earth rising up to swallow her would be really annoying, even for Veronica.

Kwaang! A wave of fireballs shattered the wave. The destructive power was even stronger than normal Blaze Shells! Hot air blew away from the blast. It was a pressure which didn’t let up even when smoke was covering Veronica. She looked forward with no fear.

However, instead of being overwhelmed by the pressure, Lili poured magic power into the ground with a smile of satisfaction. “Mitra, now!” [Hoing!] Mitra had been sent near Veronica with Earth Wave, and she now responded to Lili’s signal. This was Ground Spear, the trap which had taken one of Sylvia’s points. It might be incomplete, but its power and size were incomparable due to Lili reaching the 5th Circle.

The problem was that her opponent was too absurd. “Ah, an elemental.” Veronica instantly knew about the existence of Mitra and stomped lightly on the ground.

Kung! [Hoyayang!] Mitra, who was preparing a spell, was hit by a shock wave and went into hiding in the ground with a cute scream. She didn’t seem hurt, but she had received a big surprise. Liliana spoke to Mitra a few times but didn’t receive any replies. Mitra was closer to a spirit than a solid form, so the emotional impact was transmitted to her directly. Still, Lili’s goal of grabbing Veronica’s feet was achieved.

“Memorize. All Slots Charge.” It was incomplete, but she now had five circles, so Memorize had five slots. Lili filled up all the slots while Veronica was looking down at the ground. If she unleashed five magic spells at the same time, then she could complete one combination. It was Lili’s original magic which was different from traditional Fusion Magic.

“This is currently the strongest magic I can use!” In theory, Veronica wouldn’t be able to neglect it since it had the power equal to an upper 5th Circle or low 6th Circle. As Lili gathered all her magic power, her eyes glowed blue. The magic power in the air shuddered, and when Veronica noticed it, she halted. Perhaps it was because she expected the attack.

However, Lili overturned that prediction as she rushed forward once again.

“Again?” Veronica looked at her with a confused expression. Lili should’ve understood that close combat was no use. So, Veronica didn’t know what the meaning of this approach was, especially when Lili hadn’t used Alfred’s Magic Missile yet. Whatever the case, she would smash everything Lili had planned.

Hwaruruk! Veronica once again created fire arrows. The number of fire arrows was double what she’d made earlier. 200 arrows aimed directly at Lili. She would make her run side by side, so that she couldn’t approach the front. Of course, Liliana anticipated this as well.

-Illusion Track! As the mouth on her left hand cried out, dozens of Lili copies appeared in the stadium.

“Illusion magic? Additionally, she’s using Battle Song at the same time?” Veronica’s shock caused her reaction to be delayed by half a beat. This was because it went against common sense. It was unimaginable that a 5th Circle sorceress could invoke Battle Song in conjunction with illusion magic which was at least of the 3rd Circle. Despite Veronica’s dragon senses and high sensitivity, it would take her a short amount of time to see through the dozens of illusions.

As a result, Liliana was ahead of her by one beat. “Master of heat, Surtr. Blow away those who dare desire your power!” This was a chant she had learned from Sylvia. It was a top circle magic, but it was possible to reproduce some of its power by omitting some things. Her lacking sensitivity was covered up by Memorize. This was the fire version of the 7th Circle ice magic, Blizzard.

“Minor Force. Inferno.” The fearsome storm raged and struck Veronica.

“Indeed, I should become serious.” If Veronica were a pure-blooded red dragon which swam in lava, she could endure this with her bare body. However, she was only a quarter dragon. Putting her hand in a bonfire was fine, but she couldn’t face these flames, which could melt down rocks, without doing something else first.

The moment that Veronica was caught up in the firestorm, “Now!” Lili raised her index and middle fingers of both hands and aimed the four fingers at the front. However, she didn’t think the attack would be effective, even if she reproduced the 7th Circle Inferno. Her opponent was the Red Tower Master, literally the strongest magician who reigned at the peak of fire magic. This was Lili’s best attack, but Veronica would only struggle a little bit. She knew from the beginning that she couldn’t win through firepower. In the end, the heat was just a cover.

Her eyes shone gold as she used Hawkeye to see through the flames and aimed as soon as she confirmed Veronica’s presence within the flames. Even a master magician couldn’t perfectly defend against a surprise attack. Aimed at Veronica’s forehead, philtrum, heart, and stomach, four streaks of blue light pierced the flames.

Kiiiing. As the wind blew, there were sharp sounds as four holes formed in the flames. Lili’s attack could even pierce through the power of Inferno. This was the moment that the Magic Missile of the war hero, Alfred Bellontes, returned to the world in a true sense.

“Cough!” Blood spurted from Lili’s mouth. This was the cost of activating her circles to the limit. She staggered as the flames went out.

“Nice!” Finally, the Queen of Fire who kicked away Inferno appeared. There was a nice smile on her face as well as a line of blood which hadn’t been there before. It was the mark of the Magic Bullet, which had lost most of its strength against the defense of the quarter dragon. “Only one shot connected. It is still lacking…”

Veronica had phenomenal reflexes. Lili sighed deeply as she guessed the reason. The flow of magic power around her body was familiar to Lili. It was the incomplete version of Battle Song, but it still enhanced Veronica’s physical ability. It allowed her to withstand Inferno as well as respond to Magic Bullet. Lili couldn’t come up with any more means to win.

On the other hand, Veronica was shaking with joy. “Is my spine shivering?” Despite the penalties, there had been only one person in the city who could make her so nervous until now. It was the great magician, Blundell Adruncus. With the exception of this old man, no one else could excite her. However, she wouldn’t get a chance to fight him as both of them were the pillars of this country.

However, what about this girl called Liliana? “If she keeps growing like this for 20… No, 10 years…” She would grow into someone powerful enough to threaten Veronica. Veronica imagined the day which had yet to come, and her nervousness became a cheerful feeling. Even Lili’s looks were good. Veronica had never been interested in the opposite sex before, but this wasn’t bad. No, she rather liked it. It would’ve been nice if Vince hadn’t found her first, but unfortunately, she had to give up on taking the role of mentor.

She pulled a potion out of her dimension pocket. “Drink this now. The blood is clogged around the circles on your heart, so it is better to drink and treat this.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“And the attack you showed at the end was really good! Keep doing this in the future.” Lili stiffened as she asked, “Future. Does that mean?”

“Yes!” Veronica nodded with a bright expression and dropped the expected bomb. “Drink the potion and rest for 30 minutes. We will spar half a dozen times a day. Results will usually emerge after less than a month. Are you going to be one of those whiny children who say they won’t do it again?”

Liliana stiffened as she looked at the shattered stadium, torn attire, and blood she had thrown up. Veronica’s smile caused her to feel a chill, despite it containing no ill will. Lili could see why Vince had called her a natural disaster, but she couldn’t go back now. In the end, Liliana dropped her head with a resigned expression. The fierce one-on-one tutoring with Veronica ended after approximately a fortnight.

Chapter 61 - The Second Mission #1

It was definitely worth sparring against Veronica, one of the greatest sorceresses of the present day, despite the harshness. She seemed accustomed to attacking and defending in this way as she acted at a level which Liliana could handle. Moreover, she also used her speed and power to push Lili to the limit.

‘She’s coming.’ Lili moved her body as soon as her senses noticed it.

She took two steps to the right, and a terrible thunderbolt struck where she had just been standing. Her body moved in a way it wouldn’t have been able to a fortnight ago, while her sharp five senses read the movement of mana and squeezed out the magic formula one step ahead of her mind.

It was followed by a fearsome rain of fire arrows.

–Arrow Protection.

Lili took one step forward and triggered the water skill. She was already in a state where Battle Song was helping her. Just like a dancer, she moved through the arrows while kicking and blocking things with her fist. They were natural movements but they seemed like clothes borrowed from someone else.

‘Battle Song. Rhapsody of Power. Mezzo Forte.’

Lili’s fist filled up with magic power, and she hit a fireball.


Some of the embers from the scattered fireballs hit her face, but Lili watched Veronica’s movements without moving a single eyebrow. It was because missing her position for a brief moment would lead to defeat.

However, Veronica surpassed even that level of concentration.

“Are you looking at an illusion in the distance?” As Veronica’s voice rang out behind Lili, a chill ran down her spine. She had missed the moment Veronica used illusion magic when she had been intercepting the fire arrows and fireballs. The shape in front of her was just a refraction of Veronica’s heat.

‘This time, it is only up to here.’

The intervals and timing… Lili couldn’t see a way out.


The heat burst. She had predicted the fireballs thanks to the movement of mana. It wasn’t a conventional Blaze Shell, but there was no way to stop it at this distance. She had already used the Protection skill a long time ago, and even if she combined Battle Song and Shield, she couldn’t avoid the situation.

The moment she tried to open up Shield with a bitter smile…


There was a strange sensation in her body, like a misaligned cog clicking back into place. The uncomfortable magic power flow stopped, and the 5th Circle started rotating with the other four circles.

Liliana felt this and unconsciously completed the formula for the 5th Circle defense magic, Protection.


The wall of blue magic power completely blocked the fireball.


Lili couldn’t help smiling at the successful defense, and Veronica grabbed her with a bright smile. She realized that Lili had completely crossed the threshold to the 5th Circle after using Protection.

“You succeeded! Well done Kid!”

“T-Tower Master. Please let go.”

Veronica wasn’t wearing a robe, so Lili’s head became empty at her touch. The skin moist with sweat caused her to feel dizzy.

However, Veronica didn’t know what was going on in her head and smiled playfully. “When we are in private, shouldn’t you call me ‘Sister’? At any rate, the disciple is stubborn, just like her master. This is the last time I will train with you. I’m a little sad.”

She had left her position for a fortnight to be Liliana’s opponent. In a sense, one of the greatest sorceresses in Meltor had acted as her private tutor. It was huge when she thought about how she couldn’t even afford a single bottle of magic reagent.

Yet, right now, someone this great was asking her to call her ‘Sister’? Just as Lili opened her mouth hesitantly to speak…

“Tsk, there are guests who can’t read the atmosphere.” Veronica sensed someone approach and moved Lili to an angle in which she wouldn’t be visible.


A white-robed man from the White Tower hurriedly entered the Pentarium and bowed to her.

“Tower Master! There is something urgent that you need to look at!”

“The rating?”

“At least the 4th grade of importance.”

“…Oh, that is vaguely high. It can’t be helped.”

She would’ve ignored it if it was the 5th grade, but Veronica was forced to release Lili. Lili was filled with some regret, but her eyes shook at the next words.

It was because Veronica was giving her an order with a serious expression. “Follow me. I may need your strength.”


The missions given to war mages and the Red Tower were fundamentally militant.

If it was a mission which involved ‘fighting’, most sorceresses would be dispatched from the Red Tower. They were sent when there were appearances of strong monsters or groups of criminals or to destroy forces preparing for a revolt.

Therefore, the Red Tower had introduced a policy with two classifications for the missions: the degree of risk; and the degree of importance.

Veronica walked in front of her and explained, “The elder lich that you dealt with in your hometown is 3rd rank in terms of risk, but his importance is unexpectedly low at the 4th or 5th rank. I could handle it without any difficulty. At most, one or two territories would be lost. Oh, grimoires are an exception.”

“One or two…”

It sounded scary from the point of view of those territories, but it wasn’t such a big deal when looking at the whole country.

According to her, the 1st rank importance was assigned to things like a massive rebellion, invasion from a hostile nation, or the assassination of the king. The 2nd rank was associated with large-scale epidemics, natural disasters, and disasters such as a monster wave.

“Then what is the 3rd and 4th rank when it comes to importance?”

“It is simple. Issues that might become the 1st or 2nd rank. But most of these cases can be solved with violence. They are things that we can handle with strength.”

Veronica kicked the doors of the tower master’s office with a frown. The door was made for such a situation, so it swung open and they entered. The door knob seemed to have no meaning, but nobody cared.

She sat down on her chair and looked at the intelligence member. “Now, let’s hear the report.”

The magician in the white robe read out the report like he had been waiting. “It was three days ago. Agents of Earl Bergen intercepted talks of ‘slavery’ while they were watching some merchants. The name of the organization is [Shackler], an organization that is active in the Austen Kingdom.”

“Slaves? They didn’t hear wrong?” Veronica’s expression showed that she didn’t understand.

It had been 100 years since the great powers in the northern part of the continent, the Andras Empire and the Meltor Kingdom, banned slavery. The knights and sorceresses had taken action, and the slave trade dried up. Families associated with slavery were destroyed, and those who gained wealth from it became cold corpses in the morning.

The policy remained even now, and few idiots tried to use the Meltor or Andras countries as intermediaries. The intelligence agent from the White Tower nodded in agreement. “I have reviewed this a number of times before telling Tower Master… They truly are slavers. I saw them smuggling several human-sized barrels.”

“They must want to be killed… Then we will kill them.” A creepy killing intent filled Veronica’s gold eyes.

Slavers were absolutely not allowed to step foot in Meltor.

The role of the Red Tower was to annihilate any harmful existences to Meltor. No, slavers were just vermin who couldn’t be allowed to exist. It was best to kill them right away, without bothering to capture or arrest them.

If this was true, then the importance was at least the 4th rank.

“The species of the slaves being traded?”


“I knew it. If it was just handling human slaves, then the importance would only be at the 6th rank.”

The elf species, with their beautiful appearance and long lifespan, had been popular as pets for the powerful since a long time ago.

At one time, there had been large scale hunting of all elves on the continent. It was to the point where they had been at the risk of becoming extinct, and the rage of the elementals had brought the country into disarray. However, the human greed still hadn’t faded.

Therefore, the elves had decided to make their own country separate from humans. The elves gathered their strength and established a country called Elvenheim, located deep in the northern mountains.

The environment, which humans couldn’t easily approach, was a paradise for them. The slavers didn’t dare approach the large group of elves. Rather, they were frequently beaten by the elven warriors dispatched to liberate the slaves.

Since then, the sale of elven slaves had become a taboo on the entire continent. However, the number of humans who wanted elf slaves were still too high to be counted, so slavers continued to meet the demand in the shadows.

“…It is a long-awaited chance to gain some favor with Elvenheim. You figured out the power of [Shackler], right?”

“Of course.” The white-robed magician respectfully placed the scrolls on the table.

It seemed he was hesitant to speak in front of Lili, who didn’t have any relation to the mission.

Veronica then opened the scroll with a chant. She frowned as she finished reading the contents. “I can’t believe it. Did they bring five senior aura warriors? It means the organization has a large stake in this deal.”

The power of the force the slavers brought was enough to sweep away a small or medium-sized estate. The price of elven slaves was high, but was it worth bringing so much power?

Frankly, Veronica was skeptical. If this power was to be wiped out then the organization [Shackler] would be almost destroyed.

‘Those guys won’t do anything that will lose them money. It can’t be.’

There was something fishy about this. They didn’t need to take such risks for something like the simple sale of elves. It seemed like there was another purpose. The intelligence network of the White Tower didn’t seem to have penetrated to this extent, but there was a question at the end of the report about the unsustainability of this venture.

It seemed like Veronica would have to increase the power of the sorceresses who would be sent. She set the report aside and pressed the bell on her table.

Chaeng! The bell rang through the tower, and a clerk of the Red Tower ran up from the bottom of the tower.

“Did you call, Tower Master?”

“I need at least two Superior sorceresses. Call all the people remaining in the capital right now.”

“I understand.” The clerk pondered for a moment before his face suddenly turned pale.

Veronica saw his look and frowned. It was clear she wouldn’t receive a satisfactory answer from such an expression. Unsurprisingly, the clerk spoke in a small voice like he wanted to crawl into a mouse hole, “T-Tower Master, there is only one Superior war sorceress left in the capital right now.”

“Who is it?”

“Vince Haidel.”

Liliana flinched as she suddenly heard her teacher’s name. However, Veronica’s face distorted as she asked, “What about our veterans?”

“Only Herman remains.”

“He can’t fight because of an injury. Damn, there is too much work these days, so my hands are tied like this. I can’t take people from the other towers.”

It was different if it was a monster subjugation, but it was hard to hand the task of killing people to sorceresses from another tower. Their minds wouldn’t be prepared, and they didn’t know the tricks.

If they were experienced veterans, then it would be okay. However, it would take a while for the request to go through. She needed to find a candidate who could be dispatched immediately.

“The remaining ones?”

“There are 23 Average ranked sorceresses… Most of them have recently upgraded while the rest have started missions already.”

“I can’t use them. Don’t bother telling me.”

Veronica bounced her fingers irritably for a moment before shaking her head like it couldn’t be helped. Lili stood awkwardly before that golden gaze.

“Call Superior Vince Haidel to me right now. Vince Haidel and Liliana Miller will be given this mission. Also, go to Shugel and request a transfer with space magic.”

The magician didn’t dare refuse and ran out of the tower.

Chapter 62 - The Second Mission #2

Soon after receiving Veronica’s call, Vince hurried to the Tower Master’s office. Veronica told him the whole story and said that he would be one of the two people being dispatched. Vince’s expression hardened at the mention of the word ‘slave.’ To him, a criminal organization which sold intelligent species for money were the worst gutter rats.

“I understand the mission,” Vince replied in a tone which was different from his usual cold self. “Liberate the slaves from the organization, [Shackler], and eliminate members of said organization. In addition, find out why they’ve come to Meltor and investigate the truth behind the deal, right?”

“Exactly. If there is some room, capture the commander. If you can’t afford it, torture and kill them.”

“I understand.”

It was a bloody conversation, but this was normal when it came to Red Tower tasks. Things couldn’t always go smoothly, and sometimes violence was needed. The royal family allowed Red Tower magicians to commit violence, and they even had the right of execution depending on the circ*mstances.

Moreover, utilizing torture in order to extract information was, of course, acceptable. It was why Meltor’s villains didn’t dare go against red robes. War mages were an existence on an entirely different level to them.

“…Tower Master,” Vince spoke to the Red Tower Master instead of immediately leaving the room.

Apart from the difficulty of the mission, he didn’t want his disciple to dip her feet in a dirty ditch like this. It was enough for Vince to dirty his hands. He should be able to handle this much of a force on his own.

However, Veronica realized his thoughts and shook her head. “No. I don’t have a good feeling about this. The information from the White Tower is excellent, but they couldn’t find out everything. If there are more hidden forces, then you won’t be strong enough on your own. Take the girl.”

“Liliana is still only 19 years old.”

“She is also a 5th Circle sorceress. This Veronica has personally seen that she has a promising future.”

The gazes of the two people clashed in the air. Neither of them doubted Lili’s skills. Liliana’s capabilities had already surpassed the top Average, and she could keep up with her mentor, Vince. Above all, it was important that the person involved, Liliana, didn’t intend to refuse the mission.

Lili took a step forward and broke the confrontation between the two people. “I will do it.”

“You will?”

“I don’t want to send Master to a dangerous place alone. If I can be of assistance, then please let me accompany you.”

Veronica smiled at her attitude. “The girl said so, Vince.”

“…Then it can’t be helped.”

“Well, think of this as the price for having a very good disciple. You don’t have to worry about her doing well.”

In the end, she smiled at Vince and picked up a piece of parchment from her desk drawer. Then she wrote on it roughly with a pen and stamped it with her seal. The stamp had a special ink, which only the Red Tower Master could use, and a certificate holding her name.

Veronica threw the piece of parchment toward Vince. “This is my stamped order. If necessary, use it to ask for the cooperation of Earl Bergen. You may not be able to encircle the organization with just two people.”

“Huh? Wouldn’t it be a nuisance for you to handle?”

“Hey, if I give it to you, then just accept it. What are you saying?” Veronica shouted, forcing Vince to accept the parchment with a grim expression.

Vince didn’t think it was a good idea, but he thanked her anyway. She didn’t finish there as she pulled out one more thing. “Girl, take this.”

“Huh? Ah.” A small pouch was placed on Liliana’s palm. The outward appearance of the pouch resembled something she knew. Veronica spoke and reminded her of something she had forgotten about, “Apparently, your dimension pocket hasn’t been reissued yet? So, I will lend you mine instead.”

“Thank you for your consideration… Huh?” Lili made a confused sound as she found that the pocket had a strange weight.

“Tower Master, are there things inside?”

“Don’t mind the clutter. Potions, scrolls… These things aren’t very useful to me.”

‘Why would she leave useless things in her dimension pocket?’ Liliana questioned inwardly, but she was able to see the reason after Veronica avoided her gaze. She smiled when she understood her secret intentions, while Veronica fanned her face with her hands. She still couldn’t hide her feelings.

“Go. I’ve said everything I needed to say. Old Man Shugel must be waiting.”

“I understand.” Vince and Lili answered at almost the same time, but unlike Vince, Lili didn’t turn around to leave. Instead, she looked at Veronica with a strange expression and said, “I will be back.”

These last words were said soundlessly, with only the movement of her lips. She was embarrassed to say them in front of her master. However, the meaning of her words was conveyed. Veronica’s eyes widened, then she was smiling like a blooming flower.



A light suddenly shone in a narrow space. It was an empty space without any furniture, and the dust on the floor rose up like a whirlwind. This was the phenomenon of spatial magic as people moved from Mana-vil Capital to Earl Bergen’s territory.

Two people appeared in the distorted space. This time, they weren’t accompanied by the caster of the magic, so Lili and Vince were the only ones to appear.

“…Hoo, these damn side effects haven’t changed.” Vince was no exception to the dizziness caused by spatial magic as he pressed a hand to his forehead. It was an inevitable side effect which affected anyone other than the White Tower elders who crossed space repeatedly.

Liliana was also affected, but it wasn’t as bad for her as it was for Vince because she had experienced it recently.

“Should we take a rest for a while?”

“No, it is fine. This dizziness will go away quickly.” As Vince said, he quickly regained his sense of balance. Then he immediately walked toward the exit.

Their location was a secret mansion on the outskirts of Bergen. It was a facility unavailable to magicians unless they were of a certain rank. Perhaps even Earl Bergen, the master of this territory, didn’t know about the existence of the mansion.

The two people from the capital opened the secret door into the back alley and naturally blended with the crowd.

“…I didn’t expect to come back to Bergen again. I sent a resignation letter after going to the capital,” Vince murmured as he saw the familiar city views.

In retrospect, they had only been gone for around a month. However, there was a strange sensation, like he had been away for a long time.

Liliana felt the same way. ‘The hobgoblin chief, Sylvia in the finals… the elder lich, the grimoire, and Veronica.’

She had struggled against monsters and met a genius she never thought she would reach in her lifetime. Lili had also encountered a monster she’d only read about in books and survived. Unexpectedly, Lili had even gotten acquainted with an unimaginable person who asked her to call her, ‘Sister.’

Liliana had gone through so much in just one month. Vince had accepted Lili’s diploma for her, but that didn’t matter. Those days were like a dream in the night.

‘…No, it isn’t.’ Lili denied it firmly as she looked at her heart. The five circles were moving as they followed the instructions of their master. It was clear evidence that the past month hadn’t been a dream.

At that moment, Vince spoke quietly, “Lili.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Let’s look around first. We came secretly, so we shouldn’t expose ourselves.”


Their clothing was different from usual. Liliana and Vince were dressed in casual clothes and didn’t look like magicians. The clothes were roughly woven mixtures of brown, grey, and green cloth which could be seen everywhere.

This was a mission to infiltrate the seedy world, so they couldn’t be revealed as magicians from the magic towers.

Step, step.

The two people walked along the outskirts. Occasionally, they bought food which couldn’t be called delicious from the street stalls. This type of camouflage wasn’t difficult.

They walked around for approximately an hour while conversing.

“Foreigners… There seem to be a lot of people from Austen.”

“There are aura users and well-trained warriors.”

“They are either members of the [Shackler] organization or mercenaries. Either way, this isn’t great. It is probably a patrol.”

The veteran war mage and Liliana’s sensory perception meant they could sense things ordinary people couldn’t feel. It was easy to grasp the level of mana or if a person learned martial arts by looking at the movements of someone passing by.

As such, Lili’s Hawkeye discovered strangely curved swords on someone’s back. Lili pointed it out to Vince who explained,

“They are shamshirs, swords used by Austen warriors. The shape of the handle and the blades are streamlined.”

The form made it difficult to stab something, but its utility was excellent. Such weapons were specifically designed for the warriors of the desert kingdom, Austen. It was at this moment that…



The two people recognized it at almost the same time, but they pretended to be ignorant and started moving again. Vince understood that he shared the same feeling with Lili, so he didn’t look back as he opened his mouth.

He let out a small whisper which was difficult to hear even at close range, “There is a tail on us.”

“Yes, but I don’t feel any danger.”

“I don’t feel any killing intent either. Not assassins… Maybe they are intelligence operatives.”

The two of them hadn’t done anything which would cause doubts. They didn’t know why there was a tail on them so quickly. The two people silently came to the same conclusion and turned toward a place that wasn’t populated.

They were going to… ‘Catch the tail.’

After a while, they reached an alley with no one around them.

‘…?!’ The person following them flinched as he sensed something strange, while the two magicians activated their magic power at the same time.

Vince finished his magic one minute earlier than Lili, and a blinding light emerged from his palm.

It was the 4th Circle magic, Burning Flash. This magic was extremely effective when used as a surprise attack. An empty void was revealed amidst the blinding light. Vince and Lili didn’t know the method that the person used to hide, but the stealth was exquisite.

Furthermore, in a situation where the target’s eyesight was lost, they reflexively prepared for battle. A person unused to fighting might’ve tried to flee, however, this person was outnumbered. “Ugh, dammit!”

Lili’s spell, which was completed afterwards, caused an enormous pressure to tighten around the person following them, and the magic used to hide their body was turned off. However, a strange expression appeared on Liliana’s face. “…You?”

The face revealed underneath the magic was of someone Lili knew.

Chapter 63 - The Second Mission #3

“Do you know him?” Vince asked as he noticed Lili’s reaction.

Liliana nodded unconsciously. She remembered that face too clearly. In a sense, it was one of the people who had helped her in this city. The person was the black market trader she had visited in order to fill up her insufficient magic power.

Lili clearly recalled his name, “Canis?”

“…Thanks for remembering,” the black market trader, Canis, replied with a resigned expression. He had tried to withdraw but had been suppressed helplessly. His stealth had been noticed, and he couldn’t resist even once. One mistake was enough to bind him on the ground.

Vince grasped the situation and asked, “Is this perhaps the black market trader that you dealt with?”

“Yes, it certainly is.”

Lili and Vince had talked briefly about the black market trader. He was a human from the dark side of the world who couldn’t be trusted, and they had caught him in an unexpected place. Since that day, Lili hadn’t gone to find the black market trader. She could obtain artifacts with Vince’s help, so there was no reason to take the risk.

The quietly listening Canis interrupted, “Excuse me, can you just let me go?”

The two people were talking, but the magic binding him hadn’t been lifted. No, the power continued increasing, so sweat flowed down Canis’ forehead. Lili’s magic power had become stronger after completing the 5th Circle, to an extent where she could suppress some aura users.

Lili heard the request and looked at Vince, who shook his head with a resolute expression.

“No, we need to hear why he is following us,” Vince said. Then he grabbed Canis’ neck and threatened, “But keep this in mind. I know lowlives like you very well. If you lie even once, I will pull out an eyeball and repeat this until you stop lying. You know that this isn’t just a threat, right?”

“…Damn, you’re an executor?” Canis gulped as he determined Vince’s identity.

Vince’s killing intent was different from rookies. He was an expert at hunting humans and wasn’t the type of opponent who Canis could go against. The executives of the Red Tower would tear people into pieces without raising an eyebrow. They were natural enemies of those who lived in the lawless zone.

“Keok, I understand. So, let me go. At this rate—kek—I can’t speak.”

“You only have one chance.” Vince let Canis go after one final eerie warning, and Canis hurriedly took in deep breaths.

The grip of the magician was so strong that finger marks still remained on his neck. It was also a warning that Canis’ life could be taken at any time. Canis opened his mouth and spoke in a slightly hoarse voice, “So, you must be wondering why I was following you?”

“Today was pretty much a coincidence. Young Miss hasn’t come to visit me for almost two months already. I just thought of it as extra income until I coincidentally passed by you today.”

“Coincidence? It seems like you want to lose an eyeball.”

“W-Wait a minute! Please listen a bit more!” Canis screamed hurriedly as a flame emerged from Vince’s fingertip. It was a conventional threat, but it was extra scary since it came from an executive of the Red Tower.

“I’m going to leave this area! I thought I would find Young Miss and do one last deal!”

Vince turned off the flames and asked, “Leave? A black market trader?”

It was hard to leave an organization, especially one in the dark side of the world. Cutting off fingers, arms, or legs would be considered a moderately severe ritual required before a person could leave.

Why would a black market trader, who was treated as a senior executive, want to leave? His unrecognizable body might be found after a few days.

However, Canis’ thoughts were a little different. “Things have gone wrong in this territory. The guild idiots don’t know what they are doing and are digging their graves. I never expected slavery in Meltor, and I don’t want to be burned along with those idiots.”


“I’m not lying! A week ago, people from Austen secretly crossed the wall! It will eventually come out!”

The two magicians looked at each other, ignoring Canis’ urgent voice. Maybe the organization that the black market trader belonged to was directly connected to this case. Indeed, an organization without any connections to Bergen couldn’t have done something as large as slave trading here. It made sense to join hands with the local organization.

Then it was worth using the black market trader. The two people exchanged glances a few times before coming to a mutual understanding.

In the end, Liliana released the spell binding Canis.

“The story, tell us in a little more detail.” Vince’s voice grabbed Canis before he could enjoy the sensation of freedom.


As soon as the three people left the alley, they started walking toward a specific destination.

The location was somewhere out of the reach of outside gazes, so it was a good location to share a secret story. It was the black market trader’s store.

Kkiiik… The rundown door hinges creaked as the door opened. Canis entered the store first. Then Liliana followed him inside and looked around the store.

‘It has been around two months… Quite a long time.’

Things hadn’t changed too much. Items were jumbled together and covered in dust, while there were a few items at her feet. Canis haphazardly made a seat by kicking all these things. It took around five minutes to clean the area, so that there was enough room for three people to sit down.

“Come on, sit down. There is nowhere else to entertain you.”

It was pretty ridiculous for three people to sit down on small desk chairs, but the atmosphere got a little lighter.

“Forget the small talk, and tell us the story. I will decide your treatment depending on the value of your information.”

“Hoo, how bloodthirsty.” Canis had managed to regain some composure from being in a familiar place, but that went away again with Vince’s words.

Neither did Liliana show Canis a bit of softness at all. Lili just looked away at every joke.

Canis had a hunch and quickly opened his mouth, “Do you want information related to slavery? Like the locations of the people from Austen and the transaction dates.”

“Didn’t I say to tell me what you know?”

“I’ll be honest, I don’t know a lot of the details.”

The atmosphere inside the room subsided. This was the result of the increased pressure from the surrounding mana as the two people’s circles rotated. Canis knew there would be this reaction, but he couldn’t tell them things he didn’t know.

“My cardinal rule is to never set foot in dangerous places. My life is at risk in such incidents. So, I was preparing to flee from this area.”

Canis was the careful type who didn’t accept a favorable deal until there was a strong pledge. If he were a person directly involved in slavery, Vince would’ve cut off his legs without any hesitation and chosen torture instead. In a sense, that prudence was the same as Canis’.

“So, I am suggesting a deal.” Sweat flowed down his back as he spoke the words he’d prepared in his head, “I will bring you the information you need. In return for that cooperation, I would like your help.”

“Do you think you are in the position to ask for funds?”

“I’m sorry, but my life is also at stake. Anyway, I don’t know anything worth torturing out of me. Think of it as a good story for a bit of money.”

Canis’ words weren’t wrong. The slavers hadn’t been revealed yet, so it was highly unlikely they would be found tonight. Using an insider to obtain information was an opportunity. It was good business for Canis if he could get a new identity and a bit of money.

The question was whether or not to trust him. Vince glared at Canis with cold eyes. It was because he had learned from experience not to trust the words of a criminal. This person was related to his disciple, so his guard was thicker than usual.

“How can I believe you? You might betray us as soon as you meet the organization. Do you have any guarantees that you won’t go back on your words?”

“The same goes for you as well. I don’t think an executor will keep his promise to a person like me.” Canis looked at Liliana after he spoke.

Lili knew how to fix this situation as she recalled the past. Theirs had also been a relationship where neither of them trusted each other. The appraiser had proposed a trade where the black market trader would gain money, but the black market trader was worried about the suspicious proposal.

The two people had built a trusting relationship through one method.

“Do you want to use the Geass Scroll?”

“Well, there is that method.” Canis smiled as the intended words were spoken.

The Geass Scroll was a means of binding each other, and the effect was applied, regardless of whether they were a criminal or executor. After all, artifacts couldn’t distinguish between a person’s status or position. In any case, verbal promises could never be trusted. The Geass Scroll was a means for an equal negotiation.

Vince belatedly grasped Canis’ intentions and laughed. “…One of the skills of a mouse is escaping through holes.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. If I didn’t dig holes like this, then my life would be different.”

“But don’t be mistaken. You understand it isn’t enough, right?” Vince laughed again.

At first glance, it seemed like a favorable condition, but Canis had a hidden loophole in his proposal. If he failed, there would be more negative consequences for the two people. Therefore, Canis needed to get rid of that risk.

Canis didn’t miss this and eventually said, “Dammit, I’ll pay an advance.”

He got up and sighed as he looked around.

There were genuine, defective, and cursed items displayed in a confusing array. Among them were many things Lili had appraised, as well as those she hadn’t. She didn’t know about the quality, but the amount was enormous.

The owner of the store, Canis pointed to the items with a grim look. “Take what you want.”

“Huh?” Liliana was unable to understand the words.

However, she hadn’t heard wrongly as Canis repeated again in a regretful voice, “I’ll give it all to you, so take as much as you want.”

Chapter 64 - Slavers Raiding Mission #1

As a result, the deal was successful. Vince carried a disgruntled expression until the end, but he wrote down on the scroll that he would help Canis move and give him a new identity. When considering that the power of a Superior magician was equal to that of a superior noble, Canis had an unquestionably strong backer. After each of them signed the contract, Canis got up with a satisfied expression.

“Okay, wait here a bit. It will take some time, so I’ll probably be back when the sun goes down.”

“Do you intend to start immediately?”

“Isn’t time running out? From now on, your work is my job. If I fail, then I won’t gain anything either. You can be confident that I will return after working diligently.”

After telling them to wait, Canis ran out of the store. His movements were full of a vitality which couldn’t be seen until now. He must feel good that he had managed to save his life. The two men left behind in the store without its owner were stunned for a moment, but they soon looked around. Everything around them was an artifact.

“Take as much as you want. He made a mistake to say that.” Vince laughed as he repeated Canis’ words.

Canis would never have thought that Liliana could take all the things in the store. There were so many things that they wouldn’t fit in her dimension pocket, but they were sufficient as meals for Gluttony. The quality wasn’t high, but the amount of magic power which could be absorbed from this amount of artifacts was considerable.

First of all, Lili approached the shelf containing the defective goods and raised her left hand. “Then I will start.”

Unlike genuine products which might have a hidden value, a defective product was useless. Their own value was to be eaten and converted into magic power. With a single command of ‘Eat,’ the tongue emerged from Lili’s left hand and started sweeping through the store.

Woorururu… With a blunt sound, the various objects disappeared into Gluttony’s mouth. Regardless of size, it swallowed everything into its mouth. The dozens of defective products disappeared, and the floor was quickly exposed. Dozens of voices were heard until they were cut off after a few minutes.

[……] [It will take approximately 31 minutes and 14 seconds to fully digest.]

With the release of the 3rd seal, Gluttony’s abilities had improved. The previous digestion time which had been over an hour was now reduced to only 30 minutes. However, this meant it wasn’t difficult to absorb all the things piled up in the store.

Vince let out a cry of admiration as Lili stood before an empty shelf. “…It is amazing when I think about it. Converting the artifact into the user’s magic power is a really amazing feature.”

“I don’t know what the principle behind it is.”

“If you find out, then the magic prowess of humanity will advance a few steps.”

It was as Vince said. The grimoire was a foreign object to modern humans. How it worked and the reason why it existed was a mystery. This wasn’t a problem for the two of them to worry about.

Liliana walked past the empty shelf to another corner filled with objects. This was just the beginning of Gluttony’s meal time.


It was around four hours after Canis left the store when he returned. Like he’d said, he returned just as the sun was about to set.

As Canis entered with an exhausted expression, he was shocked to see that the interior of the store was different from how it had been just a few hours ago. To put it nicely, the store was tidy, but the bad thing was that it was bare.

Canis looked around the empty store several times before clicking his tongue. “Huh… I told you to take what you wanted, but I didn’t think you would sweep them all away. How terrible.”

“I wasn’t allowed to?”

“No, you just followed my words. In any case, I can’t carry any of this with me when I leave Bergen. They aren’t my things, so consider this as a big advance payment.”

Canis pretended to grumble, but Lili wasn’t deceived by his appearance. Lili had seen how clever Canis was through his exchange with Vince. There were probably goods which Canis had concealed for the purpose of converting into cash. It was likely that he had already abandoned all the things left behind in the store. So, Lili didn’t feel any remorse about sweeping it all up.

As the two people stayed still, Canis shrugged and sat down on the chair. Then he took something out and laid it down on the table. It was a cloth much like a handkerchief, but there were strange pictures on the surface. There were curved lines and straight lines, kind of like…

“A map?” Lili asked Canis, who smiled and nodded.

“I can’t read it, but you should be different. Now that you’ve looked at the picture, what do you think? Can you understand it?”

“Yes, this much is enough.”

There was a slight feeling of roughness, but there was no problem in reading it. As Vince and Lili checked the condition of the map, Canis dipped a pen into a jar of red ink. Then he started to write something in the square marking on the map.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t personally confirm the slaves. They are working with my organization, but the guys from Austen are thorough. The boss and some executives offered a few slaves, but they didn’t bite.”

“You couldn’t dig deeper?”

“…I stroked their ego, so yes. The patrols are at a level that can be dismissed, but the guards are the real deal. I don’t see any gaps in their abilities and the security they set up.”

Liliana’s and Vince’s expressions turned grim at Canis’ words. Canis had been spotted quickly by the two people, but Vince and Lili were special cases. If they hadn’t been vigilant, they might not have noticed Canis following them as it was also hard to spot him. However, the security was at a level where Canis had been noticed? There was something strange.

“Now, it was roughly like this.” Canis pointed to the map and explained, “There are two barracks installed on the outskirts of the camp, with guards around the prison barracks containing a total of four slaves. Their positions don’t change, and they don’t leave. As I said before, the four guards standing at the entrance to the barracks are at a higher level than the patrols. In particular, there are 10 people surrounding the large barracks.”

“Do you know the interval and number of patrols?”

“I drew it on the map. The interval is one to one and a half hours, and they patrol in pairs, with an average of five patrols running at one time.”

Vince looked at Canis with new eyes. He had thought Canis was just a rat, but with this level of information collecting ability, it was enough to work as an intelligence agent within the military. Maybe he was a human who had left such a world. If all the information was correct, it was worth the price he’d paid in advance.

Vince asked his disciple who was closely gazing at the map, “Lili, what do you think?”

“…We should strike from two directions. If we don’t surround them, then they may escape with the slaves. So Master, I should save the four slaves on the outskirts first.”

“That is true. Should we strike tonight?”

“Yes, I think so as well.”

The information collected by Canis might change after today. The possibility of a fluctuation tomorrow was high, so it was better to chase the chickens tonight. Since they’d received a breakthrough, they should strike at full speed. They had enough power, so breaking through the front was the most efficient method.

At that time, Canis, who had been listening to them talk, interrupted, “Wait a minute, my story still isn’t over yet.”

“There is still more?” Vince looked at him with a strange expression.

The patrol route, guards, slave positions, and number of enemies… that was all they had asked Canis to find out. Vince hadn’t expected that a thief from the dark side of the world would do more than that.

However, Canis soaked his thumb in red ink and stamped a point on the cloth.


Hwiyuooong… Night in the Nadun Mountain Ranges was as cold as ever, while strong winds blew in the densely populated city of Bergen. At first glance, it sounded like the wind was whistling above Lili’s head. She was hiding among bushes, so grass and twigs tickled her skin. Rustle! She looked down at the cloth in her hand and recalled the decision she’d made after discussing it with Vince.

Lili would free the four slaves from the two barracks on the outskirts and leave with them. It was possible to enter quickly and discreetly. Meanwhile, Canis had been sent away with Veronica’s certificate to gather the lord’s army.

A strange feeling emerged in Lili’s settled heart. ‘Is this my first time killing a person?’

The boat might have already sailed as Liliana had cut down hundreds of monsters and undead before. However, she had never killed a living human. Therefore, this battle would involve her first murder.

Liliana didn’t have any exhilaration about such a thing. She looked down at her own hands and arms with a qualitative eye.


Her hands weren’t shaking at all. Rather, her fingers were wriggling toward the target. Alfred’s experiences and memories naturally sharpened her nerves. Lili could shoot and kill at any time. It was no different from being a living weapon.

‘A person who killed one thousand people was considered a hero.’ As the saying went, every hero was forced to become insensitive to murder or be accustomed to carrying the weight of the blood. Alfred was no exception, and Lili, who had received his experience instead of just knowledge, was no different.

Additionally, her opponents were trash who considered living beings as commodities, so they deserved to die. The fact that there was no hesitation in Lili’s fingers might be natural.

At that moment, a red light shone from far away. ‘The signal.’

It was a magic light which only someone who was using View Mana Force could see, and it was the signal agreed on by Vince and Liliana. Simultaneously, two men on patrol appeared near the bush where Liliana was hiding.

“¥CGGÅC?” “ÅÅ¥℃£!”

Their skin was dark, and they spoke a language which Lili couldn’t understand. At their waists, they carried strangely curved swords. These were swords which Vince had explained were shamshirs, which were used by warriors of Austen. The two men were the trash from [Shackler].

Their balanced gait and firm arm muscles revealed underneath folded sleeves showed that they were warriors. Then the moment they passed by Lili’s bush…

Piing-Light emerged from her index finger pointing out from the bush. Magic Bullet passed through the back of the warrior walking on the right and out of him without making a noise. A hole was formed in the flesh within seconds.


The other warrior walked two steps ahead before realizing his colleague wasn’t following, but Lili’s hand then moved in a flash and struck his neck.

Bakak. The blow was as hard as granite due to Battle Song. The warrior’s trachea and neck bones were broken, and his body collapsed just like his colleague had done.

The two patrolling warriors were wiped out in an instant. Lili buried the two bodies roughly and looked at her hands. They weren’t shaking at all.


Lili ignored the fact that she didn’t feel anything and headed for the barracks without any hesitation.

Chapter 65 - Slavers Raiding Mission #2

The slums of Bergen, where the [Shackler] were hiding, were as complex as an ant cave. If a stranger, who didn’t know this, traveled about recklessly, then they would disappear into the shadows of the city. The air weighed heavily on Liliana’s shoulders. There were wine bottles rolling on the ground as well as stains which could be blood. Whatever it was, Lili ignored it and focused on the situation calmly. ‘On the right, 25 meters away, there are three at the back.’

This precise sensing ability didn’t just depend on physical detection. It was a possible feature because she shared the feelings of the elemental, Mitra, who had assimilated with the ground. The mole-like ability to grasp the movements and physique of others through vibrations was extremely useful to the present Liliana. She could see things she couldn’t with Hawkeye.

Indeed, there were three thieves whispering beyond the wall. Lili took a few steps until sound entered her ears.

“I saw it! It was definitely an elf!”

“You’re crazy, Hans. Did you take medication during the day?”

“You are probably hallucinating from not seeing a prostitute for a few days. Do you want me to lend you some money? The interest rate is 2% per day.”

“Hey, this son of a bitch!”

Somehow, one of them had seen a captive elf, and his colleagues didn’t believe him. The thief became angry at this treatment and stormed away from his spot. He moved beyond the corner and came face to face with Liliana. The man opened his mouth with surprise when he saw Lili, but...

Piing—A hole was formed in the middle of his forehead before he could speak. Even the strongest magician, Veronica, had no way to completely avoid Magic Bullet at this distance. The fate of the thief ended the moment he met Lili.

‘There are two left… I will handle it.’

Lili pointed her index fingers over the wall and fired at the heads of the two remaining thieves. The light of death pierced them, and they were smiling as their brains scattered. This was the last of the three common thieves.

Not long after that… In a guerrilla warfare, the level difference meant nothing before the Magic Bullet.



Lili killed anyone she met. She moved thoroughly according to this principle, burying dozens of bodies along her route until she met a second patrol. It might be a coincidence or skills, but a warrior had managed to make a shallow scratch on Lili’s forearm.

‘Che, I’m still inexperienced. It was an attack I could’ve avoided if I had fully digested Lee Yoonsung’s experience.’

She healed the wound slightly with magic. It was just a few drops of blood, but it couldn’t hurt to be careful. Lili then concealed her body and realized she had reached the barracks. It was a barrack where two elves were trapped. Just as she was worrying about which of the two barracks to attack first…

Shouts rang out from the barrack on the right. “No? Why not?!”

Lili naturally moved toward the right barrack in response to the sound. Her two golden eyes looked over the fence and examined the situation inside. There was a large group of thieves arguing with four warriors standing in front of the barrack with grim expressions.

Lili tensed as she grasped their level at one glance.

‘There are five aura users… Maybe the intelligence agent from the White Tower missed something. Isn’t it better to watch the situation before entering?’

Lili was tense enough to move at any time, but she decided to listen to their argument first.

“This is against the agreement! Didn’t you agree to turn over two elves to me? You don’t know how risky a position our guild is in because of you!”

“Wait a little longer, Boss Rakon.”

“It has already been over a week! We don’t know when those rascals will come!”

Lili narrowed her eyes at Boss Rakon. He was the boss of the guild which Canis belonged to. Perhaps he had decided to take a few elves in exchange for mediating this slave trade. That was why Rakon had agreed to a deal which normally wouldn’t have been accepted, even for a few hundred gold coins. The thought of possessing an elf beauty had made him forget the fear of execution for a while.

Yet as time passed, he had begun to feel uneasy. Rakon wanted to get the elves out of the city as soon as possible. It had been a few days, so he was sick at the thought of an executioner coming.

However, the members of [Shackler] shook their heads with resolute expressions. They seemed to think the thieves would stab them in the back if they handed over the elves, but doing this was annoying since the thieves came several times a day to ask.

“Dammit, just let me see them once!” Rakon tried to shake their cold attitude, but there was nothing he could do. These people couldn’t even be bribed. The subordinates of Shackler were different from his own.

Wuuong~ The wind cooled his inflamed head.

Rakon exhaled and then inhaled with surprise as his eyebrows twitched when he smelled the faint scent of blood from the wind. The blood wasn’t coming from anyone near him. The extraordinary smell of the thief boss had detected an enemy.

Clink. Rakon flicked his wrist, and six daggers appeared almost simultaneously. The series of actions were really quick. The warriors winced at his sudden action, but he threw the daggers in the direction where he smelled the blood. Amazingly, it was aimed toward Liliana’s location!

‘How?!’ Lili questioned reflexively. She had completely erased her presence, but Rakon had attacked her accurately. They hit the fence around the height of her thighs.

Pyupok! Pyok Pyupok! There was the sound of something flying through their wind, and holes appeared in the wood.

As the fence collapsed in the aftermath, the hiding Liliana was revealed. It was then that the guards finally realized her presence and pulled out their shamshirs. A red radiance lit up in the eyes of the aura users.

Lili was confronted with five aura users before her. “Hoo, then it can’t be helped.”

Instead of retreating, she stepped forward. It wasn’t difficult to escape, but if she left, it would add to the burden of Vince, who was on the other side. Above all, the experiences of the two people inside her were talking. This was a situation where she could win.

“It is a young girl. Hey, kid! Did you get lost from your mommy?”

Liliana’s cheekbones twitched at Rakon’s taunt. It was a sensitive response to the strange provocation.

‘…Uh, it feels worse than I thought?’ It was a single word which touched on her nerves.

The same word felt different depending on whose mouth it came out of. Veronica and the bearded robber had both called her ‘kid’ but the difference was like night and day.

However, Lili’s head cooled off thanks to that thought. This was too different compared to facing Veronica. There were five people and four in the nearby barracks, making for a total of nine people. However, they weren’t stronger than her.

Liliana’s right hand calmly moved. ‘Open Inventory. Equipment #3.’

Meanwhile, her left hand pulled out a red robe. Veronica had given it to her personally. It contained the emblem of the Red Tower and five circles. The robe was a symbol of honor and force in the Meltor Kingdom.

As the red cloth fluttered over Lili’s upper body, Rakon’s eyes widened as he realized the identity of the person in front of him. “Damn, executors have already been sent!”

The villains in Meltor were sensitive to this clothing. Containing defensive and secondary magic, the robes were exclusive possessions of the envoys of the battlefield. It wasn’t an artifact which an ordinary kid could obtain.

Finally, Liliana checked her Memorize slots before raising both hands.

‘Battle Song.‘

‘Sonata of Speed.‘


Then she ran at a fearsome pace through the darkness.


At that time, Vince Haidel was leaping between buildings on the other side of Lili’s location.

After reaching the 6th Circle, Vince’s physical abilities had increased. His movements were just like when Liliana used ‘Battle Song.’


Vince used Battle Song in midair and secured his body with magic. The numerous warriors on the ground couldn’t discover Vince in the sky. It was a reason why magicians were capable of playing an active role on the battlefield. Magicians could wipe out patrolling scouts, so a veteran war mage was the most efficient person on any battlefield.

Among the Superior ranked magicians, Vince was one of the best.

‘Here.’ From the sky, he looked at the point which Canis had marked and landed without a sound.

Vince couldn’t feel it. He used ‘Detect Evil’ as he gazed at the grey tent in front of him. The quarters here felt like the warriors had been living here for several years. As Vince recalled Canis’ information, he felt a sense of discomfort.

That’s why it wasn’t easy to avoid the blow.

Kiiing! It was faster than sound. As the blade tore through the air, the sound emerged one beat late with the scattering of red aura. The tip of the shamshir cut Vince’s neck, scattering drops of blood in the air. However, it didn’t hit the artery. It was due to the increased reflexes of Battle Song.

However, rather than being surprised by the unexpected attack, Vince muttered as if he realized something, “Hah, so that is what happened.”

A man walked out of the darkness near the tent. The black turban decorated with gold was quite distinct. It was a feature of the men from the Austen Kingdom on the northern part of the continent.

The man had long arms, and red aura shone around his shamshirs like a haze. He looked Vince up and down and precisely guessed Vince’s identity.

“Meltor, war mage.”

“That’s right. Janissary of Austen,” Vince responded while putting on his robe.

The man was more shaken by Vince’s words than by his red robe as Vince’s tone expressed that Vince was completely confident he was correct.

While the Janissary protecting his identity closed his mouth, Vince wiped at his wound. “What crime organization would do this so fearlessly? Even if they succeed in selling the elves, they would only lose money. There aren’t many idiots who would try to buy slaves in this country. You aren’t using Meltor as an intermediary. Instead, you’re just passing through.”

“…Why do you think that?” It was a crude version of the official language, but the meaning was still clear. Vince had no intention of letting the man survive, but the man was tenacious. As the man stepped backward, Vince stepped forward, gesturing with a nod toward the tent before him.

He was already convinced that his guess was the right answer. “The elf held in there… No, isn’t it a ‘high elf?’”

The eyes of the Janissary shook.

Chapter 66 - Slavers Raiding Mission #3

High elves were the most secretive of the elven species, shrouded in mysticism. Those who didn’t know might think they were an upper tier of the species, but that wasn’t entirely correct. A long time ago, Arv’s blood experienced atavism, and the elf became a high elf. Their natural strength was the reason why all kingdoms coveted high elves and secretly detained them.

A low voice emerged from Vince’s mouth, “…Three months ago, I heard that the Pilar River, the lifeline of Austen, started to dry up.”

In the heart of the Austen Kingdom, an incredible river flowed through the desert. The Pilar River was the driving force behind the Austen Kingdom functioning as a nation. It was literally the lifeline that allowed the inhabitants of the desert to thrive.

However, the river had dried up. Every 60 to 100 years, a drought would arrive and threaten the kingdom. It was a disaster that couldn’t be predicted through magic. It was the reason why the national strength of Austen didn’t increase beyond a certain level. There was always a limitation since they had to gather food and water to prepare for the drought.

However, things would change if they had a high elf.

It is a reasonable conclusion. High elves were a species that enriched nature just by being present. Their power turned poisoned swamps back into clear lakes and caused blades of grass to grow in rocky mountains. Even if they couldn’t completely resolve the drought, the situation in the Austen Kingdom would improve.

As descendants of Arv, the high elves’ inborn strength was truly wonderful. As natural elementals, they could cause miracles just by breathing. They cleansed poison and grew vegetation, and could moisten dry land and grow any crop. That was difficult even for the great elementalist, Myrdal.

Above all, the Austen Kingdom needed a justification to kidnap a high elf since they risked Elvenheim’s wrath.

“I don’t know how much power is in this convoy, but I know how desperate you must be to disguise it as slavery.”

“You will still block me despite knowing this?” The Janissary’s sword trembled.

He wasn’t part of the [Shackler] organization. A Janissary despised sins and assisted the rulers with their accumulated knowledge. For the sake of Austen, they were servants who obeyed their ruler loyally. So, he hid in this kingdom in disguise, believing that he would eventually solve the disaster. The mission had to be accomplished, even if he threw away his life.

As Vince kept that determination in mind, he nodded. “I don’t know your situation. It would be a few times better for me to save the abducted high elf and gain favor from Elvenheim.”

“If you just close your eyes, the Sultan will repay the favor.”

“How funny. Are you asking me to become an accomplice?”

It was Meltor’s loss, no matter how he thought about it. Elvenheim was different from the distant Austen. For a kingdom that was antagonistic to the Andras Empire, the emergence of a new adversary was fatal.

On the contrary, what if Vince rescued the high elf and brought her back to Elvenheim? It might lead to a strong ally in this tug of war. In short, Austen didn’t have anything to offer Meltor for negotiation.

“…I understand. I’ll have to take care of you here.” The Janissary understood this fact and suddenly lifted something into the air. Vince tried to stop him, but the action was too sudden.

Piing… peeng! The Janissary sent up a signal flare.

He couldn’t allow this magician to live, even if it meant making enemies of the Meltor Kingdom. A kingdom facing the Andras Empire would have to avoid an all-out war with Austen. As long as the high elf was transferred to Austen, it wouldn’t matter if his head was taken.

‘He is willing to die. These guys are annoying.’ Vince clicked his tongue as red flames appeared in his hands.

It wasn’t difficult to deal with the Janissary in front of him, but reinforcements would come thanks to the signal flare. So, it would be annoying if Vince didn’t kill him before that. He had to use ‘it,’ even though it was still incomplete. His six circles spun as he realized there was no other way.

“Blaze Burst!”


The curtains of the grand finale rose in conjunction with the pillar of fire.

On the other hand, Liliana’s fight was reaching its end.

‘…It feels like this. I understand.’

Indeed, this experience was different from fighting monsters and undead. It was a fight that required precise timing and techniques. Her body quickly absorbed the techniques it received from Lee Yoonsung. The techniques were based on the six concepts of the eastern continent.


Lili leaned back gently, and a blade passed right in front of her nose. She barely avoided the damage. Lili’s fist struck the guard’s chest, and the guard flew back while coughing up blood. Then Lili’s speed and power accelerated thanks to Sonata of Speed and Rhapsody of Power.



‘Maintain the gap!’ After shouting to each other, the guards became more vigilant. Two people had already died because of the magician. The five aura users had been reduced to three, so they became increasingly desperate.

Rakon also realized the reality. ‘I’m screwed. This young lass is so strong…!’

Lili was fast and strong. If the aura users maintained the distance between them and Lili, they would be attacked by powerful magic. However, going into close range would cause them to be hit by strange techniques.

The daggers Rakon was so proud of were meaningless if he couldn’t even use them. Despite being surrounded, the girl had dealt with the situation like she had eyes in the back of her head. The most Rakon could do was cut off a few strands of hair.

Goosebumps ran all over Rakon’s body as he sensed he would die here.

‘Run away while they buy time—’ Rakon’s judgment told him that he should run away to avoid death. As he prepared daggers for a diversion, horrific bolts of lightning emerged from Lili’s hands.

It was the 4th Circle magic, Chain Lightning! Chain Lightning, which was amplified by three times due to Memorize, drove away the darkness of the night. It was a magic lightning bolt that could turn a person to ashes just by touching it.

The two warrior guards close to Lili instantly stopped breathing, while Rakon, who had retreated a few steps, was hit in the right leg.

“Kuaaack!” As he rolled to the ground, he experienced terrible pain. Rakon could endure stab wounds, but it was the first time he was hit by lightning.

Was this the most excruciating pain the human body could feel? The pain burning through his nervous system was no different from professional torture. Even drinking expensive healing potions wouldn’t cure the wound easily.

In the end, gaps like these were fatal to those unfamiliar with fighting war mages.

‘It is over.’ Lili thought as she wiped away the blood on her fists. This was a more boring fight than Lili had expected. It wasn’t magic but the feeling of cutting off life with her own hands and feet. She couldn’t help feeling a little uncomfortable, even if it was inevitable. As such, in the middle of the fight, Lee Yoonsung’s and Alfred’s styles had mixed together slightly.

Then Lili pointed her index finger at Rakon.

Piing! It was the end of the boss who reigned behind Bergen. However, the moment Lili tried to bury the body, something dark emerged from Rakon. Before Lili could react, the ominous shadow was sucked into her body.

[A powerful curse has infiltrated your body.]

[Gluttony scoffs at the poor curse.]

[Gluttony’s owner isn’t affected by the curse. The curse has been neutralized.]

Nothing happened. It seemed like Rakon had tried to curse her. This was the effect of the infamous black magic artifact, ‘Companion of Death,’ but to Lili, it was as harmless as drinking sour milk.

Rakon couldn’t achieve what he desired, and even his revenge failed. In a sense, it was the proper ending for his bad karma.

Lili buried the unseemly corpse. It didn’t take long for all the guards of the second barracks to collapse.

The process was rapid and successful.

The eight guards defending the two barracks, as well as Rakon’s men, had been defeated, and the elves were freed. Fortunately, there were no elves who were too injured or exhausted to move. The slaves had value, so they had been handled carefully.

The problem was, why did the elves, who had been caught by humans, follow Lili?

‘What is this?’ Liliana looked back with a bemused expression.

There were four elves following her like chicks following their mother. It was different from the elves who treated other species coldly. These elves followed Lili’s instructions as if she were their superior.

Lili was curious. So, naturally, she asked about it.

–We can feel the aroma of dirt from you.

–We love the earth.

–Please lead us to that person.

…Those were the answers she heard.

‘The scent of dirt, loving the earth.’ She could guess only one thing from those words.

Lili stepped on the ground and felt the presence of the earth elemental, Mitra.

Did it mean her presence was so great that Myrdal’s contract gained an unexpected application? It was said that itwas difficult to become close to elves even with an elemental, but their attitudes seemed to be of holding Liliana in great honor.

However, Lili also didn’t know who ‘that person’ was. Her curiosity eventually got the best of her, and she asked the blonde female elf at the front of all the elves, “Excuse me, who is that person?”

“Delphinas of the Blue Evergreen Tribe will reply. That person is the blessing born to our tribe, the light of all life. The prophet saw it, and the sky danced.”

Lili still didn’t fully understand what Delphinas was talking about. “Can you tell me in an easier manner?”

“Perhaps you know of that person under the name of ‘high elf’.”

“Ah, I see… Ah?!” Liliana was intrigued by the sudden conversation and heard a word she couldn’t ignore.

‘High elf?’ She only had a smattering of knowledge from the books in the library, but she was well aware of the value of their existence. An elf born with such a mutation was an astronomical probability. As soon as they became adults, they were moved to Elvenheim and protected by their own people.

If they were ever caught by other species, Elvenheim’s elite warriors would move immediately.

‘For a high elf to be held in this place…!’

If the situation were less tense, Lili would have liked to talk a bit more. However, it seemed like there was no time.


A fearsome fire pillar rose in the distance. It was a powerful magic event that caused the ground to shake and the mana in the atmosphere to struggle. The firepower of a 6th Circle magician dyed the black sky red. The elves shook as they were more sensitive to mana than humans, while Liliana was worried about her teacher.

The battle on the other side was also reaching a turning point.

Chapter 67 - High Elf Ellenoa #1

Lili felt the waves of mana and hastened her pace. None of the elves lagged behind because they were in a good condition despite their imprisonment. The elves had regained their vitality as soon as they were released from their restraints, so it wasn’t difficult for them to follow her. Thanks to that, the movement speed of the party was quick, and they soon reached the large barracks.

Lili searched the empty surroundings several times using magic and Mitra, before muttering with an absurd expression on her face, “They didn’t leave any guards?”

Perhaps Vince’s fight had caught their attention. Even so, it was weird that there would be no guards. It was common sense to leave a minimum number of troops in case there were still enemies remaining.

Liliana questioned it since she hadn’t seen the Janissary’s flare signal while rescuing the four elves. She ended up rescuing all eight elves. As the four new elves stared at her with strange eyes like the first four had done, Lili struggled to make a decision. Should she step back from this mission or join Vince?

The plan they had established was based on the assumption that there were eight captured elves. Of course, the presence of the high elf wasn’t within the calculations. Vince was supposed to have attacked the large barracks, yet he had been distracted in another place. It was time for Lili to be more flexible instead of insisting on sticking to the mission plan.

“A little bit further.” Instead of stepping back, Liliana decided to move forward.

There was an eerie silence, but she couldn’t sense anything. It meant there weren’t any elements threatening her at the moment. Lili started to walk again with the eight elves. This place wasn’t on Canis’ map, but fortunately, there was no need to get lost. The many footsteps scattered in different directions were all heading toward the same place. Soon, the party reached the spot where the fire pillar had occurred.

“This…!” Lili’s eyes widened as she witnessed the devastation from the front of the group.

It was horrible enough to make her stomach nauseous, while the elves turned pale as they subsequently saw the scene. This was the answer to her earlier question about the guards. The humans, who had been burned alive, were scattered everywhere. Even their eyeballs were melted down from the high heat. The burnt skin of the corpses stuck to the ground, and the bitter scent filled their noses.

“Urgh!” In the end, the elves couldn’t stand it and took a few steps back. Otherwise, they would’ve probably puked. At this moment, they resented their sensitive sense of smell. Unlike humans, the noses of the elves, who lived in the forest, weren’t used to bad smells.

However, Liliana was relatively less affected and jumped toward the source of the odor without hesitation. It was because she saw a familiar person. “Master!”

“Geez, you came first.” Vince, the middle-aged man wearing tattered robes, smiled as he looked at the elves behind Liliana.

There were exactly eight elves. Vince realized that Lili had rescued the elves in the large barracks. This was something Vince was supposed to have done. It was like Veronica had said; it wouldn’t have been enough if he came here alone. Vince flinched as he felt a throbbing pain.

“Master, your injuries…?!”

“I took a blow. They are inconsequential wounds, so don’t worry.”

Of course, the wound wasn’t really inconsequential. The Austen Janissary hadn’t missed the chance to wound Vince with his sword while half of his body was burning in the firestorm. As soon as the almost dead Janissary realized there was no chance of winning, he had struck Vince.

Vince had narrowly avoided a fatal injury, but he was still wounded. He endured the pain and said, “Well, it looks like both of us encountered trouble.”

The two people recovered their strength while talking about what had happened. They were able to breathe better after removing the bad smell with magic. Then the elves unconsciously turned toward the grey tent which contained the high elf.

“High elf… I read the name in a few books, but I never thought I would see them in person.”

“It is the same for me. Usually, they never leave Elvenheim. Only four people at most would’ve met them in this kingdom.”

“Four people…?”

Vince grinned as he folded his fingers. “His Majesty, Tower Master Blundell… and now, us.”

“They are really rare.”

Some self-proclaimed elf scholars doubted the existence of the high elves as within the Meltor Kingdom, the closest kingdom to Elvenheim, only two people had seen a high elf. Liliana and Vince might never have seen one if it wasn’t for today.

At this moment, the entrance of the grey tent fluttered like a wind was blowing past.

“Ah.” No one could be blamed for unconsciously letting out a sound.

The existence which appeared from behind the tent cloth was perfect enough that no embellishments could describe it properly. They had light green hair with a gentle shine and pale limbs which were white even in the darkness. There was a strange sense of androgyneity since it was hard to tell what their sex was just by looking at their appearance. Their hazy eyes looked at Lili, Vince, and the elves.

‘Man… No, woman?’ The person looked like both a male or female.

The dreamlike face smiled at them before speaking.

“Daughter of the Blue Evergreen Tribe, the tribe’s sixth dancer, Ellenoa, thanks my benefactors.” The calm voice sounded like a bell through the darkness.

Just like her appearance, her voice was gender-neutral, but she referred to herself with a definite gender. Lili and Vince accepted the greeting belatedly and introduced themselves.

“I am Vince Haidel.”

“I am Liliana Miller.”

However, Lili saw a strange sight as she bowed her head.

In the place where the ground had turned black from the large-scale fire magic, a small bud was rising from the ground. The soil around Ellenoa’s bare feet was regaining its vitality. A miraculous scene was unfolding right before her very eyes!

Lili realized why the existences of the high elves were concealed so thoroughly.

‘They have the power to revive nature itself. This is the identity of the high elves…!’ Lili lifted her head with an admiring expression and came into contact with Ellenoa’s silver eyes.

It was at this moment that…

[Hoing!] Mitra sprang out unexpectedly from the ground where the bud was sprouting.

Ellenoa’s eyes widened with surprise. Meanwhile, Lili held the small body in her palm. “Ah, what a surprise. Why did you jump out all of a sudden?”

[Horororong!] Mitra made strange motions on the palm of Lili’s hand. It seemed like a dance, but her short legs and arms waving about was just a funny sight.

Thanks to the contract, Lili could share Mitra’s feelings to some extent. The feeling which came from her was of pure joy and excitement. The elemental was excited due to the presence of the high elf.

“…You are accompanied by a precious person.” Ellenoa’s response was surprising. She stared at Mitra dancing on Lili’s palm and smiled gently. If she was within reach, she would’ve stretched out and stroked Mitra’s head.

Maybe Ellenoa knew some secrets about Mitra that she didn’t know. Just as Liliana opened her mouth to respond…

“I’m sorry but we’ll have to delay the story for a while, Liliana.”


“Guests are coming.” Her words were scary and ominous. Then there was the sudden sound of horseshoes against the ground, and armor and weapons rubbing against each other as the Bergen guards arrived in the area.

Lee Yoonsung’s five senses, rather than Alfred’s sensory perception, quickly noticed their approach. She nodded to the high elf and backed off. They would be able to talk later.

“…Hoo, I can rest a little bit.” Lili finally realized the fatigue which had accumulated in her body as she looked at the group approaching from afar.

Pain was lingering all over her body. The pain, which had been dulled by the excitement of battle, was slowly returning, so she naturally sat down.

Thus, the disturbance in the night came to an end.


The effectiveness of the order which Veronica had written was amazing. She was the great mage who reigned at the top of Meltor along with Blundell. As the Red Tower Master, her name was almost the same as the king’s.

When Earl Bergen saw the order from the Red Tower Master, he immediately treated Lili and Vince with great care. From the huge baths to the ingredients used in their dinners, nothing was spared. In Lili’s case, she had to struggle to chase away a maid who had entered her room secretly.

The same was true for the nine elves, including Ellenoa.

“They are being served separately in the annex. They are being given fruits from the city streets. Earl Bergen is truly a resourceful person.”

After having a busy night and sleeping nearly all day, Vince and Liliana walked side by side along the corridor. Unlike their shabby clothes from last night, their clothes looked quite luxurious today. The finest clothing from the mansion were wrapped naturally around both bodies.

Lili tried to ignore her feeling of awkwardness as she replied, “Is the Earl of Bergen that resourceful?”

“At least, I think so. He is good at keeping favour with other people without going out of line. Didn’t you suffer from this last night?”


“He did the same when I first arrived at the academy. He hasn’t changed.”

Lili’s face turned red as she thought about the naked maid in her room last night, but Vince nodded as if he understood. Vince had experienced many things in life, so it wasn’t a big deal for him. They followed a guide and soon arrived in front of a large door. Then the guide politely said goodbye to them.

“So, shall we enter?” Vince glanced at Liliana before entering.

After waking up, the two people had received an invitation from Earl Bergen stating he wanted to dine with the people who had stopped the slave trade. Despite meeting senior magicians previously, this was Lili’s first experience having dinner with a nobleman.

Vince was hoping that Lili wouldn’t be burdened, but…


Vince smiled at Lili’s calm expression.

Indeed, Лiliana had already met Kurt III twice. She had also exchanged fists with Veronica and conversed with Blundell. It wasn’t burdensome to meet a noble after already encountering such huge figures.

If Vince had to use an analogy, those huge figures were like dragons, while Earl Bergen was an ogre.

“No, it is nothing. Let’s go straight in,” as Vince replied, he pulled the door knob.

The big door spread to the left and right, and a bright light entered their eyes. As the two people passed through the dazzling light from the chandelier, a loud shout rang out, “Honoured guests, Vince Haidel and Liliana Miller, from the Magic Tower are entering!”

Chapter 68 - High Elf Ellenoa #2

Simultaneously, a spectacular banquet room appeared before both of them. There were silver and gold decorations, a jeweled chandelier, and marble statues which seemed like the work of a master craftsman. The wooden dining table was made from the trees of the Northern Great Forest, and they held dishes which were difficult to find even if someone offered dozens of gold coins. It was luxurious but not vulgar; this was a space which was hard to find in other noble homes.

Earl Bergen, the man sitting at the dinner table, greeted Vince and Liliana with open arms. “Ohh, the heroes of Bergen have arrived!”

He had a fairly handsome appearance. His clothing was slightly wrinkled, but it wasn’t enough to make someone frown. Rather, it softened the impression of the rather bulky man. Above all, the bright smile on his face contained true sincerity. It was because slave trading was a national felony. If the two people hadn’t come or if they failed the mission, he would’ve had to take responsibility for allowing slavery to exist in his territory. For Earl Bergen, who didn’t know anything, it would’ve been like a lightning bolt striking from the sky.

The two people arrived in front of his chair and curtsied.

“I am Red Tower’s Superior magician, Vince Haidel.”

“I am Red Tower’s Average sorceress, Liliana Miller.”

Earl Bergen received their greetings with a smile and gestured for them to sit down. Despite being in a higher position, the two magicians weren’t people he could easily trifle with. Additionally, he already had a relationship with Vince.

“Hahaha! It has been a long time, Professor Vince. I didn’t know that I would see you again like this.”

“Yes, it is the same for me as well. I quit my position as a professor, only to come back here in a few months. I didn’t know I would deal with such a big event like elf slave trading.”

“This was a really big incident. Why in my territory…”

Despite the Earl talking like he knew about everything, Vince hadn’t told him a few facts. It was kept from the Earl that a high elf was present among the kidnapped elves and that the slave organization [Shackler] was just a front for the secret unit of the Austen Kingdom. This was because it could develop into a huge political issue.

‘I don’t know if news has reached the capital yet, but it is still early at the moment.’ Vince calmly distinguished between what information could and couldn’t be told. Setting aside from Earl Bergen’s personality, the hidden facts of this case were too big. They couldn’t be allowed to rise to the surface of the water. If it was known that the high elf was present in Bergen, there existed the possibility that other kingdoms would start interfering. However, there were only two magicians here, and Vince wouldn’t be able to cope with the situation in his injured condition.

It was why he turned Earl Bergen toward another topic. There was one thing bothering him.


“Oh, feel free to speak! I will help you with anything you need.”

"The things you have given us so far are enough. I just wanted to ask something.”

Both Liliana and her teacher turned their attention to someone sitting beside Earl Bergen. The person was a girl with long blonde hair who looked to be around the same age as Lili. Her skin had the distinctive unblemished fairness of a noble, and she had a beauty which wasn’t easily seen on the streets.

Then Earl Bergen introduced her like he had been waiting for this cue. “She is my dear child whom I gained in my later years. Sweetie, what are you doing? Come and say hello.”

“…I-I am Fiona Bergen.”

“Huhu, isn’t she cute? She hasn’t made her debut yet, so she is still unsure about how to treat people!”

It was too obvious! The two people saw what Earl Bergen was thinking and exchanged looks. At the age of 20, Lili was already an Average of the Red Tower and had great talent. It wasn’t uncommon to desire for a daughter to get together with such talent. His intention was to make Lili his son-in-law.

Unsurprisingly, he started to talk more shamelessly. “Isn’t being greeted by a young lady instead of an old man better for the young Baron Miller? I’m not just saying this because she is my daughter, but she is a pretty cute kid.”

“…Thank you for your consideration.”

Fiona was swiftly moved to the seat next to Liliana. She wasn’t wearing perfume or cosmetics, but out of nowhere, a sweet scent seemed to tickle her nose. Due to the uninvited guest, Lili couldn’t enjoy the food.

She looked at Fiona and inwardly sighed, ‘Hoo, she is pretty though…’

Any young person would dream of having a romance with a noble lady when they were young. Fiona was the epitome of such a romance with blonde hair, big eyes, and immaculate skin. If Lili were a common youth, she wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes from her.

The problem was that she had met females prettier than her.

–Lili, this is how to finish the spell.

For example, Sylvia was a silver-haired girl overflowing with innocence. The mysterious atmosphere around her wasn’t something a sheltered noblewoman could compete with.

–What, Kid. Are you tired already?

The next one to pop up was Veronica. Not only was she beautiful and mature, but every hug and touch left Liliana’s head blank. Lili had met incomparably beautiful women, so she had become strangely resistant to beauty, let alone a young noblewoman like Fiona who didn’t know how to tempt someone. Lili ignored her squirming and ate her food quietly. She was similar to an iron wall.

‘Well, I don’t have to worry.’ Vince laughed at the sight of Lili before concentrating on his conversation with Earl Bergen.

“Someone from the Magic Society will probably come in three, maybe four days. Until then, I would appreciate your hospitality, Earl.”

“Of course. It is for the kingdom. It is okay even if you stay for three or four years.”

“Hahaha, that is too much.”

Two hours passed slowly. There were facts which weren’t revealed to each other, but the atmosphere of the dinner wasn’t bad. Lili continued eating quietly, but she occasionally talked to Fiona since a strange atmosphere would be bad for relations with Earl Bergen. Leaving a good impression was one way to make a connection.

As the food on the table gradually disappeared,

“Ah, that reminds me of something, Baron Miller.”


Earl Bergen suddenly said to Lili,

“Baron Miller is from our academy, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I heard that you won a tournament in the capital and graduated. So, I prepared something for you.”

The earl received a scroll from a servant and passed it to Liliana. Lili received the scroll and pulled the red string tied at the center. She had an idea of what this scroll meant. Indeed, it was as she expected.

“I wanted to invite the dean of the academy, but he had no time to spare. Still, he gladly gave me the certificate of graduation.”


“Ah, I don’t know if I did something bad or not.”

Liliana read the contents several times with blank eyes.

It was a senior diploma from the Bergen Academy. The item she hadn’t been able to dream about in the past was now in her hands. Seeing the name ‘Liliana Miller’ at the top didn’t feel like reality as she was someone who had never even met the dean.

Why, just a few months ago, it had been something she desired, but now she just felt strange.

“No. Thank you for your care, Earl.”

Lili hid her emotions and smiled. She now realized that the academy wasn’t worth anything as she put down her knife and formed fists.

* * *

The dinner party was over soon. Parting from the reluctant Fiona and Earl Bergen, the two people left their seats. The sound of the dinner party was cut off as the doors closed behind them, leaving a deafening silence. Maybe it was because the corridor of the mansion was so much quieter than the dinner party.

After declining a guide, they walked for a while before Lili spoke in a low voice, “Master.”


Lili pulled out the scroll. “What does this diploma mean to me now?”

Vince pondered for a moment before replying with a serious face, “… Frankly, it isn’t a valuable item. Your graduation is irrelevant because you have already reached a level where that doesn’t matter.”

As Vince said, the academy diploma was just to prove the identity of a first-time sorceress. It was useless for Lili, who had already crossed the ‘wall’ of the 5th Circle. Proving that she was a magician was no longer important as her circles were proof of superiority.

Lili knew this. She just couldn’t accept that the five poisonous years she’d endured had ended with a single piece of paper.

“But Liliana…” Vince’s words weren’t over yet. “Your five years aren’t in that scroll. Just like magic isn’t ink written in books, the proof of Liliana Miller is contained in here.”

Vince’s finger poked Lili’s chest.


It wasn’t that strong, but it felt like a blade cutting off a sick piece of Lili’s heart. Vince Haidel, who had worried over his identity as a war mage for years, cut off the bud of uncertainty growing inside Liliana.

“Be aware that certificates are given because they exist, but the certificate itself isn’t a qualification. Liliana Miller, you yourself will prove that you aren’t a scribble or stamp on a piece of paper.”

“…Yes, Master.”

“So, what will you do with the diploma?”

Lili playfully smiled at the question. The discomfort, confusion, and dizziness she just felt had disappeared somewhere. The diploma in her hand wasn’t heavy like she had been thinking. It was just a common piece of paper, and everyone knew that paper was a good burning material.

Hwaruruk~ Lili used the 1st Circle Magic, Ignite. Fire emerged from her fingertips, and the diploma was turned to grey ashes and scattered onto the floor. Lili invoked the wind to sweep away any traces. It felt like the worry eating at Lili’s heart was also blown away, and the pain which had accumulated for five years was now gone. While Lili was caught up in her memories…

[Liliana.] Suddenly, someone’s voice was speaking in Lili’s ears. It wasn’t surprising. At first, she thought it was Gluttony, but then she realized that it wasn’t. It was a voice she had heard just yesterday.

High elf Ellenoa… It was her voice.

[I’m sorry, but can you come to where I am? I would like to continue the conversation from last time.]

Today’s second invitation had arrived.

Chapter 69 - High Elf Ellenoa #3

It was a bit late due to the dinner party with Earl Bergen, but the moon was still in the middle of the sky. Perhaps there was still some time until midnight. A quick conversation in the room where Ellenoa was staying wouldn’t be a problem. Lili asked for Vince’s understanding before turning around.

“Then, guide me.”

To anyone looking at Lili right now, it would seem like she was speaking to no one. However, she had the ability to see what ordinary people couldn’t see. This was a power that elves were born with—eyes that could see elementals. It was a translucent bird-shaped elemental that conveyed Ellenoa’s voice to her.

The bird-shaped elemental was the low-class elemental, Sylph, seen in [Introduction to Elemental Magic]. The wind attribute was convenient for conveying ‘sound,’ so sylphs were often used as messengers.

Porong. The sylph might not have a clear ego like Mitra, but the sparrow-like elemental nodded and sped off. It flew a few steps ahead of Liliana. Unlike ordinary birds, it didn’t need to flap its wings to prevent itself from falling. This was because the body of the sylph was closer to a spirit body.

‘By the way, this mansion is really wide.’ It would never run out of room for guests. Lili realized this fact directly as the sylph only led her around five corners and yet the number of rooms she passed was already in the double digits. She walked for almost 10 minutes before arriving at the annex where Ellenoa was located. If an earl’s house was like this, she didn’t want to know what type of maze the house of a marquis or duke would be.

Liliana stopped in front of the door and stroked the sylph. “Thanks for guiding me.”

Pororong. Perhaps due to its mood, the sylph let out a pleasant sound before disappearing into the air. Originally, elementals were invisible to human eyes. Once the supply of magic power was cut off, it would melt back into nature. Lower class elementals were different from the higher class elementals who had independent existences and were nothing like breezes in fields.

At that moment, a clear voice rang out from beyond the door, “Come in.”

Liliana turned the doorknob and was hit with a thick, sweet scent. It was the smell of ripe fruit. She had only eaten it a few times, but the fragrance still remained in her memories. Liliana’s expression was stunned as she saw the sight beyond the door. Ellenoa’s room completely defied common sense.

“…Grapevines?” She spoke in a bemused voice as she touched the grapevines covering the wall. It was a thick vine which was hard to see even in proper orchards. What about the grapes hanging from the vines? Each one was as big as a walnut. Even though she didn’t eat the grapes, she could already feel the sweetness of the juice contained within them. This was a sight which was impossible to imagine existing in the room of a nobleman’s mansion.

Ellenoa sat in the center of the green room. “Good evening Liliana.”

She was like a flower or leaf which blended perfectly in with this far-fetched landscape. There were a few potted plants at her feet and grapevines surrounding her. Lili was observing the strange sight and replied belatedly, “Ah, good evening.”

“Are you curious? I planted the seeds of the grapes that I had for dinner. Would you like to try one?”

‘These vines grew from a grape seed planted in the evening?’ The stunned Lili picked a grape and ate it. As expected, the juices were sweet and rich, moistening the inside of her mouth with the flavour. Even for those who drank wine, the taste exceeded that of wine made from grapes. If the high elves set up an orchard, then other orchards would be ruined.

Lili sat on the chair opposite Ellenoa and ate a few more grapes. “…I’m sorry.”

“No. Rather, it feels good. I was worried about whether it would suit the palate of a human.”

“That’s impossible. Anyone would welcome such fruit.” Was the atmosphere good due to the delicious food? It was surprising the conversation between the two people didn’t start out awkwardly.

At first, Ellenoa thanked her for the rescue, then they talked about the power of the high elves before moving on to Ellenoa’s neutral appearance.

She told Liliana the reason, “It is natural for people like you to feel uncomfortable at the sight of my appearance.”

According to Ellenoa, high elves were more like elementals than elves. They didn’t need to eat often, they wouldn’t die of starvation, and they wouldn’t feel tired even if they didn’t sleep. Thanks to the atavism of their ancestors, their gender fell upon a vague boundary.

“So, Ellenoa has no gender?”

“Um… It is a little different. The term ‘neutral’ may be a closer match.”


Yes, Ellenoa nodded with a slightly flushed face. “We are born female instead of male, but once we have decided on our mate, this will change according to their gender. If the partner is a male, I will become a female. If they are a female, I will be a male.”

“Ah, then…”

“Yes, I still haven’t met a mate.” Well, it made sense. Lili glanced unconsciously at Ellenoa before looking away.

Lili had the memories of Lee Yoonsung, the descendant of an eastern warrior, so her knowledge of the human body had increased greatly. She could easily recognize a male and female body. Despite that, she couldn’t distinguish Ellenoa’s gender. It was because her gender hadn’t been decided yet.

As she listened quietly, she suddenly had a thought, ‘Haven’t I learned a lot about high elves?’ It was as she thought. Right now, Liliana probably had more knowledge about high elves than anyone else in the kingdom. If she wrote a book, then it was obvious that the elf scholars would come running. She would be able to sweep up a few hundred gold in one go.

However, such worldly desires seemed meaningless when she gazed into Ellenoa’s clear eyes.

“Now, Liliana.” It was time for the reason why she called her here.

“Can you summon the one who signed the contract with you?”

* * *

There was an answer as soon as she pulled the cord of the contract.

[Hoing!] As always, Mitra appeared with a loud sound as her head popped out of a pot planted with a grape seed. Looking just like a mole, she looked around and leaped out with a smile the moment she saw Ellenoa.

“Oh, my god.” Ellenoa was confused when Mitra suddenly jumped onto the palm of her hand. Mitra hugged the index finger like it was warm. Lili wasn’t very sensitive, but she couldn’t help the thump of her heart. This was despite the fact that Ellenoa was gender-neutral.

“…I only heard the stories, but I didn’t know you were so cute.” Ellenoa smiled sweetly at Mitra before turning to face Lili again. “How much do you know about this?”

“I just know that she is an ancient elemental and is an exception to the ranks of the Elemental World.”

“Yes, that is true.” Ellenoa smiled and placed Mitra on her shoulder. Mitra was confused by the sudden loss of the finger, but she soon started to climb Ellenoa’s green hair like it was a rope. Mitra looked like a cicada on a tree branch.

Ellenoa ignored her and continued the explanation, “Please listen. An ancient elemental isn’t necessarily a member of the Elemental World. They are considered to be ‘seeds’ of a much more mysterious and higher existence.”


“Yes, this is an example.” As soon as she unfurled her left hand, wind formed the translucent shape of a giant. Horns rose from the giant’s head like a crown, and its body was as hard as armor. It seemed to be a giant from the myths.

As Lili gazed at it, Ellenoa nodded and told her its identity, “This is an illusion of Zephyr, the god of the wind who existed a long time ago. According to the myths, he brought a storm to the earth by turning the world around and sighing.”

“Old god, Zephyr…”

“He is also the prototype of the ancient spirit, Jeros, who signed a contract with Myrdal Herseim 120 years ago.”

‘Myrdal Herseim!’ Liliana’s face stiffened at the unexpected name. Why had that name emerged? No, he was the greatest elementalist of the century, so it was natural for the elves to know his name. As humans developed, their connection to the forces of nature weakened. Myrdal was the only one who was able to call an elemental king.

Ellenoa noticed her agitation and paused for a few moments. “Not all of the old gods were as divine as Zephyr, but it is certain that they were like him. For some reason, they lost their ‘status’ and the fragments of their bodies became seeds. The seeds that germinated became those known as ancient elementals.”

The two people gazed at someone who might’ve been a mighty god. Mitra, who was braiding Ellenoa’s hair, looked up as she felt their gazes. She looked much like a mischievous child playing with dirt. It was hard to believe that such a cute earth doll had once been a mighty god.

Ellenoa understood Lili’s unasked question and grabbed Mitra. Then she stared into Liliana’s eyes and presented her with two choices.

“If you like, I can try to revive some of her strength. It won’t be on the same level as the prototype, but she can probably regain the power of a lieutenant level elemental.”

“Lieutenant elemen…tal.” Certainly, Mitra wasn’t significantly different from other elementals except for the fact that she had an ego. In the absence of Lili’s magic power, her abilities were greatly reduced, and she couldn’t even appear freely in the earth. If she became lieutenant level, she could cross some of those limits.

However, before deciding, Liliana asked Mitra, “Mitra, what do you want to do?” Ellenoa smiled secretly at Lili’s act of not one-sidedly controlling the elemental. Lili didn’t know it, but that was close to how elves behaved. It was why other elves favored her, despite not knowing about Mitra’s presence.

So, what was the reply? Mitra worried for a moment before… [Hoing!] ‘I will!’ was what she meant. Liliana stroked Mitra’s head a few times before handing her to Ellenoa.

“Please do so, Ellenoa.”

“Then I will. Just think of it as repaying some of what I owe you.” Ellenoa didn’t give her a chance to reply as she held Mitra in both hands. “Then I will start.”

Wuooooong! A light filled with vitality covered the room where the two people were located.

Chapter 70 - High Elf Ellenoa #4

It was a force which couldn’t be called anything other than the power of life. The green light spreading from Ellenoa started to encourage life in everything it touched. The unripe grapevine leaves strewn on the ground started growing, and small grains of grapes puffed up. Liliana couldn’t escape from the brilliance either. She looked down at her forearms as a tickling sensation went through her body, then she witnessed an amazing sight.

‘…The wounds, they’re healed…?’

Although Lili hadn’t been seriously injured during the course of the mission, that didn’t mean there was no damage. There were shallow bruises, cuts, and muscle damage, and some parts of her skin were still stinging. She hadn’t wanted to use healing potions for such minor injuries, so she’d left them alone. However, the wounds and scars were now gone without a trace.

It was a recovery similar to the priests who used divine power. Once the light of vitality reached her, the shallow wounds disappeared, and the fatigue in her body became energy. This was the special ability of the high elves, who had inherited the lineage of the ancient species, Arv. The ability of the high elves was to unconsciously amplify the power of nature and accelerate them when used consciously.

This was the reason the Austen Kingdom had sought Ellenoa as a solution to the drought. They thought it really was possible, which is why they came up with a ridiculous kidnapping plan.

‘Now, this healing power is the aftermath of waking up Mitra… So, if she concentrates on someone’s recovery, she might be able to cure a fatal injury in a flash.’ Lili gulped involuntarily.

Would the Cardinal of Aether, a religion known for its healing power, be able to create a miracle like Ellenoa’s? Lili had never met a cardinal before, but she couldn’t help being inwardly shaken by this amazing sight. Without blinking, she stared at Mitra and Ellenoa, who were wrapped in a green light.

At that moment, Ellenoa’s voice was conveyed clearly, [Liliana?]
It wasn’t a sound that she heard; the voice was being conveyed through her heart. So far, only Gluttony and Mitra had talked to her in this way as it wasn’t possible to access the mind of a sorceress with strong mental defenses. Yet Ellenoa was talking directly to Liliana’s spirit! So, it was natural for Lili to feel startled.

[Ellenoa?! How?]
[I used your connection with Mitra. It is impossible unless I am touching her like this.]
[S-Something like that is also possible.]

As a sorceress, it wasn’t hard to understand the principle behind it. If Ellenoa had bad intentions, then it would be possible to attack her mind directly. Of course, she would be thrown out by Mitra who would realize her intentions. Mitra wouldn’t allow anyone with impure intentions to harm her contractor. Ellenoa’s words calmed Lili down.

[From now on, I will awaken Mitra’s essence. I don’t know the effect it will have on Liliana due to the contract, so please calm your mind.]
[…I understand.]

Lili closed her eyes under her guidance. Her vision closed off first, then her hearing was cut off as she immersed herself in her mind. The tactile sensations touching her skin dimmed as well, and the odors remaining in her mouth and nose were completely dispelled.

After closing all five senses, her sixth sense would naturally sharpen, and the movements of her circles became clearer. As she admired the stillness, Ellenoa pulled the handle. She opened the door inside of ‘Mitra.’

* * *

In the far distant past, there existed a time when humans were just monkeys swinging stone axes.

There were existences who lived beyond the dimensions of a living thing. They were transcendent, breathing in nature naturally and caring for all life. The intelligent beings gave sacrifices to them, calling them by the title of ‘god’ and praising them.

Deity… The praising voices called them into new forms.

[□□□□, please come commiserate with us!]

The woman shouted in front of the magnificent altar, and my name became □□□□. My ‘form’ was drawn by them, and my presence, which had been free, became captured by the wind. However, I remember that it was myself who accepted their captivity. For some reason, I thought that discomfort was lovely.

It was a life which couldn’t withstand a few months of drought; they couldn’t dispel the origins of those who were weak. They were like ants compared to my power, yet I was delighted by their calls. The cries of my name enriched me.

No one noticed that it was a corruption.

When did I realize that the power which caused me to be praised as Mother Earth started to decline?

The transcendent gods started to become closer to destruction as they moved away from nature. The powerful strength withstood for a long time. Their destiny, which was now closer to humans than nature, had been fixed. Funnily enough, the gods realized their own ego due to the humans and self-destructed from that enlightenment.

I, □□□□, couldn’t stop my own end either.


[…Liliana!] At that time, a sharp voice forced her consciousness away from somewhere.

Lili’s mind was dull for a moment, but she soon recalled who the owner of the voice was. It was the high elf who had been talking to her using Mitra’s connection.

[Oh, you’ve woken up! I’m glad.] Ellenoa was sincerely relieved.

As she woke up Mitra’s essence, Liliana’s consciousness had been pulled in. Right now, Mitra was just a subordinate spirit, but she had the presence beyond an elemental ruler. The consciousness of a human who remained inside her essence would be melted, like it had fallen into lava. Fortunately, Liliana had broken away before that happened.

[This happened because Liliana’s affinity is too high. Please stay separate like you are now.]

Thanks to her explanation, Lili understood how dangerous the situation had been and took in some deep breaths. Deep breathing didn’t do anything to her mind, but it wasn’t bad for a self-hypnosis. Lili sank into her breathing.

Then Ellenoa said in a loud voice, [Slow down your mind and look down.]

She immediately dropped her gaze.

[·········.] Her eyes widened with surprise.

It was huge. A large mountain of an unknown size was moving below her. The peak pierced through several layers of clouds, and it was impossible to distinguish between the mountain and the plains from a distance.

After several examinations, Liliana opened her mouth as she realized what she was looking at. [This is Mitra’s prototype?]
[Yes.] Ellenoa answered without any hesitation.

[‘She’ is the essence of the elemental contracted with Liliana. She is the seed of an old deity who existed a few thousand years before the beginning of the present age. The deity was a symbol of abundance and fertility.] Whenever she spoke, several scenes appeared in the flood of memories which Liliana had fallen into.

With the exception of a few scholars, it was a name which nobody remembered anymore. Mother Earth who had a higher status than any other god and who opened the agricultural era… Her great and divine name was [Mother Earth, Dmitra.]

She was the goddess of earth who was worshipped as Ceres in some countries and Demeter in others.

Dmitra made crops grow and the land fertile. Due to being the source of life and the being which ruled the earth, she had a much higher status than other gods. Lili had never thought that Mitra’s identity was this big.

Lili looked down at Mitra unconsciously.


‘She’ met her eyes.

* * *

“Owaaaaack!” Lili screamed as she was thrown back into reality.

It was because the gaze of the giant entity shook her consciousness. Despite only being a faint trace, it was impossible to make eye contact. She was a god, a transcendent being, a monster that even the legendary 9th Circle magicians had to revere. Lili’s body was still shaking nervously from the gaze.

Lili had fallen off her chair and onto the ground.

“…Wow, that was more amazing than I thought it’d be.” Ellenoa’s voice sounded somewhat exhausted.


“Is this your first experience? Your head might be dizzy so take it slowly…”

“No, it’s okay.” She had already gone through this three times before, and this was actually her fourth time. Lili had become used to it, so she got up without any hesitation.

Ellenoa opened her tired eyes, but before she could speak, something ran toward Lili.


“Wah!” Lili was surprised by the sudden impact and looked down at her legs. There was no pain from the impact, but she couldn’t help frowning. Mitra had grown more than before, looking like a somewhat awkward earth doll. She had grown to the length of Lili’s head.

[LiLi!] Additionally, she called her name with a clumsy pronunciation.


[Yes! Midra!]

The image of Dmitra disappeared, and the little girl returned.

As Lili stroked her with a relieved expression, Ellenoa said, “The ceremony was a success. Now, Mitra can exercise the power of a lieutenant elemental. As you can see, she has the ability to grow more.”

“Growth… is it?” She certainly could feel that Mitra’s power had doubled.

Previously, she had to limit the use of earth magic to efficient things, but now she could use a few more elemental tricks. However, Lili was happy to see the small and cute Mitra. An elemental of this size wasn’t burdensome.

“You shouldn’t become bigger than me. Understood?”

[Yes?] Mitra tilted her head with a confused expression, while Ellenoa understood Lili’s words and smiled.

Chapter 71 - Convoy From The Capital #1

For the next two days, Liliana stayed at the residence of Earl Bergen and focused on deepening her connection with Mitra. There was a lot of information flowing from her after she evolved to the level of a lieutenant. It wasn’t to the extent that Lili couldn’t withstand it, but an adjustment period was needed. It was her routine to play with Mitra anyway.

While watching Lili, Vince opened his mouth and said, “Elementalists have trained for more than 10 years to call lieutenant level elementals… The meeting with the high elf is a huge opportunity for you.”

As he said, a lieutenant-level elemental wasn’t something easily gained. For sorceresses of the 4th Circle and above, a lieutenant elemental was the exclusive possession of elementalists who had gone beyond the beginner level. An elementalist in contract with a lieutenant elemental would gain the power and resistance of the attribute and could borrow the power at will without asking the elemental.

That was just like Liliana, who was playing with Mitra.


“Yes, Mitra.”

A little girl-shaped doll sprang from the ground when Lili pointed. The doll resembled Mitra, causing the real Mitra to tilt her head with curiosity.

Mitra watched the doll with a bewildered expression before laughing and hugging it. [Fwen!]

‘Is she asking if it’s a friend?’ Lili thought.

Mitra liked the doll and locked arms with it. Lili adjusted the doll to match her timing, which was a form of training for her in controlling the earth. It felt like nature was an extension of her hands and feet. Ordinary sorceresses couldn’t feel it, but it would obviously be a big help down the path. Maybe this was a chance for her to jump over the ‘wall’ of the 6th Circle.

‘…My magic sensitivity is definitely more than it was a few days ago. Maybe now I can use 5th Circle magic continuously?’

On average, the magic that a sorceress could use immediately was about half of their current circles. 4th Circle sorceresses could cast 2nd Circle magic instantly, while depending on their abilities, some 5th Circle sorceresses could cast 3rd Circle magic immediately. Only a few geniuses born with a lot of sensitivity and great calculating ability could climb to a higher level. It was limited, but Liliana had stepped into that area.

Seeing Lili’s growth, Vince had a gentle expression, but he then frowned suddenly. It was because the last blow he received from the Janissary was causing his body to throb with pain again. It took time for a wound from a master-class aura to heal, even if he used expensive healing potions.

“Master, your wounds are still…?”

“Uhh, it is taking longer than I thought. It has improved a lot though.”

Liliana smiled bitterly. Vince’s injury weighed heavily on her chest, despite not being responsible for it. She had requested for Ellenoa to heal him, but she had shaken her head the moment she saw Vince’s wound.

–The perpetrator’s willpower contained in it is too strong. My abilities can only cure the wounds of the flesh, meaning I can’t heal it before this willpower disappears.

–Then what should he do?

–It will naturally heal over time. Or he can get the blessing of a high priest.

However, it was difficult to find a high priest in Meltor since it was a kingdom which denied the existence of religion. It was a wound which would heal in a month, so Vince chose to rest in Bergen. He didn’t want to hold his disciple back due to his own mistake. Anyway, he had experienced this type of injury many times.

‘The Magic Society knows the value of a high elf. I hope they send at least one person with influence.’

If Blundell or Veronica came in person, then it would be okay if he was injured. Vince looked over his own condition calmly and made a decision.

Then someone rushed over to the two people who were sitting in the garden. “Haidel! Miller!”

It was an attendant of the manor. He came running over with a red face and opened his mouth to speak as soon as he arrived in front of the two of them. It was an attitude which placed priority on telling them the message over restoring his breathing. “E-Earl Bergen said to come to the front door immediately! People from the capital are here…!”

The two people instantly rose from their spots.

On the third day after the mission, the convoy from the capital arrived at Earl Bergen’s estate.

* * *

“Master,” Lili spoke as she followed Vince who was walking leisurely. It was only a while ago that Liliana realized the meaning of the word ‘convoy.’

Why was it necessary to send a convoy when the Magic Society had space sorceresses?

“Can’t they just use Mass Teleport?”

It was a good question, but Vince shook his head. “Elves are inherently magical, so they have a strong resistance to magic. Since they are born with the blessing of nature, they tend to instinctively invalidate ‘magic’ used on them.”

“…Even space magic?”

“Well, it would be impossible with ordinary elves. Space movement requires a minimum of the 6th Circle, so it isn’t something that can be resisted.”

However, high elves were a little special. They calmed the surrounding mana just by being present and unconsciously interfered with the activation of magic. It would be a catastrophe if that came into contact with a precise magic like space magic.

This meant they had to use the land route to travel from Bergen to the capital; that was why a convoy was sent. The convinced Liliana and Vince approached the main gate from the mansion’s garden.

“Oh, you came!” A loud voice entered their ears.

Unlike Lili who frowned reflexively, Vince’s eyes widened at the familiar voice. He never thought that such a person would participate in the convoy. It was a senior sorceress who had lost her legs more than 10 years ago. She was a Prime rank sorceress from the Red Tower, who had stepped back from the front lines.

“It is great to see you after a long time, Elder Herman.”

“Yes, it has been a while. Have you reached the 6th Circle? You were faster than I expected!”

“Thank you.”

Herman sat on a wheelchair and celebrated Vince’s accomplishment. The pants flapped loosely where her legs should be, but the hot magic power around her body made up for that. Although she had lost a circle in the war with the Andras Empire, her power was more than a 6th Circle sorceress.

Liliana gulped as she stared with admiration. ‘No, that isn’t the only great thing…!’

In addition to Herman, Elder Shugel from the White Tower and other veteran sorceresses were standing behind her with exhausted faces. The people gathered here could annihilate one or two great estates without a hitch. The convoy for the high elf was actually this great.

Herman chatted with Vince for a while before suddenly turning her gaze to Lili. “Hoh, this is the disciple who caught our Tower Master’s eyes?”


“Kulkulkul, there is no need to be embarrassed. Her temper is bad, but it is hard to find a woman like that. A young person like you won’t break your back.”

Liliana blushed at the elder’s words. It was partly because Veronica’s appearance rose in her head after she heard the explicit joke. Herman laughed at the naive response and looked at the approaching elves. She could feel the presence of Ellenoa in the center.

The mana seething around the powerful sorceress became calm. “Hoh… Is the child in the center the high elf?”

The other sorceresses looked at Ellenoa with amazed eyes. It was hard to believe when they heard the contents of the mission, but they were now actually seeing a real high elf. For the sorceresses, today’s experience was like an expensive treasure. It was why no one complained despite being sent here with no break after finishing their previous assignment.

Ellenoa approached the convoy and greeted them politely, “It is nice to meet you. I am a daughter of the Blue Evergreen Tribe and the tribe’s sixth dancer, Ellenoa.”

“I am the representative of the convoy, Herman Alphen. You must understand that this old woman is excited about the prospect of meeting you.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Herman.”

Ellenoa smiled sweetly and grabbed Herman’s hand. The light touch made her forget her age as her vitality suddenly rose. She shook her head with admiration and amazement. Herman knew the power of the high elf, which is why she wanted this mission. Still, it was truly amazing.

The old sorceress shook it off and took her hand. “Then I will guide you. Please follow me.”

She manipulated her chair with a familiar gesture and it started rolling somewhere. Liliana and Vince followed Ellenoa and the convoy. It was a strange group for anyone who didn’t know the details.

Fortunately, the destination wasn’t very far away. In the spacious backyard of Earl Bergen’s manor, ‘it’ stood in the middle of an empty space.

“Now, this is the convoy we have prepared for you. I hope you like it.”

Liliana, Vince, Ellenoa, and the elves’ faces changed as they saw three ‘objects.’ They were similar to wagons in that their framework and wheels were made of metal. Oddly enough, there weren’t any animals in front of the wagons.

Flap… flap…

Lili spoke before anyone else could, “Why are there sails on a wagon…?”

The other people nodded in agreement.

The large wagons looked nice, but there were large sails on the roof and side. It was made so that the sails could be folded and unfolded at any time, but this wasn’t a boat made to cross the sea. Why would they be placed on wagons?

What acceleration was possible on the ground that was filled with all sorts of obstacles and ramps? However, the sorceresses of the convoy just laughed triumphantly and got onto a pedestal at the back of the wagons.

Herman then explained, “This wagon runs on the power of the wind and is called the gust wagon.”

There was a limit to the speed of a vehicle, even if the weight of the body was lightened.

At first, the ‘speed’ crazy White Tower sorceresses had invented a technique to accelerate the wagons using wind, but that wasn’t commercialized after more than a thousand drivers were injured. A new concept magic wagon was later created, which had two to three times the speed of conventional wagons. Theoretically, it could even go up to five times.

“Come on, get in! I’ll show you what speed truly is!” Herman called out.

Lili and Ellenoa’s faces paled at the thought of passing through the mountains on the carriage before them. They didn’t want to ride in this type of thing…

Chapter 72 - Convoy From The Capital #2

Regardless of Lili’s and Ellenoa’s intentions, the procedures of the convoy proceeded at a rapid pace. The magicians shook away the fatigue of the massive space movements and were ready to leave in an instant. They would be accompanied by a high elf. High elves were symbols of the elves, and there were said to be less than 10 in the whole world. If Ellenoa died in the Meltor Kingdom, there would be repercussions from Elvenheim.

It was confirmed that it had been the Austen Kingdom which had tried to capture the high elf, so they still had a grace period left.

Herman gave a formal goodbye to Earl Bergen, “…Thank you for your cooperation, Earl Bergen. His Majesty will keep your loyalty in mind.”

“Ohh, such glorious words! I was just doing my duty as a servant of the Meltor Kingdom. Herman, you don’t need to give such flatteries.”

Indeed, it was the eloquence of a noble family. The earl’s smooth answer humbled himself without losing his dignity. However, Herman merely waved his hands. “Hmm, I understand. Excuse me.”

Unfortunately, Earl Bergen wasn’t aware that Red Tower magicians didn’t care about things like that. Instead of giving the anticipated answer, Herman indeed left the earl’s office, and only the sound of the wheelchair’s rolling could be heard. There was no time to build up a relationship.

Dururuk… dururuk…

Herman’s wheelchair rolled at a fast pace until it stopped in front of an old man. There was no need to mention the identity of the old man wearing white robes.

Elder Shugel of the White Tower looked down at Herman and clicked his tongue. “How can a conversation end in less than five minutes? Did you just throw a few words at him? A person should use his mouth to get good treatment.”

However, Herman didn’t agree and scoffed at him. “Stop talking nonsense. If I keep talking with that guy, we will be delayed at least for two hours, and won’t that be foolish?”

“What is? Aish, it is no use talking to you. How can I teach manners to this ignorant man?”

“At any rate, we can use teleportation. Don’t you know the importance of time? I’ll think about it if you give me a pair of useless legs.”

Herman knocked on his loose pants, and Shugel was forced to step back. How could he refute someone who didn’t even have legs to walk around? Even excellent healing magic wasn’t enough to regenerate lost limbs. The two elderly men were always arguing like this.

It would’ve continued for 10 more minutes if Vince hadn’t intervened with a bitter smile. “Elder Herman, I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, Vince!”

The two elders stopped quarreling as if they had been waiting for this. The fierce frowns and wrinkled expressions went away. They didn’t actually have any bad feelings toward each other. After doing this for almost half a century, it had become like a daily routine.

Shugel turned away first. “Hmm, then I’ll return to the capital first and we’ll meet again there. The wind power may be a bit burdensome for you… Well, at this age, your joints probably feel sore. Isn’t that right? Hahaha!”

“That damn old man…!” Herman stared at Shugel’s back but didn’t try to catch him to start another fight. They were elders of the Magic Society and knew how to partition things.

This was proven by the fact that a calm expression appeared on Herman’s face. “Yes, what did you need?”

Vince started to tell the story he’d heard from Ellenoa the other day. He had been accompanying Lili when she told them. Despite a ‘question and answer’ with Gluttony, they hadn’t been able to find out the truth behind the incident. More than anything else, the information they had was too lacking.

Herman’s expression became serious as he heard the story.

“I roughly understand.” Herman accepted the information with a tense expression. “It is true that the agents from Austen kidnapped the high elf, but something separate killed her guards?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

In the first place, abducting a high elf wasn’t that easy. Any mutant high elf would be noticed by Elvenheim as soon as they were born, and it was a rule to send elite warriors to escort the high elf to Elvenheim. The elites were of a warrior class among the peace-loving elves and were equal to aura warriors.

They weren’t at the level that a unit with only one Janissary could kill. Yet Ellenoa hadn’t been able to meet her guards.

“The escort from Elvenheim were eliminated without anyone knowing?”

“Perhaps. Ellenoa was caught by the Austen agents while waiting for her escorts. It would be simple for her to escape, but her friends were captured as hostages, so she couldn’t help being caught.”

“Hrmm… It is hard to judge. There are too many things we don’t know.”

The two people contemplated it for a while but couldn’t come up with any answers.

“It can’t be helped.” In the end, Herman came to a conclusion. “We need to move quickly. It might’ve been quiet for a few days, but if they haven’t given up on the high elf, just the power here can’t guarantee her safety.”

“Isn’t it better to stay here?”

“I would do that if there are no reinforcements coming.”

Herman didn’t lose his calm despite finding out about the threat. He noticed Vince’s confused expression and tapped his forehead. It might be different for the other magic towers, but there was only one person which a magician of the Red Tower would trust with their lives.

“The Tower Master has been sent somewhere, but she is hurrying to join the convoy. If we move toward the capital, we can meet up with her sooner.”

“Ah…!” Vince nodded at Herman’s words.

If they joined Veronica on the way, there was no need to be afraid of anyone. If the enemy were strong enough to kill Veronica, they would all be dead no matter where they were. Otherwise, Veronica would turn the enemy into chunks of charcoal.

Vince had been full of concerns about his disciple, but he could now calm down.

“Why are you feeling assured? Aren’t you leaving your disciple here?”

“I can’t do that.” Vince smiled bitterly at Herman’s question. “If ‘that bastard’ is tracking the high elf, it is likely they will come to Lili. It would be safer for Lili to join the convoy and head to the capital.”

“I understand, but you will stay here?”

“I will grab the ankles of the enemies aiming for my disciple. If they come to me, I can hold on for a few minutes.”

Vince was ready to die at any time. However, he didn’t want to die in front of Liliana. Additionally, if his disciple were killed, then it would be the worst shame of Vince Haidel’s life. A wounded person was a burden on the battlefield, so Vince couldn’t join the convoy.

He was determined to remain alone in Bergen and risk his life to slow the enemy down.

Herman nodded vigorously at this attitude. “I can’t stop someone who has already decided. Do your best to defend yourself. We will safely escort your disciple along with the high elf.”

“Thank you.”

The two of them shook hands. Rather than acting like senior and junior, they respected each other as war mages who lived in the same era. Both of them might have withdrawn from active service but the pride engraved inside was still the same.

Thus, the two war mages split apart at the crossroad.

* * *

Unlike normal wagons, the White Tower magicians climbed into the back seat and shouted in a loud voice, “Now then, let’s go!”

Simultaneously, the three wind turbines moved the wheels in turn. The wind coming from the magicians at the rear caused the sails to blow up halfway, as it started to move at a speed similar to a horse-drawn carriage.

Lili was astounded as she watched the process. “Wow, almost one hundred magic spells are used to drive this wagon… What is this obsession?”

Magic to adjust friction of the wheel, magic to balance the body of the carriage, magic to reduce air resistance, magic to automatically adjust the direction with wind…

Lili was convinced that she could buy dozens of artifacts with the money and effort used to make the wagon. This was the crystallization of the madness which desired that wagons ran on wind power.

Lili looked back and forth while watching the wind power. ‘Moreover, there is tight security. It would be hard to come within 50 meters even with Canis’ level of stealth.’

As the wind blew, Herman and the Red Tower Magicians proceeded around the border while also sticking closely to Lili and Ellenoa. They could buy some time even if a Master level enemy attacked.

Due to Vince telling them about the enemy, the vigilance of the convoy was at its peak, and they would continue moving with maximum vigilance until Veronica joined. As the wind increased, the wagons created by the magicians of the White Tower started to reach its full speed.


‘What is this?’

After hearing the strange wind sound, Lili and Ellenoa cried out as they looked out the window.


“Oh my god…!”

There was hardly any inertia inside, but the landscape outside the window was passing by at a truly terrifying rate. It was a speed which quickly distorted the trees and bushes. Lili now understood why they had been warned not to reach their hands out. If they hit something at this speed, there would be enough force to break their bones.

Mitra was also shaking as she looked out the window.


Her eyes spun around like a vortex, as if she was dizzy by the scenery passing at a fast pace. Lili grabbed hold of her small body while analyzing the principles of the wind. The more she looked, the crazier the wagon seemed.

‘I understand the principles behind it, but I can’t follow it.’

Lili was convinced after a short moment that this was a feat only possible for those who devoted their lives to wind magic and were at least of the 5th Circle.

It was easy to blow wind into the sails and accelerate. However, they needed to take care of the air resistance and headwind while making sure that the power didn’t scatter. It was like using five different spells at the same time. Rather than using magic, it was a technique closer to controlling magic power.

“...Maybe we really will arrive in one day?” Lili had honestly thought it was a bluff, but it wasn’t impossible if this speed was maintained.

The distance covered would normally take a week for a top level company. If this ridiculously fast method were to be known, the Meltor’s Merchants Association might go on strike. Liliana looked at the receding Bergen with half admiration and half anxiety.

She prayed unconsciously in her mind. ‘Please let this convoy reach the capital safely.’

Then she would be able to reunite with her master, Vince.

Chapter 73 – Convoy From The Capital #3

The three gust wagons rushed down the mountains. Transformed into the wind itself, the wagons occasionally ran into monsters obstructing the way. The wagons slammed into kobolds and goblins with huge destructive power and turned them into blood on the wheels of the wagons. Even big monsters like trolls and ogres couldn’t escape dying.


It seemed like the number of those killed by the wagons had increased by one. Lili clicked her tongue as she watched the blue blood scattering outside the window. Since the blood was blue and there were the remains of an insect, it must’ve been a giant mantis which was crushed. A threatening monster which even first-class mercenaries were afraid of had been destroyed by the wagon. On the contrary, the wagon didn’t feel the impact at all.

‘Maybe this could be used as a weapon?’ Lili rejected it as soon as she had the thought. ‘…No, it is impossible.’ The wagon had great power and speed, but the workforce required to get the most out of the wind power was too advanced. Rather than assigning a few 5th Circle magicians to a wagon, it was more efficient for them to fight directly.

She shook off the thought and turned to Mitra who was playing in the seat next to her.



She was playing with the sylph Ellenoa had summoned. The elemental, which looked like a translucent sparrow, spread its wings at Mitra’s signal. The scene of a little girl and a bird playing together happily was like an illustration from a fairy tale book. Lili’s heart calmed down slightly at the sight.

At that moment, she felt a soft touch as fingers entwined with her own.

“Eh, Ellenoa?”

Lili looked down at her hand, shocked as she realized the identity of the other person. It was because Ellenoa, sitting across from her, was holding her hand. The pleasant sensation of Ellenoa's slim, soft hand was vividly transmitted through the palm of her hand. This was despite Lili knowing that Ellenoa was a neutral gender.

However, Ellenoa’s voice was as calm as always as she said, “Are you worried about your mentor?”

Those words pierced right inside of Lili. Her blushing complexion instantly turned pale. Her thoughts turned grim as soon as she thought about her mentor, Vince, volunteering to stay behind in Bergen. They had talked a few times about the decision, but Lili still couldn’t fully understand it. To Liliana Miller, Vince was her one-of-a-kind mentor, and his value was immeasurable.

“Yes, that’s right.” Lili nodded with a bitter smile. It was funny that she was worried about her mentor, but Vince was in an injured state. According to Shugel, Vince’s injury would worsen if he moved using space magic. Lili was reluctant to let such a person act as bait.

Then Ellenoa squeezed her hand and whispered in a small voice, “Don’t be too concerned. His fate has yet to reach the time when the knot will be tied.”

“Huh?” Lili’s eyes widened at the words. She would’ve ignored Ellenoa if she were a fortuneteller on the streets, but Ellenoa was a mysterious high elf. Furthermore, elves were a species famous for not being able to tell lies. Lili mulled over the meaning of Ellenoa’s words before asking in a trembling voice, “…Ellenoa, can you see the future?”

Seeing the future—or in other words, Foresight—was a type of power given to gods, demons, and ancient dragons a long time ago. The weakness of mortals was always time, as they feared the future. So, the prophets who could see the future were considered as gods. Ellenoa was a descendant of an ancient species, but could a high elf really see the future? In response, Ellenoa shook her head with a subtle expression.

“It isn’t anything so tremendous. I can just understand when the ‘end’ comes. It is a half-power that appears when I’m in danger.”

“No, but…!” Lili tried to say something more, but she soon fell silent. Ellenoa wouldn’t lie just to reassure her. As long as her mentor was safe, there was nothing more to ask. Besides, there was something she should say first before questioning Ellenoa’s abilities. “Thank you for your concern.”

“It is nothing.” It was an appreciation for exposing her ability in order to comfort her. As Lili’s face brightened a little bit, Ellenoa smiled and shook her head. Then Mitra leaned back and fell to the floor of the carriage.


The awkward air in the wagon broke.



The atmosphere inside the wagon became brighter, and as the two people laughed at Mitra’s behavior, Mitra hit Lili’s feet with a sulky expression. Her gesture was telling them not to laugh, but it just made the duo laugh even more.

As the pleasant sound emerged from the windows, the wagons passed by the middle point of the mountain range thanks to the wind power.

How long had they been on the mountain trail? Around this time, the sun was going down, so the magicians lowered the pace and handed Lili a package. The identity of the small bag was soon revealed.

“This is your meal with Ellenoa.”

“Ah, thank you.”

Lili picked up the bag and placed it on a table in the center of the wagon. She hadn’t realized it, but she was really hungry. Lili opened the bag and pulled out a few fruits, baked sweets, jerky, and two bottles of water. The fruits were probably prepared for Ellenoa as the conventional wisdom was that elves didn’t enjoy eating meat.

However, Ellenoa denied it outright. “Well, it isn’t that we don’t enjoy meat. It’s just that living beings are all the same, so is there a reason to discriminate between plants and animals? Rather, our bodies will weaken if we don’t consume meat at all.”

“Uh, then why do the Elvenheim elves only eat fruits on their missions?”

“I’m not sure.” She ate an apple and thought about it for a while before answering the question. “Maybe there is a problem with the way the meat is cooked?”

“The way it is cooked?”

“An elf’s tastebuds is a few times more sensitive than that of humans, so it is hard to eat food with a lot of spices. I guess they only ate fruits that weren’t cooked separately.” Ellenoa proved her words by eating the jerky. “We basically eat raw food, so there isn’t much food that is cooked using fire. It is common to eat a fresh and lean cut of meat.”

Lili involuntarily imagined the elves eating meat. An elf hunter running through the forest, shooting a boar, and then cutting its flesh with a dagger and eating it… She imagined the elf’s mouth covered in blood and felt like her fantasies about elves were being broken. It had been imagined that elves were graceful beings who enjoyed fruit and tea leaves, as well as playing with wild beasts. However, that was just a fantasy of humans.

* * *

It happened around the time when Lili had finished her meal and Ellenoa was putting down the last apple core.

“2nd Car, 3rd Car, stop!”

The wind power stopped after a yell was heard from outside the window. Thump. Simultaneously, the door of their carriage opened, and a magician entered. The blue robe indicated he was a Blue Tower magician, and he was powerful enough to make Lili’s sensory perception tingle. The magician came from the third car which was attached as an escort role and explained why the carriage had stopped so suddenly.

“The 1st Car that is 250 meters ahead has started to engage with something. We will go again as soon as the ‘Clear’ signal is received, so Ellenoa shouldn’t worry.”

“Wait a minute. You aren’t joining the fight?” Lili asked with a strange expression.

She was questioning a senior, but the magician replied calmly, “That’s right. The formation of the Red Tower is so unique that is it difficult for other towers to fight with them. Elder Herman is there, so there is no reason to join.”

“But what if—”

“If it can destroy the 1st Car in a short amount of time, there is no way to win even if we join. And the important thing isn’t winning.”

They were escorts, not combatants. It was the duty of the convoy to deliver the high elf, Ellenoa, safely to Mana-vil Capital. Even if they could defeat the enemy, they had to first eliminate any possibilities of Ellenoa being harmed. However, Lili had just been thinking about winning. The experiences she’d absorbed were all about ‘fighting and winning,’ not escorting someone. Lili was convinced by the difference and fell silent. No, she was forced to shut her mouth.


It was a Heat Wave Chain. As a pale red pillar rose in the distance, the earth started to cry out. It shook like an earthquake. A part of the dim sky became brighter. Clouds were torn apart by the strong flames and explosions rang out. Despite the interval of a few hundred meters, the mana in the atmosphere was struggling like crazy. It was the aftermath of a magic collision which was at least of the 6th Circle!

“Kuk…!” Even the air touching Lili’s eyelids felt hot. A wind shield was opened in a reflexive manner. After using the cold magic, she felt the ambient temperature going down a little bit. If there was this much heat from the aftermath, the center must be as hot as lava. It was proof that Herman’s group was literally pouring out their power.

The total number of magic power detected with her senses were eight. ‘Five 5th Circle magicians and three 6th Circle magicians.’ One of the 6th Circle magicians was half a step away from the boundary. It was without a doubt Herman, who used to be at the 7th Circle. Just him alone was a huge threat. No matter who the opponent was, they absolutely couldn’t be safe. Even if the opponent was of the master level, this much firepower would be enough to take care of them.

However, Lili frowned instead of feeling relieved. Why? It wasn’t because of a chill down her spine but cold air flowing from her left hand which tickled her bones. Was it a warning from the sleeping Gluttony? Or maybe a feature she didn’t know about had been triggered? Either way, there was no way to resolve the question immediately.

Kukung…! Kururung! Kung! The thunderous sound rang out repeatedly. A fire pillar tore apart the clouds, and smoke which looked like a mushroom covered the sky. It was magic which would tear apart any defenses Lili had. Despite such fearsome attacks being launched, the battle still hadn’t finished.

Shortly after that, all sound was cut off like it had been sliced by a sword.


Silence covered the night sky, and the burning flames were overwhelmed by the darkness of the night. A few burning trees were the last remaining traces of the battle. The silence was so clear that the sound of someone gulping could be heard.

“…Is it over?” Someone asked.

The signal indicating the end of the battle hadn’t risen yet. As the magicians of the 3rd Car waited for instructions, ‘it’ fell from the night sky.

Tok, todok, tok…

It was dark red and round. The ungainly shape rolled forward between the two wagons. Someone used ‘Light’ magic reflexively as the shape gradually grew clearer. White hair turned to ashes, wrinkles distorted by burns, and eyes which were filled with fear… A name escaped from Lili’s mouth, “…Elder Herman.” It was the head of Herman, who had been brutally murdered.

Chapter 74 – SUPERBIA

The magicians from the magic towers looked at each other and wondered if they were seeing a nightmare. The sight of Herman’s head rolling on the ground didn’t feel like reality. He had lost a circle due to injury, but his capabilities were still equivalent to the 7th Circle. Yet eight war mages, including Herman, had been wiped out in just 10 minutes? It was an opponent they absolutely couldn’t afford to go against.

“2nd Car, get ready! 3rd Car, get down and enter the 6th Combat Formation! Don’t hesitate!” A thunderous shout emerged from the person who regained their mind first. It was Anton, a veteran of the Blue Tower and the next highest ranking person in this convoy after Herman.

Having many years of experience on the battlefield, Anton knew that unexpected events could occur at any time. Thus, he made a cold judgment after the 1st Car was suddenly annihilated. He didn’t forget to look ahead with observation magic while giving instructions. However, Anton couldn’t see beyond a physical barrier. “Tch, this is why fire-based magic is so annoying…!”

The flames from the fire magic were blocking his sight. The battlefield contained a distorted atmosphere due to the high temperatures, and the smoke rising from the trees and the flames paralyzed his sight. It would take at least 30 more minutes until it returned to normal. Anton abandoned the task of identifying the enemy’s shape and moved quickly towards the 2nd Car. Then he grabbed the shoulder of Liliana, who was sitting next to Ellenoa.

“Hey, Newbie!”

“Yes?” ‘What?’ The reaction was better than Anton had expected. In this situation, Liliana’s voice wasn’t shaking at all. Her calm eyes, breathing, and magic power didn’t fit her age. Above all, Lili had the atmosphere of a person who had experienced ‘real life.’ The rumors about her being a great rookie seemed plausible.

After evaluating Lili, Anton spoke in a decisive voice, “Newbie, don’t think about anything other than keeping her safe from now on. We will stay and buy as much time as possible at least until Veronica comes. Do you understand?!”

“I will do my best.”

“You are an unusually careful person for a Red Tower sorceress. Okay, I’m going.” Anton knocked against Lili’s shoulder several times, then he pushed her into the wagon and shouted to the four magicians steering the 2nd Car, “Start right away! The direction doesn’t matter, as long as you get as far as possible!”

At Anton’s words, a terrifying gust of wind emerged from the palms of the drivers. The sails inflated again, and the wagon started running in the direction of the wind. As expected from the White Tower, they confidently increased the pace. It dug roughly into the ground before disappearing from Anton’s field of view. This was all he could do.

“Now, then…” Anton looked around at his colleagues, who were gathered in the formation unique to the Blue Tower. Although their relationship with the Red Tower wasn’t good, it was never malicious or hostile. Rather, it was closer than the relationships they had with the other towers because of their arguments. In the 1st Car, there had been someone who came to the capital at around the same time as Anton. That man was a proud person, but Anton didn’t hate him.

Wuooooong…! Unlike the Red Tower magicians who focused on firepower, the Blue Tower taught mainly about working in conjunction with each other. They had the ability to share magic and create a synergy which would maximize their strength. It was different in a one-on-one fight, but in a fight with many people, the Blue Tower absolutely didn’t fall behind the Red Tower.

‘The enemy is coming.’ In the center of the formation, Anton stared at the front with a firm expression. Oddly enough, the mana was thinning. This was the sense of incongruity he felt before. This existence was on a totally different dimension from senior magicians and sword masters, as it could overwhelm the world with just its presence. His intuition noticed the enemy’s greatness before it even arrived.

Soon, ‘something’ came out of the darkness. Anton gazed at it and spoke with a bitter smile, “…Hah, this place is my grave.” None of the other magicians refuted him. Just the fact that he could still open his mouth meant that Anton deserved to be called the best magician here. The intense fury they felt froze, but none of the seven magicians stepped back. They began the battle where the outcome was already determined.

* * *

Dududududu…! The gust wagon moved at a tremendous speed. This was different from when they conserved strength for long-distance traveling. It was literally an acceleration using all their strength! The four 5th Circle magicians drew out all the magic power in their blood vessels, and this was the direct result of that. Every time the wagon hit a stone, their bodies would go up a few meters, but the wagon continued running at full speed. There was no moment to spare for the high-speed driving.

The atmosphere inside the wagon was cold as well. ‘An opponent that can kill Elder Herman is at least of the master level… There are few kingdoms which could such power for a dangerous infiltration operation,’ Lili analyzed the situation calmly. When she faced a crisis, the experiences she absorbed were worth their weight in gold. An unidentified opponent had appeared at the head of the convoy, blocked the path, and instantly annihilated the elite troops, including Elder Herman. A person who could do such a thing should be a sword master from the Andras Empire, one of the Seven Swords.

However, why would the Andras Empire take such a risk?

Based on the international situation, Lili immediately denied that possibility, ‘No, even if one of the Seven Swords penetrated into Meltor, there is no guarantee that they can return. Why would they risk one of the pillars of the empire? That is crazy.’

Additionally, the Andras Empire couldn’t get any benefits from a high elf, unlike Austen. Their relationship with Elvenheim would get worse, and they could even lose one of their precious sword masters. However, when she excluded the Seven Swords of the Empire, there was nobody left. It was preposterous that an unaffiliated master would be mobilized.

Her logical reasoning couldn’t reveal the shadows behind this situation. While Lili was frustrated over not finding an answer, the quiet Ellenoa opened her mouth, “That… Is something scary happening because of me?”


“If I hadn’t left the village… if I wasn’t a high elf… this wouldn’t have happened, right?”

It was a very cruel question to affirm. More than anything, Ellenoa already knew the answer without needing to hear Lili’s reply. However, Lili didn’t nod. Fortunately, she was still young and had the innocence of looking at the world through good and evil, not cause and effect. So, she was able to comfort Ellenoa.

Liliana grasped Ellenoa’s hands gently like Ellenoa had done to her before. “Don’t blame yourself.” At the very least, she shouldn’t feel guilty.

“You are just a victim. You are the victim who is being chased after by evil just because you are a high elf! Don’t act like you are the perpetrator of this.”


“Or just feel sad. Don’t feel guilty.”

Even if all this happened because she was a high elf, the positions of perpetrator and victim couldn’t be reversed. No, it shouldn’t be. According to that logic, the ones in the wrong were the person scammed or the person murdered. It was something which Lili could never agree to.

Ellenoa was astonished by her hard-line attitude, but she immediately nodded with a slight smile. At this moment when the atmosphere was about to loosen up…


Lili ran desperately and hugged Ellenoa.

“L-Liliana!” Ellenoa blushed as she suddenly entered her arms, but that quickly faded away.

Lili was so pale that she almost looked bloodless. With a face that seemed like she wasn’t breathing, Lili quickly got up. Her sensory perception told her that danger was nearing!

‘Impossible! It caught up already?!’

Not only had it broken through the elites of the 3rd Car, it had caught up with the wagon which was moving at the maximum speed! A sword master’s physical abilities might be called strange, but the enemy approaching this wagon was a monster which deviated from common sense. It wasn’t possible with the legs of a human. Then a cold chill on her neck pierced that thought. There wasn’t even time to speak a word of warning.


The illusion of the reaper’s scythe was at her neck.

“Protection!” Lili screamed the spell and jumped out of the gust wagon. Within her arms, Ellenoa was surely protected as Lili threw herself out of the fast-paced wagon. The damage from the drop and collision with the ground was huge, causing the 5th Circle defense spell to be half-broken. However, her judgment was correct. The moment the two of them escaped from the gust wagon, a huge shadow fell on top of the roof.


It was like a meteor had fallen from the sky as the gust wagon was smashed. A large shock wave spread from the impact of the collision with the trees nearby, forcing Lili to use defense magic again.

‘What is with that shock wave…!?’

The shock wave wasn’t magic but a phenomenon generated due to a surge of pure physical power! Lili’s stricken face looked at the dust which had risen at the point of collision. She could even believe it if this shock wave were the enemy’s attack. If she hadn’t used defense magic, Lili’s and Ellenoa’s guts would be crushed like rotten tomatoes.

Lili managed to survive the attack and stepped back a few meters with Ellenoa. She had no thoughts about running away. Lili was just overwhelmed by the eerie presence which could be sensed from within the cloud of dust. Whatever it was, it wasn’t something which could be faced with the power of the duo. A sharp fear pushed down her curiosity. She would rather have that dust cloud cover her eyes forever. However, the wind blew it away.


As the dust settled, the first thing she saw was the crushed wreckage of the gust wagon. There were traces of blood from the drivers everywhere as well as a gruesome shape in the corner. Lili clenched her teeth as she faced the wriggling shadow. Finally, the identity of the assailant was revealed to the two people.

‘…Ah.’ Liliana Miller understood now. This was the incarnation of death, the materialization of fear in a solid form. It wasn’t a human. No, it wasn’t like any creature she knew. The ugly and powerful monster was too ambiguous and disorderly to name. It couldn’t be called anything but chaos.

With eight twitching legs, the lower half of its body resembled a spider. The body itself consisted of a mixture of leather and carapace. There was a scorpion-like tail which scattered blue lightning, and four different claws bit at the air. No, that was wrong too. The strange body changed its appearance to the parts of other creatures. It now had the arm of an ogre and the horns of a minotaur. Like a wyvern, wings sprouted from its back, but scales covered its skin.

The unidentified monster turned Lili’s and Ellenoa’s minds blank.

However, there was a separate existence which responded to the appearance of the monster.


A hole appeared on Lili’s left palm, and a low voice was transmitted in a low-frequency range which insects could hear. The greedy grimoire, Gluttony, growled in a voice which was several times more unpleasant than usual.

-Pride, that disgusting appearance of yours still hasn’t changed.

The monster approaching them suddenly stopped in place. It looked confused by Gluttony’s voice, then it suddenly hit its head with a sharp claw. The behavior looked like an act of self-harm, but a mouth appeared in the previously smooth head. Then like Gluttony, it started to talk in a low frequency.

–You still have the habit of being attached to inferior species like humans, Gluttony.

Chapter 75 – A Traditional Hero (1)

Ellenoa was surprised by the monster’s sudden stop, but as Liliana shared senses with Gluttony, she could hear the conversation between Gluttony and Pride. The voices which spoke in the low-frequency range were not at all gentle. The disgust they had toward each other was clear and out in the open.

In particular, Pride (Superbia) spoke with outright disdain, –You are still obsessed with inferior monkeys. It is shameful to classify you as one of the Seven Sins. What is the value of those who rely on time and luck?–

Beauty and intellect are concepts that a mass of flesh like you won’t understand. Gluttony didn’t back down and gave as good as it got.

–No matter how you collect and combine genetic factors, you are still limited to living creatures. You are nothing but a loser who has given up on surpassing the limits of a species. Gathering the best parts of creatures, isn’t that nothing more than a chimera?–

Nonsense! Pride dismissed Gluttony, speaking with the arrogance it was named after.

Now, the vocal range was lowered even further. The sound caused Lili and Ellenoa to feel discomfort as they sat down. The unheard shout broke the spirits of the two people. It was a terrifying threat associated with Dragon Fear, something which appeared in forgotten legends.

“Cough!” Lili coughed up some blood. Following the series of shock waves, her circles were strongly shaken by Pride’s shouts. If a human didn’t know magic or aura, their heart would’ve stopped.

The enemy’s very existence was different, allowing Lili to feel the gap directly with her body.

‘Damn it. What the hell is this monster? Why is it attacking us?!’ Lili’s hysterical question was thrown out without her expecting an answer.

-The autonomous maneuver type grimoire, Superbia. Like me, it belongs in the Seven Sins set. If the attribute I symbolize is [Gluttony], then it is [Pride]. It is a ‘species usurper specialist’ and is made up of the species it eats.

Gluttony returned with a clear answer as always.

Lili quickly picked out some keywords and asked another question. She had a feeling that this information would determine the life and death of the two of them. ‘Usurping species? Is that Pride’s power?’

–That’s right.

Liliana listened without missing a single word.

-Just like I am a grimoire that collects magic books, it is a grimoire that collects creatures. It has the ability to store the genetic information of a species, regardless of the individual performance of the organism. Once it eats a sample of a species, it can reproduce the innate traits of that species.

‘The innate traits?’

–For example, a troll’s regeneration or an ogre’s muscular strength.

That was enough. Lili’s expression turned into one of fright as she understood Pride’s power.

Pride had the ability to eat a species and gain its best traits! It wasn’t inferior to Gluttony’s ability to extract essences from magic books or magic power from artifacts. No, it might even be superior when it came to fighting.

Moreover, based on the horrible creature, the traits which could be reproduced didn’t stop at just one or two.

‘How many traits can it use at the same time?’

–Hmm. Gluttony looked at Pride for a moment before replying. –It has already unlocked four seals. Right now, it can use five combined… User, do you mean to fight Pride?

‘What choice do I have?’

–There is no need. He didn’t come to eat us.


The one who answered Lili’s question wasn’t Gluttony, but Superbia who had been thinking about something.

–Well, it is good. It is a waste of time to chat like this.

The eight legs started advancing. As the ugly form leapt forward, Lili naturally stepped out in front of Ellenoa and raised her magic power. Lili’s sensory perception was telling her to run away, but her human instincts made her act. She couldn’t seem to run away after thinking of the sacrifices the senior magicians had made.

Then Superbia asked in a strange voice, –What are you doing, Gluttony? I came to eat a high elf. I have no interest in a monkey.

“…Don’t make me laugh.” Lili ignored her spasm of fear, and while staring at Superbia, she declared firmly, “I won’t give anything to you.”

It was a courageous action which deserved a standing ovation.

-Then die. The predator sentenced her to death without any hesitation.

Pride changed in an instant. Its eight spider legs turned into four horse legs, while the upper body became a weird mixture of a locust and grasshopper. It quickly shifted to three traits which would produce results: a centaur’s lower body; a storm locust’s wings; and a spriggan’s acceleration ability.


It moved beyond the barrier of sound as the hooves, containing enough destructive power to crush steel, slammed toward Lili’s body.

‘Ah, I’m doomed.’ Lili was sure she would die from the blow.

Her body couldn’t even grasp the timing of the acceleration of the huge body, let alone respond to the attack. So, it wasn’t Liliana who responded to the death blow, but the instincts of Lee Yoonsung who was sleeping inside her.


The skill, Protection Bangle, was activated. Three shields unfolded around Lili’s body in a reflexive manner, then Lili used her magic power.

‘Battle Song.‘

‘Last Requiem.‘


Battle Song revolved all five circles and improved her reaction speed to the maximum for a moment.

The monster’s horse hooves were crazy fast, and Lili sank deep into her consciousness in order to use a secret technique to survive. It was one of the most advanced techniques in the eastern martial arts, Force Dispersion. (TL: literal meaning is using 4 taels of force to win against 1000 jin, or using a little amount of force to win over a greater force)

Lili’s two arms moved at a dizzying speed.


Despite alleviating a lot of the damage, Lili was thrown back like her arms were broken. The shock wave, which threw Lili, shattered seven trees and the rocks behind her. If the shock wave had hit her directly, it would’ve wreaked havoc on her body!

“Cough!” Although the attack hadn’t even hit Lili, it snapped several of her ribs. While sitting down, Lili used healing magic. She was pushed to Ellenoa’s side due to the shock wave, but she was too shocked to be aware of it.

It was commendable that Liliana had managed to defend herself, but she couldn’t do it again. She couldn’t afford to be hit by Superbia even once.

‘If I get hit one more time… I will die.’

Putting aside winning or losing, Lili would just die. Superbia’s resistance was at least of the master level. Considering Lili’s luck, winning wasn’t even an option. She would just struggle desperately until she died like a bug. There was a terrible gap in strength between Superbia and Liliana.

However, Superbia laughed at Lili on the ground before giving one last ridiculing remark.

–You are quite good for a monkey. I will forgive this once.

It didn’t say anything else as its eyes stared at Liliana. There were six pairs of compound eyes which could observe 360 degrees. The red light coming from the eyes induced a horror which humans couldn’t face. Their minds would likely be broken by the sight.

As for Lili, she could stay as she was. Then she could survive. It might be cowardly, but survival was her first priority. Gluttony had advised Lili that she could survive if she just stayed still. Gluttony whispered like a snake for Lili to turn away from the high elf shivering by her side. It wasn’t a bad thing to run away.

‘…I’m crazy.’ Liliana smiled and slapped her cheeks hard.

Jjak! Blood filled her mouth, but that was good.

Lili didn’t have to listen to this voice. The magic, which had subsided due to fear and powerlessness, began to boil again. Still, there was no chance of winning, so Lili asked her companion for advice, ‘Gluttony.’


‘Tell me how to defeat it. No, it is okay if I can’t win. Teach me how to beat up that son of a bitch.’

Despite being a grimoire like Gluttony, the opponent was an independent monster which didn’t need a user. If so, Lili wouldn’t be able to catch it unless Gluttony cooperated.

Feeling Lili’s strong intentions, Gluttony asked in an uncomfortable voice, –Why User? Why try so hard? This high elf isn’t that precious to you.

‘I’m not fighting for that reason.’

If Lili compromised once, it was easy to do so a second time. The third time would be even easier. Liliana Miller would become someone who was alive due to her cowardice. She would rather die of her own will than become a cowardly bystander.

Lili’s voice, filled with a determination to die, was transmitted strongly to Gluttony, whom Lili was connected to.

This was a foolish, irrational judgment. However, Gluttony drawn to the unknown choice.

-…Okay. I will pay the price in advance. This is the first time I’ve had a user like you.

Gluttony’s previous users had always been cold, and their goal in life had always been to become a master of magic. There had been many magicians who filled these pages to the end and died without leaving a name behind. However, none of them had tried to fight to the end for their own beliefs. Perhaps this strange user might show Gluttony what it hadn’t found in the meantime.

The original sin, which collected wisdom, made a gamble for the first time.

[Error! Error! Unauthorized request. The 4th Seal has been released through an unusual means.]

[Gluttony’s function has been opened forcibly. The user should check the information window of the corresponding function immediately. However, this function was unlocked via an abnormal path.]

[Grimoire “Gluttony” / C Rank]

[Gluttony’s 4th Seal was released through unusual means. From now onward, the user can borrow the power of an author which Gluttony has extracted. However, once the author has been overwritten, the author can’t be loaded twice.]

[The C Rank ‘Overwrite’ has been triggered!]

[The object ‘Alfred Bellontes’ has been loaded into the user’s body.]

Alfred Bellontes was the war hero who had murdered thousands of soldiers during the Bellontes Empire’s Revolutionary War half a century ago, and his reputation had become widespread.

Even master level opponents had avoided fighting him, and he had been called a genius of battle. As Alfred’s ego, who had been sleeping deeply, overwhelmed Liliana’s body and soul, a blue light appeared at Lili’s fingers.

This was the fourth function of Gluttony, the greedy grimoire.

At that moment, a hero from the history books returned to the present age.

Chapter 8: Chapter 76-100

Chapter Text

Chapter 76 - A Traditional Hero (2)

Simultaneously, Superbia noticed the changes happening to Liliana’s body. Its senses exceeded a human’s by dozens or perhaps hundreds of times, so it could catch even the slightest differences. The analysis was completed instantly, covering the amount of sweat, the speed of the pulse, the body temperature, and the expansion and contraction of pupils.

‘Oddly enough, the fear in the monkey’s body has disappeared.’ Superbia was puzzled. “You… What type of trick are you playing?”

Any creature had to be afraid of Superbia since it was at the apex of the food chain. It didn’t matter what the creature’s individual strength was as they would be filled with an instinctive fear. Magicians and aura users were no exception, even for those beyond a certain level, and it was the same with monkeys. Unable to understand the phenomenon, Superbia felt uncomfortable.

Liliana slowly raised her body. She lifted her right hand, which was ridiculously small in comparison to Superbia’s claws. Then…

Paang! A flash emerged from her index finger and broke into Superbia’s skull.

“…Ah?” Ellenoa, who wasn’t breathing well, couldn’t help opening her mouth. It was because the sight of the head being broken wasn’t realistic. For a normal creature, it would be an instantaneous death blow.

Liliana—no, Alfred looked down at the body with clear eyes after striking the blow. She nodded and clenched her fingers. ‘Wise. You realized that it was better to pick me.’

At the present time, there were only two authors Lili could summon with [Overwrite], Alfred and Lee Yoonsung. In the case of Myrdal, the option to use the Overwrite function with him never came up, so Lili only had one of two choices. Lili was torn between Lee Yoonsung and Alfred, but she eventually made her decision… and Magic Bullet’s Creator, the war hero Alfred Bellontes, was loaded.


However, a monster which had killed dozens of elite magicians couldn’t fall to such a degree of damage. The flesh at the bottom of the head started growing back, and the bones rising from the neck were completed. The regeneration was almost like a reversal of time. There was a cold light in Alfred’s eyes as she watched the bizarre phenomenon in front of her.

‘It is more than a troll. This isn’t regeneration but closer to immortality… It isn’t an enemy I can win by killing.’

That was the mistake Herman and the other convoy magicians had made. In order to completely destroy the monster, a master level or someone with Veronica’s or Blundell’s firepower was needed. If they had just focused on tying up its feet thoroughly, the magicians in the 1st and 3rd Cars wouldn’t have been killed.

“You bastard. Monkey, you…!” A horrific low-frequency scream emerged from Superbia, whose face was already half recovered.

The flesh the monster now had was different, but it still stared at her with six pairs of compound eyes. The fact that it had been attacked by a mere monkey scratched its pride. The will to kill was immediately reflected in its form.

‘Ogre’s power. Minotaur’s power. Cyclops’ power.’

Superbia’s body suddenly swelled up. It grew beyond three meters and was twice as wide, while the muscle fibers rose above the skin to cover the whole body. Red tendons and muscles tangled together like rope to create a form boiling with murderous impulses.

The incarnation of violence raised an arm which was thicker than a log.


The monster’s four fists struck the ground with a furious roar.


It was literally a great destruction! The earth cracked and shook in the places where Superbia’s fists hit. The sound of the world crying out rang loudly as Alfred jumped up while holding Ellenoa. The shock wave was transmitted through the ground and would explode their insides if it hit them!


“Yes, yes!?!” Ellenoa replied involuntarily to the powerful voice.

“I will blow you away! Take care of your landing!”

There was no time for a reply. Alfred pulled out wind magic from Lili’s memories. She used Gust Wind, a blast that could blow a person away like a leaf. Combining that with Superbia’s shock wave, it wasn’t difficult to fly a few hundred meters. She needed to use this interval to shift Ellenoa to a safe distance away.

So, Alfred blew Ellenoa away without any hesitation.

“Kyaaak!” Ellenoa shrieked with an absurd expression as she was pushed and sent disappearing into the night sky. Alfred was anxious about the landing, but it wouldn’t be a problem for a high elf who was loved by nature. She also kicked away from the epicenter of the destruction as she continued to think.

However, as soon as she landed on the ground…


A huge fist emerged from the dust cloud. It was enough power to push away the dust using wind pressure alone! This hit was three times more powerful than the first. If she were hit with this, she would disappear without a trace. So, Alfred gave up on attacking and concentrated all her strength on her chest. This was the body technique received from Lee Yoonsung—the Iron Board technique.

A red pillar stretched up before her upper body at 90 degrees.


She got a nosebleed as the huge fist hit her. However, she raised a hand to her nose while throwing herself to the right. It was overwhelming just being near the violence. As she attempted to open the gap, the monster stretched out the other three fists at the same time.

Aldred smiled coldly as she faced the wall of death. “Fool.”

Her body accelerated, momentarily appearing like a haze.

‘Battle Song. Sonata of Speed. Vivace.’

Moving one beat faster meant she would die. Moving two beats faster also meant she would die. If that was the case, then she would move three or four beats faster.

Alfred dispersed the force of the three fists more precisely and accurately than the inexperienced Liliana would have done. She penetrated the gap, which was the size of a needle hole, without any error. Alfred moved like she was dancing and dug toward Superbia’s chest.

Then her hand, which was sharp like a spear, pierced the monster’s chest.


The four Magic Bullets, fired from every digit of the right hand, except for the thumb, cut through the muscles covering the monster’s heart.

-■■■■■――!! Superbia’s body started glowing from the terrible pain.

One attack from Superbia would break down the human body instantly. It would be over in one blow. Just a light scratch would cause a severe injury. Then the human’s breath would be cut off in the following attack. On the other hand, Alfred had the battle penalty of not being able to kill her opponent.

Despite that, the hero was dancing like a storm in front of the monster.

-This rat bastard!

Neither of Superbia’s attacks with its fists or feet worked. Alfred avoided the punches and kicks and then brutally attacked any gaps which were exposed. It was the essence of a marksman to pierce the vital points. With simple attacks, Superbia was just Alfred’s prey.

Alfred sent Superbia a look of derision. ‘If you can’t die, I’ll just turn you into a living beehive.’

If it continued like this, Alfred would be able to endure for an hour or two. Every time a flash was fired from her fingers, the monster struggled while the hero firmly defended her superiority.

However, that thought was soon overturned.

* * *

Exactly five minutes later…

-….Indeed, I know your trashy trick now.

Its pride was more important than anything else, but Superbia’s intelligence was absolutely not low. Just as Alfred observed her, Superbia was also watching Alfred. This was the type of prey which should be hunted.

As Superbia transitioned into another form, Alfred felt a chill run down her spine.

Crunch… crunch…

Its front legs were like that of an octopus while the tail was like a blade. This was a shape that completely deviated from the human form. Alfred was able to overwhelm Superbia because she had anticipated its behavior. It wasn’t difficult to know the timing by reading the movements of the muscles, joints, and cartilages since they resembled humans, no matter how strong they were.

However, she didn’t know the characteristics of the monster, so her responses would be delayed.


Shortly after that, the space was cut horizontally. It was Caracalos’ blade tail! Alfred jumped backwards reflexively, but blood still sprang from a cut in her chest. She didn’t receive a scar due to most of the power being blocked by the fabric, but if her response had been a bit late, her heart would’ve been split in two.

This time, Lili’s knowledge had saved her. Caracalos was a dangerous A rank monster that inhabited the southern swamps. Its tail was small but contained mithril, so it was well known as a weapon that could slash through any metal or defense spell.

‘Damn it, that is more than an aura user.’ Alfred clicked her tongue as she came to know the information belatedly. She had lived in the north all her life, so she’d had no interest in the southern creatures. Moreover, she hadn’t read books like Liliana.

If surprise attacks like this kept on happening, it would be difficult to hold out for 10 minutes, let alone an hour. Therefore, Alfred talked to ‘her,’ who was watching.

‘Girl, can you hear me?’

–I can hear you. Speak.

It was Liliana Miller, the owner of the body. The two women, who were like the front and back of a coin, finally looked at each other. Although Alfred was using Liliana’s body, she couldn’t fully utilize her abilities as the skills acquired by Memorize or the artifacts thoroughly belonged to Liliana Miller. Alfred Bellontes was a stranger in Lili’s body, so there were limitations.

‘From now on, I will deeply connect to your consciousness. I need your consent to do that.’

–Sure, I agree.

‘That is a fast response. Is it okay to decide so quickly when you don’t even know what side effects there will be? Connecting my consciousness to yours can be dangerous, even if I am inferior when it comes to magical knowledge.’ The blonde woman looking at Lili with an anxious face.

Alfred’s appearance remained unchanged in the world of their consciousness. She had the majesty of royalty and the dignity of a warrior who had been called a hero. Lili felt strangely impressed as she slowly nodded. She was determined from the moment she decided to fight that monster.

‘…I respect your will, Girl.’

There was no way to withdraw anyway. It had reached the point where Lili needed to rush to the end… at least until Ellenoa’s safety was guaranteed, or when Veronica arrived. Until then, she needed to protect herself from the death appearing before her. Gambling with the hero’s soul was better than having a worthless death.

Then at that moment…

[Object name ‘Alfred Bellontes’ and the user ‘Liliana Miller’ have perfectly harmonized their consciousness. The Overwrite function has been stopped. The user’s self might become contaminated.]

[Hidden feature ‘Transmission’ has been activated.]

[If Transmission is successful, the fragment of Alfred Bellontes will be completely restored. If you fail, you will lose all the skills you have acquired from the essences. The mental shock can also cause the self-destruction of your ego.]

[Are you sure you want to approve ‘Transmission’? – Y/N]

Lili didn’t hesitate, even with the creepy advice. “Transmission!” As she answered, two flashes of light sprang from the dark mental world. One was the soul of the majestic and brilliant hero, while the other was the soul of a body not yet fully grown. The two lights danced erratically in the air before becoming one stream.


It seemed like a lightning bolt struck Liliana Miller’s head.

Chapter 77 – A Traditional Heroine (3)

Gluttony’s 4th stage function, Transmission, was the core of Overwrite, and it was literally a double-edged sword. If it was successful, it would give Lili more of the author’s ability, beyond the little which had been extracted from the essence. However, if it failed, she would lose all the abilities she had obtained previously and, in turn, receive a mental blow.

Liliana was currently standing on a perilous cliff.


The focus completely disappeared from her eyes, and her body lost its vitality. The whirling memories swirling in her head forced her to cut down her five senses. She couldn’t tell where Alfred Bellontes’ memories ended and where Liliana Miller’s memories began. As the boundaries between their egos collapsed, their memories mixed together into a mess. Lili’s mentality didn’t fit her age, but it was hard for her to completely accept the hero’s soul.

Somehow, Lili managed to form a mental structure which captured the broken egos, but the mental challenge caused her eyes to become bloodshot.

‘This… Hang on…!’

If she didn’t look back on herself constantly, it was likely that she would forget who he was. Even though it was only a fragment, Alfred’s soul overwhelmed Lili’s consciousness, and the memories and abilities drove Lili’s body to the brink. Her senses expanded, producing what seemed to be short-term visions of the near future, and it also made her feel dizzy.

However, if this continued, she wouldn’t even last five minutes before being overwhelmed. It was a reality which couldn’t be reversed through will and determination; it was the predicted ending for an idiot who couldn’t figure out her limits.

Funnily enough, it was Pride who rescued her.

–How dare you ignore me when I’m right in front of you!

While Lili was engulfed by the confusion of her mind, Superbia became furious and attacked her.

The flesh of the predator unintentionally stimulated Lili’s survival instincts. The heart which had stopped moving started beating again, while her loosened nerves and muscles became taut and filled with tension.

Focus returned to Liliana’s empty eyes as the sound of the tail sliced through the air. This time, it was aiming for Lili’s neck instead of her heart. It was a blow which even Alfred couldn’t avoid completely, so the willpower of the two people facing death became perfectly matched up.


Lili moved one beat ahead. The tail, which was capable of tearing steel apart, fell before her. Even if she managed to deflect half the trajectory, her neck would still get sliced. Nevertheless, Lili was confident she could avoid it as she ducked and the sound passed over her head. A few strands of hair were sliced off and scattered around.

–It is a useless effort!

Superbia stretched out its forelimbs, which looked like tentacles, at a terrifying speed. They didn’t reach the speed of sound, but there were 27 of them. It was a 360-degree attack which made evasion impossible. The number and range completely surpassed Lili’s mobility.

However, Liliana observed the tentacles with a calm expression. ‘This is the acid roper from the western swamps… Its tentacles will melt the human body immediately.’

The tentacles, which emitted strongly acidic slime, came from a predator in the swamps. They were light, so getting hit by the tentacles wouldn’t hurt, but the slime which melted bones and muscles was a truly terrible weapon.

However, Lili had read about the weakness of the acid roper in the encyclopedia before, so she raised both her arms up without retreating.

‘Battle Song. Rhapsody of Power. Forte.’

Simultaneously, one additional magic wrapped around her arms. “Enchant-Burning Hands!”

From her fingertips to her elbows, Liliana’s arms burned with a red flame. The focused magic power would turn anything it made contact with into charcoal. It was enough to evaporate the acid before it touched the skin!

The blazing fists hit the tentacles aiming for her. Papang! Bang! Papang!

This was different from the fluidity of Lee Yoonsung. Alfred had learned practical fighting techniques directly. They were strikes which utilized the fists, back of the hands, and the elbows. Her strikes left behind a dim haze as she knocked away the 27 tentacles.


Superbia hadn’t expected its attack to be overcome, so it couldn’t hide its surprise. If Liliana hadn’t used Transmission, then she might have died right then. Alfred lacked knowledge and magic, while Liliana lacked the boldness and combat senses of a warrior. So, this was a response made possible only due to the combined abilities of the two.

After defending against the tentacles and blade tail, Lili received a clear view of Superbia.

‘Memorize. Two Slots Open. Volcanic Shell.’

The Volcanic Shells hit its upper body directly.


There was a large shock wave. Lili used the momentum of that shock wave to widen her distance from Superbia. She was able to gain a temporary advantage, but she didn’t have a chance of winning this battle. The next time, Superbia could come up with a creature she didn’t know about.

Once Liliana was 20 meters away, she saw the mass of flesh taking on a new form.

‘Its regeneration is pretty fast even though the upper body was completely crushed… Seems that master level destructiveness is truly required to defeat it.’

She couldn’t deal the final blow. Liliana bit her lips as she realized this once again. Inferno was the only magic she had which surpassed the destructiveness of Volcanic Shell, and she didn’t think that it could completely erase Superbia’s whole body as it had survived the bombardment of Elder Herman and the other war mages.

Unsurprisingly, Superbia quickly recovered. After the damaged areas of the head were restored, Superbia glared at Lili. Magic Bullet, Burning Hands, Volcanic Shell… they were the means of attack which worked against it.

–I see. Your style is shock and fire, Superbia muttered in a small voice, then it started to reassemble its traits accordingly. Its nickname of ‘peak predator’ wouldn’t fit it if all it used was violence. The true power of Superbia was its ability to eliminate its own weakness and neutralize the opponent’s strength.

The use of flames as a weapon had appeared all over the world, along with the means to neutralize it.

‘A red drake’s scales, a chroma turtle’s carapace, a salamander’s heat-proof skin, and a hellhound’s body.’

Crunch…. Crunchhh… Crunch….

Three traits were applied to the body of a hellhound which was emitting heat. The red drake’s scales appeared on top of the salamander skin that shone with a light red, while a black shell wrapped around Superbia’s fragile face and joints.

This was the form which had slaughtered the eight war mages, including Herman.

–I made you wait, Monkey.

A red light shone in Superbia’s eyes. Once it took this form, even swimming in lava was possible. The combination of the three qualities could neutralize 6th Circle fire magic, making it a deadly enemy for Liliana.

If Lili’s attacks didn’t work at all, it would be nothing but a public execution. The only thing which could break through was Magic Bullet, and that depended on pure destructive power.


As she thought this, a blue light emerged from Lili’s index finger and struck Superbia’s head.


The black shell wrapped around Superbia’s face split slightly.

–Kuhuhu, that tickles.

Not a single drop of blood emerged. It was evidence that Magic Bullet couldn’t pierce the carapace wrapped around it. Lili stiffened as her intuition felt it. That wasn’t the maximum output, but it still contained a considerable amount of power. The shell of the unknown creature was simply too hard.

The monster roared with the assurance of its superiority.


The noise also caused a vibration. The huge roar caused the earth to shake, and any beast which heard it froze. Liliana’s eardrums burst as she used healing magic, and she momentarily frowned from the pain.


The monster kicked off against the ground and plunged toward Liliana.


Its movements were several times faster than that of a human or beast. The monster was over 5 meters in length, but it crossed a few dozen meters in the blink of an eye. Indeed, in just three steps, Superbia erased that gap Lili had opened.

Its long sword-like claws were now lunging toward Lili.


Three lines were drawn at the spot where Lili had just been standing, and the cut stones split apart. The claws were as sharp as swords and contained a massive weight. It was horrifying to see leaves split apart just from the wind pressure.

Every time Superbia swung its claws, a few trees were cut to pieces, and empty spaces appeared in an instant. In the end, four claws sliced at Liliana.


However, that Lili scattered like a mirage. As the illusion of Liliana faded, her form could be seen breathing heavily in the distance. It was a skill she had saved until now—Illusion Track. It was the ability to leave an illusion of herself. This was a successful trick because Superbia had concentrated all its traits on physical abilities.

‘Perhaps I can do it twice more. Damn, it’s too good to waste like this.’

She didn’t have time to take measures and ended up using one of her hidden cards. Illusion Track had saved her life, but it had wasted one of Lili’s hidden cards.

Just like how Magic Bullet and fire magic lost their usefulness, the ability would become irrelevant once it was shown to Superbia. She needed extraordinary tactics and methods which hadn’t been displayed yet.

…Yes, there was one tactic and method she had yet to show.

Liliana looked down at her hands and spoke in an uncertain tone, “Is it possible?”

Right now, her body was in an extremely unstable state. It was the limit of Alfred and Lili’s strength as their memories and spirits continued to mix and scatter. If the two people hadn’t united to take care of Superbia, their egos would’ve collapsed together already.

However, neither Liliana nor Alfred had thought of this tactic until now. If it were successful, even that monster couldn’t escape a deadly injury.

“Well, let’s try it once, Prince Alfred.”

Lili nodded and smiled as she heard, ‘A man shouldn’t avoid a challenge.’

It was the temperament of a hero. The innate qualities of Alfred Bellontes were blooming inside of Liliana Miller. Heroes always won at the crossroads of fate and did what people deemed were impossible.

If so, her victory would be decided at this moment.

As Liliana gathered up all of her remaining magic power, a relentless heat rushed through her.

Chapter 78 – A Traditional Heroine (4)

That creature's length was over five meters and its weight was estimated to be in the tonnes. Just being hit by that body would turn a human body into chunks of meat. The creature roared wildly while jumping forward.


The huge roar caused Lili’s already burst eardrums to throb. However, she didn’t have time to care about such minor pain. Lili stared at what was before her without moving a single strand of hair on her eyebrows. Judging by its movements a while ago, Superbia’s power was two steps ahead of Lili’s vision. So, Lili couldn’t afford to blink even once. The monster took two steps on the ground.


Then the shape of the monster expanded suddenly. No, it only appeared to be growing because it was approaching so rapidly. As Superbia’s body neared Lili, it pushed off from the ground.


The solid ground became broken like a grilled pancake. The spot where Lili had been standing split apart like a spider web as Superbia landed. The shock caused a small earthquake, and Lili’s body wobbled for a moment. Superbia’s claws didn’t miss this moment and tore her body into dozens of pieces.

However, Lili’s body once again scattered like a haze. This time, it wasn’t just a single use of Illusion Track. A total of 12 Lilianas appeared around Superbia. The sophisticated illusion that couldn’t be distinguished from reality was the power of the artifact which symbolized the legendary thief, Orwell.

However, Superbia just laughed instead of panicking.

–You… I knew you were going to do this again.

The ability of the peak predator, Pride, allowed it to form countermeasures for anything it saw once. As such, it now had flames which could melt rocks, a tail which was sharper than a blade, and a shell which was harder than steel.

However, it was the same for countering the illusions. The ability to deceive the eyes of other creatures was unexpectedly common, while the ability to see through deception was rare but not impossible to find.

Another red eye appeared in the middle of Superbia’s face—the eye of the observer. It was the eye of a famous creature known as the ‘magician killer.’ The one eyeball could see any magic which entered its field of view and counter it. Without magic power, Superbia could only reproduce its insight ability, but that was enough.

Soon, Superbia’s vision revealed the truth of the illusions. Among the 12 figures, the real Liliana…?


Superbia stiffened. The 12 figures were all illusions, and there was no sign of the body which had created them. Before Superbia could understand the situation, it felt something underneath its chin. It was a really light sensation. However, above all, it gave Superbia a frightening chill.

“…It took me a while.”

It was impossible to amaze Superbia with anything new. So, Lili had used a lavish spectacle as bait. Pride was used to being the strongest, so it had never expected a counterattack to come when its opponent was in a clearly disadvantageous position. What could Liliana do when her flames as well as her greatest weapon, Magic Bullet, were blocked?

‘I can’t break through the normal way. But…!’ The expression on Lili’s face proved this wasn’t a meaningless struggle or approach.

‘Battle Song. Rhapsody of Power. Sforzando.’

Lili only strengthened her right arm. As the muscles swelled, her sleeves were torn apart, exposing the rising blood vessels. The effect of forcibly strengthening her body was revealed, but it was still good. If she didn’t do this, she wouldn’t be able to withstand the shock.

[In fact, Magic Bullet is an incomplete magic. To be more accurate, it is a magic that can’t be completed.] Alfred Bellontes had said so.

There was a limitation because her fingers couldn’t cope with the strong backlash of Magic Bullet. However, if she used her palm, then the pressure and range of Magic Bullet would be greatly reduced. The bonus was that the arm she used would be destroyed by the enormous repulsion. It was a defective spell which could only wreak havoc at a medium distance.

Therefore, she plunged into the monster’s arm and used a desperate method.

‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Magic Missile-Penta United.’

All five Magic Bullets stored at maximum power gathered in the palm of her right hand. Even though Lili felt like her right forearm was going to burst, she was able to somehow endure it thanks to the strengthening. In addition to this, she compressed one more Magic Bullet into her palm.

There was now a huge six shots in her palm. One blow concentrated at six times the power would be able to penetrate any 6th Circle defense spell. Bududuk…buduk… Her muscles were torn as blood flowed from the skin. This was a strong blow which wasn’t possible unless she sacrificed an arm. Liliana stared into Superbia’s eyes and used all her strength.


There was a blue flash of light which surpassed even Alfred’s prime.

* * *

A flash of light soared into the night sky of the Nadun Mountains. In contrast to lightning which fell from the sky, the flash of light rose from the ground and penetrated straight through the clouds. Of course, this light was the trail left behind by Liliana’s Magic Bullet.

Liliana lay on the ground and looked up. ‘Succe…ss.’

The body of the beast which had lost its head was struggling. Black blood sprayed like a fountain, covering the scales and carapace. Despite its fearful defense, it couldn’t withstand Magic Bullet which had been amplified six times. In the end, Superbia’s body fell to the ground.

Liliana chuckled when she saw it. “One blow, I did it properly.”

[Yes, well done.] Alfred smiled from inside Liliana and knocked on her shoulder.

It was a power which would’ve been impossible to achieve if they hadn’t worked together. They had fought well against the monster which was a Seven Sins grimoire. If she had made a wrong judgment, then it would be Liliana with her head missing right now.

As a result, the winner and loser had been decided. Of course, the loser was Liliana who couldn’t kill Superbia, and the winner was Superbia who had survived a number of fatal blows.

Kududuk…! Kudu…! Kududuk…!

With an unpleasant sound, a skull rose up in the empty space, and flesh, muscles, and nerves covered it as the head started to regain its original shape. As Alfred had said, this wasn’t in the realm of regeneration but immortality. No matter how well the two people fought, they couldn’t beat it. In the first place, Liliana and Alfred lacked a way to destroy that huge body without leaving a trace of it behind.

–Your last hurrah ends here. Superbia’s voice was convinced of its victory.

Why did it need to be agitated in front of its food which had already lost strength? Superbia laid a sharp claw at Lili’s neck. It wasn’t dumb enough to leave this threat alive. Superbia would tear off the head of the being which irritated it and then eat slowly.

‘Well, it is just up to here. I fought well.’ Liliana closed her eyes in the face of death. She felt a bit sad about her parents, but she believed that her mentor would take care of them.

Finally, Superbia’s sharp claw moved.


It was quite a cheerful sound for someone’s head being cut off. As she thought this,

“…Kid.” It was a cold but beautiful voice.

“T-Tower Master…?”

“Sorry, I’m too late.”

Lili opened her eyes hurriedly and saw Veronica, whose red robe was flapping in the wind.

She had spoken in a heavily subdued voice, which made her wonder what she’d seen on the way. Blood was dripping from Veronica’s firmly closed fists, and Liliana thought the blood almost looked like her tears.

Veronica moved forward, toward the monster before her.

“Wait a bit. I’ll end it quickly.”

Shortly after that…


Something was waving like a worm from Superbia’s crushed head. The half skull and crushed eye looked like a frog which had been hit with a hammer. Superbia was one beat too late to recognize the damage. Then as it opened its mouth to scream…

“Be a sword, fire of purgatory.” Veronica summoned a sword of fire—Inferno Blade. She used a spell which compressed Inferno into the form of a sword.

No matter how fire resistant the monster was, it couldn’t withstand a temperature which would melt it in an instant. It was impossible to block this fire sword with pure durability.

However, Superbia started to regenerate when it was sliced apart. Its speed was faster than a troll, and there were no traces left of the wounds Veronica had inflicted upon it. Nevertheless, Veronica gazed at the scene with cold eyes and suddenly jumped from the ground.

No, the moment she jumped, she was already punching out.


It was a huge blow. The slender fist of the beautiful woman contained the weight of several tonnes, and the creature was thrown back into the air.

–A-A monster like you…! This mixed-blood monkey!

“What?” Veronica had the dragon senses, so it wasn’t difficult for her to hear Superbia’s low-frequency voice. She then pointed to the creature which was 100 meters away and sentenced him to death. It was the worst attack magic of the 7th Circle, a flame of the Demon World which couldn’t be erased with the usual method.

“Hell Fire.” A black fire storm appeared without a sound and wrapped around Superbia.

–■■■■■■――!?! It was a scream, not a roar.

The senses of Superbia, who focused on the traits of creatures, were extraordinarily sharp, so its perception of pain was different. The sensation of its body’s cells burning was hell. Superbia couldn’t endure this. The firepower exceeded its regeneration, so Pride, who had encountered few monsters in this age, decided to escape.

Simultaneously, Veronica decided to deal the last blow.

“Suuuuop…” She used a great suction power to swallow the air around her.

“Huwaaaack―――――!” Then a fearsome jet of fire blew from her mouth!

‘D-Dragon Breath?!’ Lili didn’t know why a quarter dragon like Veronica could use that power, but the red dragon’s breath was famous for having a destruction equivalent to the 8th Circle.

She blew her breath toward the airborne Superbia and destroyed any clouds in the way. The power of it truly couldn’t be described in books. Nothing was left in the place where the breath passed.

“Huuuu…” As the breath died, Veronica let out a tired sigh and took several deep breaths while steam emerged from her mouth.

“Tch. It ran away? It is more annoying than a master level aura user,” she grumbled in an annoyed voice. Veronica had definitely missed out on the kill. She didn’t know what creature it was, but it was more difficult than she thought.

“Indeed, she wouldn’t have died if it wasn’t that much.” A bitter expression crossed Veronica’s face as she thought of Elder Herman’s body which she had passed by along the way. Elder Herman had been one of the elders who had known Veronica for decades and treated her like a daughter or granddaughter despite her mixed blood. She had never thought he would die in a place like this.

Even though death didn’t belong to a time or place, she couldn’t help feeling regretful. After a moment of silence for her dead colleagues, she turned toward Liliana. “You did well, Kid.”


“Don’t answer and stay still. Your wounds are deep.”

It wasn’t easy for Lili to speak. As the sense of urgency and tension faded away, a heavy fatigue came which seemed like it would cut off Lili’s consciousness right away. Veronica realized this and placed her head on Lili’s lap while calling to someone, “Hey, you can come out now.”

Who was she calling? Her heavy eyes found green hair among the trees. She had probably met Veronica while fleeing and guided her toward the location of the fight. The high elf, Ellenoa, came out with Veronica’s permission and grabbed Lili’s right hand gently.

“Liliana, Liliana…!” Her glad calls echoed in her ears a few times.

Vitality flowed from her fingertips and gradually improved the condition of her right arm and body. She wanted to reply to her call, but the damage accumulated in Lili’s body didn’t allow her to remain conscious any further.

‘Ah, how long will I sleep this time…?’ She could sense it. This was the aftermath of forcefully having Alfred ‘transmitted’ to her.

Liliana fell unconscious as the two beauties called her name. Shortly before her vision and hearing cut off completely, she heard a voice.

[The 4th Seal which unlocked through an unusual path has been resealed. The user won’t be able to use ‘Overwrite’ until the 4th Seal is released normally.]

[You were mentally hurt by Transmission. Time is needed to restore your mental state.]

[At the present time, there is no knowing how long it will take.]

[Entering a forced dormancy.]

Chapter 79 – Silver Medal of Merit (1)

Two days later, the upper echelons of the Meltor Kingdom were literally overturned after finding out that the high elf’s convoy had been almost completely wiped out. It was truly a catastrophe! Five 6th Circle magicians, sixteen 5th Circle magicians, and three gust wagons formed a tremendous loss. It wasn’t a damage which couldn’t be recovered from, but it would be hard to fill their vacancy for the next 10 years.

If Veronica hadn’t been able to protect the survivors of the convoy, Liliana Miller and the high elf, then the damage might’ve expanded by several times. Kurt III praised Veronica’s achievement publicly while convening an emergency meeting to deal with this case.

“Listen carefully. The Tower Masters, heads of the Magic Society, and members of the court must gather in the meeting room without anyone being absent. This issue has an enormous impact, and it is strictly forbidden to leak any information to the outside world. This is an edict I proclaim in the name of Kurt III.”

An edict in the king’s name…! The meaning of such a thing was never light. If a person rejected this edict or broke it, they could immediately be hung on the gallows for treason. That was why they all headed to the meeting room of the royal palace after receiving Kurt III’s order.

Among the people present were the Tower Masters, who rarely gathered in one place. “Huhu, it has been a long time since I’ve seen some of the faces gathered here,” Blundell Adruncus, the Blue Tower Master, muttered while still carrying his staff. “Oh, what is all this? I am young, but I feel old when gathering in this place,” Veronica, the beautiful Red Tower Master muttered in a petulant tone.

“…………” The man wearing a white robe and a plain mask which covered his eyes, nose, and forehead was the White Tower Master, Orta. As always, the position of the Yellow Tower Master remained vacant, but no one questioned this. He was the only one qualified to refuse any call, and this was an open secret at the heart of Mana-vil. More than anything else, he had no interest in national affairs.

Blundell settled his big body in a chair and opened his mouth to speak, “Now, let’s all sit down first. It is awkward to talk while standing.” As three of the four seats around the throne were filled, the rest of the people started to sit down.

On the right side of the round table was Kurt III’s court, who were responsible for state administration. It included the household department, the military, foreign affairs and so on. Meanwhile, the left side of the table was for the nobles present in the capital. There were a few earls and dukes waiting for the king.

Not long after that, Kurt III entered the meeting room. “Presenting His Majesty!” Unlike other times, the king’s knights declared the presence of the king directly. It meant this meeting had such an important agenda that it was impossible to even approach him.

Kurt III opened his palm and restrained them before they bowed. “The bowing will be omitted today. Please be seated.” Nobody dared refuse. They quickly followed his order and sat down.

Kurt III nodded and headed to the throne in the center. He sat down on the throne covered in white leather and looked next to him. “Veronica, summarize the case briefly.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Veronica wasn’t playful like usual. She got up from her seat with a cold expression and spoke as the attention of the people focused on her, “Two days ago, the convoy passing through the Nadum Mountains was attacked by an unidentified monster. All the gust wagons mobilized for the mission were destroyed, and 21 magicians killed. The high elf was unharmed at the end of the engagement, but the monster escaped.”

Silence fell for a moment before a storm exploded in the meeting room. “W-Wiped out!” “Red Tower Master, the monster got away from you?!” “Surely this will become bigger…!” Each reaction was different, but they were all shocked.

The 21 magicians dispatched as the convoy were a strong power. They had been veteran war mages from the time of the war against the Empire. It was an elite group which could even grab the ankles of a sword master when working together. However, the convoy had been wiped out suddenly? Did it mean that master level monsters existed in the world? Perhaps Veronica was lying?

Dismay, horror and disbelief filled the eyes of the people in the room. “Stop,” Kurt III spoke and calmed the atmosphere at once. The attitude required in this situation was to find the best countermeasure for the outcome of this event, rather than them being shocked. The people gathered noticed the chilly look in the king’s eyes and quickly got into the right mindset.

“It is fortunate that the high elf is safe. We avoided the worst case scenario somehow.” The people nodded at Kurt III’s words. What would the damage be if the high elf had also been killed? Meltor would’ve suffered at least three times as much in the future. They would lose the chance to gain a good relationship with Elvenheim. The damage this time was painful, but there was some small comfort.

“Provide compensation to the families of the magicians who were sent as part of the convoy. And we must thoroughly receive compensation from Elvenheim. Isn’t that right, Blundell?”

“The elves are a species who consider silver as a sign of gratitude and no grudges, so it will be done according to Your Majesty’s will.”

“Right. No, it would be difficult if that wasn’t the case.” The wooden arm holder of the throne was crushed by Kurt III’s grip. Due to international relations, he had lost more than 20 elites. If the value of the high elf was lower than this, there would be no point in them sacrificing their lives. No matter what, he had to obtain a price for them.

After a while, Kurt’s face returned to that of the sober ruler. “Blundell, escort the high elf to Elvenheim. I’m sorry since you’ve just returned from a long distance mission, but you know that the elves don’t like Veronica.”

“I would be delighted. By the way, Your Majesty.”

“Hmm?” Kurt III looked puzzled by Blundell’s additional words.

“I have a request to ask of you from the high elf.”

“A request? For me?”

“Yes, that’s right.” The king made a gesture to allow the message. Blundell grinned and delivered Ellenoa’s words. “She asked to stay until the healing of Liliana Miller, the survivor of this incident, is over. She doesn’t know about the other injuries, but her right hand is in a serious state. If it isn’t healed with the power of the high elf, she predicts there will be aftereffects.”

“I have no reason to refuse the request. Rather, I would like to ask that from my side.” It was a warming story. Kurt III’s stiff face loosened as he heard it. Whether the myth about the silver was true or not, the high elf hadn’t left Liliana alone after being escorted to the capital. She had hugged the bloody and bandaged right arm and continued using her healing power on Lili.

The cold atmosphere of the room became a little warmer. “Hoh, this young woman has earned the grace of a high elf.” “Isn’t she 20 this year and already at the 5th Circle? Brilliant. Why wasn’t this talent known until now?” “Look carefully. She took first place in the Pupil Tournament recently. It was just a few months ago.” “I see that she has no sponsors.”

They read about Liliana enthusiastically and expressed their appreciation for her. The court fought over which department the young woman would fit into, while the nobles wondered what conditions they could use to recruit her. However, the fierce debate was once again stopped by Kurt III. “…Liliana Miller, that young lady again.”

Kurt III looked at the paper which contained Liliana’s history with his distinctive purple eyes. Lili had won the Pupil Tournament and taken care of the elder lich, and now, she had even survived the convoy. It was a rare case where a 20-year-old magician would end up facing the king three times in less than half a year. Naturally, the king was forced to develop an interest in Lili.

‘Is her talent luck or does she have the qualities of a heroine? Or maybe she has something extraordinary.’ There was something unknown which couldn’t be discovered from the information written on the document. It was clear that she had helped the kingdom a few times, and it was the king’s role to make the most of it.

According to Veronica, within the next 10 years, Lili would grow enough to be able to threaten her. Then the right thing to do was spray water and fertilizer on the ground to help the tree grow. Kurt III decided on the way to treat Liliana. “Listen carefully.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The king refused to allow any arguments as he announced in front of everyone present, “To the only survivor of the convoy, Baroness Miller, I will present the title of Viscountess and, in addition, reward her with a Silver Medal of Merit. This decision is an edict in my name, meaning it can’t be overturned.”

“Y-Your Majesty!” “What? If you didn’t hear it, then I will tell you one more time.” The court officials, nobles and tower masters couldn’t hide their surprise. The title of viscountess was good. An honorary noblewoman didn’t have a manor, and magicians belonging to the Magic Society weren’t likely to care about titles anyway.

However, the Silver Medal of Merit was a reward that none of them had imagined. The nobles who tried to suggest it was too much soon fell silent at Kurt III’s harsh voice. They knew this tone meant that no objections were allowed and that the decision couldn’t be overturned.

“There are no objections. Then it is time for the next agenda.” 30 years after the last recipient, the next recipient of the Silver Medal of Merit was decided in a secret spot.

* * *

Liliana didn’t know she was the protagonist of a glory which hadn’t appeared in the last 30 years, as her eyes hadn’t even opened yet when the decision was made. Thanks to Ellenoa’s dedicated healing, all of Lili’s external wounds, including her right arm, were recovered perfectly. However, she couldn’t heal the crack in Lili’s mind which had arisen from Alfred’s ‘Transmission.’

In the end, Ellenoa couldn’t wait for Liliana to open her eyes and was forced to leave Meltor. Blundell, who was assigned as her escort, scratched his head with an apologetic expression when he saw her sad face. “Hmm, I’m sorry but we can’t afford to wait any longer. The ambassadors from Elvenheim are urging for your return.”

“…Yes, I understand.” Still, Ellenoa couldn’t help feeling disappointed as she kissed Liliana’s forehead gently. The kiss of a high elf was like receiving the blessing of an elemental. It was a blessing which would prevent any elementals belonging to enemies from getting close to Liliana. “Will we meet again someday, Liliana?”

Ellenoa said goodbye, and the forest dancer returned to Elvenheim.

Then exactly 10 days later… After the battle with Superbia, Liliana Miller had been collapsed for three weeks due to her mental fusion with Alfred. The topic of conversation in Meltor finally woke up.

Chapter 80 – Silver Medal Of Merit (2)

Liliana, who had lost consciousness for more than a fortnight, seemed to be sleeping comfortably. However, she was actually in danger. Even if it was just a fragment, Alfred had been named a war hero, and the power of his soul was beyond the limit which Liliana could accept. If Lili had attempted to get her hands on all that power, her ego would be shattered like broken glass.

Lili knew that intuitively and chose the next best thing. She might have to give up inheriting all of the power, but it would surely separate Alfred’s and Lili’s souls. Surrounded by darkness in the world of her mind, Lili gradually noticed that she was regaining her senses. It was evidence that her mind and body had recovered enough to wake up from the dormancy.

‘Is it time to wake up? Thank goodness I somehow succeeded.’ Lili looked down at herself with a sigh. Not long ago, she had stood at the boundary between Alfred and Liliana and hadn’t been able to tell who she was. It was only a few hours ago that Lili had returned. She had barely managed to win by walking the tightrope with a precipice below her.

Although Alfred’s life had been short-lived, Lili was a young girl of only 20 years old. However, she was pushed to her limits when it came to the depth of her life and her experiences. Finally, her consciousness stirred as her eyelids pushed up.


‘Stiff.’ After not waking up for more than a fortnight, the way she felt could be summarized with that one word. Her muscles were stiff like a tightrope, and her joints creaked continuously. Despite receiving treatment from the royal family, a fortnight was too long. Even her upper torso and spine were aching slightly. Lili eventually gave up on trying to get up and lay down quietly.

‘How long have I been lying down? If I am this stiff, I must’ve been lying down for at least a week.’ She wanted to get up quickly, but it was obvious that she would be seriously injured if she moved in her current condition.

Liliana diagnosed her condition using Lee Yoonsung’s experience and sighed with relief. She barely noticed it in her mental state, but she might have to rest for a few more days. Despite that, she wanted to know where this place was and what had happened to her mentor.

The only consolation she had was what she got from this incident.

‘This…? Is it Alfred’s senses?’ At that time, Lili flinched as she felt a sense of heterogeneity. Unlike her five senses, this was a sense that wasn’t attached to her body. Indescribable information tickled her head.

This was different from Lili’s sensory perception which seemed like her five senses were just extremely sensitive. Alfred’s talent seemed to be able to see a bit into the future. Born with innate qualities, it was a sixth sense that seemed to bloom on the battlefield. It was one of the reasons why he had become a war hero with only the weapon called Magic Bullet.

However, that didn’t mean Liliana’s sixth sense had reached the same level as Alfred’s.

“…It’s hard. It will take a while to get used to it.” Lili closed her eyes for a while and concentrated, before shaking her head. This was a gift given by Alfred Bellontes, and it was like suddenly obtaining fish gills. Usually, ordinary people wouldn’t know how to breathe with gills. Lili had acquired the ability, but she would have to spend a lot of time and experience to fully exploit this talent.

However, it wasn’t impossible, so Lili couldn’t help smiling.

‘Prince Alfred has disappeared, but his traces still remain. I can clearly remember the feelings we shared while fighting together. If I follow that feeling, I will surely reach it again soon.’

Due to having joined together with Alfred, Lili had become strong enough to face the terrifying ‘Pride.’ Her aim was to become strong enough to knock Pride down. Now that she had faced Superbia once, there was no way to avoid being hostile to it.

‘I will win next time.’ Lili formed a fist as she made such a determination.


Lili froze as she heard a voice out of nowhere. ‘W-What? Who else besides me is in this room?’ She hadn’t been aware of it because her senses were dull. Where were they? Lili thought of the expressions she had been showing and wanted to hide inside a hole. However, the person only mumbled Lili’s name once before falling silent.

Lili was puzzled by the silence, and she lifted her head up carefully. It was then that she was able to see someone.

“Lili… dead… no…” Sylvia was sleeping in a chair and mumbling ominous things while drooling.

That reminded her, how had Sylvia been? She’d had no contact with her since returning from the Miller Barony. Due to her identity as the disciple of the Blue Tower Master, it would be hard for Sylvia to walk around for private reasons. Lili herself had been busy with Veronica’s special training and then the mission.

That’s why Sylvia came to visit her. ‘Is this place Mana-vil’s infirmary?’

Veronica seemed to have brought her and Ellenoa back to Mana-vil after defeating Superbia. Lili quickly reached this conclusion and lay back down with a smile. It was a bit awkward, but seeing Sylvia’s sleeping face was quite nice.

At that time, she felt a familiar sense of discomfort in her left hand.

-…You woke up, User.


Just like her, Gluttony had woken up from her dormancy.

–For the time being, it is impossible to get the same privilege as last time. I won’t be able to release my autonomic function until the next seal is released.

‘You won’t be able to exercise your autonomic function?’

–I am also part of the grimoire, so the system has authority over me. It is possible to put a temporary ban on me after I released the 4th Seal through such an unusual path.

Indeed, no matter how much she wanted to, Gluttony couldn’t release her own seals.

–Then, hurry, next seal…

Lili nodded as Gluttony fell asleep again. It seemed like Gluttony had also been challenged during the fight against Superbia. Maybe it would be difficult to talk like before until the next seal was lifted.

As the infirmary quieted down again, Lili closed her eyes. She was going to rest until her body recovered. However, that silence didn’t last long.

“Lili! You are awake now!” Vince, the middle-aged magician who came to visit, looked at her with a pleased expression.

* * *

Lili’s mind might’ve been in a risky state, but her body was already completely cured. It was because Ellenoa had focused on treating her for a few days, and there was no trauma except for her right arm. If she hadn’t received a psychological shock, she would’ve regained consciousness the day after she collapsed. Thanks to that, Lili had no problem telling her story.

“Yes, Elder Herman died.”

Vince’s face filled with regret as he heard about what happened to the convoy. Herman, a magician of the previous generation, had been there since Vince had been an apprentice. Herman had been famous for his talent and ability to take care of his juniors, so he had been a spiritual pillar of the Red Tower. After his retirement, he had continued making strong contributions to Meltor.

The fact that he had died made Vince’s heart ache. However, Vince soon suppressed his sadness, and his complexion returned to its original state. As a veteran war mage, he was accustomed to sending off many comrades on the battlefield. He was just grateful that his senior had performed the mission to the end and returned his disciple safely.

“Then it is my turn.”

After Liliana lost consciousness, she didn’t know about anything which had happened outside her body. Thanks to Sylvia, Lili knew she was in Mana-vil’s infirmary, but that was all. A secret meeting had been held at the palace, and the high elf’s convoy had been a topic of discussion for a few days. Lili had now become one of the greatest celebrities in the present Meltor Kingdom.

She was unfamiliar with people’s attention, so her forehead immediately creased as she frowned. Sylvia was also listening in, and her eyes shone at the words. “Wow! Great, Lili! You are probably the only one who has become so famous at our age!”

“Well, Sylvia’s words aren’t wrong,” Vince chimed in playfully. “An academy student won against a tower master’s disciple, and a few days later, she defeated the elder lich. Not long after that, you rescued a high elf. This might just be the introduction of a remarkable hero.”

“B-But Professor was with me as well…!”

“That isn’t important. The royal family has already started work promoting you as a hero.”

Then Vince pulled out a newspaper and showed her the contents. Lili’s eyes shook as she read the contents while lying down. By the end of it, she was shaking almost at the level of a seizure. It was the announcement of a national scale event.

“M-Medal ceremony? Furthermore, a court ball?!”

The court ball was a social event held several times a year in any other kingdom, but it had a special significance here in Meltor. The king of Meltor, Kurt III, hated useless luxuries. His character was known for avoiding excesses, so this applied to the ball as well. It was said that there were no court balls in Meltor except when the delegation of another kingdom visited, or at the opening or closing ceremony of the magic contest.

However, the letters written in the newspaper didn’t make sense.

“This is all because of me…?”

Hearing her disciple’s disbelieving voice, Vince affirmed, “That’s right. Perhaps they want to highlight your presence over what happened to the high elf convoy. Comedy is always used to conceal tragedy.”

“Am I worth that much?”

“Of course. Although if they were only going to use your name, you wouldn’t have been awarded a medal.”

‘Medal, medal…’ Lili gazed at the illustration drawn in the newspaper. ‘Silver Medal of Merit?’ She had read the books in the academy’s library, but she had little knowledge about this type of thing. Lili wasn’t interested in things related to the nobility and preferred to read the encyclopedia about monsters.

‘Is this medal that great?’

As Lili gazed at it, Vince spoke in a pleased voice, “By the way, that is the Silver Medal of Merit! It has been 30 years since someone last received it. I never thought that it would be my disciple, Liliana!”


“Is it unbelievable? Well, that is understandable. It is a medal equivalent to a viscount title.”

Liliana tried to stop Vince who had misunderstood her, but her words were blocked. A medal equivalent to a viscount title…? Something so preposterous existed in this country…? If this were true, it meant that the value of the medal couldn’t be converted into money.

Soon, the reason emerged from Vince’s mouth, “The Silver Medal of Merit is worth a national treasure. You will probably receive a national treasure at the medal ceremony! You should be surprised and happy!”

‘…National treasure?’ One beat—no, two beats later, Liliana’s mouth dropped open.

Chapter 81 – Silver Medal Of Merit (3)

News that the main character, Liliana Miller, had woken up was soon reported to the royal palace. Even so, the court ball couldn’t be held right away. Therefore, the preparations took place while Lili recovered in bed. The date was decided to be four days after Liliana was discharged.

Thanks to her, Mana-vil Capital was experiencing an unprecedented boom. Even though only the nobles could participate in the court ball directly, performers and wine were released onto the streets. The quantity of wine required was so large that it set a fire under the feet of the merchants, who had been idle after the Magic Contest.

“Alcohol! We need alcohol! Hey, is there anything left in the warehouse?”
“No! We’ve run out a long time ago! Why is there an event this large so soon after the Magic Contest?”
“There isn’t enough alcohol now? If there is no volume at the store, go and strangle some from the merchant companies!”
“No, this is the first time since I’ve lived that there isn’t enough pork!”

None of the people around her, including the court people and tower masters, had expected the king to declare a court ball. So, it was too late for even the top merchant companies closely associated with the nobles to react. The small and mid-sized merchants struggled to pull up any remaining stock that they had as Mana-vil was more vigorous than ever before.

“What is all this fuss about?”

It wasn’t just the merchants but also the guards who were suffering from this. The number of people who entered Mana-vil, the capital of Meltor, was enormous. The biggest event of the year had been the Magic Contest, so after it was over, it was like heaven to the guards. Yet, having been placed on duty again, all the off-duty patrols and guards were now irritated.

The sight of more than 100,000 guards circulating day and night was spectacular in itself. This was evidence of how great the court ball was. Shortly afterwards, the news of the court ball spread throughout the entire northern continent.

“What? The Meltor Kingdom has called a court ball?”

The other countries didn’t have time to dispatch ambassadors or people to the sudden event, but there was a lot of interest in the ball and its protagonist. Even if they were publicly disclosed, Lili's achievements were hard to believe. Some watched with interested eyes while others criticized her as a hero created by Meltor.

“Isn’t it vulgar to spread a foolish story about a hero to increase their national power?”
“Elder lich? If such a thing existed, a campaign would’ve been launched to take care of it. Meltor must be attempting to mislead the people with ridiculous rumours.”

Some were convinced while others reacted violently. Regardless of whether they believed it or not, time passed by. Then as the date set by the Meltor Kingdom approached, the kingdom naturally fell silent as the people waited for the festival.

Thus, the day of the court ball dawned.

* * *

“Eh?” Lili felt strange as she adjusted her dress with her good hand.

So far, she had to be helped by others whenever she wore any finery. At the awards ceremony, she’d needed Vince’s help, and Earl Bergen’s servants had helped Lili during her stay there. However, she was now wearing this outfit by herself.

‘There are no wrinkles or folds, so is it okay?’ Lili looked at herself in the mirror.

She hadn’t even given it much thought while wearing it. Her body just moved like she was accustomed to wearing such clothing. Lili casually arranged the sleeves and the neckline. The movements of her hands weren’t possible unless she had considerable experience.

Lili had grown up in a rural estate and only worn the academy’s uniforms after that, so she shouldn’t be that familiar with it. However, Liliana was able to guess the cause.

“…She was a heroine and princess.” She laughed lightly as she adjusted her dress and then looked down at her palm.

Alfred Bellontes had been a war hero, but she had also been the third princess of the Bellontes Principality which led the War of Independence. It meant Alfred had been an existence whose status couldn’t be downgraded. Such a person couldn’t be ignorant of etiquette or laws.

Maybe the sixth sense wasn’t the only thing to flow into Lili’s body after ‘Transmission’ was used. She didn’t know it yet, but her method of walking and posture were slightly different from before. It was due to the spirit of royalty.


At that moment, the door of the waiting room opened.

“Lili, how are the preparations going?” Vince entered the room without any hesitation, and his eyes widened as he saw Lili’s clothing.

According to the attendants, Lili hadn’t worn the clothing, yet here she was, perfectly dressed. Everything was perfect, from the posture to the atmosphere around her. If it wasn’t for Lili’s familiar face, Vince might’ve mistaken her for someone else.

Vince opened his mouth and spoke with a satisfied expression, “Excellent. I don’t need to call any attendants.”

Then he put a box on the table and unlocked it quickly. The inside of the iron box was revealed with a snapping sound. The item inside was a luxurious cloth embroidered with red and gold thread. Lili was aware of the identity and nodded. “A robe of the Red Tower?”

“That’s right.”

It wasn’t a normal robe. Generally, mass-produced items didn’t have such complicated patterns nor did they use such good cloth. Additionally, the magic placed on mass-produced items was only at a certain level. However, the magic power coming from this crimson robe was around the same level as the magic imbued in a rare artifact. The crimson robe was then tied around Liliana’s neck.

“Oh…!” Vince said admiringly as he looked at Lili.

The red robes fluttered like a flame as they wrapped around Lili like a coat. Lili was wearing a black dress, so the robe gave her a great finish as a sorceress. This was all done in preparation for the ball. The two of them then spent some time exchanging personal stories, and Vince kindly warned Lili what to be careful about. Lili was calm for her age, but the nobles had tongues like snakes.

“Finally, don’t bend your back.” Vince put his hand on Lili’s waist while saying so. “You are the main character of this ball. Who can be rude to you, the one who is receiving His Majesty’s medal? You don’t need to make enemies, but you don’t need to shrink back before anyone either.”

“I will do so.”

“Well, you will do well even without me saying anything.”

Lili had already met high ranking people: the Blue Tower Master; the Red Tower Master; and Kurt III. So, she wouldn’t be scared even if she encountered a marquis or a duke as far more extravagant people were hanging around her. Truth be told, Veronica’s fist was far scarier than the power of the nobles.

‘I can’t see her fist properly… that is much scarier…’

Lili ignored her shivering and turned around because she heard a voice calling her.

“Baroness Miller! Please enter the venue!”

Vince and Lili met each other’s gazes for a moment. Simultaneously, Vince patted Liliana’s shoulders. “Now, go first. I’ll see you later in the ballroom.”

“Yes, Master.” Lili left Vince behind and followed the guide.

Thump, thump. Her heart pounded every time she took a step. Lili’s keen senses picked up the presences of hundreds of people, and she knew that they were all waiting for her. She could never get accustomed to this amount of interest in her. Lili had been hurt by all the interest she’d received previously in school. Still…

‘I’m not trembling thanks to you, Princess Alfred.’

Alfred had learned dignity as royalty and as a hero. In both cases, Alfred hadn’t been the type to shrink back from ordinary nobles. It was only a fraction of Alfred’s but Lili had a similar air wrapped around her. The tension of standing before all those people faded into nothingness. After all, a tiger wouldn’t be intimidated by a herd of dogs.

At that moment, the host’s voice started booming loudly, “Then let me introduce her! The main character of this ball and the first recipient of the Silver Medal of Merit in 30 years…!”

Lili took a few steps further than the guide and found the spot designated to her. There was only a curtain blocking her from the ballroom. Shortly after that, the barrier was taken away as a loud voice said, “The Red Tower’s Average ranked magician, Baroness Liliana Miller!”

As Lili took a step forward, she was covered by a dazzling light. ‘Don’t shrink back.’

This wide ballroom was Lili’s stage. The grace left behind by Alfred and Liliana’s upright nature were displayed in her steps. Some of the nobles expecting to make fun of a rural baroness were confused as they murmured to each other.

“No, isn’t she a member of a declining noble family?”
“No matter how I look, she seems like a young mistress from a good family…”
“She must have a good education. It isn’t easy to not shake in a big place like this.”

Their evaluations of Lili were good.

Liliana stopped five paces before Kurt III, who was waiting for her at the high podium. Lili naturally fell to one knee, not as a noble but as a sorceress. However, she didn’t seem subservient and looked more imposing than the nobles surrounding her.

“An Average of the Red Tower, Baroness Liliana Miller greets the Great Sun of Meltor.”

Kurt III laughed with a cheerful expression at Liliana’s greeting. “You can rise, Young Heroine.”

Lili didn’t rush as she got up. It was dignified without being impudent. This was an exquisite balance which even veteran nobles couldn’t easily imitate. Kurt III admired her from the podium. In order to honour the heroine who had accomplished praiseworthy feats, the king was standing at the same level as his servants. How many people in the records had achieved such glory at the age of 20? He wasn’t sure but there wouldn’t be many.

In front of hundreds of eyes, the king and heroine faced each other.

“Liliana Miller, listen,” Kurt III said with a small box in his hand. “You have rescued a high elf from slavery and saved her from an unknown enemy. This feat is one that can never be disparaged. Such a loyal servant deserves to be rewarded.”

He placed the box on Liliana’s hand and declared with a profound voice, “Listen carefully.”

All the nobles and sorceresses present lowered their bodies. Then as Liliana knelt down again, Kurt III knocked on Liliana’s shoulder.

“From this moment on, Baroness Liliana Miller will be given the title of a viscountess, and she will be awarded with the Silver Medal of Merit! Additionally, she will be given 1,000 gold coins, a national treasure, and this court ball to recognize her glory!”

“We will obey, Your Majesty!” The crowd’s thunderous cheers announced the start of the court ball.

Kurt III’s speech ended, and the ballroom was instantly filled with joyful music.
The court musicians didn’t usually have a place to show off their skills, so they didn’t miss this chance. The musicians literally used their whole bodies to pull out beautiful tones from various musical instruments as the sound filled the spacious ballroom. People were naturally attracted to the music, and the number of men and women dancing with each other increased.

It was a great performance that caused even Liliana to shake her shoulders. However, Kurt III hadn’t moved from before her despite having handed over the medal.

“Hmm, all the formal procedures are finished.” Kurt looked at Lili with his purple eyes and said, “There is a separate person in charge of handing you the national treasure. It isn’t hard to recognize the person, so just act according to their instructions.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Then have a great time. You should mingle with the people waiting for you.”

As soon as Kurt finished speaking, a group of nobles gathered in a place not far away.

People with intelligence and influence in the capital had responded to the sudden ball. Most of them were more powerful and cunning than Earl Bergen. These old snakes were just waiting for Kurt to leave so they could descend on Liliana.

This was the young heroine’s social debut.

“I look forward to your work in the future, Liliana Miller,” Kurt said as he tapped on Lili’s shoulders, before moving aside.

No matter how high-ranking the noble, they couldn’t surround Lili with the king in front of her. Thanks to that, the area around the podium was clear for a moment. It was a golden opportunity for Lili, who didn’t like this type of bustle.

She quickly stepped down from the podium. ‘Okay, I should move quickly toward Master or other people from the magic towers. Who will come to a place where high-ranking magicians are?’

At least in Meltor, the status of magicians was equal to that of nobles. A 4th Circle magician was equivalent to a baron. After that, the number of 5th Circle magicians drastically reduced due to the presence of the ‘wall.’ So, it was common for nobles to earnestly honor senior magicians.

However, a barrier of people formed in front of Lili as she had that thought.

“Ahh, Liliana!”

“It is nice to meet you, Viscountess Miller!”

“It is an honor to meet you!”

There were dresses that revealed the body, ornaments hanging from the ears, and waists that gleamed in the light of the chandelier. Along with these, there were also colorful fabrics covering white skin.


Dozens of nobles plastered themselves to Liliana while chattering. The soft flesh and sweet fragrance clouded her head.

‘D-Dangerous. At this rate…!’ Liliana had keen senses.

However, this was the first time that she experienced this type of offensive. Additionally, the charm of the girls who had been raised to increase the honor of their family was fatal. It was natural to manage their skin and body, while they learned how to talk and even trained in the art of capturing a man’s eyes.

For them, Liliana Miller would be the most charming partner.

Many of the nobles were much older than them and were frequently involved with concubines as they weren’t sincere. So, the young women would do anything to marry the beautiful young woman who was a hero.

“Viscountess Miller, could you please dance a song with me?” A lady with golden hair wrapped her hand neatly around Lili’s. The soft texture of her skin and the warmth conveyed made her embarrassed.

She didn’t know what to do, as it was a situation where moving the wrong way could cause a situation. As she was thinking about what to do…

“…Wait a minute, Young Lady? Do you know who you are touching right now?” A voice rang out from somewhere. “I’m sorry, but that is mine. If you can’t give her up, are you thinking about fighting with me? I don’t care either way.”

None of the people surrounding Lili dared to stand up to that voice. The pressure coming from the owner of that voice was intense, and there was a large gap in their statuses. Her appearance was revealed after the young women faded out of Lili’s sight like a tide.

Just then, Veronica’s face appeared in front of Lili. “Ah…!”

She was wearing a black dress that clung to her body, while her clear skin was enhanced by her crimson hair and transparent veil. Her exposed arms and even more exposed chest naturally attracted Lili’s gaze. Compared to the upper body, which had a lot of exposure, the bottom garment was a long skirt with a deep slit on the left side. The outfit might seem a bit crass, but once her natural presence was added, she shone like a queen.

Liliana, the young women, and the beauties confident in their own beauty couldn’t help being silent.

Veronica laughed at them and grabbed the right hand of the newly freed Lili. Then, as she pulled her into her arms, she whispered, “Okay, then shall I mingle with today’s protagonist for one song?”

The areas where their hands were in close contact were hot. It wasn’t due to the mood but the heat that Veronica was emitting. The heat wasn’t unpleasant or hard to endure, but her scent and texture combined to cloud Lili’s mind.

Lili grabbed the last bit of her reason and said, “Tower Master, I’ve never learned to dance.”

“Uh, really?” Veronica’s eyes widened for a moment before she smiled. “Don’t worry about it. It is good enough if you move according to how I guide you.”


“Yes. In the east, there is a saying that ‘martial arts’ equals ‘dance,’ so it won’t be hard for you to follow.” She winked a golden eye at Lili, who was still frowning. “It will be okay. This kid, don’t you believe in me?”

It was a question often asked by people who shouldn’t be believed.

As a result, Lili and Veronica’s dance was highly praised.

Veronica’s words were correct as she had considerable skill, and Lili just needed to follow along. More than half the cheers were for Veronica, but there was some cheering for Lili.

Veronica touched her with a sweaty palm and said, “Now, shall we go out for a breath of fresh air?”

Lili made a puzzled expression while Veronica smiled strangely and indicated a direction. It was the terrace of the ballroom, which was covered with thick curtains. Simultaneously, Lili’s face turned several times redder. “T-The terrace?”

“Yes, do you not want to?”

“That’s not it, but…”

The reason why Lili stuttered was simple. As she said, the ballroom’s terrace was intended to be a resting place to cool off from the heat, but it was tacitly implied to be a place where men and women did covert activities. Lili wasn’t well-versed in social knowledge, but she knew this much, so it was an embarrassing suggestion.

Veronica walked past a few people and disappeared beyond the curtain first, with Lili carefully following behind. It was probably an illusion, but she felt like the buzzing sounds increased behind her.

Finally, Liliana appeared on the terrace where Veronica was. She was in a position where one smooth leg was placed over the railing of the terrace. However, it wasn’t a posture intended to seduce her. Rather, it seemed like she was trying to jump over the railing.

Lili felt like something was wrong and asked carefully, “Excuse me, Tower Master? Where are we going?”

“Huh? Don’t you want to go to the place where your national treasure is hidden?”

“…So this is why you wanted to go to the terrace?”

“Of course. What’s wrong with that—…ahh.”

Veronica finally realized the agony of a healthy young woman and raised her index finger with a cheerful smile. “Heh, isn’t it too early for you? You will have to grow a few more years before wanting to challenge this Veronica.”

“T-That isn’t it!”

“Okay, let’s go. The location of the national treasure shouldn’t be known to other people.”

Without giving Lili time to make any excuses, Veronica swung her body over the railing first.

In the end, Lili also jumped from the terrace. It was different from what she had expected, but she couldn’t neglect the national treasure. So, she followed Veronica’s red hair through the royal gardens.

Less than five minutes later, the two people came to a stop.

‘This place…?’

The place where Veronica led Lili was a huge fountain surrounded by marble sculptures in the center of the royal garden.

Before she had time to wonder where the national treasure was, Veronica placed her left hand into the fountain and started to explain, “It is enough to keep common treasures in warehouses, but things like national treasures can’t be kept in one place. Each one has such a mighty strength that they can’t coexist. It is possible for some of them to explode when tied with space magic, so the royal palace decided to keep the national treasures in certain areas inside the palace.”

As Veronica spoke, the place where she inserted her hand began to boil, and the water soon turned to steam. After all the water turned into steam, the bottom of the fountain was revealed. Then she climbed into the dried fountain and placed the palm of her left hand on the magic circle drawn on the bottom.

“The heads of the magic towers memorize different areas according to their position, and I am in charge of the national treasurehidden in this fountain. I know what is hidden, but I’ll explain after it is taken out.”

Magic power emerged endlessly from Veronica’s left hand into the magic circle and broke it into pieces. Whenever a part of the magic circle broke, a green light emerged from the statue at the center of the fountain. Once there was only one part left, it shone with a brilliant light.

It wasn’t magic power or aura. This was a power that belonged to an area completely separate from Ellenoa’s vitality.

Soon enough, Veronica dismantled the last of the seal.


As soon as the magic circle disappeared, the statue where the national treasure was hidden began to move. It wasn’t a power that mere marble could withstand. The sculpture couldn’t handle the massive eruption of power and eventually burst from the inside.

Kwajik! An emerald bead emerged from the debris of the statue.

It was indeed a strange sight.

“…What?” Lili couldn’t help muttering when she saw the bead.

There was no sense of distance or presence, but no, that changed within a minute. The bead looked like it was in front of her as well as beyond the horizon. It felt light and fluffy but heavier than a sledgehammer.

Lili knew about all types of treasures, but she couldn’t fathom such a strange thing. Therefore, she listened closely to Veronica’s description.

“National treasure no. 3, Umbra.” Veronica came to Lili’s side as she eyed the emerald bead. “It is the legacy of a species that resides on a different level from the material world in which we live. They are said to exist like spirits and don’t know the concept of time and space. The one who has the bead can gain their abilities, but… I don’t know anything more than that. Anyway…”

Veronica gently pushed Lili and said, “From now on, Umbra is yours. Take it right away.”

Chapter 83 – National Treasure Umbra #2

Veronica’s words seemed to reach the emerald bead as the brilliant light scattered like it was protecting itself from Liliana. Strangely, the light seemed to obscure the shape of the bead, but she couldn’t feel the influence of magic power. It was a natural instinct to be alert to the unknown. So, Lili didn’t touch it carelessly. Lili didn’t know how long she would’ve hesitated if Gluttony hadn’t spoken up at that moment.

-…Hoh? You’ve brought me an interesting food, User.

At the same time, Liliana was able to feel a little bit of Gluttony’s mood through their connection. There was an intense hunger and appetite due to the presence of Umbra. It was even more than when Gluttony saw the elder lich’s Life Vessel. Lili noticed this fact and asked, ‘Do you know what that bead is?’

–Of course. It may not be a grimoire, but it is too taxing for you to digest right now. Gluttony continued speaking, That quarter dragon’s explanation is half right, half wrong. Umbra isn’t technically a species but a two-dimensional thing. It is a world where there are no boundaries between material and nonmaterial things, and it can’t be understood using human common sense.

‘In other words, Umbra is a type of other world?’

–You understand pretty fast. To be more precise, it is a primitive spiritual world. Unlike the material world, the other dimension is a place where only spirits can exist.

Mages, who emphasized understanding the world more than aura users, recognized the existence of spiritual worlds a long time ago. Among them, the representative of spiritual worlds was the Elemental World. The Elemental World maintained the laws of nature and was one of the spiritual worlds closely linked to the material world. It was said that the first elementalists could access the Elemental World directly.

Throughout the worlds, there were also the Abyss, where evil spirits or evil gods resided, and spiritual worlds like Chaos, which was a whirlpool of chaos, but…

According to Gluttony’s explanation, Umbra had a different shape.

–Hmm, don’t be so concerned about it. A primitive world is incomplete and easy to collapse. In fact, Umbra is a world that was destroyed a long time ago, and this is nothing but a fragment of the destroyed world. If it hadn’t been fixed by magic, then it would’ve vanished.

The prey suited its taste, so Gluttony wriggled her tongue.

–I will eat to my heart’s content. I will take care of it!

At those words, Lili stretched out her left hand. Umbra struggled in the air as it felt an ominous feeling, but Veronica was prepared for this and her magic power bound it tightly. Above all, there was an existence more magical than it, so Umbra couldn’t escape from the sorceress’s hand.

Eventually, Liliana’s left hand gripped the bead gently.

[+15 Umbra Fragment (???)]

[This is a lump of debris which floated into the material world after the two-dimensional world Umbra collapsed a long time ago. A sorceress fixed it into the form of an emerald bead. As it is based on another world, there is a strong resistance to attacks in the material world. If the power of this fragment is absorbed, it may be possible to manipulate Umbra’s law.

* The rating of this ??? is ‘Treasure.’
* When consumed, the power of Umbra will be absorbed.
* When consumed, there is no digestion time.
* When consumed, your spiritual awareness will increase greatly.
* When ingested, the user still won’t be able to use this ??? perfectly. A portion of the absorbed power is sealed, allowing for only 20% of the abilities to be used.]

‘20%, that is the limit for me right now.’

Liliana had a larger capacity than another sorceress of the same circle, but even she could only absorb 20%. It meant that the essence contained in Umbra was enormous. Umbra had the same rating as the elder lich’s Life Vessel, but it was much more powerful.

However, the remaining 80% potential wasn’t lost. Lili didn’t hesitate as she focused on Umbra in her left hand. The bead on the palm of her hand naturally disappeared.

[The ‘Umbra Fragment’ has been absorbed. A heterogeneous power has accumulated in your body.]

[From now on, you can get in contact with spirit bodies directly.]

[From now on, you can see spiritual bodies with the naked eye.]

[The mark of ‘Umbra’ is engraved on your body.]

[Gluttony has fallen asleep in order to save power.]

It was different from absorbing the artifacts. Umbra didn’t require a separate digestion time, so it immediately melted into Liliana’s body after being eaten by Gluttony.


A strength which was completely different from magic power flowed through her veins. The overflowing power of Umbra turned the capillaries under her skin into an emerald color, before focusing on Lili’s right arm. This was only 20%, but it felt like her bones and muscles were going to burst.

Then a strange stamp appeared on her right arm. ‘Is this Umbra’s mark?’

The emerald patterns made of complex lines and shapes reminded her of characters of an ancient kingdom. Then finally, the mark of Umbra disappeared after being engraved on Liliana. It engraved only 20% of its power and then fell asleep, waiting for the time when the remaining 80% would awaken.

After the mark disappeared, Umbra’s abilities flowed into her. It was similar to when she received knowledge about magic.

“…Indeed, it is a miraculous ability,” Lili muttered as she examined the knowledge inside her head. The knowledge conveyed from the mark of Umbra on her right arm was literally breathtaking. She pulled back her sleeve to reveal the shining green tattoo and then carefully touched the surface. However, someone else touched her right arm before she did.

“Oh, it is used in this way? How strange.” Veronica came up from behind her without any notice and grabbed Liliana’s forearm.

As she stiffened from the unexpected contact, Veronica continued to observe, rubbing the green tattoo with her finger. The tower masters couldn’t easily take out the national treasures, so she couldn’t help being interested.

At that very moment…


Liliana’s arm suddenly turned translucent, and she escaped from Veronica’s grip.


This was Umbra’s first ability, Fluidization. Lili, who triggered the ability reflexively, and Veronica were both surprised. Lili’s body turned fluid without her even muttering a word? It was something that even sorceresses who learned the 7th Circle magic Astral Body couldn’t imitate.

Veronica looked at Liliana’s right arm with shining eyes as it returned to its original state. “I-It’s been awhile since I was so surprised! Is this the power of Umbra?”

The surprised Lili nodded silently. She knew that she could use Umbra’s Fluidization ability, but she hadn’t expected to invoke the ability just by thinking ‘I want to get out.’

If she could always use Fluidization like this, she would be able to avoid flying arrows effortlessly. Additionally, it was possible to utilize it to pass through a wall or other similar situations. It was a useful ability for any circ*mstance.

‘If I have this ability… I can beat a master level opponent!’

Certainly, the existences in the material world were very limited in their abilities to affect the spiritual world. Even a sword master’s power would drop when it came to a spirit body. Additionally, most sorceresses wouldn’t know how to fight against the fluidity. Lili would be able to gain the advantage in any situation just by turning her body into fluid.

However, she was too optimistic.

“Haack…! Haack…!”

Lili experimented with her newly acquired ability a few times, but suddenly experienced a headache and shortness of breath.

‘What, why is this happening all of a sudden?’

Her stamina and magic power were in a perfect state, but her condition suddenly deteriorated. Just calculating a magic formula or moving her body caused her to be tired. Veronica noticed the change and approached Lili to help her.

She was experienced, so she quickly realized why Liliana was in a bad physical condition.

Veronica laughed as she held Lili’s side. “It seems like this national treasure consumes mental power. Lili, is your magic power and stamina not good right now?”

“Yes, it is as you say…”

“Geez, this is completely unexpected. If I knew, I would’ve warned you beforehand. Well, don’t be so depressed since there is a saying that lessons should be learned with the body.” She giggled as she directed Lili to sit down on a bench. Then she pointed to her right arm that was still glowing green. “The concept of mental power might be quite strange, but its recovery is quick. If you sit and rest for a while, you will soon be able to move around.”

“…Mental power, what is that?”

“Umm, let me explain it briefly.” Veronica sat down next to Lili and explained the concept of mental power, “In short, it is the most basic force. It is no different from using magic, aura, or even elemental power. The only difference is the importance. Sorceresses who tend to rely on mana and circles often don’t know about the concept of mental power.”

However, mental power was crucial in manipulating forces based on other dimensions, such as magic, aura, and Umbra. If mental power was non-existent, they wouldn’t be able to control magic based on mana. The most primitive mental power was the only one capable of controlling Umbra’s power.

Lili’s mindset was restored due to her mental power being temporarily exhausted.

‘This means I need to train my mental power in order to master Umbra.’

There was no easy gift in this world, so the mark on her right arm was just another homework. An ability like Fluidization couldn’t be used with no cost. By the time the quick explanation ended, Lili’s power had come back.

“Then my explanation will end here. Can you get up now?”

“…Yes.” She carefully raised her body up from the bench.

Fortunately, the dizziness had completely disappeared, and the muscles which had felt weighed down returned to their original condition. After experiencing mental power depletion, Lili calmed her breathing.

Veronica turned around first and said, “Lili, what will you do now? I still have to return to the ballroom, but you can leave first. It seems like your personality doesn’t like balls too much.”

“…Well, that isn’t wrong.” Lili smiled bitterly and shrugged. Any other day, she would’ve left without being noticed. However, today was Liliana Miller’s ball. There would be bad rumors if she left without saying anything.

…Finally, she turned to Veronica.

“Let’s go. I will be happy to mingle just for today,” she said softly while holding out a hand to Veronica.

It was minor revenge for always being dragged along by her.

Veronica’s golden eyes widened like she was startled, then she said, “Ah, right. Maybe I was kidding about the few years?”

She smiled widely and grabbed Liliana’s palm.

The song of the young heroine who challenged the red dragon… It was still an unknown story.

Chapter 84 – Empire Mission (1)

[‘Reasons Why Flames Rise’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[5th Circle magic ‘Flare Burst’ has been acquired.]
[The number of spells the user has consumed is immense. The essence of magic books will be extracted more efficiently.]

As always, the non-emotional voice was heard in Lili’s ears, and Lili immediately closed her eyes to focus on the knowledge. It was different from before when she had no problem eating several books at once. This was a 5th Circle book, so she received a storm of knowledge. It wasn’t an amount that could be accommodated without any preparation.

After five minutes, Liliana opened her eyes again. ‘Flare Burst… I thought it would be a more complex magic.’

Vince spoke up from where he was watching on the other side, “Flare Burst is today’s final book?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Try it once. Try to align the timing of the magic spell accurately.” Simultaneously, Vince’s magic power boiled up.

The blazing magic power drew a magic circle in the empty space, and a pillar of heat appeared inside. Flare Burst was an attack magic in the war mage period that turned a lot of enemies into a mass of charcoal.

Just before Vince’s magic created the fire pillar, Liliana also completed the same magic in front of her.
“Flare Burst!”

Immediately before the two fire pillars collided…


Then the flames shot at each other and clashed. The high temperature and flames, which were fierce enough to burn humans, began to spread. This was the flame that had swept up all the hobgoblins on their way to Mana-vil in the past.

“Hrmm, the degree of completeness isn’t bad,” Vince remarked.

The two magicians had formed a shield and were watching the competition between the two fire pillars. The flames struck exactly in the middle, and after waiting a while, Lili’s was gradually pushed to one side. Vince’s Flare Burst had a slight advantage. If this was the case, Liliana would have been turned into ashes.

However, the pushing and pulling between fire pillars ended abruptly. As soon as all the magic power contained in the circles was gone, the two fire pillars disappeared like they had never existed.

It was determined that Liliana’s Flare Burst was a success. Vince removed the remaining heat and approached the spot where the fire pillars collided. The ground had melted due to the strong flames, but it solidified again as soon as he chilled it lightly.

Vince touched his chin and evaluated it, “…Indeed, it is an incredible proficiency for someone who has never used the magic before. An ordinary magician would have to devote two or three years of training to reach that level.”

“But Master’s Flare Burst is faster than mine. The momentum of your flames is also more intense.”

“Well, if you use the same spell for more than a decade, you will pick up some tricks in using it. That is the difference,” Vince explained in a dignified voice before adding. “Things like how to concentrate the flames more reliably and how to construct the magic circle faster… The knowledge gained from books is certainly valuable, but the wisdom refined from experience is also important. Don’t forget that the ability of the grimoire is just one part of you.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.” Lili nodded lightly.

As Vince said, Lili had only gained the fundamental principles and knowledge on how to use the magic Gluttony extracted from the things it ate.

The know-how and application of the magic that mages accumulated after years of experience couldn’t be learned from eating. However, Lili didn’t neglect her skills, so her talent was much better than it had been half a year ago. It was the result of devoting herself to magic training every day for half a year since the battle with Superbia and the court ball.

“Liliana, you have now reached a level where you can be called a master of the 5th Circle. I, Vince Haidel, acknowledge your accomplishment.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, you are just one step away from the wall of the 6th Circle. It is hard teaching a disciple who grows so quickly,” Vince said before giving a warm laugh. His disciple was growing too quickly.

Lili hadn’t even been of the 4th Circle when she left the academy, then she broke through the 5th Circle after being sent to her hometown. She was now almost at the end of the 5th Circle and on the edge of becoming equal to Vince.

Vince used his experience to teach his disciple, but it was doubtful he would have enough knowledge to keep up at this rate. After some time, Vince might not be able to handle her alone.

‘No, now isn’t the time to think about it.’

Vince thought for a while before changing the topic. “Today’s magic training is up to here. Then let’s start the scheduled mental power training. In fact, there isn’t much I can do to help with this part.”

“No, I realized how to use this power thanks to Master’s advice.”

“Well, you can think about it that way.” Lili laughed at her mentor and raised the sleeve covering her right arm.

National treasure no. 3, Umbra… After absorbing the bead on the night of the ball, it had remained in the form of the tattoo and scattered a green light continuously. It was evidence of ‘Umbra,’ a treasure that surpassed the boundaries of matter.

Liliana’s eyes turned bluish. ‘Fluidization!’

The moment the light flashed, her whole body turned transparent. Wind passed through her body, and she temporarily transcended the realm of matter. The current Lili could do many impossible things.

Indeed, what were her abilities after training for half a year?


After her body turned transparent, Lili suddenly disappeared into the air and appeared a few dozen meters away. The speed she used to reach her destination was clearly beyond the laws of physics.

If the purpose of Fluidization was to just appear in another place, it wasn’t as good as a short-ranged Blink.

‘Okay, I will do it a few more times!’ Liliana sensed that she was still capable of more as she disappeared and appeared again a few times.

Vince secretly admired Lili’s movements around the room.

They were ultrafast movements using Fluidization. Since Lili wasn’t affected by the boundaries of matter, there weren’t any of the side effects associated with space jumps. Even aura masters wouldn’t be able to capture the timing of Lili’s appearances.

This was the fraudulent power given by the national treasure, Umbra.

“Hah…! Hah…!”

However, the ability also came with something being consumed. Liliana performed five or six space leaps in a row before sitting down with dizziness and a headache. This was the headache that resulted from the consumption of her mental power. It was like the condition of a human body when running long distances.

This terrible pain was an indication that Lili’s spirit was growing. The method of training her mental power was extremely simple: use the ability to its limit, let it recover, and then repeat the process. In a sense, mental power was like the muscles. By repeating these actions, the limit could be increased.

Of course, the answer was simple, but the execution was different.

Lili stood up after 10 minutes to see Vince looking at her in an uncomfortable manner. The headache had been so intense that it still felt like her head was spinning. Lili had trained for half a year in Fluidization, but her limit was still half of her original goal of 10 space jumps.

Lili barely regained her balance and wanted to ask something.

Vince noticed her feelings and advised sharply, “Don’t be so hasty.”

Lili was taken aback and felt ashamed, but Vince just shrugged. Recently, he realized that Lili was getting distracted. No, the reason for the distraction was obvious. It was time to face the ‘wall’ again.

“As I said before, you have mastered the 5th Circle, so you’ll have to leap to the next level if you want to achieve more. I know that it is hard and frustrating, but you will only get hurt if you rush it.”

Vince had spent 10 years at the 5th Circle, so Lili couldn’t disregard his advice.

The Meltor Kingdom had a much higher number of senior mages than the other countries. It was the result of magicians who had passed the ‘wall’ transferring their knowledge down to their disciples, creating a cycle which could last dozens of generations.

Liliana listened to Vince’s words with a serious expression. “Master, what should I do then?”

“Hmm, if you were an ordinary magician, then I would advise you to build up experience steadily, but… there might be another way if you use Gluttony’s abilities well.”

No matter how much of a genius a person was, they still needed luck to cross the wall of a circle.

Vince and other Superiors of the magic towers had once been called geniuses, but they rarely went beyond the limit of the 6th Circle. It was a path of despair they couldn’t escape from, other than building up their efforts.

However, a forked path existed for Liliana.

“It is like when I ate the elder lich’s Life Vessel.”

If she ate a Treasure ranked artifact, then she might be able to break through the wall of the 5th Circle at an unprecedented rate. Of course, it wasn’t easy to obtain things like an elder lich’s Life Vessel, but it was better than waiting for a moment of enlightenment.

To Liliana, who was tired of being at a standstill, it was the most advice she would be able to hear.

Vince said as he put on his robe, “If you have recovered, let’s go. It will soon go beyond the time that we have reserved this room.”

Liliana checked the clock on the wall and picked up her robe. “Oh, it has already happened.”

The robe hanging on the wall was smooth and well-maintained, looking exactly like when she’d received it before the ball. Lili was now fully accustomed to putting on the robe and headed to the exit of the magic training room one step in front of Vince.

However, the moment that Lili placed her hand on the door knob… “Eh?”

A person opened the door to the training room from outside. He wore a grey robe without the color of any of the magic towers, indicating that he was an apprentice magician. Instead of completing the academy’s curriculum, apprentice magicians earned achievements by acting as the Magic Society’s internal messengers.

The magician in the grey robe apologized first with a perplexed expression. “Ah, e-excuse me!”

“It’s okay. It seems like you are looking for us.”

Due to the difference in positions, the messenger bowed his head a few more times before revealing his purpose. “Are you Vince Haidel and Liliana Miller?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I came because there is an urgent notice from the Magic Society. It has been issued to both of you.”

As the two people remained confused, the messenger took out a piece of parchment.

Then he started to read the contents to both of them, “This is a message to all Superior ranked magicians who are in the capital. The Andras Empire has recently expressed their intention to send a delegation here. All magicians who receive this announcement should gather in the auditorium at the center of the Magic Society!”

Chapter 85 – Empire Mission (2)

The Andras Empire… The so-called sword empire, famous for its power, had existed for centuries as an enemy of Meltor. The two nations which occupied different parts of the northern region of the continent were similar in many ways due to their long rivalry. However, the core power promoted in the Andras Empire was aura. Just like how the Meltor Kingdom was dedicated to fostering senior magicians, the Andras Empire nourished aura users. The Andras Empire was said to be a kingdom of sword kings.

Additionally, boys and girls were required to undergo mandatory rigorous training at an agency operated directly by the Imperial Household Agency when they reached the age of seven. Two-thirds of the students died, but the empire was able to form a corps of powerful aura users, more numerous than any other country.

“The biggest problem regarding the Andras Empire is that something so crazy produced results. A country that has seven sword masters in one generation can’t be found anywhere else except the Empire.” The result was the existence of the Seven Swords who represented the Andras Empire.

It was why the Andras Empire didn’t lose to the Meltor Kingdom, which had two 8th Circle magicians and a number of senior mages. Aura users who achieved the state of a sword master were already close to a living storm. The most well-known sword master was said to have not stepped back in a battle with Veronica.

Liliana listened carefully to Vince’s words and asked, “…Then why is the empire sending a delegation? They seem like people who will speak with swords rather than words.”

The Meltor Kingdom had already been struggling against the empire for hundreds of years. The education system had been designed a long time ago to emphasize the bad aspects of enemy countries and inspire hostility towards them. However, despite that education, Vince Haidel didn’t deny the stereotypes. It was because the military power of the Andras people whom he’d encountered on the battlefield wasn’t actually lacking in comparison to the portrayals in the stories. At the very least, they preferred getting into sword fights rather than arguments.

“Umm, that may be the case for those not involved with politics. Countries that rely on force can’t last for long. The Andras Empire is scary because they know how to use force differently.”

“Using it differently…”

“The mission this time is to talk about the armistice which was signed in the last war. Of course, you are one of the reasons.”

“Huh? Me?” Liliana was surprised by the sudden change in topic.

However, Vince answered the question casually, “They are wondering about your relationship with the high elf and Elvenheim. They also doubt the authenticity of the hero who appeared half a year ago. The ambassadors will probably start the bargaining in earnest after seeing your value.”

“Hah, international relations are fairly complex.”

“It means that you are a key figure. The status of a high elf is larger than I’d thought.” In Elvenheim, a country where half the elves on the continent lived, there were only five high elves. The recently added Ellenoa increased it to six, but that didn’t change the fact that they were extremely rare. Therefore, they had a huge debt to Liliana Miller who had defended the sixth high elf. Due to this, they might change their position of neutrality which they had maintained for hundreds of years.

Even if Liliana wasn’t of the Superior rank, they would’ve called her separately. This was a phenomenon which Vince could guess easily. From the perspective of the Magic Society, it was no surprise that Lili was treated exceptionally well in the Superior rank.

‘It is a specification that can be a little annoying.’ There were uninvited guests when she was concentrating on magic training, so Lili couldn’t help clicking her tongue. She wouldn’t complain if it was a mission, but she didn’t want to be treated as stakes in politics.

* * *

Shortly after their conversation, Lili and Vince reached the destination.

‘Tch, as expected.’ Lili moved forward while ignoring the gazes which had begun to gather on her. The number of people increased as she got closer to the auditorium, and they all recognized her. After all, there was only one young Superior with dark hair. There was no one in the Magic Society who wouldn’t recognize the heroine, Liliana, whose name had been sworn in at the court dance half a year ago.

Some of the gossip from the magicians entered her ears.

“That young woman is Liliana Miller…?”

“She is younger than I thought. It seems like the rumor that she has barely turned 20 years old is true.”

“Becoming a 5th Circle sorceress at that age… I can’t believe it. She is also the only survivor of the convoy. She is a prospect of the Red Tower, so maybe they exaggerated that achievement?”

“Well, let’s just watch for a while. We will know if her name is exaggerated or real.”

There was no need to respond, so Lili just ignored their voices and crossed the threshold of the auditorium. It was the venue which the Magic Society used for presentations during the annual magic contest, so the space was huge. The 100 magicians gathered there were unable to fill up the auditorium. However, there was something which filled up the empty space.

‘Even though this is such a big place, the density of mana is awful… Ordinary people wouldn’t be able to breathe properly in here.’

It was a terrifying mana flow! A total of 132 Superior ranked magicians were gathered, raising the mana density to unusual levels. Liliana was forced to admire the fact that the intangible mana could become so heavy. If the magicians in the room concentrated their powers intentionally, the target would immediately be overwhelmed by the tremendous pressure.

At that moment, an old man suddenly appeared on the stage of the auditorium. “Huhu, everybody has gathered quickly.” Strangely enough, the old man didn’t lose his composure among the waves of mana which felt like a tsunami. Looking closely, the old man’s surroundings were calm like he was the center of a typhoon. It definitely wasn’t a common phenomenon. However, Lili had a lot of experience with ‘them’ and realized it.

‘That person, he is at the master level…!’ A 7th Circle magician who went beyond the limits of a human and could adjust the laws of nature… Only masters could dominate and control mana itself. It was possible to manipulate the pressure of mana, just like they controlled their own limbs.

Lili had never met the president of the Magic Society before, but he was another powerhouse master. Indeed, he was qualified to be the president of the Magic Society.

“First, I would like to thank you for coming despite the sudden announcement. The coming of the Andras delegation wasn’t planned, so this old man heard about it too late. Thank you for your understanding.” The president of the Magic Society bowed and expressed his heartfelt gratitude for their presence. After his words, the discomfort on the faces of some people was wiped away forcefully. The important issue right now was the Andras Empire’s delegation to Meltor. Once that unspoken consensus was reached, the president of the Magic Society raised his head again.

“Then I will start talking. Everyone has heard the news that a delegation from Andras is coming to Meltor, so I won’t mention it. We have gathered here to discuss how to treat the uninvited guests,” the president of the Magic Society started his speech eloquently. His voice rang throughout the auditorium, which would allow Lili to hear it clearly even if she were outside.

There was an interesting mix of information in the speech which resonated with Andras’ aggression and brutality. There was one thing that especially interested Lili.

‘Isn’t the practice of having daily duels more like the custom of an orc village rather than an empire?’

It wasn’t a modest fight where they sparred against each other. This was a real life-threatening duel where people often died in the process. In the Andras Empire, there were men who climbed to the position of duke after a duel as well as a slave who occupied the seat of one of the empire’s Seven Swords. These duels were even applied to other countries.

“Does everybody know? In Andras, duels are a battle for life, not the moderate fights that we know. 30 years ago, a group of magicians clashed with the ambassadors, resulting in several casualties. Don’t follow in the footsteps of the past.” The arrival of an Andras delegation happened two or three times a century, but there was bloodshed every time. This had to be avoided as Meltor had suffered massive damage with the destruction of the convoy half a year ago.

Apart from the damages, if the Andras Empire thought that the Meltor Kingdom was weak, they might invade again. The magicians gathered in the auditorium nodded at the words. The president’s words were plausible, and there was no logic to refute it. More than anything else, he added a few words at the end which made their blood chill. “Oh, two of the Seven Swords will be joining this delegation. There is no hope if you are greeted with the blade of a master.”

The nemesis of senior magicians, the sword masters…! They were reapers of the battlefield who could cross a gap of several hundred meters in an instant and cut through their defensive spells like they were trash. Since childhood, magicians were raised with a fear toward sword masters, so the veteran magicians stiffened as they faced reality. A sword wielded absolute strength, so magicians below the 7th Circle were just like straw to them. As the auditorium grew quiet, the president’s eyes turned in another direction. It was toward Lili, who was sitting on the edge.

The president of the Magic Society met Lili’s gaze and advised in a loud voice, “Liliana Miller, you should be especially careful. As the main target of the delegation, you shouldn’t accept their duel challenges no matter what.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“I don’t doubt your competence, but you should refrain from uncertain gambles since this is about the relations between nations. Don’t fall into the foolishness of youth.” After seeing Lili accept his cautionary words, the old man turned his eyes to another place.

‘Andras delegation… and the sword masters.’ Unlike the other magicians, Liliana wasn’t intimidated at all. No, she was actually feeling a little expectant. Of course, she didn’t think she could compete against the masters. However, Lili was knocking against the wall of the 6th Circle, so she might get new inspiration from the existence of the masters themselves. As the atmosphere in the auditorium remained tense, Liliana formed fists under her desk silently. She had a feeling that her six months of quiet were ending.

Six days after that, a group of delegates arrived, including two sword masters.

Chapter 86 – Empire Mission (3)

"Your Majesty, the Andras delegation has crossed the threshold of the palace!" A royal knight reported.

Royal knights always reported three times when meeting the ambassadors of another country. It was when they passed through the gate, crossed the threshold of the palace, and finally when they entered the hall. The royal family was always ready to meet the delegation in accordance to the report as it gave them time to calm their minds. This was the second report, so there was still some time before the Andras delegation would arrive.

Kurt III nodded from where he sat on his throne. As soon as the royal knight stepped back, the air in the room became heated.

"They finally came, those barbarians from the Andras…!"

"I'm curious about what they are going to say."

"Sending two sword masters, did they not have the guts to come alone?"

There was a sense of solidarity based on hostile feelings. It was even more so when the opponents were their centuries-long enemies. The magicians, who were whispering in hostile voices, were dressed in court robes of red, blue, yellow, and white. The robes were divided into four colours and were proof of which magic tower they belonged to. They were the 132 Superior magicians who had been summoned recently. The current generation’s youngest Superior, Liliana Miller, was also waiting for the delegation’s arrival with the rest of the Red Tower magicians.

‘Isn’t the atmosphere tougher than I expected?’ Lili thought as she looked around.

It was different from when they gathered in the auditorium. This space was narrower than at that time, and the gathered magicians were hostile toward the Andras delegation. So, the mana in the surroundings was like a raging storm. It was obvious that the enormous pressure would overwhelm the delegation once they entered the hall. No, maybe that was the reason why all the magicians had convened.

"…Is this a war of nerves?"

"You saw it correctly." Lili whispered to Vince who replied in agreement. "It is childish but effective. The pressure will be enormous if all these magicians are gathered."

"Won’t the Andras delegation think of it as a weakness?"

"It is common. The Andras Empire also creates a sense of oppression by using a collection of elite knights. Furthermore, it is rare for the Meltor Kingdom to do this with anyone besides the Andras Empire."

This was an exceptional case in many ways. Liliana accepted the explanation and turned back to the front again.

It was hard to find a precedent where 132 senior magicians as well as dozens of high ranking officials and nobles were gathered. In particular, two tower masters were standing in the vicinity of the throne, ensuring that the king was thoroughly protected.

At that moment, the third report rang out from outside the door. "Your Majesty, the Andras delegation is seeking an audience with you!"

"I’ll allow it." As soon as Kurt III answered, the room fell into a cold and intimidating silence.

The eyes of over 200 people were concentrated on the doors of the audience hall, and they soon spread open. Beyond that, there was a sight which surprised Liliana.

Rattle, rattle, rattle.

There was steel and more steel. Shining metal armour reflected the light pouring from the chandelier. The Andras delegation were dressed head and toe in armour, with no skin showing at all. The steel corps entered through the door with orderly steps. Then as if it had been waiting, a shock wave of mana struck them.




The Andras delegation experienced the extremely unusual pressure with their heavy armour.

Ironically, it was more annoying due to their heavy armour. The pressure pushing on their heads and shoulders became stronger with every step, as moans emerged from the mouths of the knights who could no longer endure it.

There were only five steps left to the center of the audience room when the pressure reached a level which the delegation could no longer continue walking under. Even the elite knights couldn’t advance one more step due to the pressure! In that fearful space, two men walked out.


It was amazing. They wore more splendid armour and walked through the mana storm. There was a knight a few heads taller than the others and another knight with black hair flowing under his helmet. By the time these two knights reached the center of the room, the pressure of the fierce mana had already faded away.

Finally, the two knights stopped once they saw the king. Then they took their helmets off and went down on one knee.

"The great Andras’ 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan, greets the sun of Meltor."

"The great Andras’ 4th Sword, Pan Helliones, greets the sun of Meltor."

The empire’s 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan, and the empire’s 4th Sword, Pan Helliones… These two men overpowered the atmosphere with their short introduction and rose to their feet. Just like how the Tower Masters received the reverence of Meltor, the same was true for the Seven Swords of Andras as the rights given to them was just below that of the Emperor’s.

Kurt III eyed the sword masters before speaking, "It has been a long time, Sir Helliones."

"Yes, Your Majesty. This is the first time since the last agreement."

"We have known each other for a long time. What do you think about getting rid of the futile formalities?"

The knight with yellowish skin and black hair smiled like he was pleased. "Pan Helliones will follow Your Majesty’s will."

"Then I will be blunt." On the other hand, there was no hint of laughter on Kurt III’s face.

The king’s dignity couldn’t be overlooked by the sword masters, despite having no aura or magic power. As the ambassadors gulped involuntarily, the king of Meltor asked in a loud voice, "Are you hoping for an extension of the truce? Or do you once again wish for war?"

It was extremely straightforward behavior.

The ambassadors, who were covered in steel, and the magicians, who were pretending to be invisible, were perplexed. Usually, there would be a series of procedures, but Kurt III had shattered the traditional customs with a few words.

The two sword masters couldn’t hide their confused expressions either, but they quickly regained their composure.

"You are still bold. If so, I will speak bluntly like Your Majesty wishes," Pan Helliones said with shining eyes. "I’ll ask first. The story of the hero who saved the high elf that emerged from Meltor half a year ago, is it true?"

"Why do you care about that?"

"We were told by His Majesty to confirm the authenticity of the story. This Pan Helliones is one of the Seven Swords, so I have to do as the Emperor wills."

"Don’t make me laugh. You have increased your eloquence during the time in which I haven’t seen you," Kurt III retorted in a cynical tone. "You want to discuss the truce after confirming the relationship between Meltor and Elvenheim. Am I wrong?"

"……" The two sword masters remained silent. However, only an idiot wouldn’t realize that the silence meant affirmation.

Kurt III displayed a scornful expression at their silence before opening his mouth to speak again. Since they said that it was a mission for the Emperor’s knights, then he wouldn’t turn away from the thrown bait.

"Well, good. Let’s not quibble over your intentions. How do you plan to check the authenticity of the story? Will you send an envoy to Elvenheim to ask?" Kurt III prompted.

"…A knight of Andras doesn’t trust words. It is the same for the testimony of the elves."


The big sword master knocked on his belt like he had been waiting for this. The heavy gauntlet made a sharp sound as it collided with the sheath of his weapon.


"There is only one law in the empire which is to prove the strength! If we see the hero fight, we will know the truth. Your Majesty, please let this Pan Helliones see the young girl!"

"Ridiculous!" Kurt III rejected the request. "What if you use the pretext of the duel to kill her?! Even if she is a hero, she is only 20 years old. Isn’t that shameful as a sword master?"

Kurt III’s rejection was like the roar of a beast. Lloyd looked up at Kurt III with admiration. As expected of Andras’ enemy, the Meltor king. His dignity was at a similar level to that of the Emperor. He wasn’t an enemy who could be threatened or manipulated. Having been on the front lines for decades, Pan Helliones had been well aware of this for a long time. Therefore, he prepared his own compromise.

"Your Majesty, I have no intention of doing such a thing. If I do that, we will gain Elvenheim’s hostility, and the Andras Empire doesn’t want such a thing. I am just trying to make a useful suggestion."

"…Don’t just end your talk with empty words."

"Of course. Rebecca!"

As soon as the call was made, a knight walked over to the two sword masters. The person’s build was much smaller than the others, and the reason was immediately revealed. Kurt III’s eyebrows raised the moment the knight took off the helmet.

Golden hair poured down like gold dust. "4th Sword Pan Helliones’s disciple, Rebecca, greets Meltor’s sun."

Her face was beautiful, but compared to the daughters of nobles, she gave off a distant feeling. There were cuts on her skin and few decorations. It was evidence that she was extremely indifferent to her own appearance. Perhaps that was why she gave off a rather manly look. The two swords hanging from her waist proved she wasn’t just an ornament. Indeed, she seemed like the embodiment of a steel knight.

"…They weren’t just empty words."

The power of aura gave strength regardless of gender, but the stereotypes about the abilities of men and women couldn’t be completely eliminated. However, the sharp air around her was enough to strip away those stereotypes.

Liliana used the eyes of a warrior to see her essence. ‘She’s a senior aura user, and she is of a similar age to me.’

An eerie chill went down her spine at the assumption that she would be an enemy. She didn’t feel like there was no chance of winning, but she was dangerous. When looking at her peers, was she equal to Sylvia? A genius aura user who had become a master’s disciple at a young age. However, unlike Sylvia, whose emotions were immature, the eyes of the female knight showed that she already knew the realities of a knight.

Simultaneously, a strange sense of discomfort irritated her. ‘Where have I seen that face…?’

Liliana Miller was certain; she had never seen this woman before. Nevertheless, the knight called Rebecca gave off a familiar feeling. Maybe she had met her relative before. However, she didn’t have any more time to think about it.

"Let me ask you again, Your Majesty." Pan Helliones, the 4th Sword of the Andras Empire, suddenly turned his eyes toward Liliana. "Sword and magic… Why don’t we let the youngsters of the two countries dance together?"

Chapter 87 – Sword And Magic Confrontation (1)

However, the rude demand couldn’t be accepted immediately. Pan Helliones had proposed a friendly match between the two countries. As Kurt III didn’t say anything, Pan Helliones stepped back to respect the king’s will.

Nevertheless, the atmosphere became heated. So, the talk couldn’t progress further, and the delegation left. No, maybe that was the delegation’s intention.

As the atmosphere in the room turned dreary, Kurt III muttered in a low voice, “…He is still tricky, Andras’ 4th Sword.”

The empire’s 4th Sword, Pan Helliones… His big build made him seem dull, but he was actually quite crafty. He was a politician who knew how to take advantage of his appearance as an ignorant swordsman to strike the opponent.

Perhaps he had intentionally avoided talking about the whole story in the first meeting. If the proposal was accepted, they could review Liliana directly. If it was rejected, they could leave this place like they were victims. In other words, either answer wouldn’t be a loss for the Andras Empire.

The old man in the blue robe, Blundell, nodded like he agreed. “He is a bothersome opponent. He is probably expecting us to refuse the proposal. That way, he can stall for some time during the negotiations.”

“Meanwhile, the rest will go through the capital and gather information. Their intention is probably to drag out the time.”

“Yes, I think so as well.”

Kurt III and Blundell frowned in a similar manner.

The White Tower’s intelligence network was watching the delegation, but the opponents were an elite group accompanied by two sword masters. The empire’s Seven Swords could block off the intelligence network directly. It might be different if the White Tower Master was in the capital, but he had left for a remote region after the last meeting about the convoy.

‘It is better to get rid of them as soon as possible.’

Of course, Meltor’s security wasn’t that poor, and there was little chance of anything major or confidential being leaked. However, the problem was that even the slightest possibility was offensive. The enemy they had been facing for centuries was growling at their border.

Kurt III naturally turned to one person. It was Liliana Miller, one of the people who, along with Blundell, had been ordered to remain in the hall after the delegation left.

“Tell me honestly. You do not need to accept this offer. I know it is a high demand, and there will be no penalty if you refuse.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“But if you are able to defeat them thoroughly, we will have a considerable advantage in the negotiations.” So, he asked as the king of Meltor, “That Rebecca, can you beat her?”

Liliana replied without any hesitation, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Even if you don’t use the power of the national treasure?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Kurt III would like to believe Lili’s confidence. However, the king’s fighting ability wasn’t that great, so he didn’t have the knowledge to judge accurately. He would only make the decision after deliberating with the two greatest masters in Meltor. “Veronica, Blundell. What do you think?”

Veronica came forward like she had been waiting. “If they fight 10 times, she will win nine times, and there will be one tie. At the very least, I don’t think there is a chance of the girl getting hurt.”

“Hoh, is that so?”

“I will bet my name, Your Majesty.”

Kurt III was surprised by the answer. The duel opponent was the disciple of Pan Helliones. Rebecca’s young age and pretty appearance weren’t reasons to devalue her strength. As the most likely candidate for the next generation of sword masters, her skills should be close to the peak. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have joined this delegation.

Still, the odds were nine victories with one draw? In effect, that meant victory.

“Hmm, this old man has the same opinion. It might not be a one-sided match, but she won’t be lacking in quality. As long as the conditions are good, it is impossible for her not to win.”

“Then there is no reason for us to show our backs.” A smile spread across Kurt III’s face at the answer he obtained.

Until now, he had been hesitant to accept the delegation’s suggestion because he had calculated the losses and benefits. He would gain nothing and lose a lot, so there was no reason to make the gamble.

However, if the chance of victory was 100%, then it wasn’t a gamble.

“Minister of State.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Look at the treaty from the last truce. Report on the land that can be obtained from near the border. Moreover, look up any conditions that you think can be rewritten!”

“As the Minister of State, I will accept Your Majesty’s command!”

Excitement filled the Minister of State’s face at the king’s powerful words.

This was a chance to take something away from the Andras Empire. It cut into his holiday time, but the Minister of State was boiling with motivation. His associates also nodded eagerly at the king’s command.

Kurt III looked at Lili’s face again. After receiving the assurance of the two tower masters, the king’s purple eyes were filled with wonder as well as an unknown emotion.

“…It is strange. After the elder lich’s defeat and the rescue of the high elf, you are now once again entrusted with a great deal of responsibility.”

“Your Majesty.”

“There is no need to be humble. Your merits are already at a level where they can’t be hidden.” Kurt III got up from the throne as a light gleamed in his eyes.

For him, the Andras Empire were an enemy which had killed many soldiers. They were a symbol of bloodshed which had threatened Meltor since Meltor’s first king. This was a chance to beat them peacefully, so there was no reason to hesitate.

He gazed into the air and spoke in a heavy tone, “They always come with force. They cross our borders to steal our scarce wheat, and they have plundered and burned our homes. The ink used in the armistice is the blood of our people, and the borders that have been redrawn a few times are the broken arms and legs.”

The king’s voice contained sincere and profound emotions. Hearing it, the atmosphere of the room naturally became solemn. Magic power rose around some bodies while fighting spirit appeared in the eyes of others. Lili was kneeling before the king, and she too felt that way.

Everyone in Meltor had lost someone in the wars against the empire.

“Liliana Miller.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The solemn voice of the king grew stronger. “Take the name of Meltor, fight, and win. Teach those fiends the history of this country! Let them know what a large and mighty enemy they have created! And I will give you a reward for the victory!”

Lili replied in a powerful voice to the edict, “I, Liliana Miller, will do as Your Majesty commands!”

* * *

The news that the hero, Liliana, and a disciple of a Seven Sword would duel spread like a thunderbolt. There was already agitation from the delegation, and the duel was like an oasis in a desert. Despite the attendance being extremely limited, the audience seats were completely filled.

Lili looked around the area. ‘…Wow, there are almost no faces that I don’t know.’

She had stayed half a year at the Magic Society, so she had met many people. Due to her relationship with Veronica and Sylvia, she was able to know almost all the famous people in the capital. However, the majority of the celebrities were gathered in this place. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the people gathered here were within the top 2 or 3% of Meltor’s national strength.

It meant there was great interest in this duel. In addition to Kurt III, there were members of the royal family who rarely showed their faces, so Liliana could definitely feel the burden. Therefore, the feeling of discomfort she felt toward the face of her opponent had diminished.

Soon after, Blundell climbed to the stage since he was acting as the referee. As it was a fight between a sorceress and knight, the stage was quite wide. The two people listened to Blundell’s words as they receded to the edges of the stage.

“Meltor’s side, Liliana Miller.”


“Andras’ side, Rebecca.”


Blundell received an answer from both of them and knocked against the stadium floor with his staff, producing a blunt sound. The strength of the hulking magician damaged the floor, and the sound’s volume was so loud that people sitting in the audience covered their ears.

Blundell silenced the surroundings and spoke, “The duel will start with this sound. Prior to that, make an oath as representatives of both countries. The winner will tolerate the loser, and the loser shouldn’t forget to honor the winner. If I think the fight is over, I will stop you from attacking any further.”

Liliana and Rebecca nodded. Lili didn’t know her opponent’s heart, but she didn’t dare object in a situation where Blundell Adruncus was the notary. As Liliana’s and Rebecca’s eyes met, Blundell raised his staff up high.

Then it slammed down against the stone floor. Kakang!

Two streams of light emerged from Rebecca’s sheath before the sound even finished. They were double swords called scimitars. She shot off like a thunderbolt, quick enough that some of the people in the audience missed it. Some would die without even realizing that Rebecca had pulled out the swords.

Fortunately, Liliana didn’t belong to that group. Rather, she noticed the posture Rebecca had taken as she pulled the swords out, and her sense of discomfort increased. Lili had seen it somewhere before. She also faintly remembered the attack which immediately followed.

Shortly after that…

“Hup.” Rebecca appeared in front of Lili with a slight breathing sound.

There was no room to panic or react. Her two swords turned into flashes of light with no warning. The light emitted from both her hands moved up, down, left and right, and twisted like a whirlpool around Liliana. It was a sword technique which wouldn’t leave even one bit of flesh unsliced.

Six consecutive strikes from the left hand and six from the right hand. A dozen attacks poured out almost simultaneously.


The arena’s floor cracked like a spider web. The materialized aura was a type of weapon which could even damage the defenses of senior sorceresses. Rebecca was already at her peak, and her strikes could shatter 5th Circle defense magic.

Everyone was shocked by the torrent of attacks from Rebecca.


“How did those attacks…?!”

“The rumours are true!”

Lloyd, one of the Seven Swords, lost his dull expression as he exclaimed, “…Excellent!”

The target of the exclamation wasn’t toward where Rebecca, the disciple of Pan Helliones, was standing. His eyes were more intense than usual as he gazed at the young girl who moved 12 times. This level of movement wasn’t usually seen from a sorceress.

Liliana, the young girl who broke Rebecca’s 12 attacks, faced her with a cold expression. She was completely sure after the series of strikes.

Rebecca had shown her the swordsmanship of Randolph, the mercenary leader who had slaughtered the ghoul wyvern in her hometown. They were either relatives or had studied at the same school…

‘Think about it once I defeat her.’

Lili removed all other thoughts, and her magic power boiled up as she gazed at Rebecca’s back.

Chapter 88 – Sword And Magic Confrontation (2)

‘Battle Song. Sonata of Speed. Allegretto.’

As the duel progressed, Gluttony’s mouth was chanting the spells under the glove which covered Lili’s left hand. Lili had triggered Sonata of Speed as soon as the duel began, allowing her to respond to Rebecca’s preemptive strike. Compared to Randolph’s swords, Rebecca was lacking power, and compared to Superbia, she lacked speed.

Before Rebecca could move again, Lili cast her magic hurriedly, “Chain Lightning!”

A net of lightning instantly covered dozens of meters. Regardless of one’s speed, there was no way to escape from the chain of lightning. Just the power of one stream of lightning was enough to fry a person. If Rebecca hadn’t raised her aura reflexively, then the match might’ve been decided here.

Pajijik! Paijijik!

“Kuk…!” However, receiving damage was inevitable. The lightning penetrated the gaps in Rebecca’s armour and struck against her aura, causing smoke to rise from her armour. It was pure destructive power, one of the reasons why aura users found it hard to compete with magicians.

Therefore, knights always tried to avoid a magician’s attacks or went for preventative measures. They had to stop Chain Lightning and other magic before they were activated. Thanks to this, Rebecca was one step slower.

“Lightning Spear.”

A brutal attack came from Lili just as Rebecca managed to escape from the lightning. Lightning Spear focused on one point, so it could cause deadly damage to a body protected by aura. Lili called five lightning bolts in mere seconds and aimed for Rebecca’s abdomen. Simultaneously, the five streams of lightning struck horizontally.

It was possible to respond to one lightning bolt. Three would be difficult even if she was fully prepared. By the time it reached five bolts, even elite knights couldn’t avoid a serious injury. This was impossible to defend, and trying to avoid it would also be meaningless.

Therefore, Rebecca boldly grasped her double swords and struck the lightning bolts head on. “Hap!”

Blue aura leaked from the blades, and the two swords broke through the lightning bolts. The remnants of the lightning, which weren’t completely eliminated, struck her fingers, but she never let go of her swords. No, her hands actually held on tighter.

There were three more Lightning Spears. Even if she took care of two more, there would still be one remaining. Rebecca gritted her teeth with a determined expression.


The moment that her two swords struck two lightning bolts, the remaining one hit her abdomen.


It was awful. Rebecca swallowed the blood which had risen into her mouth and put strength into her legs. Her concentrated aura defense had burst, and the impact was transmitted inside her. Fortunately, there was little impact on her combat strength.

As she returned to herself, Rebecca pointed the tips of her swords toward Liliana. Lili couldn’t help admiring her fierce fighting spirit. ‘She is fairly familiar with pain. Additionally, her body is hard enough to block a Lightning Spear. I don’t think she can be defeated by an ordinary blow.’

In fact, Lili had restricted her own abilities to a certain extent in this duel. It was too dangerous to show the power of Umbra, a national treasure, to another country’s delegation, let alone the empire’s Seven Swords. She had various hidden cards, so she decided not to use any skills related to Umbra.

The case of Magic Bullet was a little special.

‘…I can’t control the strength.’ Lili was worried about the power of her index finger. After regaining the original strength of Magic Bullet, she had only shot it once against a human. Despite the fact that she had suppressed the output, the power had still been enough to leave a wound on Veronica’s cheek. If it hit a vital point, the person would die before a healing spell or potion reached them. She didn’t want to kill someone who might be related to Randolph.

Lili’s aim was to knock her down thoroughly. The determination in her eyes deepened, and she ran toward Rebecca.

“What, she’s approaching?!”

“A magician going into close range…”

“Once again, those guys from the Red Tower have strange heads!”

Buzzing chatter could be heard from the stands. Lili stared at the double swords pointed at her and accelerated toward Rebecca. For a magician to enter a knight’s close range voluntarily… This was an effective method of provocation.

Rage sparked in Rebecca’s green eyes.


Her scimitar blades disappeared like they had melted into the air. This acceleration, which used the power of aura, had the ability to disrupt the laws of physics, which in turn caused the swords to move faster than the air resistance. That speed exceeded even Lili’s enhanced eyesight.

The duration was short because it consumed aura rapidly, but it was a secret technique which increased her speed by a few times. A storm of steel raged around Rebecca. Even an ogre famous for its sturdy muscles and solid skin would be turned into minced meat if it got close.

The audience started screaming when they saw that Lili was heading into that storm. Rebecca’s technique was a terrible weapon.

Liliana felt in awe as she jumped into her storm. ‘Truly fast. Is it speed-focused swordsmanship like Randolph’s?’

The tips of Rebecca’s swords came down and aimed to cut Lili’s waist into pieces. Lee Yoonsung’s experience was essential as she used Shift Energy to turn away the blades. The robe with defense magic was turned into a rag, but the result was that Lili was only bruised.

The storm of steel didn’t touch her, as she moved through it like a light feather. Of course, the reason was also due to the difference in their abilities. Liliana was much stronger than before.

‘It is lighter than Randolph.’ More than anything else, there was a difference in the weight of the falchions and scimitars, as well as their arm strength. If the strikes had been as heavy as Randolph’s and at the same speed, Lili would be cut easily. Due to the lack of weight on the swords, it was easy to shift the orbit by hitting the sides of the blades.

‘She is slower than Superbia.’ Superbia had a bizarre form and was able to shift to the traits of powerful creatures. Among them, the caracalos tail was one of the feared threats, and the speed and sharpness of Superbia had been enough to beat Alfred.

However, that comparison wasn’t proof that Rebecca’s skills were lacking. After the Pupil Tournament, Lili had gained Lee Yoonsung’s book and absorbed all of Alfred’s abilities, so she had a definite advantage. That said, Rebecca certainly had enough talent to be chosen as a disciple by one of the Seven Swords.

Liliana calmly deflected her swords until the end. No matter how efficiently the swords were swung, the human body didn’t have an infinite capacity. Inevitably, it would reach its limit. It might be different for a sword master who transcended the limits of life. However, Rebecca was still at the level of an elite knight, and she was unable to maintain the storm.

“Su…suaa…” She had a shortness of breath and a pale complexion, and her muscles were trembling as she held onto her swords. The perfect storm of swords became weaker and began to collapse. Lili calmly waited for her to reach her limit.

She didn’t care about her arm which had become bloody after deflecting the swords and simply stared on with ice-cold eyes. Finally, the moment came.

“Haack!” She reached the limit of her breathing and a tortured gasp burst out from Rebecca’s mouth. The movements of her two swords stopped completely, and Lili stepped into that gap. She used a winning technique; the palm of her hand touched the defenseless body naturally.

‘An ordinary blow won’t deal much damage…’

‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Shock Impact. Penta United.’

The shock wave attack magic, Shock Impact, was contact magic normally used to break down walls. However, Lili had excellent melee skills, so she could use it this way. The five accumulated shock waves would exert a destructive power which could penetrate aura.

Shortly after that, the huge shock wave hit Rebecca’s breastplate.


Rebecca’s body was thrown back with a tremendous sound. She bounced a few times along the ground before barely stopping at the edge of the duelling stage. This was a good chance, so Lili didn’t hesitate to call some Lightning Spears.

If Rebecca tried to counterattack, then she would intercept immediately. However, before she could stand up, a person jumped down from the stands. Lili stopped the lightning reflexively and stared at the person with a tense face. It was a situation where only one person could intervene.

“Sir Pan Helliones?”

“That’s right.” The big knight, Pan Helliones, nodded as he hoisted Rebecca onto his shoulder. Pan Helliones didn’t seem angry, so Liliana withdrew the lightning spell. Although Pan Helliones had jumped down here, Veronica was clearly visible behind him. Everybody had a hunch that the duel between the two countries had ended.

“I admit defeat, Meltor’s young heroine. Your abilities are certainly beyond my disciple’s, and I am grateful that you didn’t take her life.” Despite the shameful verdict, his voice contained a clear respect.

The empire was a place where they believed what they saw with their own eyes, not through words. The man before Liliana truly acknowledged her.

“What does that mean?”

“This duel is the Andras Empire’s defeat! I will accept this result in the name of the empire’s Seven Swords!”

One of the empire’s Seven Swords declared defeat! The audience realized the weight of this result, and the air around the delegates grew heavy. The empire’s logic of communicating with strength had always been victorious.

It was only once in several generations that they would be defeated like this in a public duel. This was clearly a big event which would be mentioned in the history books.

Then Kurt III clapped his hands, and the unnatural silence of the audience was shattered.

“…!!!” The magicians and courtiers yelled, causing the voices to echo. The loud cheers were enough to cause shivers. In the center of this, Liliana and Pan Helliones stared at each other. She couldn’t read any emotions in Pan’s black eyes.

Therefore, Liliana couldn’t understand his identity. No, it was more accurate to say she wasn’t sure.

‘…That guy.’

The moment Lili had stepped toward Rebecca, just before she’d used the shock wave magic… She wouldn’t have felt it without her sixth sense, but there had been a terrifying killing intent. Due to that murderous feeling, the timing of her magic had been delayed by one beat.

That killing intent had been from the imperial sword, Lloyd Pollan.

Looking at the back which had already turned around, Lili went down from the stage with a grim expression.

Chapter 89 – Sword And Magic Confrontation (3)

After accomplishing a perfect victory in her duel with Rebecca, Liliana didn’t head toward the dinner venue. Instead, she headed to the infirmary of the royal palace.

Lili came down from the stage in a much better state than Rebecca, but that didn’t mean she was without damage. The power of the blade, which was literally like a storm, had leapt beyond the defensive power of ‘Battle Song.’

The healer clicked his tongue when he saw Lili’s tattered forearm. “…How terrible. It isn’t easy to heal injuries caused by aura, but this is more than that. Simple treatment using potions or herbs would be more effective than magic.”

Basically, the mana which passed through a person’s body was altered according to the person’s inherent nature. In order to resonate with that nature, sorceresses minimized the degree of deterioration by forming an artificial circulation organ called circles, but knights were different. For them, their inherent nature was merely a good thing. Since aura strengthened physical abilities, the closer it was to the user’s own nature, the greater the efficiency and power would be. However, this left behind traces which interfered with magical healing.


“Yes. Knight Rebecca… the density of her aura is already reaching the level of a pro-knight. If you suffered a serious injury, you might’ve been lying in bed for months.”

“Then how long will it take for this wound to heal?”

“Please wait a moment.” The healer carefully examined the stab wound on Lili’s forearm. There was occasional pain, but it wasn’t enough to make a fuss about it. Lili’s behavior was like that of a veteran soldier.

The healer used his magic power to heal the wound before lifting his head again. “Fortunately, the blade didn’t enter too deeply. I will use a healing spell, apply a medicine and then a bandage. The wound should be healed in three days.”

“Three days…”

“Oh, please avoid any heavy exercise or movements for a week. The wound might reopen.”

Liliana had no reason to refuse, so she nodded gently.

The healer proceeded to start the full-scale treatment. First, he removed the aura remaining in the wound with healing magic, then he connected the muscles in the blood vessels which hadn’t healed yet. Subsequently, the blood completely stopped flowing out. After the bleeding stopped, the healer performed a simple treatment with potions and herbs.

The healer’s workmanship was truly worthy of a healer working in the royal palace. A white bandage was wrapped around one of Lili’s arms, and the pain from the wound was away. Lili moved the arm wrapped in the white bandage and said, “It is much better. Thank you very much.”

“…It is nothing. Rather, I should be thanking you.” The healer checked the bandage’s knot meticulously and laughed at the gratitude.

He had been employed as a royal healer for several decades. Once the war broke out, the number of patients he treated had been in the thousands, and hundreds of them hadn’t been able to be saved. Their lives had been taken by the Andras’ blades.

“It was always a victory if we returned from the battlefield, and a defeat if we returned with the bodies of our colleagues. So, there were times when I regretted being a healer. I couldn’t fight, and sometimes I blamed myself for choosing who to leave behind.”


“But today, I knew what it felt like to win for the first time.”

It was too early to call him an old man, but wrinkles could clearly be seen on the hand which gripped Lili’s. Perhaps he had also been sitting in the audience and had seen with his own eyes the imperious and rude demands of the empire.

The healer bowed his head and thanked Lili once again, “Meltor’s Hero, it is an honour to treat you with these hands.”

“…It was my pleasure.” Lili was forced to accept the fierce praise.

She felt burdened by the healer’s emotions and left the infirmary after a brief goodbye. Most of the crowd was at the dinner party, so the corridor was a few times darker and emptier than usual. As soon as the door closed behind her back, a cold silence fell.

“Hoo, it is too burdensome.”

Whether it was positive or negative, it didn’t fit Lili’s nature to attract the attention of others. She was able to put on a firm face after absorbing the experiences, but encountering such sincere praise made her feel itchy.

‘What should I do now?’ She walked down the corridor while locked in thought.

The soft sounds of her footsteps rang out amidst the silence of the corridor.

Veronica had encouraged Lili to go to the dinner party when she was available, but she didn’t want to go to such a burdensome place. She also didn’t think she could rest comfortably in a place where the two sword masters were.

It was much more attractive to use her injury as an excuse to return to the tower, as a political place would obviously be uncomfortable in many ways. Furthermore, there was a destination she hadn’t thought of.

Lili advanced a few steps before stopping and breathing lightly. She looked over at a shadow in a corner of the corridor and said, “Why don’t you come out now?”

The shadow was faint like fog. Despite her senses being refined to the limit, she only grasped the hiding place after a few minutes. As Lili’s voice rang through the corridor where nobody was present, ‘he’ naturally appeared. It was like he had been there from the beginning.

Lloyd Pollan, one of the empire’s Seven Swords, shrugged and said, “Oh, I followed you unintentionally.”

“…I thought you were attending the dinner party?”

“I’m sorry, but Meltor’s food and alcohol don’t suit my tastes. I was going around on a walk.”

It was nonsense, and Lili regretted that she couldn’t dismiss it. Lili stared at Lloyd with cold eyes. Although it was a separate building, a sword master wouldn’t be allowed to wander around the royal palace by himself. Besides, a walk? It was a pathetic excuse for following the winner of the duel.

“What did you come to me for, Sir Pollan?” Lili struggled to suppress her indignation. It was pointless to be rude here. Lili lacked the power or position to be rude. Lloyd also knew this fact. If Veronica or Blundell were near, then he would’ve disappeared quietly.

‘A sly human.’ Liliana had an accurate insight into Lloyd’s nature.

“The purpose… I suppose it is an apology.”


“As you already know, I made a mistake during your duel with Rebecca. I didn’t know that your senses were so sensitive. You responded to my killing intent that I accidentally let out, and I admire that,” Lloyd praised with a smile, but his eyes weren’t warm.

On the other hand, Liliana paled as she noticed the meaning of the words. Lloyd was saying that he didn’t mean to disturb the duel, but his killing intent had leaked out accidentally.

It meant that… this sword master wanted to kill Liliana Miller.

“Well, you don’t need to be tense here.” Lloyd smiled and continued saying, “I was scolded by Number 4 because he read my killing intent. At the very least, it is impossible to cut off your head here. It is regretful, regretful.”



Lili spoke the words she had been repressing, “Why do you want to kill me?”

This wasn’t an order from the Andras Empire or from Pan Helliones. She wondered why Lloyd Pollan was so eager to kill her. Murderers killed people for no reason, but it was unlikely for a sword master. Lili was more curious than afraid of the master.

Lloyd sincerely sighed at the bold question.

“Hoo, it really is a pity. Why wasn’t someone like you born in the empire?” He grumbled in a low voice before continuing, “10 years, that is the deadline of this truce.”

The emotionless face started to spout terrible facts, “In the next 10 years, you will become an enemy of the empire. My senses have never been wrong even once.”

“Your senses… You want to kill me for such an uncertain reason?”

“You… Did you use more than 30% of your power in that duel?” There was conviction in Lloyd’s voice, so Liliana remained silent. “You have the potential to match the Seven Swords in the future, so I think I should kill you here, even if that causes a war.”


There was an eerie killing intent. The killing intent pressing down on Liliana was different from Superbia’s. It felt like a sharp blade was being held against her neck. Still, the sword never came flying. Lloyd just passed by, like he meant his words about not killing Lili here.

His voice gradually moved further away, “10 years later, I won’t let you live like today.”

Liliana couldn’t move from her spot even after Lloyd had completely disappeared. The killing intent of a sword master was indeed terrifying. She would’ve fallen down if she hadn’t built up tolerance in the fight with Superbia.

In retrospect, it was fortunate that she hadn’t exposed Umbra and Magic Bullet. Lloyd would have rated Lili higher and might’ve ignored the command given to him in order to kill Lili. Lili wouldn’t go obediently, but there was no chance of winning.

“Yes, 10 years,” Liliana murmured in a low voice.

10 years… it was both a long and short period of time. After that, she would be sentenced to death by a sword master. Hearing that, anybody would feel fear. However, Lili just laughed at the words. “I won’t be relaxing.”

She had jumped from the loser of the academy to Meltor’s hero in one year. Things which would take magicians a month only took a few days for her. Then weren’t 10 years for Lili like a hundred years for ordinary magicians? Common sense didn’t apply to the owners of grimoires.

A sword master was definitely a great existence. ‘But I don’t think that it is an insurmountable wall.’

Lili took a step forward. She regained her original stride and left the place where she’d met Lloyd. It was yet to be decided as to who would be the one to fall 10 years later.

* * *

Kkiiik. The doorknob turned with a small noise.

Lili arrived at somebody’s room and looked inside it carefully. As soon as she entered, the smell of herbs and potions hit her nose. She removed the smell with simple wind magic and looked in the direction of the occupant.

With golden hair, green eyes, and vivid features, Rebecca, the duelist for the empire, looked at Lili from where she lay on the bed. Her ribs, which had been broken by the shock wave, were bandaged and traces of herbs were visible on bruised skin. Her condition was completely different from that of Liliana, who was wandering around.

She was confused by the situation as she sat down in the chair beside Rebecca’s bed. Lili had no other choice.

‘…No, what is going on?’

Liliana had entered Rebecca’s room because she wanted to ask about Randolph. However, the guard standing in front of the room had let her in easily after her identity was proven.

‘Why did they just let me in?’

Liliana was famous, but the Andras Empire and the Meltor Kingdom were still enemies. Why would they obediently let in a visitor from an enemy country? She just wanted to tell the guard to mention Randolph’s name to Rebecca and see if she responded to it. However, the empire’s delegation didn’t hesitate to let her in to see Rebecca.

The atmosphere was awkward. Rebecca’s eyes stared at Lili without blinking, increasing the burdensome feeling. She didn’t know how to start. In the end, Liliana opened her mouth to say a simple greeting, but Rebecca spoke first.

Her voice was like a clear bell which resonated clearly, “Have you come to exercise the rights of the winner?”

Chapter 90 – Sword And Magic Confrontation (4)

Liliana’s expression became grave at Rebecca's words. She had come here because she had business with her, but it felt like she was being misunderstood. The same was true for the guards who left the two women alone in the room. Therefore, Lili decided to ask what the winner’s rights were.

“What are the winner’s rights?”

“…I’m sorry. Of course, Miss Liliana wouldn’t know the concepts of the Andras Empire.” Rebecca stared at her and explained, “The empire doesn’t guarantee the loser’s life. Only the winner can spare the loser’s life, and the loser must hand something over in return. This is done regardless of the clauses in the conditions of the duel, and there will be severe punishment from your family if you reject.”

“……” Liliana was speechless at the harsh explanation.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the barbarian empire spoke with swords and strength instead of words. The winner was strong, and the loser was weak. It was a food chain of violence, unrelated to ethics or morality. A society with a system where the strong could do anything simply because they were strong wasn’t a society but a group of animals.

Lili was astonished at how a nation with such a primitive system had become an empire. ‘No, this might be what made it possible.’

The people had to survive intense training during their childhood. Then once they joined the society, they had to survive in the competition called the duels. The harsh process would inevitably create seasoned killers. From the most powerful army in the northeastern continent to the empire’s Seven Swords… The custom of blood and tribute might just be the driving force behind the Andras Empire maintaining its huge size. In many ways, it was a country beyond common sense.

Lili became dizzy from the culture shock. However, she soon regained her sanity and continued the cut off conversation. “This place isn’t Andras. Will you still listen to my request?”

“Yes, I am Andras’ knight.”

“…It is hard to understand. I don’t know what is the upper limit of the demands.”

Rebecca was silent for a moment before opening her mouth to say, “It is possible to demand wealth, status, and even skills. Slavery doesn’t exist, so it is impossible to become a slave, but you can hire the other party for free one time. If the two parties have different genders, there might be a special request.”

“Special request?”

“…A one night stand.” The subject naturally embarrassed Rebecca, and her voice was subdued. Her face flushed as she gazed down.

Liliana was at a loss on how to respond. She examined Rebecca's figure lying down unconsciously before clearing her throat a few times. However, Rebecca couldn’t help noticing her eyes.

Rebecca gazed at Liliana with cold eyes and said, “I’m sorry, but I have no experience. My body is also in this state, so if you want me, you’ll have to take care of everything. My clothes are thick, so you’ll have to take them off yourself.”

Lili became embarrassed by the blunt words and hurriedly waved her hands. “No, I have no intention of doing that!”

“Is that so? I guess Miss Liliana can’t be satisfied with someone like me. I’m sorry.”

“…Dame Rebecca, please don’t tease me.” Liliana belatedly realized she was joking and dropped her head with a sigh.

“Ah, I’m sorry. You are more innocent than I thought.”

From their first contact till now, Lili had thought Rebecca was an old-fashioned knight, but she could actually joke this way. The smile on Rebecca’s face was very mischievous, and her light smile really caused her to resemble Randolph.

Then Lili recalled what she wanted to ask, “Rather, I wanted to ask Dame Rebecca something.”


“Do you know a man called Randolph?”

As the name flowed from her mouth, the smile on Rebecca’s face faltered.

Rebecca looked at Liliana’s face like she was seeing a demon, and the color of her skin was so pale that it was like she was a statue. The reaction which she couldn’t hide was proof that she knew Randolph.

She stammered as she asked Lili, “T-That name, where did you hear it?”

“First of all, I want to know his relationship with you. I can’t disclose it prior to knowing that.”

“…I see.” She was excited for a moment, but she quickly restored her breathing, and her complexion returned to normal.

Her composure was similar to Liliana’s. This was the talented mind and body of someone accepted as a disciple of a sword master. Rebecca gazed at Lili silently before making up her mind. “Miss Liliana, can you make it so that sound doesn’t leak out of this room?”

She quietly created a wall of silence.

* * *

The Andras Empire was a country where everything was determined through violence. The empire’s Seven Swords reigned at the apex and could be called the leaders of the people. In fact, they had the right to rule over everyone except the emperor.

Assets like estates or property were meaningless. What value would that have to a sword master who was like a walking storm? They had omnipotent power within the empire.

The clans which the Seven Swords came from could be called the heart of the Andras Empire.

“Our family, Clovis, was once prestigious within the empire as we had produced one of the Seven Swords.”

According to Rebecca, around 130 years ago, the Clovis family had risen due to the presence of a sword master. For the first time, their house had been filled with chandeliers and luxurious furnishings. They had believed it would lead to hundreds of years of trust.

However, that belief had been shattered.

“One day, His Majesty gave a decree. Track down the warlock disturbing the empire and cut off his head.”

The Seven Swords were absolutely obedient to the emperor. The sword master ancestor of the Clovis family received the order and crossed the border. However, he never returned.

The clan’s downfall had begun from that time. The sword master hadn’t been able to fulfill his emperor’s order, causing the jackals to descend upon them, and the Clovis name had been dropped in an instant.

Randolph and Rebecca had been born into that dying family.

“My father had his own skills. He didn’t have enough strength, but he searched for talented women and sowed his seed.”

“You mean…”

“Randolph and I are half siblings.” Her cold eyes stared into the distance, like she was gazing at someone who wasn’t here. “Most of the children he created were failures. Apart from Randolph and I, the others were sold to other families. To raise a sword master, the family needed to put all their strength into one person.”

Magicians were born, but the empire had its own way of fostering aura users. Genius children were selected and elixirs poured into them. Then they would be fostered by one of the Seven Swords, and there was a high probability they would become the next generation of sword masters.

Randolph and Rebecca had both met the criteria of a genius. However, Clovis hadn’t had the power to strengthen both of them. It was a situation where the clan had to abandon one of the two people. At that time, there had been tests to inspect the quality, so Randolph and Rebecca had been forced to be on opposite sides.

Then Randolph Clovis had gone on to leave the house in the middle of the night. It had been for the sake of his sister.

“He left a letter saying he would see me again, but… since then, I haven’t heard any news about him,” Rebecca spoke up to there and looked at Lili quietly. Her green eyes were a little bit wet. Her story didn’t seem to be false. Additionally, she had no reason to lie. Why would she need to create a detailed soap opera for Liliana, who didn’t even know the climate of the Andras Empire?

That was why Lili decided to talk. “I met Randolph half a year ago.”

Her voice flowed in the room surrounded by Silence magic, and Rebecca became much brighter as she listened to the story.

She was surprised to hear that Randolph had been searching for their ancestor’s double swords and then delighted once she heard he’d found them in the elder lich’s dungeon. At that moment, she looked like a girl her age.

“I see. He is still my brother.”

Rebecca listened to her favourite parts again before burying her body back into the bed with a satisfied expression. She seemed to have forgotten about the pain of the broken ribs. The conversation between the two women, as well as the Silence magic, was almost over.

Ding! At 9 p.m., the bells rang through the royal palace, signaling the start of the night.

It wasn’t an appropriate time for an adult male and female to stay in a room together. Lili hadn’t realized how much time passed and quickly got up from her seat. This had been a pleasant time in many ways.

“Then I will be going. It is funny for me to say this to a person I wounded, but please be careful.”

“Ah, Miss Liliana—” Rebecca tried to call out to her, but her ribs hurt, so no voice emerged from her parted lips.

In the end, the door closed, leaving her alone. The room grew quiet as Rebecca carefully stretched out a hand toward the door. She hadn’t paid the price of defeat yet.

“…Let’s promise to meet in the future, Miss Liliana.”

She vowed that she would repay this debt someday as she closed her eyes.

* * *

The thing which happened after that was really ridiculous.

Lili left the room and stared at the guard with lukewarm eyes, before returning to her room with a feeling of uncertainty. As always, she fed two books to Gluttony and made a training schedule before falling asleep.

Then she was pounced on the next day. Lili had been planning to ask Veronica for some training when she was suddenly turned several times in the air, with the source being Sylvia and Blundell.

It was then that Liliana realized a rumor had spread, and she recalled Rebecca’s playful smile. ‘That pair of hateful brother and sister are both the same!’

She had never expected a blow from Randolph to return this way. Lili struggled to escape from Blundell’s clutches but eventually gave up.

Chapter 91 – Leap In Sensitivity (1)

The two countries’ discussions continued for a few more days. Using the pretext of goodwill from Lili winning the duel, the Andras Empire was forced to sit at the negotiating table in an unfavorable position. It wasn’t just because Rebecca had been defeated by Liliana. After it was revealed that Lloyd Pollan had snuck away from the dinner party, the delegation was forced to bow their heads in apology to Meltor for the trouble they had caused.

Four days later, the new agreement between the two countries was settled.

“Then I will check the final version.” Meltor’s chief delegate, Karlov, read through the new agreement slowly. “Both Andras and Meltor have extended the deadline of the existing armistice agreement to 10 years from now. Furthermore, Andras will transfer the Purth, Begul, and Hergen estates to the Meltor side of the border. Additionally, the management of the three iron mines and one gold mine, of which the ownership is unclear, shall be taken over by the estates concerned. The ratio of tariffs…”

The dozens of great and trivial clauses were read in a loud voice, with none of them in favor of the Andras Empire. The longer his voice continued, the more the faces of the delegation wrinkled. No, the Meltor side was inwardly grinning as they looked at those crumpled faces. How many opportunities would they get to negotiate a favorable deal with Andras, the strongest military power on the northern continent? In Meltor’s long history, it was a rare case which couldn’t even be counted on five fingers.

Karlov continued for nearly 10 minutes before stopping. “It is accurate. The Andras Empire agrees with Meltor’s proposal and will extend the armistice agreement with such conditions.” The surprising thing was Pan Helliones’ reaction. He accepted the agreement, which was disadvantageous for his country, without any objections. Meltor had prepared many countermeasures in case the empire refused, so they couldn’t help being taken aback by the easy agreement. However, as a result, Meltor had obtained what it wanted. Having lost the excuse of negotiations, the delegation was forced to leave the capital city of Mana-vil six days after arriving.

* * *

‘Six days is really too quick.’

Liliana laid down the book she was reading and looked at the delegation moving through the gates. It was a sight which could only be seen from the highest buildings in Mana-vil, the tall magic towers. She looked at someone using ‘Hawkeye,’ but unfortunately, she still wasn’t recovered enough to use a horse.

‘If she really was riding, then I would be more scared.’ After all, she had received five Shock Impacts from a close distance without dodging.

Lili looked at the bandage which was still wrapped around her forearm. She knew that aura was excellent for defense, but the defensive power of a skilled knight was beyond imagination. She didn’t use all her power, but only a few of Rebecca's ribs were broken? If it hadn’t been a situation where most of the aura had been deflected, it might not have ended with just a scratch on her arm. A day would come when she would feel the attack power of an aura user again. If they reunited someday, Rebecca would be several times more terrible than she was now. There was no spare room for Lili to enjoy the short victory.

In the past six months, many nobles had tried to court her, which was why she hid in the library.

“…It should be okay if I move.” Lili moved her arms several times and gradually loosened the bandage wound from her wrist to her elbow. Fortunately, the skin beneath it was neat, and there was just a single trace of a scar. According to the healer’s advice, it was still too early for strenuous exercise, but Lili could move it. Thus, Lili moved her body lightly while reading a book.

"Liliana! Liliana Miller!" Somebody’s voice rang out in the hallway.

Lili responded to the call by raising her body. “Yes, did something happen?”

“Ah, here you are! I am Andy from the Magic Society. I have been directed to bring Liliana to the society’s main office.”

“The society’s main office?” Lili asked with a strange expression. It was at the top of the central magic tower and was a room which magicians normally didn’t have access to in their lifetime. By default, tasks were solved by the four towers, and the society just handled the legal procedures. The society’s president was normally the only one in the room.

“Yes, the president of the Magic Society called you directly. She wants you to come as soon as you can.”

“Well, I understand. I’ll go straight away.”

The Magic Society’s library was located at a fairly high level. Lili had to climb up several floors from this library, so she put the book away. Then she started walking behind the messenger, Andy. The office wasn’t far away, so the two people stopped in front of a door after five minutes.

As always, Lili was soon left alone. She then touched the society office’s door carefully. The door was lighter than it looked, and a soft light shone from inside the office.

“Oh, you came,” the old man she’d seen at the gathering last time, the president of the society, greeted Lili in a pleasant voice. Veronica waved from where she was standing beside him. Liliana stepped forward and bowed. Neither of them were people she could treat comfortably.

“Red Magic Tower’s Superior, Liliana Miller greets the President and Tower Master.”

“It is good to see you. Sorry for my sudden call but there is something that we need to do.”

“It’s okay. I was just finishing what I was doing.”

“Then I’m glad. Now, sit down.”

Lili took one step further at the words. “Ah?” However, she was shocked to see something behind them. No, it was more accurate to say that she freaked out. The shape of the ‘thing’ which appeared in the soft lighting was so shocking that she almost reflexively shot out a Magic Bullet. Maybe she didn’t feel its presence because it wasn’t a living creature? It looked like a statue of a bald troll.

‘A statue, a statue.’ Either way, it wasn’t a decoration that the Magic Society would place in its office. The dynamic nature of the awful appearance made it seem like the troll could come alive at any moment. However, as the surprised Liliana sat down in a chair, the two people didn’t explain what she was seeing.

The president of the Magic Society opened her mouth with a wry smile, “The work this time turned out really well. I didn’t think the people of Andras would accept the proposal. You were the high elf’s escort, and you’re now the main contributor of this agreement.”

“You’re overpraising me.”

“No, not at all. Don’t you know it yourself? The reason why I called you here.”

Frankly, she did have an idea. “A reward, isn’t it?”

The president’s mouth stretched widely at Lili’s hesitant answer. “Correct. His Majesty and I discussed it with the tower masters and decided to give you a reward. The problem is that it is still top secret, so there will be a lot of controversy if we award it externally.”


“Keep this in mind. It is an item not even known in the Yellow Tower except for me and the tower masters. Therefore, you won’t be able to avoid punishment if the information leaks.”

The president tried to warn her, but the listening Veronica immediately cut off her words. “Old Man, why are you trying to scare the girl? We decided to give her the reward, so we will take responsibility.”

“No, it is still…”

“Girl, you know this much, don’t you?” Veronica cut the old man off again and grinned at Lili.

Lili nodded hurriedly, and the president swallowed his words. He wanted to grumble about people not respecting the elderly these days, but it would seem like he was bullying a pretty girl. More than anything else, he wasn’t the senior in this place.

[From there, can I explain?]

At that time, a scraping sound like wood being scratched resonated through the room. The president and Veronica didn’t react much, but Lili instinctively sprung up from her chair. The flowing voice irritated her nerves. Lili moved 10 meters away from the direction of the sound, then she looked at the source. Once she saw it, an absurd expression appeared on her face. “…The statue, it spoke?”

It was as she said. The bald-headed troll-like statue was moving like a living creature. It rubbed its neck several times before sitting down on the floor. Then the eyeballs carved of stone stared at Lili and it started laughing. [Kuha, ha, surprised? Long time, see, reaction.]

Of course, Lili was surprised. Even the legendary gargoyles didn’t flap their wings like they were real. The same went for golems created by ancient magicians and dwarves combining their strength. They moved roughly like dolls and exerted a powerful destructive strength. That strength was wonderful, but there were no records of any golems which acted like real people. The bald troll transcended modern magic. However, it didn’t transcend the laws of physics.


Veronica couldn’t stand the jarring laughter and kicked the bald troll in the shins. The statue was half-crushed by the blow and thrown to the floor of the office, cutting off its laughter. In many ways, it was an unusual situation. Veronica spoke with her foot on the statue, “Didn’t I tell you a few times not to laugh out loud, you gremlin? Don’t scare the girl.”

[This, strength, old lizard…!]

“What?” A vein throbbed on Veronica’s forehead as she shouted and moved her feet a few more times.

Kwaang! Kwaang!

One hit and then two hits to the arms and legs. The statue was beaten up and had no limbs. Veronica’s kick could smash a heavy door, so even the statue which was beyond modern magic couldn’t withstand it. The president sighed heavily at the sight and looked at Lili. Maybe he had seen this sight a few times.

Lili looked at his attitude and asked carefully, “President, that statue…?”

“Hmm, I didn’t want to do the introductions in this messy situation, but it can’t be helped.” The president pointed to the statue which had been turned to scrap metal. “As you can see, that statue is extraordinary. The way it moves and the materials it is made up of are unidentified. It is an unknown golem that only a 7th Circle magician can control.”

This was one of the undiscovered mysteries of the magic towers.

“Yellow Tower Master Norden… He is controlling that statue.”

Chapter 92 – Leap In Sensitivity (2)

Lili Miller swallowed a breath. In fact, she had guessed it before the Magic Society’s president replied, but the feeling after it was confirmed was different. The only possible existence was the Yellow Tower Master, the mysterious figure whose age and gender were unknown.

Rumors swirled about the Yellow Tower Master’s mysteriousness. It was said she had the right to refuse any summons, and no one other than the tower masters and the king could meet her. The top floor of the Yellow Tower was literally a forbidden area. According to the president of the Magic Society, even he had only seen the Yellow Tower Master once or twice in 100 years.

“Wait, did you say 100 years?”

“That’s right. I understand your surprise, but it doesn’t end here.”

Lili was amazed by the large number.

“According to the central office, the magic towers were built according to her designs, and she contributed to the prosperity of this country more than any other tower master. Norden’s position in pharmacy, alchemy, metallurgy, and architecture is already equal to a god’s. She is the reason why the northern continent boasts more superior artifacts than other regions.”

“The design of the magic towers…?! But President, according to your explanation, the Yellow Tower Master should be—”

“At least 600 years old.”

It was an answer beyond imagination, so Lili finally became speechless.

From what she remembered, the magic towers had been built around 500 years ago and had completed their structure over several generations. The prosperity of the Meltor Kingdom was said to have taken a few steps as soon as the magic towers had started functioning. The Yellow Tower Master was the foremost pioneer of the Meltor Kingdom! It was no wonder why the royal family had kept the secret of her identity. Her extraordinary lifespan and transcendental capabilities would be burdensome if exposed.

‘More than 600 years old… she is definitely not human.’

A sword master or sorceress couldn’t live that long. Elves boasted a long lifespan of 200 years, but even the high elves who inherited the ancient lineage only lived up to approximately 300 to 400 years old.

If she had to choose a candidate as beings that lived forever, it would be the demons or gods, or the dragons that were praised as the strongest creatures. However, it was too much to accept them as the correct answer. More than anything else, their species couldn’t become sorceresses. Magic was a skill tailored to the human species, and they learned it from other species. For those innately born with magic, they had no desire to learn such an inefficient system. It was impossible to lead civilization into new fields while living as a tower master.

The Magic Society’s president picked up on Lili’s thoughts and laughed. “It is useless.”


“The things you are thinking about right now have already been covered by numerous sorceresses. As long as she doesn’t reveal her identity, it will be pointless to make any assumptions. So, don’t worry too much about unnecessary things.”

As if to confirm those words, the fighting between the two tower masters finished. The banging sound from a corner of the office stopped, and something appeared. Veronica had completely crushed the arms, legs, and body of the Yellow Tower Master, so only the head of the bald troll remained. The head which shone yellow rolled to Lili’s feet.

As it rolled, the troll head mumbled, [Huge, recovery function, not working. That’s why, from the beginning, make it again.]

“Will you stop whining?” Veronica walked behind the head and placed it on her palm. “The Red Tower will pay for the costs of the repairs, so quickly give it to the girl.”

[Hmm, just a thing, it’s not. This.]

“Explain it to the girl, not me.”

[Cough.] The troll head turned toward Lili at Veronica’s words. Suddenly, the face melted down as the eyes, nose, and ears disappeared before appearing again. It was a magical phenomenon of which Lili couldn’t guess the principles. The previous cut-off voice changed completely as it said, [The reward given to you is ‘Sensitivity Amplifier – No. 37.’]

“Sensitivity Amplifier…”

[That’s right. You should know how large of an existence sensitivity is to sorceresses. No training or items can increase your sensitivity.] However, the voice then declared triumphantly, [But with this amplifier, you can go beyond your limits!]

Then she poured out a jewel box from her mouth.

“Ah.” Lili was amazed by the action and took the box.

This caused the Yellow Tower Master to speak in a surprised voice, [Ah right, sorry. I forgot that my limbs were broken.]

“No, it’s okay,” Lili responded as she naturally placed the box in her left hand. It was made by magic, so could Gluttony eat this? The thin tongue crawled through a gap in the box, and the phenomenon she wanted occurred soon afterwards.

[Sensitivity Amplifier – No. 37 (Remedy)][This is an elixir born as a result of combining eastern alchemy, western alchemy, and pharmacology. It has gone through 36 failed attempts, so the number 37 was included in its name. It was completed with rare ingredients, ancient alchemy, and the workmanship of a high-level sorceress. It is a remedy which greatly increases the sensitivity to mana.

* The rating of this remedy is ‘Treasure.’
* When consumed, sensitivity is dramatically increased.
* When consumed, there is no digestion time.
* When consumed, understanding of alchemy will increase by two steps.
* It is more efficient to consume this through the mouth than by using Gluttony’s eating function. Once taken, immunity to this remedy will build. It will become invalid after two doses.]

‘This is real.’

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe the Yellow Tower Master’s explanation, but Lili was able to truly realize the value after seeing the information window. In the past, she had a lack of self-confidence due to her poor sensitivity. It was said that sensitivity couldn’t be increased at all. So, a remedy capable of doing that would be truly expensive. Not just dunces but ordinary students would be able to make a few steps of progress. If it could be supplied in large quantities, the national power of Meltor would increase by several times.

[By the way. From the idea to its completion, the amount of ingredients consumed is worth 350,000 gold. Yet I can’t even sell the finished product. It is ridiculous.]

“…?!” Lili stiffened at the words that the Yellow Tower Master grumbled. 64 years of research and ingredients worth 350,000 gold had been placed in her hand. The light jewel box was now like a heavy gold coin box. Indeed, there was no need to keep it a secret if they could mass produce it.

Veronica didn’t know her feelings and said, “Now, girl. Take it right here. It is cleaner in many ways.”

“Here? Now?”


“…Ah, I see. It shouldn’t be kept or sold. Right?”

“Truly amazing, girl.” She laughed and patted Lili on the head.

As she said, the upper echelons gave her this medicine for the purpose of 'taking,' so they wouldn’t tolerate the act of selling or keeping it. This was a national secret, so the amplifier had to be consumed while the president of the Magic Society and two tower masters were present.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason why the tower masters gathered.

“Besides, isn’t it better to have masters watching you? We can’t help, but we can ensure your safety. It is why I called you here.”

It was definitely like she said. Veronica was a master sorceress of the 8th Circle, and the president had reached the 7th Circle. There were no humans who could touch Lili with the two of them guarding her.

Lili was finally convinced and opened the lid of the box.


A sweet and sour scent flowed out. Just smelling the fragrance made her feel like her lungs had cooled. The smell was coming from a blue bead lying in the center of the box. Lili picked up the remedy carefully, and…


She swallowed it.

[‘Sensitivity Amplifier – No. 37’ has been consumed. The power is stimulating your potential.]
[The user’s mana sensitivity will be adjusted to the maximum value.]
[You can experience a temporary sensation of the sensitivity running wild. Maintain a strong spirit against it.]

The remedy was amazing in many ways. It melted as soon as it reached her tongue, and the texture was like licking fog. The water vapor flowed down Lili’s throat, a refreshing aroma hit her nose, and she could feel it go down her esophagus. After she finished consuming it, a mysterious expression crossed Lili’s face.

‘I wonder… is this all?’

However, the full-scale reaction happened after this.

“…………………..!?” Lili fell off the chair and rolled about on the ground. She didn’t feel the pain from hitting the floor or hear Veronica’s and the president’s voices calling out to her.

Lili was familiar with pain, but this sensation was something which couldn’t be described as pain. It was difficult to explain, but let’s look at a simple example. If a person’s nose suddenly became as sensitive as a wolf’s, would they be able to smell like a wolf? If a person’s ears suddenly became as sensitive as a bat’s, could they move freely in the dark? The answer would be ‘no.’

Sometimes, sensory information going beyond the limits was like violence. Just like how eyes adjusted to darkness were pained by light, the five senses were based on a person’s everyday self. Mana sensitivity was the same. They were some who felt a crisp sensation like they caught it in their hands, while others struggled to pursue a feeling which was fainter than dust.

The usual Lili perceived sensitivity as a light water vapor around her, but it was now a big iceberg. The forcibly extended sensitivity blocked her breathing.

‘I-I can’t breathe… this situation…!’ She felt like she was dying under the non-existent pressure which pushed down on her.

Then at that moment, the hand of salvation grabbed her neck.

“Girl, wake up!”

The fingers wrapped around her neck were hot. Veronica’s heat momentarily allowed her to regain her senses.

Her five senses came back, and she could breathe despite the mana still pressing on her body. However, she couldn’t escape despite knowing it was an illusion. As Lili struggled to overcome it somehow, she heard Veronica’s sharp voice.

–Don’t refuse the mana! The mana crushing you has always been around you! You just didn’t feel it until now. There is no reason to refuse it just because you didn’t know it until now. Use some magic!

The unconscious acceptance of the advice was probably the result of living for years as a sorceress.

“…Light…ning… Bolt.” It was the beginner magic which hadn’t succeeded even once until Gluttony had awoken the first time. Lili’s disturbed mind pierced through the faint memory. It was a 2nd Circle magic which could, at best, produce dozens of lightning arrows.

However, the result was far beyond her expectations.


100 or 200… Several hundred streaks of lightning appeared inside the society’s office. The papers which were grazed by them ended up burning, and soot appeared on the floor. The havoc proved that her power was several times larger than what it had been before.

The phenomenon of sensitivity running wild was close to a disaster.

“Good! You’re doing well!”

Nobody present would get hurt by something like this. Veronica had been hit by several dozen lightning bolts at close range, but there wasn’t a single burn mark. The basic 4th Circle defense magic around her body bounced it off. Rather, she placed a hand on Lili's shoulder and encouraged her to use more magic. In the end, the statue was the only thing which shattered in the office. Was it because of that…?

Lili gradually regained her sanity. ‘…Ah.’

The fog-like mana was now like mud, and it weighed down on her skin.

‘So, this is the feeling of mana.’

Unlike before, her breathing wasn’t blocked. Mana didn’t exist, so it wasn’t a real weight. It was just proof of her increased sensitivity. Lili got up slowly and waved her hands in the empty space. There was something in the air where there should only be air resistance.


Some said water. Some said earth. Some said fire.

Lili had never felt it until now. She’d thought it was just an exaggeration or the senses of a genius. For Liliana Miller, mana had always been a mirage mocking her in the distance or a cloud in the sky she couldn’t reach with her magic.

However, that wasn’t the case from now on. The overwhelming talent which Sylvia had shown previously… the level of sensitivity which didn’t even require a chant…

Finally, Lili got her hands on what she hadn’t been able to obtain.

Chapter 93 – Leap In Sensitivity (3)

“Ah, the girl’s reaction to consuming it is too sudden,” Veronica spoke, sighing with relief, while Lili was feeling thrilled.

They knew that the increase in sensitivity was accompanied by some side effects, but Lili’s reaction was much worse than they had anticipated. There was a chance that she might’ve really suffocated. Even the Yellow Tower Master who created the remedy hadn’t expected the situation.

He stared at the empty box and muttered seriously, [Strange. For that much reaction, the sensitivity should be near the bottom… but a person who climbed to the 5th Circle at age 20 wouldn’t be like that… Is the stability still insufficient? I should review it once again.]

It was the right answer, but the Yellow Tower Master didn’t realize that it was right. The young heroine of the Meltor Kingdom, who was already mentioned as a candidate for becoming a master sorceress, truly had bottom-level sensitivity.

In the end, the Yellow Tower Master would carry out months of research without any idea of this.

“Girl, have you regained your mind?” Veronica reached through the remaining lightning around Lili and grabbed her shoulder.

Liliana was startled away from the mana. Despite the fabric, the heat coming from Veronica was considerable. Like mana, it wasn’t real, but it was intense enough for her to confuse it as a real tactile sense. Her neck, which had been grabbed a while ago, was still hot.

“Thank you for your help, Tower Master.”

“It isn’t a big deal.”

A stuffy feeling still remained, but Lili thanked Veronica for her help. Her furnace-like presence had awoken Lili’s senses so that she could endure the crushing mana pressure. In some sense, Veronica was the most appropriate helper.

As Lili’s complexion returned to its original state, Veronica started speaking, “For the moment, you should be cautious when using magic. Your sensitivity is now greatly increased, so the speed and power of your magic power will increase greatly. However, your ability to control it will be a mess. There may be a catastrophe if you use wide area magic.”


Lili just needed to look at the Lightning Bolt from before. The power had been several times larger than the maximum power of her original spell. Even if it didn’t work on Veronica, the spell’s power was more than that of the 3rd Circle. If it hit ordinary people, then they would go to the Underworld.

It felt like wings had suddenly appeared on her legs! However, it was impossible for Liliana, who had just started to fly, to deal with her senses completely. So, she paid careful attention to Veronica’s next words.

“If your magic so far has been forcing bottled water into a cup, from now on you will have to control the water level by opening and closing a reservoir. You’ll need a lot of concentration.”

“I can’t just excel in sensitivity.”

“Of course. Sensitivity or magic power is like a weapon, so it depends on the user’s skills. A fool who is good at sensitivity only appears a few times in one generation.”

Veronica laughed at those faceless fools. They were lazy people who depended on their innate talent and didn’t know the rigors of magic. So, they didn’t realize why it took them years or decades to cross the ‘wall.’

The majority of them became frustrated and stopped in front of the first ‘wall’ they encountered, while a moderately talented person who worked hard was a greater sorceress than some geniuses.

Talent might come from the sky, but the spirit was tempered by hardships.

The five years of being shackled by a total lack of capabilities had refined Liliana Miller’s spirit into steel. It was the reason why her growth rate was exceptional after receiving the grimoire. She had worked hard and expanded her capacity beyond her limits.

“Additionally, if you jump over the wall of the 7th Circle and become a master, you will reach the limits of sensitivity. So, don’t indulge in your senses and continue doing what you’ve been doing so far. This concludes Sister Veronica’s advice. How is it, isn’t it helpful?”

“Yes, very much so.” Lili gazed at her with heartfelt gratitude.

Veronica’s advice was worth a thousand gold. In this age, there were only two people who had reached the 8th Circle, so one thousand gold for her advice was really cheap. However, Veronica, who gave her such kindness, couldn’t look in Lili’s eyes. If it had been anyone else, they would’ve laughed.

Instead, the mood was ruined by the Yellow Tower Master’s voice coming from the troll’s head, [Don’t turn your head away, lizard girl. Why are you acting like this toward a much younger child?]

“Ugh, I will deal with you at a later time.” Veronica fell into anger for a moment.

However, she then shook her head and handed the head over to Lili because she wanted the Yellow Tower Master to stop joking. Of course, she would beat him up later, but that unfortunate future was delayed.

The troll’s head looked at Lili and said, [Hrmm… a truly interesting girl. Additionally, I can smell an enormous elemental from you. I thought the Red Tower Master was being an alarmist when she said you would be the next great sorceress.]

“Ah, thank you…?”

[I just judged you objectively. Congratulations for being the first subject… no, beneficiary of my remedy. I will remember your name.]

Then he said a few words only to Lili, [I won’t see you for a while, but we will meet again someday. Liliana Miller, when that time comes, I will discuss the secrets hidden in you.]


[Then, it ends here.]

While Lili was astonished, the troll’s head turned into dust.

Liliana eyed the dust remaining in her hand, but it didn’t change into something else. In any case, the magic power of the Yellow Tower Master seemed to have reached a high level, regardless of the number of circles.

‘No, maybe he has stepped beyond the 7th Circle.’

The existence of the Yellow Tower Master was a top secret. In fact, it was enough to say that he had the abilities of a magician which exceeded the 7th Circle.

Lili had that thought in mind just before she blew away the dust. She wouldn’t be able to take any countermeasures to anything the Yellow Tower Master did, so it was ridiculous to strain her mind with anxiety. Indeed, it was a judgment made by an efficient mind.

So, the voice she heard then was surprising.

–User, be careful of that person called the Yellow Tower Master.

Gluttony woke up from her sleep and cautioned Lili. Before Lili could ask for the reason, Gluttony continued speaking.

–The remedy that User ingested… the entity that made it is likely the descendant of an ancient species or the owner of another grimoire.


–The alchemy procedures and techniques used in that remedy were performed more than 2,000 years ago. Not only obtaining the knowledge but applying it to pharmacology… I can guess a few grimoires, but I can’t confirm it now.

‘A grimoire’s master.’

Liliana’s face stiffened at the reminder of the past devastation caused by the ‘Death’s Worship’ grimoire. The legion of undead under the elder lich was a terrible disaster. However, Lili soon regained her composure.

‘The owner of a grimoire… Does that mean the Yellow Tower Master isn’t eroded by the grimoire?’

–If he actually is a grimoire owner, that is correct. Rather, he is taking full advantage of its features.


It wasn’t necessary to be afraid of or evade the Yellow Tower Master at this time as it was unlikely Lili would be attacked like that time with the elder lich. If the Yellow Tower Master had been such a person in the first place, he wouldn’t have contributed to the prosperity of Meltor for hundreds of years.

Moreover, there was also no reason for Lili to boast about her secret. Right now, the information that Lili had was too little.

The magic kingdom, Meltor… There truly were many secrets hidden at its heart. Along with the secrets of the Yellow Tower Master and the masked White Tower Master, there were also many mysteries sleeping in the magic towers. Someday Lili might reach those secrets but not today.

“…I’ll see you again someday,” she repeated the Yellow Tower Master’s words.

There were many things she couldn’t imagine about Meltor, and it was overflowing with mysteries. She shouldn’t reach out rashly towards them. It was currently time to confront the challenges and devote herself to training.

‘First, I need to fix this.’ Lili’s eyes shone as she felt the mana pressure again.

The talent she had been longing for was right in front of her eyes.

* * *

From then on, Liliana’s routine changed a bit. After half a year, she had already learned the magic of the 5th Circle. There might be a difference in proficiency for each magic, but she was proud to say that she had learned everything properly.

From then on, Lili had to accumulate experience in practice. She continued her training, despite her falling efficiency. At the same time, a challenge arrived to knock her off that plateau.

Kwarurung! The fire, which exploded with a fearsome rumble, knocked roughly against the barrier of the practice room.

Its power and shape looked like the 5th Circle attack magic, Fire Blast. This was a powerful ranged spell which would burn dozens of meters around a single point. Only Superiors of the Red Magic Tower could use it properly.

However, Lili’s face didn’t brighten at the success of the magic.

“…This… Blaze Shell.”

The magic formula and timing of the spell were perfect. However, the result was different from what she had intended. A 4th Circle magic turned spontaneously into a 5th Circle magic? It was a mistake a rookie just learning magic would make.

Liliana sighed as she looked down at her palms and then the messy practice room. She didn’t know how many times she had failed already.

‘I know why I failed. The reason is…’

The speed of mana flow had been too fast, and the amount of mana she had drawn had been too much. Additionally, the power of the mana had become too strong in response to her emotions. In summary, it was because her sensitivity had increased too rapidly.

The problem was that it was difficult to correct the errors caused by her own effort. Lili hadn’t been born with abundant sensitivity, so she couldn’t help finding this abundance annoying. More mana than necessary responded to her call, then the magic had become unintentionally tangled up with the mana which hadn’t been called.

‘It is necessary to learn the tricks.’ It didn’t take long for Liliana to realize this.

However, she had limited people to seek advice from. Masters exceeded their sensitivity, but the tower masters and Magic Society’s president couldn’t become Lili’s tutors. Veronica gave her a few tips occasionally, but the senses of a quarter dragon were very different from that of ordinary humans.

In the end, the candidates were narrowed down to one person. It was one of Lili’s peers and a person who had acquired the highest level of sensitivity since birth, and then cultivated magic in a blessed environment.

She was a genius who wasn’t as good as Liliana but had built a number of achievements and was going to be promoted to a Superior next quarter.

“Please take care of me!” She, Sylvia Adruncus, spoke to her shyly.

Chapter 94 – State Guests Of Elvenheim (0), End Of Volume 4

In retrospect, it was hard to find a more suitable person than her. Sylvia could talk at the same level as Liliana, and she was a top prospect who received Blundell’s teachings. Compared to the masters who were difficult to understand, she was a good match for her level.

“Yes, please take care of me as well.” Lili felt strange as she accepted the greeting.

It had been a long time since she’d met Sylvia, but they had a friendly relationship. No, she hadn’t seen her often except for the time when they’d traveled together by carriage to the Miller Barony. After that, they had been more busy than anyone else in the past six months.

That period of time was long enough for them to notice the changes in each other. ‘Uh, her hair is longer?’ Lili thought.

Sylvia was 18 years old. She was still growing and had become more feminine than she’d been half a year ago, making Lili moderately confused. Her hair, which had been cut around her neck, now flowed down her back, and the smooth curves of her body were revealed despite her straight posture. Additionally, her previously round, childlike eyes had become curved, and her chin line was also more defined.

The difference of six months had also affected Liliana.

‘…Lili, you’ve grown.’ Sylvia looked up carefully at Lili, who was a head taller than her.

During the carriage ride, the difference had been just a few fingers. The trim figure beneath Lili’s dress now made her seem like a strong young girl on the brink of womanhood.

In fact, Gluttony and Lee Yoonsung should be credited for this growth. Liliana was a baron’s daughter who had grown up in the countryside, so her physique was at a mediocre level. She didn’t have the blood of a warrior, and both parents were only averagely sized. Lili had grown up in such an environment and yet reached a height that seemed extraordinary.

The reason for this was that after learning ‘Battle Song’ and extracting the essence of the original, her innate framework had been reconstructed. Lee Yoonsung hadn’t been able to learn aura, but his physical condition absolutely hadn’t been normal. No ordinary girl of 15 years would be able to traverse the continent alone. Her body had been extraordinary as it had contained the blood of hundreds of years of martial artists.

Well, for whatever reason, Sylvia and Lili felt a shy awkwardness with each other.


The eyes of the two girls finally met, and Sylvia instantly turned bright red. The action was quickly followed by the movement of her long silver hair. Her introverted nature was still present, and for some reason, Lili was glad to realize this. Perhaps it was because she had only seen Sylvia look like this.

“Then shall we start?” As Sylvia spoke in a small voice, her slender fingers clutched her staff.

* * *

Chants were words that a magician cried out more often than the names of family and friends, and it contained the power to activate magic. A few words would cause a lightning bolt to pop out or flames to soar. For those who didn’t know magic, they were really mysterious words. However, if asked whether there was any special power in the chant itself, every magician in the world would deny it.

Casting was merely an autosuggestion.

“Fireball,” Sylvia muttered, and a fireball appeared in the air.

It was the 3rd Circle’s most famous attack spell, Fireball. This was a magic to summon a fireball and explode it toward a target. She moved the fireball around and continued explaining, “[Basic Magic Theory] teaches that magic and chants can’t be separated like this. A chant is definitely amazing. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that a new history of magic appeared once chants were developed. …Kuk.”

Sylvia grabbed her staff and looked in the air.

Hwaruruk! In the place where she looked, the same fireball as the one she had just called suddenly appeared. It was clearly a 3rd Circle Fireball.

“Prior to that, no one used chants. Now, it is common to consider no casting as special. The appearance of chants greatly expanded the power of a magician, so all magicians were captivated by the magic chants.”

“Chants… are they a restriction?”

“Yes, Lili should know a bit about chants. Putting a certain amount of magic power into a magic formula is a type of ‘chant’.”

In other words, it was a type of association work. It was like recalling the texture, smell, and shape of a tree when thinking the word ‘tree’, just like how ‘rock’ reminded people of the texture, rigidity, and weight of a rock. Likewise, Sylvia unconsciously calculated the magic formula, deployment method, and amount of magic power consumed when thinking of the word ‘Fireball.’ The speed and completeness were the advantages and disadvantages of a chant.

“In other words, casting is a habit. A habit we created ourselves and nestled it inside us. It is difficult to rewrite a habit that has been ingrained for a few years up to several decades. I think it is the reason why Lili’s magic keeps failing.”

“Amazing, I never thought about it that way,” Liliana admired involuntarily.

Sylvia’s advice was an insight difficult for anyone else to have given her. From the moment of her birth, she had been overflowing with sensitivity. Due to this, she had to ‘constrain’ it in the normal casting method which everyone else used.

‘She has a point. The feeling and calculation is the same, but the power to control it has suddenly changed. It may be a conflict between the unconsciously calculated contents and the consciously calculated contents.’

At the novel advice, Lili felt like a wall inside her head was collapsing.

“Okay! Then I’ll move onto the next topic.” On the other hand, Sylvia was excited about this situation.

It was her first experience of talking like this with a peer. Only the elders of the magic towers and her grandfathers could be a match for her. Having met the person she had long been waiting for, Sylvia poured out the knowledge in her head. Even when Lili refuted some of her words, it made her happy.

How many hours had they spent sitting on the floor of the practice room? After digging out everything in each other’s heads, the two girls somehow managed to find a solution.

“…Is it truly no casting?”

“Yep, I think this is the case.”

The conclusion reached by the two geniuses was simple. From now on, Liliana was to use no casting for all magic!

It was possible to fix the habit of ‘casting,’ but it was calculated that it would take Lili three months to learn up to the 5th Circle again. This was on the premise that she devoted day and night to training.

However, the situation would change greatly if she got used to not using the casting method.

‘It might take more than three months, or less than three months.’

The crossroad depended on Lili’s own learning ability, so she didn’t hesitate. She was confident that she could do it. That was because of the girl in front of her. She would do this, with the pride of a sorceress and a woman.

Lili got up from her spot and reached out to Sylvia while saying, “I will try it once that way.”

The path of making a habit out of not casting was a thorny road which no one had succeeded in except for Sylvia. Maybe the difficulty would be worse than recovering her chants one by one. However, if Lili was successful, her magic abilities would take a step closer into the master’s realm. It was a cliff which stretched out before her.

The girl smiled brightly at Lili’s determination. “Yes! Lili can do it!”

At first she led her, and now it was her turn to lead. Sylvia ignored the pounding of her heart and grabbed Lili’s hand. As always, she was grateful to her for coming to where she was.

From that day onwards, the special training of the two girls began.

* * *

It had been a month since then.

After deciding to use every magic with no casting, Liliana literally saw hell. The training to deal with her expanded senses wasn’t easy.

Using an analogy, it was similar to having three or four arms on her body. Still having both arms didn’t mean she could skillfully control her new arms. No, instead, it just confused her pre-existing arms.

‘At first, 3rd Circle magic took a few seconds.’

The no-casting method Sylvia taught Lili was different from what she was used to. It wasn’t just a quick oral formula. She had to calculate it using her growing sensitivity while trying to complete the magic faster. It was here that Sylvia’s magic was faster than Lili’s.

The difficulty of the technique she established was murderous, and Liliana’s head hurt for the first time while learning. However, the culmination of her efforts didn’t betray her.

Hwaruruk! A huge fireball appeared above Liliana’s head without any precursors. It was the 4th Circle Blaze Shell that she had failed a month ago. As soon as Sylvia’s nod confirmed its completeness, she used the next magic.

Her magic power pushed at the surrounding air roughly.

4th Circle ice magic, Frozen Orb…
4th Circle lightning magic, Lightning Spear…
4th Circle wind magic, Gale Force…

Including Blaze Shell, Lili completed four magic spells simultaneously, and they were in a stable state. This meant that Lili could maintain 4th Circle intermediate magic without any parameters.

Sylvia nodded and ordered another magic, “Erase everything. Last one.”

The four terrible magic spells faded into the air. It was evidence that she could do both activation and cancellation well. Perhaps she could use magic under the 4th Circle in the blink of an eye. However, Liliana’s and Sylvia’s capabilities didn’t end there.

The very next moment, the air distorted strangely.

“Ah.” Lili’s head hurt.

However, Lili didn’t lose her concentration and completed the magic. It was fire magic which pushed the limits of the 5th Circle. The two girls simultaneously looked up at the ceiling where a red flame was blazing.

“…Minor Force-Inferno, perfect,” Lili placed strength in the declaration.

Swiiik… The 6th Circle flickered, and Lili sighed as she released her concentration.

It was amazing that she had almost completed it in a month, but the improved magic was a burden. She couldn’t maintain it for even 10 seconds. Still, it was a success, and both of them clapped with joy.

As Liliana was about to express her gratitude…

[Hoing!] Mitra suddenly popped up under her feet.

“Mitra? What’s going on?” Perhaps due to Liliana’s higher sensitivity, she could freely appear in the material world whenever she wanted. Usually she played with Sylvia or with the dirt in a corner of the practice room, but her current attitude was strange. She tried to tell them something as she tapped on their shoes.

Lili leaned down to listen and heard the soft voice saying, [Deo! Jun! Jun!]

“Jun?” She was trying to understand what Mitra was saying when there was a sudden tapping on the door of the practice room.

Chapter 95 – State Guests Of Elvenheim (1)

The magic kingdom, Meltor, had more magicians than any other country on the northern continent, and each magic tower acted as an axis. This magic system they had, which integrated with science, could be called the root of Meltor’s prosperity. Compared to the combat-focused aura, magic was an all-rounder versatility, allowing Meltor to rival the Andras Empire despite their scarcer land and resources.

However, there was one area which magicians avoided, which was politics, where schemes and deceit abounded.

‘I was called for a political reason.’

Liliana looked at herself in the mirror as she dressed in the now familiar robe. Magicians were used to wearing robes on the outside, but the minor ornaments and complicated fabric didn’t fit Lili’s tastes. Did it have to take a few minutes to get dressed? If it wasn’t because of etiquette, she would’ve just worn the robe over her casual dress.

“Well, this is enough.”

She tied the last knot and pulled the cord hanging from the ceiling.


Then an attendant entered the room like he had been waiting. His keen eyes examined Lili’s clothing quickly. By default, an immature young girl wouldn’t know all of the court etiquette. If Lili made a mistake, then the attendant wouldn’t be able to avoid responsibility. Lili had refused his help and said she was going to dress by herself. However, the attendant could see that her clothing was completely perfect.

“…Liliana, I will guide you to the audience room.”

At first, the attendant was surprised, but he then remembered that the person in front of him was a noble and regained his composure. It was both true and false, but the man was able to keep calm by making his own excuses. The Miller family was now a great noble family.

Liliana didn’t know about the assumptions the attendant was making and walked through the corridors of the palace she was now familiar with. It was the path she had walked when she had been called half a year ago, and she still remembered where the statues were located. Frankly, she could walk without the help of the guide. Apart from restricted areas, she could make a map of everything else. It was an ability separate from ordinary magicians.


“Oh, we’ve arrived.”

They had arrived while she was pondering. The door, on which an eagle was engraved, was the area where the king presided. The eagle was a mark given only to some areas, including the audience room. In contrast, the important areas of the magic towers were marked with animals known for their wisdom. Did the tower masters have a turtle or an owl? Lili would find out at a later date as the door was currently opening.


It wasn’t a very loud sound. Maybe it was because it was well greased, but the noise was soft for such a heavy door. Still, the heavy silence inside the room made it seem like a loud sound, and all eyes focused on the one who opened the door—Lili.

Liliana stiffened as she faced dozen of eyes.

‘What, why is the mood like this today?’

Lili had certainly become a celebrity in her own way, but she wasn’t special when compared to some of those gathered here. It was a place where the real power of Meltor had convened. Anyone she picked out would be a high-ranking noble or court official. Lili was interesting, but they weren’t the type of people who would be interested in her. Yet the weight of their gazes were now different from usual. It was beyond the level for the court ball or duel.

Her questions increased at the following words.

“Liliana, you will be sitting here today.”

“…A senior seat?”

“Yes, I was ordered to seat you here.”

Lili looked around with confusion. She was forced to do so while most of the lords were sitting in lower seats. Liliana couldn’t see any viscounts, and there were only a few marquis where she was sitting. Even a magician had to be at least an elder to sit here.

It was unprecedented for Liliana to be sitting in such a high-ranking seat. So, it wouldn’t be unusual for her to receive resentment from the people sitting in the lower seats. However, none of them protested Lili’s position. This was her first experience sitting in such a luxurious seat. The silk material of the chair wasn’t much different from the others, but the air felt different.

At that time, someone placed a hot arm around her neck. “Hi Kid. Have you been well in the meantime?”

“…Tower Master.”

Her skin tingled. There was only one person who drove mana so crazy. The red hair of the Red Tower Master, Veronica, tickled Lili’s ears. It was a voice she hadn’t heard in a month due to dedicating herself to the special training. She moved back reflexively, and Veronica laughed.

“Come on, is this your first time sitting in a senior seat?”

It still wasn’t a good enough distance for her heart. Lili spoke to her as she tried to calm down, “It has been a long time… but Tower Master?”


“Do you know why I was placed in a senior seat? I don’t know why since this is my first time.”

Veronica’s eyes widened at her words, then she nodded like she understood. “Aha, you came without knowing anything? Indeed, it isn’t a matter that would be passed on. It seems like the others used their methods to know in advance.”

She looked around as she spoke and coughed when she saw the pressure from the eyes of some people. It was because Veronica had pierced right through them. That was indeed the reason why the nobles silently accepted Liliana’s seat.

Veronica looked at them like they were pathetic and said, “Obviously, your position isn’t high enough to sit here yet. I think it will be soon, but at the moment, it isn’t the case. However, today you are the most eligible person to sit here.”


“Yes. They didn’t come for Meltor; they came to see Liliana Miller.”

Before she could realize the significance of those words, the royal knight near the throne raised his voice, “His Majesty―! The king is coming―!”

Simultaneously, dozens of people got up from their seats. They bowed as Kurt III appeared from beyond the curtain. As always, Kurt III omitted the formal procedures and sat down on the throne. He waited until everyone was seated before talking.

“First, I want to thank everyone for coming at the sudden call. This situation is unexpected, but I want you to know that it is an important turning point for this country. Perhaps there are people who have already heard the story and some who haven’t. So, I will summarize it simply.”

He turned toward the upper seats. To be exact, he turned toward Liliana.

“An envoy from Elvenheim has arrived. For the first time in history, it is for the purpose of friendship instead of trade. After this moment, we will be meeting the envoy.”

When the explanation ended, the noise in the room gradually rose as people talked excitedly.

The country of elves, Elvenheim, wasn’t completely cut off from the outside. The elves maintained a moderate mutually beneficial relationship with the human species on the continent, but the humans didn’t have a friendship with the elves. The specialties of Elvenheim were so great that they couldn’t be produced anywhere else, and the elves accepted the rapidly developing human civilization. However, friendship had always been rejected.


“If this is true, the climate in the north will change!”

“I didn’t think that Elvenheim would come out with this…”

Elvenheim didn’t ally themselves with any country, nor did they become enemies with them. They stayed neutral and just watched the wars or alliances of other countries. The Great Forest at their borders made it possible for them to exist as a third power. Andras or Meltor could advance into Elvenheim, but they couldn’t afford to risk crossing their border with enemies on the other side. However, that balance was now going to collapse.

Once the people settled down, Kurt III clapped several times and looked toward the entrance of the hall.

“Come in.”

Everyone remained silent. This was the moment when Elvenheim’s envoy, the person who could change this era, would be revealed. They couldn’t help being tense. Someone pushed up their glasses while another person tightened their tie. Even Liliana couldn’t help gulping due to the tension which had spread in the room.

A few minutes or maybe a few seconds of silence followed. Finally, the envoy from Elvenheim appeared.


“Is that the envoy…?”

Blonde hair which was close to silver flowed down the envoy’s shoulders, while their nose and eyes were as perfect as a statue. The person matched the nickname elves had for being a species of beauty. Their skin was transparent, and their clothing and armor were made of unknown metal and cloth. All eyes were taken by the shining appearance, but Lili admired the person in another way. It was because she could see the elementals dancing around the elf.

“23? No, more than that…”

“The kid noticed as well.”

Veronica showed interest in Lili’s soft muttering as she looked at the elf with narrowed eyes.

“A Spiritual Sentinel, the guardians of spirits? The cowards in the forest sent quite a big shot.”

“Sentinel? What is that?”

“It is a title used among the elves. Elite elementalists who can handle senior elementals and the highest ranked elven warriors are called by that title. In other words, a master.”

Veronica’s voice was calm, but the contents of what she said shocked Liliana. The Spiritual Sentinel was a presence which was equivalent to a sword master or a 7th Circle magician! If Veronica was correct, it made sense that the envoy came alone. A master was enough to represent the country.

The envoy stood in place and bowed respectfully. “I recognize the owner of Meltor, the magic kingdom. Edwin, the son of the third Beech Clan in Elvenheim greets you. Forgive me for any rude manners.”

“We don’t know the courtesies of the forest either. Edwin, I sincerely welcome you to Meltor.”

It was a gracious greeting, unlike with the Andras Empire. The envoy introduced himself as Edwin without losing any grace, while Kurt III showed his dignity as the king, but he never pressed the other person.

Edwin ceremonially gave a tribute, and Kurt III accepted the tribute. Thus, the basic greetings were completed. As the atmosphere turned toward a conversation, Kurt III carefully sent out feelers. “Elvenheim is our neighbor, but it is still a distant land. You don’t intend to get close to humans for purposes other than trade, and I think we have respected that.”

“Yes, Your Majesty’s words are correct.”

“So, I have to wonder. For what reason did my neighbor come such a long way?”

Edwin raised his head like he had been waiting for those words. There was no need to look in separate directions. The elementals around Lili let out a scent. It was a fragrance which all elves could smell, irrespective of their power.

Edwin looked at ‘her’ and opened his mouth to say, “Then I will tell you. I have come here to pay back the person who saved the clan’s sixth dancer, Ellenoa, and to invite her and her companions to become state guests of the Elvenheim kingdom!”

Chapter 96 – State Guests Of Elvenheim (2)

‘State guests!’ They were only two words, but everyone’s complexion changed significantly. So far, Elvenheim had accepted delegates from other countries, but it was nothing more than a procedure for trading with outsiders. In a true sense, Elvenheim had never treated the delegates of even one country as state guests.

Kurt III was the only one who maintained a calm composure. “Hrmm, state guests.” No, that was just on the surface. He didn’t know Elvenheim would do this. At best, he thought that the number of trade items or the range of activities in the Great Forest would increase. Was Edwin saying that they would be allowed into Elvenheim’s borders, where no one else had been let into? That, more than anything else, was worth considering.

“Sir Edwin, can I take your words to mean that Elvenheim is accepting a delegation?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Is it on the outskirts of the Great Forest again?”

Edwin shook his head with a wry smile. “No. We can’t treat guests like that. The meeting will take a little longer, but Elvenheim has decided to welcome Lili’s companions in front of the World Tree.”

“The World Tree at the heart of the Great Forest…”

“Yes, our parent tree.”

After hearing this confirmed, Kurt III raised the value of this mission by three stages. The elves couldn’t tell lies. It wasn’t due to beliefs or superstition. Those who danced and sung with nature would lose their power when they lied. Consequently, elves who lost their affinities due to lying were regarded as sinners in their society and expelled from the clan.

As a master, Edwin’s binding was several times stronger. He might lose all his power just from speaking a few words of lies. So, Edwin’s assertion was, in itself, evidence.

“How many people can accompany Liliana?” Kurt III asked calmly as he envisioned a few ambassadors.

“The fewer the better. If there is an attacker like last time, the escort will be difficult with a large number of people.”

“Well, that is definitely tricky.”

“Ah! There is one thing I forgot to tell you.” Edwin’s next words made his complex thoughts more disturbed. “The closer it is to the world tree in the center of the Great Forest, the higher the concentration of mana. A body that isn’t properly trained won’t be able to endure it.”

“What is the level?”

“On the basis of a magician… they must be at least the 5th Circle.”

“Then most of the court are eliminated,” Kurt III muttered quietly and looked around. Some of the court officials could use magic, but none of them had reached beyond the ‘wall’ of the 5th Circle. Some were busy with their duties, others regarded magic as self-defense or a hobby, and the rest spent years or decades hitting against the wall. If they needed five circles, it looked like a minimum of Superior ranked magicians could be sent on the mission.

“…It is hard since the staff is too scarce.”

This needed more than just a magician but a political magician. If he dispatched fighters from the magic towers, it was clear they would return empty-handed with chicken or fruits they had been given, or they might just go sightseeing. Half of those who met the criteria had died in the last convoy. However, if he sent the rest, there wouldn’t be enough left in the kingdom.

If possible, he wanted to send a tower master, but… “Veronica.”

Edwin’s complexion subtly changed at the name. “Y-Your Majesty!”

“…As expected, she can’t?”

“I’m sorry, but please refrain from allowing her to join the delegation.”

It was funny to see a master so freaked out, but he had a reason to be. Meltor and Elvenheim were close enough to have a history of commerce and trade, among which Veronica had visited the Great Forest with a delegation. Her combat power was a surefire safeguard, so the danger level would be like the front yard of a mansion. However, that caused a problem when she approached Elvenheim.

There were elementals guarding the exterior of Elvenheim and the boundaries of the world tree, which amplified the power of the elementals. However, they started to burn as soon as Veronica’s power reached them.

“It wasn’t a deliberate destruction, so we let it go at the time. However, we can’t endure a second time.” Edwin started sweating at the memory of that day.

However, Veronica was offended by the cautious refusal and shouted at him, “Hey! Why are you blaming me when your grass is poor?”

“T-That isn’t it…”

“Then what is it? I will use a breath on top of the world tree!”

Edwin knew the real nature of her words, so he turned pale. If that happened, both countries were likely to suffer catastrophic damage.

Kurt III forgot about maintaining his expressions and tried to stop her, but Lili was one beat quicker. It was better to call her by something which would catch her attention. “Calm down, Sister.”

“I will burn down the world tree and everything… Huh?”

When Veronica paused for a moment at the magic word, Lili pulled her into her arms and held her in place. The sight of the Red Tower Master, the goddess of destruction in Meltor, being swayed was met with applause. While she tried to get Lili to call her that again, Kurt III quickly changed the topic. Inwardly, he decided to give Lili a few more rewards.

Unexpectedly, one of the interior ministers stood up and recommended someone, “Your Majesty, what about the Blue Tower Master?”

“I want to do that but…” However, Kurt III shook his head. “Blundell is currently heading to stop the flooding in the eastern rice fields. For the time being, he can’t return to the capital.”

“Then how about the elders of the magic towers?”

“We have to hurry to fill in the lacking manpower. There are a few elders who are being treated for old age, but we can’t send them.” Kurt III could recall a few people from missions, but he didn’t want to see the possible harm that would occur in those areas as a result.

After that, a light debate started. Disputes arose between nobles who wanted their magicians to join and those who didn’t care. At this rate, it wouldn’t come to a conclusion in a few days.

Kurt III decided to take some damage and opened his mouth to speak. However, a man suddenly appeared in the room. “If you don’t have the right person, I will go Your Majesty.”

It was a masked man wearing white robes. Mouths dropped open as the people in the room realized his arrival.

“White Tower Master?!”

Unlike the Yellow Tower Master who didn’t reveal his identity, the name of the White Tower Master was well known. The best space magician was floating in the air. Orta, the White Tower Master, slowly descended to the ground and fell to one knee.

Kurt III beckoned for him to rise and said, “You’ve just returned from Genga, Orta.”


“I thought you would take two more days, but you were much faster. This is a happy miscalculation.”

It was as Kurt III said. As one of Meltor’s strongest magicians, he could believe in the skills of the tower masters. Each of them might have flaws in their personality, but he could overlook such minor things as part of their charm. The White Tower Master was the most active tower master when it came to missions, and he handled everything with utmost care.

“Good, this mission will be entrusted to Orta. Gather applicants from each magic tower. They have to be magicians of at least the 5th Circle. Don’t go beyond 10 people.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And Liliana Miller.”

Liliana, who held Veronica in her arms with half-resignation, responded to the call as she escaped from the dangerous embrace with a regretful feeling. Kurt III looked Lili up and down and asked a question which didn’t make sense, “How is your body?”

“Huh? Oh, it is good, Your Majesty.”

“Is that so? I heard that your condition wasn’t good. It was around a month ago, so I don’t know about these days.”

Lili realized the meaning of the question after hearing ‘a month ago.’

‘The side effects from the Sensitivity Amplifier, His Majesty was aware of them.’

However, the presence of the Sensitivity Amplifier was a secret, so the king had to ask in a roundabout way. Lili was already planning to give her all in the mission, but she became more motivated by such care. Fortunately, her ability to use no-casting had already passed the minimum point where it could be used in a fight. If she wanted to aim for more than this, she would have to polish it off in a fight, not in practice.

‘Elvenheim, the Great Forest and the World Tree.’

For Lili who needed a new opportunity to cross the wall of the 6th Circle, this invitation was a great opportunity.

“There are no problems, your Majesty. Please don’t hesitate to send me.”

“…I see.” Kurt III smiled at the confident answer and nodded. Lili was someone who never let Kurt III down. If so, it was the king’s role to trust her.

Kurt III understood that the story was now completed and got up from the throne, with everyone standing up after him.

Before everyone, the Meltor king declared, “Today is the moment when I declare that new possibilities have opened in the relations between Meltor and Elvenheim! There will be a delegation centered around the heroine, Liliana Miller, and I will only allow you to discuss it once diplomatic relations have been re-established!”

“Yes! Your Majesty!” The people responded.

“And this mission’s representative, Liliana Miller!”

‘Isn’t the White Tower Master the representative?’

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Lili barely maintained her expressionless face as she waited for her king on one knee. She was inwardly nervous, but they were personal words. It was toward Liliana and no one else.

“At a young age, you will bear honor as well as a heavy burden. However, I believe that you will be Meltor’s light. Please remember that you are the main character of this diplomatic mission to Elvenheim.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“On this mission, I will grant you the same authority as the White Tower Master. Don’t hesitate to speak what you think!”

Lili bowed and answered as firmly as possible, “I, Liliana Miller, will do as Your Majesty commands!”

She had become more familiar with the increasing burden on her shoulders. Someone had said this, ‘A person’s footsteps are as deep as the weight of the load they are carrying on their back. If the person doesn’t fall along the way, they will be strongly conditioned. It is a hundred times better to be overwhelmed than to not receive any expectations.’

Before all the influential people of the magic kingdom of Meltor, Lili embraced her task in a dignified manner.

Chapter 97 – State Guests Of Elvenheim (3)
The news of the mission to Elvenheim spread through the magic towers and the Magic Society. The king had commanded them to be silent about it, but it was unavoidable in order to find magicians to participate in the mission. Anyway, the number of Superior magicians currently in Mana-vil was less than 100, so there was little chance of it leaking onto the streets. However, those who heard the news were ecstatic.

"At present, there are 93 Superior magicians remaining in Mana-vil, of which 71 are willing to participate in the delegation. Of the remaining, 13 wanted to apply but had to give up due to their circ*mstances," Vince smiled wryly as he explained the craze raging inside the Magic Society.

Elvenheim was the holy land of the elves where humans weren’t allowed to step foot in, so the ability to explore that mysterious world pulled out desire even from magicians. Even if it wasn’t a major expedition, it was worth going into the heart of the Great Forest. The magicians of the magic towers were always thirsty for stimulation.

"…It is very noisy."

"Who wouldn’t want to go? It may not be exposed to the outside, but it is currently an unbearable situation where people are mobilizing all types of bribes or stories."

Elvenheim was a mystical land overflowing with elementals and mana. So far, the kingdom of the elves had never been exposed. It was a sanctuary where six high elves were staying. If the magicians could see the hidden secrets, they would be able to jump years or decades in understanding.

Some people wanted to cross the ‘wall,’ while others wanted to acquire new research material. Magicians with their own purpose tried to show their worth to the White Tower Master, Orta. In a sense, Kurt III had made the best judgment when he entrusted the recruitment to the White Tower Master. If it were Liliana who didn’t know politics, who knew what would happen?

"Hoo… It might seem a little pathetic, but I’m glad I don’t have that role."

"Haha, it is true for me as well. If you were to act as the screening officer, I wouldn’t even have time to talk to you."

There was a difference in treatment of a Superior ranked magician and a tower master. Needless to say, it was much easier to approach a Superior magician with a bribe than a tower master. Kurt III had considered this, which was why he hadn’t given Liliana the authority.

Vince explained up to there and got up. "I should go. There isn’t much time left until the interview?"


"It is the instruction from the White Tower Master. He told us to summarize what national interest we can obtain from Elvenheim."

In the end, Liliana couldn’t help laughing. "Aren’t you busy with your study of the ancient language?"

"Well, shouldn’t I get fresh air sometimes? Besides, I may be able to find some clues in Elvenheim. If you think about it, elves are like witnesses of history, so it is a reasonable conclusion."

Vince’s words weren’t wrong. Elves lived more than three times as long as humans, so Lili couldn’t deny the possibility that records of ancient languages could be left in Elvenheim’s library.

However, Lili didn’t nod and whispered to Vince who was standing stiffly, "Master, isn’t that an excuse?"

"Uhuh! I like intelligent disciples, but disciples who are sharp are uncomfortable."

In a word, Lili was correct. The two people looked at each other and laughed. Then Vince headed for his private room. Just as he was about to move away from Lili, he looked back like he thought of something.

"That reminds me, I saw that the child is participating in the application as well. Her interview papers are well prepared, so she may surprisingly pass."

"That child…?"


Indeed, a genius who had reached the 5th Circle before 20 years old was entitled to apply for this mission. Sylvia had been helping with her training for a month, but a genius was a genius. She had prepared enough to apply for the mission.

Lili nodded with admiration, but Vince sighed lightly at her reaction.

"That kid still has a long way to go. This is why the parties…"


"No, it is nothing. It isn’t a story that a third party should be talking about." Vince let it pass and returned to his room.

Liliana remained alone in her private room and didn’t think about anything.

* * *

Exactly three days afterwards, the White Tower Master verified the reasoning and capabilities of the magicians, and ruthlessly dismissed them. Magicians were scholars who sought to explore the mysteries of magic, so senior magicians held a lot of knowledge. As a tower master, it wasn’t surprising that Orta’s amount of knowledge was already equivalent to a few libraries.

"Gathering wild herbs for the purpose of breeding. I’m sorry, but the B2-Mandragora doesn’t grow in the Great Forest. Maybe you should study more herbs in the western swamps."

"P-Please forgive me once!"

"Exploring elemental magic at Elvenheim? It is reasonable, but don’t you know that elves abhor the act of enchanting elementals? This isn’t an exploration but a mission. Dismissed."


Orta didn’t miss the manipulation of research data and also knew lesser-known elven customs. She had a wider range of knowledge, and her ability to conduct herself was better than that of any other tower master.

Magicians who were foolish enough to be unprepared in Orta’s vicinity and those who made mistakes were sent away by Orta. Fortunately, Lili’s acquaintances didn’t fall into such cases.

Liliana received the list of names a few hours before departure and found two names on it. "Red Tower, Vince Haidel… and Blue Tower’s Sylvia Adruncus."

Both were amazing. They had competed with over 70 magicians of the same rank and won. Vince had accumulated his experience, while Sylvia was younger than 20. Wouldn't the eliminated magicians be grabbing their wine bottles by now?

Then at that moment…

[Hoing!] Mitra sprang up from a pot on the window, flew into the air, and hit Liliana’s cheek. Mitra emerged lost in thought, so she was also surprised.

"Wah, Mitra?"

However, Lili didn’t get a chance to ask as her senses stirred. There was a presence which couldn’t be ignored by her sixth sense. It seemed to be both here and nowhere. This was different from Veronica, but the presence was so great that it was hard to ignore.

If she had to express it in words, the presence was close to a non-materialized elemental. Lili's logic grasped the identity of the person before her intuition did. "Sir Edwin?"

She opened the door and pretended to be surprised.

"…Ah, excuse me. I don’t know about etiquette, so…"

"You can come inside. Next time, tap lightly on the door a few times."

"Ah! Is that called ‘knocking’?" Edwin responded as he entered through the door. Unlike his mysterious appearance, he seemed different when he was not facing the king and nobles.

Edwin crossed the threshold carefully and sat on a chair according to Lili’s instructions. Then he gazed at Lili with glowing eyes. "I’m sorry for seeing you separately so late. I wanted to come find you on the first day, but my duties slowed my steps. I am glad to see you like this."

"It is a pleasure to meet you. Then…" Liliana asked without hiding her expression, "Why are you acting so polite? From my perspective, Sir Edwin’s attitude is a little burdensome."

"Huh? Is that so?" However, Edwin’s response was more surprising. He stared at Lili blankly with an expression indicating that he didn’t understand. "You don’t have to be burdened. You are the strength and grace that rescued Ellenoa! The saviour of one of Arv’s blood isn’t lacking at all."

"No, that isn’t…"

"I don’t know about human customs, but it is natural for us to treat you with such honour. Please understand."

It was a culture shock, so Lili didn’t know what to do.

From her point of view, a master-level person was able to flaunt their position in any country. The possession of that sort of strength could break through any social structure like identity, rank, or wealth! Lili had never dreamed that such a transcendental being would act like this toward her.

It seemed different from humans who focused on individuals. Elves were faithful to the value of a group. The difference in perception between the two species was hard to accept, even for Lili. However, it would be rude to ask Edwin further, so Lili decided to tolerate it. Apart from the awkwardness that filled her body, the courteous treatment wasn’t doing any harm.

However, that decision was tested in a few minutes.

"Benefactor, is there any place that you want to go to in Elvenheim? I will be happy to take you there."

"I don’t know any places, so…"

"Ah, that’s right. I was too short-sighted. I will show you things you will appreciate."

"It is okay if you do it moderately, moderately."

Edwin kept asking her questions enthusiastically, while Liliana replied with a weary face. The exchange between human and elf was rare in this era. Compared to Lili’s first impression of him, Edwin was a surprisingly talkative elf. Liliana liked to be silent, so she couldn’t help feeling pained.

Thus, it was inevitable that the subject was changed.

"That…" Edwin held a gift from Ellenoa.

It was a seed which gave out a bluish light. As soon as the cloth was untied, a fragrant scent rose up from the seed. It attracted Mitra and all the elementals around Edwin! They came running with loud sounds.

Edwin smiled brightly at Lili’s reaction and explained its identity, "The seed of the world tree. Of course, it is different from the myths, but it still has this effect."

[Deo! Deoo!] Mitra drooled and at pulled Lili’s clothing. Lili couldn’t ignore it and hugged her.

Then Edwin suddenly extended the seed to Mitra. "This is a message from Ellenoa. Give this ‘seed’ to Mitra."

Chapter 98 – Great Forest (0)

“Mitra?” Liliana looked dubious, but she accepted the seed for Mitra. The seed glowed with a blue light. If this truly was a seed from Yggdrasil, the sacred world tree which stood at the center of Elvenheim, its value would be priceless. However, Ellenoa had said to give this seed to Mitra. Alas, it was doubtful that an answer would come just by thinking about it. So, rather than worrying alone, Lili decided to ask the person sitting before her, “Sir Edwin, do you know the meaning of this seed?”

“What do you mean?”

“What is the efficacy of the seed… or why did Ellenoa tell me to give it to Mitra?”

Edwin pondered for a moment before nodding and answering the questions, “I can’t fully know her will, but I will tell you what I know.”

His explanation dated back to the time of the birth of Yggdrasil and Elvenheim. It had been around 300 years ago, which wasn’t that long considering the longevity of the elves. Elves had gathered from all over the continent to make a new home in the mountains of the north. Using the power of the elves, they then created a world tree. From then on, Elvenheim, the kingdom of elves, began.

Although incomplete, Yggdrasil was still a world tree. Just like its name, Yggdrasil defended Elvenheim with its power. Its falling leaves cleaned the ground, while its roots extended to the surface to create a natural ecosystem. This was why the elves were able to secure a safe area in the northern great mountains, where all types of creatures lived. The elves of Elvenheim were grateful and admired the world tree as the parent tree.

“The parent tree helped the elves thrive. The sap helped with conception due to its vitality, and the branches became the weapons of the warriors, while the petals and fruits had the power to heal the sick and injured.”


“Yes, your thinking is correct.” Lili had noticed that many potions and specialties could only be made in Elvenheim. This was because of the world tree, Yggdrasil. Since the potions and specialities were a byproduct of the world tree, they could never be reproduced by human technology. It was the reason why Elvenheim had the absolute advantage in trade. However, Lili continued waiting despite her surprise. It was because the explanation about the efficacy of the seed still hadn’t appeared. Edwin paused and finally pulled out the next topic.

“The world tree produces many fruits in 100 years, but only a few seeds. I am one of those who have received the seed.”

“Sir Edwin?”

“Yes, according to old sayings, the seed of the parent tree is said to germinate the abilities hidden within the being who takes it. I took it and got on the path of a guardian.”

'Germinating potential!' It was indeed a byproduct of the world tree. Liliana marveled at those words before looking down at the seed. According to Edwin’s explanation, the seed wouldn’t be a big help to Lili. It was one thing if it gave a talent that didn’t exist, but it wasn’t meaningful since her innate talent was small.

Her innate talent was far smaller than Mitra’s. 'Mother Earth…' In contrast to the god, Dmitra, who was larger than a mountain, the potential of a human was nothing. No one would’ve imagined it based on the small Mitra jumping on her knees right now.

[Wuong?] Mitra became aware of her gaze and made a questioning sound.

“Now, this is a gift.” Lili handed the seed to her without any hesitation. Mitra stared blankly at the seed for a moment before jumping onto Lili's palm. At first, she wanted to bite on the seed, but then she looked up at Lili.

[Deo! I eat it?!]


[Ye!] Mitra was drooling, so it seemed like she found it very appetizing. Maybe there was something which only elementals could feel. To her, it just seemed like a bead with a good fragrance.

Liliana nodded, causing Mitra to laugh and lift the seed above her head.

[Aam-!] She opened her mouth and swallowed the bead in one go.


* * *

The heart of the northern Great Forest, Elvenheim, was on the same continent as Meltor. It would take one month with express wagons to travel from Mana-vil to the Great Forest. Furthermore, transportation such as wagons would lose their functionality inside the large forests.

For that reason, a minimum of 100 days were scheduled for them to reach Elvenheim. However, the delegation’s departure room was strangely empty.

“…You came,” Orta, the man standing in the middle of the room, murmured as soon as the door closed tight. Behind him was Edwin who had a long talk with Liliana.

Lili stood beside Orta who asked her, “Are the preparations finished?”


“Then let’s leave. It is a long journey, so we need to hurry.”

Regardless of status, Liliana and the White Tower Master had the same authority on this mission. Orta obtained her consent and moved to the center of the circle, while Sylvia ran to Lili’s side. However, before Sylvia could even say ‘Hello,’ something suddenly popped out of Lili’s arms.

“Kya?” Sylvia caught Mitra reflexively. She had excellent reflexes for a magician.

[Hoing!] Mitra waved her hands around like she was saying hello. She peeked about at Sylvia and laughed. Sylvia placed Mitra on her hand and felt a strange sense of incongruity. As she stroked Mitra’s hair, she muttered with a surprised expression, “…A bud?”

It was as Sylvia said. A sprout of green grass was poking out from Mitra’s hair.

Sylvia looked at Lili for the answer, but she just smiled mysteriously. Lili and Edwin were the only ones who knew that the bud had grown after Mitra ate the seed of the world tree. Mitra was amazed, but she also didn’t know what it was.

‘Well, I will know if I ask Ellenoa directly.’ It wasn’t something Lili should think about while they were in a rush. Having experienced teleportation before, Lili waited calmly for the space magic to be activated. According to the White Tower Master, he would teleport them near the border. The distance they were crossing would cause them a great deal of dizziness and side effects.

The moment that Liliana was done preparing herself…

“Mass Teleport.” Simultaneously, as the words were spoken, the magic circle under the party lit up. The space transfer magic circle, which was the symbol of the White Tower, swallowed up the one elf and nine ambassadors. 'Ah!' The three-dimensional space folded up into a line.

The unrestrained bending of space wasn’t something that could be perceived with human senses. Moreover, it didn’t just end with dizziness. The matter wasn’t solved with closing their eyes, but it was several times better than being foolish enough to look.

Fortunately, the distorted sensation soon ended.




Upon arriving at the destination, everybody calmed their dizziness in their own way. Some breathed in deeply, while others bit their lip. However, there were a few who looked around without a single stumble, and Lili was one of them. The only side effect she had was a slight headache, so she looked around carefully. At that time, beads of light floated up in the dark interior.

“This place is an underground facility near the border. It is a place where we can’t stay for long. Follow behind me,” Orta gave instructions as he walked through the room with familiar steps. After climbing numerous steps, he saw a wooden plank blocking the doorway. Regardless of whether it was a magical object, Orta pushed it with his hand without saying a word.

Kkiiiik. Simultaneously, light poured down from the ceiling.

Was it due to the light magic…? Strangely, nobody covered their eyes or groaned with pain. As the nine people climbed up, Orta closed the wooden plank behind them. He poured sand on the top, leaving no traces of anything being there.

Only then did Lili start looking around. “…This place.” There were no obstacles to be seen on the horizon. An open wilderness was all that filled the eyes of the 10 people. The red sand blowing in the wind was the only highlight of this wilderness.

‘Is this wilderness the Red Plateau?’ This was the northern border of Meltor, the Red Plateau. It was red soil that seemed to reject all life. Why didn’t the strong creatures of the northern Great Forest cross the Meltor border? The reason for that could be found in the Red Plateau. This was a barren land of several hundred kilometers, which only rained once every couple of years. The number of hungry creatures who died here were too numerous to count.

Therefore, many preparations were necessary to overcome this wasteland. A lot of food, water, and supplies to withstand the attacks of the undead creatures were required in order to cross hundreds of kilometers. Everybody knew this fact, so one person asked a question.

“Tower Master?”


“Where are the carriages we are going to ride?”

The remaining eight people also looked at Orta. Since he was a magician from the white tower, they thought he would’ve prepared carriages or gust wagons. Masters could use higher ranked elementals, but even Edwin had limitations. He didn’t have the ability to carry the baggage of nine people. However, no matter where they looked, they couldn’t find any carriages or gust wagons.

“It is annoying to explain. All of you wear these rings.”

Orta pulled out a box and handed out rings one by one. The rings were made of silver and didn’t have any decorative patterns, but the party put on the ring as instructed by the White Tower Master. Edwin hesitated for a moment, but he eventually put it on his index finger as well.

Orta watched them put it on with calm eyes. “Then let’s depart. If I have to tell you one thing, it’s to just stand in place.”

“…?” The others all had puzzled expressions.

“Rather than explaining, it is quicker to show you directly,” the White Tower Master spoke strange words before taking one step, then another step. His steps seemed stagnant. His legs were obviously moving, but he didn’t move away from the party. Was he showing them a trick? Some started to suspect that the White Tower Master was slightly unusual in the head.

However, there were those who noticed the abnormalities. Liliana was extremely sensitive to supernatural sensations and the ‘world changing,’ so she was the fastest among them. Even Edwin’s expression became one of shock as he understood that the landscape around them had changed skillfully. The clouds appeared above their heads disappeared into the distance, while the clouds on the horizon moved above them. Yes, the landscape changed every time he took a step.

‘…How can we move so far in one step?!’ Was this a type of space magic? The group centered on Orta was jumping hundreds of meters, or maybe a few kilometers, all at once. It wasn’t immediately noticed due to all four directions being a wasteland, but the rest of the group soon understood.

“S-Spatial distortion?! It is with every step?”


“Even if he is the White Tower Master, this…”

As Orta had instructed, the rest of them didn’t move, but the party was astonished as they stared at the constantly changing sky. They were moving very quickly through the notorious Red Plateau. Indeed, there was no need for carriages. The gust wagons were slow compared to moving hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

White Tower Master Orta, who was at the peak of space magic, declared bluntly, “We will arrive at the Great Forest as the sun sets. Be prepared to stop and set up camp.”

Chapter 99 – Great Forest (1)

Nobody could answer. No, it was more accurate to say that they had no spirit left to answer. Moving from the capital to the border in a single space transfer transcended common sense. The difficulty of the magic rose exponentially according to the distance and number of companions. However, as soon as Orta completed this, he used another magic. It was a magic that was difficult to even understand, let alone know the principles behind it.

‘I wouldn’t know just by looking at the movement of the magic power. This is the White Tower Master’s magic…!’ Liliana looked at the White Tower Master with admiration.

She recalled the words she had heard from Veronica before leaving on this journey. Veronica had been disappointed that she couldn’t come with her, but she hadn’t been worried about Lili's safety. Veronica had evaluated the man standing before Lili.

“Well, there is no need to worry if it is Orta. He is a more competent escort than me.”

“More than you, Sister?”

“Yes. Of course, I can win in a frontal battle. However, I have no way to catch Orta if he runs away. In a situation where victory isn’t needed, his mobility is frankly frustrating. In the last war, he escaped from the siege of three sword masters. Is this something you could do?”

At that time, Lili had shaken her head unknowingly. Sword masters were supermen who had gone beyond the limitations of life. Their flesh was an excellent weapon as well as a vessel for aura. They had the strength of an ogre, and their durability was better than a metal golem. It was only a matter of time before one would be caught by them.

In fact, some sword masters were famous for causing shock waves with their movements. Their range of movement was a few hundred meters in one breath, regardless of the length of the swords in their hands. Once a person was caught in the eyes of a sword master, there was no way for them to escape.

‘But Orta is able to do it.’ Lili could accept it now.

Orta could escape from a sword master who was faster than an arrow. A few hundred meters in one breath? That wasn’t even half of Orta’s steps. There would be no way to stop Orta from going where he wanted to. The White Tower Master’s space magic had reached the level of transcendence.

Gluttony was the only one who realized the essence of the magic.

–Hoh, is that Shukuchiho? Wiki ‘Shukuchiho?’ Liliana asked reflexively.

It was a unique pronunciation. Somehow, Gluttony seemed to know the White Tower Master’s space magic, and Lili’s curiosity was stimulated. Above all, if Gluttony initiated the conversation, then her right to ask a question wasn’t consumed. As always, the greedy grimoire responded to its owner’s expectations.

–Reducing the axis. It means the land. It is an eastern immortal technique allowing the user to jump great distances by narrowing the space.

‘Immortal technique? A type of magic?’

–It is a little different. It is sloppy to compare it to magic that has a system. This relies on the natural qualities and building up of strength over time with mental power. It is closer to a superpower rather than magic. Then suddenly, Gluttony changed her tone. –However, a magician recreated Shukuchiho using pure magic. He distorted space precisely and switched the points around himself. Humans are really capable of wonderful feats.

It was rare for this girl to praise someone, so Lili must be really impressed. This was something which wasn’t recorded in it, so the grimoire respected the magic of modern humans. Lili wanted to ask a few more questions, but Gluttony fell back to sleep.

As the sky changed, Liliana continued looking up at it.

‘Space magic…’

A minimum of six circles was needed to use space magic. Lili didn’t know if she had the aptitude for it, but there were many options to choose from. However, the ‘wall’ was the problem. Lili made fists firmly as she renewed her determination again. She would make as much progress as possible in Elvenheim.

The 10 delegates crossed the northern border, the Red Plateau, at an unprecedented rate.

* * *

In the end, the White Tower Master’s declaration was right. Just before the sun crossed the horizon in the west, the delegation was gazing at something other than the wilderness. The Great Forest finally stretched out before them.

A sound of amazement popped out from someone’s mouth, “This is the Great Forest in the north…!”

Since ancient times, this was a place which hadn’t allowed human feet to step in it. On the surface, it was just a thick and beautiful forest. However, no one would say the same thing after going inside. Only transcendents who had reached master level could guarantee their safety in that forest. A country without a person of the master level wouldn’t be able to trade with Elvenheim.

Faced with that sight, the White Tower Master finally stopped moving.

“We will enter the Great Forest tomorrow. We will camp here tonight and enter the forest when the sun rises. Please return the rings that you are wearing.”

He received questioning expressions, but the party pulled the ring off their fingers with awe-filled eyes.

Orta stored the ring in the box and placed it inside his robe. Perhaps the rings were what allowed the party to accompany him when he used Shukuchiho. Lili put her baggage down as she recalled Gluttony’s explanation.

The camp for 10 people was set up quickly. Sleeping bags were placed in tents which would keep out the wind, sand, and cold, while a campfire burned in the center of the camp. Magicians were usually seen as desk people, but that was a wrong perception in Meltor. Due to the long war and the missions, the delegation could set up something like this blindfolded.

“Master, how did you do it so quickly?”

“Experience, experience.”

Vince had set up his tent a few minutes earlier than Lili and was sipping tea from a cup. By the time Liliana and Sylvia finished their setups, the rest of the group had already prepared everything for dinner.

As the two women sat down with blushing expressions, the others chuckled and waved their hands.

“Hey! We were all like that when younger!”

“Don’t mind it and take a bowl. This is the best meal when eating outdoors.”

“You were still quite fast. … They are much better than you when you were younger.”

“Hah? Do you want to try it?”

The people comforted Lili and handed her a bowl, and some of them started talking about their youths. Thanks to that, the Red Plateau felt warm despite the cold breeze blowing. Lili ate a spoonful of the beef stew and looked around.

The White Tower Master was looking at the Great Forest while the rest were still busy eating. Vince had on a serious expression as he discussed something with a Yellow Tower magician, while Sylvia was swarmed by two Blue Tower magicians giving her food.


At that moment, Edwin came to her side. “Benefactor.”

“Ah, Sir Edwin.”

The beef stew didn’t fit with Edwin’s tastes, so he was eating an apple. Then he threw the apple core toward the distant Great Forest.

Edwin looked around for a while before sitting next to Lili and saying, “I didn’t know we would arrive so soon. Human magic has already surpassed our imagination. My species would doubt that anyone could cross the Red Plateau in just one day.”

“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it directly.” Liliana smiled and empathized with Edwin. Lili would’ve had the same reaction if she hadn’t already experienced the White Tower Master’s magic previously.

A land where water and life didn’t exist… A land which killed those who weren’t fully prepared… Even the creatures of the Great Forest gave up crossing the Red Plateau in one day. Magicians truly transcended common sense.

The mage and elementalist formed a consensus, and an easy conversation flowed between them.

“Benefactor, was there no change?” The story of Mitra was quickly brought up.

Liliana looked down at the ground and hesitated before saying, “Mitra.”

[Hoing!] The little girl came out with a cheerful sound. Except for the bud sprouting from her hair, her size and tone remained the same. It was cute, but that was all.

Edwin was also confused, but he didn’t have an answer. He just thought they would find out naturally once they entered the forest, just like Ellenoa had said. The conversation between the two people ended without a great result.

After their meals finished, the delegation went to bed. Liliana and the White Tower Master were excluded from the guard roster as heads of the delegation, making Lili feel subtly uncomfortable as she entered the sleeping bag.

‘I understand that it is because of my position, but I feel bad sleeping while Master is on guard.’

Therefore, sleep didn’t come easily. After she tossed and turned around a few times, Mitra approached her from where she had been playing near the entrance. Her round eyes seemed to be asking, ‘What is the matter?’

Liliana just smiled slightly and shook her head. “It is nothing.”


“Yes, really.”

Mitra repeated her worries about Lili several times before jumping onto her chest and sitting there. The weight was almost imperceptible, but it was embarrassing. Just as she was about to fall asleep, Mitra raised her head.

Then at that moment…

Wiiing! With a slight oscillation, the bud coming from Mitra’s head started to shine with a green light. Was it a rotation rather than a vibration…? The bud spun in a clockwise direction, looking like a waterwheel. Mitra was amazed as she spun around with a [Hoi] sound. The bud didn’t stop.

Before Lili could take any action, something happened.


Mitra, who was moving around, was unable to overcome the dizziness and fell toward her forehead. The collision wouldn’t hurt either one of them, so Lili didn’t avoid it. The shining green bud rested on her forehead.

“Ah—” It was an unexplainable sensation, like her body had changed into the soil and trees. However, Liliana's flesh was still human, and it was just an illusion.

Then, what was she hearing?

Kwaaaaah! There was a terribly loud roar.

The source of the roar killed a goblin and became more excited by the smell of blood. A heavy paddle was dragged behind it. Its thick belly was full of blood and oil, and its stubborn skin would quickly heal.

The number of creatures couldn’t be counted. The shadows ran through the trees and bushes like rats. They were heading towards 10 tents.

“Heook!” The sensation was cut off, and Lili jumped up. She pulled Mitra away from her forehead and ran out the tent. It wasn’t a mere illusion. She might’ve thought that it was just a bad dream. However, Liliana was convinced by the sense of realism.


The one on guard shift was Vince.

Vince was surprised by his disciple’s emergence and even more surprised by the tension in her face. He didn’t bother asking for an explanation from Lili as he fired magic toward the Great Forest.

Flash! As the darkness was peeled back for a moment, the area around the camp brightened. The shadows lifted, and the light of the campfire was overshadowed. The magical flash spread throughout the darkness.

The intense movement of magic power caused the magicians to wake up reflexively, and…


It struck the nerves of those who were approaching from a few kilometers away.

Chapter 100 – Great Forest (2)
It was rare to find sunlight in the Great Forest due to the thickness of the trees. The flash of light in the middle of the night damaged the eyes of some of the running creatures, while even the creatures with poor eyesight frowned.

The ogre, the king of creatures in an ordinary forest or mountain, roared to express its discomfort.


Despite the number of kilometers still remaining between the creatures and the camp, the camp was still shaken by the roar. Along with the flash magic which Vince used before, the loud yelling of the ogre immediately awakened the party. As veterans, their reaction was fast and cold.

“What, a raid?”

“The sound on the far side…”

“The loudest one is an ogre.”

There were no signs of drowsiness in their eyes, and each of them had a strong grip on their staffs. Someone was looking at the inventory, while another gazed into the distance to identify the enemy. Their magic power started fluctuating as they prepared for the battlefield.

The White Tower Master, wearing a white mask as always, left his tent and approached Liliana, who had given the warning.

“How interesting. That ward wouldn’t be able to detect presences a few kilometers away.”

It was as Orta said. The creatures Lili had discovered were almost twice as far away as the range of the alert magic Lili had laid around the camp. It was a distance that could be detected with large-scale detection magic; however, a lot of mana would be required for that, and no one in the camp had sensed it.

This meant that Liliana had become aware of the creatures approaching from a few kilometers away by using a secret means.

“Yes, it is difficult to explain, but…”

“There is no need to explain. As a result, we have time to prepare for their attack. Since you have proven yourself, you can play an active role.” The White Tower Master stopped talking and stared at the Great Forest.

The trees were shaking from afar as shadows ran out. Although they couldn’t be seen clearly, their momentum was fearsome. Their distance to the camp was around one kilometer.

“Count it down.”

As Orta raised a hand, several magicians who prepared their magic looked at Lili. Liliana and Sylvia had no experience with war, so they were unaware that the destructive power of a magic corps was maximized when working in conjunction with each other. In order to construct the net properly, the timing of their shooting was the most important thing. Yet the White Tower Master had given the most important role to Liliana.



There was no room for explanations. Lili looked down at the girl in her arms. Her bud was still shining with a green light. Perhaps that bud was the source of her ability to show things. She had been swept away by the strange sensation a while ago, but it might be possible to control it if she prepared her mind firmly.

No, this was a moment when she needed complete control.

“Can you show it to me one more time?”

At her cautious request…

[Ye!] Mitra laughed and plastered herself to Lili’s forehead.

‘Ugh!’ It was the same as before. All her senses wriggled the moment Mitra’s bud came in contact with her. Lili’s fingers seemed to become branches with leaves on them, and she could feel the ants coming and going between her toes which extended underground. It was the sensation that her body had turned into a tree!

Lili felt like she would drown and suffocate from the flood of sensory information. However, she managed to concentrate calmly.

‘I have been training my mental power steadily.’

Lili had become repeatedly ill in order to deal with the tremendous national treasure, Umbra. Thanks to that, her firm mind searched the vegetation of this area for what she wanted. She saw the ground which was being trampled on, the branches which were passed, and then the ogre with two heads running in the lead…

As soon as Lili found them, she opened her mouth to speak, “10.”

The creature was fairly fast. Rocks were kicked, and trees and bushes torn to pieces.

The twin-headed ogre… Their intelligence and physical abilities were usually double that of a normal ogre. As they grew older and gained more experience, they would grow more arms and eventually evolve into a monster which could fight a cyclops, a well-known senior monster. Furthermore, if the distinctive magic resistance of senior monsters were added, the twin-headed ogre would be a challenging opponent.

“5, 4.”

Now, their appearances began to be revealed. A massive creature popped out of the bushes with others following behind it like dogs.

“3, 2.”

The twin-headed ogre and ordinary ogres were at the front, followed by trolls carrying heavy clubs.




As Lili was ready before anyone else, a blue flash fired from Lili’s fingertip. It was the unprecedented Magic Missile which could break aura and penetrate 6th Circle defense magic. Magic Bullet’s light stretched out and pierced the head of the twin-headed ogre, as well as the ogres running behind it.

A huge nine ogres were thrown to the ground at the same time.


The road was blocked by the corpses of the ogres, so the creatures wondered for a moment about what to do. Prey which stopped in place were easy targets for magicians. The magic power of seven senior magicians gathered in one place as attack magic filled the air.

It was literally a great destruction!


Strong lightning bolts struck, and a storm of flames rose up. A thin stream of water cut through any object in its orbit, and steel rocks fell down. There was no room to show the creatures’ regeneration power. This was a destructive power which didn’t leave any traces of the bodies behind.

“…Amazing. I’ll lend a hand.” Edwin was impressed by the scene and raised his bow to join the attack. On Edwin’s shoulders, a serpent-like elemental made of clouds wrapped around him, but only Lili knew of its existence.

“Aiolos, enter my arrow.”

[Gururung…] The wind elemental, Aiolos, entered the arrow with an expression of annoyance. Its body resembled clouds but infused the arrow with tremendous power.

Edwin placed the arrow on the string and aimed at the creatures.

Piing! The sound was like that of an ordinary arrow, but the phenomenon which happened right after wasn’t common.

The wind arrow, infused with the high-ranked Aiolos, melted into the air. Then the wind became a whirlwind. The blades of wind cut away at anything it reached, and the power was comparable to 7th Circle wind magic.

Kukwakwakwa…! The blade storm swallowed up the creatures.

Then it became a blood wind! The blood storm rushed toward the Great Forest and turned hundreds of creatures hidden in the bushes into pieces of flesh. Blood was the only thing which could be seen in the places where the storm passed.

“It is a really terrifying power.”

“This elf’s elemental, it is an ancient elemental…!”

It was an attack which could truly be described as master level. Lili was shocked as she stared at the spot where the storm passed. What if the opponents were humans instead of creatures? Over 1,000 people would die from that arrow. Even if he could only shoot 10 a day, it was an attack which could annihilate 10,000 people.

The two powers didn’t use Elvenheim as a counterweight.

‘If Elvenheim becomes Meltor’s ally… we can truly win against the Andras Empire. If one or two more like Edwin assists…’

The chain of blood which had lasted hundreds of years might be broken.

An exhilarated thrill went down Lili’s spine as she realized again the meaning of this mission. Perhaps in her generation, Andras might disappear and Meltor would rise as the main power in the northern continent.

No, Lili might be able to achieve it with her own hands. Such expectations made her excited.

Edwin walked beside Lili and said, “It seems to be up to here for tonight, Benefactor.”

After focusing on Mitra, Lili realized that the creatures had started to leave. Edwin’s arrow had been shot out immediately after the magic attacks, causing the creatures to realize the power gap. While looking at the decimated boundary of the Great Forest, Lili replied, “We haven’t entered the Great Forest yet, but at this scale… I don’t know how the elves live in there.”

“It is thanks to the parent tree. No creatures can go near the world tree, so the forest is a good place for us to live and there is plenty of food. Hunting and gathering alone can provide plenty of food.”

As a species closer to nature than civilization, the elves had no need for manors.

The natural border of the Red Plateau protected Elvenheim from invaders, and no slave trader was bold enough to enter the Great Forest to hunt elves. The world tree inside the Great Forest made this place a paradise of their own. Compared to such conditions, the threat of the creatures was nothing but a risk which could be solved.

The White Tower Master confirmed that the situation was clear and declared, “It was easier than I expected. I was prepared to fight all night, but the wild creatures are sensitive to the difference in power. It might’ve taken a little longer if Sir Edwin hadn’t helped out.”

“You don’t have to give me face, Magician. You would’ve handled it even if I hadn’t helped out.”

“Hrmm, I don’t particularly deny it.”

Edwin’s words seemed to be true as Orta’s mouth curved in a smile under his mask. Orta wasconfident that he could use even more powerful magic than the storm arrow that Edwin showed.

After the short battle, Orta followed Lili around the campsite and muttered, “There is a problem. We can’t sleep well in this situation.”

“…It seems so.”

The wind carried the scent of blood, and the cries of creatures could be heard from the decimated forest border.

There was still the lingering excitement from battle, so no one could calm down in a short period of time. The sudden assault interfered with their ability to get a good night’s sleep. It was the problem of having a veteran’s instincts.

In the end, the delegation, including Liliana, had to spend their first night on the Red Plateau awake.

Chapter 9: Chapter 101-125

Chapter Text

Chapter 101 – Great Forest (3)

The next day, the group, who had spent the night almost entirely sleepless, entered the Great Forest as soon as the sun came up. The sight of trees and bushes, far exceeding a human's height, was truly breathtaking. As they stepped in, the rays of sunlight shining down disappeared, leaving just a few streaks behind.

However, that wasn’t the only thing that changed for the party.

“It will be faster if we proceed to the right.”

“Ah, is that so?”

Unlike yesterday, when the White Tower Master had been in charge, Edwin and Lili were now leading the group. Apart from Edwin, who knew the forest, why had Liliana taken up this role? It was because of last night. Her detection ability allowed her to notice creatures faster than anyone else, so it was inevitable that he would have the full trust of the White Tower Master.

As a result, he was the second guide for this mission.

‘Well, to be precise, it is Mitra’s role.’ Liliana was conscious of the weight of the small girl on her head.

Every time she took a step, Mitra’s bud would spin like a pinwheel. The bright and cheerful voice rang out from above her head, matching the beat of the spinning. She didn’t know if it was because Mitra liked the environment of the Great Forest or for some other reason, but Mitra was really excited after entering the forest.


[Heeeee— ….Woong?]

“I’ll have to depend on you once more.”

As if she had been waiting, Mitra spread her arms wide open. [Hoing!]

She was now familiar with the way to use the power, so the bud sprouted naturally. The mysterious green light spread, and the scenery transmitted into Lili’s head. The path split to the left and right, so she checked all the possibilities. Liliana found that there was nothing on the left path, then looked down the right.

However, a subtle expression soon appeared on her face.

“Sir Edwin.”

“Yes, Benefactor.”

“Does this forest have wolves with horns on their foreheads? If we go three kilometers down the path on the right, we will meet them.”

“Wolves with horns on their foreheads… Perhaps it’s the thunder-horned wolf.”

Edwin accepted Lili's words without any doubt as she had proved her skills several times already. In a forest where they couldn’t see beyond 100 meters, Lili’s detection ability was extremely useful. Thanks to that, they didn’t encounter any creatures even once and were able to go through the Great Forest without any interruptions.

“Then we should avoid them. It will be annoying if they bother us.”

“Are they dangerous enough to cause harm?” the White Tower Master asked from where he had been listening to their conversation.

“No, they aren’t dangerous. It isn’t a creature that can survive in the depths of the Great Forest. The greatest threat from the thunder-horned wolf isn’t its combat power but the noise.”


“Thunder will emerge from the horn on the forehead and produce a burst of sound which is exactly like real thunder. It will draw all the creatures in the surroundings and then run away to survive.”

Indeed, it was better to avoid them. The delegation nodded at the easily understandable explanation.

The magicians specialized in particular fields, but most of the creatures living in the Great Forest weren’t known to them. So, the advice of Edwin, who had lived there for hundreds of years, was more reliable than any guidelines.

Thanks to the guidance of these two people, the party was able to reduce any unnecessary friction. When there were occasions in which they had to encounter creatures…


Edwin only needed to fire his arrow once for the creatures to vacate the place.

It was different from the storm arrow, which had caused massive destruction. This was a fast, translucent arrow that divided into dozens or hundreds of pieces and pierced the heads of the creatures. It was a technique that fit perfectly with the term ‘rain of arrows.’

Dozens of headless bodies would roll to the ground instantly.

‘Amazing. This is a master-class strength.’ Lili admired Edwin inwardly as she looked at the dead bodies. It was incredible that the powerful Edwin was so polite to her. Regardless of whether they were trolls or ogres, all those struck by the arrow would die. Despite lacking in power to Lili's Magic Bullet, the arrow’s speed and extraordinary trajectory were really scary. Even if Lili predicted it with her sixth sense, she might not be able to avoid or defend against it.

No, considering that Edwin wasn’t serious right now, his arrow was quite possibly more threatening than Magic Bullet.

“…I’m really glad he is friendly, right?”

[Hoi?] Mitra made a questioning sound, but Edwin had finished arranging the situation and returned. He pointed at the vacant space where dozens of creatures had previously been and said, “Benefactor, we will take a break here.”


“Yes. In the future, there will be many habitats of powerful creatures, and it is likely that we won’t be able to completely avoid them, even with Benefactor’s abilities. This is the last place where we can rest properly.”

Liliana was convinced and looked at the White Tower Master.

Orta raised his hand in agreement and said, “Take a break in that empty spot. We will start moving in two hours, so you are allowed autonomous actions until then. Eat, sleep, take any action that you think you need. If you cause an unnecessary disturbance, you will be severely punished.”

The magicians’ eyes shone at the words ‘autonomous action.’ Why had they come here? It was to find out the secrets of the mysterious land called the Great Forest. They didn’t care about the fatigue that had accumulated in the past day or two as they picked up any material that caught their eye. Someone even got out a shovel and started to dig at the ground. The image of an elegant magician had already long disappeared.

Edwin looked at the scene with a bemused expression. “…Benefactor, human magicians these days are much more active than I thought.”


Even Sylvia was placing a few bottles of stream water into her dimension pocket. It was impossible to reconcile with the images of magicians depicted in stories. The only one who didn’t move was Liliana. Additionally, the White Tower Master was also standing still.

Orta walked up to Lili and Edwin and opened his mouth to say, “Sir Edwin, can I ask you one question?”


“For us humans, elves are known as keepers of the forests. I was wondering if this gathering activity is rude.”

“That rumor is half wrong and half right.”

Elves were traditionally known as a species that defended the forests. In fact, they often burned forests, ruthlessly slaughtered animals, and attacked those who invaded them.

Despite this, Edwin didn’t hesitate to say that the rumor was only half right. “We defend the order of the ecosystem, not the simple trees, plants, and animals. Your collection of samples is nothing compared to this vast forest, so there is no reason for me to stop it.”

“Hoh, then what about creating a road with attack magic? The vitality of the forest means it won’t be hard to restore such damage.”

Edwin’s eyebrows twitched at the words. “…Your words aren’t wrong. But there is no reason to create unnecessary confusion. I don’t believe it is right to do such things just to hasten our steps a little bit.”

“These are the values of an elf. You don’t feel the need to smash the framework for progress?”

“That framework is what we must protect.”

Both voices were calm. Nevertheless, Lili could feel the tension between the two of them. The minor altercation started from a trivial story to an area that was hard for Lili to understand. Humans and elves… Was it possible that different species saw another landscape when stepping foot into the area of transcendence?

Liliana decided to just listen quietly to the dialogue between the two masters. Then Mitra suddenly jumped out.

[Hoiiit?!] Mitra, who had fallen asleep on her head, suddenly raised her voice and looked around.

The two masters were amazed by the sound and looked around in a hurry, but they couldn’t feel anything. There was only the forest stretching out as well as the sound of birds. Only Lili, who shared her senses with Mitra, was able to hear it.

–Excuse me, who are you?…

Someone’s voice was calling out. It wasn’t a physical sound but a voice transmitted through a mental connection, like Gluttony.

The voice was broadcasted through her connection to Mitra. She recalled that Ellenoa had once spoken to her in this way. However, before Lili could react, she heard someone speak again. It was a different person this time.

–Why is it so noisy… The ringing voice was drowsy, like the person had just been sleeping.

–What, did something interesting happen? The next voice resonated like a well-made bell.

–Don’t talk to me about nothing. Then it was a low voice, like a beast growling.

–No, I clearly heard it! It was the first voice Lili had heard.

The four unknown voices touched Lili's head, and she couldn’t help asking, '…Who are you?'

At that moment, her head suddenly became quiet. However, that silence didn’t last long.

–What?! Someone has really connected to the neural network?

–Who? Reveal your true identity!

–Tita! You don’t think that girl is fooling around, do you?

–No way. She would’ve reached the snowfields by now.

–Then who is the girl who just talked?

Lili had a headache due to all the voices. It was a headache she didn’t feel when she talked to Gluttony, Mitra, and Ellenoa. Was it because she wasn’t accustomed to talking in this way? For now, it seemed necessary to calm down the agitated voices.

She unconsciously grabbed her forehead and said, ‘My name is Liliana.’


–Eh, I think I heard it before…?

–I don’t know. Who was it?

Finally, the owner of the light-toned voice changed the atmosphere. –Ah, I remember! The human who saved Ellenoa! Am I right? Answer me!

‘T-That’s right.’

–Excuse me, how much progress was made? That girl is still neutral, right? Did you catch her? Kyah, a romance between a human and elf after a long time! If my memory is correct, it has been 1,500 years!

It was the first time Lili had ever heard such a chatty person, so she couldn’t help being dumbfounded. She wasn’t unsociable, but the other person gave her no room to even talk. Despite only one person talking, her forehead started tingling again.

Fortunately, the voice of salvation came quickly.

–L-Liliana?! How are you already…?

“Ah, Ellenoa!”

She was so happy to hear her voice that she cried out her name. Edwin was watching Lili and made a startled reaction, but Lili couldn’t afford to pay attention to him. Having heard the voice of an acquaintance, Lili asked hurriedly about this unprecedented phenomenon.

Ellenoa replied in a surprised voice, –Liliana has accessed the neural network of Yggdrasil, called Ratatoskr. Only Arv’s direct descendants can touch it.

Chapter 102 – Great Forest (4)

"Ratatoskr?" Lili inquired, curiously co*cking her head.

"Yes, it is the name of a chatterbox recorded in the myths," Gluttony confirmed, her voice echoing softly in Lili's mind.

Ellenoa had sent the seed of the world tree to Mitra, but she hadn’t realized this would happen. At best, she had thought it would expand Mitra’s abilities by a level. The high elf, who had been silent since then, opened her mouth to speak, "Dmitra… By planting the world tree in the godhead of the earth goddess… Maybe she is higher than us… Hrmm."

"Is that so?" Lili responded, intrigued.

"I don’t know exactly… Just a guess… Perhaps I am half right…" the high elf mused.

If that was the case, then Ellenoa had unintentionally created a large incident. However, the high elf who pointed it out didn’t sound angry at all. The gentle voice which pointed it out was so soft that Lili's eyelids felt heavier just by listening.

"A human has been granted the right to Ratatoskr. Fortunately, there isn’t much use in hearing the voice of the forest… At most, she can borrow a little mana…?"

"Um, that wouldn’t be a big problem," Lili replied.

"Yes, it is okay if it is at that level," the silent voices agreed with the opinion. The power of telepathy and being able to borrow the mana of the forest was good for the savior of a high elf. Either way, ordinary magicians already had flashy powers. Above all, it had been the decision of the high elves to bring out the seed of the world tree, so they couldn’t just blame it on Ellenoa.

In any case, Liliana Miller was exceptional in many ways.

As soon as the story was settled, the cheerful elf spoke in a giddy voice, "Then let’s change the subject. Has the Meltor delegation entered the forest? They arrived sooner than expected, so it is a bit late to greet them, but who wants to go? Me? Or me?"

"I’m not going. But you can’t either."

"…I’m going to sleep."

"I would like to see them, but I think there is a more eligible person this time," the four high elves expressed different opinions, but there was one right person.

The quiet high elf, Ellenoa, slowly raised her hand… Although, that wasn’t visible to Lili who could only hear their voices. In the end, there was a unanimous agreement that she would meet them.

As soon as they came to that conclusion, the high elves vacated Ratatoskr one by one.

"You said you were called Liliana? I’ll see you later!" The cheerful voice felt distant like an echo in a mountain, while the beast-like voice disappeared silently.

"I’ll prepare a welcome. I’m looking forward to it." The gentle voice disappeared with a respectful greeting.

"…Good night," the high elf with the sleepy voice said briefly before disappearing.

They were truly unique personalities. Lili was able to distinguish who they were just by listening to their voices. Liliana said goodbye to them with a smile. In the end, Lili and Ellenoa were the only ones left.

She greeted Lili once again in an excited voice, "Long time no see, Liliana! I’m glad to see you again."

"Ellenoa, thank you for this invitation. I didn’t know you would call me as a state guest," Lili replied warmly.

"I didn’t know this was going to happen. I’m in this position, but I didn’t do that much."

It wasn’t exactly as she stated. Edwin was of the master class and one of the elves’ greatest warriors, and he treated the high elves with great respect. It was why he couldn’t neglect the benefactor who had saved Ellenoa.

However, Ellenoa thought it was burdensome since she was born in a small forest and not Elvenheim.

"Isn’t it annoying continuing the conversation through Ratatoskr?" Then she spoke words that Lili couldn’t understand, "So, I will go to you."

"Huh? How?" Lili asked, slightly puzzled.

"Huhu, you’ll soon know." Ellenoa laughed lightly before closing the connection with Ratatoskr. She didn’t tell Lili how she was going to come from Elvenheim, which was still far away from here.

Lili opened her eyes only to see someone’s face right in front of her.

"Benefactor!" cried Edwin.

"Ah, Sir Edwin?!" Lili exclaimed in surprise.

Edwin’s approach was faster than the startled Liliana could retreat. "Did you talk to them? Is it through Ratatoskr, the place only available to the parent dancers?"

"P-Probably?" Lili stammered.

"Ohh! You really aren’t a normal human!" Edwin marveled.

Lili was certainly different. She was the owner of a grimoire, the contractor of an ancient elemental, and a person who had inherited a war hero’s craft… Even if she only had one title, the word ‘ordinary’ definitely didn’t fit her.

Based on Edwin’s reaction, an ordinary elf wasn’t able to enter Ratatoskr regardless of their abilities; only the high elves had access.

"Ah, this might be dangerous," Lili thought as she noticed the other magicians watching her with excited eyes from behind Edwin. Sweat flowed down Lili's back. Their curiosity was stimulated after hearing ‘Ratatoskr,’ a word they had never heard of before. It was a crisis where she would be squeezed into answering questions for the rest of the time.

At that moment, the mana in the atmosphere started to tremble in a strange way.


Tree roots blew flutes from under the ground, and the grass started to play a melody. The wind which passed by felt like it was stroking her skin. It was different from a violent aura or magnificent magic power. Lili and Edwin were the only ones familiar with the strange mana wave.

"This…!" Lili muttered in awe.

It was the life force (vitality) which was also called Prana. A green light rose from the ground. Then a lump of dirt, roots, and leaves formed a shape which looked like a human being. It was a phenomenon which even the magicians couldn’t help marveling at.

Surrounded by the splendor of prana, she showed up. [Hello everyone.]

The form of Ellenoa, with her natural beauty perfectly reproduced, was standing right there. While everyone was speechless, Edwin bowed politely.

"Edwin, son of the Beech Clan, third branch of the parent tree, greets the sixth dancer."

[There is no need to bow, Edwin. This body is just a clone created with Ratatoskr.]

"Even so, this body must do its duty as a branch member. You may not actually be here but your will is."

Ellenoa sighed and looked at Lili. Lili grasped the meaning of her look, and as she walked forward, she said, "I didn’t know you would come this way. I’m really surprised."

It wasn’t just flattery. Lili truly was surprised. Ellenoa had created a body from dozens, perhaps hundreds, of kilometers away. There was no way to reproduce that phenomenon using the magical knowledge Lili had. It seemed like ‘Ratatoskr’ didn’t just have the power to allow for conversations.

Ellenoa smiled brightly and waved her arms. [I only came to know recently that this was possible. I will guide you from here. I originally expected you to take a fortnight, so you got here really quickly.]

The White Tower Master took one step forward and said politely, "First of all, thank you for your consideration, high elf Ellenoa. …If possible, can I ask you one thing?"

[Yes, of course.]

"I am grateful that you came here, but you don’t have to worry. Is it not enough if we only have Edwin as a guide?"

His words weren’t wrong. Edwin was a competent assistant, and it wouldn’t be difficult for them to reach Elvenheim, even without Ellenoa’s help. Additionally, there was Lili’s role as the second guide. So, Orta didn’t want to borrow the high elf’s hand for no reason.

However, Ellenoa smiled like she had been waiting for those words. [This was part of the original plan, so there is no need to be concerned. I don’t intend to disparage Edwin’s skill, but there is no guide better than a high elf in this forest.]

After saying those words, she abruptly turned and pointed in the direction where the party should move. The dirt and branches moved away at the motion of her finger. It was a simple act, but it was a miracle no one could deny.

"Hah…!" "T-That is ridiculous…" Complaints and exclamations echoed.

A path was formed where there hadn’t been one previously. This was due to the vegetation dividing by itself. The overhanging tree roots sank down into the earth, while the leaves and branches moved out of the way. The hills flattened like they were welcoming the party.

There was now a straight path in the Great Forest filled with dense bushes and trees!

"It is really amazing." Even the White Tower Master couldn’t close his mouth which was exposed beneath the mask.

Without destroying nature, Ellenoa controlled hundreds of thousands of plants to create a path? Even an 8th Circle magician like Blundell wouldn’t be able to display such a sight.

Orta raised his evaluation of Elvenheim by three levels. At least in the Great Forest, Elvenheim was a powerful country that couldn’t be touched by Meltor or Andras.

[A remnant of power remains, so creatures can’t access it easily. If we go this way, we will be able to reach Elvenheim sooner.]

The White Tower Master looked at Ellenoa’s path with tranquil eyes and opened his mouth to say, "…The natural power that the world tree produces… to think it can be applied this way."

The presence of the world tree was intense enough to kill any creature. Therefore, wherever its roots stretched, it was hard for them to live. The places where its breath reached, the creatures were reluctant to approach. This road, created with Yggdrasil’s neural network called Ratatoskr, was able to drive away the creatures.

However, the monster called Veronica could burn this. The White Tower Master shook away the worrisome memory and spoke to Ellenoa, "Do we just go straight along this path?"

[Yes, it will take around three days.]

"Hmm, then it will be half a day. Then Ellenoa, this form doesn’t have the same magical resistance as your actual body?"

[That’s right, but… half a day?] Ellenoa was confused, but Orta pulled out a familiar box.

It was a magic that couldn’t be used in the forest due to various factors, but it was a different story if the path was laid out like this. The delegation placed the silver rings on their fingers. Finally, Ellenoa’s clone put on the ring, and the White Tower Master walked to the head of the party.

The green light created a shortcut in front of them.

Chapter 103 – Exotic Guests (1)

In the center of the elf kingdom, Elvenheim, a giant tree reached up into the clouds. As the last remaining world tree in an era where the power of the myths was almost lost, Yggdrasil was the identity of this big tree. Three hundred years ago, the four high elves had gathered all their strength to make this world tree, which was still a ‘premature baby.’ Ordinary humans would stop breathing as soon as they got close, and even senior magicians were barely capable of withstanding the mana pressure. Yet this was only around one-tenth of the original world trees in the primordial world.

Nevertheless, there was an area surrounded by a fog of mana, difficult to access even for elves. It was a place where only the gardeners of the world tree, the high elves with Arv’s blood, could access. This was the most secret place in Elvenheim, located on top of the roots of the world tree. There weren’t many elves who didn’t know about it, but it was considered a taboo to even talk about it. It was a wooden building called ‘Heart of the Forest.’

“They have already arrived? Ahh, I should’ve gone to meet them!” Alisa, the female high elf with bright blonde hair like the sun, cried out. Alisa’s eyes were like the sea, and her unique playfulness stood out. She had the appearance of being the youngest among the dark elves gathered here, but she was actually the oldest. Hers was the voice which had first disturbed Lili.

“You can’t. If we send you, their whole image of the elves and high elves will be crushed like dry leaves.”

“Oh, that is an excessive compliment!”

“It isn’t a compliment!” The elf with the angry voice knocked on the table. With dark skin and silver hair, the elf resembled a species already extinct on the continent, while the wide shoulders and angular body indicated he was male.

Alucard, the dark elf who looked up at the moon instead of the sun, snapped in a nervous tone, “You are unworthy to be the oldest one. Why do you act more like a child as the years pass?”

“Isn’t a child’s heart precious?”

“f*ck you!” In the end, a vulgar curse emerged from the high elf’s mouth. The bickering would’ve continued, but another high elf intervened. She was an impressive female with brown hair and gentle eyes, like a herbivore.

“Both of you calm down. Is this something worth arguing about? We should talk about the guests who have come a long way and the problems that have arisen recently.”

“…I understand.”

“Sorry, sorry.” Alisa’s answer was still playful, but she finally shut her mouth. At the very least, she wouldn’t interfere with the meeting. Then with perfect timing, Ellenoa spoke with her eyes closed as half of her consciousness was still with her clone.

“…I have arrived. I will guide them to their quarters and then send Edwin to his original location. I’m going to call a few people to act as guides. What do you think?”

“I agree.”

“I also agree.”

“Me too!”

There was one voice missing, so they naturally looked in that direction. With bushy hair and half-opened eyes which displayed sleepiness, the high elf stared at them before muttering in a low voice like he was speaking to himself, “…Agr…ee.”

It was a unanimous decision. Ellenoa started focusing on her clone in order to lead the delegation to their accommodations and summon a few elves. She was still inexperienced with Ratatoskr, so she couldn’t manipulate the clone while paying attention to her body at the same time. Then the rest of the high elves naturally moved onto the next agenda.

“The following is a suggestion from the dryads. These days, there are many creatures damaging the trees in the eastern part of the forest. They want to know if the numbers can be reduced. What do you think?”

“Hmm, the dryads. Aren’t they protected due to a contract with the ents? Isn’t that enough to protect them?”

Alucard was the first one to raise objections. Dryads were a type of fairy species which parasitize trees. They had the ability to deceive and chase out those who damaged forests. So, they had a friendly relationship with the moving trees, the ents, to protect their physically vulnerable bodies. The ents born in the Great Forest had a vitality that was many times stronger than those in other regions. So, even senior creatures avoided fighting with them.

However, Lumia’s expression darkened and she shook her head. “The damage is still too great. Two ents in the eastern area have already been burned to death, so there may be a high ranking creature that uses fire.”

“…I agree. That is enough to send one guardian.”

“Edwin needs rest, so choose another!”

“…One… person… agree…”

If possible, they sought a unanimous decision, but if that wasn’t possible, they decided using the majority vote. Ellenoa didn’t speak in this meeting, but all four high elves, including Lumia, agreed. They decided to dispatch one guardian to the eastern forest as a master would be able to crush even the most serious problems.

The next agenda concerned some species which were causing headaches. “The chief of the Stone Lion Tribe, Orlando, has come. He says that a suspicious person recently appeared in his area. I couldn’t find any signs of that, and it may be a prank by the fairies. So, he has come to make a request.”

“The Stone Lion Tribe, what a stupid person.”

In a rare moment, Alisa responded to the agenda in a chilly voice, “That idiot who would kill a person and then say that they fell? Just ignore it.”

“Judging with personal feelings isn’t a good habit,” Alucard spoke with irritation, but he was also sick of dealing with the ignorant tribe chief. If Orlando wasn’t representing the beasts of the Great Forest, he would’ve been expelled in disgrace sooner.

“…Put it on hold. I will send a few investigators, and if they can’t find any traces, he will be sent back.”

“Che, it can’t be helped.”


“Then I will send an investigation team.”

The conclusion of the third agenda created a stiff atmosphere. The four high elves exhaled for a moment and waited for Ellenoa’s next words. They couldn’t help feeling curious about the guests who had just arrived. At that moment, there was a bolt of lightning inside Alisa’s head as she cried out, “ —Ah!”

The other three people were surprised and wanted to ask her what happened. “Wait! That reminds me, the chief of the Stone Lion Tribe is there!”



Unlike Lumia who was still confused, Alucard sucked in a breath. The foolish beast chief who liked to talk with strength… Orlando of the Stone Lion Tribe was staying in the area given to the Meltor delegation. During the time of slave hunting, the beast clans were also sold at a high price by humans. When he thought about Orlando’s temperament, ‘that’ would certainly happen.

“Ah, no. Ellenoa, guide them to a different place right now…”

“—I’m sorry.” At that moment, Ellenoa spoke with a blank expression, “They have already met.”

* * *

The beast clans, also known as the werebeasts, were born with two advantages. They had the intelligence of humanoids and the violent nature of beasts. Their prosperity was based on their ability to hunt wild animals and creatures, as well as their intelligence to build a developed civilization. At least, they thought so.

However, their pride was shattered by human development. Magic and aura overwhelmed the beast clans, who had relied on their natural abilities for generations. They had been drunk on their own strength and ignored the development of civilization, which led them to eventually having to flee from the humans. The werewolves, who had caused many villagers to tremble in fear, had been slain by the swords of knights, while the bears who had received tribute as masters of the mountains had been turned into fire by the flames of magicians.

The beast clans then realized they were no longer the strongest and had escaped to the ends of the continent. They hid in the Great Forest, which was out of reach of the humans. It had already been more than a hundred years since they fled. As new generations grew up, the fear in their blood thinned and turned into anger. Yes, just like right now.

“Hey, you bastards! Come out and explain!”

The shout was so loud that some elves covered their ears with a pained expression. It was from a man with an extraordinary body over two metres tall and had unusual traits. He stepped forward suddenly and shouted rudely at the party, “Why did you bring humans into this forest?! Did you forget how humans persecuted us? Or did you get deceived by their sly tongues?”

Ellenoa couldn’t stand it anymore and raised her voice, [Step away right now, Chief Orlando. The people you are being rude to aren’t ‘humans’ but guests of Elvenheim.]

“Don’t command me!” The muscles under Orlando’s scarred skin swelled menacingly. Orlando didn’t practice aura, but he gave off an intimidating pressure as he bared his teeth at the party. Unfortunately, the people he was confronting were stronger than him.

The White Tower Master standing beside Liliana muttered quietly, “A beast clan, what a rare presence. What do you think is the best way to resolve this?”

“…It isn’t a moderate atmosphere, is it?”

Orlando was bold. The man whose hair resembled a lion’s mane wouldn’t drop his head easily. The fact that he was yelling at a high elf in Elvenheim proved this. As Ellenoa’s voice became increasingly colder, Orlando pointed with his sharp claws toward the nearest human, Liliana.

“You’re treating humans better than the chief of the Stone Lion Tribe! Why did you give the VIP room to that girl? I won’t leave this place unless she proves her credentials!”

[Chief Orlando, if you keep continuing like this…]

As Ellenoa raised an eyebrow, Lili stepped forward with a sneer. Lili wasn’t afraid of the pressure coming from the two-meter-tall body. Compared to Veronica’s pressure, this was just at the level of a breeze. It was almost embarrassing to compare it to the killing intent of one of the Imperial Seven Swords, Lloyd Pollan.

Lili stared into the beast’s eyes and opened her mouth to say, “Then what are your qualifications?”

Chapter 104 – Exotic Guests (2)

Lili’s outspoken attitude confused Orlando. Considering how Orlando was over two meters tall and had the blood of a lion, Liliana just looked like a dwarf next to him. The elves had strange powers, but none of them could go against his sheer brawn. Then why was no one stopping this human's cheeky impudence?

‘No, I clearly felt something ominous…’ Unlike his ignorant image, Orlando’s intuition was moderately sensitive. If not, he wouldn’t have survived as the clan leader in the Great Forest, where all types of dangers were present. The moment Orlando found himself in a really dangerous situation, he would run away without any hesitation. Likewise, as soon as he realized he couldn’t win, he would bow his head, allowing him to preserve his life until now.

Right at this moment, his intuition was giving off alarm bells.

“…Don’t make me laugh!” However, Orlando ignored the warning. Why should he be scared of a soft and weak looking human girl? Additionally, many elves were watching the commotion. Orlando had grown up sheltered and only knew about humans from the old adults of the tribe, so overconfidence filled his eyes.

Crunch, crunch. Orlando’s massive muscles swelled as his skin changed to that of a beast, while his sharp and long nails had enough strength to tear steel. He could normally beat a troll, and in this state, he could even kill a twin-headed ogre. The hard rocks and big trees wouldn’t be able to withstand his fists. This was the Beast Form, the symbol of strength for the werebeasts.

“My qualifications! A weak human dares to question this Orlando’s qualifications!” Orlando raised his head as he shouted in a menacing manner. His hairline receded in Beast Form, but he didn’t become stupider.

Orlando seemed to think that maybe this human girl before him was confident because she was a ‘sorceress.’ The human wasn’t wearing a sword at her waist or protecting her body with metal. Only magical practitioners would come forward confidently like this.

‘I will make it so that girl’s mouth can’t speak a spell!’ He looked at the still blasé expression on Liliana’s face and shouted while pointing a finger, “The Stone Lion Tribe is a brave tribe that uses our fists! If you want to be qualified, prove it with your body! It won’t be unfair if we exchange fists!”

Of course, it was unfair. This was the result of Orlando’s frantic thinking. If the opponent didn’t accept the challenge, he would call them a coward and run away. If it was accepted, he could knock out the human. Orlando was terrified of magic such as fire and lightning, but he was convinced that he could win if they competed with fists.

So, the reaction of his opponent was even more surprising. “…Exchange fists just once? Is that all?” Lili asked, and the other magic practitioners couldn’t resist smiling or covering their mouths.

Didn’t war mages kill knights on the battlefield? Moreover, Lili was the person who had overpowered Rebecca, the aura genius of the empire. So, they had no choice but to laugh. It was the moment when the words ‘brave and ignorant’ entered their minds.

Their reaction stunned Orlando, but Lili stepped forward and turned to Ellenoa. She realized Lili's meaning right away and nodded. [I understand. I will assume the role of notary in Elvenheim for the two of you. Chief Orlando, you made this suggestion yourself, so you won’t have any complaints later?]

“O-Of course not!” Orlando replied and stepped toward Liliana. Considering the difference in weight, it was a gap where he could knock out the opponent with one fist. Orlando had made the offer himself, but for some reason, he felt sweat flowing down his back. ‘It can’t be! My fist can’t be stopped!’ He tried to readjust his mindset as he stared at Lili.

“I will give you some concessions. Do it calmly,” Lili said. Those words were decisive. Orlando’s wounded pride caused him to get angry, and his fear disappeared far away. The beast then made a fist. Kwaaaaang! Along with white smoke, there was an electrifying roar. The roar of a powerful man, who ruled as the leader of a clan in the Great Forest, scared off the birds. However, the even more threatening thing was his fist. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the fist which contained the extremes of physical force could break down a small hill.

‘Die!’ Orlando punched out with strong determination and…Paang! Lili’s left hand blocked it.

“…Your punch is weaker than I thought it’d be. Now, is it my turn?” Thanks to Battle Song which Lili had received directly from its founder, Lili’s physical abilities were at a level comparable to Orlando. When it came to martial arts, Lili’s fighting techniques were several times more complex than those of the chief of a beast clan, which was just a crude fist containing power.

However, Orlando didn’t know the difference and was devastated. Lili took one natural step forward and stretched out her fist. Duk. Then she lightly applied power. Kwaang!

The Beast Form flew into the air, and Orlando couldn’t even scream as he was turned upside down. His mind was already devastated by the shock. The sudden hit penetrated his rigid muscles and bones, damaging the insides. If Lili had wanted to kill him, Orlando would’ve died instantly. What more could be said after he flew 10 meters through the air?

“Kuwek, kuweeeek…” The unconscious Orlando was leaning against a tree, but nobody cared about him. [Then I will continue giving instructions.] Ellenoa’s face brightened as the party passed by the miserably fallen Orlando and climbed a wooden staircase. Some magic practitioners even kicked Orlando several times, but none of them stopped. There was no dignity left for the fallen lion.

* * *

“He was a foolish fellow.” Lili laughed as she arrived in her room and recalled the werebeast that she fought.

Orlando’s power itself wasn’t bad. No, it was really excellent. If Lili fought a knight with such power, it would be tricky in many ways. One example was Rebecca. Strength harmonized with technology had turned her into a bigger threat. Compared to that, Orlando’s punch was nothing new.

“Without technique or aura, he won’t be able to deal with me. Now I know why the beast clans retreated from the continent.”

A voice responded to Lili’s cynical soliloquy, -Well, don’t be too discouraged. There is a reason for the decline of the beast clan.

“What is it?” –It is ambiguous. It is a mixture of information that can’t be said and intermediate information. You might not be able to understand, but if you want to hear it, I will tell you.

This seemed to be information which hadn’t been known before. If historians were here, they would give their gallbladders to find out. However, it was just a mere curiosity for Lili, who nodded.

Then Gluttony replied with a single line of explanation, –It is because the beast king, Fenrir, was murdered by someone.

“…I don’t know that name.” –I knew it.

Lili didn’t ask anything more, but Gluttony had raised her curiosity. Although Lili had read many books in the magic tower’s library, Fenrir was an unfamiliar name to her. It had only been 500 years ago that the beast clans had started to decline. However, according to Gluttony, there was more behind it.

However, Lili’s worries didn’t last long. –This is an interesting forest. A world tree that is reproduced using Arv’s power, a refuge for the fallen species… It is amazing that an elf kingdom is established in the middle of it.

“Are you talking about Elvenheim?” –That’s right. Elves originally lived in colonies, but they aren’t a species with a strong sense of attachment. High elves are their focal point, but a kingdom goes against their identity.

It was difficult. Lili was merely 20 years old, no matter how clever she was, whereas Gluttony was a grimoire whose years couldn’t be counted. It might be common sense for Gluttony, but it was forced to speak many words in order to explain. Elves shouldn’t have created a country? Or maybe they couldn’t make one? Did Elvenheim already exist?

As she was thinking those questions, the next blow emerged. –I didn’t know there was a grimoire here. Seems I won’t be too bored staying in this forest.

“What, grimoire? In the Great Forest?!” There had been a day in the past few decades, or maybe centuries, when magicians gathered and organized the characteristics of grimoires which had popped up in history. Some grimoires had looked like books, or the grimoires had chosen their owner using free will.

The inherent knowledge was different, but there were many points which matched up when the grimoires were arranged by behaviour. There were those who skipped space with no constraints, those who chose their owner regardless of the owner’s will, those who had an unknown method of communicating knowledge, and those who controlled the owner’s body. The fact that grimoires were rarely seen in the human world was one of the few things they had in common.

However, Gluttony said that she felt a grimoire in the Great Forest. She spoke in a pleasant tone, like she had been expecting Lili’s reaction. –That’s right. I remember this wave of power clearly. I can feel the power of the grimoire that started Ragnarok, the war that ended the Age of Mythology.

“Ragnarok…!” –At that time, Surtr the great archmage got his hands on the grimoire and burned the original world trees. The name is [Laevateinn].

After Gluttony spoke, the information of the grimoire popped up in front of Lili.

[-A grimoire where the realm of fire, Muspelheim is sealed. At the time of Ragnarok, Surtr had unlocked the power of the grimoire fully and burned the world tree by releasing Muspelheim. However, in return, he was turned to ashes, and his whereabouts after that are unknown.
* The rating of the grimoire is ‘Legend.’
* When consumed, ???
* When consumed, ???
* When consumed, ???]

…A legendary grimoire equivalent to Death’s Worship! Lili’s eyes shook as she read the information window.

It was the same rank as the grimoire which had made its host an elder lich in three months? Furthermore, the contents of the information about Laevateinn were even worse. Laevateinn was a grimoire with a sealed-off world which burned the world trees. Its timing seemed like it was aiming at Elvenheim.

Lili cried out involuntarily, “Gluttony, you said you felt it? So, do you know where the grimoire is now?”

However, the answer from Gluttony was disappointing. –I don’t know. The distance was too far, and the power only manifested for a moment. It was a fluke that I even figured out it was Laevateinn.

“Then how do I find it in this wide forest?” Lili asked nervously.

Gluttony just chuckled. –Don’t worry, it will close on us soon.

“What?” –The grimoire needs sacrifices to release the seal and exercise its power properly. And Laevateinn’s favourite food is all around us.

The grimoire’s fire which burned the world trees… A thought flashed through Lili's mind. Gluttony opened her mouth and said with perfect timing, –If it lights a fire in this dense forest, it will be able to free at least two seals… This forest also has an offering that is more excellent than anything else.

“…World tree.” –That’s correct, Gluttony confirmed in a sweet and dark voice, like a demon. –Stay calm and wait. The day will come when [Laevateinn] reaches our mouth.

Chapter 105 – Exotic Guests (3)

For the next few days, the group made their way around the peaceful elf city. Some ventured into the forest to collect samples of soil and vegetation, while others gathered samples from streams or lakes. Meanwhile, quite a few people stayed to listen to the stories of the elves in the city. Elves were rare in the human world, so the kingdom was overflowing with many valuable things to study.

There were only two people who didn’t move from their rooms. They were the representatives of Meltor, White Tower Master Orta and Liliana Miller.

‘Is today already the fourth day?’

Perhaps it was because they had arrived too soon, but Elvenheim wasn’t ready to meet them. The elves promised to send a guide when they were ready, so the delegation just needed to wait. Moreover, the elves’ sense of time was several times slower than that of humans.

Lili looked at the forest outside her window and muttered the name of the legend-ranked grimoire, “…Laevateinn.”

It was a grimoire of flames which had ended the Age of Mythology thousands of years ago. According to Gluttony, the fire had burned all the world trees growing above the clouds and destroyed the Arv. If this was true, ‘Laevateinn’ was almost like a disaster to the elves, and it would definitely strike Elvenheim.

‘No matter what happens, it won’t end moderately.’

The grimoire was aiming for the world tree. It wasn’t a position where they could talk about coexistence. Both sides would fight until one was completely gone. Lili was intent on conserving her strength until the omens appeared. There was nothing more foolish than consuming power and then not being able to use it at important times.

At this moment, someone banged on her door. “Excuse me. Liliana, are you in the room?”

“Yes, I am.”

Lili opened the door, and an elf bowed politely in greeting. From his accessories and clothing, the elf seemed to be a highly-ranked one. The middle-aged elf proclaimed himself as Lili’s guide, and the news the delegation had been waiting a few days for had finally arrived.

“Please tell me when you are ready. The parent’s dancers have called you.”

* * *

The delegation members who had scattered everywhere gathered instantly. Naturally, they had many questions, but they were reluctant to ask the guide in case they would be seen as rude. During times like these, it was the role of the delegation leader to step forward and resolve any questions.

So, Lili asked the guide who was leading them, “Do we just have to keep walking like this?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“The destination is dozens of kilometers from here?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

There were question marks above the heads of the delegation members who heard the answers. Why were the number of questions growing instead of reducing? Moreover, the guests were going to have to walk dozens of kilometers…?

However, when the guide saw their puzzled facial expressions, his only reply was a meaningful smile. Thus, they walked 10 minutes without knowing anything. Lili and Orta were walking a few steps ahead of the rest when the guide suddenly stopped.

Before them was a fairly large knothole, enough for someone to enter without bending down. Oddly enough, the inside was so dark that even sunlight didn’t penetrate it.

At that time, Orta muttered in an admiring voice, “Space door…! It is a record of a bygone era, so I never thought I would see one.”

“White Tower Master?”

He didn’t listen to the person’s call as he touched the knot carefully. Orta’s reaction to the knothole almost seemed to be passionate. Based on its name, the space door appeared to be connected to somewhere. After touching the knot, Orta walked into it hurriedly, and his white robe disappeared into the darkness.

“T-Tower Master!”



The feelings of the group could be largely divided among three emotions: astonishment; admiration; and fear.

‘Aha, so it is like that.’ Lili was in the category of admiration as she followed Orta without hesitation.

The knothole was connected with another space, and as soon as Lili entered it, she felt the distinctive dizziness. It was a feeling of discomfort similar to the motion sickness felt from cheap carriages in Bergen. Fortunately, the discomfort dimmed as soon as she took the next step.

“…This place.”

There was the unique aroma of wood, the refreshing feeling of clear air, and the overwhelming flow of mana. As Edwin had said, a magician, who didn’t have at least five circles, would lose control of their magic power here.

However, that didn’t have much to do with Lili, who had already reached the limits of the 5th Circle. She calmed down the mana flow with an unconcerned expression. It was only then that she saw them. There were four high elves sitting around a table and waiting for her.


“Welcome, Liliana.”

While Lili greeted Ellenoa, the rest of the delegation crossed the knothole in turn. It was a situation where they couldn’t talk privately until all the formalities were gone. The delegation frowned at the discomfort of the space movement, but they kept their mouths shut. It was because they were meeting the legends of the world, the high elves.

Alucard, a dark elf with impressive dark skin, rose and welcomed the guests. “Guests from the magic kingdom of Meltor! We, Elvenheim, sincerely welcome you who have come a long way. After this meeting today, I hope we will be not just neighbors but friends as well.”

“Thank you for the kind words, descendants of the Arv. We will observe the laws of the forest while staying here, hopefully proving to be worthy friends and inseparable neighbors.”

These were ritual words. White Tower Master replied skillfully to Alucard’s old-fashioned greeting, and Alucard sat down again like the response was satisfactory. Liliana and Orta were seated relatively close to the high elves, with the rest spaced out.

The discussion began in earnest not long after.

“First of all, I would like to talk about trade goods.”

The alchemists of the Yellow Tower were excellent, but they couldn’t reproduce the special goods created from by-products of Yggdrasil. However, Elvenheim traditionally only traded a small volume to other countries. There had never been an exception to that policy, but today was different.

Alucard nodded since they had already consulted each other in advance.

“We feel the same way. The artifacts made by Meltor are useful to Elvenheim. If you increase that number, we will show the same kindness.”

“If possible, I would like to increase the quantity of raw materials for medicines and…”

“What do you think about tripling the existing amount?”


Indeed, the White Tower Master engaged in the negotiations with diplomatic knowledge and eloquence Lili didn’t have. It was impossible for Lili, who didn’t really like being social, to negotiate the existing contract and its details with the trading partner. For this mission, it was more accurate to say that Kurt III had sent Lili as a diplomat.

In the meantime, Liliana felt a strange incongruity.

‘Ah, that’s it.’

There was one high elf missing. The voice of the chatterbox in Ratatoskr wasn’t present. She was the elf who was curious about the relationship between Lili and Ellenoa.

Despite Lili wondering why she was missing, the meeting between the two countries proceeded smoothly. Meltor didn’t want to lose this chance to get close to Elvenheim, and Elvenheim was willing to give quite a bit. For that reason, the conversation went smoothly.

“So, if we don’t focus on one area, is it okay to cut from the outskirts?”

“It is fine as long as the balance of the forest isn’t disturbed.”

“I understand. I will be sure to tell you before proceeding with any logging work. In the case of the fruits and harvest, it will be divided in a 5:5 ratio.”

Once the decision on logging, which was an implicit taboo, was finished, the air in the meeting room relaxed. Now, the only things remaining were the matters of mutual non-aggression and emergency military support. These weren’t matters which could be determined in one or two days. So, as representatives of the two countries, Orta and Alucard both were satisfied with their current progress on the negotiations.

However, the moment they were going to move on to the banquet…

Pajik… pajijijik…

The high elves had more sensitive hearing than humans, so they were the first to notice the noise. They stiffened and looked up at the air, while the air above the table started to wobble. Then a wave of light appeared from somewhere.

Alucard was confused as he cried out, “This route… It is the dryad queen! What is happening all of a sudden? You’re accessing Ratatoskr without our permission!”

The scenery turned red, and screams rang out in the distance. Liliana couldn’t help but gulp as she heard the noises.

Not long after Alucard finished talking, someone’s distressed voice spoke up, [Ahh, please forgive me! But, but!]

“Explain what happened! I will investigate your mistake after that!” At the dark elf’s words, an image in the air changed. The view rotated slowly to reveal a terrible red sight. There were mandragora-like screams as dryads and ents were swallowed by flames, and beyond that was the source of the tragedy.

“Fire… giant?” Someone murmured when they saw a giant burning the forest.

Flames covered the area every time he took a step, and his fire sword burned up the ents and dryads like they were rotten leaves. The scene where his feet turned the ground into magma was like a nightmare in itself.

‘…That guy.’

Liliana’s eyes sunk in as the White Tower Master remained speechless. According to Gluttony, Laevateinn was an autonomous maneuver-type grimoire, and the fire giant was its second form. If two more seals were released, it would turn into a master level monster which they couldn’t afford to face.

Chapter 106 – Exotic Guests (4)

‘There is still time since it is only in form number two. The problem is how can I persuade the people here…’ Liliana calmly recalled the information about Laevateinn, which she had heard from Gluttony.

A world where the sky, the earth, and the sea all burned… ‘Muspelheim’ was a sealed world. It was a crystal of power which existed to burn all life and was one of the few grimoires which could release its own seal without an owner.

The first form was a fire animal which burned trees. The second form was the fire giant, an embodiment of flames as seen in the video. This was already at the level of a national disaster and would need a massive operation to stop it. However, it was nothing compared to the third and fourth forms. Lili recalled the thrill she’d felt when she first heard it and repeated the name in her mind, ‘…Fafnir.’

The third form was a type of transitional form, a swirl of fire which would give birth to a dragon. Laevateinn’s fourth form actually reproduced the dragon, which was famous for being the strongest species on earth.

It had been an evil dragon in ancient times which literally existed for destruction. The air which touched the scales of the beasts would scream as they burned, while the earth which was touched by its breath would become so dry that no seeds of life could be left behind. As it had been recorded in history, wherever that dragon existed, it was a land where life couldn’t exist. The greedy grimoire explained in a simple way that Fafnir’s flames had caused the birth of the Red Plateau.

Then Gluttony added in a dull voice, -Laevateinn is an autonomous maneuver-type grimoire, but it will remain dormant until it is brought close to a forest. There are many uncertain points about this situation.

‘Did someone intentionally create this situation?’ It made sense to think so. Lili didn’t know who the person was, but they were foolish. This was a premonition for a great disaster which couldn’t even be imagined.

-The moment that Laevateinn reaches the fourth form, this era will come to an end. The person is calling ruin down on themselves, so they must be foolish.

The evaluation of a grimoire which had existed for thousands of years was indeed ruthless. Even if Blundell and Veronica, the most powerful magicians currently existing, joined hands with the Seven Swords of the Empire, they wouldn’t be able to reach Fafnir.

It wasn’t comparable to the fifth or sixth form which required the existence of an owner, but it wasn’t an opponent which could be won with half transcendentals. Therefore, the only way left for Liliana and her party was to suppress Laevateinn before it reached the fourth form.

[This person… How long are you going to act like this?] At that moment, someone’s shout rang out from the video floating in the air. The person who managed to show such bravery before a giant who burned all life certainly couldn’t be ordinary.

As all the ambassadors wondered about the person’s identity, the high elves spoke with bright countenances.

“Oh, they’ve arrived!”

“Guardian Ellaim.”

“I don’t know what the identity of that thing is, but there is no need to worry if the second parent is there.”

There was only one high elf who murmured in an inaudible voice, “…N…o… danger…ous…”

Shortly after that, the guardian sent by Elvenheim attempted a preemptive strike on the fire giant. The elf called Ellaim wasn’t an archer like Edwin. A wooden spear, which was strangely shining silver, flew toward the fire giant.

Then he immediately shouted, [Die down!]

The magma hardened, and the fire burning the leaves on the trees died out. An unknown chill suddenly spread around the fire giant. The dryads and ents used that gap to rush back. Simultaneously, the guardian shouted briskly, [Freeze!]

This time, the fire giant froze over. Its arms and legs were stuck in place as its body became covered with thick sheets of ice. The fire giant struggled with annoyed gestures, but the ice didn’t melt. Soon, the ice completely covered its body, and there was only a huge statue remaining.


As the air in the meeting room relaxed, Naia, the silent high elf, shouted for the first time, “Ellaim, get away from that place immediately!”


Naia’s voice had always been half-asleep, so Ellaim was surprised by the sudden change and jumped back in retreat. Not only was Naia’s loud voice unexpected, it also contained more urgency than they had imagined it could have.

The one who had spoken the words, Naia, was the wisest of the high elves, and her prophecy was right this time as well.



The ground where Ellaim had just been standing split apart, and lava flowed up. If he had been standing there, he would’ve been burned without a trace. A chill went down his neck as he stared at the cracks slowly forming on the fire giant. The ice restraint was meaningless.

As Ellaim stared at the giant, the people in the meeting room looked at Naia, who had warned of the attack earlier than anyone else. She had been snoring throughout the meeting, so they hadn’t expected anything from her.

“…What are you looking at?” Naia’s eyes, which had dark circles under them, blinked at their gazes. No sleepiness remained in her eyes, proving the emergency of the situation currently occurring.

After knowing her for such a long time, Alucard knew the signs and asked hurriedly, “Naia, do you know about that giant?”

“Well, halfway.”


It was a fairly ambiguous answer. Naia nodded and pointed to the giant in the video. “I’ve read a mention about it in an old myth. It’s the incarnation of flame from another world, a living flame… The ruin that moves to burn all life—Laevateinn.”


“Yes. It’s the ancient nightmare that burned our first parents, the primordial world trees, and our ancestors. Beyond that, I don’t know any more. There is also a record of a giant mixed with a dragon.”

The people in the meeting room started to murmur. The old myths of the elves were the far distant past for humans. It was a time when archmages of the 9th Circle, who no longer existed, had nests in each country, and swordsmen who could cut a mountain with a sword had been heroes. None of the people present would be able to resist the existences who had been called ‘monsters’ in that era.

Liliana was the only one who felt pleased by Naia’s words. ‘Okay, this is good. It would be hard if I pulled the story out first, but now I can attach it to a skeleton that has already formed. I can get help from Elvenheim without too much unnecessary attention.’

She knew more about Laevateinn than anyone else in this place, but someone else had to uncover it first. If even the elves couldn’t connect it to an old myth, how could a young human sorceress? No, she couldn’t take the credit and could only steer the story in the desired direction.

However, thanks to the high elf, Naia, she could now disclose the information about Laevateinn. Liliana carefully raised a hand.

“Liliana? Did something happen?”


Ellenoa and the White Tower Master noticed Lili’s action and looked at her strangely. Although Ellenoa was concerned, the White Tower Master, however, feared Lili would speak nonsense in this situation.

Despite that, the next words from her mouth became a turning point in the meeting. “I’ve also heard about Laevateinn.”


“I-Is that really true?”

Of course, it was the high elves who showed a strong reaction. Alucard jumped up from his seat, while Ellenoa’s and Lumia’s eyes widened, appearing several times bigger.

Liliana nodded slowly. In order to prevent anyone from asking, she spoke first, “I’m sorry, but I can’t reveal the source of my information. There is a secret collection of books in our kingdom, where the removal of knowledge is strictly forbidden.”

This time, the ones surprised were the party from Meltor.

“Perhaps… the Zero Library?”

“It might be possible. This young woman received a national treasure from His Majesty, so the possibility of her reading an ancient book from the Zero Library is…”

“However, such knowledge at that age…”

Liliana smiled with satisfaction as the gossip entered her ears. She didn’t think they would 100% believe this excuse. It was enough as long as they thought there was the possibility.

Veronica had told her a long time ago that the White Tower Master was responsible for the security of the Zero Library, but he wasn’t interested in all its contents. There was no way to instantly uncover the excuse she made unless they had read every book in the Zero Library.

Unsurprisingly, nobody questioned Lili. Now, she just needed to prove the veracity of her information. At any rate, the source of her information was meaningless to the high elves. Knowing wouldn’t change the situation, and this was the best way to learn how to overcome the disaster.

Naia was the fastest one to regain her composure and spoke to her in a delicate voice, “Liliana. I know the favor you have done us, but this involves the fate of our whole clan. Please understand that the weight of your words will never be light.”

“Yes, of course.”

“And excuse me, can we speak through Ratatoskr from now on?”

Before Liliana could even react, Ellenoa cried out with anger on her face, “Naia! Are you suspecting Liliana right now?”

“We need to be more careful than usual.”

“No, that’s not it. It is because no lies can be passed on through Ratatoskr!”

Ellenoa’s fierce defense of Lili brought a smile to Lili’s face. She definitely knew how urgent this situation was and about the importance of her words being true. However, the trust and affection she held toward Lili was greater than that, and Ellenoa proved it directly.

Lili appreciated her gesture and raised her hands.


The two arguing high elves turned to stare at her. She appreciated Ellenoa’s gesture, but she also understood Elvenheim and Naia’s position. Anyway, the information she would speak now was taught directly by the greedy grimoire, Gluttony. The authenticity of Gluttony’s words was more certain than that of any records. Rather, Lili was glad to prove her words. “I will do as Naia says.”

First, she summoned Mitra to the floor of the meeting room and picked her up. Mitra rested her head on Lili, connecting their senses in a fairly natural way. At first, she had been confused by the flood of sensations, but Lili quickly became proficient at maintaining the connection after practicing in her room the whole time.

It wasn’t difficult to move her mouth while speaking through the world tree’s neural network, Ratatoskr, at the same time. Then Liliana began her story.

[“The fire that burned the original world trees, Laevateinn, looks like a giant now, but if it continues eating the forest this way, it will soon change into a new shape. According to the book, it is a living thing that grows from eating trees.”]

The magicians, who had always been obsessed with knowledge, focused so hard they forgot to blink, while the high elves confirmed the authenticity through Ratatoskr. Two of the three countries balancing the northern continent were dependent on a young sorceress.

[“I will assert this first.”]

As everyone paid attention to her, Liliana raised her finger. She raised all five fingers before folding them into a fist. Then she looked at the firm fist and declared, [“In the next five days! If we can’t kill Laevateinn before then, the northern continent will be destroyed on that day.”]

Chapter 107 – Towards The Storm (1)

The meeting started with a shocking declaration, and the story that followed was profound in many ways. As questions were asked, the outline of the plan was gradually formed. There were many problems which Liliana wouldn’t have been able to solve if she had been thinking by herself. After the discussion which seemed both long and short, only two high elves were left in the meeting room.

Lumia picked up the teapot and asked, “Ellenoa, do you want a drink?”

“Ah, of course.”

Steaming hot tea was poured out into Ellenoa’s cup. The tea stopped two-thirds of the way, and Ellenoa held the handle of the cup carefully. Lumia and Ellenoa were both high elves. However, Ellenoa was a young one who had only just experienced her coming of age ceremony, while Lumia was old. So, it was natural for Ellenoa to be a bit uncomfortable. As Lumia and the other high elves knew this, they expressed consideration for her.

Lumia drank from her teacup before joking in a playful voice, “By the way, isn’t she a remarkable young lady? That Liliana.”

“Cough!” As soon as Lumia mentioned her name, Ellenoa put down her cup while coughing loudly. To think that it wasn’t Alisa but Lumia pulling up this topic. It was so surprising that Ellenoa forgot to manage her expression, and she turned her head with a sense of betrayal, revealing her flushed face.

However, the high elf didn’t stop there. “Ahh, I think it is a little sad. You’ve been here for half a year already, but you still think of her more than us. Wouldn’t Naia be crying right now?”

“No, t-that…”

“What, am I misunderstanding? There was also a time when I burned with passion, so I will cheer for you!”

“Thank you—no, this isn’t it!” In the end, Ellenoa shook her head with a grouchy expression. As a high elf experiencing such intense and strange emotions for the first time, Ellenoa found it difficult to maintain her composure when faced with this type of hardship, especially in comparison to the old Lumia who had experienced it before. Lumia, who knew this fact, smiled inwardly as she recalled the young woman who had been at the center of the table a while ago. The young woman, who displayed her youth and skills, was undoubtedly attractive.

‘It is rare for a human to ignite such passion in us, but… she is definitely different.’

At 20 years old, Lili had barely stepped into adulthood, but she was already expressing her opinions to wise people many times older than her. She even had the ability to cause the wise Naia to admire her. It was clear that Lili had a heroic nature which would get her name inscribed into the history books.

If Lumia were a hundred years younger, the fire might be burning inside her as well.

“…Oh my, I really had that thought.”


“It is nothing. I forgot my age for a moment.”

Before the confused Ellenoa, Lumia lifted up the teapot again. If Ellenoa could see Lumia’s inner thoughts, Lumia would have to be vigilant. However, the girl beside her was very distracted. Lumia had already finished becoming a beautiful woman, so she would be considered a tough rival for Ellenoa.

That said, fortunately, there was no cold wind coming from Ellenoa in this meeting room. After taking a few sips of tea, Lumia spoke words which pierced through Ellenoa’s heart, “Do you want to go fight with her?”


“I knew it. But in this situation, the right person is Alucard, not us.”

The abilities of the high elves within the Great Forest were overwhelming. In addition to using mana at will, they could temporarily summon an elemental ruler who had already disappeared from the material world. There were six such people who could do this.

Even if Andras and Meltor worked together, this was a power which was difficult to guarantee victory against. It could be called a power that was meant to protect themselves. However, the high elves weren’t the Arv and were limited in how they could exercise the abilities.

“You aren’t familiar with Ratatoskr and can’t summon an elemental ruler. Additionally, Alisa and Alucard have already moved. Our role is to aid them from here.”

“…Yes, I understand.”

“You should bless them instead of worrying, Ellenoa.” Lumia grabbed Ellenoa’s trembling hand and whispered in an affectionate voice, “Our forest, parent, and her whom you are thinking about, wish them luck.”

* * *

On the other hand, Liliana divided the personnel as planned and moved alongside Alucard, who showed the guidance ability Ellenoa had used. Alucard knew how to use it actively. The trees and earth retreated, creating a straight path through the dense forest.

Once a magician’s Grease magic was added to the path…

Swiiik—Six bodies slid at a rapid pace. They didn’t have to take any steps and were moving at a speed which surpassed that of a carriage. The White Tower magician who devised this method had a deathly pale face. Maybe a means of surpassing wind power would soon be born again.

“Look,” Alucard said as he slipped next to Lili.

“Why are you calling me?”

“…You don’t have to be respectful. It can’t be helped in public, but you are Ellenoa’s savior. No, your help in this situation is enough to be called our friend.”

Liliana felt nervous. She was participating in the campaign to suppress Laevateinn to prevent a global disaster, but she was also getting some benefits. Unlike Death’s Worship which had used black magic power, this was a legend-ranked grimoire which Lili might be able to absorb. If she did, she would smash down the wall of the 6th Circle instantly. Unfortunately, it wasn’t philanthropy as Alucard implied.

As if he knew Lili’s heart, Alucard stopped talking for a moment before starting again. “First of all, this is a report on the current situation. Alisa, who moved according to the instructions, confronted Laevateinn and called the wind elemental ruler, creating a vacuum around it.”

“The result… No, what is the result?”

“Not bad. The forest fire calmed, and the giant’s footsteps slowed considerably. It is regrettable that we couldn’t stop it completely, but the spread of the flames is obviously reduced.”

Gluttony’s advice had been correct. Lili nodded inwardly as she listened to Alucard’s report. The flames which burned from Laevateinn’s body were a power that transcended the rules of this material system, but the flames were subjected to the ordinary combustion phenomenon. If they maintained a vacuum around it, the damage wouldn’t be so large. Of course, this method alone wasn’t a good enough solution.

The vacuum only slowed down the rate at which the giant ate up the surroundings. Sooner or later, the fire would burn down the vegetation, and it would transform into the third form in five days. Then it would be reborn as the fire of destruction which burned all life. Lili’s primary goal for the vacuum was to stop it and interfere with the full evolution.

However, that wasn’t the only news from Alucard.

“What? Are you serious?”

“I’m sorry, but that is how it is.”

Lili’s face stiffened. When she started the meeting, she had told them that the ents and dryads should retreat. However, she just received news that they had refused. It was so unexpected that an absurd expression appeared on her face, but there was someone else who answered her question.

It was Edwin who slid closer to her. “Benefactor, the mindset of the ents and dryads is different from the elves.”


“Yes, to them, the forest isn’t a place where they live.”

For elves, the forest was their home and the foundation of their lives. The origin of the elves was to live in harmony with the animals and plants. However, the elves couldn’t compare to the ents and dryads when it came to closeness to the forest. Dryads were fairies who were born from trees, while ents were trees which had accumulated mana over a long period of time. To them, the forest was their neighbor and family. So, despite knowing that their actions were foolish, they couldn’t step back. While dying in Laevateinn’s flames, they continued to fight by throwing rocks and spitting poison. Despite knowing that resistance was pointless, the dryads and ents threw themselves to their deaths.

Crunch. Liliana unconsciously gritted her teeth.

‘Damn, if he continues eating dryads and ents… The mutation may occur faster than expected. Once that happens, it is the end.’

The fairies and trees filled with spirituality were like nutrient-rich prey to the Laevateinn. An ent was worth more than a normal tree, and dryads were useful offerings. Moreover, despite the fact that they respected the authority of the high elves, it wasn’t a subordinate relationship where they had to listen to commands.

As Lili’s mind stirred quickly, she asked Alucard, “Alucard, how much further to our destination? We have already been moving for two hours like this!”

“Pretty soon! Be prepared!” The moment Alucard answered… Liliana felt a feeling of weightlessness and regained her balance. The six magicians, one high elf, and one elf reached their destination after two hours. No one stumbled at this unexpected situation. It was proof that their nerves were tight.

Then they frowned and muttered.

“…How terrible.”

“How many trees…”

The sun was still high in the sky as a red horizon appeared beyond the trees. It had only been a few days since Laevateinn started its activities. With Alucard and Edwin at the forefront, the eight people stepped carefully toward the burning horizon.


They hadn’t even walked 100 steps, and they were already soaked with sweat. By the time they reached 200 steps, they could see the devastation dealt to the surrounding trees. Once they passed 300 steps, ash fell as the charred wood broke under their shoes. At 500 steps, the eight people reached the forefront.

At the border of the eastern forest, they could see that a fierce battle was taking place.

[Ohhh… ohh…]

[Stones… throw…!]

Huge trees dozens of meters tall were moving. Like a person, their arms moved back, and they threw stones from the ground. The strength was equivalent to a catapult. Any large monster would shatter to pieces if they were hit by the stones. A thunderous sound rumbled continuously in succession as the rocks fell. This was the power of the guardian of the forest species, the ents.

Some people admired the sight.

However, Lili approached and shouted harshly, “Stop this and back off right now! You fighting this way won’t be of any help!”

The leader of the ents growled ferociously.

[…Hu…man! Your command… don’t… follow!]

The same was true for the dryads, who were floating over the ents’ heads and informing them of the enemy’s position. The small forms made of blue mana glared at Lili. They might show grace to the high elves, but they couldn’t appreciate humans who mainly invaded and damaged forests. Thanks to this relationship, it was lucky they didn’t attack her, let alone cooperate.

“Stop it, Old Tree Elder!”

“We didn’t come to fight you!”

Alucard and Edwin tried to intervene, but the dryads and ents continued to fight. They didn’t care about the heat getting closer to them, as if they were going to jump into Laevateinn’s mouth itself. Some may regard that virtue as stupidity but not Liliana.

‘…Should I just move them through force?’

It wasn’t an impossible task. She wanted to avoid any unnecessary power consumption, but it was better than giving offerings to Laevateinn. It might cause problems later, but her first priority was to overcome this crisis.

As Liliana reached this conclusion in a calm manner, magic power flashed around her hands, while the other magicians who noticed this quickly became tense. It was unspoken proof of their willingness to join her.

However, Lili didn’t have to do anything.

[Hoing!] It was because the sound of the ancient elemental, Mitra, popping out of the dry land caught the attention of all their eyes. Alucard exclaimed at the sight of the world tree’s bud, while Edwin worried about whether he should bow or not. The magicians’ curiosity was aroused despite this situation, and Sylvia wriggled her fingers in greeting.

Then at that moment…

Kuuong! With a heavy sound, the ent leader fell to his knees.

Chapter 108 – Towards The Storm (2)

No, the ent leader wasn’t the only one to fall to her knees. The other ents bent their branches and roots, which looked like limbs, and fell to the ground. Liliana was confused by the unexpected behavior as other ents started to fall in a similar fashion. Thump, thump, the sound occurred every time the giant tree hit the forest floor. It was so loud that the crowded area quickly became quiet. The dryads, who had been threatening Lili with their mana, lost their fierce attitude and bowed politely in the same manner as how servants welcomed a queen.

Liliana, standing in the center of all this, looked around with an embarrassed expression and noticed something. ‘These guys… they aren’t bowing to me?’ The direction was slightly different. Lili followed their gaze and discovered Mitra looking around with a bewildered expression. She didn’t know why, but it seemed like the bud on her head was especially pointed today. Liliana realized the moment she saw it.

Simultaneously, the similarly enlightened Alucard cried out with delight, “Indeed, it is due to the bud of the world tree…!”

It wasn’t a well-known fact to humans, but the bud of a world tree could no longer grow in this era. The density of mana was several times thinner than it had been during the Age of Mythology, and the purity of the Arv’s blood was now much lighter. Additionally, there were numerous elements which interfered with the growth of a world tree. Even if all the remaining high elves on the continent joined forces, they no longer had the ability to grow another Yggdrasil. So, they had never considered the existence of another world tree.

The forgotten Mother Earth, Mitra, was a type of vessel. This meant Mitra could grow a bud of the world tree, the ruler of all the trees on earth. So, it was natural that, as tree-derived species, the dryads and ents couldn’t resist her presence. For them, Mitra was an existence they had to serve.

[Hoing? Hoeng?] …Ironically, the involved party didn’t understand at all.

Lili quickly weighed the situation and talked to Mitra in her head. Originally, the dryads and ents were inflexible species who required force to be moved, but the story was different now. It would be best if the situation could be solved without violence, and Lili had the means to make that possible.


[Ye?] The chubby Mitra turned around.

‘Can you tell the ones lying down to go to the forest over there? If you say it, they will probably listen.’

[I noe!] She turned toward the trees lying down and shouted in an adorable manner, [Yew, up!]

Simultaneously, the ents raised their bodies. As the massive trees rose, the ground shook, and the scenery changed into a forest. The ents responded in low voices as they waited for Mitra’s next instructions.

[As… you… command… ]

[…We… follow… queen…]

[What… next…?]

Then Mitra pointed to the forest on the other side and shouted briefly, [Fere, go!]

It was truly a sight which seemed like a lie. The ents and dryads, who had repeatedly refused the high elves’ request, started to move without any hesitation. They passed the pile of stones they had been throwing and moved in the direction of the dense forest. In their wake, the dryads and ents left stupefied expressions on the faces of Lili’s party.

Liliana was oddly proud of Mitra, who looked delighted, for solving the problem.

* * *

After the two species retreated, the group was able to approach the burning horizon. The nearby trees had already become charred charcoal or turned to ash. If the party hadn’t protected their bodies with heat-resistant magic, the heat would be enough to destroy their respiratory muscles instantly. Additionally, their visibility was distorted by a haze of heat, making it hard to see beyond dozens of meters.

Beyond that, a man greeted them with great joy.

“Wow, we finally meet!” As the high elf, Alisa, spoke in a pleasant voice, her golden hair blew in the wind. She looked at Lili in the forefront and cried out, “Hello! I want to say good evening, but isn’t it too bright for that? Anyway, it is nice to see you! Are you the girl who has our Ellenoa twisted up? I did as you said. How about it, did I do well?”

“…Yes, very well.”

It was a fairly difficult situation, but Alisa’s chatterbox nature still remained. Liliana looked at the present situation while half listening to her words. ‘Is it around 100 meters ahead? It is much wider than I thought.’

From the point where Alisa and the party were located, there was a vacuum which spread for around 100m. It was a space created by a woman floating in the air, the wind elemental ruler—Sylphid. There was no combustion allowed inside, but it was in vain. This would buy as much time as possible to stop Laevateinn from changing into the third form. In this space, the fire couldn’t spread, and only the trees touching Laevateinn’s body would burn. However, this vacuum could only buy time.

“Alisa, how much longer can you maintain it?”

“Um… 10 minutes? 15 minutes? Any more than that would be hard.”

“I understand.”

The high elves were assisted by the mana of the Great Forest, but that wasn’t infinite. Alisa had already been using Sylphid’s power for a few hours until the party arrived. She pretended to speak in a leisurely manner, but her forehead and neck were already wet with sweat. If she relaxed for even a moment, she would lose consciousness and fall. The power consumption of the vacuum was enormous.

From this moment on, it wasn’t Alisa but Liliana’s party who would fight. Along with the six magicians, there was a high elf and a guardian to defeat the legendary catastrophe. As the full weight of the burden fell on her, Lili forced herself to stand upright and cried out, “Then I will verify it for the last time.”

In order to defeat Laevateinn, they needed precise tactics and cooperation. If even one person was out of sync, someone else would die to make up for that mistake. Therefore, Liliana repeated the explanation she had spoken many times already. “Laevateinn can’t be destroyed by normal attacks, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be damaged at all. The attacks may not be lethal, but it will consume the energy that Laevateinn has stored. Therefore, our primary goal is to reduce the stored energy as much as possible.”

According to Gluttony, there was no way to completely destroy Laevateinn in this era. The archmages who could destroy the second form were only found in the history books. However, a method to suppress Laevateinn existed. While laughing slyly, Gluttony had taught her how to do it. It was similar to pouring water into a broken jar.

“We will first start with Sylvia.”

Sylvia, who was on the furthest end of the line, nodded and grabbed her white staff firmly. Liliana’s tactic was based on pouring sequential magic spells at the target as it wasn’t meaningful to concentrate all attacks at once on an opponent who couldn’t be killed.

“Continue in the pre-determined order of attack, but cover each other if someone misses the timing. If possible, use powerful destructive force to bother that guy. The ranged attacks will be handled by the two elves, so don’t worry.”

The two elves nodded in understanding. Alucard could summon the water elemental ruler, while Edwin’s arrow could decimate 1,000 men. If possible, Lili wanted to save the water elemental ruler to play an active role against the third form, but it would be a mistake if they lost because power was conserved.

Therefore, the eight people refined their formation thoroughly. Some practiced moving around the circle at a moderate pace, while another waited and checked their potions. Most of the people here were veterans, and even the less experienced Sylvia still had enough experience.

Soon, the time they had been waiting for arrived.


Finally, Alisa reached her limit and released the wind elemental ruler, allowing a gigantic wave of heat to hit them.


A hot wind blew from the horizon, and the ground burned black. The flames burned the ground until there was nothing left, while a black smoke bubbled up and blocked their vision. No life could survive in the center of this heat.

“—Remnants!” The angry Edwin cried out as he fired his bow.

Piing! A storm of arrows crossed the horizon! Meanwhile, a whirlwind a few hundred meters wide tore at the smoke and revealed the epicenter of the disaster beyond it.

Kukukung…! The earth shook and dust rose. A senior monster wouldn’t be able to endure this and would turn into scrap metal instantly. Shock waves burst from the arrows, causing the party’s robes to flap. The evidence of Edwin’s destructive power was amazing. A master’s attack, shot with the intention of killing something, was really huge. However, there was no meaning to it.


Flames swirled from beyond the horizon. The force, which had been bound by the vacuum until now, burned the air and melted any remnants. It was unknown if Edwin’s attack provoked it, but Laevateinn’s movements turned toward the party. “It’s coming!” Someone shrieked.

Liliana shouted reflexively, ignoring her aching head. She believed in Sylvia and the other magicians, but it was rare to ever encounter this type of oppression. After having absorbed Alfred’s experience and encountering Superbia, Lili wasn’t overwhelmed by the pressure, but Laevateinn’s presence surpassed human imagination.

Shortly after that, the giant moved at a terrifying pace, riding the aftermath of the explosion.


“Master of the cold, Ymir!”

The talent of the Blue Tower’s top genius allowed her to use the prepared ice magic even when she was shocked. The vortex around Sylvia’s body cooled the heat quickly and revealed its chilling teeth as a 100-meter-tall monster. It was a swirl of frost which even monsters used to the cold of the north couldn’t withstand. ‘Minor Force, Blizzard.’ As Sylvia was a 5th Circle magician, who was close to the 6th Circle, her original spell swallowed up the flame giant.

Starting with that blow, the curtain for the fight against the legend ranked grimoire, Laevateinn, was raised.

Chapter 109 – Towards The Storm (3)

Jjeok, jejejeok.

The flames on the ground were frozen over. Blizzard was originally a 7th Circle advanced magic, so the range of this Blizzard was extremely reduced. The range of effect which remained was reduced to a radius of around 10 meters. However, within those 10 meters, Sylvia had perfectly reproduced a magic of the 7th Circle.

Even the flames of Muspelheim were caught in the ice for a moment.

“Heinz, two seconds later!” At that time, Liliana had predicted the situation sooner than anyone else and pointed to the next magician to cast their magic.

Group fighting was familiar to knights, but it was difficult to keep their hands and feet in the right spot without any special training. The only one capable of catching the timing of the flow and then conducting the group was Liliana, who had awakened her supernatural senses.

The White Tower Superior, Heinz met those instructions. “Blow, a storm! Capture the enemy!”

Two seconds later, the fire giant broke through the thick ice but couldn’t even enjoy a sense of liberation before being caught in a storm. This was 6th Circle wind magic. Vortex Prison rippled around the giant and caught it. According to the records, large monsters like the high-ranking cyclops couldn’t escape the Vortex Prison. No, they were usually caught in that vortex and torn to pieces by the wind blades.

However, that wasn’t enough to stop Laevateinn.

Kururung! Kwarurung!

There was a thunderous rumble from inside the vortex, and the storm started burning as the giant beat at the wind with its two fists. There were random air discharges due to the shock waves as well as occasional lightning bolts. It was the manifestation of ineffective power. The firepower, which had already surpassed a master’s output, eventually destroyed the vortex.

However, the fire giant didn’t see what was happening to the ground.


“Earth, hold that ungodly presence in your arms!”

The ground sank suddenly, and the pouring in of earth and pebbles became a mass weapon. The soil buried the fire giant like a tsunami, swallowing it faster than its flames could melt the soil. Of course, the pressure was nothing more than an ankle grab, and the fire giant eventually crawled out from the ground.

Lili followed suit with another cold order, “30 meters in the 6 o’clock direction, two seconds later!”

A huge iceberg plunged from the sky into Laevateinn and protruded from its body without any errors. The chunk of ice was the size of a house, making it too big for the flames to melt it instantly. By the time the giant emerged, the next magic had already been prepared.

“After three seconds, Ordu!”

The wind shell exploded against the fire giant’s head several times.

“46 meters in the 10 o’clock direction, now!”

Ice arrows poured down from above and tore the flames to pieces.

The chain of magic attacks never ended. Once someone’s magic succeeded, another person’s followed. The immortal Laevateinn could hardly move.

The two elves watched the perfect chain of attacks and couldn’t help feeling in awe. The power of each magic which could stop the fire giant was great, but the greatest thing was the ability of the person conducting this battlefield.

Without Lili, this deadlock would’ve collapsed much sooner.

“…Amazing. Isn’t this close to a prescience ability? Or a prediction ability based on experience? Either way, it isn’t an ability someone that age should have.”

“Yes, I think so as well.”

This ability involved an insight which looked ahead a few moves, as well as the use of tactics which focused the power on the right place.

Liliana was stretching out her hand comfortably in an area which could only be reached through decades of fighting. Despite this, she wasn’t at all aware of how ridiculous her actions were. Instead, she focused on being the support in this situation, by calculating the distance and seconds for enemies and allies.

‘Damn, are we almost there yet?’ Liliana didn’t even have time to blink. She wiped away her sweat and glared at Laevateinn.

For those who didn’t know, it might seem like they were dominating, but that wasn’t the case. In the midst of such furious attacks, the party was slowly being pushed back. With a rate of three steps per 10 seconds, they were retreating approximately 5 meters per minute.

Additionally, this cyclic attack couldn’t be maintained for much longer. It would be dangerous if she didn’t reach her primary goal within the next 30 minutes.

Lili recalled Gluttony’s advice in her head,

–Despite being a grimoire, Laevateinn doesn’t possess any intelligence. It acts instinctively for its own purpose, but its actions have to comply with the rules. Its weakness lies in the rules.

Laevateinn’s third form was merely a transient process for shifting from the second form to the fourth form. It was a process of offering up everything in order to burn away all life. That’s why the third form was a diffuse flame storm.

However, what would happen if the second form wasn’t able to obtain the offerings and was constantly disturbed?

Exactly 15 minutes later, Laevateinn answered this question.

* * *

There was no one specific who noticed it first as the group of people, who were constantly pouring magic attacks, were all sensitive to any changes in the target. After all, the target was a flame giant which could melt any metal in a moment.

The flame giant suddenly stopped struggling and curled up into a ball. Its appearance was like a chrysalis waiting to emerge, so those watching it suddenly felt greatly alarmed.

As Edwin drew back his arrow carefully,

Chill. Liliana felt a terrible chill run down her spine.

‘Death.’ Defense magic didn’t mean anything as every being in this place would die.

As soon as this reality appeared in Lili’s mind, she exclaimed, “Alucard!”

They would’ve died if it hadn’t been for Gluttony’s advice, if Lili hadn’t explained it in advance in the meeting room, and if Alucard wasn’t in this place.

“Gentle water mother, El-Mare!” Alucard immediately moved according to Lili’s will which had been close to a scream.

It was also thanks to Alucard previously hearing about how dangerous the third form was. The lack of offerings reduced the power considerably, but it wasn’t something which magicians who hadn’t reached the master level could withstand.

[Did you call?] The water elemental ruler was quickly revealed. If it wasn’t for this location, there would’ve been a shower when she was summoned, and the dry land would become wet.

Without giving her a word of greeting, Alucard cried out, “Protect us from the mighty flames!”

[…Child of the forest, I will accept the request according to the contract,] an inorganic voice answered the call.

As soon as El-Mare spoke, a blue shield wrapped around the party. This was the soul which governed all water. It could only endure one or two rounds of the 7th Circle Inferno. So, it was inevitable that the party would receive some punishment.

Immediately afterwards, a super-heated hell unfolded.


There was no sound. The heat had already long evaporated the air. Then there was a fierce flash of light which threatened to burn their retinas. Lili endured the few drops of blood flowing from her eyes and barely managed to look ahead.

Apart from the light, the Muspelheim’s heat penetrated the shield. It was a wonder they could even breathe. The elemental ruler was their only lifeline.

“…Crazy,” Lili muttered as she barely recovered and saw the sight in front of her. The rest of the group noticed the difference a few beats late.



They looked around to where light and ash could be seen. It wasn’t beautiful but literally a disastrous hell. No life could survive on this burning land. Air, water, and everything else needed to survive had disappeared. The remaining vegetation on the horizon was the only comfort. If the green hadn’t entered their eyes, they really would’ve thought that the world had been destroyed.

Liliana regained her calm sooner than anyone else. ‘It is finally coming.’

As a grimoire that ate grimoires, Gluttony couldn’t eat a book which didn’t exist in this world.

So, it was impossible to subdue the fire giant, Muspelheim’s second form. No matter how many times it was destroyed, the infinite flames would reappear, and those who weren’t transcendent had no way to resist it. However, from the third form onwards, Laevateinn’s body was revealed.

From where Lili was standing, it took a little over 20 steps to reach the center of that hot hell.

“A bead of light.”

The white bead shone brilliantly. It was the passage connecting the material world to Muspelheim, the reality of the grimoire which existed to destroy the world. Then Liliana finally caught sight of Laevateinn’s body and took a step forward.



As soon as Lili took one step, her skin turned red. Despite the protection of the water elemental ruler and 5th Circle defense magic, human flesh couldn’t withstand this heat, especially if the person wasn’t a sword or magic master.

Maybe Liliana would somehow survive 10 steps. After that, her flesh would burn, her blood would dry up, and her bones would break. For that reason, it was Lili’s fight alone from here onwards.

“…!” “…….!”

She had a silent conversation with her group.

Someone saw her take one step and thought she should reconsider. Someone else gave her protection magic, despite it being meaningless.

Sylvia tried to catch up with her but was grabbed by a magician of the Blue Tower, while Edwin bowed his head in apology for not being able to help. It was because his powers became extremely weak in a space where upper-ranked elementals were ineffective.

Lili glanced at all of them before looking back to the front.

‘Not yet… A little more. I can endure it…’

She took one step and then another step. The heat peeled her skin, but it wasn’t to the extent that she would die. Her disciplined body and mind could endure this much pain. At the fifth step, her red skin was peeled off, and her muscles started burning. Then Liliana pulled out her trump card.

Wuuong! Emerald light emerged from the mark on her right arm and wrapped around her entire body.

The national treasure Umbra. The treasure that gave its owner its abilities, including Fluidization. Umbra had the ability to ignore physical attacks, so it could handle this heat. So, after the first five steps, Liliana’s body turned transparent. However, she wasn’t completely free from the heat.

‘Kuok…! This is outside the laws of physics…!’

Muspelheim’s flames even hurt spiritual bodies. Lili took seven more steps, but the stronger heat started to shatter her body.

She managed another eight steps forward. However, in order to put it in the range of Gluttony’s tongue, Lili needed at least three more steps. It meant that this hell would become three times stronger after this.

Liliana really wanted to run away right now, but she gritted her teeth and persevered.

‘Let’s go.’

If she didn’t stop Laevateinn here, the world would perish. Even if a transcendent she didn’t know about showed up to stop Laevateinn, Elvenheim would still be destroyed. It couldn’t be helped if she had never started this operation, but she couldn’t forgive herself for running away when she was so close to the end.

Lili took one more step.

As she patiently tried to endure the heat which seemed like it would melt through her bones, Lili complained to someone who wasn’t there.

She complained to the White Tower Master Orta, who had declared he wouldn’t participate in this subjugation mission.

Chapter 110 – Towards The Storm (4)

Beyond the eastern forest, the horizon was burning red. Perhaps it was proof that Liliana Miller and Laevateinn’s battle was reaching the next stage. Flames would sometimes emerge through the clouds, while the whole forest itself was filled with bursting heat.

White Tower Master Orta sat idly on a stump in front of a cabin and watched the scene. His lips, revealed under the white mask, suddenly parted. “In the last war, the empire lost two master swordsmen. The 3rd and the 6th, they were tough opponents.”

Unlike his emotionless voice, Orta really meant it. If he looked back on when he encountered the 3rd Sword, he would still get goosebumps. There were dozens of senior magicians who had died from that man’s sword. The 6th Sword’s swordsmanship couldn’t be ignored either. The wounds from his sword had been so strong that they never faded. From that time on, Orta had started using this mask.

Orta unconsciously touched the mask and smiled bitterly. “It has already been 15 years, pretty fast.”

Even if the magicians and swordsmen reached the master level, it was hard for their lifespan to exceed 200 years. Meltor and Andras had repeated wars, so their lifespan was short on average. Nevertheless, the battle between the magic kingdom and sword empire continued on, and the reason for that never changed.

There were always people who appeared to fill those empty seats.

“…The personal talk ends here,” Orta said as he got up. Then he turned in the direction of the cabin and stared. No, to be exact, he was staring at an area of air. Orta looked alert, like he was convinced that someone was there.

“Won’t you show yourself, Sword Master? If you take one more step, then I won’t be able to stay still.”

Anybody would be confused if they saw this scene. There was nothing in the place where Orta’s eyes were fixed on, just an occasional breeze passing through. No life could hide in it, and there wasn’t even a flicker of mana.

In this first place, this was the Great Forest, so no one could avoid Elvenheim’s Ratatoskr surveillance. It was an impossible feat even for White Tower Master Orta, who could use space magic. At that moment, Orta’s index finger drew a line in the air.


Suddenly, flames emerged. In the empty space, two powers collided, and there was a shock wave. Then as the two powers canceled out, the shock wave rippled through the ground and showed traces of a border. This wasn’t a coincidence. It was just a step away from the point where Orta had given the warning.

Simultaneously, a shocked voice rang out, “No?!”

The voice sounded like an echo, not leaving any traces of where it came from. It was like a whisper in his ear as well as a yell in the distance. So, it was impossible to find the owner just by listening to the voice.

However, Orta was convinced he knew and looked at a point two steps to the right of where he had originally looked. As a positive light shone in Orta’s eyes, the space where nothing was present began to distort.

“…I am amazed. You… are you really looking at me?” A man appeared within the distorted space. His face was covered with a mask similar to Orta’s, but the colour was a dark black, as if to melt into darkness. There was a sword which was neither long nor short hanging from his waist. It was an arming sword, designed to be handled with one hand and suited for those with a sleek physique.

Oddly, there was a masked man standing in the forest of the elves.

As the tension rose, Orta opened his mouth first. “3rd or 6th, which one are you?”

“I don’t know. Do all sword masters have to belong to the empire? I could just be a sword master passing by.”

“…How slippery.” Orta frowned at the man’s joking answer.

The opposition was an unidentified person and surely one of the Empire’s Seven Swords, but there was no way to prove it. The existence of a master who hadn’t been exposed to the outside world was annoying in many ways.

On the surface, there was a non-aggression pact, and a third country wouldn’t be able to plan this in a few days. In this situation, Andras wouldn’t suffer any losses.

“You are the one who released Laevateinn.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“At the time of the delegation, you released the monster and infiltrated the deepest part of Elvenheim. Due to Laevateinn, you can aim at the neural network where the gap is weakest. Is your purpose the assassination of the high elves?”

The man flinched at the truth that emerged. He hadn’t said anything, yet the opponent had pierced through their plan in an instant. It was a really terrifying insight. When the man’s mouth shut, it was an inadvertent sign of agreement, and Orta immediately understood that his thoughts were correct.

‘It is well-organized in its own way. The risk is low, and there is nothing connecting it back to Andras. They overlooked the danger, but…’

Andras probably didn’t understand completely what Laevateinn was. If they knew, they wouldn’t have released a monster that would burn away all life in the material world. They almost destroyed themselves in their last ditch effort to stop the Meltor Kingdom.

Andras just thought it was a plan which could deal a fatal blow to Meltor and Elvenheim in either direction. If Elvenheim collapsed due to Laevateinn, that would be good. Even if it failed, it would cause massive damage, and they could assassinate the high elves in the meantime.

In Elvenheim, a country which originated from the world tree, the high elves were the focal point and not simply a symbolic meaning. At least four high elves were needed to keep the world tree alive. If it fell below that, the world tree would weaken and wane.

If this happened, rather than Elvenheim playing a role in the war between Meltor and Andras, the existence of the country itself would be jeopardized.



“Only idiots would use a knife that they don’t know much about. The person who released Laevateinn and sent you here, I want to hear their name.”

However, the man just laughed and shook his head. “I don’t know what you are talking about. And you, will you even be in a state to receive the answer?”

“I see.”

“Well, I did realize something.” The man naturally raised a hand to his sword.


The sword which had accepted its master’s hand cried out threateningly. A frivolous attitude was nowhere to be seen as the sword master’s eyes sharpened behind the mask. The man activated the power behind a sword master’s existence, Aura ability.

He didn’t know how, but his opponent had seen through his stealth and realized the whole plan. This meant it was too risky to keep Orta alive.

“You have to die here.”

A sword master’s flesh contained its own lethal power. Falling leaves were shattered without warning as a white aura formed around the sword. The current sword would even be able to break a dragon’s scales.

Despite facing a blade which could slice at his neck any moment, Orta opened his arms without any fear. The number of people who had witnessed the White Tower Master fight didn’t even reach 10. The white mask covered his face, but a strange smile was revealed underneath it.

“It has been a long time since I’ve felt this tension. It is quite delightful.”

“…Are you going to fight like this?”

“That’s right.”

There was only a 10-meter distance between the two masters. For a sword master, it was such a short distance that it wasn’t even half a step. The man thought he was being taken lightly, and indignation bubbled under his black mask. There had been a desire to pay homage to the enemy who had fought against his seniors. However, that died down after his pride was wounded.

“I am familiar with the rumours. The White Tower Master, a fugitive who doesn’t hesitate to show his back on the battlefield… You yourself claimed that combat isn’t your specialty, isn’t that right?”

“Well, your words aren’t wrong.”

“Is that so? Then…”


There were no preliminary actions. His ability, ‘Disappear’ removed him from the world. Visual, auditory, olfactory, as well as tactile senses… all signs of his existence were erased. So, all of his attacks were like ambushes, and the front was no different from the back.

There wasn’t even a flutter of mana as he stretched out toward the elder’s neck.


Shortly after that, the positions of the two masters were reversed.


Red blood spurted out. Drops of blood splashed out from torn flesh and flowed down the neck. It was obvious that if the attack had been even one step deeper, it would be his brain, not his ears, which would have been damaged, and he would’ve died instantly.

“Hmm, I am still rusty,” Orta murmured as he looked at the sword master whose ear he had cut off.

“…You, how?”

“Well, it is as you said. My magic is forever exploring space and time, so I never thought of combat as my specialty.” A creepy light appeared from behind the white mask. “It isn’t my specialty, but I never thought I lagged behind in it.”

If anyone in Meltor were asked about the greatest magician, they would say Blundell Adruncus. If anyone in Meltor were asked about the most powerful magician, they would say Veronica’s name. If anyone in Meltor were asked about the most mysterious magician, they would cautiously mention the Yellow Tower Master.

This was why White Tower Master Orta was more dangerous than anyone else. If there was an opponent he couldn’t win against, he would flee and kill someone he could win against. In fact, it was Orta who had taken down the 6th Sword in the last war, but no one had witnessed how he’d fought.

As the black masked man understood this fact and started sweating, Orta sent him a cold smile.

“The price of not giving me an answer is costly. Don’t think you will be able to leave with all your limbs…!”

The second battlefield was unveiled in the deepest part of the Great Forest.

* * *

‘Two steps left.’

Lili’s bones were already trembling. Her physical body didn’t exist, so it was likely that her brain would melt from the heat. The water elemental ruler’s protection and Umbra were used to maintain her life, but Liliana had already reached her limit.

She needed to take one more step. However, her intuition told her that if she took this step, she would surely die.


She had no choice but to go. She knew she had to go. She ought to go.

However, the soles of her feet didn’t move.

The boundary of life and death… this last hurdle was so hard. Lili might die the moment she took this footstep. All the glory in her hands would turn to ashes. She was afraid that even her soul would burn up.

There was no way to bring out more strength. Mitra’s strength was pointless in this dead land, and she had already mobilized the power of Umbra to its limit. The current result was because she also used the defense magic in Memorize.

Lili somehow understood that this was the boundary. This was the realm of a hero, the realm of those who overcame the fear of death and threw themselves into the struggle. Then, she remembered it.


Lili had already crossed this boundary once. If she reached the place where she’d left her footprints, she would feel more comfortable. The face of Ellenoa, who she had almost died to protect, entered her mind. As she recalled the moment she’d dealt with Superbia, all hesitation disappeared.

She made the third step. Then as the flames burned her consciousness, Lili shouted, [Gluttony—!]

–I have been waiting!

The tongue stretched out from her left hand, and in the swirl of heat and light which no one’s eyes could see through, the nemesis of a grimoire appeared. Even the grimoire Laevateinn, who didn’t have a separate intellect, tried to withdraw as it felt an unconscious fear.

However, just before that could happen, it was caught by the tongue.

–I got it!

Chapter 111 – Towards The Storm (5)

In the end, Gluttony’s tongue wrapped around Laevateinn, who had been trying to run away. It was an odd sight in many ways. In the epicenter of the fire which burned the clouds, a bead of light was caught by a tongue. However, Liliana didn’t have room to enjoy the curious sight.

[Hey! Swallow it quickly!]

The duration of the Fluidization effect was reaching its limits. Despite the fact that Gluttony had restrained Laevateinn, the heat was getting worse, and it wasn’t at a level which her physical body could survive. Lili would die instantly the moment Fluidization was released. Somehow, she had to win before that. Lili’s sense of urgency was conveyed as the tongue became more taut.

Gluttony shouted in a voice that couldn’t contain its joy, –Bastard! Resisting, meaningless!

Then she tugged Laevateinn’s body as hard as she could.


This was the final, desperate struggle. Flames soared into the sky through the gaps of the tongue wound tightly around it. The clouds floating tens of kilometers above Lili were scattered like a lie, and the atmosphere distorted. It was a power comparable to the Dragon Breath Veronica had shown previously! Liliana was overwhelmed as she looked at the torn sky.

‘If that flame had turned on us…’

They would have been killed without being able to do anything. It was an output which could sweep away the elemental ruler’s power. Perhaps if Laevateinn changed to the fourth form, it could pour out these types of flames infinitely. However, with a final roar, Laevateinn’s body lost the power to resist. Gluttony mentioned this as a weakness of the third form. The body lost all defense functionalities in order to bring out all the power it had.


As always, there was the sound of good food being eaten as Laevateinn entered Gluttony’s mouth. Simultaneously, the information about the legend-ranked grimoire, Laevateinn, was updated. The contents previously veiled with question marks were now revealed.


[This is a grimoire where the realm of fire, Muspelheim, is sealed. At the time of Ragnarok, Surtr had fully unlocked the power of the grimoire and burned the world tree by releasing Muspelheim. However, in return, he was turned to ashes, and the grimoire, who lost its owner, closed its eyes and waited.

* The rating of the grimoire is ‘Legend.’
* When consumed, fire magic affinity will rise to the limit. The magic power consumed by fire magic will be reduced by half. Fire damage lower than the user’s level will be ignored. Fire damage above the user’s level will be reduced.
* When consumed, Ring of Muspelheim will be acquired. Muspelheim’s fire can be used step-by-step.
* When consumed, you can’t control the power of this grimoire with your current capabilities. If you want to be recognized as its master, you must be at least an 8th Circle master or 9th Circle user.]

It was truly ridiculous.

‘…What is this?!’

Lili was so astonished that she forgot about the pain. The grimoire sealed in her inventory, Death’s Worship, was also ridiculous. She would be able to absorb 50% to 100% of a 9th Circle warlock’s ability and control the undead. However, due to the danger of having her body taken over, it was just a pie in the sky.

In comparison, it might not be unusual that Laevateinn would grant those abilities.

At that moment, the bright field of view returned to normal.


The whole world seemed vague. Her pupils had reached their limit after facing such a bright light for a long time. Liliana didn’t look ahead and closed her puffy eyelids. She didn’t need to see to guess what had happened. The world returned to its original state after the source of the heat and light, Laevateinn, disappeared. The question was whether she could survive in this situation…


As the air evaporated, her hearing came back. Lili heard the approaching sounds and turned off Fluidization as she started to feel dizzy. She expected Sylvia to take the proper measures. Then the pain from her blackened flesh and boiled blood entered her head.


‘Horrible pain!’ Lili now understood why burning was the most brutal death sentence. Even the wind passing by caused her burned nerves to tingle and seize. Maybe it was because the damage she’d suffered while under Fluidization was transmitted to her body, but Lili was covered in burns.

Sylvia looked at her condition and instantly used magic. “Hold on!”

Her hands shone with a blue light as she used Chilling Touch and held Lili’s neck. It was to stabilize her before starting to earnestly heal the burns. There would be no chance of recovery if the heat remained in the wounds. This action was effective in its own way as Lili’s breathing calmed down a little bit. The rest of the group, who came a beat later, added a helping hand to her treatment. They squeezed out their remaining power, creating a bright flash of healing magic.

Then the high elf, Alucard, asked for help from the water elemental ruler, who was still summoned. “El-Mare, please heal her! If the price isn’t enough, I will prepare a tribute for you in the future.”

The status of the elemental rulers was so high that even high elves didn’t dare make demands to them. The water elemental ruler, El-Mare, stared at Liliana with a blank expression. The mana which Alucard provided had already run out, so she would have to use her own power to heal her. Originally, she wouldn’t have accepted the request even with a tribute, but in this moment, she nodded.

[The one who extinguished the flames that were the world tree’s enemy and averted a catastrophe… It is an achievement I can’t overlook. I won’t accept a tribute. Young human, be proud of today’s feat,] El-Mare said while spreading out her palms.


An auspicious light spread. The dry soil became wet, and a little bit of vitality returned to the uninhabitable land. It was a power similar to what the high elves had but on a higher level. The light covered Liliana, and her skin started to return to its original color. The torn nerves were restored, and the pain disappeared as her burned skin grew back.

Liliana was able to half regain her mind. She grasped the situation and bowed to the water elemental ruler, who provided her with such grace.

“T-Thank you.”

[Don’t mind it.] El-Mare shook her head before speaking again. [All the heat remaining in your body was driven out. But you shouldn’t carelessly use the power that you have accepted, or you will know the consequences,] she warned while looking down at Lili's left hand. There wasn’t a burn mark there but a tattoo resembling the sun. It was the power which Gluttony had extracted from Laevateinn, the Ring of Muspelheim. The power to summon Muspelheim was too much for a mortal who wasn’t even at a master level yet. The slightest slip would cause the power to be abused and burn her up.

Lili smiled wryly and bowed while replying, “Yes, Water Mother. It was an honor to meet you.”

[I never thought I would meet one being from the Age of Mythology, let alone two. It was an exciting trip.]

Other people might not have understood, but Liliana couldn’t help flinching. Indeed, the eyes of the elemental ruler didn’t miss Gluttony’s and Laevateinn’s existences. However, El-Mare didn’t seem like she wanted to expose it as she smiled strangely before disappearing from the material world. A big wind blew past as the huge presence vanished.

As everyone understood that the situation was over, the group couldn’t help sighing.

“Hooo… It is gone.”

“Somehow, I can’t believe it.”

“I am the same.”

One person was conscious of the death they had just faced, while another person had difficulty believing their own survival. Liliana was the only one injured in this place. However, if she hadn’t taken the last step, then the whole continent would’ve turned into hell. The fight against the legend-ranked grimoire had been terrible. It had been so hard that the victors couldn’t enjoy it.

‘…It is good that we won.’

The exhausted Liliana leaned against Sylvia and stared up at the sky. The thrill of what happened still hadn’t disappeared. Lili looked at the sky distorted by Laevateinn, then she dropped her gaze to her left hand.

‘Ring of Muspelheim.’

“I understand… I think.”

El-Mare’s advice was that the power was like an overwhelming fountain which would hurt her body. It was like an active volcano and was still too much for Liliana Miller. If she freed it now, she would burn herself and everything around her. Right now, it was time to concentrate on her goal while keeping an eye on this power from the Age of Mythology.

The 6th Circle was carved into her heart. This was proof of the 6th Circle which Liliana had wanted before leaving for Elvenheim. However, right now, it seemed painful to close her eyes and concentrate internally.

Sylvia carefully held her side and asked, “Lili, are you somewhat okay now?”

“…Yes, I’m okay. And thank you for the help. It might’ve been dangerous if it hadn’t been for Sylvia.” Lili felt a subtle discomfort as she answered. Just like with Death’s Worship, what would’ve happened if she and Gluttony weren’t here? Could she have won against Laevateinn who had burned the world tree and Elvenheim? The current result was due to Gluttony being a nemesis for grimoires, but their victory hadn’t been through a frontal confrontation. It was more likely that Elvenheim would’ve sacrificed all their power in vain.

‘I don’t know if an incident occurs wherever I go, or if I happen to go to places where incidents will occur.’

It might seem the same, but her behavior could vary greatly depending on the cause. The nemesis of grimoires… Gluttony’s existence itself was a strange thing, let alone having such a function. It was like a carnivore drawing in insects with its scent. However, Liliana’s thoughts didn’t go much further than that.

“Hua! I thought I would die out there!” At this moment, the high elf Alisa approached the party after recovering her power. She must be quite tired from calling the wind elemental ruler for several hours, but she moved while showing no signs of it. Thanks to that, the group gained enough strength to start moving. However, Alucard didn’t seem to demonstrate the same recovery ability.

“Then shall we go back?” Alisa raised her thumb and pointed at the forest behind her. “Let’s have a celebration as soon as we return!”

**Chapter 112 – World Tree’s Reward (1)**

While returning, there was no need for haste. Liliana had regained some stamina, but she was still weak. Therefore, she didn’t have the strength to run or scale trees. However, unlike her tired body, everyone else glimmered with optimism. It had been a life-or-death battle where a legend of the elves had been revived, but they had survived. Everyone understood that wanting more than this was greedy.

They tried to ignore the accumulated fatigue in their bodies and conversed more than usual. In the end, it was natural that Liliana would become the center of the conversation, being the one who had ended Laevateinn.

“By the way, I was really surprised! Superior Lady Liliana!” Someone remarked, gently patting her on the shoulder.

“Huh? Amazed?” Lili responded.

“I didn’t know there was a way to survive that terrible heat! I don’t know about Veronica, but we couldn’t even take a few steps.”

The middle-aged magician had a white beard and wore robes symbolizing the Blue Tower, yet he treated Liliana in a friendly manner. Perhaps he felt a bond after fighting together.

The magician called Philip, who had aimed the iceberg at Laevateinn, praised Lili’s courage and whispered while observing her right arm, “The thing on your arm, that is the ability of the national treasure, right?”

Philip’s voice indicated he was already half convinced, so Lili sighed with relief. Apart from the elemental ruler, no one had perceived Gluttony.

She naturally restored her expression and gave Philip the answer he wanted, “Yes, that’s right. I’m glad it helped.”

“Indeed! The moment that emerald light was seen, I recalled His Majesty. Thanks to this, it saved all of our lives. Isn’t this Meltor’s blessing?”

“It is as Philip says. I wouldn’t even be able to approach it without Umbra.”

It was half right, half wrong. Lili didn’t lie, but she didn’t disclose everything either. This was the excuse that Liliana, merely a 5th Circle sorceress, used. After all, it was the national treasure Umbra, of which even the White Tower Master didn’t fully understand the powers. Lili had insisted that she could defeat Laevateinn with the power of the national treasure and asserted that only she could destroy its body.

The power of the high elves saw that Lili was telling the truth. Truly, she hadn’t said that she could destroy it with Umbra. She had just said, ‘Umbra can be used to destroy Laevateinn’s body.’

If they sat down and examined the context calmly, some might detect something suspicious. However, they were facing a crisis, and it was a confusing situation for everyone.

‘Well, it isn’t a lie either.’

If Lili didn’t have Umbra’s Fluidization ability, she would’ve perished before even approaching it. In her words, Umbra had been essential in destroying Laevateinn’s body. As a result, she didn’t tell a single lie despite not mentioning Gluttony.

Laughing inwardly, Lili gave the same answer to Heinz, the fourth magician who whispered to her. In this way, everyone was caught in the perfect misunderstanding.

“Oh! Who came to meet us?” Alisa asked, pointing into the distance.

The humans weren’t the only ones who couldn’t see anything. The guardian, Edwin, was the same. As the weary Alucard noticed the situation belatedly, a white robe flashed before the party. It was the surprise appearance of the masked White Tower Master, Orta.

“T-Tower Master?!”


However, Orta’s sudden appearance wasn’t the reason why Lili’s group was shocked.

Duk. Dududuk. Duduk.

Blood dripped down. A few drops of blood occasionally stained Orta’s white robes, but he didn’t let go of the thing in his hands.

It was someone’s left arm. Clearly, the arm had been attached to someone’s shoulder just a while ago. Blood flowed without interruption from the area where the cut had occurred. It was so unexpected that the party couldn’t help feeling shocked.

Orta then opened her mouth and spoke as calmly as always, “Philip.”

“Eh? Ah, yes!”

“Take this.”

Philip came forward, and Orta tossed him the arm. The arm bled heavily, and Philip seemed frustrated by the blood on his robes. However, his expression changed after hearing Orta’s next words.

“It is the arm of an assassin, presumably from the Seven Swords. I remember that the Blue Tower developed a tracking magic that uses the blood of the target, is that right?”

“…Yes, it is.”

“Make a device that can track the owner of that arm. Make a lot, and have it be as accurate as possible. He is someone who has a ‘stealth’ type aura ability. Be thorough when working on it.”

“I will follow your words!”

The gazes of the party changed once they heard of the Seven Swords. Although they seemed on the verge of collapse, they were suddenly ablaze with fierce determination.

It wasn’t just the magicians who reacted to Orta’s mention of the assassin.

Alisa’s playful expression had vanished as she asked, “Assassin? Is that true?”

“In my opinion, yes.”

“…The targets?”

“It seems like you have already guessed.”

Crunch. A loud sound emerged from between her lips.

Unless they were idiots of the century, nobody would send assassins into the Great Forest just to pursue the Meltor delegation. However, killing ordinary elves would only buy them Elvenheim’s enmity. As to the valuable targets that only a swordmaster-level assassin could aim at… they were the high elves in the Great Forest.

“I was thinking of killing him, but it is difficult to pursue him. Above all, it is difficult to pursue an opponent in this forest that has many barriers.”

In the end, Alisa sighed and bowed her head. “No, I am grateful. An assassin who can deceive the parent’s eyes… The children may have been in danger if it wasn’t for you.”

“I am merely acting as a friendly neighbor.”

“Kuk, is that so? Then we should also act as neighbors.” Alisa seemed to appreciate Orta’s unexpected words as she shrugged and laughed again.

She normally thought of humans as dull, but she didn’t dislike humans who talked like this man. The debt wasn’t particularly burdensome either. In any case, Elvenheim was now forced onto the same boat as Meltor.

It wasn’t confirmed that the people of the Andras Empire were behind this, but it was obvious. For them to attempt burning the Great Forest with Laevateinn and assassinating the high elves… the sin was grave.

It was at this moment that…


A group of people moved through the thick bushes and arrived at the party’s location. Lili's eyes widened upon seeing the person in the lead. The magicians of the Red Tower and elves who used fire elementals had been missing from the subjugation mission since fire magic didn’t work on Laevateinn.

Currently, her mentor Vince was dragging some people who were tied up.

Without missing a beat, Orta asked, “The result?”

“It is like Tower Master said… Come out!” Vince stepped aside, and one of the bound people walked out slowly.

“We have already secured their testimony. They are mercenaries hired by the black-masked man and didn’t know what they were carrying. There is nothing else, even if they are tortured.”

“Hrmm, it is futile.”

“Do you want me to handle this?” Vince asked cruelly, a red flame appearing above his palms.

The bound captives began to struggle.

“P-Please spare us, Mister!”

“We didn’t know anything!”

“H-He, no, that son of a bitch was the one!”

“Please, I will do anything as long as I can live!”

They were evil and confident people in their own backyards, but they looked terrified at the thought of being killed. Orta nodded before squinting at the high elves. They might be lowlifes from Meltor, but this was Elvenheim, so the elves had the right to decide the punishment.

Therefore, she naturally turned to Alisa. “Alisa, how does Elvenheim punish sinners?”

“Huh? Well, there is a lifetime of servitude in the mines… or turning them into workers responsible for harvesting or hunting?”

“Then do so.”

“Eh.” Her eyes widened for a moment, then she giggled as she understood. “Are you sure you aren’t a hundred-year-old snake? Well, okay. I won’t refuse. Guys, take them!”

The group didn’t struggle as the elves appeared and took them away. It was better than being burned to death by a man with an expressionless face.

Soon after Vince joined, the group arrived at the place they’d left a few hours ago. It was a seemingly ordinary cabin, but inside was a space door Orta admired.

“I can finally relax…” Someone muttered as the door opened, and someone ran out.

“Liliana!” It was Ellenoa, with hair resembling grass and a clear, refreshing fragrance. She and the high elves had watched the fight through Ratatoskr.

“Ah, Ellenoa…” Lili wasn’t given a chance to respond.

Ellenoa leapt forward and stretched out with both hands.

Snap. Liliana’s face was suddenly grabbed.

Lili didn’t know this, but Ellenoa had watched her jump into the fire. So, Ellenoa was now examining her face and body for wounds that weren’t yet healed.


“You aren’t hurt anywhere? Hot air blew from the front, so can you see properly? Can you move well?”

“I-I’m fine. Alisa treated me once and—”

“Alisa can’t finish such a big task!”

Alisa was upset by Ellenoa’s sudden outburst, but Alucard just sneered at her. The rest of the party didn’t intervene at the high elf’s sudden appearance and just watched. Fortunately, Ellenoa ended it quickly.

“Phew, you don’t seem to be greatly injured.” After examining Lili a few times, Ellenoa finally stepped back, and her head cooled down. She suddenly realized how daring she had been and stated, “That, I didn’t mean to do this… that is…”

Ellenoa then inadvertently took a few steps back as all eyes were on her. As her white skin flushed red to an extent in which she couldn’t hide it, Ellenoa covered her face and ran out of the cabin.

Then, Lumia appeared with a confused expression. “…What happened?”

She didn’t know what was going on with Ellenoa, but she sighed at the awkward atmosphere before continuing, “First of all, on behalf of Elvenheim, I would like to thank you for your victory in this tough fight. I’m glad that all of you returned in one piece. We of Elvenheim will never forget your grace. And…”

After the usual greeting, Lumia slowly smiled.

“There are new sprouts in the burned fields. Please join us in our festival.”

She invited them to an event at which no human had ever been present since the founding of Elvenheim.

Chapter 113 – World Tree's Reward (2)

Apart from that invitation, Liliana was granted a few days of rest. Nobody had been killed or seriously injured in the fight against Laevateinn, but it had been a battle in which senior magicians over the 5th Circle had consumed most of their magic power in a short period of time. It was normal to feel physical fatigue, not to mention the burden on the circles. Only the Red Tower magicians, who were active elsewhere, weren’t affected. Vince sat beside Liliana’s slender form and said with a gentle smile, “It was unavoidable, but I can’t help feeling ashamed that I had it easier than my disciple.”

“Wasn’t it also difficult for Master?” Lili asked quietly, her voice soft but curious.

“It was nothing compared to what you went through,” Vince replied warmly.

In the last battle, the Red Tower magicians had reluctantly been excluded. It was because the existence of fire magic would have been meaningless against the legend-ranked grimoire, Laevateinn. Even the master-level Veronica wouldn’t have been able to help, let alone 6th Circle magicians. Therefore, Orta had instructed them to capture the group which brought Laevateinn into the Great Forest. The result was that the arsonists were properly captured.

The Red Tower magicians hadn’t even been able to fight properly! Their frustration at not participating in the historic fight exploded above the heads of the unlucky idiots. The arsonists had been blinded by money and ended up dealing with the war mages of the Red Tower, the famous elite troops of Meltor. Of course, there were a few who had tried courageously to resist, but they were then turned into gruesome lumps of charcoal. ‘It was a worthless battle,’ Vince recalled.

“I’ve been thinking about it since then, and I think it is a good idea to combine magic of other attributes. At this age, I realized that I am still immature and there are many profound paths,” he mused.

“Ha, haha…” Lili giggled softly, nodding in agreement.

Vince had entered the 6th Circle in his 50s while studying ancient languages, and now he wanted to learn magic of other attributes? Lili wondered if Vince would only sleep three or four hours a day. Having a curious heart which didn’t know how to stop was also a trait of a magician.

At this moment, the two took the chance to have a private conversation. The serious conversations had taken place over a few nights, and now they were just waiting for people to come and get them. Since the fight against Laevateinn, the elves had been preparing a ‘festival,’ along with the evacuated ents and dryads. It was something which those who were stuck in their rooms didn’t realize.

Not long afterwards, someone knocked on their door.

Edwin appeared at the door and spoke while bowing, “As my parents have ordered, I have come to collect the both of you.”

* * *

Like the last meeting, the elves guided the whole group at once. However, the difference from that time was Edwin’s attitude toward the delegation, apart from Liliana. Originally, the elves hadn’t been rude, but they had been very polite. That coldness was now released into a gentle friendliness.

Lili guessed the reason and nodded inwardly. ‘It seems like the fact that we destroyed Laevateinn was announced. If this were human history and not the history of Elvenheim, things wouldn’t flow so smoothly.’

It was a cynical thought, but it wasn’t that wrong. Unlike the elves who prioritized returning the favour over themselves, humans generally took care of themselves first. If this had happened in a place like the Austen Kingdom, they might have sent Lili as bait instead of providing support troops. Then once it was over, they would probably try to claim Lili’s work in defeating Laevateinn as their own.

As such, it was hard to find a country which would publicly declare and treat them as saviours. However, the pleasant mood didn’t end there.

[Wait… a… minute…] A hollow voice rang out.

There were loud footsteps, then the large source appeared. Part of a species which treated branches as their arms and legs, it was an ent who lived in the eastern forest. Little boys and girls, who were like fairies, sat on the branches and laughed while chatting.

‘The ent I saw last time… and the dryads as well?’ Lili remembered their unfriendly attitude and wanted to step back.

However, the ent leader spoke up, [Great… person… you…]

“…Me?” Lili asked in surprise.

[...Inde…ed.] The answer was confusing, but the ent suddenly bowed toward Liliana.

The tree branches descended a few meters, so she couldn’t call it anything else.

[Sorr…y. And… forest… protecting… thank you.]

Then the dryads on the branches started speaking in a talkative manner.

[Thank you! Thank you!]
[Thank you and my apologies! I’m sorry and thank you!]
[Apples are delicious!]
[Sweet potatoes are delicious!]

There were many words Lili couldn’t understand, but she recognized their sincerity. It wasn’t the same as the human society which used lies as a weapon. Liliana smiled warmly and reached out to a branch before her eyes. “I was also rude at the beginning, so I’m sorry.”

[…Me… as… well.]

“Yes, then let us reconcile.”

The ent paused for a moment before extending its finger-like branches. It was a moment when two different species shook hands. After a series of exchanges, the two species returned to the eastern forest, while Edwin took the lead again.

Once again, a large knot hole greeted them. Her interest in the space doors was still great, so the White Tower Master stepped forward first and asked, “Can we pass through like last time?”

However, Edwin just stepped aside with an unknown smile. The knot hole before them was humming and crying out.

“Yes. But the road isn’t to the same place as last time. It is a good experience, so I think it is better for you to just enter than to hear it from me.”

“Hmm, I see.” Orta touched his chin briefly before stepping in without any hesitation.

The sight of the white robe being swallowed by darkness was the same as before. Lili didn’t know what was beyond it, but she walked forward with a strange sense of anticipation. She wondered what Edwin would call a ‘good experience.’

The moment her entire body passed through the knot hole…


A heavy wind caused her red dress to flap. It was a strong wind which was difficult to find on the plains. Nevertheless, it was cool and unobtrusive, and it felt fresh. Lili took a deep breath while her heart beat faster. Then she felt a strange familiarity and recalled the Miller Barony.

‘This place… Is it a mountain?’

This was similar to the wind she’d experienced when she climbed to the top of a hill in her childhood. Liliana moved her hands reflexively and looked around. She was expecting a good view reminiscent of her distant memory. Then her eyes and mouth opened wide at the same time.


The scenery that appeared was breathtaking. She could only admire the world before her.

White clouds floated at eye level and made her fingers damp when she touched them. The scenery below her feet truly made it seem like she was looking down at the ground from heaven. Was this the point of view which made the word, ‘god,’ emerge from the mouths of priests?

Liliana Miller was literally walking above the sky. After a desperate attempt at using magic to calculate the height, an amazing answer emerged.

‘…11km above the surface?!’

She calculated it again and again, but the result didn’t change. Orta, who had arrived first, gave her a similar answer.

“11km, or to be more exact, 10km and 824m. If it wasn’t for the power of the world tree, it would be natural to freeze to death at this height. It would be difficult just breathing, but we are having no problems at all.”

“I see… um?” Lili responded, her voice filled with awe.

As people climbed a mountain, the air became thinner, making it hard to breathe. However, they had no problems breathing despite being at such a high altitude above the surface. It was possible due to the power of the world tree, an existence with the power of life.

Liliana was shocked as she belatedly realized the meaning of the words. “W-World tree?! Tower Master, then this place…!”

“Yes, that is correct.” Orta nodded.

As the rest of the group arrived, a gentle voice greeted them. The lump of clouds blocking the view moved aside, and her appearance was revealed. Lumia was a high elf with dark brown hair, like tree bark, and gently shining green eyes. She smiled brightly as she answered their questions.

“This is one of the branches of the world tree as well as a place you can’t enter unless we open the way for you.”

“The world tree, here…?” Lili whispered in wonder.

“…It is a ridiculous size.” Orta added, equally astounded.

The ground, which was dozens of meters wide, was just a branch? As the magicians admired this fact, Lumia waved her arms toward the clouds. The clouds which blocked the rest of the path were removed, revealing the banquet hall.

The rest of the four high elves sat there.

“What the, you came too late!” Alisa grumbled as she had already eaten something.

Meanwhile, Ellenoa waved when she found Lili. Naia was sleeping with her face on the table as always, while Alucard’s expression was brighter than usual. Instead of being a national event, this was like a normal banquet, and Lumia recommended that they sit anywhere.

“Today’s banquet isn’t just between Meltor and Elvenheim, but an event to celebrate the saviours of the forest. So, don’t distinguish between statuses and sit anywhere.”

“B-But…” Lili hesitated, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

“Come on, it isn’t so hard. Please think of us as friends from now on.”

It wasn’t possible to refuse after hearing that. The delegation were gently guided to sit around the table, and Sylvia quickly took the seat to the right of Liliana. Once everyone settled in their seats, Alucard decided to assume the role of host and opened his mouth. Perhaps it was due to the mood, but his voice was a little more excited than usual.

“Then, I will now start the festival. The parent tree has blessed this meeting, and I hope we can change from distant neighbours to friends by the end of it. Just as you saved us from a crisis, we won’t sit back if you are ever in danger!”

“The grace and blessing of the world tree and its offspring. Meltor will treasure this covenant,” Orta affirmed solemnly.

As they lifted their cups, the voices of the high elves and humans joined as one. “Cheers!”

Chapter 114 – World Tree’s Reward (3)

The mood got more relaxed after the first drinks. At first, the magicians had difficulty talking, but their mouths soon started opening under the power of alcohol, and the high elves showed interest in their words. Alucard was showing interest in a Yellow Tower magician talking about mushroom growing, while Lumia's ears pricked curiously as she listened to the conversations between the humans. Naia was still dozing, but she occasionally asked about topics she was interested in.

Among them, Alisa was the most active high elf. “Hey, why are you wearing a mask today? Were you expecting a masked ball or something? Or is it for another reason?”

“It is because of a personal matter.”

“I see. Then can you show it to me? Or tell me why! My curious nature won’t let it go until I find out.”

“It looks like it.”


She seemed to be interested in Orta as the woodpecker-like conversation continued. In a sense, both of them were difficult to approach, so the area around them became quiet. Moreover, there were many high elves for the magicians to talk to, and the main character of this banquet was sitting somewhere else. Liliana, the young girl who led the mission against the legendary monster Laevateinn and created the opportunity for this mission to Elvenheim... she deserved to be at the center of this banquet.

‘…By the way, what is this?’ However, Lili was in an unexpectedly difficult situation.

On her left, there was Ellenoa… “Liliana! This fruit called Zaoyan is delicious. It is a rare fruit from the northern forest, but this is a famous delicacy of Elvenheim, so you definitely can’t miss it.”

“T-Thank you.”

And on her right, there was Sylvia… “Lili, take a bite of this. I sprinkled some spices on it, so it is much tastier.”

“W-Wait a minute.”

“What? Oh, it is because of the skin. I’ll take it off, so just wait a minute. If I place the blade along here…!”

There was no room for Liliana to stop this. She didn’t know who first started it, but the competition became increasingly fierce as she couldn’t refuse and ate the piled up food. Unable to ignore the looks in those two pairs of eyes, Liliana kept on chewing. There were empty bowls piled up in front of the three people, and the weight of her stomach was becoming increasingly dangerous.

‘Uhh, how long do I have to eat…?’ Liliana looked desperately for a way out. Was the heavens turning a blind eye to her…?

Fortunately, she spotted Vince sipping from a cup nearby. The moment that he felt Liliana’s gaze on him and was about to ask what Lili needed…

Vince heard someone’s voice from behind him, “Oh, my, is that wine in your mouth?”

The high elf, Lumia, who had been standing on the outskirts, approached Vince. She was a high elf, a survivor of a species from the myths, and an existence normally hard to meet. As a magician and one of the delegates, he had no choice but to respond to Lumia’s words instead of paying attention to his disciple.

“Ah, yes. It is a strange but delicious taste.”

“That is a relief. The wine is made from the grapes that my tribe grows ourselves, and it is highly appreciated for its fragrance and flavour. Would you like to try another kind?”

“Oh, it would be an honour.”

“Huhu, I should be the one saying it is an honour. Come this way.”

Vince moved away without thinking, and Lili looked after him with a devastated expression. Simultaneously, Lumia turned back to look at Lili and gave her a strange smile.

‘Why?’ Lili thought.

Then a whisper entered her mind through Ratatoskr. It was Lumia’s voice. –Well, try it yourself.


She didn’t say anything beyond that as she led Vince away.

With that, Lili’s way out had disappeared. There were two bowls set before her, filled with more food that she couldn’t eat. Perhaps she could endure if she used Battle Song to accelerate her metabolism? Then a ridiculous idea emerged in her head. “…Alcohol.”

She didn’t enjoy it very much, but her eyes caught an unopened wine bottle. Among the Elvenheim specialties, there was a wine which couldn’t be made anywhere else. Lili couldn’t understand why they made it since it wasn’t good for the bottle, but it was an elf specialty.

Ellenoa was the first one to notice her attention on the bottle. “Oh, do you want a drink? I don’t know the taste of it, but this wine is well-known in the forest. Perhaps Liliana will enjoy it.”

“Hrmm… If you say so.”

“Yes, then have a drink.” As she nodded, a fragrant liquid emerged from the mouth of the bottle.

Ellenoa poured a cup for Liliana and for herself before putting the bottle down. Indeed, there was no cup for Sylvia. The subtle action caused Sylvia to mutter in a low voice, “…Why aren’t you giving any to me?”

Ellenoa co*cked her head and replied, “Based on the standards of the human species, aren’t you not allowed to drink until you experience the coming of age ceremony?”

“I’ve had my coming of age ceremony already! It was this year!”

Maybe it implied that she looked young. Sylvia stared sharply at Ellenoa, took the bottle, and poured the wine into her cup. Her timing was a bit late, so the pouring wine barely came to a stop before it overflowed. Then without waiting for a toast, she poured the contents into her mouth.

Gulp. Sylvia quickly finished the drink and turned triumphantly to the two people. “…Hua.” She fell face down onto the table.

* * *

Typically, the body of a magician was stronger than that of ordinary people, so they were more resistant to harmful substances such as alcohol. There was no statistically analyzed data, but it was natural since high-density mana circulated through their body. Therefore, Lili couldn’t help feeling surprised when Sylvia became drunk on one glass.

She sighed slightly and muttered, “Ah, I’m glad I decided to drink water instead…”

“Ahaha.” Ellenoa heard her words and laughed awkwardly.

She hadn’t expected this to happen either. Consequently, the two of them were now left alone. As Sylvia, the biggest obstacle, had self-destructed, Ellenoa could achieve her purpose without any interference. She immediately used a pretext of a walk to get alone with Lili.

Regardless of whether she knew the meaning of the walk, Lili looked at the ground spread under her feet and exclaimed, “By the way, it is amazing to see. I never expected the banquet to be in such a high place.”

“Is that so? I had a similar reaction to Liliana when I was first brought up here. There was a large tree in my hometown, but it didn’t soar to the height of the clouds.”

“I never thought I could touch the clouds like this…”

The clouds around her fingertips scattered like a torn spiderweb, leaving a damp feeling behind. She looked like an amazed child, causing Ellenoa to step toward her with warm eyes. The place they were going to now was impossible to reach without the ability of a high elf.

“Please follow within three steps of me.” After saying that, Ellenoa moved slowly.

The closer they got to the world tree, the more the high elves could exercise a power which was close to that of their ancestors. It was possible for them to open a space door or jump some distance without using a knot hole. The foundation of this phenomenon was different from magic, but the result was similar.

Shortly afterwards, Lili’s keen senses noticed the change. “Ah.”

It was similar to the Shukuchiho method used by the White Tower Master. She took a few steps after Ellenoa, and their position suddenly changed. Lili kept track of the changes. It wasn’t so difficult when looking at the height of the clouds, the perspective of the landscape, and the density of mana. The problem was that the changes didn’t happen just once or twice.

‘The banquet hall is 350 meters below… No, it has just changed to 500 meters. Then we went down by 100 meters…’

It was at a pace much more than fast! Lili marveled at the rate of change as the map in her head was destroyed. They had gone up and down so many times that she didn’t know where she was now. After five minutes of walking, Ellenoa was able to reach the desired destination. When Liliana saw the destination, she spoke carefully, “This is…?”

The two of them stopped in front of a shabby cabin. The cabin’s planks of wood were so rotten and the pillars were so old that it wouldn’t be strange if the cabin collapsed immediately. It was too shabby compared to the magnificence of the world tree. However, Ellenoa seemed to be rather solemn in front of it as she looked at Lili.

“This is a place where you can’t enter or leave unless you have the consent of a high elf like me.”

In such cases, the majority of high elves had to agree to let the person enter. Ellenoa then started explaining about the cabin. It was different from its insignificant appearance. Her voice sank slightly when she said it contained the history and wisdom they had kept for thousands of years. Then she gazed into Liliana’s eyes with a serious expression while her golden eyes shone brightly beside her pale green hair. “Liliana. For the second time in the history of the elves, you have been recognized as a visitor of the Fountain of Wisdom.”

“Fountain of Wisdom… this cabin?”

“Yes. It was called a different name during the ancient times, but it is now a legacy of a forgotten era. In the history of the human race, there were a few records of when they dealt with it in the Age of Mythology."

Lili gulped as she understood the value of this rundown cabin.

The Age of Mythology was an era when humans hadn’t yet become masters of the continent. It had been thousands of years ago when gods, demons, dragons, and ancient species walked the world. Meltor was a kingdom which collected artifacts and relics more enthusiastically than anywhere else, but they hadn’t been able to find any traces from that period in time.

If there was only one book or scroll in that cabin, it might be worth dozens of libraries in this age. However, Lili’s surprise was only beginning.

“I brought Liliana to this cabin because a wise man foretold that you would come.”

Liliana became blank at those words. Who would the elves refer to as ‘wise,’ and how could they have predicted this situation? The appearance of the legend ranked grimoire, Laevateinn, as well as the powers of Andras and Meltor… This moment had occurred as a result of numerous causal relationships. Lili had no choice but to be astounded.

Then Ellenoa dealt the heaviest blow. “The wise man who predicted Liliana’s visit was the first of his kind in the world, the first human to make a contract with an elemental ruler.”

‘No way.’ The words entered Liliana’s ears as she stared at Ellenoa.

“Myrdal Herseim, the great elementalist, said that he left something for you in the Fountain of Wisdom.”

Chapter 115 – Mysterious (1)

'Myrdal Herseim!'

Liliana's face tensed at the unexpected name. In truth, it wasn’t surprising that Myrdal was revered as a sage by the elves. In a world where the high elves couldn’t summon the elemental rulers without relying on the power of the world tree, Myrdal had managed to call one with her own power. This phenomenal feat was more than enough reason for her to be a valued guest of Elvenheim.

"Sage Myrdal said this." Ellenoa ignored Lili’s inner bewilderment and began to recite the prophecy in a calm voice, "After a long time, the sixth dancer will open their eyes, and forgotten beings will awaken from a deep sleep. Two countries will compete against each other and summon an indescribable disaster. But there is no need to be afraid. The guest who comes from a distant place will avert the disaster. Once that happens, please guide the guest here."

"...Is what you just spoke the prophecy?"


It was like a mysterious puzzle, but Lili was forced to feel a chill since it had all come to pass. At least a hundred years ago, maybe more, Myrdal had visited this cabin and made a prophecy. She predicted the events which began with the birth of the sixth dancer, Ellenoa, and then the appearance of Laevateinn and the visitor who managed to stop it.

Lili ruminated over this and was struck with a crazy idea. ‘Impossible… Even if she is contracted to an elemental ruler, how long can a human live for?’ She had met a few beings who lived beyond the common standards of life, such as a sword master who could collapse a mountain with a sword, and an 8th Circle sorceress who could resist even natural disasters. There were also the guardians of Elvenheim who could reverse a situation with one arrow.

Nevertheless, Lili hadn’t felt like this when she faced them. This was a feeling of incomprehensible awe and fear. Myrdal Herseim was something entirely different from the masters of this age. At that moment, a piece of a puzzle floating around slid into place.

[An original book has been consumed. Promoting a connection to Myrdal Herseim... Success. Myrdal Herseim has accepted the connection with the user.]

[Connect is starting.]

‘Connect’ was a phenomenon she had only experienced when ingesting Introduction to Elemental Magic.

“Ah…!” A sound emerged from Lili's mouth. There was no evidence to support her speculation, but her intuition was convinced that she was right.

In the records of the Magic Society, Myrdal Herseim was a great sorceress who had understood elementals more than anyone else 300 years ago… and she was still alive. Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence that Lili had made a contract with Mitra. To bring her to this cabin, Myrdal might have orchestrated something. However, as she was worrying alone, Ellenoa had continued her explanation.

Then it soon came to an end. “…That is all I can tell you.”

Fortunately, Liliana had been half listening and could remember all her words. Only one person could enter at a time, so she explained how to use the Fountain of Wisdom. Lili inscribed her instructions into her mind.

After finishing the explanation, Ellenoa opened the door. Darkness welcomed her. ‘It is another space door.’ The door led to another space, so while the cabin might look shabby, the interior was completely different. Lili took one step before turning back toward Ellenoa and saying, "I’ll be right back. Wait a bit."

“Ah…” She blinked like a surprised squirrel as Lili completely disappeared into the darkness of the cabin.

Simultaneously, the shabby door closed, and Ellenoa was left alone. However, she didn’t feel bad despite being alone. Lili had told her to wait and that she would be back soon.

Ellenoa replied one beat too late, “…Yes, I’ll wait.” Her ears peeked through her hair like a rabbit as she lowered her red face.

* * *

After the familiar dizziness of space travel, Lili reached a space beyond the threshold of the cabin. This was the Fountain of Wisdom. She had stepped into a mystery of the elves, whose true name had been forgotten.

When she saw the reality of it, an exclamation flowed from Lili's mouth, “…Indeed! This is why it is called the Fountain of Wisdom.” It was literally a fountain. The fountain was transparent enough for her to see the bottom, and there was a blue light shining from it. According to Ellenoa’s description, all the elves’ recorded wisdom was contained in this spring water. It looked like spring water, but it wasn’t. Additionally, it wasn’t possible to make contact with it unless a gourd from the world tree was used.

Lili wanted to explore the principles of the magic here, but that would take more than a day or two. The time limit of this place was 30 minutes, so she had to prioritize what she wanted to know.


Lili first picked up a gourd hanging from the wall, as Ellenoa had described. It was made from a seed of the world tree, but there was no difference. When the thickness and sizes were compared, the gourd was slightly lighter.

‘Just one time.’ There was a sound as the blue spring water entered the gourd. She tried to soak her fingers as a test, but all she felt was air. The same would apply even if she jumped into the spring water; it would be like falling into a deep pit. This was a place that stimulated the intellectual curiosity of sorceresses.

Liliana placed her lips on the gourd.

–Drink from the spring water and think about the wisdom that you want. Then you will receive an answer to that question.

The blue spring water flowed down. It passed from her lips into her mouth, and from her tongue down to her throat. However, Lili couldn’t feel any of that. Apart from the taste, there was no sensation of liquid being in her mouth. According to Ellenoa, drinking it was just a ritual to insert the spirit of the fountain into her.

‘Myrdal Herseim.’ Then she started thinking hard about the existence that reminded her of a mountain range, the eyes which resembled the sea… the old woman with flowing white hair and a beard.

Lili recalled the memories of that day when she couldn’t even lift a finger. Then as the gourd emptied…


The blue water started fluctuating. The transparent and clear spring water shone with a white light before moving back and forth, like a wave raising her body. No, it wasn’t a wave raising her body. It wasn’t even the spring water. In the middle of the fountain, an image resembling a human appeared. It broke and merged several times, but the final form was familiar to Lili.

It was the old woman with a magnificent presence, Myrdal.

[Hoh, the guest I’ve been waiting for has finally come.]

“…Myrdal Herseim.”

Despite having already met once, Lili barely managed to speak. It was just a form reproduced by the Fountain of Wisdom, but Myrdal’s presence was remarkable. Lili shook as it felt like a weight was crushing her shoulders.

However, Lili was different from that time. She had grown in circles and as a person. Therefore, Lili was able to stand firmly without being disturbed by Myrdal’s presence.

The old woman smiled gently at the sight. [You’ve gotten better. You are still immature, but you are better. It might be incomplete, but you have gained the primordial flames. If you don’t mind, I, Myrdal, want to hear your name.]

“Liliana Miller.”

[Liliana… No, Liliana. Haha, it is a funny name for a sorceress.]

Myrdal found it amusing…? However, before Lili could ask what it meant, Myrdal shocked her with the next words.

[It has been a while, ‘Greed.’ No, should I call you Gluttony now?] The old woman spoke directly to Lili’s left hand.

Lili didn’t know how, but it was evidence that Myrdal Herseim knew about Gluttony. So, Liliana couldn’t express her surprise when the mouth appeared on her left hand and a voice flowed out.

-…Yes, it was you. Gluttony’s voice sounded nervous. –A fragment of memory calling out to me, how pretentious.

[Huhu, please forgive me. I foresaw your visit, but I’m not able to move at this time. So, I am forced to greet you and your contractor in this way.]

–Giving excuses… Perhaps it was because Gluttony felt uncomfortable that it changed the topic without any further complaints. Indeed, Gluttony’s mild attitude was different than usual. In other words, this person called Myrdal Herseim, was someone who made Gluttony nervous and unable to cope with. Lili listened to the conversation between them carefully.

Gluttony was the first to confront. –I wonder how you are still alive. Explain why you waited for me, no, for my user. If the answer isn’t acceptable, I will consider you as an ‘enemy’ from now on.

[You are still too stiff. I am the one who allowed your user to sign an elemental contract. Shouldn’t you have been more alert?]

However, Gluttony remained silent. This was a silent protest which meant it wouldn’t listen to any more nonsense. It was the first time Gluttony had acted wary toward someone, so Lili watched the confrontation with a strange mood.

In the end, Myrdal raised her hands and answered in a low voice, [It is because your thoughts are too different.]


[That’s right, Gluttony. Unlike the other six, you don’t pay much attention to the fate of the world. Pride who wants to eat all species, the one who wants to stop the present world…]

Then Gluttony shouted in a sharp voice, –Stop!

Myrdal closed her mouth like she had been waiting for it. Lili didn’t know what was going on, but it was clear that Myrdal said something that stimulated Gluttony. It must be bad if the almost emotionless Gluttony was forced to shout. Lili examined the few words that she picked up.

‘Myrdal mentioned Pride. If so, the rest of the information that Myrdal was going to say…’

It was about the rest of the Seven Sins. As if affirming Lili’s idea, Gluttony spoke to Myrdal in a voice which didn’t hide its anger, –Are you trying to threaten me? A remnant of the myths.

[I am asking politely.]

-…You sure talk very well.

Lili couldn’t comprehend the conversation at all. She merely realized that the two had agreed on something. Myrdal wanted to expose something to her, but Gluttony had stopped her before taking a step back.

In the end, Gluttony waved the white flag and spoke in an annoyed voice, –I will tolerate it only once.

[Thank you for your generosity.]

Chapter 116 – Mysterious (2) After completing the agreement with Myrdal, Gluttony maintained her silence. It seemed like she wasn’t quite satisfied with the result of her quarrel with Myrdal. Liliana tried to speak to Gluttony a few times in her mind, but Gluttony didn’t answer and fell asleep. Instead, Myrdal chuckled and said to Lili, [Huhu, I suppose she is upset. I’m sorry for being rude in my own way.]

‘Truly a formidable figure.’ Lili gazed at the old man before her calmly. It was hard to guess Myrdal’s real intentions from his eyes, despite just being a memory left in the fountain. Myrdal Herseim, a person with the behavior and depth of a great magician, as well as being a great sage… He wasn’t the type of person that Lili, who was only 20 years old, could face as an equal.

“So, why did Myrdal want to see a young girl like me?” Lili spoke softly, a hint of discomfort in her voice. It felt like she was a plaything for the two unidentified beings, Gluttony and Myrdal. Both of them were beyond Liliana’s understanding, but she didn’t want to bow to them.

Myrdal let out a jolly laugh, like a grandfather looking at his granddaughter. [Who can call the contractor of one of the Seven Sins a young girl? So, don’t be alarmed, Liliana. This old man is just trying to help you.]



“I don’t know the specifics. If you want to help me, then please tell me why.” It was a situation in which a story Lili didn’t know about had happened, and a decision had been made regardless of her wishes. She felt like something being swept adrift by a wave, like a puppet dancing comically on someone’s palm.

Liliana stood up to a great magician whom most magicians didn’t even dare look at. Myrdal hadn’t expected this reaction and was speechless for a moment. Then after that moment, he spoke in a voice where all the laughter had disappeared. […That’s right. Your position must be uncomfortable. It might just be words, but I apologize.]

Myrdal bowed his head as he finished talking. It was the apology of a great man who had rewritten dozens of magic records. It was Lili’s turn to be taken aback by Myrdal’s behavior.

Then the old man lifted his head and spoke again, [But I want you to know that it means there is a secret I can’t tell you right now, and it’s a secret that you ‘shouldn’t know.’ At the very least, you need to unlock the 5th seal of Gluttony to be qualified.]

“Myrdal, you are truly…!”

[Yes, I know. The purpose for the appearance of the ‘Seven Sins’ in this world and the acts they left behind… and…]

Myrdal’s hand reached out suddenly, giving Lili no chance to react. Was it because she couldn’t feel any malice? Maybe it was because the very existence of Myrdal was unclear. Before the warning could flow through her system, the hand made of fountain water grabbed Lili’s left hand.

[If the Ego allows it, I can do this.] At the same time, there was a blue flash in Lili’s head. ‘―――――!’ Something was pouring in. There were unknown lessons, scenery she had never seen before, letters she couldn’t understand, and so on. It felt like she had eaten dozens of magic books at the same time. Lili’s brilliant mind couldn’t cope with the amount of information.

The forced knowledge expanded her brain’s tolerance and awakened an area which hadn’t been seen before. It was a phenomenon that could be expressed as a type of awakening. Additionally, that wasn’t the only change Myrdal caused.

[Error! Error…! Accepted. This is a legitimate request. Gluttony’s 4th seal has been released.]

[Gluttony’s function has been opened normally. The user should check the information window of the corresponding function immediately.]

[Grimoire “Gluttony” / C Rank]

[Gluttony’s 4th seal has been released through a normal path. From now on, the user can borrow the power of an author that Gluttony has extracted. However, once the author has been overwritten, the author can’t be reloaded. Previous owners have called the feature ‘Overwrite’, but you can change the name if you want. * Once the Overwrite function is demonstrated to its limit, ‘Transmission’ will be triggered to completely take over the power of the author.]

Previously, while fighting Superbia, Gluttony had been forced to open the fourth seal. This time, the method wasn’t recognized as an unusual means. Lili could only feel in awe at the phenomenon she couldn’t understand, as she realized that a new wisdom was filled into her mind. ‘No, that expression is a bit strange.’ The dizziness disappeared, and Myrdal’s knowledge remained in her. It was like acquiring a vessel which already contained that knowledge. The knowledge that Myrdal left behind in the Fountain of Wisdom was well-suited to the title of ‘Sage’. So, Lili would only be able to fully understand it after crossing two walls.

Liliana intuitively realized this and raised her head. She felt it was a blessing, but it was hard for her to reveal any of her feelings to Myrdal.

Myrdal was well aware of this. So, he spoke to Lili instead of trying to buy her trust. There wasn’t a lot of time remaining for him to use the Fountain of Wisdom, and there were still things he wanted to say to Liliana.

[There is a trace of the reason why the seal was already unlocked once. Thanks to that, I have a bit more to talk about.]


[Cough, don’t look at me like that. I don’t even have five minutes left. Please listen to this old man’s advice.]

As Lili stared at Myrdal with an expressionless face, the old man coughed a few times before opening his mouth again.

[Honestly speaking, you are in a dangerous state right now.] Liliana’s eyebrows twitched at the words. It was a serious topic. This wasn’t the diagnosis of an old man but the great magician Myrdal. Just as Veronica had once noticed Lili’s unstable circles, the eyes of the great magician noticed the cracks Lili couldn’t feel.

Myrdal groaned lightly as he touched his beard. [It is due to eating Laevateinn during this incident. Power was extracted from the grimoire, as well as the unknown dimension. Additionally, the power of the artifacts and treasures… It is too hard for a girl who is only 20 years old to bear.]

“…What specifically is the problem?”

[I will ask you a simple question. If you pour more contents than a bowl can handle, what will happen to the bowl?] ‘It would break.’ Lili shook off the eerie feeling. Then Myrdal nodded like Lili’s speculation was correct and continued the story.

[Fortunately, drinking from this fountain has increased the grace period. It probably won’t be a problem for two years. But after three years, your body will start to collapse, and you will die in five years.]


[Sorry, but I have no time.] There was a time limit. Myrdal’s form was collapsing little by little. The fingers pointing at Lili became watery and the overall shape more blurred. However, Myrdal’s voice remained clear, like he was directly speaking into Liliana’s head.

The old man felt he had a responsibility to finish the story until the end. [Increase the capacity of the vessel. Get rid of the day-to-day fighting and eating of a sorceress, and live like a beast. Explore the wide world and increase the size of your vessel as you bump into many people.]

“That is too abstract!”

[No, you already know the method.] Despite the crumbling face, Myrdal’s blue eyes were bright as they penetrated inside Lili.

[Just like how you once struggled through the years, do it again this time. Don’t hesitate to walk the tough and difficult path. Become a sorceress who walks her own way through the wilderness.]

Liliana hadn’t known Myrdal’s purpose, and despite the conversation they just had, she still didn’t know. However, she could tell one thing from the story. Myrdal had been a magician before he became a sage, and so, he taught his junior. Lili understood that she should engrave this advice into her mind.

Myrdal quickly disappeared, and the fountain became calm again. The whole thing felt like a summer night’s dream. Liliana Miller’s gaze lingered at the space before her, then she began to move quietly. ‘…Let’s go.’ The opportunity had been to use the Fountain of Wisdom once, so staying here any longer would just be a waste of time. With many questions and realizations, the young sorceress left the elves’ holy place behind.

* * *

For Ellenoa, it was exactly 30 minutes later when Liliana emerged. As she appeared at the door of the cabin, she had on a weary face. Ellenoa had been waiting quietly, and she quickly walked toward her. Up close, Lili’s face looked a bit different than usual, and she felt her cheeks becoming hot. Fortunately, Lili didn’t notice it.

“Liliana, welcome back.”

“Ah, Ellenoa.”

“How was it? The holy land of the elves.” She smiled with anticipation.

Then Lili told her honestly how she felt, “I have more to think about than I expected.”

She had met an unexpected person in an unexpected place, Gluttony’s seal was now released again, and she received a deadline. Lili didn’t know what to feel as too many things had happened at the same time.

Regardless of whether she knew her complex heart or not, Ellenoa’s expression turned serious. Then she said the words she had prepared while waiting, “My role ends here. It was to guide Liliana to the Fountain of Wisdom and back to the banquet hall. From here on out, it will be my personal favor, so can you listen?”

Lili co*cked her head and agreed. Then Ellenoa gained confidence and held out her hand. As moonlight flowed softly over the world tree, her fingers seemed to shine with a silver glow. The beauty and atmosphere of a fairy tale temporarily caught her eyes.

“…Can you walk with me a bit more?” Ellenoa closed her eyes, pretending not to know about her fingers trembling in fear of the rejection. Then her eyes widened as a warm and soft hand touched hers.

Liliana accepted the small favor by taking her hand. “I want to walk around a bit more too.” A bright smile emerged on Ellenoa’s face at her acceptance, while Lili looked down at such a beautiful smile but ended up gazing at their hands. Perhaps it was the mood. Or perhaps it was because her hand had grown larger in the meantime. Ellenoa’s hand felt more tapered than half a year ago. ‘…Well, I must be mistaken.’

Unfortunately, she just hadn’t realized it yet.

Chapter 117 – Mysterious (3)

“…That is all. I did my best, but from the moment I entered the Red Plateau, I couldn’t follow their actions. Perhaps it was because of the White Tower’s famous space magic,” a knight wearing all black reported.

The black armour favored mobility over combat power, while the black sword was designed to melt into darkness. Compared to the normal knight’s uniform, this was an invisible appearance. No such uniform existed out in the open among Andras’ knights. However, if a third party was in this place, they would’ve reeled back in fear.

The Knights of Shade were shadows who did the dirty work of the empire, from gathering information to assassination. It was a secret organization which even the empire’s Seven Swords couldn’t mobilize without an imperial order. They were people who didn’t officially exist in the empire, and were famous for carrying poison and self-destruct scrolls with them. In that case, who was looking down at the knight…?

“Indeed, it was a perfect failure. I have to admire the skillfulness of our enemies,” someone’s voice resonated in a low tone. The emotionless voice contained an odd sense of oppression, forcing the two knights in front of him to shut their mouths. However, it wasn’t a consciously transmitted intimidation; he had merely opened his mouth. This was the presence of a person who couldn’t be ordinary. It was a presence which only came from a person whose pride had been great since birth and whose family had been recognized for decades. In other words, he was someone who had the temperament of a ruler.

“P-Please kill me!” In the end, the Knight of Shade couldn’t withstand the pressure and lowered his body while confessing his sin. However, he didn’t ask for pardon from the other party. As a shadow of the empire, failing a mission meant death. There was no point in living if he had failed the mission. The Knight of Shade knew that better than anyone, so he was surprised by the other party’s next words.

“No, it isn’t your fault. You clearly followed my instructions perfectly. If so, this failure is my responsibility, so don’t mention it anymore.”


“Stop. Until I call again, go prepare a personal biography of that person called Liliana.”

Nobody would dare disobey, so the Knight of Shade trembled and carefully withdrew. Indeed, as a shadow, he walked out of the room without any sound. Then the man looked at the knight who still remained and said in a rare playful tone, “How surprising. I thought you would’ve cut him down on the spot.”

The knight, a black-masked man, didn’t deny it. “…I thought so as well.” Then he spoke calmly with his head down, “But the shadow did its duty until the end. If he took one step forward, my sword would’ve given him a peaceful death.”

“Well, that is an interesting view.” The man laughed with satisfaction. Although the man might’ve snorted at the knight’s confidence, he knew the skill of the swordsman in front of him. The knight had once been the head of the Knights of Shade, and he was now a sword master, promised for the position of the 6th Sword. Despite losing an arm, he still wasn’t an easy opponent. His ‘Disappear’ ability made him invincible against an inferior opponent.

Rather, the White Tower Master who had overwhelmed the superman knight before the man deserved to be honoured. The man’s mind stirred at the thought.

“By the way, it is shocking that the White Tower Master is so strong. Did his presence pale due to the Blue Tower Master and Red Tower Master?”

“I think so.”

“Well, he is a hidden card.”

Despite having been arch rivals for hundreds of years, it was hard for Andras to fathom all of Meltor’s power. This was the strength of a magic kingdom, where unexpected things could keep emerging. At the end of a battle where they were sure of their success, an 8th Circle magician would suddenly appear and destroy the balance. The battle power of the White Tower Master, who had suppressed a middle ranked Seven Swords, also belonged to such variables.

“I heard that the White Tower Master confronted the previous 3rd and 6th Swords directly… They fought in the last war. So, I don’t know how many more of his abilities haven’t been revealed.”

“…Next time.”


The masked man lifted his head for the first time. A red light shone through the half-shattered mask, and a strong momentum rose from his body. His fighting spirit hadn’t been lost after one defeat. He managed to barely suppress it, but his voice which emerged from underneath the mask bubbled like magma as he said, “Next time, I will use every effort to kill him.”

“Even with that arm?”


The man’s words touched a sore point, but the swordsman wasn’t shaken at all. It was fatal for him to have lost his right arm. However, if he could fix his style, he could regain his original strength. It would take a long time, but it was worth it for the master who had rescued him from hell. His loyalty was one of the reasons why the man trusted him. The man gave a pleased smile and opened his mouth to say, “…Ah, I can’t even joke properly.”

He didn’t know that the immigrant child he’d helped in his childhood would grow into his right arm. It was because he didn’t show his ego that the masked man served him loyally. While facing the swordsman, the man took out a box from behind him, then he threw it to the masked man.

“M-My Liege?”

“Open it.”

The item had been hard to obtain, even with his status. It was a reward for his subordinate, but there was no other person more worthy and dependable to handle it.

“This is a reward for your loyalty. I will shoulder the responsibility for this failure. I also understand how big the loss of one arm is for you.”

“…My Liege!”

“I won’t speak for long. Take it.”

The swordsman didn’t dare refuse and opened the box. A storm of power flowed out, like it had been waiting. The seal around the lock was released, and there was a silver light as the thing trapped inside the box broke free. Flash! There was a blinding light, and in the box, something in the form of a sword flashed clearly.

The sword master couldn’t keep his composure any longer. This wasn’t something made by human hands but a relic hidden in a forgotten history. Anyone who wasn’t at the master level would probably burn as soon as they held onto this. It was the relic of a divine species which had lost its original name.

“Train your left arm so that you can use this in one year.”

The mask swordsman shook his head and didn’t dare reply. He held the radiant silver sword to his chest and pledged allegiance to his master. The man looked down at the scene with satisfaction before staring into the air. “Not yet, not yet. In the next five years… I will bring down my incompetent father and change this empire.”

It was a law that those who used violence and climbed over the strongest would conquer the throne. In the Andras Empire, the royal family was the strongest, and their blood had never weakened since King Fernando took the throne.

The eyes of the empire’s third prince, Prince Fermut, shone.

* * *

After reaffirming their relationship with Elvenheim, the delegation and Liliana passed through the new Red Plateau. The concept of a few kilometers didn’t matter when they were accompanied by the White Tower Master. As the sun rose a day after they left the Great Forest, they had already crossed Meltor’s border. It was literally at a speed which couldn’t even be expressed with lightning. The old saying that those who walked were spoiled was moot, as the White Tower Master barely breathed roughly.

“…We will rest for 30 minutes. I don’t have enough magic power to use Mass Teleport.”

“I understand.”

However, there was a restriction on Shukuchiho. The group could move a great distance quickly, but the burden on the user was huge. Anyone who didn’t have the almost unlimited power of a 7th Circle would be depleted after a few uses. Well, even so, it was a charming magic. Orta leaned against a wall and started rotating his circles.

Lili squinted at the White Tower Master and muttered inwardly, ‘If I can learn that space magic properly, it will be a great power, but… I shouldn’t be too greedy.’

She’d met the sage at the Fountain of Wisdom, and right now, Liliana’s power had already exceeded her own vessel. The power of Laevateinn, Umbra, and the essence extracted from treasure ranked artifacts… If she swallowed an artifact related to the White Tower Master’s space magic, it was possible that her remaining grace period would become even shorter.

‘Five years… If I think about it properly, it is more like three years left.’

Her body would collapse. She didn’t know what that meant, but she could sense something ominous from it. It was clear that something bad would happen. So, three years… Over the next three years, she needed to build a vessel which could handle her abilities. Thanks to this incident, her name value and treatment would increase.

No, she shouldn’t take advantage of it.

-Get rid of the day-to-day fighting and eating of a magician, and live like a beast. Explore the wide world and increase the size of your vessel as you bump into many people.

That was Myrdal’s advice. Lili could roughly guess why Myrdal hadn’t mentioned the solution directly. The ‘vessel’ wasn’t a generic concept in Meltor, which was known for its magic knowledge. Instead, it was an unknown field which couldn’t be calculated or accessed. So, Myrdal had given a past example which Lili could understand.

-Just like how you once struggled through the years, do it again this time.

Five years after starting Bergen Academy, she had met Gluttony and then became qualified. At the end of a long path without any hope, she had faced a fate which could be called legendary. If she had been told that at the time, she might not have acted so sincerely.

If so, what did Liliana Miller need now? Fortunately, she was accompanied by someone who could answer any questions.

‘A question and answer.’

Once she returned, she would report her achievements to Kurt III and then ask Gluttony. In a sense, this time limit was due to using Gluttony’s power. It wouldn’t want to lose its contraction, so it shouldn’t be difficult to obtain Gluttony’s cooperation. Gluttony wouldn’t hesitate to teach Lili how to widen her vessel.

Of course, the fundamental question lay elsewhere.

‘The purpose and the identity of the other Seven Sins… and the truth of the world that I still don’t know about.’

It was the fate of a sorceress to follow the mysterious and unknown. Her immature self had no answer yet, and Orta had already finished resting. The struggle with the legend ranked grimoire, the talk with the nearby neighbours, and the unforeseen adventure had all ended. No matter what event was waiting for her this time, she had to go back…

…Back to the heart of the magic kingdom of Meltor, Mana-vil Capital.

Chapter 118 – Book Eating Sorceress (1)

The signing of the friendship treaty with the neutral country of the north, Elvenheim, was probably one of the most important undertakings in the past few hundred years. The Andras Empire, as well as other countries in the central continent, had dispatched their intelligence sources. So, there was no doubt that the responsibility on the dispatched delegation was enormous. If the talks were ruined due to someone, the responsibility wouldn’t end with just them. It would spread to their family and relatives as well.

However, despite their concerns, the delegation returned home with better results than expected. They had achieved the signing of a historic treaty! The court officials gathered just one hour after being given the news. Later historians might say this was exaggerated, but if they knew that even the most isolated nobles rushed out of their homes, they would shut their mouths.

“It seems like everyone is gathered. White Tower Master, report,” the king of Meltor, Kurt III, ordered.

However, Kurt was also a bit different from usual. He was full of dignity as always, but there was a slight anticipation as he waited for the White Tower Master’s words. It meant that he was filled with expectations.

Orta’s mouth opened amidst the heavy silence, and his words unexpectedly provoked a storm.

–A triple increase in the number of trade items.

–Significant increase in the number of mass production type artifacts to be exported.

–Obtained the right to cut down a limited number of trees in the Great Forest.

–Promised a regular exchange of delegates.

None of those conditions were light. For some, they were heavier than gold, so the nobles and magicians couldn’t help stirring. They might have jumped up and rushed over to the White Tower Master if the king hadn’t been watching. Just one of those conditions was enough to double or triple their income! Most of the things Orta mentioned were like that.

Finally, once details of the military aid and support forces were mentioned, Kurt III rose from his throne and shouted, “Wonderful!”

Kurt III was a ruler who avoided any formalities or showing off. Had he ever praised someone like this? At the very least, the people here had never heard him do so. It was the first time they had seen the king smiling with such a joyful expression. He looked around the delegation before stopping at one point.

A familiar young girl was standing there.

‘My eyes are truly good.’

The young girl was wearing a red dress, and there was still a slightly tired expression on her face. She was Liliana Miller, the one who had been at the center of the recent big event. According to the secret report by the White Tower Master, Liliana’s performance had been essential. It was a higher merit than even Orta, who cut off the arm of a sword master, had achieved. If so, Kurt III needed to acknowledge her.

"Liliana Miller."

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“I have heard that your merits are also great this time. You used the national treasure and elevated the name of the Meltor Kingdom.”

“I am undeserving of those words.”

As Kurt III admired the young girl bowing calmly, he revealed the reward. “The achievements you have accomplished are enough to elevate you to the rank of Prime. As of this time, I will declare Liliana Miller a provisional Prime. Any extra procedures will be skipped, and she will be upgraded to Prime the moment she reaches the 6th Circle. Are there any objections?”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

“Okay. I will prepare individual rewards for each delegate member.”

After nodding a few times with a satisfied face, Kurt III looked at Lili, who was still calm.

‘I don’t know why, but the atmosphere around her has changed a bit.’

The feeling around Liliana had been much lighter a few months ago. Perhaps she had realized something on this journey. The king of Meltor laughed cheerfully at the thought of the birth of the next tower master. However, he didn’t know that the young girl in front of him had already jumped over the wall of the 6th Circle.

* * *

As soon as Liliana returned to Mana-vil, she met the king, so she couldn’t return to her room until sunset. The sight of nobles and elder magicians gathering like hungry dogs was terrifying in many ways, but fortunately, they didn’t bother the people who had just returned from Elvenheim. The exact cause was Veronica. Still, she had let Liliana leave after stating that they should have a meal together later.

“Why should you deal with unnecessary things? Those old people.” The strongest beauty in the kingdom, with blazing red hair, had stroked Liliana’s head. Lili had been prepared to be dragged around by her for a few hours. However, she had merely shrugged and laughed, then she poked Lili’s heart with a finger.

‘…It looks like it has been discovered, my 6th Circle.’

Lili had to admire Veronica, who was aware of it without her circles being activated. Well, it was true that she made things more comfortable for her, so Lili would gift her a dessert box from the capital’s confectionary store later. Liliana opened her door and unpacked while being satisfied with the quiet surroundings. Then she lay on her bed and murmured, “Prime, it is definitely an attractive position.”

Aside from the Supreme rank, which was for the tower masters, the Prime rank had the highest honor and prestige in the magic towers. They could create their own organization or research team, or use a part of Meltor’s budget for their own exploration. Even the princes and dukes of small and medium kingdoms didn’t dare look down on the Primes and elders of the magic towers.

If she stated that she was at the 6th Circle at that time, she could’ve been promoted to Prime. However, Lili decided not to select that path after some consideration. She would completely become Meltor’s new figure. As her status and rights grew, the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders would become heavier. It would be difficult to leave home and travel if she was a Prime sorceress. The right to use the kingdom’s properties freely meant being part of the kingdom itself. So, the restriction on leaving was natural. The problem was that the constraint was fatal to the present Lili.

Liliana thought this and suddenly raised her left hand, “Hey.”


“I know you are awake. There are many things to talk about, so don’t waste my time.”


It was impossible for deception thanks to the connection between them. So, in the end, Gluttony gave up on the silence and coughed. Then Lili tossed her the books she had already prepared. [‘Application of Fire Magic’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.] [Proficiency in fire magic has increased. The fire attribute affinity has already reached its limit. In compensation, the level of proficiency will rise even further.]

The knowledge of the book penetrated her head naturally. Lili focused on the sensation for a moment, before looking down at her left palm. It was time for a question and answer. In the meantime, she had used this to mainly receive answers to difficult formulas as well as explanations and applications of magic.

Lili thought carefully about her words before saying, “What is Myrdal’s identity?”

-…So, it did come out.

If it had been a person, Gluttony would be frowning. The greedy grimoire paused for a moment before replying in a testy voice, –It is an abstract thing, and I can’t give you concrete information. Even this wouldn’t have been possible if he hadn’t released the fourth seal.

“Then can you give any information about the other Seven Sins?”

–Not more than that. In the case of Pride, its importance was low, and I was able to temporarily answer because we encountered it. If you want to hear detailed information about the other five, you need to release the sixth seal.

Indeed, if Gluttony could answer it, then there was no reason to block Myrdal from speaking. Liliana had felt doubts, which was why she asked Gluttony the questions. However, as she had guessed, Gluttony was under some type of constraint, and it would be hard to answer the question.

Then she thought about Myrdal’s advice, ‘…the secrets I can’t tell you right now, and the secret that you shouldn’t know…’ At the very least, the old man hadn’t shown any signs of malice toward Lili. Maybe Lili just didn’t notice, but she decided to trust her own intuition. If she fell into needless doubts, then she wouldn’t be able to get out of this situation. She had to take the first step to overcome the crisis.

Lili shook off the rest of her thoughts and said, “Then I will change the question. Is it true that my body will only last five years, like Myrdal said?”

–It is true. To be exact, it is 4 years, 8 months, and 23 days. The error range is expected to be within a week.

“…Damn.” She truly accepted it after hearing the details of the deadline a second time.

In fact, wasn’t the grimoire responsible for this? It didn’t explain the side effects of the eating, and her life was now suddenly in danger. Thus, it was inevitable that Gluttony should take responsibility for this matter. If Lili died, she would have to find a new contractor and start again, so it would just damage Gluttony as well.

Liliana regained her calm and asked directly, “Myrdal told me to expand my vessel. How do I do that?”

–This isn’t a subject that can be answered in reply to one question.

“Don’t make me laugh,” she coldly dismissed the grimoire’s excuse. “I confirmed that you can act on your own discretion during the fight against Pride. If you think of me as your contractor, you have a minimum of responsibility for any situations that you didn’t warn about in advance regarding you. Isn’t that right?”

–Hrmm, you have a point.

It was pointless to make an emotional argument, as the grimoire was more flexible with logic being refuted. Lili had already been connected with Gluttony for a year, so she had some ideas of Gluttony’s personality and behavior. As expected, Gluttony accepted Liliana’s argument and gave in to her demand.

–The easiest way is human sacrifice.


–I don’t distinguish by gender or good and evil. It won’t be difficult to expand your soul if you properly sacrifice around 100,000 people. It may also help you get beyond the wall of the 7th Circle.

“…Dismissed, I won’t do that.”

The grimoire didn’t care about ethics and suggested something evil. Human sacrifices? It was the worst sin committed by warlocks a few centuries ago. Sacrificing 100,000 people… It was an evil beyond the national scale.

Liliana gritted her teeth and shook her head.

Then Gluttony presented a second option. –Build up your karma.


–Whether good or evil, every act that affects the world expands your ‘vessel.’ You can save someone. You can destroy someone. Building up dharma will shake off the confines of karma. That is the master level that you talk about.

Gluttony’s words were so profound that Lili couldn’t comprehend everything, but she understood the gist of it. In other words, she had to create a disturbance which affected the material world in any way. It could be good or bad. If she did so, her ‘vessel’ would increase in size.

It was a theory Lili would investigate later, so she asked for the next option, “Other than that?”

–There is nothing to ask.


It might be because the two options were rejected, but Gluttony sounded testy. –Work harder than you have done so far. The efficiency is lower, but you can meet the deadline.

“I have to do the same thing?”


To the confused Liliana, Gluttony declared, –Hunt original books.

Chapter 119 – Book Eating Sorceress (2)

Original books were not books created using duplication magic, but the first copies written directly by the authors. So far, Lili had consumed three original books: Ballistics Magic; Introduction to Elemental Magic; and Battle Song. They formed the foundation of Lili’s abilities.

However, how would original books solve her problem?

“…I don’t understand. Hasn’t my vessel already reached its limit?” she questioned.


“Then, won’t eating original books be like pouring more water in? Why is that the solution?”

–Hrmm, the explanation is lacking. Gluttony thought for a moment before opening her mouth again. –Your question isn’t entirely wrong. The abilities you learn from the original books will fill up the vessel. But in the process, you can acquire something else.

“What is it?”

–The fragment of the author’s soul set inside the original book.

Gluttony explained that although it was small, a piece of the author’s soul was contained in the original book. So far, Liliana had met authors of the original books she had consumed. She had experienced Alfred on the battlefield and Lee Yoonsung through his martial arts. Myrdal’s case was slightly different, but the old man was an exception.

Liliana understood the meaning of Gluttony’s words and asked, “So, absorbing the fragment of soul can expand my vessel?”

–That’s right. In fact, your vessel was already half full when you absorbed Umbra. If you hadn’t used ‘Transmission’ on Alfred, you would’ve died.

“…Transmission.” Lili detected a secret hidden in the word.

General predation couldn’t absorb all the abilities of a book. Her talent or aptitude didn’t matter. Just like how it was impossible for Lili to shoot Magic Bullet like Alfred, it was impossible for her to obtain 100% of the author’s ability.

However, Lili overcame that limit with Transmission. She had thought that Transmission was just a function that effectively accepted the author’s ability, but now she realized it was different. Transmission was the ability to expand the vessel beyond its limits.

Otherwise, there was no reason to take the risk that the contractor’s ego would collapse. If Lili’s mentality hadn’t been strong and Alfred hadn’t been willing to help, she might’ve become brain dead after fighting Pride.

–No, that is a bit wrong.


As if reading Lili’s thoughts, Gluttony interrupted, –Transmission isn’t normally used in that way. At that time, it was instant because the situation was imminent. However, it was originally a process that allows for gradual assimilation.


–As you can see, sometimes a confusion of self can occur. Of course, it isn’t a problem if the user is overwhelmingly strong. But if the other party is superior, the user could end up being consumed. You were lucky in many ways last time.

In other words, if Alfred had been a bad person, he could’ve taken over Lili's body. However, after that, she couldn’t call on Alfred anymore.

Lili organized the information she had received before replying. There were three ways to avert the three-year deadline. Among them, she erased the first idea without even thinking about it. Human sacrifice belonged to the black magic area and was a taboo in Meltor, with severe punishment if caught. Liliana wouldn’t be excluded from the punishment even if she had received a medal.

The second method, however, was worth considering. ‘Doing something good or evil.’

It was strange to think about. So far, Lili had taken down two grimoires and destroyed the elder lich. As a result, the number of lives she saved wouldn’t be light. Regrettably, Gluttony asserted that her heroic actions weren’t helpful at all.

–Grimoires don’t count. They are located outside the causal relationship and don’t affect karma. It would be more meaningful to catch a few bandits.

It was unfortunate, but it made sense. Liliana understood this and looked at the darkness outside the window.

The capital of the Meltor Kingdom, Mana-vil… From the tall magic tower, the scenic view of the capital was spectacular, but it was nothing compared to the superb views she’d seen with Ellenoa on the branch of the world tree.

There were still many sights in the world that she hadn’t seen. On a bookshelf in a narrow room, there might be an unknown mystery hiding. A sorceress should find her own wilderness.

‘Am I prepared to leave the comfort of the familiar road for a hard and unfamiliar road?’ Lili asked herself.

“Well, it seems like what I need to do is already determined.”

As Gluttony fell asleep, Lili made a fist.

She wished to experience hardships in order to improve herself. Just like when she broke through an army of undead, when she faced Pride, and when she jumped into Laevateinn without any fear… Just like always, she had to believe in herself and move forward.

Regardless of whether she would be a hero or not, Liliana made a decision as she looked at Mana-vil’s night view.

* * *

The next day, as soon as Liliana opened her eyes, she went into action. A person’s determination could dull over time, so the sooner she put it into action, the better.

Lili dressed in the familiar robe and decided to first tell her master about her choice. It wasn’t merely a procedural problem but a matter of morality.

‘He will certainly be worried, but… I can’t conceal it from him.’

Despite reaching the 6th Circle, Vince Haidel was Liliana’s master and a companion with whom she shared the secrets of the grimoire. The relationship between the two was much stronger than an ordinary bond shared between master and disciple. She couldn’t keep the threat to her life a secret, and Vince might be able to give her useful advice.

Liliana finally stopped in front of Vince’s door.

Knock knock.

As Lili took a deep breath and knocked, she heard the familiar voice of her master.

“Lili, is that you? It is open, so just come in.”

“Yes, Master.”

As Vince said, the door wasn’t locked. The familiar smell of coffee greeted Lili after she opened the door.

It was the handmade coffee Vince had been drinking since Bergen Academy. Lili felt like smiling as she sat on the chair Vince brought her. The face of her teacher, who had a few grey hairs, appeared before her.

Lili felt her heart relaxed as she opened her mouth to speak.

The story wasn’t long. By the time Lili's story finished, the steam rising from Vince’s coffee mug was gone, and the angle of the light coming through the window had changed by a few degrees.

However, Vince’s expression wasn’t as simple as the story. Vince swallowed down a sigh and tried to act calm as his disciple mentioned the time limit. It wasn’t a story that should come from a young girl who was only 20 years old.

“…Hoo. I have a lot of things to say, but I won’t. You already seem to know how serious this situation is.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“There is no need to thank me. Ah, wait a minute. I just completed the present that I was going to give you.”

A present he was going to give Lili? Liliana looked confused as Vince pulled out a book from his drawer.

Based on the still-wet ink, it was true that Vince had just completed it. He used a simple drying magic and handed it over. It was a summary of his years of research.

[Ancient Magic Overview — Balcard] was written on the cover.


[Ancient Magic Overview — Balcard]
[This book deals with the magic of Balcia, an empire that existed in ancient times. The magicians of that era used magic that was several times more efficient and powerful than modern magic systems. After years of research, the author, Vince Haidel, has awakened this system. The depth of wisdom is superior to ordinary magic books.

* The level of your understanding is minimal. (0%)
* This magic book is rated ‘Rare.’
* When consumed, the fundamentals of the ‘Balcard Language’ will be learned.
* This is the original that was directly written by the author. You have a close relationship with the author. There is a high probability that you will absorb some of Vince’s proficiency.]

Liliana looked at the information from the unconsciously used Appraisal and felt great awe.

‘Restoring a magic system that was used in ancient times!’ Once this achievement spread through the Magic Society, it was clear that Vince Haidel would be given a Prime position as well as praise and rewards.

Vince smiled at Lili’s impressed look and said, “If you need original books, then mine will be helpful. Although I don’t know if it will help your problem.”

“…No, it is brilliant.”

“Well, it was thanks to you that I was able to finish the research. I’m glad it can be of use to you in this way.”

Lili placed the magic power in her inventory, while Vince’s expression became heavy.

‘Going on a trip to find original books… It won’t be easy,’ Vince thought.

Lili had already decided. Leaving the country where she was lauded as a hero was never easy. In order to avoid the empire’s gaze, she had to conceal her identity and couldn’t do as she wished in a foreign country.

Perhaps he should tell Lili to forget Myrdal’s advice. It was shameful as Lili’s mentor, but he might not have given that advice if he were in Myrdal’s position. Still, Vince passed on what information he could.


He pulled out a map and moved his fingers as he started to explain, “If your purpose is to look for original books, you must first go to the central continent.”

Meltor was known as the magic kingdom, and as the name suggested, it was full of magic books. However, the story was different when it came to original books. As mentioned several times, the Magic Society treated originals and copies the same. It was because they didn’t want to see the value of knowledge rising or falling due to scumbag collectors.

So, the people who collected original books weren’t from Meltor. Instead, they were nobles or merchants who resided in other countries and wanted to decorate their office.

“In particular, the trade kingdom Kargas at the center of the central continent. All types of people swarm there. Original books are sold there for an expensive price, meaning only people who have nothing but money will buy them.”

“Kargas on the central continent… I will keep that in mind.”

“If possible, don’t cause any friction. Your skills aren’t a problem, but there are many outlaws in the central continent.”

Experienced advice was always valuable. Lili was taught by her teacher about things necessary for the journey, such as how to get across the border, the laws of different countries, and how to act in them.

Fortunately, Lili had a strong memorization ability, so she remembered all of it without much difficulty.

“Oh, I forgot.” After a lengthy explanation, Vince sipped from the coffee that had cooled down. “You are now the hero of Meltor. The Magic Society and royal family won’t like you leaving the kingdom. How are you planning to go abroad?”

It was a reasonable fact. Lili’s status had increased after confronting the monster called Pride and becoming the national guest of Elvenheim. There was no way to guarantee her safety outside the kingdom.

If Andras’ Knights of Shade had an assassination list, the name ‘Liliana Miller’ would probably be among the top five of the list.

For that reason, Lili had only one person she could depend on. He was the culmination of power in Meltor and the only one who could command all four tower masters.

“I have no choice but to ask His Majesty directly.”

Chapter 120 – Book Eating Sorceress (3)

Kurt III had taken the throne with the support of all the magic towers, led by the great magician Blundell. When Kurt III was crowned, he had been but a puppet king of the Magic Society in many ways. He had been merely 20 when he reached the throne of the magic kingdom and jumped directly onto the battlefield against the Andras Empire.

After decades of washing away blood, the boy king had grown into a king with sober eyes. He used strong soldiers and a system of reward and punishment. His rule absolutely adhered to these two principles, and the kingdom had now reached its greatest heyday since its founding.

He was a ruler who stuck to these principles but didn’t forget to understand the ecology of magicians and that he could be flexible. This was the ideal ruler for the current Meltor Kingdom, Kurt III.

Liliana had grown up knowing about Kurt III’s achievements.

‘If they persuade him with proper logic and rationales, he will listen to the words of a person below him.’

Then the problems which Liliana needed to solve were narrowed down to one. The question wasn’t how to persuade the king, but how to talk to the king alone. Liliana had some accomplishments which raised her status, but it was still difficult to meet the king personally. It was only possible for the tower masters and the top nobles of the kingdom.

However, her worries were for nothing, as shortly thereafter, Kurt III asked Liliana to join him for dinner.

“Liliana, it is time.”

It was a place where other nobles or servants wouldn’t be present, so confidential matters could be discussed. Liliana, who wanted to avoid the attention of others as much as possible, accepted the invitation without hesitation. She had no idea that things would be resolved so easily.

Thanks to that, she opened the door with a much lighter heart.

“Yes, I’ll go straight away.”

The middle-aged man waiting for Lili was the one who had delivered Kurt III’s invitation. The royal chamberlain, Douglas, was a person who had risen from being a commoner to being the closest to the king. He was unusual as he gave off an impression that made people comfortable.

“I will guide you there. Ah, if your body feels uncomfortable…”

“It’s okay.”

“Then we will proceed as scheduled. Follow me please.”

Lili was a young girl of a lower standing, but Douglas’ attitude didn’t shake at all. He didn’t care if Lili was a hero or young. Douglas just served with an attitude that didn’t mix in any personal feelings. This faithfulness to his duties was probably what had caught Kurt III’s eyes.

In any case, all the preparations were over.

“His Majesty is waiting inside.”

Douglas stopped in front of a gorgeously lavish guarded door. The patterns symbolizing the magic towers were harmoniously intertwined with the patterns symbolizing the royal family.

It meant that neither side was above or below the other and that they were both the pillars of the Meltor Kingdom. These patterns might be sensitive to some authoritarian nobles, but it made independent sorceresses feel a strong sense of belonging.

Beyond this, the man standing at the top of the Meltor Kingdom was waiting.

‘…Let’s go.’ Liliana placed her hand on the lavish door without shrinking back from nerves.

Was there weight reduction magic on the door? Compared to the weight she'd expected, the door under her palm was much lighter. It was huge, but she had no problem pushing open the door.

The scene beyond the door unfolded silently.


Liliana forgot all the words she planned in advance.

* * *

Liliana had no idea how the situation had flowed into this direction.

It was good that she had achieved her purpose of meeting Kurt III in isolation. The meeting place was also quite good. It was a restaurant in the palace where no one could eavesdrop—the chamberlain’s restaurant.

However, she never thought there would be such a variable.

“Now, ahh—” Veronica placed a big chunk of meat on her fork and extended it to Liliana’s mouth.

It was a well-known action used by parents for their children… or between lovers. It wasn’t to be used at a royal restaurant, right in front of the king’s watchful eye.

“T-Tower Master.”

“What, do you dislike me feeding you?”

“That isn’t…”

The dour expression placed a high pressure on her, making it hard to turn her down. Lili eventually ate the meat that Veronica gave her while feeling like a child. A place for a serious conversation had turned into this.

Fortunately, Kurt III interrupted the interesting exchange between the two of them. “Haha, this is the first time I’ve seen this. Veronica doesn’t take care of anyone, so she must be quite taken with you, Liliana.”

“Y-Your Majesty!”

“Don’t be shy. I called this tomboy here for you to relax, so please do so.”

So, the culprit was the king. This caused Lili to sneak glances at him. Even Veronica didn’t dare interrupt the king’s meal without permission. This meant that she had been given permission in advance or that she’d been invited.

Well, Kurt III seemed to have invited her because he thought Lili would be nervous if it were just him. In a sense, it was a small consideration, but it turned out this way.

Lili sighed deeply, looking like a person who didn’t get a good night’s sleep.

‘Well, it can’t be helped.’

Additionally, there was a chance that Veronica would side with her.

The situation was different from what she’d expected beforehand, but it didn’t change what she needed to do. She conversed with the two of them while waiting for the right time to bring out the topic.

‘I don’t know if it’ll be more appropriate to talk about it after a few dishes and drinks…’

They talked about what had happened in Elvenheim. Lili described the five, out of six, high elves she’d met. She also mentioned the power of a guardian’s arrow.

During the description of the close battle with Laevateinn, the thirsty Veronica and Kurt III often emptied and refilled their drinks. One person was a ruler of a country, while the other was too strong to go on adventures. Therefore, they felt satisfied hearing her stories.

By the time Lili’s eventful tale stopped, the desserts and tea were brought out.

Kurt III exhaled and muttered in a weak voice, “…How great. I also want to live like you.”

“I am undeserving of those words.”

“It is a good thing that I issued you the national treasure. Someone might say that I had a vision, but it was just luck. This is why the king shouldn’t be stingy.” Kurt III took another gulp of alcohol and placed his empty glass on the table.

The king had already gone through a few bottles with Veronica, but his purple eyes weren’t shaken at all. His expression was as attentive as always as he asked Lili, “So, what do you wish for now?”


“Don’t say there is nothing. At the very least, you must be thinking about something inwardly. I’ve listened to your story happily, but that isn’t the point of this dinner.”

Liliana bowed her head as she struggled not to reveal the astonishment on her face. She was worried about showing a disgraceful expression in front of the king. Kurt III had a friendly presence, but Lili was still below him. This was the man who had brought Meltor to its golden age. Lili’s ignorance about this area gave her a weakness.

Fortunately, she managed to maintain her composure due to training her mental power steadily after absorbing Umbra.

“…I’ll be honest.” It meant nothing to avoid it now. Lili realized this fact and opened her mouth to explain.

Regardless of who spoke first, the hierarchy here didn’t change. Right now, although she was a hero and worshipped in this country, she still had to ask for her wish in a respectful way.

After her words, the faces of the two people stiffened slightly.

Veronica didn’t say anything, while Kurt III asked with a puzzled expression on his face, “Leave? At this time?”

Looking at Liliana Miller’s life, this was the most effective time to raise her status. She had the biggest merit in the Elvenheim mission. Lili was a hero who had embarrassed the Andras Empire and elevated the kingdom’s status. If Liliana captured this opportunity correctly, she could become a marquis or an earl. No, she could get away from the nobility and receive the treatment of an elder in the Magic Society.

Kurt continued in a voice which showed his lack of understanding, “You made a big achievement with the book you took from the Zero Library last time. It is now a completed version of ‘Battle Song,’ and Meltor’s military power has increased by nearly 10% thanks to that.”

It was a feat which had raised Liliana up to the Superior rank in the shortest period of time. Nobody cared even about the excuse she’d made that the original book had been damaged in the process.

Liliana’s existence was like a good luck charm for the Meltor Kingdom. The royal family and nobles increased their favorability toward Lili and would give her rewards.

“So, I will give you the right to take another book from the Zero Library.”


“It isn’t just one book. As a Prime, you have the right to freely rent any books in there. Isn’t it much more efficient to train in such a rich environment?”

“…Your Majesty.” Lili understood Kurt III’s feelings.

From the standpoint of his country, Kurt III couldn’t let Lili go so easily.

The king wasn’t concerned about betrayal. However, Lili was confirmed to be a tower master candidate by Veronica and was a national guest of Elvenheim. So, it was uncomfortable to place such excellent timber outside his field of view. The king was also worried about the empire, who would be furious after this incident.

However, Liliana didn’t bend in her wish. “Your Majesty, please understand my heart.”


“Additionally, I’ve already got a clue about the 6th Circle. I realized that the experience I gained from the mission is the foundation for it, and it is different from wrestling with ink in my room.”

Lili raised her head and confronted Kurt III’s grim gaze. There wasn’t any killing intent or fighting spirit in Lili’s eyes, but it made the person facing her feel a strong will. A heavy expression appeared on Kurt III’s face as he turned toward Veronica, who had been struggling for a while.

The moment that Liliana’s expression was darkening…

“-Hoo, I don’t know,” Kurt III muttered.

All of a sudden, something flew toward Lili.


The item which came from Kurt III was caught by Lili. It was a heavy metal, but it was thin and filled with magic power. This bracelet, bare of any decorations, was an accessory the king had worn.

Before Liliana could ask what it was, Kurt muttered in a low voice, “It is a self-defense artifact made by the Yellow Tower Master. I don’t know if it will help you, but it is better than nothing.”

“Y-Your Majesty.”

“As soon as you leave this room, you will be struck with inspiration and won’t leave your laboratory for a few months. It isn’t an uncommon phenomenon. Isn’t that right?”

“…Yes, that’s right,” Lili agreed, noticing the meaning behind the king’s words.

Liliana Miller was too famous. If she left the kingdom without thinking, she would have to pay attention to assassins and spies.

So, she should cover up her tracks. Using the fact that sorceresses were often shut up in a room while involved in research, they would make it seem like Lili was still in Meltor. It wasn’t a perfect camouflage, but it would buy her some time.

In other words, it was the same as allowing Liliana to leave.

After making the drastic decision, Kurt touched his left forearm a few times. Then he turned toward Lili and said, “Then it is time for you to go. There is a lot of preparation needed to stay in a room for a few months.”

“…Thank you for your kind words, Your Majesty,” Lili replied in a small, trembling voice before leaving.

The benefits which Kurt III mentioned were privileges that hardly anyone else enjoyed. Lili could rent books from the Zero Library freely, and she would be treated as an elder. It was a huge kindness that the king had granted Lili’s request.

Lili’s heart was beating wildly, and a strange heat spread from it.

She now understood why so many people praised the cold Kurt III.

* * *

After Liliana left the room, Kurt III and Veronica were silent. They sipped their bitter tea and swallowed it. Then they bit and swallowed their sweet dessert. This process was repeated again and again until someone opened their mouth.

“…It is surprising.”

“Huh?” Veronica looked at Kurt with confusion.

“I thought you would say that you want to follow her. It is rare for the Red Tower Master to do any work directly. I was going to allow it if you grabbed my collar and shook me.”

The Blue Tower Master and Red Tower Master… It would be painful for one of the two pillars of the Meltor Kingdom to leave for a short time, but that was how valuable Liliana Miller was.

Lili was a sorceress who seemed blessed by the heavens. She had become stronger at a faster rate than anybody else, leaving behind achievements which were usually seen in the old stories. Lili was a youth who was following the footsteps of a ‘hero.’

Veronica looked down with a strange expression. “Umm, I wanted to follow her too.”


“I was going to go with her when I was struck with a thought. I don’t want to deal with her at this age.”

This time, Kurt III was the one who made a strange expression. “Was there an incident?”

“I thought she would catch up with me in 10 years, but it now seems more like 5 years.” As she said so, she licked her dry lips lightly. The sight of the red tongue moving smoothly could shake the heart of any person.

Even though it was only a quarter, she was the great sorceress who had inherited the lineage of a red dragon. The desires and passion running through her blood could never be compared to men and women of the human species. It was the fate of every generation of draconians to ignite desire in both men and women.

Veronica’s instincts, inherited from her blood, were thrilled.

“…Perhaps I won’t be able to call her a kid anymore.”

Her heart beat violently as she looked at the door through which Lili had left.

Chapter 121 – Crossing The Wilderness (1)

Meanwhile, the city of Mana-vil bustled with life as news of the exchange between Meltor and Elvenheim spread throughout the city. Among them, the busiest people were the merchants from large trading companies. They were better than anyone else at sniffing out the money and didn’t miss this opportunity. Some would say it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance at a jackpot.

One of Meltor’s largest trading companies, Polonell, thought the same. ‘If we pick things up properly, then we can live well.’ However, the boss of Polonell wasn’t greedy. The magic towers and even the high-ranking nobles knew that the merchants would be drooling and lingering for rights. Therefore, he picked the next best thing. This time, it was to obtain a large amount of raw materials, since the export of artifacts and goods was going to become three times larger. He would then supply the artifacts and goods to the Magic Society. The bonus was that he could gain extra money as well as a good relationship with the magic towers.

As a result, the top company, Polonell, was able to start a procession heading toward the Central Continent faster than anyone else. Dagadak, dagadak. The carriages made an upbeat sound as they moved quickly down a road. Normally, they would be moving slower due to carrying a lot of baggage, but the purpose of this procession was to import raw materials quickly. For that reason, there wasn’t as much baggage, and the carriages moved faster than usual.

Furthermore, the carriages they were riding weren’t ordinary. It was the carriage Lili had borrowed when she went home, the express carriage which hadn’t been commercialized yet.

In the second carriage from the front, a middle-aged man laughed excitedly as he said, “Hahaha! Sorceress, you are lucky that you joined!” He was a man with bushy hair, giving him the impression of a bear. That’s why he was actually called ‘Bear.’ Bear was an experienced merchant who rejected the general preconceived notion that merchants resembled snakes or foxes.

The brown-haired young girl sitting in front of Bear raised her eyes. “Lucky?”

“Yes!” Bear nodded without hesitation. “Didn’t you just join on the departure date, yet you get to ride an express wagon like this? We weren’t able to hire a magician to accompany us because it was such a sudden trip, so it is really lucky that our paths crossed like this!”

“Ah, that might be so.”

“Additionally, you’re the junior of the hero, Liliana Miller. Isn’t this a good relationship?”

Liliana Miller also felt lucky as she laughed inwardly at Bear’s words. Using her own name as a recommendation was working well. That’s right. The brown-haired young girl with hair which was brown, instead of black, and eyes which were blue, instead of green, was actually Liliana Miller. It would be difficult to find people who recognized her now because her face was different.

While feeling a sense of incongruity from looking at the face of a stranger, Lili recalled the information of the necklace hidden behind her clothes.

[+6 Who am I? (Accessory)]
[-An artifact created from an unknown failure. This artifact in the form of a necklace can circumvent the perceptions of others by subtly changing the wearer’s appearance. It shows its abilities regardless of the user’s will, and once the magic is released, the medium will be destroyed immediately. It can defend against magical insight, but it can’t conceal the fact that the user is ‘hiding.’
* The rating of this magic tool is ‘Precious.’
* When consumed, a considerable amount of magic power will be absorbed.
* When consumed, the digestion time will be 18 hours.
* When consumed, understanding of transformation magic will increase.]

Just before Lili’s departure, Vince had brought her an artifact from the magic tower. It was an equipment usually used to infiltrate enemy territory or carry out secret missions. Thanks to it, Lili was able to disguise herself without needing to reveal her identity or status. Now, she wasn’t the ‘hero,’ Liliana Miller, but the 4th Circle sorceress Lili who was going to visit distant relatives in Kargas.

‘I honestly thought the pseudonym was too obvious, but…’

Vince had laughed and shaken his head. “Sometimes it is better to do this than to conceal your name thoroughly. You will be going around unknown countries, so I don’t think you should use an alias. Do the east call it ‘hard to tell if it is a sham or real’?” Her mentor had explained that a carelessly made lie could attract the human eye more than a moderate one. In any case, her name would be meaningless if they were a person who could see through the artifact.


In the end, this was the best way to watch out for herself. Lili looked out the window as the carriages kept moving. The carriages had traveled far enough that the capital and the top of the magic towers couldn’t be seen. She didn’t know if she would come back in the next four months or even years. It was then that Lili suddenly realized she was all alone.

Her master, who always pointed out the parts where Lili was lacking, the good-hearted and pretty Sylvia, whom she had a meal with once in a while, and Veronica, who was very caring towards her, even though she was sometimes too much… Lili wouldn’t be able to see the people who were like her second family for a while.

‘No, I shouldn’t have a weak heart already.’ She tried to put aside the terrifying thought and pulled out a book from her bag. It was [Ancient Magic Overview – Balcard] which Vince Haidel had completed after decades of hard work. This was a magic book that Lili didn’t understand despite reading it for half a day already.


The carriage suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of paper turning. Even the loud Bear knew what it meant when a sorceress opened a book, so he kept his mouth shut. This was why books were good. As Lili studied the indescribable and difficult-to-understand wisdom, any misgivings would fade. The hesitation in Lili’s eyes had long since disappeared, and her brain was already drifting away into the knowledge contained in the book.

Lili, who showed intense focus, was truly the image of a sorceress, regardless of her age.

* * *

As Lili started the journey, it was different in many ways from what she thought. It was impossible to find the romance of adventure when she was literally in a carriage for hours. Sometimes she couldn’t rest at night or could only take a short nap. Despite this, Lili, as the only sorceress and precious guest, wasn’t tired at all. However, it was a murderous schedule for the merchants and mercenaries.


Of course, that didn’t mean Lili was just sitting there. ‘…To the northeast, the distance is roughly 2 kilometers?’

After Mitra’s abilities were awakened in the Great Forest, they could now be used in other regions. Right now, her power was telling her of an incoming enemy. Lili could feel that there were 23 of them. Judging by the weight on the floor, they were hobgoblins. They were enemies which the procession could cope with on its own, but it would be annoying.

So, Lili’s magic power spread into the distance.

-Kieeek! –Kirururk!

It might not be perfect, but the presence of a 6th Circle sorceress, enhanced with Ring of Muspelheim, was incomparable to that of an ogre. The hobgoblins knew this intuitively and retreated. In this way, she drove back the creatures which had been approaching the carriage. The procession just thought they were lucky, and there was no need to break that illusion.

Liliana’s purpose was to get to Kargas quietly, and it would only become noisy if she drew attention to it. Thanks to Lili, the carriages moved smoothly without a hitch. By the time the horses had started panting heavily, the procession had reached the intended destination for a rest stop at nearly record speed.

It was the Sipoto Plains, which acted as the border for the Austen Kingdom and Kargas Kingdom. Unlike the grasslands which had been green until now, there was a vast stretch of plains where only sparse tufts of grass were growing.

As soon as they reached the beginning of the plains, Bear shouted loudly, “Stop! It is up to here for today! Mercenaries should be alert until the camp is ready, and the rest of the staff should get out of the carriages to install the tents and make the campfire. Then we’ll start eating after that!”

Due to his hulking figure, Bear’s voice was rather loud. The sound of horseshoes was really loud, but Bear’s yell went even beyond that. Simultaneously, the restless horses stopped moving, and sweat poured down like a shower. The carriage drivers hastily poured water on them and comforted them. Then steam rose from the skin of the wet horses. This was the result of running harshly for a week. At least they could eat as much as they wanted today, as well as recover from the fatigue by sleeping.

After Bear gave the instructions, he looked back at Lili and asked, “Lili. It will take some time for the meal to be prepared. What do you want to do until then?”

Lili thought for a moment. So far, she had hardly left the carriage except to eat. It was because she had turned to studying the ancient magic in order to calm her confused mind. However, the result of the week-long fierce concentration was as follows: [* Your level of understanding is high. (84.5%)]

She couldn’t say that she had mastered it perfectly, but she could use easy vocabulary to trigger the ancient language magic. From this point on, it wasn’t just learning but using it directly. So, this wasn’t something she could achieve from being stuck in the carriage.

Lili thought this and jumped out of the carriage. “Then I will go and get some fresh air.”


“There are few creatures in the Sipoto wilderness. I won’t go too far away, so don’t worry.” Lili relieved Bear’s anxious expression, then she stepped forward without thinking.

She walked until the carriages looked small and stared at the moon and stars shining in the wilderness. ‘After the Sipoto Plains is the continent.’

The Sipoto Plains were different from the creepy Red Plateau. It had a similar bleak landscape, but signs of life could be felt here, unlike at the Red Plateau. Compared to ordinary land, the land here was weak, but it was still an area where people could live. However, there was a lack of food and water, so they couldn’t live here long.

The real problem was in the land located beyond it. It was the Austen Kingdom, where the drought had started. The drought had spread and was killing this plain. Lili had heard about the Austen Kingdom later from Vince, but she couldn’t justify their reasons for kidnapping Ellenoa. However, they weren’t evil people, and a sigh emerged as she thought about the warriors bending their pride.

So, Lili had to ask once. “Gluttony. What was the cause of the drought that no magicians or scholars in the world could discover?”

Chapter 122 – Crossing The Wilderness (2)

The number of magicians and scholars who had sought to uncover the cause of the catastrophe far exceeded tens of thousands. It didn’t fall under any theory of meteorology, and even Blundell had returned empty-handed back when he was a 7th Circle magician. However, Gluttony replied in a casual tone, –You want to know the truth of the drought?


–I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that question free of charge. If you want to hear it, I will take one of your rights to ask a question.

The reason was enough to require using one of her rights for a question and answer? It might not seem worth it. However, Liliana knew from her experience so far that the information itself was priceless. Even if the information seemed useless at present, it might unravel a knot someday, especially when it was involving something like the drought. As she nodded without any hesitation, Gluttony opened her mouth and said, –…Hrmm, understood. Then I’ll teach you what I remember. If this place had been in the middle of the Austen Kingdom, they would’ve cut small ear holes in the wall with a knife in order to listen.

The Seven Sins grimoire, which contained such valuable information, was opening up. Gluttony was someone who recorded the secrets of the Age of Mythology, so she might not know about modern disasters.

However, Gluttony shocked Lili with a single sentence, –The sand dragon, Desertio who lives at the center of the Meuse Desert, is at the epicenter of the drought.


–That’s right.

The strongest species, the dragons, were a transcendent species which remained in this world after the Age of Mythology ended. They were monsters who lived for close to an eternity and looked down on all other species. Sometimes heroes called dragon slayers would kill them, but there were only a handful of such people in the history books. The dragons were born as the strongest and were a species which spread the power of life. However, the cause of this drought was a dragon…? Lili couldn’t understand the response, and Gluttony continued as though she hadn’t finished yet.

–Don’t misunderstand. Desertio might not be causing the drought maliciously. The dragon, who has survived for nearly a million years, is already closer to a spirit than a creature. Therefore, she changes the environment around her.

"Indeed, she is a sand dragon."

–If Desertio was a red dragon, lava would flow from that area and a volcano would erupt every cycle. In a sense, desertification is still moderate in some ways. In other words, the sand dragon, Desertio, is just living. Her lair is in the middle of the desert, and she is just waiting for the end of her life, without any malice toward the humans.

As the dragon is the strongest species in the material world, it will pay back the world’s grace by returning its flesh to nature. Desertio’s huge body will probably transform into grains of sand. The grimoire ended its explanation here. On the other hand, Liliana's face distorted subtly.

"What? So, the old dragon is waiting to die, and the Austen Kingdom is suffering from the aftermath?"


"That is too extreme!"

Liliana felt her head hurt at the unexpected answer. It wasn’t a monster in the desert aiming for the end of humanity, but an old dragon waiting for her death? Furthermore, the other side had no idea. Humans were just so weak that they couldn’t endure being around her.

Gluttony chuckled like she was sympathetic. –Yes, it is as you said. Too extreme. In the ancient times, the number of dragons was high, and this occurrence was more frequent. From the standpoint of the humans and other species, the dragons were too territorial.

"…It can’t be."

–Yes, there was a war against the dragons. It is also known as Dracomachia, the great war of that era, where some records still remain. Most of the species in the material world joined forces to hunt the dragons, who numbered around 1,000. Even the dragons, the strongest in the world, couldn’t endure against hundreds of thousands of enemies. Back then, it was an age where there were 9th Circle magicians in every country.

At the end of the devastating war, the dragons were slaughtered, leaving only a few survivors behind. The remnants of that mighty war still remain in this day and age.

Liliana's eyes shook as she suddenly found out one of the world’s secrets. The reason why the powerful dragons had almost been exterminated was so shocking that horror overwhelmed her curiosity. She now understood what Myrdal meant by ‘a fact that you shouldn’t know.’

As if she knew how Lili was feeling, Gluttony advised, –So, if you were wanting to solve the problem of the drought, quit now. A dragon is a species that becomes stronger in proportion to time. If you fight now, you won’t even be able to last a second.

"I know that much. I understand that this is a story I can’t afford to get involved in," Liliana answered as she turned away from the direction of the Austen Kingdom. Lili hadn’t backed down even when facing Pride, but her opponent was too big this time.

The greatest magician in the kingdom, Veronica, had killed a dragon who had only lived for 3,000 years. Nevertheless, she had complained that she had almost died many times. Lili couldn’t guess just how strong was a dragon who had lived for nearly a million years. Fortunately, the drought wouldn’t last forever. According to Gluttony, the next drought would disappear if Desertio died in the next 300 years. Until then, it would be painful, and the kingdom would just have to be patient. In a bittersweet mood, Liliana walked back the way she came.


"Lili, you came back!" Bear welcomed her as she returned to the camp.

It seemed like the preparations had finished in the meantime as white tents were fluttering on the desolate plains. There was a fence around the camp to stop things like snakes and scorpions from getting in. Bear’s words that he had crossed the Sipoto wilderness many times didn’t seem to be a bluff.

"Yes, the wind was cool."

"Hahaha! It is an annoying place without any trees! It is hot like hell in the daytime, but it gets quite cool after the sun goes down."

Then Liliana made a curious sound. "…? If that is the case, shouldn’t we move at night? The hot daytime will make the horses tired sooner."

"Oh, good point! If this was a typical desert or tropical region, that would be the case." Bear chuckled. "But on these plains, there are many creatures who like to move at night due to the reason you said. There are creatures like sand worms and desert ants. They only start their activities after the sand cools down."

"Aha, I see." Indeed, it was the answer of an experienced merchant. Lili was convinced by the explanation and looked at the bound horses sleeping. The mobility of the party depended on the horses and carriages, so there wasn’t enough power to defeat swarming creatures. If Liliana were to reveal her power, they would be able to move at night. However, Liliana just sat down obediently at where she was directed.

‘The meal… Smoked meat in a vegetable soup? Sounds good.’

It was easy to fill the stomach with just meat, but it would be hard to cope with the constant movements if they weren’t getting the proper nutrients. Additionally, a tasteless meal would have a negative effect on the morale of the group as well as the mercenaries’ strength. This was why top trading companies developed basic and high quality food which could be conserved.


Unfortunately, she only took a few bites before Liliana’s spoon was forced to stop.

‘…What is this ticklish feeling?’ There was an itching on the back of her neck. It was a feeling of discomfort similar to having a piece of grass brushing against it. Lili put down the bowl and gazed in the direction where her senses indicated to look. The wilderness meant that nothing interrupted her view, but she couldn’t find any uninvited guests in the landscape which stretched out before her.

Bear was surprised by her sudden movement and asked, "Lili? What is going on?"

"Wait." Instead of replying, Lili’s eyes shone gold as she used Hawkeye. It was a secondary magic that perfectly reproduced the eyesight of a hawk. In this state, Liliana could penetrate through the darkness of the night.

At the end of her extremely sensitive field of view, a faint dust cloud could be seen.

"-The enemy…!" She shouted as she noticed its identity.

‘Enemies?’ Moonlight bounced off blades, and the dust was coming from the animals which people were riding on. They were the cause of the discomfort which tickled her neck, the warning from her sixth about the approaching enemies. However, she intuitively understood why the warning was weak, and Liliana couldn’t help laughing inwardly.

‘The opponents are so weak that my senses almost didn’t feel it.’ Come to think of it, so far, her opponents had been too strong. From the elder lich born from the power of a grimoire, and Pride who freely reproduced the traits of creatures, to the legend ranked grimoire Laevateinn, that burned the original world trees… Her senses had screamed everyday, so she couldn’t help wanting to laugh now.

Lili brushed the dust off her collar and looked around.

"R-Really? Enemies are coming!"

"Take your formations! Archers, hurry up and move back behind the barrier!"

"Put out the campfire!"

The reactions of the merchants and mercenaries weren’t bad. They quickly turned off the lights and armed themselves in defense positions. It would be enough to repel the enemies approaching now as the mercenaries hired by the Polonell Company were all skilled. However, Liliana couldn’t expect optimistic results. This was because the power of the group was beyond what she thought.

There were 10 aura users, and the captain was almost at the master level. The swordsman felt similar to Rebecca, who Liliana had once competed against. The mercenaries wouldn’t be able to go against such a powerhouse.

‘I don’t know who they are, but it is tough because I can’t reveal my identity.’ Lili’s trademark move, Magic Bullet, was currently sealed. Any 5th Circle magic and the Ring of Muspelheim were also sealed. The only tools she had available in this situation were Mitra, magic of the 4th Circle or below, close combat, and artifacts. Umbra might be okay if she used it in a manner that wasn’t obvious.

‘…Okay, I will try it once.’ She thought deeply and acted quickly.

Liliana poured magic power into the bracelet hanging from her wrist.


At that moment, the bracelet started to emit a resonant sound as unknown characters emerged. The bracelet made by the Yellow Tower Master had been crafted with unknown materials and designed to be used for Kurt’s self-defense. The high-level magic contained in the bracelet soon produced warriors in the air from Lili’s magic.

Ching! Ching!

It was armor. From small gaps in the armour to the boots and helmet, they looked like fully armed invisible knights. The six suits of armour stepped into the wilderness. The name of the magic recorded on the bracelet was ‘Living Armor.’ Depending on the capabilities of the creator, they might be weaker than farmers or stronger than elite knights… and the one who designed these living armours was the Yellow Tower Master.

"Protect the company. This command should be kept until all enemies within a one kilometer radius have disappeared."

[Yes, my master.]

Lili calmed down the confusion of her companions at the emergence of the armor and looked at the approaching enemies. She didn’t feel any tension. Neither was there a single trace of fear. Compared to the enemies she’d faced so far, these people were just stones on the roadside.

There was no chanting.

In the next moment, an intense fireball appeared above Liliana’s head.

Chapter 123 – Crossing The Wilderness (3)


The 3rd Circle Fireball was the most popular attack magic. Once five large fireballs bigger than an adult’s head appeared, the darkness disappeared and revealed the place where Liliana was standing. The procession members were quite far away, but the light and heat still stung their eyeballs. It wouldn’t be difficult to burn a human-sized creature with this amount of power. However, the one who actually made the fireballs, Liliana, looked up at them with a puzzled expression.

‘What? I used enough magic power to make only three.’

But that worry was quickly resolved. The circular scar on her left hand, the mark of the ‘Ring of Muspelheim,’ throbbed like it was boasting of its own merits. The mark had the ability to dramatically increase the owner’s fire affinity and reduced fire magic consumption by half. It seemed like this power acted independent of Lili’s will. If so, Lili had to add that variable into her calculations. Once she finished thinking, Liliana gazed ahead of her.

“…Fast. Is it a quick animal like a camel?”

It was like she said. The dust on the horizon came close enough that she could distinguish the color of the fluttering turbans. Camels were a rare sight on the northern continent, but in fact, camels were one of the best animals for fast riding. They were short-distance sprinters who could run around 65km/hr. Aside from admiring it, her cold eyes also caught the targets for her fireballs.

“Go,” Liliana declared, and the five fireballs flew forward. They were aimed at the ones coming in the forefront. The vanguard of any group was strong, and the charging power of this vanguard was reduced by half.


“° C ¥ £ ¢!”

However, Lili’s instincts told her there was something unusual as the enemies acted quickly. They scattered widely in all directions, heading away from the massive magic, while the proficient enemies who remained wielded their swords directly against the fireballs. The crescent-shaped shamshirs moved, and the fireballs literally split apart, bursting in the air.

Liliana scoffed in a cold manner as she watched.

Puk! Puuok! Puk!

The brow, throat, and mouth… Translucent arrows pierced the areas which couldn’t be protected by armor, causing a fountain of blood. The one who had destroyed the fireball was devastated by the surprise attack and fell off the camel. The thick darkness wasn’t a friend. It made them miss the wind arrows hiding behind the fireballs. This was real magic, different from those obsessed with flashy displays. The previous attack took out five people, so it wasn’t too bad.

“¢Å¢! Å\£¢¥Å℃―!”

However, the enemies weren’t stupid. In exchange for taking out five men, Liliana had exposed her position. Magicians were strongest in a group battle where they could exercise their abilities in a safe place. The enemy boss knew this and headed toward the lone magician with a few men. However, he did this without knowing that it was Liliana’s aim.

Was it because they had lost a companion…? One warrior came forward recklessly, jumping off the camel while drawing his sword. The light around the curved blade proved that he was an aura user. In other words, he had a power which could cut through magic shields in one strike!


“…How simple.” Liliana accepted the blade without any hesitation.


It cut—no, it couldn’t cut anything. The warrior who struck with his sword was confused for a moment. There was no feeling of cutting through something despite having clearly cut the enemy. The moment that his movements stopped, Lili turned off Fluidization and punched out.

‘Battle Song. Rhapsody of Power. Mezzo Forte.’

The impact of Lili’s attack was strengthened by magic. The first punch penetrated the armor in one blow and crushed the heart hidden in the ribs.


The warrior’s breathless body was thrown back. The enemy leader’s face stiffened as he watched the scene. Then he raised his left hand and gave instructions to his men. After his gestures, the camels running in a straight line shifted directions and started circling around Liliana.

‘An encirclement command? Moreover, it was done through hand motions? Aren’t they more like soldiers than bandits?’ Liliana’s doubts shifted to this conviction.

As proof of this conviction, the leader came forward to speak after the encirclement was completed.

“Young woman, your skills are very good.”

“…The north’s official language?”

“But I believe that your skills are just up to here. If you resist anymore, I won’t be able to spare your life.”

Liliana laughed at the threat. “Are you telling me to surrender now?”

“That’s right. Our goal is your surrender, and once the ransom for you is received, you can return to your homeland.”

“Do you even believe the nonsense that you are speaking?”

It wasn’t just the leader who spoke the north’s official language that responded to Lili’s antagonism. The warriors lashed out as well.

“This girl!”

“This young woman doesn’t want to live.”


“Let’s just kill her, Boss! Even if the mage uses her fists, how can she deal with so many people at this distance?”

“I told you to stop!”

As they argued about her life, Liliana’s lips parted with cynicism on her tongue. How arrogant were they to think they could decide her life? There was a lot she wanted to teach them properly, but she needed to check something first.

She stared straight into the leader’s eyes and asked, “Should I even really call you bandits? Aren’t you Austen’s regular army led by a Janissary? Or a looting unit?”


“Don’t say that you’re not. The warriors move according to military discipline, and they use the same swordsmanship.” Lili cut off the leader with her words before continuing in a loud voice, “Isn’t it said that the Janissaries are the Sultan’s sword? Then was this plundering ordered by the Sultan?”

The atmosphere changed after that. In the desert kingdom of Austen, the Sultan was the representative of the gods. Unlike the commoners’ perception toward the monarchy in common countries, all the people in Austen believed that they were born to serve the Sultan. In particular, the Janissaries were fanatics who would bite off their tongue if ordered to do so by the Sultan.

The enemy’s leader—no, the Janissary, replied in an eerie voice, “No, we have no affiliation with him.”


“And I’m not a Janissary. My men aren’t regular soldiers of Austen.” A white sword emerged from the sheath hanging at his waist. “Stop the chatter, we are enemies. I destroyed my name and pride and am just a regular bandit killing merchants on the roads!”

“…Is that so?”

“I will kill you here!”

The Janissary and his men gradually approached Lili without destroying their formation. There were seven aura users and one of the expert level. Even experienced war mages wouldn’t be able to escape from their encirclement. However, Liliana didn’t panic at all at the thought of her skin becoming like a beehive. As Lili had known earlier, they weren’t ordinary enemies.

‘Then I will put the final touches on his self-professed person.’

The preparations were already finished, and Lili counted their steps in the darkness. 30m to 25 m, 25m to 20m… Then finally, it was a distance where they could reach her in one leap.

However, the moment the warriors took one step forward…

[Pall dow!] Mitra’s voice resonated loudly from under the ground.


“£ ¢ ¥ ¥ £!!”

The firm ground collapsed, and the hard floor turned into a sandy field, making them slip on the ground. There was no way to escape it since they noticed too late. Every piece of land they tried to use as a foothold turned into sand, and every time they tried to move, their heavy weight made them sink further.

Pusususu-… The sound of the sinking sand was creepy. This terrible sandbox was an ant hell.

“-This, guyyyy!” Only one person, the Janissary, responded to the ant hell. He was one beat late, but he managed to run across the sand and aim the tip of his sword at the culprit, Liliana. If this blow reached, it might reverse the unfavorable situation.

However, Liliana’s magic finished quickly. “[Gale, be my blade.]”

The first magic spell she had used from the Balcia Empire shattered the bodies of the warriors buried in the sand.

* * *

The ensuing battle was one-sided. The warriors that the Janissary had brought with him to attack Lili were the elites, while the others were less powerful. Since the main force had disappeared from the battlefield, the mercenaries hired by Polonell were able to struggle against the remaining bandits. Additionally, there were the six living armors left behind by Liliana.


Living armor itself wasn’t that rare. It was an inferior product made by imitating found relics, and nobles often purchased them as guards, despite the lack of practicality. However, disciplined living armor, which could deflect the sword of warriors and then attack exposed gaps, was rare. At that moment, another warrior lost his life due to a living armor.

“A-Amazing…” The merchant Bear was impressed as he watched. He had seen the living armor from a noble family fight against a knight but had thought it was nothing more than window dressing. However, what about the living armor currently in front of him? They were just like real knights as their swords slashed at the enemy’s neck with smooth motions. His merchant’s instincts wriggled as he was filled with the desire to buy them instantly.

Thanks to the living armor and the resistance of the mercenaries, the enemies started to struggle and were destroyed without knowing their leader had already died. The living armor confirmed the disappearance of the enemies’ life force, and their summoning was released. In the end, Bear could only watch and drool over the empty space. “Ah… Too bad.”

“Huh? What is so unsatisfactory?”

“Ah, Lili!”

Bear looked over at the approaching Liliana, who was wiping off the blood stuck to her robes. Although Bear had complained that moving away from the party was suicidal, the story was different now. He hadn’t been able to see it closely, but Lili’s performance had been great. They might not have won if Liliana hadn’t lured the boss. Of course, the truth was different from that, but Lili didn’t say anything.

“It’s nothing. Oh Lili, what happened to the leader?”


“Oh, by Lili directly?”


Liliana’s face wasn’t that bright despite the victory, and Bear’s words reminded her of the scene from that moment. The Janissary, who had been fighting to the end with his right arm cut off, knew that Lili had been trying to capture him, and made the decision without any hesitation. He had exclaimed,

“Glory to Austen’s sun, the Great Sultan!”

Liliana still didn’t understand the loyalty which had driven the leader to give up his life for the Sultan. Still, the great drought of the Austen Kingdom had driven a Janissary to looting.

Filled with more complicated emotions than the joy born from victory, Liliana looked at the starry sky, realizing once again just how much of a mortal she was.

Chapter 124 – Crossing The Wilderness (4)

There were no more raids after that day. They may or may not have been regular soldiers disguised as bandits, but their superiors could probably guess that something unbelievable had happened when they didn’t return. Thanks to Liliana, the horses could move during the day without hesitation and rest at night. The Sipoto Plains might be bleak, but it wasn’t a bloody place like the Red Plateau.

With a merchant’s intuition, Bear, who had been watching the horizon all day, suddenly cried out, “Oh, I am beginning to see it!”

Liliana turned in the same direction and saw sturdy walls. It was a dark color, like baked mud. This was different from the white bricks of Meltor. They were the walls of Sipoto City, a border city of Kargas, the trade kingdom.

Liliana confirmed the sight and calmed down her senses. ‘Phew, I’m glad we arrived without any more difficulty. If people stronger than those who came the last time came again, I wouldn’t have been able to finish it quietly.’

Truth be told, exposing the living armor wasn’t that wise a move. Living armor artifacts weren’t rare, but they weren’t common either. However, Liliana wasn’t so cruel as to sacrifice people who could be saved, especially when their carriages were taking her to Kargas. She couldn’t let Bear shoulder that burden. Some might say it was naive, but it was part of her beliefs.

As they approached the outer wall of Sipoto, the procession gradually slowed down to be checked by the guards at the gate. The name of the Polonell Company could move a few people out of the way, but Bear chose to wait patiently.

However, his lips weren’t good at staying still. “By the way, it was really dangerous! I knew that refugees from the Austen Kingdom had started turning to robbery, but I didn’t think we would be attacked as soon as we got close to the border.”


“Yes, I hear they have increased due to the drought. The price of water has risen 10 times higher, while those in power have run away to other countries. So, it is natural for the people to feel impatient. Tsk, tsk. For the time being, I won’t be able to step into the Austen Kingdom.”

Bear clicked his tongue, but Lili was forced to smile bitterly. It would’ve been better if the people who attacked them had just been refugees. Bear didn’t know that the regular army was the one doing the looting. Did this mean that the Sultan’s Janissaries were commanders of the looting operations? It was safe to say that the kingdom was accepting it.

However, Liliana wasn’t willing to tell the truth. ‘At this point, it is too big to publicize carelessly.’

Additionally, the enemies from the raid didn’t have anything to prove their identities. The warriors used rough shamshirs, and even their turbans were just pieces of shabby cloth. The Austen Kingdom would have their honor completely tarnished if this were revealed, so the warriors had used every means to get rid of their identity. Even if this wasn’t the case, the scale of the incident wasn’t something that Liliana could get involved in.

“…When you go back, you should increase the number of escorts.” In the end, Liliana kept her mouth shut and changed the topic.

Bear nodded before exchanging a few more words with her. Fortunately, there was no need to continue the unpleasant conversation when the checkpoint guards approached. As a business company, the procedures were completed quickly. The guards’ mood was heavy due to the recent lousy atmosphere, but there were no problems.

The identity card, which had been forged directly in the Magic Society, was enough to prove her identity in any country, and even if it wasn’t, the name of the Polonell Company was enough to send Lili in.

Once beyond the gate of Sipoto, Liliana said goodbye to the procession, including Bear.

“Wait, are you going to leave immediately?”

Lili’s purpose was in Kargas, so there was no reason to go together. Additionally, her identity might be revealed the longer she stayed with them. It was hard for Liliana to change her diction and demeanor since she had never been taught to do so properly.

Bear grumbled as he faced Lili’s resolve. “Hoo, a person I owe a favor to. I never dreamed I would be sent away like this,” Bear said before pulling something out and handing it to Lili.

It was a plaque engraved with the two horses which symbolized the Polonell Company, as well as Bear’s name. Sensing Lili’s confusion at the unfamiliar object, Bear explained while scratching his head, “In our company, this is given to the top merchants, and one of its functions is proof of identity.”

“One way?”

“Well… it is also a type of guarantee.” Bear avoided his gaze like he was embarrassed. “If Lili presents this plaque, then you can receive the best treatment from any branch of this company. You can rent a carriage or borrow money without any interest. In many ways, there are a lot of benefits.”

“So, the responsibility… Ah.”

“Yes, it falls to me since I am the one giving you the plaque.”

Liliana realized the meaning of this gesture and accepted the plaque from Bear. In a sense, this plaque was also a request. It was a tool signifying a good relationship between the two of them. She didn’t know what value Bear saw in the fake Lili, but regardless of his intentions, the uses for this were endless. The Polonell Company had many branches in various places, so it was possible to obtain accommodation and other miscellaneous things.

“Thank you, Boss Bear.”

“Hahaha! It is nothing. If anything comes up, please use my name.” Bear laughed for a moment before speaking in a coy voice, “And that bracelet… Is it really not possible to sell it?”

Liliana shook her head with a wry smile. “I’m sorry. This was loaned to me, so I can’t just sell it as I want.”

Bear had fallen in love with the living armor after what he had seen that night. There was no need to hire them with money, and he didn’t need to worry about betrayal, unlike humans. Bear was willing to pay more than 100 gold for it. However, Liliana knew the true value of this bracelet, so 100 gold was a ridiculously small amount.

[+? Defend Me, These Tin Cans! (Accessory)][This is an artifact made with ancient magic which can summon autonomously moving living armor. The soldiers attached to this bracelet, made by Yellow Tower Master Norden, will move with their owner’s magic power. Additionally, their performance will increase if the owner continues to supply magic power. Up to six soldiers can be called at a time, and if they are capable of their full performance, an aura attack will only cause slight damage. The armor and swords are all made of an unknown material.* The rating of this magic tool is ‘Treasure.’* When consumed, a large amount of magic power will be absorbed.* When consumed, the digestion time will be four days.* (Can’t be grasped with the 4th stage Appraisal ability.)* (Can’t be grasped with the 4th stage Appraisal ability.)]

The living armor soldiers had a durability which could withstand an aura attack with only minor damage! As a test, Lili had tried fighting them, and their battle skills had been comparable to that of first-rate warriors. The surface of the armor had only distorted slightly when hit by 4th Circle magic, so it had the durability of adamantium.

It wasn’t at all enough to hand over this treasure for 100 gold coins. Moreover, in the first place, it was something which Kurt III had lent her, so Lili couldn’t sell it. There was no room for negotiation, so Bear soon gave up. Greed was a merchant’s driving force, but reckless greed would only hurt him. Additionally, Bear’s discerning eyes couldn’t discover the truth of the bracelet, so it was best to let it go.

“Then I’ll see you later! Take care!” Bear bid Lili a last farewell before walking away. Lili looked at Bear’s back for a moment, before soothing the subtle emotions stirring within her. From now on, it was time for the owner of the grimoire, Liliana Miller, to move in earnest.

‘Umm… It is still too early to go there.’

After checking the position of the sun, Liliana looked around slowly.

Kargas’ border city, Sipoto, had the same name as the wilderness adjacent to it, but the atmosphere was completely different. The merchants and guests from other countries explored the streets, while sellers shouted in loud voices. It truly felt like an exotic landscape to Liliana. Although Sipoto fell behind the prosperous Meltor, it had its own mood. There were eyes, hair, and skin colors which weren’t common sights in Meltor. So, Liliana’s eyes naturally moved back and forth, soaking in the sights.

For a brief moment, she forgot the weight on her back and moved like the young girl she was.

* * *

Liliana’s wanderings didn’t last a long time. After eating delicious bread from the street stalls or eating fresh fruits, she realized that the sun was setting. The clear eyes of the young girl instantly sank in, becoming as heavy yet sharp as a weapon. The time she had been waiting for had finally arrived.

‘It won’t appear if the sunset isn’t at its peak.’

This was information she’d heard while interrogating Canis, the black merchant dealer in Bergen. The shadows of the city were naturally close to others like them. Black market traders were famous for dealing with goods, but there were those who dealt in something else, like the Information Guild. Among them, the ‘King of Mice’ was the best.

“He never sets foot in the north, but in the central continent, he is more powerful than some noble families. I don’t know what will happen later, so familiarize yourself with the information now.”

As she recalled Canis’ words, Liliana entered the back alleys of Sipoto. ‘I didn’t know I would use that information this way.’

Stories often had simple passwords in bars, but the reality wasn’t like that. If they concealed the position of the Information Guild so poorly, who could trust the information coming from them? Therefore, Liliana focused her senses even more, and her eyes turned gold as she used Hawkeye. She kept an eye on the graffiti carved on the wall, the garbage on the ground, and the shabby roofs.

‘Six on the third pillar, three cracked planks…’

Even secretly trained agents wouldn’t be as good as Lili. In one glance, she deciphered the password which looked like graffiti. She detected traps with her sixth sense and crossed the maze-like, twisted alleys.


After 10 minutes, Liliana faced a door at a dead end. It was evident that she had come to the right place. Then she lifted a hand without hesitation.

Knock knock knock, knock, knock, knock knock knock knock knock knock.

Three brief knocks, followed by two single ones, then six brief knocks. She didn’t know if the knock which Canis had taught her was still valid, but it was good if they responded. If they ignored it, Lili would step back and find another way. She could use the plaque Bear gave her to obtain information without the need for the Information Guild. Additionally, she could also press with force and take what she wanted.

‘Now, how will they act?’

Liliana watched the scene before her and…


The shabby door opened, and a burning smell floated out with the wind.

Chapter 125 – Life Is Timing (1)

‘Does this mean to come in?’

Lili waited a moment, but there was no further reaction. She was a bit curious about the procedure which opened and closed the door, but there existed something more important than a trivial question.

It was dark enough inside that she couldn’t see anything from the outside. Some people would be reluctant to step into the darkness, but Lili walked forward without any hesitation.

Step, step.

Her clean-soled shoes rubbed against sand and made unpleasant noises. No, maybe they had laid the sand for this very purpose. As a rustling sound entered her ears, Liliana scoffed.

She’d noticed breathing sounds coming from the narrow passages on the left and right. However, it wasn’t that their stealth was inadequate; Lili’s senses and Mitra’s detection ability were just superior. It was to the extent that she could determine the number and skills of those hiding.

‘Six people, among them is an aura user. I’m not sure about a head-on fight, but his stealth is equivalent to a regular knight.’

Just like inhabitants of the dark side of the world, the life which permeated this place was insidious and sticky. For those who lived in the shadows, a head-on battle was only a last resort, and fighting skills weren’t necessary. It was probably a prerequisite that they knew how to strike from the back, not the front.

However, Lili continued moving calmly. The nasty feeling wasn’t a problem, but she didn’t relax her guard either. She might find them ridiculous, but it would be stupid to not be wary.

Lili put on her best cold expression as she walked on. Then after precisely 100 steps, Liliana arrived in front of a shabby door that she calculated to be around 20 meters below the surface. Finally, a space filled with deep shadows greeted her.

‘This information guild… Is he the [King of Mice] of the Sipoto branch?’

The space was unnaturally open, and there was an unusually old-fashioned table in the center of the room. Lili’s keen eyes were able to distinguish the good quality of the wood and that it was made by a skilled craftsman.

Liliana looked at the person sitting beyond the table. Under the dim light, the man who boasted a unique appearance grabbed Lili’s attention. Despite having the distinct brown skin and brown eyes of the desert people, the man was big enough to be eye level with Liliana while sitting down.

Even so, the presence around him was like a fog.

‘Considerably skilled.’

It didn’t feel like the man could beat Lili, but it would be hard to catch him if he ran away. Liliana raised her evaluated level of the Information Guild by two stages. The man sitting behind the desk looked at Lili quietly and opened his mouth to say, “…It has been a long time since I’ve had uninvited guests.”

“Uninvited guest?”

Did that mean the instructions Canis provided her were wrong?

However, she got an answer to her question as the man continued speaking, “You aren’t a guest that my kids brought, or any of those who work with them. Based on your speech and clothing, you recently came from Meltor in the north.”

“How do you know that?”

“There are all sorts of tricks. How you tie a shoelace, the tan marks, dirt attached to the hem, and so on. There are many things that can’t be hidden unless you are a properly trained secret agent.”

Indeed, Liliana admired the man’s keen eye for detail. It had been less than three minutes since Lili arrived at the door. However, that man had casually uncovered Lili’s hometown and that she had arrived in Sipoto recently.

If this was the level of the man in charge of the guild, Lili couldn’t doubt their credibility.

Liliana sat in the chair before him. “As expected of the best information guild in the central continent.”

“Yes, who introduced you to this place?”

“A black market trader called Canis.”

The eyebrows on the brown skin raised. “Canis? That cub is still alive. Though there has been no message from Meltor recently…”

“Are you acquaintances?”

“We’ve done business a few times. His skills aren’t bad, but his way of thinking is too narrow. He must’ve found a pretty good rat hole,” the informant mumbled before extending his thick arms. The tattoo of a two-headed serpent on his forearm wriggled.

He reached out as if asking for a handshake, before his rough face smiled. “I am Sipoto’s branch chief, Gibra.”


Gibra finished the greeting and brought up the subject first. “So, why did you come to find us?”

Liliana was relieved. Asking for the job was the same as accepting the request. She was concerned about being an outsider, but as Canis said, the Information Guild didn’t distinguish between the origin and identity of the guests.

The only important thing was whether the customer could pay the price, the black market trader had said.

‘Then this story will be fast,’ Lili thought with a strange smile as she looked at her left hand.

Before leaving Meltor, she had changed all her goods into cash and stored them in the inventory. It was a tremendous amount when she added in the rewards she’d accumulated from her achievement in Elvenheim. The prices of original books or the sales commission wouldn’t even make a dent in it.

There was no reason for Liliana to hesitate, since she possessed both wealth and power.

So, she said, “There are things I want to buy in Kargas.”

Gibra listened with a bright expression.

Lili continued, “I want to know the location of all the original books in Kargas and the information about the owners. I will leave it to you to act as the agent for the purchase. The status of the item is fine as long as it is an original, and if the item is bought at a reasonable price, you’ll be paid part of the purchase price.”

“Original books? You mean the original copy of a magic book? It will take a lot of money to buy all the ones in Kargas.”

“How much?”

“30 gold as a deposit, the survey period— …Ah, whoops.”

As Lili wondered about the sudden interruption, Gibra scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed expression. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take the commission. I can’t.”

“How come? If it is simply a matter of the cost…”

“No, it’s not that. Honestly, the money is good, but the timing is really bad.”

‘Timing?’ Liliana made a perplexed expression.


“That reminds me, you’re from the north? Then you won’t know about a famous attraction of Kargas.”

The Kargas Kingdom was the center of the central continent and a trade kingdom, so it didn’t have anything to symbolize it. In Kargas, all logistics from the north, south, and center gathered before spreading to the rest of the continent. It was a kingdom where numerous foreigners frequented, and there was a mixture of cultures. It would be strange if there was something unique about this place.

However, there was something behind Kargas. It was the place where money and desire gathered from all over the world in the abyss of the trading kingdom—the underground auction houses.

“Every year, it will be held in secret for a few weeks. There is a saying that the goods that move through there go beyond the yearly budget of a few kingdoms.”

“What does that have to do with my commission?”

“The auction is a place where sellers can handle things at the highest prices. Even more so when there are original books on sale.”

When Liliana made an expression of realization, Gibra continued, “You finally understand. The auction is more attractive than selling it to an unidentified buyer. The right time for the commission would be a few months after the auction ends. So, I can’t accept your request.”

Liliana was convinced by the reasonable explanation, so she wasn’t embarrassed by the rejection.

The auction house where buyers from all over the world gathered was indeed more attractive than a single buyer. It might be possible to persuade the owner prior to that, but there would be more people who preferred the tradition of the auction house.

As Gibra said, Lili’s timing was really bad.

‘…No, not yet. There is still a way.’

Liliana’s expression recovered as she lifted her head. She looked at Gibra and expressed her idea, “How about participating in the auction directly?”

“If possible, that would be for the best. The auction house isn’t just for sellers, as buyers can also get things at reasonable prices.” However, Gibra shook his head. “Sipoto’s auction house isn’t a place for the uninvited. Isn’t it an event where the budget of a kingdom is moved? The guild doesn’t accept commissions for entry. It will be a problem if we are caught. It is better to wait a few months for the commission.”

“That is only true if I was an uninvited guest.”


This time it was Gibra’s turn to be confused. Liliana smiled and placed her hand on her chest. Everything was lining up, so it felt like the heavens were helping her. It hadn’t even been a day since she’d received the plaque from Bear. The dim light shone from the palm of her hand.

Gibra’s expression turned into one of shock for the first time as he grasped the identity of the plaque.

“The Polonell Company?”

“You know it.”

“I would have to die if I didn’t know the symbol of the top three trading companies in the north. By the way, I don’t know how you got your hands on this at your age.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that.” Liliana shrugged casually.

Judging from Gibra’s reaction, this plaque would qualify her to enter the auction house. Who would’ve expected her journey to produce this result? Liliana seemed to feel an unknown flow of life around her.

Gibra calmed down from his shock and held his chin. The expression in his eyes was different from before, and his blurred appearance seemed unusual.

“You are eligible if you have the mark of the Polonell Company. Prior to that, I want to ask one thing. Guest from Meltor, do you intend to sincerely participate in Sipoto’s auction house?”

A remarkably intimidating atmosphere emanated from Gibra, but his opponent was Liliana, the mistress of a grimoire. Lili wouldn’t be overwhelmed by anyone who wasn’t a master. Above all, Lili had no time. Just a few months was enough to make her feel rushed. The time limit was decreasing with every day that passed.

Liliana nodded with a serious expression, and Gibra opened his mouth to say, “Okay, then I will call you Employer from now on.”

Chapter 10: Chapter 126-150

Chapter Text

Chapter 126 – Life Is Timing (2)

'Commission!' After hearing that, Liliana’s hard expression loosened slightly. The form of the commission had changed somewhat, but the power of the Information Guild could be useful in any situation. This was the case even if it was the underground auction, which was a hidden specialty of the Kargas Kingdom. It was lucky that Liliana had the qualifications to enter, but if she hadn’t found this place, she might’ve missed the timing for it. Above all, she liked Gibra’s honesty. ‘There was no need to talk about the auction, and he could’ve just accepted my commission.

He could’ve made a lot of money, and I wouldn’t have received anything.’ This was the morality of a merchant, whether they were in the shade or the sunshine. There were those who treated it as the fault of the person who was stupid enough to be deceived. Even if Gibra stabbed Liliana in the back, there would be no way to make him take responsibility. Additionally, if she overwhelmed Gibra with force, it would just create another enemy. Moreover, Gibra had pointed out frankly that Lili’s request wasn’t appropriate and taught her about the auction.

It was evidence that he wouldn’t betray Lili for a few extra gold coins. “First, I need to know about my employer’s foundation,” Gibra said. Regardless of whether he knew Liliana’s feelings, the story began in a much softer atmosphere. “Foundation?” “Budget. Timing is very important, but in the end, the most powerful hand at an auction is money. If you have a thick wallet, you will win.” “The budget…” Liliana thought for a moment before coming up with the answer. “Around 500 gold.” “5-500? If you had come at the right time, you could’ve swept up all the original books in this kingdom. But with this, we can obtain plenty of books.” “Then I’m glad.” Liliana’s sense of money was a little strange, so she didn’t feel it. However, 500 gold was tough for anyone who wasn’t from a noble family to spend. Of course, 500 gold wasn’t all she had. The amount of money that Liliana had accumulated over this year was tremendous. It was to the extent that she could spare this much. Gibra knocked against the table with a thick finger and opened his mouth, “…Then the budget isn’t the problem. Is there anything specific that you want? Or is it good as long as it is an original book?” “That is good. You can exclude unnecessary items and secure as many original books as possible.” “You want quantity over quality. Now I understand your policy.” Gibra nodded a few times before suddenly pulling out a map from the drawer. The structure of Sipoto was revealed. Liliana hadn’t looked around the city yet, but the map had such a sophisticated bird’s eye view that she could know its structure in one glance. Gibra pointed to several places and explained, “The auction will take place in exactly three days, after sunset. And separate auctions are going to be held at each of the displayed places.” “Separate… So, there isn’t just one auction house?” “Yes. There are at least seven, and each auction house sells different goods. So, we have to know these things in advance.” According to Gibra, the auctions of Kargas were held by renting out whole buildings in the north, south, east, and west. The east sold weapons, the west sold clothing, the south sold accessories, while the north mostly auctioned goods not traded in the three areas mentioned above. Liliana’s original books belonged in the miscellaneous goods category. This time, there were three auction houses being held in the north. The quality and value of the goods were lower than in the other auction houses, but the number of places increased due to the large number of goods. Liliana’s expression changed subtly, “Then am I forced to miss two auctions?” “If you were participating alone, then yes. But we can help you there.” Since a large number of auctions were being held at similar times, the existence of agents was inevitable. What if they had the plaque of one of the top three companies, Polonell?

It meant that Liliana could cover all three northern auction houses without having to go personally. Moreover, the Information Guild’s manpower meant they would be better informed than she was. However, that didn’t mean she could act casually. Gibra calculated the cost for the three agents before confiding to Lili about the ‘special auction’ on the last day. It was a large auction in the center, not the north, east, south, or west, which covered all types of goods! The auction on that day was the crown of the Kargas underground auctions. Gibra was so eager when explaining this that he couldn’t help spitting. “Agents can’t be used for such a big auction. Only qualified people can enter it. It will be your fight alone, so please prepare your mind for it.”

The informant of the guild gave advice to his young employer in a calm voice, “An underground auction… It will be a different experience.” Liliana gave an interested smile. Truth be told, she had no interest in it no matter how many big people participated in the auction. Compared to Veronica’s fists, the Seven Swords of the Empire, and the grimoires, the powers here were just small. As long as there were no masters, it was rare for anyone here to be capable of threatening her. In the end, her attitude remained unchanged despite the information. “I don’t know if your attitude is bad or good… Well, okay. I have accepted the commission, so I will do my best. I will investigate the list of items that will be released the day after tomorrow as well as the competitors. If I see something we need to take care of, then I will point it out.” “I understand. I accept.” “Hmm, where will you be waiting for the news? If you have a place to stay, then please tell me.”

When Lili thought about it, she hadn’t found a place to stay. Liliana pondered for a moment about where it was best to stay, before turning and asking Gilbra. The other person was the branch president of the information guild rooted across all of Sipoto and the central continent. There was no one more suitable to receive a recommendation from. “Ah, then would you recommend me a good place to stay?” It was natural that Gibra’s face would distort at becoming a guide for a traveler. * * * For two days, Liliana wandered around the city without any intents, just enjoying the exotic scenery. Kargas might not have any unique specialties, but there was a value in being the trade kingdom. For Liliana, it was the first foreign land she had stepped on, aside from Elvenheim. Lili often felt like a hillbilly. However, that didn’t mean there were no results during the three days that Liliana waited for the auction to start. “The branch manager told me to deliver this.” At midnight, exactly one day before the auction, a man in a mask came to Lili’s window and gave her a box.

According to her sight magic, it contained several books. The masked man left as soon as Liliana took the box, but she didn’t care. She could only respond to what was inside. “…Original books.” It was a possibility. Although the auction house was a good place to sell, not all items would be sold at a high price. So, it was possible to get original books from those who had no preference or who wanted to sell in a hurry. If such things appeared, Gibra smiled and promised that he would surely get it. As such, he obtained the information in two days and sent the promised goods. ‘[Gentle Breeze], [Understanding of Heat Magic], [Principles of Hardening Magic], and finally… [Canyon Summoning].’ Liliana pulled out the books with tense hands and read the information in turn. Among them, three of the books had information which was easy to understand for beginners, so they had the ‘Common’ rank despite being original books. According to the information, the authors of these original books fell behind the present Liliana. So, it would be strange if these original books were ranked higher than ‘Common.’ However, the final book called [Canyon Summoning] was different. [Canyon Summoning] [This book records the history and specifics of summoning substances or living organisms which don’t exist in the physical world. The author, Satomer, refused to recognize that this summoning magic was banned and wrote this book in Marduk Canyon, a place which shakes due to an ominous force. Even so, he didn’t succeed in summoning a senior ranked creature and died. * Your understanding is very high. (95.6%) * This magic book is rated ‘Rare.’ * When consumed, your understanding of summoning magic will greatly increase. * This is the original copy which was written directly by the author.

There is a chance to contract with one of the Satomer’s summons.] It was a ‘Rare’ ranked book, but Liliana gazed at it with a strange look in her eyes. She knew about summoning magic. In the myths regarding heroes, summoning magic often played a big role. However, in this era, summoning magic was mainly regarded as a remnant of old times without any use. Summons like rock giants or ice dragons appeared in the stories, but even the best summoner on the continent in present times was limited to intermediate level summons. Would it be useful to learn this summoning magic? She read [Canyon Summoning] several times because she was interested, but the conclusion didn’t change. Lili didn’t know why, but summoning magic had a limit. ‘Hoo, if the situation wasn’t like this, I would postpone it until later…’ It couldn’t be helped. The deadline was approaching, so she had no right to grumble about the food. Liliana held out her left hand on top of the original books and named [Principles of Hardening Magic] and [Canyon Summoning] as today’s prey. “Eat, Gluttony.”

The tongue moved and swallowed the two books at the same time. [‘Principles of Hardening Magic’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.] [An original book has been consumed, but the fragment of soul contained inside is too weak for ‘Synchro’ and ‘Transmission.’ It will be absorbed into the user’s soul.] “Oh?” Liliana’s eyes widened at the unexpected words. She didn’t know this would happen because she had never eaten a ‘Common’ ranked original book. In a sense, it was good news. If she went through Synchro or Transmission for every original book, it would waste too much time. In that case, if it was a ‘Common’ ranked original book, she could expand her vessel just by eating it. The digestion sound of the main dish rang out one beat later.

[‘Canyon Summoning’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.] [Your understanding of summoning magic has greatly increased.] [An original book has been consumed. Synchro rate will be checked with object name ‘Satomer’… It is judged a normal rate. You will absorb a fraction of Satomer’s proficiency. The duration of the episode is 40 minutes and 25 seconds.] [Synchro is starting.] Shortly afterwards, as always, Liliana’s consciousness fell into darkness.

Chapter 127 – Life Is Timing (3)

The first sensation Lili felt when her consciousness awakened was the weight of the quill pen being held delicately between her fingers. She was writing something intently. The lightweight quill pen felt as heavy as a metal spear, and the area from her slender wrist to her elbow throbbed every time she moved. It was painful for Liliana, who had yet to completely awaken. Still, she calmly reached out with her senses.

Then… ‘This- is it a summoning magic formula?’

The hand, which wasn’t her own, was writing a summoning magic formula without resting. The writing speed was truly terrifying. This was evidence that she had more knowledge of summoning magic than anyone else.

Liliana was convinced after seeing it. The owner of these dried-up fingers was Satomer, the best summoning magician in the modern age. However, Lili wasn’t given a chance to be impressed by that face.

“…No, no,” an unpleasant voice flowed from her throat. The voice, like scraping iron, sounded like it came from a patient with a serious illness. Her phlegm contained blood, and she found it hard to breathe. Nevertheless, Satomer struck the desk with a weak punch and shouted loudly.

Kwang! The ink bottle fell, soaking the sheets of paper.

“This isn’t it…!” The magician cried out in a husky voice as he turned his laboratory into a mess. He kicked down the innocent chairs and threw ornaments made of glass. The unfamiliar body was throbbing with pain, but Satomer’s frustration was even fiercer.

Liliana couldn’t stop the body, so she had no choice but to watch.

The rampage lasted a few minutes. Then Satomer took in rough breaths and turned to look somewhere. There was a dirty mirror, but it was so dusty that it was hard to see his face unless he got close.

Normally, the surface would’ve been wiped with a wet towel, but the person in front of it was a magician.

“Clean.” The dirty mirror was cleaned with a single word, and the reflection of a middle-aged person appeared in it. He had distinctly pale skin and lips which were bitten repeatedly, with scabs covering them. His eyes looked like they had been unable to sleep for a few days.

‘The last summoning magician, Satomer.’

Looking at his appearance, Liliana was reminded that this man hadn’t lived over the age of 50. Satomer had a fragile body because he wandered around all types of places on the continent, accumulating fatigue and toxins.

If so, Satomer was already near death at the time he wrote this original book.

At that moment… “Kuk, kukuk, kukukukuk…”

The middle-aged man stared in the mirror with his terrifying eyes, then he laughed hysterically like he couldn’t stand it anymore. Satomer laughed while staring at himself in the mirror, but Lili had the impression that Satomer was looking at her. No, the gaze was intense enough that it wasn’t just an illusion.

Unsurprisingly, Satomer talked to her first. “Kuhuhu, did you come to laugh at me?”

‘Huh? Laugh?’

“Don’t pretend you don’t know! Do you want to make fun of this Satomer’s summoning magic too?”

According to the records, the possibilities of summoning magic had long been cut off when Satomer was still alive. The money and materials it consumed were huge, and there was no way to make any achievements. So, in the Magic Society, summoning magic had been treated like an uninvited guest. They might not despise it, but the magicians had factions during gatherings.

Summoning magicians, including Satomer, had been unable to step into any factions. So, in the end, Satomer had left the magic towers, and summoning magic had ceased. It might be quite unfortunate for Liliana, but that resentment had accumulated for many years and turned into a grudge.

Satomer continued to spit out cynical words, “I don’t know why you are here. You are a 6th Circle magician and young, much better than me who stayed at the 5th Circle until I died. Why do you want my knowledge? It is obvious that you want to mock me!”

Liliana wasn’t upset by the sarcastic remark. Instead, she felt a bit saddened by the hedgehog-like attitude. Satomer had been a magician who walked the magic path he wanted until the end, yet he had only been snubbed by the people around him. It was a shame for Satomer, but Lili didn’t think Satomer’s life was meaningless.

Therefore, Liliana answered in a respectful tone, ‘That is a misconception, Senior Satomer.’

However, Satomer’s response became even more agitated. He made a hollow expression at Liliana’s words, pointing to his own face while muttering, “Senior? I am your senior?”

‘I can’t think of a proper title. If you are in a bad mood, then I can call you something else.’

“…That’s okay, what a funny guy.”

What was the reason for this reaction? Satomer spat at his own face in the mirror before sitting down gloomily in his chair. Then he sighed like a tired monk on a hard journey. He stared blankly into space, and Liliana waited patiently for him to open his mouth first.

Satomer continued looking with vacant eyes before speaking. As he recalled Liliana’s memories through Synchro, Satomer spoke Liliana’s name naturally.

“You are Liliana Miller?”


“What a blessed child. Reaching the 6th Circle in your early 20s, you are really overflowing with blessings. I don’t know why a person like you wants knowledge from a loser like me.”

His tongue was still sharp, but this time, it was directed towards Satomer himself, not Liliana. Liliana shook her head as firmly as she could.

‘Senior isn’t a loser.’

“f*ck, don’t try to comfort me just because I’m upset. I don’t want to hear it from a child whose hair hasn’t even fully grown yet.”

‘If you look into my memories, you will know that I am the owner of a grimoire.’

“What, are you showing off?”

Then Liliana’s rebuttal entered Satomer’s ears. ‘I asked the grimoire something before I came. I asked it why summoning magic is weaker than every other type of magic and if the summoning magic recorded in the legends is just fiction.’

“…Is that so?”

‘The grimoire had an answer. The reason why summoning magic doesn’t work properly doesn’t have to do with the system itself.’

Satomer was so concentrated on Lili’s words that his eyes watered because he hadn’t blinked. His eyes were paused in a scary way as the glass he held in his hand broke, causing blood to drip down. Satomer might pretend to be cool, but his essence was a magician. It might just be a fragment of the soul, but the human called ‘Satomer’ was a mage down to his bones.

So, Liliana told him the truth without holding back, ‘As the Age of Mythology came to an end, the barriers around the material world became stronger, making it difficult to borrow the creatures and powers of other worlds. It was impossible to summon a senior rank a thousand years ago, and in your days, it was difficult to even summon a lieutenant.’


Liliana couldn’t guess what the response would be to her cruel answer. It was just that the road Satomer had been running on for his whole life had been broken from the very beginning. Satomer looked down at the ground for a moment, before looking up at the shabby ceiling and biting his lips.

Then he laughed in an unrecognizable way. “Ha, haha, hahahahaha…!”

‘S-Senior?’ Lili asked with worry, wondering if Satomer had gone crazy.

“Yes, that’s it! That is why they didn’t answer my call! The world itself is the problem, so it is meaningless no matter how many times I fix the formula! The material world itself sucks! This damn timing! Uhahaha!”

Liliana was confused about whether this was insanity or joy. Would she react this way if the work she had dedicated her entire life to was all in vain? However, Satomer didn’t think so as the raw expression on his face disappeared.

Then he spoke in a pleased voice, “I wasn’t wrong! My research didn’t fail! My magic… My dream wasn’t shabby!”

Satomer rejoiced sincerely. He had tried summoning magic until the end of his life but couldn’t obtain anything. Satomer couldn’t summon the existences he dreamed of during his childhood. So, the life of the man called Satomer was literally meaningless.

However, that wasn’t it. His efforts were correct. The summoning magic he dreamed of did exist. It was simply that he couldn’t overcome the powerful obstacle that was this world. So, there was no reason to feel regretful. The life’s work of a magician was saved thanks to this enlightenment.

The magician with a strong pride, Satomer, bowed and expressed his sincere appreciation, “Thank you, Liliana Miller. I didn’t know I would resolve my lingering attachment in this way.”

‘What do you mean…?’

“Well, it is okay if you don’t know. It isn’t easy to explain it with my mouth. Then let’s resolve the problem quickly. There is little time left.”


It was as he said. Meanwhile, Satomer’s room was filled with an unknown darkness which had already swallowed up half the floor. Liliana had the gut feeling that Synchro would end the moment the darkness touched Satomer’s feet. It was proof that the time limit of 40 minutes and 25 seconds was almost done.

Before that, Satomer said farewell, “Take whatever knowledge I have! With your brains, you might be able to get more use out of it than I could.”


“I’ll give you one hint. If as you said, the barrier of the material world is blocking the summoning, a magician will have to break down that barrier or provide a separate doorway.”

However, breaking it down by force was out of the question. In order to be able to break down the barrier of the material world, a legendary grand master was needed. Even Veronica wasn’t capable of it, let alone the current Liliana. Therefore, Satomer was clearly trying to teach her about the second way.

As though Lili’s thoughts were correct, Satomer smiled. “You are still young. I wish I had a young sister like you, but I’m glad we met. If there is a god, their personality must be quite twisted.”


“Go, there is no point saying goodbye to a dead man.”

As Lili left Satomer’s body, Satomer’s voice echoed in Liliana’s ears, [Your body already contains a door that leads to another dimension. I don’t know where it leads, but if you use that passage with summoning magic, you can call senior-level summons.]


[Take the one who signed a contract with me. I forgot its name, but it will be pretty useful.]

The rough voice of the best summoning magician in the modern age, Satomer, faded into the distance. If possible, Liliana wanted to say thank you. What would Satomer’s response be to that? Liliana couldn’t help laughing at the thought as she was sucked in by an enormous suction power.

She was on the verge of losing consciousness when she heard a familiar voice, [Synchro with the target called ‘Satomer’ has ended.]

[Synchro rate is 76.4%, there is no loss of proficiency.]

[Satomer has handed the coordinates of a contract over to you. If you want to contract with his summons, you will need to link the summoning spell while recalling the string of coordinates.]

[A new feature has been added to ‘Ring of Muspelheim.’]

Chapter 128 – Kargas’ Underground Auction (1)

In the central continent, sunset was one or two hours behind the south and north, where the sun started to fall at 6 o’clock in the evening. For that reason, Kargas’ lively nights were short but intense. No one could deny that such geographical conditions contributed to the rise of the trade kingdom. It was sincere enjoyment when the sun shone, and once the moon emerged, there was more entertainment than any other country. The trading kingdom of Kargas was this type of two-sided country. Just like how long shadows stretched out behind the radiant light, the subtle desires of people gathered in the back alleys of the bustling city.

The climate of the large border city of Sipoto, where a large quantity of people moved through, was no exception. No, in fact, the night prospered in proportion to the number of outsiders. Those who didn’t set up signs during the day would start shouting throughout the city as soon as the sun went down. Then there were those who gave seductive smiles and suggestive gestures to those passing by.

“The handsome fellow over there! It is a chance to get with a hot babe from the south for only 1 gold!”

“Hey, why are you picking up gum like that? Our store is full of beautiful girls from the north! The best service!”

There were those who aimed for the gap between that.

“A gorgeous half-elf beauty is waiting for tonight’s master! Only the first four will be accepted! One time is five gold!”

“Hey! What a shameful human!”

“Isn’t it five gold for an hour, instead of the whole night? Stop talking nonsense!”

Of course, sometimes there was a bit of fuss. However, the residents of Sipoto smiled instead of frowning, evidence that such an uproar wasn’t anything new. It wasn’t uncommon for drunks to hit a brick in the backstreets or for pickpockets to move among the crowds. In other words, this was the chaos of a main street. However, the atmosphere of the night market was a little bit different tonight.

Ching! Ching! Ching! Several heavily armed knights marched through the crowd with loud noises. An old man in an unusual outfit followed them leisurely. The knights, who had considerable skills, were escorting him. Then as the entire area fell silent, it was like a lord was making an appearance.

However, it wasn’t just that.

“Make way! Agent of the Orcus Company is coming through!” There was a horse-pulled carriage moving through the road, creating a path through the citizens roughly with loud yells.

On one side of the lavish carriage, there was a flag of a hawk which symbolized the Orcus Company. This was considered one of the top three companies in the central continent! It was also said that the power of money the company could use was equivalent to that of royalty. Even the guards didn’t dare restrain them, so the authority they had was obvious.

Additionally, a number of other bigwigs had appeared all over the city. A wealthy person exiled from the Austen Kingdom, a mercenary leader who led A rank mercenaries, nobles visiting from neighbouring countries… They were all well known figures in their field. These people were those who came a long way to participate in the underground auctions, the hidden specialty of Kargas.

“What a spectacle.” However, Liliana ridiculed them with a cold face. “Driving a carriage in the middle of the city… The agent of a business company shouldn’t be acting so stupidly.”

“Cough, hrmm, cough…!” Someone started coughing at Lili’s sharp words. Liliana didn’t like the reaction, so she looked over and asked, “Are you afraid someone will be listening? You are the branch director of the Information Guild.”

That’s right. Right now, the King of Mice, who was the head of the Sipoto branch, was accompanying Liliana. However, Gibra’s appearance was different from what Lili had seen underground. Lili didn’t know what method was being used, but Gibra’s height was now similar to Liliana’s, while and his skin colour was similar to everyone else’s. It seemed like an impossible disguise because Gibra had been so unique.

The seemingly ordinary middle-aged man, Gibra, replied in a reproachful voice, “Employer, the Orcus Company isn’t just a group making money. You should be careful about any statements you make with your mouth.”

“What does that mean? Please explain it properly.”

“Uhh… The cost for the information is separate from the commission fee…”

“Tell me.” Liliana smiled as she played around with a gold coin. Her attitude made the gold seem like it was just a pebble.

Gibra took it quickly, and after confirming it was pure gold, he decided to open his mouth. Five gold coins had already been consumed this way, but Lili had no dissatisfaction because Gibra gave valuable and steady information. Gibra delivered the information using an aura technique which eastern warriors used. It was called Sound Transmission.

[Don’t answer and just listen. This information isn’t something I’m sure about. Otherwise, it would be worth at least 10 gold.]

Simultaneously, Liliana nodded naturally.

[The Orcus Company was founded just 27 years ago, so it is still new. There wasn’t a solid background or a great deal of business talent.]


[But in less than 30 years, it has grown to be one of the top three companies in the central continent. Even if they got lucky, that growth is beyond common sense. So, our guild decided to send elites to dig out the information.]

It was definitely as he said. A common company growing to become one of the top three in the central continent within less than 30 years…? It was impossible unless the god of luck was at their door.

Liliana thought of more questions after knowing about the Information Guild’s actions. Maybe they planned to expand their power by discovering the Orcus Company’s secret.

However, Gibra’s expression sunk heavily. [None of them returned. They were elites who could at least escape even when the opponent was a master, but none of them came back. After that, we didn’t accept any requests from the Orcus Company.]

“…Did you decide to give up?”

[Just the direct investigation. The indirect investigation continued. And we realized an amazing fact.]

Liliana couldn’t help squinting and realized that Gibra was sweating slightly.

[All the people who persecuted the Orcus Company or who stood in their way are dead. It wasn’t due to assassins. They died because of a sudden illness, an accident, or were betrayed by the people around them. In the meantime, the Orcus Company easily got what they wanted.]

“Is there any evidence?”

[Not at all. If there was evidence, would we remain quiet? They would’ve paid a price for all of the dead.]

In the shadow world, loyalty was absolute. Members who didn’t feel loyalty toward their organization wouldn’t last long. There were different motives behind the loyalty. Logically, it wasn’t a question of good and evil but giving back what they had received. Indiscriminate violence was part of the nature of humans. The Information Guild was relatively moderate, but they couldn’t escape from feeling like this.

However, Gibra said that retaliation was impossible.

‘…Orcus Company, I have to remember that.’ It might be groundless, but Liliana felt a strange sense of anxiety inside her.

People who had been abandoned by their family and friends, had suddenly become ill, or had encountered an incident… At first glance, they seemed unrelated, but Liliana knew of one possibility which could link them. Thousands of random illnesses, inviting misfortune such as a lightning strike from the dry skies, and confusing the hearts of others… they were all acts which the Magic Society had declared as taboo.

‘Black magic.’

The magic system had mostly disappeared after the necropolis of the warlocks had been subdued a few centuries ago. In principle, if Lili suspected information about the possible existence of black magic, she should inform the Magic Society and arrange an investigation team. However, the present Liliana was an invisible person hiding secretly in a distant country. She wasn’t in a position to communicate with an investigation team or the Magic Society.

Lili could only hope that this foreboding feeling wouldn’t come true.

* * *

After Gibra’s story about the Orcus Company, the two of them walked through the city wordlessly. Some people felt the uncomfortable atmosphere and carefully avoided them. The unnatural silence continued until they reached the gambling casino which contained one of the northern auctions.

This was when the two people neared the entrance,

“You’re here.” A man intercepted their path and greeted them with a polite attitude.

Unlike Liliana who didn’t know who the man was, Gibra responded as if he had been waiting for the greeting. “You’re on time, Akan.”

“Yes, Branch Director.”

Then Gibra turned to Lili and said, “I haven’t introduced you yet. This guy is Akan, a member of the Sipoto branch.”

“Ah, yes.”

Regardless of whether he knew that Liliana was the employer, Akan bowed and treated Lili as politely as he did Gibra. Akan didn’t look even 30 years old, but since he was a member of the Information Guild, it was meaningless to grasp his identity with just his appearance. The pair became a trio, and they approached the casino.

Then a security guard blocked the three of them. “I’m sorry. Today, we are holding a special event at our casino and won’t accept those who aren’t invited.”

Akan walked forward without any hesitation. “Ha, do you know who I am?”

“Huh? T-That…”

“That’s okay. I can tell that you have a dull head, and I will need to make it obvious to you.”

This was a pride which went beyond arrogance! The appearance of the polite guild member had completely disappeared. It seemed like he actually was an important member of a business company. The guards became nervous at the attitude of Akan, who was big and using rough movements.

Liliana admired the change in Akan, who seemed like a real actor. ‘Indeed, this is the Information Guild.’ The man called ‘Akan’ was an excellent scammer who could disguise himself and trick the eyes of others. If Liliana had been in the position of the security guard, she would definitely have been deceived. Akan’s behaviour was perfect without any flaws.

Within a short amount of time, Akan pulled out an object. It was the item which Liliana had handed him in advance, the mark of the Polonell Company.

“Now, if you have eyes, look! Do you dare to doubt my qualifications after seeing this?”

“…T-The Polonell Company?”

“Hah, you’re making another mistake.”

“Huh? M-Mistake?!”

The guard’s body shook at the words. It was obvious that he was uneasy.

“Even though you know my position, you are still blocking the way. Is this a challenge to the name of the Polonell Company?”

“Ah, no! T-that’s not it!” The guard quickly cleared the way while bowing at a 90 degree angle. “I’m sorry! Have a good time!”

“Tsk, be careful next time.”

“Yes! I will keep that in mind!”

There was no inspection performed for Liliana and Gibra, and the two people followed behind Akan’s big steps. The security guards at the front door had seen the suffering of the first security guard. So, there was now no security guard who dared block the three of them.

Gibra chuckled as they crossed the threshold of the northern auction house. He pointed to the stiff behaviour of the guards and said, “How was that, Employer? Wasn’t it fun?”

“…Certainly. You do as much as you receive.”

“Huhu, it isn’t over yet. You will be much more surprised by the end of the auction.” Gibra’s disguised face smiled.

Step, step. At a corner of the casino, the steps of the three people walked past the security guards and down the stairs to the underground area.

There was a such a vast space hiding under the casino that Liliana made a surprised expression as she calculated the underground space. It was an area which could comfortably accommodate a thousand people. The sight which was beyond her imagination didn’t end there. This was a special place in the Kargas Kingdom—an underground auction house. The three people descended a few dozen meters before the true face of the auction house was revealed.

“…Hah.” Liliana was forced to stare blankly as she arrived at the entrance.

She didn’t know that this type of space would be hidden in a city which wasn’t even the capital. ‘No, I knew but didn’t realize it.’

Seeing it with her own eyes was completely different from hearing the information from Gibra. Dozens of colourful chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and from the floor to the pillars, nothing was shabby. All the luxury and debauchery of the city seemed to flow into here.

The bottom of the auction house was alive and breathing. A masked man, a man in a robe, a woman in a dress, a man in armour, a man sipping from a glass of wine… There was a whirlwind of human desire raging before the sorceress. It was a desire completely different from the magicians who pursued truth and the causes of various things.

A faint dizziness welled up inside Lili.

“Hey, Employer. What is it?”

“…It’s nothing.”

Liliana took a firm step forward into her first experience with human desires. The one who had created a storm in Meltor was now entering this rich country.

“Let’s go.”

The curtain rose on the first day of Kargas’ underground auction.

Chapter 129 – Kargas’ Underground Auction (2)

Once again, Liliana was a model student. When other students had been going out after school, drinking and meeting friends, she had stayed in the library and stuck faithfully to her duties as a sorceress. She had never stepped foot into a tavern or entertainment house out of curiosity. In that sense, this place was an unknown experience for Liliana.

In the center of the auction house, a gentle-looking middle-aged man raised his hand. [No. 176, 50 gold has come out! Is there anyone else? After 10 seconds, the item will be awarded to customer No. 176!] It wasn’t loud, but the voice of the host resonated through the wide auction house. This was because the necklace around his neck was enchanted with ‘Voice Amplification’ magic. The artifact transformed a small whisper into a loud shout, allowing the auctioneer to speak for hours without worrying about a hoarse neck. However, there was no choice about his busily moving eyes.

Despite the crowd around him swarming like ants toward a cake, the host cried out in a cheerful voice, [Yes, No. 238! A bid of 60 gold! Any more? There are still three more bidding opportunities!]

The bidding method of the underground auction wasn’t too different from other auctions. Participants had a sign with their number and would raise it showing they wanted to bid, then they would raise their fingers to indicate the bid amount to the host. However, this place was outside the boundaries of the law, so the rules of the underground auctions weren’t exactly the same.

Gibra whispered to Liliana in a tense tone, “The underground auctions have additional rules that don’t exist in ordinary auction houses.”

“Additional rules?” Liliana asked with a curious expression.

She knew about the ordinary rules, but she didn’t know there were additional ones. Rules and morality were no use in a lawless place like this, and those gathered at the auction house knew this better than anyone else. Would they concede to new rules being added? Lili couldn’t understand it.

Gibra smiled bitterly at her question and replied, “As Employer said, when the underground auctions first began, all sorts of struggles occurred. Making a bid in order to raise the price or colluding with others to increase the burden on the competitors… There were even cases of using poison or assassins to reduce the number of participants.”

“How common,” she said, surprised.

“Well, yes. It was 30 years before this auction when a major incident occurred.”

Liliana’s ears pricked up at the mention of a large incident. This wasn’t an ordinary person but the branch director of the Information Guild on the central continent, the ‘King of Mice.’ In other words, it would definitely be a major incident and not exaggerated.

Unsurprisingly, Liliana found it hard to maintain her calm expression at Gibra’s next words. “To sum it up, a member of the royal family was killed.”

“Huh?!” she gasped.

“Come now. It’s an open secret, but don’t make a loud sound. There are those who hate hearing about what happened.” Gibra took a drink from a passing servant and drank from it before continuing.

At that time, the underground auctions had been a lawless place, so it had been rare for people to reveal their identities. Kargas’ 4th Prince, Musica, had found out about the auction house and entered disguised. He’d been able to conceal his identity as planned, but it would’ve been better to reveal it. At the very least, he wouldn’t have received a glass filled with poison.

“Since then, there have been a few more stringent rules in the underground auctions. Be careful of touching an opponent when you don’t know who they are.”

“Hah, this place is still standing after that?”

“Fortunately, he wasn’t the heir to the throne but the 4th Prince. If he were the heir, all of Sipoto would’ve been accused of treason.”

The 4th Prince might have died, but the amount of money the Kargas Kingdom earned through the underground auction was too great. It was enough to conceal the fact that a member of the royal family had been killed and to execute the assassin. The king of Kargas saw more value from the underground auctions than one of his useless sons.

Liliana was able to accept this based on her understanding of the Kargas king. Thus, this was the origin of the unnatural rules in the underground auctions.

Then Gibra changed the topic as he pointed to the next auction item. “Oh! Employer, over there. It is today’s first original book.”


“Huh, just forget about what I told you. It has already happened, so there is no point wasting time worrying about it.”

Liliana smiled at the words. “I understand. Then let’s focus on the auction.”

* * *

The special rules of the Kargas underground auction were like this:

1. The minimum bid starts at 90% of the market price.
2. Participants may increase the bid by at least 10%, and it can’t be over 100% of the minimum bid amount.
3. One item listing may be bid on 10 times.
4. Each participant can bid five times per item.
5. Each participant can bid up to 50 times.
6. The winning bid can’t exceed the minimum bid price by 10 times.

In some ways, they were better than the rules of a general auction house. The sellers were able to sell the item at least at the market price, and buyers were able to bid without making it a price competition.

It would be difficult to set fair rules in an auction house where collusion often occurred. Therefore, participants of the underground auctions often hired professionals. In order to not fall for any tricks, hiring a professional for auctions was the best way to go about it.

Liliana quickly arrived at the same conclusion. ‘…It is tricky. I read a few books about auctions, but it isn’t something that an amateur can get involved in.’

Despite her genius brain, she would find it hard to compete with experts in the field since she had no experience.

This was especially the case if she was going against the auctioneers of Sipoto who knew the rules and trends of the underground auction houses better than anyone else. If Liliana was participating in the underground auction by herself, it was clear she would’ve wasted a lot of money. However, Lili had a different purpose, so she hired someone who was better than some auctioneers.

[N0. 381 has won the original book [Applications of Lightning Arrows] for 50 gold! My sincere congratulations!]

Akan’s resourcefulness didn’t just end with acting. He was someone with skills worthy enough that Gibra had chosen him! Akan easily beat another professional auctioneer and won another original book for Lili. Just like the other four original books they’d bought in this auction so far, this one didn’t have a ‘Rare’ rating, but it wasn’t a bad profit. If this continued, Lili would be able to obtain more than 20 original books by the time the auctions ended.

“Hahaha! How is it? It wasn’t a waste of money to hire us.”

“Yes, truly wonderful skills.”

It might be patronizing to say something like this, but Gibra was clearly in a good mood.

Servants brought [Applications of Lightning Arrows] to Liliana, who placed it in her inventory. She felt a little bitter about hiring three agents at 10 gold per day, but this was enough to show her that the money was worth it. Lili had simply wanted an assistant from the Information Guild, so this was a pleasant surprise.

At that moment, her right temple tickled from someone’s gaze.


It was a little bit annoying, but Liliana suppressed the emotion and met the gaze calmly. There, a fat man was staring at Lili with a heated expression. The fat man’s body reminded her of Professor Balloon from the Bergen Academy. According to the Information Guild, he was the nouveau riche ‘librarian’ called Coulson.

“Ah, he doesn’t operate a real library. He doesn’t like reading books. He just likes collecting books in order to prove his status. He made a collection with all the books he bought, giving him that nickname. Well, if he thinks it will damage him then he will hand it over.”

However, Liliana had directed Akan to buy as many original books as possible, so Akan had taken all of them from Coulson. However, Lili didn’t feel the least bit guilty. She didn’t buy books to read but to live. As a sorceress, she disliked fools who placed a value on information. Coulson hurriedly turned his head away from the cold light in Lili’s eyes. Lili’s wasn’t the type of spirit Coulson could dare go against. Liliana turned away from Coulson’s unsightly appearance toward another person.

‘The only real contender is that man.’

The man had white hair and a white beard, along with so many wrinkles on his skin that he looked like tree bark. Despite that, the old man’s posture was as straight as a pine tree, and the intensity in his gaze wasn’t any less than that of a young man. The nickname given to him by the Information Guild was ‘Old Books Maniac,’ and his name was Heinrich. He was a scholar who would read books until he died. Although he didn’t hoard books like Coulson, Heinrich never backed down when it came to getting a book he wanted. This meant that he was willing to spend as much money as it took. It was an image which Liliana didn’t hate, but it made it hard for her. Lili looked at the upright profile of the old man and turned her head away.

The sound of the cart carrying the next sales item tickled Liliana’s ears.

At that moment, the host cried out, “Oh, No. 107! No. 107 has increased the bid by 100%! The minimum bid for this item is 20 gold, so from now on, you will have to bid over 42 gold!”

The Old Books Maniac, Heinrich, raised his sign faster than anyone else. A few people who had already visited the auctions reluctantly gave up after seeing Heinrich’s action as it meant that Heinrich’s obsession was great. It was common sense that they would have to pay five times the price if they competed with the old man who wouldn’t give up.

However, at that moment…

“N-No. 381! 100% has been bid again! 60 gold!”

Liliana’s agent, Akan had raised the sign. It was beneficial to withdraw and allow Heinrich to gain the book, but he couldn’t refuse his employer’s instructions. That’s right. It was Liliana Miller herself who put in the second 100% bid.



“You must buy it. The budget for the item is 200 gold, so I will allow you to go up to that limit.”

Akan’s eyes showed that he couldn’t understand, but he just nodded shakily. The money was coming from Liliana, so the Information Guild wouldn’t receive any damages. Gibra tried to stop her, but Liliana couldn’t resist buying this original book. It was natural since the item was meaningful for her. The title of the original book was [Introduction to Elemental Magic II]. It was an elemental magic theory book written by Myrdal Herseim. If Lili bought the original book, she would be able to talk to Myrdal again. Furthermore, the fragment of soul from a sage was worth a few times more than others. It was an item she absolutely couldn’t miss.

“N-No. 107 has come back with 100% again! Now it is 80 gold!”

From here on out, it was war. The old man’s fierce gaze stared at Liliana. The young sorceress would never give up, so she also stared back with powerful eyes. The bidding war at the northern auction house began.

Chapter 130 – Kargas’ Underground Auction (3)

"The current bid is 80 gold! A bid by guest No.107!"

Beneath the surface of the host’s calm facade, he was completely bewildered. It was because he had never experienced such a fight for an original book. He didn’t know about the past when there had been no duplication magic, but now that copies were scattered all over the world, the value of the original books was forced to fall. Only the wealthy wanted original books to decorate their libraries. However, that wasn’t enough for the bidding war between the two participants to go so high.

The price of 80 gold, which was more expensive than jewelry, made the agent of the Information Guild hesitate. However, Akan gripped the sign and looked at Liliana, who nodded without hesitation. It was an expression that showed her determination to acquire the item without caring about profit or loss.

Akan closed his eyes and spread out all 10 fingers.

"Yes, 100 gold! 100 gold! Guest No. 381 has bid 100 gold, and the countdown will start again! 10 seconds remaining!"

The host and the audience, who initially had no interest in original books, were now excited about the sudden prosperity.

To put it bluntly, the northern auction houses were smaller than the ones in the other areas. So, the limitations of miscellaneous goods such as jewelry were clear when compared to weapons which could be traded at high prices. Rare artifacts might appear occasionally, but most of them were usually shown at the auction on the last day. For that reason, it had been a long time since the auction houses in the north had competed with bids over 100 gold.

Liliana glanced at the old gentleman sitting far away. ‘Will you follow? It has already passed 100 gold… Will you offer more than this just to read a book?’

To be honest, Lili was skeptical. If he just wanted to read the book, there were many copies on the market. It was strange that a scholar, not a mage, would spend 80 gold on this book. Lili didn’t know the old man’s purpose, but it seemed like the old man had a strange commitment to original books.

Unsurprisingly, the old man hesitated for a moment before lifting his sign. However, the bidding amount was different from before. It wasn’t 20 gold but 10 gold, half his other bid amounts.

"No. 107! 110 gold, this time the bid has increased by 50%! I am really curious about this sale now that it has already exceeded today’s maximum bid price!"

The reactions of those watching the host were divided in two. There were those sorry about the fact that the 100% bidding hadn’t continued, while the others were interested in Liliana's group. Liliana's eyebrows twitched faintly as eyes gathered on her. No, it wasn’t because of them. It was because of the look in the eyes of the old man, Heinrich, as he looked at Lili.

What would he do now? Those eyes seemed to be asking.

"Yes, No. 381!"

Liliana's 10 fingers were spread wide open as she held up the sign.

"Once again, a 100% bid! It is now 130 gold! An original book has never sold for this much before! I can assure you that it hasn’t happened in the last 10 years!" The host’s mouth expressed his excitement.

A bid of 130 gold was uncommon in the eastern or southern auction houses. He was certain that they would fall short of this amount. With excitement in his eyes, the host looked at No. 107, Heinrich. Even if it stopped here, it had already exceeded his expectations. However, a person’s greed was endless.

Unfortunately, the overflowing greed couldn’t be rewarded. Heinrich bowed to Liliana before placing the No. 107 sign on his lap. It meant he wouldn’t bid anymore. The host swallowed his regret as he saw this and counted down. Understandably, there were no more participants who bid over the 130 gold.

"The winning bid! The original book, [Introduction to Elemental Magic II], written by Myrdal Herseim has been awarded to Guest No. 381 for 130 gold!"

There was a small round of applause in response to the loud voice. The sound was partly out of gratitude for the entertainment provided, as well as mocking Liliana for spending 130 gold. However, Liliana didn’t respond. No, it would be more accurate to say she couldn’t respond. The joy of obtaining the book she wanted crushed all of weak vibes of unpleasantness.

[Introduction to Elemental Magic II] had finally entered her hands.

[Introduction to Elemental Magic II]
[This book describes the four elementals in more detail than any other book. It is a book written about the relationship between a mage and elemental, as well as how to manipulate the power of the elemental. The author, Myrdal, has been called the greatest elementalist of the century. He is the only one who has succeeded in calling an elemental ruler.
* Your understanding is high. (87.5%)
* This magic book is rated ‘Precious.’
* When consumed, the proficiency of ‘elemental magic’ will increase.
* This is the original copy which was personally written by the author. When consumed, the elemental affinity which suits you will be opened. There is a low chance that you may form a contract with an elemental.
* You are immature as an elementalist. It is recommended that you increase your capabilities before consuming it.]

Liliana was delighted as she checked the information window. She had obtained a way to contact Myrdal in a place she’d never thought of. It might take a while until she could consume it, but it was only a matter of time.

The mysterious magician, Myrdal, who had contracted with an elemental ruler, was literally a living legend. 130 gold for an opportunity to contact him was really a pittance.

After putting it into her inventory, Liliana shifted her gaze.

‘Thank you very much.’ She looked at Heinrich and bowed respectfully.

According to Gibra’s information, Heinrich’s assets slightly surpassed Liliana's. A few generations ago, Heinrich’s family had been a noble family in Kargas who built up their assets, unlike others who squandered it.

Nevertheless, the old man had nicely given up on this book. Had he seen something in Liliana's eyes, or did he not think it was worth 200 gold? The reason was unknown, but it was clear that Liliana had won [Introduction to Elemental Magic II] thanks to Heinrich taking a step back.

"Heh." Heinrich grinned and nodded.

Then Liliana had the thought that she wanted to be like that old man when she was older. As she gazed at the image of the undaunted elderly man, the auction continued.

Was she imagining it? The atmosphere of the auction house seemed lighter.

* * *

After gaining [Introduction to Elemental Magic II] on the first day, Liliana moved steadily through the auction houses.

The agents employed by the Information Guild could buy the books, but there was no guarantee there wouldn’t be a special book like Introduction to Elemental Magic II. The auction experience was also more interesting than she’d thought it would be.

Of course, the profit from the first day didn’t come again. Aside from that, it was mostly smooth. The number of original books being sold was fewer than it was supposed to be, but she still collected over 20 books from the three auction houses.

The vast majority of them were ‘Common’, but there were two ‘Rare’ ranked original books mixed in. It was a big jackpot considering it hadn’t even been a month since she’d left Meltor.

‘Well, I didn’t buy all of them.’

The two competitors Lili met on the first day, Coulson and Heinrich, competed with her several more times at other auction houses. Although she conceded several unnecessary books to Heinrich, who had given her Introduction to Elemental Magic II on the first day, she always competed in a bidding war with the sleazy Coulson. It was money Lili had brought to use anyway, so she didn’t hesitate to bid.

The result was that 23 original books were now in her inventory.

“Kuooh… Employer, what are you thinking about doing with them? It is a principle not to ask about the purpose of the commission, but I am curious.”

“It is a secret.”

“Uhh, I guess I’ll have to do a follow up later…”

There were pros and cons of having Gibra and Akan watch her closely.

Liliana had calmly spent a few hundred gold at the auction houses. She had given up on a few items and suffered enormous damages on others. So, it was bound to make anyone who knew money curious.

The people of Meltor knew this clearly, but a mage’s sense of money was different in many ways. Liliana couldn’t free herself from this aspect of a traditional mage.

In the end, Gibra folded his arms and grumbled, “Nevermind, I don’t know what else to say. Anyway, it looks like our request is roughly finished, so what do you think?”

“Isn’t there still one day remaining?”

“I told you. On the last day of the underground auctions, a big auction will be held. There won’t be any small sales of things like original books. Why bother attracting the eyes of those high up?”

If someone who knew the situation heard this, they would nod their heads. The information of the Information Guild’s branch director was always accurate. The people participating in the big auction were the bigwigs in Sipoto, no, Kargas. They had the power to break someone if they were offended, and Liliana shouldn’t attract their attention since she was concealing her identity.

Thus, it was the right choice to skip it. However, Liliana worried about it for a moment before shaking her head. She couldn’t explain it logically, but her gut instincts were telling her that she shouldn’t miss this auction.

“No, I will participate.”

It was a type of sixth sense. After obtaining Umbra and the Ring of Muspelheim, Liliana's senses had already reached a high level. She had Alfred’s sensory perception and an amplified sensitivity. So, her intuition was already like taking one step into the future. If her intuition said it was correct to do this, then it was most likely right.

Liliana asserted firmly to the still concerned Gibra, “You don’t have to worry. There isn’t anything I would buy from the big auction, and it is dangerous to scratch the nerves of the bigwigs.”

* * *

The very next day, Liliana collided head-on with the Orcus Company.

Chapter 131 – Duel Bid (1)

Lili didn’t want to cause any unnecessary disruptions either. She had a reason for stepping out. It was because her opponent was the Orcus Company. Regardless of the cause and process, Liliana had done something irreversible as a result. The agent of the Orcus Company, who made even the Information Guild step aside, had declared war. Lili felt sweat flow down her spine.

‘Damn… If only I hadn’t come here today…!’

She couldn’t close her eyes once she knew. Lili sighed as she looked at the ‘item.’ It was an average white gold item, which looked like one of the many sold at ordinary stores. The necklace, silver jewelry with a red jewel hanging from it, was the source of the commotion.

The name of the necklace was ‘Charlotte’s Necklace.’ It was a relic famous for being worn around the neck of Charlotte, the last princess of a kingdom destroyed hundreds of years ago. Why had the necklace caused Lili to do such a reckless thing? Now, one would have to look back in time to find out the reason…

Back to exactly 30 minutes ago, when the atmosphere had been calm.

* * *

[Then 8…9…10! No. 64! Guest No. 64 has won ‘Heart of the Lake’ at a bid of 800 gold! Congratulations! This jewel has finally found an owner who matches it!]

A huge amount of money was mentioned casually. 800 gold… That was enough money to buy a few small estates. It was a world which couldn’t be understood by a young girl from the countryside.

Lili thought she had collected a lot of money while living as a sorceress, but it was nothing compared to the people gathered here. It would’ve cost all of Liliana’s money just to bid on ‘Heart of the Lake’ which had just been won.

Lili couldn’t help sighing deeply. Gibra glanced at her and asked, “Huhu, how is it? Didn’t I say it was better not to come?”

“Did you mean this?”

“Well, halfway.” Gibra nodded before continuing, “Employer, think about it. Those guys have too much, so that in itself is unpleasant. The watches on their wrists, the clothes they are wearing, their words and actions… it all seems designed to mock us for being poor.”


Liliana stopped breathing for a moment. She was conscious of the deep-rooted inferiority that she had forgotten about.

Lili had suffered a lot at Bergen Academy. Not every student had bothered her, but Liliana had hated all of them. She had hated those who were born with a talent she didn’t have but wasted their lives by lazing around.

Now that wealth was swirling about in front of her, Lili was silent as she found common ground in an unexpected place.

However, the host suddenly raised his voice, [Dear customers! As half the items in this auction have found an owner, we will give you a moment to breathe! This is from the distant past, a legacy of a kingdom that was destroyed for an unknown reason!]

As he stretched out both arms, the host looked around like he was trying to make eye contact with all the audience members. Satisfied that a majority of the guests were interested, the man pointed to the object on the stage.

It was a square object covered by a piece of cloth, and there was probably a glass box inside. The host skillfully pulled away the cloth.

Then at that moment…

–Hoh? Gluttony woke up from her sleep.

‘What, is it a big deal again?’

–Very interesting. User, it seems that luck has been following you around these days.

‘Luck? That necklace?’

Gluttony agreed with Lili.

As the host revealed the silver necklace in the glass box, Gluttony continued talking in a relaxed voice, –That is an impressive item, so make note. The princess of Antioch... Charlotte’s Necklace is a special cursed item intended for one country.


–The necklace transforms any spirits nearby into ‘specters’ and ‘banshees.’ In the hands of a skilled necromancer, it can demonstrate the power of a national treasure.

Then Gluttony showed Lili the information window about the necklace.

[+16 Charlotte’s Necklace (Accessory)]

[This is a necklace left behind by Charlotte, the last princess of Antioch, a kingdom destroyed by a sinister mind. It is a seemingly simple accessory, but the curse contained in it is fearsome. It curses those who are still alive, and any spiritual body with even a little bit of attachment will be turned into powerful evil spirits. However, the seal left by a saint is blocking that power.

* The rating of this necklace is ‘Treasure.’

* When consumed, a very large amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, it can cause serious damage to the mind.

* When consumed, ‘Antioch’s Curse’ will be applied.

* When consumed, the digestion time will be 11 days.]

‘Dangerous!’ Lili noticed the terrible nature of this cursed necklace in just a moment.

Sorceresses learned from childhood that there were many things in this world they couldn’t see. Just because they couldn’t see it, didn’t mean it wasn’t there. Due to this, Liliana was immediately aware of the dangerous nature of the necklace.

There were countless ghosts roaming around this material world. Of course, most of them couldn’t be seen, nor could they inflict harm on people. However, those who were deeply drawn to evil in life were reborn as things like specters and banshees.

Such beings were classified as non-corporeal creatures on which physical attacks were ineffective. They were tricky enough to require aura users or magicians of at least the 4th Circle, but they weren’t a big problem because there weren’t many of them.

However, this necklace could cause a disaster!

Regardless of whether he knew about the crisis, the host began auctioning off Charlotte’s Necklace with a casual expression.

[Then I will start! I told you this was to help you take a break, right? As such, the bidding for this item will begin at 30 gold! In other words, the maximum bid is 300 gold! It is a preserved old relic, but it wouldn’t be bad to buy it as a souvenir!]

300 gold was a huge amount for the common people, but the majority of those gathered were the richest people on the continent. Some nodded at the host, while others whispered sweet words into the ears of the girls they brought with them.

However, there was an unexpected bidder. The agent of the Orcus Company, who hadn’t shown any interest in any item from the start of the auction, raised his sign.

[N-No. 133 has bid by 100%! Therefore, the current bid is 60 gold!]

The crowd didn’t care about the words of the host. The people gathered here had considerable power, but they couldn’t ignore the name of the Orcus Company. Additionally, this was the first 100% bid at the auction today, so it was tantamount to a declaration. If someone bid in such a situation, it would be accepted as an unspoken declaration against the Orcus Company.

Unsurprisingly, Liliana was bound to hesitate as well.

‘Damn, coming out here. Orcus Company…!’

If someone other than the Orcus Company had bid, Liliana might’ve given up on the necklace.

The necklace contained a dangerous curse, but according to the information window, it couldn’t exert its power due to a seal. The person who bought the necklace wouldn’t imagine that it had any abilities, so it was likely to be used as ordinary jewelry.

However, the Orcus Company was suspected of being involved in black magic, so Lili couldn’t just let the agent win the bid. If a disaster arose here, Liliana wouldn’t be able to forgive herself when she could’ve prevented it.

Before that, she asked Gluttony one last thing, ‘Hey. What did you mean by that necklace is lucky for me?’

–Have you already forgotten? In the dungeon created by the host of Death’s Worship, I ate the specters.


It was a memory Liliana had forgotten. She recalled the evil spirits that had entered the cramped passage and the information window which had floated up after Gluttony ate them.

[The user still hasn’t unlocked the function yet.]

The more she thought about it, the more the matters were tied together. As she thought of the relationship between ‘vessel,’ ‘specter,’ and ‘Charlotte’s Necklace,’ Lili’s brilliant mind instantly gave her an answer. She understood why Gluttony told her that ‘luck’ followed her.

‘Make evil spirits with the necklace and feed them to Gluttony.’

The process of capturing souls in original books was several times simpler and easier to eat. It would be inefficient to find and eat specters and banshees. However, the efficiency would reverse if she got her hands on Charlotte’s Necklace.

Liliana took a deep breath and raised her right hand, which clutched tightly onto the sign with her participation number.

[N-No. 472! Guest No. 472 has also bid 100%! The current bid is 90 gold!] The host stuttered with surprise. He hadn’t thought there would be someone who would bid against the company.

Fortunately, no one cared about his mistake. The gazes of all the auction house guests were focused on the agent of the Orcus Company and the young girl who stopped the agent’s winning bid. Lili could feel the gazes pouring in from every direction.

The Orcus agent was staring up at her from an oblique angle, with a faint red light glowing in his brown eyes.

* * *

As a result, the auction house placed the two bidders in a solitary room.

It was a rule of the Kargas auction: The winning bid couldn’t exceed the minimum bid price by 10 times. In other words, it wasn’t uncommon for there to be joint bidders. There was a separate way to solve it, but this incident was a special case.

The auction had advised them to settle it through conversation, if possible.

“…So, what do you want?”

“Huh?” Liliana was surprised by the question.

The agent raised his eyebrows and said, “I investigated a little bit while on the way here. Your name is Lili. You’re a 4th Circle sorceress from Meltor’s Magic Society. Didn’t you come to Kargas to meet distant relatives? You got a plaque from Bear of the Polonell Company, and you are a very promising young girl.”

“You’re overpraising me.”

“Bah, it isn’t a compliment. I said it so you will understand what I mean.” The agent didn’t want to waste time acting politely and asked, “How much do you want? No, I will give you the item you want. Of course, it is on the condition that you yield the necklace to me.”

“Umm.” Liliana realized the misunderstanding.

The agent didn’t know that Lili was actually aiming for the necklace. He thought it was just a bait for Lili to get something else she wanted.

Indeed, that was a more realistic possibility than the actual truth. Aside from the fact that the necklace was old, it was just an ordinary accessory. So, it was senseless to go against the Orcus Company and bid 300 gold for it.

The agent took Lili’s response as a positive answer. “By the way, you are truly bold. Daring to make this type of bargain at your age. You aren’t a sorceress but a genius trader–”

“I’m sorry,” Liliana interrupted the agent’s words. “I need that necklace.”

The atmosphere froze with her one sentence. The agent’s gaze became cold while his hands twitched like they itched to grab something. However, after the momentary response, the agent calmed his shaking body and opened his mouth to speak. His voice carried a different tone from before. “…I see. Are you saying that you won’t withdraw the bid?”

“Yes, you heard correctly.”

“How bold. Truly bold,” the agent murmured before lifting his head.

His reddish-brown eyes seemed even deeper, perhaps because of his mood. No, it wasn’t Lili’s imagination that the color changed. Instead of reddish-brown, the agent’s eyes had become the color of a full red, like the color of blood.

The agent stared into Liliana’s eyes and declared, “This is my last bit of advice. Let go of that necklace.”

Simultaneously, a light sparked in the agent’s eyes. Red eyes… They had been known as demon eyes in the past, possessing the power to deceive or exert a special power.

However, it was useless today. Gluttony, who had fallen asleep again, snorted at the gaze which hindered her sleep. In the Age of Mythology, the number of monsters who had been able to overcome Gluttony’s mental defenses could be counted on three fingers.

As the red eyes tried to penetrate Liliana, the greedy grimoire spoke condescendingly, –How trivial. Even using the evil eyes.

Then she kicked the agent’s presence out.

“Kuaack!” The agent suddenly shrieked and covered his eyes.

“What happened?!”

“-Don’t come near me!”

Liliana, who was unaware of the struggle within herself, had approached to give support, but the agent chased her away.

The agent’s actual eyes were okay, but it was the first time he had received a shock in the spirit world, making him greatly upset. To think that his demon eyes didn’t work, and there was even a retaliatory mental blow? Additionally, the young girl acted like she didn’t know what was going on.

The agent wanted to get out of this place, so he screamed instantly. “It can’t be helped! A duel bid! Three days later, I will fix your co*cky attitude!”

“That- Why all of a sudden…”

“I no longer have anything to say to you!”

After saying that, the agent ran out of the room. It was because he couldn’t understand what had happened and it didn’t seem like the young girl would release the necklace.

‘In any case, I’ll win if it’s a duel bid.’ It would be delayed for a few days, but the necklace would eventually enter the agent’s hands, so there was no need to rush.

He was going to kill that person. The agent’s face distorted as he walked down the passage with a rough gait. On the other hand, Liliana was meeting up with the waiting Gibra.

“W-What happened?” Gibra asked in a small voice due to his anxiety.

Liliana smiled at him and replied, “It is a duel bid! The agent has left.”

“What!? Employer, have you really lost your mind?! I clearly told you that you must not accept a duel bid!”

A duel bid was an additional rule of the Kargas underground auction that only applied when an item reached the maximum bid. The two sides would pick warriors to participate in a duel, and the winner would obtain the item.

The problem was some of the rules set for the duel bid.

“Employer, I know that you are a good fighter, but you can’t participate in it yourself. Why accept the duel bid?”

“Well, it is something that I need to obtain.”

“That isn’t it! Going against the Orcus Company… What sort of lunatic warrior would accept your offer? If you are thinking about me, then please stop. Participating in the duel bid wasn’t part of the commission.”

Gibra might sound heartless, but it was a line he couldn’t cross. Liliana had commissioned the Information Guild to obtain information on the sale goods and purchase the original books. There was nothing about risking themselves to go against the Orcus Company.

However, Liliana’s complexion stayed the same. In the first place, she had no intention of nominating Gibra. She already knew the person she wanted to hire for the ‘duel bid.’ Lili dismissed Gibra’s worries. “There is no need to worry. I have already decided on a warrior.”

“What, is that true?”

“Yes. I’ll have to send him a message, but he will meet us sooner or later.”

Gibra couldn’t help feeling curious. As branch director of the Information Guild, he couldn’t repress his curiosity and asked, “Cough. So, who is it? He will need to be a great warrior.”

According to rumors, the Orcus Company had a monster who could cut down huge trees with a blade as well as kill an ogre with his bare hands.

Rumors tended to get exaggerated, but no one doubted the skills after the person broke a knight a few years ago. It was a person entirely covered in black armor, so their face and voice were all unknown. However, it was obvious that the Black Knight would be the one participating in the duel bid.

Even though Lili didn’t know the rumors, she was confident that the person she picked would be able to win against the Black Knight. Amidst the wide lands of Sipoto, Lili picked her strongest hand.

Without looking back, Liliana spoke in a voice which was filled with a strange nostalgia, “The leader of the ‘Wandering Wolves’ mercenaries, Randolph Clovis.”

It was a name she’d found while exploring Sipoto a few days ago. Randolph was the top-notch swordsman who had broken through thousands of undead at the Miller Barony.

If Lili hadn’t known of Randolph’s presence, she might not have accepted the duel bid. There had also been the encounter with Randolph’s sister Rebecca, so the siblings seemed to be deeply involved with Lili in many ways.

Liliana declared confidently, “He isn’t a master, but he will surely win against the Black Knight.”

Chapter 132 – Duel Bid (2)

Most of the guests who visited Kargas for Sipoto’s underground auctions often left at the same time. This was one of the reasons why the auctions were located in a border city; it was so they could take illegal routes to quickly return home. No matter how superior the border guards were, they couldn’t chase foreigners from other countries across the border, giving Kargas justification for closing their eyes.

However, this year, there was an extra three days added to their schedule. It was because the agent of the Orcus Company and the unknown young woman had caused a stir with the ‘duel bid.’ The distinguished guests and famous people from various countries expressed an interest in it.

“A duel bid? How many years has it been?”
“It was probably five years ago, when Duke Soldon took on the king of mercenaries and won the elixir.”
“Ahh, this is the first time since then.”
“This is an agent from the Orcus Company. It will be fun.”

The small uproar which had occurred in the auction house spread all over Sipoto. Some laughed at the recklessness and foolishness of the young woman, while others bet on the duel bid in hopes of reversing their lives. The result was decided from the beginning. Everybody thought this, and some expected they wouldn’t gain much money.

Then after three days, the day of the duel bid arrived. The place where the duel bid would take place was the location of the central auction house. The number of audience members had decreased considerably from the day of the auction, but still, many had arrived and were seated. Those with money had drinks and women at their disposal. What they were lacking was thrill, so they came to enjoy the sight of another person bleeding. Some of them raised their voices.

“Ohh…! The black-armored person next to Agent Isaac is the famous Black Knight!”

It was as they said. The Black Knight’s body was covered entirely in black armor so that not one piece of skin could be seen. It was so creepy that some found it burdensome to even look at him. The Black Knight stood proudly beside Isaac, who was sitting on a colorful chair. If the Black Knight were standing in a corner of a palace or mansion, he might be considered an elaborate decoration.

The crowd gulped and drooled over the Black Knight.

“Indeed, I feel a great dignity exuding from him.”
“I don’t see any gaps at all.”
“…It might be my imagination, but he doesn’t feel alive.”

While some people were evaluating his capabilities and atmosphere, others said…

“I would like to see him without his armour. There is no doubt that his face will be handsome to match his dignity.”
“Countess Dale, there is no guarantee the Black Knight is a man. Maybe it could be a woman.”
“A woman over 190cm?”
“Among the barbarians in the south, it is said that such women are common.”
“Oh, my! Really?”

They discussed his appearance, body, and origin. Although it might seem uncomfortable, the Black Knight just stayed silently by Isaac’s side. The silence made him feel like an executioner waiting to deal the fatal blow.

It was said that he’d killed two ogres with one slice of the sword. It was said that he was the owner of a fist with enough power to break a rock. It was said that he was a slaughterer who had killed hundreds of enemies alone. All those rumors were true. Isaac smiled inwardly as he looked sideways at his Black Knight. The knight was strong enough to kill an ogre in one strike, to break a rock with his bare hands, and to annihilate hundreds of enemies alone. The list of terrible things he’d done was extensive. For whomever came out to fight him, it would be a public execution.

Then someone’s cry entered Isaac’s ears, “She’s coming! That gal!”

‘It seems like she found a warrior,’ Isaac scoffed inwardly and looked in the direction of the voice. This was the confidence of the Orcus agent who believed in the Black Knight and wanted to see the bidder die. Of course, he couldn’t kill the bidder here, but it was possible once they went outside the city. Isaac’s eyes darkened at the thought and turned to face Liliana.

Liliana confronted the Orcus agent without any hesitation, “It has been three days, Agent Isaac.”

“…You didn’t run away. I suppose you have the talent for surprising me more than just once.”

“I don’t think this is the end of the surprises.”

“No, it ends here.” Isaac’s voice was indifferent. It was a voice that didn’t care what the other person was talking about. To him, Liliana and her companions were already dead. The Orcus agent would cut off the head of the girl who had accepted this proposal and then send the rest on their way.

The notary felt the atmosphere and stepped back. “T-Then we will start in two minutes. Agent Isaac, your warrior is the Black Knight? Is that correct?”


“I understand. Then who is Lili’s warrior?”

Liliana stepped back and called out, “It is your turn from here, Captain Randolph.”

“…Ah, I have to suffer under you again. You aren’t planning to decrease the price by half this time?”

The man with golden hair had scars all over his face and body, proving that he didn’t live an easy life. The two falchions at his waist swung smoothly in their leather sheaths. They were the items he’d obtained during his adventure with Liliana at the Miller Barony. His two brown eyes, wild like a wolf’s, gazed sharply at the Black Knight.

However, the Black Knight didn’t respond to his killing intent.

“This piece of tin is my opponent? What a strange guy.”

“Ah, warrior? What is your name…?” The notary asked.

“Oh, excuse me. My name is Randolph Clovis. I am a warrior hired by the Young Miss over here.”

“Ah, thank you.”

After confirming the designation of both warriors, the notary began to explain the rules of the duel bid.

The warriors hired by the bidders would participate in the duel bid, and the warrior who collapsed first would lose. If both warriors couldn’t fight, the right to abstain would be given to the two bidders. The warriors were literally the swords of the bidders. With each believing that their warrior was stronger, the two bidders settled into the audience to watch the duel bid.

The stage had a radius of 30m from the center, so it had a diameter of 60m. The footsteps of a peak swordsman would be able to travel from one end to another in two or three steps. In other words, it was a stage with no room to breathe.

“Ha, this is my favourite place. It is cheap compared to the Colosseum in Andras, but it is nice to have no place to run away.”


Unlike Randolph, who revealed his teeth like a beast, the Black Knight remained silent and pulled out his sword.


There was no liveliness in the Black Knight. Randolph’s eyebrows twitched as he felt something strange from the figure. Randolph had never seen the Black Knight before, but his movements seemed familiar. It wasn’t the swordsmanship or footwork, but Randolph couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable.

Additionally, it was true that the opponent was unresponsive to Randolph’s killing intent. Any swordsman who had reached this stage would be sensitive. Randolph’s killing intent was enough to make even a sword master gather power at their fingertips.

A living person couldn’t suppress a response—…No, wait a minute.


Randolph had a suspicion and raised his senses. If he focused the distribution of aura properly, his sense of hearing could temporarily hear even a needle dropping onto sand. His hearing was so sensitive, but he didn’t hear the Black Knight breathe at all. There was no inhalation or exhalation, or signs that the Black Knight was holding his breath.

Randolph became sure of the Black Knight’s true identity.

[Young Miss, is it because of ‘that’?]
[…An undead?]

Randolph communicated with Lili by using Hidden Voice, a technique which secretly transmitted sound by silently vibrating mana. Liliana’s face hardened as soon as she heard the words, after which she sent back a reply with message magic.

During the clash against the elder lich, Randolph had taken down the undead made from his ancestor. It wasn’t the senior undead, the ‘death knight,’ but it wasn’t much different. This meant that Randolph’s intuition was reliable.

Then Lili had two choices. She could storm into the fight and reveal the identity of the death knight facing Randolph. If successful, it might be able to trace the relationship and prove that the Orcus Company was dabbling in black magic.

However, that method was too risky. If they failed to defeat the Black Knight, it was likely the Orcus agent and the Black Knight would escape from Kargas, and the Orcus Company would then use their power to hide.

‘What should I do? What is the best choice in this situation?’ Liliana started thinking frantically.

There were only dozens of seconds left until the duel began. There was no room to think too deeply, so she should rely on her intuition. Should she believe in Randolph’s victory and wait, or defeat the death knight together and expose Agent Isaac?

It was Randolph's voice which ended Lili's troubles. [Hah, I’m caught again. It is a problem that I accepted the moment you told me about my sister.]
[Well, it’s okay. I owe the Young Miss, and this way, I can repay the humiliation of the past.]

Randolph’s falchions emerged from the sheaths at his waist. A blue aura flowed around the edge of the blade, like a beast’s fangs aiming for the neck of the opponent. This terrible aura was incomparable to that of a year ago! Despite the considerable distance between them, Liliana's neck was tingling.

It was a warning given by her sixth sense!

‘Don’t tell me, Randolph has already…!’

Before Liliana's speculation could be completed, the flag in the notary’s hand descended toward the ground, signifying the start of the duel bid. This was a dance of death which wouldn’t stop for a moment until one person was defeated.

Once the duel began, Randolph’s swords moved like lightning bolts.


Space was severed, with the two streaks of blue slashing through the air like it was butter and arriving before the Black Knight at a terrific speed.

Randolph’s movements were awfully fast. Even Liliana’s enhanced vision, which was superior to aura users, couldn’t keep track of it. During the past year, Randolph’s strength had increased, and the speed of his lightning sword was already close to the speed of light.

However, the Black Knight didn’t panic and swung his greatsword.


A colorless aura covered the sword, causing the atmosphere to distort from the slight pressure flowing from it. The important thing wasn’t speed but the endless destructive power coming from the sword.

If Randolph’s swords seemed like lightning, then the Black Knight’s was like a landslide. The strong sword versus the fast sword…

Once they collided, a thunderous sound rang out.

Chapter 133 – Duel Bid (3)


There was a large shock wave. If the destructive power from the two swords had been pushed to one side, the audience sitting in that direction would be crushed like a frog hit by a stone. The body of the lightning-fast swordsman, Randolph, bounced back. This was evidence that the Black Knight had the advantage in power.

‘No, it can’t be helped.’

Liliana watched the duel with sober eyes. It was different if it were a low ranked undead; however, the Black Knight that Randolph was facing now was a senior undead, the death knight. The body had several times the physical ability of a living person, and it didn’t feel any pain. In a simple struggle of strength, it could compete against a cyclops. It was also possible for the Black Knight to destroy a wall with his bare hands. Randolph realized this as well after directly experiencing it with his body.


Confronting the opponent in a competition of strength was pure suicide. Randolph had to accept that his opponent had the advantage in power. In the first place, dual swordsmanship wasn’t a technique designed to compete with strength. The advantages of having two swords was the ability to use multiple combinations of sword techniques freely. Randolph took a deep breath and his appearance distorted.



No, Randolph hadn’t disappeared. It just meant that the speed of Randolph’s movements surpassed the eyesight of the audience. The speed of acceleration was so extreme that it made Liliana’s eyes hurt! The aura overflowing from Randolph’s blades drew blue lines in the air, like comet trails. Then Randolph’s swords once again turned into lightning bolts which smashed the Black Knight from all sides.


As sparks flew, Randolph’s falchions scratched the Black Knight’s arm and peeled off the surface of the Black Knight’s shoulder like it was potato skin.

Kakang! Kakiing!

Randolph attacked again. His next stab scratched the edge of the Black Knight’s kneecap. Even the solid armor couldn’t endure the sharp aura, causing metal fragments to burst out. However, it didn’t end with just one or two. The strikes continued, 10 times, 20 times, 100 times, 1000 times…


The Black Knight was tough too. He swung his sword around him and endured Randolph’s encirclement. One hit of his would kill Randolph. Randolph was a swordsman who only focused on speed. His body danced gloriously like it was on the edge of a reaper’s scythe. A single mistake would send Randolph to hell.


“It is really amazing…!”

The audience let out low sounds of admiration. They had expected it to be a casual entertainment, a one-sided slaughter, but the fight surpassed their imagination. Confrontations between swordsmen were usually dry. Iron and iron would collide steadily with one another until one side found a crack in the other’s defense. It was rare to see a proper fight between aura users. No, rather than rare, it was more accurate to say it couldn’t be done.

‘Fools. If I hadn’t been here, don’t you know that you would’ve died five times over already?’

Liliana sighed as she looked around while fending off the shock waves. She could tell because she had encountered master level people many times. Right now, both existences in front of her were almost at the level of a master. Neither was a complete master, but they were still dangerous to ordinary people.

Shock waves continued to occur as the high-density auras collided with each other. They were strong enough to turn rocks to dust. This wasn’t a phenomenon which the weak could watch. Lili wanted to release the protective shield and just focus on watching the duel bid, but a catastrophe would happen if she did that. In such circ*mstances, Liliana was forced to endure patiently.

“Hah, such a great ability…! Employer, where did you find that swordsman?”

On the other hand, Gibra was stunned by the abilities of the shabby mercenary. He’d thought his employer had just hired someone who was his acquaintance, but the mercenary was actually on par with the Black Knight! Gibra was a powerhouse in Sipoto, but he could never win against the Black Knight or Randolph. The even more shocking thing was that he had failed to identify Randolph, despite seeing such a powerful figure.

Liliana answered in an evasive manner, “I won’t tell you.”


“Just keep watching.”

Liliana turned away from Gibra’s bitter expression and continued watching the duel. A death knight was something only high-level necromancers could create with black magic. Randolph’s expression was grim as he faced the disadvantageous odds. Like a lie, the flow of the match headed in Randolph’s favor. Therefore, it wasn’t difficult for Lili to see that…

‘He isn’t at the master level yet. If Randolph had awakened Aura Ability, this fight would already be over.’

Aura Ability was a miracle exclusive to sword masters which could even transcend magic. Somebody could cut through space, another could control gravity, and somebody else could remove one’s spirit. If there were 1,000 sword masters, there were 1,000 types of abilities. A person would be judged as a sword master based on whether they awakened this ability or not. If Randolph was a complete sword master, this fight wouldn’t have dragged out for so long. The Black Knight would’ve lost his head and collapsed onto the floor 10 minutes ago. However, the death knight wasn’t in optimum condition either.

‘If I didn’t see it, then I might be eager to run out and interfere… but I don’t think this bastard will be a help to Isaac.’

Lili laughed as she looked at the Black Knight. The Orcus Company would become the target of the entire continent if it were known they were mixed up with black magic. It was why three of the death knight’s advantages were sealed: the undead’s immortal resistance; the white aura which symbolized death; and the black magic which was naturally added to senior undead. Now, with such a huge penalty, Randolph’s incomplete power was enough to win the battle!

“…Please, Captain Randolph.”

Randolph had the advantage, but it would be best to win this duel in the cleanest way possible. This way, Liliana could obtain Charlotte’s Necklace and block the Orcus Company. Liliana, who didn’t like her burden being carried by another person, formed a fist as responsibility and impatience intertwined together. Ten minutes after that, the winner of the duel bid was decided.

* * *


Randolph’s tactic was extremely simple. He moved continuously at a super fast speed, accumulating a small amount of damage, while his constant attacks weren’t fatal enough to cause death. However, if he focused on attacking and defending himself as his two swords and the Black Knight’s greatsword clashed, he wouldn’t be able to catch the massive greatsword with his falchions. Meanwhile, the Black Knight’s plate mail had turned into a rag. However, when asked if the offensive was effective against the Black Knight…

“Stupid, you are the one wearing yourself out,” Isaac muttered with a smile as he read Randolph’s intent. Unlike a human, the Black Knight didn’t have the concept of fatigue. No, the accumulated damage was of no use because the Black Knight didn’t bleed. The only places where the regenerative power was restrained were the parts which couldn’t be hidden, like the arms and legs. However, the skeletal muscle covered in armor could always regenerate. So, it wasn’t unreasonable that Isaac would have a ridiculing expression on his face.

However, Isaac’s relaxed face distorted when he noticed an unexpected situation.


Once again, Randolph’s swords struck, and the Black Knight’s breastplate broke off in big pieces. It was effective. The plate mail had been struck continuously and reached its limit. Of course, the Black Knight’s flesh was fine, but that wasn’t the problem.

“N-No. This can’t continue…!” Isaac turned pale as he noticed the situation one step late. Obviously, the death knight was an undead. The body with white skin like a corpse lay underneath the armor, and anybody could recognize the color. What if Randolph’s sword stripped off all the armor? No, what if the helm broke? Rumors that the Orcus Company was associated with a warlock would spread everywhere. It was a situation which he needed to stop no matter what.

[God of Death, knight who serves Thanatos!] Isaac hurriedly sent a message to the Black Knight. He wanted to entrust it with autonomous action as much as possible, but the death knight couldn’t be revealed to the public. [Kill him as soon as possible!]

Randolph was a swordsman who had no talent except for running away, so Isaac believed the death knight could cut him down without difficulty if all his power was used. However, Isaac overlooked one thing. The tactics of a death knight, a first-rate swordsman when he had been alive, weren’t something a warlock should be meddling in. If the death knight’s ego was still intact, he would’ve snarled at the foolish command. Unfortunately, the death knight was an undead who followed commands, and Isaac was a warlock giving the command.

According to the command, the Black Knight raised his greatsword above his head. The pressure of the sword, which had been defending intently, suddenly reversed its direction. The air became heavier as pressure was emitted from the death knight’s head and shoulders. The pressure became a few times more terrible than before.

"…Indeed, just a tin can.” Randolph laughed at the foolish judgment.

Kakiing. Randolph’s arms moved at an eerie rate and chopped out. This was a skill which couldn’t be used if the Black Knight had continued the defense from a while ago. Randolph took advantage of the mistake that Isaac, not the Black Knight, had committed. The perfect defense was disrupted, creating a fatal gap. Any swordsman would accept that gap pleasantly.

“—Rain Sword.”

It was the name of the pair of swords Randolph had obtained from the elder lich’s dungeon, which had originally belonged to his ancestor, Adolf of the Clovis family. Randolph now reproduced the technique which had been lost in the void for two centuries. He used Thunder Stroke, in other words, triple lightning strikes. The first one was a straight thrust.


Randolph’s left sword turned into a lightning strike. It was aimed at the fatal points like the brain and heart, even if the fatal points were blurred for a death knight. The Black Knight responded by reflexively lowering the greatsword, but he was a beat too late. The falchion had arrived before the claymore and retreated.

The second strike was a diagonal split. Since ancient times, the most powerful technique had been a diagonal slash. The drawback was that it was a simple trajectory, and there was a big gap after it was completed. So, it was hard to use unless you were sure that you could hit the target. The blue lightning strikes aimed in succession at the Black Knight’s neck.

Kwakak! Kwaduduk…!

Even so, the Black Knight blocked the strikes. The greatsword in his right hand blocked the left sword, while his left hand blocked the sword aiming at his neck. Of course, the price of doing that was disastrous. The death knight’s index finger was cut off, and Randolph’s blade went right into the death knight’s wrist, tearing it from the forearm. After shattering the arm with aura, the falchion smashed against the Black Knight’s elbow. Randolph grinned at the horrific defense and said, “There is still one remaining.”

It was a possible technique for a dual-wield swordsman. Blocking the enemy’s weapon with one sword while striking at the weak point with the other… A third attack didn’t exist in normal swordsmanship. The third strike was a horizontal slash. With rapid acceleration from a stopped state, the left sword, which had stopped after finishing its role of blocking the greatsword, suddenly moved. The big sword, which had been thrown far out, had yet to return. This meant there was no way for the Black Knight, who lost his right arm, to stop the incoming attack. Indeed, without any resistance, Randolph’s aura blades bit into the defenseless sides of the Black Knight, cutting from both ends!

Randolph’s blow, which couldn’t be blocked or avoided, eventually split the body of the Black Knight into two pieces.

Chapter 134 – Duel Bid (4)

The tense match ended in an instant. Randolph’s trio of lightning strikes had been fast enough to be invisible to the audience. Even the last blow, done from a standstill, had been so fast that an afterimage remained.

“V-Victory!” The voice of the notary rang out one beat later. The two swordsmen were still standing on the duel stage, but anyone who had seen the previous scene nodded in agreement. Then a frightening sound was heard. Chwaaaak! Randolph’s falchion dug into the right side of the Black Knight, before emerging on the left. There was no one who didn’t understand the meaning of that. It was thick plate mail, so this meant the body hidden inside had been sliced in half.

“D-Dead…?!” “What? Didn’t he only strike twice?” “My eyes could only see one…”

There was no way to survive from having one’s waist cut through completely. The upper half hadn’t fallen off yet, but as soon as it did, there would be a fountain of blood. Everyone except for three people were convinced of the Black Knight’s death.

‘Now, how will you get out of this?’ Liliana questioned as she stared at Isaac. This much damage wasn’t enough to kill a senior undead, a death knight. He had suffered quite a lot of damage from the almost master level aura, but the skull, where the death knight’s soul was stored, was still intact. The Black Knight could keep fighting if it so desired. Of course, from now on, Randolph would have a one-sided advantage. If Isaac judged all of this rationally, there was only one conclusion he could make. Unsurprisingly, he reacted as Liliana expected.

“…Dammit! Attendant!” Isaac shouted, rising from his seat.

Then his attendants rushed to cover the body of the Black Knight, who still hadn’t collapsed, with a rug. Isaac’s intention was to end this situation before someone pointed out that no blood was flowing out from the knight’s body. Liliana knew this, but she didn’t want to challenge it and make the situation bigger.

[Hey, Employer.] At that moment, Randolph, who had lost his opponent, walked toward Liliana. [Are you going to leave it alone? Isn’t this a chance to expose what that agent is?]

[Well, your words aren’t wrong.]

However, Liliana didn’t choose that option. It was possible to claim a connection between the Orcus Company and black magic, but that was just cutting off Isaac’s path of escape. Would a rat cornered by a cat bite back? However, the problem was that Isaac wasn’t a rat.

[The risk is too large. The death knight hasn’t lost strength yet. There is no guarantee that Isaac only has one Black Knight. Additionally, you probably spent a lot of energy in that duel, Captain Randolph.]

[Umm, I can’t deny that.]

[It is better to take a step back. I’ve attained the item I wanted, and I don’t know how they will react if I accuse them.]

It was a realistic point. Although there were no apparent injuries, Randolph’s physical condition wasn’t good since he had used aura without a break. If the death knight was in a position where he no longer had to hide his power, then Randolph would face a more unfavorable battle without an Aura Ability. Additionally, both Randolph and Lili were dead if one more death knight emerged. The gamble was too risky, so they should be satisfied with this much.

[…Che, it can’t be helped. I understand.] In the end, Randolph stepped back. Liliana’s words were correct, and Randolph was also worried about the actions of the cornered Isaac. So, Randolph descended from the duel stage and placed his falchions back in his sheaths while staring at Isaac. Despite his shabby clothing, Randolph was the winner.

‘The skirmish was won, although it was a close call.’

By tacit agreement, the duel between the two bidders ended. * * *

The attendants of the Orcus Company carried the body of the Black Knight away, while the spectators, who enjoyed the exciting spectacle, vacated their seats. The result was obvious, so they had no interest in the following announcements. The notary, who watched the two swordsmen compete fiercely a while ago, looked between the two bidders and declared, “The 57th underground auction, the duel bid for ‘Charlotte’s Necklace,’ has been won by Bidder Lili’s representative, Randolph Clovis. Therefore, the winner of this duel bid is Lili. Do both of you recognize this result?”

“I recognize it.” Unlike Lili, Isaac didn’t answer immediately. “……” “Agent Isaac?” The notary asked him one more time. Then the answer fell from Isaac’s heavy lips, “…I recognize it.” Isaac’s bloodshot eyes showed that he didn’t like this ending. If a passing child saw the scene, they would burst into tears from fear. His expression was dark, but there was something else it contained which incited a feeling of fear.

However, the notary’s declaration wasn’t over yet. “In accordance with the rules of the duel bid, the price for ‘Charlotte’s Necklace’ must be paid by Agent Isaac. 300 gold please.” Crunch. Isaac made a loud noise before pulling out 300 gold and handing the gold over to the notary. It seemed like he wanted to lash out at the notary, but he maintained his patience. This was a common sight for the notary… The losing bidders always screamed or glared angrily at him.

The notary turned to look at Liliana with a weak expression and said, “With this, the duel bid is over. Lili, ‘Charlotte’s Necklace’ is now yours.” After that, a box was placed before Liliana. Just like the first time she saw it behind the glass box, this was the necklace which contained the curse. Charlotte’s Necklace… If it entered the hands of a warlock, it would be able to demonstrate the power of a national treasure. After a moment of hesitation, Liliana held the necklace.

However, at that moment…

“Think well.” Agent Isaac’s red eyes were staring at Liliana and Randolph with dark emotions flashing in his eyes. This was a warlock who was suppressing the urge to kill both of them right now.

“If you take the necklace like this, one day you will pay for it. It is too late for you to regret it.”

Liliana didn’t ignore him and nodded. “Those words are correct.”

The confused Randolph and Isaac listened until the end, expecting there to be something more. However, Liliana laughed and smashed their expectations. “You should’ve just let me win the bid. Didn’t you suffer big damages because of the duel bid? I am thankful for the lesson that you taught me.”

“You cheeky fellow!” Isaac finally reached the limits of his patience and turned away. His reaction proved that Liliana’s words had stabbed him. The Orcus Company’s budget was huge, but Isaac would be responsible for the 300 gold he lost. The notary joined Lili and Randolph in giggling at Isaac’s embarrassed retreat.

“Kuhat, this is pretty interesting for a half price commission. That agent’s face became as red as a tomato.” “Kukukuk, who wouldn’t?” “Huhu, it is fun to laugh.”

The two men, who savored the victory, started to talk seriously after the notary left. Randolph, who had experienced the death knight’s combat power directly, asked Liliana with an unexpectedly serious expression, “Young Mistress, what will you do from now on? Is the Orcus Company’s black magic at a scale we can handle?”

“I have to inform the Magic Society,” Liliana replied without any hesitation.

Even if Randolph was almost a sword master and Lili was a 6th Circle sorceress, it wasn’t a problem the two of them could afford to deal with. The Orcus Company was one of the top three companies in the central continent, and they used taboo black magic. There were all sorts of ways for the warlock to increase the strength of their warriors, so it was better for a national force to be mobilized. Fortunately, Liliana remembered that she had a liaison. “I will leave a passphrase for an information source of the White Tower. It might take a little bit of time, but the Magic Society will send an investigation team to survey the Orcus Company within a fortnight.”

Randolph felt assured and laughed as he knocked on Liliana’s shoulder. “As expected from Young Mistress. You don’t have any gaps.” “That isn’t true. To be honest, it was a mess.” Liliana sighed at Randolph’s praise.

This wasn’t a false humility. It was by chance that Randolph was in this city, and she hadn’t expected the opponent to be a death knight. The operation had been full of holes from beginning to end. If Randolph had lost this duel, Isaac would’ve acted to confine her more thoroughly. Numerous possibilities had joined together to give Liliana this victory. So, Lili couldn’t say that it was due to her own skills.

When Randolph saw Liliana’s gloomy expression, he quickly changed the topic. “Well, at least we won. Isn’t that right? You must’ve gone through some hard times. Let’s have a few drinks and exchange some of the stories that have accumulated.”

“…I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that isn’t possible.” “Eh? How come?” Randolph was confused by Liliana’s grim facial expression.

“We will leave as soon as the sun rises tomorrow. We can’t rest easily after poking the Orcus Company.” “I shattered that piece of tin, so isn’t it okay for a few days?” “No, that isn’t the case.”

The fearful thing about a necromancer was the strength of the undead. An undead which was not completely destroyed would be restored to its original state once it had enough time and black magic power supplied. If a living person was supporting it, the death knight would be able to recover from the damage Randolph had dealt it in just a few days. There were all types of limitations in a duel, but the undead could exert all its power in a raid in the middle of the night. This meant they had to get out of the city before the death knight recovered.

“Hoo, then are we just going to wait in the inn tonight? Then it can’t be helped.” However, Randolph’s grumbles changed Lili’s mind. Randolph was a great warrior, so maybe the Orcus Company wouldn’t act so easily. Couldn’t Lili afford to exchange a few drinks with the one who had brought her the difficult victory?

Liliana made a decision and stated, “Come on, guide me.” “Huh? What?” “Didn’t you want to have a few drinks? Perhaps you don’t know any taverns?” “No, Young Mistress just…”

Liliana shrugged at Randolph’s expression and walked ahead. “Aren’t we leaving tomorrow?”

Randolph understood Lili’s curt words, and a big smile emerged on his face. He had been born as the child of a prestigious family, but his nature was of a wolf who loved freedom. Now, he would relieve his throat which was dry from the hot fight.

“Okay, then will Young Mistress be paying?” “Of course. Thanks to the 300 gold saved today, you can drink until you pass out.” “Kuoh… As expected from Young Mistress!”

At that moment, Gibra who had been waiting in the distance interrupted them. “Cough! E-Employer, can I join as well?”

Liliana laughed. It was quite awkward to see him acting like this despite his two-meter-tall size. Frankly, Gibra had watched from a distance ever since Liliana accepted the duel bid. However, he didn’t turn his back on Lili even to the very end. Despite being from the backstreets, Gibra kept his loyalty to Lili.

“I will buy for you too because you didn’t run away in the end,” Lili said. Then Gibra, who normally looked at others with a threatening expression, smiled brightly and cheered, “Ohh, thank you. Employer is truly magnanimous!”

“What, this person was hired by Young Mistress as well? Then we have one more friend to drink with.” “There is a lot to talk about! You must’ve suffered in the meantime.”

The two people, united by their stories about Liliana, walked through the streets of Sipoto. They had entirely different appearances and voices, but the conversation between the two people was quite good, as their involvement with the stormy Lili acted like the mediator between them. Therefore, the alienated Liliana just laughed and followed behind the two gossipers.

‘…This is a good way to end the day.’ It wasn’t efficient, but she couldn’t enjoy life if she always pursued efficiency. Liliana thought about Charlotte’s Necklace in her pocket and placed her left hand over it. Soon after, it was placed in a blank space. This was the [Inventory] that not even a legendary thief could steal from. With a more relaxed mind, Liliana decided to enjoy the night of fun.

Chapter 135 – The Goal Is The Port (1)

As the sun rose the next morning, Liliana watched the horses get attached to the carriage in preparation to leave.

The two horses naturally had luxury pedigrees. It wasn’t comparable to the limited express carriages of the big companies, but it was the best that individuals could afford. She would’ve been able to obtain it if she used the Polonell Company, but that would mean exposing their tracks.

It was natural for Liliana, a foreigner, to be extra careful.

‘…It won’t mean much if they’ve already found me.’

Fortunately, there were no signs that the watchdogs had caught up yet. However, Lili had to hide until she left the gates. Until then, she focused her senses carefully. This was how Lili knew about the shadow that had appeared behind her while she was stroking a horse’s mane.

It was affected by the angle, but the shadow was extra long.

“Good morning. Have you come to say goodbye?” Lili looked back to see the gigantic Gibra standing there with a shrug.

Last night, Gibra had drunk more than half of the tavern’s casks, but his complexion was just as good as that of a master-level aura user. A common person would have to lie down for a week, or they may have even died on the spot.

Gibra nodded and opened his mouth to speak. The commission was over, so his tone was the same as when they first met. “Well, something like that. I would’ve just sent you off, but the request this time turned out bigger than I thought.”

“Do you have useful information?”

“It is called the after sales service. Be thankful.”

Liliana was interested and listened obediently.

“You said that you don’t have a designated destination right now?”

“Yes, I was supposed to stay longer.”

It was now an old story, but Liliana was originally planning to spend at least three months in Kargas. However, there was the variable called the underground auction, where she had clashed with the Orcus Company.

Of course, the original books she collected were more than expected. She had expected to be stuck here for a few months, but she exceeded her target slightly and gained an unthinkable extra income. From now on, it was time to worry about the backlash caused by the jackpot.

“If possible, go to the east.”

“The east?”

“Yes, the east.”

Liliana made a vaguely puzzled expression. Then Gibra explained, emphasizing the reason, “The base of the Orcus Company is to the southwest of the central continent. Therefore, its influence is particularly strong in the south and west, while it is weaker in the east. You will be able to breathe easier if you go to the coastal kingdom.”

“Thank you for teaching me, but is it okay for Gibra to be giving me this after sales service?”

“No, I think this is just right.” Gibra was pleased that a blow had been dealt to the Orcus Company. “There have been a few times when my jaw dropped open, but it was a fun request.”

Liliana noticed that Gibra had his own ulterior motives, but she could also tell that Gibra’s answer wasn’t a lie. It was because Lili’s developing senses were gradually improving her intuition. It was also true that Gibra’s advice was helpful.

So, Lili bowed sincerely. “…Thank you.”

“I hope to see you at a later time. I will collect a few original books and sell them to you for a high price.”

“Yes, then next time.”

After the short goodbye, the two parted ways. They might meet again, or they might never meet again. Everyone in the world knew this fact, but they continued to move on with a vague expectation.

As Liliana climbed onto the driver’s seat, Gibra entered the much more familiar back alleys. Then Akan appeared from where he had been waiting in the shadows.

“Thank you for the good work, Branch Director.”


The positions of the two people were the same as always. Gibra walked first, while Akan followed behind. They had been working together for several years, so Gibra could tell that there was something suspicious in Akan’s stride. It wasn’t difficult to guess the reason for that.

“Akan, are you curious about why I helped ‘her’?”

“T-That… I’m sorry.”

“There is no need to be sorry. It is natural to be curious when thinking about it. The Empire’s intelligence network has placed a bounty for information about ‘Meltor’s Hero,’ so why did I miss the gold coins lying before me?”

The atmosphere of the alley cooled as soon as those words, ‘Meltor’s Hero,’ were mentioned. The power of the Information Guild might not stretch to the northern continent, but they were the best information guild in the central continent.

There was no reason they wouldn’t hear about the reputation of the hero, who had rescued a high elf from slavery and created the alliance with the neutral Elvenheim. They were also aware that the Andras Empire would pay a lot of money for information about her. Nevertheless, Gibra had kicked away his chance.

“Well, I would’ve gained a lot of gold if I sold the information. The empire is filled with barbarians, but they aren’t ones to break their promises. Perhaps it is true that they will give the gold.”

“Then why…?”

“Hey, Akan,” Gibra’s chilly voice interrupted, “We are rats in the gutter, but we are still rats that live in the gutters of Kargas. Earning a few extra gold coins isn’t worth risking the whole country. If we sell this information to Andras, we will become enemies of Meltor.”


“The Andras Empire is a country that has no interest in alliances. Our help is only worth a few gold coins. Once we are thrown away, the armies of Meltor will come down to the central continent.”

Once that happened, they were screwed. Unlike the north which had experienced war for hundreds of years, the central continent was weakened by a long period of peace.

They only had one or two master-level people, compared to the north which had more than six or seven. Meltor and Andras… either one of them was a power the central continent couldn’t afford going against. However, more than anything else, Meltor wasn’t a warmonger like the Andras Empire.

The grace he was giving Lili now could be paid back for an expensive price later. It wasn’t about a personal favour to Liliana Miller. These thorough calculations were Gibra’s real intentions. He had expected Akan to have some reservations, so Gibra had come to this alley.

“-So, you can’t be left alive.”

Akan’s body fell to the ground. He died before he even noticed the black dagger stabbed in his neck. This was the remarkable ability of the man assigned as the branch manager of Sipoto, the ‘King of Mice.’

As he looked at the face of the man he’d killed with one attack, Gibra muttered, “…You are competent, but you are a cheap bastard. I know that you won’t be able to keep your mouth shut in the face of gold.”

So, Gibra killed him. He pierced the neck of his subordinate, whom he had known for several years, to prevent the possibility of this information leaking. As always, there was a bitter aftertaste. Gibra spat out a mouthful of phlegm in attempt to shake off the bitter taste.

He couldn’t reverse what he had already done. From now on, he could only look forward.

Today’s investment would be returned several times over in the future.

* * *

Without knowing about the murder that had just taken place, Liliana’s carriage ran aggressively out of the city. Liliana, sitting in the driver’s seat, was in the midst of drawing something.

“30 degrees on the right… 42 degrees on the left again… add a triangle to the hexagon and a pentagram to the circle…”

To outsiders, it would be mumbling with an unknown meaning, but any mage would be surprised to hear it. Lili’s mumbled words were dozens of equations and hundreds of arithmetic operations being completed. It was also done during the rough carriage ride. There were more impacts than there would be when riding in a high-class carriage, but Lili didn’t feel any nausea.

Instead, she successfully completed her calculations. “Okay, this is done.”

With satisfied eyes, she looked down at the magic circle she drew in minutes. It was a magic circle used to call a summon, which she pulled from Satomer’s absorbed knowledge. Originally, this spell required an offering which would act as a catalyst to summon something, but Liliana didn’t need to have one. It was because of the ‘contract’ handed over by Satomer.

One drop of blood was enough for the call.


There was a bright light as the drop of blood fell. Light flowed along the magic circle drawn on the parchment, and as mana flowed near it, a gate was created which the summons could access. After signing the contract, she could just call the summons by using its name. However, this process was inevitable since she wasn’t the contractor yet.

Eventually, all the preparations were over, and Liliana recited the name of the summon.

“I call you as your name contractor, the crow who thinks-”

It was the summons she’d gained from Satomer.

“Your name is Hugin!”

Simultaneously, something black emerged from the magic circle. A few feathers fluttered as the wings staggered, and a crow soon rose up before Liliana’s eyes. Liliana looked at it with admiration, then the crow’s beak opened. Was it going to cry out like an eagle? Lili was filled with expectations.

After a moment, the crow called Hugin cried out, Kyaack-!


Kuwaaack-! It was a small cry. Liliana, who had been expecting a lot, let out a long sigh, while someone appeared at the sound.

“Hey, Young Lady. What was that sound? It sounded like a drunk person was vomiting.”

“…Over there.”

“Eh? A crow?” Randolph’s expression changed the moment he heard it was something Liliana had summoned. It was because the crow didn’t fit Young Lady’s image at all. He covered his mouth while he hunched over like he had cramps.

“P-Puah. I laughed very well. I didn’t know you could summon such a thing.”

“I thought it was time to do so.”

Lili could feel some of the frustration that Satomer had felt all throughout his life. As Liliana felt like she was chewing on something bitter, Randolph sat down beside her. For an aura user who was close to a master, nausea was a distant story, and he had no interest in reading books like Liliana.

After a minute of silence, Liliana opened her mouth first. “…I’m sorry I got you caught up in something so annoying.”

“Hmm?” Randolph looked over at the abrupt apology.

“You became enemies with the Orcus Company because of me. If I hadn’t done this, you wouldn’t have to run away-”

“Stop there, Young Lady.” It was a fair apology, but Randolph shook his head firmly and denied it. “Do you think I did this just to help you? I had my own thoughts when I decided to follow you. So, you don’t have to feel sorry for a decision I made.”


“No, I wasn’t honest. I actually am fortunate to be accompanying Young Lady.”

‘Fortunate?’ Liliana’s eyes became bigger at the unexpected answer.

Randolph became the enemy of a warlock and even fought against a death knight. Still, he was sincere. He was genuinely delighted that he got to meet Liliana again. It might be the intuition Randolph got when he found his ancestor’s swords in the Miller Barony.

Fun things always happened around this person.

“I regained the heirlooms and trained my skills for a year, but I couldn’t get that feeling of urgency or improvement from that time. Then I met Young Lady and experienced a fight that made my blood boil. It has been a long time since my hair stuck up like that.”

Randolph realized it while colliding with the death knight. His stagnant skills had started to experience a breakthrough in that fight. The back of his neck cooled as he moved around the boundary of life and death. It wasn’t easy to meet these types of opponents.

That was why he had decided to accompany Liliana. It was in order to reach the master level shimmering in front of him.

“This is a journey to complete my sword. So, don’t worry or feel sorry, Young Lady.” Before Liliana could reply, Randolph changed the subject. “By the way, where are we going now?”

Lili laughed at the clumsy method and replied, “I am thinking about going to the east. The influence of the Orcus Company is less in the Soldun Kingdom, so we can breathe and sort things out there.”

Liliana needed a break now. She had obtained more than 20 original books and needed to experiment with ‘Charlotte’s Necklace.’ If she arrived at the coastal kingdom in the east of the continent, she would be able to secure some time.

However, Randolph’s expression changed subtly at Lili’s words. He looked at Liliana uncertainly before muttering, “Well, will it turn out that way?”

“What do you mean?”

“In the meantime, wherever Young Lady goes, incidents happen. I don’t think Soldun will be an exception…”

Liliana had no choice but to smile wryly. “No way… I have to believe that won’t be the case.”

“Is that so?”

They sighed and looked at the broad grasslands of Kargas.

If they maintained this speed, they would be able to leave the Kargas Kingdom and cross the border of Soldun in a week. As to whether the Orcus Company’s hands would reach them by then… there was such a bet.

Chapter 136 – The Goal Is The Port (2)

However, on the first night of her departure from Sipoto, Liliana had no choice but to admit her prediction was wrong. The first one to recognize the presence wasn’t the almost master level swordsman, Randolph, or the 6th Circle sorceress, Liliana. On the roof of the carriage, the crow, Hugin, cried out as it discovered something strange on the horizon.


Thanks to the summoning magic, the image which Hugin saw was burned onto Liliana's retina. Simultaneously, Lili closed the book she was reading and shouted at Randolph, who was in the driver’s seat, “Randolph, stop the carriage!”

“What? Why?”


Randolph sensed Lili’s urgency and tugged at the reins. Thanks to the well-trained horses, the speed of the carriage reduced without any impact, and it stopped 30 meters from the point where it had first started to decelerate. Randolph tried to ask about the sudden order, but there was no need as immediately after that, the ground near the back axis of the carriage began to shake.

Ku ku ku kung…!

“W-What, this feeling?!”


Unlike the confused Randolph, Liliana had a helper who could let her know the underground situation. The little girl appeared at Liliana’s feet and asked, [Lili, you caw?]

‘Yes. I’m sorry, but can you go straight into the ground? I need to know what is going on.’

[Yes! I noe!] As always, the girl replied with short words before diving into the ground with her distinctive hoing.

‘…Okay, there are two of them.’

As Mitra dug into the ground, the presence of two beings entered Liliana’s mind. One was ‘Hugin’s eyes,’ watching something on the horizon. The other was ‘Mitra’s vision’ which had just entered the ground. Her mind was confused by the two scenes, but Lili kept her composure. It was thanks to her mental training to handle Umbra. Eventually, the source of the shaking ground was revealed.

“No way. Sand worms?!”

The name emerged from the lips of Liliana, who was in shock. Sand worms were a type of insect monster which lived mainly in the desert. Their bodies were several dozen meters long and were capable of quick movements because their weight didn’t match their bodies. However, their skin was soft, so they couldn’t move in places where there was hard ground. The ones Mitra was showing Liliana ignored these constraints.

Kududuk! Kudududuk!

The sand worms continued advancing despite the rocks, gravel, soil, and sand rubbing against their skin. They didn’t care about the blood which poured down occasionally or their internal organs which sometimes fell out from scratches on their body. It was a wound which living sand worms wouldn’t have been able to endure.

“Undead. Using zombie sand worms as a means of transportation… Isn’t this quite creative?”

It was as she said. A zombie sand worm could move anywhere under the surface of the ground, no matter how painful the journey was. According to some researchers, a sand worm could move at a speed which was equal to 60km/h. Furthermore, it could run without feeling any fatigue because it was an undead.

This way, it wasn’t unreasonable that the followers had caught up with Liliana. As they arrived at a point just ahead of the party’s carriage, the movement of the sand worms caused a tremor which was close to a small earthquake. The sand worms broke through the surface of the ground, causing blood to soar and splatter.


It was a frightening roar. Of course, Liliana and Randolph weren’t scared of sand worms, but they couldn’t prevent their expressions from changing into shocked expressions after seeing the sand worms’ appearance. This was because undead started pouring out of the body of the sand worms.

[Kill… them…]

[Living… but…]

[Die… together…]

Contaminated with black magic power, the bodies were already closer to metal than biotissue. This was the intermediate-ranked undead which could reproduce some of their original physical abilities and skills. They mumbled, so that meant there was some intelligence remaining. Which kingdom had they been soldiers of when they were alive…?

In their formation, the skeleton soldiers, armed with armor and spears or swords, started advancing toward Liliana. This wasn’t the chaotic assault of a corrupt group but a corps with proper tactics, and there was someone controlling them from behind.

“Sheesh, this type of offensive is annoying,” Randolph grumbled as he moved forward.

“Then I’ll increase the number of allies.”


Liliana tapped her index finger instead of answering. Clack! There was a sharp sound as the bracelet around her wrist sparkled. The bracelet was the artifact created by the Yellow Tower Master and borrowed from Kurt III. Six living armors suddenly appeared around Randolph, who laughed and twisted his double swords as he felt their incredible presence.

“Ohh, then this is a different story.”

Going from one to seven, the total sum of combat power itself hadn’t changed much, but the advantage wasn’t light as it reduced the pressure of being surrounded. Randolph’s role was to act as Liliana’s escort. It was the sorceress, not the swordsman, who played the protagonist in these types of battlefields. The essence of Liliana’s ability as a sorceress was to dominate the battlefield with overwhelming magic power.

“Please escort me well, Captain Randolph.”

Liliana pulled out her staff, which she had never used before.

* * *


With an eerie sound, the neck bone of five skeletons were severed. They were reinforced with black magic, but they still couldn’t endure Randolph’s aura. He wielded his two falchions like he was jumping into a flock of sheep. Any shield or armor hit by his weapons were broken and scattered into pieces. It was impossible for intermediate-level undead to resist Randolph’s aura. As a result, over 100 skeleton soldiers were turned into grey ash.

However, that wasn’t all. The six living armors Liliana had summoned were quite successful. The poison infesting the skeleton soldiers’ weapons were made of black magic and only affected the living, so the living armor blocked the undead army from reaching Liliana by becoming a steel wall.

“…Isn’t this flowing along easier than I thought it would?” Liliana muttered as she raised her staff. ‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Fire Ball Sixfold.’ The magic was invoked without speaking. If another magician was here, they would be foaming at the mouth.

Liliana’s fire magic, enhanced by her high sensitivity and max fire attribute affinity, was already beyond the standard of the circles. There were six fireballs, each one having the power of a 4th or higher level circle. Additionally, she received the assistance of a staff which she didn’t normally use. The undead fell apart under the catastrophic bombardment.


In a second, charred bones became ashes, and those in the center of the explosion were destroyed by the fire. It was the result of pure destructive power. There were only six rounds, but the scale was enough to shake the entire battlefield. If it were ordinary 3rd Circle magic, a skeleton soldier would be able to endure half a dozen of them.

However, Liliana’s eyebrows twitched when she saw the result. ‘What the hell are these guys? Why are they so weak?’

If the warlock in the distance heard Lili’s mumbles, he would be shaking in shock. The skeleton soldiers the warlock led were the remains of the elite army of an old kingdom. It was an army strong enough to compete with senior undead such as the death knight or dullahan. This was a force much stronger and more capable than the corpses Lili had previously encountered at the Miller Barony.

‘No, is it just my perspective that is different?’

After all, Liliana was 10 times stronger than she had been at that time.

Kwaang! Kwang! Kwaang!

She simply shot fireballs at 10-second intervals, but the number of undead was rapidly declining. The sight of the skeleton soldiers collapsing like scarecrows in the rice fields must be a nightmare for the maker. The stalemate was increasingly pushed as gaps appeared between the countless soldiers. The headcount might seem unlimited, but in the end, all warlocks had a limit. Not long after that, Randolph had nothing to do.

“Ah, Young Mistress is still absurd.”

The skeleton soldiers were destroyed faster than those emerging from the sand worms. Thus, the front line was pushed back, and the need to protect the front of Liliana disappeared. Randolph just watched mournfully as fireballs shot at the enemy constantly.

However, it was at this moment that…

Ku ku ku kung…!

Another sand worm suddenly soared up behind Liliana. It was different from the other sand worms; this one was meant to be a ‘ghoul’ instead of a ‘zombie.’


Therefore, the reactions of Randolph and the living armor were late. The speed of the ghoul worm, which was better than its physical capability in life, was comparable to a killer whale in the ocean. The snout of the worm opened, and a warlock in black robes popped out. “-Kuhuhu! You weren’t alert, you fools!”

Randolph was able to realize right away that the warlock standing in the distance was a fake, while the real one had hidden in order to catch Liliana unaware. He stepped forward, but the black magic spell was completed several beats faster.

“Evil spirits from the abyss, slay her…!”

The black magic curse, Doom Wight, summoned wraiths which couldn’t even be compared to specters or banshees. The warlock had formed the curse by gathering at least 10,000 spirits. This was a mass of malice which could kill any living creature just by touching it. The most frightening thing about it was that defense magic or physical resistance was no use against it. The fatal drawback was that despite such a high cost, it was a disposable thing that could only be used once.


The moment that the reddish black magic power sprang up like lightning, a drop of sweat rolled down Randolph’s neck. ‘…That son of a bitch was watching Young Mistress’s abilities.’

Liliana had torn apart the undead army with fireballs and showed no signs of fatigue despite the constant bombardment. The warlock had seen this and didn’t hesitate to ambush Liliana. He then prepared a spell dangerous enough that he was certain he could kill Liliana. Was it possible for Liliana to survive this surprise attack?

Of course, it was.

“Was this why you wanted me to wait?” Lili muttered.

Had Lili gone crazy after seeing the impending death before her eyes? The warlock scoffed when he heard Liliana muttering to herself. -That’s right. I was waiting for this.

However, Liliana was talking to someone else. With Alfred’s sensory perception and Mitra’s detection ability, very few things could surprise her. Nevertheless, there was a reason why she had waited for the warlock to reveal himself and allowed the warlock to complete the spell—Doom Wight, a black magic spell composed of ‘evil spirits.’

It meant…


It meant this was Gluttony’s prey.

Chapter 137 – The Goal Is The Port (3)

Of course, the Doom Wight wasn’t so common as to fall under the same standards as other evil spirits. It was an evil spirit made from thousands of souls and refined to be full of malice. Despite being a disposable summons, it was difficult to survive against the Doom Wight unless the other person was of the master level.

Unfortunately, the Doom Wight encountered the wrong girl.


The tongue emerged from the hole in Lili's left hand with a creepy sound. The image of terror, Doom Wight, was astonished to see the greedy tongue. Beyond the greedy tongue was the abyss, the storage place of the grimoire which ate grimoires, where Death’s Worship was kept. Anything which fell into the category of magic was a gift for her to devour.


Forgotten emotions were revived in the evil spirit which had been born for the sole purpose of slaughter. It was the primal feeling which prey felt when they were about to be eaten. The evil spirit’s instincts understood that it was facing a predator, a being on a higher tier of the food chain.


Kiaaaaaaaaa―! The shadow retreated. It continued retreating desperately, even refusing the warlock’s command. However, a magical force was tying it up. If not, it would’ve escaped to the horizon at lightning speed. As a shadow without any impurities, it knew exactly the risk that it was facing.

Goblins and ogres...?

Orcs and dragons...?

Ants and elephants...?

There was no analogy which the despairing Doom Wight could use to express the difference. As Gluttony looked at the fearful Doom Wight, she praised the evil spirit’s quick reaction.

–Hoh, you can grasp what is happening? You are better than a flea. However, that enlightenment can only make you unhappy.

A flea wouldn’t understand what was going on, but the beast who grasped the hierarchy would be the one who felt fear. The Doom Wight was tied down by the warlock’s orders and couldn’t even run away.

Gluttony ridiculed the Doom Wight before stretching out her tongue.


The tongue captured the miserable Doom Wight.

[You have consumed the Doom Wight, a collection of grudges.]

[Your vessel has become slightly fuller.]

[Gluttony has removed the curse left in the Doom Wight.]

“…Hah.” Lili could only smile as she watched.

Her senses had given off a wild alarm, indicating that it was dangerous with her current capabilities. Despite that, the Doom Wight had been taken care of in one bite, making Lili wonder about Gluttony’s limits.

However, Lili’s surprise was nothing compared to that of the person who had summoned Doom Wight, the warlock.

“W-What? What happened to my Doom Wight?!” The warlock was panicked, as he had lost his treasure for nothing. He stared at Lili, even forgetting to flee. However, the warlock didn’t know what a big gap that meaningless action of his had caused.

Lili gazed at the warlock with cold eyes and flicked two fingers.


There were two flashes of light, and the warlock’s thighs were pierced.


A fool who didn’t have much practical experience in the field wouldn’t be able to endure this. The warlock lost the ability for both of his legs to function, causing him to fall to the ground. It was a bonus that his forehead was injured as he struck the hard ground.

The ghoul worm belatedly responded to its master’s pain, but Lili’s casting was faster. She cast a large fire attack magic which could crush even large monsters.

‘Blaze Burst.’

Unlike ordinary magicians, she didn’t need to chant, and the formula calculations ended 10 times faster due to Lili’s intelligence. Lili completed the 5th Circle magic in just a few seconds.


This was the masterpiece of her teacher, Vince Haidel. The fire pillar emerging from the ground turned a part of the ghoul worm’s body and head into ashes.

It wasn’t a damage which could be sustained by an undead, even a ghoul undead. Fire magic which completely killed biological tissue wasn’t fatal to the undead, but Lili’s output was several times higher than normal.

Hence, the ghoul worm lost half of its body in an instant and collapsed.


The ground shook intensely, causing the warlock to regain consciousness. The warlock quickly tried to move his body, but,..

“Where are you going?” Randolph’s double swords were placed at the warlock’s neck. If the warlock tried to chant even one syllable, the swords would cut his carotid artery.

Lili might’ve intended it, but Randolph had been caught off guard and his employer almost paid for it. So, Randolph was reflecting on his mistake, making his swords seem more eerie than usual.

Lili checked the boundary and then approached.

“What the hell are you?” The warlock asked first. “I don’t know what you did, but you annihilated a Doom Wight. You are also a 5th Circle magician at this age. A person like you can’t live in obscurity!”

“…You seem to be misunderstanding something,” Lili replied coldly to the question and kicked the thighs of the warlock which had been hit by Magic Bullet. There was a loud sound and blood trickled down.

The warlock was struck with terrible pain! His face distorted at the damage dealt mercilessly to his wound.


However, Lili didn’t stop at just one kick.


The warlock moaned as the pain continued. It was to the extent that blood had flooded down his thigh and covered Lili’s shoe. Lili looked at her shoe before glancing at the warlock’s distorted face.

“My role is the questioner, and your role is to answer. Do you understand?”

“…Don’t make me laugh.”


The warlock should’ve been in significant pain, but he just sneered as he alternated looking between Lili and Randolph.

“This body is a warlock who explores death and indulges in pain. Do you think I will open my mouth because of such flimsy torturing...? You might have skills in magic, but you are still a kid.” The taunting words contained their own confidence.

Warlocks would suffer from severe torture when captured in order to find out the names of other members of their organization. Therefore, warlocks were methodically trained to handle torture, including a procedure which allowed the nervous system to tolerate magic attacks.

So, even a professional torturer couldn’t open this warlock’s mouth.

Lili also knew this fact. Subjugating warlocks was one of the duties of a war mage. She knew that torture magic had been made useless by warlocks long ago. Warlocks had a technique which nullified torture by paralyzing their nervous system, and they could ignore pain below a certain level.

“Kuk.” However, Lili laughed at his confidence. “Hey.”


Lili mourned the misfortune of the warlock she caught.

“Have you ever heard of Separating Muscles, Reforming Bones?”

* * *

According to Lee Yoonsung, who had been born in the East, this technique hadn’t originally been used for torture.

Unlike in the continent where all sorts of recovery magic and potions were developed, there was no way for the east to heal wounds rapidly in the East, causing detailed research on the human body to be carried out. The research was on the bones, muscles, nerves, and how mana flowed through the blood.

Separating Muscles, Reforming Bones was a treatment based on that type of knowledge.

Separating Muscle meant literally separating the muscle fibres, while Reforming Bones meant mixing up the framework.

It was a technique which loosened the muscle fibers and restored broken bones to their original states. This technique was for treating the internal wounds which weren’t seen on the surface, and it became a must for any healer in the East to learn.

‘There was one drawback that couldn’t be improved.’

The technique caused truly terrible pain. The pain which occurred when muscles and bones were affected wasn’t at a level that anyone could endure. Therefore, when Separating Muscles, Reforming Bones was used, it was common to use an anesthetic medicine or to paralyze the spinal cord in order to make the patient unaware of the pain.

However, there were those who exploited the technique maliciously.

“―――――!” The warlock couldn’t even scream. Whenever Lili’s fingers twisted the warlock’s muscles, the warlock’s body would spasm. Only a weak breathing flowed from the warlock’s vocal cords to his mouth.

It was a ‘humane’ torture because it was treating the victim.

“Ah, I stabbed the wrong place.”


Of course, fatal mistakes could happen in the process. Fortunately, the warlock’s insides didn’t break. The unfortunate warlock trembled with a tearful face and runny nose.

After just 30 minutes, the warlock gave up all resistance.

“Agent Isaac sent you?”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

“You are just the person sent in advance, and there is still a team to come?”


“What is the name of your organization?”

“…I... don’t... know.”

It didn’t take long to finish the questioning. The warlock answered whatever Lili wanted to know after Separating Muscles, Reforming Bones was used. Whenever he hesitated, Lili would raise a finger, and the warlock would reply in a flash.

Furthermore, the warlock, called Oldun, was of a low rank and didn’t know much about the organization.

Lili asked one final question, “The black magic you used last time, can you use it one more time?”

“…Doom... Wight... Is that correct?”

“Is it a spell that calls evil spirits?”

“Yes... but... it’s disposable... magic...”

If so, he couldn’t use it again. Lili aimed her finger at the warlock without any hesitation.


There was no way for the tortured warlock to avoid it, causing his body to lie down neatly. Lili didn’t stop there as she burned the body with fire magic. A necromancer might be able to find out information from any body parts left behind.

Randolph clicked his tongue as he watched from the side. “Hah, I didn’t know Young Lady would use such a cruel method.”

It was true. Torture gave mental pain to the person doing the torturing, as well as the one being tortured. Lili wasn’t born with that type of desire in her. Still, she hadn’t hesitated to torture and kill the unknown person.

In this sense, she had grown. However, Randolph couldn’t help feeling some regret as he remembered the past.

Lili shook her head with a wry smile. “Randolph, do you know the 10 Commandments of the Red Tower?”

“What? Of course, I don’t know.”

“Then I will use this opportunity to tell you a little bit.”

The 3rd commandment of the Red Tower was that trash could sometimes be recycled, but human trash was generally not recyclable.

The Red Tower’s 8th commandment was that a good warlock was a dead warlock.

The Red Tower’s 9th commandment was that the method of death didn’t matter as they were still going to die.

Randolph shook his head with a stunned expression. The Red Tower was famous among the mercenaries, be it for good or bad reasons. However, he hadn’t imagined such drastic guidelines. It was fairly crude, but it wasn’t a bad creed for Lili to follow.

The atmosphere was tense, so Lili changed the topic. “They still don’t know my identity but sending out these troops… It seems like the Orcus Company is quite big in the organization.”

“I think so as well. This warlock might’ve fallen easily, but they aren’t simple opponents. We can’t ignore it if these guys come on a daily basis.”

“That’s right. So, I was thinking...” As Randolph waited, Lili pulled out a map. She unfolded it on a flat spot in the carriage and pointed as Randolph came to her side. “We need to change our destination.”

Randolph looked at the point where Lili's finger had stopped at.


“Yes, it is one of the few port cities in Kargas.”

“…Ah, I understand. Rather than sticking to land, we should take a ship?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Randolph grinned as he understood what he was seeing. Lili almost smiled while rolling up the map.

The undead were vulnerable to sunlight as well as to the sea. Unlike under the ground where not many predators existed, there were all types of fish and marine life in the ocean. Additionally, the strong waves would apply pressure to the bodies of the undead.

By using the simple method of going by sea, Lili could tie up the hands and feet of those using methods of transport like the sand worms.

Randolph was convinced and climbed into the driver’s seat instantly. “Then which direction is Ramos?”

Lili gauged the distance before opening her mouth to say, “If we run all day and night... we will probably arrive in a day.”

“Okay, a day is good.” Randolph gathered the reins of the two horses and started the carriage with a look of excitement. The plains, which had been filled with the undead a while ago, now only showed faint traces of the zombie worms.


This time, the carriage moved forward without any interruptions. They headed toward the horizon where nothing was visible yet, as the rush for the pursuers to catch up soon began.

Chapter 138 – Unusual Passenger Ship (1)

Since ancient times, cities had flourished nearer to the center of the country and declined as they moved further away. Of course, some cities close to the border had a strategic value, but Ramos wasn’t one of them.

Nevertheless, Ramos had a geographical advantage. It was part of the coastline called a ‘cape,’ a terrain which stretched from land to sea. It was a port city. Yes, Ramos was one of the few port cities in the middle of the wide central continent. The area was too narrow to be used as a strategic point, but there were no problems with transportation using the sea route. Furthermore, it was also famous for being a shortcut to the eastern part of the continent. For these reasons, Ramos evolved into a level comparable to that of other metropolitan cities, despite being on the edge of the kingdom.

The day began in its usual manner.

“Hey, the youngest! Open the door at once!”
“Yes! I understand!”

The youngest guard assigned today, Hanson, ran toward the pulley controlling the gate. As with any city, Ramos controlled any nighttime admissions by locking the gate. It was a considerable distance from the habitat of the nearest creatures, but there was no harm in being careful. Then in the morning, the gate would open as the sun rose.

Dururuk…dururuk… Hanson arrived at the pulley and started opening the gate with his thick arms. The walls weren’t very high, so the gate wasn’t that big, but a few soldiers were supposed to open the gate together. Yet he was being asked to open it on his own. This was the hazing style of the Ramos guards.

“Kuoong…!” Unsurprisingly, Hanson’s face flushed red, but he couldn’t open the gate. However, he had considerable strength for a human who couldn’t use aura. The senior guards, who were watching him, whistled as they were startled that a fairly good newbie had entered.

But that relaxed expression didn’t last long.

“Uh, who is coming from over there?”
“What? How long until they arrive?”
“They’re coming soon. Based on the dirt, it is a small but pretty high-end carriage?”

The guards watched the horizon from the walls every day, so their eyesight was similar to that of a good hunter. They noticed the presence of a carriage coming from the western horizon and quickly determined the identity of the approaching carriage. It was okay up to here as it wasn’t rare for guests to come early in the morning. However, the problem was that the speed of the carriage was more than imagined.

“W-What? Why is it so fast?!”

The veteran guards belatedly noticed the seriousness of the situation and hurried down the wall. A high-end wagon meant the guest was a noble or from a top business company. It wasn’t a situation where they could be late because they were hazing the newbie. Hanson, who was already exhausted, kept turning the pulley firmly with his seniors.

Durururuk…! The gate opened at a super fast speed. Shortly afterwards, Liliana’s party stopped in front of the gate. The guards, who had passed through the crisis, became nervous again as they saw the carriage.

“Blood marks…?!”

It was impossible to find the original appearance of the carriage, which had been shiny at the time of purchase. The carriage looked as if it had passed through the middle of a battlefield. This was natural. Liliana turned away from the surprised guards toward the forest they had just passed through. There were still thousands of undead inside.

‘Dammit, it was much more annoying than the first night.’

After killing the warlock who attacked first, Lili had been vigilant but hadn’t seen any shadows at all. To be hidden from Hugin’s detection, the other warlock must be hiding a few kilometers away. In the meantime, their purpose of trying to stop the carriage had been revealed. It was why the enemies only used low grade undead, unlike on the first day. In the end, Lili and Randolph gave up on fighting the undead and just concentrated on breaking through.

Flop. Finally, one of the horses started foaming and collapsed to the ground.

“…I am really sorry.”

Lili had repeatedly used Haste and fatigue recovery magic on the horses, which meant the aftermath was terrible. The other horse was just barely standing. It would’ve died as well if it had run a little longer. Liliana used simple magic to bury the horse that died. Then she turned towards the nervous guards.

Lili had a convenient means of not having to answer any questions.

“I am from the Polonell Company.”

The sentence and the plaque were enough to make the Ramos guards step out of the way.


“We will split up here.”
“Yes, I’ll see you at the port later.”

After entering Ramos, the two of them split up according to their roles. Randolph would dispose of the wrecked carriage and remaining horses, while Liliana would see if there were any ships heading toward the Soldun Kingdom.

‘I hope we can leave today.’

She had entered the city somehow, but that wasn’t enough to stop the Orcus Company from attacking. Lili and Randolph could only shake off the rabble… It would be hard if two senior-level undead like the death knight appeared. The Doom Wight had been taken care of thanks to Liliana and Gluttony, but it would’ve been fatal for Randolph if he had been alone. The force behind the Orcus Company was much stronger than expected, so she needed to escape that power as quickly as possible.

However, the answers Liliana heard weren’t optimistic.

“There are no ships left?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, but they are all booked…”

It was a mistake Lili made because she'd never seen the sea or a ship in her life. “It will be similar even if you ask another shipping company.” Basically, all the ships were booked. There was an obvious limitation to the number of guests a boat could hold, and it was difficult to show flexibility, unlike traveling over land. Moreover, she was looking for a ship heading to another country. There were occasions when there was a vacancy, but luck wasn’t on Liliana’s side this time.

She was talking to Belf, a member of Luere Shipping.

“During this period of time, most ships are going to the south or north, so there are only three ships heading to the Soldun Kingdom. If you book now, you will probably have to wait a month.”
“Even for someone from a top company?”

Belf’s eyes narrowed as he saw the mark that Liliana held.

“Oho, you are from the Polonell Company.”

However, Belf didn’t hesitate to shake his head. Despite Liliana’s status or money, there were really no places left. On the sea, the Polonell Company’s name didn’t play a big role. The Polonell Company’s influence was mainly based around the land routes to the north, which meant it didn’t have as much influence in the distant areas on the Central Continent. Ramos was among them, since it mainly operated via the sea.

Liliana bit her lip at being blocked in an unexpected place.

‘If I can’t get a ship here… do I need to obtain a carriage and run to the western border? No, it is tough due to the time spent here. I also need a carriage good enough to break through the undead’s siege… Should I go into hiding?’

She was cornered. Liliana recognized this fact and looked at the floor with a grim expression. Although she had the knowledge, brains, and experiences of several great people, Liliana was still young. Veronica would’ve overcome this adversity with her strength, while Vince would’ve booked a ship in a port city from the very beginning.

It was at this moment that…

“Umm… Did you say you are called Lili?”
“Ah, yes.”
“As I said, it is impossible with a normal ship. However, it might be possible with a special ship.”

The depressed Liliana scrambled at those words. “Special ship?”

She could pay no matter how much the extra charge was. Thanks to the duel bid, the money she’d spent at the underground auction wasn’t that big. However, instead of explaining the implications, Belf placed a finger to his lips. “However, there are two conditions.”
“What are they?”
“First, you must agree to maintain the confidentiality of the ship. You will know the secret after boarding.”
“…I understand.”

Liliana wanted to complain, but she wasn’t in a position to be picky. She needed to fend off the pursuers and arrive at the Soldun Kingdom. As long as she could achieve her purpose, Lili didn’t care about the surprise.

Belf then told her the second condition. In some ways, the condition was what Lili had expected.

“Then I need a deposit.”
“Do you mean I have to pay extra?”
“No, not that.”

Liliana looked confused, making Belf smile and whisper loudly, “Is there someone in the group other than Lili?”
“Yes, two people including me.”
“Then 20 gold is required. If you pay 10 gold each, you will know why eventually.”

Did he mean the rest of the money would be collected after boarding? Liliana tried to ask, but Belf was adamant that he couldn’t explain any more.

‘Che, it can’t be helped.’

Due to her circ*mstances, Lili had to take a submissive attitude. In the end, Liliana accepted Belf’s offer. She handed over a few gold coins and received two boarding passes. Thanks to the bronze mark of the Luere Company, it was difficult to make counterfeits of the boarding pass. Perhaps this wasn’t a one-time thing.

“I will arrange a room for two people. The departure time is this evening.”

Liliana looked down with a worried expression and asked Belf something she had almost forgotten, “How long will it take to get to Soldun Kingdom? I heard that we can arrive as early as four days.”
“Ah, I’m sorry. My explanation is late.” Belf scratched his head at the question before replying, “The ship makes a little ‘detour,’ so it will take more than a week. Do you have any urgent business?”
“…No, it is okay.”

Liliana thought for a moment before putting the two boarding passes away. The most important thing was getting rid of the chasers from the Orcus Company, not arriving at the Soldun Kingdom quickly. The advantage of going by sea was that she didn’t need to be worried about raids from the warlocks. The zombies, ghouls, and other low-level undead couldn’t withstand the pressure of the sea currents or the sea creatures.

However, Liliana was skeptical about the special nature of this ship.

‘Let’s meet Randolph and tell him the news.’

Liliana left the Luere Company and headed toward where Randolph would be waiting. As the leader of a mercenary group active in the central continent, Randolph might know the secret.

Chapter 139 – Unusual Passenger Ship (2)

"Hmm... I'm sorry, but I'm not sure."

However, Liliana’s expectations were burst. Randolph, despite having been active as a mercenary on the central continent for nearly a year, didn’t know anything about the secret ship. Randolph gave his reply with a frustrated expression while eating her grilled fish. His stomach was empty after the two-day pursuit, so she was transforming this fish into energy.

Randolph chewed one more time before continuing to speak, “I certainly came to the central continent earlier than Young Miss, but the scope of my activities wasn’t that wide. At best, I moved from the midwest to the center of the south? I never went close enough to the east to see the coastline.”

"...I see."

“Well, even if I was active in the east, it's unlikely that I would know this information. Based on Belf’s story, it seems to be a pretty secretive ship.”

Randolph laughed as he drank his cup of beer, stating that the job of a mercenary wasn’t one where they would be trusted with anything confidential.

It was natural. Mercenaries were those who would kill someone for a few gold coins or throw themselves onto a battlefield they had nothing to do with. Those types of mercenaries had no sense of belonging and would regard secrets as nothing more than a contribution to their well-being. Who would want to share secrets with people like that? It went without saying that merchants were well aware of this habit.

“We’ll just have to see,” Lili muttered while putting down her empty plate. No matter what trap was hidden on the ship, both of them needed a way to get out of Kargas quickly.

Come to think of it, it had only been two days. As soon as they left Sipoto, they had been attacked by undead on a nightly basis, and Liliana and Randolph had barely gotten any sleep. It was clear they wouldn’t last much longer while traveling by land. Regardless of the trap, it was like child’s play compared to what they were facing, so the opinions of the two people were unanimous.

Jingle. “I ate well.”

They paid for the food just as the sun was setting. It would soon be the departure time Belf mentioned. Thanks to that, Liliana didn’t have to wait and moved straight to the marina. The distinctive fishy smell of seawater tickled their noses as they got closer to the sea. It was a new experience for two people who had lived on land all their lives.

Liliana kept moving as she looked at the number on her boarding pass. ‘This is Number 3… If it is Number 5, we have to go a little further.’ Fortunately, there were signs all over the marina, so they didn’t get lost. The two people soon arrived at Bay 5, in front of the ship indicated on the boarding pass Lili purchased from Belf. Then their mouths dropped open.

“...Young Miss, isn’t this pretty big?”

“…It isn’t just big.”

The ship was enormous. Unlike the military ships which required agile movements, passengers had more value the larger they were. That was because they could hold more guests and facilities. If this was the case, the ship in front of them would be considered one of the best in the industry. What was the ‘secret purpose’ of this ship? Lili felt a burning curiosity about its purpose.

Despite being unable to think, the two of them approached the ticket inspector at the entrance to the ship.

The inspector asked them in a blunt manner, “A passenger?”

Liliana answered with her boarding pass, and the inspector stepped aside after examining the contents, indicating they could go inside the ship. Lili and Randolph crossed the plank connecting the ship to the pier and entered the enormous passenger ship with worried expressions.

Randolph grumbled at the unfriendly treatment, “What, there isn’t a guide for such a big boat? Aren’t they going to let us know our room?”

“Is it really like that?”


Liliana looked at the number engraved on her boarding pass. There was a three-digit number which wasn’t the boarding date or departure time. In this situation, it was likely to refer to only one thing—their room number. Thanks to the indoor maps placed all over the ship, Liliana could easily find their room, Room No. 306.

Randolph stepped forward first in case there was any danger and opened the door. At the same time, he let out a sound of admiration, “Ohh.”

Liliana belatedly looked inside and had the same reaction. ‘I truly can’t believe this is a ship.’

Some of the famous passenger ships in the Soldun Kingdom had banquet rooms inside, but that wasn’t the case in Meltor, where shipbuilding wasn’t very developed. However, what about the interior of the room before them?

There were luxurious sofa beds and furniture made out of wood which wouldn’t be easily corroded by the sea breeze. A chandelier hanging from the ceiling didn’t use real fire, but was a magic light which could be turned on and off by pulling a string.

The ship was several times more luxurious and functional than those in the northern continent. However, these differences were inevitable. The two powers in the north, Andras and Meltor, couldn’t afford to develop their shipping businesses. In the past, they had tried to make ships to enter each other’s territories, but the ships were sunk by the harsh currents. Moreover, they had developed small merchant ships and fishing boats, but they weren’t able to invest more due to the wars.

“Phew, I feel better now.” Randolph looked around the room before falling down on the couch. This meant there was nothing that could be a problem. It was the same with Liliana. She used Hawkeye to examine the ship, but no issues were found.

However, Liliana still felt suspicious. “…It is too plain.”

“Huh? Isn’t it good if it is plain?”

“No, it is ‘too’ plain.” Liliana shook her head and rejected Randolph’s words. “I thought this would be a pleasure ship, a gambling ship, or even a smuggling ship. Those are the only reasons to operate a ship secretly. Rather, this is just a passenger ship.”

Nevertheless, this ship was too plain, but it wasn’t in a particularly good or bad way. Lili was able to confirm this because she used vision penetration magic on the whole ship. The guests in the rooms were all dressed, and their behavior wasn’t frivolous. They were nobles, or at least nouveau riche. If so, there should be something on this ship which could squeeze their wallets.

‘No. I looked around a few times and such a facility doesn’t exist.’

There were no places for gambling or parties. The structure of the guest rooms and dining rooms were completely faithful to its function as a passenger ship. Apart from the guests, only the crew were on board.

Liliana knew that the world wasn’t so clean, so she couldn’t let go of her doubts so easily. However, Randolph’s way of thinking was a little different. “Well, why don’t you think about it later?”

Just like magicians, mercenaries had their own rationales.

“Besides, there is no one on the ship who can threaten me or Young Miss. There is no point worrying about the problem with no answer.”

“…Aren’t you too relaxed?”

“I am a mercenary. Young Miss’s head is part of your assets. You should use this time to have a break.”

Randolph’s words were a mess, but in the end, Liliana was convinced. As he said, there weren’t enough clues to reach an answer. It wasn’t too late to make a judgment after seeing the ship for a few days. Right now, it was time to recover from the chase which had lasted two days.

‘...I’ll close my eyes this once.’

Liliana climbed onto the fluffy bed and closed her eyes as she felt the shaking of the ship. The sound of people shouting and rowing indicated that the ship was about to depart. It also meant they had escaped the Orcus Company’s pursuit.


As she listened to the choppy sound of the waves, Liliana fell asleep.

* * *

A few days passed by.

Unlike the doubts which Liliana had on the first day, the passenger ship continued its voyage. There were no disruptions on board, and the others guests spent their time walking around the deck or in their rooms.

At first, Liliana was busy looking around. However, her expectations were soon defeated and she started to study. She had reached the 6th Circle, but Lili hadn’t had the chance to learn much 6th Circle magic due to being chased.

‘If possible, I wanted to learn space magic first but...’

Liliana looked at some of the stacked books with unhappy eyes. The difficulty level of space magic was beyond awful. She hadn’t expected to reach the same level as the White Tower Master. However, just learning to travel long distances like Shugel would require staying in a room for years and raising her proficiency at calculating space magic.

She didn’t know if the White Tower Master had written any books, but right now, Liliana’s understanding wasn’t good enough. The only source of comfort was that the expansion of her vessel was going smoothly.

“...Hmm.” At that moment, Randolph opened his eyes from where he was meditating in a corner. On the first day, he had rested without thinking. However, after that, Randolph hadn’t missed a day of training.

He had already become a master in terms of swordsmanship and physical abilities, so the only task remaining was to awaken his Aura Ability. Randolph had kindly explained that meditation was required to gain an image of that ability. However, today’s meditation had no results.

“Damn, it is visible but not visible. I felt like I can almost reach it if I stretch. However, I really don’t like meditation,” Randolph grumbled as he loosened his muscles which were stiff from sitting.

The two of them had never left their room since the moment the ship departed until now. Meals were called to the room, so apart from when they went to the bathroom, they only trained.

Randolph finished his grumbling and finally looked at Liliana. “Ah, that reminds me Young Miss.”


“You seem to have learned an interesting martial art since the last time I saw you. Do you want to have a quick spar? It will be a light one with just bare handed fighting.”

“Umm…” Liliana thought for a moment, but she also felt a stiffness from being stuck in one place. She placed a bookmark in the book she was reading before responding to Randolph’s suggestion. “Then let’s do it lightly.”

Chapter 140 – Unusual Passenger Ship (3)

As she answered, Liliana’s legs spread to the proper interval, balancing her center of gravity so that she could move from side to side as she wanted. The expression in Randolph’s eyes became serious as he looked at Liliana’s reaction, one which only a skilled person could show.

He had noticed it during the chase, but Randolph once again realized that Liliana was completely different from one year ago. In the tense atmosphere, Randolph took the first step.


His fist stretched out as his voice faded away. Even if he didn’t use aura, the physical abilities of an aura user were a weapon in itself, allowing him to break bones if his fist made contact. An ordinary person couldn’t even see the afterimage, but fortunately, Liliana wasn’t an ordinary girl.

Bang! Lili’s arm formed a semicircle as her fist also stretched out. It was a high-level Shift Energy technique found in the eastern continent, which emphasized ‘firmness’ and ‘domination.’

‘…I couldn’t get rid of everything. He’s faster than I expected.’

Liliana shook her palms and prepared for the next attack. It was twice as fast as she'd expected. She wanted to raise her palm to defend, but Randolph’s next fist came before she could do so.

The dual-wielding swordsman, Randolph Clovis, was as fast and sharp as his swords. He punched and prodded at any gaps.

Bang! Pit! Paang! Bang!

The fist and palm hit each other, causing the air between them to explode. As Lili’s palm moved away, her fingers swelled, and a few drops of blood fell, causing a spot on the floor to turn red. Understandably, it was Randolph who was superior in this confrontation, while Lili was just sufficiently maintaining a defense. A swordsman wasn’t just about using swords. Rather, the body needed to be trained as much as possible to handle aura. A body which had been trained for decades was truly terrifying.

Randolph wasn’t an opponent that a year’s worth of training could beat.

‘No, what is this shameful situation?’

However, it was Randolph who was bewildered by the situation, not Liliana.

In fact, he was going to teach the dangers of melee combat by suppressing Liliana with his first attack. A sorceress who had learned a little bit of martial arts naturally couldn’t compare to someone who had been professionally trained in close combat.

However, he hadn’t expected for his first attack to be blocked and to then exchange a few blows. Randolph looked at his employer with a frightened expression. ‘Where did she pick this up?’

There was no explanation for it. The human body rarely improved rapidly, even if it went through systematic and rigorous training. Some of those who had a hereditary lineage would occasionally inherit their ancestor’s superior abilities, but this wasn’t the case with Liliana.

There must’ve been an extraordinary opportunity for Liliana’s poor body from last year to grow like this. However, that wasn’t the only reason Liliana was difficult to deal with.


Her palm moved at the correct timing to deflect Randolph’s fists. Liliana’s moves were never wrong, as if she had done this more than a hundred times. Additionally, she didn’t get caught by Randolph’s feints.

Randolph tried all types of feints, but Liliana filtered out the real and the fakes, defending against the real one. Randolph didn’t know, but it was because Lili’s sensory perception was so sensitive.

‘Amazing. There is no chance of winning in a close combat match.’

However, like Randolph, Liliana was also shocked. Despite Lee Yoonsung’s physical abilities, his martial arts, and Alfred’s super sensory perceptions, Lili was only able to maintain her defense without counterattacking.

Of course, it would be different if Lili used Umbra and other means, but Randolph hadn’t even used his aura yet. At this moment, Lili realized that a close combat match with a master class was reckless.

Randolph had achieved his goal, but he continued to swing his fist unconsciously. He predicted that this confrontation wouldn’t end so easily.


Then, at the next moment, Randolph retreated three steps and formed a fist. It wasn’t impossible for Liliana to anticipate the retreat, but the retreating movements were too quick. This was the strength of a person who dominated ‘speed.’ Randolph could fight at any time and withdraw at any time.

“It is admirable. You are a sorceress. Becoming like this in a year… you truly are a genius. I grew up hearing that I was a genius, but I’m nothing compared to Young Mistress.”

“…You are just complimenting me.”

“No, this isn’t enough. If you were born in the Andras Empire, isn’t it possible for you to become the youngest of the Seven Swords?”

Randolph didn’t know about the grimoire, Gluttony, so the only reason for the incomprehensible achievement was Liliana’s talent. Of course, Lili smiled bitterly because she wasn’t actually a genius and yet Randolph just thought she was being humble.

Randolph blamed the unfair world with a few words before forming two fists. His right fist was raised to his shoulder, while his left fist moved down to his waist.

Jjirak. Liliana felt an extreme sense of caution. It was impossible to understand the meaning of it, but her senses were giving her the maximum level of a warning.

“Fortunately, I still have something to teach you.” Randolph smiled when he saw Liliana’s stiff response.

Then Randolph moved...


The sound was one beat late. By the time the sound was heard, Randolph’s fists had already reached in front of Lili’s eyes, and there was no time for Liliana to react to the attack. If Randolph had intended to kill Liliana, Lili definitely would’ve stopped breathing right then.

Liliana couldn’t move her feet. Pure physical power against trained martial arts… the winner and loser were decided in a moment.

“Well done.”

“Good work, Young Mistress.”

It was a phenomenon which couldn’t be understood, but Liliana didn’t forget her courtesies at the end, and Randolph accepted it. However, the question wasn’t resolved. Liliana’s eyes looked like those of a beast demanding an explanation, causing Randolph to stutter.

“W-Well, I had a thought. It was truly correct.” Randolph’s cryptic words scratched at Liliana’s nerves.

“What did you think? And why were you right?”

“I found out what Young Mistress is lacking.”

Liliana listened quietly. She had absorbed Lee Yoonsung’s experience, but it wasn’t perfect. Randolph was close to being a master, so his advice would definitely be helpful. As Liliana calmed, Randolph’s expression turned serious.

“The basics are good. You know how to distinguish real attacks from fakes, meaning your discerning eye is better than that of ordinary knights. You won’t be easily caught by a surprise attack in a melee.”


“The problem is what comes next. Since you only know the basics, you don’t have an answer when a technique like the one I used at the end shows up.”

Liliana silently accepted it. Randolph’s last technique was literally ridiculous. It was a technique using an aura user’s massive physical abilities and couldn’t be easily understood. Randolph called it ‘Hidden Meaning.’

“Well, the name varies. Whether it is ‘Hidden Meaning,’ ‘Vision,’ ‘Secret Technique,’ or ‘Mystic Arts’… the important thing is its nature, not the name. It’s a decisive martial arts blow that can only be demonstrated after faithfully accumulating the basics.”

Randolph drew his swords and took on a posture to deal a deadly blow that didn’t show any errors.


The blow couldn’t be seen. The acceleration wasn’t even shown as Randolph’s blow broke a ball of dust in the air into two pieces. This was the swordsmanship of the Clovis family, at one time a member of the prestigious Seven Swords of the Empire.

Randolph put the swords away without any boasting and said, “I don’t know who taught you martial arts, but if you have time, you should learn the rest. Otherwise, you won’t be able to beat ‘real’ people in close combat. Of course, Young Mistress is a sorceress, so there is no reason to do that.”

“…Thank you.” Liliana bowed respectfully.

The knight’s and sorceress’s paths were different, but advice to reach the next level was always useful. After thanking Randolph, Liliana was left to ponder about something she had forgotten about—Transmission.

To put it bluntly, eating the book ‘Battle Song’ was getting in the way of Liliana’s Battle Song. The synchro rate was high, but her physical abilities were low, which meant she failed to reproduce even half of Lee Yoonsung’s skills. It would take a few more years if she wanted to search her memories and pursue those afterimages.

However, the story was different if she could fully absorb the soul with Transmission. It would be like with Alfred, where Liliana could use all of his abilities. The words Gluttony had spoken also proved the possibility.

–Transmission isn’t normally used in that way.

In the past, when Alfred’s soul had been absorbed, Liliana had almost died. However, according to Gluttony, there seemed to be a more modest way of using Transmission. Anyway, it was necessary for Lili to keep in mind the expansion of her ‘vessel’ as she started thinking about new possibilities for Transmission.

Then at that moment…

[Lili!] The childlike voice ringing through her head got rid of her thoughts. The refreshing voice belonged to the ancient elemental Mitra, who was contracted with her.

‘Mitra? What’s going on?’

[Here baba!]

‘Huh?’ Liliana turned her head and found the party involved.

“…Mitra, don’t bother Hugin.”

The girl with light brown skin and hair like ripe wheat stood on the head of the crow. Of course, the girl was Mitra and the crow flapping his wings was Hugin. She was an independent entity, but Mitra’s essence was still an ‘earth elemental.’ Her range of action was limited on a ship crossing the sea.


Therefore, Mitra made a new friend with wings. Kyaaack!… Of course, it was unknown if her friend was thinking the same thing.

‘I’m sorry. I’ll feed you well later.’

Liliana looked at Hugin with sad eyes before turning to Mitra, who had called her. She might’ve called her to play as usual, but it felt like that wasn’t the case today.

Mitra’s eyes flashed as she spoke again, [Lili! Here baba!]

“Huh? Aren’t I looking at it now?”

[Eung? No! Not see it!]

‘What is she saying?’ Liliana was perplexed by her words, and Mitra suddenly banged against Hugin’s head.

[Bwack sail! Bwack sail!]


It might not seem like it, but Mitra had the power of an intermediate-level spirit. Not long after, the flying Hugin let out a cry, and ‘Clairvoyance’ was invoked. Simultaneously, the horizon appeared before Liliana’s eyes. Liliana was confused by the sudden sight but she had already experienced this several times, so she focused her senses calmly.

There had to be a reason Mitra was showing her this landscape. Unsurprisingly, Liliana peered out with a pinched face.

“…Black sails.”

Those who didn’t know the sea might say that the color of the sails didn’t matter. However, the sailors would scoff at them. The color of the sails revealed the purpose of the ship. White represented passenger ships and domestic trade vessels, blue represented international trade vessels and ships carrying delegations, while other colors symbolized the military vessels of various countries.

However, there was a color that didn’t belong, and it was the black sail symbolizing ‘sin.’ There was only one type of ship which flew a black flag—a pirate ship.

There weren’t just one or two but five. A passenger ship which had abandoned mobility and combat power in order to raise its size wouldn’t be able to go against them.

“Randolph, arm yourself right now.”

“I already am.”

As a veteran mercenary, his movements were truly fast. He armed himself the moment the words ‘black sails’ came out. The two equipped individuals left the room instantly. Liliana continued using Clairvoyance while walking to the deck with Randolph. As the faint smell of seawater and perfume entered her nose, there was a sense of discomfort.

‘…Why didn’t I get a warning?’

Her senses detected all ‘enemies’, including things like ‘evil’ and ‘spirits’, so why hadn’t it noticed the existence of the pirate ship? No, it still didn’t give off any discomfort despite Liliana realizing the situation. This was a first for Liliana who had gone through many difficulties.

However, her question would disappear in the near future.

Chapter 141 – Pirate Archipelago (1)


As the two women ran onto the deck, there were passengers who didn’t know the situation yet. If a battle occurred, it made no difference if they hid inside or outside. However, Randolph and Liliana couldn’t understand the nonchalant faces of the weak.

The black sails of the pirate ships were approaching them from the horizon. “What, did they come as a group?” Randolph looked around with a confused expression.

‘…Rather, the atmosphere is strange.’ In contrast, Liliana doubted the whole situation. It was because her sensory perception was silent and the reactions of the surrounding passengers were consistently strange.

The pirate ships were already close enough to be seen by the other passengers. Despite this, the passengers on deck were still busy chatting among themselves while eating snacks and drinking. Meanwhile, the way the two of them were looking around made them seem like outsiders.

Under these circ*mstances, the pirate ships continued approaching, and with the wind blowing, the ships were close enough for arrows to fly. If the pirates shot arrows from this position, the deck of the passenger ship would quickly become bloody. However, arrows didn’t come flying, and Liliana heard a voice calling from behind, “Hey, Young Lady!”

She looked back and saw a middle-aged man smiling strangely at her. Liliana kept an eye on the pirate ships while cautiously asking the middle-aged man, “…Did you call me?”

“Yes, you are stiff. I’m guessing that this is the first time you and your companion have been on this ship.”

“That’s right.”

“Hahaha! I knew it. People who visit this ship for the first time are always confused by this situation. Pirate ships suddenly appear, but the other passengers don’t react at all. People will naturally be confused!”

Just like a fool playing with knives, the middle-aged man chuckled. However, Liliana and Randolph didn’t laugh and continued to gaze at him with cold expressions. Thinking the two women were angry at him, the middle-aged man exclaimed hurriedly, “Oh, I don’t mean that you are stupid!”

Liliana ignored his excuses and asked, “Then that means this is related to the secret of this ship?”

“T-That’s right. I guess I’ll explain.” The middle-aged man was pushed by the pressure of the two women and opened his mouth while sweating. It wasn’t a direct pressure, but the tense atmosphere of a 6th Circle sorceress and master level aura was more than ordinary people could endure. Rather, the middle-aged man was quite good to endure that slight pressure as he started the story.

“Simply put, this isn’t a passenger ship but a cruise ship.”

“Cruise ship?”

“That’s right. While it is true that the final destination is the Soldun Kingdom, the destination on the way is a little special.”

The middle-aged man regained some strength as he mentioned its name—the Pirate Archipelago. A group of islands which didn’t belong to any country got this name after pirates settled on them. It was off the east coast of the Kargas Kingdom, and a few days northwest from the archipelago was the Solun Kingdom. Those who existed within the boundaries of the law didn’t know about this lawless land.

“Pirate Archipelago? In the end, it is just a base for pirates.” It was as they said, but the middle-aged man didn’t accept it.

“Then there would be no reason for the ship to visit it.”

The middle-aged man, who identified himself as a merchant of the Rommel Company, explained the reason. Perhaps it was his hobby to add some atmosphere or because he was shaken by the pressure of the two women, but his voice had a foreboding tone as he told the story.

‘Hrmm, I got involved in something more complicated than I imagined,’ Lili thought.

If the man’s explanation was correct, the Pirate Archipelago only started this ‘tourism industry’ 50 years ago. The islands, which had originally been uninhabited, became a gathering place for refugees and outlaws from various countries. Among them were once promising swordswomen and criminals known for their superior dexterity. As they lived together in one place, they turned into a big force and became pirates to make up for the barren soil and scarce animal husbandry. They were villains who raided private houses on the coast, fishing boats, and merchant ships in order to feed their families on the island.

However, the Pirate Archipelago faced an unexpected demand. As a lawless zone located on the outskirts of the law, it was charming to some people. Those who dealt with prohibited goods and those who weren’t satisfied by money alone started to change the Pirate Archipelago.

“It was the birth of a whole new form of entertainment.” The middle-aged man clapped and nodded. “You can enjoy all types of luxuries and things that are prohibited, such as forbidden merchandise or slaves from foreign countries. It is literally the island of pleasure.”

“Yes, so…”

Was this the cause of the heated atmosphere? Liliana looked at the passengers with sunken eyes and sighed. The pirates weren’t enemies but guides who had come to take the tourists to the Pirate Archipelago. No hostility was felt so her sensory perception remained silent. Liliana’s eyes narrowed as she grasped the situation.

‘Should we turn this upside down?’

Before that, there was a woman who expressed this thought.

[Young Mistress, should we do something?] Randolph’s Hidden Voice growled like a beast, clearing Liliana’s head.

Lili glanced at the middle-aged man who had gone to join the others and shook her head.

[That isn’t possible. According to him, this ship and the pirates are in cahoots. There aren’t many people who don’t know the situation, and there is no guarantee any of them will join us. More than anything else…]

[More than anything else?]

[There is no way to survive if the ship sinks from the fighting.]

‘Losing’ wasn’t something the two women worried about. It might be arrogant, but they were entitled to think that. If they didn’t worry about the damage, it would take a short time to sink six ships into the ocean. However, there was bound to be disapproval from the captain if they asked to move to the shore after that. This was why Liliana avoided a battle at this point. Randolph knew this, but momentary passion had clouded her eyes.

Liliana whispered to her, [Just endure it for now. There is a proverb from the East that is used in situations like this.]

[What is it?]

Before answering the question, Liliana stared at the people in the distance. Her keen hearing picked up all the words they spoke, despite the distance in between. The captain of the passenger ship and the leader of the pirate ships… It was a mutual brotherhood that was disgusting.

Liliana gazed coldly at them and replied, [Go into the tiger’s den to catch the tiger.]

* * *

After the captain and pirates finished their greetings, they returned to their respective ships and connected unknown chains to the passenger ship. Then the five pirate ships turned and started to pull the passenger ship in one direction!

‘What the hell is this?’

Even Liliana, who didn’t know much about ships or navigation, thought it was ridiculous. There were five pirate ships, but the weight of the enormous passenger ship far exceeded the sum of all five. It was said that the burden was reduced by buoyancy, but then it would be better for the ship to move on its own. In the end, the pirate fleet pulled the passenger ship.

Chwack…chwack… The wind blowing into the sails slowly added speed to the six ships. The ships increased in speed as they escaped from the heavy waves. 5 knots to 10 knots, 10 knots to 15 knots… It didn’t take long form them to reach full speed, and this was with the large passenger ship attached to them!

“T-This is ridiculous!” Liliana was shocked by the incomprehensible phenomenon and approached the front where the chains were connected. Randolph followed behind, but Liliana forgot about her.

‘Perhaps there’s some weight reduction magic on the chains?’

This question caused Gluttony to poke out her tongue. Despite the tongue sweeping the surface, no information popped up. In other words, this was a pure chain with no magic. However, Liliana kept searching without giving up. If these chains were ordinary, something else might be the cause. A sorceress’s curiosity blazed in her eyes.


How long did she ponder for? Then Liliana’s eyes finally noticed something. The pirate ships pulling the large passenger ship with the chains looked like galleys, and they were showing an uncanny pace.


-…Bothering me to work as soon as I wake up.

‘Stop complaining. If you stretch out your tongue, can you reach that place?’

–Hmm? Gluttony glanced at the pirate ship and replied in an excited voice, –It is a little dicey, but I can just reach it.

Simultaneously, Liliana stretched out her left hand. ‘Appraisal!’

The red tongue quickly popped out from the hole in her left palm. It was a bold attempt, but no one could see it properly. The waves were constantly breaking, creating water vapor and limiting visibility. The tongue stretched downwards from Liliana and succeeded in touching one of the pirate ships.

The information window Lili had been waiting for popped up.

[Pirate Ship No. 17 (Ship)]

[This is a galley built six years ago. It was made by excellent craftsmen from materials which are strong against sea breeze and salt, giving it a long life and high durability. Due to the weight reduction and strength enhancement spells engraved on the surface, it is 30% faster than normal galleys. However, the worth of this ship is due to the ‘divine protection’ on it.

* This ship is rated ‘Rare.’

* It can’t be consumed. Please reduce the size. You can eat it if you separate the areas where magic is engraved.

* When consumed, the digestion time is 55 minutes and 17 seconds.

* When consumed, the proficiency of weight reduction spells will increase.

* When consumed, knowledge of ‘navigation’ will be acquired.

* The blessing of an unknown existence is hanging on it. The ship will gain additional acceleration, and the wind and waves will always be favorable toward it.]

‘…An unknown presence!’ Lili didn’t care about the other information as she gazed closely at the ending words. Frankly, the weight reduction magic or strength enhancement magic wouldn’t increase the speed of the ship that much. The secret of the speed was something which couldn’t be comprehended with Gluttony’s Appraisal, due to ‘someone’s protection.’

‘Indeed, we are going somewhere strange.’

Even though there was a demand, a large-scale lawless zone like the Pirate Archipelago was bound to experience some damages from this tourism business. Regardless of how many benefits there were, the planners always needed to be alert to the emergence of variables which couldn’t be controlled. It was now that the reason finally showed itself. There was a deterrent that the central continent couldn’t touch easily. Just ‘who’ was the one who blessed the pirate ship?

‘I was avoiding trouble and then this appeared.’

Maybe the place they were heading to was more dangerous than the warlocks of the Orcus Company.

Chapter 142 – Pirate Archipelago (2)

Two days later...

Without knowing about Liliana’s anxiety, the five pirate ships proceeded smoothly through the waves. It was at a truly terrifying speed. The pirate ships with the unknown ‘blessing’ always had their sails inflated with wind from behind, and the hard waves never stopped them. Liliana clicked her tongue as she watched.

‘Even the famously quick ships of the Soldun Kingdom wouldn’t be able to catch up with these pirate ships.’

It was obvious for a sailor, but the speed of the ship was determined by environmental factors rather than the performance of the ship itself. This meant it was difficult to advance in a headwind or against strong waves, even if it was a good ship. On the other hand, a cheap ship might be able to move faster if it was carried by the wind and waves.

However, these pirate ships moved while maintaining the optimal conditions. It was different on land, but she could see that these ships had the absolute advantage on the sea. This wasn’t a speed that human ships could catch up with. Randolph also realized this despite not knowing much about sailing, as he approached Liliana and muttered, “Hah, it is ridiculously fast.”

“You can tell?”

Unlike land which had many indicators, it was hard to determine speed on the sea. There were no trees, hills, or slopes. The only thing which could be seen from the deck was the horizon stretching out in every direction. However, Randolph didn’t hesitate to nod and reply, “The wind pressure, position of the clouds, the sun and angle of the light… Any number of factors can be used as a guideline.”


A veteran sailor could do it, but Randolph was a monster who was half a step away from human standards. His senses were overwhelming despite the lack of experience.

In fact, he was right. It was now five days after departing Ramos and two days after encountering the pirate ships. Nevertheless, the distance they passed in these two days was much further than during the first five days of travel. Using simple calculations, it meant they had sped up by more than two and a half times.

If her calculations were correct, they should shortly arrive at the destination.


At this moment when Liliana’s expectations had risen, a strange sight was visible on the horizon. It was the sea fog which was notorious for being a reaper in the reef areas. This wasn’t a phenomenon which would normally occur in the middle of the ocean, but the crew’s response was swift.

“Bring down the sails! Hurry!”

“Stop the oars and wait!”

“Reduce the speed! Leave the anchors alone!”

As the crew members ran around the busy deck, the fog approached at a rapid pace. It felt like the fog was a person approaching them. While Liliana was shaken by the eerie illusion, the six ships entered the fog at roughly the same time.


At that moment, Liliana’s intuition shook violently.

‘T-This isn’t a fog…!’

It just had the shape of fog, but not a single drop of moisture touched her skin. This was a fog which couldn’t be removed by wind and wouldn’t change even when heat was applied.

The fog was a type of boundary line, a ward which wouldn’t allow uninvited guests in. Liliana realized it was why the pirate ships were dragging the passenger ship with the chains. Speed aside, it was a necessary way to pass through the enchantment.

Otherwise, the passenger ship would’ve drifted aimlessly through this fog, never to be seen again. Liliana thought that this fog might be the ultimate barrier protecting the Pirate Archipelago.

“…Young Mistress, have you come to another dangerous place?” Randolph also realized this, and the always present smile was missing from his face.

Even the master level aura was useless in this fog. He might be able to break through with aura, but it would be a huge challenge. Additionally, they might be able to overcome this fog, but could they overcome the creator of this fog? Liliana dropped the odds to below 2%.

While the two of them were tense, the fog lifted.

“Ohh, that place….?”

“It has been a long time…!”

The passengers on the deck burst out with delight. Some passengers admired the view of the Pirate Archipelago they had only heard about, while others were glad to be back. The Pirate Archipelago, an entertainment on the sea which some people would never know about…

The island of sin and pleasure.

* * *

The procedure to enter the Pirate Archipelago was surprisingly orderly.

“Line up in the order of boarding.”

A muscular man wearing a tightly fitted suit greeted the tourists politely. The cutlass hanging at his waist was threatening, and tattoos covered his body. Of course, he was nothing more than a clown compared to Liliana’s and Randolph’s strength.

“Still, this is pretty good.”

“Yes, he is at the level of a first class mercenary.”

The individual skill of the pirate was quite good despite his appearance. In a one-on-one duel, an ordinary knight would be quite pressured. If this man was used to greet tourists, the elites must be composed of very talented people. Nobody dared make a fuss for fear that their necks would be slit.

Soon, it was time for the duo to get off.

“It is a 10 gold admission fee for each person.”

The 10 gold Belf mentioned would be used here. Liliana pulled out 20 gold, including Randolph’s share, and placed it on the man’s rough palm. Then the man grinned and bowed down politely. His palms were rubbing together like he had ulterior motives.

Unsurprisingly, he started to speak instead of moving out of the way.

“Welcome! Is this your first visit to the island?”

“That’s right.”

“Then what do you think about taking a guide? If you add 1 gold, I will introduce you to a nice guide!”

‘A guide…’ As a visitor to the island, Liliana thought about whether she needed one.

They didn’t come to this island for a special purpose, but it was true that they were unfamiliar with this place. It wouldn’t be too bad to bring along a guide who could explain everything. Additionally, the cost of 1 gold was too light for her.


A gold coin was lightly flicked from Liliana.

“Oh, I received it well! Let me call someone over!”

The man grabbed the gold coins at a fast speed and took Liliana and Randolph somewhere else. It was an alley not far from the harbour where the ship was docked. There were shabbily dressed boys and girls sitting down and laughing. As soon as the man approached, the kids jumped up.

However, the man shouted without looking at them, “Jack! If you don’t pop up in 10 seconds, I will hand it over to someone else!”

A cheerful voice was heard in return, “I’m coming now!”

Simultaneously, a boy jumped out of the crowd. He used light movements to climb down a wall like a monkey and landed before Liliana’s group. He had dark skin covered with soot and bright eyes that shone with a wisdom beyond his age. Clearly, he wasn’t an ordinary boy.

“They are guests who have just arrived. Your share is 50% as always, and you will receive the payment as soon as the guidance is done.”

“Yes, thank you!”

The man handed the boy named Jack over to the duo and headed back to the harbor. The rest of the children sat down, leaving only Jack standing as he looked between Lili and Randolph. Unlike his mischievous eyes, he bowed carefully and politely introduced himself, “Hello! Please comfortably call me Jack. I will guide you anywhere you want to go.”

“…Yes, please do it well,” Liliana accepted the greeting lightly.

She hadn’t expected the guide to be a child. Jack probably noticed Lili’s hesitance as he spoke up in a confident manner, “I was born and raised on this island. It will be difficult to find someone who knows it better than me. Is this your first visit?”

“That’s right.”

“Then I will do the whole tour. If there is a place you want to stop at, just tell me!”

After saying that, Jack started walking in front of them with a nimble gait, a gait which seemed to belong to natives of this island.

At first, the two of them followed with strange expressions, but they soon realized the boy’s proficiency. This skill wasn’t possible for just being on the job for a day or two. He must’ve worked as a guide in the archipelago for at least a few years.

The first place Jack directed them to was a casino.

“This is the place where the greatest amount of money comes and goes from our Pirate Archipelago. There is a total of 17 casinos.”

As they crossed several bridges, there was the sound of gold coins rubbing against one another, as well as the smell of alcohol, tobacco, and perfume. Dealers were interacting with guests in half-naked attire. Most of the cupboards in the bar were filled with alcohol, and there were drunk people on the ground, while others were caught trying to cheat.

It was like a depiction of the outskirts of a civilized world.

Jack glimpsed the expressions of the two and started explaining, “Of course, this isn’t an ordinary casino. Unlike the casinos on land, there is no limit to the pot, and things that aren’t readily available outside can emerge as prizes. However, in the case of cheating, you will have to pay back 10 times the amount as a penalty.”

“What if you can’t?”

“…It is like that.” Jack pointed to a homeless man without any arms.

It was obvious that arms used to be there, so both arms must’ve been cut off in exchange for cheating. The rules of the world were bloody, but this place was completely ruthless as it was beyond the boundaries of the law.

However, the two of them didn’t show any signs of wanting to enter the casino, so Jack moved on with a sad expression. Although it was less than the casinos, there was one place which received a lot of tips.

“I guess both of you aren’t interested in this.”

However, what about the next destination? Jack gave a wicked smile.

“Hehe, then let’s go see my sisters. Both of you are handsome and chiseled, so everybody will like you.”

The Pirate Archipelago wasn’t called the island of pleasure for nothing. The prostitutes gathered from all over the continent were just as plentiful and high quality as those on land. There were beauties from the North, the Center, and the South.

It was the instinct of rich men to pursue power and women. The Pirate Archipelago aimed at this, so it was natural to visit the beauties if they were men. Randolph’s nose couldn’t help twitching when he heard it.


At that moment, Liliana hit him lightly.


“If you head in the wrong direction, I’ll tell Rebecca.”

“Heok!” Randolph restrained himself, and his expression became as dignified as his master’s.

Liliana smiled before opening her mouth to say, “No, I don’t want to go to the brothels.”

“Huh? Ah, no. Then where do you want to go?”

“I want to know about a special place.”

‘Special place?’ Randolph and Jack both co*cked their heads at the cryptic words, then Liliana opened her mouth.

“Where is the ruler of this island?”

Chapter 143 – Pirate Archipelago (3)Liliana looked at Theo with surprise.“T-The ruler?”The girl's reaction was good for her age, but she wasn’t lucky today. Randolph and Liliana read the falseness in Jack’s voice.In actual history, the war hero, Alfred Bellontes, was recorded as a ruthless person when it came to questioning prisoners. Liliana had inherited the experience of such a great person, so her eyes saw that Jack was hiding something.However, it was too early to startle the snake in the bush.“Is the question that surprising? This is like a village, so wouldn’t the Pirate Archipelago have a boss? I don’t think the pirates would have a democracy.”This was why Liliana took a step back. The guide was just a boy. The amount of information that could be obtained through forced means was limited. It was better to gather clues from the story than pushing through haphazardly.“Oh, that is what you meant.”“It is my first visit, so I have a lot to ask you. I’ll give this to you if you answer me.” As Lili spoke, she pulled out two five gold coins, making Jack’s eyes shine.Jack’s worries didn’t last long. This was the Pirate Archipelago, an island of outlaws who ignored law and ethics. In this place, the most important thing was power. Those who had more power, either through violence or wealth, would have the upper hand. The tip of 10 gold was absolutely fascinating for a boy who had been born and grew up on the Pirate Archipelago.Jack’s lips parted slowly, “…Should I tell you?”As if he was holding great information, Jack put on an exaggerated expression and looked around.Liliana nodded. Then the boy started to whisper, “There are a few people on the island who behave as if they are kings. First, weren’t you guided by some pirate ships when you came to this island?”“Yes.”“Did you see a man with one eye, who is wearing accessories made of human skulls?”As soon as Lili heard the description of the skull ornaments and eyepatch, a scene flashed in her mind. The man who had been chatting with the captain of the passenger ship fit that description. Jack noticed her expression and nodded.“‘Captain’ Virtus, that is what the islanders call him.”Jack seemed hyped up by the story as he continued in an excited tone. According to the boy, there were four people on this island who had full authority. Apart from the captain who led visitors here, the island was divided into three zones. The lips of the boy, who smelled the scent of money, moved in a quick manner.Red Light District’s Queen Bee, ‘Queen’ Maeve.Godfather of the Casino, ‘Gold Toad’ Todd.Stolen Goods Big Spender, ‘Thief’ Lupian.Each one was responsible for one axis of the Pirate Archipelago. They had thoroughly divided their roles and areas, so they didn’t get into conflicts with each other. It was a fairly orderly structure for a lawless zone. Well, if this order hadn’t existed, the island of criminals would’ve already collapsed.“How interesting,” Liliana whispered before flicking a gold coin. “But that isn’t all, is it?”“Huh?”“Even if the people you described are in balance, that is only the story for the present time. It would be strange for there to be no conflicts when the four organizations were being established.” As she rolled the remaining gold around between her fingers, Liliana met Jack’s greedy eyes. “Is there perhaps someone on top of those four people?”Lili finally got to the main point. She had invested nearly 30 minutes of listening to a useless story for this reason.The story of the four criminals was good, but it wasn’t what she needed. From the very beginning, Liliana had been wondering about the identity of the person who had created a barrier around the islands and achieved the paradise of criminals.“T-T-That…” Jack followed the moving gold coin with his pupils before closing his eyes. Perhaps he knew nothing, or maybe he was unable to speak. “I-I don’t know.”Was it up to here? Lili was about to put away the gold coin with a regretful heart when…“B-But! I will tell you everything that I do know!” Jack called out half a beat later, in a desperate attempt to stop Liliana’s hand.* * *“One gold for a single room and two gold for a double room per day. If it is a special room, one gold is added to each one.”The innkeeper looked at the two people with a greedy expression as he rubbed his palms together.It was a few times more expensive than accommodations on land, but this was the listed price for the Pirate Archipelago. Anyway, it wasn’t that overpriced for visitors to the island. Randolph’s eyebrows twitched at the absurd amount, but Liliana handed over the gold coins without any objections.The two of them were able to get two rooms, where they would be staying for the next 10 days. Randolph took off his heavy armour in the room and spoke first, “So, Young Miss, what are you doing to do now?”“I’m not sure.” Liliana smiled wryly at the question and sat down on the bed.It might’ve cost 10 gold, but the information she got from Jack was worth the cost. She didn’t know about Jack, but both Liliana and Randolph thought so. There was a legend which the four zones and rulers of the Pirate Archipelago had in common.“It is a problem if there really is a ‘sea god.’”Sea god… If a church had heard it, Liliana might be accused of blasphemy.Jack had never been there, but the island at the center of the Pirate Archipelago seemed to have a temple dedicated to the sea god. In the end, it was nothing more than a rumour which floated around. Nevertheless, both of them sensed it.The sea god was the true ruler of this island.‘If the sea god created that fog… we can’t afford to go against it.’Liliana had encountered several master class and legendary beings in the past, so she guessed it easily. There was only a little bit of power left in the fog, but her whole body had gotten goosebumps.The sea god had control over the sea. As for how much strength it had, the present Liliana couldn’t even imagine. It was an ability that was the exact opposite of a sorceress, who produced results efficiently. This was a limitless power which could twist reality.“…It is just a guess, but I don’t think the opponent is a human.”A human with such power wouldn’t use it in such primitive ways. Just the fog covering the Pirate Archipelago exceeded the magic of an elder class sorceress. Liliana wasn’t of a common standard, but she wouldn’t be able to endure half of it.In order to maintain the fog so naturally that it was like breathing, a minimum of eight circles would be needed.Randolph accepted Lili’s assumption without questioning it. “I think so as well. I have seen a few of the empire’s Seven Swords from a distance, but the presence on this island is from an entirely different category.”“The whole island seems to be its realm, so the environmental conditions are disadvantageous to us. It isn’t something we can face, even if we combine our powers.”“Right. Then what do we do?”Liliana shrugged. They didn’t come here with the tremendous mission of subjugating the Pirate Archipelago. It was just a coincidence since they were running away from the Orcus Company. There was no reason to recklessly go against an opponent they had no animosity with.“Our top priority is hiding from the Orcus Company. I don’t think they can chase us to the Pirate Archipelago. Well, anyone who does chase us will be blocked by the fog.”If she looked at it differently, this island was a fortress. No uninvited guests could wander through the fog, so there was no need to reveal their identity. The presence of the being which ruled the island was scary if it was an enemy, but it was reassuring for those in hiding.“It is a rational choice. I understand.”Of course, Randolph might be tempted to call Lili’s choice cowardly. However, Randolph was a mercenary, not a knight.Rather than risking his life in a meaningless battle, he would step back and wait. Just like in the case of the elder lich, it was unknown if there was an exit, so there was no point gambling. He didn’t have a hobby of crawling toward death.The two finished their consultation and entered their rooms.Liliana, whose mind had been busy racing, started breathing calmly. The choice of fighting the sea god was dismissed, so what should she do with this time?‘My goal of escaping the Orcus Company’s hands is achieved.’At least, as long as they stayed in this Pirate Archipelago. It would also take some time for the next cruise ship to arrive. Based on Jack’s explanation, the cruise ship stayed for around 10~14 days before leaving for the original destination. Liliana thought about what she could do during this break.“Gluttony.”This was a chance to find out more about the ‘Transmission’ feature.–You called. As always, the voice came from the hole in Lili’s left palm.“You spoke to me last time about Transmission.”–Um.“You said that it is different from what I went through with Alfred, and that there is a process. Gradually assimilating the soul, or something like that.”Gluttony had only quickly mentioned it, but Liliana’s extraordinary memory recalled every moment of that time, without missing a single detail. In the end, Gluttony answered the question.–Yes, that’s right.“Teach me how to use Transmission. This is a question regarding your function, so it doesn’t count as a question and answer.”-…Okay.Liliana carefully listened while inwardly suppressing her delight.–First, ‘Transmission’ is my 4th stage function. It was designed as a means of using ‘Overwrite’ more efficiently. If the author’s soul is loaded, you can use that ability by absorbing the soul.She knew this much. After using Transmission on Alfred, Liliana had suffered terrible pain as the soul was absorbed. If Superbia hadn’t attacked, there might’ve been a chance of her ego collapsing, and she would’ve died. Soul fusion was a dangerous and unstable act.However, according to Gluttony, it wasn’t originally like that.–As you’ve experienced before, mixing the souls directly is a great risk. So, there is a separate process in Transmission.“Process?”–Yes. That process is called a Quest.As Liliana rolled the word ‘quest’ around in her mouth, Gluttony continued explaining.–User can talk to the authors of the eaten original books and absorb the fragment of soul by solving the desires they’ve left behind.“…In other words, do something for them?”-That’s right. If you want, you can ask them their wishes right now by calling “Lee Yoonsung” or “Satomer.”-Who do you want to call first? Gluttony asked.Liliana replied, “The author of [Battle Song], Lee Yoonsung.”

Chapter 144 – Pirate Archipelago (4)

There were only two choices, but Liliana had a reason for her decision. It was because using Transmission on Lee Yoonsung, when she had high proficiency with Battle Song, would be more efficient than using it on Satomer, whose knowledge she had just recently accepted. Of course, the existence of the Hidden Meaning technique which Randolph showed her on the cruise ship also played a role in this decision.

Gluttony’s voice responded to Liliana’s request.
–I understand.

At the same time, a notification was heard in Liliana’s head.
[Hidden feature ‘Transmission’ has been activated.]
[Confirming the request for a Quest, and calling the object name ‘Lee Yoonsung’. Reviewing the quest… Success, object name ‘Lee Yoonsung’ has approved your call.]
[He will temporarily be synchronized with the user’s consciousness.]

Liliana's vision turned black before the system’s voice was cut off. She prepared for the usual loss of consciousness, but the situation was different this time. Everyone would be confused to see the black landscape around her, but Liliana was accustomed to this and waited calmly.

Unsurprisingly, particles of light started to gather before her. At first, the light just took the shape of a person before their distinct features appeared. He had an eastern appearance which looked different from the other people on the continent.

“It has been a while,” Lee Yoonsung greeted Liliana with a smile. He hadn’t expected to meet Lili again, so he welcomed her without concealing his joy.

“Yes, it is great to see you after a long time,” Liliana also responded with a warm expression.

When she called Alfred, the situation had been so urgent that she didn’t have a chance to say hello. However, Liliana would’ve liked to have a discussion with Alfred, who was a senior who had lived a few generations before her. Wasn’t it a situation that any sorceress dreamed of?

The two people chatted briefly before naturally cutting to the chase. It was quick since both sides knew of the matter. Lee Yoonsung pointed out his intentions first. “I know the current situation. You will release my unfulfilled wish, and I will give everything to you.”

“…That’s right.” Liliana was silent at the blunt words before replying.

Although ‘Lee Yoonsung’ was already dead, Gluttony’s Transmission meant the permanent disappearance of the Lee Yoonsung standing before her right now. She couldn’t even imagine what it was like to be a lingering presence with regrets weighing him down.

“If so, please ask.”

Therefore, the cool answer was unexpected in many ways.

“Are you serious?”

“Hey, I thought you wanted it. Didn’t you come here to ask me? In any case, the human ‘Lee Yoonsung’ is already dead, so there is no point in lingering,” Lee Yoonsung advised her with soft eyes, causing Liliana to smile humbly.

Lee Yoonsung’s face was tranquil even when discussing his own demise. Then he reluctantly expressed the regret that he, Lee Yoonsung, had when he died.

“I want to go back home.”

“Do you mean…”

“The Baekun Mountains, my birthplace.”

Liliana couldn’t help but sigh. Going back home was a fairly simple wish, but in Lee Yoonsung’s case, the distance was the problem. According to his memories, the Baekun Mountains were located on the east side of the continent. It was too far for a sea journey, so it meant crossing half the continent. This was a journey that would take at least a year.

Although Lee Yoonsung didn’t show his emotion on the outside, he scratched his head with a distressed expression and started talking. “I’m sorry, but this is something I can’t change. I want to make it as easy as possible, but Transmission wouldn’t work like that.”

“Ah, of course.” Liliana had guessed it, but she couldn’t help clicking her tongue at the harshness of the grimoire. If she could compromise with the contents of the quest, Lee Yoonsung would’ve passed everything over to her for barely nothing.

However, Gluttony had set the quest as the real inner wishes, so Liliana was forced to do it, regardless of the difficulty.

‘Hah, it would be a simple matter if it was Alfred or Satomer.’

Then she would be able to carry out the quests on the way back to Meltor. The difficulty compared to Lee Yoonsung was like the difference between the sky and the land.

Lee Yoonsung noticed Liliana’s inner discouragement and knocked against her shoulder. “I’m sorry to have such a foolish regret. If it isn’t easy, just forget about it. A dead person shouldn’t be grabbing the ankle of a living person.”

However, a flash went through Liliana at those words. Lee Yoonsung called Liliana his benefactor, but the reality was the opposite. Without Battle Song and the increased physical abilities, Liliana would’ve died in the fight against Superbia.

The worst thing was that Lee Yoonsung was saying that his ‘Transmission’ request was too difficult. Wasn’t Liliana forgetting the kindness bestowed upon her?

Liliana reflected on her own ugly self and opened her mouth to say, “I will listen to your request.”


“I can’t be sure when, but I will surely bring you home to the Baekun Mountains.”

Lee Yoonsung was surprised by the declaration but nodded silently. He could feel the weight in Liliana's voice. With one more bow, Lee Yoonsung thanked her and then disappeared into light.

The thick darkness descended once again.
–Shall we move onto the next one? Gluttony’s voice broke the silence.

–There is still one person, Satomer. His quest is remaining.

“…Yes, call him.” Liliana accepted in order to check all the quests. Then she heard the notification about asking for permission.
[Confirming the request for a Quest, and calling the object name ‘Satomer’. Reviewing the quest… Success, object name ‘Satomer’ has approved your call.]

Satomer’s emergence was no different from Lee Yoonsung’s. The light gathered in the air and the shape of a person appeared in front of Liliana. The person had disheveled long hair and messed up robes. His appearance was exactly the same as in Synchro, and it seemed as if a cold voice would ring out at any minute. The man who looked like a wraith at first sight was the peak of the modern summoning magician, Satomer.

As always, he spoke in a cynical tone, “Calling me so quickly… I only just handed over my knowledge, and you want to know the rest already?”


“I know the story, so let’s get started.”

Satomer suddenly sat down and stared at Liliana with red, bloodshot eyes. A person with a weak heart wouldn’t be able to face his gaze. However, Liliana noticed that his gaze was different from before. The frustration, which had filled him like sharp broken glass, had disappeared.

Satomer observed Liliana for a moment. Then with a smile, Satomer opened his mouth to speak, “Che, it’s hard to focus my eyes right now. This is all because of you, cheeky young junior.”


“It’s okay if you don’t know. How is Hugin? Are you using him?”

‘Hugin.’ The moment that Liliana thought the name of the crow…

All of a sudden, Hugin popped out of thin air. This was Liliana’s consciousness, so any contracted beings could access it. However, Hugin wasn’t the only one called to this mental world. Mitra, the girl who had fallen asleep on Hugin’s back, raised her voice out of confusion from the sudden summoning.

[Heeeng?! Bwack sail, where? Bwack sail!]

It was okay if she just raised her voice, but the confused Mitra also tightened her legs around Hugin’s neck.

Hugin struggled, causing Mitra to tighten her grasp on his neck. It was a vicious cycle of repetition. In the end, Mitra, whose eyes had turned into whirlpools, fell to the ground and then Hugin fell next to her. It was a comedy between an elemental and summoned being.

“…Well, he seems well.”
“…Yes, really well.”

The two exchanged a look before looking in another direction. In an attempt to revive the broken atmosphere, Satomer coughed a few times before going back to the main point. “Hmm, my regret… you’ve guessed it right?”

Liliana's face sobered. The foolish and tenacious dream of the summoning magician, Satomer… He had spent his whole life trying to do one thing. Now that desperation was handed over to Liliana.

Liliana nodded heavily and revealed the wish which was difficult for Satomer to say. “The summoning of a senior summons, correct?”

“Yes, exactly.” Satomer clapped playfully.

The starting point of this madness was the illustration in a book he’d read in his childhood. It was an image of a summoning magician who called an ice giant to deal with a lightning magician. That summoning magician was an existence who had lived in a previous age. However, it had set off a fire in Satomer’s heart, a fire intense enough to burn until it became ashes.

“It is okay if it is just once. If you can call a senior summons just once, I am fine with dying. After all, I didn’t succeed until the end, but you can do it.”

“Can I succeed?”

“Of course. You inherited my whole life’s knowledge and have a part of me in you. No, I am part of you.”

There was nothing he could do, so Satomer couldn’t help feeling bittersweet. In the end, it was like this. He was transferring to another person something he couldn’t do himself. Satomer was really ridiculous and unsightly. However, Liliana didn’t laugh at all as she nodded firmly. “Yes, I will succeed.”

“…Y-Yes. Thank you?” Satomer was at a loss in front of that firm determination. He wasn’t familiar with this type of atmosphere, so he changed the topic hurriedly. “By the way, you seem to be in a strange place.”


“You are in someone’s ‘domain.’ If it is the middle of the sea, the viable candidates are a kraken, megalodon, or sea serpent.”

‘Domain’ was an unfamiliar word, but Liliana immediately examined all of Satomer’s knowledge. High-ranking existences which could crush this world and transcendent beings who couldn’t be compared to ordinary monsters… The beings that lived in ancient times were said to have a domain. The dragon, famous for being the strongest species, also had a ‘domain.’

Liliana felt a sense of incongruity and asked, “Sea serpent…?”

“Ah, it is a dialect. It is a title for those without wings. In other words-”

…A blue dragon, or a sea dragon.


At that moment, the puzzle pieces scattered in Liliana's mind merged to form a completed picture. The structure of the Pirate Archipelago couldn’t be maintained under normal circ*mstances. The ruler of the Pirate Archipelago, the sea god… The existence of the dragons which have ruled since long ago…

There was a name Lili had found by chance from an old legend in the library. It was the name of an evil dragon who had taken on the guise of a mermaid to seduce sailors into shipwrecking and was capable of calling tsunamis.

“Sea dragon, Aquilo…?” Liliana spoke in a trembling voice.

Chapter 145 – Sea Dragon Aquilo (1)

Sea Dragon Aquilo... In this era, only a few remembered her name. However, sailors who lived by the sea once dreaded even whispering it. The sea serpent, a monster who could create massive waves with a flick of her tail and who governed storms... Some people referred to her as one of the two disasters of the sea, along with the kraken, but they were actually in entirely different categories.

"Blue dragon?!"
"Yes." Randolph raised his voice after being informed of this fact, and Lili replied in a calm manner.

From the beginning, 'sea serpent' was just a title. In the minds of ordinary people, a dragon was a monster that flew through the sky with two wings, not a swimmer in the sea with a long body like a snake. However, the dragon was never a species distinguished by the presence of wings, so calling it a serpent was nothing more than ignorance. They were the strongest species of the material world and the rulers over natural laws! In particular, the sea dragon, Aquilo, was the most notorious among the blue dragon clan, ruling over the sea since a long time ago.

Based on archaeological records, she was an adult dragon who would've lived for at least a thousand years. The last time she appeared had been 150 years ago, when she woke from a nap and wiped out a fleet from the Soldun Kingdom.

'I’ve looked up the name in the library a few times, but it is never a good thing.' Back when Lili lived in the academy’s library, she had read thousands of books, regardless of their type. Among them, there had naturally been books containing legends and folktales about the continent. The name Aquilo had appeared only a few times, but she hadn’t forgotten it. Her fingers were lacking if she wanted to count all the actions in her memories.

Sweeping away a port city because their tribute was a few days late... Killing a wandering minstrel because his lyrics were unpleasant... Sinking a fishing boat because the number of fish had reduced... In addition, the number of ships sunk and people killed was as numerous as the stars. However, despite the tyranny, Aquilo couldn’t be properly killed. Surrounded by the vast reaches of the sea, which was much more spacious than the land, Aquilo’s power became exceedingly powerful, making her almost invincible in the sea.

"...In other words, we must absolutely never touch her."
"Yes, I think so as well."

The opinions of the two people, who would be regarded as strong in every part of the world, coincided without any errors. When considering the general power of an adult dragon, it was said that two masters were needed to equal it, and three were required to kill it reliably. Even Veronica complained that she couldn’t be certain of victory in a one-on-one match, so it was impossible for a 6th Circle sorceress and half-master swordsman.

After deciding on a stance of non-aggression, Randolph opened his mouth first. "Hrmm, so we should stay low during our remaining time here?"
"Yes, we can’t get involved in any situations."

Lili examined the knowledge she had recently absorbed from Satomer. It was in order to confirm the concept of ‘domain,’ which was still unfamiliar to her. According to Satomer’s knowledge, the ‘domain’ of a dragon could also be called their lair, a place where they stored collected treasures and nested.

‘Perhaps the fog surrounding this island is a type of alarm system.’ The fog was the boundary of Aquilo’s domain, and it controlled who could enter. No one could go in and out without Aquilo knowing.

The two people were more likely to cause a fuss if they stole a boat and tried to escape. The safest and wisest choice was to wait for the day when the cruise ship returned, and they could leave for the Soldun Kingdom. Yes, Lili’s conclusion was undoubtedly reasonable.

However, she overlooked one thing. It was a mistake because she hadn’t fully comprehended Satomer’s knowledge. Satomer had told Lili in the mental world that the Pirate Archipelago was Aquilo’s domain. From the very beginning, the existence of the two people had already caught the notorious dragon’s eyes.

[...Hrmm.] Was Lili imagining it? For a moment, a chill ran down her spine.

* * *

Five days passed since then. Despite the tension on the first night, the two of them stayed at the inn without any problems. The passenger ship would come back in 10 days, so half the time had already passed. Perhaps their policy to remain invisible was viable. Randolph and Lili became deeply involved in their training while enjoying their peaceful days. As Randolph swung his sword in the yard, Lili read books in her chair.

Tak. Lili finished reading a book and closed it. "Eat, Gluttony." Then she threw the book she was reading into the air, while at the same time, the tongue protruded and caught the book.

['Thunderbolt from Dry Skies' has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.] [You have acquired 6th Circle magic, ‘Thunderbolt.’] [By acquiring top-ranked electric magic, the proficiency of lower-ranked electric magic has increased.]

As the waves of knowledge flowed as usual, Lili closed her eyes and focused. Having Gluttony’s ability to acquire knowledge and proficiency was fraudulent, but the efficiency would be low if Lili wasn’t motivated to learn. However, the always sincere Lili was able to bring out the power to the maximum.

Lili opened her eyes with a faint smile. 'Okay, half the books I’ve brought with me have been digested.' She had brought many 6th Circle magic books when she left Meltor. In the meantime, her progress had been slow since she hadn't had a lot of time to read books. However, her performance during these five days was comparable to that of a few weeks or a month.

Some magic books would take more time because they were difficult to understand, but she was confident she could learn them all in three months. However, the most important thing to solve was the issue of her vessel, which had a time limit.

"...Should I use this during my stay on this island?" Charlotte’s Necklace was the treasure-grade artifact that turned all ghosts into powerful evil spirits. Lili had obtained it after the duel bid with Isaac, but she had never used it once. The saint’s seal, which had turned this necklace into a mere accessory, still hadn’t been released.

Lili looked at the necklace before placing it in her inventory with a sigh. 'Stop. There is no need to increase the risk factor.'

A large-scale magic event like summoning evil spirits could trigger the dragon’s aggression. She needed to keep this in mind. Her opponent was the notorious sea dragon, Aquilo. It was the tyrant of the sea, who killed people for minor reasons and sank thousands of ships. Just like how children smiled when stepping on ants, the lives of humans were just like worms to a dragon.

Lili had to remember that the Pirate Archipelago was Aquilo’s palm, so disaster could be found at any time—like right now.

[Deo!] At that moment, Mitra, who had been sleeping in the warm sunlight on the window, shot up and screamed. Before Lili could question her, her sensory perception let out a large alarm. Her back was frozen cold, and her hairs stood up like they were bristling. She had experienced a chill like this before.

It was when she dived into Laevateinn’s flames and when she collided with Pride in the past. In other words, the owner of this presence was a monster on the same level! 'What, a bottle of water?!' As Lili hurriedly prepared for battle, the colorful bottle of water sitting in the room moved. To be precise, it was the bottle’s contents. 'Water' filled up the room.

Chwaack. The water emerged from the bottle and produced a surreal sight. Regardless of whether it pulled the water in the air or gathered it in small lumps, the water quickly grew to the size of a person. The water became more and more like a person until it changed to the image of a beautiful mermaid.

"Senior elemental, a naiad...!" The naiad, a senior elemental who couldn’t be summoned unless the summoner was an elf elementalist, spoke calmly, [That is correct, human with Arv’s blessing.]

Normally she wouldn’t be speaking, but in this situation, she opened her mouth first without any signs of embarrassment. [From now on, I will pass on ‘Her’ words.]

Before Lili could ask, another voice was heard. [-Hello?] It was sweet enough to melt her ears but cold enough to cause a chill down her spine. This wasn’t the voice of a human. It embraced pure desire without any moderation. The voice whispering into her ears was enough to turn any man or woman into a horny monkey.

Lili barely held onto her rope of reason and replied, "It is nice to meet you, Ruler of the Sea." There was no question about the identity of the other person. Lili politely greeted the uninvited visitor. No, she was the master of this place, so she might be the uninvited person. Sea Dragon Aquilo, the being who dominated the sea for thousands of years, scanned Lili up and down.

Then she continued speaking in that sensual voice, [First, welcome to my island, Girl.]
"It is a very sudden welcome."

[Ahaha, you are saying that, but you don’t seem very surprised? You look young in terms of your face, but you seem to have accumulated many experiences.]

Thus far, it was still okay. Lili didn’t feel any animosity in her voice. Was it mere curiosity? Or was she killing time? Either way, she needed information. Lili was barely able to open her mouth before the gaze conveyed through the naiad. "...I’m sorry, can I ask why you are looking for me?"

[Hrmm, is it so hard talking to me?]
"Honestly, it is quite burdensome."

Aquilo’s voice cut off for a moment. [Ahahaha! You, you are too honest! I don’t hate such a personality, but shouldn’t you be careful from now on?] –I might accidentally kill you.

Lili was soaked in a cold sweat. It wasn’t a threat or warning, but just that Aquilo was really worried about killing Lili... Just like accidentally crushing an ant under her foot. Fortunately, Aquilo didn’t put that declaration into action. She chuckled before answering Lili’s question, [Okay, I’ll tell you simply. In three days, a festival to worship me will be held in the heart of the islands. At that time, I want you to come with your companion.]

In the first place, a veto didn’t exist. Lili nodded and replied, "...I understand."
[You are smart as well. If you asked one more question, I would’ve cut off your head,] Aquilo said before turning off the naiad’s summoning.

The shape of the mermaid distorted, and the water slowly fell to the ground as the magic power was cut off. While the water soaked the wooden floor and carpet, Aquilo’s voice could still be heard. [Then I’ll be waiting in three days.]

After that, she added a fearsome warning. [Girl, if you don’t come, I will kill you.]

Chapter 146 – Sea Dragon Aquilo (2)

“Look, I’m right,” Randolph spoke grumpily while wearing a mithril alloy breastplate, gauntlets, and leggings, and carrying his falchions. He was fully armed as they were facing an opponent who the death knight couldn’t even compare to. “First a warlock and now a dragon… When I’m with Young Mistress, I can meet all types of existences.”

“I’m sorry,” Liliana replied.

“You don’t have to apologize. As I said before, this is my choice, and I’ve always wanted to see a dragon at least once.” Randolph grinned and shook his head at Liliana’s apology. For a warrior, facing death always raised a master’s level. A person who turned away from it wasn’t qualified to be a master.

Three days had passed, and it was time to visit Aquilo. The duo desperately prepared countermeasures. They armed themselves with the highest level of equipment on the island, as well as magic scrolls and consumables.

However, Liliana’s brilliant mind was well aware of the odds. ‘Even if we fight 10 times, it would be lucky if we won once.’ Despite everything the two people had done, their odds of victory didn’t exceed 1%. Gluttony had given her information about ‘Dragon Words’ and prepared a secret destruction word, but there was no guarantee it would work properly.

If possible, it was best not to fight. Liliana realized this again and gulped.

“Well, don’t be too nervous.” At that moment, Randolph knocked on her shoulder and said, “Isn’t a dragon famous for its fickleness? There is no point worrying about things with no answers. So, just think about it after we meet her.”

“…Surprisingly, you can sometimes say good words.”

“What are you saying?!” Randolph, who had given her good advice, raised his voice.

On the other hand, Liliana suppressed her anxieties. The vicious being had an ‘unpredictable’ nature, so it was impossible to guess her actions. She had been preparing for the last three days, and now, she would have to face her head-on.

Liliana opened her mouth with a faint smile. “Then let’s try it once.”

Randolph laughed at her aggressive words. “Okay, let’s go!”

With more intense speculation and determination than ever, the two of them left the inn.

* * *

The Sea God Festival. It was a festival held once a year on the Pirate Archipelago. Even the rulers who separated the islands into four zones didn’t dare set a schedule, and Liliana quickly guessed the reason.

‘It is probably on Aquilo’s whim.’ The four rulers were all a smokescreen. The true owner of the Pirate Archipelago was Sea Dragon Aquilo, and the four rulers were peasants who managed the islands according to her commands. It was just her guess, but this Sea God Festival might’ve been decided three days ago. Shortly after talking to Liliana, she had prepared a place to lure her in.

Liliana was convinced after seeing this bustling scene.

“Hey! You bastard, where are you looking?”

“Don’t make such a fuss when I am looking straight ahead!”

“What? Do you want to fight here?”

In the narrow marina, people were arguing, and there were sometimes fist fights. Unlike the other islands, the center of the Pirate Archipelago where the Sea God Festival would take place wasn’t connected by bridges. So, people had to move to the center island by boat. It was natural that there weren’t enough boats compared to those who wanted to participate in the festival.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Liliana and Randolph didn’t need to take part in the struggle for boats.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Liliana.”

“I’ve been waiting for you, Randolph.”

While people were struggling over boats, two people emerged from amongst them and approached Liliana and Randolph. The hull was decorated with gold, and the flag depicted a dragon on a black background, the symbol of the Pirate Archipelago. It was a privilege which couldn’t be enjoyed by normal executives or people from the outside.

‘Don’t ride it… I can’t choose that option.’ Liliana raised her eyebrows before climbing onto the boat. She didn’t want to stay in a place where she had attracted attention, but she realized three days ago that it wasn’t good to oppose Aquilo. Randolph climbed onto the other one, and the boats started moving with the current. As soon as the boatmen moved their oars, the gold boat moved through the water.

Chwaaak! Chwaaak!

Their hands were very skillful. The boatmen moved the oars with several times more skill than those in the other boats around them. ‘No, to be accurate, it isn’t normal.’ However, Liliana could see that her boatman’s eyes were shining blue, meaning he was controlled by Aquilo’s ‘Dragon Fear.’ In addition to that, they had the divine blessing, so it was natural that they excelled. Additionally, the casual use of Liliana’s and Randolph’s real names was proof that they were under Aquilo’s control.

After a while, hundreds of boats gradually gathered at the central island. When the party’s boat arrived, Liliana and Randolph gulped as they saw the altar of sacrifice to the sea god.

“T-This…!” “…Amazing.” It wasn’t an exaggeration to say there was a mountain of gold piled up in front of the altar. There were gold coins, jewels, trinkets, weapons, and even food that could be eaten year round stacked up like dry leaves.

As the two of them were impressed, the boatmen spoke at the same time. “The Sea God Festival refers to the day once every year, when half the goods in the Pirate Archipelago are offered to the sea god. The greater the offerings, the better the blessing.”

“W-What?” “… Once a year.” Unlike the confused Randolph, Liliana reexamined the explanation and asked, “Then how many years has the Sea God Festival been held?”

“Including this year, 52 times.”

Disbelieving expressions appeared on their faces. If this had happened for 52 years, how much gold and treasures were piled up in Aquilo’s lair? There was a reason why a dragon slayer quickly made a fortune. Some dragons liked to receive tributes like Aquilo, while others would plunder them. Most dragons enjoyed their lairs being decorated with rare pieces.

One million gold? 10 million gold? Maybe there was 100 million gold inside the lair. Liliana couldn’t help feeling breathless, despite having no greed for riches. The rumour that a kingdom used up most of their assets to hunt a dragon wasn’t so farfetched after all.

‘Human greed has no end, and they always repeat the same mistakes.’ Liliana sighed as she saw the greed in the eyes of the spectators. Maybe this was Aquilo’s intention. For a dragon who loved blood and destroying things, this was enough to induce a punishment.


In front of that lavish landscape, the authentic Sea God Festival started. Nearly naked dancers shook their bodies in front of the gold, silver, and treasures, while the spectators cheered them on. The combination of gold, alcohol, and naked beauty was enough to seduce any male eye. Only Liliana looked around with an unconcerned look.

Shortly afterwards, she heard the voice she’d been waiting for. [Ah, I’m bored. It has been decades since I started this, so I’m becoming bored.] The voice whispered directly into Lili’s mind. It was a sweet poison which melted her senses like when she first heard it.

“…Aquilo.” [Can you relieve my boredom?] Simultaneously, Liliana’s boat started to slowly change directions. Only the current flowing around Liliana’s ship moved in the other direction. Maybe it was because the flow was so calm, but Randolph still hadn’t realized that Liliana was moving away.

No magic power could be felt, so it must be the inherent power of a dragon who controlled natural phenomena. Lili didn’t resist as she asked, “Didn’t you ask me to come with my companion?” [It doesn’t matter if you want to come together, but I might feel a little worse.]

“…I will go alone.” It was what she’d expected in the first place. So, Liliana accepted it without any complaints. Her policy was to avoid a fight if possible, and she didn’t want to drag Randolph into this. Anyway, there was nothing to lose in trying. It was right to try conversing first, until Aquilo showed that she wanted to become enemies.


Before long, Liliana’s boat was pulled through a crack in the cliff. The water depth became shallower, and eventually she reached the shore where the boat couldn’t move anymore. The boatman put down the oars and pointed inside the cave. “Enter.”

Liliana stepped onto the land instead of responding to the boatman. ‘Um, this scent?’ A curious scent coming from the cave tickled her nose, but it wasn’t toxic. Liliana calmly walked inside while clearing the scent with magic. Stalactites grew everywhere, making it seem like a natural terrain. However, the torches stuck on the wall at regular intervals were unnatural.

‘I’m getting closer. In the next 10 steps…’ She reached the epicenter of the scent. The moment that Liliana thought so and took a step forward…

Chill. Her feet touched the ground, and her five senses started screaming. It was an inevitable death. There were no gaps to escape. She didn’t know what attack was coming, but Liliana Miller would die here.

Even with her nerves accelerated to the extreme, the attack was too powerful and fast to be seen. Additionally, it was small. The attack was smaller than a coin and similar to a grain seed. It was like Alfred’s Magic Bullet, but it wasn’t a magic projectile.

However, the attack reached before its identity could be discovered.

Puk! It punched straight through Liliana and continued in a straight line into the wall. The attack was so strong that it only stopped after penetrating half a stone wall that was tens of meters thick. It wasn’t a power which could be defeated by 6th Circle defense magic.

However, Liliana survived that blow. ‘A water droplet shot at ultra-high pressure…?’ Liliana’s neck was sweating as she barely escaped the crisis. Then she saw Umbra shining on her right arm and realized how she’d survived. If Fluidization had been delayed even a little bit, the attack would’ve gone through her skull.

She might’ve been able to do something if the water bullet was made with aura or magic power, but the pure physical damage would’ve dealt a blow that she couldn’t endure. In some ways, this could be called superiority.

…Hah, the one with the complete advantage was waiting. Liliana scoffed at her own judgment and glared into the dark room beyond. This was the epicenter of the strange fragrance, which also contained the one who shot the water droplet at her.

“Ara, you survived?” The terrible voice filled Liliana’s ears. Lili barely managed to ignore the instinct which was telling her to bow her head and lick this woman’s feet.

“…Can I ask for the meaning of that attack?” Liliana’s blue eyes shone as she prepared to rip her teleport scroll.

However, Aquilo replied to Liliana’s question in a voice of deep boredom, with absolutely no hostility felt at all. “It isn’t a big deal. I am fickle in many ways, so I decided to act like this.”

“Like this? A surprise attack?”

“No. I wanted to attack once to see if you would survive or die. You did very well avoiding it. I honestly never thought you could avoid it, so you’re more interesting than I thought.” Aquilo flicked her fingers as she gave the terrible reply.

Clack! Then the beads attached to the room lit up, making the dim cave brighter. Naturally, Aquilo’s appearance in the darkness also became clearer.

“Uh!” Simultaneously, Liliana’s body stiffened.

With hair as blue as seawater, fluorescent eyes which glowed with a bewitching light, two horns which sprouted from between the blue hair, and gorgeous white shoulders which were exposed by the luxurious cloak… Any woman would be forced to feel captivated, including Liliana.

She had met a few beautiful women before, but none of them were those who oozed ‘femininity’ in such a profound way. Aquilo was stunning, even with her chest to lower body covered by the long cloak. Even the extravagant gold accessories, which could seem tacky, were nothing but subtle decorations for her.

As she held a strange looking pipe in her mouth, Aquilo faced Liliana with gently curved eyes.

“-Now, let’s start the story.”

Chapter 147 – Sea Dragon Aquilo (3)

Aquilo first sucked the pipe with her pink lips and blew out white smoke, before lifting her index finger. Did she mean for Lili to come closer? The vigilant Liliana approached cautiously, and Aquilo waved her fingers with a whimsical smile. She reflexively lowered her posture, but her senses didn’t warn her this time.


The air suddenly froze and turned into the shape of a chair.

“This…!” Liliana turned to Aquilo with astonished eyes, causing her to laugh and raise her pipe. The ability to dominate the natural world itself, a power only given to a dragon, was just demonstrated.

“Sit there. It is a bit cool for humans, but isn’t it better than standing?”

“Thank you.”

Liliana quickly sat down on the ice chair. It was a little chilly, but the magic power in her body immediately shook off the cold. As a 6th Circle sorceress, her body wasn’t ordinary anymore. However, Aquilo just stared at her and casually threw her a question.

“Girl, who on earth are you running away from?”

“…Huh?” Liliana’s eyes widened at the words.

“It was around three days after you arrived on my island…? Some idiots touched my ward. There was no way it was a punitive expedition… So, I went out and checked.”


“Do you call it a ghost ship? Yes, those guys were riding on it.”

‘Ghost ship,’ Liliana’s face distorted at those words. Land people dismissed it as superstition, while sailors just thought of it as an unlucky vision. However, in reality, it was neither. A ghost ship was an undead formed from the souls and ship of a wreckage.

‘The last record of its appearance was more than 100 years ago…’

It was hard to obtain the materials because it required a purely maintained wrecked ship, and the creation process was extremely difficult. For that reason, it was a type of black magic found only in the magic tower’s records. Yet a ghost ship was being used to pursue Liliana…? Maybe the ‘Charlotte’s Necklace’ she acquired was very significant to the Orcus Company, or the forces behind the company.

Liliana barely managed to reply in an indifferent manner, “So, what did you do?”

“What do you think I did? I killed them.”

Liliana was at a loss for words and gulped. Aquilo’s white skin turned red as she recalled the bloody memories of that day.

“In the beginning, someone tried to negotiate with me. So, I grabbed him and killed him. First I twisted his limbs, pulled out his eyeballs, and then pierced his ears so that he would be quiet.”


“When he tried to run away, I grabbed him and cut his legs off. Then he surrendered. He dared to act so freely? These bastards dared to sprinkle black magic in my domain? I chopped him up and fed him to the sharks.”

‘Creepy.’ Goosebumps emerged all over Liliana’s body as she stared at those blissful eyes. She couldn’t even feel happy that her trackers were wiped out. The person in front of her was the incarnation of violence, an executioner and slaughterer. She would rather fight against the warlocks, since dealing with a sea dragon was literally suicide.

Then Aquilo’s eyes turned to her, “I heard your name from that bastard.”

Those guys didn’t help her even while dying. Liliana couldn’t help cursing the Orcus warlocks. It was she who had attracted the ghost ship to Aquilo’s domain. Whether it was deliberate or not, a dragon wasn’t the type to be mindful of this.

As expected, there was a glint in Aquilo’s eyes.

“So, I tried to kill you because I was annoyed…”

Was it coming? Liliana’s calves were completely ready to move. She would be in the palm of Aquilo's hand, but she needed to try and live as much as possible. However, her determination was meaningless as Aquilo just smiled.

“You smell.”


“Your smell, smell.” She giggled and glanced at Liliana with delighted eyes. It was a seductive gaze which made her heart sink. “A fresh young girl.”

“…?” Liliana co*cked her head at the words.

“An innocent high elf.”


“Finally… the hateful smell of the red clan.”

Aquilo’s tongue swept across her lower lips. She looked like a snake before its prey, so Liliana got a vague chill. As she was confused by the unknown mood, Aquilo leaned her upper body toward her. And…

Huuu~ She blew smoke out of the pipe and into her face.

“Ack!” Lili reacted too late. She hurriedly stopped breathing in, but it was inevitable that she inhaled some smoke. Her senses were silent, and Aquilo just looked at her as she waited for her reaction.

Shortly after that…


A wave of dizziness swept over her. Liliana looked between Aquilo and the pipe she was holding with trembling eyes. Then Aquilo lifted the white pipe at her unspoken question.

“This? It is just a drug. From my standpoint, it is just like drinking alcohol… but for you, it is a type of stimulus?”

It was as she said. Liliana soon felt her body turning hot like a fireball. No, it wasn’t a fever. Due to its effect, her nervous system was a mess. She tried to get up from the chair, but her arms and legs were caught by the ice chair.

“Don’t be so nervous. You will soon be pleased.”

Aquilo put down her pipe and slowly got up from the chair. Then the cloak decorated with gold flowed down to the ground.

“…Heok!” Liliana’s eyes reflexively widened before she closed them. The body which had been covered by the long cloak was revealed under the bright light. Thus far, it was okay. She was a little nervous, but she was old enough not to be overcome by the sight of another woman’s underwear. However, Aquilo’s attire was more than that.

“So naive.”

Even the sound of her laughter made Liliana dizzy. She kept her eyes closed, but could hear Aquilo’s footsteps. Her white and bare feet stepped on the damp ground, as a tail covered in blue scales extended behind her. There was a shark fin-like protrusion on the long snake-like tail.

The white legs which the tail stretched from… and above it…

‘Damn!’ She desperately tried to shake off the sight, but her attempts were in vain. Before Liliana could calm herself, Aquilo’s footsteps stopped in front of her chair.

“I would like to take something away from them,” Aquilo whispered and sat on Liliana’s lap without any hesitation.


Oddly, she couldn’t even move a finger. She gulped as she felt the weight and soft texture of her thighs. Was this fearsome stimulation really because of the effect of the drug?

“Hey, aren’t you curious?” Like a female praying mantis during breeding season, Aquilo asked Liliana coyly, “If I take away your virginity here, what faces would those females make? Will they be angry? Or will they resent you? Ahh, either way, it is fine.”


“I told you. I’m…”

It felt too good as she bit Liliana’s ear gently. As a shiver went down her spine, her hand couldn’t help going up to her chest. The movement was so natural that it was like she had done this many times, despite actually being unfamiliar with it. Apart from the paralysis of her body, Liliana had no experience with this, so she couldn’t resist.

Aquilo overpowered her in an instant and finally reached out her fingers. Liliana suppressed a gasp as she grasped the destination of her fingers and groaned,


“Don’t worry. Just leave it to me.”


“Yes,” Aquilo whispered in a mischievous voice. Then the moment her fingers were about to reach its destination…


There was a sound, and Aquilo’s fingers were thrown back.


The immobile Liliana couldn’t stop her fingers, but Aquilo’s stunned gaze soon found the source.


A small brown-skinned girl with wheat-colored hair was staring at her from Liliana’s belly.


[Deo no want you! Bad hands!]

“You can express your emotions? You, are you an ancient elemental?”

As Aquilo became distracted by Mitra, Liliana realized that her body had recovered from the paralysis. She was puzzled about how such a strong drug was removed in a short period of time, but Liliana quickly found her answer.

‘The bud of the world tree!’

The bud growing from Mitra’s hair was from the seed of the world tree, a tree which had the ability to cleanse the world of hazardous substances.

It was no wonder that the detoxifying ability worked on Liliana who was in contract with Mitra, the elemental who used to be Mother Earth. If she had summoned Mitra from the beginning, she wouldn’t have been paralyzed by the drug.

However, she didn’t have time to waste on such regrets.


“Eh?!” Aquilo was confused when her shoulders were abruptly grabbed by Liliana. There was no need to answer her unspoken question. Liliana faced Aquilo’s fluorescent eyes while ignoring the texture underneath her hand.

“I don’t intend to intervene in your display of affection, but I don’t want to be in this relationship with you.”

Aquilo stared into her eyes before laughing. “Even when your body is reacting like this?”

“…You are attractive.”

“But you still don’t want to?”


Liliana had no idea what Aquilo felt at the decisive rejection. However, there wasn’t an unpleasant expression on her face, so she could think about it later. Aquilo looked at her strangely before laughing and getting down from her lap.

Then she clicked her tongue and said, “Well, okay. I don’t want to hurt my pride by forcing you.”

Liliana felt deeply relieved and sad, two contradictory emotions, as she watched Aquilo return to her chair. She was able to stand up to her in the end, but hiding behind her calm face was a desperate emotion. If Mitra had delayed even a little bit, this might be carved as a black mark in Liliana’s history.

The moment she was trying to get rid of her tension…

“…What, another bastard?”

Aquilo’s angry voice resonated through the cave.

* * *

“Ah… Why is the Sea God Festival on the day when I have to patrol?”

“Who isn’t annoyed? Dammit.”

On the outskirts of the Pirate Archipelago, two pirates were patrolling on the first day of the Sea God Festival. It was a miraculous time which occurred once a year, when pirates could freely enjoy alcohol and women at will. However, they couldn’t enjoy it because they had to waste time patrolling.

A red-hooded pirate muttered, “Do you want to boast about your conquests again?”

The blue-hooded pirate replied with a sigh, “Of course. Wouldn’t you?”

“Ha, sh*t!”

They were afraid of their boss’ harsh axe, so they couldn’t disobey. Yet they couldn’t bear it, so they looked at the sea in the distance. The two pirates smoked the tobacco they had sneaked out and complained about their misfortune.

They didn’t know that this would be the end of their lives. The waves moved in a strange way, and ‘something’ emerged, destroying the heads of the two pirates.


There was a huge noise, but this outlying area wasn’t popular except for patrols.


There was a growling sound, and a bizarre-looking monster appeared.

It had six fins, five tails which rippled through the water, and limbs which grew on thick and tough skin, like those of land creatures. In spite of the dark night sky, its eyes emitted a faint light, like those of deep-sea creatures.

However, that wouldn’t be the case from now on.

Creak, creak…

After coming from sea to the land, the creature reconstructed its characteristics and form to suit the environment. The unnecessary fins and tails were removed, while the skin turned into a thick leather. Horns sprouted from its head, and its luminous eyes pierced through the darkness.

-…It stinks.

The creature’s mouth looked like gills, and a low-frequency voice which humans couldn’t hear emerged.

–This… the smell of a dragon…

The eyes of the monster accurately captured the center of the Pirate Archipelago, where the festival was being held. To be exact, it pinpointed the location of the cave on the outer parts of the Sea God Festival.

The reason it had come to the sea from a distant land was because it smelled a delicious dragon.


Six wings sprouted from its back. The wings of a wyvern, gryphon, and several other creatures were stored in it since flying was a convenient way to travel. In the form of a monster which didn’t exist anywhere else in the material world, the grimoire of sin that ate life landed.

This was the moment when the usurper of creatures, Pride, appeared again.

Chapter 148 – Along With The Dragon (1)

Aquilo and Liliana took the boat back to the altar, where the festival was in full swing. The belly dancers captivated the audience with their aggressive dance, while there was smoke blowing everywhere, from the opium being lit in light concentrations. It would be difficult to maintain reason in a place like this.

However, the ugliness of the area couldn’t be hidden.

‘Even so… there is no chaos.’

Liliana’s eyebrows twitched as she looked around and clicked her tongue lightly. It was as she said. The prostitutes were already brought onto the surrounding boats, and drunkards were sleeping while tangled together.

On the other hand, Aquilo watched the humans with a satisfied expression. However, her eyebrows raised when she found a ship approaching them. What idiot dared to block her way? Aquilo raised a sharp nail at the end of a white finger and waited for the right moment to slice the person.

“Young Mistress!”

However, the man who jumped onto their boat stood beside Liliana. He held two swords, and the aura flowing from the blades seemed like they could cut through the darkness. Randolph sighed with relief when he saw Liliana, who had disappeared from his eyes for a while. His warrior’s instincts had predicted death.

“Aha, is she your companion, Girl?”

Aquilo recognized Randolph’s identity and put her nails away. The red lips on her white face seemed like cherry blossoms in bloom. Randolph lost his spirit for a moment at the smile, but his trained mentality meant that he quickly recovered. She might superficially appear as a beautiful woman, but…

‘Dammit, I’m not a match for her.’

Randolph felt himself quickly getting drenched in sweat. Unlike magicians who pursued ideas, a warrior’s ability to determine strength was unmatched. His senses, which had been trained for many decades, were screaming that no matter what, he shouldn’t fight her.

“…Damn, I want to hit you.”

However, Randolph didn’t put his swords away. Rather, his two eyes stared straight at Aquilo. The surprising thing was Aquilo’s reaction. She ignored Randolph, who had been prepared for battle, and manipulated the ocean currents to guide their boat to the center of the festival. Then she climbed onto dry land and licked her lips.


Simultaneously, everything became static. The hundreds, maybe thousands, of people stopped moving. This was ‘Dragon Fear,’ the ability of a transcendent species which allowed them to dominate those below them. It didn’t mean much to Liliana and Randolph, but the merchants and pirates couldn’t resist.

However, shortly after that…

- It’s coming.

Liliana perceived its presence before anyone else. Gluttony warned her, but this was the second time today that her senses let out a howl of warning. The size of the warning was equal to or greater than that of Aquilo’s surprise attack. The biggest problem was that this presence was somehow familiar.

‘No, I distinctly remember this presence… Can it be…?’

Liliana stiffened while trying to figure out the identity of the intruder. If her guess was correct… it was possible the uninvited guest had come for Aquilo, not her. There was nothing to base her speculation on, but it might be considered reality when thinking about the ominous warning.

Like right now…


The ground formed a pit as something landed from the sky, and six fluttering wings caused dust to rise up. In front of the expressionless Aquilo, Pride of the Seven Sins revealed its heinous appearance.

– I found you.

When Liliana saw it, she became nervous.

‘Dangerous. Even more than last time…’

Gluttony heard her thoughts and agreed.

- 5th stage. This time, don’t even try to fight it.

‘What? Already?’

- That’s right. I don’t know what Pride ate, but it has already unlocked the 5th seal. That swine.

A Seven Sins grimoire with the 5th seal released…! When Pride had been at the 4th stage, Liliana had been helpless until Veronica arrived. Now, it was even stronger? Liliana gulped and carefully looked at the confrontation between two monsters.

‘How much stronger is it?’

Gluttony hesitated for a moment before replying.

– Now, even if that woman called Veronica comes, the odds are fifty-fifty. No, it is probably around 40%.

‘This is just stage 5?!’

Liliana barely managed to maintain her expressionless face as she screamed inwardly. The last time, Liliana had to use Transmission to borrow Alfred’s power. Now, Pride had released one more seal and could fight Veronica equally? If Liliana was currently five times stronger than that time, then Pride was 10 times stronger.

As another piece of the Seven Sins, Gluttony replied like it was natural.

– Of course. For the Seven Sins, releasing the seals is the process of returning to our ‘original state’… If you reach stage 6 according to Pride’s standards, you can slaughter an ancient dragon by yourself.

“…Crazy.” Lili couldn’t hide the astonished cry which emerged from her mouth. The ancient dragon was already mostly gone from the material world, but a 6th stage grimoire could defeat it. If so, what was the 7th stage, and what would Pride be like at that point? She couldn’t imagine such a horrible future.

However, Lili wasn’t given any more leeway.

– We meet again, Gluttony’s monkey.


Superbia’s head didn’t need to turn around as an eyeball appeared on the back and stared at Lili. Perhaps it had known she was there from the beginning. It glanced at Lili and wriggled its blade-like projections, as if it wanted to kill her right here.

However, the response came from a different direction.

“What, do you know this thing?” Aquilo smoked her pipe and spoke while pointing at Superbia. She seemed mild-mannered and friendly, but there was a sharp look in her eyes. Aquilo was certain that Superbia wasn’t an easy opponent.

Lili kept up her vigilance and nodded slightly. “I do. It is an unfortunate relationship.”

“Hrmm, then this guy is chasing you as well?”

The answer came from elsewhere.

– No, I have no interest in a monkey. [Pride,] Superbia, spoke while gazing at Aquilo with hungry eyes. Of course, only Aquilo and Lili could hear its low frequency voice, but Randolph felt an unpleasant sensation every time it spoke.

– Young sea dragon, I will ask you something. [Pride] Superbia’s super low voice rang out. – My purpose is completion. Are you willing to join this noble purpose and be reborn as the perfect creature?

Aquilo’s answer was clear. “Many dogs are noisy these days.”

It was instant. Aquilo spoke in a way which didn’t suit her beautiful lips and stepped forward. Veronica, a quarter dragon, was able to display the body of an aura user. Then how strong was a pure-blooded dragon? The question which Lili couldn’t answer was resolved in front of her.


The origin of the blow was the tail. As soon as Aquilo twisted her body, the fast-waving tail became the strongest whip on the planet. However, Superbia, who was hit by the blow, wasn’t normal either. As half of its body burst, it used the repulsion to push its body back into the strong currents.

– Kuhu, huhuhu…! Refusal, I see!

As Superbia laughed at her, Aquilo was astounded.

“You want to go a round with me?”

Superbia wanted to face the sea dragon in the sea? Even the gold clan, the so-called strongest dragon clan, avoided fighting Aquilo at sea. Aquilo didn’t hesitate to jump into the sea currents after Superbia. It wasn’t the shadow of a woman but the long shadow of a huge snake moving through the waves.

Randolph held his double swords and looked at Liliana.

“I don’t know really know what is going on, but… Young Mistress, what are you going to do?”

“I’m not sure.”

Lili looked at the shadows of the two monsters who had disappeared into the sea, and inquired inwardly, ‘Gluttony, can Aquilo defeat Pride?’

– It is impossible, Gluttony replied immediately, without any hesitation. – The dragon’s power would be sufficient if Pride was still stage 4, but after reaching stage 5, the odds are 0%. There is no means for a sea dragon to kill it.

‘Even if the sea dragon is fighting in the sea?’

– Pride’s combat power doesn’t depend on environment. You should remember since you fought it once.

Certainly. Lili couldn’t deny it and stopped speaking. Pride’s ability meant it could instantly create a shell which reflected Magic Bullet and could endure 5th Circle fire magic. There were many creatures which were strong in the sea, and Superbia’s immortality wasn’t something that a sea dragon could beat.

In the end, Lili was forced to make a difficult decision. “I’m going.”

“Are you serious?” Randolph was stiff, unlike his usual self. “I don’t know what it is, but this isn’t something we can afford to get involved in. It is like shrimps interfering in a fight between whales.”

“Well, I can’t deny it.” Lili shrugged. “But I have an unfortunate relationship with that creature. If that dragon is defeated, the creature will surely come to kill me. It is better to fight with the dragon to beat it.”

“However… no, even if you win… can you trust in the wicked dragon?”

“A wicked dragon is still a dragon. Perhaps it will pay back the favour.”

She had already made a decision. Lili’s face was showing that. The one struggling now was Randolph. Randolph followed Lili with the desire to become a complete master, but he had never imagined contending with a dragon or monster.

How could Randolph fight an opponent that he couldn’t win against? Did he have to risk his life just because Lili helped him find the heirloom swords?

As he hesitated, Lili spoke to him, “Captain Randolph, thank you for everything in the meantime.”


“All old debts have been repaid, so you can leave me here. It is enough.”

After giving her farewell message, Lili ran in the direction of Aquilo. She ran by using the boats as stepping bridges. Using acceleration magic and physical strengthening magic, Lili soon disappeared from Randolph’s sight.

Randolph simply stared dumbly in that direction. “……”

After Aquilo disappeared, the influence of ‘Dragon Fear’ gradually lifted and people started making noise again around the confused Randolph.


Randolph had received consideration from someone younger than him. Whether Lili realized Randolph’s hesitation or not, her intentions were good.

“…Damn, dammit. This sucks!” Randolph scratched his head in a rough manner as he shouted loudly, surprising the people around him. His wounded pride, disappointment in himself, worry for Lili, and fear toward the dragon and unknown monster mixed together.


Then Randolph grabbed his two falchions and ran over the boats like Lili had done.

‘Ah! This bastard!’ Complaints came from behind him, but he didn’t hear them. Randolph ran toward the battlefield of monsters.

“Damn! It sure came without warning!”

The clear sky was now filled with dark clouds, and strong gusts of winds blew over the previous silent sea. Today’s fighting promised not to end peacefully, as one swordsman entered the storm of his own volition.

Chapter 149 – Along With The Dragon (2)

The sea dragon, the so-called blue dragon, was known as one of the biggest among the dragon species. It had a streamlined body more than 50 meters long, with a horned head and a powerful tail. On average, they boasted a thicker and more elongated body than that of adult dragons, who were typically 40 meters long. Clearly, there was a reason why the red clan, famous for their strength, couldn’t face them in the sea. These dragons gave up aerial wings and chose the sea. They developed a large size as well as sharp claws. Their fins and tails could endure the strong currents.

The speed of Aquilo, the water dragon who was so thoroughly specialized for underwater, was faster and more flexible than an arrow shot on land. Every time the smoothly curved tail moved through the water, she traveled a few hundred meters and emitted an intense shock wave.

[I caught up.]

Aquilo smiled cruelly as she caught sight of ‘Pride.’ She had sensed it on land, but she couldn’t help feeling something ominous from the creature. It had reconstructed itself to be more efficient, with the feet of a mollusk and a wide tail like a squid.

Aquilo observed it for a while before opening her mouth, [Hrmm, should I just check it after I kill it?]

It wasn’t a false confidence. She had lived for over a thousand years and had never missed a kill. Yet this insignificant thing dared to come unauthorized into her domain? She couldn’t forgive it. As anger bubbled in her body, the water around her was sucked into her mouth. This was Aqua Breath. Water sprayed out with ultra-high pressure became a weapon in itself, and it was sharper than any sword. It had the strength to crush a thick ore to pieces. Liliana had barely survived just one drop of water, so this was serious.


A thin, solid line shot out from Aquilo’s mouth. The prerequisite for the propulsion was that the narrower the output, the stronger the pressure would become. She exhaled for 8 feet, and it turned Pride’s bizarre body into a sophisticated puzzle piece. Even a body made from adamantium wouldn’t be able to survive this! It wasn’t surprising that even with the traits, Pride’s body was rendered into dozens of pieces. This was a scene of blood and flesh scattering instantaneously. However, Aquilo sensed that Superbia was still alive.

She muttered in a small voice, [You, a slime?]

– You are foolish, but you noticed quickly. One piece of Superbia which had been cut off confirmed it. The body of a king slime… A king slime was an S-rank slime which occupied the southern swamps, and common attacks rarely worked against it. The slime’s weakness was that it had a ‘nucleus.’ So, in order to get rid of it, she needed to destroy the whole body at once with huge firepower. It was unfortunate since Aqua Breath only exercised absolute power at one point.

– Now, it is my turn, Superbia declared as it restored its body in an instant.

‘Kraken’s tentacles.’

Before Aquilo could prepare, Superbia’s body expanded and transformed into another form. Attached to the surface of the thick eight legs, there were suckers filled with poison where one drop could poison an adult male. It was called a nightmare by seafarers in legends and was one of the two disasters of the sea, along with the sea serpent.


The eight tentacles stretched out swiftly and wrapped around Aquilo’s confused body. It wasn’t just the outward appearance. Aquilo felt pressure on her scales from the poison. She was the strongest in the sea, but she wasn’t invincible. When she fought the kraken occasionally, a few of her scales would melt. Additionally, the megalodon’s skin was sharp enough to penetrate a dragon’s rugged hide. However, she was never inferior.

Jijijik! Jijijik!

The tentacles around Aquilo’s body swelled up. No, they were trying to tear her apart. However, the tentacles were unable to cope with the power of a sea dragon, so the mollusk’s flexible body started to rupture.


Finally, Aquilo tore apart the kraken’s tentacles. The dark water became so brightly lit that all the fish fled desperately.

[…Okay, this is finally a fun entertainment.]

Superbia wasn’t an easy opponent, so she would start killing it sincerely. As Aquilo thought so, the sea water stirred and a wall of currents surrounded the whole area tightly. This was the sea dragon’s innate ability to dominate the water. Despite the complete disappearance of an escape route, Pride scoffed.

– This will be the last play of your life.

However, Aquilo didn’t have an answer. For her, the enemy was an object to be defeated, not a person to talk to. The fight had already begun. As Aquilo rushed into the waterway she had made herself, Superbia created the teeth of a megalodon.

There was a huge shock wave! The impact of the collision was so much that it even created a tsunami, as one of the rulers of the sea and a Seven Sins entered the battle.

* * *


Despite there being not a single drop of rain, thunder struck down. The water shook ominously as vibrations transmitted from far away reached the harbor, creating high waves. Liliana, who used magic to float above the sea, measured the echoes of the shock waves and immediately calculated the location of the epicenter.

“Over there.”

Aquilo and Superbia were on the bottom of the sea approximately three kilometers from the coast. Lili didn’t know in whose favor the fight was flowing, but it was on a scale in which she couldn’t intervene. One side was an adult dragon whom even Veronica would struggle with, while the other was a Seven Sins grimoire with the 5th seal released. It was a battlefield from which no one but a master could return.

– Are you really going? Gluttony asked Liliana. – Stop now, User. Pride is an emotional being, but it is one of the Seven Sins grimoires. It won’t slaughter you for unnecessary things.

“Can you be sure of that?”

– …No.

Liliana smiled and shrugged at the uncertain answer.

“Well, that’s right. And even if I survive here, is there any guarantee I won’t meet it again? If it becomes even more powerful than now, the world tree won’t be able to stop it… The safety of Ellenoa and Elvenheim will be at stake.”


“So I have to end it here. If it appears stronger next time, it won’t be something that people of this era can handle.”

Gluttony remained silent. The user’s survival was always of the highest priority, but she realized that Liliana’s words made sense. It was a gamble to fight here, but it would be checkmate if they fought again. Pride could reach the 6th stage by eating the sea dragon. By then, even if the continent formed an alliance, they would be wiped out in a week.

‘Seems Gluttony is easily convinced by the far-sighted view…’

Liliana, who convinced Gluttony with just a few words, stared calmly at the sea. Aquilo’s tail would occasionally soar up, and red blood sprayed like a fountain, turning the water red. The aftermath of the two monsters’ fight beneath the surface of the water was tremendous, reaching three kilometers away. Liliana grabbed her pounding heart, which felt like it would burst, and looked down at her left hand.

“…Is it possible?” It was a weak voice but Lili couldn’t help it. Before facing Aquilo today, Liliana had desperately worked out measures to deal with a dragon and had obtained her own results. However, she had no time to practice it. Modern magic wouldn’t work, so she had to pin her hope on ancient magic, which she had never attempted before.

At that moment, someone’s voice reached her ears.

“Hey, Young Mistress! It isn’t fun if you fly alone!” Lili already knew who it was without looking back. No, she was afraid of what her expression would be like. So, she replied without looking back, “What are you doing here Randolph? You can really die!”

“Didn’t I tell you? It doesn’t matter!”

Randolph’s level meant he could clearly see it… the struggle of the monster in the sea and the hell-like landscape they were now involved in. Yet Randolph still declared that they would go together. That loyal goodwill was such a heavy burden. Lili opened her mouth and enchanted Randolph’s shoes. Then she spoke in a testy voice, “Now you can even run around on the water. Of course, the surface will be different, but you can easily compensate for that.”

Randolph took one step at a time on the water, feeling delighted at not falling through the waves.

“Oh, this is good!”

He could walk on water if he utilized aura, but it was good to save energy and not have his concentration divided by the technique. As expected of a master level aura user, Randolph walked on the waves easily. It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t that different from his usual form.

However, there was no more time for the two of them to talk.


“Be careful, Young Mistress!”

Jjejejeok…! Jjejejeok…!

There was no warning as the waves froze, and the warm air became freezing cold like they were in a glacier. It was a chill reminiscent of the 7th Circle Blizzard. Liliana and Randolph stood next to each other and used their power to resist. A normal person would immediately have their muscles and blood frozen over.

The sudden chill meant her eyelashes were frozen, but Liliana easily removed the ice from her eyelashes and opened her eyes.

“The sea…!” It was all ice. The famous frigid landscape of the north was spread out before them. From the coast to the horizon, the whole area was frozen white. The seagulls flying in the sky fell down. They were so deeply frozen that no water emerged when Randolph placed the tip of his sword in one as a test.

The one who created this landscape…

Ku kwa kwa kwang! Penetrating through the thick ice like it was a thin wooden board, a dragon with blue scales rose to the surface. However, she didn’t have her usual unblemished and beautiful appearance, as her body was a wreck. Her scales had been melted by poison, and her skin had been torn by teeth. These wounds couldn’t heal, and blood flowed from them.

Who could push Aquilo so far in the sea? As if to answer that question, Pride’s grotesque body appeared on the glacier.

“Let’s go!” If Aquilo collapsed, they were dead. Pride wasn’t an opponent that Liliana and Randolph could face. Liliana flew in the sky, while Randolph ran on the glacier. A distance of three kilometers wasn’t particularly far for two people whose speed was accelerated to the maximum, but they couldn’t help sweating from the intense nervousness.

Fortunately, Aquilo still resisted violently.

Kwaang! Pride was struck by the long tail and pushed deeper into the glacier, but then it pounced at Aquilo and gouged her with sharp claws. This was probably a fearsome trait from another creature. As Liliana moved closer, she calculated the distance and prepared the magic which would be most effective. However, there was still a big gap between them.

[Kuack, this chimera bastard is trying to intimidate…!]

As Aquilo prepared another breath attack, Pride saw an opportunity and its claws flashed. Superbia used an unidentified poison. It was a poisonous solution capable of melting a dragon’s scales and muscles, and Aquilo couldn’t even guess its origin. If this poison hit her heart, brain, or spine, it would be a wound that could endanger her life. Aquilo, who sensed her defeat, closed her eyes.

Kurururung! Then lightning struck with a thunderous sound and shattered Pride. It was the 6th Circle lightning magic, Thunderbolt! Liliana had used ‘Memorize’ to create seven Thunderbolts, so it was inevitable for even a master to suffer serious injuries. The seven thunderbolts struck the unprepared Superbia, stopping its nervous system momentarily.

Then in front of Aquilo, a red cloak fluttered down.

“You will probably tell me not to interrupt,” the sorceress, who had inherited one of the Seven Sins, spoke as she thoroughly prepared for battle. “But Aquilo, I have a previous appointment with this creature.”

Chapter 150 – Along With The Dragon (3)

Superbia, who had been hit by Liliana’s Thunderbolt, was quicker to recover than Aquilo. The majority of the traits that Pride had armed itself with were still unknown, but its red eyeball blazed angrily.

This was already the second time. Pride recovered its flesh and started growling.

–You again, Monkey.

The air was tense, but Liliana just looked over with a nonchalant expression.

“Hah, it is so funny.”


“You are the one who fled, and now you’ve come back. Once again, I should be the one saying that, not you.”

At those words, the thick ice beneath Superbia’s feet broke. Superbia lost control of its strength for a moment, crushing the thick ice floor. This was 'Pride' of the Seven Sins, so Lili provoked its arrogance by mentioning that it had fled in the past.

Unsurprisingly, Superbia’s dozens of eyes were now all concentrated on Liliana, not Aquilo.

–Pretentious monkey! The loser on that day was you, not me! If that female monkey hadn’t come, your body would’ve become part of me by now!

An intense fury swept over Lili, but unlike in the past, she wasn’t shaken this time. No, she looked at Superbia with cold ridicule.

“Do you think there is any point discussing ‘what if’? You might boast about all the species you’ve usurped, but in the end, you are just a weak chimera.”


Once water boiled over, there would be nothing left. Likewise, the monster’s patience had run dry.

It changed from an underwater form to one suitable to fight on land. The kraken’s eight tentacles turned into thick and tough horse legs. Its skin resembled a hard shell, and the fins became several layers of wings. Oddly enough, the form was very similar to the one Liliana had faced in the past.

A centaur’s lower body, a storm locust’s wings, and a spriggan’s acceleration ability…

After restructuring itself with these features, Pride declared in a mocking voice,

–Don’t think this is the same as last time. You are no different from the gravel on the street.

“Your brain is worse than I thought.” Despite the warning from her senses, Liliana raised her finger and gestured for Superbia to come near. “Do you understand what I am saying? Don’t think I will let you flee like last time.”

-…How impertinent!

Finally, Superbia’s patience broke, and it ran across the frozen ground with a loud cry. In response, the ground cracked like a spider web. Superbia’s assertion that it was different from last time seemed to be true, as its acceleration exceeded Liliana’s reaction time.

There was no room to evade, and blocking it would cause serious injuries. In this crisis situation, Liliana accepted the fearful blow without any defenses.


However, Superbia was the one who received a surprise. Liliana’s defenseless body turned semi-transparent, and the attack passed through it!


At that moment, Randolph wielded his two falchions and aimed at Superbia. It was his trademark high-speed attack. In other words, it aligned with the saying that there were always gaps in the defense to exploit.

'Clovis Two Swords Style.
Special Hidden Meaning Technique.
Thunder Claws.'

This wasn’t an opponent Randolph could go easy on. He sensed this and used his Hidden Meaning technique without any hesitation. Dozens of strands of aura emerged from the blades like thunderbolts.


It was a bombardment instead of a surrender, and the attack crushed Superbia’s ribs and heart. This type of wound would take longer to recover from than a single, neat wound. Additionally, the combined attack of the two people wasn’t over yet.


Randolph retreated, while Liliana’s translucent body returned to its original form. Liliana, who avoided the attack with Fluidization, had prepared the magic needed for this situation.

‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Triple Blaze Burst. Triple Fire Strike. Spell Fusion: Explosion.’

The fusion magic converged six fire attack spells into one. It was overkill when used against humans but lacking if she wanted to kill Pride.

“Strike Flare!”

It was a menacing swirl of magic power! The heavy spirit of magic power and flames hit Superbia’s upper body, which hadn’t finished regenerating yet.


The sound of the attack shook the heavens and earth. Along with the loud roar, the frozen land shook and cracked.

The widespread melting of the ice caused the water to become unstable, and the seawater underneath evaporated, leaving only salt behind. This was the greatest firepower that the current Liliana could produce.

However, the monster at the center of the heat survived.


The thick water vapor was lifted by the sea breeze, revealing a shape Lili had never seen before.

–A monkey managed to do this to my body?

‘Pride,’ Superbia, glanced between the two humans with annoyed eyes.

It had golden eyes like a wild beast and white hair like a snowstorm. Unlike its previous ugly appearance, it now looked beautiful. However, Liliana and Randolph couldn’t help taking a few steps back. This was because they sensed enormous power was hidden within this form.


-No. Gluttony, who had remained silent after the battle began, denied Lili’s speculation. –That is a species called Ulfheðnar.

‘I’ve never heard of it.

-Of course not. It is the species that exterminated the beast king, Fenrir. The werewolf that you just mentioned is a subgroup of the Ulfheðnar. It is similar to the relationship between the elves and the Arv.

‘A top species!’ Liliana’s eyes filled with astonishment.

They were an ancient species who some said had the power of a god, unlike the modern species’ descendants who had lost all of their origins. The high elves only inherited some of the Arv’s powers, but they were able to cause miracles. So, what was the power of this top species?

‘Gluttony, what is the ability of the Ulfheðnar?’


‘You don’t know?’

–I know. But it is ambiguous to explain.

As Gluttony was choosing her words, Superbia lifted both fists with a body which had completely regenerated. Liliana reflexively lowered her body as Gluttony’s ridiculous ability came back.

–There is no special ability. It is just merely strong.


Simultaneously, there was a white flash, and a deafening sound rang out.


Liliana couldn’t grasp the situation and frowned.


Suddenly, Randolph fell to one knee and coughed up blood. Both his hands were still holding the falchions, but it was like he had stepped into a furnace. Superbia, who was in its original spot, clapped and praised Randolph.

–You are better than expected, Monkey. There were 36 strikes from the top, bottom, left, and right, so it is impossible for monkeys to catch up to this speed.

Liliana was shocked as she understood what had happened.

‘This is ridiculous…!’

When she observed closely, there were traces of something having moved across the surface of the ice. Pride and Randolph, the two beings had an incredible exchange of speed.

‘Merely strong.’ Liliana finally realized what Gluttony meant. All the physical abilities were above the realm of a master, that was a Ulfheðnar!

Randolph used Hidden Voice to send the shocked Liliana a message.

[Young Master, please handle the healing magic.]

[Where are you hit?]

Randolph pretended to lift his right arm naturally, but Liliana was forced to gulp when she saw it. Blood was dripping out from the fist mark on the mithril alloy breastplate which Liliana had enchanted with protection magic before they left.

[I was struck lightly in one place… but three ribs are broken. I won’t be able to endure a second direct hit.]

Randolph advised that he would be more comfortable if his ribs were healed. The wolf was able to deal a deadly blow to someone who had master-level aura and wore the highest quality armor.

“…It’s coming!”

The two people gathered up their strength as they watched Superbia.

At the very least, they had to hang on until Aquilo recovered enough to return to the front lines. That was the only prerequisite for their victory. The red cloak and double swords started to move against the white flash.

On the outskirts of the thrilling battlefield, Aquilo was staring blankly at the backs of the two people.

* * *


Once again, Randolph blocked an invisible kick and fell far away. His right wrist was dislocated, his left clavicle fractured, and even his hip joints were dangerously creaky.


Had it been 5 minutes, or maybe 10 minutes? Maybe it wasn’t more than 30 seconds.

After Superbia transformed into the Ulfheðnar, the battle flowed one-sidedly against the two. Despite concentrating on defense, their wounds were getting bigger, and scars were starting to form despite the recovery magic.


Liliana’s thunderbolts struck the glacier, but Superbia wasn’t hit by any of them. The wolf, Ulfheðnar, was a species capable of avoiding thunder. The speed of lightning magic wasn’t comparable to sound, but Superbia’s movements seemed to go beyond the walls of physics.

Superbia leisurely raised its claws as it walked forward one step at a time.

–Do you see your deaths nearing?

“You’re a dog talking nonsense!”

–Hmm, the wolf definitely belongs in the mammals category with dogs.

This guy was saying hateful things. Liliana and Randolph were feeling hopeless and beginning to despair, and Pride didn’t miss this moment.

–I’m tired of this. The appetizer ends here.

In an instant…

Superbia moved so quickly that neither Liliana nor Randolph could perceive it. The story might’ve been different if the injuries and fatigue hadn’t accumulated. However, Liliana had said it first, ‘what ifs’ were just the excuses of a loser.


The claws of the Ulfheðnar, which were more powerful than aura, headed towards their necks.

Randolph made at least 15 calculations, but he realized that all the countermeasures conceived would lead to a ruthless end. It was the same for Liliana. She could avoid the attack with Umbra, but the moment Randolph fell, there would be no one left to protect Liliana.

It was a checkmate, the desperate moment of life or death. Therefore, it wasn’t them who saved themselves, but a helper from the outside.

[лед (Freeze).]

The world stopped. Liliana realized it the moment she heard an unknown language spoken clearly.

It was magic which calculated the natural laws and changed the flow. If so, this power was the peak of a magician. The true power of a dragon was to change the existing flow and give commands above the natural laws.

The body of a top species was locked inside the glacier!

“-Ahh, this thing is really hard to kill,” Aquilo muttered with a pale face, changing back from a sea dragon to a beauty. “But this will be able to hold it for a while.”

She patted the trapped Superbia a few times before looking at the two who were barely breathing. No, to be precise, she looked at Liliana’s face and smiled.

“Girl, you are more than I thought.”


“Did you come to fight on the premise that I will help you?”

Liliana closed her mouth at the words which pierced through her. However, Aquilo didn’t seem offended as she giggled at her. She hadn’t struggled like this even when wiping out a high fleet. When fools came to try and subjugate her, she had laughed merrily.

However, now, she was cornered by a monster and saved by humans.

“Hoo… This is the first time I’ve felt this way.”

It wasn’t good or bad. She was just angry that someone had intervened in the game, and the pride of a dragon didn’t allow her to bow her head first.

Aquilo sent Liliana and Randolph a strange look as she sucked on her pipe and pondered for a moment. Then she decided to act in an improvised manner as always.

“Well, it doesn’t really matter,” she said to Liliana while blowing out white smoke. “I’ll follow your instructions as much as I can. But do you have an idea of how to take that monster out? The power of my breath failed to kill it.”

“…I’ve thought of a way.”

However, there was no time to explain it as the mass of ice had begun to crack. They would die if she refused or tried to escape, but Aquilo replied surprisingly easily.

“Okay, then what do you need me to do?”

“I need time.”

At least 10-15 minutes. Randolph couldn’t hold on for five minutes alone, but it might be possible if Aquilo’s support was added. Every minute and second was precious. Aquilo accepted the request. Then as the ice broke, the second round would soon begin.

During this gap, Liliana invoked the method she had prepared, “Activate Overwrite.”

The system responded to the user’s will immediately.

[The C Rank ‘Overwrite’ has been triggered!]

[Please select the author you want to overwrite. (Available people: 2)]

The martial artist from the east, Lee Yoonsung… Or the best summoning magician in the modern age, Satomer…

Confronted with these two choices, Liliana chose one without hesitation.

[Object name ‘Satomer’ has been loaded into the user’s body.]

Chapter 11: Chapter 151-175

Chapter Text

Chapter 151 – Along With The Dragon (4)

It was the summoning magician, whose luck didn’t follow her extraordinary talent and enthusiasm, Satomer. The magician who had explored all corners of the continent responded to Lili’s call. While her consciousness was called from inside Gluttony, Pride managed to escape from its ice prison and roared in anger. This was the howling of a top species from the forgotten period, Ulfheðnar!


The weakened glacier collapsed. Seawater rose through the cracks in the ice like paddy rice fields, and fish with busted guts floated on the surface of the water. Lili, who was floating with magic—no, Satomer frowned at the sight.

‘This is confusing. Why did you call me? Wouldn’t the eastern martial artist, Lee Yoonsung, be more helpful than me who was always stuck behind a desk?’

It was a legitimate point, but Lili answered differently.
–I want you to review something.

‘Review? What are you say-’

Satomer stopped talking. Once ‘Overwrite’ was used, he could read Lili’s memories and share their knowledge and power. It was the reason why Alfred had been able to fight immediately in the past. So, Satomer soon found the memory of the ‘trump card’ Lili had developed, and he shook, thrilled by what he saw.

–Senior, is it possible?

Satomer laughed at Lili’s prudent question.

“Ku, kuha, kuhahahaha!”


Lili’s summoning knowledge had all derived from Satomer. She lacked in proficiency and application, but there was no big difference when it came to the breadth and depth of her knowledge. So, if Lili decided it was possible, Satomer would probably come to that conclusion as well. Satomer looked over Lili’s plan a few times before laughing like a madwoman. Then he praised Lili.

“Kuahaha! Damn girl! You are a damn genius! You are really a terrible person to be so smart!”

While Lili remained surprised, Satomer nodded. All the necessary supplies were already prepared, this body was several times richer in power and sensitivity, and there was even the ‘door to another world’ on her left hand... If Satomer tried 10 times, he could succeed all 10 times without any worries.

Then he raised his magic power and shouted to the party, “I’m starting! Don’t let anything interrupt me, no matter what!”

–What are you trying to do?

The first person who reacted was Superbia, who had previous experience with Lili. It quickly bypassed Aquilo and Randolph, trying to strike Lili directly. However…

“Hello. Where are you going?”


Superbia was hit by the tail of Aquilo, who had a speed comparable to Superbia. It was difficult for an Ulfheðnar to shake off a dragon’s speed. Moreover, the situation was different from before. The front and back defense areas were covered, so both people could respond more promptly than before. The collaboration of the dragon and sword master created a defense line which was more robust than when they’d been on their own. Therefore, Satomer could fully concentrate on the summoning magic.

“「Open, door to the blazing world-」”

He started chanting a summoning spell. The center of the magic circle was completed in just a few seconds as the best summoning magician of the modern era started to show his true value.

“「Knock knock knock three times, turn once, open the door to the burning world. I will be your master.」”


“「Flame that burns the world, death that scorches the world, dragon that calls destruction. My voice is over 1,000 years old, and I call on you. I command you to follow my will.」”

Lili was more surprised than anyone else.

The spells weren’t just mere words, they were the result of high-level formulae calculations. Those which crossed a few bars were classified as complex strategy magic and were at a level that required a group to perform, not an individual. However, Satomer’s spell was at a level of computation which surpassed strategy magic. No, this had already surpassed the concept of computing.

Lili could tell because they shared the same body. From Satomer’s childhood to death, the formulae and calculations of summoning magic had been as familiar as breathing. It was a level of effort which could only be reached at the end of a long period of obsession. As she thought this, something emerged from the ground before her eyes. This was the holy domain of the best summoner of the modern age. Satomer’s super-fast spell casting couldn’t be done by anyone else, including Lili.


The ‘Ring of Muspelheim,’ the red mark on the back of her left hand, started burning as Satomer roared. He held out ‘Charlotte’s Necklace’ in his right hand as the sacrifice.

“「The people who have lost their country, knights who have lost their monarch, and dead men who have lost their lives, set fire to those grudges. Set to rest those who have fallen into purgatory.」”

It would be a lie if Lili said she didn’t regret it. However, she was prepared to use this necklace as a sacrifice. The warlocks of the Orcus Company were after it. Lili was convinced that it was due to tracking ‘Charlotte’s Necklace’ that they had found her so far in the sea.


‘Charlotte’s Necklace’ was burned, and the mark on her left hand glittered like it was satisfied. It meant the offering was accepted. In other words, the summons would answer her. Now, she just needed to open the door by calling the name of the summons and supplying the magic power, then it would be finished. No more calculations or chanting were required.

At that moment, Satomer realized something.

‘Hey, this will fail.’


Satomer realized it first, a variable which was overlooked before as he had never gotten this far previously.

‘I will use a simple fishing analogy. The magic spell is the fishing rod, while the offering is the bait. Of course, the goal is a fish. Then what about the fishing line?’

Lili thought about it and quickly realized the right answer.

-…The summoner?

‘That is the correct answer. To be precise, it is your soul.’ Satomer continued to explain, ‘The fishing rod is perfect. The fish has eaten the bait, and the only thing left is to pull up the fishing line…’

–Is it not possible?

‘It is only a bit, but you are lacking strength. If you pull it in this state, the line will break and the magic will fail. Apart from the failure, your soul that is used as the fishing line won’t be safe either.’

Satomer finished the explanation and grinned.

[Object name ‘Satomer’ has requested to complete his quest. Reviewing the status of the quest and the current situation in response to the target’s unexpected request…]

[I acknowledge that object name ‘Satomer’ has a reasonable request.]

[The completion of the quest is confirmed. I will begin the transmission of object name ‘Satomer’ in 30 seconds.]

It was what he had been hoping for, but Lili shouted in an urgent voice,

–What does this mean?!

‘What? It is what you wanted and what I have to do.’

-…Don’t make me laugh!

Lili had a good head. She could guess why Satomer had asked to complete the quest and why the system accepted. The strength she was lacking for the fishing line would be covered by Satomer’s soul. However, unlike Lili's convinced mind, her heart couldn’t admit it. Satomer had wasted his whole life and now even lost the dream he had tried to achieve after death! As a fellow magician, Lili couldn’t accept that despairing ending!

–This is your wish! You didn’t give up until you died! Don’t lose it now! Don’t turn away. You should watch until the end!

Even if Lili succeeded in the summoning magic, Satomer wouldn’t be rewarded for that success. Lili couldn’t accept such a conclusion. Satomer replied with the same cynical tone as always,

‘Kuk, acting like this, you look like a loser again.’


‘Shut up. It is already done. Rather, you should look at what’s in front of you.’

Front? Lili looked away from her inner self and saw the scene before her.


Randolph crossed his two swords and barely prevented the attack. However, his wrists and knees shook as if they were going to break. It was evidence that they were already at their limit. Even Aquilo was in jeopardy, like a candle facing a storm.

“Heok…! Heeeok…!” Randolph’s shoulders shook as he struggled to breathe. Even a top class swordsman couldn’t control his breathing while the relentless barrage from Superbia continued. There was no difference with Aquilo, who struggled to block him.

“Ack!” Aquilo screamed and hurried away from the sharp teeth. Her beautiful blue scales were red from her blood, and there were no unscathed areas on her body, from head to toe. Even her lips were bloody. How long would they last? She seemed to be muttering something that Lili couldn’t hear.

Satomer, who shared Lili’s vision, nailed in the last wedge.

‘Girl? Aren’t they fighting that monster to protect you?’

With the fate of her colleagues on the line, Lili couldn’t say anything more. Additionally, the end of the 30-second grace period was in sight. Satomer spoke with a sincere expression,

‘Don’t worry about me. Think about the living, rather than the dead. My wish is almost completed. Didn’t I tell you? It is good even if I die. It is time to put your words into actions.’

-…Are you satisfied with that?

‘Satisfied? Of course not. I never managed it from my birth to my death.’

As Lili’s face distorted from the cynicism, the 30-second grace period ended.

[Starting Transmission with object name ‘Satomer.’]


‘Senior!’ Lili cried out reflexively and noticed that control of her body had been passed back to her. She admired the high perfection of the magic circle formed and listened to the ever-diminishing voice of Satomer.

–Anyway, I did everything. From the chant to the magic circle… I taught you, didn’t I?

‘That’s right.’

–Then it is enough. In the end, wasn’t the one who succeeded in this summoning magic… me, Satomer…? My regrets, my dreams, this inferiority, this ideology, I have given it all to you…! I can even throw my life away.

As evidence of his determination, Satomer didn’t feel regrets as his soul was being absorbed. Rather, this attitude was strengthened. Satomer stared at Lili, who was a junior caught up in a fate that Satomer couldn’t enjoy, someone with a rich bond to fate. For the promising but still young Lili, he spoke,

–I’ll leave it to you.

This was when the best summoning magician of the modern era gave up his role to the protagonist.

–Summoning magic, new achievements… I’m handing it all to you. The honor… realize it.

“…Yes, it is an honor.”

–If you understand… call, it, now.

With some exceptions, summoning magic was always done by calling the name of the entity the person wanted to summon. As Lili tried to move her lips, the remnant of Satomer cried out,


At the same time, Lili shouted loudly,

“「Come, Fafnir!」”

* * *

It happened in an instant. The moment ‘it’ appeared, the world started burning. ‘It’ was a sacred dragon made of white fire.

The night retreated, and the darkness fled. All the clouds in the sky evaporated, and the sea level lowered faster than the frozen sea could melt. The sky became as bright as daylight, almost burning the eyeballs, while some of the fishing boats near the coast melted away. The cool seawater bubbled up like lava, and the swimming fish died without knowing anything.

The amount of time elapsed was exactly one second. As Fafnir descended to the material world, the radius of three kilometers was turned into a fiery hell. This was the existence which burned the original world trees in the Age of Mythology and transformed the Red Plateau into a land where no life could live. Fafnir was the strongest trump card Lili had prepared.


Some might say it was nonsense, but they couldn’t make any noise because there was no air to vibrate. Aquilo looked up at the white dragon in the sky with damp, fluorescent eyes. The enormous light and heat emanated from Fafnir’s scales, making it an area which normal humans couldn’t live in. It was the ancient dragon which could even kill her! Knowing its potential, Aquilo desperately cut off all heat and tried not to be noticed.

“The great dragon god floating in the sky, please ignore this beautiful girl.”


If Randolph was awake, he would be laughing after hearing the prayer. Luckily, he was dragged into Aquilo’s hands and lost consciousness. However, did her prayer enter the ears of the gods somewhere in the universe?

Exactly two seconds after Fafnir was summoned…

『Target picked, extermination begins.』

Fafnir’s glowing white eyes looked down at something floating on the sea. Half of the glacier, which had been used as a fighting ground, had melted away. Superbia had transformed into a marine life, just like when it fought Aquilo.

–D-Dammit…! Superbia thought despairingly as the situation reversed.

Chapter 152 – Along With The Dragon (5)


The moment Superbia sensed that this was an opponent it couldn’t face, it chose to run away without any hesitation. As part of the Seven Sins, Pride aimed to be the culmination of all living things. For someone who pursued the peak of life, ‘survival’ was an absolute necessity. Due to that, it could throw away its pride. As someone said, one’s will to survive was always strong.

While Superbia flew through the water, it muttered in order to soothe its wounded pride.

–Don’t think that this is enough to win over me, Gluttony’s monkey! Your ability means you won’t be able to summon it for a long time. As soon as the dragon disappears, I will kill you!

Surprisingly, Superbia’s prediction was reasonable. Superbia’s intuition couldn’t be overlooked after existing for tens of thousands of years and experiencing countless battles with other grimoires, knights, and magicians.

It was like Superbia said. Without the special offering of ‘Charlotte’s Necklace,’ Liliana wouldn’t be able to summon Fafnir for even one second. The necklace, which contained the souls of a kingdom, allowed that primordial monster to be summoned for seven seconds at most.

Now, the time remaining for Fafnir was four seconds.

–Kuhuhu, let’s see if you can catch me with that huge body!

Superbia’s speed was staggeringly fast after shifting into many marine traits, as it managed to move hundreds of meters in a few seconds. Fafnir looked down at the surface of the water and chuckled in a mocking tone.

Speed and strategy, everything was meaningless before it.


The fire dragon took a deep breath.

It took one second for the endless heat to converge. Then it took another second to process the converged heat into the form of a ray. Lastly, it took one second to check the position of the target and aim.

In the Age of Mythology, this was the breath which burned the original world trees, and even transcendents were reluctant to face it. The light, which was like a ‘laser,’ seemed to erase the world. Fafnir, Muspelheim’s incarnation, used the strongest means of attack available to it.


It wasn’t a flame but a small supernova. The small supernova penetrated through the air resistance and pierced the surface of the sea faster than lightning. The seawater evaporated before the ray reached, and the water exploded from the heat, stirring up a small tsunami. This was merely the aftermath of the disaster…

And it only targeted one being.

–N-No…! This attack…!

As it split into hundreds—no, thousands of pieces in one second, Superbia’s senses warned it of absolute death.

It had stockpiled countless lives and amounts of energy, but this ray was outside of the norm. The destruction rate overwhelmed its regeneration speed, and the destructive power surpassed its accumulated energy.

Pride realized that it couldn’t survive and screamed.

–I, how can a monkey do this to me-!

It cried out before being erased by the ray.


After one or two seconds, Superbia’s terrible regenerative power soon reached its limit. All of the energy stored in its cells was exhausted. Once this function was stopped, there would be nothing left.


However, the flash which burned Pride didn’t stop there. The intense light ray pierced through the water pressure toward the bottom of the sea. The sleeping undersea volcano woke up, and seismic waves spread out, upsetting the ecosystem of the distant ocean. When comparing it to chess, it was like shattering the chessboard with a hammer.

The monstrous dragon ended the situation with one attack and declared in a languid voice, 『Extermination complete, returning.』

It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. After the seven-second summoning of Fafnir was finished, the darkness which had fled over the horizon returned to its original position. The outside air pushed into the vacuum, and the hot atmosphere calmed down.

“You did it, Senior.”

As her ragged dress flapped, Liliana stared up at the sky with a weary look. There was no voice to reply to her as Satomer’s soul had become part of her and would travel forward with Liliana. She felt a small sense of comfort if she thought like that.

As soon as she realized that everything was over, Liliana’s consciousness cut out like a broken rope.


There was no magic power left to keep the magic spell going, so the young girl fell from the sky. The winner of the great battle was caught in a rare gentle touch by the sea dragon, Aquilo.

“…Huh, you have done something ridiculous,” she murmured in an astonished and weak voice.

Aquilo cooled down the area using the power of a sea dragon, but it would take a few more days for it to return to the normal temperature. Additionally, the water which had become too salty due to the rapid evaporation had to be restored, as well as the ocean currents which had become messy due to the seismic waves.

Aquilo started sweating as she looked down at Liliana and thought inwardly, ‘Girl, did you prepare this magic to fight me?’

There was no way she could have prepared this disposable battle magic so quickly. Aquilo thought for a moment about snapping Liliana’s neck, before sighing to herself.

Regardless of the circ*mstances, these two people had saved her, and she owed them a life debt. A dragon’s pride was high, so she couldn’t tolerate doing such a cowardly act. In the end, Aquilo laughed as she looked at the brightening horizon.

“Doesn’t this mean I almost died twice in a day? It was an interesting day. More so than my 1,000 years of boredom.”

This struggle had involved a being from the Age of Mythology, which had ended before she was born. Today’s fight was memorable even for the dragon who had lived close to 1,000 years. Aquilo, who ruled the sea, laughed pleasantly and turned away from the sun.

Three shadows were cast under the light of the rising sun.

* * *

Liliana felt relieved the moment she woke up from a deep sleep.

A sorceress could threaten a dragon, so she had considered the possibility of being killed by the vigilant Aquilo. Fortunately, she had decided to leave her alive.

‘…This place?’

The bed was so comfortable and luxurious that she couldn’t help feeling sleepy as she touched it. She still hadn’t recovered completely, so she wanted to fall asleep. However, Liliana had to check something beforehand.


–You woke up, User.

As always, a blunt voice welcomed her.

“You don’t need to give a greeting. Rather, what happened with Pride?”

Lili had been able to see its annihilation due to sharing Fafnir’s senses, but she didn’t know Pride’s fate. A Seven Sins grimoire had extraordinary and bizarre abilities, so there was a possibility it could survive after being hit by Fafnir’s laser.

However, Gluttony dispelled Liliana’s worries.

–Totally destroyed.

“Are you sure?”

–Not even one cell remains as it was all melted. At the very least, it will take 1,000 years for Pride to reappear in this world.

Liliana was puzzled by the words.

“This world? No, if Pride was completely destroyed, how can it appear again?”

–Hrmm, a lock has been released. I will explain within the allowable limits.

Gluttony made a dubious sound before explaining,

–First, the grimoires don’t exist in this world. Both me and Pride, our bodies don’t exist in this lower dimension. In order to enter this lower dimension, we need a control unit that minimizes our function and size.

“So… there is a separate body?”

-That’s right.

Occasionally, there were vague terms, but Liliana concentrated on the main facts that she understood from the explanation.

According to Gluttony, the bodies of the Seven Sins lived outside this dimension in a place where no life lived. They dispatched separate bodies to a number of dimensional systems. This world’s Gluttony was just one of the many separate bodies which were scattered.

Then a question suddenly popped into Liliana’s head.

“Why will it take 1,000 years to come back? It can just send another separate body.”

–It is simple. There is a finite number of separate bodies. The number of dimensions contemplated by the Seven Sins is indefinite, and the number of bodies sent was also close to limitless. In the rare case that a separate body is destroyed like it is now, it will take around 1,000 years to restore it.

Liliana asked again with a cold face, “Then is it impossible to completely block it from this dimension?”

–It is impossible,

Gluttony replied immediately, without any hesitation.

–The body that lives in the outer dimension is a 7th stage divine entity which draws information and power from the inexhaustible dimensional system. You will only become part of the mountain of dead bodies.

“So, it isn’t an area that I can touch.”

–That’s right. User did well as a resident of this world. As of now, focus on your own work.

Liliana shook her head at the strange method of praising her, but she sensed someone was approaching. Unlike Randolph’s sharp presence, she stood in front of the door with the magnificent presence of a tsunami.

Aquilo didn’t knock on the door as she spoke in a loud voice, “Girl, you’re awake?”

“Lady Aquilo.” Liliana’s nervous reaction was funny.

Aquilo couldn’t help smiling and pointing that out. “What, last time you called me by my name, but now… Why are you saying ‘Lady’?”


“Yes, doesn’t this feel friendlier?”

Liliana felt tense leaving off the honorific, but Aquilo was pleased. She sucked on the pipe as always, then after taking a breath, she continued speaking.

“By the way, Girl, how is your stomach?”

“Stomach? Why all of a sudde-”

“You know, you were sleeping for three days.”

Grrr, Liliana’s stomach confirmed it. The sound was loud enough to be heard beyond the door. Liliana blushed and dropped her gaze. “……”

“Ahaha! Don’t be shy. Isn’t this natural for humans?” Aquilo laughed and turned around. Before leaving through the doorway, she said a few more words, “Your companion has woken up as well. Bring him down to the dining room. Tell him to dress appropriately.”

“…I understand.”


As the sound of Aquilo’s laughter faded into the distance, Liliana sighed with relief. Randolph was also safe, and Aquilo had no hostility toward her. Liliana’s knees weakened, and she sank onto the bed as she realized she had escaped from a major crisis.

She had won against Pride.

“I paid back your enemy, Seniors.”

Reminded of the members of the Magic Tower convoy who had sacrificed themselves so that she and Ellenoa could escape, Liliana closed her eyes in a moment of silence for them. The scars left behind on her body and the throbbing of her circles were part of her mourning.

Then Liliana finished the moment of silence and got up.

‘Let’s go.’

It was time to directly experience the return of the dragon’s grace, which had been heard about in many legends and from heroes.

Chapter 153 – Tell Me Your Wish (1)

Liliana discovered a familiar face when she opened the door. Both of them had sensed each other, so they weren’t greatly surprised. Bandages covered half of his skin, but Randolph talked as cheerfully as always, “Oh, did the naughty and oversleeping Young Mistress finally wake up?”

“Meanwhile, Randolph can easily run around,” Lili spoke in an admiring voice as she examined Randolph’s body.

It was as she said. After receiving Lee Yoonsung’s knowledge of the human body, Liliana’s diagnosis was more accurate than that of a normal healer. The noticeable injuries would take at least one month to heal. When including the injuries which weren’t visible, it would take at least three months of recovery. The evidence of the survival for life and death was inscribed on Randolph’s entire body.

However, Randolph nodded with a satisfied expression. “Of course. I’ve gained some profit from this battle, so how can I lie down and forget it?”

“Profit, surely not…?” Lili asked with a surprised face, while Randolph laughed like he'd been waiting for it.

“Well, it has only been half a day since I caught sight of it,” Randolph spoke casually, but the meaning of his words was never light.

There was only one thing which would count as a profit. It was the prerequisite to being a sword master—awakening the Aura Ability!

Randolph, who had been relying on his powerful aura and physical abilities, had finally stepped into the realm of transcendence. The fight with Superbia had acted as a catalyst, and another master had emerged into this world.

Liliana admired Randolph’s achievement, “Congratulations. Now you are a complete sword master.”

“It is complete, but if I want to use it perfectly, I’ll need to train for a few years. Well, it is nothing compared to when I was wandering around aimlessly.”

However, Randolph couldn’t hide his joy as he chuckled and lightly tapped against Liliana’s shoulder.

If he had been practicing alone, it might’ve taken him five or maybe 10 years. Even though he might’ve gone through several dangerous situations, this achievement was the result of his relationship with Liliana. The last fight with Superbia had made it possible for him to accumulate dozens of years of experience.

After a short moment of chatting, the two people went down the stairs together.

“By the way, where is this place? No matter how I look, it doesn’t seem like a dragon lair,” Lili asked.

“Ah, she said that this is a villa. It is on an island on the outskirts of the Pirate Archipelago. It is an area that the pirates can’t enter.”


Well, a dragon didn’t have to sleep in a cave. Liliana understood the explanation and looked around the interior. It wasn’t comparable to the Sea God Festival, but the paintings and decorations seemed expensive. Rather, it was similar to Earl Bergen’s mansion which she had visited in the past.

However, the crucial difference was the owner’s presence. As soon as they stepped into a long corridor off the stairs, a clear voice rang in their heads, [This way.]

It was a voice which surpassed ‘space.’ It was very different from the words which were transmitted in the form of a ‘voice.’ Liliana couldn’t understand the principles, but as soon as she heard her, the structure of the mansion was fully engraved in their minds.

‘Surely this… Is it Dragon Words?’

The dragon’s language was the power to shorten dozens of pages of information into a few syllables. Numerous magicians in the past had tried to recreate this system, but there had never been a single successful case. Liliana’s curiosity as a mage was boiling, but now wasn’t the time.

The duo soon faced Aquilo on the terrace of the villa.

“Welcome. Is this your first time in a villa?”

They were lost for words as they saw her smiling faintly under the afternoon sun. Unlike before, she hid her two horns and tail, so she just looked like a beautiful woman. If there was a title of ‘country’s top beauty,’ she would be one of the most powerful candidates on the continent.

Aquilo raised a finger toward the two people.

“Don’t just stand there, sit down. I’ve prepared things in my own way, so let’s start the story.”

As Liliana and Randolph sat in the chairs, people emerged from the villa while carrying something.


They were steaming hot dishes with delicious scents. Liliana hadn’t eaten in three days, so her mouth naturally started salivating. It was a type of dinner she had only seen when eating with Kurt III. The servants finished setting out the lavish meal, and Aquilo smiled while raising her glass.


Thus, the infamous dragon’s luncheon began.

* * *

Some people might’ve been suspicious about this luncheon, but Liliana didn’t think so.

Anyway, she had plenty of time to kill them in the last three days. So, there was no reason to use an unsightly method like poison. That’s why Liliana reached out toward the prepared dishes without any hesitation. She carefully ate a bit of the meat, and…

‘…Uh, isn’t this really delicious?!’

It was comparable to a dish made with the skill of the Meltor royal chef, and it wasn’t simply due to good ingredients. This was a dish that a first-class chef had to cook with the finest ingredients. It was gourmet cuisine which a person needed to pay dozens of gold coins for one table of food.

Liliana looked at Aquilo with a surprised expression and was amazed again.

She had the most perfect table manners out of anyone Liliana had seen so far. The location of the tableware was perfect, and no sound was made as she expertly used the knife. Her mouth had no dirty stains nor drops of sauce, leaving the napkin untouched. A dragon was faithful to their basic needs, and food was one of those.

Liliana marveled at her elegant appearance and continued to eat. Sometimes, the sound of tableware banging could be heard, and the three people’s meals ended after an hour.


As the owner of this place, Aquilo was the first to put her utensils down. “Hrmm, it was pretty good. Does it suit your taste?”

Liliana nodded without any hesitation. “It was really good. This is the level of a royal palace.”

Randolph said, “I haven’t experienced that, but the food was really impressive.”

Their reaction was satisfactory, which caused Aquilo to smile and clap her hands several times. Shortly afterward, the people from inside the villa removed the empty plates and placed fragrant tea before the three people.

Then Aquilo turned towards the two people. “Then let’s settle the debt I owe the both of you.”

It was now starting for real. Liliana couldn’t help holding her breath as she waited for Aquilo to speak.

“The dragon clans have different inclinations. It is emotions for the red clan, wisdom for the gold clan, life for the green clan, purity for the silver clan… and like me, the blue clan puts emphasis on interest.”

It didn’t mean that she liked to obtain benefits. If she was gracious, she had to receive something in return. If she owed someone, she should pay them back. Repaying back any debts was the nature of the blue dragon.

This was the reason why Aquilo took a tribute from the Pirate Archipelago in return for her protection.

“The two of you saved my life. My own strength helped me overcome the crisis, but the debt I owe is still heavy. I can’t pay back my life with half the gold on this archipelago.”

Then she raised three fingers.

“One for the swordsman, and two for the girl.” Aquilo looked rather regal as she made the pronouncement, “I will give you three favors for your grace toward me. If you want, I can even pass over sovereignty of this island.”

The two looked at each other and came to a silent agreement, causing Randolph to open his mouth first.

“I don’t care about this island. Rather, I need a sword.”


“My swords were completely broken in the fight against the monster. If you have any good swords, can I receive two? That is what I want to ask of you.”

He looked at his two falchions with a bitter expression. There were large cracks like spiders webs in the center of both swords, and they looked like they were going to collapse at any moment. Randolph had barely regained the heirlooms from the Miller Barony along with the techniques inside it, but his inexperience had caused them to break. If he had fought with the integrity of a master, his swords wouldn’t have broken.

However, Aquilo had an absurd expression on her face. “Two swords? Are you serious?”

“You can’t?”

“A dragon owes you a life debt, and you ask for two swords?”

She looked outraged at Randolph’s words but soon exerted her power.

[пространство (Space).]

Simultaneously, dozens of swords suddenly poured out. These were all famous swords. They had value as antiques but were also in an excellent state for practical use. A few masterpieces from the dwarves hidden deep in the mountains were included. Looking at the happily jumping Randolph, Aquilo sighed with a sad expression on her face.

“Take everything that is there. Wouldn’t it be annoying if the value of my life is only worth two pieces of scrap metal?”


“No, I’ll give you armor as well since yours broke. Pick your favorite one.”

Aquilo snapped her fingers and shiny armor poured out. Randolph’s head was hit by the heavy rain of metal, but he didn’t feel any pain as he hugged the pile of armor. Liliana and Aquilo couldn’t help laughing at the sight before they looked at each other.

The two remaining favors belonged to Liliana. ‘Don’t disappoint me this time’ was expressed in Aquilo’s eyes as Liliana took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

She said, “First of all, I want you to dismantle this Pirate Archipelago.”

“Hrmm?” Aquilo made a strange noise as she stared at Liliana. Sensing the strange atmosphere, Randolph looked up from his armor. Liliana’s request meant destroying the vast supply of goods Aquilo was receiving. The pirates’ tribute equaled hundreds of thousands of gold every year, so wasn’t this huge damage?

However, Aquilo was surprisingly calm.

“I’m sorry, but that isn’t my responsibility.”


“I organized the Pirate Archipelago into this structure, but the pirates have been living here since then. I don’t have the right to do that unless you ask me to kill everyone or to destroy this island.”

Indeed, Liliana was convinced by the explanation. Aquilo emphasized that her ‘right’ and her ‘power’ were of two different regions. It was possible to destroy the Pirate Archipelago, but the ownership of the island and the residents’ rights couldn’t be handed over by her.

However, Liliana was able to figure out another way to dismantle the Pirate Archipelago.

“If so, I want you to take back your blessing. Is that possible?”

Aquilo smiled as she confirmed it. “Of course. That won’t be hard.”

In some ways, this favor was crueler. Liliana chose it despite knowing this fact. Until now, the Pirate Archipelago had been able to move freely in the sea due to the blessing of the sea dragon, Aquilo.

The pirate ships which lost their power could now be defeated by the military. It was natural for them to lose their lives once the blessing was gone. After all, criminals should be judged by the law. The fate of the pirates was decided.

“Now, what is your last wish, Girl?” Aquilo whispered as she cupped her chin. The blue hair hanging over her white skin naturally attracted attention, but Liliana was too busy thinking. The last wish was for real. It was her last chance to receive something from her.

The mage, who held this opportunity in her hand, spoke carefully, “The last thing that I want…”

Chapter 154 – Tell Me Your Wish (2)

In a short period of time, many choices crossed Liliana's mind as she closed her eyes.

‘What is the best thing to ask from Aquilo?’

Original books? …Dismissed. She didn’t know if Aquilo had any rare original books, and Aquilo didn’t seem like someone interested in magic books. After making such a request, she might cause a disaster such as all the libraries on the continent being plundered by a dragon.

Smashing the Orcus Company… dismissed. The identity and structure of the organization behind it were still unclear. Not everyone who belonged to the Orcus Company would be warlocks, so innocent people might be crushed along with the company.

Should she demand a large amount of assets? …On hold. Getting gold coins for a dragon’s grace was a bit sad.

Then Liliana came up with a good idea. It was difficult for her to make the decision, so she should leave it to the opponent. At the very least, the dragon wouldn’t cheat or deceive her when paying back the favor. Their pride didn’t tolerate such acts.

“Give me what you think is most valuable among what you own.”

It was an ambiguous favor. What was Aquilo’s most valuable thing? It might be a rare ornament or perhaps beautiful jewelry. In a sense, it was a gamble for Liliana. Aquilo’s eyes widened with amazement, before her expression changed into that of an unknown emotion.

“Girl, are you serious?”

Liliana was curious about her reaction and asked, “Is it okay?”

“Hrmm… No, well, if that is what you want.” Aquilo bit her lips and shook her head. Then she rose from her seat and used her long finger to beckon toward Liliana.

“Okay, come closer. I’ll give you what you want.”

Why did her voice sound bewitching, like a devil’s voice? However, she was the one who brought this up. Liliana rose from her seat and stood carefully in front of Aquilo. She was only a few steps closer than before, but her body was tense now.

At that moment, Aquilo’s hands wrapped around her shoulders.


It seemed like a light hold, but the force was so strong that she couldn’t resist! However, she didn’t feel any risk toward her life. So, Liliana didn’t struggle as Aquilo looked into her eyes. As her breath reached her nose, Liliana unconsciously stopped breathing.

Her stunning eyes and aroma caused her to feel dizzy. It couldn’t be helped since she looked like she was going to lick her face. Liliana had never seen a basilisk, but she felt like being petrified by it would feel like this. Her body stiffened as Aquilo’s lips neared.

She whispered in a low voice, “Don’t be nervous. There might be pain at first…”

Shortly after that, Liliana felt a painful sensation at her neck.


She had bit her neck. Before Liliana could accept the situation, Randolph yelled agitatedly at the muffled groan, “-What are you doing, Dragon?”

Blood flowed from the bitten area, but Liliana wasn’t just surprised at the pain. Randolph pulled out a sword one beat later, but a voice stopped him.

“S-Stop!” The urgent voice was coming from the bite victim, Liliana.

“What? Young Mistress, aren’t you being attacked right now?”

“No. This isn’t an attack.” Liliana tried to explain but couldn’t help falling silent in the end. It was because cold energy was coming from the area where Aquilo was biting. No, the feeling was like some type of magic power liquid.

The beautiful woman continued biting the young girl’s neck, and the bizarre confrontation soon came to an end.

Smack. Aquilo’s wet lips made a sound as she let go.

She licked her lips which were red with Liliana’s blood and nodded with a satisfied look.

“It went well. There was no rejection, so this might be surprisingly good.”

“…What did you pour in?”

“Huh? It is my blood, of course.”

“What-” In contrast to Aquilo’s calm reply, Liliana looked down at her body with surprised eyes. Aquilo’s blood, a dragon’s blood, had been injected into her neck. Whether it was true or not, she was able to discover something around her collarbone. It was a tattoo which shone blue like Aquilo.


“Blood mark.” Aquilo explained in a drowsy voice, “Among everything I possess, this is the most valuable thing. It is the only thing that fits the criteria, apart from myself.”

Liliana might have saved her life once, but it wasn’t enough to make Aquilo her possession. So, Aquilo adjusted the reward according to the conditions proposed by Liliana.

“Girl, can you use summoning magic?” Without waiting for Liliana to reply, Aquilo continued, “If you think you need my help, you can call through the blood mark. I’ll help you unconditionally once. I will leave it to your discretion, okay?”

“…Do I have any other choice?”

“Ahaha! Well, you don’t have to use it. There are a few other effects, but you can look at those yourself.”

She playfully concealed the abilities, but unfortunately, Liliana had Gluttony’s Appraisal ability. When Aquilo glanced away, the tongue emerged from Liliana’s left hand and brushed against her neck. Simultaneously, the familiar information window appeared.

[+14 Aquilo’s Blood Mark (Imprint)]

[This is an imprint using the blood of the sea dragon, Aquilo. As the number of clan members declined, the dragons attempted to make more kin with their blood. This blood mark is the result of that attempt. The attempt to create more family members failed, but the act of granting a blood mark created a linked relationship. If the relationship with the partner of the blood mark becomes hostile, it will naturally be destroyed.

* The rating of this imprint is ‘Treasure.’

* The user's water affinity will significantly increase.

* The user will be given the ‘Sea Dragon’s Blessing.’

* It is possible to summon the sea dragon, Aquilo.

* The conditions of use for ‘Dragon Words’ aren’t met. (1/2)

-Own a certain amount of dragon’s blood. (O)

-Understand the system and principles of Dragon Words. (X)

-Once all of the above conditions are met, it is possible to use Dragon Words three times a day.]

At first, she read the information window with calm eyes, but she soon started shaking. Affinity with water was a natural effect because she was a sea dragon, but the aspect of ‘Dragon Words’ was an entirely different matter.

If she could learn how to use ‘Dragon Words,’ the value of this blood mark just skyrocketed. She was also given the right to call an adult dragon, a being equivalent to two masters. Liliana’s eyes were stunned at such a huge jackpot.

All of a sudden, Aquilo extended her hand outside the terrace, toward the horizon where the fog created by her power was located.

[отменен (Vanish).]

With one word, the fog in the horizon started to return to Aquilo.

It was the end of the barrier which had protected the Pirate Archipelago for decades. As requested by Liliana, she took back all the privileges she had given to the Pirate Archipelago. The same was true of the ships docked at the harbor. The pirate ships would now have to go through the water with their own skills.

After finishing a series of things in a few minutes, Aquilo shrugged and looked at the two men.

“It is finished. Now, this is no longer my island. So, I’m going to move my lair.”

“…The Pirate Archipelago is completely over.”

“I guess so.”

An attachment might form when one stayed somewhere for decades, but Aquilo showed no signs of that. Rather, she was a notorious dragon and felt good about abandoning the pirates. For her, the pirates were just ants who gave her tribute. She could discard them at any time and collect more.

Aquilo agreed before rummaging through her space.

“Here, some change.” She threw out a pouch. Liliana grabbed it reflexively.

Then she smiled and turned away. “All three requests have been granted.”

The two men watched on as Aquilo climbed onto the terrace. Then she said goodbye in a playful manner, “Then bye!”

Aquilo jumped in a parabola toward the distant sea. The duo watched with absurd expressions as she changed into a dragon in midair and then moved away at a rapid pace which they couldn’t follow.

After that, Aquilo never returned to the Pirate Archipelago.

“Hah…” Liliana watched with a bemused expression before opening the pouch. Randolph approached and looked over her shoulder, before crying out, “Heok!”

They were forced to swallow their breaths.

* * *

The next day, the passenger ship arrived, and Liliana’s group departed for the Soldun Kingdom. Thanks to Liliana’s ‘Sea Dragon’s Blessing’, the speed was well above normal, and the two people were able to reach a coastal city in the Soldun Kingdom in less than a week.

Ah, what happened to the Pirate Archipelago after that?

It understandably collapsed.

The four rulers panicked as they learned that their blessings had been removed. Soon, those with ambitious eyes tried to take control of the island, and the peacefully coexisting Pirate Archipelago became filled with blood and death.

The pirates split into four factions according to the four rulers, each seeking their own way to live. Some returned to their usual work of raiding. Others returned to land and hid in the shadows.

However, either path didn’t make much difference in the end. The pirates couldn’t show the glory of the past and were killed by the army. Meanwhile, those who returned to land couldn’t hide their nature and were caught as criminals.

It was the end of the Pirate Archipelago, once called the paradise of criminals and the land of pleasure.

One year had passed by since then.

Chapter 155 – One Year Later (1)

The representative port city in the Soldun Kingdom, Piris… It was the only international port on the continent which had ships traveling directly to the east continent and was the lifeline of the coastal kingdom. Therefore, the power of Marquis Pirus was unique, since he was in charge of this crucial port. There were jokes told about how the birds would tremble and fly away from him.

However, even Marquis Piris had to be polite today. It was because the guest who visited the mansion was the crown prince, the next king of the Soldun Kingdom, Elsid.

“Glory to the descendants of the Great Wave King! Marquis Piris, David El Piris, greets the crown prince.”

“It has been a while, Marquis. I’m sorry to come so abruptly.”

The crown prince had lemon-colored hair and sea-like eyes, traits passed down through the Soldun royal family. He embodied the same color scheme as that of a prince from fairy tales, making many young females unable to sleep at night. Although he was only 26 this year, he was destined to be the next wave king of the Soldun Kingdom.

Marquis Piris advised him with a difficult expression, “Forgive me, Your Highness. But didn’t I tell you to come here stealthily?”

“It can’t be helped,” Elsid sighed and shook his head a few times. “As soon as I left the royal palace, Duke Cornwall’s men chased me. If the escort knights hadn’t blocked them, I wouldn’t have been able to hide my tracks.”

Marquis Piris gritted his teeth, and his eyebrows twitched. Then his brown eyes filled with uncontrollable anger. “Cornwall… That traitor will surely…!”

Since ancient times, the Sodun Kingdom had been subservient to the other kingdoms due to its unique geographical nature. It was difficult to grow crops along the coast, and the population of the Sodun Kingdom wasn’t enough to keep troops at the borders of the other countries.

It had only been half a century ago when trade with the east continent first opened up, but the nobles with interests in other kingdoms were busy keeping the Soldun Kingdom’s prosperity in check.

Duke Cornwall, who had relatives in the Kargas Kingdom, was the most prominent among them. He even dared to track Prince Elsid’s actions.

“Well, let’s stop with the unpleasant story. There is nothing we can do right now. Don’t we just have to do what we can?”

“…Hoo, Your Highness’ words are correct. I was too excited.”

Despite the prince’s words, Marquis Piris’ face was still flushed. Duke Cornwall’s actions always made the loyalists angry. Prince Elsid knew this and was thankful, but the story they had to discuss right now wasn’t about the traitor.

“Rather, Marquis, what about ‘that’?” Elsid whispered in a low voice.

“Please be delighted, Your Highness. There was a big profit,” Marquis Piris replied with a small smile.

Some of the loyalists, including the crown prince, had been pushing this plan for 10 years. Now, they had finally achieved something.

It was impossible for the people of the Soldun Kingdom to overcome these adverse conditions with their own strength. The bordering states of the Kargas Kingdom and Lairon Country were busy suppressing them, and the only area with no obstacles was the south, where there were swamps as a barrier.

Therefore, the people of the Soldun Kingdom turned their eyes to the continent beyond the sea.

“I have received a promise from a famous family of the Western Xia region in the east that they will move to Piris.”

“Finally!” At the welcome news, Elsid’s face brightened like a rising sun.

If he couldn’t grow seeds, then he would import them. Fortunately, the Soldun Kingdom had tremendous financial power to make up for its lack of military power. They promised a noble title, fertile land, gold, and valuables.

“They are the Baek Family, and they were a prestigious military power in the Western Xia region.” (Baek= Bai in Chinese spelling. They seem to be a Chinese family, but since the rest of the family members’ names are in Korean, I chose the Korean spelling of the surname).

“Hoh, a prestigious family is migrating?”

“Yes, I investigated it.” Marquis Piris recounted the contents of the report, “30 years ago, there was a battle with the central regions. The family took responsibility for the defeat and resigned from the military. The place the Baek Family occupied was taken by other families, and now they are economically and politically isolated.”

“Indeed, our offer would seem quite attractive.”

“That’s right. It is said that head of the Baek Family is bringing all his family members and belongings to Piris. They will probably arrive today or tomorrow.”

Elsid couldn’t help forming tight fists. Due to the kingdom’s weak military power, they had been forced to rely on foreign ships.

However, the humiliation ended here. On the eastern continent, the power of martial arts had evolved as the level of magic declined. If two warriors were at the same level, the one from the east would be stronger. If there were two people from the country, one would be a sword master.

It was the same for the Baek Family migrating here.

“In the east, a sword master is called an expert.”

The master of the Baek Family, Baek Jongmyung, was an expert. It was unknown as to why he had been punished in the Western Xia region, but he was literally worth an army of thousands.

The Baek Family had 100 skilled aura users, including a sword master. This was enough power to change the balance toward the crown prince’s favor, even if the troops of Cornwall and his allies were to combine.

“…You did a really great job, Marquis. I will never forget your hard work.”

“It is only natural, considering my role in the kingdom, Your Highness. Your words are enough. The important thing is what will happen from now on.”

Elsid nodded at his loyal subject. “Of course. It is my duty to embrace them as my own people and to forge them into the Soldun Kingdom’s sword.”

The young prince once again vowed that the kingdom wouldn’t remain weak in his generation. For that goal, he would spend as much as was needed. He gazed at the sunlight coming through the window before looking at the marquis again.

“That reminds me, what about giving them that mansion?”


“That one. It is a bit expensive, but it is a decent chateau. It can build up their pride, as well as fit everyone that will come.” Elsid made the suggestion after looking back through his old memories.

The mansion that he’d seen in the past was perfect for this purpose. It was a well-built mansion, but the location wasn’t very good. There was the drawback of it having been built on a hill, and the surrounding areas were all mansions, making the price jump exponentially. This was enough to make the interested people sigh and back off.

However, it was a different story if it were given as a gift to someone. It couldn’t be sold anyway, so it was better to use the mansion to make a good impression. Since they were warriors, living on a hill wouldn’t really be a disadvantage.

However, Marquis Piris showed a strange reaction. “Hrmm, well, that is…”

“Huh? What’s the problem?”

Marquis Piris was silent for a moment before explaining with a grim expression, “The mansion Your Highness is talking about has already been sold.”

“Huh?” Elsid failed to hide his disbelief. “Wasn’t the price 1,000 gold? Who was insane enough to buy the mansion at that price? According to the kingdom law, even if the price was lowered, wouldn’t it have been at least 800 gold?”

“It wasn’t lowered. The person paid 1,000 gold on the spot.”

Therefore, Marquis Piris had sold it without any hesitation. He shrugged with a bitter smile. Indeed, from his position, an unused mansion was a wasteful expense. So it was natural to want to quickly dispose of it.

Elsid didn’t know how he felt about this as he clicked his tongue. “Tsk, they are a big spender. A noble?”

“Yes, perhaps. He didn’t say it with his mouth, but his actions show it.”


Marquis Piris nodded and explained, “He is escorted by a person who seems to be a bodyguard. Even though I am not an expert with swords, the bodyguard seems unusual. The buyer seems to be a person hiding his identity.”

“Hmm… It happened around one year ago. How has he been living?”

“There are occasional visitors, but he rarely leaves the mansion. Ah! He is famous for purchasing original magic books at an expensive price, around three or four times the normal price? So sometimes people come from foreign countries.”

As the prince worried about it, the marquis remembered the names of the two people.

“The young man who bought the mansion is Ted, and his bodyguard is called Adolf. Those are their names.”

“Ted and Adolf…”

It was common to find three or four people with the same names from the villages in the north and central parts of the continent. If so, these names were likely pseudonyms. As Elsid stared at the hill where the mansion was located, he decided it was necessary to visit it at least once.

A variable had appeared out of nowhere, and it was unknown if it was good or not. It was something he couldn’t fathom at all.

* * *

Kkiruruk- kiruk kiruk-

As always, the seagulls cried out from the sky as the wind carried the scent of the sea.

“The weather is good today,” Liliana muttered as she looked at the thick book on her desk and then patted Mitra, who was crouched in a flowerpot.

A year had passed since she’d left the Pirate Archipelago, and she was more mature than before. Lili’s face had matured early due to undergoing various hardships, and a mysterious depth was found in the sorceress’s clear eyes.

Mitra was snoring while sleeping. [Horororong…hororong…]

Liliana smiled at the cute snoring and thought back to her days in the Soldun Kingdom.

Since Liliana and Randolph left the Pirate Archipelago, there had been no one pursuing them. So, in the past year, Liliana and Randolph had focused on improving their skills. Randolph trained in his awakened Aura Ability while Liliana researched how to reach the next level.

‘My progress isn’t bad, but…’ Lili looked out the window with a dissatisfied expression.

There were many things she’d gained during this time, but it would still take more time to reach the target area. Gluttony had said half a year would be enough in the future, but it was inevitable that she would feel nervous with the deadline approaching.

Right now, Liliana was facing the wall of the 7th Circle, the master’s wall. She only needed one more step to escape from the confines of a mortal. It was a transcendent area that couldn’t be easily overcome, even with Gluttony’s power.

“I have one and a half years.”

Almost half of the three-year deadline, which Myrdal had given her at the world tree, had passed.

Of course, there was a lot of room left due to all the original books she devoured. However, the fundamental solution was for Liliana to become a master. A master went beyond the limits of the ‘natural vessel,’ so there would be no need to worry about her vessel overfilling.


However, if it was as easy as it sounded, the continent would be covered in masters.

Liliana sighed and closed her eyes, falling into her inner self. She focused on the circles inside her body. A sorceress could diagnose their body, just like a warrior could do so with aura. The circles soon appeared before Liliana.

Like sophisticated machinery, the six circles turned together. The seventh circle only had the outline formed and was sitting idly. Liliana just couldn’t figure out what was lacking.

‘An opportunity is needed.’

Ultimately, she needed a decisive opportunity to overcome this stagnation.

Chapter 156 – One Year Later (2)

Of course, it wasn’t that Liliana hadn’t done anything this year. She’d written down pieces of wisdom, and the amount of information she’d received from Gluttony’s ‘question and answer’ was really huge. Additionally, she’d gained a lot of knowledge about inefficient magic and Dragon Words.

However, this wasn’t much help in breaking through the wall of the 7th Circle, the master wall.

At the time, Gluttony had given this advice, –User might’ve already realized this, but ‘master’ isn’t an area that can be reached by steadily climbing stairs. You must redefine your world views and destroy your own limitations.

A sorceress who lived a long time ago said this: If the process of advancing from the 1st to 4th Circle was like climbing a staircase, then the journey from the 4th to 6th Circle was like climbing a sheer cliff.

In that case, what did the wall of the 7th Circle and the master level look like? Liliana still remembered the explanation. It was from a book placed in an unpopular corner of the library.

It was common sense that no matter how far away a destination was, one could eventually get there by walking or running. If a person kept climbing up a mountain, they would eventually reach the peak surrounded by clouds.

However, it was meaningless for a witch to use hard work to reach the master level. A master could fly without wings and breathe underwater without gills. They were transcendent beings who could do impossible things.

An ‘official’ way to reach such an area didn’t exist. Liliana was looking back through her memories when she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Liliana, are you inside?”

“…You already know, so just come in.”

Wasn’t Randolph a master swordsman with a perceptual ability which stretched out over kilometers?

As soon as Liliana’s permission was given, Randolph opened the door and shrugged. “I thought you might be doing something important. Don’t sorceresses hate people entering their space without notice?”

“It isn’t just sorceresses who hate it, though…? Anyway, what is it? I thought you would be training in the backyard at this time.”

“Ah, someone came looking for you.”

Liliana recalled sensing someone approach her wards. There weren’t any hostile emotions, so she had forgotten about it… Randolph must’ve helped them directly. As Lili looked over with questioning eyes, Randolph took out a letter covered with ornate decorations.

“He asked me to deliver a letter to the owner.”

“…Marquis Piris,” Liliana murmured as she looked at the seal on the envelope. She was in a strange relationship with the ruler of this territory, Marquis Piris. They were neighbors who didn’t have a close relationship with each other.

‘In addition, my identity hasn’t been revealed.’

Marquis Piris didn’t know the identities and histories of Liliana and Randolph. The reason for this strange relationship was that Liliana had bought the mansion at a high price.

After seeing them spend 1,000 gold without hesitation, the marquis couldn’t deal with the two people without caution. A hidden noble from another country might bring disadvantages to the whole Soldun Kingdom.

Liliana had easily provided the 1,000 gold. It was something which wouldn’t have been possible without the pouch Aquilo had given her.

“I didn’t think he would come this year…”

Maybe there was an unknown variable. Liliana was filled with such speculations as she opened the seal of the letter that Randolph gave her. She slowly read the excellent handwriting and raised her eyebrows. “…He will visit tomorrow afternoon? And he will bring guests?”

Marquis Piris’ polite words showed caution. Liliana knew there were still some of the marquis’ men patrolled around here, so what was this visit for? Maybe somebody else was behind it. Many speculations crossed her mind, leaving a few possibilities behind.

This was impossible to refuse. What justification did she have for refusing Marquis Piris’ visit?

Liliana put down the letter with a small sigh. “I should prepare to meet the guests.”

She felt some discordant notes in the previously peaceful Piris.

* * *

The next day, Marquis Piris arrived at noon, which was the time written in the letter sent.

Prince Elsid, who was interested in the people with unknown identities, accompanied the Baek Family who had arrived last night. It was possible to rely on their skills with the sword, and Baek Jongmyung was fluent in the language of the continent.

Baek Jongmyung wanted to look directly at the place where they would be staying. As the chateau came into view, Baek Jongmyung’s mouth dropped open with admiration. “Oh…! Indeed, it is magnificent enough to be our home, just like Lord Piris promised.”

“Do you like it, Master Baek?”

“Yes. The mansion is luxurious, and it is surrounded by spacious gardens and hills. Moreover, the feng shui is very good.”

The marquis and Elsid didn’t know what feng shui was, but they sighed with relief.

A martial artist in the east was similar to a nobleman in the west, and a sword master of a family was equivalent to a marquis or a duke. Baek Jongmyung had to move due to difficult circ*mstances, but it had been a long time since he had been treated as an ordinary person.

Elsid spoke to him in an informal manner, “That is a relief. I will take back the mansion and give it to you, so let me finish the preparations.”

“Yes. Thank you for Your Highness’ generosity.”

Inwardly, Elsid felt bitter as Baek Jongmyung maintained a polite and formal attitude. If Elsid had one or two more military retainers like this sword master, the kingdom wouldn’t be in this state.

The current Soldun Kingdom was a battlefield between the loyalists who struggled to defend the kingdom and those who were loyal to the neighboring kingdoms, trying to suck everything out of the Soldun Kingdom. The determination to give this house to Baek Jongmyung was firmly established in Elsid.

Suddenly, Baek Jongmyung stopped moving.

“Master Baek, what is it?”


As the marquis’ question entered one of his ears, Baek Jongmyung looked at the outskirts of the mansion with an admiring expression.

Then he started to explain the reason for his reaction to the confused people around him. “Well, there is an excellent witch in there. I have seen a considerable number of sorceresses, but I’ve never seen one capable of making such wards. This is truly the western continent.”

“Mage… Are you talking about a sorceress?”

“Yes. I don’t know who it is, but I’m impressed.”

Elsid and the marquis looked at each other with perplexed expressions. A sword master was praising the sorceress staying in the mansion?

According to the report, there were only two people staying here. A young girl called Lili and her bodyguard. According to the laws of elimination, the young girl called Lili must be the sorceress…

However, the two people in question appeared before they could come to a conclusion. The main gate was opened, and a young girl with black hair walked out. “Welcome, Marquis Piris.”

Behind the young girl was a blond swordsman, who stood in a prepared stance. It was proof that the swordsman hadn’t taken the job just because of money. Just as the marquis was about to greet them…

“Hah! This is literally a sleeping dragon!” Baek Jongmyung’s sudden cry attracted everyone’s attention. Baek Jongmyung looked at the two people with truly admiring expressions. In contrast, Liliana’s face stiffened slightly.

The strong always recognized each other, and the three powerhouses perceived each other’s strengths the moment they faced each other. Baek Jongmyung observed Liliana and opened his mouth first to say, “One is an incredibly strong witch at such a young age.”

Then he looked at Randolph and cried out, “The other person is an expert! My views of the world have broadened today.”

At that moment, a heavy silence fell over the seven people. The two people who had come with Baek Jongmyung were amazed at his praise, while Marquis Piris and Elsid needed time to grasp what he was saying.

Only Liliana, Randolph, and Baek Jongmyung could perceive each other’s skills and anticipated how the situation would flow.

“…Wait!” After a short moment, Elsid regained his spirit before anyone else, as befitting of a prince. His eyes were still shaking with confusion as he asked Baek Jongmyung to confirm again, “Master Baek, are the words you just spoke… the truth?”

Elsid’s eyes were begging to hear that it was a lie. However, Baek Jongmyung heartlessly told him the truth, “Yes, that’s right. You should be friends with them, rather than enemies. They are strong people, so you shouldn’t face them as enemies.”

“…This is nonsense.” Prince Elsid, who finally embraced the ridiculous situation, shouted as he looked at the two figures, “Why is a sword master hiding like this!?”

His reaction was natural. A sword master wasn’t just a strong and strategic weapon treated as the pillar of a nation. They were also assassins who could cut off a king’s head.

For this reason, Meltor always had Veronica or Blundell stay by the king’s side. The presence of a sword master in Soldun, which had no such precautions, was no different from a grim reaper’s visit. So, it wasn’t unreasonable for Elsid to react like this.

However, Liliana and Randolph stood with calm faces as always. They were prepared to fight, but the easterner didn’t show any hostility towards them. The young man, who seemed like royalty, was flustered, but he didn’t show any signs of wanting to fight either.

‘It is better to settle it with a conversation than a groundless fight.’

Royalty and a sword master… The two guests were more than she’d anticipated, but Liliana calmed her mind. This wasn’t much compared to the turmoil which had occurred a year ago.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is the place for this conversation.” Liliana casually suggested, “As Marquis Piris said earlier, how about we relax and talk in the mansion?”

Chapter 157 – One Year Later (3)

Elsid’s group also wanted to sort out the confusing situation, so they accepted Liliana’s proposal without raising any objections. However, unlike Baek Jongmyung and his two children who were looking at the mansion, Elsid and Marquis Piris were busy thinking about the unexpected situation. This was because the plan they had thought of in advance would no longer work.

‘What should I do in this situation?’

The awkward atmosphere continued as the group walked through the front door and into the mansion’s reception room. Following Liliana’s direction, Elsid sat down and worried about what to say. He had planned to question the two people whose identities were unclear and then buy back this mansion. However, the opponents were much bigger than he had imagined. One was a senior sorceress praised by a sword master, while the other was a sword master who could be a marquis in any country.

However, Marquis Piris managed to calm his mind. ‘…No, it makes no difference even if they are bigger than I thought. Piris is our territory. No matter what status they have, they need to bend down in the presence of the crown prince!’

He didn’t know why these people were hiding here, but it didn’t have anything to do with his task. After that, he spoke to the two people on behalf of the crown prince whose status had yet to be disclosed.

“First of all, I would like to apologize for the sudden visit, Lady Lili.”

“No, Marquis Piris. This territory is Marquis Piris’. As guests, we shouldn’t disrespect the owner.”

“I appreciate your understanding.” Marquis Piris’ eyes shone. “However, before I get to the point, I would like you to identify yourself. If I am the master of this land as you said, shouldn’t I have a right to know the secret?”

“They are fair words,” Liliana said, nodding politely, “If this was a year ago.”


It was a sharp admonishment. Liliana had previously spoken such golden words, and now she was saying this? It was a truly sarcastic remark. Marquis Piris coughed a few times with a red face before continuing, “Please understand that many things have changed since that time. I wouldn’t have accepted the deal if I had known your companion was a sword master.”


“Today’s topic isn’t for me to say. This person here…”

The marquis paused. Then Elsid nodded, giving him permission, and so the marquis continued, “He is the next king of the Soldun Kingdom, Prince Elsid.”

If Marquis Piris thought that his disclosure would make the duo panic, he was mistaken. Liliana’s and Randolph’s expressions remained calm.

“It is great to meet Your Highness.”

“…It is good to meet you, unknown guests.”

Elsid’s greeting showed he wanted them to give up their identities, but the duo stayed silent. It meant they wouldn’t speak up even if the opponent was a crown prince instead of a marquis. Elsid understood the meaning of their silence and frowned, but it was difficult to pursue it at this stage. They weren’t opponents he couldn’t overpower through force. However, his national power was divided in half due to infighting. The crown prince couldn’t afford to increase the number of enemies.

Liliana grasped his feelings and changed the subject, “Then Crown Prince, why are you visiting this humble place?”

Then the marquis replied on behalf of Elsid, “There is a story behind it, but I want to buy back this mansion.”

“This mansion?”

“That’s right. It is hard to find a suitable residence for Master Baek here, with this mansion being the only candidate.”

To be honest, he didn’t want to pay the price, but he had to take a big loss now. While the marquis vowed to reduce the damage somehow, Liliana made a strange expression and said, “How much were you thinking?”

“The same amount of gold that you originally paid?”

“Then I see no benefit in this.”

Liliana still had a lot of gold left, so she intended to profit from something other than gold. In order to achieve that purpose, the marquis and crown prince had to owe her something. They would be deeply indebted to her if they refused her request.

However, Marquis Piris’ mind wasn’t as good as Liliana had thought.

“…There is no benefit… Can you really say so?” the marquis asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know your identity yet, but haven’t you spent a year in Piris?”

The marquis was advising Liliana to be satisfied with a little gold in exchange for having hidden her and Randolph for a year. In the first place, it was a loss for the marquis to buy it at 1,000 gold. Marquis Piris might’ve retreated because he couldn’t use coercive means, but he couldn’t tolerate more damage to his funds. The marquis was determined not to give way any further.

Despite reading these signs, Liliana laughed slightly. She didn’t intend to get anything from Prince Elsid and Marquis Piris from the very beginning.

“Well, Lord Piris’ words make sense,” Lili remarked.


“However, I have a few conditions.”

Before the marquis could protest, Liliana turned to Baek Jongmyung and said, “These conditions are for the one who will become the owner of the mansion, not the prince and the marquis.”

“Hrmm? Me?”

“Yes, I would like to ask for three simple things.”

Simultaneously, Liliana raised her fingers as she began to explain the conditions. The flow of the story naturally switched to Liliana and Baek Jongmyung, with the marquis and prince becoming spectators. In fact, Liliana had no interest in them at all.

“First of all, we are going to leave here quite soon. I hope you will let us stay until that time.”

“That isn’t a problem. Rather, I am excited at the chance to develop a relationship with natives of foreign countries.”

“I am thankful for your words.”

Liliana was afraid there would be opposition from the prince or marquis, but they didn’t move as expected. The best thing was for Liliana to leave this kingdom quickly, but the next best thing was for them to be able to keep an eye on her.

If Liliana and Randolph stayed at the mansion with Baek Jongmyung, a sword master who was equal to them, then it would be less likely for the prince and the marquis to miss Liliana’s trail. If Liliana couldn’t be controlled, keep her in a visible place and monitor her.

Liliana had accurately perceived that choice. Then Baek Jongmyung, who calmly accepted the first condition, prompted Liliana to say what was next. “Now, Lady Lili! Please tell us the second condition.”

“The second thing that I want to ask…”

As soon as the condition flowed from Liliana’s mouth, everyone in the room looked at her with a surprised expression. Only Randolph, who had been with Liliana for a year, laughed with an understanding expression. Baek Jongmyung also accepted the strange second condition.

* * *

“-Hoh, you were hiding such a good place!”

Baek Jongmyung looked around the area with admiration. There was a vacant lot with a 100-meter radius on a flat area under the hill. Additionally, around the boundaries of the empty space, there was magic to alleviate any impact and block off noise, as well as hallucination magic which tricked one’s gaze. This was why Marquis Piris hadn’t discovered their skills despite keeping surveillance of them.

Rather than being pleased by the explanation, Baek Jongmyung just stood in the empty lot. The sword at his waist and his clothing which didn’t obstruct movements were preparations for the second condition.

Prepared to fight at any time, Baek Jongmyung stared at Liliana and asked, “Umm… By the way, are we really going to do it in this vacant lot?”

Liliana replied without any hesitation, “That’s right.”

“But this place… It is advantageous to me, no matter how I think about it. I don’t mean to demean your skills, but isn’t it hard for a sorceress to deal with a warrior in such a narrow space?”

The second condition proposed by Liliana was a spar with Baek Jongmyung. Everyone had been confused by Lili’s words as it wasn’t a knight but a sorceress who was challenging a sword master. As far as they knew, a sorceress who hadn’t reached the 7th Circle couldn’t fight against a sword master.

…That was if she was a typical sorceress.

“Master Baek,” Liliana replied with an expressionless face to Baek Jongmyung’s concerns, “You know sorceresses, but you still aren’t aware of what a ‘magician’ is yet. I appreciate your concern, but you shouldn’t treat me so lightly.”

Over the past year, Liliana had tried many ways to break her limits. In order to develop new magic and master existing ones, she had frequently sparred with Randolph, who was a sword master. Liliana hadn’t been able to come to terms with aura’s mobility, but she had figured out other things.

At first, it had been hard to last for 10 minutes while using all her skills, including Umbra. However, that duration gradually increased. 10 minutes increased to 20 minutes, 20 minutes became 30, and so on, as she gradually increased the number of conditions. These conditions ranged from fighting without using Umbra’s powers, sealing the magic of a particular attribute on that day, or not using the features of Gluttony. In this harsh year, Liliana’s odds of defeating a sword master had increased to nearly 45%. This meant that if the Aura Ability was sealed, even a sword master couldn’t be sure of winning.

“Both of you, please greet each other!” Elsid, who had become the referee due to his status, looked between the two of them and confirmed the rules again.

“Master Baek, you can’t use your Aura Ability.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that.”

“Lady Lili, you can’t use wide-area magic that is over half the size of this space.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

The sorceress from the west and the warrior from the east looked at each other. Of course, wide-area magic could overcome aura’s mobility. However, a special concession was given since this was just a friendly spar.

Despite Liliana’s warning, Baek Jongmyung wasn’t vigilant. ‘Lady Lili can’t do anything at this distance… It is best to subdue her moderately.’

The stereotypes which existed on the continent couldn’t be removed with just a few words of warning. If sorceresses could only attack from a distance, that meant a warrior had a lot of room if they didn’t give the sorceress time to chant a spell.

As Baek Jongmyung’s hand reached for his sword, Elsid’s clear voice rang through the air, “Then I will start!”

However, at that moment… It started! As the last syllable was heard, Liliana’s fingers moved.


It was a blue flash. Baek Jongmyung’s eyebrows raised as he saw the flash of light heading toward his forehead. His senses, which were beyond human standards, instinctively recognized that Liliana’s flash was extremely dangerous.

The flash wasn’t just fast. If it hit Baek Jongmyung’s body while it was in a defenseless state, the flash would have the power to wreak havoc on his body!


Of course, Baek Jongmyung was a sword master and managed to cleave the magic bullet into two pieces. The shine of his blade was beautiful as it split the flash of light apart. However, the person who produced the scene was stiff. It was because the repulsive force transmitted through his palm was quite strong, despite the good amount of aura he used. That said, that wasn’t the only problem.

‘Kuk, I was caught!’

Despite the unpredictable nature of this attack, Liliana fired off another Magic Bullet straight away. The blue flash of light emerged continuously like a comet, giving Baek Jongmyung no room to breathe. He worried about what the result of the attacks would be.

“-It is up to here!”

However, Baek Jongmyung wouldn’t be qualified as a master if he was caught by an attack like this. Baek Jongmyung’s sword moved at a terrifying speed, creating a storm which aimed for the Magic Bullets approaching him.

Kakiing! King! Kiiing- Kakiing!

The Magic Bullets were deflected into the ground and trees, creating deep holes. Five times a second—no, ten times… or maybe a little more than that. It was a sight which would cause anyone to shudder, but Liliana continued casting, ‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Sixfold Thunderbolt. Spell Fusion: Keraunos.’

Lightning emerged from her right arm.


It exploded from the sky without a loud roar, hitting Baek Jongmyung who was concentrating on defending against the Magic Bullets. The lightning bolt could turn a huge tree into charcoal instantly, and it was twice as strong as what she had used to surprise ‘Pride’ in the battle one year ago.

The ground melted from the blow, and the people watching couldn’t help gulping. Then a voice rang out, “…Indeed, Lady Lili’s words were right.”

Baek Jongmyung walked out from the epicenter of the attack. He was a mess, but he didn’t have any wounds. Liliana had expected this. She had used it several times against Randolph, but she never had this much fun.

“Maybe I am out of touch with what a ‘magician’ is. I just received a great lesson.” Baek Jongmyung laughed with a bitter expression and raised his sword. The unsmiling face was proof that he recognized Liliana as an ‘opponent,’ not a ‘sparring partner.’

“Then, this time I will teach you what a ‘warrior’ is.”

Chapter 158 – One Year Later (4)

As she spoke, the aura around Baek Jongmyung burned even further. However, Liliana didn’t move.

Unlike her opponent who was only accepting it now, Liliana had anticipated this situation from the beginning. Catching Baek Jongmyung’s feet with Magic Bullet… and launching a surprise attack using Memorize… Liliana had done these things, but she had never thought they would work.

‘Surprise attacks don’t mean much to a sword master.’ It was true that she had sparred many times with Randolph, but a sword master was literally a grim reaper.

Their response speed was different from that of normal aura users. Just like how one’s body would shrink back when it touched something hot or cold, a sword master’s aura had already reached the area of spinal reflexes. They could prevent ambushes even while in a deep sleep, and a lightning strike would be prevented with minimal damage.

A sword master’s aura was for offense and defense.

Setting aside their Aura Ability, their combat power with pure aura was extremely threatening. High attack power and defense, excellent mobility, and overwhelming endurance… there were no weaknesses.


At that moment, Baek Jongmyung’s blade moved like a wave. Seeing it, Liliana muttered unconsciously, “…Soft sword?”

“Oh, so you know it. I heard that it isn’t often used in the west, so you have great knowledge,” Baek Jongmyung replied with an admiring expression.

However, Liliana would’ve thought it was just a strange swordsmanship if it wasn’t for Lee Yoonsung’s memories. With a strong and resilient metal, the sword was capable of creating trajectories with a unique flexibility. A master could use it to deal fatal blows from any angle.

Regrettably, Lee Yoonsung had no experience fighting against it.

“Then let’s get started,” Baek Jongmyung spoke as he rushed forward first.

The sword in his right hand moved like a whip several times, with the sword’s acceleration creating afterimages. Liliana had only experienced Randolph’s straightforward sophistication, but this was fundamentally different.

Pit! Blood splattered out.

Even with the help of her sensory perception, Liliana got injured. Baek Jongmyung had swung from a distance which the sword couldn’t reach Liliana, but a line of blood was still drawn on Liliana’s cheek.

Once a whip struck, it would become as hard as a mace. Similarly, the power of the curved sword was launched at Liliana’s face!

‘Indeed, this technique…!’ Liliana stopped breathing while inwardly admiring it.

At a close distance, it was faster and more powerful than Magic Bullet. The snake-like orbit was difficult to read, and it wasn’t a technique she could cope with, even with her senses. Above all, it wasn’t a technique which ended with one or two hits. Instead, the attacks poured out like rain. No, it was like a snake with hundreds of heads.


The protective magic she used as a shield was pierced like it was a piece of cloth. Defense magic which shielded her whole body wasn’t good against a single-point attack. However, if she reduced the defense area, a mistake of a few millimeters would lead to a fatal injury.

‘I can’t block it. I should avoid it.’ Liliana was out of breath as she activated, ‘Battle Song. Sonata of Speed. Vivace.’

Battle Song strengthened her overall physical abilities while the others enhanced her mobility. Her speed had temporarily increased by 50%, so she was determined to find a breakthrough. Unsurprisingly, the light in Liliana’s eyes soon started to see some of the orbit.

‘…This much is enough!’ Simultaneously, Liliana took a step forward.

“Hmm?” The advance was surprising, and Baek Jongmyung looked at Liliana with a confused expression.

The sorceress’s robes were filled with holes, and blood flowed from her wounds. So, why was she advancing? It was an action beyond bold recklessness. However, unlike his thoughts, Baek Jongmyung didn’t slow down his momentum. He had already paid a price once for carelessness. He wouldn’t be taken by the same thing twice.

The storm of swords swallowed Liliana.


The gravel was scraped away, and a few weeds scattered like dust.

Even a knight with full plate armor would be torn to rags by the whirlwind, let alone Liliana who was wearing robes. It was a terrible sight which caused the spectators to not want to see the results.


“Lady Lili…!?”

However, the two sword masters didn’t panic. Randolph was familiar with Liliana’s skills. Meanwhile, Baek Jongmyung cried out unknowingly, “Good!”

It was an evasion that even the attacker admired! Liliana and the swords had danced gloriously at a speed which couldn’t be followed by ordinary human eyesight. She had avoided the attack, but it wasn’t simply because she was fast. It was because she had used Lee Yoonsung’s foot movements. Liliana danced between the vortex of blades.

Shortly after that, Liliana’s turn finally came.

‘An eye exists in any storm.’

Unlike the violent outskirts, the center of the turbulent force was calm.

Of course, swordsmanship and a natural phenomenon couldn’t be seen in the same context, but there were similar aspects. It was necessary to maintain the torque at certain intervals in order to generate the acceleration. This meant the power of the torque wouldn’t be exerted if Liliana approached close to Baek Jongmyung.

It was certainly true in theory, but who would want to try it against a sword master?

“-Spell Fusion.”

A person insane enough to do so was right here.

‘Memorize. All Slots Open. Triple Blaze Burst. Triple Fire Strike. Spell Fusion: Strike Flare.’

At that moment, Liliana’s fist became hot enough to melt iron.


There was a massive explosion. The fire spread quickly as Liliana flashed over to the other side. Baek Jongmyung’s clothing was almost destroyed, and despite defending with aura, there were shallow burns on his skin.

Without paying any attention to the pain from her wounds, Baek Jongmyung spoke, “…Truly amazing skills, Lady Lili.”

In this limited battlefield of a vacant lot, a sorceress could go against a sword master…? It was a situation where his Aura Ability was sealed, but that wasn’t an excuse. If they competed with equal abilities, he might’ve become a chunk of charcoal sooner. Additionally, the opponent who had driven him to this state was in her early-20s, mid-20s at most.

Baek Jongmyung spoke to Liliana who emerged from the fire, “More than anything else, that footwork is from a famous martial arts family. If you don’t mind, can you tell me where you learned it?”

Liliana thought for a moment before answering, “I happened to run into a kinsman of the Lee Family and was taught, but she is deceased now.”

“Lee Family… that isn’t a family from Western Xia.”

Baek Jongmyung wanted to converse more on this subject, but Liliana refused to open her mouth. Although Baek Jongmyung was sad for a moment, he quickly found what Liliana was lacking.

“Lady Lili is comfortable with the martial arts taught to you, but you haven’t yet mastered it.”

“Yes, it is still immature.”

“Huh, that isn’t the right word. There are many juniors in my hometown, but I’ve never seen someone like Lili. I once again realized that the world is really wide.”

Baek Jongmyung squeezed the sword in his hand and released his stance like he thought it was over.

However, Liliana wasn’t satisfied yet. She was in front of a strong man who could refine her nerves to the limit, giving Liliana a stimulus which wasn’t possible while sparring with Randolph. This experience with a master was worth more than 1,000 gold.

So, Liliana made a reasonable compromise. “As Master Baek said, I haven’t mastered this technique yet. But I do have one skill I haven’t tried before.”

“…Uhh, that is regrettable.” As expected from a warrior, Baek Jongmyung knew the meaning of Liliana’s words and placed strength into the hand holding his sword again. It was a request to renew the fight. Baek Jongmyung wouldn’t decline. No, in fact, he wanted to see more of Liliana’s skills.

As expected, Baek Jongmyung nodded readily. “Then shall we end this by competing with one last skill?”

“It is a good idea.”

The two individuals exchanged a promise and retreated at a reasonable interval.

‘Good, this is enough.’

It was still unusable in practice, but it was possible in a situation like this. As it was mentioned several times, a sorceress was strongest when they had secured a safe distance and time. If this were a normal battle against a warrior, for a sorceress, the probability of winning would be less than half.

However, what if the sorceress was Liliana Miller? The odds of the opponent winning would fall to half, or less than half.

Liliana did one last check and closed her eyes silently. It was a technique that couldn’t be used without concentrating.

‘Answer, door to Muspelheim.’

There was no need to open her mouth as the red tattoo on her left hand started to move under her glove. A dimension of fire where the density of mana was different from the normal world opened up, and the flames of Muspelheim filled her entire left arm.

Then she moved her consciousness from her left hand to another place.

‘…This is still a little tough.’

The Blood Mark of Aquilo, the dragon who used to rule the Pirate Archipelago, wriggled in response.

It was a beautifully moist and cool aura. The dense energy which came from the dragon was so enormous it was like something sticky was stuck to Liliana’s skin. Her concentration was shaken by this feeling, and Liliana grumbled before continuing to focus.

Her left hand contained Muspelheim’s flames, while her right hand contained Aquilo’s cold mana from the dragon blood. The yin energy and yang energies, two contrasting energies, formed in her hands.

Aquilo’s cool mana and Muspelheim’s flames struggled against each other. Even Liliana, who constantly trained her mind, couldn’t hold it for long. In this state, even opening her mouth was grueling.

“-I’m going!”


As Liliana barely managed to speak, Baek Jongmyung raised his aura.

Baek Jongmyung sensed that this power was unusual. The hairs on his body rose whenever he felt a threat to this life. He was being warned by his decades of training that this skill couldn’t be stopped entirely with aura defense.

“Huhaha! My blood is boiling for the first time in a long time!”

The jubilation of a warrior… The power coming from Lili was enough to threaten Baek Jongmyung. As Baek Jongmyung’s mouth formed a smile, both of Liliana’s hands moved forward.

‘Focus, focus, focus, focus, focusssss-…’ Blood flowed from Liliana’s nose while her hands moved in a semicircle. A year had passed after defeating Superbia, and during that time, she had developed this method of protecting her life. This time, instead of draining away, the power was pulled inward.

The red and blue mana tangled together, creating an attack which could never have been seen before.


A flash burst out.

* * *


There was an earthquake, and the spectators standing in the distance stumbled. The two children, whom Baek Jongmyung had brought, were able to straighten their bodies, but Elsid and Marquis Piris could only regain their balance after holding onto a nearby tree.

“W-What the hell is this…!” With confused eyes, Elsid looked at the vacant lot covered in dust. Despite having retreated to a considerable distance as so not to get caught by the collision, the shock wave had spread out a few hundred meters and made them dizzy. He was inexperienced with masters and had never seen their skills directly.

Their bodies shivered from the struggle. Five pairs of eyes filled with contradictory feelings of surprise, fear, admiration, and interest as they looked at where the duo had collided. Was it perhaps in response to their gazes…? The dust was washed away by the wind, revealing the scene inside.


“Oh, the winner…”


As the five people watched, the two opponents faced each other with conflicting expressions. Liliana’s exhausted body was barely standing, while Baek Jongmyung’s sword was at Liliana’s neck.

It was a scene where the winner and loser were clearly revealed.

The swordsman Baek Jongmyung, who had beat Liliana in the last attack, gave a long sigh and lowered his sword.

Then he declared, “This game, I have lost it.”

Chapter 159 – One Year Later (5)

Baek Jongmyung admitted his defeat with a feeling in his heart which he hadn’t felt for a long time. He had been able to penetrate through Liliana’s puzzling magic, but the means of producing the result was the problem. His sword master’s instincts, which penetrated through the unknown technique and the power hidden in it, meant he’d crossed the line without hesitation. Baek Jongmyung apologized to Liliana with a red and ashamed face, “I am ashamed, Lady Lili. I used a strong ability that was against the rules… I shouldn’t have done it.”

That’s right. The fearsome blow which stabbed through Liliana’s magic was ‘Aura Ability.’ This was the most powerful ability of a sword master, who fell behind a sorceress in terms of firepower. It was an unreasonable ability that went beyond tactical magic and the power of a god. Sorceresses who faced it for the first time usually panicked or became traumatized by the sword master. However, Liliana didn’t enter the standards of ‘normal.’

‘Master Baek’s ability… Is it 【Penetration】or 【Breakthrough】? No, I can’t be sure when only seeing it once…’ Liliana was busy analyzing the abnormalities in the auras, rather than being angry at Baek Jongmyung’s foul. The audience watching them from afar might not know, but Liliana, who had faced Baek Jongmyung’s sword, had been able to see it clearly. The fusion of two magic powers had created an explosion, while a silver aura had broken through the center.

Despite the fact that both Randolph and Baek Jongmyung were sword masters, Randolph’s power was completely different from this. However, for a sorceress, unknown facts about aura were exciting. Thus, Liliana’s answer to Baek Jongmyung was delayed by one beat.

“…No. Thanks to that, the spar could finish without a big injury, so I am thankful.”


“-Besides,” Liliana said with a bitter smile, rejecting the objection, “Look around. If Master Baek broke the rules, I did as well.”

Baek Jongmyung looked around with a bewildered expression before realizing what Liliana meant. According to the rules which the two had agreed upon in advance, Baek Jongmyung hadn’t been allowed to use his Aura Ability while Liliana hadn’t been allowed to use wide-area magic which affected more than half of the empty lot.

However, what had happened to the landscape after the last clash? The center where the two people were standing was relatively intact, but the shock wave had destroyed the ground, reached the forest outside the open space, and even a few trees were torn down. Baek Jongmyung might have erased most of the magic with his Aura Ability, but the power was enough to affect the spectators standing far away from them.

As Liliana gazed down at her hands, she admired the power of the magic. ‘Is it still too dangerous to be used in practice…?’ This hadn’t been a proper magic spell but a blast caused by the repelling force of two high-density magic powers. It was a primitive application of magic power. The explosion wouldn’t have occurred if it had been at the level she’d thought about.

Yet this incomplete magic power was enough to threaten a sword master. If she could complete it properly, she had one more weapon against the master class. Theoretically, she could defeat the 5th stage Pride using this. Her right arm had become Blizzard by using Aquilo’s power, while her left arm had become Inferno by using Muspelheim’s power.

It circulated according to the concept of ‘Yin Yang,’ an eastern philosophy which referred to the combining of two opposing forces, amplifying the unique magic. Unlike the Fusion Magic which had already existed in the past, this was a new spell that Liliana invented. Liliana was convinced that the completion of this unique magic was closely related to reaching the master level.

“Hahaha! Indeed, Lady Lili’s words are right!” Baek Jongmyung spoke with a much lighter expression. “Today’s confrontation is a draw! I am blessed to be able to face a sorceress of the west.”

“I am also honored by my confrontation with an expert,” Liliana agreed. Sometimes it was better to compete once than a hundred times. The two acknowledged each other’s power and finished up with dignity. Liliana covered her slender form with a cloak while Baek Jongmyung asked her, “With this, the second condition is over. Then can I hear what the third condition is?”

“Umm… The third condition…” Liliana fell silent instead of answering. It was because Elsid and his companions were approaching them after discovering that the spar was over. There was no need to conceal it, but it was best not to get caught.

Liliana swallowed her words and said something else, “Master Baek, I’ll tell you after we return to the mansion. Today, there are other guests.”

“Hmm, I understand. It hasn’t even been three weeks, but I shouldn’t let my liege wait for me. Lady Lili, thank you for your deep consideration.”

Liliana blinked as she had suddenly become a thoughtful person, but there was no chance to clarify the misunderstanding. Soon after that, she couldn’t talk to Baek Jongmyung due to the arrival of the crown prince’s group. It wasn’t bad to be remembered as a good person, but she couldn’t help feeling ashamed due to Baek Jongmyung’s humility.

The story with the crown prince ended more smoothly than she’d thought it would, and there wasn’t any friction. ‘…Perhaps watching the spar with Master Baek is the cause of that.’ It was an unintentional display of force, but Lili didn’t need to buy any favors from the prince. After the guests left, Randolph and Liliana had a heated debate about what had happened during the spar with Baek Jongmyung.

Then exactly three days afterward, the rest of the Baek Family arrived at the harbor and knocked on the door of the mansion. Liliana, who had gone to Baek Jongmyung to present the third condition, was faced with an unexpected person.

* * *

It was as expected from a warrior family. They had great strength, so the members of the Baek Family moved in quickly. The empty rooms which Liliana and Randolph neglected were quickly filled with exotic furniture, accompanied by bustling noises ringing out all over the interior.

Liliana listened to the noise and tilted her teacup. The tea that Baek Jongmyung gave Liliana was an impressive emerald green, and it emitted an intoxicating scent. Liliana took a slow sip and was impressed by the tea. “…This is a good fragrance.”

“It is called Longjing Tea. We only have a little bit, but it is worth giving to Lady Lili.”

“Thank you.” Liliana had no knowledge of tea and thought it was simply expensive, but her thoughts were wrong.

Longjing Tea, one of the so-called four seasons, was divided into seven classes, with each one famous for the price gap. It had been different during the Baek Family’s prime, but now it was hard for them to obtain. The cup of tea which Liliana had just drunk was worth dozens of gold coins. It showed just how much Baek Jongmyung appreciated her. As the air in the room softened and relaxed…

Knock knock knock! A hard knock on the door strained the relaxed atmosphere. Baek Jongmyung sensed who it was and called out with a frown, “{Stop! Didn’t I say not to show up when I am talking with a precious guest?!}”

Just like there were official languages of the west continent, there were official languages which the east continent used. The language called Chinese was now emerging from Baek Jongmyung’s mouth. It was a language which the central regions had created and spread, and it had permeated the entire east. Liliana felt uncomfortable at the strange pronunciation. However, at the next moment, the door opened without her finding out the source of the discomfort.

“{Father!}” Beyond the door was a man. No, his face was young enough for him to be called a boy. It was one of the two children who had come to the mansion with Baek Jongmyung a few days ago. The third son of the Baek Family, his name was—

“{No, Baek Dongil! You are too rebellious!}” ‘That’s right, Baek Dongil!’ Liliana was surprised to notice that she understood Chinese. She had gained knowledge and experience with Chinese from Lee Yoonsung, but she had never actually used it. Perhaps she had digested some of the rich knowledge due to the Baeks. It was a knowledge she hadn’t needed until now. She used it while watching the scene in front of her.

‘Maybe there is more knowledge that is buried…’ Meanwhile, as she was analyzing this, the two people’s quarrel was becoming more violent.

“{Father, please listen to my request just once!}”

“{This guy!}” Baek Jongmyung’s incensed cry was enough to horrify a tiger.

However, Baek Dongil just shook his head. “{Don’t you know my humiliation at living like this! If you won’t allow it, just throw me away right now!}”

“{T-This…! You really are crazy! What will Lady Lili think of this situation?!}”

“{I will apologize directly to her!}”

Liliana didn’t know what the situation was, but she could hear the urgency in Baek Dongil’s voice. Baek Jongmyung was no longer angry as he let out a deep sigh and touched his beard. As soon as the argument stopped, Baek Dongil looked in Liliana’s direction.

‘Huh?’ Was Liliana imagining it? She could find a trace of her past self in the boy’s hair and eye color. The boy had blazing eyes which were filled with a desire and willingness not to lose. It was the face of those who tried many times not to fall into despair.

After looking at Liliana for a moment, Baek Dongil fell to his knees and bowed to Baek Jongmyung. It was a kowtow. In the east, this was regarded as something shameful to do and was only used when people saw the emperor. Baek Jongmyung’s anger soared at the sight of Baek Dongil.

“{Stand up!}”

“{Father! Please pass on my words!}”

“{Foolish guy! I never taught you to be like this!}”

“{That’s right! You didn’t teach me anything!}”

The squabble had started again. Liliana was worried she might see a sword emerge. So, she opened her mouth and said, “{Both of you, that is enough.}”

The Baeks stopped with shock at her one sentence.

“{Lady Lili, this is our family’s… Huh?}”

“{I won’t give up until Father accepts… Eh?}”

Unable to accept the situation, the two people stared at Liliana.

“{Master Baek, I will listen to the story.}”

“{Uh, umm, I understand.}” Baek Jongmyung was so amazed by the fluent Chinese that he nodded, unable to refuse. Liliana asked for Baek Jongmyung’s understanding first, before turning to Baek Dongil. Liliana looked at the frozen Baek Dongil and said, “{And Young Master Baek.}”

“{Y-Yes!}” A nervous answer emerged.

“{I don’t know what it is, but if you have something to say to me, tell me directly.}”

“{…Yes, I understand.}” Baek Dongil seemed to regain his composure as he stood up with a calmer expression. He turned away from his father toward Liliana and breathed for a while.

Kung! Then he kneeled again and bowed. “{Please forgive my rudeness! I hope you will give me, Baek Dongil, your teachings!}”

“{Huh, this guy!}” Baek Jongmyung tried to stop Baek Dongil, but he was blocked. Liliana shook her head with a subtle expression. No, she was just calm on the outside. Inwardly, she was smiling with satisfaction.

‘Okay, things might be better this way.’ This could save her the third request, and in some ways, she might be able to get more. Besides, she didn’t know if it was a coincidence or inevitable, but Baek Dongil’s request was similar to the third condition that Liliana had thought of in advance. An energy different from that of a ‘warrior’ was flowing from Baek Dongil. It was a third power which was similar to magic but not exactly the same. This was an opportunity for Liliana to investigate that power.

“{…Raise your head, Young Master Baek.}”


“{Let me hear your story.}”

Liliana controlled her expression, while a strange expression formed on Baek Dongil’s face. This was Liliana’s first encounter with a shaman!

Chapter 160 – Delicacy From The East (1) The so-called shamanism was an eastern magic which could be called a subspecies and variant of the magic that had developed independently on the continent. Unlike the publicly known magicians, shamans rarely showed their appearance and were called the shadows of the civilized world. For that reason, it had a mysterious image. However, Liliana Miller knew of its essence. ‘It is only an average ability.’ The data was scarce compared to other systems, but there were countless records in Meltor of magicians who studied shamanism. Someone had said, ‘It isn’t magic or aura.’ Someone else had said, ‘It is neither one nor the other.’ Someone else had also said, ‘It’s a mutation of primitive magic.’ Liliana Miller, a sorceress of later generations, shared those assessments.

"Young Master Baek, I heard that shamans build magic in the three dantians, rather than the heart like magicians. Is that right?" "Yes, it is called the three-way loop." Liliana groaned at the cool answer. ‘Urgh, only the name sounds good…’ She knew the basic theories of shamanism, but what she heard from Baek Dongil was more shocking than that. Shamanism was different from the western magic which had perfected the system of circles a long time ago. The three-way loop was nothing more than a modification of the aura method, which was the foundation of the eastern continent.

In other words, they had been putting together the wrong puzzle pieces from the very beginning. It was obvious that the efficiency of magic was bad when the training method was meant for aura users. As a comparison, it was like using a sword instead of a shovel to dig up the earth. Additionally, the shamans acted independently in the shadows without appearing in society, so there was no one who could find out and share their error. They never knew they were going in the wrong direction.

Liliana had a sudden thought and asked Baek Jongmyung, "Master Baek, how are shamans received in the east? Not in the eyes of ordinary people, but from the viewpoint of warriors." Baek Jongmyung frowned while a thick cloud of darkness appeared on Baek Dongil’s face. Lili could guess just by looking at their expressions. Unsurprisingly, Baek Jongmyung coughed and shook his head. "Uhh, I can’t say that they are very good." "As I expected."

In retrospect, it was a question which Lili didn’t even need to ask. Magic was something which explored the truth of the natural world, not something which people trained within themselves. However, shamans practiced magic in the form of martial arts. The possibilities of humans who could live for 100 years was finite, so it was inefficient to chase after both. It was no wonder that in the east, the position of those with magic was falling.

"Excuse me, I can’t help but ask." Rather, Liliana couldn’t understand why Baek Dongil learned shamanism when he was the descendant of a famous warrior family. She had to wonder about the desperate situation which would cause Baek Dongil to ask to learn from a foreigner he didn’t even have a proper relationship with. Moreover, why did Liliana see her past self in Baek Dongil?

After seeing Lili’s questioning, Baek Dongil raised his gaze with a determined expression. Then he revealed the wound that he had suffered for decades. "Ma'am, I can’t learn aura with this body."

Normally, people thought that magic was an ability which depended on talent. However, in actuality, there was no system which didn’t depend on what people were born with. If one’s muscle density and bone density weren’t high, it was difficult to endure the pressure from aura. Additionally, the strength of the blood vessels which aura flowed through was a problem which couldn’t be overcome. Moreover, there was also the issue of a person’s talent in swordsmanship.

Given the fact that Liliana, with her minimal magic sensitivity, had been able to reach the 2nd Circle, then aura could be called a wall of harsh talent. For some people, it was impossible for them to use it. "It is called pulmonary vasculitis."

It was a constitution Baek Dongil had been born with, in which parts of his blood vessels were blocked. It wouldn’t kill him, but it was a fatal flaw for someone who had been born as a descendant of a warrior. He had decided to go on the path of a shaman to get rid of the stigma, but it was hard to even find magic books, let alone a proper mentor. When Baek Dongil felt like he was swimming on the ground, a light shone in front of him.

"Then one day, I was able to see a path." Seeing a sorceress whom his father praised… This person had a strength which allowed a sorceress to face a sword master. It was a youthful and dignified appearance from someone who was only a few years older than him. That had been the moment when his notion that a shaman could never surpass a warrior had shattered.

Baek Dongil’s heart beat wildly as he recalled the scene. He tried to regain his voice as he bowed to Liliana again. "Ma'am! I don’t dare hope to become your disciple. Please give me one lesson!" "...I would also like to ask that of you." Baek Jongmyung walked next to his son and bowed respectfully. Baek Dongil looked at his father with puzzled eyes.

However, Baek Jongmyung continued in a heartfelt voice, "He might be a foolish son, but he has a good head. It is fine while you stay in this country. In the name of the Baek Family, I will be sure to repay Miss Liliana." "Father…" A sword master, who was treated like a noble in any country, was bowing like this to Liliana.

In the meantime, Baek Jongmyung had only been a strict father. Therefore, Baek Dongil’s eyes couldn’t help turning red. To Baek Jongmyung, Dongil was a precious child, so he couldn’t help feeling sick at his pain. Liliana raised her hands like it couldn’t be helped. "Phew… Please sit comfortably."

Shortly after that, she looked at Baek Dongil and said, "Young Master Baek." "Yes." "From now on, I will treat you as a sorceress and not a member of the Baek Family. Will you accept that?" Liliana’s voice was firm, causing Baek Dongil to respond in a trembling voice, "M-Ma'am! Does this mean…" "It is too early to be pleased. There are many different parts between shamanism and magic. I will teach you a few things that you need to know." "I will do whatever you tell me!" Baek Dongil’s eyes shone as he responded. Now, he thought he could be one of the pillars of the family, even if he couldn’t use aura. Of course, such a pillar was useless to Liliana.

"I want you to bring all the books about shamanism that you have collected so far. If you have anything related to shamanism in your luggage, bring it to my room. The sooner the better." "I understand, Ma'am!" "And one more thing," Liliana sighed like it was burdensome and decided to correct the title, "Stop calling me ‘Ma'am.’ I’m not used to it, and it is burdensome." "Yes, then what should I call you?" "Speak to me comfortably."

Baek Dongil pondered for close to five minutes before the honorific emerged from his mouth, "Then what about Big Sister?" "...Why don’t you think about it some more?" Liliana sighed as she once again realized the thick wall of different cultures.

* * *

That evening, a few wagons headed to the annex where Liliana was staying. They contained goods brought from the east. The wagons with an unusual appearance were filled with musty books, scrolls, and unknown objects. Liliana grinned at the sight. ‘Okay. Isn’t this just as much as the materials piled up in the warehouses of the magic towers?’

As expected from the Baek Family. They had once been a prestigious member of their country. The rich family had fallen, but they had tried to save as many things as possible. Even if more than half of these items were garbage, the other half would be sufficient profit. Most of the magic tower’s books on shamanism were basic books or were interpreted from the view of a magician. There were no opportunities to touch original books about shamanism.

"Sister, I’ve brought everything you told me to!" Baek Dongil dragged the last wagon and approached Liliana. Although Baek Dongil couldn’t use aura, he was a descendant of a warrior, so he had trained his physical abilities. He had pulled the wagon quite a distance, but there was no rough breathing. Liliana nodded, smiling at Baek Dongil’s puppy-like attitude which sought her praise. "Yes, well… Where should I start?"

Thus far, it was okay. Liliana was nervous as she picked up a book from the wagon. It was an old-fashioned silk-bound book. The faded letters on the covers showed how much time had passed and how many hands it had passed through. First, after making sure that the contents could be read, Liliana took a deep breath. She concentrated on her left hand which was holding the book. ‘Appraisal.’

Liliana looked to the front as she felt the tongue emerge from her palm. She waited for the usual information window while hoping that Gluttony’s ability would work. Her expectations were rewarded. [Nine Rulers Magic Book] [-This is a book about the spells recorded in the grimoire, ‘Pobakja.’ It explains the concept of nine laws. This law is a guideline which exerts its power by making nine types of markings, enhancing the power of shamanism, and exerting great power on the body. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Hexagonal Stockpile,’ and the efficacy can be different depending on the order in which it is made. * You have no understanding. (0%) * This magic book is rated ‘Rare.’ * When consumed, the proficiency of ‘Nine Laws’ will increase greatly. * It is an original book written by the author, but the soul has become weathered after many years. It can’t be a target of Overwrite, and the fragment of the soul can be absorbed without ‘Transmission.’

"Oh…!" Liliana couldn’t suppress the exclamation. The magic book she’d picked up without any thought turned out to be an original book. It was also of the ‘Rare’ grade, which she had only been able to find a few over the past year. The author’s soul was too weathered, but it was still a good profit. At that moment, a thunderbolt flashed through Liliana’s mind.

"Dongil." "Yes, Sister." "How are books reprinted on the continent? Apart from ordinary books… things like books on shamanism." Then Baek Dongil answered with a curious expression, "Reprinted?" "What?" "Isn’t it usually the case that such books are kept hidden from others? It can’t be helped if it is a desperate situation, but there is usually only one copy."

Liliana reflexively covered her mouth as she got the answer she’d wanted. Duplication magic didn’t exist in the eastern continent. Moreover, it was a closed structure where knowledge was only shared with one’s disciple and blood relatives. Unlike the western continent where simple magic could be learned, the magic of the East was hidden. Perhaps all the books in these wagons were—

"…Original books." After one year, there was the emergence of a variable which might knock down that thick wall.

Chapter 161 – Delicacy From The East (2)

"It took more time than I thought…" Lili mumbled before setting down the thought. This was because the language was unfamiliar, despite having received Lee Yoonsung’s knowledge. It took her three or four times longer than usual to finish reading. Furthermore, it was common for the magic books to use not only Chinese characters but also special languages such as Sanskrit and Urdu. They were languages which Lee Yoonsung didn’t know. So, Lili had no choice but to learn from the beginning.

‘Well, it has been a long time since I’ve studied this way.’

It had been around the time when she entered Bergen Academy. She remembered her desperate days of spending all night studying over paper. Lili recalled the memories as she replaced the worn-down pen. Over the past fortnight, she had used more than a dozen ink cartridges. If it wasn’t for recovery magic, she would’ve got a stress fracture in her wrist. If Lili had to study like this, what about the warrior’s son?

"B-Brother…" A faint voice called out from the desk next to Lili. Like Lili, dozens of books were piled up in front of Baek Dongil, who had a dark stubble. Baek Dongil was in the same predicament as Lili. Along with runes, which could be called the basics of a magician, it was necessary to raise his skill in the common language to the level of a local. Additionally, there were the mathematics and geometry skills needed to calculate the magic formulas.

However, Lili was a relentless figure when it came to studying.


There was no chanting. Healing and Refresh, the two spells which were triggered with a single tap of her fingers, wrapped around Baek Dongil’s body. The combined magic which healed physical fatigue and mental fatigue was really effective.

"Are you okay now?"

It was as Lili said. The dark circles under Baek Dongil’s eyes lightened up, and his throbbing fingers, sore from hours of use, felt lighter. However, the accumulated tiredness was still the same, causing Baek Dongil to look at Lili with a sullen face.

"Uhh… I still can’t get used to this feeling, despite experiencing it a few times."

"It is still just a shortcut. This is already the eighth time, and the gap between recovery spells is getting smaller… It is a little early, but we will end it here for today."

Magic was limited when it came to recovering the body. If recovery magic was used repeatedly, the effect would decrease. Additionally, the body which received the excessive magic power in a short period of time would become temporarily resistant to magic. Of course, people from the magic tower would’ve collapsed from dizziness at least 20 times already. However, their physical bodies couldn’t be compared to Baek Dongil, despite him still being a beginner.

Once Lili’s permission was given, Baek Dongil got up from the seat he had been stuck in for hours and grumbled, "Urgh! But Brother, do I really need to learn this official language? Can’t Sister teach me instead of reading the books?"

"No, that won’t work," Lili firmly rejected the idea.

Lili had faithfully accumulated her knowledge, so she knew that such a narrow viewpoint wouldn’t work. A person who used a shortcut for a comfortable path would have their ankle grabbed one day by the insincere attitude. This method might seem insufficient now, but it wouldn’t be easy to forget the words. For magicians who pursued infinite wisdom, oblivion was the worst enemy. A person who couldn’t find a path through their own will would eventually wander in silence.

"You can’t forget to set up the foundation of a pillar just because you’re in a hurry. As a descendant of a warrior, don’t you know what happens to a person who neglects the foundations?"

"T-That…" Baek Dongil stammered at the sharp words. This made Lili pat his shoulder and smile.

"I understand that your heart is urgent. Is it because I will leave this country soon?"

"…I have nothing to say." The boy dropped his head with a red face, embarrassed because his inner thoughts had been exposed. It was a situation where he had a time limit regarding his teacher, and his young age meant he couldn’t calm his mind while knowing this.

Lili knew Baek Dongil’s mindset, but teaching him that would be the worse answer. So, Lili stated in a quiet voice, "Dongil."

"Yes, Sister."

"I am teaching you as asked, but I can’t be a true mentor."

Baek Dongil’s eyes shook slightly at the words. He replied in a heavy tone, "I-I see. It has only been a fortnight, but… starting at my age and expecting great achievements…"

"No, that isn’t the point."

"Huh?" Baek Dongil raised his head at Lili’s decisive voice. He stared earnestly into Lili’s blue eyes and gulped.

"Your skills are quite excellent, but I’m not a good teacher. You have an abundance of power but are still immature. I can only tell you the path that you should take."


"Magic isn’t something that can be learned in just a few months. If you do it that way, you won’t be able to get a glimpse of it, from birth to death. Are you going to walk along that path?"

After listening to her, the cloudiness returned to Baek Dongil’s eyes. It was the so-called heart demon. Could it be due to the accumulated discipline built up in him since childhood…? Baek Dongil’s eyes eventually cleared up as he continued listening to Lili speak.

"Obviously, the amount of time during which I can teach you is short. However, there are many magicians, and some of them are suitable to be your teacher. My role is to build up your foundations for when you meet that good mentor."

"…B-Sister." Baek Dongil lowered his head with shame after hearing the truth from Lili.

It made a lot of sense. How could she impart great knowledge to Baek Dongil, who hadn’t even reached the threshold of a beginner? It was obvious that Baek Dongil wouldn’t understand even if he was taught. Once he accumulated his basic knowledge, he could learn under another teacher or enter an academy.

Baek Dongil had an enlightened expression on his face. He was too embarrassed to be overly grateful, but the atmosphere was too heavy to remain silent.

Lili noticed the atmosphere half a beat later and rose to her feet. "Let’s start again tomorrow at noon. Until then, review what you’ve studied and have a good rest."

"Yes, Sister! I’ll finish it thoroughly!" Baek Dongil responded vigorously, before looking at the stack of books on Lili’s desk.

Baek Dongil hadn’t finished learning the official language, but Lili was already reading the magic books by herself. Baek Dongil was quite confident in his studying ability, but his pace was much slower.

"By the way, Sister is really awesome. You must’ve received a lot of praise from your elders since you were a child, and you were definitely called a genius right?"

"…No." Lili smiled bitterly as she spoke of her old nickname, "In the academy, I failed three times and was called a dunce."


"Maybe it is one of the reasons why I am teaching you. You resemble my old self."

Baek Dongil couldn’t say anything as the unknown past flashed before Lili’s eyes. Lili patted Baek Dongil on the shoulder again before turning away from him. Then the door closed without a sound, with only the faint echo of footsteps in the corridor. The memories were like faded watercolors.

* * *

After finishing the study session with Baek Dongil, Lili had a quick meal and then returned to her room. The sun was setting in the western sky, turning it a reddish color. Normally, it would be time to feed Gluttony and spar with Randolph… but not today.

Lili looked at the book before her and muttered, "…In the end, it is this one."

A fortnight wasn’t a long time. In the meantime, Lili had only gotten a high degree of understanding with three or four books of shamanism. There was the [Nine Rulers Magic Book] she picked up on the first day, but Lili was drawn to another shamanism book.

She cheered when she first saw the information window.

[Art of Onmyōdō Treatise]

[-This book explains the magic system based on the theory of yin and yang. The author divided the world into yin and yang, as all things maintain balance and harmony when interacting with each other, such as water and fire. The author’s understanding of the laws of nature has reached an advanced state, but the author was murdered by ???? (can’t be determined).

* Your understanding is very high. (96.9%)
* This magic book is rated ‘Precious.’
* When consumed, you can learn ‘Art of Onmyōdō.’
* When consumed, understanding of magic attributes will greatly increase.
* This is an original book written by the author. However, since he wrote six books, his power is divided into six. Even so, the fragment of soul inside this book is powerful and maintains an individual ego.

‘It is best to eat this book.’

The prudent Lili judged that [Art of Onmyōdō Treatise] was the most useful book for her right now. This idea grew, instead of diminishing, as she slowly read through the ‘Art of Onmyōdō Treatise’. Art of Onmyōdō was the technique of combining two incompatible powers. Learning this would give Lili a solution to her unfinished spell. She could batter at the master’s wall, possibly destroying it.

Lili made the decision and stretched out her hand, dragging the magic scroll into her hands. The scroll was worth at least a few gold, but Lili tore it without any hesitation.


Simultaneously, a light burst out. The light wasn’t attack magic or secondary magic. It was a special spell which produced an object with the same shape and weight, as long as certain conditions were met. Lili had created a copy of the scroll. As two versions of the same book appeared, Lili picked up the copy and placed it on her desk. This was done with the consent of Baek Dongil which she had obtained in advance.

‘Well, to most people, there will be no difference between the original and the copy.’

There might be some financial differences, but it was a penny compared to how much money the Baek Family had. Therefore, Baek Dongil had easily accepted the request.

"Okay, this is finished."

Her preparations were over. Lili then sat on the bed without hesitation and aimed her left hand toward [Art of Onmyōdō Treatise]. In this situation, only one sentence would emerge.

"Eat, Gluttony."

The red tongue immediately swallowed the book, as if it had been waiting.

['Art of Onmyōdō’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[Your perception of magic attributes has greatly increased.]

[Accepting the proficiency of ‘Art of Onmyōdō’… failed.]

[An original book has been consumed. The synchro rate with object name ‘Abe no Seimei’ is being checked… Blocked. Abe no Seimei has refused to sync with the user. You can try to force a sync using the permissions of a user, but it is not recommended.]

"W-What?!" Synchro was refused! Lili was shocked because she had never experienced this before. Not only was synchro denied, the task of absorbing the proficiency of ‘Art of Onmyōdō’ had failed. It was like the original book had blown up. Fortunately, the system wasn’t done yet.

Once again, it was the first time Lili had experienced this type of message.

[Object name ‘Abe no Seimei’ is asking for a conversation with the user. Would you like to accept?]

"Before that, I want to ask something." Rather than responding to Abe no Seimei’s request, Lili wanted an answer for this unprecedented situation. Gluttony was strictly confidential about hidden functions or certain information, but it didn’t care much about the functions which had already been revealed.

Unsurprisingly, she replied in a blunt voice, –Do you want to ask why the synchro was rejected?

"Of course. So far, you’ve never mentioned it." –To be precise, it wasn’t that I hadn’t told you, but more like I couldn’t.

An ordinary person might ask for more, but Lili stopped and thought about it. It wasn’t that it hadn’t, but that it hadn’t been able to. In other words, the authors of original books didn’t have the ability to do so. Then how did the author called Abe no Seimei have this ability?

To confirm her guess, Lili opened her mouth again and asked, "Abe no Seimei. Is she special?" –Special… that word isn’t wrong. Simply put, her spirit is high.

"Spirit is high?" –That’s right. She wasn’t fully transcendent, but she was close to the end of a mortal existence. The strength of such an existence can’t be completely subdued. You could connect with Myrdal because he accepted the connection.

Lili groaned slightly. It meant that among the authors she had met so far, Abe no Seimei was possibly stronger than a master. This might be an existence comparable to the great elementalist, Myrdal. In the end, she was encountering such a monster in an original book about shamanism.

Lili declared to Gluttony with a determined expression, "I will accept Abe no Seimei’s request."

Chapter 162 – Delicacy From The East (3)

The system responded to her permission.

[After confirming the user’s intention, object name ‘Abe no Seimei’ will be called. Checking the communication connection… Success, object name ‘Abe no Seimei’ has approved the two-way communication.]
[She will temporarily be synchronized with the user’s consciousness.]

Simultaneously, the voice disappeared, and darkness covered Liliana’s eyes. It was a darkness which didn’t tolerate the presence of life. Liliana looked around the darkness with a feeling of déjà vu, and she soon figured out the cause of the darkness. It was the same as when she heard the ‘quests’ in the Pirate Archipelago. Maybe this was the only space where she could converse with the authors.

As before, light particles gathered in front of her. Abe no Seimei… This was the appearance of an existence who couldn’t be handled even with Gluttony’s 4th seal released.

‘Based on only the physique… It is hard to know.’

Liliana looked nervously at the shape which was gradually forming from the light. She estimated that the figure’s height was 170cm, but the gender couldn’t be discerned. It was difficult to judge because the eyes were male while the jaw was feminine. Shortly after that, Abe no Seimei’s form was completed.

The hem of her sleeves went down to her thighs, while her long hair, which flowed from underneath the strange hat she wore, had a black shine like ebony. She was wearing white clothing similar to a robe, with red cloth woven in. It was clothing that Liliana had never seen in any literature.

However, Liliana could only calmly observe Seimei up to there.


The moment that she saw the last part of Seimei’s form, the nose, an unfamiliar dizziness filled Liliana’s mind. Seimei had pale white skin and bright golden eyes. Apart from the cultural difference, it was a beauty which anyone would admire. However, Liliana felt an inexplicable sense of hostility.

“Urgh.” Liliana gritted her teeth as she was filled with the desire to attack.

Meanwhile, Seimei’s eyes widened with surprise. “Ho, an interesting power is protecting you.”

Of course, it was obvious that something was causing this hostility. As Liliana stared at Seimei, she tried to suppress her boiling magic power. “You are Abe no Seimei?”

“That’s right,” the onmyōji, Abe no Seimei, said with a nod as she opened the fan in her hand. “This body is a 2nd generation onmyōji leader, originally Tsuchimikado Abe. I am Onmyōji Seimei.”

Liliana replied with a bleak expression, “I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“Hrmm, you are someone who can’t read the atmosphere. In this situation, it is reasonable to agree enthusiastically.”

“I don’t know who you are, but I don’t like feeling like this. Can you explain?” Liliana couldn’t think about the atmosphere due to the hostility she felt.

However, Seimei countered Liliana’s doubts calmly. “I was just playing a small trick. The hostility isn’t coming from me but from yourself.”


“To be exact, it is coming from your neck.”

‘My neck?’ Liliana touched her neck and was surprised to feel a cool chill pouring out. It was at the place where Aquilo had injected her blood. The mark which remained there was shining blue. This was a phenomenon Liliana had never experienced before.

However, unlike her, Seimei seemed to already know the situation and wasn’t confused.

Seimei said, “Dragon of the west, a strong proprietary feeling. A female?”

Dragon’s blood itself created a powerful magic resistance. Liliana’s own magic power wasn’t affected, but it was conscious of any magic from the outside. However, Aquilo’s blood mark was reacting more than that. It was showing an extreme hostility toward Seimei.

Liliana concentrated on the mark on her neck.
‘I know you are helping me, but just relax,’ she consciously suppressed the blood mark.

Liliana managed to calm her head and looked at Seimei again.

Seimei was a man with the beauty of a woman. It was different from Ellenoa’s neutral charm. Seimei transmitted the beauty of both sexes. Perhaps due to the mood, the silhouette of Seimei’s face looked like a fox.

Liliana opened her mouth with a wary expression, “Was that why you called me?”

“No, it was just a prank,” Seimei spoke with her fan covering her mouth. “The real test will begin now. This is why I called you. If you fail to live up to my expectations, I won’t be able to give you ‘Art of Onmyōdō.’”

“What is the reason for the test?”

“I’ve already experienced that there is nothing as dangerous as giving strength to an unqualified person.” The playful atmosphere was gone in an instant, with Seimei’s voice showing her seriousness.

As Gluttony had said, Seimei had almost reached the end of a mortal existence, so her pressure pushed heavily on Liliana’s shoulder. The pressure was high even in comparison to back when she faced one of the Seven Swords of the empire.

The great onmyōji declared in a majestic voice, “If you really want my ‘Art of Onmyōdō,’ you must first get the recognition of this Seimei.”

A fragment of a soul in the original book was going to test Liliana…?

Liliana was dumbfounded, but Seimei’s words did make sense. Gluttony’s power, ‘original books predation,’ was a magic which defied comprehension and could reproduce the magic without any errors. As a person who had made a name for herself in her era, it was natural for Seimei to want to verify the person desiring that knowledge.

“Is it an art that you have to be careful about transferring?” Liliana asked with a cautious attitude after guessing the reason.

“Huh? It isn’t a dangerous technique,” Seimei answered. It was a surprising reply. Liliana was bothered by it, but Seimei fanned her face and continued. “Well, your words aren’t entirely wrong. I don’t know about anyone else, but it is extremely dangerous in your hands.”

“…What do you mean?”

“According to its name, the Art of Onmyōdō is a method of harmony between yin and yang. Therefore, the interaction with harmony will be amplified in accordance with the power of the opposing forces.” Then Seimei pointed her fan at Liliana and continued to say, “I don’t know how you obtained them, but there are two enormous types of forces twisting in your body. One is the flame of extinction that burns the heavens and the earth, while the other is the blood of a sea dragon. If you can properly control them using the Art of Onmyōdō… your strength will be enough to destroy a country.”

Indeed, Liliana couldn’t deny the eerie words. The power of the two opposing forces joining together had been proven in her spar with Baek Jongmyung. If Liliana could threaten a sword master with an incomplete version while still at the 6th Circle, what about after reaching the 7th Circle and completing it? It might evolve into a magic which could literally destroy a mountain.

However, what if the person who acquired such magic was evil? No, even if they weren’t an evil person, it was still risky. This was a power huge enough to disrupt the balance.

Seimei urged her to answer with cold eyes. “Now, what will you do? Will you accept this test?”

Should Liliana accept it now or postpone it until later? There was a choice to not accept it. Liliana was troubled for a moment about the two roads ahead of her. She could wait until she released Gluttony’s 5th seal, ignore Seimei’s test, and force the synchro. Of course, there was also the quest, and her relationship with Seimei would become a mess.

‘…Backing off isn’t a good choice either.’

Her intuition had evolved over time and through several crises. The words she spoke to Baek Dongil had meant something. Liliana couldn’t reach her goal if she stuck to a comfortable road or took a shortcut. This was also true if she backed away. The trial wouldn’t wait for the challenger, and there was no law that the opportunity would always be there.

So, Liliana believed in herself and stepped forward. “The test, let’s start it straight away.”

“-Ohu.” Seimei smiled, folded the fan, and touched her lips with it. “Young women are excellent at recognizing opportunities! I thought you would step back here.”

“There is no need for flattery.”

“Huh, is that so? Are you pouting?”

Liliana could easily tell that Seimei was guarded against her. Perhaps it was due to the two powers inside her, or for other reasons. Either way, the current Liliana could do only one thing. Being straightforward was the best option. The right answer was to say that she would break Seimei’s test. It was meaningless to step back against the already vigilant Seimei. Liliana’s declaration was the right answer as the playfulness was erased from Seimei’s face.

Then Seimei said, “Good. Then let the wind bring the trials!”


A wind started blowing over from somewhere. This was the spiritual world created by Gluttony where the laws of physics didn’t exist, so the ‘wind’ was indeed an unnatural phenomenon.

The pitch black space filled with color, and the landscape turned into a ridge which Liliana had never seen before. Pink petals rubbed against her cheeks, and the sun appeared in the new sky. It was hard to imagine this was just an illusion.

‘This… Is this a landscape Seimei created?’

Seimei’s voice entered the nervous Liliana’s ears, 「This Abe no Seimei is most interested in judging people according to the virtue of ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human.’」

“Heaven, Earth and Human…?”

「The heavens, the earth, and people. You will know the meaning when you take my test.」 Seimei then started the test with a loud and dignified voice, 「Chapter 1, I will start with the ‘Human’ test.」

In response to that, a system message popped up.

[You have accepted the request of object name ‘Abe no Seimei.’ The difficulty of this stage is quite high. If you fail or give up along the way, you can’t challenge it again.]
[Test of ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Human chapter’ will start in 30 seconds.]
[Success Reward: Skill ‘Art of Onmyōdō’, Seimei’s recognition, and you can see some information related to ????.]
[Failure Fee: Failure to acquire the skill ‘Art of Onmyōdō’, Seimei’s quest is not available.]
[Test of ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Human chapter’ is starting.]

Chapter 163 – Heaven, Earth and Human Test (1) As Liliana looked reflexively at the information window before her, Seimei started to explain the ‘Human Test,’ 「It is good to devote yourself to training every day. However, if you can’t use that power to protect people, it is just a meaningless disaster like a typhoon or flood. In the Human Test, I will look back on the lives you have saved before.」 “The lives I have saved…?” 「The value of life can’t just be assessed by men and women. Using the most equitable and reasonable standard, as well as considering your age, I will take 10,000 lives as the bottom line. 」 10,000 lives…! It was easy to say, but that was a number which made up an army. Besides, it wasn’t simply helping them but saving their lives. This made the difficulty rise to an absurd level. Seimei said he considered Liliana’s young age, but in the end, it was an attempt to make her give up the test. However, Liliana nodded without a single sign of agitation. “I understand.” Seimei was confused by the calm answer. 「…You’re going to accept this condition? 」 “Does that mean you are overcharging me?” 「O-Of course not…」 Seimei muttered in a voice filled with embarrassment. Just like how a gambler with high odds of winning was cautious against bluffs, it seemed like Seimei became reluctant due to Liliana’s unwavering attitude. However, Seimei denied his suspicions. Saving that many lives… it was a miracle only possible for heroes of the Age of Mythology. Perhaps that unusual calmness meant Liliana had already inwardly abandoned the ‘Human Test.’ Seimei guessed this and spoke again, 「I understand. From now on, I will go back through your life and count the number of lives that have been saved! 」 Simultaneously, the technique of ‘Causality Mirror’ was used. This was top-level shamanism which had been practiced long ago, and it was used to gain insight into the past. It was incredible that it could be reproduced after Seimei’s death. “Ah.” Liliana realized that she was on a familiar hill. She looked around involuntarily, then she heard Seimei’s voice, as if confirming her conjecture. 「Oho, this is your hometown. 」 It was as Seimei said. The Miller Barony, the place where Liliana had grown up, was spread under her feet. However, it wasn’t the peaceful landscape where wheat grew during the harvest season. It was a battlefield where living corpses tangled together with people. The scene where the undead had attacked, filled with the smell of blood and death, was still vivid in her mind. The struggle with the elder lich was reproduced right before her eyes. Seimei quietly contemplated until the memory ended, then settled the results according to the ‘Human Test.’ He spoke in a voice which wasn’t filled with any surprise at the presence of the elder lich. 「It is a fight against the black magic that summoned the undead. You did a considerable amount of work with the help of others. There are over 100 people in the village, and you prevented the aftermath that would’ve happened next… Okay, that is 1,000 lives.」 Seimei acknowledged that Lili had saved 1,000 lives. The result was limited due to the mercenaries who had helped defend the village, as well as two people who had aided her against the elder lich. It was a large number, but when thinking of the quota, Lili had only filled 10%. Nonetheless, Liliana accepted the result without any objections. “Well, it is a reasonable number.” That said, this wasn’t the only incident. 「Hrmm, then let’s go to the next one.」 Seimei was slowly becoming more uncomfortable. He had been sure the quota couldn’t be filled, but his confidence was shaken after seeing Liliana’s composed face. Then the causal scene changed. It became a dark alley, the stronghold of thieves. This was the outskirts of Bergen, which Liliana had infiltrated in order to rescue the captured elves. The series of circ*mstances that Liliana remembered flowed before their eyes. Piing! As soon as Liliana’s Magic Bullet destroyed the head of the thief, the world stopped again. 「You are like a typical hero, rescuing the long-eared family who had become slaves.」 “Long-eared family? Is that what you call the elves in the East?” 「Their ears are long. I admit that it isn’t a good name, but an easy to understand name lasts for a long time. 」 Soon after that, Seimei came to a conclusion, 「I will count this as 100. 」 “I understand.” 「Hrmm.」 It was a brief response. Seimei felt a strange feeling rising in his stomach at Lili’s dull answer. He had expected to be questioned about the number ‘100,’ yet why was this girl acting like this? However, Seimei pushed his irritation down and headed to the next memory. The confrontation with the legend ranked grimoire, ‘Laevateinn,’ was reproduced. 「Hah…」 Seimei cried out in a loud voice for the first time, unlike his usual taunting or playful tone. He was an onmyōji, so he could see how dangerous these flames were. Liliana had literally saved the world in this fight. Even if it wasn’t the world, it couldn’t be denied that Lili had saved all the elves living in the Great Forest. Additionally, the lowest estimation of that would be in the hundreds of thousands. Needless to say, Liliana had surpassed Seimei’s ‘Human Test’ with this one fight. 「…This… I have to admit it! 」 The Causality Mirror wasn’t simply a recollection of the past but a top-level magic which looked at all the associated people. Thus, Seimei was forced to give a passing grade for Lili’s heroic actions. It was worth more than 10,000 lives, even with the help of the high elves, the help of the elemental ruler, and the cooperation of Liliana’s fellow magicians. Furthermore, there were still events left to see. However, Seimei thought it was sufficient and stopped the technique. Then he spoke in a clear voice, 「Young girl from the West, are you a protagonist who emerged from a heroic saga somewhere? 」 Liliana tried to speak, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t a question asking for an answer. So, instead, she realized it was Seimei’s sincere compliment. Then the system messages announcing the end of the ‘Human Test’ appeared. [You have passed the ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Human chapter.’] [The progress at the current stage is 33.3%.] [Step 2: Go to the ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Earth Chapter.’] At the next moment, Liliana realized she had returned to the original space. Nothing was visible except darkness. She could only see Seimei, who was looking at her with a peculiar expression. “Honestly, I’m amazed,” Seimei remarked. “……” Lili didn’t respond. “A young girl who saved so many lives is standing before me. I was confident in my own time, but maybe that was self-conceit.” The young girl who had called Seimei’s soul in an unknown way… Her identity might be suspicious, but… instead of failing, she had passed the test. Perhaps this encounter was an opportunity to solve the problem that Seimei himself couldn’t solve. Seimei gazed at Liliana with deep eyes. If this was the case, then he would verify the possibility with the other two tests. “I will explain this test.” If the ‘Human Chapter’ tested the ‘responsibility of a person with power,’ then the ‘Earth Chapter’ tested the virtue of ‘not being overwhelmed by one’s own strength.’ There was nothing as ugly as senseless violence, so strong patience was required for the ‘Earth Test.’ “The ‘Earth Test’ is to confirm your faith in yourself and the patience to not succumb to temptation. Is it possible for you to stand upright in front of the temptation that you have faced?” Everyone faced their own temptations, and their lives were determined by whether they gave in or resisted it. Childhood dreams faded into faint memories, and it wasn’t uncommon for a child who dreamed of becoming a righteous knight to end up as a thief for a few gold coins. It was said that mountains and rivers wouldn’t change in 10 years, but people always changed. The path chosen by people would change according to their choices. Rather than words, actions were what defined a person. Liliana looked at her last 20 years and stood upright. “Yes, I can do it.” She couldn’t say that she had never looked up at the sky in shame, but she hadn’t lived a shameful life. In a sense, this might be a privilege of the young. The passing years were short, and the youthfulness meant they were faithful to their inner hearts, rather than worldly desires. Seimei nodded at the sure answer and pointed to Liliana’s head with his fan. Then he made a simple gesture with his other hand and said, “Path of Five Desires.” * * * Liliana screamed without any sound, “――――――!” It was only a short time in reality, with approximately five seconds passing since Seimei had cast the spell. However, during those five seconds, Liliana experienced at least 50 years of life. She was expelled from Bergen Academy and retired to the country. She agreed to the black market’s dealer’s proposal and entered the world of back alleys. She ran away from Ellenoa. She couldn’t stop [Laevateinn]. She fell to Aquilo’s temptation and became her possession. Of course, not all the memories remained. Like dimly shaded twilight, they were remnants of a long time ago. Liliana experienced the opposite side of a fork in the road, the one she hadn’t chosen. There were lives which ended tragically and lives in which she lived peacefully. There was also a life in which she grasped enormous wealth and a life during which she was surrounded by beauties. She experienced a life where she returned home and quit magic, and a life marked by enormous achievements on all continents. Seimei watched all of it and briefly commented, “Indeed, an eventful life.” It was a life which seemed to be a sheer cliff. If Liliana had given up even once, she wouldn’t be standing here now. In an era where people were scrambling to be heroes, someone had reached here with a normal body. Seimei had a feeling of admiration for Liliana. Then he threw a joke at Liliana, who was mentally exhausted. “By the way, I have something to ask you, regardless of whether you pass the test or not.” “……” “Do you have a problem of sexual dysfunction?” Tok, it was the sound of someone’s sense of reason snapping.

**Chapter 164 – Heaven, Earth And Human Test (2)**

Liliana couldn’t stand it anymore, and Magic Bullet burst out from her fingertip. The power of the flash was now enough to penetrate 6th Circle defense magic. In fact, it was such a perfect surprise attack that even a sword master’s aura might be delayed by one beat.

However, it didn’t do any good against this target.

“Whoa, whoa. Don’t be so angry. Calm down. Is this a story that can’t be discussed among adults?” Seimei said.

He got rid of Liliana’s Magic Bullet without leaving a trace. It wasn’t simply blocking or deflecting it. He had destroyed it completely. The 7th Circle magic, Dispel, couldn’t exceed the casting speed of Magic Bullet, but Seimei’s hand gestures had plenty of time to spare. Liliana’s head cooled down instantly after seeing the incomprehensible phenomenon.

Seimei seemed to realize Liliana’s tension as he spoke to her in a smug tone, “Your body doesn’t have any physical problems, so it needs to be approached from a mental point of view.”

“Does this have anything to do with the Earth Test?”

“Uhuh! Young lady, that question is really silly!”

Liliana was sick of Seimei’s voice, but Seimei started to rave about the meaning of the ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human’ test.

“Men are yang, women are yin. The Art of Onmyōdō is also about the harmony between man and woman, so why are you ashamed? You shouldn’t have such an attitude!” Seimei’s loud voice expressed his pride of being an onmyōji.

However, Liliana didn’t even raise an eyebrow as she responded in a calm voice, “So, what do you want to say?”

“Which female suits your taste the most?” The dignified onmyōji actually asked such a question. “Is it the girl with the silver hair who napped in the carriage? The quarter dragon who always enjoys skin contact with you? The long-eared family member who has a charming atmosphere, or the sea dragon who bit your neck?”

“What the hell are you saying now—?”

“I am curious about why you continue to ignore their affection.”

When Seimei finished talking, Liliana’s face stiffened like she was made of wax. Seimei’s words pushed at a topic which Lili had been avoiding unconsciously. Lili’s mind wasn’t prepared for it.

However, before Liliana could speak an excuse, Seimei spoke with narrowed eyes, “Don’t think of any excuses. The ‘Path of Five Desires’ technique is a spell that grasps the desires dwelling within humans, so I already know.”

“D-Damn bastard…!” Liliana was dismayed at having her inner thoughts read, but there was nothing she could do against Seimei. Her opponent was a monster with unknown depths, who had destroyed Magic Bullet with a wave of his fan and created an illusion which felt like 50 years.

So, Liliana chose to breathe calmly. Seimei wouldn’t have brought this up for no reason. Her two anger-filled eyes sank deeply.

‘Why did I ignore them when I know their hearts?’

Liliana already knew the answer. She just didn’t want to face it. Maybe it was because she had seen the other possibilities during the ‘Earth Chapter,’ so she could now look at her weakness with a clear eye.

“…I wasn’t ready yet.”

“Ready, that is also a silly answer.” Seimei, however, snorted and denied the answer. “You can’t always be prepared in life. There is no guarantee that 1,000 years of peace won’t be broken tomorrow. How much does a person need to prepare to accept a woman’s feelings? What are the necessary qualifications?”

“That…” Liliana closed her mouth at the words.

After hearing ‘qualifications,’ an insidious snake rose in her heart and whispered negative thoughts. Liliana was from a humble noble family. She had just happened to stumble upon a grimoire and wasn’t actually suitable for the women who shone brilliantly.

So, she had been constantly running away. She had tried to fill up her self-esteem by becoming stronger every day and telling herself that there was no time to waste on love and feelings. She believed that she could someday face these emotions when she had become stronger.

“Hrmm, I guess you can see a little bit now.” Seimei smiled when he saw the eyes of the young girl become blurred with impatience.


“What is it?”

“How do I act from now on?”

“Of course, I don’t know.” Seimei tapped his temple with his folded fan and smiled. “Well, you don’t have to worry about it right now. You have faced it in your unconscious mind, so you will be able to deal with them more honestly in the future. A person who died a thousand years ago can’t give advice about love affairs today! My friendly advice ends here.”

Why was it that Liliana was no longer angry after seeing Seimei’s facial expression?

Perhaps it was because a problem that had been lingering in Lili’s mind was now resolved because of Seimei. Or maybe it was because she had become accustomed to Seimei’s talking style? Either way, this conversation was worth it.

Liliana’s complexion returned to normal, and Seimei continued to speak, “Now, you have obviously passed the Earth Chapter.”

Just like the ‘Human Test,’ several system messages emerged.

[You have passed the ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Earth chapter.’]
[The progress at the current stage is 66.6%.]
[After 30 seconds, you will automatically enter the third stage ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Heaven Chapter.’]

‘The Heaven Test…’ Liliana looked at the sentence and worried about what it would be like.

Since ancient times, the sky had symbolized grandeur and profound meaning. According to Lee Yoonsung’s memories, the emperor of the middle kingdoms in the eastern continent had called himself, ‘Son of Heaven.’

Unlike during the previous two tests, Seimei looked dignified and solemn. His low voice rang out through the darkness-covered space, “Finally, you will take the Heaven Test.”

Seimei opened his fan, but he didn’t explain what the test would examine. Instead, he said, “You will have to realize the meaning of the Heaven Test yourself. If you can’t see the essence of the test and reflect on it, you will never pass.”

“The meaning of the test… and its essence?”

“That is all I can say. Please, I hope you will succeed.”

The 30-second grace period was over.

[Entering the 3rd stage ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Heaven Chapter.’]

Once again, Liliana couldn’t feel anything before she was thrown into an unknown space. It was a space surrounded by white walls with windows, but there was no entrance.

As a test, she shot a few Magic Bullets, but they didn’t penetrate through the floor. The walls were the same as the floor. It wasn’t a space she could break through with simple destructive power.

‘It is impossible to escape through my power. What type of test will occur in this place?’

Then at the moment when Liliana was going to look around again…


There was the vivid sound of someone’s footsteps.

“Eh?” Liliana’s eyes reflexively widened before surprise and curiosity covered her face. In this white space, her red hair would be noticed a few kilometers away. Perhaps it was just an illusion of Veronica based on Liliana’s memories, but she couldn’t help feeling pleased.

“Tower Mas..ter?”

Indeed, but that was until she saw the face revealed behind her hair.


The moment she met her eyes, Liliana felt a chill go down her spine.

Her eyes were like transparent glass beads, and there was no emotion in her face. This was something she had never seen in the ‘real’ Veronica.’ As Liliana stiffened with discomfort, the fake Veronica moved.

It was a pure coincidence that she avoided the first attack.


Then one beat later, Veronica’s fist punched out, and Liliana’s body flew back. It combined the physical abilities of a quarter dragon and magic. Liliana reflexively adjusted her position, but she didn’t have time to do anything. She had miraculously avoided the first attack, but the fake Veronica was already punching again.

The blow was like the sky was falling down.


Fake Veronica’s fist broke through Liliana’s four-layered defense magic and two desperately reinforced arm guards, and crushed Liliana’s head. It was absolute strength. Liliana’s death was decided the moment her fist hit her head.

This was Liliana Miller’s first death.

* * *

“…Ack?!” A sound flowed out.

Liliana touched her broken skull and realized that she was alive, rather than dead. Her attached arms and legs moved smoothly, and there was a stinging pain when she pinched her skin. The vivid sensations made her realize her survival.

Liliana looked around again with confused eyes.

‘This is still the white-walled space, so what was that? Was it a mere hallucination? Or the Heaven Test?’

Her head, which had been broken by the fake Veronica, was completely intact. However, the memory of her death was vividly clear. She had been vigilant, but there was an overwhelming difference in skill. So, she couldn’t think of it as just an illusion.

Seimei hadn’t given Liliana any advice. Liliana didn’t know the intentions of the test, and she couldn’t pass if she didn’t understand it. However, before Liliana could realize anything, ‘he’ appeared.

“…Blundell, is it your turn?”

Meltor’s Blue Tower Master, Blundell Adruncus, stared at Liliana with an expressionless face. Rumour had it that he could break an ogre’s wrist with one hand, but this time, he was facing Liliana.

Just like the fake Veronica, Blundell didn’t say anything as he pointed his staff at Liliana. That was the end.

“Ah…?! Aaack!”

Death came to Liliana before her senses had reacted. Before Liliana could even scream, her vocal cords dried up. Her blood, bone marrow, and bones dried up and shattered. Dehydration was Blundell’s best attack. It was a cruel spell which took away all water, which was the foundation of life.

The more fearful thing wasn’t the power, but that Liliana hadn’t noticed the activation.

‘T-This is ridiculous…! Mana, it didn’t mo…ve…’

Her sensitivity had been stretched to the limits. She could hear the sound of a needle dropping into sand and see the concentration of dust in a dark cave. Nevertheless, she hadn’t been able to notice when and how Blundell’s magic had worked.

This was Liliana Miller’s second death.

* * *


Liliana breathed out as soon as she appeared again. The skin which had dried up before was just fine. She recalled the terrifying horror of all the moisture in her body evaporating.

First, it had been Veronica and then Blundell Adruncus. They were the two magicians who were considered to be the strongest in the Meltor Kingdom. Liliana was on the threshold of the master level, but she couldn’t challenge them. If she fought a hundred times or a thousand times, she would die a thousand times.

Liliana looked down at her hands, realizing the difference between her and a master.

‘No, not just that. My physical condition is also a bit strange.’

When Veronica’s fist had descended toward her, Liliana had wanted to escape using Fluidization. The strong physical attack wouldn’t be able to strike her spiritual body. However, Umbra didn’t work for some reason, causing Liliana’s defense magic to be delayed by half a beat.

It was also true for when she’d been murdered by the fake Blundell.

It was strange that when Dehydration was used, her sensory perception hadn’t predicted the crisis in advance. Then she looked back and realized it was pure coincidence that she had avoided Veronica’s first attack. It hadn’t been due to her warning system.

However, even so, the disappearance of Umbra and her sensory perception was fatal. She didn’t know what the ‘Heaven Test’ was, but she was lacking some of her abilities. Sweat flowed down Liliana’s forehead.

“Damn, this is a little dangerous.”

Her voice didn’t reach Mitra, the Ring of Muspelheim was sealed, and there was no reaction from Aquilo’s blood mark on her neck. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Liliana’s actual combat strength had fallen by more than half. In addition to that, all of Gluttony’s functions, including Memorize, were tied up.

The enemies who had appeared in this space had been monsters that far exceeded Liliana’s best state. The third person was no exception.

“…You are wearing a mask here as well, White Tower Master.”

It was the best space magician, White Tower Master Orta. Even in this spiritual world, he was wearing a white robe and mask. No, maybe it was because Liliana didn’t know his face.

The 7th Circle magician who had defeated a sword master, presumably one of the Seven Swords of the empire, and cut off one of the sword master’s arms… How long could Liliana stand against him?

The cruel answer was exactly five seconds.


She was able to avoid the first attack thanks to the experience from her many battles, but it was up to there. There was no precursor as the space was divided. White Tower Master Orta used an attack which ignored physical defense. Seventeen space cracks were used successively, slicing Liliana to pieces like a carrot.

‘Crazy… How can I go against these monsters…?’

Liliana had a hunch as she greeted her third death. If the condition for passing the ‘Heaven Test’ was ‘fighting and overcoming,’ then there was no chance that Liliana Miller would pass this test.

Chapter 165 – Heaven, Earth And Human Test (3)

The fourth one who appeared was Aquilo. The ruler of the ocean, she emotionlessly created a coin-sized hole in the middle of Liliana's face. Who was the fifth person? It was Randolph Clovis. Liliana still remembered the two swords slicing her neck. The sixth time she died was because of Pride’s claws, and the seventh death was when she was torn apart by the arrow of Elvenheim’s guardian, Edwin.

She didn’t continue counting after that.

‘Now, how many times… have I been killed…?’ 10 times, 20 times… At the very least, it was more than her body could count. The face of the opponent changed every turn, but she always died a meaningless death.

The manner of killing Liliana was truly diverse. Some people were close to her, while there were others with whom she had a hostile relationship. They never spoke a word of greeting and attacked her with dull expressions.

Understandably, the result was 100 defeats. Those who appeared in this space were some of the hardest people to fight, especially in a situation where her hands and feet were bound. Moreover, Liliana had faced them at least 100 times.

Liliana stared at the new enemy before her with dark eyes. “Randolph.” The sword master was holding his double swords in a familiar stance. This was the third time. With a weary look, Liliana updated the number of times Randolph had appeared in front of her. This space didn’t seem to only embody ‘enemies’ from Liliana’s memories, nor did it invite anyone stronger.

No, even if she’d met them, this space seemed to exclude people whose abilities she didn’t understand. As evidence of that, the members of the empire’s Seven Swords, Pan Helliones and Lloyd Pollan, didn’t appear.

‘The order of appearance is random or irregular, but the number of people is 11. They are all people who can beat me.’

Despite experiencing death more than a hundred times, Liliana was still calmly thinking of answers. There was heavy fatigue in her eyes, but her spirit was too strong to stop her from thinking. Shortly after that, Liliana thought of something and waved her right hand. Simultaneously, Randolph’s double swords headed toward her.


This time, it was Liliana’s neck. Liliana glared as her head separated from her body. It was Randolph’s super-fast Aura Ability which Lili couldn’t avoid, even if she used Umbra. As Lili realized what had happened, she grumbled bitterly at the pain she wasn’t used to. ‘If I move even a little bit, will it start?’

At the next moment, Liliana stood in the white space again.

“……” She barely suppressed a scream.

Liliana confirmed her next enemy with bloodshot eyes. It was the beauty, Veronica. Liliana hadn’t moved yet, so she just watched her from afar. Of course, her life would fly away once she moved even a finger. It was valuable time for Liliana to take a break from dying.

Liliana needed to think. She needed to think of a way to achieve victory. However, Liliana trampled on that hope. ‘It is impossible.’

Regardless of whether she challenged it a hundred times or a thousand times, it was impossible. If she continued to challenge with the 0% chance of winning, she would lose everything. Additionally, Gluttony and some of Liliana’s bigger abilities were sealed, leaving her as a 6th Circle sorceress with excellent abilities. There was no chance for her to beat a master.

‘I am still helpless against brute force.’

Liliana thought she had become much stronger in the meantime, but she still couldn’t escape the days when she had been stuck in the academy’s library. This was her fate. These were the clutches of violence which she couldn’t escape with hard work and effort. She had died more than 100 times while searching for breakthroughs, but there was only one solution left in Liliana’s mind.

It was to declare that she gave up on the ‘Heaven Test’. Even the great shaman, Seimei, wouldn’t be able to stop Gluttony. Liliana’s power had been sealed before the ‘system’ accepted this test. However, if she gave up on this test, she would be able to escape from the cycle of death that Seimei created. She could avoid pointless deaths.

Instead, she would fight in a situation where she could win. She didn’t need to fight when she couldn’t win.

‘What a poor way of living.’

Liliana exhaled and said cheekily to Veronica in the distance, “Let’s do it once more, Tower Master.”

She might be a fake created from her memories, but the ‘strength’ which Liliana perceived didn’t differ from reality. Maybe it was due to her taunt or the way the system was set up, but…

A red comet flashed, crossing the gap of several hundred meters in seconds!

‘The timing is the same.’

It was a straight fist filled with confidence in her strength. In eastern magic, it was taught that softness suppressed strength. However, even softness would be torn away before such power.

If Liliana tried to avoid it, her posture would be ruined by the shock wave and her breathing cut off by the subsequent attack. Liliana had fought with Veronica three times and had been killed in such a way.

However, in this confrontation, she didn’t flee from her fist.


The sound was extremely loud when their fists met. It resonated through Liliana’s fist, not Veronica’s. It was the result of countering Veronica’s fist with no errors. Even if Lili didn’t have the help of her sensory perception, her learning ability and experience meant she would succeed.

However, what was the meaning of this counter? This was Veronica’s body, which was at the level of steel without any strengthening magic. Once 8th Circle magic was added to the human body, she would be smashed into dust.

Indeed, the left arm which Liliana had used to counter the attack had already turned into bloody dust up to the elbow.

“Che, only one attac…” Liliana said as her head was smashed again. Puhak!

It might simply be her imagination, but she seemed to see a slight smile on Veronica’s red lips before she died.

* * *

She didn’t think anymore. She didn’t worry anymore. She would no longer back down.

After Liliana formed such a resolution, her deaths occurred a few times faster than before. She didn’t last long, but she struggled to win anyway.

Peeok! In the end, she managed a punch to Randolph’s hateful face.

Chwaaaak! A thin slice was cut off from Aquilo’s tail.

Hwaruruk! She burned a few strands of Blundell’s beard and smudged the White Tower Master’s robe with dirt.

Liliana quit running away from the power she couldn’t match and repeatedly fought back. Even if she couldn’t win and died, she didn’t stop. She didn’t fight to win. She just fought. Liliana wished she could win, but it didn’t matter if she couldn’t. Life was always filled with unreasonable force and trials. She wouldn’t be able to escape them if she didn’t fight.

‘One more time.’

It might be a meaningless struggle, but Liliana fought on.

‘Once again.’

She would’ve quit the academy a long time ago if she were the type to give in to despair. Unfair talent, unfair fate… Human lives weren’t fair, and a person should realize this. Liliana’s steps would only slow down if she despaired. The heavens ignored any complaints, and talking to someone… even that effort might be meaningless.

‘Not… yet!’

She still had to try. Those who didn’t stop moving their feet until the end of their lives were entitled to say ‘f*ck you’ to the heavens. Adapting to fatalism was the role of a priest, while it was the fate of a mage to explore the world and deny a certain life. The ones who resisted until the end were examples of mages.

However, Liliana was soon forced to stop. It was due to the ‘monster’ who appeared when her number of deaths surpassed 200.

“Isn’t this a little too much?” Liliana didn’t want to sound weak, but anyone watching this situation wouldn’t be able to blame her.

With white scales which glowed with a bright light, it was the apostle of destruction… Fafnir.

The being who had erased the 5th stage Pride in a single blow appeared before Lili. Since this was a spiritual world, there was nothing to be burned by its heat. However, it was obvious that Fafnir would use the ‘laser.’

Meltor’s mages—no, all the mages in the world wouldn’t be able to defend against it even if they concentrated their defense magic together. This was a death which couldn’t be resisted.

‘Well, I will try it once.’

Liliana would die anyway. When else would she get a chance to attack an ancient-classed dragon? Liliana rotated the six circles to the maximum that her heart could endure. The difference in strength… she knew it better than anyone else.

Even so, she prepared to fight.


As the light of destruction was about to strike its target…

「It is up to here.」

The world stopped.

Jjak jjak jjak!

Liliana heard the sound of applause ring out from somewhere. She released the almost completed defense spell and looked in that direction. There was only one person who could intervene in this situation. It was Abe no Seimei, the one who had created this space which had killed her endlessly.

That damn person was clapping. “Brilliant.”

“…Do you not want to see my unsightly corpse anymore?” Liliana asked coldly.

Unlike Liliana’s cold tone, Seimei said with a genuinely admiring expression, “It isn’t unsightly.” Then he continued, “The Heaven Test is a trial that reveals how a person copes with a fate that can’t be fought. …To succumb, compromise, give up… or decide not to stop resisting until the end.”

That’s right. As Abe no Seimei said, the Heaven Test presented opponents and situations where Liliana couldn’t win. She’d competed with monsters with her bare body, and she’d constantly experienced the trauma of death, wearing down her spirit. The essence of a person would be revealed in circ*mstances where they were pushed to the edge of a cliff. When faced with true despair, it turned out that she had the proper qualifications to be a hero.

In that sense, Liliana was graded with 1,000 points out of 100.

“You pass, Liliana Miller. I will give you some gifts, as well as the knowledge you want.”


The system messages popped up before Liliana could get a reply.

[You have passed the ‘Heaven, Earth, and Human: Heaven chapter.’] [You have completed all stages perfectly.] [The proficiency of the skill, ‘Art of Onmyōdō,’ has been adjusted to the highest level. In order to avoid conflicts with your existing circles, I recommend a gradual absorption.]

[‘Ring of Muspelheim’ and ‘Aquilo’s Blood Mark’ have been integrated. ‘Artificial Yin and Yang’ has been formed. The power of the two imprints are stronger than before, and they will respond more obediently to the user’s will.]

[The user’s capacity has expanded through an unknown intervention. Confirming mental power… Confirming amount of magic power… The conditions for ‘Transcendence’ have been met, it will be fulfilled.] [After 20 seconds, you will sleep for 168 hours.]

“What does this mean?” Liliana was perplexed by the bewildering message windows.

Seimei waved her fan and replied happily, “Well, I just helped balance it. You showed me something nice after a long time, so I should do something good.”

“Please explain properly!”

“Can I explain it all in 20 seconds? Just think about it while sleeping.” Seimei’s words weren’t wrong.

There was a limited number of words which could be spoken in 20 seconds, and Seimei’s knowledge would be more metaphorical descriptions. Additionally, Liliana’s mind was exhausted from dying hundreds of times. Her hand stretched out to try and grab Seimei, but her knees collapsed.


As Liliana’s consciousness faded, Seimei’s voice sounded like a mountain echo, “I hope someday you will be able to grant my request. But maybe you’ll need 10 more years, huhahaha!”


“I will give you one more piece of advice.” Seimei’s playful tone was gone, and the last advice she gave engraved deeply into Liliana’s mind. “If you go to the eastern continent, never approach the capital in the center. If you have to go, only try it after you have reached full transcendence.”

Before Liliana could respond to the advice, the heartless voice of the system broke the communication between Seimei and Liliana.

[From this point onward, you will sleep for 168 hours.]

Chapter 166 – The Road Home (1)

"Sir Adolf, please look after Sister."

"Yes, I will do it well."

As usual, Baek Dongil left Liliana's room with a worried expression, while Randolph sighed at his retreating back. Randolph was fond of Baek Dongil's sincere learning attitude and polite character, but the repeated visits were starting to become a bit of a bother. However, he couldn’t stop Baek Dongil from coming.

Therefore, Randolph found himself in an uncomfortable middle position.

'That reminds me. Including today, it has been a week.' Randolph thought about the date and then looked at Liliana, who was lying in a nearby bed.

Randolph had been the one who found the unconscious Liliana, and he had also been the first to notice the situation. Liliana didn’t have a fever or cold sweats, so it might seem like she was just taking a nap. However, the reality of it was different.

Back then, Randolph had looked at the unconscious Liliana and instinctively recognized the situation.

This was the period of transition to go beyond the master's wall!

A mortal body and spirit couldn’t handle the power of a transcendent. Therefore, mortals who reached the realm of a master had to evolve their body and mind to the level of the transcendent power.

The term 'Physical Change' referred to the phenomenon in which an imbalance in the body was rectified and raised beyond its innate limits. It was a bonus that all the wastes hidden in the body were removed.

Randolph recalled what he had experienced at the time he’d gone through the same thing and thought that the sorceress's transitional period was rather modest.

"It was a wrong judgment," Randolph said as he squeezed Liliana's wrist lightly and immediately made a serious expression.

His serious expression was due to the vortex of power swirling inside Lili's body, exactly like it had been on the first day of the transition. The flow was so wide and powerful that Randolph couldn’t intervene, despite being a sword master. It was impossible to calm it down from the outside.

Randolph had to wait until the owner of the power, Liliana Miller, could control it herself. However, the biggest problem was if the attempt failed. What if the terrible power Randolph sensed burst out of Liliana’s body? The mansion would be shattered, and the damage might reach the faraway town. It was a different type of waste material.

Randolph smiled as he glanced at Liliana's still sleeping face.

'Is Lili special, or are sorceresses always like this?'

Of course, Liliana's case was special, but Randolph had no way of knowing this.

However, despite knowing the risks, Randolph didn’t leave Liliana's side. He believed that he could stop the crisis or that Liliana would overcome this trial. It was a myth, but in the Andras Empire, the greater the crisis during one’s transition, the greater the potential.

If that was the case, Liliana would be reborn as an unprecedented master.

"…Well, it might just be my delusion." Randolph found it funny and laughed as he rose to his feet.

From morning to night, he stayed by Liliana's side. This meant he couldn’t even eat properly. Randolph headed to a nearby kitchen to drink a glass of water. The duration of time he spent there was three minutes at most.

Soon after Randolph left the kitchen, he grabbed the doorknob of Liliana's room and felt an unknown thrill enter his body.

A sword master’s keen senses noticed the before and after change in the room. The unstable flow of mana, which had been like a typhoon, had completely calmed down. If so, there could only be one cause.

'The transition is over.' Randolph gulped before turning the doorknob.

Liliana had either successfully crossed the wall to become a master, or she had been blown apart. It was only after the door opened that he found out which result it was. Then the door opened.

"-Ha, haha," Randolph couldn’t help laughing.

This was because Randolph’s concerns were moot, as 'she' stood there.

Her two eyes contained more depth than before, and she was standing on her own two legs without shaking. After passing through the boundaries of a mortal, Liliana Miller had finally returned.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting," Liliana spoke to the blankly staring Randolph. There was a faint smile on her face accompanying her simple words of apology. "It took longer than I thought it would."

With seven roaring circles, it was a declaration that another master had appeared in the world.

* * *

Her body hadn’t changed dramatically like aura users. However, she’d slept for a week, so her stomach was understandably empty.

Without telling anyone first, Randolph placed bread and soup from the kitchen in front of Liliana. If he told people that she had woken up, their surroundings would become extremely noisy. As Liliana had just completed the transition, she needed to rest.

Of course, Liliana appreciated the care.

"Thank you," she said a short thanks and started moving her hands.

She ate the bread and sipped the soup, gradually increasing the volume of the food. Lili's body, which had starved for a week, absorbed the nutrients like rainwater permeating dry land.

Randolph looked at Lili's ravenous appearance with narrowed eyes. 'It is definitely different.'

There was no visible change in Liliana's body, but the storm raging inside her had completely subsided. The pressure, which would cause anyone who could sense mana to feel nervous, was now out of sight.

Somebody might think Lili was weak, but Randolph’s sword master instincts were warning him. Even if Randolph fought his best, he would be unable to predict his victory. This was evidence that a 7th Circle sorceress was an existence who could match a sword master.

In the end, Randolph couldn’t repress his curiosity and asked, "The 7th circle, is it completed?"

"…I’m not sure. It is too ambiguous to call it completed yet."

"What? Ambiguous?" Randolph’s eyebrows raised at Lili’s vague answer.

Liliana swallowed the soup and continued with her answer, "The number of my circles has grown to seven, but the criteria for a master level sorceress isn’t just the number of circles."

"Then what else do you need?"

"It is just how like a master aura user needs to awaken the Aura Ability. Sorceresses have something called ‘Sorcery’ and need to develop their own unique attributes."

Lili said it was similar to Aura Ability, but it wasn’t that big. Just like how sword masters had their own specific characteristics with aura, sorceresses focused on their specific attributes. The White Tower Master's unbelievable space magic and Blundell’s water control were based on 'Sorcery.' Liliana had realized it after reaching the 7th Circle. Her ability to analyze magic itself had improved.

'Somehow, I couldn’t do it even if I read the original book.'

Liliana had thought she would be able to do space magic or water control magic, but she now knew it would’ve failed.

When she thought about it, she realized it was natural. It was no wonder that Liliana couldn’t understand the essential principles of the magic considering she didn’t know what Blundell’s 'Sorcery' was.

Additionally, that wasn’t the only part that was different from aura.

Liliana looked at Randolph and continued to explain with a smile, "Sorcery is different from the Aura Ability that can be used straight away. The 7th Circle is the minimum condition, and I need to study Sorcery from now on."

"Aha, I see," Randolph said as he took in the explanation.

From the perspective of Eastern philosophy, it could be summarized as 'epiphany' and 'gradual study.' Aura Ability was an 'epiphany,' while Sorcery was a 'gradual study.' Sorcery was something which could only be learned by accumulating the right procedures and efforts. Liliana, who had only just arrived at the 7th Circle, was still unable to use her own unique attributes.

However, Randolph smiled cheerfully and knocked on her shoulder. "Well, it is true that you went beyond the wall though! It is late, but welcome to the realm of a master."

"If I’m late, then what is Randolph?"

"Ah, are you already acting like this? This young girl is really behaving badly."

It was a joke but Lili's expression brightened. As Randolph said, the wall to the 7th Circle was very high, and crossing it meant one thing…

Liliana had escaped the deadline of three years! Within half of the time limit that Myrdal had given her, Liliana had escaped from the confines of a mortal. The future of being crushed by her own power had disappeared.

'It’s sooner than I expected, but it is okay to return to the north.'

In any case, ‘Sorcery’ couldn’t be completed in a day or two, and the intellectual properties accumulated in the Magic Society would be more efficient for her research.

She had overcome the deadline, which had been her original purpose, so wasn’t it better to return to the safety of Meltor to conduct the rest of her research? Around the time that Liliana was eating the last of her bread.

"Ah, there was a letter for you."

"Letter?" Liliana turned her attention back to Randolph.

What letter? Who would know about them to send a letter here? Randolph handed her the envelope and replied, "Gibra. It has the name of the guy from Sipoto on it. I guess their title as 'the best information guild' isn’t for nothing."

"Gibra… Indeed, there would be no one else."

In retrospect, everyone else who knew about her were enemies, except for Gibra. No, she couldn’t conclude that Gibra was an ally. However, Gibra was the only one who could send her a letter. The best information guild in the central continent would definitely be able to figure out her tracks.

Now, Lili was curious and wary about why a letter would be sent to her.

Tear. Liliana tore open the envelope and pulled out the sheet of paper inside. She looked at the contents for a while, then she burned the letter and envelope. Randolph guessed that Lili intended to conceal the existence of the letter.

So, he asked, "Is it something that shouldn’t be known to others?"

"There is nothing wrong with being careful."

Simultaneously, Liliana spread Silence magic around the two of them. It was rare for eavesdropping to escape the notice of a sword master, but this spell was to block that rare possibility from happening.

"It’s news related to the Orcus Company. Meltor has received my message and dispatched investigators to search for clues in the central continent. Due to that, the Orcus Company has shifted its base from the south-west to the east."

"Uhh, the timing isn’t good."

"That’s right. I think we should keep in mind the possibility of seeing them near the Kargas border."

The power of the two was significantly higher than when they had fought in Sipoto, but it still wasn’t very wise to fight against unknown opponents. They were enemies who had chased Liliana all the way to the Pirate Archipelago. It was fortunate that the enemies had angered Aquilo. Otherwise, it would’ve been a struggle on the sea.

If they had a death knight and ghost ship, there might be other hidden cards such as a master.

'…I have to return home.'

Was it fortunate that the Orcus Company was moving to the east now? Liliana calmly calculated her speed, position, and the path to Meltor before sighing. Gibra’s letter wasn’t entirely trustworthy, but it was difficult since she had already seen the contents.

In any case, she had to act carefully to avoid any traps. Liliana thought about the right answer and soon made a decision. She stacked the empty dishes in a pile and got up. Then she said, "We will leave in a week. I have to finish off the work I have left here and then ask Master Baek for one last favor."

As Liliana headed for her room, she had a hunch about something. The time of the suspicious sorceress, Lili, would end here. From now on, it was the turn of Liliana Miller, the young hero of the Meltor Kingdom.

Liliana's heart grew anxious at the thought of seeing the faces of some people, and she hastened her footsteps. It was time to return to her homeland, Meltor.

Chapter 167 – The Road Home (2)

It had been a week since then.

The news about Liliana’s group leaving was immediately relayed to Marquis and the crown prince, making for an easy farewell. After all, they didn’t like the fact that two strong people were hiding in their country.

The only people who felt regretful about Liliana and Randolph leaving were the Baek Family staying at the mansion.

“A week has already passed,” Baek Jongmyung, the expert of the Baek Family, said to them with a dark expression.

One was a nice girl who guided his son, while the other was a friend he had dueled and drank with a few times. There might be a large age difference between them, but Baek Jongmyung socialized with them like they were friends. He mourned that Liliana’s scheduled departure was this soon.

Looking back and forth between Liliana and Randolph, Baek Jongmyung said, “…As Lady Lili requested, I will manage the annex where the two of you stayed. Can I ask for the reason?”

“A guest shouldn’t bring bad luck to the owner,” Liliana responded with an answer that was difficult to understand. However, Baek Jongmyung was accustomed to this way of speaking, and he soon realized Liliana’s meaning.

“Hrmm, you have opponents that are that strong?”

“I don’t think Master Baek and the Baek Family should go against them.”

Baek Jongmyung would have hit anyone else who said it, but he smiled at Liliana's words. When they first met, Baek Jongmyung hadn’t known Liliana’s depths. Now, it would be even harder for Baek Jongmyung to gauge if he could win against Liliana. However, the seldom rude Liliana was currently advising him not to dig into this issue? This was enough to prove that it was dangerous.

Baek Jongmyung nodded with a heavy expression. “Haha… There is a saying in the East about a frog in a well. I am sorry that I can’t return your favor, despite being an expert.”

“It is nothing. Thank you for the help,” Liliana said.

“You’re thanking me? Please don’t be so humble. I owe you a great deal for putting up with my son.”

Baek Jongmyung called to Baek Dongil, who was standing silently behind him. Liliana was curious about why Baek Dongil wasn’t speaking, but she soon figured out why. It was because the boy’s eyes were completely wet, glimmering like the light from a chandelier.

“B-Big Sister.” Baek Dongil choked up. He turned red like a tomato and coughed a few times before barely managing to face Liliana. “Thank you for listening to my shameless request!”

Then he bowed down with his hands clasped together. Baek Dongil was giving thanks for their relationship, rather than grumbling about the short teaching period or sudden parting.

He had received a foundation of basic knowledge over the past week, but he didn’t completely understand it yet. A period of intense self-learning was necessary when a teacher had to leave. As the loser of a warrior family for many years, it was natural for Baek Dongil to feel regretful. However, Baek Dongil’s pure heart meant he didn’t hesitate to express his sincere gratitude.

It was why Liliana had decided to teach him. Liliana saw her past despairing state in Baek Dongil’s endless efforts, but his mind wasn’t twisted by it.


“Yes, Big Sister.”

“The foundation that I’ve taught so far is a prerequisite for becoming an apprentice sorceress in the Meltor Kingdom, the most developed kingdom of magic in the continent. A more efficient learning system doesn’t yet exist on this continent.”

It was as Lili said. Meltor’s Magic Society, unlike other organizations, shared their research achievements and knowledge.

Their curriculum, which had been developed through history, boasted the best efficiency and rationality on the continent. Anyone who graduated from an academy in Meltor with just a diploma could teach at an academy in any other kingdom.

However, Liliana didn’t dwell on her past diploma anymore. She told Baek Dongil, “If you keep following my teachings, you will be able to reach the required level within the next year.”

Fortunately, Baek Dongil’s mana sensitivity was several times better than that of the old Liliana. If Baek Dongil built up the right knowledge and repeated the training, it would be easy for him to reach the 3rd Circle. The 4th Circle might be possible if his family provided adequate support.

Perhaps by that time, the level of magicians who could teach Baek Dongil in the central continent would be hard to meet. As Liliana thought about that day, she said, “I am ashamed to reveal it only now, but my name is Liliana, not Lili. And my surname is Miller.”

“Liliana Miller?”


If Baek Jongmyung or Baek Dongil had any knowledge about the north, they might feel surprised or even angry.

However, they just blinked at her, and Liliana stood up. Now everything in the Soldun Kingdom was resolved. She had used duplication magic on original books about shamanism, regained 1,000 gold, and formed a close tie with a budding magician.

“One day, if you encounter a ‘wall’ that can’t be broken down by your own strength, come to Meltor’s Magic Society and find me.”

Baek Dongil didn’t know that this relationship would be the Baek Family’s most valuable treasure after coming to the Western continent. After Liliana and Randolph said a simple farewell and left the room, Baek Jongmyung and Baek Dongil stared at each other with confusion for a while.

Baek Jongmyung opened his mouth first and said, “…Huhu, this is truly entertaining.”

“I-Is that so?”

“I reprimanded you for something that seemed frivolous at the time, but it seems you were right.”

Baek Dongil didn’t understand and replied eagerly, “Yes! I think so as well!”

This caused Baek Jongmyung to hit his head while saying, “This brat! You cheeky fellow!”

Baek Dongil was a fool who had only grown up slightly under Liliana, so he uttered, “Ah! What are you saying, Father?”

Despite the argument, smiles spread across the faces of the two men, and the story spread through the Baek Family.

* * *

“You must think a lot of that kid.”

“He is polite and bright. If he grows up without becoming twisted, he will definitely be a good magician.”

After stepping out of the mansion they had been living in for over a year, Liliana and Randolph took the time to pause for a moment. The two of them were intending to travel a long distance, so Liliana kept most of the goods, including food, in the ‘Inventory.’

As the export of artifacts was the major economic base of Meltor, this meant the management of logistics and distribution of goods was strict. So, Liliana used her power to avoid her goods from being noticed.

“…Okay, there doesn’t seem to be any problems,” Liliana commented. Then she used an extremely convenient magic which she had been preparing for the past week.

‘Mass Teleport.’

It was space magic which allowed a large number of people to leap a long distance, and it wasn’t impossible now that Liliana had reached the 7th Circle. Randolph had been informed about the magic in advance, but he couldn’t help admiring the convenience.

“I thought we would go through the sky instead of the land or sea, but I hadn’t expected space magic. Sorceresses really are capable of anything.”

“Well, it isn’t easy.”

It was just as Liliana said. She was able to compose this magic after gaining enlightenment, but it was just like she'd already guessed before. Her aptitude for space magic wasn’t good. Liliana calculated the formula and flow of mana perfectly, but ‘Mass Teleport’ was unsteady, and it took three attempts to calm the instability.

This magic was now simple and stable, but traveling as far as the White Tower Master was just a distant dream. Liliana stared at the magic circle and sighed. ‘Hah, there is no attribute as convenient as space magic…’

Unfortunately, it was a magic which Lili didn’t suit. Apart from the space magic abilities gained from ‘original books predation,’ it wasn’t compatible with Liliana Miller. While Liliana was grumbling inwardly, Randolph came up to the magic circle and asked, “Where is our destination?”

“Sipoto in the Kargas Kingdom. At my level, I can’t move much further than that.”

The White Tower Master could fly from Piris to beyond Meltor’s border, but it wasn’t something which could be imitated with ordinary space magic. Thus, Liliana created a ‘Mass Teleport’ with the best results.

Moreover, although it wasn’t a match for the White Tower Master, Liliana's magic circle was huge for her level. She could move from Piris to Sipoto in the South-Eastern continent, which meant she could arrive at the border of the central continent immediately. Even if she moved by the shortest path by land or sea, the minimum time required to cross that distance was a fortnight.

Liliana finished the final checks, stood in the center of the magic circle, and infused magic power to the power source.

Then she cried out, “Mass Teleport!”

Simultaneously, there was a flash of light as the magic activated, and the forms of the two dissolved like ice in heat.

There was a wave of dizziness which she couldn’t get accustomed to, even though she had already experienced it a few times! Liliana endured the uncomfortable sensation and transmitted the coordinates of the destination.

She felt a headache pierce her temples during the process, but space fatigue boasted the worst difficulty. The discomfort disappeared just as suddenly it had appeared.



Liliana exhaled, while Randolph grabbed his head because of the dizziness. Liliana was familiar with this, so she looked around.

They were in a wilderness area, with sand and wind tickling Liliana's nose. This wasn’t the first time she had seen this landscape, so Liliana was convinced of the success of her space magic. This was the outskirts of Sipoto, which she had set as the destination for Mass Teleport.


At that moment, Liliana experienced a sharp pain in her mind.


It wasn’t the unpleasant feeling of space magic, but a pain which came from a warning. Liliana grasped the reason with her logic, not intuition, and smiled bitterly.

In a sense, it was like growing pains. Using space magic, which she had never used before, led to an unexpected side effect because Liliana's vessel had disappeared when she reached transcendence.

The vessel was a restraining device which limited the contents, but it was also a safety device. Being capable of infinite possibilities was a double-edged sword.

‘That is why I have to fix it with Sorcery.’

While Liliana worried about the unexpected enlightenment, Randolph shook off the dizziness and approached her.

“Lili, will you prepare to move again in Sipoto?”

“…I think so, but not now.”

Liliana hadn’t chosen Sipoto as the destination for Mass Teleport just because it was within range.

She wanted to talk to Gibra again, who had found out where they’d been staying and sent a letter to them. Liliana didn’t know whether Gibra offered information on the Orcus Company for a favor, or if there was some hidden trap. She wanted it to be due to personal feelings, but it was foolish to want a favor from the information world.

Liliana recovered her consumed magic power to a certain extent and opened her mouth to say, “I will go and see Gibra.”

Even if Gibra was plotting something, he wouldn’t be expecting their arrival with space magic.

The presence of the White Tower was openly revealed in Meltor, but space magic was difficult to see in real life, and there were those who doubted its existence. Liliana had used ‘Mass Teleport’ and cut down their expected arrival time by nearly a dozen days.

It was the best way Liliana envisioned that would overwhelm Gibra’s expectations.

Chapter 168 – The Road Home (3)

The Sipoto branch of the Information Guild, which the ‘King of Mice’ ran, was one of the best in the central region. It was located on the outskirts where there were few people. Liliana had to find the markings, but it wasn’t so hard to retrace her past steps. People came and went as she crossed through the maze-like alleys like they were her home.

It was good until Liliana and Randolph found a shabby door at the end of a road. A familiar smell rubbed at their noses.


“…It is the smell of human blood. It is very thick.”

Liliana and Randolph prepared for battle simultaneously, as they stared past the half-open door.

Randolph had a lot of battle experience, so he could tell that the Information Guild’s hideout was filled with dead humans. This smell of death meant there were at least dozens, perhaps hundreds, of bodies.

The two carefully approached the entrance of the Information Guild.

“Let’s double check before entering.” Liliana took one step inside and scanned the area with detection magic. Waves of magic exploded from her palm and headed inside the Information Guild’s hideout. The waves bounced back and forth like a bat’s ultrasound while searching for a survivor.

However, the magic soon disappeared, and Liliana’s expression stiffened. “Everyone is dead. At least, there isn’t anyone moving inside.”

“It is literally a massacre. The sun hasn’t even fallen yet, so the killer sure is a bold person,” Randolph remarked.

The guild’s hideout was out of sight, but it was impossible to kill all these people without garnering attention. Randolph raised his two swords in preparation for an unfamiliar situation and stepped forward with Liliana.

Then the passage Lili had walked through a year ago appeared before them.


The last time, she hadn’t used light magic in order to avoid provoking the guild. However, she now used a few drops of magic to illuminate the surroundings. If she looked at the differences from the last time she’d been here, there was a heavy smell of blood, as well as holes in the left and right walls of the passage.

Liliana looked around and spoke to Randolph who was walking in front, “They were killed using the element of surprise, so the killer must be pretty talented.”

“I don’t think it is like that,” Randolph disagreed with Liliana. “This way, Lili. Take a closer look at these bodies.”


It was a sword master who was pointing this out, so Liliana followed Randolph’s advice without saying anything further.

Liliana broke the wall where Randolph pointed at, and bodies rolled out to her feet. The bleeding from the bodies was so severe that there weren’t any parts of the floor or ceiling which were not reddened.

However, Liliana frowned as she noticed the commonalities between the bodies.

‘The bodies of the information guild members—’

“Why do they look like this?”

Their faces were smiling or contained other normal expressions. Liliana wasn’t familiar with sword injuries, but there were no humans who could keep the same expression from before they were stabbed in the heart or head. However, all the corpses looked like they didn’t even know they had died.

“This is an extremely dark sword.” Randolph looked at the cuts with a serious expression.

He was confident in his speed, but was it really possible to kill dozens of people like this? In particular, when there were so many people residing in concealed spaces… No matter how fast his sword was, could he reproduce this scene?

“No, not even a legendary grandmaster could do this.” Randolph went over the situation many times in his head and still found it impossible. It was a hard task even for a considerably skilled person. This wasn’t the type of thing which could be done without the help of ‘Aura Ability’ or magic.

The two people continued past the strange corpses. Shortly afterward, Liliana was able to see it. In the place where she had first encountered Gibra, Lili could see a body so ‘dismantled’ that it was difficult to tell the body was human.

“…Torture,” Liliana stated.


Twenty fingers and toes were rolling around on the ground. The places where the eyeballs should be were empty, and the skin was completely peeled off. The reason why Liliana and Randolph were even able to identify the dismembered corpse as Gibra was because of his unusually large build.

It was surprisingly painful for Liliana to discover the death of the man she had once known. Then Randolph frowned as he examined the terrible sight and muttered, “This is familiar.”

“Huh?” Liliana asked.

“I remember. It was what I learned about torture at a knight school in the empire. First, cut off the last part of the limbs, then take the vision to make the body more sensitive. Lastly, deal pain by slicing away thin parts of the skin. It is famous for being very effective.”

It was a torture style from the Andras Empire! In the end, Liliana felt like a thunderbolt had struck her head. The corpses and the Andras Empire’s torture method… This was a real moment of enlightenment as she recalled two facts which were deeply buried in her memories.

“No way… The empire’s Seven Swords?”

“What?! The empire’s Seven Swords—” Randolph responded to Lili’s words and forgot to lower his sound. However, Liliana had no time to explain to him. It was something she’d heard from the White Tower Master in the Great Forest. An unknown sword master, presumably one of the empire’s Seven Swords, possessed a ‘concealment’ ability.


A red crystal necklace, which was a primitive amulet, appeared in Liliana’s palms.

[+5 Tail of a Defeat Loser (Accessory)]

[This is an artifact created using the body part of a person presumed to be one of the empire’s Seven Swords. The body part was cut off directly by the White Tower Master. The red crystal looks like a jewel, but it is a special product created by refining a part of the sword master. It also contains a tracing function. This artifact is designed to trace the ‘target’ within a 30km radius and will guide the owner to the coordinates.

* This necklace is rated ‘Rare.’

* When consumed, a small amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, the residual aura will inhibit magic power circulation.

* When consumed, the proficiency of ‘tracking magic’ will increase.

* Please note! It contains blood with a high concentration of aura. This artifact will have a negative effect on the user.]

Once Liliana confirmed the artifact’s information window, she poured magic power into it without checking Randolph’s reaction.

This amulet had been created with the arm of the sword master whom the White Tower Master had defeated in the Great Forest, and it was used as a tracker. If this artifact responded, the identity of the other party would become clear.

Liliana invoked the artifact.


It met her expectations as red light started to scatter. The red light struck the ceiling, walls, and floors, as well as the two people in the room, before drawing a map on the left wall. The depiction of the terrain was so perfect that it could be sold at a map store for an expensive price. This feature was possible due to the space magic of the White Tower Master.

As Liliana looked at the map, she muttered with a dumbfounded face, “This… It’s a place outside Sipoto?”

It wasn’t the outskirts but an area outside the walls, where wild winds blew the sand. There was a blinking blue light at the center of the map which showed the location of the sword master.

Then at that moment…


“What is it? I will let you find out.”

Randolph was grumpily complaining by Liliana’s side, but Liliana didn’t give Randolph a chance to respond.

For a moment, the blue dot disappeared from the red map. In other words, the sword master being tracked had used his ‘Aura Ability.’ No matter how efficient the ability, it would consume mana quickly. There was no sword master who would use it in unnecessary situations.

This meant the target was now in combat.

“If it’s not the Information Guild, then who is he fighting against?” Liliana’s doubtful voice resonated within the room which smelled thickly of blood.

* * *

Around 10km away from the King of Rats’ branch of the Information Guild, there was a man who revealed himself as someone who knew Liliana. Bill Parent, a full-time warrior of the Orcus Company for a few years, looked at the person before him.

‘Who the hell was this person?’ He tried to shout out.

However, Bill couldn’t say anything. Just as he tried to open his mouth, his head was already rolling onto the hot sand. He was dead the moment he met the unidentified man, but Bill Parent died without even realizing it.

The last five people were no different. Six wary aura users were turned to corpses instantaneously.

However, the masked sword master was disgruntled. “Che, these trash were bait.”

‘Bait?’ He didn’t waste any minutes cheering at the success of the perfect assassination.

However, in response to the masked man’s words, a few shadows rose up from the sand-covered ground. The shadow who seemed to be the leader asked the masked person, [Who are you? Why are you attacking us?]

“I’ve been asked that question a number of times, but you don’t need to know,” the masked man replied coldly. “You knew I was coming anyway.”

[Hulhulhul… There have already been three raids today. You caused a commotion twice and thought we wouldn’t know about it…?]

“No, I expected you to know. I just thought you would be smart enough to withdraw. I’m sorry.” Despite the creepy voice coming from the shadow, the masked man continued with his mocking, “I don’t know why you are waiting after being attacked twice. Did you prepare a means to deal with me? Or do you intend to give me the information I want?”

[…It is information regarding the whereabouts of ‘her.’]

“Yes. If you listened to my request from the beginning, two of your groups would’ve been fine. You inflicted this on yourself.” A white aura arose from the blade of the masked man as he said, “The winner is strong, and the loser is weak. I am stronger than you. Therefore, I have the right to take away your lives.”

It was the law of the jungle. He sounded closer to a beast than a human as he pointed his blade at them. This was the power of the aura of a sword master. The space, where the edge of the sword was pointed toward, split in two, with the sand and wind being divided in half as well.

“So, tell me. Where is Liliana Miller?” The masked man asked.

The magic power holding the shadows together became shaky, and their shape faded before becoming clear again.

The masked man had an imposing presence which was enough to shake the shadows’ magic power! What an unbelievable monster. The opponents might’ve peed their pants if they were real people instead of shadows.

However, the lead shadow wasn’t daunted and ridiculed him.

[Stupid sword master. The realm you’ve reached is helpless in the face of true death… Yes, you want to prove the legitimacy of the ‘law of the jungle…?’]

“That’s right.”

[The strong and the weak… I will teach you the values that are above that.] The lead shadow, a warlock of the Orcus Company, sentenced the masked man to death in a lighthearted manner, [I will turn that sword into scrap metal! From now on, worship death!]

Chapter 169 – The Road Home (4)

The sun completely disappeared beneath the western horizon. The wilderness lay a few kilometers away from the city. Torchlight didn’t exist in the area, rendering it darker than ever. This was a dark curtain that distorted the laws of nature and corrupted life. A normal human would collapse if they were within the vicinity of this power. However, a sword master was a monster who exceeded the standards of life.

“Who would be afraid of the babbling of a sorceress?” The masked person—no, Hyde the 6th Sword of the empire raised his sword as his emotions started to boil. His hatred for sorceresses and the humiliation he’d suffered in the forest… these feelings burned more intensely instead of diminishing over time. Hyde didn’t even think about distinguishing between warlocks and sorceresses. This hate wouldn’t diminish until he destroyed the sorceresses who ruined his honor and his master’s plan.

Shortly afterward, Hyde’s body disappeared like it melted into the air.

[Hoh…! Is this your ability…? Interesting,] the lead shadow spoke with admiration but smiled confidently. There was no audible sound nor visible shape. Furthermore, there were no signs that anything had even existed in this area. Was there any way for the shadow to beat this absurd power? How could it survive the sword master who was a perfect assassin?

Hyde scoffed at the shadow. It might be possible for one of Meltor’s tower masters, but how could a warlock detect Hyde’s sword?


However, Hyde’s confidence was broken as dozens of dark lightning bolts struck around his feet. Each one was of the 6th Circle! It was a power that couldn’t be completely blocked by a master class. Surprisingly, most of them were blocked, but Hyde’s mask was charred.

“This lowlife, how dare you?!”

[Stupid… Do sword masters suffer from side effects such as the brain turning into muscles?] The rest of the shadows chuckled and joined in ridiculing Hyde.


Hyde, who was being ridiculed by the warlocks, jumped forward and aimed for the lead shadow with a distorted face. He would show this garbage why they were nothing compared to Meltor’s tower masters.

[Think about it, foolish sword master. This space is already my territory… It is a watercolor painting I’ve painted. The paint is black magic, and the canvas…]

“So what?”

[Don’t you understand what I’m saying? Your ability means you don’t show up on my canvas. Since nothing is felt, that ‘blankness’ exposes your position.] Hyde’s expression froze at the end of the shadow’s words. So, Hyde was being perceived because he was ‘completely’ hidden? It was a blind spot he hadn’t thought of.

However, he soon recovered his composure and laughed at the warlock who had arrogantly told him the reason. If the warlock could figure out his position on this canvas, it would be enough if he just left the canvas or tore it to pieces.

“Fool. Why would you teach me this? I will just get out of here.”

[Now you know a little bit, that was the correct answer.]

“…Was?” Hyde asked with an ominous feeling. It was past tense.

Simultaneously, the shadows burst out laughing in the distance. There was a reason why they had kept their distance and taught Hyde the weakness. The lead shadow had explained all of that to bind Hyde’s feet.

[Kuhuhu! It is already too late, Sword Master!] At the same time, a red squiggle appeared at Hyde’s feet, exploding without giving him a chance to react.


All sound died. Light was swallowed. The sand was tinted black, and even the stars in the sky were hidden. The completely impenetrable darkness was the fog of the dead zone, which could be found in the depths of the Demon World. It didn’t harm warlocks at all, but it was extremely threatening to other life in the physical world.

A normal person wouldn’t last for even a few seconds, but a sword master could somehow survive. However, he would get corrupted and turned into a sword demon by the power of death. The lead shadow called Holsten, who was one of the top five executives in the Orcus Company, sighed with relief. He had been dominating the situation with a relaxed expression, but he would’ve missed the chance if Hyde had been a little more aware.

[I was laughing, but your ability really is intimidating.] If Holsten hadn’t been prepared in advance, he might’ve really been killed by Hyde’s sword today. From the door of the abyss to the barrage of darkness, the number of sacrifices consumed for this trap was 5,000 people. Thank goodness it was a success. All of it would’ve been for nothing if he had failed to catch Hyde.

The creation of a corrupt knight, unlike a death knight, was worth using 5,000 sacrifices if it could use all its abilities.

Holsten continued speaking, [This is one step closer to our long-awaited…]

Their expansion of power was delayed due to Meltor’s disturbance, but the harvest this time would be large enough to overturn it. Hyde was a sword master specializing in assassination! The methods for using him were as numerous as the stars in the sky.

However, at that moment…

Kiing! A small hole breached the absolute darkness.

[What?!] Alas, this shocking situation was only the beginning. A storm of aura blades sliced at the darkness, scattering light. Then Hyde’s white aura emerged. No, it wasn’t his aura. Unlike the other shadows, only Holsten, who was close to a master, could infer the identity of the force. However, even if it was likely, Holsten couldn’t admit the possibility of it.

[This unbearable power! No, this is impossible!] The nemesis of magic, the power of a people who had left the material world long ago…

[Divine power is a remnant from a previous age!!] As Holsten cried out, the white light, which had no color, tore through the darkness.

The abyss door was shattered, and the warlock controlling it died on the spot, while the rest of the warlocks coughed blood onto the floor. Their circles were destroyed, the nerves of their bodies broken, and their brains burned… It was a feast of those who had fallen to ruin.

[K-Kuaah… Why… What… This…!] Only Holsten managed to remain sane, and he maintained the shadow magic, even when his body had been turned into a mess. As a reward for his patience, Holsten was able to see ‘it’ in Hyde’s hand. It was a silver sun in the shape of a sword.

“In the face of true strength, your tricks have little meaning. Emerging from the shadows you always hide in is the reason for your defeat.”

[T-That sword…?]

“‘I don’t know,’ is what I would like to say. But I’ll teach you specifically, so you will know.” As the wind swept through his empty left sleeve, Hyde focused his power on the sword in his right hand. Then in response to Holsten’s question, Hyde went on to speak the name of the sword which Andras’ prince, Fermut, had given to him. It was an unbelievable symbol from the Age of Mythology.

“Cry, Claimhb Solais!” Hyde spoke the name while pushing the brilliantly shining silver blade deep into the sand.


The power which could transform the user’s aura into a new force and shatter all magic… The power of the past which no one had ever escaped from… It was the divine sword of the tribe of the gods, the divine sun sword. (Tuatha Dé Danann)

In the gap created by the backlash of destroyed magic, the god-sword emitted a horrific white flame.

* * *

The silver sun came up.

Liliana and Randolph, watching from afar, had the same thought about the wondrous sight. Until a little while ago, the area had been locked in an ominous darkness. The sun had sunk in the west, and unexplained black magic had been used. Then the stars had disappeared, and the world had fallen into darkness. In this place, the warlocks had exerted several times more power than usual, making even Liliana feel a sense of crisis.

‘At least, until the silver sun rose.’

Randolph leaned against a rock, while Liliana looked down at the necklace which had shattered. It wasn’t just the necklace. The bracelet Liliana had was borrowed from Kurt III and other minor artifacts had shattered as well. Even the tracking necklace designed to chase the sword master had also been turned to powder.

“Why are all the artifacts broken?” Liliana muttered, her long black hair blowing slightly in the wind, revealing vivid blue eyes filled with concern. There was monetary damage, but she didn’t have an excuse for it. She sighed as she placed the debris of broken artifacts into her inventory. It wasn’t just the bracelet made by the Yellow Tower Master but also the device they’d been using to chase the unidentified sword master. Now, the two of them could choose to fight or run away without meeting him at all.

Then at that moment, Gluttony abruptly woke up.


Her shout pounded Liliana’s head, making her feel taken aback.

‘W-What? What happened?’

–Why is ‘that’ here?


In this situation, there was only one thing Gluttony could be referring to. It was the mysterious sword pouring out a silver light. Liliana was curious about its identity, so she couldn’t miss this.

‘What is that sword? Teach me if you know.’

–How ignorant, impudent, and shameless! Harsh words poured out of the rarely agitated Gluttony. –It’s one of the four treasures of the tribe of the gods, the sword of the sun god. It’s the silver arm, the sword worn by the god-king, Nuada Airgetlám. This is the sword that slays all magic!

‘A god-sword… the sword of the god-king? Really?’

–Do you think I wouldn’t know that silver light? It might be in the hands of an unqualified person, but this god-sword is the nemesis of a sorceress!

It was great that Gluttony had called a sword master an ‘unqualified person,’ but Liliana’s head was hurting from something else. This was a vestige of history, a relic of the Age of Mythology which had almost been lost in the Dark Age… It was a sword used by the king of the tribe of the gods! This sword removed the powerful dark magic and also neutralized all the artifacts. It was an admirable power.

‘…But this is this, and that is that.’ Liliana quickly made calculations in her head. The sword master was hostile to her and equipped with a formidable weapon. Lili wanted to overpower the sword master with the advantage of numbers, but unexpected variables changed her choice. The influence of weapons and tools during a master-level battle was limited, but a god-sword was a strategic weapon for a sword master. The other person was a sword master who specialized in assassination, and he held a divine sword, making him a threat to Liliana.

Liliana thought up to here and made a decision, ‘Okay, let’s go back instead of fighting.’ It might be tempting to neglect this danger and fight the sword master here, but this was a gamble that also involved Randolph’s life. There was no reason to deviate from her original purpose of returning to Meltor or to risk both their lives with unnecessary fighting.

“Randolph, go back to the…” As Liliana made a calm decision and turned back to Randolph, a light filled her vision. Her eyes narrowed as aura pressure touched her skin.

Kakang! There was a loud sound in the air.

“There!” Randolph stared at the space 5cm behind Liliana and struck with his sword. It was a fast-paced action. Despite Liliana’s enhanced vision, Randolph Clovis’ sword was only a blur.

Kakang! King! Kakang!

From a straight line to a curved line, a curved line to a straight line, a straight line to a curved line… As the ray of light moved from top to bottom and left to right, the invisible sword hit it precisely. The swords collided many times at a dizzying speed. Randolph took two steps back, and his two swords moved in a diagonal line, while something transparent appeared before him.

Then the enemy revealed his appearance. It was the face of the swordsman whose pride was scratched for the second time today, after Holsten the warlock.

“It is a little annoying. A guy with this level of aura is in the neighborhood and even saw my attacks?”

Gray-brown hair was revealed between the torn mask and cloak, while the scars on his body proved the harshness of the life he lived. This was a person with the talent and hard work which allowed him to rise from a low status to the position of a sword master.

It was the moment when the empire’s 6th Sword, Hyde, finally found his target.

Chapter 170 – Claimhb Solais (1)

“Tsk.” Hyde then took off his mask and cloak, which had lost their meaning, and stared at Lili's group in front of him. He’d wanted to handle the witnesses, only to encounter another sword master. Additionally, during their short exchange, he could tell that the opponent’s level wasn’t lacking.

However, instead of frowning, Hyde smiled. “This is great. It is the first time I’ve encountered an ability like yours, with the freedom to quickly strike in every direction. But it is a shame that there is an imbalance in the swords you have now.”

Randolph was shocked to hear the words, but he couldn’t deny it. This was because Randolph was already aware of the weakness Hyde pointed out. There were various combinations of dual wields, such as a long sword and a short sword, a light sword and a heavy sword, and so on. However, the Clovis twin swordsmanship was based on using two swords which were perfectly matching in weight and shape. But the swords which corresponded to that standard were never common. The swords which Aquilo had in her treasure chest were famous, but there was a slight gap in Randolph’s swordsmanship because of their individuality. The shape and weight of his current swords were somewhat similar, but the center of gravity was off.

“And…” Hyde turned his gaze from Randolph to Lili. Lili, whose disguise necklace had been broken by Claimhb Solais, had returned to her original appearance. One year had changed her appearance and physique, but it wasn’t enough for her to look like someone else.

After the surprise attack, Hyde’s eyes shone as he muttered, “I’ve finally found you, Liliana Miller.” The wind around the sword master stopped blowing.

“I thought the rat in the back alley was messing with me… If I had known this, I would’ve made his death easier,” Hyde spoke in a loud voice which seemed like an animal’s growl.

However, compared to a year ago, Lili had entered a different realm, and she didn’t shrink back at Hyde’s daunting atmosphere. ‘The rat in the back alley,’ reminded Lili of Gibra’s broken body.

So, Lili went on to say, “A sword master who is proud of his torture methods. But shouldn’t rat be a nickname for you, since you only know how to hide?”

Hyde laughed, “Hah, this sorceress has a sharp tongue. Should I make it so you can’t speak?”

“You are the trapped rat who ran away when one of your arms was cut off.” Lili’s last words were crucial.

“…Hoh.” Hyde’s playful voice became cold.

Wuooooong! There was no wind blowing, but his grey hair rose up. It was aura pressure. Aura flowed naturally from the pores of Hyde’s body. This was different from when people used their auras consciously. The sword master had become intensely emotional and triggered this unconsciously.

‘The intimidating feeling has increased almost two-fold… He is still bruised from his defeat in the Great Forest,’ Lili realized.

Despite being overwhelmed by the terrifying presence, Lili watched Hyde without stepping back. Extreme emotions increased one’s power, but it adversely affected one’s movement accuracy and ability to think calmly.

However, the thing that Lili really paid attention to was the changed form of ‘Claimhb Solais.’ The sword of the god-king, Nuada, changed from a silver sword to Hyde’s left arm.

‘Gluttony.’ – Um.

As Hyde was lost in his boiling anger, Lili quickly asked Gluttony, ‘You said before that the sword master is unqualified?’

-That’s right. A sword master might be great in this age, but he isn’t qualified to be the master of the god-sword, Claimhb Solais.

‘If so, does that mean there is a limitation to the god-sword and he can’t use all its functions?’

– I understand the intent behind your question.

If Hyde continued using the same abilities he showed before, the two people had no chance of winning. Sweat dripped down Lili’s face as she looked at where the warlocks had been. The ground was melted down like the crater of a volcano.

Fortunately, Gluttony denied the worst possibilities.

– The same firepower won’t be available for a while. However, that left arm is almost impervious to magic. Even 7th Circle magic won’t be able to penetrate the god-sword’s resistance.

‘Then is there a chance for the two of us to win against him?’

– If it is two against one, the odds will be over 70%. The biggest problem is another function of Claimhb Solais.

There was another function? However, the moment she was about to ask Gluttony again, the silent Hyde opened his mouth.

Hyde said, “…No matter how I think about it, dealing with both of you will be disadvantageous.”

He was a ghost among the Seven Swords of the empire, someone who had trained in blood since childhood. Hyde’s senses realized that there were two masters as his opponents. Although he had been arrogant with the warlocks, he wasn’t confident that he could beat both Lili and Randolph.

Hyde knew this and drew the sword hanging at his waist. “Becoming a master in a year… My master’s insistence on naming you as a target of extermination was correct.”

Lili shook her head. ‘Master? He must be referring to the emperor of the Andras Empire. No, then he would say, ‘Your Majesty’…’

However, Lili’s thoughts didn’t last much longer. Instead of the god-sword, Hyde drew a different sword and pointed it at the two people. The blaze of a high-density aura turned the surrounding air into a haze, showing off an alarming presence.

Lili and Randolph adjusted their postures accordingly.

“I’ll play with you a little later, nameless swordsman,” Hyde stated.

Randolph scoffed at Hyde’s words. “What? Do you think to deal with us one by one?”

“I’m afraid so. You are a great swordsman, but I have to put my duties first. I will fight you after taking the head of this sorceress.”

“How funny-” Randolph tried to refute it.

However, Hyde’s left hand suddenly shone as a shout emerged from his mouth, “「King of the Tuatha Dé Danann, show the dignity of Nuada Airgetlám in this fight! The unbreakable god-sword, forbid the enemy Liliana Miller from escaping!」”

Simultaneously, the light burst out.

“―――Uh!?” It was the tradition of ‘blinding eyes with a brilliant light’ from the Age of Mythology. This was the third power given to the sun god-sword, Claimhb Solais. The magic which blocked light, the magic which called darkness, all of it was nullified as those in the area were forced to cover their eyes.

Lili, Randolph, and even Hyde couldn’t be free of that influence.

Randolph cursed, “Damn…! What the hell is this damn light?”

Then as the silver light covered the ground and sky, Randolph was finally able to raise both eyelids. The sight of the sword master was still blurry, but it was only for a short while. Shortly after that, the whites of Randolph’s eyes became bloodshot, and he exclaimed, “L-Lili?!”

Randolph’s reaction was natural. He’d closed his eyes from the start of the flash for literally just a moment. However, when Randolph looked again… Her companion of a year, Liliana, had disappeared along with one of the empire’s Seven Swords.

* * *

Nuada Airgetlám, the famous ‘Silver Arm Nuada’ of the Age of Mythology… According to the records found in some ruins, he’d broken through a myriad of demonic undead corpses alone in order to defeat the demon king, Balor. He’d killed all creatures in his sight and turned the demon army back into corpses.

However, one thing had been needed to achieve that feat. It was ‘Claimhb Solais,’ the god-sword eternally etched with the spell of the sun god. Even if Nuada had broken through the demon army and faced Balor, it would have been useless if Balor had fled. In order to block such possibilities, it had been necessary to force the opponent into a ‘one-on-one battlefield.’

Hyde pointed to his left arm with a proud face. “This battlefield is a space created with the power of the sun god. We can’t escape until one of us dies.”

Unlike Hyde, who was leisurely explaining this to her, Lili jumped back reflexively. Her opponent was a sword master. Lili was relatively flexible with how far away she needed to be from her opponent, but her opponent was formidable. Using an interval of 50m, Lili quickly measured the width of the area. Then she shot out a wave of magic power and looked at the results.

The area was narrower than she’d thought. Lili calculated the result of the detection magic, and her expression hardened. There was a radius of 100m, and the error range was around 3m. It was a large space, but it wasn’t enough for a sorceress. A sword master could go dozens of meters in one step, so the diameter of 200m was too narrow.

Lili grasped the problem. While taking a defensive stance, Hyde laughed at her, “Hah, now that cheeky face has lost its composure.”

In the end, it was like this. The natural fate of a sorceress was to fall before a swordsman. He had lived his whole life with a sword in his hand and covered in blood. Hyde was a murderer raised specifically by Prince Fermut. He was a rare type of monster who placed commands above fame.

Even so, Lili didn’t hesitate to fire back. “What did your master do when your arm was cut off? You are only strong due to the god-sword. I’ve overestimated the Seven Swords of the empire.”

“Shut up.”

“Your master is also rather funny. Giving you that god-sword… Doesn’t he know it is like giving pearls to a swine?”

Lili didn’t know which keyword poked Hyde’s anger. However, after Lili finished speaking, she was able to see something blazing in Hyde’s eyes. It was hatred, a terrible emotion.

“…Okay. This is the end of your chattering, Sorceress,” Hyde growled. Then his aura started to swallow up his body. Color, sound, and everything else were erased, until only his voice tickled Lili’s ears, “I will kill you in a special way.”

Those words couldn’t be misunderstood, especially when Lili thought about Gibra. If Hyde caught her, Lili really would have thousands of pieces of her flesh peeled off. Hyde’s precise knife control meant Lili wouldn’t die quickly, and terrible pain would be inflicted until the end.

However, Lili suppressed her fear and shouted, “Inferno!” If she couldn’t determine the enemy’s position, then she would just sweep away all the possible locations. The 7th Circle fire magic, previously compressed by Veronica into the form of a sword, swept through the battlefield.

Chapter 171 – Claimhb Solais (2)
The decisive battle began, with the flames flickering like they were being blown by the wind. The atmosphere suddenly heated up, and it felt like the world was burning red. As the sand and gravel on the ground melted, Liliana looked around hurriedly.
‘The completeness is somewhat lacking, but…!’
Any sorceress who heard this would be in disbelief. This 7th Circle magic was a strategic magic which burned at one point when the user placed it in focus, but it could also be spread widely.

Liliana had just reached the 7th Circle, so it was impossible for her to cast it so quickly. Therefore, it was necessary to have ‘something’ which made the impossible possible. It was Artificial Yin and Yang, the key to this unprecedented speed and the secret she'd obtained by passing Seimei’s test.

[+? Artificial Yin and Yang (Imprint)]
[It is the result of ‘Aquilo’s Blood Mark’ and the ‘Ring of Muspelheim’ circulating to form the shape of yin and yang. The two forces of fire and water embody the idea of amplifying each other’s strength without opposing each other. The affinities of both attributes have risen to the limit, and the existing abilities are inherited. Additionally, the imprints have the ability to rotate and generate magic power independently of the user’s circles.
* The rating of the imprint is ‘Legend.’
* The abilities of ‘Aquilo’s Blood Mark’ have been passed down.
* The abilities of ‘Ring of Muspelheim’ have been passed down.
* Understanding of water magic and fire magic has greatly increased, reducing the casting time of magic. Ignores attribute damage that is below the user’s level, and halves it if it exceeds the user’s level.]

This was a fraudulent combination of power! The Ring of Muspelheim and Aquilo’s Blood Mark were undeniable abilities, but the result of the combination was more than that. In the past year, Liliana had completed the 7th Circle and maximized two attributes! This was how Liliana was able to complete Inferno in just seconds.

However, leaving that aside, Liliana’s choice was right. If she couldn’t figure out Hyde’s hidden location, it was best to make use of this limited space. It was necessary for Hyde to defend from the flames of Inferno by using aura. Otherwise, he would be completely eradicated.

Therefore, the area where the fire storm was interrupted would expose the enemy’s location. Liliana desperately concentrated all five of her senses on watching the flow. A result soon fell into her hands.
‘Inferno’s flow is disconnected in that place… It should be… Eh?’
…Three steps ahead of her?

“-Kuk!” Simultaneously, her sensory perception trembled.

Liliana hurriedly moved her head backward, while several strands of her bangs were cut by something sharp. It was a surprise attack which was no different from the swing of a reaper’s scythe.

However, her sensory perception warned her of the successive attacks which occurred immediately after that. The blade that descended toward Liliana’s head scratched the edge of her clavicle. Then it aimed at her heart. As it missed, the blade descended, heading for her calves. The slash aiming to behead her just sliced the air instead.

Liliana had unusually agile footwork for a sorceress. Alfred’s senses and Lee Yoonsung’s martial arts had saved Liliana’s life.
‘W-What the hell is going on?!’ Liliana was full of questions, rather than fear, as the blade passed over her head.

Even if a sword master’s defense was great, this situation was impossible. This was one of the best attack magic of the 7th Circle, so a fatal blow couldn’t be avoided with the usual density of aura. However, what was this situation? Hyde was moving freely within the flames, like he wasn’t affected by Inferno at all!

Gluttony read Liliana’s mental state and answered naturally, –The reason is obvious.
-Claimhb Solais is a sword that symbolizes ‘light’ and ‘fire,’ so it is natural to give the user resistance to those attributes. The person might be unqualified, but it has joined as part of his body.
‘…Hey! You should’ve told me that first!’

Liliana, who had just avoided the sword by raising her chin, was distracted by Gluttony. She wanted to yell at Gluttony for a few hours, but regrettably, she couldn’t.

If this current situation continued, she would die without even touching Hyde. Inferno didn’t have an effect, so that meant all fire and light magic were sealed. Liliana’s power would’ve been sealed completely if she were a typical Red Tower sorceress.

However, she still had one more main attribute. This crisis was an opportunity for it. Liliana recalled a method and waited for the opponent to move one step closer.
「инейштормовой (Frost Storm)!」 She spoke in a language which couldn’t be imitated with a human voice. These were words which allowed a dragon to rule over the laws of nature.

The fact that Liliana could already use Dragon Words was proof she hadn’t been playing around during this one year. Aquilo’s Blood Mark, amplified by the synergy effect of ‘Artificial Yin and Yang’, immediately changed the fire storm into a frost storm.

At the center of the storm was Hyde, who was right before Liliana!
“What, this is…?” Hyde’s voice expressed his surprise and frustration. However, before he could say anything, the frost storm slammed into his body.

Jjejeok. Jjejejeok! Jjeok…!

The melted ground froze over, and the sight of frost on the lava-like ground was fantastic.

Liliana admired the power of the frost storm as she looked around at the all-white battlefield. She could produce the same scene using 7th Circle Blizzard, but Dragon Words relied solely on nature instead of her magic power. The strength and efficiency simply couldn’t be compared.

Even a sword master with a god-sword had to avoid being directly hit by this.

“…Truly, the empire was right to point you out as an enemy.” The sword master Hyde was amazed and moved far away.

According to his research, the young girl in front of him was still in her early 20s. If Liliana continued to grow like this, Meltor might soon have a third 8th Circle sorceress. It was a crisis which the Andras Empire had never experienced before.

Hyde thought so as he looked down at his left hand, which still hadn’t vanished. The arm of silver which blocked all magic, it was the sword his master had given him. If it wasn’t for Claimhb Solais, the frost storm would’ve frozen half his body and decreased his combat strength. Liliana’s trump card was terrifying. Moreover, unlike Hyde’s prediction that he would be overwhelming Liliana in close combat, Liliana had avoided all of Hyde’s attacks without a single critical hit.

“Cough.” Blood emerged from Hyde’s mouth.

Despite the favorable factors, Hyde had failed to heat up properly. No matter how he circled his aura, there was no way to escape from the cold. His left arm was fine, but the mobility of his right side was two or three times lower than usual.

If this were an ordinary mission, Hyde would’ve retreated. However, it wasn’t, so he gripped his sword with a determined expression. This was due to his loyalty to Fermut, his sense of duty as one of the empire’s Seven Swords, and his intuition as a warrior.

“I have to kill you here,” Hyde declared.

He realized that it would be impossible to kill Liliana later if he didn’t do it now.

* * *

On the other hand, after calling up the frost storm, Liliana was worried about how to attack the opponent.

Lili had used Dragon Words, but the storm didn’t deal any fatal blows to Hyde anywhere on his body. It had hit Hyde, but it wasn’t at a level to interfere with the continuation of the battle.

Liliana frowned as she took off her torn dress. ‘Damn, he isn’t someone who will fall for the same technique twice.’

It was a serious issue that Hyde hadn’t fallen down from Liliana’s previous counterattack. Lili had thought that a crisis was a chance, but she would just be stupid if she tried to do the same thing twice. The tactic of using Dragon Words as a surprise attack was over.

However, it was difficult to find a strong magic to use when Hyde’s left arm would just neutralize it, especially while the sword master was being more careful.

Let’s compare the power Lili had left to what her opponent had.

Liliana only had two uses of Dragon Words remaining. Her odds of winning in a close match were less than 1%. The duration of Frost Storm was around five minutes. She had plenty of magic power left, and her wounds were ordinary.

Meanwhile, Hyde had his left arm which neutralized magic and the Aura Ability.

“Tsk, in the end, that damn arm is the problem.” Liliana thought of a few tactics and then clicked her tongue as she realized she was stuck because of Claimhb Solais. The left arm was a void since it could neutralize any magic. Wide area magic couldn’t penetrate the opponent’s defense, and single-point magic would be blocked. If long distance and short distance attacks weren’t enough, then there was only one answer left.

“Would a hit and run attack while maintaining a medium range work?”

To be honest, it was crazy. Liliana could combine Battle Song and Lee Yoonsung’s martial arts, but it wasn’t enough to match the sword master in front of her. It was impossible for her to challenge Hyde unless she had Veronica’s physical abilities.

Liliana planned to keep a ranged spell around her body so that she could know the opponent’s position, as well as using magic to strengthen her body. Her sorceress’ brain was working overtime.

“Okay, I’m beginning.”

However, this was only possible for Liliana. It was possible due to her natural calculation abilities, Gluttony’s function, and her experience. Taking into account Umbra’s abilities, she could avoid death a few times.

Liliana narrowed the scope of Frost Storm and wrapped it around her body, then she took a few steps forward.

“…Are you thinking something cheeky, Sorceress?” Hyde noticed Liliana’s movements and raised his sword. He was waiting for Liliana to expose a gap that he could dive at. His eyes resembled those of reptiles who thought of humans as their prey.

Liliana just laughed when she saw Hyde’s expression. “Let’s see. Are you great enough to even say that?”

It might be a bit cruel to Hyde, but it was true. During Abe no Seimei’s test, Liliana had faced stronger and more dangerous opponents than Hyde. Veronica had overwhelming strength, while Blundell used unimaginable magic. Orta had killed her without even moving a step, while Lili acknowledged Aquilo’s and Superbia’s power.

In comparison, Hyde’s only strong point was the god-sword. Liliana had high odds of winning if she was careful.


As Hyde noticed this truth, more blood dripped from Hyde’s lips. However, this blood wasn’t coughed up from the throat but blood which emerged as his teeth were broken. He growled out between tightly closed teeth, “-Kill.”

“Let’s try something new,” Liliana said the words and took on a unique posture.

With one palm above and the other below, her two palms symbolizing the heaven and the earth framed Hyde between them. This was the Above and Below, Heaven and Earth stance. It was a stance to pull out as much harmony as possible.

What happened immediately afterward might be a coincidence or maybe even inevitable. Hyde raised his left arm and his sword, while Liliana gathered magic power in her both hands. The feet of the two people moved in perfect synchronization.

Chapter 172 – Claimhb Solais (3)


First, Hyde’s appearance disappeared along with his presence. It had been briefly disturbed by Frost Storm, but his Aura Ability was second to none. Moreover, the effect of his ability had nothing to do with his condition, so Hyde’s presence didn’t leave even a speck of dust.

Even so, Liliana laughed. ‘Still, it isn’t perfect.’

As expected, Hyde revealed a bit of presence due to the impact of Frost Storm. The slight hint of collarbone was proof of the crisis. Liliana could get a few clues and then move her body in response to the warning of her senses.

Right at that moment, the hairs on Liliana’s neck stood up.


She took half a step backward just as the air in front of her neck was cut. It was Hyde’s sword, or perhaps his aura blade. Liliana spread all 10 of her fingers before her.


There was a bombardment of Magic Bullets. The transcendent blue lights, far beyond Alfred’s original version, shot out 10 times. It was impossible to see this barrage as random shots. In fact, a few of them headed toward Hyde’s body and vanished. It wasn’t possible to damage him properly, but it did reveal Hyde’s body.

‘Okay, it works!’ Liliana smiled and formed a fist as her shooting worked.

In fact, Magic Bullet was excellent against melee experts such as sword masters. It was good at close range, but it was difficult to hit the target when the distance was too far. Although it wasn’t that bad, it was ambiguous to use as her main force.

However, this situation was different. Magic Bullet was very efficient when it came to magic power and was capable of firing it continuously. A 7th Circle sorceress could pour it out like a shower.

Pipipipipi-! The blue light poured out. The light emitted from her fingertips was more fearsome than beautiful. There were approximately three or four bullets per second…? No, maybe even more than that. The light rays were being poured out at a rate of close to 50 times per second, making it appear like a meteor shower.

Gravel and dirt sprang up as the light touched the ground, leaving blue afterimages behind. This wasn’t like the war hero’s skill, but the power of Magic Bullet was truly awesome. However, Liliana’s opponent was a sword master who surpassed even a past hero.

The concept of this technique had been devised by someone weak, so a sword master could easily trample on it.


Suddenly, blood poured from Liliana’s body.


Liliana was half a beat too late. She had been struck off guard due to the enemy’s boldness of attacking while receiving damage from Magic Bullet. Fortunately, her bones and nerves were safe. However, there was still blood pouring from the deep cut.

She quickly used healing magic while retreating a few steps before she started shivering. It was proof that Hyde’s position was near. The edge of the blade had gone through Frost Storm and tickled Liliana’s ribs.

Simultaneously, Liliana bent her waist back unconsciously.


This was an avoidance method from the East which wouldn’t be possible to use if she were wearing heavy armor. Her folded upper body was now parallel to the ground and completely avoided the sword.

It was an unbelievable reaction which even surprised herself, but Liliana stood upright again and kicked with her right foot.


It was a perfect hit. Although it wasn’t enough to break the Aura Ability, a few drops of blood fell onto the ground.

Thanks to Battle Song, Liliana’s strength was already equivalent to that of an aura user. This meant the power of her kick wasn’t much different from a hit by a mace. Even the body of a sword master would receive a shock which would cause a nosebleed.

However, Liliana instinctively understood that although it felt like she had the momentum, Hyde had actually used this to take one step closer to her.

“-Thunderbolt, cry!” Without distributing any mental power to chanting, Liliana’s short chant summoned seven bolts of thunder.

‘Sevenfold Thunderbolt.’

This wasn’t the ‘lightning spear’ which concentrated power on one point. Instead, it poured out thunderbolts toward the spot where Hyde was!

Kwarururung-! The sound of thunder was deafening in this enclosed space.

Liliana stared at the spot where the thunderbolts struck as there was a part of the ground which wasn’t melted down. She had to watch carefully in order to not miss the movements of the sword master in the center.

However, Hyde didn’t move immediately. Instead, he bent over.

“…Kehup!” The damage seemed to be great this time as Hyde coughed up blood. The blood was a dark red. It was a color which proved the impact had reached his intestines even though he had defended with aura.

A lightning spear could be invalidated with the god-sword, but there was no way to block all the thunderbolts. Liliana, who was trying to estimate the situation, got a sense of enlightenment.

‘Hey, haven’t I become stronger?’

The battles she had previously experienced had been much more severe and dangerous than this current battle. Umbra hadn’t been used yet, and she didn’t have any serious wounds. Additionally, her response had been really fast a while back.

Funnily enough, Liliana’s power was maturing during this battle. With Alfred’s Magic Bullet, Lee Yoonsung’s martial arts, her own magic, the Artificial Yin and Yang, and Dragon Words… This wasn’t a hasty battle of survival but one she could actually win.

This was a sense of enjoyment which couldn’t be felt in battles against stronger opponents. Confidence made Liliana’s movements even more violent.

“Ugh-!” Hyde had yet to recover from the damage, but he was receiving a bombardment of Magic Bullets again. One hit wasn’t fatal, but it was annoying and cumbersome. However, the consumption of aura was too extreme to block all of them.

Hyde’s combat style which maintained the Aura Ability made this an issue. His aura was gradually drying up, and it wouldn’t be long before it ran out.

“…Don’t make me laugh!” Hyde roared.

However, a sword master was a sword master. Hyde used his left arm as a shield and broke through the Magic Bullets coming from the front. A few hit him, but his aura defense was still intact.

Hyde managed to draw near, but Liliana avoided Hyde’s sword. It passed by her temple, and she countered with a punch to Hyde’s body.

Chaaeng! Liliana’s punch was blocked by Hyde’s silver left arm.

However, this wasn’t a constraint as Hyde swung his sword with his other arm which wasn’t tied up. Clearly, Hyde’s body was different from a human’s. Sensing that this wouldn’t work, Liliana widened the distance again. No, the moment she tried to…

Hyde screamed with a demon-like face, “The light that drives away evil…!”

At that moment, a bright light emerged from Hyde’s left arm. It was a small light compared to when he had wiped out the warlocks or created the battlefield, but it was clearly the light of divine power.

This was the nemesis of magic. Before Liliana could take action, ‘it’ burst out. Argenteous Brilliance.

This was the type of brilliance which had defeated Balor when used by Nuada Airgetlám. There was no attack power at all, but Liliana was a sorceress and the light seemed to be stripping away at her.

‘…No, it isn’t just a feeling!’ There was knee-jerk amazement in Liliana’s eyes. As soon as Argenteous Brilliance was activated, all magic on her body was lifted. Frost Storm, which had been created with Dragon Words, completely disappeared.

It forcibly canceled a 7th Circle sorceress’s spell made with Dragon Words…?

Chill. At that time, Liliana had a foreboding of death. She’d lost Battle Song which enhanced her physical abilities, as well as Frost Storm which allowed her to read and block Hyde’s attacks.

A minimum of two seconds was needed before she could return to her previous combat state. She needed to hold on for two seconds in front of a sword master!


Before freezing with terror, Liliana’s body had moved freely.


There was a strange sound. It was the sound of Liliana’s martial arts hitting Hyde’s body. Anyone watching this battle would call it a last hurrah. A sword master’s aura defense couldn’t be crushed by the fist of a human.

“…Eh?” However, Liliana was forced to make a questioning sound. “Why?”

Liliana wondered why her fist was fine, as well as why there was no blood on her skin. Why had Hyde taken a few steps back from the punch of a sorceress? It was such an unimaginable situation that Liliana even forgot to prepare for battle.

This was a moment when the magician showed many gaps because she couldn’t understand the phenomenon. However, Hyde couldn’t even move his body, let alone stab at the gaps. Shortly after that, Hyde’s face revealed the reason.

“Kuheok! Kuk, kuhuup…!”

Hyde’s sword pointed downward as blood flowed down. It was nothing compared to the blood dripping from his lips. Additionally, the taut skin of a man in his 20s shriveled like he was an elderly man, and the size of his body decreased. It was like Hyde had aged dozens of years in an instant.

In a situation that nobody could believe, Liliana discovered the answer to the phenomenon which was happening to Hyde.

‘…I see. Is that the price for using the god-sword?’

–It seems like it. Gluttony was also convinced about the reason. -I wondered how an unqualified being had this power, but now I know why.


-It isn’t a big deal. It connects to the lost part of the body and has access to the source of life. By consuming the life force of the user, the god-sword is activated. No matter how much vitality a sword master has, he can only use it a few times.

Liliana nodded. Hyde looked terrible. It wasn’t merely aging. His life force itself was being sucked out. Perhaps a normal human wouldn’t be able to tolerate it. Liliana briefly made a sympathetic expression before continuing to ask Gluttony questions.

‘Look at his status and make a decision. How much longer can he last?’

–Hmm. Gluttony observed Hyde through Liliana’s eyes and said, –His life is deteriorating. Using anything more is impossible. It won’t be long until he dies.

‘Damn.’ Liliana gritted her teeth because she wanted to end this fight here. From this point on, she was in a better position, but Hyde wasn’t prepared to lose yet. So, Lili couldn’t be careless before it was over. Her senses warned that something was approaching.

Unsurprisingly, Hyde stood up again. “…Up to… here.”

As a sword master, he couldn’t be unaware of his body’s condition. Hyde realized that this place was his grave. The god-sword, Claimhb Solais, would kill him. Perhaps it was a great honor for him to die here. The life which had started in the slums would end with the god-sword.

Hyde smiled and threw the sword in his right hand to the floor.

“What are you doing?” It was an act of surrender, but Liliana asked anyway.

“Fighting with my sword… ends here. Too bad. My strength can’t reach you.”

Before Liliana could reply to Hyde’s words, Hyde grabbed his silver left arm. Then he pulled it like he was pulling the sword off.


It was a sight which seemed like a lie. Liliana thought so as Hyde held the silver sword in his right hand. The blade, Claimhb Solais, shone bright silver with Hyde’s vitality as fuel.

“Glory to the future of Andras…” Hyde said as he grabbed firmly onto the light which had wiped out the Orcus warlocks and set it up as a sword.

Then he roared, “Liliana Miller, I will take you with me!”

Chapter 173 – Claimhb Solais (4)

Hyde’s eyes were bloodshot, and his solid muscles had long since dried out. Nevertheless, he was determined and aimed at Liliana without any hesitation. He didn’t care about dying and wielded the silver sword without stopping.

Despite having only seen it from a distance, the force of the god-sword was clearly marked in Liliana’s memory. ‘Damn, I wanted to avoid this situation,’ Lili cursed inwardly.

Hyde’s determination to perish together was confirmed in his stance and blows. Although Hyde couldn’t reverse the battlefield with a change in attitude, the weapon he held was crucial in this situation. In exchange for his vitality, he could now use all of Claimhb Solais’s strength.

Hyde was much closer to death, but his final blows contained the flames of a sword master. At the minimum, it was the same amount of force he’d used to wipe out the warlocks. In this enclosed space, Hyde’s sword pointed at Liliana with the aim of killing her.

Hyde stopped, and the light around him became increasingly stronger. It was probably Hyde’s remaining vitality being turned into a brilliant power… and Liliana wondered if she could interfere with it.

Piiiii-ik. At 10 meters before Hyde, even Magic Bullet lost power and faded away. Claimhb Solais invalidated magic. So, as Magic Bullet got closer to the light, the structure of its magic was broken down, and the magic scattered.

Higher-level magic might work, but Lili didn’t have enough time to cast it and stop the blows. In many ways, Claimhb Solais was a very annoying weapon.

Liliana sighed, “Hoo, it can’t be helped since it has become like this.” Despite the frontal confrontation, she closed her eyes.

‘I’ve come up with two ways.’

She could either strike from the front while taking a hit or avoid it. The god-sword couldn’t be avoided using a normal method, but Liliana had an ‘abnormal’ method.

That was to use Umbra, the national treasure and the dimensional fragment which allowed its owner to jump into the astral dimension. Liliana would be able to avoid the incomplete power of the Claimhb Solais if she used that ability.

…No, wait a minute?

A lightning bolt flashed through Liliana’s head. “Ah!” ‘It’s possible.’ The knowledge which had accumulated over the past year in the sharp senses and soul of the magician called Liliana Miller confirmed that the ‘magic’ could now be completed.

Liliana hit on the final key to completing the magic. She looked down at the Umbra pattern on her right arm, as well as the two magic powers circling around her body. Then she naturally stretched out both hands. She didn’t know why, but this posture was the best.

‘The flames of Muspelheim.’ The flames responded to Liliana’s call and flowed like lava from her heart. All the blood vessels it passed by turned hot like they were melting, but Lili didn’t bat a single eyelash. The magic power flowed through her blood vessels and turned her right hand completely red.

‘Aquilo’s Blood Mark.’ Similarly, Aquilo’s ice-cold magic power emerged. In contrast to her right arm, her left arm was an ice cave. The coldness obscured some of the senses on her skin. In fact, a thin layer of frost had formed on Liliana’s left arm, and it turned pale, as if it was frostbitten.

The red right arm and blue left arm…! These two incongruent colors were the same as the Yin and Yang symbol in the Eastern continent.

Wuuuuuu. As the artificial Yin and Yang were formed, a powerful magic storm started to stir in Liliana’s hands. This was a co-existence which couldn’t be maintained. It was a miracle which was impossible without the aid of ‘Artificial Yin and Yang’ Liliana had received from Abe no Seimei’s Art of Onmyōdō.

So far, she had experience with these. However, from this point forth, it would be a new horizon beyond the limit. If this was a balance which couldn’t exist in the material world, she would drag it to another world.

“Dimensional Leave.”

Among the many abilities of Umbra, this was the top-level ability which Liliana could maintain for only 10 seconds. It caused the area around Liliana’s hands to enter an immaterial dimension. Thus, the incomplete magic had reached the next stage.

According to the theory of Yin and Yang, the world was now in Liliana’s hands. A perfect red and blue sphere came into formation. It was the shape of an egg which held a world. The shell of a world which was born to break. This was an imperfect world which could only exist for a moment due to Umbra’s Dimensional Leave.

However, that alone was enough. The moment that Liliana’s magic was completed, Hyde also struck with the god-sword.

“Burn here, enemy of the empire-!” Hyde roared.

A ray of silver light stretched out from the god-sword like a small sun. The power of the god-sword, which soaked up the last vitality of the sword master, was incomparable to before. It was more than the power he’d used to annihilate the warlocks; this power could possibly even kill a dragon.

Then why…?

Strangely, Liliana felt calmer than ever. As an unexpected stillness filled her body, Liliana decided to name the magic floating in the palm of her hands. A famous novelist had used this name for an egg which existed to be broken.

Liliana recalled the name from her past and muttered, “Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ).”

As she whispered, the world broke…

And light was born.

* * *

It was too magnificent to be called an explosion but powerful enough to wreak havoc. Claimhb Solais and the great magic, Abraxas… The collision of such power normally only seen in the Age of Mythology filled the space made by the god-sword, and it caused cracks to spread like spider webs. The aftermath of the confrontation was enough to cause this space to collapse.

If victory leaned to one side, the balance would tilt, and the space would soon collapse. The storm of light was pushed in one direction. Then amidst the light which human eyes couldn’t see through, a sharp scream of metal rang out.

The light which filled the area diminished, and the shockwaves subsided.

“…Is it over?”

The girl, who was left alone on the battlefield, lifted her eyelids. The color of her eyes was dark blue. It was a color which couldn’t be confused with Hyde’s off-white eyes. Indeed, Liliana Miller had fought against the god-sword, Claimhb Solais, and won.

She looked around the empty space and found something. “This…”

The sword which had lost its user, Claimhb Solais, remained in the place where Hyde had just been standing. Hyde’s body itself couldn’t be found in the vicinity. Lili wondered if Hyde had been blown away by the aftermath of the shock, or if he had turned into ash after having his vitality sucked out.

Either way, it was a disastrous end for one of the empire’s Seven Swords.

Liliana narrowed her eyes at the thought. ‘Hyde and the god-sword…’ Lili had a lot of questions regarding Hyde’s master. ‘Anyone who knows how to use the god-sword wouldn’t have passed the sword on without being aware of the side effects. But even if he did lose an arm, why sacrifice a sword master in this way? From my point of view, it is difficult to understand.’

Who was it? Maybe Hyde knew about this and accepted the price. However, as Liliana ruled out the possibilities, she got a bad feeling. A person who could use sword masters as consumables, and who had obtained a treasure from the Age of Mythology, the god sword, Claimhb Solais… Liliana felt like that person would be more troublesome than the Orcus Company.

The moment that Liliana was in distress…


The god-sword, which was stuck in the ground, started to shake and cry out loudly. Liliana didn’t know what was happening, so she couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

Then Gluttony yelled roughly, –Don’t back off, User! If you let it go, the god-sword will return to its master!

“What?!” Liliana exclaimed with surprise.

Gluttony explained hurriedly, –It is the same as a grimoire! The independence of its ego is a bit lower, but the god-sword is equipped with the instinct to go home! You have to make a decision before this space completely collapses!

Currently, the god-sword couldn’t move because of this space, despite having created it. However, now that Hyde was dead, the battlefield would soon disappear, and the sword would return to an unknown person.

Liliana might’ve won against Hyde, but the risk of the god-sword was too great. It might’ve been hard to win if Hyde hadn’t already used some power to annihilate the warlocks. Liliana made her decision and hurriedly asked Gluttony, “What can I do? Perhaps you… Can you eat the god sword?”

–No, I can’t eat it. The power of magic is completely opposite from divine power. You can use the sword, but I can’t absorb it. It may be possible in Stage 7, but it is meaningless to think about that at this time.

“Then what can I do?”

–Think about it.

Liliana’s eyes widened at the next words.

–You were in the same situation once before!

That advice was crucial, and Liliana’s mind instantly came up with a solution. Back then, during the elder lich’s assault on the Miller Barony… How had she sealed the grimoire of necromancy which she couldn’t afford to eat?

“Open Inventory!” Liliana cried out.

At Liliana’s cry, Gluttony’s tongue moved immediately. In the space which had begun to collapse, a gold light filled the sky at the same time as when Gluttony’s tongue wrapped around the god-sword completely.

Would the god-sword be sealed first, or would the space collapse first? Before Liliana could witness the result of the struggle which had started out of nowhere, Liliana returned to the area around Sipoto.

“Eh?” She uttered.

The landscape was different from the dark sky of the battlefield, so Liliana realized that she had returned to the wilderness. In fact, she’d returned to the spot where she had been standing right before Hyde had used the power of the god-sword.

“…Lili? Is that you?” Randolph’s voice entered Liliana’s ears.

“Randolph? Have you been waiting here?” Liliana asked.

“Of course. I was going to wait at least three more days,” Randolph spoke in a bragging tone.

However, Liliana understood that Randolph’s words were true. If Hyde had won the duel and returned here, he would have to start a second round with the furious Randolph. Liliana felt a lump of emotions rise up to her throat and let out a small sigh.

After reuniting with Randolph, Liliana finally realized that she had defeated one of the empire’s Seven Swords.

Liliana looked down at her left hand. ‘…It is somewhere in here.’

Claimhb Solais, the god-sword which had been about to return to its master, had eventually been captured by Gluttony’s tongue.

It occupied a corner of Liliana’s inventory, along with ‘Death’s Worship.’ Liliana might not be able to absorb it, but there were many ways in which she could use the god-sword. It could be used as a sacrifice to summon ‘Fafnir’ or be used against the upper ranks of the empire. She didn’t know the identity of its former master, but someone would be in a lot of pain from losing the god-sword. Liliana laughed at the thought.

Randolph looked at her curiously and asked, “What, do you feel that good about winning?”

“Well… your words aren’t entirely wrong. It feels much better than I thought it would.”

The battle had been against one of the empire’s Seven Swords, the ones who had defended the Andras Empire and killed the people of Meltor. So, as a sorceress filled with patriotism toward the Meltor Kingdom, it was natural for her to feel a sense of accomplishment from the victory.

She had acquired the god-sword and won against a sword master. Moreover, Randolph’s words made Liliana further aware of herself.

Randolph waited for her to completely calm down before saying, “Then shall we go back to the town? Trackers from the Orcus Company might appear… Well, I can handle them though.”

“In the East, they call this a win by default when everyone else has dropped out.”

“Ah, that’s right. There was such a thing!” Randolph clapped as he was reminded of the proverb.

“Then let’s return to town. We will rest quietly before teleporting back to Meltor.”

Liliana pretended to be fine, but Abraxas was a magic which transcended Liliana’s limits. Even if it had succeeded perfectly, her 7th Circle couldn’t help being affected.

She had been able to catch a glimpse of the magic through a momentary epiphany, but it was impossible for that to happen again. Liliana had used such great magic, so it was impossible for her body to remain unaffected.

However, Randolph was silent for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you.”


“This is where we will part ways. I will be going to the Andras Empire, not the Meltor Kingdom.”

Liliana knew Randolph wasn’t going to seek the vacant seat of the empire’s Seven Swords, so she opened her mouth with a questioning expression and asked, “That… why?”

“My sister is still in that country.”

Liliana was startled as she understood Randolph’s words. “Are you planning to take her away from it?”

“Yes. I am familiar with my Aura Ability and am now a master as well, so I can take care of her. Isn’t it thanks to you? I came along to repay the favor, but my debt keeps growing.”

Randolph had a noble character, which was unlike his rough appearance. This was the face of a man who knew grace but didn’t turn away from his duty. Liliana was speechless, causing Randolph to continue speaking, “Is it okay if we become political exiles in Meltor? At the very least, I should be an earl. How about it?”

“…I will take care of it.”

“Hey. This is between us, yes?”

Liliana smiled at Randolph’s mischievous attitude. They spoke like this, but they both knew the truth… the fact that a sword master wouldn’t be below an earl, and that asylum wasn’t as easy as it sounded.

Still, the two of them jokingly exchanged words until the end. They stayed for three days in Sipoto, before saying goodbye to each other early in the morning.

Chapter 174 – Return to the Magic Tower (1)

The Northern continent was somewhat different from the Central and Southern continents, which were tangles of countries and civilizations. As for the sword empire, Andras, and the magic kingdom, Meltor… These two powers could take pride in being the strongest in the Northern continent due to their conflict, which had lasted for hundreds of years.

‘The history of mankind is war.’ According to one prominent historian, the war which had lasted for centuries had continuously developed the two powers. There were the seven sword masters which represented the empire, the Seven Swords, and the four tower masters who guarded the Meltor Kingdom. In the other continents, it was enough for them to have one or two masters. However, the North had a total of 11 masters.

On average, there would be an all-out war at least once a century. Having experienced full-scale wars, the Northern continent was vastly different from the Central region which had lived through centuries of peace. As such, the military power and patriotism of the two Northern countries had been trained over many generations. This meant that Mana-vil, Capital of Meltor, had a thorough defense system.

“…Indeed, there is no way to hide secretly.” Liliana, the young girl wearing a dark hood, was amazed as she watched the walls in front of her.

She knew that the walls of Mana-vil were covered with magic to prevent teleporting, but the completeness of the magic couldn’t be ignored. This was magic which had been personally set up by White Tower Master Orta. No one could pass through the wall set up by someone who was considered as the best in the continent at space magic.

Liliana took her eyes off the wall and looked up at the sky. It looked like nothing was happening, but upon reaching the 7th Circle, the landscape before Liliana’s eyes was different now. There was a gossamer thin web of magic power. This was detection magic which enveloped Mana-vil in the shape of a hemisphere.

‘I can’t enter unnoticed if I fly, so the remaining method is…’

…To go through the ground.

The only way was to enter through a tunnel below the wall. Moreover, Liliana had an excellent helper when it came to the earth environment. While avoiding the eyes of others, she scooped up some dirt and whispered to the soil on the palm of her hand, “Mitra.”

At the very moment that she whispered, the dirt on her palm molded into the shape of a girl. The girl, Mitra, with a large bud on her head, looked up at her with a sleepy expression.


“Oh, you were sleeping. I’m sorry.” Mitra had a confused expression, but she soon giggled as Liliana patted her head. She looked at her with shining eyes and asked, [Lili, you caw?]

“Can you pass underneath that wall there? Please find out if it is possible.”

[Hoing!] It probably meant that she understood. Mitra gave her distinctive cry and jumped off her palm.

The girl moved through the earth, and Lili’s mind was soon filled with images of soil, gravel, and roots. The scenery which Mitra looked through passed by in a fleeting manner, causing Liliana to feel slightly dizzy.

Putting aside her innocent appearance, Mitra’s cognitive abilities were lacking in many ways when compared to intermediate elementals. However, her cognitive abilities were enough to achieve Lili’s purpose.

[Hoeeng… Lili, sowwy!]

‘What? What’s going on?’

[Here, strange block. Can’t go.]

There was a wall which Mitra couldn’t go through? This meant there was no path to sneak into Mana-vil. Liliana suppressed her thoughts and told her, ‘No, thank you for the help. Go and get more sleep.’

[Yes, I noe…]

Liliana felt no further connection as Mitra returned to the elemental world. She looked at the wall again and sighed.

‘No space movement, no flying in the sky, and no moving through a tunnel.’

If she entered through the front door, she would have to prove her identity. So, she had been looking for a back door, but there was no way for a 7th Circle sorceress to break through Meltor’s defense system.

‘Hu, should I try the checkpoint…?’

Then at the moment when she was about to join the line of people…

“-W-White Tower Master!”

“What? What about the tower master?”

“A white robe and white mask! It really is White Tower Master Orta!”

“No way! Why is she…!?”

Suddenly, the crowd of people started to mutter amongst themselves about the White Tower Master, who was at the peak of space magic. The mysterious Orta had revealed herself.

The marquis and dukes might have the power in other kingdoms, but the real authority in the Meltor Kingdom belonged to the tower masters. So, naturally, they were people who were difficult for the public to see.

The Yellow Tower Master was known not to engage in any external activities, while the White Tower Master was a mysterious figure.

‘White Tower Master? Why is she suddenly at the front gate…’ Liliana had a surprised expression on her face.

The White Tower Master was considered as a hidden sword of the Meltor Kingdom. From assassination to intelligence, she was in charge of all the shadowy tasks. She wasn’t someone who would appear at the main entrance without a purpose.

However, Liliana soon realized Orta’s purpose. Orta’s eyes which gazed through the two holes in the mask were paying attention to her.

“Guard Captain, I want to ask something of you,” Orta called out.

“Yes, Tower Master! Whatever you say!” The guard captain promptly responded to Orta’s call.

He was a citizen of the Meltor Kingdom, so he was well aware of the status of the tower masters in the kingdom. Orta’s position wasn’t low enough to ‘ask’ something of a mere security guard.

“I will guarantee the identity of the girl standing there. Can she skip the checkpoint?” Orta asked.


The guard captain looked at Liliana and stuttered, “I-It isn’t a big deal.”

“Thank you.” After receiving the permission, Orta glanced at Liliana, who understood the meaning of Orta’s gaze.

This was a person whom a tower master had pointed out, so the people paid close attention. However, they didn’t dare stop someone involved with White Tower Master Orta. Thus, Liliana was able to pass Mana-vil’s rigid checkpoint and enter the capital.

“Ah…!” She exclaimed as she saw the high-rise buildings which pierced the clouds.

They were rare sights in other countries. Particularly, this was an unforgettable panorama which couldn’t be seen in the Central continent. As Liliana walked before her, Orta greeted, “It has been a while. A year has passed?”

“Yes, it has already been that long.”

“I can tell. You have gained a lot of experience in the meantime. Becoming a master when you’re not even 30 years old… His Majesty will be amazed.”

Indeed, the fact was now revealed.

Liliana looked at Orta’s back with admiration. The number of circles was the same, but the other person had experienced all sorts of things as Meltor’s pillar. So, Lili’s seven circles were exposed to Orta just by looking at her body.

“Well, it is hard to explain during a short amount of time,” Liliana responded.

“I want to hear about it.” Orta’s white mask looked at Liliana and said, “The suspicion that the Orcus Company uses black magic, did you raise it?”


“Don’t panic. It is different in the South, but the White Tower has many information sources spread in the Central area. Most of the places you passed through have been identified.”

Liliana nodded at the explanation, before suddenly looking to her left and right with a surprised expression. ‘Is it okay to talk about classified information in the streets?’ However, that concern faded when she saw the distorted space around them. ‘W-What type of magic is this…?’

This wasn’t simply blocking off sound. It was like everyone passing by was unaware of the two of them. No, some people even passed through Orta’s and Liliana’s bodies. It was a type of space magic, but the principles behind it were incomprehensible. Liliana realized this was why Orta had revealed confidential information without hesitation.

Orta was a 7th Circle sorceress who had a shield with unknown principles!

‘Is it a refraction or distortion of space?’ While Liliana was interested in the mysterious shield, the two of them arrived at the crossroad separating the royal palace and the magic tower. Liliana expected to go to the royal palace first.

However, Orta had a different idea and said, “His Majesty is currently in a meeting. Maybe it will end in the evening… Tell me now if there is any urgent business. Then I’ll try to get you a seat.”

“Ah, it can wait a bit. If possible, I would like to go to one place first…”

“Where is that?”

Liliana told the White Tower Master the location and received a positive reply. Unless she was someone with a house in Mana-vil, there was only one place for a sorceress to stay. This was a place which magicians of the continent named as a sacred place.

It was the magic tower.

* * *

“There is no need to hide from now onwards.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

The magic shield had been maintained when they entered the Magic Society, but the two women only wanted to conceal that Liliana Miller had left this place. There was no longer the need to hide once they were in the lobby of the Magic Society, so the spell was removed.

Huk. Liliana lowered her hood as the shield was lifted.


“W-White Tower Master!”

“Did she teleport?”

“Next to her… No way!”

The magicians in the lobby had varied reactions. Someone lost their place in the book they were reading, while another person tilted his head when he noticed the White Tower Master. Some of them also recognized Liliana, who hadn’t been seen for over a year.

She was Meltor’s young heroine, the idol of magicians her age, the one behind the alliance with Elvenheim, and the one who had defeated a representative of the Andras Empire. Her sudden appearance caused the atmosphere of the lobby to get heated.

“L-Liliana Miller!”

“What? The rumored person? Really?”

“She is the real hero…”

“She looks younger than I thought. How old was she again?”

It was fortunate that Liliana wasn’t surrounded by them. With the White Tower Master standing next to her, no one dared to approach Liliana. The magicians were blinded by curiosity, but they were too afraid of the tower master. After all, Orta was the one who had built her own space magic.

Orta ignored their chattering and asked Liliana, “Did you want to stop by your room? Or see someone else?”

“I’d like to see my master.”

“Vince Haidel, understood.”

Orta remembered Vince well. Excluding the existence of Vince’s disciple, Liliana, the number of 6th Circle magicians in the Meltor Kingdom amounted to less than 100 people. However, Liliana was soon forced to stop moving.

“…Lili?” A female voice called out.

She had flowing silver hair and clear blue lake-like eyes. There was a pile of books which seemed to have been dumped on the ground. However, she didn’t look down at them. She just kept staring at Lili with a blank expression.

It was an unexpected reunion with Sylvia Adruncus, who had matured a lot more than a year ago.

“It has been a while, Sylvia.” Liliana didn’t know what to say, so she could only smile bitterly at the eyes facing her.

Chapter 175 – Return to the Magic Tower (2)

It was nice to imagine getting a warm welcome. However, Lili’s departure had been strictly confidential, so she hadn’t been naive enough to expect a reunion while others were watching. No, it was questionable if Sylvia even knew of Liliana’s actions.

While Lili was filled with such doubts, Orta delivered a message to her using magic, [She knows. She is Blundell’s granddaughter, so she can easily find out if she wants to.]

‘Indeed,’ Lili agreed inwardly.

Blundell was a tower master, not someone else. So, needless to say, Sylvia could figure out the information related to Liliana. Of course, she was sure that Sylvia wouldn’t leak the information, but there might be situations she couldn’t predict. As such, Liliana wasn’t sure how to start the story.

However, Sylvia was the one who moved first. “Lili.”

“Y-Yes?” Perhaps it was because her tone of voice was different from a year ago, but Lili’s response to Sylvia’s call was delayed by half a beat. Unlike before, Sylvia now had a clear and resonate voice.

As Lili stiffened for no reason, Sylvia picked up the books she had dropped.

“It looks like your business is over.” Her voice was calmer than she’d expected. She bowed briefly to the White Tower Master and held her books as she asked Lili, “Are you busy now?”

“…Yes, I think I will be busy until the evening.”

“I see.” Her tone was understanding. Sylvia smiled and headed toward both of them. Then as she passed by Lili, she whispered, “I’m still not fully prepared, so I will see you later.”

Lili turned to her at the strange words, but Sylvia was already climbing the staircase toward the Blue Tower. It was the opposite direction of the Red Tower, so it would be embarrassing to chase someone who had already said goodbye in order to ask what they meant.

With unanswered questions, Lili and Orta climbed the stairs leading to the Red Tower.

The meeting with her teacher, Vince Haidel, was really quick.

During the year that Lili had been gone, Vince’s private room had gotten a nameplate which was engraved with the symbol of a ‘Prime.’ Lili was surprised for a moment, but it wasn’t hard to understand why. Thanks to restoring the language of the ancient Balcia Empire and its magic system, it wasn’t strange that her teacher would become a Prime.

“Master!” Lili opened the door with a delighted voice.

“Lil—cough!” Vince spat out the freshly brewed cup of coffee that he had just started to drink. It was a meeting between a teacher and a disciple after one year, and this touching meeting began with coffee covering Lili’s face.

“T-This… Liliana, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Fortunately, Lili couldn’t get burned by the hot coffee as she was resistant to heat. She didn’t have the physical abilities of an aura user, but the body of a sorceress was different from normal humans in many ways.

Of course, Vince was very apologetic for getting coffee on his disciple whom he hadn’t seen for a year.

“Then let’s start the story.” After the fuss died down and new coffee was brewed, Vince opened his mouth first, “First and foremost, welcome back. I don’t see any injuries, but what about the problem we talked about before you left?”

“It is well above expectations.”

“That is a good thing.” Vince smiled brightly after being reassured. The news that Lili had gone on a journey was known to a few people, but only Vince knew that Liliana had a deadline.

Orta co*cked his head, but he didn’t interfere in the story between the two people.

Then the tale of Liliana’s adventures began.

The raid during the crossing of the border to Sipoto, the plaque from the trading company, Sipoto’s secret auction, the suspicion that the Orcus Company was using black magic… There was enough material to talk all day.

At first, the White Tower Master was listening indifferently, but he then leaned forward to listen more closely to Lili’s words, making comments as the tale progressed.

“A death knight and ghost ship… I need to raise the warning level up by two stages.”

“The Pirate Archipelago. I thought it was just a group of pirates. I never expected them to have a sea dragon behind them.”

“The Soldun Kingdom is making a big move. Maybe there will be a civil war in the east of this continent…”

…It was the same pattern. There were a few minor things, but every single event was too big not to pay attention to. As the story reached the peak where Hyde was defeated, the two older magicians forgot their dignity and clapped.

“Excellent! It is just my judgment, but these achievements are enough to give you the position of marquis,” Vince remarked.

“You’re overpraising me,” Lili responded.

“No, it is hard to disagree with Prime Vince’s words. Reaching the 7th Circle at this age and defeating one of the empire’s Seven Swords? Even if you look through all of Meltor’s history, it will be hard to find another person like you,” Orta praised Lili as well.

Lili had no idea what to do hearing the praise from the two magicians.

Vince Haidel and Orta… Both of them were people who contributed to Meltor and had practiced magic far longer than Liliana. She didn’t want them to be displeased at the quick accomplishments of a junior, but she couldn’t see any signs of that on their faces.

Liliana embraced the feelings of intense joy and admiration, and she felt her heart beat faster.

‘I’ve met some really good people.’

Perhaps this sense of belonging was Meltor’s real power. They didn’t monopolize knowledge alone, taught their fellow magicians, and didn’t have the envious mindset. It was like paradise compared to the Andras Empire, where there was a strict order between teacher and disciple.

“Ah, that reminds me, Master.” At that moment, a question about Sylvia popped into the mind of Liliana, who felt better. “I’m curious about what happened in the capital during the year I was away. For example, Sylvia was aware that I left…”

“Hrmm.” Perhaps this was a heavier topic than Lili had thought, as Vince groaned before opening his mouth to say, “Okay, let me explain what I know.”

The story that emerged was more than Liliana had expected. Sylvia had found out about Liliana’s departure a while after she’d left. Then she had stayed in her room for a week. A week later, her change had begun quietly.

Sylvia would read books all day or practice in the training rooms. She had become quieter but more violent than ever. As she immersed herself in magic, she didn’t even care about her body being hurt.

It wouldn’t have been a big deal for someone else, but Liliana’s departure had caused changes in Sylvia. She had more talent and aptitude than others, but she had grown up without knowing desperation.

Even with Liliana, she just had the childish desire to compete with her. However, now, Sylvia had changed her perception of magic away from ‘playing.’

“You’ve already noticed it, haven’t you?”

“Yes, definitely.” Liliana nodded as she recalled the shock of that moment. “She has already finished the 6th Circle.”

Sylvia had a shocking and frightening talent. Lili had struggled, even while using the cheat, Gluttony. The ‘wall,’ which was hard to overcome with even superior talent, had been penetrated by Sylvia after she had a change of mindset.

However, that wasn’t what Vince was trying to say. He looked at Liliana and declared, “That child wants to follow you.”

“Huh? Me?”

“Yes. Just like a chick who thinks of the first person it sees after hatching from its egg as its mother, you have become a presence like that to her.”

For the very first time in her life, she’d met a girl who could match her and who she’d gone on adventures with. It was natural for Liliana to become a big existence to Sylvia, who was like a blank piece of paper.

However, that girl had left and walked alone. Sylvia, unfamiliar with asking other people for help, then found her own answer: because she was weak, she had become her burden. Therefore, Sylvia had decided to become stronger. She would become stronger than the girl who defeated her, or at the very least, enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her.

Lili hadn’t realized it until she heard these words. It was then that she finally understood what Sylvia meant by being ‘prepared.’

As she drank her coffee while in shock, Vince nodded and advised her, “I won’t ask you to meet her straight away, but you shouldn’t forget this.”

“…Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

Liliana had already excluded ‘qualifications’ and ‘age’ as excuses. She emptied her cup as she once again realized her own immaturity that Seimei’s test had shown her. It might be the atmosphere, but the aftertaste of the sweet coffee was slightly bitter.

* * *

After finishing her story, Liliana was summoned to the royal palace at around 9 p.m. It might be because the afternoon meeting took too long, or perhaps it was to avoid the eyes of others.

Without daring to guess the reason, Lili passed through the palace’s central garden while the stars shone above her head. She walked over a hundred steps beyond the garden and arrived at her destination.

It was a place she had visited a few times in the past. The guard standing before the door recognized Liliana and spoke politely, “It is an honor. Go ahead and enter.”

Lili lightly returned the greeting before taking a deep breath and entering. In general, the guards opened the door while calling the name of the person entering, but the nature of this meeting was a little different.

The guard didn’t need to explain how it was different. Liliana could tell as soon as the doors opened.

The Blue Tower Master, Blundell Adruncus…

The White Tower Master, Orta…

The minister for the military, Robert Alpenheimer…

And the minister of domestic affairs, Jerome Violeta…

Aside from Veronica who was absent for some reason, the main powers of the Meltor Kingdom were sitting around a circular table and staring at her. Of course, at the center was a man with purple eyes sitting on a gorgeous throne, Kurt III.

As the door closed behind her, Liliana bowed down to the king. “A Prime of the Red Tower, Viscountess Liliana Miller greets the Great Sun of Meltor.”

“You can stop bowing now.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Lili got up and met the eyes of a brightly smiling Kurt.

Then Kurt III spoke in a mischievous tone, “It has been a while, heroine who left home. Where did you go and what did you do?”

“Thanks to Your Majesty’s concern, I have returned safely.”

“Is that so? But I don’t think you enjoyed a trip without any incidents. If you don’t mind, please tell your story to the people gathered here.”

“Yes, Your Majesty… Ah.” Lili’s expression changed as something popped into her head. “Before I start talking, I have to apologize to Your Majesty.”

“Hoh? For what?” Kurt III asked with a confused expression.

Lili showed her blank wrist and apologized, “During a battle, I lost the bracelet that Your Majesty lent to me. Please forgive me for being inadequate.”

“Hah? That hard bracelet? How did you manage that?”

“It couldn’t be helped. I was fighting one of the empire’s Seven Swords.”

Despite her lighthearted tone, the atmosphere of the room changed immediately. Some of the people in the room knew this in advance, but the people who didn’t know were shocked. For Meltor, a battle with their greatest enemy, the empire’s Seven Swords, couldn’t end without any bloodshed. If so, Liliana standing in this place meant…

As everyone was filled with expectation and excitement, Kurt III raised his hand. “Okay, start the story from there. Regardless of when the incident occurred, I would like you to report in the order of most important.”

“I will follow Your Majesty’s words.” Lili responded to their expectations by opening her mouth and telling her story, “It was just after I saw the devastation in the Information Guild…”

It was a story she had already told to the White Tower Master and Vince, so she was able to make the context more interesting. Sometimes furious, sometimes calm, the voice of the young woman resonated in the room.

All of the Meltor Kingdom’s most important people were silent as the heroine’s story was told…

And no one was able to open their mouths until the story was over.

Chapter 12: Chapter 176-200

Chapter Text

Chapter 176 – Return to the Magic Tower (3)

“Don’t speak nonsense!” The minister for the army, Robert, banged his hand on the table and shouted loudly, “Prime Liliana’s accomplishments are enough to make her the new Red Tower Master! She reached the 7th Circle before the age of 30 and defeated one of the empire’s Seven Swords!”

“I can see that, Minister!” However, the minister of domestic affairs, Jerome, argued back, “I admit that her achievements are huge, but giving a Prime-level sorceress the title and estate of an earl might cause ripples in the currently stable political situation. We don’t know what the empire is planning, so should we be fighting internally?”

“What are you saying? The discipline behind this kingdom is to award merits and punish faults. Why should we not reward a heroine just because of the nobles who are playing politics?!”

“Uh, this man is like this until the end!”

After Liliana had finished her story and received permission from Kurt III to leave, the remaining people had been in a state of shock. However, they then started a debate.

The people around the table were split into two groups. There were those like Robert who wanted to publicize Liliana’s achievements and give her a huge prize, while the other side led by Jerome thought it wasn’t a good time to publicize it.

It was very intense because neither side was wrong.

The person in question had managed to reach the 7th Circle at a young age and kill one of the empire’s Seven Swords. Meltor couldn’t be allowed to neglect this type of person.

Likewise, the opposition’s opinion was also correct. Up till now, high-ranking sorceresses hadn’t been part of the social circle, nor did they cling to fame, so the nobles had never felt hostile or tried to oppress them.

However, that balance could be overturned with the appearance of Liliana Miller.

‘It is a funny story because her merits are too big.’ Kurt III laughed inwardly as he watched the debate.

His thoughts were closer to those of the minister of the military, but as the ruler of the country, he had to consider both sides. As Jerome said, the empire hadn’t revealed everything yet, so Kurt couldn’t make a decision which might be a seed for a feud.

“Stop,” Kurt III spoke in a stern voice and everyone fell silent. Then he continued speaking, “I understand your opinions about Prime Liliana. The words of both the minister of the military and the minister of domestic affairs are reasonable.”

It was as he said. In this world, it wasn’t always the case that only one side was correct. It was common for both sides to be correct and for him to have to pick one. Kurt III was devoted to the administration of the kingdom every day, so he was now accustomed to this.

He closed his eyes for a moment as he sat on the throne.

Then he opened his mouth and said, “Listen carefully!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Starting tomorrow at 9 a.m., invite Baron Dennis Miller to the city where she will become an earl. Once her heir takes over the title, Liliana Miller will become a marquis. It is the same for her estate. Before that, Prime Liliana will be treated as an honorary marquis. Understood?”

“I will follow Your Majesty’s words!” The other people stood up and bowed while admiring Kurt’s smart judgment.

In Meltor, ‘earl’ and ‘marquis’ weren’t just simple titles. They were the ranks where nobles could step into official affairs and discuss the administration of the state. What would happen if a sorceress of the 7th Circle who was also a famous person entered this position? The nobles might not have as much power as other countries, but they would unite in order to avoid losing more power. They would lead a counterattack against Kurt III’s strong power.

‘But it isn’t a problem to be concerned about now,’ Kurt thought as he smiled coldly at the ministers.

Since Kurt’s rule began, the forces of the nobles had continued to shrink, and the arrogant ones couldn’t afford to do anything due to the conflict with the empire.

However, everyone in this room sensed it. The long war with the Andras Empire was nearing its end. The Meltor Kingdom would win and unify the north, or be completely defeated. Whatever the result, there was no way for the nobles to escape losing power.

Liliana was someone who didn’t care about power or wealth, but she willingly accepted the noble title in order to move her family to the safe capital region.

“Okay, it has been decided. Prime Liliana will be awarded a prize, and the tower masters will take care of it. I hope you don’t argue about the decision.”

“We will follow Your Majesty’s will!”

From the minister of the military to the minister of domestic affairs, no one argued. In fact, Jerome was only worried that Liliana would cause unnecessary confusion in this country. He didn’t actually want to hinder Liliana from getting a good reward.

The king smiled with satisfaction at the unanimous agreement. Then Kurt turned to Blundell and said, “That reminds me, Blue Tower Master.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Blundell responded.

“What is the current state of the Red Tower Master? Has her border patrol finished yet?”

“It seems like it. Based on yesterday’s report, she will be back in a week.”

Veronica always seemed selfish, but she was actually quite sincere. Just as Blundell had done last year, Veronica was returning after touring the border with the empire. However, when Kurt heard the answer, a question came to his mind.

“White Tower Master,” Kurt called out.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Has this news entered Veronica’s ears?” Kurt meant Liliana’s return. Orta immediately understood and nodded. “Perhaps it has. I told my intelligence service that conveying the news to her was top priority.”



Blundell and Kurt sighed deeply at the same time.

“…I guess she will be back in three days.”

“This old man thinks so as well.”

The two men thought about how crazily Veronica would behave once she heard the news and looked at each other.

The news of the emergence of a new 7th Circle sorceress and the death of one of the empire’s Seven Swords… how much of a storm would that cause? Additionally, it would become worse once Veronica returned to the capital.

They couldn’t help getting a headache at the thought.

At that moment, Orta whispered in Kurt’s ear from where he was standing next to the two troubled men. [Your Majesty, there was a request from the Yellow Tower Master.]

Kurt was confused by the sudden words and scratched his chin in a gesture to tell him more.

[It is a request for a meeting with Prime Liliana. How should I deal with it?]

“Hrmm.” This time, Kurt couldn’t hide his confusion.

The mysterious Yellow Tower Master had kept quiet even when the owner of the throne changed a few times, so Kurt couldn’t guess the reason for this sudden interest in Liliana. However, the Yellow Tower Master was different from the other tower masters.

Kurt didn’t answer and nodded before raising his voice, “Everybody listen up.”

As all eyes concentrated on him, Kurt firmly declared, “Apart from the promotion of Prime Liliana and Baron Dennis Miller, I will strictly prohibit everyone from approaching her for the time being. She is a hero who achieved a great merit. I want her to rest comfortably.”

“I will follow Your Majesty’s words!”

Orta understood the hidden meaning behind the command and smiled faintly. This was Kurt’s answer to the Yellow Tower Master’s request. It was the consideration of Kurt II, who stopped any meetings so that Liliana could rest comfortably for the time being.

* * *

On the other hand, Liliana returned to her room after the meeting with the top people of Meltor.

“Hah, did I make any mistakes?”

She wasn’t a heroine who was good at talking.

Liliana had reached the 7th Circle, but she was still a young girl in her early 20s. She couldn’t be calm when facing the king and two tower masters. It was fortunate that she didn’t stutter or stop talking while telling her story. Besides, what good was it to regret what had already happened?

Liliana relaxed slightly as she looked at the room she hadn’t seen for more than a year.

“It’s clean…?”

Someone had looked after it. Liliana had cleaned her room before leaving, and it looked exactly the same as back then. There was no dust on the bookshelves, while the bed had a fragrant scent like the sheets had been washed and dried in the sun.

She changed her clothes and lay on top of it without any hesitation, feeling like she could fall asleep right then. All the tension which had unknowingly piled up was being released.

‘I really am back.’

In retrospect, it had been an absurd adventure from beginning to end. She had encountered enemies as soon as she crossed the border.

There had been an unexpected windfall at the underground auction, and she’d poked the Orcus Company and its warlocks. Then she’d run to the Pirate Archipelago, stumbled across Aquilo, and fought against Superbia.

What about the way back? Nobody could’ve anticipated meeting a sword master with a god-sword. Even with nine lives, it was a crisis during which she could’ve lost everything.

“…Ah.” All her tension was released as she lay down on the familiar bed, with her tired body feeling like it was melting into the bed itself.

From tomorrow, life in the magic tower would begin again. She had to meet Sylvia and look at the magic formulas, theories, and incidents which had newly developed in the kingdom. Even though she hadn’t met her today, she had to say hello to Veronica…

However, Liliana’s thoughts lasted up to there. Her eyelids moved down slowly and covered her blue eyes. Then her breathing settled as she stopped thinking such complicated thoughts. The expressionless face, not suited for her age, relaxed as she fell asleep, leaving a sleeping Liliana that did fit her age.

[…Horororong…] Then Mitra suddenly appeared on her white pillow and snored while sleeping. She had been sleeping since leaving the Soldun Kingdom. Liliana hadn’t realized it, but the leaves and stem of her bud were longer than before. An ancient elemental was different from ordinary elementals, and her ‘growth’ was still continuing.

Mitra groaned into the pillow as she slept. [Hoiii…horong?]

It might be a coincidence, or maybe it was caused by her drool.

Wuuong… The bud of the sleeping Mitra moved. It split in two, and something grew from the center. The seed of the world tree had been planted in an ancient elemental, and a flower was now growing from the bud.

However, the sleeping Liliana didn’t know it yet.

Chapter 177 – Eye of the Storm (1)

Three days later, the news that Liliana had left her room spread through the magic towers. Only a small number of people knew about her true work, but the appearance of a heroine who hadn’t shown herself for a year was a hot topic of discussion. She also appeared wearing the robe of a Prime, causing the topic to grow even more. Even Vince hadn’t expected the news to spread at this speed.

“Lili, it has been more than a year since you returned from Elvenheim… Your fame seems to have grown larger. It is usually hard to get a booking here.”

“Yes. I didn’t know it would be like this.” Liliana smiled softly as she looked around.

They were currently at a fairly famous restaurant in the capital, and all the tables around them were filled. The customers were well-dressed, but the landscape of this famous restaurant was different from the usual. The attention of the customers was focused on two people. Well, to be precise, it was on Liliana.

Unfortunately, all that hard work was in vain. The combination of silencing and illusion magic around the duo made the customers feel like they’d been cheated. Hopefully, they would return to their idle chatter after not being able to hear anything.

‘Silence and Illusion. They are basic magic spells, but this type of application is only possible if the level is high.’ Liliana smiled and lifted her teacup.

It was difficult but not impossible to unfold the two spells simultaneously and convert them to her desired form. Her magic power control had improved after reaching the 7th Circle, making this task easier.

Lili took a sip and placed her cup down. Then Mitra, who was chewing a few tea leaves, caught her eye.

[Hoong?] ‘What is it?’ Her eyes seemed to ask.

“No, it is nothing,” Liliana said.

She patted her wheat-colored hair, and she eagerly returned to chewing the tea leaves. She was cute enough to make people laugh, but there was no smile on Liliana’s face. It was due to the bud growing further on Mitra’s head. However, ancient elementals were so rare that even Gluttony had no useful information about them.

‘I can’t even find it in Myrdal’s knowledge.’

Even the contractor of an elemental king hadn’t been able to expect the ancient elemental to swallow a seed of the world tree. Liliana’s only hope was asking the high elves of Elvenheim.

As Liliana let out a small sigh, Vince suddenly spoke, “Well, it would be hard to even leave the magic tower if all your activities were known. It is a peaceful time, so your adventures will be very popular as entertainment among people.”

Liliana laughed in agreement, “Haha, Master’s words are true.”

However, she then shrugged humbly. She was glad to hear the favorable words, but she was also embarrassed. Wasn’t this like the stories in books? A girl who wasn’t yet 23 years old had received the title of ‘Heroine.’

As if sensing Liliana’s inner shame hidden beneath her expressionless surface, Vince put his cup down and said, “By the way, I am ashamed as your teacher. I thought that someday you would jump over me… but I never imagined you would come back as a master.”

“That…” Liliana didn’t know how to reply.

In fact, there was no reason for Vince to feel ashamed. Liliana’s growth was literally ridiculous and impossible without the power of Gluttony. It was a pace impossible even for the best talents of humankind.

Vince was proud of his disciple who had surpassed him, but he was ashamed about his inability to teach Lili further.

“From now on, I won’t be able to solve any of your problems with my own ability. I know about the concept of ‘Sorcery,’ but it is nothing more than superficial knowledge. The number of people in Meltor who can teach you won’t exceed five fingers.”

They were the Tower Masters who had built their own specialties by repeating their endeavors after reaching the 7th Circle. Only they could help Liliana along her path. Fortunately, Veronica treated her especially well, so there would be no problem for her to seek guidance.

Vince thought up to there as he looked at Liliana with an equal amount of pride and sadness. His disciple had grown up to be a great sorceress. A fully grown eagle should be let loose to soar freely in the sky.

“It is time for your promise with that young lady. You should go before you are late,” Vince said.

“…Yes, then what about Master?” Liliana asked.

“I’ll have one more drink before leaving.”

“I understand. Then I’ll see you again in the evening.”


Liliana rose first, while Vince looked at her departing figure with calm eyes.

It was said that a heroine was born in troubling times. According to that saying, Liliana would be caught up in an even more violent storm. She would be the one to decide the fate of the Meltor Kingdom in the Northern continent, with its hundreds of years of history.

As Lili's teacher, Vince prayed that the path before Liliana would be smooth.

* * *

‘I feel glad to see this place,’ Liliana thought as she placed her palms on the firmly closed door before her. The pair of doors was much thicker, and the patterns on it were more complex than the rest of the doors.

That’s right. The place where she’d promised to meet Sylvia was the Pentarium, the place where the finals of the Pupil Tournament were held.


Somebody else had already entered this place, so the inside was already illuminated when the doors opened.

The Pentarium was empty, but the vastness of the audience seats could still be seen. It had been almost three years, but the scenery of Pentarium hadn’t changed much. When she closed her eyes, it seemed like she could still hear the cheering which had echoed in her ears.

However, Liliana stared ahead at what was before her. There was a girl standing in the middle of the main hall. Sylvia’s blue robe and silver hair gave Liliana a sense of deja vu.

It was Sylvia’s voice which made her return from the illusion of the past.

“Hasn’t it been a while, Lili?” Sylvia called out. If her old voice had been like a clear bell, then it now sounded like a calm lake as it echoed through the main hall of the deserted Pentarium.

Was it because they were meeting in this place, or was it due to the two of them meeting after a long time? Either way, Liliana took in the strange atmosphere and called out her name, “Sylvia.”

With a faint smile on her face, Sylvia started to talk. “I thought about it after Lili left.”

It was the first time Sylvia had cared about anything other than magic. Unlike Liliana, who already had good relationships with other people before Sylvia changed, Liliana was Sylvia’s first friend.

They’d fought with all their power at their first meeting. Then on their trip together, they’d fought the undead and elder lich. They hadn’t seen each other for a while, but Sylvia and Liliana had also fought together against ‘Laevateinn.’

After that, Liliana had left. Liliana’s departure had only been known to a few key people, including Kurt III. It was only after approximately three months that Sylvia had found out.

She didn’t remember how many days she’d spent laying in her room.

Thus, she’d started thinking about it. Just like how she dealt with magic, she wrote things down and erased them until the right answer came out. No one had taught her that there were no right answers in human relationships.

“Why did Lili leave without saying anything?” Sylvia realized that she now stood in a different place from her. “I had forgotten. Friendship is a bond between equals.”

She looked at her friend's figure which was much stronger than hers, and she felt despair. Sylvia thought that she couldn’t be friends with her anymore if she didn’t catch up to her. So, she read books every day and wielded her staff all day. She didn’t give up until the fun magic became painful.

Sylvia looked down at the floor and said, “This place, Liliana was the same.”

The final of the Pupil Tournament… It was the story of a girl who had been inferior to her but fought without giving up. She had borrowed Gluttony’s power, but Sylvia had been much stronger at the time. Even so, Liliana had been the winner.

Compared to her who worked so hard, Sylvia had realized that her pain was merely a child’s tantrum.

“I want Lili to check it yourself,” Sylvia stated.

“What?” Liliana uttered.

“If I am your friend or not,” Sylvia said as she grabbed her white staff firmly. Her hands were sweating, and she felt a mixture of tension and excitement.

On the contrary, Liliana was confused. It was true that she wasn’t sociable, but she at least knew that friends didn’t have to prove whether they were qualified.

‘How do I talk to her?’

If this continued, one of them would get hurt unnecessarily. It was reckless for her to go against a 7th Circle. Why was she so obsessed with becoming friends with her? Why did she want to fight? What was she trying to prove?

She wanted to ask her all these questions. However, Liliana remained silent. Unlike three years ago, Sylvia’s eyes were shining and determined.

“…I have a lot to say, but I’ll postpone it until later,” Liliana said.

Then she shifted her weight back fluidly, and her body glided over the ground. As she slid smoothly like the ground was ice, Liliana managed to secure a distance of 30 meters. This was a distance where two expert magicians could aim magic at each other.

In other words, it meant she accepted having the fight with Sylvia. “Come Sylvia. This time, you are the challenger.”

Sylvia smiled brightly. It was like the sun had emerged from behind some clouds. “Yes!”

Unlike their past fight, there were no spectators, but this was better. A battle between senior magicians was like a small natural disaster. The audience members would pay the fee with their lives.

Six circles rotated in Sylvia’s body at a terrifying speed, causing the magic power to stir in the tranquil main hall.


As Liliana rotated her circles, she admired her, ‘This is truly great sensitivity. Hasn’t she become much stronger than a year ago?’

Her control of the surrounding magic power was strong enough to be on a similar level with Liliana.

The Blue Tower Master’s disciple, she truly was one of the geniuses who represented this era.

The magic power around Sylvia was converted into an attribute, causing frost to appear everywhere.

Jjeok, jejejeok.

The ground frosted over as the moisture in the air froze and drew an unknown pattern. Shapes and letters were made from the transparent ice, forming a large magic circle made of frost.

An exclamation of surprise burst from Liliana’s mouth as she grasped its identity. “Drawing a magic circle with frost…?!”

This was an idea she had never thought about. It was common sense that frost was a precursor to ice magic, but to think that it was possible to further amplify the ice magic by drawing the magic circle with frost? Although this was an unconventional idea, Sylvia was proficient in it.

While Liliana was in shock, Sylvia’s high-pitched voice completed the spell like she was singing, “Over the sky, under the sky! Blow unceasingly in the sky, Ymir’s white fog!”

This was Sylvia Adruncus’ unique magic.

“-Diamond Dust!”

Chapter 178 – Eye of the Storm (2)

The moment she spoke, a cold wind started blowing. Apart from the lethal force that the magic implied, the phenomenon which occurred was unbelievably beautiful. It was a glorious silver storm! The white, snowflake-like particles glittered like crystals as they froze. Even a human with a strong vitality wouldn’t be able to survive. Liliana would become an ice statue before she could even feel the cold.

“…This… Isn’t it really amazing?” Liliana marveled at Sylvia’s genius. ‘Using Blizzard and then the technique of Frozen Orb to compress the frost… There are at least five types of ice-making procedures being used in combination to create this… It would be difficult even for a Prime of the Blue Tower to do.’ This was a unique magic, but Sylvia had not designed or developed it. She had just combined existing magic formulas in a way that no one else had tried. It was similar to the magic fusion theory which Liliana had used to develop Volcanic Shell, but a few steps further.

Sylvia’s ‘Diamond Dust’ overtook decades of research. It wasn’t in the 7th Circle, but it was a magic which surpassed the 6th Circle! After Sylvia shouted ‘Diamond Dust,’ she pointed her shaking staff at Liliana and exclaimed, “Go…!” The storm swirling above her staff followed her command. The movement of the high-density magic power condensed into a vortex which could be seen even by a person who didn’t learn magic. Then it descended from the air toward the ground.

This storm which could freeze flesh and muscles descended toward Liliana, and—Nothing happened. Kurururung! Liliana stayed still as Diamond Dust descended toward her, but she didn’t even use defense magic.

“L-Lili…?!” A sharp scream burst from Sylvia’s mouth. It was a magic which a sword master couldn’t be safe against when defenseless, and yet Liliana was defenseless? Sylvia wanted to be acknowledged by Liliana, not kill her. Therefore, she received a huge shock. However, ironically, her legs didn’t collapse because of her thorough training over the last year. Unlike the robustness of her body, her face was pale white. The moment her mind was about to collapse like a perforated dam…

Puhwaak! A red robe emerged from the storm. Liliana took off the robe, which was decorated with frost and icicles, and ran toward Sylvia. Unlike Sylvia, Liliana had calmly grasped the situation a while ago. ‘This is a power that can only be called a foul.’

It was the Artificial Yin and Yang. Half of it was supported by Aquilo’s Blood Mark, and the power derived from it was a natural enemy of water magicians.

[* Understanding of water magic and fire magic has greatly increased, reducing the casting time of magic. Ignores attribute damage that is below the user’s level, and halves it if it exceeds the user’s level.]

Sylvia’s unique magic was definitely amazing. ‘Diamond Dust’ was perhaps the best magic which could be achieved by a magician who hadn’t reached the master level, as it was in the boundary between 6th and 7th Circle magic. Even a 7th Circle magician like Liliana had to be careful against it. She admired Sylvia’s talents and efforts which had created such a unique magic.

The problem was that the target of the magic was Liliana. It might be different when using magic to mobilize physical force, like the old Liquid Snake. However, the pure water magic phenomenon was blocked by the water resistance in Aquilo’s Blood Mark. No matter how comparable to 7th Circle magic it was, Diamond Dust wasn’t a 7th Circle magic.

She ran across the frozen ground and called out to Sylvia, who was losing control, “Sylvia!”

“Ah.” Relief filled her eerily blank expression, and she held her staff like it was a spear. She had already pioneered the staff techniques Blundell had taught her. It wouldn’t be easy for a knight to find gaps in her defense to pierce through. In the finals of the tournament, Liliana had almost lost to that very staff technique. ‘…No, it has changed from that time!’ Liliana realized.

She was now 10 meters away from Sylvia. Simultaneously, a few ice spears floated around her, gleaming menacingly. Kwa kwa kwak. Kwack! Kwa kwak! Kwack! The spears pierced the ground of the stadium in succession. The strength of the spears, which had frozen at extremely low temperatures, was already above steel. Lili could defend against being turned into an ice statue, but it wasn’t possible with physical force.

The spears aimed toward her. Sylvia was well-aware of Liliana’s ability to use Battle Song with other magic tricks, so she didn’t let her use it. However, the discipline carved into Liliana’s body was incredibly sharp.

Her ability to invoke Battle Song in this moment was amazing. Liliana easily pierced through the wall of rock aimed at her. The movement, however, was slow in comparison to Randolph’s sword strikes or the water droplet Aquilo fired.

Kiiiiiik! Liliana’s hand flowed lightly. An object moving quickly in a straight line was vulnerable to attacks from the side, like an arrow being deviated due to a gust of wind. The strike from Liliana’s hand caused the staff’s trajectory to change.

“Ah…!” Sylvia gasped.

As Liliana’s fist aimed for that fatal gap, Sylvia foresaw the pain and couldn’t help closing her eyes. She could endure pain, but she was somehow afraid of looking at Liliana. Sylvia tried to reduce the impact by tilting her head backward, but Liliana had no intention of hitting her from the very beginning.

She touched her finger and thumb together. Yes, it was an action that anyone would’ve done as a child. Liliana’s powerful flick struck the middle of Sylvia’s white forehead.

Ttaak! “Kyak?!” Sylvia’s legs loosened at the unexpected pain. Perhaps it was due to the previous mental shock that the power behind the flick seemed like she was stung by a bee. Sylvia grabbed her forehead while feeling it was absurd. Liliana looked down at her with a smile and asked, “Have you calmed down now?”

“I’m angry!” Sylvia had been flicked during the middle of a serious fight, so she couldn’t help complaining. “Forehead flick… Why…? I’m serious about this fight.”

“Ah, wasn’t that obvious with the magic you first used? It was definitely amazing. I would’ve suffered if I didn’t have a foul method.”

“F-Foul?! Lili, what foul?”

“I can’t teach you that,” Liliana teased Sylvia in a mischievous tone while looking at her innocent face. It might be due to Diamond Dust having no effect, or maybe she was surprised by the forehead flick, but a dark shadow appeared in her eyes. Liliana realized that it was finally the atmosphere for a talk and sat down beside her.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Huh?” Sylvia’s blue eyes widened as she apologized.

“You were the one who always helped me when I was having trouble, so I’m sorry that I left without saying anything.”


“It was me, not you, who was lacking in the relationship between us. I didn’t do enough for you, compared to everything you did for me.”

Due to her bad memories of the academy, Liliana was reluctant toward the existences called ‘friends.’ Therefore, she hadn’t taken good care of Sylvia. She knew that she was her first friend, but she’d ignored how heavy a responsibility it was. She hadn’t been able to say goodbye, and she’d left without telling Sylvia anything.

Liliana had left her alone… because her baggage was too heavy.

“I’m sorry, Sylvia,” Liliana apologized once again as Sylvia’s eyes stared at her. It seemed like all her pent-up feelings were being released. “In the future, I won’t leave without saying anything.”

“…Sob.” Tears formed in Sylvia’s blue eyes. As the tears fell down her flushed cheeks, Sylvia jumped into Liliana’s arms. “Huaack, h-huaaang…!”

It would’ve been okay if she had been alone from start to finish. After all, a child left alone wouldn’t know the concept of being together with someone. However, Sylvia knew. She’d felt the warmth of being with someone, as well as what it felt like to share emotions and joy with someone who wasn’t a family member. Along with a sense of fulfillment, she also felt a sense of loss.

Liliana patted her back and murmured, “Yes, I was wrong.” She felt the front of her shirt was becoming wet, but she didn’t know what to do. These feelings of warmth, moisture, and a soft texture were unfamiliar. Liliana hugged Sylvia on the floor of Pentarium. She thought that the sobs had stopped, but it was probably her mistake.

Then at least five minutes passed by.

‘S-So. How long should I be doing this…?’ Liliana’s mind was confused from hugging a girl for the first time. She had experience with Veronica, but it was a situation where she had always initiated it. She had never once held someone through her own will. Liliana also didn’t know how to comfort a woman who was crying.

At that moment, somebody’s voice rang out from behind her, “Oho…”

A saying from the Eastern Continent fit this situation perfectly. “I flew for three days and nights without sleeping, only to see you playing with this kid…?”

Speak of the tiger, and it will come to see you.

The woman, Veronica, revealed her presence behind Liliana and Sylvia.

“T-Tower Master…?!” Liliana exclaimed.

“Hrmm… You are still calling me Tower Master…?” Veronica remarked.

Liliana got an uncomfortable feeling when she looked at her. Sensing that, she let go of Sylvia and then rose to her feet. With her red hair flying around her, the beautiful woman looked like a literal flame. The fact that she’d flown for three days and nights sounded ridiculous, but the scent of the cold night air was coming from her disheveled robe. Chiiiik! Heat spread from Veronica’s feet, quickly melting Sylvia’s ice. No, the speed was closer to ‘evaporation,’ rather than ‘melting.’ Veronica didn’t use any magic. It was just that the temperature went up when she was feeling agitated. So, the cold air warmed up as well.

Veronica’s shoes made loud sounds as she walked forward and said, “I haven’t seen you in a year, but this is much more than I expected…”

Liliana couldn’t move her body. Just like a herbivore that froze before a predator, she stood still as Veronica’s golden eyes stopped in front of her. She stretched out her white fingers and patted Liliana’s cheek gently.

“By the way…”

Her fingers moved from her cheek to her ear.


Then her fingers descended toward her neck.

“Why is there a bad fishy smell coming from the body of my girl…?”

Veronica’s fingers stopped at a certain point on her neck. She gently touched the area, which Aquilo had bitten, and simultaneously poured out Dragon Fear like a full dragon.

Chapter 179 – Eye of the Storm (3) The standard saying was the ‘difference between the heavens and the earth,’ but this was more like the phenomenon where a beast growled at another beast. The words which Veronica whispered into Liliana’s ears caused a chill to go down her spine. Liliana gulped and thought hard about it, ‘A bad fishy smell… Is it because of Aquilo’s blood?’ It was a completely unexpected problem. Just as Aquilo had noticed Veronica’s presence back at the Pirate Archipelago, it was likely Veronica noticed Aquilo’s presence on Liliana. The red dragons and blue dragons had always had a thoroughly troubled relationship which stretched back to ancient times. As far as these two clans were concerned, the invasion of each other’s territories was a declaration of war. Therefore, it wasn’t strange for them to be more sensitive to the other clan’s presence. Additionally, there were the words Gluttony had said. She had said that most battles between the two dragons were usually seen when crossing from one territory to the other… or when their possessions were touched.

“Kid. Yes? Don’t keep your mouth shut.” Veronica’s grip on Liliana’s neck tightened as she gazed at her with blazing eyes. Unlike her singsong voice, the emotions in her eyes resembled magma which was about to explode. Despite the fact that there was nothing hard to reveal, Liliana’s mouth couldn’t open. Did she notice Liliana’s cautiousness? Veronica grinned as Dragon Fear melted away, then her voice became sweet enough to melt Liliana’s ears. “I’m sorry, Kid. In the meantime, haven’t you suffered?”


“I know the importance of breaking through the ‘wall’ as a magician, but I also know that the process is never smooth. You went all the way to foreign countries, so wasn’t it hard?”

“…That…” Liliana’s eyes shook at the words. She had stubbornly pushed herself with a steel-like mental power, but she wasn’t an iron girl who couldn’t feel tired. Liliana had missed her home whenever she looked up at the different constellations in the sky. On the days when she didn’t speak, she had longed to communicate with someone. It had been a little better after Randolph joined her, but she had wanted to have a chat with another magician. However, the people she could feel this kinship with had all been in Meltor. Standing before her was Veronica, one of the people she had missed.

‘Ah, I’m comfortable.’ Her affectionate voice and hot temperature interfered with Liliana’s cool thinking. Veronica was a person who knew her pain and gave her comfort. Liliana gazed at Veronica and gradually relaxed. As if she wanted to maintain the momentum to the end, a subtle smile appeared on Veronica’s face. “Yes, I know everything. How difficult it was for you, how hard you tried…”

“T-Tower Master.”

“Liliana, you should call me, ‘Sister’.”

Liliana’s heart thumped when she heard her call her name, rather than a nickname. Was this the dragon’s voice which had attracted heroes in many myths and legends? ‘Should I just tell her? It is hard to hide everything…’

She knew it wasn’t wise to reveal everything, but she had the feeling of wanting to confess everything to Veronica. She had the hot emotions as a mixed red dragon, but she was also one of the tower masters who guarded Meltor. Veronica was mature enough to deal with it. Her vigilance almost collapsed as Veronica’s voice entered Liliana’s ears, “I know everything, so don’t worry.”

“That…” At that moment, the magma bubbling inside her leaked out. “-Where is the fish I should kill?” An eerie atmosphere burst out from Veronica’s body. The innate aversion of the red clan toward the blue clan was stepping on the girl called Liliana. If it wasn’t for the sake of their relationship, Veronica would’ve immediately flown away to kill Aquilo. ‘No, there is no way I can tell her.’ Thanks to that, Liliana barely regained her rational thinking. She absolutely couldn’t let Veronica and Aquilo meet. If she brought Aquilo here, there would be a life-and-death struggle. Aquilo wasn’t her enemy, but neither were they in a mutually beneficial relationship.

As Lili hesitated to answer, the light of salvation appeared. “Stop it, Red Tower Master.” It was Sylvia. She ran forward and used her white staff to separate the two people. Then she stood in front of Liliana and stared straight at Veronica as she said, “You are burdening Lili right now.”

“…Hah?” Veronica uttered. This was different from when she talked to Liliana. Veronica didn’t calm down. Instead, her atmosphere became even harsher. “Young girl, why are you getting in between me and the kid?”

“I’m her friend.”


“Yes, friend. The best.”

Veronica smiled strangely at Sylvia’s words and said, “Yes, you are the kid’s ‘friend?’ I understand.”

This time, Sylvia’s expression stiffened. It was an explicitly mocking taunt. Liliana, the eye of the storm, didn’t know it, but the two women had already become rivals. They competed with their positions, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Unlike men who just hit each other, this was the beginning of the nerve war called the ‘catfight.’

“Does Tower Master know anything about Lili?”


“You are just the tower master.”

For the first time, Veronica’s face before had a blank expression before her harsh atmosphere returned. She was used to fighting with fists or magic, so this was a first for her. Maybe it was due to the retorts, but the argument between the rivals, who were fighting over Liliana, became more heated. This was the moment when the dangerous catfight was about to start.

However, the two women’s fight stopped shortly before that. “Veronica! Liliana! Sylvia! Are you in there?” It was because a person’s voice rang from outside the doors of Pentarium. As Liliana hurried to reply, a man entered and rushed before the two people. ‘Didn’t this happen last time?’ Veronica thought the same thing as her voice filled with annoyance, “Why are you calling me when I’ve just returned?!”

“Hiik!” The Dragon Fear in Veronica’s voice made the knees of the magician weaken. She was an 8th Circle magician and had dragon’s blood, which created an ominous presence. However, the more surprising thing was the response of the Magic Society magician. His legs quivered, but he still delivered the news to the three people in a trembling voice, “H-His Majesty called all of you…!”

“Me and the kid?”

“S-Sylvia as well!”

Veronica and Liliana were understandable. There were many reasons why they might be called. After going beyond the wall of the 7th Circle, the magician was a pillar which supported the nation as well as a symbol of strength which was comparable to an elite army. However, why was Sylvia summoned as well? The three people couldn’t guess why and exchanged glances.

‘Phew, I’m saved thanks to His Majesty.’ In any case, Liliana narrowly escaped.

* * *

Kwaang! The door opened roughly. Who would dare do such a thing in Meltor’s royal palace? Even the empire’s Seven Swords wouldn’t dare do such a thing. However, no one yelled at the culprit. Veronica’s eyes were burning brightly as she kicked open the door!

“Your Majesty!” She roared. As Liliana and Sylvia stayed back, Veronica snapped at Kurt on the throne, “Do you think I can travel like Orta? I flew all the way here! If I work without resting, of course, I will be exhausted! In addition, what is this? Why is the chairman of the Magic Society here?”

“Hmm, it has been a while,” the chairman of the Magic Society greeted.

“It has been a long time since you left the central tower,” Veronica stated.

It was as Veronica said. The chairman of the Magic Society was different from the other tower masters. The magic towers played an active part in the administration of the kingdom, and the chairman was a caretaker who always stayed in Meltor. He was an old magician who would help if war broke out, but otherwise, he put his own research first. The chairman frequently didn’t show up for big meetings, so today must be unusual if he was present.

“Now, let’s sit down and talk.”

Kurt declared.

“…I will listen.”

Kurt smiled bitterly as Veronica sat down. Once the three people who had entered sat down at the round table, Kurt rose from his throne. He said, “I would like to express my gratitude to you who have gathered in the middle of your busy day. I’ll skip all the small chatter and let you know that the reason I’ve brought you in is to talk about the Magic Contest.”

“Magic Contest… Already?”

“It is a bit sooner this year.”

The event was held once a year in the Meltor Kingdom, and it was literally the greatest attraction in the North. It was a matter which had a great impact on the whole kingdom, so the king gathered all the top magicians in the kingdom to discuss it in advance. However, the discussion about the Magic Contest was held periodically once a year, so there was no need to summon everyone. Kurt focused on the group and revealed the reason, “The Magic Contest this year will be more special than any other year.”

The same questioning gaze appeared in the eyes of all the magicians. The king continued, “I was contacted just last night. An ambassador from Elvenheim will come to announce our alliance at this year’s Magic Society.”

“A-Ambassador from Elvenheim!”

“Announcing the alliance?!”

The others asked with disbelief and confusion, making Kurt nod with a gentle expression before continuing. “Of course. They don’t need to come to Meltor if they have no intention of announcing it. The present partnership would be enough. Doesn’t it seem like the North is going to turn upside down?”


“Huhaha! There is no time to rest in my old age!”

White Tower Master Orta touched his chin, while Blue Tower Master Blundell laughed and pounded the table. Until now, Meltor was the only kingdom remaining undefeated by the vast territory, population, and armies of the Andras Empire. Every so often, they fought back when a great magician emerged, but the roots of the empire’s pillars were never broken. However, that story was only when both sides were fighting 1:1. The alliance with Elvenheim and the emergence of a new master, who had killed one of the empire’s Seven Swords, meant that Meltor’s power had climbed to a point where they could compete with Andras. The war, which could last for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, might be approaching its end.

“In fact, this discussion occurred last year, but it wasn’t accepted because the main party wasn’t there. It is Liliana Miller, not Meltor, that Elvenheim thinks of as their savior.”

Liliana bowed her head. “I’m ashamed.”

“No, there is no need to apologize. You returned with even more profit. You took down one of the empire’s Seven Swords and gave this kingdom another master. This meeting isn’t only to discuss Elvenheim’s delegation.” Kurt III paused for a moment before making a gesture. The servant, standing silently behind the throne, approached Liliana with a box. It contained a symbol representing the Meltor royal family. The box was made of precious wood, and an unbelievable amount of magic power spilled from the seal on the box. Liliana took it, and Kurt continued speaking, “Once the ambassadors from Elvenheim arrive, it will be hard for you to show any kind of credibility if you remain as a magician with no rank. So, I want to give you a worthy position as your personal reward.”

Kurt’s words weren’t wrong. As a 7th Circle magician, there was no one more senior than Liliana except for the tower masters and the chairman of the Magic Society. How could such a person be left without a title? It would clearly be a waste in such a situation.

“Open it.”

Liliana opened the latches of the box in accordance with Kurt’s instructions. Slide. The lid of the wooden box slowly opened, revealing its contents. It was a suit of clothes. There weren’t enough decorations on the clothes for them to be robes, and it was too luxurious to be a combat suit. It was like shadows had been weaved together in order to make these clothes. Liliana looked at the clothing and murmured, “…This?” The gold pattern embroidered on the heart area was in the shape of an owl, the symbol of Meltor’s tower masters. Liliana understood the meaning and looked surprised.

Then Kurt started to explain, “In anticipation of the war with the Andras Empire, I proposed the formation of a magic division consisting of the next tower master candidates. I got consent from all the tower masters except for Veronica, and the majority of state administrators have approved it.”

Liliana’s eyes widened as she grasped the situation, and Kurt nodded. He clapped a few times before making an edict, “I will make you the head of the magic division, ‘Quattro.’”

Chapter 180 – Eye of the Storm (4)

‘Quattro,’ was a word which meant the number ‘4’ and also symbolized the four magic towers. It was a division made up of the tower master candidates! Liliana was now the head of a unit which would be the next generation of leaders of the kingdom, except for the king. Liliana rose from her seat and accepted the appointment. “I will do my best, despite still being a bit inexperienced.”

“I look forward to your work in the future, Captain Liliana,” Kurt III said while nodding.

Then Liliana sat down again. However, there were many differences from when she rose from that seat and when she sat down. Although she hadn’t created a ‘Sorcery’ yet, Liliana’s magic abilities, cumulative accomplishments, and attainment of the 7th Circle were clearly too much for her to stay as a Prime. Liliana was already qualified to sit at the same table as a tower master. For her to become the head of ‘Quattro’ was a suitable justification.

“It is decided,” Kurt III said. Then after some light applause, he calmed down the crowd and declared, “From now on, we will raise the authority of Prime Liliana to the same level as the other tower masters. She will be guaranteed the right to participate in important meetings, and she can spend a portion of the budget allocated to the magic towers. She will also have free entry to the Zero Library. Are there any objections?”


“Tower Master Veronica.”

After the crowd’s silent affirmation, Kurt turned to the still silent Veronica, who glared at him. However, Kurt was accustomed to this and didn’t shrink back as he asked, “It has already been implicitly agreed, but do you accept Prime Liliana as the next Red Tower Master and agree with this decision? If you disagree, we can think about other ways.”

“No.” Regardless of whether it was a positive or negative acknowledgment, Veronica leaned back in her chair. Then she looked strangely at the box in Liliana’s hands and nodded. “I’m in favor of it. She is qualified and deserving of that type of treatment.“

“Okay, it is a unanimous decision.” An expression of satisfaction filled Kurt’s face, then he looked back. “Chamberlain, send them in.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The chamberlain bowed and opened a small door in the corner. It was designed so the door could only be opened from the inside. This meant the door wouldn’t have been opened if Liliana or the tower masters had objected to the position.

Then two people walked in through the side door. One was a man with brown hair and dressed in white robes, while the other person was a girl with blonde hair and dressed in yellow robes. They were from the white and yellow towers. Surprisingly, the patterns on their robes indicated that they were a Prime and a Superior. The male Prime seemed to be in his early 30s, while the girl, who looked the same age as Sylvia, was surprisingly already a Superior.

“I will introduce you to your colleagues, Captain Liliana.”

As Liliana expected, Kurt III introduced the two people as members of ‘Quattro.’ That meant…

“This is the tower master candidate for the White Tower, Prime William. This lady is the Yellow Tower candidate, Superior Para.”

‘I knew it.’ Liliana looked at the two people in turn. Since there were people from the White Tower and Yellow Tower, that meant there was one tower left.

Unsurprisingly, Kurt pointed to Sylvia next. “As you know well, Blue Tower Master Blundell’s disciple, Superior Sylvia, was named as the next tower master. Unless she refuses, the four of you will work together as part of Quattro.”

Sylvia had experienced Liliana’s absence over the past year, so she couldn’t refuse to work together with her now. One second after Kurt’s introduction, she responded with prompt politeness, “Superior Sylvia! I will follow Your Majesty’s words!”

Sylvia’s voice was so loud that Kurt couldn’t help stuttering for a while, “Y-Yes, I heard you.” He looked at Sylvia with a smile before the wooden boxes were also handed to the other three Quattro members. Just like Liliana’s, these boxes contained black uniforms. However, there was no owl pattern on it. It meant that only Liliana was treated as equal to the other tower masters.

In any case, the leader of Quattro was Liliana.

‘Hrmm, both of their skills seem fine.’

They were indeed the people who could become the next tower masters. William was an elite magician who was already at the 6th Circle, whereas Para was only at the 5th Circle, but little magic power was overflowing from her. It was proof that her magic power control was very good.

Aside from Sylvia, Liliana looked carefully at the other two people. Soon her gaze turned back to Para.


There was no doubt that she was a beauty. She was smaller than Sylvia, but it would be hard for any man to turn their eyes away from her in 10 years. She had ocher-like skin, hair that looked like gold dust, and eyes which shone like rubies.

However, Liliana felt an uncomfortable feeling soon after she faced the reddish eyes. At that moment, the expressionless Para smiled thinly. She placed a slender index finger to her lips and secretly whispered, “Shh.”

Without knowing what Liliana was thinking, Kurt thought that the four people needed time to get used to this and changed the topic.

“Captain Liliana.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The remainder of your reward will be given by the Yellow Tower Master. I don’t know what is going on, but he wants to meet with you.”

“…I will follow Your Majesty’s words.”

She didn’t know why the Yellow Tower Master called her, but there was no point asking the king. Liliana bowed her head and complied with the king’s command.

Kurt finished giving out his instructions and got up from his seat. “Now, let’s continue the story of this year’s Magic Contest. The tower masters will each be responsible for their own areas, as it is every year. This time, there will be a lot of work to create an area where the delegation from Elvenheim can stay.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Prior to starting the full-fledged discussion, Kurt spoke to the Quattro members, “Quattro, you can leave now. Captain Liliana, you can participate in this meeting if you want. What do you want to do?”


Now, Liliana had the right to participate in important meetings. If she wanted to, she could raise an agenda or refuse someone’s suggestion about Meltor’s largest annual event, the Magic Contest. Being able to participate in the meeting established her as one of the main powers of Meltor.

Liliana made her decision and opened her mouth.

* * *

In the end, Liliana didn’t participate in the meeting. The other three members of her division walked out of the room with her and down the path towards the magic towers.

“What, you really left. Is it okay, Captain?” William, the brown-haired person in the white robe, asked Liliana as he walked. William was interested in why Liliana had left the meeting about the Magic Contest without hesitation.

“It doesn’t matter. I didn’t come to the magic towers for power, so it will be fine,” Liliana affirmed.

“Ah, that is what I like hearing!” It seemed like William admired Liliana and praised, “Yes, this is a magician! It isn’t about money or power! Quiet princess of the Blue Tower, what do you think?”

“Huh? Ah, yes,” Sylvia uttered.

“Kya! Both of you are younger and more talented than me. My belly is a bit sore with envy, but you will be a good leader and colleague. Interesting.” William chattered on with no interruptions for a few minutes.

Then the four people arrived at the crossroads which led to their respective magic towers. William left first, while Sylvia also had to head in the opposite direction of Liliana. However, she hesitated.

Liliana guessed the reason and soothed her, “Sylvia, are we going to act together from now on?”


“I promise not to disappear without hesitation, and I’ll see you again later in the evening.”

“Yes, I understand.” Sylvia looked back at her a few times before eventually leaving for the Blue Tower.

‘…Then from here on out.’

Only Liliana and Para remained at the crossroads, and an unknown tension filled the space. In fact, Liliana wasn’t interested in the Magic Contest. However, she was wary of Para’s existence. Liliana didn’t know what was the source of the discomfort. She had encountered many strong people before, but her intuition told her that Para’s true identity was unimaginable! In the unnatural silence, Liliana opened her mouth first, “What did you come to me for, Tower Master?”

She didn’t doubt it. Liliana trusted her intuition, which had saved her life many times. The image of the girl which made her feel uncomfortable… Her real identity was the Yellow Tower Master. It was doubtful if the other tower masters knew this identity, but Liliana was certain.

“Hoh.” However, Para didn’t feel confused by the sudden inquiry. She faced Liliana with a strange expression of admiration and said, “Haven’t you changed a lot during the period when I didn’t see you? It is a difficult growth rate to maintain, even if you are the owner of a grimoire. Is this the glutton of the Seven Sins, Gluttony?”

“-What?!” It was shocking.


Liliana lost her soul for a moment, then she jumped backward as reason returned to her. Her seven circles revolved as she prepared to attack the opponent at any time. The fear which tickled the back of her neck was different from anything she had felt before. It was a horrible chill as all her secrets were revealed at once. This was dangerous, but how did the other person know about Gluttony’s existence? The identity of the other person didn’t matter to Liliana anymore.

‘Should I kill her?’

Even in the Magic Society, which collected knowledge, grimoires were rare. Liliana expected the masters of grimoires to be hunted and captured. Just like the case of the Miller Barony, there were many cases where grimoires adversely affected the world. Of course, Liliana didn’t know what would happen, but she wasn’t reckless enough to make a bet on this gamble. However, there was someone who shouted before her.

-…You! It was Gluttony’s deep voice, which sounded as angry as someone from the bottom of hell. Gluttony’s hatred and resentment exploded toward the unknown girl, –You dare to break the taboo!

Then Para nodded and bowed. “Taboo, what are you talking about?”

–Don’t keep up your pretense! Gluttony’s roar rang out through the crossroad. -Alchemy grimoire, Paragranum! An existence that violates its own nature and functions!

Chapter 181 – Paracelsus’ Legacy (1)

It was like a bolt out of the blue. The Yellow Tower Master, one of the symbols of the Meltor Kingdom, was actually a grimoire! However, Paragranum wasn’t surprised about having her identity exposed by Gluttony. Liliana, caught in a war of nerves between two grimoires, was simply astonished. The fact that she was encountering another grimoire besides Gluttony… This reality, which went beyond her imagination, shook her composure.

‘What the hell is going on?’ She gritted her teeth.

Liliana sent the grimoire on her left hand and the one in the shape of a girl an irritated glance. The presence felt from the girl wasn’t great, but the problem was that she couldn’t guess what was inside. Why did she approach Liliana as a member of ‘Quattro,’ and why did she appear despite being aware of Gluttony’s presence?

Additionally, she didn’t know what Gluttony meant by ‘taboo.’ Liliana wanted to ask, but Gluttony was in an unprecedentedly confused mental state right now. Moreover, what was the reason for her status as the Yellow Tower Master?

“Kuhat, what type of atmosphere is this for a talk? I was interrupted the last time because of Veronica…” Unlike the cute appearance of the girl’s face, Para smiled bleakly and waved her arms. “It is good to see you, Girl. I am the Yellow Tower Master Norden and the grimoire, Paragranum, the last book left behind by the great alchemist, Paracelsus. That tongue is pretty wary, but this body is 10 times weaker than yours, so you don’t have to worry about it.”


“Well, you would be an idiot to just believe me. There is still a lot to talk about.”

It was a roundabout suggestion to change their location. This crossroad wasn’t a suitable location to share a secret because it was a place where people usually came and went.

‘Damn, is it okay to be dragged around like this?’

When Lili looked at the situation calmly, Norden didn’t feel like an enemy. Liliana’s feeling of discomfort toward her was a sudden fear of her secret being revealed, but her sensory perception had been quiet from beginning to end.

Liliana was well-aware that it was risky to rely solely on her senses, just like when she’d been attacked by Aquilo. In the end, her sensory perception was just an indicator, like a compass. It was reliable as well as unreliable.

In the end, it was up to Liliana herself to decide.

This was a situation where they both knew each other’s secrets, but Liliana was nervous in comparison to the Yellow Tower Master’s laid-back attitude. The initiative of the conversation had already passed over to Para.

“…Then where do you intend to continue this conversation?” Liliana asked as she was forced to take a step back.

“If you don’t mind, how about my laboratory?” Para laughed and pointed to the top of the yellow tower. It was a place where no magician had stepped into for decades, maybe centuries. In that sense, the Yellow Tower Master was like an urban legend in this city.

The grimoire, Paragranum, had been hiding as a human for more than 500 years, at least since the completion of the magic towers. The two began moving in the direction of the Yellow Tower.

* * *

‘Gluttony.’ As Liliana climbed up the tower following the Yellow Tower Master, she used the gap to ask Gluttony questions, ‘Explain the previous talk you had with the Yellow Tower Master. What is the taboo, and what is Paragranum?’

-Hrmm, I understand.

Did Gluttony think it was information that Liliana also needed to know? Gluttony confided the information more readily than Liliana had expected.

–As it said, Paragranum was created by the great alchemist Philipus Paracelsus. No alchemist surpassed him in the Age of Mythology, and the vulcans, the ancestors of the dwarves, regarded him as a wise man. Even the great blacksmith, Vulcanus, treated him as a demi-god.

‘…The creator of a grimoire.’

The dwarves were far superior to human craftsmen when it came to dexterity and aesthetic sensibilities. Then what about the ancestors of the dwarves? The high elves only inherited a bit of the blood of the Arv, yet they were able to cause miraculous phenomena. Then the pureblood upper species must be the embodiment of miracles themselves.

However, the alchemist called ‘Paracelsus’ was someone whom even the upper species paid their respects to. It was clear that he was far beyond the framework of a mortal existence. He was a presence who could create a grimoire.

–Paragranum is the grimoire created by Paracelsus.

Alchemy had continued to deteriorate since the Age of Mythology, so it wasn’t seriously studied in the current era. However, it was the base of the construction of Meltor’s magic towers, and it was still being researched.

The grimoire went beyond common sense, so Gluttony’s words frightened Liliana. The reason Paragranum contributed to the founding of Meltor approximately 600 years ago and the making of the magic towers was to establish a research base.

Of course, Paragranum herself might have a different reason. However, Liliana watched the actions of the grimoire and found that her conclusion was close to the right answer.

‘Then what does it mean by breaking the taboo?’


This question seemed a bit tough as Gluttony, who had been pouring out the explanation like a stream of water, paused for a moment. However, then it opened its mouth again.

–Every grimoire has a ‘purpose of existence’ imprinted from its creator. I collect magic, ‘Pride’ collects genes, and so on, so forth. All of our actions are meant to fulfill that purpose. Do you understand up to here?


-Therefore, a grimoire follows its own methods of action to achieve its purpose of existence. Autonomous movement, ingestion type, manual control type… They all have their own principles. In the case of Paragranum, it is a ‘manual control’ type that requires a user.

But Paragranum doesn’t have a master now. It created its own body and is pretending to be human. This is different from its purpose. Tools that deviate from their intended purpose are no longer tools.

They deviate from their ‘purpose of existence’ itself. That is the taboo for grimoires, Gluttony explained in a loud voice. –Simply changing its principles of action isn’t bad. But books that violate their purpose become more and more erratic, and soon they will become wild.

It is a sin for a tool to deviate from its fate. It is a miserable end for a grimoire. Their ego will collapse, and they will disappear without achieving the purpose of their existence.

As Liliana had seen in the struggle with Pride and her own experience with Gluttony, grimoires emphasized intelligence and purpose above all else. So, this was an unacceptable result for them. At this moment, Liliana had a question. ‘Eh? Then why does the Tower Master look fine? It has been 600 years since the taboo was broken.’

–I am also curious about that reason.

‘…Is it dangerous?’

–There is a saying that you might wake up in the morning and die in the evening.

‘I don’t like that!’

As the grimoire and its owner argued, the girl arrived at the top of the Yellow Tower and asked, “Did you hear an interesting story?”

“…!” Liliana’s eyes widened.

This caused Para to chuckle. “You probably asked about me. If you are a master, you would’ve released at least the 4th seal. You would’ve heard almost everything and wondered why I am fine after breaking the taboo.”

“…Do you have any mind-reading skills?”

“Perhaps. Alchemy doesn’t have that type of ability, but I have my own style.”

If so, that meant it was Paragranum’s fearsome intuition. She was able to infer about the conversation between Liliana and Gluttony. This wasn’t an opponent that Liliana could challenge with words. As Liliana filled with tension, Para stopped in front of the tower and said to her, “35 liters of water.”

“Huh?” Liliana uttered.

Without responding to Liliana’s question, Para continued, “20kg of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kg of lime, 800g of phosphorus, 250g of salt, 100g of potassium nitrate, 80g of sulfur, 7.5g of fluorine, 5g of iron, 3g of silicon…”

There were a few things in that list which Liliana knew, but some others she didn’t. It was knowledge of science and civilization which would only develop in the future. This meant it was a monologue which Liliana didn’t understand.

However, Gluttony was different.

–Is that the compound for one average adult human?

“Correct.” Para grinned like she had been waiting and stripped off her robe. Liliana had seen beautiful women before, but she was impressed by Para’s body, which had perfect proportions. Para waved toward her slim body and said, “I used fewer quantities when creating this girl.”

-It isn’t made from a human body.

“I can only create something from nothing. Using life that already exists is the domain of chimeras.”

Liliana listened to the conversation between grimoires and couldn’t hide her confusion. “H-Human body? You created a human body?”

“To be exact, it is a homunculus. This body is just a human imitation and will last 10 more years before dying. In other words, it is a failure.”


‘Why was Paragranum trying to make a human? Why make a homunculus? Why was a grimoire doing this? Why live as the Yellow Tower Master?’

Many ‘why’ questions popped into Liliana’s mind. Ethical reluctance, curiosity as a magician, unpleasantness as a human, curiosity about the life that was created… Liliana couldn’t guess all the reasons.

However, Paragranum, who had watched many magicians for a long time, knew all of Liliana’s questions. The grimoire in the shape of a beautiful girl laughed eerily. “This is because of my purpose.”

The great alchemist, Philipus Paracelsus, had left the purpose to create a [human]. The [human] couldn’t be superior or inferior to humans.

Paragranum’s purpose was to create a complete human being. It didn’t matter if they were a beggar or hero, as long as life was created. This was the destiny given to Paragranum and the purpose of its existence. This was the path of truth that the alchemist, who had reached the peak in the Age of Mythology, pursued until the end.

“Thanks to that, I could rewrite my behavior to exclude users and enable solo action. There is no research as effective as imitating humans directly.”

One question was resolved for Liliana, but another question popped up. “Why did Paracelsus try to create a human?”

“According to the records of Creator Paracelsus, humans are the ‘allies of possibility’ and the ‘seed of chaos.’ Namely, a creature that can’t be anything but chaos. If I can create that possibility myself, there may be a way of reaching the truth.”

“That… it is a simple hypothesis.”

“Is that really the case? No, that question is worthless. Be it right or wrong, I still have to try.”


After listening to Para, Liliana understood the madness inherent in the grimoire. The grimoire had wisdom from a time which humans could hardly imagine, and it could communicate with a high intelligence. However, it had the instinct to pursue its purpose, regardless of success or failure.

‘Don’t feel despair. Don’t give up. Don’t compromise. It isn’t possible or impossible.’ Para talked like a human, but her essence was thoroughly a tool.

Liliana shut her mouth. Then the Yellow Tower Master turned around and said, “My story is up to here, owner of Gluttony. Are you wondering why I brought you here and confided my secret?”

The tower master opened the door to the tower. The darkness inside flowed out smoothly and seemed to devour the cool air of the corridor. It incited a fear in Liliana that she couldn’t understand.

Liliana barely overcame the tension and spoke, “There is something you want to ask.”

“Correct.” The Yellow Tower Master Paragranum reached out her left hand as she looked at her with a satisfied expression. Then she found something on the wall and bent it.

Click. A dull mechanical sound was heard in the darkness.

“Heok!” Liliana’s eyes trembled in amazement.

The darkness cleared and an unimaginable sight appeared before her.

““Hello, welcome to my laboratory for the first time.””

There was something in the shape of a strong, young man. There was another thing in the shape of an elderly old man. Then there was something else that looked like a cute little boy… And yet another thing in the shape of a beautiful woman. There were people of different shapes floating in transparent glass containers. No, Liliana knew. They were all homunculus. Human shells that didn’t have their own ego.

Liliana barely calmed down as she spoke in a quivering voice, “…How many people know this fact?”

“There is no one. If you weren’t the owner of a grimoire—no, you wouldn’t know if you weren’t the owner of Gluttony.”

“So, why did you come to me?”

They entered the room, and Para sat down on a chair in the middle of the bizarre room. Then she looked at the still-shaken Liliana. “As you can see, I can’t get away from the city. Mana-vil can cope with just Veronica, but I can only move a short distance away. So, I want to do business with you, who have the skills and a shared secret.”

“Business?” Liliana shook her head and almost scoffed. Did she show off her power in order to make a deal? However, Paragranum nodded and said with a serious expression, “Don’t you have a lot of hidden secrets because of Gluttony? I can help you when it comes to this.”

It made a lot of sense. Liliana had managed to avoid answering about the Great Forest, but she couldn’t conceal Gluttony’s existence forever. The fact that she had recently defeated Hyde, one of the empire’s Seven Swords, had yet to be revealed to the public.

Liliana was convinced by the Yellow Tower Master and nodded. “…Continue.”

“I need someone to move on my behalf, and you can get benefits while sharing your secrets. Isn’t this a win-win situation?”

“What exactly are the benefits?”

“I have been waiting for you to ask!”

From Liliana’s point of view, she couldn’t help but ask. However, Para pulled something out like she had been waiting. It was a map. The map was outdated, but Lili didn’t have any problem recognizing the drawings. It covered an area which coincided with the Meuse Desert, outside the Austen Kingdom.

Para pointed to a red dot on the map and said, “This is the place where the laboratory of my creator, Paracelsus, is hidden. If you go there with my homunculus, I will give you all of the legacy he left behind, except for the materials I need.”

Chapter 182 – Paracelsus’ Legacy (2)

The laboratory of the great alchemist of the Age of Mythology, Paracelsus…! Liliana's eyes shook at the unexpected proposal. Traces of the Age of Mythology had been almost completely destroyed, except for some ruins. Some were concealed, while others had been damaged over time. In this age, there were only a few relics and ruins left intact. A number of magicians would risk their lives to find a laboratory of an alchemist from the Age of Mythology.

‘No, I don’t know if the laboratory is still intact. The offer might be a trap.’ Liliana took a step back and carefully asked Gluttony, ‘Hey, Gluttony.’

–What is it?

‘Judge whether the Yellow Tower Master’s words are authentic or not. Paracelsus’ laboratory… Is that possible?’

–Um. Gluttony was silent for a minute before replying, –I can’t be sure it exists, but it is possible. Paracelsus didn’t settle in one place but traveled around researching. It wouldn’t be strange if Paragranum, the grimoire he created, knew about the location of a laboratory. A laboratory made by Paracelsus might last a few thousand years.

‘Is it possible that Paragranum is lying?’

–For a grimoire, the creator is like a god. It wouldn’t bring up the name if it was intending to deceive you. However, what is Paragranum looking for in the laboratory?

Liliana accepted Gluttony’s words. What did Paragranum need in the laboratory? As the old saying went, the bear would play while the owner earned money.

Additionally, there was a question of what Paragranum would do with the things found in the laboratory. Liliana had already had several encounters with grimoires previously. So, despite the fact that the Yellow Tower Master had contributed to Meltor for hundreds of years, Liliana was wary, well-aware of the dangers of a grimoire.

That’s why she hesitated. However, Paragranum opened her mouth first, “Are you wondering why I want to visit the laboratory?”

“…Honestly, yes.”

“I know what you are concerned about, but there is no need for it. I just need the Emerald Tablet and a few materials that I can’t acquire now.”

‘The Emerald Tablet?’

Before Liliana could ask what it was, Gluttony suddenly raised her voice, –Emerald Tablet?! It still exists?

“I’m sorry, but I can’t allow you to have it, Magic Eater. I need it until the purpose of my existence is achieved.”

–Are you going to waste that treasure on creating a human body? It is so foolish that there is no way to express it!

“Aren’t you a grimoire? What a thing to say.”

Either way, Liliana couldn’t understand what was going on at all. She quietly listened to the argument between the two grimoires and carefully interrupted once the quarrel subsided a little bit.

“So, what is the Emerald Tablet?”

–I can’t tell you at Stage 4.

“Tch, then it must be something pretty great? Is it dangerous?”

–It won’t cause a lot of human fatalities. It isn’t something meant for fighting in the first place.

“Then it is fine,” Liliana cut off the long story and turned toward Para, who was watching her and Gluttony with a strange expression. “What is included in the legacy that you will give me?”

“Everything else,” Paragranum responded immediately without any hesitation. “The golems, artifacts, magic scrolls… Ah, there is also something that Gluttony will enjoy.”

“What is it?”

“Creator’s original book, ‘Fairy’s Book’. It is useless for alchemy, but won’t it be very useful for you who have contracted with an ancient elemental?”

‘An original book from the Age of Mythology!’ For a moment, Liliana’s eyes filled with greed, and she barely managed to suppress it.

That said, it was a bit strange that an alchemist would write a book about ‘fairies.’ Perhaps the original book was written to be passed down to someone? However, that speculation was rejected by Gluttony.

-User, Paracelsus was an exceptional alchemist, but he was also a rare elementalist. I think that his book will, at a minimum, go beyond the ‘Precious’ rating.

‘Perhaps even more than that?’

-That’s right. Maybe eating that book will release the 5th seal.

The values were sufficient. From Gluttony’s 5th seal to the bud on Mitra’s head, several problems could be resolved at the same time with this request. Although it was hard right now, a grimoire didn’t have the limitation of a lifespan, so it didn’t feel ‘impatience.’ It would just fulfill the request as soon as possible.

Then at that moment…

‘Ah, wait a minute.’ One fact that Liliana had forgotten popped into her mind: the sand dragon, Desertio, dwelled in the heart of the Meuse Desert. At the epicenter of the drought affecting the Austen Kingdom, the ancient class dragon was waiting to die.

Paragranum replied to Liliana’s unspoken question, “Don’t worry. The laboratory is located on the outskirts. Additionally, you are a master, so you can withstand the weathering, even at the center.”

–It is true. However, you can’t stay for a long time.

It was hard to accept even with the two grimoires agreeing, but Liliana finally nodded.

There was no need to create discord with fussing. Instead, it was necessary to make this relationship as tight as possible. Moreover, this wasn’t an absurd request. There was no need for Liliana to feel uncomfortable since the promised price was reasonable.

Paragranum cheered after writing two contracts, “Good, then should I give you a prepayment?”


“Just wait a minute!”

Was the grimoire affected by its girlish appearance? Para cheerfully reached into a chest of drawers, pulling out a dagger and a strangely colored crystal.

Then she returned to Liliana and held out the two items. While gazing at her with her red eyes, she said, “Don’t you have the appraisal ability? Pick one of these items. The other one will be given after the task is done.”

“What is this?”

“Since I am the tower master, I can’t just speak with words. Take it.”

Liliana couldn’t refuse. ‘Just one time…’ She stretched out a hand, and Gluttony responded by pushing out her tongue. The items were a dagger made of a mysterious material and a crystal which shone with unknown colors. Almost simultaneously, two information windows popped up.

[+20 Azoth Sword (Magic Tool)]

[-A dagger that the great alchemist, Paracelsus, always carried around with him. The blade is of an unknown origin, with A Z O T H written on it. It symbolizes the beginning and the end. There is an empty place for a philosopher’s stone to be mounted. In its complete form, Azoth forms the shape of a long sword, not a dagger. In that state, even a demon would submit to the power of the Azoth Sword.
* The rating of this magic tool is ‘Treasure’.
-Once the philosopher’s stone is installed, it will be promoted to ‘Legend.’
* When used, all alchemy processes can be omitted.
* (Can’t be grasped with the 4th stage Appraisal ability.)
* (Can’t be grasped with the 4th stage Appraisal ability.)
* Can’t be destroyed by any means in the material world. Can’t be consumed with the 4th stage predation ability.]

[+? Foolish Philosopher’s Stone (Catalyst)]

[-This catalyst was created from records and is a near-perfect imitation of the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ from the Age of Mythology. It has the same shape and effect as the Philosopher’s Stone, but unlike the stone which boasts a semi-permanent durability, this one is close to a consumable material. It is a catalyst which can convert all materials to a different material, depending on the standards. It is a treasure which Paragranum has completed after decades of trial and error.
* The rating of this catalyst is ‘Treasure’.
* When consumed, a large amount of magic power will be absorbed.
* When used, you can make the material that you want.]

“Wow…” Liliana’s mouth dropped open when she saw the dazzling information windows.

‘A legendary artifact could emerge?’ She couldn’t directly use the god-sword which Hyde had carried around, but it would be completely different if it was the tool used by Paracelsus. The 4th stage Gluttony couldn’t figure out half of the dagger’s functions, but once the Philosopher’s Stone was mounted on it, even a demon would submit. Demons were a species that once ruled this material world. They were transcendent beings, and the dagger called Azoth was a treasure which could make them submit.

Yet Liliana was going to be given this treasure as prepayment…?

The Yellow Tower Master giggled at Liliana’s baffled expression. “It isn’t something that is really useful to me, but it is a great motivation for you.”

“…One of the two, yes.”

“I see?” A playful smile appeared on her face.

Liliana smiled wryly at Paragranum’s scheming. The true value of the treasures could only be revealed when both the Azoth Sword and the Philosopher’s Stone were joined together. Of course, the Philosopher’s Stone could transform a material into any other material, but it wasn’t something that would appeal to Liliana, who had low skills in alchemy.

It was a blatant but effective scheme. Liliana impatiently held out her hand toward the dagger which Para was holding. Between the Philosopher’s Stone and the Azoth Sword, Liliana’s choice was right.

“The Azoth Sword first.”


As if she had been expecting it, the Yellow Tower Master handed the Azoth Sword over to Liliana, while the Philosopher’s Stone was returned to the drawer. Then the Yellow Tower Master spoke to Liliana, “Okay, our deal has been established. Now, it is my turn to do what Kurt asked.”


“Why do you look so surprised? You should’ve heard that I would give you a reward.”

“Ah.” Liliana regained her sense of reality and nodded.

‘Then the Yellow Tower Master will guide you.’

It had been a while ago when Liliana had found out she was the captain of ‘Quattro’ and introduced to the members. In fact, it was hard for her to return to reality after talking about an alchemist from the Age of Mythology.

Liliana was reminded that the girl before her was the Yellow Tower Master, and she once again felt nervous. Regardless of whether she knew Liliana's feelings or not, Para continued talking, “What do you want? You can take a book from the Zero Library or a royal treasure. You can choose what you want.”

“Umm…” Liliana struggled for a bit before asking, “Not a national treasure?”

“You can, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Your body already has several large powers coexisting. They seem stable right now, but it would be dangerous if more power is added.”

Indeed, Liliana was convinced. If she hadn’t accidentally got her hands on Artificial Yin and Yang from the ‘Art of Onmyōdō’, the two powers might’ve exploded one day. ‘Ring of Muspelheim,’ ‘Aquilo’s Blood Mark’, ‘Umbra’… Additionally, Liliana had the ability to summon an elemental. Increasing her powers might be good in the short term, but it might have an adverse effect on creating her Sorcery.

It was literally just like the saying, ‘too much is as bad as not enough.’ Too many treasures would be difficult for Liliana to digest.

For a moment, she worried about choosing a national treasure, then she made a decision.

“Let’s go to the Zero Library.”

Chapter 183 – Quickening of the Northern Continent (0)


There was a flash of light, and simultaneously, two figures appeared inside the room. They’d traveled through space movement using the magic circle that Veronica had used previously. In contrast to back then, Liliana opened the door with her own hand this time. Then she looked around like a gourmet with delicacies spread out before her.

‘It has been a while, but I don’t see anything different.’

Unlike humans who lived for a hundred years or so, the Zero Library was a place with almost 500 years worth of history. So, the configuration wouldn’t change in just a year or two. However, Paragranum’s thoughts were a little different. “Hoh, the number of books has increased since I was last here. Was it 300 or 400 years ago? Well, this is a good collection.”

“300 years… In the meantime, you haven’t been here even once?”

“Of course not. For me, this knowledge has no value. It was much more interesting to create this place.”

Certainly, Liliana remembered that there were no alchemy-related books in this Zero Library. However, most magicians would be interested in special magic, even if it wasn’t their field. After all, there was ancient magic practiced externally or theoretical primordial magic which no one could explain. As such, there were many such rare books in the Zero Library.

The Yellow Tower Master had unfettered access to this library, but she had never once stepped in here for over 300 years. Indeed, this was the grimoire’s way of thinking, which was different from a human’s.

As Liliana thought that, she followed behind Paragranum who had moved ahead and looked around. Once she entered deeper into the Zero Library, the rareness of the books increased. After walking past the books near the entrance, they arrived at an area Liliana had previously seen.

“…Ah.” Liliana stretched out her hand when she saw a familiar red book.

[Hell Fire]

[-This book contains the method to summon a flame which exists in the Demon World, a flame that burns all matter. Once called, the flames of hell can’t be turned off by using a normal method. The summon will be ended only when the user’s power is exhausted or her life force is cut off. Burns from this magic are difficult to heal. The author of this book has hidden their identity.

* This magic book is rated ‘Treasure.’
* Acquisition Conditions: 7 circles, affinity for fire magic is required.
* When consumed, ‘Hell Fire’ will be learned.
* When consumed, your ability in fire magic will increase greatly.
* This is the original that was directly written by the author. There is a very low probability of absorbing some of the author’s proficiency.]

It was magic Liliana hadn’t been able to learn in the past, but now she was qualified to learn Hell Fire.

With the requirements of having 7 circles and an affinity with fire magic, apart from Veronica who had inherited the blood of a red dragon, there was no one more appropriate to learn this magic.

‘Umm, it is definitely a magic I can use now.’

Liliana also had the 7th Circle fire magic, Inferno, which had a wide range of attack and could attack several enemies. However, it was limited when dealing with several strong people.

If a sword master was her opponent, it would be meaningless if the magic’s attack power was lacking. It was a different story if the magic was compressed in some form, like with Veronica, but that was the realm of ‘Sorcery.’

However, Hell Fire was powerful enough by itself. Even the 4th stage Superbia couldn’t endure Hell Fire. According to records from the last war, Hell Fire was the magic which had killed a sword master.

Abraxas couldn’t always be used, so this was a good choice to fill the void.

‘It is one of the options that I will consider.’

There were many magic books anyway. Liliana made a note of Hell Fire and looked at the rest of the books. Even if she had already chosen Hell Fire, there was nothing wrong with looking at the other books in advance. This didn’t seem to be the last time that she could take a book from the Zero Library.

After several trials and errors, Para nodded as Liliana picked up two more books.

Liliana’s list of options was as follows:

[Reverse Shadow]

[-This book describes the negative dimension which is adjacent to the material world, as well as dimension magic which deals with shadows. A shadow isn’t simply a blank that appears on the other side of light. It is a mirror of the world where the boundaries of matter don’t exist. Magicians who learn this magic can change the existence of reality and illusions, making it possible to use the wielder’s own shadow as an alter ego.

* This magic book is rated ‘Precious.’
* Acquisition Conditions: 7 circles, needs access to the negative dimension.
* When consumed, the proficiency of permanence magic will increase.
* When consumed, understanding of the two dimensions is greatly increased.
* This is the original that was directly written by the author. There is a very low probability of absorbing some of the author’s proficiency.]


[-This book describes cryogenic magic which can stop all phenomena of the physical world. It is no coincidence that Ultima, from the ancient world ‘Ultimate,’ has become the name of this magic. In the past, it was said that a magician used Ultima to freeze a dragon, only to die herself. This means that in order to perfectly use this, the 8th Circle is needed.

* This magic book is rated ‘Precious.’
* Acquisition Conditions: 7 circles, affinity for water magic (high) is required.
* When consumed, ‘Ultima’ will be learned.
* When consumed, your ability in ice magic will increase greatly.
* This is the original that was directly written by the author. There is a very low probability of absorbing some of the author’s proficiency. The degree may vary depending on the level of the user.]

In addition to Hell Fire, there was a total of three books. Liliana was troubled for a moment as she debated what to choose.

‘Fire, ice, or shadow… Their personalities are so distinct that it is difficult to obtain a clear standard.’

All of them were charming. Hell Fire which boasted the strongest power among 7th Circle magic, magic which controlled shadows, and ice magic which had killed a dragon… Despite Liliana’s desire to take all three books, she took a few deep breaths and decided to think about it calmly.

First, Reverse Shadow.

‘It is ingenious to be able to control the shadows… but I don’t know how to blend it with other magic attributes. Furthermore, it is ambiguous since the level of difficulty is too high… It might take longer than a year to raise my understanding to a high level.’

It might rival or be even worse than space magic, which was known for its difficulty. Liliana looked at Reverse Shadow and put it down with a sad expression.

Then it was Ultima’s turn.

‘Ice magic that stops all phenomena… It’s quite attractive, but the 7th Circle is only the introductory stage. In order to use it, I need at least 8 circles. Right now, I can just barely learn it.’

It was a magic which required her water affinity to be near the peak. However, Liliana could learn it if she accepted Aquilo’s blood. The problem was the practical use, not the qualifications.

Ultima was ice magic which could freeze a dragon, but it wasn’t something that a 7th Circle magician could create. It needed at least an 8th Circle magician with water affinity. According to Liliana’s understanding after reading the book, Blundell was the only one who could use Ultima in the Meltor Kingdom.

‘Finally… Hell Fire.’

Liliana had only one option remaining. She put two books down and looked at the Yellow Tower Master, who understood that Liliana had made her choice.

‘Hell Fire.’

It was an obvious choice for a magician of the Red Tower. However, Para looked at Liliana with a strange gaze and asked, “Do you have a reason for choosing that book? Hell Fire is a powerful attack magic, but it is difficult to control the size of the firepower, and it is inefficient when it comes to the amount of magic power consumed.”

“I know, but it is a risk I can afford.”

The amount of magic power consumed would be reduced by more than half due to Artificial Yin and Yang. Moreover, Liliana knew all about the disadvantages of Hell Fire. She had great expectations for its power because it was commonly used by a master to wreak havoc.

However, Para didn’t stop staring at her, so Liliana gave one more reason.

“…I am interested in the fact that the author concealed their identity.”

“I knew it.” Paragranum sent Liliana an unpleasant smile. It was horrifying that a non-human existence could perfectly mimic a human.

Para seemed to sense Liliana’s disapproval and said in a small voice, “Then can you tell me before you eat that book?”


Before the puzzled young woman, the grimoire whispered, “The magician who created Hell Fire is…”

Para’s voice was so soft that it couldn’t be heard from nearby. However, Liliana’s eyes widened at her words.

* * *

At the same time, someone was listening to his subordinate’s report in the annex of the Imperial Palace.

“-The Meuse Desert?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” The knight, wrapped in black from head to toe, prostrated himself on the floor and elaborated, “This is the report from No. 36 and No. 37. According to the archaeologist who discovered the archaeological site on the outskirts of the Meuse Desert, it is believed to have been built in the latter half of the Age of Mythology.”

“Did you start digging?”

“I tried, but it didn’t work. The exterior walls and door of the ruin is too strong. Ah, there is also a metal I have never seen before.”

“…Hrmm.” Prince Fermut of the Andras Empire, the first in the line of succession, touched his chin with interest. (It said 3rd prince in an earlier chapter. Either the author made a mistake, or his brothers died and he jumped up the line of succession.)

If Meltor was filled with magic research, then the Andras Empire devoted themselves to the study of swordsmanship and developing the military. Yet this was a metal which the knights of Andras had seen for the first time? Perhaps it was the discovery of a new metal which hadn’t existed previously in this world.

The value of the ruin jumped up by two levels for Fermut. These days, only bad things had been occurring. However, this report was enough to soothe his mood. This was a metal which a shadow unit made of peak aura users couldn’t break through… How powerful would it be if it was forged into armor?

“…I will have a new weapon in my hand,” Fermut declared.

Then at that moment, a spiteful voice rang out, “It can fill the blank space of the god-sword.”

“Seventh… it’s you.”

“I beg your pardon, Imperial Prince. You seem distressed that I spoke too lightly.” It was the imperial sword, Lloyd Pollan. He smiled frivolously as always while mocking the prince for losing the god-sword.

As Fermut’s face twisted with slight anger, Lloyd stepped back and bowed his head. “I have returned, Your Highness. I handled it perfectly, so please let go of your anger.”

“…Impertinent fellow.”

“Isn’t that my charm?”

Fermut’s eyebrows twitched irritably a few times, but he ended the story. Lloyd was a valuable tool for Fermut, who had lost his sword master, Hyde. It would be a shame to lose him just because of an argument.

However, setting aside Lloyd’s value, Fermut had to maintain his dignity. Fermut turned toward Lloyd and said sharply, “This is a new mission.”

“Your Highness.” Wasn’t it clear that Lloyd had just returned? The meaning of his unspoken words was obvious.

However, Fermut gave a different type of answer.


“Ack!” Pressure emerged, forcing Lloyd to fall to his knees and bow his head.

This was real power, not a mere presence. It was a physical force which squeezed the bones of the sword master and bent it. The source of this pressure was Fermut, who had stretched out his hand toward Lloyd.

Once Lloyd was beaten down, Fermut said, “Shut up, bat-like fellow.”

Right now, Andras was divided into two factions. It was centered around Prince Fermut, who wanted change, and the emperor, who wanted to maintain the status quo.

To Fermut, who wanted to destroy Meltor and unify the northern continent, both his father and his father’s faction were nothing but cowards. Fermut had thought about it since growing up. Why didn’t the empire fight? If they were so powerful, why agree to a ceasefire?

Thus, Fermut tried to raise his own fire. He would cast the seeds of war over the entire Northern continent. However, his work in Elvenheim was foiled. The god-sword, Claimhb Solais, was also taken away.

So, Lloyd’s cheeky words were enough to break Fermut’s patience.

“Do you think I don’t know that you are seeing both me and my father? You are playing both sides while seeing which one is more advantageous, how disdainful,” Fermut spoke spitefully.

“Y-Your Highness…!”

“I won’t tolerate any objections. This is a command.” Fermut’s eyes turned red as he ordered the prone Lloyd, “Go to the ruin in the Meuse Desert. I will be watching to see if you give up or fail.”

“T-That is the territory of the Austen Kingdom.”

“Are you afraid of idiots who can’t fill their stomachs because of a drought?”

“I’m just saying that we should move carefully.”

“Bah!” Fermut lifted the oppressive aura from Lloyd, leaned back in his chair and snorted, “Cowards always try to cover their fear by saying it is prudence. I am sick of seeing that. Go to the ruin. If you don’t, I will consider you as static.”

“…I understand, Your Highness,” Lloyd spoke more cautiously before disappearing. It was similar but different to Hyde’s ‘concealment’ ability. Prince Fermut sensed Lloyd’s departure and picked up a bottle he’d placed nearby. One drop had the same value as gold.


He used his index finger, opened the bottle and filled up the cup.

“It has already been 700 years since the founding of this kingdom… and the weather in Andras is decaying,” Fermut lamented with a grimace and looked into the cup. His loyal servant didn’t meet his expectations, and the god-sword he’d received had vanished. However, Fermut’s ambitions were blazing because of these adversities.

“I have to ascend to the top.” He drank the cup and mumbled as he made a promise, “The north will be unified in my generation.”

Certainly! Here's a revised version of the chapter with Liliana Miller as the main heroine:


**Chapter 184 – Quickening of the Northern Continent (1)**

The Northern continent... People living there weren’t really aware of this fact, but people from other kingdoms thought that the North was closed off and gave off a dreary feeling. It had already been hundreds of years since the two powers, Andras and Meltor, were at war. This was an environment which couldn’t be compared to the Central area, where many kingdoms coexisted, or to the ambiguous south. The citizens’ sense of patriotism, as well as distance from other countries, had to be strong.

However, it wouldn’t be a problem if the north was just closed off. The problem was that one of the closed-off northern powers was the most magically advanced kingdom on the continent, Meltor. They were the leading magical civilization of this age. The Central nations were sensitive to advanced culture and money, so they couldn’t ignore Meltor. However, it was also difficult to join hands with the Andras Empire.

“This time, the situation will change,” Meltor’s current king, Kurt III, spoke while looking around at the crowd.

There were tower masters and senior magicians. There were also 12 people of the court, led by the minister of domestic affairs. Additionally, there were people who were influential in the city. Unlike the nobles of other kingdoms, the leading people of Meltor were gathered in Meltor’s palace.

There was only one reason why this gathering occurred every year.

“Starting today at noon, this year’s Magic Contest will begin.”

It was a place where new theories and items developed over the past year could be shown; it was a paradise for magicians. The Magic Contest was an annual event held in the magic kingdom of Meltor.

While the contest was held, the checkpoints of the city would loosen and residents from other areas wouldn’t hesitate to come here. This meant it would be a great event, but it was also a chance for spies from other countries to enter.

“Red Tower Master Veronica.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Veronica responded to the call. The red robe with a golden crest, the symbol of a tower master, fluttered because of her magic power even though there was no wind blowing inside the room.

“As always, the Red Tower is in charge of the capital’s security. Thoroughly manage and punish any disturbances that occur in the city.”

“As Your Majesty commands.”

Kurt nodded and opened his mouth again, “White Tower Master Orta.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The one who stepped forward this time was the White Tower Master Orta, in his white robes and white mask. Orta waited politely for his instructions.

“What happened to the reconstruction of the previous surveillance network?”

“We consumed five times more manpower and materials, and managed to expand the sphere of influence to all of Mana-vil. The consumption of mana stones is great, but there shouldn’t be any problems until after the Magic Contest ends.”

“Good. Don’t neglect to be my eyes and ears.”

As mentioned earlier, the Magic Contest was an important annual event for Meltor and a good way to hide spies from other countries. In order to break through Mana-vil’s surveillance system, Andras’ Shadow Knights were dispatched, but it was human folly to fail many times.

According to one legend, the number of secret agents who died at Orta’s hands had already exceeded three digits. This year, the song of the unlucky spies would continue.

“Blue Tower Master, what is the weather like today?”

“It will continue to be clear, Your Majesty. The clouds will thicken three days later, but there is no chance of rain.”

“Are there any complaints about the water supply or anything else?”

“Either way, there is no problem.”

The conversation with the king was quick and concise. The reason for this was that Kurt III placed more focus on efficiency rather than formalities. Kurt never talked to one person for too long. He didn’t speak longer than one minute, and the shortest time was 10 seconds. It was enough to confirm the instructions.

Therefore, Liliana’s turn was quick to arrive.

“Quattro’s captain.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Liliana stepped forward and raised a hand to the chest of the unfamiliar uniform.

This was Quattro’s first mission since the formation of the magic division, so William’s and Sylvia’s eyes shook lightly from behind Liliana. Only Para could be found showing no interest if someone watched her closely.

“I will place a slightly heavy burden on you and Quattro.”

“Please tell me.” After hearing that it would be a heavy burden, they became slightly worried. Liliana could feel the two people behind her trembling as she listened to the king’s voice.

“Quattro, please listen to me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The remaining three people stepped forward and replied.

“You are to meet Elvenheim’s delegation, who will arrive at noon today, and bring them to the palace. They are VIP guests of Meltor, so ensure that there are few disruptions when guiding them.”

‘Welcoming the Elvenheim delegation!’

Two people were confused at the unexpected command, one person didn’t care, and another person was convinced by it. Understandably, the convinced person was Liliana. If she went to Elvenheim, she could meet directly with the senior elves and high elves, so she was the right person for this mission.

This was why Liliana raised her voice without any hesitation.

“On behalf of Quattro, we will do as Your Majesty commands!”

* * *

The four members of the magic division, Quattro, left the audience hall after receiving the order from Kurt. It was already almost noon, and they needed to prepare before meeting Elvenheim’s delegation.

“It was at the north gate?”

“Yes,” Sylvia answered instantly.

As they walked out of the palace toward the north gate, William didn’t seem to like the muted atmosphere and approached Liliana.

“Excuse me, Captain,” William said.


“Have you and the princess been to Elvenheim once before?”

“Yes, we stayed for around two weeks.”

A few days after arriving, Liliana had gotten embroiled in a battle against a legendary grimoire. Thinking about the awful burning pain from that time was enough to still make Lili shudder. While Liliana was engrossed in her bad memories, William didn’t stop talking.

In retrospect, the next White Tower Master would’ve been a good candidate for the Elvenheim mission. However, he wasn’t present.

Indeed, William complained while scratching his head, “Ah, I’m so envious! I wanted to go, but I was already on a mission. At that time, I really moved my feet to try and get there, but it was already solved.”

“Was there some reason why you wanted to go?”

“…Captain probably doesn’t know since you are popular, but all men dream of seeing elves once! Stupid normies!”

“N-Normies?” Was it a new magic term? Liliana was confused by the word which didn’t make sense, when her robes were suddenly pulled. “Sylvia?”

“Don’t worry too much. That guy is a little weird,” Sylvia told Liliana.

William would’ve been hurt if he heard it, but he was busy imagining a beautiful elf. Turning away from William, who was laughing heavily, and Para, who was silent, Liliana and Sylvia started talking.

“Lili, who do you think will come?”

“Let’s see…” Liliana thought for a moment before offering a plausible answer. “It is pretty important, so I think a guardian will come.”

“Oh, the one who keeps calling you, ‘Benefactor’?”

“Or maybe Ellaim might come. It might be a person we don’t know, but it would be easier to send someone familiar. Maybe Sir Edwin will come?”

William suddenly interrupted the conversation, like he was interested in their words. “Guardian? What is that?”

“It is an expression referring to an elven warrior. The two we saw were both master level elementalists.”

“Oh, that is awesome! Is there any chance a high elf will come?”

Liliana frowned in response to William’s question. It wasn’t because she felt uncomfortable, but because it was an unexpected possibility, albeit not impossible. However, the possibility wasn’t high, so Liliana didn’t hesitate to shake her head.

“They can come, but it is almost unheard of. High elves are the center and pillars of Elvenheim. They wouldn’t appear just to announce an alliance.”

“Is that so? I was looking forward to it…” William sighed with dissatisfaction but accepted Liliana’s words.

Then around 30 minutes passed by. The four magicians exchanged words and eventually arrived at their destination.

The north gate of Mana-vil was an inconvenient area for guests to enter through, so the number of guards was low. However, common sense was broken today as there were a huge number of guards.

“Stop! Please stop and identify yourselves.”

As the four people approached, a man dressed in armor stopped them politely. The strap hanging from the shoulder indicated he was the leader of the northern guards.

“I’m Liliana Miller, the captain of the magic division, Quattro.”

“Ah! It is an honor to meet our country’s hero!” The chief of the guards looked at her with a fierce joy and saluted.

In the meantime, Liliana’s name value had gone up beyond her imagination. Liliana returned the guard captain’s salute. “Did you receive the command?”

“Yes! I was ordered to follow the directions of Quattro and to help you with your mission.”

“Then I’ll ask for your cooperation, Captain.”

“Of course! Whatever you say!”

Thanks to the enthusiastic guard captain and his subordinates, Liliana was able to arrange the area much quicker than expected.

The roadside stalls were put away, arranged for people to stay away from this street. It was impossible for the measures they were putting up to escape the public’s eyes, but then it was Quattro’s turn to act.

Para, who hadn’t spoken a word the whole time, gave a command, “Build.”

She took out a staff from somewhere and pounded it on the ground. However, the following phenomenon was really different.


The air vibrated. Then the ground sprang up suddenly and turned into a greyish white wall, creating a border around the northern gate. It wasn’t simply a clump of soil. The hard materials in the soil were picked out and rebuilt to the desired shape and strength. It was alchemy at a much higher level, so the magicians were forced to feel admiration.



“Ohh…! That’s great, Yellow Tower Kid! You are still a little young, but this is no wonder why you are the candidate for the tower master!”

For the alchemist’s grimoire, Paragranum, this level of alchemy wasn’t difficult at all. Para ignored William, turning away from his loud voice. She might be cooperating with Liliana, but she had no interest in the Magic Contest or Elvenheim.

However, at that moment…

“Hey, why are you ignoring me… Eh? What is this?” William was grumbling at Paragranum’s blatant disregard when he suddenly asked a question.

“Hmm?” He asked as if he was talking to someone, then turned to Liliana and said, “Captain, they are almost here.”

“Oh, did the White Tower contact you?”

“Yes. It is a sound like an arrow, but you won’t be able to hear it if you don’t know how to listen. I’ll tell you how at a later time, so let’s talk about the message first.” William spoke like he didn’t know himself. “Is there no need to open the gates?”

“Huh? What are you saying?”

“I don’t know. Is there another entrance besides the gate?”

“That’s impossible. Besides, tha-”

Liliana firmly shook her head when she stopped as she felt a sense of discomfort.

A few days ago, something about the walls had changed. Lili didn’t know what had changed, but her senses warned her that something had. She looked around at the wall and gate, and soon realized the reason.

‘The sky barrier… It’s turned off?”

In the present era, there were several sword masters who jumped tens of meters in one step, as well as magicians who knew how to use flying magic. Before them, the walls were nothing more than worthless structures.

Thus, the walls of the large cities in Meltor, including Mana-vil, were equipped with ambush magic to deal with enemy infiltration. However, the magic tricks on Mana-vil’s wall were currently turned off. No, strangely enough, it was only the magic near the north gate which was broken.

“Perhaps…” Liliana recognized the meaning and opened her mouth.

Her blue eyes looked up at the sky. She realized that something was approaching in the sky filled with thick clouds, then the sun revealed its appearance.

It didn’t take long for the members of the division to recognize their captain’s abnormal behavior, and they looked in the same direction. Liliana was unable to see the details even while using Hawkeye, but the homunculus’ eyesight exceeded that of humans and she grasped ‘it.’

“Eh, a lotus?” As Para mumbled, the object expanded. No, it didn’t expand but came closer. It blinked a few times and crossed a few kilometers every time. The faces of those who saw the unrealistic scene were staring blankly like fools.

Like Paragranum said, it was a lotus. It was large enough to be compared to a house, and the bud which hadn’t bloomed yet flew through the sky.

“I-I-It is descending?”

“Yes, it is descending.”

Liliana responded to the stuttering William as she waited for the large lotus flower to come down. Despite its size, the lotus landed quietly like it had no weight at all. There was no sound either.

No one opened their mouths. No one could speak. Everyone, including Quattro, watched silently as the large petals slowly opened up.

Finally, the lotus bloomed. Then an elf emerged amidst the petals. He found Liliana in the front and cried out, “It has been a long time, Benefactor!”

It was as Lili had half-expected. She smiled and exchanged greetings with Edwin, “Yes, it is nice to see you, Sir Edwin.”

This was a shocking sight, but she calmed down after seeing a familiar face. Yes, the first person she saw was Edwin.

“Um, I’ve heard a lot of stories, Liliana.” Ellaim, the guardian of the Great Forest who had struggled against the 2nd stage Laevateinn, appeared behind Edwin.

“…Sir Ellaim?” Liliana greeted Ellaim with a stunned expression.

There were two guardians? It was a sign that Elvenheim considered the alliance important, but this was still too much. Liliana looked at them and said, “Uhh, I didn’t know that two guardians would come.”

However, the two guardians looked at each other before Edwin shrugged and replied, “I’m sorry, but the two of us are just escorts.”

“Huh?” For a moment, Liliana's mind blanked.

There was only one type of person who would need to be escorted by two guardians: the managers of the world tree, the Arv’s descendant. They were the ones who could summon the elemental rulers in the Great Forest.

It was the high elves. They were the blessings of life which caused buds to bloom on dead land, as well as produce fruits from withered crops.

“…My greeting is late.” A loud voice rang out from among the petals, and the surrounding people all paid attention to it.

Just like quenching a dry throat with cool water, the refreshing voice moistened their ears. Then the owner of the voice walked out from the petals.

She had light green hair which appeared akin to fresh vegetation. Her unfocused eyes gave her a mysterious atmosphere, while her white outfit revealed her simple yet feminine curves. Slender arms were revealed, as well as a curve to her chest which hadn’t been there before and a softly curved waist which hadn’t been seen before.

“How have you been?” Her gentle smile was like warm sunshine.

Liliana could barely speak her name, “…Ellenoa?”

“Yes, Liliana,” Ellenoa, who had become a full-fledged woman, smiled beautifully as she happily spoke her name.


Chapter 185 – Quickening of the Northern Continent (2)

Liliana's mind was still blank. The unreal beauty was similar, but it was very different from when she had been standing at the border between a male and female. If the previous Ellenoa seemed like a fresh leaf, the Ellenoa before her now was a blossoming flower. The acacia scent which tickled her nose seemed to be her body odor. Despite facing a national VIP, Liliana couldn’t open her mouth.

No, Liliana wasn’t the only one. All the people around Ellenoa held their breaths, regardless of their gender. She had a beauty that gave off a sharp vitality. Her face shone like soft sunshine and naturally attracted the attention of the crowd.

If Paragranum hadn’t poked her, Liliana would’ve continued staring blankly at Ellenoa. “Ah! It is great to see you after a long time, Ellenoa. I didn’t know that you would be coming here,” Liliana greeted hurriedly.

“Huhu, I didn’t expect Liliana to come and meet me.” Ellenoa smiled gently at her embarrassed greeting.

Liliana didn’t know why but there seemed to be something behind her smile. She couldn’t stop her eyes from moving up and down. Softly curved lips, the white teeth between them, and the slender fingers near her lips… It wasn’t just the curves of the body which had changed. There was also femininity in her behavior.

This was also true for her gaze which stared straight at her. Her eyes were filled with solid trust and goodwill, which could make the recipient feel troubled.

Liliana barely managed to escape her gaze as she spoke to Ellenoa and the other envoys, “…Then we will move from here. Please tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable.”

“Of course, Benefactor! Please look after us.”

“I will gratefully accept this favor.”

The two guardians bowed and naturally stepped behind Ellenoa. If their purpose was to escort her, they would stand on the left and right. However, Liliana didn’t know the meaning of their current positions.

‘Why are both of them standing in the rear?’ It was as if they were obstructions…

While she thought about it, Ellenoa’s face flushed red as she approached Liliana’s side. She was acting nervously like an adolescent girl. Her white fingers moved awkwardly before she took a deep breath and held out her right hand. It was a motion like she wanted to shake hands, but the meaning was different.

“Please look after me, Liliana.”

“Ah, yes.”

It was an act of courage for Ellenoa, but Liliana grabbed her hand without much thought. This was before Ellenoa could prepare her mind. “Ah…!”

Her palm, which had been made smaller by her feminization, was lightly caught in Liliana’s hands. She felt a rough texture and heat. Ellenoa felt the warmth being transmitted from her palm to the tip of her head. It might be different with another woman, but Liliana was special. Ellenoa’s white face flushed completely red.

Liliana saw it and urgently pulled her hand back. “Ellenoa? Are you in pain somewhere?”

“Ah, it is nothing. I’m okay.”

“Your face is red…”

“T-This isn’t because I’m in pain…!” Ellenoa couldn’t say it was because she held her hand tightly, so she closed her mouth. However, Liliana nodded and didn’t ask any more. She thought Ellenoa was burdened by the trip from Elvenheim in the heart of the Great Forest to Meltor.

So, she said, “I understand. My thinking was too short-sighted. I will move as quickly as possible so that Ellenoa can rest.”

“Yes, yes?”

Liliana turned away from Ellenoa and commanded, “Quattro and the guards! Open the path!”

She was a Prime magician who would become the next tower master, as well as an honorary marquis. Additionally, Liliana was the hero of the kingdom, so no one here could disobey her command.

At Liliana’s shout, the guards, William, and the others recovered from Ellenoa’s dreamy beauty and began moving. They were truly the elites of Mana-vil.

“Open the path! The direction is the royal palace!”

“Clear the road as quickly as possible!”

“This is the command given by Sir Liliana!”

Spectators gathered again, but Para used the perfect timing to unfold her architectural magic again.

“Create Wall.”

This was simple 2nd Circle magic which created an impenetrable wall. However, the magic was different from normal standards when coming from Paragranum. The range of the magic was from the north gate to the entrance of the palace. It was 3 meters in height, 0.5 meters in thickness, and made of granite. If she invested a bit more time and magic power, she could even build a wall for a small or medium-sized manor.


The walls stretched out on the right and left, blocking the gazes of the spectators and forming a clear path. It was a calculation ability which took into account the two guardians, Ellenoa, and Quattro.

While the guardians admired the feat, Liliana looked at Ellenoa again. “We will head to the royal palace now. His Majesty doesn’t like any unnecessary formalities, so Ellenoa can rest soon.”

“T-Thank you…”

“It is nothing. Then let’s go.”

Ellenoa unintentionally deceived her about her condition and followed behind her with a small smile. Liliana’s hands helped her into the carriage. While doing so, Liliana could feel Ellenoa’s hand shaking finely in hers.

‘…What?’ Liliana was puzzled.

Where was this ticklish feeling at her neck and wrists coming from? However, she didn’t notice until she got into the carriage with Ellenoa. Sylvia had been watching their encounter with deep and cool eyes since the beginning.

* * *

“I sincerely welcome you to Meltor, Forest Neighbours! I hope you will have a comfortable stay.” Kurt III raised his body from his throne as he spoke, revealing his passion.

Like Liliana, he had predicted the arrival of the guardians. However, a high elf, the pillar of Elvenheim, visiting Meltor personally…? This was clear proof that Elvenheim had accepted the alliance with Meltor and was willing to join them against Andras. The people present had pleased smiles on their faces because they thought the same thing as Kurt.

However, that wasn’t the only reason for their excitement.

‘She has become more beautiful after changing to a woman. Are all high elves like her?’

It was inevitable that Kurt III’s eyes would be drawn to Ellenoa. The unfamiliar beauty was no different from the last time he had seen her, but her charm was incomparable. According to Liliana’s report, Ellenoa had been neutral a year ago. So, what had caused this feminization?

Kurt’s eyes narrowed for a moment at the thought. He thought the flush on her face was because of the attention, but what if it wasn’t? What if her face changed due to the person who accompanied her on the carriage? Then it wasn’t a matter of the staring eyes. Kurt hid his wily grin and pretended not to know anything.

“Lady Ellenoa.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“You must be tired from coming a long way, so why don’t we start the discussion tomorrow? I have organized a place where you can relax.”

“Your Majesty, thank you for your concern.”

As the dialogue flowed like water, he struck. “Additionally, you will be accompanied by Quattro when out in Mana-vil. Are you uncomfortable with that?”

“Quattro, do you mean…”

“I mean Lady Liliana’s division, who brought you here.”

At that moment, Ellenoa’s eyes returned to Liliana. She stared at her side profile and briefly bit her lips. Kurt III was closely watching her reaction, so he didn’t miss it. It was only slight, but it was clear that Ellenoa favored Liliana. Unsurprisingly, she accepted the plan.

“I am happy to follow Your Majesty’s will, but what does Benefactor think?”

“I see. What does Lady Liliana think?”

“I will gladly accompany Ellenoa.”

“Ah…” When Liliana replied without hesitation, a small smile appeared on Ellenoa’s face. No matter how many years she had lived, she had only recently become a woman. Only Kurt knew all the circ*mstances, and this made him smile.

A key figure in the alliance and the kingdom’s hero… Wasn’t this relationship a combination of politics and other factors? It was sufficient to use a slight deception. A young woman with a strong heart and a girl blooming like a flower… It was obvious that a fire would light up if given a slight chance.

After that, the conversation quickly ended. Ellenoa and the two guardians were guided to their residence. Only Liliana remained in the room.

“Well done, Quattro’s captain. It is more than my expectations.”

“You’re overpraising me, Your Highness.”

“No, if it wasn’t for you, this situation wouldn't have happened. Then I have one more request.” Kurt fiddled with the armrest and spoke to Liliana whose head was bowed, “This evening, there will be a banquet announcing the alliance with Elvenheim. I would like you to recommend the delegates, including Ellenoa, to participate in the ball.”

“This is politics.”

“That’s right. It may be hard for the guests who came from a distant place, but we have to make the most of this opportunity. I want them to enjoy the banquet as much as possible.” Then Kurt III’s voice rose as he ordered Liliana, “You will escort Ellenoa to the banquet. I hope you don’t refuse. Take care of her so that she has a good time in Meltor.”

“As Your Majesty commands!”

“Oh, I also have a present for you.”

“……?” Liliana looked puzzled.

Kurt pointed outside the room and whispered with a smile, “Do you remember the fact that I gave your father, Earl Dennis, an estate near Mana-vil?”

“Yes, I am thankful for Your Majesty’s generosity.”

“I wasn’t aiming for your thanks. I know you have been busy and haven’t been able to go home. So, I sent an invitation and carriage so that your family can attend tonight’s banquet. They arrived an hour ago and are waiting for you.”

Liliana’s eyes widened at the words. As Kurt said, Liliana had been busy. In fact, Liliana hadn’t simply been busy. She had gone on a long journey and struggled with a sword master. Wasn’t it natural to think about her home while experiencing homesickness for Meltor? The faces of her mother, father, and little brother entered her mind.

Liliana was touched by the king’s meticulous care and remained silent. She wanted to speak words of appreciation but was worried an unpleasant sound would be released if she opened her mouth.

Kurt III rose from the throne like he sensed Liliana’s mood. Then he said, “Please go back now. I still have a lot of work to do, and there is nothing left to tell you. Understood?”

“…Yes, Your Majesty,” Liliana replied in a heavily subdued voice and exited the room at a faster pace than usual.

Her father, mother, and brother… Her brother was still young, so he might not be present. However, it was sufficient to see the faces of her parents. There was only one place where people would be waiting in Meltor’s palace.

Liliana was accustomed to the layout, so she didn’t get lost on the way to the waiting room. Voices could be heard from beyond the door. As Liliana heard her father’s low-pitched voice and her mother’s cheerful voice mixed with several others, Liliana unconsciously opened the door.

Clink. The door opened with only a slight noise as it was well oiled. The faces of her parents she hadn’t seen for ages, the sight which Liliana looked forward to…

“Eh? You came sooner than I expected, Kid.”

“Lili, you came!”

Red and silver… The two beauties with different shades of hair color were chatting with her parents.

Chapter 186 – Quickening of the Northern Continent (3)

Veronica and Sylvia… Liliana's mind went blank at the unexpected appearance of the two women. She didn’t know why they were here chatting with her family. No, she could understand if it was Sylvia, who had met her family before. The Miller family had no connections with a place like the royal palace, so they would feel comfortable in their own way with people they knew.

‘Then why is Tower Master…?’

However, Veronica was different. She was the leader of the Red Tower, responsible for the kingdom’s fighting power. Although the nobles were weak, they were above everyone except for the tower masters. Yet even the dukes didn’t dare raise their voices in front of Veronica.

Despite this, she was chatting calmly with the Miller family, who had been living in the countryside until not long ago.

However, Liliana's thoughts on this matter didn’t last much longer.

“Let me hug you once, my daughter!” Her mother saw her and hurried to embrace her. Fortunately, she was doing better than before, so the strength of her arms and body had increased. Still, why did she seem tinier compared to three years ago?

Liliana held her mother quietly and smiled inwardly as she realized why.

‘No, it is me who has changed a lot since the old days.’

It had already been three years since she’d met her parents at the Miller Barony. Since then, Liliana had gone through many things. That included acquiring ‘Battle Song,’ which gave her a more feminine grace and increased her physical abilities.

In these few years, she had grown elegant enough to look down at the top of her mother’s head. There had once been a time when Liliana couldn’t even make eye contact with her. However, she was no longer that girl who was always alone.

Liliana’s father, now Earl Miller, watched the emotional reunion and said, “It really has been a while, Lili.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t visited more often.”

“Uh, don’t apologize. In this world, what parent would hold onto the ankles of their child? It is also thanks to you that we can enjoy all the luxuries of the royal palace.”

“Pfft.” Liliana couldn’t help laughing at Dennis’ words. It was funny that her father, who always wore shabby clothes, now had a gorgeous robe covering his pudgy belly. Her mother scolded her father sharply, but Dennis was still happy.

Subsequently, the atmosphere of the room became lighter. Liliana forgot her usual solemn expression, while Sylvia and Veronica couldn’t help smiling softly at the family’s affectionate feelings.

It was a side of Liliana which other people didn’t know well. The satisfaction of seeing this scene decreased the two women’s hostility toward each other.

“Ah, and Lili. There is one person who really wanted to see you again.”


After her mother finished scolding Dennis, she turned back to speak to Liliana. It had been three years since she could meet her daughter. She was proud that Liliana played a big role in the kingdom, but as her parents, she and Dennis couldn’t help feeling a bit lonely. So, they came to Mana-vil and prepared a proper family reunion.

The person who wanted to see Liliana again was her younger brother, who had turned six this year.

“B-Brother,” a nervous voice rang out from behind the sofa where Veronica and Sylvia were sitting.

‘Ah.’ Why was it that the moment Liliana heard the voice, an unknown emotion filled her chest…?

The presence of Veronica and Sylvia had blocked her senses, making this a surprise. A young boy walked out from between the red and blue robes. He had the same black hair and blue eyes as Liliana.

Leonardo Miller, the spitting image of Liliana as a child, looked up at his sister with a wide-eyed gaze.

“…Leo?” Liliana called out.

“Yes, Sister Lili.”

“You have become bigger.”

It was awkward. Liliana had only seen her little brother once when Leo had been at the age of three. Then she hadn’t seen Leo again for three years. Leo was just a child, so there would be no surprise if he didn’t remember Liliana.

However, Leonardo knew. He knew that the person in the gorgeous outfit before him was his older sister.


“Uh, don’t tackle me all of a sudden. It hurts.”


Leo had heard a lot of stories. His sister who saved a beautiful elf, his sister who bravely defended their home, his sister who gained many merits… In Leonardo’s mind, Liliana was already a heroine in a storybook.

The boy had a thought as he dug into Liliana’s arms. Liliana was his sister who was followed by beautiful women!

The sisters here were so beautiful that the women from Leo’s village were like pumpkins compared to them. Leonardo’s thoughts were still childish, but in some ways, it was an amazingly precise interpretation of the situation. Had he been born with a brain like Liliana’s?

Then Leonardo suddenly recalled the story about the banquet.



“Isn’t there a big party tonight?”

The word banquet was more suitable, but Leo was still six years old. Liliana smiled at Leo and nodded. That said, Leonardo had a good brain for a six-year-old. He was able to formulate a question based on what he’d heard from his parents while coming to the capital and from what he’d seen in the storybooks.

“Which sister are you bringing with you?” Leo’s innocent question shattered the unspoken armistice between the two beauties.

“…What?” Liliana uttered.

“I saw it in a book. A man and woman will go to a big party together and dance. So, I thought that you would go with one of these pretty sisters…”

‘No?’ Leo just shook his head with an innocent expression.

This was truly a surprise! Liliana started sweating nervously as she faced the cliff before her. She knew it was a question without malice, but it was fatal in this situation. Unsurprisingly, someone else spoke before Liliana could reply.

“Yes, Kid, who is your partner?”


“Just call me, ‘Becky’. I introduced myself as your senior because I didn’t want them to be uncomfortable.”

‘Ah,’ Liliana realized. Veronica hadn’t revealed her identity. Therefore, the Miller family were able to talk to her with a relaxed atmosphere. They would’ve been stiff if they’d known that she was the Red Tower Master.

Veronica naturally grasped her left arm and whispered into her ear, “Yes, who will be your partner?”


“You aren’t going to kick me away, are you? Yes?” Her hot breath and low voice tickled her ears, making her feel dizzy.

The similar heat coming from her left arm made her feel like she was melting. At that time, something cool wrapped around her right arm.

“No matter how rushed you feel, you shouldn’t cause her pain. Right Be-cky?” Sylvia dragged out Veronica’s nickname as she glared at her opponent.

Then she whispered in Lili’s ears, “Come with me, Lili. You shouldn’t go with a middle-aged woman like that.”

“M-Middle-aged…?” Veronica’s eyebrows twitched, but she soon recovered and launched a counterattack. “Hrnn, can you speak so proudly when you haven’t even grown up yet? This kid prefers women like me.”

“N-Not grown up…?” Sylvia gaped.

Veronica flapped her robe, revealing her sensual body. The clothing couldn’t hide how voluptuous she was. Then Sylvia looked down at herself, but she couldn’t see her natural beauty. However, she didn’t know yet. She wouldn’t know what Liliana’s taste was unless she said it herself.

The two women reached the same conclusion and focused on Liliana.

“Lili, who is it?”

Liliana gulped and took a deep breath, feeling more tension than when she faced the empire’s Seven Swords.

Of course, she would be happy with either of the women before her. However, she currently wasn’t free to choose a partner. Kurt III had directly asked her to escort Ellenoa, and she couldn’t ignore Ellenoa who had come to the distant Meltor.

“I’m sorry.” With that apology, Liliana refused both of them. “His Majesty has asked me to be Ellenoa’s partner. I don’t have a choice for this banquet.”



Sylvia was devastated, while Veronica thought it was ridiculous. The two women had different types of beauty, and even their actions were the opposite of each other.

“…Yes, I’m sorry to ask something unreasonable.”

“It is nothing. I was glad to hear Tow- no, Becky’s suggestion.”

“Thank you for those words. Then I will go talk to her.”

“Yes… Huh?”

‘Talk to who?’ Liliana was unable to object and stayed silent until Veronica left the room. She could guess, but would she really do that?

“Oh…” Meanwhile, Sylvia squatted on her chair.

“Oh, my. Don’t be so upset.”

“But Mother…”

“Our Lili has been popular since the old days. Even back home, Julia next door…”

Liliana could hear it all. As her mother’s words soothed the crestfallen Sylvia, Liliana gazed at Leonardo like she had committed a big sin. There was no malice, but Leo was the one who had created this mess.

However, her brother was still looking at Liliana with a bright expression, unaware of what he had done.

“Hah…” Liliana was exhausted before the banquet had even begun.

* * *

Seven hours later, the entrance of Meltor’s palace was wide open. The nobles, magicians, and foreign dignitaries let out sounds of admiration as they crossed the threshold.

“Ohh…! So, this is Meltor’s royal palace!”

“From the pillars to the stairs and fountains, they are all magical products. I’m afraid to look away from anything.”

“It is a pity that I can only come once a year!”

It was as they said. In keeping with the title of Meltor the magic kingdom, the interior of the palace was covered with artifacts. There were living armor meant as alert devices to catch unauthorized intruders, as well as fountains to control the ambient temperature.

Most of the foreign guests were from the Central area, so they never enjoyed the use of such advanced artifacts.

In fact, the bleak North felt like another world.

The guests walked a few more steps while salivating with greed, and they soon arrived at today’s ballroom.

There were so many guests that a temporary banquet hall had been made in the spacious front yard. The yellow tower magicians had used their architectural skills and had been able to complete it in one and a half days.

“T-This big building is just the temporary banquet hall?” Dennis had been in the capital for less than a month, so he couldn’t hide the tremble in his voice.

A building which should’ve taken a year to construct was right before his eyes. What about the royal motifs and symbol of the magic towers carved on the walls? Even if a dozen skilled sculptors were called, it would take at least a month.

For those who weren’t accustomed to magic like Dennis, magic events of this magnitude were considered miracles.

Thus, Vince’s words surprised him.

“Yes, that’s right. It seems that the Yellow Tower has been working hard during the past few days. Usually, the construction of a national building like this would take a few weeks or months.”

“Magic is truly great. Thanks to Professor, I’ve broadened my insights.”

“You’re overpraising me, Earl.”

As Liliana's mentor and a Prime rank magician, Vince Haidel had volunteered to guide the Miller family. He had been planning to participate in the banquet anyway, and this task wasn’t too hard when it was the family of his disciple.

“We are lucky to be with Liliana's master. Hahaha!”

“It is nothing. She is my disciple after all.”

“Thank you, Professor.”

The attitudes of the Miller family, who didn’t act like they were earls or senior nobles, was refreshing. Vince smiled softly as he saw where Liliana’s upright nature had come from.

After sharing a few words, the lighting of the banquet hall turned off, and darkness fell upon them. Then a beam of light shone on the podium. A pair of purple eyes gleamed in the darkness, as Kurt III, king of Meltor, stood there.

“Fill the cups.” Without speaking a single word of greeting, Kurt held up his cup and gave an order. For some reason, his voice sounded worse than usual, but it added a sense of weight.

This was a charisma which didn’t allow anyone to sneer. The participants of the banquet all took a cup from the tables. Then for a moment, the banquet hall was just filled with the sound of drinks being poured into cups.

Kurt waited until the last person was done before continuing.

“Today is a good day,” he said.

Why was it a good day? Hundreds of eyes filled with this question as they followed Kurt’s gestures.

“Is it because today is the day that the Magic Contest begins? No, that is wrong.”

Their speculation was denied, and confusion appeared in the eyes of some people.

“Is it because we are enjoying good drinks, food, and song? Wrong.”

Kurt III completely dominated the atmosphere in the ballroom. No one could move their eyes from him or stop listening to his voice. A monarch required the ability to lead, and Kurt had been born as a monarch.

“Then why is today a good day?”

No one answered. He didn’t want them to answer. The magic kingdom had been fighting with the sword empire for half a millenium. So, Kurt III’s presence wasn’t something that the nobles of the Central continent could go against.

Finally, Kurt III raised his cup and said, “Everyone might’ve heard about this. The story of the high elves who enrich the world and the hero of Meltor who rescued them!”

Someone nodded. Someone else looked down. Another person sighed. Someone’s eyebrows twitched. Every person reacted differently, but there was no one here who didn’t know the story. There were those who thought it was propaganda for Meltor, while others thought it was true but exaggerated.

Kurt III’s charisma embraced the crowd, and the banquet hall started to heat up.

“Please bless us! Please be glad! Don’t hesitate to raise the first toast to their beautiful reunion!”

Suddenly, the number of lights increased. The direction of the light was aimed to the left of the podium, and all eyes naturally shifted to that point.

…Once again, the world was silent.

No one could make a sound at the wonderful sight. Their lips parted, but no sound was made. Their eyes widened to the limit as they tried to engrave the miraculous sight before them into their minds.

The reactions of all those who saw Ellenoa were the same. The lighting illuminated her beautiful face, which had no makeup, displaying a beauty that was out of this world.

‘Remarkable… Well, I can understand their reactions.’ Liliana, who was forgotten by everyone, stared in amazement at Ellenoa’s profile in front of her.

With eyelashes which looked like dew would form on them, skin that seemed like sunlight would bounce off it, and hair which was like a fresh leaf… Wasn’t she a goddess of the forest which some ethnic minority served?

Liliana and Ellenoa were holding hands but it seemed like she could disappear somewhere. Liliana unconsciously opened her mouth and said, “Ellenoa.”

“Yes, Liliana.” She didn’t look back but smiled kindly as she answered her.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to ask you one thing.”

“Yes, you can ask me anything.”

“…Have you found a companion?”

She had previously heard it from Ellenoa’s mouth. A high elf could decide to become a woman or a man, depending on the sex of their companion. The last time she saw her, she had definitely been neutral still.

However, Liliana remembered. Ellenoa’s hands had felt thinner when they stood on the world tree.

…What if she wasn’t mistaken?

“Yes.” Ellenoa’s answer was clear. She was already a woman.

She had another question after the answer. No, Liliana already knew—

“He is right in front of me.”

Turning away from the crowd, Ellenoa’s eyes shone brightly as she faced Liliana.

Chapter 187 – Quickening of the Northern Continent (4)

Kung. Liliana might have been mistaken, but at that moment, she felt her own heart fall. Ellenoa's eyes flashed with affection as she confessed to Lili. No matter how insensitive she was, she simply couldn’t ignore the situation.

Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would pop out of her ribs. Liliana forgot to breathe as she looked at Ellenoa.

‘Ellenoa, me?’

It would be a lie if she said she hadn’t expected it. In retrospect, there were many reasons why Ellenoa would be fond of her.

Lili hadn’t stepped back when fighting against one of the Seven Sins, ‘Pride.’ Despite having no experience with combat, Ellenoa could sense how terrifying it was. She wouldn’t have spoken a word of resentment if Lili had abandoned her on the spot.

However, Liliana had faced that nightmare-like monster.

Ellenoa hadn’t seen all of it. As soon as the battle began, Liliana’s magic had spirited Ellenoa away to a safe place, and she only joined the scene later with Veronica. When Ellenoa saw the fight in the vacant lot, she felt a desperation greater than ever before.

Liliana’s slender frame had been revealed between her torn clothes. She had gritted her teeth and endured the terrible pain. The one soaked in her own blood, Ellenoa’s hero...

Liliana had been far from a victor, and she’d frowned with a serious expression.

The girl who had been injured and covered in blood… Why? As Ellenoa held onto Lili's bleeding body, she thought Liliana was lovely. She’d jumped into a fight which couldn’t be won, just to protect her.

[From that day onwards…]

It had continued since then.

[I have been longing for you.]

Liliana heard Ellenoa’s sincere voice. However, it wasn’t a sound spoken aloud. She communicated through the connection that had formed during Mitra’s awakening in the past. It was a type of telepathy, revealing Ellenoa’s strong heart and soul.

‘…Honestly, I’m glad.’ Liliana accepted it honestly. She was glad about her confession.

The fact that someone like Ellenoa loved her, regardless of her surname. Ellenoa was so enchanting that Lili wanted to pull her into her arms. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were her? Beyond the politics of their nations, what would living together with Ellenoa be like?

“I…” The moment Lili impulsively moved to reply…

Shh. Ellenoa shook her head slightly while placing a finger to her lips.

[Please don’t be in a hurry.]

Her clear eyes already perceived the worries inside Liliana. She saw the responsibility and burdens she carried, and even her affection for Ellenoa.

As Ellenoa inwardly rejoiced over this fact, she spoke in a calm voice, [It was my choice to become a woman. I don’t want Liliana to feel burdened or responsible. If you want to be with me just because of those feelings, I will refuse from my side.]


Those were words that she couldn’t decisively deny. Liliana closed her mouth while Ellenoa smiled gently.

[One day, if you decide to accept me, please tell me in a place where we are alone. I don’t want to decide my marriage in a place like this.]

“Ah.” Liliana swallowed hard as she remembered the presence of the crowd.

They were engrossed in Ellenoa's appearance, but it wouldn’t be strange if they protested how long this exchange was lasting. Lili didn’t know why, but Kurt III was watching them with strange eyes and didn’t show any signs of urging them on. Thus, Liliana followed Ellenoa out a few beats later, knowing this wasn’t the time to share personal stories.

So, Liliana calmed her heart as she gazed at Ellenoa shining under the lights. Despite her words about responsibilities or burdens, Lili couldn’t help unconsciously envisioning a life with her in her mind.

* * *

On the other hand, a beauty leaned against a table and muttered a complaint while holding her cup, “Ah, this is hard. It is bigger than I thought.”

It was Red Tower Master Veronica. Due to her notoriety in the North and Central areas of the continent, there wasn’t a single person at her table. Missteps could lead to massive repercussions.

That said, there was one other person present at her table today. With silver hair and blue robes, it was Sylvia, known as the Princess of the Blue Tower. Sylvia didn’t understand Veronica’s words and asked, “What do you mean?”

“You don’t understand? It means we have both fallen behind,” Veronica replied casually as she filled her cup again.

However, the question in Sylvia’s eyes didn’t disappear, so Veronica explained with a grumble, “Do you know about the gender of high elves?”

“Yes, it depends on their decision.”

“No, it isn’t that simple. The pureblood Arv can change their gender at will, but the high elves are different. A decision on their gender is a promise of a lifetime. It is worse because she changed before hearing the other person’s answer.” Feeling irritated, Veronica stopped speaking and drank from the glass.

The high elves were just fragments of the Arv.

Due to that reason, unlike the Arv who could switch their gender as desired, high elves were unable to change once they decided on their gender. In other words, after deciding to be female, they couldn’t return to a neutral or decide on a male form if the other person didn’t accept their hearts.

Most people would sympathize, but not Veronica.

“She is cunning.” Veronica put down her empty cup. “As you know, the girl is someone with a heavy sense of responsibility. She won’t back down or give up, even if it is difficult. Someone suffering because of her, she won’t forget it. Isn’t that right?”

“…Yes, definitely.”

“Well, that is part of her charm, but… will Lili easily refuse the high elf’s courtship?”

‘No.’ Cold air flowed from Sylvia’s body as she thought of this answer. It was only for a moment, but it pushed away Veronica’s warm heat around the table.

Sylvia was someone with one of the best innate talents in the world, as well as a genius scheduled to become the next tower master. If Veronica hadn’t been here, the bottles at the surrounding tables would’ve frozen over. The two remained silent as they watched Liliana and Ellenoa for a while.

It was Sylvia who broke the unpleasant silence first. “Then Tower Master, will you step back?”

“No way.” Veronica’s eyes sparkled at the provocative remark. “I can’t do anything today, but I am going to move strategically. There’s a saying. If you want to hold onto something for a long time, you should obtain support?”

“You mean…”

“It seems like we have the same idea.”

The gazes of the two beauties moved from the podium toward Dennis Miller, who was applauding his daughter’s splendid appearance. Since Kurt III had assigned Liliana as Ellenoa’s personal partner, there was nothing the two beauties could do. They thought hard and got up from their seats.

As they walked in the same direction, Sylvia whispered, “Will this really help? It looks pretty difficult.”

“Huh?” Veronica turned her head and looked at the crowd in the center. The crowd was swarming Ellenoa and Liliana. Veronica’s eyebrows twitched as she saw it but then shrugged her shoulders. “It isn’t to the extent that it will give us trouble. Isn’t that right?”

“…I don’t agree. This alone might not help.”

“Kik, okay. Let me ask you something? Then what now?”

Fire and ice, the two contrasting colors and atmospheres, walked shoulder-to-shoulder. The crowd parted as the two beauties headed toward the table where the Miller family was seated.

Meltor Palace’s banquet had just begun.

* * *

At that time, Mana-vil’s checkpoints were in full swing because of the crowds of people. Despite the reduced number of shifts, the fatigue continued to accumulate. However, the guards kept their eyes open with the physical strength they had trained from day one.

One of the guards questioned a visitor, “Did you come from Austen?”


“What is your objective in Mana-vil?”

“The drought is getting worse these days… I came to look for water artifacts.”

“Ah, it is like that.”

The great drought of Austen was a known disaster in the north. The nightmare of the whole kingdom drying up was called the anger of the desert god. In fact, when the guard saw that the visitor’s skin was dried up in different areas, he pitied the visitor.

“If you look at the stores in the east, you might find what you are looking for. The artifact stores in the center are expensive, and they don’t sell daily necessities.”

“Ohh…! I really appreciate it.”

“It isn’t a big deal. Then you can pass.”

The visitor from Austen thanked the guard and entered the capital with a wobbly gait. The guard watched his back view, but fortunately, the visitor didn’t fall. Briefly, the guard mourned for the Austen people suffering from the drought, then he forgot about the Austen visitor.

There were too many things for one person to remember. However, the visitor was a little unusual. He walked through Mana-vil’s front entrance, headed into an alley, and stripped off his loose robes.

“…This place should be fine. I will turn off the ability,” a voice spoke.

Then three more people appeared around the visitor. No, they were originally there. The visitor’s ability simply hid their existence. It was Aura Ability, a miracle which even surpassed magic in certain areas. Being able to use it meant that one of the visitors was a sword master.

“Fortunately, we managed to enter. The famous checkpoints of Mana-vil are nothing before Captain’s ability.”

“No, that isn’t it.” The sword master called ‘Captain’ shook his head.

“We didn’t go unnoticed because of that. If it hadn’t been for the Magic Contest, it would’ve been a lot harder. This is truly the kingdom that can compete with the Andras Empire.”

The sword master was a master of illusion, but he recalled that awful feeling he’d felt when he passed into Mana-vil. There was a scary magic that filled the air, as well as runes written on the walls and gates.

The method of deceiving the checkpoint without using any trickery was effective. If he’d tried to cross the walls, he would certainly have become a victim. As the atmosphere became tense, someone opened their mouth, “T-Then how will we move from now on? If we move around the city, we might be discovered.”

“Find the high elf.”

At the captain’s decisive answer, his subordinate murmured, “Really?”

“We definitely snuck into Mana-vil and did some bad things before, but we just have to beg for mercy before negotiating with Meltor.”

“Captain, begging is a little…”

“No, we have to beg,” Captain Mujak, one of the prides of Austen, declared in a firm voice. That’s right. The four of them had come to the capital of Meltor to beg for help. Of course, they didn’t want to, but it was necessary.

“Negotiating with Meltor is the secondary story. As long as we can receive the high elf’s help, I am willing to feed my pride to a dog.”


“We will confess our sins and beg for mercy on this urgent matter. If you have any pride, leave it here! You are Janissaries who devote your lives to the kingdom and the Sultan!”

The eyes of the Janissaries shook at their Captain’s loud voice. They were a little confused, but the patriotism and loyalty engraved deeply into their hearts overcame this confusion. The three Janissaries nodded and replied, ““For the desert sun!””

“Good! For our kingdom, let’s go!”

Soon after, four uninvited people emerged from the back alley and mixed in with the crowds of Mana-vil. Regardless of whether or not they could achieve their goal, that was something only time could tell.

Chapter 188 – Uninvited Guests (1)

The banquet was held in conjunction with the opening of the Magic Contest, which took place once a year, and it finished successfully. Above all, the unexpected appearance of a high elf meant that people were able to receive an answer regarding the relationship between Meltor and Elvenheim. The balance between the Northern powers was collapsing! If the people who came were just Edwin and Ellaim, they might’ve thought it was just a visit.

It was true that it had been hard to find elves since the founding of Elvenheim, but it wasn’t so rare that people doubted the existence of elves. In several countries at the Center, the elven slave trade still hadn’t disappeared. There were also tribes of elves who communicated with humans.

However, high elves were beyond that common sense. Those who saw the unfathomable beauty and power of life overflowing from the high elf couldn’t help admiring her. The woman was the guardian of the world tree, a high elf whose existence had been uncertain. The appearance of Ellenoa, who was like royalty, was proof that Elvenheim sincerely wanted to build a relationship with Meltor.

“It seems like the forces in the North will be greatly overturned.”

“We should go home and watch the situation for a while.”

“Andras and Meltor, which one would be more advantageous to side with?”

“There are many variables in this generation. From the participation of Elvenheim to the appearance of a young hero…”

For the non-magicians and dignitaries from other countries, the Magic Contest was no longer of great interest. It was possible that the war in the North, which had lasted for 500 years, could finally end. Regardless of whether it was the sword empire or the magic kingdom that won, the Central continent would be swept away by such changes.

Someone thought this deadlock would continue.

Someone else said that both places would be destroyed.

Another person thought that Meltor would win.

Yet another thought that Andras would win.

People gathered and imagined the future. The future of the Northern continent during the next few decades would depend on how the key figures of this era acted.

* * *

The day after the noisy banquet, Quattro was divided toward the north, south, east, and west in order to guard the area where the Elvenheim delegation was staying. Of course, the guard duty wasn’t a big deal. Aside from them, there were dozens of veteran war mages stationed at the boundaries. They would be able to cope with any attack, even if the knights of Andras fell from the sky.

After all, even the tower masters were guarding this place.

Including Liliana Miller and the two guardians, there were seven masters. No, if she included the Magic Society’s chairman, there were eight. In such a situation, anyone would be torn apart if they tried to aim for Ellenoa, even if the opponent was one of the empire’s Seven Swords. Thanks to that, Lili was able to think about last night’s confession.

[Yes, she is right in front of me.]

Ellenoa’s warm smile, like sunshine.

[I have been longing for you.]

The voice, which was like drops of dew at dawn, could still be heard in her ears.

“Hoo…” Lili’s face turned red at the memory, then she suddenly sighed.

At that moment, she had been too caught up in Ellenoa’s beauty to think about it, but now she couldn’t help feeling embarrassed. There had been several women who expressed their affection toward her, but Ellenoa was the first to confess her love directly. High elves could only choose their gender once. At a crossroad which she might regret for the rest of her life, Ellenoa had chosen to become a woman without any hesitation. She’d made the decision with the hope that she could be Liliana’s companion.

‘…How should I answer?’

This was a significant matter which could change the landscape of the North. If Lili and Ellenoa became companions, Elvenheim and Meltor would no longer be separate. This combination of the next tower master and a high elf, the two of them would be the last knot in the relationship between kingdoms. Liliana didn’t know it yet, but this was why Kurt III had ordered her to escort Ellenoa.

However, things wouldn’t have changed, even if she did know.

It didn’t matter if the link between kingdoms was a matter of great urgency which would determine the future of the North. To accept or reject… Lili had a great responsibility to think about Ellenoa’s sincere heart in making her decision.

So, she thought about her own feelings regarding Ellenoa.


She wondered if she wanted to live her life with her.


…Or if Ellenoa would be happy with her. Liliana was thinking so hard that she didn’t notice the person approaching her.

“Liliana Miller!”

“Ah.” Lili jolted with surprise and stared at the girl in yellow robes standing before her. She was a member of Quattro. However, in reality, she was the Yellow Tower Master and the puppet of the grimoire, Paragranum.

“I have been calling you. What were you thinking about?”

“…It isn’t a big deal. Did something happen? You are in charge of the west entrance.”

“Unknown people are approaching here.”

Lili’s expression changed as she asked hurriedly, “What?! Did they pass through the boundaries?”

“They encountered several people, but there were no conflicts. I don’t know why, but I am the only one who can detect them.”

“Can you tell their level?”

“Yes.” Para closed her eyes before opening her mouth again, “One is master level, and the other three are skilled. You and my homunculus can somehow manage it.”

“Sword master… Is it one of the empire’s Seven Swords?”

“I don’t know. However, my logic circuit is denying that guess. The empire’s Seven Swords aren’t stupid enough to enter Meltor’s capital.”

That’s right. Lili didn’t contradict Para’s words as she thought about this. The intentions of the other party were unknown, but it wasn’t the first time she had encountered a situation like this. She didn’t know who the opponents were, but she just needed to fulfill her mission.


Before the encounter with the enemies, Lili briefly infused magic power into the emblem at the front of her uniform. It was to call Sylvia at the north entrance and William at the west entrance. She told the remaining two Quattro members to come to where she was. Para said the two of them could handle it, but it was best to avoid any mishaps.

‘The two of them will take at least five minutes to arrive.’

Until then, Lili and Para had to handle it somehow. Then Lili started to see the ‘unknown’ people whom Para had talked about. However, she could determine their identities. “That… Aren’t they servants from the palace?”

Lili had entered the palace several times, so she remembered the uniform. She looked back at Para with a questioning gaze, but she shook her head with an impassive expression.

“It is a disguise. I don’t know how.”

“Are you sure?”

“There is no one in Mana-vil who can fool my eyes. If you don’t believe my advice, I will leave the decision to you.”

As the two of them talked, the palace retinue was coming closer. However, there were no worrisome signs. Moreover, Lili’s senses were silent, and her detection magic didn’t find anything. Indeed, it would be ridiculous if Lili easily revealed the disguise that even a grimoire didn’t know how it was done.

Finally, the servants arrived before Lili and Para, and bowed. “Excuse me. We have come to arrange the delegation’s accommodation, according to His Majesty’s orders.”

“…Do you know who I am?”

“Huh? You’re Liliana Miller, the captain of the magic division Quattro,” the servant’s answer flowed out naturally. The servant’s breathing wasn’t disturbed, and his eyes asked why Lili was asking such a thing. Lili looked for a reaction to find fault with, but the servant just waited silently without saying anything.

At this moment, Lili had to decide if she should follow Para’s advice or send them along without a disturbance. Then Lili made her decision and moved to the side. “You may enter.”

“Oh, thank you. Glory to you, Quattro!”

“It is nothing.”

The servants passed one by one. One step, another step…

Lili could feel Para’s gaze tickling the side of her face. The servants walked past the road paved with square slabs and stepped onto the dirt path which matched the ecology of the elves. It was at this moment that…



The legs of the servants became buried in the dirt. It wasn’t just up to their ankles or knees. This was a phenomenon seen in tidal flats or mash areas. The four men reflexively tried to pull out their feet, but the ground had hardened for some reason. This wasn’t a natural phenomenon. It was already too late by the time they realized belatedly. Then Keraunos fell from the sky.

— — — — — —-!!

Sound filled the area. The air burst, and the ground, which had been hardened with Mitra’s power, melted away. It was a disaster caused by magic. The eight thunderbolts focused on one point. Any human-sized creature would disappear without a trace.

However, Lili and Para sensed it simultaneously.

“No effect?”

“No, it was blocked.”

As the ground boiled, the shadows of four people shimmered in the steam. The 6th Circle magic, which was equivalent to the 7th Circle magic, ‘thunder spears,’ was aimed at the target. The effect range wasn’t wide, but it would’ve been enough to sweep away the four men. As to how the magic was blocked, that wasn’t revealed until the steam cleared.


Blood flowed from the lips of Mujak, the man who had broken the thunder spears. He had blocked the magic attack using his aura he had trained for over 60 years. However, he couldn’t erase the full power of the thunder. No, it was more than that. Mujak mourned at the sight of his scorched black sword, which had been hand-crafted and handed to him by the Sultan.

“Cough. My sword… You dare to damage the Sultan’s…!”

It was just an excuse to buy some time. He had been thoroughly pushed back in power. Mujak’s eyes sunk because he realized this fact. According to the infiltration report, this girl was the young hero of Meltor and the girl was her colleague. Mujak had heard a lot of rumors, but he didn’t know that the hero had become a master at this age.

The risk was too big! The operation to meet the high elf had already failed. However, unlike Mujak’s cool judgment, the heads of the other Janissaries were boiling.

“Captain! We have to hurry!”

“We will stay here and buy some time! Captain should go ahead!”

“Hurry before reinforcements come because of the noise!”

However, Mujak suppressed his men’s hasty desire. “No, we failed. It is unnecessary to fight here.”

His subordinates weren’t masters, so they didn’t know. However, Lili and Mujak had already grasped each other’s capabilities. They were at a level to take each other’s lives. If Mujak turned around, he would be killed instantly. Besides, there would be no effect if Para’s body was killed, unlike the Janissaries.

Then the dynamics were crucially tilted with the arrival of the remaining Quattro members.


“What is the uproar, Captain?”

Sylvia and William, the primary candidates to become the next blue and white tower masters, had arrived. The capacities of the two were already close to Prime ranks, so they could easily overcome the Janissaries whom Mujak had brought. As Lili and her companions formed an encirclement, Mujak realized the escape path was now blocked.

“Huh, so many excellent young people…”

It was unheard of in Austen, which was drying up because of the drought. Those with talent left for other countries, while only the powerless remained to rot. The sight of parents throwing away their children in order to reduce the number of mouths to feed was common, but why was Meltor so abundant?

“Why are the heavens favoring them!?” Mujak lamented while tightening his grip on the sword.

Puk. His melted shamshir fell down onto the ground. Lili's eyes narrowed as Mujak disarmed himself and raised both hands in the air.

“Hey, Meltor’s young hero,” Mujak called out.

“…What is it?”

Mujak ignored Lili's testy tone and replied, “This old man will admit to being guilty of an unauthorized invasion of Meltor’s capital. I hope you will imprison us according to humane procedures.”

Chapter 189 – Uninvited Guests (2)

Clink. There was a sound as the locks were engaged. The invaders from Austen had surrendered, so Para had brought out these locks. They were the so-called arm holders which restrained a person from the wrist to elbows. The material looked strange, showing that it wasn’t an ordinary restraint.

“Is this perhaps adamantium?”

“Ri-ght.” Para confirmed in an eerie voice that the metal, which resembled opaque ice, was just as Liliana guessed. It seemed to be something she'd made. "I created it in order to catch a master, but there was no time to use them on the battlefield. So, I left them in the warehouse, but now they can finally see the light."

"…Well, I'm glad that it is useful."

“Right? These things are also part of my role.”

Paragranum might describe it as useless, but it was a ridiculous tool which could even control masters. Normally sword masters could tear apart steel handcuffs with their superhuman physical abilities and aura. So, strong magic handcuffs would be ruined if they continued to inject aura. Even mithril would warp if a sword master used their power properly.

It was only possible when used with pure adamantium. Adamantium was difficult to handle, so it was rarely used. However, Paragranum had completed the restraints through some unknown manner.

Mujak’s relaxed expression stiffened as he experienced the binding. “Liliana!”

“Ah, yes.” At that time, a white tower magician approached her and issued an edict, “His Majesty wants to meet the intruders.”

“I understand. Is there anything else?”

“No. You can take this transport to the royal palace.”

“I will.” Liliana nodded without hesitation. Even if Mujak was bound, he was still a sword master who had crossed the boundaries of the transcendent realm. So, Liliana couldn’t feel relieved unless another tower master took over. Liliana pulled on the chains a little rougher than usual.

Rattle. Was it due to the shock…? A few drops of blood emerged from Mujak’s mouth.

“Well, it is rough.”


Liliana just spoke coldly without letting the chains go slack. For whatever reason, they were trespassers who had tried to enter Ellenoa’s dwelling. It meant that Liliana couldn’t welcome them kindly. No, it wasn’t just that. Liliana soon realized that her emotions were boiling inside her.

“What brings you here?”


“If you are from Austen, you should remember what you did in Bergen.” Vince had told Liliana the identities of [Shackler], the ones disguising themselves as elf slave traders in Bergen. Thus, it was also possible for Liliana to know about the truth behind the Bergen incident.

Mujak closed his eyes with a bitter smile. “I don’t have anything to say. I won’t make excuses.”

“Your responsibility for the past won’t disappear. And I don’t want you to apologize to me.”

“That’s right. Treat me as you like.”

Liliana would’ve become angrier if the other person spoke empty words, but she couldn’t do anything against this attitude. Liliana dragged the chain and started to move forward roughly. After reading the unusual atmosphere between the two of them, the rest of the group followed.

Rattle, rattle.

In the end, the uninvited guests from Austen couldn’t even see the high elf’s face as they were dragged away.

* * *

“You went through a lot of trouble, Quattro’s Captain.” Kurt III, whose eyes had dark circles from the night before, watched Liliana’s group from the throne. He stared at the faces of Mujak and the Janissaries, who were the cause of the emergency gathering.

Kurt III spoke in a mocking manner, “You were the ones who caught the four uninvited guests?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“This doesn’t look good. They’ve arrived here, so loosen the restraints.”

“Huh? That…”

Liliana was surprised by Kurt’s instructions, but other people protested before she could reply. This place might be filled with senior magicians, but Mujak was a sword master who was strongest in a melee.

“Your Majesty, you can’t!”

“You can’t set those criminals free from their restraints!”

“At least tie up their legs!”

Kurt waved his hand at the crowd. “Stop.” Simultaneously, somebody landed beside Liliana.

Kung. Her red robes fluttered from the landing as Veronica emanated a terrifying presence. Her strength exploded from her. The Janissaries fell down foaming as they received the full impact of Dragon Fear. Only Liliana and Mujak could stand in this area.

“If it is like this, are there any objections?”

Who would be able to go against Veronica? Nobody dared refute Kurt’s words, and they fell silent. They couldn’t say anything because none of them would dare to fight Veronica. Kurt received their implicit agreement and looked at Liliana again, who sighed and pulled out the key.

Clink. Once the restraints were released, Veronica spoke, “Old Man, if you move without permission, I will kill you.”

“… Hu, how scary.”

“Keep looking forward. I will kill you if you speak nonsense. So, look forward.”

‘She’s serious.’ Liliana was nearby and noticed Veronica’s serious tone. Veronica would kill him if he took even one step. She would kill him if he spoke nonsense. The evidence that her threats weren’t empty was her red hair which blazed like fire.

‘This is the Tower Master’s battle readiness.’

At the time of the fight against Superbia, her consciousness had been fading, so she hadn’t been able to see properly. However, Liliana now had a clear view of her eight circles revolving, and the pressure seemed to increase the gravity in this area.

That said, Kurt was still in control as he opened his mouth, “Then I shall listen to the excuses of an uninvited person. Your head will depend on whether you can persuade me.”

Despite literally having a knife at his neck, Mujak wasn’t shaken at all. “First of all, thank you for listening to my excuses, Your Majesty.”

“Get to the point.”

“I understand. Then I will tell you what is going on.”

The guardian of Austen, one of the Sultan’s most trusted swordsmen, faced Kurt III with confidence. Behind Mujak was a dying country. Supply had fallen and people were starving, so he had come here to save them. Thus, something like madness shone in his determined eyes.

“Austen is currently dying from an unprecedented drought. Meltor’s monarch, please have mercy on us, and give me rice and water for the suffering people.”

“Is that all?”

“No. I know you don’t have to, but if it is possible, I would like to meet the Elvenheim guests who are staying in your country.”

“Huh, you truly have no shame.” Kurt smiled and stared down at Mujak, whose head was bowed. Mujak’s requests would only be given if Meltor was truly generous. However, as to the issue of them crossing the border without permission and breaking into the capital…?

It was clear that Mujak had other thoughts. Dozens of eyes filled with suspicion cut into Mujak. Then Kurt III raised the question that they were all wondering, “Why didn’t you just send a delegation?”

Mujak’s green eyes looked down, and he replied in a low voice, “I couldn’t do that.”


“I do not know why, but Andras’ shadows are present at the border of Austen and the Meuse Desert. Above all, I didn’t think you would accept our requests.”

“…How honest. Although you are still being impertinent.”

Andras’ shadows…

At Kurt’s cold words, the atmosphere started to change. After all, it was Austen who was behind the kidnapping incident in Bergen. It would be uncomfortable in many ways for Elvenheim’s ambassadors to face them.

That was why Mujak slyly had attracted their attention with his words about the Andras Empire.

“Is this bait? Let’s see what you have prepared for us.”

“Think of it as a bargaining material.”

“Speak quickly, Austen’s fox.”

After being urged to cut to the chase, Mujak pulled something out. Veronica became tense at his action, but Mujak didn’t pull out a weapon or poison.

It was a leather scroll. In Austen, leather was used instead of paper due to the scarce amount of wood. It seemed that this leather scroll was the material Mujak had prepared for the negotiations. He didn’t give an explanation as he opened the scroll.

‘…This?’ Liliana watched Mujak from right beside him. It meant she could see the contents of the scroll before anyone else. There were twisted lines and a mixture of symbols and shapes with unknown meaning. Shortly afterward, Liliana realized what it meant as her eyebrows twitched.

‘Is this a map of the Meuse Desert?’

This was a terrain which only existed in the desert. The terrain of large canyons and sandy hills helped guide the nomadic people over a long period of time. Still, it was difficult to draw a map of the desert, so Meuse Desert’s map was a special item. A sophisticated map like this would sell for at least 100 gold. Perhaps it had been produced personally by the Austen royal family.

However, right now, the matter of importance wasn’t the map. Mujak pointed to a red dot in a corner of the map and brought up a topic which meant Meltor couldn’t sit idly.

“For some reason, the Andras Empire is controlling this desert area.”

“What is there?”

“Well, I couldn’t get close. But the empire is showing a big interest and is digging in this area. It is a ruin which contains relics from a previous era. According to something I heard, it was probably built during the Age of Mythology.”

‘A ruin from the Age of Mythology!’ Kurt’s expression hardened after hearing that. Most ruins of the Age of Mythology had been destroyed during the dark period which followed it, but the Andras Empire had found most of the ones which remained.

They didn’t care about the knowledge of a culture from a previous era. Rather, they just wanted the powerful relics and destroyed numerous ruins in the process. It was a hostile kingdom which had been at war with Meltor for at least 500 years.

“…You’ve brought something quite annoying. I appreciate the good faith report, but I know that isn’t the case.”

“Of course.”

At Mujak’s sly expression, Kurt couldn’t help gripping the armrests of his throne tightly. If he wanted, he could give Veronica an order to kill, and she would burn Mujak to ashes right away. However, an unexpected person interrupted the conversation right then.

“Your Majesty.”

“Huh? Quattro’s Captain?”

“Can I look at this map for a moment?”

“Of course. Tell me if you get any ideas.”

Having gotten Kurt’s permission, Liliana received the map from Mujak. It was because she felt a strong feeling of deja vu from the desert map. In particular, the feeling came from the area where the red dot was located.


It was connected. Liliana realized why she got a feeling of deja vu when looking at that section of the map. She had seen a map of the Meuse Desert two times now, so she remembered it clearly. The second time was now, while the first time had been in the Yellow Tower. This was the location of the laboratory which Paragranum had boasted about with an expressionless face.

‘To think that they found it…!’

The ruins that the Andras Empire was trying to dig out… It was Paracelsus’ laboratory.

Chapter 190 – Uninvited Guests (3)

“Quattro’s Captain, have you found something?” It was a short moment, but Kurt didn’t miss the change in Liliana’s complexion. Simultaneously, Liliana’s thoughts became complicated. Aside from her, the only person who knew the existence of the laboratory was the Yellow Tower Master, so Liliana had to decide if she should disclose the information. However, if Liliana kept her mouth shut, Kurt III might be led to agree to Mujak’s conditions. Unlike Austen, which wasn’t a threat, it would be fatal if the Andras Empire got their hands on the ruins.

‘I don’t like this situation, so I can’t stay silent.’

As long as the Andras’ excavation team occupied the site, she wouldn’t be able to visit it alone. Moreover, she didn’t like the tricks of the Austen Kingdom, which had tried to kidnap Ellenoa. So, this was a reasonable choice that would block both Andras and Austen. Liliana made her decision and opened her mouth, “Yes, Your Majesty. I thought I remembered seeing it somewhere and realized I recently heard a story about these ruins.”


“What? S-Such a thing…!” Mujak’s face shook slightly. To think that the information Mujak wanted to use as a bargaining tool was already known? If Liliana’s words were true, this was disadvantageous to Mujak. A pleased expression appeared on Kurt III’s face as he nodded. “Interesting. Continue.”

“Sorry, I won’t be the one telling you.” However, Liliana had no intention of assuming responsibility. “Can I leave it to another person from now on?”

“Hrmm? Can I ask why?”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Liliana replied to Kurt’s question and turned to look at Para behind her. “There are differences, but I heard it from the Yellow Tower Master. So, I think that Superior Para, his disciple, is the right person to explain this.”

“The Yellow Tower Master? Is this true, Superior Para?”

Paragranum, a grimoire under the skin of a girl, her true nature peeped out for a moment, but she bowed politely like she understood the situation. “…Yes. Captain’s words are true, Your Majesty.”

“Give me the details,” Kurt said. As Meltor’s finest watched, Liliana’s party member started telling the story.

“This is something my teacher told me sometimes. Alchemy, the magic that forms the foundation of the Yellow Tower, is a heritage from the Age of Mythology. They are teachings passed down from the great alchemist, Paracelsus.”

“The great alchemist, Paracelsus…”

“Yes. The alchemy of our Yellow Tower originates from Paracelsus’ teachings. That place should be where his legacy is stored.”

The moment she was about to explain the ruins on the map, the quietly listening Mujak jumped up. “Nonsense!”

At that moment, Kurt III shouted in an urgent voice, “Veronica!” It was instant. Before Mujak could blink, flames emerged and wrapped around his neck. With Veronica around, even a sword master was at risk. The whip, made of hellfire, could kill him instantly. If Kurt III’s voice had been half a beat later, Mujak’s head would be rolling around on the ground.

Gulp. Mujak gulped as he realized how close he’d come to death. Veronica recalled Hell Fire just before it reached his neck. This attack was just an advance notice that she could kill him if he moved.

Without missing a beat, Para continued speaking, “It is unbelievable but true. It is easy to prove after seeing the ruins.”

“…What does that mean?”

“The set of 300-meter-long ruins is a dome made of a silver-white metal. Even a sword master’s aura won’t be able to scratch the metal easily.”

“H-How do you know that?” Mujak couldn’t deny it because he had seen it directly. A silver architecture built in the middle of the desert… It was a mystery that couldn’t be reproduced with the techniques of this age. This girl described it so accurately that it couldn’t just be her imagination.

“It looks like her words are true.” Kurt grasped the truth from Mujak’s reaction and grinned. “Now, this is the only information you’ve brought me about Andras. Don’t you think the price is much too low?”

“…What more do you want?” The cornered Mujak eventually lifted both hands. Aiding Austen would cost at least hundreds of thousands of gold. There was no way the information he had left could cover this price.

“Write a contract.” Kurt was grinning with a relaxed expression, but his eyes were like that of a ferocious predator. “You will escort Meltor’s investigation team to the site and not ask for any shares in what we find. Besides, doesn’t our Yellow Tower Master have the right of inheritance in the first place?”

“It is in Austen’s territory!”

“You can’t deal with Andras. Also, you seem to still be mistaken. This isn’t a negotiation.” With a cold voice and eyes, this was the monarch who ruled the kingdom. “If you can’t accept it, I will put the restraints on you again and lock you up. Then you can wait quietly until this is over.”

“Kuk…!” Mujak drooped his head because he had no way out. This situation was inflicted upon them by themselves, from their attempt to kidnap the high elf to their unauthorized entry into the capital.

Despite knowing that the conditions were unfair, Mujak was forced to sign a contract with Kurt. It was an ending caused by his recklessness.

* * *

Mujak’s negotiations ended there. He signed the contract stating he would devote himself to the investigation team, then he was dragged out. Mujak wouldn’t be able to do anything until the investigation of the ruins was over. The fainted Janissaries were also taken out.

“Phew, it is finally over.”

“I wanted to fight…” Of course, everyone here was scared of being caught up in Veronica’s fight.

Soon after them, Kurt raised his hand and stopped the chattering. “Then I will select the investigation team to be sent.”

Since a conflict with Andras was inevitable, this wouldn’t be a typical investigation. As such, it was natural to recruit people with excellent combat capabilities.

“Veronica, you go.”

“Is it finally my turn? Indeed, I am better than Blundell in a desert.” It was as she said. As a magician dependent on moisture, Blundell’s firepower was weakened in the desert. On the other hand, these conditions were good for Veronica. The heat of the desert would add to her strength instead of harming her.

However, Kurt’s words didn’t end there.

“Quattro, do you want to participate?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. If you send us, we will surely capture the ruins.”

“Good, go and investigate with Veronica.” This was an opportunity to see a set of ruins from the Age of Mythology. Setting aside the artifacts Para was supposed to give her, she would be sorry to miss such an opportunity as a sorceress. Moreover, Andras had a debt to pay.

However, an unexpected topic was then brought up.

“Your Majesty, what about the guests from Elvenheim?”

“What about them?”

“According to Quattro’s captain, Lady Ellenoa’s two escorts are master level. So, perhaps we should seek their help.”

“No, we can’t.” Kurt opposed it right away and gave his reasons. “They are Meltor’s guests. We can’t ask them to fight for us because of this, and that desert is harmful to elementals. It would be impolite to ask them to accompany the investigation team.”

“Uh, you’re right. I was too short-sighted.” The person stepped back with shame, while another person spoke up.

“Your Majesty, when will the investigation team depart? The Magic Contest has just started.”

“That’s right. Therefore, the enemies won’t think that we will move at this time. The team will head to the Meuse Desert as soon as the preparations are complete.”

“Yes, Your Majesty’s words are correct.” Everyone nodded at Kurt’s words, and the emergency meeting ended there. They were tired from preparing for the Magic Contest and last night’s banquet, so their footsteps were quick in leaving.

Shortly afterward, only the Quattro members, the tower masters, and Kurt remained in the room. From here on out, the conversation wasn’t as serious. Blundell stroked his white beard and spoke to Kurt first, “Five people. No, isn’t it six if we add the person from Austen? Your Majesty, is it okay with just six people?”

“Old Man, what? Don’t you believe in my skills?” Veronica scoffed.

“I would feel more relieved if you went alone…”

“What are you saying?” Blundell was a man who looked foolish and carefree on the outside. However, Sylvia had joined the team, so he was worried that something would happen. Liliana looked at the two great magicians with a tired expression. These two people were already closer to natural disasters than humans. Anyone caught up in a fight between the two would end up badly.

However, Veronica’s hand shot out like lightning and grabbed Liliana. “Eek.”

“Since the girl is also a master, don’t we have enough strength? Isn’t that right? Old Man, say something!”

“H-He is still not fully a master…”

“Ah, she hasn’t learned ‘Sorcery’ yet.” Veronica remembered what she had forgotten for a while. Meanwhile, Liliana was distressed about still being in her grasp.

Fortunately, Veronica quickly let go and spoke cheerfully, “Well, the journey won’t take one or two days. I will teach you about Sorcery along the way. It will be easier to understand coming from me than from Orta.”

“Cough, certainly, but…”

“Right.” The other two tower masters agreed to let Veronica teach Liliana Sorcery. Liliana didn’t know what it meant. Why was it better to learn from Veronica than Blundell or Orta? It was still an unknown conversation for Liliana, who only knew the concept of Sorcery.

At that moment, Kurt, who was watching them, opened his mouth, “Veronica, Orta.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Tomorrow is the dawn.” Kurt spoke suddenly, but the two of them understood the meaning of his words and nodded. Kurt III was looking toward the end of the war which had lasted for centuries, and this ruin would be a cornerstone of the fight.

‘It will be in the next 10 years, or maybe earlier.’ The long, long war between the Northern powers was reaching its end.

Chapter 191 – Around the Desert (1)

The Meuse Desert, located in the midwest of the continent and southwest of the Austen Kingdom, was highly notorious. The ‘Great Drought’ had irregular periods of huge sandy winds, bringing famine to the entire central area as well as Austen. In the early days of the Meuse Desert, it was only the size of three or four small estates. After hundreds of years, it became an ant pit that had taken half of Austen’s land. It was from that time onwards that it became known as the Meuse Desert.

In the founding myths of Austen, the one who killed the founder, and was eponymous with a disaster, had been Meuse. The people of the desert kingdom had begun to believe that a grudge held by the mythical creature was turning the earth dry. They couldn’t accept that this unreasonable disaster was merely accidental misfortune. It was different to the saying, ‘disaster occurs when good luck changes directions.’

Thanks to the sacred nature of the Sultan, the people of Austen could fight against the drought as a type of ‘enemy.’ If the drought stopped for a while, they would say that they were victorious, and when the drought resumed, they would say that the evil spirits had risen again. [It is a battle of patience! Fight for the Sultan!]

According to Austen’s doctrines, warriors would die and go to heaven, where they would receive beautiful women and mansions. Therefore, the peasants, who were jealous of the warriors, were bound to fall for the lure. It wasn’t about fighting with a sword on the battlefield but about being able to go to heaven after death! Some fanatics even starved to death, despite having plenty of food and water.

This was Austen, a country which was barely breathing due to being distorted by piety. The Meuse Desert was also a refuge for those who considered the Sultan a false god and wanted to avoid the noose.

Entry to the Meuse Desert, the land of the evil gods, was prohibited. Therefore, there were no signs of anybody at the entrance. However, the situation was different today.

Flash! A light abruptly appeared out of thin air where only hot sand, a burning sun, and dry winds were present. Naturally, the light which emerged from the air was Meltor’s investigation team. The Red Tower Master Veronica, the four members of Quattro, and Mujak appeared 30 meters in midair, but the party landed easily with no confusion. It would be ridiculous if strong people like them were damaged by a fall from this height.

Liliana and Mujak chose to strengthen their bodies, while the others used magic. Among them, Veronica was the last to arrive.

Kung! Despite the sand piled up to her ankles, the landing was quite loud due to the object she was carrying. It was a carriage, the fruit of a collaboration between the White Tower and Yellow Tower. The four wheels of this carriage rolled with magic power instead of horses.

Mujak opened his mouth and spoke in a trembling voice, “W-We really moved here instantly… Meltor’s national power is hard to fathom.”

It was natural for him to feel fear. To think that it was possible to instantly teleport to the Meuse Desert in the midwest of the Central Continent, which was also Austen’s blind spot? This was an impossible feat without the White Tower Master. However, Mujak didn’t know this and felt like it was a demonstration that Meltor could destroy Austen anytime they wanted.

Then Veronica laughed cheerfully. “So, be careful okay? Rats can die without even knowing the cause.”

“… I will be careful.” It didn’t sound like a joke to Mujak, who nodded seriously. After all, Veronica was the one who had nearly killed him once. Thanks to that, the atmosphere became cold. His body was tied up by the Geass Scroll, but their relationship was bad, so he still couldn’t be trusted.

Liliana hastily found a topic which she thought would change this atmosphere. “How far away is the destination?”

“Um… wait a minute.” Mujak opened the map, touched it with his finger and finally gave an answer. “We should head straight to the south in a diagonal manner. Based on my pace, it should take four or five days, depending on everyone else.”

“Five days…” It was both a long and short amount of time. Paragranum said that the ruins wouldn’t be taken away easily, but she never knew what could happen. This meant it would be best to arrive as soon as possible.

At that moment, Veronica bluntly asked, “Wait a minute, five days?”

“That’s right, Lady Veronica. Unlike other deserts, the Meuse Desert doesn’t lose its heat at night, and it is impossible to move quickly. Considering our abilities, we won’t be able to walk all night and day. Therefore, it will take five days.”

“But that’s why I brought this heavy thing.” Veronica banged on the exterior of the carriage.

However, Mujak made a mocking expression. “Do you think that carriage will roll properly in the desert? Where are the horses or camels to pull it?”

“It runs on magic power, so won’t it roll well?”

“Then will the wheels turn on the sandy ground?”

Indeed, Mujak’s words weren’t wrong. Liliana thought about it and found his point valid. Right now, the sand was only ankle deep, but it would often go up to the shins. No matter how outstanding the performance of the carriage was, the wheels obviously wouldn’t turn.

However, Veronica didn’t accept it. “Hah, if there isn’t a path, then we should make it. Why do masters have to be obsessed with common sense? How funny.”

“What? What does that mea…”

Veronica ignored Mujak and inhaled in the direction they had to walk. It was a deep breath that sucked in all the air in that area. The wind and sand changed directions, and Liliana paled as she realized her intentions.

‘Surely this breath isn’t….!’ Her temple throbbed with pain, and her body tingled. Her experience with adversity instinctively moved her circles.

Jjejejeok! Ice barriers rose in succession. One, two… As many as seven ice barriers separated the rest of the party from Veronica. The party was perplexed by the sudden magic, with only Sylvia realizing and joining in.

“Stop anything in front of me, Glacial Wall!” Seven layers of the 6th Circle magic, Glacial Wall, surrounded them. It was a defense that could even withstand explosives activated on the inside. William didn’t understand what the two of them were doing and tried to speak. However, then ‘it’ began.

――――――――――――――!! An incredible heat wave emerged in the opposite direction of the ice wall. The heat moved faster than air could burn. Everything it passed turned into a vacuum, seeming more like the ray from the sun than flames. A flaming light swept down to the ground. Dragon Breath broke the Meuse Desert into two. No, it just looked that way for a moment. The sand on the ground had completely melted down.

“……” No one was able to open their mouth. It was the same for Liliana, despite her experiencing Veronica’s breath once before. At that time, it had been shot toward the sky. The breath Veronica had displayed that time was incomparable to this one. This breath stretched beyond the horizon. Beyond the melted ice walls, a few kilometers of ground had changed to look like lava.

What if Liliana were facing this blow directly? Her defense would break, and she would die from this radiant heat. Even if she tried to avoid it, its speed was close to the speed of light. Like Liliana, Mujak’s face paled as he imagined it. While hiccuping, William whispered in a small voice, “C-Captain. I didn’t do anything wrong, did I? Right?”

“…Maybe not, perhaps.”


As William shook with fear, Veronica looked around at the landscape she created and said, “Isn’t this good now? It will last at least 30 minutes, so let’s board the carriage. I don’t like the feeling of sand in my shoes.”

The party looked at Veronica with absurd expressions as they realized why she had used the breath, but she just ignored them. After a moment, the blistering heat from the Dragon Breath affected them belatedly, and they began to sweat.

Veronica waved from where she had already boarded the carriage. “What are you doing? Hurry.”

The journey of Meltor’s investigation team had just begun.

* * *

The air in the middle of the desert was terribly hot. The sun shining down from the sky was burning, but the knights in black armor didn’t dare to rest. At the center, there was an impressive-looking knight with a thin jawline.

He was the imperial sword, Lloyd Pollan. It was hard to guess that an imperial sword would appear at the ruins. The presence of a hard-to-handle person was a disaster for the subordinates. Even the Shadow Knights waited before him like rats before a cat.

“Hrmm, this really is a set of ruins from the Age of Mythology,” Lloyd said while looking around the site at the excavation work which couldn’t be completed. He looked at the shape of the dome, the material which easily repelled knights of the empire, and the strange silver liquid flowing out of a tunnel. It was a trace of an old era which could rarely be found anywhere else in these modern times.

Sururung. He subsequently pulled out the sword hanging at his waist.

“Step back,” Lloyd advised the people near him and gripped his sword. The aura which emerged from him was different from that of regular aura users. Soon after, Lloyd’s sword was covered in a dark turquoise aura. It took time to gather his maximum power. His ability wasn’t related to destructive power, so this attack could be called pure strength.

Stab. Lloyd’s sword shot straight forward, like a lightning bolt. Kaaang! However, the attack which could penetrate through dozens of layers of iron and a few layers of mithril only left a scratch on this material. It was amazing compared to the Shadow Knights who couldn’t even leave a scratch, but it cracked his pride as a sword master.

“…Indeed, this can’t be done through force.” An obstacle that could withstand the power of a sword master wasn’t one that could be broken down with destructive power. The leader of the Shadow Knights asked from behind Lloyd, “I’m sorry for making you come all the way here, Sir Pollan. We will somehow…”

“No, don’t apologize. I was sent by the prince because he was expecting something like this,” Lloyd mumbled as he watched his sword. “I don’t like it, but… I will respond to those expectations. Spoiled prince.”

It was a blasphemous remark, but the Shadow Knight ignored Lloyd’s words and focused on his actions. Unlike the other Seven Swords who acted on the battlefield, Lloyd was similar to the Shadow Knights. He didn’t show tremendous destructive power nor did he possess superior combat capabilities, but he always succeeded in his missions.

Lloyd was the owner of an Aura Ability which allowed him to go through difficult situations like a ghost. The shadows watched the brightly colored aura and gulped. How much time had passed by…?

Lloyd, who was concentrating with both eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and stabbed the sword at a certain spot on the ground. Pushuk! Like the other places, a silver liquid sprang up. The liquid contained an awful stench and was highly poisonous, but Lloyd was already out of range as he pointed to the spot.

“Bury explosives at the point I just dug out. Not just one but many of them. This is the only way to open this set of ruins.”

“Yes, I understand! Everybody move!” There were no objections. The Shadow Knights knew Lloyd well, so they followed his order faithfully. To them, it was disloyal to not follow the words of their superior. The loyalty of the Shadow Knights toward the empire was just as high as the Austen fanatics.

Lloyd watched their loyal appearance and muttered a few words, “There is a pretty bad possibility, but I can’t help it. I don’t want to die at the hands of the prince.”

Indeed, Lloyd was able to find a solution in any difficult situation. However, he knew that the solution wasn’t always good.

Chapter 192 – Around the Desert (2) Kurururung! The carriage followed the trail of Veronica’s breath straight through the middle of the desert. It was better than traveling through sand which went up to the height of an adult male’s chest, but it was hard to say that the path was smooth when it had suddenly become melted igneous rock. Despite bouncing over stones and traveling up and down steep slopes, the carriage was still moving somehow. Fortunately, it wasn’t bad inside the carriage. It was because there were all types of magic covering the carriage to prevent external shakes or shock.

Rather, there was an unnatural stillness. The landscape seen through the windows on either side of the carriage was just sand, while the people inside it didn’t break the silence. There was the great magician who was notorious in many ways, the Red Tower Master Veronica… Meltor’s four top prospects gathered together, Quattro… And the guardian of Austen who had been captured by them, Mujak. Mujak was guilty of unauthorized entry, so she wasn’t in a position to speak first. Meanwhile, William and Sylvia found it hard to act freely in the presence of Veronica, their superior. Para never spoke unless she had to, and Liliana wasn’t good at socializing either.

Therefore, there was only one person who could break this silence—Veronica. Veronica was bored and spoke in a husky voice, “Ah, it is too boring. And we have to continue for a few more days like this.” She stretched out her legs while complaining. It was a considerable distance that they had to travel, even if this was just the outskirts of the Meuse Desert. As such, the expected arrival time was three days.

Veronica was bored after looking out the window for a while and spoke to Liliana, “Since I have to do it anyway… Shall I start the promised class on Sorcery?” Liliana was surprised by the sudden offer and questioned, “Huh? In here?”

“Isn’t it okay? The rest are still young, but they are tower master candidates, so they should learn it.” “That’s right, but…” It was fine for Quattro to hear it. However, the problem was the outsider, Mujak. What if a sword master learned something key about Sorcery? There was no reason to take the risk. However, Veronica waved off Liliana’s concerns.

“It doesn’t matter. The Aura Ability is different from Sorcery. No weaknesses will be revealed just from knowing the theory, and it is hard for people who aren’t high-level magicians to understand.”

“Then we will listen.”

“Okay, pay attention. I won’t tell you twice.”

The others might not have seven circles like Liliana, but they were magicians who were more enthusiastic about learning than anyone else. With the exception of Para, the prospective tower masters focused their attention on Veronica. As three pairs of eyes gathered on her, Veronica created a few fire circles in the air and started explaining. “I’m not sure as to the extent of your knowledge, but you know that a magican’s circles are slightly different for each person, right?”


“They are the same as muscles and bones. Nutrition and discipline… Their composition and form will change with several variables and environmental conditions. Specialization in specific attributes is formed largely from the efficiency of magic power circulation. In special cases, it can deviate from the existing magical system. Sorcery is a term referring to the phenomenon that is this change.”

Veronica’s index finger moved, and the circles tangled together, merging into a curious shape which was neither circular or spherical. They were dual spheres in an oval shape. At a dizzying speed, this soon changed into a cube, a triangular cone, a disc, and others shapes.

“No one knows what the final shape will look like. It depends on the inherited lineage, the method of training, the process of growth… There are too many variables for it to be determined. Regarding this part, I can say that it is somewhat similar to the aura ability.” Then Veronica joined her palms together. “If Aura Ability is waking a sleeping ability, then Sorcery is realizing that something inside has changed. Awakening and awareness are similar, but they mean completely different things.”

“Awakening and awareness…”

“Hmm, is it a little vague? If you take my case for example, I took an hour to realize my Sorcery.”

“A-An hour?”

The cries of three magicians resounded in the carriage. The difficulty of learning Sorcery was low compared to the Aura Ability, but that didn’t mean it was easy. Some people took a few months or even a few years. There was a record of a genius doing it in a week, so Veronica’s one hour was truly ridiculous.

However, she laughed like it was nothing. “Well, I didn’t tell you that to boast. I wanted to ask you something. What do you think ‘heat’ is?”

“Y-You are asking us?”

“That’s right. Heat doesn’t just have to do with being hot.”

The three magicians were troubled by the sudden topic. Paragranum, the grimoire who possessed a lot of knowledge about science, would be able to answer the question in more detail than anyone else. However, she didn’t reply because she didn’t feel the need to. The three people thought about the concept of ‘heat.’ Then surprisingly, Sylvia was the one to open her mouth first. “Invisible fire, the force that moves the phenomenon.”

“Hoh, why?”

“Ice stops every phenomenon. Then heat must be the force that drives all phenomenon.”

“Proof by contradiction, it is an inspired approach,” Veronica remarked. Then she continued with a charming smile, “It is comprehensive, but not wrong. Yes, heat is the power to move phenomenon, a power that can’t be seen with the human eye.”

Then the next moment… She added, “They can’t be seen with ‘ordinary eyes.’” Veronica’s golden eyes were bright. Humans couldn’t observe the phenomenon which was happening around them. However, having inherited the blood of a red dragon, Veronica broke the wall of the 7th Circle and stepped into this area. Her eyes could grasp the ‘movement of power’ and control it. She went beyond the boundaries and became the ruler of the superthermal realm!

The reason why she was capable of awakening the dragon blood, which was weak in her body, and exhibiting a strength equal to a pureblood was due to Veronica’s Sorcery.

“You know, my case is very special. A dragon’s bloodline has a greater impact on the circles than any other variable, so I was able to roughly guess the result of Sorcery.”

Even with numerous variables, a dragon’s blood was something which could survive the most challenging circ*mstances. Veronica had inherited the lineage of a red dragon and was also a genius of magic, making her the youngest Red Tower Master ever. What she could do well and what she wanted to do well… These two perfectly matched elements caused Veronica’s growth rate to be unprecedented. It was why she could comprehend Sorcery so quickly. In other words, this was what she wanted to tell Liliana.

“There is no need to be hasty. Take a look at yourself. Liliana Miller’s magic, Liliana Miller’s strength… You are more aware of the possibilities inside you than anyone else. Instead of trying to change yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and think.”

The advice of an experienced person was better than anything from a book. Liliana felt like she was on the edge of capturing a clue, so she didn’t hesitate to bow her head.

“Thank you, Tower Master.”

“…Don’t thank me. One day, you have an obligation to teach this to someone else.”

The essential principle of the Magic Society was to pass on their knowledge. Liliana smiled faintly as she was reminded of this. Maybe it was because her smile was charming, but Veronica’s cheeks turned faintly red. Meanwhile, the carriage fell into silence again. However, this time it wasn’t awkward. This was a silence caused by the magicians thinking about the story on their own.

Liliana gazed up at the air and contemplated deeply. ‘My own magic…’ Liliana Miller slowly looked back on her 20 years of life.

* * *

Exactly three days later… Every time the road ended, Veronica would use Dragon Breath, and they would make their way again. Then the wagon, which had been rolling well without stopping, suddenly stopped. As the successor of the White Tower Master, William examined it but couldn’t find any problems. Mujak watched him and said, “It is no use. We will probably have to walk from here.”

“Ah, there was that. I forgot.” Veronica didn’t wonder why they would have to walk and nodded easily. As confusion filled everyone else’s eyes, she pointed to the distant horizon and briefly explained, “I don’t know why, but whenever there is a drought, the duration of magic is greatly reduced in the Meuse Desert. Artifacts like this carriage will stop working. Think of it like pushing magic power into a broken jar.”

“Then we can’t use secondary magic?”

“Spells like ‘Battle Song’ are okay, but ‘Haste’ will be blocked.”

This was a troublesome terrain. Liliana wasn’t the only one to think so, as William grumbled at the now obsolete carriage. Due to the nature of the White Tower, the carriage had cost an enormous amount of money to make.

“Damn, you know how much this costs…”

“Can’t we take it on the way back?”

“It will be covered in sand and leave no traces in just an hour. It is regretful, but it can’t be helped.”

It had been easy to travel up to this point, but it was now time to taste the harshness of the terrain. As soon as the six of them left the carriage, they were greeted by the sandy breeze. They triggered the magic on their robes, but sand had already entered the gaps. Veronica’s brows furrowed. “Damn Imperial bastards, making me come here…”

This was an irrational rage toward the Andras Empire, but no one was idiotic enough to point it out. They were fairly close to the destination, so Veronica didn’t shoot a Dragon Breath. It was to save her magic power in case of misfortune or an unexpected event.

In this situation, there was one larger issue. “Um… My detection magic isn’t working. No matter how much magic power I use, it doesn’t go beyond 20 meters.”

“It can’t be helped. This is one more penalty.” Veronica looked around with a hard expression after William tried detection magic. The sand wasn’t at a constant height, which made their visibility limited. First of all, the Andras knights were at the ruins, so this wasn’t a good environment to approach in. Unlike the neutralized detection magic, aura was still working. At that moment, Liliana thought of a method.

“Can you wait a minute?”

“Huh? Do you have a method?”

“Yes, perhaps…”

The party stopped moving while Liliana concentrated. She was looking for the contract Satomer had given to her. This was the connection with the crow ‘Hugin.’

‘I would like to borrow Mitra’s strength if possible.’ Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible. Maybe it was because Meuse Desert wasn’t naturally created, or it was due to the power of the sand dragon. Either way, this was an environment where elementals couldn’t be called. Fortunately, summoning seemed to work regardless of environment.

“Come, Hugin!” As soon as Liliana moved her magic power, a crow popped out of thin air.


“A s-summon?” Veronica was surprised by this magic and examined Liliana. The effectiveness of summoning magic had decreased over the past hundreds of years, making it difficult to be seen now. When had Liliana learned summoning magic?

“Summoning magic… You have learned a fairly minor branch of magic.”

“It was by chance.” Liliana smiled wryly as she guessed her meaning. Was it because she hadn’t used summoning magic in quite a while…? Hugin was enjoying the sky after having not appeared in the physical world for a while. ‘Do you see this, Senior?’ Liliana briefly thought about that skinny face, the face of the summoning magician who had handed over all his knowledge and dream to her. Everyone in this era remembered him as a loser, but he was the summoner who had managed to call Fafnir.

Chapter 193 – Around the Desert (3)

After the crow flew through the desert sky for an hour, Liliana was forced to adjust her perception. She couldn’t use Mitra’s power, so she called on Hugin as a substitute. However, it was far superior to what she had expected.

‘Indeed, it is bigger when the perspective is higher.’

Liliana shared the desert scenery with Hugin and soon discovered the reason. Mitra’s ability was moving through the ground, while Hugin could look down at the ground from the height of the clouds. The sandy winds of the desert couldn’t reach that height. Unlike the party that could barely see 50 meters ahead, she could see a wide scenery.

Then something soon entered Liliana’s eyes. It was four hours after the carriage stopped, just as the sun started to fall below the horizon. Something glowing in the opposite direction of the sun entered Hugin’s eyes.


“Kid, what happened?”

At the front of the party, Liliana suddenly grabbed her eyes, and Veronica hurriedly helped her. It might be due to the crow’s habit, which liked sparkling things. The silver which entered Hugin’s eyes was difficult for Liliana to endure. However, she restored her balance and looked at the landscape again. There was a building which maintained its shape in the desert caused by the sand dragon, Desertio. Additionally, the radiant silver which hurt her eyes matched Paragranum’s previous description. The hemisphere shape, which was 300 meters in radius, protruded from the ground, and it was made of a metal that was hard to scratch with master-level auras.

“I’ve found the ruin.”

The faces of the investigation team became tense at Liliana’s words. They were glad to reach their destination, but they knew that people were occupying it. So, from then on, the party’s gait became more cautious. They narrowed the distance toward the scenery which Liliana had seen.


The investigation team could see the outline of the ruins Liliana had seen from the distant sky. There was a flag with two swords flying. The flag symbolized the sword empire. The black knights from Andras were also patrolling the ruins.

“300 meters ahead, a patrol of Shadow Knights will pass.”

“How many?”

“There are 12 people on patrol, and based on the barracks, there are 40 people in total.”

“It is a considerable amount. Isn’t the value of this set of ruins quite high?”

Unlike Quattro, who had no experience, Veronica had run into them several times, so she knew the meaning of this number. The Shadow Knights were the hidden swords of the Andras Empire, who committed all types of deeds in the darkness. The fact that 40 people had been sent to this distant desert was proof that these ruins had a lot of value.

However, shortly after that, Liliana’s expression hardened. “…One of the empire’s Seven Swords is present.”

It was a familiar face. With black hair and legs which were stretched out in a relaxed manner, this was the appearance of a knight who looked cunning. He was Andras’ 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan. Liliana Miller didn’t have a good impression of him. He was the sword master who had found her in the royal palace and threatened to kill her at the end of the armistice.

“The 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan.”

“What? That opportunist bastard?”

However, Veronica’s reaction was unexpected for Liliana.


“Yes, it is strange. He never comes when there are traps, but if there is something to gain, he will appear like a ghost. Additionally, he never shows up on a battlefield where either Blundell or I are present. He is trickier than the 4th Sword.”

Therefore, Veronica’s eyes were blazing at this chance to kill him. It wasn’t just her, but the others as well. Quattro had a great attachment to their kingdom, so they wanted to take this opportunity to shatter the power of the empire. In the end, only Mujak and Para moved along with casual expressions.

“Okay, this hill is adequate.”

Before long, Liliana’s group arrived at a sand dune near the ruins containing the Andras team. It was a suitable place to secretly monitor the Andras team. The approach of the six people hadn’t been exposed yet.

“The Shadow Knights… It is my first time seeing them with my own eyes.” William looked over the sand dune and gulped. He knew about the special forces of the Andras Empire, but he didn’t know he would encounter them in this way. Sylvia couldn’t help tightening her grip on her staff, while Liliana was staring at the man called Lloyd Pollan. At that moment, Veronica looked at the Andras knights and muttered, “But what are they doing now?”

The question soon spread to everyone. It was inevitable for the Meltor war mages to be curious about the strange actions of the shadows. A group of five people was digging at the ground, while another pair was burying something in the ground. Silver liquid was flowing from the large pits they’d made. Paragranum was the first to notice their intentions.


“What, explosives?”

‘I know that the Andras people are using all types of means, but even explosives?’ Veronica and the others turned to Para with surprise, but she didn’t pay attention to them. She continued muttering to herself. What was the Andras team doing? On the contrary, there were several possibilities as to why they were laying down explosives. Should the Meltor group let it go or interfere? If they were confident of winning in a frontal battle, it was more realistic to choose the latter.

“If they are planning to blow it up, should I use my breath?” Veronica offered a radical suggestion.

However, Liliana considered it seriously. As Paragranum had described, the ruin wouldn’t be broken by Veronica’s breath. The Andras group, who hadn’t grasped their approach yet, would be hit and burn to death without knowing. The explosives would blow up, and even Lloyd would find it difficult to survive. It was a chance to get rid of everyone with one attack!

However, the moment when Liliana was about to nod with agreement, there was a voice which interfered with the decision.

“No, you can’t do that!” Paragranum, the grimoire in the shell of a girl, suddenly shouted at Veronica. Veronica stopped in surprise, just as the explosives burned up on the other side of the sand dune.


There was a massive explosion accompanied by a huge roar. The party wasn’t prepared and quickly covered their eardrums, while the sky darkened with smoke.

Kukukukung, the earth also trembled.

The ground shook like an earthquake was occurring. A great shock wave burst out, and the sandy field shook. Liliana barely recovered from the shock and instantly realized. ‘…No, isn’t the shaking lasting too long to just be the aftermath of the explosion?’

The impact of the explosion should’ve ceased already. So, why hadn’t the shaking stopped yet? This meant the shock wasn’t caused by the explosion but from something under the ground. Was it a coincidence or inevitable? Liliana looked at Paragranum for clarification.

Then she got her wish.

「Mercurius… woke up。」

Liliana couldn’t hear it because her ears were still ringing, but she read her lips.


Simultaneously, a white liquid emerged from underneath the ruin. Mercury had been placed beneath the laboratory for the purpose of stopping any intrusions. There was a large volume and it started taking the form of something huge.

This was an autonomous maneuver-type guardian that Paracelsus had created out of mercury. The name was Mercurius… This was the name which had been given by the best alchemist in the Age of Mythology to a man-made embodiment of Hermes. The guardian didn’t have a nucleus, which was the weakness of all existences with an indefinite form. It had the ability to multiply again and again, as long as there was a drop of mercury left.

Paracelsus’s guardian appeared in the image of a snake and declared in a loud voice, 『This is Mercurius’ 76th autonomous movement. It is due to an intrusion attempt without going through the procedures.』

Mercurius gazed at the Andras excavation team. 『Power annihilation..』

Although the sun had only fallen a little bit to the west, the serpent was big enough to cover the sun, casting a huge shadow. As the knights stiffened at the sight before them, Mercurius struck ruthlessly.

Its estimated length was tens of meters, while its estimated weight was several tons. Mercurius’ body, which was entirely made of mercury, was a terrible mass weapon in itself. From top to bottom, left to right…

As the massive mass of mercury crashed into them, many Shadow Knights were crushed to death.


The simple movement wasn’t enough to destroy all of Andras’ barracks, but it did reach the sand dune where Liliana’s party were hiding. Even the wind was an attack! Mercurius waved its tail lightly, but it was almost equal to magic of the 7th Circle.



“This damn snake!”

Fortunately, Veronica managed to offset the wind pressure. Otherwise, the six of them would’ve been blown away. One scholar had said this, ‘A massive mass is a power in itself.’ The six people hiding at the sand dune quickly thought about what to do next. There were still a few of Andras’ Shadows remaining, while Mercurius was already moving its body for the next attack. If they didn’t move quickly, they would be late.

“Yellow Tower Kid, why did you stop me?”

Didn’t it seem like she was aware of Mercurius’ existence? Five pairs of eyes stared at Para with reasonable doubt.

She explained matter-of-factly, “That is Mercurius, a guardian of the laboratory that Paracelsus created. Its entire body is made of mercury. If Tower Master had used your breath, this entire area would have become filled with poison gas.”

“Poison gas?”

“Even a sword master can’t escape from the poisonous influence of the mercury. Additionally, if it evaporates, it will just return to liquid again.”

It couldn’t be defeated. That was the common thought in the minds of those who heard the explanation. Veronica’s breath would only threaten the body. Even if it evaporated from powerful magic, it would just return to its original state. This wasn’t an opponent they could face. They wondered why Para had omitted the mention of such a dangerous existence.

“But Mercurius is a defender who will only use force if people don’t enter through the door in a legitimate way. It is safer for us to stay back until all of the Andras group are dead.”

“…That would be reasonable.” Veronica nodded at Para’s explanation but then pointed toward something. “Though, isn’t it hard to leave this situation alone?”

The investigation team looked at where Veronica was pointing. On the battlefield, the Shadow Knights were being trampled on like ants. Behind Mercurius, a man was trying to enter the laboratory through a drainage tunnel that had been exposed.

“Lloyd Pollan?!”

“Well, this is what happened. We can’t retreat now. That bastard is going in alone,” Veronica said and then looked at Mercurius, which was like a mountain. Despite being a sword master, Lloyd didn’t hesitate to run away from such a monster. It might be different if his Aura Ability was focused on destruction… but Mujak’s ‘Illusion’ ability was just like an ant before Mercurius.

So, a magician was needed to deal with that mercury serpent. However, the person needed to be of the master level and able to cooperate with Veronica.

“Come, Lili. It is our turn.”

Chapter 194 – Mercurius (1)

Liliana's judgment was correct. There was almost no possibility of executing a general strike against Mercurius, which was like a moving fortress. It was similar to how water would just split apart when cut. Mercurius didn’t even have a nucleus, which could be a weak point, so the right strategy to handle it would be to utilize a sorceress’s high amount of firepower. This didn’t exactly mean that it would be advantageous.

“No way. Only two people are going to block that monster?”

“It isn’t possible. It is too dangerous!”

“We’ll go as well!” Mujak, Sylvia, and William all opposed Veronica and Liliana’s opinion.

An 8th Circle magician and a 7th Circle sorceress were people who could sweep through the continent, but this monster was beyond ordinary standards. Since Veronica couldn’t use fire magic, her combat power had dropped by half.

How could they leave the two people alone in such a situation? The three were unconvinced, with only Para agreeing.

“That is a good judgment.”


“What are you talking about?” Para didn’t care about the reactions of the party and continued speaking indifferently, “Mercurius calculates the priority of its actions based on the mana of the target. The density of magician, who is of the 7th Circle and higher, is completely different, which means it will attack them with the highest priority.”

“B-But if its attention is on the Andras group…”

Couldn’t they sneak past like Lloyd Pollan? In response to the unsaid question, Paragranum calmly pointed out, “Everyone is dead. Look.”

It was just as she said. The trembling of the earth stopped, and the Shadow Knights had already been turned to blood. Every one of them had been an excellent aura user, but that hadn’t been enough to deal with a legacy from the Age of Mythology.

This hadn’t even been a fight. They had simply been slaughtered. Additionally, Mercurius was wriggling around, complaining about having missed Lloyd. Mercurius seemed to be looking for another target to destroy.

In this atmosphere where everyone seemed convinced, Para secretly called out to Liliana, “Captain, this way for a moment.”

“…?” Lili approached her reflexively.

Then Para moved her mouth to Lili’s ear and said, “Don’t worry.”


“I know how to enter, but that guy dared to break in? I assure you that the rude man won’t come out alive.”

“Oh, a trap?”

Liliana realized Para's meaning at once, and Para nodded with a cold smile. For a grimoire, their creator was a god who should be cherished. For that dirty being to dare step into her creator’s dwelling, she couldn’t stand it.

“With the sub-master privileges, I can’t stop Mercurius, but I can control the laboratory’s security system. I’ll enter and capture him.”

“…Then I’ll leave it to you.” Lili felt slightly sorry for Lloyd, who had made a grimoire her enemy. Then Paragranum reached out at an angle that wasn’t visible to the others and pushed something into Lili’s pocket.

“This…?” Liliana uttered.

“It is the thing I promised you. I wish you can hold onto it without using it, but it is there if you need it. I can just make it again.”

“Ah.” ‘The Foolish Philosopher’s Stone!’

Liliana nodded as she touched it, confirming what it was. She had been worried about not having a means to deal with Mercurius, but this gift gave her another option. After Para finished speaking with Liliana, she moved away from her.

Then Veronica, who was watching them with curious eyes, spoke, “Now, shall we begin?”

It was time to face Mercurius, the artificial guardian.

* * *

Mercurius was an artificial guardian inadvertently created by Paracelsus. Was it because the divinity of Hermes had been used? Or maybe its intelligence had grown after living in the world for so long. Paracelsus couldn’t return alive, but Mercurius was currently very angry.

It was because it had missed a small intruder right before its eyes. 『Mission performance, 98.2% progress… This is insulting. 』

Since Creator Paracelsus hadn’t considered ‘emotions’ in his designs, Mercurius twitched around without knowing how to soothe the irritation inside it. Despite having been born ages ago, its mental age was still in infancy. It had been designed as a tool that couldn’t move arbitrarily unless a trigger was pulled.

…Yes, unless someone pulled the trigger.


A strong impact suddenly struck Mercurius’s head. It contained mighty power, sufficient to blow up thousands of gallons of mercury! Mercurius’s head was turned the other way because of the blow, stirring up a blazing emotion inside it.

It was being irritated by the enemy buzzing around its head. 『The 1st shot from the target, the means of use is ‘force bound.’ 7th Circle magic…』

Toward the south of the ruins, the sun was setting. With red hair and a red robe, Veronica raised her magic power to the maximum, dyeing her body in red. She used magic to float and then smiled at Mercurius. “Oh, there was an effect. I wanted to get close.”

This smile unintentionally touched on Mercurius’s nerves. 『Obliterate.』


The massive weight crushed the ground as dust was kicked up and shaking occurred. The land seemed to be screaming every time the huge snake moved its body. Even Veronica couldn’t help but feel impressed despite being accustomed to large-scale destruction.

It wasn’t easy to go against Mercurius. After all, it weighed more than 13 times the weight of the same volume of water, and Mercurius probably consisted of more than 100,000 gallons, perhaps even millions of gallons.

The tail was a natural means of pure devastation.

“Kid!” Veronica stared calmly at the figure before calling out to Liliana, who was concentrating underneath her. “I’ll leave all the ice magic to you! Freeze it when it comes!”


“The rest of you will take advantage of that gap! Count it carefully!”

Mercurius made a lot of noise as it approached. Liliana ignored her increasingly pained ears and waited for Veronica to enter the full range of Mercurius’s body.

At 600 meters, the dust was so thick that it was hard to get a sense of distance. At 470 meters, it was faster and more flexible than she thought. This might be difficult. At 320 meters, she analyzed the zigzag pattern that it was moving in. At 150 meters, her range overlapped with Mercurius.


In a situation where a hundredth of a second couldn’t be missed, Liliana's concentration was fine enough to be threaded through a needle. This was a tactical magic that was 50 meters in radius and 100 meters in diameter.

Mercurius’s body might be bent, but it was within Liliana's range of effect.

“Over the sky, under the sky! Blow unceasingly in the sky, Ymir’s white fog!”

Liliana used the genius ice magic invented by Sylvia Adruncus!

“Diamond Dust!”

Within a limited range, the silver storm, which was worse than Blizzard, created a wall around Mercurius. It was different in scale from that of Sylvia, who was only at the 6th Circle.

The cold crystals floated about as if there was a blizzard, and they froze the mercury, which had a much lower freezing temperature than water. Mercurius was surprised by the attack since it had only been aiming for Veronica.

Jjejejeok…! Jjejejeok…!

Unsurprisingly, Mercurius tried to escape the trap. However, it was too late as more than half of its body was already frozen. It was frozen from its head to some of its tail. There was a frozen snake statue in the middle of the desert. The rest of the investigation team used this gap to pass Mercurius and quickly entered the ruins. Their distant voices were heard in Liliana's ears.

“I pray for your luck!”

“Lili, take care of yourself!”

“Try not to die, Captain! Tower Master should also be careful!”

They were very noisy. Liliana couldn't help laughing, then she met Veronica’s gaze. It was a good blow, but the damage to Mercurius wasn’t significant. Liliana, who had become accustomed to fighting beings from the Age of Mythology, sighed.

‘This time will be quite annoying as well.’

Resignation filled her eyes as she saw the ice on Mercurius had started to melt. If Liliana calculated the magic power she used, it should’ve been frozen for another hour. However, Mercurius’s magic resistance was so strong that it only lasted for three minutes.

If this was its response to ice, which should be its weakness, then the other attributes wouldn't be the answer either. Was it best to buy time until Paragranum secured the ruin?

As Liliana was busy thinking, Veronica attacked without worrying. The 1st commandment of the Red Tower was that the one who struck first had the advantage!

“Force Comet!”

The 7th Circle attack magic, which used force that combined all attributes equally, struck Mercurius’s frozen body.


It was in a solid state where viscosity was weak, but the shock couldn’t be completely absorbed.

Veronica’s blow literally shattered its body. The body, which was over 100 meters in length, broke into pieces and scattered all over the place, along with the magic circle that generated Diamond Dust.

It was a power which was suited to be named as the god of destruction.

“Ugh! What are you doing suddenly?” Lili scolded her as she hurriedly avoided the debris. She was almost caught up in that unexpected shock wave. However, Veronica was looking at the shattered pieces of mercury with an expression more serious than her usual self.

“…Hrmm, such massive destruction is meaningless.” She sensed it.

Veronica had thought the timing of the previous attack was perfect, but it had no meaning. As if to confirm her intuition, Mercurius survived.


No, survival was a term for living things. The shattered fragments gathered in one place and merged together.

Was it turning into a giant snake again? It might’ve fallen into Liliana’s trap, but the flexible and strong body of a snake was an advantage. No defense magic or aura defense could endure the mercury’s weight of hundreds of tons.

However, their speculation was betrayed unexpectedly.


“It seems like it.”

The shape didn’t look too different from a human being, except for the fact that its two arms and legs extended beyond 50 meters. The two of them tensed as Mercurius transformed from a snake into a giant.

Then, at that moment…


It was the eyes. They were eyes consisting of white corneas, white pupils, and white irises. Eyes had appeared on the giant’s body. If that was all, Liliana and Veronica wouldn’t be surprised. However, the problem was the number of eyes. They covered its body from head to toe.

“Wow, disgusting.” Veronica frowned at the unpleasant sight.

Meanwhile, Liliana’s companion woke up and spoke to her, -It has reproduced the watcher, Argos, who has hundreds of eyes. It wasn’t just nonsense that Mercurius had Hermes’ divinity.

‘Gluttony, tell me what you know.’

–Argos is the name of a giant who appeared in an old myth. Thanks to the hundreds of eyes covering its body, it was an expert at watching. Then it was killed by Hermes, who was trying to obtain something Argos was protecting.

Gluttony briefly explained about Argus and analyzed Mercurius, who was about to move. It might not be Paragranum, but Gluttony had a lot of experience with the Age of Mythology and explained the situation.

–An artificial creature made with Hermes’ divinity… Fortunately, it can’t use caduceus’ strength. Indeed, if it could use it, Mercurius would be a god.

Then Gluttony spoke like it was interested, -Well, try to think of a method.

‘…No, is there anything I can do? Is this the end?’

–Can you afford to not be looking ahead?

‘Ahead? What is in front… Damn.’

While Liliana was listening to Gluttony’s words, the hundreds of eyes had turned toward her. The eyes on Mercurius’s body became red. Liliana didn’t know their function, but she had an ominous feeling. She felt a chill run down her spine as she jumped back. Simultaneously, Mercurius took a big step forward.

“-It’s coming!”

A giant and two magicians who could destroy a mountain with a fist… This was the moment when a legend began in the middle of the desert.

Chapter 195 – Mercurius (2)Understandably, the priority of the attack was on Mercurius. The arms which stretched out from its massive body were dozens of meters long. Before the giant, the two magicians were nothing more than flies.The silver body of mercury shook, and Mercurius soon began attacking with its big arms.Huuung!It was literally a whirlwind. Unlike the tail which had caused a sharp shock wave, the wind pressure caused by the blast was overpowering.Floating in midair, Theodore and Veronica bounced backward. Due to the nature of flying magic which controlled airflow, it was impossible to stay in place against this wind pressure. No matter how well a captain steered a ship, it would be overturned by the power of the sea.Theodore was pushed almost a hundred meters away and barely corrected his posture.‘…Ugh, I never expected to experience motion sickness in a place like this.’Was this the feeling of being caught in a storm at sea? This concept of being pushed around to the right and left was unknown to Theodore.“Wake up, Kid!” It was Veronica’s voice which woke him up from his dizziness.Her voice was more urgent than usual, stirring Theodore into movement.Huuuuong!At that moment, the mercury arm, which was more like a pillar, brushed past Theodore’s feet. If the arm hit Theodore directly, his body would burst like a rotten tomato. Even with defense magic, it was a death blow.Theodore grabbed his neck at the belated warning and hurriedly flew over to Veronica. Instead of reprimanding him, she nodded. “Kid, I guess you don’t have a lot of experience in air combat?”“Yes, I’ve only experienced it once.”“I knew it. How much aerial combat is there in this age?”Theodore’s immaturity couldn’t be blamed. Even top magicians like Veronica didn’t have much experience in air combat. It was a bit harsh to ask for that of a young man who wasn’t even 30 years old.Veronica had never fought against something the size of Mercurius while in the air. She couldn’t use fire magic, and the opponent was an immortal monster.“So, what should we do?” Theodore asked.However, Veronica just laughed wildly and formed a fist.Her eight circles revolved and pulled all the mana in the area into her fist. Even though they were both masters, her dominance was far beyond that of Theodore. Mana which couldn’t initially be felt by human senses was forcibly materialized.“Enchant-Force Meteor!”This was the technique of converting magic power into physical force, followed by a few auxiliary spells.“Striking! Amplification!”The duration of the technique was significantly reduced in the Meuse Desert, but Veronica was a great magician who could hold onto it for a while. Theodore paled every time Veronica cried out a spell, and he felt a thrill as over 10 auxiliary spells were placed on her fist.Her physical abilities already far surpassed a normal person without the assistance of aura. Then what would happen if 8th Circle magic enhanced her physical power? Now, Veronica could crush a mountain with a fist!Mercurius momentarily stiffened at the violent atmosphere which emerged around the red dragon.“Die, you monster!”Power burst from Veronica’s fist. It was a blow which contained pure force. Anyone who knew a bit of martial arts wouldn’t be able to breathe after seeing this.―――――――――――――!The wind let out a loud sound as it was torn apart by the fist. There was an empty voice, and the enormous power turned into light. Veronica’s right arm was blocked by the mercury giant’s arm and went through without any resistance.Then shortly after that, it exploded.“-Ack?”Once again, the two people were pushed back dozens of meters, reaching a place where the set of ruins looked small. Theodore’s robes flapped in the wind as he gazed at the mercury giant’s location.“Heok!”There was no upper body.Mercurius’ 30 meter long lower body was still present, but its upper body had disappeared without a trace due to Veronica’s strike. Theodore saw it and recalled something a veteran had said. It was so unrealistic that he hadn’t believed it.In the last war, Veronica had broken an enemy fortress with a fist.‘…That was a true story.’This power was enough to make a fortress fly away. Theodore inwardly decided to buy a drink for the senior whom he thought had been a liar. However, Veronica’s expression was dissatisfied despite the successful attack. Apart from fire magic, the previous attack contained the maximum power that she could use.However…Wuuuuuu.Something was emerging from Mercurius’ lower body. The regeneration speed was like the speed of a lizard’s tail growing back. Theodore frowned at the sight for a moment, before denying his own judgment.‘No, the volume has definitely reduced. It did have an effect.’The original height of 50 meters was reduced to 40 meters. It meant that the amount of mercury forming Mercurius’ body had decreased. It might be possible to completely destroy it with three or four more blows.“Tower Master.”“Why?”“That attack you just did, how many more times can you do it?”Veronica gave a long sigh and replied, “If I use it once or twice more, I will be out of combat.”“Hoo, this won’t work.”“I never thought I would be in a situation where I run out of firepower.”It was just as she said. Veronica had awakened the red dragon’s blood, so her firepower was a step or two above that of the other 8th Circle magicians. Even Blundell couldn’t surpass her when it came to combat power.Now, only a 9th Circle magician would be able to match Veronica’s firepower. As Theodore and Veronica were thinking, Mercurius started to show some movements.Kururuk… kurururuk…“Hah.”“Dammit, this is another transformation.”The reduced volume was gradually restored. 42 meters, 45 meters, 48 meters… Once Mercurius’ body reached 50 meters again, hundreds of eyes appeared on its body and emitted a sinister light. A silver body and red eyes… When Theodore saw it, his senses cried out loudly.“Tower Master!”“Huh?”As Veronica turned with surprise at his urgent voice, Theodore approached and hugged her.“Eh? W-Wait a minute, Kid?”“Hold your breath!”“What?!”Theodore’s right arm gleamed the moment that the hundreds of eyes on Mercurius’ body released a flash of light. The two bodies stepped away from this material world while a white flash emerged from Mercurius’ eyes and penetrated through the air and into the ground.Flash*the sand turned to silver. No, it was mercury. The sandy field touched by the light turned into a puddle of mercury. Some people would say that the scene was wonderful, but Theodore could only get an eerie feeling when he saw it.“Conversion of material ray…? That is 9th Circle magic.”“It wasn’t uncommon in the Age of Mythology.”“How annoying. Magic resistance would be useless if hit by that, and poison will spread from that area.”This wasn’t a curse of petrification. Instead, the blood flowing through one’s body would be turned to mercury, and one’s bones and flesh would be separated from the body. Theodore didn’t know that Mercurius had been concealing such a terrible weapon.It was good that they had avoided the first attack, but how long could that last? Theodore felt sweat flow down his palms.‘…I have no choice.’The Azoth Sword was sleeping in the space in his left hand. Theodore might be able to break through this situation if he used it and the Philosopher’s Stone. It was regrettable to consume the treasure in this place, but nothing was more precious than his life.The Azoth Sword left the inventory and entered his left hand.* * *Was it because the two magicians had successfully attracted attention…? The rest of the investigation team arrived at the ruins without any interruptions and entered the hole that Lloyd had hidden in.Lloyd had entered approximately 10 minutes ahead of them. Given the speed of a sword master, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the difference had already exceeded several kilometers. However, that speculation was proven wrong shortly afterward.“Hoh? You followed me quickly. I thought I would have more time to spare.” Lloyd Pollan, the empire’s Seventh Sword, appeared at the beginning of the passage like he had been waiting for them.He cast an appraising gaze over Mujak, Sylvia, William, and Para and soon realized how they had gotten here.“Indeed, you must’ve used two masters to bind that monster’s feet. You must’ve thought it was a priority to block me. How great.”“….Why are you so relaxed?” Mujak stepped forward.In this narrow space, sword masters had an advantage over magicians. It was true even if the other person was a 7th Circle magician. This was because it was difficult to use wide-area magic in this terrain, and there were a number of other disadvantages.In the end, Mujak was the only one who could stop Lloyd.“Andras’ dog, all of your men are dead. Aren’t you ashamed to crawl into this hole alone?”“I should be asking you if you feel ashamed,” Lloyd sneered in reply. “What is a loyal dog of the Sultan doing attaching yourself to Meltor? You are like an old fox.”“You…!”“Well, the king of Meltor does have more prospects than an old man in the desert. It is a good decision.” Lloyd started clapping, causing Mujak’s anger to soar silently.The fact that Mujak didn’t curse or act was proof of how angry he was. Before they could stop him, a turquoise aura surrounded his blade. It was an urgent situation. The Quattro members read the atmosphere between the two sword masters and stepped back, while Mujak opened his mouth.He growled, “Bark as much as you want. You will die here.”“Hrmm, you still don’t understand.”The two voices echoed in the air, and their owners disappeared.Kaaang!Ocher and turquoise, the two different aura colors collided with each other, causing a shock wave in the area. Thousands of years of dust was stirred up as the two swordsmen moved back and forth, leaving faint afterimages.They slashed at the top, bottom, left, and right, while bending over to avoid their waist, neck, or heart being cut. They moved 10 to 20 times in the blink of an eye. Clearly, there was a storm of two swords in the narrow passage.King! Kakang! Kak! Kiiing- Kaaang!“Damn, there are no gaps!” William tried to give support, but he ended up shaking his head and lowering his outstretched hands.The two masters were so fast that there was no room for magic. Was his experience that different from a sword master? He had been treated as a prodigy since childhood, so this was the first time William had felt so helpless.However, Sylvia casually stretched out her staff. “Wind, freeze.”Frost Fog, a chill emerged from the end of her staff and wrapped around the two sword masters. This was an action which affected both people! William was astonished and tried to stop the magic.However, he quickly understood her actions. “I see! You placed cold resistance on him in advance!”Unlike Lloyd who didn’t have any magic defense, Mujak had the cold resistance which Sylvia had placed on him. Even if both of them were hit by the cold air, there was bound to be differences in the damage.Unsurprisingly, Lloyd’s sword was delayed by half a beat, and he was pushed back by Mujak.‘Now!’The three magicians reacted at the same time.Frost Spear.Chain Lightning.Gravity Bound.Ice spears and a net of lightning bolts stretched out to Lloyd’s location. The gravitational pull was just a bonus. These were attacks from the next tower master candidates, so it was impossible for their target to avoid serious injuries.However, Lloyd’s response was just like a god’s. Lloyd took two and a half steps forward, with his body moving like a dancer’s through the ice spears and lightning bolts. Then he penetrated through the net of lightning bolts, as well as through the center of the gravitational field, and moved his sword.Pajijik!Spellbreak was a stunning feat only possible for some people of the empire. It was the nemesis of magicians, used to break down the spells by inserting aura into the gap of magic. This was the power which had allowed them to fight against magicians for decades.Lloyd sneaked through the linked attacks of the three magicians, but there was another person who blocked him.The sword master, Mujak, appeared before Lloyd.“-This isn’t cowardice.”Mujak’s eyes blazed as he held his swords in a strange shape. This was his ‘Illusion’ Aura Ability. It was useless for trying to break through something like Mercurius, but it was very effective when fighting against a human. Then Mujak used his special move which was capable of killing another master.‘Mirage.’Dozens of swords appeared in the empty space. They were illusions, but they became real blades the moment Mujak’s aura filled them. Materialization of an illusion… This was the secret technique of Austen’s guardian which had never failed him so far!“…This…”With that word, a shower of swords rained down on Lloyd.

Chapter 196 - Mercurius (3) The reaction took place in a single moment. Against Mujak who had formed dozens of swords, Lloyd jumped forward without hesitation. The vivid turquoise blades shook like leaves in a sandstorm. It was a phenomenon caused by being pushed by the great amount of aura released. Mujak's Mirage was a decisive skill which could deal dozens of attacks at the same time.

Kiiing... The blades released sharp screams as the two swordsmen crossed each other.



They both groaned, but the depth of their groans was different. Mujak stared with disbelief at the sword piercing his abdomen. This was a technique which had never betrayed him until now. It was an ability that gave him a one-sided superiority, allowing him to corner his opponent.

The pained Mujak expressed his doubts, “…Ho-w?”

His questioning eyes swept over Lloyd's body. There were a few wounds from 'Mirage' on Lloyd's body, but none of them were serious. Lloyd was the one who benefited from the dozens of swords and managed to damage Mujak. Mujak couldn't understand it.

Then Lloyd muttered, “An ability that makes swords real… it is a threat. If there were four or five more, I wouldn’t be able to avoid a mortal wound.” Lloyd let out a ridiculing snort. “This is a bad technique to use against me. I don't know if all the illusions can be materialized, but I have the ability to tell illusion from reality.”

“Ugh...” Mujak groaned as pain shot up from his abdomen. How could he be defeated in this favorable situation? Blood emerged from between his lips.

However, unlike his mocking words, Lloyd recognized his opponent’s capabilities. As proof, his usual relaxed atmosphere had disappeared.

‘You aren’t easy, master of the Central continent.’

It was too big a variable to overlook. Lloyd pulled out the sword that he had stabbed into Mujak. His aura flowed back to him. Then while his opponent was still recovering, he tried to kill Mujak. However, Lloyd couldn’t achieve his purpose.

Kwakwakwak! Ice spears and wind blades poured toward the place where he had just been standing.

“…Ah, I forgot about you.”

It was a mistake. Lloyd retreated a few steps with a bitter smile. Mujak coughed up blood after the sword was pulled out, but he wasn’t dead. Lloyd looked at the magicians lined up on either side of Mujak and retreated with a shrug. “I am at a disadvantage against four people. I will stand down first.”

“What, wait…”

“I promise to meet you later.”

William’s attempt at restraining Lloyd didn’t concern him as he disappeared around the corner. Despite the injuries he suffered, he was still a sword master. He had a strength which far exceeded the capacity of the human body.

“Damn, we have to chase him before he heals…!”

“No, chase him later.”

“What?” William glanced at Sylvia after hearing her words.

“If we follow him without Mujak, the three of us will just be defeated. It is better to focus on healing Mujak here. We can just track him and attack him again.”

“Uhh, your judgment is correct. You are also brilliant.”


His head might be too heated up right now, but William was also an outstanding figure. He understood right away that Sylvia’s words were right. So, before sitting down, he examined the passage a few times.

Then he used every detection magic that the White Tower had. “Hoo, it can’t be helped. Then the decision is easy.”

Mujak’s wound was deep, but fortunately, it wasn’t life-threatening. The combination of healing potions and healing magic placed him in a stable state. If Lloyd’s plan had been to tie up the feet of his pursuers, it worked out perfectly.

Mujak, who had unknowingly become a burden to his party, apologized with a heavy sigh, “Hmm, this old man has become a burden. I’m sorry.”

“No, you got injured.”

“I would be happier if I had cut off one of his arms… This just makes me mad.”

Mujak had pride in his own abilities, but the north had too many monsters. There was also Veronica, who could cut his head off as easily as peeling an apple. While Mujak was feeling ashamed, his eyes felt a strange sense of discomfort. He felt like a person had disappeared from among them.

“Um, I would like to say one thing if it isn’t impolite.”

“What is it?”

“T-That person isn’t there.”

The two of them didn’t see anyone when they followed Mujak’s finger. That’s right. The two of them couldn’t see anything.

“Where did the girl with yellow hair go?”

It was the sudden disappearance of the Yellow Tower candidate, Para.

* * *

Tak. Lloyd moved quickly and slowed down as he noticed there was no one following him. He thought there would be at least one person, but no one had chased him. They were fairly good despite their young age, truly worthy of being called the elite forces of Meltor. If possible, he wanted to reduce the group by one person before he was hit again.

‘It was quite a dangerous situation,’ Lloyd thought as he poured potions onto his wounds.

The higher the density of aura, the slower the recovery of the wound. These cuts from a master would probably take a month to heal completely. Mujak's stabbed stomach was more severe, but it wasn’t a comforting thought.

“I am the winner only because he lacks practical experience,” Lloyd muttered as he continued walking. “It would’ve been different if he had turned it into a fight of attrition. I would have had no way to escape. No, I won because I provoked him.”

He analyzed the previous fight. This was Lloyd’s hobby and habit, and the basis for his tactics.

Lloyd’s win over Mujak was actually due to Mujak's self-destruction. Instead of taking advantage of the favorable situation, he had blind faith in his Aura Ability. If Mujak had maintained the siege with the three magicians, it would have been Lloyd who was killed.

That’s why he had taunted Mujak until Mujak couldn’t endure it any longer. For the Janissaries, the Sultan was their idol, so insulting him would cause their minds to empty. The taunt had worked, creating a ‘chasm’ in Mujak's perfect advantage.

This had been the winning factor. Lloyd was always faithful to his tactics, and the victory matched his abilities.

“…Hmm, the road still isn’t visible. Is there no way to break inside?”

He had been walking for several kilometers. No matter how large the ruin was, a doorway should’ve appeared by now. However, Lloyd couldn’t find anything. His Aura Ability was very useful, but he couldn’t see anything other than short-term results. It had told him how to enter the ruins, but he didn’t know how to break inside.

At that moment… As if hearing Lloyd's inner thoughts, a voice echoed inside the dark passage, “You are interesting. I never thought I would see a master with the ‘Pathfinder’ ability.”

“…Who?” Lloyd couldn’t determine the location of the voice.

He hid his annoyed expression and looked around warily.

The voice seemed to be coming from the other side of the passage, giving an intimate feeling. “It allowed you to know how to wake up Mercurius, find the tunnel, and see the illusionary sword. If so, it isn’t hard to understand. Pathfinder, the power of guidance, is the ability to see the conditional future.”

“…You, who are you?”

Unlike a magician, the essence of the Aura Ability was like another life. Some abilities were unavoidable, but there were those like Lloyd’s which were hard to determine. So far, he had used his ability to overcome dozens of adverse situations and reign victorious over strong enemies. It was literally his joker, his last trump card.

However, this voice knew his secret! Fear filled Lloyd’s eyes as he raised his sword. Reading someone’s mind and manipulating their behavior, this was the natural enemy of those with abilities such as his.

As Lloyd trembled with fear for the first time, a seemingly adorable girl appeared before him. She said, “Don’t be afraid, it has been a long time since I’ve had so much fun.”

“You…!” The girl was one of Meltor’s three magicians. Her presence was vividly clear now, unlike earlier when she had been hiding it. Lloyd raised his sword reflexively, but he was curious about the other person's true identity.

“Didn’t you hear me ask who you were?”

“There is no reason to answer. You just have to listen to me talk.”

It was absurd. Lloyd grew speechless at the reply. Meanwhile, Para opened her mouth again and said, “At first glance, Pathfinder looks like a universal power, but it has a fatal drawback. Previous users of the ability were ignorant of the weakness and died.”

The ability to see the future was treated as a powerful ability in any age, and Lloyd’s Pathfinder was a type of ability which saw the future. It told him the way to accomplish his purpose in the form of a ‘road.’

He could make the impossible possible, as well as succeed when the probability was low.

However, Paragranum ridiculed his ability, “You are too short-sighted. You rode the ladder up but didn’t realize that the end is a dead end. You crawled into this set of ruins without knowing anything.”

“…Is that so?”

“Hoh?” Para was surprised by the reaction.

On the other hand, Lloyd held his sword with a cold and firm face. “Why are you saying such words when standing alone in front of me, Witch?”

“Witch… It has been a long time since I’ve heard that.” While facing the sword master, the 24-year-old Para smiled brightly at his provocation. The girl's face was beautiful, and the declaration which emerged from her pink lips didn’t match her outward appearance.

“Where is your confidence coming from, Mortal? How dare you place your dirty feet in my creator’s place? I won’t kill you. Instead, I’ll play around with you for 10,000 years.”

Chill. It was the first time Lloyd Pollan had felt this type of chill. This was an evil which was outside the standards of humans. The sincerity of the grimoire, Paragranum, caused the sword master to freeze. This was enough to wake up the survival instinct he thought he had forgotten.

“Kuoh, waaaaack!” Lloyd screamed with terror and attacked with his sword. Mortals usually chose one of three options when facing death. They would give up resisting or run away, or they would struggle meaninglessly, like Lloyd.

This response wasn’t worth a penny to Paragranum.

“In the end, you all have the same reaction. It isn’t interesting-” She yawned like a girl her age and ordered, “「Identification code PRGRN3681214, space freeze.」”

The world stopped. As Lloyd took a step, the area 1 meter around him froze. This was 9th Circle space magic from the Age of Mythology. Lloyd’s eyes carried an expression of shock as he stopped moving.

Paragranum laughed at Lloyd’s ridiculous frozen expression. Then while enjoying the power of the laboratory, she spoke, “You are like a child compared to my master.”


“Don’t roll your eyes at me. 「Isolation.」” Lloyd’s fate was determined with those syllables. The frozen space containing Lloyd literally disappeared. He would now be stored in a corner of the lab’s warehouse which was only known to Paragranum.

A necromancer would turn him into a death knight, but he would be a perfect experiment in an alchemist’s hands. Maybe he would become a chimera or a homunculus. Para’s smile was that of an alchemist.

At that moment, the giggling Paragranum turned her head. It was due to the sudden stoppage of the vibrations caused by Mercurius. Since she still hadn’t taken full control of the lab, there could only be one cause.

“It is over.”

It was only known to Paragranum, but the fight in Paracelsus’ laboratory was over.

Chapter 197 – Mercurius (4)

While the party was engaged with Lloyd, a strong wind was blowing outside the ruins. The wind was coming from the oversized Mercurius. Due to the high density of mercury, Mercurius' weight shook the area, and the aftermath produced a vortex in the air. It was literally heaven-and-earth shaking! The clouds in the sky had long since been torn apart by the vortex produced by Mercurius, and every time it took a step, the land would change. Was the desert god angry? Austen might call the sandstorm covering the sky a god and fear it, but Mercurius was more than that.

“Kuk, what is this sandy wind…?”

These were strong winds moving at more than 100km/hr. It was inevitable for it to carve off people’s flesh and bones. Liliana threw off her torn dress and focused on maintaining her shield magic.

‘Damn, mercury is mixed in with the sandstorm. If I let go of the shield, I will be poisoned by it!’

The giant Mercurius was indeed a tricky opponent. The combination of its destructive power, its immortality, the ray of light from a distance, and the sandstorm was deadly. Without Liliana’s senses and Veronica’s mobility, Lili wouldn’t have lasted for a minute.


Liliana felt a chill and immediately yelled to Veronica, “Tower Master, go up!”

“Up!” Veronica quickly embraced her, and wings of flames emerged from her back.

This was Wing Blaze, flying magic which could only be used by Veronica, who harmonized her dragon’s bloodline and magic.


At an unsurpassed speed, the two women flew from the storm and up toward the blue sky. As they exhaled, dozens of rays brushed underneath their feet.

In the beginning, Mercurius shot the rays of light at the same time. However, as the battle continued, the shooting pattern was becoming more sophisticated. As such, they had to move in different directions to evade the dozens of rays.

In addition to that, the error range shrank, and the rays kept getting closer to them.

“Isn’t this pretty dangerous?” Veronica, who was pushed to the edge, started sweating anxiously for the first time. The next strike might actually hit them somehow. How long had it been since she’d fought something stronger than her? Her spine tingled with the sense of crisis that she had forgotten.

However, Liliana didn’t shrink back as she muttered, “…2 minutes and 12 seconds. The error range is a minimum of 2 seconds to a maximum of 5 seconds.”

“Huh? What?”

“The interval between the rays of light. I don’t think it can shoot an unlimited amount of 9th Circle magic.”

According to this calculation, they were safe for 1 minute and 58 seconds, but there was no time to spare. It would be a checkmate if they couldn’t come up with a countermeasure before the next cycle.

‘Checkmate.’ Liliana thought of this word and reflexively looked down at the dagger in her hand. ‘I have to use the Azoth Sword.’

She’d learned how to use the sword from Paragranum. Liliana just needed to attach the Philosopher’s Stone to it and touch the target. In a sense, it was like the ray which changed anything it touched to mercury. However, compared to Mercurius, the possibilities of the Azoth Sword were endless.

The true power of the Azoth Sword was substance substitution. The sword had the ability to convert the object which the blade touched into any substance desired by the user. This was a truly divine ability that Paracelsus had.

It was even possible to change worthless mud or bad iron to mithril, orichalcum or gold. Additionally, it was said that Paracelsus had used the Azoth Sword to supply the materials needed for his experiments.

However, there were limits to the power.

Liliana shared this knowledge with Gluttony, who calmly advised her,
–Every substance has a corresponding ‘value.’ Even though they might have the same mass, the value of Substance A is different from that of Substance B. Changing a high-value substance to a low-value substance won’t be a big problem, But in the opposite case, it can throw causality off. He made the Azoth Sword and Philosopher’s Stone in order to resolve this reaction.

‘What exactly is a ‘value?’’

–An ancient civilization explained it as the concept of entropy. Just know that it is something like that.

Gluttony spoke to the master sorceress like she was a primitive person, but Lili had to accept it. Liliana didn’t know alchemy, but she could tell that it was deep and complicated. It was a knowledge beyond the extremes of each field.

Therefore, Liliana brought it back to the usage of the Azoth Sword. ‘Then can you compare that value? Tell me if it is high or low, based on mercury.’

–Hrmm, okay. I was getting bored.


As she flew without Veronica’s arms, Liliana looked at Mercurius below her.

What substance should she change that monster into so that it would be less threatening? The Azoth Sword could only change it into a substance she knew. Liliana thought of a few candidates.

‘How about gold?’

–…User, did you become an idiot when I wasn’t watching? The density of gold is even higher than mercury. Do you want to increase its weight?

‘Ah, I see. A substance that can defeat it…’

Of course, it didn’t mean that gold was more threatening than mercury. It was solid at room temperature, and the gold giant could be easily melted. It would buy them some time to escape from this one-sided situation.

However, it wasn’t a fundamental solution. The ray of matter conversion was threatening regardless of whether it was gold or mercury, and they needed to enter the ruins as soon as possible. She needed a substance which could neutralize Mercurius and wasn’t burdensome.

Liliana worried about it before seeking an answer from Veronica.

“Tower Master, can you still shoot a breath?”

“I can do it twice more, why?”

“Please be prepared. I will make an opportunity for you.”

Veronica made a strange expression at her words, but she had no time to question her. It had already been 1 minute and 30 seconds since the last ray had been fired. There were 40 seconds left until checkmate, so she was forced to believe in her.

Veronica nodded at Liliana's earnest eyes. “Okay! I won’t ask anything and just follow your lead.”

“Thank you!”

“What do I need to do?”

She described it briefly. Veronica's eyes shone yellow, and the wings of fire fluttered as she smiled excitedly. Then the arms which embraced Liliana, they let go -


Down she went. At a height several kilometers above sea level, a sorceress started to fall.

It was at a rate of dozens of meters per second. Thanks to the instant acceleration, Liliana realized that Mercurius’ body was getting closer. At almost the same time, Mercurius’ hundreds of eyes noticed her approach.

The moment that the gazes of the two beings met,


A pillar of mercury soared. Not one, but both arms aimed at the falling Liliana. The falling Liliana rapidly approached the fists. Against an attack which would turn her into a bloodstain, Liliana calculated the timing with wide eyes. She couldn’t fail this reckless challenge simply due to an error of a few seconds.

Exactly two seconds later, a green light flashed on Liliana’s right arm. It was Dimensional Leave. Her body took one step away from this material world and pushed through the mercury punch. Not even divine power would have an effect against her in this state.

Liliana’s gamble was completely effective. As a result of extending both arms, Mercurius was wide open and defenseless.


Liliana stabbed the Azoth Sword into Mercurius.

“Ars Magna!”

This was the activation chant of the Azoth Sword. It was a term which referred to the feat wherein alchemists changed lead to gold. Paracelsus had arrogantly borrowed that term as the trigger word for this tool.

If someone could change worthless lead into noble gold, she would be able to change all the laws of the world at will.

“Become water, you sacred creature, Mercurius!”

At Liliana’s order, the Philosopher’s Stone attached to the hilt shone gold. Simultaneously, Mercurius melted. No, the statement of melting wasn’t appropriate. Mercury was a liquid in the first place, so it was appropriate to say that it flowed down.

The 50-meter-long mass of mercury collapsed as water.

…And Veronica didn’t miss this chance. The sky was red. It was fire magic which surpassed even 8th Circle magic, the red clan’s favorite Fire Breath.

Until now, she hadn’t been able to use it because of mercury vapor. However, that mercury was currently water. As if to express such feelings, the breath burned up the wet sand with a fearsome momentum.


The fight against Mercurius came to an end with the scattered flames.

It was a battle ending which wouldn’t have been possible without the Azoth Sword. The fight which deviated from common sense finally ended with the victory of the two sorceresses.

* * *

After the fight against Mercurius ended, Liliana and Veronica barely managed to return to the ground. It was a battle which had lasted less than 30 minutes, but they felt a sense of stability from the ground.

It was thanks to the sand hardening from Veronica’s breath.

“By the way.”


Veronica, who was walking ahead, suddenly spoke to her, “Where did you get that sword from before? It has a completely ridiculous ability. Is it a mysterious national treasure that you received from His Majesty?”

“Ah, this is something that the Yellow Tower Master let me borrow.”

“What? Yellow Tower Master?”

Liliana changed it to being borrowed, but Veronica was more focused on the Yellow Tower Master than the Azoth Sword. It seemed like their relationship wasn’t that good. As she tidied up her disheveled hair, she grunted in a mocking voice, “I don’t know what that raccoon is thinking…”

The goal was to create a human being with alchemy! However, Liliana didn’t answer her and just followed behind her carefully.

Moving past the Andras Shadows who had been turned into blood, Liliana and Veronica were able to enter the tunnel without any resistance. Then after taking a few steps, she sensed something. There were two people breathing calmly and one breathing roughly.

‘Three? Why only three?’

Mujak and the Quattro members should make four people. Before the two puzzled sorceresses could speculate on the reason, the party who had entered the ruins first welcomed them. Liliana didn’t know if the threat of Lloyd had disappeared, so she was still on guard.

“Lili! You’re safe!”

“Oh, as expected of Tower Master! Did you kill that monster?”

“Kuoong… I am showing you an unsightly appearance.”

Sylvia and William were delighted, while Mujak smiled wryly. As Liliana grasped that a person wasn’t there, so did Veronica, who questioned, “But where is that kid called Para? I don’t see her.”

The expressions of the three people changed subtly. It was because Para had disappeared. They had been concentrating on Mujak’s injuries and didn’t know where she had gone. The two women, who arrived late to this indescribable atmosphere, looked around at the group, but there was no answer.

Then at that moment…

「Identification code PRGRN3681214, checked the sub-master’s login. Five non-enemies have been approved for access. They will go straight to the waiting room in area B-13.」

The unknown language echoed in their minds. There was no chance to respond. Liliana and Veronica couldn’t understand the situation, then the five people disappeared. It was a forced space transfer which didn’t require the other person’s consent. Silence filled the space as the people disappeared from the tunnel.


The warm floor was the only evidence that people had been present here just a moment ago. Then as the dust rose up again, there was no longer anyone around.

Chapter 198 – Traces From The Age Of Mythology (1)


The investigation team disappeared from the tunnel and appeared again in a strange room. The floor was white with a lattice pattern, and there were lighting fixtures floating in the air. The investigation team, including Liliana Miller, responded swiftly. It was a space transfer that Liliana, Veronica, and the injured Mujak hadn’t been able to resist. The five people quickly backed up against each other and looked around.

This was a ruin from the Age of Mythology. If it was a trap, not one of them could afford to be careless. However, the tension dispersed.


The girl, Paragranum, approached them with a calm expression. “I’m sorry for the delay, Captain. It took some time to gain control of the laboratory.”

“…Please give a detailed explanation.”


Liliana was aware of her intentions, and Para used the prepared excuse. She couldn't help smiling bitterly as the grimoire explained, “Immediately after the engagement with the empire’s Seven Swords finished, I was transferred to this lab by the power of this ring. According to Master’s words, this is like a key to this set of ruins.”

“It is the power of the ring that moved us here?”

“That’s not it.” Para hid the ring on her index finger and shook her head. After all, an artifact which allowed 9th Circle magic to be used freely would’ve been designated as a national treasure.

“The carriage that we rode relied on the power of the magic crystals, and it isn’t really a carriage. Likewise, this ring is just a vehicle to deal with the power of this laboratory. It is useless scrap metal outside this ruin.” Para gave a contrived sigh. “Unfortunately, the authority given to this ring can’t control Mercurius, and it is impossible to access some areas. However, I am able to open up the warehouse district.”

“Okay, I got it.”

Then Veronica, the head of the party, stepped forward and looked down at Para. Veronica was quite tall for a woman. Para, whose body was smaller than average, had to look up to see Veronica’s face. Although Para was a highly intelligent grimoire who wouldn’t slip up, Liliana felt an unknown tension.

“But Yellow Tower kid, don’t you think there is a more important problem than this boring explanation?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you sure you don’t know?” Veronica looked at Para’s emotionless face and brought up a topic which no one else had mentioned. “Lloyd Pollan. Did you get rid of that rat?”

The rest of the party were suddenly reminded of Lloyd’s presence. Maybe it was because they were dizzy from the sudden space shift that Sylvia, William, and even Mujak, who had been injured by Lloyd, had forgotten about him.

Of course, it was good to obtain the ruins, but there was a bitter taste from having missed one of the empire’s Seven Swords. As Veronica was quick-witted, she noticed this. However, Para just smiled effortlessly. “Oh, that rude person.” She raised her thumb, and there was a loud sound. Simultaneously, an image appeared on the black wall. The party reflexively looked over, and their faces stiffened at the sight.


“…One of the empire’s Seven Swords.”

It was Lloyd Pollan. He was scowling until he met Para’s eyes. Unlike his brave stance, his eyes were tinted with fear. The unstable shaking of his eyes was enough to make the viewers feel an eerie chill. Veronica was the only one who remained unshaken as she asked Para, “What is going on?”

“He seems to have triggered a trap while wandering around.”

“Trap? Is that what this is?”

“Yes, it is a trap which freezes that space. Perhaps even a grandmaster can’t get out.”

“…9th Circle magic is popping up like household items,” Veronica grumbled, and the others couldn’t help nodding in agreement. Space freeze was the peak of space magic which even the White Tower Master Orta couldn’t reproduce. In fact, it was only mentioned in old records. However, such a spell had been used as a trap? Did the creator think a dragon was going to invade or something?

“Can you turn it off?”

“I don’t have the authority.”

“Tch. It can’t be helped then. Anyway, it was an unofficial battle, and he is like a prisoner of war.” Veronica gave up.

Then Para erased the image on the wall and said, “There seems to be an accommodation area. Shall I guide you to it?”


Veronica wasn’t the only one enticed by it. Liliana was tired from the fight in the sandstorm, while the remaining party members also wanted to rest. There was sand in their clothing, and their dry skin hurt. Furthermore, nobody wanted to keep looking dirty. Sylvia raised a hand in agreement, and the rest soon followed.

Through the unanimous decision, the next move of the investigation team was decided. Veronica, Mujak, William, and Sylvia were moved through space magic, leaving only Liliana and Para behind in the room. Liliana wanted to go as well and looked at Para, who whispered to her, “Wait for my call at night.”

Then her fingers moved. Clack!

* * *

The laboratory of Paragranum’s creator, Paracelsus, was a place worthy of being called a new world. Its principles were simple, but the unfamiliar facilities, plumbing, and food which was made with one button seemed like miracles, not alchemy. Then shortly after Liliana washed in the unfamiliar facility and finished a satisfactory meal…

The grimoire, Paragranum, kept her words.

「Confirmed the sub-master’s call, I will guide you from area D-1 to area L-21.」

It was in the same unknown language as Liliana had heard in the tunnel. As soon as the voice finished speaking, Liliana’s surrounding landscape changed. This was compulsory space movement. Despite having experienced it once before, Liliana felt uncomfortable from the forced transfer. After all, it completely ignored the resistance of a 7th Circle sorceress!

If Paragranum had been harboring malice, Liliana wouldn’t have been able to respond and would be stuck in a space gap.

“Why are you so tense?”

Liliana was surprised by the voice she heard come from behind her.

“…Paragranum,” she uttered.

“In this laboratory, I am equal to a grandmaster. You shouldn’t be surprised by this.”

Grandmaster…! A grandmaster was a person who was closer to a god than a human, someone beyond the boundaries of mortals and transcendents. Liliana had already guessed this, but she couldn’t help feeling wonder at Para’s words. While Liliana was feeling surprised, she soon realized that it was oddly dark. With her excellent vision, she was only able to see what was right before her. Yet, ordinary people wouldn’t be able to see anything at all.

“It is too dark, can’t you brighten it a little bit?”

“This is an area where light isn’t supposed to enter. Well, it doesn’t matter now.”

Soon afterward, a dim light came on. Then the shapes before Liliana and Para soon became clear. When the lights came on in full, Liliana didn’t even look at Para.

“…W-What is this?”

Her surprise was natural. There were green water tanks surrounding the two people, and horrible monsters and people sleeping in them. A six-headed snake, a three-headed dog, a centaur with wings on its back… There were dozens of water tanks containing disgusting things.

“Biological manipulation, chimera,” Paragranum answered the question as she stroked the glass wall of a tank. Did she remember the days of studying with her creator, Paracelsus? Para looked through several tanks and shook her head. “It can’t be helped. The corpses are all rotting and can’t be recycled. How could Creator’s chimera endure for thousands of years?”

“Thousands of years…”

“If they were alive, we could’ve unified the Northern continent with them. It is regretful as Meltor’s tower master. No one would be left alive.”

They were terrible words. She might’ve laughed it off as a bluff if someone else had said it, but there was no reason for Paragranum to bluff.

‘…Indeed, she is dangerous.’

Liliana shook away the creepy sensation of power and hastily followed behind Para. Even though she knew they were already dead, the monsters still seemed like they were alive. After moving past dozens of tanks, the landscape around them suddenly changed. It was an application of space magic which Liliana couldn’t even guess. However, she wasn’t surprised by the change. Despite the fact that thousands of years had passed, items were neatly arranged on shelves.

“Let’s see… What do I have to take…” Paragranum started to sweep up the things she needed from the shelves. Her hands moved incessantly until she reached some oddly colored reagents and metals which Liliana had never seen before. It was a large warehouse, and she had filled about half her space bag.

“Oh.” Para suddenly stopped moving her hand and looked back at Liliana. “Here is the thing I promised you. The rest will be given a little later.”

She threw her a slab. Liliana hurriedly accepted the slab and asked, “This…?”

“As I told you before, it is the Fairy’s Book.”

This piece of stone was a book? She touched it with her left hand and whispered. There was a clearer way of finding out than asking Paragranum.


Gluttony’s tongue proved its effectiveness as always.

[Fairy’s Book]
[-This book explains the deepening knowledge of the elemental world, including the four major elementals and their utilization. The great alchemist and author of this book, Paracelsus, was the first to distinguish and name the four elemental spirits. He also tried to create artificial elementals based on the ancient elementals. However, the results of that experiment aren’t recorded in this book.
* This magic book is rated ‘Treasure.’
* When consumed, your proficiency with ‘elementals’ will increase greatly.
* When consumed, your understanding of the ‘four elementals’ will increase greatly.
* The soul of the great alchemist Paracelsus inhabits it. You must be at least the 7th Circle to eat this book. Even if the conditions are met, contact activities such as Synchro might not be possible unless Paracelsus is interested.]

It had a ‘Treasure’ rating which exceeded the anticipated ‘Precious’ rating. Liliana’s eyes widened in shock. The stone slab didn’t seem like a real book, and the value of it was higher than she had expected.

‘Maybe I really can unlock the 5th seal…’

Every time a seal was released, Gluttony revealed a great ability. From Memorize which could store magic in advance, Another which allowed parallel casting, and to Override which called the author of an eaten book, Gluttony’s abilities were almost a foul. What would be the function of the 5th seal? She shouldn’t just depend on Gluttony’s power, but she couldn’t help feeling expectant. At that time, Para finished her work and called out to Liliana, “Liliana Miller! Take a look over here for a moment.”

“What happened?”

“Can you lend me the Azoth Sword?”

Liliana handed the Azoth Sword to her without any doubts. If Paragranum wanted to seize it, she wouldn’t be able to stop her. However, she also wanted to know why she needed it. Paragranum received the Azoth Sword, took a deep breath, and shouted softly, “「Ars Magna! Open the door to your master!」”

Then she pointed the blade at a spot in the air.


It was an unrealistic sight. The space in front of the Azoth Blade split in two. There was an emerald gleam in the cleaved space, and Para grabbed it with her left arm. Then Paragranum rummaged in the pocket before exclaiming, “I found it!”

The moment the grimoire pulled out her hand with blissful eyes, the cleaved space was covered up again. Liliana could understand because she had a better understanding of dimensions due to Umbra. The space which Paragranum had approached was impossible to open without the Azoth Sword.

‘Then this means that jewel…?’

Paragranum was holding an emerald in her left hand. Unlike jewels, this emerald cube had a perfect symmetry and didn’t refract light.

–Yes, it is as you guessed, the invisible Gluttony whispered. –That is the Emerald Tablet, the treasure from the Age of Mythology that all alchemists praised as the ‘Gate of Truth.’

Certainly! Here is the rewritten passage with the main character, Liliana Miller, and the grimoire, Gluttony, as female:


Chapter 199 – Traces From The Age Of Mythology (2)

As Gluttony spoke to Liliana, Paragranum’s hands were moving while she held the Emerald Tablet. This item had been a treasure even in the Age of Mythology. Its value couldn't be determined in this age.

Even Liliana, who wasn't particularly interested in alchemy, found the tablet's glitter momentarily captivating. However, it was literally just for a moment. Para stared at the Emerald Tablet in her arms.

“…I have accomplished my first purpose,” she muttered, her voice louder than usual.

However, Liliana had a question as she looked at her back. According to Para’s actions, the key to this research facility and the dimension containing the Emerald Tablet was clearly the Azoth Sword. Why would she hand over such an essential item as a down payment? Not even a naive person would make that mistake. A grimoire had an intellect surpassing humans, so she wouldn’t make such an obvious misstep.

Liliana faced Paragranum and spoke more firmly, "Paragranum, there's something I want to ask."

She was already 70% certain, and the remaining 30% wasn't so much doubt as needing confirmation. After all, it was easier to deal with someone clearly identified as an enemy than not.

In any case, Para’s dominance in this set of ruins was absolute. Unsurprisingly, Para acted like she already knew the question. “I can already guess your question. Well, just speak.”

“It wasn’t a mistake.” The remaining 30% disappeared as Liliana became convinced. “Why did you hand me the Azoth Sword? It's not just the key to obtaining the Emerald Tablet. If this dagger is Paracelsus’ favorite, it must be more valuable than that. It can be used in several ways in this set of ruins.”

“For example?”

“It is the key to controlling Mercurius.”

This part was purely Liliana’s speculation. It might be possible, but it remained speculative until Paragranum confirmed or denied it. If Paragranum denied it, the speculation would end here. Liliana had no concrete evidence to support her hypothesis.

Liliana’s heart hoped that Paragranum would laugh at her words. She didn’t want to be hostile toward a being equal to a grandmaster in this set of ruins. However, Para clapped and exclaimed, “Correct! As expected of Gluttony’s host, you’ve got a good head.”

“You…!” Liliana was about to curse but barely stopped herself, lowering her voice, “Answer me. Why did you hand me the Azoth Sword?”

“What do you mean? It was your choice.”


That was true. Liliana was the one who had chosen the sword when presented with the option of the Azoth Sword or the Philosopher’s Stone. Even if Paragranum had led her in that direction, there had been no force compelling her choice.

Para looked at the temporarily speechless Liliana and opened her mouth again, “The Philosopher’s Stone or the Azoth Sword. At that time, I only respected your free will. Because of your choice, you faced Mercurius. Life is about continuously climbing the ladder, so I can’t have a companion who can’t endure it.”

Liliana immediately understood the meaning of what had happened. “… Did you test me?”

“In a sense.”

“What if I had been killed by Mercurius?”

“Unfortunately, I would then have to do it alone. It wouldn’t be a big deal for me to retrieve the Azoth Sword after securing this laboratory.”

Liliana heard up to here and gave up on understanding her opponent. Even if she looked like a person, she was still a grimoire. It would be fatal if she interpreted Para's actions as those of a human.

Above all, she didn’t gain anything from this standoff. After confirming that Paragranum had no intention to fight, Liliana stepped back and changed the topic. As it happened, the excuse was in her hand.

“Do you have anything to say about this Fairy’s Book?”


“This slab.”

It was a slab with a dark shine and made of an unknown material. The Fairy’s Book had been handed over to her as promised, but she didn’t know how to read it. Paragranum understood belatedly and scratched her head. “Whoops, I forgot there are no more in this age.”

“How do I use this?”

“Grab any part and inject it with magic power. At your level… Yes, can you use 3rd Circle magic once?”

Liliana made an uncertain expression and poured the proper amount of magic power into the Fairy’s Book. Simultaneously, a dim light spread from the slab, eventually forming the shape of a letter. It was a strange and mysterious letter which Liliana had never seen before.

Then at that moment…


A light suddenly shot up from the slab. No, the trajectory was too precise. The ray of light flew accurately toward the middle of Liliana’s forehead. It exceeded the speed of light, and the light from the slab couldn’t be avoided or blocked.

「Checking the user’s magic power pattern. I will start. 」 As before, Liliana heard an unknown voice. 「From page 1 to page 50. Introducing the concept of the elemental world and the four elementals to the user.」

Knowledge from the Age of Mythology was forcibly entered into Liliana’s brain.


As soon as 50 pages of knowledge were transferred over, Liliana held her temple due to the terrible headache. She had been prepared, so the sudden rush of information wasn’t enough to make her unconscious.

However, this was several times stronger than what she had previously experienced. It was the pain she had felt when she consumed a large amount of books in a short period of time, and the processing power of her brain had reached its limit.

Para saw it and grinned at her. “Ahahaha! As expected of Gluttony’s owner, you have a really good head. This is a primitive character used in the Age of Mythology, which can compress dozens of letters into one character. Most people wouldn’t be able to read the character and would have their brain fried.”

“So, how many characters are there in this book?” Liliana asked through the headache, and Para answered without hesitation.

“36 characters. The creator had a habit of storing 50 pages in one character, for a total of 1,800 pages.”

“…You should give me a warning beforehand next time.”

“If it makes you feel better.”

…She didn’t say she would. Liliana turned her gaze away anyway. Then Paragranum pointed to a shelf that was still half full and said, “Now, shall we handle the balance?”

She had promised to give her everything except for the Emerald Table and a few materials.

There were 33 kilograms of platinum, 65 kilograms of gold, and 300 kilograms of precious materials, as well as 182 bottles of various potions ranging from recovery to attribute resistance. There were also five 8th Circle magic scrolls and twelve 7th Circle magic scrolls, along with special items, including two bottles of elixir and one Philosopher’s Stone.

Lastly, there was a golem in the corner. Para pointed to the knight in full body armor and suddenly paused. She made a strange expression before appearing to have a good idea. Then Para turned toward Liliana with sparkling eyes and asked, “Hey, can I take that golem?”

“Is something the matter?”

“It’s not like that. The ego has died a long time ago. I just recently got a decent material. I want to try remodeling it.”

“Decent material? What… Ah.” Liliana reflected on the answer and closed her mouth. It was Lloyd Pollan, the enemy whom the grimoire had captured. Para planned to use him for her experiments. Even though he was an enemy, Liliana couldn’t help feeling sympathetic. However, Liliana had no intention of going against the grimoire, so she turned her eyes away with a disgruntled look.

‘It isn’t worth quibbling over.’

Hadn't Lili had to fight Mercurius because of him?

“Go ahead. I hope it isn’t too late.”

“Okay, I finally have something to do in the tower after a long time.”

Para didn’t hide her cruel joy as she laughed and pointed her finger at the items. This was just the remaining balance, but it was a huge amount. It wasn’t an amount that could be put in a box.

“How will you take all this? Ah, will you put them in your dimensional pocket?”

“There’s no need,” Liliana answered bluntly and held out her left hand. It was safer and bigger than the dimensional pocket, so the entry to the inventory opened in the palm of her left hand. The tongue was attracted by the pleasant smell and emerged, then Liliana gave it permission, “Swallow everything and put it all in the inventory.”

After thousands of years, the warehouse of Paracelsus’ laboratory was emptied.

* * *

After completing the secret deal, Liliana was returned to her room. The fluffy bed and books she had been waiting for looked exactly the same. There was only one thing that had changed. It was the new presence of the Fairy’s Book in the books in her inventory.

Liliana sat on the bed instead of the chair and sighed,

“Hoo… My head still hurts. Gluttony, did you know about this slab beforehand?”

–I thought that it wouldn’t be a big burden for you.

“Then why didn’t you say anything—No, forget it. You are a grimoire. I had forgotten.”

It was meaningless to blame it for something that had already passed, and grimoires didn’t feel sorry or apologize for anything. The grimoire would just be more careful next time and focus on the road ahead.

‘This is a primitive character? It is quite efficient.’

The Fairy’s Book had dozens of pages stamped into one character, and the 50 pages of knowledge naturally became Liliana’s. She had done it once, and her understanding of this book increased to 2.7%. In other words, she had acquired understanding just by reading.

The ‘primitive characters’ on this slab were a technique that could change the concept of studying. However, it was a big risk to the user.

–Your reasoning is correct.


–The computing ability of humans in the Age of Mythology is superior to current humans. Therefore, learning using the ‘primitive characters’ was easier. However, as time passed, the functions of the brain deteriorated, and the ‘primitive characters’ were banned.

‘Humans have fallen behind technology… How scary.’

The technology from the Age of Mythology was tantalizing to present humans, but they couldn’t endure it. Liliana looked down at the slab in her hand. The stinging headache was still annoying, but she could ignore it if she focused.

As long as the act of reading was straightforward, she could have Gluttony eat the book before the next morning. Liliana could decide not to overdo it, or she could endure the pain.

She hesitated for a moment before pouring magic power into the slab. Although she didn’t want to be in pain, she didn’t like this situation either. Liliana was drawn in by Para’s intentions and had no power to resist.

However, no matter how great Para was, that wasn’t an excuse for powerlessness. Such an excuse wasn’t suitable for the owner of a Seven Sins grimoire.


Just like before, a ray of light struck her forehead and knowledge flowed in from the Fairy’s Book. The great alchemist, Paracelsus…

Liliana would see his face before the sun came up tomorrow.

Chapter 200 – Traces From The Age Of Mythology (3)

Despite being prepared, Liliana’s reading of the Fairy’s Book was never smooth. Of course, the act of imprinting knowledge directly into her brain was familiar due to Gluttony. The ‘Primordial characters’ helped with comprehension while ‘predation’ increased proficiency, so the process of reaching the result wasn’t much different. The simple problem was the amount of information.


Liliana throbbed with pain. Her head had become cluttered and fuzzy several times, but she gritted her teeth and accepted the knowledge. There were 36 characters, for a total of 1,800 pages. This was a treasure written by an alchemist of the Age of Mythology, so the difficulty of the contents was a given. In addition to that, there was another variable which Liliana hadn’t expected.

‘The more difficult the contents, the worse the headache is…?’

Gluttony realized what Liliana meant and replied, "Of course. The more difficult the knowledge, the more burden is placed on User’s brain. It is possible that you wouldn’t be able to read half of this book if you didn’t have Myrdal’s knowledge."

‘Myrdal? Ah, since the elemental techniques is a common denominator?’

"No, because that guy is □□□□□ □□□…" Gluttony’s voice became broken. "Hrmm, it still isn’t possible? It seems I can’t reveal the information at stage 4."

‘Does another lock need to be released?’

"That’s right. I thought it would be possible after you became a master, but it seems another seal needs to be released."

Liliana recalled some old memories. The first time she met Pride, it was Gluttony’s choice which had saved her. Liliana wasn’t qualified to argue with its choice. She would be able to find out about Myrdal once she unlocked the next seal.

Then Liliana focused on the next character. If she counted correctly, she had 15 characters remaining. Shortly after that, Liliana realized what that meant and couldn’t help letting out an admiring sound.

“I have already read 1,050 pages…”

It was common to take a few days to read theories properly, even if it wasn’t a different magic. Additionally, it was common for alchemy to require knowledge from various fields. When thinking about the difficulty of the book written by Paracelsus, it would’ve taken at least two months to read 1,800 pages. It might take a year for a complete understanding.

Yet Liliana had read more than half of the Fairy’s Book in just two hours. This absurd efficiency was due to the ‘primitive characters.’

Liliana once again started reading the Fairy’s Book. At this time, she didn’t know that Gluttony was watching her greed for magic. It observed Liliana and spoke to itself, "Yes, this is a quality suitable for my user."

This was the reason why Gluttony had chosen Liliana as its master. With cold eyes, Gluttony continued to talk, "Your brain will continue developing in the long run. Repeatedly doing the same task and learning difficult information will cause you to develop. This luck that keeps on bringing adversity… Liliana Miller, you are the right user to be responsible for my last… I hope that you will be consistent like this until the end."

* * *

By the time that the moon and stars started to tilt toward the horizon, Liliana achieved the goal she desired.

[* Your understanding is very high. (99.9%)]

Liliana lay down and could barely confirm the information window. Apart from the headache piercing her skull, her body was burning up. It was the price for reading Paracelsus’ Fairy’s Book overnight. ‘I-I feel like I’m dying…’

It wasn’t physical fatigue but mental fatigue. Wasn’t this a common expression in books? She didn’t have the strength to even lift a finger. Liliana was a protagonist, so she didn’t have time to relax.

She barely stretched out her left hand toward the slab which was on the bed. If she didn’t have something to do right now, she would be falling asleep.


"I understand," Gluttony replied calmly and stretched out her tongue.

[‘Fairy’s Book’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[Your proficiency with ‘elementals’ will increase greatly.]

[Your understanding of the ‘four elementals’ will increase greatly.]

[An original book has been consumed. Checking synchro rate with object name Paracelsus… Blocked. Paracelsus has refused to sync with the user. User can’t force synchronization with the target without permission. The other side holds a divinity.]

It was impossible to force synchronization! However, it wasn’t surprising that Paracelsus was a divinity holder. The creature he had created, Mercurius, possessed a divinity. This meant that Paracelsus, the creator, wasn’t a normal human being.

Liliana had known it would happen like this. She waited with a strained expression for the next message.

[Object name Paracelsus is interested in User. Would you like to accept the request for conversation?]

“…I accept.”

As always, the system asked for her permission.

[After confirming the user’s intention, object name ‘Paracelsus’ will be called. Checking the communication connection… Success, object name ‘Paracelsus’ has approved the two-way communication.]

[He will temporarily be synchronized with the user’s consciousness.]

Simultaneously, the whole area became covered with a familiar darkness. It was the same as that incident with Abe no Seimei. This was a place where only Liliana and the author were allowed.

The familiar light particles gathered before her. Then the brilliant yet contradictory mass of light soon turned into a human figure.

‘The physique is similar to mine.’

The human figure’s height was around 180 centimeters, and the body’s build was quite good. There were no bulging masses of muscle like Blundell had, but functional muscles could be seen through the robe.

The man had a white beard and white hair. His robe was made of an unknown material, and the hanging ornaments were gorgeous. Magic power was clearly moving around him, but Liliana couldn’t figure out its meaning.

The figure of the peak alchemist, Paracelsus, was revealed.


As an elderly man, he had taut skin covered in wrinkles and was weathered like a tree. The specimen of a wonderfully aged magician stood before Liliana. Liliana tried to speak but felt her mouth being blocked by an unknown pressure.

Paracelsus’ golden brown eyes were looking at her. His eyes seemed to reach into Liliana’s bones and organs underneath the skin. No, it wouldn’t be hard for an alchemist from the Age of Mythology to know everything about the human body.

After a few minutes, Paracelsus shook his head and muttered, “I don’t know who you are, but you have good skills.”

“T-Thank you.”

“For your age. You should keep applying yourself.”

If Liliana’s peers had heard this advice, they would be foaming at the mouth. Liliana Miller had become a master in her mid-20s, and those with her growth rate could be counted on three fingers in the history of Meltor, regardless of her original talent.

Yet Liliana was just good ‘for her age?’ Her peers would bite their tongues and die.

However, Paracelsus’ rant had only just begun. “You aren’t yet qualified to receive teachings from me.”

Liliana was resolute, so she tried hard to listen to Paracelsus’ words.

“You haven’t developed your own magic, and you don’t have a great interest in alchemy despite coming to my lab. No, based on the Azoth Sword, you must’ve accompanied Paragranum. You are the owner of Gluttony. I thought they were co*ckily designed, but they are more advanced than I expected.”


“The Fairy’s Book is used as a medium. If it isn’t for alchemy, then it must be because it is related to elementals? I can feel a connection with the elemental world… Is it an ancient elemental? The attribute is a land or forest.”

Liliana listened to Paracelsus’ words and felt an eerie feeling. Unlike Synchro, which allowed the other person to look at her memories and thoughts, this was a meeting space. In other words, Paracelsus had determined these things by observing Liliana for several minutes.

Liliana felt like she was stripped naked in the middle of a snowy winter. She barely suppressed the tiny spasms she felt and conceded to the mysterious reasoning, “…It is as Paracelsus says.”

“Call it out.”

After Paracelsus spoke, Liliana whispered a name, “Mitra.”

There was no need to talk loudly or use magic. This wasn’t the material world but a spiritual world. Mitra was connected to her soul, so she could bring her here whenever she wanted. There was a flash of light and a little girl appeared on Liliana’s palm.

[Huuuuong… Lili?] The cute little girl with the flower bud on her head looked at Liliana.

However, Paracelsus reacted violently, “Demeter?!”

It was another name for Dmitra, the prototype of Mitra.

“Do you know her?” Liliana asked.

“It is impossible for me to not know! A god of Olympus and related to Hermes! The great and magnificent Mother Earth, to think I would see you again like this…” Paracelsus spoke with excitement before his voice sank, then he was looking at Mitra with a sad expression.

Liliana heard she had been an ancient god in the past. As such, Paracelsus remembered and mourned her. After waiting quietly until Paracelsus calmed down, Liliana then asked her question about Mitra. It was about the bud that was sprouting on her head.

“The seed of the world tree?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“That seed germinated and made a bud…”

Be it because he had overcome his sorrow or if it was because of his curiosity as a researcher, Paracelsus observed Mitra from various angles. The fragment of Mother Earth, the seed of the world tree, and the ecology of an ancient elemental… These three things were hard to determine, even for the best magicians. Nevertheless, Paracelsus opened his mouth after a ridiculously short period of time. He calmly came up with an answer about Mitra’s condition, “The divinity is differentiating.”


“The reason why she is Mother Earth is simple. She possesses the divinity of the earth. The god of the forest, the god of rocks, and so on… They are all just subordinate gods of Mother Earth. The only god beyond Mother Earth would be the god of the sea or the sky,” Paracelsus explained. Then he tapped the bud on Mitra’s head and continued, “In other words, the material world is divided into three upper gods. Can this small body endure such a divinity? An ancient elemental that isn’t a complete god but just a fragment?”

“… Impossible.”

“Excessive power can destroy the owner. It is the same for this ancient elemental. A more powerful divinity will destroy the body of the ancient elemental and her ego. Therefore, the ancient elemental found a way to differentiate the divinity.”

In order to remain as Mitra, instead of Mother Earth Dmitra, the seed of the world tree sprouted the divinity in different directions. At the end of Paracelsus’ explanation, Liliana looked at Mitra. She was gazing at her with clear and innocent eyes, without being aware of what Liliana and Paracelsus were talking about.

Subsequently, Paracelsus put an end to this topic. “An ancient elemental can change their appearance in response to the contractor’s growth. Since you have reached the 7th Circle, she will break away from the divinity of the earth and grow another divinity.”

“Then what will happen to Mitra?” Liliana asked.

Paracelsus replied, “The answer to that isn’t something you can get from me.”

Then the great alchemist, Paracelsus, declared, “When you have reached the boundary of a mortal, go once again to the world tree. At that time, there will be an answer waiting!”

Chapter 13: Chapter 201-225

Chapter Text

Chapter 201 – Sand Dragon Desertio (1)

Unfortunately, that was the only knowledge which could be obtained from the encounter with Paracelsus. Despite Liliana having read the Fairy’s Book, Paracelsus didn’t recognize Liliana’s qualifications. As Paracelsus was a famous alchemist from the Age of Mythology, a 7th Circle sorceress wasn’t even present in his eyes.

However, Liliana ended her conversation with Paracelsus without any fuss. Anyway, her goal was to find out what was happening with Mitra. Knowledge from the Age of Mythology was like a pearl necklace worn around a pig’s throat. There would be another chance to talk to Paracelsus.

‘… In the end, night is over. It is already morning.’

Sun was shining through the window, and Liliana flopped onto the bed with a weary expression. Her reaction was natural. She had spent quite a lot of time reading the Fairy’s Book, and her encounter with Paracelsus had also contributed to her fatigue.

Liliana wanted to fall asleep, but she needed to have breakfast with her party.

“Let’s go.”

Even if she was tired, Liliana had to move. She left the bed and grabbed the doorknob, and the door opened easily. It was made of an unknown material, just like everything else. As the door opened, Liliana stumbled across William, who was just leaving his room.

“Good morning, William.”

“Oh, Captain! Good morning…” William’s voice gradually decreased in volume as he looked at Liliana’s complexion. It was due to the dark circles under her eyes. She hadn’t had that face the previous night. William looked at her with concern. “Excuse me, was your bed okay?”

“It was fine. Why do you ask?”

“Somehow, it seems like you were unable to sleep.”

Liliana laughed bitterly at the words. Hearing such worried words as soon as she encountered someone, her condition seemed to be worse than she thought.

“I had to do something last night. It wasn’t a matter of not sleeping.”

“I see. I won’t say anything…”

The two talked and arrived at the dining room, where the other party members were already seated. Veronica, who was chewing bread, raised one hand and greeted Liliana, “You woke up, Kid? You look tired. If you are lacking sleep, then you can go rest some more.”

“It’s okay. Besides, I’m very hungry.”

“Well, if you say so.”

The two sat down and started eating.

「Activated the restaurant. Please mention the name of the dish you want, or select from the catalog.」

It was different from yesterday when they hadn’t been able to understand the words. Paragranum must’ve done something as the voice had switched to the language of the continent. The catalog also had the correct pronunciation kindly written.

Liliana had tried it once yesterday, but it was still strange. The party was surprised as they chose their dishes. There were many unfamiliar dishes, but they were up for the challenge.

“Fried chicken? Ah, this is fried chicken.”

“Curry rice. It is hard to guess what it is from the name, but the rich flavor is quite good.”

“Raw fish and… rice? It is a strange combination, but the taste is okay.”

“Ack! Why is this noodle dish so spicy?”

However, some failed the challenge. William had to pour a few cups of water to cool his swollen lips. Liliana picked a safe choice and ate pork cutlet. The dish of pork covered in breadcrumbs and then fried was something she had eaten during her childhood, but the taste was like the difference between heaven and earth.

‘Even the expensive restaurants in the capital will taste bad compared to this. Is there a way to transfer this cooking facility to the magic tower?’

Liliana thought about it. Delicious food would pop out as soon as a person chose. This convenience couldn’t be found, even in Meltor which was the center of magical civilization. No, if this cooking facility became popular, then the chefs of Meltor might lose their jobs.

Liliana thought so and co*cked her head.

‘If I look at it in this way, it might not be good to take it…?’

After all, she wouldn’t want to increase the unemployment rate. Liliana smiled slightly as she set down an empty plate. A relic from the Age of Mythology was certainly excellent, but it could cause trouble if civilization wasn’t ready for it.

Then at that moment…

Biiiik! Biiiik!

There was a sharp sound, and the lights in the restaurant started flashing. It was a red light which alarmed the people present, signaling that something wasn’t good.

Unsurprisingly, the lab’s urgent voice sounded in Liliana’s head, 「Warning! Confirmed the approach of an existence which can threaten the current laboratory. Transferring the entire group, including the sub-master, to the situation control room. You will be guided from area D-8 to area S-1.」

Simultaneously, the investigation team disappeared from the dining room. They couldn’t speculate about the existence that could threaten the lab, which even sword masters couldn’t damage.

* * *

As always, the space movement was instant.

“Eh? What, where has all my food gone?” William was hungry after only drinking water for breakfast, but he couldn’t return to the dining room in this situation.

They were in the situation control room. This was the first time the six people had stepped foot in this place, so naturally they looked around. However, before they could say anything, Paragranum moved forward.

She shouted in an urgent voice, “「Identification code PRGRN3681214! Open the omnidirectional monitor!」”

Para’s order was quick. Then suddenly, lights lit up on the black walls on all sides, and the exterior of the site was revealed. They didn’t compare to windows. The view wasn’t filtered with opaque glass, but the group couldn’t help understanding the situation.

A tremendous sandstorm was swirling in front of them.

“Ack!” William took a few steps back with surprise, but the storm before him didn’t scratch at his skin.

Perfect illusion magic was showing off its grandeur. Mujak saw the scale of the sandstorm and murmured with dry lips, “Khamsin…!”

As everyone gazed at him, he explained, “Sometimes in the desert, a storm with unknown limits is born. Typical storms grow until they disappear after reaching their limit, but Khamsin doesn’t have a limit. The nomads of the desert fear Khamsin as the wrath of god, and according to Austen’s history, it once destroyed a castle.”

“So?” Veronica didn’t listen to him and stepped forward to ask Para, “This sandstorm can threaten the facility that even a sword master couldn’t damage?”

It didn’t make sense. Liliana remembered something Paragranum had said. The outer walls of the ruin wouldn’t fall in one or two blows, even if it was hit by a dragon’s breath. This was a fortress built by Paracelsus, the peak alchemist from the Age of Mythology.

However, Paragranum raised a finger instead of answering. Then she said, “That isn’t a Khamsin. Take a look at beyond it.”

The five pairs of eyes followed her index finger. Visibility was poor due to the storm. However, Mujak’s eyes were accustomed to it, so he saw it without much difficulty. “… The Andras’ excavation team?”

“Yes, watch closely. You will soon find out.”

“What are you say-” Mujak suddenly closed his mouth. His remarkable vision had seen the ‘phenomenon.’ Soon after, the members of the investigation team could see it as well. The barracks left behind by the Andras excavation team were destroyed without a trace. The sight of solid metal scattering like sand obviously wasn’t natural.

It was something more transcendent than mere destruction.

“The power of weathering.” It was a hard and stiff voice. Paragranum murmured with a rarely serious expression, “Why did Desertio come to the outskirts of the desert? That old man should be staying at the center of the desert…”

“Yellow Tower Kid, don’t be serious alone and explain yourself.”

“Ah, that’s right. You don’t know yet,” Paragranum belatedly replied to Veronica. “The Meuse Desert isn’t a natural desert. It is a terrain made by a sand dragon.”

“Sand dragon?”

“Yes, his name is Desertio. He is a dragon who has lived for many years and whose death is close. Nobody in this age can afford to go against him… Ah, that reminds me.”

Paragranum might not be supposed to know it, but she could give as much information as possible, using her alter ego of the Yellow Tower Master as a shield. The Yellow Tower Master was, after all, the most mysterious person in Meltor.

However, Para added a few words that stirred Mujak up, “The disaster of the Central Continent, the cause of the drought.”

“What?!” Mujak shouted, while his thick mustache shook. “Young girl from Meltor, can you take responsibility for those words? Swear that it is true!”

The overpowering influence of a sword master… Mujak’s overwhelming momentum made the others step back, but Para just nodded calmly.

“Yes, I will swear by my name, as well as my master’s name.”

“… Dammit! For the great sun! The disaster Austen has been struggling with for centuries is due to a dragon lizard!’

Mujak’s anger was natural. The Janissaries valued patriotism and loyalty more than their own lives. How many people had died directly and indirectly from the drought until now? 100,000 people? 1,000,000 people? It had lasted for centuries, so the sum might exceed 10 million. He wouldn’t be angry if it was just the tyranny of Mother Nature, but now he learned it was because of a dragon.

Mujak’s eyes filled with fury as he growled, “I swear to the Sultan and the Sun God, I will cut out his heart, even if I have to sacrifice my life!”

He didn’t care about any injuries! The sword master’s roar burst out with full sincerity. If the sand dragon were in front of him, he would’ve run forward without any hesitation. However, there was one person who put a stop to his courage. That was Veronica who had once fought a dragon.

“Stop. It will be a useless death,” she said.

Unfortunately, the cold advice was counterproductive.

“How can you say that, Veronica?!”

“I am a dragon slayer, desert man. A dragon is a species that grows stronger over time. Not to mention one that is almost a million years old. The dragon might die if all the masters on the continent ally together… if we are lucky.”

“T-That…” Mujak could tell that she was serious. They had never fought properly, but it was clear that Veronica was more powerful than other masters. She also had combat experience with a dragon, so there was no logical reason to dispute her words.

Veronica shut Mujak’s mouth, then asked Para, “Does this ruin have any defense mechanisms?”

“It does, but it won’t last long if the dragon attacks seriously.”

“Tch, I thought so. He is an ancient dragon in this day and age. It looks like we are caught in a checkmate, but… what does that lizard want?”

Then at that moment…

[Aren’t those some harsh words?] A majestic voice rang out through the ruins.

It was like an echo in a deep valley… Or thunder which burst from the far heavens. The voice caused Liliana’s blood to boil.

[Oh, there you are.]

‘Who is he referring to?’ Liliana gulped involuntarily.

The atmosphere sharpened. This was an ancient dragon from the Age of Mythology, the source of the Meuse Desert. Then at the next moment, the sand dragon spoke to Liliana, [Sorceress with the blood of a sea dragon, I have found you.]

Chapter 202 – Sand Dragon Desertio (2)

Liliana was taken aback by the sand dragon’s sudden words. “No way. You came because of me?”

[That’s right.] The assertion of the sand dragon, Desertio, was surprising.

However, that was natural. This dragon was from the other side of history, since the beginning of the Age of Mythology. So, what did it want with Liliana? It was different from Aquilo, who had become interested in Liliana due to the circ*mstances. Living for millennia had created a manner of thinking which mortals couldn’t understand.

Liliana’s eyes trembled nervously. Maybe it was because of the danger the sand dragon’s presence brought to the investigation team. So, Liliana couldn’t help feeling guilty.

However, Desertio spoke in a gentle voice, [Don’t be too nervous, young sorceress. I didn’t come with the intention of harming you.]

As if to prove her sincerity, Liliana’s senses were extremely calm. Regardless of whether Desertio was speaking the truth, Liliana was forced to put hope in that moderate atmosphere. This conversation was the last lifeline before a death penalty was passed on.

“…Can I ask what your business is?”

It was good to know that the conversation could go in both directions. So, Liliana raised her courage and carefully asked why.

[Hmmm, I have to explain it,] Desertio replied calmly. [I will ask you one thing before I explain. Have you heard anything about the reduction of dragons?]


[It is what happens when a dragon reaches their end or is near the end.]

Liliana finally realized the intent of Desertio’s question. She recalled the conversation she had with Gluttony while crossing the wilderness.

–The sand dragon Desertio, who lives in the center of the Meuse Desert, is at the epicenter of the drought.–

–Don’t misunderstand. Desertio might not be causing the drought maliciously. The dragon, who has survived for nearly a million years, is already closer to a spirit than a creature. Therefore, she changes the environment around her.–

A dragon’s instincts were to return to nature. Gluttony asserted that due to this, Dracomachia had started and the dragon’s decline had begun. All the strong people of the other species, including the human race, had joined forces to hunt the dragons.

In some ways, the phenomenon called ‘Reduction’ might be nothing to Desertio, who had suffered through Dracomachia. Liliana thought up to there and carefully replied, “Are you trying to tell me about the drought?”

[Oh, I suppose it isn’t hard to guess. It is correct,] Desertio said. Then it added a few more words, [If you are already aware of this, the story will be quicker. The creation of the Meuse Desert and the drought was caused by the aging of this body. It is proof that this body is approaching death. I want to see you help with the post-processing.]

“My help…?”

[Uhh, to be precise, I would like you to deliver my message to the sea dragon that is linked to you.]

Liliana briefly recalled Aquilo’s face. She hadn’t seen her face for a while, but her impression of Aquilo was clear in her mind. Liliana couldn’t help remembering her beauty, which was more striking than many women. Her relationship with Aquilo was one of the most powerful trump cards she had, so she would prefer not to use it. Additionally, she had no confidence to deal with her a second time.

‘She isn’t the type to be dragged around.’

It might be possible if Liliana was much stronger than Aquilo, but that possibility wasn’t worth discussing when she was only at the 7th Circle. She couldn’t help feeling worried.

As Liliana remained silent, Desertio continued speaking, [This is a request based on the discipline of the dragons. If you listen to my favor, this body will give you something that is equivalent to the favor.]

“Then please explain this to me.”

[It is very simple. In the past, a dragon would use ‘Reduction’ in destroying the territory of other species. This discipline was made by the leaders when looking at the bitter past. It is the Ritual of Reduction.]

The Ritual of Reduction…

It didn’t seem to be a secret, so Desertio continued talking in a voice that the others could hear.

It was a type of pledge. The storm of power which burst out when a dragon died couldn’t be compared to the output before it. In Desertio’s case, it would generate a hot wind which would sweep through the entire Central Continent.

Therefore, the dragon leaders created a reduction ceremony. It was a discipline which allowed a dragon with the opposite property to calm down the aftermath. For a dragon with the power of weathering, the dragon that controlled water was the right choice for the ritual.

[It is a ritual that has become unknown now, but this body wants to maintain the wishes of the leaders. Please let me finish my life by using your link.]


Then all of a sudden, Mujak interrupted, “Wait! Desert dragon, I have something to say to you!”

[This body has nothing to say to you.]

“Damn, listen to me first!” Mujak called out.

Maybe it was due to Desertio’s modest attitude, or perhaps the anger simmering inside Mujak finally exploded…

However, Mujak forgot who his opponent was as he hollered with a red face, “Take some responsibility for being the cause of the drought! You should apologize to the people of our kingdom rather than ask that young woman! Do you know how many people have died because of you?”

The dragons’ ‘Reduction’ was a sacred ceremony for them, but it was a national disaster for others. The fury of the Austen guardians, who had accumulated damage for hundreds of years, was reasonable in many ways.

However, unlike when Desertio conversed with Liliana, it replied in an emotionless voice, [That is human logic.]

Desertio had the gaze of a transcendent being who looked down on all things.

[Do you remember and mourn the number of ants you have stepped on during your life?]

Everyone froze for a moment. The attitude of comparing humans to ants clearly showed the gap between a human and dragon. Liliana tensed up again. Desertio wasn’t concerned about humans. She wanted to preserve the leader’s wishes, but she didn’t care about those who had already died.

‘Damn, I’m not in a situation to worry about whether I should accept it!’

Despite Desertio’s modest attitude, Liliana had no other option. Realizing this, she hurriedly opened her mouth. She had to finish this before Mujak made things worse.

“Desertio! I will accept that request.”

* * *

After that, they made swift progress. The catalysts needed for the summoning magic were stacked in a pile in the laboratory. Additionally, after receiving Satomer’s knowledge, Liliana could be called the best summoner in modern times.

With Aquamarine, sapphire, a blue drake’s heart, and a magic circle written for elementals, this was literally the best performance. Liliana finished her work and sighed, ‘Sigh, I’ve roughly prepared it.’

A blue magic circle flashed under her feet, and the perfection was at a level which anyone who studied magic would admire. Right now, there were only a few researchers in the field of summoning magic.

“Wow, isn’t this magic circle really amazing? It is on a different dimension from the basic principles shown in magic books. How can she do this?”

“Lili is amazing. This is new summoning magic…”

Unlike Sylvia and William, Veronica didn’t look very impressed. It wasn’t hard to guess why, so Liliana smiled bitterly and walked toward her. “Tower Master.”

“I know it can’t be helped, but I don’t like it,” Veronica grumbled angrily.

The red dragon blood flowing through her body refused to meet with a sea dragon. Veronica was irritated despite never meeting Aquilo before. It wouldn’t be strange if they fought when meeting face-to-face.

“Well, I’ll look at your face and try to endure it.”

“Thank you.”

“But you should keep one thing in mind.” Veronica pointed an index finger and touched the tip of Liliana’s nose. “I will blow away all enemies in front of me.”

“… Please be lenient.” That was the only thing she could say.

Liliana stood inside the summoning circle again and took in a deep breath. “Then let’s get started.”

It was fairly difficult to summon a dragon, but Liliana didn’t have much trouble. The biggest problem with summoning was compromising with the invited being. However, Aquilo had already agreed to be summoned.

Moreover, she had said she would help her once unconditionally, so she wouldn’t refuse her summons. Liliana rotated her seven circles and recited a spell.

“Inform her.”

A large-scale ritual was normally required, but she just needed to look deeply in her connection with Aquilo.

“Ruler of the ocean, master of the waves. I use your name and blood to be reunited in this place.”

As the spell was chanted, the magic circle scattered a blue light. The blood flowing inside Liliana’s body slowly cooled as resonance.

Then as the blood of the Sea Dragon Aquilo strengthened, Liliana’s body temperature was lowered to a point which couldn’t be human. Liliana’s face was turning white when she finally heard the voice.

「What? You called me after a long time, Girl.」 The drowsy voice mixed with charm was truly strange.

Liliana was glad to hear the voice and replied, ‘Aquilo.’

「You didn’t call me just to speak my name, did you? Huh?」

‘Of course not. It is something more troublesome…’

「There is a lot of time, so explain it to me.」

As Aquilo stated, there was a lot of time. It was usually a significant burden to use summoning magic, but Aquilo and Liliana were able to hold a long conversation because of the connection with each other. After talking for 30 minutes, Aquilo readily accepted her summons.

「Okay, I understand that this is caused by my link with you.」

‘Then you will come when called?’

「No, it is annoying, so I’ll just come now.」

‘What? Wait…!’

Liliana stepped aside hurriedly as the magic circle flashed.


Her sapphire-like blue hair and her two fluorescent eyes which shone with playfulness soon appeared. As always, Aquilo was wearing an outfit which made it hard to look at her. It was a thin piece of cloth covering the important parts, just enough to shake a girl’s heart. However, it was strange that it didn’t look crude on her.

“… Why are you always so exposed?” Liliana said, turning her eyes away.

Meanwhile, Aquilo fluttered her clothing with a naughty smile. Her eyes couldn’t help being drawn to Aquilo’s exposed elegance.

“Girl, aren’t you enjoying it? Women are all the same.”


Aquilo teased Liliana as she stepped out of the magic circle. After looking around, she grumbled, “Ah, I don’t like the desert because the air is too dirty. I never would’ve come if this wasn’t happening.”

Then she suddenly stopped and stepped toward Veronica. Clearly, it wasn’t a one-sided rivalry. The red dragon and blue dragon… The hostility engraved in their blood was the same. As the red and the blue stared at each other, it was Aquilo who opened her mouth first.

“Who is this, the red clan famous for their brutality?” She said with a bright smile which almost made Liliana misunderstand it as a greeting.

Veronica frowned and countered. Her bright smile was impressive as well. “Aren’t you the one famous for pirating?”

This time, it was Aquilo’s eyebrows which twitched. “You, a quarter dragon… Do you intend to go against a pureblood dragon?”

“I’m sorry, but I’ve already killed one. Aren’t sea dragons more incompetent when out of water?”

“…Ha, haha.”

“Ah, did I hit the bullseye? I’m sorry.”

Veronica made an expression that showed she wasn’t sorry at all, while Aquilo’s lips twitched. Killing intent rose between the two beauties. It was an atmosphere which seemed like a fight would occur at any moment.

The gazes of the group naturally rested on one girl, Liliana.


Liliana had already thought it would be like this, so she eventually sighed and walked in between them.

Chapter 203 – Sand Dragon Desertio (3) Fortunately, a bloody battle didn’t start between Veronica and Aquilo. It was thanks to Liliana. They didn’t stop exchanging barbs through words, but that was enough. Both were transcendent beings capable of destroying an army, so Lili hoped that the tension between the two would end with just arguing. She couldn’t think about laughing at all.

The problem was that she was at the center of the tug of war. In that sense, Aquilo was really cunning. Unlike her attitude, she knew she was at a disadvantage in the desert and had no intention of fighting. After all, she wasn’t a beast made of pure violence but an intelligent being.

“By the way, hasn’t it been a while? Girl.” As such, Aquilo ignored Veronica and grabbed Lili’s right arm out of the blue. Her thin, slender arms wrapped tightly around Lili. “Even if you couldn’t call me properly, couldn’t you at least say hello? Isn’t that too much?”

“S-Sorry…?” Lili replied, her voice a bit softer than usual.

“You are lacking sincerity. Don’t you know it is showing on your face?”

It was as she said. This was the first time Lili had experienced something like this. She had spent her youth reading books, and her past experience with romantic interactions could be counted on one hand. Lili couldn’t think logically because of the texture pressing against her right arm. Her body and mind were simultaneously confused, so she didn’t know how to answer and remained silent.

Aquilo smiled like she knew that. ‘Kuk, what a cute response.’

She had experienced it in the cave, but women like Lili shouldn’t be openly seduced. Rather, she had to gradually narrow the distance until her vigilance broke down. Aquilo remembered the pleasure of putting her teeth into ripe fruit for the first time and couldn’t help licking her upper lip.

‘It looks like there are a few competitors but…’

One of them was a silver-haired girl staring at her from behind Lili. For a human, she didn’t have a bad appearance. It was the same for the woman mixed with the savage blood of the red clan. There was also the high elf she hadn’t met yet.

Aquilo had never failed in her seductions, so it was the first time she had rivals. However, this difficulty was what Aquilo wanted. She would beat all her competitors and completely take away Lili’s mind and body—“…Hah…” A sweet sigh was let out.

Lili flushed red due to her close proximity to her, but Aquilo was so excited that she didn’t even realize it. Like most cool-blooded animals, a flush appeared on her pale face when she became excited.

Then, as Lili was about to lose her breath…

“Hey.” Veronica finally reached the limit of her patience and grabbed Aquilo’s shoulder. “Fish, don’t stick to the kid.”

An unpleasant sound was heard from her hand. Veronica’s grip was enough to break a large rock. It was at a level that not even Aquilo could resist. Lili was afraid there would be a fight…

However, Aquilo just dropped her arm coolly and said, “It is truly savage. Do you have the blood of an ogre inside you?”

“What are you saying?!”

“Well, I can feel relieved now. You can never beat me.”

Veronica frowned at the unknown meaning of Aquilo’s words. She didn’t know why, but Aquilo seemed one step ahead in this quarrel. From then on, neither of them spoke. Aquilo gave a strange smirk, and Veronica seemed deeply troubled.

‘… The previous growls were scary, but I don’t like this silence.’ Lili sighed as she felt the weight of the silence on her shoulders.

One person was a dragon, the strongest species in the material world, and the other was a magician who hunted dragons. This unnatural silence lasted until they met again with Desertio.

* * *

“It has been a while, Old Man,” Aquilo said after entering the situation control room.

It was a nickname which didn’t suit an ancient dragon like Desertio, who had lived for almost a million years. However, Desertio didn’t become angry as he replied in a rather shaky voice, [This voice, is it Aquilo?]

“Of course, it is. I knew this would happen, but I didn’t expect to be the one in charge.”

[Haha, me as well. I didn’t know that a tomboy would be my end… You didn’t return for more than a thousand years, so I thought you had already forgotten about this old man.]

Then Aquilo replied cheekily, “Who is the one that lives in the desert? Even now, it is hard to breathe in this place. If you weren’t dying, I wouldn’t have come to you.”

[Y-Yes. Thank you…]

Like a grandfather listening to his cute granddaughter, Desertio didn’t refute Aquilo’s ridiculous words. The majesty of the dragon, who treated a sword master as an ant, was indeed a mess.

Was he weak toward Aquilo or was it because they were the same species? The words between the two dragons were no different from the conversation between an ordinary father and daughter.

Then Aquilo asked, “But don’t you still have a few hundred years left? There is still some life force left.”

[Umm, there is perhaps 300 years left. But it is hard to imagine that this opportunity could come again. It will be difficult for you to be present when the time comes.]

“It makes sense, but…”

To humans, death was absolute oblivion and fear. However, it was a natural ending for dragons. Born from nature, they would go back to nature.

Their powerful teeth and claws, solid leather, and scales… All the blessings they received when they were born would be returned to the material world. Sand dragons became grains of sand, sea dragons became water, and fire dragons became lava. They were part of the world and would be reborn in a slightly different form.

The many years that Desertio had experienced were enough for him to understand this. Aquilo was still young, so she didn’t understand it yet.

[Don’t feel too much regret. I am satisfied with my life.]

He had lived for a long time. He had watched, fought, negotiated, and killed many humans, elves, dwarves, and dragons. It would be a lie to say he felt no hesitation, but he had decided to end his life. This was the right time to do so while respecting the leader’s wishes.

Aquilo shook her head and muttered in a small voice, “Who feels regret, Old Man.”

[Hehehe, you feel regretful. You can’t put up a false pretense in front of this old man.]

“… Annoying.” The sly mask of a dragon was there, but she seemed more like a girl who wasn’t being honest. Desertio laughed at her and shifted his gaze. He looked at the human who had been chosen by this volatile child, the girl who had brought him this joyful relationship today.

[Young sorceress, you are this body’s benefactor. What is your name?]

Liliana was surprised by the sudden question, “Liliana Miller.”

[Yes, Liliana Miller. You are the benefactor who will bring a satisfying end to this body. As I said before, I would like to thank you and will give you a corresponding reward,] Desertio said. Then he continued talking, [I don’t have anything other than this body. Since a thousand years ago, my power has been out of control, and all the treasures I had gathered all turned to sand. If you are expecting treasures or gold, I have to apologize for not being able to meet those expectations.]

Lili had already guessed this much. Treasures from the Age of Mythology had long turned into grains of sand from the power of weathering. In addition to that, Gluttony had said that sand dragons didn’t have much interest in goods. It was the opposite of water dragons who enjoyed stacking up treasures like mountains.

However, a dragon wouldn’t lie about giving a reward due to her high pride. After all, Desertio hadn’t said that he would repay Lili in gold.

Then Desertio called out to Paragranum, [Ruins manager, are you listening?]

“… Yes, I’m listening.”

[Quickly open the entrance for a moment.]

Paragranum was troubled for a moment. However, the opponent was a dragon who could destroy the outer walls, so she unlocked the entrance. Although it couldn’t be seen from the control room, Desertio had a clear view of the entrance.

Then after a short silence, the sand dragon spoke again, […Now, it is inside. You can close the door again and take it.]

As everything in the laboratory was under Paragranum’s control, she moved the item to the situation control room without much difficulty. Then her eyes widened, and she uttered, “T-This…?”

The item resembled a topaz jewel. It had a mysterious golden orange color which was difficult to express. Its size was even more amazing. The gem was larger than the head of an adult male. This caused everyone to be shocked. Even Veronica and Sylvia, who had little interest in jewelry, stared blankly at the fascinating surface.

However, their surprise was enhanced by Paragranum’s words, “… Dragon Heart!”

“What? This?”

“This gem is a dragon’s heart?”

The group cried out in astonishment, while Aquilo nodded with a bitter expression. She had already guessed it would be this, but it was hard for her to describe her feelings at seeing a Dragon Heart this way.

“Yes, that is a heart.”


Could any creature in the world survive without a heart?

Lili looked out carefully.

Desertio had expected this reaction and calmly explained, [Don’t worry about it. This body is already closer to a spirit than a creature, so the concept of organs is rare for me. Anyway, I am going to die, so my heart will be taken out eventually.]

It was an unexpected gift. Even a dragon didn’t have an eternal body. Their hard bones and skin would become thinner as they aged. Their thick muscles would shrivel up, and even their claws would lose their sharpness.

The only exception to that was the heart, which overflowed with mana. The strength of a Dragon Heart increased in proportion to age. As Desertio was a dragon who had lived a long time, the inherent power in his heart would be indefinite.

Lili regained her composure and stretched out her hand. ‘Appraisal.’

Now it was a habit to touch an item with her left hand.

[+?? Desertios’s Heart] [-The heart of Desertio, a dragon who has lived for almost a million years. The power of weathering is preserved. If sacrificed, it is possible to call a god or demon. It can also function as a permanent increase in strength. If you absorb it, you can obtain the power of weathering. However, the user’s vessel won’t be able to endure it and will break. * The rating of this heart is ‘Mythology.’ * When consumed, the present user will die. * When consumed, ‘Power of Weathering’ will be learned. The present user won’t be able to control the power and will self-destruct. * When consumed, a large amount of magic power will be absorbed. The present user won’t be able to suppress the magic and will self-destruct. * When consumed, the amount of dragon blood will become thicker. The present user won’t be able to survive the change and will self-destruct.]

Lili’s face stiffened. This was a mythological item! It was an object that surpassed Laevateinn and the complete Azoth Sword. Additionally, the explanation was even more fearsome. If she consumed it, she would be overwhelmed by the abilities and self-destruct.

Lili was quite accustomed to the system, so she could determine it. ‘…Based on these comments, I probably won’t be able to absorb it even if I reach the 8th Circle. It is a truly ridiculous thing.’

If she were at the 8th Circle, it was possible to consume ‘Death’s Worship,’ which lay forgotten in her inventory. However, this Dragon Heart was at the 9th circle. The heart of a dragon was given to a human…

‘Let’s put it in my inventory.’


Lili pretended to put the Dragon Heart in her dimensional pocket, but she actually held it in her left hand and Gluttony swallowed the Dragon Heart. She had a feeling that she could use it eventually.

It was literally an unexpected windfall. Lili looked down at her left hand with a stunned face, then Desertio laughed with satisfaction.

[It seems like you like my reward. Yes, my heart is worth it. I hope this heart will be a great help to you, as you have been for me.]

“… I don’t deserve this gift, Desertio.”

[Huhu, don’t say that. Keep this in mind while taking care of Aquilo.]

“Yes?” Lili was surprised by the words and turned to look at Aquilo.

Aquilo stared at her and said, “Girl, is there something you want to ask of me?”

“Ah, Desertio’s end…”

“No, that is his favor. You haven’t asked me for anything. You just called me.”


Her words weren’t wrong. Aquilo had freely agreed after listening to the situation, and Lili hadn’t requested anything from her. Since she had accepted because of her relationship with Desertio, this meant Lili still had the right to ask for something from her. As a blue dragon, Aquilo disliked this type of vague ending.

Lili was troubled for a moment as she thought about the unintentional bonus. ‘What should I ask from Aquilo…?’

She could postpone it until later, but it wasn’t common to have a chance to properly prepare summoning magic like today. Lili had been fortunate that Paracelsus’ laboratory was filled with luxurious materials. She couldn’t guarantee that there would be another chance to call an adult dragon.

At that moment, someone entered Lili’s field of view.

“Ah.” The twisted puzzle in her head was now completed. Lili’s eyes shone brightly, then she turned toward Aquilo.

Lili arranged her mind and opened her mouth, “My request…”

Chapter 204 - Together with a Dragon (1)

The Magic Contest, which was Meltor's annual event, reached its end after being three times more prosperous than before. It didn’t mean that the magicians participating in the contest were superior to usual. This was the same event, but it was three times more prosperous because more people had visited Meltor. The symbol of Elvenheim, High Elf Ellenoa, was the reason for this increase.

Since the founding of Elvenheim and the abolition of slavery, it had become difficult to see the elves, making some people even doubt their existence. The unrealistic beauty and presence of the high elf, who had appeared at the opening ceremony, were enough to convince them of the truth. Major figures from all over the continent had come to Meltor for a greater purpose this time.

- A high elf from Elvenheim has come to Mana-vil!
- Buds sprout wherever she walks!
- It is a sign that the balance between the Northern powers will collapse!
- She has a deep relationship with Meltor's young heroine!

Rumors spread, and ships and carriages in the Central Continent headed to Meltor in droves. If even one of the rumors was true, then this was a great event which could be called the turning point in history. They might not have any influence on it, but they couldn’t just sit still. Some individuals came with the purpose of trying to trade with Elvenheim...

While others steered their ships with the intention of making a mark on Meltor. There were also those who took carriages just to see the high elf's beauty... And others who crossed the border to explore the situation of the North. As the major powers moved for various reasons, the procession following them increased in number. One person grew to 10, 10 people to 100, and then to thousands. Due to this, the guards at Meltor's checkpoints were busier than ever, and a lot of gold poured into the treasury.

The Magic Contest lasted for a fortnight, and various groups tangled together until the morning of the last day of the contest finally came. However, the atmosphere of the palace was heavy.

"... Treasurer, please report the result of this Magic Contest."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the treasurer answered and walked forward after being called by Kurt. Then the treasurer reported, "The number of visitors at this year's Magic Contest has tripled compared to last year, so the logistics have increased nearly fivefold. Even if we use only half of the budget, we will be able to complete most of our current national plans."

"What about the trade inquiries from other countries?"

"Three from Austen, two from Soldun, eight from Kargas. There are also four from the Lairon Religious Kingdom..."

Kurt's eyebrows twitched, and he shook his head when he heard the name 'Lairon.' Magicians and religious figures weren't a good match. The Lairon Kingdom would make the magicians try to worship their god, and diplomatic relations might worsen.

"Dismiss all requests from Lairon."

"I will follow Your Majesty's words."

The treasurer moved back after replying, and Kurt turned to the chairman of the Magic Society next. The chairman of the Magic Society recognized the meaning of Kurt's gaze and quickly opened his mouth to speak. "The recruitment of magicians has gone smoothly. There are a total of 214 magicians who put their names on the conference list, and 117 magicians have been chosen to be naturalized. Among them, there are 45 people who have achieved higher than the 4th Circle. This is a little over twice that of last year."

"Not bad. What is the distribution to each magic tower?"

"It hasn’t been decided yet. I don’t think it can be determined until after the Red Tower Master has returned."

Of course, it was a natural report. After all, it was the privilege of a tower master to endorse the membership of a magician. Even if the elders dealt with a tower master's duties in the tower master's absence, they couldn't make a decision about personnel. However, Kurt III couldn’t help frowning at the report. "Yes, we don't have the Red Tower Master."

At this point, the people present understood Kurt’s mind and acted carefully. This was because the investigation team had gone to claim the ruins and had yet to return. Kurt had thought nothing would go wrong because Veronica was present, but he couldn't help being worried because the time they were taking was too long. He wasn't worried about Veronica. After all, since they were both pillars of the kingdom, he was one of the people who knew her best. There were few things which could threaten Red Tower Master Veronica.

If she were buried by an earthquake, she would break the ground and pop out. If she were swept away by a tsunami, she would evaporate the water. In the hearts of everyone present, the people from Andras had long since died.

The problem was with the four magicians, Quattro. If any of the prospects who were marked as successors to the tower masters died, Meltor couldn’t avoid being damaged. Additionally, there was the heroine, Liliana Miller!

"White Tower Master."

Kurt's voice subsided, and Orta replied, "Please say it, Your Majesty."

With a white robe and white mask... As always, the man who concealed his appearance revealed himself near the throne. Had he just entered? Or maybe he had been present in the first place. The scary thing about the White Tower Master was that they couldn’t know for sure. He had fierce mobility and had managed to defeat one of the Seven Swords. Orta was the key character behind a massive purge which had occurred when Kurt had just been crowned. Even now, Orta was still called a grim reaper by the nobles.

"Did you do what I instructed?"

"Of course," Orta replied in a cold voice and gave details of his actions, "I have completed the elimination of 20 shadows at the border of the Meuse Desert, as well as 76 operatives. I stayed around and watched the situation, but no more people showed up."

He was emotionless despite talking about killing almost 100 people. Even if the people had been experts of Andras, they hadn't even gotten a chance to use their Aura Ability. The results of Orta's guerrilla tactics were truly miserable. According to the king's orders, Orta had cleared up the outskirts of the Meuse Desert. Kurt had been worried those on the outskirts would disrupt the return of the investigation team.

"... But why is there no news yet?" In the end, Kurt couldn't help expressing his impatience.

The king had made the selection. He had been the one who dispatched Veronica and Quattro. Kurt had the qualities of a king, and his choices were never bad. When the results weren’t particularly good, they weren’t terrible either. Meanwhile, the rest were good. He hoped that his choice wasn’t wrong this time.

"Your Majesty!" At that moment, the door opened, and Blundell hesitated to continue speaking.

"Blundell, what is going on? It isn't like you to hesitate."

It was as Kurt said. Blundell's white beard and hair were soaked with sweat, while his always relaxed face was filled with confusion. Kurt had asked that after seeing Blundell's expression, but Blundell then shouted in reply, "Your Majesty should come out and see it personally!"

Everyone in the room turned toward each other with confusion, while Kurt stared down at Blundell with a blank expression. He raised his body from the throne with a questioning appearance.

"-Guide me."

* * *

As a dragon flew in the sky above Mana-vil, blue scales shone among the white clouds. It was a soldier at the watchtower who had seen the spectacular sight first. He couldn’t believe what he had seen and pointed toward the sky. The guard, who was seeing a dragon for the first time in his life, didn’t know what to do. He belatedly reported to the guard captain, who contacted the royal palace and the Magic Society. However, Blundell moved faster than anyone else. 'To think that a dragon has appeared at this time! What the hell is this?'

Veronica’s absence was truly great. Blundell touched his white beard desperately, but an answer didn’t come out. When one read Meltor's history from the beginning, they would find there were no recorded incidents wherein Meltor had angered a dragon.

'No, isn’t there one…?'

Liliana had fought with a sea dragon in the Pirate Archipelago, so she might’ve made an enemy of the blue clan. However, Aquilo’s case was different. The blue dragons were a thoroughly individual clan. Moreover, even if they had a relationship with someone, they only communicated with that person and didn’t show much interest in anyone else. So, why had a dragon come to Mana-vil?

"... I still don’t understand," Blundell muttered. Meanwhile, the king and other nobles were dismayed by the sight.

With sunlight reflecting off its blue scales and the flexible bends of its body, the dragon swimming in the sky was beautiful enough to make anyone lose their minds. It might be strange to fly with a wingless body, but flying itself wasn’t impossible for a sea dragon. In order for wings to carry a dragon body in the first place, the surface area of the dragon should be six times its current size while its weight should be reduced to one-third. Fundamentally, a dragon’s ability to fly was due to its own power.

Red dragons emitted hot air to fly at high speeds, whereas blue dragons controlled atmospheric measures to steer in the air. Although a blue dragon couldn’t match a red dragon’s flight speed, it was more beautiful while flying.

… Of course, there were people who didn’t agree with this idea.

"It feels like an earthworm wriggling! Don’t wriggle around and speed up more!"

Upon hearing Veronica’s rant, Aquilo’s tail twitched, and she countered, "This is my fastest speed! Do you think that a sea dragon can fly at high speeds?"

"Aren’t you a pureblood dragon? I can fly faster than you!"

"Then get off! If it wasn’t for the girl, I wouldn’t even let you ride!"

"If so, I will get off!"

Simultaneously, Veronica jumped down from Aquilo's back without any fear. They were hundreds of meters above sea level. It was a good height to turn humans into chunks of meat, but her robustness was greater than that of a human. Veronica didn’t even use any magic as she fell down.

Kwaang! The marble was destroyed by the impact of falling, while the flying debris made people scramble around.

"Uwaaaaack!" "It is the dragon’s preemptive strike!" "W-What is it?" "Blue Tower Master, what should we do?"

As she looked at them, Veronica sighed, "Phew, they are going nuts." So, she waited for the competent people to calm down. After hearing her voice, they belatedly realized the situation and calmed down.

"C-Cough! The Red Tower Master has returned!" "You went through a lot of trouble. Did it go well?"

"I have no time to talk to you guys. Where are His Majesty and the tower masters?"

Veronica ignored the excited faces and found the nearby Kurt and magic tower masters. Unlike their usual selves, the three people seemed stunned. After all, Veronica had just fallen from a dragon in the sky. It was understandable that they would ask for an explanation from her.

However, Veronica interrupted them, "Just a moment, Your Majesty. Everyone else is on the wriggling worm, so let’s wait until they are present to talk about it."

"W-Wriggling…?" Kurt looked up at the sky with a strange expression after hearing the world’s strongest species being called a wriggling worm. The dragon in the distant sky was getting closer.


Soon, the tail, which was shining with blue scales, landed before the party. Robes of four different colors flapped in the wind, and Quattro landed on the ground. Then with perfect timing, Veronica and all of Quattro bent down on one knee before the king. The appearance of the blue dragon behind them was really spectacular. Five voices overlapped as they spoke simultaneously:

"We, Red Tower Master Veronica and the four members of Quattro, have fulfilled capturing the ruins in Your Majesty’s name and have now returned."

Chapter 205 – Together with a Dragon (2)

Kurt couldn’t properly grasp the situation, but his reaction was quick. He naturally accepted the greeting of the five people and soon noticed there was a person missing. It was Austen’s guardian, Mujak. The man, who had been arrested for unauthorized entry and kidnapping, was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is Mujak?”

Liliana responded to Kurt’s question, “Is it okay to explain that with the report?”

“Hmm, okay. Rather…” Kurt glanced toward Aquilo behind Liliana. Instead of Mujak, Kurt was much more worried about the dragon who had suddenly appeared. As though she felt his glance, there was a slight flash of light from where the dragon’s body had been floating behind the party. It was enough to make people blink a few times.


People reflexively closed their eyes and opened them again. In the spot where the dragon had been, there was now an impressive-looking woman with sea-colored hair. Horns rose from her head, and her fluorescent eyes showed that she was different from humans. Despite her bewitching appearance, she gave off a feeling of oppression.

In this silence, Aquilo slightly bent her knees. “It is nice to meet you, king of Meltor. I am Aquilo of the blue clan, daughter of Surmidon and Asophos.”

This was the moment when the historical tyrant, the sea dragon, met the ruler of the Meltor Kingdom. The people present realized the seriousness of this meeting and gulped while the air filled with tension. How would the king of Meltor respond to this greeting?

Unlike their expectations, Kurt’s answer was quite ordinary. “The current king, Kurt Turai von Meltor, welcomes your visit. I heard a lot about you from Lady Liliana.”

Aquilo gave a bewitching smile at his words. “Hrmm, is that so? Girl, you talked about me?”

“Yes, I was able to pass the crisis thanks to you.”

“That is a common thing.”

Liliana’s answer seemed the right thing to say as the atmosphere loosened up. Then Kurt encouraged them to move into the palace, “Let’s talk about the remaining story inside. It seems that there are many things to talk about.”

“Then… I will follow Your Majesty’s will.”

Aquilo nodded, and Kurt led everyone into the royal palace. Their new location wasn’t the meeting hall but the reception room used for occasional guests.

Kurt III sat down, while Blundell and Orta stood on both sides of his chair. Even if there was no chance of winning, their role as escort was to block the slightest possibility of Aquilo attacking Kurt.

Once both Aquilo and Veronica were seated, Kurt naturally turned toward Liliana. Veronica was the one in charge of the mission, but she was preoccupied having a staring war with Aquilo.

“Quattro’s Captain, please report.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Liliana responded to the call.

‘Where should I start?’

The memories of a few days ago were engraved in Liliana’s head. Defeating Mercurius and entering the laboratory, receiving compensation from Paragranum… Yes, she would start exactly from here.

* * *

–Before I ask my favor, I have to check something first.

–To check something?

–Yes, I have to check whether something is possible for you. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m just really curious.

Aquilo made a questioning expression upon hearing Liliana’s words. She should know better than anyone else. After all, they had fought at each other’s backs. So, Liliana’s brilliant brain would’ve already understood her abilities.

If she wanted to, she could break down a city or two, or even cause floods and tsunamis. Yet there was something she wasn’t certain whether Aquilo could do?

She co*cked her head as Liliana spoke in a low voice, –Is it possible to revive a river on a national scale?

The blue dragon was famous for being cunning. Aquilo raised her eyebrows as she guessed Liliana's intentions.

-…Girl, are you trying to use me as a negotiation material?

It was as she said. Liliana shrugged and nodded without retreating. Desertio’s death meant the desertification phenomenon would disappear, but it was another story to restore the water which had dried up over centuries.

The drought wouldn’t happen anymore, but there was no future for a land which had been completely exhausted. Austen wouldn’t have an opportunity to recover, and they would perish. However, what if Aquilo’s power assisted in the recovery?

A high elf couldn’t surpass a dragon when it came to their attributes. When it came to the supply of water, Aquilo was more effective than a high elf.

Aquilo thought about Liliana’s question for a while before answering, –It is possible. Are you talking about the Pilar River? I won’t be able to restore it to its original state, but I can turn it back around 10 years.

–T-That means…!

Mujak trembled as he listened to the conversation. It was natural. A miracle he had never expected was being considered right before him. They were discussing the restoration of the Pilar River, Austen’s lifeblood! Now that the drought was gone, there would be no further problems if the river was restored. Maybe this would become Austen’s golden age.

Mujak was thrilled, falling to both knees and bowing his head. -Lady Liliana! How should I repay this favor?! The Sultan will greatly repay you for your help!

–Thank you, but it isn’t certain yet.


–Aquilo has to agree to this favor.

Mujak turned to Aquilo with a desperate expression. If the dragon refused to do Liliana’s favor, this golden opportunity in front of him would disappear without a trace.

However, Aquilo just laughed at Liliana’s uncertainty. –Well, I don’t care. I am in need of a new lair because of you. It is the middle of the desert, but it should be okay if it is the Pilar River.

–T-That means you agree? Mujak asked.

–Instead, I have several conditions. Aquilo smiled at the anxious Mujak and raised her fingers one by one. –First, a residence to my satisfaction must be built. Secondly, what happens after the recovery is irrelevant to me. Thirdly, publicize my name through the country and make me the guardian dragon.

–Cough! Well, if it is that much…

–There is one last thing.

The third condition for the Sultan fanatics of Austen was a little annoying, but there was nothing wrong with treating her as a divine being. Mujak was prepared to nod, but Aquilo added a fourth condition.

–Apart from the girl’s favor, I will charge a price every time you borrow my power. If the payment is ever overdue, I will cancel the agreement and leave.

–No, that is a little too much!

–If you think so, then don’t pay. In my view, the desert isn’t a very attractive place.

It was literally an unfair contract. Mujak protested, but Aquilo didn’t budge. Generally speaking, this request was a favor to Liliana, and anything else was a bonus. It meant they needed to pay separately for anything else. Austen might owe Meltor, but they needed to make a separate deal with Aquilo.

After all, Austen was the only one with something to lose, not the dragon. In the end, Mujak had to grudgingly agree to deliver the proposal to the Sultan.

* * *

“Kuk.” Kurt let out a small sound of laughter that he couldn’t repress.

Mujak, the old fox of the desert, had suffered such a humiliation. The Sultan fanatics would face difficult circ*mstances in the future. The Janissaries never had any experience of Austen itself being held hostage.

Kurt tacitly acknowledged their plight and then praised the person in front of him, “As always, your achievements are beyond my expectations. Now, Meltor has completely taken the lead in an alliance with Austen…”

Austen wouldn’t reject the offer. Kurt didn’t know if the Sultan was foolish or naive, but he had heard that the Sultan of this era was quite smart. It was hard to imagine anything more significant than the restoration of Pilar River.

‘With this, we have taken one step ahead.’

The Austen Kingdom had long been a country which intersected with the Northern powers and was located a little bit south of the border. It was only after passing through the Sipoto wilderness that one would enter Austen territory. As such, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that it was a territory which could be taken if Andras or Meltor reached out.

However, for centuries, none of the Northern powers had invaded Austen. It wasn’t because Austen was too strong or because the Northern powers couldn’t afford it.

The drought, which had plagued Austen for centuries, was the enemy which had fended off the Northern powers. It wasn’t easy to grow crops in Austen, and there were no roads or ports which could be used as trade routes. There was no profit in capturing such a territory.

The culture of worshipping the Sultan also played a part in fending off the Northern powers. A country which couldn’t be colonized was impossible to manage and was on the verge of destruction. That was Austen.

‘…But from now on, that will change.’

Andras didn’t know about the removal of the drought, and the value of Austen had surged.

After restoring the river and removing the threat of desertification, Austen was no longer a helpless spectator. If a little time and support were added, Austen was a variable which could become a strong ally. Unlike the borders in the North which were all guarded, a strategic advantage could be obtained if Meltor marched through Austen.

All of this was due to one girl, Liliana Miller. If it hadn’t been for the sea dragon, Aquilo, it wouldn’t have been possible to gain leverage over Austen or end the drought.

Kurt scanned Liliana up and down with gratified eyes and called out, “Quattro’s Captain.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“If you wish for something, then tell me. You can even ask for a national treasure.”

Simultaneously, the eyes of the other people present widened.

The number of people who had been awarded a national treasure since Meltor’s founding barely reached the double digits. Additionally, the people who had received two or more were just two or three legends. Now, Liliana was being treated like those legends? It was unexpected, even for Kurt who always awarded achievements fairly.

However, Liliana’s answer was even more surprising. “Your Majesty is very generous, but can I save that wish for later?”

“Why? I am feeling very good today. Maybe I will change my mind, and you will miss your chance.”

It felt like a test, but Liliana just smiled. “Right now, I want to concentrate on myself. I was taught Sorcery by the Red Tower Master, and I feel like I got a clue on this journey.”

“I see.” A satisfied smile appeared on Kurt’s face. “I like your attitude. I will take care of the procedures so that your training isn’t hindered. Don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesty.”

That wasn’t a lie. Liliana looked at her left hand as she bowed. It was true that she had received enlightenment from Veronica’s teachings and that she wanted to focus on something before receiving a national treasure.

Alchemist Paracelsus’s original book, the Fairy’s Book… Eating it had finally unlocked Gluttony’s fifth seal. At stage 5, Superbia had been able to overpower an adult dragon. It was inevitable that Liliana was looking forward to the result. In her mind, Gluttony’s information window was counting the seconds down one by one.

[Unsealing of stage 5… (3 hours 35 minutes and 12 seconds remaining)]

Chapter 206 – Together with a Dragon (3)

A week had already passed by, and the 5th seal still had yet to be released. The feature must be great, or perhaps more time was needed to unseal the 5th seal. However, Liliana waited without feeling impatient. So far, Gluttony had never betrayed her expectations. It wouldn’t be in vain for her to wait for Kurt’s reward.

'Anyway, I will know after three or four hours.'

Liliana was thinking about this when the door of the reception room suddenly opened.


It was a high elf whose green hair shone brightly without any illumination, while an energy of vitality emitted from her. Ellenoa smiled brightly as she looked at Liliana first, then she belatedly realized that the people around her were looking at her. She had come after hearing that Liliana had returned, but she hadn’t known she was with other people. Additionally, no one had restrained her because she was an unprecedented VIP guest.

When Ellenoa realized her position, she immediately flushed red. “I-I’m really sorry. I didn’t know the situation…”

Even if she wasn’t familiar with royal courtesies, she could tell that this wasn’t proper procedure. It was the sight of the king sitting in a chair with a tower master on both sides, which gave it away. This wasn’t a place for a foreigner to enter, even if she was a national guest. However, the surprising thing was Kurt’s reaction. He unexpectedly shook his head and forgave the intrusion.

“No, it’s okay. The talk was over anyway.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“I guess you have a lot to say to Liliana. But first, Lady Ellenoa, I would like to introduce you to a new guest.”

Kurt gestured toward a direction, and Ellenoa’s gaze followed his hand. Then the high elf’s and the dragon’s eyes met for the first time. Bright jade and an intense fluorescent color... The moment these similar yet different eyes met, the air in the reception room sunk. Ellenoa’s expression stiffened, and her sweet lips parted, “… Conductor of the waves, tyrant of the sea. The evil who controls the eastern waters to the north.”

There were hostile feelings coming from her which didn’t match her usual gentleness.

When Lili thought about it, she realized it was natural. Elves were basically a species with a good character, and they abhorred the act of oppressing or taking the possessions of others. By default, Aquilo was someone who treated everyone as below her. As such, Ellenoa wouldn’t like Aquilo, who protected pirates just so she could take their loot.

On the other hand, Aquilo replied with an effortless smile, “It is natural that you don’t like me, but don’t you think that your attitude is tougher than usual today?”

“It is your imagination.”

“Look at that cold attitude. Well, I can see one thing.”

Ellenoa made a questioning expression. Then Aquilo said with a laugh, “Woman who doesn’t know the world, there is a woman in your eyes, right?”

“… No way, you!”

Ellenoa had recently come to Meltor from the Great Forest, so she didn’t know what type of relationship there was between Aquilo and Liliana. Therefore, she couldn’t stay calm at the taunt which aimed accurately at that blind spot. The sea dragons were well-known as a clan that coveted the possessions of others. Moreover, Ellenoa was a high elf who could only pick her gender once in her life. So, to a high elf, a refusal was like a half-death. Ellenoa couldn’t help reacting to that, even if the words were a bluff.

The high elf and the dragon… The women of two species suddenly confronted each other, making it difficult for the people of Meltor who were stuck between them. An intervention was needed. At that moment, Veronica got out of her seat and moved between the two of them. “It is up to here. Both of you.”

Ellenoa managed to collect herself, while Aquilo’s lips curved into an innocent smile. Veronica stopped the quarrel between the two of them and looked directly at Kurt.

“Your Majesty, please leave these two to me.”

“Hoh, you are going to act?”

Veronica shrugged and nodded. “Well, something like that. I should rescue her. I don’t like the worm, but it can’t be helped.”

“Wait, did you call me a worm just now?”

“Don’t wriggle, and come here. Let the girl rest.”

“Hey! Let me go! Hey! Why is a quarter hybrid so strong?”

Veronica dragged Aquilo away, while Ellenoa bowed and followed after them. It was a truly stormy exit.

Kurt laughed and said to the rest of the people in the room, “You should go back and rest. Veronica has already volunteered to take care of them.”

“Yes, I will follow Your Majesty’s will.” Liliana was at a loss, but she retired from the reception room without delay according to Kurt’s orders.

After that, they split up. Paragranum had acquired good materials after a long time, so she returned to her tower happily. Meanwhile, William returned to his tower, stating that he needed to write a report for the White Tower Master. Then after sending Sylvia in the opposite direction, Liliana moved toward the red tower. The steeple made of red bricks was always surrounded by a lukewarm heat.

‘Master… He is researching. I shouldn’t interrupt him.’

Lili first checked Vince’s current situation and decided not to interrupt his research. Vince would stop his research if he knew that Liliana had returned, but Lili didn’t want to interrupt Vince’s concentration.


Instead, she returned to her room, which wasn’t much different from when she left.


A girl suddenly sprang up from a flowerpot on the windowsill at her words.


It was a relaxing voice that she hadn’t heard lately. The cheerful and lively girl had a bud similar to a rosebud on her head. Was it due to eating the Fairy’s Book, or had it taken a certain period of time for the flower to bloom? It wasn’t a surprise that Mitra had become more formidable.

‘This scent is quite similar to Ellenoa.’

It was a fragrance which boosted a person’s vitality, making her body feel lighter. If she were attacked by Aquilo like in the past, she wouldn’t be affected by her poison at all. Liliana touched the flower on Mitra’s head.

[Hihihit, hohihihi…]

Mitra laughed like a child being tickled. It was as if the flower was connected to her senses. The flower was pretty, but it didn’t seem possible to peel off a petal. The flower was fully assimilated with Mitra’s body, so the pain of separation would be more than she imagined. Moreover, for plants, flowers had another meaning. Roots took place first, then leaves, flowers, and fruits bloomed. Yes, fruit. It was unknown how much power remained in the sprout which had grown from eating the world tree’s seed, but a fruit would grow from the flower.


She felt something. Liliana felt an unknown sense of incongruity. It was very fleeting, but it left a clear trail. The Ring of Muspelheim, a sea dragon’s blood, an ancient earth elemental… She was only lacking—

Then at that moment…

[Completing the unlocking process of the 5th seal… Accepted. This is a legitimate request. Gluttony’s 5th seal has been released.]
[Gluttony’s function has been opened normally. The user should check the information window of the corresponding function immediately.]
[Grimoire “Gluttony” / B Rank]
[Gluttony’s 5th seal has been released through a normal path. From now on, the user will be able to access the wisdom that Gluttony accumulated from a long time ago. You can immediately learn the magic by paying a corresponding price. Previous owners have called the feature ‘Library,’ and you can change the name if you want.]

[The ego, Gluttony, will explain how to use Library.]

Once the 5th seal was released, the information about its function appeared before Liliana. It was a sudden situation, but she had become familiar with this since a long time ago. She pushed down her sudden inspiration and read the explanation. No, to be precise, she tried to read it. However, her consciousness blurred. Then her body fell down on the bed.

[Lili? Lili!]

Mitra noticed her condition was strange and hit her forehead, but her consciousness didn’t return. Liliana tried to reach out to calm her down, but her body didn’t move. It was as though it was crushed by heavy lead. She felt like she was sucked into an ocean. The sudden fall of her consciousness sharpened her nerves.


Liliana fell unconscious shortly after that.

* * *


‘My head hurts,’ Liliana thought as soon as she woke up. She must’ve collapsed on the bed. However, she was soon forced to forget all her pain. As Liliana’s blurred vision cleared up, an incredible landscape appeared before her eyes.


This was Gluttony’s Library, a space too dazzling to be called a library. There were endless shelves densely filled with books, and the height of the bookshelves rose higher than that of the magic towers. The library of the Magic Society, the greatest on the continent, was nothing compared to this.

‘There must be hundreds of thousands of books. Perhaps even millions…?’

It was impossible to estimate. Liliana recognized this fact after looking around a few times. There were mountains of books everywhere. This was a sea of books. Even if she read one book in one minute, Liliana was convinced that she wouldn’t be able to get out of here until she was old and dying.

–You must like it. Liliana suddenly heard someone’s voice from behind her.

Liliana responded without being alarmed by the call, “Gluttony.”

–Hoh, you’re not surprised.

“I was expecting it. It said you would explain how to use the Library… Heok!”

However, Liliana was astonished when she looked behind her. Her reaction was natural.

“You… Why do you have the same appearance as me?”

It was because there was a person with the same appearance as her. Gluttony looked exactly like Liliana, except that her eyes were black. They were like a bottomless swamp which would suck Liliana in if she looked. Gluttony’s eyes were completely black with no whites, making them look horrifying.

Gluttony responded to the question, –It can’t be helped. Since I don’t have a separate appearance, I need to copy User’s appearance. Otherwise, I will guide you with my voice like before.

“…No, it is okay. It isn’t that offensive.” Superbia’s chimera appearance was far more unpleasant. Right now, it was just like looking at a mirror.

“Then tell me about this Library.”

–Okay, Gluttony said, nodding like she had been waiting. Then she explained, –To put it briefly, this place is my stomach. Since the distant past, I have devoured all types of magic stretching back to the Age of Mythology. Starting with the 5th stage, User has the right to look into the realm of the gods.

Chapter 207 – Library (1)

Compared to her calm expression, Gluttony's words were bold. However, Liliana agreed with her. It wouldn't be an exaggeration at all if this was the stomach of Gluttony, who had collected all types of mysteries since the Age of Mythology. This wasn't just the 8th Circle but the realm of the 9th Circle. It was different from the days when more than 100 great magicians had wandered around and dragons often appeared. The Dark Ages had come after the Age of Mythology. After the gods disappeared, the demons lost their positions. The war between various species and dragons had then destroyed the material world. Historians estimated that over 5,600 years of history had been buried after the Age of Mythology.

"But not in this library...!"

Liliana could read the history which hadn't been recorded anywhere else. Not just that, it was possible for her to inherit the legacies left behind by magicians of the Age of Mythology. In that sense, it was literally the 'domain of the gods.' Still, Liliana wasn't completely happy.


– What is it?

"I understand that I can learn magic from the Library. But what is the equivalent price I have to pay?"

– Hrmm, I was about to tell you.

Except for her black eyes, Gluttony looked exactly the same as Liliana while she touched her jaw.

– I will first explain the restrictions of the Library. It is impossible to learn from a book that is beyond User’s level, just like the usual predation. It means there is no difference in the learning conditions here or outside.

"I expected as much. And…?"

– As User mentioned, the knowledge in the Library isn’t free. It is bound by the law of equivalent exchange in order to maintain causality. So, my system has established the concept of ‘achievement points’ to circumvent causality.

'Achievement points?'

However, before Liliana could ask the meaning of that, Gluttony continued speaking.

– To summarize briefly, it is a value based on everything User has provided me. Then you can acquire the knowledge in this library by consuming the achievement points.

"…Are you talking about all the books and artifacts I fed you?"

– That's right.

The law of equivalent exchange… This was a system which matched that law. Liliana closed her eyes for a moment and recalled all the books and artifacts she had collected so far. Perhaps common magic books were worthless, while the rare-rated ones were the real thing. Still, if she counted from Ballistics Magic, there were quite a number of them. However, she didn’t know what Gluttony’s standards were. Then Liliana opened her eyes again.

"What are the standards for achievement points conversion? Also, tell me how many achievement points I currently have. It started from stage zero, not stage five, right?

– Of course. I will answer in the order that you asked.

Fortunately, Gluttony was pleased to receive the request.

– Basically, the achievement points depend on the rating. Normal rating is worth one digit of points, Rare rating is worth two digits of points up to 100 points, Precious rating is worth three digits of points up to 1,000 points, and Treasure rating is worth four digits points up to 10,000 points. In the case of artifacts, it is half that.

"Huh? Then what about Legend or Myth ratings?"

Liliana noticed that these two ratings were missing, and Gluttony responded like she had been waiting for that.

– From legendary rating onward, there are no standards. For example, Laevateinn gained you 67,380 points.

"…What is the sum of my achievement points?"

– 78,213 points.

In the end, close to 90% of Liliana’s achievement points were from Laevateinn. Wasn't this distribution too biased, even if it was a Legend-rated grimoire? However, Liliana didn’t object to the calculation. She didn’t dare go against Gluttony’s eyes. After all, there was no one better in assessing the value of a book.

'Ah, that reminds me…'

Liliana belatedly recalled something that was in her inventory. If this artifact was converted to achievement points, how much would it be worth? Liliana was filled with anticipation as 'it' appeared in her hand. It was a topaz bigger than an adult’s head. At first glance, it looked like a large jewel, but it was actually the heart of the sand dragon, Desertio. The ancient dragon’s heart… It was an inexhaustible source of power which could fuel a magic circle for thousands of years.

"What is the value of this dragon heart?"

However, Gluttony’s answer was unexpected.

– Zero points.


– I’m sorry, but duplicates aren’t allowed. I collected the heart of a sand dragon a long time ago.

"Wow," a bewildered utterance emerged from Liliana’s mouth.

The heart of an ancient dragon was a duplicate? It was unlikely that someone would’ve obtained it in the same manner as Liliana, so it meant the person must’ve forcefully pulled out the heart of the dragon. Even a 9th Circle magician would find it hard to win against a dragon.

Liliana put the dragon heart away in confusion. She hadn't planned to change the dragon heart to achievement points, but she hadn't expected this answer. In any case, the depths of the book-eating grimoire Gluttony were really unknown.

– Then I will explain. Do you have any more questions?


– Let’s go to the search function.

As Gluttony spoke, she pointed to the overflowing books in the Library. The ocean of books might exceed 10 million books if she included the non-visible angles. Selecting a book was like picking a single grain of sand from a beach.

– The Library’s search can be divided into two categories. The magic you want and the ability you want.


– Just like what User experienced with Introduction to Elemental Magic, sometimes the contents have an additional ability. An artifact’s skills also fall into that category.

"Ability, abilities…"

Put into context, it was like Liliana consuming Laevateinn and obtaining the Ring of Muspelheim. Liliana thought about it carefully. There was an old saying about not jumping into the fire. It was only recently that she had overcome the time limit of her vessel being destroyed. She already had three types of power in her, so adding another force would break the balance. At that moment, Liliana felt a strange discomfort again.

'What? I feel like I’m missing something…'

No matter how she looked back, she didn’t forget anything. However, the feeling that one piece was missing from the puzzle didn’t disappear. She'd gotten that feeling just before entering the Library, like she needed just one more piece to complete the puzzle.

As Liliana was thinking about this, Gluttony suddenly spoke, – User, if you don’t mind, there is something I want to recommend.

"Eh? You?"

– From stage 5 onward, it is possible for me to directly advise User’s choice. Until now, there were many things that I couldn’t say. But it will be different from now onward.

"Then please talk."

The relationship between Liliana and Gluttony was that of adviser and student. At the very least, Gluttony couldn’t force Liliana to make a choice. Gluttony received permission and opened her mouth, – Come out, Aiolos Pouch.

As Gluttony’s gentle voice rang out, a strange leather pouch appeared on Gluttony’s palm. The surface of the pouch didn’t have a pattern, but it emitted an unknown energy. Liliana was convinced that she couldn’t catch it even if it was only a few meters away. However, Gluttony broke down that conviction by handing the Aiolos Pouch to Liliana.

– Appraise it.


As always, details of the artifact popped up.

[+21 Aiolos Pouch (Divine Artifact)]

[-This is a pouch given to a hero as a gift from the god of wind, Aiolos. The owner can trap any wind into this pouch, and it can also seal or distort a specific space. As something made by a god, it contains some of his divinity.
* The rating of this magic tool is ‘Legend.’
* When used, wind can be sealed selectively.
* When used, space can be controlled selectively.
* When consumed, a small amount of divinity will be absorbed.
* When consumed, your understanding of space will increase greatly.
* Required achievement points: 51,700 points.
* If you want to extract the artifact, it will immediately be returned to this library when it escapes the user’s possession.]

"D-Divine artifact? Furthermore, the artifact can leave?"

Liliana’s eyes widened at the unexpected information window. The fact that this shabby pouch had a Legend rating, as well as a divine object, was shocking. It wasn’t surprising that knowledge could be exchanged, but she hadn’t known it was possible to materialize something which was swallowed.

– It is possible. But in the case of artifacts, there is a limit as stated at the bottom. It isn’t possible to transfer ownership to another person, and if you lose the artifact, you must spend points to obtain it again.

"…How cruel."

A huge 51,700 points… If she blew away her achievement points because she lost the artifact for a moment, she would shed tears of blood. It was much safer and more beneficial to absorb it than to extract it.

'Anyway, it is a divine artifact. I’ve never heard the name of the god, but I have to search the list.'

Perhaps all treasures of the gods remaining in this age belonged in Gluttony’s stomach. Then Liliana thought of how Mitra was a prototype of Dmitra. She suppressed her excitement and turned to Gluttony.


– Um?

"Why did you recommend this artifact?"

Liliana honestly didn’t know why. The Aiolos Pouch was very good, but she didn’t know why Gluttony recommended it. It was a recommendation which required Liliana to spend over 50,000 points. She didn’t know if she could consume another legendary grimoire, so she couldn’t invest all her points into this pouch. Gluttony stared at her and muttered, – …You truly don’t know. Magicians in this age seem to have forgotten the essence of the circles.

"The essence of the circles?"

– Keep calm, User. Think about how the Aiolos Pouch can fill up your shortcomings.

"My shortcomings…"

It was like a lightning bolt of enlightenment. The fragment of Mother Earth… The fires of Muspelheim… The blood of the sea dragon, Aquilo… As soon as she was able to recall the four basic elements, she was able to find out the answer she was guided to.


Gluttony nodded like she had been waiting for it.

– Yes, the last piece needed is wind. When considering the fragment of the Mother Earth, the fire of Muspelheim, and the blood of a sea dragon, the Aiolos Pouch is most suitable for you.

"But that alone isn’t an answer. What meaning is there in having all four elements?"

It was an obvious question for magicians of this age but not for Gluttony. Gluttony sighed with the same face as Liliana and pulled out a book from somewhere.

– I didn’t think I would be teaching theory about circles.

It was the moment when the lecture, which couldn’t be known by any modern human magician, emerged from the mouth of the ancient grimoire, Gluttony.

Chapter 208 – Library (2) – Lili, in this day and age, how do sorceresses define the concept of ‘circles?’

“The concept of circles?”

Liliana Miller, also known as Lili, paused momentarily at the unexpected question. It wasn't too difficult because this was basic knowledge. Unlike ordinary people, a sorceress was said to have two hearts. However, the circles controlling all circulation of magic power were the main focus.

Lili reviewed the contents of her textbooks and opened her mouth, “The origin of magic… Magic is generated in the ventricles near a sorceress's heart and can only be created by humans. There is a saying the origin was derived from the heart of a dragon, but there is no confirmation about this. From the 7th Circle onwards, the circles evolve into a personal form called Sorcery.”


“That’s it.”

Gluttony, the grimoire, naturally grabbed at her counterpart's head and said, –Hah, I expected it, but this is serious. More than half of circle theory has been lost.

“Am I wrong?”

-That’s right. As a 7th Circle sorceress, shouldn’t you know? Circles aren’t just responsible for the circulation of magic power.

"Um." Lili let out a sound of confusion.

She could see it after reaching the 7th Circle. It was different from the 6th Circle which had only increased the amount of magic power and the scale. This was more than applying formulas and theories.

Without waiting for Lili's answer, Gluttony continued explaining while holding the book, –Sorceresses use circles to coordinate the existences in the world. Since time immemorial, 10 has symbolized a divine being. A sorceress of the 10th Circle represents a girl who has ascended to that realm. Do you think this number is a coincidence?

“…It isn’t a coincidence?”

-Of course not. The magic of this world is a science that was born in the process of imitating transcendent beings.

The wise elves didn’t try to follow others, while the dwarves sought a method in vain and gave up. The demons didn’t need to follow others in the first place, and the dragons have been transcendent beings in this material system from the very beginning.

Only humans were born without any power. Their essence is that they are excellent at imitating others. Even so, magic was only completed after a few thousand years.

Gluttony preached about the greatness of magic with utmost respect in her voice. –The circles theory was built from the heart of a dragon, the songs of the elves, the formulas of knowledge learned from dwarves, and the rituals of the demons. In a sense, it can be called the most comprehensive study in this world.

“It sounds badly patched together.”

–I think it is brilliant. Humans built a body, and this paved the way to enter the realm of the gods. The term, ‘imitation is the mother of creation,’ refers to this case.

Lili looked at Gluttony with surprise. She couldn’t help noticing that Gluttony admired the wisdom of humanity. Gluttony realized she had drifted from the topic and coughed a few times before talking again, –Then let’s return to the topic.

From this point on, it was theory which Lili didn’t know at all.

–Up to the 6th Circle, it is no different from what User knows. The application of force is in accordance with the laws of matter, and there is some control over natural phenomena. However, a master, the 7th Circle and Aura Ability, is a step into the ‘frame’.


–Don’t interrupt. Sorceresses of the 7th Circle start to interpret the structure of this material world as their own theory. Onmyōdō’s Tai Chi, the Three Kingdom’s Heaven and Earth, the four elements, the five ways of the East, the Kabbalah’s sephirot… There are many paths that can be chosen.

Thousands of sorceresses will give rise to many forked paths. Initially, sorceresses knew the truth and pursued an interpretation of the material world’s structure in their own way. One mentor taught ten disciples, who passed it on to hundreds of students. A road was made because not everyone could be a pioneer, so people followed the paths made by pioneers. Thus, a magical faction was born.

There aren’t many left in this era now, Gluttony muttered in a bitter tone. –It is important to make your own way, but it is also effective to follow existing viewpoints. However, User has been influenced by the four elements since childhood.

“It is too late to take an independent route.”

–That’s right. Additionally, User already owns three of the elements, so you don’t have to change your route.

Gluttony’s words were right. Lili looked down at the Aiolos Pouch in her hand.

Others might be reluctant to walk along the path laid down by others, but Lili was different. Magic wasn’t accomplished alone. Instead, it was accomplished by inheriting the will of older sorceresses over generations. Rather, she was proud of continuing their path.

“Okay.” Lili didn’t take long to make a decision. “I will absorb the Aiolos Pouch.”

She could continue with her world view of the four elements by accepting the divine artifact that Gluttony recommended.

After all, Lili lacked the foundation to learn Tai Chi, the five ways, and the other methods. Above all, she was a member of the magic towers and a sorceress who had been born and raised in Meltor, continuing the magic she had inherited from the beginning.

Simultaneously, the Aiolos Pouch shone brightly.

[You have absorbed the Aiolos Pouch.]

[51,700 points will be deducted from your achievement points. Your remaining number of achievement points is 26,513.]

[The divinity of the wind (small) has been acquired. The flow of air will move in a direction favorable to the user. You can interfere with the wind direction and wind speed as your proficiency increases. Regardless of elemental affinity, you can contract with wind elementals.]

[Your understanding of space has greatly increased. You will be able to grasp space that can’t be seen with your senses. The recoil of space magic will reduce.]

The Aiolos Pouch was literally sucked into the palm of Lili’s hand.


As achievement points were consumed, there was no extra digestion time. This caused Lili to feel dizzy and drop to one knee. Otherwise, she would’ve fallen.

An unprecedented power was boiling inside her body. It was the most disparate type of force Lili had ever encountered. It felt gentler than the wild rampage of ‘fire,’ and its movement was more delicate than that of ‘water.’

Rather than wind, this was Aiolos’ divinity. It was soft when calm but scarier than a thunderstorm when raging wildly. The divine power flowing from the Aiolos Pouch shook like it was rejecting Lili.

“Cough!” Despite Lili being in a spiritual world, blood flowed from her mouth. It wasn’t physical damage but damage to her soul. The divine power not allowed to mortals was pinching at her sides.

Even if it was just a fragment, this force was powerful. Faced with the divinity of the god of wind who surpassed Zephyr, as well as the arrogance of Aiolos, Lili reached her limit.

However, Aiolos’ rebellion was soon suppressed. The three types of forces inside Lili took action: the fires of Muspelheim, the blood of a sea dragon, and the divinity of Mother Earth... No matter how powerful Aiolos’ divinity was, it would be difficult to deal with the three of them. It struggled to the end but was eventually trampled down.

“Sigh… Dammit.”

Lili calmed her breathing. It took less than five minutes, but the pain was more than she had imagined it would be. It was like a serpent wandering around her blood vessels. Her heart, the epicenter of the incident, was still throbbing.

Lili glared at Gluttony, who should’ve warned her in advance. Then, at that moment…

Clink. There was a noise that made her feel fulfilled, like the right gear being inserted into an empty spot. In retrospect, it might’ve been a hallucination. However, Lili clearly heard it with her two ears.

‘…Completed, was it?’

Why? This phrase popped up in Lili’s head, without any context. It was a sense of fulfillment, like the empty space of a puzzle was finally filled.

Despite having already attained the 7th Circle, this was the moment when Lili felt a clear conviction. This was the moment when she stepped beyond the walls of the world and became qualified to explore beyond the mortal borders.

She understood it from the perspective of a sorceress looking at the world. Then, she wasn’t satisfied with this achievement and took another step.

‘Earth, wind, fire, and water. It starts from the ground, flows into water, burns in the fire, and returns to wind. Fire flickers, and water fluctuates. Unlike wind, earth doesn’t flow. The world coexists with these conflicting forces.’

This was the original four elements theory. Each element made up the world by reacting to each other. From this perspective, Lili was twice as strong as before. However, sorceresses were curious beings who couldn’t be satisfied.

The imprint of Umbra on her right arm had led her to a new domain with great magic, Abraxas.

‘Fire and water don’t mix, while wind and earth can’t invade each other’s territory. Are these absolutely true?’

Lili was unaware of it, but this was similar to the theory behind ‘Heaven and Earth Enmity.’ It was absolutely imperative to restore the balance. When things were confusing, reaffirm the path. Yet Lili rejected the path which countless others followed.

However, it wasn’t because she had a dispute with it. She just thought it was a method that didn’t fit her. This was because the reason for that was right before her.


Gluttony’s eyes widened with amazement. Lili had just woken up from her enlightened state, so she didn’t know the reason for Gluttony’s amazed expression. However, she soon realized it.


On the palm of her hand, there was a small flickering flame. However, there was no reason to be surprised by just that. The color of the flame was a little unusual, but it wasn’t difficult for sorceresses to change the color.

The problem was the attributes tangled in this flame.

“Heat… and cold?”

Half of the flame was red and the other half was blue. Like hellfire, this was a phenomenon that couldn’t exist under the laws of the material world. Lili couldn’t understand the magic which had unfolded, and she stared at Gluttony blankly.

Chapter 209 – Library (3)

Gluttony recovered her spirit first.

–…User, how did you create ‘it?’

Gluttony had the confidence that she would be able to determine its origin if she observed for a while, but the question which emerged from her mouth was pure. She couldn’t understand it. She couldn’t accept it. She couldn’t find it. There was no magic like this ‘flame’ in her library, which had been accumulating for tens of thousands of years. It was something strange and unknown.

Of course, there were countless magics which tried to unite opposing attributes. The study of ‘extremes meeting’ was proven in magic. Some scholars had said that the definition of extremes was ‘repudiation,’ while some philosophers said that extremes were the reverse of each other. At first glance, it seemed that hot and cold would oppose each other. However, this was essentially a force which belonged to the natural world.

-However, this flame is beyond that, Gluttony said firmly. This wasn’t repudiation or the reverse.

It might move and change, or it might not. Hot could become cold, and cold could become hot. Just like how a rock turned into sand would once again solidify to become a rock, everything would eventually circulate in a circle. However, Liliana’s flame deviated from this circulation. The two forces, hot and cold, coexisted simultaneously like two sides of a coin. It was a contradiction. Something which couldn’t be found anywhere in the natural world was occurring due to the human sorceress before Gluttony. As Gluttony saw this new magic, her black eyes shone.

–Answer me, User. Hurry!

“Uh… What do you mean?” Liliana scratched her head a few times. “I don’t know.”

Gluttony stared blankly at her. Then Liliana continued speaking, “I remember the process of absorbing the ‘Aiolos Pouch’ and coordinating its divinity, but I don’t know how I made it.”

–A sorceress doesn’t even know the magic she used?

“The reason why water and fire can’t mix and why wind and earth can’t cross each other… Do you know the reason why?”

–I don’t know! Gluttony finally burst out angrily.

If someone else achieved a magic which was far superior to other magic, they wouldn’t hesitate to ‘theorize’ it. Unlike aura which relied on senses and talent, magic had a clear theoretical system. It was also the reason why the speed of magic development was faster than swordsmanship. Sorceresses handed down their heritage to the next generation, causing more outstanding sorceresses to appear in each new generation. However, the words Liliana said didn’t sound like those of a sorceress.

–Why don’t you know? Why aren’t you sure? This is a huge achievement for a human sorceress, but you don’t know why? Try as hard as possible to remember. Leave no stone unturned! Or User won’t be able to leave here forever!

“What?! What farce is this?”

–This is my stomach, where I can do anything I want.

Liliana was blank from the absurdity. This was Gluttony’s body, so it was obvious she could control who could access it. Although Liliana didn’t know how long she might be stuck here, she decided to give in to the request.

‘It is rare for her to be so emotional.’

Wasn’t Gluttony a companion who had been with her for a long time? Sometimes it was fine to give in to her stubbornness.


Liliana first erased the flame in the palm of her hand. It was easier to understand the principles of magic if she reproduced it again, rather than observing what had already been done. Liliana ignored Gluttony and closed her eyes.

‘Let’s revisit it from the beginning.’

She looked at the cycle of wind, fire, water, and earth.

‘Fire and water don’t mix, and wind and earth can’t cross each other.’ Why did they refuse each other?


At that moment, the misaligned teeth locked together again, and the ‘impossible’ became possible. Liliana didn’t miss this moment and used her magic power. Burning Hands and Chilling Touch… The two opposing attributes mixed together again.


Suddenly, two hands appeared in the air. It was once again the union of heat and cold, which couldn’t coexist. Once might be a coincidence but not twice. Gluttony felt a thrill at the spectacular sight.


However, Liliana didn’t know what Gluttony meant and co*cked her head.

* * *

Once Gluttony had a sense of it, the next time was easier. She observed without blinking every time Liliana used magic. This was an unknown principle, but in the end, it was still based on ‘magic,’ which was the very foundation of the Seven Sins grimoire.

It took Gluttony 10 minutes of observing the cause and effect to come up with the closest answer. Yet it probably would’ve taken at least 100 years if it had been the Magic Society that studied it.

–It is forced harmonization. How ridiculous, Gluttony said and then sat down with a delighted expression.

The process of discovering the answer had been rather difficult, but the feeling of taking the fruit after was rewarding. Liliana listened carefully to her explanation and asked, “So, is this my Sorcery?”

-That’s right.

The answer was ‘forced harmonization.’ It wasn’t just two opposing forces coexisting; it had the ability to harmonize forces which couldn’t coexist. Since it had never appeared since the creation of magic, the name was chosen by Gluttony.

–It isn’t just heat and cold. User can mix any desired spell together, regardless of the attributes. The larger the magic, the greater the risk. But such risks exist everywhere in the world.

Gluttony was talking casually, but she was actually full of excitement right now. Was this ‘fusion?’ It was Sorcery which covered all attributes, not just two opposing attributes. For her, magic was a type of universal puzzle. The method of trial and error was needed to see which pieces of the puzzle would fit together to produce the desired magic. However, Liliana had a type of cheat key. She could insert it at will… and shuffle it at will. This privilege was truly unique for a sorceress.

“…Why?” Liliana couldn’t help questioning it. “Why is this my Sorcery? The four elements are gathered in my body, but the other attributes…”

–I think it is probably due to my influence, Gluttony responded to her reasonable doubt without hesitation. –I’m sorry, but User isn’t talented. You aren’t superior in one attribute nor in sensitivity. If you hadn’t met me, you would’ve never been able to surpass the 4th Circle.

“It is true, but I can’t help feeling bad.”

–I don’t mean to diminish you. However, it’s thanks to this that User has grown in a similar manner to me, creating an unprecedented Sorcery. Do you understand what it is?

There was only one way in which Liliana could share growth with Gluttony.


–That’s correct, Gluttony confirmed it in a pleasant voice. –Since User wasn’t born with anything, you took my influence more than anything else. No, you had no choice but to accept it. There was no other way.

“The power to eat anything… Indeed, it is similar.”

–If eating is my role, digesting nutrients is yours. After suffering from indigestion in the form of your deadline, this is the result of your body finally stabilizing.

It could be said that this was the synergy between Gluttony and Liliana. Liliana was convinced by the explanation, but she thought it was still lacking. This new ability shouldn’t be possible if she had simply built her power around Gluttony’s ‘predation.’ Gluttony ate artifacts as well as magic books. Everything she ate was nourishment, and even her host, Liliana, grew because of it. The harmonization of magic… If she widened the horizons—

‘There is something like this.’

Any bystander stuck in the 7th Circle would feel like it was unfair, yet Liliana crossed another wall without any fear.

Hwaruruk! A flame emerged.

Gluttony was at a loss for words and stared at it with bemused eyes. The flame wasn’t red and blue. It was just red. This was Burning Hands, a common fire attack magic. For Gluttony, that magic had no value now. Then Liliana’s left hand started burning.

“…I didn’t expect to succeed in one go.”

This was a forced harmonization of body and magic. Liliana was amazed at what she had done as she waved her arm which had turned into a red flame. Until now, there had been a lot of secondary magic used on the body. However, magic which integrated with the body was treated as a fantasy. Could Liliana apply magic to solid metals or the moisture in the sky, or even harmonize it with living creatures? It was like picking a star from the sky. Yet she had succeeded in something so ridiculous.

‘Isn’t the range of application for this magic very wide?’

Liliana had succeeded in several achievements today, but she was already thinking about the possible applications of her awakened Sorcery. She could integrate with lightning and roam around, or join with the waves and ride the ocean currents toward the East. Until now, this had only been a fantasy. Liliana felt an unstoppable inspiration and released Burning Hands which had blended with her left arm. Then the silent Gluttony opened her mouth,



Contrary to Liliana’s expectation that Gluttony would be joyful, Gluttony’s voice was actually deeply subdued as she said,

–You should return for today. I know that you are excited but using any more magic can be dangerous.

“Dangerous? How come?”

–You haven’t realized. This would’ve been really dangerous if left alone.

Gluttony touched Liliana’s body.


Simultaneously, Liliana felt a fierce pang in her body.

“Kuk, uhhh, keeok…!” She could barely manage to breathe through the pain. Liliana fell to the ground as her limbs shook.

–You have absorbed Aiolos’ divinity and established the four elements in your body. Then as soon as you awakened your Sorcery, you hastily tried to use it too many times. If this place wasn’t my body, you would’ve died.

“C-Cou-gh!” Liliana tried to answer, but a groan was the only thing that emerged from her mouth.

–You won’t be able to move for a while. Go and sleep.

After Gluttony gave her advice to Liliana, Liliana’s body disappeared. Liliana had returned to reality from the library. By now, Liliana would be wriggling like a worm on her bed. Gluttony’s lips slightly twisted as she imagined it, then she turned back to the main point.

-…Kuk, a loud shout of laughter emerged, –Kuhahahahaha!

The sound was so awful it would cause anyone listening to get goosebumps. A path which hadn’t been seen for thousands of years was now clearly visible before her.

–I can reach it this time! The unprecedented field! 10th Circle magic! Kether, where the potential of humankind exists!

Gluttony laughed with a joy which resembled insanity.

–This time, I absolutely won’t fail!

Chapter 210 – Upcoming Battle (1)

A week after the investigation team had returned from the Meuse Desert, King Kurt III of Meltor was having lunch with someone. Despite his usual preference for quiet meals, his hectic schedule forced him to multitask. Even now, one hand was gracefully handling the tableware, while the other hand was busy processing paperwork.

“Ughh… It is making me feel pained just looking at you,” Veronica said from where she was sitting across from him. “Your Majesty, the Magic Contest is over, so do you still need to be so busy? You should take it easy a little more.”

“It’s okay. My body can handle this much.”

“Still, there is a reason why I brought it up.”

“Hrmm.” Kurt thought she had a point, so he put down the sheets of paper. He thought it was rude to work while eating with someone. So, he put down the quill in his left hand and the knife in his right hand at almost the same time.

“I see. I was too short-sighted. Then let’s hear your story.”

“Okay, it isn’t a long story.” Veronica ate her fifth bowl of steak and looked outside the palace. “Your Majesty, are you curious about the guests?”

“Well, of course.”

“Right. One is a high elf, a leader of Elvenheim, and the other is the infamous dragon of the eastern seas. If something goes wrong, it could be fatal.”

There were a few people who were treated as state guests, but back when the palace was built hundreds of years ago, they wouldn’t have known it would house a high elf and dragon. Kurt III was knowledgeable, but this was also unexpected for him.

So, he looked forward to what Veronica would say. After all, she knew both guests and had the status and power to be an arbitrator.

Unsurprisingly, Veronica responded to the vague expectation, “The bottom line is that there are no problems. Even if there is an unfortunate affinity between them, they won’t fight each other.”

“What about the atmosphere of the first day?”

“Oh, Lili was present at that time. Without her present, it isn’t worth it for them to fight against each other. We just have to separate Lili from the two of them.”

Her judgment was correct. Ellenoa was reluctant to face someone with Aquilo’s nature, while Aquilo kept away from elves who sought a calm life. It was just that their initial encounter involved Liliana Miller. The friction occurred because a high elf was threatened by a sea dragon who coveted other people’s possessions.

This problem was solved if Liliana wasn’t present.

“If you think about it, it is good that Lili has been lying down since then. It is proper timing.”

“How is she? It must be due to the trip.”

“Uhh, well, that might not be completely the case…?” Veronica said with a strange expression. She had visited Liliana and noticed that it wasn’t due to illness or fatigue. This was a sorceress’s transitional period.

It was a symptom when a sorceress’s body was broken and underwent a process of regeneration. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but it was clear that Liliana had made further progress after visiting the ruins.

‘…Fast. It is too fast no matter how I think about it.’ Veronica felt a thrill as she recalled Liliana lying in her bed.

Among the dragons, the red clan had a strong fighting instinct. Having inherited that bloodline, she had the instinctive ability to grasp the strength of others. She had been able to see it. Despite her haggard expression, Liliana’s inner strength was boiling over. Her blood spiked wildly at the memory of her strength.

Dugun, dugun.

By the time Veronica managed to calm her heart, the meal was already over. The servants took away the plates and utensils, then a map of the continent was laid out on the table.

Veronica frowned when she saw the map and asked, “Your Majesty, this map?”

“I prepared this to discuss it with you,” Kurt III said. Then with sunken eyes, he looked down at the map of the continent he had prepared and stated, “The truce period isn’t over yet, but Andras isn’t going to wait for that to expire. I think that we won’t be able to avoid an outbreak of local wars.”

“Of course. They aren’t the type of people to cower in their yards.”

The opinions of the two people matched. The term ‘local wars’ had a dictionary meaning of ‘a war that takes place in a limited region.’ However, it had a different meaning in the north.

The truce between the northern powers, Andras and Meltor, had always been based on the fact that they wouldn’t invade each other’s territory. That didn’t mean they couldn’t step on the territories of others. In other words, it meant a battle could take place anywhere except in the north. Over the centuries, it had become a routine situation.

“Veronica, where do you think the issue is?”

“”Well, this direction is possible.” Veronica stretched out her index finger. “Isn’t the neighboring Kargas too influential?”

“It is a jewel. It is also the area where the local wars are most frequent. But my thoughts are a little different.”


“Here.” Kurt’s index finger was pointing toward the Soldun Kingdom. “According to the secret agents of the White Tower, it seems that the recent situation in Soldun is unstable. The royal family and nobles are gathering their soldiers, and the Lairon government seems to have reached out a hand as well. The newly appointed pope seems to be a fairly aggressive figure.”

“Even to the point of becoming involved in a civil war?”

“It seems that the prince has naturalized some Easterners. The Lairon Church doesn’t recognize people who don’t appear in their bible.”

“…Indeed, they are such people.”

Simultaneously, Veronica’s expression turned grim. The Lairon Kingdom didn’t get along with magicians, but they also discriminated against humans who didn’t fit their doctrines. Veronica might be a mixed dragon-human, but she had been treated as a human since joining the magic towers. It was natural for her to feel an aversion to Lairon, a religious kingdom which discriminated against other species.

However, her thoughts were complicated for another reason. “Damn, this will be annoying.”

“I agree. We need to convene a meeting to discuss it.”


Kurt agreed with Veronica and pressed a bell on the table. Then he spoke to the servant waiting for him, “Deliver this message to the tower masters and ministers of state: I will be holding a meeting in one hour.”

* * *

Unlike Veronica who had suddenly gotten a lot of work, Liliana got up from her bed and immediately headed to the training room. She had awakened her Sorcery, but after having used it several times inside Gluttony, it had taken Liliana a week to recover.

It had only been yesterday that Lili managed to walk properly, and she was able to use magic without a problem today.

‘Master told me to rest a few more days, but…’

It was torture for a sorceress to stop when they had a glimpse of the next step. Lili couldn’t repress her urge to use magic and entered a training room. This was Sorcery which astounded even Gluttony, a grimoire from the Age of Mythology. Then just how wonderful would it be to use?

Lili first created a flame with two attributes.


It was a combination of heat and cold which couldn’t coexist in nature. However, Lili calmly assessed the value of this flame.

“It is a waste of magic power.”

The hot and cold coexisted due to her Sorcery, but they were reducing each other’s strengths. This was a mediocre magic which couldn’t even catch an ordinary deer.

It might be different when amplifying two opposing attributes like Abraxas but merely coexisting was meaningless. Forced Harmonization didn’t necessarily mean creating a magic which was better than before.

In the end, the true value of Forced Harmonization was making combinations which ‘couldn’t exist.’

It prevented magic from causing a backlash or repelling each other, and could invalidate some parameters in magic equations. This made it possible to explore fields of magic which hadn’t been possible until now.

This ‘Forced Harmonization’ was the true power of the Sorcery that Liliana possessed. It was like a lump of crude magic power mixed together. However, it wasn’t self-taught, since she applied Veronica’s teachings to it as well.

“…No, there are exceptions.”

The second time she applied her Sorcery in Gluttony’s stomach, it had been a forced fusion of body and magic. The power to transform her body into magic power…

The ability of Forced Harmonization wasn’t meaningful in itself, but the story was different when integrated with the body. It was magic which went beyond the frames of life. Taking a look at one example, wasn’t it possible to integrate lightning with her body and move at the speed of lightning? It was one thing to think of the idea, and another to practice it.

“Lightning Bolt.”

Liliana didn’t shoot it out immediately and instead held it in her hand. Then she focused on ‘Forced Harmonization’ while thinking about the lightning strike which moved in a straight line. She imagined her saliva, hair, and blood acting like they were dissolved by lightning.

Then she aimed precisely at a point in the training room. It was a place where she could stop away from the edge of the wall, even if she made a mistake.


She felt like she had joined with the lightning as she took one step forward—


Liliana’s consciousness was cut off. Her head whitened for a moment before she woke up on the ground. A feeling of shock was spreading throughout her body. Her bones and organs weren’t damaged, but Liliana’s mind was blank for a moment at the unexpected impact.

“W-What… How— What’s happening…?”

The integration with lightning had been a success as the feeling of Forced Harmonization was clearly evident in her body. However, when she took one step forward earlier, her consciousness had stopped and her whole body had filled with pain. Liliana couldn’t understand the situation and looked up.

Then not long afterward…


Liliana saw that the ward over the training room was now cracked like it would collapse at any moment. It was similar to drought-affected rice paddies or spider webs. Perhaps it was because Liliana had turned into a lightning bolt and hit the wall.

It was difficult to break through 6th Circle wards. Yet this ward was overwhelmed by her charge.

‘The strength is sufficient. The problem is the recoil and side effects.’

Liliana rubbed her aching temples and left the training room. What more could she practice in a broken training room? She had to pay the cost of repairs and rest until the throbbing in her body was gone.

Vince would admonish Liliana if he knew about the situation. However, rather than being discouraged or regretful, Liliana was excited about her new discovery.

“It can’t be combined with Battle Song. After applying the formula to the human body, it becomes magic and is released automatically… This will overwrite any secondary magic…”

It was unusual to see people muttering to themselves when walking down a corridor, but it wasn’t so rare in the magic towers. Rather, it had the effect of people leaving Liliana alone. However, a person appeared in front of Liliana right then.

“P-Prime Miller?”

“Aren’t you a clerk from the Magic Society? Did something happen?”

After hearing Liliana’s question, the clerk shook like he was facing a celebrity and said, “There is a guest from the outside applying with Prime Miller’s name as a guarantor…”


“Yes, yes! It wasn’t strange, but I couldn’t just send him away without checking…”

Liliana contemplated about this for a moment. Who would apply with Liliana as a guarantor? The act of applying without any relationship with the guarantor was disrespectful, and every sorceress knew this. Furthermore, it was a person from the outside?

Liliana frowned. Then the clerk reflexively spewed out all the information, “A-A boy with an eastern appearance! He is young and hasn’t gone through his coming of age ceremony yet!”

“Eastern person? Ah!” Liliana finally figured out the person’s identity.

A boy from the East with a relationship with Liliana… There was only one person in the world who met these conditions. It was Baek Dongil of the Baek Family. The boy had come from the Soldun Kingdom to Meltor.

Chapter 211 – Upcoming Battle (2)

"Sister!" Indeed, Lili's prediction was right. Baek Dongil was waiting for her in the central tower of the Magic Society, responsible for all the administrative work. Although Baek Dongil looked a little more mature than a few months ago, he still had the same black hair and sweet eyes. The shine in his eyes was no different from Lili's memories.

Lili greeted Baek Dongil with a smile, "It has been a while, Dongil."

"Yes, Sister! Have you been well in the meantime?" Baek Dongil seemed to have learned western etiquette as shown in the way he greeted Lili. He was more mature than before. His head reached Lili's shoulders, and there was some growth on his chin, indicating his coming into adulthood.

Their meeting in the Soldun Kingdom seemed like it had been just yesterday, but time was like a flying arrow which never looked back. In addition to that, Lili looked inside Baek Dongil. After discarding the three dan method, Baek Dongil had mastered three circles with the great magic system. It was remarkable progress, even if Baek Dongil's talent was excellent.

‘This is a tremendous development in a short amount of time. It’s not a level that can be achieved with just talent. Perhaps he only got the minimum of sleep every day.’

It would be better to learn as a blank slate. However, Baek Dongil had started off using the wrong method, so it was obvious that his studying would be twice as hard as that of others. He needed to understand magic theory that was completely separate from shamanism.

A great maestro had said this, 'It was easier to teach a beginner than a learned person.'

Despite such adverse conditions, Baek Dongil had gone beyond that difficulty. It had only been a short relationship, but it was a fulfilling achievement for Lili, who had once taught him.

"You have improved a lot. I thought it would take a year, but you have already mastered three circles?"

"I am still lacking, Sister."

"There is no fault in your spoken common language except for pronunciation, and you have managed to come here in less than half a year. Well done."

"S-Sister." Baek Dongil flushed red at the direct praise. He had been born in a family of prestigious warriors, yet he had no talent and couldn’t learn aura. So, this was his first time being acknowledged and praised. Baek Dongil bowed his head to cover his burning eyes. Lili understood his feelings and turned around first.

"You’ve just arrived, so you don’t know the way, do you? Let’s go to my room."

"…Yes, Sister."

"Let me hear your story on the way up. I am very curious if Master Baek is doing well."

"Yes, I will do so," Baek Dongil responded with a loud voice as he secretly wiped his tears with his sleeves and then followed Lili. "Last month, Father was named a marquis by the Soldun royal family. He was going to start as an earl, but the crown prince helped my father a lot."

"Indeed, he received the position of marquis after naturalization." Nobles couldn’t exert great power in Meltor, even if they were a marquis. However, in other countries, a marquis would have a knights division, troops, and several territories, giving them power equivalent to the king of a small country. At most, an earl could only lead 1,000 soldiers. Yet a foreigner had managed to climb up to the position of marquis.

‘But there are few who will have the guts to confront a master. The complaints will keep accumulating until they explode…’

The prince who had naturalized Baek Jongmyung would be held responsible for all of this. Lili recalled the prince she had once met. What was the reason for him to proceed with such a political burden so soon?

‘…Perhaps…’ A possible speculation entered Lili's mind.

Perhaps Crown Prince Elsid was in the middle of a civil war! If this was a civil war, using armed forces would be the correct judgment. The difference in military power between what an earl and a marquis could mobilize was enormous.

Political weakness? That was meaningless. Once a civil war began, politics would fall to the wayside, and the winner would decide the right and wrong.

‘So, the fact that Dongil was sent to Meltor at this time… It is probably to protect him until the end of the civil war. I don’t know if it was Master Baek or the prince’s idea, but they have a good head.’

Even if the entire Central Continent were at odds, the north wouldn’t be affected. There was no country whose blade could reach Baek Dongil here, at the center of Mana-vil. Any hostile acts toward Baek Dongil would be a declaration against Lili Miller, who was regarded as a hero.

The promise of the past had become Baek Dongil’s shield.

‘Well, the party involved doesn’t seem to know.’

Lili couldn’t find any signs of this on Baek Dongil’s face, who was still sniffling. Moreover, it wasn’t easy to deceive Lili, whose senses had become sharper since Mitra’s flowering.

As they walked through the corridor, Lili wondered how she should treat Baek Dongil. She came to a conclusion more easily than she'd thought she would.


“Yes, Sister.”

“You don’t have to give me a definite answer, but… do you want to become a fellow disciple of my master?”

“…Huh?” Baek Dongil looked surprised.

Meanwhile, Lili thought about her decision.

She didn’t have time to teach, so that was directly dismissed. Additionally, she was now the captain of Quattro and didn’t have time to take charge of a disciple. Most of all, Lili didn’t have the knack for teaching. It might be due to her habit of studying alone at the academy’s library, or maybe it was because her mind was too good.

‘I don’t know how to make other people understand.’

It was a story from before she’d met Gluttony. The professors had ignored her due to her low sensitivity, and the students had hated to even study with her. She had needed to think and realize things alone. Thus, Lili’s thinking abilities had developed abnormally.

Lili could find answers to her own questions, but she couldn’t sympathize with the questions that others had. Therefore, Lili thought about asking her master, Vince Haidel, to play the role of mentor.

‘I remember a story Master told once.’

Vince had no idea what he would soon be asked, but he would enthusiastically accept. A student with Lili’s talent and sincerity was something that any magician would desire. However, Baek Dongil’s eyes turned red as he replied, "I will be Sister’s junior disciple?"

"If you don’t want to, I can suggest other people-"

"N-No! Absolutely not! I will become your junior disciple no matter what!"

"Y-Yes. Then I will tell him." Lili took a step back at the enthusiastic reaction.

However, Baek Dongil just smiled at her. "I will become a magician who won’t shame our sect!"

"U-Umm… magicians don’t really have the concept of sect…"

"Ah, and Sister. Father told me to give this letter to you."


Baek Dongil nodded and pulled out an envelope. It was luxurious. The ‘Baek’ stamped on the envelope was probably a seal. Lili received the envelope with a puzzled expression and carefully pulled out the letter. After a while, Lili's face stiffened.

* * *

Elsewhere, the influential people in the palace were gathered for a meeting. The theme of the meeting was ‘measures and justifications to intervene in Soldun’s civil war.’

It wasn’t the Kargas Kingdom but the Soldun Kingdom, which was closer to the south than the north. In order to dispatch troops from Meltor to Soldun, it would take a month by land. Even with the support of the White Tower, it would take more than a fortnight.

However, it was an unauthorized intrusion.

“Secretly dispatch a messenger!” The person who insisted on this was Robert, the minister for the army. “Send an agent of the white tower—no, the Tower Master should move directly to secretly contact the prince. If the nobles have joined hands with Lairon, Prince Elsid will be willing to accept our support!”

“No, that conclusion is too hasty.” On the contrary, the minister of foreign affairs refuted this. “We know that the intelligence of the white tower is credible, but in Soldun’s case, there is a possibility of creating the misunderstanding of foreign interference. We have to wait for the Lairon Kingdom or Andras’ shadows to move.”

Robert pounded his chest and shouted like the minister of foreign affairs was being ridiculous, “Then it will be too late! You don’t know how dangerous it is to be late to a battlefield!”

“Minister! You can’t ignore the department of foreign affairs!”

“You are being ridiculous! We are talking about Soldun’s civil war!”

Kurt was just watching instead of participating in the debate. It was fatal to be late for a war, but the minister of foreign affairs was correct that they shouldn’t be too hasty. Both sides were reasonable, so it was difficult to choose one.

As he pressed a hand to his temple, Kurt continued to think, ‘It is tricky. The nobles of Soldun have already contacted the Lairon government and set up a dark road. The longer we delay contacting the crown prince, the more detrimental it becomes and our odds will fall under 2%.’

The prince might’ve brought a sword master from the East, but Lairon’s special forces wouldn’t be small. The situation couldn’t be reversed with just one sword master.

Elsid would lose. Still, the prince was unaware of everything, and Andras would be keen to prevent Meltor from getting in touch with him. Their hands and feet would be tied up.

‘Damn, this is a really irritating situation.’

It was possible to send the White Tower Master to infiltrate, but the Andras Empire would probably send the empire’s Seven Swords to block the infiltration. There would inevitably be a large-scale battle, and there would be larger vigilance against the northern powers.

Andras was a close friend of the Lairon Kingdom, so they had nothing to lose. However, Meltor would suffer a big loss for nothing. It was at this moment that…

“Quattro’s Captain, Liliana Miller, has arrived!” The voices of the guards at the entrance suddenly rang out, causing everyone to fall silent. The value of Liliana’s name was much greater now.

Veronica blinked from where she was guarding the throne and turned to the other tower masters.

Liliana’s red robes flapped gently as she entered and said, “Your Majesty, I came because I need to urgently talk to you.”


Liliana had the same authority as a tower master, so she could skip the formalities if there was an urgent situation. However, that right was just a ceremonial act, and Kurt hasn’t expected Liliana to use it. What was so urgent that a model student would skip the formalities?

Yet the heated atmosphere of the room cooled immediately at Liliana’s words, “Today, a guest came to see me, and I received a letter from him that I have to give to Your Majesty.”

“A letter?”

“Yes, the sender is…” Liliana stopped for one beat before dropping a bomb on everyone. “It is Crown Prince Elsid of the Soldun Kingdom.”

Chapter 212 – Upcoming Battle (3)

Despite Liliana's clear voice, there was no reply. The people who had been expressing their opinions earlier fell silent, while Kurt’s expression became momentarily dumbfounded. A letter from Prince Elsid? Moreover, the guest who came to visit Liliana was the courier? The meeting room in Meltor’s royal palace was silent.

‘No, a letter from Prince Elsid at this time…’

‘It is certainly good if it is true, but is it good that the prince predicted the timing? It is strange.’

‘I want to question Lady Liliana, but my position…’

The people had different reactions. There were some who were confused and couldn’t accept the situation, and others who scratched their ears because they doubted what they heard. There were also people who turned red with excitement, and people who were worried about asking for the authenticity of the words…

The situation was too perfect to simply accept, but it didn’t look good to question the kingdom’s heroine. So, it was natural for them to stay silent. Therefore, it was up to Kurt III to break this silence.

He reviewed Liliana's words several times before speaking, “Quattro’s Captain.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I don’t mean to doubt you, but the timing is too perfect. How did you form a connection with Prince Elsid, and who brought this letter to you? Can you explain first?”

“I will follow Your Majesty’s will.”

They were valid doubts, so Liliana paused before picking what words to say. Liliana had spent a while in the Soldun Kingdom, but she needed to explain it so that people didn’t misunderstand. She would talk about the time she’d bought the mansion after arriving in the Soldun Kingdom from the Pirate Archipelago.

Liliana arranged her thoughts and opened her mouth, “Starting from the Pirate Archipelago, I moved to the port city, Piris, in the Soldun Kingdom…”

She didn’t mention Randolph, who had accompanied her. Randolph’s heart didn’t belong to Andras, but the fact that the sword master was from Andras could be interpreted as something else.

It would be natural to doubt Liliana’s information if they found out Randolph had accompanied her for more than a year. He would be naturalized when he escaped from the empire, so there was no need to reveal Randolph’s identity right now.

Liliana’s life in Piris… The arrival of the Baek Family and the spar with Baek Jongmyung… The unexpected meeting with Crown Prince Elsid… And Liliana’s connection with the boy called Baek Dongil.

It was a long story, but it wasn’t hard for people to understand. There were people who started sweating nervously when they heard about the spar with Baek Jongmyung, and others who showed pity toward Baek Dongil’s circ*mstances.

However, one thing was the same. At the end of Liliana’s story, the people exhaled at the same time, “Hoo…”

It was a ridiculous sight, but no one smiled. Kurt III understood the circ*mstances and spoke with a voice which carried an unknown weight, “It is a persuasive explanation. That’s why he sent a letter to us through the boy called Baek Dongil.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty.”

“This timing is so perfect that it can be said that the heavens are helping Meltor. If the boy had arrived three days later, he would’ve missed the timing,” Kurt was speaking to himself. However, he then glanced at Liliana with sunken eyes and held out a hand.

Kurt could listen to the letter, but he wanted to read it himself.

“Show me the letter sent by the crown prince.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Liliana used simple wind magic at Kurt’s request. There was a gentle breeze, and the letter jumped a few meters. The letter entered the king’s hands, and people watched silently. Kurt’s purple eyes scanned the letter slowly from the top to the bottom.

He read the contents with a strange expression in his eyes before muttering, “…How interesting. Crown Prince Elsid was a vulnerable boy when I last saw him. Now he wants to talk about a new monarch? It is a truly bold and reckless plot.”

The minister of foreign affairs asked carefully, “Your Majesty, do you mind if I ask about the contents?”

“Of course.” Kurt nodded with a smile and raised his head from the letter. “The fundamental content is a request for our support. He also wrote down the size of the troops that Lairon sent, a map of the area where a battle is expected to occur, and the route to use to enter secretly.”

“Ohh…! That means…!”

“It means the royal family is tolerating Meltor’s involvement in Soldun’s civil war. There is the royal seal stamped at the end of the letter, so there is no need to worry about any accusations of interference.”

It was as he said. Justification to interfere in international conflicts was an important matter, and it was more strictly applied to the stronger powers like Andras and Meltor. Without justification, there was a chance the whole Central Continent would unite in a war against the northern powers.

However, the situation was reversed with this letter.

Unlike Andras, Meltor had received permission to move a large number of troops into the Soldun Kingdom. The Lairon Kingdom would only be able to send covert support, so the balance would tilt to the side of the royal party.

Kurt was excited by the contents of the letter and created an agenda. “Prince Elsid has presented two paths of entry. There is the overland route that goes through the Sipoto wilderness on the outskirts of Kargas and also the sea route which goes through the eastern waters toward Piris. Let’s discuss which method will be more efficient.”

His words were spoken lightly, but there was a weight to them. Depending on their choice of entry, the timing of the troops’ arrival and their strategic efficiency would vary greatly. The best way was to get there as quickly and secretly as possible.

The path where they could move a larger number of troops would also be advantageous. The level of the soldiers was important, but the superiority of numbers wasn’t something that could be ignored in war.

However, there was one person who put a brake on Kurt’s thoughts.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. But perhaps we can’t use the sea route this year.”


The Blue Tower Master, Blundell said with a grim expression on his face, “The south wind is very intense at the eastern waters in this period. It is expected that it will take three times as long and more manpower than usual to get to Piris from the north.”

“Three times… White Tower Master, can the invention of the white tower be used?”

“If we use the balloons, the time can be reduced to two times. However, further reduction isn’t possible.”

“Two or three times as long is too slow,” Kurt grumbled and shook his head when he realized it was pointless.

There was no point harassing his people about things which couldn’t be changed. Anyway, something bad would pop up when something good occurred. Elsid’s letter had arrived in time, but now the paths were causing trouble.

Then just when Kurt was about to give up on the sea route…

“Excuse me, Your Majesty. I have something to say.”

“Something? Go ahead, Quattro’s Captain.”

Liliana made a subtle expression as she glanced at Blundell before speaking, “I might have a way. Then we can arrive there more quickly than usual.”


“Is that true?”

The eyes of the people present widened with surprise. Meanwhile, Liliana continued speaking, “In the past, I received the ‘Sea Dragon’s Blessing’ from Aquilo. That blessing can be used to overcome the wind.”

“T-That’s right…!”

“Indeed, a sea dragon rules the water!”

“Then the reasons for not being able to use the sea route are gone!”

As their astonishment and excitement grew, one person spoke their mind without thinking, “Lady Liliana, what if you are accompanied by the sea dragon? Won’t her power be a great help?”

However, Liliana smiled bitterly and shook her head. “She won’t go. She has no interest in being involved in anything else and is going to help Austen. If we want her help, we have to pay a corresponding price or give up the covenant with Austen.”

“T-That’s right… I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

It was too much attempting to use the power of the dragon. At first glance, they would be able to crush all the soldiers in the civil war, the Lairon Kingdom’s troops, and Andras’ shadows, if they were accompanied by Aquilo.

However, it was a law that greed would cause disaster. The people abandoned their foolish thoughts and focused on the next agenda. Obviously, there was only one thing remaining.

“Then from now on, let’s discuss who will be dispatched to the Soldun Kingdom.”

The meeting continued for a long time.

* * *

Liliana had arrived at the meeting around noon and only left in the middle of the night when the stars and moon were shining. She hadn’t even been able to have a proper meal. Simple sandwiches had been placed before everyone, but they had barely eaten. It was because most people couldn’t express their opinions properly while eating sandwiches. It had been the same for Liliana, who had made the meeting like this.

“…Hah, I’m tired.”

Still, even after the meeting ended, she didn’t return to her bedroom. Instead, she walked with a tired gait to find someone. It was around midnight, so the person could be asleep. However, she was convinced it wasn’t the case.

Unsurprisingly, her confidence was exactly right.


It was the place where the delegation from Elvenheim was staying. In the lush garden, she was walking like a fairy. The moonlight shone on Ellenoa’s green hair. She was Mother Nature’s beloved daughter, and buds sprouted under her feet, filling this place with vitality.

Liliana forgot her words as she looked at her. She was accustomed to seeing beauty, but Ellenoa was an exception to her common sense.

Ellenoa was worried about her standing still, so she hastily approached and placed a hand on her forehead. “Liliana, are you feeling well? Your complexion looks bad.”

“N-No, I’m okay.”

“I’m glad to see you, but… what is so urgent that you came so late at night?”

Liliana took a moment to think after listening to her words. She had forgotten her words due to unforeseen thoughts. The words she had thought up during her walk here were now scattered. Then Liliana somehow gathered them together and opened her mouth, “Ellenoa.”


“I have to participate in important work starting from tomorrow. Perhaps I won’t be able to see you again before you return to Elvenheim. So, it is late, but I came to see you today.”

“Ah…” Ellenoa was dismayed that she wouldn’t be able to see her anymore, then she blushed at her last words. It was because of the atmosphere and the fact that Liliana had come to meet her late at night.

Liliana didn’t confirm or deny that positive thought as she gazed at her with a serious expression. “I’ve thought a lot about it.”

“…Yes.” In contrast, Ellenoa lowered her face with a red expression.

“It is as Ellenoa said. I don’t know if my answer right now is due to sincerity or a sense of responsibility. I didn’t come to see you before because I couldn’t answer, but I thought it would be cowardly to leave without saying anything.”

Then Liliana hooked her little finger around Ellenoa’s little finger. Even elves who didn’t know the culture of humans were aware that this meant a promise. Ellenoa raised her head with wide eyes and Liliana responded to that gaze.

“Please wait for a little bit.”


“I must go to the world tree again. It is for Mitra, Myrdal, and various other reasons. But I won’t use that as an excuse.”


As she felt Ellenoa's trembling finger and heard her trembling voice, Liliana swore firmly to herself as well as to Ellenoa, “On that day, I will give you an answer on the branch of the world tree that we walked together.”

With this, her preparations were finished.

Chapter 213 – Upcoming Battle (4)

Meltor was a kingdom always prepared for war, so the gathering of their troops was 10 times faster and more secretive than that of other countries. There was also a major difference between the regular army and magicians. Meltor utilized dimensional pockets, so they didn’t require a separate supply unit. Additionally, the sorceresses themselves were the source of their combat power, so they weren’t burdened with equipment. This was why they could show mobility which went beyond common sense.

Exactly three days after the meeting… All the troops were gathered at Port Ribenda, an eastern coastal city in the Meltor Kingdom. On a night when civilian access to the coast was controlled, the expedition unit, which totaled nearly 1,000 people, were waiting for their commander. Among them, the unit which contained the most people was the Magic Corps.

“The kingdom’s 1st Magic Corps’ 800 people! Commander is Viscount Carter!” Blundell’s loud voice cried out as 800 soldiers saluted. It was a perfect example of military discipline.

Meltor’s Magic Corps… They weren’t sorceresses but magic soldiers. They achieved up to the 3rd Circle using magic reagents and learned a few attack magic spells and secondary magic. They were nothing compared to one aura user, but six or seven of them could defeat one aura user. The magic soldiers had haste magic and the firepower of Fireball, which was comparable to the firepower of archers. 800 magic soldiers were equal to 5,000 regular soldiers.

“I, Bors Carter, will honor the name of my family and the royal family.” The commander was also excellent. As a veteran of the last war and someone who was still active as a 6th Circle magician, Carter had been appointed as the commander of the Magic Corps. Carter guarded the monster area in the West Forest, so his commanding abilities were well-proven.

Blundell’s voice called out for the next unit, “36-man White Tower Mobile Unit! Commander is White Tower Master Orta!”

Orta was standing before 36 white-robed magicians with his usual mask. Perhaps it was because they were both tower masters, but Orta politely bowed and returned to his original position. Thanks to Lili, they didn’t need to travel in the balloons. However, the magic support of the white tower could shorten the schedule. They were a unit which focused on mobility rather than combat power. It would be good if even one of them had the power of the White Tower Master. However, Meltor’s true combat troops were somewhere else.

“63 war mages of the Red Tower! The commander will also be White Tower Master Orta! The deputy is Red Tower Prime, Vince Haidel!”

This was a formidable mass of power. There were fluctuations from the 64 war mages as they responded to the call. If they worked together, they could defeat a master. Just a simple fire from them could burn down a whole castle.

“I, Prime Vince Haidel, will do my best as a member of the red tower to support the White Tower Master.” Vince had the influence of the ancient language magic system, so the vibrations of magic power coming from his body were intense compared to those of the others. Additionally, the fact that he was appointed as the deputy not long after becoming a Prime was proof of his competency.

Up to this point, there were 800 magic soldiers, 100 senior magicians, and a group of four people, including Liliana.

“Finally, the four members of Quattro! Their commander is Liliana Miller! In accordance with His Majesty’s edict, Liliana Miller is given the right to act alone!”

Individual combat rights… Even though Lili had the right to lead 10,000 men, it was different when she was a master sorceress. She was literally a one-woman army. So, in order to exert her full force, it was necessary for her to move separately.

Lili knew this meaning and bowed respectfully. “I, Prime Liliana Miller, will do my job as captain of Quattro.”

“Yes!” Blundell looked dissatisfied when he saw Sylvia near Liliana, but then he faced the soldiers who were lined up. They were truly the elites of Meltor. His voice was like a light in the darkness as he ordered them to depart, “All troops! Board the ships in accordance with the specified units!”

The first one to move was the commander of the Magic Corps, Bors Carter. “We will move! Observe carefully and board the assigned ships by platoon!”

“1st Platoon, follow my flag!”

“2nd Platoon! Move behind the 1st Platoon!”

The sight of 800 soldiers moving in an organized manner was spectacular. The soldiers who had gathered on the white sand disappeared into the ships without any problems. It was like a group of people suddenly disappearing into the night.

Lili watched the scene before looking back at her teammates. There were understandable nerves on the faces of two people, while the remaining person…


“Huh?” As she responded to her call with a cranky expression, there was something suspicious about the look on Paragranum’s face.

“Did something good happen? Why are you so happy?”

“Oh, you can tell?”

“Yes. What is it?”

“Umm… I’ll tell you later.”

Para meant when they were alone, which led Sylvia to stare at her from behind Liliana. However, grimoires didn’t have a lot of interest in human relationships, so Paragranum hummed while ignoring Sylvia. Liliana looked between the two of them with a soft smile and figured out the reason behind Para’s look. ‘It seems like her research has gone well.’ That was the only reason why Paragranum would express such emotions. Lloyd Pollan had been used as an experimental material, so he might not even be ‘human’ anymore.

Liliana cleared her head and looked at the person approaching her. It was the beauty with blue hair, Aquilo the sea dragon. The dragon had come to the port out of boredom. She naturally slipped her arm around Lili's and whispered into her ear, “Girl, do you remember what I taught you?

“Of course. I can’t forget it.” She had accepted her blood, but Lili had the senses of a human and didn’t instinctively know how to use the dragon’s power. Therefore, she had learned the trick from Aquilo on the way from Mana-vil to Ribenda. There was a limit to the involuntary manifestation of power. She needed to consciously manipulate the power in order to counter the currents against the fleet.

Fortunately, Lili was successful in her efforts. Her widespread dominance over the sea had reached a level where she could somehow control the flow of the currents. The fact that she was keeping the moisture around her body at a pleasant state was proof of this.

“Well, this is just the basics. There should be no problems if you don’t encounter a typhoon.”

“Is that so?”

Aquilo nodded before saying goodbye in a low voice, “Then Girl, have a good trip. We will meet again, so you better not die in a place that I can’t see.”

“…What a bloody goodbye.”

“It is an ordinary saying for dragons.”

She really had no idea if it was a joke or not as Aquilo left without a backward glance. How many people had a dragon said goodbye to after living for thousands of years? Perhaps this coldness was the result of that. Liliana watched her leave for a while before acting.

Huuung… She used Levitation. It was a basic magic which allowed her to float in the air, but when combined with directional wind magic, it became possible to fly at low speeds. Her red robe flapped as she rose from the sand toward Quattro’s ship.

Liliana’s ship was at the head of the fleet. It was a position for a major figure in the fleet, but the situation was different this time. This was a sea where the south wind blew extensively. If Lili didn’t open up the sea before her, this fleet might be pushed back to the sand instead of moving forward. As the wind blew with enough force to break the sails, the people’s gazes naturally focused on Liliana.

‘Hoo… Let’s try it like I practiced.’ If she failed here, the disruption would be huge. It would take a week to change the route of entry from Port Ribenda to land. Then the Soldun Kingdom would fall into the hands of Lairon and Andras.

Liliana was carrying a heavy responsibility. Her eyes flashed as she gazed at the horizon. The color of the horizon was similar to Aquilo’s fluorescent color. As she faced the flow of water, Liliana dared to use the dragon language which wasn’t originally allowed for humans.

「море, Откройте путь (Sea, open the way)!」

She could only use Dragon Words three times a day, but there was no better way to add power. Liliana’s voice wasn’t loud, but her words pierced through the wild winds. Dragon Words, a language which dominated nature, transcended the laws of physics.

Then it happened after that. Suddenly, the wind blowing from the south to the north subsided and started to move in the opposite direction. The rough sea currents calmed down, and the waves moved toward the south.

The soldiers knew magic, and they couldn’t help letting out exclamations of surprise.

“T-This…? Is that Liliana’s magic?”

“No, this is ridiculous… Even weather magic can’t change the sea…!”

“T-The sea! The sea is reversing!”

It was just like the soldier shouted. The sea was reversing. The south wind changed into the north wind, and the waves were moving in the opposite direction. The winds inflated the sails of the fleet with a force so strong it seemed like the anchors would be pulled out of the seabed. It was a miracle where the enemy became a friend, and the adverse conditions were reversed.

When they realized the opportunity, the commanders raised their voices.

“Depart! Raise the anchors!”

“Helmsman! Don’t miss this no matter what!”

The voices of White Tower Master Orta and Viscount Carter entered Liliana’s ears. Despite the feeling of defeating the impossible, she couldn’t help feeling anxious about the future. The cumulonimbus thunderstorm on the distant horizon seemed to add to this anxiety.

Kwarurung…! Her senses had become much sharper after Mitra’s flowering, so they didn’t let her relax her guard.

‘Maybe this trip won’t go smoothly.’ The Lairon Kingdom and the Andras Empire, both were enemies of Meltor. If they prepared for war after the truce, the damage wouldn’t be small. It was obvious that their power would be aimed at Meltor. This civil war was a fight to see who could gain a better advantage in preparation for that war.

Liliana looked ahead and saw the future. The horizon before her was shrouded in dark clouds and lightning.

Chapter 214 – The Swirl of a Civil War (1)

After leaving Ribenda, the voyage of the expedition was very smooth. Thanks to Liliana Miller, the fleet slid through the sea using the momentum of the wind. The waves which should have caught the hull were pushed back, and the wind greatly inflated the sails.

Furthermore, the ‘Sea Dragon’s Blessing’ changed the direction of the wind and waves. The manifestation of this imperfect power was because the user was Liliana.

[Sea Dragon’s Blessing]
[The power which comes from the blood of Aquilo, the sea dragon who dominates the sea, is given to the owner. As a sea dragon dominates the sea, a person with the Sea Dragon’s Blessing won’t die on the sea due to natural causes. If the power increases, you can even breathe in water.
* Your ship will be given additional acceleration.
* You can transcend the environmental disadvantages of the sea.
* The wind and wave directions applied to you will always be favorable.
* You are still unfamiliar with using this power. You can’t increase or decrease the wind and wave power.]

Liliana stood at the prow of the ship and looked at the information window again. She remembered the words she’d heard while learning from Aquilo.

‘If I accept more of Aquilo’s blood or continue to use it, this power will grow…?’

The former required a corresponding price, while the latter couldn’t be done in the short-term. However, she felt like she was becoming more familiar with manipulating the currents. Unlike at the beginning when she hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything else, she now had room to think.

Lili stood on the deck and watched the rough currents. After a long period of concentration, it felt like her whole body was exhausted. She might have fainted if she hadn’t trained her mental power.

“Lady Liliana.” At that moment, a man approached Liliana, who had barely calmed her wobbly body. The person wore a luxurious cloak, had several artifacts, and wore light armor mixed with mithril. It was practical yet stylish.

Liliana immediately noticed the identity of the person and greeted, “How are you doing, Viscount Carter?”

It was Bors Carter, the veteran magician who was the commander of the magic troops in this expedition. He was famous for his ‘red flame.’

Carter responded to Liliana’s question with a confused expression, “Please speak more informally. We have left home and are heading to the battlefield, so we must thoroughly keep the hierarchy.”

“…I will accept your advice, Viscount.”

“Thank you.”

It was as Carter said. Liliana was an honorary marquis, so her status was higher than that of Viscount Bors. Additionally, Liliana was the commander of a unit and had the same authority as the White Tower Master.

‘I never dreamed it would turn out like this.’

Aside from what was right and wrong, it felt strange as Liliana was younger and perhaps seen as more inexperienced. Carter was a prominent nobleman and veteran who had experienced war in the past, so Lili might seem like an upstart.

Yet Carter’s attitude was politer than expected, so Lili asked with a puzzled expression, “Apart from the advice, I will ask you once again… Why has the Viscount come to find me?”

“It is nothing big. We will be having a life and death experience together soon, so I thought we could become more familiar with each other.”


However, Lili couldn’t accept the remark and looked at Carter. It was because Carter seemed like he had something else to say to her. The two of them looked at each other silently for a moment.

However, the silence didn’t last long. Carter gazed into Liliana’s eyes before letting out a heavy sigh, “Hoo, I understand. I came here to apologize for my rude actions toward Lady Liliana.”

“Viscount’s rude actions?”

“The incident that happened during the academy.”

‘The academy.’ Liliana hadn’t been able to understand what Carter was saying until she heard those words.

‘Garcia Carter.’

In the first battle magic class, Garcia had fought with Liliana and tried to keep his pride by using an artifact. That naughty person was Viscount Carter’s son. Liliana understood the meaning of Viscount Carter’s apology and glanced up.

The viscount didn’t know how to interpret her expression and continued speaking, “My child almost caused a disaster. I will be sure to pay you back according to the Carter family’s honor once this expedition ends.”

Bors was serious. There was no flickering in Bors’ deep eyes, so Liliana didn’t doubt the authenticity of his words. Unlike many nobles, Bors wasn’t arrogant. So, Liliana was impressed with the excellence of Commander Bors. Bors wanted to eliminate any discord before the full-scale civil war began. His apology was good so Liliana acted accordingly.

“No, I have already forgotten about it. Do we need to make a fuss about the past when we have such great responsibilities toward the country?”

The viscount looked at her with admiration for a while before bowing politely. The younger the age, the more gripped with emotions a person was. However, Liliana’s answer was perfect. She’d read Bors’ intentions and accepted them in an instant.

“Then thank you, Lady Liliana!”

“Yes, please take care.”

The two of them shook hands on the deck. It was a strong handshake which shed all the nasty things of the past.

* * *

A fortnight after the expedition departed from Meltor, they reached Piris, a port city in the Soldun Kingdom.

If the sailors at the port had heard that, they would’ve doubted their ears. Generally, even with the wind blowing in the right direction, it would take 20 days to travel between Ribenda and Piris. There was no need to mention about what would happen if the conditions were adverse.

At this point, Meltor was ahead of any other country.

‘I haven’t seen this scenery in a long time.’

Lili couldn’t help noticing the lights of the city of Piris shimmering in the darkness. She admired the night view with a sense of nostalgia, then turned reflexively as she felt magic in the area.

A white robe fluttered in the aftermath of the space movement.

“White Tower Master.”

“Umm,” Orta suddenly appeared and spoke in a low voice, “We’ve arrived five days earlier than expected. The sooner the better, but the prince’s side might not be ready.”

“Yes, that is true.”

They had arrived at a speed so fast it went beyond common sense. Prince Elsid and Marquis Piris couldn’t be expecting them yet. So, it was possible that even if they sent a signal, the response might be delayed or there might not even be one.

However, since it was impossible to wait in this ambiguous place, Lili prepared the signal which had been written in the letter. It was a magic light which couldn’t be seen without special magic tools.


Covert Glow, the magic for the signal, was used. The light leaving Liliana’s fingertip caused a faint explosion in the air, but no noise or light accompanied it. However, anyone who looked in this direction using a magic tool would be able to witness the enormous surge of light.

“Wait for a while. If a response doesn’t come back, I will go and meet with Marquis Piris.”

“That would be best.”

The two discussed the future as they waited for a reply.



After waiting 30 minutes, there was no reaction from the direction of Piris. Had they arrived too early? This might reveal the existence of the expedition. Liliana sighed and raised her magic power. She was going to see Marquis Piris herself.


Then at that moment, a sound tickled her ears. It wasn’t just her. The White Tower Master heard it as well.

“Tower Master, did you hear that just now?”

“Well, I heard it.”

The two looked in the same direction, and something moved closer through the shadows. It was a small boat. The trim hull waving the flag of the Soldun Kingdom was coming through the water. The expedition had turned off all their lights, so it took some time before they could see who was on the boat.

Liliana was startled as soon as she saw the person on the boat. “Marquis Piris?”

Marquis Piris cleared his throat and greeted her, “It has been a while, Lady Liliana.”

Orta stepped back without intruding once Liliana had identified the person. It indicated that she would be the one to talk to Marquis Piris. Liliana asked Marquis Piris about the thing she was curious about, “This is a little bit different from what was written in the letter. Was there a hidden password or something?”

“Kuhuhum! No, that isn’t it…”

Marquis Piris’ description had been very concise. The tool to send a reply would only arrive tomorrow morning.

It would’ve been fine even if it were delayed three days, but Meltor’s fleet had arrived too quickly. So, Marquis Piris had been forced to move personally. He was accompanied by a few of his most trusted knights.

The marquis looked around carefully and whispered in a small voice, “Lady Liliana, all these people… Does this mean that Meltor is completely siding with Prince Elsid?”

“Of course. We were planning that from the beginning.”

“Oh, very good! If we finish this fight successfully, I will repay you for all your help!” Marquis Piris was so delighted by Liliana’s answer that his shoulders shook a few times. He was so excited that he seemed drunk. However, he didn’t forget his job. Marquis Piris pointed his finger in one direction and showed the place where the expedition could hide.

“Go that way. Outside of Piris, there is a coastal cave that is invisible to the human eye. It is possible to secretly anchor the ships there.”

“I understand. I will follow your words.” Liliana nodded, and the soldiers pulled up the dropped anchors.

This time, there was no need to control the sea currents. As the ships got closer to their destination, Liliana questioned Marquis Piris about the situation in the Soldun Kingdom. “By the way, I’m curious about the situation. We came as soon as possible, but I’ve heard a lot of rumors…”

“What, you’ve heard it as far as Meltor?”

“Yes. There seems to be a lot of talk about Lairon.”

This wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t a rumor among the general public, but the agents of the white tower had clearly investigated and seen that the Lairon Kingdom had shown some movements. Marquis Piris couldn’t deny her words and made a serious expression.

Then he replied firmly to Liliana, “We still aren’t sure about the information. Do you still want to hear it?”

“Yes, it is better to assume the worst than to not know anything.”

“Then… it can’t be helped,” Marquis Piris said while shaking his head like he didn’t want to think about it. Then he opened his mouth, “This is a recent message from a spy I attached to Duke Cornwall. He saw a man in silver full body armor and holy relics hanging from his waist.”

Liliana and Orta stiffened at the same time.

“…It can’t be.”


She had never seen them before, but Liliana knew of the people who fit that description.

They were the strongest swords of the Lairon Kingdom, fanatics who shielded the famous cardinals. The cardinals were people who claimed to be the agent of god, and in the old days, a fragment of the divinity of ‘Lairon’ had been planted in their body. Then every cardinal after that had the power of the god.

“Crusader.” It was a name which magicians proclaimed with disgust, as if they were chewing on something distasteful. “In the end, the nobles have drawn in Lairon’s mad dogs.”

Chapter 215 – The Swirl of a Civil War (2)

The Lairon Religious Kingdom… As a religious kingdom, Lairon was a kingdom built upon the foundation of a religion. It was in the middle of the Central Continent, and there was one reason why Lairon could endure having borders with four countries. They were strong. Lairon was one of the strongest kingdoms in the central region, even if they weren’t comparable to the northern powers. The source of their power, which managed to counter four kingdoms, was a third force, which was neither magic nor swordsmanship.

It was the only Sacred Order on the continent. They were a group resolved to recover all the remains left behind of the gods from the Age of Mythology. The king, or to be precise, Pope Benedict I, had been the first to wield a god’s power by absorbing the god’s remains. He then brought abundance to dry land and gave a mysterious power to those who submitted to the name of Lairon.

In the Dark Ages after the Age of Mythology, there had been a resurgence of interest in ‘gods’ and ‘paladins.’

“In ancient records, they were praised as holy ones who healed the wounded and fought against injustice. They were adults who directly embodied righteousness.” As Marquis Piris spoke, a bit of contempt filled his voice while they walked through the corridor. “It is all nonsense.”

The paladins were deceitful and more eager to exploit than help people. The cardinals toured the countries once a year asking for ‘donations,’ and the current pope was truly arrogant. In addition to those, the church had built a facility to brainwash children, and all those who rebelled against the regime were labeled as heretics. At their essence, they were ruthless people pretending to be merciful.

‘Their exterior appearance is duplicitous.’ There was no saying more appropriate to describe the Lairon Kingdom. Piris looked back at the party following him, and his face darkened before he added, “That isn’t all. The letter was sent with Marquis Baek’s son because there is an ‘opportunity’ that will assure the Lairon Kingdom’s intervention.”

“What do you mean by opportunity…?”

“I will tell you about it in the room.”

After saying so, the marquis entered a secret passage as Meltor’s presence had to be hidden until the civil war began in earnest. All of Meltor’s troops were concealed in the coastal caves, and the supplies which could last 1,000 people for a month were thoroughly camouflaged. They were convinced they had the advantage as long as they weren’t caught.

After a while, the marquis beckoned at the end of the secret passage, “Come on, everyone. Five people can talk leisurely in this room.”

It was as he said. After passing the threshold of a damp cave, the four guests were greeted by warm air and antique furniture. White Tower Master Orta, the general commander of the expedition army, sat down first. Beside Orta was Liliana, Viscount Carter, and then Vince. A light filled the eyes of the marquis when he saw this. ‘Hoh?’

It was because he couldn’t find any dissatisfaction on the faces of the other two, despite the second-ranked person being less than 30 years old. In other words, it was a complete acknowledgment of Liliana’s status. However, like any crafty noble, the marquis didn’t reveal his inner thoughts. Instead, he boiled the tea in the kettle and thanked the party who had come this far. After that, he continued speaking about Lairon again, “Around two months ago, an emissary came from Lairon.”

The emissary from the Lairon Kingdom had been a cardinal who called herself Cardinal Antonio, and she had entered Prince Elsid’s palace boldly. Despite the security of the knights, she had appeared before the prince.

[It is nice to meet you, Prince Elsid. I am a faithful servant of Lairon, Cardinal Antonio.]

The cardinals, along with the crusaders, were known as Lairon’s spear and shield. A crusader would wield the power of god with their swords and shields, while the cardinals would create miracles by reciting special chants like magic. Surprised by the visit, Elsid had asked what Antonio wanted.

[Lairon told us that you will have to serve him if you want to be successful.]

[…What are you trying to say, Cardinal Antonio?]

[It isn’t a big deal, Your Highness. Just build a temple worshipping Lairon, then send 100 nobles who will learn our teachings and preach it directly to your kingdom. If you do that, Your Highness will have no problem obtaining the crown.]

Understandably, the prince had gotten furious.

[How ridiculous! How dare you make fun of me with that crafty tongue?! Lairon is your god, not the Soldun Kingdom’s god! If you are going to speak like that, go away!]

The cardinals were famous for their fanaticism which wouldn’t tolerate any insults, but Antonio’s response had been calm. She had smiled nastily and disappeared from Elsid’s presence just as suddenly as she had appeared. Her expression had shown that Elsid would regret that day’s decision.

The marquis explained up to there and sighed with a tired face. Anger boiled inside him as he thought about it again. Antonio had snuck into the palace and then threatened the prince. The Lairon Kingdom might be strong, but Soldun wasn’t a weak kingdom. Antonio’s words weren’t a proposal or advice but an insult.

“Still,” Orta muttered after listening to the story. “It is unprecedented. If we refuse the impossible conditions, they will go to the other side. We are heretics who rejected god’s grace.”

“…Is that a justification for war?” Liliana asked.

Orta nodded while sipping her tea. “It might not be normal, but this time there is a power in the kingdom that agrees with them. The nobles have probably accepted Antonio’s proposal.”

“Then won’t it just end up being a tributary of the Lairon Kingdom?”

“They would rather be a snake’s head than a dragon’s tail. That is the case with Duke Cornwall.”

Were Orta’s words wrong? The marquis sighed heavily. “That is accurate. Duke Cornwall is from a family that has been doing independent work since the past. He is a person who wants to surpass the title of duke.”

A nobleman who wanted to be queen👑, even if it was only in name, and a kingdom that wanted a puppet who would follow their will… The interests of these two forces added up. Duke Cornwall was the head of the faction opposing Prince Elsid, so a direct or indirect purge couldn’t be helped after obtaining the kingship. The duke thought this was a great opportunity for a revolution, even if it dragged the Lairon Kingdom into it.

However, Lili had one more question. “That reminds me, where is Lord Baek? I heard he became a marquis…”

“Oh, he is—no, wait a minute.” After that, Marquis Piris got up and pulled down a map hanging on the back wall. It was a strategic map detailing every estate and troop in the Soldun Kingdom. The map was spread wide open, as if all the details had already been completed. Then he pointed to a part on the open map. “Marquis Baek has received the Atron Estate. It is necessary to have his force at the border of the area containing the nobles faction. His main family remains in Piris, but the main troops have moved to Atron with Marquis Baek.”

Orta was looking at the map when she suddenly reached out and pointed to a red part. “What is this estate in red on the map?”

“It is Marquis Fergana. Ah, do you know about Marquis Fergana?”

“Of course.”

Not just Orta, but Liliana, Viscount Carter, and Vince had also heard the name. It was the name of one of the Soldun Kingdom’s two masters—7th Circle magician, Marquis Fergana. Vince snapped out angrily, “Does this mean that a 7th Circle magician has gone against his country and joined the nobles? I can’t understand it.”

“Marquis Fergana’s only daughter has married Duke Cornwall.”


It couldn’t be helped if it involved blood relationships. Vince was convinced by this and stepped back. However, Carter came forward this time. “What about Earl Mersen? If Soldun’s other master has joined the nobles, then this fight will be difficult.”

“Ah, Earl Mersen has declared neutrality.”


Did it make sense to stay neutral in a civil war that would decide the future of the kingdom? The group of people gazed at Marquis Piris with confusion. However, he just shrugged. “He doesn’t have time to worry about the regime change. He can’t leave his territory because he is defending against raids from the southern barbarians.”

If this was true, it could be either luck or misfortune. With Marquis Fergana and the unknown crusader, the enemies had two masters. If Earl Mersen had joined them, there would be three. On the prince’s side, there was only one master available, so there would have been no hope of winning if reinforcements hadn’t come. With the addition of Lili and Orta, Prince Elsid’s side now had three masters, putting Duke Cornwall at a disadvantage. At that moment, Liliana felt Orta’s gaze on her.

‘…Hah, I see.’

Lili immediately recognized the meaning of Orta’s gaze and paused her thoughts momentarily. Meltor had two masters present on their side… Should this information be disclosed to Marquis Piris?

Orta left it up to the person involved to decide if the information should be revealed. Liliana thought about it before shaking her head slightly. ‘I will hide it for now.’

No matter how thorough Marquis Piris was, there was no certainty that the enemy’s eyes couldn’t reach them. Wasn’t there a saying that if we wanted to fool the enemy, we should first fool our friends? Therefore, Liliana decided to hide her combat power. Orta and Baek Jongmyung could equal the two masters on the other side, so it was more efficient for Liliana to move separately.

Orta nodded, then she turned back to Marquis Piris and said, “At this point, the explanation is enough.”

They had heard everything they needed to know. Orta then placed several models on the map. There were different models based on infantry, cavalry, and magicians. Each of them was of a different size which represented the number of troops, and Orta placed the models down based on the explanation she had just heard.

“From now on, let us discuss the movement of the troops.” It was the start of the strategic meeting.

* * *

In conclusion, Liliana’s role was no different from what had been discussed before leaving Meltor. She would move separately from the regular troops. After consuming the Aiolos Pouch, Liliana had become better at using space magic. It might not be as fast as Orta, but Liliana could still move at an amazing speed.

She also had more firepower than Orta. As Liliana combined both firepower and mobility, she was closer to an army than an individual. When it came to war, she was many times stronger than other 7th Circle magicians or sword masters.

The problem was that she had to go ‘alone’ in order to exert her power.

“Lili,” Sylvia called out. She was the first person to understand this problem. “We can’t help you?”


“I’m not making a fuss. Tell me honestly. At the moment, we will just be a burden to Lili if we move together, right?”

It was a cool reflection. Liliana looked into Sylvia’s blue eyes instead of denying her words. After all, it was just as she had said. As a 7th Circle master who had awakened her Sorcery and pioneered new territories, Liliana knew that the rest of the unit would just be a burden in a fight between masters. They would be even more of a burden when it came to a guerrilla war. The amount of magic power consumed for space movement would increase, and the time needed for the hit and run would increase greatly as well.

“…I see.” Sylvia looked down at the unspoken agreement. “But those people would be able to keep up with you.”

‘Those people?’ Liliana tilted her head to one side, but Sylvia didn’t explain it. No, she didn’t want to explain it. She didn’t want to show her jealous self. She realized she needed more power to be on par with her rivals who had red and blue hair. Ripples started to form inside the quiet Sylvia. She struggled with the emotions boiling inside her before barely managing to speak.

“It is just this time. Next time, I won’t let you go alone.”

Chapter 216 – The Swirl of a Civil War (3)

As Liliana watched Sylvia’s eyes flash with determined resolve, she replied, “Yes, I’ll be expecting it.”

Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be easy. Liliana supported Sylvia’s determination, but she also looked at her with the sober eyes of a sorceress. Considering her age, she was a genius for having reached the 6th Circle without a cheat like Gluttony. That talent was a blessing which made Blundell Adruncus welcome her as a daughter and also made her treasured by the blue tower.

However, the wall of the 7th Circle was solid and thick. Unlike the previous circles, the 7th Circle was the path to leave the realm of ‘humanity.’ As Gluttony had said before, it was building up dharma and throwing off the restraints of karma. A mortal who relied only on their innate talent would come to a standstill. It was up to Sylvia’s mind and luck to see if she could cross the wall.

“Ah, I truly don’t have any face. I’m just listening to my juniors talk like this…” At first glance, William was speaking to Liliana, but he was actually blaming himself. He had been a prodigy since childhood, and his confidence had grown greater as he showed his skills in the white tower. William wasn’t a master yet, but it was very rare for someone to become a master in their early 30s. He thought that he could achieve it in the next 5~10 years and become the next White Tower Master. Yet Liliana wasn’t even 30, and she had already surpassed William.

‘It is too unsightly,’ William thought. He had been idle for too long. Although he spent 10 hours a day practicing magic, the fierceness of his apprenticeship days had been forgotten. William needed to work hard from now on. His vision was no longer cloudy as he decided this.

Only Paragranum was consistent with her usual attitude. Rattle. She glanced over at William and Sylvia with a frown. Then once they left, she smiled brightly. Liliana felt the usual chill down her spine as Para stepped closer. Para exclaimed, “You are finally alone!”

Liliana was surprised by her hasty approach and asked carefully, “Y-Yes, why?”

“I told you. I would explain once we were alone!”


Was it when she asked if something good had happened? Liliana belatedly remembered and gazed carefully at Paragranum, who didn’t look like her usual self. Her outward appearance was a cute girl in her late teens, but her essence was something which transcended humanity. ‘Sigh, I need to be prepared.’

The relatively moderate Gluttony had no hesitation in recommending ‘human sacrifices.’ She couldn’t imagine what a grimoire who repeatedly did human experiments was like. Liliana sighed tiredly and kept her eyes warily on Paragranum. It was creepy just looking at her flushed face.

“You will definitely like this!” Paragranum cried out as she touched a bracelet on her right wrist. It was similar to the bracelet which was used to call the living armor. Unsurprisingly, a summoning spell was used, “Summon Automaton!”

Simultaneously, there was a flash from the bracelet. Normal people couldn’t see through the magic light, but Liliana gradually perceived a moving shape. ‘A human?’ It wasn’t a coincidence that Liliana thought this.

The object Paragranum had summoned had an appearance no different from that of a human male. It had skin, physique, hair, and weight like that of a human. Dressed in gorgeous armor, the object was like a knight from a storybook. Then Liliana flinched as the light faded away. “Lloyd Pollan?!”

The hair wasn’t the only thing which gave it a shallow resemblance. Lloyd Pollan was fully armed and looked just like when he had tried to invade Paracelsus’ laboratory. It was because Liliana didn’t feel any sensation coming from the body that she didn’t take knee-jerk actions. Liliana grasped the identity of the uncomfortable feeling she had and muttered, “Corpse…?”

“No way!” Paragranum, however, denied it with a loud voice. “Have you already forgotten? There was the golem that you gave to me from the laboratory.”

“…Come to think of it.”

It was a model of a knight in full body armor. Liliana remembered the same and looked at Paragranum. That hadn’t just been an empty armor. It consisted of metal parts and artifacts. In that case, how could the model have recreated Lloyd Pollan’s appearance?

“Magicians of this era don’t know about automatons.” Paragranum noticed Liliana’s doubts and banged on the automaton’s face. It was a signal to appraise it. Liliana didn’t have any other way, so she complied. ‘Appraisal.’

The slippery tongue touched the automaton’s cheek. Liliana frowned at the sight of the tongue licking the cheek, but it didn’t last long. That was natural.

[Automaton – Sword Master ‘Lloyd’]

[The apex of the automatons: the earliest form was the ‘android’ which the dwarves, who were familiar with mechanics and ancient civilizations, created. The Earl of Saint Germain, the late alchemist of the Age of Mythology, tried to make an artificial god in the final form of an automaton. However, it was said that he failed the experiment and lost his life. This automaton contains the soul and central nervous system of the swordmaster, Lloyd Pollan.

* This automaton is rated ‘Treasure.’
* It isn’t possible to use predation on this automaton.
* This automaton currently doesn’t have an owner.
* The automaton has limited autonomy in ‘battle’ and can’t make decisions on its own without the owner’s instructions.
* The Aura Ability, ‘Pathfinder,’ can be used in a limited manner.]

“Crazy!” Liliana cried out. “This is no different from a necromancer’s undead!”

Using the body as material, it was like creating undead from corpses. This was black magic which was taboo on the entire continent.

However, Paragranum smiled and shook her head in denial of Liliana’s words. “You fool! How can you compare the nasty undead to an automaton when their compositions are completely different? Do you treat goblins and ogres as the same species because they both have two legs?”

“Please explain it properly. What is different?” Liliana asked, trying to understand.

“The automaton isn’t vulnerable to divine power like the undead, and it can function semi-permanently as long as magic power is supplied. The later automaton models can fuse the egos. But this is an early type, so it isn’t possible.”

Anyway, Para didn’t care since it was an enemy, so she kicked the shin of the automaton. Was it due to her enmity toward Lloyd?

Liliana’s thoughts were complicated. According to Paragranum, this automaton wasn’t an undead. However, it was clearly an existence that was very similar to the undead. This was a combat weapon made from a body, and it was absolutely obedient to its master’s will. Liliana knew the cause of her reluctance. ‘Isn’t it outside humane standards?’

When it came to one’s purpose of existence, grimoires and humans were different. In the past, Liliana had received a deadline, but she hadn’t hesitated to refuse human sacrifices. It might be Paragranum’s work, but wouldn’t Liliana be complicit if she took advantage of her creation? This question troubled her conscience.

“So? Will you accept my gift?” Despite knowing Liliana’s anguish, Paragranum pressed her for an answer with an innocent expression. To the grimoire who longed to create a human, the automaton was just a piece of data.

Liliana didn’t take long to make a decision. “…I will accept.”

“Hoh, is it okay? You look quite worried.”

“Strength is power. The problem is how to utilize it. If I can use it in the right direction, I will have created a means.”

“I’ve seen many hypocrites make up excuses. What about you?” Para’s red eyes looked Liliana up and down with devilish interest. Liliana got a chill down her spine as Para took the bracelet off her wrist and threw it at her.

“Pour in your magic power and state your name. Then give that guy a name. That will make the automaton move like a puppet according to your commands.”

As such, Liliana injected magic power into the bracelet.


There was intense magic resonance, and Liliana could sense the automaton before her. It was similar to back when she made the contract with Mitra and Hugin.

‘Connecting the souls.’

The moment she was convinced the string of the contract was established, Liliana opened her mouth, “Liliana Miller.”

Then the automaton’s information window was updated.

[* The automaton is currently owned by ‘Liliana Miller.’]

A strong demand was passed down through the contract link. The automaton was like a doll which had lost all freedom, but it wanted a name. Liliana didn’t sympathize with Lloyd. Lloyd was an enemy and had lost his life. He had come to a one-sided end by messing with a grimoire.

So, Liliana would give the automaton a new name. After receiving the name, Lloyd would be Liliana’s puppet, losing his name and status.


It was just ‘sword.’


The eyes of the automaton lit up in response to the word. A deep aura flowed from the still body, and it regained its vitality. The pressure filling the surroundings was the remnant of Lloyd Pollan, one of the empire’s Seven Swords. However, Liliana watched it with an expressionless face.

‘The swordmaster called Lloyd Pollan no longer exists.’

It was a relationship where the soul was subjugated. Lloyd’s ego had already been scattered as dust, and now the automaton with a mechanical will would execute Liliana’s commands. This was the moment when Lloyd Pollan died and the battle weapon, automaton ‘Gladio,’ was born.

Kiik, kik, kkiiik.

Gladio was stiff in the beginning, but it eventually moved in front of Liliana. Then it naturally flowed into the proper etiquette, which was evidence of the great loyalty Lloyd had to the emperor of Andras during his life.

Then a voice came from their soul connection, [Gla—dio sees mas—ter.]

Liliana looked at the knight kneeling before her and eventually nodded. It was a power she had chosen and a responsibility she had to bear.

Chapter 217 – All-out War (1)

While the expedition was stowing away at Piris, there was a banquet in the mansion of Duke Cornwall, who was the head of the nobles faction. Anyone else would shake their heads at this. This was a time when a battle over the throne of Soldun was going to break out, yet he was holding a banquet? No matter how superior his side was, victory and defeat couldn’t be known until the end. Duke Cornwall was smart enough to know that much.

However, the biggest issue was that it was the guest who had wanted the banquet. The crusader who came from Lairon had said his name was ‘Ruben.’ Then this paladin had gone on to demand luxurious treatment without regards for virtue. He directly demanded young noble beauties and the best wine from the warehouses. People naturally scattered in every direction to avoid the paladin. Regardless of whether Ruben knew it, her excesses didn’t stop.

“All this abundance is due to Lairon’s blessing, and this fact shouldn’t be forgotten! Hahaha!”

Ruben had baron’s daughters in both of her arms, and she crossed her legs casually with a smirk. Who would think that a paladin could be so rude? If it wasn’t for her shining sword and armor, she would’ve been a bandit in the mountains. The daughters, who had been brought to this spot without knowing anything, couldn’t budge when she touched their bodies. Meanwhile, the paladin’s loud and vulgar laughter echoed throughout Cornwall’s banquet hall.

In the midst of this, there was one person who felt the most uncomfortable.

“I’m glad you are liking the banquet, Crusader Ruben.”

It was the number two of the Soldun Kingdom. The ambitious Duke Cornwall was the one who wielded the most power after the king, and he coveted the throne. Yet such a person was being humiliated like this? Even the current king of Soldun, Elmore IV, couldn’t disparage Cornwall’s name in public. There were fewer than five people who dared to not bow stiffly to him. Regrettably, one of those people was the crusader in front of him.

“Oh, Duke! I didn’t know you would show such great hospitality to this Ruben!”

“…Thank you for saying that.” Duke Cornwall didn’t know where to look as he gritted his teeth and gripped the sides of his seat. He was the one who would lose if he chased Ruben away. The duke had to be patient, just a little more patient. He would act after obtaining the Soldun crown. In the meantime, he had to put up with it, at least until he took care of Prince Elsid.

Still, Duke Cornwall had some pride left, so he couldn’t help muttering with some dissatisfaction, “I don’t doubt Sir Ruben’s dignity, but is it okay to be drinking? You need to use that blade to cut the neck of the Eastern person.”

“Cough.” Ruben dropped her cup onto the table like she felt upset and then turned to Duke Cornwall. “Do you think that I can be defeated by those who come from the land of barbarians?”

“That is impossible. Crusader Ruben, Lairon’s sword, will surely win. I just want the process to be smooth.”

“Hrmm… Then I will forgive you. Duke, you have no idea.”

What didn’t he know? Duke Cornwall felt uncomfortable and looked at Ruben. However, Ruben just picked up her alcohol glass and didn’t explain any further. Alas, the atmosphere was colder than it had been before.

The nobles’ daughters almost screamed as Ruben’s hands squeezed, then the pressure of a master class pressed down on the minds and bodies of the people in the hall. Duke Cornwall’s eyes widened as he felt his breathing clog up.

‘This is crazy…?’

He had deluded himself with his authority. This pressure was ridiculous for Duke Cornwall, who had never learned magic or swordsmanship. This year, the duke was 60 years old. Placing such pressure on an elderly body could be life-threatening. If it lasted for one minute—no, 30 seconds, he would be killed by a heart attack before he could even wear a crown. Duke Cornwall would’ve died if a third party hadn’t intervened.

Paang! The momentum of two masters resonated temporarily, causing the pressure to disappear. Ruben’s eyes narrowed when she saw the phenomenon. Crusaders were masters, so the only one who could offset her pressure was another master.

Everyone’s gazes turned to one place. A knight in full plate mail was leaning against the wall of the banquet hall. The knight’s face was covered with a thick cloth, and he hadn’t said anything from start to finish. He had stopped Ruben’s actions, but the knight had no intention of coming forward.

“… What is this, imperial dog?”

The unidentified knight replied to Ruben, “Better than being a dog of the church. Did you grow up like a horny bastard?”

“Ha, ha, ha.”

Wuuuong… The momentum of the crusader and sword master tangled together in the air, producing a gust of wind. Duke Cornwall couldn’t even think of mediating between them, while the two beauties on both sides of Ruben turned pale.

If two masters collided in such a narrow place, there would naturally be casualties among them. Suddenly, the air of battle in Duke Cornwall’s room stopped.



Fortunately, or unfortunately, the two masters lowered their momentum at the same time. It would be different if they could overwhelm each other, but their skills were about even. They realized that if they sincerely fought, one of them would surely die.

“You are lucky, imperial dog.”


Unlike the angry Ruben, the imperial knight was calm, and he turned away without answering. He completely ignored Ruben.

Duke Cornwall felt a strange pleasure at seeing Ruben being treated like this, but on the other hand, this situation was very unpleasant. It was the duke who had laid out this whole situation, yet he could control neither the crusader nor the swordsman.

‘No, this humiliation won’t last long.’

Elmore IV was lying in bed, and he would die soon. Duke Cornwall had the support of the Lairon Kingdom and the Andras Empire, so the prince who had accepted the Eastern family would just become a stepping stone.

His ancestors had kneeled down to the royal family, and now Duke Cornwall was one step away from his wish. He would restructure the royal family in the name of Cornwall.

“It is starting now.” Darkness filled Duke Cornwall’s eyes.

“It won’t be long until the crown enters my hands…” Duke Cornwall murmured in a quiet voice which no one else in the banquet hall could understand.

* * *

Exactly four days afterward… Coincidentally, it was exactly three years after Elmore IV collapsed from a serious illness. So, this was truly perfect. It hadn’t been because of a poison, nor had there been assassins involved. In addition, it hadn’t been because of a magic spell. Then Elmore IV died on the dawn of the third year. The crowd rushed over, and the doctor shook his head with a deep sigh. A black flag was flown from the top of the palace in honor of the king’s death. Then everyone, from the nobles to the poor, began to panic.

The royal family and the noble faction… The small nobles who didn’t belong to either faction noticed that a spark was being lit between them. Then the two forces moved at the same time.

“His Majesty has died! My contact in the royal palace has confirmed that he has died from his illness!”

“Earl Halsun and 12 other nobles have reportedly returned to their estates!”

“Duke Cornwall had left the castle!”

The dozens of spies in each estate and the cities took action.

Elmore IV had died.

So, the forces belonging to the nobles faction moved, while the prince’s side joined Baek Jongmyung. Information shouldn’t be exchanged, but it poured out like a flood. Toward which direction should they prepare and respond to? In that part, the royal faction was one step ahead of the nobles. The royal faction, led by Marquis Piris, moved quickly according to the plan they’d devised at the strategy meeting a few days ago.

It was because Meltor’s commanders had a lot of practical experience. Among them, one combat troop arrived at the border between the two forces at the fastest speed.

* * *

[Vince Haidel’s unit, 332 troops. We have arrived at the border of Earl Halsun’s estate.]

[Bors Carter’s unit, 332 troops. We have arrived at the border of Viscount Kerun’s estate.]

Orta, with 200 magic soldiers behind him, nodded at the reports of the two commanders which came in through the communication magic ball.

“Okay. Magic soldiers, charge your magic power,” Orta said as he gazed at the horizon with cool eyes.

Earl Halsun was in the west. Marquis Reista was in the middle. Viscount Kerun was in the east. Those areas were inevitably the fiercest battlegrounds where the royal and noble factions would face each other. Everyone would think so and tighten up their positions thoroughly. They had to build up their defense firmly before attacking the opponent. This was a law that was the essence of the Central Continent, which focused on retaining what they had rather than using a momentary explosive force.

‘It has long been considered antiquated in the North.’

This was shown in the difference in the composition of troops. Unlike the Central area where general soldiers made up the majority, the North had a number of elite troops such as magicians and magic soldiers. Their explosive power couldn’t be blocked by high walls or thick gates. So, the Northern tactic was that it was better to attack than defend.

It couldn’t be blamed on the incompetence of the nobles. Unlike the Andras Empire which had experienced this crazy mobility, the Soldun nobles were accustomed to the pace of normal armies. They couldn’t imagine that infantry would move faster than cavalry, or that a hundred troops could take down a castle.

The nobles tried their best, but the incomplete defensive line proved to be a gap.

“…The rest is finished.” Orta looked at the magic soldiers and raised his hand. “Follow behind me and use the circle formation. The top priority is killing the knights and commanders.”

Despite his low voice, there was no one who couldn’t hear the instructions. They pounded on their chest loudly before rotating their circles. They were one to three magic circle users. It was awkward to call them magicians since they had only learned a few secondary magic and attack magic spells, and were primarily warriors.

However, the momentary burst of magic power caused the earth to shake.


Dust, smoke, and fires rose from the forts. Their approach had been noticed, but at this point, it was already too late. With the desire for victory and the determination to not allow defeat… Meltor’s elites weren’t weak enough to be defeated by soldiers who had been drafted without any pride.

“Go,” the magician in the white robe said shortly before he flew.


His goal was Marquis Reista’s estate. The sight of a lone magician heading toward a fort seemed reckless, but the soldiers following him knew it wasn’t.

Supreme Orta of the white tower, before he became the tower master. His career had already been legendary even before the reign of Kurt III. Orta had killed one of the empire’s Seven Swords, and he was a secret agent and assassin who never failed in his operations. It wasn’t uncommon for him to break a siege by himself.

“Elimination Sphere.”

A huge amount of magic power boiled over, and a few black spheres appeared around Orta’s body. The spheres were so ominous that anyone in the area could sense it, as they seemed to suck away at all light. There were some magic soldiers who looked confused at what the spheres would do. However, the veterans who had participated in the last war were different.

“T-This is…!”

“No doubt! It is the Destruction Bead!”

Destruction Bead…? While the rest of the soldiers were confused, Orta fired the black spheres at the estate. Was it an explosive type magic? Or was it an attack magic that could penetrate steel? Hundreds of eyes filled with anticipation as a total of eight spheres struck the estate’s defenses. Then there was silence.


“What? Is it over?”

“Did he make a mistake?”

“No, you idiots! This…!”

Then at that moment…

“Spread.” Orta looked at the spheres evenly spaced around the gate and then moved his fingers. It was a simple squeezing gesture.


The gate disappeared. No, to be precise, a certain range of the gates centered around the spheres had been ‘deleted.’ The estate’s gates which were made of high quality cast iron and steel, and the walls which were made of solid rock, as well as the soldiers who were pulling bowstrings, had all vanished without a trace. A part of Reista Estate had been cut away unnaturally. This was the power of the 7th Circle magic, ‘Clear Space.’

“A-Ahh… Ahhhhhh!”


“W-What is this?”

“D-Demon! This is clearly a demon’s work!”

It wasn’t unreasonable to think like this after witnessing such a sight. The commander and soldiers jumped from the walls or killed their allies in an attempt to escape. Orta’s magic was unrealistic and gave rise to fear which went beyond common sense.

This was literally hell.

Orta looked down at the frantic soldiers of Marquis Reista and declared, “Strike.”

Chapter 218 – All-out War (2)

This was a frontal breakthrough! It could be said that victory or defeat had already been decided by the magic attack which had defied common sense in a siege war. Their opponent was a monster who had destroyed the gate and four walls of the estate simultaneously. Unless there was a sword master or great magician in Marquis Reista’s estate, there was no one who could interfere with Orta’s magic.

Additionally, 200 magic soldiers had come at the same time. The circle formation surrounded the front and rear sides of the estate perfectly, maintaining its form while still keeping its terrifying mobility. By smashing the soldiers and knights in the front, the magic soldiers entered Reista Estate without much difficulty.

“Report if you find the commander!”

“Kill instead of capturing the knights!”

“I have found a senior knight on the right side! The 2nd group will handle this!”

“The 3rd group is on the left side!”

There were clear voices in the midst of the confusion. The magic soldiers broke into groups of 20, each having their own role. They rushed through the estate, destroying the enemy soldiers. The gap between the elite soldiers and the untrained farmers was evident.

‘It is over.’

A short time after arriving at Reista Estate, the command system of the defending soldiers had collapsed long since. The commander hadn’t been caught yet, but it was a meaningless survival if all the knights were killed.

A woman in a white robe and mask floated in the sky like a ghost, then descended toward the ground. It was because she was convinced of their victory, but it was also because of another reason. “You came?” A calm voice spoke from under the mask. As Meltor’s best space sorceress, Orta’s senses already transcended physical limits. She didn’t miss a single breath from behind the collapsed walls.

Unsurprisingly, a haggard-looking knight appeared. “…You can’t win.”

Orta declared.

It was Marquis Reista’s knight. The middle-aged man pulled out the sword at his waist with a detached expression. Then the other hidden knights raised their bodies from the wreckage. One, two, three, four… In total, there were 14. It wasn’t much. Even so, Orta couldn’t underestimate the flames of resolution burning inside their eyes.

“Still, we will die as Reista’s knights.”

“Well, okay.” The white-robed sorceress raised her white-gloved hands. “Come.”

The knights fought with all their power.


They rushed forward with unusually strong determination. The knights cut out any unnecessary movements, and their combined aura swelled to double that of Orta’s power. The proud knights of the Soldun Kingdom were awakened by the crisis they were facing.

The 14 knights wielded their swords with a sense of unity, and the burning aura blades poured out like a shower. “-Not bad.” Orta turned her head and lifted a finger.


There was an eerie sound, and then a fountain of blood. Human body parts were scattered, and the surrounding debris was turned red. The dizzying smell of blood spread about, and one drop of blood fell on Orta’s robe. With just one bloody drop on a pure white robe, all the Reista knights were killed.


The bloodstain would be easy to get rid of with Clean magic, but Orta left it. It was a reflection on herself and a last honor for the knights. Orta looked around the battlefield and the fight, which was almost over. Then she pulled out the communication ball and demanded, “Left and right wings, report your current situation.”

Three estates had been attacked almost simultaneously. The Reista base was lost, so now there were only Halsun and Kerun remaining.

The first answer came from the left wing, Vince Haidel. [Reporting. Currently, the army has completely wiped out the Halsun knights. We are using this momentum to enter the castle, capture the earl, and calm the general public.]

“This is much faster than expected. Did you provoke them?”

[That is correct. They ran out onto the plains several times and couldn’t survive the fire arrows. It was simple.]

In any case, Earl Halsun’s knights seemed much worse than Reista’s. It had been planned for Vince’s side to act weak, but for the knights to fight a plains battle against fire magicians… It was obvious that they wouldn’t be able to escape the 300 magic soldiers and 32 war mages.

Their aura defense wouldn’t be able to endure the fire magic, and their armor would’ve melted. It was right to say that an incompetent commander was the worst.

As soon as Vince stopped talking, Bors replied, [Reporting. We have destroyed every watchtower and opened the gate. Now, we are endeavoring to destroy the remaining troops. Additionally, Viscount Kerun has escaped using a teleport scroll. The destination is presumed to be the Cornwall Estate.]

Magicians had attacked the estate. A wall which didn’t even have anti-magic defenses installed lost all meaning before a magician. The magicians could create shields to defend against arrows and jump over the walls with Float magic, so there was no way to block them. In fact, they jumped like a flock of sheep. Viscount Kerun’s soldiers wouldn’t be able to hold on for long.

“It is straightforward. By the way, the rats are quite thorough to have prepared teleport scrolls.”

[Isn’t it an item given by Duke Cornwall? It isn’t an object that a viscount would have.]

“I agree. It is just a guess, but the possibilities are close enough.”

After organizing the report, Orta put the communication sphere away. Earl Halsun’s estate was already taken over, Reista was almost finished, and Viscount Kerun had fled first before anyone else.

Orta flew into the sky as she thought about what to do now. It had been six and a half hours since Elmore IV died, and three key areas in the nobles faction had been taken down by the royal faction’s surprise raids.

* * *

The news obviously entered the ears of Duke Cornwall, who had prepared the teleport scrolls.

“…Halsun, Kerun, and Reista were taken at the same time?”

With an absurd expression, he looked down at the knight who brought him the report. Viscount Kerun might’ve escaped, but Earl Halsun and Marquis Reista hadn’t been able to survive even half a day?

The estates had been thoroughly reinforced a few years ago just for today, but the reinforcements hadn’t been effective at all. Duke Cornwall frowned for a moment before shifting his gaze elsewhere.

“The prince had that much firepower reserved? Or did he bring in reinforcements like I did…?”

Looking at it rationally, it had to be the latter option. There was no way that the number of troops needed to capture three estates at once could escape the duke’s intelligence network. Just like how he had accepted support from Lairon, the crown prince must’ve called for support from elsewhere.

The duke wasn’t stupid. Lairon and Andras were attached to him, so there was only one place left which would support Prince Elsid.

“Indeed, it is Meltor.”

A master sorceress was a superpower who could be called an army. The duke had seen Marquis Fergana’s power, so he was well aware of how terrifying they could be. There had to be at least one, maybe two masters. The masters were the foundation of the Northern powers. Therefore, it would be difficult to dispatch three masters.

Duke Cornwall’s guess was almost perfect. He had the capabilities to be king. However, although the duke accurately guessed the truth, he didn’t feel fear. The three estates had been important, but there was something more important than those.

That was Marquis Atron’s estate, which the army was currently advancing toward. The army was a large one, with a total of 30,000 troops.

“It will be soon.”

“Yes, My Lord. Our objective is Marquis Atron.”

Shapes became clear on the horizon. It was Atron Estate, the land which had recently been given to the Eastern person. Originally, it should’ve gone to the duke’s faithful subordinate, Brahms.

Duke Cornwall made a disgruntled expression as he stared at Marquis Atron’s walls.

“It is a terrible place for a man who isn’t from here.”

Marquis Atron had died without any kin. It had been a rare chance to swallow up an empty piece of land, but the prince had taken it. However, the duke hadn’t come to strike this place because of his personal feelings.

It was because Prince Elsid was inside! The nobles would win if the center of the royal party, the heir to the throne, were captured or killed. The loss of three estates was painful, but the duke could recover from that damage. It was more urgent to take care of the Eastern sword master with the prince.

Duke Cornwall turned toward a splendid carriage which didn’t fit on the battlefield.

“Crusader Ruben.” The duke’s words were soft, but a master could still hear them.

“Duke, is it finally my turn?” The fully armed Ruben descended from the carriage. She couldn’t hide the smell of alcohol and perfume.

Duke Cornwall didn’t look at her as he nodded and pointed at Atron Estate. “That’s right. The lord of that estate is the one who was born in the land of the barbarians.”

“Oh, I won’t show any mercy,” Ruben spoke with fanaticism in her sharp eyes. “The heretics who rejected God’s mercy, I will slice their necks.”

According to the Lairon Church, people from the East were unclean existences. They were born heretics in the eyes of God and weren’t part of God’s providence. For them, Easterners were the number one targets to be killed.

For this reason, not a single Easterner lived in Lairon. They killed anyone who looked like they were from the East. Ruben suddenly turned and asked, “You are quiet today, imperial dog. Are you scared?”


“Bah, how annoying.”

There was still no response. The sword master from Andras remained silent after the friction on the first day. She had no intention of being active.

Duke Cornwall thought about when he had first met the knight. –I won’t step forward unless it is absolutely necessary.

Would it be enough with just Ruben? It was true that Lairon and Andras were different. If Andras’ knight’s identity was revealed, it could cause a problem with the entire Central Continent. Furthermore, it wasn’t good to owe a debt to Andras. From Duke Cornwall’s standpoint, it was better for Ruben to solve all of this alone.

‘If possible, I would also like to have Marquis Fergana here…’ Unfortunately, Fergana had refused, saying that she couldn’t leave her estate. Marquis Fergana was a 7th Circle sorceress and considered family, but the duke couldn’t force her. It had only been possible to become allied with Marquis Fergana because the duke was an in-law.

Duke Cornwall shook his head and shouted, “Full force! From now on, we will prepare to siege Atron and enter the estate! Each unit should move quickly according to the commander’s orders!”

“As My Lord commands!”

Simultaneously, the nobles returned to their respective armies. The troops present weren’t conscripts but elite soldiers of each estate. In addition to their training, their performance was several times better than that of farmers.

At Duke Cornwall’s orders, the tens of thousands of soldiers became one.

“Move quickly while being on guard against the marquis’ troops!”

“Set up the barricades!”

“The depth of the pits should be uniform!”

“Where are the anti-teleport artifacts?”

They set up barricades and dug trenches. In the meantime, the cavalry looked around in case of ambushes. During the next two or three hours, the preparations for the siege would be completed. The nobles, including Duke Cornwall, watched the process and smiled with satisfaction. It would be really ‘soon.’

However, the nobles didn’t know one thing. A crow was flying above them, and a sorceress shared its vision.

“…It looks like I’m not too late.” A young girl dropped down behind Marquis Atron and the duke’s military camp. It was a feat possible for her because she had teleported over a long distance with lightning. This was the emergence of Liliana Miller, who could be called the greatest variable in the Soldun civil war.

“Now, how should I turn this board upside down?”

A single Joker had dropped down behind the nobles faction.

Chapter 219 – All-out War (3)

‘The quickest way to end the civil war will be by assassinating Duke Cornwall.’

Just like how the center of the royal party was Prince Elsid, the center of the nobles faction was Duke Cornwall. He was also the person in charge of negotiations with Lairon and the one with a relationship with Fergana. In other words, it was all over if Duke Cornwall died. Additionally, there was no other noble who could take the king’s seat as they would just be torn apart by infighting. The problem was whether it would be possible to assassinate Cornwall.

“It is hard. I have too many skills,” Liliana clicked her tongue and muttered.

There were around a hundred knights and 30 magicians of the 4th Circle in the vicinity of the elderly man who seemed to be the duke. Additionally, the man in the silver armor was probably a crusader. In order to deal with this situation, she needed a magic spell like Abraxas. However, the process couldn’t go unnoticed due to the tremendous amount of magic power which would be generated. Above all, the power of the crusader was unknown.

As a result of observing through Hugin’s eyes, Liliana found out that the crusader was called Ruben. There was a long sword at his waist and an impressive shield at his back. It was difficult for someone to find suitable weapons after reaching master level. It was because a weapon couldn’t bear the destructive power of a master class unless they were legendary grade. They would hit without being damaged… And cut without being cut back. For that, it was more useful for masters to move quickly and flexibly, rather than wear thick armor and wield a shield. Low-rated aura shields had long ceased to exist in Andras.

‘Maybe this is the difference between a crusader and a sword master…?’

The difference between the two jobs, a sword master who only used Aura Ability and the crusader who used divine power, might be larger than she had thought. Liliana didn’t know if her guess was correct and continued watching Ruben. It was the first time she had seen a crusader, and the crusader’s presence was different from the fierceness of aura and the grandeur of magic. Was this called ‘faintness?’ The crusader seemed to be reachable yet unreachable, like he was both close and distant. In a sense, this might be the essence of a ‘god.’

Liliana felt a yearning from Dmitra and Aiolos inside of her.

“Um, the crusader…” Liliana muttered when she heard a voice.

–A crusader, what is this?! Gluttony woke up and exclaimed. –It isn’t possible for a new divinity to be born after the collapse of the Pantheon, so how does a crusader still exist?

“Pantheon? What is that?”

–The cradle of the gods. It is a fixed temple for gods who became too close to humans. I heard that it was destroyed at the end of the Age of Mythology… The frustrated Gluttony spoke incoherent words to Liliana.

The existence of a ‘crusader’ was unexpected in many ways, but Liliana could feel a connection to Gluttony’s consciousness. However, that unstable consciousness didn’t last long, and the reason soon became known.

-…What… User, are you saying that half-trash over there is a crusader?

If the party involved had heard it, he would be furious at the insult.


–No, it is my mistake. I said too much. Gluttony relaxed and picked her words carefully. –That half-man is trash. If he saw a ‘real’ crusader, he would commit suicide from shame.

“Wait, then that man called Ruben is a fake?”

–Of course. A true crusader is an agent of the gods, a superhuman who is a demigod.

This time, it was Liliana who stopped breathing. A demigod was like Paracelsus, who had been a grand master during the Age of Mythology. Demigods were transcendents who could smash a mountain with one blow, tear the sky apart, and turn the sky upside down. If Gluttony was right, not just Ruben but all the crusaders were fakes. If they possessed such a large number of transcendents, the entire continent would’ve already been unified by the Lairon Kingdom.

As Liliana thought about it, she realized, ‘No, the crusader’s authenticity doesn’t matter right now.’

It was certain that a crusader could exert the power of a master, regardless of whether they were genuine or fake. Right now, Liliana needed to think about how she could lead this battlefield in favor of the royal faction.

“Should I wait for the battle to begin before ambushing from behind?”

It wasn’t a bad tactic. A 7th Circle sorceress alone had the power to collapse an army. Needless to say, an army was unfamiliar with fighting a master sorceress. However, Liliana shook her head and rejected the idea. It was thanks to Alfred Bellontes’ experience which remained in her head.

“The military power is too great for me alone. It is hard to pursue an attack within the estate, and the duke will probably be surrounded even in the rear… It won’t work.”

Additionally, her senses were warning her that there was another danger besides the crusader. Liliana didn’t realize the reason yet, but her instincts unconsciously filtered it out. She went through the standard procedure, thinking of how to defeat as many people as possible and how to mitigate as much damage as possible…

Then at that moment…

“…Eh?” A short question emerged from Liliana’s mouth as she watched the two camps. A familiar person jumped down from the walls of Atron Estate just as a crusader walked forward from Duke Cornwall’s side.

“A one-on-one confrontation in this situation?”

Baek Jongmyung and Ruben, a sword master and crusader… The masters of the two camps met exactly at the midpoint. At first, she couldn’t understand the situation, but Liliana soon realized the thoughts of the two commanders.

‘The prince is short on power, so he doesn’t want to waste his troops. Meanwhile, the duke doesn’t want to waste time.’

If the crusader won, Duke Cornwall wouldn’t have to fight anymore, and he would win the war. Moreover, there was a difference in the number of masters. Even if the crusader lost, Duke Cornwall had Marquis Fergana, so he would still be even with Prince Elsid.

“This might be a good chance for me.”

As the confrontation between the two masters became fiercer, Liliana moved from her spot. She needed to change her position in order to implement her envisioned method. How could she let the father of her fellow disciple die?

* * *

Baek Jongmyung, now Marquis Atron, looked a little bit different from before. He wore a chest piece of a mithril-like material as well as all types of artifacts to enhance his body. Baek Jongmyung didn’t like it, but he knew it wasn’t his place to fight ‘unarmed.’ So, Baek Jongmyung pulled out his sword with a slight sigh.

“I don’t like competing in a place like this… but I will duel according to the will of my master.” Baek Jongmyung greeted his opponent first, “It is nice to meet you, foreign religious guardian. In my hometown, there were people like you who defended the doctrines of God.”

“What?” Ruben uttered.

It had been spoken without any malice, but this stabbed at the Lairon fanaticism. They didn’t admit the existence of any god other than Lairon. People who didn’t serve the will of Lairon would be judged. It was blasphemy that a heretic from the East, a land of savages not recorded in the temple, would dare refer to a ‘God.’

Ruben’s expression hardened. “A heretic from the land of barbarians… You dare to mention the existence of God with that filthy mouth? An infidel dares speak such rubbish to me, Ruben? I will tear you apart a thousand times!”

Woong woong woong woong!

Due to his fury, power rose from his body like steam. The white power was different from aura or magic. It was the power of a god that had long since vanished from the material world. The power became a golden haze which dyed Ruben’s silver armor, sword, and shield. It was truly a fantastic sight.

“First, I will cut off that tongue!” Ruben’s eyes became bloodshot.

“…Um, he is insane.” As he watched the rabid Ruben, Baek Jongmyung clicked his tongue. He didn’t know what mistake he’d made, but Ruben didn’t look like he was in a normal state. This was close to the demonic state of madness which sometimes appeared in Eastern martial arts.

Kakiing. Baek Jongmyung started using his Soft Sword.

“Atone with your life, heretic!” Simultaneously, Ruben jumped forward.


The air currents exploded, and a shockwave occurred, causing the soil on the ground to scatter. The principle behind it was unknown, but Ruben launched into a godly acceleration with just a single step. His speed was faster than that of a flying arrow and was closer to that of a lightning bolt, making the gold armor look like a comet. His charge contained enough destructive power to smash a gate!

In response, Baek Jongmyung stood still while raising his sword. He pointed the tip of his sword toward Ruben, as if responding to a frontal match. He closed his eyes and muttered, “Pierce the Moon Style.” A silver colored aura gathered like moonlight on one point and then…

Chaaeng! A metallic sound rang out.



Two people made a sound at almost the same time. Ruben, who had performed the mysterious acceleration, also received a corresponding shock from Baek Jongmyung’s sword. It was probably a coincidence, but the two incidents coincided. They weren’t able to break through?

Ruben was someone who destroyed the fortified walls of a fortress with a single dash, while Baek Jongmyung was someone who killed his enemies with a single blow. Both of them were in shock at having their attacks blocked because they were confident in their own strength.

Baek Jongmyung had fought against several masters in his hometown, so he recovered from the shock first.

‘If he blocked my first blow, how about this?’

There was a rain of sword energies. As soon as the sword blurred, a silver showdown between the two masters began.


There were horizontal and vertical slashes. 36 strikes stabbed with the accuracy of a needle stabbing through a hole. It was more powerful than what he had used while competing with Liliana in the past. Once he activated his Aura Ability, this stabbing was close to invincible. It was faster and sharper than before. The terrifying sword technique contained the essence of the Baek Family. Ruben seemed like he would be turned into a beehive. However, instead of having a triumphant smile, Baek Jongmyung’s expression was dark.


Despite attacking relentlessly, he was the one pushed back.

It was as he said.

Ruben stepped forward one step at a time while facing the shower of death, while Baek Jongmyung had to step back. Due to the nature of his Soft Sword, it was necessary for him to secure a certain distance with Ruben.


Once again, Baek Jongmyung’s stab was blocked by Ruben’s golden shield. It was a stab which contained the power of a master, yet it couldn’t pierce through the metal. Baek Jongmyung’s eyebrows twitched as he was forced to go on the defense.

‘That shield is a problem!’ He could tell with his discerning eyes.

Baek Jongmyung was able to tell with one glance that all of Ruben’s equipment was unusual. The equipment must be part of Ruben’s body. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to defend against his Aura Ability.

“…!” It might be a coincidence or a trap… but the shield which defended Ruben’s entire body was momentarily pushed outward by a few centimeters. The gap was only a few fingers wide and couldn’t really be called a gap, but it was good prey for Baek Jongmyung.

Baek Jongmyung was troubled for a moment. He wondered if he should take advantage of this gap, and if it would cause him to win or lose.

‘I can do it.’

He felt an instinctive anxiety and confidence that he had accumulated over the decades. In the end, the latter won. Baek Jongmyung breathed in and gathered the momentum for a deadly blow.

Piii-ik. The sound pierced through the air. At a speed not even visible by a master’s eyes, a single strand of silver struck the gap between Ruben’s golden shield and longsword. This was a blow he had trained for half a century.

Baek Jongmyung thought reflexively about his victory because his timing was too precise. Then Ruben’s sword shone gold half a beat later.


Chapter 220 – All-out War (4)

The collision of the white flash and golden glow caused an explosion to occur. However, it was a noise too complex to be grasped by a human. The sword master’s aura and crusader’s divine power poured out, and the struggle of the two powers caused the space to be disturbed.

The expression ‘piercing the moon’ was accurate in regards to Baek Jongmyung’s sword technique. Meanwhile, divine power was known as ‘God’s Hammer’ in the religious kingdom. These two aimed at each other.


Blood splattered. There was a clashing sound, like the strike of a hammer, and armor was broken, causing blood to splatter from the gap. This was natural. As mentioned before, a master’s attack power was much higher than their defense. So, even a master would suffer a serious injury when facing another master.

“Cough!” The middle-aged Baek Jongmyung was thrown back, and he grabbed at his left shoulder which was bleeding. It was an injury that he shouldn’t have received initially. ‘Speed’ was an absolute strength when it came to a battle between masters since it could control the game. Baek Jongmyung was leading as he had pierced through Ruben’s gap perfectly.

He looked at his opponent with a confused expression. ‘Surely he didn’t ignore defense in order to counterattack…!’

That’s right. Lairon’s crusader, Ruben, had revealed his upper body beyond the shield and received the stab. Of course, he had managed to smash Baek Jongmyung’s left shoulder, but it was definitely Ruben who received the more serious injury. Baek Jongmyung could still continue fighting despite his left arm being neutralized, while he had clearly pierced Ruben’s right rib and lungs.

As his wound bled moderately, Baek Jongmyung continued to think, ‘That said, his swordsmanship doesn’t make sense. The shape of his weapon is a sword, but he uses it more like a hammer or an axe.’ Ruben hit instead of cutting, so his swordsmanship was more like a bombardment, rather than slashing. It was a meteor-like swordsmanship which wielded the blade with an enormous amount of power, capable of blowing away the space where the target was located.

It couldn’t be called excellent, but it was absolutely effective in terms of killing his opponents. After all, although the technique might be sloppy, it had managed to crush Baek Jongmyung’s shoulder.

“…It seems as though the match is over.”

However, Baek Jongmyung was sure of his victory. A master might be more resilient, but they were still human. Damage to areas like the lungs was fatal. If it wasn’t treated in time, dying would be unavoidable.

“I don’t think that you will respond, but you may be able to save your life if you surrender.”

This wasn’t Baek Jongmyung’s own thought but what Prince Elsid had said to him. Lairon supported the nobles faction, but this relationship would collapse if Duke Cornwall failed. However, the situation would change if a crusader were killed. The Lairon Kingdom might use his death as a pretext to fight the winner of the civil war. If possible, Prince Elsid wanted to win with the best scenario.

“-Hah,” a sound emerged from Ruben’s mouth. “Ha, haha.” It wasn’t a moan. It wasn’t even the sound of a human who had difficulty breathing through his right lung. “Hahahahaha!” It was a burst of laughter. Ruben laughed like he was crazy. As such, it wasn’t unreasonable for Baek Jongmyung to get an ominous feeling and step back. This was because the madness didn’t seem like the bluff of a seriously injured person. Ruben shouted with a distorted face like a laughing demon, “The battle is over? Surrender? Heretic! The barbarians seem to have a talent for joking!”

Once again, the golden energy emerged. It was a force which never compromised in its strength, as a vast halo of divine power wrapped around Ruben.

‘Dangerous.’ Baek Jongmyung gulped. He didn’t know why, but Ruben seemed fine. There were no signs that showed Ruben had consumed a lot of his stamina. In fact, he seemed even more formidable than before.

“I am Ruben, who has received Lairon’s grace! A mere savage like you… You think you can beat me?”

Ruben became a mass of light and raised his sword, causing the long blade to turn into a 10-meter-long pillar of light. The crusader was overtaken by fanaticism.

“I won’t leave a single piece of flesh remaining on your blasphemous body!”

* * *

Duke Cornwall declared with a satisfied face, “Victory.” It wasn’t baseless confidence. The crusader was indeed overwhelming the Eastern sword master. It wasn’t unusual to feel worried at the sight of Ruben’s blood spurting out. However, the duke had been made aware of the crusader’s strength a few days ago. Despite his injury, Ruben continued to attack.

“It seems it is true that Lairon’s crusaders won’t die unless their heads are destroyed.” Unlike magic which changed a human body structurally, divine power greatly amplified the body’s inherent vitality. Ordinary people would die from a few cuts from a sword, but the owner of divine power was like a half-immortal. Unless they were killed at once, the battle duration would be forcefully dragged out, especially when they were at the master level. If Baek Jongmyung had known this, he wouldn’t have chosen the attack he’d used. This was a disaster arising from his ignorance of the continent, as divine power and crusaders didn’t exist in the East. As a result, Baek Jongmyung had made a mistake which was difficult to turn around, and he was being pushed closer and closer to the edge. If this continued, he wouldn’t be able to last for even an hour more.

“The rest of his troops aren’t great… It seems like I can clean up with the prince today. This is a truly silly fight.” As he spoke, Duke Cornwall’s face was beaming with joy. This was a checkmate. If the forces who occupied the three estates continued to march, Marquis Fergana would block them. Then Meltor’s troops would lose their cause as soon as the prince was captured. Duke Cornwall had prepared anti-teleport artifacts in preparation for this. So, Prince Elsid wouldn’t be able to escape and would die. A smile of joy emerged on the duke’s face. ‘Today is the best day of my life. The wind is cool, the shadows are just right— Wait, shadows?’

Duke Cornwall thought up to here and looked up at the sky with bewilderment. When he thought about it again, the shadow shouldn’t be there. Due to the construction work, there were no trees around and the sky had no clouds. Considering that it was just after noon, the sun shouldn’t have declined yet. If so, where did this shadow come from? The duke and the other nobles looked around curiously. However, they immediately regretted it at the next moment. ‘Ah, I shouldn’t have have looked back,’ they thought.

“G-Giant…?” Someone’s voice emerged. However, Duke Cornwall didn’t blame them. That reaction was natural, as before their eyes, there was an earth giant that was more than 50 meters tall. It was a situation which would freak anyone out. The whole army started to murmur at the appearance of the earth giant.

“C-Captain, how do we deal with that?”
“Should we shoot it with archers?”
“Stupid! What if that makes the giant attack us? Don’t move until you receive a command!”
“B-But we can’t do nothing…”

It was a mistake not to address the situation immediately. The airtight defense line became a mess, and the soldiers left their spots, causing the perfect formation to collapse. In the distant sky, a crow was watching the army which had become a mess. Naturally, the crow was Liliana’s familiar, Hugin.

“Okay, the first stage worked better than I thought.”

The giant was an improved version of the Earth Worm that she had made a long time ago while traveling with Sylvia. At that time, Liliana had gotten a headache from the attempt, but she was different now. Mitra’s growth to a top-grade elemental also helped with that. Now, she was able to control even a huge giant over 50 meters tall. The moving dirt which weighed thousands of tons was a mass weapon in itself.

“Well, I don’t plan to attack with this guy.”

Liliana closed her eyes. She didn’t want Mitra to be covered in human blood, so she came up with a more effective method. ‘Mitra, can you hear me?’

As soon as she called, she heard a little voice respond, [Yes! Lili’s words clear!]

‘Yes, well done. Then shall we go to the next step?’

Since the flowering of the bud, Mitra developed another power. It was proof that she had thrown off the divinity of earth and was acquiring a new divinity, just like Paracelsus had said. Then Liliana ordered the use of the ‘technology’ that she had talked about with Mitra previously.

‘Let’s go, Mitra! Sow the seeds!’


This was the moment when Mitra gave up on the earth giant. Hwaaaaack! The earth giant collapsed, scattering hundreds of thousands of seeds in every direction.

“W-What are these grains?”
“Captain! It is impossible to avoid!”
“They don’t seem toxic…”
“Maintain your positions! Those who move will be punished!”

The soldiers were bewildered, while the knights swung their swords at the seeds several times before giving up. The curious magicians were busy analyzing the seeds. The commander’s voice echoed as he tried to control the camp, but it was clear that it was already too late. Something happened as the seeds hit the ground.

Kukukung… kukung… kukukukung…

First, there was an unknown vibration. The soldiers heard the noise coming from the ground and looked at each other with uneasy expressions. The commanders were also struggling because they didn’t know what was going on. The vibrations covered a range which couldn’t be avoided just by moving.

Before the leaders of the troops could understand the situation, the event started. Kukukung! Beautiful trees began to grow. Roots sprouted from the tiny seeds, and the trees grew to a size which could be seen in a jungle. That wasn’t all. Zelkova trees, oaks, camellias, willows, ginkgo trees… A huge number of trees grew from the ground, with no difference between softwood and hardwood trees.

One tree, ten trees, one hundred trees… The plains where Duke Cornwall’s army was camped became covered with thousands of trees. The trees grew among the adult humans, breaking their bones. Some people got caught in the branches and were sent soaring into the sky, while other soldiers struggled against the mysterious phenomenon… The area had turned into a terrible mess.

Liliana watched the situation quietly and said with a smile, “Ah, Mitra. I’m sorry, but I have to make another request.”

[Hooing!] The seeds flew in the wind. Those seeds, blown along by the wind, soon reached their destination. It was the midway point in the battle between Baek Jongmyung and Ruben.

Kukukung. Kukukung!

“No!? What is this?”

The trees grew as if to separate the two people. Ruben brandished his sword and cut down several trees, but there was no end to the growing trees. Unlike Ruben who had missed a favourable situation, Baek Jongmyung realized that this was an opportunity for him. He didn’t cut down the trees like Ruben was doing. Instead, he quickly retreated toward the estate. It was imperative that he get away.

“This guy! You don’t know honour! Come back!”

Liliana watched the situation and couldn’t help laughing. She didn’t know that a crusader could behave so unsightly. This was proof that Lairon had rotted long ago, just like Marquis Piris had said. However, Liliana’s laughing expression soon hardened. She had achieved everything she intended, but then she sensed something.

‘This presence… a sword master! Who is it?’ Liliana sensed the presence and prepared for battle. She was several times stronger than when she’d fought against Hyde, but she couldn’t help worrying when she had to fight another master. Moreover, the person was approaching her at a fearsome speed. This person wouldn’t be an easily dismissed opponent.

‘This is a very annoying situation.’

This area had anti-teleport artifacts in place, so space transfers weren’t allowed. In order to escape from this area, she would have to use lightning which burdened her body. While staring at the approaching sword master, Liliana decided to leave escaping as a last resort. Soon, an uninvited guest in body armor dropped down before her.


The guest wore heavy armor, and the speed at which he dropped down was no greater than that of a flying arrow. It was proof that he had complete control over his own center of gravity and inertia. He was entirely covered in armor and seemed to have no intention of revealing his identity.

Liliana rotated her seven circles and muttered, “…Andras’ sword master… Is he one of the empire’s Seven Swords?”

Chapter 221 – All-out War (5)

The empire’s Seven Swords were the only sword masters who would emerge at this stage. The swords which represented the empire, Andras’ Seven Swords… Hyde and Lloyd had died, so two seats were empty. However, considering the size of the empire, they could easily fill those seats. Additionally, there were five sword masters remaining, so it wouldn’t be difficult for them to infiltrate the troops.

Liliana was taut with tension as she thought about it. ‘Let’s say the person is one of the empire’s Seven Swords. Then… which one is she?’

It might seem like a trivial question, but it was the most serious problem. According to magicians, the Seven Swords possessed power equivalent to their number. The 7th Sword Lloyd and the 6th Sword Hyde were considered the weakest among them if there were no errors in the order.

Liliana decided to start a process of elimination.

‘It isn’t the 4th place.’

Pan Helliones was so impressive that Liliana couldn’t forget it. However, even compared to Pan Helliones, the 1st and 2nd Swords were much greater. In that case, this sword master could be anyone except for number 4, 6, and 7.

Liliana recalled Veronica’s words about them, –Ah, Lili. It doesn’t matter if it is No. 1 or No. 2. The two of them might be the strongest in Andras, but they shouldn’t affect you.

Liliana had questioned her, ‘Why?’

–Both of them don’t move outside Belfort, the capital of Andras. Even in the last war, they never crossed the borders unless the emperor ordered them.

‘If it happened in the past, they could act now…’

–No way. Well, if it does happen, you will be in big trouble. You won’t be able to survive an encounter with them.

Veronica’s advice was ruthless and decisive.

‘It was cold, but she makes a lot of sense.’

She would definitely die against an opponent who was on Veronica's or Blundell’s level. Liliana had only just awakened her Sorcery, so she wasn’t on a level to face them. They were monsters when it came to fighting. As such, the peak swordsmen of Andras were too powerful for the present Liliana to face.

Then this meant the only ones remaining were No. 3 and No. 5.

Either way, Liliana’s artificially raised senses could catch even a grain of dust. She would attack if the sword master took one step further. A strong power rattled around the body of the determined Liliana.

As her string of tension was pulled tightly, the unidentified sword master made an unexpected action.


The sword master placed her hands at the swords hanging from her waist.


Then she didn’t hesitate to release the swords. The two swords fell to the ground, producing a heavy metal sound. Her intent was unknown, but she had disarmed herself.

Even if she was a sword master, picking up dropped swords involved unnecessary movements. A magician with exceptional mobility like Liliana would be able to attack the sword master a few times before the swords would be picked up.

Liliana’s expression became one of dumbfoundedness. ‘Is this a trick?’

Her opponent’s strange actions didn’t end here. The knight in black armor raised a hand to the faceguard wrapped around her face. Liliana didn’t feel any hostility, so she watched while maintaining a certain distance.


Finally, the faceguard was peeled away.

“Ah!” Liliana let out a cry of amazement when she saw the face of the sword master. The sword master had a patchy beard but her face was familiar.


“It has been a while, Miss.” Randolph shrugged with a familiar smile. “There are many things I want to share, but I can’t afford to. Still, there is some time to explain. How about it?”

“…Please be as detailed as possible.” Liliana didn’t doubt Randolph and lessened her magic power. Her extremely sensitive senses were telling her that Randolph was innocent. They had traveled together for a long time, so she could tell when Randolph was lying.

“Okay, where should I start…?” Randolph sat down at a nearby tree and frowned while picking up her words. Then she sighed and started talking, “I will start from when I separated from you in the wilderness.”

Shortly after separating from Liliana in the Sipoto wilderness, Randolph had crossed Andras’ border. The level of the empire’s guards wasn’t low, but mere soldiers couldn’t detect a sword master’s stealth.

As such, she had successfully passed into Andras and arrived at the capital, Belfort, where she had encountered an obstacle—the empire’s 4th Sword, Pan Helliones.

“I was supposed to secretly sneak my sister out… but she is extremely sensitive. As her disciple, Rebecca was always near her, and it seemed impossible to bring her out without a fight.”

Randolph had been forced to choose. Should she cause friction and try to pull her sister out, or wait for a chance to appear in the long term? She had secretly hidden on the roof of the knights’ area and found a reason to make her decision.

“I saw the empire’s 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem.” Randolph’s voice trembled involuntarily. She had only seen Zest from a distance. However, before Randolph had even been able to blink, Zest’s sword had already arrived at her throat.

If Rebecca hadn’t been there to prove her identity, Randolph would’ve died right there. There was a huge difference between their skills. They were in a metropolitan area, but she would’ve died no matter what she did.

“So, I decided to wait. I became Andras’ knight and waited for an opportunity to escape with Rebecca. That was the only option I could make in that situation.”

“…You have gone through a lot of trouble.”

“Well, I didn’t know that chance would come so soon!”

Hearing the depressed voice suddenly become cheerful, Liliana was confused. “Huh? Opportunity?”

“I met you again! I wanted to, but I really didn’t know we could meet,” Randolph said. Then before Liliana could reply, Randolph continued speaking, “Listen to me, I’m not the only one sent here from Andras. I am accompanied by Pan Helliones, who is trying to test my loyalty, and Rebecca is accompanying her.”

“Are you serious? Is it because she is her disciple?”

“I guess so. I can’t do this alone. But the story is different if both of us work together.”

The command from the Andras Empire was simple: intervene in the Soldun civil war to prevent Meltor from taking advantage, and don’t allow them to take any further action. Randolph’s persistently passive attitude was also due to this order.

However, what if there was a variable which could force Pan Helliones to move? A crusader and Randolph should be sufficient, but what if the situation turned disadvantageous?

‘Pan will have to get off that heavy butt of hers.’

The emperor’s orders were the highest priority, so Pan Helliones would place intervening in Soldun’s civil war above watching Rebecca. Meanwhile, Randolph could use that chance to free her sister from the empire.

Liliana looked at the premise of the operation and nodded. “It is possible. Do you have any means of communication?”

“No, that…”

“Take it.” Liliana threw over to Randolph an earring which was attached with communication magic. “You can just hold it in your palm without wearing it.”

“Oh, is that so? I will use it well.”

“Let’s talk longer next time.”

Randolph said goodbye before putting on her faceguard again. She picked up her swords and looked exactly like a knight once more. Then Randolph ran in the opposite direction. The black armor receded in an instant, and Liliana sighed.

The serious situation had happened so fast that her breath was taken away.

“Ah, my body is very exhausted.”

However, this wasn’t the end. Liliana now had to enter Atron estate and convey word to the prince. She sighed heavily and flew toward the estate. It was a complex and tiring day.

“Ohh, Lady Lili! No, now it is Lady Liliana!”

“Are those trees from you? Thank you in the name of the king.”

Liliana arrived at Atron Manor and received great hospitality from Baek Jongmyung and Prince Elsid. It wasn’t surprising since they had been contacted by Marquis Piris in advance. It seemed like they had more questions about the suddenly rising trees, rather than Liliana’s appearance.

In particular, Prince Elsid’s attitude was very different from before. Was it because Liliana’s identity was clear? Liliana was now approached with a friendly attitude, different from when she had been an uninvited guest.

“Lady Liliana, I would like to say one thing if it isn’t impolite.”


“There are a lot of strategies that can be developed when looking at the forest that you created. What is the limit of that power?”

“It is difficult to say in detail but…” Liliana said and then worried for a second before replying with a half-truth, “Except for the trees that fit the ecosystem of the land, everything else will soon wither away. My elemental has also consumed too much power today, so I can’t use the same method for a while.”

It wasn’t a lie. Mitra had a limit in controlling the power of life, no matter her divinity. The forest, which was growing at present, was just a temporary measure and probably wouldn’t last for more than afew days. Additionally, Mitra had fallen asleep, and Liliana’s magic power was quite exhausted. It was too risky to use it again when she had to engage with the empire’s Seven Swords.

Elsid made a regretful expression when he heard the decisive answer. “Umm, it is too bad.”

“I’m sorry that I can’t meet your expectations, Your Majesty. Then what about your wound, Marquis Baek?”

Baek Jongmyung looked at his bandaged left arm with a grim expression and sighed. “It… Isn’t it obvious without needing to speak?”

“I understand.” Liliana understood the meaning from Baek Jongmyung’s heavy tone and entered the manor. It was difficult to speak about it in front of the troops. A sword master was a force that could control the morale of the entire army. If such a person were known to be seriously injured, morale would fall instantly.

Unsurprisingly, the wound underneath Baek Jongmyung’s bandage was terrible.

“…This is serious.”

The left arm had broken bones as well as torn ligaments and muscles, while the nervous system was just on the verge of necrosis. It was a wound that seemed to have been caused by the hammer of an ogre, rather than a human swordsman. Proper treatment from a magician would take more than a month, and there would still be aftereffects.

He wasn’t in a state where he couldn’t fight, but he wouldn’t be able to last 10 minutes against Ruben with this body. Liliana’s expression hardened at the sight. Meanwhile, Baek Jongmyung sighed. “This is my fault, Your Highness. I knew my opponent was an expert in the sword but…”

“Don’t blame yourself, Marquis. It was my decision that sent you there, so I must bear the burden.”

“Your Highness…!”

The two people were being melodramatic, but Liliana didn’t like this atmosphere and looked at the palm of her left hand. She saw that the two people weren’t paying attention to her, so she took something out.


[+16 New Advanced Recovery Potion (Medicine)]
[-This is a new potion made by the hands of the alchemist, Paracelsus. It is possible to rejoin cut areas or revive a nervous system which experienced necrosis. It will restore all injuries, except for brain damage and central nervous system defects. Currently, there is no way to produce it.

The rating of this potion is ‘Treasure’.
When consumed, the body will greatly recover from any damage.
When applied, the damage at that site will heal rapidly.
In order to create this potion, the ‘Alchemy (Best)’ skill and ‘Paracelsus’ Research Laboratory’ is needed.]
This was a potion Paracelsus had made. It had been common in the Age of Mythology, but it was impossible to determine its value in this age. The potion was rated Treasure and could be compared to an elixir.

Nevertheless, Liliana handed the potion to Baek Jongmyung without any hesitation and said, “Drink half and sprinkle the other half on your wounds. It will be effective in a minute.”

“…This is clearly not an ordinary potion!” As a sword master, Baek Jongmyung could tell the value of the liquid that Liliana handed him and wondered if he could drink this. However, Liliana had more in her inventory, so she just waved her hands like it was nothing.

Right now, a sword master was more important than a potion.

“You can pay me back later. Right now, Lord Baek’s power is needed.”

“Well, it will be awkward to keep refusing. I will receive Lady Liliana’s grace.”

Baek Jongmyung bowed his head and healed his left arm, while Prince Elsid and Liliana continued talking about the battlefield. Before leaving Piris, Liliana had heard about how Orta would move in the future. Liliana’s purpose was to pass this information to the Atron Estate and protect Prince Elsid.

Liliana delivered Orta’s words, “The White Tower Master is planning to start at the three captured estates and will move to deal massive damage to Duke Cornwall’s forces. Atron simply needs to hold out until then.”

“Will the duke’s forces before us really retreat?” Elsid was skeptical. He knew his value. As the King in a chess game, the civil war would be over if the prince was caught. So, the duke would try to catch him here, even if his forces took a lot of damage. Otherwise, there was no reason for him to have dragged a large army to Atron in the first place.

Liliana would’ve made the same judgment, but this time was different.

“The troops will definitely retreat.”

“I’m curious. How are you so sure?”

“Wait a few more days. In any case, the duke’s troops won’t be able to approach until the trees disappear.”

Liliana could understand Elsid’s doubts, but she could answer with conviction because she realized something. After awakening her ‘Sorcery,’ Liliana realized that less than half of the competency of White Tower Master Orta, the leader of the white tower, had been revealed.

Liliana’s prediction came true after seven days. Duke Cornwall’s forces were able to approach the estate when the forest disappeared. However, they retreated suddenly. Atron sighed with relief, but it was a huge loss for Duke Cornwall. The loss of troops was small, but there was an enormous cost associated with moving such a big army.

This battle shifted from checkmate to an ordinary check.

It took exactly six days. In that time, eleven estates, which were around the three estates on the border area, fell. Orta and the magic troops dug precisely at the estates’ vulnerabilities and killed the knights at each estate.

Using his excellent mobility, Orta attacked the next goal before they could receive news of the attack. Then he left troops at the rear to build up defenses and kept advancing while repeating this.

It was Orta’s unique military style.

In the end, the duke was furious and forced to retreat to Marquis Fergan’s estate. From the position of the nobles, there were two mice, and one of them was stealing from their rice bowl.

Following this, both camps were quiet. The first full-scale battle of Soldun’s civil war entered a short lull after a few surprises from the royal faction.

Chapter 222 – Babarino Plains (1)

The nobles who hurried away from the Atron Estate managed to recapture six out of the eleven occupied estates. That was possible due to their 30,000 troops. There were also the elite knights and magicians of each estate. It wasn’t at a level where their enemies could endure for long. After all, it was only because the elite troops had been missing that 11 estates had managed to be taken, so it meant that the royal faction’s strength wasn’t overwhelming.

However, Duke Cornwall soon ran into a problem.

“No… Those bastards took all the supplies?”

This was an act from Meltor’s tactics manual, but it was a culture shock for the nobles who were experiencing it for the first time. It was due to the dimensional pockets! The war mages who entered the battlefield kept their supplies in their dimensional pockets, and it was possible to use them differently according to the orders of the commander. Depending on the situation, there were cases when the pockets could be used for ‘plunder.’

Orta had known it would be difficult to defend the estates from the nobles, so she chose to plunder rather than occupy. She took everything, including food from the warehouses, the military supplies, and the secret safes in the mansions. The lords of each estate screamed at the cruel act of their enemies, leaving no lumps of gold behind. Moreover, nobody was compensated for the damages due to the current situation. The nobles of the six estates would now be pushed to the corner of the political circles because of this sabotage.

Duke Cornwall knew this and cajoled them, “Don’t worry. I will make sure you receive no damages from this once I rise to the throne.”

“I-Is that right? We will only believe in My Lord.”

“You are really our only angel!”

These morons were destined to become consumables, but the duke had another problem. He needed to persuade Crusader Ruben, the madman of Lairon, who was furious after his duel with Baek Jongmyung was interrupted.

Ruben had missed a chance to decapitate a heretic. Therefore, he was furious and made the atmosphere uncomfortable in many ways. Ruben murmured to Duke Cornwall, “Duke, look. A fortnight has already passed since I missed the chance to kill him. Isn’t this an embarrassment to Lairon?”

“Hah, I’m also sorry about this.”

However, how could the duke have predicted this situation? All of a sudden, an earth giant had appeared and thousands of trees had grown out of nowhere. The forest which had been built in 10 minutes was gone in a few days, but the chance to capture the Atron Estate had already disappeared. The crusader called it a pagan tradition, but the truth was still unknown.

“But Crusader Ruben, think about it.”

“What do you mean?”

“This is a chance to elevate Lairon. Isn’t that estate a terrible stage to mete out justice?”

“Hrmm-?” A sound emerged from Ruben’s mouth.

Then Duke Cornwall continued, “There will soon be a massive battle. The center of the battlefield where people are paying attention, isn’t that the stage to show Lairon’s judgment?”

“It doesn’t sound quite right.” Ruben’s eyes shone viciously. “Duke, this is the last time. I will stand by your side and exercise the power of Lairon. But if I miss the infidel once again, I will have to tell the bad news to His Holiness.”

“…I will keep that in mind.”

“Then I’ll be going. Don’t disappoint me.” Ruben didn’t seek permission and exited one-sidedly.

The duke tried to look unconcerned, but he reached his limit when he couldn’t hear Ruben’s footsteps anymore. His stylish mustache shook, and a large number of blood vessels protruded on his flushed face. Unable to suppress his anger any longer, he kicked the table in front of him.

Crack! Kwatang!

A master’s senses were extremely keen. The duke knew this and barely swallowed the ridicule he was subjected to. He couldn’t stand it. Until now, he hadn’t had any thoughts in his mind about anything other than being king. Even if the other person was a crusader, did a future king have to behave like this?

Duke Cornwall kicked the table several times.

‘I hate fanatics! I wonder if I should even borrow their hands again!’

He held hands with Lairon for a sure victory, but he might die of irritation before even getting his crown. The most rigid country in the Central Continent was Lairon, so he could surely find a better ally if he turned his gaze a little bit. Yes, the Andras Empire could become a shield for him that Lairon couldn’t deal with.

Duke Cornwall could barely breathe. It was at this moment that…

Knock knock knock. There came knocking sounds.

Then the duke spoke with a half-irritated, half-fatigued expression, “What? Didn’t I say not to let anyone in?”

However, an answer wasn’t given from outside the door. Instead, the answer was the doorknob turning. Was it another crusader?

Duke Cornwall was at a loss for words when the door finally opened. The duke had no energy left to be angry and just watched. He met the eyes of a man who was over 2 meters tall.


“Nice to meet you, Duke Cornwall.” The man with the eyes of a tiger, Pan Helliones, looked down at the duke with an expressionless face. “I am the Great Andras’ 4th Sword, Pan Helliones. I will join your army in accordance with the emperor’s orders.”

“Ah, indeed! You are the ‘super heavy sword’…?”

“I have been called by that name. Correct.”

It was the empire’s 4th Sword, Pan Helliones! His name was well-known in the north and central parts of the continent. The bloodshed he had caused was enough to make a river, and he had once knocked down a cliff. The reputation of the 4th Sword was far superior to the top ranks, whose abilities were unknown. The fact that the duke could recognize his identity just from his appearance alone was proof of his fame.

“I will speak bluntly. Our empire has confirmed that Meltor has added two masters to the royal faction.”

“T-Two of them? Is this true?”

“Yes. However, you don’t have to worry. We will handle Meltor’s masters.”

The duke involuntarily squinted at the word ‘we.’ Indeed, there was a knight in full body armor with a fearsome momentum standing behind Pan Helliones. With this, the dominance of the nobles faction was more certain. It was because the nobles had two masters, the crusader and Marquis Fergana, while the royal faction only had one master. The marquis hadn’t been present last time, but he promised to fight in this battle. Then if they made a deal with Andras…? It would be more difficult for the crusader to act as he liked.

“It seems like this conversation will go for a bit longer, Sir Helliones.” Nevertheless, it was clear that the heavens were helping the nobles, and energy returned to Duke Cornwall’s face. Andras was a nation famous for war, but it was better than insane fanatics. The smile of Duke Leonardo Cornwall thickened.

* * *

At the time when duch*ess Cornwall was meeting with two sword masters, a strategic meeting was in full swing in the secret room of Marquis Reista’s estate, which was in the hands of the royal faction. Orta and the magic soldiers might’ve captured 11 estates, but only half of them were occupied by the royal faction. Duke Cornwall had the majority of troops, and even if they included the five newly acquired estates, the power of the royal faction was still weak.

The chances of victory had yet to tilt to one side. Lili had helped the balance with the potion she gave to Baek Jongmyung, but the royal faction was still standing at the edge of the cliff… Right now, the two factions were in the same situation. How should they move to win the war? The attendees were racking their brains while filled with such anxiety.

“The odds are lower if we enter a war of attrition.”

“I agree.”

Everyone nodded at the words. A war of attrition should only be chosen when both sides were on an equal footing. There was no reason to drag it out when the duke could overwhelm them with military power. It was even more so now that they had seen the fearsome mobility of Meltor’s troops. This was a situation where guerrilla strikes would be the best.

“Why don’t we try dispersing the troops for guerrilla warfare?”

“That won’t work. Meltor has a lot of experience, but magicians are originally people whose power is fully exerted on the plains. There is no way to fill up the gap if the duke pushes forward.”

Every person tried to persuade the others with their own logic and theory, but the other people weren’t easily persuaded. The place where the leader of the Soldun Kingdom and the Meltor Kingdom were meeting became very heated from the debate.

“The only way to break this situation is to act safely…”

“Even if it is possible to gamble…”

“We are chasing after two rabbits…”

A few hours passed by, but a decision still couldn’t be made. Their reactions were natural. It was good to take a risk in order to move forward, but neither was it wrong that they should move carefully. As long as they didn’t know the future, everyone wanted to take steps which they believed would be the best.

Unfortunately for them, Lili was there.

“-A decisive battle.”

The words popped out unintentionally. After Alfred’s experience had been engraved into her body, Lili’s intuition was several times sharper than before. She was perplexed by her lips parting, but she could immediately see why she had spoken.

“Perhaps Duke Cornwall will try a decisive battle,” Lili said with confidence and looked at the other men who were surprised by her remark.

However, the silence didn’t last long and someone objected, “But Miss Lili, why would he try a decisive battle while knowing that Meltor is on our side? I don’t think the sneaky duke will do something so disadvantageous.”

“That is certainly true.”

However, Lili shook her head. “Still, there is the master level magician called Marquis Fergana on the other side. Moreover, considering the anti-teleport devices… there is a strong possibility that he will have defense artifacts.”

“Ummm…” “That is certainly true, but…” This wasn’t enough. They still weren’t convinced, so Lili rolled her head a bit more. Her brain was several times quicker than usual and soon came up with an answer. “We shouldn’t forget the crusader either. The duke will push forward as long as Lairon is behind him.”

The White Tower Master had spread spies throughout the recaptured estates, and they supplied information to the royal faction. One of the benefits of the estates returning to the nobles was that the amount of information increased.

“I heard that the priests of the Sacred Order have magic powers. If they help the duke, magic will no longer be an absolute advantage for us.”

The other members belatedly had a fire lit under them.

“Will they smuggle the priests in…? That power?” “Cornwall, that traitor really is no good!” “If Miss Lili’s words are true, a decisive battle can’t be avoided!”

The duke hadn’t made a big move so far because he lacked measures to deal with the war mages on the plains. Clearly, information about the power of war mages who burned hundreds and thousands of people was famous enough to even cross the border between continents.

However, what if the duke obtained a means to counteract this destructive power? There was no reason for the duke to hesitate since he had 50,000 troops, much more than Prince Elsid’s 30,000 troops. The leaders instantly agreed and laid out a map. There was only one place where Prince Elsid and the duke could have a decisive battle. Someone pointed to it with their finger and shouted, “Babarino Plains!” It was a land that was the largest area in the Soldun Kingdom, but it was left untouched due to its desolate soil.

Since crops almost never grew, there were no lord or residents living there. There were no underground resources either, so the barren land had no value. This wasteland was the only place where 80,000 people could collide.

“Attendant! Go and bring me a topographic map of the Babarino Plains!” “Call the geographers—no, the meteorologists! Figure out the weather of this fickle land!”

Lili wasn’t interested in the rest of the conversation, so she took a few steps back. Alfred’s fragment had been handed over to a magician, but that didn’t mean Lili was good at developing strategies. She had used her intuition to find loopholes, and now she would leave the rest to experts.

‘Well, there is also the White Tower Master.’

Orta had a long career as a commander and practical experience, so she would be able to lead the meeting proficiently. Lili thought so and turned her gaze. Shortly after that, she met Orta’s eyes.

“……” “……”

There was an awkward silence for a moment. Orta spoke with magic so that no one else could hear. [As mentioned earlier, I will leave the work related to Andras to you. But is that person called Randolph reliable?]

[Yes, I guarantee it with my name.] [If so, I will trust you. However, don’t forget to report back.] [I understand,] Lili replied to Orta in a concise way and moved out of the room to an uninhabited place. Then she pulled out a small bead. Looking closely, it was the earring which paired with the one she had given Randolph.

Lili infused it with magic, and the earring started to flash. It was proof that the communication magic on the earrings was working properly. ‘Randolph, do you hear me?’ Once an answer returned after several trial and errors, a grin emerged on Lili’s face. It was finally time to hunt the bear.

Chapter 223 – Babarino Plains (2)

The Babarino Plains was one of the most spacious areas in the Soldun Kingdom as well as a useless wasteland covered with weeds. The Soldun Kingdom was famous for their lack of farmland, so they had tried to cleanse the barren land for centuries. However, there were no visible results yet. Apart from a few small hills, there was no curvature in the topography. The Babarino Plains was such a place.

However, today, there was a new record for the land. It was because there were more people entering the plains today than there had been in the past hundreds of years. There were soldiers armed from head to toe with steel and leather, while flags flapped in the faint breeze. The procession of the royal army and the nobles' army, which numbered 80,000 people in total, stretched out under the horizon. The crown prince’s army, which left Marquis Reista’s estate, was on the right side, while Duke Cornwall and Marquis Fergana were on the left side. They were several kilometers apart, and the commanders looked at the formation of the other side.

“That old raccoon, he seems to have decided. He didn’t leave anything behind and will end it all here.”

“It seems he has emptied out everything.”

“That formation is… ‘Sword and Buckler.’ It is obvious he intends to push us step by step.”

‘Sword and Buckler’ was originally an expression referring to a weapon which was a combination of the sword and the shield. However, its meaning was slightly different as a combat formation. It was a tactic of separating two units from each other, one to stop the enemy’s vanguard and the other to pierce through the enemies who lost their momentum. This was a classic but infrequently used method. However, Duke Cornwall pulled it out to use without hesitation. There was no need to explain his intentions. ‘Sword and Shield’ was a tactic which had been used since ancient times on the premise of getting rid of the inefficient troops to stop the enemy’s vanguard.

Prince Elsid muttered with a frown, “A formation based on losing a significant number of troops… He really is only thinking about victory, that duke. He is already beyond obsession.”

A strategist could understand casting stones for victory. Dropping two stones in order to get three was a natural act for them. However, it was an unacceptable attitude as a ruler. The duke wasn’t planning to win efficiently. Instead, he wanted to throw away his followers?

“This is why we can’t lose this fight. Everyone, follow me until the end.”

Upon hearing Prince Elsid’s determined voice, Marquis Piris and the other subordinates in the area prostrated themselves on the ground.

“Your words are right, Your Highness!”

“We need to win for the people!”

“Until the end, Your Highness is Soldun’s king!”

Everyone here knew they were in a disadvantageous position. Even so, they didn’t hesitate to kneel. This was because they felt a sense of crisis and discomfort from Duke Cornwall. This unbearable person absolutely shouldn’t be king! Each of them gathered under Elsid because they had similar thoughts. Duke Cornwall… If he were a better person, then today’s situation might be drastically different. Elsid was greatly happy with their replies and raised his right hand. However, it wasn’t just to secure visibility that he was on the hills.

“Good! Then we will surely get rid of those insurgents!”

It was because the people believed him. Setting aside strength and weakness, justice ought to win. After all this time, the people realized the ‘ruthless reality’, but embers of hope still burned within them. If a god really was watching them from the sky like the fanatics claimed, then Elsid couldn’t turn away from them.

“First Corps, raise the flag and march!” A loud voice echoed, and a rider moved. Then a sudden earthquake hit the Babarino Plains as the soldiers saw the red flag fluttering and moved as well.

Kung! Kung! Kung! Kung!

They pounded the ground with their spears and crushed the reeds. Power seemed to overflow on the plains every time they took a step. This was an army, and this was war. As the saying went, the roar of tens of thousands of soldiers could overtake the sound of thunder. Perhaps due to the topography, it felt like even the thick clouds on the horizon were pushed back.

“From now on, we will quell the rebels!”

It was the beginning of the decisive battle, which would later be called the ‘Babarino Plains Great War’ or ‘Elsid’s Civil War.’

* * *

However, unlike the grand declarations, the battlefield didn’t move. The army was just stepping forward before retreating again. Just like the calm before a storm, a silence fell on the plains where 80,000 people stood. Much like how a swan floating on the surface seemed calm, the unseen area was actually turbulent.

“Second Corps, retreat quickly to the left slope!”

“The military forces of Duke Cornwall’s group are approaching! Right?!”

“No, not yet! Fourth and Fifth Corps, keep advancing! Don’t show a gap until the enemy rearguard is revealed!”

The strength of the individual was most important when engaging with a few elite troops, but it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the strategist or leader determined victory when it was a large army of thousands. Elsid and his commanders were doing their best to try and open a gap in the duke’s army. The problem was that the difficulty was ridiculously high.

“Damn, the difference in troops is so absolute…!”

50,000 and 30,000… This numerical gap was huge. The duke was prepared to abandon 20,000 people. If they attacked carelessly, Prince Elsid’s army would suffer damage which would be difficult to recover from. They couldn’t step forward or retreat. The difference in options changed the movements of the two groups, as Duke Cornwall’s army gradually started to move forward. If the commanders of both sides were capable, the side with the superior numbers would have the advantage. This meant the disadvantage on Elsid’s side would increase over time. He despaired as this disadvantage was increased by the topography.

‘Is this my limit?’

A one-second delay would kill 10 people. Elsid knew this fact and made a decision quickly. Then with a heavy expression, he turned to the rider next to him and said, “Raise Meltor’s flags! Prepare for a barrage!”

This was the only card which could change the flow. The firepower of Meltor’s elites was a ‘shield’ which could sweep away the entire army before them. Elsid had wanted to annihilate the rearguards as much as possible, but he couldn’t afford to wait any longer.…

Flap. The four-color flag of Meltor blew in the wind.

Orta saw the signal and nodded. The Crown Prince’s response was perfect. If the other side made a mistake, he would be able to dig into that gap. However, the duke was pressing too hard, and it would be impossible to change the flow.

“Concentrate your magic power. Prepare for a barrage.”

The 64 war mages responded, then…


Magic power gathered, and the clouds overhead scattered. If enough 5th Circle magicians combined their strength, it would be enough firepower to reach the level of a master.

The magic circle laid out under the feet of the 64 war mages glowed, and the magic power distorting the atmosphere coalesced. The terrifying magic which had yet to dissolve started to melt the land.

“Manifestation.” Simultaneously, ‘Cobalt Sun,’ the tactical magic developed by the red tower, appeared in the sky. This was the cleansing fire magic which 64 war mages completed! Despite the fact that the heat was quite a distance away, the soldiers on the Babarino Plains looked up at the turquoise sun rising in the sky.

The moment the magic power reached its peak, Orta declared, “Fall.”

Shortly after that, the Cobalt Sun fell. Naturally, it fell toward the heads of Duke Cornwall’s 10,000 soldiers. Just looking at the magic power, it was at the same level of the 7th Circle ‘Inferno’ magic. If it exploded at the center of the troops, at least 3,000~4,000 people would turn to charcoal.

It was at this moment that… ♪ ♩ ♬ ♬ ♩ · · ·! ♩ ♬ ♬ ♪ ♪–! The magnificent sound of music emerged from somewhere.

“This?” Orta knew what the music was, and his expression stiffened.

The music was the Sacred Order’s Hymn. Unlike the magicians who pursued different paths, ‘teamwork’ was required for the priests of the Sacred Order. It was possible for them to generate this power by harmonizing when singing the same song.

The power was huge, and it came from ‘religion,’ not rationality.

“Divine Protect…!” Unsurprisingly, a golden shield appeared over Duke Cornwall’s group. It was a shield made by divine power which had the ability to negate magic. Unlike the Magic Society that tried to break all reason, divine power explored reason. Their logic was that everything was divine, and they just needed to worship and follow. That blind faith formed the shield.

“Annoying,” Orta murmured as the two powers collided.


This time, the clouds were torn. The Cobalt Sun’s path was interrupted, and it exploded as soon as it hit the golden shield. A storm of light barraged the soldiers’ ears and eyes. Shattered pieces of armor and weapons scattered everywhere, while soldiers became masses of charcoal. The divine shield couldn’t stop the Cobalt Sun perfectly.

However, this much couldn’t change the flow of the battlefield. It wasn’t a great amount of damage as it was just a few thousand people out of the duke’s 50,000 troops. Moreover, Elsid’s purpose of removing Duke Cornwall’s vanguard failed.

“…No, it isn’t completely pointless,” Elsid muttered as he looked down at the epicenter. The effect of the barrage wasn’t small. The shield might’ve blocked most of the damage, but the soldiers shrank back and the forward momentum was significantly reduced. Even if it didn’t reverse the situation, it bought them some time.

Then while Elsid and the commanders were trying to think of another way to break through…

Dozens of strands of lightning struck the sides of Elsid’s army.


Lightning magic truly contained a mighty destructive force. The armor that the soldiers wore was useless as the lightning bolts hit them.


“M-My eyes, what is this?”

“Kieeek, kuk… Kuock.”

It was a tremendous power. As a result, gazes naturally moved toward the source of the lightning. This was clearly the magic, Lightning Splash. Unlike Thunderbolt which focused on one point, this was a 6th Circle magic intended to spread out. It was a lightning spell famous for its difficulty to be controlled.

The magician who could use it would be truly powerful, and there was only one person on Duke Cornwall’s side who could use it.

“This is a silly fight.” Fergana touched his mustache with an uncomfortable feeling as he watched the soldiers in front of him. “If it wasn’t for my daughter, I would’ve stayed still until the end.”

As the two masters of the Soldun Kingdom, Earl Mersen and Marquis Fergana were loyal to it. So, if it wasn’t for a certain person, he wouldn’t be standing in the midst of this complicated situation. Even today, the old raccoon had mentioned his daughter while Fergana had been trying to enjoy his tea.

‘Damn you, old and greedy…’ Marquis Fergana made a tsk-ing sound before raising his magic power again. It couldn’t be helped. He needed to return home quickly.

He was the ‘Thunder Noble’ whom everyone was afraid of. The marquis used the lightning magic he had developed since young and had risen to prominence with. However, he had to cancel the magic he prepared.


A chill ran down Marquis Fergana’s spine as a flash of light shot past his head, destroying a few strands of his hair. If he had been a little slower in dodging, he would’ve died. He might have been born and raised in the Central Continent, but he knew about the founder of this magic.

It was the war hero Alfred Bellontes’ Magic Bullet!

“Who?” Marquis Fergana’s relaxed expression disappeared as he glared in front of him.

His intuition warned him that this attack was dangerous. No, the figure who sent the flash was dangerous. It had been a long time since he had entered a battle, but his intuition hadn’t disappeared.

“It is nice to meet you, Marquis Fergana.” Lili's red robe flapped as she flew forward without hesitation. The four-color pattern with the ‘4’ in the center of her robe was a symbol that only belonged to her.

It was her first time revealing her official position, so Lili confronted Marquis Fergana while filled with half nervousness, half excitement.

“As the captain of Meltor’s magic division, Quattro, I—Liliana Miller—will deal with you.”

“Liliana Miller? That name…” Marquis Fergana was puzzled for a moment before nodding. “Indeed, Meltor’s young hero. Ascending to this position before the age of 30… It is a scary achievement.”

“You’re overpraising me.”

“It isn’t a compliment. I hope you realize that all your possibilities will be crushed today.”

The conversation between the two magicians ended there. As soon as Fergana finished talking, he went into combat mode. Fergana’s opponent was a genius who had become a master at a young age, so he couldn’t spare any power. Marquis Fergana used his Sorcery without hesitation.

Pajijik! Paijijik!

Strands of lightning emerged. The blue lightning sprung up on the surface of his luxurious robe, starting with weak static before becoming a lightning storm. This wasn’t made from electric magic. Marquis Fergana’s magic power was being replaced by actual lightning.

Lili thought for a moment about the principles behind it but soon realized it was worthless. Sorcery was a result of magicians interpreting the world. No matter how much Lili thought about it, she wouldn’t be able to receive the same answer as Marquis Fergana had gotten. So, she stepped back instead of worrying about it. There was a swirl of lightning before her, so there was no reason to try a melee. The lightning was fast and powerful. In a magic battle, there were few attributes that exceeded lightning.

Then why…?

‘…Is it worth a try?’

All the forces inside Lili were saying that…

She could overpower that lightning bolt.

Chapter 224 – Babarino Plains (3)

After the many struggles she had gone through, Liliana was convinced that the sorceress before her, Marquis Fergana, didn’t feel as strong as her past opponents. However, the comparison wasn’t that good. Monsters at the apex of all species… They were from the Age of Mythology. Everybody would be ashamed when compared to the wicked dragon which dominated the seas.

‘Okay, let’s try it!’

Liliana didn’t hesitate and moved accordingly.


Her seven circles rotated and pushed toward Marquis Fergana. In a magic battle, it was a basic principle to control the mana in the area. However, Liliana felt a strange feeling as she did this.

She had fought many times with strong people, including sword masters, but this was her first time fighting with a traditional magician. The space started to distort at the midpoint between the two sorceresses.

The power of the 7th Circle magicians, both of whom could be described as ‘one-woman armies,’ collided together and created a storm that hit the soldiers several hundred meters away. The storm was inevitable.

One person called out a lightning bolt while the other produced a whirlwind. The battle between masters was enough to be called a natural disaster.

“Now then…” Soon after, Marquis Fergana stretched out her hands. “…Let’s start!”

Liliana responded by stretching out both palms.

Kwarururung… Kwakwakwang!

As a blue lightning bolt shot forward, a wall of red flames blocked it, and there was a magnificent explosion. That was ‘Thunderbolt’ from the marquis and ‘Flare Burst’ from Liliana. Both of them had shot 6th Circle attack magic at each other. The sky momentarily brightened, and a roar echoed throughout the Babarino Plains.

Shortly after that, both sorceresses were confused.

‘That punk, she responded to my strike?’ ‘What is that ridiculous casting speed?’

Liliana had confidence in her own casting speed as she had received special training from Sylvia and acquired affinities with the four elements. With a few exceptions, she could cast any 7th Circle magic as a weapon, but Marquis Fergana showed more than that.

Marquis Fergana had literally cast at lightning speed, and something went through Liliana’s mind as she thought this. ‘Like lightning…? Perhaps Marquis Fergana’s Sorcery…’

Unfortunately, there was no room for further thoughts.


Lightning bolts were poured out in succession and filled the air around Liliana. This time, the casting was so quick that Liliana couldn’t even see hand gestures or the mouth moving. Marquis Fergana was trying to win without allowing any counterattacks.

Liliana made a quick decision and devoted herself to avoiding the lightning. No matter how fast an attack was, she could easily avoid it. However, this was a first-time experience for Marquis Fergana. “How can she avoid lightning with a human body?”

Fergana’s magic was based on her special ‘Sorcery’, allowing her to have speed and power comparable to that of real lightning. It was immeasurably quick when compared to flying arrows, and it was powerful enough to melt well-refined metals.

She had tested her magic out previously, and Earl Mersen hadn’t even been able to defend. Yet the lightning she was so proud of couldn’t reach a girl who had just become a master? Marquis Fergana’s magic power became increasingly rough.

Without knowing the marquis’ inner thoughts, Liliana was internally admiring and trying to figure out the marquis’ Sorcery. The marquis had managed to avoid Magic Bullet, and she also had high-speed casting. Based on such clues, perhaps Marquis Fergana’s Sorcery was—

‘Is it a control ability related to the lightning attribute? Her reflexes are developed to a tremendous level… Maybe she can integrate with lightning like my [Forced Harmonization].’

If so, the opponent’s combat ability was amazing. Unlike Liliana, who had awoken her Sorcery recently, Marquis Fergana’s skill level was high and she wasn’t easily shaken either. Liliana didn’t know about Orta, but it would be extremely dangerous if Baek Jongmyung encountered the marquis.

‘I have to put her down here.’

Marquis Fergana was a strong enemy. Liliana knew this fact, but she was still convinced of her victory. If Fergana’s attacks were based on lightning, then there was a chance for Liliana.


Liliana stopped flying in the sky. Then Marquis Fergana finally found a gap in her prey and reflexively fired a lightning bolt. A blue lightning bolt emerged from her fingertip and crossed the space.


That didn’t mean she’d stopped thinking. Marquis Fergana kept thinking after firing the lightning bolt. Her instincts furiously warned her that Liliana wouldn’t fall prey to this type of attack.

Marquis Fergana’s intuition was proven right. She had fired Lightning Vortex. However...


It passed through Liliana’s body!

‘She got caught!’

Liliana didn’t miss the gap revealed by Marquis Fergana. It was a trap which was possible due to Liliana’s Sorcery. Liliana had temporarily turned into lightning due to Forced Harmonization, so electric magic had no effect on her.

Simultaneously, Liliana’s body shot straight forward as fast as lightning. Due to her tremendous acceleration, Liliana seemed to distort for a moment before arriving at her destination. One of her knees was pointed forward like a spear and struck Marquis Fergana’s abdomen.


Marquis Fergana coughed up blood. “Kuheook!”

The marquis had no time to defend herself. Her ribs broke and pierced her lungs. The shock from the attack spread, damaging her entire body. It was a destructive force which wasn’t instantly lethal!

Liliana co*cked her head as she heard a strange sound. Then she could see the cause of it.


Marquis Fergana had turned into lightning like Liliana and was running away. She wasn’t running in a straight line but in a zigzag pattern.

Despite being badly injured, Fergana’s movements were far beyond Liliana’s proficiency. If she pursued with the same type of lightning movement, she would be surrounded by Duke Cornwall’s troops.

Liliana sighed and shrugged. “…Well, haven’t I achieved my purpose?”

Even though Marquis Fergana had escaped, her injury was serious. She could be assured that the marquis couldn’t appear on the battlefield again in this civil war.

The marquis might not have died on the spot, but she had received a fatal injury which could hinder her ability to maintain her life as well as her magic circulation system. She wouldn’t be able to get out of bed for half a year unless she had a potion like Liliana. A sword master could borrow the strength of divine power, but that wasn’t applicable for a sorceress.

Just as divine power resisted magic, magic resisted divine power. Even a cardinal couldn’t do anything against the resistance of a master sorceress. Thus, Liliana had succeeded in her original purpose of getting rid of Marquis Fergana. She had done enough for one person and could stop here.

However, Liliana wasn’t satisfied yet. The Babarino Plains were still filled with the soldiers’ shouts and the sound of metal clashing, so it was too premature to decide that the royal faction had won.

‘No, not yet. The battlefield is still boiling, even if I have defeated Marquis Fergana. I need to drive a wedge in firmly.’

This was Alfred’s advice. It wasn’t yet time to withdraw, and this was a moment that could decide victory or defeat in the war. Liliana looked around. There was a sense of sharpness due to looking down at the entire Babarino Plains through the eyes of Hugin, whom Liliana had summoned beforehand.

–5 kilometers to the east, Viscount Carter is fighting the priests. –4 kilometers to the southwest, Teacher and 15 war mages are advancing. –7 kilometers to the northeast...

Liliana’s vision narrowed in on some unexpected movements. There were three people fighting, and one of them was a master who was really familiar to her.

‘That... Is it Master Baek and Tower Master? And the crusader.’

Mana was swirling, and the two people were attacking Ruben.

No matter how good Ruben’s recovery ability was, she would die before recovering if two masters attacked her properly. Unlike before, Baek Jongmyung was now thoroughly aiming for Ruben’s head. There was no attempt to act like he had done previously the last time.

The crusader was shouting about cowardice, but this was the right method to win on the battlefield. She was suffering from the pincer attack.

Liliana turned her gaze toward other areas. No, it was more correct to say that she tried to. She was thinking that the prince’s victory was clear when ‘it’ happened.


Somewhere, a volcano exploded. That was the only explanation for the deafening sound. The sky and the earth were torn apart, and the soldiers couldn’t even scream as dust covered the sky and the clouds turned red.

“That is…?”

A large amount of dust was riding in the northwest, opposite to the area where the three masters were confronting each other. Liliana might’ve thought a volcano really had exploded, but volcanic ash didn’t fill the air. In other words, this wasn’t a natural phenomenon.

This was a violence that damaged several hills and turned thousands of humans into a bloody mess. It meant there was a presence who could artificially exercise this power.

Gulp. Liliana instinctively had an ominous feeling and gulped. ‘The enemy…’

The duke might’ve received some hits, but it was nothing compared to the damage received by the prince’s side. There was only one candidate who could be strong enough on Duke Cornwall’s side and would appear as the prince’s enemy.

‘It is Pan Helliones!’

The empire’s 4th Sword, Helliones of the Super Heavy Sword… It wasn’t impossible for that monster to destroy a mountain with one blow. Normally, the reality didn’t match the rumors, but she seemed like a greater monster than described in the rumors.

Pan Helliones was obviously stronger than Baek Jongmyung or Randolph. A sword master who had been at the peak for 30 years, the sword of Andras, had joined the battlefield.

Liliana looked in that direction and continued to think. She had a plan to confront Pan with Randolph, depending on whether she could get Orta or Baek Jongmyung’s cooperation or whether she needed to take out the automaton.

However, before Liliana could make a decision, vibrations were transmitted from a communication tool. It was from her ally, Randolph Clovis.

[Lili, can you hear me?]

[… I hear you. What is the situation?]

The voice Liliana heard from the magic tool was very distressed. It meant Randolph was rattled and didn’t know how to move.

[Damn, I don’t know! Pan Helliones, that bastard just rushed into the middle of the battle! I don’t know where you are, but do you see that dust cloud?]

[Yes, is that on your side?]

[I’m not there yet, but I will arrive soon. It is already different from what we planned, so what should we do?]

The two people had planned to sneak up on Pan Helliones for a pincer attack. She didn’t know why Pan Helliones had changed her movements, but if they left that monster alone, the prince’s side would be destroyed without a trace.

The battlefield might be overturned with just two or three more attacks.

Liliana gritted her teeth and declared, […Let’s go.]

Anyway, Helliones was an opponent who needed to be defeated. So, Liliana and Randolph would also both attack as planned. When Randolph heard Liliana’s determination through the communication device, he responded in an excited voice, [It can’t be helped. In the end, it’s a frontal match? I’m trembling.]

[But she is still a better opponent than that monster from last time. Moreover, isn’t it two against one?]

[Haha! It is exactly as you said. Let’s stick together, Partner!]

Up to the present day, Liliana had gone through many crises. Therefore, she knew. There was no benefit in avoiding the fight here. The enemy she would have had to face one day had come to face her now. So, if she stepped back, she would be standing on the edge of a cliff.

Even so, victory wasn’t certain, so Liliana couldn’t help grumbling as she flew through the sky.

Pan Helliones, the worst hurdle on the battlefield, was waiting.

Chapter 225 – Great Battle (1)

Liliana didn’t move in another direction and continued to fly toward the center of the dust cloud. The closer she got, the denser the dust became, interfering with her vision. However, that discomfort only lasted for a short while before a path opened up.

It was because Aiolos, the divinity of the god of wind, unconsciously obeyed Liliana’s will. Lili realized it and used the power consciously. “Fly away!”

‘I know that,’ replied the wind. This was different from magic which artificially controlled the flow. It was like the world itself followed Lili's words as the wind turned naturally and the dust moved.

The crushed remains of humans were staining the ground. There were some soldiers who survived, but the majority were so injured they were on the verge of death. However, Liliana couldn’t pay attention to them.


On the surface where the dust cloud was coming from, one man was emitting a frightening presence. Liliana was still quite a distance away, but it was overwhelming.

The person held a greatsword which was as big as him, and he seemed like a magnificent mountain. A weak person’s heart might stop from just looking at him. Pan Helliones, the 4th Sword of the empire, was a man like that.


Lili's super sensitivity was telling her that this was an adversary who was on a different level. If she went ahead, she would be placing her life on the line. Goosebumps ran down Liliana's neck and spine, making her shudder from the cold. Was this the difference between them despite them both being masters? The intensity of the threat she felt from Pan Helliones was more than triple that of what she’d felt from Marquis Fergana.

This was Meltor’s true enemy, the power of the empire’s Seven Swords. Liliana shook off her instincts and stopped a few dozen meters from him. It would be difficult to respond to an attack if she got any closer. So, she chose a midpoint at a distance where she could respond to any situation.

“You’re late,” Pan Helliones greeted Liliana with a heavy voice. “If you didn’t come soon, I was going to swing my sword.”

There was no bluff in Helliones’ voice. His tone was blasé despite having caused this disaster. Helliones’ strength was enough to shake the ground. There were six or seven collapsed hills, and the number of soldiers blown away by the shockwave was estimated to be ~2,000–3,000. This destructive power was comparable to 7th Circle magic.

“…It is a big deal for you to wait when a promise to meet with you hadn’t been made,” Liliana responded calmly with a weak expression. She was nervous because she was overwhelmed by the ridiculous destructive power. It was only a guess that Pan Helliones couldn’t use this power as often as he wanted.

However, Pan Helliones’ reaction was completely unexpected. “No promise… Is that so?” He had a ridiculing smile on his face. Liliana had an uneasy feeling when she saw Pan Helliones’ expression and tried to calm down.

“Weren’t you the ones who invited me into this battle?”

Hearing Helliones’ unexpected words, Liliana’s expression froze. Pan Helliones was already aware of the existence of an accomplice.

“Crawl out here, Sir Clovis. You should’ve come out sooner if you were planning on the element of surprise. It is too late now.”

“…Tch, you noticed quickly.” Randolph had been caught and emerged belatedly. As always, he was wearing armor and held two swords. He appeared behind Helliones, who was confronting Liliana. It would’ve been better if they had a chance to choose a location which was more advantageous to them, but they couldn’t pass up this opportunity to kill him.

Pan Helliones was calm despite being in a deadly situation. “You had this thought out from the beginning, Sir Clovis.”

“Well, that’s right. I don’t know about the 2nd Sword, but it is different if the opponent is you.”

“Certainly, your Aura Ability is bad for me. I don’t know about one-on-one, but a fight against many opponents is hard for me,” Helliones coolly admitted his weakness and then pulled something out.

It was a silver key with dim magic power shining around it. The key was around the size of two or three adult fingers. It was a size which couldn’t be called small, but it looked small because it was in Pan Helliones’ hand.

“So, I prepared something in case this situation happened. Sir Clovis, take it.”

“What? …Ah.” Randolph caught the key that Pan Helliones threw at him. Liliana used Appraisal on it, but it was just a tool which didn’t have any special function other than to resolve certain bindings. Liliana thought up to here and was intuitively aware of the move Pan Helliones had prepared.

‘It can’t be?!’

As if to confirm Liliana’s speculation, Pan Helliones let out an eerie laugh. “Surely you didn’t think there would be nothing on Rebecca’s shackles? It will happen in one hour. No, perhaps 45 minutes from now. If you don’t release her from the restraints, there won’t be a single piece of her flesh left.”

“What?” Unlike the astonished Liliana, Randolph’s anger was quiet.

“…You dared do this, you damn bastard.” Randolph gritted his teeth hard enough to break both molars. “Setting aside this situation, she was your disciple. No, she is still your disciple. Yet you dare to do this to her?”

“It is better than being regarded as a traitor. Isn’t that right?” Pan Helliones’ relaxed stance didn’t shake, despite facing an enemy who wanted to peel off his skin. He shrugged and made Randolph choose between two brutal choices. “Now, what will you do? Time is still passing.”

Randolph gripped his swords as tightly as possible. He knew what the other person wanted, but if he left, Liliana would have to confront that monster one-on-one.

As mentioned before, it was different with the 2nd Sword. However, if he and Liliana fought together, Randolph was certain they would attain victory against Pan Helliones. If they scattered, the likelihood of defeat was much higher.

His family or ally… Randolph’s mind was frozen because he couldn’t make a choice. However, Liliana didn’t hesitate even in this situation. “Randolph, go and rescue your sister.”

“What?! But…!”

“You are just wasting time. I will try to do it alone somehow.” As she urged Randolph to go quickly, Liliana stepped forward. With the time limit, Randolph would be distracted and incapable of fighting with his true abilities.

Randolph also knew it, so he closed his eyes and turned his back on Liliana. “Kuk, I’m sorry! I’ll be back as soon as possible!” Randolph apologized before quickly disappearing, but Liliana didn’t expect his return to be timely. Pan Helliones wasn’t stupid enough to restrain Rebecca nearby. It would take at least 30 minutes, buying Pan Helliones time to fight with Liliana.

Liliana calmly assessed the situation and looked ahead again. The man was over two meters tall, and he was holding a greatsword as big as that. Helliones was obviously a knight who could destroy a rock with one blow.

No, it was obvious just by looking. There was a sense of weight to Pan Helliones’ presence.

‘By the way, that greatsword… Can he swing it properly?’

It was a greatsword was two meters long, and it was just a plain greatsword. There were no decorations on it, and its repulsive force was reinforced by the hilt. The average greatsword weighed around 2.5 kilograms, but this ridiculous size was out of the normal standards. Was it around 20 kilograms, no, 25 kilograms?

“It is exactly 34.2 kilograms,” Pan Helliones said. Aware of Liliana’s gaze, he explained coldly, “It is made by mixing meteorite and adamantium, and it’s 20 times heavier than a typical longsword. It is impossible to swing, even if a group of men is holding it.”

“So? Why are you kind enough to explain this?”

“It isn’t a big deal. It is uncommon for me to be confronted in this way. I just wanted to brag about my sword.”

Liliana looked at Pan Helliones with a dumbfounded expression, but she was actually measuring her opponent’s power. From the helmet to the armor, to the boots and sword, Liliana didn’t miss anything.

Liliana observed the greatsword as Pan Helliones held it in both hands. Then Lili realized, ‘That crude big sword is why he is called the Super Heavy Sword?’

Almost simultaneously…

“Then let’s begin,” Pan Helliones declared, lifting his greatsword.


At that moment, a tremendous trembling overwhelmed Liliana’s body.

It had been revealed that this greatsword weighed 34.2kg. The weapon which was closer to a siege weapon than a sword was lifted easily like it was a feather. There was an unnatural ‘lightness’ which seemed to escape from the confines of gravity.

‘Should I offset it now? No, it is a few beats late…!’

Liliana didn’t dare to even endure it. She rushed backward as her senses screamed at her. Then she reflexively activated Battle Song and Wind Blast to accelerate. Her vision turned red for a moment, but she could withstand the backlash.

Nevertheless, she didn’t feel relieved.

“Good senses.” Pan Helliones nodded with praise and raised his sword above him. A red blood-like aura blazed around it. The force of the power bent the space around it, causing spider web-like cracks to form on the ground.

Kukukung. There was an explosion that shook the earth.

The Super Heavy Sword, Pan Helliones…1st type, Earth Break.

It was like a meteor falling.

* * *

This was literally hell.


The ground at Liliana’s feet collapsed, and the air evaporated from the tremendous heat, turning the environment into a place where no one could live. It covered an area of around 100 meters or maybe more. The soldiers could barely see anything through the dust.


12 of the 13 shields Liliana had deployed hurriedly were broken, and the remaining one was tattered. Liliana threw away her torn robes and cursed loudly. If she had been too late to avoid it, or if she had been lacking one shield, it would’ve been her body, not her robe, which was ripped apart.

How could this destructive power come from one sword? However, it wasn’t in vain to watch it from a close range, as Liliana managed to figure out the reason why.

‘…Indeed, this is the ability to control weight!’

It was simple enough to know the secret to Pan Helliones’ terrible power.

Helliones had changed the weight close to zero until the sword was fully accelerated, then he gave it a tremendous weight when maximum speed was reached. That was the source of this nonsensical destructive power.

It was a blow which was several times faster than the speed of sound due to the extraordinary weight of the sword. Regardless of whether it was a hundred tons or a thousand tons, even an adult dragon would die instantly if they were hit by that terrible impact.

Above all, Pan Hellions had a power which was different to that of any other sword master Liliana had ever seen.

There was the owner of the ability to find the ‘path,’ Lloyd Pollan…

The assassin who had the ability of ‘concealment,’ Hyde…

The one who had awakened the power of ‘penetration,’ Baek Jongmyung…

And the one who had the ability of ‘speed,’ Randolph.

Pan Helliones’ ability was tremendously strong compared to those excellent powers. This was the first sword master Liliana had met who specialized in ‘destructive power.’

‘How do I deal with that monster?’

Liliana couldn’t help but gulp in front of such brute force.

That guy was waiting in the middle of the dust. With a range exceeding several hundred meters, Helliones’ attack was a blow which would kill Liliana as soon as it hit.

Chapter 14: Chapter 226-250

Chapter Text

Chapter 226 – Great Battle (2)

‘Even if I am a fellow master, I would be smashed by that blow.’ Liliana considered a few options she could use and excluded ‘Gladio.’ Gladio’s combat ability was considerable, but she was a rather bad matchup for Pan Helliones. Lloyd Pollan’s Aura Ability, Pathfinder, was a possibility. The ability to find the opponent’s weaknesses and loopholes was useful, but Lili would struggle to survive against even one hit from Helliones. She could use Gladio as a shield, but it was too much of a pity to consume the automaton in that way.

However, there was something Lili had learned just before the attack. The destructive power of the heavy sword was obviously amazing, but it was difficult to strike precisely. Moreover, Pan Helliones needed time to gather the level of destructive power he had shown at the beginning. A path for a clear breakthrough was yet to be seen, but that didn’t mean Lili didn’t have the power to attack.

Huuk. As the last of the dust was removed with the wind, the appearance of the giant sword was revealed. Helliones had switched from making a vertical blow to a horizontal blow. Based on Pan Helliones’ posture, Lili’s senses warned her again. ‘It’s coming!’

Simultaneously, Pan Helliones’ sword caused a tsunami. Kwaaaaaaah! Unlike the first attack which had spread a shockwave by hitting the ground, this one broke the air. It was equivalent to a dragon’s roar. The shockwaves extended parallel to the surface of the earth and crushed all objects in the path. The horizontal sword seemed to split the world in two.

This was the Super Heavy Sword, Pan Helliones…2nd type, Over Horizon. If Lili tried to defend, she would be split in two. “Kuok!” Lili hurriedly jumped and looked down with a shocked expression.

However, the attacks continued without giving her any time to relax. The blows were comparable to great magic, but the speed at which Helliones swung his sword again was unimaginable. Following the horizontal slash, there were two upper slashes which overlapped orbits. To think that Pan Helliones was capable of continuous attacks with such power?! The destructive power of each strike was reduced, but it was still devastating. A slight graze would kill Lili instantly.

Lili desperately pulled herself out of its orbit. The storm-like shockwave was already a natural disaster. ‘Damn, a shockwave happens every time he swings his sword!’ A ridiculous sight was happening before her. Every time Pan Helliones’ sword moved through the air, the entire space was pushed to create a wall of shockwaves. Consequently, the atmosphere distorted, and the rocks burst.

Several layers of shockwaves overlapped with each other and devastated the area. No swordsmanship was required. The blade didn’t even need to make contact. Just like a fly falling without being hit by the hand, the shockwaves were able to kill the opponent without the blade needing to strike directly.

‘Besides, the range is getting narrower… I can only manage to avoid it four more times before reaching the influence of the low pressure. Before that, I need to change the situation somehow.’ It wasn’t easy, but Lili thought about it while raising her magic power. That damn shockwave was Pan Helliones’ sword and shield. It was a means of attacking within a range of a few hundred meters, and it also acted as a barrier to prevent close range attacks. To break through it, Lili needed magic of at least the 7th Circle.

“I will test it out.” Her magic power was still sufficient, so Lili aimed both her hands at Pan Helliones, who was still creating shockwaves. A magic of medium firepower wouldn’t be able to cross that wall of pressure. Fire-based large-scale magic, the most powerful among the attributes, would be suitable. ‘Inferno.’

Hellfire, another 7th Circle fire magic, was one of the choices available, but Inferno was stronger when it came to pure firepower. Lili’s seven circles rotated to create a vortex of flames. Kuooooh! Then the wind blew, and the fire of Inferno hit that wall of shockwaves.

The amazing air pressure caused by the sword shook from the aftermath. It wasn’t enough to break the great magic before it. The atmosphere was being distorted by the heat, and it seemed like Pan Helliones would be turned into charcoal immediately. ‘No, this won’t work.’ However, Lili shook her head. The power of Inferno would surely break down the barrier, but it slowed and weakened with every layer of shockwave it crossed. Once it crossed exactly six shockwaves, the flames faded away.

“The firepower is too slow to be sufficient. He will swing a dozen times before my attack is over.” What was a great magic which combined firepower and speed?

“Ah.” Lili recalled a recent memory. It was while she had been exploring the Aiolos divinity. She thought of Lightning Wind Phase, from the ‘Eight Trigrams Theory’ in the East. Since ancient times, wind and lightning had been forces which were closely related to each other. There was a theory which claimed both attributes were in a mutually beneficial relationship. Regardless of whether it was right or wrong, Lili agreed on the basis of her Sorcery. Wind and lightning converged as her worldview expanded.

Pajijik! Paijijik! This was Lightning Vortex. The whirlwind of blue lightning struggled like a dragon above Lili’s palm. The current was amplified on the outer wall of the whirlwind, and the lightning accelerated the wind. It was a cycle of power which surpassed the laws of nature. Marquis Fergana’s lightning was nothing compared to this.

“Go.” With Lili’s permission, the lightning dragon descended toward the ground. Kwarururung! A roar shook Helliones’ eardrums, and his face instantly hardened from the power of Lili’s attack.

“…How interesting. I want to go against it once,” Helliones said. However, he stuck his legs into the ground and took the Nebenhut posture. It meant he would receive the attack without retreating. He intended to receive the lightning from the front without any tricks! Immediately after that moment, the lightning dragon flashed toward Pan Helliones.

This was the Super Heavy Sword, Pan Helliones…4th type, Mountain-Buster.…And the ground soared. “Crazy. Such a nonsensical thing…!” Hadn’t Lili repeated these same words several times already? She didn’t see the process perfectly, but she knew the principle behind Helliones’ attack. Pan Helliones was clearly wielding his sword. However, it wasn’t toward the lightning falling from the sky but toward the ground below him. He wielded his huge sword like a shovel digging into the ground.

The dirt was dug out so hard that it skyrocketed toward the sky as if to bury the sun. The earth blocked the advancing lightning vortex! Some people might laugh at Helliones’ actions, but Lili realized that this was the perfect countermeasure to lightning magic. The best way to offset the nature of lightning was to ground it. Half of the lightning was reduced by the dug-up earth, and the rest was erased with a few sword swings.

Paaaang! Unsurprisingly, Pan Helliones’ big sword was able to break down the lightning vortex without much difficulty.

“Hrmm.” Before the astounded Lili, Pan Helliones looked down at his hands with narrowed eyes. It was because the lightning’s impact on Helliones’ body wasn’t light, despite the fact that he had dealt with it perfectly. His right hand was numb from the intense lightning, while his left hand was in pain. Then his heavy eyelids lowered as he muttered, “…How wonderful. My judgment was correct.”


“I didn’t have to come to this risky place. If Sir Clovis had given priority to killing me instead of saving his sister, or if you called the White Tower Master here, I would’ve lost.” It was as he said. Pan Helliones had created this face-to-face confrontation in his own way, but this battle would’ve been his execution if one thing had turned out differently.

The distance between them was too far for Lili to hear Pan’s voice. So, she came down to the ground for a moment to listen. In fact, she was also curious about why Pan Helliones was in this situation. Their eyes met, and Pan Helliones opened his mouth to say, “There is one reason why I let it be despite knowing Sir Randolph’s treachery and then allowed myself to be placed in this risky position. Liliana Miller, I have to kill you here.” It was a pure bloodthirst.

Lili’s expression froze before she attempted to joke, “You… did I do something bad to you that I don’t know about?”

“This isn’t due to a personal grudge. Sir Clovis’ betrayal and Rebecca, both of them are nothing compared to getting your head. In order to have this duel, I willingly took the risk.” Helliones hadn’t killed Randolph despite knowing of his betrayal because he didn’t want to waste power fighting him. Instead, Helliones had taken an unpredictable risk to create this situation because he felt like he had to kill Lili now.

‘Dangerous.’ The chill running down Lili’s spine became colder as she read Pan Helliones’ resolution. ‘That bastard, he wants to kill me here.’ Relying on only his intuition, Pan Helliones had created this battlefield where he could fight Lili alone. That intuition which was closer to that of a beast had allowed him to make it through countless battlefields.

However, that wasn’t all. This sword master had experienced war with Meltor several times, so he had accumulated a lot of information and tips about how to fight magicians. It was very likely that he would use methods which had been shown to work against magicians in the past.

Lili would have to bring out all her wild cards in this fight. If she didn’t kill Helliones, then she would die. Lili had understood this before, but this was the first time she truly realized it. Helliones was Andras’ knight, one of the empire’s Seven Swords and one of the top 10 magician killers on the continent. Just like how Meltor’s magicians had become adept at countering melee combat, Helliones was a killer who was used to dealing with magic.

‘Keep thinking. What skills haven’t been used yet? What other tactics do I have left?’ Several choices went through Lili’s mind. Should she attack while trying to avoid getting damaged? Dismissed. She wouldn’t be able to protect her body from the shockwaves. Pan Helliones would be able to hit her three times before she narrowed the distance.

Should she quickly approach using lightning? Pending. There was no guarantee that Lili’s speed wouldn’t slow down while passing through the shockwaves. Moreover, she wasn’t invincible in her lightning state, so there was a possibility of being damaged by the impact of the aura. “Dammit, there isn’t anything without weaknesses.”

According to Lee Yoonsung’s memories, the one hit method seemed to be the most effective…? One effective technique was better than many ineffective tricks. It was like how Pan Helliones’ heavy sword replaced all techniques once it reached a certain level. ‘…No, wait a minute.’ “Strength…?”

Lili was reminded of something, a great magic with an overwhelming destructive power which her opponent wouldn’t be able to resist. It was a power which had already transcended the 7th Circle before she completed her Sorcery. That power was Abraxas, the great magic which surpassed even the god sword by resonating two opposing attributes.

Hwaruruk. The moment she thought this, Lili’s hands started to burn with a red and blue color. The heat and cold were several times more intense than when she had fought Hyde. Muspelheim’s flames and Aquilo’s blood incited her fighting spirit as she joined them together. ‘Okay.’ This would determine Lili’s victory or defeat.

Chapter 227 – Great Battle (3)

Both powers fluctuated intensely in Liliana's veins. Her left hand felt like it was burning up, while her right hand was frozen cold. Like Yin and Yang, both powers responded to and resisted each other. Indeed, the recoil from Abraxas, the magic that transcended circles, couldn’t be compared to other magic. If Lili lost concentration for even a moment, it would self-destruct with a repulsive force. Lili's nerves were tense because she understood this all too well.

‘Still, I can do it.’

Though nervous, Lili was not afraid. The magic had succeeded once under imperfect conditions, so she was confident it would succeed now. Liliana kept her mind sharp. Rather than waves eroding away at rocks, her nerves were like a few raindrops falling onto rocks.

Lili refined her spirit and gathered it at one point like a single drop of water. It was akin to threading a tiny needle, yet Liliana's highly trained concentration made it possible.

The two unstable forces circulated and began to reveal the shape of a sphere.

Wuuuuuu. It emitted a calm resonant sound. Unlike before, no severe storm of magic occurred this time. There wasn’t even the slightest fluctuation as she maintained the contradictory existences. Liliana stood at the boundary of Yin and Yang and observed the laws of the world.

“Forced Harmonization.”

There was no need to use Umbra’s Dimensional Leave. Thanks to her awakened sorcery, Lili had surpassed the limit of ‘impossible phenomena.’ The chaos of heat and cold, set in the rules of thermodynamics that made up the world, didn’t prevail any longer. The sorceress who had peaked deviated from the world. The great magic, Abraxas, was a clue to the 8th Circle.

Then at the next moment, the nucleus of Liliana's ‘world’ was born.

“…Umm,” Pan Helliones stiffened in contrast to the stable Liliana. He was a warrior who had gone through many battlefields and was one step away from the borders of this world. If he couldn’t gauge the nature of the phenomenon happening before him, then he would be so ashamed he’d bite his tongue off and die.

“This will determine victory or defeat. Will you fight me with strength?” Anger, admiration, and rage boiled in Pan Helliones’ voice. A red aura sprang up as he expressed this sentiment. Helliones’ greatsword burned as it soared up high into the sky. The ground couldn’t withstand the increased weight of the aura, and Pan Helliones’ legs sank to his knees.

Liliana's instincts understood what Helliones’ attitude meant. ‘This is it.’

Immediately after Lili fought Marquis Fergana, there had been an explosion reminiscent of a volcanic eruption. That destructive force had been equivalent to 7th Circle magic, and it seemed like Pan Helliones was trying to recreate the attack again. The aura, which swallowed up the greatsword, then became visible to the naked eye.

This sword showed Pan Helliones’ ‘determined attitude.’

Who would win? That question had already long disappeared from both their minds. Both masters were confident of their victory and threw everything away in order to suppress each other.

The great magic, Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ): first water and fire phase…

And the Super Heavy Sword, Pan Helliones: Type 0, World Break.

Coincidentally, these two techniques were opposites. One aimed to create and the other aimed to destroy… The ‘World’s Egg’ and the ‘Sword of Extinction.’

A bead that contained indescribable power was up against a sword that could wipe out a mountain.


Sound and light were broken, and an impact that overwhelmed human senses filled the area. Only the two masters defended themselves in this space. The floor melted like butter, while the atmosphere turned into a vacuum that denied life. Pan Helliones overcame this environment and watched the two powers struggle against one another in the center.

‘Indeed… It isn’t ordinary. I didn’t think I would be pushed into a power showdown.’

His World Break was hard for an enemy to deal with, although it took too long to use. It had even once stopped a flooded river. An orc village hiding in a mountain had been completely wiped out. Nevertheless, the unknown magic used by Liliana Miller had more power than that. Nevertheless, Pan Hellions held his greatsword firmly. 'I am surprised, but it isn’t enough to knock me down.'

He might be the loser, but that didn’t mean he lacked power. His special move couldn’t be blocked so easily. It was destructive power with its own durability. If he could just survive this attack—… However, at the very moment that he thought this…

[No.] There was a voice that couldn’t be heard by his ears. [It is up to here.]

Beyond the light and noise that couldn’t be penetrated, Liliana was declaring her own victory. In the end, Pan Hellions wouldn’t know it until the end. Liliana was hiding her ‘second attack.’

It was the great magic, Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ): second wind and earth collapse.

This technique wasn’t just limited to fire and water. Earth and wind were also opposing attributes. This form that utilized all four attributes was the true perfection of Abraxas.

‘Let’s name it Elemental Burst!’

The storm swallowed Pan Helliones.

* * *


The paladin with the golden shield was pushed and rolled across the ground. It wasn’t difficult to shield from the sword master’s attack, but a shock in the right place was enough to break his balance. As soon as his defense crumbled, he received a shower of attacks. One blow accurately pierced through this gap, aiming exactly at the paladin’s head. If this blow hit, his brain matter would be scattered instantly.

“D-Dammit!” The crusader Ruben was cornered and forced to use a move he’d been saving.

Unlike magic, which was a power source that existed in the body, divine power was separate and needed to be recharged. A huge amount could be accumulated in the body, and it was possible to increase the limit using a tool.

In Ruben’s case, his sword and shield were relics. They were treasures that contained divine power and could be used to save his life if he was in trouble. The surface of the round shield flashed brightly, and a wave of divine power was emitted from it, pushing the two masters away.

“Umm, this is annoying in many ways.”

“Don’t be in a hurry. It is almost over.”

They had just missed an opportunity to win, but Baek Jongmyung and Orta remained calm. It was because this situation had repeated many times already. Unlike the last time, Baek Jongmyung and Orta were now fighting together, so they could attack as well as defend. Once the divine power stored in the relics was exhausted, Ruben would be suppressed one-sidedly by the two masters.

However, this didn’t mean there were no variables.

“Sun God Lairon! Hopefully your servant—”

“I don’t want to hear it.” Orta moved his fingers before divine power could be generated by the prayer. Then the light stretched out from Ruben was broken, and the flow of divine power was lost. Feelings of fear and horror, phenomena he had never experienced before, filled the eyes of the confused crusader.

“N-No? How did my technique…?”

“You don’t need to know.” There was no reason to teach Ruben, so Orta gave a cold answer and cut the space.

“Kuack!” Ruben barely avoided it, but a line of blood was drawn down his face. If he were a little slower, it would’ve carved down to his bones. As a shadow who ran around the continent performing missions for Meltor, Orta already knew how to deal with paladins and priests. The tactics to consume the power of the relics and hinder prayers had all been identified by him.

Knowing the opponent was the key to winning wars. This was a true saying. As such, Ruben’s weaknesses were exposed because Orta knew all about them. Due to being pushed into this situation, Ruben was too slow to react to attacks. It meant he wasn’t a threat anymore.

Orta pretended to make a mistake by stepping closer to Ruben, who glared and raised his sword while yelling, “Youuu!”

‘A magician dares to rashly enter the range of a sword? Then I will punish that arrogance in the name of God!’ The golden blade struck out with such determination and—


…It slashed through empty space. A few strands of hair were cut off, but Orta plunged into Ruben’s arms with no injuries. To be precise, Orta pierced through them.

“You require more training in the sword,” Orta ridiculed Ruben while waving his hands. It was a magic that cut through space. Before Ruben could move his upper body, Orta’s fingertips cut Ruben’s body in a diagonal line. No, to be precise, it should be said that it looked like it was cut?

“Eh?” There was no pain or bleeding, and Ruben’s elated expression returned. He didn’t know what mistake Orta made, but the attack was pointless. Orta had made a mistake when he had the perfect advantage.

Now Ruben could run away. Ruben didn’t miss this moment when the airtight defense was relaxed. He moved all his remaining divine power into his legs—Kwatang.

Ruben couldn’t do it. He fell on his butt and made a frustrated expression. Why had he fallen down in such a dangerous situation? This was a ridiculous mistake. However, he soon realized it. No sensations were being transmitted from the lower part of his body!


“I cut some of your spinal nerves,” Orta spoke dully, as if he was talking about the bread he’d eaten that morning. “Your co*ckroach-like vitality can’t restore wounds that it can’t sense. From a medical point of view, this power is inefficient.”

Orta looked down at the fallen Ruben with scornful eyes. Ruben went into a frenzy from the contempt.

Puk! Baek Jongmyung’s sword then pierced through Ruben’s back, penetrating his heart and pinning him to the ground.

“Kuheok…keok, kuheok…!” Nevertheless, Ruben didn’t die.

Baek Jongmyung glanced at Ruben with cold eyes and clicked his tongue. “Hah, you don’t even die from this.”

“It isn’t enough to penetrate the heart.”


Instead of answering the question, Orta raised his thumb. Simultaneously, he cut Ruben’s two legs again.


“Don’t make a fuss. Your spinal nerves are cut, so you can’t feel any pain.”

It might seem cruel, but Baek Jongmyung didn’t say anything. The regenerative power Ruben had shown throughout the fight meant there was a good chance he would survive the serious injury. He would struggle even if both his legs had been cut off and his heart had been stabbed. If Baek Jongmyung pulled out his sword, then Ruben would recover quickly.


In the end, Orta kicked the chin of the silent Ruben.

“I’m sick of them, these co*ckroach-like paladins.” Orta acted like he was remembering a bad memory before recovering Ruben’s sword and shield. The nature of the relics depended on divine power, but it was better than leaving them alone. Orta placed the relics in his dimensional pocket and then took out restraints. They were the restraints that had previously been used on Mujak.

Baek Jongmyung received the restraints and sighed, “Sigh, we did it. Thank you for your help, Lord Orta.”

“It is natural to respect the will of the alliance. I know what the crown prince is concerned about.”

Either Prince Elsid or Duke Cornwall would become the winner of this civil war. Meltor and Andras would return home after this war was over, so their positions were different. The Northern Powers were far away, compared to the Lairon Kingdom, which was close to Soldun. If possible, Elsid wanted the crusader to be defeated without being killed.

Orta didn’t refuse this favor. This fight would’ve ended 30 minutes sooner if he had aimed to kill instead of subdue. So, Baek Jongmyung expressed his gratitude for Orta’s consideration.

Then at that moment…


A few kilometers away from the two of them, a tremendous force exploded. A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the earth trembled sharply. The distance was considerable, but the heat and pressure still tickled their skin.

Orta realized the meaning first and muttered, “It seems like the fight is over.”

One of the two strong presences had disappeared. Even with Orta’s skills, it was impossible to tell from this distance who had won or lost. He sighed as his brows furrowed beneath the mask. “Didn’t I tell you not to forget to report, Lili?”

This was the first time White Tower Master Orta realized that his head could hurt from having a competent junior.

Chapter 228 – Great Battle (4)

Kukukung… The clash between the two masters had long since passed, but the cry of the earth still hadn’t stopped. The great magic, Abraxas, and the deadly sword technique, World Break… The clash of these forces caused the terrain to change, creating a tremendous crater. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that a meteorite had fallen here. A dark cloud of dust and smoke covered the ground, which had melted from the enormous heat and looked like black tar. There was a shadow moving inside the pit.

“Cough!” Blood rose in Lili's throat and emerged from her mouth. The pain wasn’t just in her bones, but in her entire flesh. Was it because she was too close to the epicenter? No, the exterior damage wasn’t that great. Then it was reasonable to assume that this pain came from within her.

‘A little… No, it is quite difficult.’ Liliana looked inside herself as she tried to maintain her stumbling body. Her seven circles which normally spun smoothly were creaking and in discord with each other. This was Rebound, the cost of using magic which didn’t fit into the circles. Abraxas was a great magic that far exceeded the standard of seven circles. It was much stronger than when she had collided with Hyde, so it was harder to cope. Abraxas was a magic she could only try after completing the 8th circle. That had been a reckless move, but it couldn’t be helped since this was the only method she had thought of.

Still, she won, so it wasn’t the wrong choice.

“This is absurd. How long will it take to get out of here?” As her dizziness calmed down, Liliana looked around. The land had sunk, and she was surrounded on all sides by dark walls. The cloud of dust had become a shield which blocked the sunlight, and shadows loomed on the ground.

“My body is a mess, and it will take several months to recover.” It was nothing compared to her insides, but part of her skin and muscles were torn from the explosion. Even now, her wounds were still bleeding despite using recovery magic. If she released her tension, she might lose consciousness on the spot. However, Liliana couldn’t faint yet. It was still too risky until she confirmed the death of her enemy, Pan Helliones.

Fortunately, Pan Helliones was nearby. “…Co-me.”

“……” Lili might be injured, but it was nothing compared to Pan Helliones’ state. A sword master’s body was closer to an adamantium golem than a human, and they could freely control their weight. They were monsters that could survive an enemy’s magic with just their pure aura defense. Nevertheless, Pan Helliones’ current appearance was terrible.

His lower body didn’t exist, and his right arm was torn, leaving only the part from the elbow up. The greatsword in his left hand was shattered like shards of sugar candy, and there wasn’t anything left of the armor which had been made by the emperor’s master craftsman. Helliones’ skin had been hit by enormous heat and was distorted by burns, while the vitreous of his eyes was flowing down.

“Great, ha…h,” Pan Helliones gasped for breath as he spoke words of praise, “My power… crushed… in fro…nt. This… qua…lity, I don’t know…”

“What do you mean by that?” Lili clicked her tongue. “Are you saying that you can’t acknowledge a young girl? Didn’t you get smashed by my technique?”


“No, that’s okay. There is no point asking you since you are having trouble breathing.”

It wasn’t an exaggeration. Pan Helliones’ life was literally at stake. He was only a few moments away from death, so it wouldn’t be strange if he stopped breathing. Therefore, Lili asked about something that she hadn’t been able to erase from her mind throughout the fight. “Why did you lie?”


“About Randolph’s sister, Rebecca.”

At first, Liliana hadn’t known. The tension that boiled during their battle had covered up her eyes. Funnily enough, she had figured it out while preparing Abraxas. Her insight had been supplemented by the two divinities, and she figured out then that Pan Helliones wasn’t the type of person who would do such a thing.

“Senses, good.” However, it stirred the last bit of life inside the dying man. In the East, it was a phenomenon called dying flash, a last moment of lucidity before death. Pan Helliones’ breathing was briefly restored, and he spoke calmly without any shaking. He looked up at the distant sky with blurred eyes and muttered quietly, “Rebecca is a brilliant disciple. It is a shame to kill her because of such a thing. The authenticity of the statement didn’t matter, as long as Sir Clovis departed.”

“You always thought about a one-on-one fight?”

“Correct. It was true that I made this place to kill you. As a result, I was defeated and you won-” Pan Helliones’ words suddenly stopped, but it wasn’t over yet. He hesitated for a moment before barely opening his mouth, “And because I can’t see the future of the empire.”

“The future?” Liliana asked reflexively. “What do you mean?”

“…Time is up.” Pan Helliones didn’t explain as he changed the subject. “I am a person who gives my sword and life to the empire, and this is what I can teach the winner. Next time, you should recognize your own power.”

“Why are you saying this?”

“Think of it as a final grudge. It was a good fight, but… the taste of defeat is bitter. In the end, I don’t want to lose to someone too weak.”

Strength was gradually escaping from his body, and the time he had to speak with Liliana was over. It was the last will of a dying person, so Liliana couldn’t help feeling strange hearing it. Pan Helliones’ breathing gradually ceased, and his heart stopped beating. Shortly afterward, Liliana recognized the moment when Pan Helliones’ soul escaped his body. The empire’s 4th Sword had died.

‘…He couldn’t see the future of the empire?’ Liliana didn’t bask in the glow of victory as she pondered on the words. It was a pessimistic comment coming from one of the empire’s Seven Swords. Was something going on inside Andras? It would be nice if there were more clues, but even the White Tower spies found it hard to penetrate into the deepest part of the Andras Empire. It wasn’t something Liliana could investigate alone.

“Ugh, is it hurting more because I released my tension…?” Her body throbbed as the forgotten pain resurfaced. She hurriedly drank a potion from her inventory, but she couldn’t reverse the burden on her circles and mind. It was a wound which couldn’t be healed. Liliana thought that she needed to avoid fighting for the time being. There were no people in the area.

‘Indeed, it wouldn’t be easy to approach this horrible scene.’ A person who could approach probably wouldn’t be ordinary. Liliana thought so as she sat on the rocks around the crater. She was now completely at her limits. Her head hurt as all her power drained out of her. As her vision darkened, she saw a man and woman with blonde hair approaching her.



‘Then I’ll ask you to clear this up, Randolph.’

* * *

The battle of Babarino Plains ended exactly half a day after it had started. It was a fairly short period of time for the largest battle in the civil war, but the scale of the groups going against each other was the greatest. The result of the battle was naturally Prince Elsid’s victory. The crusader was suppressed, and Marquis Fergana was unable to fight anymore. Duke Cornwall quickly fled once the tables turned.

“Catch Duke Cornwall and the other leaders! Arrest the soldiers and send the result of this battle to every estate in this country!” The news spread faster than a person traveling by horse. Elsid’s victory spread quickly through the Soldun Kingdom and lowered Duke Cornwall’s position, causing the nobles’ heads to start turning frantically. The duke had lost his 50,000 troops, so there was no longer a chance of victory for him. In other words, it was confirmed that this was Prince Elsid’s victory. The small nobles watching the battle were forced to start moving, and they could only think of one method to get on the prince’s good side.

“There is no future for the nobles faction. Let’s capture Duke Cornwall for Prince Elsid.”

“The Cornwall Duchy still has 10,000 troops remaining…”

“Isn’t it okay if we capture him before he gets there?”

“Prepare an encirclement. Do it instantly.”

Yesterday’s enemy was today’s friend, and today’s friend might become tomorrow’s enemy. Duke Cornwall reigned at the peak, and he was now branded as the public enemy. In fact, many people felt joyous at his downfall. The seven small nobles within the influence of the Cornwall Duchy moved their troops and conducted an airtight perimeter around it. It only took a week for the rebel leader, Duke Cornwall, to be sent to the capital. Perhaps it would have been better for him to have died on the battlefield.

Additionally, Marquis Fergana was captured in his mansion without any resistance, and once the other nobles heard that Duke Cornwall had been captured, they surrendered themselves. It was the moment when the so-called ‘Elsid’s Civil War’ ended. However, there weren’t many people who knew the hurdles which Meltor had faced during this brief war. It was a much tougher battle than the conflict between the crown prince and duke. The fact that Liliana Miller had won against one of the empire’s Seven Swords… It took time for the hidden history to be revealed.

Chapter 229 – Elsid’s Gifts (1)

Regardless of the era, wars were never a good thing. They consumed resources, and the process was always harsh on the loser’s shoulders. The victorious leaders had to justify the benefits they’d gotten from the armed conflict and why the people had to bleed. The anger and grudges of the people wouldn’t go away just because it was over. They would consume everything... Kill as many as those who had died... And destroy as much as what had been broken.

This was the equal revenge policy, and this line would be crossed the moment they allowed emotions to take over their decisions. They were in pain from the loss they suffered and wanted to use violence as a response. Even so, they couldn’t regain what had been lost in the war. No, even if it couldn’t be regained, they had to do it. All of them knew it was the chain of revenge, but no one could escape. However, that didn’t really apply to this war.

“…It is complicated, this civil war.”

“I think so as well, Your Majesty.”

The winning side of the civil war, Elsid and his close adviser Marquis Piris, sighed. It would be more comfortable if this had been a normal war. The winner would have the right to acquire all of the loser’s territories and replenish the resources consumed in the war. However, that wasn’t possible in a civil war. The nobles were also part of the Soldun kingdom, while the soldiers were its blood and flesh. Elsid might have been able to cut off the head of the nobles faction’s leader but exploiting their estates would just be eating at his own flesh.

He looked at the documents in his hand with a complex expression. “The ones who arbitrarily added to the duke’s army will be punished, but it is difficult to dispose of those who only supported with a few troops or supplies.”

“They probably didn’t want to join the rebels either.”

“However, they lacked the strength to declare neutrality and didn’t have the courage to refuse the duke’s demands. They aren’t innocent, but... it is too much to put them to death.” This was the sorrow of the weak. Those within the sphere of influence of Duke Cornwall hadn’t been able to receive Prince Elsid’s protection and had no choice but to supply troops. If the duke had won and they hadn’t cooperated with him, they could’ve been trampled on by the duke’s overwhelming force. If these people were executed, it would clearly make the kingdom’s affairs more turbulent.

“Confiscate 80% of their assets and prohibit them from crossing the borders of their estates for the next three years. If there is an official request, I will grant permission to leave according to the circ*mstances.”

It wasn’t much different from unofficially acquitting those minor rebels. The advisers around Elsid looked surprised, but they sullenly accepted that there were no alternatives. There was something more important than those sinners, and they weren’t talking about Duke Cornwall, whose execution had already been decided. It was something else.

“Marquis Fergana. The problem is how to handle him.” As one of the only two masters in the Soldun Kingdom, losing a 7th Circle sorceress was painful in many ways. In the first place, she wouldn’t have been involved in the rebel forces if Duke Cornwall hadn’t been her son-in-law. Maybe the duke had foreseen this far and planned the marriage for this reason.

However, it was like this now. “It is too much to kill her, but we can’t let her live.” Her punishment had to be different from the minor nobles who had participated in the war. After all, Marquis Fergana had the power to resist Duke Cornwall, regardless of their family relations. It was impossible for them to excuse her actions.

No, not just them. Even Elsid couldn’t easily forgive Marquis Fergana. So, Elsid asked for advice from the Meltor magicians, “Is there a magic to bind the life and will of a person in the 7th Circle, making them submit completely?” It sounded ridiculous, but the sorceress in the white mask nodded easily. Despite being a foreigner, nobody challenged her right to participate in this meeting. She was the main commander of the Meltor army, White Tower Master Orta.

“As long as you give consent, it isn’t an impossible task.”

“Please explain in detail.”

“It is a spell called the Oath of Obedience.” This was magic which rulers had used in the distant past when they didn’t believe in the loyalty of their followers. Regardless of whether the person’s origin was in aura or magic, the stigma of complete obedience would be carved into their heart. The magic agreement made it impossible for outsiders to interfere. Once installed, it wouldn’t be resolved until death. It was a technique which had been used in several countries until three centuries ago, and now it was almost untouched. However, this wasn’t due to a humanitarian reason. It was just that the number of senior magicians who could use the Oath of Obedience had been reduced.

Elsid listened to Orta before speaking in a subdued voice, “That process... Can I request your aid for it?” He understood the dreadfulness of the technique, even without hearing the explanation. Nevertheless, Elsid had no other choice. At this point, he couldn’t lose Marquis Fergana. He was sitting on the throne thanks to Meltor’s help, but the threat of the Lairon Kingdom still remained. There was no reason for Elsid to hesitate when he had willingly made an exchange with the East. As the king, he had to prioritize the future of the Soldun Kingdom, even if it deprived a person of their dignity.

“I understand. Please let me leave so that I can prepare the tools.”

“I will allow it. More than anything else... I’m very grateful.”

Orta nodded to Elsid before turning around. The White Tower Master might bow to another king, but she wouldn’t be submissive. Soon after that, the meeting was concluded. The commanders of the rebel army, including Duke Cornwall, were sentenced to death, while Marquis Fergana received a special punishment. The minor nobles who had unwittingly joined the rebels received a light punishment, while the ones who had captured Duke Cornwall received their rewards.

Elsid saw this and couldn’t help muttering, “There is a long way to go, really.”

The revolution of the Soldun Kingdom had just begun.

* * *

This day was officially recorded as the date when ‘Elsid’s Civil War’ ended. Duke Cornwall and the 32 nobles who had caused a rebellion as soon as the king died were brought in one by one to be executed. Some were crying while others breathed quietly like they were already resigned to their fates. Duke Cornwall was the only one who had a different reaction. He had chains on both of his wrists and ankles, and he glared at Elsid while kneeling down. Then he looked up at the throne and ranted, “…Do you think you are sitting on that throne with your own strength? Without the Cornwall family, there would be no Soldun! I am the true descendant of the king!”

“This rude guy!” The executioner punched the duke. However, the duke didn’t stop talking despite his bleeding wound. “Call me a traitor! But you aren’t qualified to punish me! You also borrowed the power of another kingdom!”

“…Well, your words aren’t entirely wrong.” Elsid didn’t even twitch an eyebrow as he faced the duke with a signified attitude. He looked down with cold eyes at the person who still didn’t realize his folly until the end. Duke Cornwall didn’t understand why he hadn’t been able to win.

“Nevertheless, you lost. In a situation where you have no bloodline or legitimacy, you didn’t even know you were being used like a puppet and eventually ran away.”


“You have no luck, wisdom, or the courage to take responsibility for your mistakes. Such a person doesn’t deserve the throne.”

So, the duke would die here. Elsid raised his left hand. It was the signal to enforce the punishment. Duke Cornwall’s mouth opened as the executioner’s axe descended. The duke’s attempt to refute the insult to his pride was cut off. The sharp blade of the axe performed its mission as perfectly as always. The dignity Duke Cornwall had lived with came to an end, and his head fell down with an ugly expression.

Elsid looked down at it with an unknown expression in his eyes.

“Congratulations on your crown, Your Majesty.”

Hearing a voice from behind, Elsid turned his head. The white-masked and white-robed person was White Tower Master Orta. However, it wasn’t just her. Vince, Viscount Carter, and Lili were also gathered together with her.

Eldis received the words and shrugged with a slight laugh. “…Congratulating me after the duke dies? You sure are very thorough.”

“There is no guarantee before the embers are put out.”

“That’s right. There is nothing wrong with being careful. Now, the Cornwall estate will revert to the crown.”

The atmosphere lightened as they switched to talking about the land, and Elsid descended from the throne. The execution of Duke Cornwall had been the last one, so Elsid didn’t have to sit there any longer. Today’s executions completely ended the civil war. The coronation ceremony might not have taken place yet, but Elsid had already become the king. He walked two steps ahead and told the guests, “That reminds me, you said you were leaving in the near future?”

“Yes, we aren’t free enough to stay here for long.”

“Indeed... Is it okay for you leave after this evening?”

“Was there something else you needed?” It was a question which sounded rude, but Orta asked it without any hesitation. Elsid might’ve won the civil war, but the Soldun Kingdom was far from being able to gain its proper capacity.

Orta had requested not to make too much of their presence if possible, so she would be very displeased if Elsid were to say there was a banquet.

Elsid understood and hurriedly denied it, “No, it isn’t that. It isn’t what you think. There are too many things to do right now.”

They had to restore the buildings destroyed by the sieges as well as compensate the families of the dead soldiers. Elsid had risen to the throne, so he had a responsibility to bear all of this burden and stabilize public sentiments. There was no chance for him to hold a banquet.

Orta read the truth on Elsid’s face and looked at him curiously. Although Orta thought there was nothing else to talk about with Elsid, she would still carry out her duties seriously. “…I understand. I’ll meet you here.”

A bright smile appeared on Elsid’s face. “Thank you for listening to me. I won’t let you down.”

Won’t let them down? A subtle expression appeared on the magicians’ faces. Based on the context, Elsid had prepared a gift for them. Lili also had a similar thought and soon met Elsid’s gaze. It wasn’t a passing moment. Elsid’s eyes were clearly staring at her.


Simultaneously, the tongue in the palm of her left hand stirred. It was due to the smell of treasure.

Chapter 230 – Elsid’s Gifts (2) It was that night. Meltor’s commanders, who had been resting in their rooms, were escorted somewhere by knights. The destination didn’t seem to be a public place like the hall where executions took place. Every time they took a step, the shadows lengthened and their guess was proven correct. Lili, Orta, Vince, and Bors took their own paths and soon arrived at the same place.

“I’m sorry for making you come so late at night.” Sure enough, the haggard-looking Elsid was waiting for them in a secret room.

That wasn’t all. From Marquis Piris to Baek Jongmyung who had become the marquis of Atron, all of the king’s closest associates were present. These were the people who would lead the next generation of the Soldun Kingdom. It was too big a group for empty flattery or gifts.

‘If so, is there another reason?’ Lili’s brow furrowed as she grasped the meaning. If all the leaders were gathered together, this meant it was for more than simply saying ‘thanks’ to Meltor.

The conditions were normal, so it wasn’t easy to think of an answer. In such a case, it meant there weren’t enough clues to come to a conclusion yet, or that the hand prepared by the other party was unprecedented. What did Elsid call them to talk about exactly?

Four pairs of eyes turned to Elsid, and he raised his right hand like he had been waiting for this moment. Then one of the knights standing behind him disappeared into a secret passage. Then Elsid’s firmly closed mouth opened, “The full story will begin after ‘that’ is brought out… but I will say a few words before that.”

The young man, who had become king, looked around with dignified eyes, and spoke with a much more solemn face than before. “First of all, I would like to express my deep appreciation for Meltor’s help. You have your own interests, but that doesn’t change the fact that you helped us. As long as this body of mine is on the throne, think of us as solid allies.”

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s words.”

“But I am well aware of how meaningless words are when it comes to international relations. So, I prepared my own sincerity.”

The moment that Orta was about to reply…

“Your Majesty, here is the sinner.” The knight who had disappeared into the secret passage a short while ago returned pulling a large chain. The clanging sound of the metal echoed in the confined space, but nobody complained about the noise. It was because the subject was more important than the chains.


“Crusader!” Vince and Viscount Carter cried out first.

It was the sword of the Lairon Kingdom, Crusader Ruben.

The paladin who had been captured on the Babarino Plains now appeared before them. Both of his legs had been cut off and left untreated, while the thick chains wrapped around his arms and chest looked like they could be used with an anchor for a sailboat. Something had been placed in his mouth to prevent him from recovering his divine power. It was made of ogre tendons which even a killer whale would find hard to chew.

Elsid looked down at him with cold eyes and ordered, “Release only his mouth.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” With an iron gauntlet, the knight pulled out the string, which was made of tendons, from Ruben’s mouth. In the process, some parts of Ruben’s lips were torn, but nobody rebuked the knight.

Blood dripped from his mouth. Ruben rubbed his mouth and spoke for the first time in almost a fortnight, “Cough! C-Cough! D-Damn, cough!”

His saliva was dry and his lips were torn. Even so, the wounds were already beginning to heal. Ruben looked at the representatives of Soldun and Meltor, and spoke with a distorted expression, “You are worse than dogs! Do you know that? How long can you keep me as a prisoner? I, Ruben, will never forget today’s humiliation!”

The quietly listening Orta suddenly looked at Elsid and said, “Your Majesty.”

“I will allow it.”

‘Allow it…?’ While the crowd looked confused, Orta kicked Ruben’s chin. The sound of his jaw breaking rang out.


Of course, those bones would recover soon, but Ruben stopped speaking. It was because Orta’s violence had come without any notice, and Ruben feared Orta’s ability to push him one-sidedly. Above all, there was killing intent coming from behind the white mask. Orta’s eerie aura was a serious threat.

Elsid raised his hand again to stop Orta and said, “Crusader Ruben.”

“…What is it?” Ruben was like a mad dog who had become well-behaved after being punished. The eyes of the Soldun officials twitched, but they didn’t do anything.

Elsid simply smiled and looked down at Ruben placed below him.

“Did you hear His Holiness speak? I heard that the crusaders of the Lairon Sacred Order can hear his words at any time.”

“Hah, his eyes and ears aren’t far away.” Ruben laughed and color filled his cheeks when he heard the words ‘His Holiness.’ “He said he would be benevolent. If you release me now, as well as cut off that barbarian’s limbs and send them to Lairon, he will acknowledge your crown.”

“Hoh, really?”

“Yes. Give up on the delusion of communicating with the land of barbarians and be baptized by Lairon. Then Lairon and Soldun will be able to get along peacefully.”

Ruben was far too arrogant for a prisoner, but the Lairon Kingdom was difficult. It wouldn’t end here if Elsid killed the crusader.

Unlike normal masters, the Sacred Order was able to cover the vacancy of a crusader after a certain amount of time. The true power of the soldiers, berserkers, and paladins in the Sacred Order had never been revealed. Ruben was acting like this because he knew that Soldun couldn’t afford another war after their civil war.

“Get along peacefully…” Elsid murmured with a sneer.

They would become a tributary and have to make ‘donations.’ Just the name ‘Lairon’ made him sick. These disgusting donations were to be packaged as ‘peace?’ Thanks to Ruben, Elsid was able to make a decision without hesitation. “Sir Orta.”


“This is the present that I—no, the Soldun Kingdom has prepared for you,” Elsid spoke firmly as he raised his left hand.

Simultaneously, there was a flash inside the room.

Puok! To be precise, a blade pierced the back of a person’s head. Ruben didn’t understand it even at the last minute when he collapsed onto the ground. His brain, where his divine power had been stored, was now destroyed. The brain was the place where the soul dwelled, so even an immortal being would be seriously hurt. Undoubtedly, a half crusader wouldn’t be able to endure it.

“Your Majesty.”

At Orta’s questioning look, Elsid shrugged and added, “I didn’t say it in advance, but all prisoners have been executed. With this, we are completely Lairon’s enemies.”

“…What does that mean?”

“As a religious country that doesn’t acknowledge magic and sticks to Andras, the Lairon Kingdom can’t coexist with you. Of course, we are weaker than Lairon, but Soldun would like to form an alliance with Meltor.”

Orta’s mind moved quickly. It was natural for Lairon to join Andras, and Meltor needed as much power as possible. They had an alliance with Elvenheim thanks to Liliana, and they were also in negotiations with Austen. Soldun’s land warfare was slightly lacking, but the fleet of a coastal kingdom couldn’t be neglected.

“I will speak to My Liege positively about this.”

“Sigh, thank you. I have barely managed to stop myself from stepping over the cliff.”

It wasn’t an exaggeration. If Orta refused this offer, Soldun had no place left on the Central Continent. They were Lairon’s enemy and their national power was weakened due to the civil war.

However, what if Soldun joined hands with another kingdom? In just a few days, Orta’s actions of taking down 11 estates had already spread through the central region. No nation would preemptively strike with his name attached to the Soldun Kingdom.

Then Elsid turned his gaze toward Liliana. “Miss Liliana.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“It was through chance that I fortunately made a connection with you. It is clear that if it wasn’t for the connection with Lord Baek and his son, Meltor’s support wouldn’t have made it in time. Your impression of me at the first meeting probably wasn’t very good, but I am really grateful that you answered my call.”

“I am undeserving of those words.”

Elsid grinned and gestured to the knight behind him again, who then brought out a pole wrapped in cloth. The pole was like a spear or a cane, and it was hard to know its purpose.

‘If I look at it with X-ray Vision… eh? It isn’t working?’

Lili’s eyes shook after using Hawkeye, which was a power she had obtained from absorbing an artifact. However, it had evolved to become several times more powerful than it had been originally. Moreover, this vision magic was supplemented by her seven circles and the two divinities. Yet Elsid didn’t give any explanation about the item as he unwrapped the cloth.

“Ah…” A strange expression appeared on Lili’s face as she saw it.

It was because the blue presence coming from the stick, which was less than 2 meters long, made her skin tingle. Be it a blessing or a curse, an unbelievable amount of power was contained in that rod.

“This is an artifact handed down through the Soldun royal family. It’s called the ‘King’s Flagpole.’”

It was said that a king had crossed the ocean and set up a kingdom in a corner of the Central Continent. The name of the ‘Wave King’ was Okeanos.

Some speculated that he was from the East, while others worshipped him as a divine human who had fallen from the heavens. The works he had done during his life were so wonderful that it was hard to think of him as an ordinary human.

Be it protecting the country by controlling the rough ocean currents in nearby waters, mitigating the flood damage which occurred several times a year, or sending away a malicious sea dragon… The king of that kingdom had evidently been a sword master or great magician, a mysterious hero whose stories were still being passed down. Furthermore, according to Elsid, this was the first flagpole that the Wave King had used to hang his flag.

Liliana wanted to have it, but she asked before that, “Is it okay to give me such a historic object?”

“Well, normally it is forbidden.” Elsid smiled and pointed at the flagpole. “But the Wave King said that someday a qualified person would come to get this. The proof is that it is shining blue right now. As soon as I thought about you, it started emitting this light.”


“Everyone has agreed. Anyway, this was just used as a decoration, so it is several times more useful to give it to our benefactor.”

Liliana couldn’t refuse. So, she politely extended both her hands and accepted the King’s Flagpole. A cool power seeped into her palms. Unlike Aquilo’s blood, this felt cool and refreshing like the waves of the sea.


She instinctively used it as always, but suddenly— [Please note! The divine artifact is damaged!][You can only see some of the information with Appraisal. It might be further damaged if you try to obtain more information.][+28 ――――’s ――dent (Divine Artefact)] The god of the sea, ――――’s is his treasure. All ――beings stabbed by it, a person stuck by this ― will become extremely vulnerable. ――’s divinity, and it won’t exercise its power unless the person possesses a corresponding divinity. ――――――* The rating of this magic tool is ‘――.’* It can’t be viewed.* It can’t be viewed.* It can’t be viewed.]

This was the first time she had seen an information window like this.

‘W-What?’ Lili’s eyes widened with confusion, causing Gluttony to react to her emotions and wake up. What happened to make the User stir Gluttony awake? Gluttony yawned a few times before looking out.

-……Huh!? ‘Ah, what a surprise!’

Lili was scared by Gluttony’s shout and rebuked it, but it didn’t listen. Gluttony was gazing at the King’s Flagpole with a strange expression. Lili noticed its gaze and asked, ‘What? Do you know that rod?’

–Of course, Gluttony spoke heavily. –The god who ruled the oceans, ――――’s trident. Damn, I can’t say the name. Am I still bound by causality?

‘Wait a minute, that is a trident?’

-That’s right. I don’t know where the ends are, but this was originally a trident. It was a treasure that could cause tidal waves just by stabbing once.

Then Gluttony noticed something while explaining to Lili.

There was the contract with Dmitra, who became an ancient elemental, as well as Aiolos’ Pocket which had been removed from the Library. Now, Liliana was handed a divine treasure by a descendant who didn’t know its value. There was only one step left until the four world outlook was complete. If the last remaining fire divinity in this age came into Lili’s hands, she would no longer be a mortal.

Gluttony felt agony and anxiety because it couldn’t rejoice over this fact, but those emotions soon faded. No matter what was involved, Gluttony’s role was to guide the breakthrough. Only one question remained.

–What is your intention, Prometheus?

It was a monologue that no one could understand the meaning of yet.

Chapter 231 – Elsid’s Gifts (3)

The conversation ended with Elsid’s gift. An alliance might be established, but Orta didn’t have the full authority of the state. He needed to clear it with Kurt III first before more details could be discussed. Thus, the magicians in the secret room decided to return to their quarters. Vince and Carter followed their guides, while Orta accompanied Liliana. The place where the two were heading was a private room.

It was a room that contained the defectors, whose identities only Orta and Liliana knew. Randolph Clovis and Rebecca Clovis, the successors of Clovis who once excelled in the empire as one of the Seven Swords, were now hiding in this room after defecting from Andras.

Knock, knock.

The senses of a sword master would’ve noticed the approach of Liliana and Orta a long time ago, so Lili knocked briefly without any worries. Unsurprisingly, the door opened as soon as she raised her hand.

“Ah, you’ve come?” Randolph greeted her cheerfully as usual, but then he looked awkward when he saw Orta behind Liliana. Randolph’s intuition sensed that Orta was strong, so he didn’t let go of his vigilance from the first meeting. Liliana was aware of this, so she felt tension constrict her neck.

Then Randolph spoke with an awkward expression, “…It looks like you didn’t come to play, but would you like some tea?”

Liliana smiled wryly and shook her head. “No, that’s okay. White Tower Master?”

“I would like a drink.” Orta nodded and crossed the threshold, while Liliana followed and closed the door. Then she used magic to completely block sound from escaping the room. Spells which could deceive a sword master’s senses were rare, but a mage always needed to be prepared for the worst. Of course, there was someone watching Liliana’s actions obsessively.

Liliana looked forward and faced her. “Good evening, Sir Liliana.”

She had blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and green eyes different in color from Ellenoa’s. Her white skin showed she was from a noble family, but her firmly disciplined body showed that she didn’t grow up like a plant in a greenhouse. A storyteller would describe her as a ‘manly beauty.’ Rebecca Clovis was truly a knight.

“…Good evening. How are you feeling?” Lili asked.

“I’m okay. I had no big injuries in the first place.”

It was as she said. Pan Helliones hadn’t inflicted any injuries on Rebecca while binding her. He hadn’t wanted her to be injured while bound on a big battlefield. As such, Liliana’s condition was worse than Rebecca’s.

“Captain Liliana.” The conversation between the two of them was interrupted by Orta.

He looked down at the black tea Randolph handed him before sighing and placing it on a corner of the table. It was an elusive taste which was hard to express.

Then Orta spoke as casually as always, “The expedition army, including me, will return home two days later in the early dawn. The war mages are Meltor’s core power, so they can’t stay away for too long.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that,” Lili replied.

“The magic circle preparation will be done by that time. The problem is… your body’s condition is worse than I thought.”

The Clovis siblings’ expressions stiffened as they listened.

Simultaneously, Orta tapped his index finger on the table. “Your circles are overloaded. It is uncommon for a 7th Circle mage, but maybe it will be rewarding on the way to the next level. These symptoms will get better over time. But…”

Liliana interrupted, “I won’t be able to go through the long-distance movement.”

“…That’s right,” Orta confirmed with a heavy voice under the mask. “It is only a little bit painful now, but long-distance space travel can cause serious problems. However, we can’t keep the troops in the Soldun Kingdom until you are healed.”

“I understand, Tower Master,” Lili acknowledged.

Liliana’s body was important, but the war mages were Meltor’s precious lifeline. They weren’t a force that could be left neglected in the Soldun Kingdom. Liliana was well aware of this and accepted it.

Orta’s judgment was correct, so Liliana had one favor left to ask. “Then please look after these two people.”

Apart from their relationship with Liliana, the two people were ultimately defectors from an enemy country. There might be some who would doubt their intentions, or some might use them to get closer to her. However, if someone as reputable as White Tower Master Orta was looking after them, then it was possible to block such attempts.

“..I’ll do so. Don’t forget that you are ultimately responsible for guaranteeing their identity.”

“Of course.”


Orta’s conversation ended there. He gulped down the rest of the tea and left the room with a simple goodbye. Perhaps that was his own consideration. No matter what they were to Liliana, Orta was still a stranger to the Clovis siblings. Therefore, the contents of the conversation would be greatly reduced.

Randolph looked at Liliana with a subtle expression. “Lili, is that person reliable?”

“Yes…” It was an unexpected question, but Lili replied quickly.

“A worthy ally?”

“…That is for certain. He is a person you should never be careless around, and it is impossible to see the bottom of him. It is reassuring if he is an ally, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if he were an enemy,” Liliana said, smiling bitterly.

It couldn’t be helped. Orta was a completely different type of person from Veronica and Blundell, who openly showed off their presences. He didn’t care about right and wrong when achieving his purpose, and used whatever method was necessary to defeat his target, even if it was cowardly. In some ways, he was more of an assassin than an actual assassin. It was no wonder that Kurt put him in charge of important external missions.

Following this, Liliana, Randolph, and Rebecca talked casually. They conversed about what had happened after their separation in the Sipoto wilderness, the reunion with Rebecca, thrashing the rotten elders of their family, and so on.

As Liliana focused on their stories, she would occasionally laugh loudly or smile darkly. There was a bitter story and also a depressing story. Even so, they could laugh. The places and events were different, but they could congratulate each other on the result.

Then the conversation between the three people ended. It happened when Liliana got up from the chair and stood in front of the door.

Sururung. Rebecca abruptly pulled out her sword and approached her. Liliana didn’t feel any hostility, but it was natural to be confused. However, it was nothing compared to what followed.

“I swear on the Clovis name, this body…”

Randolph knew the meaning of the phrase, and his eyes widened, while Liliana remained silent because she didn’t know what was going on.

Thanks to that, Rebecca’s words echoed in the room, “From now on, this body will serve you like a piece of steel. I swear that this body may break and melt, but it will never bend. My heart will jump at your command, or stop at your command.”


“I will serve you until the day that the sun no longer sets.”

Rebecca reversed the sword she held in her hand, placed her right knee on the ground, and bowed deeply.

Liliana didn’t know the meaning of this gesture, but she could feel the weight behind it. It was a covenant an Andras knight used when they wanted to serve a master for the rest of their life.

“Rebecca, Clovis’s daughter, sees her master.”

Rebecca raised her sword with both hands, laughing with an expression that Liliana had never seen from her before.

* * *

“Hah…” Liliana sighed as she fell onto her bed.

Setting aside her physical fatigue, Rebecca’s vow was very shocking. It was something that a warrior could only do once in their lives. The knight who swore this oath devoted their life and death to their master. Randolph had explained so with a heavy sigh.

–Sigh, I am asking this of you.

Randolph didn’t even try to persuade her, probably because he felt the weight of her words and her stubbornness. If she intended to withdraw this oath, she wouldn’t have made it in the first place.

His only sister had become the subordinate of his friend. Liliana was reliable. However, as Rebecca’s brother, it was natural for Randolph to feel disturbed.

Rebecca’s words still remained in Liliana’s ears.

–I won’t follow My Lady right now, Rebecca said. Then she laid her hands on her heart with a face filled with joy and continued, –This body of mine is not yet able to be your sword and protect you. I will come find you again on the day when I won’t be a burden to you.

Rebecca said she would become a sword master for Liliana and then stubbornly bowed her head. She showed her intention to fulfill her oath, even if she refused. Liliana reluctantly accepted her sword and returned it. As a result, an unofficial relationship formed between the two.

“…Well, it can’t be helped.”

Fortunately, she couldn’t find any feelings of affection on her face. She already had the courtship with Ellenoa, so fortunately the situation hadn’t become more complicated.

Right now, Liliana’s current capabilities were more important than Rebecca’s actions.

‘Let’s think about this instead.’ After all, the problem with Rebecca wouldn’t have another answer even if she worried about it. ‘Let’s replay the fight against Pan Helliones.’

It was easier to think about magic than love relationships. Her body cooled down as soon as she imagined Pan Helliones’ face. Pan Helliones was the owner of a destructive power which could collapse a mountain in one attack. It wasn’t the first time Liliana had confronted a sword master, but it made her realize that the world was truly wide.

Additionally, it helped her to realize what she lacked.

‘I fought too crudely. If I combined my techniques effectively, I wouldn’t have had to gamble with Abraxas.’

It wasn’t arrogance but the truth. Liliana’s total powers already exceeded those of a normal master. She had the fires of Muspelheim, the blood of a sea dragon, the divinity of the wind, and the divinity of Mother Earth. There were also the dimensional abilities of Umbra and her Forced Harmonization. For her who was nearing an ‘almighty’ state, Liliana had many options.

What if she had moved Hellfire through space by exploiting Dimensional Leave? What if she had bombarded Pan Helliones in all directions with lightning strikes? What if she had used Mitra’s power to soften the ground?

There were a few effective alternatives. However, at the time of the fight, she hadn’t been able to come up with these solutions. Why hadn’t she thought of those ideas at the time? She had stayed cool in her own way, but she still hadn’t been thinking calmly.

‘…This is the problem with having too many powers.’

The skills each had strong personalities, and if even one ability reached its peak, that would be the ultimate power.

Umbra, Muspelheim, sea dragon, Mother Earth, wind god… A person normally devoted their life to studying one power, while Liliana was trying to grasp all of them. Was this greedy method wrong?

–Don’t misunderstand. Gluttony trampled on the anxiety which sprouted within Liliana. –This diversity is User’s strength. Right now, it is meaningless to pursue another way. You will eventually reach the peak of all of them when joining them together.

‘…Is that so?’

–That’s right. You can fill up what you are lacking. Eat them, eat everything. There is no reason for User to feel ignorant.

Indeed, this was the remark of a gluttonous grimoire. Liliana couldn’t help laughing as she acknowledged that Gluttony had a point.

If Liliana consolidated her powers into one, she would surely become stronger. However, she couldn’t relax before it was consolidated. Currently, it was difficult to demonstrate the true value of Forced Harmonization, which mixed all magic into one.

So, she had to eat until it was all filled up.

Then an idea flashed through Liliana’s mind. “I’ve decided.”


“I will head toward Kargas.”

Before Gluttony could ask why, Liliana explained, “I am going to meet that old man again.”

The elderly face of a competitor she’d met in Kargas’ underground auction rose into her mind. It was Heinrich. Unlike Liliana, Heinrich had been collecting original books for decades. The value of his library couldn’t be measured.

Thus, Liliana’s next destination was Sipoto.

Chapter 232 – Elsid’s Gifts (4)

It was two days after that. As Orta had announced in advance, he completed the creation of the large-scale magic circle to return with the expedition army. He was a 7th Circle magician and the best at space magic, but it still wasn’t easy to take hundreds of people with him. It had taken a few days to prepare a magic circle with a diameter of 100 meters and gather all the magic power.

‘The recoil will be big, even if he is the tower master. Will he be okay?’ Liliana’s concern wasn’t excessive. After all, it was a big burden to move hundreds of people through long-distance space travel from the Central Continent to the Northern Continent. Liliana herself wasn’t sure she would be able to do it at the 8th Circle. Perhaps White Tower Master Orta had a ‘Sorcery’ that made this possible.

At that moment, there was a throbbing pain in Liliana’s chest. “Ugh.” This was circle overload; pain filled her abused body in exchange for completing the great magic Abraxas. Unlike trauma which could be treated with potions, this overload didn’t have effective means of treatment. Despite the modern advances, the Magic Society didn’t have a solution for it aside from ‘time.’ She had consumed two elixirs, but she couldn’t see any effects taking place.

‘Well, I didn’t think it would recover in just two days. …At least one month,’ Liliana diagnosed herself and looked at the man approaching her. The man’s expression had been hidden since the moment she met him.

“You are leaving for Kargas,” the White Tower Master, Orta, spoke in a dry voice as usual.

“Yes, I will return via Sipoto.”

“The border city. Are you perhaps planning to attend the underground auction? It isn’t held at this time.” Orta was head of the intelligence network, so he was well aware of the underground auction house associated with Sipoto. Maybe he had more details than the information guild.

While thinking she would need to find out later, Liliana replied to his question, “No. I have a person I want to meet. I will come home as soon as I finish with him.”

“Give me the name of the person, just in case.”

“Heinrich, famous for his nickname of the ‘Old Books Maniac.’”

“Old Books Maniac Heinrich… I understand. Then I will be going.” Orta turned around at the reply from Liliana and headed to the center of the magic circle. It seemed that he needed to make final adjustments before the long-distance teleport.

Some people followed closely after him in approaching Liliana. They were Vince and the Clovis siblings, who were worried about her condition. The three people lined up before Liliana.

“In the end, you will be left alone,” Vince said with a bitter smile. He couldn’t do anything, despite his position as a teacher.

“Nothing will happen in a day or two.”

“Then take care of yourself and return. There is no need to rush, but don’t be too late.”

“Yes. I will keep that in mind, Master.”

Vince left after his farewell speech. Then Randolph spoke while scratching the back of his head in a sign of uneasiness, “…Are you sure I shouldn’t stay by your side? It doesn’t make sense to leave without you.”

“Randolph, I understand your heart, but there is no need.” Liliana shook her head with a light sigh. “Don’t worry about me. Wait in Mana-vil with Rebecca.”

Of course, there was an option to have Randolph accompany her. She could request the escort of a sword master. However, Liliana didn’t choose that option. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to lean on Randolph but because she wanted to exclude the risk factor. She couldn’t tell if there was a benefit to Randolph accompanying her.

‘There might be some type of tracking device. The empire collects and uses all types of artifacts instead of magic. It is wiser to leave Randolph in Mana-vil in case his position is exposed to Andras.’

When they took Rebecca hostage, Andras had probably been expecting their betrayal. They wouldn’t have ruled out the possibility of one of the Clovis siblings escaping. That was why it was decided to have them move to Meltor through Orta’s space magic.

Randolph thought it was unfortunate, but Rebecca bowed to Liliana and followed her words. “I will wait until you return, My Lady.”

“…Yes, I’ll see you later.” It was the best answer for Liliana, who still wasn’t familiar with her. She was a knight she competed with once in public and the sister of her friend. Now, she had sworn a pledge of loyalty to her. There would be a chance to sort out this complicated relationship, but it would not be now.

Then almost a thousand people stood on the magic circle. The preparations were finished. Orta closed his eyes in the center, and the magic circle flashed.

Wuuuong… The huge amount of magic power caused a gust of wind to blow, and an unknown pressure to build up. There was enough power that even a person who didn’t practice mana could feel it. In the midst of that vortex, Orta’s mouth opened, “「――――」”

Unfortunately, Liliana couldn’t hear it. The space around Orta started to distort as soon as the words were spoken. It resembled a haze or a mirage, but anything which touched it disappeared without a trace. Space magic was dangerous and difficult magic. However, unlike the scale of the magic circle, the invocation was instant.

Flash! The light couldn’t be penetrated with human vision, and the 800 people in the magic circle disappeared. One of the many mysteries of this age vanished without a trace.

“…This is amazing. It is hard to believe that a person can do such huge magic.”

“It is ridiculous for us too.” Liliana shrugged with a smile. If anyone could use this magic, the entire continent would be under the feet of the Meltor Kingdom. Liliana spoke to Baek Jongmyung for a while and then her means of transportation arrived.

Hii-hihihihing! It was a carriage pulled by two horses. Although it seemed rough, the body of the carriage was actually covered with lightweight spells, and the inside of the carriage was four times wider than it seemed due to space magic. This was a carriage for distinguished guests. It was the gift from King Elsid, who considered the fact that Liliana wouldn’t want to be seen by others.

“Then I will be going now.” Liliana shook Baek Jongmyung’s hand, noticing his appreciation and anxiety. The appreciation was directed to her, while the worry was probably…

“Please look after my son, Lady Liliana.”

“You don’t need to worry. The person who found his way to me isn’t the same as before.”

“Really? That boy…?” Baek Jongmyung was strangely moved by Liliana’s words. Perhaps, it was like a baby bird leaving its nest? Liliana never had a child or disciple, so she didn’t know the feeling.

The conversation between the two people ended there. Baek Jongmyung left, and Liliana entered the carriage, lying down on the bed. This was her last memory in the Soldun Kingdom.

* * *

In a place that no one knew, someone opened their mouth. The person’s appearance couldn’t be seen because they were covered in darkness, but the voice seemed to come from a middle-aged man. No, it was a voice that was like that of a young man.

“I just received the news. She has crossed the border of the Soldun Kingdom. She is alone.”

“Hoh.” This time, it was the voice of an old man. “It is a good period to open the jaws of death… Can it be done?”

“No, we can’t be sure of her power in the present.” The third voice was that of a young woman. Just listening to the voice made a person feel like the owner of the voice was a beauty. She spoke in a voice that didn’t contain any emotions, “The target dealt with the 4th Sword, Pan Helliones. In addition, based on the level of the destruction marks left on Babarino Plains, she is a top-level master.”

“Ohh… She is terrifying at this age. She is someone who deserves to be our enemy.”

“But there is a variable that she doesn’t know we are watching,” another voice filled with admiration and hatred replied to the old man.

There were four people rattling in the darkness where nothing could be seen. Their genders, ages, and species were unknown. Then the meeting shortly came to a conclusion.

“Use this occasion to remove her,” the fourth voice, which sounded like molten iron, suggested.

“How?” The young man asked.

The old man replied, “There is a maneuver called ‘Let the Barbarians Fight Among Themselves’ on the Eastern Continent. How about using it?”

“Let the Barbarians Fight Among Themselves?”

“Barbarians will fight the barbarians. It means we don’t have to move since the enemies will take care of each other. Now, isn’t it a suitable method in this situation?”

The other three voices were silent. They were reviewing the old man’s proposal and considering if it was possible or not. Subsequently, the beautiful woman’s voice complained toward the old man, “How much of our influence in the Central Continent will we lose if we drag them in?”

“Um, that might not be the case,” the old man spoke with an eerie laugh. “The loss of the 4th Sword is big. Andras won’t be able to let go of this chance to retaliate. We just need to give them a push.”

“…It means to pass them information.”

“Besides, the shadows are easier to deceive than the white tower.” The old man’s voice contained a dark hatred at the end.

The White Tower Master, Orta… Everything from his birth to his growth was unidentified. It was almost impossible to fool that monster’s attention inside Meltor, although it might be possible outside of it. The old man had tried to penetrate Orta’s surveillance a number of times, but he had never succeeded. So, it was humiliating for the old man. This time, the old man would break that arrogant man’s nose.

“…What destination is the target heading to?” The voice like molten iron asked.

“The target’s carriage is heading to Kargas. It is hard to see it as a trap because the carriage is moving on a straight path.”

“Then she will likely pass through Sipoto.”

“I guess she is thinking of going to Meltor through Kargas.”

The four voices asked questions and made plans. Despite the four people being of different ages, genders, and species, their discussion was rational and calm.
Kargas’ border city, Sipoto… The target’s location, distance to the city, and other variables were answered.

“…It isn’t too late if we hurry.”

“It isn’t good to send anyone with less power than the 4th Sword. If Andras moves on this information, her death will be confirmed.”

“We must find a way to get rid of the bodies and the byproducts.”

“Yes, I will take all necessary measures.”

The group had a reason for doing this. Charlotte’s Necklace had been taken away from them at the underground auction house. The Orcus Company’s headquarters had been devastated by an unidentified battle. They had ignored the humiliation and hidden in the shadows. They would kill the target, Liliana Miller, to get rid of their resentment.

The four warlocks hiding in the darkness of the Central Continent… The eyes of the Four Horsem*n glimmered with an eerie light. The ominous and fascinating sight resembled blood dripping down. Then the four pairs of eyes closed, and nothing remained in the darkness.

Chapter 233 – Old Books Maniac Heinrich (1)

The trading kingdom, Kargas, which was in the heart of the Central Continent, was close to being a non-aggression zone. Since ancient times, Kargas had known it was meaningless to expand with force. Its military power was just like a reed before the storm that was the Northern powers.

Andras and Meltor… Over the centuries, these two powers had repeated a war which was far beyond Kargas’ capabilities. Kargas had long since been convinced that it would be impossible to confront them with force.

–Then we must survive in other ways, someone had said. –The power to control this world isn’t just through violence.

Power, financial resources, intellect… all species wielded these things. With politics and the economy, this so-called society wasn’t so simple. If the power gap was obvious, then there was no reason to compete with power. Fortunately, Kargas was able to become a key trading area and receive the secret assistance of other nations that didn’t want to share a direct border with the Northern powers.

It was like the idiom ‘without lips, one’s teeth would feel the cold (fig. intimately interdependent).’ Over the years, there were a few kings who had tried to gain Kargas’ wealth, but no one had ever achieved it.

It was unacceptable for the other kingdoms to let what they had developed enter into the hands of others. In a sense, Kargas had survived as a result of exploiting human psychology. If it was put nicely, they were clever. If it was put badly, they were sly and cunning. This was the way of survival for weak countries.

「 A strong person doesn’t survive. It is the survivor who is strong. 」

This was a type of worldly wisdom. If the Kargas Kingdom had tried a military expansion, it would likely have been destroyed without surviving 100 years. A kingdom with a different name would be built in this place, and this process would be repeated over and over.

As a result, Kargas was successful. The evidence was that it was completely calm despite being the closest kingdom to the North.

Austen suffered from the drought which occurred on an irregular cycle, while Soldun suffered from the actions of the kingdoms it was surrounded by. Lairon, on the other hand, was a kingdom full of fanatics.

So, Kargas was safe and abundant compared to all of them. Moderately famous people settled in Kargas.

‘I have been living in Sipoto for 20 years already.’ The Old Books Maniac, Heinrich, was similar.

After retiring, she had moved to Sipoto in Kargas. She enjoyed buying rare books and didn’t plan to leave. Heinrich had completely withdrawn from political circles and thought her plan was going smoothly.

…If only her hobby hadn’t brought in a new problem.

“Haha! Lady Heinrich, famous for your collection of books. Your library is truly amazing.” The person who spoke had a mustache and a greasy-looking face. His fat belly proved his laziness, while his expensive clothing hung in several folds.

The man was like a big toad, and Heinrich barely managed to suppress her sigh as she said, “I am undeserving of your words, Viscount Brahms.”

Heinrich wanted to kick him out right away, but Brahms’ status wasn’t one that was easy to deal with. Brahms was a noble and senior magician of Kargas, and it was rumored that he had recently challenged the wall of the 6th Circle.

It wasn’t uncommon in Meltor, but a 6th Circle magician in the Central Continent was strong. He wasn’t someone an outsider could handle.

“… What book did you come for today?”

There was only one reason why Brahms would come to Heinrich. Brahms’ real purpose was to steal rare magic books in the name of ‘renting’ them. Unsurprisingly, greed filled Brahms’ eyes which resembled those of a toad. “Excuse me, I have to ask you a favor today. There are rumors that you got your hands on ‘Book of Clouds’?”

“No, where did you hear…?” Heinrich stopped herself, but it was already too late.

Viscount Brahms rubbed his palms together and urged Heinrich to answer, “I don’t know the source of the rumor, but can I borrow it? I swear on my name, I will reward you generously.”

“Ummm…” If Heinrich believed that, she would be a goldfish, not a woman. It would be fortunate if Viscount Brahms paid even half the price of the book. Moreover, she didn’t want to lose a book like the Book of Clouds. Was it okay to refuse at least once?

Heinrich made a cautious look and shook her head. “I’m sorry, but it’s a little difficult.”

“Hah, thank yo… Hrmm? What did you say just now?” Brahms’s frivolous expression turned to stone.

Simultaneously, Heinrich felt her heart grow heavier as she saw Brahms’ expression. This wasn’t uncommon. The magicians who came to her didn’t understand why an old woman, not a magician, would collect magic books. They would demand the books, stating that they were the ones who could make the best use of them.

Viscount Brahms had the same look and tone.

“Insolent…!” Viscount Brahms’ thick flesh shook as he shouted wildly at Heinrich. “How dare you refuse when you don’t even know the greatness of magic? I am Viscount Brahms, who will be in the highest position in the next 10 years!”


“Hey, shut up!”

This wasn’t unusual for Heinrich, but she lost sight of who Brahms was. Intense magic power filled the room and pressed down on the old woman. Even though Heinrich wasn’t familiar with fighting, Brahms’ killing intent was instantly revealed. “It is annoying to visit here every time. I’ll just erase you here.”

At this moment, Heinrich regretted her past for the first time. It was because she realized that by forgoing other relationships and status, she had made herself vulnerable. There was no reason for Brahms not to kill her. Sipoto’s rich old woman, Old Books Maniac Heinrich, was only this much.

‘Huh, it is ironic.’

She had chosen Kargas because it didn’t choose the path of violence, only to get robbed and killed here. Heinrich predicted her own death and laughed hysterically.

“Laughing? You, don’t you understand that you are going to die?” Brahms was furious and started chanting a spell.

There were rare books here, so he couldn’t use a massive attack spell. In the first place, why would he need such a strong spell to handle an old woman who didn’t know how to fight? A few Magic Arrows would be enough. The blue magic power grew and turned into arrows.

Then at that moment…


The magic arrows were dispersed, and the recoil hit Brahms. His five circles creaked, and some of his blood vessels broke, causing him to kneel on the floor. If the magic had been more than the 4th Circle, then he would be vomiting up blood.

[This garbage can’t be recycled,] a cold voice rang out in the room at that very moment. [You dare to use your magic as a means to look down on others? I didn’t want to do this, but I can’t let you go.]

“W-Who… are you?” Aside from his rotten personality, Brahms was a 5th Circle magician and knew the meaning of this phenomenon. His magic had been intercepted by a superior magician! Moreover, a difference of more than two circles was required to block his Magic Arrow. In other words, Brahms’ opponent was a magician of at least the 7th Circle.

However, Brahms didn’t get to know the identity of the other person even until the end.

“You don’t need to know,” Liliana said, appearing behind Brahms. Then she sentenced Brahms with a grim expression, “You will no longer be a magician.”

Brahms lost consciousness before he could say anything. Magic power flowed from his spine and carried it all the way to the circles in his heart. If Brahms were conscious, the two powers might’ve collided, and he would’ve died trying to repel the force.

This was what Liliana intended.

However, it was annoying to kill a person who was a senior magician, and she didn’t want information to leak by showing her face. Therefore, Liliana went for the next best thing—Circle Sealing.

Circle Sealing was closer to the application of magic power than a spell, and it was a way to seal the circles of a weaker magician. The Magic Society occasionally used this technique as a method of discipline. However, Liliana was a 7th Circle magician, so it was equivalent to a seal.

Kargas didn’t have a 7th Circle magician, and the masters of other kingdoms weren’t willing to be hostile to another master for someone they didn’t know. Since someone at the same level as Liliana was required to remove it, Brahms’ future as a magician was dead.


After Liliana finished the procedure, Brahms sprawled across the floor like a broken doll. For the time being, he would remain unconscious from the shock. This was Liliana’s first time using it, but it had turned out great. She felt a strange sense of accomplishment. Liliana expected Heinrich to have a startled expression, however…

“Circle Sealing, this is the first time I’ve actually seen it.” The old woman was gazing at Liliana with interest, rather than surprise. “Besides, the capability to block the circles and the ageof your voice, despite your changed appearance… Liliana Miller, Meltor’s hero. I never thought I would directly meet the rumored person.”

“…You are very quick to notice.”

Liliana’s identity was discovered as soon as she appeared. The battle of Babarino Plains had revealed that Liliana was a master, but Heinrich was very quick to put the rest of the information together and come to a conclusion. From the very beginning, Liliana had a hunch that Heinrich wasn’t ordinary.

Then Heinrich shook her head at Liliana and gazed at the collapsed Brahms. “It isn’t that I noticed everything. Maybe you don’t realize how famous you are.”

“I never wanted to be popular.”

“Hoh, if you don’t mind, I would like to hear more about you.”

Heinrich’s mood changed easily, and Liliana couldn’t help laughing. She didn’t know their meeting would turn out like this. If she had been a few minutes later, Heinrich would be dead. This was truly lucky.

“Then I should greet you since we are reunited.”

‘Reunited?’ Heinrich thought.

Before the bewildered Heinrich, Liliana raised a hand to her face. It was to reproduce the appearance she had used as a disguise the last time she had been in Sipoto. Heinrich’s fearsome intuition would notice it without needing an explanation.

Indeed, as Liliana thought, Heinrich’s eyes widened. “…Huh, d-don’t tell me?”

“Yes, your thinking is correct.” Liliana was satisfied with Heinrich’s reaction and nodded. “Thank you for your actions at the underground auction house, Lady Heinrich.”

Chapter 234 – Old Books Maniac Heinrich (2)

Heinrich was surprised by the unexpected situation, but he decided to get rid of Brahms first before talking. The shock Brahms suffered from Circle Sealing was too great, so he was eventually dragged and thrown out like garbage onto the streets of Sipoto. Perhaps it was better that he had lost consciousness. Now that Brahms wasn’t a magician anymore, his position would obviously collapse. Anyway, that wasn’t any of Liliana and Heinrich’s business.

Clink. A steaming cup of tea was placed in front of Liliana. Her nose was hit with the scent of herbal tea. After Heinrich placed two cups of handmade tea on the table, they started talking in earnest.

“So, what brings you to find this old man?” In the past, Heinrich had been a member of a royal court, but few people knew this. Furthermore, Heinrich was a person who had cut off all his connections. This meant he didn’t have the strength to do favors for anyone.

If so, there was only one reason why Liliana would come to see him. Liliana also knew this fact and spoke straight away, “You might’ve already guessed, but I have a great interest in Sir Heinrich’s collection.”

“That reminds me, you bought books at the underground auction.” Thinking about it again, Heinrich found it a little strange. Be it an original copy or duplicate, magic books could be found in Meltor. Nevertheless, Liliana had used a lot of money to buy the books at auction. Was Liliana a type of collector? Or was this purely out of interest?

Heinrich’s elderly eyes gazed at Liliana with curiosity and caution. However, Heinrich couldn’t figure out the correct answer without knowing about the existence of Gluttony. Heinrich spoke before posing a question, “I would like to say something first.”

Liliana didn’t seem like Brahms, but Heinrich’s preconceived notions had accumulated over many years.

“You might be acting gracious, but will you demand a book for my life?”

“Huh? I have no intention of doing that.”

“You can be honest. If you want anything from my library, you can just take it.”

Liliana immediately denied it, but Heinrich didn’t believe her. No, the old man was already tired. He didn’t know that his hobby of collecting books as a scholar would cause him to be harassed like this. Heinrich was tired of magicians coming to demand books, as well as being threatened with death in broad daylight. If Liliana asked for a book now, he was just going to hand it over. However, Liliana wasn’t such a shameful person.

“How can a magician not respect someone who worships wisdom? If I was going to be so brazen, I would’ve hit the pig after he killed you.”

“This…” It was true. As Liliana spoke to him in a calm voice, Heinrich was speechless. He was a person who didn’t know about fighting. The memory of being threatened a short time ago still filled his body.

Liliana spoke calmly, “You yielded a few books to me at the auction house, so I was thinking of paying you back today. If it hadn’t been for that day, this reunion would be uncertain.”

Heinrich’s face turned red as he regained his composure. Had he become too whiny or cynical in his old age? Heinrich gave a deep bow of apology from his seat. “Cough, my words were too shameless. Please think of it as an old man’s nonsense.”

“I didn’t hear anything.” Liliana shrugged while taking a sip of tea, before speaking again. “Let’s return to the main point. Sir Heinrich, I know that you are interested in books in many fields.”

“Yes, my curiosity doesn’t stop at this age. I only have money, so my hobby is reading interesting books.”

“So, are you interested in books from the East?”

“Hrmm?” Heinrich’s eyes opened wider at the mention of the East. The existence of the East had been known for a long time, but it still wasn’t easy to go beyond the ocean. For this reason, the culture of the East wasn’t often transmitted to the West.

Heinrich tried to regain his composure, but it had already long been revealed to Liliana. The old man coughed a few times before replying, “Hmm, it does interest me, but… it is hard to get a properly translated book. The interpretation of the same words is different, and there are many dialects that aren’t understood…”

“Please read this once before answering.” Liliana reacted like she understood and pulled out a magic book. It was one of the books she had translated while staying with the Baek Family.

The original had already been consumed, but the translations she had written during the process of increasing her understanding were still intact. This book was the handcrafted interpretation of Liliana, who had been given the memories and language skills of Lee Yoonsung. The result couldn’t be compared to those of a shabby translator.

Heinrich received the book with a strange expression. However, he soon forgot to blink as he indulged in the contents.

‘Good. It is as I thought.’ Liliana smiled darkly as she sensed that this was a success.

The two people didn’t talk again until the contents of the cups cooled.

* * *

An hour passed by.

“P-Please excuse me. This old man was too rude to my guest…” Heinrich read to the middle of the book and only realized the situation after he reached a portion he couldn’t understand. This guest… Wasn’t she currently the most well-known hero on the continent? Yet Heinrich hadn’t maintained decorum and was too rude. If Liliana’s mood had turned sour, then Heinrich wouldn’t be able to say anything.

However, Liliana shook her head with a bright expression. “No. This was what I asked for. Rather, how are the translations?”

“Ohh, these translations? They are amazing!” Heinrich praised before carefully lifting the magic book. It was the type of behavior seen from those who sincerely loved books. “I don’t know which famous scholar translated this book, but they understand Chinese very well. I can almost believe she is a local. To be able to translate the proverbs, dialects, and strange adjectives… It is easy to understand, even for a person who doesn’t know much about magic.”

Liliana was embarrassed by the praise and scratched her nose. Heinrich’s eyes widened as he noticed the reaction. Surely this young lady hadn’t mastered the language and knowledge from beyond the sea…? Liliana read the question in Heinrich’s gaze and nodded. “Yes, your thinking is correct.”

“Oh, my god. I don’t know how many times I can be surprised today!”

Liliana understood Heinrich’s astonishment. The structure of the Chinese language was fundamentally different from the common language of the West Continent. It would take a long period of time, research, and talent to smoothly compensate for the difference. This wasn’t a field which could be fully mastered by someone who was less than 30 years old.

How could Liliana have broken down the boundaries of both languages and translated the professional knowledge without any errors? It was beyond the level of some Eastern scholars in academia. Liliana wouldn’t have been capable of it if it wasn’t for Lee Yoonsung.

“I have one more thing to say.” Liliana raised 10 fingers in front of the surprised Heinrich. “I have dozens of similar books.”

“Hoh.” Heinrich smiled as he grasped Liliana’s intentions. “Do you want an exchange with my collection?”

“That’s right.”

“Indeed, it isn’t bad for me. Changing old books for new ones. It is really tempting.” Heinrich gestured for Liliana to follow. Then Heinrich picked up a book at the corner of the bookshelf. The massive bookcase creaked as it slid open, revealing a secret space inside. This was the real study of Sipoto’s Old Books Maniac.

“It is a little shabby, but the books I’ve put here can’t be easily seen by others,” Heinrich started to explain as he entered the secret library. Each book was worth at least 100 gold, so it was obvious why they couldn’t be shown to others.

There was a signed book of poetry by a legendary bard, as well as original books. The Book of Clouds, which Viscount Brahms had wanted, was such a book.

“Miss Liliana should know this.” Liliana nodded as she looked at the magic book that Heinrich had taken out. It had a white cover made of unknown material. ‘The Book of Clouds… It is clearly a book left by a previous white tower master.’

Space magic was famous due to Orta, but the root of the white tower was wind magic. Among them, there had been a white tower master who reached the peak of weather magic and could manipulate climate.

“There is an anecdote about snow appearing in the middle of the desert, or dozens of kilometers of coastline being dried out. This magic book contains such wisdom. It is no wonder that someone like Brahms desired it.”

“I heard that a duplicate copy of it doesn’t exist?”

“That’s right. For some reason, duplication magic doesn’t work on this magic book. So, there are some people who think that the Book of Clouds is a grimoire.” Liliana laughed at the thoughts of the foolish people as she looked down at the Book of Clouds.

Was it courage or ignorance? Anyone who had seen a true grimoire wouldn’t use its name so easily. Liliana had looked at the ominous bottomless hell, so she knew it better than anyone.

‘Appraisal.’ Liliana examined the cover of the book and naturally placed her left hand on it.

[Book of Clouds]
[-This book explains the laws of climate, atmospheric currents, and weather phenomena. The author, who was once well-known as a white tower master of Meltor, retired and wandered around the continent to observe the weather. After decades of research, she reached a point where she could reproduce the phenomena magically.
* This magic book is rated ‘Precious.’
* When consumed, affinity to the ‘wind’ attribute will increase greatly.
* When consumed, knowledge of ‘meteorology’ will be acquired.
* Clues to the Supercell magic have been recorded. You must be at least the 8th Circle to acquire this spell, or your wind attribute must be at the maximum. The conditions required are high.]

There was a saying about a pearl necklace around a pig’s neck, but this was more like a diamond than a pearl. The book’s difficulty and depth of wisdom were similar to space magic. Liliana was able to know this just from Appraisal and flipping through a few pages.

‘…Excellent. It was worth it coming to Sipoto.’ Of course, not all the books would be like the Book of Clouds. Nevertheless, Liliana couldn’t help but smile. She was someone who had spent her youth in the library and had then become more aware after consuming hundreds of books for Gluttony.

This was Heinrich’s secret library… and the bookshelves lined up all over the study were giving off a delicious smell. “Sir Heinrich,” Liliana pointed to the Book of Clouds and opened her mouth, “Let’s start with this one.”

Chapter 235 – Old Books Maniac Heinrich (3)

The transaction between the two bibliophiles reached a satisfactory conclusion. One was a sorceress, and the other a scholar. There were many differences in their professions, but their desire for new knowledge was the same. Regardless of how expensive they were, the balance between ‘books which had been read’ and ‘new books’ tilted toward the latter. They were books which hadn’t been seen in Kargas, and there was no doubt that the translations of the books were perfect. Starting from the Book of Clouds, dozens of books were traded.

It was a barter based on thoroughly subjective standards, completely disregarding financial standards. If a merchant had been present, they would’ve squeezed their own head. Each exchange made one side lose money, the amount lost reaching several hundred gold. Nevertheless, the two people made the exchange without any hesitation, adhering to an unspoken consensus that this was okay.

‘This grandfather, isn’t he a good match for me?’

‘It is rare for there to be a young woman like this…’

Liliana and Heinrich felt a sense of kinship with each other. They were willing to throw away money if it was a book they wanted. They craved knowledge from the bundle of old papers because their spirits couldn’t be satisfied with their current knowledge. This kinship crossed the age difference of almost 50 years, and they conversed as if they had known each other for a long time.

“Lady Liliana.”

In the end, the sun headed toward the west, and the blue sky darkened. After a few hours, the two moved from the secret library to the reception room. Heinrich felt a deep affinity with Liliana and offered an unprecedented proposal, “If you don’t mind, would you like to stay overnight? I live alone except for the servants, and several rooms remain unoccupied. It should be enough for a short stay.”

“Well, I haven’t found accommodations yet.”

Due to her circ*mstances, Lili tried to keep a low profile. Therefore, it was challenging to find a good place to stay at sunset. In that case, it would be better for Lili to accept Heinrich’s offer. “I will accept your goodwill, Sir Heinrich.”

“Haha! I am honored to have a ‘heroine’ stay overnight. Tell me if you need anything.” Heinrich laughed and clapped his hands. Then a maid waiting outside entered, and Heinrich told her, “This is a precious guest. Please guide her to the room on the third floor and make sure she doesn’t feel uncomfortable.”

“Yes, I will do so.”

“Ah, what do you want to do for dinner?”

Lili didn’t have a great obsession with food, so she just ordered lightly, “I’ll have a simple meal in the bedroom. I spent a few days in the carriage, so I just want to rest.”

“Oh, I was being rude again.”

“No, I also had a great time.”

The two finished their goodbyes and got up from their seats. Then the maid naturally turned around. Lili followed her into the corridor, where she spoke with a polite voice and attitude, “I will guide you to your bedroom. Should I move your carriage to the stables?”

“Ah, please do so.”

“By the way, where is the driver? I will also give him a room.”

“That’s okay. He has already left and will come back to the mansion tomorrow.”

“Yes, then I will have the carriage put away.”

Heinrich’s residence was rather large, but it was nothing compared to the royal palace and magic tower with which Lili was familiar. Shortly after speaking a few words with the maid, Lili arrived at the bedroom.

“Then I will go now. Please pull the string from the ceiling when there is a problem,” the maid said and closed the door.

Lili immediately threw herself onto the bed once she was alone. The carriage ride had been quite severe. The shortest route meant crossing over a mountainous road, not a paved one. No matter how good the carriage was, the wheels would jolt when they hit something. She had barely slept since it had been a few days’ worth of this. Moreover, she had motion sickness and dizziness as well.

However, the result made it all worthwhile.

“Even so, I didn’t think I would see the Book of Clouds.”

In fact, Lili had seen the Book of Clouds in the past. There was no copy of it, but a manuscript was present in the white tower. The symbols and drawings were too difficult, with many passwords hidden in the words to show that other manuscripts were false. At that time, Liliana hadn’t been able to understand half the contents. Then, what about now?

‘Okay, I should try again.’

She set the goal of reaching 98% understanding by the time she reached Meltor. Lili made a pledge and opened the book. ‘I can do it somehow if I don’t give up!’

Then exactly 30 minutes later…


She remembered it clearly. There had been high-level formulas and descriptions, as well as a magic power control which hadn’t allowed even a single leak. This had been close to the level of obsessive-compulsiveness, so it hadn’t been easy for Lili to understand despite being in the 7th Circle.

However, Lili opened and closed the Book of Clouds several times with confused eyes. It wasn’t because it was too difficult, but because it was the opposite.

“Why is it so easy?”

Her understanding had originally been at 32%, and it was now already up to 97%. She just needed to read it once or twice more to go over 98%. It was a great success, but Lili felt no sense of accomplishment. She had spent less than half a day reading, and her understanding was already at 97%? It was a phenomenon that was hard to understand.

The unfamiliar notions came easily to her, and the difficult formulas felt like simple arithmetic operations. It was as though she received knowledge from the gods—‘Wait a minute, the gods?’

At that moment, Lili recalled Aiolos’ Pocket, which contained the divinity of the wind. What if it raised not only her affinity with wind but her comprehension of magic as well? It was just an uncertain hypothesis, but it wasn’t a story without credibility. Apart from talent, sorceresses had aptitudes to certain magic attributes. Lili originally had little wind magic aptitude, but it was now sufficient with Aiolos’ Pocket. However, Lili shook her head and reached out her hand.

‘It is still just a hypothesis, no matter how I think about it. It would be faster to ask the party involved.’

The criteria to eat a book was 95% understanding, and she had already reached that standard with the Book of Clouds. Originally, Lili would’ve anticipated it, but now she was filled with deep suspicion.


–You have brought me good quality food.

Gluttony had been awake from the moment it felt the Book of Clouds, so now she reached out her tongue.


The magic book, which had only two copies on the continent, disappeared.

[’Book of Clouds’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]
[Proficiency in wind magic has increased. The wind attribute affinity has reached its limit. In compensation, the level of skill proficiency will rise even further.]
[You have acquired knowledge related to ‘meteorology.’]
[An original copy has been consumed. Synchro rate will be checked with object name ‘Heathcliff’…It is judged to be a fine rate. Heathcliff has accepted your request. At his discretion, Heathcliff has approved the spiritual connection.]

Lili was lying in bed when her eyes darkened. Her mind couldn’t withstand the separation of her consciousness and rejected it by making her faint. In retrospect, it had been a long time since she had experienced Synchro. The authors of the recent original copies she had eaten were monsters, and they had refused the Synchro. Surely a former tower master wasn’t common?

Lili laughed a little bit as her consciousness disappeared.

* * *

She didn’t know when precisely her consciousness returned. Lili opened her eyes and saw the landscape of the sky. When she saw that she was lying on clouds, Lili realized that this space was someone else’s imagery. Were clouds nothing more than a mass of water vapor, or were they filled with hopes and dreams?

At that time, a loud voice spoke out from behind Liliana, “I understand your appreciation, but you are acting a bit impolite, my junior.”

Lili turned around at the voice and saw a middle-aged man in a white robe. Once Synchro was established, one’s surface thoughts could be read. Lili was reminded of what she had forgotten and hurriedly bowed apologetically. “I’m sorry.”

“Well, it’s okay. Anyway, I am a dead man, and you are a sorceress of the magic tower. You don’t need to be so formal.”

“It is nothing, Senior.”

Lili looked at the senior before her. Heathcliff had been a white tower master. He had been a great magician of the 8th circle when he’d still been alive, and his reputation continued to this day. Heathcliff might’ve left the magic towers, but he was still one of the great masters whom Meltor was proud of.

However, Heathcliff just chuckled as Lili said this and waved his hands. “You… Aren’t you quite eloquent? I had no idea that I would hear such words after my death. I know that glory is useless, but it feels better than I thought.”

According to rumors, Heathcliff had been famous as a playboy. He scratched his head like he wasn’t accustomed to such praise and sat next to Lili. Unlike the closed-off Orta with his mask and cold atmosphere, Heathcliff seemed like the type to get close to the first person he saw.

“Okay! Rejoice, Junior. I will give you three answers.”


“I know your first question, and I will answer it.”

Lili recalled her thoughts from before she ate the Book of Clouds and stared at Heathcliff. She was doubtful, but Heathcliff really knew the answer. Heathcliff began the explanation by raising his fingers with a cheerful expression, “As you know, divine power and magic reject each other, so you don’t know what effect divine power has. Isn’t that right?”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

“I will say something before explaining. Divinity is a form of the circles and is one of the final destinations that magic can reach. It is a ‘power’ that can exert maximum strength in the material world.”

Deities were the incarnations of this material world. Their power to defend the world was so great that they repelled the demons who invaded from outer space. Their traces had disappeared when the Age of Mythology ended, but their impact lasted for thousands of years. Magic imitated that power.

“It is inferior, but a sorceress’s circles are like the deities in that they control the power of the material world. It is just that the scope and authority fall far behind. If I compare it to the power that an 8th Circle magician can exert, the gap is at least 3,000 times greater.”

“3,000 times…”

“I’m not exaggerating, Junior. Even the dragon’s heart, which is far superior to circles, is 10 times less powerful than divinity. Divinity is literally the supreme authority that rules the material world.” Heathcliff looked at Liliana with bright green eyes. “And you have two divinities. Is it called Aiolos? The god of wind… It is an incomplete divinity, but it still makes the 8th Circle look like a small trick. Once you reach the 9th Circle, you should be able to see through it, from the principles to the application.”

Then the master of wind and the previous white tower master stopped speaking.

“Now, let’s move on to the second thing. Is your heart ready?”

“…What are you saying?” Lili asked uneasily when she saw Heathcliff’s strange expression.

What was Lili going to be told? She endured patiently to the end, as Heathcliff finally opened his mouth.

“You… Aren’t you going to die soon?”

Chapter 236 – Old Books Maniac Heinrich (4)

Liliana's face became dazed at Heathcliff’s words. Heathcliff recognized that as an expression of disbelief but didn’t know how to explain what he’d said. Perhaps he was unfamiliar with teaching others.

“I’ll go back to the story. I went too far forward.” Where should he begin? Heathcliff touched his chin and revealed his knowledge. “Since ancient times, meteorology was a scene that looked into the future. The primitive spells were used to determine how much crops could grow that year. Finding out the weather in advance was like predicting where a leaf would fall. The science alone couldn’t be perfect.”

“Is this the realm of seeing the future?” Liliana asked with a curious tilt of her head.

“You understand quickly. Yes, it is a type of foresight. In ancient times, the priests of each tribe were responsible for this.”

There had been no means more effective in raising the authority of a god than to predict the future. It had opened the path to escape from natural disasters and gave people prosperity. During a time when civilization had yet to mature, the priests had always assumed the position of a god. As such, the weather had been believed to be a phenomenon closely related to divinity.

As Heathcliff was a sorcerer who had reached a higher level than anyone else in climate manipulation, his eyes also naturally looked into the future.

“I started to see it when I finished my 7th Circle. Something fuzzy that I called ‘clouds’… So, it turned into real clouds. Cirrocumulus cloud, stratocumulus cloud, nimbostratus cloud, cumulonimbus… Every time I make a dangerous choice, it becomes dark? That is how I know there’s danger.”

If he were to face a strong enemy, he would see clouds with lightning. If the peaceful days were to continue, he would be comfortably surrounded by white cotton clouds. By the time he reached the 8th circle, he had become capable of seeing disasters in distant kingdoms.

It had been around that time that the name of the storm magician, Heathcliff, had started to gain popularity abroad. He had saved a village about to be washed away by a flood, and he had also predicted the eruption of a dormant volcano.

Heathcliff, the author of the Book of Clouds, gave a monologue as he recalled the past. “Well, I ended up dying in the middle of nowhere.”

Liliana was amazed by Heathcliff’s words and hurriedly asked, “It can’t be…! Didn’t you see it?”

“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know what happened after I died. Now, it is your turn,” Heathcliff said as he looked Liliana up and down. Then he spoke in an admiring voice, “Wow, this enemy is terrible. Incredibly strong. Probably stronger than I had been during my lifetime…? What type of person are you to have such monsters as enemies at this age?”

“This isn’t a quest.”

From the Orcus Company, that Liliana had unintentionally provoked, to Andras who had lost three swords as well as the Lairon Kingdom, that had participated in the civil war… There were many strong people who wanted to kill Liliana.

‘But the enemy is greater than I imagined.’ Someone equivalent to an 8th Circle magician was going to attack her? If Liliana thought about it, there were only a few possibilities. It was either one of the empire’s first three swords or the secret of the black magic organization. She didn’t think so, but it might be someone from the Lairon Kingdom.

Heathcliff watched as a deep look appeared in Liliana’s eyes. Then he said, “Hrmm? It seems like you have your own ideas. You should be careful though. The one who will threaten you is a monster that can’t be measured with common sense.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

“Then my advice will end here. Okay, now I will move onto my magic. Then it is the third one.”

Liliana’s eyes brightened the moment the topic changed to Heathcliff’s magic. Was it due to Gluttony or her own innate tendencies? Liliana’s interest was stimulated whenever it came to magic. How much of that ‘storm’ magic could she receive? Wasn’t it also from Heathcliff himself? It was a story for any sorceress, not just Liliana.

“You… Are you interested in my Supercell?”

“Yes,” Liliana replied without any hesitation.

“The final form of Thunderstorm is an achievement that downgrades weather phenomena like natural disasters. It is a magic that no one can reproduce. It is my Sorcery. So, of course, no one can do it.”

In his prime, Heathcliff had been able to summon a storm with one hand or cause a lightning bolt with one word. He had been a walking natural disaster, with the nickname of ‘Storm.’

Supercell was the extreme magic that Heathcliff had reached in his last years. With it, he had been able to control meteorological phenomena. If Liliana could obtain it, then she might have a chance.

“Hrmm, thank you for the praise.” Heathcliff shrugged while scratching his nose. “But I am sorry. In your current state, the magic will just be a burden on your circles. You have just used one great magic, so you shouldn’t receive another great magic.”

“Circle Overload… It is more annoying than I thought.”

“It is better if you think of it as growing pains. But if I subtract Supercell, it should be fine to transfer everything else.”

Then Heathcliff pointed his hands at Liliana. However, Liliana didn’t feel any evil intentions from this gesture. Otherwise, she would’ve been ready for battle. Then several notifications entered Liliana’s ears successively.

[Object name ‘Heathcliff’ has requested the transfer of knowledge. Analyzing the details of this request… ]

[Request from object name ‘Heathcliff’ has been approved.]

[The ‘Meteorology’ skill will be adjusted to your level of proficiency.]

[The skill ‘Cloud Magic’ has been learned. The skill experience of ‘Cloud Magic’ has increased due to unknown intervention. Please note that errors might occur.]

[‘Aiolos’ divinity’ has responded. The increase in proficiency will be doubled.]

Simultaneously, Liliana shook where she was sitting. “Kuk!”

The massive amount of information that suddenly poured into her brain gave her an intense wave of dizziness and headaches. Liliana would have fainted if she hadn’t experienced something like it before. The magic knowledge of the 8th Circle magician, Heathcliff, was deep and vast. At least, there was no one in this modern age who could match him when it came to wind magic. Liliana now realized how clouds moved. She also realized how thunderbolts were born and why they came down to the ground. She even knew why wind was drawn to the surface layer of the sea. The information that Liliana accepted would probably go beyond 10 thick encyclopedias. She now knew how the wind passing by her skin moved and why the clouds were floating above her head. It was Weather Control that people in this modern time didn’t know how to use.

‘A-Amazing…! This is why Senior Heathcliff wandered through the entire continent.’ Liliana admired the knowledge through her throbbing skull. ‘Seeing it directly… He directly observed and reconfigured the weather information of the entire continent to complete Cloud Magic. It would’ve taken 5 years, 10 years…’

Heathcliff’s absence from the Meltor Kingdom would’ve been very painful, but Heathcliff had been the epitome of a magician. He had traveled for decades to find the truth. He had truly been a great and monstrous magician.

Liliana felt reverence for him and bowed deeply to Heathcliff. “Thank you for your generosity, Senior.”

“Ah, don’t be so stiff. Isn’t it the duty of a magic tower magician to transfer knowledge to others? It is unfortunate that you’re not a magician of the white tower, but I hope that you can take all of my knowledge next time.”

“Yes, I will work diligently.”

It didn’t end with just absorbing this knowledge. According to the accepted knowledge, Supercell was the peak of climate magic. It was clear that Liliana wouldn’t be able to get any benefits if she didn’t fully embody the knowledge and magic she had just acquired.

Heathcliff liked Liliana’s modest words and knocked against her shoulder. “Then I will tell you my quest at the next opportunity. Until then, survive well and teach your juniors.”

Heathcliff felt sorry that he couldn’t teach them personally as he waved his short staff. Then the whole world started to turn black. It was like a signal. Synchro was disconnected, and Liliana gazed at Heathcliff as she returned to reality. Feeling grateful, Liliana smiled until the end.

The Book of Cloud’s Synchro was over.

* * *


Liliana opened her eyes in bed and felt a sense of fulfillment. It took her 30 seconds after her encounter with Heathcliff to summarize the Cloud Magic given to her. She took deep breaths and decided to think about her approaching threat.

‘Isn’t this my second prediction of death?’

The first time had a time limit, while this one depended on the conditions.

“Moreover, it’s someone stronger than Heathcliff… There are few such monsters on the entire continent.”

Heathcliff might’ve specialized in one type of magic, but he had been an 8th Circle magician. He had been incomparable to some of the sword masters that Liliana had dealt with. If so, let’s assume Veronica was the one attacking her. Let’s imagine a monster whose destructive power surpassed Pan Helliones, whose speed was beyond Randolph, and who also had innumerable combat experience…

How would Liliana be able to survive, rather than win? The answer was simple.

“I shouldn’t fight.”

Her death would be confirmed the moment the fight was established. It was a cold conclusion, but Liliana accepted it. In fact, it was the reason she had left Soldun in a hurry. Since her power had been revealed, an assassin would be a monster who could kill Liliana in her best state. The Soldun Kingdom was too weak to prevent the attack of such a being.

She thought it would be safer to return quickly before her movements were revealed.

“…It is too quick, no matter how I think about it. They shouldn’t be able to catch up with me at this point unless they have been following my actions since Soldun.”

Her logic and intuition were shouting in one voice that this situation wasn’t a coincidence. It was caused by someone.

‘Murder by proxy.’

This was the phrase which popped up from Lee Yoonsung’s memory. It was a warning from her super sensitivity, and it was a logical conclusion. Anyway, it didn’t matter.



She had made a decision based on Heathcliff’s memory. It was foolishness to oppose natural disasters. Instead, it was best to find a way to reduce the damage if a typhoon hit, or to stay away if a volcano exploded.

Likewise, it was the same for this fight. The power of her enemy was close to a natural disaster, and her coping method was no different.

Then she said to her left hand, “Open the Library.”

If even a divinity was stored in Gluttony’s stomach, then it meant there would also be things capable of causing a natural disaster.

Chapter 237 – Second (1)

The day after arriving in Sipoto, Liliana had breakfast with Heinrich and said goodbye. Heinrich couldn’t hide his confusion as he asked if there was a problem, but Liliana just shook her head with a warm smile. Setting aside their age difference, it was easy for Liliana to talk to Heinrich. If it wasn’t for Heathcliff’s prophecy, Liliana would’ve stayed for three or four more days. Heinrich seemed to read this in Liliana’s face and sighed with disappointment. He would’ve enjoyed a conversation with Liliana while reading books all day long, but an old man couldn’t keep the young here.

“Huh, you are only staying one night… If I had known this, I would’ve stayed awake talking last night.”

“My heart wanted to, but my body didn’t obey. I’m afraid I’ll have to take a rain check.”

Then Heinrich laughed playfully. “Do you want new books?”

Liliana understood that Heinrich was half joking and half serious. “Huh? Ha, hahaha! Sir Heinrich hit the nail on the head. That passion would’ve been great if you walked on the path of a sorceress.”

“Hearing such a compliment from the heroine of Meltor, this old man’s lungs won’t survive. Hahaha!”

The two people’s hearts met on the same page for a while before they got up. The servants cleaned up the table, while Heinrich and Liliana walked along the hallway toward the main entrance. This encounter with the young heroine who might leave her name in the history books… It was interesting for Heinrich to have met a heroine who was interested in knowledge.

They left the mansion and headed outside. Liliana looked at the carriage in front of the main gate before pausing and turning to Heinrich.

“Then Sir Heinrich, take this.”


It was an iron piece engraved with two horses. The piece was high-quality iron with few impurities. Obviously, it wasn’t an ordinary iron piece. Heinrich had lived for at least 20 years in Kargas, so he recognized the iron piece at first glance.

“A badge of the Polonell Company.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Why are you giving it to me?”

Liliana nodded and gave a brief explanation, “I know this is something that can’t be traded. But it proves my identity. If Viscount Brahms from yesterday or someone else makes a fuss, please go to Bear in the Polonell Company and tell him my name. Then he will help you.”

“…You are too mature for your age. Despite my reluctance, I will accept your consideration.” The emotions in Heinrich’s eyes deepened as he received the Polonell badge. It was easy to overpower or defeat others with force. However, it was rare to pay attention to the consequences that happened afterward. In this turbulent age, Liliana was truly a heroine.

Feeling a slight reverence toward Liliana, Heinrich bowed again and thanked Liliana for her goodwill.

After that, Liliana got on her carriage. “Let’s go.”

The knight sitting in the driver’s seat wielded the reins firmly. It wasn’t done with any sophisticated technique, but it was enough to move the horses.

Hiiiing! The two horses ran forward, and the carriage soon left Heinrich’s residence. The border city had well-maintained roads, so the carriage’s traveling speed wasn’t greatly reduced in the city. Liliana sat in the occasionally shaky carriage and regretted the farewell before starting to worry.

‘The unknown enemy… In what way will she come?’

After her numerous combat experiences, Liliana had learned the importance of the first strike. So, she couldn’t help worrying. If she lost control in a situation where she was already lacking, that would be the end.

She wouldn’t be able to make a preemptive strike against an enemy who might appear anywhere, so she had to prepare countermeasures. If the person had great destructive power like Pan Helliones, Liliana could use ranged attacks. If they were exceptional in surprise attacks like Hyde, then Liliana could use her sensitivity.

She had to think of all the possibilities. As Liliana remained silent, the carriage continued moving northwards beyond the boundaries of Sipoto, drawing tracks through the wilderness. The chill on Liliana’s neck signaled that the threat was getting closer. It was a feeling she had felt several times before, but this time it was terrible.

‘…Indeed, it is a sure death.’

It was similar to what she’d felt when she had still been immature and faced Pride with Ellenoa behind her. This would be an absolute death which couldn’t be turned on its tables, even if she went beyond her limits.

If victory or defeat was determined with resolve, then even a mouse could kill a lion. However, that didn’t work in reality. Before an overwhelming gap of power, a person’s attitude was worthless. The weak would just be trampled on.

Therefore, Liliana’s condition for victory was to just survive. She needed to leap over the opponent’s overwhelming power. As such, she had already made preparations last night.

“Bring it on at any time.”

Her soft blue eyes shone as she prepared to jump over any adversity.

* * *

Despite Liliana’s preparations, the assailant revealed himself in front of the carriage without trying for an ambush.

Kkiiiiik… The moment that the driver pulled the reins and the carriage stopped, Liliana quickly jumped out. It was because her sensitivity had warned her of the enemy’s appearance in advance.

By the time she landed on the ground, her circles were already prepared to fight.

“…This,” Liliana noted, nevertheless, realizing she was one beat late.

“Hi,” a drowsy voice rang out, “Liliana Miller?”

The assailant had dark brown hair and half-closed eyes. His patchy beard gave him a shabby appearance. He would’ve looked like a homeless person if it wasn’t for the sword at his waist. His clothes were decent, but that didn’t mean much.

“…If I am, who are you?” Liliana didn’t hide her vigilance as she questioned the man.

“Number 2,” an absurd reply was given, “Zest Speitem.”

At that moment, Liliana stiffened. If Veronica and Blundell represented Meltor’s power, then the 1st and 2nd Swords represented Andras’ power. Most people didn’t know their faces, and there was little known about how they fought because most of their opponents had been killed.

Zest, the person who had overwhelmed Sword Master Randolph with one blow, was now appearing before Liliana.


Zest’s appearance didn’t matter. The chill that Liliana felt proved the authenticity of his remark. Even if this man wasn’t truly the 2nd Sword, his skill was comparable.

“Hehe.” Sword Demon Zest looked at Liliana with blank eyes. Then he made a strange sound as he looked at the knight next to Liliana. As Zest’s eyes blurred, the passing wind stopped like it had been cut by a blade. It was a phenomenon which couldn’t be understood with common sense, but it clearly happened.

‘A human stopping the wind with his will…? What a monster.’ The nervous Liliana’s breathing became uneven.

Then Zest suddenly nodded at the knight. “Hey, who is this guy? He gives off a vaguely familiar feeling.”

“…Why should I answer?”

“It doesn’t matter. Well, this might be good.”

Sururung, the sword Zest drew cried out, and he patted the sword politely. His languid expression disappeared, and Zest Speitem’s voice became clearer, “Thanks to you, I was able to go outside. I am a little sorry to kill you. So―”

Liliana’s breathing quickened as she became tense like a taut rubber band.

Kaaang! Suddenly, sparks flew as two swords collided with each other.

“Keok!” Liliana hurriedly retreated backward as the shockwave from the collision of the two swords hit her in the chest. She coughed a few times, but she couldn’t hide her astonishment.

‘I didn’t see it at all? No, it isn’t in the dimension of fast or slow…’

This was a blow which couldn’t be defined with the concept of speed. Perhaps Randolph had also been beaten by this sword. It was an attack which surpassed recognition. Had Zest planned a surprise attack from the front? Liliana’s head would’ve been cut off if it wasn’t for the driver.

“Eh?” Zest tilted his head with sincere confusion. “My sword was stopped? How?”

Of course, Liliana naturally knew the answer. The man, who had been called Lloyd during his life, had the Aura Ability ‘Pathfinder’ engraved on his body after being turned into a machine.

Pathfinder was the ability to read the right ‘path.’ However, rather than rejoicing at the enemy’s attack being stopped, Liliana was surprised to realize one fact.

‘He blocked the attack, but there was no interval to attack back!’

This was essentially a fight. The winner would be the one who could read ahead to attack or defend. In such an environment, Pathfinder was a very powerful ability. If the actions of the opponent were known one or two beats ahead, then that was enough to make a counter. In fact, Lloyd had taken down several sword masters that way.

Yet he was barely able to block this attack!

On the other hand, Zest was intrigued. “This is a fun toy. How many times can it endure?”

Zest figured out that the opponent wasn’t human and raised his sword.

‘I can’t miss it this time!’ As Liliana concentrated, the sword disappeared again.

Kakang! The first strike couldn’t be denied. There was no precursor as it cut deep into Gladio’s right wrist. The body of an automaton was different from that of humans, but half of its function was lost when it was damaged.

Jeeeong! The second strike was a piercing blow. Liliana still couldn’t see it at all. Gladio tried to defend but was pushed back by the power behind the sword, which caused serious damage to Gladio’s internal organs.

Kakakang! The stab turned into a slash. The sword was moving at a pace which already surpassed the domain of human cognition. Even a master level person wouldn’t be able to tell what had happened.

Gladio blocked the sword with his left hand, but half of it was cut off. This was the end. Even an automaton couldn’t maintain its combat ability in this state. The time it took Gladio to be defeated was two seconds. Given that there was no big difference between Lloyd’s power in life and in death, Zest Speitem had shattered one of the Seven Swords in just two seconds.

A sword master’s pure power was high, but this was pure skill.

“Reverse summoning,” Liliana called out, and Gladio disappeared into its bracelet. It would take time and a lot of resources to fully recover from that damage. Clearly, it was safe to say she couldn’t use Gladio for a while.

However, thanks to Gladio, Liliana managed to gain some time.

‘As long as I can’t recognize it, the power is unbeatable. It is suicide to fight in close proximity.’

Liliana’s seven circles rotated as she gathered her strength, while Zest smiled. Zest’s face was relaxed as if he could kill Liliana at any time. “It is a fairly well-made toy, but in the end, it is just entertainment. Will the owner be more than that?”

Liliana gulped down the horror as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. “You will regret that you didn’t kill me just now.”

Chapter 238 – Second (2)

Despite her aggressive answer, Liliana was extremely nervous right now. She had anticipated someone with Veronica-level strength to appear, but she hadn’t expected that she wouldn't be able to see the combat capabilities of a sword demon.

If Lee Yoonsung’s memory was correct, this was a sword ring. Despite retreating 30 meters in two seconds, Liliana was convinced that she wasn’t out of the sword’s range. She just noticed it, but she had already stopped breathing.

Liliana realized she could lose her head if there was even a small gap between her inhale and exhale. Her sensitivity was sharper than ever before, but she needed to maintain this confrontation for around 20 seconds more. If she lost her concentration for even a moment, she would die.

‘I need to catch up with that speed somehow.’

Liliana’s breather had only lasted three seconds, but thanks to Gladio’s sacrifice, Liliana managed to get a clue.

Zest’s sword was certainly quick, but the interval between the strikes wasn’t completely zero. It was just such a short gap that it was impossible to catch with human senses. Gladio had been able to respond by reading the orbit of the sword.

If Liliana wanted to catch up with this speed, she needed reflexes at the level of the ancient species, Ulfheðnar, that Superbia had transformed into. How could she reproduce such reflexes?

‘… I can do it.’

It was possible if she used the same technique she had used against Marquis Fergana but at a higher proficiency. If the electrical signals of the nervous system were accelerated to the extreme, the entire world would seem like it had stopped. She might not be able to overtake Zest’s sword, but she wouldn’t fall behind in speed.

Dozens of tactics and ideas mixed in Liliana’s head as she concentrated till she reached her limit. It had been exactly 17 seconds from the start of the confrontation until the conclusion. The moment that absolute death was three steps away, Liliana Miller stepped forward boldly.

Then the murderer raised his sword like a reaper.

“Be prepared.”

Zest’s sword pierced through the air.


Almost simultaneously, Liliana’s body shone with a blue light. She might not have Gladio’s Aura Ability, but she had Alfred’s extreme sensitivity. Her concentration was so extreme that she couldn’t miss the sound of a falling needle.

‘It’s coming.’ The world of her optic nerves was black and white. It was a world where everything stopped. In this slow scenery, Liliana stared at the blade before her. ‘It isn’t just fast. Omitting the intermediate process… It’s a phenomenon that can’t be understood by common sense. Is his Aura Ability the power to interfere with ‘space’?’

Maybe it was ‘time.’ A few speculations came to her mind as Liliana observed Zest’s sword, but she didn’t have the time to ponder.


Liliana took a step back as the space in front of her neck was split apart.

‘Kuk! This is ridiculously fast!’

In this black and white world, only one sword and Liliana Miller seemed to move freely. The blade passed by the side of her neck and suddenly cut down the side, then it tried to split her from her crown to her groin. This was when Liliana finally saw a gap, so she extended her hand out and reached for the four elements.

‘Forced Harmonization.’

The sword was moving at a terrible speed, so it was likely that Zest’s defense would be just as fast. In this situation, the most appropriate attributes were lightning and light.

‘Alfred’s Magic Missile x Melt Downer.‘

‘Melting Complete: Finger of Death.’

As these two spells merged, Liliana’s five fingertips glowed with an ominous green light. It was the combination of a destruction magic, which could melt even metal, and Magic Bullet, which contained a quick destructive power. The defensive power of aura wouldn’t be able to block this.

In an instant, the fingers of death aimed at the enemy’s abdomen.


Five rays of destructive energy burned through the air. Then the ionized air turned into a vacuum as the rays aimed for Zest’s abdomen.


The moment that the flesh was about to be pierced, Liliana heard it clearly.

[This is quite good?] Zest whispered with an eerie smile.

Kiing! Then the rays were cut off. Liliana couldn’t even see Zest’s movements as he cut all five rays of light with one slash. Zest truly was a sword master of the strongest empire. His aura density could probably withstand even great magics. It was impossible for Liliana to break through that defense. So, when Liliana saw the scene, she was astonished.

‘Did he stop the rays in that posture? The magic light is a bit slower than a lightning bolt, but… my magic can’t break through that defense!’

On the other hand, Zest’s lazy expression started to be overtaken by a predator. “It has been a long time since I’ve felt like this. I’m excited.”

Zest had always defeated the enemy with one-sided attacks, so he hadn’t struggled for years and could never feel satisfied. His lazy behavior derived from a feeling of boredom, but Zest was actually a beast that was more vicious than any swordsman.

Unfortunately, Liliana’s struggle had woken up that sleeping beast. Zest pointed his sword at Liliana with a strangely twisted smile. “Okay, I’ll play properly.”

It wasn’t worth using a lot of effort, but it wasn’t bad to play around. Liliana Miller’s skill caused the sad*stic nature of the sword demon to boil up. Should he cut off the limbs first? How about cutting off those cheeky fingers?

The monster, Zest Speitem, threw away his mask of laziness.

Chill. Liliana felt a wave of fear and couldn’t help taking half a step back.

Pit…! Zest’s blade narrowly passed through cloth and scattered drops of blood. If it had entered a little bit deeper, Liliana’s carotid artery would’ve been cut. Liliana hurriedly moved back while healing her neck. This attack was so quick that the previous strikes seemed like a joke. However, from Zest’s point of view, this was a normal attack.

‘Damn, I have no chance of winning in a melee…!’

Liliana was still faster than lightning. When it came to speed, it was common sense that human speed couldn’t overcome lightning. Even if the opponent had the ability to go beyond space, how could he stop lightning that went into the sky?

Liliana determined after opening up the distance between them and flying up into the sky.

“Hey, you can’t run away.”

…No, Liliana tried to fly up.

“Now let’s have some fun, yes?”

Zest remained on the ground and swung his sword in an empty space.

Jeeeong! Then there was a roar, and Liliana fell down.

‘… What, this…?’

It wasn’t until Liliana fell 30 meters and landed on the ground that she realized what had happened. She had hit an invisible wall in thin air. It was lucky that she hadn’t released her lightning mode. It was clear that her bones would’ve been shattered if she had received the collision with her human body.

Liliana landed on both legs and barely opened her mouth. “…H-How?”

“Hah, everyone’s reaction is always the same.” Zest walked step by step and chuckled. “I cut space. The space is cut many times to form a wall. Of course, the world will immediately restore it… It is good for those who are fast like you.”

“Cut… space?”

“It seems like you can’t believe it. Isn’t this swordsmanship?”

It was confidence in his Aura Ability. This was a declaration that Liliana could be killed at any time and that she couldn’t escape. Liliana now understood why the empire had dispatched the 2nd Sword.

…A swordsman who could cut space? Zest had completely cut off Liliana's escape route. Even if Liliana’s body’s condition was perfect, she wouldn’t be able to move through the space. She felt reluctant to use Umbra because she sensed that the result wouldn’t be good.

‘I can’t avoid it with Umbra. I don’t know what effect will happen if he cuts the space, even if I avoid it by moving to another dimension.’

Reality showed that she was absolutely cornered, but Liliana still didn’t give up. Her disadvantage wasn’t the only thing she learned from Zest’s answer.

‘I found a weakness. The only thing that can be cut from a distance is space. If he could cut me directly from a distance, I would’ve already died. He is fast because he erases the space in the gap between us, but if his blade is visible at close range, I can somehow avoid it.’

Liliana maintained a barrier of magic power exactly 3 centimeters above her skin. She would only be able to survive by avoiding the death which appeared in front of her. It wasn’t much different from dancing on the blade. However, if she survived the crisis… she could seize the opportunity to reverse this unfavorable situation.

“Huuuu…” Liliana turned into lightning again and lowered her body. The difficulty of her current task was much higher than any difficulties she had faced before.

One mistake could mean death. Zest seemed to like that Liliana didn’t lose her fighting spirit. Then Zest raised his sword with a grin. “Are you hiding something? This time, try to hold on for a while.”

He would stab in any gaps that Liliana showed. Liliana couldn’t rely on a gap in the opponent to win, so she spent a lot of points in the Library to ensure victory. Liliana once again became lightning and enhanced her cognition in preparation to meet Zest’s sword.

The sorceress who transformed into lightning and the sword master who cut the space… In the wilderness where no one was a spectator, the struggle of two beings who had transcended humans had just begun.

* * *

The exchange between two masters ended in just five minutes.

“Kuheok!” Liliana’s imperfect lightning eventually reached the limit, so she rolled across the ground and coughed up blood. It was rather miraculous that she had managed to maintain it for five minutes with her unstable circles. She hadn’t been able to rest, and now her legs didn’t have the power to rise anymore.

In comparison, Zest looked no different than when he first appeared. Just like a cat playing with a rat, he trampled on the devastated Liliana. Zest pointed his sword as he spoke with satisfaction, “It was really entertaining. For you to be able to avoid my sword up to here, it was beyond my expectations.”

“…This is entertainment for you?”

“Of course. It might be different if you are the fire witch or muscles-obsessed magician, but your skills can’t threaten me. Didn’t you focus on running away because you are well-aware of this?”

Liliana couldn’t deny the words. The difference between her and Zest was that big. If they fought a hundred times, Liliana would die a hundred times. If they fought a thousand times, Liliana would die a thousand times.

She was lucky to have been able to run away, but Liliana’s logical thinking couldn’t deny Zest’s answer. Zest, one of the strongest people in the present world, was three stages higher than Liliana Miller in every way.

‘It would be the same in Meltor.’

The general soldiers or even 100 elite knights wouldn’t be able to overpower a superhuman like Zest. If Liliana confronted him with Baek Jongmyung, both of them would be killed. Veronica and Blundell were the only ones who were an equal match. In the first place, Liliana had no intention of confronting Zest directly.

“Well, you’re not wrong but… But it is a big mistake if you think I only ran away.”

“What?” As Zest frowned, Liliana pointed to the ground where the two of them were standing. Zest noticed it the moment he looked down at the ground. “A magic circle? This is… Ah.”

It was a super large magic circle which was 50 meters in diameter. Zest thought about when this magic circle had been formed.

Liliana, who had turned into lightning, must’ve drawn it while running away. Her movements seemed like she didn’t know martial arts, and had only been occasionally ineffective. It made sense if she had been drawing this magic circle during the fight.

However, Zest didn’t panic when he noticed it. “So, can you beat me with this magic circle?”

“No way.” Zest was confused after Liliana denied it. “Attack magic can be avoided, and I can’t bind you since you have the ability to cut space.”

No matter what method Liliana used, she couldn’t win. So, she had thoroughly prepared a strategy based on this premise. Liliana Miller couldn’t defeat Zest Speitem. However. there was a way to call an existence that could beat Zest Speitem. The completed magic circle was summoning magic.

‘Today, in this place… it’s all connected.’

Liliana’s magic power flowed into the magic circle on the ground, and it flashed red. A summons that could deal with Zest wouldn’t be ordinary. The current condition of Liliana’s body meant she would just self-destruct if she called Fafnir, and other existences wouldn’t be able to deal with a sword master.

So, Liliana had searched the Library last night. It had been to find a catalyst for the summoning magic she had thought about since hearing who the author of Hellfire was. It was the species that was responsible for the division of this material world, and they had been the main enemies in the great war, with worshipers who still remained today.

“「 Open, blazing gate of hell― 」”

An enemy of the world, a demon, was called.

Chapter 239 – Second (3)

Even so, the border of this material world had been shut down a long time ago. Liliana might succeed in calling out a demon, but its power wouldn’t even be 1% of the main body. However, that was enough, Lili was sure of this. Gods and demons, the transcendents of the Age of Mythology, were armed with a power which wasn’t present in this age. They were of a spirituality that was several times higher than the present humanity. It was possible to win even if it was 5%. This was the result of the summoning magic she envisioned.

–Do you want me to tell you before you eat that book?–

It had been a while back. After Liliana entered the Zero Library with Paragranum, she had smiled unpleasantly at her, who had chosen ‘Hell Fire,’ and told her who the creator was.

–The magician who created Hell Fire was the demon king of fire, Fulito, who sent an avatar down to the material world. Hell Fire is a form of summoning that calls Fulito.–

From then on, after discovering that Hell Fire was a variation of summoning magic, Lili had studied the magic formula with summoning in mind. The role of the ‘gate’ was to invoke a summons through Hell Fire. If so, Liliana’s remaining role was to provide the causality and magic power which allowed it to operate in the material world. Just like Fafnir had been given ‘Charlotte’s Necklace’, this demon summoning ceremony wasn’t much different.


The magic circle which was flowing red suddenly turned black. Like Hell Fire, it was a dark color that swallowed the light, shaking the boundaries of the material world and the ground at the feet of the two masters. This was ‘dimensional vibration,’ a phenomenon equivalent to a higher level concept of ‘space’ which Orta and Zest could handle.

The confused Zest shouted, “What are you trying to call?”

Instead of answering, Liliana continued chanting the spell, “「 Monarch of the distant land, lord of fire, I will give an offering to your fire here, so please listen to my minor request. 」”

Then something emerged from the inventory into her left hand. It was a large and dull piece of skin. However, why was there a haze in the air, like heat rising from the surface of the skin and distorting the surrounding air? The skin was the catalyst of a red dragon that was thousands of years old, and it required 11,000 points to take it from the Library. It wasn’t something which should be used as a consumable, but this wasn’t a situation in which Liliana could afford to save it.

Then at that moment…

【It has been accepted.】

An irresistible fear captivated the souls of the two masters.

‘J-Just hearing this voice…!?’

The face of the demon king, Fulito, came from a distant dimension and overpowered the peak of humanity.

7th Circle magician? A swordsman that could cut through space? Both of them weren’t at the level of a god and were nothing but worthless trash in front of a demon king. They stiffened as soon as they heard the voice, and their souls would’ve perished if they hadn’t already transcended mortality.

Shortly after Liliana and Zest became frozen like stones, black flames appeared in the magic circle and the door opened.


Subsequently, an evil demon walked out from the gate. It had a body which exceeded 5 meters in height, a pair of wings like a bat, two flaming horns that protruded from its temples, and a burning red gaze. The demon gave off a scorching heat. The power of a demon, which had been absent for thousands of years, had now arrived in the material world.

【 According to the king’s orders, this Magnus will annihilate. 】

Magnus, a senior demon with bat wings and the head of a lion, swallowed the fire dragon’s catalyst before looking at Liliana, her summoner.

It seemed that she enjoyed the taste of the catalyst as she closed her eyes and laughed. 【 This is truly a delicacy that I haven’t tasted in a long time. I am the avatar of Fulito, king of fire. Summoner, let this Magnus destroy your enemy. 】

Perhaps it was because Fulito’s intimidation had disappeared with Magnus’ summoning, but Liliana opened her mouth and said, “I want the death of the enemy, Zest Speitem who is before me.”

Then Magnus’ burning eyeballs glared at Zest’s existence. 【 Hoh, a moderately strong person in this declining age… 】Magnus determined Zest’s strength and told Lili, 【 Summoner, I can’t be sure that I can completely annihilate this human with the magic power and offering that you gave. Is that still okay? 】

“It doesn’t matter. Just do your best.”

【 Okay. I will show my sincerity for the delicacy you gave me, 】 Magnus replied in a gentlemanly manner, unlike his vile appearance. An ogre would look cute standing next to the black leather and flames. There was also a sword and whip in each of Magnus’ hands.

The two weapons increased in length and weight to match the demon’s physiques. Then Magnus took on an intimidating fighting posture. This caused Zest to gulp unconsciously.

“… A demon in this day and age, you were hiding something absurd.”

Liliana laughed despite being drained by Magnus’ summoning. “I said you would regret it.”

“I never thought you would be such a scary girl. This is definitely my mistake.”

As expected from Andras’ 2nd Sword, Zest didn’t stop his talking despite the presence of a senior demon. However, unlike his usual self, his grip on the sword was stiff. Was it because he sensed he couldn’t go against this opponent?

Magnus held the greatsword in his right hand and whip in her left hand as she spoke, 【 Let’s try it once, Human. 】

“I am desperate to get the unique title of Demon Slayer!”

Zest’s sword was covered in blue, while Magnus’ hands were surrounded by fire. A senior demon and a sword master… This was the beginning of the second stage of the match.

* * *

Obviously, it was Zest who ended up worse off. He was overwhelmed by the lich-like state of Magnus’ limbs, and he couldn’t compete with Magnus using his ability to cut ‘space.’ Due to the absolute speed of his initial movement, Zest’s attack filled with killing intent was completed.

Zest’s Style Space Cut: Decapitation.

This was a technique he had never used against Liliana. The sword technique which Zest had trained all of his life crossed 10 meters toward Magnus’ neck. Zest’s terrifying speed was beyond a realm that Lili’s eyes could follow.

‘Kill!’ Zest was delighted the moment his blade touched Magnus’ neck. It didn’t stop at fabric, cutting through muscle and bone. Even a demon would die from this. However, Zest’s expectations were soon betrayed.

Paaaang! A shockwave burst from the whip that moved through the air. Zest desperately tried to avoid it, but blood burst from his body as he was hit. Magnus didn’t stop moving the whip, despite half of her cervical bone being cut.

Zest wasn’t a magician, so he didn’t know it well. However, senior demons had evolved into a completely different form of life from the material world. The concept of a vital point didn’t exist, and even death was a temporary monster.

Magnus had appeared in this material world and imitated the appearance of a living creature, but it was only a shell. Her brains and heart didn’t function. A demon was close to being invincible after being summoned, so they were always subjects of reverence.

However, Zest didn’t know this, and even if he did, he had no intention of trying to understand.

“Why isn’t your head cut off?! You damn lion head!”

Zest had trained with the aim to cut everything. He had cut rocks, steel, water, and wind countless times, so he could even cut space. He couldn’t accept it just because his opponent was a demon.

Zest’s Style Space Cut: Heart Cut.

Zest’s sword moved again, but Lili was unable to see the power of the empire’s 2nd Sword.


The sword was covered in a blue-green light, and it suddenly popped out from Magnus’ chest. This would be a mortal wound for any human. However, Magnus just laughed casually. 【 Kuahahaha! What a fun ability, Human! It is a sword that can’t be avoided or blocked! This is great! 】

“I ripped out your lungs, so how are you laughing?”

【 I didn’t have such a thing from the beginning! 】 While Zest was fuming, Magnus stuck her sword into the ground and a wave of heat spread. Kwakwakwakwa! The ground shattered, and the soil which melted from the heat boiled up like lava. This was Magnus, the subordinate of the fire demon king, Fulito. So, naturally, this massive body contained the power to control fire. Every time Magnus waved her greatsword, heat raged, and every time she swung her whip, a storm occurred.

【 Now, it is still too early to breathe! 】

It wasn’t a sophisticated style of swordsmanship. The whip swept simply through the ground and air. Zest was forced to step back. With fast and strong motions, the end of the whip constantly disappeared from view. Meanwhile, the greatsword cut through the air from a distance, causing the blood in Zest’s body to boil like it was heated up. The outcome had completely tilted to one side.

Magnus was completely intact after several rounds of battle, so the fight between the two sides naturally became one-sided. However, Liliana calmly saw through the battlefield.

‘The balance hasn’t tilted yet. Zest’s sword might not seem to have any effect, but the ability to cut ‘space’ is cutting at the knots of my summoning magic.’

Zest didn’t stop even when he was hurt by the heat or shockwaves. Even though it seemed meaningless, he continued attacking the demon. He attacked Magnus’ neck, heart, lungs, stomach, collarbone, and so on. A human would’ve died one hundred times over. However, Zest continued consuming his aura to attack, despite Magnus’ sneer.

Thus, this fight eventually turned into a battle of attrition.


The limits would’ve been reached sooner if this wasn’t an extra large magic circle. Liliana maintained the magic circle which had hundreds of disconnected strands with her own ability. She groaned as she used her magic power desperately, hoping that Zest wouldn’t notice. Liliana had to endure it until Magnus killed Zest, or until Zest gave up on Lili and withdrew. Now, Lili had around 5 minutes left? Or was it 10 minutes? She calculated her limits and stared at the ground, only focused on maintaining the summoning magic. The occasional debris which blew over was blocked by Magnus’ shield, so her concentration wasn’t disrupted by outside interference.

“Damn, I can’t endure this!” Zest’s patience broke first. His vast amount of aura was running out, and a discord between his limbs started to grow. He had to deal the decisive blow today. Zest made his decision and took three steps away, pulling up the rest of his aura. “I will use my final strike, Lion Head! Receive it if you are confident!”

Magnus was excited for the first time in a long while, so she responded to the provocation, 【 Try it, Human! I will crush it! 】

“It is coming!” Zest smiled with satisfaction and grasped the sword tightly with both hands. His specialty to cut space normally involved the use of one hand, but two hands were necessary for this move.

First, he had to gather all his aura onto the blade. 50 centimeters… 1 meter… 2 meters… The blue-green aura rose incessantly from the end of the blade. Once it reached 10 meters in length, Zest realized that he reached his limit.

‘This is the last one.’

If Magnus didn’t lose to this skill, Zest would die.

“One Hit Kill! Either you will fall or I will! I will decide my fate with this sword!”

Zest pointed his sword upwards. Was he going to swing it downwards, or did he have other intentions? It happened before Lili could guess Zest’s intent.

Kiiiiing! Zest’s aura manifested itself, and the 10-meter-long aura blade stretched out, cutting the entire space dozens of times. The disadvantage of this move was the long preparation time, but it was a deadly blow that had never once failed when he completed it.

Zest’s Style Space Cut: Ten Thousand Killing Swords.

A momentary burst of blue and green light covered the area.

Chapter 240 – Second (4)

Shaaaack-! The air was torn. Darkness couldn’t be seen in this gap, while the 10-meter-long aura blade was hidden in it. This was a sword which cut through space.

If the world was like a watercolor painting, then Zest’s blade was a streak of black on the paper. Physical strength and defense were meaningless in front of it, and it was more like destroying the space where the other person stood, rather than cutting.

Even the senior demon, Magnus, couldn’t be careless against this attack!

【 No?! 】 Before the astonished Magnus, the aura blade tore through the space.

Then it cut Magnus’ head, heart, and neck. The blade took one step away from the material world and created a ridiculous tear. There was no way to survive in this life-threatening hell which covered 360 degrees. A body would be torn to pieces, disappearing without a trace.

This was Zest Speitem’s special move, cutting a person to pieces. It was a technique where the aura blade literally shattered the space along with the target. Death was a certainty, even for the famous Orta.

Immediately afterward, countless blades of light surrounded Magnus.

Hwaaak! Black blood emerged. The distinctive smell of sulfur was emitted from Magnus’ body which didn’t exist in the material world. It was evidence that Zest’s attack was valid for the first time.

“Kuheok!” The space which was cut dozens of times shook unsteadily, and Liliana coughed up blood as she maintained the summoning spell.

‘Damn, I can’t last much longer…!’ The summoning circle had already been broken to an extent that the shape couldn’t be recognized, and the connection with Magnus was on the verge of being severed. It wouldn’t be strange if Magnus’ summoning was canceled immediately.

Zest was exhausted after using all of his aura, but he was convinced of his own victory.

【―Good, now is it my turn? 】 The demon moved despite his shattered body.

“What?!” Magnus’ flaming sword, a greatsword which was larger than the pillar of a building, moved toward Zest at an amazing speed. The powerless Zest couldn’t afford to go against it. However, he managed to avoid it desperately at the right timing.

As expected of Andras’ strongest swordsman, the attack was blocked. A direct strike would’ve taken his life, but Zest reduced the damage as much as possible by moving far away.

Kwaang! Alas, that didn’t mean his body wasn’t injured. Magnus’ destructive power was really great, and Zest paid the price. Despite offsetting most of the power, both of his arms were broken, four of his ribs had snapped, and some of his internal organs were damaged.

Zest would’ve been seriously injured if there had been a little more strength in the attack.

【 As expected, I’m sorry. In the end, I am lacking one step. 】 Instead of chasing after him, Magnus turned to Liliana and grumbled. 【 Summoner, prepare for the future. 】

“Is there a reason why I have to hurry?”

【 That human’s skill has touched the dimensional gate. My flames and the boundaries of this material world are bound together, so this whole area will be blown away. 】

Liliana understood Magnus’ words and her eyes widened. “Surely, it isn’t dimensional shaking?”

【 As expected from a magician. 】 Magnus’ body gradually faded away. The connection which brought him to the material world was cut off, so it was natural for him to return to his original world. The demon, who enjoyed himself after thousands of years, disappeared, and the space around him distorted.

Huuuuuuong! It was as he said. After Magnus disappeared, the entire space where the magic circle was drawn had distorted. A world which couldn’t be understood by the human senses unfolded.

There was a dizzying array of sound and sights that couldn’t be distinguished. Liliana tried to raise her body but panicked as she found that the ground had already disappeared. It wasn’t a phenomenon which could be escaped with human legs. She would die.

That’s why she went with her first instinct. Liliana couldn’t find the answer on her own and quickly called an advisor.


–I was already awake. You didn’t have to call me so urgently, User, Gluttony talked as calmly as usual, despite Liliana standing at the crossroad of life and death. Its attitude calmed Liliana’s impatience.

Gluttony was trustworthy as always as she delivered some instructions, –Protect your body before I give you a way to escape this place. If you take advantage of Umbra’s strength, you can resolve some of the pressure of this distorted space.

‘Use Dimensional Leave?’

–Umbra relies on mental power, not magic power. Even if your magic power is depleted, you can hold it for about 30 seconds.

Gluttony’s advice was correct. Liliana felt her breathing ease as soon as she unleashed Umbra’s strength. The distorted space had made it hard for her to breathe. Liliana became calm as her breathing was restored, and Gluttony moved onto the next step.

–You need something to get out of here.

‘That something, do I already have it?’

-That’s right. It is necessary to bring out ‘Death’s Worship’ that is sealed in the inventory.

‘What?’ Liliana was lost for words. It was natural when thinking of Death’s Worship. It was the grimoire that had created thousands of undead a few years ago when Liliana returned home. The grimoire contained the soul of the ancient legendary warlock, Jerem. He was a specter of the 9th Circle that didn’t remain in this age. Yet Gluttony wanted to release the grimoire that had turned an ordinary magician into a top-grade undead in just three months?

However, Gluttony’s subsequent explanation convinced her.

‘…I roughly understand your explanation. I’m to use the grimoire’s space transfer to escape this place?’

–That’s correct.

Liliana lacked proficiency in space magic, and she couldn’t escape from this distorted space with her circles’ overload. In that case, she should grab the tail of an escaping item. The space transfer function of the grimoire was continent-wide. Gluttony anticipated that Death’s Worship would try to escape and devised a method to grab onto it. The destination might be a bit random, but Liliana nodded.

“Okay, let’s try it.”

There was no time left to worry, and she had no other options. Liliana held out her left hand with a nervous expression and opened her mouth to shout. She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake here.

“Come out, Death’s Worship!”

Simultaneously, a grimoire wrapped in chains emerged.

《■■■■■■■―――!!》 Was it an expression of joy from its liberation, or an outburst of anger? The grimoire let out a terrible roar and exerted itself to escape from this space. Liliana could see that the grimoire wasn’t affected by the distortion of space. Rather, space was bending around Death’s Worship.

At that moment, Gluttony stretched out her tongue.

–Where are you going alone?

《■■■…!? ■■■■…!》

–Shut up!

The grimoire struggled against the tongue that grabbed it. It didn’t seem like much, but Gluttony and Death’s Worship were fighting fiercely in this distorted space. Liliana watched them with a nervous face. Now, she could only maintain Dimensional Leave for 10 seconds. After that, she would be crushed by the pressure.

However, Death’s Worship wasn’t a grimoire that could beat Gluttony.

–Good! We are leaving here, User!

Death’s Worship was caught by Gluttony’s tongue and jumped forcefully. Liliana disappeared seconds before the distorted space was about to explode.

Flash! After that, there was a tremendous wave of heat.

* * *

The explosion was so large that even the inhabitants of Sipoto could see it from tens of kilometers away. The flames burned the clouds, and the earth screamed. Rather than a mushroom-shaped dust cloud, it was more like the eruption of an active volcano. In fact, it caused the skies of Sipoto to turn dark.

To add one thing, it wasn’t just the space distortion which had caused this explosion. The cause had been Ragnaros, the hell ruled by Fulito the demon king. It was a catastrophe which occurred when the boundary between that dimension and this material world broke down. A world where thousands of hot winds always blew and lava overflowed instead of water… It could be said that Fulito’s territory eroded this land for a while.

Fortunately, there were no casualties due to the heat. It wasn’t a coincidence that Liliana and Zest had clashed in the wilderness. This had been thanks to Liliana’s concern that innocent people might be affected.

Kukukung… A moderate amount of time passed by since the explosion, but the land didn’t stop crying. The noise mixed with the sound of the wind created an eerie feeling. The same was true for someone covered in a black robe.

“…Finally, I found it.” No, that wasn’t fear in the voice. Delight and unpleasant joy overflowed from the robed person. One of the four horsem*n, the white knight spoke with trembling eyes. The eyes, exposed through the robe, were gently curved and moist, as if the person was crying.

“Apostle of Death. Our merciful master, who will lead us to the path of immortality…?!” It was a voice that sounded like a bell. The loud, cheerful voice resonated in the wilderness. This passion seemed unfamiliar to the person, but they weren’t surprised or panicked by it. They had been waiting centuries for the resurrection of the Apostle of Death and sought his relics.

He was the founder of the four horsem*n. It had been an extraordinary honor. In the forgotten history, he was the king of hell. He was the notorious warlock whose four horsem*n tried to cover this material world with death… Even now, humans who learned black magic admired and feared him, and the high-ranking demons still remembered his name after thousands of years. Even so, the successors to the four horsem*n couldn’t recognize ‘it.’

“Ah…! Please pardon our foolishness! The rudeness we have committed! We were stupid for not recognizing you!” The white knight, Hipatia, bowed before all traces disappeared. “Next time I will find you, Lord Jerim.”

However, Liliana didn’t know it yet. She never thought that another puzzle piece would be inserted due to the grimoire she had taken out as an escape method. Ash powder blew into the place where Hipatia once stood. Hipatia left as soon as possible to share the good news with the other horsem*n.

It wasn’t yet known that this would lead to another incident. For now, it was enough to know that the land had become devastated due to the battle between Zest Speitem and Liliana Miller, who had summoned a demon that hadn’t appeared in thousands of years.

It was a few days later that the news of the great battle in the Sipoto wilderness was transmitted to Meltor.

Chapter 241 – Where is This (1)

It was dawn, when the sky still wasn’t bright. There were a few empty seats in the royal conference room in Mana-vil, the capital of the Meltor Kingdom. The chiefs of each department had firm expressions, while the elders of the magic towers sat down heavily. Two tower masters were sitting in their seats, but Veronica was missing.

The people present looked different. Some were concerned, while others were angry. There were also some who were sad, and some others who were silent. The way they expressed it was different, but everyone in the meeting room had some ‘weight’ bearing down on them.

“Attention.” The atmosphere calmed with the king’s voice. As they bowed their heads, the tower masters quietly raised their closed eyelids. Once everyone’s gazes were concentrated on him, Kurt III opened his mouth, “…I think everyone knows the situation.”

The heavy silence was proof of his words.

“Let me share my view with you before we discuss what measures to take. First of all, who is the villain? White Tower Master.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” As if they already discussed it, Orta took one step forward. Orta was the head of the white tower that specialized in espionage, and he had a career which was close to a legend. It was hard to find someone who was a better fit than Orta for this role.

Orta’s lips moved under the white mask as he said, “The first and most likely possibility is one of the Seven Swords of the Andras Empire. They know that Lili recently defeated the 4th Sword, so they would’ve sent at least the 3rd Sword—a strong person that can’t be defeated.”

Then Blundell asked a question which reflected the feelings of the other people, “Who is the most powerful among the three?”

“Needless to say, it is the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem,” Orta replied quickly. “Many of you don’t know this, but Zest Speitem’s ability is to interfere with space. He is a person who threatened my life several times in the last war, as flying magic and space magic loses most of their utility before him.”

“It means that common methods of escape aren’t possible.”

“Yes. Additionally, he is extremely cruel on the battlefield. There would be no chance if he was sent as an assassin.” Indeed, everyone nodded at the words. It was an easy to understand explanation for those who didn’t have experience in battle. Even Orta’s excellent mobility was useless, so other magicians would have no way of surviving if they met Zest.

However, some of the attendees couldn’t accept that opinion, and they objected to it. One of them was the minister of the military, Robert. “White Tower Master’s words are true, but isn’t it said that the 1st and 2nd Swords never leave the empire? Isn’t it more likely to be the 3rd Sword or another possibility…?”

Orta shook his heads at Robert’s words. “I don’t know the capabilities of the 3rd Sword, but I know that he is a prince. It is hard to imagine such a person would go to Sipoto to assassinate someone. And the precedent that you mentioned…”

The 1st and 2nd Swords didn’t leave Andras. That premise which had lasted for half a century had literally collapsed overnight. It had allowed for a surprise attack. The vigilant Orta didn’t deny the mistake. He just scolded himself for being complacent.

“It means that either Andras’ policy has changed, or Lili is such a threat that they were forced to change the policy.”

Orta and the others considered this a series of misfortunes in many ways. The circles’ overload…? That was a rare phenomenon for senior magicians and was treated as a type of growing pains. If they had thought this would happen, they would’ve sent Veronica or Blundell to pick Lili up. However, it was too late now.

Kurt sighed a few times before looking around. “Continue. Is there another possibility aside from the empire’s Seven Swords?”

“I have a few hypotheses…” Orta continued the explanation, and the meeting room became heated with discussion. There were the warlocks lurking in the Orcus Company, as well as the Lairon Kingdom, that had lost a crusader due to the Soldun civil war. They might not want to risk a full-scale war with Meltor, but those forces could pursue Lili.

A few hours passed by. Then by the time the sun reached the middle of the sky, the people left one by one. It meant that the emergency meeting was over. After most of the seats in the meeting room were emptied, Kurt III turned to the side and asked, “Where is Veronica?”

“Last night, she went straight to the Sipoto wilderness. She will come back after directly investigating herself.”

“…Will it end with just an investigation?”

Orta thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. He was well aware of her nature. A wildfire might occur in the Andras Empire, or the rain clouds would evaporate to cause a drought. Directly or indirectly, she would cause a tantrum until this mess was finished. Kurt’s role was to calm her down, but he had no intention of holding the reins at this time. “For the moment, I will let her run around as she likes.”

The two tower masters remaining in the meeting room nodded. They would put any blame on Veronica instead of the kingdom. Of course, the topic wouldn’t end here if Lili had died, but they had a unique source. Kurt stared at a spot where nobody was seated and said, “You can reveal yourself now.”

It was then that a bewitching beauty appeared in the empty chair. A blue dress clung to her body and revealed her smooth skin. She was a beauty who would bewitch any shallow man—Sea Dragon Aquilo. This wasn’t the place to openly host a dragon, so she had to conceal her appearance.

“I hope you weren’t bored.”

“No, I thought it was fun,” Aquilo murmured with interest in her eyes. “A kingdom where the selfish interest of politicians doesn’t take precedence… This is the first time I’ve seen it. Personally, I think it was a bit more messy than usual, but it’s fresh.”

“…You truly are a dragon.” The ability to treat a kingdom as a toy truly belonged to dragons who lived for thousands of years. Kurt lost his thoughts for a moment before asking, “You’re sure that Lili is alive?”

“Yes.” It was a strange question and a strange answer. Despite being thousands of kilometers away from where the fighting took place, Aquilo was certain of Liliana’s survival.

“I am connected to the girl by blood. Until this connection is cut off, I am sure that the girl is alive. You don’t need to worry because she doesn’t seem to be in much danger.”

“Sigh, that is fortunate.” Orta interrupted from where he was listening to the conversation, “Lady Aquilo. Can you determine her location?”

“Um… It is a bit strange,” Aquilo explained with a slightly confused expression, “I can tell that she is 3,000 kilometers away from my position, but I can’t find her. I can tell that she is alive, but I don’t know where she is.”

“What does that…”

“It means someone has hidden her, or she is far away. Either way, it is hard to understand.” Certainly, it wasn’t wrong for Aquilo to say this.

After fighting one of the empire’s Seven Swords, Liliana was either hiding or had somehow moved thousands of kilometers in just a few days? Common sense said that this was a situation which could never happen. Orta and Blundell were in a dilemma. However, Kurt raised his hand, indicating that it was pointless to feel anxious. “It is fine as long as we know she is alive. We will continue our search for Liliana. In the meantime, complete the investigation into this attack as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Andras or Lairon… It doesn’t matter who was behind it. We will make them pay a few times over,” Kurt III declared. Then a rare enthusiasm filled his purple eyes as he added in a strong voice, “If that is the case, we need to keep war in mind.”

They were considering war, just because of a single person. It showed how much the kingdom valued Liliana Miller. Orta and Blundell accepted Kurt’s words without objecting. Meanwhile, Aquilo looked on with interest as the emergency meeting in Meltor ended.

* * *

At a similar time, Liliana woke up in an unknown place. ‘He…re?’ She regained consciousness and could feel the pain throbbing all over her body. Her bones were tingling, and her torn muscles brought her considerable pain because they were in the process of reattaching. There was one area which was causing her the sharpest pain. It was her circles’ overload. The pain was unbearable. Fortunately, there were no fatal cracks, but just a little more and her circles would’ve cracked.

“Well, it is good that I survived.” However, Liliana didn’t regret it. That had been an opponent she couldn’t hold back against. The empire’s 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem… Liliana had no chance against him from the beginning. Yet Liliana had stayed vigilant and managed to survive.

Then at this moment…“Hmm?” A scent passed by her nose. She seemed to have smelled it somewhere before, but she couldn’t recall what it was. As she felt a sense of discomfort and déjà vu, Liliana looked around the room.

‘This is Eastern furniture? Does the owner have such tastes?’ Some wealthy people in Kargas converted their entire homes to an Eastern style, so the room that Liliana saw wasn’t unique to the East.

The strange thing was that most of the furniture looked shabby, rather than the charming antiques which rich people preferred. The furniture appeared to have been made a long time ago, or maybe they had been repaired several times. ‘Perhaps…?’ Liliana hurriedly raised her body, grabbing her pained waist. She wouldn’t be able to sleep well for a few days. One step, and then another step… She walked a few more steps like a sick person, before facing a door which was just as tattered as the furniture.

Kkiiiik. The door wasn’t greased, so it opened with a loud noise. Simultaneously, a strong wind blew at Liliana’s hair, and she frowned as she felt the coolness. The wind was so strong that it wasn’t easy to look ahead. However, there was another reason why Liliana frowned.

‘This wind is also somehow familiar?’ She felt a sense of incongruity every time she moved, and Liliana anxiously wondered if her senses were broken. However, after the wind died down, she could finally see.

“…Ah!” Liliana couldn’t help exclaiming. The scenery stretched out before her, and the land below her filled her vision. Liliana was standing on a mountain at an incredibly high altitude. However, that wasn’t why Liliana couldn’t hide her surprise.

‘I know this place?’

It was familiar to her despite never having seen it before. Gluttony’s power allowed Liliana to share her memories with someone, causing this sense of contradiction. Yes, this was the landscape that Liliana saw in ‘his’ memories.

“…Sun Clouds Mountain Ranges?” The man from the Fairy Dance Lee family had gone to the Western Continent to overcome the deficit he had been born with. The view that the founder of Battle Song, Lee Yoongsung, had wanted to see was stretched out in front of Liliana.

Chapter 242 – Where is This (2)“This is impossible.”No matter how many times she looked away, the scenery that appeared was the same. The mansion in the distance was no different from what she remembered. Baekun Mountains…According to Lee Yoonsung’s memories, this was the land which the Fairy Dance Lee family had defended for generations, a place where many types of spiritual things lived. Liliana had wanted to come here someday, but she couldn’t help wondering about why she was here now.So, she questioned the source of all this, “Gluttony!”The grimoire had been the one who suggested using Death’s Worship as a means of escape. The grimoire’s ego which dwelled inside Liliana responded, –You called.“Of course, I called! Why have I ended up all the way in the East Continent? Explain it so that I can understand!”The virtue of a sorceress was to stay calm in any situation, but it was hard at this current moment. Even a space magician like Orta would be exhausted if he crossed a few borders. However, Liliana had transcended the gap between two continents. Additionally, this was the Sun Clouds Mountain Ranges which were located in the middle of the East Continent.Gluttony’s voice remained as composed as ever, -Relax, User. You can be excited once you find out the situation we are in.“…Okay, let’s work this out.”Liliana suppressed her emotions. She had learned from their past few years of knowing each other that it was useless to argue against beings who didn’t have human emotions. After her head cooled, Liliana opened her mouth again, “Yes, so what happened to Death’s Worship that was taken out of the inventory? Surely, you didn’t miss it?”Death’s Worship was a grimoire that could turn the whole continent into a kingdom of death. Liliana wouldn’t be qualified to be called a heroine if she hadn’t managed to keep the grimoire.Liliana was tense, but Gluttony dispelled her concerns.–I naturally got it. The struggle was a bit intense, but I got it right before the space transfer. However, the grimoire will be more cautious and quicker when using space distortion next time.“The same trick won’t be successful… Still, the biggest worry is gone. It is fortunate.”Zest might have died in the explosion which occurred afterward, but Liliana’s logic denied that optimistic conjecture. Magnus’ last blow was defeated by Zest, so Liliana couldn’t be confident that a sword master or great magician would’ve died from the explosion. If it were so easy to kill Zest, Zest would’ve lost his head to Veronica or Blundell previously.‘Well, isn’t this situation good?’Liliana was on the East Continent, so Zest couldn’t threaten her. She looked down at her left hand with cold eyes and returned to the story.“Everything else is minor. I want a complete explanation about how we arrived here on the East Continent.”–Okay, Gluttony accepted Liliana's words and started explaining, –When we escaped using Death’s Worship’s space warp, I could see that it randomly moved without a destination. If it was left alone, you could’ve been destroyed somewhere on the ground or the sea.“So?”–I intervened in his magic and placed other coordinates into the formula. I used the causal string attached to User.It was a memory that Liliana had forgotten.“Don’t tell me the quest…?”–That’s correct.Lee Yoonsung had wanted to go home once, and Gluttony had used this covenant as a vehicle. Gluttony was a parasitic entity in Liliana's left hand and had no direct ability to do magic, so it could only interfere with the coordinates by using Liliana’s relationships. In that case, Gluttony couldn’t be blamed for this situation.“…Dammit, I brought this on myself,” Liliana grumbled reflexively.However, Gluttony returned with an unexpected answer, –Hmm, I don’t think the situation is that bad.“What?”–There are no threats to User around here, so can’t you rest until your circles’ overload is gone? You can also complete the quest, so it is effective in many ways.Gluttony’s words weren’t wrong. Liliana needed time to stabilize her circles, and it would be best if she could resolve the quest during that time as well. However, Gluttony’s view of the situation was also different. It wasn’t tied down by relationships with other beings and thus had come to an unemotional conclusion.“Gluttony, you… Eh?”Then Liliana was suddenly confused by something.“Why are you going to sleep already?” She asked as she felt the surface consciousness of Gluttony start to sink downward.Gluttony barely managed to answer in a sleepy voice, –In the process of interfering with Death’s Praise… I used a lot of power. For the time being… waking up, it is hard… maybe.“How long until you recover?”–A week if it is short… a fortnight if it is longer.Then Gluttony fell silent after that. Liliana was left with a blank face as her companion departed. No, it wasn’t just Liliana's expression but her mind as well. Having suddenly appeared on the East Continent, Liliana couldn’t think about what to do with this absurd situation.Then someone’s voice said, “Ah, you’re finally up!”It was a bright and cheerful voice, and it sounded like it belonged to someone who still had yet to reach adulthood. Liliana turned her gaze and saw a young girl with braided hair. She looked like she was barely over 15, but Liliana couldn’t help feeling a sense of déjà vu.‘Who is she?’ Liliana looked at her with a confused expression.The girl smiled while scratching her head. “Heheh, can you speak Chinese?”“…I can.”“Wow! Your pronunciation is very old-fashioned!”It couldn’t be helped. It had been over a hundred years ago when Lee Yoonsung had been alive, so the pronunciation of those times would feel old-fashioned now. The cheerful girl smiled brightly at Liliana and bowed. “My name is Lee Seol. You are in the cabin where I have been living for a while. I found you collapsed on the ground!”“T-Thank you for your help.” Liliana couldn’t endure the gaze of her shining eyes and eventually stepped back. She had overcome sword masters and a dragon’s threats, but this was the first time she was being pushed back by a person’s atmosphere. Were these shining eyes the eyes of a child looking forward to a birthday party…? The girl said her name was Lee Seol.Then the reason for her enthusiasm was soon revealed.“This is the first time I have seen a foreigner since I was born. I read about it in books, but you are much more handsome than I imagined!”“Miss Lee Seol, you are charming enough.”“Kyah, your words are also great! Please keep calling me Miss Lee Seol. It is different from usual, so I feel good. It is an experience I can’t get anywhere else. Now, let’s go inside and talk some more!”Liliana was able to read curiosity, longing, and anticipation in her clear eyes. However, despite her young age and bright outer facade, she had something deep and dark inside of her. Yet she was someone who had picked her up from the ground and moved her to a bed, as well as taken care of her.Liliana thought up to there and immediately realized, ‘…Indeed, there was a reason for the déjà vu.’The cabin where Liliana slept for days resembled the one in her memories exactly.The cabin where Lee Yoonsung had lived for many years after being kicked out of his family overlapped with this one. It had aged and been repaired over the years, but the arrangement of the foundation stones and the pillars hadn’t changed.It was naturally a place which would cause her to feel déjà vu.“Hey, aren’t you coming in?”“I’m coming now.”Liliana entered the cabin with a wry smile. This was where Lee Yoonsung had stayed a long time ago.* * *Later that night…Wuuuong~The wind became cooler when the sun rose. As Liliana enjoyed the wind on her skin, she recalled the face of the girl she met a while ago.Lee Seol, the girl with the name which meant ‘snow,’ was brimming with curiosity and never seemed to get tired. Judging from Lee Seol’s behavior, the saying that Eastern people were closed off to the West seemed to be false. If Baek Dongil were a little younger and a female, would she have grown up like Lee Seol?“…I don’t know,” Liliana murmured as she looked up at the sky.‘I feel closer to the stars here compared to when I’m on a plain.’Liliana’s current location was only a few kilometers higher than the plains, but human senses were easily tricked. The stars studding the dark sky drove away the darkness. It was a view different from the Western landscape, but she couldn’t help feeling like she was being welcomed home.“Excuse me,” Liliana couldn’t help but say, “Do you have anything to say to me, Senior?”From the moment that she met Lee Seol, Liliana had felt that Lee Yoonsung’s consciousness had woken up inside her. Lee Yoonsung coughed a few times before speaking, –Cough, cough. Since when did you notice?“Since the beginning.”-…You have grown a lot. I don’t know where my obedient junior has gone.“That is a useless story, Senior.” Liliana changed the topic. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? Lee Seol is clearly your direct descendant.”–Sigh. It is impossible not to notice.The two people sighed together.“You’re so immature.”-You’re so immature.Liliana didn’t know what had happened over the years, so she couldn’t harshly rebuke Lee Yoonsung. Lee Yoonsung might’ve been banished, but he was a direct descendant of the Lee family and its deceased patriarch. It didn’t matter if he wasn’t recognized by the Lee family. He was just sad because he didn’t know the facts.–I’m really sorry, Junior, Lee Yoonsung said bitterly. He thought it would be a great honor to leave for the sake of his descendants in the distant future, but he didn’t know about human greed.Why was the girl, Lee Seol, living in this cabin? Lee Yoonsung wondered what had happened to the Lee Family. He was so curious that he remained in this modern age. However, before Lee Yoonsung could speak, Liliana interrupted and said, “I understand.”-…What?“You don’t have to say anymore. I understand. I will take care of that child and find out the answers to your questions. Until then, remain inside me and don’t disappear.”She couldn’t allow the incident with Satomer to happen again. Satomer had missed the moment when his dream became a reality. As a sorceress, how could Liliana not understand this lamentation? Liliana had seen the passion of Satomer, who had continued to study magic until the moment he died. So, there was still a burn mark left behind on Liliana’s heart by Satomer.She wouldn’t allow the same bitter thing to happen again. Liliana had made a vow. Lee Yoonsung was speechless after hearing Liliana’s determination. Liliana wanted him to stay until the completion of the quest, so Lee Yoonsung couldn’t deny Liliana that. Lee Yoonsung would leave only when he had nothing left behind.Indeed, Liliana chose the hard way. The great people who became Liliana’s strength… She couldn’t betray them.-…Thank you, Liliana Miller. Lee Yoonsung resented that he couldn’t bend his knees and bow to express his gratitude.“You don’t have to do that. I will just be embarrassed.” Liliana received the appreciation and watched the sky above the mountains which she would never get tired of.This area had good air and a good environment. Tomorrow, she would go down the mountain and buy some meat. Her diet couldn’t change while living in this cabin. Moreover, Liliana’s dimensional pocket had enough money to buy this mountain village a hundred times over.…And besides, what could happen at this mountain cabin?* * *The next morning, Liliana saw some uninvited people climbing toward the cabin, and she sighed.

Chapter 243 – Where is This (3)

It was clear they weren’t coming with good intentions. Did they come to this mountain to search for a girl who wasn’t even 16 yet? Liliana Miller didn’t think they were here to promote friendship. Among them, there was a bald man at the front who seemed to have an inflated sense of ego. Lili watched them secretly and guessed their intentions.

‘Of course, there is no killing intent. From the very beginning, they didn’t come to fight. Perhaps they are coming to make a sense of crisis…? I don’t know why, but their purpose is to threaten Lee Seol.’

It was too accurate an analysis for a person who didn’t know the situation very well. Lili looked out the window with cool eyes as her insight had increased beyond the norm. At this moment, Lee Seol ran out of the cabin and started to confront the men. If Lili’s analysis was correct, then she should go outside to help organize the situation.

“You! Daring to come to the Baekun Mountains without the permission of the mountain god… Do you not fear his wrath?”

The difference in Lee Seol’s attitude toward Lili and the group of men was astronomical. Her face filled with anger as she yelled at the men without hesitation. A few people were overwhelmed by her spirit and took a few steps back.

However, the bald-headed man, who seemed to be the leader, stepped forward instead of backward. “Girl, you shouldn’t act all grown up. Should the descendant of a prestigious family be shouting so loudly?”

A normal girl might burst out crying, but Lee Seol just snapped at him with sharp eyes, “If you know who I am, why are you concealing your name like a rat? I’m not a timid person!”

“Huhu, you are trying to lecture me? Don’t regret it after asking me.” The bald-headed person pulled out a sword and slammed it against the ground with a loud noise. It was impressive since the sword had a considerable weight, causing the hard ground to become dented like clay.

The bald man showed a menacing power and shouted in a timely manner, “I am the knight who cut off the head of the ferocious tiger! Crushing Knife, Sir Wang Hochul!”

The other men cheered in response, and the big guys shouted, shaking their weapons. An average person would feel fear from this act, but Lee Seol just clicked her tongue like it was absurd.

“Yes, yes. So, you are a passerby?”

“This girl! You should speak more politely to your guests!”

“Are you saying that you’re not a passerby? By the way, can you tell me what you came here for?”

They proclaimed to be guests, but Wang Hochul and his men were the ones who had come here with weapons. There was only one reason why they would come to see Lee Seol: someone hired them and directed them here.

“No, you don’t have to answer. It is my maternal uncle.”

Wang Hochul was shocked that his client had been discovered and cried out, “What? If so, do you know why we have come?”

“Of course. It has been a few years already.”

“Then this conversation will be fast. Girl, what proof do you have of the mountain spirit? My employer said that she will pay five gold coins, so it is better for you to come quietly, then you won’t get hurt,” Wang Hochul threatened Lee Seol.

“I don’t want to.”


“Don’t you know that there is nothing that can touch me on this mountain? It would be better if you don’t think about dragging me away with force.”

A few people stiffened upon hearing her words but not Wang Hochul. He’d already heard from his employer that the Baekun Mountain helped the one who was living here. The rumor was that if he tried to hurt Lee Seol, the mountain spirits would come immediately to tear him and his men to death.

However, Wang Hochul didn’t believe in that rumor.

“This girl…!! If you don’t follow me right away, I will smash your house!”


“I can’t touch you, but your house is different. If you don’t have a place to eat and sleep, you will have to come down the mountain.”

Before Lee Seol could react, Wang Hochul raised his sword and moved toward the cabin. It was a house which had survived over a hundred years, but it would obviously collapse if it were hit a few times with a big sword. Furthermore, there was currently a guest staying in the cabin!

Lee Seol belatedly thought of Lili and screamed hurriedly, “W-Wait a minute!”

“It is too late to say that!”

The moment Wang Hochul was about to swing his sword at a pillar… Kwack!

The blade got stuck on something, and Wang Hochul quickly noticed something strange. So far, he had swung his sword for decades. As such, even with his eyes closed, he could see the blade sticking into wood.

However, something was wrong. Wang Hochul opened his eyes and met the gaze of two blue eyes. Lili had blocked the blade with the palm of her hand and said, “You attacked.”


“You attacked me, and I was just defending myself. Am I wrong?”

“T-That’s right.”

Wang Hochul didn’t know what he was saying. He wondered why a Westerner was standing before him, blocking his sword with the palm of her hand. Furthermore, he also wondered why the Westerner could speak fluent ancient Chinese.

All types of questions swirled in his mind, and he remained silent. Therefore, Wang Hochul didn’t really listen to the words which came right afterward.

“Then this is self-defense.”

A flash emerged from Lili’s finger. Peeok!

Wang Hochul couldn’t even scream as he flew back a few meters. He was an aura user, but he couldn’t react to the attack. So, he was no different from a scarecrow. When Wang Hochul flew into his men, they scattered. This was proof of the huge impact Lili caused.

“U-Uh, what is this…?” One henchman asked, barely managing to raise his body.

However, instead of replying, Lili raised a hand. Simultaneously, dozens or hundreds of lights floated behind her, distorting the atmosphere. It was Magic Missile. This was a 1st Circle attack magic, but it contained huge destructive power if a magician of Lili’s level used it.

It was also a variant developed by Alfred, so Magic Missile didn’t fall behind other top-grade spells. Instead, it meant that these lousy aura users wouldn’t be able to endure them.

“There is no point telling you my name,” Lili declared to the flinching henchmen. “If you keep staying in the Baekun Mountains, I will make you pay the price of your leader’s disrespect to Lee Seol.”


They didn’t need to ask what would happen. The Magic Missiles floating behind Lili could break their bones with one hit. Immediately, they took Wang Hochul and disappeared from sight. They might go into hiding somewhere in the Baekun Mountains, but they would die by Lili’s hands if they appeared again.

Lili watched them leave before looking back. ‘Well, it is natural to react this way.’

Lee Seol was staring at Lili with a frown, like she didn’t understand the current situation. Lili tried to lighten the atmosphere by speaking, “I would like to hear about your situation. Is that okay?”

After all, she was a third party who had gotten involved. Lee Seol recognized this fact and nodded. It seemed like today’s breakfast would be skipped.

“Let’s go inside.”

Lili followed Lee Seol back into the cabin. Unlike last night, she sat before Lili now with a polite manner which was suitable for the descendant of a prestigious family.

“I am the 14th generation of the Fairy Dance Lee family, a family that has protected the Baekun Mountains for generations. Before I get into the story, I would like to thank you for your help earlier.”

“No, it could’ve been avoided even if I wasn’t present.”

“They might not have harmed me, but this cabin would’ve been destroyed. There are a lot of memories in this place. Thanks to you, it is safe,” Lee Seol said, giving a deep bow. Then she lifted her head and continued the story, “They are probably people hired by my maternal uncle.”

“Why do such a thing…?”

“In order to understand, I have to go back to the past.”

This was the main point, so Lili listened along with Lee Yoonsung.

The Fairy Dance Lee family…

They had protected the Baekun Mountains long before Lee Yoonsung had been born, and he wanted to know what had happened. The story they were told was shocking.

* * *

It was said that over a hundred years ago, a man who had been expelled from the family had returned to the Baekun Mountains. Despite being a direct descendant, he had been expelled due to a birth defect. However, he had mastered the family’s techniques to an exceptional level through other methods. He had carried the Lee family name and laughed at those who ridiculed him. There had been a duel, but he had won.

This had been when the schism in the Fairy Dance Lee family had begun.

“Someone questioned the situation. Could a loser who had fallen to his knees lead this family?”

It was truly an absurd accusation. At the time, there had been no one who was more superior than the head of the family in the attribute of strength. There would’ve been no problem if the head had stood up again and showed his strength.

However, the 6th generation head, Lee Ingwang, had given up. He hadn’t been able to withstand the insult of being an incompetent leader and loser, so he had stepped back from his position as head of the family.

This helpless compliance had caused the biggest problem.

“It wasn’t a proper resignation, so the line of succession couldn’t flow properly. The candidates eligible to become the head of the family tore each other apart, and the Lee family split into several factions.”

“Then your maternal uncle…”

“Yes, he currently leads the largest faction in the divided Fairy Dance Lee family.” Lee Seol made a bitter expression as she put down her mug. “I inherited the role of ‘keeper’ of this mountain. The origin of the Fairy Dance Lee family is in the Baekun Mountain, and my maternal uncle wants to negotiate or forcefully take it away.”

She didn’t explain any further. However, Lili had Lee Yoonsung’s memories, so she knew what a ‘keeper’ was. A keeper was the guardian of the Baekun Mountain, and the intermediary between a human and spirit. It wasn’t a burden which could be held by someone greedy. Even if Lee Seol’s uncle received the ‘keeper’s token,’ the spirits of the mountain wouldn’t recognize his qualifications. Instead, there might be a war between humans and the spirits of the Baekun Mountains.

Unfortunately, Lee Seol was more talented than her peers and looked ahead into the future. Despite being only 16, she lived in the mountains to prevent a war. She didn’t want to see the death of her clan.

“This is the only explanation I can give you. From this point on, it is a matter for my family, and foreigners can’t get involved.”

“Foreigner… is it?”

“Yes, I don’t want to cause you any more trouble over this.” Lee Seol was sincere.

A guest had come from a distant place, and the stories they had discussed were interesting. Lili’s presence was a breath of fresh air to her, who couldn’t leave the Baekun Mountains. They were stories from across the sea. Sceneries which couldn’t be seen in any book and adventures which couldn’t be read… They all flowed out of Lili’s mouth.

If possible, she wanted Lili to stay a few more days.

‘If my uncle finds out about the existence of the foreigner… he will surely do something. I have to send her away before that.’

Lee Seol put away her greed. Her heart was that of a pure adult. Her kindness that thought about others instead of fulfilling her own private greed might be something she had learned from the spirits of this mountain that raised her.

Lili answered without any hesitation, “I’m not a foreigner.”


“Come outside.”

Lili left the cabin without waiting for her answer, while Lee Seol followed with a bewildered expression. She wasn’t a foreigner...? From the color of her hair to her place of birth, Lili had nothing in common with Lee Seol. They were both humans, but it was far-fetched to base it just on that.

Lili ignored her and stood in the open.

‘Senior.’ From here on out, it wasn’t Lili Miller’s turn. ‘Give your descendant a good show.’


It was time for Lee Yoonsung, the man who was a stigma in the history of the Fairy Dance Lee family, to prove himself. There was no need to use Overwrite. Lili’s body was the embodiment of Battle Song, and she had experience with martial arts. Therefore, it was only a mild transition of consciousness.

After a hundred years, Lee Yoonsung once again stepped onto the ground of his home.


They were powerful steps. Footprints were carved on the ground with each of his steps. Meanwhile, Lee Seol’s eyes widened at the sensation. “Ah…!”

Each step exuded pressure. This was the kind of pressure she felt from her father, but it was more intense and perfect. It was a form which existed in the Fairy Dance Lee family’s martial arts, the base of their martial arts.

“…Your body has become well-trained in the meantime. This should be enough to use it.”

Lili—no, Lee Yoonsung admired the body of his junior. It wasn’t easy for a magician to have physical abilities like these. Unless she was a mixed race like Veronica, it would be impossible without training every day.


A hand stretched out. It didn’t stick to the air. Instead, it flowed through the air like a leaf riding the wind. It was more appropriate to call this a dance, rather than martial arts. She stood on her toes and stretched out her fist, then her palm moved through the air. The beginning and end points of her movement weren’t clear, making it seem mysterious.

‘It doesn’t distinguish between attack, defense, and evasion…!’ Lili watched from the depths of her consciousness and felt admiration toward Lee Yoonsung.

Then Lili focused her senses. If she could follow even half of the skill that Lee Yoonsung was showing now, her martial arts ability would double. She was deep in the depths of ignorance, but she wasn’t foolish enough to not drink the water in the lake.

It might’ve been an hour or the period of a single meal. This haze caused her to forget the flow of time as Lili’s body moved through a hundred years.

Tears started falling from Lee Seol’s eyes. It was a martial art which her bloodline had forgotten, and her heart wasn’t prepared to see the culmination of it in front of her. As a martial artist, she couldn’t help being completely overwhelmed.

“Huoong…” As Lili calmed her breathing, Lee Seol fell to her knees without hesitation. Then she gave a deep bow. Her eyes showed a clear conviction. “I am Lee Seol, from the Fairy Dance Lee family’s 14th generation. Please forgive this stupid child’s rudeness.”

“Raise your head.”

“Yes.” Lee Seol obediently raised her head and looked at Lili.

Lee Yoonsung gazed at her and said, “Yes, you have the role of the keeper?”

“I am still lacking.”

“I’m not trying to blame you. Rather, I want to praise you. I am truly impressed by your dedication to the role of the keeper despite your young age, as well as your actions to prevent anger between the mountain spirits and our family.”

He wanted to stroke her head, but this body belonged to Lili. Lee Yoonsung tried to suppress his own hopes. He thought he had been disillusioned with his whole family, but he could shake off his resentment if there was this girl. Despite having been abandoned by his father and having left for a distant kingdom, the beauty of the Baekun Mountains and his affection for the land of his home hadn’t blurred.

“You already know my name, but I will once again introduce myself,” Lili said. Then with Lee Yoonsung in her mind, Lili firmly declared, “I am Liliana Miller, a descendant of the Fairy Dance Lee family and a direct descendant of Lee Yoonsung. I will put an end to this fighting.”

Chapter 244 – Where is This (4)

Liliana was the one who had declared that she would subdue the fighting in the Fairy Dance Lee family. However, unlike her aspirations, Lili couldn’t move immediately. There had been the incidents of unreasonable summoning magic and intercontinental space movement, so her circles had been overworked. If she confronted a proper master, she would be killed instantly. In the meantime, she had to focus on restoring her body.

Liliana set her course of action and focused on sealing the cracks in her wounded body, breathing in the mana of the Baekun Mountains. She looked herself over calmly and saw her torn body.

‘…It is literally a wreck,’ Lili sighed as she diagnosed her condition. ‘I can use 5th Circle magic without difficulty, but there will be a burden on my body at the 6th Circle. It is also impossible to use 7th Circle magic. If I use it carelessly, my heart, as well as my circles, will be torn.’

As Gluttony said, it was fortunate that she had some time to rest. She now had enough time to care for her body and not use any magic. The Baekun Mountains was a spiritual land filled with mana. Magicians were several times stronger than normal here, and the speed of recovery was incomparably faster. Now, Lili didn’t want to stay anywhere else.

She had first guessed that she would recover in two months, but if she stayed in this land, she would be able to recover in one month. In that case, Liliana wouldn’t waste that time.

-As you know, the Moving Clouds and Flowing Water has its foundation in martial arts, but you shouldn’t be caught up in this concept. Clouds can change color and scatter rain and lightning, while water can sometimes be rougher than a wildfire. The Fairy Dance combines both flow and softness.

If she couldn’t use magic, then she would train in something else. For three hours a day, Liliana would work to restore her circles. Then she would train in the Fairy Dance with Lee Yoonsung. She might not be able to use aura, but Lee Yoonsung was the remaining person who had the best understanding of the Fairy Dance in this age. An opportunity to learn directly from him was worth 1,000 gold.

–The Fairy Dance can be divided into four types of hidden techniques.

According to Lee Seol, only two of these hidden techniques were left in this age. It was because each faction had one hidden technique, only to let it die out. Lee Yoonsung learned of this reality and taught them to Liliana.

–1st hidden technique, Moon Breaking through the Clouds.

The moonlight leaked through cracks in the clouds and scattered them. A stealthy and sharp attack, made by stirring both arms in the air, shot out. What powered it if mana wasn’t used? Liliana’s eyes became foggy as she followed the theory.

–2nd hidden technique, Rain like an Axle.

The scattered clouds would suddenly pour rain. Just like heavy rain pouring from the sky, a quick hand gesture swept quickly in front of Liliana. It wasn’t a flood but more like raindrops piercing through a rock. The blow was stiff and heavy. By this time, it had already become a series of continuous attacks.

–3rd hidden technique, Fierce Wind and Rain.

The true value of the hidden techniques appeared from here. The origin of the Fairy Dance was that each move wasn’t independent; they had to be connected together in order to exert their power. There would be a gale of wind swirling around the clouds to produce the heavy rain.

Hwiooo, wind really blew from between Lee Yoonsung’s two palms. Despite not feeling any qi, there was no doubt about the wind. However, this was covered by feelings of wonder, as seeing it appear in front of her caused her to feel great pleasure.

Finally, there was the finishing move.

‘Boundary of Heaven and Earth.’

Liliana and Lee Seol were looking forward to it, but Lee Yoonsung was uncertain. As he concentrated, the wind passing by stopped and the mountain birds stopped singing.

“…Hrmm, it is up to here.” Lee Yoonsung released his posture.

“Esteemed elder? What is it?” Lee Seol called out to him in a confused manner. Then Lee Yoonsung smiled bitterly with Liliana’s body. “You can just call me by name.”

“Elder T-Taodoru?”

“That is a little bit wrong… The pronunciation is hard. Just call me Lili. I am unfamiliar with Eastern forms of respect.”

Lee Seol’s expression showed that she didn’t understand, and she looked down like she was really sorry. She thought she had been rude to the elder who had come here. Lee Yoonsung treated it casually, but Liliana wasn’t used to such formal behavior and her stomach hurt.

When Liliana soon got her body back, she sighed. “Let’s go down. The sun will set soon.”

“Yes, Elder Lili.”

“You can remove the elder.”

The two girls chattered as they headed down the path. It was about what side dishes would be on the table this evening… And about the stars which were only visible from a certain peak on the mountains.

Liliana had always been at the center of a battlefield, so this laid-back conversation was pleasant. She wanted to meet a spiritual being, but it seemed like she had to go through some type of procedure or ceremony to meet them. So, she would talk about it again when it came time to leave the Baekun Mountains. Just when Liliana was watching the cabin in the distance…


“Yes! Eld, no, Miss Lili!”

She ignored the way she called her and asked softly, “Do you have any idea what is in front of the cabin right now?”

“Huh? What is it… Ah!” Lee Seol belatedly looked at the cabin and shouted with surprise. It didn’t seem to be a face she knew, but her expression wasn’t good. There was another reason why Liliana was wary.

‘An uncanny presence. It is like the intensity of a fire and river… I haven’t felt something like this before.’

She didn’t know who the two uninvited guests were, but it wouldn’t be easy if there was a fight. Her super sensitivity gave her an ambiguous warning. Soon afterward, Liliana and Lee Seol arrived at the cabin and met with the uninvited guests.

The first one to speak was not Liliana but Lee Seol.

“Why have you come here, Uncle?” She spoke firmly, but the tone of respect was just on the surface.

The man she called Uncle frowned at her greeting. “You are too rude! You are the keeper of this mountain, not a wild animal. Your uncle has come a long way, but you can't even say ‘Hello’?”

“Didn’t you send someone else to greet me just a while ago? I don’t know what type of greeting you want me to give now.”

“That was my last consideration. I was doing you a favor, but you kicked it away. So, I have to come here personally.”

Lee Seol replied in a cold manner, “Favor? The master of the honorable Fairy Dance Lee family is a deceiver. Leave if you just came here to speak meaningless lies.”

“Y-You cheeky girl! Yes, then I’ll do what you want!” Lee Seol’s uncle, Lee Inyoung, stepped back.

Then he gestured to the person accompanying him, who looked quite unique. They wore old-fashioned clothing with the pattern of a snake embroidered in gold thread, and it moved over the clothes like it was a living thing. The clothing was strange, but it was the person’s face that looked more unusual. Black linen completely covered their face.

‘I can’t see through that cloth. There is a strange magic on it.’ Lili observed the person.

Then an unexpected voice spoke out from under the cloth with the gentle voice of a woman. “Hello everybody. I am a notary from the Imperial Family, who has been commissioned to observe the proceedings of the trial, Shim Samho.”


Unlike the confused Liliana, Lee Seol immediately understood the implications of the words.

“A notary from the Imperial Family! Uncle, are you thinking about a duel trial?”

“Kuhaha, it is as you said!” Lee Inyoung gave a disgusting laugh. “Even though we aren’t as prominent as we used to be, our family is one of the pillars of the empire. Therefore, His Majesty wants to clear up this internal conflict. You do know that no one can resist his decision, right?”

“…The preliminary discussion is over.”

“That’s right. If the notary here professes my victory, the Fairy Dance Lee family will be one like it was before! There is no need to be tied up by the archaic tradition of having a keeper for this mountain!”

Hearing this, Liliana stepped forward in order to protect Lee Seol. While Lee Inyoung was displeased with her action, Liliana emitted the presence she had been suppressing.


The pressure of gravity multiplied. Lee Seol couldn’t feel it from behind Lili, but the two people facing Lili could feel the pressure directly. Liliana was a 7th Circle sorceress. Moreover, her body contained a few divinities and dragon’s blood, so this pressure was like a mental attack.

“H-Heoook!” Lee Inyoung turned pale despite being an excellent aura user, while the notary didn’t move. No, nobody could see her reaction. Like Liliana, she stepped forward, smiling underneath the piece of cloth. She didn’t look like she was affected by Lili’s pressure at all.

‘She is the real danger, not Lee Seol’s uncle.’ Lili raised her vigilance. She casually opened her mouth, “Calm your anger, guest from a distant place.”

“Before that, I want to hear something from you.”


Indeed, Lili’s eyes shone as she nodded. “I want to know exactly what a duel trial is and how it relates to this child.”

“Well, it isn’t that hard,” Shim Samho responded to the request before starting to explain.

A duel trial… It was a law enacted after the emperor’s ascension, and it referred to a duel presided over by a notary of the Imperial court. The Middle Kingdom was a place where all types of armed forces coexisted, so they weren’t allowed to fight indiscriminately. The duel trial was the only opportunity to argue for specific results through force.

Of course, the duel trial wasn’t valid if there was no justification. However, once a conclusion was reached, it couldn’t be challenged.

Shim Samho then spoke to Lee Seol, “In this case, Lee Inyoung suggested the ‘unification of the Fairy Dance Lee family’ and the emperor agreed. All other faction members except for Lee Seol have already joined Lee Inyoung’s faction.”

“…So, this child has to fight those forces alone?”

“Ah, that isn’t it. The goal is to create as fair a trial as possible, so it will be a one-on-one duel.”

“How ridiculous.”

‘Fair? A child of 16 is facing a giant force alone, but this is fair?’ Lili scoffed and denied it. However, she was an outsider in this country and couldn’t overturn the laws set by the Imperial court. It was easy to escape with Lee Seol, but this would destroy her efforts of having protected the mountain for all this time.

In order to protect the Baekun Mountains, Lee Inyoung’s ambitions had to be restrained. ‘It is a situation where I have to achieve both of those things.’ There was only one option in which this would be possible.

“Notary, did you say you were Shim Samho?”


“I will participate in the duel on behalf of this child.”

Shim Samho wasn’t surprised. However, Lee Inyoung immediately protested, “This is ridiculous! I don’t know who you are, but this is a matter regarding our Fairy Dance Lee family! There is no room for a foreign to enter a duel trial notarized by the Imperial Court!”

“…Is that right?”


In response to Liliana’s question, Shim Samho nodded. The intervention of uninvolved parties wasn’t permitted in the duel trial. It wasn’t an area where a notary could interfere, since it was something only the emperor could do. Lee Seol’s expression became grouchy, while Lee Inyoung looked elated, certain of his victory.

Maybe it was his own delusion.

“Then I will prove my qualifications.”

Before anyone could respond, Lili’s left hand aimed toward Shim Samho.

Pang! There was the sound of wind bursting out. If it hit the human body, bones would break. However, Shim Samho didn’t show any reaction. She just looked at the palm which stopped before her.

This lasted until she heard the words that Lee Inyoung spoke right afterward, “M-Moon Breaking through the Clouds…? H-How can a Westerner have the technique that our family lost…?”

It was over with that. Lili laughed at Lee Inyong’s reaction and lowered her left hand. If Lee Inyoung hadn’t responded like this, things would’ve become much more troublesome. However, as a greedy person, Lee Inyoung had no choice but to respond to this.

After all, this was a missing hidden technique. Lee Inyoung just admitted it with his own mouth that Liliana wasn’t an outsider in this duel trial.

“Hah, so it is like this.” Shim Samho recognized Liliana’s intentions and smiled. “You can’t be an outsider if you can use this hidden technique. As the notary of this duel trial, I recognize your qualifications. What is your name?”

“Liliana Miller.”

“Liliana Miller… Yes, I have recorded it. The trial date will be a fortnight from now. If you have a reason to postpone it, the duel trial can be postponed to a month later.”

Lee Inyoung listened to the conversation of the two people and proceeded to interrupt belatedly. However, he was too shocked by the terrifying presence that Liliana gave off, so Lee Inyoung was too late. He felt desperate at the thought of his goal being taken away.

“Notary! She is a shaman! How can a foreign shaman participate in the duel trial that will determine the fate of the Fairy Dance Lee family’s unification?!”

“I have also thought about that.”

Lili inwardly laughed and rebutted the argument, “As Lee Inyoung said, I am a foreigner. I have no claims on this land. So, if I win, they will be given to Lee Seol. Oh, I also won’t use any magic except for strengthening my body during the duel. If I break this condition, it will be my loss.”

“Huhu, you are thorough. According to your words, there is no reason to refuse.”

“E-Even so!” Lee Inyoung couldn’t accept it.

So, Shim Samho glared at him with cold eyes. She was a person who had easily endured Lili’s pressure. The expression of her irritation shut the mouth of Lee Inyoung, who was ‘only’ an expert.

“Don’t be mistaken. I’m not organizing this duel to your liking. I just came to notify you of the duel trial. You should stop thinking of your own convenience.”


Shim Samho gracefully stopped Lee Inyoung’s mouth and bowed politely to Lili. Then she said goodbye with that thick voice, “I will contact you again later with the place and time. Then may the two of you be at peace until the reunion in a fortnight.”

**Chapter 245 – The Rightful Heir (1)**

The deadline of a fortnight that the notary had given Liliana wasn’t a long time, but it wasn’t short either. Lili healed her body while breathing regularly in the Baekun Mountains, and she was getting better day by day.

The absurd recovery wasn’t just due to the Baekun Mountains. It was also due to the efficiency of the Fairy Dance which Lili had been training in for the past month. There was one aspect of the Fairy Dance she hadn’t noticed until now. It was a secret technique to circulate her blood with fewer movements. In this era, it was just a simple training exercise, but it was beneficial for Lili who was deeply wounded.

The cracks in her circles were like rice paddies in the midst of a drought. However, the Fairy Dance restored the broken blood vessels and accelerated Lili’s recovery. Even Gluttony couldn’t help commenting on her speedy recovery.

–Amazing. Eastern shamanism is neglected because there are many places that aren’t systematic. However, I didn’t know it would reach such an irrational area beyond rationality, Gluttony muttered in a strange voice about a theory she had never considered before.

The basis of shamanism was ultimately a denial of rationality.

In mathematics, a theory referred to the act of finding the laws of this material world and establishing a system. Until now, all magic had been born or developed based on this theory. Only a very small number of spells imitated the power of a god, demon, or dragon.

However, Gluttony recognized it as the pinnacle of magic.

–Theories based on rationality are bound to have limits. The ignorant draw boundaries and focus within those boundaries, rather than thinking about going outside them. The efficient guidelines that are the driving force behind the development of civilization is actually a barrier to transcendence.

In a sense, it is a laughable story. In ancient times, people didn’t know astronomy and didn’t think the stars in the night sky were that far away.

There is a saying that the ignorant are brave. The meaning might be a little different, but I can say that they are right. As humans gained knowledge, they realized the limit of ‘recklessness.’ They can’t reach the stars no matter how high they jump, and humans can’t conquer the sun.

If possible, challenge it. If it is impossible, don’t challenge it.

Magic is a power based on rational values, but shamanism is a power that doesn’t stop irrational challenges.

Gluttony admired the shamanism which healed Lili’s body now. It was a force which caused phenomena that couldn’t be defined with theory. In spite of magic overwhelming it in overall ability, in some fields, shamanism managed to reach areas which ancient magicians had given up on.

Lili thought about the matter, ‘Shamanism… I am on the East Continent, so it wouldn’t be bad to look at it.’

–Good decision, User.

She had been thinking about it since practicing the Fairy Dance. Unlike the aura method which differed from magic, a sorceress could learn a lot from Eastern magic. Although she had only learned two of Lee Yoonsung’s hidden techniques, her physical abilities and mana control had increased dramatically.

It wasn’t enough to tap on the wall of the 8th Circle, but if she kept stacking it up one by one like this, she would see the benefits one day.

‘If possible, I want to learn Shukuchiho before I leave.’

The magic which White Tower Master Orta had used to move a few kilometers instantly was really attractive. If Lili could use it, she would be able to run away even if she faced someone strong like Zest.

Lili was thinking this when she felt someone approaching and opened her eyes. It was a presence she had become accustomed to in the meantime.

“You came quickly. Have you finished the preparations?” Lili, who had been waiting outside the cabin, looked at Lee Seol. She normally wore shabby clothing running around the mountains, but she couldn’t leave like that today. This was a duel trial hosted by the notary, so she would stand out.

“Yes, thank you for your patience, Lili.”

She wore fancy clothing and simple makeup, while her expression was serious with no signs of playfulness. This duel trial would influence the future of the Fairy Dance Lee clan. She seemed to be carrying a heavy burden despite being only 16, but her expression didn’t reveal her troubles at all. Lili would respect that determination. She thought this and headed toward the path down the mountain.

“Then let’s go.”


With some anxiety and confidence, the girl who protected Baekun Mountain took steady steps. How long had it been since she had gone down the mountains? Nevertheless, Lee Seol didn’t stop.

After that, it was a rapid advance.

* * *

According to the notary, Shim Samho, the venue for the duel trial was the Lee Family’s main building. Some would ask if having a duel in the mansion was okay, but the Fairy Dance Lee Family would find it insulting.

There was a house with over 10 floors, and the front yard was big enough to hold a parade ground. It was around the time when the sundial was pointing exactly at noon.

“Oh! There! It is the mountain’s keeper.”

“Is Lee Seol really here?”

“It has been several years since she left the house…”

“That is just the main house. The woodcutters sometimes deliver news to us!”

As the parties of the duel trial, Lee Seol and Lili arrived, and the villagers gathered around the mansion. They were curious about Lili’s identity, worried about the future, and slandering Lee Inyoung in secret… Lili was relieved that nobody was saying anything really bad.

For Lee Seol, who was only a child, the crowd’s malice could be deadly in many ways. Then the two people were reunited with unwelcome people.

“Fortunately, you aren’t late,” Shim Samho, wearing the same cloth over her face like last time, greeted Lili and Lee Seol.

Lili hid Lee Seol behind her and spoke, “When will the duel begin?”

“Oh, my. Don’t be so rushed.”

“A long conversation isn’t needed. Additionally, please fulfill your promise to protect Lee Seol until the end of the duel trial.”

“You are especially cold to me. Well, I understand.”

Lili watched with sober eyes as Shim Samho guided Lee Seol to her seat. According to Lee Seol, there were no masters in the present day Fairy Dance Lee family. This meant they weren’t great threats to Lili who had almost regained her physical condition.

However, the woman called Shim Samho was different. She had a strong, unidentifiable presence which tickled Lili’s neck. This feeling was the cause of her alertness.

At that moment, Lili felt a gaze boring into her back.


Lili turned her eyes in the direction of the gaze and saw someone with Lee Inyoung looking at her. The person was older than Lili but less than 30 years old. In the East, this person was called a youth, but his capabilities had already reached the peak. Lili grasped the man’s level without much difficulty and was slightly impressed.

However, Lee Yoonsung’s reaction was the opposite.

–Hoh, it is so pathetic that I can’t say anything.

‘What is it?’

–No matter how much the family has decayed, the person who represents the family is a youth who isn’t even a master. Far from competing over who will become the master of the Lee Family, he can’t even face the ancestral tablets.

‘…Really bitter,’ Lili thought inwardly about Lee Yoonsung’s spiteful words. The man seemed to be directly related to Lee Inyoung and was a strong person close to being a master while under the age of 30 years old.

Of course, his speed wasn’t comparable to Lili’s, but it was pointless to compare the masters of the East and the West. However, Lee Yoonsung had complained that the man’s level was poor. How strong had the Fairy Dance Lee family been in the old days, and how strong was Lee Yoonsung who had shattered it?

Lili couldn’t even fathom the Fairy Dance Lee family. Shim Samho returned to the center of the empty space soon afterward.

“All the participants have arrived. Then is it okay to start the duel trial immediately? Both of you?”

“It doesn’t matter to me.”

“It also doesn’t matter to me.”

Lili answered and walked forward, while the man next to Lee Inyoung came forward as well. The man representing the other side wasn’t Lee Inyoung but this man.

Shim Samho noticed Lili’s suspicions and whispered in a low voice, “That is the only son of Lee Inyoung, Lee Joonyoung who is going to participate in this duel trial. Do you want to say ‘Hello’?”

“There’s no need. I don’t feel like igniting a friendship.”

It was as she said. Lee Joonyoung’s eyes weren’t much different from his father’s, burning hot with enmity toward Lili. Lili didn’t know what Lee Inyoung had said, but it had placed Lee Joonyoung in a state of complete hostility toward her.

Lili rejected Shim Samho’s proposal and moved to the open space. It was an unspoken signal that she was ready to fight for anytime.

“You aren’t afraid.” Lee Joonyoung seemed to be stimulated by her signal and entered the duel arena without hesitation. He had shown his talent since childhood and had been raised as a successor to his prestigious family. This was the Lee Yoonsung who stood facing Lili.

“Huhu, it seems like your minds are ready. Then in the presence of this notary, Shim Samho, I will enforce the duel trial,” Shim Samho said. Then she spread out her palms and ordered, “The two of you, please step away from where you are standing now.”

The distance between them was to be 30 meters, so Lili slowly moved to the edge of the duel arena.

A skill could cover this distance instantly, but right now, Lili wasn’t a magician. She was a girl fighting for the leadership of the Fairy Dance Lee Family in place of Lee Seol. It wasn’t a close distance when it was a melee fight.

Shortly afterward, the two faced each other.

“The rules of the duel trial are that you can’t use weapons or drugs, you can’t have any helpers intervene, and you can’t leave this duel arena. If you do any of the above, it will immediately be declared an offense, so please keep this in mind.”

Lili and Lee Joonyoung both nodded and agreed to Shim Samho’s words. However, they were distracted because they were watching each other’s eyes and movements. The confrontation between the two of them wasn’t pleasant as Shim Samho raised a hand.

“Huhu, okay. Then…” She spread open the red fan in her hand and… “-Start!”

All pretensions were omitted as the beginning of the duel trial was declared.


Of course, it was Lee Joonyoung, confident in his own power, who attacked first. He had yet to enter the realm of a master and couldn’t notice Lili’s power, so he wasn’t intimidated by her. To think that this foreigner dared step her feet into the place of the Fairy Dance Lee family…?! It was unacceptable to Lee Joonyoung, who had great feelings of patriotism.

‘I acknowledge her boldness, but that is it!’

Lee Joonyoung’s black robe flapped as his body narrowed the distance between them. This was the footwork of the Fairy Dance Lee Family which had been passed down through generations. It was like clouds always flowing in the wind. Some masters could even use the footwork to cross the water. Lee Joonyoung hadn’t reached that extent yet, but he did narrow the distance in an instant.

His fist moved as fast as lightning.


He used Thunder Blast. Generally, this was a technique suitable for a preemptive attack which didn’t allow counterattacks. As such, Lee Joonyoung’s fist approached like lightning. It blurred with a blue aura and was strong enough to crush steel. Lili wouldn’t be able to endure it without using magic.

…This was the moment the audience thought that.

‘What?’ Lili had embodied Lee Yoonsung’s martial arts many times, so she muttered as she saw the fist, ‘This is the extent of the fist?’

Lee Joonyoung’s fist didn’t move along the flow because he believed in his speed and strength. The power was strong, but this fist wasn’t the Fairy Dance. It was just a strong punch which would push many stupid people. It would deliver a critical hit if the fist struck, but Lili just sneered and moved. Then she unfolded her left hand and struck back with:

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission;

Hand Counterattack Technique;

And Left Palm Lone Peak.

Simultaneously, there was an unexpected noise.


It sounded similar to something hitting heavy metal, not a human body.

Lee Joonyoung grabbed his throbbing fist and retreated a few steps back. It was like hitting a wall of adamantium. The fist which had struck Lili’s palm was swollen, and a few fingers looked broken.

However, he gave more priority to his question than his pain.

“…Shaman. You… How did you stop my technique?”

That’s right. The presence of aura was absolute in close combat. Lili’s counterattack was exquisite, but she had been hit by a fist filled with aura. So, it was natural that her left hand would’ve shattered.

However, Lili’s left hand was fine while something white swirled in the middle of it. This was special magic developed as a substitute for aura.


It lagged behind magic power and aura, but the ‘density’ was complemented by the power of transformation. The disadvantage was that it couldn’t be reverted back to magic power, so the consumption was inefficient.

Instead of aura which couldn’t be used by sorceresses, they worked to produce an aura-like energy which wouldn’t conflict with magic.

“This is a power that my teacher, Lee Yoonsung, accomplished in his life.”

It hadn’t been enough to learn just Battle Song. Lili had only been able to use this power after learning the hidden techniques of Fairy Dance. Now, Lili had inherited all of Lee Yoonsung’s techniques.

Chapter 246 – The Rightful Heir (2)“A-te-ru…? What a weird technique name.”Lee Joonyoung was bewildered by the word, but he quickly corrected his posture and calmed his expression. He had a hunch that his enemy’s capabilities were better than his.The Hand Counterattack Technique was a technique which threw back the power of the incoming attack using the palm of the hand. This was something he had learned from childhood as a direct descendant of the Fairy Dance Lee family. It wasn’t something which could be used casually with just one or two days of training. Rather, it was a technique that someone had to dedicate a few years at minimum to learn.Yet this Westerner was able to use it. Clearly, Liliana wasn’t a shallow opponent. Rather than approaching hastily, Lee Joonyoung put strength into his legs.The original Fairy Dance basically manipulated the flow, and the users of Fairy Dance were like the tip of a spin top. The stronger the load, the stronger the rotational power would become. It was like Lee Joonyoung turned into an arrow.‘It is worth challenging now.’Despite Lee Joonyoung becoming stronger, Liliana took a step toward him without hesitation. Liliana’s purpose was to complete the Fairy Dance. Her purpose was to steal the experience of the Fairy Dance from the man called Lee Joonyoung, before sorting out the family that was ruined by discord.Liliana approached unceasingly and put out both her hands, performing:Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission;Double Palm Hit;And Sun and Fertile Earth.The two palms referred to the sun and the moon, and the palms of the sun and the moon moved in both directions. Liliana’s two palms, which could crush a rock, hit Lee Joonyoung’s belly with ether surrounding her hands. A person hit by this attack would have their bones and intestines crushed.Unsurprisingly, Lee Joonyoung also stretched out both of his hands, performing:Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission;Hand Counterattack Technique;Two-handed Wind and Moon.Wind seemed to blow nonstop from both of Lee Joonyoung’s hands. They looked like a moon as they received Liliana’s attack.His hands didn’t receive the attack from the front. Instead, they flowed gently and pushed the orbit of the attack away. The strength which could crush a rock would be meaningless if it hit empty air.Paaang!When Liliana’s palms struck the air, Lee Joonyoung moved like he had been waiting for it.The Fairy Dance had two types of counterattacks.One was the type which threw the strength back to the opponent, just like the ‘Left Palm Lone Peak’ that Liliana had used at the beginning. However, Lee Joonyoung’s Wind and Moon was, unfortunately, the second type.He attacked when his opponent’s power flowed in the opposite direction! Liliana’s arms were hit by the counter and pushed until a large gap was exposed. It was truly a skill that was the representative of the Fairy Dance in this age.Liliana admired it while hurriedly yanking back both her arms. If she delayed even a little bit, she would receive a deadly blow. She managed to block the palm, which was aiming for her side, just in time.Shortly afterward, Liliana’s and Lee Joonyoung’s gazes met.‘From here on…’‘…Victory!’A blast of wind blew in the center of the duel arena.* * *The fight between the two was like a dance. They moved together and split apart at intervals. Their martial arts repeatedly tangled together and fell apart. The footprints of the two were like brush strokes on the ground.They would come and then withdraw. These were truly the movements of the Fairy Dance, which didn’t distinguish between attack and defense, advance and retreat.“Hup!”“Suuuuoh…”However, the flows of the two people weren’t the same. Lee Joonyoung, who didn’t hesitate to attack every time there was a gap, was like a storm, while Liliana was a cloud or fog. Sometimes there was the sound of thunder, but Liliana’s defense blocked the offensive like an iron wall.A fist met a palm, palms met palms, and so on. Liliana’s defensive posture constantly changed like a cloud, suiting her perfectly.The battlefield gradually leaned toward Liliana’s favor. It might seem like Lee Joonyoung was overwhelming her, but in actuality, Lee Joonyoung was worried as he felt an increasing pressure come from her.First and foremost, the biggest problem was that Liliana was becoming stronger with every exchange.‘Okay, I’ve grasped it now. Practice truly is necessary to release the power.’Lee Yoonsung had taught her directly, but it was just a formal framework. If Liliana didn’t increase her proficiency, it would remain pure knowledge. Then the best training opponent, Lee Joonyoung, had appeared.Liliana had been training in the Fairy Dance for more than a year, and it was still incomplete. However, she was getting better. Unnecessary actions disappeared with every exchange in the battle.Liliana applied things that couldn’t be learned by practice alone. She was absorbing decades of experience. This was the moment when her innate genius learning ability was displayed. At first, it had been hard, but Liliana’s movements were maturing at a fast pace.In contrast, Lee Joonyoung couldn’t do that. He had taken a long time to apply a perfect form to his body. Moreover, he didn’t have a foul means like Gluttony, so he couldn’t steal Liliana’s techniques while fighting.“Cough, t-this is unbelievable…!”One step, two steps… Soon afterward, Lee Joonyoung started to get pushed out of the battlefield, and he let out a small moan. He didn’t want to admit it, but there was a feeling of defeat. If this continued, he would be defeated. While he was feeling desperate, a chill ran down his spine.Then at that moment…“Yes.” Liliana, who was dominating, stopped her hand.Meanwhile, Lee Joonyoung didn’t miss this chance to quickly jump back. He didn’t know why his opponent had stopped, but this was a chance for him to recover. Lee Joonyoung looked at his opponent in a questioning manner while restoring his breathing.Liliana had an unconcerned expression on her face. “This is enough, Senior.”Lee Joonyoung couldn’t understand the meaning of those words. It wasn’t in Chinese but the official language of the West Continent. Then Liliana finished speaking and stepped forward nonchalantly.Lee Yoonsung was present behind Liliana’s eyes. “It is finally my turn.”At that moment, the atmosphere changed.“Uh?” Lee Joonyoung couldn’t help shaking and unknowingly stepped back. To think that his opponent who had always been on the defensive was finally attacking…?However, Lee Joonyoung didn’t give up resisting.Lee Yoonsung in Liliana’s body gave a nod of acknowledgment upon seeing Lee Joonyoung’s attitude and then opened his mouth, “It is good that you don’t give up despite understanding my superiority.”However, Lee Yoonsung just raised both his hands. “Realize the futility of your will that can’t be expressed with force.”Lee Yoonsung had spoken with a tone which looked down on him, yet Lee Joonyoung couldn’t say anything. However, it wasn’t just due to the pressure pushing down on his body. Lee Joonyoung determined Lee Yoonsung’s intentions. “Don’t tell me… Moon Breaking through the Clouds…?!”“That’s right.” Lee Yoonsung lifted the index finger of his left hand. “Be prepared. If you try to oppose this hidden technique, you might die.”“Ridiculous!” Lee Joonyoung yelled and took a fighting posture. What idiot would give in just because of his opponent’s words during a battle? Even if it was a hidden technique, the Fairy Dance wasn’t strong in offense. This meant that it was highly unlikely that he would die.“Fool.” Lee Yoonsung laughed and ruthlessly extended his arm, performing:Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission;Four Major Hidden Techniques;And Moon Breaking through the Clouds.Lee Yoonsung’s two hands blurred and created a cloud. It was possible to perfectly recreate this hidden technique using exquisite magic power manipulation. For Lee Yoonsung, it was no different from breathing.He might have no aura talent, but he was full of magic talent. As such, he had managed to reproduce all the techniques of the Fairy Dance with magic. Lee Yoonsung had been a person who couldn’t use elemental magic even after crossing the wall of the 7th Circle.Then the first hitting technique, Moon Breaking through the Clouds, was unfolded.Wuooooong! The wind made a strange sound. The space around him distorted like a haze, and it was impossible to see how his arms moved. It was like dense clouds shrouding moonlight. Lee Yoonsung took two steps toward Lee Joonyoung without hesitation.Syuoook!Lee Joonyoung had good reflexes and tried to intercept it with an intimidating attack. A sharp blue aura aimed for Lee Yoonsung’s neck. It was sharp enough to penetrate through a person.Chaaeng!Then as soon as Lee Joonyoung came into contact with the haze-like space…“What?” Lee Joonyoung’s eyes widened in astonishment. However, Lee Yoonsung just looked at him coldly. This was the first hidden technique, Moon Breaking through the Clouds. It created a layer of aura in the form of a net to confuse the opponent’s sense of distance, as well as build a barrier. A descendant of the Fairy Dance Lee family should know that much.Moon Breaking through the Clouds was a hidden technique which combined both types of counterattacks. It produced a counterattack that pierced through the gaps which were revealed by deflecting the enemy’s attacks.Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission,Freehand Counterattack Technique,And Right Wrist Three Attacks…Liliana’s right hand moved three times through the exposed gap. It struck the middle of Lee Joonyoung’s body. As soon as the three strikes finished, Lee Joonyoung flew away while coughing up blood. It was a blow which didn’t even allow him to scream.‘This is the finishing blow… Take a look.’As she was sharing her body with Lee Yoonsung, Liliana could tell that Lee Yoonsung hadn’t used all his strength in the last blow. Otherwise, he would have completely destroyed Lee Joonyoung. She didn’t know why, but Lee Yoonsung didn’t intend to end it there.“Get up. If you don’t rise by the time I count to five, I will kill you. One.”“Kuuack…” Lee Joonyoung heard the words and barely managed to get up. Even if the recovery power of aura was great, this wasn’t damage which could be healed in a few seconds.Lee Yoonsung gave a warning.“This will come twice,” he warned with a frosty expression. Then he performed:Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission;Four Major Hidden Techniques;And Moon Breaking through the Clouds.Lee Yoonsung proved his will through action, not words. The space around him distorted again. If the Lee Family had been declining for centuries, then Lee Yoonsung wouldn’t linger on it anymore. The man who brought down the family he had been born in took another step.

Chapter 247 – The Rightful Heir (3)

In the end, Lee Joonyoung’s fighting spirit rose as he was driven to the edge. “Okay. That arrogance, I will make you regret it…!”

Wind had pushed clouds since ancient times. Likewise, Lee Joonyoung started swinging his arms around Liliana. The wind howled whenever Lee Joonyoung's palms stretched out. Lee Yoonsung looked at it with interest.

This was the 3rd hidden technique, Fierce Wind and Rain. It was a hidden technique filled with destructive power, and it was difficult to dispel all the force, which was comparable to a storm.

“You managed to use that hidden technique alone. It is wonderful that you have reached that level without the ‘cloud’ or ‘rain.’”

This hidden technique was completed only after forming a cloud with the first technique and rain with the second technique. As such, Lee Yoonsung’s evaluation of Lee Joonyoung went up two notches. The completion and power of Fierce Wind and Rain weren’t enough, but this accomplishment was worthy of praise.

However, Lee Joonyoung cried out angrily at the praise, “Don’t look down on me!”

Lee Joonyoung didn’t know about the existence of Lee Yoonsung inside Liliana, so Liliana was just a young Westerner to him. Yet, such a person was praising and looking down on him? A scorching heat rose inside Lee Joonyoung, and his aura flickered, as if in response to those emotions. The turbulent wind had long dispersed the clouds.

Lee Yoonsung naturally moved back two steps and changed her posture. It wasn’t the posture for Moon Breaking through the Clouds. Moon Breaking through the Clouds was effective for one-shot attacks, but it wasn’t suitable for going against Fierce Wind and Rain.

Fierce Wind and Rain wasn’t just a single gust of wind.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission, Four Major Hidden Techniques, And Rain like an Axle…

Clouds couldn’t resist the wind, but what about rain?

“What? The axle?” Lee Joonyoung cried out with shock as Lee Yoonsung clenched her fists and moved.

It wasn’t an overflowing river. These were raindrops piercing the rocks. Based on the enlightenment of ‘penetrating through stone,’ Lee Joonyoung’s storm was penetrated.

Pang! Papang! Pang! Papapapang! Paang!

In a breath, dozens, possibly hundreds, of raindrops entered the storm. Fingertips struck the fist which was heading toward them. The 2nd and 3rd hidden techniques collided. If the two people were on par with each other, then Fierce Wind and Rain would’ve won. However, Lee Joonyoung was going against a great woman who had once devastated the Fairy Dance Lee family.

At that moment, the momentum of the storm weakened.

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwak!

Lee Yoonsung’s fingers didn’t miss this gap and struck Lee Joonyoung’s upper body. There were specific weights of gravity and high-frequency lightning bolts everywhere. When Lee Joonyoung’s bones broke, there was a terrible sound. He barely managed to calm himself down as blood emerged from his lips.


Nevertheless, he didn’t stop. Rather, he took one step forward and punched Liliana’s face.


It was pointless since it was blocked by ether. Liliana’s skin was a little bruised, but that couldn’t even be called damage. However, it was the first time that Lee Joonyoung had managed to hit Lee Yoonsung’s body.

“…Good.” Lee Yoonsung laughed. She acknowledged Lee Joonyoung’s pride in maintaining the strength of Fierce Wind and Rain despite being in this state. Lee Joonyoung could be reassured that he had managed to hit her opponent.

“Rest assured. I won’t allow it twice.”

“Kuack, w-what does that mean…?”

“You don’t need to know. But I won’t take your life.”

Finally, Lee Yoonsung took a posture which Liliana had never seen before. Simultaneously, the officials of the Fairy Dance family sprang up from their seats. They were aware of this posture.

“S-Surely, that isn’t?”

“This is a hidden technique from the distant past…!”

“I heard it was lost a hundred years ago!”

Among them, there were some who had memorized this posture since childhood—Boundary of Heaven and Earth.

The first three hidden techniques were the foundation of their training before acquiring the final hidden technique, and only those who could use ‘Boundary of Heaven and Earth’ were recognized as a true successor.

Lee Joonyoung recognized it as well and was upset. If this wasn’t the middle of a duel, he would be asking many questions.

–Junior, Lee Yoonsung ignored the astonishment and spoke to the master of the body she borrowed, –Don’t miss it. I will only show this hidden technique once.

‘Huh? What does that…?’

–There is no time to explain. There isn’t much time left, Lee Yoonsung spoke in a voice that was different from usual. Lee Yoonsung had borrowed Liliana’s body without using Overwrite, so she was reaching her limit. Her soul was screaming, and her consciousness was starting to fade.

The use of this hidden technique would hasten her collapse. However, she didn’t show it. Lee Yoonsung had an obligation to pass this onto her descendants and disciple.


One step… The moment that Lee Yoonsung took a step in the posture of Boundary of Heaven and Earth, Lee Joonyoung’s heart stopped for a moment. A heavy pressure seemed to be falling down from the sky.

It felt like the earth was falling down. The two opposing pressures clashed, bearing down on all of Lee Joonyoung’s five senses. It was the feeling of death. Lee Joonyoung’s five senses screamed, causing him to pour everything he had into Fierce Wind and Rain.


It was literally a dragon of wind. The wind dragon roared while pushing at the surrounding air. Lee Joonyoung’s Fierce Wind and Rain formed a wind dragon around his hands and rushed toward Liliana with enough force to tear steel.

However, this wasn’t wind pressure. It was a storm made with aura which had the power to cut flesh down to the bone.

“Wonderful,” Lee Yoonsung praised and moved. The Fairy Dance technique that was passed down through the heads of the family.

Four Major Hidden Techniques… Boundary of Heavy and Earth…

―The world divided into two.

* * *

It happened in an instant.


Liliana couldn’t help questioning it. ‘What happened?’

She remembered Lee Joonyoung’s Fierce Wind and Rain which had taken on the appearance of a storm dragon, but she couldn’t recall what had happened after. However, the movements of her hands were engraved on her retinas.

It was the Boundary of Heaven and Earth. Lee Yoonsung had moved her arms, and the whole world was overturned. No, it just felt like that.

As Liliana remembered the feeling in both hands, Shim Samho raised her voice from outside the stage. She was performing her role as a notary.

“Victory!” She declared while pointing at Liliana with her fan, “Since Lee Joonyoung is out of the arena and unable to fight, the winner of this duel trial is Liliana Miller! From now on, the authority of the Fairy Dance family will belong to the mountain’s keeper. Please note that this trial is notarized by His Majesty the Emperor. If you disagree with this result, you are guilty of treason!”

The silent audience started to become noisy.

Somebody shouted angrily while others cheered Lee Seol’s name, and another anticipated Lee Inyoung’s fall. The duel trial had an unexpected result, and there would be great confusion before the Fairy Dance Lee family became one.

The reversal of a situation always made people excited. The downfall of Lee Inyoung, who had tried to take control of the Fairy Dance Lee family through coercive means and make the Baekun Mountains his property, had to be talked about in many ways.

In the midst of all this, Liliana wasn’t listening to anyone’s voice.

‘…I see. Have you been consuming your soul since you started teaching me the Fairy Dance?’

-Well, this is what happened. Lee Yoonsung’s voice sounded no different from usual despite the fact that her soul was dying. The only difference was that her voice was a little cloudy.

Liliana’s eyes blurred as she talked to Lee Yoonsung. If Liliana had known this, she wouldn’t have allowed it. She knew that separation always came when it was unexpected, but this wasn’t what she had wanted.

‘Why do you have to leave this way?’

There was still a pile of regrets. Liliana knew this because they were sharing her body. Lee Yoonsung felt responsible for the family that had fallen due to her own selfishness. It was why she had tested Lee Joonyoung’s spirit.

Lee Yoonsung didn’t hesitate as she responded, –No, this is enough.


–I met my favorite descendant. I was able to know the status of my family that I was curious about, and I even found a disciple to pass on my martial art. For a ghost like me, this is enough.

The dead had their own paths to take, so Lee Yoonsung spoke to comfort Liliana. It was as if their positions were reversed. This was a skit where a dead woman who would soon disappear was comforting the living, but Liliana couldn’t laugh.

Before Liliana asked any more questions, Lee Yoonsung spoke quietly, –Thank you.

They were short words. Liliana was filled with a deep sadness which blocked her throat. This was the weight of a sincere goodbye.

Lee Yoonsung stopped talking for a moment, before continuing in a dimmer voice, –I told you not to miss it. Did you see the technique?


-Don’t be discouraged if you can’t use it right away. It is an area visible only to those who have reached the highest level. You can only use it perfectly when you go beyond that. It is literally the boundary between heaven and earth.

Liliana had yet to master the highest degree of the Fairy Dance, even though Lee Yoonsung had shown it to her. However, it was a success as long as the sensation remained.

The Boundary of Heaven and Earth seemed to be in the same area as the great magics, Abraxas and Supercell. Liliana’s understanding of the Fairy Dance was still far below Lee Yoonsung’s. It was an area Liliana wouldn’t be able to reach unless she devoted herself to it.

–Well, this is the last one.

Liliana realized that the ego of Lee Yoonsung was diminishing inside her. It felt like solid ice melting into water and then scattering like mist. In the end, Lee Yoonsung said farewell.

-Be well.

A good woman lost her life, and her end was dull compared to Satomer’s. However, the empty space which formed in Liliana’s chest was big and empty.

[The disappearance of the object fragment ‘Lee Yoonsung’ has been confirmed.]

[The completion of the quest has been confirmed. I will begin the transmission of object name ‘Lee Yoonsung’ in 30 seconds.]

Lee Yoonsung’s memories and experience flowed in. As the records of Lee Yoonsung’s existence filled up Liliana’s mind, she looked up at the sky and engraved these pieces of Lee Yoonsung, which she couldn’t forget, into her mind.

The cloudless sky felt young. ‘This is good for you… Damn it.’

Despite winning the battle, Liliana clenched her fists sharply and stared at the sky.

If the virtue of a good woman was to accept life and death, then Liliana was probably a good woman. There was a bitter taste in her mouth every time a person, who wasn’t actually still alive, left.

A person who hadn’t been acknowledged in life but returned to her home after her death… This was the end of Lee Yoonsung.

Chapter 248 – Ominous Identity (1) The emperor’s authority was absolute in the Empire, the middle kingdom of the East Continent. As the duel trial was conducted in the presence of a notary who had been appointed as his agent, the result was absolute and impossible to overturn or distort.For this reason, Lee Inyoung’s power decreased and the dispute of the Lee Family, which had lasted for over 100 years, came to a close. Even so, the integration process was never going to be smooth.It was true that the faction war was over, but the majority of the Fairy Dance Lee forces didn’t think much of the 16-year-old Lee Seol.They were afraid of the eyes of the imperial family and pretended to be quiet, but there was nothing strange about indirect insults. Since Lee Seol had no support base, Liliana’s share of authority shot into the sky. Therefore, Liliana didn’t intend to hesitate if she needed to use force.Yes, she stopped at this thought.Liliana sat on the unfamiliar cushion and said to the man sitting in front of her, “…I am grateful for your help.”However, Liliana couldn’t figure out why the person was helping her. There were no favors that were done without compensation. Despite this, in the wide world, there were adults who didn’t follow this principle. However, there was something fishy about the person before her.“I never thought I would come forward to help.”“Speak more informally.”Lee Joonyoung, the man in front of Liliana, corrected his manner of speaking with a polite and formal attitude. He was a mess due to the injuries of the duel trial, but he was strong because he was close to being a master. The bandages wrapped around his body couldn’t hide his peculiar ambition.“If you have difficulty calling me by name, just call me ‘Outsider.’”“I will do so. Outsider, can I answer your first question?”“Yes.”Lee Joonyoung spoke his reply to the question, “This is the right thing to do as a member of the Fairy Dance Lee family. Your position has been established with the duel trial, so we can incur the anger of the emperor if there is dissonance.”“That is a superficial reason. I hope that you will tell me your true feelings.”“What I said earlier… those are my true feelings. I knew that my father pursued his own desires, but I thought it was a necessary evil to end the hundred years of confusion. However, more paths have emerged, so I am just following them.”In reality, Lee Inyoung was the person who was supposed to be head of the family. However, his faction had been defeated in the duel trial and his position was reversed. During the duel trial, the family’s missing hidden techniques had been shown by the foreigner, Liliana Miller.Due to this, Lee Seol had been accepted as the next head of the family by the emperor’s notary. It was a chance to restore two lost hidden techniques, so he needed to latch onto it. For Lee Joonyoung, who was born and raised in the Murim world, switching positions was a natural choice.Of course, Liliana hadn’t been born in Murim and couldn’t agree.‘He is serious.’Her super sensitivity, which had evolved to be close to a psychic ability, recognized that Lee Joonyoung’s words were true. Lee Joonyoung was a young hot-blooded person, so he disregarded his father’s fall.He was a person Liliana couldn’t easily let down her guard around.However, without Lee Joonyoung’s assistance, the integration of the Fairy Dance Lee family would’ve taken months, maybe years, instead of weeks. It was hard for Liliana to understand the reasons, but she finally acknowledged Lee Joonyoung and let it be. It didn’t matter as long as Lee Joonyoung didn’t betray Lee Seol.“…Okay, I believe that,” Liliana acknowledged. Then she asked Lee Joonyoung. “Can you explain why you requested a meeting with me?”“Yes, of course,” Lee Joonyoung answered, pausing as he chose his words. Then he looked at Lee Seol sitting next to Liliana and said, “I think the mountain’s keeper already knows.”“Yes.”Liliana’s eyebrows twitched for a moment at the title. There had yet to be a proper inauguration for Lee Seol yet. So, calling her ‘keeper’ was like showing her what her position actually was.However, Liliana denied that idea. Lee Joonyoung wasn’t stupid enough to reveal it on the surface, even if he might feel that way. Then he must have a good reason for it.Unsurprisingly, Lee Joonyoung responded to Liliana’s speculation, “In the duel trial, Lee Seol’s inauguration was decided. But there is still room to act.”“For example?”“There are three qualifications needed in order to become the Fairy Dance Lee family’s head. Firstly, it doesn’t matter anymore but the knowledge of at least one hidden technique that has been passed down for generations. Secondly, the agreement of the majority. This isn’t difficult either. The problem is the third requirement.”“What is the third qualification?” Liliana couldn’t hide her doubts as she asked.However, it was Lee Seol who responded before Lee Joonyoung. “Age.”“Age?”“Yes. The law states that the minimum age to become the head of the family is 17. And there is still a year left until my ceremony of adulthood.”“Even so, it was a duel trial conducted by the emperor. Isn’t that enough to disregard a small law?”Lee Joonyoung nodded like Liliana was right, but he then smiled wryly and explained, “Yes, it is normally not a problem. However, similar provisions exist in the law of the empire. The decision of the duel trial can’t be reversed, but it is enough reason to buy time.“…The grace period can be extended?”“That’s right.”Liliana understood what Lee Joonyoung was trying to say and stroked her chin. They couldn’t oppose Lee Seol becoming the head of the family, but they could use this law as a pretext for a grace period.Anybody would be able to notice their intentions.‘They intend to treat her as a figurehead. Even if she isn’t naive, it will be troublesome in many ways. I thought they gave up because they couldn’t win from the front.’One year wasn’t a long time, but it wasn’t short either. The internal assets of the Fairy Dance Lee family hadn’t been grasped yet, so it was more than enough time to hide them.After a year passed, they would act like they were giving the leadership of the family back to Lee Seol, but they actually wielded the real power. After all, there were some who might find fault with Lee Seol’s leadership.However, it was difficult to overthrow them all with force. Above all, it was doubtful if Liliana would remain on this continent. Despite this, instead of panicking, Liliana asked Lee Joonyoung, “So, the solution is?”“There are two effective measures.”Indeed, Liliana nodded. Perhaps Lee Joonyoung had thought of a solution before coming here. He was an outstanding martial artist and also quite smart.Lee Joonyoung was a master of the pen and sword. If Liliana hadn’t come at this time, the Fairy Dance Lee family would’ve fallen into his hands. Then why was Lee Joonyoung smiling? No tigers had been born since a long time ago. However, in this case, a dog had given birth to a tiger.Lee Inyoung was probably just the face of the faction, while Lee Joonyoung was definitely the head. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been possible for him to integrate the factions together so quickly.Liliana listened curiously without forgetting her vigilance.“I will take full responsibility and launch a preemptive strike with Lady Liliana’s forces. In the end, the other side will choose if they should fight or not. If they fight, we can win.”“Dismissed,” Liliana refused Lee Joonyoung’s suggestion with a single word. “Is it right to shed blood for wrongs that haven’t been committed yet?”“It is called cutting the grass and pulling out the roots as well.”To cut the grass and dig out any roots…That was the act of eliminating the root of the problem in advance. From a short-term point of view, this method was really efficient. However, Liliana just sneered cynically. “Right now you aren’t a farmer but a weed who has abandoned the other weeds. Do you think it makes sense to execute the members based on your words?”“Then I will tell you the best solution.” Lee Joonyoung had thought this would be the case from the beginning, and gave his opinion without worrying about Liliana’s contemptuous words. “If Lady Liliana becomes the temporary head, then everything will be solved.”“What?”“Kuk, I’m not telling you to take Lee Seol’s position.”Lee Joonyoung took a step back from the momentary explosion of pressure coming from Liliana while simultaneously inwardly admiring it. He thought he had understood Liliana’s strength in the duel trial, but the scale of the power she just revealed was beyond that.Quickly bowing, Lee Joonyoung gave his solution to this problem.“In the case of the Fairy Dance Lee clan head, it is possible for the guardian of the next head to temporarily take the spot if they aren’t qualified yet. This is based on family law, so the other side won’t be able to do anything.”“But…”Certainly, it was a solution. Behind her protesting attitude, Liliana understood that this was the most efficient way. She met the first qualification. No one would raise any objections because Lee Inyoung, the chief of the largest faction, was under her authority. The biggest problem was that Liliana had no intention of staying in this place for a long time.“Lady Lili…” Lee Seol, who was beside her, looked at Liliana with an uneasy expression as it seemed like she would disappear soon.Lee Seol had acted as the mountain’s keeper for more than 10 years and maintained her pride as a member of the Fairy Dance Lee family. For Lee Seol, Liliana was the first protector she had ever met. It was thanks to her that she had managed to acquire the Fairy Dance Lee family.“I am asking this of you.” Lee Seol stepped back and bowed flawlessly.After seeing that, Liliana smiled bitterly, knowing that she couldn’t refuse the request.‘Sigh, it can’t be helped. I was going to stay for a month anyway… and I have to pass on both of the lost hidden techniques.’It would take some time, and it was necessary to examine the ‘Boundary of Heaven and Earth’ that Lee Yoonsung left behind. Was there a saying about how she shouldn’t be too hasty?It would take several months to return to the West Continent, and it was natural that she take responsibility for what she had done. Liliana rationalized her decision for a number of reasons and shrugged.Then she patted Lee Seol’s head lightly. “If you don’t mind me for a few months, I will be your guardian.”“…Lady Lili!”“I might be a foreigner, but I will temporarily lend you my name. I will act as the head of your family for you. Understood?”Lee Joonyoung politely replied, “As you command, Temporary Head.”Temporary Head… This wasn’t a title Liliana was used to. Realizing she would have to get used to it, she sighed.This was still the prelude of her journey in the East Continent. Thus, Liliana Miller embarked on acting as the head of the family.* * *Then it was three months later.“Okay, the tenth book has been completed.” Liliana wrote the last sentence and put down the quill in her hand. The text was a different color from that of the West Continent, and all the letters written on yellow paper were Chinese characters. The lines were a little crooked because she wasn’t accustomed to it, but anyone who read the contents wouldn’t be able to discount the book.This was the Fairy Dance Skills Series.Lee Yoonsung’s memories were written down perfectly. Originally, there had been no plans to put so much content, but there were many parts of the Fairy Dance which were lost. Therefore, it was difficult to fill the gaps without writing everything down.Liliana had quickly decided that and spent at least eight hours a day writing.‘Well, I haven’t just been sitting down writing a book.’To know with the mind was different from knowing with the body. Liliana was well aware of this fact and devoted herself to training. Unlike magic, which had already reached the top, she felt like she was developing day by day for this.In the end, she couldn’t catch a clue to the final hidden technique, but she trained the remaining three to a level which she could somehow use. Would she now be able to last five minutes against the 2nd Sword?Her circles were now able to rotate more strongly and smoothly than before. Her body had also become robust by acquiring the hidden techniques, so she couldn’t really be called a sorceress anymore.The time she devoted to martial arts had resulted in her overall development. The feeling of being blocked by the 8th Circle subsided, and she could now place her full concentration on the Fairy Dance.“…Is it time to go soon?” Liliana asked herself in a quiet voice.It was sooner than planned, but it wasn’t a bad thing. This just meant that the jobs she had to do had been quickly reduced. The dissonance in the Fairy Dance Lee family had almost stopped as Lee Joonyoung assisted Lee Seol.Once she finished the last book of the Fairy Dance Skills Series, it would be time for her to say goodbye.‘I need to talk about it when Lee Seol comes back.’There was a meeting in the nearby estate. The two people had been on the road since early morning, and there was still a long way to go. It was a long time to sit and wait. Then at the moment when Liliana was about to get up…“Temporary Head!”Thumping sounds rang out from the hallway, and an attendant rushed to the door with an urgent expression.“Being so noisy indoors. What is going on?”“I’m sorry! A guest suddenly arrived and said they wanted to see you…”“What?” Liliana’s expression drew a blank. It wasn’t comparable to its prime, but this was still the Fairy Dance Lee family. Yet there was a person who dared cross the threshold to confront the head without a prior appointment? Who would do such a rude thing?However, Liliana’s questions were soon resolved as the person entered.Dururuk!‘She’ opened the door without hesitation and smiled as she found Liliana. No, it just felt like she smiled. The cotton cloth from last time was still covering her face.“It has been a long time, Lady Liliana.” The voice which seemed to melt the eardrums of whoever heard it was also still the same. The voice and ominous presence caused Liliana’s body to immediately prepare for battle. She was a person who made her neck go cold.Liliana was convinced that nobody could stop her if she came as a guest.“…It has been a while, Shim Samho.”She was a delegate of the emperor and the notary of the duel trial. The woman who introduced herself as Shim Samho stood before Liliana.

Chapter 249 – Ominous Identity (2)“What have you come to me for?” Liliana's tone was naturally wary as the dark presence around the mysterious Shim Samho touched on her nerves. She didn’t think she could win a fight against him. However, he had something which wasn’t combat power. As long as she didn’t know his identity, she couldn’t be confident that she was superior in force. Despite Liliana’s calm attitude, Shim Samho’s coy tone didn’t change, “Huhu, you are still the same. Didn’t we promise to meet again?”“I don’t remember us being that close.”“It is a relationship that is meant to be more intimate,” Shim Samho said as he stepped over the threshold. The action was so natural that even the nervous attendant at the back couldn’t stop him.“Excuse me. Can I get a cup of tea?”“Sure.” It couldn’t be helped, so Liliana sighed reluctantly. She couldn’t go against that pushy attitude. Moreover, he was a notary of the emperor. Liliana beckoned to the attendant and instructed him to keep people away from this area. It would be safer if there was a battle. Shortly afterward, a tea set was placed between Liliana and Shim Samho. Jade colored tea was poured into the cups, and a refreshing smell rose. It was a tea which even a rich person had to wait three years to obtain. There were several tins of the finest tea leaves stocked in the Lee family’s warehouse, proof of their glory days. The tea was mainly enjoyed by the head of the family, but Liliana had little interest in tea. Therefore, she usually only brought it out when serving guests like this. “Oh, my. This is great Longjing tea,” Shim Samho said admiringly as soon as he took a sip of the tea. Tea leaves were graded depending on when they were harvested. Those which were plucked just before they were ready for harvest were treated as the finest quality since there was a low production rate and they had the finest taste. These tea leaves weren’t available for anyone without a thick wallet. Liliana looked at Shim Samho and spoke without drinking the tea, “Stop talking about meaningless things. If you want good tea, I’ll give you a few bags. So, tell me why you came here to visit.”“There is no need to be in a rush.” Shim Samho laughed as he put down his teacup. “Just like a draft is necessary for a story, this conversation needs context. My lips are closed at this moment when I’m drinking tea.”“…How verbose.” There was nothing else to say. Liliana fell silent as she waited for Shim Samho to finish his tea and talk. After around two cups worth of time (30 minutes)… “I was very surprised to hear that Liliana became the temporary head. Unifying the Fairy Dance Lee family in just three months… it isn’t something that could be done with mere force.”“I have competent subordinates.”“There is no need to be so humble. Moreover, it is amazing that you can learn martial arts with the body of a sorceress.”“Um,” Liliana answered in a short manner before glaring at the man sitting opposite her. “Magic… You know it well.” There was something Liliana had realized after spending a few months here. Unlike in the West Continent where magic penetrated deeply into real life, it was difficult to find shamanism in the East Continent. It could be due to the prejudice against it. Shamans were extremely reluctant to reveal their identities, so they hid from the public eye. Therefore, the Eastern people often didn’t know the distinction between magic and shamanism. So, what about the person called ‘Shim Samho’? His knowledge of magic was far beyond that of the Eastern people. Rather, it was equivalent to the knowledge stored in the magic towers. How had he studied the magic of another continent when he was a high-ranking notary of the emperor? The more Liliana talked to him, the more his identity fell into a bog. She didn’t know if he was strong or weak, and his presence was also a factor which made his identity questionable. “Are you curious to see my face?” Shim Samho seemed to interpret Liliana’s gaze in a strange manner as he playfully touched the edge of his cotton cloth. She hesitated before nodding. In some ways, it was a chance to figure out his identity. At the very least, she could get a clue. Shim Samho lifted his cotton cloth, and Liliana immediately realized it… This decision was a mistake. * * * “――――Ah.” It was disorienting. Her reason broke down, and blood boiled up in her body like a furnace. Her thoughts stopped the moment she saw Shim Samho’s face. His beauty, which was too fatal to be praised as beautiful, pierced into Liliana’s eyes. She couldn’t explain the features she was looking at. The sight of this beauty which was outside the human domain of cognition was almost like a mental attack. No, it could only be expressed as a mental attack. ‘D-Damn, what is with this face…?’ Her eyes felt like they were melting away as she looked at Shim Samho’s face. Then Shim Samho’s body odor neared her. Her five senses were running wild with desire for him, urging her to let go of her strings of reason. If even the mind of the highly disciplined Liliana couldn’t withstand this, then other masters wouldn’t be able to endure for a very long time. Liliana could still hold on. It would be the end if she let go. As she thought this, Shim Samho moved. “Hah… If you look at me with those type of eyes, will the heat go away?” The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and lightning flashed through his mouth. As Liliana shook, his fingers held the strings of his loose clothing. Then he pulled without hesitation. Sururuk. Liliana stopped breathing. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath, so his intent was obvious. Otherwise, his clothing wouldn’t have been removed so easily. This was a sin. Liliana’s reason completely melted away when she saw Shim Samho’s naked skin. Before she knew it, her upper body leaned forward. His white skin, which was as smooth as porcelain, and his beautifully curved body that fit the golden ratio… It was impossible for any human creature to resist him. Liliana’s instincts stopped responding as soon as she realized this fact. If she persevered more than this, her brains would boil up and she would die. “Urgh.” The moment that Liliana’s left hand touched that gentle skin… [The mental interference of a myth-grade existence is detected on your body.] [Gluttony resists the dreadful curse.] [You have succeeded in resisting the ‘Burning Carnal Desire.’] Shortly after that, Liliana’s head became as cold as ice. It was a curse which dominated even a master’s mind and couldn’t be stopped even with preliminary preparation. Liliana looked at the situation calmly and did what she thought was best. Her seven circles rotated vigorously, and magic power emerged from her left hand, which was still in contact with the skin. Peeeong! The shockwave hit Shim Samho’s chest from a close range and caused him to be thrown back. Blood soared up toward the ceiling, and the flesh around the explosion was a mess. It was a fatal wound. ‘…Did I do it?’ -Dead. However, that didn’t mean anything. ‘What?’ At that moment, Shim Samho’s body, which had been turned into rags, stood up. “What?” In shock, Liliana immediately retreated three steps. This wasn’t a creature which could be called human and yet could still move even when it was fatally damaged. No, it was a monster. This was the life-sustaining power worthy of being called ‘immortal’, which had been shown by Pride in the past. Liliana panicked as she realized where her thoughts were headed. ‘No, it isn’t playing around. What is this?’ Shim Samho’s body was crushed. There was a big hole in his upper body, and blood was pouring out. From the first time they met, Liliana had felt like her combat ability would be no use. Now, his appearance was more like an undead than a human being. This made Shim Samho bite his lips like he was embarrassed. –What? How did a mortal escape my mind control? Shim Samho’s alluring voice rang out in a low-frequency range which couldn’t be heard by human ears. He was an existence at a higher level than that of a human. If it hadn’t been for Gluttony’s strength, Liliana’s reason would’ve been taken away by him. This was despite the fact that she was a 7th Circle sorceress who possessed a divinity. It wouldn’t be difficult for Liliana to resist if an 8th Circle warlock tried to control her, yet Shim Samho had easily overturned her reason. Was he a senior demon? Or perhaps a grimoire? Liliana tried to find the answer to her questions. However, the answer came from Gluttony. –I thought I heard a familiar mental thought. So, it was you. I didn’t think you would cross over to the East Continent. -…Eh? It was you, Gluttony. Shim Samho’s expression changed after he heard Gluttony’s voice. Shim Samho was an existence that transcended beyond humanity, so the speed of his thinking circuits was different from humans. Simultaneously, Liliana guessed his identity. ‘Gluttony is a grimoire that eats grimoires, so other grimoires are just food to Gluttony. A regular grimoire would just be eaten if Gluttony encountered it. Then that means this person…’ –It is as you guessed, Gluttony read Liliana’s mind and confirmed her speculation. A grimoire that Gluttony knew… A power that could suppress the mind and stimulate human sexuality… Having discovered some common points, Liliana concluded that this must be one of the Seven Sins grimoires. -She is one of the Seven Sins, Lust of the carnal desires. A grimoire who exerts its power through sexual stimulation, an existence that no man can deny… Maybe this empire has fallen into her hands.

Chapter 250 – Ominous Identity (3)

Liliana didn’t think that Gluttony was exaggerating when she talked about the East Continent’s empire. Masters like Liliana couldn’t stand that temptation for a minute, so ordinary humans would fall with just one gesture. Shim Samho must wear the cotton cloth to suppress that mind control. Or it might be a device to induce the opponent’s carelessness, just like with Liliana. Either way, it was an insidious ability.

However, Liliana was more concerned with what Gluttony said.

‘Shim Samho—no, Lust might’ve got her hands on this empire? Is she a grimoire that seeks power?’

–You are half right, half wrong. For Lust, power isn’t a purpose but a means. She always takes control of the power base in order to carry out the purpose of her existence. I will describe it in detail later. Right now, I need to deal with her.

‘…Okay, I’ll leave it to you.’

A human couldn’t intervene in the conversation between two of the Seven Sins. Just like how Pride had treated Liliana as a monkey in the past, there was no way that Lust wouldn’t look down on humans. Still, there was no need for Liliana to provoke him.

As such, Liliana remained silent, and Gluttony opened his mouth, –Your behavior doesn’t seem to have changed from before. That female body is just a ‘terminal?’

–Well, that’s right. I can’t use it anymore because of your host. Shim Samho—no, Lust giggled as she pointed to the hole in the middle of her upper body.

Her body had been damaged by the 7th Circle magic, Shock Bound. The shockwave which had struck from a short distance wasn’t a power that could be sustained with human durability. A rock would’ve shattered, and a piece of iron would’ve been crushed. As such, the attack magic had certainly destroyed the girl’s body. Pride would’ve restored the injury in an instant, but Lust wasn’t equipped with such ability.

However, Gluttony coldly shot down Lust’s complaint, –Don’t be condescending. It was a preemptive attack. Didn’t you and I make a promise of non-aggression?

–Ah, that is true. I didn’t think it was your host, so let’s end it here. You know that I don’t have any direct combat skills, right?

–Hmm. Gluttony fell silent for a moment at Lust’s words. In any case, Lust’s body wasn’t here, and it was dangerous to be hostile to a person who had taken control of the middle kingdom. Additionally, the Seven Sins had originally been designed not to be hostile to each other. Pride and Gluttony were inevitable because their natures were contradictory, but Lust usually maintained neutrality with all of the Seven Sins.

–This is the only time. Gluttony thought about the pros and cons and stepped back.

Lust received the answer, and her lips, which were as red as blood, twisted sexily. –Indeed, you understand quickly, Gluttony. But it is too bad. I thought I could finally get a decent seed after a long time.

“Uh!” Liliana felt a heat rising in her as Lust glanced at her lower body. To think that her body became filled with sexual desire with just a look…? The mental interference from a myth-grade existence was truly terrible. If someone other than Liliana had been tempted, they wouldn’t have hesitated. Fortunately, it wasn’t at the same level as before. However, the loss of her reason was a truly terrible feeling.

Lust asked Gluttony, –By the way, why have you come to the East Continent? Didn’t you say that you gave up on shamanism?

–It was an accident.

–Accident? Lust asked with a bewildered expression.

Then Gluttony explained, –I was caught in a random space transition. I never imagined that I would be moved to the East Continent.

–Aha! I knew you wouldn’t have come by yourself. Lust nodded a few times before looking down at her broken body. It might’ve been controlled remotely, but Liliana’s blow had stopped the body’s life function and disconnected Lust from the body. The evidence of this was how the low-frequency voice was becoming increasingly weaker.

She shrugged and said to Gluttony, –I am reaching my limit. I’m sorry but please take care of this. I don’t have any convenient features like destroying evidence.

–Are you going to come again?

–No, this person is your host, so I don’t want to touch her. If you are thinking about coming to the capital, then I will meet you again, Gluttony. Human, if you change your mind, you can always contact me, Lust whispered coyly before Shim Samho’s body collapsed like a broken puppet.

Once the connection with Lust’s main body was cut off, it returned to being an ordinary body. Its life had been lost the moment Liliana’s strike hit it. Due to the loss of connection with Lust, Shim Samho’s dead body could no longer capture Liliana’s eyes.

“Sigh…” She sighed as she looked around at the bloody room. “In the end, the cleaning up is left to me.”

–I will start telling you the story as soon as you are done.

Why did Gluttony’s words sound so spiteful…? There was the naked body of the girl on the floor, and blood covered the ceiling, making it look like a gruesome murder scene. It was impossible to call the servants to clean this up. Liliana summoned flames on her palm with a weary face and got started.

* * *

After an hour, Liliana cleaned the room of all the bloodstains and stench and sat down. The cleaning didn’t consume a great amount of magic power, but her fatigue was great due to her meeting with Lust. It was like when she used Umbra to the limit.

“Hah, I still can’t stand against real monsters.”

In the past, Pride had overwhelmed her with force, and now, Lust had just suppressed her mentally. The memory of her body trying to escape from Lust’s control was terrible, and she didn’t want to think about it again. As if it knew Liliana’s mind, Gluttony woke up as soon as the cleaning finished.

–User, are you ready to hear the story?


Liliana was tired but she had no intention of resting. At the very least, she wanted to know what power that Lust of the Seven Sins had. As Liliana’s blurred eyes became clear, Gluttony started to list Lust’s information.

–The collection production type grimoire, Lust. You met her terminal so you know that she has no direct combat ability. She is a creature with a reproductive instinct that uses an irresistible mental dominance and places a subordinate instinct in her intercourse partner. She can be called a type of queen bee.

“She brainwashes them by having sex?”

–It is similar. The other person submits to Lust’s command with their own will. She is loyal enough to devote her life, even if she knows she is being manipulated. Once applied, this brainwashing can’t be released, so it is the highest level ability.

Liliana got goosebumps at these words. To think that even Gluttony, who had knowledge from the Age of Mythology, asserted that this brainwashing ability couldn’t be lifted… If Liliana hadn’t been able to regain her sanity, she would’ve become Lust’s slave. At this level, her lack of combat capability wasn’t an obstacle at all. This was comparable to Pride’s feeding evolution and Gluttony’s predation.

Simultaneously, Liliana had a question. “Gluttony, I was wondering one thing.”


“What is Lust’s purpose? What is she trying to accomplish with these two functions—sexual intercourse and brainwashing?”

Pride tried to regenerate into the ultimate creature by eating all creatures and absorbing their qualities. Meanwhile, Gluttony’s purpose was to collect magic knowledge with his predation ability, so he saved rare artifacts in his body to achieve this purpose. As such, the powers of the Seven Sins were directly linked to their purposes of existence.

If so, what were Lust’s powers for? Perhaps Liliana’s question was unexpected. Gluttony paused for a moment before speaking again.

–It is within the acceptable range. To be as clear as possible, Lust’s existence is to become the ultimate womb.

“…The ultimate womb?”

-That’s right.

‘The ultimate womb…’ Liliana looked down at her left palm.

The tongue protruded and moved slowly. –Lust’s ability to seduce and brainwash others through sexual intercourse is a by-product of reaching the end. It is possible for Lust to collect genetic information from an organism she has sex with and to store this separately.

“So, it is the same ability as Superbia.”

–No, it is similar but significantly different, Gluttony denied it decisively. If Pride took on the characteristics of the creatures it fed on, then Lust took advantage of it through reproductive behavior. However, there was a big difference between the two abilities.

–The ultimate creature… As you say, two of the Seven Sins have the same goal, but the method is different. If Superbia wants to reach it with her own body, then Lust’s purpose is to ‘give birth.’

“Give birth?”

–It is to give birth to a child that is superior to the parents. This is Lust’s ability and the purpose of her existence. I don’t know how many generations it will take, but if this process keeps repeating, she will reach the goal someday. Lust is the incubator.

Despite the words Liliana didn’t know, her brilliance meant she immediately understood Gluttony’s explanation. In some ways, Lust’s goal was to make the ultimate hybrid.

In a species, it was easy to observe the difference in the quality of each individual. Among the same type of humans, some of them were inferior. Some had superior athletic abilities, while others had superior learning abilities.

The power of Lust was to analyze the genetic information, extract it, and give birth to a more advanced fetus. In other words, it was an ability that could be the origin of a divine human being.

–Lust’s fetus will continue to progress with each generation. Physical, mental, and even the purity of the soul will keep rising until the end. In fact, some of the top species that existed in the Age of Mythology were her descendants.

Liliana heard Lust’s purpose and realized the depth of the danger. In the ancient myths, there was a story about a marriage which had been ruined because of the prophecy that a child superior to the father would be born.

The process of evolution didn’t take place overnight. It couldn’t happen overnight. No, it was a miraculous phenomenon that would take place over hundreds, thousands of years. Yet Lust could artificially reproduce such a miracle.

Gluttony connected this power to its application in reality before Liliana did and muttered with a heavy voice, –It is dangerous.

Liliana’s head was still confused by the mental interference, but the gears of Gluttony’s mind rotated at a different speed to those of humans.

–User, do you remember the words of Abe no Seimei?

“Seimei? Why are you suddenly mentioning the Onmyōji—ah!” Liliana’s eyes darkened as she was reminded of the forgotten advice. [If you go to the East Continent, never approach the capital in the center. If you have to go, only try it after you have reached full transcendence.] Seimei’s warning about not going to the middle kingdom echoed in Liliana’s mind.

What had Lust said as she left here? That they would meet again if Liliana went to the capital?

“Seimei’s warning, was it about Lust?”

–The possibility is high, Gluttony’s voice flowed from Liliana’s left hand as it trampled on the rest of her hopes. –According to the records, it has been a long time since Lust vanished from the West Continent. If Lust disappeared 2,000 years ago and repeatedly gave birth over the past thousands of years… The potential of that ‘child’ would already surpass the top species.


–It is as you think, User.

Both of them came to the same conclusion.

In contrast to the astonished Liliana, the grimoire Gluttony spoke her hypothesis in a somewhat interested voice, –The royal family of the Middle Kingdom, the family that has ruled over the East Continent for thousands of years… that is probably where the most likely candidate is.

Chapter 15: Chapter 251-275

Chapter Text

Chapter 251 – Ominous Identity (4)

‘The imperial family of the central empire!’ Liliana had been living in the East Continent for the past few months, so she was well aware of the weight of these words. The empire had reigned supreme in the East Continent for over a thousand years, its influence so vast that it could be considered the center and source of the Eastern world. So, it was natural that the founder of this empire and his descendants would be closer to gods than to humans.

‘If the imperial family are the children of Lust―’

Then as Liliana recalled the founding myths of the center of the East Continent, she opened her mouth and asked, “Gluttony, I have something I want to ask.”

–What is it?

“Did you say that Lust’s children are born with greater strength and aptitude than their parents? In order for this to be efficient, wouldn’t she need to commit incest?”

–Hoh, that is a decent point. Did you infer this from when Lust tried to seduce you?

“…Well, something like that.” Liliana frowned as Gluttony once again reminded her of the incident. She had been overwhelmed by Lust’s sexuality. It was a shame that would be hard to face if anyone else had seen it.

However, Gluttony simply wished to praise Liliana, so it waved its tongue in more active movements than usual. –User’s statement isn’t wrong. In fact, Lust has repeatedly committed incest over a hundred generations, creating monsters beyond the limits of that species.


–I talked about it once before. The peak of the Ulfheðnar and king of all beasts, Fenrir.

The words, ‘beast king’ and ‘Fenrir’… These clues caused Liliana to remember something. She had heard in Elvenheim that Fenrir’s death had caused the downfall of the Beast Clan.

Additionally, Pride had transformed into an Ulfheðnar when they fought at the Pirate Archipelago in the past. The durability and strength of the Ulfheðnar’s body had allowed Pride to surpass the speed of a sword master’s aura blade and avoid a falling lightning bolt.

It was a monster that gave Liliana the creeps when she thought about it a few times. As such, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the head of the Ulfheðnar and the Beast King would be similar to a dragon.

Liliana thought this far and was amazed by Lust’s power. Simultaneously, she came up with another question.

“Wait a minute. Didn’t you say that the monster called ‘Fenrir’ was eventually killed?”

–That’s right.

“But not all of the Beast Clan were wiped out. There were Ulfheðnar left, so couldn’t Lust have given birth to a child that surpassed Fenrir? Why didn’t Lust give birth to the next Fenrir?”

Liliana’s point was extremely reasonable. Lust had created the species called Ulfheðnar over a hundred generations, so it would be a terrible waste to let an entire species die with Fenrir. Even if a grimoire had no concept of time, this wasn’t efficient.

Wouldn’t the grimoire have prepared for the next generation and delighted in birthing a creature beyond Fenrir?

However, Gluttony laughed at her.

-Kuhuhuhu. User, it is the reverse order.

“What? The order is reversed?”

-That’s right. Lust didn’t give up on the species because Fenrir died. It is because Lust abandoned the Ulfheðnar that Fenrir died. While it isn’t appropriate to give advice in this situation, the question that User just asked is the answer.

The question was the answer. The meaning was unknown, but Liliana felt like a lightning bolt had just struck her. It was the exact opposite of causation; the cause and result were reversed.

Fenrir’s death wasn’t the cause but the result. In that case, moving to what happened first…

Due to Fenrir, Lust had concluded that choosing the Ulfheðnar had been a failure.

“There was a problem with Fenrir?”

–Yes, Gluttony praised her user’s brilliance and briefly explained, –Ancient civilizations that pass a certain level treat incest as taboo. Do you know why?

“I don’t know the details. I just heard stories about babies coming out deformed.”

–It is the same issue regarding eugenics. By limiting the gene’s breadth, its disadvantages are maximized. Of course, Lust’s performance isn’t the problem. The problem was with her child, not her, Gluttony said and then summarized it briefly with a chuckle, –Fenrir had sexual dysfunction.

“Ah…!” Liliana exclaimed as she grasped an understanding of all the circ*mstances. Over the course of generations, the genes were improved and the incest continued. However, the Ulfheðnar pedigree had eventually reached its limit.

King Fenrir… According to records, the Beast King had lost his ability to reproduce in exchange for his transcendent ability. No matter how good an incubator Lust was, it wouldn’t be possible to extract the genetic elements from Fenrir if he hadn’t been sexually active.

As such, she had been unable to reach the ultimate creature and failed. Therefore, Lust had left Fenrir and the Ulfheðnar in search of other possibilities.

The Ulfheðnar, who had been pureblood for generations, soon developed problems with Fenrir, and it didn’t take long for the species to collapse. It was the death of a creature that could stand shoulder to shoulder with a dragon, as well as the decline of the Beast Clan.

“… Things are connected in the strangest places.” Liliana had unearthed another secret of the Age of Mythology, and she felt a strange sense of accomplishment. In this day and age, there were few ancient records remaining. Every time she dug up a hidden story, her sorceress’s curiosity would soar.

So, she forgot about the main topic for a while.

‘No, is this the time to be satisfied?’

Liliana should be paying attention to Lust in the present, not her tracks in the Age of Mythology. She hurriedly asked Gluttony her next question, “Unlike in the past, Lust is collecting genes from a large number of humans. So, is there no incest?”

–Perhaps. The system of the duel trial and her role of a notary is probably part of this. It is a fairly efficient way to collect the genes of the strong, as well as gain control of each force.

“If she has repeated this for a thousand years…” Liliana murmured with a horrified expression.

This meant Lust had been acting in secret for a long time. Otherwise, there would have been more rebellions or great power struggles in this vast land. It was clear that Lust had controlled those behind disputes and stopped unnecessary consumption.

This method of trial and error would’ve also made a mark in the Age of Mythology. Liliana couldn’t imagine the result of Lust’s experiment, which would’ve advanced one step further after the failure with Fenrir.

–Hrmm, I don’t know about that. However, Gluttony’s thoughts were a little different. –It is easy to be mistaken. But unless one is born with a great talent, they can’t become transcendent. In Lust’s case, a counterproductive effect is more likely to occur.

“Counterproductive? Fenrir is a horrific monster.”

–Even Fenrir couldn’t reach transcendence in the true sense. I think this is Lust’s limit.

Despite being part of the Seven Sins, Gluttony’s assessment was grim. In some ways, it might be natural. The Seven Sins pursued seven different paths to their destination. Affirming other methods was like denying their own.

–A transcendent is a perfect being who overcame their own destiny and transcended their natural limits. The more burdened someone is at birth, the harder it will be to go forward. Lust’s method is nothing but setting a trap for herself.

“… Indeed, the more excellent the vessel, the greater the volume that needs to fill it. So, is Lust just repeating a meaningless act?”

–I believe so, but I don’t know, Gluttony spoke in a tone like she wasn’t expecting anything. –Someday, she may be able to give birth to a fetus with a transcendent value from birth. This is Lust’s purpose.

“Indeed, well it doesn’t mean anything to me. It sounds like she will either complete it or not.”

Thousands of years had been wasted on one trail, but that was meaningless for a grimoire. Liliana was well aware of this, so she only sighed and didn’t ask anymore. It didn’t matter to her if Lust’s experiment was successful or not. After all, it wasn’t as though she was threatening the world directly like Pride. Therefore, it was best not to fight her if possible.

–That idea is right. She promised not to attack first, so there won’t be an ambush. However, her children’s genes have improved over the one thousand years, so they can still threaten User. You have completed your purpose, so you should return to the continent quickly.

“I was already planning on that. This is just one more reason to leave the Fairy Dance area,” Liliana answered before looking around the room. After confirming that there weren’t any drops of blood left behind from Lust, she moved. She was going to get some sleep before Lee Seol returned.

* * *

That evening, the two people who had gone to the outskirts of the Lee Fairy area returned after sunset.

After three months of effort, everything was almost organized. The talks themselves seemed to have ended successfully, and Lee Joonyoung’s strength had advanced a step further with Liliana’s teachings. He also had a unique position within the Fairy Dance Lee Family, so Lee Seol’s position was quickly stabilized.

It was just a matter of being late. The integration of the Fairy Dance Lee family was a decision which had been made three months ago.

‘It means the situation won’t worsen if I leave.’

Liliana wasn’t the type of person who would relax indefinitely. She was worried about what Meltor thought about her disappearance, and her body’s condition had returned to normal. Then Liliana looked at Lee Seol sitting next to her. “So, the thing I have to say is…”

Lee Seol looked fairly bright, rather like a lark. She was also a determined child. Otherwise, could she have lived for more than 10 years in the remote mountains? Lee Seol might’ve learned the role of the mountain’s keeper at a young age, but it was still hard for a 16-year-old girl.

Despite being burdened by the responsibilities of being the head of the family, the delighted expression she had made at being able to live in the village was still vivid in Liliana's mind.



Liliana thought it would be okay to leave now. “It is time for us to part.”

Two pairs of eyes widened at Liliana’s words. Even though they had known it, Lee Seol still found it painful to face.

She shook her head a little bit and spoke with a tremble in her voice, “H-Hasn’t it only been three months? There are still five months left until my coming of age ceremony…! I also haven’t learned…”

“It is sufficient for the other family members to teach you martial arts.”


“Temporary Head.” At that time, Lee Joonyoung opened his mouth with a gentle expression. “You have made up your mind.”

“You understand?”

“You aren’t the type of person who would joke about something like this. Do you mind staying for a few more days?”

“Yes… three days will be appropriate.”

Once Liliana made up her mind, she needed to move before it was shaken. If she wasn’t prepared to take this step, she wouldn’t have said it out loud. Three days was the minimum period to complete all her preparations, as well as inform the whole family.

Then Liliana spoke to Lee Joonyoung, “I have finished writing the books I promised. There are 10 volumes of the Fairy Dance Skills Series. I have written starting from the basic training methods to the hidden techniques, so you should spread the books out rather than hiding them in a warehouse.”

“Yes, I will follow your words.”

“It is good that you are consistent. You will do very well in the future.”

Liliana finished talking with Lee Joonyoung and looked back at Lee Seol. Her clear eyes were filled with tears, and she bit her lips when she met Liliana’s gaze. It was a frank expression showing the emotions of a mountain girl.

Liliana smiled and patted her neat black hair. “I’m sorry.”

“…I don’t know. You are bad.”

“Kukuk.” Was she acting like a child on purpose, or was it her natural temperament? Liliana felt like she was her little sister as she kept patting her head. “The last three days will be all for you. Tell me if you want to do anything.”

“…” Lee Seol lingered for some reason and then whispered in a voice that was difficult to hear, “Then I’ll ask one thing of you.”

It was a request she hoped Liliana would grant.

Chapter 252 – Baekun Mountains (1)

Morning appeared quickly on the spacious plains to the east, north, and west of the Baekun Mountains. Even though it was a mountain range, the cries of roosters during the early dawn didn’t allow them to oversleep. In terms of time, an early morning person started the day at 5 or 6 a.m.

However, it was precisely 4 in the morning. This was a time when even the people who woke up the earliest hadn’t escaped from sleep yet. At this time, a small farewell ceremony was taking place near the main gate of the Fairy Dance Lee Family’s home. However, those who sneered at the size of the ceremony would be shocked when they saw who was present.

These six people were the current powers of the Fairy Dance Lee Family. Among them was the main leader, Lee Joonyoung.

“Really…” Liliana looked at them and laughed. “Why did you all come out here? I thought the five of you didn’t feel good toward me.”

It was as she said. No matter how resourceful Lee Joonyoung was, it was impossible for there to be no friction during the integration of the family. Among them, the heads of the five factions had been uncooperative, so Liliana had stepped forward to take down their haughty pride.

The law of the jungle came into play. They hadn’t been able to withstand Liliana’s strength and suffered from shame, but they conceded to the result.

“I am really sorry about that, Temporary Head,” one of the faction leaders said. “To be honest, we thought you wanted to devour this family through the young lady. Even if you studied the Fairy Dance, we thought that the lineage of a Westerner could never mix with us. We were really stupid.”

“Hmm, such misunderstandings are expected. Why did you change your mind?”

“You have eyes like us.”

Three months wasn’t a long time. It was a quarter of the year, where one season had just passed. It was too short a period of time to see through the essence of a person. Only crude results could be seen during such a short period of time, especially under the gazes of five pairs of eyes which had been hardened by prejudice over several generations.

Nonetheless, three months had been plenty of time for Liliana. From early morning, she had sat at her desk and done the work of the family head. After finishing the work, she had practiced her martial arts. All those who had passed by and seen her were amazed. It was a fresh dance, a feast of movements which had been lost for several generations.

She had taught others without asking for anything in return, making the five faction leaders feel ashamed.

‘Can we truly say that we are better than her?’

‘As a martial artist and family woman, we can’t beat her.’

Liliana was faithful to her own desires but had still done exemplary work as the family head. As such, the five leaders truly admitted their defeat.

They abandoned their grudges and actively assisted in the unification of the family along with Lee Joonyoung, who acted as Liliana’s agent. Now, the vassals of the Fairy Dance Lee Family were reliable.

“Please come back anytime, Temporary Head!”

“Next time, I wish to learn things from you!”

“Temporary Head, don’t worry! We will do well.”

Lee Joonyoung smiled at the five leaders. “Well, I guess it is like this. This is because of your virtue.”

“…Hah, I didn’t know this would happen.”

“Here are the things I’ve prepared.”

Liliana took the bundle from Lee Joonyoung and confirmed the contents. It was a badge to prove Liliana's identity, as well as gold that could be used anywhere in the East Continent. There was also a map which contained detailed directions. It was a luxurious bundle of items.

“Thank you. Now, I can go back with ease.”

It would take a considerable amount of time to exchange goods and money to that of the East Continent, so there would be unavoidable delays. Fortunately, Liliana was able to cut down on this thanks to Lee Joonyoung. From a hidden angle, Liliana put the bundle into her inventory and realized that someone wasn’t present. “Seol?”

“She will come soon… Hah, speaking of which.”

As Lee Joonyoung spoke, Lee Seol ran out the door in blue clothing. She proved that it wasn’t just Lee Joonyoung who had made further progress in the past three months, as her movements had doubled compared to her previous self.

Lee Seol arrived in front of Liliana and cried out, “Lili! I’m sorry for the delay!”

“No, you aren’t too late. Anyway, didn’t you decide to fulfill your request today?”


Lee Seol’s request was that she wanted Liliana to go see the spirits of the Baekun Mountains with her. It was why she had prepared for this journey from early dawn. She couldn’t leave her position for a few days, but it was possible to accompany her for a day or so as the mountain’s keeper.

“So, then please take care of the Fairy Dance Lee Family.”

Liliana stood next to the happily smiling Seol and spoke formally to the people who had come out to bid her goodbye. Liliana’s request was for them to be the pillars of the Fairy Dance Lee Family as well as to respect Lee Seol. They understood the meaning of her words and nodded.

It was the moment when Liliana’s short-lived life as the head of a family was over.

* * *

“Wah! It has been so long since I’ve come back!” Lee Seol laughed as she walked around a familiar cabin.

There were no big changes, but it felt a bit gloomy, probably because no one was going to return. Dandelions bloomed instead of pumpkin vines in the front yard, while mushrooms grew in the rafters.

‘I have to say goodbye to this place now.’

Liliana was already used to Lee Yoonsung’s empty space within her, but she still couldn’t help feeling bitter. She looked around the cabin for a moment before following Lee Seol outside. It was a place she hadn’t seen when she stayed here a while ago.

“Ahem!” At that moment, Lee Seol suddenly looked back. “From here on, you can’t go into this area without the permission of the mountain’s keeper.”

“Are the spirits living inside here?”

“Yes, but I haven’t been here in a while, hehe.”

Liliana admired the place and infused magic power into her eyes, temporarily increasing her vision to the equivalent of a hawk’s. She could see rice seeds from 30 meters above the ground. Thanks to Hawkeye, Liliana had the ability to look at the peak. Beyond the hundreds of trees, there was a place where animals and plants couldn’t be seen. Then without any warning, her vision magic was turned off.

‘…Indeed, this isn’t an ordinary place.’

There might be something intervening, or perhaps it was the place itself. Either way, her curiosity as a magician boiled up. Liliana suddenly called out, “Seol, stop.”

“Huh? What is it?”

“Your pace is too slow. Get on.”

Lee Seol, who was about to climb the mountain, made a bewildered face that soon turned red. It was because Liliana was offering her back.

So far, Lee Seol hadn’t encountered women with Liliana's level of mastery outside her family. Thus, it was no wonder that her heart started pounding. She thought of Liliana as an adult figure of the family, but her exotic appearance was rather appealing.

‘I-If I tell her that I want to refuse because I’m embarrassed…’ Lee Seol finished rationalizing her thoughts and slowly wrapped her arms around Liliana’s neck. She had the normal heart of a girl, so she was worried about being heavy.

“Hold on tightly. I will be moving fast.”


However, she only had a few moments to worry about her heaviness.


As Liliana took one step forward, her hair rushed behind her, and the wind blew past. Was it a sudden gust of wind? No, it wasn’t that.

The wind was blowing due to Liliana’s ridiculous acceleration. 15 meters for the first step, 24 meters for the next step… By the time she took 24 steps, Liliana’s body had reached maximum speed and was like a fired arrow.

“Kyaaaak!” Lee Seol couldn’t help screaming and grabbed onto Liliana’s neck tightly.

Speed was often compared to the wind, but Liliana was currently faster than a gale. Those who weren’t accustomed to such high-speed movement would undoubtedly be intimidated.

So, Lee Seol didn’t realize that although she had forgotten her role as mountain’s keeper, Liliana was moving up the mountain peak naturally. She moved with no hesitation because she was moving off someone else’s memory.

It was the memory of the one who had been abandoned by his family, Lee Yoonsung. Despite not being the mountain’s keeper, Lee Yoonsung had been left here. The mountain was filled with beasts; it was where wild wolves and snakes roamed around. Maybe his family expected him to disappear here.

The word for ‘forbidden zone’ wasn’t in Lee Yoonsung’s memories. He had never been warned not to go there, but he had known he would die if he entered.

‘But Senior survived.’

Perhaps it had been due to coincidence or good luck that Lee Yoonsung had managed to repeatedly hunt and gather in the forbidden zone several times. His stomach had hurt after eating poison, and he had fallen from a cliff while running away from a wild horse. In the process, the geography had gotten so deeply imprinted in his body and mind that it applied even 100 years later.

Liliana quickly climbed the mountain and stopped after arriving at the peak.

“Oh…!” Liliana briefly admired the view.

She was thousands of meters above sea level, so the view was truly spectacular. Of course, it was simple compared to what she had seen from the world tree, but was there any place higher than that in this age? It was enough to admire the scenery shining under the sunlight.



“This Baekun Mountains, two spirits rule over the forest.”

“Elder spirits?”

“Yes.” Lee Seol shortly regained her composure after being let down and pointed to the place beyond them. “There is the Tiger King in the canyon on the right and the White Bear in the forest on the left.”

“Tiger King and White Bear?”

“Yes, I heard that they have lived for a few hundred years… They are the ones you should meet today.”

It was interesting. Liliana nodded and alternated pointing between the two directions. “I see. So, who are we going to see first?”

“The Tiger King is the nearest.”

“Okay, to the right then.” Liliana set the path and stepped back.

The wind blew from below, causing the hairs of the two people to rise. However, this time Lee Seol didn’t scream. The wind blew through the mountain peaks, and Seol clutched tightly onto the woman she wouldn’t be able to meet again for a long time in the future.

Chapter 253 – Baekun Mountains (2)

“The Tiger King is a tiger, just as the name implies.”

Liliana's pace was fast, but it was challenging to climb the slope of the Baekun Mountains on the East Continent. Under the biting wind pressure that tore at their ears, Lee Seol started talking about the boss spirits—Tiger King and White Bear.

Regardless of whether they were spirits, tigers and bears were beasts that stood at the top of the ecosystem. They each had the ability to tear up a small troll. If they were the boss spirits, then they must have individual strength.

“A long time ago, tigers used to be a target for hunters because of their nice hide. But after the Tiger King appeared, no one tries to hunt tigers in this country anymore. This is why the markets are almost out of tiger leather.”

“Come to think of it, I have never seen it before.”

“Sometimes there are fools who attempt it without knowing anything. I don’t know how many of times I’ve met one while living in the mountains,” Lee Seol said with a sigh. “But I wasn’t part of the Fairy Dance’s main house, so I couldn’t ask them to control the people in the Baekun Mountains.”

“Seol.” Liliana quietly listened to the complaints and then asked her a question, “But even if the Tiger King is so powerful, it can’t always protect the tigers. Surely there are some poachers who act outside of its sight?”

“Yes. It is exactly as you said.”

“Hrmm?” Liliana couldn’t understand the meaning of the words.

Lee Seol understood the meaning behind her gaze, so she shrugged and explained, “It is a simple story. The tigers of the Baekun Mountains are too strong to hunt.”

“What, the tigers?”

“Yes, the Baekun Mountains is the best spiritual land in the center of the continent.”

Liliana's eyes filled with interest at the words. In magic, it was a place called a ‘Power Spot,’ where mana gathered abnormally.

The flora and fauna in that area exceeded the specification of the species. There were also cases where intellect beyond a human being was formed. It was hypothesized that the centaurs, that existed in the Age of Mythology, had developed due to this phenomenon.

Liliana thought this far and asked, “So, it wasn’t just the Tiger King. The other tigers became spiritual as well?”

“Yes, although they aren’t as strong as the Tiger King. But they can’t be compared with ordinary beasts. They are too strong for first-class warriors to win against one on one.”

“It is already a war, not a hunt. You should ask the imperial family to prohibit access.”

First-class warriors were abundant on the East Continent. It was a term referring to those who had trained in martial arts for more than 10 years and played a full-fledged role on the battlefield. Even so, the first-class warriors couldn’t win against the tigers?

In these mountains, beasts had the advantage over humans. Those who were unable to conceal themselves would become the prey of the tigers. So, it was dangerous, even if a master was mobilized.

‘The mountain’s keepers might not actually be protecting the spirits.’

It might be different for the Fairy Dance Lee Family in its prime, but if the declining family tried to forcefully take over the Baekun Mountain Ranges now… They might be wiped out by the boss spirits that led hundreds of spirits.

Liliana kept moving. By the time the story ended, the two of them were already at the foot of the Tiger King’s mountain. Perhaps it was because she was listening to an interesting story, or maybe Liliana's speed was faster than she thought.

“….Indeed, this terrain is extraordinary.”

It was a sheer slope with rock tips protruding everywhere, and there was a worn track like someone had been treading on it. There were marks on the walls which weren’t made by a human, but rather, they were made by a beast. The marks were perfect territory markers.

Sometimes the wind blew coldly, and shadows wriggled in the valley.

Tiger King’s Valley… It was the residence of the Tiger King, one of the boss spirits that reigned in the Baekun Mountain Ranges. A weak person wouldn’t dare step into this valley, while even the animals backed away.

However, Liliana's reaction wasn’t either of these.

“Seol.” After arriving at their destination, she set Lee Seol down again and talked to her. “Your request was to arbitrate between the two boss spirits. Will you tell me what the circ*mstances are?”

“Of course, Lili,” Lee Seol said, looking at her with a somewhat regretful expression. Then she explained in a serious tone, “There is a dragon vein that circulates that energy of the Baekun Mountains. It begins in the heart of the mountain range and flows down several rivers to different areas. There are two trees that have received this energy and grown into sacred trees.”

“Sacred trees?”

“Yes, spirits often live around these sacred trees. There is one tree in the Tiger King’s Valley, and another tree is in the forest where the White Bear resides.” Then a shadow crossed Lee Seol’s face. “The sacred tree that the Tiger King was taking care of is dying. It will take at least 100 years for a new sacred tree to grow, so the Tiger King asked the White Bear to share the remaining sacred tree.”

“Asked… This request, was it refused?”


Perhaps the feud had started with this refusal. Liliana thought inwardly with a bitter smile, ‘Spirits don’t seem very different from humans.’

If there was one thing another person needed, it wouldn’t be given. In a sense, it might be an instinct born in both humans and beasts. This wasn’t just a matter of the Tiger King and White Bear. No, this was a confrontation between the two groups they commanded. It seemed that this problem couldn’t be solved easily, so Liliana breathed in deeply.

Chill. A sudden chill ran down her spine.



Liliana pushed Lee Seol behind without any hesitation and stepped forward. Liliana's senses warned her that if she didn’t respond immediately, she would suffer fatal damage.


A roar shook the earth! The mountains trembled, birds flew into the sky, and elks that were grazing started to urinate. The instincts of wild animals were more developed than those of humans, so they were able to see it right away.

The owner of this roar was at the apex of the ecosystem. It was the roar of the king of beasts.

‘It’s coming!’

However, Liliana wasn’t stunned stiff. Instead, she faced the monster that caused unbearable physiological interactions and bore down at her with a quick speed.


Unlike the unstable lightning of the past, this time the blue light around Liliana's body flowed like water. The three months she’d spent at the Fairy Dance Lee Family’s home hadn’t been a waste.

Liliana was so sensitive that she didn’t miss a drop of mana inside her blood vessels. She focused briefly, and exactly 0.12 seconds after that, Liliana looked ahead.

‘…Much faster than expected. The speed is comparable to Randolph’s.’

Four claws flew out before Liliana, aiming at her skull. It was a power that even a wall of mithril couldn’t endure. Therefore, Liliana didn’t confront the blow. Instead, she moved diagonally into the arms of the assailant.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission. Hand Counterattack Technique. Left Palm Lone Peak.

This blow wasn’t sufficient. Liliana sensed this fact and rotated her seven circles after a long time. She used attack magic which could be produced at the maximum speed.

Sevenfold Thunderbolt. Spell Fusion: Keraunos.

Lightning emerged from Liliana's palms.


The heavens seemed to be split in two. The animals on the ground fell down, while the birds flying in the sky crashed into the ground and turned into a mess. The roar of the Tiger King echoed several times, causing the rocks to shake. It could be called a perfect counter.

Liliana's skill at blending martial arts and magic at once was amazing. However, her expression was still dark. She had felt it through her hands that she had hit the opponent perfectly. Nevertheless, she wasn’t convinced that the enemy was knocked down.

‘Ridiculously hard.’

Liliana stared at the enemy, who had fallen further away while raising her palms. This time, she could see the appearance of the opponent.

“Tiger person?” Liliana muttered it to herself.

However, she was sure that the other person’s ears twitched at the sound.

“Huh? Where do you see a beast person when looking at this body? You’re a little girl who has yet to grow a beard, yet you have such bad eyes?”

“Still…” Liliana didn’t respond to the words, as she carefully looked her opponent up and down.

A pair of eyes looked out from amidst golden hair. A striped tail emerged from its buttocks and swung from side to side. The canines which emerged from a pair of lips revealed it was a carnivore.

With the exception of the tall body that was close to 190cm, the owner could be called a sensual beauty. The body was covered with several pieces of fur, and it was so voluptuous that it seemed like it would burst out at any moment. There were no signs that it had been hit by lightning, except for a few strands of curled hair.

At this time, Lee Seol stepped out from behind Liliana and cried out, “Tiger King! What are you doing all of a sudden?”

“Oh, our cutie is here! Are you worried because we haven’t said hello for a few months?”

“Please don’t change the subject! Why did you attack Lili?”

“No, that is…” The half human, half beast beauty scratched her head at Lee Seol’s question. It seemed like she had acted without thinking. “That… you know? I am feeling a bit bad these days, so I can’t push down my will to fight when I see a female. It is fight or mate, so I chose this method to solve it.”

“M-Mate? Gross!”

“By the way, haven’t you brought a fairly good female? I was worried about you, but it seems like there was no reason for it.”

It seemed like the Tiger King liked making fun of Lee Seol. Liliana finally understood that a fight wasn’t going to start and relaxed. She had thought the Tiger King would emerge, but she never thought she would be a beauty.

‘No, it is unclear if she even is a human?’

Words couldn’t help flowing out of Liliana's mouth, “I didn’t think the Tiger King would be a woman.”

“Well, I am a female according to the standards of your species. It doesn’t matter from my viewpoint,” the Tiger King answered smoothly and laughed, turning her back to Liliana while mocking her with her tail. “What? Is it important that I’m female? Since you are a female, do you want to try me one time?”


“Kyahahaha! It is a joke, a joke. I honestly don’t mind, but the little cutie won’t come back forever.”

“T-Tiger King!”

The tense air from the previous exchange loosened. Liliana let out a long sigh as she realized the Tiger King had a personality which was hard to deal with. She was a spirit, and she was wilder than humans. Although she had been drawn by instinct to launch a preemptive attack, she now seemed childlike.

Then at that moment…

“Don’t be so shallow, Tiger King. Your dignity is crumbling,” a heavy bass voice rang out over the heads of the three people.

Meanwhile, when the Tiger King realized who owned the voice, she grumbled, “Tch, this damn bear.”

As she spoke, something gigantic jumped down to the ground.


It was a considerably heavy weight, which caused a crater to form in the ground. If that fall had been meant as an attack, the target below would’ve been flattened like a pancake. There was a body within the small crater.


He had white hair and white skin, and he was wearing white leather like the Tiger King. At least 2 meters and 30 centimeters tall, he was much taller than the previous Pan Hellions. The White Bear might have a human-like appearance, but his body was several times larger than an ordinary bear. Additionally, the presence he emitted was intense despite there being no hostility.

‘I can win against one… but not two.’ Liliana instinctively measured the power of both spirits and made a calm assessment.

They might have powers different to those of humans, but it wasn’t difficult to compare strengths. The Tiger King and the White Bear were both intermediate level masters. Moreover, Liliana didn’t know the inherent power of spirits, so they could have a few more hidden powers.

It was impossible to suppress them or to make both of them surrender.

‘…Now, then how should I move?’

The two spirits gazed at each other, and the atmosphere became tenser. Liliana observed the situation calmly.

It was wiser to take a neutral position until she judged who was right and wrong. Mages always assumed the worst in order to create the best premise. This code of conduct wouldn’t change regardless of the circ*mstances.

However, an unexpected variable popped out before Liliana could pick an option.

[Hoing!] A little girl emerged unexpectedly from the ground of the valley. There was a swaying bud on her head, and her healthy skin had earth tones. She was Mitra, a fragment of Mother Earth and the ancient elemental of the earth.

Her sudden appearance made the two spirits focus on her.

The Tiger King made a surprised look and muttered as she looked at Mitra, “…M-Mountain deity?”

“Mountain deity?” Liliana asked about the words which were unfamiliar to her.

Meanwhile, the White Bear corrected the words with wide eyes, “No, the earth deity!”

“Earth deity?” Liliana didn’t know what was going on, but she was stunned when the two spirits each grabbed one of Liliana's hands. The warmth of the beasts’ fur was transmitted over to Liliana.

As Liliana tried to remove her hand with an absurd expression, they both cried out, “Please help us!”

Certainly! Let's rewrite the chapter with the changes you requested for the main heroine and the grimoire character:


**Chapter 254 – Baekun Mountains (3)**

The previous battle atmosphere dissipated as the two spirits simultaneously grasped Liliana's hands. Each of them weighed well over 100 kilograms, so the strength of their grips was formidable. It wasn’t at a level that could easily be endured.

Instead of flinching back, Liliana alternated her gaze between the two spirits. Then she calmly demanded an explanation, “Explain what happened. I can’t answer your request for help if I don’t know what it is about.”

Based on the way the mountain spirits were looking at Mitra, it seemed to be something related to an earth spirit, but it was too complicated to guess. Why were the two boss spirits of the Baekun Mountains bowing their heads without hesitation? Maybe they were mistaken, or perhaps Mitra really did have a clue to resolve this incident.

The half-human, half-bear blinked and let go of Liliana’s left hand. It seemed that White Bear acted rudely because he wasn’t aware of the courtesies of the human world. “Hmm, sorry. My mind is rushing ahead because I am in a hurry. I haven’t even introduced myself yet. Please be lenient with me. I am White Bear, the head of the white forest.”

“I am Liliana Miller, who came at the request of Seol. If the pronunciation is difficult, you may call me Lili.”

As the two of them were exchanging greetings, the Tiger King kept holding onto Liliana’s right hand and interrupted, “Lili (Laziness)? It might mean something different, but that name isn’t quite right for you. I like Lili (Greatest Crow).” (TL: Same Korean spelling but different method of spelling with the Chinese characters)

“Well, I don’t hate crows.” Liliana nodded with a warm smile.

The inhabitants of the East often treated crows as a bad omen. However, in the West, especially for mages, crows were synonymous with wisdom. One ancient god was said to have two crows that sat on her shoulders and looked around at the world, while Liliana had also contracted with a crow called Hugin.

Four individuals—two people and two beasts, to be exact—started to move inside the canyon. It was to see one of the two sacred trees, the one that belonged to the Tiger King.

“Female—no, Lili. You formed a contract with the mountain deity?”

“Earth deity, Tiger King.”

“Shut up, Bear. Anyway, is that right?”

Liliana ignored the two bickering spirits and gently stroked Mitra who perched on her shoulder. Then she asked both spirits, “Right, why do you think she is an earth deity and not a mountain deity?”

“I met one in the past. It is slightly different, but I will never forget that strange presence,” the Tiger King answered casually and looked at her. She was taller than Liliana, so her eyes naturally looked down at her. Maybe she was looking at the top of Mitra’s head?

However, she didn’t dare stretch out her hand and spoke with a little bit of awe, “It has already been more than 500 years, but he was the one who brought the sacred trees to the Baekun Mountains. He was the one who made me a cunning spirit when I was just a beast.”

“It is the same with this body,” White Bear added.

Rare human feelings of nostalgia emerged in the expressions of the two spirits. The Tiger King and the White Bear hadn’t been spirits from the beginning. They were beasts who had been born as animals and had succeeded in becoming spirits after accumulating a lot of karma. The odds of that happening was one in a thousand—no, maybe one in a million.

The Baekun Mountains was a special area, but this couldn’t drastically affect the animals in the area. It was because there was another reason besides the energy of the Baekun Mountains.

“There are two sacred trees left now, so they are indispensable to our lives,” White Bear said in a quiet voice as he took one step forward. “The dragon vein is concentrated near the sacred trees, maximizing our vitality. Rare plants grow like weeds, and the children who consume it every day will become spirits within a decade. But now the sacred tree is worsening. The children who have yet to grow into spirits will return to being beasts.”

“Isn’t it enough with just one tree?”

“It isn’t enough.”

Indeed, Liliana was convinced by the explanation. Why had the Tiger King and White Bear confronted each other over a sacred tree? It was to do their best for the spirits they led. Despite the arguing, the relationship between them wasn’t bad. The balance was maintained because the free-spirited Tiger King and mature White Bear were total opposites.

Shortly after that, they arrived in front of the sacred tree.

“Ohh…” Despite Lee Seol having seen it a few times in the past, she couldn’t help letting out a sound of admiration along with Liliana. It was because the top couldn’t be seen. The tree was approximately a little over 100 meters tall. It couldn’t be compared to the world tree of Elvenheim, but this tree was grown just from a dragon vein. The sacred tree had a great size, and it was beautiful.

‘But there is definitely something going on. The edges of the leaves are faded. Despite the dense mana… the movements are surprisingly inactive.’ Liliana diagnosed the condition with one glance and was troubled. How could she improve this with Mitra’s power?

It was something Liliana never attempted before. An animal could be healed. She could cut off the sick stem of a plant. However, it wasn’t known if she could revitalize a tree like this. However, the gazes of the two spirits pierced her conscience.

“How is it? Can you do it?”

“Tell me to do anything. I will follow your words.”

Liliana sighed and took a small step forward. “Is it okay if I touch the sacred tree for a moment? This is the first time I’ve encountered a situation like this.”

The Tiger King and White Bear nodded easily. The sacred tree would die if they left it alone anyway. They could certainly tolerate someone touching it for a moment. There was a deep sense of confidence from the two spirits toward Mitra.

“…Then I am starting.” Liliana stretched out both hands without hesitation and touched the rough surface of the wood. This was reasonable behavior, but it had no meaning so far.


[Yes! I will do as you ask!]

Simultaneously, a green light emitted from Mitra’s bud. After ingesting the seed of the world tree, she had manifested the ability to form a consensus with plants. Liliana had been using it as a type of clairvoyance, but as Mitra grew, she realized that she had been mistaken. Clairvoyance only borrowed the vision of the distant vegetation. However, she could now exert her true power.

Shortly after that, Liliana’s conscious was pulled somewhere else.

* * *

“Heok!” How much time had passed by? Liliana suddenly stepped back and opened her eyes.

This caused Lee Seol to call out with surprise, “Lili! What is going on?”

“…Seol.” Liliana repeatedly took in deep breaths and recalled what she had seen. Was it because the structures of humans and plants differed greatly? It had only been a few seconds of contact, but Liliana hadn’t been able to keep up with the enormous amount of information, and her consciousness had cut off. Her brain might’ve been fried if Mitra hadn’t acted as the bridge between them. She reflected on it and neatly arranged the information she had received from the world tree.

‘A huge whirlpool… and the branch that stretches from the center is probably the flow of the Baekun Mountain’s dragon vein.’

The images, which were engraved in her mind, were vivid. It was as if the base power, the source of the mana here, was swirling all over the Baekun Mountains. Among them, the largest flow was divided into two stems. One stem flowed to the west forest where White Bear stayed, while the other one flowed to this sacred tree. There were traces of other branches apart from these two, but it was so long ago that the power must’ve been exhausted or dried up. However, that wasn’t the only thing the sacred tree wanted to share. Liliana contemplated the cause of the problem that had flowed into her. If she didn’t have good intelligence, her brain would be overheated. After all, the mentality of a plant was really different from a human’s.

“I would like to say something first,” Liliana barely calmed her confusion and spoke to the two spirits. Then she disclosed shocking news, “The sacred tree’s life isn’t over yet.”



Tiger King’s eyes widened, while White Bear cried out loudly. Oddly enough, these reactions were the opposite of their usual behavior. This showed she had attracted the attention of the two spirits. Liliana looked at Mitra clinging to her neck like a cicada, then she took a deep breath and explained, “The sacred tree isn’t a tree that could originally grow to this size. Like you said, it grew due to the strength of the dragon vein. Then what will happen if the supply of power from the dragon vein decreases?”

“…It will gradually weaken.”

“That’s right. That is the primary problem.”

The flow from the dragon vein had decreased, weakening the sacred tree. If this were the end of it, Liliana wouldn’t be so serious. As time went by, the dragon vein would lose some power, but it was still at a level which the Baekun Mountains could bear. The Baekun Mountains could still flourish for the next few centuries.

However, something was hindering that flow. The White Bear’s branch of the flow wasn’t affected, but the flow going toward Tiger King’s sacred tree had been cut off somewhere. To summarize it briefly…

“If we can restore that broken area of the dragon vein, the sacred tree will revive soon?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

It seemed like a simple solution, but they realized that wasn’t the case when looking at Liliana.

A branch of the dragon vein wouldn’t be cut off if it got struck by lightning, so this disruption couldn’t be due to natural causes. At a minimum, a massive earthquake or volcano eruption was required for it to be disrupted by nature. If there had been such a natural phenomenon, both the Tiger King and the White Bear might’ve guessed the cause of the problem.

In other words, that wasn’t the case.

“…It means that someone has broken this branch of the dragon vein,” White Bear murmured.

Liliana nodded. “Just before, I approached the dragon vein through the connection with the sacred tree. I thought I could find out when the flow was broken.”

“Did you see it?”

“Is it bad? Your consciousness was cut off like someone interrupted it. So, I’m surprised.”

Sometimes, a mental impact could be greater than physical damage. Liliana had already trained her mind to the extreme, whereas most people would’ve fainted from this. She was lucky to be left with no physical after-effects.

A person who could interfere with a master… It meant the enemy must be at a master level. Liliana guessed the opponent’s ability with that one contact and was immediately convinced.

‘When converting to the ranking of mages, the opponent is at least a 7th circle shaman.’

The magic she had learned from Seimei was definitely magic involving feng shui. This meant the opponent had to be a great shaman who could control the rise and fall of mana, and even affect the flow of the dragon vein. A shaman who could do such things certainly wouldn’t be an easy opponent.

Aside from Seimei, whom Liliana had met with Gluttony’s power, Liliana had never encountered a great shaman! Yet, she now had to be fully prepared to deal with a strong one.


“Ah, yes! Lili!”

Having a non-combatant with her was a fatal weakness. Lee Seol was outstanding, but she was still young and hadn’t reached the level of a master. It would take decades for her to participate in a master level fight. Therefore, Liliana calmly decided what to do with her.

“Go back now. It is likely that something will occur that you can’t intervene in.”

It came earlier than she had thought it would be, but it was now time to say goodbye to Lee Seol.

Chapter 255 – Baekun Mountains (4)

Papak! Every time her feet hit the ground, Liliana's body moved a few dozen meters at once. She was moving much faster than when she had been carrying Lee Seol on her back, and the leaves only started to fall after she passed by completely. However, the two spirits didn’t lag behind at all. Despite their big size, they managed to kick off thin branches and rocky edges to accelerate more. They were beasts who were more familiar with these mountains than human beings.

“Sigh…” Liliana sighed as she led from 3 meters ahead of them. It was because she couldn’t forget the face of the girl who had just left a while ago.

–Yes, I will head back first.

The three months had been both a long and short amount of time, but she was memorable. The link between Lee Yoonsung and Lee Seol, which had led to the Fairy Dance Lee Family… Lee Seol made Liliana think of her younger brother who wasn’t here. From now on, she would be a child living among adults. As the next head of the Fairy Dance Lee Family, she would pioneer her own life in this land without her.

–May luck be with you on your way back.

She had said farewell, but Liliana had been able to read the regrets on her face. ‘That child, she had a lonely expression.’ Following behind Liliana, the Tiger King said, “Hey.”

“Why are you calling me?”

“Don’t worry about it. My kids will send that girl back safely. Well, I don’t think there are females who hate being looked after by a male. By the way, isn’t this situation too relaxed?”

“That―” Liliana became temporarily speechless and closed her mouth. She hadn’t expressed it on the outside, but she couldn’t hide it from the Tiger King. Even if she mimicked human form, her essence was a beast. In regards to ‘reading’ the other person, it was difficult for a human to match the ability of a beast. After all, a beast could even read the motion of blood circulating under the skin.

“…You are correct. I should be vigilant.” Liliana sighed and released her worries. Lee Seol was protected by the two boss spirits, the Tiger King and White Bear, so what could hurt her in these mountains? It seemed that the several months she’d spent in the Fairy Dance Lee Family had softened her.

At this point in time, she shouldn’t be thinking about Lee Seol’s safe return but the threat that had to be dealt with. The shaman who twisted the dragon vein in the Baekun Mountains for his own purpose…!

‘The most difficult thing will be that shaman.’

Unlike magicians who systematically increased their abilities, there was no clear learning system for shamans. Someone would teach that A was right and B was false. Someone else would teach that B was right and C was false. Then someone else would teach that A, B, and C were false, and D was right. Therefore, there was no room for an integrated institution like the magic towers. Each person claimed the other was speaking heresy, and this couldn’t result in unity. Even shamans belonging to the same sect used different powers, so what about the other shamans?

As Seimei had said previously, there was no point in guessing. Liliana wouldn’t know until she saw it. In that case, it would be best to determine the common weakness of shamans. Liliana rummaged through Seimei’s knowledge that was stuck in her head. The amount of knowledge was massive, and there were many areas of shamanism that couldn’t coexist with magic, but she managed to use the knowledge to find a way to deal with shamans.

‘It is the Divide Method… and the Nine Seals Method.’

While Liliana was coming up with two plans, she and the two boss spirits stopped moving at the same time. This was despite the fact that before them was a normal mountain slope.

“…What, this land? It feels strange.”

“I also get an unpleasant feeling. I feel sick at the bottom of my stomach.”

The two spirits had higher sensitivity than humans, causing them to growl. Something was wrong, but they didn’t know what was wrong. Liliana also felt the same way. It was a feeling of discomfort. The chill she felt was like blades scratching at her skin and cutting her flesh. It was a sense that only spiritually aware beings developed, and it didn’t just rely on the five senses of the body. Then at that moment…

[Hoing!] Mitra jumped onto the ground and ran somewhere, waving her arms. The three of them, including Liliana, chased after her. After running hard for a few meters, Mitra suddenly stopped. She picked up one of the stones on the ground.

[Bad stone!] She then shouted and vigorously threw it away.



Before Liliana could ask what happened, Mitra rushed away to find the next stone. She lifted it, threw it, and repeated this again and again. As the two spiritual beings looked on with a blank face, Mitra finally called out with a triumphant expression.

[This last one!]

The moment that rock flew away…

Wuooooong! The peaceful scenery distorted, and a wall of darkness, which rejected even the sun, appeared before their eyes. The two spirits recoiled with shock.

“W-What is this?”

“Umm, it is a really terrible wall.”

However, unlike the spirits, Liliana looked at the wall of darkness and carefully reached out a hand. “Perhaps this is…”

Several layers of search magic flowed out from her fingertips. Detect Mana, Penetration, and Dissection Magic… The 7th Circle magic connected to the mysterious darkness. Even magic from the Age of Mythology couldn’t help being revealed. Dissolve Magic, unlike Dispel, didn’t release the magic but dissected it instead. It was a special magic that Liliana had accidentally discovered in a certain book, and it was a magic no one else had. The structure of shamanism might be different from magic, but the roots were the same, so she could deconstruct it.

“I knew it,” Liliana spoke after doing a half analysis of the darkness. “It is a large barrier. It is of a very high level. Perhaps this is the source of what is stealing from the dragon vein.”

“Can you get rid of it?”

“The removal itself isn’t that difficult. I can destroy it. It is even possible for you, though it will take some time.” However, Liliana’s eyes sunk deeply. “The problem is the purpose of this barrier. It was built using the dragon vein as a source, and it seems like something is confined within the structure’s set up…”

Liliana concluded that it was some type of seal, and she couldn’t destroy it easily. It was the same as ‘Pandora’ in the ancient myths. What if there was something chained inside that she couldn’t afford to let out? Attempting to restore the sacred tree would actually bring more ruin. However, the answer to that came from an unexpected place.

“Hoh, that is completely accurate. Truly great.”

It wasn’t Liliana, the Tiger King, or the White Bear. Instead, it was a fourth person, an unfamiliar voice that was heard from above!

“You, who―!” The White Bear determined the position of the unknown person before anyone else and let out a roar that was like thunder. Rather than a simple yell, the roar was closer to a sound wave attack, and rocks in the path of that sound wave would be destroyed. However, the fourth person who had appeared in the air casually jumped over the sound wave. The person wore a black mask that covered his entire face. It matched the rest of his clothing. Liliana’s super sensitivity told her that the cause of this situation was the man in black.

Avoiding the White Bear’s roar, the man in black watched Liliana and said, “It is difficult. I opened this section to check, but to think there is a being who untied it and looked into the ward…”

‘Open?’ Liliana was puzzled for a moment, before realizing that he was talking about the ward that Mitra had released. The ward assimilated this space into nature and concealed it. The two boss spirits might be sensitive to the change in the material world, but that sensitivity was nothing compared to that of Mitra, who was the embodiment of nature itself.

Liliana stepped forward and cried out to the shaman in black, “If you think you are innocent, identify yourself!”

“What if I don’t want to?” The man in black received the question and chuckled. “Would you answer?”

“Then…” Liliana didn’t respond to the ridicule as her blue eyes flashed and she raised both hands. “―I will force you to confess!”

There was some room for dialogue, but Liliana abandoned negotiations the moment she faced the man. It wasn’t just because of the man’s suspicious clothing or selfish behavior. Mitra had yet to be recalled, and Liliana, who shared eyes with her, penetrated into the malice that couldn’t be hidden by the black clothes. It was an evil malice, like tar boiling up from the bottom of hell.

‘Forced Harmonization.’

Liliana’s seven circles used two types of attack spells—Lightning Vortex X Fire Storm and Integration Complete: Volcanic Thunder. She produced a blow purely focused on destructive power. Fire and lightning were the strongest attributes, so this was thrilling. Originally, fire and lightning would be busy cutting at each other’s strength, but it was different with Liliana’s sorcery. This was literally lightning fire.

Kwarururung! A storm of devastating power swallowed up the man in black, who was in the distant sky. There was no room for him to avoid it. The enormous firepower was fast as well, so there was no doubt that the two types of magic had a synergy effect. It was a destructive power which could even wound an adult dragon.

“…Cough! Attacking out of the blue… That is too much.”

Liliana’s opponent didn’t die. After the attack disappeared, the man looked down at her from his spot in the air.

‘No, he didn’t block it completely.’

The man’s left arm was gone. However, he simply grabbed his left shoulder and shrugged like he didn’t care. There were a few drops of blood on his masked face. It was a surprising reaction considered one of his arms had been destroyed.

“Western magic… You aren’t an opponent I can compete with when it comes to power. I focused on defense, but… I didn’t think it would be like this. From the very beginning, I didn’t intend to fight.”

“…No?” Liliana’s eyes suddenly widened. It was because the man’s left arm, which had obviously been destroyed, started growing back from the left arm socket. First, the bones were formed, and the nervous system was connected to the blood vessels. Then skin grew over it, and the arm hung down limply.

Liliana had seen this scene before.

‘Top grade recovery ability.’

Even if it wasn’t on the same level as Superbia’s, this regenerative power meant that the man in black couldn’t be killed unless his head was destroyed. Maybe Liliana needed to burn off the man’s flesh.

Liliana raised her alertness and lowered her posture. However, the unidentified shaman turned around without hesitation. “I will leave this place to you to handle. In any case, I don’t expect much from that trash.”

Liliana guessed the intentions from those words and shouted, “Are you going to run away?”

“Is it wrong to run away from an opponent I can’t beat? We will meet again anyway.”


“Okay, I shouldn’t say any more. Then I’m going.”

Liliana and the two spirits didn’t have time to react. The shaman took out an odd amulet from his clothes and tore it in half with his good fingers. Simultaneously, the space around him twisted, and the man disappeared.

“…Is it a transfer object?”

Artifacts, teleport scrolls, and other items like these were rare on the East Continent. This was a talisman that only a master level shaman could produce, so the man in black must be at least of that level. Liliana raised her threat assessment of the man in black by two stages and looked at the two spirits. “That man in black seems to have abandoned this place, so what would you like to do?”

“Of course, we have to destroy it! Isn’t that right, Bear?” The answer naturally came from the aggressive Tiger King. Maybe it was because her blood was boiling from the fight between the shaman and Liliana, but her two fists were clenched more tightly than usual.

“…Go inside. It is something too worrisome to leave alone, my intuition is telling me.” White Bear thought about it for a while before coming up with a similar opinion.

“I understand. Then let’s open this ward.”

It was decided that it would be better to destroy the ward. Liliana gathered both of her hands together and prepared to get rid of the ward.

‘Forward Force Array.’

This was a technique which embodied the shamanism recorded in the grimoire, Baopuzi. It was a method that boosted the strength of shamanism but also reflected the application of the law of destruction.

‘The lacking power of shamanism is boosted by this law.’ Liliana concentrated her mind as the air became taut. The two spirits were surprised by the unbearable intimidation and reflexively stepped back. Shortly afterward, a thunderous shout burst from Liliana’s mouth, “Hah!”

Then the wall of darkness separated, and the crack was like a doorway. This hole was opened by Liliana’s power and would close soon. The three of them approached the crack and stiffened. The smell coming from inside the darkness was familiar to the three of them.

‘The smell of blood. It is also extremely dark…’

Liliana was convinced that a good sight wouldn’t unfold before them.

“Let’s go.”

She set foot in the ward before the two spirits.

Chapter 256 – Receptacle of Solitude (1)‘The road to hell.’These words popped into the minds of the human and beasts the moment they entered. The smell of blood entered their noses, and there was flesh at their feet. There was no ventilation in this place, so the rotten air was practically a foggy miasma. One swallow would make gastric juices rise in their mouths. As soon as Liliana recognized the situation, she hastily cleansed the surrounding atmosphere with her wind divinity.‘Wind.’The foggy miasma was pushed away, and the two spirits took deep breaths. They were more adversely affected as they were used to the clean air of the Baekun Mountains. The Tiger King’s claws tore through the air as she looked up at the black sky. “Dammit, what is this place? My nose feels like it will fall off if I stay here for half a day.”The White Bear lifted up the black soil and opened his mouth, “It isn’t a place that can be made naturally. This poisonous land has its own efficacy, and there is nothing here but a malice that spreads death.”“So, let’s tear it down! Why else did we come into this rotten place?”“Don’t be too hasty. If the cause of the pollution is within this barrier, we need to remove the cause before destroying it.”It made sense. If this ward was destroyed, the pollutant might escape and spread poison throughout the Baekun Mountains. Liliana was convinced by the words and persuaded the Tiger King, “In any case, we have to enter the center to destroy this place. Until then, focus on searching.”“…Tch, do what you want! Males always get along well with each other.”“Thank you.”The Tiger King grunted cutely. Then her striped tail moved unhappily, making the Tiger King look no different from a cat. That reminded Lili, ‘Isn’t a tiger a type of feline?’ Liliana couldn’t help laughing. She might’ve stroked her head if she wasn’t so big.The three people advanced. Liliana took the lead to purify the air, followed by the spirits. Usually, it wasn’t wise for sorceresses to be in the lead, but it wasn’t a problem for Lili, who was proficient in close combat.After heading for 10 minutes in one direction, Liliana realized that the space was distorted.‘Space expansion…? Or was it a partial difference field? Either way, this is a trick that appears in ancient literature.’ In Seimei’s time, there had been a few people who could do such a trick.Liliana constantly spread out her magic power to explore several kilometers at the same time.‘Creating an independent space and then placing a large number of creatures inside… This is a technique I read about somewhere. It’s to… create an army.’[Is it okay for this body to say something?]“Ack!” Liliana was surprised by the sudden voice and stopped, causing the two spirits following her to look around reflexively. She lifted her palms to calm herself down and turned her consciousness to focus inside herself. The voice wasn’t from Gluttony. No, the owner of this mocking and neutral voice was―‘How did you come out, Seimei?’It was Abe no Seimei, the great shaman who pioneered the system of the Art of Onmyōdō. Unlike with Lee Yoonsung, Liliana only had a thin connection with Seimei, so how did he run rampant inside Gluttony?[Don’t treat a person like a co*ckroach. This Seimei is rather soft-hearted.]‘How are you saying such things?’[You are still the same. I understand,] Seimei said. Hearing Liliana’s attitude urged him to reply, so Seimei explained, [This is a pretty good place to settle. It is completely separate from the world, so I can act autonomously. However, that doesn’t mean I can act against you, so don’t worry.]‘…I understand.’[By the way, it is well made. Among my disciples, there aren’t many who have learned to make this type of ward. It isn’t as good as mine but still quite well done.]Seimei dismissed Liliana’s concerns and borrowed her eyes to look around, praising the capabilities of the shaman who made this place. The creator of this space had exceptional skills. However, Seimei praised himself more.[This is the ‘Receptacle of Solitude.’]‘Solitude?’It was a word which was in Liliana’s memories. She had read a few lines about it in a book on shamanism from the Baek Family. Liliana hurriedly recalled the contents and asked, ‘Isn’t it a jar that insects are placed in to create poison?’[You know it? It doesn’t need to be insects. It is efficient, so it doesn’t matter if it is a poisonous creature like a toad or snake. Furthermore, this space is even more awful.]‘More awful?’[It isn’t just poison. Those in this ward slaughter each other to gain power. This idea might be novel, but a blood-crazed slaughterer might be born?]The indifferent explanation was terrible. A blood-crazed slaughterer was worse than a demon who avoided killing. Additionally, he said that this space didn’t just contain poison. So, the flesh she saw when she first came in were remnants of living creatures… Liliana was about to ask Seimei about that when the ‘answer’ appeared.Kuaaaack―!There was a terrible cry; the roar was a murderous scream. Along with this cry, unknown shapes started to appear all over the place. The dark sky and earth meant that Liliana could see nothing but a hazy shape when she looked at ‘them.’“…These bastards, what are they?”However, the eyes of the beasts were different. The Tiger King was nauseous at the sight of their terrible appearance and opened her 10 claws. The White Bear didn’t respond as much as the Tiger King, but he still trembled. “Terrible things!”They were half beasts and half humans whose eyes were burning with madness. There were tails that protruded from their parietal lobes or claws coming from cheekbones which tore at their cheeks and caused wounds.Even chimeras didn’t look this terrible.Kyaaaak!There was a creature that moved on four legs like a leopard. Unlike its ugly appearance, its speed was comparable to an aura user, and its exposed teeth were sharper than steel blades. However, it picked the wrong opponent this time.Kwang!A sledgehammer-like fist hit the creature’s head. Brain matter flew out, and the monster that had just lost its head fell to the ground. The Tiger King looked at the substance covering her fist and roared in anger, “Kuheook! This trash dares dirty my skin!!!”Did they even understand her words? She let out an intimidating presence and plunged straight into the crowd of monsters. Three or four monsters were thrown back with just one punch, and their bodies were torn apart when the Tiger King used her claws.It was a storm of slaughter. Blood spurted out wherever the Tiger King moved to, while the bizarre monsters could only scream.‘…Amazing. I don’t even need to take action.’Liliana swiftly investigated some of the dead bodies while admiring the Tiger King’s fighting skills. The monsters might’ve been smashed like scarecrows, but they weren’t easy opponents. Their skin was an unknown material that was harder than steel, and they had a remarkable recovery ability.Those gathered in this place had the power to wipe out a few knight divisions.–User, the silent Gluttony suddenly spoke, –Be vigilant. These creatures are Lust’s failures.‘Failures? Lust doesn’t always give birth to good children?’–Becoming stronger doesn’t necessarily make it a success. As they keep developing, parts outside of the human framework start appearing. Maybe this place is a collection of such failures.One wise person once said, ‘Be careful not to be swallowed up by the abyss.’The context was a little different, but the advice was the same. Progress that had no costs was just a fantasy. Lust couldn’t create the strong without having some failures. She extracted only the ‘beneficial’ genes from the parents and gave it to the child. It wasn’t uncommon for these ‘benefits’ to cause too much instability, breaking down the balance.[Hoh, it is rational in many ways.]‘Seimei.’[If there are failures, it is a good idea to recycle. If these offerings are combined into a single mass… Even if they are failures, a considerably strong monster will emerge. At least 1,000 monsters will need to be joined together.]As Seimei explained, his knowledge flowed into Liliana’s mind. A sacrifice of a species higher than beasts or insects made the Receptacle of Solitude into a poisonous land. This was considered taboo by the ancient shamans.Even if these creatures were failures, they were still Lust’s children. They devoured each other, and an incomparable creature would be born.‘Then I have to find it and stop it before that happens.’The conclusion Liliana came to was obvious. A difficult monster should be destroyed before it was completed. It was a reasonable answer as a human and sorceress.The Tiger King had almost finished cleaning up all the failures present. It was best to destroy the incomplete creature and then this space. She didn’t think it was impossible for three master-level existences to defeat the Solitude, no matter how strong it was.[Uh, that reminds me… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this in advance.]‘…What is it?’Seimei’s words sounded ominous for some reason.[This Solitude is different from the others, right? The strong ones are confined with the weak ones…]‘Summarize it briefly.’[I mean, that tiger girl is killing all the weak ones. From the standpoint of the strong creature, aren’t you intercepting its food?]‘Ah.’ Liliana finally understood the meaning of Seimei’s words.This was a world controlled by ‘Solitude.’ The weak were eaten by the strong. This cycle was repeated until there was one creature left that ate all the offerings. If so, it would be natural for the person behind this to stimulate hunger and the ability to recognize each other’s positions.Now, a considerable number of offerings had died at the Tiger King’s hands. There was no way that a strong creature suffering from hunger wouldn’t recognize this situation!―――――――――――!As Liliana realized this, there was a wailing sound. It was the scream of a predator that had lost its prey. The scream contained infinite hunger. It was the incarnation of hatred that had been thrown into the Receptacle of Silence without anything and had devoured its brethren.“What the hell is this?” The confused Tiger King asked Liliana hastily.“…Hrmm, today is an unlucky day.” The White Bear, who had been standing on his feet like a human, slowly fell to the ground on all fours. “It is coming!”The presence approaching them was a few hundred meters away. Then some changes occurred in the Tiger King and the White Bear.Their appearances which had been a mixture of human and beast were now closer to that of beasts. This was because their innate instincts as animals whispered that it would be dangerous if they didn’t confront this enemy with all of their power.Soon after, ‘it’ arrived in front of them.“…Tails?”The creature was smaller than Lili had expected. Its body seemed to be similar or just slightly smaller than Lili’s. However, Liliana couldn’t verify it that well. There was a black aura burning around the creature’s entire body, but there was clearly the shape of tails behind it.From left to right, there were eight tails. The monster of Solitude, the creature that contained a terrifying power, stared at Lili and the two spirits with red eyes.“Ugh?” At that moment, Liliana felt the power try to tie her up, and she quickly took action. She was able to see the power trying to tie up her body.‘Magic eyes. No, snake eyes…?’It was said that a person couldn’t move if a snake was staring at them. This was a variation of the traditional spell used by shamans, ‘Snake Eyes.’ An ordinary person would be frozen and couldn’t move their feet. If it was severe, they would even have difficulty breathing.The creature tried to capture her, but it wouldn’t work on a senior sorceress like Liliana. Still, it was a child of one of the Seven Sins, Lust. The two spirits succeeded in shaking off the spell as well, and the eight-tailed beast just stared at them.Perhaps this was the first time its trick was unsuccessful. However, the stalemate only lasted a short time as the creature opened its mouth, ――――――――――!Without any negotiations, the fight against Solitude began.

Chapter 257 – Receptacle of Solitude (2)

‘It’s coming.’

It had eight tails, so she naturally called it Eight-Tails. Liliana's super sensitivity read its actions ahead of time, but she didn’t move and focused on the Eight-Tails’ movements. Eight-Tails’ human form might’ve already been lost, but the power wriggling around Eight-Tails’ tails was close to eight circles. Liliana would suffer a serious injury if she was hit by them. Likewise, the movements of the two spirits became more cautious.

Five or maybe ten seconds later…

In a state of maximized concentration where the concept of time was forgotten, the two spirits and one sorceress witnessed the same sight. The black tails shook. Left to right, right to left… Liliana was shocked as the waving tails created an illusion.


Then the eight tails were suddenly right in front of her.


It moved at a fast speed. Liliana was able to respond to this speed due to her previous experiences of dealing with opponents who had tremendous speeds. Otherwise, her breathing might’ve been cut off by this.

The six shields Liliana reflexively created were shattered, while she took four steps in this gap and quickly moved her hands.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission.

Four Major Hidden Techniques.

Moon Breaking through the Clouds.

Ether coalesced together like clouds, and the hidden technique, Moon Breaking through the Clouds, showed an absolute defense when being hit by an attack from the front.

Liliana paid attention to the tails and realized why she had been surprised. Eight-Tails wasn’t simply moving at a fast speed. It used the gap when they were dazzled by the movements of its tail to narrow the distance using footwork.

‘Kuk, it isn’t merely a strong monster…!’

It might’ve been only for 10 seconds, but her arms were numb from blocking the attack. Liliana clicked her tongue at the destructive power, while the tails struck 10 times per second.

Jeeeong! Jjang! Chaaeng!

Eight-Tails struck from above and then the side. Each blow was heavy and fast like it would break Liliana’s bones. She deflected all the attacks and counterattacked in the gaps. However, there were moments when the enemy’s destructive power was too strong, and she couldn’t strike back. She had to focus on defense. Otherwise, her arms would be crushed in a flash.

It was an extreme strength that could overwhelm steel. Above all, the eight tails were attacking the two spirits as well as Liliana. The monster born of solitude was able to overwhelm three master-level people.

However, they wouldn’t be pushed so easily.

‘Fire!’ Liliana narrowly cast a spell through a gap. Even if her opponent was a monster, it was still a disadvantage for them to be hit at close range. The sorceress's magic power eventually appeared as attack magic.


When the maximum output was used, 7th Circle magic could burn an entire village to ashes. A storm of fire flowed from Liliana’s left hand and instantly hit three tails of darkness, momentarily pushing the darkness away.

It was possible to destroy three or four tails. However, Liliana's bright expression disappeared the moment she saw Eight-Tails’ suspicious movements.

Dhanyata… Ohm… Vajra… There was an unknown and meaningless murmur, a monologue that was strange for a monster without any intelligence. Yes, it was like a sorceress’s chanting.


Liliana prepared a spell, but she was one step too late.


As soon as the cry emerged, the darkness in the vicinity sprang at Liliana. This was a shaman’s curse.

There were countless types of curses, ranging from those that rotted the flesh, curses that poisoned the air, and curses that burned the caster’s opponent. Unlike magic, there were several curses which couldn’t be prevented, so Liliana couldn’t be careless.

‘Dammit! It is such crude shamanism!’

Most shamans separated their magic power into a three-circle system, or maybe a four-circle system. Liliana’s hairs rose as she felt a sense of crisis from Eight-Tails’ power.

[Hoh, then should this body help you?] At this moment, Seimei took control of Liliana’s right arm. [How long has it been since I met a shaman? I am a bit dissatisfied that the opponent has little rationality, but this is sufficient.]

“W-Wait a minute!”

[Don’t delay! I have to take care of this quickly!]

Amidst the heavy rain of curses pouring at her, Seimei started to form unknown characters with her right hand. Liliana was able to recognize some of them, but there were many she didn’t know.

However, the remarkable thing wasn’t the variety of characters but the speed at which they were being made. There were at least three to five characters per second, so the change in hand gestures had to be praised. The phenomenon that resulted from it transcended Liliana’s common sense.

‘T-The curses were scattered?’

[Of course. Daring to use curses in front of this Seimei… I will make that ugly body realize how stupid it is!]

Just like the sea splitting into two, the wave of curses divided around Liliana. This was proof that Seimei’s shamanism could counter all the different types of curses used. It was truly not an impossible feat for the greatest onmyōji, Abe no Seimei. If magic was an architectural technique, then shamanism was a string. A sorceress stacked bricks to construct a big building, while shamans used strings to knot a man’s neck.

[No matter how hard you try, the loose knot won’t be tightened. Even if the rope turns into a chain, it isn’t difficult to break if you know how. Well, it would take a few months for someone like you!]

‘…Do you have to be so patronizing?’ Liliana complained, but she still paid attention to the shaman as she couldn’t miss this opportunity. Liliana was adept at maintaining the line between life and death, so she couldn’t miss this chance before her. She had the power to overwhelm three tails at once.

Liliana took in a deep breath after finishing her thought.

「Убирайся-к-чёрту (Go aw-ay)!」

She let out a thunderous shout that couldn’t be made with a human voice.


These were Dragon Words! The power to rule this material world pushed at the space itself, and three tails flew far away. It wasn’t a force which could be endured. Eight-Tails abruptly bounced back hundreds of meters, while the two spirits approached Liliana to speak while panting roughly.

Only a few minutes had passed, but their fur was tinged with blood.

“I’m alive thanks to you, Human Girl!”

“I wasn’t alert and almost got hit. Dangerous monster.”

Liliana nodded and replied to them, “We shouldn’t hand over the initiative. We might not know the techniques it is using, but its firepower is three times higher than ours. We don’t have a chance if we compete in strength. We need to hit it with everything we have.”

“I don’t know anything, so I’ll just follow you.”

“Your words are correct for once, Tiger King.”

Liliana was busy thinking while talking with Tiger King and White Bear. Their opponent seemed to be a mixed demon fox. Fortunately, there were only eight tails.

[Well, succeeding in nine tails would be unreasonable. A ninth tail can’t be created with such dull power. Look, isn’t the eighth tail unstable in shape? If it consumes more power or receives a serious blow, that tail will scatter immediately.]

–But be careful. Even if it isn’t a perfect nine-tailed fox, it has eight tails and can produce the output of eight circles. You won’t be able to last for long if you face it head-on.

[Ah, one more thing. This creature has a regeneration ability that’s close to immortality. When it is blown away, don’t feel at ease. Keep hitting it until it was destroyed.]

Seimei and Gluttony could be called the owners of a great deal of knowledge about magic and shamanism. So, Liliana hurried after hearing from the two voices. It was because Eight-Tails was coming back. Eight-Tails was close to being immortal, so how could Liliana beat it without a frontal confrontation?

Coincidentally, both people had the same answer.

-Continue to beat it up until it dies.

[Strike until it dies, and don’t get hit.]

Simultaneously, Eight-Tails jumped toward them from far away.


Eight-Tails was angry at the person who had blown it away. It was an irrational annoyance that couldn’t be understood. So, it aimed for the three uninvited guests. Going against that terrible oppression, the Tiger King walked forward.

“You want to beat me up? This time, it is my turn, Fox!”

For centuries, there had been a nucleus of mana in the mountains which had existed for hundreds of years, and the spirits that could use it freely had their own special abilities. Some spirits could emit flames stronger than lava, while some land spirits developed wings.

The Tiger King was a bit more special.


As if in response to her roar, the number of Tiger Kings increased by five, and it wasn’t an illusion. The weight of her bodies crushed the ground, and an overwhelming presence filled the surroundings.

Liliana figured out her power and gulped. ‘Doppelgangers…! Additionally, they are produced without a loss of power…’

In a flash, five more tigers surrounded Eight-Tails. The perfect physical body of the Tiger King had increased by five. Even a Seimei-level shaman couldn’t achieve such a feat, so the inherent ability of the spirits was something far removed from common sense.

“Be honored to receive death from the five tigers!” The Tiger King cried out excitedly.

Meanwhile, Eight-Tails chuckled and trembled for some reason. Then its eight tails moved in a fan shape.


“…Hey, this bastard! This is a foul!”

The Tiger King—no, six Tiger Kings cried out. Eight-Tails, whose body had increased by seven, laughed at the Tiger King, the White Bear, and Liliana, and showed off its power. It was similar to a child wanting to show their strength, rather than an evil being.

Liliana didn’t panic. Eight-Tails’ intention was certainly to ridicule the Tiger King, but in this situation, it was like a handshake. Eight-Tails was intimidating because its power alone overwhelmed the three. However, unlike the Tiger King, its power was distributed between the seven clones.

“How foolish and young.” Unlike the angry Tiger King, the White Bear noticed this fact straight away. The White Bear moved faster than Liliana could instruct and activated his own unique ability.

It was a simple yet powerful ability—becoming giant. The White Bear was originally 4 meters in height, and he now grew to over 15 meters tall. The Tiger King was busy with the battle of nerves and didn’t notice the situation. As soon as the transformation was complete, Liliana shouted to them, “Tiger King, White Bear! Take three each! In the meantime, I will deal with the main body!”

“Uh, what? U-Understood!”

“I understand!”

It was before Eight-Tails could react. The Tiger King answered half a beat late, but the White Bear raised his arms as if he had been waiting.

His weight had increased by many times, but his movement speed wasn’t much different from before. It wouldn’t be a unique ability if his movement speed was slowed down. In that case, it would just be a simple penalty.

Liliana rushed forward while appreciating the White Bear’s unique ability. Eight-Tails’ main body and clones couldn’t be distinguished with the naked eye, but it had made a big mistake.

‘The unstable eighth tail.’

Eight-Tails couldn’t take that tail with it when it split into several clones, so there was one Eight-Tails with one and a half tails. That was the main body. Liliana’s seven circles rotated as she rushed toward Eight-Tails.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission.

Freehand First Strike Technique.

Right Fist Blast Thunder.

Then she punched out as hard as she could.

Certainly! Let's adjust the passage to accommodate Liliana and Gluttony's gender changes while implementing the outlined instructions:


Chapter 258 – Receptacle of Solitude (3)Kraaack!Eight-Tails was hit in the face and thrown back. It might be different with a proper defense, but the creature couldn’t remain calm after being hit in the face. This was even more so after it had dispersed the power of six tails. Though its durability was different from a human’s, this fist could even crush a rock. Eight-Tails trembled from the unfamiliar pain and stared at the girl who dared hurt it. Then, Magic Bullet aimed like a Thunderbolt at Eight-Tails’ tattered eyes.

Kyaaaak!No matter how strong the body, the durability of the eyes was inevitably weaker than other areas. The pain was like a heated poker burning on its head. Liliana didn’t slow down as she watched Eight-Tails roll around on the ground.

“Be a sword, fire of purgatory.”Liliana finished the chant for a spell. This was the purgatory sword that had cut the 4th stage Pride previously, the application of attack magic which Veronica had used in the distant past.“Infernal Blade!”

A flame sword was summoned, distorting the surrounding air. This flaming sword could cut any substance which existed in this material system. Eight-Tails instinctively sensed danger and raised its body.

This was 7th Circle fire magic—destructive compressed black flames. A hit in the head would be a serious injury that couldn’t be easily recovered, even with Eight-Tails’ regenerative power. Liliana held the flaming sword and rushed toward Eight-Tails.

Hwaruruk!Swordsmanship wasn’t needed; she just swung along the path that Eight-Tails moved. The flaming sword, which burned everything in its way, was powerful enough by itself. If Eight-Tails tried to avoid the flames, Liliana would use magic or her fists to obstruct it.

Kwarurung!A lightning bolt struck Eight-Tails, then a mace-like fist hit its staggering body. This time, the impact struck Eight-Tails’ stomach, and it spurted blood out. In fact, a human would die from this wound 10 times over, but it wasn’t enough to fatally wound Eight-Tails.

Liliana closely observed the situation with a grim expression. ‘This can’t continue.’

Contrary to the appearance of the battle, Liliana wasn’t actually dominating this fight. Eight-Tails was still alive no matter how many times it was battered. It would be a fatal injury if Inferno Blade destroyed its brain, but Eight-Tails knew this and had desperately prevented that from happening several times already.

Moreover, the fact that a fatal wound wasn’t possible was a minor problem.

Kyaaaak!How many times had it done this? Eight-Tails received the Magic Bullet, which Liliana had shot out, on its forearm and then rushed over.

At first, it hadn’t been able to prevent the attack, but it had now grasped the timing and could counterattack. Its lack of fighting ability was quickly being filled up by fighting with Liliana and the two spirits. Eight-Tails’ unknown shamanism, which was difficult to deal with, became more elaborate and precise.

Seimei also noticed Eight-Tails’ ability climbing.[Ohu, a novel technique? It pushed ahead with strength at first, but now it is using little tricks.]

‘Tch, is that so?’[Well, it should be able to hold on for a few more hours if it is like this. You need to hurry. I can’t help you if it isn’t shamanism.]

It was as he said. Eight-Tails’ strength wasn’t just shamanism. It was eating up martial arts and other unknown powers to become more mature. If they didn’t defeat it, they might inadvertently make Eight-Tails a perfect monster.

“Haap!” Thinking this, Liliana stretched out both fists. Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission. Four Major Hidden Techniques. Rain like an Axle.

It was a technique she hadn’t shown before. Her fists ruthlessly pounded Eight-Tails’ face and upper body dozens of times in one breath.

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!It was truly a shower of fists! Eight-Tails’ body faced a tremendous power and was pushed back. The power of the punch was enhanced by ether, so Liliana’s fist was stronger than a mace.

Beaten at a blurred speed, Eight-Tails’ skin crumpled, while its flesh and bones burst. Still, it was unbelievable that Eight-Tails only suffered a few broken bones. It wasn’t a serious injury, despite receiving the force of the second hidden technique.

However, instead of being amazed, Liliana frowned. She hadn’t intended to just knock Eight-Tails down with this attack. Merely pushing back her opponent with this attack was something she hadn’t experienced before.

Liliana Miller was a sorceress, and martial arts was just a bonus. In the end, the truth she believed in was magic.

‘It was theoretically perfect, but what is this?’

In fact, there were other methods to destroy Eight-Tails. She had Abraxas, which could overwhelm its regenerative power. Yet there was a reason she didn’t bring out her original magic.

Receptacle of Solitude…

Liliana had observed it a few times, and the intensity of this shamanism wasn’t something that could handle magic. As soon as Liliana used Abraxas, the borders of this place would open, and the monsters would rush out. She didn’t know about Eight-Tails, but Liliana couldn’t be assured that there weren’t other offerings.

She needed to defeat this monster without giving others a chance to escape. Coincidentally, the method was already in Liliana’s hands.

‘Forced Harmonization!’

The focus of this new magic was lightning. She had been using lightning for some time and realized some facts.

The most important thing was that the human body couldn’t perfectly handle lightning’s speed. The moment that Liliana’s body became lightning, it would lose its substance and turn into a collection of currents, with most of the force being lost in her brain.

‘This was why Marquis Fergana didn’t collapse with one blow.’

If Liliana’s blow had been true lightning, Fergana’s body would’ve shattered without a trace. Of course, Liliana’s body would also be broken, so it was a one-off magic. The loss of power was in exchange for safety.

Due to this, Liliana used lightning to accelerate her thinking speed, or when she needed high-speed movements. That was enough to make it a useful skill. However, Liliana was a sorceress and had embarked on developing magic that surpassed this premise, and she had actually succeeded some time ago.

Giga Lightning X Ether. Complete Integration: Thunder Giant.

If she had to name it a different way, it would be ‘Attract the Lightning Goddess.’

Kururung! Kwarururung!A giant made of golden thunderbolts emerged. The giant behind Liliana was 20 meters tall, but there was no sense of weight at all. It was a natural story. After all, lightning had no weight.

Guarrrrr….?It wasn’t just Eight-Tails that was confused. Everyone present stopped to look at the giant. The Tiger King stopped biting at the clones, while the White Bear paused from where he was holding three clones to the ground. The sudden appearance of the golden giant was shocking.

The price for this short moment of surprise was fatal.

‘The human body can’t properly make lightning, but it can be copied with ether.’

The true power of this unique magic was that the power of ether and lightning moved into Liliana’s brain.

Kwaaaaang!No one could see it. The giant moved at the same speed as a lightning body, and its fist punched Eight-Tails’ body.


The golden giant moved.――――――――――――!!!It hit, hit, hit, and hit again. The golden giant exceeded the speed of sound, but no shock waves were created. It might be because lightning affected the air around the body. Or was it because fluid mechanics didn’t apply to the flow of electricity?

Gruesome roars rang out in succession.

The earth shook, and Eight-Tails was buried in sand as it was crushed by the fists. The destructive power was enough to ruin a body stronger than mithril. It wasn’t just the shock. There was also a huge blast that burned the bones.

100—no, it surpassed 1000 hits a long time ago. Eight-Tails’ body was thrown back 100 meters and forcefully stuck into solid rock. Liliana’s brain could only maintain this for 10 more seconds, but it would be 10 minutes of hell for Eight-Tails.

Kyaaack!Eight-Tails couldn’t escape no matter how it struggled. A scream burst from its mouth as all its limbs were broken. Then Eight-Tails’ body bent over. It had long since gathered its dispersed power. Eight-Tails wrapped itself in its eight tails and waited for the horrible punching to stop.

At that moment…[Oh, I see. It is possible if it is this type of technique.]

‘…What?’ Liliana’s expression subtly changed.

[Listen well. So…]

The explanation was swift. Usually, Seimei would’ve taken his time, but Liliana currently couldn’t control the lightning goddess. Seimei knew the seriousness of the work and didn’t act frivolously. Liliana nodded after hearing the story. She wouldn’t be harmed even if this failed.

‘Okay. Try it once.’

[Ohhh! Leave it to this Seimei!]

At the same time, her right hand moved on its own. No, it was Liliana’s lips as well as her right hand.

“Alara Kalama, Uddaka Ramaputta.”Sanskrit, the secret words of the monks, poured out of Liliana’s mouth. Naturally, it was Seimei who was chanting the spell. He had seen the situation and suggested the use of shamanism.

“Rajagaha, anuttara sammasambodhi, vesakha!”

The thunderbolts became tangled together, and the giant’s fists shone with an unknown light as it continued to hit Eight-Tails. Then the quiet Eight-Tails started trying to struggle again. Liliana didn’t know what was going on, but it was proof that it was working!

Seimei continued to move his hands as he chanted.

It was the mantra of Breaking Evil and Manifesting Good, a spell that borrowed the power of the King of Heaven who ruled over all wrongs. Although it had a different origin from the Art of Onmyōdō which Seimei used, Seimei was a master shaman capable of using esoteric techniques.

Indra, the king of heaven and the one who controlled thunder and lightning… His lightning strikes turned all evil spirits into dust, and they could get rid of negative emotions in the human mind.

Indeed, Eight-Tails’ tails started to scatter.

Kyaack-! Kyaaack!Did it know that its strength was disappearing? Eight-Tails didn’t stop struggling even when it was hit by the giant’s power. Eight tails went down to seven, seven tails went down to six…

The power of the Receptacle of Loneliness collapsed before this technique. After five, four… and then finally three tails were left, the black tails regained their color.

‘…Gold?’Maybe this was its true color. Liliana closed her eyes against the brilliant light, while Seimei ended the chant.


For a moment, a golden light covered the heavens and the earth.

Chapter 259 – Receptacle of Solitude (4)

“…Kuheook!” Feeling drained, Liliana fell to her knees. In terms of time, it had only taken 10 seconds. However, 80% of her magic power had been consumed. She had expected the abrupt consumption of power but hadn’t anticipated such a burden on her circles. Perhaps this incident would’ve been dangerous to her circles if Liliana hadn’t already been conditioned once before.

‘Was it a blessing in disguise? This is the way it is,’ she thought as she looked at the center of the attack.

It was scorched earth. There were no words more appropriate for the sight before her. The unique magic, Attract the Lightning God, left charred marks on the ground. The ground itself had split open like a tortoise shell, and more than one hundred meters of the soil had disappeared.

Who would believe this was the result of two fists? It would be unbelievable for those who hadn’t witnessed the phenomenon themselves.

“Hah, this is great. I can’t see the bottom of it with my eyes?”

“Tiger King.”

The Tiger King neared Liliana while watching the crater fill with dust. Eight-Tails had gathered all of its tails back to endure the lightning onslaught, so the clones that the two spirits had been fighting disappeared.

The Tiger King returned to her humanoid form and asked, “That flashy figure just before, was it someone you summoned?”

“Yes, it isn’t a living thing.”

“Is that so? You are really amazing, human girl!”

Strangely, her shining eyes were like those of a beast in front of their prey. Lili recalled seeing eyes similar to these somewhere before. Yes, it was at the Pirate Archipelago. It was when she had been invited by the water elemental to meet Aquilo, who had been staying in the cave. Liliana felt a sense of crisis and was about to take a step back when…

“Not yet,” the White Bear opened his mouth from next to the Tiger King. “There is still life in the pit. It is weaker than before, but it has definitely survived this attack.”

“There is no need to be alert now,” Lili said.

“…What does that mean?”

The two spirits looked at her with confusion, causing her to laugh and raise her body. If Seimei’s words were true, the creature remaining in that pit wasn’t evil right now. It was due to the power of the mantra, Breaking Evil and Manifesting Good. The great onmyōji master had performed an exorcism on Eight-Tails’ body. If its soul had been tainted by evil, then its body would be destroyed. However, the fact that it was still breathing meant there was some good remaining.

Liliana shrugged and headed into the pit. “Well, let’s go down and see. I can’t be certain yet.”

They couldn’t walk down a hundred-meter hole, so Liliana used magic on herself and the two spirits. At first, the White Bear and the Tiger King wriggled at the uncomfortable feeling, but they soon got used to it and descended to the bottom of the pit at a slow pace. Light was blocked off, so it became darker the further they descended.

By the time their feet touched the ground completely, there was no light left.

Pong. Liliana used Light to create a few spheres of light. Then the two spirits looked around with a strange expression.

“Umm, this, won’t it crumble?”

“The ground is fairly solid, so it should be okay…”

The beasts who lived above ground seemed quite uncomfortable with this pit. They could escape without any problems even if the earth poured down, so this sight of the bear and tiger acting like this was cute. Lili watched the two spirits for a moment before recalling her purpose for coming down here.

‘Detect Life.’

Her magic power spread out in concentric circles. This was magic to detect life. If the opponent used some basic tricks, signs of life wouldn’t be picked up. However, Liliana guessed that Eight-Tails had fainted or was in a weak state.

Unsurprisingly, a reaction returned from the nearest point.

“This way.”

“Ah, wait a minute!”

“Don’t move so suddenly!”

Liliana arrived first, with the two spirits behind her. The three of them saw the same thing.


“It isn’t evil?”

“…There are three tails.”

There was a fox that was fast asleep. It had rich golden fur and three small tails. Perhaps it could be called a three-tailed fox? However, it was said to take 300 years to grow three tails, and the fox was only a little bigger than a puppy. It seemed to have been affected by the loss of the Receptacle of Solitude’s influence.


[Huh?] Liliana made a stiff expression and asked Seimei, ‘Didn’t you say that this Receptacle of Solitude was made of humans? All the evil power scattered, but why is it a three-tailed fox instead of a human?’

[It is because it was already too late.]

‘Too late?’

Seimei cleared his throat and explained, [Well, it isn’t your fault. Once a person has turned into an evil spirit, they can’t return to being human again. Since it is caught up in the Receptacle of Solitude, it probably doesn’t have any memories of its life left. The only thing that remains here is the set of genes of ‘someone’ who was born again as a fox.]

‘Then the survivors…’

[There weren’t any from the start. Unfortunately, their lives were over the moment they were trapped here.]

The shaman declared calmly that this place had already been a field of the dead before Liliana even arrived. So, this wasn’t a matter for Liliana to worry about. Liliana was still unable to feel a sense of crisis, while the two spirits looked over her shoulder at the fox.

“This kid was that monster from before…? No matter how I look, it doesn’t match.”

“It is the same for me. Looking at this, it is just an ordinary spirit,” the White Bear said, carefully stroking the fox’s golden fur. “All the evil energy is gone. So, we don’t have to kill this fox cub.”

“I agree. There is no ominous feeling no matter how I look at it.”

“We must be unanimous about this matter.”

The two spirits looked at Liliana. She had previously played the main role, so they couldn’t ignore her if she wanted to eliminate this fox. At this moment, the sleeping three-tailed fox opened its eyes.

Yiiip… Yiippp…. It let out small cries.

The fox’s golden body and its three tails shook. It was terrified at the sight of the two spirits. The fox couldn’t escape and cried out sadly, but it soon discovered Liliana and its eyes widened. Then it rushed over to her feet and started rubbing its head against them.


If Seimei’s words were true, then this fox was just like a newly born wild animal. Then why was it acting so intimate with Liliana? No, it was more like a cub with a parent. The proof of this was when it rubbed its most important tail against her without hesitation.

[Hoh, it seems that it has recognized you as a parent.]

Huh? Parent?

[It is because you are the one who expelled all the evil energy from this child’s body. Somehow, during the process, it imprinted on you as its parent.]

‘Imprinting!’ Liliana stiffened when she understood the situation. Just like how newborn birds perceived the first being they saw as their mother, the three-tailed fox felt Liliana’s power inside that darkness and considered her as its parent. Moreover, it wasn’t easy for a spirit to change its perception about magic power, which was more intense than visual information.

“Hah, it can’t be helped.” Liliana was convinced and stretched out her hands to hug the fox. The fox felt warmth for the first time and tried to express its delighted joy. It knew the human called Liliana, but it couldn’t help sniffing nervously at the spirits.

Then the exhausted three-tailed fox fell asleep again. It was tired from the process of fighting with the three people and then being born again. At this moment…


There was the sound of something splitting apart in the ceiling. The three people looked up in surprise and saw spider web-like cracks all over the ceiling. This space, the Receptacle of Solitude, was collapsing.

Liliana grasped the situation and realized the reason, ‘Eight-Tails’ power has been lost, so the axis of this space is gone!’

Usually, the axis of a separate space was a natural object or artifact, not a creature. However, a powerful creature might be the right axis for the Receptacle of Solitude. In order to break this space, a person needed to destroy Eight-Tails. That was several times harder than breaking it from the outside. Even Liliana would’ve been at risk if it wasn’t for the help of the two spirits. She was satisfied with this result, and they all exited the pit.


Simultaneously, the darkened walls of this space shattered. Liliana suddenly looked at the two spirits with an urgent expression. They had destroyed quite a lot of creatures, but there were still a few offerings that hadn’t been eaten by Eight-Tails. It would be bad if they escaped.

“Wait a minute, there are still monsters inside…!”

However, the two spirits smiled and reassured her.

“Don’t worry, we have our own thoughts.”

“Tiger King’s words are right. You just need to rest.”

Had they talked when she hadn’t been present? The Tiger King and the White Bear exchanged unknown glances before roaring loudly toward the hazy mountains.

Kuheeeeeong! Kueeeeeong!

It wasn’t to intimidate but to invite their peers. Both of them were the leaders of two groups and had the ability to direct the spirits. There weren’t just bears and tigers in the Baekun Mountains. There were also birds that nested in 1,000-year-old pines and moles that dug huge burrows under the ground. Normally, they didn’t leave their habitats, but the two elder spirits could demand the help of all spirits if there was an emergency.

…Like right now.

Kkieeeek! Kites flew out at a fearsome speed in response to the call. They were birds of prey that could fly hundreds of kilometers in an hour. Then what about the speed of a kite that had been reborn as a spirit? The speed of the kites broke through the wall of sound and was a weapon in itself. The kites made a creepy sound as they aimed at the heads and torsos of the monsters. Indeed, they were the majestic predators of the sky.

Awoooooo! The kites were followed by wolves. The wolves were weak compared to Tiger King and White Bear, but their great number was their advantage. Following the wolves, there came the deer, gazelles, and leopards. Animals that would never cooperate in normal ecosystems emerged from the shadows to defeat the ugly monsters.

“…Indeed, this is a splendid sight.” Liliana looked down at the sight with admiration. The monsters trapped in the Receptacle of Solitude would all be forced to fall if there were so many spirits as their opponents. Anyway, with the subordinates of the two elder spirits around, it was easy to finish the battle.

‘Now, this is settled. There is the recovery of the dragon vein, and I still don’t know the purpose of that damn shaman… but I can’t afford to stay longer on the East Continent. My time in this place is up to here.’

Liliana stroked the three-tailed fox as she looked at the horizon with distant eyes. It had been over 100 days since she had arrived at the East Continent. Her survival was known because of Aquilo, but it was unknown what would happen in the meantime. In the northern part of the West Continent, the ‘armistice’ was easy to tear apart. So, a war could break out at any time.

“I have to hurry a bit more.”

After saying goodbye to the two spirits and leaving the Baekun Mountains, she would move to the area of Western Xia. From there, she would find a boat going to a harbor in the north. The problem of the sea currents was solved by Aquilo’s blessing, so time was the key issue.

“Let’s go back.”

Liliana wished to go home as soon as possible. She wouldn’t be one-sidedly pushed in a fight against Zest now. No, she would put an end to the nonsense this time.

Her eyes, blue as the sea, looked determined as she gazed up at the twilight sky. Her task in the Baekun Mountains was done.

Chapter 260 – Unexpected Reunion (1)

It was the very next day.

“Okay.” Early in the morning, Liliana took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and placed both hands on the bark. It wasn’t a matter of rushing but of personality. After all, Liliana had always worked hard at solving anything ever since her days at the academy.

Liliana concentrated and opened her mouth, “I’ll ask you once again Mitra.”

[I noe!] Mitra, who was on her head, raised her arms and responded to the call. The bud gleamed through her tan hair, and the scene she was seeing started to flow into Liliana’s mind.

The flow of light spread like a spider web across the Baekun Mountains. It was a map of the dragon vein which couldn’t be seen with human eyes. That was only possible for the famous feng shui shamans who practiced feng shui for decades.

‘It is still dizzying, but I have become more used to it. Shall I go back up from the sacred tree?’

At first, she was surprised by the tingling in her brain, but now she could contemplate the flow of the dragon vein in a calm manner.

Liliana’s eyes were already following the dragon vein to a far-off axis. Like a salmon greeting the spawning season, Liliana’s consciousness flowed towards the source—the river of light that began at the Tiger King’s sacred tree.

This wasn’t an easy task, even for a warlock skilled in necromancy. However, it was rare that a person would have more experience than Liliana when it came to separating her consciousness. The experience which had accumulated unexpectedly in her body allowed her to succeed.

Shortly afterward, Liliana’s consciousness reached her destination. It wasn’t the mountain peak. Instead, this was where the Receptacle of Solitude had existed yesterday, the place where the dragon vein had become blocked.

Liliana’s eyebrows twitched as she looked around the area. ‘It is much better than yesterday… but it will take a few more years for the crooked flow to return to its original shape.’

If one were to compare it to life, the dragon vein was like the earth’s blood. The dragon veins connected to the sacred trees weren’t capillary blood vessels but the veins and arteries. As such, the Receptacle of Solitude was a blockage in the middle of a vein.

It was a leech-like magic that blocked the smooth flow of blood and removed the nutrients in the blood. Liliana and the two spirits had defeated Eight-Tails and removed the blockage, but it needed at least a year for the wound to recover.

Of course, a few years wasn’t a long time in nature.

There was a saying that 10 years would make a difference in the world. In other words, it meant that changes wouldn’t be noticed unless they were counting by periods of 10 years. By human standards, a few years was only a few minutes.

Liliana was just giving this process a little bit of help. She was binding a few disconnected flows together and cleaning the polluted land. It would’ve been impossible without Mitra’s strength.

“…Phew, this is roughly finished.”

Restoring a dragon vein wasn’t an easy task. The sun was above her head by the time Liliana removed her hand from the sacred tree. It was now noon. Liliana had consumed a huge amount of mental power and just restored her breathing when a deep voice spoke out from behind her. It was White Bear, whose voice had an aged feeling to it, unlike Tiger King’s.

“Is it finished?”

“Yes, I have done what I can.”

White Bear looked at the sacred tree and saw that some yellow leaves had turned green again. It was proof that the sacred tree had begun to regain its original vitality. With this, Tiger King and White Bear didn’t need to fight over one sacred tree, and the Baekun Mountains would regain the same peace from before. It was all thanks to Liliana’s help.

“I truly thank you.” White Bear bowed to Liliana without any hesitation. “It is true that I had a ray of hope… but I didn’t know you would do such a great job. I would like to thank you as a representative spirit of the Baekun Mountains.”

“It was only right.”

“Doing the right thing is hard, as I have seen over my centuries of living. I’m not ashamed to boast about your merits.”

Before the humble Liliana, White Bear brought out a bag which was attached to his waist. The size of the bag was a bit larger than a watermelon, and a good scent flowed from its cloth, despite it being firmly closed.

Liliana took it and looked at White Bear, who gestured at her to open it instead of explaining.

‘A surprise gift?’

Then something happened the moment that Liliana untied the knot of the bag…


A sudden refreshing scene filled her mind. It was of the recovery of the sacred tree and the connection with Mitra. Then the power that Liliana had consumed was refilled at a tremendous rate!

Liliana looked inside the bag with a surprised expression.

‘What is contained in this…?’

It was really unthinkable. Liliana’s insight told her that the things inside the shabby bundle could buy a high government position if they were converted to money.

‘One Hundred Year Fleeceflower Root, One Thousand Year Ginseng… I don’t know the names but the rest sure aren’t ordinary either!’

Shamans would risk their lives for these ingredients and yet they were grown like vegetables in the garden of the spirits? Liliana looked at White Bear with a blank expression, but White Bear just shrugged with satisfaction at Liliana’s reaction.

White Bear showed no signs of regret. It was an attitude that showed he wouldn’t listen if Liliana refused to accept the gift.

Then another voice rang out above them, “What? You shouldn’t act in such a cowardly way, Bear.”

“It isn’t like that. You are just late as always.”

“Uhh, I arrived as quickly as possible!”

Tiger King changed from a beast to two legs and started arguing with White Bear. In the end, Tiger King knew she couldn’t win the quarrel and grumbled, “I didn’t expect you to prepare a gift alone. I would’ve gathered things too if I’d known!”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. Do you think you can pick anything good?”

“sh*t! I’ll just do it my own way!”

Tiger King looked from White Bear to Liliana and then put a finger in her mouth. Then…

Bbuduk. There was an eerie sound as she pulled out a large canine.

“Now, take this. I already pulled it out, so you have to accept it.”

“T-Thank you?”

“If you use a spell, you can summon me. It will be easy to call my spirit if my tooth is used as a medium. Feel free to call me if my strength becomes necessary.”

“Ah!” Liliana gulped as she realized the value of the gift. Tiger King was a senior spirit who had accumulated spiritual power for hundreds of years. So, the canine of the Tiger King was a catalyst symbolizing herself.

Above all, this gift was proof of her trust. If Liliana put a curse on this canine, the Tiger King would die without any resistance. Nevertheless, she didn’t hesitate at all.

“I will keep it carefully.” Liliana placed the fang and bag in her inventory, then she bowed to the two spirits. It wasn’t a long encounter, but she couldn’t forget the memories of the few days she spent with them.

“Are you leaving soon?” White Bear asked after sensing that Liliana was saying goodbye.


“Lee Seol… You should meet with that kid one more time.”

“…Maybe, but I have already said goodbye. I don’t feel like it is the last time I’ll see her, so there is no need to waste time.”

“I see. I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn.”

In the end, Liliana bowed and stepped back with the three-tailed fox in her arms. She slowly floated up with flying magic and said her farewell, “Then this is goodbye until we meet again someday.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Of course! Take care of your own work!”

Liliana smiled one last time at the two spirits and then flew into the distant sky. This was a farewell to her three-month stay in the beautiful Baekun Mountains.

* * *

Huuuuong! The wind blew loudly as she passed by. Although being up high at 5,000 meters above sea level was cold, Liliana was warm inside her red robe. She held the three-tailed fox tightly in her arms while flying.

‘It has been a long time since I’ve done a high-speed flight.’

She couldn’t use long-distance teleport in the East Continent since she didn’t know the coordinates of places, and the Baekun Mountains was too rough to cross with a vehicle like a carriage. As a result, there were only two means of transport left to Liliana—running on two legs or using magic.

It would be faster to run on two legs if it were flat ground, but flying was more efficient in the mountains. There were no obstacles, so there was less consumption of power and she could proceed in a straight line.

How long had it been since she had traveled as a magician? Liliana felt a subtle emotion as she realized she had been living as a martial artist instead of a magician. She looked down at the landscape which was passing by at a rapid pace.

‘Is it okay if I go home like this?’

Despite the success of these challenges, the restoration of the Baekun Mountains and the integration of the Fairy Dance Lee Family, the fundamental problems had yet to be solved.

The royal family of the empire that was dominated by Lust of the Seven Sins, and the identity of the shaman who had twisted the dragon vein to create the Receptacle of Solitude… If Liliana dug at it with earnest, these remaining problems were like overwhelming mountains.

“…No, not yet. I can’t solve these problems with my level of strength yet.”

Liliana gave up on entering this labyrinth. She didn’t want to be deeply involved in the problems of other kingdoms, and she was worried about Meltor. Moreover, she recalled the advice Seimei had offered her.

[If you go to the East Continent, never approach the capital at the center. If you have to go, only try it after you have reached full transcendence.]

If she had to guess, full transcendence meant a minimum of eight circles, maybe nine. If Seimei’s vigilance was against Lust, who had created her children over thousands of years, then this advice wasn’t at all exaggerated. In the great empire of the East Continent, there would be a strong existence that Liliana wouldn’t be able to defeat.

As such, Liliana determined that it was time to step down here. She was in deep thought as she looked down at the ground from the sky. It was to find the lights of a village to stay in.

“Oh, there’s some.” Soon after, Liliana found some lights and slowly dropped to the ground. She had enough strength to continue overnight, but it would take her a week to reach Western Xia anyway. There was no meaning in hurrying from the beginning.

…That was, if she hadn’t heard a voice.

「I’ve found you! Indeed, you were in the East Continent!」

“Ack!” Liliana heard something in her head and fell to the ground in an unseemly manner. It was commendable that she protected the three-tailed fox even as she fell. Fortunately, her speed had dropped, so it wasn’t a big shock.

“W-What? That voice just now?”

Someone answered Liliana’s reflexive question, 「 What? Is it too much for me to look for you, Girl? 」

“This voice… Don’t tell me…”

It was a voice from her memories. There was a clear mental wave from a far distance as she recalled the owner of the liquid-like voice. She was the notorious tyrant of the ocean, the ruler of the eastern seas…


「 You took too long to notice. How hateful. 」

The sea dragon Aquilo was talking inside her head.

Chapter 261 – Unexpected Reunion (2)

"Ah, no. How on earth…?"

"Girl, that is what I want to ask. How did you end up in the East Continent?"

Unlike Liliana, who was stunned silent, Aquilo sounded quite excited. Hadn’t she come to this place hoping to find her? If it was Aquilo, it couldn’t be a coincidence. Immediately after Liliana clashed with Zest Speitem in the Sipoto wilderness, the dimensional movement had occurred, leaving no traces in the dust. It was impossible for navigation magic to have kept track of her actions.

"Hey, I’m not joking. Do you know how much I suffered? I traveled from the north to the south and all over the West Continent. It made me want to quit."

However, Aquilo was connected to Liliana with blood. So, it was possible for her to pinpoint Liliana’s location anywhere on the continent, since their mental connection could go beyond a thousand kilometers. It was naturally Meltor’s king and the tower masters who had seen the possibilities involved in this.

"Meltor commissioned you to look for me."

"Correct," Aquilo confirmed. Then she continued to explain in a cheerful tone, "At first, I thought it would be easy, but it wasn’t. I couldn’t feel you no matter where I looked in the West Continent. Later, I looked for you around the outskirts of the West Continent and felt something strange."


"Even if I couldn’t connect to you, there was a reaction as I got closer. So, I entered the magic boundary."

Liliana responded to the unexpected words, "Magic… boundary."

Magic Boundary was a place that magicians and warlocks often called the Abyss. It was a ‘hole’ in the material system that was governed by natural laws, and it was referred to as a space where life couldn’t survive. The Abyss was a place where Satomer had spent several years trying to pass through. According to Aquilo, her blood connection with Liliana was blurred even in that place.

"But I couldn’t find you, so I changed my thoughts. ‘The girl isn’t in the West Continent.’"

"So, you came to the East Continent. Great."

Liliana admired it. The reasoning itself was surprising, but it wasn’t that inconceivable for Aquilo, who could travel anywhere using the sea. It was an accessible distance for her. The proof of this was that Aquilo had found Liliana before anyone else, and it also indicated that she was the right person for this search mission.

"Now, will you call me to where you are? I have been wandering for over a month, so I don’t want to move any further on my feet."

"I understand. Wait for an hour."

It sounded like childish grumbling, but Liliana couldn’t refuse Aquilo’s request. However, summoning an adult dragon required considerable preparation. Liliana was able to offset most of the burden with the contract, but it was her previous experience with summoning Aquilo that greatly shortened the required preparation. Otherwise, it would take her half a day to complete this magic circle. Then exactly one hour later…


The magic circle, which Liliana had drawn on the outskirts of the village, flashed with a blue light. The dark sky was brightened, and the silhouette of a woman appeared. The curves of her body were eye-catching even in the dim lighting. The presence she emitted couldn’t be compared to a human’s. Unlike the last time they met, she currently wore a blue robe, which revealed the sea dragon’s beautiful appearance.

"It has been a while, Girl! Although, it was a very short time for me."

"I’m glad to see you, Aquilo."

How many months had it been? The merciless tyrant of the sea gave a pleasant greeting and stretched out her hand. For a dragon who lived for thousands of years, a period of three months was just like three hours or three days to a human. Liliana grasped her hand. It was cool and had a soft texture. Liliana might’ve felt embarrassed if it wasn’t for her recent experience with Lust.

"Hrmm…" However, Aquilo noticed the difference and instantly narrowed her eyes. Liliana didn’t know why, but she felt a chill at this moment. Then she removed her hand as the three-tailed fox emerged from her chest.


"Oh?" The dragon’s eyes looked the fox up and down. "What is that fox? Was it reborn like this?"

"In the East, it is called a spirit."

"It is much cuter than other kids. Besides, it has quite a lot of strength for a kid? It may be able to grow into a sacred creature."


Aquilo stroked the fur of the frightened three-tailed fox and looked at its inner strength. A dragon’s eyes had excellent insight. The fox had become Eight-Tails for a while due to the Receptacle of Solitude, and some remnants of Eight-Tails still remained. It had consumed a tremendous amount of power during the struggle with Liliana and the two spirits, but if it kept growing over the next hundred years, it might become a nine-tailed fox.

However, Liliana turned her attention to another topic. ‘It will take at least 700 years, so I don’t think it matters.’ Unless special measures were taken, even a mage who reached the 8th circle barely lived beyond 300 years. 700 years was only achievable for the legendary 9th circle magicians or by becoming a high-ranking undead. Liliana roughly finished the greeting with Aquilo and said, "Let’s talk more in the village. How about it?"

"Okay, I want to rest on land for the first time in a while."

"Ah, excuse me for a moment."


Before Aquilo could ask about what Liliana meant, one of her hands hit her forehead. Aquilo froze in place. Liliana’s magic power spread out from the point where she touched her. It was simple magic that overlaid the target with a magic illusion.

"Okay, all done."

The beautiful Aquilo now looked like an ordinary village girl. Aquilo belatedly realized the situation. "Hrmm, you don’t want me to show my beauty to others? Has the girl become a woman?"

"Well, something like that. There will be no man anywhere who won’t stare if they see you."


"Then let’s go. The village is right in front of us, so we can walk there."

As Aquilo remained quiet, Liliana started walking toward the lights in the west. She followed behind her and muttered in a low voice, "…Wow, it was a bit dangerous just before." It was fortunate that it was dark because Aquilo’s pale skin couldn’t hide her agitation.

* * *

The two people changed their appearances with illusion magic and quietly entered the village. The village wasn’t very large, but it wasn’t bad since there was an inn for visitors to stay in. Liliana booked two rooms with a few silver coins and sat down at the same table as Aquilo.

"Sigh, then where should I begin?" Aquilo had a pipe in her mouth as always.

"I have a lot I want to ask, but… tell me about what happened to the two northern powers after I disappeared."

"Okay. As you have guessed, the king and tower masters of Meltor know about your survival thanks to me. The other side isn’t aware of it even now. So, if the incident of your attack is publicized, a war might break out."

"…Perhaps." Some might see it as her being arrogant, but Liliana calculated her value and nodded calmly. A person who created the alliance with Elvenheim and who had a blood contract with Aquilo. Furthermore, there was news that a 7th Circle sorceress had been attacked by a sword master from the enemy? If it hadn’t been for Aquilo, Meltor would’ve accepted Liliana’s death as a fact. There was only one thing which could start from publicizing this incident—the recurrence of war during the armistice! It was clear that the wrath of the kingdom that had lost its hero wouldn’t stop until someone paid for it.

Additionally, Andras had lost their 4th, 6th, and 7th Swords, so their power was now much comparable to Meltor’s. If a fire ignited at this point between the two northern powers, they would bite at each other until only one side was left. ‘Win or lose, both sides will be damaged.’ In other words, both sides were boiling over. There were also third forces awaiting the sinking of the two superpowers. Immediately after victory was decided, the allied forces of the central part of the continent could then avoid the north. Andras’ inner thoughts were unknown, but the upper hierarchy of Meltor wanted to avoid this situation.

"Andras has remained unexpectedly silent. According to the masked man in white, it was an inside conflict? It is said that the emperor wants to continue the truce, while the crown prince’s faction wants a confrontation."

"Hmm, the crown prince?"

The crown prince had been the one who sent one of the empire’s Seven Swords as a consumable item, and he had also caused Andras to lose a god sword. Liliana only guessed these, but she was convinced by Aquilo’s words. The prince was behind the assassination attempt on Liliana and was eager for the unification of the northern powers. She clenched her fists and remembered the prince’s name.

"Oh, and this is my question," Aquilo added. Then at this moment, she raised two fingers and asked her, "Girl, did you stop the number 2?"


To be exact, it had been the senior demon Magnus whom she had summoned, but Liliana couldn’t say that. However, Aquilo was already convinced by her reaction. It was clear that Liliana was involved.

"I knew it. The 2nd Sword can be called the trump card of the crown prince, but he didn’t appear in this situation. It makes sense now."

Liliana listened to Aquilo’s words and opened her mouth, "The 2nd Sword is the crown prince’s trump card…"

"The 1st Sword belongs to the emperor. I determined this through the process of elimination, but he really didn’t say a word at the conference."

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about now?" Liliana hurriedly asked as she heard some words that couldn’t be overlooked. Apart from discussing the truce, the relationship between the two northern powers had continued for centuries without any exchanges. The ambassador had come to Meltor a few years ago, and now there had been another meeting of the northern powers during the three months she had been gone?

"This is my way of talking. Well, isn’t it good?" Aquilo shrugged before speaking again, "It was around a month before I left for the East Continent. In the central border area of the north, I participated in a secret meeting with Red. It was clear they wanted to use me, but I didn’t mind."

It was the habit of a blue dragon to not move if there was no price, but the situation would change if it was for their own interests. As such, Kurt III hadn’t missed this opportunity. Veronica and Aquilo were equivalent to three ordinary masters. She wouldn’t intervene in the conflict between nations, but if Andras attacked first, she could attack in the name of self-defense. It had been a trap from Meltor’s side, and Aquilo had gone despite knowing all of this.

"The biggest problem wasn’t me, but the other person."

"Other person?"

Aquilo laughed ominously. "Only the 1st Sword and the crown prince came to the meeting. The 2nd Sword didn’t appear. Everyone knew what he was doing, but the crown prince tried to provoke a fight."


"It was a really sad provocation. Perhaps it was because he said you died a dog’s death in a poor kingdom? Someone was rattled by those words."

Liliana started sweating as she realized what she meant. Aquilo would’ve ignored the provocation, so who else at the meeting would have responded?

"It seems like you’ve guessed it? That’s right. In the end, Red launched a preemptive attack."

It was truly Veronica, who didn’t betray expectations.

Chapter 262 – Unexpected Reunion (3)

Liliana looked calmly at the situation before crying out once again, “…This is a ridiculously serious situation!”

The Magic Kingdom, Meltor, was proud of its tower masters, and amongst them, Tower Master Veronica was the strongest and most famous. She was a force of nature who could be compared with the 1st and 2nd Swords of the empire. Veronica didn’t have the physical weakness of a magician since she had inherited the blood of a red dragon. A preemptive attack from the strongest person in Meltor was nothing short of declaring a war on the whole empire. It wouldn’t be strange if a war had started immediately on the spot!

Furthermore, the Andras Empire had also sent their strongest person, the 1st Sword. If the strongest representatives of Meltor and Andras were to fight, there would be no delaying the war any longer. Either Veronica or the 1st Sword would die, collapsing the balance of power and causing the nations to move.

“Well, don’t get too excited and listen until the end.” However, Aquilo still had a relaxed expression and started to elaborate on the circ*mstances of that time. “It was a fairly good surprise, but neither one of them died. Apart from the 1st Sword, there was also that crown prince? He used his strange ability. It is either Distortion, Interference, or Refraction.”

“Aura Ability….!”

“Anyway. Regardless of whether he knew that Red would react to that provocation, the prince hastily stepped forward. Then―”

* * *


Prince Fermut was hit in the face, giving him a nosebleed and blowing him away. If he hadn’t defended with a high-density layer of aura, he would’ve been killed by the shock. The space distorted from mere physical force! Perhaps he should be proud of surviving Veronica’s blow. However, Fermut didn’t agree with this opinion.

“You damn bit…! How dare you touch this body?! You human and dragon mongrel!”

Aside from his father, who was the emperor, everyone had to act respectfully in front of Fermut. It wasn’t just because of Fermut’s high rank. He was the next emperor who had the power to become the empire’s 3rd Sword. Only the 1st and 2nd Swords were above him. When did such a valuable body last shed blood? Fermut’s eyes filled with killing intent as he looked at his nose that was crooked from the hit.

“―You were lucky.” Veronica didn’t pay attention to him at all, as she shook the blood off her fist. “I unconsciously moved my fist. You should’ve flown off nicely if I hit you properly. I’m sorry.”

It was true. Fermut’s mouth had been moving, and before Veronica realized it, she was already punching him. It was like hitting a fly that was right in front of her. So, of course, Fermut and the 1st Sword hadn’t been able to respond in time. She hadn’t had a purpose, and her punch had been the embodiment of ‘absence of self’, which made it undetected. It probably would’ve been blocked if she had been planning to kill him.

In any case, it didn’t matter. Veronica felt regretful that her attack had failed to kill Fermut. Both rationality and instinct supported her thought that Fermut was the one who had ordered Liliana’s assassination.

“I thought I should leave it to the girl to kill you, but… now I can’t endure it anymore. I’ll kill you here.”

“What nonsense are you saying…?”

Shortly after that…


The space three centimeters in front of Fermut’s face heated up. If someone hadn’t pulled on his clothes, his head would’ve been blown off. His instincts cried out one beat too late. He absolutely shouldn’t fight this monster.

As the flame sword heated up the space around her body, the greatest magician of Meltor faced her enemy. “Do you intend to interrupt, 1st Sword?”

“…I don’t want to be hostile to you here.” With dark hair and green eyes like evergreen plants, he was a swordsman who looked to be in his 30s despite having been active for over half a century. He was the empire’s 1st Sword, Crowd von Russell. In this era where the grandmasters had disappeared, he was the man who could be called the strongest swordsman on this continent.

“This isn’t the place to fight. How about we end today’s talks here since they aren’t working out?”

“What? Sir Russell! This is too shameful!” Fermut was quicker than Veronica in protesting the proposal. “This mongrel threatened a prince of the Andras Empire, this Fermut! It is also the meeting where there is a tacit promise of non-aggression! We can’t leave this insult alone…!”

“Your Highness,” Crowd von Russell cut off Fermut’s enraged voice. He then bowed politely and whispered at a volume which couldn’t be heard by the two people from Meltor, “If you fight here, both of us will die. If you don’t understand the situation, just follow me.”


“You can’t tell?”

Crowd von Russell looked over at Aquilo, who was next to Veronica. Realizing the meaning of his gaze, Aquilo gave an amused smile. ‘I used a camouflage, but I guess my identity was found out. Does he think it is burdensome to deal with me and Red at the same time?’

The swordsman judged that Aquilo was a considerable monster. She didn’t have pure power like Veronica, but her strength was the pursuit of ‘depth.’ Despite being far behind Veronica in a one-on-one fight, Aquilo was a wild card capable of killing a giant. If Veronica were here alone or with the White Tower Master, Crowd would’ve chosen to fight here. However, he couldn’t win against both Veronica and Aquilo. It might be different if the 2nd Sword had accompanied him, since Prince Fermut hadn’t reached the same level as them yet. However, fortunately, Crowd saw that Aquilo wasn’t active, so there was room to retreat. Indeed, Crowd’s judgment was correct.

“…Tch,” Veronica clicked her tongue when she realized the situation. Aquilo enjoyed seeing Veronica’s frustrated expression and whispered in her ear, “I have no intention of attacking people who are running away. What will you do? I might consider it if the girl was in my arms. But of course, I will refuse if you ask me.”

“Damn pirate, shut up.”

It was a delicate situation. Meltor would dominate if Aquilo joined in, but it would be disadvantageous if she didn’t. Veronica was torn by the intervention of the 1st Sword and didn’t know what to do. However, she didn’t want to just let them go. She looked at Fermut with murderous intent and worried about the situation for a moment before coming up with a compromise. “Hey, number 1.”

“What is it?”

“Get that piece of sh*t away from me before I change my mind. I won’t chase you.”

“I will do so.” Crowd understood the meaning of Veronica’s words and turned to retreat. In some ways, this result could be called his victory. Andras was in a disadvantageous situation, yet Meltor couldn’t remove the two people despite their superior firepower. It was also a bonus that they noticed the existence of Aquilo.

“…Huh?” Therefore, Crowd was one beat delayed in realizing it. Veronica said she wouldn’t chase them, but she never said she wouldn’t attack. The sword masters, who were wide open targets, were subjected to a merciless magic bombardment.


The Infernal Blade struck the ground, causing a cause explosion. This was followed by a severe firestorm which melted the ground. The explosion burst outward before disappearing. Clouds in the distant sky were torn apart, while some sandworms sleeping deep in the ground ended up dead. A few birds that unfortunately looked down were blinded. If they were lucky, they would die before struggling with the pain.

It was truly a transcendent destruction. The grassland, where butterflies had been flying peacefully, had now changed into a hell-like scenery. The land was burned to a depth of a few hundred meters and would only recover after centuries. This damage was produced by the peak of the most destructive magic attribute. The scale of the damage was proof of Veronica’s destructive power.

“Sigh, couldn’t you have warned me? You savage,” Aquilo, who had quickly flown into the sky, grumbled as she looked at the distant horizon. “Besides, those guys avoided the attack surprisingly quite well.”

For dragons, extended long-distance vision was merely a part of their senses. As such, Aquilo noticed that the two sword masters who had escaped far away weren’t injured at all. Veronica’s robes flapped as she agreed, “I can’t kill them anyway. If the 1st Sword could be hit by a surprise attack like this, the war would’ve already been over. It would be strange if it was effective.”

“Then why did you attack while knowing this?”

“I just wanted to vent my anger. I didn’t want to just sit down and do nothing like you.”

After pricking Aquilo with her words, Veronica sighed as she stared at a distant place. She had wanted to kill one person in this place but missed her chance because the 1st Sword moved so fast. As such, the talks ended without any conclusions.

* * *

“Crazy.” Liliana grabbed her head as she listened to Aquilo’s words. It was fortunate that Veronica hadn’t gotten hurt in the talks, but it couldn’t be called a positive end to the meeting. The northern powers had taken a step toward a war. No, it happened a month ago, so there was a possibility that the war had already begun. Liliana's mind went blank at the news. Aquilo smiled at her and enjoyed the funny sight. She might not always show it, but Aquilo was essentially an evil dragon. She was someone who accepted the suffering and agonies of mortals. Despite her goodwill toward her, she enjoyed the sight of Liliana’s agitation.

“…Aquilo.” A few minutes of silence passed by before she spoke. During this period of time which no one had counted as to how long had passed, Liliana raised her head. Aquilo saw her hardened eyes and laughed, “Yes. Do you have something to ask this evil dragon, Girl?”

For her, Liliana was a hero. She had used Aquilo’s power to dismantle the Pirate Archipelago, rather than use it for her own private desires. Originally, she should oppose Aquilo, who existed as an evil dragon. Yet, a just hero was currently asking an evil dragon for help. This situation caused a thrill to run down Aquilo’s spine. Without knowing her wicked thoughts, Liliana said, “I will pay anything. Please let me borrow your strength and take me back to Meltor via the shortest path.”

“Any…thing?” Aquilo bit the pipe in her hand pervertedly and licked her lips.

Chapter 263 – The Die is Cast (1)

For those who lived over 100 years, how long and how short was a month? If scholars from all over the world gathered to discuss it, they wouldn’t be able to reach a conclusion.

This was because it was subjective and varied depending on the person. Just like how a woman giving a serenade could feel like a few seconds was a few years, a person reading an interesting book could feel like an hour was just a few minutes. A month could change a person’s life, or it could pass with nothing happening.

Therefore, an objective measurement was needed if one wanted to measure time. What happened in a month which could be measured? Without knowing this, the seriousness of time couldn’t be discussed.

From this point of view, it could be said that the last month had been a once-in-a-century turning point for the Meltor Kingdom. Elvenheim had broken their neutrality, there had been the birth of a new master, as well as the deaths of three of the Seven Swords… And finally, there had also been the secret talks which Veronica had been sent to.

Prince Fermut’s taunts… The 2nd Sword who hadn’t been seen recently… After deliberating on these circ*mstances, Meltor’s leaders reached a conclusion.

“Your Majesty! This is an opportunity!” The minister of the military, Robert Alpenheimer stepped up and gave his opinion. “If the enemy’s power is superior to ours, there is no way the people of Andras will step back first! It is finally time for us to unify the Northern Continent! This is a chance to destroy our enemy!”

“Lower your voice, Minister,” the minister of domestic affairs, Jerome Violeta, spoke against him. “The enemy’s attitude is moderate, so we can’t guarantee our superiority. Most of all, the magic towers haven’t recovered from the damage received from that convoy mission a few years ago. Even if it is true that Andras’ power has weakened, we aren’t necessarily stronger.”

It was a reasonable point. The 1st Sword had stood behind the emperor, who wanted a continuation of the truce. There was a good chance that Andras had retreated for political reasons. However, Robert didn’t accept this and yelled, “This weakness is why the north can’t escape the turmoil of war, even after hundreds of years!”

“It is better than acting hastily and dying!”


As usual, the argument between the two people intensified. Then the quietly listening Kurt raised a hand. After all, it was the role of a king to make conclusions and direct the mood of the meeting.

Simultaneously, the meeting room in the royal palace sank into silence. The two ministers, striving to outdo each other, paled and looked at Kurt.

“Listen carefully,” Kurt rebuked them. Then he closed his eyes and said, “White Tower Master, report.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” A man emerged in an empty space.

The ghostly master of the white tower, Orta, appeared in the middle of the meeting room. It was a surprising sight, but the people assembled here couldn’t be surprised by it anymore. They had all guessed why Orta was appearing at this point, so all of them had calm expressions.

“The 2nd Sword Zest Speitem. I will report on his status.”


The name which emerged from Orta’s mouth increased the tension in the meeting room. Zest Speitem, along with Crowd von Russell, was one of Andras’ strongest swordsmen. To think that Orta had been investigating him?

“I tracked the Cardinal Antonio, who secretly departed from Lairon and entered Belfort, Andras’ capital. I couldn’t follow him until the center, but I discovered that his carriage reached the mansion known to be the 2nd Sword’s residence.”


He was the owner of a healing ability. Unlike magic power, divine power didn’t cause any backlash from aura. Rather, it intensified aura’s inherent vitality, so divine power users had been able to establish an intimate relationship with aura users since a long time ago.

Additionally, the Lairon priests were hostile to Meltor. So, there was only one reason to call the cardinal who was located in the middle of the Central Continent.

“Maybe our hero isn’t the only one who needs to recover.”

The empire’s 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem, was injured! If it was necessary to call a cardinal, it meant he wasn’t in a state which could be fixed with a healing potion. It was a curse which couldn’t be overcome with a sword master’s self-healing ability, or it was an injury which hadn’t healed after three months. Nobody could’ve thought that Liliana had summoned a high-ranking demon, but they were certain that the cause of the injury was Zest’s fight against Liliana.

“Your Majesty.” There was silence for a moment before Jerome opened his mouth.

Kurt nodded once.

Then Jerome continued, “I will withdraw what I said earlier. Please declare war as Robert suggested!”

“Hrmm.” Kurt III cupped his chin with an interested expression and indicated for Jerome to explain. Robert’s face was a bonus, since his eyes were wide with shock.

“Meltor and Andras. In both places, there are two absolutely strong people who hold the balance of the battlefield. Red Tower Master and Blue Tower Master, and the 1st and 2nd Swords. So far, we were able to achieve equilibrium because all of them are present.”

“It isn’t the case now?”

“Yes. The 2nd Sword can’t come to the battlefield, so it is a chance for Meltor. And…” Jerome spoke with a sorrowful expression, “If we miss this chance because of an indecisive attitude… I—no, we will be failing Captain Liliana!”

“…I see.”

Jerome’s cry stimulated everyone’s enthusiasm. Determination filled their faces as everyone in the meeting room stared at a certain empty space. The nobles weren’t warriors or magicians. They didn’t have the attitude of warriors, but there was clearly an atmosphere of going to war which filled this space.

“Okay.” On behalf of their will, the king of the magic kingdom rose from his seat. “I will move to destroy the armistice. From now on, we will declare a wartime situation throughout the kingdom, starting from Mana-vil Capital. We will set up three vanguard units to preemptively attack the three border areas.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“White Tower Master, immediately call all the tower masters together. And—” Holding the king’s scepter firmly in hand, Kurt finally took a step toward the war that was approaching him. “Call Veronica.”

* * *

Exactly one week passed by. Meltor declared the dismissal of the armistice agreement without any notice, and Andras accepted it without raising an objection. This was proof that they were prepared for war at any time. Of course, even assuming that was true, war wasn’t something which could be started in a short period of time. It took a good month to convene the reserve soldiers and organize the troops.

Therefore, the border zone wasn’t fully equipped yet. However, it did exist in this world—a transcendent being that could break down a fortress and annihilate thousands of soldiers. The movements of a master couldn’t be determined with common sense.

“…It is dreary.”

There was a sorceress floating in the sky, looking down at the lights that seemed like fireflies. Crimson hair and red robes… Her appearance and clothing seemed to burn in the darkness as Veronica looked down at the empire’s fortress which would soon become ashes.

“I only want to attack military facilities, but I’ll have to kill them all anyway. At the very least, there are no ‘innocent people’ in this part of the north. You are soldiers that will someday become enemies if left alive. You have always done the same, so don’t blame me.”

Of course, there wasn’t a reply. It was pointless complaining to the distant ground, so she raised a hand. In fact, she wasn’t in a bad mood. Rather, joy was bubbling up inside her. The blood of a red dragon, which loved fighting and bloodshed, woke up inside her.

However, she didn’t accept that instinct. Veronica had been raised as a human and a sorceress, so she couldn’t afford to accept it. As such, she had to hurry before this dirty feeling got worse.

“Still, I will only feel sick for a short while.”

Veronica’s eight circles rotated, and the dark sky reddened. It was a natural phenomenon where magic power distorted the environment. She had only been a little stronger than others in arm wrestling as a child, but after reaching the 8th circle, her blood had become stronger. She might not be a pure blood, but it wasn’t hard to get close to a limitless dragon’s heart.

A rain of destruction poured down from the burning sky. The steel gates melted. The solid walls collapsed. The air had long been turned into a deadly poison. The wind was scattered by the heat, and those on the ground struggled to breathe. In the East, it would be called fire hell.

It was a hell where an unquenchable fire burned and even the winds would burn the body. Just five minutes after Veronica started the bombardment, this city awaiting the opening of a war was effortlessly turned into hell. A siege defense had no meaning. The soldiers who had trained for a decade weren’t even scarecrows. Screaming lips turned to charcoal, and the ashes of people soon scattered.

“—Wow, is she the ‘Witch of Heat?”

There was one survivor in that hell.

“But she isn’t an opponent I can face. If she is as annoying as Zest says, I will just be turned into bloodstains.”

There was a spear close to 2 meters long on the survivor’s back. The curves of their body showed that this person was a woman. Her face wasn’t visible because of the heat haze, but her voice didn’t sound old. She was the empire’s 5th Sword, Delkur of the ‘Shadows.’

Delkur had come to this city for the purpose of defending the border, but the devastating scene happening before her wasn’t something she could stop. Apart from her boiling fighting spirit, her sword master’s instincts told her that this wasn’t an opponent she could win against.

However, Delkur smiled as she gazed up at the distant sky. “Is this winning? Putting the strongest card at this weak place, it allows for an easy victory.”

Delkur’s red eyes shone as she spoke meaningful words, “But what about elsewhere?”

Chapter 264 – The Die is Cast (2)

Rutben Citadel, a city in the furthermost eastern part of the empire, was already a fortified city. Its walls, which were over 40 meters tall, had been increasing steadily over the centuries. They even had anti-magic barriers and anti-magic measures like magic bombs. Meltor had tried to destroy them numerous times in the past, but they had taken heavy damage and had to retreat.

However, this time, uninvited guests were visiting Rutben. A few hundred meters away from the walls, there were shadows of people moving in the darkness. There were a total of 10 magicians, including the person in the lead. It was the elite army of the White Tower, directly trained and commanded by White Tower Master Orta, who led the way in a black mask. Due to their nature as secret agents whose identities must be concealed, all of them were wearing masks like Orta’s on their faces.

–Stop. Orta suddenly stopped where she was moving ahead of the party. –From here onward, move while maintaining your shields. We are 200 meters away from Rutben’s walls and watchtowers, so your magic power can’t leak out. If you can’t get past the walls and you get caught, don’t wait for my instructions and just try to escape first.

The remaining magicians nodded, while Orta made an unknown hand gesture and muttered a spell. Perhaps it was her own unique magic. The defense of Rutben, which Andras had set as its outpost, was truly exquisite. Without Orta, even the elite agents of the White Tower would be detected before getting past one layer of the wall, and they were likely to be killed immediately.

Wuuong… After a while, a hemispherical haze appeared around Orta’s body and concealed the rest of the magicians.


The 10 magicians stepped forward, secretly moving close to the walls which would crush even ants. This was the role of the White Tower on the battlefield. If Veronica was the brutal force capable of devastating an army, then the White Tower magicians were the ones who would cut the enemies’ throats from behind. They were like the rats who hid in the crack of a sturdy wall or like a hole that could break a thick wall regardless of its size.

Their aim was to assassinate Rutben’s general and elite knights. If a fortified city lost its chain of command, it would be defenseless against senior magicians. It was a tactic which hadn’t succeeded a few times in the past war, but it had given Meltor a considerable amount of experience.

Seuk. The moment they arrived at the bottom of the wall, Orta got the attention of the other magicians with her hand. Even if their bodies were trained, it was impossible for them to climb a wall that was 40 meters tall.

So, Orta came directly to Rutben. She activated her magic and continued to block all traces of their presence. That was impossible for a normal magician to do, but this magic was possible for Orta. Soon after, the ten magicians followed her into the air.

‘Ohh…! There is no alarm from Rutben…’ ‘As expected of the tower master. There is no end to what she can do.’ ‘It would be ridiculous for Andras as well.’

Of course, no words emerged from their mouths, but these feelings flowed from under their masks. The impregnable fortress, Rutben Citadel… For the first time in history, they had the opportunity to break it. Even the calm agents couldn’t help being excited.

Nevertheless, the elite were the elite. They gradually calmed their minds and recovered their blank expressions once they crossed two layers of the wall. Their heads were cold by the time they crossed three layers. Private feelings were mere obstacles to the mission’s performance.

The 10 pairs of feet touched the ground and advanced a further 200 meters. They were invisible ghosts who infiltrated without a sound. The unit that was codenamed ‘Phantom’ by Andras had finally infiltrated the fortified city!

–Assassinate the lord first. After that, we will neutralize the military officers, knights, and communication facilities. Don’t be so relieved just because we’ve crossed the wall. If it was this easy, the war would’ve ended earlier.

The nine people each laid a hand on their chest. It was a hand signal which meant ‘agreement.’ Orta was satisfied by the sight and headed toward a mansion in the distance. It was Rutben Castle which didn’t have a big reputation. As long as they paid attention to the alarm in the bedroom, it would be child’s play to take the lord’s life.

They ran past a security checkpoint and moved through the empty city in the middle of the night. From the outskirts of the city to the lord’s residence―

“Hmm?” Orta thought that something was strange. It wasn’t strange that no alarm rang due to her magic, but… The odd thing was inside Rutben.

‘So far, we haven’t seen a single patrol…?’

Orta hated to admit it, but Andras was strong. Their knights and soldiers were well trained and disciplined. Rutben was one of the main fortresses of Andras. There was nothing weird about having patrols in five-minute intervals at the outskirts of the city. However, it was strange that they never encountered a patrol party despite being close to the lord’s residence.

Orta became wary and hastily gave a command, –All members, pull… No, she was trying to give a command.

“You noticed quickly, Rat.” A man emerged from thin air.

“Avoid it!” Orta shouted instinctively, but she couldn’t be faster than the blade.

A blood-red aura appeared. Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.

However, that wasn’t the orbit of the sword. Then the aura started to distort like a mirage. From a straight line to a curve, a curve to a straight line… The aura distorted the air it moved through.

“Kuk, this ability is probably…?” The panicked Orta reacted quickly. She took two steps away with space magic and was able to escape from the aura. However, the other magicians couldn’t follow her.


Three heads soared, and a few limbs fell down.

“Kuaaaaak!” “There was something so strange?” “Ugh, m-my arm…!”

Three people died, and four were seriously injured. There were only two people who avoided the attack without any injuries. However, the opponent seemed dissatisfied with this horror.

“You are doing quite well, Meltor’s rats. I didn’t expect to only kill three people.”

“…You.” Orta gritted her teeth as she recognized the identity of the enemy. It wasn’t unexpected, but this situation was a bit dangerous.

The 2nd Sword, Zest, was in a state where he couldn’t move because of a serious injury. The 1st Sword couldn’t move from the capital because he needed to defend the emperor and Belfort. If so, there were only two people who could appear in Rutben. The 5th and 3rd Swords, both of whom had aura abilities that Orta couldn’t easily deal with.

In particular, the man before her was the worst opponent for a space magician. The man was Andras’ Crown Prince, Fermut, and the attack just then was the manifestation of the ability to bend space.

Refraction or distortion… Orta judged that it was closer to the former.

‘If he gets close, I will die. It might be different if he is alone, but…’

There were signs of other people approaching after Fermut emerged. The presence indicated that they were the Shadow Knights, the Andras Empire’s special forces who sneaked around in the shadows. It would be difficult to handle such a large number of enemies with injured men. As such, it was time for Orta and her men to retreat. However, the moment Orta was about to give up on her mission without hesitation, Fermut moved.

“Don’t move without my permission, Dog.”

A red sword moved through the air. Fermut Style, Refraction Sword. Sleeping Moon.

At first glance, it seemed like a false move, but Orta’s face soon hardened like wax. She could feel the space connecting with her senses. The strings of the connected world were like a net around her, threatening to cut her. Under these circ*mstances, closing herself off in another space or a shield wouldn’t work properly.

“Do you know that this place is set for your death?” Fermut looked at them impatiently before turning to look at the shadows surrounding them. It was a signal that they should move.

Confronted with this fate, Orta laughed under her mask. “You’ve put in quite a lot of effort. Are you mad about being hit by the Red Tower Master? You must be afraid to compete with her again. It seems like this was a trap to catch me from the beginning.”


“Did I hit the nail on the head? Pretending to be so great, but your intentions are just petty.”

A sound suddenly rang out from somewhere.

“…This dog is barking without being aware of who I am.” Fermut gripped the sword in his hand, as his arrogant face changed into a blank one. However, he was only cold on the surface. His burning aura exposed his anger.

All words lost meaning, as magic power and aura boiled. In this heavy stillness, someone gulped and the battle began. Fermut Style, Refraction Sword. The space bent around Fermut. Beheading Sword, Indiscriminate Stab.

It was a chain of moves that seemed like it would cut him to pieces. The bloody aura twisted around his body like a mollusk. However, Orta could still somehow deal with this attack if she could see it.


The space in front of Orta’s fingertips was torn. Clearly, a common defense against bent space was pointless. Interfering with space was the minimum requirement for a frontal confrontation. Tearing and bending space… A large shock wave occurred as the two forces collided.

Kwarurung! Then a thunderous sound rang out all over the place, while the shadows and six remaining magicians started to fight. However, the situation wasn’t good.

Elite senior magicians and knights were both the representative troops of each nation, but the balance of power wasn’t absolute. The magicians of the White Tower were wounded and surrounded, so they weren’t in a position to defeat the Shadow Knights.

“Kuheok!” The magician who lost his left arm was the first to be stabbed in the neck.

“T-Tower Master, I, first…” The body of the magician fell down in a puddle of blood.

‘Four possible escape routes… But there is no way out.’ Orta didn’t shake upon seeing the deaths of her subordinates whom she had trained for more than 10 years. Instead, she kept her cool, blocked Fermut’s offensive, and calculated ways to escape.

Even so, there seemed to be no way to get out of this predicament. The strongest enemy with the worst ability was in front of her, while the enemies that made up the net weren’t easily handled.

After calculating many times, Orta admitted it. ‘It is up to here.’

She couldn’t always win. Unless she had absolute strength, she would someday lose to someone. After all, Orta was weaker than Veronica and Blundell. However, she was clever and could analyze the battlefield quickly, finding ways to win. So, in such a situation, she was aware that she couldn’t win.


Was it due to being distracted? No, the loss was inevitable. Even if they could both control space, the power of aura exerted an ability which exceeded magic. Fermut prevailed because he refracted space.

If two beings interfered in the same space, the more dominant one would win. This was what Orta had read from the beginning, and thus, she tried to escape. Orta was struck from her left collarbone to her right side. She narrowly avoided losing a limb, but the bleeding was serious.

“…Um.” Orta braced herself and desperately put strength into both her legs. Even if she were to die, she didn’t want to show a miserable appearance to her enemy. It would be nice if there was a chance to drink a potion.

“If you surrender, this body will kindly kill you.”

It was ridiculous. Orta spat in the direction from where she heard the voice and then started to draw up magic power from the bottom of her circles. If she were to die, she would take as many enemies as possible with her. This was Orta’s favorite ending, and it was the last thing she could do for her colleagues who had fallen first.

“Tsk, if you want to die like this, then I should kill you.” Fermut neared his enemy who wouldn’t collapse despite having blood flow down half her body. Although injured, a master was a master. Meltor’s ghost wouldn’t fall so easily.

‘The end.’

Ultimately, Orta couldn’t hold out much longer. Both masters knew what the ending would be, so there was a tight tension between Orta and Fermut. The three remaining magicians and shadows also stopped moving. They didn’t dare move because the pressure was too great.

The only thing which could interfere with this situation was the intervention of a third party that didn’t exist. Then at that moment…

“What?” “What…!”

The two masters looked up at the sky at roughly the same time. Someone was coming. Both the great magician and sword master felt a presence. It was immensely fast, coming from beyond the clouds. No, at this speed, it was more accurate to describe it as ‘falling down,’ rather than approaching. It was faster than an arrow, much like lightning.


‘He’ fell over Fermut’s head.

Kwarururung! The sound of thunder boomed in the sky. It was a roar that originated from aura flowing on the surface of two swords. The curved lines were sharp enough to even cut steel. The falchions, swords used by mercenaries rather than knights, pierced Fermut’s ankle deeply. Suddenly being struck by a strong impact caused blood to fill Fermut’s mouth.

Prince Fermut was furious. “…You!”

With blond hair and tanned skin, his armor emphasized mobility, and he himself was reminiscent of a sleek wolf. Fermut gazed angrily in front of him as the other swordsman grinned.

“It has been a while, you dog bastard! I will make you pay for using my sister as a hostage!”

“Don’t bark in front of me, Traitor!”

He was the sword master who left his family for his sister’s sake in the past and then eventually turned his back on the empire. It was the sudden appearance of Randolph Clovis.

Chapter 265 – The Die is Cast (3)

The three blades clashed with each other, sending sparks flying. Despite his injuries, Fermut was still a formidable opponent. As soon as the impact dissipated, he strengthened his aura, forcing Randolph to step back.

It was a dense and powerful aura, especially for someone his age. Even though Fermut was nearly a decade younger than Randolph, his swordsmanship was equally matched.

“Tch, this scoundrel caught me off guard…!” Randolph stepped back, instinctively positioning himself closer to Orta.

Randolph’s main objective was to support Orta and his team. Although it would’ve been advantageous if his last strike had landed, their current situation was still favorable.

“Hey, heal yourself quickly while he’s momentarily restrained.”

“The first aid is done,” Orta replied before Randolph could finish his sentence.

Orta demonstrated his capabilities as the leader of the intelligence unit. While Randolph had momentarily distracted Fermut, Orta had managed to heal himself with a potion he carried. Unfortunately, a full recovery was beyond reach at the moment.

“All external injuries have been treated, but the blood loss and the damage caused by aura can’t be fully reversed. By the way, I didn’t expect you to come to our aid.”

“I was surprised myself. My status is still in question, but this mission is critical. Meltor’s flexibility in these matters is commendable.”

“That― No, I’ll explain later.” Orta cut himself off. He didn’t want Fermut to catch wind of Theodore’s survival.

However, something else surprised Orta even more than Randolph’s timely arrival. “…Honestly, I’m more astonished by something else. You landed without sustaining major injuries. Was this the handiwork of Elder Shugel?”

“Ahh, that old man nearly gave me a heart attack. A small error, and I would’ve been done for.”

The remaining magicians, overhearing the two masters, were shocked. Could they have used that method?

It was a strategy Meltor had devised long ago to counter Andras.

Rutben and the major cities in Andras had devices that disrupted the protection spells around magicians, especially affecting the sky. Teleportation could result in disaster, so magicians like Veronica couldn’t survive in enemy territory where flying magic was rendered ineffective.

For this reason, air operations over a city had never been attempted in actual combat before.

…Until now.

“Indeed, a sword master’s physical strength combined with an artifact’s protection allows one to withstand the fall.”

“Well, my hands are still shaking.”

A sword master’s physical capabilities were extraordinary, but even Randolph was shaken by the impact. Ironically, Fermut’s counterattack had helped absorb some of the shock. “You dare, Clovis loser…!”

Despite some visible injuries, the significant damage was internal, a result of the initial surprise attack. Fermut wished he could’ve evaded it, but his pride prevented him from retreating. His grip on his sword tightened. It would take Fermut about 10 minutes to fully recover, a window of opportunity the two seasoned masters couldn’t afford to miss.

“Alright, let’s finish him here.”

“We should retreat.”



Their opinions diverged.

“Even though we’re at an advantage, it’s still two against one. Why not eliminate him and then retreat?”

“If we fail, we’ll both be in serious danger. The risks outweigh the benefits; retreating is the wiser choice.”

It was a simple calculation. Between Fermut’s life and the lives of the two masters, the latter was more valuable. Randolph hesitated, but Orta added another reason, “It would take at least 30 minutes to defeat the prince, who hasn’t given up yet.”


“We’re deep in enemy territory, and if we take too long, the situation will worsen. The empire has teleportation scrolls. If another one of the empire’s Seven Swords arrives, we could lose our advantage.”

“…Tch, alright, I get it.”

Randolph reluctantly agreed, and the two masters shifted to a defensive stance. They lowered their center of gravity, preparing to jump back at any moment. But Fermut wasn’t going to let them escape so easily.

Despite his incomplete recovery, he summoned the Shadow Knights to compensate for his weakened state.

“You think you can run?”

Fermut gripped his sword tightly as it blazed with red aura, resembling molten lava. This was the full manifestation of Fermut’s Aura Ability, ‘Refraction.’

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.
Stab to Death Attack.

This technique aimed to pierce through multiple vital points simultaneously, inspired by the terrifying methods used to instill fear during ancient wars. The attack was designed to be nearly impossible to evade without bending the fabric of space itself.


As Fermut launched his attack, Randolph sprang into action.

Clovis Two Swords Style.
Hidden Technique.
Kill the Hydra.

Randolph’s two falchions moved in a dazzling display of skill. Four strikes with the left sword, five with the right… Nine slashes were unleashed in the blink of an eye, countering Fermut’s deadly stabs.

“No?” Fermut’s eyes widened in shock.

Randolph’s speed was incredible, but it wasn’t just speed that allowed him to counter Fermut’s attack. Randolph’s Aura Ability, ‘Pursuing and Overtaking,’ gave him the edge.

“You’re not deep enough!”

Fermut was undoubtedly talented, but Randolph had fought against even stronger foes. The memory of battling the entity known as Pride, who had once faced Theodore, was still fresh in Randolph’s mind. Fermut was far slower than the monster that could catch lightning with its bare hands.

Clovis Two Swords Style.
Hidden Technique Combo.
Kill the Arachne.

Randolph’s swords seemed to multiply, creating an intricate web of slashes. If Fermut couldn’t block this, his body would be sliced into pieces like finely chopped vegetables. Fermut was forced to use a defensive technique.


A crimson aura enveloped his blade, forming a barrier.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword.
Tornado Wall.

This technique was similar to the Fairy Dance’s first hidden technique, Moon Breaking through the Clouds. The difference was Fermut’s ability to distort space, which significantly increased its defensive power.

Fermut was confident that he could even block 7th Circle great magic with this technique.

‘Once this attack is deflected, I’ll counterattack and take down the traitor who joined Meltor…!’

It might take longer than anticipated, but Fermut was convinced that Andras would still emerge victorious in the end. Rutben Citadel…

More than 100 elite knights resided here, along with numerous aura experts. Ten minutes had already passed since the battle began, so reinforcements were likely on their way. However, Fermut’s confidence quickly turned to confusion.


When the Tornado Wall dissipated, there was no sign of Randolph or Orta. They had clearly fled. A few shadows had tried to stop them, but they were no match for Randolph’s skill. Their fallen bodies marked the path where the two masters had passed.

“T-These bastards…! You think you can just leave?” Fermut shouted in frustration but didn’t pursue them.

He knew it was too late. Chasing down a sword master and a space magician was futile. Fermut sheathed his sword and glared in the direction they had fled.

“Next time, I won’t let you escape!”

Fermut stepped on the head of one of the fallen magicians. Then, with a final glance, he turned around, and the shadows followed him. Thus ended a long yet short night.

The capital of Meltor, Mana-vil.

At the center of the city stood four towers, each symbolizing the kingdom’s magical prowess. These towers, painted in distinct colors, reached high into the sky. Among them was the blue tower, renowned for its mastery of water and life magic. Its top floor was a restricted area, accessible only to authorized individuals.

Knock knock. Despite being the master of the blue tower, Blundell knocked lightly on the door as if seeking permission to enter. It was an unusually humble gesture for someone of his stature. Who could be inside that even the master of the tower had to ask for entry?

“…Come in.” A clear, feminine voice responded from within. There was only one person who fit this description.

Blundell opened the door gently and spoke to her, “How are you, Sylvia?”

“Yes, Grandfather,” replied Sylvia Adruncus, her blue eyes shining brightly.

She was a genius magician, raised by Blundell since childhood, and had now become a Superior of the blue tower. For the past three months, she had been using this room as her training space, but such a short time wasn’t enough to break through to the 7th Circle.

“My dear,” Blundell began, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and concern. He knew where her determination stemmed from.

He offered his advice, “You can’t force your way through the wall of the 7th Circle. It requires a combination of effort, talent, and luck. I understand that Theodore’s disappearance was a shock, but you need to take care of yourself…”

“Grandfather,” Sylvia interrupted, her tone firmer than expected. “I understand that. The distance I need to cover can’t be shortened by talent alone, and this effort might seem futile.”


“Even so, I can’t just sit still.”

Sylvia wasn’t being stubbornor unreasonable. She simply couldn’t remain idle while knowing that there was a challenge ahead of her, even if the path seemed unclear. She had witnessed someone overcome the impossible, and that knowledge fueled her resolve. Therefore, she couldn’t see this obstacle as insurmountable.

“Even if I can’t protect Theo, I refuse to be a burden to him.”

She had already been a burden once and didn’t want to repeat that. Sylvia was no longer just a young girl dreaming of magic; she was a dedicated magician, walking the path with determination. Her expression held no trace of childishness.

“…Yes, you have truly grown.” Blundell had to acknowledge her maturity.

Sylvia Adruncus had chosen her path as a magician with unwavering resolve. As a magician himself, and one who stood at the pinnacle of the kingdom, he needed to support her in this journey. Blundell moved to pat her head—a gesture from her childhood—but instead, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, a sign of respect for her maturity.

On one hand, he felt immense pride in her growth. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of regret that it was someone else who had sparked this determination in her. He resolved to have a conversation with that person when the time came.

“Blue Tower Master! Are you in there?” A loud voice called out from outside the room.

“It’s quite noisy. What’s the matter?”

“I’ve just received urgent news!” The voice of the clerk, who was out of breath, echoed through the top floor of the blue tower. Whatever the news was, it was clearly important.

Blundell turned serious and asked for the report. The clerk quickly responded, “A message from the coastal city of Ribenda! The safe return of Quattro’s captain, Theodore Miller, has been confirmed!”

“What?” Blundell’s eyes widened in surprise, and he glanced over at Sylvia, who was also looking at him. The silent communication between them spoke volumes. Sylvia hesitated for a moment, as if struggling to find the words, but Blundell spoke first.

“Go to Ribenda.”


“Shugel is still in the white tower. He owes me a favor, so speak to him. Theodore should be greeted by someone he knows.”

The reasoning was clear and sufficient. Sylvia paused briefly before responding with a smile, “I will go right away!”

“Yes, please take care of yourself.”

As the door closed behind her, the clerk was startled to see Sylvia moving straight out of the tower’s window instead of taking the stairs. It was a quicker way down. Blundell watched her energetic departure and chuckled while stroking his beard. “Huhu, he’s returned at the perfect time.”

The Northern War was on the horizon, with both powers ready to amass their forces. The hero who had disappeared was finally back.

“If life were a play, the role of the main character would undoubtedly belong to him.”

At the top of the blue tower, an elderly man who had served Meltor for over a century smiled. The world was vast, and there were many things that couldn’t be predicted with the wisdom of the old.

A wise sage once said, ‘Life isn’t boring until it ends.’

Chapter 266 – The Die is Cast (4)

At the easternmost part of the northern continent, in the port city of Ribenda in Meltor, there was a disturbance.

In fact, even though it was a port city, the sea currents in the north were so rough that it couldn’t be used as a trading port. It was common for boats and large passenger ships to break easily in stormy weather, so this port was usually empty.

However, today was an exception, as a special guest was filling up the vacant seat. It was a sea dragon that sailors called ‘sea serpent.’

Despite the tight restrictions of the guards, there were constant footsteps of those who wanted to see Aquilo. They felt both honored and fearful. The people were also in awe. The petty monsters on the ground were incomparable to dragons.

“Back off! This is the army!” “Anyone who approaches any further will be arrested!”

Far from the tight barrier of the guards, Liliana sighed with relief as she stepped into her homeland for the first time in ages.

“This is why I wanted a secret landing.”

It was as she said. Sea dragons might be half as big as the dragons of other dragon clans, but their size still couldn’t be hidden by the high waves.

Aquilo created 20-meter-tall waves as she carried Liliana to the shore. Unlike a tsunami, there was no secondary damage. However, it was inevitable that she would catch the attention of the residents.

However, instead of apologizing for it, Aquilo tightly hugged Liliana’s left arm and giggled. “What’s wrong? No one got injured or killed. Besides, you arrived on time, so shouldn’t you be proud?”

“Hah.” Unlike before, Liliana didn’t move her arm. She just sighed with a resigned expression. Aquilo’s white skin felt smoother than usual. What had happened to cause this diminishing distance between the two?

“Anyway, thank you for your favor, Girl. With this, our contract has further deepened.”


While whispering sweetly into her ear, Aquilo reached out and touched Liliana’s body. She touched her well-toned chest and abdomen. It wasn’t sexual at all, but whenever she touched her, Liliana recalled the memories of the past few days and couldn’t help gritting her teeth. Or maybe it was because Aquilo’s blood, which was inside her, was thicker than before.

She barely overcame the temptation.

To be honest, Liliana had said ‘I will do anything’ because she knew the nature of the sea dragon. She never worried that Aquilo would try to make an unfair demand and that she would ask for something equivalent to crossing the sea.

So, when she first heard her request, she had doubted her ears.

–Then I want to take your ‘essence’, how about it?

Liliana had no experience with the opposite sex, but it was impossible for her to not understand what ‘essence’ meant.

There had been a fierce conflict in Liliana’s mind the moment she received Aquilo’s invitation. She was a wicked dragon, but she was beautiful and had developed the skill of melting people for over a thousand years.

Ellenoa’s confession and a few other things crossed her mind. However, Liliana’s suffering occurred next.

–Hrmm, does that mean it is fine as long as I don’t go all the way?

–What? No, wait a minute!

–There is no reason to refuse. There are many ways…

Liliana realized that remembering it was causing a counterproductive effect, so she shook her head. She hadn’t crossed the last line, but she had climbed the stairs of an adult in many ways. Therefore, she wasn’t upset at Aquilo clinging to her like this.

Her thin white fingers and moist lips…

“Ugh.” Liliana shook off her light dizziness and pulled her arm away from Aquilo. “It is done now. Don’t stick so close to me.”

“Kek, there is no need to be ashamed―” Aquilo was still relaxed despite Liliana’s rejection. She had the face of a sated lioness and didn’t hide her satisfaction at all. She couldn’t beat her when it came to this.

Liliana was convinced and placed her left hand on her body instead of dealing with Aquilo further. Then…

[+20 Aquilo’s Blood Mark (Imprint)-An imprint using the blood of the sea dragon, Aquilo. Additionally, Aquilo has received permission from the owner of this imprint and has strengthened the contract. The imprint has reached stage 2, allowing the owner to receive part of the dragon’s power. If the relationship with the partner of the blood mark becomes hostile, it will naturally be destroyed.

* The rating of this imprint is ‘Treasure.’ * The user’s water affinity will significantly increase. * The user will be given the ‘Sea Dragon’s Blessing’. * It is possible to summon the sea dragon, Aquilo. * It is possible to use Dragon Words five times a day. * User’s physical abilities and magic power will greatly increase. Applying magic power to the blood mark will allow dragon scales to appear. The lowest level of ‘Dragon Fear’ can be used.]

The information window of the blood mark, which was two times more powerful, appeared before Liliana’s eyes. The number of times she could use Dragon Words had increased from three to five, and the procedure required to summon Aquilo was shortened.

However, those changes were minor compared to the added abilities. Her physical abilities and magic power were amplified, and she gained dragon scales and even Dragon Fear. Liliana received an overwhelming power that similar to Veronica’s mixed blood.

Kkuok. Liliana clenched her fists and shook her head.

‘Both my strength and endurance have increased significantly. I haven’t used the dragon scales yet, but this alone is a tremendous achievement.’

She had the power to bend iron with her hands, and her magic power was almost at the 8th circle. It couldn’t be judged simply by the total amount of magic power, but Liliana could proudly proclaim that she was twice as powerful as other 7th Circle magicians.

If she fought Marquis Fergana now, wouldn’t she be able to win easily?

“Well, it looks like you are satisfied in your own way.”

“I won’t thank you.”

“Of course. It was part of the deal. But still…” Aquilo murmured. Then like a serpent, she wrapped her arms around Liliana’s neck and whispered, “Didn’t it feel good?”

Liliana didn’t deny it as her cheek was stroked, and the notorious dragon snickered. She looked at her and suddenly realized, “Are you leaving?’

“Yes, for the moment, I plan to wander and watch the war. If I stay here, I think I will somehow get used to it. It might be fun, but it isn’t to my taste.”

Just like how humans watched the ants at their feet, this war was just a spectacle to Aquilo.

She might be a beautiful woman, but she was also a dragon. Aquilo didn’t try to deny or excuse her nature. She would stay true to her essence until she was killed or reached the end of her life.

Liliana gazed at her calmly. Then Aquilo smiled and said goodbye. “Girl, those eyes… Don’t forget. If you melt easily for me, you will just be an ordinary idiot.”

“Don’t speak nonsense and just go.”

“There is no need to be ashamed.” Aquilo walked into the sea without looking back. Then she turned into her dragon form and said to her, “Ah, I’ll say one thing before I go.”

“What is it?”

“It isn’t a big deal. The next time you call me―”

Her mouth submerged in the water didn’t make any noise, but Liliana heard the rest.

“…Damn.” Liliana’s face flushed red as she let out a breath. In this field that wasn’t a fight, she seemed to be defeated by Aquilo. Liliana gazed at the distant sea until the people from Mana-vil arrived to meet her.

In many ways, it was a disturbing farewell.

* * *

Liliana headed into an unused VIP room in the mansion of Ribenda’s lord and found familiar faces.

“Master!” Liliana called out.

Vince Haidel, a Prime of the red tower and her teacher, jumped up and greeted her.

News of Liliana’s circ*mstances was concealed inside the magic towers, but Liliana’s story had been fully conveyed to Vince since he was her teacher. Liliana’s return was miraculous for Vince, who was well aware of the reputation of the 2nd Sword, Zest.

“You are surprisingly okay!”

Liliana awkwardly smiled at Vince’s disbelieving voice and scratched her head.

“You are very excited, Master.”

“I guess you are fine since you are talking like this. I’m glad.”

“I’m also glad that Master is well.”

They embraced firmly and shared the joy of the reunion. It couldn’t be helped since Liliana hadn’t met him for a while. After all, Vince was a war mage, and he was already on the battlefield.

However, Liliana saw that he wasn’t alone.

Sylvia, who had come to meet her with Vince, waited for her turn with shining eyes.

Liliana turned to look at her and felt a sense of discomfort. ‘…Um? Her atmosphere seems different from before?’

Sylvia had grown up as a genius separated from her peers, so she didn’t call anyone a friend aside from Liliana.

Like a watercolor painting painted in black and white, Sylvia was always distant from her surroundings. It wasn’t what she wanted, but she didn’t know how to change it. Therefore, Sylvia always reluctantly stepped back from people.

“It has been a while, Sylvia. Have you been well?”

Unlike before, her presence was sharp. Sylvia smiled brightly as she greeted her, “Yes, I’m glad that Lili is healthy.”

Her features and body were the same. However, her childish emotions were gone, and Sylvia seemed more like everyone else. Was it called the three days of bereavement?

She could feel that her magic power had been well trained in the three months which had passed. Her old weakness that could have been pierced at any time had completely disappeared. It seems Liliana wasn’t the only person who had progressed in the last three months.

The three people talked for an hour.

Liliana explained about her experience in the East and other small things. The two people paid close attention to Liliana as she spoke. They didn’t want to admit the difficult reality where she had almost been killed and then returned from far away.

She appreciated their care, but it was time to stop this warm moment. “Master, Sylvia.”

The two people looked at each other. Then Liliana laughed. “I am fine. I know the current situation. I really appreciate your intentions, but I think our kingdom is more important than my trip.”

“Liliana, I…” “Master, don’t hesitate to speak. What is happening in Meltor?”

Vince sighed at her words. It wasn’t a sense of guilt or responsibility toward Liliana but a daunting reminder of who his disciple was. The girl was different from when they first met. The young girl from the countryside had grown into a dignified hero of the kingdom.

Vince settled his heart, arranged the situation in his head, and opened his mouth to speak. “To put it briefly, it is a seesaw game.”

Then Vince continued explaining to Liliana.

Shortly after the declaration of war, Meltor had hit three of Andras’ border bastions with three vanguard units: Veronica who could be called a one-man army; the assassination operation of the troops led by White Tower Master Orta; and the war and ghost mages who were mobilized on the plains.

Among them, one had been successful, and one had failed. The remaining one had yet to fully engage in battle.

“Veronica smashed the fortress without difficulty, but White Tower Master was engaged in a desperate battle with the 3rd Sword. Except for Karul Plains where the fighting continues, the rest is in a lull.”

“I see.”

“Meltor has secretly dispatched envoys to Elvenheim and Austen. According to the intelligence agency, there are 2,000 troops from Lairon that are moving to Andras. An unprecedented war will take place this time in the north.”

On one side, there was Meltor, Elvenheim, and Austen. While on the other side, there was Andras and Lairon. This was at a scale which seemed like it was including the whole West Continent in the dispute.

The prelude to a historic war was rising. Liliana got a thrill as she once again realized this fact.

‘Andras and Meltor… One of them will surely perish…!’

Regardless of whether she knew the feelings of the silent Liliana, Vince hadn’t finished speaking yet.

“Kargas is neutral, but they don’t want Andras to win. Well, they aren’t a big force.”

“…Finally, it is starting.”

“Yes, it is finally starting,” Vince’s eyes flashed intensely as he declared with fighting spirit, “The unification war of the Northern Continent…!”

Chapter 267 – Three Days Free (1) Immediately after the battle began in the three areas by the border, the northern powers started the work for a full-fledged war. Unlike the Central Continent which hadn’t experienced large wars for centuries, the two northern superpowers had clashed an average of two to three times a century, over the course of many centuries. The military system Meltor had mastered was already a war machine. The business companies started to distribute military supplies necessary for war without a hitch, while residents who learned about the brutality of the empire volunteered to join the army. Nevertheless, a war was a war. It was a symbol of bloodshed which couldn’t be rationalized by anything. Regardless of victory or defeat, the weight of the bloodshed and corpses wasn’t light. The energetic streets were now filled with an unknown tension, while the residential areas which were usually filled with laughter were now silent. Fortunately, Meltor was used to war, so there weren’t any large disturbances. War meant disaster would sweep the kingdom.

“Hrmm.” Kurt III looked around him. ‘Maybe today will be an exception.’ It was currently the prelude to the unification war, so the royal palace should be serious. However, right now, the atmosphere of the meeting room was quite exciting. Anyone reading the current mood would find it strange. Veronica had destroyed one goal, but Orta’s failure and injury hadn’t been in their predictions. Meanwhile, the small-scale engagements on the Karul Plains were at a lull. Yet, why were they excited in this situation? However, instead of feeling angry, Kurt understood their feelings. “…It is hard to keep a cool head today, that’s true.”

It was yesterday that their hero, Liliana Miller, had returned to Mana-vil. There was no reason to keep it secret, so the news had been passed on to everyone and this was the aftermath. Lili had come a long way, but the meeting with her was delayed to calm down the excitement. However, one day was probably not enough for the excitement to settle. Kurt clenched his fists with a jubilant joy that wasn’t revealed by his calm expression. Even if they poured in all of their power, Andras was an enemy that would be hard to beat.

Adding one more senior mage wouldn’t make much difference. However, a mistress who had proven her capabilities had returned. …A heroine whose name alone would make the army want to fight! If Lili were in front of him right now, Kurt would’ve grabbed her shoulders without regard for his dignity.

“Your Majesty!” From behind the firmly closed door, a servant cried out in a slightly trembling voice, “Quattro’s Captain! Marquis Liliana Miller is asking to enter!” She had come. It was the appearing of the heroine they had been discussing, so everyone looked in the direction of the entrance. Kurt inwardly laughed before saying, “Send her in.”

The moment the king gave permission, the guards at the door opened it with great force. Shortly after that, ‘she’ entered the meeting room with a stately gaze. She wore the red robe symbolizing the red tower, with the dark blue uniform of Quattro underneath it. As Liliana Miller gazed at Kurt with shining blue eyes, the atmosphere around her was more prominent than it had been a year ago.

“Liliana Miller, the captain of the magic division Quattro.” Lili went down on one knee and greeted the king politely. “Before I properly greet the sun of Meltor, I want to apologize for my absence in the past three months.”

“There is no need.” Kurt’s mouth hardened as he spoke. “Everyone gathered in this place knows what happened. You defended yourself against the despicable actions of the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem. I can only say that you did well.”

“Your Majesty, still…” “I won’t allow any objections. Your absence during the past three months was nothing. You have repaid it 20—no, 30 times by returning alive at this time.” This scene of a subject who wanted to confess her sins and the king who dismissed them… It was a scene that made the people smile. Lili was pushed by Kurt’s firm will. The king looked at her with satisfied eyes and opened his mouth again, “Normally, there would be a big banquet to welcome you back, but please understand that the timing isn’t good.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.” They shared a few words before naturally cutting to the chase.

After all, both Liliana and Kurt both knew that Lili was an important figure in the war with Andras. Depending on how she moved, she was a wildcard that could control victory or defeat in this unification war.

“Did you hear the story about how the White Tower Master failed her mission?” “Yes, Your Majesty.” “Then this conversation will progress faster.”

The preemptive attack, carried out simultaneously by three vanguards, couldn’t be called good or bad. The value of the fortress destroyed by Veronica was quite high. However, there was the significant injury of Orta, as well as the loss of seven elite agents who had infiltrated Rutben with her. This was a war where mistresses were the key. The war hadn’t truly begun yet, so Orta getting injured was a big loss.

“According to the diagnosis, it will take the White Tower Mistress at least two weeks to recover and return to the battlefield. The problem is the time in between.” “Two weeks… That isn’t a short amount of time.” “That’s right. Two weeks on the battlefield can cause significant damage to the army. I have been discussing it with those gathered here and…” Kurt paused, looked at the serious Liliana, and then spoke the words he’d prepared, “Liliana Miller, I want you to fill that vacancy.”

“Isn’t this a daunting task to be left to me?” “We have discussed it seriously.” Kurt grinned at Liliana’s concern and pointed to the other people present.

The core of Meltor’s power was the magic towers. One of the 8th circle mages needed to defend the capital, so Veronica and Orta were supposed to take the lead with attacking. The chairman of the Magic Society could also go on the front lines, but it wasn’t easy to place him in the vanguard due to his importance. To put it briefly, Orta’s vacancy was like pulling off one of Meltor’s wings.

“No one has disagreed that you are the only person eligible for this task.” “…Thank you.” “I want to give you more time to relax, but I can’t afford it. Go to Karul Plains in three days. In addition to Quattro, the personnel you will command will be there.” Liliana saluted Kurt’s will, and Kurt got up from his seat.

The envoys from Elvenheim were still far away, and even if troops were immediately sent from Austen, it would take a minimum of a fortnight. The enemy didn’t know this, so they would go on a full-scale offensive to end the war before Orta recovered. The return of the heroine, Liliana, was like a ray of light on the battlefield.

“Rest for today, Captain Liliana.” It was only a three-day grace period, but Kurt hoped that Lili could unburden her heart during this time. Kurt’s eyes shone brightly. “Thank you again for returning and for your efforts.” They were heartfelt words without any exaggeration.

* * * Liliana left the meeting room and let out the breath she had been suppressing. “Sigh, it was burdensome in a different way.” She wasn’t scolded but praised instead…? If she had turned her eyes even a little bit, she would have been met with the shining gazes of the other people present. Their bloated expectations had been on full display. This atmosphere was due to Liliana, making her feel a sense of burden.

‘Three days… What should I do?’ Three days wasn’t a long period of time, but it wasn’t short either. If she did the right things, it would be a proper investment of the time. She could meet someone, or she could restore her condition by resting quietly.

Liliana was thinking in the garden when she suddenly recalled something she had forgotten. “Ah, that reminds me, has the automaton not been repaired yet?” The automaton produced by the Yellow Tower Master, also known as the grimoire, Paragranum. The combat machine, made from Lloyd Pollan’s body, had broken down three months ago and had yet to return to its original form. Was it because Zest’s aura was so strong? Or perhaps his ability to cut space might’ve severely damaged Lloyd’s body. If the Yellow Tower Master could repair it in three days, Liliana would get the power of one more mistress.

Liliana came to this conclusion and quickly raised her head. “Yellow tower…” The gold tower shone in the sunlight from far away. The Yellow Tower Master’s main body was always in Mana-vil, so Paragranum would reveal herself once Liliana arrived in the yellow tower.

“Okay, let’s stop by.” Liliana finished pondering on what action to take and moved quickly. After arriving at the crossroad of the four towers, she moved along the road toward the yellow tower. It would take time to climb to the top of the yellow tower. She was thinking about flying there when she heard a familiar cry. It was a yip.

“Tres?” It was a word that meant ‘three’, so Liliana had given the three-tailed fox this name. Liliana hadn’t been able to bring him into the palace, so she had left him in the garden. So, why were Tres’ cries ringing out around here? Lili immediately strengthened her body and flew to the place where the three-tailed fox’s cries were heard.

Yiiip…! Yiiiip…! Liliana soon arrived at where the fox was.

“Oh? Long time no see, Gluttony’s host.” The familiar-looking Paragranum was standing there.

“...Can I ask why you are catching that fox?” “This species isn’t present on the West Continent. I want to dissect it.” “No!” Liliana cried out with horror, taking the fox from her hands and placing him deep in her robes. The anxious three-tailed fox trembled inside her loose robe pocket. Paragranum just raised her hands and teased Liliana, “It is a joke. Well, I would’ve done it if you had given it to me. It is yours, right? I won’t dissect it without paying a reasonable price.”

“...How did you associate it with me?” “Hey, I have sources even if I am stuck in the tower. Didn’t you go to the East and return on a sea dragon? If so, you are the only one who can bring back a species that doesn’t exist here.” It was a simple explanation, and Paragranum’s smiling eyes weren’t shaken at all. After all, she hadn’t intended to dissect the fox without her permission, but she would’ve done it if she had permission. …As expected from a grimoire that wasn’t human. Liliana shook her head at her inhuman nature and brought up the reason for her arrival. “I’m sorry but I can’t give the fox to you. Rather, I want to show you something.”

“Huh? What is it?” “Open Inventory.” Liliana pulled out the wreckage of the automaton from her left hand.

There were five pieces and a head. Fluid flowed from it instead of blood, producing a bizarre sight. Paragranum stared at it without any surprise and soon deduced the cause of the damage. “It is from a high-density aura blade. This can’t be done with simple physical force. Didn’t you fight the 2nd Sword? So, it must be hit by ‘space cut.’ The spirit was cut as well as the body, so it can’t regenerate.” Liliana learned alchemy from the Fairy’s Book, so she was somehow able to interpret this meaning. The damage was spiritual, rather than physical. It meant that the automaton’s regeneration ability didn’t work properly because the nucleus had been cut by the aura ability.

“Will you be able to fix it quickly?” “Of course. This isn’t hard for me. But…” Paragranum faced Liliana with red eyes and made a circle with her index finger and thumb. “How are you going to pay for it? The materials required to repair this damage will be significant. In addition to what you received in the laboratory, there are a lot of rare materials. Can you afford to pay…”

“Look at this before saying anything else.” Liliana interrupted Paragranum and pulled a bundle out of her inventory. It was the package White Bear of the Baekun Mountains had given to Liliana. Paragranum’s eyes shone with a strange light at the fragrance leaking from the cloth. Power spots weren’t uncommon on the West Continent, but most of them were the dwelling of dragons and it was too risky to invade those areas.

However, dragons didn’t live on the East Continent for some reason. Instead, it was common for native spirits to protect the earth and nature from humans. In other words, the materials in this package were rare on the West Continent.

Liliana opened the bag in front of Paragranum, who had stiffened, and smiled cheekily. “Oh, yes, what was that about my ability to pay?” “...I will take it back.” Paragranum canceled her words with a blank expression, then she trembled and grabbed Liliana’s hands. After making eye contact with Liliana, the grimoire with an ego abandoned its pride and asked, “What price are you setting for these?”

Chapter 268 – Three Days Free (2)

Liliana was returning to Paragranum’s laboratory after half a year, and it was still filled with bizarre things. Homunculi sleeping in huge tanks, crystal skulls, strange gemstones, brewing potions, bubbling reagents… If Lili visited this place without knowing Paragranum’s identity, she would’ve misunderstood it as a warlock’s lair.

“Come, there is no hurry, so sit in this chair.” Perhaps it was because Lili looked uneasy that Paragranum took out a chair left in a corner of the room and sat Lili in it. Then she sat at a big table and started to move her quill over the parchment. It was a silent agreement that allowed her to be in here. Lili was puzzled for a moment as she looked at Paragranum's back before laughing. ‘…Does this mean these medicines are really valuable?’

The top priority for the grimoire, Paragranum, was to acquire materials to achieve the purpose of her existence. As she had said in the past, she wasn’t good at combat. So, this bag of medicine was like a pie dropping out of the sky. It was a chance to obtain rare materials without invading the territory of a dragon!

30 minutes later, Paragranum got up. She took a few designs that she had drawn and placed them on the easel in front of Lili. The designs showed a figure which resembled a human and complex calculation formulas. It was something that couldn’t be understood unless Lili’s knowledge of alchemy reached a certain level. As she admired it, Paragranum opened her mouth, “Cough, let me explain the first design. It is a war machine that switches from the existing bipedal walk to the far more advanced quadruped walk, and three pairs of arms appear like aura blades.“


“By changing the entire skeleton to an orichalcum alloy and converting the blood to a high-density liquid―”

Lili interrupted Paragranum’s words, “No, wait a minute. Quadruped walk and six arms? Did I hear that wrongly?”

“You heard it properly. This promises to be three times more powerful than before. I call it Blade Centauros!”

Was it a monster that mixed aspects from the East Continent and West Continent? Lili momentarily lost her composure and shouted, “I don’t need that!”

Meanwhile, Paragranum inquired like she was confused, “You don’t need it? You are about to go into the battlefield, so you need something with a strong fighting power. If you are dissatisfied with the appearance, you can customize it into any form you want.”

“There is too much to fix! I can’t wander around with something like this as my property. I will think about it a little bit if I can use your name as an excuse.”

“Ummm, that is a bit difficult.”

It might be different with a human form automaton, but Lili couldn’t take credit for a war weapon in this shape. If Lili acknowledged ownership, she would have to give details about the maker and the materials used. She couldn’t accept being mistaken as a warlock just for more attack power.

Lili thought this and asked Gluttony, ‘Is this realistically possible?’

-There are no loopholes in the theory. It is true that this appearance can exert three times Lloyd Pollan’s combat power. The problem is that in order to maintain the output, more than ten times the materials are consumed. I calculate that it will only be able to fight for 30 minutes.

‘…Then it isn’t possible.’

–Well, it isn’t bad as a disposable item. I’ll leave it to User’s discretion.

Lili pointed out the drawbacks, and Paragranum clicked her tongue. She hadn’t thought Lili would notice.

“Tch, that’s right. Damn Gluttony…! Even if Gluttony doesn’t have the same design ability as me, she can see through the design…?”

The grimoire, Paragranum, only excelled at ‘alchemy,’ while Gluttony showed more abilities. However, the difference wasn’t enormous. Paragranum would win if they were competing in the same environment, but it was impossible to avoid Gluttony’s insight when it came to this design. Lili didn’t know if Paragranum could lie, but Paragranum’s principle of existence was based on an equal exchange. As such, it was taboo to lie during negotiations.

“It can’t be helped. I will have to scrap this design.” Paragranum tore up the first design and moved to the next one. “Next is Hell Blazer.”

“It is another tremendous name.”

“Please listen. This design allows for a widespread attack by placing the 7th Circle magic, Inferno, along with aura swords and armor, to be unleashed. The internal heating is a bit intense, but after 5 minutes of cooling, it will restart without any problems.”

“A type of magic gun…”

When comparing the same level magicians and knights on the battlefield, the reason why magicians were superior was their ranged attacks. Even the most skilled aura users couldn’t match the efficiency of a magician’s destruction. It was the same with the sword masters, with a few exceptions. Without the destructive power of the 4th Sword, Pan Helliones, it was hard for an aura user to match the destruction of great magic. Paragranum’s design wasn’t enough to fill that limit, but it could add another strong firepower to Meltor. It was worth considering, unlike the first design.

“Then the cost?”

Paragranum smiled brightly and replied, “70% of that bag.”


“It needs the heart of an Eastern dragon, seals of a high ranking spirit, and 10 liters of manticore blood. There will be a deficit if I don’t receive 70% of that bag.”

“Dismissed,” Lili rejected the proposal without hesitation and shook her head. “I’m sorry but I have to use some of these as medicines. I can’t afford to waste 70% of it repairing the automaton.”

“Hrmm, should I discard this design as well?”

“The amount I am willing to pay is up to 50%. Choose a form that other people won’t pay attention to. Otherwise, this isn’t going to end.”

“Um… I understand. Wait a moment.”

Paragranum’s actions became faster after several conditions were attached. She cut the designs down to less than five, and they looked at the drawings in order. Lili was interested in some of them, while she dismissed others. After spending 10 minutes thinking about it, two designs were left. Then she made a choice.

“This one.”

“It is complicated but practical. The commission has been received.”

Paragranum thought the design Lili chose was a good choice. However, it was obvious that she would praise her no matter what she chose. She looked around Lili, sorting through all the clutter. There was no reason for her to stay in this space any longer after the transaction took place.

“I will complete it before you go, so don’t look for me in the meantime. I need to do careful work.”

“I understand. Ah, that reminds me,” Lili said as she was reminded of something she’d forgotten, and she asked her, “You aren’t participating in this war?”


“Not as the female avatar but as the Yellow Tower Master. I heard that you never participated in the past wars, but I think this is a situation that shouldn’t be missed.”

“Umm, indeed, it is a good opinion from your perspective,” Paragranum spoke positively, before rejecting the idea, “But like I said earlier, I don’t have many combat skills. I am strong in a space that I have built, but I won’t be a big help on the battlefield that is changing at every moment. My avatar will function as a 5th circle magician in ‘Quattro’, but my role is the defense of Mana-vil.”

“Defense? That is Blue Tower Master’s role…”

More questions appeared as though she was digging continuously into an onion. Paragranum shrugged and raised an index finger to her lips. It was hard to tell the meaning of the gesture. Lili didn’t back down, so she opened her mouth with a serious expression, “From this point onward, it is a confidential secret that only the king of Meltor is allowed to know. I want to let you know, but from the standpoint of the Yellow Tower Master, Norden, it isn’t possible. Still, if you pay me…”

“Ah, it is okay.”

“The price… eh?” Lili grinned at Paragranum. “The situation won’t get better if I know the secret, right?”

“Well, yes…”

“So, you don’t have to tell me.”

One day she would find out, so Lili got up without raising a fuss. She gave a short farewell and left the yellow tower. Paragranum, who was left alone, stared at where Lili had just been like it was ridiculous. Then she burst out laughing, “Ahahahahaha! What’s with that person?! It isn’t normal for a magician to not respond to a secret! Gluttony’s user is really interesting!”

The young girl wiped the tears caused by the physiological process as she stood in this empty lab. “It is unfortunate that I only got 30% of the goods, but… isn’t this fun? Anyway, she will come back. It is her destiny.”

Was a hero born or made? Either way, the hero always had to go through tremendous suffering and trials. Just like how Zest had turned the automaton into scrap metal, there was no guarantee that this round of repairs would help it to hold out for long. The grimoire waited for that day to come as she set out the ruined automaton in the room. The repairs were due in three days, a tight timeframe even with Paragranum’s skills.

* * *

“Sigh.” After handling the repairs of the automaton, Lili moved toward the red tower. She’d met the king in the morning, and she had been busy negotiating with Paragranum when the sun was in the middle of the sky. Her body wasn’t greatly fatigued, but she felt like resting now. Regardless of whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, there weren’t many people left inside the red tower due to the war preparations. Lili greeted three people as she passed by and arrived at her room.

The door was clean, despite her having been gone for a few months. It was proof that people managed the red tower well. Lili grabbed the doorknob with a giddy feeling. The metal door wasn’t rusty at all. She unlocked the door with an unlocking spell and turned her hand clockwise. Simultaneously, the closed door opened.

Huk. The heat which had been trapped in the room knocked against her face.

“W-What?” It was like hot water being poured onto her thighs, which made the confused Lili look ahead reflexively. Why was there hot air in a room where no one should be present? This was like entering a hot bathhouse. Then she saw the source of the heat sitting before her.

“You are late.” With red hair and golden eyes, her beauty could be seen at a glance even in the darkness. It was the great magician of the red tower, Veronica. She looked at Lili with a dour expression as she sat on the chair and grumbled, “I’ve waited since morning to surprise you but… I guess you didn’t want to see me.”

“T-Tower Master.” Lili’s eyes widened as she made eye contact with Veronica.


“I thought you were still on the battlefield…?”

“Orta. I stopped by to check up on that idiot. I have to go back soon, so I wanted to talk to you. sh*t,” she grunted as she wriggled on Lili’s chair. Even Veronica, whose body and mind were like steel, was revealing the fact that the battlefield wasn’t a good place. The heat around her body reflected her mood.



Veronica got up, approached her and opened her arms like she was hoping for something. “I don’t like acting like this, but I am having a hard time these days. So, can you cheer me up just once?”

“C-Cheer you up…”

“Don’t you see my pose?”

Lili noticed it without needing an explanation. Having her arms wide open indicated she wanted a simple hug. It could be called an expression of kindness. Lili had long lost her hesitation, so she stepped forward and held Veronica in her arms. Her body temperature was a few degrees higher than that of normal people, so it felt like her body temperature was also going up.

‘But it isn’t that hot…’ Veronica was probably being careful. The temperature of the heat haze near her never increased. A short time passed by. It seemed like Veronica hadn’t expected Lili to respond to her request, because her expression was stiff.


“Kid.” In contrast to Veronica’s hot body temperature, Lili heard her cool voice in her ears. “Why is the smell of Blue so thick around you?”

Chapter 269 – Three Days Free (3) Liliana’s face stiffened. There was no scent remaining, but Veronica precisely sensed what had happened between her and Aquilo. This might be a magician’s insight, or perhaps the senses of a quarter dragon. Otherwise, maybe it was the senses of a woman. Veronica’s thin arms started to silently tighten around Liliana’s slender build. Then her warm body temperature started to heat up. It was a testament to the fact that her powerful magic power was wriggling out of her control. “T-That.” She shouldn’t lie. Liliana desperately thought and managed to come up with a convincing excuse. “We spent three, almost four, days together while crossing the sea.” “Hrmm.” It was lacking. Veronica made a sullen expression before sighing. It was a sign that she would let it go, rather than she was being convinced. “Well, this is fine… It’s not like I was there, and I am too tired to make a fuss…” It was just a month since the war had started, yet Veronica’s face had already lost its usual vibrancy. She was an 8th circle sorceress who had inherited the blood of a red dragon. The absolutely strongest human was making an expression like this… Of course, she only revealed it in front of Liliana, but it let her know how hard the battlefield was. Veronica hugged Liliana tightly one more time before letting go. “Kid.” There was no playfulness in her deeply sunken voice. “Now, there aren’t many people who can teach you. Vince is decent, but he can’t see everything because he trusts you completely. This is my role.” A half-breed wasn’t just a mixture of the blood of two species. Their natures were also obtained. A half-elf had more than three times the lifespan of humans, was friendly with nature, and had gentle personalities. Meanwhile, half-orcs were larger than humans, lacked intelligence, and had violent tempers. In Veronica’s case, she had obtained the wildness of the red clan and the insight of a dragon that had lived for thousands of years. So, she saw a gap that Liliana was yet to be aware of. “Lili, you experienced a civil war in the Soldun Kingdom. You acted in your own way and probably thought that you have adapted.” “It isn’t the case?” “No.” Veronica patted Liliana’s cheeks in a friendly manner. “The only thing you did in the Soldun war was face a few masters, Marquis Fergana and Pan Helliones, not the ‘enemy.’ You didn’t experience leading a group or bearing the hatred of the enemies with your body.” “That…” It was an undeniable truth. Liliana had been a third party in the Soldun civil war. She had acted to prevent Andras from interfering in the Soldun war. However, her position in this unification war was different. Liliana would stand at the front lines as the hero of the Meltor army, and she would be the target of hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers. It was completely different from defeating one powerful person. This time, she would have to step over mountains of bodies and lakes of blood. Just how many talented young people had broken down because of this? It wasn’t unreasonable for Veronica to be concerned. “Well, I don’t have to be afraid if it is you,” Veronica continued talking with a soft smile. “We have to be careful not to allow our hearts to be cut. Look down at the ground from the sky, and don’t get drunk on power when you kill a thousand people with a single spell. Have a sense of fear when you are above someone.” “…I think I understand.” Humans were naturally emotional. Those with power were naturally superior to those without power. The Andras Empire was such a place which functioned based on strength. Liliana also wondered sometimes. She wanted to see the classmates, who had despised her in school, bow down to her. Knowing this wasn’t the answer didn’t mean she could shake it off. Moreover, the battlefield was a breeding place for power to corrupt. Law and order lost meaning there, while strength was the only value. Turning the dignity of life into numbers and resources, it was a hell that many people fell victim to. Some people became drunk on the feeling of superiority caused by the slaughter, while others got carried away by their wartime achievements. It wasn’t uncommon for them to become cruel and actively participate in murder. “But in the end, aren’t we magicians?” So, as Veronica said, Liliana should take care of her mind. “Don’t forget that while you can use this power to fight, you can’t use it for murder. Understood?” Liliana closed her eyes at the warmth coming from her cheek and nodded. It wasn’t just because of the warm body temperature but Veronica’s voice as well. Perhaps that was why Liliana unconsciously replied, “Yes. I will keep that in mind, Sister.” “…Uh!” Veronica’s face reddened. Then she cleared her throat and pressed firmly on Liliana’s face to stop her from seeing her face. “Y-You really caught me off guard! Where did you learn this technique? Are you really a player?” “P-Player…?” “Don’t act like you don’t know!” Veronica withdrew her hand from Liliana’s head and stepped back. “…It is time to go.” The sun had started to descend, and the sky was red from the sunset. Veronica’s expression was shadowed, like she was looking at the distant battlefield which couldn’t be seen from this tower. She barely managed to calm her breathing, neatened her disheveled hair, and waved to Liliana. “I won’t be able to come see you again. Rest for three days, and let’s meet again on Karul Plains.” “Yes, Sister should also take care.” “Yes. You take care, Lili.” With this exchange, Veronica finally left. The sound of her footsteps faded until nothing could be heard coming from the corridor. After she left, Liliana gazed at the empty chair with a blank expression. ‘A real war… is it?’ She might’ve been thinking about it shallowly before… Liliana acknowledged her own arrogance. Until now, she had mostly fought people who were stronger than her. Sometimes they had been monsters, not humans, so there had been no room for conscience and morals. How could she consider the circ*mstances of the opponent when it was an emergency situation? “I have to think about it from now on.” In a war, she would have to kill people who weren’t a threat, like moths flying toward the flames. It would be a massacre that even the war hero, Alfred, had never experienced. Liliana couldn’t be sure that her spirit would’ve been safe without any preparations. So, she had to be ready for this moment. It was for the sake of her parents and younger brother who lived in Meltor… For her fellow magic tower magicians who would be shedding blood… For Veronica was struggling, Orta who was injured, and the companions who would accompany her. ‘-Um?’ At this moment, something flashed through Liliana’s mind. ‘Is it possible? No, it is quite possible. If I time this correctly, it will be an effective opportunity…’ After the negotiations, she had 70% of the medicine from the spirits left. She also had 50% of the materials obtained from Paracelsus’ laboratory. There was a bright flash in Liliana’s mind. Both the empire and Meltor were unaware of it. In order to deceive the enemy, it would be more effective to deceive your friends first. “Okay, let’s try it.” Liliana forgot her fatigue as she made her decision. * * * At Belfort Castle in the capital of the Andras Empire: “―Hoh,” the man looked down at the kneeling knight and made an admiring sound. The man had gorgeous blond hair and reddish eyes. There was a blood-soaked sword hanging at his waist. This was Fermut, the 3rd Sword who had returned to Belfort after defending Rutben. “‘She’ is back?” “Yes, she arrived at Ribenda Port. She entered the port with the sea dragon, supposedly Aquilo. The dragon dropped her off and headed back to the sea.” “…Sea dragon. It must be that woman who was at the meeting.” Fermut clenched his fists upon recalling the bad memory. After escaping from Veronica’s bombardment, Crowd had explained why he had chosen to step away from the fight. The blue-haired beauty, who had accompanied the witch, was supposedly a dragon. Therefore, Fermut couldn’t reprimand the 1st Sword. Perhaps that dragon was involved in ‘her’ return? “That damn lizard dares to interfere…!” Still, Fermut couldn’t admit that he was afraid. Was it because of his arrogance that soared into the sky? Fermut wasn’t really afraid of her, just purely angry. Of course, only the shadows in this place were crushed by his pressure. Soon afterward, Fermut calmed down and asked, “That is enough for the report. What did the emperor say?” “He will leave commanding the front lines to you.” “I see… He doesn’t want to go to the front lines at this age.” Fermut had grown up knowing the strength of the present emperor, his father. Despite being an elderly sword master, the emperor was powerful enough to subdue all Seven Swords. Witch of Heat, Sage of Water… Even the two biggest obstacles in Meltor could be beaten by the emperor. Fermut was sure of it, since his memories of his father were so amazing. “It can’t be helped.” Fermut wasn’t willing to give up. From now on, his era was coming. It wasn’t necessary to send the fallen sun back to the battlefield to revive his glory. After this unification war was over, Fermut would be coronated. He suppressed his fear of the emperor and looked at the battlefield, which had been ongoing for less than a month. It was a big accomplishment that he had stopped the White Tower Master in Rutben. After all, Orta was a magician that Andras found hard to deal with. Fermut was able to predict how long the White Tower Master’s injury would last. ‘For at least two, maybe three weeks. He won’t be able to move for that long.’ Fermut had wanted to kill him, but a traitor had appeared and ruined it. He visualized the Clovis family and smiled grimly. ‘I’ll have to complete this war within a fortnight.’ In Meltor, the White Tower Master’s role wasn’t just of an assassin and secret agent. He was the one in charge of all flows of information, which could determine the shape of the battlefield. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Meltor’s army had lost 30% of their efficiency after losing him. If he didn’t take advantage of this time, the whole world would laugh at Fermut. “Tell this to the entire imperial army,” Fermut rose from his seat and spoke in a malevolent tone, “Gather all the troops, leaving a minimum of guards behind, and head to the Karul Plains. I will destroy Meltor’s army there!”

Chapter 270 – Karul Plains (1)

Karul Plains was a vast region at the border between Andras and Meltor, a place where the two nations shed blood at least twice a century. Despite the terrain maximizing a sorceress’s range and offense, Meltor had never managed to overcome Andras’ defense. Rutben Fortress was strong enough to be called an impregnable wall.

Moreover, Karul Plains had changed its appearance over the centuries due to countless battles. To this day, it had been pounded by hundreds of 7th circle great magic spells, creating bumps in the ground that weren’t normally found on flat land. The deeply dug land turned into canyons, and the build-up of soil became hills. The battlefield where superhumans and senior magicians gathered in the thousands had already reached the stage where nature had become twisted.

“In that sense, maybe this is the last time we can call this place a plains,” the elderly man muttered as he touched his beard. It had already been 50 years. He was currently at the top of the Magic Society, but the memories of that time were as clear as day. It was the same for any magician of a similar age who had survived that battlefield. The magic and swords had clashed together, fighting fiercely to preserve their names.

The torrential rain of fire had fallen from the sky... The sticky ground hadn’t been covered in water but mud wet with blood... Deadly blades had come from all sides. The obstacles at their feet hadn’t been rocks but the heads of people. The fog and clouds had been dyed red; it had been a hell where human life was trampled on like weeds. How many corpses were buried underneath this now peaceful-looking land? Unable to imagine it, he couldn’t help shuddering.

“Commander.” Then a middle-aged person approached the chairman of the Magic Society with some documents. “We have corrected all the inconsistencies with the terrain from the last war. It was also reported that the terrain surveying team found Andras’ scouts and tried to capture them, but they failed.”

“It won’t be easy to take them alive.”

“Yes. It is an old-fashioned method, but they each have a poison pill in their mouths. They all committed suicide as soon as their escape method was cut off.”

The expression of the Magic Society’s chairman hardened at these words. In the dangerous areas of Karul Plains, there were two types of scouts: those brilliant enough to not get caught; and those who were worthless when caught. The latter would swallow poison without hesitation if there was an attempt to capture them, even if they were non-elites. This was already beyond military discipline; it was at a level that was close to madness. The soldiers of the Andras Empire were like the Janissaries of Austen.

“…This is their determination. It is tricky.”

“Yes, it really is annoying.”

It wasn’t a one-sided relationship. Just as Meltor hated the empire, Andras hated Meltor too. They had been enemies since the early days of the founding of the kingdom, so this hatred was at the instinctual level.

“Well done, Earl Carter. Without your experience, the completion of the map would’ve been a few days late. It is a big achievement.”

“I just fulfilled my role.” Carter, who had become an earl after his achievements in the Soldun civil war, politely received the praise. He was a war mage of the red tower who had left his mark as a veteran, so it was obvious that he would be placed on the front lines of Karul Plains. For Commander Benedict, chairman of the Magic Society, there was no one more competent.

“Hmm?” At this moment, Benedict heard a ringing from an artifact. “...Hoh. ‘She’ has arrived. Understood. Tell all the leaders to gather in one place until I arrive, and call the troops that she will lead.”

“Commander. Who is that ‘her’ that you are talking about?” Earl Carter asked carefully, showing unconcealable interest in Benedict’s words. It was hard for Carter to hide the anticipation in his eyes.

Benedict laughed and gave an answer that fulfilled those expectations, “The heroine has arrived.” It was the arrival of the kingdom’s heroine, Liliana Miller.

* * *

Shortly after arriving at Karul Plains, Liliana was guided to the commander’s barracks and saw several familiar faces. The most surprising among them was the commander's face.


“It has been a long time since I’ve seen your face, Captain.” Benedict, the head of the Magic Society at the center of the magic towers, was looking at Liliana from the main seat.

Liliana was amazed as she quickly interpreted this situation. The fact that the chairman called her ‘captain’ instead of ‘prime’ meant that she hadn’t come here just as a sorceress. It meant the chairman was the commander of Meltor’s army.

Liliana finished thinking and politely saluted him, “Yes. It has been a while, Commander.”

“Hrmm.” Her judgment was right. Benedict shook his head and spoke to the leaders sitting around them, “I don’t need to introduce her, but this is Quattro’s captain, Marquis Liliana Miller. There are a few people here who know her, but let’s leave the small talk to later.”

The old man spoke sternly, refusing to show the excitement in his voice. At a glance, it could be seen that Liliana was an excellent sorceress. Magic power was overflowing from her trained build, and it was unknown if the people gathered here could overcome it. How had she reached this level at her age?

“It is good to see you, Captain Liliana. When I heard that you were only three days away, I couldn’t help rejoicing. You can blame my incompetence.”

“No. Please use me fully.”

“Huhu, you are so modest. I’m sorry if this doesn’t meet your expectations, but we have already decided on your position.”

“That is…?”

Liliana’s position was already determined…? Liliana herself was stunned, while Benedict and the other leaders nodded with a smile. Then Benedict pushed a piece of paper toward Liliana and said, “Read it slowly.”

“Yes…” Liliana received it with a questioning face and started to read the paper. Then her eyes widened. “Commander, this is…”

Liliana didn’t know the army’s formation, but she couldn’t help responding to the contents.

【 Quattro’s Captain, Liliana Miller will be given sole command of a unit composed of up to 50 people. The candidates will be recruited from Quattro, the war mages, or the magic towers, and the members will be organized according to Liliana Miller. Additionally, Liliana Miller has the right to override the commander, Benedict Alpen’s orders. 】

It meant that Liliana had the power to command a single unit at her disposal. She could even ignore the commander’s orders!

Liliana was at a loss for words. However, Benedict just spoke like it was nothing. “There is no precedent to this, but don’t think too much about it. We have come to the conclusion that a master’s power isn’t efficient when used in a non-flexible formation.”


“It is the same as the Red Tower Master. Her combat power and maneuverability are too good to be held back by the army. Of course, I can’t allow you to wander around alone like her, so I thought of this.”

The power of a master, which could surpass 100 soldiers, was a military strength. A master could overturn the flow of the battlefield with a single gesture. Thus, it was more efficient to leave it to their own discretion, rather than fit them into the army. Just like how a sword master hid in the melee for assassination opportunities, Meltor controlled the battlefield with magicians that could appear anywhere.

Moreover, Liliana and the war mages were the wild cards of Karul Plains.

“Also, Earl Carter.”

“Yes, Commander.” Carter stepped forward at Benedict’s call.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to recommend him as your assistant, as long as you don’t have someone you’ve thought of beforehand.”

“I’m sorry.”

It was true that an active veteran would be helpful, but Liliana refused the offer without hesitation. However, it wasn’t because she didn’t like Earl Carter. Benedict read Liliana’s expression and asked her, “Do you have someone in mind?”


“Can you tell me who?”

“This…” It was a bit difficult, so Liliana whispered the answer only to Benedict.

“―Hrmm.” As the head of the Magic Society, Benedict didn’t utter any surprised words. He just closed his mouth with an unpleasant expression. A person who didn’t know the situation would be deceived. Liliana admired him inwardly, while Benedict spoke to Earl Carter in an uncomfortable manner.

“Well, I understand. Earl Carter will guide you to the people you will be commanding. A full-scale operational meeting will begin tomorrow.”

“Yes. Thank you, Commander.” Liliana accepted the command and left the barrack. Earl Carter followed hurriedly behind her, while the barrack seemed bleaker than before.

Liliana had refused to accept the commander’s favor, and Benedict had a careful expression on his face. However, unlike his outward appearance, Benedict was pleased. Indeed, Benedict was forced to accept it if it was ‘him.’

‘It doesn’t matter how brilliant Earl Carter is compared to him. Well, yes. The imperial army will properly become mad.’

Benedict, the chairman of the Magic Society, laughed because he hadn’t expected something so interesting. This absolutely wouldn’t do any harm to Meltor. That’s why he was convinced by Liliana’s decision.

Chapter 271 – Karul Plains (2)

“Then please follow me.” Lili left the barrack and started to cross the military camp under Earl Carter’s guidance. Indeed, the scale was so large that Lili would get lost without a guide. Barracks were stationed on all sides and filled with Meltor’s troops. There were more than 100,000 troops, a number which couldn’t emerge unless they mobilized more than 80% of the standing army in the border army. In fact, there were troops who hadn’t joined yet, so the total number was probably closer to 150,000.

‘This will be a complete war.’

In the meantime, Meltor and Andras had been bitterly antagonistic to each other, so this war was fate. They had gathered all the troops, except for those needed to protect the capital and the kingdom. Maybe both powers had guessed it already. In order to win and destroy the enemy in front of them, more strength and sacrifices were needed. Lili’s expression grew heavier at the thought. In some ways, this war had been sparked by Liliana Miller. Elvenheim, and the three swords whom she had killed… With the addition of this strength which tipped the scales of power, Andras realized that they needed to strike. If they delayed the fight any longer, they were going to lose. If it wasn’t now, they wouldn’t be able to win.

‘This is a chance to break the horrible long history of war in the north, but I feel a little bit of responsibility.’

However, that didn’t mean she felt guilty. Regardless of Lili’s presence, the two powers would’ve fought again. There was no guarantee that the blood shed at that time would be less than the present. In the end, the flow of this era was just magnified by her. Rather, Meltor should rejoice since it was more advantageous to them. Put in another light, it meant that Andras was in a position where they had no choice other than to go to war.

Lili clenched both fists tightly and prepared herself.

“Captain Miller.”

“Yes, did something happen?” She turned to answer Earl Carter’s call, who pointed to the barrack opposite them.

“Almost there. Beyond that hill, the magicians who will give you support are waiting.”

“Oh, are you going back?”

“Yes. I was badly rejected, so I have to go back and drown my sorrow,” Earl Carter said jokingly before leaving Lili. However, his walk wasn’t light, so it seemed like he did regret being rejected. Unfortunately, Lili couldn’t accept his recommendation. She understood Earl Carter’s abilities after Soldun, but the one she appointed as deputy was much more excellent. No, she could be considered incomparable. This was the secret card that Lili prepared before coming to Karul Plains.

“…Later, I will go see her.” Anyway, her thoughts were up to here. People were waiting for her beyond that hill, so she couldn’t delay her pace any longer. Of course, Lili didn’t expect much. This position might seem plausible, but in reality, it was just a perfect place to die. Lili was a master and captain of the unit, but her subordinates would be the ones thrown to death.

‘First, Sylvia, William, and Para will follow me, but… will there even be 10 people for this insane unit?’

She might not even fill up 10 people, let alone 50 people. Lili crossed the hill while anticipating pessimistic numbers. Then at that moment…

“All members! Rise!” The loud voice of the man was familiar.

“…William?” Lili’s blue eyes widened as William, standing on the stage, looked up at her and raised a hand to his left chest. It was a natural salute without any flaws.

“Our hero! Salute to Captain Liliana Miller!”

After that, a heavy sound rang out.


It was the sound of over a hundred people stamping their feet and hitting their chest with their hands. What about their blazing eyes? A look like that of beasts of prey was flowing from their eyes. Their neat uniforms and controlled magic power gave off a feeling of elegance while proving their individual skills simultaneously.

‘The people here… They are all applying to my unit?’ She counted at least 100 people with just her eyes.

“It has been a long time, Captain.”


“Why do you look so surprised? Is it because there are more people than you think?”

Lili tried to answer with honorifics, but then changed her tone and said, “That’s right.”

“It is your fame. As long as they can fight with the ‘hero’, they are willing to die. 120 people volunteered.”

“120 people… I have to screen them.”

“Well, it is a good thing. A chance to pick the best talents, any leader would want this.”

This was also true. Lili coughed and climbed onto the podium next to William. Then she looked at the 240 people staring at her and greeted, “It is nice to meet you. As you know, I am Liliana Miller.” Some people laughed at the self-introduction, but it only lasted a short while. Who needed an introduction to the person called Liliana Miller? She was the girl who had defeated three of the empire’s Seven Swords before she was even 30 years old, as well as the main cause of the alliance with Elvenheim. Even the spies hiding in Meltor remembered her achievements.

After feeling that the rigid mood loosened a little bit, Lili raised a hand and drew the attention of the people. “First of all, I would like to thank you for volunteering to be a part of my unit. I can only pick 50 people. I hope you understand that I have to send back the rest.” Lili came down from the podium after saying those words.

“The screening method is simple. Show me your skills.” Lili looked down at the magicians and used a spell in an empty space.

‘Iron Wall.’


Walls made of steel soared from the ground at ultra high speed. It was at an astonishing speed and perfection, even for magicians belonging to the magic towers. The magicians’ eyes widened as they saw the iron wall which had risen up so quickly. It was thick and contained a weight which could be seen, even if it wasn’t touched. This was a barrier which wouldn’t be scratched by mere attack magic. While everyone was staring at the wall, Lili spoke, “Your destructive power will be based on the complete destruction of this iron wall.”

Simultaneously, Lili cast an attack spell—Flare Burst. It was a 5th circle fire-based magic, a favorite attack spell used by war mages. However, Lili’s Flare Burst was different.

Ku kwa kwa kwang!

Flames poured out of thin air and crashed into the iron wall, melting it away. It was unmistakably 5th circle magic, yet it contained the destructive power of 6th circle magic! The magicians freaked out as they looked at the wreckage, while Lili restored the wall like it was nothing. It looked like it hadn’t been broken at all.

“The next is mobility. Yes, this will be fine.” One step. When Lili moved, only 10 people were able to grasp her movements. It was an acceleration made by strengthening and lightening her body. Experienced veterans like Vince or Earl Carter could use it as casually as Lili. However, the confident volunteers stiffened.

Destructive power, mobility, defense, stealth, flight, magic circles… After a few demonstrations, those who were full of admiration started to feel shocked.

“Hah. She is obviously a genius, but this is more than that.”

“Is Prime Lili’s Sorcery an all-rounder?”

“Nonsense… It is too great to dismiss it as just that. I will toss that opinion.”

Finally, after demonstrating some exploration magic, Lili looked at the volunteers with a tired expression. “I will accept people who meet the standards in three or more fields. I’d like to do more in-depth testing, but we don’t have time. I am going to complete the formation today and then start training tomorrow. Now, Quattro members.”

Three people moved at Lili’s call.

“I will give the three of you the job of screening them. Don’t look at convenience. Pick them based on my demonstrations. Yes, you don’t have to worry about picking 50 people. Just pick those who meet my criteria.”

“I will follow your words!”

“Let’s start immediately.”

The three members of Quattro were set up as teaching assistants. Then Lili went up to the stage and shouted to the volunteers, “All members! Gather in three columns!” This was the moment when Lili’s test, later known as the Wailing Wall, would become notorious.

* * *

“…So, there are only 30 people left?” Benedict made a dumbfounded expression.

“Yes, there are 31 people including Captain Liliana.”

“There is a vacancy of 20 people. Is she recklessly believing in her own power?”

“I don’t think so.” Earl Carter put down his report and emphatically shook his head at the anxious old man’s words. Liliana had selected 30 people, with three being from Quattro, and started drastic training from the next day.

“It is an unthinkable scene considering it is her first command.”

No one, let alone Earl Carter, knew that… Liliana Miller might be in her 20s, but she had the war hero called Alfred Bellontes inside her. Despite her identity as a prince, Alfred had been at the forefront of the battlefield, spending more than a decade on it. As such, it was natural for people to underestimate Liliana. However, Earl Carter soon gave an answer, “Rather than moderately strong people, an elite force is needed in the field. If they’re not strong enough, it would be much more efficient to walk around alone.”

Benedict responded positively, “That’s right. She didn’t go to military school, but she understands her role. This is the principle of finding a suitable path.”

“I think so as well.”

It was as he said. Lili’s firepower was three or four times an average master. If she were to do guerrilla attacks, she wouldn’t need a unit. However, her role was to be a leader and command the unit. If so, she needed to judge and move according to her unit.

‘I will let her move freely.’

It was perfect logic. However, it was just a bluff if it wasn’t used properly. Benedict instructed for Lili and her followers to remain autonomous for the moment, and then proceeded to the next agenda. Then the atmosphere in the barrack became tense as he read the next report.


“Yes, finally.”

The contents stated that a large number of imperial troops were gathering on Karul Plains. The information department estimated that there were at least 150,000 troops. In addition to the current 100,000 troops on the defense line, Andras was trying to overwhelm them with 250,000 troops.


However, Benedict and the other staff members just scoffed.

“Wanting to overwhelm us with numbers? The prince is in command this time? He might have sword skills, but I don’t know if he has any ability as a commander.”

“It is as you say.”

“I will teach that infant what war is.”

So far, Meltor had never had more troops than Andras. It was natural. Judging by the population and size of the land, Meltor was half the scale of Andras. Nevertheless, the two powers had remained antagonistic to this day. Having only 100,000 troops, it was a disadvantage which had occurred more than 20 times in this long war.

“But we don’t need to deal with the angry boar head on. First, I will break the horns and teeth, and then lay a trap at its feet.”

A magician’s firepower wasn’t infinite. If they reduced the empire’s troops before entering the full-scale battle, the battlefield would become better. If so, there should be an initial exploration. Knights were faster at a short range, while magicians were three or four times faster at long range because they had flying and acceleration magic. If they broke off the supply line of the empire and blocked the path of the reinforcements… The imperial army would find out how obnoxious they could be.

“Hrmm, let’s try it.”

It was also a chance to check their power.

“Earl Carter, please bring Captain Liliana here.”

“You will use her unit?”

“It is good as a precursor.”

The leaders might consider it as nothing, but the soldiers would be troubled by an extra 100,000 enemies. What if Liliana’s status performance became widely known? It would be enough to make up for the reduced morale.

“This greeting will take the imperial army down a notch.”

The hero of Meltor—the name of Liliana—would become a nightmare to Andras. The more she acted, the higher Meltor’s morale would rise and Andras’ would fall. The other leaders at the meeting nodded. Thus, Liliana’s first mission was decided.

Chapter 272 – Karul Plains (3)

Exactly four days afterward...

‘…Demonstrating my skills, is that it?’

Liliana unfolded the order sealed in wax and read the words inside.

The search of the eastern canyon on Karul Plains and all other operational areas would be left to Captain Liliana Miller. It was obvious, but the fact that she was entrusted with this power meant she had to take responsibility.

Liliana needed to personally prove that she and her group were worthy. Benedict’s clear handwriting stated the order. It had been less than a week after the 31 members of the group were selected. Considering the special circ*mstances, this wasn’t a normal command.

The eastern canyon was much more favorable to Andras than Meltor since it was closer to the empire. Therefore, the defense systems like watchtowers had long been established. It wasn’t a place which could be attacked with only 30 people.

“How interesting.”

However, Liliana grinned after burning the letter.

“It seems like the headquarters are making a bet on what we can do in the canyon. We will either run like a mare with my tail on fire or die like a canary in the mine.”

Liliana and the 30 members of the unit had already arrived at the entrance of the eastern canyon and were in the middle of a discussion.

If the features of the terrain were ordinary, then simple navigation magic would be sufficient. However, this wasn’t the case with Karul Plains. It had been hit by massive amounts of magic and aura for centuries, so the mana of the plains itself was chaotic. Navigation magic which spread far beyond the user’s body wasn’t effective in Karul Plains.

Amidst the plains, the eastern canyon was very deep and full of chaotic mana, preventing the scope of the search range from increasing. Therefore, the eastern canyon had fallen into the hands of the empire.

It was a fatal terrain for magicians since the field of view and space was narrow. With a narrow space of 40 or 50 meters, this was a distance which the elite knights of Andras could narrow in two breaths. It was an environment where attack and defense weren’t possible. Thus, Meltor was hesitant to dig deeper into the eastern canyon.

“Well, isn’t this good?” Liliana looked around at the silent members and pointed toward the dim canyon. “Let us defeat this notorious place.”

Liliana was one step ahead of everyone else as she placed her hand on the floor of the canyon. She didn’t hesitate any longer. Navigation magic couldn’t look at the rugged terrain which the empire occupied. However, Liliana had another way to explore this terrain.

‘Mitra, please.’

[Hoing! I will look!] Mitra was summoned and responded vigorously before entering the ground.

The ancient earth elemental, Mitra… After swallowing the seed of the world tree, she had acquired the power to communicate with vegetation, making her effective on Karul Plains. Even if this wasn’t like the Red Plateau, there weren’t many weeds and trees inside the canyon.

Mitra moved through the terrain at a fearsome rate. Gluttony called it a ‘radar,’ but Liliana didn’t understand that word. Was it forgotten ancient magic? She didn’t need to know right now.


Less than 10 minutes later, a map of the eastern canyon was drawn in Liliana’s mind. She knew the location of Andras’ watchtowers, the patrols, the sniper points, and the camp at the end of the canyon. Liliana wouldn’t be a sorceress if she didn’t know how to attack after all of this.



Perhaps it was due to the vacancies that William answered politely, and Liliana proceeded to organize a separate unit for him.

“Take 10 people with excellent mobility and move according to my instructions. Use stealth. Destroy the enemy watchtowers and sniper posts without being discovered.”

“I will destroy the watchtowers and sniper posts.”

“And Para.”


Paragranum came forward in the female avatar, and Liliana gave her another mission.

“Use the excellent alchemists to create obstacles in place. Make it look as natural as possible, like real rock walls.”

“Aha, are you trying to beat the patrols?”

“Correct. There is another purpose as well, but… it is for later.”

It was a strange strategy which divided the small number of 30 troops into three groups. However, Liliana was convinced that this was the best way. She could see the future, and this strategy was supported by Alfred’s experience in her head and body. Then the 10 remaining people accompanied Liliana into the heart of the canyon.

“William, Para, and I will go in order.”

Like a seasoned veteran, Liliana waved her hand with cold eyes.


* * *

To put it plainly, there was nothing more tedious and annoying than guarding the military boundaries. The soldiers had to stare at the canyon for hours at a time to see if the enemy would approach. This repeated several times before concentration fell to the bottom.

Robin of the 12 Imperial Army strongly agreed with such views.

“Damn, why would the Meltor guys come to this damn canyon? There wasn’t even a proper battle here in the last war,” he cursed.

Robin shivered in the cold wind blowing through the canyon, as he berated Meltor and everyone who had placed him here. If he didn’t do this, he would fall asleep. It had been less than an hour since his shift started. There were still two hours until the next person would take over his post.

“It is a little cold, so can’t they give me a blanket or let me leave an hour earlier? At this rate…”

Then it was at that moment…

Puk! There was the piercing sound of wind.

“…?” A hole appeared in this neck, and Robin wasn’t even able to moan before he died. It was the 5th circle wind magic, Gale Gimlet. Gale Gimlet had a narrow range, but its penetration ability was better than that of some 6th circle magic. There were few better means of attacking in the darkness.

A transparent figure muttered, “This is the 22nd one. There are 17 remaining watchtowers and 34 snipers.”

The voice that flowed out was certainly William’s. Following Liliana’s instructions, William climbed the cliffs with his men and secretly subdued the snipers and watchtowers.

The imperial knights were experts who were skilled in bow techniques, and they were one of the reasons why the eastern canyon was known as a dangerous area. Without them, this canyon would’ve already fallen into Meltor’s grasp.

Paragranum and her people were also active.

“On this side, there will be a rockfall, with evenly mixed sand and soil.”

Under Liliana’s guidance, they created walls which disguised as natural objects.

Soil was piled up in a 10-meter-tall heap to look like a landslide. They also created artificial landforms which couldn’t be overcome with an aura user’s extraordinary abilities.

Unlike the other attributes, this earth magic dealt with mass. Even if the magic power maintaining it was exhausted, the finished result would remain unchanged. Some magicians might not be good at it, but the results of the alchemy, which Paragranum had assisted with, were literally perfect.

“What, this…? Was this way originally blocked?”

“It was clearly an empty space yesterday.”

The patrols were confused and turned around.

“It looks like a landslide has happened.”

“We’ll have to modify the map. Record what you see.”

“The patrol route should change?”

“It can’t be helped. We’ll have to report it to the higher-ups later and find a new path.”

The efficient paths of the patrols had been rendered inefficient and inaccessible.

It was a feat which wasn’t possible unless the terrain was fully understood. Both Andras and Liliana’s magicians would never think of the possibility that Liliana could see the entire canyon. If they knew it was happening in real-time, they would freak out.

Liliana knew whenever William’s troops destroyed a watchtower, and she knew every time a patrol went around a blocked road.

‘Thus far, it is going as planned.’

A dark smile appeared on Liliana’s face. The watchtowers and snipers were dealt with, and Paragranum had diverted the patrols.

This was already sufficient for headquarters to call it a big achievement. The mobile magicians and alchemists were elsewhere, while Liliana was with troops who specialized in destructive power. There was a reason she had come up with this combination.

“Captain, that…!”

“Don’t be surprised, Sylvia. That is our destination.”

Liliana looked away from Sylvia’s frightened face and stared at the faraway blue-black iron wall. It was the permanent post of the Andras army in the eastern canyon. After exploring with Mitra, she discovered that the defense system of this campsite was the poorest.

‘But the magic barrier is perfect. 4th circle magic will scatter before reaching it.’

The walls of the barrier were made of the great metal, titanium, which only great magic could destroy. It was a mysterious metal that was mined in an unknown place. Shields and walls made of this ore scattered mana, and the strength of the metal was also comparable to that of adamantium.

The metal was unsuitable as a weapon because it didn’t accommodate aura like adamantium. However, if it was made into a facility or huge shield, it would have the power to endure ranged firepower, which was the biggest advantage of a witch.

–It isn’t comparable to adamantium. It can’t be helped. People in this era aren’t familiar with it.

‘What do you mean?’ Liliana responded to Gluttony’s unexpected words. It felt like information she shouldn’t miss.

–Did you call it ‘Titanium’? It is a metal made by mixing adamantium with other materials through a special process. Its resistance to magic is excellent, but the disadvantage is that it can’t be processed with magic and there is a limit to its utilization.

‘Golems or artifacts can’t be made from it?’

–Well, in the same context. It would be necessary to consume a large amount of rare adamantium, yet magicians in the Age of Mythology could easily penetrate the defense. So, it is a metal that didn’t see much light in ancient times.

This was an explanation which couldn’t be found in any book. Liliana kept listening as she devised a way to attack this camp.

–By the way, the existence of that metal is questionable. Paragranum might know how to make it, but it isn’t an alloy that can be figured out just by digging it up. There is probably another grimoire in the Andras Empire.

‘That isn’t a problem I can worry about now. What is its weakness?’

–There are two big ones.

Liliana listened to Gluttony’s description and rotated her seven circles without hesitation.


With such a large-scale gathering of magic power, the phenomenon was naturally huge enough to be seen by the distant imperial army. Liliana ignored the bewildered gazes of her members as she decided on a strategy to take advantage of one of the two weaknesses.

First, there was attack magic which contained mass projectiles.

‘Maybe magic like Meteor Fall.’

Meteor Fall… Meteorites were rocks which were pulled out of the atmosphere and fell at terrific speeds, and the role of Meteor Fall was to summon such meteorites. The speed and firepower were amplified by the gravity of the planet. Magic resistance had no effect before falling meteors.

However, Liliana wasn’t yet in a position to cast Meteor Fall, and the other mass magic was Volcanic Shell. However, that wasn’t enough to crush the iron wall.

Therefore, she chose the second method.

‘Overwhelming firepower that the titanium can’t endure!’

Liliana’s gathered magic power shook. The power swirled around her, and the clouds overhead scattered, causing the area around her to be strangely calm. It was a natural disaster in human form. Liliana was a 7th circle sorceress, but this magic event was like something created by an 8th circle mage.

“All troops! Cast your biggest attack spell with me!” Liliana yelled out the command while activating a feature she hadn’t used for a while.


The ability allowed her to store her desired spell and use it without casting, and she could now store seven spells. It was possible, but Liliana’s magic power hadn’t been able to completely control two or more great magics.

‘…But now, it is possible!’

Her memories of the East came to mind. In the three months she’d spent there, Liliana had been able to properly train her mind and body. The full acquisition of the Fairy Dance filled an empty spot in her body and magic.

She couldn’t use all seven slots, but three or four was possible!


Four Slots Open.

Quadruple Inferno.

Four fire pillars rose. The power of one pillar was enough to burn down a town, but now four fire vortexes equal to one great magic roared like mad dragons. The clouds which got hit by the mana had already disappeared. The heat was enough to melt the rocks in the distance.

Liliana’s eyes were bloodshot with extreme concentration as she managed to control it—Rage of Ragnaros! The fire which had appeared at Magnus’ summoning had just been recreated. Then the vortexes of flames started to move.

The high temperatures melted steel like it was butter, while the birds in the distant sky died from the heat. The tremendous force of light burst against the walls of titanium.

Chapter 273 – Karul Plains (4)


A flash of light erased everything in its path as it crossed to the center of the imperial camp. The light burned through the walls of the barracks, as well as the soldiers. It was an ultra-high-temperature light which destroyed everything in its path. It wouldn’t be strange for it to have a piercing sound, but surprisingly, the noise wasn’t very loud. The magicians paled as they figured out the reason for that.

‘It can’t be…?’

‘It means the power is beyond explosions!’

An explosion was the sudden expansion of materials due to high temperature and energy. However, Liliana’s magic destroyed the material before it even expanded. It didn’t seem that strong, yet it contained 10 times the firepower of a large explosion… As such, it was natural that even the titanium barrier couldn’t withstand it.

The degree of the titanium’s purity couldn’t neutralize the spell, but even if it could, it was impossible for it to block the heat and storms which arose from the spell. It might be possible for the capital of the empire, Belfort, which had six-story-high walls with a high purity of titanium. However, this destructive force couldn’t be endured by a roughly made field barrier.

“Now! Deal the second blow before the enemy reforms their ranks!”

At the sound of Liliana’s voice, the magicians awoke from their trance.

“F-Flare Burst!”

“Thunderbolt that tears the clouds…! Thunder Calling!”

“Withdraw after hitting, Gust Impact!”

Pillars of fire, lightning, and wind fell on various areas of the empire’s camp. The firepower was minuscule compared to Liliana’s magic, but it was enough to turn the camp into a wreck. Even if they avoided direct hits, the radiant heat could even kill aura users. The enemies fell into a critical state and didn’t even know why they were dying.

This was the true value of war mages in an army! To produce a firepower which destroyed a solidly built barrier and cleansed all the troops and facilities… This was the strength of a sorceress on the battlefield. At first glance, it seemed like there wasn’t one survivor.

‘…No, there are some people still living.’ Liliana narrowed her eyes as she looked through the flames and heat haze.

Hawkeye—the vision magic Liliana had learned from an artifact a long time ago—penetrated right through the flames. Simultaneously, eight knights burst through the flames as well. They didn’t care about their blackened skin and melted armor as they roared angrily.



‘Wonderful.’ Liliana raised her arms as she admired their fighting spirit. One of them was an expert level aura user, and Liliana couldn’t be too complacent if she was in a perfect state. However, this knight was already dead. His arms and legs had long been transformed into charcoal, and his eyes and lungs were burned by the heat which couldn’t be blocked with aura. Even if Liliana didn’t do anything, the knight would die in a minute.

“I’ll send you off together.” However, Liliana didn’t back down. Her dress flapped as she stepped forward and greeted the knights. It was obviously a mistake as a sorceress, but it was right for the successor of the Fairy Dance.

Shortly afterward, the blue aura blade of one the knights headed toward her.

‘An upper right diagonal slash.’

Liliana pushed the sword down with her left hand and struck at the exposed gap with her right hand. The ether-reinforced fist had already reached the point where it could kill an aura user. Moreover, these enemies were on the verge of death from the magical bombardment. The knight’s unstable aura was scattered, causing his ribs to break and his heart to be crushed.

‘Pierce the philtrum.’ Liliana avoided the second knight’s sword by half an inch and struck his neck. The relatively thin armor covering his neck was crushed. Even the most persistent undead couldn’t keep moving with the cervical vertebrae broken.


As the second knight collapsed, Liliana raised her knee towards the third knight’s stomach. It was a robust strike aimed not just at a vital point; it also targeted the opponent’s internal organs. Liliana used the body of the third knight as a shield and struck two hesitant knights.

This was Lee Yoonsung’s special magic ether, which was a substitute for aura. When it imitated the shape of a blade, it exerted the same cutting force as aura. It didn’t take long for the remaining three enemies to fall.

As the expert knight lay in a puddle of his blood, he muttered with his dying breath, “…C-curse, M… Mel… tor…”

This was the end, and the knight’s movements came to a stop. Liliana looked down at the bodies with a blank expression, letting out a long sigh before lowering her arms.

‘Cursed magicians…’

She looked up and saw the camp which had been devastated by her and her subordinates. The noise of a human residence had vanished like a lie, leaving only the sound of fire behind.

“…This is war.” It wasn’t to survive or practice. Liliana’s power was used only to kill the enemy. In this brief battle, Liliana had killed at least 100 people. She didn’t know the contents of the inside of the camp, but there had to be enough personnel to carry out the defense.

Above all, the scary thing was Liliana’s state in which she hadn’t even realized she was exterminating them.

“Lili— Ah. No, Captain?”


“Please give us the next instructions. Everybody is waiting for you.”

When Liliana saw that the squad members were staring at her, she nodded at Sylvia’s words. She could struggle with this mental issue after they returned. Right now, she had to move according to the strategy she had developed and do it without a single mistake.

“We will withdraw.” Turning back as soon as they made a big break…?

Liliana explained to the puzzled members, “We have done this much, so Andras will send reinforcements from nearby. The watchtowers and snipers have been taken care of, so they won’t be able to know our location. Instead, the pursuers will follow Para and William.”

As such, Liliana’s group would hunt their pursuers and reverse the situation.

“Anyway, the eastern canyon isn’t an important place for the empire. If we go too far forward, we will only get surrounded. We should aim for a sure victory rather than risk our lives with an uncertain achievement.”

Alfred had been the owner of such tactics. He had always fought in a disadvantageous situation where one defeat would lead to the destruction of his kingdom. A commander must know when to step back. Other people might not agree with this idea, but Liliana had inherited Alfred’s experience.

Liliana grabbed the badge on her chest and poured magic power into it.

[William, Para. Report on your progress.]

It was the communication spell given to all Quattro members. It might be because the badge had been made directly by the Yellow Tower Master, but this artifact boasted an excellent performance on the Karul Plains.

Upon hearing the replies from the two people, Liliana turned her back on the destruction.

From now on, she needed to rush a little bit.

* * *

At that time, the Andras Empire’s forces in the eastern canyon became alert. It was due to the report that a base on the outskirts had been attacked. They must’ve been wiped out seeing as all contact had been cut off and not even a beacon was lit. Despite the many times they had been defeated in this canyon, Meltor had embarked on a bold preemptive attack!

General Torbell thought it was ridiculous. “Sir Amel! Have you gotten in contact with the watchtowers yet?”

A knight came running urgently at the call and reported to the 50-year-old general. If they didn’t want to get lost in this narrow canyon, they needed a precise map or to get directions from the watchtowers built at the top of the canyon.

However, the closer they got to the attacked camp, the less the watchtowers replied, and it was silent now.

“I have sent a signal 10 times, but there is no reply! Perhaps the enemy has intervened.”

“Damn Meltor bastards… They sure are doing it properly.”

The fighting in the eastern canyon had been going on for nearly 100 years. Due to that, Andras hadn’t had the slightest sense of caution. They hadn’t thought they would be severely poked at this time. It was a good blow. He had to admit it.

At that moment, the knight at the front opened his mouth, “General! The road is blocked!”

“What?” General Torbell looked at the map, but a path was clearly drawn.

Was it a mistake by the person who had created the map?

Just as Torbell was thinking of finding him and punishing him severely, a knight said, “General! 30 minutes ago, I received a report from a patrol. Some roads are blocked by landslides, so a new map needs to be created…”

“Fool! You should’ve told me sooner!”

The furious Torbell decided to advance, so he told the knights to find a detour. Fortunately, the knight in charge of patrolling had an excellent memory, and he remembered the changed geography. It might be a longer path, but the speed of advancement was much faster than before. They would arrive at the camp in 10 minutes.


…That was if things went as planned.

“No, a landslide!”

The empire’s elite knights were surprised by the sudden collapse of a cliff, but they took a defense formation without any chaos. If aura users gathered all in one place like this, it would turn into an impenetrable fortress.

“All members! Be prepared for impact!”

“People with shields, hurry and raise them!”

In addition to the front, back, left, and right, the knights raised large shields over their heads to block the soil and sand pouring down. It was a huge mass which could turn the human body into rotten tomatoes.

Kurururung! The landslide swept over them.

Puhak! The earth shook.

Then a knight emerged from the ground covered in rocks. No, it wasn’t just one. Like moles poking their heads out of a dug hole, the dozens of knights slowly emerged. Anybody familiar with landslides would be impressed by their health and defense.

In the meantime, General Torbell kept calm.

“Those people!”

At the end of the path, faint figures could be seen in the canyon. A real landslide wouldn’t have been as light as it was now. It was an artificially created landslide, so the knights had been able to prevent it with their defense. Of course, most of the horses died in the process, but for aura users, horses were just a way to save stamina.

“All members, chase those rats!”

They weren’t wearing lightweight plate armor, but they were knights of the empire. If they were held back by this weight, they didn’t deserve to stand on the battlefield. The knights climbed the steep slope and chased after the fleeing enemies. In the meantime, they saw the ruins of the watchtowers and the fallen snipers.

This canyon was supposed to be their territory. The pride of the Andras knights wasn’t low enough to leave magicians wandering around freely. They followed the enemies wearing robes of an unknown affiliation. If it was a long distance, it would be difficult for knights to compete with magicians when it came to speed. However, if it was a medium distance, they could catch up if they overdid it a little with aura.

Torbell rushed ahead as the fast-moving knights used aura on their legs.


The sight of dozens of knights knocking hard rocks out of the way with their heavy armor was terrifying. The robes of the magicians got closer. Of course, they didn’t make it easy to catch up as traps were triggered under the feet of the knights.

“Tch, these little tricks!”

“Fight like men!”

The booing didn’t stop the magicians. The knights eventually broke the traps and kept chasing after them, while the magicians installed more traps. This was repeated throughout the chase and seemed like it would last forever. However, the mutual fatigue wasn’t taken into consideration. Unlike Meltor’s troops, who had to consume magic power and stamina to move, the knights were in a better condition. There was more room for them in the chase.

Soon after, William’s troops were surrounded by them.

“Ah, I got caught.”

Ignoring William’s quiet mutter, General Torbell pulled out a sword from the sheath at his waist.

“These people! Daring to strike at Andras’ dignity… You won’t die easily!”

“Well, I wonder if that is really the case?”

“How ridiculous!”

The empire was strong. They would be able to recover from this much damage in an instant. Torbell snorted and spoke while covered in a red aura, “A rat cornered by a cat is trying to bite back? But you should know that you can’t beat the cat! Today, I, Torbell, will engrave that into your bones!”

“That is correct. A rat can’t beat a cat.”

“…Hrmm?” To think that William was convinced by Torbell’s words…? Torbell couldn’t seem to speak.

So, William continued, “But did I really get caught?”

“What are you saying?” Torbell asked bluntly.

William raised a hand to cover his mouth as he laughed. “You are the ones caught, you idiots.”

Torbell and the knights present didn’t notice it. Shadows were looming behind them.


Torbell had been on the battlefield for nearly 30 years, but this was the day that he experienced the feeling of horror. It wasn’t just because the enemy was behind him. That wasn’t enough to cause chills. However, what was this feeling that seemed to press at his soul? This unknown fear changed to horror, and the dozens of knights looked back.

With a red robe, black hair, and blue eyes… a woman, who was young and yet not young at the same time, was facing them. Normally, they would’ve laughed at her. However, the Andras knights knew. This person, who didn’t even look 30 years old yet, was a threat to the empire. She could never know the size of the wound she had carved into the Andras Empire.

“—You, I have heard of you,” Torbell spoke on behalf of everyone, “Liliana Miller.”

“That’s right,” Liliana responded in a grave manner.

Now, Torbell and the knights’ deaths were confirmed. It was a fact whenever meeting a master. They knew they couldn’t defeat a master who had already killed one of the empire’s Seven Swords. Therefore, they were determined to put just one wound on their enemy before dying. The resolution that filled them caused the air to shake.

“For the empire!” Torbell rushed forward with the knights behind him.

“For the glory of Andras!”

Aura soared up. Every one of them was an elite knight. Without Liliana here, the 30 war mages would’ve had to fight for their lives. Nevertheless, this world was about the strong. One master was equivalent to thousands of troops, and this absolute power difference couldn’t be overcome with the advantage of numbers. Without surrendering to the end, they all fought fiercely until they were killed.

* * *

On this day, Andras lost one outpost, two generals, 100 knights, and 1,000 soldiers. On the other hand, Meltor’s damage was only some injuries and wasted magic power. The skirmish in Karul Plains thus ended in Meltor’s victory, and Liliana’s name rose to a higher level than before. Then two days after the stunning skirmish… Andras’ spiteful counterattack began.

Chapter 274 – General War (1)

Kuuong! Kuuong! Kuuong!

Beyond the horizon, the soldiers enclosed in steel stepped forward one by one with loud noises. They were covered with iron and leather from head to toe. The swords in their hands flashed in the sun, and their feet left deep footprints in the solid earth. Weeds were crushed, and small pebbles broke as they looked forward.

There was no sound of drumming or any war cries. The eyes of the soldiers shone from underneath their helmets as they remained silent and poured all their strength into moving forward. This was the strong army of the Andras Empire.

Rather than shrinking back from the defeats since the starting of the war, the army overflowed with the will to retaliate. It was terrible that 150,000 troops were moving forward, while 100,000 still remained in reserve. Benedict, who climbed onto a hill to watch this spectacular sight, opened his mouth to speak. No, he burst out laughing.

“Huhuhuhu! Those imperial idiots have really become spiteful after their pride was broken! I never imagined it would turn out this way…”

This had all stemmed from Liliana. The damage wasn’t big enough to change the course of the unification war, but it was true that the impact was great for one blow. Benedict’s initial purpose was achieved, but it also ignited the enemy’s fighting spirit.

Earl Carter laughed at the situation and spoke, “Hahaha, isn’t it a happy miscalculation? For them to overpower the eastern canyon, that is more than I expected.”

“Huhuhu, that’s right. Our heroine has played a part, so this old man should also use some strength.”

Benedict looked around at his advisers before staring at the approaching Andras army. The laughter disappeared, and his eyes filled with a dignity suitable for a leader.

“An all-out confrontation on the plains.”

In a battle on the plains where no obstacles existed, it was usually a battlefield where sorceresses dominated. Attack spells such as Fire Ball were more powerful than dozens of arrows, and the firepower of a sorceress could annihilate thousands of soldiers.

Even if one Fire Ball could be ignored, the knights couldn’t survive hundreds of them pouring down. It was unknown about sword masters, but it was a fantasy that an individual could overcome an army.

“It is a strange struggle that common sense says they can’t win, but…”

However, none of the leaders could agree.

“Andras is outside of common sense.”

Benedict’s advisers nodded and gazed at the enemy’s frontline which had already come into view. The infantry advanced without stopping, and it seemed like the knights might rush forward at any time.

The most annoying things were the great shields, which were made of a blue-grey material. They covered several hundreds of square meters. It was the titanium shield, called the ‘Sorceress’s Despair.’

This unidentified material was the enemy of Meltor. The magic towers attempted to find its weakness and found it could only be neutralized with an organized bombardment of at least 5th circle magic.

This titanium greatly reduced the sorceresses’ firepower, giving the Andras Empire room to fight Meltor on the plains. Otherwise, the north would’ve been unified under Meltor’s banner early on. Therefore, Meltor couldn’t help feeling spite when they saw these colors.

“…A little closer, and they will be within range.”

However, that didn’t mean Meltor had no strategy to deal with it. Benedict recalled the blood that his ancestors had shed and raised his left hand. “Let’s do the standard procedure first.”

“Should we use the Tactics Sorceresses?”

“Mobilize the 3rd unit just in case. Use Judgment of Eurus on the great shield in the heart of the imperial army.”

“I will follow your words!”

The advisers raised a few flags, and the command was quickly passed on to the sorceresses. It took 14 seconds starting from Benedict’s command for the action to take place. The only kingdom which could maintain such a high-speed command system with more than 100,000 troops was Meltor.

Soon, a pale light shone on the left side of Meltor’s army, where the Tactical Sorceresses 3rd unit was located.


The wind blew. It was a tactical spell that twisted the air currents and created a vortex of power. This was proof that Judgment of Eurus was being used. There were 16 sorceresses of the 5th circle and 100 sorceresses of the 4th circle.

With all that ability gathered in one place, it meant they could exert a power equivalent to a great magic. This was the strength of tactics sorceresses, who functioned as an army rather than individuals.


Judgment of Eurus, a vortex born in the sky, suddenly plummeted toward the ground.


“R-Retreat, no, aaaack!”

“Hand! Take my handdd!”

The troops of the advancing imperial army were swept away like dead leaves, and the whole area was covered with dust.

No matter how much magical power was lost, the physical power which arose from the phenomenon remained. The titanium shields became distorted, and the soldiers depending on them were thrown away with their limbs broken.

Tactical magic, which was comparable to 7th circle magic, wasn’t something that the titanium could endure.

“Hrmm.” However, Benedict looked dissatisfied. It was because after the storm passed, there were still a few people crawling out of the cloud of dust. They were knights and aura users. If they were directly hit, they would’ve stopped breathing. However, the power was offset by the titanium, so they avoided any fatalities.

Then it was at that moment…

“Commander! Look over there!”

“What is going on? There… Hrmm?”

The eyes of Benedict and his advisers widened. They saw a portable catapult being rolled on four wheels. It was a massive structure being dragged from the rear of the imperial forces.

This wasn’t a siege, so why was Andras bringing a catapult to the plains? Their opponent was Meltor, a kingdom that could intercept the stones fired by the catapult. The Meltor troops were silent because they couldn’t understand the scene, then the loaded catapult fired a shell.

It aimed exactly for where the Tactical Sorceresses 3rd unit was located. The unexpected thing was that although the action was fast, the shell fell on empty ground, and there weren’t any casualties.


At first glance, it seemed like a pointless attack.

“K-Kuaaack! M-Magical power?”

“The links… They are all broken. At this rate…”

“The tactical sorceresses’ magic circle is being destroyed! The 3rd unit will become individual sorceresses at this time!”

The tactical sorceresses’ magic circle, which had taken a minimum of four years to produce, had collapsed. Benedict was at a loss for a moment after hearing the news, but he soon figured out the situation.

The catapult was fine. The problem was the shell that was fired.

“Surely it isn’t a titanium shell…?”

It was a metal which dissipated magical power itself, so the titanium exerted an effect even if it wasn’t in the form of a large shield.

Andras had fired a catapult to the 3rd unit, which had been exposed after the utilization of Judgment of Eurus. The goal wasn’t the individual sorceresses but to break apart the magic circle, preventing large-scale tactical magic from being used for a few days.

However, before Meltor could evacuate the area, the Andras Knights read the flow and launched an assault.

“Commander! There are 100 knights coming to the front!”

“Order the 2nd unit to use Anger of the Earth…” Benedict paused while speaking. He was hesitant about the possibility of losing another unit after the 3rd unit. This was the exact gap that Andras aimed for.


The power of the knights in full heavy armor wasn’t something that the soldiers could prevent. Blood scattered as the knights rode through the human bodies. After reaching Meltor’s front, the choice of stopping them with tactical magic was lost.

They ran through the wall made of 1,000 soldiers at once and sliced at the necks of the sorceresses. This was Andras’ terrible breakthrough power. The soldiers were broken like scarecrows, and even the well-trained magic soldiers died before they could act.

If this were left alone, the sorceress unit would be lost in 5 minutes. It was the same damage Liliana had inflicted the other day, so it was impossible to leave it alone. Benedict made a quick decision and spoke to Earl Carter, “It can’t be helped. Send ‘him’ out.”

“Isn’t it too early?”

“His power is half-exposed already. It is unfortunate, but this isn’t a situation where we can spare anything.”

“I understand. I will tell him straight away.”

‘He’? Despite the unknown identity, the advisers all nodded at the decision. That person would be able to stop it.

The eyes of Meltor’s troops were dark as they looked at the enemy knights.

* * *

“Kill them now!”

“Don’t get caught! The first thing is to keep going forward!”

The knights in the lead called out as blood covered their blades in the blink of an eye. The blood belonged to the enemies, not the knights. The soldiers who bravely jumped forward were cut by dozens of aura blades. The efficiency was a bit worse than that of sorceresses, but aura users were also like reapers for general soldiers.

This repeated, but they soon encountered resistance.


The swords, which were being wielded, stopped for the first time, and the knight in the lead realized that the soldiers around him had changed. These were the magic soldiers that Meltor was proud of. They wore military artifacts and had magic, so their combat power was a lot higher than ordinary soldiers.

“You are good… but! You will never be our enemy!”

Nevertheless, it was impossible to stop Andras’ advance.


The magic soldiers collapsed with their necks pierced. They could buy more time, but they weren’t at a level to fight the knights. Still, they sacrificed their lives to be shields for the sorceresses in the rear.

This was a mission implicitly given to the magic soldiers. In order to prevent the knights’ advance, they needed to have power on the level of a war sorceress. War sorceresses that this place didn’t have.

“―Oh, sorry for being late.” There was a grim voice, and then it seemed like two bolts of lightning struck.

Clovis Two Swords Style.

Wartime Confusion Hidden Technique.

Wolf’s Frenzy.

12—no, 24 slashes simultaneously struck the bodies of the knights in this space.


It was too late to notice by the time blood was spurting out. The swordsman avoided the drops of blood that splattered near his eyes and kicked the corpse of a knight. The knight’s head and limbs were cut off, and the knights stopped for a moment as they saw their colleague’s body.

“Are you stupid?” Randolph laughed coldly as he stabbed the two knights who had stopped moving.

As soon as Randolph appeared, he showed off his strength, which defeated three knights, and shook the blood off his blade. The other knights stared at him. Their instincts told them this monster’s power.

“…Sword master?”

Why was there a sword master in a magic kingdom? They hesitated as this question appeared in their minds. Randolph didn’t miss this opportunity and raised his pair of swords.


Then a knight was pierced in the heart from behind. The stabbing motion was too fast and sharp to be seen. It was like an attack from a warrior who had been on the battlefield for years. Simultaneously, several knights collapsed, and several people appeared behind their backs.

“What, who are you?” The nervous leader of the knights cried out.

Meanwhile, the people chuckled and didn’t reply.

The aura at the ends of their swords and spears proved that they weren’t magic soldiers. If they had one thing in common, it was the wolves which were carved somewhere, like on their armor, sheathes, or waistbands. Then Randolph opened his mouth to answer the question, “We are mercenaries hired by Meltor, the Wandering Wolves.”


A sword master working as a mercenary…?

Randolph pointed his blades at the knight who couldn’t hide his disbelief.

“I’m sorry, but you have to die.”


A sword master had come into an area with dozens of aura users. Most of all, there were the magic soldiers in the area. The operation would fail if they got caught this way. The chief knight grasped his sword tightly as he sensed this, while the knights also raised their aura. There was no surrendering even if it meant dying. The knights had been raised to be loyal to the empire, so there was no changing their allegiance.

Shortly afterward, the knights and mercenaries started the melee.

It seemed impossible since the mercenaries were less skilled than the knights. However, the difference was small in comparison to the magic soldiers, and the mercenaries had good artifacts with secondary magic.

Additionally, Meltor’s assistance improved the conditions.

Kakang! Kang! Chwaack!

The knights lost their strength and fell to the swords of the mercenaries. It would’ve been impossible without help, but this was a war, and this was the result. The knights fell down one by one. It was even more prominent in Randolph’s case. His invisible swords caused the heads of several people to fly away at once. It was done at a speed that only one of the Seven Swords could keep up with.

“Well, should I let them earn their pay…”

Little by little, Randolph stepped back, allowing his men to finish the job. Putting aside the mercenaries, he was a master who would shake up the battlefield by himself. It was more efficient to move according to commands than without any thought. Now it was time to go back to the outskirts of the army and look at the enemy’s gaps.

Randolph thought up to there, but his feet stopped.

‘No, I was stopped.’

It was more accurate to say that he was forced to stop. This was like his feet were glued to the ground, causing Randolph to turn his attention to behind him. His double swords were pulled from their sheaths and aimed at the enemy.


A white-haired woman appeared like a ghost and replied to his question, “The empire’s 5th Sword, Delkur. It is a pleasure.”

‘Delkur,’ Randolph’s eyebrows raised slightly at the name. He looked at his stuck legs and asked again, “…I see. Are you the ‘Shadow’? Is this it?”

“Yes, is it strange? It is a technique called Shadow Step. I can’t move, but you can’t escape before I release it.”

“It is a nasty technique.”

Kyah! For Randolph to speak in a tough tone with that face? “I like it.”

After these words, Delkur suddenly pulled out a spear and pointed it at him. No, it wasn’t a normal spear. At 1.8 meters long and with the semblance to an arming sword, it was a strange weapon that replaced the handle of a sword with a spear handle.


She smiled with killing intent in her eyes.

“How is it? I wonder if you can beat me at this distance?”

“Hrmm, we’ll see.”

The distance between the two masters was only 3 meters. A falchion had a much shorter reach; however, it was a reasonable distance when stabbing with a spear. Even so, Randolph laughed as he raised his double swords.

“Why do I feel like I won’t lose?”

“Ahahaha! How impudent!”

A little distance away from the battlefield, the two masters of Andras aimed their weapons at each other.

Chapter 275 – General War (2)

Kaaang! There was a sharp noise, and sparks flew. It was a sign that the spear and blade had struck each other like lightning bolts. However, at this point, Delkur’s superiority was absolute.

A spear attack required the use of one's shoulders, elbows, and wrists, but the time it took to attack and recover the weapon was short. It might be different if Randolph’s legs were free, but in this situation of limited mobility, he was late by half a measure. In the time that Randolph slashed twice, Delkur had stabbed three times.

The forehead, philtrum, throat, solar plexus, thighs… This was one of the Seven Swords of the empire, capable of grasping the essence of the whole body and attacking without a single error. Randolph struck at the snake-like tip of Delkur’s spear with his blades. However, that wasn’t the only reason why Randolph was simply defending.

‘So far, this has been the 123rd time. I should be able to gradually see the pattern, but… I still can’t catch it.’ Once a person exceeded a certain level, they could see that every person had a unique pattern of movement. It might be a flick that was a habit, but once it was repeated so many times, it formed a strange consistency which allowed the attack orbit to be seen.

Randolph, in particular, was excellent at reading these patterns. This was a type of ability that was different from Lili’s super sensitivity or Lloyd Pollan’s ability. It was a skill Randolph had developed by leading a mercenary team, touring the battlefield, and soaking up the mud.

However, he couldn’t read anything from Delkur. If she wanted to stab him in the stomach, she looked down. If he looked down, she would come from the side. It was a puzzling and tricky trajectory. He tried to blindly read ahead, but it just caught him off guard. Instead, Randolph avoided the spear that was aiming at his body and returned it with 12 strikes.

Neither of them could win with normal attacks. As soon as the two masters had the same thought, Delkur took action first with Delkur Style Snake Shadow Spear. It was like a shadow of a snake wriggling on the grass.

Poisonous Snake. Flow Change Technique. Double Snakes. The tip of the spear suddenly split in two and aimed for both sides of Randolph’s neck. One of them was fake, or maybe both were real…

However, Randolph didn’t have time to worry about it as a stabbing sound was heard. Randolph raised his two swords without thinking and blocked the right and left stabs at the same time.

Jeeeong! Delkur’s green aura and Randolph’s blue aura clashed.

“Kuk!” “…Tch.”

It was appropriate to call this an ‘offset.’ Blood flowed down Randolph’s hand. However, Delkur wasn’t in a good state either. Randolph’s strike wasn’t a small scratch, so at least one wrist should be cut off.

“Hey. Aren’t you great, Lady? One year ago, my head would be flying away. This is why I dislike geniuses.”

In Randolph’s eyes, Delkur looked like a woman in her late 20s. She had actually become a sword master in her 30s and was the owner of a talent that could even be called genius inside Andras. This monstrous orbit wasn’t something that could be accomplished just with training. Delkur’s innate talent, thoroughness, and instincts put her opponent in an unfavorable position.

“Ha? Aren’t you also a genius? This is the first time I’ve seen a sword master using dual swords, so I can’t seem to beat you. Wouldn’t it be better if you just die?”

It was as she said. The reason why Randolph could endure the spear’s speed and orbit was because he was the user of two swords which could quickly defend attacks coming from all directions. Instead, it would be more disadvantageous for him if he was a normal aura user. Being able to block the spear despite being half a beat late… the dual wield was a natural enemy that Delkur had never met before.

Randolph looked at her slightly disheveled self and spoke, “You have a fairly complicated story.”


“I was convinced by that hidden technique you just used. It isn’t a spear technique from the West Continent. It is based on the Eastern Spear technique, Seizing and Penetrating. There are many parts that have been rearranged, but it is close to the Pear Short Spear. Why is an Eastern spear technique in the Andras Empire?”

“Hrmm.” Randolph had stayed with Lili for a few months at the Baek Family’s home, so he could see it. Regardless of whether he was right about her history, Delkur didn’t answer him. She just looked disgruntled, like she had lost the heart to fight. “…Tch, it ends here.”

Delkur tightened her grip on the spear and took off her right foot, which had been stepping on his shadow. Simultaneously, Randolph realized that he could move. However, rather than feeling relieved, he looked at her suspiciously.

Delkur’s skills were certainly great, but her superiority was only guaranteed when she blocked his movements. In this environment, Randolph could kill Delkur within 300 strikes.

“Did you think I would let you go?” Randolph warned, raising his dual swords as he stepped closer.

“An obsessive man isn’t popular with women.”

“I’m sorry, but I am a persistent wolf.”

“What is that? Calling yourself a beast? Then I should throw you a bite to eat before leaving.”

‘What?’ Before he could ask, people rose from behind Delkur. They were covered from head to toe in black armor, and they held black swords in their hands. It was clear that they were Shadow Knights. These were the mad dogs of the empire who would throw their lives away without any complaints.

“I will see you later! I will kill you then!”


As soon as Randolph stepped toward the fleeing Delkur, the Shadow Knights threw themselves forward. Of course, they clearly weren’t a match for Randolph. He used exactly the time of three breaths to kill all five of them, each receiving one strike per sword. The problem was that during this time, Delkur’s presence couldn’t be felt at all.

‘No, there is the possibility that she hid herself along the way.’ It might be an unknown shadow ability that couldn’t be understood yet. Thinking about it, it was probably the ability that had allowed her to suddenly appear behind him like a ghost. As such, it was likely he would just waste time chasing after her. Randolph decided to take a step back and return to Meltor’s military command base. In a battlefield where a minute or a second could take thousands of lives, hesitation was a luxury.

* * *

The knights’ assault was the starting point, as Andras and Meltor entered the full-scale war. The knights might have been annihilated without showing great success due to the mercenaries, but Andras had yet to show even half their power. There were still 100,000 troops waiting in the rear, as well as the emergence of the Seven Swords who could be called the symbol of the empire. Therefore, Meltor had to overcome the empire in this phase.

However, in this phase when they should take advantage of the terrain of the plains, the magic kingdom was being pushed back by Andras’ army. Their strategy wasn’t bad, but the difference between the troops couldn’t be overcome. All of the empire’s soldiers had been trained for more than five years, followed by three months of training every year. It wasn’t a training regime that Meltor could go against when it was a 1:1 fight.

“…We need the tactics magic.”

“Yes, we can’t wait anymore.”

With expressions like they were chewing on worms, the Meltor leaders prepared for the tactical magic bombardment that they had postponed until now. If the previous attack had eliminated the shield, then that meant it was possible to kill thousands of enemies. The large damage that tactics magic dealt in a single attack was one of the reasons why Meltor had never been defeated on the plains so far.

However, this war was different. There was that titanium shell which had been fired by the catapult. If that damned thing destroyed the tactical magic circle, then they would be down two tactics magic units, and Meltor would lose the means to reverse that 100,000 power difference.

‘We can instruct the magicians to intercept the shell, but…’ There wasn’t just one catapult. The catapults were placed in the very rear, making them impossible to destroy with tactics magic. Meltor’s troops might be able to destroy three or four of the catapults… Two in the worst-case scenario.

Benedict’s expression twisted darkly as he made a pessimistic prediction. What should they do? It was the role of the leaders to find a solution even if it was through unfamiliar means. Benedict was even willing to jump onto the battlefield with his old body. He was about to pull a staff out when he received an unbelievable message. “What?”

However, it wasn’t just him, as the eyes of all the advisers also widened. Then Benedict ordered the reporting magician to repeat it. After confirming that his ears didn’t hear it wrong, Benedict asked incredulously, “Someone infiltrated behind enemy lines and destroyed a catapult?”

Then at that moment… Kukukung! The sound of thunder rumbled in the clear sky, and the earth where three catapults were located collapsed. An earthquake? No, that was impossible. How could earthquakes only occur in the ground where the catapults were? Benedict looked at the catapult with vision magic and screamed, “He did it! He really is a reckless hero!”

He was half concerned and half full of admiration. Beyond the incredulous and disapproving advisers, Liliana raised herself up. She used magic to move underneath the catapult and collapsed the ground.

‘Why are my ears tickling?’ She looked around as she scratched her ears.

“Is everybody safe?”

[2nd group! There are no casualties.]

[There are no problems with the 3rd group!]

The voices she heard from the communicator weren’t unclear. Despite being in the middle of the opponent, they expressed absolute confidence in their victory after moving with Liliana. Liliana laughed and connected the communicator to someone else.

It was the ‘man’ whom she had nominated as her deputy.

“Thanks for the hard work.”


The success of this ambush was more than half thanks to him. Liliana had noticed the empty space beneath the surface of the ground with Mitra’s ability, but she didn’t have the ability to move 30 people to that space. There was only one person who could do that…

Unsurprisingly, William’s voice quivered as he heard the voice that transmitted over the network, [C-Captain. S-Surely that wasn’t…?]

“Your guess is correct.”

[Hiik!] William was so surprised that he hiccuped while the enemies started to approach Liliana.

“From now on, move as we planned in advance.”

[Understood. How will you get out?]

“I have thought of my own way. Even if I can’t destroy all of them, I can escape before the resistance becomes severe.”

[… I wish you luck.] There was no time to explain. Orta understood the meaning and broke the communication network first. Liliana also cut off the communication spell, organizing her thoughts before she implemented the strategy she had envisioned a few days ago.

What was the best way to raise the greatest achievement on this battlefield? It was nice to show off her firepower with great magic. However, it was disadvantageous because she needed to recover after consuming a large amount of magic power, leaving her vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, the presence of the titanium great shields would block all great magics unless it was Fafnir’s breath attack.

Yes, the shield called the ‘Magician’s Despair’ was the problem. It was difficult to destroy with magic, and it was a significant reason why Meltor was struggling right now. Thus, Liliana decided to deal with the shields directly.

‘Gluttony, I will ask you once again. Is this really possible?’ –Of course.

Liliana had the power to break the shields. However, if she broke them, there would still be enough debris left to make new shields. Meltor’s ranged firepower couldn’t be exerted unless she removed the titanium itself. Liliana couldn’t use magic attacks or physical attacks. She needed another way to remove the titanium from the imperial army.

It was a tactic that any strategist would dismiss, but Liliana had a way.

“Okay, I will let your tongue play.”

–Don’t make it sound so dirty.

‘Inventory’ was a passage that led to the dimensional space that was Gluttony’s stomach, unlike the other dimensional pockets which were maintained with magic power. It could contain a large volume like a pirate ship, so Liliana had already confirmed that it could accommodate large shields. Liliana’s role was to approach the great shields in the midst of the strong 150,000-troop army and allow Gluttony’s tongue to make contact with them.

“I have to take at least half the shields!”

Was Liliana being influenced by the deepening of her contract with Aquilo? The sorceress with the red robes glared at the enemy and plunged into the Andras army, which was still confused.

Chapter 16: Chapter 276-300

Chapter Text

Chapter 276 – General War (3)

Still, it was unreasonable to confront an army from the front. 10 people were easy, and 100 wasn’t difficult. However, once it went over 1,000 people, a lot of magic power would be consumed. Once it became 10,000 people, it would leave time for Liliana to be surrounded by the elite enemy forces.

Liliana rapidly approached the soldiers while figuring out the most effective way to capture the great shields.

‘First, I need a trick.’ Her red dress and brilliant appearance attracted attention to ensure the safety of her unit. So, after achieving her purpose, there was no more need to be eye-catching. Liliana’s body overflowed with strong magic power.

“In the name of Aiolos…!”

An old and forgotten deity… The name itself had the same effect as summoning magic. Of course, it couldn’t be manifested by name alone, but it was enough to awaken the divinity in Liliana’s body.

The divine nature of the wind god, deeply immersed in Liliana’s soul, responded to her call.

―What do you want?

Then for a moment, Liliana’s wind affinity and magic comprehension rose to the extremes. If Liliana shared a little bit of the divine vision, she could produce magic beyond the ultimate magic.

The climate magic that Liliana chose was from the Book of Clouds. It was a spell that White Tower Master Heathcliff had used on a previous battlefield, which had caused a ‘storm.’

“Go crazy, Maelstrom…!”

As magic power flowed from her, Liliana was convinced that the climate magic was successful. Simultaneously, the airflow around her gradually moved in circles, and after a few times, the acceleration was enough to cause dust to rise from the ground. The distant clouds in the sky also spiraled as a whirlwind connected the sky and earth.


At first, it was just difficult to open one’s eyes, but it soon became hard for people to keep their feet on the ground as well. Even the knights wearing full plate armor weren’t able to endure it, while the horses that were several times heavier than a person also fell. How could this be a spell used by a sorceress?

“Lower your bodies! Don’t confront the wind head-on…uwacck!”
“S-Sir Bradley!”

Liliana’s magic wasn’t over yet, but the storm was already causing even the knights to be swept away.

‘It is quite spectacular in many ways… but it isn’t enough.’

Liliana had reproduced it on a plausible scale, but the power of the Maelstrom she cast was far less than Heathcliff’s. Originally, the wind’s rotation would tear at flesh and crush bones. Additionally, Liliana didn’t originally intend to use this magic for killing. It was just a gimmick to hide her.

‘Invisibility.’ As she chanted a spell, Liliana’s appearance disappeared.

It was transparency magic which deceived the enemies’ vision. Then she removed her eye-catching red dress and placed it in her inventory. From here on out, she had to move secretly and quickly.

As the soldiers were scattered by the storm, Liliana flew 5 meters above the ground. Her goal was the nearest titanium shield. The shield’s large size meant it easily entered her line of sight. When Liliana saw the dark blue shield which was 240 meters away to the east, she flew past the confused soldiers.

If she tried to break through with force, it would take at least 10 minutes. However, the Andras formation had fallen into chaos due to the whirlwind, and they were now in no position to capture a transparent sorceress.


Liliana settled down slightly on the surface of the great shield. She frowned when she felt the faint feeling of mana scattering. As expected, this metal was the natural enemy of magicians. It was difficult to break with direct magical interference. If it wasn’t for the inventory, Liliana might’ve withdrawn at this point.

Liliana whispered inwardly, ‘Then please, Gluttony.’


The tongue protruded from the palm of Liliana’s left hand and touched the surface.

[’Titanium Shield’ has been housed in Inventory M1.]

The giant shield that was ~20–30 meters wide disappeared from where it was covering the soldiers’ heads. The soldiers became anxious as they realized that the solid shield had suddenly disappeared.

“T-The shield disappeared…?”
“No way! My palm was just resting on it!”
“Find it! If there is no shield, we will now…!”

It was truly chaotic.

Someone looked around to find the lost shield, while another person stared at his palms in confusion. However, no one knew what had happened to the great shield, and Liliana moved to the next target without any resistance.

This time, it was a big shield around 180 meters to the southeast.

“The shield has disappeared again?”

By the time she seized four of them, Andras didn’t remain stupid any longer. The scattered knights surrounded the remaining shields, causing Liliana to become increasingly burdened. She floated in the air as she worried about the eight fortified shields.

‘What should I do now?’

Should she seize a few more or step away here?

‘If possible, I’d like to take one or two more…’

Before Liliana could abandon this lingering thought, she fell into trouble.

Kiiing-! She heard an unpleasant ringing sound. It was a noise that gave her a headache, like something was scraping the inside of her skull. Once she realized that the cause was her super sensitivity, Liliana felt something piercing in front of her eyes.


One second later, there was something penetrating the spot on the ground where Liliana would’ve been standing. She might’ve thought it was a blindly fired arrow. However, Liliana felt through Mitra that the arrow had penetrated the rocks hundreds of meters underground.

‘A person who can shoot an arrow like this…!’

‘Bow master,’ these words came to Liliana’s mind as a rain of arrows came from a few kilometers away.

It was like lightning.

A sound was left behind as there was a blue flash. The speed and penetrating power were higher than those of Magic Bullet. She would be turned into a rag if she tried to stop the arrows’ paths.

To make matters worse, Liliana’s super sensitivity was giving her a paralyzing feeling. This meant the supersonic arrow’s speed exceeded her foresight!


Liliana’s body quickly turned into lightning and zigzagged. Nevertheless, there were a few scratches which tore at her skin, and a few strands of her hair were cut off. The arrows contained a killing power which could pierce even the scales of dragons. Liliana didn’t understand since the shots seemed to be fired in advance.

‘Don’t tell me the person has the power of foresight?’

It was said that the power of seeing the future, foresight, would collide every time two users saw the future simultaneously. Was it because the future became favorable to each person that an image couldn’t be drawn?

As such, Liliana’s super sensitivity was giving her a headache because it clashed with the opponent’s foresight. The rain of arrows, with one arrow per second, lasted for 15 seconds. Then the rain of arrows suddenly stopped heading toward Liliana. Her transparency had long been unraveled, but none of the knights could reach her from where she was in the sky.

“…10 seconds.”

Liliana’s garments were covered with blood as she guessed the limits of her opponent’s foresight.

It was exactly 10 seconds from the moment of the first attack.

This was when the sense of numbness from her super sensitivity disappeared. Judging by the power of the arrows, her opponent hadn’t restrained their strength. The bow master’s arrows could only overcome Liliana for 10 seconds.

‘It is up to here.’

After the one-sided assault finished, Liliana reassessed the situation with a calm gaze. She hadn’t taken more shields, but at least she revealed the presence of an enemy bow master. An unseen master was a powerful strategy and hidden card. It would’ve been a good judgment if Liliana was killed, but now it was just an irreversible error.

“Well, next time, let’s stick together,” Liliana ridiculed the opponent before heading toward the Meltor camp.

Arrows flew after a while, but Liliana was already close to Meltor’s camp and she jumped through the space with the power of Umbra. The threatening arrows lost their meaning once the distance was more than doubled. The opposing side knew this fact, so they stopped after a few more arrows.

The result could somewhat be called Liliana’s judgment.

‘From now on, I need to move more carefully.’

The unidentified bow master, with an ability related to ‘foresight,’ could kill a skilled warrior with one blow. A supersonic shot which could strike accurately over a few kilometers… It was a foul ability that didn’t give anyone a chance to respond unless they possessed foresight like Liliana or a strong defense like Veronica. If the target had been the rest of her group instead of Liliana, half of them would’ve been wiped out even with Orta’s protection.

Then at that moment…

“―What?” Liliana stood firmly and looked into the distance, confirming what looked like a volcanic eruption. As a large amount of magic power stirred, it was on such a great scale that didn’t compare to tactics magic or great magic. The peak of humanity, the one who reached a higher realm…

The dragon’s blood and eight circles corresponded to each other, while the hot magic power pressed down on the entire plains. Before long, ‘she’ appeared in Liliana’s field of view. Behind her, there were four pairs of wings made of fire as the strength of an 8th circle magician distorted the space.

The Red Tower Master, Veronica, dominated the entire area.

[I command the great one-eyed king.] Her voice resounded through the plains as she, the strongest magician currently in existence, chanted a spell. It was an arrogance that no one could interfere with.

The arrows shot at her melted in the air, so Liliana knew that defense was unnecessary. The enormous heat itself was a shield and spear. The opponent had to be an absolute being like Veronica to break her defense.

[On behalf of the four rulers, give me magic power. Open your eye, and make everything that you see turn into ashes. See what you want, and kill what you want. Burn to the ends of the horizon, returning all life back to the earth.]

Liliana listened to it and realized the identity of the magic, “Surely this isn’t….?”

Among the few 8th circle magics which remained in modern times, Veronica was casting an ancient annihilation magic which nobody could use. It was a destructive magic that was forbidden to use in places other than the battlefield because it borrowed the name of an evil god.

If Liliana remembered correctly, its name was…

[Open your eyes and burn them.]

It seemed to tear apart the sky and the earth.

[―Death Gazer.]

The eyes of death appeared. No one could see anything. No, it was more accurate to say that they couldn’t look. Veronica’s 8th circle magic, ‘Death Gazer,’ wasn’t a spell which could be seen with the human eyes. Gluttony said it was a high-density infrared.

“No way…”

There weren’t any spectacular explosions or loud noises. However, Liliana couldn’t help shivering. This was just from a glimpse of the magic which appeared before Veronica.

“…Is it dead?”

The entire plains subsided into a fearful silence. Veronica’s magic, ‘Death Gazer,’ was fired in a certain direction. The figures who remained in its path didn’t look human anymore.

From head to toe, the humans had been turned into ashes. Death appeared everywhere it passed. From the beginning of the spell to where it ended, maybe 10,000 people were turned to ashes.

It was the death magic which borrowed the name of Balor.

“…Hi, hiiiii?!”
“R-Run away! How can we win against such a thing??”
“Monster! Monster!”

The soldiers of both camps retreated from Veronica, regardless of whether they were enemies. This power proved to be a subject of fear for both enemies and allies alike. There was only one adversary who could face her—the empire’s 1st Sword, Crowd von Russell.

A little while ago, Veronica had aimed at the rear of the imperial army where Prince Fermut’s headquarters was located. Beyond the army that had been turned into ashes, the barrack remained in a strange shape.

It was an attack which had burned 10,000 troops and tried to end this war. Yet this magic which had killed so many others couldn’t surpass the sword of a man. Holding the sword which had killed Death Gazer, the swordsman who was called the strongest in the empire walked into the middle of the plains.

“You still want to get the jump on me, Witch.”
“You are still trying to disrupt my work.”

They chatted like old friends who were meeting after a long time, despite having the tremendous strength to kill at any time. The distance between these two people, who had absolute strength, was exactly 100 meters.

Veronica and Crowd faced each other at a distance they could cross in an instant. They clashed shortly after that.

* * *

Later, an officer who recorded the battlefield said, 「 The battle on Karul Plains was nothing but an appetizer until the two absolutes were revealed. 」

The clash between the strongest people of the two powers, Veronica and Crowd, had continued for nearly an hour. The sky was torn, and the earth was crying out. Meltor and Andras had been forced to hide until the fight between the two absolutes was over. It was a struggle to move due to the aftermath of the fight.

Regardless of whether they were happy or unhappy about it, they were forced to stay still. The two absolutes had caused terrifying changes to the entire plains, before turning their backs on each other.

Did they judge that nothing would change if they kept fighting? For those who were already a few steps beyond being human, strategic analysis had no meaning. In any case, the battle on the Karul Plains was over. One officer called it ‘being lowered.’ Due to the two absolutes competing for strength, the ground was so badly damaged that it was no longer suitable for continuing a war.

From this point on, the unification war entered its next stage. The two sides retreated from Karul Plains, cleaned up the disorganized army, and divided the army units again. The holy kingdom, Lairon, and the kingdom of elves, Elvenheim, were originally expected in a fortnight, but the reinforcements coming from far away joined the rear camps early.

It was the start of a full-scale war where all the military power of the Northern Continent was concentrated.

Chapter 277 – Revenge (1)

A few days after retreating from Karul Plains, Lili took a moment to breathe in the command barrack. To put it simply, the current situation of the war wasn’t bad. No, it was actually good. The empire’s army had lost four shields thanks to Lili, resulting in the deaths of several ten thousand troops due to tactical magic. Additionally, the empire was now unable to come out boldly like before. Most of all, Meltor only had 20,000 casualties in comparison to Andras’ 50,000. If this all-out war continued, Andras would receive devastating damage.

The problem was the aftermath of the fight between the two absolutes. “It has become a place that can no longer be called a plains.” It was as Lili said. The battlefield where Veronica and Crowd, the strongest monsters in the north, had met for an hour was now so destroyed that it was impossible to remember its previous appearance. Lava pits had formed throughout the flat terrain, while rocks reminiscent of icebergs rose from crevasses. This was such a terrifying sight that no one would think was a plains. It was impossible for a thousand people to fight on this battlefield, let alone hundreds of thousands.

The commanders of the two powers roughly grasped the terrain for half a day, before retreating with their entire armies. It meant they couldn’t fight here anymore. There were many places where their armies could be stationed, not just Karul Plains. However, since there were few areas where hundreds of troops could confront each other head-on, the commanders of the two armies had to devise a new strategy and reorganize their armies.

–User, the silent Gluttony suddenly spoke.

“Why are you calling me?”

–I have something I want to ask.

“Go ahead. You will just speak anyway.”

–You understand me well. Then I won’t hesitate.

Lili waited for Gluttony’s question while feeling inwardly amused. Considering Gluttony was a grimoire that only cared about magic books, Lili was sure that it would be a question about magic books. However, her expectations weren’t fulfilled.

–It is about this war. Why isn’t User using all the hands you have?


–It isn’t a difficult story. Right now, there are several ways for User to devastate the battlefield alone. You might not be able to summon Fafnir, but summoning a high-ranking demon alone is significant. You don’t even need to order it directly. You can just throw it into the middle of the enemy territory, and it will perform its role.

That was a sharp point. Lili didn’t have just her power. Even if she couldn’t summon Aquilo due to the crisis of her chastity, the number of summons that were possible by using the ‘Library’ was endless. As a last resort, she could also give up the god sword, Claimhb Solais, to summon Fafnir. It might just be for two or three minutes, but Andras’ army would be destroyed. However, Lili didn’t use the summoning magic. She had unconsciously sealed the method for some reason.

Gluttony wanted to hear this reason.

“Uhh, don’t laugh once I tell you.”


“…There is no logical reason. It is just a feeling. My super sensitivity is telling me I shouldn’t use it. I have a feeling that things will just get bigger.”

It was a worry that she couldn’t tell anyone. She had hidden the method without any grounds, and now her allies were suffering damage… So, she didn’t feel good. If the leaders were aware of this fact, it was inevitable that they would rebuke her. Gluttony was a grimoire of reason and rationality, so Lili closed her eyes and waited for the ridicule. She wouldn’t be surprised if she was called an idiot.


Lili was forced to feel surprised.

–You came to the same conclusion using intuition, not logic? Your judgment is correct.

In this situation, Gluttony praised her instead.


–Once again. User’s intuition is right. You shouldn’t call a transcendent being like Fafnir.

“If you say so… but why?”

–From here on out, it is just my own hypothesis.

A hypothesis was something that hadn’t been proven yet, and Gluttony didn’t want to speak just using conjectures.

–Let’s change the story. User, have you ever thought that the North was strange?

“Strange… What part?”

–All of it, Gluttony declared without hesitation. –Think about it. It has already been 500 years since Meltor and Andras, the two nations that worship magic and the sword, were created and first confronted each other.

In common sense, this was natural. However, Gluttony continued to talk in a sarcastic manner. Regardless of the climate of the kingdom, there were no extreme cases like the Northern powers. Meltor had developed the magic towers and rejected the sword, while Andras had waged war on magic since the days when they first became a kingdom and declared that Meltor was their enemy. Either way, both were unusual.

It was strange that in 500 years of war, the result hadn’t leaned to one side. Despite the superior and inferior positions changing several times, there had never been a definitive result. After almost cutting off each other’s power, they had concluded with an armistice agreement like it had already been promised. Anyone who thought deeply about the history of the war in the North would find it strange.

Why had this useless war of attrition in the North persisted? Why had they gone to war every few generations and continued to consume great numbers and amounts of people and goods? Why had they not tried for a peaceful resolution just once?

–The Andras Empire is the heart of the incongruity. Regardless of which side seeming to have the advantage, they will make a move that ‘prolongs’ the war. After driving Meltor to the brink, they would step back and declare war again if Meltor begins to revive. According to actual history, Andras had a chance to unify the North many times by making a truce with Meltor. It is strange if you think about it.

“…In other words,” Lili organized what Gluttony was trying to say, “This long war in the Northern Continent is following the intentions of ‘someone’ in Andras?”

–That is my thought.

“Andras and Meltor… The history of the two nations might be due to that bastard?”

–That’s right.

“…Don’t make me laugh!”

If she hadn’t cut off the noise around her in advance, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she got treated as a crazy person. Lili was even more furious than she had ever been before. How many people had died up till now? Since the early days when the two nations were founded, they had collided with each other. At least 10 million lives had been snuffed out like candles. All these deaths had been because they were dancing on the palm of an unknown person?

‘I can’t tolerate it.’ Lili ground her teeth and barely managed to calm herself. It was still a hypothesis. Yes, she could think about it as a hypothesis. Lili barely calmed her breathing and spoke to Gluttony again, who had been waiting, “…Yes, assuming that the ‘someone’ exists, will using Fafnir stimulate him?”

–Of course. In addition, User still isn’t prepared to kill millions of lives.

“Ugh,” Lili groaned.

Then Gluttony added in an attempt at a comforting tone, –I don’t blame you. A clear mind is a great quality for a magician. It is a hundred times better than being drunk on black magic and malice like the black magic apostles.

“Well, whatever,” Lili came to a conclusion, “I will ask that person who would know the story later.”

–Indeed, that person.


‘That’ person who had been there since the early days of the kingdom’s founding, who would know the history of the North and prove the truth of this hypothesis… Lili and Gluttony came up with the same thought at the same time. They thought of the person who had founded the magic towers in the magic kingdom, Meltor, and devoted themselves to it. On the surface, everything had seemed to be for Meltor’s revival, but there was nothing to rule out that they weren’t involved with the ‘bastard’ who had caused the Northern Continent to be like this. The grimoire, Paragranum… It was time to question it.

* * *

“Oh, you came.”

As Lili entered the barrack, Benedict welcomed her with a brighter expression than before. Was it because the duties of a commander were quite heavy? Or was it due to the help of an ally? Shortly after Orta secretly joined the party, he had revealed his identity and moved to the command center under Lili’s direction. It might be necessary to move in secret, but it was too wasteful not to use his abilities as head of the information gathering network.

‘It is enough reason to use the ingredients.’

Lili had helped Orta’s body recover quickly, and Kurt had given Orta permission to accompany Lili. Furthermore, Orta’s presence in the last operation hadn’t been revealed. It had been difficult to notice Orta’s existence since the teleportation had been underground. This meant he could still be mobilized as a trump card.

“You came, Benefactor!”

“…Good morning.”

On the right side of the commander’s desk, two elves seated next to each other welcomed Lili. One was Edwin, who had come to Meltor as an envoy in the past, while the other was the guardian called Ellaim, who had fought valiantly against Laevateinn. By sending two guardians, Elvenheim proved they weren’t taking this war lightly. In addition to the guardians, there were 100 elf warriors.

100 elf warriors, which included elementalists and archers, were truly powerful. They would be able to compete with the red tower’s war mages and the elite knights of Andras in a one-on-one match. The fact that Elvenheim had sent 100 people, who could be defending the Great Forest instead, showed their regard for Meltor. It seemed like another 1,000 elves would arrive in the next few days because they were moving more slowly.

“Okay, you have all gathered on time?” Shortly after that, Veronica entered the barrack. The red hair and heat around her body didn’t seem any different from before. However, Lili’s expression became slightly shadowed. ‘Her magic power is a little thinner than usual… It looks like she used a lot of power in her fight against the 1st Sword.’

It was difficult for a normal person to feel the difference, but Lili had faced the monster called Veronica many times in the past. She might be the youngest in this place, but everyone had different experiences. Unsurprisingly, Veronica immediately disclosed this fact, “First of all, I will leave the battlefield for the time being.”

Meltor’s strongest power, an 8th circle magician, was equivalent to two armies. So, for a moment, there was chaos inside the barrack, and many people muttered with pale expressions. However, Veronica couldn’t have expected it either. “Of course, my condition isn’t good. I consumed around 40% of my magic power and only scratched that guy once or twice. Blundell will soon arrive to keep the 1st Sword in check. He will teleport in tomorrow.”

“Hrmm, I-I see.”

“Don’t be so amazed. Well, there isn’t a problem since I’m not connected to the command system. Orta recovered faster than expected, so it is favorable to us.”

In the all-out war on the Karul Plains, Meltor had gained a slight advantage. As for the benefits that could be gained by using that advantage, that was the issue that the current leaders and magicians had to address. The two guardians and 100 elf warriors…There were 5 people with the power of a master, including Orta. How should they split up this power in order to defeat Andras? Prior to that discussion, Veronica turned to Lili and said, “For the next few days, your role will be the most important.”

“…Yes, I’m aware.”

The 1st Sword and Veronica had stepped away, so it was a battlefield where the absolutes weren’t present. However, this wasn’t definitive. It took just one step for the empire’s Seven Swords to move here since it was closer to Andras’ territory than Meltor. Since they had the healing power of Lairon, Andras’ sword masters would be able to recover quickly. It wouldn’t be strange to see the 1st Sword tomorrow. Moreover, everyone had forgotten, but there was one more absolute power in the Andras Empire.

“Zest, that bastard, will come after you.”

Zest Speitem was the Imperial Sword with the ability to cut space. In other words, it meant he could jump through space itself. A sword master of the highest level could attack in an unexpected place with extraordinary timing. He hadn’t failed so far, meaning he couldn’t leave Lili alive as proof of his failure.

Veronica held both of Lili’s shoulders and asked, “How about it, can you do it?”

Could Lili deal with Zest, the empire’s 2nd Sword? The question probably wasn’t referring to ‘victory.’ It would be good if she could survive. With Lili’s age and abilities, that was the best outcome. However, Lili wasn’t satisfied with that.

“Once is enough to learn from my defeat.” This time she vowed that she wouldn’t give up. “I will properly smash him.”

“Okay! That is my girl!” The mysterious magician who was at the peak of the red tower, Veronica, laughed excitedly as she ruffled Lili’s black hair. Her ambitions toward this sorceress, this girl with her, kept on rising. She was satisfied with this fact.

“Now, reorganize the troops!” Veronica loudly raised her voice and proudly announced the name of the younger generation, whom she wouldn’t see for a while.

Chapter 278 – Revenge (2)

The meeting on the reorganization of the army took a lot of time. In addition to the newly joined Orta, there were the elf reinforcements and the two master level guardians. Not only that, but most of the elf warriors were from different fields, ranging from reconnaissance to fighting. Therefore, they had to come up with a plan of how to move them. The meeting was held until the sun was high in the sky. As a result, Liliana was placed in a vacant lot with her assigned personnel.

She looked around at those who had joined her and said, “First, Quattro and the detached group will move directly under me like before. The performance that you showed on Karul Plains was excellent. Please show the same thing in the future.”

“Yes!” The 30 magicians saluted. The groups under Sylvia, William, and Para didn’t have any casualties. They might have been lucky, or it might have been due to good commands. Liliana didn’t think this optimistic outcome would continue, but she hoped it would drag out as long as possible. She didn’t want her heart to be bothered by the loss of familiar faces.

Looking around at her subordinates, Liliana's gaze stopped on a person for a moment—a blonde girl.


She was the Yellow Tower Master who had founded the cornerstones that were the magic towers. Liliana used to think that Paragranum had simply picked Meltor as a good place to study magic, but not anymore. If there was someone who guided the northern war for centuries as Gluttony presumed, then the grimoire hiding behind a shell was also a winner.

There was a chance that the recipe to make titanium had been handed over by Paragranum.

“…Next.” However, it was still too early to question Paragranum. Liliana tore her eyes away from the grimoire in the guise of a young girl. Anyway, her body was just a terminal, and there would be no big outcome if Liliana killed her. Additionally, there was a need to find the grimoire’s main body in order to threaten it with Gluttony.

‘It is obviously hidden somewhere in Mana-vil,’ Liliana thought of a few suspicious places as she looked at the waiting elf. The elf had blond hair that was close to silver, and he looked like a sculpture. He was Edwin, the guardian of Elvenheim who was placed under Liliana's command, along with 50 elf warriors.

“I am happy to be with you again. Third branch of Elvenheim, Sir Edwin.”

“I am also thankful for your guidance, Benefactor.”

This time, they shook hands instead of using a military ceremony. Edwin was Liliana’s subordinate, but he was also a guardian with the highest reputation in Elvenheim. As an elf with the power of senior elementals, Edwin didn’t bow to anyone except for the high elves. He wasn’t someone to speak informally with.

‘I didn’t ask, but things turned out well.’ Liliana was relieved as she spoke to Edwin, who followed her like a mild puppy.

The bow master of Andras, who had aimed for her last time on the Karul Plains… Apart from Liliana who had foresight with her super sensitivity, the best person to match the bow master was Edwin. Ellaim wasn’t weak, but right now, the unit needed a master specialized in ranged combat rather than close combat. It would strengthen the strongest part of the unit, rather than the weakest part.

In the first place, war mages acted on the principle that they would defeat the opponent before they got close. Close combat was a last resort. A magician who allowed a knight to get close was already halfway defeated. Furthermore, Liliana hadn’t seen it yet, but the Gladio that Paragranum had repaired was sleeping in her inventory. Even so, there was a chance that the bow master might strike when Liliana’s feet were tied up by another one of the empire’s Seven Swords. The presence of the enemy bow master, who could shoot arrows over a few kilometers, was a nightmare.

‘In the worst-case scenario, the 1st and 2nd Swords will have recovered rapidly and then strike at me, but… it is meaningless to worry too much about it.’

The probability of that was close to zero. Liliana might be a hero, but on the surface, she was just a 7th Circle sorceress. She wasn’t an opponent that two of the strongest swordsmen in Andras would team up against to assassinate. Meltor had the combination of Veronica and Blundell, so it would strategically be very stupid.

Putting the powerhouses in one unit might allow a terrible power to be exerted at one point. However, if they didn’t act according to schedule, this could become a huge hole. For instance, if Liliana didn’t move at all, how long would the 1st and 2nd Swords wait in their locations? Meanwhile, Meltor would be able to trample on the empire. Blundell and Veronica would cut at that gap. Additionally, that could also be applied to Liliana’s force.

“Dame Rebecca, sister of Sir Randolph.”

“Yes, My Liege.”

In response to the call, Rebecca moved forward and knelt on one knee like a knight. Her left hand was on her waist, while her right hand was on her heart. It was the greeting of a person who would devote both her sword and her life to her.

‘…Indeed, she has a genius talent like Randolph,’ Liliana reflexively read and admired her skills. Rebecca’s performance had probably advanced by two stages since they said goodbye four months ago in the Soldun Kingdom. She was probably around Randolph’s level when he had been at the duel trial? Rebecca was at the last wall before becoming a sword master, realizing her Aura Ability. It was the turning point where crossing the wall depended on a person’s capabilities. Despite her admiration, Liliana spoke in a cold voice, “Is this enough to keep what you have promised me?”

She was asking if she could survive on the battlefield where even the life of a sword master wasn’t guaranteed.

“I’m sorry. But Brother said that in order to move onto the next stage, action, not practice, is needed.”

“That’s right. He also crossed this wall because of real action.”

It had been a stormy night when he had been on the side of the infamous sea dragon, fighting against a grimoire from the Age of Mythology. The experience of that day surpassed the decades of experience that Randolph had built up. After that, Randolph found his Aura Ability and his overall skills soared. It couldn’t be compared to that night, but this war might be enough to awaken Rebecca’s ability. However, that wasn’t the answer that Liliana wanted.

“Do you intend to use this war as your springboard? If you have such a thought then leave right now.”

“My Liege, please allow me to speak.”

“I give permission.”

After receiving Liliana’s permission, Rebecca looked up at her with her green eyes. “My Liege, I swore to be your sword.”


“Swing me freely. My blade will bathe in the enemy’s blood, and I will cut more sharply than before.”

“I am a sorceress. You might not get the role you desire.”

“If I’m interfering, then leave me. I will return to my sheathe at your waist.”

Rebecca abandoned her pride as a knight and only followed her. Yet as the beautiful knight spoke in a dignified manner, it was clear that some of her pride still remained. It was enough to make the people gathered here feel overwhelmed. Sylvia looked serious, but Liliana couldn’t read her mind and just accepted Rebecca’s request.

“Okay. Make sure that you thoroughly move according to my instructions.”

“I will keep that in mind, My Liege!”

As Rebecca stepped back, Liliana realized that all the personnel had been sorted out. It was a group of fewer than 100 elites. Although it might be difficult to attack Rutben, it was a unit capable of destroying a decent fortress in half a day.

“Apart from the leaders, I will see the rest of you here tomorrow morning. Dismissed!”

The work she had to do wasn’t over yet. As all the members of the unit returned to their quarters, Liliana moved to the barrack with her executives. As mentioned earlier, she had to be careful not to waste this power. She had to do something that wouldn’t become a negative. Liliana looked through the maps and used Alfred’s memories to determine the place to attack.

“Rutben is too crowded. It is a little further, but how about Elverin?”

“The distance is too great. It will take time for troops to arrive to occupy the area, and there aren’t any great benefits to occupying it.”

“Moselle Castle looks okay.”

“Umm… The terrain is vague. We don’t have to rush into things. In the East, it is called ‘something that one hesitates to give up even though it is of little interest’?”

“Then Moselle is put on hold. What is next?”

Someone asked, “What about Dofrun Castle?”

‘Dofrun Castle’ was a unique name, so the people in the barrack looked at the location on the map. Then they sighed.

“It is too much. The empire’s rangers are guarding that mountain. The whole area is completely covered with defensive lines. The enemy reinforcements will arrive in half the time.”

“Even if we can fly over the defensive lines, Dofrun Castle itself is quite a strong fortress. If we are surrounded while exhausted, our odds won’t be good. Moreover, the senior officials of Lairon are staying there, so their power would be increased.”

“It seems impossible for anyone to move stealthily toward Dofrun… It is a fortress that needs to be captured from the front, similar to Rutben.”

Dofrun Castle itself was manageable. The walls weren’t thick, and the elite troops, including the knights, were of an ordinary level. Liliana and her unit could easily destroy the fortress. The problem was the harshness of the path leading to Dofrun.

‘Ranges cover the mountain area over tens of kilometers…. It is impossible to pass through without being detected by a defensive line. Dofrun Castle should be excluded from the list of targets.’

Liliana grunted as she looked at the map and realized that the words of the other people weren’t wrong. Even Alfred, who was called a genius at tactics, couldn’t find an answer to this obstacle. Wouldn’t it be better to get a small profit, rather than aim for something big and get into trouble? Liliana was leaning toward Moselle Castle that was mentioned earlier.


Then an old memory popped into her mind.

‘Yes, if it is that…’

Liliana looked at Edwin’s face. She remembered what she had experienced when she first stepped into Elvenheim. Her mind shone as she thought of a similar method.

“…Shall we try it once?”

The next day, Liliana and her subordinates disappeared from Meltor’s military camp.

* * *

Berbatov Mountains—it was one of the largest mountain ranges in the empire, with peaks which reached an altitude of 6,000 meters. The spectacular terrain of the mountains and its geographical proximity to the border meant it had the nickname of ‘Imperial Wall.’ The rangers who defended the Berbatov Mountains were always proud of this fact, not tolerating even a single bird flying above their heads.

Today, some unlucky birds died from arrows.

“Ohh, that was pretty good practice. Did you shoot two at the same time?”

“There is a saying about two for one. So, I decided to try it once.”

“Very interesting. Should I also try it once?”

Hitting two birds with one arrow… The imperial archers were certainly remarkable, but the Berbatov rangers were the only ones who could show this type of archery—shooting flying birds with arrows. All of the rangers were good enough to distinguish faces on the horizon, and they could even see the leaves rustling a distance away. They were the reason why Meltor didn’t target these mountains. The entire mountain range could be burned down, but they didn’t use this method because there were no benefits.

The knights were filled with pride, and eventually, one of them shot down three birds with one arrow.

“Today the mountain is peaceful. Won’t we die of boredom?”

“I agree. I wish an intruder passed by.”

“Eh, just one person? There should be 100 people.”

“Hahahaha! Is that so? Indeed, I should be able to shoot 100 people!”

This remark might seem arrogant, but it was the truth. The rangers of the Berbatov Mountains could shoot hundreds of people alone. They were garbage if they missed one shot in 10. If they missed one in 100, they were a fool. Then if they missed one in 1,000 shots, they would avoid going out, stating it was an unlucky day.

So, the Berbatov rangers couldn’t have imagined that as the two knights in the watchtower were chatting, there really were almost 100 invaders passing under their feet.

‘Fools, shoot me if you can.’ Liliana laughed as she walked through a tunnel 800 meters under the Berbatov rangers. It wasn’t easy for a sword master to detect something 800 meters below ground. This was impossible to detect with just a bow and good eyesight even if the elementals weren’t being used. Liliana borrowed Mitra’s vision to watch the rangers above ground, enjoying this bold infiltration.

“Hah, I never thought it would be reproduced this way…” Edwin murmured as he walked near Liliana. This method was familiar to Edwin. It was the way of the forest. Previously, Ellenoa had shown this power to Liliana when she arrived in Elvenheim. The tree branches, roots, and bushes had moved to create a road that hadn’t been there previously.

However, Liliana applied it under the ground, not to the forest, making a tunnel which went for several tens of kilometers.

“It is only possible with your help, Sir Edwin.”

It would be noticed if they used magic, even at this depth. So, Liliana made this tunnel purely by borrowing Mitra’s power. But the amount of power consumed exceeded what Mitra was capable of. Liliana would only be able to make a tunnel that was two or three kilometers at most by herself. Fortunately, a few days ago, she had been given 50 elementalists who would support Mitra’s power.

“I can’t refuse the Dancer’s partner…”

“An auspicious day…”

Liliana ignored the burdensome rumors behind her and kept on walking. Her super sensitivity whispered that it would be a disaster if she asked what they meant. Liliana turned her thoughts to a different direction.

‘We will get there by evening. It should be fine to rest a little bit and start in the middle of the night.’

Dofrun Castle itself wasn’t far. It just seemed far away due to all the defensive lines in the mountains. If they moved in a straight line, they could reach there within a day. According to secret agents of the white tower, it was the place where high ranking officials of Lairon were staying. Liliana’s eyebrows twitched as she remembered the ugliness she had seen from those in Lairon. They were the ones who were trying to spread the flames of war in the name of their god for the purpose of gaining benefits from it.

‘The cardinal and crusaders. No, the priests are enough.’

They were a big variable that could treat people on the battlefield, so she needed to kill the ones in Dofrun. If they prepared their chants, the knights of Andras were almost immortal.

‘They always like pushing others from behind.’

That was why they had participated in the Soldun civil war and were participating in this war. They didn’t take action personally. Instead, they killed their enemies by using other people. Could this indirect killing be called murder? The people of Lairon were the type of people who looked down on others while keeping their own hands clean.

“…This time, I will stick their faces in the mud.”

Liliana would use this opportunity to teach them that they couldn’t stay concealed forever.

Chapter 279 – Revenge (3)

It might be hard to compare it to Rutben, the impregnable fortress, but Dofrun was one of the fortresses included in the defense of the border. In a normal situation, a large army needed to be mobilized in order to properly capture it. The geographical advantage of the Berbatov Mountains and the durability of Dofrun Fortress, with its multiple layers of defense, made it one of the top three fortresses in Andras. However, there was a pitfall that no one knew about. Its reliance on the geographical advantage and external defenses meant that the defenses of the fortress itself weren’t so great. If uninvited people were to appear in front of it, Dofrun Castle would be a place with its shell stripped off. The elite troops were focused on a flexible and movable outer defensive line, while the reputation of the Berbatov rangers resulted in a reduction of the standing army at Dofrun Castle. Dofrun Castle, which hadn’t been attacked by the enemy during the last two centuries, was a ripe apricot.

‘Well, it is still faithful to the basic defenses.’ Once they were a few hundred meters away from the outer walls, Liliana climbed up to aboveground and looked at Dofrun Castle, which was shining in the darkness. If there was some light, then Liliana’s ‘Hawkeye’ could see. There were a few bonfires on the walls, as well as the moon from the sky, giving Liliana dim lighting.

“…The wall material is titanium. Alert devices are arranged at regular intervals, so we can’t go through with invisibility or flying magic.”

“There are many guards. There are around 100 on the east wall facing the Berbatov Mountains. It will be hard to get past without getting caught.”

The observation wasn’t wrong, so Liliana nodded. As William said, it was impossible to avoid the eyes of so many guards. It might be possible if they could use magic freely, but it was hard due to the devices which would ring when magic was detected.

“That is the case if we are just a unit of magicians.”

Andras failed to take into account the variable that was the elves.

“Sir Edwin, will you be able to swiftly silence the guards on the wall?”

“It isn’t difficult. Leave it to me.”

The Berbatov rangers of Andras might be known for their archery, but they couldn’t compare to the elf warriors who had held bows for hundreds of years. No matter how hard the Berbatov rangers’ training had been, their targets had been human. As such, their skills couldn’t compare to the elf warriors who hunted the creatures in the Great Forest and defended Elvenheim. In the darkness, 50 elves pulled out their bows and held their breaths as they loaded the arrows. One between the index finger and string, and another between the ring finger and string… Surely they weren’t planning to shoot two at once? It defied the common sense of magicians as Edwin and the elves stared at the wall. They were familiarizing themselves with the darkness, never blinking. Blood vessels appeared on their well-trained upper arms that were pulled back. The elves’ bows were made of tendons from ogres and other monsters, so their tension was far beyond a normal longbow.

“Suuuuoh…” Edwin let out a long breath and then…


He didn’t hesitate to let go. There was the sound of a thin string snapping, and two arrows flew somewhere. The same was true for the other elves. Nevertheless, there was only the sound of one snapping. It was a feat caused by 50 people firing at the same time, without any errors in the timing. The 100 arrows rode the wind as they flew. The wind wasn’t something that had to be overcome. An elf’s bow could draw orbits that human bows couldn’t reproduce. The arrows weren’t heard because they didn’t go against the wind. The barrage of two arrows struck the guards on the east wall.



Hit in the uvula, larynx, and cervical vertebrae, the Berbatov rangers were stopped from making any sound the moment they were pierced, causing them to produce just short groans. The arrows had been aimed at critical areas, just like how skilled hunters would do. It was great that the elves could hit the target from a few hundred meters away, and all of the arrows had hit the exact spots. Some magicians, previously unaware of the elves’ capabilities, felt relief that the elves weren’t their enemies.

Liliana gave short praise for the elves’ skill and then urged the group, “We have to cross the wall before the next shift comes. Hurry!” Some people might wonder why she was in such a hurry over Dofrun Castle. However, Liliana couldn’t let herself overlook anything. Dofrun’s defensive lines were stacked around the outside, and this could immediately turn into layers of encirclement once their infiltration became known. If they were glimpsed coming from the tunnel, they wouldn’t be able to escape using that method. Then unnecessary casualties would occur. Moreover, the obstacles weren’t just the guards on the walls. There were the titanium wall and alarms which interfered with magic, both of which resulted in the magicians having to climb the wall with their bodies.

Fortunately, this problem was solved easily.

“C-Cough. Thank you.”

“Isn’t it heavy?”

This was thanks to the elves, who could easily climb the walls using elementals and their own physical abilities, carrying the magicians. It was enough for them to carry one person each. With the wind elementals assistance, the 80 people were able to climb the wall without difficulty. Liliana was more powerful than ordinary aura users and didn’t need help, which strangely caused Rebecca and Edwin to subtly express feelings of disappointment.

‘It is much easier than I thought. Elves can substitute for the weak physical abilities of war mages, and the elementals can get past the alarm devices… This might be a surprisingly good combination.’

An average person thought that the combination of knights and magicians was the best, but the magicians and knights didn’t agree. Magicians thoroughly aimed their firepower from a distance, while knights quickly narrowed the distance to take down the enemy. It was difficult for the two types to work together when they moved in opposite directions. When a knight mixed in with the enemy, the magicians wouldn’t be able to exert the destructive power that was their strength. On the other hand, a knight who had to protect a magician would be like a tied-up wild horse. Rather than benefit, they only hampered each other.

However, the elves who could use the sword, bow, and elementals were different. Sometimes they maximized firepower from a distance like magicians, and other times they closed in on the enemy for close combat. Of course, they would be at a disadvantage when compared to magicians or knights in both fields, but their utilization on the battlefield was unrivaled. A three-man cell of two magicians and an elf warrior wasn’t a bad tactic.

Kiiing-! Then it was at that moment…


At the same time as Liliana spoke, the 80 people quickly stopped. They were on the outskirts of the castle. The elves were famous for being sensitive, but even Edwin looked puzzled and didn’t know why Liliana had stopped.

‘Indeed, it is this feeling.’

The last time, Liliana hadn’t been able to sense it because it was mixed in with the chaos of the battlefield. However, now that she could concentrate, she could feel it clearly. Her super sensitivity faded and then disappeared. It was evidence that another person’s foresight was interfering with her ability. The bow master, whom she had fought on Karul Plains, was hiding in Dofrun Castle.

“Sir Edwin.”


“The bell tower that is 500 meters southwest. Fire an arrow to the top floor of the tower.”

It went against their efforts to remain hidden so far. However, before anyone could speak, Edwin immediately loaded the arrow and fired. This was the storm arrow that he had once shown in the Great Forest. The force contained in the arrow was less than that time, but it was enough to blow away the top of the bell tower.


One octave sharper, Edwin’s bow cried out.


Oddly, more power was added the further it moved. The arrow rotated the wind in the space it passed by, making the surrounding airflow become as sharp as a blade! There was a creepy piercing sound as the arrow hit the bell tower.


Like a sandcastle, the solid marble tower collapsed.


“Don’t tell me they were waiting…!”

The moment the top of the bell tower collapsed, human figures stood up from the shadow they were hiding in. This had been overlooked because Liliana’s unit couldn’t use navigation magic. The human figures were using aura to restrict their breathing and heartbeat as they hid in a place that couldn’t be seen. It was a familiar tactic for the Shadow Knights who carried out assassinations and espionage. However, Liliana and the unit didn’t flinch. They wouldn’t lose out on power even if they were surrounded. Two masters alone exceeded 100 people. Hundreds of shadows were just an exercise for them. Therefore, the person who appeared after this would be the real threat.

“Yes, you can perceive my ability.” A man appeared beyond the shadow knights. “I intended to kill you on Karul Plains, but I never imagined there was a magician who could flee from my arrows.”

“The foresight ability isn’t unique.”

“That’s right. Our enemy, Liliana Miller… I’m glad to know that you didn’t die in vain.”

The man, who was more like a hunter than a knight, smiled as he held a big bow in his right hand. He had the eyes of a beast of prey, rather than a human. It was the gaze of a beast who knew how to shoot and how to kill. Liliana had faced many people, but this was the first time she had seen such a blatant gaze. As a bow master born in the sword empire, he wasn’t an ordinary person.

[Sir Edwin and each squad captain, listen to me.]

As Liliana faced the bow master, she opened the communication network and delivered instructions. According to her reasoning, they weren’t tonight’s main players.

[Sir Edwin, please fight the bow master. The rest will form teams of 10, with your respective squad leaders. You can’t let the Shadow Knights go. Priests and paladins will also join in.]

[Then Lili—no, what about Captain?] Sylvia asked reflexively.

Then Liliana responded with knowledge that the rest of them didn’t know, [If the bow master had intended to fight me, he would’ve made his appearance right away. Instead, he hid in the city in order to concentrate on sniping me. This means there are separate people who will deal with me.]

[Separate… D-Don’t tell me?]

[It is possible. I expected us to reunite, but I didn’t know it would be so soon.]

They were coming. Tension and excitement filled her blue eyes as she gazed in a certain direction. There was a man wearing luxurious white clothing decorated with gold. This man was probably Cardinal Antonio, one of the ringleaders of the Soldun civil war, whom Orta had spied on. After looking at that ugly face and remembering it, Liliana focused on the person who was more important.

“Ohh! Using evil magic and then walking into a dragon’s mouth with her own feet! It is truly God’s guidance, Sir Speitem!”

“Shut up, you fanatic.”

Shaking Antonio off with rude words, Zest stepped forward while pulling out a sword hanging at his waist. Unlike last time, there were no signs of him being relaxed. The air sharpened with every step he took. Liliana’s skin stung, and a chill ran down the back of her neck as tension filled her body.

“We met again, kid.” It was a reunion with the sword master, Zest Speitem, who cut space. He was the person who had turned Liliana’s automaton into scrap metal in just two seconds. This was the person who stood shoulder to shoulder with Veronica, Blundell, and Crowd as the strongest in the North. It was the appearance of a mighty enemy whom Liliana had to confront alone.

“…Your broken ribs look better.”

“Ahh, it’s thanks to that damn bastard. I would’ve killed him a long time ago if he wasn’t the one who healed me,” Zest spoke with sincere killing intent as he glanced over his shoulder at Antonio. It seemed like he didn’t have a connection with religion. Rather, his connection was closer to hatred. Regardless of whether he felt the killing intent or not, Cardino Antonio just smirked and waved his hand. It was a gesture to move along.

“Son of a bitch,” Zest spat out before turning back to Liliana. “Shall we begin? I absolutely won’t miss this time. Be alert, I will kill you with the best of my ability.”

“Are you sure? Last time was probably your only chance.” Liliana took a step back and immediately summoned Gladio from her inventory. Her life was at risk, so there was no point in saving it. People looked astonished at the armored knight that suddenly appeared out of thin air. Zest, who had fought Gladio once before, sneered at Liliana. “That toy again? You repaired it only for it to be turned to pieces again.”

“It is different from before. It is upgraded.”


No more words were necessary. The air shook as the two people, Liliana and Zest, gathered their power. It might’ve been 10 seconds, or maybe 5 seconds. Zest’s blade moved forward, while Gladio took one step under Liliana’s control. Two archers pulled back their bows, their arrows blocking each other. This was the beginning of the rematch.

* * *

Zest’s sword cut the space first.

Zest’s Style Space Cut: Decapitation.

From the start, there was no carelessness. Zest had acknowledged Liliana’s strength in the last battle. For Liliana to have summoned the senior demon, Magnus, and have the wit to be able to pull off a trick like that… Zest might be arrogant, but he had a cool head. Liliana Miller wasn’t an enemy to be looked down on. The sword master’s aura shook as he understood this.

‘I have to get rid of this can first.’

The piece of scrap metal that felt curiously familiar… The presence of the doll, who had an aura equivalent to that of a master and could use an Aura Ability, was a mystery to Zest. Apart from Zest or the 1st Sword, the other members of the Seven Swords would struggle against it. It couldn’t be mass-produced, but if he didn’t smash it every time he saw it, his allies in other parts of the battlefield could be hurt by it. Zest’s blade moved through the air and fell upon Gladio’s head.


Nevertheless, he couldn’t cut it. Two blades collided and sparks of aura flew. Zest frowned at the recoil.


He checked it again.

Zest’s Style Space Cut: Dividing Cut.

Not one but many cuts at the same time. It was an Aura Ability that went beyond speed itself. The clavicle, femur, and vertebrae were aimed at almost simultaneously, so they couldn’t all be blocked.

At least, he thought so.

Kakakang! Kang! Kaaang!

Exactly six attacks were all blocked. Zest’s sword wasn’t able to land on Gladio. Not only did Gladio succeed in defending, she was also going for a counterattack.


There was an exchange before Zest and Gladio took three steps apart. It was a temporary lull. If Liliana’s strength were added, it would turn into an outright melee. Gladio’s performance was proven, so she no longer needed to be passive.

“Hey,” Zest opened his mouth while filled with doubts and anger, “What is this bastard?”

“I told you, it was upgraded.”

Gladio was a natural enemy of space magicians, while also being a cheat against swordsmen who interfered with space. Liliana desperately thought and developed a plan for Gladio. There were two additional features that she had asked Paragranum to add.

Chapter 280 – Revenge (4)

“…Acceleration spell? No, it is a little different,” Zest muttered as he felt a subtle discomfort. His sword couldn’t be caught simply by speeding up. Even if Randolph, who had an acceleration ability, were here, it wouldn’t be much different. The ability to cut space was so powerful. Even if the attack was foreseen with ‘Pathfinder’, it couldn’t be caught with a fast speed. Liliana was only able to avoid it by turning to lightning.

Yet Gladio was somehow catching up with Zest’s sword. ‘Well, there is no reason to talk about it.’ Liliana knew the secret, but she didn’t open her mouth anymore. As Zest was feeling the discomfort, Lili rotated her circles and gathered magic power. The amount of magic power she wielded surpassed that of a typical 7th Circle sorceress. Lili's red dress flapped from the pressure, as dozens of fire spears appeared in the air.

Memorize. Four Slots Open. Quadruple Flare Lance. The number of spears which could be created with one spell was seven, so the four Memorize slots were added to her spoken spell to create 35 fire spears. The chilly night air started boiling, and the darkness was driven away. The Shadow Knights hiding in the darkness were exposed, and light struck the middle of the stage.

“Go!” The 35 spears shot forward without hesitation. Kwa kwa kwa kwang! Lili didn’t expect them to hit Zest's body. A sword master could move a few dozen meters in one step, so if she wanted to hit a sword master, lightning magic was more appropriate than fire magic. Liliana knew all this but still chose to use fire magic. The reason for it was revealed shortly afterward.

“Kuk, this doll is quite decent!” In a sharp and violent manner, Zest shouted angrily as he took three steps back. It was because the explosion of the fire spears swallowed him the moment Gladio struck with her sword. Of course, the damage to Zest was only marginal. As one of the most powerful sword masters, Zest’s defense meant he could withstand 5th circle magic.

The problem was that the fire spears were only the beginning. ‘Triple Casting.’ Liliana unleashed three spells at the same time. Chain Lightning. Gravity Bound. Acid Mist. A net of lightning, gravity, and poisonous fog formed around Zest and Gladio. It was different for the non-living Gladio, but it was a deadly series of attacks for Zest’s body. ‘It is an attack that can easily be avoided if he is only dealing with me…’ Right now, Zest had to deal with the sword master and automaton Gladio that could catch up with his sword. The moment he tried to step away from the fog, Gladio’s sword aimed at Zest’s head.

Jeeeong! Zest’s ankles sank down into the ground. “Damn, this crappy can!” That’s right. Unlike Zest, Gladio didn’t receive any damage from the lightning, gravity, and acid. Liliana used this point to successively use wide-area magic. Additionally, a sword master’s defense was proportional to their aura. If Zest tried to block the magic with his aura, he couldn’t help being exhausted. If he tried to retreat, Gladio would catch his ankles, and if he tried to survive, his aura would be exhausted rapidly.

Nevertheless, the strength of the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem, hadn’t reached the bottom yet. Zest’s Style Space Cut: Footwork Hidden Technique. Kill Interval. At first glance, Zest’s blade cut nothing but air. Gladio didn’t have an ego and didn’t care, but Liliana was suspicious. In retrospect, it was natural to think about the application. It reduced the path that the sword passed through, speeding it up. If this was possible, could it be used for something else? Yes, let’s give one example. ―Cutting down the interval used to approach the enemy.

“Gotcha, kid.” Zest suddenly appeared in front of Liliana and aimed his sword. Zest’s Style Space Cut: Decapitation. The blade shone in the light. The space cut appeared behind Liliana and aimed for the cervical spine at the back of her neck. A red glow scattered like blood. In fact, it wasn’t actually blood because Liliana had jumped forward into Zest’s arms and aimed both palms.

‘She’s caught!’ Liliana suppressed her tempo at first because she had anticipated a surprise attack, then she borrowed Umbra’s power to escape to another dimension. No matter how sharp Zest’s Aura Blade was, it couldn’t cut Liliana who was temporarily in another dimension. It might be different with the hidden technique he used in the past, but Liliana couldn’t be reached with a normal aura attack now.

Liliana used her courage and wit to move through the gap and reached out a hand. Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission. Double Palm Hit. Sun and Fertile Earth. Zest was unprepared, and he was hit sharply in the stomach. It was a blow that reproduced aura with ether, strengthening the impact of the blows. Kaaang! Zest’s body was thrown back with a bang. The blood flowing from his mouth was proof that his insides had been impacted. He wasn’t careless, but it was the price he paid for not doing his best.

Gladio mechanically chased him with her sword, while Zest raised his head. “...Indeed.” Zest wasn’t angry about being hurt, he was just indifferent. “I should go all out.” The aura overflowing from Zest’s sword faded. No, it was converging with a much stronger density. That power which oscillated space gathered on the blade, transforming it into a sword that would kill anything it touched. Liliana saw it and knew it was a signal for the end.

‘He is bringing out his trump card.’ The first style of Zest’s technique, cutting through space to shorten the attack process, was just the basics. Zest’s true combat power wasn’t attached to preemptive attacks. It wasn’t just the attacking process, but also the attack power that cut at the target. This wasn’t just physical strength, but a destruction that could pierce magical defenses. This was the true value of his space cut.

Liliana needed to avoid it unconditionally or use a magic that resisted the concept of space. There were only two ways to fight. Liliana wiped at her sweat and pulled out the trump card she had prepared. Memorize. Three Slots Open. Triple Infernal Blade. Infernal Blade compressed the 7th Circle magic, Inferno, into a single blade. This was an original spell that Veronica had once shown her, and she had received it directly from her. A sword of purgatory that could threaten a sword master…

Zest remembered seeing it in the last war, so he raised his sword and commented, “That is the Witch’s heat sword. You didn’t use this last time?” “I guess that is true.” “You have grown so much in four months…? It sounds like nonsense, but I believe it because I have been watching you.”

His frosty eyes said that he recognized Liliana as an equal power. At this moment, Zest Speitem decided to use everything he had to kill Liliana. He would abandon his pride as the 2nd sword and face the adversary in front of him. His determination sent a cold chill down Liliana’s spine.

Then at that moment… “Huhu, your stubbornness is up to here. Sword Brother.” “...You, didn’t I tell you to get lost?” “I’m sorry, but I can’t. According to the ‘Revelation,’ I have to drive out all evil in this world. It is the reason why this Antonio lives.” Cardinal Antonio, who had been watching the two people fight from behind, walked forward. The cardinal ignored Liliana like she was dirt on the roadside and whispered to Zest, who didn’t lower his guard, “Why don’t you admit it? If you want to kill her with all your strength, it is okay to borrow my hands.” “...You.” “You aren’t refusing, huhuhu!”

This was a disadvantage for Liliana. She didn’t know the cardinal’s battle ability, but if the cardinal was on the same level as a crusader, he would be a master. Liliana had grown from her experience in the East, but she couldn’t afford to go against Zest and another master.

Would she have to call out Fafnir? Or might she have to take out what she had saved as a last resort? ‘Damn, they are a nuisance in Soldun and here.’

Then it happened when Liliana was busy staring at the disgusting cardinal and thinking of options. Someone saw a dull mist appear around Dofrun Castle. Between Andras and Meltor, another force started to intervene in their battle. They reached out to those who fell and died on the battlefield. Indeed, it was a disaster.

* * *

In the night sky which was lit up by flames, arrows revealed their fangs toward their master’s enemies. Sometimes, it was like a swallow. Sometimes, it was like a strand of wind. Sometimes, it was like a flash of lightning. The two archers fired arrows at the same time and had similar thoughts. ‘Hrmm, a formidable opponent.’ ‘This human, she is amazing…!’

The two archers, Edwin and the unknown bow master, watched the battlefield at an interval of 100 meters and pulled back their bows. Either way, the goal was the same—Liliana Miller. The empire’s archer tried to shoot her, while Edwin stopped the attempt. Zest was a strong opponent, so it would be fatal for Liliana to be hit by the bow master. Therefore, Edwin was desperately trying to stop him.

He couldn’t miss a single one. Rather, Edwin was the one overwhelming the other side with the number of arrows. Unlike the bow master who needed to reload, Edwin used the power of elementals as arrows. There wasn’t even a moment when an arrow wasn’t loaded. Jjang! Chaaeng! Jjang! Jeeeong!

Four arrows hit in the air and exploded. Edwin understood as he watched the scene. ‘Seeing the future… it is an annoying ability.’ It might be a little exaggerated, but the ranged attacks were basically shooting in the ‘future.’ After 1 second, 2 seconds, maybe 10 seconds… It was the ultimate goal of an archer to envision future attacks, an area which could only be reached by raising accuracy through experience and talent. However, the bow master observed and shot in the future. Even before Edwin’s arrows had finished their acceleration…

The arrow was deflected. A powerful shot was fired even before Edwin’s arrow left his bow. The difference in half a tempo caused him to be suppressed. Edwin didn’t feel like he was losing, yet neither could he win. If this situation continued, the enemy would continue to antagonize him until the enemy’s quiver was empty.

“Hmm, it doesn’t feel bad.” According to what he could see, the battlefield was flowing slightly in Meltor’s favor. Despite the superiority of the Shadow Knights’ encirclement, Liliana’s unit wasn’t easily pushed. It was due to the strong combination of war mages and elves, who possessed magic, spirits, bows, and swords, compared to the knights who could only use the sword. ‘It is our first time working with humans… This is a very interesting scene.’

The elves competed against the knights with the sword, while the mages supported from the rear with various support and recovery spells. In the end, the elves pushed their enemies away and the magicians didn’t miss this gap, pouring offensive magic toward the exhausted knights. This combination was surprisingly good. If the opponent wanted Edwin to collapse, he would have to push through with firepower or defeat Edwin with one well-aimed shot. It was impossible for the Shadow Knights to get close to him.

“...Then the problem is over there.” There was a reason why Edwin didn’t think the winner was certain yet. It was the people wearing white clothes embroidered with gold. They wore sun symbols symbolizing their god, and the priests sang soft songs which didn’t fit the battlefield. It was a wide-range hymn that drew out the divine power in their bodies, interfering with the magicians’ concentration and restoring the body of the knights.

The chants from the Lairon Kingdom were truly annoying. A golden light wrapped around the knights. Knights with bones burned by fireballs, knights hit by shock waves, and destroyed knights stood up in just a few minutes. Of course, they weren’t completely cured. However, the impact of being able to continue in the battle was quite large. In the case of Meltor, it meant they couldn’t kill the enemy unless it was a blow that caused instant death. They overwhelmed the enemies with an efficient combination, but more enemy reinforcements would arrive over time or their magic power would run out.

“Shiz! Attack those darned fanatics!” “No! The shields of the knights are too hard. It looks like a titanium alloy…” “It is supposed to be a rare metal, so why is there so much of it?” “Son of a witch! They aren’t zombies, so die already!” Someone mentioned zombies. It was a type of undead that didn’t react even if their limbs were broken or torn off. The knights restored by the priests were indeed like zombies. It was just lucky that they didn’t smell bad. As someone laughed at the joke, another knight raised himself from a pool of blood.

“Ku…kuaa…aaaah!” Strangely, the pool of blood indicated that it was definitely a lethal blow. The priests couldn’t restore all the lost blood, no matter how good their divine power was. The wounds were filled up, so maybe this knight was overcoming the limitations of his body with mental force? The moment the Shadow Knight tried to get up, a fellow colleague tried to help him.

Kwaduduk! He got bitten. The Shadow Knight’s mouth, revealed by the broken helmet, struck the neck of the colleague who had come to support him. People gawked at the bizarre sight. Blood rose from the torn carotid artery, and the bitten Shadow Knight slumped down.

“...W-What?” “Who used Berserk magic on that knight?” “Are you crazy? Why would we make them stronger?” “And even if that magic was used, it wouldn’t turn them into a cannibal…” The confused Shadow Knights and magicians forgot to fight for a while because they couldn’t understand the situation. Before they could figure out why, the truth was revealed.

…Ku…ooo…aahhh…! The knight, who had been killed after being bitted, groaned and raised himself up. “U-Undead?” The word emerged from someone’s mouth. It was like a door had opened during the fight.

Kiiik, kiiiik. Not just one or ten… There were sounds of dozens, maybe more, footsteps in the darkness. Once they got closer, everyone realized it. The area had been contaminated by the magic of death, and it covered both Meltor and Andras. The public enemy of everyone on the continent, the warlocks… The darkness, which caused hundreds of thousands of casualties every time they emerged, appeared in Dofrun Castle.

Chapter 281 – Revenge (5)

The zombies were moving bodies with rotting flesh. They had lost the image of humans and moved on all fours like beasts. Their souls were forcefully pulled out of their bodies and turned into banshees. The crowd of undead emerged from the darkness of Dofrun Castle. This was the most famous area of black magic, the remnants of death made from necromancy.

“Warlocks? Why are they here…?”

“These bastards are like co*ckroaches!”

The reactions of the confused magicians varied. Some were puzzled, and others felt indignant. However, there was one thing in common—no one welcomed the appearance of a warlock. The Magic Society declared that black magic was evil. People who weren’t familiar with it thought it was just different attributes, but magic and black magic didn’t have anything in common except their foundations. They were both the exclusive property of humans and exercised power based on the circles. It was a unique intersection of authentic magic and black magic.

To briefly summarize, black magic was the power to deny this world. The mark that symbolized black magic was the reverse pentagram, and the warlocks were split into five factions. One faction was of necromancy, a spell that broke the circle of life and death. Another was of domination magic that made the body and soul submit. There was also a faction that called forces from outside of this world. Aside from those, there were Chronos warlocks and those who worshipped demons.

They made up the five corners of the reverse pentagram. Among them, necromancy was the one that caused the most number of casualties. Necromancers would be targeted by the entire continent if discovered. Anyone who saw the devastation of Dofrun Castle would think this decision was valid.

“They’re coming!” The scream was the signal for the curtain of slaughter to rise.

Kieeeeeeek-! Terrible screams! The banshee’s cry was an acoustic weapon that shook the soul itself. The magicians knew this and prepared sound-proofing magic, but that wasn’t possible for the Shadow Knights.

Understandably, the first victims appeared in the Andras camp.


There were screams as long nails from a ghoul were shoved into a crack in a helmet. The eyes of a knight were pierced deeply. Simultaneously, the poison from the ghoul’s fingernails quickly burned through the knight’s optic nerves.

The broken Shadow Knight fell to the ground.

“Be vigilant! Circulate aura through your entire body! Otherwise, you will be affected by that scream!”

“Switch to protective magic! Maintain the defensive posture while moving back!”

However, the people of the Andras Kingdom weren’t fools. They used the one casualty as a reference and concentrated on protecting their troops, rather than worrying about Meltor. It was clearly the correct judgment, and the Shadow Knights faithfully followed the command.

The undead treated all living beings as targets, so Meltor would be attacked as well. The Meltor unit came to the same conclusion and waited. They were expecting the ugly deaths to come rushing toward them.

Soon after, the moment came. The zombies’ yellow teeth, the ghoul’s poisonous nails, and the banshees’ screams… However, there was something wrong with the scene as the undead all headed in one direction.


Someone expressed everyone’s feelings.

“W-What, these bastards!”

“Don’t panic! Don’t let your breathing be disturbed!”

“Why are they only aiming at us?!”

The undead flocked toward where the Andras knights were. There were some undead in the area near Meltor, but it didn’t compare to the number surrounding the Shadow Knights. In a sense, it was a great opportunity. However, Meltor suffered from the unfathomable situation and couldn’t move.

‘Why are the undead leaving us alone?’

‘Why aren’t they attacking us?’

The war mages panicked at this bizarre scene while the elves stood by idly. The leaders of both the Meltor and Andras groups were also confused.

“No, what is this all of a sudden?” The undead suddenly appeared in the middle of the city and were only attacking the Andras side? There was no one who would’ve predicted this, even if the best strategies of the continent were brought together.

In the end, Zest gave up on understanding and his mouth fell open. Liliana thought it was ludicrous despite it benefiting her. She didn’t have a good relationship with warlocks, so why would they help her and Meltor?

‘…I don’t know.’

There wasn’t enough evidence to reach a conclusion. Liliana worried about this situation and looked around. Her unit had a great advantage once the undead were added. She didn’t know why, but it was clear that they were benefiting from it. If dozens of Shadow Knights and the priests protecting them were killed, then Liliana’s purpose of coming to Dofrun was over.

Despite this, Liliana didn’t like this option.

‘I don’t know the intentions of this warlock, and it is risky to stay here.’

She couldn’t judge this as assistance. Liliana focused on the still disturbed Zest while thinking of the necromancer hiding somewhere in the city.

However, someone moved before Zest and Liliana.

“These people! You are the messengers who have called these demons!” Cardinal Antonio, an elderly man who came from the Lairon Kingdom in the far north, shouted with a rough voice and pale face. “Sacrificing good people to use the power of demons! I am the seed of heaven that will punish you! If you repent now and give me your lives, you will only burn in the fires of purgatory for half a day!”

“…Excuse me Cardinal, what is the basis of your barking?”

“It is a revelation from God Lairon!”

“It is just nonsense.”

Liliana and Zest forgot to fight, as they listened to Antonio’s words and exchanged subtle looks. It was unclear if they should continue fighting. Their concentration was forcefully dispersed by this disturbance, and they couldn’t gather their power again thanks to the atmosphere. Liliana and Zest both struggled.

Then at that moment…


“This is…?”

Liliana and Zest, one beat later than Cardinal Antonio, looked in the same direction with surprised expressions. On the roof of a mansion near where the two people were fighting, a black knight stood. It had a fiery and unearthly presence. Liliana had felt this empty feeling before in the duel trial.

‘Death knight…!’

It was a master level knight who was given life by the magic of death! The death knight’s physical abilities were amplified several times. It didn’t feel pain, and its durability was close to immortality. Randolph had been the victor, but that was because the death knight had been unable to exert all of its powers at that time.

This death knight that appeared in the middle between Liliana and Zest wasn’t bound by any constraints.

“…Grrr…grr…” It couldn’t speak. The death knight made strange sounds while holding a sword in its hands.


A gray color aura rose from the blade. It was a color that living humans couldn’t have. It couldn’t exert an Aura Ability, but a death knight’s aura was said to contain the power of death that decreased life. The blade was a sword of death that weathered flesh and bones. If Zest allowed an attack from the death knight to pass through to him, it would be fatal.

“sh*t. Do you really have nothing to do with this Kid?”

The killing intent was thoroughly directed toward Zest. Liliana sensed it and made a decision.

‘Okay, I’ve decided.’

The three fire blades behind her back were pointed in different directions as they let out a tremendous amount of magic power. One was aimed at Zest, and another at the stupid cardinal. The remaining one…


The fire swords shot like meteors across the night sky.


Liliana saw it the moment the sky and earth flashed.

‘Indeed, the attack power is superior.’

Zest wasn’t surprised at all and focused the power of space on cutting the sword. The empty space before him blocked the flaming sword and soon exploded. It was the ultimate ‘space cut’, a force that cut the space itself to create a new section.

It might be Zest’s space cut, but now it was used for Liliana’s benefit.

“…Well, that is unexpected.”

The surprising thing was that Antonio managed to cope with it, despite seeming incompetent. The Golden Rays were the symbolic power of the Lairon Church, a power received from the god of the sun. Once it reached the stage of a cardinal, the output was at a level comparable to great magic. It seemed this wasn’t an exaggeration.

Infernal Blade was blocked. Antonio’s white clothing was blackened and he cursed crazily, “T-These guys! I will kill all of the demons’ puppets!”

The reason was simple.

“Attacking the children of Lairon! This is a sin that can’t be forgiven, even if they are killed thousands of times!”

The third Infernal Blade aimed for the priests behind the Shadow Knights. Their protection was temporarily disrupted by the undead raid, so this magic literally caused a catastrophe. The senior priests and a few cardinal candidates were turned to ashes, leaving only a few survivors. Even the legendary resurrection magic couldn’t revive them. There were several survivors because they had used divine power to create a shield in the middle. In any case, the purpose of her unit had been achieved.

‘I don’t think they can chase after us in this mess.’

Liliana thought about it and looked around. The unit members had confidence in their eyes like they could jump into the battlefield at once. It was a situation where the knights would surely be annihilated by the undead while the group of priests had almost collapsed, greatly reducing the duration of combat.

Liliana raised her voice and commanded the unit members, “All members, retreat out of the castle as quickly as possible!”

Liliana’s decision was firm, despite the war mages preparing to attack. Meltor’s detached unit retreated from Dofrun Castle which had become a mess.

* * *

“…Hrmm, there is no chase. As expected,” Liliana said, looking back at the castle as they reached the tunnel they had dug.

‘It is terrible, but I can’t deny that it is effective.’

It could be called the most fearful point of necromancy. She didn’t know about low-level necromancers, but a high-level necromancer could use the undead to spread an infection. A human who was bitten by a zombie would become a zombie, while a soul drawn out by a banshee would turn into an evil spirit and become another banshee. Of course, there was a limit to the contagion. However, there was no shortage of targets in a land of blood and death.

If Zest’s sword were free, he would’ve suppressed the undead immediately. The problem was that it wasn’t possible.

“The death knight is a pretty big opponent.”

Liliana’s choice to hit and run was also because the death knight had appeared. It could threaten Zest and grab his ankle. An operation utilizing necromancy was only possible if Liliana was superior to Zest. The opponent’s power was likely to overtake her, so it was better for Liliana to retire after a modest gain.

The enemy of an enemy was a friend? This was different from that saying. It was common to stab that alliance in the back. As the saying from the East went, it was natural to defend yourself and never show your back to anyone. Liliana was entering the tunnel last when her eyebrows twitched.

“Lili, aren’t you coming?” There were only two people left, so Sylvia spoke to Liliana in a comfortable tone.

Liliana replied with a smile, “Go first. I want to get some air.”

Sylvia looked at her with a strange expression. “Yes, understood. But are you sure you can’t get hurt? This is Andras territory, so more people can come.”

“I will follow you in 10 minutes. Until then, leave with the others.”

“Okay, I will believe in you. Then come slowly.”

Sylvia finally entered the tunnel. Her silver hair disappeared into the darkness, and Liliana paused for a while.

The rematch with the empire’s 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem… It was before the real fight, but the suspense and excitement weren’t much different from the previous fight. The scales of life and death could tilt to one side during a battle. Now that hot heat cooled down…

“…Indeed,” Liliana said like she had known all along, “I felt your gaze when I came out of the castle. I didn’t feel any hostility, so I felt like we needed to talk.”

She turned, speaking to the person behind her. Liliana was expecting to see an ugly warlock. The symbol of evil from the storybooks, the warlock… What did the evil who wanted to bring about the end of the world look like?

“―Wh-at?” Liliana fell silent.

She was facing a woman with snow-white hair. As Liliana remained silent, the woman prostrating herself on the ground raised her head. “I sincerely congratulate you.”

The beautiful face was wet with tears. If she had to compare her to flowers, she was a lily. White clothes, white skin, and the water droplets that fell from her pale eyes… She felt genuinely pleased and didn’t hide her joy.

White Knight Hipatia politely greeted her queen, “I—the white rider, Hipatia—greet Queen Jerem, queen of the end.”

Chapter 282 – Followers of the End (1)

“King of the end?” It was a title, and Liliana looked at the other person’s face as she reiterated it. The woman was neat, well-cleaned, and had pale white skin. Her features had a lily's simplicity that completed her beauty. Who would want to hurt this tearful and beautiful woman? A normal person who didn’t know the situation might have pulled out their handkerchief.

However, Liliana just looked down at her mercilessly. ‘…What, this woman?’ She had seen many beautiful women and knew that Hipatia was very beautiful. She was a white beauty comparable to Veronica, Aquilo, and Ellenoa. Nevertheless, her head was cool. All her senses were alert, and she wouldn’t be tempted by lust or sympathy.

Just after that, something came to Liliana’s mind. It was the ‘Jerem, King of the End’ that had emerged from the white woman’s mouth. ‘Jerem’ was a name she had heard once before, and the distant memories of the past popped up.

Finally, Liliana remembered the origin of the name, and her expression stiffened. ‘Jerem, is it that grimoire…?’

As if in response, the information window of Death’s Worship came to mind.

[Death’s Worship]
[-This grimoire contains the soul of the legendary warlock, Jerem. As a 9th Circle necromancer who attacked mankind on the side of the demons, Jerem will steal the body of any creature who reads the grimoire and turn them into an undead. He dreams of the perfect resurrection as his soul awaits in the abyss.]

It had already been several years since Liliana obtained the grimoire. Back then, the grimoire, Death’s Worship, had taken over the body of a Meltor investigator in the Miller Barony and was now sealed in the inventory by Gluttony. However, it was a grimoire that a 9th circle magician dwelled in. At that time, and even today, Liliana hadn’t been able to consume Death’s Worship, so it was just an object left in the corner of her inventory.

How did this woman, Hipatia, know the name of the warlock, and why did she call Liliana ‘Jerem’?
‘There are a few possible hypotheses, but…’

It was just a hypothesis. Her super sensitivity warned her that one wrong word would cause an antagonistic relationship with this woman. Of course, she couldn’t have a friendly relationship with a warlock.

However, she could use this misunderstanding. Liliana's experience whispered to her. Rather than denying it, she should see what the other person was mistaking her for.

Liliana made a decision and boldly spoke to her, “King of the end? I’m sorry, but I can’t remember.”

Was it the right answer or wrong answer? Hipatia’s eyes widened at her answer and looked at Liliana with a mournful expression. “Ah, our king…! Did you lose your memories? I am White Rider Hipatia, one of the four riders of the end! I judged that with the wonderful skills you just showed, you must’ve been secretly growing your power in the magic kingdom…”

“Too verbose. If you don’t want me to leave, you better explain right away.” Liliana moved her magic power, pretending to be angry. Her seven circles turned lightly, but the magic power shook the area and gave off a strong pressure. A body wouldn’t be able to handle this pressure without good skills.

However, there was no shaking at all in Hipatia’s posture. She kept prostrating herself politely, looking up at Liliana with soulful eyes. ‘This woman is the death knight’s controller.’ She had roughly guessed it based on the magic power she felt, but now she was fully convinced with this test. A necromancer who had reached at least the 7th circle was enough to cause a disaster in a small kingdom. If she was hostile, Liliana had to end her here.

Additionally, if the four riders of the end were four warlocks, it meant that Hipatia’s organization possessed four masters. It was a variable sufficient to overturn the course of this unification war. It seemed like Death’s Worship was something important to them, but Liliana hadn’t admitted that she possessed it. As Liliana was swallowing her dry saliva, Hipatia looked at her and started speaking, “...I am your subject, but I dare to speak.”

She put her hands on her lap in a defenseless posture. “My king, we started watching you since we missed Charlotte’s Necklace at the Kargas auction house.”

Indeed, Liliana nodded. She had guessed it since that Orcus Company appeared with the death knight. This type of power wouldn’t be mobilized if the necklace wasn’t an important object.

“Didn’t you go the Pirate Archipelago with it? In retrospect, I don’t understand my folly. Rather than following Your Majesty’s will, I hastily tried to grab your ankle…”

“What do you mean?”

“You yielded to that arrogant sea dragon, Aquilo! Since your body isn’t yet complete… And this Hipatia… I don’t doubt that the day of the end is coming.”

If a ring was attached to the ear, it was an earring. If it was attached to the nose, it was a nose ring. Hipatia kept saying things that couldn’t be understood. If Aquilo were here, she would’ve torn Hipatia apart.

As Hipatia’s explanation continued, Liliana’s expression grew more serious. Her speculation about Aquilo was completely wrong, but all the reasons cited afterward were plausible. From when Liliana summoned the high-ranking demon, Magnus, on the Sipoto Plains up until when she had taken out Death’s Worship to escape…

Finally, there was one crucial part in Hipatia’s understanding. “By the way, did Your Majesty make ‘that’ directly?”


“The death knight with the Aura Ability! Without any traces of necromancy, you pioneered the death knight to an unprecedented level… This Hipatia once again realized that the king was resurrected!”

Liliana belatedly realized what she was referring to, ‘Don’t tell me she mistook Gladio as a death knight?’

It was an exquisite coincidence. Necromancers, as those who made a mockery of life, were bound to be more sensitive to live force than anyone else. Hipatia would naturally understand that the automaton ‘wasn’t alive’ when she looked at it. She saw that it contained a sword master’s soul. The automaton was a by-product of a time when magic engineering was common. It was natural that she would mistake the automaton for a death knight variant.

Liliana was convinced, ‘…Wouldn’t I be mistaken if I were in the same position?’

–I agree. It wasn’t just one or two coincidences but many overlaps that caused Hipatia to think this way. Gluttony’s voice poured into one ear while Liliana thought about it. How could Liliana use this misunderstanding? Should she shake hands or create a hostile relationship with the four horsem*n? They were already exhausted from fighting with their old enemy Andras, and now they had to deal with a warlock organization with four masters? It was something that Meltor couldn’t afford.

However, if the opposite was applied, Meltor might be able to overwhelm the battlefield. ‘Let the “barbarians fight among themselves”… is it?’

In other words, she could force the four horsem*n to collide with the Andras Empire and destroy them. It might be beneficial, but it was hard to conspire with warlocks who could threaten a kingdom. Andras wouldn’t be able to avoid a catastrophic disaster.

“Okay, I’ll believe your words this once. That… Hipatia?”

“Yes. I will do anything, my king.” Hipatia didn’t care about her white clothes being stained as she kneeled down and looked at Liliana with eyes full of affection. Liliana’s conscience was throbbing. She might be a warlock, but was it okay to take advantage of such pure affection? She felt some guilt. Thus, Liliana couldn’t help asking Hipatia.

“Call it a test, but I want to ask you one more question.”

She wanted to know if it was capable of coexisting with warlocks.

“What is the ultimate goal of the four horsem*n?”

“Huhu, you are asking something obvious,” Hipatia’s sweet face laughed as she rose. Opening her arms widely, she exclaimed, “It is a promise that we didn’t forget after thousands of years of waiting, my king!”

Under the night sky, where thick darkness descended like a curtain, a beautiful woman dressed in white called out in a bell-like voice. There was an emptiness in her eyes as she looked toward something indescribable. Hipatia’s body danced in the wilderness where starlight shone down, and she answered Liliana’s question, “It is our mission to put an end to this world.”

There was madness in the pure eyes that looked at her.

“The purpose of the four horsem*n is to destroy this ugly civilization and the entire human race.”

“…I see.” Liliana realized it with her answer. “I understand.”

They could never tolerate each other.

* * *

Step, step. The sound of footsteps was heard. The elementals made the tunnel, but they couldn’t pave the ground. Liliana stepped on rugged pebbles as she hurried. It would take her 10 more minutes to join the party that had departed earlier.

Liliana fiddled with something in her arms and couldn’t overcome her discomfort, eventually pulling it out. “...Damn, warlocks are famous for their bad taste.”

It was a small crafted skull. Hipatia had explained in a cheerful voice that she could use this artifact to talk to her at any time. She said that it shouldn’t be put in a separate space, but she couldn’t withstand the physiological discomfort for more than 30 minutes. Liliana eventually threw the dark red skull into the inventory.

She washed her hands a few times with water magic and called a companion to make her feel better, ‘Gluttony.’

Gluttony responded immediately, –What is it, User?

‘Did you hear the whole story with Hipatia?’

–Of course. Those warlocks, they seem to be the same in any age. The followers of the end… Those who believe that death is superior to life are everywhere.

Warlocks naturally worshipped death. Life was only a moment when they weren’t dead, and it was believed that true life was just before being born and after death. They assumed that the lives of others were worthless based on their view of life and thought that they should slaughter people to return them to the right path. The fanaticism of the Lairon Church but without any morality or conscience was the essence of a black magician. In the end, the four horsem*n were nothing more than an organization aiming to destroy the world. It was a very ordinary warlock organization.

“Know the enemy or you will be burned…” It was forbidden knowledge, but Liliana now had a close association with the four horsem*n and couldn’t ignore it any longer. She took a deep breath and told Gluttony, “Gluttony, I want to hear about black magic.”

–Hrmm. It was silent for a moment before the grimoire replied, –Okay. Let's talk about the past.

Chapter 283 – Followers of the End (2)

It took a thousand years to prepare for a simple experiment, but a grimoire had the patience to wait a thousand years. What was Gluttony referring to when she talked about the ‘past’? The origin of black magic might be more profound than what modern magicians imagined.

Liliana walked through the darkness which felt more gloomy as she listened to the voice inside her. "Let's start with the essence of orthodox magic,” Gluttony began. “It is a magic that changes the laws of the material world, manipulating natural phenomena according to the caster’s wishes. It can create fire at the desired spot or change the direction of the wind. It might seem strange, but it is a phenomenon based on the physical laws that exist in this world.” Then she lowered her voice and continued, “Black magic is contrary to orthodox magic, it opposes the causal law of the material world, reviving the dead, forcibly capturing souls, repressing the will of others. It spreads diseases that don’t exist and draws out the evil laws. They are people with depraved hearts that can’t help being enemies of the whole world.”

“Gluttony, there is a part that I don’t understand,” Liliana quietly listened to the explanation and then asked a question. She was forced to do so because, from her point of view, magic that deviated from natural phenomena was quite orthodox. There were two of the most representative examples.

“Black magic borrows the power of the world to bring back the dead… Isn’t that summoning magic? And magic like space movement seems like it bends natural phenomena.”

“There are two questions. I will explain it in the order mentioned,” Gluttony replied without any hesitation. “As User says, summoning magic and death magic can look quite similar. In times when the division wasn’t clear, paladins often misunderstood summoners as warlocks and killed them. In the end, it was revealed that there was a big difference between summoning and black magic.”

“A big difference?”

“That’s right. Summoning magic is a technique that invites guests from beyond this world, allowing them to exert their abilities. It is like the moon’s shadow on the water. Even with mighty powers, they can’t go beyond that boundary.”

Listening to Gluttony, Liliana couldn’t help remembering Fafnir. The dragon of Muspelheim could only stay for a few seconds after she sacrificed Charlotte’s Necklace. Perhaps that ghastly body hadn’t even been its true one. This was a transcendent being that had burned down the world tree alone. Satomer’s summoning magic had been perfect, and he had prepared the correct sacrifice, but Fafnir hadn’t been able to be sustained for more than a few seconds. The stronger the being, the more caught it was by the binding power of this world.

The peak of Muspelheim, Fafnir, was no different than a god of the material world. Fafnir was a being who was born strong, who used that power without hesitation. Even the demons were much stronger, but they couldn’t freely cross the walls of the dimension. The Fafnir that Liliana had called had been just a shadow of its body. It had been impossible for Muspelheim to free itself from the bindings.

“The second is very simple, but it was hard to explain,” Gluttony spoke in a delicate tone as Liliana used space magic as an example. Gluttony knew the answer but didn’t know how to convince Liliana.

Liliana failed to repress her attitude and demanded, “Why can’t you give a simple explanation? Tell me anything.”

“Sigh. User said that space magic doesn’t seem to correlate with natural phenomenon?”


It was common sense. How was it possible to jump through space in this world without magical intervention? At least, that was the case for Liliana. Of course, it wasn’t the same for Gluttony.

“Withdrawal. A phenomenon that can frequently be seen when looking at the surface of the planet.”


“It is science that this world hasn't been revealed yet. The concepts of wormholes, black holes, and other four-dimensional space haven’t been revealed yet. User won’t know about them. Space magic is certainly based on the laws of physics.”

Liliana realized that she couldn’t object to this. Was it possible to argue against science that she didn’t know? A grimoire lived infinitely in the world and accumulated invaluable knowledge over the years. So, to a grimoire, Liliana’s knowledge would be no different from a cavewoman. It was wiser to just accept what she heard.

Gluttony silenced Liliana with a few words and added more information about black magic. “If space magic went against the laws of physics of this world as User said, the only magicians who can use Teleport would be limited to those who reached the 9th circle. It is like going against a huge river that is the world. It is because magic that doesn’t borrow power from the natural laws of the world comes with a price that is several times that of orthodox magic.”

“Uh, then black magic?”

“I am getting to the point now. Warlocks use taboo practices such as ‘sacrificing humans’ and ‘draining’ in order to cover their lacking power. They sacrifice another creature and convert it into their own magic power.”

The taboo of human sacrifices and draining…!

Liliana stiffened at these words, and she stopped moving. Warlocks weren’t public enemies of the continent from the beginning. They were just insidious and used spells of an unknown system. They were branded as enemies of the world due to the active abuse of these two taboos.

Liliana started moving again and spat out, “It is a bloody history.”

“I also agree. But the problem wasn’t that simple in the Age of Mythology. It was rare that they would act in the domain of the gods, and the demons’ work was more heinous and dangerous than theirs.”

“Hah, I can understand that.”

“The problem was that the warlocks came into contact with the demons.”


Inside the astonished Liliana, Gluttony recalled the memories of the distant past. “As invaders of this world, the actions of the demons were limited. However, warlocks gave sacrifices to loosen these constraints, and the demons taught them black magic in return. The reverse pentagram, the five-phase system of black magic, was completed at this time.”

Gluttony’s analysis revealed that the demons had broken away from the constraints of life. They didn’t die in the flow of time, and they were also difficult to kill using outside means. They freely invaded other dimensions and raised their power by enhancing other beings. Indeed, they were predators with the power of immortality! It wasn’t unreasonable that the warlocks were fascinated by the power of the demons and wanted to be part of them.

Then the twilight of a new world, Ragnarok, broke out. With the demons that invaded this world and the warlock forces that tried to end it… After the Dracomachia, the dragons had become almost extinct. This was already the second half of the Age of Mythology. The gods had lost their strength and eventually called for help from the transcendents who had become independent. The gods and transcendents had then united to confront the demon army.

‘The end of the Age of Mythology… To think that I will discover it in a place like this…!’

With the warlocks who had become fascinated by the demons and conspired with them… That had been the end of the Age of Mythology, Ragnarok!

In modern times, the only person who would know the situation was Liliana. Other than that, it was probably the dragons and grimoires like Gluttony who knew. It wasn’t knowledge that humans, who could only live for a hundred years at most, would have.

Liliana shivered with thrill, while Gluttony whispered after this rough explanation, “With their defeat during Ragnarok, the demons were expelled from this world and the warlocks lost most of their power… It is hard to forget the sense of omnipotence I once felt. I saw all types of works break down the boundary of this material world.”

“To destroy humanity and civilization…?”

“One of the methods is to weaken the walls of the dimension. By the way, the four riders of the end, they have quite a bit of ability.”

Liliana immediately responded to these words, “What, you know about the four riders of the end?”

“Of course. Do you want to hear about them?”

“Of course! Please.”

“I want two books of at least a rare rating in return.”

“…Hey,” Liliana grumbled but pulled out the books. “Ah, you can’t read the atmosphere.”

It seemed like her turmoil in the tunnel would continue a little longer.

A few days after that…

The fact that Liliana had managed to raid Dofrun Castle and gotten good results was spread through all of Meltor. In a position where a single act of deception affected the morale of thousands, Liliana was a good propaganda tool. The soldiers were happy about the news, but the leaders were troubled.

“Warlocks… They actually appeared at this time.” Hearing the words of the Magic Society chairman, Benedict, Orta nodded.

“I missed the tail of the Orcus Company once, but I never realized that they would appear again here. It is quite a bold move.”

“It is true that we can’t afford to go against them. Fortunately, there is no possibility that they will ally with Andras.”

“There would be a big resistance from Lairon. To Andras, knights and priests are more important than hard-to-deal-with warlocks.”

Warlocks weren’t people that nations would consider allying with. If they accepted the power of the public enemy of the world, Andras would be hostile to not just Meltor but everyone on the continent. In particular, they already had an alliance with Lairon! The religious country despised magicians who tried to break God’s will, and they also hated warlocks that messed with the world. It was impossible for the church to embrace the power of warlocks.

“According to Liliana, they came to obtain sacrifices for this war. They are like hyenas eating corpses.”

“They are extremely vulgar.”

Liliana had reported that the purpose of Hipatia’s organization was to obtain ‘sacrifices.’ It wasn’t possible to expose Death’s Worship, so she made a reasonable excuse. The battlefield, which was overflowing with many deaths, grudges, and emotions, was a good altar for the warlocks. It was difficult to understand their recklessness of going to the North where there were plenty of masters, but they were like psychopaths.

“Well, this isn’t the problem right now.”

“It is as you said, Commander.”

The two magicians conversed as they left the barrack. “Liliana has raised the morale, so I will have egg on my face if I don’t keep this going.”

“You have suffered a lot. I am also burdened, but not as much as you.”

“It is nothing. I know that you stayed up all night yesterday.”

Benedict coughed and blushed, before looking at the horizon. Andras' army was facing the brave soldiers. With no talking and no distractions, their discipline made Meltor’s army shrink back. Besides, there was no doubt that ‘he’ was on the other side of the camp.

“Excuse me, can you do it?” As Benedict spoke, there was a heavy pressure on Orta’s back. “You have already lost to him. If you can’t win, it is good to try other tactics. You should use every power possible, even if it dirties your honor.”

“I won’t deny it,” White Tower’s Orta agreed as a strategist and magician. After this, his lips curved in a mysterious manner under his mask. “But he made a mistake.”

“A mistake?”

“Please believe in me. I won’t lose to the same opponent twice, especially to one who deals with the same type of abilities,” Orta said. Then he declared as he adjusted his mask, “I will repay him with interest.”

Chapter 284 – Followers of the End (3)

At Nagma Riverbank, the armies of the two powers faced each other again approximately one month after the engagement on Karul Plains. Unlike before, this area was too narrow for a full-scale war. Therefore, the commanders of both armies advanced by selecting ~20,000–30,000 troops respectively. The beasts of the land, as well as the birds, had all fled. Thousands of troops moved as one, shaking the ground with their steps and the air with their shouts.

Kung! Kung! Kung!

There was a magnificent drumming sound as the horses moved and the swords flashed brightly. The blades deflected the noon sunlight, and their helmets shone. Indeed, they were the empire of swords. However, the Meltor army that opposed them were also tough. The victory their hero had gained at Dofun Castle had ignited a fighting spirit in them; its influence on the battlefield wasn’t lacking at all.

‘Not bad,’ Orta judged as he moved at the forefront on his horse. ‘Thanks to Liliana, the number of shields has been significantly reduced. Of course, we can’t afford to install a tactical magic circle here, but this level is worth a try.’

The Andras army had lost a few of their titanium shields, which were the annoying things that greatly reduced the destructive power of a sorceress. So, a gap had appeared. If Meltor attacked that spot, they could sweep away at least 5,000 people.

As the distance between the two armies decreased by half, Orta calculated it in his head. If the reins of the horse were shaken, they could cover that distance within 30 seconds. The two commanders raised their hands in the air.

“Charge from the first row―!”

“Raise the flag of fire! Wipe out all of the enemies!”

The knights emerged from the Andras camp, while fire and lightning flew from the rear of the Meltor camp. It was already too late to turn the horses around. The bombardment poured down. The knights abandoned the retreat, gathering aura around their bodies and rushing forward. It was a showdown between the knights’ breakthrough and the sorceresses’ firepower.


The sound of horseshoes drew near. Then a ball of fire fell from the sky, burning one horse and a knight in armor. The knight’s body was turned to charcoal. He couldn’t even scream, only letting out smoke. This was a firepower that even the specially treated armor couldn’t endure. It was a simple magic spell amplified by the magic power of a 5th circle sorceress. Lightning boiled the brains of a knight, while fire pillars burned half a dozen knights at once. In a moment, a hundred cavalrymen were turned into lumps of charcoal.


Nevertheless, there were dozens of survivors. They had seared skin and burned lungs, but the group of knights came to the front of the Meltor army.


They fell from their dying horses and used the last of their strength to swing their aura blades. Their bodies were already half dead, but their souls were still attached, so their auras responded to their request. It was truly a mad loyalty! As the Meltor soldiers took a step back, the blades in the knights’ hands flashed.

Chwaack! Hwaaaaack!

Several bodies lost their heads and collapsed. Bloody rain fell from the sky, while the knights attacked again.


However, the magic soldiers blocked them.

“Don’t back down! Fight the opponents!”

“Stand firm! For one minute—no, 30 seconds!”

It was a fearful decision to ignore the threshold of life and death, even if the knights were in the worst condition. Somehow, the magic soldiers had to receive the sword, even if it meant self-destruction. They didn’t fight to win. Instead, they concentrated on hanging on. The magic soldiers were able to do that, even if they were relatively lacking in combat power. The real test came with the 2nd row of the Andras army. From then on, the command system was meaningless at the forefront. Destruction magic fell toward the enemy from the sky, while the soldiers were drunk on madness and killed the enemies who came before them. They stabbed their spears until they couldn’t feel anything, then they lay on the ground, with blood dripping from their bodies. This was a battlefield, a place where human life was trampled on like weeds.

In the middle of this, two men encountered each other.

“We meet again, Rat. For you to not be threatened after our first match… this isn’t bravery. I have to praise you if you’ve come here directly as a sacrifice,” the empire’s 3rd Sword, Prince Fermut, said.

He wore a set of luxurious armor and held a sword which shone with a red light. Clearly, they weren’t ordinary equipment. Orta felt an unknown energy from the blade, causing him to increase his concentration. Countermeasures had been devised, but the relationship between the two people hadn’t changed. When it was the same type, Aura Ability was absolutely superior to Sorcery. If Orta lost his concentration for even a moment, his breath would be cut off.

“I thought you were sharp, but I guess it was just a rumor.”

“…Hoh?” Orta met the provocation, “I don’t know what to say to you, foolish prince. You call Meltor your enemy, but you don’t understand what a sorceress is.”

“Don’t you run when disadvantaged?”

“No, we learn from the unknown. In that sense, your surprise attack was wonderful. If an ally hadn’t arrived at the time, I would’ve died on the spot.”

The Aura Ability, Refraction, was Orta’s natural enemy. It deflected any attack, and any unique maneuvers would be blocked. Using an analogy, it was like cutting the limbs off a knight and putting them on the battlefield. Fermut wasn’t an opponent whom Orta could win against without preparation. However, Orta was different today. He opened his arms wide and raised his magic power. “Regret it. You should’ve killed me last time.”

“Don’t worry. Today, I will kill you.”

After a few passionate words, a brief silence covered the two masters.


The space between them was bent. Immediately, there were 36 space cuts aimed at Orta, while Fermut smashed through three attacks. This was the difference between the two people. Space magic couldn’t be defended against with normal aura, but Fermut was different. His aura twisted the three-dimensional space around him to override physical interference. Its utility was in both attack and defense.

“What is there to learn? There is nothing different from before, Rat!” Fermut drew his red aura around him like a tail and rushed toward Orta. The principle of Fermut’s Aura Ability was similar to Zest’s, but it wasn’t comparable. Fermut bent space to shorten the distance he had to move. In some ways, Fermut’s application of it could be considered close to Shukuchiho. Narrowing dozens of meters in one breath, Fermut’s red blade distorted the empty space.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword. Sleeping Moon. Break the Seams of Space.

It wasn’t easy to catch Orta when he used Blink, but on the other hand, it meant it would be easy if Blink was blocked. Fermut’s aura pulled at the space, causing Orta to stiffen in the air after using Blink.

“Die!” Fermut cried out with a desire for slaughter.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword. Round Decapitation.

The sword clearly curved to cut at the neck. The space around Orta’s neck shrunk. There was no way for Orta to avoid this as his space movement was blocked. A space cut which couldn’t be blocked with physical strength… This wasn’t a trick that was used often, so Orta wouldn’t have known. However, he did know.

“Bend,” Orta spoke in a voice that couldn’t be heard by anyone.


There was a difference of exactly one inch as the red aura circle took on a curious shape, and Orta escaped from the noose of death. For Fermut who had been certain of his victory, this was a bolt out of the blue. “H-How could you?”

“Over Bound.” Orta’s shockwave hit Fermut’s body that wasn’t being protected by aura. Unable to use the power of refraction, Fermut coughed up blood due to the great damage to his internal organs. “Cough, t-this rat…!”

In the meantime, Orta opened the distance again and ridiculed Fermut, “Do you feel a sense of crisis now?”

“Don’t be arrogant just because of luck!”

That was a valid rebuttal since the damage wasn’t that big. The explosion in Fermut’s body calmed down, and aura increased around him. The place where the blade touched proceeded to distort, twisting and turning into a whirlpool of chaos. It was a spiral sword which would tear at anything it touched. Fermut held it and rushed forward again. ‘I won’t miss this time!’

It had been his mistake to have let go of his aura before, but this time, his sword would definitely cut that rat’s neck. His fury caused his blade to become even sharper. Space was bent without any errors, and his sword extended in a perfect orbit. Fermut had never been so focused ever since he obtained the ‘Refraction’ ability. So, why didn’t his sword reach its target?


Fermut was hit by another shockwave, and he roared angrily. “...You!” He shouted with anger and shock in his eyes, “What tricks are you using, you coward?!”

“Are you calling wisdom cowardice? Indeed, you wouldn’t be able to understand it with your dumb intelligence. I’ll teach you personally.”

Despite Orta’s ridiculous insults, Fermut listened carefully. It was possible that the rat had found a weakness in his ability. He would kill the rat as soon as he heard the story. A large number of large blood vessels popped up on Fermut’s arm as he desperately suppressed his anger. Then Orta finally opened his mouth, “It isn’t a big deal. Your Aura Ability is to ‘bend’ space, not erase or make it. Based on my observations, I calculated the index of refraction and changed the magic formula accordingly.”

“―What?” Fermut immediately refuted it with a face that was filled with fury. “Don’t make me laugh! As a magician, don’t you know the principles of magic? The density of my refraction is always changing. You can’t possibly read it in real time and use magic to match it!”

“Ho, it looks like you are slightly better than I thought. That’s right. It isn’t possible for ordinary sorceresses,” Orta confirmed and denied it.

Then Fermut was surprised by Orta’s unexpected behavior. Click. Orta untied his mask and removed it. “But I can.”

His exposed features were quite attractive. The wrinkles made his face more dignified, while the large and small scars covering his cheeks proved he was a veteran. However, the most unique part was his pair of eyes.

“...What are those eyes?” Fermut forgot his anger and asked with confusion. It was because Orta’s eyes were different from those of other people. Putting aside the pupil, the whites of the eyes didn’t exist.

Orta’s eyes were recessed in their sockets, embodying the concept of ‘emptiness.’ Anybody who recognized it would be full of praise. They were eyes that the sorceresses from the Age of Mythology had yearned for and desired. They were called the Empty Mystic Eyes.

“Well, I don’t know the details either,” as he replied to the question, Orta touched his eyes and looked back on the distant past. “One thing is clear. I was born blind, with eyes that were unable to see. Since childhood, I learned the shape of things using my ears. I was fortunate to have talent in magic.”

He was downplaying it. Orta was a genius. He solved complicated formulas in his head, analyzed what wasn’t detectable by sight with his hearing and touch, and learned everything. One day, he had hit the ‘wall’ of the 6th circle and lost his way for a while. He had forgotten the self-confidence which had sustained him in place of his missing eyes, and he had struggled every day.

“I wasted 10 years.”

The answer to his wall was these pair of eyes that shouldn’t exist. “I realized it the first moment I saw the world.” To be honest, he didn’t even care about the 7th circle. He just gazed at the scenery in front of him. A world that no one could see stretched before him.

“My eyes can penetrate the ‘world.’ I see beyond the three dimensional walls and gain insight into indescribable concepts.”

“T-This is ridiculous…!”

“Space refraction—I understand it after seeing it once.”

Fermut’s body trembled as he understood what this meant. It meant that he couldn’t do anything in Orta’s presence. It was no wonder why Orta was so sure that he wouldn’t die. Unlike the first unexpected battle, the current Orta could see through Fermut’s ability. No matter how quickly Fermut changed his refractive index, it would still be slower than Orta’s movements. It was impossible for Fermut to gain the advantage in this situation.

Orta was firmly convinced of his superiority and asserted, “The reason for your defeat is simple. You have abused that power.”

In response to the cold declaration, Fermut poured all his aura into his sword and shouted, “-Don’t be foolish, talkative sorceress!”

Born as the successor of the strongest empire in the continent, Fermut had never tasted frustration. To Fermut, Orta’s declaration was an insult. Fermut’s patience ran out, and he used a hidden technique that he hadn’t shown yet. “I won’t leave a single piece of flesh left on that cheeky body!”

There was a burst of light from the dark red sword.

Fermut Style, Refraction Sword. Final Hidden Technique. End of the World.

The space bent all around him, slaughtering anything in its grasp! Even the 2nd Sword, Zest, admitted that it was wonderful. There was no way a sorceress could survive it except by running away.

…No, there was one way.

“You lack the ability to learn. Didn’t I say it was futile?” Within the whirlwind of bloody aura, Orta walked forward and declared, “This is the end.”

Orta pointed at Fermut in an expressionless manner, and a brilliant flash emerged.


Immediately afterward, a large hole was drilled into the middle of Fermut’s chest.

Chapter 285 – Followers of the End (4)

"Cough!" Fermut couldn’t even scream. His heart, lungs, and ribs were destroyed at once, causing fatal injuries. The transcendental vitality of a sword master and reflexive actions were barely recognizable. Fermut couldn’t be saved, even if a cardinal found him. Orta was confident about Fermut’s death and relieved that this fight was easier than he thought it would be.

‘The arrogance that closed his eyes and the foolishness that didn’t allow him to use his talent killed him.’

The Aura Ability to bend space was an innate talent. Fermut wasn’t 30 years old yet, but he was in line to be the next emperor. As such, there was no one who could keep his arrogance in check. Where would a person like this experience adversity or go against a person they couldn’t fight? Fermut was clearly strong, but in contrast to his strength, he had too many imperfections. It might be different at the first encounter, but when fighting twice against a seasoned veteran like Orta, he would soon be disadvantaged.

If Orta looked at it calmly, it was a well-deserved victory. In just a few seconds, the blood coming from Fermut’s mouth formed a puddle. It was at least a few liters' worth of blood. An ordinary person would’ve died three times already from the blood loss. It was impossible for Fermut to keep fighting, so Orta just needed to wait until his heart stopped beating.

Orta raised a hand in order to mercilessly stop the pain. “I won’t mourn you, but go well.”

The space blade aimed at Fermut’s neck―Chaaeng!

It bounced off. Orta grabbed the broken index finger of his right hand as he faced an unbelievable situation. Fermut, who was supposed to be a dead body, wielded his sword.

‘This is impossible. Being able to counterattack with such a body…!’

Then at the very next moment, Orta saw it. “Grrr…kuhu…kuaaaaah!” The blood vessels all over the face and body swelled up, while the round hole where Fermut’s heart used to be was filled with chunks of flesh. It was too horrible to call it a human heart. Black blood flowed like tar, while his eyes turned black and unfocused. An unknown aura was filling Fermut’s dead body, a power that was hostile to all life!

Orta’s eyes widened as he identified the origin, “Don’t tell me… An ancient magic sword?!”

It was on a different level from the magic swords which were often traded. Orta felt the alien power overflow from the prince’s sword and started sweating anxiously. This was a magic sword that had the power of a demon infused in it. However, unlike the god sword, it wasn’t for demons to use directly. Its purpose was the degeneration and destruction of other species. At first, it simply lent its strength, but now it dominated its master. The power was so formidable that idiots who would try to obtain magic swords from the Age of Mythology continued to exist.

However, why would the crown prince be carrying a magic sword like this?

“Hmph, I don’t intend to just watch!” If Orta let it be, Fermut would completely revive. Sensing a crisis, Orta moved his hands at a dazzling speed, forming a total of 13 magic circles. Unlike his usual magic, this was a series of attack magic focused on lethal force.

Elimination Sphere. Downsizing. Wedge of Ruin.

The black sphere which had destroyed a gate in the past emerged as a few small shapes. It was a special magic that destroyed matter just by coming into contact. Orta didn’t hesitate to shoot all of it at the prince’s body. It aimed precisely at 13 of Fermut’s unprotected vital spots!

“Kuaaaaaack!” Fermut lost his temper.

The bent space blocked some of the magic spheres, but Fermut’s left arm and right leg were cut off. Three holes were made in his abdomen, and the regenerated heart was destroyed again. However, Orta didn’t feel relieved.

‘He focused on protecting his head. Is the brain the only part that can’t be reproduced? Furthermore, the magic sword’s power has increased…’

It might be a sword that regenerated the user’s body in exchange for strength. By the time Orta inferred up to this point, Fermut’s black eyes returned to being white. The tremendous impact brought back his sanity. “K-Kuooooh…! Y-You, see, soon…!”

Using the sword’s power to bend space, Fermut threw his own body a few hundred meters away. Of course, it was a distance that Orta could easily cover.

“…Hrmm.” However, instead of chasing after him, Orta raised a hand. He wasn’t intending to leave future trouble behind. Orta could see beyond space. Despite being far away, he accurately saw through Fermut’s body.

‘It is like he is already dead.’

Fermut’s life was saved, but he had lost his heart twice, as well as a large amount of blood that contained aura. This couldn’t be reversed by the regenerative power of the magic sword or a cardinal’s power. Furthermore, by maintaining his flesh using the power of a demon, he would suffer side effects. Rather than returning as a sword master, it would be lucky if he could even stand on the battlefield again. In the empire where the weak were suppressed, Prince Fermut’s prestige would fall. It was time to prioritize the army’s victory, rather than chase after Fermut.

“Sending a command from the deputy commander!” Orta’s voice resonated on the battlefield due to the communication artifact. “The enemy commander, Prince Fermut, has been defeated and has departed from the battlefield! From now on, we will focus our power on annihilating the Andras Empire’s troops!”

Orta used magic to magnify his voice on purpose. The order rang out in the middle of the battlefield, raising Meltor’s morale while lowering Andras’. Prince Fermut, who was the next emperor, had been defeated! The defeat of a master was painful, but it was also the departure of the chief commander and head of the army. The Andras troops realized the severity of this situation. It only took an hour for them to be slaughtered. The Andras soldiers were reduced from 30,000 to around 2,000 and were suffering from major losses due to the battle. Meanwhile, Meltor’s casualties were less than two-tenths of their fighting force. It was a one-sided victory. As Orta thought, Prince Fermut of Andras never showed up in battle again. Even for the white tower, it wasn’t easy to find out what happened to him once he returned home.

* * *

Kaaack, kaaack.

For humans, the battlefield was a terrible horror, but for hungry beasts, it was a feast. Crows, wolves, and many other wild animals gathered on the riverside after the two armies had left. The victorious Meltor took away the bodies of their casualties, but the busy Andras Empire abandoned the corpses of their casualties as they fled. There were around 30,000 corpses strewn around.

“Huhuhu, this is a good smell,” a man remarked as he walked through the pit filled with the stench of blood and putrefaction. “The air of the battlefield where blood and death are overflowing! I don’t know how long it has been since I’ve seen so much blood.”

His red hair and red eyes were such an uncomfortable color that anyone would frown if they saw it. It was quite different from Veronica’s beauty. The man’s body was covered in a dark red color, like dried blood. The beasts, who had been drawn by the smell of blood, felt something ominous and withdrew.

He was the Red Rider of War, one of the four horsem*n like Hipatia. This man was one of the lunatics who wanted to bring peace to this earth through war and slaughter. At first glance, his polite tone and stylish clothing were all a sharp contrast to his nature. The red knight’s eyes flashed with joy, and he spread his arms widely.

Ominous lights flashed one after another, and the blood on the floor started to wriggle like slime.

Kullong… kullong kullong…

On average, only a few liters of blood spilled from each body. However, the amount of blood that had flowed out from 30,000 bodies was so much that it was like a large red river, despite the blood being dried up. The mass of blood was sucked into the body of the red knight.

“Kuhuhuhu…! Okay, this is good. Very good! This is such a great and splendid banquet. Like Hipatia said, that magician really is our king!”

Liliana had used it as an excuse, but the warlocks close to the battlefield became certain. They collected the blood, corpses, and ghosts, turning them into their strength! A large number of sacrifices that couldn’t be obtained even by annihilating one village often occurred in a war. If possible, the red knight wanted to take them when the blood was still warm and the bodies were in good condition… However, Meltor’s army was too strong. It might be possible if all of the riders took action, but it was impossible to go against them with just two knights.

“―Don’t be rash, Red,” an elderly man leaning on a staff rebuked the red knight. “As Hipatia said, there is still a corner of the child’s spirit that hasn’t been convinced yet. If she really is our queen, we need to figure out why she is in Meltor and why her memory is incomplete. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t make contact with her.”

“Of course, Black Knight.”

That’s right. The elderly man, who seemed like he would soon fall down and die, was another of the four horsem*n who had come to confirm the queen’s resurrection—the Black Rider of Famine.

The old man struck his staff down once, and all the dead rose up around him. It was a white shape, a form that would be contaminated and reborn as evil spirits. The black knight nodded while swallowing the souls. “…This situation is also satisfactory for me.”

They had been hiding since the last war. The Central Continent had long stopped fighting, so they had to hunt for blood and death elsewhere. It might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the number of sacrifices they had collected over a century was much less than what they had just accumulated over the last few days.

‘I’m not sure yet, but there isn’t much doubt.’

According to the records, it had been a wait of 1,000 years, and there was no reaction from their vigilant senses. The black knight had thought it wouldn’t happen in his own generation, but Hipatia was immediately convinced. The red knight was in the best position, and the last one wasn’t even human. Among them, the black knight was the most cautious, so he was put in charge of this task.

As a specter of black magic who had already lived for over 200 years, the black knight gazed at something with empty eyes. “This land is unusual.”

The northern powers that maintained an unnatural confrontation, and the empire that abandoned the function of a proper nation…

The black knight gazed in the direction of Andres’ capital, Belfort, and gulped. ‘The empire of swords… It is ridiculous.’

Was it visible only to the vision of a warlock? A whirlpool of energy soared into the sky of the distant horizon.

‘I’d rather call it the empire of evil energy.’

As the two warlocks stood there, the war continued. Meltor had the overall advantage and pushed to the border. The loss of so many of the empire’s Seven Swords and their hidden cards meant that half of Andras was lost. This was the moment when Meltor’s victory was confirmed.

However, the warlocks sensed it. This war wouldn’t end so smoothly. More blood and more magnificent deaths would overflow. As if confirming their intuition, the situation changed drastically.

Finally, the emperor of Andras moved. Simultaneously, this unification war headed in a direction that no one had imagined.

Chapter 286 – Moves by the Empress (1)
The capital of Andras, Belfor, resembled a well-refined sword from a bird’s eye view. Straight buildings were laid out in straight lines, giving off the impression of ‘efficiency.’ It didn’t really fit an architect’s aesthetic, but there was no one who could dismiss the grandeur of the city.

Above all, the towering spire in the center was crucial. Seven sword masters guarded the empire, so there were seven towers in the image of a crown that surrounded the imperial palace. This structure flashed with a bright aura that was equivalent to a master. It was illuminated night and day, proving the empire’s greatness.

Unlike Meltor, there was no meeting room in Andras’ imperial palace. This was because the emperor determined the guidelines for everything. It was an absolute monarchy that moved only according to his decisions. If there was one facility, it was an audience room.

“Dammit, when can I get out of here?” A man pushed at the shoulders of two knights, moving with deep anger and nervousness.

As soon as the man returned to Belfor, he had asked for an audience with the emperor and entered the imperial palace before there was a reply. Usually, this wasn’t possible, but the man’s identity made it possible.

He was Fermut el Andras, the heir to the throne. There were no knights in the imperial palace who could block the crown prince.

‘Kuk, come on. If I don’t hurry, my body won’t last…’

It was seemingly fine, but the insides of Fermut’s body had started to collapse. The injuries that Fermut had received from Orta had been recovered with the regenerative powers of the magic sword, but his aura lost hadn’t returned.

His strength that had been able to bend an iron rod had been reduced to less than half, while his right leg staggered because his legs weren’t balanced. Fermut’s heart had been destroyed and his aura eaten by the magic sword, so now Fermut wasn’t even a sword master.

However, he still had a string of hope. It was because he believed that his father, who was the emperor of Andras and had been an almighty being since Fermut’s childhood, could heal this wound.

Finally, Fermut’s steps reached the audience room.

“Your Majesty!” Fermut called out. He didn’t enter the room carelessly. Rather, he raised his voice and cried out longingly, “The 3rd Sword, Prince Fermut is here! Please excuse me!”

Then a sonorous voice was heard from the other side of the door as the emperor of Andras replied, “You can come in.”

The green-tinged Fermut hurriedly opened the door. In his experience, his father, Emperor Kether, wouldn’t meet anyone if he wasn’t willing to talk. So, Fermut absolutely couldn’t miss this opportunity.

As the two luxurious doors opened, the throne, which was made of dozens of broken swords, came into view. According to the records, the throne had been made by collecting the swords of the past Seven Swords who died.

‘Someday, I will sit in that great position…!’ Fermut couldn’t abandon his ambitions despite his ragged body.

He bowed to the old man sitting on the throne. This was Andras’ sun, Emperor Kether.

“―You are a disgrace, my son.” Kether’s voice was heavy on Fermut’s shoulders and chilled his heart.

Kether had white hair, white eyebrows, and a white beard. It was an appearance appropriate for his age. He had a solid build that was greater than that of a young person, and the tendons of his hands stood out clearly as he grasped the throne. Perhaps the strong grip of the hand would crush it.

“You said with your own mouth that you would win. Now, you are begging me for mercy after losing? This isn’t like you.”

“I don’t dare make excuses, Father.” Fermut kneeled down in a rare polite manner, giving up his high self-esteem. “Just one more chance! This time I will be more vigilant and crush the army of that cowardly Meltor!”

“Hrmm… I don’t know about the words of a loser.”

“Father! Please! Father, if you want to be in charge, then I will unconditionally obey you! No, if Father takes up the baton, this war will be easy to win!”

The winner would take it all. Eating the weak was the life of the Andras Empire.

Fermut might be a prince, but he couldn’t be freed from this food chain. Fermut held the position of the next emperor, and he had reached this position by killing all his other brothers and sisters.

This person who had aggressively gobbled up the weak… He wanted another chance? It was a laughable story.

“…You are really stupid, my son.”

Then what type of person was Kether, the emperor of Andras?

“But I forgive you. You are my child and Andras’ third sword. I gave you that sword in order to protect your life from the pit of death.”

“O-Ohhh…! T-That means!”

“Your life is Andras’ and mine.”

Fermut felt a familiar and fierce joy at the words. Fermut’s life had been declared as the emperor’s possession, so no one other than him could kill Fermut. It was the same for that damn Witch of Heat and Sage of Water. From now on, Fermut’s era was coming. Even the emperor of the iron throne had affection for his flesh and blood.

“Then I will take it directly with this hand.”


What did that mean?

Puk. A coin-sized hole was drilled in Fermut.

“K-Kuaaah….kuheook…” Fermut screamed as something entered his body, draining it.

To be precise, he tried to scream.

The moment that Kether’s finger penetrated Fermut’s brow, Fermut’s flesh was no longer his. The connection between the body and the soul was cut off, and the feeling of the soul being pulled into the abyss was horrifying.

‘T-This monster… is he really my father?’ Fermut questioned as he reached the final threshold of life.


Kether looked down at his dead son with a dull facial expression. It was the nasty death of the 3rd Sword.

Fermut had completed his duties, but now he was useless.

The emperor muttered, “It hasn’t even been 1,000 years since I started ruling Andras and the balance is already collapsing. The mortals, who are useless except for causing chaos, are bothering me again… Do I have to move directly with this incomplete body…?”

He had empty eyes that watched the people and a voice that casually discussed a time period of 1,000 years. Kether thought about it before deciding. He couldn’t leave this situation alone. It was a matter where he needed to move personally. “It can’t be helped.”

He commanded Crowd, who had appeared in the audience room, “Gather all of the Seven Swords. I will make this war simpler.”

“Are you going to end the empire?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it yet.”

The two people talked about absurd things without changing their expressions.

“Don’t waste effort on needless work, Crowd. Remember that you might be a little exceptional, but you are still part of me. You will have to join them someday.”

“Of course, I always keep that in mind.”

“You are really good at speaking. Well, okay. Go now. I must end this tirelessly repeating war game.”

The emperor, whose empire was in a desperate situation, called this war a game. Nevertheless, the 1st Sword didn’t contradict his words. It wasn’t because he didn’t have the authority but because he knew it was correct.

The moment Kether moved, this war would soon end. It would end in a way that nobody expected or wished for.

“War is just the struggle of insects.”

He would finish it in one go.

After the battle on Nagma River, the dispersed Meltor troops gathered in one spot to reorganize.

It was necessary to observe how Andras reacted to the great damage, and a new face joined. It was Blue Tower Master Blundell, who had come to fill the vacancy that Veronica left after leaving Karul Plains.

“Hahaha! I am glad to see your happy face!” Blundell laughed, causing his swollen muscles to swell. His staff was no different than usual. There was no tension as the leaders laughed.

“I would like to raise a glass in celebration, but I have to put off this joy until after our victory. How long have I been waiting in the capital? I am so happy to be able to fight with you, despite it being late!”

“Yes, we think so too, Blue Tower Master.”

Benedict coughed a few times before asking, “The war is going well, but what about the situation back in the kingdom?”

“It isn’t bad! The economy has shrunk a little bit due to the war, but it is still good. The situation with the supply unit is good, so we can sustain it for half a year without difficulty.”

“Hoh, it is good news.”

The soldiers were risking their lives fighting on the front lines, but the support people in the rear also shared their pain. Food was shipped at a cheap price to the front, while merchants placed the supplies before their own interests. It wasn’t uncommon for them to go bankrupt from the burden.

However, Meltor’s national power endured that burden. The patriotism, accumulated finances, and sympathetic elements allowed them to do it. They couldn’t help feeling proud as citizens of this kingdom.

“Okay, now it is my turn,” Blundell said, his grinning expression becoming serious. He asked, “How is the current situation? I heard there was a big win at Nagma River, but nothing since. Don’t tell me that nothing happened…”

“That’s right,” the masked Orta immediately replied to Blundell. “Since that day, the enemy troops haven’t moved. There have been no movements, apart from a defensive formation. Therefore, we were worried about how we should respond.”

“Huh? They really aren’t moving? Those warmongers?” Blundell had a lot of experience, but even he shook his head as he looked at the models on the map.

Meltor might have the upper hand, but this advantage wasn’t absolute.

Andras still had more troops than Meltor, as well as a lot of hidden strengths. There was no reason for them to act passively.

“What are their intentions?”

Orta shrugged in response. “I’m not sure. I can’t get a sense of their actions. The secret agents I sent didn’t get any results, and I am reluctant to poke at the gaps.”

“Don’t tell me… Perhaps they are planning a truce?”

“Perhaps. For the first time, Meltor is dominating in the war. We absolutely can’t step back, and they know that.”

There was a moment of silence in the control center. They were each having their own thoughts and guesses about what Andras’ actions meant. Then a messenger ran into the barrack, which had a heavy atmosphere.

“C-Commander!” The messenger’s fear-filled pale face made Benedict realize that what the messenger brought wasn’t good news. “A small unit is making its way past the western border! Four magic soldier units and 26 war mages tried to delay them, but they are all dead or in a serious condition!”

“What, the defense line?”

“It was broken in an instant! The speed is insanely fast!”

The shock spread to all the leaders, including Blundell and Benedict.

The soldiers at the defense line of the border were elites, yet the soldiers at the defense line were broken in an instant? Moreover, it had been done by a small number of elites with overwhelming force.

Benedict somewhat recovered his composure and asked, “The power of the enemy? Surely you know that?”


“What is it?!” In the end, Benedict lost his patience.

The messenger hiccuped before opening his mouth, “A-According to the report, it is the 1st, 2nd, and 5th swords…”


“Is that true?”

“A-And one more thing.”

Apart from three of the Seven Swords crossing the border, there was more to report? The eyes of the leaders glared at the innocent messenger. If they hadn’t controlled their magic power, the innocent messenger might’ve had a heart attack.

However, he spoke despite the pressure, “I’m not sure, but… one of the surviving war mages said he saw it.”

Before they could ask, the messenger continued, “He said the emperor’s flag was among the Andras unit that crossed the border…!”

The flag that expressed the emperor himself was a symbol that could only be seen in Andras. If they really were carrying that flag, it meant that three of the Seven Swords and the emperor had crossed the border personally.

‘This is crazy!’

It was a surprise raid that would never happen again in the future.

“What did these bastards eat?” Blundell’s murmur resonated through the barracks, seeming to represent everyone’s feelings.

Chapter 287 – The Emperor Moves (2)

It was as she said. All of the remaining Seven Swords, the pillars of Andras, had been mobilized and were moving under the symbol of the emperor in an insane operation. If this were a chessboard, it would be the same as placing the king amid the enemies. Of course, the emperor of Andras had to be a powerful sword master, but it couldn’t be enough to reverse the battlefield. This was a suicide operation.

To sum it up briefly, it was true that a sword master was superior to great magicians at breakthroughs, but this breakthrough would only have value if it was followed up. What would they do if they broke through? It was merely an ineffective demonstration of force without the military backing to take over. Furthermore, the operation was being carried out by the remaining Seven Swords and the emperor, who were all masters. Even the most skilled aura users wouldn’t be able to match up with masters.

‘What is he thinking…?’ Liliana’s brows furrowed. It was a plan that couldn’t be understood with common sense. The most likely option was that they would immediately attack the capital of Meltor, Mana-vil. With at least four masters and dozens of expert aura users… Certainly, it wasn’t guaranteed that any kingdom’s defenses could block that elite power. The high walls would be smashed apart and the king beheaded. However, with Meltor, that strategy would run into a wall.

There was the defense of the four magic towers. Additionally, considering the presence of Veronica recovering her magic power, it was impossible for Mana-vil to fall to a small number of elites. On the other hand, Meltor could choose to collapse the capital of Andras or gather troops to strike the elite force from the rear. At first glance, this situation was too ridiculous.

‘…Wait.’ At this moment, Liliana recalled something. ‘If it is the western border, then Master…!’ If the enemy forces penetrated through the western border zone as the messenger said, then Vince definitely belonged to the unit blocking them. The four magic soldier units and 26 war mages had taken action to delay them.

There would be some casualties from the four sword masters’ breakthrough. What if her master was among them? The war mages were already few in number. The casualties wouldn’t be low.

“Messenger!” Liliana urgently called the messenger over and asked her, “Do you have a list of survivors from the west? I want to know the status of the personnel involved in the delaying operation!”

“T-There were too many magic soldiers, so it hasn’t been organized yet. I only have a list of war mages.”

“Show me.”

The messenger pulled out a scroll, and Liliana took it with trembling fingers. The leaders belatedly realized why she was troubled. Vince Haidel was a famous name among the war mages. Orta, Blundell, and the other leaders who had taken action with him several times also looked worried.

Liliana read down the list of the deceased. From the top, Beruch, Ilan, Zirmud, Haman… There were 26 people. It wasn’t a large number, but it was natural for her fingers to hesitate. Vince’s name might be here. The fear stilled her fingers. Finally, she reached the end and scanned it again several times.


Fortunately, Vince’s name wasn’t present. Then she saw Vince’s name on the list of wounded. [Vince Haidel: Amputated left leg, serious condition.] Vince had lost his left leg, but he had survived. Liliana felt both deeply sad and greatly relieved. It was enough if Vince survived. Even if he couldn’t continue as a war mage, Vince wasn’t one to give up just because he lost his left leg.

As Liliana made a relieved expression, Orta whispered to her, “I’m sorry, but you don’t have time to go visit him.”

“…I know,” Liliana said, handing the scroll back to the messenger. “It will be okay just to deliver medicine.”

Liliana pretended to take the potions out of her pocket, pouring them from her inventory onto the table. They were the highest quality potions she had obtained from Paracelsus’ laboratory. Her heart wanted to give Vince an elixir, but Liliana couldn’t give Vince special treatment. She could go and talk with Vince after the war was over.

The messenger disappeared with the potions, and the leaders started a meeting under Blundell’s command. “Then it is time to determine the course of action.” The magician, who had lived for over a century, grasped his beard and raised two fingers. “It can be divided into two categories. Do we fight that stupid group, or ignore them and head straight to Belfort?”

“Tower Master, I think we should advance,” Benedict, now the former chief commander, declared with a certain voice. “Without the Seven Swords and the emperor, the empire doesn’t have the power to stop us. Belfort’s fierce walls can be removed with the combined attacks of three or four masters. One week is enough.”

“Then we should ignore those guys running around?”

“It is cruel, but yes. That’s correct. There is the Red Tower Master, and the Yellow Tower Master also promised to participate in the capital’s defense. They will be able to hold on until we obtain Belfort.” Unlike the decisive Benedict, Orta shook his head. “I am the opposite. Such a predictable operation, even the emperor of Andras would’ve thought of it. Furthermore, there are a total of seven masters in our camp. It is a level where we can act to stop that elite group.”

“That is White Tower Master’s position on this matter?”


Aside from Benedict, who advocated advancing, and Orta, who wanted to stop the unit of masters, there were now only two commanders remaining who could speak out. They were the Chief Commander Blundell and Liliana Miller. In a 2-against-2 situation, Blundell’s opinion would be more powerful. However, he made an unexpected decision. “Hrmm, this old man will abstain.”

Everyone stared at Blundell, and he explained, “I have only just joined the battlefield, so I don’t have a clear view. It might end up as a divided opinion. Therefore, I think it is right to let the last commander, Liliana, decide.”

“That…” Liliana hesitated but sighed as the rest of the commanders agreed. Then she closed her eyes and focused on her super-sensitivity. ‘…Damn, it still isn’t visible.’ Liliana tried again, but darkness was the only thing reflected by her super-sensitivity. Just like when the bow master’s foresight interfered the other day, an unknown factor was blocking her super-sensitivity.

March to Belfort or go to Mana-vil…? What should she do? The future couldn’t be seen, but Liliana felt like her choice would have catastrophic results either way.

“I…” She started hesitantly and then continued, “I think it is right to block the small unit.”

Liliana judged that it was correct to interfere with the emperor’s intention, which would be linked to the truth of this Northern Continent.

Then Blundell clapped and shouted, “Okay, it has been decided. White Tower Master!”

“I’ll prepare it right away.”

“How long will it take?”

“If I take action immediately… I can do it in three hours.”

Returning to Mana-vil from the front lines in three hours, that was a feat impossible without Orta. Due to the sudden decision, the leaders ran around reorganizing the army, while Liliana stared at the rain clouds in the distance. In spite of the favorable situation, her mind didn’t stop shaking, just like how the surface of the sea would stir uneasily before a storm. This was surely the climax of the unification war. Liliana was confident of this and closed her eyes to control her boiling magic power.

* * *

Three hours later, a light appeared somewhere.


There was a flash, and white dust rose like mist. It was the aftermath of dozens of magicians appearing through space magic in a room with no furniture. They breathed in the dust reflexively, with even the masters coughing. Liliana was the only exception due to her wind divinity. ‘Eh? This place…’ She looked around before anyone else and noticed the familiar appearance of the room. Liliana had been to this place before. Yes, a few years ago on the mission with Vince… Liliana was able to realize it immediately. “The Bergen Barony?”

“You noticed. Have you used it before?” Orta stepped out. “After estimating the speed of the empire’s Seven Swords and the emperor, I thought that Bergen would be the best place to deal with them.”

“Ah, that’s right. If they go straight through the mountain range…”

“It is the shortest distance to reach Mana-vil. The mountain terrain won’t slow down four sword masters, so it is certain that they will pass through Bergen.”

Indeed, Liliana agreed and looked around. The core power of the army was gathered in this place. They had to consider that there would be a minimum of four sword masters, and perhaps an unknown master like the bow master from the other day. Thus, six masters had joined in this space transfer.

The two guardians of Elvenheim, Ellaim and Edwin. White Tower Master Orta and Blue Tower Master Blundell. Liliana Miller and Randolph Clovis. There were also senior war mages and William and Sylvia. A master might be dominant, but the more firepower they had, the better. This group could easily defeat the allied forces of the Central Continent. Benedict had been left behind to command the army, but this was still an enormous power.

‘Yes, if it is this much… It is enough to win the battle,’ Liliana thought as she left the narrow and dark room behind Orta. They passed through the secret door into the back alley like the last time, and the crowded streets of Bergen soon filled their eyes. In the front of the group, Blundell used invisibility magic and said in a playful tone, “Good. There is still a day or two according to the calculations of White Tower Master.”

“Please be more cautious, Blue Tower Master.”

“Huhuhu, can’t I joke around? A good night’s rest isn’t possible in this situation, so I should at least joke…”

Then it was at that moment…

— — — — — — —!!!

It wasn’t the sound of an explosion or a roar. The sound, which couldn’t be described by any modifier, tore through the sky. The sound was a type of vibration, a type of shock wave. If the strength was too much, it could tear apart a person’s eardrums as well as cause the destruction of inanimate objects. The scene of the clouds being torn apart was proof of how terrible this sound was.

“…!” “……! ……!”

Despite the magicians spreading out a barrier of magic power, the eardrums of the ordinary people were affected. Fortunately, it got better when the sound passed. However, the people who suddenly lost their hearing were crying on the ground. It was because of the overwhelming sound that burst out! The old buildings seemed to shake uneasily in the aftermath. If the sound rang out one more time, Bergen would collapse like an earthquake had occurred.

Therefore, Liliana commanded the wind faster than anyone else. ‘In the name of Aiolos! Be a wall to calm down the shaking on the outskirts of this city!’ The sound was vibration, and vibration wasn’t visible to the naked eye. Just as nothing could be heard in a vacuum, building a shield with wind could reduce the power of the noise. Liliana’s will spread out, causing the mountain breezes to wrap around Bergen in a sphere. In order to recreate this phenomenon, an expert of Orta’s level was needed.

Orta and Blundell admired it and responded belatedly.

“Calm Mist!” “Aerial Winder!”

The double barrier of fog and wind calmed the chaos. The crowd of people gradually calmed down, and the wind barrier Liliana had made became as strong as a steel wall. It would remain strong even if the sound occurred again three or four times in a row. Then Liliana’s group looked in the direction where the sound had come from. What had created such a blast? Rather than an attack, it might be the aftermath of an explosion that someone had caused.

‘Eh? This power is perhaps…?’

Was it because she had calmed down? Liliana read the magic power and looked at the horizon with confusion. It was heat magic. Liliana had felt the flow of this scorching magic power many times. The density of the power of aura might be much higher, but only a magician could wield such massive mana in this way.

“This strength, surely it isn’t that tomboy!” “This is ridiculous! They are supposed to be a few days away from Bergen…!”

Blundell, who had the same thought as Liliana, was confused, while Orta was embarrassed about his calculations being off. Then the explosive sound burst out again.


This time, it was multiple smaller versions. The earth shook and the clouds were torn apart every time flames shot up to the sky. This power was equivalent to at least five consecutive 7th circle magics. They didn’t know why, but Veronica was pushing a bombardment toward someone!

‘No, it isn’t just anyone!’ This situation had already been set up. Veronica alone couldn’t deal with Andras’ core power. The emperor would be directly commanding the Seven Swords.

“It can’t be helped. Join in!”

The plan to stay in Bergen and build up defenses was abandoned. The group prepared to head toward the gigantic flames. Starting with Blundell, 20 magicians rushed forward. The glare, noise, heat, and shock waves reaching Bergen was proof of the power involved in the conflict.

The curtain raised on the final battle to end the unification war.

Chapter 288 – Emperor Moves (3)

The magicians, led by Blundell, quickly crossed the walls of Bergen, leaving the deafened people staring foolishly at their backs. They didn’t know what was happening, but they knew it wasn’t something they could interfere with.


The earth was still shaking violently. Dirt fell from collapsed hills, and landslides occurred, spreading flames and dust further. It increased the obstacles in the path of Liliana's group, but that was all.

‘Ugh, how many times have the magic attacks been shot out…?’

With Randolph and the two guardians by her side, Liliana looked at the Nadun Mountains that started to come into view. Black smoke and flames were rising. The giants maintaining this spot for hundreds of years were broken like fragile reeds, while the monsters rushed around like wild beasts. It was as if a natural disaster, the eruption of a large volcano, had occurred.

Even though it was great magic, it didn’t have one or two times the power. It was at least 10 times the power, a destructive force that could take out the middle of a large mountain range. This was a firepower that no one else except for Veronica, Meltor’s ultimate fire magician, could exert.

Liliana might be able to do one shot, but she didn’t have a way to release such strong destructive power in a row. “This woman, she’s not thinking about other people at all…” Blundell grumbled as he felt the heat in the air and drew water from the area. Then he covered the group with a thin protective layer.

It was proficiency worthy of the peak of the blue tower. Liliana felt admiration for him when she found that the shield didn’t interfere with her breathing and movements. To think he could use a spell this sophisticated in an instant! Liliana had reached the threshold of the water attribute, yet she couldn’t do it so perfectly.

‘An 8th circle master, I am still far away.’

It was a wall beyond a wall. However, Liliana was pleased, rather than frustrated. Shortly afterward, the party arrived at the entrance of the mountain range and looked around. Burned trees emitted heat into the sky, while the half-melted and uneven ground made it hard to walk on unless they were cooled and hardened. Thanks to Blundell, there were no inconveniences. However, it was uncomfortable to wait in such an environment. Then, at that moment…

“―Oh, you came faster than I thought? I expected it would take a few more days,” a cheerful voice rang out from above their heads, belonging to the person who had made the Nadun Mountains look like this.

It was the appearance of the great magician with the lineage of a red dragon, Veronica. She landed on the ground and chuckled when she saw Blundell’s wrinkled face.

“What, you’ve just gone and already come back? It must be hard to wander around at your age.”

A vein throbbed on Blundell’s head as he countered, “Hey, at least have some manners!”

“What if I don’t want to~? Isn’t it hard moving those muscles? Eek, look at them squirm. You should put on looser robes!”

“Ridiculous! I’m not ashamed of my muscles!”

For the two pillars of the kingdom, this was the normal conversation between them. However, the expressions of the other magicians changed when they discovered this reality. The two people then belatedly became aware of their lost dignity and closed their mouths.

Veronica cleared her throat a few times before speaking, “Kuk! Let’s stop joking around and talk about the situation.”

“Cough, yes. You must’ve been in a delaying battle, right?”

“Yep, I can’t deal with so many sword masters alone. I fired off attack skills from a distance that is hard for them to reach. And I have a feeling that I shouldn’t approach.”

“Your gut… I shouldn’t look down on it.”

Unlike their frivolous first appearance, the two people became serious as their discussion began. According to Veronica, she had chosen to intercept rather than tighten the defenses around Mana-vil. She could sit quietly and wait for them to arrive, but she was worried about the power of the emperor, as well as the 1st and 2nd swords.

If possible, she wanted to at least identify the emperor’s Aura Ability, but that seemed to have failed. However, Veronica’s face was shining brightly, rather than shrinking back. “Well, I don’t think I can lose with all this power gathered. I just need to take a breather before penetrating the enemy.”

“Is it okay? You must’ve consumed quite a bit of magic power.”

“The same is true for the other side. I think it will be worse if we wait for my recovery. A sword master’s resilience is almost at the level of a troll,” she said without exaggerating.

If a magician required 10 hours to recover the magic power consumed, then a sword master only needed 2~3 hours to recover their stamina. It was possible that the opponent would be ready if they waited for Veronica’s recovery.

“Red Tower Master.”

“Huh? What is it, Girl?”

Liliana pulled something out without any hesitation.

* * *

After approximately 30 minutes of waiting. The heat filling the entire mountain range faded, and the fire started to shrink. It was an environment where they could walk around and breathe, even if they didn’t have Blundell’s magic. However, it wasn’t just environmental benefits that Liliana had gotten in those 30 minutes.

“…Once again, thank you for your help, Captain Liliana. I will repay you for this medicine when we return.”

“W-What, this tree root? I took only half of it, and I’ve recovered almost all of my magic power?”

It was the stunning effect of the Thousand Year Knotweed Elixir that Liliana had given out. She was very satisfied with their reactions.

‘The 500-year-old ones aren’t as efficient, but they are still good.’

There was no doubt that she could buy a mansion with the value of one elixir, but she needed to keep supplies for big battles. It was worth investing all the remaining plants if it was possible to restore Veronica's power. Blundell was well aware of the meaning of Liliana's actions and pounded on her back.

“Good! Very good! As His Majesty said, you really are the treasure of our Meltor!”

“B-Blue Tower Master, i-it hurts.”

“Don’t be sorry about today’s spending! I will petition the king to give you something of equal value!”

“T-Thank you?” Liliana's back throbbed from being hit several times by that large hand, and she barely managed to respond.

Anyway, this was favorable to all of them. There were two guardians, a sword master, three tower masters, and Liliana. Additionally, there were the Prime-grade elites following them for secondary assistance. It would be hard for the four sword masters in the mountain range to win.

The two great magicians came to the same conclusion and raised their voices.

“Go! We don’t need to waste any more time!”

“That’s right. Stay focused. From now on, we will be entering a battlefield where one inch of carelessness isn’t allowed.”

They tightened their formation. Randolph and Ellaim were excellent at melee battle and were placed at the forefront, while the strongest Veronica was placed in the middle. Blundell moved in the rear, and Orta, who hadn’t completely recovered yet, was a support. Meanwhile, Liliana and Edwin were moving fluidly between different positions.

It was a formation that allowed them to cope with any situation. A heavy silence filled the air as they walked through the desolate landscape, causing Blundell to mutter a few words. Anyone who remembered the Nadun Mountains in the past would react the same way.

“…It is quiet. It is hard to think of it as the Nadun Mountains. Will it be able to naturally regain its original appearance?”

“This won’t be enough to stop the enemies. We’ve wiped out the little ones, but the main players of the Seven Swords are still there. The defensive ability of the 1st and 2nd Swords is unnecessarily high,” Veronica gave excuses as to why she had gone so far.

Liliana inwardly accepted the excuses. This destruction was necessary if she wanted to tie up the feet of the 1st Sword, who had blocked Death Gazer on Kural Plains without any injuries, or the 2nd Sword who could cut space. There was no value in preserving the natural environment when facing them.

“No, I’m not trying to blame you…” Blundell was trying to explain when…


Despite there being no warnings, everyone prepared for battle. The magic power of the four great magicians oppressed the region, scattering the aura of the wind, fire, and water elementals that were called. No matter who rushed out from beyond the charred grass, Liliana knew they wouldn’t be able to survive.

She stepped forward.

“…Hah.” A pool of blood formed every time he took a step. Blood was flowing from his torn left arm and the hole in the abdomen, ignoring the recovery effect of aura as it soaked into the earth.

No matter where they looked, he was in a miserable condition. His aura flickered like a candle about to be blown out. He raised his right arm over his head.

“Hey, will you save me if I surrender?” Zest Speitem suggested with a desperate expression.

“…What is going on, 2nd Sword?” Blundell asked as he moved forward, causing Zest to shake his head. Did he mean it was difficult to explain with his own mouth?

“I don’t know. Why did this happen? Why did he attack us…? I don’t want to die like this. So, save me, okay? I will do whatever you want.”


“D-Damn. It is hard to stand…”

Flop. Zest’s body fell to the ground. The sword master, who should be tougher than steel, found it hard to stand. This meant his condition was extremely serious. Should they give him first aid? While Blundell was feeling baffled by the unknown situation, Zest looked behind him and spoke in a faint voice, “Again, we meet… Girl.”

“...Zest Speitem.”

“I couldn’t kill you twice, and now the third encounter… I won’t be able to even if I am saved…” The strongest swordsman who guarded the Andras Empire with the 1st Sword chuckled with derision.

He had missed the opportunity to kill his opponent twice, and now he was begging for his life? If pride had a solid shape, it would’ve completely shattered at this point. Nevertheless, Zest wanted to live. Liliana looked into Zest’s eyes and saw his condition more precisely than anyone else.

Then Liliana declared in a calm manner, “I’m sorry, but you are already dead. Your wounds can’t be repaired by any means.”


“The hole in your abdomen, it isn’t a mere flesh wound. It destroyed the soul. Your soul is strong and managed to hold on for a bit in that state, but now… there isn’t much left.”

Liliana's ability to see the soul had increased while learning eastern martial arts and shamanism. As such, she was able to see the hole drilled into Zest’s soul. It was an injury that couldn’t be fixed. The soul and the flesh were completely different concepts. Repairing a broken soul was a feat only possible for a 9th circle magician.

“…I see…” Zest accepted it with a lighter expression like he could read the truth in Liliana's face and voice. “Damn, that monster… He had such power… Dammit. Rather, if I died by your hands, it… would’ve been better…”

“There is much to be said about running away and winning.”

“…Kuk, cheeky, child. Of course… I…”

Tok, Zest’s right hand fell to the ground. It was the end of a sword master, the 2nd of the empire’s Seven Swords. Liliana didn’t miss the way Zest’s soul was drawn somewhere along with his death.

“That way.”


“There is no time to explain. The one who killed Zest is over there.” Liliana was certain and spoke without thinking.

Something was burning up in her body. Seeing the death of the person, who had almost killed her in the past and had threatened her kingdom, made her angry. Zest shouldn’t have died like this.

Liliana had wanted to kill Zest with her own hands. Or maybe she felt a sense of rapport with him from when they fought? She couldn’t know now.

“…Understood. We will go this way.” Blundell followed Liliana's words without asking.

There was no reasoning for it. He was just convinced by Liliana's previous achievements and current firm conviction. As they moved in the indicated direction, they passed by the body of a woman with white hair. Randolph looked at the strange-looking spear and the woman’s body with a strange expression.

Then at the end of the path, they faced him.

“―You’re late.”

He was big. Anyone who saw him would think so. The man sitting on the rock was taller than the average person, and his wide shoulders were magnificent like a mountain. His white-tinged hair reminded them of the snow peaks, and his grandiose voice echoed. He was holding onto a sword that had blood dripping from it.

Even though he didn’t introduce himself, everyone knew who he was. This man was the emperor. He was the peak of the Andras Empire, the emperor who carried the Seven Swords and dyed the north with blood. Emperor Kether—anyone born in Meltor couldn’t help hating this man. However, Liliana felt confused. She didn’t know why, but she felt a strange sense of familiarity from the emperor.

“Indeed, it was like this.”

The emperor’s eyes, which didn’t contain a shred of humanity, focused on Liliana. No, it was like he was looking inside Liliana.

“Indeed, it has been a long time, my sister.”

No one knew the meaning of his words. Why did the emperor of Andras call them sister and why had he killed the 2nd Sword? They didn’t know anything and couldn’t make a guess. As the fear of the unknown settled upon the magicians, ‘she’ woke up inside of Liliana.

–I made a guess, but it truly is him.

Liliana immediately responded, ‘The emperor’s sibling… Don’t tell me…?!’

–It is as you guessed, User. In the midst of this confusion, Gluttony’s voice was as calm as ever. –She is one of the Seven Sins that has been in conflict with me since time immemorial―Invidia, the parasitic grimoire that symbolizes the sin of envy.

Chapter 289 – INVIDIA (1)

It was Invidia, ‘envy’ of the Seven Sins!

Liliana’s mind went blank for a moment, then she quickly recovered. The emperor of Andras was a grimoire, one of the Seven Sins like Gluttony? It was shocking, but it also made the current situation more dangerous. Liliana’s intuition, which often helped her escape from the jaws of death, was telling her that this was a priority.

A grimoire that had been able to grow its power for over 500 years…

It was one of the Seven Sins that was superior to any other grimoire, and it had the status of emperor of the only empire on the continent. Liliana couldn’t even imagine the strength that would’ve accumulated using this omnipotent power. The grimoire, Death’s Worship, had managed to turn a 4th circle magician into an elder lich in only three months. What would pop up when it was 500 years?

‘Gluttony, tell me what you know about him.’


It was the best way to gain an idea of Envy, who wasn’t attacking, and to figure out how to deal with him.

—As I mentioned, Invidia is a parasitic grimoire that needs a host. He maximizes the potential of the host and accelerates its growth rate. Up to here, it is similar to me.


–The Seven Sins each have a unique ability. In the case of Pride, it is feeding evolution, eating its prey. Envy’s inherent ability is called ‘envious plundering,’ according to its characteristic.

Once Liliana heard those words, ‘Envious plundering’, she looked at the emperor who was still sitting down. The emperor’s aura was relaxed, and he didn’t show any hostility. Invidia, who wore the emperor’s skin, opened his mouth, “You won’t answer? Hrmm, good. You are a good listener, but your talking is the worst. If you choose to remain silent, close that filthy mouth until the end.”

While talking, Invidia opened his arms in an exaggerated manner. He was like the conductor of a band, an orator on a podium. His appearance was full of gaps, but no one could think about attacking him. Despite the hatred that had been ingrained in their bodies since childhood and the magic they had trained for decades, all the magicians were overwhelmed by their instincts.


They would die if they tried to strike one of the old man’s weaknesses. Cold sweat dripped down their bodies. Everyone gathered here subconsciously recognized the difference in power between them.

“Now, have you had enough time to look around? My brother, I told you not to speak, but I also want to hear your comments. How is it?” Envy ridiculed Gluttony’s silence. “How is the breeding ground that this body has created?!”

“…Breeding ground?”

“Yes, the whole of the North is a breeding ground for me,” Invidia responded in an excited voice like he thought Liliana’s words were Gluttony’s. The others gulped at this unfamiliar atmosphere. They didn’t know what was going on, but they could tell that a sinister secret was going to be revealed next. There was no need to break the excitement of the monster. Everyone implicitly agreed and focused on the conversation between the two people.

“The idea was pretty good, but carrying it out was more difficult than I thought. The talent to build a nation without any foundations is rare. A king like that is rare. Those heavenly qualities… If he had been born in the flesh of a god, he could’ve become transcendent.”

“If you are talking about the king of Andras… Sword King Kesein?”

“He had that name? Well, it doesn’t matter. With his body, I built this Andras, creating a system that revered aura. I was going to try in the East at first, but someone already got there first.”

“Ah,” Liliana muttered in agreement, “Lust…”

“You are familiar with it. Well, you can probably guess the next thing, Brother? Aura users can improve themselves to a certain level, but then they need to take on others. In other words, a struggle is needed to build them up.”


“That’s right. A sword empire going against a magic kingdom. Aura and magic, the countries with two opposing powers became my breeding ground. Humans are foolish. Once a fire is lit, they don’t care where the fuse came from. They kill each other, and my purpose is achieved. Huhu, what lovely creatures.”

It was a guess. The fact that the king who had established a great empire in the middle of nowhere was a grimoire meant that Paragranum, who had helped establish Meltor, was suspicious. The pieces connected in this way. Grimoires didn’t care about human ethics. They would commit good and evil in order to achieve their purpose of existence. The two grimoires cooperating for their own purposes would be able to produce the deep-rooted history of this Northern Continent.

There had been the appearance of titanium, the establishment of the magic towers which then became the foundation of the magic kingdom, and the recurrence of the armistice agreement. More than 10 million people had died over the past 500 years, but the two grimoires felt no guilt at all. They didn’t regret it if it meant getting closer to their goals. Behind Liliana’s rigid face, Gluttony whispered,

–His inherent ability is to steal the power of others. Invidia symbolizes the sin of ‘Envy’, always searching for a power that he doesn’t have.

‘…Raising sword masters and eating them.’

–That is accurate.

‘Then why not magicians or elementalists?’

–It is simple. The only thing he can steal is a ‘unique ability’. Magic and elementals belong to the same source. He can steal Sorcery, but it isn’t worth it unless he can use magic. It is more efficient to collect many Aura Abilities.

Convinced by Gluttony’s easy explanation, Liliana’s eyebrows twitched. If Invidia was able to steal Aura Abilities, it meant that all the abilities of the sword masters that existed in the history of the empire were gathered in one body. He could be a big threat, having combined dozens of abilities. Not all abilities were as powerful as ‘space cut’, but Liliana couldn’t guarantee that there weren’t more powerful abilities than that.

‘The odds… Damn, I don’t know. I can’t get a sense of how strong he is.’

Liliana didn’t sense an overwhelming power like she had with Fafnir or Desertio. However, that didn’t mean Invidia felt weaker than them. The previous two dragons were so overwhelming that it was like looking up at the distant night sky, and Invidia had the same abyss-like presence. Regardless of the magnitude of his power, it was ominous.

‘If possible, don’t fight.’ Liliana suppressed her emotions and made a decision.

“Hmm, it isn’t pleasant to have bugs listening to my words. I need to remove these bugs before talking to you.”

Invidia pointed his sword without a single bit of killing intent.


She couldn’t react. Liliana’s super sensitivity screamed out one beat late, but there was a person who reacted faster than that.―――――――Kiiing! There was a sharp ringing sound!

As Invidia heard it, his gaze shifted somewhere. For the first time, it wasn’t toward Liliana but Blundell Adruncus.

“Hoh, you blocked it. Ah, the owner of this Aura Ability lost to you, master of the blue tower.”

“I didn’t think I would see this ability again.” Cough. A few drops of blood fell from Blundell’s lips. “You’ve shortened my lifespan even more, Emperor.”

“Indeed, it was like this. Your ‘flow’ magic is a Sorcery that interferes with this ability. I was wondering how a person at the 8th circle could use Time Stop, but it was at the expense of your life.”

“A foul is a foul, isn’t it? Cough!” As the blue robe became stained with blood, Blundell’s large body stumbled. This was the moment that an unsightly scene occurred.


Around that big body, all movements stopped as white smoke filled the surroundings. The flow of air, conduction of heat, and reflection of light all stopped due to something interfering with it. It was Time Stop, the ultimate magic that originally could only be used by 9th circle magicians. Therefore, Blundell’s body received a huge burden every time he used it.

“White Tower Master, now! Move as far as possible!”

“I understand!” The White Tower Master saw the emperor’s capabilities and immediately accepted Blundell’s instructions, drawing a magic circle under his feet. This was already the second Mass Teleport today. It placed a considerable burden on him, but it was a hundred times better than dying. Even with Blundell’s Time Stop, Orta cast the spell just before the emperor moved his sword.


The approximately 20 people couldn’t do anything and fell down the edge of a mountain. They were 10 kilometers away from their previous location. If possible, Orta wanted it to be 100 kilometers away, but this was the limit for instantly created magic circles.

Orta breathed roughly through the pain and said, “Sigh… Give me a few minutes to breathe.”

However, at that moment…

“—Get down!” Liliana shouted as she felt a chill.

Zest’s Style Space Cut. Hidden Technique, Kill the Gap. Fermut Style, Refraction Sword. Cutting from Both Ends!

Shortly after that, a fountain of blood rose.


Some people managed to avoid it thanks to Liliana’s warning, but six people were cut in half, causing blood to gush up. It was truly a horizontal blow that cut people in half. The ones who couldn’t escape had used defense magic, but shields had no meaning before bent space itself.

‘This technique… Is it Zest Speitem’s?’

Skipping through space… Liliana was familiar with it. According to her memories, Zest had only been able to move a few meters with it. It wasn’t a technique that could be used to narrow a distance of 10 kilometers, even if all his power was exhausted.

‘Gluttony, don’t tell me this is Invidia’s ability?’

–He wouldn’t be a Seven Sins if he simply took the ability. He can use the ability to its maximum potential and combine several abilities. Even if it is the same ability, the power changes after entering his hands.


Regardless of whether he knew Liliana’s astonishment or not, Invidia admired the fact that several humans had survived his strike.

“Hoh, interesting. I thought I would finish it all at once. It seems like I can enjoy this outing. I will give you one chance. Feel free to attack.”

“This bastardddd!”

“I will sure kill you!”

The magicians were in a frenzy after losing their colleagues.

“Wait! Be more careful…”

However, it was too late. Instead, Liliana stopped talking and gathered her magic power to help as much as possible. Since it was already too late, it would be better to join in on the attack. Liliana released two Memorize slots.

Memorize. Two Slots Open. Double Infernal Blade.

One was just created by Liliana, while the other two had been stored in advance. The three fire swords burned the space as they moved. They aimed at the seemingly defenseless Invidia. The other determined magicians also fired their own attack spells. Diamond Dust, Hell Fire, Acid Dragon, Thunder Calling… The firepower to make a high-level monster disappear wrapped around Invidia’s body.

— — — — — —-!!

The earth shook. The range of their firepower was narrow compared to that of Veronica’s previous firepower, but it was highly concentrated. The magical bombardment melted the ground like magma, and the wind turned into a vacuum. This would wound a dragon, let alone a sword master. It was the destructive power of an adult dragon, so one person wondered if it was enough.

“—Now, is it my turn?”

That person cursed their own stupidity.

“I only took out ‘Adamantine Might’ and ‘Immutability’, but you couldn’t even cause a scratch. I’ll have to get rid of the low-level bugs.”

Surrounded by a golden aura, Invidia looked like King Kesein who had been revered as a ‘Sword King.’ Even though what was inside was a fearful creature of the abyss, the power was no different. No, it had become even more powerful over the years. Invidia walked over the boiling magma and declared their sentence in a dry voice, “Die.”

Then a number of translucent swords appeared around his body.

Heart Sword State. Despise the Weak.

It was the ability of a sword master from the distant past who had the ability to mentally influence reality. A heart sword that couldn’t be blocked by physical defense needed to be blocked purely with the mind. If they didn’t resist, the ability wouldn’t just affect the mind but kill their actual body. A person who had reached the realm of a master would be able to bear some of the impact, but…

“T-This! sh*t!” Liliana yelled half a beat late as she realized the situation.

She responded too late because it was her first time encountering a mental Aura Ability. Apart from Liliana and the six masters, all of the other magicians would die. Yes, even William and Sylvia who accompanied her.

‘T-Too late…’

The heart sword was already shooting at William and Sylvia. In this situation, it was impossible to protect them. Please let William’s and Sylvia’s mentality be strong. Liliana closed her eyes, unable to stand the horrors she would soon see.


Unsurprisingly, a large amount of blood splattered. Liliana saw the epicenter of the blood soaking the ground, and her eyes widened.

**Chapter 290 – INVIDIA (2)**

The body that had been stronger than anyone else’s was shaking dangerously.

“Blue Tower Master!”
“Old Man!”

The robes of the 8th circle great sorceress, Blundell Adruncus, were dyed red. It was due to the damage of the sword which destroyed the body and spirit without leaving traces on the clothing. However, Liliana couldn’t help wondering.

A sorceress’s accomplishment couldn’t be said to be proportional to mental power, but a powerful sorceress possessed a strong mentality. Veronica and Blundell would only feel a mild dizziness after receiving this attack. So, why did Blundell suffer such serious injuries?

The reason for it was revealed by Invidia. “You are doing stupid things, transferring the damage of others to your own body. What is the use of such ineffective behavior?”

“Cough! It might be dangerous to those children, but it is just a slight scrape to this old woman. Anyway, if I can use my life to save them, there is no reason to hesitate…!”

Indeed, Blundell didn’t fall down. The heart sword would’ve sliced William’s heart, as well as Sylvia’s carotid artery. Instead, the spirit and physical strength which had been trained for a hundred years received the blow that would’ve killed dozens of people alone.

The expressions of the sorceresses, who were burdens to Blundell, stiffened. Meanwhile, Invidia scoffed, “Why should the strong protect the weak? You should’ve let them die and attacked me instead.”

“Hu, a monster like you won’t understand humans. I wasn’t expecting this!” Suddenly, Blundell pointed her staff. “Wait a bit longer!”


Once again, time stopped. As the space around the emperor stopped, Blundell shouted urgently toward the weary-looking Orta, “White Tower Master! Get anyone who isn’t a master away from here! Hurry!”


There were elite sorceresses of the 6th circle. They would be a great help in a normal confrontation between masters, but if the emperor was the opponent, they wouldn’t even be able to grab his ankles. It was just like how general soldiers couldn’t help in a war between warriors and knights. When had they ever received such treatment? The sorceresses were in distress because they didn’t understand the situation.

Among them, there was a sorceress who refused the teleportation. “I don’t want to, I don’t want to! Grandmother, Lili! I can help too! I don’t want to run away alone like this!”


Sylvia struggled against the confused William’s hands, shaking her long silver hair to the left and right as desperate tears overflowed from her blue eyes. She looked at Liliana as the magic circle started to shine beneath the sorceress’ feet. It was the precursor to a mass teleport.

William was sweating while struggling with Sylvia. Then Blundell walked over and spoke softly, “Sylvia, sweetie.”

“I don’t want to! I don’t want to hear it, Grandma! I couldn’t show you anything! Please don’t disappear like this! Lili, I wanted to be helpful to Grandma, so I worked hard…!”

“Then you have achieved that goal, my granddaughter.”


Blundell gently wiped Sylvia’s tears and gave her a warm smile. “I have been living all this time because of you.”

“Ah…” As she paused for a moment in a slight daze, the magic circle flashed once. The light disappeared and no one was standing there anymore.

‘Sylvia…’ Liliana’s chest felt tight as she recalled her crying face. Did she sense that she would be separated from Blundell in this fight? She didn’t know why, but she felt anger at Sylvia’s crying face.

Then as if to light the fuse, he emerged.


It was the emperor of Andras, Invidia ‘Envy.’ The Time Stop could only hold him for a few minutes. As he walked forward, Invidia ridiculed them, “It is the end of the boring melodrama.”

He didn’t care about the heavy atmosphere as he raised the sword in his hand.

“Now, come on,” he declared, looking at the seven masters.

“I was already planning on it!” Understandably, Veronica was the first to respond to the provocation.


She took one step, and the ground melted from the vast heat and pressure. The power of Veronica, who had inherited the blood of a dragon and the magic of eight circles, was more than twice that of Blundell’s. There wasn’t a single sorceress who surpassed her in pure destruction.

Simultaneously, 10 Infernal Blades appeared beside her. The moment that the space in front of her was distorted by the terrible heat, the world’s strongest sorceress jumped forward. In a flash…

Veronica’s fist burst forward.


A hill was crumbled in one blow, and the debris destroyed in two. By the third blow, the air was burning to produce a vacuum. From then on, it couldn’t be seen with the human eyes. When measuring with time, each blow took a fraction of a second. The bombardment which could destroy a mountain crashed into Invidia’s body.


Before that destructive power, Invidia’s sword flashed.

Zest’s Style Space Cut.

Broken Space―Thin Air Cut.

This was the technique that had blocked Liliana’s heatwave in the past. A section of space was cut, blocking any physical forces. Then Invidia’s sword moved again.

Delkur’s Defense Method.

Immutability―Impregnable Wall.

Temporarily cutting space wouldn’t completely prevent the destructive power, so he would strengthen his defenses with other Aura Abilities. Simultaneously, a dark aura appeared in front of Invidia’s body and blocked all of Veronica’s blows. The space trembled, and the clouds above their heads were torn apart!

Nevertheless, the wall of darkness didn’t collapse easily. However, Veronica wasn’t Invidia’s only enemy.

“―Your back is exposed.” Randolph’s double swords flashed behind the emperor.


There was no chance to use a hidden technique. However, there was no need for anything other than strength to kill. With his speed, Randolph could stab at Invidia’s vital spots. Then Randolph’s two arms moved.

His right hand aimed for Invidia’s neck, shoulders, ribs, and side, while his left hand aimed for Invidia’s temple, clavicle, wrist, and abdomen. The speed didn’t leave any afterglows and couldn’t be reacted to.

“It is fast, but that is all,” Invidia spoke a few words and struck back.

Ainz Round Sword Style.


Just like a mirror, he deflected all of Randolph’s attacks, launching eight strikes to block all of them. It was the ability of Ludo Ainz, known to be the backbone of the Seven Swords from 200 years ago. However, Randolph didn’t know this and was hit in his abdomen by Invidia’s kick.


There were still two people. Edwin and Ellaim hid their nervousness and started their distinctive breathing. It was to call the high-ranking water and wind elementals. The two guardians who used the spear and bow were veterans who defended the outskirts of Elvenheim. The problem was just that the other person was more of a monster.

“What, my legs?”

“You aren’t the only one who knows lost skills.”

Invidia used Delkur’s shadow ability to completely stop Ellaim from moving. As their mobility was stopped, Invidia slowly and vertically raised his sword in his hand.

‘This…!’ Liliana was the only one who responded.

She had recent experience fighting ‘him’, so her instincts made her revolve her circles faster than anyone else.

Pan Helliones’ Super Heavy Sword.

1st type, Earth Break.

Shortly afterward, aura fell down like a meteor.

* * *


There was a landslide. No, it was too moderate to call it that. The lava on the ground soared into the clouds, and the earth was turned upside down, forming a huge basin in the middle of the mountain. It was like a giant, that was several kilometers in height, had stomped their feet as hard as possible.

Pan Helliones possessed a strong destructive power, but it wasn’t enough to destroy a mountain range like this.

“…How can we win against that monster?”

Liliana barely pulled out the two elves with Fluidization and looked at the devastation. If she had been half a beat late, Edwin or Ellaim would've literally been smashed.

‘Perhaps if it wasn’t for Blundell’s assistance, I would be too late.’

Liliana didn’t miss the moment Invidia’s body turned black and white as time was stopped for a moment just as the sword was about to fall.

Time Stop, the original ultimate magic used for victory could only stop the enemy for a moment? As Gluttony said, the ultimate magic to not have much effect on grimoires that were already at the 6th stage.

Blundell’s Time Stop was a big help because unlike Veronica’s destructive power, she could assist in the direction of the fight.

‘No, even so…’

Too strong. Her super-sensitivity was still a mess, but Liliana had passed the threshold of life and death many times and realized there was no chance.

‘Not power or speed. He has used six or seven Aura Abilities. If I assume that there are dozens more… we don’t stand a chance.’

It might be possible if only one Aura Ability was used at a time, but he was a monster who could combine several abilities. Were the legendary grandmasters like this?

- No, not a grandmaster.

Gluttony firmly denied Liliana’s words.

– Well, if we only consider the output, he has long surpassed a grandmaster. However, you are overlooking the most important part.

‘The output is more than a grandmaster? What is the difference?’

– It is the difference in ‘standing.’ I would like to explain more but… please be prepared. He is coming again.


Invidia was coming again. “Is it up to here? Then it is my turn.”

Liliana felt something. Invidia’s blade greatly bent and took an unknown shape. It was a 3D shape that couldn’t be recognized by the senses of a creature. Then Liliana shivered with a sense of discomfort as Invidia used a special technique without hesitation.

Triple Compound Hidden Technique.

It was the combination of three Aura Abilities that Invidia had obtained from three slaughtered sword masters.

Broken Space―Cut to Pieces.
Refraction―The End of the World.
Maze―Decisive Stage of Labyrinthos.

It was the extreme space cut that could damage a high-ranking demon, as well as a refraction sword that crushed the bent space itself. In addition to those, it combined the ‘Labyrinth’ ability which allowed Invidia to rebuild space freely.

Kill, kill, and kill.

How many people could survive in this space where three types of deaths coexisted? It was a technique that Blundell couldn’t afford to take on alone!

‘sh*t, I can’t escape with all my limbs intact…!’

Liliana could escape if she sacrificed her left arm. Then it happened when Liliana faced the approaching hell.

Clang! There was a loud sound that came from an unknown place.

“…Eh?” Liliana’s eyes widened. All of the hellish attacks had disappeared without a trace.

Invidia stared at someone with an interested look. “How did a 7th circle sorceress penetrate this…? It is those eyes. The Empty Eyes are the nemesis of the labyrinth. I will leave you alive and pull out your eyeballs.”


The one who suffered damage and the one unaffected were the opposite of what had been expected. The blood that flowed down from Orta’s mask proved that she had paid a considerable price. It was difficult to break down Invidia’s technique even with the transcendent power of her eyes. Furthermore, she wouldn’t be able to block the next technique with her Empty Eyes.

In this increasingly unfavorable situation, someone whispered in Liliana’s ear, [Kid, do you have any countermeasures?]

[T-Tower Master?] Liliana didn’t look back despite her surprise, as she lowered her voice and replied to her, […Why are you saying this to me?]

It might be different in a normal situation, but right now, there were many suspicious things about Liliana. She was being called sister by Invidia, and no hostility was shown toward her. Invidia had even said that they would talk later.

If it wasn’t for this urgent situation, it wouldn’t be strange if she was arrested and interrogated. Then why did Veronica ask her if she had any countermeasures?

Veronica made a sound like she heard something ridiculous and sent her voice to her again, [Hah! There are many things I want to ask, but there is no one here who thinks you are an enemy. How long do you think we’ve watched you, fool?]

[…Thank you.]

[Ah, stop talking about this embarrassing story! So? Have you thought of something? If this continues, we will definitely lose. Suggest anything.]

Liliana was troubled for a moment. Then she thought of a last resort. However, in order to carry out this method, somebody’s sacrifice was needed.

“…I need time.”
“How much?”
“5 minutes―no, 3 minutes.”

“3 minutes…” Veronica narrowed her eyes. Frankly speaking, this confrontation was being maintained by the opponent’s whim. They wouldn’t be able to hold on for 3 minutes if he really wanted to kill them.

In such a situation, 3 minutes was impossible. However, this made Veronica even more convinced by Liliana.

“It is hard, but isn’t this good?”
“…Tower Master?”
“This time, I will show you a wonderful appearance! Don’t be late with your preparations.”

Liliana’s hairs rose as she stepped out without hesitation. Strategically, it was ridiculous for her to face the opponent alone. Due to that, Invidia didn’t attack immediately. He opened his mouth with a strange look, “Red hybrid dragon. What are your intentions?”

“What are my intentions?”
“Surely you can see the difference in strength. What are you going to do by yourself?”
“Hmm, how about this form?” Veronica threw off her red robe, revealing her solid and well-trained body. It was a feat that required a lot of courage to do in front of a monster like Invidia. Then at that moment…

Duguen! It was the sound of a heart beating, and it came from Veronica’s body. The air seemed to shake. It was like a giant drum-like sound. Dugeun, dugeun. A strange shockwave emerged with Veronica in the center.

“3 minutes… That is the limit of my time,” Veronica murmured in a grim voice as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

Then Invidia was able to see it. “…Hoh?”

In Veronica’s eyes, there were golden dragon pupils, not human ones.

Chapter 291 – INVIDIA (3)


It wasn’t just her pupils that had changed. Whenever Veronica breathed in and out, a cloud of hot steam emerged from her nose and lips. This was a phenomenon that was normally only seen in the snowfields. It was caused by the extreme difference between Veronica’s body temperature and the temperature of the atmosphere.

If Liliana were to compare an ordinary human body to a hot water circulating system, Veronica’s body was a boiling furnace. The steam emerging from the respiratory tract was just the aftermath. The blood of a red dragon could reach hundreds of degrees Celsius, and it was now evaporating the moisture around her.

Every time her heart pounded, Veronica’s body became closer to that of a dragon than a human. The quarter blood of a dragon regained its strength by using the eight circles as a substitute for a dragon heart. Scales grew on Veronica’s white skin, and a pair of small, pointed horns popped up on her head. Judging from the appearance, she was a dragon person.

“You want to reproduce the power of a dragon with the lineage of a quarter dragon? The idea is quite interesting, but it won’t last a long time with your flesh which is closer to a human’s,” Invidia instantly saw through the situation.

This caused Veronica to snap her sharp fangs as she retorted, “That much, I know as well…!” So, this would only last for three minutes. Her heart was beating like it would burst, and her blood was boiling hot. This was a double-edged sword for her.

In exchange for acquiring magic power and physical abilities far beyond that of a human, Veronica’s body was quickly breaking down. Her bones that were stronger than steel and her muscles that were tougher than an ogre’s couldn’t handle the power of a dragon. It was only possible for a pure-blooded dragon or a high-ranking demon.

Invidia guessed the limits of this transformation and was interested. So, instead of attacking, he observed her mutation.

15 seconds later, Veronica’s transformation was over.


Now, flames came out when she breathed. The king of fire that could swim in lava… The red dragon’s unique violence shouted fiercely, ‘Use your power!’ She formed a fist and looked ahead.

‘…From now on, it is three minutes.’

Her body was already creaking. Veronica smiled bitterly and faced the monster in front of her. Was it because she was closer to a dragon than a human in this state? Her eyes penetrated through Invidia, who was disguised as an elderly human. He was ridiculous. She couldn’t conserve her energy and had to fight him with the resolve to die.

Once Veronica’s change was over, Invidia raised his sword and said, “Don’t give up, come.”

Veronica was unshakable before his declaration. “Get lost―――!!” She let out a terrifying roar and punched.


It was like the earth was bursting apart. The sonic boom that accompanied her fist caused Invidia’s body to fly back. He had managed to completely block the attack, but the impact caused his legs to lose their balance.

Invidia laughed as he flew back hundreds of meters. He had confirmed one thing. “Hmm, I can’t play around with this level.”

The power of ‘Adamantine Might,’ which blocked great magic, had been destroyed by Veronica’s strength, indicating that Veronica might currently be stronger than an adult red dragon. Her pure physical abilities lagged behind a dragon’s, but her eight circles made her combat force superior.

Breaking the speed of sound with one step, she destroyed his defense with one fist. Invidia flew through the air and recalled the enemies he had faced in the past.

Peeng! Peeng! Peeeong!

There were a few sonic booms, and Veronica appeared. “I think I will finish this in one blow!” She jumped beyond the walls of the speed of sound, clinging to him with four pairs of burning wings. It wasn’t an elegant trick like flying magic.

The flames propelling her from behind ran wild, and she could barely control the direction. Even though she was lacking control, it would cause a catastrophe if they just fell to the ground. She was moving at a speed that was several times the speed of sound, so even a body made of mithril wouldn’t be able to withstand the impact.

Veronica’s aim was shocking. She focused on the wings on her back and aimed toward the still flying Invidia. Unlike magic, it was a power that dominated the flames itself. “Dieeee!” Veronica reached hypersonic speed and dropped like a falling comet. Her afterimages couldn’t even be recognized as the physical properties of the air changed rapidly. Invidia couldn’t avoid her attack, and the kick that was like a crashing meteor struck his abdomen.


The entire mountain range was shaken by Veronica’s blow.


It didn’t end with just the crash. With her feet deep in Invidia’s abdomen, Veronica continued to push deeper into the ground, traveling a few kilometers below the surface. She demolished the solid granite and the limestone beneath it. The strata contained enormous heat and pressure. It wasn’t an environment where living organisms could live.

In this hell-like environment, the skirmish between the two monsters ended. ‘This isn’t enough! A little more explosive power…!’

Her scales became clearer and her horns grew larger as she sucked in the mana of the environment. The deep heat and pressure of this underground world was an ideal environment for a red dragon. The flames near Veronica’s body became incandescent, and the olivine in the area melted.

“…Interesting. Is this enough to match the firepower of the 9th circle?” ‘Envy’ of the Seven Sins pointed his sword at Veronica, who had become the incarnation of white fire, and declared spitefully, “Why don’t you try it and see, hybrid?!”

Shortly after that, the Nadun Mountains suffered greatly.

* * *

Kururung! Kukukung…! Kukukukung…! The earth kept shaking. It was the vibration caused by Veronica’s fight with Invidia. ‘She is enduring desperately. I also have to surpass my limits.’

Liliana kept moving her hands, despite the shaking. She needed to reduce the task that would take five minutes to three minutes, preparing for it with Gluttony’s advice and Satomer’s wide knowledge. The two tower masters remained silent at her desperate appearance. No, Orta approached the magic circle without hesitation.

“I’ll help you. What should I draw on the edge?”

“Thank you. The crown and sword marks…”

Blundell also wanted to help, but he was at his limit.

“Cough.” Black blood emerged when he coughed. It was proof that his body’s organs were already dying. His heart rate was slowing down and his lungs weakening. He looked anxiously at the two people and sighed.

Then he looked down at the jeweled ring on his left hand. The jewel which had looked like a ruby when he first got it had now turned dingy like coal. ‘Hrmm… I have spent it. I wanted to live until Sylvia was all grown up, but the world didn’t let me.’

It had been 10 years since Kurt had given Blundell this ring. For a magician who could control the flow of magic, Blundell had known that his life would be over in a few more years. This ring was a national treasure, another ‘heart’ that contained life force. However, the remaining lifespan of several years had now flown away after continuously using Time Stop.

Rather than lamenting his fate, Blundell muttered, “Damn… A young magician who plays around.” This was Blundell’s perception of Liliana. Having watched her since she won against Sylvia in the tournament, Blundell had become vexed. Liliana left Sylvia and went into the world to associate with other women? If it hadn’t been her request, he might’ve made a big decision as a grandfather.

‘Well, I know why you did it.’ As a girl who could take steps toward the uncertain future without hesitation… Liliana was charming as a woman and as a sorceress. In that case, an old man shouldn’t grab her ankle.

Blundell faced his impending death and asked Liliana, “So, what are you going to try against that monster emperor?”

“Summoning magic.”

“…Summoning magic?” Blundell was dumbfounded. There was no sorceress who didn’t know that the golden age of summoning magic had passed. When he was younger, he had also tried summoning magic and had only gotten a few turtles. Yet, in this situation, Liliana wanted to use summoning magic?

Blundell was prepared to withdraw all his praise when he saw the magic circle drawn on the ground. “Hah…” He was deeply impressed with the absurd perfection. ‘Four-dimensional calculations superimposed over three-dimensional craft…! The idea is new, but her skill at completing this magic circle in a few minutes is more amazing. Is she better than me and Veronica when it comes to magic circles?’

This was the combination of Liliana’s brains and Satomer’s knowledge, a sorceress with a genius talent and one with a passion for summoning magic. As Blundell admired the magic circle, Liliana placed her left hand on the ground without hesitation. “I will use this sword as the medium for the summoning.”

Then a sword emerged from the palm of Liliana’s left hand.

“Ohh…! T-That sword…?”

“This dense power…!”

Ellaim and Edwin were sensitive to the movement of mana and responded first. The sword shone brightly, light reflecting off the sacred blade. Even a person not familiar with swords could tell the greatness of this sword.

It was the god sword, Claimhb Solais. This was the loot Liliana had acquired when she took down the 6th Sword, Hyde on the Sipoto Plains.

“…Indeed, this sword can call a strong presence,” Orta acknowledged it. Then he asked Liliana, “Captain, what are you planning to summon?”

If this sword was used as a sacrifice, she could summon even the evil demons who had been expelled from this material world. Orta was going to stop her if she intended to call a tiger to fight a wolf.

Liliana started talking like she had guessed Orta’s thoughts, “At first, I was thinking about the dragon, Fafnir. Randolph, as you know, it is hard to find a summons with more destructive power.”

However, that thought was soon overturned. Fafnir was certainly powerful, but this wasn’t the middle of the sea. His power could sweep over the entire continent. The continent would become like the Red Plateau, a wasteland where life can’t grow.

It would be a catastrophe bigger than this perpetual war in the Northern Continent.

Furthermore, Invidia wasn’t an opponent to be pushed with pure firepower like Superbia. He could get away through space, and as someone who had already reached the 6th stage, there was a possibility to reverse the situation since Fafnir was limited by the summoning.

“So, I thought about the biggest and strongest.”

“That is?”

Liliana placed the god sword in the middle of the circle and pointed at it. “The master of this sword.”

The people present still didn’t know the truth of the god sword and were confused. Meanwhile, Liliana spoke with a serious expression, “The forgotten king, Nuada Airgetlám.”

He who was praised as the left arm of God, the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann. A warrior who won with an invincible sword, he was the god of victory who shed blood on the battlefield, bringing the gods to victory in two great battles. “From now on, I will call a divine summon.”

A god descending to destroy evil… There was nothing more suitable! Liliana’s hands moved as she made up her mind, and soon after, a spell started to flow from her lips.

Chapter 292 – INVIDIA (4)

"「 I speak to you, the god-king who has fallen asleep on the Mag Tuired Plains―」"

Simultaneously, the magic circle under Liliana's feet emitted a gentle light and pulled in mana. However, it wasn’t actually necessary to provide the power needed for summoning magic. This was a type of osmotic pressure, a phenomenon that happened because the world’s mana concentration on this magic circle was too high for this material world.

"「 You have golden hair like the sun, and your red cloak flaps to guide you to victory. You, the honored king whose lost arm was replaced with silver, once wielded a sword that destroys wickedness. 」"

It was a story that didn’t exist in this day and age. This was a summoning spell based on the biography of the god-king of the god clan, Nuada Airgetlám. Liliana had to consume most of the Library’s remaining points in order to create this spell.

An ordinary person might not know this, but the value of a forgotten myth was literally endless. The spell that borrowed the power of a forgotten god was actually 9th circle magic.

Keraunos, a lightning god descended from Zeus.

Gungnir, a blessing destined to always hit the target.

The bow that could shoot down the sun with one arrow.

Now, Liliana was trying magic that went beyond those.

"「 You, who have welcomed the three women of destiny as wives, who once withdrew from your place and regained your throne… A warrior with more fairness and courage than anyone else, Lia Fail shouted at your coronation, and the noon sun was your crown. 」"

A forgotten god was still a god. Even a great sorceress who achieved the ultimate magic couldn’t arbitrarily call upon such a mighty existence. Normally, at least one million people and four dragon hearts were needed. This wasn’t a lower level god but the king, the most famous of them all.

Unlike black magic summoning, Liliana and any other summoner would have to pay a fair price.

‘…If I didn’t have Claimhb Solais…’

Funnily enough, the sword she’d taken from the empire’s Seven Swords was the key.

‘One of the four treasures of the Elin, a sword that symbolizes Nuada Airgetlám… A treasure that no one has escaped once it is pulled from its sheath, a treasure that they have to respond to.’

The god clan was a contradiction. They were part of the material world and disappeared after death but remained behind in the world to respond to calls and prayers. However, it wasn’t easy to contact a god.

A divine message and calling a god down were national events, where only the wills of many people praying together would make it succeed.

"「 I swear, this is to fight against evil. 」"

Thus, this summoning was a foul.

"「 I swear, this is a just fight. 」"

A monster that had been gathering absolute power for 500 years was also a foul.

"「 I swear, this is a fight to save the world! 」"

The pressure from the magic circle became stronger as Liliana shouted to Nuada, who still showed no signs of coming. The promised time was three minutes. If Veronica was killed because she was a few seconds late, Liliana would swing her fist even if the god-king appeared next to her.


Was Liliana’s desperate cry heard?

–Hahahaha! An excited laugh rang out in her head. It was clear, cheerful, and no evil could be felt from it. The happy and pleasant laughter soared into the sky.

The voice of God-King Nuada was truly great.

–Yes, that’s it! Rather than defeating evil or carrying out justice, a woman is more precious than saving the world! Well, yes. If you are a woman, you should save a woman who loves you! That honest aspiration, Nuada Airgetlám admires it!

Liliana was puzzled and asked hesitantly, "Are you really the god-king?"

–Yes, you summoned me with my sword. There have been many who have tried to borrow my strength so far, but this is the first time there is a sorceress who wants to manifest my body directly.


Of course, it was natural. It was possible to obtain the blessing of a god or receive some of its power if she sacrificed Claimhb Solais. There wasn’t a lunatic like Liliana who used it directly to summon Nuada.

It wasn’t unreasonable for Nuada to wonder why.

‘The enemy has to be killed at any cost.’

That was enough. Summoning magic opened up Liliana’s soul, attracting the existence of another world. In the process, information about ‘Envy’ naturally flowed into the consciousness connected to her.

For this reason, Nuada fell silent for a while.

-…Invader, who was left behind in this world.

Liliana read the deep burning hatred and anger flowing from Nuada, and felt confused.

Did Nuada Airgetlám have an antagonistic relationship with the Seven Sins which stemmed back to the Age of Mythology?

Before Liliana could express her question, a hand emerged from the light of the summoning circle. It was white like marble but different from a statue, and its forearm was wrapped in silver armor.

Gripping Claimhb Solais with a divine hand, Nuada Airgetlám whispered in a low and cold voice, –Indeed, now I understand your words. Fighting evil, saving the world, fighting for justice. There is no stage more suitable for this Nuada.

The last step of the summoning magic… the other party’s consent! The God-King Nuada accepted the summoning to this material world.

Then at that moment…* * *


The surface of the ground opened with a loud explosion. It came from several kilometers beneath the surface.

There was an elderly man wielding a sword and a white flame. Every time Veronica punched out, it would hit Invidia’s blade, and the ground would shake. The lava that could melt metal wasn’t much different from lukewarm water for both beings.

In this flow of magma, Veronica thought despairingly, ‘Dammit, this monster…! It seems to be getting stronger and stronger…?’

Veronica realized that she was becoming disadvantaged with every blow. The dragon scales on her body were covered with blood from the wounds all over her body.

“Your pre-motions are too much. Your breathing is simple. Do you have no experience learning martial arts?” Invidia remarked.

However, unlike her guess, Invidia wasn’t pulling out more power. He was simply using the battle experience taken from all the sword masters to move one step ahead of Veronica. If she tried to punch him, a sword would end up at her collarbone. Her speed and power were superior, but it was clear that her battle experience was lacking.

“You are on the defensive, but your strength has a limit.” Invidia narrowed the gap and stabbed his sword.

Roland’s Rapier Sword.

Penetration – Reverse Thrust.

The power of ‘Penetration’—the ability to half-neutralize physical strength—pierced Veronica’s shoulder. Her fist flew from the other side and Veronica opened up the distance, grunting nervously as she touched the wound. “Ouch! How many Aura Abilities are you capable of, you monster…!”

The ‘Rapid’ ability that made her speed look slow, the ‘Penetration’ that made it through defense magic and dragon scales, and the ‘Super Heavy Sword’ that matched the destructive power of magic… they were the best abilities of this age.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Invidia’s strength, which collected dozens of Aura Abilities and used them freely according to the circ*mstances, had reached the same level as a transcendent.

「 пламя нож (Flame Sword)! 」 She used Dragon Words to gather four scorching swords and merged them into one. It was an application of magic that would run wild, but it wasn’t impossible with the strength of Dragon Words. Four destructive 7th circle spells were compressed into a sword shape.

Veronica gathered her remaining power and released it in order to overturn the situation. “Turn to ashes!”

She unleashed a flaming storm that seemed to burn the sky and the earth!

“You want to rely on the advantage of your destructive power? It is a foolish judgment.” In response, Invidia swung his greatsword vertically.

Quadruple Compound Hidden Technique.

Heavy Sword – Style 0, World Break.

Severe Earthquake – Great Strike.

Storm Force – Decisive Storm Bringer.

Amplification – Transcendent Power.

One of them was from a sword master that symbolized the current Andras, while the others were from sword masters in the past. The four powers were combined, and their power amplified to a terrible degree.

The strong flames were cut in two and couldn’t even touch Invidia’s armor before collapsing. There was too much power for Veronica’s force to have an influence. Veronica and Invidia were already living natural disasters.

Shortly after that, a terrible explosion occurred.


Once she regained consciousness, Veronica felt a sense of defeat. “…Ah, ahh…”

The red scales on her skin were all gone, and she could feel that her horns no longer remained. Her body had determined that it couldn’t maintain the draconic state anymore and released it.

Her heart, normally filled with magic power, was empty, and she couldn’t even move a finger, making her feel helpless. She wanted to lose consciousness, so she bit her tongue and barely regained her focus.

‘This place…?’

The wind that tickled her skin and the warm sunshine meant that she was above ground. They had been fighting several kilometers underground, but her body had been thrown out by that last explosion. She was freed from her draconic state shortly after that.

Otherwise, Veronica would’ve been destroyed without a trace.

“You’ve opened your eyes?” Invidia looked down at her, speaking with his sword at her neck. “It would’ve been more comfortable if you fell asleep.”

“…Don’t… make me… laugh!”

“What, don’t be so clueless. You did well. It is the first time I have consumed so much power since the founding of Andras. I praise you, Meltor’s Red Tower Master, Veronica.”

Veronica looked up at her approaching death that couldn’t be overturned by anything. Invidia acknowledged her strength in this short battle. He acknowledged that ‘Red Tower Master Veronica’ could become an obstacle and decided to kill her to remove this variable. In a sense, it could be called an acknowledgement.

‘…Ah, I am going to die here?’

Veronica wasn’t someone who would beg for her life. She looked up at the clouds in the distant sky and felt the blade getting increasingly closer to her neck. There were 15 seconds left in the three minutes she had promised to Liliana.

She felt uncomfortable and barely opened her trembling mouth. ‘The kid will somehow be able to do something. I did my best, so don’t be too disappointed.’

Veronica closed both eyes and felt a final regret, ‘Damn, if I knew it would be like this, I would’ve kissed her once.’

Then she prepared herself for it. Invidia didn’t say anything as a blue aura gathered on his blade. Then as he was about to cut Veronica’s neck―


There was a divine light. A majestic pillar of light rose a few kilometers away from where the two beings were. Lairon’s strength was like a firefly compared to this light. The glory of the gods, which had vanished after the Age of Mythology, had returned to this material world.

Veronica’s weary body was fast regaining its vitality, while Invidia stared at the pillar of light.

“…This presence, this light! It is impossible. It can’t be! What are they trying to do?” The confused Invidia forgot about the presence of Veronica under his feet and walked away. If ‘he’ was being summoned, Invidia couldn’t delay for even a moment. There were few existences that could destroy a 6th stage Seven Sins, and the owner of this presence was one of them.

“Gluttony! Do you think I will let you do this?” Invidia expressed his nervousness, anger, and resentment as he jumped through space with all his might.

Zest’s Footwork Hidden Technique.

Kill Interval.

Invidia’s body traveled a few kilometers, appearing in the middle of five men standing before the summoning circle. It was just after Nuada agreed to Liliana’s summoning request.

“You dare to act so foolishly in front of me…?!” Invidia’s face distorted like a demon from hell as he headed toward Liliana who stood within the summoning circle.

It was truly a narrow difference. If Invidia had arrived even 10 seconds later, the summoning would’ve succeeded first. The owner of the hand holding Claimhb Solais was undoubtedly the God-King Nuada, someone who could destroy a 6th-stage Seven Sins.

Even so, the five masters didn’t feel despair. Only 10 seconds, they thought they could somehow block the way. Exactly 8 seconds after that easy judgment.


Randolph was thrown out with both arms crushed.

“Kuoock, urgh… Avoid it!”


As soon as Edwin grabbed the bow, his left arm was cut off, and he keeled over from a huge wound on his abdomen. Ellaim couldn’t even stab the spear as blood poured out from a cut on his neck. Orta had long since fainted.

They’d risk their lives to block Invidia? That they could do it somehow?

The masters regretted the stupid thoughts they had a few seconds ago. Once Invidia was serious, it wasn’t even a fight. Liliana, Blundell, and Veronica were the only ones who had known the truth from the beginning.

There were only 2 seconds left, 2 seconds until the summoning was completed. Invidia could strike Liliana more than a hundred times in those seconds.

“―Haha,” Blundell laughed bitterly.


It was Time Stop. The sword aiming at Liliana’s neck got caught in a black and white space. Invidia’s power was great, but even he couldn’t ignore this ultimate magic. As Gluttony had said, the ‘standing’ was different, so the Time Stop could be released after a few seconds.

A few seconds later, it broke.

[The dedication that you showed at the end of your life, I will remember it.]

‘He’ walked out of the summoning circle and praised Blundell in a majestic voice. He had golden hair and a red cloak flapping behind him.

An existence that all people would feel awe toward praised the dying magician. However, the words just reached empty air. Even the ancient king, Nuada Airgetlám, didn’t have the power to revive a dead man.


The moment that Blundell stopped Invidia with the last of his life, he greeted the grim reaper who had been waiting for a long time. Even so, there was no regret on his face.

In honor of the end of the great magician, Liliana’s eyes filled with a fierce anger. “This summoner, Liliana Miller, will dare to petition the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann.”

Filled with resentment of the reality that couldn’t be overcome with her power, Liliana shouted angrily, “Please destroy Invidia, Envy of the Seven Sins!”

[The forgotten king, Nuada Airgetlám…]

A righteous anger aimed a sword toward the source of evil.

[From now on, I will punish this evil!]

Chapter 293 – Reproduction of Myths (1)

Once Nuada answered Liliana’s call, a divine light flowed out and filled the area. This was the body that was the symbol of victory. Nuada’s divine power covered the greatly wounded masters and revived their vitality, to the point where fighting again was possible. Most legends admired him as a war god, but there were a few where he was a healing god.

The king of the gods wasn’t almighty, but he was close to all-powerful. He protected the fishermen in the sea, healed all diseases on the ground, and was the sun god who ruled from the sky. There was no god as powerful as Nuada, and he also had an army of followers. In the second battle of Mag Tuired, the guardian who risked his life to overthrow Crom Cruach was Nuada Airgetlám.

He spoke to Invidia in a voice filled with dignity, [You look different from that time, Invader.]

As Liliana had guessed, the two beings knew each other. Nuada looked coldly at Invidia, who was in the shape of an old man. [No, I don’t think the shell means much to you. The shallow need to take away the power of others to fulfill that desire remains the same.]

“…Nuada Airgetlám. A ghost is insulting me?” Nuada’s words seemed to have struck a nerve as Invidia stiffened from the insult. Even though Nuada had died, he was the king of the god clan and couldn’t be compared to simple ghosts.

However, instead of falling for the provocation, Nuada laughed like Invidia had made a funny joke. [Huhaha! If I am a ghost, what are you? You might split into 10,000 pieces, but you can’t become one by collecting 10,000 pieces. It has been thousands of years, and you are still walking in the wrong place.]

“Don’t talk as if you know everything!” It was a conversation that couldn’t be understood. Liliana could sense profound principles in their words, but she lacked the ability to understand the conversation between the god-king and the Seven Sins grimoire.

However, there was one thing Liliana was able to know for sure. It was Nuada who took the lead in this struggle, while Invidia was falling prey to his provocations. Nuada shrugged at the hedgehog-like response. [Well, okay. You haven’t changed your method even after falling down a few times. I will praise you for not knowing how to give up.]

As he looked down at his prey, Nuada sneered, [This seventh or eighth attempt, I will score it with my sword.]

It literally occurred in an instant.

“―Kuk!” At the next moment, Invidia stepped back with a sword mark on his face. Liliana couldn’t see the attack or how it was avoided. This was the power of Claimhb Solais. According to legends, it was said to produce black flames and emit light. However, this was an absurd remark made by people who had never seen Nuada fight in person.

[Hoh, you only got a light wound? I’ll give you 60 points.] The essence of Nuada’s sword was that it couldn’t be recognized.

“Light Speed Sword, is it?” Invidia muttered as he barely dodged a serious blow. However, Nuada denied it, [That answer receives 0 points. If you can only think about that, you should give up on your unskilled attempts.]

“What would you know…?!” Invidia roared, drawing his sword. He used four types of Aura Abilities when dealing with Veronica, but now it exceeded 10 abilities. Acceleration, Enhancement, Special Talent, Operating System, Discharge… All types of Aura Abilities came together, distorting the space around the blade. If it were just the output, this would already be more than that of a grandmaster. 1+1=2, but Aura Ability wasn’t constant. If the abilities were well-balanced, it was possible to cause a synergy of four times, maybe even 10 times. In a few cases, the synergy of the Aura Abilities was multiplied by 16.

The ability of the 6th stage, to combine all abilities to the maximum, was now being freed. It was a dimensional interference that could only be seen with ancient dragons. This power was undoubtedly the domain of the transcendents.

“Insignificant personification, go back to where you came from!” Simultaneously, Invidia’s sword crushed the construct of time and space. 16 Compound Hidden Technique. Six Paths to Kill a God. World Breaking Emperor Strike. The essence of swordsmanship was extracted from dozens of sword masters, and the 16 synergistic abilities combined. Theoretically, it could separate the walls of the dimension…

[A swordsmanship that is just a shell, with no depth of power…] Nuada looked at the fearsome swirl of power, evaluating it in a mocking tone, [It really is useless.]

Then the god sword flashed once again.

“…Kuheook?” Blood flowed from the arms, legs, and many parts of Invidia’s body as he rolled on the ground in an unsightly manner. World Breaking Emperor Strike… A technique with such a powerful name crumbled from one flash of light. It was useless compared to the total amount of power contained within it. There was a huge difference, like comparing a mountain to a grain of sand, or a lake to the sea. Of course, it was Invidia who had the dominant power in his attack, and Nuada was the inferior one.

In that case, what was this ridiculous result?

[Hmm, I tried to kill you, but you survived. Is it due to the extra power you put in your defensive abilities?] According to Nuada, Invidia had just barely survived a fatal blow.

“You… you, you, youuuuuu―!!” Invidia’s broken ribs and torn lungs were recovering at a rapid rate. The exposed bones from his right collarbone to his left hip were being covered up. ‘Adamantine Might’, ‘Immutability’, ‘Restoration’, ‘Joining’… It was thanks to the countless Aura Abilities that protected his body. However, Invidia’s pride had long been torn to shreds. It had been a long time since he was knocked down by a person. If he were ‘Pride’, it wouldn’t be strange for him to be brain-dead from the shame.

Finally, a dull madness filled Invidia’s eyes. “You died, forgotten god who is a ghost…!”

[Ah, thank you for that fact, Invader,] the god-king said, nodding lightly. Then he declared, [If this was my divine body, you would be dead already.]

* * *


The sky was torn. It wasn’t an exaggeration. The sky was torn apart by the swords, revealing the black universe. It was evidence that 1,000 kilometers of the atmosphere had been destroyed. It hadn’t been the aim, but it was the aftermath.

A sword that could cut down a mountain? The capturing of a fortress? Such sagas weren’t even worth discussing under that eerie sky.

“Hey. I was fighting with that guy up there?” Veronica recovered some strength and looked up at the sky, where two colored beams were colliding.

Her body’s condition was a mess, and their movements were too fast for her to even catch afterimages. She had no confidence to block three of those attacks in her draconic state, and evasion was out of the question.

When she thought about it now, her actions had been truly reckless.

“…Invidia didn’t think of this as a fight from the beginning,” Liliana replied while moving her hands. She roughly joined together Edwin’s severed left arm and bandaged the neck of the barely breathing Ellaim. Thanks to Nuada’s power, there was no need to worry about any life and death injuries. However, half the people here had lost their combat capabilities.

Randolph had his arms cured by Liliana’s potions, but the two elves were severely wounded. Orta had lost consciousness earlier and was in the best state, but space magic couldn’t be a threat to Invidia.

‘No, everyone is helpless in this situation.’ The masters realized it when watching the battle between Nuada and Invidia. They couldn’t get involved in this fight. Blundell’s Time Stop had only lasted a few seconds, and Veronica’s rampage seemed like child’s play. The only role left for them was to wish for Nuada’s victory.

“White Tower Master,” Liliana said, making the best decision she could, “Take the Blue Tower Master’s body and the two elves out of here. If Nuada wins, we will follow after you. However, you must be prepared for the worst.”

“In other words… I am running away alone?”

“Yes.” Liliana ignored Orta’s uncomfortable expression as she looked at the people around her. “I would like the other two to go with you as well, but… they don’t look like they will go.”

“Of course! How can I leave you alone?”

“Do I look that unsightly? Besides, that son of a bitch will just chase after me to kill me. It will only be delayed a few minutes if I ran away from here.”

They were already prepared to die. Liliana looked at the two smiling people and gave up on persuading them. Orta remained silent for a moment before eventually nodding. “…Be sure to come back alive. Red Tower Master and Sir Randolph as well.”

“Ohh! Who knew you could say such sentimental things?”

“Let’s have a drink when we return.”

After fixing his mask, Orta picked up Blundell’s body and laid it beside the elf guardians. It didn’t move. The body had sturdy muscles and a calm face. Orta stopped moving as he gazed at Blundell, who seemed to be asleep, before acting again. The teleport circle finished quickly, maybe because there were fewer people.


There was a bright light, and only three people remained.

“Okay, we will be watching from now on? Which one is our side?” Randolph worried as he looked up at the sky.

“The silver light is probably Nuada.” Hearing Liliana’s words, Randolph and Veronica gazed at the silver light in the sky. The universe visible beyond the torn apart sky, the starry sky in daylight, was spectacular. The two rays of light constantly facing each other against that backdrop were reminiscent of fireworks at festivals.

Nuada’s silver glow and Invidia’s blood-red light…

Liliana, Randolph, and Veronica couldn’t fathom the fight, but most of the light filling the sky was silver. Sometimes, a bloody vortex burst out, but it always disappeared without a trace due to the silver glow. It was clear who had the initiative.

Veronica had the same thought as Liliana. “It seems like that guy called Nuada is dominating. What do you think?”

“I had a similar thought, but we still don’t know.” That’s right. They didn’t know yet.

‘Nuada called Invidia ‘Invader’.’ The Seven Sins grimoire was colliding with a god from the Age of Mythology. Liliana couldn’t forget that Nuada had accepted the summoning due to personal emotions. It meant that the grimoire was an enemy of the gods, similar to the demons. However, unlike the gods and demons, who no longer remained in this era, the Seven Sins were still active. In this area of survival, they surpassed both the gods and demons. Invidia had been active for 500 years, so it wouldn’t be strange if he had something hidden up his sleeve.

He wasn’t an opponent that Liliana could relax against until the very end.

Chapter 294 – Reproduction of Myths (2)Silver and red tore through the sky.―――――Kakiing.As the wall of sound was broken several times, the god-king accelerated with silver wings. Physical dynamics and inertia laws were nothing more than meaningless limits to a divine being. Acceleration and stopping were freely repeated up and down, left and right, and in any direction.S turn, Z turn… Even a dragon would get a concussion from the acceleration, but Nuada moved freely.[Hrmm, you are running away well with human flesh.]Rather, it was strange that Invidia could keep up.[Suspension, Acceleration, Release, Refraction… There are three more. You have quite a few tricks to play.]Nuada didn’t hesitate to evaluate the acceleration that combined seven Aura Abilities. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to find, let alone escape from, the god that wasn’t bound by the laws of physics.“Ugh, you! How long are you going to follow me?” Invidia climbed up to the stratosphere in less than a minute and finally swung his sword as he gave up on running away.This would be an injury that Nuada wouldn’t be able to avoid. The Aura Ability to see the future had allowed him to see it. An incredible amount of aura twisted the space around him and ripped the clouds apart.Kesein’s Breaking the Sky Sword—this was the sword of the man who was respected by all swordsmen in Andras.Sky Slash—the symbol of the founding king of Andras, Kesein Fernado, showed its power after centuries. It was a transcendent attack that tore apart the sky! According to Invidia, who had seen grandmasters, this was a power that Nuada wouldn’t be able to endure.[This is a good one.]Like blood pouring down from the torn sky, the bloody flash of the aura blade approached Nuada. There was no room to avoid or block it, the ultimate sword of one who saw beyond the peak and peered at the end.It hadn’t reached transcendence, but Invidia’s immense power made up for the shortcomings. If this fell to the ground, it would pass through the mantle and outer core of Earth. Thus, Nuada raised some of his saved strength.Claimhb Solais shone brightly. It started collecting the mana, light, and heat from around it. This sword was a treasure, a light in the dark that would bring victory. It was the symbol of the god-king, who had magnified the name of the gods and led the Elin to victory.The moment that Nuada struck with the brilliant sword in his hand, there was a golden blast, like the roar of the sun.Kuooooooh―――――!Then the golden light rushed off. It was sacred and beautiful, a wave of overflowing light that broke the ominous blood. The blood split apart rapidly, with the golden light digging into every piece.It wasn’t just the power that was different. The degree of completeness was different as well. As Nuada was a god and a warrior, his sword was able to strike down Kesein’s ultimate technique.[Hrmm?]Maybe it was because he lacked strength, but the golden light broke through the sky slash and lost its sharpness, turning into a shockwave.The golden light’s form wasn’t a blade but a barrier.The wall of gold grazed Invidia’s head and threw him back into the mountains, like a pebble struck by a big hammer. No, it was obvious that he had gone underground and penetrated into the bedrock.The body of the host was indispensable for a parasitic grimoire. It took a few seconds for Invidia to recover from the damage received and to reach the surface.[Let’s finish it here.]Nuada called out in the name of the god of light, and all of the light responded.Ku kwa kwa kwang!Light poured down toward the area where Invidia had crashed. It contained more destructive power than a 7th circle great magic.For Nuada who was the god of light, this power wasn’t much different from snapping his fingers. One side of the mountain collapsed, and one of the mountain peaks disappeared. The land melted, becoming a lake of lava.Even the red dragon, who was almost completely resistant to fire, wouldn’t be able to endure it. An enormous amount of dust and heat rose from the shocked land. The shock was big enough to be delivered to Lili, who was dozens of kilometers away!The cloud of dust rose into the air like a volcano eruption, and Nuada’s eyes suddenly widened. He was convinced of the opponent’s death, so the result of the attack was unexpected.[…Hoh.]A translucent shield could be seen on one side of the mountain where Claimhb Solais had hit. It wasn’t even cracked despite taking on this onslaught. This wasn’t a level of defense that was possible with Invidia’s abilities. At first, the face of a woman with snakes for hair could be seen, but it soon vanished with the shield.However, Nuada’s wisdom saw through it right away. [Aegis, Pallas Athena’s shield.]This was the god-weapon that took away the power of a gorgon, a legendary monster. It was a shield that petrified all opponents facing it, as well as reflected most attacks. No, there was something strange about this.[Invader, you aren’t its legitimate owner and can only use it once. Do you plan to use a divine artifact as a disposable item?]“…God-King Nuada, I understand why you were called that,” Invidia responded to the question with a non-answer as he walked out from the protection of the shield. “The sword that brat, Fermut, took was Claimhb Solais. Your summoner stole it and used it to call you.”[What?]“How funny. If I wasn’t involved, I would laugh. But now that I am in this situation, my anger is rising.” Invidia didn’t want to talk. He was just trying to spit out his anger. Fermut, that brat, had grabbed his ankles. The item that Invidia collected was just used to call his worst enemy, and now he had to consume other collectibles that were in short supply. So, it was natural for him to be furious.“…From now on, I won’t consider holding back for my own interests.”His anger reached the boiling point, and Invidia reached out in a calm manner. Then he pulled out a sword from somewhere.[―What?] Nuada’s expression hardened.The shape of the straight steel blade, the bluish light―Kwarururung!Fearsome lightning bolts emerged from it. The absurd power of the ‘hard lightning bolts’ which had destroyed mountain peaks in the past… Nuada couldn’t help crying out the name of the sword, [Caladbolg?!]It was the sword of Fergus mac Róich, Elin’s honorable hero! Nuada covered his sword with divine power and blocked the lightning bolts.Invidia’s Aura Abilities might be crude, but he was holding divine battle gear that could kill a god. He wasn’t the legitimate owner, so the gear would disappear after one use. However, that one use was threatening enough.This was the reason why Andras had been exploring the ruins from the Age of Mythology since its founding. The relics that Invidia monopolized for centuries started to finally shine.“Kill, Dainsleif.”It was a cursed sword that increased in strength when blood was steeped in blood. The curses were ‘Retribution’, ‘Retaliation’, and ‘Destruction.’ The consumable sword was broken the moment the curses were released, but Nuada received an injury on his left side.“Come down, Moralltach!”This was a sword that, once brandished, emitted a wave of light. This time, Nuada received the attack with his sword. The aftermath was so intense that the ground sunk down by dozens of meters.Indeed, this was the power of the Age of Mythology. If Nuada hadn’t been using Claimhb Solais, any other blade would’ve broken because it couldn’t cope with the power.[―Don’t climb up!]Even so, Nuada Airgetlám was the god-king.Kakang!Nuada’s sword was one step ahead and shattered the sword that Invidia pulled out. It wouldn’t have been so easy if Invidia was the legitimate owner, but the sword chose to be destroyed by the god-king, rather than lend power to the ‘collector.’Four swords were broken in succession, then the light from Claimhb Solais pierced Invidia’s body. No, it was more accurate to say that it looked like it was pierced.Kwaduduk…!The pieces of broken armor disappeared without a trace. That pure white gloss… it was Witege’s Armor. It was too late for Nuada to notice that Invidia was wearing it. However, this could only buy time.Invidia barely survived and pulled out another sword, but it was rare that any sword could compare to the god-sword, Claimhb Solais. It was fortunate if Invidia could block a single attack. There were even cases where he needed to use two swords at once.[Stolen power, stolen techniques, and now stolen weapons,] Nuada ridiculed as light emerged from behind him.“Kuk, try and stop all of this…!” Invidia threw out many swords. The 34 blades were hit by a ray of light and disappeared without leaving any traces.Increasing the number of weapons couldn’t win against these two qualities of Nuada, the instincts of a warrior and the acumen of a strategist.[What will you bring out now? Almace? Or Beagalltach? Balisarda and Morglay are also not bad. You might be able to breathe longer if you have Tyrfing. You might not be struggling if you brought them out earlier.]“Mocking me till the end!”[Ridiculous. You don’t even deserve my mocking. Invader, this low nature of yours is grabbing at your ankles.]It was time. Nuada raised his sword. Lili had given him a non-standard offering, but Nuada couldn’t bring out the unlimited power of the god-king. Nuada would be evicted from this material world in 12… 13 seconds?He, the god of victory, was sure this was enough.[Maybe you have no more weapons to take out. If so, die here.]Claimhb Solais drew in the light. The silver sword burned up as the light became close to the density of an artificial star. This was equivalent to an ancient dragon’s breath or even more.Hyde had once wielded the god-sword to destroy the warlocks, but this was more than a thousand times more powerful. It was far from its prime, but this was still enough to completely kill Invidia.A pseudo-sun was called. Claimhb Solais lost the shape of a sword, and a second sun emerged in the sky. The gold and radiant light, like the old sun, was the symbol of Nuada Airgetlám. It was the supreme light that warmly embraced all of its people and defeated the enemies![Annihilate the enemy, Claimhb Solais!]According to the will of God-King Nuada, the pseudo-sun fell on Invidia’s head. A mortal’s Aura Ability couldn’t endure this for even a moment. Any shield would be destroyed. No armor could defend against this sun.The only enemy who survived the power of this sword had been the evil Crom Cruach. The majestic and divine light of the sun enveloped the world.

Chapter 295 – Reproduction of Myths (3)

The wind had stilled for a long, tense moment, leaving behind a vast calm bathed in an otherworldly light. This light, invisible to mortal eyes, was the light of God-King Nuada, spreading across the world.

Eventually, the brilliant light began to fade. The sky, once too bright to behold, returned to its natural color. Claimhb Solais, no longer glowing like the sun, returned to Nuada’s grasp.

[…This.] Nuada looked down at the object that had pierced him. [Manannán mac Lir’s god sword, Fragarach.]

As the light dimmed, the sword had struck true, penetrating through the glare and embedding itself in Nuada’s heart. The short, blue-black sword, resembling a dagger, was a sacred weapon that no armor or shield could block. It was a treasure that the elf king of old had prized above all others.

Though capable of direct attacks, its true value lay in counterattacks.

[Sigh, was I too hasty?]

Fragarach was a powerful weapon, but Nuada was a god-king. He was not an opponent to be easily defeated, even by such a weapon.

The mistake lay in Nuada’s own overconfidence.

Fragarach was a counter weapon that absorbed the power of an opponent’s attack and returned it with even greater force. The backlash it added to Claimhb Solais’s mighty power was something even the summoned Nuada could not withstand.

The limits of the summoning and the final gambit prepared by Invidia led to this outcome.

However, Invidia’s victory was not without cost. As Claimhb Solais had fallen, Invidia’s body had suffered significant damage. The counterforce of Fragarach had inflicted severe wounds, and the remnants of Nuada’s power had taken their toll. If Nuada had been at full strength, the outcome might have been different, given Invidia’s weakened state.

[In the end, it’s all just excuses.]

It was unbecoming to make excuses after a battle was over. Nuada accepted his defeat. Regardless, his time had ended the moment Fragarach pierced his heart. He had been summoned unexpectedly, and now it was time for him to depart.

Nuada’s body began fading from his feet upward. He touched Fragarach, still lodged in his chest, and muttered with a bitter smile, [You were used to defend a coward. A harsh fate for you as well.]


As if in response, Fragarach let out a soft cry before it began to disintegrate. Nuada then turned his gaze proudly toward the one who had summoned him. [First of all, congratulations, Invader. This is your victory.]


[Well, don’t be in such a rush. I will leave you with a prophecy.]

To the figure whose voice was failing, Nuada left his final words before fading away completely. It was a curse, thinly veiled as a prophecy.

[This is the last victory you will ever know.]

At that moment...

“Nuada. He was defeated?” Liliana immediately sensed when Nuada disappeared from the material world. The light of the summoning circle beneath her feet scattered, and the recoil from the summoning momentarily disrupted her magic circuits. It would take several seconds for her magic to stabilize.

Randolph and Veronica, hearing Liliana’s words, quickly reassumed their defensive stances, eyes fixed on the source of the explosion. Even in this moment, uncertainty hung over what would happen next. Their readiness was commendable.


But their efforts were in vain against such an overwhelming opponent.


Randolph reacted instinctively, but he was sent flying along with his two swords. With a single strike, both his arms were rendered useless, and his ribs shattered. Even though he had managed to block the attack, the damage was severe.

The difference in power was simply too vast. Randolph realized the harsh reality as his consciousness began to fade.

‘…R-Run away, Lili…’ Randolph was thrown several hundred meters, barely managing to gasp out before losing consciousness. Yet his condition was better than Veronica’s.

“Keok, kuuock, ah, kuoooock…”

Both of her shoulders and thighs had been deeply slashed. Her flesh and muscles were torn apart, with the wounds serious enough to reach nerves and bones. Invidia held the helpless Veronica by the neck.

A vein bulged on the back of his hand as he tightened his grip. Veronica tried to gather her magic to fight back. However, without her draconic form, she was at her limit, struggling just to keep her vital points protected.

It was a dire situation.

Liliana, having barely recovered from her paralysis, roared in fury as she saw her companions being mercilessly overpowered by Invidia.

“You’ve ruined everything up to this point, Gluttony!”

Liliana looked at Invidia’s face and felt her breath catch. ‘…What a terrifying sight.’

His face was half-melted, and his armor had lost its shape. He still hadn’t fully recovered from his battle with Nuada. Judging by his aura, he only had about 3% of his power left. Nevertheless, Invidia’s power remained overwhelming. Every time he growled in anger, the space around him distorted, disrupting Liliana’s connection to her magic.

This creature was still beyond ordinary means! Liliana was frozen in place as she watched Veronica being crushed before her eyes, her heart filled with a mix of bitterness and sorrow.

“Hu, I see.” Invidia’s low, venomous voice broke the tense silence. “It seems like this hybrid is important to your host.”


“This is the consequence of interfering with me. Now, taste despair.”

It happened before Liliana could react.


A blade pierced through Veronica’s chest.



After stabbing her several times, Invidia discarded her body without a second thought. Blood gushed from her mouth and chest as she fell, and Liliana caught her, but Veronica’s eyes were already clouding over. Her once fierce golden eyes now gazed up at Liliana weakly.

“…Ah… Lili…”

“Don’t say anything! Your injury is too severe!”

Liliana quickly began examining the wounds, her hands trembling. There wasn’t a specific injury site—Veronica’s heart and surrounding blood vessels were torn to shreds. Blood was pouring out at an alarming rate. Even the most powerful healing magic might not be enough.

‘I don’t have healing spells powerful enough! If this continues…’

Invidia simply watched, his eyes cold and unfeeling. They couldn’t escape, even if Liliana somehow managed to stabilize Veronica. Then Liliana remembered the elixir.

She acted quickly, reaching into her pouch. “Veronica, open your mouth.”


She carefully brought the bottle to Veronica’s lips. The wound was severe, so she had to be very cautious, pouring just enough so that Veronica could swallow. This was an elixir, a legendary remedy said to be worth a kingdom’s ransom.

Without hesitation, Liliana poured the entire contents into Veronica’s mouth. She knew the risks but couldn’t let her friend die. What would Gluttony think of this decision? Would the grimoire consider her foolish?

But Liliana didn’t care.



Veronica’s flesh began to knit itself back together. The blood flowing from the wound in her chest stopped, and her torn heart began to reform.

Indeed, the elixir was a miraculous medicine that could heal any injury, as long as there was even the faintest breath of life. As Liliana began to feel a sense of relief seeing color return to Veronica’s cheeks, Invidia’s voice cut through the air.

“Hoh, an elixir. A rare treasure indeed.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“What?” Invidia chuckled, as if he had heard a joke. “Didn’t I tell you to savor your despair?”


Liliana was still trying to process his words when…


Blood gushed from Veronica’s wound once more. Her body convulsed in shock, and Liliana frantically checked the injury to understand what had happened.

The heart that the elixir had just repaired was torn apart again.

“The soul of this hybrid was specifically damaged with the ‘Destruction’ Aura,” Invidia mocked Liliana’s horrified expression, explaining further. “The elixir is potent, but its healing capabilities are limited to physical injuries. Once the soul is damaged, the body can’t fully recover. Do you understand now?”

“You—you monster…!”

“How does it feel, knowing you can’t save a dying woman, nor can you strike back at me? Do you feel resentment? Misery? Do you see now how futile it was to stand against me? This is the consequence of your ignorance.”

Liliana felt a wave of despair as she confronted the true nature of 'Envy.' The thought of surrendering to this creature was unbearable. Even Veronica knew that it might be better to face death than to continue suffering.

Liliana, desperate to find a solution, heard a voice in her mind:

‘…Gluttony, please.’

–Are you serious? Gluttony, who had been silent until now, finally spoke.

‘You know this is the only way.’

Gluttony didn’t respond to Liliana’s words. Instead, the grimoire began to prepare for the task that had been planned in advance. Liliana Miller was about to take the biggest gamble of her life.

‘…Well, Sister will surely be angry if she finds out,’ she thought.

Liliana gently stroked Veronica’s face, which was contorted in pain, and made her decision. To save Veronica and Randolph… To destroy the enemy standing before her… For Blundell, who had sacrificed his life to buy them a few seconds, and for the magicians who had perished tragically…

Liliana would risk everything.

“Why are you so quiet? Have you given up?” Invidia taunted, mistaking Liliana’s silence for surrender.

The greatest mistake Invidia made was giving Liliana time, thinking he could inflict more pain. It was a twist of fate that would seal his doom. As Nuada Airgetlám had warned, Invidia’s own nature led him into this deadly situation.

Liliana remained silent as a mouth formed on the palm of her left hand.


“You’re finally speaking, Brother? But it’s too late. Even if you beg me to save your host…” Invidia began to taunt, but was interrupted.

–Think ahead, my foolish brother.

Before Invidia could respond, something unexpected happened.

[’Death’s Worship’ has been consumed.]
[Jerem’s spirit has awakened. The mental suppression has failed, and the body is now under the control of Jerem.]
[Understanding of magic and mana control has greatly increased.]

A dark mist began to emerge from Liliana’s body as she invoked the power of Death’s Worship, an artifact she had kept hidden. The power of death surged through her, a force that brought the end to all living things.

Invidia, now confused, reached out with his sword, but the dark mist enveloped and corrupted the area. The darkness settled heavily on the ground, transforming it into a ‘land of death’ that was toxic to Invidia, a parasitic entity reliant on a host’s body.

This was Erebos, an 8th circle domination spell. And at the center of the fog, Liliana’s eyes opened, now glowing with an eerie light.

“…Huh,” she laughed, though it sounded unsettling, more like a cruel spirit than a person.

Liliana’s lake-blue eyes had turned crimson.

The two powers, Aquila’s blood and the Ring of Muspelheim, continued to circulate in her heart. However, unlike before, there were now eight circles. With the spirit of the 9th circle magician Jerem now within her, Liliana had broken through her previous limits.

Her body trembled slightly before Jerem’s voice filled the air with glee, “Hahahahaha! You finally called me! This is it! The king of the end! Very well. Jerem will grant your wish!”

Jerem’s spirit reveled in its return after centuries, finding Liliana’s body to be a worthy vessel. It was a body blessed with divinity, dragon’s blood, Umbra, and two grimoires… a vessel capable of restoring Jerem’s full power.

“Come, gather! My loyal servants!” Jerem’s voice echoed, and four figures emerged from the shadows surrounding them.

They were the Four Horsem*n of the Apocalypse.

The four riders—one a woman in white robes, another a young man in red armor, an elderly figure leaning on a staff, and a creature wrapped in bandages—paid no attention to Invidia and instead knelt before Jerem.

“White Knight Hipatia greets the king.”
“Red Knight Elohim greets the king.”
“Black Knight Delos greets the king.”
“…Pale Rider greets the king.”

Jerem’s eyes flashed with a mad light as he accepted the greetings of the four horsem*n.

Then he turned his gaze to his enemy, Invidia, with calm determination.

A few years ago, in the Miller Barony, something similar had happened. To completely dominate the host’s body, the swiftest and most effective method was to remove any lingering attachments. Liliana’s desires—to save her two companions and to destroy Invidia—aligned with Jerem’s will.

“Make that insolent one kneel before me!” Jerem commanded.

The four horsem*n immediately raised their heads.

“I permit your full manifestation in the name of Jerem!”

Instantly, the four riders regained the full extent of their power, which had been sealed for centuries.


The White Knight, the beautiful Hipatia, became semi-transparent and let out a terrifying wail.

This was the terror-wight, a being at the apex of the undead!

Her scream could break the minds of thousands and even turn the bodies of sword masters into lifeless puppets. Even Invidia, a powerful entity, felt a shiver from the sound.

But Hipatia wasn’t the only one to transform. The Red Knight Elohim turned into a vampire lord, while the Black Knight Delos became an archlich. They were now powerful undead entities that could challenge even the most skilled magicians. The Pale Rider’s form didn’t change much, but the malevolent energy radiating from him intensified.

“Destroy him.”

In front of these four fearsome creatures, the darkest warlock in the world sentenced Invidia to his end.

Chapter 296 – Reproduction of Myths (4)

"Kihihihihit! For the king!"

As soon as the command was given, the red knight, Vampire Lord Elohim, moved first. The bat wings and pointed fangs proved he was a vampire, a species that couldn’t use half of its power under the sun. However, it was a different story now that Erebos’ fog occupied the area.

Vampire Lord Elohim took two steps, moving faster than sound and without any afterimages, as a bloody aura wrapped around Invidia.


There was a loud sound, and Elohim deflected. His arms were badly shattered, but his regenerative power, based on all the blood he had accumulated over the centuries, meant he was close to immortal. He acted without caring about his body. Thus, even Invidia couldn’t cope easily.

“Damn Gluttony! Do you intend to deal with me by borrowing the power of a low-ranking warlock?”

However, it wasn’t a human voice that answered.


It was White Knight Hipatia’s scream! A terrible mental wave filled the area, attacking without regard for friend or foe. However, the undead’s spirits had long decayed, meaning only Invidia received a substantial blow. The sound struck accurately, rattling his nervous system. Invidia’s mental state might have been close to invincible, but his host was just a human body. The confused host temporarily escaped from Invidia’s control.

「Death… follows behind… you…!」 The arch lich’s 8th circle curse magic wrapped around Invidia’s body. After feeling his body grow heavy rapidly, Invidia’s eyes turned bloodshot, and he raised his strength.

He had consumed more than half his power in the fight against God King Nuada, but he still had many sword master abilities left. A bloody aura flashed, and the curse on his body exploded.

“―Good, I will play with you! The one who gathers the remnants of the deceased, I will make you regret stumbling in front of me!”

Invidia’s aura soared into the sky.

The four riders all stiffened for a moment. They were monsters with a considerable amount of experience, but the opponent was a grimoire that had existed since the earliest days of history. It was hard for even the four riders to win against him.

“A clown is speaking such funny words.” However, Jerem chuckled without any fear. “You don’t even know the mistakes you have made, lost in fear after being driven to the extremes. Aren’t you just a clown?”


“I’ll teach you personally. I will teach you with your life.”

The riders accepted their king’s will and raised their magic power again. Invidia took on a fighting posture, twitching as the ominous power swept toward him like a wave.

The four riders, including the pale rider, rushed in.

The terror wight screamed, the vampire lord used his blood, and the arch lich launched curses when there was a chance. The aura of death coming from the pale rider’s hands and feet was also terrifying.

This was the second round between the four riders and Invidia.

“They should last a few minutes without my help.”

After letting his riders face Invidia, Jerem looked at Veronica who was collapsed at his feet. ‘This is a quarter-dragon hybrid?’

Veronica was still at the border of death due to the power of the elixir and her own strength. An average person wouldn’t have been able to endure the shock and would’ve died already.

“Let’s see… Hrmm, this is a little annoying.”

Black magic, including necromancy, was a magic that dealt with death. Therefore, they had a high sensitivity towards the ‘soul.’ A 9th circle warlock like Jerem would be able to see it instantly. Liliana’s body only had eight circles, but Umbra was enough to make up for the lack of power.

Based on Jerem’s judgment, Veronica’s wounds couldn’t be healed with 8th circle magic.

“Tsk, I have to patch it up first.”

Umbra shone on Liliana’s right hand, and a string of green magic power penetrated Veronica’s body.

An 8th circle magician couldn’t cast magic that directly interfered with the soul. However, Jerem’s deep understanding of magic and Umbra’s ability raised that impossibility into the realm of possibilities.

The astral-like magic power transformed into a needle, and Jerem roughly stitched Veronica’s soul together. Then he shifted his gaze toward Liliana’s other companion, Randolph.

“Over there… the wounds are serious, but he should be fine. A sword master’s recovery will handle it.”

It was as he said. As long as it wasn’t a deadly wound, the body of a sword master would recover quickly with time and nutrition. There were a few broken ribs and damaged lungs, but they would heal with a few days of nursing. His injuries couldn’t compare to Veronica, whose soul was torn apart.

In case something might happen, Jerem moved Veronica and then looked at the battlefield, which was becoming more disadvantageous. His four riders were quite busy, but they were being pushed back after Invidia opened the lid of his power.

“Indeed, this is one of the Seven Sins despite being a non-combatant.”

Invidia had already spent most of his power against Nuada. If Invidia were at full strength, Jerem would be at a disadvantage. Therefore, Jerem needed to kill him here. Jerem smiled evilly with Liliana’s face. It was burdensome to confront Invidia with a body that was only at the 8th circle and possessed insufficient strength.

Therefore, he needed to add more power.

「Answer me, pillars of the underworld!」

It had been a few centuries since the legitimate owner opened the door. The barrier to the back of the material world opened its mouth.

Named after a mythical record, Tartarus, this was the space where Jerem had placed the undead he created in his prime: a bone dragon, made from the body of a black dragon; a death knight lord, made from a grandmaster’s body; a chimera daemon, created from the fusion of a human and demon body; and a hydra, a legendary creature in this era.

If he released even just one of them, it would be a disaster on a continental scale. It had been different during the Age of Mythology when there had been nearly 100 grandmasters. In this era, his undead were invincible monsters.

They were so powerful that only a few 8th circle magicians together could control them.

“Ghoul prince, helix ogre. These two should be enough.”

Both undead answered Jerem’s call and rose from the abyss.



An ogre with four horns, magma-like eyeballs, dark leather, and a mace in its hands emerged, with the ghoul prince following him. Each of them was the incarnation of disaster, like an adult dragon. For Jerem to set a target for them, it was comparable to sentencing the target to a death penalty.


Two monsters that could collapse the balance were released.

* * *

This was an earth-shaking fight. Only a short amount of time had passed, but the amount of power exchanged between the opponents was enough to destroy a kingdom several times over. On one side was a notorious grimoire from the Age of Mythology, and on the other side was a warlock who had almost turned the entire continent into a living hell.

Either way, it would clearly be a disaster regardless of who won. In the end, a winner was produced.

“Kneel. The circus is over, so the clown has no right to raise his head in front of the king.”

The red knight acted as soon as Jerem spoke.


Invidia’s face was pushed into the ground. Invidia wanted to resist, but his limbs had been cut off, and his stockpile of Aura Abilities was depleted, leaving him powerless to fight back.

Of course, the damage that Jerem’s undead received was enormous.

The red knight consumed 80% of the blood he had collected over the centuries, while the white knight and black knight wouldn’t be able to move until their bodies were restored. The ghoul prince and helix ogre were in the same state as they returned to Tartarus.

If Invidia still had all his divine artifacts, Jerem would never have won this fight.

“Well, I can’t call you cowardly because I also used an external force. It is time to end this Seven Sins grimoire, who built up a futile thing.”

“…Do it.”

“Hmm?” Jerem wanted to listen to what Invidia had to say and nodded to the red knight. Then the red knight removed his foot, and Invidia raised his head to say, “Tell me. You said that I made a mistake, and you would teach me with my life.”

“Ah, there was that.” Jerem nodded as he was reminded. “It isn’t a big deal, clown. You chose the wrong path from the beginning.”

“What does that mean?”

“Judging by my intuition, you are trying to gather Aura Abilities and fit them together like a puzzle, right? You thought to reach transcendence by filling up all these deficiencies and going backward to achieve it.”

Invidia’s body shook at the words. He wasn’t angry. Rather, he felt awe and envy that Jerem had noticed all of this despite meeting him only once.

Jerem continued talking like he didn’t know Invidia’s feelings. “Your idea was wrong, idiot. Transcendence isn’t like a puzzle. It is fundamentally different. Just like a solid surface can’t become a three-dimensional surface, your thousands of years were worthless.”

For a mortal to walk on the path of transcendence, they needed to tear down the surface and cross the wall. In order to cross that wall with the power of a mortal, the power needed to be concentrated on one point. Invidia’s ‘puzzle’ was the complete opposite answer.

Perfection and transcendence had nothing in common.

All transcendents understood this fact, but Invidia didn’t know it. He had infinite time and resources, but he had been carried away by his own beliefs instead of listening to others. Indeed, it was the reason why Invidia was responsible for the ‘envy’ sin.

Invidia stiffened when faced with the truth.

Meanwhile, the king of the end spoke in a low voice, “Now, it is time to pay the price.”

Jerem placed a hand on Invidia’s head and ‘ordered,’ 「Death.」

This wasn’t magic. It was much closer to the source, a power which had left the mortal realm and was adjacent to the realm of the gods. One of the great magicians of the Age of Mythology had defined it as this—Order.

It was the expression of one’s own will, a power that carried out the will to the world. The closest thing to it was Dragon’s Words. The Order could spark a natural disaster with just one word. Many magicians had researched it, and not one of them had succeeded.


“I… Am I going to disappear…?” Invidia spoke with astonishment. It was then that Jerem realized that he had succeeded.

“Nonsense, this is nonsense. You aren’t Sloth or Wrath. Even if you have Gluttony, for a human warlock…!” The parasitic grimoire, Invidia, could find another body if this host died. So, he was calm before death.

However, what if the grimoire itself disappeared? While Invidia faced an unforeseen crisis, Jerem used the power again.

“Death Sentence. No, Power Word Kill would be great.” It was a power that Jerem hadn’t been able to use in his prime. However, it was possible to reproduce it by utilizing the knowledge of Dragon Words gained from the sea dragon’s blood inside Liliana’s body.

‘Death’ was the concept most familiar to warlocks. Unfortunately, Invidia became the test of this ‘Order’ and was suddenly in a position to be destroyed.

“N-No! I can’t disappear like this! I will make note of this error and in the next experiment―…” He struggled until the end, before Invidia’s elderly voice was cut off.

It was the last of 'Envy' of the Seven Sins, a grimoire from the Age of Mythology. Of course, the information would be passed to the real body outside the dimension, but it would take at least 10,000 years for the grimoire to return.

Jerem was convinced that he would never see the grimoire again.

“―Kuhuk.” The joy that was hard to restrain boiled up inside him as his mouth opened. “Kuhahahaha! Excellent, truly excellent! Divinity, dragon blood, Umbra! There is even this Jerem’s soul! If I use this body, I can become a god without the help of a great demon!”

Who wouldn’t savor a host with so many things gathered in his body? No, not just that. Jerem was reminded of something he had forgotten. There was one more, apart from the grimoire Death’s Worship where his soul was sealed.

Any magician who knew the power of the Seven Sins desired the grimoire, Gluttony.

“I wish to talk to you, Gluttony,” Jerem spoke in an excited voice as he felt the bottomless presence in his left hand.

A few seconds later, a dark voice was heard from within, -…You know me?

“That’s right. Any magician would want to be with you. It is the same with this Jerem, who wants to be recognized as your user.”

This was the grimoire with infinite wisdom, Gluttony. Jerem looked at the palm of his left hand with a dark greed.

It wasn’t just the knowledge from the Age of Mythology. According to the rumors, this grimoire contained even the magic of other worlds. In the past, Jerem had treated it as just a rumor. However, after receiving Liliana’s memories, he became almost certain of it.

This grimoire contained the truth that all magicians must obtain!

Gluttony was silent after receiving the suggestion.

However, the nervous Jerem persevered, “Gluttony, I was told that your purpose is to achieve the 10th circle in magic. Is that true?”

–It is true.

“Then shouldn’t I be the best fit?” Jerem called himself the ‘best’ and summed up the reasons why he should be Gluttony’s master. “The child who was your former user can’t even compare with me, who has already reached the 9th circle. And I don’t have the unnecessary sense of justice that will hold back a magician.”


“I am different. I learn magic for my own cause and am seeking the same destination as you. I will reach the ultimate form, even if I have to consume all life in this world. Is there anyone in this age who is more qualified than me?”

No, Jerem was filled with confidence and believed that Gluttony would choose him.

It was natural.

There had been two 8th circle magicians in this age, and now only one remained. If Jerem didn’t follow up on treatment, that one remaining magician would die. A grimoire wouldn’t choose that person as a host, so Jerem had no reason to worry about it.

Unsurprisingly, Gluttony responded to his proposal, –Certainly. Your proposal is reasonable.

“A magician should pursue rationality.”

–That’s right. My user was quite immature and had many stifling morals. Compared to him, you are a perfect magician.

Jerem listened up to there and felt delighted.

…Until he heard Gluttony’s next words.

–I refuse.

“…What did you just say?”

–I won’t accept you as my user.

“Why? What am I lacking? Or did you like the previous user?”

–Everything is wrong.

While Jerem was thinking that it was ridiculous, Gluttony revealed her reason, –I don’t like Liliana Miller. It isn’t because you lack anything. I just don’t want to tolerate this situation.

“What nonsense…”

–I’ll get my user back, Gluttony spoke these words and ordered an artifact to be melted into her. It was the king’s flagpole that Liliana had received from the royal family during her involvement in the Soldun civil war.

At that time, Liliana hadn’t been able to swallow it.

[Poseidon’s Trident has been consumed. The status of the divine artifact isn’t perfect.]

[The divinity of the water (small) has been acquired. The flow of water will move in a direction favorable to the user. You can interfere with currents, including ocean currents, as your proficiency increases. Regardless of elemental affinity, you can contract with water elementals.]

[Your understanding of the flow has greatly increased. You will be able to grasp the flow of the world with your senses, rather than just touch.]

Jerem’s expression changed at the sudden notification windows. What was going on? He didn’t know what connection consuming this divine artifact had with taking back the user. If even a 9th circle magician had no clue, then it was impossible to find an answer.

In the end, Jerem gave up trying to deduce the reason and opened his mouth, “What are you doing? This body is already mine. It belongs to me, Jerem!”

-You don’t need to know, Gluttony said, ignoring Jerem. Then she spoke to someone in a frosty voice, –Get started.

Someone who was hiding in secret answered vigorously, [Hoing!]

Chapter 297 – Victory Scar (1)

This was a fact that Liliana didn’t know, but the ancient elementals were proof of the similarities between goddesses and spirits. They were fragments of goddesses that had lost their power and divinity for some reason. It was the same for Mitra, born from the ancient Mother Earth—Demeter. At the end of the Age of Mythology, after Titanomachy ended and Olympus was trampled on, this little girl was born. While she was bored inside of Liliana, Gluttony had come up with a hypothesis.

This material world is subject to the law of circulation. If a fallen goddess took the shape of an ancient elemental, there was no law which said an ancient elemental couldn’t return to being a goddess after regaining strength and divinity. Maybe the ancient elemental could become a ‘goddess’s egg.’

Of course, it was difficult to prove this hypothesis. How many ways were there to obtain divinity in this age? Wouldn’t it be difficult to regain the divinity that was equal to a goddess’s? It wouldn’t have been possible if Liliana hadn’t met certain conditions.

[Hoing!] Mitra responded vigorously to Gluttony’s signal.

“What, who is it? Whose voice is this?” Jerem looked around with shock, but he couldn’t find the source of Mitra’s voice. That was natural as Mitra had currently been summoned inside Liliana’s body!

–Wind of Aiolos, water of Poseidon, earth of Demeter, fire borrowed from Nuada Airgetlám. Based on the four elements, a ‘temple’ is built in the body. The body of a sorceress was a world, meaning it wasn’t impossible to reproduce the divine hierarchy and fertilize this world.

In a voice that Jerem couldn’t hear, Gluttony repeated the contents of the arrangement. If the hypothesis that an ancient elemental was a ‘goddess’s egg’ was correct, certain conditions needed to be met to hatch it. Temperature, humidity, and so on were important with all eggs. Of course, the difficulty was literally the difference between heaven and earth. However, Gluttony filled the gap between heaven and earth.

–All materials in this world are made up of the four elements of fire, water, earth, and wind. The unique properties of these four elements—dry, wet, hot, and cold—are used to form all things. Paracelsus built the system of the four elementals by substituting the elementals into this theory, but I have a higher goal.

There was no concept of right and wrong when it came to theories of the world. Muspelheim which was filled with flames, Cocytus that was frozen, Pandemonium where demons resided… In this universe, many dimensions existed, each with their own unique origin. The four elements theory was just one branch of this infinite world. In addition to the framework of the four elementals, Gluttony laid down the foundation of the ‘temple’ that would support Mitra as a goddess. Since ancient times, Mother Earth had been a goddess representing the world itself. Now, Mitra was a representative of ‘Liliana Miller’s world,’ and she recovered the past when she had existed as a goddess.

[Hoing? H-Hoo…ee, ahhh…]

In Liliana’s mental world which no one else could see, Mitra’s body was growing little by little. Her wheat-colored hair fell to her waist, and her small arms and legs grew. Her two eyes, that shone with an innocent light, were now filled with wisdom. Cracks in her body were filled, and her skin glowed with a divine light.

The goddess, Demeter… Compared to her prime, this was at the level of one flower. However, the light was real. At this moment, Mitra climbed to the rank of a lower goddess.

“What? Don’t tell me… This power…?” Jerem paled as he realized it. The power of a goddess, born from the circles inside Liliana’s body, started to overflow. It might be different for a divinity without a master, but a proper deity was the enemy of warlocks. For Jerem who was stigmatized as the enemy of the world, the power of a goddess would deal a fatal blow even if it was only a light touched. For Jerem who had it inside her body, it was like an extreme poison spreading from his heart. It was the first time Jerem had suffered like this.

[…You, who are you?] Mitra asked in a clear voice. [Uhh, I am drowsy and feel bad. Get out of Lili’s body right now!]

“Kuaaaack!” Pure divine power exploded in Liliana’s body. Mitra had released a powerful force without thinking, but as Jerem was connected to the body, it felt like his soul was being torn apart by the rage. He would’ve only received a small blow if it were an external force. However, now that they shared the same body, it was a fatal blow. This was similar to exorcising an evil spirit by pouring holy water directly onto the patient’s brain.

‘I-I will die. This Jerem, the king who should cause the end…? But I can’t give up this flesh…’

A moment of hesitation caused a crisis.

[Get out now!]

“Kuaaaaah!” Jerem’s soul was brutally torn apart. There was no more time for him to worry now. One more blow would kill him completely. Holding the tattered pieces of his soul together, Jerem barely cried out, “P-Pale Rider, come here!”

The unidentified bandaged undead responded to his call. Then Jerem reached out with one hand and grabbed the monster’s neck, ordering with bloodshot eyes, “Give your body to me!”

“…As you please.”

“I’ll take it!” Simultaneously, Jerem’s soul flowed out of Liliana’s hand. The soul fled from Liliana’s body through Liliana’s right hand that was holding onto the pale rider. In addition to ownership of Death’s Worship, half of Jerem’s vast amount of knowledge had been lost.

Jerem stared poisonously at Liliana after taking over the pale rider’s body. However, he didn’t have the ability to fight against Mitra, who was protecting Liliana. His connection with Tartarus had also been cut off, and his knights had consumed a lot of power.

“…Don’t think I will give up so easily,” Jerem said before changing his body into a blue fog. Then he vanished without a trace.

-A defeated dog barks in every age, Gluttony ridiculed. Then she spoke to Mitra, –Now, it is time to go back.

Mitra didn’t speak, but she pouted like she understood the meaning of the words. [I don’t want to return to being a puny kid.]

–It can’t be helped. User’s vessel still can’t contain a goddess. She might’ve unintentionally reached the 8th circle, but it was preposterous for a mortal to become the vessel of a goddess. Even a lower goddess was more transcendent than a dragon. As an entity that could manipulate the material world at will, the current Mitra could cause an earthquake just by breathing.

[…I understand.] Mitra, who became a beautiful girl, let out a long sigh. [Then give my best regards to Lili, Aunt Tongue.]

She disappeared into Liliana’s body with a mischievous smile.

-…Aunt Tongue? For the first time in thousands of years, maybe longer than that, Gluttony was shocked by someone’s words.

* * *

Liliana’s consciousness emerged shortly after that. “…Um…” She let out a groan and raised her throbbing upper body. Her blurred vision cleared immediately, and she sorted through her confused senses and thoughts. A few seconds after regaining consciousness, Liliana finished looking at the situation and said, “Thank you, Gluttony.”

-…What are you saying all of a sudden?

“From your position, it would’ve been more efficient to choose Jerem instead of me.”

Gluttony was silent for a moment before speaking in a rarely used, surprised tone, –User, you remained conscious? Wasn’t your body taken over?

“A little bit, it wasn’t clear. I know how things went, but it isn’t detailed.”

–I-I see, Gluttony felt relieved for some reason and continued speaking, –There is someone you should greet before that.

“Ah.” That’s right. Liliana stretched out her hand, and a little girl appeared on top of it. She was the ancient elemental who had lost the power of a lower goddess and returned to the appearance of a child.

[Hoing! Lili!]

“Mitra, thank you for saving me.”

[Hoong?] It seemed like Mitra had no memory of when she had been a goddess, as she looked at her with a strange expression. Liliana just chuckled and tickled her head. One day, she would tell her these words when they could communicate properly. Liliana recalled that memorable sight and choked down her emotions.

After a moment, Gluttony spoke again, -User. It is okay to relax your mind and body, but don’t you still have something to do?

“Something to do… Ah!” Liliana belatedly recalled her two companions, and a fearful momentum rose from within her. Just one step… She only moved her legs once, but she leaped over a hundred meters.

‘This is the power of eight circles!’

The impact Jerem left behind, the eight circles multiplied Liliana’s magic power and physical abilities by several times. This was the path to transcendence beyond the human framework. Liliana might not have red dragon blood like Veronica, but she was the vessel of divinities and Aquilo’s blood. Now, her strength and reflexes reached a level where she could have a close combat fight with a sword master of the same level. In the past, she couldn’t use lightning and Dimensional Leave for long because her body hadn’t been able to bear the burden, but the application of those two magics would be much easier now.

Before long, Liliana reached the two people. “Sister! Randolph!” First, she pulled out Randolph, who was stuck in a rock wall, and laid him down next to Veronica. She opened her hands, and her detection magic was activated much faster than before. Liliana diagnosed the two unconscious people.

‘Randolph… He is still okay. His wounds are pretty heavy, but they should heal quickly when combined with magic potions. The problem is Sister’s soul was stitched together by Jerem…’

Liliana’s face stiffened. “sh*t. His magic is being released now that he has been kicked out of my body! The collapse of her soul will soon begin!”

The damage Invidia’s ‘Destruction’ ability dealt onto Veronica’s soul wasn’t something that could be cured with an 8th circle body. Thus, Jerem had sewn up the soul as a temporary measure. Now that Jerem’s magic was being released after Liliana regained her body, the crack in Veronica’s soul would widen and her body would be torn apart in the aftermath. Liliana could see Veronica’s soul with her eyes. The efficacy of the drug was going away, and Veronica would soon be lost.

‘What should I do? Is there a way? I don’t have time. Hurry!’ Heat was spreading in her head. As the heat rose, blood dripped down from her nose. This was a rapid acceleration of her thinking power that even an 8th circle sorceress couldn’t endure. She went through all the magic and shamanism knowledge she had in her mind at super speed. Saving Veronica couldn’t be done by any one magic. Liliana sensed this and looked through rituals.

‘Not just magic or shamanism alone. I have to try combining magic and shamanism.’ There was no room for Gluttony to speak. Liliana’s eyes turned red. Her blood-red vision meant that was Veronica’s life was fading. It was proof that the vitality of her dragon blood was at its limit. Then at that moment…

“…Yes, there is that method!” Liliana shifted her hand, bringing her palm to the middle of Veronica’s chest. She didn’t shake at all as she calmly moved her magic power. From now on, there couldn’t be any errors. The mark of Umbra on her right arm shone with a green light, the light becoming sharper due to her eight circles.

‘Normally, I would seek permission from her, but it can’t be helped now…!’ Veronica’s wound was fatal because an injury of the soul couldn’t be healed. In order to heal a destroyed soul, the person needed to be at a transcendent level or have healing abilities equivalent to a goddess. At least, that was the limit for ‘normal’ methods. Therefore, Liliana went through all the eastern and western methods and came up with a shortcut—a spirit contract! It was a forbidden magic which bound the soul of the master and slave together, forcing a vow of allegiance that couldn’t be betrayed. However, Liliana intended to apply this technique to Veronica’s treatment. This was a binding magic where the soul of the slave would die if they disobeyed the master. In some cases, the personality of the slave could even be manipulated.

–Do you still want to do it?

‘…I will apologize to her and pledge myself to her. I can’t think of a method other than this. And if this continues for much longer, it will be irreversible.’

–Well, good. The method that User thought of is much more efficient than any measures that I envisioned. There is a high likelihood of success.

Liliana felt a little reassured as she took a deep breath and cried out, “「метемпсихоз (Soul Reversion)!」” Borrowing the power of Dragon Words, Liliana started the unprecedented soul treatment.

Chapter 298 – Victory Scar (2)


The Umbra imprint shone. The green light emerged in the form of a silver string, and Liliana felt her mental strength being sucked into it. It might be a minor undertaking for Jerem, but this was a daunting task for Lili.

However, this was natural. After all, interfering with a soul was only possible after becoming a real transcendent, in the realm of the 9th circle. Liliana wouldn’t be able to try it at all if it wasn’t for Umbra.

‘Stay focused. Sister will die if I fail once!’

There was no second time. Veronica’s life was at stake, causing Lili to raise her concentration to the limit. Lili sighed with relief as the light from her right hand entered Veronica’s heart.

“Okay, step one is successful.”

Their two souls were connected. After the next trial, Veronica’s soul would be bound to hers.

“Huuu―…” One last deep breath. She couldn’t afford a moment like this later on. Liliana held her breath as she concentrated her remaining mental power on the imprint on her right arm.

The mind was just the tip of the iceberg that was called the soul. At the body’s surface, there was the conscious mind. Then once you delved into the bottom of the mind, the soul would naturally be reached.

This was the domain of the soul. Lili's soul was compressed in one breath and sank deeply. As her eyes dimmed, the light from the imprint became clearer. Her consciousness flowed down from her brain to her right arm. It rode through the cerebral blood vessels into the arteries of her right arm, reaching her wrist and palm. This process occurred while Lili was in a trance, and her soul left her body.


It was time for stage two, escaping the body. A part of the soul was sent out of the body, directly interfering with the contractor’s soul. From Lili's right palm into Veronica’s body, a green soul bead dug in.

“―Hak!” Veronica screamed and convulsed.


It was a natural reaction. Lili would’ve been thrown back at the pressure coming from her if this was a fatal blow. However, Veronica was in a critical state and her resistance was considerably weakened. Thus, Lili overcame the pressure and dug into her wounded heart. Then inside Veronica’s wound, her soul was visible in front of her.

[Damn, it is serious.]

It was like the claws of a large animal had torn at her soul.

[The soul’s nucleus is at 30%. Even a soul master would only last a few minutes. If she wasn’t a quarter dragon and I hadn’t fed her the elixir…]

Veronica would surely have died. Lili felt a chill at the future that hadn’t happened. Still, she had work remaining. Lili looked at Veronica’s wound and gently touched the surface. If she couldn’t fill this hole, she couldn’t survive.

Then the two souls met.

[―Kuk, what is this suction?]

Her soul was being sucked somewhere. It was like a drain collecting rainwater on a rainy day. Veronica’s instinct to repair her soul was demanding Lili's soul. At first, she panicked, but she soon realized that she could use this situation.

It would be easier for her to interfere if Veronica didn’t resist.


Simultaneously, the two souls began to resonate.


Somewhere, Lili heard a voice that didn’t belong to her memories.

–Something like you, a child that shouldn’t be born…!

–Dragon blood? Are you a reptile or a mammal? You smell fishy, so can you not come near me?

–Ack, hot! Were you trying to kill me? You monster!

–Huhuhu, I will get a lot of money if I sell this kid.

Contempt, loathing, hatred, greed… Voices filled with negative feelings resonated from all directions. These were memories that stabbed at someone’s heart, someone’s trauma. They didn’t exist in Lili's memories. Then perhaps these memories…

[Sister’s memories…?]

It was the childhood of Veronica, who always looked dignified and strong.

[This is too much!] She yelled in resentment, but no one answered.

It couldn’t be helped. They were just echoes of Veronica’s past. Nevertheless, Lili couldn’t help shouting. Despite her experience in Bergen Academy, she didn’t have such terrible memories.

How had Veronica managed to go from this terrible past to what she was now? The strongest magician in Meltor, the incarnation of destruction that all magicians feared… To think that the exciting beauty had these shadows.

There was no distinction of time as the flood of memories continued. Lili couldn’t remember clearly from then on. She just knew that she was angry as she cried and yelled, unable to do anything about the emotions that Veronica had felt in the past. Then she escaped from that flood of memories and opened her eyes.


Somehow, Lili had returned to her own body.

‘Was it successful?’

She could feel the warm body temperature and beating heart under her palm. It was weaker than usual, but it was not life-threateningly weak. Lili focused her mind. Her soul had filled the hole inside Veronica’s heart. With her soul eyes, she could see that her right arm and Veronica’s heart were connected by a green cord.

“I succeeded…” Lili’s legs weakened, and she fell to the ground.

She was falling out of the trance. Maybe the dragon blood and connection to Veronica had made her stronger. It was good, but if she didn’t concentrate, she would faint.

‘Not yet, not yet. I need to bring both of them to Bergen.’

She somehow got up and carried Veronica’s and Randolph’s bodies. The omnipotent feeling she’d gotten after entering the 8th circle had long since disappeared. This meant that the power she had consumed to heal Veronica’s soul was enormous. Her magic power, physical strength, and mental strength were at their limits.

She drew a small magic circle with her toes and cried out, “Mass Teleport!”

Was it thanks to reaching the 8th circle? Unlike before, Lili succeeded in moving through space with a brief chant. Then there was a bright light. Flash!

The destination was Bergen, a magic zone preset as the retreat area. From the middle of the desolate Nadun Mountains, the three people quickly jumped across the wall of space. There was a touch of cold air, and Lili opened her eyes as she felt the success of space movement.

“…Lili?” A crying voice greeted her. Sylvia came running with red eyes, like she had been crying for a long time.

“…Sorry, I’m late.”

“It’s okay! Everything is okay! Your body? You aren’t hurt anywhere? I won’t forgive you if you die in front of me!”

“I’m exhausted but fine.” Lili shrugged, causing Sylvia to cry with a relieved expression. She helped her place the two people she was carrying on a stretcher, before entering Lili's arms and rubbing her red nose against her chest. Her emotions overflowed again.

“Grandpa. Kuk. Lili, Grandpa…!”

“Yes, Sylvia.”

“Liar, liar. He said he would officiate… sob… my wedding… H-He left me…!”

“Yes, Blundell is really bad.”

“No, my grandfather isn’t… sob… bad…” Her words were a mess.

Lili smiled bitterly and patted Sylvia’s back. She had lost her family in this fight. Lili wouldn’t be stingy if she could comfort her with this weary body.

‘Ah, I am reaching my limit.’

Lili had abruptly reached the 8th circle, and there had been the unreasonable soul healing as well, so the burden on her was considerable. The last thing she saw was Orta rushing at her. Staring blankly at Sylvia, Lili hoped that Orta would take care of things well. Then the long and fierce day ended.

* * *

If she had to describe it in one word, it was a library. There were piles of books and bookshelves decorating the space. Books were stacked from floor to ceiling, with the smell of parchment tickling a person’s nose.

It was no exception for those who were sleeping, and it helped to wake up the consciousness of someone lying on a mountain of books.

“Umm.” Lili opened her eyes in an unknown place. “This place…?”

It was a familiar place. Lili explored the landscape of the library and realized it was a separate space. This place was similar to Gluttony’s library, but it was slightly different. She knew what she would see if she opened a book. This was a space made up of Lili's memories. It was the spiritual world that existed at the bottom of her consciousness.

“I see. I fainted when I tried to comfort Sylvia.”

Lili identified the situation and sighed. Was the fatigue from healing Veronica’s soul so much that she’d sunk down to the bottom of her consciousness? Maybe even a little bit of mental power was lost.

She sighed at overcoming the crisis and looked at the scattered books.

‘Should I do a review?’

Lili's memory was excellent. She never forgot a book that she had read once and could write a brief summary on the spot. For her, a ‘review’ was just a tedious and repetitive task. If she read a book that she already knew, what new and interesting knowledge could be acquired?

“…Well, it is better than nothing.”

In the end, just as Lili was about to pick up a book…

“―What, neglecting me after leaving me alone with your possessions? You are a bad person,” a playful voice spoke out from behind her.


“What is with this reaction? Why do you have a stupid look on your face?”

Lili stared at her and muttered in a quivering voice, “…Sister?”


“Veronica, Sister.”

Veronica realized why she was surprised and laughed. Then she walked over and pulled the stiff Lili into her arms. It was a soft and warm touch. Veronica whispered in an affectionate voice toward Lili, who stiffened in another manner, “Yes, I’m your Veronica now. Thank you for saving me.”

Then she realized it. This body that felt good to touch and the warmth that was conveyed… All of her senses proclaimed that she was alive. The terrible memory of the bleeding Veronica came to her mind, and Lili reflexively inserted more strength into her hands.

“Ah.” Veronica made a noise.

However, Lili kept holding her tightly. She was terrified that Veronica was going to disappear.

“I’m sorry.”

She was guilty of having given her a dangerous role. She felt sorry for having looked into her memories. She hated her own inexperience when she healed her soul.

“I’m sorry.” Lili kept repeating her apologies.

“It’s fine.” Veronica patted her head as she hugged her. “Everything is okay, so don’t cry my little one.”

Chapter 299 – Victory Scar (3)

The two people held each other firmly and stood there for a while. It was a distance where their warm breaths could be felt, as well as the rise and fall of their chests. Liliana’s unfamiliar tears quickly subsided. However, Lili kept burying her face in Veronica’s hair. When was the last time she’d cried? It had been at least 10 years since she stopped letting her emotions run wild. These weren’t tears shed from extreme pain. She didn’t want to show her face to Veronica because she herself didn’t know what she looked like.

‘Ah, I don’t know why, but I feel relieved…’ She had a personal desire to stay where she was. However, she couldn’t fool Veronica’s senses.

“Are you okay now?” She gently pulled slightly away, wiping away the tear marks still left behind on Lili’s face. Veronica’s touch was so mild and sweet, so different from her normal self that Lili felt her face flush.

“Ahh… My kid, you are really cute.” Unsurprisingly, Veronica noticed her blush and playfully ruffled her black hair. Maybe their inner turmoils were easily revealed because this was her spiritual world. Just as Liliana didn’t control her feelings, Veronica did actions that she wouldn’t normally do. Veronica realized what she had done and stiffened.

Meanwhile, Lili released the hug and opened her mouth, “Sister, there are many stories that I have been hiding.”

There was a mountain of stories that no one knew aside from Vince―no, some even Vince didn’t know. Veronica was connected to her with an eternal contract, so she wasn’t worried about her betraying her. Above all, she had almost died from Invidia’s sword, so she deserved to hear Lili’s secrets. Everything had started the moment Lili met the grimoire, Gluttony. She was about to confide the whole truth when―

“Oh, that’s enough.” Veronica pressed her fingers against Lili’s lips.


“I already know. Just as you were looking into my memories, I was watching yours. Let’s just say we are a draw when it comes to this part, okay?”

Liliana looked at her with bemusem*nt, before asking a question, “…Then why don’t you blame me?”

“Huh? For what?”

“You became Invidia’s target and ended up like this because of me.”

“Why is it because of you? It is the fault of that damn monster. And I am responsible for protecting myself. Don’t be sorry about not protecting me, understood?”

Was she angry? Veronica stared fiercely into her eyes. This caused Liliana to bow her head and mutter, “Still, now you will die if I die.”

There was no way to release a permanent contract. Even if she reached the 9th circle, the bound souls would still be the same. The person with a quarter dragon’s vitality would die when Liliana died. It had been the only way to save her, but Lili couldn’t help feeling guilty. However, Veronica’s reaction was unexpected. “Uh, it is fine.”


“I don’t hate it because I feel connected to you…” Veronica stopped speaking the moment the words popped out. However, she couldn’t swallow down the words that had already emerged, causing the two of them to hide their red faces.

Then Veronica remembered something. “Ah, that reminds me, I did see one thing that made me angry.”

Before Lili could respond to the change in expression, Veronica got right up close to her and growled fiercely, “The things you did secretly with that worm, I saw it all.”

“Eh?” Lili was embarrassed by the unexpected words when Veronica’s hands hit her chest. “Uwaaat!”

As expected from the power of a quarter dragon, it was enough to blow Liliana away. Lili flew through the air for a few meters, before landing on a fluffy floor. No, it was a fairly large bed. This place was filled with a pile of books just before, so why was there suddenly a bed?

“This is your mental world, but it is possible for me to interfere as long as you aren’t hurt. It isn’t a big deal to turn this library into a bedroom.”

Rather than the scent of parchment paper, there was a sweet fragrance and red curtains draped over the bookshelves. It had the subtle atmosphere of a typical bedroom. Lili was about to speak when a red robe fell and covered her eyes. “W-Wait a minute.”

Just after that…

“I won’t wait,” Veronica declared.

While Lili was throwing the red robe to the side, Veronica got on top of her and pushed down on her chest with her left hand. It might be different with magic, but she was stronger when it came to pure arm strength.

With one hand holding Lili’s body, she pulled off the rest of her clothes. Her smooth curves were revealed as her clothes were removed. By the time she was left in just her underwear, Veronica realized that all of Lili’s resistance beneath her had disappeared.

“Haaah… Lili.” She took her hand off Lili’s chest and touched her face.

There were no thoughts about running away. As she looked into Lili’s eyes, Veronica whispered sweetly, “Now, are you ready? More time is needed before your body wakes up…”

Subsequently, her red hair mixed with black.

* * *

Tweet tweet, chirp chirp.

The cheerful cries of birds announced the morning. Some people were sleeping and wouldn’t hear the sound, while others had already started their day. It was a common thing. The same thing would be seen differently from other points of view. In that sense, this morning was a special moment for Liliana Miller.


She raised her eyelids and made a bemused expression.

‘This place…?’

It was a familiar ceiling of a room in her distant memories. Then Lili looked around and met her eyes. The great magician, Veronica, was lying on the opposite bed. She stretched out like she had just woken up and looked at her with blurred eyes.

“―Did you sleep well?” Veronica sent her a bewitching smile, making Lili’s stomach spin.

“Uh!” That was enough to send an electrifying feeling shooting down her spine, and the buried memories overflowed. In the depths of the spiritual world, they had spent a few days in a place where only the two people with connected souls could share.

Well, no, a few days wasn’t accurate. It might’ve been a couple of minutes or a few months. In the midst of the pleasure, the two of them hadn’t rested for a single moment until their bodies were restored.

‘Sigh, I don’t know what face to make after that.’

Lili, who had been famous for her chastity during her school days, had old-fashioned ideals. The relationship they had in the spiritual world wasn’t light and couldn’t be treated as nothing.

On the other hand, Veronica was perfectly at ease. She was watching her happily like a lioness who was full. This bizarre atmosphere continued until the servants entered the room. They finished the meal, and there was a brief overview.

“Red Tower Master Veronica and Captain Liliana. His Majesty desires an audience. However, he said that if you want, you can rest until the sun goes down,” the servant respectfully bowed as he spoke to the two people.

Lili and Veronica had lost consciousness for four days and were injured, so he gave them some time. However, this matter was so heavy that Kurt couldn’t help feeling anxious. Veronica guessed the situation and laughed lightly, getting off the bed. “It can’t be helped. Then what now?”

Veronica hugged Lili’s arm.

“Vero―ah, no, Red Tower Master…”

“Are you going to be shy now? I think it is too late.”

It was true. The nature of her relationship with Lili had deepened. She tried to suppress the memories that the touch of Veronica’s arm recalled and spoke her name, “Veronica.”

“Yes, Lili.” She no longer called her a kid. They called each other’s names because they were now on an equal footing.

The two people stood shoulder to shoulder naturally and left the infirmary, with the people outside creating a path for them. Blue Tower Master Blundell had died, so there was no one who could block the path of two 8th circle magicians.

They walked through the corridors and passed into the uninhabited hallways of the palace. They were almost to the room where Kurt III was waiting when Veronica spoke. Her voice was unusually quiet, reminiscent of her exquisite elegance.



“Don’t worry about our relationship. I was the one who pressed you down, and I didn’t think it would last long after waking up.”


“Besides, there is a confession that you haven’t answered.”

She paused, but then managed to take another step. That’s right, there was Ellenoa’s confession. She was someone who had sincerely whispered that she loved her.

It was too much to hold onto another’s woman’s hand while leaving Ellenoa to wait.

“…Thank you, Veronica.”

Veronica laughed and hugged her arm more firmly. “Heh, anyway, I am yours. I will be by Lili’s side, no matter who you choose.”

“Isn’t that a bit difficult?”

“You will understand if you have a red dragon’s blood.”

Even if she insisted on logic, it was nothing in front of a charming beauty. Liliana realized it and faced the door of the reception room in front of her. Did the king want to secretly meet both people? Unlike other times, there were no guards or servants present. Before Veronica could kick down the door, Liliana reached out her hand.


The giant door split open, and the king was revealed.

“First of all, thank you for agreeing to my unreasonable request.” The face of Kurt the third, the king of Meltor, was more haggard than usual. His wise purple eyes were blurred with fatigue, and his bright golden hair had lost its shine. There were too many possible options to guess the reason for his tiredness.

The two people approached and tried to give their greetings.

However, Kurt waved his left hand and stopped it. “There is no need for formalities. I shouldn’t trouble you after you just got out of bed. I wanted to give you a few more days to rest, but a king’s duties don’t go away.”

“It isn’t a problem, Your Majesty.”

“I’m thankful for your words. First, I heard a series of reports from White Tower Master, but only you know what happened after Blundell’s death. Please tell me.”

There was no one better for this role than Liliana.

“…I understand.” Lili stepped forward, away from Veronica, and faced Kurt. Was it due to her repeated struggles with so many monsters? The king’s face now looked middle-aged and fatigued.

“However, I have something to say before that.”

If so, the hesitation belonged to Liliana, whose hesitation was unrelated to external factors. Unlike her plan to face the king with all her determination and seek cooperation, the words didn’t fall easily from her mouth. After all, she had hidden it for several years. It wasn’t easy to talk about it to the ruler of a country whom she didn’t have a close relationship with, unlike Veronica.


Did she read her hesitation? Lili trembled at the warmth that grabbed her right hand, and she soon relaxed. She, Veronica, was with her. What did she need to be afraid of?

“Your Majesty. I, Liliana Miller―”

Liliana jumped with her own free will over the wall she had hit.

Chapter 300 – Victory Scar (4)

Grimoires—they appeared in the forms of books, with a call to power and disaster that mocked a mortal’s common sense. None of the existing magicians could interpret them, and all remaining records in the world only explained the scars left behind by grimoires. It meant that the owners of grimoires were the cause of worldwide massacres. Just look at Giovanni to be convinced.

The magician, Giovanni, had been investigating the ruins discovered in the Miller Barony. Then he discovered the grimoire, Death’s Worship, and was turned into a warlock who commanded thousands of undead. If Liliana hadn’t contained the situation so quickly, a catastrophe would have occurred in Meltor a month later.

Liliana knew the risk of revealing this truth about herself better than anyone else, but she told Kurt the whole story anyway.

"...The owner of a grimoire." Kurt touched his chin and nodded. "It is funny to say it now, but that was one of the possibilities we came up with."

"What does that..."

“A person stuck at the 2nd circle for nearly 5 years suddenly jumped beyond the best genius in the kingdom in just a few months. It is natural to question that growth.”

It was as the king said. After all, who could have imagined that Liliana Miller, the dunce of Bergen Academy, would manage to win against Blue Tower Master Blundell’s granddaughter? Her master, Vince, was quite talented, but he couldn’t compare to a great magician of the kingdom. A hidden talent might’ve woken up after years of insecurity, but that wasn’t enough for Liliana to have jumped over so many walls in a short period of time.

This hadn’t been the 3rd and 4th circles, but the 5th circle. This was a ‘wall’ that magicians often called the gateway to senior magicians. It didn’t make sense for Liliana to have overcome that wall so quickly unless a shortcut to accelerate growth had been used. Yes, it must be a grimoire or a national treasure.

“This fact isn’t well known, but it isn’t unprecedented. 200 years ago, the 7th Red Tower Master was the owner of a grimoire called ‘Evil Lamp.’ According to records, the grimoire looked like a giant flame and supplied the magic power to use 8th circle fire magic many times.”

"...I see."

If there had already been a precedent, then Kurt’s reaction wasn’t strange. After all, if he knew that a grimoire didn’t only cause disasters, then it was the role of a ruler to find ways to take advantage of it. Liliana realized the point she had missed and fell silent for a moment.

Then Kurt laughed with his weary face and said, “It isn’t uncommon. A magician with a grimoire is more valuable than a national treasure. If this secret is revealed before the person is strong enough, idiots would try to steal it, without knowing that it is pointless. So, your behavior was wise.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“As proof of my acknowledgment of your good behavior, I won’t question you about the grimoire. Moreover, based on the report, the problem hasn’t been solved yet.”

Kurt was right. This caused Liliana to nod immediately. “Yes, the remnant of the warlock that I released still remains in the world. And I couldn’t confirm the life or death of Crowd von Russell, 1st Sword of the empire.”

“Certainly, neither of them can be overlooked.”

Jerem had been badly damaged by Mitra, but a warlock of the 9th circle was still a disaster itself. The strength of the Pale Rider and the undead was alarming. It was imperative to pull out their roots as soon as possible. Compared to that, Crowd was a slightly lower priority. However, he still wasn’t a person to be treated lightly. He was a man with the ability to reverse the war, which was almost over. Misfortune could still occur if they were careless.

“...Even so, the horrible history of the war in the North was the experiment of a grimoire... It is a truth that shouldn’t be recorded in history.”

“Yes, I think so as well.”

“I wonder if I should be relieved that it is over or feel angry about the rest of the work that needs to be done. These days, the weight of the crown has increased even more.” The king laughed as he spoke.

He was glad that the war which had lasted for centuries was finally over, but he was sad that all this bloodshed had been from acting as someone’s puppet. It was the first time Liliana had seen Kurt look like this. The wise king of Meltor, the one who led the magic kingdom, was speaking sincerely to her. Was it from the fatigue? Or―

'Ah, I see.' Liliana finally realized her own position. ‘Blundell is gone, while Veronica is tied to me. It isn’t intentional, but Meltor’s power has been swallowed up by me.’

One of the two magicians who reigned as Meltor’s pillars had died, and the other one was tied to Liliana. Liliana was also an 8th circle magician, so she was the only one who could be called superior to Kurt. She was unquestionably the supreme power in Meltor.

Facing this, Kurt had two choices—no, it was only one. He had to be open and sincere, sharing the matters of the kingdom with Liliana. If he tried to push her away from the kingdom, he would lose too much.

The alliance with Elvenheim that Lili was the cause of...

The alliance with Austen that was based on Aquilo’s strength...

Two 8th circle magicians...

For Meltor, who had consumed a great deal of power in this war, these losses would be a huge blow to the national force.

‘Well, I don’t want to leave in the first place.’

Liliana could grasp this kingdom if she wanted to, but she didn’t have that type of desire. She would rather grab a few books from the Zero Library. Setting that thought aside to ask about later, Liliana brought up a topic that Kurt hadn’t mentioned. “Your Majesty, about the Yellow Tower Master...”

“Yes.” Kurt cleared his throat in response to ‘Yellow Tower Master.’ “The Yellow Tower Master—no, Paragranum. I know its identity. It is a secret passed down through generations of the royal family. I’d like to arrange a separate place to talk about it. You have just woken up, and I don’t want to keep you for too long.”

“I’m fine... but if that is Your Majesty’s will.”

Indeed, was there a secret between the royal family and Paragranum? Liliana felt curious as she accepted the proposal. If Paragranum had planned to flee, it would’ve already been gone by the time Liliana returned to Mana-vil. However, it still remained, showing that it was confident it could persuade Liliana.

“Okay, the talk will end here for today.”

The two magicians nodded at the king’s command, and the unexpected audience came to an end.

* * *

After separating from Veronica who had work to do as the Red Tower Master, Liliana walked through the empty hallways of the palace. Had it been Kurt’s consideration to allow her to avoid meeting people in public? Liliana walked away from the palace, where teleport magic was blocked. She intended to move to her room in the red tower as soon as she could use Teleport.

-User, Gluttony suddenly spoke up, -I didn’t get to mention this to you before, but I have something to say.

"What's going on?"

-Let’s start with my conclusion. There is no need to worry about that warlock called Jerem.

"What?" Liliana stopped moving at the words, before continuing again. “Even though his soul is severely damaged, isn’t he a 9th circle magician with countless undead? I’ve only just reached the 8th circle, so I’m not sure I can win.”

Liliana wasn’t acting weak. The two undead summoned from Tartarus, the ghoul prince and helix ogre, were monsters that could only be killed by a few 8th circle magicians. What if there were hundreds more of those monsters? It was clear that Liliana would need to reach the 9th circle or a dragon on the continent would have to move to defeat them.

-But not at this time. Gluttony didn’t agree. -The damage from Mitra’s divine power has greatly limited his abilities. If he hadn’t reached the 9th circle in his life, he would’ve perished on the spot. It isn’t the kind of damage that can be recovered in a short period of time, even if he uses Life Drain or another technique. In the next few years, it will be difficult to use 8th circle magic, let alone 9th circle.

“...So, I can defeat him now.”

-That’s right. And about his undead... I agree that User can’t go against them, so I handled it with my own authority.

This time, Liliana’s feet couldn’t move from the ground. “You handled it with your own authority? What does that mean?”

The undead hidden in the negative dimension—Tartarus—of the ancient warlock, Jerem, was enough to ruin the entire continent. How had Gluttony dealt with it despite not being able to escape from Liliana’s palm? She couldn’t understand it.

Then Gluttony replied in a somewhat satisfied voice, -After I ate Death’s Worship, I gained control of the negative dimension. However, the creator of the negative dimension is still the boss. I decided to break in using a backdoor and try to steal the undead using the sub-master’s authority. Moreover, if User was planning to go down the path of a necromancer, I had to dispose of any shortcuts as quickly as possible.

It was a reasonable point. Liliana nodded at the explanation and told it to get to the point.



-I swallowed all of them and changed them into User’s library points.


The undead had been turned into Liliana’s achievement points! Liliana’s eyes widened with amazement, while Gluttony added to her joy.

-There are quite a few undead that couldn’t be converted, but the harvest isn’t bad because of the number of them. A dragon lich’s life vessel is very rare. The chimera made of a demon’s heart is also worthwhile. Thus, more points were obtained from the undead than I thought.

“Somehow, it feels like selling stolen goods.”

Liliana was stunned as she had a large problem resolved and also obtained a lot of achievement points.

“How many points did I get?”

-Huhuhu, don’t be surprised, Gluttony encouraged Liliana’s expectations. -157,329 points.

“...Say it again.”

-157,329 points. It is at least twice the points you got from Laevateinn. After this, the accumulated points total over 200,000, so a special function within me was released.

It wasn’t enough that she had gotten over 100,000 achievement points in one go. A special function had been released as well. Liliana felt like this was a dream and knocked on her forehead several times. Fortunately, it wasn't a dream. As Liliana tried to regain her composure, Gluttony continued in an excited voice, -Isn’t it better to see it once than listen a hundred times? I’ll show you.

Simultaneously, several notification messages popped up.

[Your cumulative achievement points have exceeded 200,000 points.]

[A hidden function of Gluttony has been discovered. The user should check the information about the function. This function will work normally regardless of the rank.]

[A grimoire that collects the strength and wisdom of books and artifacts. All of the magical pioneers are sleeping within Gluttony’s soul. You can use the accumulated points to learn the knowledge of these distinguished magicians.]

[The Hall of Fame has been opened.]

Chapter 17: Chapter 301-325

Chapter Text

Chapter 301 – Hall of Fame (1)


Liliana appeared with a flash of light. As soon as she escaped from the teleport blockade, she moved from the halls of the palace to her private room. She didn’t want to walk around, but neither did she feel so tired that she wanted to lie down in bed right away. If it was as Kurt explained, no one would know that Liliana had already woken up. In that case, there was no need for her to cause a disturbance.

‘I am worried about Sylvia and Master, but... His Majesty would’ve told me if something has happened to them.’

In Meltor, information could no longer be hidden or restricted from Liliana. Kurt knew this, so wasn’t it impossible for him to hide news about Lili’s people? It was right to think that nothing had happened in the meantime.


-I’m listening.

Liliana sat in her chair and requested, “Explain the feature called the Hall of Fame.”

She had read the message a few times, but all it said was ‘learn the accumulated knowledge of magicians using achievement points.’ How could she learn it and what was included? She was forced to ask Gluttony directly.


Unsurprisingly, Gluttony replied like she had been waiting. -As implied by the name, the Hall of Fame is a special function that exists to preserve the souls of memorable or worthy magicians. This feature applies to writers of books eaten by all users, from the Age of Mythology to present day. Only the most brilliant and outstanding ones are eligible for this function.

“...Since the Age of Mythology?”

-That’s right. There is a magician who pulled an asteroid from outer space, and there’s also a magician who made an underwater city at the bottom of the sea. Every single one of them has made a mark in the history of magic.

Meteor fall was a catastrophe that had been unintentionally caused by a great magician whilst exploring the sea of stars. The legendary underwater city known as Atlantis… Records said it was an island which had been sunk by the hands of Atlas during the Age of Mythology.

Some of the magicians were wicked, and others were good. However, their alignment didn’t matter. Gluttony only cared about the magic. Thus, she collected the souls of over 100 great magicians. Sometimes, they were the enemies of her user. There were other times when they were disciples or heroes who fought on the battlefield together. The Hall of Fame was like Gluttony’s history built over thousands of years, maybe longer.

Liliana asked without hiding her surprise, “I can learn from them directly?”

-If you want. It is also possible to receive their assistance if you have enough achievement points.

“Assistance? Is it similar to the one question one answer function?”

-The question and answer is the most basic assistance, Gluttony gave a vague answer. Then she made a direct suggestion, -It is quicker to experience it once. How about it?


-Yes. You don’t seem to have anything to do. If I am mistaken, I will apologize.

Liliana was a little worried, but her hesitation was brief. This was something she had to experience once, and it was hard for her to leave the room right now. She got up from the chair and moved to the bed before giving an answer. After all, be it Synchro or the Library, she had lost consciousness every time she used Gluttony’s functions.

“Okay, I will try it once.”

-A wise decision.

Gluttony moved at Liliana’s consent.

[At User’s request, the Hall of Fame has opened.]

[User currently has 157,329 achievement points.]

[Reconstructing the list of the Hall of Fame... Complete. The structure has been fixed in the form of a ‘gallery’, according to the user’s recognition structure. There are three frames registered by User.]

[Connecting to the Hall of Fame.]

Liliana felt her consciousness being sucked away as always. Behind her eyelids, her spirit was being drawn into the hole on her left palm. The connection with her five senses faded, and the distinction between reality and her consciousness blurred. She was sucked into the vortex of irresistible attraction―...Or she should have been.

‘Uh, aren’t I enduring well?’

Unlike before, Liliana remained conscious.

‘Is it because I reached the 8th circle? If I go this way, I can enter Gluttony...’

Not long after that, Liliana clenched her teeth and prepared for the dizziness. Then her consciousness was sucked into Gluttony’s vortex.

Kiiiing-! There was a sharp noise ringing in the mental world, where there was no concept of sound. Simultaneously, a wave of dizziness came over her. Liliana was stunned, dizzy, and then nauseous. Even so, she patiently endured it for a few minutes. Finally, the dizziness stopped. Liliana opened her tightly closed eyes and looked around.


Then she became thrilled.

[Is this the universe inside of Gluttony?]

There was a sea of endless darkness filled with shiny beads of light like the stars in the night sky. It was a huge and desolate universe. These were the words of old scholars: The sky, the earth, and the universe were wide and rough. If the study of magic touched the world, then the universe was waiting at the final destination.

Liliana refused to imagine the end of the world that was infinitely expanding even now. It was a spectacular universe inside the grimoire, Gluttony of the Seven Sins.

-Hoh, you didn’t lose consciousness.

Gluttony recognized her. -If you look at it every day, you’ll get no inspiration. But the first impression is the same for any user. Civilization as well. Once you observe it, you have no choice but to pursue it. Regardless of whether it is magic or science, there is nothing in history that hasn’t challenged the universe. User, Liliana Miller, are you the same as the prophets?

[...I am a bit ashamed, but I can’t deny it.]

Liliana’s heart was beating rapidly. She’d thought that pursuing a dream was purely a privilege of childhood, but now a new fire was burning in Liliana’s heart. A sorceress with eight circles could destroy a kingdom. However, even she wasn’t qualified to leave this earth and challenge the universe. Only a person who had become a true transcendent by completing nine circles, the circles beyond the frame of life, could qualify.

‘Per ardua ad astra (Through adversity to the stars),’ Liliana recalled an old saying she’d heard somewhere and clenched her fists.

-Here we are.

At that moment, gravity returned to Liliana’s body.

“Wah!” Liliana stumbled a few steps due to the sudden change and opened her eyes after barely regaining her balance. “...This place.”

In a simple word, it was a corridor. A gentle light shone from the lamps on the wall, and the passage was a straight path. There was a red carpet at her feet as she took careful steps. It was a landscape that could be present in a royal palace, but Liliana found a strange point.

Countless portraits hung along the corridor at regular intervals.

“Simon Magus... Georg Faust... Aleister Crowley...?”

There were nameplates at the bottom of the portraits lined up on the left and right. Even if she knew the history of the Age of Mythology, the great people who played active roles in that era were unknown. Liliana only knew about Surtr, the owner of Laevateinn and Paracelsus.

-You can touch it if you want.

Liliana reached out a finger according to Gluttony’s words.

[Would you like to open Aleister Crowley? 48,316 points will be consumed to awaken this soul.]

“4-48,000?” Liliana panicked at the absurd number and let go, causing the message to disappear without a trace. If she thought about a grimoire that was worth 70,000 points, this was a truly ridiculous cost.

Then Gluttony chuckled and said, -I’m sorry, but this is just at an ordinary level, User. Simon Magus next to him requires 150,000 points to wake up.

“What? What type of magician is he?”

-He was the peak of gnosticism. He died in the challenge of the 10th circle, but his capabilities are considered within the top three inside this Hall of Fame.

Liliana gulped involuntarily. She didn’t know who Simon Magus was, but Gluttony placed him within the top three despite having collected magicians for thousands of years? A monster that had reached the peak even during the Age of Mythology, where there were 100 grandmasters... He wasn’t something that could be easily awakened with achievement points.

“Eh?” At that moment, there were some portraits that caught Liliana’s eyes. “...Why are these portraits shining?”

The portrait before her wasn’t reflecting the light. Rather, the frame itself was actually emitting light. Moreover, it wasn't just one. Liliana looked carefully at the contents of the portraits and staggered back. It wasn’t because she discovered an unfamiliar face. On the contrary, it was because familiar faces welcomed her.

Gluttony confirmed Liliana’s thoughts, -It is as you are thinking. These portraits are the souls personally collected by User.

From left to right, they were Heathcliff, Abe no Seimei, and Paracelsus. They were magicians worthy of being in the Hall of Fame.

“The authors of the books I ate are here...” Liliana looked at the three portraits with a strange sentiment.

Meanwhile, Gluttony continued, -They don’t need to be opened up separately, and it doesn’t cost a big price to talk to them. It is also possible to get their help easier than other souls if you use achievement points.

“Their help... For example?”

-The lingering attachments left by great magicians like them are usually hard to solve. Furthermore, in the case of a unique ability, it is often impossible to learn even after completing Transmission. It is like Paracelsus’ Discerning Eye, that is innate to him, or Heathcliff’s Prophecy.

Liliana nodded. Their unique abilities were extraordinary and powerful. If she could borrow these abilities at will, it would be worth spending the achievement points.

‘Ah, that reminds me.’ Liliana looked at the portraits and remembered the past. ‘When you have reached the boundary of a mortal, go once again to the world tree... Should I ask Paracelsus about that?’

Having gone from the 7th circle to the 8th circle, there was only one wall left to transcend. So, Liliana probably met the criteria now. She looked at Paracelsus’ portrait. Paracelsus was a dignified and elegant magician with a white beard. However, there was an unquenchable curiosity and playfulness in his eyes.

‘...No, it would be hard to hear a proper answer.’ Liliana’s intuition spoke to her. The hint that the old man gave her previously was the only thing she would hear, so it wasn’t worth wasting achievement points. Thus, Liliana stood in front of a different portrait and reached out a hand.

-User, will you receive his help?

“Yes, please.”

-...I don’t understand your intentions, but okay. I will approve the request and call the soul.

At the same time, several notification messages popped up.

[Heathcliff’s soul has been called.]

[It is a soul directly collected by the user. A conversation with the soul won’t consume any achievement points.]

The left hanging portrait shone, and the shadow of a man walked out. He was a middle-aged bearded man in white robes. It was the former master of the white tower and writer of the Book of Clouds, Heathcliff.

“Ah, you called me.” He saw Liliana in front of him and his eyes widened. “...What? You’ve already reached the 8th circle? It isn’t uncommon to be surpassed by juniors, but I never had that experience. I didn’t know I would fall behind first.”

“I-I’m sorry?”

“Don’t worry. My stomach is just slightly sick,” Heathcliff started the conversation with a silly joke before nodding calmly. “So? Why have you called me, Junior? You hardly need my help now with your skills.”

“If only that was the case.” Liliana had a purpose for calling Heathcliff. “I would like to request for Senior’s specialty.”

“Hrmm, my specialty?”

“Yes.” Liliana took a deep breath and confronted Heathcliff’s hazy eyes. “Please read the mysteries known only to heaven for me.”

Chapter 302 - Hall of Fame (2)

Heathcliff’s eyes narrowed at the cryptic words. “...Read the mysteries of the heavens?”


It might sound strange, but both people knew its meaning in this situation. In the Eastern language, the phrase ‘reading the mysteries of the heavens’ literally meant reading heavenly secrets. It metaphorically pointed to ‘future work,’ an area those with predictive abilities knew about but didn’t want to commit to.

According to the long memories of Abe no Seimei, one of the greatest shamans in the east, reading the mysteries of the heavens was a taboo not to be violated.

“Sigh, you have penetrated the essence of my magic.” However, Heathcliff didn’t respond to the request directly. He gave a long sigh and scratched his head several times.

Liliana nodded without saying anything.

The White Tower Master Heathcliff’s unique power wasn’t to control terrible storms, nor was it magic like Supercell. Instead, it was the ability to read the mysteries of the heavens! Unlike short-term predictions, including Alfred’s super sensitivity, the ever-changing future was fluid—an area mortals couldn’t intervene in. Heathcliff made predictions by observing the curves.

Liliana had inferred Heathcliff’s essence by looking back at her old memories after reaching the 8th circle.

-Well, I ended up dying in the middle of nowhere.

-Don’t tell me...! Didn’t you see into the future?

-Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know what happened after I died. Now, it is your turn.

Even though seeing the future was rare, it didn’t mean death could be avoided just by seeing the future. If there was a prognosis that spelled out death, it was a foreknowledge a mortal body couldn’t bear. Heathcliff’s foresight wasn’t something that could be acquired, even if Transmission was finished. The power to read the mysteries of the heavens was Heathcliff’s only Sorcery, a unique magic that had barely been completed during his lifetime.

“Well, okay,” Heathcliff accepted Liliana’s demands. Then, he advised, “I want to tell you one thing before that. Reading the ‘heavens’ reduces the life of a mortal. But I'm dead. Do you understand what that means?”

“...I have to pay for the reading.”

“Correct. I don’t know how much, but a huge amount of your achievement points will be consumed. If you don’t mind that, I will take a look.”

The heavens was an area inaccessible to mortals, containing confidential information only found by transcendents of this material world and not usable without a penalty.

“Yes, it doesn’t matter.” Yet Liliana accepted it without hesitation.

‘Surely it won’t cost 100,000 points?’

Liliana now had points to spare after stealing from Jerem’s Tartarus. Then a notification window appeared before her.

[You have chosen to use target name Heathcliff’s Reading the Mysteries of Heaven. That rating is B+. Depending on how far and how closely you look, the consumption of achievement points will vary greatly.]

[The minimum range for Reading the Mysteries of Heaven is one month, and the achievement points consumed is 3,000 points.]

[It is set according to the user’s discretion.]

‘3,000 points.’

It wasn’t bad. This was a bigger expenditure than she’d expected, but it was at a level she could easily afford with 150,000 points. However, she thought a month was too short. How much achievement points would be consumed if it was at least three months?

The notification window appeared again, as if to answer the question.

[The duration is 3 months, the accuracy is high, and 48,000 points will be consumed. The capacity will increase as the time zone expands, so the consumption of achievement points will increase.]

[Error! You can’t set the accuracy as ‘high.’ By adjusting the accuracy to the ‘normal’ level, 24,000 points will be consumed.]

Liliana took a deep breath and swallowed hard. 48,000 points... and now 24,000 points for ordinary accuracy! Reading the heavens cost the same amount of achievement points as opening the soul of a great magician. Liliana felt conflicted for a brief moment.

She was worried about Jerem’s presence, but did she need to spend 24,000 points for an inaccurate prophecy?

‘No, it is worth it if there is danger in the future.’

Furthermore, even though Heathcliff couldn’t read the future accurately... If Liliana wasn’t careful about threats, she might suffer more damage than when Invidia attacked. In the end, Liliana decided on the painful expense.

“Then please do so, Senior.”

Heathcliff closed his eyes. “...Okay, let’s take a long look.”

It was called looking at the future, but one’s eyes were useless when it came to predictions. No, they were more of a hindrance. This was why the ancient prophets sometimes dug out their eyes. Heathcliff soon opened his eyes.

“Ah.” Liliana covered her mouth from the shock. It was natural that she do so since Heathcliff’s eyes had turned completely blue and were swirling like a wave.

“...Ohh... Oh...ohhh...” He groaned like an ill or dying person. “...Seen...”

Reading the Mysteries of Heaven was used.

「The worshipper of death hides. 」

「The shadow of the false god is lifted. 」

「 The person who devoured the remains of the light and was exiled will return. 」

「Big birds and snakes are surrounding a tree. 」

「The squirrels will help you to repay the favor. 」

It was exactly five sentences. After that, Heathcliff’s murmuring stopped, and his blue eyes returned to their original state. A magician who understood the true meaning of those eyes didn’t exist in this era.

Liliana summarized it simply, “It is vague.”

They might be key clues, but it was impossible to understand before the situations occurred. The worshipper of death was certainly Jerem, but there were doubts about the false god, the remains of light, the big birds and snakes. The same was true for the squirrels who would repay her grace.

“Prophecies are originally like this. Myths or legends never have prophets who explain clearly.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.” Heathcliff shrugged and stepped back. “Well, then my role ends here?”

Was he returning to his portrait? As his form became increasingly blurred, Liliana threw out a forgotten question, “Ah, Senior! Is there a lingering regret that Senior left behind?”

“Huh? A lingering regret... Let’s see?” Heathcliff made a noncommittal reply while returning to his portrait. “I’ll tell you when I think about it!”

Then he was gone. The frowning Liliana was left behind, and the Hall of Fame sank into silence. Even though he was dead, Heathcliff’s free-spirited personality hadn’t changed much. Liliana regained her composure and looked at the other two portraits.

‘There are many things I want to discuss with both of them, but... right now, it is better to focus on the prophecy. I will call Seimei after I become a transcendent.’

Liliana spoke into the empty space, “Gluttony, I will leave now.”

The notification messages were Gluttony’s reply.

[At User’s request, the Hall of Fame has closed.]

[User currently has 133,329 achievement points.]

[Closing the Hall of Fame.]

* * *

The next day, Liliana was analyzing Heathcliff’s prophecy when she made a surprised expression. “His Majesty called me?”

“Yes, Captain Liliana.” The servant bowed politely as he delivered Kurt’s message. “It isn’t just you. The White Tower Master and all of the people who participated in the last battle have been called.”

“What is the reason?”

“Well, it is...” The servant’s words were unsure, so Liliana felt like she had to listen to Kurt speak personally. Kurt had concealed the fact that Liliana had awakened from people. The fact that he was calling Liliana, the White Tower Master, and other people meant it was something big.

“Let’s go.” Liliana put on a red robe and left her room.

“Follow me, please.” The servant took three steps in front of Liliana and led the way. This was to avoid the attention of others. Thanks to the servant, Liliana could reach the royal palace without any disturbances and entered the room where Kurt was waiting.

Then several voices rang out as Liliana entered.


“...You’ve woken up. I am glad to see that you are well.”

“Not even giving me a hint, isn’t that too much?”

Sylvia, Orta, and Randolph greeted her in turn, while more and more people were attracted by the fuss. Surprisingly, there was no reaction from Veronica. However, when Liliana looked at her, she blew a kiss. In some ways, it was the behavior of a victor.

After a few minutes of turmoil, Kurt entered and settled on the throne, causing the room to calm down. “I’m sorry about the sudden call. However, this issue isn’t something to be treated lightly, so I gathered all the parties involved.”

There was one thing that everyone present had in common. They had been mobilized against Andras and involved in the battle against Invidia. Aside from the two guardians of Elvenheim, the seriously wounded, and the dead, everyone else was gathered here.

“Last night, an envoy arrived from the Andras Empire.” However, Kurt wouldn’t have called them here if it was just that. “I received a letter with the official stamp of the emperor of Andras.”

This caused a great stir. It was natural as the emperor of Andras, the monster called Invidia, had vanished without a trace in the Nadun Mountains. Now, a self-proclaimed emperor had appeared in Andras. Hadn’t Invidia died? Or had the fight for the throne ended in just a few days, with the crowning of a new emperor?

“The name of that emperor was also written in the letter,” Kurt continued.

Then in front of all the people with questions, he read out the words at the bottom of the stamped letter, “Andras’ 19th emperor, Crowd von Andras.”

Chapter 303 - End of War Agreement (1)

Crowd—there was no one who didn’t know that name. Amazement and doubts filled their faces. The surname was slightly different, but her identity was obvious. She was the empire’s 1st Sword, Andras’ strongest swordsman. They didn’t know how it happened, but Crowd von Russel had become Andras’ 19th emperor.

“...I don’t remember seeing her body in the Nadun Mountains.”

“Yes, but being coronated in a few days...?”

“It is a ridiculous replacement.”

Among the buzz of the people’s chatter, the white-masked Orta muttered in a quiet voice, “It isn’t impossible if she used force. Now that almost all of the Seven Swords are dead, there is no power in Andras that can stop her.”

It was as Orta said. The swordswoman Crowd was the best swordswoman of this age, so she could take over the throne with force. She wouldn’t raise an eyebrow even if all of Belfort’s army went against her. Crowd was literally the strongest person in Andras. In a nation which had been founded upon the idea that a strong woman stood on top, it was highly probable that Crowd had become emperor of Andras with her own power.

“I also agree with White Tower Master’s words,” the king sitting on the throne, Kurt III, agreed with Orta’s opinion. “Until now, the monster called Invidia had worn the emperor’s mask, so she didn’t dare try. It was how the imperial bloodline was maintained in a single family up until now. But after Invidia died in the last battle, there is no obstacle in the way of Crowd’s rule.”

“Additionally, the national ideal of the Andras Empire is to follow the strong, so there wouldn’t be an uprising.”

“That’s right. From this point on, we must recognize her as the emperor of Andras and evaluate her letter based on the appropriate standards.”

The 1st Sword of the Seven Swords was a great position, but it was incomparable to the emperor’s authority. The value of this letter was the same. The letter written by Crowd von Russel and Crowd von Andras was like the difference between heaven and earth.

Kurt looked at the letter in his hand and continued speaking, “Crowd, the emperor of Andras, has asked for a ceasefire in order to negotiate terms.”

“Ceasefire... to end the war?”

A ceasefire and ending the war... The meaning was similar, yet significantly different.

Kurt nodded at Orta’s words and read the letter again to deduce the author’s intent. “Perhaps it is a preliminary negotiation. If we don’t agree, she knows they have no chance of winning if we keep fighting.”

The empire had already been defeated—Kurt firmly asserted this. “Crowd might’ve survived, but there is no way that Andras can win when the empire’s Seven Swords are almost collapsed. By ascending the throne, the queen chess piece has become the king. She is in a position where she can’t freely move. She has lost her ability to act as a trump card and doesn’t have the power to reverse the situation anymore.”

“They are fair words.”

The emperor was the strongest sword master, but an emperor had two important roles. It might be possible if half of the empire’s Seven Swords were alive to support her. However, without a rook, bishop, or knight, the movements of a king were severely limited. Moreover, unlike a queen, Crowd already knew that the Andras Empire was completely defeated.

Thus, she had asked for a momentary ceasefire in order to present some conditions.

“From here on, I'll read out the contents.” This was the main point. Kurt held the letter and started reading it. “I hope that Andras and Meltor will move their armies away from the forefront and discuss the end of the war in the northern part of the Sipoto Plains, which is the midpoint between the two places. I, Crowd, will come directly as the representative of Andras. I will acknowledge our defeat in this war and make a few promises first.”

Kurt raised an eyebrow at the next words but continued reading the letter.

- - - -

One. The Andras Empire promises to give up the name of the empire. I will build an autonomous nation where people of ethnic minorities, who want freedom, can live.

Two. The Andras Empire will hand over 30% of the territory close to the border of the Meltor Kingdom and permanently give up the right to occupy them. The choice of territory is entirely up to Meltor.

Three. I will establish a semi-permanent non-aggression treaty between Andras and Meltor, as well as designate a safe zone where we can trade regularly. I hope to promote a friendship between the two nations. All tariffs incurred in the trade zone for the next 10 years will be borne by Andras.

- - - -

“...Now, anyone here can negotiate these terms.”

After Kurt was done, the expressions of the people present changed.

As if to represent them, Orta opened his mouth, “The conditions are bad. No, it is hard to negotiate any further. Andras was able to dominate the Northern Continent because of their territory and population. Now they are giving up both things. They do actually mean to end the conflict in the Northern Continent.”

There were those who would want to keep fighting, but the people gathered here weren’t stupid. Even if they continued the war to subjugate Andras, it was impossible to tightly control the vast land. It was a different story if they could take over 30% with peaceful bargaining. That would be enough to make up for the power Meltor had lost in the war.

Andras would become an autonomous state and trade zone...? That was nothing more than a roundabout declaration of surrender, cutting off their hands and feet. Andras might survive the end of this war, but they would never beat Meltor again. That’s why the facial expressions of those present were strange.

“By the way, there is one unrelated condition,” Kurt spoke again and turned to Liliana. “Emperor Crowd has demanded that Liliana take part in the negotiation. She has a story to share with you, regardless of whether you are the leader or just part of the group. Perhaps it is something related to the former emperor, Invidia. What do you want to do?”

“I...” Liliana was troubled for a moment.

It was true that she was curious about the information Crowd had. The information was obviously closely related to Invidia. If Invidia had truly wanted to kill her, even Crowd would’ve died in the Nadun Mountains. It now seemed necessary to grasp why Crowd had become the emperor.

“I will accompany the group.”

“Your Majesty, I will follow. Won’t it make things more certain?” Veronica raised a hand after Liliana’s reply.

It made sense. Crowd might’ve become the emperor, but there was the possibility that she was seeking Liliana’s neck. However, she wouldn’t be able to do anything against two 8th circle sorceresses moving together.

“Please do so,” Kurt agreed with her and nodded. “The date for the signing of the new agreement is in a fortnight. You all can relax, while Liliana and Veronica will prepare as the heads of the group. White Tower Master, please assist them if they require it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I hope that this agreement will bring peace to the Northern Continent. I am ashamed to rely on you again when you aren’t in perfect condition. After this situation is over, I will provide proper compensation.”

The meeting abruptly ended.

* * *

A fortnight... It was both a long and short period of time, but every moment was valuable to Liliana. She escaped from the palace grounds and moved to an area near the capital. It was the new Miller estate that she planned to visit. The guards were surprised by the unexpected teleportation, but their eyes widened after seeing her robe.

“No, who are you? Heok, that robe...?”

“A-Are you perhaps Prime Liliana—no, Marchioness Miller?”

There was no need to respond with words. Liliana nodded, and they instantly saluted. It was a normal reaction. As Meltor’s hero, Liliana was a person whose name was heard at any busy area in this kingdom. She didn’t know it, but her popularity had long overtaken the king’s.

“Oh, my. Who is this?” A woman embraced her as soon as she entered the drawing room. The warm and familiar smell disarmed all of Liliana’s alertness. She could use perfume and cosmetics now that she was a senior noble, but her mother was still the same. Holding Liliana firmly in her arms, she then looked back.

“Honey! Leo! Lili has returned!”

“What?! Who came?”

“Sister! It really is Sister!”

Her father had thinning hair, and her brother, Leonardo, was much bigger than before. Her family gathered in an instant around Liliana. She was awkward after not seeing them for a long time, but her parents and brother talked without noticing.

There were stories about Liliana’s achievements or earls she didn’t know. Liliana made a surprised expression when she heard that Leonardo was better at the sword than at magic.


“Indeed. It is so cute how he plays with a wooden sword all day. What did the knight who taught him say? He said he wanted Leo to be his disciple.”

“Wow, Leo. Don’t you have amazing skills?” Liliana patted Leo’s head, causing him to giggle.

Was it because he wasn’t accustomed to being praised by his sister? Liliana watched him approvingly before secretly asking her parents for the authenticity of the story. If it was true that her brother had talent, then Liliana would recommend a proper teacher for him.

“Is there someone that you have in mind?”

“There are two possible people.”

They were Randolph and Rebecca. One was a sword master, and the other was facing the wall to becoming a master. Both of them would be suitable to be Leonardo’s teacher. However, Randolph had shown his skills in the war, so he was likely to become a high-ranking noble. Such a person couldn’t become a tutor.

'I will ask Rebecca later.'

It might be different if she went up the master ranks like Randolph, but she couldn’t stay beside Liliana with her current abilities. As such, it was more efficient to make her Leonardo’s teacher and entrust her with protecting her family. Finally, Liliana stopped worrying. She wanted to enjoy this time with her family.

Then came the very next day. After breakfast with her family, Liliana returned to Mana-vil Capital. She walked around the infirmary looking for a certain name. Although she could ask the receptionist, Liliana didn’t want to attract unnecessary attention.

[Vince Haidel]

Soon after, Liliana found what she was looking for.

“...I’m coming in.” She entered without waiting for a reply.

Her teacher, whom she hadn’t seen in a few months, was lying on the bed. Vince Haidel, the war mage in red robes, looked haggard, but he welcomed Liliana with a large smile. “Ah, I was wondering who would be so impolite. I’ve heard all about your activities. You did really well.”


“You don’t have to feel sorry for me. I fought my best on the battlefield and got this result. Rather, I am proud that I survived the western front.”

His words weren't wrong. It was a miracle that he had survived the onslaught of Invidia and the surviving Seven Swords.

Vince pointed to the empty left leg socket and said with a refreshed expression, “It is done. Vince Haidel will now live as a magician, not a war mage. I might be suited for it, but I didn’t really like fighting. A small library room with a pen and parchment is good enough for me. The things you tell me are sufficient to last the rest of my life.”

Thinking of the analysis of ancient languages to the reinterpretation of ancient civilizations, Vince laughed like he was really happy. His face sincerely showed that he didn’t care about a lost leg. In the end, Liliana couldn’t help laughing as well. The weight of the elixir in her pocket was unbearable. If she handed the elixir over now, Vince would wave his hand and tell her to use it for more important situations. Liliana Miller knew from a very long time ago that he was such a person.

‘I don’t know who was worried about whom.’

Liliana took off her robe and sat in the chair next to the bed. She forgot all the complicated stories and chatted with her teacher. This chat started at noon and continued until the sun went down.

“Why do you keep moving around?”

Until the day of the promised meeting, Liliana met and talked with people.

She went to see the injured elves and comforted Sylvia, who was saddened by her grandfather’s death. Liliana also shared a cup with those who celebrated her victory and spoke with elders of the Magic Society.

Time passed by, and the promised day arrived.

Chapter 304 - End of War Agreement (2)

The Sipoto Plains... This boundary divided the northern and central parts of the continent, a neutral zone that didn’t belong to any powers. Dry winds blew throughout the year, with clouds and raindrops hardly ever present, making it a desolate wasteland. It wasn’t a suitable environment for nomadic people to live in, so they wandered around the continent instead.

Hwiooooong...! The wind blew, now moist since a while ago. The westerly wind, with a bit of moisture, had started to blow after the sand dragon, Desertio, died. Some knew the story, but most people didn’t. Nature had realized before anyone else that this was no longer a wilderness where only weeds could grow. The seeds of eaten fruit dropped onto the clothing of travelers, rolled off their carriages, and into the ground, where they started sprouting buds. The change couldn’t be felt in a few years, but after a hundred years, nobody would be able to call this place a wilderness anymore.

However, visitors arrived before a hundred years had passed. Flash! There was a bright flash of light, and a majestic magic circle appeared on the ground that previously contained nothing. Unlike the disposable magic circles that disappeared after arriving, this one was built for round trip purposes. The white tower had invented it many years ago.

The people who appeared on it looked at the dust clouds. “Cough, it looks like we need to do something about the dust clouds.” The young man wearing a red robe waved his hand, lifting the dust cloud and revealing the scenery.

There was a beauty, also wearing a red robe. Then there was a man with two swords hanging at his waist. Finally, there was a magician in a white mask and white robe. This was the moment when Liliana Miller, leading the main powers of the Meltor Kingdom, took her first step onto the Sipoto Plains.

“...Amazing,” Orta spoke while walking behind Liliana. “Creating a magic circle from Mana-vil to Sipoto by yourself. Even the Red Tower Master and Blue Tower Master couldn’t do this... Your Sorcery is more special than I imagined.”

That’s right. The person who invoked the long-distance teleport set up in Meltor palace’s garden hadn’t been White Tower Master Orta but Liliana. “Well, I don’t fully know yet.” Lili looked down at her hands with a subtle expression. She didn’t think it was much to be excited about, but it was different if both Veronica and Blundell had failed to do this. The reason for it was possibly her Forced Harmonization, just like Orta said.

‘I feel like I have taken a step further.’

She couldn’t help looking at her right arm. The Umbra imprint, the tattoo that had given her its power, had disappeared. Of course, it didn’t mean she had lost the ability. After she reached the 8th circle and healed Veronica’s soul, the mark no longer appeared on her skin. It was perfectly within Lili’s body and naturally lent its power. Umbra was also a multidimensional power, so there was no reason for her to be lacking when it came to comprehending space magic.

“Lili became better than you in a day or two? How refreshing,” Veronica muttered next to her.

Randolph nodded. “I’m not trying to ignore you, but isn‘t it too late to be surprised now?”


Liliana had called a dragon, a god from an old era, and an ancient warlock... Just as Randolph said, it was too late to be surprised simply because of space magic.

“It seems like Andras has arrived first.” Lili used flying magic to look around and soon found the Andras flag. There was a splendid building that had just been erected. The empire’s distinctive architectural form appeared on the wasteland. The tower rose into the sky, and a familiar presence was felt. Crown von Andras—Andras’ strongest sword master and its emperor—was waiting for them.

“Ah, we’ve been noticed.” Just as Veronica said, Crowd had noticed their arrival one beat later, and his presence became greatly exaggerated. Should they fly over? A magician who could use flying magic didn’t have to walk upstairs. Randolph was one person, so it was possible to carry him.

The shadow of four people appeared in the sky and then landed on the ground.

Tak. At this moment, Liliana and three other people landed on the tower that contained Crowd. It was in a few blinks of an eye. Crowd didn’t show any surprise by their sudden appearance and greeted them slowly, “You came, dear enemies.”

He had black hair and turquoise eyes that weren’t shaken, despite the power he was facing. The 19th emperor of Andras stood in front of them without a sword.

“You have no fear... What if we try to kill you?” Veronica couldn’t help asking.

“It is a fight I can’t win. It is better to come with bare hands since you would be alert if I was armed,” Crowd answered openly.

Liliana felt a strange trust in the Crowd who didn’t hide his intentions and intervened in the conversation between the two. “Do you really intend to end this northern war?”

“I think that it can’t be helped. If we keep fighting, the defeat of the empire is definite. Maybe we can strike you until the end, but what is the value of the blood that will be shed?”

“...You are serious.” After obtaining another divinity, Liliana could see the truth contained in another person’s words. Knowing that Crowd was talking from his heart, Lili fell silent for a moment.

Unless Crowd was trying to make a move, this agreement would be a huge benefit for not just Andras, but Meltor as well. Even if victory was confirmed, a war would still cause blood to flow and national power to be consumed. There was a possibility that the benefits gained from achieving victory would be low by the time Andras was completely destroyed.

This was an opportunity to completely cut off the chain of hatred that had been inherited for hundreds of years due to Invidia. “But there is an answer that I must hear before that,” Liliana spoke in a cold voice as she cut to the chase. “You, what is your identity?”

Crowd had survived at the hands of Invidia who could wipe out Lili's group of four without hesitation, a monster that had even repelled the incomplete god-king, Nuada. There was a sword master that wasn’t killed despite mountains being crushed by the aftermath of the attack? The only way Crowd could have survived was because Invidia had spared him. Thus, Liliana had to find out why. It was enough to have one monster who concealed his identity as a neighbor.

“Sigh, coming all the way here only to hide it would be funny.” For the first time, Crowd showed some emotion. This was clearly an expression of self-mockery. “I am a waste.”

“What?” The four people were surprised by his words.

“A chunk of waste that Invidia, the ‘envy’ of the Seven Sins, couldn’t consume. An excrement of unnecessary ego, strength, and memories. To put it more plainly, I am food waste.”


“500 years—no, counting from the beginning of the founding period, it has been nearly 700 years. The number of sword masters eaten by him was in the hundreds, and the accumulated egos and remnants of memories reached saturation. So, he made me. He wanted to isolate any unnecessary human debris outside his body.”

It was terrible. The four people were like statues as Crowd’s words continued. Even Veronica, who had grown up in a bad home environment, paled. Crowd wasn’t a human. He had been made by necessity and sometimes used depending on the purpose. Simply put, he was a ‘tool,’ something that shouldn’t have awakened an ego and formed emotions.

“...Crowd von Andras,” Liliana pushed down the feeling of nausea and spoke while staring into the Crowd’s eyes, “If this is true, why are you the emperor?”

Invidia had referred to the North as a ‘breeding ground,’ a breeding ground where Andras and Meltor fought each other in order to nurture suitable sword masters. It was a place where loyalty and patriotism weren’t rewarded. The wreckage filled Crowd’s body was a residue of this. He couldn’t avoid feeling hatred, and he couldn’t avoid blaming someone. Crowd was eligible to hate Andras more than anyone else. Rather than defending the empire, it wasn’t strange if he tried to destroy it.

“I also thought so at first. If the day comes when my sword regains freedom, I will destroy it personally.”

A question of ‘Why didn’t you?’ was present in Lili's eyes.

“200 years,” Crowd spoke in a voice that sounded old. “After 200 years, the anger boiling inside me cooled down, and the hatred lost its sharpness. I watched humans who knew nothing, raised disciples who knew nothing, and fought against enemies who knew nothing.”


“I realized that my hatred was aimed in the wrong direction.”

Their deaths might’ve been tragic, but the knights inside Crowd had devoted themselves to the nation. Since childhood, they had lived lives of loyalty, honing their sword skills and gaining honor. Crowd didn’t know what Meltor was like, but these people loved Andras in their own way and were faithful to it. Once his anger and hatred scattered, Crowd barely became aware of his own wish.

“Roy hoped that no one else in his hometown would die of hunger. Dixen prayed for a country where children could laugh. Carlos wanted the great empire to last forever. I received this life from them. So, it wouldn’t be strange for me to want to preserve Andras.” Crowd finished his story that was both long and short, and no one could open their mouths. Maybe it was because he had been born a non-human that he wanted to live like a human more than anyone else.

The hostility of the four people disappeared. Monsters couldn’t be understood, but Crowd’s heart was understood by all of the four people present. Crowd might have been born of a monster, but he was all too human.

“...A non-human has become a human.”

“I think it is quite funny.”

Lili couldn’t help laughing, and Crowd smiled as well. The rest of the people were the same. A light breeze filled the tower as a decision was made. Then Liliana took one step forward and said to Crowd, “Your Majesty.” Unlike before, Liliana was now polite and courteous. “Meltor acknowledges your appointment as emperor of Andras and promises to participate in this meeting for an agreement to end the war.”

“Heh. Thank you, Miss Liliana.”

It was the greeting of a formal envoy. As Lili remained on one knee, she spoke of her anxiety before starting the full-fledged talks. “By the way, what did you want to talk to me about? Surely it isn’t about the terms of the agreement.”

“Ah, I called you because you are involved.”

“What does that mean?” Liliana made a bewildered expression.

This caused Crowd to answer with a strange smile, “The warlock who you released into the world, Jerem, approached me.”


The four people stiffened at the startling words.

Chapter 305 - End of War Agreement (3)

It was a surprising story. The 9th circle warlock—that had been released from the grimoire, Death’s Worship—had tried to contact the emperor of Andras? Maybe Jerem was aiming to fill the vacancy left by the former emperor, Invidia. Most of the Seven Swords had been lost, but the power of Andras was still strong. They had wide lands and a vast population, which was something that would be hard for a warlock to ignore. Andras had humans to supply as offerings. They occupied close to 60% of the Northern Continent. Sacrificing just 1% or 2% of the population would be enough to gain a tremendous power. If Jerem obtained the throne of Andras, Meltor would have to devastate Belfort with their full power right now.

With a cold light in her eyes, Crowd started to talk about the warlock, “Somehow, he knew my identity and looked for me. He thought I was a power-blinded traitor and said that we could control this Northern Continent if we joined hands.”

“Hah, it isn’t out of the question.”

“If I were interested in necrophilia, I would’ve thought about it for five minutes.”

Liliana laughed at Crowd’s words. It was true, despite being a joke. If Crowd had concealed this fact and colluded with Jerem, most of Andras’ population would be used as sacrifices for black magic. The Northern Continent would’ve turned to hell in one month, rather than the three months that Heathcliff had seen.

“But I didn’t want to rule over rotten corpses, so I refused.”

“Did he step back?”

“No way. He revealed his true colors on the spot. Vampires, banshees, and other things appeared behind him.” Crowd stroked her empty sheath and her eyes deepened as she looked back at the memories of that time. After all, Jerem was a legend who had reached the status of the 9th circle. So, it was a terrible experience even for Crowd, who could be called the strongest swordswoman of this era.

Crowd continued speaking in a much heavier tone, "Honestly, it was pretty dangerous. This is despite the fact that he was in a terrible state and I was in perfect condition. If my helper hadn’t arrived at that moment, it is likely that this meeting would’ve been canceled.”


“Haven’t you seen him once? The bow master who possesses the ability of foresight, he helped me.“

“Ah.” Liliana was convinced. She had been wondering why the bow master hadn’t shown up with Invidia. If that person was Crowd’s helper, then it was natural that he wouldn’t join in on the wild suicide mission. For a mercenary, this was merely a contractual relationship. It was rare for mercenaries to accept a mission where they would die, even if they were paid for it.

As one knot unraveled in her head, Liliana asked another question, “So? Did you kill Jerem?”

“No, he ran away. Somehow, he couldn’t show off his full ability. It was clear that the longer the fight went on, more energy was being consumed. He held on for an hour before giving up.”

Liliana nodded. As Gluttony said, Jerem had suffered a deadly blow. Despite his opponent being inferior to him, Jerem had retreated because he couldn’t continue fighting. This meant Liliana could defeat Jerem now. Liliana had to quickly search for Jerem while he wasn’t in a perfect state.

“From now on, it is the main point.” At this time, Crowd spoke with a serious expression. “In the process of trying to sway me, I was able to find out the warlock’s intentions. I know what he is trying to do and where his next destination is.”


Liliana couldn’t help reacting by leaning her upper body forward, which caused Crowd to smile.

“Heh. I can’t tell you everything."


“Now, let’s start the agreement to end the war. I wonder what concessions I can get with this information.”

Liliana lost her composure and raised her voice, “You are using information about Jerem to negotiate? Don’t you know that neglecting him will cause a disaster for the entire continent?”

“I'm sorry, but we are also on the brink.”


It seemed that Crowd was already taking action as an emperor, regardless of how long it had been since she was crowned. The frustrated Liliana was forced to take a step back. Clearly, it was impossible to persuade the ruler of Andras, who sat on the throne of responsibility. Moreover, it wasn’t Liliana or Veronica who was in charge of the negotiations but Orta.

“...Sigh. Then please do so, White Tower Master.”

Orta nodded and replied, “Don’t worry. Not everything will be decided with this agreement. Just think of it as the basis of diplomacy.”

“Thank you.”

“Still, it will take a few hours. I will try to conclude it as quickly as possible.” Orta sat facing Crowd on behalf of Liliana and pulled out the stack of documents she had prepared in advance. From here on out, these would be the real negotiations. How far would they go and what would they get? This was a battle that went beyond the military forces. Veronica hated the sight of documents, Randolph only knew the sword, and Liliana only had knowledge from the library, so it wasn’t a struggle they could involve themselves in.

Three hours later...

“...This seems to be the primary agreement.”

“I agree. I’m a little tired.”

The two people—Crowd and White Tower Master Orta—talked in the same language, but the matters were so complicated that it was difficult to understand what they were saying.

The brief summary was as followed: The designation and development of the trade zones, excluding some of the mines in Meltor’s 30% territory that they obtained, would be divided into 5:5. Unlike the conditions in the first letter which were one-sidedly disadvantageous, Andras could get reasonable benefits.

“Okay, I will keep my promise.” Crowd had a tired but satisfied face as she turned to Liliana. The half-dozing Veronica and Randolph woke up, and the story began again in earnest.

“She said she was heading to Lairon.”

“Lairon, what purpose would a warlock have there?”

“I didn’t hear that much. I just know it has something to do with the royal family. It sounds like Jerem is looking for something left from the old days.”

“A warlock and a religious kingdom...”

It was incomprehensible, but Liliana was satisfied with the clue to Jerem’s location. Liliana organized the information in her head and spoke to Crowd, who was still looking through the documents, “I have to ask. Will you help us capture him?”

“No,” Crowd replied decisively. “I’m sorry, but I can’t afford to act independently, regardless of my will. Don’t you know that all of the empire’s Seven Swords are dead except for me? I can’t give up the role of the king to become support.”

It was an answer that Liliana had expected.

“Then how about the bow master? If he is a mercenary, I will willing to pay appropriate compensation.”

“That... He can’t. I can’t tell you everything, but he can’t do it right now.”

“Later is good. When he is free, tell me.”

“...I will do so.”

Thus, the conversation with Crowd was over. Turning her back to Crowd, Liliana faced the three people who were waiting for her. Orta asked Liliana a question first, “Now that the negotiations are over, what are you going to do?”

“Let’s see... The negotiations went well, but it would be nice for me to stop by Lairon.”

“Then what about Red Tower Master and Sir Clovis?”

Veronica and Randolph answered instantly.

“I will move with Lili.”

“I don’t want to go back without doing anything.”

It was as expected. Orta sighed lightly and nodded to Liliana. As the negotiator of the contract, Orta was obliged to report to Kurt. Before flying away from the tower, Liliana briefly looked at Crowd.

A human born from a monster, who had become a queen of humans...


Crowd faced Liliana without asking why.

“I feel like I won’t fight you again.”

“...Hut, what are you saying?”

An unknown consensus was formed between the two women involved in the Seven Sins. Why...? Somehow, Liliana could sense it. For the rest of her life, she would never fight this woman. Liliana flew away from the tower convinced about this despite there being no basis for it. That was the day when the unique empire of the West Continent disappeared.

* * *


This time, light swirled in the sky. It was the principle when moving to a place where the coordinates weren’t clear or unknown. Teleport to at least 100 meters up in the sky—this was the first advice that a sorceress learning space magic was taught, since it wouldn’t threaten the life of someone unlucky. Liliana had also learned the warning, so she set the farthest point in the sky as her arrival point, even if it was a place without humans.

“I don't know where this is. Lili, where is this place?” Veronica asked while floating in the air with magic.

It was unfamiliar terrain.

“It is the northwest part of the Soldun Kingdom. I’ve been here before in the past, so I remember the space coordinates.”

“Ah, you thought up to here? There are many places in Lairon where teleporting doesn’t work.”

“That’s right. They are wary and appearing suddenly can be considered a hostile act by the Meltor Kingdom.”

Liliana maintained the flying magic on Randolph while speaking. It was well known that the religious kingdom of Lairon hated sorceresses and magic. However, many people didn’t know that the temples scattered through the kingdom obstructed magic itself. This was the power of a divine power barrier on a national scale. Lairon didn’t have any physical defenses, but it was excellent for detecting elaborate teleportation or the activation of large spells. It was nothing they couldn’t break through with force, but it was better to avoid attracting attention until they knew where Jerem was.

‘I can’t let her run away.’

It had been a few centuries ago when warlocks were declared a public enemy of the continent, but they had still survived. This was because it was impossible to find a warlock when they were determined to hide. A 9th circle warlock could definitely conceal herself from the pursuit of Liliana, an 8th circle sorceress.

“Now, we should go north. In my memories, there should be a city...”

Then at that moment...



“The north is that direction, right?” Randolph’s voice was low and heavy, causing Liliana to turn her eyes in that direction.

Then Liliana’s expression hardened. “...Smoke?”

The sky was turning black. It was evening, when the sun sank toward the west and the moon rose. She thought the red light was from the sunset, but the dark light on the horizon wasn’t from sunlight scattering. It was the color of a large amount of flames burning and gaining momentum.

‘No, let’s concentrate.’ Liliana focused her five senses, and heard screams and the sounds of clashing metal. It was clearly the noise of battle. Seeing her signal, the other two people prepared themselves for battle as they waited for Liliana to talk. Should they rush over and check it? She was too nervous about the disruption taking place in Lairon to leave it alone.

“Let’s go.”

Using flying magic, the three people quickly shot toward the west.

Chapter 306 - Lairon, the Last Day (1)

The speed of a sword master might be faster by comparison, but the effect of the terrain meant flying magic was more efficient when it came to traveling long distances. A wide line of sight was also something they naturally obtained at high altitudes. The three people flew like arrows and could soon see the city in the distance.

It was the northwest frontier city in the Soldun Kingdom, which was ruled by Earl Albert. In the last civil war, he had been someone on Elsid’s side, and Liliana had met him once. The shadows of the three people moved above the Albert estate before Lili remembered his face. The Albert estate was precisely in the middle of the city, so they could look over the entire territory.

Liliana took a quick look through Albert City. “It is a mess.” There were flames, smoke, and people running away in every direction.

“The direction of the attack is from the north. The situation is too strange for it to be Lairon invading. The walls haven’t collapsed yet, so why are there disturbances inside the city—”

“...Lili,” Veronica spoke in a growl-like voice, “Move your gaze higher and look again. It seems like we’ve stepped on the tail of that bastard.”

“What?” Liliana followed Veronica’s advice. She triggered Hawkeye, and the shapes of those who seemed smaller than ants were immediately clear.

On the street stained with blood, a man was chasing after someone and roughly biting him in the neck. The person had his artery torn and he fell to the ground, taking his last breath. It was a disastrous death, but that wasn’t the end. As blood poured from the torn neck, the victim became the offender. He had become a zombie, the most common and terrible representation of the undead.

“Undead! Are they the infectious type?” Liliana’s eyes widened as she saw the situation.

The familiars of the warlocks, the undead could be divided into two major types—manufactured and infectious. The manufactured type of undead were made directly by the warlock’s magic power, while the undead made indirectly were classified as infectious type. They were killed by other undead or under the influence of special black infectious magic.

‘Of course, the manufactured type are dominant. However, the danger of the infectious type isn’t in the strength of an individual.’

One zombie would kill one citizen. Then two zombies would kill two citizens. Then four zombies would attack four citizens... In less than half a day, more than a thousand undead would turn this territory into a cemetery. This was the terrible part of the infectious undead and what caused a necromancer to be called the worst warlock.

However, Liliana remained calm as she looked at the ground. The infection was obviously a threat, but each individual undead wasn’t strong. It was possible for an army with a proper defensive line to take care of them. In fact, the soldiers of Albert City were blocking the undead from outside the walls. The damage inside the city wasn’t small, but there was a defensive line, as well as guards leading out the survivors. It might be impossible to win, but they could hold on for a few hours.

‘...Nevertheless, this situation is weird.’ Lili felt a sense of discomfort again. ‘There are a few high-level undead that appear to be giving commands, but it isn’t very organized. No matter how hurt he is, a 9th circle warlock wouldn’t be so disorderly.’

Was this a pandemic to increase his power? No, if he wanted that, Jerem would’ve moved faster and more secretly. It was a mistake to draw attention with the low-level undead and attract variables such as Liliana. Did he want to tie up Liliana?

“Lili, what do you want to do?” They couldn’t just continue watching from above. Liliana was troubled for a moment, but there was no choice. If she passed by Albert City, they wouldn’t see tomorrow’s sun. Lili couldn’t sacrifice those lives for her own convenience. If she were such a person, god-king Nuada wouldn’t have responded to her summoning in the first place.

“Randolph, go to the eastern section of the city and help the guards evacuate the survivors.”

“I understand. What about you?”

Liliana smiled at the question and looked playfully at Veronica. “What is the red tower’s 8th commandment?”

“Huh? A good warlock is a dead warlock?”

“Then the 10th one?”

“Aha, whether it is one hundred or one thousand people, wipe them all out!”

It was a reckless strategy, but it was different when it involved two 8th circle magicians. Each of them was a one-woman army. For the strong who suppressed the battlefield, a group of undead was just like scarecrows to them.

“I understand. Please don’t get carried away,” Randolph said half-heartedly and fell to the ground without hesitation. Blindly fired magic was, after all, more terrifying than thousands of undead.

The height of the fall was quite high, but a sword master didn’t have to worry. Randolph stably landed on a building, while the two magicians split their roles.

“Veronica, I will take care of the city.”

“Okay, then I’m outside? I was a bit worried, but now I can let it all out!”

It was as she said. Veronica’s magic, which specialized in large-scale destruction, was difficult to demonstrate inside a city. If the attack magic hit the wrong place once, a disaster worse than zombies would occur. Even magicians who reached the 8th circle had some parts they were inexperienced with.

“Lili! Let’s bet on who will finish first!” Veronica created flaming wings behind her and headed towards her destination.

She exceeded the speed of sound. There was a sonic boom, and a few clouds were torn apart. Veronica was always like a storm. Liliana gazed at Veronica’s back before looking down. ‘...The west part of the city is already doomed. The center and south parts still have many survivors. I will focus on them.’

The survivors who were being surrounded by the undead took precedence. The eight circles inside Liliana’s body started rotating.

Huuuuuuong! Her circles roared.

In retrospect, this was the first time she had used all eight circles. Liliana had a lot more magic power reserves than any other magician. As her circles increased in capacity, Liliana’s magic power became strong enough to be compared to when Veronica awakened her dragon heart. Then what magic was she going to use with this magic power?

“Lucete!” Liliana cried out with a loud voice.


All Slots Open.

Octuple Casting.

She had never tried this before! An enormous power soared, and the space around Liliana was greatly distorted. From that distortion, a light was born.


Based on the name, they were concentrated arrows of light! These were from the debris of divinity that Nuada left behind back when he was summoned not long ago. A simple flame couldn’t completely stop the undead’s regenerative abilities. It needed the power of a god, who was the enemy of all undead and black magic.

Wuuong- Wuuong- Wuuong- Wuuong-

Every time the golden arrows appeared, darkness retreated from the night sky. Just like the sun rising again, this light spread all over the sky.

10, 20, 100, 200...

At first, Liliana intended to shoot moderately. However, she was soon forced to change her mind. She had made close to 1,000 arrows, but there was still room for more.

“Won’t I clean all of this up at once?” With bemused eyes, Liliana watched the resplendent scene she had created.

Kieeeek? Kieeek?

Kieeeeeeek! Grrrrr…! Grr…kuk…

Every time the divine light swept through, the undead melted like candles. The zombies couldn’t endure it for even a moment and were burned. There weren’t many senior undead, but they also stopped moving, unable to ignore the effects of the light.

Liliana didn’t know that this magic, which mimicked Nuada’s true light wave, would exert this much power. ‘It might be the aftermath of Mitra turning into a goddess for a moment. Won’t this be enough to be effective against Jerem…?’

Liliana pondered it while Albert city was filled with silence. Standing in the middle of the golden sky, Liliana’s figure looked holy. Some people fell to their knees, while others stared blankly at the sky. Liliana slowly raised her left hand and cried out, “Go.”

There was a shower of golden arrows toward the city. It was divine punishment. Later, people would recall the scene. Someone had appeared in the sky surrounded by holy light, and they had poured out a brilliant shower of light to destroy the blasphemous existences.

More than 1,000 arrows pierced the undead. This was sufficient. It might be different for a death knight or lich, but these undead couldn’t resist the brilliant light. They were like ice melting in the scorching summer sun. Only the undead were annihilated, with no harm being done to the living.

After the golden shower, there wasn’t one undead left inside Albert city.

“...It looks like I won the bet.” Liliana shrugged as she thought about how she’d made Randolph run around for nothing.

Liliana had reached the 8th circle through many twists and turns. She had only just progressed, but realized that her magic had become several times more powerful. ‘Liliana Miller’ was the name of a great sorceress who could now be counted in the top three of the entire continent.

“Hmm?” At that moment, one undead caught her attention.

Chapter 307 - Lairon, the Last Day (2)

“Priest clothing?” Liliana thought she was mistaken at first.

She rubbed her eyes and looked again, but there was no difference. The white robe with the golden trim was definitely the clothing worn by priests of Lairon. Moreover, the undead wasn’t a zombie or a ghoul. It was a lich, something that was only possible when a magician with considerable abilities was turned into an undead. Therefore, the lich wasn’t completely burned away when struck by Liliana’s magic. It still had half its body left.

‘No matter how I think about it, something is strange.’ Liliana shook her head while sensing a strange incongruity. ‘An undead can’t disguise as a priest. Additionally, shouldn’t it have burned immediately when touched by divine power? If so, perhaps a priest was turned into a lich...’

It still didn’t make sense. The knowledge remaining in her head from Jerem stated that it was impossible. The gods, the guardians of the physical world, were the natural enemy of all warlocks. Just like how it had been when Jerem faced the lower god Mitra, the presence of any being under the influence of a god couldn’t be turned into an undead. Lairon might be a fake god, but his followers had real divine power.

Furthermore, it was a priest, not a magician, who had been turned into a lich...? The possibility of Jerem succeeding in this difficult task was close to zero, let alone infection-type undead.

“I have to go and check it.”

In any case, all the undead inside the city were now destroyed. The lich was barely breathing, and Liliana had nothing left to do. So, she quickly descended to the ground. As several buildings caught on fire, the sorceress in her red robes stood on the bloodstained ground.


The lich was collapsed like a rag at her feet. It really was a priest’s clothing. The luxurious cloth and gold decorations were the result of extracting the blood and sweat of the people. Disgust boiled up inside Liliana as she walked over.

“Hey, can you hear what I am saying?” As she took exactly three steps forward, Liliana spoke to the lich.

The lich was an undead human type and still had intelligence. If the consciousness still remained in the body, it would be able to talk for a moment before its destruction. Where did it come from? Who caused this? Liliana didn’t have any big expectations. However, if she could resolve one question, it might become the clue to this mysterious situation.

“...K...u...ah....” The lich couldn’t even make a sound.

Liliana sighed and stretched out her right hand, sending a small stream of magic power into the lich. It wasn’t enough to restore the body, but it should be able to speak.

“Answer me. What is your name?”

The lich’s jawbones opened, and it replied, “...Great, Lairon… 2nd grade priest… Verm-ud...”

“Vermud,” Liliana repeated. She realized the authenticity of the words and quickly asked, “Vermud. Are you a priest? Or a magician?”

“...I… am! Insult, me...! Lairon, ser...vant, for life...”

“Damn! It isn’t a lie.”

Liliana got the answer she wanted, but she couldn’t help cursing. She had hoped that the original body was someone who had stolen the clothing, but her expectations weren’t rewarded. Instead, a senior priest of Lairon had been turned into an undead.

It was hard to understand, but her brain had come up with the worst causal relationship. ‘Dammit, maybe Lairon is already...’

While Liliana was busy worrying, the lich ran out of magic power and started to shake.

“Kuock! Ku...oh, ohhhh! Kuwoooook...!”

The body, that didn’t have any flesh left, popped up. The priest’s clothing was torn in the struggle, and an eerie sound was made. Then it happened when Liliana was about to end the situation quickly.

“...Great, Lai… Lairon...!” The undead priest, Vermud started to scream. “Why...? Your servant, casting me into the darkness... Have you forsaken meeeee?!”

With that last scream, he finally died. The ashes that piled up inside the clothing were the last traces left of Vermud in this material world. It was impossible for him to even be buried. However, it wasn’t Vermud’s death that caused a chill to go down Liliana’s spine.

“Lairon, forsaken...?”

Vermud’s last cry stimulated Liliana’s super sensitivity. She didn’t know why, but it was like a hammer had hit the back of her head. Liliana stood amongst the flames and saw signs of the undead that were wiped out with her arrows. Farmer’s clothing, soldier’s clothing, blacksmith’s clothing...The type of jobs could be distinguished, but they all seemed to be clothing from Lairon.


Maybe the worst-case scenario that she had imagined―

“Lili! All the ones outside the city were cleaned up!” At that time, Veronica’s voice rang out from the distant sky.

“That was fast. There were at least 2,000–3,000 of them,” Liliana muttered with a wry smile.

Of course, Veronica would’ve found it easier than fighting in the streets. She watched Veronica in the sky and soon heard the cheers of a crowd. Perhaps the guards that Randolph had joined would recognize the situation.

‘Well, I guess I need to talk to Earl Albert.’

Regardless of whether she was right or wrong, the impact of this situation wouldn’t end with one kingdom. It was a disaster that could spread to more than half of the Central Continent. If the initial response was incorrect, tens of thousands of lives could be lost.

In order to properly communicate the seriousness, it needed the guarantee of someone with credibility... like a great sorceress whose reputation was known through the continent and who had a friendship with the royal family.

“...Let’s go.” Liliana left the remains of Lich Vermud, who had once been a priest, and flew off.

* * *

“I sincerely thank you for your help, Lady Liliana! I can never repay this grace!” Earl Albert cried out tearfully as he held both of Liliana’s hands.

As a lord of a border area, his great physique and refined power showed he was a well-trained aura user. It wasn’t enough to reach the level of a master, but he was still an expert. Most of the wreckage around here was the result of his cooperation with Randolph.

“It is nothing, Earl Albert. I happened upon this disaster by chance and did what any ally would do.”

“Ohh, so modest at such a young age! I have seen the true colors of the heroine whom I’ve only heard about in rumors.”

Liliana barely managed to calm down the tearful Earl Albert and asked him a few questions.

“The raid of the undead definitely started last night,” Earl Albert clenched his fists and lowered his voice the moment he was asked when the attack had begun.

He was filled with a murderous intent to break the bones of the absent warlock.

The noble of the Soldun Kingdom spread cold energy all over the place as he told the story. “At first, I wasn’t afraid. However, they kept coming every minute. After killing one hundred, one thousand more arrived. After the one thousand, there were more... My soldiers aren’t weak, but in that situation, they could not breathe even for a moment. Some undead managed to cross the walls.”

“Then we arrived.”

“Yes! That is what happened. I sent a messenger shortly after sunrise, but it will take at least two more days for a reply to come. If you hadn’t helped, this territory...!”

Liliana appeased the frenzied Earl Albert again and asked for a place to talk with her two companions. The next task was done swiftly. Earl Albert’s soldiers quickly set up a barrack for the three people to stay in. In retrospect, it wasn't unusual. They had appeared from the sky, saving the soldiers from tens of thousands of undead. So, this reaction wasn’t unusual.

In the comfortably furnished barrack, the three people sat around a round table and started a serious meeting. Of course, the leader was Liliana, and she immediately pulled out a piece of parchment.



The pen moved quickly in Liliana’s hand, and she soon finished writing a letter.

“Remain in the Soldun Kingdom and send this letter to King Elsid. Randolph is known to Marquis Piris—no, Duke Piris and the king, so they will listen to you.”

“Then what about Lairon? Will you go with Veronica?”


She felt sorry for Randolph, but the speed at which senior magicians could move was beyond imagination. No matter how fast a sword master was, his aura was finite. It would be too late if he flew with both of them. It was better to leave Randolph in the Soldun Kingdom to prepare the defenses.

“Additionally, it is highly likely that we can’t pass through Lairon by land. I need to get to the capital of Lairon quickly.”

“Huh? How come?”

This time, both Veronica and Randolph were confused. The defenses of Lairon were strict, but they weren’t able to stop a sword master. Even if she needed to hurry, why not use the land route instead of taking the risk of leaving a master behind? Liliana looked at them and opened her mouth once she confirmed there was no one around. “Sigh, it is likely that Lairon has been destroyed already. Any cities that are still intact will probably be covered with millions of undead.”


“Among the undead that attacked the Albert territory, there was one wearing priest’s clothing. It was a lich, not a zombie or a ghoul.”

“What?! This is nonsense!” Randolph had no knowledge of magic and was confused.

However, Veronica was well aware of the meaning and felt astounded. To think that the worshipper of a god, who couldn’t become an undead, had actually become a senior undead? Moreover, there had been the scream that Lairon had forsaken them. Additionally, although she hadn’t told anyone yet, Liliana had some other clues about this situation.

「The worshipper of death hides. 」「The shadow of the false god is lifted. 」

What would remain if the shadow was lifted? Light? No. There was nothing left once the shadow was gone. If the god of the Lairon church had ‘disappeared’, it wouldn’t be impossible for priests to become undead.

‘No, it would be fortunate if Lairon just disappeared.’

In the worst-case situation that Liliana couldn’t speak of aloud, it was possible that a demon was buried behind the mask of the false god. If a god had turned into a demon, then a priest would become a warlock. The servants of a god would turn into the servants of a demon.

[Lairon] was a name that unified the kingdom, and if this unity were used...

Over 10 million undead and a kingdom of death could be born in one morning.

Chapter 308 - Lairon, the Last Day (3)

Kwarururung! A thunderous rumble rang out in the middle of the city. The bell tower was hit by blue lightning and collapsed. There was also a statue made by many sculptors, as well as a hall where people sat and listened to the word of God. Debris scattered every time the lightning struck. In order to resist this ruthless destruction, a power equivalent to it was needed.

However, the city didn’t have the strength to resist the invaders. The invaders appeared in the sky without any warning, and poured fire and lightning from it, burying the inhabitants under the ruins of the buildings. This power which treated humans as ants contained explosive power comparable to that of natural disasters.

Nevertheless, there were no casualties caused by this disaster. She couldn’t describe people who had already died a while ago as being killed once again.

‘Damn. Even if that is the case, it doesn’t feel good.’

From amidst the clouds in the sky, Liliana looked down at the ground with bitter eyes. The zombies and ghouls had been humans not long ago. Lili buried them under the dirt and destroyed the ground where they had lived. In her mind, she knew that this was something necessary, but she couldn’t stop the negative emotions rising inside her.

Kwaaaaang! There was a similar explosion in the distance. Buildings collapsed, and flames rose into the clouds. The person who caused this heat quickly flew in Liliana’s direction. With red robe and red hair, the magician—Veronica—stopped near Liliana. “Phew, is this the 13th one? Are you almost done?”

“...I cut all the big branches. The undead won’t spread any more and clearing the rest will be left to the others,” Lili spoke in a dry voice. “The great magic circle that covers all of Lairon... Based on the churches in each estate, the consciousness of the living dead spreads like a spider web. Certainly, the idea and structure of it is genius. However, it is hard to defend if it is too big.”

It had been four days since Liliana and Veronica entered Lairon after leaving the Albert territory. If they had been flying in a straight line, it would’ve taken less than a day. However, they had chosen to go around to some territories instead of going straight to the divine king’s palace.

That was due to the large amount of magic power consumed by flying at high speed, as well as something they realized while crossing the kingdom. It was the ritual magic, Pluto’s Palace. This magic existed in the knowledge that Jerem left behind in Liliana. A necromancer had set a range for the spell, and all creatures inside it couldn’t resist the magic, turning into undead. According to records, it was a massive black magic spell that ranged from an area of tens of square meters to hundreds of square kilometers depending on the caster’s abilities.

‘I’ve somewhat grasped it now. The false god, Lairon’s identity... Additionally, the magic circle of living dead that reversed their faith.’

Liliana still couldn’t be certain, but she considered her speculation as fact.

After all, she was the sorceress who knew more about the Age of Mythology than anyone else currently alive and who also had a contract with an ancient elemental. In the process, Liliana had trained her intuitive powers, including her super sensitivity.

‘The remains of the light are probably a god that has died, an expression signifying a divinity that has lost its master.’

A divinity without a master was innocuous by itself, but it changed when it became the possession of another being. Using an analogy, the churches in each Lairon estate were wells, and the divinity was the source of water flowing into the wells. If Jerem became the master of that divinity, Lairon would become a demon and the water would be poisoned. Those who wanted their god’s blessing would fall prey to the black magic at once.

Then Veronica spoke to the worried Liliana, “Well, isn’t that why we went after the weaknesses? Even if we can’t pull out the roots, we can hit the branches. By destroying all the points of the magic circle that are nodes, the situation won’t worsen.”

“But it isn’t a solution. We need to go to the divine king’s palace in order to resolve this completely.”

Cutting off the thick branches could prevent the growth of twigs, but if the roots remained, the branches would just grow again. In the end, they needed to destroy the magic circle that was maintaining the roots—Pluto’s Palace. It was obvious that the magic circle was probably at the center of the kingdom, the divine king’s palace that was the symbol of the church.

The place where the ‘remains of the light’ that Heathcliff had predicted was also likely to be at the divine king’s palace.

“...Veronica, what is the condition of your body?”

“Yes?” Veronica co*cked her head at the abrupt question of concern.

“From now on, I’m going to increase the speed. If possible, I would like to arrive at the divine king’s castle by sunset today. Is that okay?”

Liliana didn’t need to hurry so much, but there was a small possibility that the great magic circle would go out of control. No, it was highly possible if Jerem had predicted this situation.

“Ha! Do you know who you are asking?” Veronica’s robe moved in the wind as she puffed up her chest.

The sunlight behind her illuminated the shade of her robe, making the curves of her sensual body more defined. It was unknown if Veronica saw Liliana’s red face or not as she smiled confidently.

“I’m Veronica. It was when I was younger, but I am the magician who crossed the continent using flying magic. The distance to the divine king’s castle is 200 kilometers? I can arrive there in an hour and still have enough magic power to fight.”

“T-That is reassuring.” Liliana’s eyes were drawn elsewhere before she nodded and turned around.

She was a magician of the 8th circle, making it possible for her to fly as fast as Veronica. So, she didn’t need to fly in her arms like she used to. However, Liliana was soon grabbed by a pair of arms. “Veronica...?”

Veronica deliberately pressed herself against her back and whispered in her ear, “By the way, Lili, do you want me to teach you one thing?”


“Women are very sensitive to the eyes of others. Just before, it was like my skin was being licked... If you look at someone like that, most reactions are divided into two types.”

If they didn’t like the person, it would be severe discomfort. Or―

“―Are you trying to test my patience?”

The atmosphere would heat up if they liked the person. Veronica’s golden eyes were like molten iron. Having a red dragon’s blood meant she was easily swept up by emotions, and passion boiled in her body.

“I will accept it anytime if you ask me. But Lili isn’t ready yet. So, you should be careful, yes?”

“...I understand.”

“This is the punishment.”

Immediately after that, flaming wings appeared behind Veronica.

“Be in this state until we reach the divine king’s palace, okay?”

Liliana had no choice but to nod. Her answer wouldn’t make a difference.

* * *

It took exactly one hour for them to reach the divine king’s palace. Even a well-trained horseman would take four hours to travel 200 kilometers, and a hippogriff, famous for its speed, would take two hours. With Veronica’s magic, Blaze Wing, they traveled at a speed that was made possible by releasing the innate natural power of fire to obtain a tremendous momentum.

“Ah, we’ve arrived.” Veronica slowed down and looked at the grounds of the divine king’s palace.

Liliana was then released from her arms. She looked around her with a bit of regret.

‘This is the capital of Lairon, the divine king’s palace?’

It was the first time she had seen it. In the books, it had been described as a city made of pure white marble that shone with a divine golden light. There were many people who didn’t like the Lairon Church and the kingdom, but there was no one who didn’t admire it.

“In my eyes, it looks like the palace from a storybook.”

Liliana was half joking and half serious. Her spiritual vision saw a mysterious energy rising from the palace into the sky. The smooth white walls and shining gates were intact, but the ones guarding them were undead. There was a red light that shone wickedly in the dark fog, making it a land of death.

It was a castle of the dead that denied access to the living. The concentration of black magic here was incomparable to how it had been in all the other territories Liliana and Veronica traveled to previously. The vegetation that stretched out for several kilometers around the castle was dry and dead, while uninjured beasts were rotting.

“Lili, how many enemies do you detect?”

“...I don’t see any signs of Jerem or the four horsem*n. There are at least 100,000 undead. There are at least 1,000 intermediate undead. This scale is equivalent to 100 units.”

Liliana used Mitra and Hugin to accurately determine how many undead were in the castle. What about at the center of the magic circle? There were 13 senior undead and 1,000 intermediate undead that could function as command objects. The number of undead gathered here would be enough to wipe out one or two small countries.

“What should we do?”

“Um.” Liliana was troubled for a moment. “Well, it shouldn’t be a problem.”


They were unexplained words. The two magicians exchanged words and stepped forward carelessly. It was a cool stride as they stood shoulder to shoulder. They were master class magicians that dominated the mana around them. Once the two 8th circle magicians approached, the black magic was pushed back like a wave.


That change immediately attracted the attention of the undead occupying the castle. The skeleton archers on the walls loaded their poison arrows, while the lich created dozens of fireballs. They intended to launch the attacks as soon as the enemies came into range.

Then the two magicians stopped walking.

“Me first? Or you?”

“At the same time. The walls look quite thick.”

“But I think it is overkill. Well, okay.”

Liliana looked in the same direction and started rotating her eight circles. In any case, there were no survivors inside. Furthermore, there was no way for the Lairon Kingdom to revive now that it had been completely destroyed. She should destroy the enemies as efficiently as possible.

Memorize. Three Slots Open.

That was enough. Liliana calculated the walls of the divine king’s palace and the destructive power needed. Veronica also called upon her own unique magic, the Explosion Sword.

“Lightning Spear Keraunos,” Liliana cried out.

The 7th circle lightning magic, named after the weapon of the ancient god, appeared next to Liliana.

Paijijik! Pajik! Pajijijik!

One spear had dozens of lightning bolts compressed in it. Due to the nature of lightning, the range was somewhat lacking compared to Veronica’s Explosion Sword. However, the intensity of the power concentrated on one point was more overwhelming than Explosion Sword. Even if it was blocked by a titanium shield, the spear would still penetrate the shield.

It was attack magic which walls that lacked divine power wouldn’t be able to withstand.

“This is why I said it was overkill,” Veronica grumbled while lining up three swords near Liliana.

There was a total of six weapons. The swords made of fire and the lightning aimed at the castle. In the aftermath, the ground melted and the atmosphere became heated, creating a haze around the two magicians. They breathed out and cried almost simultaneously.



At the same time, the six spells shot forward.


The lightning turned into a ray of light and traveled over the ground, creating a strong wind. It burned those it passed by, while the wind swirled like a storm, causing a lot of dust to rise. This terrible phenomenon was trivial compared to the real attack.

Six strands of light flashed in succession! This was the only precursor to the swords and lightning striking the divine king’s castle. Then they landed.


There was a loud roar, and the walls guarding the heart of the kingdom were shattered horribly. The broken stone fragments evaporated on the spot, and the undead courageously blocking the two magicians crumbled. It was a blow that signaled the end of the Lairon Kingdom, of those who borrowed the god’s power without knowing the true story.

Chapter 309 - Lairon, the Last Day (4)

Kwaaaang! The two magicians appeared in the wreckage. They weren’t affected by the enormous heat and pressure, or the air-deprived environment. Magic power barrier—it was one of the basics for mages who circulated magic power within their body. This magic power repeatedly circulated in the owner’s body, creating an invisible protective film on the skin through centrifugal force.

Of course, the basic defense wasn’t great, and it would be difficult to block a few arrows with the barrier of a 4th circle mage. It meant it wasn’t a technique that could be used in practice. However, that common sense was turned upside down at the 8th circle.

‘Indeed, Veronica’s phenomenal durability is the result of applying the low magic power barrier.’ Liliana admired it as she watched Veronica’s back. She studied the application of the magic power barrier. The magic power circulation in Veronica’s body was accelerated several times, amplifying the magnitude of the centrifugal force that formed the magic power barrier. The innate blood of a dragon, combined with high magic power concentration, amplified the intensity even further.

In fact, Veronica occasionally had a red haze around her body. It was because her magic power was so concentrated that the magic barrier could be seen.

“How is it? Isn’t it fairly good?” Veronica taught Liliana how to do it and looked around at the city in front of them. Over the wall that had been destroyed by magic, the view of the divine king’s palace was revealed. The city was filled with dried blood, stinking pus, and traces of undead.

“Look here... Hah, is there a need to look so closely? That big building is the church of the divine king’s palace. A place where people who want to live a pure life enjoy the doctrines.”

“Certainly. It is tall enough to be seen from the outside... There would be no building taller than the church. To put it bluntly, it is like their god is looking down on them.”

It was a common guide everywhere. The people shouldn’t have a building larger than the royal family, and a person who wasn’t a lord shouldn’t have private property larger than a barrack. The authority of Lairon was absolute, so it wasn’t possible to have a building taller and larger than the church.

‘Well, it isn’t possible to mistake it.’ Liliana stared coldly at the headquarters of the divine king’s palace that rose in the distance. Other people might not know it, but her eyes couldn’t be fooled. Black magic power was swirling in the city, and the source of the evil power was that building. It was like an open door to an abyss where evil spilled out. The chill it produced was frightening, and Liliana’s hair became damp with sweat.

It was fortunate that she noticed the crisis, but her instincts as a living creature refused to approach.

“...Veronica!” Nevertheless, Liliana shook off the instincts and cried out. “Don’t mind the small fries! Give priority to the destruction of the great magic circle and head straight to the main building!”

“Ahahaha! That is my Liliana!” Veronica responded in a joyful voice and started to take in a deep breath.

A gust of wind was sucked into her mouth. Liliana knew what this deep breath meant and quickly created an ice barrier. It had far greater power than the magic that drove the stage 4 Pride away. This was Dragon Breath.


There were burning sounds as flames emerged from Veronica’s lips and shot forward without interruption. The power of a protective water cover was meaningless! All the buildings and undead in its path were swallowed up as the flames rushed toward the headquarters. Soon, the building, which had a long history in Lairon, would turn to ash.

It was at this moment that...

“This...!” Liliana shouted without hiding her dismay.

The moment Veronica’s breath hit the main building, a swirl of black magic power spread out against the heat. It was a storm of black magic power that was comparable—no, even stronger than the breath! Did it know that the Dragon Breath would occur?

No, it was because Lairon couldn’t ignore the possibility of an outside attack. There was always a chance that great magic would be used against the kingdom of Lairon. Once the flames went out, the main building of the divine king’s palace stayed standing without a single sign of damage. This was a defense that could block even the powerful breath of an 8th circle mage...

‘At least the road to the main building is open. If we can’t break it from a distance, we will go inside and break it.’

It was as Liliana thought. The trail of the Dragon Breath had created a shortcut to the main building. There wasn’t a single bone fragment left in the path that the fire had passed through.

Papat! The two magicians flew through the flames without needing to share their opinions. One was a quarter red dragon and the other was a sorceress who had the power of Laevateinn. They weren’t the type of people who could be hurt by the fire. However, it wasn’t just the flames that interfered with the two people.

[...Grr, grrr...r...Lai...ronnnn!]

“Living... the dead, I will, lead....”

“Repent, unbelievers trapped in a poor life!”

The skeleton type senior undead, bone warlords... The evil spirits that hadn’t been able to become death knights, the doom knights... The elder lich that Liliana had met once a long time ago... These high-level undead that could withstand the aftermath of Dragon Breath were flocked here in the double digits. They were designated as level 3 risks by the Magic Society.

It was a terrifying scene of fear.

“...Eh?” Liliana realized that she didn’t feel any tension at all.

The bone warlords, doom knights, and elder lich… All the undead were at danger level 3, but Liliana’s super sensitivity was as calm as a lake on a clear day. She had no worries at all. Her concentration of the moment drew up into a new ground.

‘Forced Harmonization.’

As a doom knight’s blade headed toward her...

Integrated Dual Attributes.

Lightning and Wind.

Lightning Vortex.

Liliana blended the wind and lightning attributes in her body. She hadn’t tried it before, but she felt confident that she could do it. It might’ve failed if it was fire and water. However, it wasn’t difficult for Liliana to mix lightning and wind.

Shaaack! The doom knight’s sharp scimitar cut at Liliana’s torso. From the left clavicle to the right rib, it was a diagonal slash that would cause a serious injury. For some reason, the sensation against its hand was faint, but the doom knight shivered from the pleasure of killing the living. It was only a short time before Liliana’s fist, which had turned into a lightning storm, flew forward.

Kwarururung! There was a thunderous explosion.

Liliana’s fist shattered the doom knight, and the debris of its armor struck the bone warlord behind it. Then blue lightning rushed forward and swallowed several undead. It was literally a storm lightning fist! Liliana was like both a gust of wind and a lightning storm as she moved. In addition to her high destructive power, her attack speed was too fast. Master level aura users couldn’t respond to it, let alone the doom knights. This was the strength of the integrated attributes.

‘I alone am enough!’ Liliana was confident in her own strength and shouted, “Veronica, this time I will lead!”

“Okay, show me how cool you are!”

By the moment she replied, Liliana was already a few hundred meters away. This speed didn’t just apply to her body.

‘The whole world seems to stop...’

It felt like a normal one second had been increased to one minute. There was even the illusion that her frontal lobe was spinning and her head became hot. Liliana’s thoughts were quick due to the acceleration. The result of adding acceleration to her already genius brain was truly frightening.

‘Decuple Casting.’

10 magic circles simultaneously appeared around Liliana’s body. The ten circles faced every direction and shone with a golden light. This was a magic circle that imitated the divine power of Nuada Airgetlám, a power that was deadly to all undead.


A loud explosion wasn’t necessary. Rather, a genuine light beam emerged. The skull of the bone warlord, which was comparable to adamantium, was crushed by the light. The undead didn’t have vocal organs, so they couldn’t even scream loudly at their ends.

“Kyaaaack!” “I...trans-cend...death...!”

The banshees screamed as they were burned, and even the immortal elder lich couldn’t bear the divine brilliance. By complementing the scarce divine power with her magic power, Liliana’s pure light wave swept through the crowd of senior undead. She looked like one of the mighty warriors from fairy tales, a heroine who wielded light itself.

“―Wow, cool.” Veronica looked at Liliana’s back with glazed eyes and licked her lips. The blood of an arrogant red dragon didn’t allow her to pay attention to the weak. Only the strongest who could threaten her life were qualified to be an adversary or a friend. The same was true for a companion, which could be considered an equal relationship.

‘Huhu, this is the second time now.’

They moved through the land filled with undead and soon arrived at the main building. However, the two people stopped walking at almost the same time. Anyone would worry when facing an unforeseen crossroad. It might be different for a common crossroads, but they had to decide if they should go up or down.

Liliana looked at the choices carefully.

‘This is a problem.’

The luxurious church in the capital was 40 floors high, and it also had a deep basem*nt. This meant it had a total of 60 floors. It would likely take a long amount of time to cover these, especially when taking Jerem’s unknown plan into consideration.

Should they go up or down? The place where the core of the magic circle was contained was either the top floor or the bottommost floor. A warlock would usually think about the basem*nt, but Liliana couldn’t base a decision on a stereotype.

Either way, it was necessary to investigate both. In this case, the two people had to separate.

“I’ll go to the top. Personally, the basem*nt is a little stuffy for me,” Veronica chose her direction first.

So, Liliana naturally went down to the basem*nt. She decided it without any clues. The two magicians discussed the signals they would send to each other if it was necessary, then they separated. One climbed the staircase to the top, while the other headed to the basem*nt lit with torches.

* * *

“...Strange,” Liliana muttered as she was three floors away from the very bottom of the church.

She stopped for a moment and placed a hand on the wall. The air was too mild to contain the core of the black magic circle, Pluto’s Palace, that had already destroyed the kingdom. There were hardly any remnants of black magic on the walls, and there were no undead blocking her.

The basem*nt of this building felt like a different place. The mana in the basem*nt was calm, so she couldn’t feel anything with her super sensitivity.

Liliana started moving again and descended two more floors. Finally, she reached the deepest part of the building. In the end, Liliana didn’t encounter any undead, and the door on the bottom floor was unlocked. It was an ordinary sliding door that could be opened with a push.

‘There might be a trap... My senses are still quiet. Let’s get some help from this gal.’

Liliana summoned a knight from her inventory. It was the sword master automaton, Gladio. It was still damaged from the previous battle, but Gladio was capable of taking the lead.

“Open the door.”

Gladio pushed hard at the door.

Rattle. Then the door opened.

Liliana was filled with tension, but there was no danger in the room revealed. She sighed lightly and recalled Gladio back to the inventory. Her tension disappeared and curiosity filled the gap.

‘There is no black magic, traps, or locks. I don’t know what this place is used for.’

This was the main church of the divine king’s palace, so it shouldn’t be a useless place, even if it was 20 floors underground. Liliana took a step forward.


There were no lighting devices in the room. This was a room that didn’t have torches or magic balls... so why was Liliana able to see clearly inside it? The reason for that was at the center of the room. Liliana’s eyes widened as she saw it, and she muttered in a cold voice, “...Coffin?”

The answer was the huge coffin filling the room. It glowed with a golden divine light which served as the lighting.

‘The remains of light,’ a phrase from the prophecy came to Liliana’s mind.

Chapter 310 - Lairon, the Last Day (5)

‘Don’t tell me…’ Were the remains of the divinity, the cornerstone of the Lairon Church, sleeping in the golden coffin? Liliana kept moving while feeling dubious. The closer she got, the more the light pulled at her boundaries. This divine light that warmed the living didn’t seem like Jerem’s trap.

Once she got within a short distance of the golden coffin, Liliana was able to see an unexpected sight. “Well, there is no reason to leave the contents.” The inside of the golden coffin was empty. The lid was already open, and there was a shape engraved inside as proof that something had been there. Based on the marks, the owner of this golden coffin would’ve been a man with a height of two meters who had thin limbs. Since a typical god clan was larger than an ordinary human, this golden coffin was likely a divine relic that housed the ‘remains of the light.’ The coffin might contain some clues.

Liliana carefully looked around the golden coffin and found the blurred outline of letters on the inside. The production date of this relic was at least 3,000 years old. The carved letters were worn out, but the traces attracted Liliana’s eyes. They weren’t ordinary letters. There was a sense of incongruity when she followed it with her fingers. Her head tilted as she faced the unknown phrase. ‘What? I can’t physically recognize the characters?’ Her optic nerve didn’t respond. As soon as she cut off the magical power flowing to her eyes, the blurred letters disappeared without a trace. It meant they were letters that couldn’t be seen with ordinary people's eyes.



If there was something they didn’t know, don’t hesitate to ask. This was the philosophy of all magicians. Lili woke up Gluttony. Unsurprisingly, Gluttony replied readily, -Hoh, it has been a while since I’ve seen divine letters.

“Divine letters? Are they letters of the god clan?”

-That’s right. It is a system that deviates from the concept of ‘writing’ the way it is defined by other species, but it is still the same as ‘writing and reading.’ It isn’t visible to the eyes of mortals or those without divinity.

“...I see. It is thoroughly meant for the god clan.” Lili was convinced and nodded.

Meanwhile, Gluttony continued explaining, -They’re called divine letters, but strictly speaking, they aren’t letters. They form a sign that is inscribed using the will contained in the soul and are called divine letters.

“Then is it impossible to trace the source?”

-Usually, but it is possible for me. Each pattern has its own characteristics. It isn’t hard for me to distinguish between the letters of each god.

Regardless of what was considered impossible, Gluttony quickly decoded the divine letters on the golden coffin. It was the moment when the secret of the Age of Mythology was revealed in Lairon. This was the true reality of Lairon, who had been used as a source of false faith for humans. The truth resonated in Liliana’s mind.

-Here lies Baldur, god of light, born as the second son of King Odin and loved by all. The orator who represents the world’s goodness, a brilliance that doesn’t tolerate sin. Whoever damages these remains won’t be able to find rest in the swamp of death.

The son of King Odin of the Aesir god clan, Baldur—this was the identity of the god called Lairon! Baldur was the god of light, so the expression ‘the remains of light’ was fitting. It was the source of the divine power that had sustained Lairon for hundreds of years, a sacrifice that would be more precious than a dragon heart for a warlock.

This was the reason why Jerem had come to the divine king’s palace. “sh*t, it is already too late!” The blank coffin proved that Jerem had achieved his purpose, causing Liliana to feel a sense of crisis. Baldur’s body was in the hands of a 9th circle magician. The scale of the disaster that this would cause couldn’t be fathomed. The ultimate magic circle left in this kingdom was only a gimmick, and the two magicians had arrived too late.

This was a fatal blow that couldn’t be overlooked.

-No, Baldur seems to have set up his own trick, Gluttony stopped Liliana’s self-blame.

Simultaneously, the golden coffin started to emit an even brighter light. It was the final radiance before death. Just like a candle about to be blown out, the remaining divine power in the golden coffin carried out its final arrangement.


The spectacular wave of light emitted from inside the coffin soon turned into a single image. It was a slender and long branch. “What is this branch?” Unlike its appearance, pure divine power could be felt from it. Liliana looked at the shimmering branch with a puzzled expression. She didn’t know what this branch had to do with Baldur’s ‘trick.’ However, Gluttony’s reaction was dramatic in many ways.

-Mistilteinn! The branch of the mistletoe tree that killed Baldur, the god loved by all.

Liliana was astonished by the words and looked at Mistilteinn, while Gluttony grasped the full story.

-It seems like Baldur’s soul isn’t inside his body. Instead, he fled to the branch that killed him. He was awakened by User’s divinity in order to convey his last wish. User, you will know his wish if you touch Mistilteinn.

“...Okay.” Liliana carefully approached Mistilteinn.

It was a branch that emitted a warm light. The branch looked like it could be found anywhere, yet it was actually a relic of a legend that had killed Baldur. Liliana’s fingers stretched out slowly and eventually touched the surface of the branch.

Pahat! An unknown memory emerged from Mistilteinn.

[... The calculations are out of order. Despite millions of lives being sacrificed, it isn’t enough to devour Baldur’s body. It seems like these lowlives aren’t worth anything.] It was a cold and eerie voice, the voice of the incarnation of disaster itself which didn’t contain anything but evil. The voice of Jerem, the warlock who threatened the world and wiped out the people of Lairon, whispered in Liliana’s ears, [More of Baldur’s divinity has been consumed than expected. I overlooked the fountain of human greed... It is also because my resurrection was too delayed. I need a new offering to fill this gap.]

The root cause was Baldur’s soul escaping into Mistilteinn, but Jerem didn’t seem to know this. He was silent for a while before coming up with a wicked idea. [That reminds me, there is a young world tree in the northern part of the continent. Furthermore, if I offer the souls of the elves... it should be enough. It is fairly easy to calculate the power that will be consumed in the process.]

Elvenheim’s world tree...! Maybe it was because Jerem had occupied Liliana’s body for a while, so he remembered some suitable offerings using those memories. The world tree was a symbol of endless vitality, a sacrifice suitable for Baldur’s body. The beings of darkness yearned for a life and light that they couldn’t produce, so the value of the world tree was incalculable.

[Kuhuhu, I can play with the elves after a long time.] Finally, the monologue trailed off, and the voice could no longer be heard from Mistilteinn. This was the only thing that Baldur’s soul could do with the weak power it had remaining. As Mistilteinn faded away in her hand, Liliana nodded like she was responding to Baldur’s will.

“I understand your will, Baldur.” Baldur was a soul who cared for this world even though he was dead. “I will surely stop him.”

Mistilteinn shone once again, as if Liliana’s voice had been heard. Flash! The tree branch crumbled like it was burnt, and the light penetrated Liliana’s body. It was a blessing from Baldur.

‘This...!’ Liliana was shocked the moment she realized what blessing she had received. It was Baldur’s blessing from the old myths, where nothing could harm him but a branch of mistletoe. This was an invincible blessing! The top blessing, which could negate the power of a god just once, was nestled inside Liliana’s body. It was Baldur’s farewell gift as he left without any resentment.

* * *

“Veronica... Not yet.” Liliana climbed back up to the first floor and looked around the empty auditorium. She couldn’t find any more clues apart from Mistilteinn. The great magic circle, the original target of the two people, must be on the top floor with Veronica. The undead hadn’t been able to come underground because of the divinity, so there must be a lot of security around the magic circle. It wasn’t a bad idea to join her.

“―Um?” It was at this moment that...

Kwaaaang! Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed, and a pile of rubble fell down. Of course, it wasn’t enough to injure Liliana. However, she couldn’t help feeling confused. It was because Veronica could be seen from the ceiling. The red tower master didn’t destroy things for no reason. She couldn’t destroy the door of Meltor’s royal palace, but she could ruin this building because the kingdom was already dead.

“...Veronica, what is that in your right hand?” She was holding something like rags in her hand.

“Oh, this? It is the former pope.” Veronica shook off the smashed skull and threw the lich in the luxurious outfit onto the ground. There wasn’t any part of its body that hadn’t been smashed, and a strong magic power was leaking from it. The elder lich was a senior undead, but it was placed into a critical state by Veronica who didn’t have any divinity.

“The pope?” Liliana’s eyes shook at the words.

Veronica shook both hands and grumbled, “Yes, he said he was an agent of Lairon. I was nervous because he was an arch lich, but it seemed he didn’t know how to use the power.”

“Well, he wasn’t a magician, so it can’t be helped.” It would be hard for the two magicians to know if they would win or lose against an arch lich at its peak. After all, it was difficult to destroy these monsters without divinity, and they were monsters that cast a shadow on the material world. However, an arch lich that didn’t know how to use its power was just a skeleton. Veronica proved this by smashing it in a few minutes.

“Did you interrogate him?”

“Of course. I burned him a few times, but he doesn’t know anything. He didn’t even see the warlock’s face.”

“There is no point leaving him here. Finish it.” Veronica’s fire neatly incinerated the arch lich, the former pope. It was a lich who hadn’t been made through the right process, so there was no way for it to survive once the body had completely disappeared. In case of another situation, Liliana used the light wave to make sure the lich was gone.

“What about the magic circle? It looks like it hasn’t been destroyed yet.” Magic power was still overflowing in the city, proving that Pluto’s Palace was alive and supplying strength and immortality to all bodies in its sphere of influence. Perhaps the magic circle wasn’t on the top floor? Liliana was feeling confused when Veronica rummaged through her pocket with a grim expression.

“I found it. The problem is that I couldn’t destroy it.” She held a strange purple crystal in her hands.

“This amethyst...”

“It was the core of the great magic circle. No, this amethyst is probably the magic circle itself.”

“The magic isn’t canceled despite it being separated from the magic circle. Once the crystal is activated, it only exists as the source of power.” As a magician, they immediately understood the cryptic explanation, and the two people looked grimly at the amethyst. It was a small gem on the surface, but the inherent power and ominous feeling it gave off made it incomparable to the senior undead. Handling it carelessly could cause a catastrophe beyond the current one.

This was why Veronica said that it couldn’t be destroyed. However, it would reveal the evil intentions of the creator when the magic circle reached its maximum, so it couldn’t be ignored.

“Gluttony.” However, a third choice existed for Liliana. “This thing, can you digest it?”

-...... Silence was the response to Liliana’s question. -I am not weak, User! Before Liliana could say anything else, the tongue swiftly stretched out and swallowed the amethyst.

[‘Nídhöggur’s Bloodstone’ has been consumed. It is difficult to measure the amount of magic power that is contained.]

[The ritual magic Pluto’s Palace has been destroyed.]

[It will take seven days to completely digest.]

[Nídhöggur has noticed User’s presence. It has threatened you for going against its contractor.]

Chapter 311 - Nastrond's Demon King (1) Liliana's expression stiffened before she could feel any pleasure at Pluto’s Palace being destroyed. It was because she heard a word that shouldn’t be said. The evil dragon, Nídhöggur...! The name of the amethyst that Gluttony swallowed was Nídhöggur’s Bloodstone, and the message that said the evil dragon was aware of Liliana’s presence was eerie. Above all, Nídhöggur was the demon king of Nastrond, an external dimension adjacent to this material world.

A long time ago, Liliana read a prophecy related to him in a book in the library.

Remote from the sun,
On the shore of corpses,
Venom drops through holes in the roof.
The backbone of the snake is woven into the frame.
The deceitful, murderers, and adulterers are gathered.
Nídhöggur devours their bodies.
Wolves tear at the wreckage.
Do you still seek to know?

They were horrifying sentences. The essence of it was a hell that didn’t permit the entrance of the living and killed the sinners. However, Hell was mellow compared to Nastrond. Hell was a Buddhist place where, after the punishment, the sinners would receive enlightenment and be reincarnated. It might be painful, but it was a place to rehabilitate sinners and wasn’t meaningless.

‘But the sinners who fall into Nastrond are said to have their souls captured in the abyss and that they would suffer for a long time.’ Liliana couldn’t argue about the dualism of good and evil with an infinite dimensional world, but she could say one thing. Nastrond was a dimension based on evil, and Nídhöggur was the demon king on top of such malevolence. Liliana couldn’t even imagine that this demon king and Jerem were in a contractual relationship.

-All the lacking puzzle pieces have been collected. In contrast to Liliana, Gluttony’s pleasure seemed to have risen. -The capacity of the warlock, Jerem, was high, but it wasn’t at the level to write a grimoire and restore his soul. It is appropriate to think that someone supported him.

“That supporter was Nídhöggur?”

-It is more like a patron than a supporter. In general, a transcendent like Nídhöggur rarely cares about mortals in other dimensions, but he likes eating people.

‘Eating people?’ Liliana made a strange expression. This caused Gluttony to answer her in a nuanced voice, -Nídhöggur’s true nature is about necrophilia.

“...What?!” Liliana let out a horrified exclamation. Gluttony added in a seemingly mocking tone, -Of course, that desire is limited by his appetite, but he enjoys collecting and eating dead bodies. That is why, since time immemorial, he frequently has associations with cruel tyrants, slavers, and necromancers.

A demon that transcended life... Among the transcendents, Nídhöggur was at the peak and had no need to eat or breed. Yet the demon still ate something. It was purely out of a desire to eat. He wanted to do it. Nídhöggur liked corpses because they were his favorite food. He chewed on the worthless bodies of humans, who had enjoyed harmful alcohol and cigarettes, and he enjoyed the taste.

“If he helped Jerem write Death’s Worship, is it a plan to obtain bodies to eat?”

-Well, I guess so. For him, the struggles in this world are just a cooking process. He chose a warlock who can fill his table in a larger and more luxurious manner.

“...A genocide for gourmet purposes. I feel sick.” The horror faded away, and rage filled the empty spaces. Liliana had seen a lot of ugliness in her life so far. Robbing for the sake of gaining money, men of power being swayed by lust... Humanity’s history of war and struggles had always been because of greedy hearts. Liliana didn’t deny it. Humans were born with desire, and it was their choice and responsibility to restrain or wield it.

‘But I can’t accept this.’ It wasn’t enough that people were killed overnight without knowing why, but after death, they had to suffer forever in a world worse than hell. This was what being eaten by Nídhöggur meant. Nídhöggur was an unforgivable evil that pushed life to the edges of the cliff. If he descended, many lives in the material world would fall down to hell.

“I have to go to Elvenheim.” It was too late to chase after Jerem. Liliana’s movements were too inefficient compared to someone who had been planning this for a long time. She would rather arrive at the destination and defend the world tree. It wasn’t the best choice, but it was second best. Liliana made a decision after listening to the advice of several great men.

“I understand the current situation. Lili?” “Huh?” At that moment, Veronica, who had been watching two paintings with interest, said, “I think it will be difficult to stay here any longer.”

Liliana looked in the direction she was indicating and gave a long sigh. Undead were flooding in like a swarm of ants. Was it because the core of Pluto’s Palace had disappeared? Initially, the low-level undead hadn’t been able to get near the magic circle. This changed after Gluttony ate the core. The two magicians looked at each other and rose through the ceiling.

Kwaaaang! Liliana and Veronica plowed through several layers of marble and quickly left the building. The magic circle was gone, so the building could no longer be an obstacle. Liliana looked at the bodies on the ground and realized one difference from earlier.

‘...They are getting weaker. It isn’t enough to disappear in a day or two, but they might self-destruct within a month.’ The magic circle disappearing was to blame for that. An infection type undead couldn’t recharge its body unless it received power from outside. It had to eat other living creatures or get a supply of magic power from somewhere.

Most of the undead in Lairon were of the latter case. They were now losing power because their power source had suddenly disappeared. Most of the senior undead had been killed by the two magicians, and the lower undead would collapse before crossing the border. “Let’s go to Soldun.” Liliana shook off her thoughts and moved.

The two magicians in red robes shot through the sky above the divine king’s palace. The ruined city and church of Lairon was below them. It was the last of the Lairon Kingdom. * * * The capital of the Soldun Kingdom, Arundel. It had been a year or so since the Elsid Civil War, but the vigor in the inner city was uncommon. This demonstrated that the kingdom was operating well enough to handle the damage from that time. People laughed as they talked, while the merchants were busy raising their voices to solicit customers.

Arundel enjoyed a boom after a long time as they received honored guests. “It has been a while, Sir Liliana.” Elsid had the face of a king as he spoke first. He didn’t know how to act in front of a main contributor in the civil war, who was an important character in the alliance and one of the leading magicians on this continent.

“You have reached a higher level since the last time I saw you. It is a joyous thing. I’m sorry for my carelessness in not congratulating you earlier.” "It isn’t a problem, Your Majesty. Your words are enough,” Liliana accepted the praise and looked around at the nobles in the room. This was an expression that said she didn’t want to talk in front of them. It wasn’t difficult for Elsid to notice, which then made him wave his hand. He knew that if Liliana tried to kill him, there was no way to stop it.

“Everybody leave. I will talk with Sir Liliana.” “B-But Your Majes...” “I won’t tolerate any objections. Or will you be responsible for the consequences? You can stay here if you say you are willing.” Once the word ‘responsibility’ was mentioned, none of the nobles wanted to stay. Veronica hadn’t accompanied her to the throne room, so only Liliana and Elsid remained in the room once the nobles were gone. Elsid looked around the room and laughed. The nobles had looked like rabbits as they fled.

“I don’t know if they are quick-witted or have no guts.” “Isn’t it both?” “Hahahaha! Sir Liliana’s words are correct.” However, this didn’t mean that Soldun’s domestic affairs were a mess. The trustworthy nobles were heavily active outside the capital, while Elsid guarded the ones he couldn’t believe in. Unlike the kings of other kingdoms, Soldun’s king was in a completely superior position. After the collapse of Duke Cornwall and his cronies, the nobles were almost destroyed. The ones who remained were those loyal to the royal family, like Marquis Piris. The situation had completely reversed.

Elsid laughed for a while before asking why Liliana had come to the palace. “As I recall, you aren’t someone who likes empty courtesies. I will cut to the chase. What is going on?” “It is a long story, but I will try to cut it down as much as possible.” From then on, Elsid didn’t speak while Liliana gave a long explanation. She talked about the destruction of the Lairon Kingdom and the presumed cause. The story lasted for over two hours. However, Elsid’s concentration wasn’t disturbed at all as he listened to Liliana’s words.

“...Hmm.” Elsid gave a heavy groan and leaned back on his throne. His heart was heavy from hearing the news. “I didn’t know that such a big thing was happening. For the moment, I will follow your advice and move troops to the western and northern borders. Do you think it will be appropriate to station them for one month?” “Let’s do two months just in case. My calculations might not be correct.” If he couldn’t believe the counsel of a great magician, who could he believe? So, Elsid nodded in agreement without hesitation. He would reorganize the position of the troops so that they could move at any time to the northwest where Lairon was located. Elsid could hide the real purpose and simply move the troops under the pretense of training.

After Elsid came to this decision, Liliana left the room. The situation wasn’t leisurely enough for her to enjoy a dinner. “Lili.” Veronica was waiting outside the palace and hooked her arm in hers. “Why didn’t you talk about Nídhöggur?” It was a considerable distance, but Veronica’s ears had heard the conversation between Liliana and Elsid. Liliana replied calmly, “It is hard to obtain cooperation, and it probably won’t be much use anyway.”

“Oh, Lili is cold.” “I’m not trying to ignore Soldun. The opponent is so strong that it would be useless drawing in Austen, Kargas, or even the entire central part of the continent.” It was cold but true. Austen’s sword master, Mujak, wasn’t a match for one of the four horsem*n. The same was true for Marquis Fergana of Soldun. If the number of troops increased, they would each just be one more body to become part of the enemy’s puppets.

When dealing with necromancers, they shouldn’t take an excessive number of people. ‘An elementalist who can support from a distance without becoming a corpse will be less burdensome. Are the elves the ‘squirrels that repay the favor’ from the prophecy?’ Liliana moved toward where Randolph was waiting. Once they met up, the group would return to Meltor. Then she would lead the elves and recruit people to participate in the defense of Elvenheim. The tasks were piling up, and the situation of the enemy was unclear.

“Okay, let’s try it,” Liliana said, forming tight fists. Then she declared, “If that damn dragon sees us as food, I will treat him to the worst meal ever!” Liliana declared war against the evil dragon—Nastrond’s demon king, Nídhöggur—that even the transcendents from the Age of Mythology feared.

Chapter 312 - Nastrond's Demon King (2)

Anyway, the decision to face Jerem was unavoidable. A warlock didn’t forget grudges, and Jerem was still upset at losing Liliana's body. Even if he didn’t have any relationship with Lili, he would’ve tried to steal Lili's body.

Lili came to a quick conclusion. Fearing the hostility from Nídhöggur, Lili quickly returned to Mana-vil.

“So far, this is the whole story of my investigation.” Lili faced Kurt III and confessed everything she had learned in Lairon. This was a different environment from the third-party Soldun. Meltor was the great power in the north, and it would be the greatest victim if Jerem’s purpose in Elvenheim was achieved. There was a need to know in detail about the power of the opponent and their intentions.


However, it couldn’t be helped in this situation.

“We’ve been puppets of a grimoire for 500 years, and now it is the evil dragon Nídhöggur? He has been mentioned once or twice in the ancient records...” Kurt unconsciously held the back of his neck and leaned on the throne. The famous and wise king had a terrible expression on his face.

However, there was no one for Kurt to rebuke.

A dragon was making its mark in this era. The names of the gods were faded, and grand masters were only mentioned in popular novels. In the era of mortals that didn’t believe in the Age of Mythology, Nídhöggur was a disaster. Niflheim’s abyss, the demon king of Nastrond!

Nídhöggur’s power over that dimension was equivalent to a god’s. Of course, in order to exert his power in other dimensions, a corresponding price was needed, and Jerem planned to offer the world tree and Baldur’s body as sacrifices. If he succeeded, he would be able to dominate this material world.

“We have to stop it.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The minds and gazes of the two people, Kurt III and Lili, connected. They couldn’t choose the option of standing by idly. The people of Meltor knew better than anyone else about a warlock’s viciousness. Warlocks thought that human life was worthless. They despised the human race and worshipped death. If the top warlock, Jerem, obtained this world, then all living creatures would fall to hell.

Kurt gave a long sigh and asked Lili a question, “...Then what are you thinking?”

“I will do anything I can, but honestly, I can’t guarantee that Meltor will be of great help. Nídhöggur is something that humans of this age can’t resist.”

“They are fair words. Thus, we have to end it before Nídhöggur completely descends.”

“In the end, it is the defense of the world tree. It is standing firm in this position.”

Kurt grasped the situation and laughed. It was a complete defeat the moment Nídhöggur descended. Gluttony said it might be possible if ten grandmasters were gathered...? As Lili had seen in the fight against Invidia, they couldn’t win against one grandmaster even if they collected all the masters on the continent.

It was an impossible prerequisite. Thus, Lili didn’t even think about fighting with Nídhöggur. They would lose the moment they fought. If they couldn’t fight against Nídhöggur, then they needed to defeat Jerem who was planning the resurrection.

‘The opponent is Jerem, who has the power of the four horsem*n and an army of senior undead. Other than that, I’m not sure.’

The odds weren’t high in an all-out fight. It would be impossible if Jerem was in a perfect state, but after being damaged by Mitra, he was now only a little stronger than Lili. Furthermore, if the pale rider was gone, then Veronica could deal with them with one or two masters. Considering the guardians of the world tree and the elemental rulers that the high elves could summon, there was no shortage of masters.

The problem was Jerem’s hidden cards that Lili couldn’t know about. Jerem was at a level in which Lili couldn’t guess what he was thinking. So, Lili needed to increase the odds in an all-out war.

The summoning of a senior demon? The undead stored outside Tartarus? She couldn’t come up with measures for vague speculations. Lili struggled for a while before coming up with an answer.

“Your Majesty, I want to ask you for something.”

If the other party had unknown hidden cards, couldn’t she counter it with the same tactics? Kurt III nodded, and Lili requested something that hadn’t been allowed since the founding of the Meltor Kingdom.

“Please give me full authority over the Zero Library in order to deal with this!”

Kurt’s eyes widened at the unprecedented petition.

* * *

“It is a very desirable request, User!”

“Shut up.” Gluttony buzzed with excitement at the thought of eating a lot, and Lili bluntly cut her off.

Needless to say, this request was accepted.

Full power in the Zero Library. It was the first time this authority had been granted in the Meltor Kingdom. Even the previous tower masters hadn’t been granted this privilege. It was possible for Lili to read any books in the Zero Library, as well as withdraw them.

This was to find a means to confront Jerem, but it was a big responsibility.

‘If I fail after all this, I would want to commit suicide...’

Of course, it was more likely that she would be killed by Jerem or have her body stolen. Lili didn’t have anything to say and kept walking.


However, her feet weren’t heading toward the Zero Library.

-User, this isn’t the direction of the Zero Library.

“I know. I need to head somewhere else prior to that.”

-What is more important than magic to a magician? If the material world is to fall tomorrow, you should read one more book.

“Don’t talk about the world being destroyed to someone who lives here,” Lili said. Then after hearing Gluttony’s increasingly human-like words, she spoke of her destination, “I’m going to meet the guardians. They are people who have to return to Elvenheim, and I have something to ask them about Heathcliff’s prophecy.”

-It is reasonable. But don’t fuss over them too much, User.

“Just wait quietly for a few hours.”

Lili ignored Gluttony’s urging and arrived at the room where the two elf guardians were staying. She didn’t hesitate and placed a hand on the doorknob.


Clean air leaked out as soon as the door was opened. Was it the influence of both guardians? A wind normally found deep in forests greeted her. Simultaneously, both guardians saw Lili.

“Benefactor! You are safe!”

“I’m really glad that you aren’t injured.”

Lili was at a loss for words when she saw them.

“...I’m sorry for not coming sooner.”

Edwin’s left sleeve was empty, while Ellaim’s voice was soft as if the wound on his neck hadn’t healed yet. Despite suffering serious injuries, the two elves were genuinely pleased that Lili was safe. Lili’s conscience was stabbed by this innocent response. Ellaim refused her apology, “It is nothing Benefactor. Didn’t something big happen as soon as you got out of bed? Rather, this visit is sooner than I expected.”

“Sir Edwin...” For an archer, the loss of one arm was devastating. Unlike a swordsman that could hold the sword with the other arm, an archer had to use both arms. Yet there was no gloominess on Edwin’s face. Lili put a hand in her pocket. The elixir was meant for someone to use. Half a bottle could restore one arm and a cut neck. What were a few drops of elixir compared to those who risked their lives to delay Invidia?

“Ah, you don’t have to worry about that.”

However, Lili’s determination was blocked by an unexpected opposition.

“...Do I have to force-feed this to you to make you drink it?”

The two guardians were different from Vince, as they were Elvenheim’s protectors. It would be shameful to turn a country’s masters into useless existences, let alone the elves who had crossed the Red Plateau and come to Meltor because of Lili. While Lili was struggling over the idea of force-feeding them, Ellaim explained, “Hahaha! That isn’t it, Benefactor. I have pride in the life I have built as a guardian and would take that remedy if I had a body that couldn’t shoot a bow again.”

“Then why?”

“It is simple. We can receive the grace of the parent tree and restore our lost body parts.”

Lili’s eyes widened. “You can even recover lost limbs?”

“Yes. It consumes a lot of innate vitality, so an elf can only use it three or four times in their lives."

“Ah... Then it is impossible for humans.”

There was a big difference between the elves who could live for thousands of years and humans who could barely live to 100 years. She had wondered if she could fix Vince’s body this way, but the two guardians didn’t refute Lili’s words. This method was only available to the elves who had a long lifespan and could afford to lose some of it.

‘No, now isn’t the time to be obsessed with this.’ Lili quickly pushed this matter to the side and cut to the chase.

First, she explained the prophecy she had heard from Heathcliff, “...The prophecy has now reached the third verse, and there are two remaining. ‘Big birds and snakes are surrounding a tree’ and ‘the squirrels will help you to repay the favor.’ Can you think of anything?”

It could be good or bad. Lili felt like the elves held the key. The memories of elves were long, and they had much fewer generations, so the guardians might know something about this prophecy.

...And her guess was right.

“I have.” It was Ellaim.

Edwin and Lili turned their eyes toward him. This caused Ellaim to open his mouth with an awkward expression, “It is a story I heard from a female elementalist. In the old days, it was said that a god and demon surrounded the world tree and fought. One was in the image of a dragon, while the other was a giant bird.”

‘This!’ Lili sensed something and asked hastily, “Is the name of the dragon ‘Nídhöggur’?”

“Níðhöggr... Yes. The pronunciation is a bit different, but it should be referring to the same being. A sneering butcher and dragon who swallows the dead. Additionally, the huge bird is called ‘Hraesvelgr’, and it was a sacred creature trying to protect the world tree.”

“Nídhöggur and Hraesvelgr... big snake and big bird...” Just like thread moving through a hole in the beads, the clues started to join together. She could be sure after one more clue was added. Lili’s mind started to move at full speed. Meanwhile, Edwin added, “That reminds me, Ratatoskr is the name of the squirrel that appears in the old myths. Is the squirrel in the prophecy perhaps Ratatoskr?”

“Ah!” A lightning bolt flashed through Lili’s mind.

At this moment, all of the verses of the prophecy linked up perfectly. Lili grabbed the hands of the two elves without being able to hide her excitement. “I have to go to Elvenheim with you.”

All that remained were the final preparations.

Chapter 313 - Nastrond's Demon King (3)

The Zero Library was a place that collected the highest risk, as well as the highest valued books. It couldn’t be entered without permission from the royal palace. In fact, it was impossible for a Superior-grade magician to even apply to access it. In order to enter the Zero Library, it was necessary to have at least the Prime rank. However, Prime magicians couldn’t afford to take out a book from the Zero Library, let alone own it privately. The four magicians standing at the top of the magic towers couldn’t even abuse it. It was like that from the past to the present, until today.

“Is this the first time since I’ve taken out Hellfire?”

Liliana visited the Zero Library after such a long time and looked at the books kept in glass boxes. To a sorceress, it was a nicer landscape than a mountain of gold. There were books which contained ancient magics and a theorem on primordial magic that didn’t exist. Then there was also a book where the language system couldn’t be unraveled. A book was like the remains of wisdom.

-In my opinion, it is like a buffet. Isolate valuable knowledge from a person’s hand and grant it to those who are qualified. Books exist for a purpose that is indeed rational.

“This is a little unexpected. For the overall development of magic, isn’t it more advantageous for knowledge to be universal?”

Gluttony’s voice was more upbeat than usual, and Lili questioned it. It was as she said. In terms of the evolution of general learning, the number of scholars and intellectuals couldn’t be bad. Grimoires were the same. The magic of the Age of Mythology was so wonderful because most of the inhabitants had innate talent as magicians.

However, Gluttony didn’t explain it further.

-I will describe it in my detail later. Right now, User has too much to do.

“...Okay, don’t forget about it later on.” Liliana thought it was a pity, but she didn’t have time.

She put aside Gluttony’s remarks and walked through the library.

‘Should I look at the books I appraised the last time?’

Academic theories were interesting, but she wasn’t going into a laboratory right now. She was going into combat and had to choose magic that could be used against warlocks and the undead. Liliana passed through a few familiar covers and piled up books on a table.

There was the shadow magic, Reverse Shadow, and the ultimate ice magic which created a cryogenic space, Ultima. Then there was also the earth magic that contaminated matter at high speed, Rotting Hands, and the astral magic which interfered with the soul, Soul Calibre.

There were a few more interesting books, but these four were the best when taking into consideration the time it would take to raise her understanding of them. Besides, she didn’t intend to finish eating at these four books. Liliana put two books to the side and appraised the remaining two, “Appraisal.”

Simultaneously, information about the two magic books appeared.

[Rotting Hands]

[This book explains the magic that quickly decomposes the target by accelerating the natural phenomenon of the material world. Decomposition is caused by a variety of factors, including air, light, heat, and bacteria. Depending on the material, the time the magic will take will change. The power of the magic changes according to the earth affinity of the caster.

* This magic book is rated ‘Precious.’
* Acquisition Conditions: 7 circles, affinity for earth magic (high).
* When consumed, ‘Rotting Hands’ will be learned.
* When consumed, your ability in earth magic will increase slightly.
* It is an original book written by the author, but the soul has become weathered after many years. It can’t be a target of Overwrite, and the fragment of the soul can be absorbed without ‘Transmission.’]

[Soul Calibre]

[This book describes the magic that interferes with the astral system of the material world and destroys it. The power of Soul Calibre, the sword of the soul, can cut through the immortality of senior undead. This magic can’t be learned without great inspiration. It may cause interaction with User’s power, Umbra.

* This magic book is rated ‘Treasure.’
* Acquisition Conditions: 8 circles, soul sensitivity (medium).
* When consumed, ‘Soul Calibre’ will be learned.
* When consumed, your ability in astral magic will increase greatly.
* This is the original that was directly written by the author. When consumed, some of the author’s abilities will be handed down according to your fitness level.]

Both spells were useful. The undead might not be alive, but their shells were made of muscles and bones. They couldn’t exert their power once they were rotted. It was useless against those like the banshees. That was why she learned Soul Calibre as well. There was no need to explain the practicality of Soul Calibre, which destroyed the immortality of senior undead.

“Gluttony, please keep them in the inventory.”

-I understand.

The tongue emerged from her left hand and swallowed up all four magic books. She wanted to sit down and read them, but Liliana still had something to do. No, her real reason for visiting the Zero Library was just beginning.

“...Now it is time to unseal the room of prohibited books.”

Prohibited books—this was the reason why Liliana needed full power in the Zero Library. They weren’t grimoires; prohibited books were a mixture of magic, not paper and letters. It wasn’t possible to reach the level of a real grimoire, but it could suppress the souls of humans.

This was why the Magic Society placed prohibited books in a sealed room—to block the spread of damage. It was heard of that, in the magic kingdom, only the king and chairman of the Magic Society could enter.

‘It isn’t possible to unlock this without a key.’

Liliana stood in front of the sealed room and admired the tight security. She wondered how many cracks would form if she hit it with Keraunos, the magic she had invented. Then Liliana pulled out the key Kurt had given her.

Clink. She inserted the key into the lock without hesitation and turned it clockwise.

The wards surrounding the sealed room in several layers were released while dozens of mechanical devices activated with an unpleasant noise. It was like something was scraping at her ears. However, Liliana didn’t give up and twisted the key till the end.

Kukukukung...! The door opened.


At that moment, intense magic power burst out from inside the sealed room. It was enough pressure to throw a person backward! This was the result of collecting dozens of prohibited books and sealing them in one place. The magic power contained in the room came pouring out. Liliana’s legs stiffened, and she raised her vigilance as she withstood the pressure.

‘This pressure is just a gimmick... The real thing will be from now on!’

They weren’t at the level of grimoires, but the prohibited books in this sealed room were beyond common sense. The books could exercise their abilities without owners, or they could freely manipulate a human. It was common for them to tempt those who came within their sphere of influence. Unsurprisingly, unfamiliar voices began to whisper, flowing from the darkness of the sealed room into Liliana’s mind.

[Desire this body. Enjoy all the richness of the world,] a majestic voice whispered, trying to inspire her ambitions.

[Take me. You can hold any woman you want in your arms,] a bewitching whisper tried to stimulate her sexuality.

[I will give you endless power, an infinite life,] an arrogant whisper attempted to seduce Liliana without any distinction in the direction.

There were many different types of voices. From that of a young child to an old man, from perfectly spoken words to hard-to-understand pronunciation... Liliana knew better than anyone else that something irrevocable would appear if she answered any of these temptations.

‘Well, this deception doesn’t mean anything to me.’

She wasn’t affected. In order to control Liliana, who was an 8th circle sorceress and master of Gluttony, strength on the level of a demon or god was required. That wasn’t possible for prohibited books, which were less than grimoires, to have. The prohibited books didn’t stop whispering, even if they knew the truth. After all, it was the only way they could find freedom. The problem was that a terrible existence was attached to Liliana.

-Foolish existences trying to tempt my user! Gluttony, one of the notorious Seven Sins grimoires, raised her voice.

She sent out a mental wave that affected all the whispers at once.




In a realm unknown to human senses, dozens of prohibited books were plunged into terrible pain. They had intended to touch Liliana’s spirit and were in direct contact with Gluttony’s mental wave, leaving them almost defenseless to it. The prohibited books had never been attacked this way before. Furthermore, the attacker was a grimoire that was above them. The prohibited books shook from the shock.

-Not knowing their place and not maintaining a single mental barrier! They don’t deserve to hold knowledge! I will put every one of them in my stomach...

“Ah, that isn’t possible,” Liliana interrupted Gluttony’s angry words. “You were the one who said the capacity would go over with more than two books. I can’t afford to have you sleep for three months when it is unsure if the function can even be used.”


“Please bear with it this time. Take out only one or two prohibited books.”

-...It can’t be helped. I will respect User’s judgment.

The meaning of the ‘capacity going over’ was simple. In the meantime, Liliana had fed Gluttony many books and artifacts. Gluttony’s seal was ready for the next phase, with only a few books left until the sixth seal was lifted. However, it wasn’t easy to accept the release of the seal. In order to release the sixth seal, Gluttony needed to sleep for nearly three months.

‘I might’ve tried it if it was one month or two months... but three months isn’t possible. The battle will end before the seal is released.’

Honestly, she felt regretful. Every function unlocked by Gluttony’s seal was powerful and assisted Liliana greatly. There were functions that could be used directly, such as Memorize and Another. How much more powerful was the function of stage 6?

“Sigh, it is hard to miss the opportunity,” Liliana said regretfully as she looked around at the prohibited books that had become gentle thanks to Gluttony. They were covered in gold, made out of cowhide, or even wrapped in chains. There wasn’t a single book that looked ordinary.

Among them, one book caught Liliana’s eyes.


There was a book the size of a little boy’s head with a red gem in the middle of the cover. It was covered in a suspicious haze of magic power, but Liliana couldn’t feel any evil from it. She took a few steps closer and reached out a hand toward the prohibited book. No, the moment she stretched out her left hand...

[Kyaaaaak! Don’t do it! Please don’t eat me! I can’t serve anyone other than my master, but I don’t want to be destroyed!]

Liliana frowned at the scream inside her head. The aggrieved high-pitched tone caused Liliana to shake her head with a big frown. She didn’t hear it with her ears, but her ears hurt. Liliana suppressed her irritation and examined the words of the prohibited book with astonishment.

“...Don’t eat? Do you know Gluttony?”

The source of the scream was naturally the gold-encrusted book with the jewel in the center that she had tried to grab. If the book were a human, it would look very agitated.

[W-W-What are you talking about?]

“Then shall I eat?” Gluttony’s tongue poked out.

[I’m sorry, I was wrong! My creator knew about you, so a record remained in my memories!]

“Who is your creator?”


As the book hesitated again, Gluttony quickly stretched out her tongue.

[Kiyaaaaak! S-Solomon! It is Solomon!]

--The king of wisdom? Stop talking nonsense! Why would he make a prohibited book when he can write a grimoire? Gluttony shouted before Liliana could respond.

It was an emotional reaction, with slight anger mixed in. This was evidence that Gluttony was truly outraged by the prohibited book. However, that anger vanished in an instant. Gluttony seemed to read something from the contact as she spoke in a cold voice, -...I see. You... You are a broken fragment of ‘Lemegeton’? (TL: Also known as the lesser key of Solomon).

[Hiik! H-How?!]

-There is no grimoire that can hide before me. This is the power of ‘Gluttony’ that I possess. You are just a fragment of Lemegeton. I don’t know how many pages you have, but it probably isn’t even 5% of its original performance. Isn’t that why you are on the level of a prohibited book?

This was a conversation that couldn’t be understood, so Liliana just watched the two of them. It was clear that this prohibited book had come from a grimoire called Lemegeton and that this made Gluttony feel quite uncomfortable. The silent Gluttony opened her mouth again and suggested eating. -There is no value pursuing it any longer. User, can I get rid of this lesser thing?

[S-Spare me! It will be useless eating a defective product like me. B-Besides, I can function as a sub-ego, making it possible for secondary functions!]

Liliana felt like she was watching a catfight as she came to a decision. She laid her hand on the prohibited book and declared, “Appraisal.” It was time to look at the fragment of the Lemegeton grimoire.

Chapter 314 - Towards the World Tree (1)[Lemegeton (Severely Damaged)]

[This is a grimoire that contains the power of King Solomon from the Age of Mythology. King Solomon used his wisdom and magic to rule over 72 great demons, wielding the power of the great demons with ten rings. Additionally, Solomon prepared a seal and key in case of his death.* This grimoire can’t function normally.* Please note! This grimoire is over 90% damaged. The powers can’t be fully absorbed even with predation.* When ingested, the imprints of the senior great demons ‘Nebiros’, ‘Foras’, and ‘Flauros’ will be acquired. User can borrow their powers from these imprints or demonstrate special powers.* When consumed, a very large amount of magic power will be absorbed.]

‘It is definitely not in a good state.’

More than 90% damaged...? As a book, it was like having all the pages torn out except for one. Even if it was a grimoire, most of its power had already been lost. It was astonishing that so much had been lost. According to Gluttony, it wasn’t even performing at 5%, yet it still contained the power of three senior great demons. In a perfect state, Lemegeton must have a myth rating.

-Yes, it is as User guessed, Gluttony confirmed it like she had heard Liliana’s thoughts.

“It really has a myth rating?”

-That’s right. Some of the great demons who contracted with Solomon had high rank and power.

“Demon king... like Fulito?”

-If I had to compare Fulito with one of the 72 great demons, he is similar to the 7th one, Amon.

“7th?” Liliana's face stiffened.

Fulito was only 7th! If that was true, then Lemegeton had at least seven great demons with more power than a demon king, a transcendent who reigned as the master of one dimension and wielded that world according to his will. It was no wonder that Gluttony reacted to Solomon’s name. He was incomparable to Liliana, who had summoned Magnus in the past. What type of existence was Solomon, who had dozens of high-ranking great demons contracted to him?

It seemed like he was beyond the level of a transcendent. No one would argue if Solomon were called the god of magic. However, Gluttony had a different opinion of Solomon.

-No, he was just smart. He became aware of the endless desires of demons and fooled them with a clever contract. There were some demons who were deceived by some tricks, but others knew about it and passed by. Solomon was the summoner who called them. The material world of the Age of Mythology was what attracted their attention.

“They came like a sightseeing group?”

-Your words aren’t entirely wrong. For great demons, another dimension is just a place to ‘play.’

Pleasure is an inescapable desire for demons who have eternal life. In that sense, Solomon was a spokesman for those desires and the guide of many demons into this material world. It was the result of talent and timing creating the situation.

[Ahem!] At that moment, the prohibited book didn’t grasp the atmosphere and interrupted Gluttony. [My creator, Solomon, is a great man! Many powerhouses in the Age of Mythology fell before him!]

-Shut up, used thing.


The prohibited book shut its mouth, and Gluttony began to speak again.

-I wasn’t expecting a Baal or Agares class, but this is really terrible. The 24th ‘Marquis’, the 31st ‘Hell Knight’, and the 64th ‘Great Duke’—they are worthless when it comes to battle strength. That drunkard, Saleos, still remains.

Liliana asked for an explanation, and Gluttony taught her in a disgruntled voice about Solomon’s 72 great demons and the power of these three great demons.

Number 24, Marquis Nebiros, was a necromancer and controlled the power of ‘Pain.’ Unlike the demon’s nickname of ‘Knight’, Number 31—Hell Knight Foras—was the owner of a vast wisdom and gave the summoner the power of ‘transparency.’ Number 64, Great Duke Flauros, possessed the power of ‘Burning Eyes’, which allowed the owner to shake off the temptations of other demons.

Liliana listened to the explanation in detail and said, “In the middle...”

It wasn’t enough to call them bad, but the demons didn’t have the ability to help her directly. The teachings of necromancy were of no use to Liliana who wasn’t a warlock. Additionally, Gluttony’s protections meant that the added bonuses were meaningless as Liliana already had strong mental defenses. The practical powers of ‘Transparency’, ‘Burning Eyes’, and ‘Pain’ were so vague that she didn’t know their purpose.

‘Well, a powerful demon wouldn’t acknowledge me as qualified. Is it okay to compromise to this extent?’

However, Liliana looked at the prohibited book thoughtfully. Looking around at the other shelves, the majority of those present gave off an evil feeling just from the cover. Collecting the fragments of a myth rated grimoire was more appealing, even if it was damaged. More than anything else, she liked that it could exert the functions without predation.

“Hey, prohibited book.”

[...Yes?] The Lemegeton fragment responded to Liliana’s call.

“Accept me as a temporary contractor. Do you want to be stuck in this sealed room forever?”

[That… Why temporary?]

“I possess so many divinities. How can I make a perfect contract with a demonic grimoire? Besides, if I make a double contract with you, I think there will always be conflict with Gluttony.”

The Lemegeton fragment contemplated the words for a while before accepting the suggestion, [Okay, I will accept a contract with you.]

“A wise choice.”

The moment that the mutual agreement was decided, a thick strand of magic power formed between Liliana and the prohibited book. It was the magical contract line to symbolize the conclusion of contract magic. The red gem of the Lemegeton fragment and Liliana’s right hand were intertwined with a string, then the last process of the contract occurred. It was the disclosure of the grimoire’s identity, its true name.

[I was called ‘Lemegeton’ a long time ago, but I was deprived of its light and crashed to the ground. The first of five locks, the prohibited book whose head is Lemegeton... Until the day that I am perfect again, call me ‘Ars Goetia’!]

“Ars Goetia.”

[Yes, Master. You can just call me ‘Goetia’.]

Liliana picked up Goetia, and the red jewel changed its shape. The thick book transformed into a small silver ring that wrapped around a finger on Liliana’s right hand. It was reluctant to be on Liliana’s left hand where Gluttony resided.

‘Oh, isn’t this a convenient feature? The 10 rings that Solomon wore were probably a variant of Lemegeton.’

That wasn’t all. Once Goetia turned into a ring, Liliana realized that her casting speed and amount of magic power had risen sharply. The functions of ‘sub-ego’ and ‘secondary operations’ that Goetia had mentioned started to show their power. The features were simple, but the level of the secondary operations was excellent.

Of course, Gluttony was still uncomfortable about the contract.

-Hah! Ars Goetia? Is it the name of the first chapter of Lemegeton? You picked it well for being so tattered.


Despite having the same contractor, it was unknown if Gluttony’s one-sided abuse of the prohibited book would stop. In the end, Liliana had to intervene. “Gluttony, don’t scare it too much. It is too inferior to you.”

-Hrmm, I understand.

Liliana walked out of the sealed room while Gluttony suppressed its hostility. Then Liliana closed the door of the room and reset the lock.

Ching! Snap.

The several layers of magic circles overlapped to form a magic spell, and the key in the keyhole faded away. The key to the sealed room was only for one use. Once it was used, it couldn’t be used again. Every time the seal was released, the key would change. This tight security was truly the backbone of the kingdom.

‘Now, this part is finished. Should I go back?’

With four magic books and one prohibited book, Liliana invoked Teleport. No shadows remained in the Zero Library.

* * *


“You took a long time.”

Liliana discovered an unexpected person when she left the Zero Library. It was a blonde girl with brown skin, Paragranum. Unlike her appearance, she was actually the head of the yellow tower and a grimoire. She had performed numerous studies in the magic kingdom and might’ve conspired with Invidia.

“Hasn’t it been a long time, Captain? I didn’t know you would return after facing Envy. I need to increase my evaluation.”

Paragranum smiled and placed the fox, that was in her arms, on the ground. The fox had three tails; it was Tres. He was frightened after being caught by Paragranum and rushed toward Liliana the moment he was set free. The warm and fluffy texture entered Liliana’s red robe.

Then the fox cried out with relief. Yip, yiip. Even though Tres was young, the intelligence of his spirit was high. He remembered that Paragranum had wanted to dissect him last time.

Liliana stared at Paragranum. “You...”

“Aren’t you leaving your pet alone too much? It would’ve died if it belonged to another magician. If you hadn’t come back, this would’ve become my first spirit specimen.”

“What do you want?” Liliana ignored Paragranum’s joke that wasn’t a joke and stared into her eyes.

Paragranum’s eyes held no emotions at all. It was like they were glass beads. She realized it when she saw these eyes. This being was a monster, not a human. She could do anything as long as it achieved her purpose of existence. Liliana was convinced that she had joined hands with Invidia to cause the long war in the north.

“Oh, my. Don’t be too wary. You know ‘our’ ecology. Right now, is there any reason for me to be hostile to Meltor? What benefits can you gain from removing me?”

“No. I have no reason to listen to your words,” Liliana replied coldly and took a step back.

Grimoires had no human emotions, as they were things that would interfere with their principles of action. Encountering something like this was like yelling at a wall. If she accused Paragranum of working with Invidia, she would nod without any qualms. Maybe that was why she decided not to ask. She wasn’t an opponent who should be rewarded with her emotions. Liliana cooled her head and stared at the being that, along with Invidia, was the wicked culprit of the slaughter in the north. One side had fostered sword masters and fed on them. The other side acted in order to make her research proceed faster. Grimoires wouldn’t hesitate to do any sins if it meant accomplishing their purpose of existence.

“Well, don’t be so hasty.” Paragranum didn’t shrink back at all as she faced the angry Liliana. Instead, she pulled something out. It was from a shabby looking dimensional pocket.


“Isn’t it too impressive to forget?”

The item was an emerald jewel in the shape of a cube. It had a perfect balance as light reflected off it. At Paragranum’s request, Liliana had recovered it from the ruin in the Meuse Desert. The Emerald Tablet—a treasure that all alchemists praised as the ‘Door of Truth’—recorded the truths of the universe. Gluttony had drooled over it, so there was no need to explain its value.

“Now, don’t drop it.” However, Paragranum threw it casually!

“What are you doing?” Liliana cried out roughly as she grabbed the space pocket and the Emerald Tablet.

Then Paragranum opened her mouth, “Can’t I do something kind for others? I’ve handed over handmade potions, catalysts, and the Emerald Tablet.”

“That’s why I am asking. What are your intentions?”

“Don’t you need to go fight the necromancer that is contracted to Nídhöggur?” Paragranum shrugged as she spoke in a playful voice. “Nídhöggur, the lizard that rots all matter, is the enemy of alchemy. I can’t coexist with a warlock who contracts to such a being. Thus, I will lend a hand so that you can get rid of him.”

“But didn’t you say you would only give the Emerald Tablet after you achieved your purpose?”

“Unlike Gluttony, I am not obsessed with the original.” Paragranum muttered ‘copy’ in a small voice before continuing. “It is up to here. This time, I will place a bet on your victory and wait.”

“...What side was it last time?”

Paragranum stopped for a moment as she was walking away. She didn’t look back as she gave her answer, “It doesn’t matter either way.”

Chapter 315 - Towards the World Tree (2)

A few days after that:

Liliana Miller’s preparations had ended with the removal of a few books from the Zero Library. However, the two guardians lying in bed needed a little more time to finish their preparations. No, two days was too short. How could someone without an arm or whose neck was wounded cross the Red Plateau, which was famous for its harshness? The journey wasn’t easy even for those with no injuries.

However, Liliana envisioned a better journey. “Lili, is it really okay?” Veronica was worried that she might be being too hasty. Both of them were ready to leave, but it had been only three days since returning from the Lairon Kingdom. She was well aware of the possibility that this might be too soon, as she had been born as a quarter dragon.

Throughout her life, Veronica had constantly realized the difference between herself and others. With a frail body, unstable magic power, and stamina that only lasted a few days, even a sorceress who crossed the wall of a master was fragile compared to dragons.

“It is fine. I’m well aware of my limitations.” Nevertheless, Liliana didn’t show any signs of weakness as she checked the magic circle she had drawn last night.

Like the last time, the scale of this magic circle drawn in the palace’s backyard was enormous. It was the result of adding a few functions and assuming there would be a longer distance to travel over than when they went to Sipoto Plains. This was a magic circle to transport them to the northernmost part of the Northern Continent, the large forest containing Elvenheim.

‘Okay, there are no problems.’ A normal teleport couldn’t enter the Great Forest because mana evaporated in the Red Plateau. It was possible to manipulate space like Orta, but the mana of Teleport would be cut off along the way. Thus, Liliana had to change the underlying idea. ‘If the flow is interrupted, don’t ride it. Jump instead.’ They would move from point to point, not along a line. The coordinates of the vacant space were exchanged with the coordinates of the Great Forest. This was close to impossible. However, Liliana had a means to make the impossible possible.

[Hoit, hoi, ho...? Hooing?] The girl who emerged from the earth, Mitra, was the main character. Mitra had the seed of the world tree in her body and was the master key itself. The system of Ratatoskr that protected Elvenheim and the world tree would play a supporting role rather than interfere with Mitra.

If Liliana had any regrets in this situation, it was one thing. “Tch, that blue worm isn’t coming?” Veronica leaned against a nearby wall and brought up the topic she had been thinking about.

Sea Dragon Aquilo—she was a member of the strongest species in the material world and connected to Liliana through the blood imprint. In some ways, she was a perfect fit for this battle. However, Aquilo remained silent to this call. This silence was different from ‘rejection.’

“...I’ve called several times, but there isn’t an answer. She isn’t the type of person who would just ignore someone, is she?”

“That is true. Did something happen?”

“I don’t know. She might just be in a distant place. For now, we have to take it as she won’t help.” Veronica pouted and grumbled, “I didn’t want to use dog poop in medicine, so this is better.”

It was natural when facing each other, but Veronica seemed uncomfortable right now for some reason. Was it because there weren’t many people equal to her? Aquilo’s strength and personality made her a visible presence to Veronica. She didn’t refuse it when asked about having Aquilo present, but it wasn’t a relationship where they could be friends. Anyway, Aquilo’s help wasn’t going to come.

After a while, the two elves arrived in the backyard of the palace. “Benefactor! You are already here.”

“...What is this magic circle?” Edwin’s movements seemed a bit unstable because of his empty left arm socket, but there seemed to be no major problems. It was the same for Ellaim. He had no problems with breathing despite there still being a bandage around his neck. They suffered serious injuries, but the masters weren’t fragile enough to be harmed by the recoil of Teleport.

Liliana greeted the two elves and stood in the magic circle. “Sir Edwin, please stand inside the ellipse drawn on the left. Sir Ellaim, please stand on the other side.”

“I understand.”


“You don’t need to say it. This spot?”

An 8th circle sorceress wasn’t something that could be reached with magic power and talent alone. She didn’t need to explain the magic circle to Veronica as she stood where she was supposed to. Liliana saved a bit of time with that and immediately poured magic power into Teleport. The light of the magic circle grew stronger, and the backyard was covered with an intense magic light.

Huuuuuuong! Unlike the last time, there was no farewell. The matter of Nídhöggur and the revival of a 9th circle warlock was still being kept confidential, with only the king and tower masters knowing. It was better to hide it completely than to cause chaos, especially when the Magic Society would be of no help. It was the same reason why they were concealing the trip to Elvenheim.

‘From now on, I can’t expect any more reinforcements.’ Liliana pushed aside the post-war complications and opened her mouth, “Now, I will get started. Mitra.”

[Hoing! I’ll try hard!] In order for this space movement to work, Mitra’s role was the most important. Mitra sat on Liliana’s head and opened her arms wide, the sprout on her head spinning like a pinwheel.

Moving from point to point was several times slower than moving along a line. Considering the obstacles of the Red Plateau and the barriers around the Great Forest, the success rate was close to zero. It was a difficult task that even Orta could only try after reaching the 8th circle.

However, Liliana had a helper. It was the neural network called Ratatoskr that was widely spread through the Great Forest. Once the magic circle reached its limit, Liliana didn’t miss the moment and used Dragon Words.

“「 лес, отвечать (Forest, reply)! 」” Liliana’s voice reached the northern Great Forest, which was hundreds of kilometers away.

It might’ve ended here if it was a normal voice. Nature wasn’t something that humans could command. However, Liliana’s command was made with Dragon Words, and the consciousness of the world tree, that was not yet mature, responded to it. The huge mana of the Great Forest stirred, and a few roots stretched out to the magic circle far away.

Kiiiing-! It connected, while a sharp voice stabbed at Liliana’s mind.

-Who are you? How dare you intrude unauthorized into this neural network!

-If you don’t identify yourself, you will be blocked immediately.


Liliana smiled despite the noise causing a headache. The voices were familiar. In order, they were Alucard, Lumia, and Naia. Ellenoa and Alisa couldn’t be heard, but they weren’t always connected to the neural network. They were either sleeping or doing other work.

‘It has been a long time everyone,’ she spoke lightly.

-This voice is...! T-Theodore?

-Oh, my. Theodore? You came back quickly.

-...He… not… intruder… sleep, again...

The reactions were unique. Liliana waited for the excitement of the elves to settle and then spoke, ‘I’m not there yet, Lumia.’

-Huh? What does that...

‘I established this connection in order to arrive.’

Liliana explained why she had connected this magic circle with Ratatoskr. It wasn’t difficult to take the initiative with Dragon Words, but there was no reason to. They owed her for the last battle. Indeed, the high elves easily accepted her request.

-Hrmm, it is fine if it is you.

-I’ll allow it if you come to see me.


There were no worries that Liliana might hold malicious intentions. Simultaneously, the paused connection with Ratatoskr resumed, and the entire magic circle was surrounded by a strong light. The two space coordinates were established, and the flash of light was so bright that their eyes couldn’t see.

Flash! After the light disappeared, no one remained in the palace’s backyard. There were only the traces of the magic circle, the burnt marks of strange shapes.

* * *

There was a light that seemed to blind eyes. Liliana shed a few tears as she looked around with still blurry eyes. Fortunately, her vision soon recovered. The objects before her became clear, and the tingling of her eyes soon disappeared. Was it the effect of using an excessive amount of magic power in a short period of time? Next time, she would need to make a few more adjustments.

‘...Well, it seems like we have properly arrived at our destination.’

She could figure it out even though her surroundings were just blurry shapes. Trees of this height couldn’t be found anywhere other than in the Great Forest, and the shadow of the world tree was rising above the clouds on the horizon. What about everyone else?

Liliana turned her head and saw Veronica and the two elves rubbing their eyes. “It looks good. Let’s take a break here and start when we are in good shape.”




"...Excuse me, everyone?”

There were no replies. Veronica, Edwin, and Ellaim were staring in Liliana’s direction with blank expressions. To be precise, they were staring at Liliana’s head. She wondered what they were looking at when she felt a startling sense of weight on her neck.

“Eh?” It was like the weight of a child! Liliana turned her head in confusion and saw a pair of eyes gazing at her. She saw smooth earthy skin and brown eyes. She had a childlike face but still several years more mature than what she recalled. Was she around 10 years old or so? Her small legs hung naturally over her neck toward her chest as she sat on her shoulders.

Liliana called out her name with disbelief, “...Mitra?”

The girl smiled widely and replied with pronunciation that was much better than it had been just a while ago, [Yes! Mitra!]

“Hah.” ‘Who am I? Where am I?’

Mitra jumped down from the neck of the confused Liliana. Her height was still below one meter despite growing. The girl of the earth wore a blue-grey dress and danced around. Her strength also felt quite powerful. It felt equivalent to that of the upper elementals Edwin summoned.

‘Her strength has more than doubled? Why all of a sudden...?’

An ancient elemental might be beyond common sense. However, this growth was strange. Was it due to connecting to Ratatoskr for a while? Liliana was feeling troubled by the growth when Mitra cried out.

[Open, hooing!] Mitra pointed to the forest and gave it a command. Then the bushes and tree roots moved like the Great Forest was opening its mouth. It was a feat that Ellenoa had shown when Liliana visited Elvenheim in the past.




“...” This time, all four people were speechless as they gazed at the triumphant Mitra. They didn’t know why, but Mitra seemed to have equal or more power than the high elves in the Great Forest.

Chapter 316 - Towards the World Tree (3)

‘Ah, that’s it. The seed of the world tree,’ Liliana remembered this fact belatedly.
It had been several years already. Edwin had come to her after saving Ellenoa and given her a gift from Elvenheim. That was the seed of the world tree which Mitra had eaten. Liliana’s gaze naturally shifted to the top of Mitra’s head. The sprout of the world tree, the source of all life in the Great Forest, was growing from her small head. If that bud was recognized as the world tree, then it was no wonder that Mitra had power in the Great Forest.

The world tree, Yggdrasil—in the Age of Mythology, it connected three dimensions and had influence in nine dimensions. Compared to its prime, this forest was nothing more than a bunch of weeds. Even if it was just a sprout, there was nothing in the forest that could rebel against Mitra, who borrowed Yggdrasil’s name.

[Lili, did I do well?] Mitra returned to Liliana’s side after opening the path. Her eyes were shining like lanterns as she expected praise. Her innocent face was the same as always. Liliana couldn’t help laughing as she stroked her wheat-colored hair several times. “Yes, well done.”

[Hihihi!] Mitra laughed like she was ticklish and started to dance. Someone who didn’t know her would’ve thought that she was a child out for a picnic.

[Catch me~!] Mitra called out playfully as she plunged down the forest path. Did she want to play tag? Liliana followed her with a gentle smile, while the remaining three people followed with bemused expressions.

The four people headed through the forest like that. The ankle-height roots of the trees bent, while the branches which could tear at one’s skin moved out of the way. Liliana had experienced it once, but it was still amazing. This time, the one exercising the power was Mitra. The vegetation stirred with every step she took, and when she hummed, the wind responded like it was a well-made string instrument.

‘No, it isn’t just that. This...!’ Liliana enhanced her eyesight. Elementals without contractors were given forms, and they danced and sang around Mitra’s body. This was an unrealistic scene where the natural world responded to Mitra’s will. It might be a trigger to regain believers. The power that overflowed in the Great Forest and the elves that worshipped Yggdrasil might restore some of Mitra’s divinity.

At that moment, Edwin asked from behind Liliana, “...Benefactor, is that an ancient elemental?”

Liliana read the mixed emotions in Edwin’s voice and looked back. There was reverence in Edwin’s eyes. It was just like how the knights of Andras felt toward the emperor or how Lairon’s followers worshipped him. Emotions thickened the elf’s voice.

“Yes, that’s right,” Liliana confirmed it.

“But this feeling... It isn’t possible. How?”

“What do you mean?” However, Liliana didn’t hear an answer from Edwin.

It was Ellaim who replied instead. “We can currently feel the power of the parent tree from her. The size of the power is under the top elementals, but the purity is more profound. I would like to bow down in front of her and give words of thanks.”

“...That much?” The two guardians nodded, and Liliana finally realized the gravity of the situation.

The guardians of the elves couldn’t hide their reverence and wanted to drop to the ground. They could barely endure it with the mentality of the master level. In that case, it wouldn’t be surprising if other elves immediately bowed down and prayed the moment they saw Mitra.

‘Should I think about putting up some measures?’ Mitra regaining her divinity wasn’t a problem. It was the environment that was a problem. The foundation of her power was based on the world tree, so the elves’ limited faith was more likely to bind her to Elvenheim. If so, Mitra’s contractor wouldn’t be able to escape this land either. There was a lot of work to be done to avoid this.

Liliana was worrying about it when the uncomfortable Veronica caught her eye. “Veronica.”

“Huh?” Veronica sensed her question and looked down at her left wrist. She was wearing a bracelet with strange characters carved on it. Surely she wasn’t feeling uncomfortable because of the accessory? However, that idea quickly vanished from Liliana’s mind. It was because her eyes grasped the function of the bracelet in a matter of seconds.

“Magic power sealing?” Veronica nodded and explained, “It suppresses the magic power that leaks out of my body. I’m not in a good mood because I’m wearing this. Sorry to bother you.”

“Why are you wearing this artifact?” A sorceress needed to be able to resonate the mana outside the body and the circles inside the body to exert power. By wearing the bracelet, it was like Veronica had her limbs tied up. Of course, she wasn’t defenseless because she had her innate physical abilities and the draconic mode, but she was much weaker than usual. There was no reason for her to wear the artifact.

“Without this, my magic power will burn the forest.” However, Liliana was convinced by the explanation. It reminded her of what Edwin said when she visited as the envoy previously. Edwin had said that the world tree had burned because of her.

“Perhaps it is a problem of my lineage. I heard that red dragons live mainly in volcanic areas and have a great influence over the natural world.”

“Then staying in the Great Forest...”

“Well, I should wear it until the battle begins. How can I come into someone’s house and become an arsonist? It will be okay once a ward is placed.” Veronica spoke casually. However, Liliana was a sorceress like her and knew how frustrating it would be to be restrained like that. She was disconnected from her magic power, and it would feel like her hands and feet were suddenly broken. Even if she only spent an hour or two in this state, her limbs would feel cramped. Liliana admired her and couldn’t help muttering a few words—words which were spoken with no intentions behind them.

“I hope we get there as soon as possible. As soon as we arrive, I will set up a circle around you...”

[Yes?] Mitra, who was walking a few steps ahead, heard Liliana’s words and returned to her side. [Lili wants to arrive faster?]

“Huh? Ah. Well, the quicker the better?”

[Understood! Lili, believe in Mitra!] “Y-Yes.” Mitra smiled brightly like sunshine and raised her voice. Her tone was light, like a bead rolling around on a tray.

[Shorten, hoing!]

* * *

One hour.


During their last visit, this journey had taken half a day thanks to Ellenoa’s assistance and Orta’s magic. It would take three days when walking normally and one day when flying over the trees. Yet Mitra had shortened it to just one hour. Liliana’s group was moved to the center of Elvenheim in a manner that the two 8th circle magicians couldn’t understand.

“Y-You got here quickly. Liliana?” Lumia came to meet them and couldn’t hide her dumbfounded face. Her surprise was greater because she had continuously grasped the position of the four people using Ratatoskr. They had moved a few kilometers per minute, sometimes jumping from one point to another. Unlike Orta’s space movement, this method involved the direct manipulation of space.

‘Space movement—no, space distortion...? I thought there was no one who could handle the space around the world tree...’

Mitra, the cause of this, had already been recalled. It was an action to avoid having elves fall in front of her. However, this result left Lumia feeling confused. The wards of the world tree were enormous. It was a transcendent existence, but in the end, the world tree was just a lifeform. The immunity inside its body was just like that of any other lifeform. So, it wasn’t strange that it had moved according to Mitra’s will, since Mitra was recognized as part of its body. Lumia didn’t know about Mitra’s existence and was confused, but she soon opened her mouth and said, “...Please follow me. It isn’t quite ready yet, but I have prepared a room for Liliana and your companion to stay.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“Additionally, Guardian Edwin and Guardian Ellaim, both of you worked really hard. As soon as the Ceremony of Evergreens is finished, we will start the healing process for both of you.”

“Parent’s grace, the will of the dancers thanks you.” The two guardians accompanied Liliana and Veronica up to here. Liliana conveyed her heartfelt thanks to these two people, “Both of you can visit at any time. Meltor and I, Liliana, will never forget your commitment.”

“It was an honor to join you on the meaningful journey.” “I will see you again tomorrow, Benefactor!” The two guardians, Edwin and Ellaim, moved boldly without caring about the aftermath of their injuries. Would they be all better the next time she saw them? Liliana looked forward to the reunion as she followed after Lumia with Veronica. Lumia’s walk was rather slow, perhaps in consideration for those who were unfamiliar with this forest.

Then Liliana suddenly had a question. “Lumia.”


“What is the Ceremony of Evergreens? If it is a secret, you don’t have to teach me.” Lumia shook her head with a gentle smile. “No. It isn’t anything big. The world tree sometimes drops leaves that have reached the end of their lifespan. These are collected and recycled as fertilizer for the forest. However, the scale is so large that two people must go out.”

“Two high elves... Ah, perhaps?”

“Yes, it is as you thought.” Ellenoa and Alisa had been absent when she connected to Ratatoskr not long ago. There was one high elf Liliana hadn’t met yet, but there was no way she could think of someone she didn’t know. They chatted for a while before Lumia brought up the topic first.

“Liliana, can I ask why you came here like this?” She squinted at Veronica and lowered her tone by an octave. “It must be an important issue if you came with her.”

“...Sigh, it is as you said.” The existence of Veronica was, after all, a threat to the world tree. Liliana wouldn’t have her accompany her if her power wasn’t needed. Liliana confirmed Lumia’s words and carefully selected her words.

Where should she start explaining? The fact that the evil dragon Nídhöggur was aiming for this land? Or that a 9th circle warlock had resurrected and was aiming to sacrifice the world tree? It was a heavy story, so she didn’t think she should say it while they were walking.

Then at that moment...

“―Hello.” Someone suddenly appeared in front of Lumia, Liliana, and Veronica. The two sorceresses reflexively stepped back, and Veronica stared toward the front with her finger on her bracelet.

“...Elf?” The person who appeared had black hair, golden eyes, and white fur clothing. The beauty, who was different from the earthly beauty of elves, gazed at Liliana. She was around 160 centimeters tall, and her weight was unknown. The distribution of her center of gravity and her standing posture demonstrated that she was trained in fighting. Liliana evaluated the other person to be at least on the level of Edwin and Ellaim, so she couldn’t help feeling alert.

“Ah, wait a minute!” Lumia interrupted their confrontation. “Ah, Liliana! Is this the first time you’ve met her? She is the third dancer, the shaman of the Dry Pine Tribe―”

“Titania,” Titania said her name in a dry voice and stood in front of Liliana without hesitation. “You are the contractor of the ancient elemental?”

“That’s right.” Liliana’s eyebrows frowned slightly at the high elf’s unfriendly attitude. Veronica was also unhappy, judging by the rise in temperature. At this rate, a fight would break out before they could talk. Titania ignored the harsh tension and looked at Liliana with strange eyes. “I see. If so, you are the one my master has chosen.”

“...Master?” Titania nodded to her reflexive question with an emotionless face. “I will introduce myself again. I am the disciple of Sage Myrdal Herseim, the successor of the ancient elemental Geros.” She concluded her shocking self-introduction, “I, Titania Herseim, have been waiting for you.”

Chapter 317 - Towards the World Tree (4) Liliana asked with a puzzled expression, “You are Myrdal’s disciple?” She had no idea she would hear that name here. A sage surrounded by many secrets… Myrdal was also a magician and elementalist. He was a mysterious person. His achievements were recorded in the magic towers, but there was nothing related to his personal relationships. It was questionable as to how Myrdal even knew Gluttony, and now he had a high elf as a disciple. Furthermore, he had left behind another ancient elemental? ‘If it is called Geros, then it is definitely Zephyrus... Ellenoa once showed me an illusion.’ Zephyrus, god of the west wind, was a god who took four laps of the material world in a day and caused storms just by sighing. Even if the power of that time couldn’t be reproduced, the tales about Myrdal were comparable to those about Zephyrus. Liliana recalled the welcoming image of Geros that Ellenoa had shown her. Geros had a crown of horns and a body surrounded by armor. Its form reminded her of a giant from the Age of Mythology.

“I heard that elves can’t be magicians. Are high elves different?” Lili asked curiously.

“No way,” Titania replied with an emotionless face. “We can’t artificially interfere with the flow of nature. We are a species that can’t learn magic. The only thing I learned from him was the wisdom of nature, the reality of elementals.”

“A human teaching high elves about elementals...?” Liliana asked incredulously.

“Having met Master, haven’t you guessed it? He is known as a human, but he is something beyond human,” Titania explained.

Liliana fell silent. Guessing was different from hearing it directly from a high elf. Sage Myrdal Herseim was something not human! It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that not only had he mastered all of humanity’s magic, he had also established a new system of elementalists. ‘What is he? He made the contract between me and Mitra, and now I find out that he has also given a high elf an ancient elemental...’ Liliana thought back to when she met Myrdal at the Fountain of Wisdom on top of the world tree.

She remembered every single word Myrdal had said.

[A fragment of memory calling out to me, how pretentious.]
[Huhu, please forgive me. I foresaw your visit, but I’m unable to move at this time. As such, I am forced to greet you and your contractor in this way.]
[Giving excuses...]

Despite being centuries old and a living transcendent, he had referred to it 'at this time.' It meant he had been aware of the situation. It was foresight. Myrdal’s capacity for it far exceeded that of the white tower master, Heathcliff. So, it wasn’t impossible for Myrdal to observe the future beyond the wall of centuries.

“So?” There were too few clues. All Liliana could guess was that Myrdal had left some arrangements for an unknown intention. In order to know more about this, it was necessary to listen to the words of Titania, the high elf who claimed to be Myrdal’s disciple.

“You said you were waiting for me?” Liliana asked.

However, this caused Titania to shake her head. “I have something to say and wanted you to follow me... but your task is more urgent. Is the story associated with the energy of death coming from the southwest?”

“How did you...?” Liliana was surprised.

“I don’t know how to see like Master, but it isn’t hard to read the darkness.” Titania was an unknown presence like her master, Myrdal. Lumia twitched at the words she couldn’t understand.

“Hey.” At that moment, Veronica couldn’t help stepping forward. “Why are you coming out of nowhere and speaking in informal language? Is it fun pretending to know everything? Do you think it is okay to treat Lili like this?”

“Hrmm?” The bracelet around Veronica’s left hand shook. Veronica’s magic power wasn’t so weak that it could be bound by a single artifact. The bracelet’s durability rapidly fell once she allowed herself to get agitated. Titania saw it, and her eyes lit up. “Aha, the dragon lady who once burned the area during a confrontation in the past. Shouldn’t you be more polite when visiting this time?”

“What? Should I say it directly? Cowardly high elf.”

“...What?” Titania reacted sharply to the word ‘cowardly.’

“Aren’t you the high elf who hid during the incident last time? It must be easy when you can see the future. You can run away because you know someone else will resolve it!”

“You—!” The sound of teeth grinding together could be heard from Titania’s mouth. It was evidence that Veronica’s words had scratched Titania’s nerves about failing to participate in the fight against Laevateinn. Titania clenched her teeth and was about to reply.

“Hey, everyone! Let’s go inside and talk. Yes?” It was easy to tell that the atmosphere was rapidly becoming bad, so Lumia intervened between the two and tried to calm things down. If Veronica’s magic power were freed, it would severely damage the area around her. As such, Veronica and Titania couldn’t refuse this mediation.



Surrounded by a tight tension, the two high elves and two magicians walked faster.

* * *

Fortunately, a second argument didn’t occur. Titania stopped talking about Myrdal and remained silent as they headed to the cottage that Liliana had visited several times in the past. After greeting the four high elves, the two magicians went straight to the point. Like Lumia, the four high elves were aware that Liliana had come for a serious purpose due to Veronica’s presence.

It was a long story. Liliana talked about the war in the Northern Continent, the revival of the 9th circle warlock Jerem, the current destroyed state of Lairon, and the advent of Nídhöggur being the final purpose. Three hours flew by quickly.

“...A warlock is aiming for the world tree. It sounds like something from a children’s fairytale book, but I don’t want to experience it directly,” the dark elf Alucard opened his distinctive purple lips and spoke with displeasure.

He didn’t show any doubts about the information Liliana had brought. After all, Liliana had known about the existence of Laevateinn before anyone else, so the high elves didn’t doubt her. Liliana was a clear-eyed person who had been invited to use Ratatoskr.

“Knowing about the existence and power of Elvenheim and still wanting to invade...”

“It means that he can win.”

“We must prepare well.”

“I didn’t think I would hear Nídhöggur’s name in this age.”

Titania didn’t say anything, but the other three quickly discussed measures. They spoke without hesitation about Elvenheim’s current power and the state of their defenses.

Liliana couldn’t help wondering. “...Why?”

“Huh? What is it?” Alucard asked, and the four high elves looked at Liliana.

“Why aren’t you scolding me? In the end, I am the one who resurrected Jerem. If it wasn’t for me, the world tree wouldn’t be in danger.”

“Why?” The four high elves looked at each other and laughed.

“How boring. That’s what you were thinking about, Liliana?”


“Don’t forget that you plunged into the flames for us. Elves don’t forget the debts they owe. And friendship isn’t a relationship where debts should be dwelled on or exchanged,” Lumia spoke clearly. “Let’s get through this adversity again, Liliana.”

“...Yes.” Liliana nodded with a pained heart, and the story started flowing faster.

It was due to Naia. The usual sleepiness of the beautiful female elf was gone. Naia, the head of the clan known for their wisdom in Elvenheim, asked Liliana for one thing, “The prophecy that you heard, tell me.”

“Ah, the prophecy...” There was nothing to hide.

Naia listened to the five verses Heathcliff had spoken, then she carefully opened her mouth. “I think the big bird is Hraesvelgr. The one whose life principle is to go against the evil dragon, it is the bird that brings typhoons. Our tribe’s records show that the two are always at each other’s throats.”

“Divine creature, Hraesvelgr... the old stories are continuing today.”

“If it has been prophesied, shall we call this divine creature?”

Liliana’s eyes widened at Alucard’s words and asked, “Is it possible?”

“It is possible.” Unlike the positive answer, the elf’s complexion wasn’t bright. Then Alucard immediately revealed the reason why. “The biggest problem is that the ritual will take at least a month. Additionally, it needs four high elves, which hinders our actions. Ellenoa and Titania are still immature as high elves, making it difficult to build a defense around them.”

“I can do it.” Titania declared.

“I’m not saying you can’t, Titania. You have to spend more time in the Great Forest. Hunting and war are different. We need someone with experience in leading...”

Titania’s eyes narrowed as she interrupted Alucard and declared in a strong tone, “I swear in the name of the root. Leave it to me.”

For elves, the roots were their home and clan. Swearing an oath on them was heavier than swearing on their own lives. Additionally, Titania was a high elf, so her root was the world tree Yggdrasil. The parent tree didn’t deny Titania’s pledge, and her commitment couldn’t be argued against.

Alucard had to raise both hands and concede, “...I understand. I will leave it to you. I will pass it on to the two people who aren’t here. Don’t forget to listen to Ellenoa and the other guardians.”

“Of course.” After achieving what she wanted, Titania immediately looked at Liliana and Veronica. Then she pointed to one person and said, “There is something you need to resolve first.”

“Huh?” Veronica was stunned by the finger that suddenly pointed at her.

Chapter 318 - The One who Inherits, the One who Maneuvers Behind the Scenes (1)

The underground, a subterranean world that caused instinctive fear among living creatures on the earth... It didn’t allow for a single strand of light. This was a space that was cut off from the blue sky and the grace of the sun. If the place beyond the sky was revered as a sacred and beautiful place, then the area under the earth was considered a place of death and flames. Most cultures buried a person when they died, making the underground known as the world of the dead. There was a reason for this stereotype. There was no need to go back to the Age of Mythology. In this era, there were many forces that made the underground their home. The underground auction house in the Kargas Kingdom was part of it.

At any time and from anywhere, those hiding in the underground were always afraid of the sun, and they held secrets that couldn’t be revealed to others. Those with wicked eyes crawled into the darkness beneath the earth to be able to display their wicked desires openly. After staying in the abyss for a long time, the rats were finally eaten by the abyss.


Bodies, bodies, and bodies... A man opened his mouth on top of a hill of hundreds, maybe thousands, of bodies. He let out a viciously distorted voice that caused the listener to feel fear. The man was wrapped in a black robe, and as he crushed one of the skulls rolling near his feet, he muttered, "Kuhuhu, I would suppose this situation is called ‘boil the hound once it has caught the rabbit’? It is my favorite expression." (TL: Getting rid of something once it has served its purpose)

It was as he said. All those who worked as his puppets were part of the mountain of the dead. The head of the Orcus Company, Isaac, had died in a gruesome puddle of blood. With Jerem’s resurrection, the Four Horsem*n turned the organization, which they had created, into a meal for Jerem, just like putting a hound that had lost its value into a boiling pot.

"Their deaths will help the king. Isn’t this a rewarding experience for such trash?" Red Knight Elohim chuckled as he looked down at the mummified bodies. It wasn’t just the vitality of the bodies that was drained. Their souls, the backbone of their life, had also been absorbed. Those who died here would have no room for salvation. They would constantly suffer pain serving under Jerem.

"Well, this will keep me alive for another month or two." Jerem nodded at Elohim and pulled out his hand that had been hidden in his robes. Rotting skin, like that of a leprosy patient, was revealed.

The body of the Pale Rider couldn’t stop the collapse of his soul. It was due to the lack of a suitable vessel for Jerem’s soul, as well as the fatal wound Mitra had dealt him. Right now, absorbing the vitality and souls of the living was just a desperate measure, not a fundamental solution. In order to fix this wound, he had to pay an equivalent price to a great being, Nídhöggur.

"If possible, I wanted to be better prepared, but... I guess it can’t be helped. There isn’t a lot of time remaining in this flesh." Words with an unknown meaning behind them flowed from Jerem’s mouth. Just what the hell was he starting?

Building a mountain of bodies and a river of blood... Among them was an excellent magician. There was also a swordsman who made a name for himself. One man had slaughtered all the famous people in the organization like they were chickens and completed a single magic circle.

"I don’t need to call a complete form from the beginning. It is enough to finish it after the calling. It isn’t difficult to call an avatar if I use the souls gathered from Lairon and the body of Baldur."

The altar of sacrifices was surrounded by a magic circle of an ominous color. On the left was a soul gem. It was a crystal ball made from the 10 million souls that had been stolen by the great magic circle in Lairon. Judging by its value, the volume would remain even if he called several high-ranking demons.

However, there was an even more valuable offering on the right. It was Baldur’s body. Surrounded by a brilliant light, his remains didn’t allow the human eye to look at it. Jerem could only confirm the outline, and the Four Horsem*n didn’t even dare face it. Baldur was a god who represented light, the antithesis of warlocks. Therefore, the presence of darkness couldn’t help being attracted to this prey.

"「 Eater of the world tree, king of Nastrond. 」"

The magic circle, which had been drawn with the blood of thousands, flashed red. As soon as the chanting began, the darkness in the underground area started to wriggle as if it had gained life. It was proof that the wall separating the material world and Nastrond was collapsing.

"「 You are the one who scoffs at all deaths, who sits down on the field of those killed at the end of the world. 」"

The taboo history from the end of the Age of Mythology flowed out, and the magic circle emitted red light like it was responding. It was the eye of Nídhöggur, Nastrond’s king. The gaze penetrated through the wall of the dimension and reached Jerem.

-Did you call this body, Follower?

Terror flooded in. As soon as he received that gaze, Jerem forgot his position as a transcendent and became terrified. Nídhöggur was a king of monsters who could kill him with one finger... Jerem had contracted with Nídhöggur to obtain the mighty power. However, it was inevitable for him to feel fear due to the difference between them. Jerem barely controlled the shaking of his voice and opened his mouth, "Your strength is required. Receive the offering I brought, and let me borrow your power."


Nídhöggur first looked at the soul gem with disinterested eyes, but he then looked at Baldur’s body with intrigue. It was the body of a god from the Age of Mythology. He might already be dead, but Baldur’s fame had spread throughout the world. Needless to say, Nídhöggur accepted it.

-Okay, tell me your desire. In the name of this Nídhöggur, I will grant you strength corresponding to the sacrifices offered.

Simultaneously, the two sacrifices on the altar were sucked into the dark abyss. It meant they had become the possessions of Nídhöggur, the ruler of Nastrond. Subsequently, Jerem’s desire was conveyed to Nídhöggur.

-Yggdrasil, how interesting. In the Age of Mythology, many wanted to take it. But in the end, it was burned without entering anyone’s hands.

Desire filled the eyes of the wicked dragon.

-Indeed, this is entertainment after a long time. Follower, I’ll match your trick. This time, I will take that seedling.

"Thank you, great dragon."

-On the day that this body swallows Yggdrasil, I will give you a piece of Niflheim’s territory.

Jerem grinned, and Nídhöggur opened his mouth. Magic couldn’t surpass the walls of the dimension. Jerem thought this at first. Crossing the walls of the dimension wasn’t a feat allowed to a 9th circle warlock, even when his body was complete. However, this was just a mere nuisance to Nídhöggur.


An odor of death spread out, and the dragon roared.

* * *

Simultaneously, Lili's group finished their first task after the conversation in the cabin. It was to settle Veronica’s matter that Titania had pointed out. The ward was completed faster than expected, and Veronica’s mana calmed down.

"...Tch." Still, Veronica’s complaints couldn’t be stopped.

"Well done. There is no magic power coming from her." Titania nodded as she looked at the ward Lili had made. There was no problem if it couldn’t be felt with the senses of a high elf. No fires made it through the ward. However, Veronica was unhappy about the situation and muttered to Titania, "You don’t have to act so arrogantly with Lili!"

"...?" Titania didn’t understand the meaning of the words and turned away with no response. Of course, her indifferent attitude made Veronica even more infuriated.

"I’ll be right back. Please wait, even if it is boring." Lili tried to calm Veronica, then she followed after Titania. She had visited Elvenheim once before, but most places were still unfamiliar to her. Titania, who was walking ahead, looked back at her and said, "Let’s go higher. It is more efficient to explain each zone from a high altitude."

"I will."

The two exchanged words and flew into the air. Lili used flying magic, while Titania relied on the ancient elemental, Geros. As Lili rose slowly in the air, she listened to the voice coming from above her. Titania’s voice was mixed with the wind as she said, "I want to ask you something."

She hesitated for a moment before asking softly, "Is my tone that arrogant?"


"I didn’t speak with honorifics the first time we met. I don’t have any bad feelings towards you and don’t want to make you uncomfortable. If you have any complaints, tell me without worrying."

Lili looked up at her with a subtle expression, then she realized that Titania was wearing a skirt and looked away. This was the disadvantage of flying magic. However, Titania seemed to think her silence was an answer and sighed. She spoke in a tone that was still stiff but carried some of her own troubles. "I respect you even if I don’t use honorifics. You are the benefactor of Elvenheim. I’m not haughty or stupid enough to not admit them. If there is a problem... Yes, think of it as me lacking social interaction."

"Okay, I understand your point." She accepted her words but pointed out one thing. "Then you should fix something first."

"What is it?"

"My name isn’t ‘you’."

Titania looked down at her with surprise and smiled bitterly. It was only a slight smile, but it was the first time Lili had seen it.

"...Indeed. Lili, should I call you this?"

"Yes, I will also call you Titania."

"This is a monumental day. Aside from the high elves and Master, you are the first one to call my name."

The atmosphere improved as both of them continued to fly in the sky. After a few kilometers, Titania and Lili crossed the clouds and landed on one of the branches of the world tree. They flew for a few minutes and couldn’t even fly halfway up the world tree. Of course, they could go further up, but it would be counterproductive to their goal of understanding the different areas in the Great Forest.

'The scenery is spectacular. If this was opened as a tourist destination, many people would pay gold to see it.’

However, it was unlikely that would ever happen. Lili was smiling when Titania called out to her.


"Ah, did you want to explain something?"

"No, I remembered that I have to give you something."


The wind was strong. Against the backdrop of the huge tree, the wind blew Titania’s hair and white fur clothing. Then she pulled out a book from inside her clothing. Lili’s eyes shook as she saw the book’s cover.

"Master asked me to give this to Lili."

"Hah..." Lili laughed involuntarily and received the book from Titania. The book’s cover was so worn down that it was impossible to know when it was written.

‘It makes me realize that he truly isn’t human.’

Lili’s trembling fingers touched the characters on the title, [Deeper Theories about Elementals]. The Introduction to Elemental Magic II that Lili had bought a few years ago at the auction house had raised her understanding of magic and elementals, but she hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Myrdal again. It was the original copy of the book Myrdal had written, but a fragment of his soul hadn’t remained in it. However, what about this book that had been written before Lili was born?

"...Sigh." Lili took a deep breath to calm her agitation and placed a hand on the sage’s book.


Chapter 319 - The One who Inherits, the One who Maneuvers Behind the Scenes (2)

As always, the same information window appeared in Liliana’s mind.

[Deeper Theories about Elementals]

[This book goes beyond the theory of the four elementals, giving an outline of the royal elementals and the ancient elementals. It explains the difference between a god and an elemental, as well as the changes that occur to an elemental with a divinity. The author, Myrdal, wrote this solely for one reader. You are the only one who can access this data.

* This magic book is rated ‘Unique.’
* Acquisition Conditions: A contractor of an ancient elemental.
* When consumed, elemental magic (Genuine) will be learned.
* When consumed, your understanding of elementals will increase to the maximum.
* This is the original copy that was directly written by the author. When consumed, you can read the message left behind by the author.]

Liliana's eyebrows raised when she saw the last sentence. This was a book that had been written solely for the sake of one reader...

Additionally, it bluntly stated that the condition of acquisition was that one had to be ‘a contractor of an ancient elemental.’ In the past, Sage Myrdal had truly foretold of Liliana’s existence. It was hundreds of years ago, maybe even more. The fact that Liliana hadn’t met Titania previously might also be due to Myrdal’s arrangement.

‘I was never harmed. But... can I trust Myrdal Herseim, who is an unidentified existence?’

A great magician of a previous century and better known as the summoner of a king elemental... ‘Myrdal Herseim’ was a name that Liliana had only discovered in a textbook 10 years ago. Liliana had thought it was just a coincidence when she found the original book after meeting Gluttony at Bergen Academy and that she had simply been fortunate enough to sign a contract with an ancient elemental.

However, what if that luck was someone else’s intentions? Despite the results benefiting Liliana, she couldn’t help feeling upset that her choices and efforts seemed to be a puppet game. Feeling the need to talk to Myrdal again, Liliana opened the book. Then she frowned in less than 10 seconds.

“...What... This book?”

It was written in the official language of the continent. The summary of the paragraphs was excellent, and the explanation of the contents concise. This showed that the author’s knowledge was excellent. The issue was that the contents had an absurd degree of difficulty.

‘Damn, it will take longer than a day or two. It is at a level of theory that I will have to study for months or even years before being able to consume it.’

Looking at the Magic Society as a whole, it was rare to find a sorceress who knew more than Liliana about elementals. Yet she couldn’t remember anything after reading it once. It was a good thing there was some overlap with the Fairy's Book. Otherwise, she wouldn’t even be able to get past a few pages.

However, when Liliana thought about it, she realized it was natural. After all, the ancient elements were fragments of gods. This meant that a sorceress with eight circles was still lacking to fully handle that power.


An aura user must become a grand master or a sorceress must have nine circles before they could reach the realm of the gods. Liliana might possess several divinities and the experience of Mitra becoming a god again for a short period of time, but it was still far from understanding the nature of the power. This was what it meant to challenge understanding Deeper Theories about Elementals.

“Yes, I will accept it.”

Anyway, Titania had done nothing wrong when delivering the book. Liliana placed the old book in her inventory and decided to focus on the main priority. The book Myrdal left behind was an unexpected variable. The first thing Liliana needed to do was defend the world tree and stop Jerem’s desires.

“Then I will start off with a description of the areas.” The high elf looked down at the large forest stretched out below them and pointed a finger. “The south will be the forefront. The area next to the Red Plateau is empty. However, the ents and dryads coexist deeper inside. The strength of the two species are great when coexisting and large monsters won’t enter that area.”

“The ents and dryads... They are the species that receive the most from the world tree. They will certainly be a great help.”

“That’s right. Their cooperation is indispensable when building the defense lines.”

The ents and dryads hadn’t been able to play a big role against Laevateinn because of the fire. However, they grew up in the Great Forest and were two or three times stronger than other species in the area. The ent’s bark was hard to scratch even with steel axes, while the dryads exerted strength over the elementals in their area. Additionally, hundreds of ents could reverse the environmental conditions of the battlefield.

“Next is the west. You have also met them before. It is the area under the control of the beast clan. Frankly, it is difficult to expect much help from them.”

“I thought that as well...” Liliana smiled wryly at Titania’s words. She had defeated the chief of one clan with a punch, so there was no need to think the others would be stronger. There was a possibility of having power in numbers, but this wasn’t an advantage against a necromancer. Rather, it would be right to evacuate them to the rear to prevent them from becoming the enemy’s minions.

“Apart from the north, which is permanently frozen, the last area left is the east. The inhabitants of that area are wildlife and creatures. Their scale and power aren’t great, but we can’t rule out the possibility of them falling into enemy hands.”

“The undead, no taming... We can’t afford to have the creatures join them. It is best to have the beast clan organize the eastern forest.”

The beast clan wouldn’t be much help after the full-scale war began, but that didn’t mean they were useless. It would be meaningful if they helped reduce the trouble in the east. There was a need to discuss more detailed strategies. However, Liliana thought of the primary measures and opened her mouth, “Titania, where is it better to start?”

“The south.”

She wanted to ask her opinion, but Liliana was surprised that the answer was firmer than expected. “Why?”

“It is because the Ceremony of Evergreens is just ending. The ceremony takes place with the cooperation of the ents and dryads,” Titania explained the reason without hesitation. “I don’t know about the dryads, but the hierarchy of the ents is vague. There is no head, and they often don’t follow commands. It is best to tell the story when so many of them are gathered in one place.”

“Okay, let’s go to the south.”

“A quick decision is good.”

At almost the same time, both of them jumped down from the world tree. The white fur clothing and red robe fluttered like flags as they flew over kilometers. The two people sped quickly to the south forest, and below them was the spectacular sight of a sea of trees.

‘Eh?’ At that moment, Liliana recalled something. ‘The place where the Ceremony of Evergreens is taking place. This means that Ellenoa...’

Seeing Titania descend to the ground, Liliana reflexively lowered her body. Two colored flags could be seen through the dense trees, and they landed in an open space. Then she came face to face with the person she had thought about just seconds ago.

“...Liliana?” Ellenoa’s eyes widened as she cried out in surprise. What did she guess? Her face turned red after she saw Liliana. If Alisa hadn’t intervened, the two of them might’ve stared into each other’s eyes for a long time.

“Eh, you finally decided to take our cutie?” With a big laugh, a high elf who didn’t reach Liliana’s chest approached.

Alisa and Ellenoa were the high elves who had just finished the Ceremony of Evergreens.

* * *

“Ahahaha! So, you are traveling together?” High Elf Alisa listened to the situation and laughed as usual. Unlike her childish appearance, she was the second oldest in Elvenheim. Alisa had been living a long time since before Ellenoa was born a few decades ago, so she had more experience.

Alisa looked at the two people with playful eyes before asking Titania, “Titania, can you do it?”

“...Believe in me.”

“Yes, if you say so. Well, it will be fine with that good-looking woman. It would be perfect if it turned into a love affair!”

“A-Alisa!” Ellenoa became flustered, and Alisa just giggled.

Then she pointed behind her as she asked Liliana, “By the way, have you thought of a way to persuade them? The ents don’t take our orders. It is over if the ents don’t move, even if we persuade the dryads. Don’t you know that?”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

The dryads were fairies who dwelled in trees. Even if they wanted to follow commands, the dryads couldn’t be separated from their tree and couldn’t move if the ents didn’t. The ents were a species that didn’t follow the orders of the high elves and whose hierarchy was unclear. Titania also wondered how they would get the ents’ cooperation.

“Everyone, don’t be too surprised,” Liliana spoke a few words of caution and activated her magic power.

Maybe it was due to their proximity to the world tree, but Mitra immediately responded to Liliana’s call, absorbing all the mana in the ground and creating a body. Her hair was braided back, and the flower bud on her head was shining impressively.

[Hoing! Mitra!]

She was a child of 10 years, but the three high elves stiffened as they saw the essence of the child—the world tree, Yggdrasil. They felt the power of the giant tree that sustained all life in the Great Forest, the tree which the elves called the parent tree. Before any of them could open their mouths, something happened.

[...King...! Welcome...king...!]
[Bow...! Bow...knee!]

Kung kung. There was the magnificent sound of footsteps approaching. The ents reacted the moment Mitra appeared. The reaction was more than expected, perhaps because she had grown from last time. They fell to their knees and didn’t raise their heads. Their branches broke, but the ents didn’t care. The ruler of all vegetation, the embodiment of the world tree Yggdrasil, was a living god to the ents.


The noble and beautiful high elves were overwhelmed.

[H-Hoing? Lili? I... What do I say?] Mitra was confused.

Liliana thought for a moment before giving her an answer—all communications began with greetings. Mitra danced before placing both hands on her waist and shouting, [Nice to meet you―!]

Why...? This encounter would be a cornerstone in the great battle for the future of the material world. However, Liliana couldn’t help seeing it as a play for an elementary academy. She laughed and stroked Mitra’s head. This ridiculous spectacle was the beginning of the defense of the world tree.

Chapter 320 - The One who Inherits, the One who Maneuvers Behind the Scenes (3)

One month after Liliana’s party arrived in Elvenheim, the 1,000 elf warriors deployed to Meltor returned. Meanwhile, many changes had been made in Elvenheim, and the progress was continuing. Since Mitra’s spectacular entrance before the ents, the forces that made up the Great Forest had started to move actively according to their roles.

As mentioned earlier, the four high elves, apart from Ellenoa and Titania, were doing the summoning ceremony for the divine creature. Liliana collaborated with the other two high elves to set up the defenses in the southern part of the forest. The number one contributor to this task had been decided from the beginning. As always, the small girl with the blossom on her head was the main character. The ents ignored the high elves but followed every one of Mitra’s commands. The dryads promised to cooperate like the ents, and the two species made their defenses according to Mitra’s words.

[Woong... You! Go there and sit down, you! Go three more steps and lay down! No, to the left!]

Mitra looked several times at the topographic map that Liliana had drawn. She determined the shape and pointed back and forth. They were clunky instructions, but her orders were delivered through thoughts, not words. She might have seemed like a 10-year-old, but Mitra was the fragment of a deity who had power over vegetation. The ents were a plant species, and there was no better species to accommodate her wishes.


Rumbling sounds rang out in the peaceful forest. The ground was overturned every time the ents stepped, and puffs of dust rose up. Every tree moved was over 10 meters tall. The sight of hundreds or thousands of these ents moving wouldn’t be common in any era. The forest’s appearance was changing. As the height of the ground was raised, the wild beasts were surprised by the sudden environmental changes and rushed out in all directions. There was a hill that hadn’t existed yesterday, and a vacant area had turned into a sheer cliff. The topography itself was being used to prevent the invasion of eternal enemies.

‘Hrmm, it seems to be turning out better than I expected?’ Liliana watched the progress from the sky and nodded with satisfaction. She had been anxious about leaving everything to Mitra, but she had grown into a little girl who possessed outstanding intellect. Mitra understood Liliana’s topographical map and positioned the ents as intended. If things continued like this, everything would be finished in a fortnight. She examined the southern area before turning her eyes away. This time, it was the habitat of the creatures in the east.

“Well, there is nothing that will be an obstacle for Veronica.”

Veronica would be fine even if she was left alone for a week. The ward on her would last for two weeks. She had become impatient and asked Liliana for something to do. After a long moment of thinking, she had asked her to subjugate the eastern forest. It was a forest, but it wasn’t a big problem if she stayed on the outskirts. The beast clan acknowledged Veronica’s power and followed her commands.

‘I don’t need to worry much about the west and north areas... Things have been going smoothly so far.’

It might not be the best, but things were being handled well. Apart from cleaning up the east and building the defenses in the south, Liliana had left the rest of the preparations to Elvenheim. The elves who had lived here for centuries were going to experience a great invasion! A warlock that had contracted with an evil dragon would be at the forefront, while an undead legion would push forward. Liliana’s tension increased as the days passed, and she prepared for the invasion in her own way. There was a heavy noise as she pulled out Soul Calibre.

“...I have read all four books.”

It was a signal that she had read all the books she had taken out from the Zero Library. Sigh. However, Liliana’s complexion wasn’t bright. It was because of the predation. She picked up the four books in turn, looking at their covers with troubled eyes. Then she looked at the information windows by placing her left hand on them.

[Ultima][This book describes cryogenic magic that can stop all the phenomena of the physical world. It is no coincidence that Ultima, from the ancient world ‘Ultimate’, has become the name of this magic. In the past, it was said that a magician had used Ultima to freeze a dragon, only to cause himself to die. In order to use this perfectly, the 8th Circle is needed.* Your understanding is mediocre (65.4%)]

Her understanding didn’t become higher, even though she had read the book a few times. Given that the lower the level of understanding, the lower the effect of predation would be, it was likely there would be no benefits in this current state. Liliana looked at the information window again, and the last sentence stabbed at her like thorns.

‘Eight circles or more... The magic Blundell used seemed to have something to do with Ultima, so it is a pity.’

The Time Stop magic that had even stopped Invidia for a moment...! If Liliana could acquire that magic, it would be worth spending a lot of achievement points. Techniques that dealt with time, the ultimate magic, was a domain for the peak of the 9th circle, which was why Blundell’s life had been consumed. However, Liliana didn’t want to talk about this now. She descended gently toward the ground and sat on a moderately high branch, looking at the remaining three books.

“It can’t be helped. I should do the rest quickly."

Then the mouth on her left hand opened and prompted her, -Go ahead, User! My stomach is hungry!

“Your appetite seems to have become stronger. Can ordinary books fill you up? Come, eat.”


The magic book was sucked into her left hand.

[‘Rotting Hands’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.][7th Circle magic ‘Rotting Hands’ has been acquired.][Your earth magic ability has increased slightly.][An original copy has been consumed. Due to the many years, the author’s soul has become weathered. There is only a fragment of the soul remaining.]

The wisdom of the 7th circle magic, Rotting Hands, entered Liliana’s mind. It was corruption magic that no substance of the material world could afford to be affected by. Rotting Hands had a disadvantage of being dependent on the user’s earth affinity, but that wasn’t a great disadvantage for Liliana. She was someone with the power of Mother Earth, an affinity that reached the limits of a mortal.

‘Okay, this is a pass.’

The burden on her mind was small. After Rotting Hands, Liliana picked up another book. Then Gluttony’s tongue emerged.

[‘Reverse Shadow’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.][Your proficiency with permanence magic has increased.][The Umbra Imprint has reacted loudly. Your sense of dimensions and spiritual dominance will increase greatly.][An original copy has been consumed. The synchro rate with object name ‘Lenix Agarta’ is being checked... Blocked. Lenix Agarta has refused to sync with the user. You can try to force a sync using the permissions of a user, but it is not recommended.]

Liliana frowned when she saw the last message. “Rejected? The sync was rejected?”

-It seems that the author doesn’t want to talk. There are no emotions left. What do you want to do?

“...It’s okay. Talking to someone who doesn’t want it won’t get me any good results.”

There was one more remaining. Liliana picked up the last book, Soul Calibre, and cautiously placed her left hand on it. If the author of this book also refused to talk, she would have to force one of them. The last book entered Gluttony’s mouth.

[‘Soul Calibre’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.][The 8th circle special magic ‘Soul Calibre’ has been acquired.][The astral attribute affinity has reached its limit. In compensation, the level of skill proficiency will rise even further.][An original copy has been consumed. The synchro rate with Reynolds Spencer is being checked… You are at an appropriate level. You can absorb some of Reynold’s experience. The duration of the episode is 38 minutes and 17 seconds.][Synchro is starting.]

Liliana was relieved by the message, and her consciousness was drawn into the unknown space. ‘Reynolds Spencer....’ As Liliana’s consciousness faded, she was troubled by the name of the author of Soul Calibre. She seemed to have heard the name somewhere a long time ago.

* * *


There was a roar that seemed to burst her eardrums. Liliana’s consciousness woke up to a great shock. Her blood boiled like a molten furnace, and her brain was filled with excitement and tension. It was a familiar feeling. Faced with a hideous monster, her feet started to move. Liliana remembered that this was synchro, so she stepped back and watched the situation.

‘This is Reynolds Spencer’s memory?’

The scene continued. She didn’t know who the owner of this body was, but the battle style she was using was clearly a very technical type. Her feet moved 360 degrees, and she accelerated forward. Was it more appropriate to call it acrobatics than a technical battle style?

The three-headed demon was confused by the acrobatic movements. The fight was fleeting. The demon had three heads and twelve eyes. Yet the moment its eyes looked around, the master of this body had already disappeared. It was an assault beyond the speed of sound, combined with six secondary magics! As the owner of the body admired the magic, a dazzling sword emerged from her right arm.


Asurahi’s Resounding Sword—perhaps it was the perfect sword on which to use Soul Calibre. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cut the body of a demon that was outside the laws of physics. Simultaneously, three heads rolled to the floor, and the demon’s headless body turned into dust. In the end, the demon, that was a foreigner, was sent back to its dimension. The astral attack had dealt a heavy blow, but it was lacking to destroy the demon. Destroying a body that was beyond this dimension needed the power of a god.

Either way, the owner of this body won. It was a fact that didn’t change.


As she erased the sword that protruded from her right arm, the person presumed to be Reynolds shouted in a big voice, “Asura's soldiers—they aren’t a big deal! They are nothing in front of Reynolds! Spencer’s descendant won’t stop until you are all dead!”

The warlocks in the distance were surprised by her voice. The magnitude of the force they felt couldn’t be classified. At this moment, Liliana remembered where she had heard the name ‘Reynolds Spencer.’

‘Oh, my god.’

Reynolds spoke like he heard Liliana’s thoughts, “What is it? Person from the future.”

‘I-I’m sorry. Can I ask you one thing first?’


Liliana gained the consent of the other person and took a deep breath before opening her mouth. If her memories were true, then the person she had synced with was...

“Defeater of the sand dragon, Azi Dahaka, as well as demon slayer and magic swordsman... Are you the great hero, Reynolds Spencer?’

Liliana knew it was a stupid question, but she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Magic Swordswoman Reynolds Spencer was a great hero who had existed a thousand years ago, a legend who had killed a sand dragon that had swallowed up three kingdoms. She was a magician of the 9th circle and also a grand-class sword master. Numerous writers had written stories about her, and there were more than 10 epic poems based on Reynolds Spencer. To think that Reynolds Spencer had actually written an original book and Liliana was now in her body...?

“That’s right!” Reynolds shouted in a dignified manner. “This body is Reynolds Spencer! The last descendant of Spencer who destroyed the sand dragon, Azi Dahaka!”

Chapter 321 - The One who Inherits, the One who Maneuvers Behind the Scenes (4)

Liliana stepped on the bodies of the demons at her feet and stood at the top. This was a girl truly worthy of being called a hero. She realized the name was correct and became thrilled again. This was a war hero from the history books, a person from before the era of the magic towers. It was an era that had occurred thousands of years ago, at the end of the Dark Ages where darkness survived and evil swung its power.

The sand dragon, Azi Dahaka, was the crystal of destruction that the evil of Dark Ages had created. It was a monster that could spray all types of breaths with its three heads, as well as use the ultimate magic. Azi Dahaka had burned half of the continent in a week until a great hero stood before him.

‘Oh, my god. You really are Reynolds Spencer...?’

This wasn’t an exaggeration. Reynolds was a hero who had once saved the material world! Liliana had met several great men thus far, but she couldn’t help feeling in awe of Reynolds. This impression was conveyed, and Reynolds couldn’t help chuckling. “Hahahaha! Indeed, this is amazing. The world still remembering me after a thousand years, there is no greater honey for a hero!”

‘...Honestly, I thought your story was fiction.’

It was unclear if Reynolds was a warrior or a magician, and his achievements had spread throughout the continent. Anyone who knew history would come to the same conclusion as Lili. Demons didn’t leave a corpse behind. Therefore, oral stories were the only records that could be used as evidence. Azi Dahaka was a monster, and it had collapsed because of this person. The grounds for Reynolds Spencer’s story couldn’t be found anywhere.

“Well, it is probably a good thing,” Reynolds removed Liliana’s doubts with a few words. “A hero’s role is to shine a light on darkness and give hope to those who are in despair! It is fine if I have fulfilled that role.”

In a sense, it was a contradiction. She was so pleased that her story had been passed on after thousands of years that the authenticity didn’t matter...? Somebody might be suspicious of her personality.

However, because they shared a body, Liliana could tell that Reynolds’ mindset was different from that of others. She didn’t care about personal honor. All she desired was for justice to be alive on earth, giving power to those who were facing adversity.

This was the real role of a hero that Reynolds had carried out all her life.

“In the end, the world doesn’t turn away from righteousness. Your life is someone else’s strength. So, don’t lower yourself before me, hero from the future.”

‘...Yes. Thank you, Sir Spencer.’

“The introductions are up to here. Shall we cut to the chase?” Reynolds spoke like she knew everything. “You want to learn Soul Calibre?”


“The theory is simple. Magic power is refined and discharged out of the body. The magic power takes the form of a blade that interferes with the astral system, but it doesn’t manifest like the theory. Isn't that right?”

Liliana answered in a puzzled tone, ‘Huh? I succeeded until the formation of the blade but...’

“I thought so… What? You succeeded?” Reynolds’ eyes widened. This person who wasn’t even shaken by a high-ranking demon was greatly shocked by this.

Was Lili that remarkable?

Reynolds read Liliana’s thoughts and explained, “Soul Calibre is a type of special magic that has nothing to do with the abilities of a magician. The sword can only be manifested when the soul is used as a core. It is easy for the Spencer family to use because we have trained in it since childhood, but I have never seen someone outside the family use it...”

After muttering a monologue Liliana did not know the meaning of, Reynolds raised her right arm and pointed to the sky. Then a shining sword appeared in her hand. It was the fully manifested Soul Calibre.


Reynolds cut through the sky with the sword.


It made a terrible noise. Liliana blocked her ears unconsciously and realized that she had escaped from Reynolds’ body. She didn’t know how, but Reynolds had separated her from her body. The noise from before was probably this forceful separation. Real hearing did not mean much in the mental world.

Liliana asked Reynolds with a confused expression, “Why did you suddenly do this, Sir Spencer?”

“I want to check something. Use Soul Calibre.”

A great hero wouldn’t speak nonsense. Liliana wasn’t sure about the reason, but she complied with Reynolds’ demand.

‘Soul Calibre.’

It might be different for other magicians, but astral magic wasn’t an unfamiliar concept for Lili. The Umbra imprint glowed, and a soft green sword rose from her right hand. Of course, the strength and radiance were lacking compared to Reynolds’ version. However, the shape of the blade could be seen clearly.

“Hoh...!” Reynolds said admiringly, “You can certainly form it. Moreover, the green light symbolizes life and hope. I haven’t seen such a beautiful light in a long time.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“But it is as I expected. Look closely.”

Reynolds took the white light sword in her hand and used it to touch Liliana’s green light sword. The moment that the two lights touched...


Liliana’s Soul Calibre broke with a cheerful sound.


It broke like a cracker. The blade, which was made of a considerable amount of magic power, had broken easily. Liliana looked at Reynolds for an explanation. Reynolds showed her Soul Calibre and opened her mouth, “You can manifest Soul Calibre, but you can’t reproduce the power. I’m not trying to dismiss your magic. It was like this from the start.”

“Like this from the start?”

“Soul Calibre is literally a sword of the soul. Its strength is determined by the power of the soul that forms the blade. Magic power can make it take the shape of a sword, but it doesn’t compensate for the underlying strength.”

It was like a pavilion formed out of granules of sand. The smallest repulsive force would break it. That was why Liliana’s Soul Calibre was broken. Liliana had been inspired by Umbra and managed to succeed in creating Soul Calibre with her eight circles. However, unlike Reynolds, Liliana wouldn’t be able to cut a high-ranking demon with it.

“This is why my family, the Spencer clan, quench their souls for several generations before handing it over to future generations. I am the final result.” Compared to Reynolds’ calm voice, the contents of what she said were fearsome.

A soul being made into a sword, and a clan that handed it down for generations, repeating this process over and over... It was a history that couldn’t be revealed to outsiders. Reynolds was Spencer’s descendant. Liliana soon realized why Reynolds had asserted this. After all, Reynolds shouldered the responsibility of her ancestors who had given up their souls.

When the weight of the responsibility dawned upon Liliana, her face paled. Meanwhile, Reynolds just laughed and shrugged. “Don’t worry about my past. Shouldn’t you be paying attention to how to complete your imperfect Soul Calibre?”

“...Is there a method to do so?” Liliana asked in a quiet voice.

“I don’t know,” Reynolds responded instantly, without any hesitation. “If there were such a method, my family wouldn’t have needed to inherit Soul Calibre from previous generations. The special magic, Soul Calibre, exerts its power when it is built up through time. There is no way to master it other than to train it thoroughly. At least, I don’t know of one.”

“But there is no time.”

The fundamental structure of Soul Calibre needed a few generations to build up like the Spencer family. Jerem’s invasion was a month away, and Liliana had too much to do to only focus on Soul Calibre. Reynolds, who received Lili’s memories through Synchro, couldn’t help complaining, “I’m sorry that I can’t be helpful. If possible, I would like to lend a hand directly...”

A warlock who had contracted with Nídhöggur, a villain trying to swallow up the world tree... There was no better enemy for a hero to punish. If Reynolds were still alive, she would’ve run to Elvenheim instantly. However, Reynolds Spencer died a long time ago. This was just a fragment of her soul.

Liliana was feeling frustrated when she suddenly had a thought.

The dead, a fragment of the soul...

Soul Calibre was a sword of the soul.

It was a technique inherited from generation to generation.

Reynolds Spencer...

Several puzzle pieces hovered in Liliana’s mind and settled together in a suitable shape. It was an idea that was worthy of applause if another magician saw it. Liliana didn’t hesitate to speak her idea. Shortly after that...

“...Are you a genius?” Reynolds was amazed.

* * *

Less than half an hour later, Liliana woke up from her synchro with Reynolds.


She jumped up like she didn’t want to waste a minute, moving to an empty spot without any ents or dryads. Liliana was worried that someone might get caught up in the aftermath of her magic. Theoretically, there weren’t any errors. However, a sorceress should always be cautious when practicing.

“Huoong...” She took a few deep breaths and relaxed her body. Her blood circulated in her muscles, and shortly after that, her stiff muscles stretched, and her joints became flexible. Liliana finished her brief preparatory exercises and closed her eyes. For a sorceress, vision wasn’t a problem. However, embedded habits were surprisingly helpful for concentration.

‘Umbra,’ she summoned the imprint on her right arm. There was a glowing light, and Liliana’s spiritual senses reached another realm. Simultaneously, a sword rose from her right hand.

“Okay, there is no problem so far.”

Soul Calibre, an astral magic that interfered with the soul, was a magic that Reynolds had evaluated as a power that couldn’t be used in practice. However, this time, there were some differences from the sword she had made in the mental world. This sword shone brilliantly, and Liliana’s right hand cut at the empty space before her. Just like Reynolds had shown her, it was like a lightning strike across the sky.

Kiiiing-! The space was separated.

For a moment, the special space used in the techniques of the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem, was revealed. There was a wall of darkness that no physical force could pass, a joint that connected space. Liliana’s Soul Calibre cut that joint. It was an eerie and destructive power.

Liliana erased the white sword and grinned. ‘I can’t exactly call it my Soul Calibre.’

Liliana muttered strange words as she looked down at her right arm. No, she was just talking to someone who couldn’t be seen. “How about it, Sir Spencer?”

Reynolds’ voice was conveyed from Liliana’s right arm. To be precise, it was the engraving on her arm.

[Good! It is a bit lacking compared to my prime, but the undead won’t be able to go against it.]

“It is really great.”

That’s right. Rather than forming Soul Calibre with her own soul, Liliana shifted Reynold’s soul to Umbra and had her manifest Soul Calibre.

It was only a fragment of the soul and couldn’t be compared to when she was alive. However, Reynold’s Soul Calibre had been tempered over several generations and was much stronger than Liliana’s. It was sufficient to play a role in the fight against Jerem.

Liliana had used a shortcut of intervening with the soul using Umbra’s power.

‘One means of attack has been determined. Sir Spencer’s Soul Calibre can kill Jerem.’

Among the warlocks who were outside of the framework of ordinary life, the necromancers had especially strong vitality. Despite being injured by Mitra’s power previously, ordinary attacks wouldn’t hurt Jerem even if he were hit by several Infernos. Thus, Lili needed to acquire an attack that would work against Jerem.

“Please take care of me, Sir Spencer.”

[Yes! Will you inherit the name of my family? This is guaranteed by Reynolds Spencer!]

It was a bonus that Liliana added one more talkative person to her household.

**Chapter 322 - Eve of the Storm (1)**

After finishing the Synchro with Reynolds Spencer, Liliana was continuously busy. She conducted the migration of the ents with Mitra and taught some human military strategies to the elves. However, the hardest task was probably making artifacts against the undead. The elementals, who used purely the power of nature, were natural enemies of the undead, but it was too inefficient to solely rely on that. There was no limit to the stamina of the undead. A more efficient means was needed to combat the undead legions that didn’t care about injuries.

And Liliana found the answer to that in an unexpected field.

“Om.” Her fingers twisted in a strange form as she sang a strange chant. Simultaneously, a brilliant gleam of light struck the pile of arrows in front of Liliana. It was the most famous shaman system in the East Continent - the esoteric Buddhist mantra. As a more powerful type of shamanism than exorcism, the esoteric Buddhist mantra annihilated all evil and blocked the source. It didn’t have enough power alone, but it was like gunpowder when used against the undead of the lower levels.

‘This isn’t enough. Damn, the idea is good, but I can’t make enough alone. It would be lucky if I could make half of the 300,000 I originally planned for.’

Liliana sighed as she looked at the completed arrows. Of course, it wasn’t a good idea to give up on the rest of her tasks to concentrate only on making the arrows. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and looked at the stacked-up arrows. It was nice to find something more efficient than the elementals, but it wasn’t an amount she could do alone.

However, the problem was that this method involved a magic of an unfamiliar system, and the consumption of magic power was faster than normal. Arrows that destroyed evil, talismans that blocked the undead, and wards that weakened poison and curses needed to be made. This meant Liliana had a mountain of work to do. So, it was inevitable that her physical and mental state would reach their limits.

‘...Well, that’s it for today.’

It was good to be prepared for battle, but it wasn’t meaningful if she was exhausted in the fight against Jerem. Liliana took care of a few more tasks before leaving the warehouse. The chill air of the deep forest cooled her sweat and entered her lungs. This was a very brief respite that couldn’t even be called a break.

“Ah! Liliana, I was looking for you.”

Liliana had only taken a few deep breaths when an elf approached her. She was an elf with rare black hair and dressed in white bear fur clothing. It was the high elf, Titania. As always, she had a large bow at her waist as she spoke without hesitation, “This is the placement of the archers that you taught me last time… I think this configuration is more efficient.”

“Show me...”

Titania drew a map on the ground. The workmanship was poor, but it was a strategy chart that anyone with some skill could recognize. Liliana had only taught her for a few days, but it was evident that Titania had understood the instructions and improved them. She had lived as a hunter for many years, which meant she was more qualified than anyone else to develop strategies regarding this forest. Titania was slightly inferior to Alfred, but she was definitely a genius.

‘Indeed, this is very good.’

Liliana couldn’t find anything to point out and told her, “Um, isn’t this very good? Did you put your hands and feet together?” (TL: Working together)

“I told them your opinions. It isn’t that difficult to cooperate with the other tribes who train together.”

“Okay, let's do that. If you see any improvement in the future, please tell me. I don’t know about the strengths or weaknesses of the different tribes, so I will only believe in Titania.”

“What? O-Only believe in me...”

Was it a burden? Liliana was confused by Titania’s attitude and soon realized the reason. It might seem like she was dumping responsibilities on her. Titania might be a genius, but she was a beginner who didn’t have previous experience in commanding. Liliana blamed herself for being irresponsible and opened her mouth to encourage her, “If you are burdened...”

“No, no! Believe in me!”


Liliana was stunned by her unexpected reaction, and Titania slightly turned red.

“E-Ellenoa is waiting for you. The rocks and trees have been moved according to your instructions, and the training of the elementalists has finished.”

“Oh, isn’t it faster than I thought?”

“Then I will go. I’ll see you later.”

Liliana didn’t have a chance to reply as Titania disappeared into the trees. Perhaps she was going to do some training. At first, she felt a little uneasy because of Titania's stiff attitude. However, after a while, she realized that Titania was very sincere. Her stiff expression and voice had become softer, and the discomfort from their first meeting was no longer present.

[Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my!]

As Liliana took a few steps, a light and voice came from the silver ring on her right hand. It was the fragment of Lemegeton, the prohibited book—Goetia.

[You really are the master of this Geotia, sinful girl!]


[Making an elusive high elf blush. I feel like I am seeing my creator again!]

“You are the one thinking that on your own.” Liliana looked down at the ring with a slightly flushed expression.

She didn’t know how to feel about being compared to King Solomon when it came to women, not magic abilities. However, Goetia didn’t care about Liliana’s feelings.

[Hey, is this Ellenoa a high elf?]

“Ugh.” Liliana reflexively stopped moving. She had forgotten about the situation due to the crisis of the world tree. However, Goetia’s words revived old memories. The words of confession that she had previously received in Mana-vil... As a matter of fact, she had been prepared to give her an answer, but the warlock who couldn’t read the mood messed up the schedule.

Knock, knock. Liliana knocked on a familiar door and spoke in a soft voice, “Ellenoa, it is Liliana.”

“Ah, come in.”

At the reply, Liliana turned the doorknob and saw something white. It was the familiar she had brought to this place.

Yiiip? The three-tailed fox made a pleased sound from Ellenoa’s arms. It was Tres, the three-tailed fox that Liliana had brought back from the East Continent.



Until now, the fox hadn’t given her heart to anyone, which made it strange to see Tres in Ellenoa’s arms. Was it because the high elves were the closest to the origin of nature and were unique among the elves? Noticing the relationship between Liliana and Tres, Ellenoa spoke with a surprised expression, “Liliana, did you bring this child? It is the first time I’ve seen a three-tailed fox.”

“I accidentally found her in the East Continent. I brought her because she doesn’t have a mother to take care of her. She seems to like the forest and Ellenoa, though.”

“Ah… I see. Poor little thing.” Ellenoa’s eyes shone with compassion as she stroked Tres’ belly, causing the little fox to cry out with pleasure.

Maybe it would be better to leave Tres in Elvenheim after this fight was over. The spirits in the East Continent also wanted an environment where they could live away from humans. It wasn’t a problem to worry about now. However, Liliana engraved it deeply in her mind so that she wouldn’t forget.

“Liliana, your hand.”

“Ah, yes.”

Ellenoa grabbed both of Liliana’s hands with a warm smile. The high elves had the ability to soothe tired minds and bodies. It wasn’t just the treatment of wounds, as the consumption of mental power could be restored to some extent as well. Surrounded by a green light, they stood in silence.

‘Indeed, I feel comfortable with Ellenoa...’

It wasn’t a matter of stamina or magic power. This sense of relief melted the boundaries between the body and the mind. Then at that moment...

Kiiing! A sharp headache pierced her like an arrow. The light that tied Liliana and Ellenoa together was broken, and Liliana stared out of the cabin with a grim expression. She gained an ominous feeling that was on a different level from before! This was like looking up at the night sky without any starlight or staring into a pit where no sound was returned.

“It is close. I can detect it...!”

Liliana struggled with the hostile voice that she heard as she looked toward the south of Elvenheim. A tremendous number of deaths were approaching.


The Red Plateau was a landscape full of red sands where weeds didn’t grow. The water channels had dried up a long time ago. It was a land of death where rain clouds hadn’t appeared for years. There was no concept of people living in this barren land where life couldn’t survive.

...At least, until today. As the water had dried up a long time ago, there was no flora or fauna to be used as food. The cloudless sky meant only intense sunlight burned down. If there weren’t any living creatures here, who were the residents of this dead land?


Death moved forward. Those with rotting flesh or just bones were the undead, an army of dead people who hadn’t been able to find rest after death. Today, the name of this land wasn’t the Red Plateau. The procession of the dead meant this neglected land was filled with the stench of dead bodies.

There was a terrible number of at least 100,000. It was impossible to count them even if they were measured in units of thousands. The undead crossing the Red Plateau was a major threat to the entire continent. The intense sunlight, lack of water, and non-existence of wildlife couldn’t even grab the ankles of the undead to hold them back. They moved closer to the world tree without taking a break.

‘Damn, he did it properly.’

In the sky, a crow was watching the undead with sharp eyes. It was Hugin, a pet Liliana had inherited from Satomer. Liliana’s development meant her range was now over 100 kilometers. She used this method to spy on Jerem and the Four Horsem*n without them noticing.

As she looked at the undead army with Hugin’s eyes, some questions came into Liliana’s mind.

‘There are a lot of them, and the quality is also considerable. How on earth did he make so many undead?’

It was strange. The entire Lairon Kingdom might’ve been turned into undead, but they hadn’t been created in the proper way and were relatively inferior in quality. The same was true for the quantity. A hand plow made of good steel was still a hand plow, a sword was still a sword. However, the power of the undead was limited if the correct production method wasn’t used.

Yet, what about this huge army of undead? Low-level undead like zombies and ghouls were almost invisible. The army mostly consisted of intermediate-level undead. Lich, doom knights, and senior undead could also be seen. It was a number that would’ve required the killing of everyone in the Central Continent, not just the Lairon Church. She felt a sense of incongruity. The swords and armor the undead were holding...

Then at that moment...

-A rat-like person is spying.

From the far rear end of the undead legion beyond the horizon, an unexplored shape soared high in the sky. No, it wasn’t something that could be recognized from Hugin’s perspective. The gap between Hugin and the opponent was so large that Liliana couldn’t see it. However, she didn’t need to see the shape to realize the identity. She would be a fool if she didn’t know.

It was Nastrond’s demon king, Nídhöggur. Within a vortex of darkness, he called out to Liliana in a voice that seemed to tear the sky and earth apart.

-Hoh, it is you. The thief who devoured the soul that belonged to me, not knowing who you are going against...

Liliana couldn’t say anything. Fear froze her spine, and she had a hunch that speaking would give Nídhöggur a pretext to do something. On the other hand, Nídhöggur didn’t restrain himself from talking as a red light gleamed in the darkness.

-Don’t beg for your life. I will surely kill you. Don’t beg for mercy. I will chew on your body and soul for hundreds of years. Your future has been decided at this moment.

Nídhöggur sentenced Liliana to death, and two beams of light shot out from the demon king. The beams of light aimed for Hugin.

-Get lost.

Shortly after that, Liliana’s consciousness was bounced out of Hugin’s body.



Blood filled Liliana’s throat, pouring out as she fell and barely grabbed the table. It was the price she paid for facing the monster called Nídhöggur through Hugin’s eyes. Disregarding Liliana’s blood-stained clothing, Ellenoa hugged her and used her healing power. Not long afterward, the blood stopped pouring out, and Liliana barely managed to open her mouth to speak. “...I took one blow. That damn lizard.”

This was like a greeting for Nídhöggur. The telepathic attack didn’t contain any will to kill. Being able to damage an 8th circle magician with just that... this opponent was a monster that a mortal couldn’t go against. However, Liliana and the others had their own means.

“Ellenoa, how long until the summoning of the divine creature?”

“Yesterday, I heard that it would take four days.”

“So, it will be in three days. Based on the enemy’s marching speed, they will arrive in two days. We have to hold on with our own strengths for one day.”

The normal undead would be greatly weakened in the daytime. However, these undead were probably beyond common sense. It meant the battle needed to be maintained for at least 24 hours. They had to fight the undead, who didn’t know fatigue and craved the blood of the living. It was a great battle that anyone would feel afraid of.

Liliana rose from her spot.

‘He will chew on me?’

Haha. She laughed wildly at Nídhöggur’s declaration.

‘You are the dumb one who doesn’t know who you are going against. I will teach you properly.’

Liliana didn’t shrink back from Nídhöggur’s declaration of war.

Chapter 323 - Eve of the Storm (2)

Two days passed by after that. It was a long and short amount of time. After detecting the approach of the undead army, Liliana Miller and the complete power of Elvenheim were busy preparing for the unprecedented battle. Although it wasn’t perfect, they did their best. The brilliant amulets hanging around the elves’ necks, the arrows in their quivers, and the wide ward surrounding the south were all Liliana's work. It was the result of using her magical power to the limit that could be recovered, without wasting even one hour.

‘This is all I can do.’

On the front line at the outskirts of the southern forest, Liliana blinked slowly. Since when had her vision already surpassed her physical limits...? From beyond the horizon that even the elves couldn’t see, the movements of the countless undead were reflected in Liliana’s retinas. These were monsters that didn’t need to breathe... The barren Red Plateau couldn’t stop the corpses from marching. The ugly wave was overflowing from the horizon.

“...Ahh, the parent tree.”

“Our ancestors, please protect us...!”

The elves who saw it first started praying. This was because rotten flesh, blood flowing with maggots, and abominable things now filled the horizon. It was fortunate that the Red Plateau was windless. How awful would the stench be from more than 100,000 undead? It would enter their noses and might even lead to poisoning.

As the undead neared, the twilight illuminated their naked bodies. The skeleton knights were moving with a red light among them. An undead with a body that was larger than an ogre’s roared. The translucent bodies sang of a terrible future. There was even a bone wyvern flapping its wings in the air.

‘How terrible.’ Liliana felt nauseous as she looked at the waves of nightmare-like corpses. She also noted the presences of the doom knights, banshees, and lich, as well as the evil dragon behind them that was the true enemy. Meanwhile, the army of death continued to move forward.

Kung! Kung! Kung! Kung!

Loud noises rang out as the army marched onward, narrowing the distance to their destination. There was no need for trumpets or horns. The undead were just puppets controlled by one necromancer. They followed the commands of the conductor wielding his baton. If he asked them to move forward, they wouldn’t stop until their bodies were broken. If he said stop, they wouldn’t move even if a natural disaster occurred.

Kung!...Like right now.

“...S-Stopped?” Someone stuttered out loud.

Liliana moved forward. The enemies were still a few kilometers from the forest entrance. Nevertheless, they had stopped for a reason.

“Jerem, is it you?” Liliana’s voice spread out and crossed several kilometers.

[Finally, I will show mercy to you,] the great warlock of death who controlled the bodies answered. [If you offer your body to me now, I will spare your kingdom and its people. As long as the great Nídhöggur descends upon this material world, there is no possibility that you will win.]

“Hah, do you think I would just agree?” Liliana wasn’t pushed back by the voice that pressured her mind. “This situation wasn’t unexpected. Did you die from greed or old age? Do you think that you are a real king because you gathered your subordinates and played a role? Hey, antiquated warlock. Wouldn’t it be better to go back to your grave before you become uglier?”

Upon hearing Liliana’s words, Jerem briefly fell silent. Maybe he was so angry that he couldn’t speak. After all, this was the soul fragment of a 9th circle great magician whose pride of reaching the highest peak of humanity was so high that its end couldn’t be seen. If Jerem were still alive, he would’ve killed Liliana before more than a few cheeky words could be spat out. However, a few seconds later, his cold voice spoke up,

[...Fool, you don’t know that victory or defeat has already been decided.]

Chill. At that moment, Liliana felt a chill and stepped back. Meanwhile, Jerem released the reins of the undead that he had stopped.

[I will let you die as you wish!]

Simultaneously, the undead started to run wildly.


They let out a roar that was difficult to describe in words. Something wailed, something else made a strange sound, and something else screamed. In a dictionary, the word ‘undead’ meant ‘one who didn’t die.’ However, the magicians added another line—‘death was taken away.’ The undead were deprived of their last resting place at the end of their journey and surely hated the living.

“Come onnnn!”

The death coming from the horizon flowed quickly. They were low-grade undead, but their bodies were bathed in black magic and were more powerful than they had been while alive. A distance of 3 kilometers was crossed in just five minutes, and this speed was maintained permanently. The elves fought the reflex to pull back their bowstrings as they watched the undead approach at a fearsome pace. Prepared to shoot at any time, their archers’ swollen arm muscles strained from pointing at the enemies’ heads. However, the archers still had a long time to wait before they could act.

‘Titania, get started!’


Liliana conveyed instructions through Ratatoskr. No flags or messengers were needed. As long as they were in the forest, Liliana could communicate with the high elves at any time. Titania nodded and moved.

“Elementals! Summon your wind elementals!”

The elves responded quickly because they had been trained previously. More than 100 hundred elves who could summon intermediate wind elementals exerted their strength simultaneously. Shuriel was the lieutenant of the wind elementals. The eagle-shaped wind elemental, that was around 10 times larger than an eagle, fluttered its wings.


It started as a small vortex. Dust rose on the Red Plateau where the undead were moving, and it soon became a vortex that was more than 100 meters high. Then it became a tornado. Originally, this wasn’t a phenomenon that would appear in the wilderness without any clouds, but it wasn’t surprising when so many wind elementals joined together. Additionally, it wasn’t just one or two; at least eight tornadoes faced the undead army.

However, the elves who summoned the tornadoes turned to Liliana with uneasy eyes. The power of the tornadoes wasn’t very high. Even if the intermediate-level undead were blown away by the tornadoes, they could still survive.

‘I was expecting this much!’

Liliana detected the approach of the undead and pulled out the Azoth Sword from her pocket. The shining jewel in the sword was the Philosopher's Stone. This was the sword she received from Paragranum in the past. The stone was a legendary artifact that could change the form of a substance. Of course, there was a limit. However, Liliana was going to use all of its power today, even if it meant destroying the Philosopher's Stone.

“Ars Magna!”

The Azoth Sword glowed intensively as it was aimed at the tornadoes in the wilderness. All of the sand swirling in the tornadoes was discovered by the alchemy magic.

“Turn into white phosphorus!”

It was burdensome to convert an enormous amount at once, which caused the Philosopher's Stone to creak. Nonetheless, Liliana didn’t stop using her magic power. She needed to succeed at least once. If the eight sandstorms turned into a white phosphorus storm, then she could destroy tens of thousands of undead. After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, the sandstorm was covered with a white light.


Liliana didn’t enjoy this moment as she shouted, “Veronica, now!”

“Suuuuop...” Was it because of their soul-connected relationship? Veronica winked and took action the moment Liliana yelled.


She fired a dragon breath toward the white vortex! The flames which could melt metal poured toward the ignitable material. The tornadoes started burning even before the breath reached them, turning into a pillar of fire that connected the sky and earth. It happened just five seconds after the sandstorm turned white.

A super hell was unfolded. The undead were caught by the tornadoes, and their skin and bones became good fuel for the flames. Suddenly, all sides were filled with burning undead. It was an unquenchable fire that would continue burning even if water were poured on it. The undead in the white storm were turned to ash. Aside from the ghost type undead that weren’t affected by physical force and the senior undead that were protected by black magic, all the other undead were set alight as soon as they entered the range of the flames.

Liliana was briefly captivated by the firepower of the plan that she had envisioned.

‘...It is a technique that shouldn’t be used against a living person.’

It was awful. If the target of the attack were human, Liliana would’ve been filled with guilt. The attacking undead were filled with regret! Nevertheless, the undead didn’t stop as they tried to push through the white storm.


One of the four horsem*n, White Knight Hipatia, screamed and put out the white flames around her. It was like a foul, as she twisted fate by interfering with the physical laws. Furthermore, apart from Hipatia, there were many senior undead. They were confused by the white storm, but the inflamed air could not do any damage to the senior undead. As the magic of the lich cut off the oxygen and a cold chill spread, the burning of the white phosphorus ceased and the force of the fire was reduced.


The undead regained their composure and laughed. They didn’t care about the trivial undead being burned. A different means was needed to deal with the senior undead. For example, a sword master’s Aura Ability or a 7th circle attack magic.

So, Liliana decided to give it to them.


‘Four Slots Open.’

Her eight circles opened, and she poured magic power into her right hand.

“Goetia, assist.”

[Yes, my master!]

Four magic spells were activated simultaneously. However, the number of spells wasn’t important. If Liliana’s attempt was successful, it would even surpass 8th circle magic. The great magic, Abraxas—its destructive power was enormous, but it was limited by the number of times it could be used and its long preparation time.

‘It is possible now.’

Liliana added to the stability with the power and control of her eight circles while calculating the different elements. A golden halo rose and wrapped around her body. The magic power was so powerful that the flowing mana itself formed a protective film.

Great magic Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ)...

Liliana had previously obtained a clue in her fight with Pan Helliones. Why did she need to divide Abraxas into chapter 1 and chapter 2? It was because she had the bias that only two antithesis elements could be used together. However, she would now use all four major elements for the complete form of Abraxas.

‘Final Chapter.’

Four spells came to Liliana’s mind. They were magic that could kill 1,000 soldiers and tear up the earth. The red bead that symbolized fire. The blue bead that symbolized water. The yellow bead that symbolized earth. The white bead that symbolized wind. The four magic beads, which had the same colors as the magic towers of Meltor, were united in Liliana’s hands. They swirled in a manner that was hard to control, and she barely managed to aim them.

‘Think of this as my greeting, rotten lizard!’

Then she unleashed the power toward the center of the undead legion.

Chapter 324 - Eve of the Storm (3)


Someone who saw the scene recalled it later... There was just light.

The Lairon Church borrowed this when they talked about the creation of the world, but this case was a little different. It was a heavy rain of light pouring down. The light that was born from the process of collapsing the four elements simultaneously ignored the boundary between matter and non-matter, destroying everything. It was a huge physical blow to the undead. The doom knights’ bodies shattered, and the transparent bodies of the banshees exploded like jellyfish.

This was the great magic, Abraxas! Liliana had envisioned this spell after reaching the 7th circle, but she needed eight circles to fully reproduce the power. The opposing elements collided with each other, and the repulsive force was immediately maximized. It was a physically and magically impossible phenomena, but Liliana’s sorcery made it enter the realm of the ‘possible.’


The light wave broke the corpses mercilessly. It was a pure destructive power that even the caster couldn’t control once it was launched. Besides, the terrible destructive ray wasn’t the only fearsome thing. This was an attack magic that was virtually nonexistent in this world.

It was rare for there to be any magic with ‘no attributes.’ No attribute could interfere with it, and it didn’t respond when pressed with pure force. Dealing destruction that deviated beyond physical properties—this was the true power of Abraxas.

If black magic formed the rules of another world, then this would be a foul there. The undead were disintegrated by the terrible light. The necromancers couldn’t sustain the black magic, the foundation of their existence, against the power of Abraxas. It was the same for the senior undead. Under the light of Abraxas, which destroyed even a lich that had a life vessel, one corner of the undead army collapsed at once. 30% of their total power was lost.

[It is up to here.] At that moment, a dark and eerie voice spoke out. Then darkness blocked the ray of light sweeping through the undead. Jerem couldn’t let any more troops be lost and finally revealed himself.


Light and darkness collided. The shockwave that occurred as a result destroyed thousands of undead in the area, but it was a drop in a bucket compared to Abraxas’ actual destructive power. Jerem used black magic of the 9th circle, creating a wall of imaginary space that absorbed the power from Abraxas. Liliana’s sorcery might not be standardized, but it couldn’t overcome the fundamental differences between magic ranks.

[...You shouldn’t miss it.] However, Jerem groaned after stopping the attack as he realized that half his wall was destroyed.

Even if Jerem’s condition was incomplete, breaking the 9th circle magic till halfway? For Jerem, who had known Liliana a few months ago, this situation was completely unexpected. Jerem’s red eyes glared at Liliana. On the other hand, there was a faint smile on Liliana’s face.


Shortly after that, a supersonic storm pierced through the cracked void and aimed at Jerem’s body. It might not be as good as Abraxas, but it was a striking blow!

[Kuaaaaack!] Jerem’s robes were shredded, and he was thrown into the distance. Most of Abraxas’ power had been lost by destroying the imaginary space, but then a storm arrow tore at Jerem’s body. However, the shooter wasn’t Liliana.

‘Okay. You did it properly, Titania!’

-Of course.

As she spoke in a decisive voice, Liliana looked back at Titania’s position in the distance. Then she could see it. Liliana had not actually been talking about Titania but about something that was a few kilometers, maybe 10 kilometers, away. At a distance where she would seem like a single ant, Liliana looked up at the sky.

There was a giant. It had horns in the shape of a crown and a naked body, completely without clothes, that was as rugged as armor. Like the titans that appeared in ancient myths, the ancient elemental—Geros—looked down at the battlefield while holding a greatbow that matched his physique. The fragment of Zephyrus that had once been contracted to Myrdal Herseim. Unlike Mitra who hadn’t grown yet, Geros’ state was already close to perfect. Titania had been learning to use this form since Myrdal handed over the contract to her.

‘The disadvantage is that a lot of strength is consumed.’

Compared to Myrdal, Titania’s power was lacking. There was a limited number of times that Geros could fire his arrows. The reason was obvious. Even if Liliana had weakened the wall first, Geros’ attack was one which had broken the defenses of the 9th circle magic and damaged Jerem. If Geros could shoot those arrows endlessly, Elvenheim would win in half a day.

The ‘Hurricane Bow’ could only be fired three more times in the future. Liliana kept the number of times in her head as she directed the Elvenheim archers to fire. The undead formations had fallen apart, and their advance was stopped, so this was a chance.

“Shoot! Don’t leave behind any of these ugly things!”

“Aim for the head! Even if the undead are a by-product of magic, they can’t regenerate if the nucleus is destroyed!”

“Use normal arrows for the low-grade undead!”

The elven archers, on the ground and above in the branches, pulled back their bowstrings. Their vision was excellent, and they had delicate hands. The undead that didn’t even retreat were worse than training targets.

Pipipipiping! There was the sharp sound of arrows being fired. Arrows covered the night sky and struck the skulls of the undead. Of course, there were many undead that didn’t collapse from one blow. The dullahans survived using shields, the lich used defensive magic, and the senior undead survived with their own abilities. Then as one dullahan proudly advanced to the elves...


The baptism of golden arrows quickly turned the dullahan into a beehive.

‘The arrows of destruction look good.’

The nature of the matter wasn’t different, be it in the East or West Continent. Still, Liliana sighed with relief.

She didn’t know how frustrated she would be if the things she had spent weeks making became useless. She had made around 100,000 arrows containing the strength of the mantra. It wasn’t enough to remove all the undead, but it was effective when targeting only senior undead.

The undead started to feel the danger. The senior undead didn’t die in one blow, but there was a limit if they were facing 10 or 20 blows. They couldn’t stay fine.

“It has been good so far, but... is it a little lacking?” Liliana looked around the battlefield while floating in the sky.

The number of undead was still huge despite having been hit by Abraxas. There might be more undead being created somewhere. If this became a war of attrition, Elvenheim would have the disadvantage.



“I am going to use more great magic. Do you have enough magic power?”

“I only fired one breath, so I’m fine. Liliana, will you be okay? That previous magic consumed an absurd amount of power...”

Veronica’s words were right. One drawback to Abraxas was that it was a huge burden. Despite having twice the magic power of a magician of the same circle, Liliana was breathing harshly after using it. If she used it three times in a day, her circles would be overloaded. Using it continuously would cause her to self-destruct before beating the enemies.

However, Liliana’s complexion was the same as before. “It is okay. I’ve thought of a shortcut.”

‘Shortcut?’ Veronica made a questioning sound, but she knew there was no time to explain. So, she just raised her magic power and shared it. Simultaneously, Liliana activated her circles, and 16 circles revolved, causing the mana in the area to vibrate.


The undead were astonished by the thunderous sound coming from the sky. In particular, the intelligent lich and other senior undead knew the consequences of this sound. It was the sound of at least five 7th circle spells being used. This was unbelievable. It couldn’t be avoided. Since defense and evasion were impossible, the undead chose to intercept it. If they could stop the magic spells in time, the situation could be resolved somehow.

“This is rotten.” As Liliana continued preparing the magic bombardment in the sky, she sensed the flow of power on the ground. It was the precursor to attack magic to stop her and Veronica. Of course, it wasn’t at a level that could injure the two people. However, their purpose was to stop the magical bombardment. It would be enough to open a gap.

“Do you think I will let you act freely?”

However, Liliana had no intention of allowing it.

‘Ellenoa, now.’

-Yes, I understand! Ellenoa’s strong reply was transmitted through Ratatoskr’s neural network.

What was it now? The answer came flying from the rear of the Elvenheim front lines. Something flew up in a smooth arc and dropped down.

[Mist of death... Bite the flesh… um?] The lich was concentrating on chanting a spell when it noticed a shadow, and its body was crushed by a huge rock.

Kwaang! Kuwang! Kwang! Kukwakwakwang!

It wasn't just one. Hundreds of rocks fell like a rock shower, crushing the undead. Of course, that power wasn’t enough to destroy the senior undead. However, it was sufficient to stop the formation that was preparing the interception magic.

[Ruler… command...! Throw… hard as… possible!]

[Rock… heavy! One more...!]

A little way from the forefront, the ents were throwing the rocks with their hands.

The large objects that were over 10 meters big weren’t comparable to those thrown by catapults. These flew as fast as arrows and fell like bombs. The low-grade undead were crushed, while the senior undead couldn’t ignore the attack, forcing them to go on the defensive.

The elves used the earth elementals to make the rocks for throwing, then the ents threw them regardless of how many of their branches were broken. Meanwhile, Liliana and Veronica completed their spell.

Kururung! Kurung!

The materialized magic power was red and evaporated the nearby air. This was the two great magicians’ magic bombardment that was designed only for destruction! The lich’s jaws snapped shut as they intuitively sensed destruction, while the doom knights and undead forgot to defend. What was the point of struggling when they would just die anyway? Then at that moment...

[Boring,] a voice rang out from the border of the Red Plateau and the Great Forest. Just like the roar of a lion or a tiger, it caused everyone to shiver. It had a big impact. Liliana and Veronica stiffened just as they were about to fire their spells. Their perfectly configured magic formulas were scattered.


“N-Nídhöggur? In this phase?”

The power that he could exert in this material world was limited, but Nastrond’s king was still equivalent to a god. Liliana didn’t know about the tribute Jerem had prepared, but if she knew it wasn’t that big, they would have already been killed without being able to resist.

While Liliana was busy thinking about this, Nídhöggur declared, [Don’t disappoint me, Follower.]

At that moment, something eerie rose up. It was a power that rose from an unknown abyss, a strength that Liliana’s eyes couldn’t see. Nastrond, the dimension ruled by Nídhöggur—its power of darkness and death flowed into this material world.

“I will follow your will, great evil dragon.”

Four shadows floated a few hundred meters in front of Liliana. They were Jerem and the four horsem*n. Jerem had recovered from the damage caused by Hurricane Bow, and his torn body now looked exactly as it had before.

“Hrmm, do they want to try a tag match?”


Liliana faced the enemies with Veronica. From now on, it wasn’t a fight between armies but a fight between leaders. It was the battle between the strongest powerhouses of each army. As they listened to Titania’s words flowing through Ratatoskr, the two magicians’ red robes flapped aggressively.

As the Red Tower’s 8th commandment stated, a good warlock was a dead warlock.

Chapter 325 - The Night that Swallowed the Sun (1)

As the leaders of both sides confronted each other, a terrible phenomenon was occurring on the border. A fraction of Nídhöggur’s power was rising up!

The power coming from the land of the dead wasn’t enough to strengthen Jerem and the Four Horsem*n, but it was sucked into the bodies of the undead army. It was poisonous mana to normal life, but there was no better energy for the undead. Animate Dead, the basic and ultimate spell for necromancers, was cast with the power of a dragon’s breath.


The shattered armor reformed, and the restored doom knights roared. The holes which the arrows had made in the bodies of the undead were filled up, and the lich that had turned to ashes were returned to their prime. Close to half of the undead that had been wiped out in the preemptive attack were resurrected, making it literally a nightmare.

Dominance in the battle increasingly tilted to one side. The rocks thrown by the ents and the arrows from the archers lost their strength against the undead army.

‘I never imagined this. How should I respond?’

A few kilometers behind the front lines, Titania observed the ghastly phenomenon through Geros’ eyes. Should she use the Hurricane Bow to cut off that flow? No, it was pointless. There were only three uses remaining. It was impractical to waste it on ordinary undead.

Titania calmed her confused mind as she looked at Liliana’s back.


She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t help mumbling that as she recalled faded memories. Myrdal Herseim, a person in human form who wasn’t a human—he was the sage who had rescued Titania during her childhood and given her unfathomable teachings before disappearing. The only thing of resemblance was the blue eyes, but Liliana reminded her of Myrdal. Titania felt a vague sense of trust in Liliana.

At that moment, a thunderous voice rang out from the sky, [Don’t be afraid!]

Liliana was using magic to make her voice ring out through the battlefield. Realizing the effect Nídhöggur’s presence was having in the battle, Liliana encouraged Elvenheim, [This evil dragon is an uninvited guest to this material world! He can only stay for a short time if he uses his power like this! Our resistance right now isn’t futile!]

Liliana had experienced war several times and knew that putting aside the undead, fear alone could break down the power of an army. If their attacks didn’t work and the enemy didn’t fall, the lowered morale could become toxic. However, Liliana intervened in a timely fashion. The revival of the undead made the elves step back, but they were no longer afraid.

“Pull your bowstrings! If it doesn’t work with one arrow, fire ten arrows!”

“Our benefactor is watching! Don’t show an ugly side!”

“Don’t back down from the rotten bodies! We are the descendants of the Arv!”

Silver arrows poured down, and the momentum of the rock showers crushed the undead after several attempts. The arrows Edwin fired and the spears Ellaim threw stopped the wave of dead bodies for a while. In addition to them, two other guardians made an effort to chop up the undead like fallen leaves.

Lastly, Elvenheim had one more trump card.


The earth rose. No, an enormous amount of earth moved, giving that impression. Hands? Feet? The earth built itself into a mass weapon that was several hundred tons. The earth shook as the mountain of dirt fell on top of the undead. Unlike the usual shocks, it was a blow that shattered their immortality!

This was the earth elemental ruler, Nohengrin. Using the greatest power that the high elves could exert in the Great Forest, an elemental ruler was summoned. Titania was handling Geros, while four high elves were finishing the summoning of Hraesvelgr.

There was only one high elf who could call Nohengrin.

-Ellenoa, you...?

-I was only recently successful, Titania, Ellenoa said embarrassedly after summoning the elemental ruler.

It was with the aid of Ratatoskr and the world tree, but the result was still amazing. Summoning an elemental ruler after only being in Elvenheim for 10 years...? According to Titania’s memories, none of the high elves had become accustomed to the world tree’s power so fast.

‘Maybe the power of love really exists.’

Titania laughed at the thought.

“...It is time to start.”

As the two sides struggled on the ground, the atmosphere in the sky was changing. Red robes and black robes...

Titania looked at the six shadows and gripped her bow more strongly. The wind moved around her tense body as she prepared to fire at any time.

“A last-ditch effort,” Jerem dismissed his actions after the battlefield was re-energized by Liliana’s cry.

However, the discomfort on Jerem’s face proved that Liliana’s words weren’t wrong. Nídhöggur’s summoning was incomplete until the world tree was consumed. Therefore, his power shouldn’t have been used in this way. Jerem needed to overcome this battlefield as soon as possible.

“A last-ditch effort, doesn’t that apply to you?” Liliana said with a cold laugh.

“Cheeky girl, feeling confident just because of one blow.”

“That isn’t the case. Last I checked, isn’t it two blows? Well, you probably don’t have any brain cells left after dying.”

“...You.” Darkness moved around Jerem’s body. It was evident that Liliana’s taunts were working properly.

The Four Horsem*n read their master’s mood and came forward, while Veronica sent out an intense heat as she prepared for battle. It was an atmosphere where a fight could start at any time. There was nothing more suitable than the term ‘flashpoint.’

The two magicians talked through their contract.

‘I will play with Jerem.’

‘The other three are mine?’

‘Don’t be careless. They aren’t easy.’

‘I know that much.’

At that moment...

“Four Horsem*n,” Jerem gave a command in a furious voice, “Deal with that young woman. Don’t kill her. Bring her flesh before me.”

“As Your Majesty wills.”

Unlike Liliana, Jerem planned to use his subordinates to deal with her. He didn’t doubt that the two magicians would intervene in the decision, so Jerem stretched out both hands. It was clearly to cast a spell. As the two magicians reflexively responded, waves of darkness surged from all over the place.

‘This...?’ Liliana’s five senses disappeared. No, it was the distinctive dizziness of space magic.

Liliana’s eyes widened. ‘Space disassembly!’

It was different from space movement, which moved to a desired location, or spatial distortion that interfered with the existing space. This was a special magic that scattered the targets with no specific coordinates. A magician with great ability could interfere with it. However, it was a trick that Liliana hadn’t thought about, and as such, she responded too late.

As soon as the darkness was lifted, Liliana asked through Ratatoskr, ‘Titania, can you still see me and Veronica?’

-...Veronica and Leader are still in the same place. The other three moved with you, Titania was cold like a hunter.

However, thanks to Titania’s reply, Liliana could sort out the situation quickly and said, “Your master used you to grab my ankles.”

White Knight Hipatia, Red Knight Elohim, and Black Knight Delos—three of the Four Horsem*n faced Liliana. Liliana watched the three knights in front of her and grasped her position. She was 13 kilometers away from the battlefield.

‘I can use the lightning magic to rejoin them, but...’

It would just return to the original situation. If the difference between enemies wasn’t large, she couldn’t win by pursuing safety. She had to know the enemy’s intentions and use power to beat the trick. Thus, Liliana didn’t run away and laughed instead. Each of the Four Horsem*n was a top-grade undead, and only top-level masters were capable of going against them.

“You and your master are too slow to grasp the situation.”

“What?” The three people surrounding her were convinced of their superiority, so they made ridiculing expressions.

Nevertheless, the mocking on Liliana’s face was still intact. “Don’t you understand? The three of you can’t block me.”

She took a step towards the undead. “I will go back after cleaning up all of you. I believe in Veronica’s strength, but it is too much on her own.”

“...Speaking nonsense, human!” Finally, the red knight lost patience and aimed sharp claws at Liliana.

The claws of a vampire could split apart even mithril. A vampire became stronger the more blood and magic power were consumed. After gaining power from the war in the north, the red knight had become several times more powerful than before. Following the fight with Invidia, he was now the most powerful among the Four Horsem*n. Elder vampire—in some legends, it was the highest-ranking undead that flew through the wall of sound.


The red knight reached Liliana in just three steps, but Liliana wasn’t too late to react to that amazing speed.

Forward Facing Array—the perfectly restored version exerted its power after centuries. Based on the grimoire, ‘Baopuzi,’ the technique that drove out evil was unfolded in the hands of a master.

“Keok?” The elder vampire came to an abrupt stop.

Blood suddenly poured from Red Knight Elohim’s mouth as he paused in midair. It was ridiculously powerful binding magic. His speed slowed down to 0, and the binding magic didn’t allow his body to struggle at all. Liliana didn’t miss this moment in which the red knight was wide open.


Three Slots Open.

Trident of Keraunos.

Three lightning spears were combined into one, forming a trident. The 7th circle magic that was compressed into one place evaporated the air around it. The brow, the neck, and the heart—the 150-foot-long thunder trident aimed for three of the weakest points on the red knight’s body.


Magicians might not show any interest, but in the East Continent, it was long believed that lightning was God’s judgment and had the power to destroy wickedness. Fighting for what was right against evil—it was the foundation of a few shamans, and that strength now lay in Liliana’s thunder trident.

“―――?! ――!!? ―――!?!” The red knight couldn’t even scream. Elohim’s vocal cords had already been burned away as he started to boil up, turning into a puddle of pure blood. If this continued, it would be the destruction of the highest-ranking undead!

Kieeeeeeek- At this moment, White Knight Hipatia let out a scream that attacked Liliana’s spirit. Of course, it didn’t last long. However, this interference was enough for the red knight to escape from the thunder.

During this half-second gap, dozens of black magic power strands emerged from the black knight’s staff. It wasn’t complete like Jerem’s, but this was the 8th circle dark lich, an incarnation of evil that could kill a thousand people with a single word.

In an instant, eight curses bound Liliana—decay, erosion, poison, confusion, silence, darkness, binding, and pain. It was better to commit suicide than be cursed like this, but Liliana’s cast magic power and strength from her left hand fought against it.

Even so, a few seconds of paralysis was inevitable. Liliana’s movements stopped for a moment, and Hipatia quickly moved in front of her.

[I will help you become comfortable. You are the king.] It was a soft and kind voice, but Liliana wasn’t deceived.

Hipatia was the highest-ranking ghost type, a terror wight that could destroy an estate with one scream. Furthermore, the scariest thing about undead ghost types was that they could directly interfere or injure the soul. Even if Liliana’s magic power increased several times, she didn’t have the ability to fight against it.

“S-orry… but,” Liliana barely managed to move her lips, “No, thanks.”

[Huh?] As Hipatia made a bemused expression, an eerie noise was heard.


There was the smell of blood.

[...E-h?] Hipatia’s face distorted with pain.

The man in Liliana’s right hand wasn’t affected by the black knight’s curses, and Soul Calibre rose from Liliana’s right hand, piercing Hipatia’s heart. The great hero contained in Umbra, Reynolds Spencer, pitied the slender woman as he stabbed her and murmured in a profound voice, [Sleep well and atone, nameless lady.]

Simultaneously, White Knight Hipatia shattered like glass.

Chapter 18: Chapter 326-350

Chapter Text

Chapter 326 - The Night that Swallowed the Sun (2)

Pakang! There was a sharp noise as Soul Calibre, the soul sword, extinguished Hipatia with a single strike. If it were another one of the Four Horsem*n, Liliana wouldn’t have been able to defeat it all at once. A vampire’s body wasn’t particularly important to them, and the arch lich often stored their life vessel in another place. As such, it wasn’t easy to destroy their immortality in one blow. However, Hipatia was an undead that wasn’t based on the flesh. Therefore, Soul Calibre’s direct hit was indeed fatal.

‘I caught one. There are two left.’

After a few beats, the curses were removed, and magic power once again circulated through her right hand. Reynolds clicked his nonexistent tongue, [Tsk, tsk. You are a very cruel young lady.]

‘I can’t spare her just because her appearance is beautiful.’

[It can’t be helped. She could’ve been rehabilitated if she were alive, but that lady is dead.]

As Liliana and Reynolds talked, Elohim’s eyes became furious as he understood the situation. He might not have the trivial thoughts of a human, but who wouldn’t be angry at losing a colleague they had spent hundreds of years with? This had happened because of his neglect, so the red knight’s eyes turned red.

The mad vampire unfolded a pair of blood wings. “Kyaaaak!”

Red Knight Elohim placed his limbs on the ground like he was a beast. His human appearance was just a shell; his essence was a lump of blood. It was an irregular form that could transform into anything he wanted.

“Don’t be too hasty, Red Knight!”

Elohim changed his body faster than the black knight could give a warning, and the red knight shot off at a terrifying speed. It was much faster than the speed of sound. Even a sword master with lightning-fast reflexes would find it hard to react. His claws were like a beast’s, and his teeth were as sharp as a shark’s teeth. He forgot about the order not to kill Liliana as he attempted to overwhelm her with his primitive flesh.

“Kuruk?” In the high-speed world where even the falling leaves were stopped, he heard it.

-Fool, a creepy voice emerged, causing the red knight to stop. Then he saw a dagger pointed at his body.

“Ha! You are the fool, human!” Elohim, however, ignored this resistance. Strong artifacts couldn’t kill an elder vampire. He might take quite a bit of damage, but it was something he could endure. In fact, he could survive even if he lost the majority of accumulated blood. However, his opponent was human. The human was destined to have her head torn off.

-Ars Magna.

A distance of 10 meters—Elohim crossed that in an instant. Just before Elohim’s claws tore at her enemy, Liliana raised a sword that was shining with a blue light. This was the last sight of the elder vampire, the red knight.

“Turn into water!” Liliana commanded.

Simultaneously, the Philosopher's Stone attached to the Azoth Sword broke. Following the white phosphorus storm, the price of intervening with the body of an elder vampire caused it to reach its limit. Nevertheless, the strength of the Azoth Sword was certain. The moment that the blade shone, the body of the vampire turned to pure water!


It was a shortcut that couldn’t be used for normal creatures, but the elder vampire had a body that was completely made up of blood. Elohim’s source of power, the blood, was lost all at once. The elder vampire had become a slime.

‘Even so, I must not let my guard down.’

Looking down at the vampire that had lost its shape and become a puddle of water, Liliana cast a spell. It was to completely destroy Elohim.


The lightning spear hit the water, and the drops of water struggled as if they were alive. Electricity was more effective against water than fire. By the time the black knight stepped forward, the water on the ground had already dried up. It was the end of a vampire that could destroy an estate.

“Didn’t I tell you? The three of you aren’t a match for me,” Liliana declared as she stepped on the charred ground.

“...You... What did you do?” The black knight was confused by the incomprehensible reality. They were the highest-ranking undead, but there was only one of them left. It might be convincing if Liliana were a transcendent, but she was still at the 8th circle.

“Even if you used an artifact, the amount of magic power that you have is strange. You might’ve reached the 8th circle, but you used great magic continuously and even overwhelmed us...!”

“Is that all you want to say?” Liliana had Soul Calibre in her right hand and a thunder spear in her left hand, facing Black Knight Delos without any hesitation. After losing his colleagues, the black knight wasn’t a threat to Liliana.

“Then it is time to leave, ghost of an old era.”

The battle that started didn’t last long.

* * *


Veronica’s body zigzagged through the clouds and avoided the attacks of the enemy. Black lightning chased her and struck empty clouds, ripping them apart and burning the air in the area. This was a level of lightning that deviated from the natural laws of the material world. It had a fast attack speed and a destructive power similar to that of Hellfire, which meant that Veronica didn’t dare confront the damage.

‘Tch, using magic that I haven’t heard of!’

That was the enemy she was fighting against. Meltor’s magic might’ve developed over the centuries, but it wasn’t a level that could go against magic from the Age of Mythology. Jerem could freely use that magic, so he was powerful even if he hadn’t regained his nine circles.

Beyond the clouds, Jerem’s black robe flapped like a grim reaper, and he started launching magic at Veronica, who flashed brightly like a comet.

“Water of Cocytus, kill my enemy.”

There was no big difference in the attack power of the water attribute magic. Hundreds of water arrows floated in midair, and Jerem aimed them at his constantly flying target with a relaxed face.

Cocytus—it was a large river from another dimension that froze any object it touched with a single drop of its water. It didn’t physically freeze the target. Rather, it stopped the target’s mind and body. It was a black magic that resulted in the target’s defeat the moment the target tried to defend.

Pipipipiping! The water arrows poured down. It was a barrage that couldn’t be avoided, so Veronica immediately turned to counterattack.

Her magic power boiled intensely, and fire arrows popped up to intercept the water arrows. This was impossible to do without elaborate magic power control and abundant practical experience. As the two spells canceled each other, a huge gust of wind came from behind Jerem. “...Annoying.”

The wind had more power than a 6th circle attack magic. It was due to an insight that knew when to break the flow of battle. Jerem growled wildly and stared at the shooter that was somewhere in the Great Forest. The storm had the power to destroy his body. He could ignore a few mediocre arrows, but this storm was an exception. Without the help of Nídhöggur, he would have collapsed from the power that was equivalent to the eight circles.

At one glance, the combination of the two people, Veronica and Titania, seemed more powerful than expected. Veronica looked around at the battlefield calmly. The difference in capabilities was clear. If it was a one-on-one, she would’ve died or be placed in a dilemma in her draconic state.

‘No, it is limiting even with Titania.’

Unlike their opponent who had a bottomless number of means, the two of them had exhausted all means except their trump card. If Titania used her Hurricane Bow well, they could last another 10 minutes. However, if something went wrong, they would both die. This was a situation where she had to take a gamble.

Veronica struggled for a while before making a decision. “Haaap!”

Horns appeared, and scales grew. The temperature of the blood flowing in her body rose dozens of degrees, and her red hair flickered like it was burning. This was her time-limited combat state, the draconic form. Her magic power was boosted several times, and the atmosphere shook. Jerem sensed the force from a distance and became alert. He knew that his opponent’s momentary output had reached a level that could threaten him.

“This declining era is really full of annoying people,” Jerem growled in an annoyed voice.

At this moment...


A white light appeared from somewhere and was sucked into Jerem’s body. It was a piece of the power he had given to each of the Four Horsem*n when he made them a long time ago. The piece from White Knight Hipatia had returned to him.

“...Hipatia was destroyed?” The confused Jerem had barely cleared his throat when another piece of light was sucked into him. This time, it was the piece from Red Knight Elohim. Jerem suddenly stopped, but Veronica just watched without taking action.

‘He is full of loopholes. Nevertheless...!’

She would die if she moved forward. Veronica knew because she had gained more power after entering the draconic state. The moment he accepted the two pieces of light, Jerem became another being. He was now a monster comparable to the 9th circle.

“Ah.” However, unlike Veronica who saw it directly from the front, Titania who was on the ground moved. She saw that her opponent showed loopholes, and her hunter’s instincts prevailed. Hurricane Bow. There was a giant gust of wind as the huge bow fired, and a storm appeared.


The storm ripped through the clouds and swallowed up Jerem’s body.

“Yes, they lost to that little enchantress.”

A black-robed hand stretched out from the storm. It was a skinny hand, but the darkness spreading from the palm was an imaginary space that blocked all physical forces. His eyes shone red, and Jerem aimed at Veronica with his right hand. “Grim Reaper, move your scythe.”

Veronica felt cold despite her boiling blood. Chill. Her nerves accelerated to the extreme as something appeared in the air and raised a scythe. Dark robe, white bones, and giant scythe—it was the spitting image of a grim reaper with a scythe described in books. This was a blow that cut between the boundary of matter and non-matter, breaking Veronica’s body and cutting the soul.

It was too late to avoid it. There was no way to block it. Veronica formed a fist as she sensed it. She aimed her fist at the falling scythe that tore apart space.


There was no sound. A shockwave appeared in the air. The reaper’s scythe and Veronica’s punch... Was it the spell or the blow that contained all her power? The reaper swung its scythe once before melting away. This was the legend that had once cut a demon’s neck.

“Haack! Hak! Huaaa...!” It was a failure. Veronica was delighted at the fact that she was alive, despite the blood running down her half-cut off right arm. She would’ve been cut in half if she wasn’t in her draconic form. It was because she had used pure strength and speed against the reaper’s scythe. Jerem was surprised and asked in a low voice, “You survived. But what can you do with that body?”

The storm blocked by his left hand had already disappeared. He had blocked Titania’s blow easily. Veronica realized that the strategy they had used so far wouldn’t work anymore. Now, it was a game of pure power. The odds were slim, and her cut right arm hadn’t recovered yet. However, her fighting spirit burned brightly. Then at that moment...

“...You fell as well, Delos?” A black light was sucked into Jerem’s body, and his presence swelled even more.

It was at the level of facing a dragon. At this point, the odds of Veronica and Titania winning fell to zero. However, when Veronica sensed this, she laughed. The expression on her face wasn’t one of having given up or being prepared to die. Since when had a familiar back appeared...?

“All your subordinates have fallen, Jerem!” Liliana had turned her body into lightning to return. Her red robes flapped as she declared war on the worst warlock in this material world. “You can’t hide behind your subordinates now. Bring it on!”

“Ha, I’m hiding?”

A killing intent strong enough to stop the wind rose up! A fog of death and darkness emerged to cover the area.

Kururung...! Kurung! Kururung!

After absorbing the power of the Four Horsem*n, Jerem’s black magic power couldn’t be compared to before. He might not have recovered the form of nine circles, but the amount and casting speed were comparable to that. An adult dragon would pale before it as the magician of death drew out his strength.

“I’ll let you know your place, natives of this world!”

Chapter 327 - The Night that Swallowed the Sun (3)

Compared to Jerem’s small and weak body floating in the sky, the black magic emanating from him was like a tidal wave. Red lights shone out a few times from the center of that darkness, which was emitting the waves. The magicians who communicated with mana of the material world had a higher influence on the surrounding environment as their level increased, but warlocks were an exception in a bad way. It was like dropping poison into a clear pond.

This magic power, which drew from two dimensions, contaminated this world’s mana and hindered the flow of normal magic power. Life forms would lose their shape after continuous exposure to this black magic, and the ecosystem would collapse after a short period of time. Considering the power of the world tree, it wasn’t a big problem for the moment. However, with the amount of magic power Jerem had, it was just a matter of time.

Liliana raised both of her eyebrows and spread her slender palms open before her. “Hap!” Her magic power emerged like a storm. Kurururung. The black magic power was suddenly pushed back, and the fog of darkness shot up instead of falling to the ground. It was proof that for a very short period of time, Liliana’s magic power had exceeded the enemy’s.

The dark red light around Jerem became thicker as he saw it. Liliana had defeated Jerem’s subordinates in a short amount of time and operated a magic power that went beyond the 8th circle. Liliana was also a sorceress with a grimoire as her base, so Jerem had to be careful.

‘What? She feels much stronger than before?’ Liliana had time to talk to her advisers, thanks to Jerem’s caution. Liliana had only spent a short amount of time dealing with the Four Horsem*n. However, in the time she had been gone, Jerem had become more powerful in a manner that Liliana couldn’t understand.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t a problem for Gluttony.

-That is Soul Partition! Did he recover the pieces that he planted in the Four Horsem*n? The pressure must be quite serious in his injured state, but he must be confident about ending this quickly.

Liliana couldn’t understand all of what Gluttony said, but the reason behind Jerem’s increase in strength was clear.

‘Is it because I knocked out the Four Horsem*n? But the connection between the necromancer and undead is a one-way path... Isn’t it theoretically impossible to reclaim the magic power that he gave to the undead?’

-That’s right. The magic power can’t be taken back.

However, the thing that Jerem recovered wasn’t his magic power.

-The cost of maintaining the highest level undead is high. In order for them to have been active for thousands of years after their master died, magic power the level of a dragon heart would have been needed. Jerem probably broke off parts of his soul and planted them in the Four Horsem*n.

‘...Indeed, he was a transcendent in that age.’

The current Jerem was sealed in a grimoire. He was weathered by the thousands of years, as well as injured by Mitra. As such, his power was limited compared to what he had in the past. Despite Jerem being in a very weak state, it was understandable that his level had jumped so much after regaining some of his past power.

Liliana grew cautious as she realized the sudden change in circ*mstances. Meanwhile, Gluttony spoke in the same tone as normal, -But he isn’t able to utilize all his abilities. He can’t resurrect the Four Horsem*n, and the range of spells has only increased somewhat.

‘In other words, he hasn’t reached the 9th circle?’

-That’s right. The wound that your kid dealt to his soul isn’t easy to recover from. If that was possible, Jerem would’ve torn out the souls in the Four Horsem*n sooner in order to recover.

Liliana laughed at the words and agreed, “I got it.”

She faced the red light of Jerem in the distant sky and became conscious of the foreign object in her hand. It was a foul that Liliana decided to use in this fight. The item’s size had been reduced to make it easy to carry, and it could be used as a portable magic power stone. This was a treasure she had gotten by finding Paracelsus’ laboratory in the past and unraveling an unexpected connection.

It was the heart that the sand dragon, Desertio, left behind! The item which contained the magic power of nine circles was inside Liliana’s robe.

Of course, it was impossible for Liliana to do anything with it other than use it as a supply of magic power. Resistance would occur if another species consumed it without refining it first, and the power of the dragon heart would destroy the person’s body. Only Liliana, who had the absurd ‘Forced Harmonization’, was able to utilize the ridiculous magic power.

“Veronica, how long can you keep that state?”

“30 minutes on the premise that I’m not injured. But if we keep fighting, it will be limited to 15 minutes.”

“15 minutes... It is a bit close.”

Liliana conveyed instructions to Veronica and Titania. Veronica was in a dragon state, while Titania had two more shots left. If Titania, Veronica, and Liliana were unable to stop Jerem even with the dragon heart, then it would be impossible.

“Okay, I’m beginning.” Liliana moved with a sense of responsibility that had become heavier.

Memorize. All Slots Open. Octuple.

The efficiency of her magic power consumption was good. The moment Liliana held the dragon heart in her hand, her magic power became close to limitless. There was a limit to the amount that could be drawn out at one time. However, once she poured out all her magic power, it would return to being full in an instant.

The magic power around Liliana’s body took the form of blue lightning and turned into the shape of a giant spear. It was literally a divine lightning spear. The spear had a full length of 20 meters, and thunder echoed around it, attracting attention. Before Jerem could respond—

「Убирайся-к-чёрту (Go aw-ay)!」 The sound of a human voice beyond the limit exploded outward.


The fog cleared. It was due to the Dragon Words, one of the strongest powers in this material world. The fog of black magic covering the sky was lifted with the strong but simple words. Simultaneously, the huge lightning spear thrust forward.

Kwarururung! However, it didn’t reach its destination. A wall of darkness had appeared and blocked the lightning spear. It was a black magic spell that rendered the power of all physical attacks to zero. However, it was difficult for Jerem to cope with the power of Liliana’s attacks, and a small crack appeared in the wall. Before the gap could be filled up, another storm struck.

Liliana’s tactic of penetrating the damaged defenses and hitting Jerem was repeated in a second attack!

“―Hah, not even funny.” Jerem’s eyes glared angrily as he faced the series of attacks.

Peng! Jerem broke the arrow from Hurricane Bow like he had been waiting for it. After all, he had a lot of defenses, not just the wall of darkness. Then the wind scattered, sucked away like it was in a vacuum. Magicians were readers. They were the type of people who read the opponent, and their plan and weakness, then they would pierce through the gap to win. Yet a magician was reusing the same tactic as if they were unaware of this fact...? That wasn’t possible unless they were making fun of Jerem. Therefore, Jerem’s response was one beat late.

Peeeeeong! Veronica’s fist stopped in front of Jerem. In her draconic form, her strength was a few times stronger than normal, but it still couldn’t break through the magic power barrier.

“...Hiding behind the storm and unleashing a series of attacks,” Jerem commented.

Nevertheless, a shock was delivered. It was enough to damage Jerem’s robe through the magic barrier that was almost at the level of the 9th circle. His robe fell down, revealing an undead wrapped in a dull darkness. It was the undead body of the Pale Rider which had been created by collecting the power of death. Jerem’s anger could be seen clearly as even his bones were shaking.

“How interesting. But you haven’t reached this body?” Jerem spoke in a dry voice.

A lump of rage and dark energy headed toward Liliana’s party with an enormous amount of power. It wasn’t a spell, just pure magic power.

“I will make you know your place!”

An image of the reaper came to mind. There were also unknown existences hidden in the darkness. The summoning of a grim reaper and opening a lower dimension... They were spells from an ancient era, and in these times, it was doubted they had ever even existed.

Reality and nightmares started to cross in the sky above Elvenheim.

* * *

The darkness swirled vigorously, and flames poured out without rest. Lightning struck brightly, and gusts of winds blew. The fight which had started in earnest was now much fiercer than before. It was a battlefield without a single moment of rest, where one mistake would mean death.

Veronica was like a raptor wandering in this vortex.

“sh*t!” 90 degrees left, 30 degrees right. She avoided the dark spear and creatures hidden in the darkness with her flame wings. The creatures that got caught in the flames burned and fell down to the ground, but there were no gaps. As soon as she tried to take a break, the fog that stopped all life came at her.

When she saw the wave of black magic power, Veronica screamed, “Inferno!” A spell cast with one word destroyed the fog. She smiled wryly at the sight of this battlefield where spells, which determined victory or defeat, were being used instead of shields. Veronica looked at the lightning rushing above her.

‘I am proud to have a lover like that.’ At first, the fight centered around Veronica’s draconic form. The 7th circle magic, the durable body, and the strength she placed in just a single fist wasn’t something that even Jerem could ignore. The problem was that the transformation had already ended after 15 minutes passed.

Pipipipiping! Hundreds of arrows flew toward the ground, while Veronica burned a few ghoul wyverns around her. Titania’s use of the Hurricane Bow was no different from Veronica’s state. As it was a battle of two beings near transcendence, Titania and Veronica didn’t dare interfere with Liliana’s and Jerem’s strength. Currently, Veronica and Titania were at their limits just by attracting attention.

“...Win, my Liliana.” Veronica looked up at the darkness and lightning swirling in the far sky. She never thought that she would be lacking power after reaching the 8th circle, but the world was full of strange things. Veronica formed a fist one more time as she recalled her beloved’s face.

Kkieeeek! “Shut up! I can’t concentrate!” She was going to beat up all these small fries.

* * *

‘They seem to be holding up well down there.’

In the slowed down world of lightning, Liliana was able to see flickering flames. It was Veronica’s breath.

The soul connected to hers through the eternal contract was still calm, and her magic power was fairly intact. If it continued like this, they would be able to endure for another hour. Liliana judged the situation calmly and moved as the death knight’s sword aimed at her.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission. Hand Counterattack Technique. Both Hands Wind and Moon. Lightning and the fairy dance at the same time...! It had been impossible in the past, but Liliana deepened her understanding after reaching the 8th circle. Now, she could combine the two different fields without difficulty. She used one hand to block the blade and the other to attack.

Kwarurung! As the palm containing lightning slammed into the death knight’s body, the death knight’s black armor broke down, and the large body was thrown back. It might be different for a normal sword master, but the body of a crusader picked up from Lairon was unable to bear the fusion ability.

The death knight crashed into the ground from the blow. Liliana left the death knight for Veronica to finish off, while she stared at Jerem. Then Jerem spoke from where he was floating in the air, “How annoying. Do you want to do a war of attrition?”

“There is nothing else I can do.” Unlike her casual way of speaking, the emotions in Jerem’s gaze were unclear. Despite having a contract with Nídhöggur, Jerem was being pushed by Liliana, who was a mortal. Additionally, he was consuming power to maintain the summoning of Nídhöggur, so Jerem didn’t welcome a war of attrition.

‘...I don’t have much time left either.’ Liliana ignored the throbbing pain in her heart and looked at the sky in the east with a more relaxed expression. The presence of the dragon heart didn’t mean that her available magic power was infinite. Liliana’s physical body was taking a lot of abuse from the process of accepting and discharging the enormous power in her body. If she compared it to a rubber band, it was the repetitive act of pulling and releasing hard.

‘I have to take his life in the next two attacks.’ Liliana accurately diagnosed her limitations and examined the tactics she had available. In the meantime, Jerem’s minor summons were still interfering with Liliana.

Kiiing-An evil spirit, made from 7th circle curse magic, was broken into pieces by the sword in Liliana’s right arm. The Soul Calibre directed by Reynolds was more effective than she had expected. Reynolds allowed Liliana to kill enemies that were resistant to magic power. Without Reynolds, this fight would’ve been much more difficult.

“Tsk, you learned a strange magic from somewhere.” Jerem clicked his tongue at this scene. It was a magic that Liliana hadn’t known a few months ago. Looking at it, the power was absurd. How could she have learned a magic like that in a short period of time and become so skillful in it? It wasn’t a standard ability of the seven sins grimoire.

However, it was fair to say that Jerem would’ve have been capable of it if the grimoire had chosen her as its master.

“Ah.” At that moment... “It is over,” Liliana muttered words that Jerem didn’t understand.

“What is over?”

“Look at the horizon to the east.”

“What?” Jerem looked in the direction mentioned and his expression stiffened. A certain phenomenon was getting closer.

“Daybreak.” The sun was the enemy of all undead, but its influence varied greatly with time and location. For example, the undead wouldn’t be affected at twilight when the sun was starting to fall below the western horizon. Then when did it have the most deadly effect on the undead? People often said noon, but magicians knew better.

The moment when the sun rose in the east at dawn had the biggest impact on the undead.

“...Were you planning for this from the beginning?”

“Half. If possible, I wanted to win with my own strength. However, it is difficult to endure.”

“You rat bastard...!” Jerem was angry, but there was nothing a mortal could do about the rising and setting of the sun. No matter how much magic power Jerem had, he couldn’t cover the whole sky and block out the darkness. That was also impossible for Liliana. Based on the rules of the material world, Liliana judged it as her victory. For these rules to be overturned, a presence from outside these rules had to intervene.

-Pathetic, Follower. The being that was physically outside the world looked down at his follower and scoffed. He gave off a crushing presence with just a few words! Liliana closed her mouth while Nídhöggur looked at the eastern sky. The sky was golden, with dawn coming like a wave.

-This is truly an unpleasant light, he spoke unpleasantly and then yawned widely.

-From now on, I prohibit sunrise, Nídhöggur said absurd words. Huk. This was the end. With just a few words, Nídhöggur’s command pressed down on the material world. Despite the sun that was peeping out from the east… Liliana didn’t know how it was possible, but the sky that was about to brighten turned dark again.

Death and darkness, the power of the dragon who ruled over Nastrond! This was a transcendent’s power.

“...Damn,” Liliana cursed. Meanwhile, the two camps of light and darkness felt sorrow and joy respectively. Flash! Behind Liliana’s back, a bright light suddenly rose from the center of Elvenheim. It pushed away the darkness filling the sky, spreading out like the sun. No, it was different from sunlight. The moment the light touched her skin, Liliana could see the absurd source of this light. It was a power that was one step closer to the gods than humanity, a feeling that came before the five senses.

“Perhaps...” As if to confirm her intuition, she heard voices, that had been silent for weeks, cheer.

-It has finally succeeded! Liliana, look!

-It isn’t too late? Please tell me it is alright!

-Stop beating around the bush! We can’t see it from here!

--...I... see... They were the four high elves. These were the voices of those doing the summoning circle. If so, then there was only one possible source of this light.


It was of a ridiculous size. Two huge wings spread out over the horizon, and a beak moved through the clouds. The being called the legendary giant bird of the east... anyone who saw it would think it was Hraesvelgr. A single flap of his wings could cause a hurricane, and he had fought with an evil dragon over the world tree. Hraesvelgr had been summoned to greet his mortal enemy.

Chapter 328 - The Night that Swallowed the Sun (4)

"Lili!" Liliana shouted after discovering the identity of the giant bird.

‘I heard she was a big sacred creature, but… isn’t this too big?’

Hraesvelgr was enormous, spanning dozens of kilometers and clearly visible to everyone on the battlefield. One of her feathers could cover four or five people, and whenever she flapped her wings, it seemed like the whole world turned white. Her eyes seemed immeasurable due to her immense size, making Liliana’s perspective strange. Hraesvelgr herself was a transcendent body with such enormous power.


Shortly after, Hraesvelgr, who was white from head to tail feathers, slowly raised her eyelids. Having been summoned in front of the world tree, Hraesvelgr looked around the battlefield without saying anything until turning to the part of the sky where Liliana and Jerem were standing. There were signs of an enemy that could never be forgotten.

[Arrogant and greedy lizard, you still desire the world tree?]

Hraesvelgr’s voice admonished in a dry tone, spreading to all corners of the battlefield. Someone said this in the past, ‘Sound was vibration.’ Hraesvelgr’s voice didn’t stray from this concept. The vibrations from the giant creature flowed through the sky and ground without losing a single bit of power. Everyone heard her voice, regardless of the boundaries between the living and the dead.

When Jerem heard Hraesvelgr’s voice, he unconsciously predicted the worst development. The demon king of Nastrond, the arrogant dragon, couldn’t let this provocation pass.

[―Hraesvelgr, it is you!]

Unsurprisingly, Nídhöggur roared and revealed his body. So far, he had stayed in the position of a bystander to preserve his power. However, Nídhöggur faced Hraesvelgr now.

[You are blocking me again! You haven’t learned anything from the Age of Mythology! We have the same origins and will gain nothing from going against each other!]

[That’s why you don’t understand, demon king of Nastrond.]

Since time immemorial, good and evil had faced each other. Hraesvelgr was a sacred creature on the side of good, while Nídhöggur was a dragon on the side of evil. The battle over the world tree during the Age of Mythology had been an extension of that long struggle. As it happened, the two beings had the same habit of swallowing dead bodies.

However, unlike Nídhöggur who enjoyed the act of torture, Hraesvelgr aimed to enrich the soil. Hraesvelgr looked at the ground and unfolded her wings with a heavy sigh.

[Today, I might end up overeating.]

Nídhöggur bared his ugly teeth. [Good. I won’t pass up this chance if you are coming out!]

These were beings from the Age of Mythology! As the white eagle and black dragon scattered their presence, those sandwiched in between were forced to feel pressure. Those who didn’t have properly trained minds and bodies fainted, while the undead that couldn’t protect themselves were destroyed. It was a presence that was hard to bear, even when they were just looking at each other.

[...I need to change places,] Hraesvelgr spoke while flapping her two wings.


She was so big that the clouds were torn apart with just a light motion, while the atmospheric flow twisted into a vortex. As it was recorded in the legends, it wasn’t impossible for Hraesvelgr to cause a hurricane with a single flap of her wings. Hraesvelgr soared as mortals looked up at her in awe. Then she looked down at the ground and asked,

[Are your wings just ornaments, Nídhöggur?]

[Hah, provoking me.] Nídhöggur knew his opponent’s intentions. Nídhöggur might treat mortals like worms, but Hraesvelgr respected life. This area would be turned to ruins if it were caught up in the fight between two transcendents, so Hraesvelgr flew into the distant sky to avoid this.

However, Nídhöggur just laughed wildly and spread his wings.

[A king doesn’t refuse challenges. I will accept this provocation!]

Simultaneously, the enormous bodies of the two transcendents ignored the laws of physics and flew into the sky. Their bodies were real yet unreal. The two monsters that couldn’t be understood by mortals of this material world instantly exceeded the speed of sound by dozens of times.

It was a super-fast speed that wasn’t affected by resistance and gravity! They flashed past the atmosphere and the stratosphere before stopping.

[Hrmm, this place will be fine,] Hraesvelgr remarked. It couldn’t be helped if those below were still affected by the battle this far up. Then she gazed at the enemy before her and said,

[Let’s start.]

[Is this place really okay, Hraesvelgr?]


Hraesvelgr tilted her head, and Nídhöggur moved his venomous tongue. One bite from Nídhöggur and even a sacred creature would die.

[Then die!]

On the outskirts of the stars, the two transcendents started their fight.

* * *


It was a ridiculous sight. Liliana sweated anxiously as she gazed at the distant sky. This was a sight similar to the aurora that could be seen in the snowy northern country. However, in Liliana’s eyes, this was more frightening than hell.

‘T-The sky is being torn apart. These are Nídhöggur’s and Hraesvelgr’s incomplete powers?’

The fight wasn’t at a distance where it could be seen with one’s eyes, but a sorceress could deduce the epicenter of the mana wavelength.

According to Liliana’s calculations, the two transcendents were around 1,000 kilometers away. The power could pass through a few cities, maybe a few kingdoms. Heat, wind, and pressure... The forces that came from the fight between Nídhöggur and Hraesvelgr exceeded the range of 1,000 kilometers! If Hraesvelgr hadn’t moved, Elvenheim would’ve been destroyed by the fight between the two.

“...I have to worry about my side.”

Now wasn’t the time to be thinking about the struggle between transcendents. Liliana looked in front of her, where Jerem seemed a bit different from before.

‘Hmm?’ There was something strange. Liliana felt a subtle discomfort and opened her spirit eyes. Then Liliana could see the reason for her discomfort.

‘Jerem’s power has decreased? Why?’

The amount of mana and presence coming from Jerem had decreased considerably. If Liliana had been at her limits during the fight earlier, then it was worth fighting now. However, Liliana didn’t act recklessly and spent a moment speculating about the reason. There was a chance that this weakening could be a trap.

- It is because of Nídhöggur, the silent Gluttony said suddenly.

‘Is that so?’

- Yes. Unlike Hraesvelgr who is sustained by the Great Forest, the world tree, and the four high elves, Jerem is supporting Nídhöggur alone. The burden won’t be light, even if he offered valuable sacrifices.

Liliana accepted the explanation. If Nídhöggur could move freely, then there would be no reason for Jerem to drag on this boring battle. It was a big burden on Jerem, so he wouldn’t do anything to speed up the power consumption.

In that case, this situation was a big chance for Liliana. “...I shall try it once.”

Jerem belatedly noticed the change, but there was no one in this era who could beat Liliana when it came to speed. The lightning shot out before Jerem could even cast a spell.


There were multiple spears in the lightning state. Double, triple, quadruple... It was unbelievable that a single sorceress could cast the enormous number of attack magic filling the air. Lightning Vortex, Inferno, Rotting Hands, and Shadow Spike... Adding on the newly learned magic, eight attacks were completed in a matter of seconds and aimed toward Jerem.


Jerem’s body flew toward the ground. He reduced the impact with defense magic, but the defense magic was blown away. Liliana wasn’t one to miss this defenseless gap. “Gluttony, open the Hall of Fame!”

- Choose the soul you want to call.

“Heathcliff!” Liliana quickly summoned a soul and exercised her rights.

[Heathcliff’s soul has been called.]

[You have chosen to use target name Heathcliff’s Supercell. The rating is C++. Adjusted to the maximum power. 3,000 achievement points will be consumed.]

[Set the target point.]

It was the magic that made White Tower Master Heathcliff famous. Liliana might not be able to use it herself, but she could borrow its strength using the Hall of Fame. She set the target point for the falling Jerem, and power rose from the mouth in her left hand. It was the magic borrowed from the Hall of Fame—Supercell!

Lightning clouds suddenly swept over the land. The place where Jerem fell to was in the middle of the undead army, so there was no chance of Liliana’s allies being caught in the aftermath. It was an artificially created thunderstorm. In a few seconds, thunder stronger than 6th circle magic emerged from the clouds. The water droplets falling from them caused the thunder to have more efficient destruction. A storm of thunder struck in all directions. It was the moment when a spell that could deal with tens of thousands of troops was triggered to defeat only one necromancer.

“...Don’t, climb――!” Even so, the opponent was Jerem. He might not be able to exert the power of the 9th circle, but Jerem quickly found a gap in the clouds and broke apart the thunderstorm with darkness. It was proof that his understanding of magic was ridiculously high. If Jerem wasn’t a warlock and the enemy, Liliana would’ve felt in awe of him.

‘But...’ Liliana grinned when she saw the ragged Jerem and the blackened bones. Jerem had certainly weakened as a surprise attack had managed to damage him. Nídhöggur was busy with Hraesvelgr and could no longer protect him. Meanwhile, Liliana still had strength and means to fight.


- Yes.

“Call Abe no Seimei. Use Curse Protection and Protection against the Fallen.”

- I understand.

[Abe no Seimei’s soul has been called.]

[Object name Abe no Seimei’s ‘Curse Protection’ has been selected. The rating is B. Liliana Miller has been chosen to be protected. Any curse magic at or below the 8th circle will be completely blocked. The duration is 10 minutes, and 6,000 achievement points have been consumed.]

[Object name Abe no Seimei’s ‘Protection from the Fallen’ has been selected. The rating is C+. Liliana Miller has been chosen as the target. The target is given the power to deal further damage to all evil. The duration is 10 minutes and 4,500 achievement points have been consumed.]

Abe no Seimei was one of the greatest shamans, as well as an iron wall against evil spirits. It might be different if Jerem were in a perfect state, but right now, he couldn’t use any curse magic of the 9th circle. Additionally, there was the Protection against the Fallen. Jerem would die if Liliana used Soul Calibre against him in this state.

‘It is a little bit disappointing, but it isn’t worth saving the points.’ If Liliana added the 13,500 points consumed by Reading the Mysteries of Heaven, then she had spent 37,500 points on Jerem. She wouldn’t have had so many points if Gluttony hadn’t swallowed the undead inside Jerem’s Tartarus. In that case, she wouldn’t have been able to fight Jerem. In a sense, this could be called a situation caused by causality.

“You still have tricks...” Jerem felt the power coming from Liliana’s body and looked at her with a miserable expression. Liliana did not give any explanation or reason. She simply stepped forward while holding Soul Calibre in her right hand and a lightning spear in her left hand. It was time to put an end to this pointless fight.

Chapter 329 - The Night that Swallowed the Sun (5)

The first attack was from Liliana. The lightning in her hand collided with Jerem’s shield.


The lightning spear was pushed down and exploded the ground around it. If this were a desert, then the phenomenon, ‘glassing’, would occur. Dust clouds rose from the explosion and covered the whole area. Nonetheless, Liliana did not hesitate to advance. Her eyes weren’t covered by the dust, and she felt like this was the last chance. Super sensitivity—it was the intuition that appeared again after being silent in Nídhöggur’s presence.

‘Jerem’s magic power isn’t infinite. The level of the undead has fallen, and my side has a chance to win.’

The burden on Jerem couldn’t be compared to before after Nídhöggur started moving in earnest. Moreover, Jerem’s power had declined, while Liliana was still hiding a few trump cards. For example, what about the magic scrolls she had gotten a while ago?

“Gluttony, release number 112 to 119 from the inventory!”


At Liliana’s words, eight magic scrolls popped out from her left hand. It was part of the rewards she got from Paragranum after going to Paracelsus’ laboratory a while ago. There were 12 scrolls of 7th circle magic, and she chose eight that were useful for combat. She invoked all of them without any errors.


Overwhelming magic power shone from the scrolls.

‘Someone else might think this is a waste of money!’

The 7th circle scrolls could buy a small territory, and now eight of them were being used at once. The scrolls floated in midair and fired the 7th circle magic.

A heavy storm emerged from a scroll.
Tongues of fire emerged from another scroll.
There was a scroll that shot out lightning bolts.
There was also a scroll that froze a certain amount of space.

Additionally, there were several other attack spells that hit Jerem. There was a loud explosion, and the earth shook.

If used properly, this was a chain of attack power that could kill a sword master in one go. However, Liliana plunged into the storm she created without much expectation. It was powerful but not enough to destroy the wall of darkness or Jerem’s immortality.

‘It is enough to stop him for a moment.’

Unsurprisingly, a being stood in front of Liliana after she entered the storm. The eyes of the death knight, an undead strong enough to survive the 7th circle attack magic, glowed brightly. However, its body wasn’t in a perfect state. Liliana blocked the sword aiming at her throat and stabbed the death knight with Soul Calibre a few times. The death knight’s immortality was completely destroyed, and it crumbled. The death knight hadn’t been at a level to completely endure the power of the 7th circle magic scrolls, but it couldn’t avoid the spells due to the presence of its master behind it.

"...Being used as a shield? It was a vain end.”

However, Jerem’s thoughts were a little different. Beyond the dust, his white jawbones moved as he spoke, “A servant should be satisfied about protecting its master. Everybody has a place and role. Its role was to sacrifice itself for me.”

“Ha, is that so?” Liliana laughed without questioning it. “Then isn’t the role of the evil warlock to fall before me?”

“Let’s see?” A red light flashed in Jerem’s eye sockets, and he raised thin finger bones. Then he pointed to Liliana and declared in a loud voice, “True evil doesn’t disappear.”

With those words, the conversation ended. There was nothing more to be said. Jerem chanted a short spell before Liliana could act. Then translucent evil spirits rose from the ground, grabbing at Liliana’s ankles and body. She was caught in their terrible grip, and her vitality sucked out.

This was Drain Specter, which took away the vitality of a living being through contact.

[Huhu, how ridiculous!] This was insignificant to the old heroes.

Soul Calibre flashed a few times, cutting the necks of the evil spirits that tried to approach Liliana. Even the spirits under the ground were destroyed.

“Indeed, that sword is a special magic that kills the soul. I now understand why the Four Horsem*n couldn’t go against you.” Jerem’s black magic moved in an ominous manner as he talked. “It isn’t effective against physical defenses and can’t be used if you aren’t close. It is impossible to use unless it is by a variant like you.”

“What, variant?”

“A magician who is able to use a hodgepodge of things. No, isn’t it because of Gluttony? Hahaha, you are really lucky to eat everything...” Jerem spoke with a blank expression and raised his finger, setting up a barrier of bones around him. He looked similar to the reaper beckoning from across the river of death. “Come, my last adversary.”

Simultaneously, Liliana’s body became a flash of blue.


She rushed lightly with her lightning body. The distance between them was 30 meters. Before Liliana arrived, Jerem used four black magic spells in the blink of an eye.

Call of the Living Dead.

The undead appeared without any precursors and blocked Liliana’s way, while three curses tangled around their bodies. They were curses for the living but powerful blessings for the undead. The undead reached master level in a few minutes and roared loudly, Kuoooooooh!

‘Tch, annoying.’ Liliana stopped and stared at them. ‘These undead have excellent physical abilities and are hard to defeat with Soul Calibre. I will take a few minutes penetrating through them in an ordinary way.’

However, Liliana had Gluttony. She had no problem communicating with Gluttony in this accelerated state. The speed of her consciousness was faster than lightning.

‘Gluttony. Number 238!’

-You are going big.

A scroll popped out from her left hand, and she threw it forward. There were five magic scrolls with 8th circle magic. The scrolls that hadn’t been able to be used so far due to lacking power now saw the light.

“Open, Basilisk’s Eye!”

The special 8th circle magic shot out petrification rays and hit the lumbering bodies of the undead. The muscles, skin, and bones of the undead were just good prey for the petrification rays. The undead physically strengthened by Jerem couldn’t resist! They were relatively resistant to magic, but the undead couldn’t hold on for long and soon turned into stone.

Liliana ran past the stone bodies. It might seem good, but the basilisk’s petrification caused by the scroll wouldn’t last longer than five minutes. This meant it would be a mess if she didn’t finish the fight in that time. It had to be a short and decisive battle.

Lightning shot out from Liliana’s left hand and struck the defensive wall made of several layers of bone. The air froze. Then the power of the two strong individuals collided, and silence fell as the space was torn apart by the power. Liliana extracted a tremendous amount of magic power from the dragon heart and increased the size of Soul Calibre to nearly 3 meters. She was prepared to cut Jerem’s body at any time.



The heavy silence was broken, and strong magic that no one else in this age could reproduce sprang from the hands of both of them.

Fire, lightning, storm, darkness, light, and space...

The attack magic tore the air apart, and the heat fell to the ground, changing wet soil to lava. Two minutes hadn’t even passed, but the fight was several times more violent than what had come before it.

Liliana’s Soul Calibre cut off Jerem’s left arm. Jerem’s Arrow of Corruption struck Liliana’s stomach. A shadow blade emerged from the ground and shattered Jerem’s feet. Ancient magic interfered with the blood flow in Liliana’s arteries.

These attacks kept continuing and repeating. Liliana’s living body became a mess, while Jerem’s immortal body received several penalties from the continuous magic. The durability of the undead was their strongest power in combat. It was clear that Liliana wouldn’t be able to finish this in five minutes.

...That was only if Jerem hadn’t made a mistake.

“Grudge of the Afterlife, curse her!” Jerem had Liliana’s memories and knew most of Gluttony’s functions, but he didn’t know about what had happened after she’d acquired them.

Hall of Fame was a special ability that allowed the user to borrow the power of registered magicians and receive their teachings. A few minutes ago, Liliana asked for help from a great man. It was Abe no Seimei’s Curse Protection, a fraudulent help that blocked all curses at the 8th circle and below.

‘Now!’ Liliana’s body moved the moment the curse was used. She accepted the curse without trying to avoid or block it and plunged toward Jerem’s body without hesitation.

It was checkmate through a foul!


As Liliana raised her right arm, the shocked Jerem canceled the spell he was casting and his jawbones moved. It wasn’t too late to use an Order. Although it might not have as much power as before, it would be sufficient to stop Liliana for a moment.

「Закройте (Shut up)! 」 Liliana’s Dragon Words were spoken first, and Jerem’s jawbones snapped shut. Liliana put to good use the moment Jerem tried to use an Order. A magician who couldn’t cast lost half his power. Then the sword of the soul fell like a guillotine toward Jerem’s head.


Vertical and horizontal—the sword sliced at Jerem’s body from all directions.

“Urgent Order!”

The spell Liliana learned from Seimei completely suppressed all the pieces of Jerem’s body. If she missed one piece, Jerem might be able to resurrect since the power of a god was needed to completely destroy a monster like Jerem. Just like with Mitra, only the power of a perfect god could destroy the immortality that came from another dimension.

In any case, it was only a matter of time now. This battle was already decided.

“...Ku,” Caught in the air, Jerem’s fragmented jaw moved. Liliana frowned despite being certain of Jerem’s defeat. Her super sensitivity didn’t perceive any threat.

“What, are you going to complain?”

“Huhuhu… This great... body… frustrated by an enemy like you... Isn’t it... funny...?” Jerem’s words weren’t entirely wrong.

Jerem was a warlock who had reached the 9th circle and contracted with an evil dragon from another dimension. Even if he was weakened, he was still superior compared to Liliana. Yet he had lost, and Liliana had won. That fact didn’t change, no matter what Jerem claimed.

Jerem started to cry out in a desperate voice as fearsome screams emerged, “Nastrond’s demon king! The snake that kills the world tree! Take this body and make it your food! I offer you this body!”

Liliana didn’t have a chance to do anything as purple magic power wrapped around Jerem’s crumbling body.

“To those who block me, I place an eternal curse on this world―!” Jerem’s skull completely collapsed after this threat.

Only a pile of ashes showed that the warlock, Jerem, had been here. It was a chilling cry, but Liliana didn’t sense anything different. She stared at the pile of ashes at her feet with a bewildered expression. “What the hell...?”

At that moment...

-Liliana! Are you listening? Alucard’s voice was passed through Ratatoskr. Alucard’s urgent tone made Liliana realize there was an emergency.

Liliana quickly replied through the neural network, ‘What is it? What’s going on?’

-Look up at the sky!

‘The sky?’

Liliana’s eyes widened at the words and raised her head. After Hraesvelgr and Nídhöggur soared into the sky, she had been concentrating on her fight with Jerem without thinking about them. That had been because she realized that a mortal couldn’t intervene in the struggle between transcendents. Therefore, she was shocked when she looked up.

“...What is it this time?”

The sky was tearing apart.

Chapter 330 - Dmitra (1)

The original concept of the sky was that it wasn’t something that could be torn apart. How could the atmosphere thousands of kilometers above the ocean and clouds be torn? Large-scale weather phenomena were trivial compared to the real extent of the sky. The days of fearing that lightning known as the wrath of God had already passed.


No, it was just an illusion. Liliana looked up at the distant sky and couldn’t help cursing. As a sorceress who explored the laws of the physical world, she couldn’t believe the sight she was seeing. Who was it that contacted her in an urgent tone? Alucard?

The knee-jerk reaction was indeed accurate. The sky was torn.

It was almost 9 in the morning, but the sky where Nídhöggur stopped the sunrise was still dark. Unlike the moonlit sky filled with stars, this was a darkness that didn’t allow any light to be seen. Unfortunately, Nídhöggur was the one who made this darkness, and Hraesvelgr was going against it.


At this moment, lightning struck, and the world turned white.

“Urgh, again!”

The ground and the sky shook. Despite knowing it was an illusion, Liliana couldn’t help reacting to it. It was a feeling caused by the oscillating of the dimensional system, which was due to the two transcendents. The aftermath of the fight traveled at least a few hundred kilometers. If the elves shared Liliana’s senses, they might have fainted.

She kept this in mind and arrived at the place she had been told to go to through Ratatoskr.

“You came? I heard you were dealing with the enemy leader alone and was worried.” Alucard, who had sent Liliana the signal, welcomed her with a serious expression.

“Fortunately, there are no big injuries. My magic power is overloaded, but if I am careful, I can fight more...”

The dragon heart belonged to a dragon who had lived for 10,000 years, and it was literally a treasure with infinite magic power. Liliana was utilizing its power and would only be able to fight for half a day with it. Nevertheless, the battle against Jerem had been dicey.

Jerem’s casting speed, magic combination, and magic control made him more of a great magician than a monster. Liliana had barely won with the fouls of Soul Calibre, the Hall of Fame, and the dragon heart.

‘Well, there was also the patron called Nídhöggur.’

The emergence of the variable called Hraesvelgr tilted things to their side. Additionally, Liliana hadn’t had a method to finish Jerem off fully. Instead, he had collapsed on his own. Since early on, warlocks had never accepted death. So, Jerem must have had ulterior motives.

“Do you know what the situation is? The sky is torn despite the atmosphere not seeming to have a single scratch.”

“I’ll tell you everything when the others get here. Repeating the same words several times is just a waste of effort. Those in the south are already approaching.”

“The south?”

Before Liliana could say anything more, Veronica fell from the sky and clung to her neck. It was a high-speed fall that quickly switched to a slow speed, like a fishing fisherman.

“Lili, we won as well! You knocked down that monster alone while I was gone!”

“V-Veronica? Wait a minute…”

“What’s wrong? I’m just giving you a reward because you worked hard,” Veronica spoke while placing her cheek against Liliana’s.

Meanwhile, Titania just shrugged. She had the sense not to get involved. Soon afterward, Ellenoa and the leaders in charge of each defense area gathered. Apart from Alucard, the other three high elves were busy maintaining Hraesvelgr’s summoning.

“I will explain after the situation is organized,” Alucard said. Then he clapped a few times before saying, “Defenders responsible for each other, report.”

“The eastern front, Guardian Ellaim will report,” Ellaim said politely as he stepped forward. “On the eastern front, all the undead died a few minutes before you summoned me. There isn’t a single undead moving on the eastern front.”

“It is the same in the west.”

“The southern front has also been verified. Combat has entered in all areas, the land has been cleansed, and we are in the post-processing stage.”

“Umm.” Alucard’s expression stiffened after hearing that all the dangerous undead had disappeared.

Anyone who felt excited by this situation would have stones for brains. It wasn’t hundreds or thousands but hundreds of thousands of undead. Liliana might’ve killed the caster, but the undead wouldn’t be so easily destroyed. It was impossible for all of them to be gone.

“...It can’t be.” Liliana reached the truth before anyone else. “Don’t tell me that all the undead were sacrificed to Nídhöggur?”

“What?” Alucard was surprised by Liliana’s words and immediately asked her, “Liliana. I’m not a magician, but is the power of the sacrifices enough to affect the two beings?”

“It should be fine...”

At that moment, Gluttony woke up and interrupted, -You are half right, half wrong. How can the soul of an imperfect warlock interfere in the confrontation between transcendents? The balance of power will just be temporarily collapsed.

“The balance between Hraesvelgr and Nídhöggur will collapse?”

-That’s right. Hraesvelgr is stable because of the legitimate ritual that doesn’t need a big sacrifice like Nídhöggur’s did. However, Hraesvelgr’s force is small. In the opposite direction, Nídhöggur took a shortcut by swallowing Baldur’s body. Nídhöggur can momentarily exert a stronger power.

Nídhöggur had devoured Baldur, while Hraesvelgr was reliant on the four high elves, the Great Forest, and the world tree. Hraesvelgr was stable and could be summoned for a long time, while a short battle was more beneficial for Nídhöggur. Therefore, Nídhöggur aimed to finish it straight away, but Hraesvelgr wanted a drawn-out battle.

However, this fight was turned upside down by a variable—the sudden disappearance of Jerem who had summoned Nídhöggur to this material world.

-The most important thing for summoning magic is the link. If it is lost, you can’t stay in this world for a long time, no matter how strong you are. This isn’t the time to relax. Nídhöggur’s power is threatening.

“So, is it a toss of the dice over who will win?”

-Hrrmm, I don’t know, Gluttony spoke in a voice that contained hidden significance. -Based on my memories, Nídhöggur is someone who will use everything she has.

Liliana’s super sensitivity gave her an intense warning, making her feel dizzy. This was a headache that caused her eyes to blur! It was at a level which told her death was inevitable. The direction of the danger came from the sky where the monsters were tangled together.


The sky was bright. This pure white sky didn’t look normal. Unlike the darkness of Nídhöggur, divinity could be felt from the white light. It was the strength of Hraesvelgr. Liliana had no idea of the circ*mstances when Alucard suddenly paled and opened his mouth.



“Hraesvelgr has sent a message.”

Liliana's face stiffened at the unexpected name.

“Eventually, Nídhöggur will shoot a death breath. Hraesvelgr will use all her strength to prevent it, but we should prepare for the blow.”

“...Ha, a blow. The words aren’t easy.” Liliana sighed as she realized what the warning meant.

It was only one blow, but it was much more powerful than Liliana could handle. A grand master’s killing technique...The 9th circle magician’s ultimate magic. It was a blow that would inevitably cause death for any opponent. Nídhöggur’s breath would be able to destroy all creatures in this forest and Elvenheim.

‘...I don’t want to think about it.’

Liliana shook off the terrible scene that she imagined and asked a question, “What is the time limit?”

“The next two hours. There is a little bit less time now.”

“Two hours... We can barely get out of the Great Forest.”

Additionally, it was difficult to abandon the world tree and Elvenheim. This was the elves’ paradise beyond the Red Plateau and beyond the reach of greedy humans. Although Alucard didn’t refute Liliana’s words, the bitter expression in his eyes was clear to Liliana. Alucard was determined to throw away the world tree.

‘Damn, it is hard with just two hours. If the right answer is to evacuate, then we have to move right now...!’ Liliana desperately tried to think of measures, but the scale was too big.

The 5th stage Superbia and 6th stage Invidia were no match for this. It was a one-sided fight. In this case, it was closer to a natural disaster than combat. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and so on... A mortal couldn’t do anything against an uninvited guest from another dimension.

Liliana moved her lethargic brain and continued to think of possible measures. ‘First, I can briefly summon Fafnir to counter it.’

If Nídhöggur consumed a lot of power fighting Hraesvelgr, Liliana might be able to intercept it with Fafnir. The destructive power of the ‘laser’ was superior to any breath, so it could stop the breath of death.

‘...Dismissed. Nídhöggur will shoot the breath at the world tree, and if I call Fafnir near there, Elvenheim might be burned with my own power.’

The world tree was so sensitive to fire magic that it burned with just Veronica approaching. It would surely be a catastrophe if two dragons fought against each other in the vicinity of the immature world tree. There was no time to intercept it from a distance, and she didn’t have the exact timing either. Thanks to Gluttony’s advice, she knew the speed and destructive power of the death breath. However, she had no control over Fafnir.

So, Liliana gave up on her first method.

‘Second, I can use all my achievement points to borrow the power of those in the Hall of Fame.’

Thanks to Jerem, she still had over 100,000 achievement points. It was possible to borrow powerful magic by calling the name of a great magician. However, this was frustrated by Gluttony’s advice.

-Meteor Fall or Grand Cross both have enough power to counter it, but they can’t be used with 100,000 points. You don’t have enough points to call their souls.

‘Ugh, then the third―’

It was amazing that there were spells which could counter the death breath. However, what good were the spells if they couldn’t be used when she needed them? Liliana was about to think about a third plan when Ellenoa raised a hand.

“Ellenoa? What’s going on?”

“Ah, nothing. Just...” Ellenoa was a little hesitant and took a few deep breaths before speaking. “I can still summon Nohengrin. Please tell me anytime if you need my strength.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“It isn’t a situation where you should thank me.”

The two of them smiled brightly as they faced each other. The heavy atmosphere became a bit lighter. Liliana heard Ellenoa’s words and thought about using the power of the elemental ruler. However, she dismissed it. Even if the elemental ruler did their best, it would be difficult to block Nídhöggur’s breath with their power.

Gluttony predicted that it would have the power of a lower or intermediate-level god.

‘Why is this lizard so anxious to eat plants? Reptiles should eat worms instead of going to another world.’

Liliana looked around. The location of their meeting was quite high up, and she could see the elves being busy at the bottom. There were some she knew, and others she didn’t know. They were anxious at the fact that the monster from the Age of Mythology, Nídhöggur, would blow a breath over their heads.

“...Ahh, the parent tree. Please protect us.”

An elf rushed toward the world tree with a small swaddling cloth in his arms, a child that was born recently. Liliana had thought that the act of praying was for the religions of the human race, but the act of gathering both hands together and praying could be found in any culture. The elves really prayed for a god to help them. They hoped for their sincerity to touch the sky, and for a righteous deity to draw a sword and defeat the dragon.

‘Hmm?’ At that moment, Liliana sensed she was missing something and her eyes narrowed.

[Hoing!] Mitra, the brown-skinned girl, popped out of the ground with a bud on her head and somersaulted. It was a feat that could be seen in a circus. Liliana praised her skill before having a thought. This was the age where the gods had disappeared and magic had declined. If they couldn’t hope for a god’s help, why not ask for the help of a god here?


[Yes? What?]

Liliana stroked Mitra’s wheat-colored hair and asked with a heavy expression, “Will you become the goddess of this forest?”

Chapter 331 - Dmitra (2)

There was less than an hour left before Nídhöggur’s attack that Hraesvelgr warned about. Liliana and three high elves were preparing for a clean operation. It was a plan to borrow the power of a goddess to go against Nídhöggur. From the point of view of the material world, Nídhöggur was an uninvited presence. The gods were a part of the material world and its guardians. The problem was that there was no goddess to ask for help.

"...I-Is this really okay?" Ellenoa made an embarrassed expression while wearing a thin dress meant for ceremonial occasions or special rituals.

Liliana briefly went blank when she saw her. There were laurel leaves in her hair, and the fabric, which had been made with the elven weaving technique, wrapped smoothly around Ellenoa’s slim body. Setting aside any romantic attraction, it was a beauty that made everyone feel admiration.


Ellenoa was surprised by Liliana’s words. "Huh...? T-Thank you."

"Ah! N-No, it looks good. Cough."

She had already heard everything. Both of them were aware of the serious situation and avoided each other’s eyes for a moment. Then Ellenoa cautiously opened her mouth first. She had heard a few words on the way here, but she couldn’t help doubting Liliana’s plan. "Lili, is this really possible? I didn’t think that Mitra could return to being a goddess again."

"Haha, my explanation was a little bit brief," Liliana acknowledged it with a bitter smile.

If Ellenoa was asking this, then the other high elves were likely to be confused about whether this was a good idea.

‘Honestly, I also think it is a bit absurd. I didn’t have time to explain and skipped many things.’

It was a plan to return Mitra’s divinity and prevent Nídhöggur’s attack. Regarding the theories of elementals, the elves’ ideas were more established than those of witches. If it hadn’t been for Liliana’s accomplishments in the past, they would’ve dismissed her plan as nonsense on the spot.

However, Liliana was confident in her own way. She had once succeeded inside her own body and now had a deeper understanding of the concept of goddesses. It would be possible if she used all the resources of Elvenheim.

"Making goddesses from zero is impossible even for transcendents. However, filling in incomplete pieces isn’t that difficult. I can just barely try it with my capabilities, but it will be possible with your help."

There were three elements that established the existence of a goddess: the trinity of prestige; power; and authority. Those with all three were recognized as a definite deity.

Prestige was the symbol of a goddess, the presence of divinity. Power was the proof of a goddess, i.e. if people had faith in the deity. Authority meant the presence of worship.

In the ancient days, a deity was born when the name of an existence became known and worshipped. They sought to love and take care of mortals, filling in the parts that were missing.

‘It isn’t easy when I think about it.’

In an age when all deities had disappeared, where could divinity be obtained? What types of means could be used to collect believers in a world that was not religious, apart from the Lairon church?

In that sense, Liliana was fortunate. The ancient elementals themselves were fragments of the deities and had divinity from the start. Liliana established the temple of four elements in her body, and for a short time, she brought back Mitra’s divinity.

However, the third piece wasn’t as easy to fill. They needed followers who truly believed in the goddess. It used to be that hundreds of humans were sufficient, but not now. Now, at least tens of thousands of believers were needed. Furthermore, Liliana was a witch, not a priestess. She might deify Mitra, but it wasn’t enough to make her a goddess. She had forgotten about it until she encountered this situation.

Ellenoa understood what she said and nodded. "Aha, then we are in charge of Mitra’s ‘authority.’ The mother of a great land. We will pray for Dmitra, who is related to the parent tree."

"Ah, but she can’t become Mother Earth. The three divinities of the sky, sea, and earth... This isn’t an exact calculation, but it would require ‘authority’ 30 times the size of Elvenheim."

"3-30 times...! It is great, Mitra."

[Hoi?] Mitra made a confused sound as she heard her name. Then she laughed and clung to the wall. Despite her mystical powers, she was just like a mountain girl.

[Yes, Mitra is amazing! Always like this!]

"Yes, now it is time to become more amazing."


Liliana opened her arms, and Mitra rushed into them. She was like a cicada clinging to a tree. As she carried Mitra on her back, Liliana and Ellenoa walked side by side. Every time they took a step, the light got closer. This was a spot on the branch of the world tree where the tribes gathered when there were important matters.


There were three steps left when Ellenoa’s pace slowed. She hadn’t even been in this forest for 10 years. Liliana wondered if this was too much of a heavy burden, but Ellenoa was a high elf with a good nobility. Additionally, the power of the elemental rulers was essential to Liliana’s plan.

Ellenoa seemed embarrassed about her delay in walking. "Ah..."

Her palm wasn’t firm like that of a witch. She placed her hand on top of Liliana’s smooth palm.

Why...? The trembling of her body suddenly stopped.

"Let’s go, Ellenoa," her steady voice calmed her.

"Yes, Lili."

The two people walked into the blinding white light together.


There was a forest. It was easy to mistake it for Elvenheim, but there were a few other species besides the elves. There were the ents that integrated with the forest and protected the ecosystem, as well as the dryads. Additionally, there were the lizardmen from the swamps and the beast clan.

"Everyone, thank you for gathering," Ellenoa’s voice didn’t tremble at all despite there being thousands of people before her. Her clear voice calmed down the area, and everyone, regardless of species, concentrated on her words. The high elves, dressed in the ceremonial clothing and boasting a mystical atmosphere, were the pride of the forest.

"I think that everyone knows the threat that we and this forest face. The evil dragon from the myths, he looks down from the sky and wants to burn our world tree."

Ellenoa was calm despite her angry words. However, her calm created a bigger ripple. The people listening silently were overwhelmed with enough anger to forget their fear. It was proof they were assimilating Ellenoa’s feelings.

"We have tried to guard this forest, but we are helpless."

Before the evil dragon that possessed transcendent power, the only thing the inhabitants of the forest could do was either run, die, or pray. Filled with powerlessness and remorse, Ellenoa continued saying, "We thought we anticipated the future, but we were ignorant."

The high elves, who could summon the elemental rulers, were arrogant and thought they could defend the forest with their own strength. In the past, they had thought they could defeat all disasters and misfortunes. It was a naive wisdom. That’s right.

She mourned in front of everyone, "Therefore, I prayed to the parent tree."

From here on out, it was the pre-written script.

"I didn’t know where to go and how to overcome this difficulty, causing me to pray to the parent tree." As Ellenoa continued in a sad voice, she called Nohengrin under the ground. She reduced the power and presence of the summoning as much as possible so the others wouldn’t notice.

Once she told him the purpose of this summoning, Nohengrin responded in a pleasant voice, "Then I received the answer!"

It was true that they had gotten permission from the world tree. However, the consciousness of the world tree hadn’t grown yet, so it couldn’t use that power freely. Fortunately, the world tree responded positively to Mitra’s mana, so Liliana’s plan would work.

As those present started to respond to Ellenoa’s speech, Ellenoa and Liliana thought almost simultaneously, ‘Now!’

At the same time, a large stone pillar appeared in the middle of the empty space before Ellenoa.


No, it was an egg, rather than a stone pillar. The pillar in front of Ellenoa had an oval shape. It seemed like it had soared up at her call. Ellenoa stroked the surface of the smooth stone egg and finished the play.

"The parent tree called a goddess."

The crowd stirred at the word ‘goddess’, while Ellenoa continued to the end without losing her flow.

"After the Age of Mythology, few deities remained in this world. Mother Earth, the beginning of the world tree Yggdrasil and the name of the great goddess!"

The rock egg was split in half.

"Dmitra!" Ellenoa raised her voice as much as possible. Unfortunately for her, the effort had little meaning. She didn’t need to do anything more because the crowd in front of the world tree was already captivated by the girl who emerged from the rock egg.

She had wheat-colored hair that went down to her waist, two eyes that shone with a mysterious light, and ocher skin. Butterflies danced in the air around her, while the gnomes, famous for their invisible appearance, showed up. Just after that, the smiling girl held out her hands to the ground, and branches started to sprout from the world tree.

The dry skin peeled off, and green buds grew. They bloomed all at the same time. It was a spectacular sight that could be called ‘A Hundred Flowers.’ The inhabitants of the forest saw the flowers blooming under their feet and realized this wasn’t a mere gimmick.

"I-It is a real goddess...!"

Liliana’s partnership with the world tree was only brief, but there was no need to worry anymore. The reaction of people who saw miracles was the same in every age. They would feel honored, fearful, and either reject or challenge it. The inhabitants of the forest worshipped the world tree, so there was only one choice.

"D-Dmitra! The earth goddess!"

"Please save us, Dmitra!"

"We believe in you!"

They kneeled down and lowered their heads. No one forced them to do so, but the beast clan laid down their pride and bowed before the great being. It went without saying for the ents and dryads. They followed Mitra’s orders before she even revealed her identity, and now they were completely submissive.


Then something strange happened. Mitra, who was in her early teens, started to grow further. Her slender limbs elongated, and her flat body started to develop curves. Mitra’s innocent eyes filled with mischief, while her wheat-colored hair grew longer.

[Hihihi! A lot bigger?]

Based on the way humans aged, Mitra now seemed to be somewhere between 16 and 18 years old. Having turned bigger in an instant, she laughed while touching her arms.

‘...No, it isn’t just her body. Her divinity also grew,’ Liliana admired inwardly as she watched Mitra.

It was as she said. Her constantly rising power purified the odors and poisons of the undead from the bloody battle a while ago, causing the flowers and grass to raise their heads despite Nídhöggur’s dark sky. This was the power of Dmitra, the goddess of plants.


Liliana was surprised by the sudden call and answered stupidly, "Y-Yes?"

Mitra giggled and said playfully, [Thanks for raising me!]

"...Are you a cat or a dog?"

[Hihihi! Then can I call you ‘Mother’?]


Liliana paled at the thought of being called ‘Mother’ when she wasn’t even married. Meanwhile, Mitra turned her head. [Hung! Lili is a mother to Mitra!]

Then she turned toward the surprised Ellenoa. [Lili is Mother, then Ellenoa is Father! How about it?]



Liliana and Ellenoa were shocked by Mitra’s words and avoided each other’s eyes. Mitra shook her head with a chuckle at the sight. Her playfulness had increased, and she had the ability to catch them off guard. She looked between Liliana and Ellenoa before clapping. [Ah, both of you are too shy. I need to use a lot of effort to make it progress quickly.]

Then she pointed to the sky with her finger and shouted in the exact direction of Nídhöggur, [So, you! That black thing over there! Get lost!]

A sullen voice was heard from the sky in response, -Cheeky little girl.

There was a white light. Then the ward, that Hraesvelgr had made, cracked repeatedly and soon disappeared without a trace. The shape of a dragon with huge horns protruded from the crack in the blackened sky. It was a transcendent that was the embodiment of fear.

This was the encounter between the evil dragon, Nídhöggur, and Earth Goddess, Dmitra.

Chapter 332 - Dmitra (3)

Liliana's body stiffened as she saw the sky. The presence of the terrifying creature, Nídhöggur, surrounded Liliana on all sides. She was able to protect her body, but the rest of the mortals fell to the ground without daring to look up at the sky. Nídhöggur was a being they couldn’t even face! No, it was good that it was this way. Liliana took short breaths.

‘...We would be dead without Mitra.’

This wasn’t a joke. As she stared at Mitra, she could see that the power stretching out from her was offsetting the power pressing down from that black sky. It was like a fly falling after being hit by a sudden clap. Just like how people didn’t hesitate to trample on ants, Nídhöggur had no need to think about slaughtering mortals.

The malevolence of the ‘Sneering Butcher’, Nídhöggur, was worse than they had imagined.

-Kuhuhu, you say that you are going to deal with this body? Nídhöggur silenced Elvenheim from the distant sky.

Compared to the dragon that blocked the sun with one command and ripped the sky apart, the girl with the wheat-colored hair looked so small. For a moment, Dmitra, the ancient elemental who had become the incarnation of the world tree, looked like a victim before the evil dragon, rather than a goddess. However, she was far more prominent than anyone else in this room.

[Yes, you stupid person!] Mitra puffed up her chest and placed her hands on her waist. She countered the evil dragon without taking a step back. [The sky is dark because of you! Too disruptive! Can’t you read the mood? You, no friends!]

-What nonsense are you saying?

[If you have one, call them. A person who can’t read the atmosphere won’t have any friends!]

-This girl! Nídhöggur’s raised his voice at the slander. -For a great demon king, other existences are either slaves or enemies to be killed. Therefore, I have no need for friends!

[Yes, yes. I heard your excuse. My score is 0 points!]

-W-What is wrong with you?

While the transcendents who had challenged the realm of the gods were in the double digits, how many of them had dared to mock Nídhöggur from the Age of Mythology? Countering wisdom with humor, he couldn’t argue with a childish girl like her. However, Dmitra didn’t stop after raising Nídhöggur’s blood pressure.

[People who don’t have friends talk like this. You tell me that you don’t need friends. Then why did you come to another person’s house and cause a disturbance? In fact, you were lonely because you have no friends to play with!]


[Don’t you think you are lonely? Do you want to be Mitra’s friend? How about it?]

Finally, Nídhöggur had no more patience.

-...It is now.


-This damn world, I will blow it away with my breath. I will make sure it doesn’t come back again!

Subsequently, Nídhöggur opened his mouth, and poison emerged from it. He aimed the poison at Mitra. It was a level of poison where even a god wouldn’t be safe. Dmitra bit her lips and gathered her strength to prepare for the incoming wave.

‘It’s coming.’ Liliana, who had been paralyzed by Nídhöggur, sensed something.

This poison was just a prelude to the breath. The real attack would come pouring out next. The breath filled up with Nastrond’s death energy. It was a rotten breath that didn’t distinguish between the body or the soul. Then just after that...


From the heavily ripped crack in the sky, Nídhöggur’s breath blew forth like a fog over the ground. It didn’t seem to have much destructive power, and its speed wasn’t fast. However, the air became heavier as the energy slowly descended to the ground. The masters who recognized it were fearful and took action first. The moment the fog covered the forest, everything in Elvenheim would die.


Flames once again emerged from the transformed Veronica’s mouth, and the guardians unleashed all their strength at once. The storm arrows, thunderstorms, and other chain attacks launched at the fog of death. Did it work...? No, the destructive power of the fog was too high.

“...Dammit, it didn’t work at all!” Veronica paled unconsciously. Her breath that was comparable to a pureblood red dragon only destroyed a little bit of the poison, while the attacks of the guardians only made it a few meters into the fog. Nídhöggur’s breath was still descending to the surface of the earth without a bit of hesitation.

[Don’t be afraid!] Mitra extended her palms without any fear. [I will stop that stupid dragon’s bad breath!]

The present Dmitra wasn’t like the old Mother Earth. The faith of Elvenheim was lacking to regain her mighty divinity, so Liliana used the second best thing—the world tree, Yggdrasil. The sacred tree found in the myths was a symbol of the origin of life and wasn’t lacking divinity at all.

‘In addition to that, I cooperated with Nohengrin...!’

As such, it was possible to control this Great Forest. While Liliana was thinking this, Dmitra finally moved. She was now the incarnation of the world tree and a goddess of this forest. As Dmitra moved her hands, the earth shook, and something rose from the ground.


Tree roots, rocks, and dirt... The deeply buried roots of the world tree had the length and thickness of large walls, and they rose up like a kraken’s legs. In response to Dmitra’s call, the tree roots and dirt tangled together to make a pair of huge hands. The old saying about how the sky couldn’t be covered with two palms seemed to be a lie.

[Eeit!] Dmitra moved the hands and joined them together as if to seal the hole in the sky. The story about the giant (Atlas) who held up the sky in the past came to mind. The fog of death was pushed back into the crack by the pressure, and Nídhöggur’s presence was blocked, temporarily returning the freedom of the Elvenheim residents. They looked up at the sky supported by two palms. Some sighed with relief while others cheered.

“Ohh...! The evil dragon’s appearance is gone!”

“M-My body can move! I’m alive!”

“Hooray, Dmitra! Goddess of the forest!”

“The world tree is looking after us!”

However, it was still too early to cheer. Liliana, Veronica, and the high elves were watching the sky, and their faces weren’t bright. The cheering eventually stopped. If the evil dragon had really disappeared, the sky wouldn’t still be black. He might be hidden by the hands, but it was proof that he was still present beyond the sky.

“Mitra, are you okay?” Liliana was behind her and could discover it immediately. Mitra’s neck was soaked with sweat despite having become a god. To think that a spiritual body that didn’t have any physiological functions was sweating...? There could only be one reason for it.

[L-Lili...] Dmitra’s face was pale. [Ohh, he is getting angry. It is hard.]

“Then why did you make fun of him? How is the situation?”

[I can still hold on. But the condition of the tree is getting worse...]

“Tree? Ah.” Liliana realized who she was referring to and looked at the palms holding up the sky. The origin of these palms was the roots of Yggdrasil. It was impossible for the tree to not be affected after directly blocking Nídhöggur’s breath.

“This...” Liliana found some signs and sighed. It was because the edges of the palms had become black and rotten. However, it wasn’t just that. It was slow, but both palms were gradually becoming black. Mitra’s power was still holding it up. However, if this continued, both palms would collapse, and the breath would fall down again. Liliana prepared her heart and pulled out the dragon heart. “Mitra, draw on my strength.”


“If you are suppressed, then I will die anyway. Didn’t you say it is hard?”

[...Lili is a liar!]

“Haha, maybe.” Liliana smiled bitterly as she faced the tears in Dmitra’s eyes. She wasn’t in a position to complain. Liliana Miller would sacrifice her life if they could overcome this crisis. Mitra had been with her for several years and knew it well. She didn’t try to say anything to convince her.

[I will win.] She faced Nídhöggur with a more serious expression. [If I win, Lili will be okay!]

Then the magic power in Liliana’s body started to be sucked out. To be precise, the magic power of the dragon heart flowed into Liliana’s body and then into Dmitra. Thanks to that, her actual magic power consumption wasn’t large. The problem was that Liliana felt burdened from the process of passing an absurd amount of magic power through her body. She was in pain, feeling like a few of her blood vessels were bursting.

‘I can’t stop. I will die if I am weak!’

Fortunately, the effect was immediately apparent. The blackened palms regained their color, and flowers and grass grew from the roots, purifying the poison. This was a phenomenon that was impossible without the power of a true divinity. If this was the case, then Nídhöggur had no way of returning to this world.

Liliana was briefly relieved thinking about the optimistic future when a voice rang out.

-You. You will never live.

Liliana froze at Nídhöggur’s words.


The spread out breath became more concentrated, gathering at one point in order to kill Liliana. Liliana hadn’t expected such an attack. Nídhöggur wanted to kill Liliana and return, rather than destroy the forest or the world tree? In retrospect, that wasn’t weird since all the obstructions had started from Liliana.


It was a death sentence.


Beyond the sky and the limits of the palm, a purple light fell toward Liliana. She knew the result of the death glare. Her body would be shattered by the light, and it would dig all the way into the mantle. This flash of light was ultimate magic that couldn’t be defeated. Nídhöggur launched an all-out attack, regardless of the damage to himself. No matter what, the young Liliana Miller couldn’t escape the fate of death.


“This is a handshake. Dumb little lizard.” Liliana laughed.


Simultaneously, a golden light enveloped Liliana’s body. It was divine power! The power of a mighty god from the Age of Mythology devoured the ray trying to kill Liliana. It was a force comparable to that of Nídhöggur’s breath. This was a god’s immortality that couldn’t be penetrated.

‘Thank you, Balor! I’ll keep my promise with you!’

The eternal protection that symbolized the sun god, Balor. It was the best defense from the Age of Mythology that invalidated any attack except from mistletoe! Liliana didn’t pay any attention to the scattering of Nídhöggur’s breath as she flew off the ground. In the crack that started to disappear, she could see Nídhöggur’s confused face!

“Get lost from this world!” Liliana became temporarily invincible and held the dragon heart in her hand, undaunted by Nídhöggur’s murky poison. Liliana drew out mana at such a rapid rate that it felt like she was going to explode. Like setting fire to oil, she used the strongest magic she had available.

Great magic Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ). Final Chapter.

Four beads combined to create a sphere containing tremendous power. If the explosive power of the dragon heart was added to it, then she would have the strength to smash the nose of that arrogant lizard! Nídhöggur’s face stiffened just before Liliana dealt the stunning blow.

-W-Wait a minute...

“Elemental Buster!”

The light from Abraxas appeared as the dragon heart cracked.


There was a big explosion that shook the boundaries of this dimension.

Chapter 333 - Dmitra (4)

Kuaaack! Nídhöggur’s scream rang out through the sky and the ground. It was difficult for a body with a time limit to cope with the shock of the big explosion.

This was the result of Abraxas being used with magic of the 8th circle and the dragon heart. The explosion, which burst from the repulsion of two forces, caused the dimension to shake. Once the light from the big explosion subsided...

“...Pfft!” Liliana laughed reflexively.

It was because of Nídhöggur’s face that was revealed through the rapidly shrinking crack. Due to the powerful shockwave, Nídhöggur’s head was bloody. His scales, which couldn’t be damaged by aura blades, were now shattered like glass, and one of his eyes was pushed into its socket. It was like a super huge battle hammer had slammed onto the top of his head.

Y-You...! Mortal girl from this lesser world!

The dragon from the myth was covered with blood. He struggled with the pain and poured out anger toward the one who harmed his body. Although only one of Nídhöggur’s red eyes could be seen, Liliana felt the space around her freeze. However, she realized that the pressure was much weaker than earlier, and she nodded casually. “Don’t growl in my face. Your pride won’t be regained through these actions.”

What nonsense are you saying?

“Think about it. It might be okay if you lost to Hraesvelgr. But being hit by a mortal… Oh, right. I had forgotten,” Liliana muttered in a voice loud enough to be heard by Nídhöggur. Her mouth formed a sneer like she was mocking Nídhöggur. “You have no friends? This is a good thing.”

In the end, the last of Nídhöggur’s patience was broken. Kuaaaaaah!

Before the fearsome roar, Liliana covered her ears but didn’t back away. She didn’t look scared or intimidated. It was because the crack in the dimensional world was almost closed. No matter how powerful Nídhöggur was, he was in another dimension and couldn’t do anything unless someone summoned him again.

Nídhöggur’s eyes were filled with anger, madness, and hate as he stared at Liliana.

Taunting this body! Someday I will catch you and chew on yo—...!

At this moment, the dimensional crack closed, and Nídhöggur’s words were cut off. The evil dragon was sent off in a disgraced manner. However, Liliana kept looking up at the sky.


Then she could see it. The darkness covering the sky slowly got a center of light. The sky was blue, and the warm sunlight flooded their eyes like it had been there from the beginning. The elves and members of other species felt strange chills as they looked up at the sky. The darkness that had been covering the sky disappeared, and everything was as it should be.

“O...Over? Can we relax?”

“Alive... We’re alive!”

“Ohh, incarnation of the world tree!”

Joy and disbelief mixed together as the crowd became increasingly disorderly. The confusion needed to be calmed down. Liliana delivered instructions to the one whom she thought was the most suitable—the chief contributor to this incident.

[H-Hoing? Me?] Dmitra made a sound, and the people stopped talking and paid attention to her.

She was the incarnation of the world tree who had faced the evil dragon and protected the forest! Naturally, awe filled the eyes of the people. There were even those who didn’t dare look at her and had their eyes lowered to the ground. The area became silent in a flash.

[...Ha, hahaha...] Dmitra seemed embarrassed by their attitudes. She scratched the back of her head before raising her right fist up into the air.

It was difficult for her to speak, but she spoke concisely, [Nídhöggur is gone!]

As soon as she pointed to the sky with her fist, the people raised their fists with her.

[We won for everyone who lives in this forest!]

The large crowd cheered. Waaaaaaaah!

The various species were overflowing with joy. The furry bears carrying dryads on their shoulders swayed, while the rabbits riding on ents were dancing. The elves sighed with relief and relaxed, and the rest of the crowd followed. They had struggled against the undead for a long time, and there had been the advent of the evil dragon, Nídhöggur. This was a memory they would never forget.

Sigh, it is over.

This time, it was a really big incident. Liliana stood behind Dmitra and locked eyes with Ellenoa, who was waiting for her with a gentle expression. Then she saw tears fall from her eyes.


“...We did it,” Ellenoa spoke in a small voice before taking a few steps and hugging Liliana.

Was it due to the difference in physique between the two people? It was clearly Ellenoa who was hugging her. Ellenoa spoke to the embarrassed Liliana in her arms, “I was worried.”

“I-I’m sorry.”

“Do you really know? I was worried a lot.”

Liliana smiled wryly as her fists pounded weakly on her chest. “...Yes.”

Finally, more tears fell down her cheek, and Liliana couldn’t help touching them. It was a warm and wet feeling. Liliana wiped away Ellenoa’s tears with her index finger, while her green eyes looked up at her like she was drunk.

“Ah...” She wasn’t dumb and knew the meaning of those eyes. Her face tilted and got closer. However, the moment the eyes of Ellenoa and Liliana got closer...



Both of them felt a blatant gaze and looked in that direction. Simultaneously, Liliana and Ellenoa stiffened.

[Why did you stop? I don’t mind.] Dmitra finished her short words and chuckled, resting her chin on her hands as she gazed at the two people.

She smiled mischievously. The innocent Ellenoa’s intentions were exposed, and she fled with a red face. “P-Please don’t look!”


Dmitra laughed at the sight. [Hihihi! Indeed, Mother Ellenoa is naive.]

“Mitra, you are a troublemaker...” Liliana stopped speaking when she felt a sense of incongruity. Then she looked Dmitra up and down, and immediately realized why she sensed something was off.

“Mitra, why is your body smaller?”

That’s right. It was because Dmitra’s size had shrunk. Dmitra was surprised when Liliana pointed it out, and her eyes widened. [Hoing! Lili is right. At the most, I am 10 centimeters shorter.]

“Isn’t a decrease of 10 centimeters a big change? Don’t talk about that. Tell me why you are smaller.”

[Understood. Mitra is a good daughter, hihihi.] Dmitra made a small joke before touching a tree trunk that was slightly darkened. [The tree is becoming weaker.]


[It used a lot of power to make me into this state and sucked up a lot of poison. It didn’t reach the roots, but a considerable amount of health was consumed.]

As Dmitra touched the world tree with sad eyes, Liliana hastened to make a diagnosis. Despite not being a god, she was connected to Dmitra’s senses and had overflowing knowledge as a magician. Liliana quickly realized the state of the world tree. “sh*t, this isn’t good.”

It was a situation she hadn’t expected, but she quickly realized the cause of it. This wouldn’t have happened if the world tree was a fully grown world tree. The problem was that Elvenheim’s world tree was immature, and there was no new Arv to help its growth. In such an environment, there was the summoning of Hraesvelgr, turning Mitra into a god, and blocking Nídhöggur’s attack... It would be strange if there were no problems.

“Your power has already returned to the world tree?”


“But it is still in this state...”

Dmitra, who had become Mitra again, nodded with a gloomy expression. The fact that there was no difference meant that the world tree had consumed a large amount of power. Liliana’s face stiffened as she saw the leaves of the world tree. The leaves, which had always been green, were now slightly yellow, and the branches, which should be as hard as steel, were now easily broken.

“...It looks like there is one more thing to solve.”

The worst was over. The presence of the world tree was as large as life for the inhabitants of this forest, but this was a minor challenge compared to Nídhöggur. A world tree that had yet to grow up needed to stockpile vitality for its growth. If it failed to compensate for this, it would die in some years, maybe decades. From this point on, it was a matter that needed to be discussed with the real top leaders of the great forest, the high elves.

“Well, it should be okay for a few days.”

Fortunately, this problem wasn’t something that needed to be solved in a day or two. Unlike the evil dragon, Nídhöggur, there were several solutions for this. So, there was no need to pour cold water on those who were tired from the hard fight. Liliana looked up at the clear blue sky. It was a sight that everyone in the forest could see.

“The clear and blue sky is the best.”

Liliana had seen the scenery of Nastrond behind Nídhöggur through the gap in the dimension. When the sky and earth were swallowed up by darkness earlier, the screams of those who suffered forever had seemed to tear at her eardrums. If the evil dragon, Nídhöggur, had swallowed up the world tree, this material world would’ve turned into the same hell as Nastrond.

That can’t happen.

In the childhood she couldn’t remember well, Liliana had dreamt of being a magician who fought against an evil dragon. She had never thought that dream would become a reality.

“Kuk,” Liliana giggled in a somewhat pleasant mood as she stared at the distant sky above the trees.

Chapter 334 - Promised Night (1)

Jerem might’ve used magic as a last resort, but it ended up being good for the Great Forest. What would’ve happened if the 200,000 undead army had survived? What if the leader was lost and the undead ran out of control through the forest? Putting aside the defeat of Jerem and Nídhöggur, it would make cleaning things up more difficult. This was because the rotten bodies of the undead contained a deadly poison. There was also tainted mana in their blood. This mana contained the power to deny life and would cause damage if it overflowed everywhere.

However, Jerem had destroyed the undead. It had been a decision she made in order for Nídhöggur to last even one minute longer. As it happened, this misjudgment had saved Elvenheim and the Great Forest. The undead had lost all the mana and poison and became great fertilizer for the forest. There was no need for an unnecessary struggle, and the residents of the Great Forest could disperse throughout the devastated forest. The southern part of the battlefield was damaged, but the east and west areas received relatively little damage and regained their original appearance.

‘It will take more time to be completely restored, but... well, it isn’t considered a long time for the elves.’

There was a big difference between the concept of time for humans and elves. Unlike humans who became impatient if they were one day late, the elves could wait weeks for tea leaves. Liliana sighed with relief as she looked around the forest. “I’m glad there isn’t any damage that can’t be recovered.”

Essentially, this situation had been caused by Liliana. During the fight against Invidia, she hadn’t thought about the future and released Jerem. This had developed into a catastrophic threat to the entire forest. Jerem was somehow defeated and the forest was defended, but over 1,000 elves lost their lives in combat. The high elves comforted her, but she couldn’t ignore the responsibility. The restoration of the world tree was the best thing that Liliana could do for this forest.

Step, step. At that moment, a number of elves entered Liliana’s room. No, this sentence was a little bit strange. They were the true keepers of the world tree, those who inherited the Arv’s lineage. These were the leaders who represented Elvenheim. Among the high elves, Alucard with the impressive dark skin asked, “Liliana, what is going on?”

It seemed he was worried about why Liliana gathered them in this place when they were busy for a few days. Liliana looked around silently before tapping the table, as if telling them to sit down. Then she began her story, “First of all, thank you for answering my call. I wanted to talk to you after your work was done, but there is something you have to be prepared for.”

The expressions of the high elves changed at her words. Naia still looked sleepy, but her ears flinched, showing she was affected. There was something regarding the Great Forest or Elvenheim which the high elves needed to know...? They couldn’t help wondering about it.

As the story flowed from Liliana’s mouth, astonishment filled the eyes of the high elves. “What?” Alisa confirmed the words she just heard in a voice that was a few octaves higher. “The power of the world tree has really weakened?”

“Yes, it is true.”

“T-The time remaining? You didn’t tell us as soon as you discovered it. Does this mean the situation isn’t urgent?”

Liliana nodded in response to Alisa’s question. “My calculations is 50 years at the earliest and 70 years at the latest.”

“This is an emergency!”

It was unexpected. Unlike the relaxed Liliana, the high elves were turned upside down. Alisa screamed, and Alucard tightened his grip on the wood. Meanwhile, Lumia covered her mouth with a grim expression, and Ellenoa was similar to her. Titania had no expression, and Liliana couldn’t read Naia’s expression.

Liliana belatedly realized the reason why and sighed. ‘Damn, humans have a different concept of time.’

Human life was really short compared to the high elves who lived for a thousand years. The elves found it difficult to understand the urgency of the human race, but this perception was reversed when it came to decades. 10 years was a long time for humans, but for an elf, it was equivalent to one human year. It wasn’t a long time for them. Therefore, a period of 50–70 years was equivalent to 5–7 years. It was no wonder why they felt the issue was urgent.

“...Are there any measures to be taken?” Naia asked Liliana before anyone else. “You wouldn’t call us if you didn’t have any measures.”

“There are three things.”

“Tell us.”

The two people started the conversation in earnest, while the rest closed their mouths and focused on the conversation. Normally, she would be sleeping, but Naia was famous for her wisdom. In some ways, she was the best candidate to handle this situation. Liliana nodded and opened her mouth, “The first thing is to restore the destroyed forest beyond its original state as soon as possible.”

“Beyond the original state?”


Naia nodded to show she understood the meaning. “You want to reverse the link of mutual growth. The forest can help the world tree grow.”

“That’s right.”

“But the strength of the forest alone isn’t enough. The second method?”

The conversation between Liliana and Naia continued before the other elves could understand.

“That’s right. Before the undead attack, the vitality of this forest was less than the world tree. If so, it will be lacking even if we raise the vitality.”

“It is impossible with the native life. Are you going to bring an outside source?”

“Yes, look at this.”

Liliana pulled out a fox from inside her robe. It was a sleeping three-tailed fox, Tres. Yiippp...? The three-tailed fox woke up and buried his head into Liliana when he saw the six high elves looking at him.

“This fox?” Naia asked with a strange expression.

Liliana laughed and revealed Tres’ identity, “It is a spirit.”


“They existed on the West Continent in ancient times, but now they are only found in the East Continent across the sea. They affect the growth rate of animals and plants, and the world tree is included in that category.”

Of course, the world tree’s power was too great to compare to spirits, and the world tree itself was comparable to a mighty divinity. The high elves looked convinced while Liliana stroked Tres’ tail.

“If you accept this young spirit in the forest, you can circulate a much greater vitality than the old forest.”

“Umm… I’m convinced. Then where will we get so many spirits? Ah, don’t tell me.”

“Yes, I will bring them from the East. As well as...”

Before Naia could speak, Liliana pulled out a pouch. The high elves smelled the fragrance flowing from the pouch and couldn’t help groaning. The elves’ senses were more sensitive than those of humans, and the mana purity coming from the pouch was strong enough to affect the high elves. It was coming from the seeds and seedlings remaining of the gift that the spirits of the Baekun Mountains had given Liliana.

“It will help if you plant these seeds. Isn’t that right, Naia?”

“...It means it will also help you.”

“Yes, please don’t think of this as owing me.”

“You are different from most humans. You should be a bit more greedy.”

Liliana shrugged at Naia’s compliment that wasn’t a compliment while she smiled. However, Naia still hadn’t heard the third method. “The last one?”

“The most important role... Ellenoa?”

“Ah, yes?” Ellenoa was surprised by the sudden call.

Then Liliana spoke with a smile, “The power of the world tree was consumed not only because it blocked Nídhöggur’s breath but from helping Mitra become a god. We need a mediator to obtain the ‘faith’ and the strength that was passed onto Dmitra, and give it back to Yggdrasil.”


“The expression is a little bad. Just as high elves are called the ‘dancers’ of the world tree, the gods have a corresponding role.”

Gods had existed since ancient times and had followers to spread the religion. The name of this special role was similar—Saintess, a link between gods and mortals.

“I think that Ellenoa is best suited for the role of Mitra’s Saintess.”

“That… Why?”

“Ellenoa has contracted with the earth elemental ruler, and Mitra also wants you. The final reason isn’t significant.” Liliana smiled as she walked in front of Ellenoa. “I think the same as Mitra.”


“If the burden is too much—”

“N-No!” Ellenoa quickly shook her head. “I will do it.”


“If Liliana thinks I am the right person then I will do it.”


Alisa couldn’t tolerate the subtle atmosphere between the two people and interrupted, “Well, isn’t this good? I’ll leave it up to you. I’m already tired from all my other roles."

“I think so as well. The others?”

After Alisa and Lumia’s words, Alucard and the rest of the high elves nodded. The conclusion was decided so quickly that it was embarrassing, but there were no objections. Liliana read the atmosphere and called Mitra.

[Hoing! The great Mitra has appeared!] Mitra sprang up from the ground with a wild tumble.

The high elves couldn’t read Mitra because she had become the incarnation of the world tree and assimilated with it. She could appear anywhere in the Great Forest that the world tree’s roots reached.

[Mother Ellenoa! You are going to be my Saintess? Really? Really?]

“Really. B-But the word ‘mother’...” Ellenoa’s face turned red and she couldn’t finish her words.

Mitra asked her, [Huhihi, it is for a future joy? Well, okay. I will call you my Saintess if you prefer...]

The girl with the wheat-colored hair appeared serious for a moment before she laughed, looking between Liliana and Ellenoa. A wicked expression was on her face. Before Liliana could stop her, Mitra used her power.


There was a sense of pressure that didn’t contain any animosity. Liliana’s body tensed, and she couldn’t keep her eyes away from the scene before her. Mitra gathered the now limited power of Dmitra in her palm. Pink, blue, red, and orange... The gathered flowers of different colors turned into the shape of a ring. Apart from the divine power coming from it, this was an accessory that looked no different from a well-made floral ring.

[Now!] Then Mitra handed the ring to Liliana.

“Why did you hand me this?”

[Hihihi, Liliana should put it on instead of me.]


[Then this Mitra is leaving!] Mitra sunk into the ground again and didn’t respond to Liliana’s call. No, in this case, she deliberately didn’t respond. So, she couldn’t forcibly bring him back.

“Sigh, I guess it can’t be helped. Mitra is too playful...”

Ellenoa’s face was pink as she held her fingers forward. It was her left hand. Liliana didn’t know if Ellenoa knew the customs of humans or not, but the situation ended up like this.

“...Thank you, Ellenoa.”

In the end, Liliana placed the flower ring on Ellenoa’s finger. Simultaneously, another direction opened in the connection between Liliana and Mitra. Due to the contractual relationship, she could feel Ellenoa’s presence in the role of a ‘Saintess.’ Ellenoa looked down at the ring on her finger with a bemused expression.

Clap, clap, clap! At that moment, Alucard cleaned up the situation by clapping. “I don’t understand everything yet, but this seems to be settled. Liliana, is it okay to keep the rest of the story for after tonight?”

“Is something happening tonight?”

“A festival.”

Liliana’s eyes widened, and Alucard smiled bitterly.

“Even if we won, many colleagues were lost. Tonight’s festival is a chance to comfort the souls of the dead and to encourage the living. As our savior and friend, we hope you will also participate.”

“...Okay, I will do so.”

“Thank you. The others will be delighted.”

Perhaps this festival would be Liliana’s farewell ceremony. Thus, she nodded readily, and Alucard left the room with a happy expression. Meanwhile, Lumia and Alisa enjoyed the long-awaited break, Titania was bored and looked for something to do, and Naia placed her face against the table and slept.

Ellenoa was still looking at her finger.


She touched the flower ring and seemed to be smelling it. Ellenoa gained strength from the ring on her left hand.

“Tonight,” she murmured in an unusually determined voice.

Chapter 335 - Promised Night (2)

The sun set as always. However, the forest was more turbulent than usual. It was because the news of the ‘festival’ had spread throughout the forest as Elvenheim invited each species. Although it might seem strange to hold a festival a few days after a big battle, that was only from the viewpoint of a human. The residents of the Great Forest were accustomed to the food chain and accepted the invitation with pleasure.

The ents moved in a rare manner, while the dryads sang happily. Joyful songs, musical instruments, and cheerful voices rang out through the forest. In particular, the square of the world tree, where the main guests were gathered, was very lively.

“Now! Let’s have a toast for our friend, Liliana Miller, who has come from a faraway place!” Alucard raised a wooden cup and shouted in a loud voice. “Cheers!”

Liliana smiled as she raised her cup in accordance with everyone else. In fact, the act of toasting wasn’t part of the elves’ customs. However, they followed along after seeing her and Veronica bump cups a few times. That’s why the people sitting here were becoming drunk much faster than usual. It was natural that they would lose their pace when drinking alcohol according to the pace of others. The sudden development of bad habits caused Liliana to feel awkward.


The worst victim was sitting on her left.

“Ellenoa, aren’t you drinking too much?”

“Ah... Not yet, still okay. Hiccup.”

“You don’t look okay...”

Her skin was red, and her tongue was twisted. However, she looked at Liliana with a clear focus. She didn’t know if Ellenoa was completely drunk, but it should be fine if she said so. Additionally, her drinking partner wasn’t just Ellenoa.

“Hey, there are still more bottles, gorgeous young woman!”

“Alisa, why are you calling me that? You look much younger than me.”

High elf Alisa looked like a human in her late teens, and she chuckled at the words. Every woman, no matter the species, liked being told they looked young. However, high elves lived for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. Alisa held a bottle to her lips and said, “What? Are you not accepting my cup?”

“No.” Liliana lost her escape route and drank another cup of alcohol. Then Lumia appeared next to her with another bottle. This was called facing a mountain after another mountain. Originally, Liliana had thought Lumia had a mature and reliable style, so she couldn’t help feeling betrayed.

Lumia looked a little apologetic but still offered her the bottle sweetly. “Please share a cup with me for your troubles.”

“...I understand.”

Liliana drank more than the average person at this party and felt her face burn up. It was because the alcohol from the elves was much stronger than she had thought. By now, she had already drunk a few bottles worth of alcohol. She tried to refuse, but six individuals kept trying to share a cup with her. Of course, the effect of the drinks quickly faded. However, Veronica was a little different.

“Come on, look inside.” She sat on Liliana’s right and lifted the bottle with a frown after discovering that inside was empty. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to be angry.

“This one still has a bit left.”

“Ah, thank you.”

High elf Titania sat next to Veronica and filled up the cup in front of her. Despite having met for the first time a short while ago, they liked each other after trusting each other with their backs during the fight. The two women drank in a relaxed atmosphere. The sound of singing and musical instruments stimulated their ears, and the atmosphere was good. A few hours flowed by.

“Ah.” Ellenoa’s cup fell over. It was proof that her vision was blurry.

Liliana realized it was time to stop her and opened her mouth, “You have drunk enough. Stop now.”

Ellenoa looked up at her with a funny expression and asked in an excited voice, “Are you worried?”

Liliana nodded, ignoring her pounding heart. “Yes, I am worried.”

“Then do you want to get some fresh air? Just like last time.”


Liliana hesitated after being invited by Ellenoa. Veronica laughed, pushing at her shoulder. She made a knowing smile, causing Ellenoa to blush.

“Go. It isn’t too late in the night,” Veronica told them.

“...Sigh, then let’s go.”

“Ah, yes.”

Liliana held out her hand to Ellenoa, who rose from her seat and left the area with her. The high elves were either too drunk to know they had gone or left them alone. Veronica hummed as she looked at their backs before picking up a fruit. “Bah.”

Only Titania was sober enough to read the mood and asked Veronica a question without hesitation, “Veronica.”


“I don't know much about the relationship between people, but... are you really okay with not following them?”

“Ah, really! You should pretend not to know!” Veronica suddenly yelled, causing the other high elves to look at her with surprise.

Veronica coughed a few times before closing her eyes for a moment. She seemed to be suppressing the feelings that were caused by Titania’s words. Titania waited with an expressionless face. Then Veronica opened her eyes. “Well, didn’t she seriously like the kid first?”


“She can only stay with Liliana for a night, while I will be with her for the rest of my life.”

Veronica placed the fruit in her mouth. Then she chewed on it before spitting it out. Spit! “What is this charcoal-like taste?”

The fruit that she had placed in her mouth tasted like fish that had been grilled over a campfire. Titania, who had been watching the entire process, tilted her body and filled Veronica’s empty glass.

“Humans should know that we elves hate liars.”

“Huh? Then?”

“Your lie just now... Yes, it is cute.”

“W-What are you saying?!”

Titania giggled at Veronica’s confused reaction and raised her cup. The joyous night of celebration passed by.

* * *

On the other hand, Liliana walked behind Ellenoa. She got to know Elvenheim’s geography while preparing for this battle, but she had no knowledge of where the high elves were staying. Therefore, Ellenoa led the way, and she had to follow. However, Liliana soon had to grab onto Ellenoa.



Her body had stumbled over stones. Fortunately, her hands were faster. Ellenoa’s warm body temperature and scent were conveyed to Liliana as she held her. Ellenoa leaned on Liliana and whispered into her ear, “I can’t walk anymore... Liliana, I’m sorry, but can you please take me to my room?”

It was a lethal temptation, whether she intended it or not.

“Of course.”

“Huhu, please.”

Her smile was seductive despite her drunkenness. Liliana shook off her thoughts and started moving. She was nervous about Ellenoa’s breathing on her back and her skin sticking to hers, but she somehow endured it. Liliana walked for a few more minutes in the direction she pointed and saw a wooden knot covered with an illusion.

‘Is this really Ellenoa’s bedroom?’ Liliana stopped at the sudden thought. Then Ellenoa whispered to her, “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing.”

As she stepped into it, the bleak knot changed to another space. Liliana had experienced a tree knot used as a space door several times. It was something that even White Tower Master Orta had failed to reproduce.

“Is this Ellenoa’s bedroom?”



Ellenoa fell to the ground without responding to Liliana’s question. Liliana turned to her and froze like a stone statue. Her reaction was natural.

“Liliana.” She gazed at Liliana with clear eyes, showing no signs of drunkenness at all. “Do you remember the promise that night?”

She didn’t need to explain what was promised.


“Then can I think of this ring as the answer?”

Ellenoa held up the finger with the flower ring. Unlike the elves who were born in the Great Forest and never left, she had once lived among the human world. She had pored over the books about civilizations that humans had written, so it wouldn’t be strange if she remembered some customs. A ring on the left hand was a symbol of marriage.


This couldn’t be avoided anymore. She shouldn’t avoid it. Turning her back on her courage and determination would be the worst betrayal. Liliana calmed her heart and spoke the words she hadn’t been able to say previously.

“I like you.” She wouldn’t hesitate if that was all. “However, I don’t think I am suitable to be your mate.”

She couldn’t make a high elf, who lived for thousands of years, happy. The present Liliana was too lacking. No, it wasn’t merely a matter of time. For Liliana who always experienced all types of situations, being involved with humans or elves was a bad choice. She couldn’t come up with an answer despite many years of suffering. Liliana scolded herself for being indecisive and making her wait.

“Me too.” However, her voice was filled with warmth as she held Liliana’s hands. “I am the same, Liliana.”

Ellenoa opened her eyes, revealing the slight glittering of tears. She grabbed Liliana’s hands and confessed her feelings in an affectionate voice, “It might be because I am Mitra’s Saintess or maybe it’s because of the power of a high elf, but I can see it. Liliana is going to do great things in the future. I can’t hold onto you greedily.”


“I know that, but we have this place. Do you know? This alcohol is unusually strong. I’ve never once drunk it. I showed weakness in order to take advantage of your kindness and have tonight.”

Did she seem ugly? Liliana shook her head. No, ‘ugly’ would be applied to people who betrayed their friends for riches or power. A pretty girl using cute tricks to gain someone’s affection wasn’t ugly. Ellenoa laughed despite shedding tears.

“Liliana, if so...” Her slender fingers moved to the edge of the veil on her shoulders as she spoke in a voice that made her melt. “Let me have tonight.”

Her clothing fell to the ground. Then Liliana couldn’t think anymore. No, she didn’t want to think. From here on out, her brilliant mind wasn’t a problem. Liliana stepped forward and touched Ellenoa’s shoulder. The cold breeze touched her skin along with her warm touch. The shadows of the two people overlapped on the bed as the long night began.

It was the end of the festival.

Chapter 336 - Five Years Later (1)

"...Umm." A girl opened her eyes in an antique bed. This girl, who had silky black hair and sparkling blue eyes, slowly raised her slender body and laughed softly when she didn’t see anyone beside her. Had it already been a few years since that dream occurred? It was a memory she cherished deeply, one she didn't want to forget even after a hundred years, though it sometimes made her feel a little embarrassed.

"I'm not a teenager still going through puberty."

Liliana arranged the messy and crumpled sheets of her bed, and then unlocked the window.

Kkiiik. A blinding light filled the dark room immediately. The only device that used magic in her bedroom was the shade to block out light. As the sun rose halfway on the eastern horizon, the outline of Mana-vil filled Liliana's view.

The buildings were much taller than they had been a few years ago, and the magic lights, which had yet to be turned off, lingered on the streets. The red magic lamp, which signaled emergencies in Meltor, was turned off today, marking the start of an ordinary day.

'I might get to have a peaceful day today.'

After the great battle at Elvenheim, the struggles centering on Liliana subsided for a while. The civil uprising in Andras and the chaos in the central part of the continent after Lairon disappeared had occupied her attention for some time, but they weren't too daunting. In comparison to the 9th circle warlock who had attempted to place the world tree into Nídhöggur’s hands, inter-nation disputes seemed trivial.

Liliana thought about the past for a while before turning around. "Goetia."

[Yes, Mistress,] the ring on her right hand, Ars Goetia, responded to the call in a gentle voice.

"Can you tell me the schedule for today?"

[At 8 a.m., there is a meeting in the main conference room of the royal palace. Robert Alpenheimer will visit the military academy for the purpose of establishing a strategy class at 2 p.m., and at 7 p.m. you have a dinner booked with Veronica.]

"I didn’t think the meeting was so soon. I have to hurry."

After listening to Goetia, who acted as her assistant, Liliana glanced at the clock on the wall and started moving. This was the time when the sun began to rise, but a sorceress couldn’t afford to waste even a single minute. It was quite common for someone with such a schedule to become a night owl. However, someone with physical vitality like Liliana would have their drowsiness vanish with the dawn.

She opened the closet, which was several times larger than before. It contained various outfits for different occasions, including those for national meetings, public ceremonies, and conquests.

'...They wouldn't say much even if I dressed as I pleased.'

That’s what Blundell had said. There was no one who could halt or control the actions of an 8th circle sorceress. Just look at Veronica; rules were clearly unnecessary for her. She used to wear party dresses to meetings in the royal palace. Nevertheless, Liliana was concerned about the blood pressure of those present, so she opted for suitable clothing. Her attire might not be crafted by a magician, but the fit was better than she expected.

'Veronica doesn’t like wearing it, but I think the design is okay.'

It was black fabric with gold decorations, making it obvious to anyone that she was someone of high status. Liliana groomed the wrinkled robe with magic and greeted someone out of habit, "Sir Spencer, are you there?" There was silence for a few seconds before an answer came from her right arm, [...I'm not gone yet. This old man is lasting longer than I thought.]

"Haha, please don't think like that. You have great strength."

[Eh, this old man is useless now.]

Liliana grinned at the grumbles of the legendary hero, Reynolds Spencer. After consuming Soul Calibre, the hero’s soul had stayed in Liliana’s right arm, bestowing his strength over five years. As such, Liliana confirmed his presence every morning because Spencer could disappear tomorrow or in a few months. Reynolds often insisted that it wasn’t necessary.

[I have no regrets because I have found a reliable successor. Don’t grieve or mourn for me. There is no need to say goodbye to a soul who died a long time ago.]

"Then is it okay to say thank you?"

[Hmm, you are also very stubborn.]

Liliana could tell that Reynolds was smiling wryly. She smiled and released the security magic. The security magic was redundant for her, as she woke up whenever anything approached, but it was a formal security device she turned on habitually. Then her senses caught a servant outside the door who politely bowed to her and greeted, "I beg your pardon, Chief Tower Mistress."

Liliana nodded at the title that still felt unfamiliar to her. Meanwhile, the servant spoke cautiously, "His Majesty has invited Chief Tower Mistress to have breakfast with him. If you wish, I will guide you to the dining room."

"Please do so."

"Yes! Thank you very much."

The servant turned with stiff motions, and Liliana followed with a gentle smile. When Liliana was younger, she had dreamed of wealth and honor. Now, it all seemed rather vain. She had magic that could break down mountains and change the climate. Why should she cling to money and status?

Liliana Miller, the peak of the tower mistresses, moved with troubles that no one could comprehend.

* * *

The Chief Tower Mistress was the pinnacle of all the magic towers. It was the first time in Meltor’s history that the title was used, and Liliana only took the role relatively recently.

Two years ago, the position of head of the central tower became unclear when Benedict retired after the war with Andras. He was an outsider, a free magician who didn’t belong to any of the other magic towers. Thanks to this, Benedict had been able to coordinate the balance between towers from an objective standpoint and assume the role of chairman of the Magic Society.

The problem arose when he retired; there was no one left to fill the vacancy. The elder magicians who had participated in past wars were focused on developing their own magic research and experienced intense fatigue. Nobody wanted to bother them. Above all, the qualification to become a tower master required being a magician of the 7th circle or higher. With the death of Blue Tower Master Blundell, there was only one person who could become the mistress of the central tower.

'It is me.' Liliana sighed as she reflected on the situation. 'Hah, Benedict would've worried a bit more about retiring if I wasn't here.'

Liliana Miller, the youngest sorceress to reach the 8th circle, possessed all the qualifications necessary to lead a magic tower. Additionally, the Red Tower Master Veronica was still present. Thus, there was no fear that the red tower would collapse if Liliana was absent. Though few knew it, Veronica held a subordinate position to her.

From the beginning to the end, it was a position destined for Liliana.

In any case, the process of her appointment was swift. Veronica naturally supported and quickly voted for her, along with the white tower master and yellow tower master. The blue tower master seat was vacant, and the vote was treated as an abstention, but a majority was still established.

This marked the inaugural appearance of the Chief Tower Mistress position, a testament to Liliana's status as the greatest sorceress of her era. However, her workload had increased dramatically. She looked down at the raucous meeting hall and sighed.

"So! We need to conduct an armed protest in Austen! They’ve forgotten the grace we bestowed and now aim to double the price of special products!"

Despite being five years older, Robert was still as fiery as ever, vocally criticizing Austen’s policy.

After the drought brought about by Desertio dissipated, the small desert kingdom gradually began to flourish. This was largely due to Liliana's previous favor, yet the momentum of a country where religion and power were unified was astonishing. Now that they were no longer beggars, they acted in a rather shameless manner.

"No, an armed protest is too extreme! It would make us resemble the brutal policies of the empire. No matter how shameless Austen is acting, resorting to arms is not the right approach!"

The council members yelled at each other in every meeting. Today was no different as Robert’s eyes widened in response to Jerome’s words.

"Then what? If you suggest soothing them gently again, I will snap!"

"Uhuh! The point of this meeting is to find a resolution!"

Both perspectives held validity. Meltor had won the war in the north, acquiring vast territories and many resources. Consequently, it had developed far beyond its state five years ago. However, the kingdom had also suffered losses. Meltor’s population and troops were stretched thin, dispersed across the expanded kingdom for relief work, and the kingdom’s atmosphere had barely stabilized. Engaging in war or an armed protest might disturb it.

At that moment, a magician in a blue robe raised their hand. "I will speak."



Simultaneously, both Jerome and Robert stopped speaking. It was because the status of the blue-robed magician was much higher than theirs. King Kurt’s gaze shifted accordingly. The host of the meeting, Kurt III, opened his mouth and said, "Speak, Blue Tower Mistress."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

That’s correct. The young woman had changed greatly over the past five years and was now recognized as a tower mistress. Her silver hair was like overflowing moonlight, and she had blue eyes as tranquil as a calm lake. A formidable yet elegant lady, exuding wisdom and strength, rose from her seat, holding the staff that represented the former tower master.


It was her, Sylvia Adruncus. After Blundell’s death, she had dedicated herself to magic for three years, often neglecting her own well-being.

Liliana had visited her many times, only managing to serve tea. Sylvia’s determination had been too intense for Liliana to persuade otherwise. Veronica had said that they could talk once Sylvia reached her limit.

However, Sylvia was a genius among geniuses. A few years of training passed, and she reached her limit. Then she transcended the barrier with her exceptional talent and perseverance. No one could dismiss Sylvia, who reached the 7th circle at a comparable age to Liliana and who held the staff that was the remnant of Blundell Adruncus.

Some viewed this as a sign of Meltor’s enduring glory, while others were captivated by her elegance.

'A new… era.'

The vacancies left by those who had departed were filled, and the wheels of history continued to turn. Liliana's gaze deepened for a moment before returning to its original state.

Sylvia wasn’t the only one confronting a barrier. A formidable wall, the 9th circle, stood dauntingly in front of Liliana.

Chapter 337 - Five Years Later (2)

A few months ago, Liliana realized that she had learned all sorts of magic from the Hall of Fame and the Zero Library, like Abe no Seimei’s Art of Onmyōdō and Aleister Crowley’s Kabbalah. Additionally, many great magicians taught her according to the achievement points spent, and Liliana was able to accept the overwhelming knowledge. The achievement points Liliana gained thanks to Jerem and her own learning ability showed great synergy.

‘I didn’t expect to reach saturation in five years.’ The five years had passed like flowing water, and Liliana realized she had reached the limits of a mortal. The amount of magic that could be used at one time and the magic power flowing in her body were different from what they had been in the past. Soul Calibre was now perfect without the help of Sir Spencer. Liliana was a strong sorceress who wasn’t lacking compared to the other tower masters. She had perfectly acquired elemental magic, as well as some special magic.

Now, Liliana could defeat the incomplete Jerem. She had stepped outside the boundaries of the 8th circle and was half a step to the 9th circle. This was Liliana’s current status as diagnosed by Gluttony. She might take a few steps and become a transcendent, or she might miss the opportunity and fall back down to a mortal. It was unknown territory even for a grimoire that had lived for thousands of years. The wall that existed between circles was defined as the limits of a person. It wasn’t something that could be done with outside help.

Gluttony, one of the Seven Sins grimoire, gave her this advice, -You can jump this stage with a little enlightenment in one night, or you might not be able to escape it for 10,000 years. A gateway with the correct answer doesn’t exist.

Would she have her heart destroyed or live for hundreds of years? It didn’t matter either way. Some put down all their possessions and overcame them, while others went beyond everything. Liliana would find her own answer. If there were 10,000 magicians, then there would be a million ways to achieve it. In some ways, it was like Sorcery. Even if they trained in the same environment, all humans were different. It was impossible for Gluttony to calculate her natural abilities, talents, personality, and all other elements.

"...It makes sense, but after thinking about it again, it just means that Gluttony doesn’t know either," Liliana complained quietly and watched the meeting.

The disputes between the two factions subsided with Sylvia’s compromise. Ultimately, it was decided to reduce the number of artifact exports to the Austen Kingdom and pressure them using the surrounding kingdoms. It was a decent solution. Liliana nodded silently.

The reason she didn’t say anything was because her status was too high. Liliana’s voice was so strong that everyone would try to follow her opinion. The nobles jockeying for power were also annoying. She sighed every time they came forward.

‘I know they are trying to attract me to fight against the king... But do they really think I am crazy enough to side with them?’

The king wasn’t corrupt, and there was no reason to stir mischief in a kingdom that was running well. Liliana quietly favored the solution to the issue they were discussing, and the meeting naturally ended in the direction Sylvia wanted.

Kurt III announced the closing of the meeting, “Then I will finish today’s meeting here. Go back to your respective departments with this conclusion and make sure that the actions against Austen are carried out carefully and urgently. Understood?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Chief Tower Mistress, please give me a minute. I have something to say to you. But if you have urgent business...” Fortunately, the magic lights to announce an emergency were still off. Liliana accepted the invitation of the king, “It is okay. I will follow the will of Your Majesty.”

Finally, the people gathered in the meeting hall started to leave one by one. It was a habit for the officials on the outside to open the door, while those sitting closest to Kurt III were the last to leave. Of course, the representative of the blue tower, Blue Tower Master Sylvia, was at the very end.


Sylvia had just risen from her seat when her name was called. With calm eyes, she turned to Liliana who then asked, “Are you doing well?”


It was a dumb question. Although it was useless to say anything at this point, she couldn’t help being concerned about Sylvia after she reached the 7th circle. Liliana was the only person she called a friend, and Blundell had sacrificed himself for Liliana. However, Sylvia just smiled at her.

“Yes, I’m a little busy, but I’m fine. I heard you are getting along well with Veronica these days? Congratulations.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“His Majesty is waiting for you, so let’s talk later. Is that okay?”


Sylvia was now more talented than she used to be, but her attitude had become more standoffish. If the previous situation had broken Sylvia’s bond with her, then it couldn’t be helped. Liliana watched Sylvia’s retreating figure and walked over to Kurt, who was still sitting at the table.

Wanting to know why she was called, Liliana asked, “Did you call, Your Majesty?”

“Yes, Chief Tower Mistress. I borrowed your time rather than discussing in a place where all of them would argue. I'm sorry.”

“No. Please don’t hesitate to speak.”

Then Kurt III opened his mouth with a gentle expression, “It is about the ‘Southern Exploration’ that you planned and talked to me about a week ago.”

The southern part of the continent was a land of infamous swamps, as well as an area that civilized society hadn’t stepped into. The loose boundaries of this physical world were scattered everywhere. It was a fairly common story for a half-hearted adventurer to walk through the southern part of the continent and disappear along the way.

However, Liliana planned for an exploration of the Southern Continent. It would make a loud noise if she went alone.

“I am aware that Chief Tower Mistress’ abilities have improved a great deal. The majority of changes that have occurred in Meltor over the years have been due to your skills,” Kurt praised Liliana’s achievements before getting to the point. “However, the dangers of the Southern Continent are greater than them. The resources in the southern swamps are valuable, but there isn’t a proper country in the Southern Continent. The Southern Continent has swallowed up dozens of expeditions over the years.”

“I also know that, Your Majesty.”

“I can’t give permission for you to leave alone. If you really want to leave, I can’t stop you. But know that I am firmly against it.”

Until now, the relationship between the royal family and the magic towers had always been good because they didn’t interfere with each other’s identity. The magic towers didn’t intervene deeply with the kingdom, while the kingdom didn’t interfere with the magic towers’ research. It was strictly taboo to interfere with a sorceress’s quest. This was how the magic kingdom had lasted up to this day.

So, in a sense, Kurt III was committing a taboo.

‘Hut.’ Liliana laughed.

If Kurt III had blocked her for a political reason, one of Meltor’s pillars might’ve disappeared as Liliana turned away. However, the emotion in Kurt’s eyes was only pure concern.

“Of course, Your Majesty. I also don’t intend to go alone.”

“Hrmm? The plan...”

“I’m not taking someone from the magic tower. The blue tower master, the red tower master, and the white tower master all have things to do. I can’t borrow their hands for a personal exploration.”

Therefore, she picked someone from outside the magic tower.

“The swamp is still part of nature, and there is one person who has no work to do.”

“Don’t tell me, it’s them...”

“Yes, Your Majesty has guessed correctly.”

After the war was over, the sword master, Randolph, became a noble of this kingdom and could only help nurture aura users. The mercenaries under his command also converted to knights and lived good lives. Between them, the bandits and criminals in the kingdom had dried up.

As soon as Liliana’s suggestion was made, Randolph had accepted it. [Go! Go! When do I need to be ready? Now is fine!]

The face of a hungry predator was still unforgettable. Randolph was easier to recruit than Liliana had thought he would be.

Additionally, the high elf, who was contracted with an ancient elemental and had a magician for a teacher, was committed to the exploration of the southern continent. She would be the main character of this exploration because she was carrying out Myrdal’s words to ‘put the south’s distress to rest.’

Titania was her second companion to the southern continent.

* * *

“Hrmm, is that so?” Veronica cut the steak on the plate into two pieces and made an ambiguous expression. It wasn’t hard for Liliana to guess the reason for that. Clearly, it was an unspoken protest about why she had to go to the Southern Continent. Veronica’s eyes were cute, but she was someone with the nickname of destruction.

Liliana stretched out her hand and grabbed Veronica’s hand softly. “Becky, I believe in your skills. I don’t want to take you to the dirty marsh.”

“Titania and Randolph are going with you?”

“Titania has a job to do, and Randolph is a mercenary who has always been on the battlefield.”

Veronica pouted. She had been on battlefields, so there was no need to separate her from the swamps. “Do you think I am the lady of a prestigious family? I’m not a princess who has to be protected.”

“But you are more to me than that.”

“Eh...” Had a woman ever treated her like this? She would’ve been angry if it was anyone other than Liliana. Now, Veronica’s face couldn’t help turning red. She shyly held her hand and whispered, “I will wait for you.”

Veronica needed to stay in Meltor to handle matters there. Her fire could also be bad with all the poisonous gas in the swamps. However, it was more effective to appeal to her emotional side. Moreover, she also meant it in her own way. Fighting with someone she wanted to protect was a great strength, as well as a terrible thing.

She still remembered her panic back when Veronica’s heart stopped. Her eyes, which were always filled with power and passion, had dimmed, and her voice had faded. It had been a nightmare. So, Liliana’s heart felt a desire to keep her away from danger.

Thinking of this, Liliana inadvertently put strength into her hands. Veronica responded with a sigh. “...Hah, I understand. I will remain in Meltor.”


“It is your decision, and there will be a good reason for it. When are you leaving? And what is the date of return?”

“It will take a fortnight to finish the preparations. The deadline… Well, it won’t take more than a month?”

“Hrm.” Veronica made the strange expression again. She didn’t like being separated from Liliana for a month, so she couldn’t help feeling bitter.

However, unlike her thoughts, Veronica suggested a deal. “Lili, are you doing anything after dinner?”

“Huh? No, today’s schedule is finished.”

At that moment, Liliana felt her hand being stroked. White slender fingers were rubbing circles on her skin. She looked at Veronica, who didn’t hide her intentions at all. Her red hair blended with the gentle lights, and her golden eyes filled with an obvious desire. A chill ran down Liliana’s spine in a way that was different from fear.

“A fortnight and one month...” Veronica’s lips curved, and her eyes were captivating. Her tongue moved over her red and beautiful lips.

Liliana gulped like she was thirsty, and Veronica smiled at the reaction.

“Will you give me enough so that I don’t become lonely?” She said, getting up from her seat and hugging her. Then she whispered in Liliana’s ears, “Huhu, shall we go to your room? Or do you want to come to my room?”

Veronica’s hot body filled her arms as Liliana realized that Gluttony’s advice was right. The questions of the world had many answers.

Chapter 338 - Five Years Later (3)

It was a long and hot night. Veronica had been born with a strong body and a lust to match the red dragons. Shortly after returning from Elvenheim a few years ago, the two women got together actively. Perhaps it was due to the emergence of a rival called Ellenoa.

“Ah, umm, haaaah...” Was Veronica afraid of Liliana being stolen if she acted late? In the past, it had only occurred in her mental world. The emotions of the girl and woman easily resonated due to their souls’ connection. Liliana always had Veronica in her mind, and they soon crossed the line. Liliana was a young woman in her 20s, and she accepted Veronica’s passionate embrace.

The first attempt was a little difficult, but the second was easy. The third was even easier. The relationship between the two sorceresses was known throughout the magic towers and soon spread throughout Meltor. The only two 8th circle magicians on the entire continent were together! The nobles who had prepared their relatives to seduce Liliana were forced to stop.

“T-Lili, uh, Lili...” It was a thin voice that didn’t sound like Veronica.

The bed was magically enhanced and didn’t even creak despite the heavy movements of the two women. Veronica's red hair danced like a wave above Liliana's slender body, and the waves that swung several times with an unknown rhythm came to an end with Veronica’s jerk of delight.

“-Hahhhh!” For a moment, her golden eyes lost focus as her body sank forward.

Veronica buried her face in the pillow and hugged Liliana. The heat had yet to scatter, and it circulated in the room. Their rough breathing quickly subsided. However, the two women didn’t move as they stared into each other’s eyes. They were sticky with sweat and body fluids, but the two of them kissed without caring.

“So good. I really can’t live without Lili,” Veronica whispered sweetly against her lips while Liliana stroked her messy hair.

“Is this enough to make my Becky satisfied for a month?”

“Let’s see?” Veronica’s bewitching expression stirred her up again.

Liliana had been with her since the early evening, and the sun was now rising. Yet Veronica still didn’t feel tired. If Liliana didn’t have a well-trained body, she would’ve collapsed earlier. Although Liliana wanted to respond to her temptation, she just smiled and kissed Veronica’s fair forehead. It was an expression of affection between the two as well as a mild refusal.

“I’m sorry.”

“Tch, I thought so. Chief Tower Master’s work is more important than me?”


“Ahaha, it was a joke. Go safely.” Veronica kissed her lightly and lay down.

Their time together was over.

“I’m going, Becky.” Liliana washed her body with a simple spell and put on her scattered clothes. In the meantime, Veronica’s breaths became smaller, and she was asleep by the time Liliana finished dressing. She covered Veronica with a blanket and left with a smile.

Step, step. Liliana could use space movement, but after a night with Veronica, she felt like walking. She descended a few floors from the top, and the noise gradually increased. In general, the higher the rank, the higher the floor. There was little sign of life until crossing the fifth floor where the elders stayed.

It wasn’t until she descended several floors lower that somebody recognized her. “C-Chief Tower Master!”

Although the call wasn’t that loud, the entire floor became quiet.

‘Tsk, it is rare for me to come down this time.’

Liliana was late today. She normally got up when the sun rose, but it was now 9 a.m. However, Liliana didn’t need to explain why. The bewildered magicians all bowed and greeted the Chief Tower Master.

“There is a lot of work in the morning. Please take care,” Liliana responded.

“Huh? Ah, yes! Thank you, Chief Tower Master!”

“There is no need to thank me.”

As soon as she moved, the magicians split into two directions like the tide. Treated with respect and awe, Liliana wasn’t exaggerating when she said that she was the greatest magician of the magic tower and the world at the moment. The magicians couldn’t help shaking as they faced this living legend.

‘...Well, there will be people who will notice soon.’

Why had she come down from the red tower in the morning? As long as the relationship between her and Veronica was clear, it wasn’t difficult to guess the reason behind Liliana’s actions. However, no one said it because they were embarrassed.

As soon as Liliana left the red tower, a magician blocked her way.

“Chief Tower Master.”

With gold hair flowing over her glossy brown skin, she was a beauty who could melt the hearts of men. However, Liliana wasn’t affected by that as she asked, “What's going on, Para?”

“There are a few things I have to report.” It was the avatar of Paragranum, who was both the Yellow Tower master and a grimoire. Her glassy eyes without any emotions were proof of her inhuman nature. She wouldn’t come to see her for trivial matters.

“Let’s move the location,” Liliana said.

Paragranum nodded and followed Liliana to her lab in the central tower. It felt like the wind was blowing again.

* * *

The central tower was the center of the magic towers and the headquarters of all magicians in the magic kingdom. This was where they registered their statuses and exchanged research results. Unlike the other magic towers, there were no independent units to take action. It was where national events such as the magic contest and large-scale plans were organized.

This hadn’t changed despite the owner of the central tower changing. There was only one difference from the days of the former chairman, Benedict.

The top floor of the central tower had undergone major renovations.

“Goetia, open the door of the laboratory.”

[Yes, Master.]

The ring on Liliana’s right hand shone and released the security magic on the door.

It might seem like an easy task, but in order to break through the door with Goetia, they needed the strength of Veronica in her draconic form. Other methods were to completely analyze the magic formula that Liliana had created or to take possession of Ars Goetia.

‘It isn’t impossible for a transcendent, but I can’t assume that transcendents will be my enemies.’

Overestimating herself was something to be avoided, but she also couldn’t overestimate the enemies. The boundary between a prudent person and a coward wasn’t that clear. The timing of when to take a step forward and when to pause was what separated the two. She should be cautious but not a coward. Thus, Liliana maintained the security of the laboratory at this level.

Ching! Ching! The adamantium and mithril locks were released, and the noise was heard for three minutes before stopping.

Soon, the inside of the research laboratory was exposed to Paragranum and Liliana. This was the research center of the Chief Tower Master of Meltor.

“...It looks different to what I saw a few months ago. Isn’t there a lack of free space? Or did you construct a new facility?” Paragranum asked when she saw the difference.

However, Liliana just shrugged. “It is similar. There is a limit to the space expansion.”

In fact, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that half of the research laboratory had been thanks to her. Paragranum was a grimoire created by the best alchemist in the Age of Mythology, Paracelsus. She adhered to the principle of equivalent exchange and had built this workshop in return for several conditions.

It was the birth of a research center that transcended the standards of this time. There was a teleport gate that could immediately move to Elvenheim, the Baekun Mountains, and Paracelsus’ Laboratory. There was a mirror connected to communication facilities throughout Meltor, as well as a magic scroll press and potion distillation facilities for mass production. The bronze statues placed against the walls of the research center were golems capable of 5th circle magic.

Lastly, there was one final guardian of the research center.

[Welcome, Master.] Unlike the past, the automaton wore body armor and bowed down politely.

The automaton had Sword Master Lloyd’s Aura Ability. After having several modifications, it had now become a monster within the reach of the master level. It had mighty combat power and absolute loyalty, making it the right guard for this research center.

“Gladio, are there any reports of grade 3 importance or higher?”


“Grade 4?”

[There is one from the red tower, three from the blue tower, and two from the white tower. They are requests to handle monsters appearing in various places, the restoration of a pier broken by landslides, and the expansion of information sources in the central part of the continent.]

“Approve all of them. Tell the white tower to post a report as soon as they finish the selection,” Liliana passed on the instructions. Then she sat down at a table with Paragranum and started talking, “Why did you come see me this morning?”

“It is about the Southern Continent.”

“The south? This must be a big deal.” Liliana’s eyes widened at the unexpected words.

The grimoire, Paragranum, only cared about the purpose of its existence, not the chaotic Southern Continent. Many of the rare animals and plants that could be used for alchemy were available in the central and northern regions. So, Lili didn’t think there was any reason for her to be interested in the swamp. Then why did the words ‘the Southern Continent’ emerge from Paragranum’s mouth? It wasn’t long before she found out the reason.

“The dragons are moving.”

Dragons were the most powerful species in the material world. There was no way for Liliana’s expression to remain calm, but she tried to control her expression. Meanwhile, Paragranum spoke as if she had been waiting for her reaction, “The red clan’s Brasmati, the green clan’s Erucus, and two more. I don’t know why, but four dragons have gathered on the Southern Continent. Do you have any guesses?”

“No, I have no idea.”

Dragons were beings that didn’t accompany their parents after becoming adults. There had never been a collective action like this in the history of the continent. It might be different in the Age of Mythology, but this was a disaster in current times.

At this time, Liliana asked a question, “Is Aquilo included in that group?”

“...The sea isn’t within my area of detection. But it is possible. If the sea dragon interferes, there would be a total of five. Maybe all the dragons are gathering in one place.”

“It is a meeting of dragons...” Liliana added one more thing to her list of tasks to do in the south with a grim expression. She needed to investigate why the dragons were gathering in the Southern Continent. It was hard to overcome the power of a dragon, but she had the confidence to pull herself out if she had to fight. Liliana was a few steps before the realm of transcendence and several times stronger than she had been in the past.

‘I wish Aquilo would answer... There is still no communication from her. Did something happen?’

It had been five years since she lost contact with Aquilo. That had been before the battle of the world tree, so she hadn’t been able to go after her. Liliana was briefly troubled by this. Meanwhile, Paragranum rose from her spot. “Then it is up to here for me. I don’t want you to miss the expedition, so be careful.”

“Yes, thank you for informing me.”

Once Paragranum left, Liliana kept thinking for a while. Why were the dragons showing interest in the Southern Continent? Was there a threat to the material world? If so, should she be alert to threats?

‘Tsk, I don’t know.’ Liliana let out a long sigh and suppressed her thoughts about the dragons. She sat down in front of the mirror of communication and organized the reports from each tower.

‘It is time to replace Master’s prosthesis. Balance the bonded neurons… Okay, that is enough. I can tell him separately. It has been three days since Baek Dongil returned from Bergen? The hobgoblins won’t interrupt the schedule, so I will give him a vacation and send him to my hometown.’

A period of five years wasn’t short. Since having come to Meltor, Baek Dongil had now reached the 4th circle. He was constantly tapping at the wall to the next level. His heart, which had gotten hurt by how he had been treated in the East Continent, was now healed.

Vince, Liliana’s teacher, had also changed. It could be because he had lost one leg and devoted himself to research. His atmosphere grew softer, and the number of magicians who acted as his assistants increased.

“Well, it is good.”

This was a peaceful age. Liliana’s teacher could devote himself to the research he wanted to do but hadn’t been able to due to being on the battlefield. Of course, Vince didn’t always like everything. At that moment...

[Master, I’ve received a request.]

As she heard Gladio’s loud voice, Liliana turned. “Is it an interview? I didn’t make a promise...”

[It is a messenger from the Soldun Kingdom. After a meeting with the king in the morning, he came to see Master.]

“The Soldun Kingdom? What is the name of the messenger?” She asked to be certain. Liliana thought it was Baek Jongmyung who came to see Baek Dongil.

However, her expectations were betrayed in a different manner.

[The name is Marquis Fergana.]

“...Why him?”

He was the 7th circle magician who had been defeated by her in Soldun’s civil war and eventually became a royal hound. Liliana made a strange expression and got up. “I have to meet him.”

Chapter 339 - Five Years Later (4)

Marquis Fergana was one of the 7th circle magicians on the continent and one of the three masters in the Soldun Kingdom. He was also the master of a prestigious family and a person who possessed 30% of the kingdom. That’s right. This was until he was defeated in the Elsid Civil War that occurred several years ago and was arrested. Originally, it was a crime that would cause him to be executed. However, the royal family was in a weak state after the civil war, so they used a special punishment to prevent the damage which would be caused by Marquis Fergana’s vacancy. It was the Oath of Obedience. At the time, Liliana had been dispatched with the allied forces, and her power had been borrowed to carve the oath onto the marquis’ heart. There was no way for the marquis to get rid of the brand on his heart. So, from that day onward, Fergana became a slave to King Elsid and the royal family.

His days of exploring magic were long gone. First of all, he was a royal hound who followed the royal family’s will and acted for national events, rather than family affairs. It was too big a cost due to his family. ‘...It was my own mistake for falling for Cornwall’s words and not being able to refuse my daughter. I know in my mind that I shouldn’t blame anyone else.’ Marquis Fergana was lost in thought as he sat at an old-fashioned table in a reception room. He could feel it without any effort—the shackle carved onto his heart that even his seven circles couldn’t resist. Was it called the Oath of Obedience? It was a very terrible name. He reconfirmed the enchantment on his heart and smiled bitterly. After being defeated by a young woman not even 30 years of age, Fergana now had no freedom. He felt more disappointment than resentment for the loss.

“Now, that young woman is the greatest magician on the entire continent... I wonder if I was fortunate that I encountered her before that.”

Either way, Fergana’s defeat wouldn’t be changed. He drank the bitter tea as his heart filled with messy feelings he couldn’t determine. There were feelings of a magician’s jealousy and the inferiority complex of the underdog, as well as a mixture of vengefulness, awe, and admiration. Marquis Fergana let out a long breath.

Kkiiik. The door of the reception room opened, and Liliana walked in. “It has been a while, Marquis Fergana. I heard you were looking for me.”

It was different from the past. Liliana was wearing a black robe instead of a red one, and her eyes had added depth as she looked at Marquis Fergana. Liliana Miller, the chief tower master, was the youngest magician on the continent to reach the 8th circle. Their eyes met, and they each had different reactions.

‘―Heoook!’ Marquis Fergana’s eyes filled with astonishment. ‘D-Deep. So deep that I can’t see the bottom. It is like looking into another dimension...!’

They were different types of magicians. It was like the difference between a person standing on a mountain peak and a person on the middle of the mountain. The gap between the two magicians could be seen from their eyes as pressure pushed down at Marquis Fergana. The 7th circle and the 8th circle... The 8th circles which could be seen in Liliana’s eyes were difficult to face. Therefore, Marquis Fergana couldn’t say a word.

“Ah, I’m sorry.” Liliana belatedly noticed the reason and reduced the amount of power in her eyes. It wasn’t necessary to say that Marquis Fergana’s fear increased. “I-It has been a long time, Chief Tower Mistress Liliana.”

“Yes. Is this the first time since the civil war?”

“Yes, it is as you said.” The pride that Marquis Fergana had built over decades vanished like a mirage, and he gathered his hands together politely.

As a magician of the 7th circle, Marquis Fergana could tell that Liliana Miller was already in a realm beyond his imagination. It would be too much if the marquis tried to curry favor with Liliana. The bad feelings related to the incident of the past faded and only awe remained. After exchanging greetings and drinking a cup of tea, the conversation between the two people truly began.

“His Majesty asked me to consult with you about this issue.” Liliana made a strange expression as King Elsid of Soldun was mentioned. There were no signs of taking out a letter, so the marquis was going to say it directly. It meant this was a problem that couldn’t be conveyed through letters and was important enough for a master to come in person. Liliana’s eyebrows raised in interest.

Meanwhile, Marquis Fergana started talking, “It happened three months ago. Monsters kept attacking the kingdoms in the south-west.”

This wasn’t uncommon. The Southern Continent, filled with infamous swamps, was located a few kilometers south of the Soldun Kingdom, and it wasn’t unusual for monsters from the swamp to leave the area. There were many beasts who tried to avoid the human species. However, the number and strength of those who wandered away from their habitat weren’t great, and they were easily blocked by the standing army at the border areas. The royal family had thought the same thing three months ago.

“But after a month or two, the number of creatures attacking the border didn’t diminish. No, it was estimated that they increased.”

“It is an abnormal situation.”

“Yes, I saw that this situation was a monster wave.”

‘Monster wave’ was a term that referred to a phenomenon where at least 1,000 monsters moved in a single direction, regardless of species or ecology. It was a phenomenon that could be found in encyclopedias. The number of monster waves had greatly reduced over the centuries. However, there must be a reason for Marquis Fergana’s certainty.

“I don’t know. The swamp monsters are adapted to their environment, and it is difficult for them to survive in other areas. The swamps in the south are filled with poison, and the vegetation is drenched with this evil energy, mutating the monsters.”

“Did you try exploring inside?”

Marquis Fergana nodded firmly at Liliana’s question and answered, “It was just the edges, but yes.”

“You couldn’t find the cause?”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t see anything. Ah! There was something unusual.”

“What is it?”

Marquis Fergana made a fearful expression as he recalled what he felt at that time. “From outside the forest, I felt a pressure that refused to let me approach. The soldiers and skilled knights were reluctant to take even a step inside. I was able to cope, but it consumed a considerable amount of mental energy.”

“It was a mental energy, not physical?”

“Yes. It was a type of rejection.”

A fear that spread across a wide area and drove the creatures out of the swamp...? A light flashed in Liliana’s head at this thought. It was a puzzle piece that wouldn’t have fit without Paragranum’s story. ‘Is this the influence of Dragon Fear?’ Dragons that grew to adulthood could release their presence and drive out all life forms in the area. Even ogres felt a sense of oppression that couldn’t be tolerated. Undoubtedly, the strong monsters in the swamp areas couldn’t compare to a dragon.

Marquis Fergana saw how Liliana was silent and asked with expectations in his eyes, “...Do you perhaps have any guesses?”

“No. I don’t know either. But...” Liliana casually turned her cup round and round. “I am going to the Southern Continent. I’ll try to investigate the cause during my expedition. If there is helpful information, I will give it to Soldun immediately.”

“Oh! That is more than I was expecting!"

From Soldun’s perspective, it was difficult to make a request directly to Liliana, who was the chief tower mistress and the backbone of the magic kingdom. However, to think that Liliana was now going to the Southern Continent and that she would help them...? This was an unexpected windfall for Marquis Fergana. Liliana’s expedition to the Southern Continent was becoming more complicated.

* * *

A few days after that...

“What? Monster wave?” Randolph was surprised after coming to Mana-vil at Liliana’s call.

Randolph had received monster subjugation requests several times before, but he had never experienced a monster wave. A wave of thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of monsters...? Moreover, these were swamp monsters that were twice as strong as the other monsters in the area. It was obvious that a careless person would lose their life.

Liliana saw his reaction and asked playfully, “So? Are you afraid?”

“No way! I am looking forward to the good picnic ahead!” Randolph grabbed his two swords and chuckled. “I don’t hate peace. Still, I am someone who likes battlefields. Any danger is welcome!”

“Savage human,” the high elf Titania scolded Randolph’s exuberance before turning to Liliana. There was no change in appearance for a high elf who lived for thousands of years. A period of five years for her was like a few months for humans. Nevertheless, she didn’t stop training and had a stronger momentum than before.

“I heard that swamp creatures are different from those living in other areas. Can I ask for an explanation?”

“Of course. I was already going to do that,” Liliana answered positively to Titania’s question. “The swamps in the Southern Continent contain more mana than those in other regions. If we compare the average concentration of mana to ‘water’, then the Southern Continent is a ‘swamp.’ After thousands of years, the mana is enough to alter the ecosystem. This is why the swamp monsters are stronger.”

Mana was a source of power. Both aura and magic were powers that converted mana. Monsters lacked the capacity to handle the powers as well as other species. However, by accumulating the mana in their bodies, they gained more durability and strength than natural. Among them, the ‘mutants’ were the heads of the creatures. It was the case for the twin head ogres, mutant trolls with horns on their foreheads, and wyverns that could shoot out breaths.

“These mutations are common in the swamps. It’s different from the central or northern part of the continent where there’s a big commotion if one mutant is found. The adventurer who explored the swamps a long time ago wrote in his autobiography that it was hell.”

“...Hrmm, that is interesting.”

“Yes, it is some fun after a long time.”

Both Titania and Randolph weren’t intimidated as they made curious expressions. Clearly, the elf hunter and mercenary weren’t concerned about monsters. In response, Liliana sighed and talked about the equipment she had prepared, “This is a place where humans haven’t stepped in for a thousand years. It is necessary to have the proper equipment.”

“Ohh...! This is enough for a war!”

There were dozens of artifacts more expensive than some estates, hundreds of magic scrolls, and more than 10 varieties of potions. Randolph’s eyes recognized the value of the items at a glance. He enjoyed a fairly abundant life as a noble, but the goods in front of him were equivalent to 10 years of budget for an estate. While Randolph was staring blankly, Titania came to Liliana’s side and took something out.

“Liliana, I was asked to give you this.”


It was a handful of flowers. Liliana stared at the purple and white petals and blinked. There was only one person who would send this gift to her. “...Ella sent them.” (TL: Lili's new nickname for Ellenoa)

Liliana touched the stems with slender fingers and recalled her body odor. Ellenoa’s smile that she saw last week was still vivid in her mind. A smile spread across Liliana’s face. Then Titania said, “Statice. Do you know what it means in the flower language?”

Liliana didn’t know and looked at her blankly. Titania shrugged with a smile. “Eternal In fact, I don’t know the language of flowers.”

“What? It was just a good act?”

“I was made the messenger between you two, so give me this much. I have been getting goosebumps because of you.”

“T-That…” Liliana had nothing to say.

Meanwhile, Titania moved onto another topic, “The recovery of the world tree is smooth. Thank you, Liliana. The young spirits who migrated to the forest are living well, and the reconstruction of the east forest is taking place at a rapid pace.”

“How many more years until it recovers completely?”

“Well, around 50?”

Liliana's face stiffened. “...Too late.”

“Well, you started it. There is no need to be impatient. You and Ellenoa will be able to live that long.”

“But I can’t let Ella be restrained.”


Liliana ignored Titania’s confusion and looked down at the map of the swamp. The accuracy was frustrating, but it was better than nothing. Dragons were suddenly gathering in the swamps where humans hadn’t stepped in for a thousand years. She wondered if there was a way to restore the power of the world tree more quickly.

“I don’t want to make Ella wait anymore.”

They had a promise for the day she was rid of this obligation.

Chapter 340 - Unknown Land (1) This was the southernmost part of the Central Continent, the border of the Soldun Kingdom. Flash! There was a flash of light, and the shadows of a few people appeared on the ground. It was Mass Teleport. The traces of spatial magic soon disappeared. From the capital of Meltor to the southern border of the Soldun Kingdom, Liliana and her group didn’t make a single stop as they jumped nearly half the continent. They couldn’t freely go back and forth like a space door, but one-time space movement was enough if Liliana used the auxiliary facilities of the magic towers. It wasn’t impossible for her to move to the East Continent beyond the sea if she was willing. ‘I’ll have to work a bit harder when I get back, but... isn’t this much faster?’ Magic was truly convenient. A distance that would take a few months by foot or a month by carriage had been crossed in just a few minutes. In the Age of Mythology, space gates that connected the whole continent had existed. However, mages who could use space movement like floating clouds in this era were rare.

Liliana stopped thinking about that matter and looked around. “...What are the conditions of those two?” Mages still hadn’t resolved the difficulties of space magic. The further the distance traveled with space movement, the stronger the symptoms of nausea and dizziness would be. “Uup, uuuup!” “How terrible. You gave us a warning, but… Ugh.” Randolph was still half nauseous as he shook his head, while Titania took deep breaths with a pale face. In particular, she had a high mana resistance as a high elf, so she couldn’t calm down. Liliana saw her failing to get up and spoke like she understood everything, “Don’t overdo it and just sit. Space nausea isn’t something that can be recovered with magic or potions.” It was as she said. As such, Orta had even tried to apply it as part of his attack magic. Unlike normal nausea which was caused by equilibrium confusion, spatial nausea was caused by the body’s sense of dimension. It was confusion caused by entering another dimension momentarily, inducing an ‘inexplicable sensation.’

Although Liliana, the caster, had tried to ease the difficulty of the effects, this space nausea could distort even a master’s senses. Still, the recovery of the masters was quick. After vomiting out a few gastric juices, Liliana, Randolph, and Titania recovered their balance. Liliana looked at the gaits of the two people and nodded, knowing that they had returned to their original conditions. “Let’s check the equipment a final time and move south. There won’t be much time to rest after entering the swamp.” Randolph and Titania once again confirmed the goods they had received at the magic tower. There were several magic scrolls to deal with special situations, as well as detox potions for the poisonous swamp zones. Randolph couldn’t help letting out a long whistle as he saw the artifacts worth thousands of gold. “Can’t I buy a mansion or city if I sell all the artifacts on my body?” Liliana laughed at the joking words. “What if you combine two people? You can buy at least three territories on the outskirts.” “Yes, really.” It was meant as a joke, but it was half true. Randolph felt burdened by the value of all the artifacts he carried on his body. He might’ve become a noble, but at the core, he was still a mercenary who knew the weight of gold. Randolph automatically stiffened and changed the subject, “Cough. By the way, I didn’t think it would just be the three of us. I thought you would bring that older sister or the little girl.” “...Then the power of Meltor would be reduced by more than half.”

The yellow tower master, Paragranum, didn’t reveal her strength or identity. Therefore, Meltor’s defenses depended entirely on the other tower masters. It would be foolish to attack Meltor, that had a non-aggression treaty with the Andras Kingdom and was an ally of Elvenheim, but preparing for the worst was a mage’s instincts. However, this wasn’t Randolph’s point. “Hrmm, I thought that sister was going to follow you anyway.” “What?” “No, it’s nothing. It would be awkward for anyone to interfere. You will realize it when the time comes.” “...?” Liliana stared at Randolph. However, Randolph turned his head like he wouldn’t speak anymore. All this while, Titania was listening to their conversation with a strange expression. Then Liliana realized that time was being wasted. “Let’s go to the swamp. There are no monsters around here, so it should take less than an hour.” “Okay, let’s go.” “I hope the stench of the swamp isn’t too bad.” All three people kicked off from the ground almost simultaneously. The three shadows moved toward the unknown swamp that no one had stepped in for a thousand years.

* * *

The party soon arrived. As Liliana had expected, they were able to arrive at the entrance to the swamp in 30 minutes. This was their first experience with the notorious swamp. ‘Indeed, this place is worrisome.’ In general, green was the color of life. However, no vitality could be felt from the green swamp. If Liliana had to describe it, she would call it rotten. With rot and decay, this place had become a poisonous land. Normal creatures could never survive in this swamp. Poison was being emitted from each piece of grass and falling leaf. The only living creatures inside would be monsters. “...A-A terrible place like this actually exists!” Titania shuddered at the sight, despite being a high elf who should be friendly to nature. The blooming buds, leaves, and branches were filled with poison. This was a world where bees and butterflies couldn’t survive. How could this swamp have existed for thousands of years? Liliana had doubts and called out, “Mitra, can you come out for a second?” The girl sprang out from the ground as usual. [Hoing! Today is Mitra!] “Yes, yes, good job.” Mitra finished with a Y-shaped pose and looked up at her with an elated expression. She didn’t know what it meant, but Mitra was always like this. Liliana stroked Mitra’s head and pointed in the direction of the swamp. If they could open the way with her power, the swamp exploration would be much simpler than she thought. “Mitra, can you control the plants in the swamp?” [Eung? I’ll try,] Mitra said. Then she walked to the edge of the swamp and called out, [Hooing? Hoing. Ohunghung. Hoit? Hoooooi?] She spoke in unknown words and sign language before making a confused expression. It was an unusual expression on her innocent face. [Lili! Them guys are kinda weird!] “How?" [It doesn’t make sense! I can’t understand what they are saying. It is like we are speaking different languages!] Indeed, Liliana nodded. The southern swamp area was a place where this material world and other dimensional worlds overlapped, and there were several places where ominous energy remained. If mana overflowed from it, then that meant the vegetation was already not part of this material world. It was understandable that Mitra’s power didn’t work. After all, she couldn’t intervene in the nature of another dimension. “Thank you. Then I’ll see you later.” [Hoing!] Mitra returned to the ground.

Then Liliana spoke to the party, “It can’t be helped. Let’s go inside.” It was impossible to investigate from outside, so the only way was to enter. If three masters couldn’t make it through this smelly and foggy space, it would be impossible for anyone else in this era. Titania’s response was a little late, but the party unanimously stepped into the swamp. Squish… Squish… It was sticky. However, it was fine when Liliana hardened the surface with ice magic. Though, she would rather burn it with fire. If she were Veronica, she would’ve done it without hesitation. Thinking of that, Liliana laughed and then looked around. The swamp was uncomfortable and sticky. It was a place that didn’t have anything pleasant at all. ‘Will monsters be present at the entrance of the swamp? Or...’ The monsters living on the outskirts of the swamp might’ve been killed by Soldun. Liliana couldn’t be sure as she continued walking cautiously through the mysterious swamp.

One step, two steps, ten steps, one hundred steps... After walking quite deeply into the swamp, Liliana suddenly stopped. So far, she hadn’t seen any monsters. “Too strange,” Liliana said. The two people following her naturally stopped and listened as she continued to mutter, “There is no crying, no trace of monsters, no sense of resistance. Surely not all the monsters in this swamp have gone to Soldun…?” “...Liliana.” “Hmm?” “I want to correct one thing.” Liliana looked back at Randolph and realized Randolph and Titania were soaked in sweat. “Do you feel it? I’m enduring it somehow, but if I relax even a little bit, I will step back,” Randolph said. “What are you feeling?” “It is a feeling that I shouldn’t approach... It is hard to describe in words. In any case, my feet won’t go forward. It’s similar for this girl.” Titania confirmed it with a tired face. “The elementals are about to leave me. It doesn’t have much effect on Geros, but the other elementals are afraid.” “...I see.” Liliana guessed the reason for their words. If this reluctance was due to Dragon Fear, then Liliana might be immune to that effect due to Aquilo’s blood inside her. Therefore, she didn’t feel the resistance. ‘I have to pay careful attention to their condition.’ It wasn’t comparable to a direct attack, but the mental strength of the party would continue to suffer unless Dragon Fear was cut off. The consumption of mental power was a big variable on the battlefield. If Liliana made a reckless judgment when accompanied by Randolph and Titania, both of them could be significantly hurt or killed. Above all, there was a bigger problem than their condition. “From now on, pay attention.” “Hmm?” “What does that mean?” Randolph and Titania asked in uncomfortable tones. Meanwhile, Liliana stared at the swamp hidden by a fog. “Maybe in the future, only monsters who can survive this rejection will remain.” The monsters who could resist Dragon Fear were real monsters in this swamp area. There was no need for Liliana to explain any more as the shaking could be heard from far away. Kung! Kung! The earth shook. The three people noticed that the shaking was moving closer. If it was a monster that weighed this much, there wouldn’t be more than 10 types found in Liliana’s mental encyclopedia. Unsurprisingly, the monster appeared in a dignified manner. “Cyclops! They shouldn’t be living in swamps!” The astonished Titania shouted. Meanwhile, Liliana noticed something strange ahead of her. Unlike the usual cyclops, this one had bright skin and a blazing red eye. However, the red eye wasn’t due to strong emotions. Liliana sensed something and paused. “...Magic eye?” The moment she stopped moving... Wiiiiing! The cyclops’ eye burned like lava as a ray of light shot out from it.

Chapter 341 - Unknown Land (2)

‘Tch, it is too late to avoid it.’ Liliana reflexively stepped forward and reached out her hand. A wall of shadow rose from the ground, blocking the trajectory of the light ray. Ray-type attacks were threatening because of their speed, but they also had disadvantages due to being a pure form of energy. For example, Jerem’s wall of imaginary space had a property that sucked all the energy and turned it to zero, making shadow and darkness the nemesis of this light ray. However...

Jjejeok. The shadow wall couldn’t handle the power of the ray and got a few cracks. Liliana’s low proficiency was one of the reasons, but the power of the Cyclops’ ray was also stronger than she had thought it would be. It was a little below the level of great magic. Although it might be limited to this swamp, its level could be designated as a grade 3 disaster.

“Randolph! Titania!” Liliana didn’t need to look back at both of them. “As soon as this wall disappears, split to the left and right! I’ll scatter the ray attack somehow!”

“Then I will completely stop its breathing!”

“I understand.”

There was no need to separately specify the timing. Randolph’s two swords were drawn, and Titania’s bowstring was pulled taut. The shadow wall reached its limit and shattered. Kakang!

‘Now!’ Liliana triggered the magic she had prepared a few seconds earlier. The second weakness of a ray-based attack was deflecting using the nature of light. Liliana used the double attribute magic of wind and water, and a prism in the shape of an octahedron appeared, absorbing the red light.

Wiiiiing! The refracted ray started to bend in eight directions. The moment the three people were exposed, Titania’s bow cried out like it had been waiting. The arrow tore through the wind.

“Grrrruk?” The cyclops received an instinctive type of warning and noticed the arrow’s presence. Nevertheless, it didn’t move its arms or step backward. Instead, it turned its gaze from Liliana to the flying arrow. The hot beam from the ray could burn even the arrows shot by Titania. The cyclops had a clever judgment.

“Heh, you have a good head.”

However, Titania’s archery skill was better than how cunning the cyclops was. Chiik. The wind and arrow were burned by the ray. However, this was followed up with another arrow. It wasn’t just one or two. Titania fired three arrows in the same orbit without any error. The first one couldn’t reach, and the second was a bit lacking. So, she shot three arrows. The last arrow pierced the cyclops’ one eye.

“Kuwaaah!?” The ray and blood scattered from the cyclops’ crushed eyeball. The magic eye was ultimately dependent on the eye. It couldn’t be used properly with damaged eyes. Furthermore, the cyclops who lost an eye had forgotten something. The sword master of the twin swords, Randolph, approached it and swung his two swords. The cyclops’ shin bones and femur were split apart in an instant. Randolph’s blades broke the cyclops’ spine and moved upward, cutting its carotid artery. It felt like cutting a rock. The cyclops’ skin was tough and full of swamp mana. A good aura user would find it hard to cut a single line. However, it was no match for a sword master’s aura.

“Gruk...!” Just two seconds after the shadow wall disappeared, the body of the cyclops was bleeding and torn to rags. Its opponents were too terrible. However, Liliana sighed bitterly. “Geez, I made a mistake.”

“What?” Before Titania received an answer, they heard it. Kwaaaang! A pillar of fire rose in several places simultaneously, and black smoke appeared. There was a reason Liliana had been wary of using magic after entering the swamp. It was hard to guess how many flammable gases and liquids were present in a swamp area that was thousands of years old. The rays of light that Liliana had refracted caused the environment to burn up.

‘Fortunately, it isn’t all of the swamp...’

Liliana looked around at the flames and spoke to her group, “Be prepared while maintaining your breathing.”


“The disturbance will reach quite far.”

The cyclops was powerful, but the group was still quite a distance away from the center of the swamp. It was just a little ‘strong’ here. ―――――――――――――!!! The disturbance would agitate creatures with a far bigger presence than the cyclops. That wasn’t all. The ground shook due to all the approaching creatures. Monsters were coming from all three directions except for the rear where the party had come from. If she had to count roughly, there were over 100 monsters. Liliana looked carefully at them with Hugin whom she had called in advance.

‘Let’s see the left side.’

It felt like the side had the most enemies. Her vision greatly expanded, and she could see multiple creatures with green skin. Orcs—they could be found everywhere on the continent, but Liliana hadn’t expected to see them in the swamp. The experienced orc warriors could fight one knight alone, but most orcs could be defeated by a group of soldiers. She never thought it would be a species that could stay in this swamp.

‘They are all mutated. They might be stronger than an ogre?’

Looking closer, there were scales on their skin, and they had some aspects of a crocodile. The orc was tall and oversized, being at least over 3 meters in height. It was appropriate to call this the hybrid of an orc and lizardman. Furthermore, there were other creatures approaching from the front.

There were twin-head ogres with two horns and a pair of wings, reminiscent of chimeras. Their skin was hard like iron, and the flames coming from their mouths were alarming. The swamp trolls looked quite dangerous too.

Finally, Liliana looked to the right, and her eyes shook.


Shortly afterward, the connection to Hugin was cut off. However, the scene she saw at that moment was truly shocking. There was a six-headed snake with a body length of over 100 meters long!

“Hydra...?” The number of heads was lacking, but Liliana guessed this was a hydra. A hydra was a snake with nine heads and an immortal body, and it had a poison that was hard to decipher. Similar to Jörmungandr and Azi Dahaka, it was something that couldn’t be opposed by mortals if it was in perfect condition. In the myth, it was defeated by a demigod, but it couldn’t be completely killed. It was buried alive...? The standard of a hero was needed to defeat it.

‘...No, I can do it now.’

In the legends, the hydra’s immortality came from its one head, out of its nine heads, that had golden scales. However, this hydra didn’t have any golden head. It didn’t have nine heads either, so it might still be incomplete or was a variant hydra. In that case, its force wouldn’t be as big, which meant Liliana could defeat it.

“How can I give up now?” The odds weren’t impossible. Liliana looked back at the two others who were smiling as they held their weapons.

“I knew it would be hard when I accompanied you.”

“Well, it can’t be helped. Let’s do it!”

As it happened, the combination of the three people was the best. The combination of a sword master, archer, and sorceress could display the best combat power regardless of distance. If they could complement each other’s weaknesses and maximize their strengths, it wouldn’t be difficult to wipe out the monsters.

Liliana laughed at Randolph and Titania’s answers. “Okay, shall I take care of the weak bastards?” Her eyes shone as she looked at the mutant orcs coming from the left.

* * *

If there were two words to describe the southern swamp, it must be ‘fearful’ and ‘unknown.’ They were afraid because they couldn’t know, or they didn’t know because they were afraid. The sequence of the relationship wasn’t important. All those who tried to conquer or explore the swamp were killed, making it a prohibited area. Transcendents didn’t step into the area for an unknown reason, and over the years, humanity had lost the power to attack the swamp....

At least, until today.

Kwarururung! A few lightning bolts fell in the shape of a spear, causing the ground to turn over and fry two trolls. The trolls, notorious for their sturdy skin and natural regenerative power, were fried by the lightning. Liliana set up a lightning spear and threw it at another swamp troll.

“Get lost!” The power was so fierce that the swamp troll’s head vaporized, leading the headless body to fall down. In retrospect, it was surprising that it didn’t die in one 7th circle blow. There was time to sum things up, so Liliana looked at the twinhead ogre fighting the other two.


‘Strong’ would be the only word she could say. The ogre had pure power and speed, and it used its power efficiently to handle two masters by itself. It used its two pairs of eyes to block attacks, the flying ability of its wings to accelerate, and the durability of its skin to withstand the aura blow. Additionally, it had an earth-shaking fist that contained all its power. It was almost like Superbia.

‘But it is still lacking to deal with both of them.’

It was obviously the ogre’s defeat. There was only one head left. Its wings were torn, and one area had been cut so many times that the bones were revealed. Randolph’s blue blades once again shone brightly. “Ha! Your bottom will be exposed, you monster!” Black blood splattered, serving as proof that Randolph was getting close to the bone marrow. Nevertheless, the response of the mutant ogre was fearsome. It ignored the pain and bleeding as it tried to kill the humans. The strike was too fast for Randolph, who had just finished his attack, to avoid.

Chaaeng! However, its fist bounced off. The fist that contained the force of a thick wall was pushed back by a single arrow. It was Titania’s arrow, which had flown in with perfect timing! The ogre had been subjected to this technique a few times and roared angrily. However, Titania’s footwork exceeded its speed. Above all, Randolph’s blades kept coming while the ogre was chasing Titania. Either way, the ogre was one-sidedly pushed and beaten. The monster that had never been pushed by force before reached its limit.

“This is the end!” An arrow pierced the ogre’s mouth, causing it to step back. Then it raised its left hand to its face to pull out the arrow. One hand was in view, and a sword master would never sit by idly when a gap was revealed.

Clovis Two Swords Style.

Hidden Technique.

Triple Lightning Strokes.

The two blades were charged with blue lightning as they moved. One blade accurately pierced the ogre’s throat, and blood gushed up like a fountain. It lacked the power to completely behead the ogre, but the amount of bleeding couldn’t be ignored. The ogre realized it had made a mistake and lowered its left hand.

“Too late, you idiot!” Randolph shouted as a flash of lightning shot from his right hand.

The second strike was a diagonal split. From the left temple to the right jaw joint, the surface of the ogre split open. Its relatively thin skin was cracked into two.


This was a fatal blow. Randolph’s blade gouged deeply into the ogre’s skull and almost cut its brain. Before the ogre could back away, lightning struck it. Randolph’s other blade once again struck the ogre’s head in the same spot. It was the end of the mutant twinhead ogre. Half of its severed head slipped down, and the ogre’s body collapsed to the ground. The creature that would’ve caused a disaster outside the swamp had died.

“Sigh, the appetizer is done.” Randolph shook off the blood on his swords and took out a bottle of potion. He hadn’t received any direct injuries, but his skin had been scraped by the ogre’s fist. Liliana wasn’t the only one to think about Superbia when facing that absurd power. Randolph would’ve struggled if he had to deal with it alone.

“It is the first match, but there are more powerful monsters left.” Titania couldn’t hide her tiredness as she sighed. Compared to Randolph, her role was easy. However, it was difficult to maintain a distance of hundreds of meters while shooting, and there was a corresponding consumption of mental power. Despite that, Liliana couldn’t allow both of them to take a break. “It has come a lot closer. It will soon be in sight.”

Although it might be imperfect, the hydra—the disaster which had been recorded in the old myths—was making its appearance. There was a chance of victory. Liliana had saved her magic when fighting the twinhead ogre, and she had also refrained from using scrolls and artifacts in order to save them for the hydra.

The three people were alert as they stared at the swamp and waited for the hydra to come. Then they saw it.

“...Wow, it is huge.”

It was much smaller than Hraesvelgr, who covered the sky with his wings, but this realistic size made it feel more real. The hydra’s body length was over 100 meters, and it had six heads. It was like a small hill wriggling around. The hydra looked down at Liliana, and one of its six heads opened its mouth.

[Two humans, one elf... What a strange combination,] a cunning voice tickled the ears of the three people. This dubious voice belonged to the hydra.

“Six-headed snake, are you the master of this swamp?”

The hydra answered the question with yellow eyes, [You don’t need to know.]


[By the way, in your body... I feel an unpleasant power. The strength and smell are that of the corrupted god who repulsed my ancestors long ago...]

The hydra’s killing intent grew stronger. In this breathless atmosphere, Liliana gave a hand signal to the two people. It was to prepare to fight. Simultaneously, the six hydra heads opened their mouths, and their poisonous fangs aimed at the three people.


Chapter 342 - Unknown Land (3)

Liliana's response was quicker. Before the snake could move, Liliana cast the magic spell she had prepared. The target was the group of three people, and the target point was 500 meters away. Poison soon spilled from the hydra’s mouth, but Liliana's group disappeared first.


Poison Breath—the poison from the hydra’s six heads struck the ground. The damp ground crumbled, and bubbles rose like lava. It was a frightening sight. There were various characteristics for all types of poisons in this world. For example, there was acid poison that corroded metals and rocks. There was also a poison that destroyed the nervous system, a poison that caused internal bleeding, a poison that caused unidentified diseases, and so on. It was impossible to count them with the fingers of both hands.

Nevertheless, Liliana was convinced that the hydra’s poison was the most dangerous one.

‘...I would’ve made a mistake if I faced it directly.’

In the old myths, the hydra’s poison was one that was impossible to find an antidote for. If the hydra’s breath was that terrible, Liliana would’ve decided to retreat without hesitation as the poison would have annihilated all three of them. However, her super sensitivity told her that she had a 60% chance of winning. It was proof that the measures she had prepared in advance were sufficient for the low-level poisoning.

Liliana assessed the situation in a matter of seconds and sent a signal to the others, (Come to this position now.)

She drank a detox potion and used a few auxiliary spells essential to fighting the hydra. She used Air-walk, which made it possible to walk in the air, and Purification, which made harmful substances harmless, as well as Air-flow, which scattered the air around the body and increased the resistance of the body. Her respiratory tract felt a little tight, but it was better than inhaling poison.

After completing 13 types of secondary spells in an instant, Liliana realized that her clouded flesh became clearer.

‘It noticed quicker than I thought. Is it sensitive to the movement of mana? That big snake?’

The hydra had raised its heads and stared at the three people with killing intent. Despite the gap of a few hundred meters, the hydra’s big body gave off a foreboding feeling like it was right in front of them. If Liliana were lacking in courage, her heart would’ve stopped when faced with those yellow eyes.

However, her complexion was the same as she shouted in a loud voice, “Goetia! Automatically keep up the purification, detoxification, and airflow control! Reapply the spells every five minutes and give priority to assisting the two others above me!”

[Yes, Mistress!]

“Use some of the stored magic power in my circles for independent mobility. Isolate the circuit and use it! Do your best to last a long time!”

Goetia didn’t answer. One circuit was isolated as soon as the instructions were received. Over the past years, Goetia had transformed into a loyal existence. Liliana focused on the imprint on her heart—the Artificial Yin and Yang. It was to use the power of Laevateinn from the Ring of Muspelheim.

“「 I declare. 」”

In the myths, the weakness of the hydra was fire. However, there was no way it could be defeated by ordinary fire magic. It had to be divine fire or a fire that was beyond the rules of this world. As an example, yes, the fire of Muspelheim was valid.

“「 As your mistress, I command you. Fire of Muspelheim, become my weapon and manifest here. 」”

The crack of the dimension opened, and a white light spilled onto Liliana’s palms, turning into a few swords and spears. A fire that wasn’t bound by the laws of this physical world burned endlessly even in a vacuum and ignored the boundary between matter and non-matter. The body of the snake instinctively sensed danger and moved.


Several white spears were stuck into the hydra’s body. Shortly after that, the whole world was burning brightly.


The one thing Liliana overlooked was that the hydra’s poison was also flammable. The deadly gas caused a massive explosion of smoke and fire, and the earth of the entire swamp area seemed to be shaking. The shockwave caused by the explosion even tore through the clouds.


Of course, the impact to the hydra at the center of the explosion was much greater. The hydra’s scales that couldn’t be cut by an aura blade were torn, and green blood gushed upward like a fountain. Liliana wasn’t pleased as she looked down at the hydra.

‘This is the extent of the injury? Its durability is better than a dragon’s.’

The explosion from a little while ago displayed power that was comparable to 8th circle wide-area magic. With an attack like that, even a dragon wouldn’t be able to avoid suffering a serious injury. However, only a little of the hydra’s skin had been peeled off.

This was a level of durability that couldn’t be destroyed with wide-area magic. Liliana quickly changed her tactics and instructed her group, “Titania, shoot!”

Titania nodded as she was pushed by the pressure of the explosion, while the shape of a translucent giant emerged behind her. It was Geros, the ancient elemental who had been called Zephyrus in the distant past. The Hurricane Bow cried loudly, Kuooooh!

The hydra bowed down belatedly, but the stormy arrow had already hit one of its heads. The huge green snake bounced away like it was hit by a hammer.

[Kuaaaack! I will kill you!] Despite feeling slightly pained because of the Hurricane Bow, the hydra kept attacking the three people.

It was dreadfully fast for something as big as a hill. However, in comparison to the three masters, the hydra’s reflexes were lacking. Randolph and Titania scattered using Air-walk, while Liliana made some illusions and distracted the hydra. Randolph was the first to change his stance.

“Your eyes won’t be as hard as your skin, you cunning snake!”

He accelerated with his Aura Ability and reached the hydra’s heads. Then his blades struck a pair of eyes.


[Kiyaaaaak? Get lost, human!]

Randolph’s two blades clashed with the hydra’s closed eyelids, and flames emerged. The hydra’s eyeballs couldn’t be damaged, but the shock was transmitted. The confused hydra shook its heads. Meanwhile, Titania used this gap to only aim arrows at the eyeballs. Faced with multiple attacks, the hydra didn’t know which eyes to open or close.

Liliana felt a sense of incongruity.

‘It is too panicked. Does it not have much experience fighting despite its strength? It just needs to close its eyes and flounder around.’

The big snake shook its head, but the sword master didn’t budge. The hydra had the high durability and toxic poison, but that was it. It was too weak to be a descendant of a creature from the Age of Mythology. However, it wasn’t weak enough for Liliana to relax. She didn’t hesitate as she prepared the next move.

“Mitra, I will ask you to do it.”

The girl named Mitra popped out. [Hoing! Today is another transformation?]

After becoming a god at Elvenheim, Mitra had been able to regain her status for a short period of time.

Despite being contaminated, this swamp was part of the material world. As such, it couldn’t rebel against Mitra, who had regained Dmitra’s name. She nodded and sank into the ground where the poison was a little thinner. The poison of the hydra was incomplete, so Mitra wasn’t affected by it.

A few moments later, the hydra thought of Liliana’s idea and started to flounder.

Kukukung! Kukung...! Kukukung!

Massive amounts of dirt rose and fell back to the ground. The hydra’s struggle without any eyesight was like a natural disaster. It was indeed a monster known in the Age of Mythology.

[Don’t go up! These foolish bastards!]

The cliff was struck by six heads, and stones poured down. Randolph wielded his swords and stopped the obstacles from hitting Titania. Then the hydra turned its head triumphantly. However, Liliana was expecting this.

‘Mitra, now!’

The hydra was looking at the three people when the swamp swirled, and a large muddy hand rose up. It wasn’t just one or two hands but six, which was precisely the number of heads the hydra had.

[Hoiiit! This is huge!]
[W-What? Mud monster!]

The hydra was surprised by the unexpected situation, while Mitra grabbed the heads without missing one. Her grip was so tight that the hydra couldn’t open its mouths. The hydra could only blink as it was caught, while Liliana waved her hands.

‘Not even thinking about escaping... Is this really a hydra?’

It had absurd strength, durability, and deadly poison. Liliana had been determined to fight for half a day when this fight began, but it ended in just 30 minutes. She wasn’t disappointed with the enemy’s weakness, but this was the first time her expectations were betrayed.

“...Abraxas, deploy.” As Liliana cast a spell to destroy the hydra’s body, her colleagues had a similar expression. It would be better to win easily, even if she felt empty about it. Liliana’s eight circles revolved, and the unstable mana gathered under her control. It was magic that could kill a dragon when focused on one point.


Once the huge amount of magic power started moving, the hydra began to struggle. However, it was too late. Dmitra’s mud hands were firm and the binding force of earth wasn’t easily broken. It took 30 seconds for Liliana’s spell to be completed.

First water and fire phase—blue and red beads floated around her.

Second wind and earth collapse—the two beads increased to four and circulated around her.

Final chapter—as soon as the beads merged and divided, a small world was created with a huge destructive force.

It was enough to blow away more than half of the six heads. The four magic spheres slowly got closer, and Liliana waited for the right moment to throw it. Unless someone interfered with her spell...

「рассеивание (Disperse)! 」

As the powerful voice was heard from somewhere, the magic power around Liliana’s body lost its strength and faded away. The three people looked in the direction of the third party who intervened. The person who prevented them from dealing a heavy blow wouldn’t be an ally. Nevertheless, the three people were surprised at the sight of the enemy.

“...Don’t tell me?”

The man had red hair and vertical pupils that were different from a human’s. Liliana was familiar with these pupils. These eyes belonged to the strongest species, the guardians of this material world.

“Hrmm, I guess you know my essence.” The unidentified red dragon was curious about the unexpected reaction and stood between the three women and the hydra.

Then he looked at Liliana and asked, “Are you willing to break the pledge, transcendent human? If you crossed the ‘wall’, you should know that you aren’t allowed to enter the swamp.”

Of course, Liliana made a stupid expression.

Chapter 343 - Unknown Land (4)

‘Pledge? Transcendent? Furthermore, not allowed in the swamp?’

As words whose context she couldn’t understand poured out, Liliana inwardly estimated the power of the dragon. The superiority of power was a great variable in any situation. However, Liliana was soon forced to gulp. 'Damn, a monster. She is literally on a different level.'

At first glance, the dragon was far stronger than the hydra. The dragon wasn’t a Desertio-level presence, but she was at least an ancient monster. She had stopped Abraxas with simple Dragon Words. If she wanted to harm the three people, she would be able to temporarily seal Liliana’s magic.

The dragon hadn’t done this, so Liliana scattered the spell she had completed. She felt that this could be solved with words rather than fighting.

“Huh? Something is strange. Wait a minute.” At this moment, the dragon looked at Liliana with wide eyes. “You aren’t transcendent? Your spirit is high, but it isn’t over the limit. It seems you are at the boundary? It is interesting that you have a transcendental spirit.”

The red dragon didn’t ask for an answer because she could see through everything. After realizing Liliana’s abilities, the red dragon made a strange expression and then closed her eyes like she was thinking. However, there was someone who interfered with her silence.

[Kuaaaaaah! I will get rid of you! Tear you into hundreds of pieces!] The hydra finally shook off the mud hands.

The snake overturned the ground in a violent manner and was able to smash the solid clay. Its tail dug into the ground as its six heads roared. This was an ignorant destructive force. As Liliana’s group regained her vigilance, the red dragon opened her mouth and spoke in a low voice, “Hey.”

The hydra’s frenzied body stiffened. [...Yes?]

“Shut up before you make me angry.”

[B-But Brasmati...!]

“I don't want to say it twice.”

The hydra became aware of the irritation in the voice of the red dragon, Brasmati, and fell silent. There was a clear hierarchical relationship between them. Despite the difference in strength, there was a strange relationship between the dragon and endangered creature. Didn’t it seem like Red Dragon Brasmati and the hydra were working together?

‘My guess may be right, but let’s put it on hold for the moment.’

There were so many problems before Liliana that she couldn’t afford to worry about anymore. Liliana had to prioritize her thoughts while waiting for Brasmati to open her mouth. Randolph and Titania were also aware of the identity of their opponent and held their breaths.

“Ah,” Brasmati soon spoke. “I just thought of something. Was it you? Aquilo, she said she has a blood contract with a human sorceress.”


“I suppose your body odor is familiar because of Aquilo’s blood? It is mixed in with the smell of another… that I don’t know.”

Liliana remembered the face of her lover. Was Veronica, a quarter dragon who had inherited the blood of a red dragon, related to Brasmati somehow? However, Liliana didn’t speak her thoughts.

Even if the dragon before her really was closely related to her, it wouldn’t be strange if Liliana didn’t know about her. Liliana and Veronica were lovers, so she knew Veronica had an unhappy childhood because her grandfather, the dragon, hadn’t taken care of her at all.

‘...Dragons are a species who don’t care about blood relations.’ Liliana knew this, but she couldn’t stop her gaze from becoming colder. If this dragon was one of those who had made Veronica suffer, then an unnecessary hostility would emerge.

It was much better to pretend not to know anything.

“Well, good. You wouldn’t have made the pledge since you aren’t a transcendent,” Brasmati spoke without any consideration toward Liliana. “There are two options for you. If you were an outsider, I would’ve driven you out already. But you have Aquilo’s blood, meaning you are no longer an outsider.”

“What are the choices?”

“One, give up on moving forward and go back in good health. Stop searching the areas you haven’t reached yet.” Brasmati looked at them with calm eyes. There was no malice in her gaze, but neither was there a liking toward them. It was a dull gaze with no interest in whether Liliana died.

Then she shrugged and warned them lightly, “There is no reason to stop mortals from staying, but I can’t let you act as a variable. If you dare move forward, I will stop you with my own strength.”

“...Then what is the second choice?”

“Heh, you are wise.”

Liliana didn’t think she would die. However, it was true that the odds were slim. A dragon approached the area beyond the framework of life and was almost comparable to a god. The risk for a fight without any merits was ridiculously huge. It was a situation with a 70% chance of collapsing, a 20% of getting annihilated, and a 10% chance of having one or two deaths. In such a situation, there was no reason to fight.

“Secondly, come with me to the middle of the swamp and cooperate with our work. If you do, I will allow you to move forward and promise a reward equivalent to your merit.”

“...Can I know the situation before choosing?”

“No. If you were another person, you would’ve been sent back regardless of your capabilities. Now, make your choice.”

Liliana shut up at Brasmati’s words. Brasmati didn’t want an 8th circle sorceress. She wanted a ‘competent sorceress linked to Aquilo.’

According to the information she’d gathered before heading to the swamp, there were at least five dragons gathered here. Assuming there were two or three on the same level as Brasmati, Liliana wouldn’t be able to endure it. What was the problem that they couldn’t disclose it yet had to ask for her cooperation?

‘The situation is serious enough that the dragons on the continent have gathered together. It is also so secret they have to stop the intervention of other species.’

Even without her super sensitivity, she could tell that the future would change dramatically depending on the choice she made here. To step back without obtaining anything or take the risk and move forward... The greatest sorceress in this age stood at the crossroads where no sorceress would hesitate.

* * *

“First, let me explain the pledge related to the swamp.”

Once they started moving, Red Dragon Brasmati explained the history that they didn’t know.

It was a story of what happened thousands of years ago.

In the latter half of the Age of Mythology, many superpowers and high-grade species had existed all over the world, even though it wasn’t comparable to the peak of the period. During that time, the swamp didn’t reject civilization like it does now, nor was it a place where mutated creatures lived. More than 100 demonic energy sites had been sealed by strong hands, and the southern part of the continent had once been the most prosperous tourist spot on the continent.

Then the destruction started suddenly one day.

“13 transcendents living on the southern continent died in one day. The causes of death consisted of heart attack, brain death, respiratory arrest, and so on. The people who would live even when thrown out into the universe were wiped out. At first, we thought a demon king had descended.”

“...That wasn’t the case?”

“No, it would be easy to kill if a demon king had been summoned.”

For a demon king to be treated as a wild beast from another dimension... Liliana made a frightened expression.

After all, Nídhöggur was in the category of a demon king. She was a transcendent who could turn the horizon upside down with a single flap of her wings and who had induced the onset of darkness with a single command. Yet, in the Age of Mythology, even demon kings had been subject to subjugation. They would descend once a century and be defeated.

‘There is something more dangerous and difficult than a demon king? A great demon king?’ Liliana was mumbling these words in her mind.

It was then when Brasmati stopped walking and looked back. From here on out, she cut to the chase.

“A grimoire.”


“A grimoire. One grimoire ate more than a dozen transcendents at the end of the Age of Mythology. When we became aware of its existence, we sealed it with the help of a safe and over 40 people.”

Liliana’s expression became blank. She knew the power of a grimoire, but she didn’t know of a grimoire that could eat a dozen transcendents. She couldn’t help raising her voice, “If the transcendents really died that way, isn’t it a disaster for the continent? Why wasn’t such a disaster recorded?”

“There are three major reasons.” The hot and damp air stirred around Brasmati. “One, only transcendents, not mortals, died. It was a raid only on transcendents… Although, the word ‘raid’ is also strange. It is more suitable to say transition.”


“Two, we covered up the history. If someone got their hands on a grimoire that could threaten transcendents, it could jeopardize the world. The hydra is a guardian we prepared a long time ago. Transcendents don’t enter this swamp, and the hydra can easily beat mortals.”

The three people looked at each other with confused faces at this wave of truth.

The unknown land, the southern swamp that had been unexplored for thousands of years… It was an area where people had once flourished, and the cause of the swamp’s current state was a grimoire. Any historians who heard this would have a defining moment in their career.

“Then why doesn’t the hydra have any practical experience?”

“There are rarely any strong people who aren’t transcendents. Most of them can be defeated with just its poison and body, so it didn’t feel the need to sharpen its combat skills.”

“Then the third reason?”

Brasmati went silent for a moment. Then she replied with a stiff expression without looking back, “It is simple.”

Only a dragon could intervene with this seal.

“The grimoire can’t be described by any means other than ‘memories’.”

The meaning of her words was vague, but Brasmati didn’t explain any further. No, she arrived at her destination before she could say any more.

“We’re here. I will tell you the rest after the introductions.”

As Brasmati spoke, Liliana felt a shadow over her face. Someone was approaching from above them. The approach didn’t involve an enemy, so Liliana’s reaction rate was slightly slow. She barely raised her eyes when something white and blue pounced on her.

“―Girl!” Liliana’s face was deeply buried in something. “Did you come to pick me up? I thought you abandoned me after calling a few times. I’m sorry I misunderstood.”


“Uh, your voice is coming from my chest, not my mind? You have grown since I last saw you, Girl.”

“Uup, let me go, puhaah!” Liliana barely managed to escape from the slender beauty, stepping away from Aquilo with a reddened face.

A few years wasn’t a long time for a dragon who lived for thousands of years, but her welcome was more excited than she had thought it would be. She’d grabbed her neck and buried her face in her chest. The reddening of her face was caused by her breath being blocked, not because of Aquilo’s smell or texture... probably.

“It has been a while. I didn’t know we would be reunited here.”

Aquilo grinned at Liliana’s serious tone. “Really? I knew you would come.”

“What does that mean?”

“From now on, you will know. Our last lord is waiting for you.”


Facing Liliana’s wide eyes, the dragon of the sea laughed at her. “Yes, the dragon lord. Don’t you know about it?”

That’s right. It was impossible not to know.

Chapter 344 - Dragon Lord (1)

Dragon lord—using the dictionary meaning, it meant the ‘queen’ of dragons. This was unusual for dragons who rarely gathered together. It was a habit of dragons to nest in an area that wasn’t related to their parents and where there were no peers. A dragon was no longer protected after leaving their parents, but they weren’t commanded by anyone and enjoyed their own life. Even an old dragon couldn’t impose their will on another dragon. A dragon who reached adulthood had no obligation to follow the orders of others. They would have a thoroughly individualistic life.

However, no dragon could disobey the command of the queen. The leader of all dragons was at the peak of the species from the time they were born. In a sense, the queen was a goddess. Born without parents, growing up without a gender, and then dying without any offspring, the dragon queen deviated from the category of dragons and only showed her power when the material world was in a crisis.

The dragon queen had gold scales that didn’t belong to any clan, and she ruled over the mana of the world, regardless of its nature. As such, the dragon queen was literally the ultimate guardian of this material world.

"...The queen came to this swamp?"

"Yes, if it wasn’t for the queen, would these people lift their heavy asses?" Aquilo placed her left arm around Liliana's shoulder as she responded to Liliana’s trembling voice. Her cool and smooth skin felt good on Lili's shoulder, but Liliana was concentrated on the dragon queen.

A dragon queen wouldn’t abuse her power on personal affairs. If the records were true, she only acted when there was a crisis that threatened the whole world.

‘It means she didn’t come here lightly.’

Legend had it that the appearance of a dragon queen was enough to gather people from all over the continent. Even Liliana, who could compete with an old dragon, was lacking in comparison. If she had known this would happen, she would’ve saved all her strength.

While Liliana was thinking, Brasmati turned his gaze to Aquilo and growled, “You are still talking nonsense, daughter of Surmidon. You are too old to be a child. Why don’t you have some decency?”

The situation suddenly became uncomfortable. However, rather than apologizing, Aquilo kept talking. She had no hesitation in provoking an opponent she couldn’t win against.

“Since when did our species follow the rules of seniority? Has your brain become ripe from living in the lava? What is behind your dissatisfaction?”

“This damn woman...!”

“Oh, my. How scary.”

Brasmati’s eyebrows twitched as heat flowed from his body and started to melt the ground. The moist ground dried, and the water vapor evaporated. Liliana had seen this a few times with Veronica, but the power controlled by the red dragon was more potent than Veronica’s draconic state.

‘Damn, why are they arguing like this?’

As the atmosphere between them seemed as if they would fight at any minute, Liliana felt greatly disturbed being between them. She knew Aquilo’s capricious personality, but she didn’t think she would do something so reckless. Liliana looked carefully at the left arm attached to her and stopped breathing as fluorescent eyes appeared right in front of her nose.

“Girl, aren’t you on my side?”


“If I fight this jerk, won’t you protect me?”

Her nose was ticklish. The distance was so close that her nose touched Aquilo's with every word. Liliana’s eyes filled with an unknown excitement, and her breathing had gotten heavy. Her body naturally reacted to this, and she realized that the question was a test. Aquilo’s attitude would change depending on how she answered.

However, the strange atmosphere between the two didn’t continue.

“I thought it was too boisterous. Guests have come,” a gentle and cheerful voice was heard from the forest.

Brasmati mumbled with an expression like he was chewing a bug, “Erucus.”

It was the name of the green dragon that Liliana had heard of a few days ago. Liliana remembered the information related to him. Erucus lived quietly in the mountains, saved those who were lost, and raised endangered animals. He was a saint compared to Aquilo, who played with pirates and collected treasures, and Brasmati, who was easily enraged.

“A magician on the boundary line, a sword master, and...” Erucus looked at Titania standing behind Liliana, and a liking filled his eyes. “A child of Arv, a high elf. Can I ask your name?”


“I am Erucus. It is nice to meet you.” The dragons of the green clan seemed to have a relationship with the elves for a long time. Erucus looked at Titania with a gaze that was as gentle as a grandfather looking at his granddaughter.

Furthermore, thanks to Erucus’ appearance, the two dragons stepped back from their fight. They weren’t angry enough to fight in this atmosphere. Brasmati settled down and asked Erucus, “Erucus, where is the queen? Didn’t she accompany you?”

“She is coming. She sent me back first because she has something to check.”

“You can’t stay for a long time on your own?”

“Of course. In order to resist it, conditions of other attributes are needed. The problem is I don’t know what those conditions are.”

The words were confusing, but Brasmati nodded like he understood.

‘The matter won’t be explained until I see the queen.’

Liliana had to wait until the queen came. Erucus spoke with Titania, while Aquilo stuck to Liliana from beginning to end. Only Randolph didn’t have a companion, making him stand awkwardly. Fortunately, the dragon queen appeared quickly. There was a glittering light from the other side of the forest, and the dragons and Liliana’s group looked in that direction. Before they faced the queen, Erucus gave some advice, “The queen is coming. I don’t intend to force our manners on other species, but please don’t act in a rude manner.”

“Yes, I understand.” Liliana nodded. However, the promise was unnecessary from the beginning. The brilliant light wasn’t disturbed at all by the dingy swamp and vegetation.

Liliana couldn’t look directly at the light as her eyes narrowed. ‘Light...? No, this dazzling existence...!’

It wasn’t strange. Liliana had experienced this feeling somewhere before. She soon recalled the golden coffin she had seen in the basem*nt of Lairon. This was a divine light that felt similar to Baldur’s. It was a bit stricter than Baldur’s warm light, but it was proof that the power was far from evil.

Suddenly, the two dragons and Aquilo, who was attached to Liliana’s left arm, bowed down to the light.

“Descendant of Bahamut, I greet the queen.” It was a polite greeting.

Liliana was surprised that the dragons would show formal courtesies, even if it was to their queen. They were a species without a hierarchical relationship, yet they showed such a polite attitude to the queen? As Liliana was blinking with surprise, a childlike voice emerged from the mass of light believed to be the dragon queen, [Stand up.]

The three dragons raised their bodies, then the light scattered, and the shape within became increasingly clear. The light that couldn’t be penetrated by Liliana’s eyes finally revealed the concealed entity. Simultaneously, the six pupils of the three people became bigger.

‘...A kid?’

It was a child who could be a boy or a girl. The child’s golden hair shone like sunlight, and the light from their eyes was also brilliant. This brilliance couldn’t be covered, even in a place with no light.

A gold dragon...The gold dragon clan was one that didn’t move while looking at the whole world, defending the providence and mana of the world. Nevertheless, the queen had the body of a child that was less than ten years old. At that time, a voice resonated in the heads of Liliana and the others, [Yes, I am a child. On a human basis, I’m not even 10 years old.]

“What? This voice, don’t tell me?”

[Yes, my vocal organs are still immature, so I can only speak like this. I should’ve said it in advance; I’m sorry.]

“No, rather, you are...”

[That’s right. I'm reading your surface thoughts. If you are uncomfortable, close your eyes. I don’t yet have the ability to consciously read your thoughts.]

Liliana lost her composure with just a few words. For the dragon queen to be able to ignore all barriers and reading the minds of an 8th circle magician, sword master, and high elf… This was a power that could be attributed to divine beings in ancient books.

[‘Ey, I’m not that strong. At a level like yours, I have to face you for at least a minute to read your thoughts in depth. Don’t worry too much. I’m not grown up yet and can’t fight well.]

“...I understand. But did you read our names?”

[Ah! Indeed. I haven’t introduced myself yet.] The gold dragon read Liliana’s intentions and spoke their name with an innocent expression. [I am the dragon queen of this age, Clipeus. It is a pleasure!]

The dragon queen was different from what Liliana had expected, but she still didn’t relax. If Clipeus’ words were true, then they were still a hatchling. Rather than a proper ability of breadth, they were born with the worship of other dragons and the ability to see a master’s heart. The type of experience they would grow into was unfathomable.

Liliana tried not to shrink back and opened her mouth, “If the queen has read my mind, then you know the reasons why I came here. Right?”

[Well, I guess so. I sent Brasmati to bring you to me.]

“Why? If the dragons here can’t solve it, I can’t imagine what I can do.”

[That is the case if combat force is required. But we shouldn’t fight what is in the center of this swamp. If we don’t resolve it using another method, this world will be in danger.]

Before Liliana could ask, Clipeus read her question and replied, [It is simple, Liliana Miller. I’m not asking for cooperation from a ‘sorceress’ or the ‘chief tower mistress.’ I am asking you as the ‘owner of Gluttony.’]

“...You read that from my surface thoughts?”

[Haha, perhaps.] Clipeus laughed innocently after hearing Liliana’s sharp question. Then they looked at Liliana’s left hand. [It has been a long time, Gluttony. How are you?]

As everyone paid attention, a tongue emerged from the palm of Liliana’s left hand. -...Damn lizard, you still can’t read the mood.

The two monsters conversed.

-What did you call me for?

[Don’t you know the story?]

-Damn bastard. You know I can’t say it, yet you are still acting like this...?

[Hihi, think of it as revenge for the old days.]

This time, it wasn’t just the three people in Liliana’s party. Even the dragons didn’t understand what was going on. While everyone was feeling astonished, Clipeus eventually confessed the reason for their presence in the swamp, [Please reseal ‘Sloth.’]

Chapter 345 - Dragon Lord (2)

Titania and Randolph didn’t know about this. It was a story that even the headstrong young dragons like Aquilo didn’t know. An ancient dragon, Gluttony, who was the grimoire from the Age of Mythology, and the grimoire’s contractor, Liliana, were the only ones who understood the meaning. Additionally, the grimoire was one of the Seven Sins. This was a secret hidden in the deepest part of the Age of Mythology, which remained unknown even when the 6th stage seal was released.

‘There was a clue from Myrdal.’ Liliana’s eyes flashed as she recalled an old memory.

[It is because your thoughts are too different.]


[That’s right, Gluttony. Unlike the other six, you don’t pay much attention to the fate of the world. Pride who wants to eat all species, the one who wants to stop the present world, ...]

The rest of Myrdal’s words had been stopped by Gluttony’s cry, but there were no more powerful candidates. Liliana put aside Pride and Envy that she had defeated, Gluttony that was contracted to her, and Lust that was on the Eastern Continent. Wrath, Parsimony, and Sloth were the only remaining candidates.

Before continuing with this thought, Liliana intervened in the conversation between the two beings, “Wait.” She knew that the dragon lord was an absurd existence and that this situation was related to one of the Seven Sins. However, she had the right to interrupt the story. Before she got caught up in a story she couldn’t afford to be involved in, she had to regain the initiative. “If I am Gluttony’s owner, is it okay to proceed with the story without me? Lord.”

Erucus’s eyes widened and he cried out, “Please refrain from talking, human sorceress!”

[...No, Erucus. She is right. It is my mistake. Please forgive me for my rudeness, Liliana Miller.]

“Then please answer my question.” After Clipeus acknowledged their mistake, Liliana spoke the questions she had in her mind. It was a clever conversation where she refused to give the initiative to the other party. “What is a dragon lord? If you are less than 10 years old on a human basis, then you are still just a hatchling. If so, it is hard to understand how you know about Gluttony, who is contracted with me.”

[Umm… You struck at the core. The contractor of Gluttony is always unique, but you are different.] The serious looking Clipeus smiled bitterly. [I authorize the disclosure of my personal information, Gluttony. You can tell her the information you have recorded about me.]

-Hah, you talk with such benevolence, Gluttony snapped angrily before explaining in a voice only Liliana could hear about the reality of the ‘dragon lord’ that no one in this world knew.

-You did well, User. As you can imagine, the dragon lord isn’t an object. It is a defense function of the material world itself.

Gluttony paused before adding more slowly, -It exists in the place where it should be and when it should be. The fact that you encountered it here and in the form of a hatchling is all planned. The dragon lord is a safeguard against the destruction of the physical world.

‘...Wait, this doesn’t make sense? The world has almost been destroyed several times. Why is it only showing up now?’

-Even if it didn’t show up, you overcame it.

‘What?’ Liliana felt confused.

So, Gluttony explained in a low and calm voice, -The work of a mortal can escape the plan for harmony in this world. The dragon lord being involved means it needs to intervene to overcome this crisis. And in this situation...

‘It is the end if the dragon lord doesn’t intervene?’

-That’s right. The dragon lord is a tool to block the hole that will be drilled no matter what.

Liliana understood the whole thing and shivered.

It hadn’t appeared when Laevateinn ran wild because it had foreseen that Liliana would defeat Laevateinn, and it hadn’t appeared at the time of ‘Pride’ Superbia’s attack because it had been foreseen that Pride’s purpose would be frustrated. There had been no reason to move with Envy or Nídhöggur because it had foreseen that Elvenheim and Liliana would repel Nídhöggur.

However, the swamp was different. It had summoned all the dragons on the continent to this place and still couldn’t resolve the problem without Liliana’s cooperation. This was the arrival of a global crisis that couldn’t be handled by mortals.

The moment Liliana recognized the situation, Clipeus spoke with exquisite timing like they had read her mind again. [If you listened to Gluttony’s explanation, you should understand everything. I will explain more the moment you accept our cooperation.]

“...Yes, I understand.”

If Liliana refused, the world would perish. She didn’t have much experience with intimidation or blackmail, but she didn’t mind this one. Liliana was too brave to refuse because of fear, and her sense of responsibility was also high. Clipeus smiled softly with affection that seemed human. [I didn’t think I would see the qualities of a hero from the owner of Gluttony.]

“You’re overpraising me.”

[Will you respect your contractor’s intent, Gluttony? Will you help me reseal Sloth?]

Gluttony was driven to a corner and gave a long sigh. -I can’t give a definite answer until I directly observe it. It wouldn’t be impossible if the 6th stage function is used well...

“Yes, the 6th stage.”

Clipeus made a curious expression at their words. [Okay. Then let’s continue with the story.]

There was no reason to refuse. Liliana nodded, and Clipeus turned toward the three dragons who were making subtle expressions. The three of them followed with puzzled expressions. It was finally time to meet one of the Seven Sins trying to destroy the material world, Sloth.

* * *

Unfortunately, the three dragons were unable to confirm what ‘Sloth’ was. As they got closer to the center of the swamp, the dragons looked ahead with a serious expression. The three dragons were vigilant against something that could threaten them, but Liliana...

‘...I don’t feel anything?’

There wasn’t even a flicker in the surrounding mana. Liliana walked a few more steps with a strange expression. Then a sharp voice rang out, “Girl, stop there!”

“What?” She was about to take a step when something grabbed onto her shoes. Liliana reflexively moved her right foot backward and felt a terrible pain rising from her toes.

The tip of her toe fell off along with the shoe!


She was hurriedly using healing magic when claws sprang up. It wasn’t a big wound, but the pain of having her flesh torn was more than she imagined. During this moment in which she faced a threat that wasn’t sensed by her super sensitivity, her alertness soared to the limit.

What would’ve happened if she had put her head in?

“...W-What?” An unbelievable sight entered Liliana’s eyes as she stared at what was up ahead after doing first aid.

Her torn flesh was hanging from a claw floating in the air.

[Oh, the warning was too late. The domain has expanded a few meters more than before,] Clipeus mumbled. [This is the domain of Sloth. With your strength, you can take a few more steps. But please don’t try it.]

“No, what is this damn space?” Liliana cursed after her toe was torn. The sight of her blood-splattered toe still hanging in the air was too vivid, making her feel nauseous when she saw it.

As a sorceress, it was impossible for her not to know this phenomenon.

“...Time Stop!”

The former blue tower master, Blundell Adruncus, had been limited to stopping time for a few seconds in a very narrow space. Nevertheless, he had exhausted all of his life and died from the magic. Yet the time of this vast space was stopped...? This was why the dragons were on alert. They wouldn’t be able to survive if they were caught up in that power.

-Look in front of you, User.

“In front?”

At Gluttony’s low voice, Liliana stopped shouting and looked beyond it. Then everyone gulped at the sight ahead of them.

A darkness without the concept of color was swallowing the world beyond them. Birds that were flying stopped in midair and the falling leaves didn’t move. Any signs of life in the material world were frozen. The sight of the world stopping around the darkness was truly shocking.

-This is Sloth’s unique power, the Cage of Chronos. It causes a time congestion that even light can’t escape and freezes the entire world. The power to capture the area regardless of material or non-material—it is the purpose of the stationary collection grimoire, Sloth.

Only then did Liliana complete Mrydal’s words. Sloth could stop the existing world itself; it was a grimoire that could end this world forever.

However, the sphere of darkness wasn’t darkness. It wasn’t dark because there was no light. Instead, it was because the light which entered it didn’t emerge. This was a phenomenon that could be seen in a black hole, the ultimate gravitational magic that was only mentioned in the old records.

Then Liliana soon realized why the transcendents had died. If stagnating time was the unique strength of the grimoire, then their cause of death would also be this power.

What would happen if a heart only beat once or twice a year?
What would happen if the electrical signals in a nervous system were slowed by a thousand times?
What would happen if the rate at which the alveoli swelled were reduced to one-tenth?

Even transcendents beyond the limits of life wouldn’t be able to hold on. No measures could be taken to combat it, and they would’ve suffered tens of thousands, maybe even more years of suffering.

Chill. Liliana trembled as she organized the situation in her mind. ‘It would be better to die than to experience that.’ Liliana barely regained her composure and thought about it. There was no way she could resist the power that transcendents couldn’t. The only thing that could be relied on here was the Seven Sins grimoire, Gluttony.

“Gluttony, is there any way you can destroy or enter the cage?”

-Destruction is impossible. Any attack will stop the moment it enters. Even an attack at the speed of light will require 10,000 years to break through the Cage of Chronos. It is impossible unless it is a power that can destroy a dimension.

“Then is there a way to enter?”

-Ummm… Gluttony normally answered without hesitation, but this time her voice trailed off. The means Gluttony possessed were poor, and Time Stop was too powerful. When it came to the heart of the darkness, Gluttony couldn’t do much.

-Um? At that moment, Gluttony made a loud sound. -What? Originally, there shouldn’t be a gap... Yet there is a slight gap. It is a gap that can be opened if the condition that is the ‘key’ is met, like a passage that someone has opened.

“A key? Do you know what the condition is?”

-I don’t know that type of thing. I can’t see it.

The possible path that was opened had closed again. Liliana and the others sighed. It was at this moment that Titania suddenly cried out from the rear and there was a gust of wind. This wasn’t a naturally occurring wind but one with force.

“W-Wait a minute? Geros, why are you suddenly appearing?” Titania couldn’t hide her confusion at the appearance of the ancient elemental Geros.

Then at that moment...

[It is time,] Geros spoke in a grandiose voice. [I am a piece of Zephyrus, god of the western wind, who remained in this world according to the will of Prometheus. I have confirmed that all the conditions are satisfied.]

Thick, long arms extended from the body made of wind. As he spread open his palms, a brilliant light flowed from Geros’ hands and shot straight into the darkness beyond them.

[You can enter. Or you don’t have to enter,] Geros continued in a voice without any inhalation. His voice was clearly engraved in everyone’s ears. [The time has come to turn off the fire of this world.]

Chapter 346 - Dragon Lord (3)

Liliana couldn’t understand the meaning of Geros’ words. However, she soon realized that the ancient elemental didn’t want them to understand. Geros was just delivering words that Prometheus had left behind in the distant past. After saying the words, Geros’ body blurred.

In spite of her great confusion, Titania tried to maintain the summoning. However, despite her efforts, Geros disappeared after delivering the ‘key.’

“Geros,” Titania muttered blankly as she stared at the empty space.

The ancient elemental that had been with her for maybe dozens of years had a strange story she didn’t know about. So, it was natural for her to be shocked. Liliana approached Titania and asked cautiously, “What happened? Why is the ancient elemental you signed with acting like this?”

“I don’t know. I tried to summon him again, but he isn’t responding to my words. It is as if he is sleeping.”

“Titania, if it isn’t something you ordered, then it must be an arrangement left behind by the previous contractor...”

Liliana was referring to the former contractor of the ancient elemental Geros, Myrdal Herseim. Clipeus watched the conversation between the two women and stepped forward. It was unknown what clues were found in their conversation, but it was time to move on.

[Gluttony and Liliana Miller. It looks like the situation has changed. Can you look over there?]

“What...” Liliana looked in the direction that Clipeus pointed, and her expression stiffened.

It was because there was a single crack at the center of the Cage of Chronos where Sloth was located. Although it was difficult to get a sense of the size from this distance, it seemed wide enough to accommodate one or two human-sized creatures.

This was the only way to pass through the darkness.

‘No, really?’ Liliana couldn’t accept her intuition. ‘If that passage is a trap, we will be putting our heads in the tiger’s mouth. It is hard to move on the outskirts of the time stagnation. Moreover, with the influence in the center...’

There was no way to escape, even for Liliana who could use space magic reasonably well. Strictly speaking, time manipulation corresponded to the upper levels of space manipulation. The possibility of escaping from a region with time stagnation was close to zero.

Even the dragons would inevitably hesitate....

Except for one being—the dragon lord.

[Go inside.]

“Lord! You don’t know what threat might dwell in there!”

[Your words are reasonable, Brasmati. But this threat is the reason why I have appeared in this material world.]

“Perhaps the passage itself is a trap?”

[Well, I don’t think so. Isn’t that right? Liliana Miller.]

Liliana smiled bitterly since she had come to the same conclusion. “...We can enter or don’t enter. This means that our choice isn’t important. Whatever we choose, things will happen. It isn’t any safer staying here.”

[I think so as well. However, we have to assume the worst situation in case we are wrong,] Clipeus added a few things to Liliana’s words. [Sword master, you stay here. Your Aura Ability can unnecessarily stimulate time and space.]

“...” Randolph was dissatisfied with the instructions, but Liliana nodded in agreement.

‘Acceleration’ and ‘Time Stagnation’ were opposing forces, so they could cause some backlash. Randolph simply didn’t have a chance to win against Sloth, who had killed over a dozen transcendents.

Clipeus’ words didn’t end there. [Erucus, Aquilo. You remain here as well. If Brasmati and I don’t come back, you must preserve the dragon species.]

“B-But Lord!”

[I won’t tolerate any objections.]

The dragon lord’s command was absolute. Erucus, who was about to raise objections, immediately closed his mouth. Then Clipeus turned to Titania. She was a high elf who brought great grace to this material world, and Clipeus wanted her to stay here if possible.

“I respect your authority, but I will go with Liliana.” Titania had decided that the moment Myrdal’s name had emerged. “My teacher might be in there. I came to this swamp in order to meet him.”

[...It can’t be helped. I respect your decision, child of the Arv. Brasmati and I, along with you and Liliana Miller, the four of us will enter.]

* * *

Thus, an expedition was formed. It was an expedition consisting of one human, one high elf, and two dragons, which would be unprecedented in any age. Dragon Lord Clipeus took the lead, followed by the other three. Just like how it had been seen from afar, the path was narrow. It was barely enough for two adults to pass through, so it was impossible for the two dragons to change into dragon form.

“There is a gap, but it is pretty dark inside.”

They were surrounded by an unknown darkness. Liliana summoned a ball of light and looked around. Light magic spread out before them, but the light failed to come back. The landscape where the light disappeared was even more mysterious. Even Brasmati, who was accustomed to ancient mysteries, found it mysterious.

“This is an unpleasant space. Both light and heat are stopped. It is no wonder that idiot Galatea was caught.”

“Galatea?” Liliana questioned the name.

Brasmati replied, “An earth dragon who became an adult 800 years ago. She entered the darkness without waiting for the lord. Now, she is somewhere in this darkness.”

[I wish it was just falling asleep...] Clipeus read the hope in Brasmati’s voice and muttered with a long sigh. [Maybe I can relieve her pain.]

Time was more powerful than anything else. An elf who lived for hundreds of years and a dragon who lived for tens of thousands of years were nothing in front of time. It might be temporary, but a spirit crushed by eternity would be ruined to the point where it couldn’t return to its original state.

Shadows filled Brasmati’s face, but no one could comfort him. So, they moved on. Shortly afterward, the party reached their goal. The four could move no further down the passage, and a space where time moved normally greeted them. No, it was more appropriate to call it an empty space.

If the darkness of Time Stagnation was water that filled an aquarium, then this space was an air bubble. It was proof that the power of Sloth wasn’t functioning properly. The space which had been created by artificial means would collapse in 30 minutes.

An old man was sitting in an armchair in the middle. They couldn’t see his face because he was turned away, but his white hair and wrinkles were impressive. However, this was a space that shouldn’t exist. Brasmati guarded Clipeus while Liliana and Titania moved forward, but the two didn’t try to fight the old man.

Once both of them neared, Titania called out before Liliana, “...Teacher?”

The old man sitting comfortably in the chair replied, “Finally, the time has come.”

He turned around. With a beard that flowed down like hair and eyes that contained deep depths which anyone who saw it couldn’t forget... Titania’s and Liliana’s eyes opened wider. As expected, he really was inside. It was the greatest elementalist of the century, Myrdal Herseim!

“It has been a long time,” Myrdal continued without caring about their reaction. “I have been waiting so many years for just today... in order to turn off the fire of this age and change my life into a handful of ashes.”


As all types of emotions crossed Titania’s face, Myrdal looked at Liliana’s left hand with a grim expression.

“Do you understand the plan now, Gluttony?”

In response, a hole opened on Liliana’s left palm, and Gluttony replied, -I see. You... Did you make a deal with Sloth?


-You used your brain quite well. You are the first to deceive Sloth in such a way, Myrdal Herseim. No, should I call you Prometheus’s avatar?

The two beings didn’t waste time.

“Call me Myrdal. Now that I’ve finished my last work, I am no longer Prometheus’ avatar.”

-Hah, I see. How much time? When is your end?

Myrdal listened to Gluttony’s words distractedly while also looking at Titania. “In the next 15 minutes or so. I can leave my goodbyes.”

Emotions appeared on his expressionless mask. The old man emerged and smiled softly. “It has been a while, Titania. My only apprentice. I knew it would be like this, but it is nice to meet you again.”

“I feel the same. But Teacher, what are you trying to do?” Fear, confusion, and joy filled Titania’s eyes.

Despite reuniting with the person she missed for many years, her intuition made her reluctant to take a step forward. It was because she couldn’t help seeing through to the true essence of her wise and affectionate teacher. Titania didn’t know what ‘Prometheus’ avatar’ meant, but he was different from the teacher in her memory.

“...Yes, you are right. There is still time left. Our hero must know my will.” Myrdal looked at Liliana and then at the ground.

Four chairs of dirt rose up, with the particularly dirty one being in front of Clipeus. Myrdal laughed at the group of strangers. “Sit, Dragon Lord. It is just perfect for you.”

“You dare!” Brasmati was outraged and begged Clipeus, “Lord! Please allow me to kill this old man!”

[It isn’t possible.] Clipeus was calm despite the provocation. [The center of this space is that old man. If you kill him, we will be eaten by the darkness and drown forever. I don’t want to suffer that senseless pain.]

“Hoh, it makes sense. As expected from the dragon lord.”

Why was Myrdal acting maliciously toward the dragons, especially the dragon lord? He didn’t actually harm them, but it was obvious from his tone and behavior that there might be something bad between them that Titania and Liliana didn’t know about.

Once the two dragons sat down, Myrdal looked at Liliana and started talking, “I want to ask you one thing first. You are now the greatest sorceress. Do you know ‘me’? Not Myrdal, but Prometheus.”

“Um...” Liliana thought for a moment about the question. Then she spoke what she had heard from Gluttony and her own investigation, “In the early days of the Age of Mythology, he rejected the ways of the old gods who ruled and handed the first ‘fire’ to the humans of that time. As punishment, he was cursed with immortality and forced to carry eternal pain. That is all I know.”

“Well, it is okay. The story behind it wasn’t passed on,” Myrdal said, casually overlooking Liliana’s words. Then he went on to ask a second question that was difficult for anyone to answer, “Before revealing my identity and purpose, guess what the ‘first fire’ is. What do you think ‘fire’ is an expression of?”

Liliana fell silent. However, the silence wasn’t because she was trying to figure out the answer. She knew the correct answer from the beginning. The silence was because she was afraid to confirm if it was true. 30 seconds of silence passed by, but they felt like 30 minutes. She couldn’t flee forever.

So, Liliana replied, “...It is the power to control mana.”

Titania’s eyes widened, and the eyes of the dragons sharpened. Meanwhile, Myrdal laughed loudly, “Hahaha! That is correct!”

One of the continent’s greatest secrets was revealed.

Chapter 347 - Prometheus Plot (1)

10,000 years ago, during the Age of Mythology, the continent was too threatening for humanity. It was a time when countless monsters, that could tear apart mountains with their natural strength and power, wandered. Humans didn’t have the same power as Vulcans or the Arv, making them a lesser species. There were only two ways for humans to survive. It was to go under a more powerful species and beg for protection or become the slaves of another species. The beginning of humanity in the Age of Mythology hadn’t been particularly good. However, there had been one being that recognized the possibilities of the humble species and threw away his life for them.

It was Prometheus, a titan of Olympus. The giant god, who had been favored by Zeus for having more intelligence than any god, had dared to commit a rebellious act. He had handed untapped power to the mortals, rather than one of the upper species. This was the ‘first fire’ of humanity. He had shared with humans the ability to feel and handle mana, the source element of this material world.

「 Look, Prometheus! You broke Olympus’ great rule and hastened the chaos of the material world! This is Zeus’ order. Prometheus, you will be immortal until you repay the error with your own hands. You will experience the pain of your liver being eaten until that day! 」

When Zeus, ruler of Olympus, became aware of it later, he was greatly enraged and cursed Prometheus. However, Prometheus didn’t regret it. In fact, he had known it would be like this from the beginning. Even the contents of the penalty that Zeus gave him—Prometheus had foreseen it all and was pleased at the thought of being able to watch humanity’s prosperity after this era. The ‘first fire’ that he had smuggled out would bring about the end of the Age of Mythology.

Human history had come about with the rebellion of a giant god. Of course, there were no big changes in the early days. Humans didn’t have the concept of mana and had difficulty building up mana in their bodies, using it in a primitive manner. At first, it had been hard, like creating a fire without coal. The gods, who had been wary of Prometheus’ plan, were glad to see it. Then humans developed it with time.

Mana compressed at high concentrations―this power would be called aura. A genius whose name was no longer known had come up with the concept of ‘aura’ and devoted his whole life to proving it. It was a crude feat compared to the later generations, but historically, it was a big step. The days when humans had difficulty dealing with wild beasts alone were forgotten.

The power of the gods, the demons’ tricks… The beginning was just an imitation, but someday the same realm would be reached. This imitation was called ‘magic.’ A priest of a clan had preached this method, systematically explaining the structure of the world and exploring what direction mana should take. It was something that could be seen in elementary textbooks now, but for the ancient people, this enlightenment had been just like the first fire.

The development of humans after achieving these two powers, aura and magic, was dazzling. It had only been one thousand years. The two pioneers had spread the knowledge throughout the continent, and humanity threw off the chains around their neck. From a human point of view, it was a long time. However, consider the fact that the lifespan of an Arv was over a thousand years old. Compared to other species in the Age of Mythology, humanity was developing at an impossible rate.

“Not long after that, transcendents appeared,” Myrdal told this old story with a warm expression. “Humans in those days were more spiritual than modern humans, and the mana concentration in this material world was dozens of times higher. It was a natural phenomenon.”

As transcendents appeared to lead humanity, the concept of ‘nations’ was eventually introduced into humanity’s history. Unlike the upper species in which each individual was powerful, humans were aware of their own weaknesses and cooperated. There was no caste system, and no gap between the rich and poor. Before the gods, demons, and upper species, humans joined together and lent strength to each other. The first golden age of humanity began like that.

A few generations later, hundreds of transcendents were born. Humans were influential on the continent and faced the upper species and gods on an equal footing. It was a desperate situation for the gods, who weren’t coping with the demons. Fortunately, humans hadn’t forgotten Prometheus’ grace. They allied with the gods and fought a long battle against the demons who invaded this material world from the outside. It had been the beginning of the ‘struggle’, the biggest turning point in the Age of Mythology.

“...Hrmm, I won’t explain what happened next. It is a history that isn’t related to my story.”


Myrdal let out a long breath after speaking so many words, and the breathless Liliana barely remembered to breathe. Even Liliana, who knew more secrets than anyone else in the magic tower, was struck breathless from what she heard in these 10 minutes. It was because all of the deeply hidden secrets of humanity’s history had come pouring out at once.

‘The starting point of humanity was the rebellion of a giant god. He is still on this continent and watching us...’

This summarized everything. The rest of the contents were worthwhile but held no meaning in the present situation. Liliana arranged the information in her head before talking to Myrdal, who seemed to be waiting for something. The story wasn’t long, but she could tell that this old man was similar to Gluttony. Myrdal was the type of person who answered a question with another question.

“What does it mean to turn off the fire? Do you plan to take away the ability to handle mana from humanity?”

Myrdal nodded. “Correct. Humans can now live without relying on mana. I became the host of Sloth for this moment and sucked up the mana of the continents for thousands of years.”

“...The mana of the continents, don’t tell me?!”

“Gluttony is aware of it. The mana concentration of this material world is gradually falling. Dragons will no longer be born, and the gaps between dimensions will soon close. There are fewer magic and aura users becoming transcendents.”

Brasmati made a menacing face when she heard that no more dragons would be born. However, Myrdal just laughed at her without changing his expression. Then he clapped and said loudly, “Isn’t it the perfect plan? Until the day that they gain the power to explore outside this star, humanity can prosper without fear of destruction. Gods, demons, or dragons... No existence can threaten them. This is the plan that I, Prometheus, completed.”

Liliana was speechless at the absurd story. Meanwhile, Clipeus made a bitter expression. [Complet...ed. It is already done.]

“You know. The moment you appeared in this form, I knew that the world had embraced my plan.”

[ I wouldn’t have appeared as a hatchling if I was supposed to stop you. The material world is finally done with my species. ]

As it was mentioned earlier, the dragon lord was the defense mechanism of this material world. If Prometheus’ plan was to bring ruin to this material world, then Clipeus would appear in the form of an ancient dragon and demonstrate a power that could destroy even Sloth. However, the material world provided her with the form of a hatchling. It was a form that couldn’t interfere with Prometheus’ plan, but it could still help with any threats. The world preferred Prometheus’ plan over the conservation of dragons.

“This is the last gamble, arrogant species. But I will pay homage to those who have preserved the material world for all these years. Do your duty until the end.”

[ No matter what you say, I will do so, ] Clipeus replied with a resigned expression.

Then Myrdal looked at Titania, who still didn’t understand the situation. Myrdal had remained in this world as Prometheus’s avatar in order to ensure his plan worked. He had stopped by Meltor’s magic towers and left his knowledge, as well as a fragment of his memory at the world tree. However, this wasn’t the reason why he accepted a child as his disciple.

“Titania.” Myrdal had lived for over a thousand years and become familiar with pretending to be human. Now, he was shaking off his last lingering attachment. “I know your heart but I can’t accept. I am a puppet who moves according to Prometheus’ will. I’m not brave enough to be responsible for your life. I didn’t even have the courage to leave you until you were an adult.”


“Leaving Geros to you as well as a message to that young woman were all planned. But...” The tool who only followed commands spoke her mind, “Be happy Titania.”

Originally, all of the world trees needed to be burned in order to lower the mana concentration. More than half the high elves would be killed. It would be easy if she intended to do that. However, Myrdal couldn’t do it. She denied her instincts and changed her plan.

As Titania made a pained expression, Myrdal turned toward the young woman. “Liliana Miller.”

The young woman who was the protagonist of Prometheus’ plan, a just and excellent sorceress who didn’t stop moving forward—it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that there were no other humans in the current world who could become transcendent. No, in fact, Liliana might reach a higher level after transcendence. So, what choice would she make?

“There are five minutes left. I will stop the Cage of Chronos. Ban Sloth from this world and protect the future of humanity.”

Everything was useless now. Myrdal raised her palm with the last of her strength. She couldn’t interfere in ordinary space usually, but in this place, she was like a god. The moment that Liliana opened her mouth to reply, Myrdal’s space magic wrapped around the four people.

Surrounding by the stillness of nothing, the old man muttered, “...Is it finally the endgame? I’m sadder than I thought.”

It was the time for Myrdal Herseim’s long story to come to an end.

* * *


A group of people suddenly appeared in the air, but the four of them weren’t confused or upset. Liliana, Titania, and the two dragons realized their surroundings were familiar as they descended to the ground. It was the point where they had separated with the rest of the group before entering the Cage of Chronos.



“Oh, Lady! You’re safe!”

Randolph’s, Aquilo’s, and Erucus’ voices rang out respectively. They wanted to rejoice at the reunion, but Liliana couldn’t afford it. According to Myrdal, the remaining time was five minutes. They had to overcome Sloth and find a way to expel it out of this material world.

[Liliana Miller.] Clipeus came to the same conclusion and looked at Liliana. [Is there a way to expel Sloth as outlined by Myrdal? Even if the Cage of Chronos is released, I don’t think the Seven Sins grimoire will take it lying down. Maybe it will trigger a powerful defense.]

“Umm... I think so as well.”

[Please tell me if you need anything. In the name of the dragon lord, I will give every support possible.]

Clipeus’ words lifted Liliana’s hesitation. It was impossible for a sorceress of the 8th circle to expel a grimoire like Sloth from this world, but it might be possible if she used the stage six function as Gluttony said previously. Liliana guessed that if she used the sixth stage ability properly, she would be able to exert a mythical-level strength. With that, it would even be possible to destroy the Cage of Chronos or expel Sloth.

However, there was a problem.

-Do you know, User? You only have 1,280 achievement points. It isn’t enough to use the function.

A huge amount of achievement points was needed. Liliana was reminded of this fact and looked around at the dragons with a serious expression. They were a species with a powerful instinct to collect treasures. Even a young dragon like Aquilo had a pile of treasures. So, then what about the older dragons? They wouldn’t hold back if the lord ordered them to. Thus, Liliana could say it, “I’m not the one who needs it. It is Gluttony.”

[What do you mean?]

At Clipeus’ naive expression, Liliana let out a long sigh. “Take out all the magic worthy treasures or artifacts that you have. They should be at least of the rare quality.”

The dragons looked dumbfounded.

Chapter 348 - Prometheus Plot (2)

[‘Ancient Kingdom’s Sword’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it contains is large.]
[‘Glory’s Armored Ring’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it contains is large.]
[‘Draconic’s Buckler’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it contains is huge. It interacts with Aquilo’s Blood and the efficiency of the absorption is doubled.]
[‘Sage’s Orb’ has been consumed. The amount of magic power it contains is huge.]

Dozens, hundreds of artifacts entered Liliana’s left hand through the open hole. The four dragons, three to be precise when excluding Clipeus, made pained expressions because of the sacrifice. These were relics and treasures that would be preserved in museums of the present age. The dragons watched their treasures, of which the values couldn’t be calculated, be consumed with a devastated expression.

“B-Girl. The necklace that I’ve saved...”

Despite the beauty’s begging eyes, Gluttony’s tongue swallowed the necklace without hesitation. Aquilo sat on the floor like a broken puppet and stared into space with empty eyes. Brasmati and Erucus couldn’t escape the suffering either.

“Aaaah! You are absorbing all of them, human!” Brasmati screamed at losing the fortune he had gathered for thousands of years, while Erucus made a grim smile.

They would’ve kept some of their precious treasures hidden, but the promise Clipeus made was an absolute force that applied to all dragons. Their bodies would release all of the treasures, even if they didn’t want to.

‘Surely I won’t become enemies with the dragons because of this...?’ Liliana thought anxiously.

They were the strongest species... Lili didn’t think those who defended the material world would have such a narrow mindset, but the expressions on the dragons’ faces were truly terrible. There was no guarantee that Erucus, the green dragon who wasn’t known for being greedy, wouldn’t hold a grudge. However, Liliana had no other choice.

‘Gluttony, how many points do I have?’

-335,000 points. It is possible to do it maybe once.

‘Only one attempt is possible with 335,000 points. It is the worst,’ she mused.

Once her achievement points reached the appropriate value, Liliana stopped eating, then she looked at the summoning conditions of ‘that person.’ Gluttony wanted to clear out the remaining property of the dragons, but it wasn’t the one who would bear the grudge of the dragons. Since there was only less than 20% left, it wouldn’t be a big help anyway.

So, Liliana said, “Okay, I can do it somehow.”

As soon as she spoke, the dragons moved the remaining treasures into their spaces at lightning speed. She wondered what would happen if she asked them to bring the treasures back. Clipeus looked at them and sighed.

[It looks like everything is ready. Is there nothing more we can do to help you?]

“No, this is enough.”

The 330,000 points were even more than what she gained from swallowing Jerem’s Tartarus a few days ago. Nevertheless, the points could only be used once. Gluttony’s 6th stage function had a high potential, but a corresponding cost needed to be paid. In retrospect, Liliana had wondered about it since the time that the Hall of Fame was opened.

Was it possible to call the souls directly using the achievement points at the sixth stage? This hypothesis was verified with the sixth stage.

“Request for Evocation.”

There was a message in response to her words.

[The A-Rank Evocation is invoked.]
[Please speak the name of the target.]

It was the strongest figure that required 330,000 points to be called. Liliana hesitated before calling his name, “Simon Magus.”

Simon Magus had been the magician who established the system of Gnosticism. He had challenged the trails of the 10th circle and lived a glorious life as a transcendent at the apex of the Age of Mythology when all types of monsters had roamed around.

In the past five years, Liliana had spoken to a number of transcendents and made great strides through their advice. However, she hadn’t been able to even talk to Simon Magus. The reason for that was very simple.

[Are you sure you want to open ‘Simon Magus’? 163,210 points will be consumed to awaken this soul.]

A huge amount of achievement points disappeared at once, and Liliana was able to see a light appearing around the portrait hanging in the Hall of Fame. It was an opportunity that had come unintentionally, but she could finally wake up one of the greatest magicians of the Age of Mythology.

Simultaneously, the 6th stage function, Evocation, was triggered.

[Simon Magus has been summoned to this material world.]

Shortly afterward, the light of an unknown character poured out from the hole in her left hand. No, it probably wasn’t light. It was a higher level of power flow that living things couldn’t recognize. Only the dragon lord, Clipeus, could detect the shadow of a human in the light.

“―Urgh.” There was no need to wonder who made the noise.

With the exception of Clipeus, everyone stepped back in fear of the unknown shadow. Even the dragons who could erase a mountain with a single breath felt crushed by the pressure on them as if gravity had increased by several times. A few seconds later, the light cleared away.

“The air is stuffy. I’m glad I wasn’t born in this age.” It was a cold voice. Simon Magus, the person who reappeared in the material world after thousands of years, turned to Liliana who called him. His gaze was filled with annoyance. “Hey, talk.”

“...Simon Magus?”

“Did you call me to ask me that? If so, I will return.” Simon Magus turned around.

Liliana cried out anxiously, “I-I need a spell of banishment from this dimension!”

“Hoh?” Simon Magus’ eyes narrowed, and he turned back. “This is a spell that no one uses, and there isn’t much need for it, so it was buried. Why?”

“I need to banish a grimoire from this world.”

“Hmm?” Simon Magus’ eyes shone as he saw the Cage of Chronos that was slowly starting to disappear. This was a magician who had been at the height of the Age of Mythology. “It is Sloth. It has gathered an enormous amount of mana. Did it suck up the continent’s mana for thousands of years? If it explodes, a hole will be blown in this dimension. You want to expel it from this dimension?”

To think that Simon Magus pierced through this matter with one glance...? Liliana thought it was ridiculous, and her mouth dropped open. While the rest of the people were drowned out by Simon Magus’ presence, Clipeus alone walked forward and spoke, [Do you know what kind of changes will occur to this world if you banish Sloth?]

“The constantly circulating mana will leak in large quantities, and you will become extinct. It is already an inevitable fate. Accept it, Dragon King.”

[...I know. I just wanted to hear you say it.]

Just like what Gluttony said about inheriting old memories, Simon Magus and Clipeus knew each other. However, their relationship didn’t seem intimate.

Simon watched Sloth for a moment before speaking to Liliana, “Dimensional Banish will take about 10 minutes to expel the target. With your remaining achievement points, Dimensional Banish can only be used once. If I participate in combat or suffer a direct blow, my summoning may be canceled. Be careful.”

Liliana was embarrassed by the one-sided words and asked carefully, “No, it will take 10 minutes?”

“From the beginning, it wasn’t a magic made for combat. It was magic designed for dealing with engineering wastes. The cost was a lot cheaper to blow them up through the atmosphere. The problem was that I drilled a hole in the dimensional plane.”

“Ugh.” It was a horrible side effect. She didn’t need to ask why Dimensional Banish had gotten buried.

Simon Magus fell silent while looking at the Cage of Chronos, as he no longer had anything to say. Liliana gathered the dragons, and the two people together to prepare for battle. Yet there was one question that couldn’t be resolved. After the Cage of Chronos ended, what method would Sloth use to interfere with them?

However, that question was quickly answered.

* * *

Someone spoke, “It is starting.”

Five minutes after Myrdal warned them, the Cage of Chronos wrapped around Sloth started to collapse. The darkness collapsed like melted chocolate. This darkness that didn’t allow a single light to exist slowly diminished in size, eventually shrinking to the size of a small carriage. Perhaps this mass of darkness was Sloth’s body.

‘What will it use to try and stop us?’ Liliana wondered.

She didn’t dare underestimate the power of the Seven Sins. Pride and Envy were both monsters that she didn’t want to face again. After all, Liliana herself was the owner of Gluttony. If she were an ordinary magician, she would avoid fighting with Gluttony’s contractor. As part of the Seven Sins, it was clear that Sloth would have a trump card to overturn this situation.

Crack. Unsurprisingly, her super sensitivity started ringing in alarm.

“...What?” Titania’s fingers twitched as she stared into the darkness without blinking.

It was because four unknown lumps had fallen from the unmoving darkness that was Sloth. At first, their shapes were ambiguous, similar to mud or shadows. However, as the outline became clearer, the presence of the shadows was revealed.

-This is an impressive last hurrah. Don’t die, User, Gluttony advised, having noticed their identity before anyone else. -They are the transcendents that Sloth has collected. They are just empty shells without souls, but their combat power is still a threat.

“What? Then we have to deal with four transcendents?” Liliana exclaimed.

As they heard her words, the faces of Liliana’s companions stiffened. Grandmasters—they were monsters born in the body of a mortal but had surpassed their limits. One of them could demonstrate fighting abilities equal to those of a dragon, and now Liliana and her companions had to face four of them!

“One piece of advice should be fine,” Simon Magus spoke as he was creating a magic circle. “Dragon King, take the one in the rear. All of you can handle the rest. If possible, don’t come near me.”

[I understand.]

There was no more time to explain. Clipeus nodded as the four shadows finished looking human. There were swords in some of their hands, and the armor around them looked real. Their terrifying presence that shook one’s skin was evidence of their transcendence.

“―They’re coming!” Liliana shouted.

It took literally a moment.


Two of the transcendents flew faster than the speed of sound, only for Brasmati and Erucus to confront them and push them in the opposite direction. It was in order to fight as far as possible for Simon Magus, who was casting Dimensional Banish.

[I’ll leave the remaining one to you.] Clipeus also decided their opponent.

As Simon Magus advised, Clipeus targeted the transcendent at the rear. Clipeus’ dragon body was much smaller than the other two dragons. However, that didn’t diminish the power of their breath.


Light poured from the mouth of the small golden dragon. No one could escape the speed of their breath, and the transcendent was blown a few kilometers away. Despite this, Clipeus hurriedly pursued the transcendent as there was a chance that it might escape.

“...Damn.” Lili muttered.

Finally, a magician with glassy eyes remained. Liliana, Randolph, Titania, and Aquilo faced him. They had enough power to wipe out some kingdoms, but the scale of power tilted toward their opponent. The opponent was a magician who reached the level of transcendence—a 9th circle magician.

The moment a black staff appeared in the hands of the mysterious magician, Liliana instinctively shouted, “Scatter―!”

Shortly after that, the space where the four of them were standing shattered.

Chapter 349 - Prometheus Plot (3)

‘Space magic!’ The space was broken without the enemy uttering one syllable. Space magic ignored normal defenses and could cause a fatal wound with just a light scratch, and this was at least at the level of an 8th circle killing magic! The tips of Liliana’s bangs were cut off the moment she warned her colleagues, causing her spine to turn cold. If she had delayed for even a few more seconds, her head would be gone.

However, Liliana regained her composure and shouted loudly, “Aquilo! Don’t transform! You will die as soon as you become a dragon!” Common sense dictated that it was absurd, but her judgment was correct. Dragon bones were surrounded by scales even stronger than mithril, but they couldn’t overcome the magic that directly interfered with space. In particular, the enemy magician was a monster who had reached the 9th circle and could easily overcome a dragon’s magic resistance. If Aquilo took the form of a dragon, she would just be an easy target.

“I understand! I will trust you this time, Girl!” It was unknown if the pride and arrogance of the dragons would allow them to follow Liliana’s instructions, but Aquilo was different. She had realized her limitations during the fight against Pride and that Liliana’s power surpassed her. Several compressed water beads appeared around Aquilo as she prepared to fight in human form, firing compressed water at extremely high pressures.

Kakiing. However, there was one person who switched to attack mode quicker than she did.

“Showing a gap in front of me, what an idiot!” Randolph accelerated so fast that his body was a blurry afterimage, while the light of aura from his two blades stretched out like a comet tail. Exceeding the speed of sound, Randolph’s swords swallowed up the enemy.

Clovis Two Swords Style. Special Hidden Meaning Technique. Thunder Claws.

It was Randolph’s perfect deadly blow. The whirlpool of blue aura maintained its momentum, not leaving a single piece of flesh behind. This was different from five years ago. Randolph had perfected his family’s swordsmanship since then, and his speed had more than doubled. If he concentrated his aura, he could even cut mithril.

‘...What?’ However, the sensation under his hand was strange. It felt lighter than a thin piece of wood, like air―

“Randolph!” Liliana’s voice awakened him.

Jeeeong! A merciless shockwave blew Randolph's body far away. If he hadn’t blocked reflexively, he might’ve died from just one blow. As blood ran down his throat, Randolph floated through the air and realized his mistake. Transcendence—he had forgotten what this name meant in reality.

‘Damn, it would be a disgrace to die like this.’ The magician was aiming his staff at Randolph, who had yet to land on the ground and whose aura was still shaky. It was impossible for him to defend against or avoid this blow. The reaper’s scythe was aiming at his neck. It was at this moment that...

Pipipipiping! The tip of the staff was shaken by arrows that came at it from every direction. Titania had covered for Randolph from the rear. The transcendent stopped trying to kill Randolph and aimed at Titania instead.

“□□□□,” the transcendent muttered a word, and the arrows that could pierce through walls of steel turned toward their owner. Complex magic that combined both distortion and refraction was completed in an instant! Titania started evasive maneuvers in response, while Liliana measured the capabilities of the enemy transcendent after seeing these spells. The spells drove Randolph into a corner and completely neutralized the projectiles. This wasn’t even the full extent of the enemy’s abilities. Monster was the only word that would emerge to describe their enemy.

‘He avoided Randolph’s aura by expanding the space. Shortly afterward, he shrank the space and created a shockwave. The magic that reflected the arrow is a higher application method that makes all physical forces flow in the reverse direction... I can’t beat him with space magic.’ Even if it was Orta with his magic eyes, there was no reason to fight a magician in the same field that they had already reached the peak. Liliana envisioned a few strategies in an instant and delivered a message to Aquilo. The two of them were connected by blood, so they were able to communicate at high speeds.

[Okay, I will attempt what you said,] Aquilo responded.

Unlike Randolph, who had just started to stand up, and Titania, who was avoiding the arrows she fired, Aquilo had room to move. The beads floating around her headed in one direction, and the transcendent looked back as he sensed them. However, Aquilo’s attack was quicker.

Piiiiiik. The eight beads shot forward as water jets. It was an attack method that exceeded Randolph’s swords and Titania’s arrows when it came only to speed. Several years ago, Liliana had almost been killed by this water jet when she first met Aquilo. 32 jets of water shot out almost simultaneously, aiming for the space where the arrows had been shot.

“□□□.” At that moment...

Wuuuong...! Even so, Aquilo’s attack was blocked. There was no time to reflect them, but the water jets coming from all directions were blocked. It was a simple response to an attack that was several times faster than the speed of sound, as well as proof that a surprise attack wasn’t enough to put him in the wrong spot.

“No, you thought you blocked it.” However, Aquilo ridiculed him as if she had foreseen this situation.

The ‘real attack’ wasn’t the water jets. A blue dragon’s true power was their absolute dominance over the ‘moisture’ that existed in this material world. The water jet was Aquilo’s favourite technique, but she had other ways to attack when it came to just killing. After all, no creature could survive without water.

Dehydration—the water stream that stopped at the transcendent’s body faded, and the water dried up without leaving a drop. It was the method Blundell had used to kill Liliana a few times during Abe no Seimei’s test a few years ago. Dehydration dried up all the water in the body, making creatures die instantly.

Wuuong! One or two seconds passed by. The transcendent’s flesh outside his robes split like rice paddies. It was then that he realized the seriousness of the situation and jumped through space. His soul wasn’t present, so his body moved instinctively. Liliana used precise timing to grasp the fatal weakness of the magician. She read the destination of the space movement and cast a special magic at the coordinates before the enemy arrived.

「Rise, imaginary fingers! 」 ‘Order!’ It was the trick Liliana had learned from the warlock, Jerem. The Order, based on the power of Dragon Words, inflated Liliana’s magic power by several times. The original Eternal Prison (Aeternum Carcerem), a high-level shadow spell, required five seconds to cast.

Once the transcendent finished his space movement...

「 Lock on for eternity, swallow it in your stomach! 」 Liliana’s hands came in contact with each other, and the shadows under her feet crossed like steel bars. It was dimension magic that space magic couldn’t interfere with.

Like ordinary shadows, they had no physical force, and once the target was completely confined, there was no way for them to get out of it. Although it might be possible with ultimate magic, Gluttony didn’t think that was possible in this situation.

-Once the soul is worn, the ultimate magic can’t be used. Using the soul as the key, that is the ultimate magic that dominates the world. An empty shell without an ego can’t challenge that area. A transcendent who couldn’t use ultimate magic had their power halved. Thus, Liliana decided to fight. Based on the average magic power, Liliana was above an average 8th circle magician, and she still had three colleagues with her.

‘Of course, it would be best if he spent the 10 minutes in this prison...’ Liliana stared at the gradually diminishing ‘Eternal Prison.’ The attribute of light was one which could never coexist with shadows. However, there was a dim light on the wall of shadows. It was around 1 centimeter in diameter. It was a hole was that difficult to fit a finger through. The hole was only narrow enough for breathing, but Liliana smiled bitterly. ‘...Well, I thought it would be like this.’ The enemy might not be sane, but a transcendent was a magician who had crossed the limits of existence, touching the 9th circle. Perhaps he used instincts to find a way out of this shadow prison. He wasn’t an opponent that would be blocked by something like this.

Liliana felt Randolph return behind her as she concentrated her senses.

“Be prepared. He is coming out soon.”

“Yes.” Speaking was too slow in a real fight between masters. Their lives would be cut off several times before they could even speak the signal words. Therefore, Liliana and Randolph remained silent and concentrated hard enough that the powers of the two masters could serve as senses.

‘Ah.’ Shortly afterward, the strike came.

Paijijik. Liliana’s supersensitivity cried out as her body flashed with a blue light. Using lightning, she momentarily pushed past Randolph’s acceleration. The moment that a shadow popped out of the one-centimeter hole that was too narrow for an adult male body to pass through...

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission. Four Major Hidden Techniques. Rain like an Axle.

Liliana’s lightning fist scattered dozens of after-effects as they landed on the transcendent, who showed no signs of blocking them.

Kwarururung! The second hidden technique used one’s fists. The power of one punch exceeded the level of 6th circle attack magic, and it was equal to Aquilo’s water jet in terms of speed. A shockwave spread through the surroundings with a loud thunderous sound. It was a perfect surprise attack.

‘What?’ However, Liliana was the only one who felt surprised. ‘Not one of them hit...?’ It was a different situation from when the transcendent avoided Randolph’s sword. Rather than expanding the space, he bent it sideways and twisted it in all directions. Some of Liliana’s blows lost strength by bumping against each other, and a few shot out in random directions.

The more surprising thing was that the origin of the space distortion was the staff in the transcendent’s hand!

“Randolph! This bastard... close combat match is possible for him...” Liliana understood the situation at once and moved one step closer to the nameless transcendent.

Puhak! No, it just seemed like a step. A common ‘gap’ was meaningless for a guy who could stretch and shrink space like a rubber band. The outstretched staff struck Liliana before swinging back and hitting Randolph’s wrist. Despite two attacks, the sound only came out once.


“T-This!” It was an experience similar to when she fought Zest Speitem, 2nd Sword of the empire. After the space was cut down, the two masters felt a terrible feeling go down their spines. The transcendent continued to hold his staff expressionlessly. Nothing could be felt from him. His martial art was just efficient movements of the body.

However, space magic was added, and any gaps disappeared. What type of magician trained to the level of a master in melee combat?

-You are spitting in your own face, User.

‘Shut up,’ Liliana snapped at Gluttony who couldn’t read the mood and used her lightning again.

A high-speed attack wasn’t the answer. The duration had increased considerably over the years, but the consumption of magic power wasn’t negligible. It was best to buy time with the recovered Randolph. In addition, both Aquilo and Titania were still alive.

-Let me ask you something. As I have said before, in the old days, humanity had much better spiritualities and physical abilities. It was an era when a monster would destroy a hill with a single fist. There will be magicians who are used to close combat.

‘Indeed, there would be those type of magicians.’ It might not be explored properly, but if a magician who dealt with space magic, as well as her own hands and feet, was this powerful... What was the use of martial arts against a person who could change the distance or pull the enemy in front of them?

Grandmasters at the apex would laugh at this. However, Liliana and Randolph were still a long way from confronting it. But…

“Well, isn’t it just ultimate self-defense?” Any attempt to move through space was blocked by Liliana. However, if the transcendent ran away on both feet, he wouldn’t be able to beat Randolph’s and Liliana’s movements. It was perfect as long as they didn’t put their bodies in the range of the space shredding.

They would use the tactic of range to defeat the magician. As a great being once said, transcendents who allowed enemies to approach were rare. Once the pattern of melee combat style with space magic was detected, it wasn’t unbeatable.

“□□□□.” The problem came from the transcendent who recognized this crisis. “□□□, □□□□□.”

The transcendent’s expressionless face distorted slightly, and light of an unknown color emerged from the staff in his hand. Then...

Kiiiiing! The world turned black and white, while Randolph’s and Liliana’s bodies and spirits froze. Due to being at the 8th circle, Liliana wasn’t completely stopped and struggled to break through this crisis.

‘Time magic? Moreover, this phenomenon is… Don’t tell me—!’ It was possible, although she wanted to deny the reality. Time magic had the top compatibility with space magic, and it was possible for a transcendent who trained in space magic to use time magic. However, time magic was usually in the ultimate magic realm, so Liliana had been sure the opponent wouldn’t be able to use it.

“□□□□□, □□...” In the black and white world where everything was stopped, the free transcendent muttered strange words alone. It was a considerable burden to use this ultimate magic, and the transcendent couldn’t keep his balance.

Liliana couldn’t understand the meaning of the words, but she sensed it. ‘I have to break this Time Stop somehow!’ Within the stopped world of black and white, Liliana’s blue eyes flashed once. In a way, this was her first challenge against ultimate magic.

Chapter 350 - Prometheus Plot (4)

Fortunately, this Time Stop wasn’t complete. Liliana was facing the ‘wall’ of the 9th circle, but if this were a complete ultimate magic, her mind would’ve already stopped working. Liliana put her strength into moving her finger but soon changed her mind. Unlike her mind, the nervous system of her body had completely stopped. It was impossible and had nothing to do with her effort.

‘I need to make the breakthrough with my magic.’

In order to overcome this situation, she had to break the transcendent’s Time Stop with her magic. A non-transcendent was trying to break the ultimate magic...? Any magician would answer that it was impossible to succeed. It was the same for Liliana. Even if this Time Stop was incomplete, it was still the ultimate magic. Randolph was already neutralized, while Titania and Aquilo were outside the sphere of influence and couldn’t intervene.

Time magic was defined as the ultimate magic for a reason.

“□□□□...! □□□...!” The voice of the transcendent, who had been crying out like a madwoman, became thinner. Her shaking body was gradually calming down.

‘Damn, there is no time.’ The transcendent would kill Liliana the moment this magic stopped. There was an illusion that Liliana’s hair was bristling as she accelerated her thinking desperately. Neither one minute nor one second could be wasted. She gave up on all meaningless hypotheses and concentrated on breaking the ultimate magic.

Elemental magic was removed from the options, along with summoning magic. She couldn’t summon anything in a space where time was stopped, and she would be interrupted before she could chant a few words. Her priority was to get out of the area of Time Stop.


At this moment, a very small light appeared inside Liliana’s skull. It was a faint and weak electric current that she wouldn’t have been able to feel if it wasn’t for this situation. One second later, her super sensitivity screamed.

―It was coming!

Liliana didn’t know what it was, but she pulled out the three defense spells she had kept in reserve.

Block of Space.
Force Decline.
Shield - Impenetrable Wall.

They consisted of an 8th circle magic, Seimei’s shamanism, and a single wall of defense. These were enough to stop even a dragon’s breath. Then suddenly, a terrifying shockwave ripped through Liliana’s barrier.


The world was cut off.

‘Time, acceleration, space compression...? They’ve all been inflated at once!’

It was concentrated on the area within one meter around Liliana, and the shockwave caused her to fly kilometers back into the swamp. The word ‘destruction’ was insufficient to describe the devastation. The surface was cut, the trees were slashed, and the air had evaporated.

Liliana returned a few beats later and looked at the destructive power of this blow. She couldn’t block it twice. If she hadn’t realized that Time Stop was being released, she wouldn’t be alive right now. Moreover, if she hadn’t prepared magic in advance or if she didn’t have her super sensitivity... Just lacking one of these elements would’ve killed her. Liliana analyzed the situation with cold eyes.

Fortunately, she had survived. Then what about Randolph?

“Lili! I’m fine!”

Liliana discovered Randolph dozens of meters away and sighed with relief. ‘Phew, the emergency escape magic circle seems to have worked properly.’

The escape magic circle was inscribed on Randolph’s sword just in case of an unknown situation. It was a magic circle that performed a Teleport to a random space when there was enough power to instantly kill the person. Unlike Liliana, Randolph didn’t have a means to stop the shockwave.

The problem was what came next. It was fortunate that Time Stop was released just before the attack―


No, that was wrong. Liliana looked back and her guess changed. It was a guess based on what the transcendent showed so far.

“Time Stop can’t be used in conjunction with attack magic...?”

The spark in her head just before the shockwave arrived had obviously been her sensing her lightning. Accelerating her thoughts with magic and Memorize had saved her. She hadn’t noticed it when she had been desperately using the spell, but she could see it now in hindsight.

“□□□! □□, □□!” The transcendent pointed the staff at her crazily and screamed out a strange grief. It wasn’t magical or meaningful. The wisdom that remained in the old body and traces of the soul had become tangled up and unclear.

Looking at the transcendent grimly, Liliana organized her thoughts. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but she envisioned a method to cope with Time Stop.

“Randolph! Stand as far as possible with the other two!”

“What? But...”

There was no time to explain. The transcendent was in an unstable state and could use Time Stop at any moment. After Time Stop, aside from Liliana, all of her colleagues would become helpless. With Liliana looking at him silently, Randolph processed the instructions with tight lips, “Tch, understood! Be careful!”

However, Randolph could tell that there had been an unrecognized attack and then he had appeared in a place that was dozens of meters away. He would’ve died if it hadn’t been for Liliana’s magic circle. His help would just be a burden to her. So, Randolph moved away, and Liliana was finally left in a one-on-one situation.

‘It looks like the transcendent has set me as the priority. It is fortunate.’

It would be an unpredictable melee if the transcendent chased Randolph as it wasn’t possible for Liliana to protect her three colleagues, who were defenseless after the variable called Time Stop appeared. Nevertheless, Liliana’s chances weren’t high.

An imperfect transcendent and a mortal close to it... The difference wasn’t something that could be jumped beyond with luck.

“If you can win, fight. If you can’t win, don’t fight.”

It was a foolish way of living life. Clearly, she hadn’t committed to a modest way of life after passing through Seimei’s test. Liliana’s eyes glowed as she prepared to win. “Come, I will end your pain!” The transcendent pointed out with her staff as if in response to Liliana’s provocation.


Once again, the world became black and white. It was Time Stop targeted at both the transcendent and Liliana. Liliana wasn’t a transcendent and was fine mentally, while the transcendent’s reaction speed was slowed. However, Liliana had already experienced this deadlock.


Then she triggered a magic one beat late.

Forced Harmonization.
Astral Plane Walker.

It was her first attempt to harmonize with shadow magic!


The shadow rising from her foot spread throughout her whole body. She was wrapped entirely in black, not allowing a single ray of light to reach her. It was a shadow in a human shape that didn’t feel three-dimensional. This was the moment that a senior magician overcame physical limits by harmonizing with shadow magic.

“...Success?” Liliana realized that her mouth moved and knew that her hypothesis was correct.

The negative dimension connected to the imaginary world wasn’t influenced by time stopping. Of course, if it were just a shadow, then it would be stopped since the light didn’t move. However, Liliana mixed with the shadow could move at will.

She wasn’t helpless like before.

“□□□□....?” The transcendent muttered in confusion as she struggled with the phenomenon she couldn’t understand. However, Liliana was different. The shadow body moved according to her will.

Peeok! She smashed against the transcendent, who had yet to grasp what happened.

‘I can’t use magic in this state, but it doesn’t matter!’

It was different from when she used shadow magic. Liliana assimilated with the negative dimension and lost the right to use the mana of the material world for a short time. Since she belonged to a separate time and space, it was no longer possible to use magic normally.

Liliana put these thoughts aside and kept moving.

“□□! □□!? □□? □□□···!” The transcendent’s face was hit several times and quickly became bloody. In the few seconds that the transcendent took to grasp the situation, her body was hit by Liliana’s fists several times. However, after a while of this overwhelming superiority, the transcendent wielded her staff with a groan of pain.


Time Stop was released. Liliana looked at the transcendent, who had moved far away, and took in deep breaths. In her shadow state, magic couldn’t be used. In other words, there was no way to attack the enemy floating in the air.

‘Tch, I couldn’t break her windpipe. Still, I have a way to cope with Time Stop...’

The transcendent’s one-sided advantage was gone. Liliana tried to predict the next development.

“Fool,” a voice was heard saying clearly, despite the distance. “You are busy shoveling with that miracle force.”

It was Simon Magus, a magician at the peak of the Age of Mythology and a transcendent who challenged the trial of the 10th circle. She looked down at Liliana with a contemptuous attitude while casting her Dimensional Banish magic. Liliana felt uncomfortable despite her feelings of awe toward Simon and was about to refute the words.

“Kuaaaak!” However, it was then that her assimilation with the shadow was lifted, and Liliana’s five senses raged. She struggled as thousands of colors and lights pierced her eyes, and scents pierced her nostrils. Her eardrums burst from all types of noises and blood that flowed, while her stomach felt like she had eaten rotten meat.

It was a critical side effect that was completely unexpected.

“No living being can assimilate to the negative dimension. What happens if the coin is turned around again? It is more pathetic than you using garden scissors to cut the dimension,” the mocking words with some advice still flowed into Liliana’s ears as she struggled with the crazy sensations. “Listen carefully, fool. You already have the means to overcome your limitations. You just haven’t realized it. How can you be stupid enough not to realize?”

[Simon Magus’ advice has consumed 5,000 achievement points.]

“You don’t even know what ‘Gnosticism’ is and used the Abraxas. You almost completed it and don’t even know its value. If you were my disciple, I would’ve killed you a hundred times. Don’t worry about the shadows. If you have the strength to do that trick, hatch your own egg.”

[Simon Magus’ advice has consumed 11,500 achievement points.]

“Time Stop is a useful trick for mortals like you, but the bastard who relies on such a trick is nothing. If you lose despite my teachings, I will tear your soul into thousands of pieces.”

A system message followed every time the grim voice was heard. 5,000 points, 11,500 points... This abuse consumed achievement points? Liliana gritted her teeth as she struggled against the pain. She wanted to answer Simon.

‘Dammit, move it! Don’t talk anymore!’

Her body trembled. Liliana looked in Simon Magus’ direction and barely opened her mouth, only to close it. It was because she remembered what she heard a few seconds ago.

‘What the hell did that crazy person say?’ Liliana desperately rolled her head. ‘Abraxas, egg, hatch? Am I a chicken?’

That’s right.


She was a chicken.

Great magic Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ)

The selflessness that came with enlightenment led to its own mana. Yes, mana of all attributes gathered and struck each other as if they were attracted. It was also pulled into the eight circles engraved on Liliana’s heart.

‘A magician’s body is its own world. If I want to go beyond the limit, I have to destroy that world.’

She could see it. The teachings mixed in with Simon Magus’ words and raised the spirit of Liliana, who was injured, to a higher level. Abraxas, which appeared in Gnosticism, was an angel of God with the head of a rooster, the body of a human, and snakes for legs. Unlike humans, chickens and snakes were born in eggs.

If Liliana wanted to go beyond a human, she had to break her egg.

Forced Harmonization.

The power mixed into Liliana’s body, and the great magic Abraxas was turned on Liliana herself. She spoke in a trance, “ABRACADABRA (It will be done as you say).”

It was the beginning and the end. The moment that Liliana’s eight circles were shattered, the last transcendent of this material world was born.

Chapter 19: Chapter 351-375

Chapter Text

Chapter 351 - Overload (1)

If a human's vitality came from the heart, then the power of a sorceress like Liliana originated from the circles.

The circle—they were a power that upgraded the status of humanity, a sub-species in the Age of Mythology. It was the heritage of the ancestors who tried to copy the powers of gods and demons. The result was the ability to interfere directly with the laws of matter by constructing the cogs of the world in the body.

The power to make fire in a space that was empty, and the power to create wind to disturb the sky... The value of the circles was infinite and eternal.

‘No, that is wrong.’ However, Liliana realized something after reaching the end. ‘Eight circles are all that the human body can afford. From there, I have to give up my existing circles system and step into unknown territory.’

The 8th circle was the end of mortality, the limit that humans could reach. No matter how much knowledge and power were obtained, it was impossible to exert more power in the soul and body of a mortal. This was why so many sorceresses and magicians had stopped at this level.

The path filled with the wisdom and experience of ancestors changed into the abyss of the unknown. If one wrong step was taken, it would be a waste of decades, maybe even a hundred years, worth of effort. Giving up the circles engraved on their true heart was a scary threat for a witch.


However, Liliana broke her eight circles without hesitation.


As the eight circles overloaded, collapsed, and released their magic power, her whole body was enveloped in weightlessness and began to float. The amount of magic power was dozens of times more powerful than that of other sorceresses.

Old memories appeared in Liliana’s mind. It was the day she had tearfully read books in the academy’s library, desperately looking at the difference between her practical and written grades. The difference between her old self and her current self was like the difference between the sky and the earth.


Those days had created the present Liliana. Vince Haidel, who took care of the class dunce; meeting Sylvia and the change in their relationship after the challenge; gaining Veronica’s help with their first meeting; Ellenoa’s affection as she whispered that she loved her... There were many other experiences that made her who she was today; she couldn’t count them all.

Thus, she smiled. Her magic power scattered, and all her effort flowed away like grains of sand. At that moment...

The phenomenon known as ‘Shedding’ in the East Continent took place. Liliana's body and soul became empty after losing all eight circles. Then her five senses that saw the surface of the material world sublimated to a higher level. That’s right. For sorceresses, transcendence meant nine circles.

“Unifying the body and soul itself is like a circle. No, it is more than that.” Liliana laughed as she reached enlightenment.

Simon Magus’ words were correct. Simon was a person who had reached a higher level of transcendence. Looking at it from his point of view, Liliana’s situation really was like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis or a snake shedding its skin. She had ignored the shortcut in front of her eyes and dug at the ground. After a moment of floundering, she had then soon realized her mistake and was now reborn as a transcendent.

‘I feel like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, a snake shedding its skin. All the theories that were previously confusing and hard to understand are now organized.’

The small world, that had existed only in her body until now, had expanded outside her body. This feeling was difficult to express in words.

It felt like her head had poked out of her skin, and she could feel the spiritual world. Magic was composed without chanting or formula calculations. If she thought about it, the mana moved according to her will and finished the desired phenomenon with maximum efficiency.

In less than a second, she repeatedly constructed and cancelled a few magic spells.

“□□□□□···!” The transcendent instinctively sensed the change.

‘Not a big deal... It is a bit hard to say, but the words certainly aren’t wrong.’

It was as Simon Magus said. Interference in time and space was fatal for a mortal, but it was different for transcendents. The Cage of Chronos that trapped Sloth was an unknown, but time magic that couldn’t escape the frame of the material world was available to transcendents.

Furthermore, Liliana’s vision became more intense after being born again as a transcendent. She could now completely see through the enemy. The transcendent facing her was inferior, even if his soul wasn’t gone. All the qualities that could interfere with the material world were far below Liliana’s levels.

The transcendent noticed the gap and suddenly moved.

“□□□□! □□□!” The transcendent shouted like he was having a seizure, and time stopped again.

Kiiiiing! A ringing noise occurred in her ears as Liliana confirmed that her surroundings had turned black and white. Then her body moved normally and she laughed. 「 Get lost. 」

The short words forcibly cancelled Time Stop!


Color returned to the black and white world as the backlash of cancelling the magic hit the transcendent. The person who felt pain from the aftermath of Time Stop rolled on the ground. The expression on the transcendent’s face was one of misery.

“...I will end your pain.” Liliana made a bitter expression and pointed her left hand at the transcendent. Despite being her opponent, the transcendent was just one of Sloth’s victims. Shortly after that, a green ray was fired from Liliana’s left hand.


It was Soul Calibre, a soul sword that could even kill high-ranking demons. However, this wasn’t Reynolds Spencer’s sword. It was Liliana Miller’s sword that pierced the unnamed transcendent, and it could free the grimoire-binding magic. Once the nucleus was broken, even stopping time couldn’t save the transcendent. Sure enough, the transcendent’s body stiffened.

-...I was wrong. I thought the soul was gone, and he was already dead. Was the flesh fixed to the time when it was still alive? It is in bad taste to keep the ego.

It was as Gluttony said. The body of the transcendent quickly turned grey and started to crumble, falling down like pieces of limestone. In a sense, it was like a marble statue being dissolved by acid. The scattered figure looked unrealistic.

“Hmm?” In the meantime, Liliana could see it without a doubt.

In an ancient language learned from Vince’s book, the unidentified man muttered his gratitude, “Tha-nk… you.”

Then he was completely broken down before Liliana could reply.


Liliana looked at the pile of ashes and muttered, “A person from Balcia? I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t heard the language. What a coincidence.”

It was the only ancient language she knew. Vince could speak a few more, but Liliana had lost interest in ancient magic since gaining the strongest Dragon Words. However, to think that was the Balcard language? It felt like meeting someone from her home country in a faraway land.




At that time, her colleagues hurriedly rushed over from the distance.

“You won? How? No, is your body okay?”

“I knew you would somehow do it! I’m just sorry that my turn was too short this time.”

Unlike the clamoring Titania and Randolph, Aquilo looked at her closely before opening her mouth with a surprised expression, “...”

Then she said, “...You crossed the border, Girl.”

The dragon noticed the change in her before anyone else.

“Did you see it? Yes, you are correct.”

“How did…? All the magicians and swordsmen in the continent might fall down frothing.”

“If you say so... I can’t believe it yet.” Liliana laughed lightly as she looked down at her hands. She was still the same as she had been a few minutes ago, despite having a power that separated her from humans. Well, she couldn’t feel it, but she knew it with her knowledge.

Transcendents were outside the framework of fate. They lived for a long time without getting older or sick; it was something like eternal youth. It wasn’t impossible for Liliana’s heart to be stopped, but she didn’t need to worry about it now. Right now, there was another problem to worry about.

‘I will be the last transcendent of this material world.’

Sloth, who had sucked in a large amount of mana, was going to be expelled from this material world. The average mana concentration in the world would fall, and it would be hard to build up magic and aura. Apart from transcendents like Liliana, it would be difficult to utilize atmospheric mana or exert the same brute force as before.

Of course, the situation would remain the same for a few hundred years before that happened.

“...Myrdal Herseim—no, Prometheus,” Liliana muttered the name of the god, and her expression hardened.

The god, who had provided strength to humanity, would kill off the dragons and get rid of aura and magic in a few hundred years. Liliana didn’t think it was done maliciously, but it was natural to feel displeased at the person who treated the world like it was at his own disposal.

“Hey,” a voice with no distress or disturbance was heard. “It is done. Is it okay to activate it?”

Simon Magus spoke and gave power to the magic circle without waiting for a reply. He had no intention of listening to the answer from the beginning. Rather than feeling uncomfortable by his attitude, Liliana was struck in awe by the magic circle that had expanded to several meters.


Her vision had grown since being a transcendent, and she could now figure out Paragranum’s wards. She could also release a few overlapping 8th circle magic circles in a few seconds. Yet she couldn’t grasp the magic circle currently floating in front of Simon. It required a high level of knowledge and technique that sorceresses of the present age didn’t have.

Indeed, this was the person who challenged the 10th circle and made Gluttony remember his name.

“――――――.” Simon Magus pointed a finger at the horizon.

It was the dark sphere that could be called Sloth. Sending out the four transcendents seemed to be the limit of its defense function, and it didn’t resist anymore. Thanks to this, Simon’s target assignment was a success, and the magic circle shone.

Kuoong―Dimensional Banish—like its name, it was magic which blew the target across a distance in space that would take thousands of years to travel. Everyone paid close attention to the magic circle.

Jijijik! The space within a five-meter radius around Sloth was cut away. It was like the world was a thin piece of paper that was cut. As Simon Magus’s Dimensional Banish activated, the world twisted and the dimension shook.

“Shut up.”

However, the shaking couldn’t withstand those two words. Simon Magus stopped the dimensional shaking and placed his thumb and finger together. It was a finger snap.

Ttaak! A cheerful sound resonated.

Syuok! The cut-off space with Sloth in it was sucked somewhere. Even with Liliana’s power, the boundary between dimensions couldn’t be seen. The abyss engulfed the space in an instant, making a noise similar to a drain on a rainy day. However, after a while, the drilled hole was quickly filled. As the people watching stared blankly, Simon Magus rubbed his palms with an impatient look. “Hrmm, it is over.”

This was a futile end to one of the Seven Sins.

Chapter 352 - Overload (2)

Well, there is nothing to say except that the opponent was too lousy. Simon Magus is a monster that even the 6th stage Pride would lose against. Prometheus’ Sloth wouldn’t be a big deal.

‘Not a big deal?’

Originally, Sloth would’ve expanded infinitely if it wasn’t for the Cage of Chronos. But Prometheus became its contractor through trickery and restricted its expansion, keeping it at the center of this swamp. Moreover, in the end, he released his power to act as a spear and shield at the same time. It had brought out four transcendents as a last hurrah, but fortunately, Liliana and the others had the power to stop it. In the end, Sloth couldn’t flee or fight and was struck by Simon Magus’ Dimensional Banish. There was no way to escape, even for one of the Seven Sins.

“―It seems my job is over,” Simon Magus stated.

Liliana, who was surprised by the unintentional checkmate, stared blankly at the person before her.

Liliana faced Simon Magus and said, “T-Thank you for the good work.”

“Stop the silly greetings. I might be pretending to be human, but Simon Magus is just a piece of debris left behind in the grimoire,” Simon spoke in a cold voice. Then she continued, “Slightly less dumb girl, I don’t think you are smart enough to understand me, but I will leave you with a few more words.”

Liliana hadn’t known it right away, but she realized how mysterious Simon’s words were. So, she immediately raised her head and listened. Then Simon Magic opened her mouth, “You made a contract with that damn tongue and will someday reach a crossroad.”


“Shut up and just listen. You understand that the 8th circle is the limit that a mortal can reach. Then what is the limit of the 9th circle and what wall will block you?”

It wasn’t a question that could be answered by Liliana, who had just awakened her abilities. No, Simon Magus opened her mouth to speak again like she didn’t expect an answer in the first place. However, nothing came out of her mouth. Simon noticed it herself and glared at Liliana’s left hand. “You.”

-I won’t allow you to say anymore, Simon Magus.

“Hah, what will you do? Will you delete my soul? Or will you lock me like last time?”

-I promise that it won’t be as good an experience as you think.

The atmosphere suddenly became ugly, and Liliana watched the confrontation between the two with wide eyes. So far, dozens of magicians, aside from Simon, had been called using Gluttony’s function. However, this was the first time they had acted like they knew each other and were even hostile.

Simon Magus wanted to give Liliana a few clues, but Gluttony wouldn’t allow it...? However, victory and defeat had already been determined from the beginning.

“Tsk, I’ll drop it. I will go back and sleep like a dead person.” Simon Magus might have been a transcendent in her lifetime, but she was currently just a fragment of a soul captured by Gluttony. Despite receiving higher treatment than other souls, she couldn’t resist the grimoire that she was bound to. At least, she couldn’t do anything alone.

“...You too, you are speaking like that,” the words had escaped from Liliana’s mouth without her realizing. Simon Magus couldn’t help turning her body in response.

Liliana didn’t miss this moment and asked quickly, “Can I know why?”

“Well, you heard it. You aren’t stupid anymore.” Simon Magus smiled for the first time. Perhaps Liliana’s direct question triggered something. “Yes, it is as you guessed. I am one of the magicians who contracted with Gluttony. Unlike you, I was a genius who reached the 9th circle on my own. But I guess I am a loser now.”

Liliana swallowed a breath. Gluttony had existed for many years and contracted with magicians before. Furthermore, 9th circle magicians had been much more common in the Age of Mythology. Among them, Simon Magus would certainly be qualified as the strongest person. The word ‘loser’ was a bit jarring, but Liliana’s thoughts were interrupted.

“I know there is more that you want to ask. But that damn tongue is restraining me, so I can’t talk about it. Dig into it with your own power.”

“Yes,” Liliana expressed her gratitude to the senior who led her to a higher level, “Senior, thank you for teaching me.”

“...” Simon Magus’ grim facial expression changed to a laugh. “Your personality is still the same despite awakening your powers? Indeed, I know why Prometheus picked you.”

“Huh? What does that...?”

“I can’t say. Listen to the rest from those who are coming soon. I will return now,” Simon’s body scattered after her last words. She disappeared in an instant. The peak magician of the Age of Mythology—her actions were as fierce as her language. Any disciples she had would be troubled. Liliana couldn’t help laughing at the thought.

* * *

“That is what happened.”

Liliana gave a short description to the three dragons who returned shortly afterward.

‘It wasn’t an easy fight.’

The dragon lord was fine, but the two dragons were different. The traces that remained on their human bodies showed the intensity of the battle. Brasmati had lost one eyeball and one arm, while Erucus was covered with scars that cut down to the bone. Their power dominated the surrounding area but the overall amount of power was greatly reduced. Wouldn’t it be possible for Liliana to beat both of them now?

[I understand. You did well, Liliana Miller. I am deeply grateful as a representative of the dragons,] Clipeus said, bowing their head.

Liliana waved her hands. “It is nothing. I just did what I was supposed to do.”

[Even though it is necessary, the value is still unchanged. It won’t be a big problem if I hand over my baton to you.]


Was it fashionable to talk like people from the old days? There was Simon Magus and Gluttony. Now, this gold dragon was also difficult to understand. As a distorted view was built up in Liliana’s head, Clipeus spoke with an embarrassed expression, [It is a story you will know when it is time. Someday when you get the key to this material world, I hope you will lead it in the right direction.]

“I don’t understand it at all, but okay.” Liliana nodded.

Then the dragon king pulled out another topic with a guileless face, [Ah, can you give me your hand once before you go? It won’t take long.]

“My hand?”


It was a strange request, but Liliana didn’t hesitate to hold out her right hand. There was no reason for Clipeus to attack her in this situation. Her super sensitivity which had evolved to a higher level was also quiet.

[In the name of Clipeus,] the golden dragon said, placing their palm lightly on the back of Liliana’s hand and invoking its power, [As infinite gratitude to the benefactor of this world, I will make her the successor to an old but great mission.]

‘This...!’ Liliana was greatly bewildered, but she didn’t pull her hand back. The ‘something’ that existed in Clipeus’ body was already moved to her hand, mixing with her magic power. Then a golden pattern was engraved on Liliana’s right hand.

Clipeus released the hand and smiled in a manner that was less sparkly than before. [I have definitely handed it over.]

Liliana’s voice was subdued, and she barely replied, “...The burden is heavy.”

[The order of this material world will be led by the human race in the future. Only you qualify for that role, Liliana Miller—humanity’s last transcendent.]

More than half of it had been handed over. Clipeus, the dragon lord had given her the ‘control authority’ of this material world. It was possible to drag out all of the existing resources and even temporarily reverse some natural laws. Liliana grasped all the abilities and was thrilled to realize just how powerful the child before her was.

‘Oh, my god. This strength is god-level, and it is possible to reverse the entire gravity of this star...’

As Gluttony had said, Clipeus was literally the final weapon of this material world. They would be the absolute destruction of any ‘enemies’ of this world. The dragon king, who had been born for this purpose from beginning to end, forsook the reason for their existence.

Liliana had no choice but to answer like this, “I will do my best.”

Fortunately, Clipeus grinned at the answer. Then they turned to the half-resigned dragons. [Now, let’s disband. In the future, it will be a world where we aren’t needed. So, let’s try to live our own way.]

“...I understand, Lord,” Brasmati spoke with a bitter face.

Meanwhile, Erucus sounded like the sage of the forest, “The leaves that have played their role are scattered, haha.”

Aquilo was still unsure of the situation and alternated between looking at both sides.


“Ah, yes! Did you call, Lord?”

[Do you plan to follow her?]

There was a moment of hesitation at the unexpected question before Aquilo nodded with a determined expression. She had been called to the swamp due to the lord. Otherwise, she would have enjoyed playing around Liliana.

“Yes, if the girl will allow it.”

[Umm...] Clipeus made a strange sound and smiled. [Okay, be well.]

“Huh...? U-Understood.”

[The fate of our species hangs on you.]

“Why have my shoulders suddenly become so heavy?” Aquilo was greatly confused.

Meanwhile, Clipeus once again looked at Liliana. Then they invoked their dragon power.


It was space movement that functioned differently from magic. The light disappeared, and no one was left in its place.

“W-What happened? Girl, do you have any guesses?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why does the fate of my species hang on me?” Aquilo had a rare look of panic.

Titania and Randolph couldn’t help laughing, causing her to glare at them. It was a skit that couldn’t be found anywhere else on the continent. After all, there was no place in the continent that would include a sword master, a high elf, and a dragon.

‘Is it time to return?’

The disturbance in the southern swamp was somehow settled, and Liliana had no reason to investigate anymore after reaching the 9th circle. So, she decided to return to Meltor soon. Aquilo was still grumbling while the other two sprinkled potions on their wounds.

“Don’t move,” Liliana said.

She had never tried this before and never thought it would be possible. Going from the swamp in the southernmost part of the continent to Mana-vil in the middle of the north… It was a distance that Orta had never imagined jumping. Yet, a giant magic circle had now appeared at their feet.

‘I can do it.’ Liliana was confident. It wasn’t hard. She turned her palm over and felt the almighty feeling of the world moving according to her will. It connected to the magic circle in the underground laboratory in Mana-vil. The distance was more than a thousand kilometers and protected by several layers of magic, but the connection was easy.

「 Open. 」

ABRACADABRA (It will be done as you say).


...And it was done.

Chapter 353 - Overload (3)

The difficulty of moving through space varied according to the distance from sky to land. Moving over one village or territory was something that senior magicians could do without much difficulty, and elders with the knack for it could travel from Mana-vil to the border.

However, the story was a bit different going on from there. It was difficult to meet the amount of magic power required to travel to another country with less than seven circles. Moreover, it wasn’t easy to control magic power beyond their capabilities, even if they took the needed time and prepared materials. Even the current genius of space magic, Orta was exhausted when he crossed borders on this continent.

‘...A success. Is it really this easy?’

However, Liliana had realized that her space movement was a complete success the moment she spoke in the southern swamp. There wasn’t the normal feeling of space movement. It was too quick as she passed through space without any delays. This was despite the fact that it was not short range space movement but long-distance travel between two borders on the continent.

Transcendence—it was the name of those who acquired the authority to intervene in time and space beyond the limitations of the lifeforms born in this material world. There was no relation to aptitude or proficiency in space magic. To put it simply, her eye level had changed. If Orta’s magic eyes could dissect an area of space in his vision, then Liliana could now close her eyes and figure out the spatial coordinates of anywhere in the world and the way to get there. Maybe it had something to do with Clipeus’ ‘control authority.’

‘No, it isn’t just that. Abracadabra—if this means what I think...!’

It sounded like a chant, but Liliana thought the phrase implied its own accomplishment. ABRACADABRA (It will be done as you say)—at first glance, it looked no different from an Order. However, if she dug deeper, she could see the difference. An Order forced the phenomenon of the world to follow its will, whereas Liliana’s enlightenment caused the world to transform to express her will. A fireball, a ball of fire, a flame sphere or just a pop of flames—the name didn’t matter. She only needed to think what she meant and she could use the magic. Ultimate magic was the area in which she needed to pay attention, but in the case of Simon Magus, he hadn’t muttered a single word of a chant despite using a magic like Dimensional Banish. Perhaps it was because Simon had reached the end of the road where he could use magic just by thinking.

“Hah,” Liliana couldn’t help letting out a laugh. As soon as she got caught up in the almighty feeling of having the world under her feet, she realized the sky above her. Liliana didn’t have an inferiority complex. This was natural for someone who bore the title of the greatest magician of the Age of Mythology. She just thought it was amazing that there was still so far for her to climb.

Thinking up to there, Liliana opened her eyes and saw Aquilo inside her familiar laboratory.

She greeted, “Oh, you woke up?”

The time Liliana had spent in understanding must’ve been long. She looked around for the other two people and realized they had headed for the bath and lounge respectively. They had tried to wait for her to wake up but had no patience for it.

Liliana faced Aquilo with a strange look.

Aquilo laughed and grabbed her right arm. “What? Are you surprised that I waited?”


“This is too much. I didn’t touch any of the interesting things while waiting. Don’t I deserve some praise?”

“I think it is a natural courtesy to not touch...”

After all, she wasn’t a child with junk food. Fortunately, those words hadn’t flowed out of Liliana’s mouth. Over a period of five years, her experiences had helped her automatically filter out what she could or could not say. Thus, she laughed lightly and responded to Aquilo, “Well, thank you for waiting. You are very kind.”

“K-Kind? Me...?” Aquilo, the evil dragon of the sea, gaped at her. She had ruined harbors, led pirates, and plundered all types of treasures depending on her mood. The people of the sea would say ‘If the name of Aquilo is heard, people will stop fishing and even a crying child will stop.’

Yet Liliana said Aquilo, the evil dragon, was kind? Aquilo was paralyzed by the unexpected counterattack, and Liliana left the room. Her reason returned when she asked a question, “So, are you going to keep following me?”

“Ah, yes,” Aquilo replied one beat later. “Didn’t the lord say to be well? I don’t know what it means.”

Aquilo smiled shamelessly from behind her. ‘Huhu, I actually know. Isn’t this going to work better?’

There was no doubt that Aquilo had enjoyed many years of pleasure. The lord had spoken without any great expectations, but Liliana Miller was a prey she had personally pointed out. If things went well and it became a romantic relationship... It would be fine to have one child. This was an environment where dragons couldn’t be born naturally, but transcendence could overcome this limitation. The desire that could no longer be suppressed wriggled in Aquilo’s body.

‘It seems that she has a good relationship with the fireball... Since ancient times, people have been creatures who can’t be satisfied with just one person.’

It was the same for a virtuous hero. She held Lili's arm tightly and deliberately leaned her body in. Aquilo had enough experience in the methods to defeat someone to write a book. Liliana had a hunch that Aquilo was up to something and didn’t respond.

‘...Sigh, she doesn’t have any malice, but I’m tired of dealing with her.’

She would rather have an opponent she could easily hit with her power. When it came to these seduction techniques, Aquilo was a type of opponent that Liliana couldn’t handle. Unless she quickly pulled Veronica to her side, this would continue indefinitely. Then at that moment...

[Welcome back, Master,] Gluttony greeted Liliana politely once she crossed the threshold of the control room. Aquilo glanced over Gluttony with interested eyes, then she noticed it wasn’t a living creature and turned away.

However, Liliana asked her with a dark face, “Gluttony, why are you in the control room?”

[There is something I need to report to Master urgently.]

“I see. What is the importance?”

[Grade 2.]

Liliana stiffened at the words. It was Grade 2, which could end up changing to Grade 1. This meant it was a national disaster or worse. What happened even though she had returned from the swamp faster than expected? It was as if someone had been aiming for Liliana’s absence. Aquilo sat down while Liliana listened to the report.

[It was just after Master left. There was a red warning light on the door connected to the East Continent. There was an emergency, and support troops were urgently requested. In Master’s absence, I notified the heads of the other towers according to my behavior manual. I sent troops to the East Continent with their help.]

“A wise decision. Which of the three did you send?”

Aside from Paragranum who couldn’t leave the capital, there were three people available. Only Veronica, Orta, and Sylvia could cope with a red signal. The red signal corresponding to the highest level of risk was something only a master could deal with.

Gluttony answered Liliana’s question immediately, [Red Tower Master Veronica and Blue Tower Master Sylvia.]

In that case, Orta still remained. Liliana thought about the situation quickly and turned away. She felt sorry for Aquilo, but there was no time for a break.

“Give me the coordinates. I will meet the White Tower Master.”

Orta’s location was found within seconds in the central tower. Then Liliana did what was necessary.

* * *

Following the peaceful reconciliation of the Northern Great War, the people of Meltor, the magic kingdom, were able to achieve prosperity faster than in any other time with many territories entering their hands. Facilities buried in the capital were quickly distributed throughout the kingdom, and new places to live quickly appeared in war-damaged places.

One of the most prominent figures behind this prosperity was White Tower Master Orta.

‘...Please come back soon, Chief Tower Master.’ How confused was Orta when he first received the contact? He knew that the central tower had a space gate leading to other parts of the continent, but it was possible to move to the East Continent across the sea. He wanted to study and understand the principles.

However, the man who introduced himself as the manager of the central tower, a man who resembled the 7th Sword, had summoned the three tower masters because of an emergency.

-There has been a big uproar near the space gate on the East Continent. It is the red signal that Master designated as the highest risk. Sending non-masters is meaningless. It is within your freedom to accept my request. What would you like to do?

There was no emotion in Gluttony’s voice, but her dull tone touched Veronica, who had been bored. The incident was of the highest risk level determined by the Liliana whom she valued, and she wanted to be helpful to her. The problem was the number of people who could cross over with Veronica.

-I will accompany Red Tower Master.

Sylvia stepped forward before Orta, who was deliberating the situation. Her behavior couldn’t be controlled because she was also a tower master. Additionally, Orta was the one who could best handle the space door. In the end, Veronica and Sylvia left, while Orta remained in the capital.

He looked impatiently at the space door where contact had been lost. “Sigh...”

Then right when Orta let out a long sigh...

Flash! A girl suddenly appeared in front of him.

Orta stared at the space with astonished eyes. This was the magic kingdom, and there were thorough measures against space magic inside the kingdom. There was a magic circle blocking the movement of space in important facilities including the royal palace and magic towers. However, in spite of these obstacles, there was an uninvited guest.

It was the strongest sorceress on this continent, Liliana Miller.

“C-Chief Tower Master!” Orta immediately recognized Liliana and rose to greet her.

Orta had desperately wanted Liliana’s return, but more than that, his magician’s instincts stirred. Despite the success of the space movement, the magic circle in this area was still fine. In other words, Liliana had walked through it instead of destroying it. It wasn’t just that. Orta’s eyes could see that Liliana looked different from a while ago.

‘An area I can’t interfere in? There has been a change in the Chief Tower Master...!’

Orta’s ‘magic eyes’ had absolute power in spatial manipulation, yet an area that Orta couldn’t intervene in was wrapped around Liliana’s whole body. It was a wall that even the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem, wouldn’t be able to break through.

Unfortunately, Liliana was the one to speak first, “Please explain.”

“Ah! Of course, Chief Tower Master.” For the first time in his life, Orta regretted that his position was lower than someone else and pushed down the words he wanted to ask. Then he spoke an unbelievable sentence, “Two days ago, the central empire collapsed.”

The largest empire in the East Continent had collapsed overnight.

Chapter 354 - Pandemonium (1)

The collapse of the central empire...! The people of the East Continent were unsure of the situation, but Liliana could see it. The central empire was literally the greatest empire in the East Continent. Even if all four of the other nations united to face it, the odds would be difficult to predict. The empire accounted for more than half of the East Continent’s land, and it had a vast number of troops and a dense population. Additionally, there was the existence of ‘Lust’ at the heart of the empire.

It was too strong a country to collapse without any precursors.

"...The two tower masters left one last message before contact was cut off. They said they were going into a defensive battle with the local forces. It seems they are unsure of what type of force they are fighting and how many there are,” Orta’s lips moved under the white mask he always wore.

He believed in the abilities of the two tower masters. However, if there was no contact, there might be some variables in the fierce battle. Liliana heard a bit of information and came to a similar idea. 'The local forces must mean the Fairy Dance Lee family. If the two tower masters fight with the Fairy Dance Lee family in the Baekun Mountains, they won’t fall easily.'

However, there were too many variables to believe in that power alone. She was concerned about the central kingdom that was stuck in the palm of Lust’s hand. Liliana had met and fought with grimoires a number of times, so she was well aware. A grimoire wouldn’t do anything that would violate the purpose of its existence. If Lust’s purpose was to be the ‘ultimate womb’, then the collapse of the middle kingdom was likely to be something she did herself.

The Receptacle of Solitude—this evil shamanism came to mind. It was the cave in the Baekun Mountains where the seven-tailed fox had formed from eating off the ‘rejects.’ Although this was a ridiculous story from a common-sense perspective, Liliana had already dealt with an entire country of human sacrifices. What if the entire population of a vast territory at least 10 times bigger than the Lairon Kingdom were devoured?

“I need to hurry,” Liliana muttered after she finished thinking. Orta nodded. He hadn’t just been sucking his fingers waiting for Liliana to return, after all. “Yes, I gathered just enough people that it won’t exceed the limit of the space area. Combat ability isn’t the only thing needed. Personnel to secure the area and make a base is necessary.”

“That is a good judgment,” Liliana agreed and added a few more words, “Then I will leave the command of the later team to you.”

“Huh?” It was anticipated that the Chief Tower Mistress would act alone since she had unequaled power. A sorceress with the power to overcome armies by herself shouldn’t be tied to the role of commander.

However, Orta intuitively sensed that this wasn’t what Liliana meant. “Chief Tower Mistress, do you intend to leave for the East Continent one step ahead of the support team? You just came back, and there are two more days of standby for the space gate.”

“It is okay. The role of the space gate is just for assistance. The standby time isn’t a problem if I use my magic power.”

“No, please reconsider,” Orta spoke with a more cautious expression than usual. “Chief Tower Mistress, I don’t doubt your ability, but the East Continent is currently in a state where I can’t see what’s ahead. I think it is better to go with the support team rather than hastening the schedule and consuming a lot of magic power.”

“I understand your opinion. I expected you to sound like this.” Liliana smiled since she would’ve made the same judgment as Orta a few days ago. The identity of the enemy was unknown, and the status of the land was unknown. Unnecessary consumption of magic power should be avoided in a situation where there were several undetermined variables. However, after becoming a transcendent, Liliana didn’t have to worry about that.

“Sigh, it can’t be helped.” She didn’t intend to brag about it, but this method was the best way to convince Orta. As Orta waited for her answer, Liliana finally showed off some of her strength. She had grabbed a sense of it when she reached the end of the 8th circle, and it became possible after getting to the 9th circle. It was the power to move the world itself to her will—World Order. Liliana closed her eyes, raised her right hand like she was swearing an oath, and pressed down using the power of a transcendent.

People who could only see the hollow shell of the world wouldn’t know. The general public might not be able to feel it, but countless invisible flows existed in the world. Knights who trained their body and senses to the extreme or mages who turned their hearts into cogwheels could enter this area a little bit.

“...Heoook!” Orta had been born without sight in both eyes, so he was more sensitive to the invisible flow of power than anyone else. Liliana’s ‘will’ stopped the world around her. Only time flowed leisurely, while everything else stopped like it was frozen. No, she could even stop time if she wanted to.

“C-Chief Tower Mistress! Surely… Surely you haven’t?” A magician couldn’t not know. It wasn’t reasonable to interfere with the will of the world and force it to move. People were called transcendents because they had the power to shake this absolute rule. If their knowledge was sufficient, the transcendent could interfere with the structure of any material and reverse any physical phenomenon.

Before the astonished Orta, Liliana just grinned. “Is there anything else?” Naturally, there wasn’t.

* * *

After Liliana convinced Orta using a violent logic, she instantly returned to the research building. It was a simple feat for Liliana who could cross continents with a single space movement. She heard Aquilo’s words once she appeared.

“You came back faster than I thought. Is it something urgent?” She asked after reading Liliana’s expression. She ignored her question and changed the topic, “Will you follow me to the East Continent?”

“Of course. How can a young dragon like me defy the lady's order? Isn’t it nice to take me to a place I’ve been before?”

“Nice... Well, it doesn’t seem like you will be a burden.” Aquilo hadn’t been much help against Sloth, but she was a dragon who could fight equally with three masters. Veronica had more combat power, but Aquilo was probably more evenly balanced. Moreover, there was a reverence for dragons in the central empire, so there wasn’t anything bad involved in taking her. Liliana looked at the pros and cons and reluctantly said, “...On the condition that you follow my words well.”

“Call!” Aquilo didn’t hesitate to raise her index finger and laughed as she approached Liliana. Her eyes were shining and playful. “It is quite funny when thinking about it. Girl, what do you feel when I say I will absolutely obey you?”

“It isn’t an official contract, so don’t exaggerate.”

“Hoh, really? I can listen to whatever you say...” Aquilo’s thin white fingers tickled Lili's forearms, and her coquettish eyes gleamed brightly. Her moist and gentle fingers danced like a live fish.

However, Liliana didn’t fall for her temptation, poking her in the middle of the forehead. “Don’t do this.”

“Tch.” Aquilo was pushed back by her decisive attitude and turned the conversation to another topic. She understood that there was no chance in this atmosphere. It was different from five years ago when there were many gaps. “But Girl, are you only taking me? The knight or high elf will be helpful.”

“Oh, I won’t take Randolph and Titania with us.”

“Why?” Aquilo made a bewildered face.

However, Liliana shrugged without answering. After all, it was the private matter of those two people. Titania had met the teacher she had missed for over a hundred years and left without being able to have a proper conversation. Meanwhile, Randolph had multiple wounds and was still recovering from the damage. It would be much easier to move with Aquilo than to take those two.

“Additionally, they won’t be able to do anything.” It was cold but true. If the situation couldn’t be solved with the power of Liliana who was a transcendent, then it wouldn’t be meaningful to take Randolph and Titania. Aquilo stepped beside her in silence. Then Liliana reached out to the space gate connected to the East Continent. “Geotia, activate the space door.” Simultaneously, a blue light appeared around the edges of the space gate.

[The space gate leading to the Baekun Mountains has been confirmed. The magic power storage container is at 55%.]

“Cover the lacking amount with my magic power.”

[Yes, I will do it according to Mistress’s will.] Once the ring on her finger stopped flashing, Liliana’s magic power started to flow somewhere. An enormous amount of magic power, that even three 7th circle mages weren't capable of, poured out. An 8th circle sorceress might be exhausted for a while, but a 9th circle sorceress could recover in a few breaths.

Shortly after that, Geotia’s voice became louder, [Warp Gate 3, move!]

A radiant light burst from the space door. The empty space gradually distorted, and the inside of the glow showed a completely different landscape from the research center. There were dense trees without a trace of civilization. This was the scenery of the Baekun Mountains, located in the northeastern part of the East Continent that had been managed by the Fairy Dance Lee family for generations. It was the dark of night, unlike Mana-vil where the sun was still rising.

“Let’s go.” Liliana held Aquilo’s hand without waiting for an answer and plunged into the space gate. The amount of mana consumed every second to operate the space door, which spanned across the sea to the East Continent, was enough to kill three or four elder grade magicians.

Wuooooong...! It took only a few seconds, but the distance of this space gate exceeded 3,000 kilometers. Of course, the intensity of this space movement was beyond imagination. Once the two shadows appeared on the other side, Aquilo let out a breath and started vomiting.

“Haaap! Hah! Hah!” She soon rebuked her with grim eyes, “L-Lady...! T-There, i-is, t-this, side, effect...!”

“I’m sorry, I had forgotten.” Liliana didn’t suffer any space nausea due to being a transcendent and smiled as she raised her up. She placed her palm on Aquilo’s forehead, and light gushed out, calming her dizziness. Aquilo barely managed to get herself together. Then both of them frowned.

“What is this mana? Didn’t you say this was a sacred land?” As a dragon, Aquilo was more sensitive to mana than any other species in the material world, and she looked around with a stiff expression. The middle of a battlefield would be better than this place. Mana filled with blood and death flowed over the earth, while the malice in the wind caused discomfort. It was an atmosphere in which it wouldn’t be strange if creatures emerged right now. If this were the first time Liliana stepped on this land, she wouldn’t have known it was the Baekun Mountains.

‘There is something wrong. This type of poison in the Baekun Mountains...!’ Once she looked closely, all the mountain vegetation was sick. The green leaves were black like oil, and the branches hung down like ailing chickens. This was at the level of a child compared to the poisonous swamp. The problem was that it shouldn’t be occurring at all. Why had the mountain range which had been filled with clean power a year ago suddenly become rotten?


“Ah.” At that time, something touched the senses of Liliana and Aquilo.

“We’re surrounded...?” Surrounded… It was likely that there was a large number of creatures in the area. Liliana tried to count the number but stopped after it passed 1,000. The creatures were different from humans and beasts, and they soon started to reveal themselves.

Grrr! Grrrrrr! Gruruk. Kuwoooook... Kikikikikik! Kihihihi!

Liliana regretted waiting for their appearance. ‘Damn, these disgusting guys.’ Imagine a human and beast mix with mutations all over the body—it was a picture that could be mistaken for black magic. Pride could reproduce the characteristics of all creatures in one body, and it was quite ugly. However, the monsters that had just appeared were much worse.

Aquilo flinched at the sight. “Ugh, my eyes are rotting! Lady, is it okay for me to wipe them all out?”

“...No.” Liliana, restrained the disgusted Aquilo, blocking her vision as she raised her right hand. The sight she was left with changed from grotesque to ‘splatter.’

“Leave it to me.” She didn’t use a spell as she twisted her magic power.

Chapter 355 - Pandemonium (2)


[Yes, Mistress.]

“Stop all support operations and wait. I will handle it alone.”

[Standby mode.]

The light from the ring stopped. Even without Geotia’s assistance, Liliana was able to complete the magic formula with her own ability. Theoretically, it could be executed at the 8th circle, but the spell couldn’t be used in practice due to complex random number calculations and extremely difficult control. However, it was possible for the current Liliana.

「 Come up, little sun. 」 Two beads of light flashed above Liliana’s palms.

It might be mistaken as light magic, but Aquilo sensed the inherent magic power and clicked her tongue. If she was just looking at the total power, it was more powerful than the breath she used in human form. Aquilo’s eyes filled with anticipation.

「 Eradicate. 」 The light beads exploded the moment Liliana gave the command.


No, it was more accurate to call it a scattering of power than an explosion. The light beads floated 10 meters above the ground and scattered in hundreds of directions as rays. The magic power strong enough to match a dragon’s breath instantly burst out from the bead shell.

The name behind the spell was Solar Ray. It was annihilation magic that compressed heat energy in a sphere and released it in the direction specified by the caster. Understandably, the lethal force was fearsome.


The monsters hit by the rays screamed painfully, but the wounds seemed insignificant. Perhaps, it was like poking them with a thick needle? It would’ve been a fatal wound on anything else, but for these monsters with shoulders as thick as trees, it was like an insect bite. She might’ve thought so until two seconds ago.

‘It is all over once hit.’

The ray penetrated their skin through the muscle layer and entered their bodies. It took only two seconds to boil their blood, burn their bones and muscles, and then melt their flesh. A single ray contained such heavy power. The melted monsters flowed onto the ground.


One, ten, one hundred monsters... The same number of monsters as the rays became liquid on the ground. It was truly an eradication. Liliana erased hundreds of monsters with a single spell and got rid of the stench with a wind that she called. She wanted to evaporate the liquid, but it was more heat resistant than she thought.

“Wow, cool! Girl, are you trying to show me a cool look? It is a great success if it is really for that purpose!” Aquilo was fascinated by the bombardment of light and the wreckage of the monsters.

She loved beauty and strength while despising ugliness and weakness. Therefore, the monsters in front of her were the worst. If Liliana hadn’t come forward, she would’ve wiped them out directly. However, Liliana ignored the praise.

‘What are these monsters? Chimera? It was similar but slightly different. It isn’t changing the body by manipulating it. It is a mutation of the body itself... It is the first time I’ve seen a twisting of the body and the soul.’

The insight of a transcendent didn’t know the cause either. She could see that something had twisted the soul, causing the body to quickly become deformed in the shape of a monster. Even so, there was no way to save these victims. If the 9th circle sorceress, Liliana, judged there was no way to save them other than killing, who in this material world could argue with her?

“Tsk, they are continuing to flock.” Liliana’s eyebrows twitched as she sensed more monsters approaching.

Was it the light from Solar Ray that brought them?

However, it was a bit strange. A little while ago, Liliana had deliberately used magic without suppressing the aftermath. That was in order to use the overwhelming mana to prevent the access of any more monsters. It was on the level of Dragon Fear, yet these monsters flocked like they didn’t feel fear.

‘Are they artificially-created weapons? It is annoying.’ She might have to fight until the sun came up.

Liliana turned in the direction of the Fairy Dance Lee family. She wanted to fly there straight away.

“Excuse me? Aren’t you going to take care of me?”

There was one unexpected problem. Aquilo couldn’t fly at high speed in human form, and she would attract attention with her huge body if she transformed into a dragon. In the end, Liliana was forced to carry her.

“Hrmm, you have become so womanly since the last time I’ve seen you. Look here...” As a compromise, Aquilo climbed onto her back.

“Don’t bend your body or whisper in my ear.”

“Then it is okay to kiss you?”

“It is forbidden.”

Aquilo laughed while Liliana sighed and took off. She thought there would be a big problem once she met up with Veronica.

* * *

It was a long yet short flight. While restraining Aquilo’s relentless touches, Liliana glanced at the Baekun Mountains which were teeming with monsters. There were at least 30,000 of them. The wild beasts of the mountain and forest had long since disappeared into the stomachs of the monsters, while the monsters who had lost their forms ate each other to fill up their appetite. It was literally a landscape of hell.

“...We will arrive soon. Are you heading down?”

“Yes.” Liliana slowed down and stood on the hill overlooking the Fairy Dance Lee family’s estate. The soft texture on her back disappeared, and the faces of the two people hardened as they looked down.

“Are they co*ckroaches?”

Liliana didn’t answer Aquilo, but she agreed.

‘There are at least 20,000 gathered here. 50,000 if I include all the ones surrounding this area. It is already at the level of an army.’

There was no room on the ground as only ugly heads could be seen. They seemed like ants crowded in one place, and Liliana and Aquilo looked down with disgust. Then the destination of the disgusting march was determined. It was the Baekun Mountain village with a total population of 3,000 centered around the Fairy Dance Lee family’s estate.

“Hmm?” Liliana narrowed her eyes as she saw something. “The ward...? There is a shaman with this much skill in the Lee family?”

A translucent shield was protecting the entire village from the monsters that would run in without hesitation. It was at least at the level of a master shaman. The shield blocked the enemy’s attacks and allowed allied attacks to pass through. Thanks to the one-sided attacks, the arrows fired by the soldiers knocked down some monsters.

‘It is stable. I don’t see any hope of winning, but they should be able to last a week.’

There was the terrain advantage, shaman’s shield, and the tiger and bear who sometimes emerged from the shield to break down the monsters’ formation before going back.

Liliana smiled when she saw the leaders of the Baekun Mountain spirits, the Tiger King and White Bear. Most of the other spirits in the mountain had gone to the forest of Elvenheim, but the two leaders had remained in the Baekun Mountains. It was because they couldn’t leave Lee Seol alone.

However, her smile didn’t last long.

“...The balance will soon collapse.”

“Why? They are blocking it.”

“Look beyond that hill.”

Aquilo increased her eyesight at Liliana’s words and looked at the scenery. A three-meter-tall monster, that was overflowing with mana, was approaching. It hadn’t gone through the proper training, but its mana concentration came awfully close to aura. Looking at just the mana, the monster was equivalent to a sword master and a 7th circle magician. Although the monster couldn’t be compared to the Tiger King and White Bear who had been training their power for hundreds of years, it was enough to damage the ward.

“I have to go out. Veronica and Sylvia aren’t in the village. If both of them were present, this mana would collapse as soon as it approaches the ward."

“Okay, I will move as you direct.”

“Thank you.”

Aquilo readily accepted Liliana’s words, and Liliana reached out to the monsters who had yet to recognize their existence. The monsters had master class mana, but they didn’t know how to operate it properly. Skin harder than steel? Recovery beyond a troll? She had dealt with opponents like these before even becoming a master.

“Goetia, assistance.”

[Starting the secondary assistance. Aligning the lightning formula.]

Lightning shone in front of Liliana’s body.


All Slots Open.

Nonuple Keraunos.

Nine lightning spears emerged. The sparks coming from them were proof that they had the power to melt iron. Nevertheless, Liliana still wasn’t satisfied. She had already been capable of shooting this magic before becoming a transcendent. Rising. As she grabbed them with her right hand, the lightning bolts grew and glowed blue. A colossal amount of energy was gathered in one place, transforming into plasma beyond electricity.

「I will borrow the authority of the lightning goddess. 」

Then they noticed her existence. The people inside the ward looked at the hill while the monsters flocked to the girl surrounded by lightning without feeling afraid. However, Liliana’s ultimate magic was already completed.

「Destroy your enemies, Keraunos. 」

The interval was set at several kilometers. Her target was the dangerous element that could threaten the ward. The lightning spears that became plasma cried out loudly, ―――――――――――――!!

The flash wiped out the land and trees it passed, eradicating the monsters it barely touched. From launch to hit, it took less than a second. It defied the defense of the monsters and killed them instantly while shattering several hundred meters of the ground. If magma flowed under the Baekun Mountains, it might’ve erupted at the shock.

“Aquilo, create a fog all over the battlefield.”

“Ah, yes!”

Aquilo recovered from her shock while Liliana prepared her next move. The moisture in this area quickly gathered near the ground, soaking the monsters and leaving no gaps for escape. The monsters would die from just a lightning strike.

“‘Compression’ was good, so shall I try ‘spreading’ this time?” Liliana mumbled to herself and opened her palm toward the sky.

Then an unexpected sight unfolded.

“Ahh...” Someone looked up at the sky and fell to their knees. Someone else gathered their hands together while praising God’s name. The monsters didn’t dare look up and held their breaths.

In the dark moonlit sky, lightning shone through the clouds.

「 Hit it, Keraunos. 」

The sky was torn. A gap opened, and a golden divine punishment poured down. This was the moment when a thunderstorm descended from the night sky of the Baekun Mountains.

Chapter 356 - Pandemonium (3)

At the sound of the thunder, the people gathered in the darkness blocked their ears, while the shower of light blew away the darkness. The lightning that poured from the sky was literally a divine punishment. One blow, ten blows, one hundred blows... A number of thunderbolts, that couldn’t be counted with the human eye, struck. The monsters, that had only been injured by the warriors’ swords, now let out pained screams as the lightning pierced through the fog and burned the surface of the earth.

Kwaaaaah! Kieeeeek!

Even the monsters outside of the normal biological framework couldn’t overcome the pain eroding their nervous system. The monsters let out deathly screams and collapsed to the ground. There was no way for their recovery ability to help, and they quickly turned to charcoal. The monsters killed by thunder fell to the ground and burned fiercely.


The solid soil melted like clay thanks to the boiling bodies. Of those left, a few had major seizures before falling silent. It took only 10 seconds for the 20,000 monsters to be destroyed. That was the amount of time it took for the thunderstorm to pour out from the magic circle which Lili had created in the sky.


In front of the mountain of monsters that had become charcoal, the whole world was soaked in silence. Those who had been desperately fighting the creatures a few minutes ago looked up at Lili and Aquilo with pale faces. The horrible monsters that filled the horizon had been killed in a few blinks of the eye. It was a situation that didn’t seem realistic.

Lili didn’t know their dismay and let out a sound on the hill, “Kuk!” It was because she felt strong sensations from consuming such a huge amount of magic power. If she wasn’t tensed up, she might’ve sat down directly on the spot. The consumed magic power was quickly restored. However, it wasn’t possible for her to link several ultimate spells or talk quickly yet.

‘It is a good thing I experienced it before meeting the right enemy.’

She might be the best magician at the moment, but Lili’s experience as a transcendent was still immature. If she didn’t know what she was lacking and met a transcendent enemy, she might not be able to use ultimate magic to defeat the enemy. Lili would’ve died in a few seconds with a feeling of powerlessness.

「 Blow, wind. 」 After a short reflection, Lili blew away the remnants of the monsters in front of her. There was no smell of blood due to the thunder, but there was the burning smell coming from the dead bodies.

“Aquilo, fly up.”
“What? Ah, yes!” Aquilo responded one beat late as the remaining monsters came into sight. There were as many as 20,000. It was a number capable of forming two armies. There were still more monsters in the nearby mountains, but now there was none attacking the ward. It was why Lili had defeated the leaders first.

‘By the way, it is quite good. I didn’t know it when I saw it from a distance, but the ward is more efficient than magic. Shamanism can’t be ignored.’

Lili examined the ward and raised her evaluation of modern shamans by a few stages. They might not be the same as Seimei but the current generation of shamans wasn’t inferior to magicians of the same level. It might be worth exploring in earnest.


The moment both of them landed on the ground...

“S-Stop right there!” The voice was filled with obvious fear. Lili turned around to see a middle-aged man in a military uniform looking at her. It didn’t take long for Lili to find the uniform in Seimei’s memories.

‘ It is a different type of shaman from an onmyōji.’

It wasn’t common in the East Continent, but it was said there were many of them in the middle empire. Unlike other shamans, daoists were those who pursued becoming a god. There were many hypocrites, but the tendency itself was toward religion. Lili relaxed her wariness and spoke to the daoist who was being guarded by two people, “Who are you?”

“I-I should be the one saying that! How can you use that type of lightning treasured object? I can’t open the ward until you confirm your identity!”

“Treasured object?” It seemed that this daoist thought that the ultimate magic wasn’t from Lili’s ability but an artifact. This was a normal reaction. In this age where no one was a transcendent, people wouldn’t be looking for transcendents.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter.’ Lili was convinced by the rational misjudgment and didn’t feel the necessity to unravel it. She didn’t know why this daoist was in the Baekun Mountains, but the Baekun Mountains were under the jurisdiction of the Fairy Dance Lee family. As long as Lee Seol didn’t interfere directly, no one had the authority to stop Lili. However, it would be annoying if she broke this ward.

‘Let’s see.’ Lili reached out her right hand and touched the ward.

“W-What? Stop touching it before you get hurt?” The daoist was surprised by Lili’s boldness.

However, Lili was busy analyzing the ward with a transcendent’s insight. It was similar to the ‘building path’ of the Art of Yin and Yang Written Treatise, but it was slightly different. The blockade was based on the user’s perception. It wasn’t strong enough to stop master level intruders, but it had the ability to stop people from entering with force.

However, the ward had a common weakness.

‘If it doesn’t recognize the object as a target of rejection, then the exclusion function won’t be activated.’

It was the same as a password that was commonly used in the army. If a person could trick the identification method of the ward, they could come and go freely. This was the method Lili was trying now.


The level of the ward was quite high, but it couldn’t dispel the power of Lili who had reached the apex of a mortal. Her magic reached into the core of the ward in an instant and confirmed the ‘identification’ function.

‘Those who are known and those who are unknown. It is a standard procedure.’

In other words, the ward blocked any unknown presences. If so, adding an exception to this rule was enough.

【 Except for Liliana Miller and her companions. 】

Lili added this sentence and grinned. Now the ward would recognize her.

“Aquilo, hand.”
“...Do you think I am a dog?”
“It’s not like that. And you are more like a cat than a dog.”
“Is that a compliment or an insult?” Aquilo murmured but held Lili’s hand. Then she stepped through the translucent circle.


Lili unquestionably passed through the ward!

“T-This is ridiculous!” Apparently, it was so shocking that the middle-aged man’s mouth dropped open, and he sat on the ground. He shouted as he saw Lili and Aquilo get closer, “S-Superhuman! A great master...”

“Hoh.” It seemed ‘superhuman’ was the word used to refer to transcendents. Perhaps Lili’s ability was correctly measured when she passed through the ward. It might’ve been better to break or bypass the ward then. Even if magic evolved in different directions, there was no difference in where they reached. The daoist master lost his soul, but the crowd suddenly parted.

“-Lili!” A beautifully dressed lady with braided hair ran toward her.

It was Lee Seol who had grown after five years. She hadn’t neglected her training, and her steps were moderately excellent.


“You finally came! I knew you would!” Seol used the running momentum and hugged her. She was someone who had to grow up prematurely at a young age. Lili smiled bitterly and spoke as she hugged her, “You’re safe. I’m glad.”


“You have gone through a lot as head of the family. You are truly capable.”

“I am undeserving of your words.”

Lili saw Lee Joonyoung appear behind Lee Seol and said, “Congratulations on becoming a master.”

Lee Joonyoung had crossed over the wall of a master during the time in which Lili hadn’t seen him. The once violent momentum had calmed down. Lee Joonyoung was now like the sky that could change at any time. This was the path that the martial artists of the Fairy Dance Lee family pursued.

Maybe it was due to Lee Yoonsung’s teachings but Lee Joonyoung had solidified his position as the backbone of the family.

“There is a lot to talk about. Let’s go inside.”


“I will follow your words.”

Lee Seol laughed cheerfully and walked toward the mansion with Lee Joonyoung and Lili. Then Lili realized something and turned back.


The daoist master was looking at her with astonishment. Other people might not know it, but the daoist master could sense it.

“I supplemented some lacking parts. I increased the shielding ability against remote projectiles and encouraged the vigor of those inside the ward. The burden on you is less because it is connected to a nearby dragon vein,” Lili explained.

“...Thank you, great one,” the daoist master said.

“The title is a bit burdensome. I also have something to talk to you about, so follow me.”


The daoist followed Lili, while the villagers belatedly cheered that the village was safe. As if responding to their mood, the wall of the ward emitted a gentle light.

* * *

Lili sat in the parlor of the Fairy Dance Lee mansion and drank tea while exchanging greetings. There were a few things she wanted to ask, but she refrained from speaking. In any case, the person who should explain had already been decided.

The daoist realized this relationship and didn’t hesitate. “I am called Tae Rang, in charge of enforcing the laws of the Kunlun. In order to overcome the difficulties faced by the central empire, I visited to seek assistance from old members of the Fairy Dance Lee family.”


“Yes. It is a fabled place that the daoists devoted their lives to gaining entrance to. It is rare for anyone to come down from the mountain, but the recent situation is too serious.”

Lili nodded. ‘The group of daoists was more powerful than I thought. Since he’s a lawkeeper, this daoist must have excellent skills.’

It meant that the power of at least three masters was secured. The daoist, Tae Rang, hesitated for a moment at Lili’s nod before suddenly getting up and saying, “Before I explain the rest of the matter, can I say something to the great one?”

He fell on both knees and bowed, then he pleaded, “Please calm this tribulation! I heard it is an inevitable disaster but a superhuman beyond the laws of causality can overcome it! Please show mercy to the people of the center!”

“Tae Rang.”

“Those who came before were very supportive, but destruction is upon us!” Tae Rang lifted his head as he talked.

Lili was surprised by the helplessness, self-doubt, and despair on the middle-aged man’s face. The strife in the middle empire was enough to make a shaman with master level ability feel despair.

“Tae Rang,” Lili called him once more before sighing. “Let me hear your explanation.”

Lili placed the cold cup of tea to her lips and sensed it would be a long story. Despite becoming a transcendent, she still had a mountain of work to do.

Chapter 357 - Lusts Apocalypse (1)

Tae Rang, the man who had introduced himself as a daoist, took a deep breath and told a long story. It had been a month ago. The great empire and middle kingdom occupied more than half the East Continent, so the speed of transmitting news was slow. Even an express horse would take several months to reach one end of the kingdom to the other, so it had been inevitable. There were 256 castles that ruled the kingdom, and eight princes reigned over the lords. This feudal style of governance contributed to the slowing down of communication. There were institutions like the magic towers, but the situation was different from the Western Continent where magic power and by-products were spread widely throughout the continent. The East Continent handled the problem of sending and receiving information using homing pigeons.

“The supreme justice read the heavens and said that a disaster would begin from the capital city.”

Liliana also had the ability to read the heavens, but she urged the daoist to continue.

“That night, the heavenly star was red, and the people in the middle kingdom started to turn into creatures, regardless of their identity, sex, and age.”

It was literally a nightmare.

A prince of the central kingdom had claimed that the kingdom’s population had already reached one billion people. The lords of each province had counted a significant number, and it was clearly over 100 million. What if all these people turned into monsters? Even half of it would be 50 million, and half of that would be 25 million.

A person who couldn’t handle a single wild dog wouldn’t be able to kill a top warrior who had turned into a monster. This catastrophe threatened not just the empire but also the material world.

‘No, the monsters devoured each other, and the survivors protected themselves, like this village. Even so, the number was likely to be reduced considerably.’ Unlike the first time, Lili heard about the situation and was able to calmly measure the level of the disaster. ‘I haven’t figured out why, but the kingdom is under the influence of the Receptacle of Solitude. When the monsters eat each other, they fill their stomachs, but there is no sign of their power increasing. There is no one to do farming or other matters, so the survivors won’t be able to last a year without sacrificing something.’

In some ways, it was the same with beasts. They had physical abilities several times stronger than that of ordinary humans, and their intelligence was enough to deceive hunters. A tiger or a bear couldn’t be anything other than a predator in the ecosystem.

Then what was a predator’s ‘nemesis?’ Something on the same level as a predator? A quick prey that couldn’t be caught? No, the word ‘nemesis’ wasn’t to that extent. A nemesis was something that couldn’t be overcome. It was an empty stomach.

An environment in which all prey disappeared was deadly to predators, and these monsters were no exception. Once the monsters ran out of humans, wild animals, and wild birds, they would eat their own kind, and the numbers would be reduced.

Lili got all these answers, but there was one problem left. “...The survivors need to defend themselves so that the monsters can’t fill their hunger.”

Tae Rang’s eyes widened at Liliana’s words. “Y-You are saying the same thing as the supreme justice. I only said a few words so how...?”

“It is obvious when calmly looking at the situation,” Lili said. Then while ignoring Tae Rang’s eyes which were filled with admiration, Lili asked about her colleagues who had come ahead of her, “Rather, my colleagues should’ve stopped in this village before me. Did you borrow the strength of those two people?”

“Ah, I’ll explain from here!” Lee Seol spoke on behalf of Tae Rang, who was too busy admiring Liliana. “If you are talking about Lili’s wife and the silver-haired girl, they went to help Hyungkang Castle 300 kilometers to the northwest.”

“Hyungkang Castle?”

“Yes! The residents of the castle have changed into monsters. But since there is an outstanding master present, there wasn’t any serious damage. All the nearby survivors gathered in Hyungkang Castle along with a judiciary of the royal family.”

As the strongest empire on the East Continent, the lords were competent. The number of monsters that were changed might’ve been small at first, but it wasn’t easy to defend the castle and calm the confused people. However, if there was a master level shaman present, then the castle should be able to have defenses that wouldn’t be easily surpassed.

Nevertheless, there was one reason why extra power was needed.

‘The mutant monsters have master level mana.’ Thinking about it again, Liliana found it strange. The power of a monster shouldn’t change that much after the transformation. According to the judiciary, there was little difference between a strong warrior and a monster. Then there must be a reason why the mutation was happening.

-User, Gluttony spoke as she came to this conclusion, -I am certain that I know the truth of this phenomenon.

* * *

After Tae Rang finished his story, Liliana asked for understanding from Aquilo and was left alone in a room without anyone else. Liliana confirmed that there was no one around with her senses and a transcendent’s magic. Then she sat in a chair and spoke, “Start.”

Gluttony replied like she had been waiting, -First, this is caused by Lust.

“I guessed. I wasn’t sure until you confirmed it.”

-I was the same. I realized the nature of this phenomenon after receiving a clue from User’s reasoning, Gluttony continued in an excited voice. -Why did the mutations in shamanism occur? Why did the ability of an individual become so different and why is it irrelevant to their life before the change? The key to this question is Lust’s struggle.


-That’s right. It has to do with something you did. It is a little different but similar to the butterfly effect.

‘The butterfly effect?’ Liliana made a confused expression, but Gluttony didn’t explain.

Gluttony raised her voice and exclaimed cheerfully, -Sloth! Prometheus’ arrangement that you performed set fire to Lust. That is what caused this disaster.

“Crazy!” Liliana made a bug-eyed expression as she realized everything in an instant.

Gluttony’s words were right.

By expelling Sloth, the mana concentration of the world would decline significantly after centuries. It was a future that couldn’t be reversed and had struck Lust with a thunderbolt across the ocean. The decline in mana concentration would interfere with the conception of an upper species, blocking the purpose of her existence.

-Thus, Lust started the last chapter. How many children has she given birth to on the East Continent for over a thousand years and how many descendants did they give birth to? Lust has turned on the potential latent in those who inherited her bloodline!

“That is why they turned into monsters?”

-Perhaps. User, don’t you know better than anyone the appearance of monsters? They aren’t monsters but remnants of the parent species. Ulfheðnar, Arv, Vulcan... They were failures who disappointed Lust.

Gluttony’s explanation was clear, accurate, and cruel enough to not leave any doubts. Liliana wasn’t responsible, but she played a role in this catastrophe. The plan to expel Sloth and lower the mana concentration of the world had all come from the god who looked ahead to the future.

Liliana let go of her last protests. “I see.”

She wasn’t swayed by guilt and looked at the reality in front of her. “The mutation comes from the blood of the upper species flowing in their veins. She triggered all the blood relatives in an attempt to draw out a winner, and the monsters are just failures who didn’t become an upper species.”


“I don’t understand the method of throwing everything into an unlikely possibility, but it is a grimoire.” Lili’s head was cold like the liquid in her brain had been turned into ice water. “...Let’s assume that at least one million people inherited Lust’s blood. Is there the possibility of a winner appearing among them?”

-Well, I can’t calculate it with my ability.

“Hrmm, I guess it is more like gambling than speculation.” However, Lili’s eyes gleamed. “Can you answer my question, Seimei?”

It was a name that popped up without any context, but no one wondered about it. Gluttony was silent, and no one spoke for a while. Lili waited a few more seconds before glancing at her left hand. It was a silent demonstration that she would call him using the user’s authority.

[...Ah. Were you waiting for me to comment?] Sure enough, the genderless voice was Seimei’s soul rising to the surface of her consciousness.

“Haven’t I been waiting for a while? I crossed the wall as you stated in your advice. Now that I am a transcendent, you should be able to confide in me. Am I right?"

[W-Well, yes.]

“The reason you told me not to approach the capital must have something to do with this grimoire.”


As usual, Liliana waited for Seimei to speak on his own. However, Seimei was silent for a few moments. Seeming to sense Liliana’s determination in her words and gaze, Seimei withdrew his hesitation. [I understand. I’ll tell you everything that remains in my memories.]

Lili’s eyes dimmed, and a person who looked gender neutral appeared in her mind. The person was dressed in white and red, and he had ebony hair and golden eyes. This was the appearance of Abe no Seimei, the strongest onmyōji in Japan.

Seimei greeted Liliana with a blank expression. [Now, I will start from the beginning.]

Despite this being a disturbing story for him, Seimei’s determination didn’t waver. Liliana listened as the old shaman confessed the truth that no one else knew.

[It is as you guessed. I am the child of a yokai and Lust—a person who is a descendant of the white and golden nine-tailed fox, and is neither a human nor yokai.]

He was a half-man, half-yokai. Originally, it was something that shouldn’t be possible. Seimei was an upper species that had been created using Lust’s power.

It was far short of her ultimate goal, but Seimei was a monster who could compete with a dragon when fully grown. Thus, Lust had to raise Seimei well and use him to protect her. Unlike her other failures, she had planned to keep him and even imitated a maternal figure.

However, a problem had occurred in an unexpected place.

[My father saved me.] Seimei smiled as he recalled the proud memory. [Was it because a nine-tailed fox was attracted to a transcendent body or my father’s great paternal instinct? I still don’t know. Personally, I hope it was the latter.]

“Thanks to him, you escaped from Lust’s grasp.”

[Well, that is what happened. You should roughly know what happened next. I hid in Japan and walked the path of a shaman, reaching the level of a transcendent. I instinctively knew that I couldn’t work for my mother.]

Despite being born from a wicked yokai and a grimoire, Abe no Seimei’s nature was just and good. He couldn’t stand injustice and rescued the weak.

At that time, Japan was a small place consisting of several villagers, rather than a kingdom. It was the advent of the onmyōjis, led by Seimei. After a century of hard work and struggles, he settled in Japan with his successor and completed his organization.

[I thought I could win.]

Lust exercised absolute power over her bloodline, but she couldn’t interfere with a transcendent who had been removed from the framework of cause and effect. Abe no Seimei had crossed the border with that conviction. He had passed through the lands of the empire, defeating everyone who went against him and entered the capital. Seimei had become incomparable from when he escaped from the empire, and he wanted to destroy his mother.

After revealing all nine of his tails, he had called down a meteor shower to hit the imperial palace in the heart of the capital. Then he was defeated.

[...It was my first and last mistake.]

Seimei erased the smile on his lips.

Chapter 358 - Lusts Apocalypse (2)

[Despite becoming a transcendent, the genes inside me obeyed her orders. Unlike my will, my fingers were paralyzed and my voice trapped in my mouth. As a result, I fought with 60% of my powers sealed, and my brothers died.] It was too high a price for one mistake. Seimei had realized that a transcendent wasn’t invincible and then lost his life. The genius of a century had gotten defeated and killed by his own inexperience and arrogance. If Seimei had used all his forces at the time, the outcome might’ve changed.

[Hahat.] However, he laughed instead of complaining. [Well, these are just the complaints of a loser. All my bad luck and the result are things I need to bear. Now, this Seimei will lead you to victory in the unfinished battle.]

“What does that mean?”

[I will help you. It looks like you are quite likable.] Seimei finally said he would cooperate with Liliana. Although it was a joke, it was true that he liked Liliana. An existence that was quite distant from humans was fickle. Even if Liliana was the only candidate, Seimei would bury the heritage forever if he didn’t like the person.

[You might’ve realized it when listening to my story, but victory can’t be guaranteed when fighting alone. My mother kept more than me in her womb.]

“Then how should I move?”

[Go to Japan to meet my descendants and ask for their help. Put your hands on my inheritance. It will make your unfinished power more complete.]

Liliana nodded and opened her mouth, “Can you tell me more?”

[They are the Heavenly Sword, the Eight Mirrors, and the Eight Jade Magatamas. The power of the three magic objects should accept a transcendent person.] Even the clouds in the distant sky could be a sword, while the mirrors could bounce back even the power of a god, and the magatamas could create clones. Seimei had invaded the capital with his treasures, but he had sent them back before he died.

‘...Amazing. I would’ve regretted it if I didn’t hear about them.’ Liliana couldn’t help feeling in awe when she heard about the powers of the three treasures.

The Heavenly Sword, Eight Mirrors, and Eight Jade Magatamas would increase her magic power by more than double. The mirrors which reflected the power of the enemy and the magatamas which made clones were both worthy items. Furthermore, there was no reason not to use the Heavenly Sword. According to the tradition, it was possible for Yamato no Orochi to make a sword of water from his body.

[In Japan, there are a few youkai left. The leader of the Oni, the three-legged crow, and the Tsuchigumo will be helpful in this fight.]

“I don’t know if they will follow my words.”

[I will teach you to link to their souls. It isn’t difficult, so you will learn it right away.]

This was more than expected. Liliana heard Seimei’s explanation and decided to stop by Japan. Even Seimei had failed to destroy the capital... So, in order for the more inexperienced Liliana to take down Lust, she needed to mobilize all the unused power. Between Japan and Hyungkang Castle, the scale tilted sharply to one side.

“I will go to the East Continent first.” If Tae Rang’s words were true, then the defense of Hyungkang Castle was like an iron wall. It was important to secure Seimei’s legacy as soon as possible, rather than checking on the safety of the two tower masters. Liliana made her decision.

* * *

“I will be away for a few days.” There was an uproar at Liliana’s words. She had gathered together Lee Seol, Lee Joonyoung, Aquilo, and Tae Rang to tell them that. Tae Rang looked like the sky had collapsed, and both of the Lees were quite surprised. It hadn’t even been half a day, so they weren’t expecting her to leave. Only Aquilo listened to her words in a calm manner.


“Speak, Girl.”

“Go to Hyungkang Castle ahead of me. Convey my words to the two tower masters and tell them to wait for my return.”

“Hrm,” Aquilo made a vague sound like she wasn’t interested. “I don’t like this. I came here to follow you, but you want to act separately?”

“I’m sorry but I have something to solve as soon as possible.”

Aquilo might be quite affectionate towards her, but her nature was essentially one that was cruel. The evil dragon of the east sea—her name had been notorious for thousands of years, and apart from liking Liliana, she didn’t have a reason to help the people of this land.

Aquilo pondered for a moment before reaching out a finger and pressing it against her lips. “Okay, I’ll think of it as one of the two debts. Do you agree?”

There had once been a time when they would make an exchange, but now their positions had changed quite a bit. It wouldn’t be a big burden to owe her this much. Thus, Liliana nodded without giving it much thought. It was a mistake because she didn’t know the ulterior motive of Aquilo, a dragon who had been indulging in pleasure for over a thousand years.

‘The temptation isn’t much different from being unarmed.’

Loosening the helmet, removing the armor, and taking off the belt around the waist... The analogy of being disarmed was really appropriate in that the other person’s alertness was gone. Sometimes, it was effective to break down the person with a fatal temptation, but she shouldn’t approach Liliana with this method.

‘It will be easier to embrace me after becoming accustomed to my body temperature and smell. The next kiss will lead to one night and then… huhu.’

Like a snake slowly squeezing its prey, she would draw her into a relationship and situation that she couldn’t escape from. Aquilo bowed her head so that Liliana couldn’t see the desire in her eyes. It was irritating and discordant for her to act so mildly.

Shortly after that, Tae Rang recovered his spirit and opened his mouth, “B-But Great One... The barrier is stronger and harder thanks to your grace, but there are still many factors that make the safety of this village unstable. Please reconsider just once.”

“Ah, you don’t need to worry about this,” Liliana spoke without hesitation and clapped once. Clap. Simultaneously, the air in the front yard flashed, and several massive objects appeared.

The smallest of them was five meters tall while the largest was eight meters tall. They were the various combat golems that Liliana had placed in her laboratory. Paragranum’s power had been borrowed to finish renovating the golems, which were now monsters with the raw power of a magician or aura user.

There were 12 battle golems, so they should be enough during a siege.

“This should be enough. They can use aura and magic, so they can deal with any type of monsters.”

“O-Ohhh...! The giant soul soldiers from old times...!”

“Additionally, support troops will be coming in a week, so you don’t have to worry about the area near the Baekun Mountains.”

If the White Tower Master led the battle, they could easily defeat 30,000 monsters. Liliana held a deep confidence in her expression as she moved slowly. She would move outside the barrier to carry out the space movement.

“Lili!” Lee Seol shouted to her from a distance. “Don't worry! I’m not a child who will just be protected anymore!”

It seemed she was still a young child.

“Haha,” Liliana laughed as she waved to her, left the translucent barrier, and rose to the sky. Given the unusual physical ability of the monsters, she had to rise to 200 meters in order to be safe. Liliana closed her eyes in the serene night. ‘Can I use it on the East Continent?’

The token she had received from Clipeus, the golden gate... With this authority, Liliana could read the spatial coordinates of the whole material world and ‘twist’ them. It was literally a power to protect this world. This power didn’t distinguish between the East Continent and West Continent.

Kiiing! A radiant light burst out as the coordinates were engraved in Liliana’s head. The place where Seimei left his heritage, the holy place of the onmyōjis in the capital of Japan—it was the precise spatial coordinates of Tsuchimikado Castle. 「 Transition. 」 Liliana’s body moved at this one word.

“―Eh?” During the space jump, an unidentified pressure caught her!

『 Someone is trying to pass through my territory. You don’t know your place, Human! Pay for your sin with your flesh! 』 There came a thunderous yell before Liliana could even grasp the situation. There was no time to look back as several gusts of wind flew toward her.

Kwaaaaang! Liliana was struck by the huge storm and fell to the ground. There wasn’t any big damage because the defense spells were properly deployed, but the surprise attack itself was a threat. Liliana’s eyes lit up as she became combat ready. There was substance in the previous attack. It wasn’t just wind that delivered a shock wave but a physical blow.

『 You aren’t normal to survive my force! 』 There was a soft voice. Then Liliana looked at the enemy. The being that had surprised her was far from a human.

They had one leg and two arms. The being also had two glowing eyes which emitted a strong sense of oppression and an unknown power that flowed from its bluish body. It seemed to be a monster that combined the cow and dragon in one body.

[A one-legged wind demon! I have never seen one before.] Seimei seemed to know what this monster was.

“One-legged wind demon? What is that?”

[They resemble a cow and a dragon and deal with wind and lightning depending on their birth. It is a wind demon if it controls the wind and rain, and a lightning demon if it controls wind and lightning.]

“Can I think of it as on the level of the youkai?”

[It is a different race from the youkai but... Well, there isn’t a big difference when looking at just attack power. You can easily defeat it.] It was enough. Liliana raised a finger to the wind demon observing her from the sky. It might be from a species other than human, but there should be old memories in its subconscious. It would know that this action was insulting.

Unsurprisingly, it responded to the provocation, 『 You! How long can you survive? 』 In less than a few seconds, a giant whirlwind was created around the wind demon’s body and fell to the surface. It was a destructive power that could break down huge walls in one strike!

‘...All sense of human identity from back then has disappeared.’ Liliana laughed bitterly in front of the wind demon. The power of this whirlwind probably surpassed magic of the 7th circle. As a power that couldn’t be used by the human body, it became a monster of the wind. The insight of a transcendent allowed Liliana to see things she didn’t want to see. From humans to other wind demons, the number of people this wind demon had eaten reached more than 10,000.

“I’ll kill you.” Its sense of space and dominance over an area were nothing. Before a true transcendent, this whirlwind was just a remnant. Forced Harmonization—Phase 2. The transcendent stepped forward and cast a strange fire—Extinguishing Flames Image, Mode “SURT.” Liliana became a crimson fire woman as the flames she summoned from Muspelheim surrounded her body. It was time to show the wind demon who it was facing.

Chapter 359 - Lusts Apocalypse (3)――――――――――!!

Liliana's fire fist hit the ground, blowing out the surrounding air. Simultaneously…the wind moved faster than sound and clashed with the vacuum. It wasn’t something that a human girl’s physical abilities could cope with, and Liliana was knocked down by the clash of magic. Who would be able to tell that this fearful confrontation was just an ‘exploration?’

‘The power and speed are greater than those of a sword master, while the durability is dragon level.’

It was an absurd force that made Liliana take one step back. The wind demon’s pattern of movement itself was similar to Veronica’s, but the movement and force of the wind were unpredictable. It was hard to grasp the rhythm, so a frontal confrontation was foolish.


However, Liliana raised her fists delicately and faced it head-on.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission. Hand Counterattack Technique. Left Palm Lone Peak.

She read the timing precisely and stretched out her left hand toward the wind demon. Then the direction of the shockwave shifted. Originally, this attack should’ve hit Liliana directly and thrown her back. However, despite hitting an empty space, the shockwave still ended up shattering rocks dozens of meters away. It was a fearsome power that couldn’t be ignored.

‘Gotcha.’ Liliana didn’t shrink back. It was impossible to escape from the range of the wind demon.

Instead, she aimed for the monster’s body with her burning red left hand. Liliana wasn’t trying to beat it with her hands. Martial arts might be a part of her, but Liliana Miller was a sorceress in the end.

‘Blaze Chain.’

Flames in the form of chains emerged, and the thickness of the chains made of Muspelheim’s flames was thicker than the large line of a mast. This was the true ability of the second phase of Forced Harmonization. Beyond integrating magic with the body, it was the power to manipulate completed magic like it was her own body.

『 What, a human girl can control flames...? 』

There was a vacuum, but the flames didn’t collapse. Muspelheim’s flames were unrelated to the combustion process. The wind demon saw through the essence of it and retreated in panic. Normal flames could be turned off by a vacuum, and it would be enough to blow them away with wind. However, the wind demon had to avoid this fire as much as possible. Instincts awoke inside the wind demon.


It used the wind to push its body in the opposite direction in order to escape the chains coming from every direction. In the midst of its escape, some of the wind demon’s flesh was peeled off by the flames, but that was a cheap price. Of course, Liliana had no intention of ending it with this much.

“Do you think I will let you leave so easily?”

These were flames that blazed well without combustion. However, if they came into contact with the atmosphere, they would be no different from ordinary flames. Liliana used the red flames to aim at the wind demon’s back at a terrifying speed. It was an accelerated flight which used a method that was even more ignorant than the one Veronica had used.

Reading the path of the wind demon’s escape, Liliana reached out with her right hand.

Firefly. Chain Bomber.

Something similar to small bugs emerged from her burning fingertips. Of course, the movements weren’t slow. They moved ahead on the path of the wind demon that Liliana had predicted. Then the ‘fireflies’ played their role.

Ku kwa kwa kwang! There was a big explosion.

The contrast between their cute appearance and the power of the explosion was like the difference between the sky and the earth. The clouds split from the rising pressure, and some of the surfaces on the ground melted, turning into lava. The trail of Muspelheim fire, which was several times hotter than ordinary flames, was intense.

『 Y-You! You, youuuuuu―! 』 The wind demon soon emerged from the fiery hell.

Its scaly and leather body had been distorted to an extent that it was difficult to recognize. However, it hadn’t lost its strength. Liliana increased her evaluation of the wind demon by two stages.

“I’ll admit that you are quite tough.” Liliana looked at the wind demon and laughed coldly.

It had survived an attack that Liliana thought was a kill shot. However, that was all.

『 H-Human girl! A lowly human girl is looking down on me! 』 The wind demon became furious at Liliana, who couldn’t hide her derision.

Although the wind demon might not be able to win, it couldn’t endure this derision. There wasn’t a single piece of its human self left, but the upper species simply couldn’t bear this humiliation. The descendant of the extinct wind demon clan was ready to run wild. If it used up all its vitality to control the wind, it would be able to crush this cheeky human girl.

『 Look! Feel awe! This is the last of the great wind god! 』

If all the winds were gathered together, wouldn’t this area be devastated...?

『...What? 』

The wind demon’s call didn’t work. Then the wind demon looked down at the enemy with a puzzled expression. There wasn’t a problem with itself, so it felt the problem must be due to the enemy. The wind demon guessed right.

Liliana opened her mouth with a smile, “Do you think you are the only one with the privilege to control the wind?”

That’s right. It wasn’t possible to use it well in everyday life, but Liliana’s body contained the divinity of the wind god, Aiolos. Now that Liliana had become transcendent, it was simple to awaken the divinity and take away the dominance of the wind. The reason she hadn’t used this method right from the beginning was to test stage two of Forced Harmonization.

“Well, thanks for letting me play. I was able to loosen up my body.”

After feeling like it had played in the palm of Liliana’s hand, the wind demon muttered, 『...You, are you really human? 』

“Yes, just like you were once.” Then Liliana didn’t say anything more. There was no need, and she didn’t want to talk to a monster that wasn’t human. A huge fire fist appeared.

『――――――――――――!!! 』

The wind demon was in despair, but Liliana’s fist didn’t stop until it was dead. It was burned by Muspelheim’s flames and crushed by the high pressure. This was a destruction technique that even a youkai couldn’t avoid. It was a formidable attack that Liliana devised on the spot—a destructive magic which blocked the possibility of the wind demon running away using the wind.

Soon after, the moving fist became quiet.

“Is it dead?”

As the fire fist opened up to its palm, a handful of grey ash powder fell to the ground. It was the futile end of the fool who had tried to fight Liliana. Liliana let go of Forced Harmonization and went over the battle again.

‘It was nothing for me. Veronica would struggle for a while before catching the pattern. It is also the case with Aquilo.’

Liliana had been experimenting, but the wind demon had been quite strong. Its physical ability had been like that of a sword master, and it had magic power equivalent to a 7th Circle magician. However, it had lacked practical experience and hadn’t known how to complement its weaknesses.

Orta, Sylvia, Randolph, and Titania might have a hard time if they hadn’t known its identity.

“Tsk, things are becoming more troublesome. These guys might come out to interfere if I use space movement, and I can’t kill them all...”

The wind demon was easy to take down, but the other upper species were still unknown. What if there was a monster whose strength was comparable to a transcendent? It was more efficient to fly with lightning than to risk space movement.

“It is a bit less than 800 kilometers in the southeast... I’ve moved quite far. Perhaps those who can interfere with space movement are rare.”

Liliana checked the position of Tsuchimikado Castle and moved through the air. After becoming a transcendent, the duration of becoming lightning wasn’t as burdensome as it had been before. If it wasn’t in a combat situation, then she could probably last one day like this?

It was difficult to think of a means better than Lightning when it came to merely moving at high speed.

Pajijik. Shortly after that, Liliana turned to lightning and crossed the sky.

* * *

The most secretive place in Tsuchimikado Castle, Japan, was a shrine which contained intact records from ancient times.

A woman stood quietly in front of Seimei’s tablet. “...It is an unusual day.”

The white and red cloth, which was different from the uniform of the onmyōji, this woman wore proved that she was a miko (shrine maiden). Born as a human, living as a vessel of the gods… For the sake of their mission, the mikos were people whose lives were like dandelions. The 13th Seimei’s miko, Suzuka, was such a person.

She rose slowly from her seat without disturbing her skirt and looked at the divine artifacts next to her: a great tachi which seemed to be around 1.6 meters in length; a stone mirror which didn’t shine even though it was smoothly wiped; and eight jewels which were sewn on a string like a necklace.

They were the great artifacts which had never found a master after Seimei’s death.

The three sacred artifacts from old traditions—those who weren’t qualified couldn’t own the artifacts and those who had an evil mentality were burned when touching them. She didn’t know how many swordsmen and shamans had turned to ashes because of the artifacts.

“Why?” Suzuka tucked the hair like a night sky behind her ear and looked at the three artifacts with strange eyes.

She couldn’t tell from the outset, but she quickly realized something. Even Suzuka, who had inherited the role of the miko, couldn’t touch the artifacts except for when wiping off the dust, but she had just noticed that the surfaces of the artifacts were currently shaking slightly.

“May the great Seimei reveal the way,” she prayed with palms raised in reverence. It was a prayer that never had any meaning.

Yet this time, a voice came back after her prayer, [Oh, you are the present miko?]


[I don’t know whose descendant you are. Still, it is nice that you haven’t forgotten your origins. You pass,] the voice that Suzuka thought was a hallucination continued speaking. [Young miko, the man who will be the owner of the three artifacts will soon come to you. Give him my legacy and guide him to the great youkai sealed in Mount Inunaki.]


[Are you still surprised? You are a bit dull.]

The voice was different from what Suzuka had imagined, but there was an undeniable weight to it.

Abe no Seimei was a great hero who had established the framework of Japan and calmed the continent where monsters were flocking, making a place where people could live. There were no records of him in other kingdoms, but in Japan, his name was equivalent to a god’s.

Was this truly the voice of Abe no Seimei? The confused Suzuka couldn’t answer.

[If you are uncertain, call me in front of him. You should know what to do as a miko?]

“Ah, yes! I know, Founder!”

[Yes. I will see you soon, kid.]

As Seimei spoke for the last time, Suzuka seemed to lose her soul. She heard the voice of Founder Seimei, and the owner of the three artifacts would soon appear... Suzuka was a miko, but anyone would think she was crazy if she said these things to them. However, she didn’t have much time to settle down.

“M-Miko! It is serious! Miko Suzu―!” The urgent voices coming from outside the shrine were getting closer.

Chapter 360 - Seimeis Legacy (1)

Kwarurung! There was the rumble of thunder and a flash of light. However, there were no rain clouds, and the lightning moved in a horizontal rather than vertical direction. It was strange to see lightning cross a dry sky, but most people who saw it thought it was just a whim of heaven. Liliana would arrive at Tsuchimikado Castle before the news spread to anyone’s ears.

‘There isn’t long left.’

There weren’t any landmarks. It was said that mountains and rivers changed after 10 years. Now that it was hundreds of years later, there weren’t many parts left that were consistent with Seimei’s memories. However, unlike geographical features, spatial coordinates didn’t change. Even if the mountains collapsed, the rivers were filled in, and there were no cities, the absolute numbers remained the same.

She moved forward maybe around 100 kilometers. It only took a few minutes for the lightning mode Liliana to start decelerating.

“Seimei,” Liliana spoke as she split a cloud into two, “I have crossed the border. Are we moving to a secret place? If I enter this way, there might be some friction.”

[I understand, but it doesn’t matter,] Seimei spoke in a decisive way. Then she explained why, [The power of space movement is convenient, but you should’ve understood after you were caught by the wind demon. There are many means to interfere with spatial movement, and there are independent forces with authority over the sky.]


[In the first place, if space movement were a flawless trick, then there would be no need for flying. Do you want to repeat constant short spatial jumps in order to fight?] Seimei said. Then she added a note, which was, in fact, the real reason for the frontal entrance, [My wards include the ability to block spatial movement and will attack any person who tries to go through. If you move through space blindly, you will be a wreck, even with your current power.]

“It is overly impressive for a crime prevention function.”

[Just think about the times. At that time, the ability to block space movement was essential. It was an age when famous people appeared in the cities in the double digits.]

In modern times, there were few people who could use space movements. However, they had been common in Seimei’s time. The hard walls hadn’t been able to stop anyone. Thus, the shamans had strengthened their wards for the purpose of protecting their valuables. Fortunately, spatial movement was vulnerable, and there were many methods to interfere with it. Moreover, if the obstacle was a transcendent like Seimei, it would be hard for Liliana to break directly through.

“Sigh, it can’t be helped. I will go through the front door.” Liliana was convinced and shook off her hesitation.


She added a secondary spell as a boost, and the lightning bolt was twice as fast. If a conflict was inevitable, then it was better to take the initiative.

Liliana might have Seimei in her body, but it was difficult to prove this relationship. How many people would trust Liliana, who had the appearance of an outsider, if she showed up and said she had been given permission by a great man who had been dead for hundreds of years?

She would be treated as a madwoman, and they were likely to be hostile.

‘I don’t like this trick, but it is for the best...’

Some emotions were quite rational. Just as people who suffered great damage in a natural disaster didn’t harbor hostility, there were people who stayed cool when faced with an absolute power gap. It took a lot to make a cooled down enemy burn with the will to fight. For example, things such as hatred or a sense of duty. Liliana intended to aim for the gap between these.

‘Blow out the spark before the fire of hostility lights up.’

She would crush it all with strength.


The momentum of the lightning increased until it was like a lightning dragon. Simultaneously, it fell from the sky and down into Tsuchimikado Castle. It seemed like the sky was collapsing! The ward around Tsuchimikado Castle sensed the approach and immediately created a shield, but there was no collision.

[Emergency Order, open the way,] Seimei borrowed Gluttony’s mouth to cast a spell, and a hole was bored in the middle of the ward.

Liliana dug in without missing this moment. “I have entered the castle.”

[Turn right 30 degrees and go straight. My shrine is there.]

The lightning dragon moved following Seimei’s guidance. People were shocked by the lightning, but none of them dared to fight her. Lightning had appeared in the clear sky in the shape of a dragon...? Liliana, the only transcendent since the Age of Mythology had ended, was like a goddess.

‘No, some people are quickly approaching my destination.’ Liliana was moving through the castle when she frowned at an overwhelming sensation. It was slower than her, but it was still pretty fast. They were master level, but their reaction speed was hard to understand.

“Nice move. Their speed suggests they knew about my approach beforehand.”


“Seimei, why do I have a bad feeling?”

[Well, I think you’re mistaken?]

“I will see.”

Liliana was filled with doubts as she arrived at her destination and landed on the ground. It was precisely the area around the shrine.

“Is this your work as well?”

[Yes, it is a moderate seal, but it still remains.]

There was a different type of ward protecting Tsuchimikado Castle. The Senbon Torii (shrine gates) were the main source blocking unqualified access. It might be a seemingly simple structure, but there were thousands of seals carved on them. Of course, Liliana could break through with her power, but what was the point of breaking down a legacy that contained great historical value?

“Stop!” A warning called out in a strange language. Based on Seimei’s memories, it was hard to learn. Both the word order and pronunciation were different.

Liliana turned in the direction of the warning.

‘Um.’ All of her preconceived thoughts were blown away.

There were only three master class people. The combination was one shaman and two swordsmen. Among them, the swordsman who gave the warning was the strongest.

‘Well, I will win.’

It might have been different back when she was in the 8th circle, but it wasn’t enough to deal with her now that she had become transcendent. The swordsman also understood this and had cold sweat on his frowning forehead. His gut instincts told him that this unknown person was an existence beyond him.

They shouldn’t fight. After deciding that, the swordsman said, “...A great person has come to see us. I am Nobutsuna of Japan. I would like to ask for your indulgence.”

Likewise, the shaman, Toman, acted in a manner similar to the swordsman. The problem was that his grandson was immature despite being a master and lacked self-control.

“Grandfather, why are you lowering your posture? Who on earth is this ruffia―”

As the young master shouted, the faces of two elders paled.

“You! Don’t speak rashly when you don’t know anything!”


“If you say one more word, I will cut off your arm.”

The young swordsman shut his mouth with surprise. Meanwhile, Nobutsuna hurriedly bowed to Liliana. “I’m sorry. I educated my grandchild wrongly.”

“I will accept your apology.”

“Thank you for your generosity.”

Did Nobutsuna, a sword master of Japan, normally have such a submissive attitude? No. He was never like this. Neither the powerful nor the rich could compel him. Nobutsuna was able to overthrow thousands of warriors alone. Yet, he was now surrendering to a stronger power. Nobutsuna had built up life experiences over a hundred years and was forced to be careful.

‘I don’t think there is any hostility, but if we need to fight...’

Staring from Tsuchimikado Castle, the whole of Japan would turn into a sea of fire. Nobutsuna and Toman didn’t see any future existing after. However, while the two of them were feeling fearful, a clear and gentle voice rang out, “It is nice to meet you.”

Standing on the first threshold of the Senbo Torii, Miko Suzuka greeted them, “I am Suzuka, the miko of Founder Seimei.”

“I am Liliana Miller.”

“Can I call you ‘Lili’?”

Liliana nodded, and Suzuka licked her dry lips nervously. If the voice was true, then she knew this girl's purpose. “Did you come to pick up the three artifacts?”

The eyes of the three masters widened while Liliana complained to Seimei, ‘Hey, did you spread a rumor before I came?’

[N-No! I only told my miko. Wouldn’t it be a mess if you met the miko without her knowing anything?]

‘You didn’t need to hide it from me.’


‘I will talk to you later.’ She ignored Seimei and cut off the connection.

Liliana cleared up her mind and confirmed her words, “Yes, I think you received his message.”

“That… Isn’t it a bit rude?”

“Our relationship isn’t a formal one.”

It was a conversation involving only two people, but Suzuka felt like she was being ridiculed. Liliana had omitted the title for Founder Seimei and claimed she didn’t have a formal relationship with the Founder… A living person was acting like she had a friendly relationship with the dead.

In that case, the voice she had heard might be a trick performed by this girl. However, Suzuka hid her doubts, smiled faintly, and clapped her hands.

“Ah, it is like this. I’m sorry,” she spoke in a gentle voice, “But Lili, if you want to enter the shrine, you have to pass the test that the founder arranged. Outsiders aren’t allowed to cross this torii.” Apart from the seals on the Senbon Torii, Seimei had set up a test for those who wanted to cross this threshold.

It was to judge the personality of the strong person who appeared to become the master of the three artifacts. Catastrophic damage could be caused if the wrong person got their hands on the artifacts.

Suzuka warned Liliana, “If you walk up the stairs, please keep this in mind. Not one person has passed the test so far.”

The masters’ eyes narrowed as they realized the meaning of Suzuka’s words.

The test wasn’t that easy to pass, and there had been many cases of mental or physical damage. This was a test, but it didn’t mean it was safe. It was why no one had challenged it for over 300 years.

“Heh.” Why...? Liliana just laughed at her words.

“I understand,” she gave a short reply and stepped on the stone stairs.


Then she casually took two steps.





The expressions of the four people, including Suzuka, distorted with surprise, astonishment, dismay, and wonder. The test was terrifying to the soul, so why was this girl okay? The reason was simple.

“I’m sorry but I passed the Heaven and Earth test a long time ago.”

That’s right. The identity of the test that Seimei wrapped around this shrine was the Heaven, Earth and Person test. It was something Liliana had experienced in the past after consuming the book, the Art of Yin and Yang Written Treatise.

Saving lives, keeping your will, bowing to fate—they were the trials that tested these three problems. Two were easy to solve, but Liliana had died hundreds of times in the last part. The same problems couldn’t hinder her after she already passed them.

Then at that moment...


There was an unknown resonance. Liliana and the four other people stiffened. Suzuka knew what was at the epicenter of the resonance. “The three artifacts? Why?”

The three artifacts sleeping inside the shrine woke up. The oscillation was due to them stretching after having slept for a long time.

Flash! A light rose from beyond the Senbon Torii, flashing three times. There was no need to explain the identity of the artifacts again. The Heavenly Sword, Eight Mirrors, and Eight Jade Magatamas—those who possessed only one would gain the power of a hero. Yet, all three rushed toward Liliana now.


Then they penetrated her body.

Chapter 361 - Seimei’s Legacy (2)

Wuuong! There was no room to avoid it. Liliana couldn’t cope with the speed of this light despite being transcendent. The three artifacts were the true nature of the light. If they contained any hostility, her super sensitivity might be able to read it. However, there were no such feelings at all. After a moment, Liliana realized that the three artifacts were assimilating with her body, and she could use all three powers naturally without any sense of incongruity or rejection.

‘...Amazing. They truly are treasures worthy of being called ‘divine artifacts.’

The concentration of power flowing throughout her body was unreasonable. She could now fully handle a dragon heart, but the power of the three artifacts went beyond that. If possible, she wanted to try using it right now. Liliana felt a sense of fulfillment and was looking down at her palms when there was a sudden sign of an attack.

“You thief―!” Kamiizumi, the young swordsman, couldn’t shake off his pride despite being reproached by his grandfather.

Magoshiro was a genius who became a swordsman at the age of 30 and whose grandfather was called the greatest samurai. Who would’ve taught him to be humble? Nobutsuna sometimes told him to control his temper, but Magoshiro had a thick head and only listened with one ear.

‘How dare this outsider?! The Heavenly Sword is my fortune!’ Magoshiro thought this despite not having the courage to challenge the Heaven and Earth test. While the people present were baffled by the unexpected event, Magoshiro raised his sword and stepped forward. Nobutsuna belatedly tried to stop him, but Nobutsuna couldn’t move faster than another master.

Kiiing- There was the sound of Magoshiro’s sword emerging from its sheath.

‘Hoh, it is faster than I thought?’ Liliana watched the sight and understood Magoshiro’s acceleration. The technique of acceleration by using the opposing force of the sheath and blade was quite fresh. It was a difficult technique to use unless the blade was a dao, but Randolph used two swords and had more application possibilities.

‘No, can I imitate this acceleration with the magnetic field?’ Liliana only thought up to there as the tip of Magoshiro’s sword arrived at her neck. From here, Liliana had to move quickly.

Pajijik. She turned into lightning in a flash and raised two fingers. Her right hand was clenched into a fist, with two fingers raised like a blade. It was an action to borrow the power of the Heavenly Sword. A sword energy formed around one finger while Liliana struck forth like she was holding a real sword.

“Heok!” It might be due to her mood but Sword saint Kamiizumi Nobutsuna saw it one step too late.

At this moment, lightning broke the whole world into two.

“Kuook! M-My arm...!” Simultaneously, Magoshiro’s right arm was cut, spraying out with blood. The aura blade of the god-sword, which could slice apart the clouds, tore up the opponent’s arm.

Liliana inwardly felt a sense of amazement, but she spoke in a detached manner, “You can see that I wasn’t too excessive on that boy.”

“...Of course.”

Magoshiro collapsed. His injury wasn’t more severe because Nobutsuna had used his sword to block the attack. Otherwise, Liliana would’ve taken Magoshiro’s life.

However, could this prideful grandchild overcome the reality and the sense of loss? Nobutsuna sighed as he thought about the difficult future. He picked up Magoshiro and took a few steps back, expressing his intention to not intervene in this situation.

“There is no need for things to be difficult.” Liliana said.

It was an irreversible situation. Liliana thought so, but it was too much to come here and leave with only the divine artifacts. She needed their help to overcome this disadvantageous situation.

“It may be hard to believe, but I came here because Abe no Seimei told me to. It is why I could pass the Heaven, Earth, and Human Test right away and also why the divine artifacts recognize me as their master.”



The Japanese people looked at Liliana with disbelieving eyes. Even so, they didn’t have the courage to antagonize Liliana, who had used their founder’s name. Besides, there was some evidence despite it not being confirmed. Liliana naturally perceived their thoughts but couldn’t do anything. Then at that moment...

“Hmm?” Something wriggled inside her body. Liliana felt uncomfortable and concentrated on the sensation. Suddenly, it burst out of her body like a popcorn kernel popping. A blinding light poured out.

“Oh! It is as good as I thought. Is my soul treated as part of the subject?” It was the same Seimei as the one Liliana had met in the spirit world.

“...Seimei. Did you use the Eight Jade Magatamas?” Liliana immediately grasped the situation. Seimei nodded with admiration.

“That is correct. You understand quite quickly. I can’t use my strength properly, but this is the immediate effect. Isn’t that right?”

The last question wasn’t toward Liliana but to the Japanese people, who were facing someone who seemed to be a ghost.

A living legend, Abe no Seimei—his portraits were still hung in many places, and there were hundreds of adaptations of his biography in literary works. He might be over one thousand years old, but it was rare for a person in Japan to not know his face.

"I-I greet Founder Seimei!” Suzuka realized his authenticity before anyone else and fell to her knees, with Nobutsuna and Toman quickly following. It was a bow that even the Japanese monarchy didn’t receive. However, Seimei just nodded lightly and gestured for them to rise.

“That greeting was enough. Child, I have a long story to tell you. Can you provide me with a space?”

“Of course, Founder! We will do our best!”

“Yes, thank you. And...the descendants of Kamiizumi?”

“Yes, Founder,” Nobutsuna replied in a heavy tone.

Seimei pointed to Magoshiro. “I will pay my respects to all your hard work so far. But that child doesn’t have a good spirit.”

Nobutsuna blushed and bowed. “I am sorry.”

“He must’ve been born with that temperament. I will reattach the severed arm as soon as he grows.”

“Yes! I will teach him strictly.”

“I believe you.”

After speaking a few words with Toman, Seimei finally turned to the waiting Liliana. The humiliation of handing over the three divine artifacts to her was already forgotten. Seimei ignored the shocked and delighted Japanese people as he pointed in a single direction. “Now, let’s separate. We have become two bodies, so can’t we move more efficiently?”

“To where?”

“It is determined. The mountain nearby.”

It was the great mountain where Seimei had sealed the youkais in the past. In front of a place that was more dangerous than anywhere else, Liliana accepted the proposal with a calm expression.

* * *

Kuoong― Kuoong― There were sullen cries as a bird flew away from the dreary and twisted mountain. The bird’s reddish eyes, black feathers, and distorted body were proof that it had been bitten by a youkai. Liliana stepped on decaying leaves while thinking. The Oe Mountain that Seimei brought her to truly had a different interior. The flora and fauna were beyond the standards of living. Ordinary humans wouldn’t be able to survive for more than a few minutes after entering this mountain.

“...At the very least, their instincts will be left behind. But for how much longer?”

The creatures knew instinctively not to approach Liliana and didn’t dare do so. It was proof that the beast’s instinct was suppressing the urge to attack and kill the living, but there were limits to self-control. Once the urges surpassed their instincts, the creatures would pounce on Liliana.

‘I want to face the big ones before that.’

It wasn’t scary. It was just annoying. If the number of creatures reached the thousands or tens of thousands, fatigue would pile up. She didn’t want to waste unnecessary energy in a situation like this. The flora and fauna of the mountain had been influenced by the youkai for centuries. Once they emerged, she would need to sweep away all the worms or weeds without leaving a single one behind. At that moment, Goetia’s voice filled the quiet mountain air, [Master, there is one life form approaching Master. No, two, three, four... They are continuing to increase. There are at least 10.]

“This seems to be the right place.”

Once Goetia finished speaking, Liliana’s super sense shook sharply. It was proof that the power of those approaching could threaten Liliana. The monsters from the old days were coming. In Oe Mountain, her detection ability didn’t work well. The sensitivity of a transcendent fell to less than half, leaving Goetia to do the work. Therefore...


Liliana moved quickly as something reached her location. It was teeth strong enough to chew steel armor and crush rocks, and its speed was comparable or even faster than an aura blade.


However, its level wasn’t high enough. Liliana unleashed one punch, and the monster’s body was thrown out in the opposite direction. Some of its prized teeth shattered, filling the air with debris. Even so, it wasn’t enough to take the monster’s life.

‘Besides, there isn’t just one or two. Are they small fries?’

They were on the same level as the creatures she had seen in the swamp a while ago. It would be difficult for a master to cope if the number was in the double digits. The creatures left their injured colleague and came rushing in.

“Hrmm.” Liliana changed her mind about her actions regarding the power of Magoshiro’s aura blade and her right arm. She wanted to apply some of the original strength of the Heavenly Sword. In her lightning state, she was able to mix lightning with her brain. Then she consciously used her Sorcery.


Soul Calibre on her right arm was combined with the Heavenly Sword.

Fusion Complete: Beheading Heavenly Sword.

Liliana swung her right arm horizontally at the monsters. She didn’t care about distance and just emitted power. A green flash filled the mountainside, but there were no visible changes. There were no rushing monsters, no chaotic atmosphere... Nothing.

The leaves cut in two scattered in a lonely manner, while the bodies of the monsters were cut in half as the momentum drove them past Liliana. Some were cut at the waist, some from the throat, and some from the chest. The sword that cut the soul ignored any regenerative power, cutting at the flora and fauna that had become youkai. It blew them away! Liliana opened her mouth after sweeping the battle line away with a single swing.

“I won’t talk with these small fries,” Liliana’s harsh words filled the Oe Mountain. “The leader of this mountain should come out.”

Liliana had come to a forbidden zone, which had been sealed for a thousand years, and spoke haughtily while spilling blood. A youkai growled at the provocation. It was a one-eyed giant holding a club. The whole mountain was filled with tension like a fight would begin at any moment....

...Kuhat. Then someone’s laughter broke the silence.

“Kuhahahahahat!” A giant appeared with a loud laugh. They had purple skin and a monstrous presence.

The giant had a metal clasp on his leather clothes and stood near Liliana. His pace was relaxed as he gazed into Liliana’s eyes. This giant was much stronger than Nobutsuna. Liliana looked up confidently and asked, “You are the leader?”

This caused the giant to laugh with delight and nod. “Kuhuhu, you are a funny girl. That’s right! The name of this elder is Shuten-doji, leader of Oe Mountain.”

Chapter 362 - Seimeis Legacy (3)

Liliana's eyes sharpened as she heard the name of Shuten-doji. It was one of the great youkai Seimei had mentioned before she entered Oe Mountain. Among the hundreds of youkai on the mountain, Shuten-doji was in the top three. He was the leader of the Oni and someone worthy of being called the strongest! Even Liliana, who had become transcendent, felt a tingling sensation on her skin. It would be difficult for the current masters of Japan to endure Shuten-doji’s presence.

‘If the youkai in the mountain are to be released without a collar... It would be an even more terrible disaster than what happened in the middle empire.’

Most of the mutants were driven by their instincts and were busy eating each other. They might be strong, but they were simple beasts. It was possible to find a way to break through somehow.

However, Shuten-doji and the youkai were different. They were cunning creatures who had lived for nearly a thousand years… Monsters who could skillfully use their strengths. They were so terrible that Seimei had sealed them up. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a weed left in Japan.

“I am Liliana Miller. I have something to say to you.” Liliana subconsciously spread open her stance. It was like meeting the gaze of a predatory beast. The moment she turned around or stepped back, the beast would surely rush in to prove its superiority.

Her intuition told her that Shuten-doji was such an existence. If she exposed the slightest weakness, Shuten-doji’s hidden bloodlust would rise and his fangs would become exposed. Would it be the prey’s blood or her own blood that spilled in the end? Either way, it wasn’t the ending that Liliana wanted.

“Hrmm? Did you want to speak to this old man?” Shuten-doji gazed at Liliana with a smile on his face.

“I want to speak to everyone.”

“Kuhat! It must be a big topic. How long has it been since someone called me out like this? Well, good. If you are the owner of the Heavenly Sword, I have to acknowledge it!”

“...How did you know?”

“I don’t know about others, but I can’t not know it!”

While Liliana was feeling astonished, Shuten-doji eyed the large scar that crossed his own upper body in a diagonal direction.

“Seimei, that swindler used the sword to cut my intestines! He tore up a body that couldn’t be cut. Kuhaha! I can’t forget such a hot and wonderful strike!”

“You didn’t die.” It wasn’t a taunt. Instead, they were sincere words coming from Liliana.

The Heavenly Sword’s power was much greater than that of aura blades, and just like Magoshiro, it could cut 8th circle magic like paper. Shuten-doji grinned and nodded. “It was too good an attack to be content with one blow. Thus, I came to this Oe Mountain while believing in the promise of a rematch...”

Then the expression of the laughing Shuten-doji distorted. “That damn fox! Abe no Seimei! I have waited a thousand years while he forgot his promise! I knew his nature was close to a scammer, but to think he actually dared to trick me!”


The mountain was surprised by the intense anger, and the trees shook. The monsters surrounding Liliana and Shuten-doji fell to the ground, while the youkai breathed in and waited for the tsunami to pass. It was truly a lion’s roar! The mountain had shaken with one roar from the youkai.

Shuten-doji looked at Liliana with blazing eyes. “Okay! I won’t wait any longer! Tell me what you have to say, master of the Heavenly Sword! If it doesn’t make sense, I will throw you out and go down Oe Mountain, stepping on the worms!”

The leader of the Oni was serious. In a crisis where one wrong word would turn the whole mountain into her enemies, Liliana contemplated the use of the word ‘master.’ It was a treasure of Seimei’s, the one who had made a mountain of youkai submit to him. If Liliana used it, even Shuten-doji would have to comply with her words. However, was that judgment the best?

‘There is a limit to the ‘master.’ The burden will grow tremendously if I try to control so many monsters.’

Then Liliana changed her mind and opened her mouth, “A fight.”


“I will provide a battlefield and the enemy. There are monsters that can be a threat to you. You can trample, crush, and eat them without leaving a trace. How about it?”

“Kuhat, it is tempting.” Shuten-doji realized the words were sincere, and a bit of his previous good mood came back. The youkai, who had come to Oe Mountain based on the promise of fighting Seimei again, had been born of violence and impulses. For him, Liliana’s proposal was no different than a nail in the throat. However, he wasn’t the only youkai on Oe Mountain.

“It is up to here, Shuten-doji,” a giant crow fell down between the two of them and spoke in a profound voice. “I acknowledge that you are stronger than us, but you aren’t qualified to represent all of us.”

Following the crow, a spider youkai walked forward. “I, Tsuchigumo, agree with Daitengu.”

This caused Shuten-doji to frown. “I never asked for your opinion! Birdie, spider! Do you want to fight today?”

“Well, you won’t be able to deal with both of us at the same time.”

“I would die rather than submit. That is what I think.”

It seemed like a big fight was going to start between the top three youkai. The youkai who couldn’t withstand the pressure were thrown back or spitting out blood. The strengths of Shuten-doji, Daitengu, and Tsuchigumo were that great. Shuten-doji would be the strongest in a 1:1 fight, but he couldn’t be sure of winning or losing when it was 1:2. It wouldn’t be good for Liliana whichever side won.

‘That can’t happen.’

It would end up like that if Liliana wasn’t here.


A moment later, a wave of pressure swept over the three youkai. It was an outrageous force that could wreak havoc on the entire mountain. The youkai naturally stopped their war of nerves and shifted their gazes to Liliana.

“Are you fighting without listening to me? Won’t you regret this?”

“Human! Even if you are strong...”


This one word caused Daitengu and Tsuchigumo to stiffen. Filled with desperate longing after being trapped on Oe Mountain for a thousand years, the two youkai stopped after hearing that word. Were Liliana’s words true or false? Without missing this gap, Liliana continued speaking, “If you cooperate in my fight, I will provide you with a place to live freely out of this narrow mountain.”

“How can we believe you?”

“If you don’t believe me, I will give you a vow. How about it?”

Shuten-doji wasn’t much interested in a free life, but the reactions of the two great youkai were immediate. They would become allies depending on the severity of the vow. If a transcendent vowed using their name, it wasn’t unusual for them to die if the promise was broken. So, it was a promise that even the great youkai could trust, despite knowing human malice.

“Can you explain in detail? I will listen and decide.”

“Me too.”

“Okay, I was already going to do that.”

Daitengu, Tsuchigumo, and the other youkai focused their attention on Liliana. Maybe 100 or more youkai were caught by her words, drawn by the promise of freedom. Liliana’s lips curved at a pleasant thought. ‘The southern swamp will be able to accommodate all these youkai.’

This wasn’t something she had thought of on the spot. She had been planning it since knowing about Oe Mountain.

Despite Sloth’s disappearance, the swamp was still unstable. It was the epicenter where an excessive amount of mana gathered, so it would take a long time for the transformed ecosystem to return to normal. The swamp wasn’t a place for an average person to go in and out, and it went without saying that the ecosystems of the nearby areas couldn’t adapt to it either.

‘But the youkai can adapt to this ecosystem.’

Youkai were a phenomenon, rather than creatures. The high mana concentration in the swamp would just be a life force for them. It would be a place where they could leisurely relax and wouldn’t have to eat each other to maintain their existence.

Of course, there were a few violent ones who would attack humans, but she would add restraints so that they couldn’t leave the swamp. In any case, humans needed several centuries more to open up the southern swamp. By that time, the youkai that moved to the swamp would’ve disappeared due to the greatly diminished mana concentration.

“...Okay. We will be your force if you keep your promise.”

“I, Tsuchigumo, will follow you.”

Once the two great youkai agreed, the rest of the youkai raised their respective voices. It felt like the entire Oe Mountain was crumbling.

“I swear by the name of Liliana Miller!” With her right hand shining a golden colour, Liliana proclaimed the liberation of Oe Mountain in a loud voice, “―Follow me!”

Oe Mountain—the knot of a thousand years was broken.

* * *


There was a hole in the air where there was nothing, and a black-haired young girl slowly walked out. Liliana Miller—the greatest sorceress of the present age, according to Seimei—returned from Oe Mountain. She didn’t even get a moment to enjoy the blue sky as the waiting people rushed toward her.

“You are back!” The crowd split apart as Seimei spoke in a bright voice. “Is the story good?”

“Well, it is okay.”

“It wouldn’t be difficult to convince Shuten-doji, but how many others did you convince to come along?”

Liliana nodded and pointed at the hole that hadn’t yet been closed. “All of them.”


“They all said they would follow my orders.”

“Don’t tell me...” Seimei’s eyes widened with astonishment as a palm appeared through the hole. With purple skin, an ugly face, and a strong presence, this was the appearance of the youkai that many Japanese people had nightmares about during their childhood.

“Kuhuhu, the outside air after a thousand years isn’t bad.” Shuten-doji looked down at the frozen humans behind Seimei and laughed. It was because he saw a human who shouldn’t be here.

“Seimei! You damn bastard! You’re still alive!” Once Shuten-doji saw his enemy, he roared loudly, and the air became several times heavier.

An explosive aura emerged, and most of the people present collapsed, aside from Nobutsuna, Toman, and Suzuka. The power that Shuten-doji spontaneously emitted was terrible. However, Seimei just laughed. “No, look carefully. Why would I send her if I had been alive all this time? I’m not without conscience.”

“...Damn fox!” Shuten-doji said, gritting his teeth after realizing Seimei’s condition. “You broke your promise to fight again because you died! I have nothing to talk about with a person like you!”

“I didn’t want to break it. I’m sorry.”

“Shut up!” Shuten-doji moved past Seimei who was making excuses. He outwardly looked angry, but the appearance of his back was different. Liliana sent Seimei a subtle look. However, Seimei just shrugged. “I thought we would fight once before I died. I didn’t know I would be defeated in the empire.”

“Don’t give excuses.”

“I’m not. I didn’t mean anything. You should know that.”

Seimei might be shaped by the power of the Eight Jade Magatamas, but his current self was just a fragment of his soul. He might be able to act independently, but he was just a fragment who couldn’t be far from Liliana. As such, he wasn’t in a state to keep his promise with Shuten-doji.

Kung. Kuuong. Kung.

Subsequently, the youkai emerged after Shuten-doji. Each one was a national threat stronger than the top-rated creatures. Daitengu and Tsuchigumo were surprised to see Seimei, but they passed by him without caring once they realized his state. It was a different reaction from Shuten-doji’s. As the youkai quickly filled the area, Seimei spoke with half surprise and half excitement, “You did a lot better than I expected. The more you have, the better. This should be enough.”

“What are you thinking?”

“It is impossible to mix humans and youkai together in the same unit. So, I will do the opposite.”

The best shaman, Abe no Seimei, had been named as a great master, and there were countless records about how he had tricked the youkai. ‘Strange trickery’ was a synonym for ‘Seimei.’

“I will split the troops into two forces between the north and the south, and use a blitz attack to crush each base!”

It was the earnest start of the war.

Chapter 363 - Seimei's Legacy (4) “...A blitzkrieg is the key to this war,” Liliana understood Seimei’s intentions in a matter of seconds. It was expected that the army would be split into two. The onmyōjis of Japan wouldn’t be able to fight alongside the youkais. Furthermore, the violence and strength of the thousand-year-old monsters, who were stronger than the top-rated creatures, couldn’t be controlled by an army. As such, the formation of two separate units of humans and youkai was natural. “Correct. And as you know, transcendents are too powerful to move in one unit. It is inefficient in situations where we need to move quickly.” “So, it’s a blitzkrieg? Then the burden on my shoulders will be heavy,” Liliana contemplated with a determined expression. “Kik, don’t exaggerate. Your abilities have been boosted to their prime after possessing my three artifacts. No enemy outside of Geongun Castle can threaten you,” Seimei said while smiling warmly and gently poking Liliana in the shoulder. Then he took a few steps back and continued speaking, “Then shall I summarize the points we must penetrate?” The most important thing with a blitzkrieg was to break down the sustainability of the war by rapidly breaking the enemy with mobility and speed. Even a big building or a big country would collapse when the pillars crumbled. Like an arrow shot in the dark, they had to penetrate the enemy’s backbone. “Now, everybody pay attention!” Seimei clapped a few times to get everyone’s attention before raising his hand in empty space. Wiiiiing! Then a translucent map appeared in the space, showing the borders and boundaries of each territory. It was like a map of the East Continent had been drawn from the sky and then copied and pasted in front of them. Liliana thought she might learn something about the magic when Seimei snapped his fingers. “Ah...!” “Hmm?” “What is it, Fox? Are you going to act like you are surprised?” The people present reacted differently. There was someone who understood the meaning of the change and was surprised, someone else who didn’t understand the meaning, and another person who picked a fight just because it was Seimei. Red and blue dots filled the map. Seimei looked at the crowd and asked, “Liliana, do you know what these points and colors mean?” Liliana nodded with a long sigh. She knew it with one glance and became aware of the seriousness of the situation. There were countless red dots, while less than 30% of them were blue. Once they were placed over the territories, anyone could understand. “The red dots are the mutants while the blue dots are the survivors. A dark color indicates the strength of the object or a large number of people in a small area.” “That is correct. Then can you see the goals of our army?” “Apart from the capital of Geongun Castle, there are eight castles.” Nobutsuna and Toman agreed when they heard the answer. However, the youkai didn’t know the situation and could only listen with puzzled expressions. There were 256 castles at key points in the central empire. Each castle had a lord they needed to pass before reaching the empire. The lords who ruled 32 provinces each were said to be the core power of the empire. “That's right. Only the royal family, apart from the heir, is eligible for the title. The goal of this blitzkrieg is to defeat their armies as soon as possible.” “Seimei, I want to ask one thing.” “Hmm?” Seimei looked back at Liliana’s question. “At present, the empire isn’t a proper kingdom but a den of monsters. What is the point of subduing the strongholds? It won’t change the situation unless we defeat the main culprit of the disturbance.” “You are half right, half wrong,” Seimei said, shaking his head. Then he added, “As you said, the empire has lost most of its functions as a kingdom. Their fingers won’t stop even if their shoulders are cut. However, there is meaning in disconnecting the shoulder and fingers. If we do this, won’t it be possible to hit the arm with the shortest distance?” “Are the eight feudal princes that dangerous?” “I think so,” Seimei stated. Narrowing his eyes, he then explained the threat of the eight feudal princes, “They are the same as those with a slim chance of becoming an upper species. They are creatures created by the generations of breeding between the royal family and Lust. There is a higher possibility of them becoming upper creatures, as well as obtaining variant powers.” “...Can the creatures form armies and use military strategy?” “If that happens, it is all over.” Despite his mischievous tone, Seimei’s eyes were heavy. They were outnumbered, and there were strong individuals that were hard to win against. Instinct told them to run away. Humanity’s only hope of winning was breaking through the creatures, but there would be no breakthrough if the creatures could be controlled like an army. The humans could only fight to the death. “Sigh, we can only try.” The core of this blitzkrieg was entrusted to Liliana, who was faster than anyone else as she was a sorceress who transcended space and could become lightning. Beyond the limits of a mortal, she was a lightning bolt that would pierce the hearts of the eight feudal princes. “Please specify a goal.” Coincidentally, once Liliana woke up her fighting spirit, dark clouds on the horizon let out thunder. Kururung― The sound of thunder resembled that of war drums. * * * Kwarurung! There was a loud sound as a single lightning bolt cut apart the clouds. The lightning bolt moved horizontally across the blue sky. The identity of the lightning was Liliana. She kept moving without looking at the torn wind and landscape below. -It might be a blitzkrieg, but you don’t have to do it all. Two masters will be in charge of two places, and the big armies will be in charge of two places. The two princes in the west are too far away… You only need to take care of the two eastern regions. Liliana thought back at Seimei’s words and muttered the names of the two eastern castles. The names of the princes’ castles were similar in that they started with Cheon (Heaven). ‘Cheonkang Castle and Cheonju Castle. I am close to Cheonju Castle. At my pace, I will arrive there in 10 minutes.’ It was an hour after the meeting in Japan ended. Even if there was a mole present, the speed of the raid was so fast that informing the middle empire was useless. Liliana moved a dozen times faster than the speed of sound and passed several territories in one blink of the eyes. The blitzkrieg was a lightning fast attack. However, the strategist who invented the concept wouldn’t have known that an attacker could turn into real lightning. -Don’t spare your strength. The enemy’s armies will have Lust’s eyes present. The longer you fight, the more your information will be exposed. Defeat the targets as quickly as possible. ‘I know that much.’ Who would mention the importance of information to a sorceress? Liliana smiled as she flew over a few rivers and four mountain peaks before starting to slow down. Lightning was a favorite technique of hers because of its tremendous speed, but the shock wave caused by the discharge phenomena was too loud. Liliana stopped 10 kilometers away in order to avoid the attention of the enemy. Kwajijijik. Liliana halted only after her speed became safe. Her eyes could already see Cheonju Castle. “Hugin.” A large crow, three or four times larger than its original size, emerged in the empty space. It was the remaining pet of the summoning master, Satomer. “I’m going to borrow your eyes.” Kyaack-! Hugin cried out in agreement, and Liliana’s vision was further expanded. Crows like Hugin and Muninn were a species that served the gods in the Age of Mythology. Of course, Odin was equivalent to the king of two species. However, after Hugin signed a contract with Liliana, she wasn’t lacking any power. “...Umm, it is a pretty solid castle.” Liliana was briefly impressed by the defenses of Cheonju Castle. ‘It is several times stronger than Tae Rang’s ward, and there are no gaps. It would be much faster to break through than to try and manipulate it. If the other castle is like this, it might take more time than I think...’ There were two ways of passing through a ward—either trick the ward or destroy it. However, these choices were only possible for Liliana. It was almost impossible for others. Although it was possible for youkai like Shuten-doji or a Nobutsuna-level swordsman to break through, it was difficult to concentrate on only the ward during a siege. ‘A ward based on the feng shui method and a castle swarming with variants... The risk level is equivalent to grade 1.’ Liliana’s lips curved as she declared, “So what?” Wanting to discuss a fortress in front of a great sorceress? Forced Harmonization. Four types of magic spells were activated—fire, water, wind, and earth. All four elemental magic were mobilized for only one thing—Abraxas. The force that had destroyed Liliana’s mortal wall and placed her in the domain of an immortal—it was powerful magic made for going beyond her limits, but it was also possible to exert more destructive power than imagined by colliding strong magic with each other. Kiiiing-! The space screamed from the enormous force gathering together. As four beads became one, the dimensional shaking shook the surroundings. If Liliana gathered a bit more strength, the dimensional wall would tear, and an empty space would open its mouth. A bead made of pale light... A force that could blow away a mountain was leashed on her palm. ‘Not yet.’ However, Liliana moved the power in a strange way. “Your turn, Heavenly Sword.” She pulled up the power of the new sword in her body through her right arm. A strand of light stretched out faintly, and the wind passing over her was cut. This was the power of the sword itself, despite it not doing anything. Couldn’t it show enough power to cut the world to pieces? “Beyond the clouds in the sky, cut through the world!” The power of the great magic, Abraxas, permeated it. The fearsome output was a burden on the god-sword, and it felt like the bones in her right arm were being crushed. However, Liliana didn’t give up. Synergy-Harmonize. The first attempt at the fusion of the great magic and god-sword had succeeded! Fusion Complete: Unprecedented God-Sword. As the whole world seemed frozen, Liliana didn’t miss the gaze coming from the distant castle. The eyes of the monster were filled with malice, bloodlust, and astonishment. This monster was one of the eight feudal princes of the empire. “―Die!” The god-sword struck down vertically from the sky. It broke the clouds, split apart the ground where the castle was located, and broke the ward in a line. This was a blow that surpassed even Seimei in the past! The destruction of Cheonju Castle started with this absurd surprise attack.

Chapter 364 - Final Evolution (1)


The earth beneath the sky was torn apart. A shockwave emerged from the space where the Unprecedented God-Sword had cut, and the ward protecting the castle shattered like thin glass. The same was true for the enemies lurking in the castle. A few managed to dodge a direct hit, but the numbers inside Cheonju Castle were reduced by nearly 80%. The monsters, which were hard to kill even with the right magic, died instantly in the aftermath of the incident. It was as if a violent earthquake had occurred as buildings collapsed and remnants of dead monsters flowed down.


One more swing could wipe out the remaining 20%, but Liliana didn’t do this. No, it was more correct to say that she couldn’t do it.

'I somehow succeeded in combining the Heavenly Sword with the great magic, Abraxas...'

However, the fatigue that came immediately afterward was several times more than the ultimate magic.

Kukukung...! The earth shook below her as she staggered in the sky. The blade, which had soared to the stratosphere, fell vertically. It was no wonder that magma sprang up since the sword had penetrated a few kilometers below ground and thinly cut into the mantle.

The castle collapsed in two pieces with a loud sound. In the meantime, Liliana didn’t lose sight of the dwindling variants. There was one whose momentum became stronger rather than weaken.

“My aim was a little off. Even so, I didn’t think he could survive that attack.”

The aftermath alone caused changes in the earth. Looking at all the monsters that didn’t survive... Liliana herself would’ve avoided the attack if it had been coming for her. The god-sword, Heavenly Sword, and the great magic, Abraxas—the combination of these two was enough to shake the world.

Kuoooooh―! Nevertheless, the variants that survived in the castle soared into the sky. With wings that resembled a bat’s and a body that resembled a tiger’s, the variants were monsters that couldn’t be called a species. Despite their broken bodies, they could fly hundreds of meters at a time. These monsters could treat wyverns as their prey if their physical condition were normal.


Liliana didn’t miss the monsters’ unguarded moment.

Ice Magic: Diamond Dust.
Compound Magic: Lightning Vortex.
No Attribute Magic: Force Cannon.

Three types of spells were cast in an instant. A snowstorm, a lightning storm, and bullets of pure energy poured out of the sky. The monsters were first frozen by the blizzard. Then they fell due to the lightning, and their bodies were turned into beehives. Of course, their breathing ceased.

“Their vitality is amazing, but I can’t acknowledge anything other than that.”

After a few deep breaths, Liliana slowly descended to the ground of Cheonju Castle. She cared about neither the corpses of monsters nor the variants that stepped back as she walked. They realized that the person before them wasn’t prey and that the relationship between prey and predator had been reversed.


At that moment...

[How exciting. A foreign shaman! It isn’t enough to cut Cheonju Castle apart. You have to exercise magic powers to stir up trouble! I don’t know who the monster is!]

“You are?”

It was different from the other monsters. Liliana read the humanity mixed up in that laughing tone. In this situation, only one person came to mind.

[It isn’t possible for a visitor to come to this Cheonju Castle without knowing me. Maybe it is because my appearance is so different!]

“You use the imperial I/we.”

[That’s right. I am the feudal lord of this Cheonju Castle, King Zhouyan.]

Power could be felt from his exposed bones, and he had skin that looked like a rice paddy and scales that covered his face. However, the dignity in his body couldn’t be hidden. He was a person who received the worship of all people in the empire, who ruled 32 provinces on behalf of the emperor. King Zhouyan, one of the eight feudal lords, sat on the throne. Of course, Liliana’s god-sword had broken the throne, but he still looked quite imposing.

“You didn’t lose your sense of self.”

[Do you think that someone who carries the name of a king will be someone else’s puppet…? I want to shout, but this is my limit.]

“Can you talk?”

[Before that, get rid of these wastes. I can’t concentrate when they are around me.]

The variants growled at the king’s words.


They looked quite impressive with their horribly distorted faces and muscular bodies that were holding onto knives and chains. These variants were different from those who didn’t know how to fight. Liliana realized the reason and spat out, “A yaksha? It is a shame that enforcement officers who judge evil have fallen to this state.”

If they were yaksha who were responsible for the punishment of sinners, their combat instincts would’ve awakened. Unlike the others who lacked rationality, their instincts were still alive as the yaksha looked around. They looked ugly, but they couldn’t be happy about becoming Lust’s minions.


‘I will kill them quickly.’

In order to avoid the god-sword, they had to be faster than the speed of sound. Moreover, they had powerful bodies that could even threaten a master class person. A sword master’s winning percentage would drop to half or less if they had to deal with more than a dozen of the yaksha, and they were difficult to defeat in one blow with a great sorceress’s firepower.

Therefore, Liliana stretched out both palms. She had never used it in practice before but now was as good as ever a time to use it.

Fire Magic: Inferno.
Ice Magic: Blizzard.
Wind Magic: Gust Tornado.
Ground Magic: Gravity Bound.

Four elemental spells emerged from both of her hands. A person would be called a great sorceress if they could cast just one of these spells, let alone four. It was an astonishing sight, but this was from the point of view of a sorceress who went by common sense. They were fools who didn’t understand the relationship between attributes.

‘It is time to transcend common sense.’

Just before the four spells burst against each other, Liliana’s Sorcery intervened.

Coexist in harmony—it was neither a harmony that enhanced the power nor a forced harmonization that forcibly combined conflicting attributes.

It was a waste to put these four elements together in the shape of Abraxas just to get rid of the yaksha. Therefore, Liliana came up with a different application—Elemental Cluster!

The yaksha were sucked into a vortex of four elemental spells. A heat wave, cold winds, a storm, and a gravity phenomenon occurred independently in one space.

The vortex burned, froze, tore things apart, and destroyed. It was absurd, like an iceberg floating on top of magma. This was a scene that never could’ve happened with the normal laws of physics.

■■■■―! Nevertheless, it pierced through.


The yaksha couldn’t stop the violence of nature itself. With half their limbs torn off, the monsters were turned to charcoal. Liliana had read this ending from the beginning.

Kakiing. With Soul Calibre in her right hand and the Heavenly Sword in her left, they crossed in an ‘X’ shape.


This was the end. The yaksha spasmed one last time before they finally stopped moving. They had been reborn as imperfect beings and died challenging a transcendent.

[Fantastic!] King Zhouyan clapped loudly. [The double sword is the romance of all men. In fact, it is actually weaker than one sword, but I don’t think that is the case with you.]

“In the end, it is about the user’s capabilities rather than the weapon.”

[Hahaha! You are absolutely right. Now, we are ready to talk. I don’t have a lot of time.] King Zhouyan laughed like the conversation with Liliana was interesting and got up from his seat. The throne was broken, but neither of them cared because there would be no further use for it in the future.

King Zhouyan wiped away all the laughter from his face and said, [I was born with great blood and tried my best to watch over thousands of people.]

His dry tone might be his way of hiding his true heart. [I killed my loyal servants and people with my own hands, making them the prey of monsters. I have tried to stop a few times, but I can’t do anything about this cursed body.]

“It isn’t your sin.”

[It doesn’t matter who holds responsibility. I carry the name of the king. Since I couldn’t prevent this tragedy, I became a deadly sinner.] Guilt, hatred, and a desire for revenge filled the eyes that were looking at Liliana.

The king had a tortoise’s shell and a dragon’s head. With such distinct characteristics, it was rare for humans not to recognize it. Thanks to Seimei, Liliana remembered the details of the top species on the East Continent. Spirit tortoise, one of the four axis beasts and a symbol of longevity—it was a higher species comparable to a divine creature.

[Please. End this life before I tell you everything,] the king said, putting down his pride.

Liliana responded to this request, “Yes.”

Shortly after that, the king who turned into a beast confronted the sorceress.

* * *

Kururung! A slight thunderous sound was heard.

However, it wasn’t magic. Instead, it was from the dark clouds that came to wash away this bloody earth. Liliana looked up at the sky where one or two raindrops had started to fall from, before looking in front of her again.


The tortoise’s shell, which was harder than a dragon’s scale, was shattered. The king knelt down while bleeding from the dragon’s mouth. At the end of his life, he finally regained the freedom of his body.

[Behind the imperial family... The monster, who is acting behind the scenes... in front of us, talked...] The hatred grew stronger as his voice faded. [...You. Great one… nutrients. Obediently serve him… die like a lowlife. And, you... a few words about you, too.]

“Tell me.”

[This… world, last transcendent. Perhaps you, being watched… from the moment I met you.]

Liliana knew it as well. There was a gaze licking at her from a distance that couldn’t be measured. It was surveillance that had started from the moment she attacked Cheonju Castle. Perhaps Lust had read her attack from behind the eight feudal lord’s eyes. Otherwise, the response wouldn’t have been so quick.

[Please… careful. You… Birth of evil… have to stop...] Until the end, King Zhouyan was concerned about his kingdom as his eyes stopped.

It was great that he could speak despite his heart being torn and his body burned. This was a feat only possible because he was a top species.

“...Rest easy. You have fulfilled your duty.”

It was a horrible-looking body, but Liliana didn’t turn away, watching the king to the very end. Then Liliana moved her fingers, and earth assembled around King Zhaoyan, creating a grave. She couldn’t give the king a proper funeral, but she didn’t want the body of King Zhouyan to be used for anything. Just as Liliana was about to fly back into the sky...

“Tch.” She felt dizzy, and her feet were shaking.

'I consumed more power than I expected. I didn’t know that such an enormous presence would appear, and the fight took longer than expected because I didn’t want to kill him immediately.'

The other variants were unknown, but King Zhouyan was a species similar to a divine creature. Having used ultimate magic and then the god-sword, it was natural that Liliana couldn’t hide her fatigue. Among the Japanese troops, only Shuten-doji, Tsuchigumo, and Daitengu might be strong enough to win.

“It can’t be helped. I will take a short rest before going.”

Then she decided to have a conversation with Gluttony.


-I know what User wants to ask.

“Yes, King Zhouyan’s will. What does he mean by ‘birth’?”

It was a lightly spoken question. At the most, a strong mutant would be born. This was what Liliana thought. However, Gluttony didn’t answer for a while.


Liliana felt the weight of the silence and was about to ask one more time when the grimoire sighed.

-The advent of a heavenly demon—it is the starting point of the disaster.

Chapter 365 - Final Evolution (2)

“Heavenly demon?”

If she took the literal interpretation, it was a ‘demon of heaven.’ It didn’t seem to refer to a specific species, but it was a very unusual name for demons who were usually associated with hell. Yet a demon from the sky was the symbol of the greatest authority on the East Continent? From the standpoint of the West Continent, it might be like a ‘demon king.’

As Liliana got that thought, Gluttony spoke in a heavy voice, "Demon king... It might be a bit different from your guess, but it has been called that in other dimensions. The demon emperor, the first demon king of heaven, only king existing in heaven, and Māra-pāpīyas are some aliases."

"...What?" Liliana froze at the unexpected words.

"Only king existing in heaven, master of the sky, the ruler of the demon world. It is true that it is an unclear existence in your mind."

“No, what nonsense are you saying?” Liliana's patience finally broke.

Māra-pāpīyas was an existence that could crush this material world with one finger! Such a being hadn’t existed in the world at the height of the Age of Mythology. No, it was almost impossible for it to exist. Just like a bowl couldn’t contain a larger volume than its size, Māra-pāpīyas was a monster that this small-scale material world couldn’t afford. This was also true of the seventh stage of the Seven Sins. Calling Māra-pāpīyas to this material world meant the destruction of this dimension.

“It is ridiculous enough to leave rationality and irrationality behind! Isn’t the purpose of existence the primary goal of you grimoires? Even if it is a dead end, what is the meaning of shattering this material world itself?”

"You misunderstand."


"My description hasn’t ended yet, Lili. I tried to explain the concept of ‘heavenly demon’, but I never said that the heavenly demon is the same as Māra-pāpīyas."

Liliana escaped from the hell of despair, closed her mouth, and listened to the following explanation.

"I’ll explain it in a manner easy to understand. ‘Heavenly Demon’ is the name of the project, not the name of a specific entity. Lust started this project when she thought she exhausted all possibilities of this dimension and concentrated all resources on the birth of one creature."

“Not the ultimate creature?”

"The goal itself is the ultimate creature. However, the problem is the probability of success. The heavenly demon will be born from the failure of the ‘ultimate creature.’"

The failure of the ultimate creature was the heavenly demon.

Liliana’s complexion was currently slightly better than before, but it was still pale. She didn’t have to fight a fearful threat like Māra-pāpīyas, but the threat was more than she had imagined. It was a monster that could be reborn as a great god in other dimensions! She didn’t know how much resources Lust had collected, but it would be a threat to the entire material world.

“Wait, then that means Lust knows that failing will create the heavenly demon?”

"That’s right," Gluttony replied without any hesitation. "It is because data can be obtained even from failures. Lust will give up this dimension to the heavenly demon project, analyze the ‘defects’ of the created heavenly demon, and send it onto the main body. The large-scale mutation of the East Continent is just a process of materials supply to complete the heavenly demon."

“Dammit! That is the only reason for killing billions?”

"Common sense and ethics are meaningless concepts for grimoires."

An eerie sound emerged from Lili’s tightly clenched teeth. She suppressed her boiling rage and admitted that her way of thinking was too normal. A grimoire could sacrifice the population of the entire continent for one experiment, just like finding a herb root in the back mountains. High intelligence and logic were just a small breakwater in front of the madness that was the ‘purpose of existence.’

“...We must stop the birth of the heavenly demon itself.”

"That’s correct."

There was nothing more foolish than waiting for the enemy to prepare. Every time Liliana breathed, she gained strength inside her body. The presence of the 9th circle meant communication with the world. Even if she didn’t have maximum magic power, she could recover perfectly in an hour. She learned a few tricks with the Heavenly Sword and found ways to apply them to ultimate magic. If Liliana could fully control the two artifacts that she was still unfamiliar with, she would be half a notch stronger than she was now.


If she knew herself and the enemy, then she could fight and win 100 times. So, to prepare for any unforeseen events, Liliana consulted Gluttony.

“Teach me about the common strengths and characteristics of the heavenly demon.”

"Okay. The heavenly demon has a body ability close to the limit of the genetic factors that make up its body. It also possesses an absorption capacity resulting from incomplete spiritual scars, as well as transcendent power. This means it can eat a soul without a physical substance just by touching it and also eat any creatures killed by its hand..."

Liliana’s blue eyes stared at the wind that started to swirl while she listened to Gluttony. It was because she felt that an unbelievable wind was blowing.

* * *


At Hyungkang Castle, a castle approximately 300 kilometers to the northwest of the Baekun Mountains, there was a fierce battle going on. It was because the monsters swarming the mountain smelled the people still living and flocked for three days, regardless of whether it was night or not. The variants piled up beneath the walls were half the height of the castle. It was natural that things would become more difficult.

If it wasn’t for one man, Hyungkang Castle would’ve already become a feast of the dead. A middle-aged man rushed in the lead, raising the morale of the soldiers with a loud voice, “If you are alive, swing your swords! Don’t give our families to these monsters! I will join you along with the rest of Hyungkang Castle!”


The aura blade, which was called the energy sword in the East Continent, sliced through the necks of the monsters. The charge of the soldiers was reminiscent of the armed forces from olden times.

‘Not yet, not yet. We can buy two days if we hold on.’

Unlike his energetic behavior, Wichung was watching the scene with sober eyes. He was a superhuman who was beyond the limits of humanity, a swordsman who reached the level of a master… Wichung hadn’t been able to close his eyes for three days, and his body was as heavy as a wet cotton pad. He felt the sense of responsibility and pride of being a warrior. Now, there were only two pillars remaining to support him.

"Castle Lord, please take a few steps back."

As soon as he followed the instruction, a blue lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck. Wichung kicked the body of a monster, which had been turned into charcoal, and glanced over. He couldn’t afford to perform a sound transmission.

If it wasn’t for timely assistance, he would’ve fallen a few hours ago. Thus, this battlefield was on the edge of a cliff.

‘...No, it would’ve been over a long time ago if it wasn’t for these women.’

After breaking a leopard variant in two, Wichung squinted at those who were supporting the front lines from a distance—two foreign magicians who resembled fire and ice. It had been absurd when the two beauties first arrived as reinforcements, but that had only lasted a few seconds. The silver-haired woman with the cool atmosphere couldn’t promise victory or defeat, but the woman with blazing hair was overwhelming. They called themselves the Blue Tower Master and Red Tower Master, and they were the last bastion of this castle.


Fire pillars appeared. One, two, three... Eight pillars tangled together, burning the monsters in the area into a handful of ash. It was a destructive power that bought a bit of time to breathe on the battlefield. Of course, Veronica was the caster of the spell.


However, the gap from killing the thousands of monsters was filled in seconds. Where did so many co*ckroach-like monsters come from? Veronica had a huge amount of magic power, but even she was becoming tired little by little. If she fought efficiently, the loss of troops would be too great. If she used a lot of magic spells, she would lose strength.

‘Sylvia… She’s still okay. It looks like she gained some experience from the northern war. Blundell trained a reliable talent.’

The monsters rushed in Sylvia’s direction once again.

Veronica punched out before drawing a deep breath, intentionally reducing as much power consumed as possible. It was the dragon’s breath that hadn’t been seen in the East Continent for thousands of years.


The incandescent glow that emerged from Veronica’s lips ripped through all the monsters within a distance of one hundred meters in an instant. The force was less due to not using as much strength, but it wasn’t a level that the variants could endure.100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters…

As the variants near the castle ceased to exist, cheers calling for her rang out all over the castle.

“Goddess! Goddess!”

“The Goddess of Fire has done it!”

“Don’t turn your eyes away, you idiots! Move quickly so that the goddess can rest!”

Was it thanks to experiencing life and death together? Veronica laughed a little and took a few steps back. The fullness of her magic power had been reduced significantly after using Dragon Breath. If it was this much, the castle could cope. However, if the number of variants kept on increasing, it would be a tough battle by noon tomorrow.

[You are good, Woman.]

A verbal message.


A fist moved through the air. Sparks flew as Veronica’s fist collided with the enemy. The shock waves that flowed from the midway point cut at the wall, pushing the passing wind away. It was a collision of two forces that was closer to a bomb than a conflict of powers.

Veronica realized that the enemy wasn’t pushed back and interest filled her golden eyes. “...I have to say it. Aren’t you good, white cat?”

A monster in the form of a white tiger let out a low roar. [Know who you are speaking to, exotic woman! It is enough that I have to come and pay a visit directly when I carry the blood of a sacred creature. I will deal a terrible punishment onto you 100 times!]

“‘I’? It is strange. These days, cats also use the royal ‘I’?”

[―This bitch!]

Kuhuhuhung! It felt as if the air in the area had become heavier by several times.

Fear—it was a mind and body dominance that can be used by the top species like a dragon. Veronica was inwardly amazed at the Fear, while she was smiling outwardly. There was no species in the world that could apply Fear to dragons.

“Why, kitty? Nyang nyang, do you want to play with this sister?”

[Maybe you won’t stop flapping your tongue until your breath is cut off!] Finally, as it stood on two legs, the monster who awakened the power of the sacred creature, the White Tiger, unveiled its identity. [I, King Hodae, will kill you! Regret your fearless tongue before the great king!]

“King? King? Are you the leader of these crooks?” Unlike King Hodae’s intentions, Veronica just giggled. “Okay. It is good to know that I just have to kill you.”

Veronica formed two fists as flames started to emerge all over her body. “Bring it on kitty. I will give you a present.”


The literal dragon and tiger fight began.

Sure! Let's transform the chapter with Liliana Miller as the main heroine.


Chapter 366 - Final Evolution (3)Kwaaaaang!King Hodae’s fist hit empty air, producing a shockwave that broke the wall. Even a stray fist contained enough power to break down the wall. If even one blow landed properly, Veronica’s movements would be hindered. Veronica thought this and immediately changed her balance.She saw it not once but twice. King Hodae’s attack had the speed of the wind and the strength to break the castle, but that was it.‘The strikes depend on physical strength while the power to control the wind isn’t as strong. Perhaps his skills weren’t that different from before he changed.’She avoided King Hodae’s fist and moved her hand without hesitation. It was simple. An object moving quickly in a straight line was vulnerable to attacks from the side. It was the same principle as when arrows were deflected off leaves.Teong![Huh?] As his fist moved vertically into the empty sky in vain, the ferocious face of the tiger king took on a dumb expression for a moment. It was because his fighting capacity was so low he couldn’t grasp the situation. Veronica wouldn’t miss this moment of inexperience.「ускорение (Acceleration)! 」Dragon Words—this was a hand that allowed her to overturn the limitations of a quarter dragon a few times a day. Veronica became three times faster and shot forward, leaving blurry afterimages behind. It happened before King Hodae could even adjust his position. At a speed faster than sound, Veronica’s fists struck.Kwa kwa kwa kwang!The solar plexus, the ribs, the lower part of the abdomen—she hit King Hodae’s body three times before aiming for any part of his face that was within distance. It was an all-out barrage. Veronica’s fist came shooting forward again only for King Hodae to fall back a few meters.“...Tch!” However, Veronica clicked her tongue at the result. She had tried to break bones. Yet, rather than bones being broken, only some of the leather was peeled off. It might be a perfect counter, but it meant Veronica couldn’t defeat him in her current state.Unsurprisingly, King Hodae soon regained his balance. [Y-You dare! You dare swing a fist at me...!]The force increased in response to the irrational wrath. It wasn’t a lie that the blood of the sacred creature, the white tiger had awakened. Before Veronica could say anything sarcastic, a storm blew.Kuooooh!This was a whirlwind that was like the blade of the sword. The tiger king wrapped himself in the sword-storm and rushed at Veronica. The storm would tear steel with just a touch. Veronica realized that this was several times more annoying than before and increased the flames around her body. As long as these flames survived, the storm couldn’t hurt her.[Using little tricks!]“You are one to talk, damn cat!”This was the dominance of a superior relationship, with the fire burning the wind. The wind might respond to the white tiger’s call, but it couldn’t remove the flames of a red dragon. Veronica would’ve overwhelmed the situation if she was at full strength. However, after the last few days, her strength was much less than what the perfectly fine King Hodae possessed. Additionally, this battlefield itself was like a shackle to Veronica.‘I can win if I turn into the draconic state. But if I transform now… the castle won’t make it through the night.’It was a technique that had, for a few minutes, held back Invidia who boasted more destructive power than a transcendent. If Veronica transformed into the draconic state now, she had the confidence to destroy that tiger in a few minutes. The problem was that she would be drained and would have to rest from defending the walls for half a day. Was it possible for them to maintain the current situation without Veronica?‘No. If I’m not present they won’t be able to endure for two hours, let alone half a day.’It was a battle where she couldn’t be defeated and also a battle where she couldn’t fight with all of her strength. Considering all these variables, was there a way for her to defeat this cat? Veronica thought about it while avoiding the still crude punches and came up with an answer. It was impossible alone, but it was possible for two people.‘Will that girl notice my intentions?’One step, one more step... She pretended to be pushed back. Veronica didn’t dare look away and had to rely on luck. Sylvia who had come to Hyungkang Castle with her… Veronica had to join up with Sylvia and knock out the tiger in a two against one match. There was no other solution.Chaaeng!At this moment, King Hodae swung his fist with a big action, and Veronica took advantage of this momentum to lift her body. It was to approach Sylvia as naturally as possible. Nevertheless, the impact of lowering her guard was significant.“Cough!”She had never met a human more powerful than her before, and now there was a whole area full of monsters. The muscles in both her arms were torn, but fortunately, the bones were okay. However, they would also break with two more hits.[Huhaha! You will finally die!] King Hodae ignorantly swung his fist without even guessing Veronica’s intentions.One hit, one more hit... Their positions changed every time a shock wave burst out. As Veronica planned, it was slowly heading toward Sylvia. Unfortunately, the soldiers in the way were adversely affected. However, Veronica was getting closer to her destination.-Red Tower Master, Sylvia’s voice rang in her head at that moment, -I’ll match the timing. Red Tower Master, give the signal.There was no time to answer magically, so Veronica responded with her flames. Now was a chance to win, to cut off the head of the enemy. Veronica’s two golden eyes narrowed as she moved like she was dancing through the storm that King Hodae had caused. There was only one chance. If this failed, only a gamble remained.Huuung!A big fist moved above Veronica’s head.‘-Now.’ Veronica saw the right timing and took a step.Flames flowed from her fist as three magic spells worth of magic power was consumed from her body. From now on, Veronica’s strength would increase for a few seconds.‘Victory Fist.’Liliana wasn’t the only one who had grown over the last five years. Veronica had gotten to know her weaknesses and gained some knowledge in other fields, including martial arts.Jeeeong! The sudden blow hit King Hodae’s body. The attack was unexpected, and the power was ridiculous. King Hodae stopped breathing for a moment as his body stiffened in the air. As he lost control of the wind, his unprotected body caught Sylvia’s waiting eyes.“I call the guide of permanent frost!” Sylvia called out, and cold gathered around the end of the large staff that was the remains of Blundell. It was a cold that could freeze wind, water, and even fire. Now, the greatest attack spell that Sylvia could use was unleashed. “Absolute Zero!”Absolute Zero’s pale light wrapped around the tiger king’s body.Jjejeok. Jjejejeok...!Freeze... It didn’t care about the magic resistance of a divine creature as the cold captured the body. Absolute Zero perfectly entered the gap caused by Veronica’s attack. The tiger king couldn’t resist the overwhelming strength, and the wind couldn’t melt the frozen body.Veronica also saw it.“Suuuuop―” She opened her mouth toward King Hodae, who was sucking in all the air around him. Veronica was trying to use her second breath today. No matter how strong a variant, he would be dead when hit with these type of attacks in succession. Veronica intended to destroy him completely.Kakiing.However, at this moment, someone interfered.“What?” Veronica cried out in shock as she narrowly avoided the blade aimed at her. It wasn’t because it was an aura blade. Just like there was a variant wielding the power of a sacred creature, there wasn’t a big difference when dealing with a variant using the power of a sword master. However, the two magicians felt shocked because the person who prevented the end of King Hodae was a well-known person.“Lord of Hyungkang Castle, Wichung! Why are you doing this?”Wichung didn’t respond to Veronica’s question that was filled with surprise and anger. No, it was more accurate to say that he couldn’t answer.“...Red Tower Master, look at his eyes.”“Eyes?” Veronica looked at the eyes as soon as Sylvia spoke and gasped.Wichung’s eyes looked cloudy and lost! As a magician, Veronica figured out the reason and muttered, “Mind control? They managed to do it on a sword master?”The mental defense of a sword master was stronger than imagined. Unlike magicians, sword masters were monsters who dedicated their lives to training their bodies and minds, and achieved their own accomplishments. If they were killed and turned into a death knight, a force equivalent to a transcendent was needed to control them.The two magicians looked at each other in alarm and realized all the noise around them had stopped.“Stopped… moving?”The variants, soldiers, and all living creatures had stopped, but time hadn’t stopped. Their breathing and pulses were normal. The beings who were killing each other just a few minutes ago were now standing idly. Everything in Hyungkang Castle seemed to have become puppets of someone.“―Huhuhu, I’m a bit late.” The silence was cut off as a voice seemed to melt their ears. “If I was a bit later, I would’ve lost an important chess piece. You are more active than I thought.”‘Don’t look back.’ As horror that was beyond fear froze her spine, Veronica turned in the direction Sylvia was facing.Then she could see it. “―Ah.”All reason melted down. Despite being a woman, she couldn’t resist the beauty. Pleasure emerged in Veronica just by touching her with her eyes, and Veronica was willing to lick her feet if that was what it took. She was going crazy. An endless madness eroded her head. This was a being that humans shouldn’t face. It was one of the Seven Sins grimoires that Lili had warned her about before.Crunch. Veronica’s molars broke. There was a sharp pain as soon as Veronica remembered Liliana, and she regained her sanity.“Hah! Hah!”It was risky. She had been only a few seconds away from becoming a slave to that fascination. Veronica looked at the ground to avoid ‘her’ and focused her attention on the ‘string’ inside her body. As long as the agreement existed, her soul belonged to Liliana. Lust’s mythical fascination couldn’t overpower this.“Oh, my, not bad. To be able to see me and endure, even if you aren’t gay... What a great person.”“Y-You, are you, Lust?”“Yes, did you hear about me from Gluttony’s owner? Then I’ll have you talk with me a bit more.” Lust had on a relaxed smile that prevented the eyes from moving away. Every gesture of hers showed a deadly attraction.While Veronica was stiff, little cracks appeared on the frozen body of the tiger king.Kakakang!He shook off the ice and was restored to his original state.‘...Checkmate. My side has lost,’ Veronica thought in despair.According to Liliana’s explanation, Lust had no direct combat ability. It meant she could kill Lust if she endured that fearsome attraction. However, was it possible to break through King Hodae and Wichung? The odds didn’t exceed 30%, even in draconic mode.“Stop trying, passionate guest.” Lust smiled and pointed beside Veronica. “Your friend doesn’t want it either.”“Ah.” Veronica looked around and saw Sylvia’s blurred eyes. Sylvia was weaker than her and didn’t have the contract with Liliana, so this result was natural. Could she kill Lust through all the soldiers, variants, two masters, and a sacred creature?‘Of course, it is impossible.’Thus, Veronica quickly made a decision.“Haaaap!” Her body burned. Scales rose, her blood boiled, and a pair of horns sprouted through her hair. Her draconic mode came quicker than before! It happened before King Hodae or Sylvia could do anything to stop it. Heat emerged from Veronica’s back as she rushed away from the castle at a tremendous speed.“...Wise. Escaping because she can’t win. It is efficient,” Lust said, watching the sky with dull eyes. Then she said to King Hodae, “I will trust you. Catch and even kill her. There are plenty of red dragon samples.”[Yes.] The faithful servant, King Hodae rushed out of the castle using the wind. He left in the exact direction that Veronica had disappeared in. Then Lust reached out and touched the jaw of the blankly staring Sylvia. She had risked moving for a reason.“...I’ve received an unexpected windfall.”This could be used as a means of inducing that ‘girl’ and would be a useful tool as a vessel. The beautiful woman chuckled as she thought of some evil plans. It wouldn’t be long before the completion of the final project.

Chapter 367 - Final Evolution (4)

A single ray of light crossed the sky. The sky was getting darker and darker because the sun had started to set, so a person would've been able to see the light if they raised their head in a timely manner. It was a fireball that divided the sky like a meteor. The identity of the fireball was naturally Veronica, who fled from Hyungkang Castle.


In the draconic state, her output was three times higher than usual. Furthermore, all the power was poured toward the flames on her back as she accelerated without caring about her limits. The momentum was enough to reach supersonic speed. The clouds near her were torn apart, and the sudden heat burning in empty space produced a tail of light. People thought it was a shooting star and sought the trail, but Veronica was already kilometers away.

‘C-Choking! The pressure is too high! I won’t last for another three minutes!’

If she were a complete dragon, it would’ve been possible for her to not rely on oxygen to breathe. However, she was only a quarter dragon. She couldn’t exceed a human’s biological limits, even in draconic mode. Veronica’s eyes were bloodshot, and she was breathing heavily. She couldn’t breathe, but she had to exhale in order to release the heat in her body.

“Haack! Hak! Haaaah...” Her heart beat like it was going to explode, and her boiling blood made her dizzy.

How comfortable would she feel if she could close her eyes right now?

If she hadn’t cooled down occasionally in some dark clouds, even the vitreous of her eyes would’ve evaporated. She just escaped without resisting the heat of friction. Moving without knowing the direction, she was just being dragged by instincts.

How far away was she from the hideous, beautiful monster? 100 kilometers? 200 kilometers?

‘My mind is fine. I won’t go back.’

Veronica’s limit came before she could complete the calculations.

Peeng! Her wings exploded and scattered. Her skin that was covered in scales returned to being smooth skin, and her dragon pupils returned to those of a normal human. The draconic mode was forcefully turned off! She had consumed this much power just trying to escape and survive, not in a battle.

Kwang! Kuwang! Kukukung! Her body plummeted to the ground, breaking through a few trees and rocks, and then bouncing tremendously off the ground. Veronica would’ve died instantly if she were an ordinary human being. Fortunately, the strength of her flesh was like steel even before the transformation.

“...Uh, urghh!”

If her body condition were normal...

‘Oh, I have to move. A pursuit is obviously coming.’

She could be reassured about escaping quite a long distance, but her instincts were sharper than ever now. Before crossing the castle wall, Veronica had seen it.

‘That monster wants to kill me.’

The red eyes of Lust were filled with killing intent. Those dull eyes didn’t find any value in Veronica. A madness in which all living things were just seen as a means to be used… Regardless of strength or weakness, that transcendental darkness was fearful to face.

“—Ku, ock!” Veronica tried desperately to raise her body. She didn’t have the strength to escape, but she didn’t want to sit back and wait for death.

Veronica took a deep breath before walking. The priority was to recover her magic power rather than widen the distance by running. One breath caused a handful of magic power to fill her circles. It was quite strange to feel her hollow and empty circles, which were usually overflowing all the time.

Still, five or maybe ten minutes would be enough. The moment Veronica was trying to catch her breath...


A storm struck her body from the sky.


Despite her high body strength, she was cut by the wind, and a red haze of blood was blown out. She tried to fly up, but there wasn’t enough strength in her knees. Veronica used her arms instead of her legs and barely managed to get up. The tiger king laughed when he saw it.

[Kuhahaha! You ran away well, girlie! Are you going to try and beg for your life from this king?]

“...Hah.” Veronica twisted her lips. “You... Are you a dog instead of a cat?”

[What does that mean?]

“You are barking without context, bark bark! And my hips are already taken. I don’t desire a son of a bitch like you.”

King Hodae’s face twisted dramatically due to the words. [...You bitch, I will pull out your tongue and eat it.]

With black stripes on white fur, the tiger variant raised his big fists. Veronica also raised her fists, but it was hard to maintain her posture. It would be fortunate if she died instantly, rather than endure this. However, King Hodae didn’t know it was bravado and carefully aimed for a gap. He had insufficient experience, and the previous fight made him cautious. He didn’t know that he missed his last chance due to these four or five seconds of hesitation.


Simultaneously, thunder was heard above their heads.

[Hmm? Thunder when I don’t see any rain clouds?] King Hodae felt uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Veronica released her posture at the sound of the thunder. Her vision became blurred because all her tension was released. She let out an involuntary giggle as she spoke, “Ahahat, I don’t think you should be looking here.”


“Get your guard up, you asshole!” Veronica cried out happily as strength returned. “My fiancée is here!”

Before he could understand her meaning, six lightning bolts fell from the distant sky in different directions.

It was the ultimate electrical magic—Keraunos.

The six branches of the ultimate magic surrounded King Hodae.

This was the Art of Onmyōdō taboo spirit method—Hexagram curse.

A hell that could burn even sacred creatures was created.


Lightning, lightning, lightning, and lightning. King Hodae was surrounded by countless lightning strikes, and the air burned. The boundary between matter and non-matter became meaningless. This was the counter that Liliana had developed for immortal creatures.

The hell turned into a pillar of pale light. Screams weren’t even allowed as the bloodline of the sacred creature burned meaninglessly.

“Becky, I’m back.”

“Yes,” Veronica changed positions as she replied. She looked at Liliana’s back, which seemed bigger and more dependable than ever, and sat down without any hesitation. Simultaneously, the lightning god curse finished.


King Hodae emerged as a lump of charcoal. Despite his brain being boiled up, the instincts of a sacred creature aimed precisely at the enemy. The fist that had the strength of a dragon aimed for Liliana—

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission.

Four Major Hidden Techniques.

Moon Breaking through the Clouds.

However, it couldn’t touch one hair on her.

Puk. A blade protruded from Liliana’s right hand and pierced King Hodae’s heart.

「Burn him. 」 Liliana added hellfire to make up for what was lacking. King Hodae was torn apart by Soul Calibre, then the flames quickly spread over his body. The end of the already dying body was determined.


Even a golem made of mithril couldn’t maintain its form after all this firepower, yet the variant of the sacred white tiger managed to keep his shape. Liliana remained vigilant to the end, cutting off the charcoal head. She didn’t bother trying to capture the sacred creature since it could escape with an unknown power. That’s why her first attack was to kill, and it was an effective strategy.

“Becky.” Liliana turned away from the tiger king’s body and saw her.

“Lili!” Unlike her usual self, Veronica’s hair smelled of blood. Liliana continuously used healing magic on her and didn’t ask what happened. She just increased the strength in her two arms that held her.

Veronica buried her face in her chest and said in a drained voice, “Ahaha, it is strange. Why do I keep crying?”

“It’s okay.”

“Lili, do you know? I ran away. I couldn’t win by myself. I left Sylvia there alone...”

“Veronica,” Liliana said, feeling her chest gradually become wet, “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

She didn’t need to hear consoling words right now.


“I was too late. And...” She embraced her tightly and closed her eyes. “Thank you for surviving.”


The two people stood there for a while. They leaned on each other and rested their tired and injured bodies from the last few days. There was still a long way to go, but they could rest for a while.

* * *


There was the unique light of space movement, and two shadows stood in the moonlight. It was the middle of a quiet night, near the walls of Hyungkang Castle. Liliana and Veronica regained their strength after a few hours of rest. They knew it was dangerous to do space jumps in the East Continent right now, but they couldn’t be moving any slower in this situation. Lust might’ve already gone, but they needed to arrive at Hyungkang Castle even one second faster.

‘However, I don’t know why Lust did it.’

Liliana, unlike Veronica, had a lot of power left and could afford to think about the situation during the half day of rest. One of the things she couldn’t understand was why Lust had come personally to Hyungkang Castle and taken Sylvia. It wasn’t a cool judgment. If there had been another person beside Veronica who had been able to shake off her bewitchment, Lust would’ve lost her life in vain.

‘A master-level power isn’t a big advantage in this situation... Of course, a magician is quite useful, but it isn’t great enough for Lust to move directly. She also wouldn’t be seeking hostages. A grimoire based on rationality won’t make a gamble...’

Hypothesis after hypothesis popped up, only to collapse. No matter how hard she thought, she couldn’t find the answer. Liliana had great objective and subjective reasoning, but she couldn’t see Lust’s intentions.

“...It is an unknown problem.”

There was only one hypothesis left—Lust had information about ‘Sylvia’ that she didn’t know. Liliana Miller didn’t know the value of Sylvia Adruncus. This was still a hypothesis, but based on this premise, she could understand Lust’s dangerous outing. If it helped to carry out her purpose of existence, she wouldn’t worry about the risk. Liliana’s boldness was based on this impulse.

“―Lili.” At that moment, Veronica’s stiff voice woke her up. “The castle, look at it.”

“Huh? ...This?”

The expressions of the two people stiffened as they climbed the castle walls without any resistance. They had no choice. Before they arrived at the castle, they thought that all the soldiers and variants would be in Lust’s hands. If even a master could be controlled, then they were all puppets the moment they saw Lust. Nevertheless, this sight couldn’t be imagined.

“Suicide. Both humans and variants.”

The soldiers had stabbed themselves with a spear or a sword, while the mutants choked each other or pulled out their own hearts. It was different from a battle. The living creatures had taken their own lives without any emotions. The scene of ‘death’ in front of them caused even the two people, who were accustomed to the horrors of war, to feel nauseous.

Veronica formed tight fists and growled, “Why? Why? She killed all her subordinates.”

“Because they have no value.” Liliana was accustomed to the way that grimoires acted and realized it immediately. “The soldiers of this castle, as well as the variants she made—they are equally worthless to Lust.”

“Crazy woman.”

“I agree.”

After replying to Veronica, Liliana was about to say something else, but she then shut her mouth. There was one sign of life remaining in the castle. The two of them turned their heads, and the person soon appeared. He had a stately gait despite his blurred eyes.

“...Head of Hyungkang Castle, Wichung,” Veronica stated.

As if in reaction to Veronica’s murmur, Wichung spoke, “You are Liliana Miller?”

“That’s right.”

“Liliana Miller, I have a message to pass onto you. Please listen carefully.” He didn’t wait for Liliana’s reply as the message flowed out. For some reason, Wichung’s attitude was unfriendly. “Sylvia Adruncus. Go to the village 50 kilometers north to talk about her treatment. It is a place where the people who escaped from Hyungkang Castle have gathered. I will send an incarnation there so wait for them.”

“You son of a bitch.”

“You! Don’t disgrace the great lady!” Wichung, who was known for his noble personality, drew his sword at the insult. It was completely different from his personality before becoming enamored. Despite his regret, Liliana raised her magic power with a deep sigh. As Gluttony had explained, the fascination caused by the 6th stage Lust couldn’t be turned off once a person was caught. Even the owner of a Seven Sins grimoire was only capable of resisting the indirect fascination. If they had sex with Lust, they would become a subordinate.

“...You won’t want to live like this.”

This was a sword master who had lost the people he had striven to defend, who had lost his soul to the grimoire that caused this tragedy… The determined Liliana raised her hands to meet the sword rushing toward her. The skill of the sword was no different than before. Despite being manipulated by Lust’s power, Wichung was still a sword master.

“Rising Sword.” The aura blade soared. Liliana was still at ease despite the blue aura arriving in front of her neck. She foresaw that it couldn’t reach her.

Gravity Bound.

Force Grab.

Fusion Complete: Coffin of Gravity.

A ball of black magic captured Wichung’s body. Metal couldn’t endure this squeezing pressure, but a sword master was truly amazing. The pressure of the gravity was reduced using his magic resistance, and he raised one hand to try and destroy the magic.

However, Wichung was already defeated by this point. From the beginning, he shouldn’t have been caught by the gravity. During the time in which Wichung’s movement was bound, Liliana carried out her next attack.


As a flying sword shot out from her left hand, something round fell from Wichung. Liliana looked down at Wichung’s head and said quietly, “I will pay back your grudge, Lord Wichung of Hyungkang Castle.”

It was an unpleasant finish.

Chapter 368 - Choice and Responsibility (1)

After checking Wichung’s body, Lili and Veronica searched the castle in case there were any survivors. However, there were none. Only death remained inside and outside the walls. Lust hadn’t spared anyone except for Wichung, who had been used as a messenger. Brothers held the spears they used to stab each other, and parents held the blanket that strangled their child... This was an artificially created hell. After opening the doors to a few private houses, Liliana accepted the futile reality of Hyungkang Castle.

“Veronica, please.”


She didn’t need to be told. Veronica let out a deep sigh and produced fire from her fingertips.


Veronica burned down a mansion, and the fire spread to nearby buildings. If left alone, it would set the whole castle on fire. With the corpses and buildings as firewood, an unprecedented cremation began.

‘Cremation... It isn’t a sentimental thing.’ Liliana looked around the burning castle with dry eyes. Hyungkang Castle wasn’t very big, but neither was it small. Looking at the total population of the castle, it might be at least 10,000. Just the number of variant corpses alone exceeded that number. If this hell were left alone, it would become the dining place for the variants who would soon come.

“...What are you going to do?” Veronica asked after she finished spreading the flames.

“Well, I guess I have to go to that village and see.”

“It might be a trap for you.”

“I don’t think so.”

The present Lust didn’t have the combat forces to take Lili’s life. If she had such power, she wouldn’t have fled Hyungkang Castle before Liliana arrived. Instead, she would’ve tried a surprise attack. It would be hard to kill Lili with the defense system of Geongun Castle which had killed Seimei, let alone a trap in a remote village.

“Perhaps it is true that she has something to say to me.”

The problem was that Lust would need to be prepared for danger when talking to Lili. It involved the reason why Lust had left Geongun Castle in order to kidnap Sylvia. Unless she knew this reason, Liliana couldn’t speak at the same level as Lust.

“Won’t it be a hostage situation?”

“Considering all the uncertain assumptions, it is likely. Still, it is hard to understand why.”

If Lust offered Sylvia’s life, it would be enough to keep Liliana’s feet tied up until the heavenly demon was born. However, there was no guarantee that the offer would be accepted. It was illogical for a Seven Sins grimoire to take action for such an uncertain possibility.

“Well, I can’t think of an answer to the problem.”

It was good to think, but this was a time to move. Liliana didn’t worry about it anymore and held Veronica in her arms. Her wide eyes which held no resistance were pretty cute. Lili briefly chuckled before saying, 「 Transition. 」

Then a light appeared around their bodies.


The two magicians disappeared from Hyungkang Castle and appeared again 50 kilometers north, near the village that Lust was about to visit. For Lili, who once moved across continents, a distance of 50 kilometers was just like a stone’s throw. The two people looked around with a similar expression.

“This village...?”


There was only a wasteland to the north, south, east, and west.

“No, wait a minute.” Liliana wanted to check if Lust had left the wrong coordinates, only to realize a faint discomfort. Mana flowed in a calm but strange direction. There was a distortion of light that couldn’t be detected with ordinary vision. Around 30 meters from where the two people were standing, there was a ‘boundary’ that couldn’t be seen through. A ward that even Veronica couldn’t detect…?

‘Amazing. An illusion like this... the person who did it must be at least at the 8th circle.’ Not long after, Lili realized that her evaluation was wrong.

‘No, they wouldn’t have gotten away from Hyungkang Castle if they were that strong. Tae Rang is on a similar level to a grand master, and he would find it impossible to make this ward.’

Nevertheless, seeing as this barrier was established, the person who did it was likely to be in possession of an artifact. If broken by force, the barrier would undoubtedly break down. Lili didn’t feel the need to cause hostility. So, instead of attacking the ward, she opened her mouth, “Great monk, if you are inside the ward then please listen.”

It might be funny to talk to air, but she knew her words would be heard by the great monk maintaining the barrier. Liliana’s voice continued, “I have been asked by Tae Rang who is in the Baekun Mountains. He asked me for help with Hyungkang Castle, but it has long been captured. My identity will be proven with my companion Veronica, who has been fighting with you for the past few days.”

Despite her persuasion, the ward didn’t open. Instead, she heard a voice in the air, -Impossible. I know the identity of your companion, but how can I trust her mental state?

“W-What? Hey! Open it immediately! Otherwise, I will blow it away!”

Unlike the furious Veronica, Liliana just laughed. It seemed she wouldn’t be able to persuade the monk with words.

“It looks like you saw Lust’s power. You have no choice but to feel doubt.”

It was a power that made a sword master into a slave at once. Lili didn’t know how the monk overcame the fascination, but if he had seen the scene, then it was natural that he wouldn’t believe Veronica.

‘The Heavenly Sword or attack magic is too dangerous… It is appropriate to shake the flow a little bit.’

This was a ward that focused on secrecy, so its defense was relatively inferior. If attacked with ultimate magic or the god-sword, it would not only be destroyed but the survivors in it would suffer major damage. Lili thought so and carefully raised both her hands. No intense destructive power or sharp breaking force was necessary. She just gathered her concentration and took away the flow of one point.


At a point where nine lines overlapped, a large crack appeared on one side.


There was a line in the foundation of the ward that shouldn’t be broken. The same was true no matter how good the ward. If one hole was made with a needle, it would collapse from there. Just like how a dam that failed to overcome the internal water pressure would collapse, the ward that isolated the space would collapse at that point of connection.

-W-Wait a minute! I understand! I will face you directly, so don’t break this ward!

“I accept.”


With one stage left until the collapse, Liliana let go of the power. The monk made a sound, and the crack in the ward started to be filled again. This was because the monk knew it was useless when Lili could effectively neutralize the ward.

“Sigh, I am the monk, Taeryun. Who are you?”

“Liliana Miller, the chief tower master of Meltor.”

“...I didn’t believe it when the crimson goddess said it, but you are a real person.”

“Crimson goddess?” It was Lili’s first time hearing this title. Taeryun looked in Veronica’s direction. “The crimson flames always fought at the forefront, so the castle’s people called her that. The other one is called the blue goddess. Both of them were shy about it.”

“Ack! I told you not to say that!” Veronica cried out indignantly.

However, the middle-aged man continued without a smirk, “Didn’t you say that she is your military superior? Missing information is a felony on the same level as false reporting.”

“Y-You!” Veronica couldn’t kill the monk, so she formed tight fists and gritted her teeth. To think that this shameful nickname was actually uttered in front of Liliana! If there was a mouse hole around, Veronica wanted to enter it immediately.

Of course, Liliana thought that her struggles were cute. “Thank you for complimenting my lover. I heard that the monks are reluctant to engage in worldly affairs, but they are good at speaking.”

“It is useless for someone born as a person to imitate a cloud. I also have to get rid of the prejudice that all zen answers are boring.”

Taeryun’s behavior was flexible compared to Tae Rang’s. If Tae Rang were here, the ward would’ve ended up completely broken. Lili considered Taeryun’s eloquent way of speaking while the situation was still unclear. The monk’s skills were unknown, but Taeryun was superior to Tae Rang when it came to adaptability.

“Here, this is something Tae Rang gave me as a token.” Before starting the story, Liliana pulled out the token she got from Tae Rang.

It was a wooden plaque with the word ‘Kunlun’ carved on it. At first glance, it was a poor piece of craftsmanship. However, perhaps it could only be understood by a monk? It seemed to be the case as the hardness in Taeryun’s eyes softened. “I have been very rude. Please forgive me.”

“The situation was understandable, don’t worry about it.”

“I am grateful for your generosity.”

The misunderstanding was cleared up with a few words. Then Lili opened her mouth, “I have more to talk about. We should be as quick as possible.”

Taeryun must’ve felt the weight in Lili’s words because he replied with a cautious attitude, “Please tell me. I won’t neglect a single word.”

* * *

The long night passed, and the sun came up. Light poured from the horizon on the east, while the flower buds opening announced that day had come. As always, white clouds floated in the blue sky. Sometimes the wind would scatter the clouds in strange shapes. The green leaves and chirping birds were signs of life. It was a cliche morning from a storybook.

“...” She sat in the middle of the village where everyone had disappeared and waited for the guest who said they would come.

Meanwhile, she refilled the energy that had been consumed by several battles. The usage of the three artifacts were still mysteries, but their abilities were intact. If she had a few hands-on experiences, she might be able to demonstrate equal or an even better performance than their previous owner.

She was the master of Gluttony and the unique transcendent of this material world. Liliana was in a perfect state for battle.

‘―She’s coming.’

Her senses, sharp enough to catch a dandelion, perceived a presence a few kilometers away. It was coming at a pace that was neither fast nor slow. The presence didn’t have much fighting power. Was it a master? If Liliana moved to kill, she would be able to annihilate the presence before they could even recognize the attack. She could also make them talk after getting rid of all their limbs.

Currently, Liliana was very powerful and very angry.


However, she didn’t attack the person who appeared in this place. She gritted her teeth instead. As Gluttony had said last night, there was some leeway for this. She just hoped it wasn’t as she thought. Liliana took a deep breath to control her vision that was distorted by red, trying to suppress the overflowing anger.

“Hello! Gluttony's owner, hasn't it been a long time?” In a voice that couldn’t help being familiar, ‘she’ had come to talk. “Huh? What is it? Ah, yes. This is the first time you are facing me in this body.”

With a sly manner, the beautiful woman standing there with silver hair made a strange expression. If it hadn’t been for the voice, Liliana wouldn’t have known it was a smile. A sinister light appeared in the eyes of Lust, who had taken possession of Sylvia Adruncus’ body.

Liliana barely endured her anger and asked in a heavy voice, “...Didn’t you say you would send an incarnation?”

“Ah, there was such a promise,” Lust spoke like she had forgotten. “That is why I came in this body that I am not used to.”


“Why are you suddenly acting like a brat? Think about it from my perspective. Is there a better protection for my own neck? Can I trust you? It is impossible. We are the worst grimoires ever, the Seven Sins.”

Sylvia’s blue eyes were reddish. Being Lust’s terminal was eroding at her body, and she was also robbed of control of it.

The only comfort was that no apparent change was seen. In a same-sex body where Lust planted her terminal, the erosion would first accelerate by making a placenta. After that, there was no turning back from being one of Lust’s people. If Sylvia were in that state, Liliana would’ve killed her without any conversation.

“....What do you want?” She cut to the chase.

Standing before her with a dreadful momentum, Lust wore Sylvia’s body and licked her lips sexily. “Okay, shall we weigh the pros and cons?”

Chapter 369 - Choice and Responsibility (2)

Lust’s sincere voice melted with sweetness. It was too shallow to shake Liliana’s composure, but the temptation accompanying Lust’s power could also capture a transcendent. The appearance was the same, but Lust was so different from Sylvia. The hand gestures she made using the long white fingers and the eyes that curved like crescent moons when smiling... The whisper that rose in volume and then suddenly dropped sounded eerie.

"Liliana Miller."

Liliana hated the way Lust called out her name, and anger filled her. “What?”

“Before discussing the terms, is there anything you want to hear from me? I will answer any questions honestly if I can.”

“...I see. Then I won’t hesitate.” Liliana took a breath and pointed at her. “Why her? Why did you take Sylvia Adruncus?”

That was it. It was the question she couldn’t solve, and the reason she was caught by Lust. If she knew what Sylvia was worth to Lust, she wouldn’t have gone too far or allowed her to act alone. Lust giggled and opened her mouth, “She is worth using. There are two reasons.”

“Worth using?”

“Oh, I’m not talking about the usefulness of a magician. The magic system of the West Continent might’ve reached a fairly usable level, but it is still outdated compared to the magic of old times. The efficiency might be a bit lower, but there is no big difference if I just change shamans.”

Liliana ground her teeth, and her blue eyes cooled as she heard her words. Other people might not know, but she knew. It wasn’t an analogy. She meant it literally. Using human sacrifices which involved live offerings was also a technique used in shamanism, not just black magic.

She didn’t know how many victims there were, but it should’ve played a major role in reducing the shaman population of the East Continent. If she measured it in simple magic power, Lust might’ve collected enough to be equivalent to a few dragons.

‘If she turned all that power into defense... I won’t be able to break through the defenses of Geongun Castle with my power.’

Liliana was thinking this when Lust said, “Do you know what my power is?”

“Reincarnation through birth, right?”

“That’s right. The child will be better than the parents, and this cycle will repeat infinitely until the end. That is the purpose of my existence and the work I have been doing since the beginning of the Age of Mythology. At that time, I used the name Thetis, not Lust.”

‘Thetis?’ Liliana hesitated, thinking she had heard that name somewhere before.

Then Lust touched her chest. Sylvia’s body part, which had grown after five years, was touched by Lust’s hands. Heat burned in Liliana for two different reasons when she saw it.

“Don’t play games.”

“Don’t I look good? What is so bad about being loyal to a reproductive need? Won’t it be better to touch once?”

All of these provocative actions were to draw out her reactions. Liliana realized this and stood silently. She wouldn’t show any answer to the same harassment. Unsurprisingly, Lust became bored at her dull response and soon stopped her actions.

She started talking again, “Where did the story get up to? Yes, the past. I have the power of the ‘mother’ and can measure the potential of the womb. What type of genetic factors are better suited and what qualities can be inherited? Well, I can make a comprehensive evaluation.”


“What is it? You asked. Why did I take Sylvia Adruncus?” Lust licked her lips and stroked her belly. “This Sylvia is an excellent product.”

“Lust!” Simultaneously, killing intent was projected from Liliana’s body for a few meters around her.

If a normal person touched this air for a few seconds, their brain would accept death and their heart would stop. The killing intent she was emitting right now was terrible.

“Ahaha, I’m scared. Actually, it isn’t scary at all!” Lust waved her hands as she spoke. Sylvia’s body was instinctively terrified but couldn’t overwhelm Lust’s control. “If it is this womb, yes. 782 years. A mutation in the constitution that is loved by mana. It is a characteristic that can be expressed in an unconnected lineage and carried on to the third generation. She isn’t lacking to be the mother of the ‘last child’ to be born in this material world.”

“Don’t think I will just be watching!”

“Ahahaha! Why else do you think I came to negotiate? Listen to a person’s words to the end.”

Liliana’s fingers tightened as she let out a low growl, “Talk.”

Lust swept a hand over her hair that was moist with sweat and pointed to her brow.

Then like she had been waiting for this moment, she made a proposal, “It is simple. I had a bit of interest in you the last time I saw you, but now you are a transcendent, an existence beyond causality. I think the result will be quite interesting if I conceive with your ‘seed’.”


“I don’t mean to give birth to your child. The idea is to use it as a material. The possibilities of this world are closed due to Sloth, that son of a bitch. But it might be possible if your lineage is mixed in. It might be possible after a few centuries to reach the perfect...” Lust uttered confusing words.

Then Liliana realized the conversation was entering a realm she was unfamiliar with. However, Lust’s offer wasn’t a mockery. She mixed in a few threats as she urged her to make a choice, “Now, make your choice. Will you offer me your seed or throw this child away? These are your final choices.”

“...Then I will ask you three things,” Liliana said. Then in order to make a decision, she asked, “What if I give up Sylvia and destroy her body here? Won’t you lose both of what can be used in exchange for this ridiculous story?”

“Ah, don’t worry about it,” Lust whispered with Sylvia’s mask while wearing an innocent smile on her face. “I have prepared a few ways to recover this body. If you don’t believe it, you can try it. But at that point, the negotiations will be over. You will never see this child again.”

“Next. If I have a direct relationship with you, I won’t be able to escape your binding power even if I am a transcendent. Is this a power that you can control?”

“That is why I came in this body. In the early stages, the terminal can collect genetic factors, but it can’t control the mind. Besides, this kid is a long time friend of yours, so there shouldn’t be any problem.”

“...Hah.” Why would there not be a problem? Liliana wanted to lose her cool, but she somehow kept on talking. “...Finally. What guarantee do I have that you will completely free Sylvia?”

“The principle of the Seven Sins is that we don’t interfere with each other’s work. But sometimes there is a function that can enforce a relationship before we sometimes cooperate. Isn’t that right, Gluttony?”

Gluttony responded to the call, -The ‘Pledge of Sin.’ It has been a while.

“What is that?”

-A conditional command added to the core system of the Seven Sins. Even if we unlock the seventh seal, we can’t break this promise or bypass it. Even so, I never thought it would be mentioned. She is serious.

Gluttony was certain. Even if Liliana didn’t trust Lust, she couldn’t break this promise. So, if Liliana agreed to this contract, Lust couldn’t injure Sylvia through any means. It was why the last line, ‘Return Sylvia Adruncus to the West Continent’ was added, but the conditions were a matter of concern.

‘Whatever I choose, I will lose something.’

What if she gave her seed to save Sylvia and the result was the unstoppable heavenly demon? Was Sylvia’s life more valuable than the many lives in this world? On the other hand, what if she abandoned Sylvia? The lack of Liliana’s seed wouldn’t interfere with Lust’s plan. If she forsook Sylvia for an uncertain future, could Liliana Miller justify her sacrifice?

After a few moments of contemplation, her firmly closed eyelids opened again.

“Your answer?”

To Lust, who whispered as if she knew everything, she gave her response.

* * *

It was a shower.


The weather was clear and sunny, but water abruptly poured from the sky. The dried ground became moist, and the buds held their heads stiffly. A sound similar to a musical instrument came from water dripping on tiles, and the distant sound of thunder was the accompaniment.


On the floor of an unknown person’s house, thin silvery eyebrows trembled. Sylvia Adruncus, who had been sitting at the bottom of her consciousness, returned to reality. She stared up at the ceiling with hazy eyes before opening them as if something had struck her.

“Lili!” She screamed.

Then a voice came back immediately, “What is it?”

“Ah...!” Sylvia reflexively turned in that direction. At first, she was relieved, but then she fell into deep despair. She might’ve lost control of her physical body, but she was well aware of what the grimoire that occupied it had done. It wasn’t enough that she couldn’t protect herself, she had also given Liliana trouble. Sylvia would’ve preferred if she had rejected the dumb suggestion and just killed her.

Dduk. Tears flowed before she could thank her or apologize. “...Uh, sob, soob!”

Why was she always like this? She had been called a genius since childhood, yet she couldn’t stop holding onto her ankles.

Sylvia didn’t say a word and just cried. There was no shame in crying aloud as she buried her face in her knees. She wanted to stand next to her. For five years, she had been suppressing her heart. She had turned away as she got increasingly closer to Veronica, hoping to one day become a person who was essential to Liliana.

“I… sob, why? Always, like this, soob...!”

However, look at this. Despite being a master, she had pushed her onto a cliff. She cried with regret. This wasn’t good enough. It was different from Veronica who fought together with her. As always, Sylvia Adruncus was a burden clinging to old ties. Her eyes became increasingly dim as she became lost in her self-deprecation. Sylvia had no friends and her one family member was gone. She leaned against Liliana but realized that she was a nuisance even to her.

‘I... Why... am I alive?’

‘Die…’ Liliana couldn’t touch her, but there were many ways to kill herself. Before Liliana was in any more danger, she could break her circles and die in a way where she couldn’t be saved. A woman like her could only help her like this―


At that moment, a warm body temperature was transmitted to her damp body.

“I was really worried.”

Without any words of reproach, she was just worried. Liliana dragged her onto her knees and hugged her. Sylvia was aware of it as soon as she noticed the situation. No, she couldn’t not know.

‘Ah, I really―’

She was a shameless woman.


The guilt cutting at her bones and even the determination to kill herself all scattered with a single hug. In Liliana’s arms, Sylvia melted like a piece of ice in summer. If she wanted it, whatever. She knew everything she had to do. Although she didn’t have experience, she would do her best.


If she hesitated, her chance would be taken away.

“Can I hold you?”

Sylvia held her breath. Her joy, all the years she had been waiting for this moment, pressed down on her conscience. Even if it was only one time... She just wanted to forget everything. Instead of answering with words, she opened her arms and pulled Liliana to her. It was an awkward temptation. She smiled at the stiff gesture and followed where Sylvia led.

As she closed her eyes and her lips waited for a kiss, Liliana slowly moved her hands. It was time to take responsibility for their own choices.

Chapter 370 - Choice and Responsibility (3)


It was a strange landscape. The ground was dried out from a drought, and the countless scattered chunks of charcoal were barely recognizable. The haze rising from the ground and the heat that melted rocks like butter added goosebumps. Had a pyroclastic flow occurred here? No, it was still strange.


Above all, one had to look at the figure in the center. The ice golem melted in a matter of minutes, while the beauty who breathed naturally was the source of the discomfort. As she stood on the lava that wasn’t set, she looked around and muttered casually, “...Okay, this much is fine without me.”

The beauty, Veronica, flew away from this spot after knowing there were no more variants in the area.

This was after the negotiations between Lili and Lust were finished. Veronica followed her instructions and led the survivors to the Baekun Mountains. Escorting wasn’t her style, so she used her own method. However, the effects were good. She was moving one step ahead of the party and getting rid of all variants!

Veronica preferred head-on confrontations due to her nature, but her capability for high-speed flight and her overwhelming firepower made her a fearsome guerrilla.

‘Pour out attacks from the sky in a one-sided manner and then escape at a speed that can’t be followed. It is a winning strategy of one against many.’

Veronica had used this to tie up the feet of the Andras Empire back when masters were lacking. The sword masters hadn’t been able to catch up with her.

She had gotten the nickname, Witch of Heat, when she cut off the supply routes of the empire with her bombardments. In comparison, these monsters were nothing. They didn’t have any tactical ability and couldn’t cope with unexpected situations.

‘Sometimes strong ones pop out, but… it is useless.’

They were so dumb that they would chase her desperately for dozens of kilometers. Once they were exhausted by the chase and unable to fight properly, she would kill them. The variants who were capable of high-speed flight would be led into the trap that Veronica had laid in advance. Thus, she had killed tens of thousands of variants in just three days.


Once she returned to the point where the survivors were, they were just getting up and packing to leave. Simultaneously, the monk who had been on watch throughout the night welcomed Veronica.

“Welcome back. How is it at the front?”

“I swept them all away. There were around a hundred that fled, but you can handle those, right?”

“It isn’t a problem. Will you be going back to your wife?” Taeryun said while riding on a bony horse.

“Hey! My wife is coming to me! Are you making fun of me? Yes?” Veronica couldn’t repress her shout.

Taeryun laughed, raising both hands, “Huhu, don’t be so angry. It is because the two of you look so good together.”

“R-Really? Then, well...”

“Thank you for escorting us this far,” Taeryun bowed and thanked her sincerely.

They were saviors from foreign lands. Lili, Veronica, and Sylvia—if it hadn’t been for the three of them, there would be no survivors. Taeryun didn’t know what ties there were, but he promised to return the favor if they met again. As the two of them talked, the survivors started moving.

“I will be going now. Do you have anything left to say?”

“Um... Ah, yes,” Veronica remembered something. “Once you arrive in the Baekun Mountains, tell that girl something for me. Not in my name but in Lili’s.”

“What is it?”


The story wasn’t a long one. Once she told him Lili’s message, Taeryun nodded and turned away. It would take a day or two for the message to reach Orta’s ears. Veronica’s task was up to here. She waited as the procession headed toward the horizon and gradually became invisible.

There was something she hadn’t said in advance. Deeper than the heart, the connection from inside her soul was getting closer and closer.

‘Ah, they’re coming.’

She had a hunch before the signs of space movement occurred.


Unsurprisingly, two people appeared inside the light.

“Lili!” Veronica knew she was safe thanks to the contract, but she was excited to see her face again. She was about to jump into Lili's arms when she paused. It was because she had a passenger.

“...R-Red Tower Master.”

Why was Sylvia staring at her with wet eyes trembling with guilt? Veronica saw the way Sylvia was half-leaning against Lili on rubbery legs and laughed as she grasped the situation. “Hah.”

Sylvia stiffened as she interpreted the laugh in her own manner.

“Well, I knew this would happen one day.” Veronica winked at Lili before looking at Sylvia leaning on her chest.

Red and silver... Blue and gold... The two beautiful women with contrasting colors faced each other.

“But shouldn’t we organize the hierarchy?”


“The title is… Yes, will you call me older sister in private?”

“T-That...” Sylvia was embarrassed.

As Veronica glanced at Sylvia’s legs, she whispered, “You. Did you intentionally not use healing magic? I thought you were old-fashioned, but you’re quite cute.”

“Ah, t-that...”

“You’re mature enough not to be a child. I’m looking forward to the future. I hope you can show me the same face you are making now.”

Veronica patted the cheek of Sylvia, who turned red because she was unfamiliar with this type of contact. Looking at the relationship that went more gently than expected, Lili recalled a forgotten fact.

Veronica was much older than she looked. Moreover, Veronica had the blood of the red dragons, who were big on love. This made her flexible about old-fashioned notions of relationships.

“Lili.” After Sylvia melted from a few words and actions, Veronica approached her and spoke in a small voice. “Let me know what happened.”

“Ah, yes.”

It was a shortcut that was only possible with her. Lili closed her eyes and sent the full story of what happened with Lust a few days ago through the string of their contract. Veronica made an unpleasant expression while viewing the content, then she frowned like she was worried about something. “Tch, so that is what happened. Then what are you going to do?”

“Once we return Sylvia to the kingdom, we must join the supporting forces in Japan and move to Geongun Castle. If it is as I expect, the defenses will already be complete...”

“Hrm,” Veronica made a subtle noise and poked her side.

“What is it?”

“That isn’t all. With your nature, you won’t move according to the wishes of another party. Did you do something? Just let me know.”

“Let’s see?” Lili smiled with a strange expression. It was neither positive nor negative. Veronica saw her expression and laughed. It was clearly a suspicious expression. If she couldn’t tell her, then there must be a reason. It was enough to know that the foundation was laid.

Lili turned away from the laughing Veronica and smiled coldly. In any history, the winner was the last one to smile.

* * *

From that day on, the landscape of the East Continent started to change at a speed that no one could catch. Variants were created through Lust’s work, and those who refused had their lands stained with blood and death. They were residents who ran away from the castle, shamans hidden deep in the mountains, and warriors who knew honor.

Of course, there were separate factors that caused a change. On top of a mountain peak, a voice entered Lili’s ears, “South Army, the 5th unit under the command of Kamiizumi Nobutsuna. We have come.”

Seimei’s strategy was to advance southward and have the forces of Japan to meet up at a promised place. Kamiizumi Nobutsuna and his immediate relatives had made it. They were injured in the process, but it wasn’t a big loss because Suzuka and Seimei had leeway to heal them.

“Kuahahat! North Army, I, Shuten-doji, have come to play!”

Following the southern army, the northern army soon arrived at the mountain peak. The blood-covered Shuten-doji gave a hearty laugh and looked much more lively than when they first met. He lived to fight and fought to die. For Shuten-doji, the strongest of the Oni clan, the last few days had been more pleasurable than the one thousand years he had spent on Oe Mountain.

“Shuten-doji, I don’t see Tsuchigumo?”

“Oh, he died. The feudal lord was quite strong. They left together, so there is no lingering attachment.”

“...I see.”

Indeed, it was an oni-like way of thinking. However, Daitengu had no objections and just nodded. For youkai, there wasn’t much difference between life and death.

Lili looked at those gathered here and arranged the present situation.

‘The two feudal lords in the west have escaped to Geongun Castle, and I missed one of them. This means there are at least three sacred creatures at Geongun Castle.’

That wasn’t a fatal mistake. After all, there wouldn’t be a big difference with Geongun Castle’s defense system. It was troublesome if the feudal lords controlled the variants, but their combat power wasn’t enough to control this phase. The first objective was to enter Geongun Castle.

The last troops arrived as she reached this conclusion.

Flash! It was a spatial movement. Lili recognized a familiar flash and heard familiar voices.

“Lili! This bastard went and left us alone!”

“...I am embarrassed. I’m glad we’re not too late.”

Randolph and Titania, the companions Lili had left behind when she crossed to the East Continent, looked disgruntled but didn’t care about the danger. The reason to not be defeated increased by one more factor. Lili smiled happily and thanked them while apologizing. Randolph grunted while Titania accepted the apology.

Then it was at this moment that...




Everyone went into combat mode as an enormous magic power was felt above their heads. It felt like the sky was falling down. Out of nowhere, a big shadow shrouded the sky. Only Lili was able to greet them with a slightly surprised expression.

“...I didn’t know you would come.”

She didn’t know why they had come to the East Continent despite their battle wounds from last time still not being fully healed.

[We didn’t come to help you, human. Don’t be complacent.]

[Huhu, we can’t help you much. Please use us properly.]

A dragon of the red clan, Brasmati, and a dragon of the green clan, Erucus—the dragons whom Lili met during the battle against Sloth were now staring at her with golden eyes.

Lili welcomed them with open arms and thought, ‘I will win.’

Chapter 371 - Advent of the Heavenly Demon (1)

The magnificent mountain, Hwang Mountain, had a height of 3,000 meters and was the barrier that surrounded the capital of the middle empire. There were many places which were difficult to ascend or descend due to the mountain, and the roads leading to the capital were fiercely guarded. An unidentified intruder would be killed on the spot. No matter how prestigious their standing, they wouldn’t be able to avoid a serious punishment if they entered without permission from the imperial family.

Liliana stepped foot on Hwang Mountain and made a ridiculing expression. ‘...The country looks like this.’ The empty guard posts and remnants of scattered soldiers looked miserable. There were no bloodstains, and fighting didn’t seem to have occurred. They had probably entered Geongun Castle under the imperial order. Lust needed more sacrifices than guards.

Lili broke down the closed door that had no guards and made a beckoning gesture. The present Liliana didn’t need to speak any chants. The moment she decided to destroy it, this structure collapsed like a sandcastle before waves.

“Hmm, your hands are hot today. Did something bad happen to you?” Seimei, who accompanied her, came over with a strange expression. Liliana hadn’t realized it, but her current method of using magic was a bit more forceful. She belatedly noticed the difference and shook her head with a soft smile. “It isn’t a big deal. The final battle is approaching, so I’m probably just tense.”

“Is that so? From my point of view... No, I guess it is okay,” Seimei tried to say something before shrugging it off. “You can handle it. This isn’t a story for an old man who has already died.”


“It is nothing. You will realize it yourself without having to listen to me. Let’s focus on the problem we are facing right now.”

Liliana wanted to hear about it, but Seimei climbed the mountain like he didn’t want to speak any more. Additionally, it was better not to know if it was a story that would disturb the upcoming conflict with Lust. So, she shook off her curiosity. The two of them climbed to the top of Hwang Mountain and looked down at the scenery below them.


“Yes, that is Geongun Castle.”

Liliana saw the capital of Geongun Castle for the first time and had to admire the fortress that was at the center of enemy forces. It couldn’t be compared with Belfort, the capital of the Andras Empire. The labor and cost of the building process, as well as the defenses of the castle itself, couldn’t be underestimated. It was a phenomenal building, as if all of human civilization over time had squeezed it out.

“The castle’s name of Heaven and Earth isn’t just arrogance... It boasts a ridiculous function. This castle is the reason why I didn’t choose an all-out war.”

Even Seimei, who could proudly claim to have been the strongest in the east at that time, had been limited to putting only one body inside the castle, and he had eventually fallen. Seimei’s white eyebrows bent slightly as he looked at Geongun Castle, which had caused his death. Then he pointed out his left index finger toward Geongun Castle. “Kagutsuchi, stab.”

There was no time for Liliana to stop him. The spell was already complete when Seimei spoke these two words. It was an attack magic that borrowed the divinity of fire. Simultaneously, a flaming giant appeared and threw a big sword all the way to Geongun Castle.


It had enormous speed and power. After leaving the giant’s hands, the greatsword reached the castle and caused a massive explosion 15 meters away from the wall. That was an attack which could be felt from a few kilometers away. It was magic that would be found among the top of the 8th circle.


Even so, there wasn’t a single bit of damage on the translucent barrier around the castle. Liliana’s face stiffened as she saw the ward that was revealed the moment Seimei attacked. However, Seimei didn’t look surprised that his attack was so easily nullified. The defense of this barrier greatly exceeded even the ultimate spells.

“Dammit! How many people were killed to make this? At least 800 million, considering the inefficient structure...”


Liliana stopped Seimei, who was muttering gibberish with anger, and looked at him for an explanation. Seimei closed his eyes before explaining with a cold expression, “As you know, the more complex the structure of the ward, the better the efficiency. If a barrier with a complexity of one can stop one force, a barrier with a complexity of 10 would be able to handle 10 or maybe 20. Do you understand up to here?”


“But if you follow this principle, it doesn’t mean the barrier will become stronger indefinitely. The more complex formulas that are used, the more ways there are to break them. Therefore, a ward must inevitably find a compromise between these two elements. Increase efficiency or eliminate gaps? This doesn’t change even in the ultimate state.”

It wasn’t a perfect analogy, but it was similar to a mechanical device. The more complex the structure of the machinery, the greater the performance of the system. However, one empty space could lead to a fatal flaw. Focusing on the complexity wasn’t necessarily the best thing for a ward. However, Seimei was disgusted by this ward. “Now, here is the question. What is the level of the ward surrounding the castle now?”

“Isn’t it at an excellent level?”

“Perhaps. It isn’t that much.”

The vague answer left Liliana confused. Seimei ground his teeth together. “The system is beginner level, with no basics. The efficiency isn’t even at 1:1. It is a trash barrier that wouldn’t even be taught to first-time shamans. That is the essence of the Geongun Castle ward.”

“B-But! The ultimate spell couldn’t break through the defense of the ward. How can such a defense―”

“It is simple. If the efficiency is low, just pour in energy. There are plenty of sacrifices on this land.”


After hearing those words, Liliana was able to see them—the transcendent defense power of Geongun Castle and the foundation of this force. She now understood the meaning of Seimei’s previous words. 800 million—no, maybe more than that—was the number of people consumed to form and maintain this inefficient ward.

“...The efficiency of the ward wasn’t considered, and this method was just used to stop it from breaking?”

“It is obvious but perfect. It is so stupid that I can’t think of a way to attack. If you describe the ward as a wall, breaking it is like cracking open the bricks that make up the wall. Yet this ward is a piece of stone, not a wall. It can only be crushed with strength.”

The problem was that even that method was impossible. It was a stone made of 800 million or more lives.

Imagine the case with Lairon. The legendary black magician, Jerem, had used all the people of Lairon as sacrifices to call Nídhöggur. It was only a partial force, but it was enough to call down a demon king that threatened the whole material world. Now, 30% of a continent was focused on one inefficient ward!


[Yes, Master.]

Liliana calculated her maximum firepower and what would happen if they collided with the ward.

‘With the power of the Eight Jade Magatamas, I can create seven clones and use the ultimate magic. I can also invoke the fusion spell that borrows the power of the god-sword. Calculate the possibility of breaking through if I hit a single point.’

[I understand.]

The prohibited book Goetia was silent for a few seconds before coming up with an answer.

[Less than 0.105% chance. It is impossible.]

However, Liliana continued without stopping, ‘Summoning Fafnir and maintain his Eraser for 10 seconds.’

[0.312%, error range is 0.027%. It is impossible.]

‘Summon a top soul. Use one of Simon Magus’ spells.’

[0.289%, error range is 0.012%. It is impossible.]

‘The deification of Dmitra. Can she break down the ground that makes up the ward and weaken it?’

[0.138%, error range is 0.02%. It is impossible. Additionally, Dmitra’s deification can only be done in the Great Forest, so this situation is impossible.]

Liliana clicked her tongue as she was reminded of this fact. Why hadn’t she called Mitra the whole time she had been in the east? Now that the world tree had lost its vitality, Mitra was the one sustaining the Great Forest. Her deification was based on the faith of the elves, so she could only exercise the power of a god in the Great Forest. Outside of the Great Forest, she was just a powerful ancient elemental.

“...It is impossible to break through the front.”

Seimei nodded with a bitter smile. “That's right. In my time, I could enter alone. But they seem to have learned a lesson from that. My mother, who has no interest in anything other than mating, seems to have used her brains.”

“Maybe the ‘great monk’ who will soon arrive can do something, but... I don’t think there will be a breakthrough.”

“Tsk, can we only come this far?”

The expression ‘a pie in the sky’ came to mind. The home where their enemy was plotting was right in front of them, yet there was no way to enter. However, Liliana shook her head and denied it. She was ready for this frustration. “It is too early to give up.”

“Hoh?” Seimei’s eyes shone and he responded immediately, “It seems you still have a trick remaining. What are you thinking?”

“It is a simple matter. If they want to buy time, then we can prepare something.”

“What are you going to prepare?”

“A hunt.”

During the negotiations with Lust, Liliana prepared a trap that she knew couldn’t be escaped from. The advent of a heavenly demon... She planned to drop that ghastly ceremony into hell.

* * *

After she went up to Hwang Mountain with Seimei, Liliana started to prepare an unknown work. There was nothing they could do as long as there was no way to destroy the ward around Geongun Castle. They reconstructed a vacant lot near Hwang Mountain, set up an empty place by digging at the ground in the wilderness, and installed something in the land.

“Liliana, what is the point of this construction?” Suzuka asked her out of curiosity.

However, Liliana didn’t answer her question. There was a possibility that someone here might leak information, but more than anything, the enemy’s capabilities were unknown. If they could read minds with just a look... It was clear that more than half the plans Liliana was preparing would be lost.

“I am bored so I will help you.”

“I will also help. Don’t damage the forest as much as possible.”

“...That elf there, did you say something to me?”

Additionally, the colleagues that Liliana brought directly took the initiative to join Suzuka and Nobutsuna. The Japanese warriors didn’t know the meaning of the labor but were forced to take part in the simple work. Several of them were qualified to be masters. Once such a labor force was mobilized, a part of the mountain was quickly changed to the form that Liliana desired.

After seven days and nights of construction, she went to the next stage. “Masters, I want to have a talk with you.”

If a heavenly demon were born, then Liliana was the only one who would be able to confront him head-on. According to Gluttony, the heavenly demon wasn’t a transcendent but was a monster that demonstrated combat power beyond transcendence. In another dimension, he would climb to be demon king and spread blood and nightmares all over. No matter how strong the people gathered here were, they wouldn’t be able to endure more than a few seconds in front of him.

Thus, Liliana prepared a few tricks.


“T-That is possible?”

“Wow, I pity that guy called the heavenly demon. If we do this, won’t we be able to win?”

“...If the prey is strong, it is the hunter’s job to design a strategy. Okay, I will be the arrow in your snares.”

Each master received the description over hours and nodded in admiration or surprise at Liliana’s words. If they couldn’t do this, they would die anyway. Nobutsuna was obsessed with a 1:1 match and wasn’t convinced, but he couldn’t say anything against the strategy of the much stronger Liliana.

A few days after that... As soon as the hands of the masters training diligently started moving at the right tempo, a guest found Liliana. He was an old man in a wheelchair, unable to walk. There were familiar faces on both sides of the old man, so Liliana easily guessed his identity. Taeryun and Taerang were escorting the old man on the left and right.

“It is nice to meet you, Supreme Monk. I am sorry to greet you in this shabby place.”

According to what Liliana had learned, the supreme monk had lived for over 300 years. Once Liliana showed politeness according to seniority, the supreme monk laughed in an old voice, “Haha! You are as humble as these two children, Taeryun and Taerang, said. This old man has no regrets because I get to meet such a person of distinction.”


His tone sounded like he had been waiting for Liliana. She was surprised by the meaningful tone and raised her head. Blue eyes and black eyes met each other silently. No, the silence was just Liliana’s illusion. It was just like when time slowed to the extreme when she was concentrating.

‘What is this impression?’

Why did she get the feeling that she had met this person before? Inside her puzzled brain, a flash of light glowed. If it had been a few more months, she would’ve missed it. Since there was a recent encounter, she was able to recall the person at the source of this deja vu. “...You were also on the East Continent.”

The two monks blushed at Liliana’s lack of honorifics. However, they were stopped by the supreme monk, who smiled and nodded. “It might be a bit different from your thoughts, but yes. Can I talk to you for a few minutes? I have something to say to you.”

Chapter 372 - Advent of the Heavenly Demon (2)

Liliana held the handles of the supreme monk’s wheelchair, leaving the others behind. It wasn’t a story that could be heard by other people, and she needed time to sort it out in her head. Not a single word was spoken until they entered a quiet and empty lot, with the only noise coming from the wheels of the chair....Kirik.

Once the wheels finally stopped, Liliana opened her mouth, “How long have you been on this continent?” The question came out of nowhere, but the supreme monk didn’t question it. Rather, his white eyebrows gathered together like he was worrying over something. Liliana waited a few seconds. Mixed in with the crisp sound of the leaves, the old man replied, “Before I answer that question, I want to let you know one thing.”

“What is it?”

The supreme monk made eye contact with Liliana. “I am sure that you have guessed my origin. But the life of the supreme monk is mine. I hope you don’t identify me with the ‘me’ that you met before.”

“Then you are separate entities?”

“Yes. I am an avatar born from Prometheus’ divinity, but each self has an independent ego. The ‘me’ that you met in the West Continent is a different person.”

Myrdal Herseim hadn’t been the only avatar that Prometheus left behind in this world. The supreme monk looked at Liliana as he gave this explanation. After meeting his eyes, Liliana could understand. The weight of time on the monk and his eyes resembled Myrdal, but there were differences.

In the West Continent, Myrdal was one of the greatest elementalists. In the East Continent, he was the supreme monk. Both of them were amazing as avatars of a god, but they weren’t the same person.

Myrdal Herseim was dead. Liliana considered it for a few seconds before nodding. “...I understand.”

Then the supreme monk said with a wrinkled smile, “Now this old man is going to answer. I have been living since the black dragon fell to the ground and the end of the Investiture of the Gods era... It was enough for the snake to ascend three times.”

“3-3,000 years?” Liliana’s eyes widened as she immediately understood what that meant. It was said that once a snake lived for 500 years, it would become an imoogi. Once an imoogi lived for 500 years, it would become a dragon and ascend to the sky. If this was true, it meant the supreme monk had been in the East Continent since the days of the Age of Mythology.

“Well, I didn’t play any star role. It was around 1,000 years ago that I took a position as a monk. Ah, please don’t reveal this about me. The children under me think that I inherited the position.”

“Of course. It wouldn’t be good to have these words leaked.”

“Thank you,” the supreme monk thanked Liliana for her promise and took a deep breath. It seemed that the supreme monk had an unhealthy body. Perhaps the body that lived for 3,000 years was reaching the end of its lifespan.

“Before I return to the dust, I have something to tell you.”

“I’m listening.”

“My connection to this world of gods has long been broken, but the things they left behind still remain. I will hand them over now. In exchange, will you listen to one of my requests?”

Liliana’s eyebrows raised slightly. She was reminded of Taeryun’s ward. The ability to defend and the secrecy were details that Liliana didn’t miss. Unlike magic, which artificially manipulated the world, shamanism naturally induced the power that existed in the world. It might fall behind magic in areas such as efficiency and destruction power, but it could exercise greater strength in barrier making and stealth.

“As you know, the qi of this world is greatly reduced,” the supreme monk started the story regardless of whether Liliana knew, seeming to have accepted Liliana’s silence as consent. “The creatures born from nature will reduce, but humans will become weaker over the next 300 years. It won’t happen now, but there will be great sacrifices over the next century or so."

“Umm, maybe not.”

The descent of the heavenly demon was something that would never be seen again in this material world. Unlike the West Continent, it would obviously have a big influence on the East Continent. The number of people had greatly decreased in this war, and the monsters would increase. It wasn’t enough to influence the material world, but it could potentially be a great disaster.

“I don’t know if a big enemy will appear again. But this old man won’t be alive until then. Please don’t turn away from the people of this land.” The supreme monk couldn’t raise his body from the wheelchair, but he turned his pale face toward Liliana.

One of the most mysterious figures in the East Continent, the supreme monk, bowed his head humbly.

“Raise your head.”

Why did a non-human want to protect humans? Prometheus treated this world like a chessboard, yet his avatars were devoted to humanity. It was the same for both Myrdal and the supreme monk. Thus, Liliana didn’t think about becoming angry.

“The dragon lord gave me the responsibility to defend this world, and the East Continent is also under my jurisdiction. For as long as I live, I will not neglect this duty.”

“Ohh...!” The supreme monk made an admiring sound at this short declaration. “You are truly the right person to be a hero of this age... A person who doesn’t care about the arrangements of the old era and walks the right way. This old man can sleep now.”

His tear glands had also dried up. The old man’s eyes wrinkled several times before he pulled out something that was wrapped up. It was a scroll, and once opened, it looked like a watercolor painting. Three rings decorating a staff, a crescent-shaped sword, and a rope wrapped in light had been elaborately drawn in the painting.

“The Mountains and River drawing, open.”

Once the supreme monk activated the scroll, the image popped out like it was reality!


Subsequently, the scroll was torn apart since it had a limited use. Still, the Mountains and River Drawing that poured out was fine.

“There is no owner. Will you give it a try?”

“Yes,” Liliana accepted the proposal without hesitation and picked up the staff with the three rings with her left hand. Gluttony, sensing the treasure, extended a tongue straight away.

[+17 Fleeing Dragon Staff (Treasured Object)][A sacred relic from ancient times, it controls the power of the mountains and rivers. The three rings symbolize the heavens and the earth. It can be used to supplement techniques, but the proper method to use it is to throw it. Once thrown at a target, the Fleeing Dragon Staff distorts the space around the target, sealing it off.* The rating of the treasured object is ‘Legend.’* When used, the target is sealed in the spatial coordinates.* When consumed, your ability in space magic will greatly increase.* When absorbed, space magic understanding and aptitude will increase slightly.* When absorbed, you can obtain clues about the space system.]

‘Hoh.’ Liliana wasn’t shocked since she had encountered several divine objects, but the staff wasn’t something that could be made in this era. If a master were caught off guard, it could be used to disable them at once. If put into the hands of a proper owner, its sealing ability would amplify several times.

It wasn’t just this Fleeing Dragon Staff, but the other two objects as well. There was the Wugou Sword, which cut off the head of a giant monster, and the Immortal Rope, which could tie up a sacred creature. They were treasures which exerted more power than a master if handled properly.

Even so, the supreme monk said reluctantly, “Huhu, it is my fault that I couldn’t preserve the Tashinpyeong or the Taegukdo. These objects could be compared to the three treasures of Japan...”

“Why are you blaming yourself? Just these items will be a great help. Thank you, Supreme Monk.” Liliana’s words made the supreme monk smile, and he pointed in one direction. “But I can help you with one more thing. I will complete the work that you are preparing on that mountain. When it comes to barriers, I pride myself on being better than onmyōdōs.”

“...You saw through it with just one glance. I understand.” Liliana was unable to deceive the supreme monk and smiled.

It was something she would use to deal with the soon-to-be-born evil spirit. The fighting strength of a sorceress increased in proportion to their preparation. They would regret giving her nearly a month to prepare.

* * *

The sun was just about to set. It had been a day since Liliana met with the supreme monk, received the three treasured objects, and had the gaps in her magic circle filled up. Liliana felt it this morning—the sign that the whole world was sinking into a deep sea, just before something terrible was going to happen.

‘...There isn’t much time left.’

As light cast a shadow on the ground, everyone got a foreboding feeling. The energy of evil was constantly flowing from Geongun Castle. All the wickedness in the heavens and the earth seemed to be drawn into an abyss in the ground. After preparing for battle, the party stood gazing in the direction of Geongun Castle. Their concentration was so extreme that they could see the trajectory of a lightning strike.

―Thump. At that moment, all life in the area felt a single vibration.

‘T-This...’ Liliana noticed the reality before anyone else and was shocked.

“This vibration… Surely, it isn’t?”

“It isn’t born yet...!”

As the party members were confused, Liliana, used to mythical presences, reacted immediately, “All members! Keep in mind my instructions and wait in your positions!”

It had been a long time since there came about the existence of a power that all the masters couldn’t face. Even with full support and the strength of magic and shamanism, it was a mythical disaster that mere mortals simply couldn’t face.

Randolph Clovis, Kamiizumi Nobutsuna...Miko Suzuka, Veronica, Titania, the dragons, and so on...Shuten-doji, Daitengu, and the two monks...


Liliana left her 11 colleagues and climbed to the top of a familiar mountain peak with a single space transfer. It was a place from which she could clearly see Geongun Castle. Although it was difficult to see inside the castle due to the influence of the barrier, she could see the approximate landscape. Given the distance and the situation, the enemy was bound to aim for Liliana. Thus, she moved away from the party.

―Thump. There was the sound of a heartbeat again.

Liliana was convinced that the next time she heard the heartbeat, ‘he’ would be born. Her super sensitivity, which reached the realm of foresight, was sharper than ever, so Liliana waited tensely as she got closer to the moment she didn’t want to arrive.

One second, one second, one second, and one second… Time flowed mercilessly. Then that moment came.


Beyond the wall of time and space, the sense of its existence was delivered to Liliana’s body like a lightning bolt. A great demon that reigned in the sky, he was born into this material world.


It was at this moment that...

“Ha, it is like this.” Liliana looked at the pattern on her right hand and felt power start to flow in front somewhere. A source with no limitations—it was the strength of this material world itself.

“A force that can only be used if the enemy of the world appears.”

Liliana couldn’t use it blindly. If she borrowed too much power, then this material world would be ruined. It was a fatal blow to the world that had lost a lot of mana because Sloth had been expelled. She dropped her right hand, which felt heavy, and looked at Geongun Castle. Then…

“Dimensional Leave.”

The power of Umbra suddenly spread out from her body!

「 Search with administrator authority. #Space coordinates # Liliana Miller,」 she invoked the search function as she disappeared from this material world.

Right now, Liliana had entered the astral world with Umbra’s power. Thanks to this, Liliana wasn’t caught in the search function of this administrative authority. However, she caused this situation because she predicted the result.

[Object name “Liliana Miller” can’t be found.][Showing the spatial coordinates and names of the entities with a link to object name ‘Liliana Miller.’][Veronica, Aquilo, Sylvia Adruncus, Ellenoa, ■■.]

Aside from the previous four, Liliana concentrated her attention on the final target. The information couldn’t be published completely, even with administrative authority. There was only one such monster in the world. The world couldn’t endure the endlessly pouring information.

[Heavenly demon, X12745 Y98329 Z82712.]


Simultaneously, Liliana released Dimensional Leave. Her body returned to the material world, and she raised both hands. From now on, she would be using summoning magic. It was an accomplishment beyond Summoner Satomer.

‘Normally, it would be too much for a new transcendent. However, now that my administrative authority has been activated, my magic breaks down even dimensional boundaries.’

It was impossible with ordinary space magic. The Geongun Castle ward was more solid because it was so simple. It was unreasonable even if Liliana used Orta’s technique. However, what if she reached the realm of dimensional magic? The ward was proven to block physical phenomena from this material world, but it was relatively defenseless against interference from other dimensions.

「 Authorizing as the administrator. Opening the dimensional door, specifying coordinates―」

Liliana had one key to another dimension.

[Dimension coordinates have been recognized. The key is activated.][CODE: Lævateinn][Correctly enter the space coordinates to open the door to the dimension called ‘Muspelheim.’]

Liliana scoffed while enduring the stifling pressure of the world. The heavenly demon was just happy to be born while Lust caused this disaster. It was time to open fire before them.

「 Door to Muspelheim, open!」

Exactly three seconds later, the inside of the ward surrounding Geongun Castle was lit by a pale light.

Chapter 373 - Advent of the Heavenly Demon (3)

It was incandescent! The air around Geongun Castle burned steadily and emitted a white light. The concept of wavelength wasn’t well established yet, but the heat could be estimated based on the color. White was the most dangerous state. Liliana looked at the white light that went beyond an average person’s eyes.

‘I didn’t know that the absolute defense system would be so extreme.’

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the ward that Lust had established around the castle was at a mythical level. The ward could endure even a transcendental attack from Nídhöggur. There wasn’t a straightforward means of entering. Thus, Liliana changed her method of approach itself. If she couldn’t break in from outside the castle, she would break it from inside the castle. It was possible by using this technique to find the space coordinates of the heavenly demon.

“The amount of heat energy trapped in Muspelheim, the land in which Fafnir resides, is literally close to infinity. Can you afford to endure this power in a confined and narrow space?”

Of course, Geongun Castle was larger and more extensive than Belfort of Andras, but Muspelheim was a dimension. It was like trying to put the ocean in a portable bottle. The defense of the ward was so strong that it endured for a while, but the end was scheduled the moment the door to the dimension was opened. Liliana could see the walls start to melt.


The special metal, which was more expensive than gold, and the magically treated stones melted like butter. The structure inside had melted a long time ago. The strong variants gathered evaporated after a few seconds, and it could be said that Lust had already lost 99.9% of her power at this point.

Liliana sweated at the sight that was several times more fearful than she had expected. “No, isn’t this enough to kill a red dragon?”

The output was actually lower than Veronica’s Breath as Muspelheim was too large and it took a lot of time to move the power to the material world. However, as a result of accumulating heat in a confined space, the heat inside the castle surpassed even the ultimate fire magic. Even a red dragon that could swim through magma would burn in this castle.


At this moment, a sound was heard in Liliana’s ears.


She thought it would take at least three minutes, but the heat overflowing from Muspelheim was more than expected. There were many cracks in the ward. The air leaking through the gap distorted the atmosphere, and some of the birds passing by were burned. They were burned deep into their bones in a few seconds.

Jjeok! Jjejejeok! Jjejeok!

Once there was a crack, it spread quickly. The surface of the ward split like a spider web. The light swirling inside came in contact with cold air and found new prey. This was the moment when the seemingly impregnable ward collapsed.

‘Now, it is adequate.’

Simultaneously, Liliana closed her eyes and focused. It was good that the ward was destroyed and the enemies in the castle were eliminated, but if she let it go, the heat in the ward would run all over the place. Now was the time to close the door to Muspelheim. It was easier to close than to open because the world wanted to restore its original shape. A few seconds after the administrator’s command was dropped, the door that appeared in Lust’s presence disappeared.

Liliana opened her eyes and raised her right hand above her head. The ultimate electrical magic—a golden flash of light—struck Geongun Castle. 「 Penetrate, Keraunos! 」 It was the finishing blow.


Like a wedge in a collapsing dam, the lightning bolt from the sky pierced a big hole in the middle of Geongun Castle. The heat trapped in the narrow space overflowed. Look at the white pillar of fire that rushed through the atmosphere and into the sky! No, the torrent of energized plasma from inside the castle reminded her of the spear of a goddess piercing the ground.

“...It is a sight that I won’t forget even after 1,000 years pass.”

If the concept of ‘night’ were a part of life, it would’ve died a while ago. A glowing whirlpool broke through the clouds and tore the sky. If the flash had struck in any direction other than the sky, it would’ve caused astronomical damage.

Liliana sighed with relief and stared at the inside of Geongun Castle. ‘There are four life reactions that can be clearly detected in the castle... Perhaps they’re the three feudal lords gathered in Geongun Castle. However, it is a bit difficult to confirm Lust’s disappearance.’

Thanks to the awful heat inside the castle, Liliana’s detection magic didn’t work well. In the case of the heavenly demon and feudal lords, it was possible to know due to the size of their forces. However, Lust was hard since she didn’t fight directly.

But soon after, Liliana expanded her senses. Since the heavenly demon project was completed, her life or death wasn’t important. Even if she survived, she could be killed in a few minutes if she won this fight.

‘All three of the feudal lords are dying. Not one of them is a sacred creature of fire? Then there is nothing to worry about other than...’

Setting aside the three presences wavering like a candle, she focused on the fourth that was like a nightmare.

Chill. The feeling of ‘death’ that she had never felt after becoming a transcendent froze Liliana’s spine. Not even one second after Liliana detected it, she entered combat mode. It was just after this that...


One strike. A mass of light shot out of the burning white Geongun Castle and blew toward Liliana’s location faster than lightning. The historic Hwang Mountain was shattered. Dozens or hundreds of tons of rock rose into the sky and poured down like rain. Thanks to the fire that was still burning white, the night sky was as bright as daylight, and the whole area was shaded by the shadows of falling rocks.

「 Reflection. 」 A word sent the rock shower back.

Huoong! Hung! Huuung!

The rocks that were attracted to the ground because of gravity soared into the sky again, and the eyes of the monster curved. The eyes held nothing but feelings of murder and malice.


As the rings of light extended once again, all the rocks around the monster evaporated without a trace. They were neither melted nor burned. Instead, the instantaneously applied heat energy caused sublimation.

‘Yes, this is the power of Karura...!’

It was said that Karura had even received a lightning strike from Indra, one of the heavenly kings. He had some of the power of the sun god, so he couldn’t be hurt by lightning. Liliana saw through the reality and raised tension. Everything disturbing her vision disappeared as the red and blue eyes of the two beings faced each other.

‘There is a lot of resemblance to Lust.’

The black-haired man had a neutral beauty and an unknown magic power.

“How interesting,” the heavenly demon’s face twisted as he spoke. “This is a world where only insects can be seen. I thought I wouldn’t be able to cure the endless hunger of this body, but you will be pretty good.”

“Ha, where did you learn to bluff after just being born?” Liliana endured the heavenly demon’s presence and continued to talk sarcastically to him. “A child who is speaking nonsense after not even being born for half a day. I really wonder about your parents’ faces. Ah! I'm sorry. I just burned your mother.”

“...You.” The heavenly demon was completely immune to mental attacks, but the limits of his patience quickly broke.

He spat a piece of tooth out of its mouth. With white and red eyes, the heavenly demon sentenced the person who made him uncomfortable to death, “I will kill you. I won’t leave a single piece of flesh behind.”

Then at the moment when he was about to distort space and take a life...


The world stopped. The heavenly demon took half a step forward, his lips shaking as he tried to speak. In a world where time had stopped, he wasn’t completely frozen.

[Yes, you, now, act, once...]

Additionally, he was rapidly adapting to this Time Stop. It would take him a few minutes or even a few seconds to adjust perfectly. He was indeed a monster that wasn’t lacking when compared to the title of a demon king.

「 Now I am faster. Absolute Zero. 」

It was the ultimate ice magic from Sylvia. A pale light wound around the body of the heavenly demon. It was a cold that stopped the movement of molecules, living existences, and inanimate objects. In fact, this Absolute Zero couldn’t exert its power in ordinary space. It was because the space would lose its power when the ultimate ice magic was implemented, and the absolute power couldn’t be maintained before reaching the target.

However, the situation changed greatly if it was combined with Time Stop. Liliana’s Sorcery strengthened the ice surrounding the heavenly demon.

「 Freeze to death, Cocytus. 」

Frozen a second time... The body might hold on, but the mind couldn’t. This was the ultimate magic that went beyond the physical and non-physical boundaries which could harm even a newly born transcendent. It was an ice that could seal an ancient dragon permanently.


Even so, the heavenly demon made a big crack in the ice.

[This body, freezing... won’t work!]

Jjang! One arm protruded from the ice. The ice that couldn’t be broken by physical force was broken. The body of the heavenly demon, whose skin was blue, gradually escaped from the flow of Time Stop. Had he acquired resistance to the ice attribute? No, it was faster than that. He used another power instead of Karura. It was something that couldn’t be used together without Liliana’s Forced Harmonization ability.

「 Well, I thought it would come out like this. 」

By the time the heavenly demon escaped from the ice cube and opened his eyes, Liliana had already carried out the next attack.

Hellfire x Heavenly Sword.
Fusion Complete: Hellfire Sword.

A blade of fire suddenly appeared in Liliana’s hand and pierced the heavenly demon’s heart. It wasn’t a sharp penetration but an overwhelmingly destructive stab!

Ku kwa kwa kwang!

One stab pierced through the top of the already damaged mountain peak. Rocks weren’t an obstacle in front of Hellfire Sword’s destructive power. Hellfire was terrible enough to slice through adamantium. After a few hundred meters or kilometers, they both stopped falling. No, it was that Liliana’s thrusting power was blocked by the heavenly demon.

“C-Cough!” The heavenly demon spat out black blood and looked at the curved blade that hadde cut a few ribs like it was interesting. “Sword, is it? It seems you are well equipped.”

“Tch!” Liliana realized it wasn’t a fatal blow and moved. However, the heavenly demon stretched out one hand like he was shaping something. It was a hand with nothing... yet a bloody sword sprang up from his hand.

‘Aura Blade...?! It is also master level!’

This was a state where he could materialize his own weapon. The heavenly demon held the distinctive nine-ring dao and moved his wrist like it was an unfamiliar feeling.

“It is okay. Let’s try it once.” The heavenly demon jumped one step and hit Liliana.

The sword in his hand wasn’t clumsy as it contained a profound essence.

Peng Jia’s Secret Dao Technique.
Decisive Hidden Technique.
Five Tigers Open Dao, Three Liquid Fall.

The aura blade split into three, and Liliana couldn’t escape in any direction. Liliana admired the attack briefly as she was surrounded.

Fairy Dance’s Direct Transmission.
Four Major Hidden Techniques.
Fierce Wind and Rain.

She held Soul Calibre in her right hand and the Heavenly Sword in her left hand, and tore up the three tigers. The wind blew like a blade in response. The third hidden technique, Fierce Wind and Rain, broke through the encirclement and surrounded the enemy’s body. It was a strike at the wrong time. The heavenly demon faced the storm that Liliana created from the front.

‘I can’t give him time. He is getting stronger at a ridiculous rate!’

The momentum of the storm was further amplified. The power of the two blades, which already contained forces that were difficult to confront, was extremely dangerous to a person’s body. However, the heavenly demon took two steps calmly.

“You have pretty good tricks. Let’s hang out for a while.” The heavenly demon had a relaxed expression as he smiled and moved.

He used a martial art used in Japan. It was based on onmyōji ideology and had the power to control all types of phenomena. The technique that had been cut off in ancient times now emerged.

Wudang Faction Esoteric Law.
Wudang Supreme Intelligent Fencing.
Extreme Opposite Direction.

‘What, he can use this sword technique?’

Rather than go against the rough momentum of the storm, the heavenly demon turned the flow. Once an object reached the end, it was turned upside down. Or if a bowl was full, it would fall down. Liliana hurriedly raised both hands to deprive the storm of Fierce Wind and Rain, making it lose its power. However, she couldn’t stop the heavenly demon who aimed at the gap.

[I will first cut out these eyes.]

There was no room to speak, but the two beings who were monsters could convey their intentions directly to the mind. The heavenly demon grinned wickedly as his sword aimed at one of Liliana’s eyes.


It struck Soul Calibre, which protruded at an abnormal orbit.


‘Um?!’ Liliana was also amazed as she prepared to take out a defense spell.

-I was only helpful at the end. I can’t beat my age.

It was natural for Liliana to feel this way since her right hand hadn’t moved on her own will. The soul fragment of the great hero Reynolds Spencer, who remained in the imprint of Umbra, exerted the last of his power.

-Don’t lose to this strong monster, Junior.

‘Yes, Senior!’ Liliana moved as she felt Reynolds presence gradually fading in her body. Reynolds’ one move reversed the situation. The blade was deflected, causing the heavenly demon to be defenseless before Liliana. It was an opportunity to deal a big blow with either ultimate magic or the sword. Liliana saw the perfect timing and reached out a hand.


She held the three-ringed staff—the Fleeing Dragon Staff—and threw it at the heavenly demon.

“Hey, let’s move to another place!”

“What nonsense are you saying?”

Before he could speak, the heavenly demon was stuck in the Fleeing Dragon Staff’s distorted space. Based on his resistance, he would be out soon. However, Liliana could act freely until then. Instead of attacking, Liliana picked another option.

「 Teleportation. 」

The trap that Liliana hadde spent a month preparing was waiting for him.

* * *


The transition took a few seconds, and by the end of the space transfer, there was a crack in the Fleeing Dragon Staff prison trapping the heavenly demon. After Time Stop, freezing space didn’t work either. Liliana clicked her tongue and made preparations. As time passed, the heavenly demon’s performance rose steeply. He could also utilize the skills and memories of the lives sacrificed to him.

‘I need to destroy him before he is reborn as an undefeatable being.’ Liliana wanted to do it herself if possible, but it was too hard.

“...Nasty human. You brought these lowlifes to fight with you? It is insulting,” the heavenly demon spat out once he noticed the group surrounding him. Liliana acknowledged that compared to a transcendent, the others were just insects. Getting involved in the fight between two ultimate beings was just an insult.

“Well, I think it is still too early to judge.”


It was the intended place and the intended timing. Liliana knew that it was perfect and quickly connected to the magic power source beneath her feet. If she could cope with the power consumed, then it would be the strongest trap. Liliana spoke in a voice too low for the heavenly demon to hear, 「 Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops, activate. 」

The arrangement of nine colleagues at the points corresponding to the palace meant this unexpected method could be utilized. It was the concept of gam, gon, jin, son, jong, geon, dae, gan, and yi. The concept of magic resonated with the nine circles to fill up power.

In order to tie up the feet of the heavenly demon, Randolph, Nobutsuna, and Shuten-doji were placed in close proximity. Veronica and Daitengu could respond to every type of attack, so they were placed midway, while the other four were supporting from a distance.

“I don’t know what you have prepared, but these lowlifes...!”

At this moment, the power of the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops was revealed.


A tremendous amount of power poured out, causing the heavenly demon’s knees to bend. No, in fact, he was biting his tongue due to being suppressed. “Kuk!”

The ground couldn’t withstand the pressure and sank, burying the heavenly demon down to his ankles. His body could hold out against the pressure, but the environment was different. Thus, his response was delayed by one beat.

“Hey, little monster.”

“What? Your safety―” The heavenly demon frowned at the rude call and looked in that direction.

Kwaaaaang! Shuten-doji’s club struck his head firmly.

Chapter 374 - Advent of the Heavenly Demon (4)

Kwaduduk! The heavenly demon was buried up to his ankles, and his knees touched the ground. The trap involuntarily lost half its power, but it was worth it. It would be a big blow if he were hit in this defenseless state.

“Dumb oni...!” The heavenly demon overlapped his palms and blocked the club, grinding his teeth as he felt an unpleasant sense of danger. This was a powerful oni, but his strength was strange. Despite analyzing the factors making up the oni’s body, the strength that the oni was displaying was completely out of the ordinary. Did he have bones with higher tensile strength than mithril? As he looked down at the distorted expression of the heavenly demon, Shuten-doji jumped back and nodded.

“You are good at blocking my club, but I’m afraid I didn’t come alone. You better move your gaze.”

“What?” The heavenly demon didn’t want to listen to Shuten-doji’s words, but he grew an eyeball in the back of his head.

It was the Third Eye technique that had been suppressed 500 years ago! A third eyeball was created in the back of the head to compensate for a field of view in magic spells. As soon as the eyeball sprouted among the hair, three flashes of light could be seen. It was a surprise attack launched by the two sword masters who had appeared all of a sudden.

Clovis Two Swords Style. Special Hidden Meaning Technique. Thunderbolt Fang. New Life Born, New Cloud Flow. Shooting Star.

Randolph was the one with the Acceleration ability, but Nobutsuna was fast enough to keep up with his speed. There was a tearing sound as three blades of lightning or fire aimed at three points on the heavenly demon—his forehead, heart, and abdomen. In half a beat, three holes would be left in the heavenly demon’s body.

“Tsk!” Nevertheless, the heavenly demon didn’t hesitate to throw himself into the hell with an expression of hesitation. The starting point of his evasion was two spans above the ground. Once, twice, three times... As if there was a footstool in the air, he rotated his body and avoided the three rays of light without a single speck of blood. The eyes of the two monks widened at his movements.

“...C-Cloud Dragon Eight Patterns movement!”

“How could that wicked being steal that technique?”

Just like a dragon in the clouds, it was a footwork that allowed the body to move in the air. It was a form that had already disappeared centuries ago. If it was mastered completely, the user could dance elegantly in a storm. The heavenly demon only spun three times to avoid the sword. However, if he turned eight times, he could touch the realm of a god.

'No matter what happens, I must kill him here!'

Everyone had the same opinion. If this monster escaped from this place and gained more experience and skills, yet another chance to fight him would disappear. He already had the techniques of a shaman, an apostate, and so on. Adding on the techniques that had disappeared or were buried in history together with the power of a new generation... If the heavenly demon were to become 10 times stronger than he was now, he would destroy the world.

The alliance of those who were ready to fight sincerely began.

「 пламя нож (Flame Sword)! 」 Veronica’s explosive sword struck the right arm of the heavenly demon without giving him a chance to respond. It burned his skin before bouncing off hard. If the heavenly demon hadn’t borrowed the power of Karura, it would’ve been more than his body could endure. The heavenly demon belatedly realized his own missteps.

Ping! Piiing! There was an eerie sound, and two holes were developed in his shins. “Interesting. I never thought I would team up with someone from the pointy-eared clan.”

“...I am an elf. Don’t call me pointy-eared.”

Titania’s and Daitengu’s cooperative attack involving the wind penetrated the shins of the heavenly demon. Of course, a troll-like healing ability activated as soon as the arrows hit, but this gap wasn’t missed. The swordsmen ran over to make up for their previous mistake.

Kakiing. Randolph’s double swords moved one step ahead and gave a short howl.

‘If he can flip his body in the air, then I will cut the whole area, making it impossible to avoid!’

It was an ignorant idea, but it wasn’t impossible if his swordsmanship accelerated several times more than it had in the past. The two swords split into afterimages of four, eight, sixteen, and so on. The shadows of the swords grew to more than one hundred and swept everywhere. Even a leaf wouldn’t be able to escape.

Kamiizumi Nobutsuna’s judgment was the opposite.

‘One blow in an instant. That is the only thing that will reach him.’

Nobutsuna needed sharpness rather than tremendous power. Reaching this conclusion, he lowered his posture. He lowered his center of gravity so his whole body could move quicker. The technique was actually still incomplete, but he was able to complete it thanks to the power coming from the magic circle.

New Life Born, New Cloud Flow. Secret Technique. One Blade Single Water Moon.

Like the illumination of the moon, the blade melted into thin air and appeared at the heavenly demon’s neck without any precursor. It was indeed impossible to escape!

The heavenly demon moved his body hurriedly, but he couldn’t use Cloud Dragon Eight Patterns footwork properly due to the injury in both his legs. Additionally, the magic circle amplified the sword master’s power by more than three times, allowing the sword master to easily penetrate through the heavenly demon’s overwhelming defense power.

Chwaaaaak! Blood splattered in a clockwise direction, and the heavenly demon fell to the ground in an unstable position. The attack didn’t reach his jugular, but this was still a serious injury. To think that it was caused by a lowlife who he didn’t take seriously... The heavenly demon laughed once in fury. His eyes darkened as he raised his power in earnest.

“Lowlifes, you dare...! You interrupted me without knowing your place!”

His body teemed with the power of sacred creatures and demonic creatures. There were those who had distinguished military achievements in the Eastern Continent. The heavenly demon intended to use all of his power to kill these bugs.

The evil eye, absorbing soul method, extinct poison, curse method, and so on—dozens of terrible techniques were used. The evil eyes blurred, and the ground under the heavenly demon turned black, giving an idea of the wickedness of the techniques.

It was at this moment that...

“Eight Mirrors.” Liliana, who had been maintaining the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops, immediately pulled out a mirror. It was unknown if it was a stone or metal mirror, but this was the last of the three artifacts that hadn’t been used until now.

“Open your eyes! Banish evil!” The eyes of Yata no Kagami, which hadn’t been seen since Seimei’s death, finally revealed themselves.

Paaaat! A sphere of light burst out from Liliana, and the curses pouring all over the place were washed away cleanly. It was a divine power of the Eight Mirrors (a.ka. Mirror Of Eight) which could even return the power of a god. Of course, it couldn’t be done without using a lot of power. The heavenly demon stiffened at having his curses shot back at him.

The masters saw this gap and reached out.

“Control Heaven and Earth!” “Various Heavenly Assistance!”

Two different people each cast a spell, causing the righteous power to stab the heavenly demon like a stigma. They were spells to rescue evil spirits and suppress evil. The strength of the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops was added to the skills, and even the heavenly demon couldn’t endure them. With this, the heavenly demon could no longer use the techniques he had just attempted. Even so, this was a strategy to tie his hands and fight together, rather than actually pushing him in an attack.

“■■■■■■■■――!” At last, the heavenly demon leaped high into the sky in a frenzied manner. Unlike his angry manner, his instincts told him that fighting on this magic circle was disadvantageous. However, he couldn’t escape even in the empty sky.

[Kuhuhu! Stupid!] [Seed of evil, don’t blame me.]

Brasmati and Erucus—the two dragons, who had come across the sea to help Liliana, stared at the heavenly demon with cold eyes. The dragons showed up and opened their mouths. They were in the form of dragons, not humans. As such, the heavenly demon paled as he guessed the development that would soon follow.

“Not only are there lowlifes, now the damn lizards...!”

The breaths were fired before he could finish the cursing.


Two breaths intersected in a cross shape, cutting the black night sky into four pieces. The superheated breath left a mark in the sky, while the poisonous breath left a green mist trail that disappeared into the distant horizon. It was a linked attack that could kill a sacred creature and the eight feudal lord variants instantly!

“Kuaaaaak!” The heavenly demon was burned and poisoned before falling to the ground.

No matter how strong he was, the heavenly demon couldn’t overcome the breaths of dragons with a body that was less than an hour old. It was strange that he even managed to survive. Even so, he was in a critical condition, and his body that lay on the ground was like a corpse.

‘It would’ve been nice if it finished here, but that isn’t possible.’

However, Liliana didn’t push it. She talked to the dragons looking down at her, ‘Thank you. Please back off here.’

[I understand. Don’t be defeated, human. Remember the reason why our king crowned you.] [It will only be a burden if we remain. I will follow your will.]

The dragons said these words before disappearing. A few breaths were the best help from the dragons who were still wounded. There was a risk that if they stayed too close, it would destroy the plan Liliana had for the heavenly demon.

“...It is starting now.” Liliana became tense as she looked at the heavenly demon lying on the ground. The name of ‘the heavenly demon’ would be a waste if he fell from this much. That guy still had yet to use 30% of his power.

“―I see.” The heavenly demon raised his upper body casually and stood on two feet. The burns on his body disappeared, and his glass bead eyes looked around.

“Bugs are bugs, but not. Yes, there are poisonous bugs. I thought it was a broken moth when I grasped it, but it was actually a wasp.” The heavenly demon laughed coldly while acknowledging the strength of the enemy. “I have to admit it. It is worth it to kill you directly.”

The demon that reigned in heaven invoked his power.

Kukukukukung... The earth shook, the sky was afraid, and all beings tried to escape from the area. A door to the void was unlocked in this material world. The power to eat up the spirituality in all beings, regardless of what they were—it was a power that raised a monster, which should merely be a mixture of genetic factors, into a demon king.

“Absorption Star Method, activate.”

Red and bluish blood lines appeared all over the heavenly demon’s body. No, the shape was different from blood vessels. It was a structure that replaced all the aura and magic power eaten with basic mana. According to Gluttony, it was a deteriorated version of the absorption ability that all of the Seven Sins possessed.

Kwajik. However, unlike the Seven Sins who couldn’t perform all their functions due to the seals, the heavenly demon’s absorption ability was 100%.

‘The Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops is breaking...!’

Liliana was standing on it, but all the power was being sucked backward. She hurried to stop maintaining the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops before it took away her magic power. The heavenly demon grinned when he sensed it. The power of the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops had disappeared.

Jeeeong! The heavenly demon disappeared and appeared again, causing the two sword masters to be thrown away with broken swords. They blocked it somehow, but both of them were seriously injured.

To think that the sword masters were overwhelmed by the swordsmanship of a monster that had just been born...? Randolph and Nobutsuna were dumbfounded. However, they had no answer as to the cause of the heavenly demon’s overwhelming strength and speed, as well as the memories and experiences left behind by masters of the empire.

“Uhuh! You dare to take your eyes off this old man!” Shuten-doji swung his club again in this gap. However, he couldn’t achieve his goal this time. The big boss was too strong to be reached without the assistance of the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops.

Puhak! Rather, the heavenly demon’s hand grabbed the swung club. It wasn’t just once. Shuten-doji was beaten several times and, blood burst out. As Shuten-doji received a critical wound, the heavenly demon moved again.

“Kuaaack!” Veronica barely escaped it, while Daitengu couldn’t avoid it. It was unknown how it happened, but the right half of Daitengu’s wings were torn away. The youkai barely avoided instant death, but he would die soon. The heavenly demon looked at Veronica, who had dodged his attack, and threw his fist into the air.

Shaolin 72 Arts. 100 Stages Soul Boxing. Shoot. A shockwave traveled hundreds of meters and pierced her.

Kaaang! “Kkuk!” It wasn’t a fatal wound. However, Veronica took a few steps back from the momentum. Liliana had already given her an order to leave the battlefield if the situation continued like this. Rather than chasing after the escaping Veronica, the heavenly demon turned his eyes toward Liliana.

‘The positions have reversed.’ The Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops had collapsed, and the area was now destroyed. The two sword masters and Shuten-doji were still alive, but they wouldn’t be able to endure the heavenly demon for 10 seconds. The same was true for the two monks in the rear. Their lives were at risk once the front line was destroyed.

However, Liliana laughed lightly and opened her mouth, “...You would think so. Isn’t that right?”

Chapter 375 - Advent of the Heavenly Demon (5)

“What nonsense are you saying?”

Did it mean the heavenly demon would no longer be swayed by the words? The heavenly demon glared and changed his posture. The power of aura, magic, and the sacred creatures united in one place, forming an unprecedented shape. As long as the Absorption Star Method was activated, the heavenly demon would be difficult to overcome with a transcendent’s power alone. Therefore, Liliana had to prepare a trump card.

“Let’s see?” As she felt the power rising behind her, Liliana playfully said to the astonished heavenly demon, “I brought your brother to you. Isn’t it your duty to thank me?”

Liliana had brought a miko with no battle experience onto a dangerous battlefield for a reason. Although she felt sorry for her, it couldn’t be helped. It would be too bad to miss the opportunity to borrow the power of a transcendent—Abe no Seimei.

“The old gods of Takama-ga-hara, Suzuka who keeps the legitimacy of the heavenly deities is here―”

It was already too late for external interference to interrupt it. This fact was known to the heavenly demon. A ceremony of such great power couldn’t be completed in seconds. It would’ve taken at least a few minutes. The chanting would’ve started the moment the heavenly demon’s feet were tied up by the joint attacks of the Dao Yuan Nine Palace Troops. Moreover, with Liliana blocking the front, it was impossible to kill Suzuka in a matter of seconds.

“Great Founder Seimei! I give you my body today!” Then Suzuka, miko of Japan, completed the ceremony.

[I’m sorry for bringing you to such a rough place, my child.]

The Possession Ceremony! It was much less advanced than obtaining a divinity, but it became much more difficult if the subject was a transcendent like Abe no Seimei. Fortunately, Suzuka was a distant kin of Seimei and was able to easily succeed because Seimei cooperated.


A light glowed and a translucent figure appeared behind Suzuka. It was the soul fragment of Abe no Seimei, who had escaped from the Eight Jade Magatamas.

“No? That aura, that power! You are...!” The heavenly demon was aghast when he recognized Seimei.

However, Abe no Seimei and Liliana spoke like the heavenly demon wasn’t there.

[There is only one chance. Don’t make a mistake.]

Liliana replied, “Of course. I am aware.”

There was a limit to using Suzuka’s body as a vessel. Only one technique could be used against the heavenly demon. If Seimei exerted more than that, Suzuka’s body and soul would be crushed. Therefore, this move had to hit.


There was a sharp ringing sound, and the whole world turned black and white. Time Stop was activated within a certain range! However, the one who had already experienced this once scoffed. The heavenly demon had already fully adapted to Time Stop. “Ha! Are you stupid enough to try to use this to tie my feet for a few minutes?”

“I will return your words. Don’t you know after seeing it once?” However, Liliana laughed at the unexpected situation. “I didn’t stop time in order to tie up your feet!”


It was just after that...

Inside Suzuka’s body, Seimei completed the chant, [Taboo, Soul Incantation Killing.]


It was dangerous. Despite his sky-high pride, the heavenly demon suffered from a sense of crisis and moved his body. He couldn’t allow the other party to finish this incantation. The heavenly demon had to kill before it could be cast, and avoid it if he couldn’t kill the caster. In the world where time had stopped, wings of fire rose. It was the power of the sacred creature, Karura. The heavenly demon was going to control the fire and leave this place.

“Hold on, Immortal Rope!”

At this moment, ropes flew at the speed of light and tied up the limbs of the heavenly demon. It was one of the three treasures Lili had received from the supreme monk—a rope that could even hold a sacred creature.

“Eek! This crude thing...! Kuk, why?”

“Now, who is stupid?”

The Absorption Star Method wasn’t activated. No, the absorption didn’t work when time was stopped. It was useless in the area of Time Stop, where even mana flow was stopped. The heavenly demon grasped the situation too late and struggled.

[For a full day, I will seal your spirituality predation,] Seimei uttered in a loud voice and held his two fingers in front of him like a blade as the shape of a sword formed.

The maximum sealing taboo—it was a magic blade that could wedge into the soul of a god. This was one of Abe no Seimei’s ultimate techniques, which could seal even an immortal heart.


Despite the heavenly demon’s desperate struggle, the sword leaped from Seimei’s fingertips into his heart. The heavenly demon’s hard skin was meaningless because it wasn’t a physical technique. It was a sword blocking the soul. From now on, the heavenly demon would be in a state where he couldn’t use the Absorption Star Method. His body was fully recovered due to the forces he absorbed a short while ago, but the attack power of the heavenly demon fell by half now that he could no longer use the Absorption Star Method.

‘Seimei, from now on I will fight alone.’

[Can you win? He is a monster, even without that absorption method.]

That’s right. The Absorption Star Method was a trick that relied on external forces. The fearful thing was the heavenly demon’s infinite resilience and recovery. The combat power of the heavenly demon got stronger with every minute and every second. This meant Liliana needed to defeat the heavenly demon as soon as possible, before he could fully embrace his power.

‘Man proposes but God disposes. The heavens will stand by me.’

There was an emblem on Liliana’s right hand—a sign that stood for the guardian of the world. As long as the Absorption Star Method was cut off, the material world could be used as backup. Liliana had a 70% advantage in the battle while the heavenly demon had a 30% advantage. Seimei read Liliana’s will and sent Suzuka off the mountain. Only two monsters were left on this vacant lot.

Duduk. Duk! Tududuk! The heavenly demon broke through the Immortal Rope tying him.

It wasn’t with any spell or technique, just strength. He broke through the rope with simple strength. Then the heavenly demon turned to face Liliana. “Are you done?”

“What does that mean?”

“Did you use all your tricks?”

A bloody-colored aura overflowed from the heavenly demon, who held a sword and spear in one hand while the appearance of Karura showed up behind him. No, it wasn’t Karura. His body was surrounded by lightning, and his two legs, which had become hazy, looked like power from a sacred creature. With the practical experience of fighting Liliana and her group, it made the heavenly demon even more advanced.

‘I’m glad.’

However, Liliana raised both hands instead of retreating.

‘I am still stronger.’

Eight jewels started moving. The Eight Jade Magatamas—it was one of the three divine artifacts that could create separate bodies. The Eight Jade Magatamas recognized their owner’s will and shone.


One, two, three... Liliana’s clones appeared in the air, lined up at regular intervals. Magic power flowed out of her body into the ground, scattering enormous pressure. Including Liliana, there were nine people. They couldn’t copy the main body’s defense and Gluttony’s power, but the magic power of nine circles was terrible enough.

The pupils of the heavenly demon shook for a moment.

“I couldn’t use this function due to the Absorption Star Method… but things have changed a bit. Isn't that right?” Liliana said half seriously, half as a bluff.

There might be nine bodies, but that didn’t mean Liliana was nine times stronger. After all, the clones were created using ultimate magic. Once the ultimate magic was used up, the body of the clone would be reclaimed. A body that disappeared could only be summoned again in seven days, so it couldn’t be used again in this fight.

‘Well, I have no intention of telling him that.’

Liliana flew into the air, and her eight clones followed her in a semicircle. The nine Lilis and the enemy of the world, the heavenly demon—the moment their two pairs of eyes collided...

“How do you feel about your death day being the same as your birthday, monster?”


The next generation was marked by the end of a great battle.

* * *

Hwang Mountain collapsed.

This was a simple summary. If she wanted to express the landscape in words, she would need dozens of pieces of paper. The altitude of the lowest mountain peak exceeded 3 kilometers. This was high in comparison to any famous mountain on the East Continent. The splendor of Hwang Mountain wasn’t inferior either. A sword master’s aura blade or great magic, which could burn thousands of people, wouldn’t be able to shatter even a tenth of this mountain.


However, there was a flash of light, and dozens of mountain peaks on Hwang Mountain collapsed, causing a major earthquake.


The surface of the ground was peeled off like flesh, and some of the rocks that fell from the edge of the cliff rose to the height of clouds. There were rising air currents, and it was like a massive volcanic eruption had occurred! The dark night sky was covered by thousands of pieces of rubble. The catastrophe that was already beyond the realm of a mortal crashed into Hwang Mountain, crumbling several times a second.


Lightning storms, fire pillars, and other great magic aimed at the heavenly demon, who raised both hands. In addition to the power of the two beings—the power of the sacred creature, Karura, and the evil dragon’s steel storm—he called on the dao king.

Thunder Hegemon Dao Final Skill.

One Dao Precipice.

It was great enough to cut a cliff with a human body, but the heavenly demon literally carved the heavens and earth. Heat, pressure, and gravity all twisted arbitrarily. Dirt disappeared, and light and sound collapsed. It was a destructive power that shook the laws of physics of the world.

Liliana, who opposed him, didn’t look human either.

「 Absolute Shield. 」

「 Reflection. 」

「 Void Wall. 」

The ultimate defense magic of eight magicians centered on one point, stopping even the destructive power that could tear the world. The material world screamed as both forces offset each other. The ecosystem of this area had long collapsed. Even the forest and mountain animals hundreds of kilometers away were fleeing as far as possible.

‘Number 7 didn’t escape. There are four left.’

It had gone on like this for an hour. Liliana frowned as one of her clones disappeared. With her mental power, it was impossible to control all nine bodies perfectly. Goetia controlled two clones, but every time a discrepancy arose, one clone was lost. As such, there were only four of the eight clones left.

‘The speed of his strength increase is too fast. 14 types of great magic and Supercell no longer work, and neither do the lightning acceleration and Time Stop. More than anything, he is trying to steal my magic in the midst of the battle...!’

The two presences crossed nearly a thousand times in one minute and one second.



If the battle lasted for another hour or even 30 minutes, Liliana might be the one losing her life. In fact, if her preparations had been lacking or she was missing even one colleague, it was likely she would already be dead.


She won.

Two swords of light sprung up from Liliana’s two hands and crossed in front of her chest—the Heavenly Sword and Soul Calibre. Liliana poured out all the magic power supplied by the material system and grabbed the swords of light. Was it because she had sunken into a state of enlightenment as the bloody struggle continued…? It seemed the horizon was flickering.

Fairy Dance’s Passed on to the Lord of the Family.

Four Major Hidden Techniques.

Boundary of Heavy and Earth.

She didn’t know the technique, but her body still remembered. It was the skill of a man who had conveyed his will to Liliana before disappearing.

Great magic Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ) Final Chapter.

Elemental Buster.

Two swords—one was the peak of magic, and the other was the peak of martial arts. Liliana forgot her own existence and moved both hands. She drew a cross shape. A sword technique that could cut the heavenly demon’s heart into four pieces. This technique was unique to Liliana. It was the sum of magic and martial arts that no one else had reached.


Grand Cross.

The two rays of light passed through the flesh of the heavenly demon, and a fountain of blood gushed out.

Chapter 20: Chapter 376-400 Final

Chapter Text

Chapter 376 - Advent of the Heavenly Demon (6)


Blood soared from the heavenly demon’s heart which received a cross-shaped cut. The blood that was blacker than ink soaked the land around the heavenly demon, and weeds started to mutate into a weird form. It was blood that turned normal plants and animals into monsters in a matter of seconds!

The phenomenon proved that the wound was a fatal injury. Blood was concentrated in the heart, but the pollution wouldn’t normally occur to this degree. This meant there was great damage dealt in an area that even the heavenly demon’s regenerating ability couldn’t intervene in.

“You, you, you will regret this...!” The body of the heavenly demon fell to the ground while letting out curses.


Light disappeared from his red eyes, and the presence that could crush the heavens gradually faded. This was the moment when the heavenly demon, the demon king born from Lust, died. Simultaneously, Liliana coughed up blood. “Weeeeeek!”

However, it wasn’t dead blood. Red blood, the blood of life, overflowed from her lips. There was something strange about the appearance of the winner who defeated the enemy. Liliana’s knees collapsed because of a lack of blood, and she sat on nearby rocks.

‘I-I almost died... It is self-destruction. It isn’t something that can be used as a joke.’

Grand Cross, the transcendent technique which had been used as the last trump card, was a problem. At that moment, Liliana had looked at an area that went beyond Lee Yoonsung, the one who had delivered the martial arts to her. It wasn’t a purely off-limits area, but it was a power she couldn’t endure right now. In any case, the force, which shouldn’t have been allowed, had lent her strength in the name of the guardian of the world. Despite being a transcendent, the two ultimate things shouldn’t be used as one. Their combination produced a fearsome reaction.

Clang! Two of Liliana’s clones broke like glass while the artifact cracked.

It wasn’t due to a direct hit; the tremendous treasure broke in reaction to the technique. Moreover, this was despite the fact that she had handed more than half of the burden over to the Eight Jade Magatamas. In the case of the Heavenly Sword she had used directly with Grand Cross, the sword’s tip fell off the blade.


She had won. Liliana was relieved as she straightened her back.

‘The circles are a bit creaky, but it isn’t bad. They can recover in a month or so.’

Since she had been prepared to die together with the heavenly demon, this result was sensational. There would be no future for the material world if Liliana had been defeated in this fight. Liliana had seen this and prepared a trap. It had been from the moment she negotiated a hostage with Lust.

“Mutual Destruction, release.”

Needless to say, it had been implanted in the ‘seed’ that Lust had taken. If she hadn’t won the battle, she had intended to use Mutual Destruction in order for both of them to die together. No matter how great a vitality they had, there was no way to stop the suicide spell that was contained in the soul.

At that moment...

“······■■■■■.” There was a growl that couldn’t be understood.

Then the body of the dying heavenly demon turned to black mist.

“What?” Liliana put up a shield faster than the black fog’s movement and was immediately amazed. It was because her left arm was being eroded by something black.

It wasn’t physical. ‘If this... this erosion―no way.’

“Coming back through the path of the suicide magic that I planted...!”

It was ridiculous. The heavenly demon turned his body from physical reality to information and jumped on the suicide spell that had targeted him. In fact, the heavenly demon lost 80% of his existence during the course of the reversal. Nevertheless, the erosion was indeed a threat to Liliana.

「 Pause! 」

The speed dropped remarkably once this order was applied, but the erosion didn’t stop due to the magic resistance inherent in the heavenly demon. If this continued, Liliana would become another heavenly demon. It was inevitable. Liliana decided and pulled out Soul Calibre using her right hand. She was going to stop the erosion, even if it meant cutting off her left arm.


If Seimei hadn’t intervened, she certainly would’ve done so.

“Seimei? When did you come back?”

[It has been quite a while. My soul, which was removed from the Eight Jade Magatamas, belongs to the grimoire. Once removed from Suzuka’s body, I returned.]

“No, I don’t need an explanation for that! Why are you stopping me?” Liliana asked in an urgent voice.

Seimei replied with a laugh, [Well, you sure have a temper. Since you have released my regret, I’m just giving you a reasonable reward.]

“What is this situation...?”

[It doesn’t look good if the main character of the victory loses an arm,] Seimei spoke lightly of the reward like it was a joke.

[Object name ‘Abe no Seimei’ has requested to complete his quest. Reviewing the achievements of the target, the progress and the surrounding situation...]

[The request of object name ‘Abe no Seimei’ has been accepted.]

[Verified the completion of the quest. After 30 seconds from the present time, the Transmission of Abe no Seimei will begin―changed. Verified that your current capacity is close to saturation. Confirming a separate compensation...]

[In conclusion, it has been left to object name ‘Abe no Seimei’s discretion.]

After compromising with the system, Seimei explained, [You should know it already, but if you accept my power with a body that has already become transcendent, it will only burst. Therefore, I will give you my power in a different way.]

The soul dispersed. Mana was another concept. The innate power of onmyōdō wasn’t studied in magic. The soul split into small particles, interfering with the astral dimension. The ultimate magic which controlled the spirit transformed Seimei’s soul into a string and weaved it around Liliana’s left arm, which had turned black. Liliana felt the erosion, which had swallowed her arm, come to a stop, and sensation returned to her arm.

[Yes, it is now time to say goodbye,] Seimei said goodbye in a hollow voice. [I will take my little brother away. There will be some impact on you, but you can handle it well. Eat and live well for a long time. We will meet again on the other side.]

“Wait, Seimei...! You are leaving this way as well?! Why are all the great people like you?”

[Hahaha! I have nothing to say. I’ve heard many things since I was alive!] Despite the increasingly blurred voice, Seimei laughed pleasantly.

Abe no Seimei—this was the end of the onmyōdō master, who had been born between a youkai and a Seven Sins’ grimoire, and was the savior of Japan. As Seimei’s soul burned up, he left a final message, [When the day comes and you stand at a crossroads, remember yourself.]

Before Liliana could ask what Seimei meant, she realized that Abe no Seimei’s soul had already completely disappeared.

“...Tsk.” She replayed it several times in her mind before muttering, “I will see you again, Seimei.”

If an afterlife really existed, they would one day meet again at the end of a long and distant time. Liliana turned her gaze from the empty space and looked down at her left arm. The erosion ran from her shoulder to below her elbow, but the consciousness of the heavenly demon no longer remained. Then Liliana discovered why Seimei had said that there would be some impact.

“...30%—no, 20%?”

In response to Liliana’s confusing words, a voice replied, -To be precise, it is 18%. That is the portion of the heavenly demon’s database that was implanted.


-You can’t force a load that doesn’t fit your body...

However, it was still a big profit. Maybe she could use some of the methods. The power to absorb the spirituality of others was a force that had raised an immature heavenly demon to the level of a demon king. It wasn’t unreasonable that Gluttony would drool after indirectly obtaining it. However, Liliana didn’t talk anymore about her arm. She moved to finish what was left.

“You would know. What is the location?”


Liliana read the space coordinates from Gluttony and took a step. Simultaneously, a light flashed, and nothing remained.

* * *


The collapse of Hwang Mountain, which had started due to the collision of two transcendent beings, was still ongoing.

Dozens of mountain peaks were falling, and the ground was overturned. The dirt rose up like a volcano and seemed to reach the moon and stars, while darkness covered the place. The mountain was shattered by magic, and the slope collapsed again as the axis shook.

“...Hoh.” In the middle of the hellish landscape, an unrealistic beauty was sitting there.

Her lower half was torn apart by heat and an explosion, while her beautiful appearance was distorted by ugly burns. Even so, it was the existence of someone who could take away a person’s reason. It was the Seven Sins’ grimoire, Lust. In contrast to her dying voice, she spoke in a lively voice, “You knocked that child down, Gluttony.”

The rumbling footsteps were like an answer to her words. Of course, it was Liliana who was making the footsteps. “Did you know this would happen?”


Despite knowing that the heavenly demon died, there was no chance in her complexion. The reason was obvious. Lust didn’t have any sentiments of a mother. Her children were conceived and born for the purpose of her existence. She didn’t care about them after giving birth. They were just trials and failures, cornerstones of the ultimate creature that would someday be born. The fearsome heavenly demon didn’t escape these standards.

“Your arm... Yes, that’s what happened. How interesting. I got satisfactory data. Isn’t that right, Gluttony?”

“Shut up.”

Liliana pointed a finger at her. Ping!

Despite the light from her fingertip piercing Lust’s abdomen, she just stared at Liliana without moving an eyebrow. “Why are you angry? Well, it doesn’t matter. This terminal will die soon, even if you don’t do anything. It will take 10,000 years for me to show up again, so you will never see me again.”


“Yes. Should I say congratulations before I disappear? Now there is no threat to this planet.”

It was as she said. After the heavenly demon was defeated, there wasn’t a threat left to Liliana in this material world. An ancient dragon? She could now fight three by herself. A senior demon? If it wasn’t a demon king, she could defeat them one-sidedly. Furthermore, Sloth’s banishment thickened the walls of the dimension system. A demon-king class existence could no longer step foot into this material world. There would be no one stronger born in this material world.


However, Liliana could feel it...

“What do you want to say?”

...The sexual desire, ridicule, and mocking of Lust, a Seven Sins’ grimoire. Lust smiled and licked her lips at the question, but no sound came from the friction. “―Why should I tell you when I am dying? Ask Gluttony after I am gone.”


Lust ignored Liliana’s question and smiled ominously. “I mourn the destruction that will come...”

That was her last action.


Lust’s body became like plaster, with her skin falling off as her body collapsed. She had no fighting ability like the other Seven Sins, so her end was futile. Liliana stood in front of the debris of Lust and frowned. “Glu...”

“...Lili!” Before she could talk to Gluttony, she heard a voice calling her from far away.


It was up to here for today. Liliana finished her thoughts and turned to look at the destroyed Hwang Mountain area. She had annihilated the terrible monster and eradicated its source. It wouldn’t be too late to think of the next thing tomorrow. Liliana wrapped her left arm with a torn robe and turned in the direction of her colleagues’ voices.

This was a victorious return after stopping the disaster.

Chapter 377 - Through Adversity and Towards the Stars (1)

At dawn on the Baekun Mountains, the wind flowing down to the foothills was quite cool, and there were a few dew drops. The altitude of the surrounding mountain range was so high that the morning sun reached it late, and the clouds caused the mountain peak to be swallowed by fog. The fog was like a tide of calmly flowing waves. It covered the window frames of the Fairy Dance Lee Family home a few meters above the ground.


The wind blew through the window and hit the eyelids of the girl sleeping serenely on the bed. She had a young face, but it contained a lot of weight. Her black hair, smooth skin, and balanced facial features created an intellectual atmosphere like that of a scholar. Liliana Miller—she was the world’s strongest sorceress and only transcendent. She was a great mage at the peak of the magic kingdom.

‘It is morning.’

Liliana opened her eyes and slowly raised her body.


Her heart was throbbing. She was almost recovered, but the aftereffects of the fight still remained. Lili looked down at her hands with a bitter smile.

The Eight Jade Magatamas was broken, the Heavenly Sword had lost its sharp blade, and two artifacts had been used as consumable items. She had also almost lost one arm. If she had fought the heavenly demon with nothing, the winner and loser might’ve changed.

Suddenly, a thought came to Liliana’s mind, and she called out to Gluttony, “Hey Gluttony.”

-What is it?

“I forgot that I had something to ask you.”

As soon as she had been about to lose her left arm to the heavenly demon, Lili had tried to cut off her arm as a last resort. The situation had been so urgent that she hadn’t thought about it, but what if she had cut off her left arm which contained Gluttony?

Gluttony heard Lili’s question and responded concisely, -The question is sillier than I expected, User. -If the contract is canceled because the connection is cut off, how many people in this world would be afraid of grimoires? If this was the case, I would take one eye and one arm.

“Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. You are right.”

-I have a contract with User, not User’s left arm. It is just convenient to set the connection point at that location. If you had cut off your left hand, I would just set the connection point on your right arm instead, Gluttony said in a slightly rough voice.

Liliana nodded. “I’m glad.”


“If this is the case, then I don’t have to put a gauntlet on my left arm?”

-...That’s right.

Liliana received Gluttony’s assurance and looked at her left arm with a lighter expression. The skin that had been blackened down to her elbow had returned to its original appearance apart from a few places. Seimei had also left a Sanskrit word there carved in black.

The strength of the heavenly demon...

After the suicide magic, the heavenly demon had lost more than 80% of his strength, but the force was still considerable. ‘Seven types of sacred creature abilities, five types of different powers. There were more than 100 types of magic, shamanism, and so on... It is hard to believe this is only 20%. It will take me 100 years to consume it all.’

There were a few tricks beyond Lili’s eyes after she became a transcendent, but there was room to expand her current magic knowledge. This was a fairly large gain, but there was a separate power left by the heavenly demon—the Absorption Star Method. It was the ability to disassemble all entities she made contact with into the smallest form and then absorb that power. This had been the power which raised the just-born heavenly demon to the level of a demon king.

“...There is room for me to become a demon king if I make a mistake, but it isn’t a useless ability."

In particular, Liliana needed to be alert. There was a possibility that the management authority of the material world and the Absorption Star Method would collide with each other in her body because it was a power that could make her the enemy of the world. She would explode on the spot, even though she was a transcendent.

“Damn, I have bad luck this morning.”

Liliana shook off her imagination and changed her clothes, opting for a comfortable dress that allowed for easy movement. Then she felt someone approaching the door.

“Taishang, you are awake.” (Taishang = title of respect) It was the number two person in the Fairy Dance Lee Family, Lee Joonyoung. He was renowned as a genius and had worked hard to become a master using Liliana’s teachings in the past.

Liliana arranged her dress and replied after opening the door, “You can send a subordinate rather than coming yourself.”

“I wanted to see Taishang directly. I can’t neglect you.”

“Isn’t it too much for someone who is almost a lord in name?” She playfully asked Lee Joonyoung, who shook his head with a stiff expression.

“Nobody in the family would think so.” Lee Joonyoung didn’t have a joking nature.

Liliana knew this from past experiences and laughed without saying anything else. It was because Lee Joonyoung was such a person that Liliana could entrust Lee Seol to him. He knew grace and didn’t hesitate to be polite. The East Continent didn’t have knights, but his chivalrous nature was no different from a knight’s.

“Thank you for your words. Now, let me guide you.”

Liliana knew the structure of the mansion but she didn’t say it. Lee Joonyoung smiled and bowed deeply. It was time to meet the leaders of this war.

* * *


As soon as she entered the dining room, a woman called out, and the heads of everyone present turned toward her.

Liliana Miller was the person who had overthrown the catastrophe that had been about to hit the East Continent by herself and who exercised the greatest rights in the empty territories. She was a person who couldn’t help attracting attention.

“Did you sleep well, Becky? And...” Liliana held Veronica in her arms and looked around.

White Tower Master Orta was wearing a white mask as usual. Lee Seol was sitting on a chair and swinging her palms. There were also the two representatives of Japan, Suzuka and Nobutsuna. Then finally, she saw a miserable-looking woman whose body was bandaged.



A bandage was wrapped around her body, and her right arm was in a splint. Who would imagine seeing the evil dragon of the sea like this?

Her beautiful face looked no different than before, but the paleness in her complexion meant that the injury was pretty serious. It was a serious injury that couldn’t be repaired with her natural recovery power. Considering that it had been a long time since the injury, she must’ve been at risk immediately afterward.

“How did you get hurt?” Liliana couldn’t help being angry on her behalf.

Meanwhile, Veronica answered for Aquilo, “Lili killed it.”


“The tiger that came after me. He attacked her. It was a serious injury since she was in a human body.”

King Hodae had been the variant who rode the wind and fought with Veronica in her draconic state. No matter how strong she was, Aquilo hadn’t been able to stand against him in a human body. She had received a surprise attack from King Hodae on the way to Hyungkang Castle.

‘...Moving while avoiding the eyes of the variants. I should’ve told her to fly in the distant sky.’

It was also fortunate in some ways. Encountering King Hodae and suffering a serious injury meant she hadn’t been able to meet with Lust. Aquilo would’ve suffered quite a bit if she had been there. Liliana felt sorry for the evil dragon and reached out a hand.「 Full Recovery. 」 White light shone.

The light coming from Liliana touched Aquilo a few times. Soon after, Liliana pulled the bandage off Aquilo’s finger.

“Ah, wait...”

The bandages were removed before the confused Aquilo could stop her.

“Ohh, it is fine? As expected of Lili. You fixed her.”

“What?” Aquilo stopped at Veronica’s words and conjured a water mirror in the air. She saw that her smooth skin and color had returned and immediately rushed to Liliana. The shock of her defeat and the pain of her wounds were removed at once.

“Girl, I love you!”

Veronica’s eyes burst into flames. “Hey, this woman! Who is in front of you right now?”

“Oh, my. Can’t you sense the atmosphere, halfling?”

“You are the one who can’t read the atmosphere!”

“How many days do you want me to say thanks? Do you have no conscience? You would’ve been in big trouble if it wasn’t for me!”

“Have you forgotten that I saved you? You are the one who needed defending!”

As soon as they got better, they started fighting. It seemed like they were half joking and were unlikely to get to throwing blows, so Liliana sat down in the right spot for herself. The meal began, and the story unfolded with the sound of tableware. It was White Tower Master Orta who started it.

“I’ll report first,” Orta said as he organized the documents. “The number of variants is declining every day. It is estimated that 15% of the total population of the empire is still alive. Our troops and those of Japan have cleaned up three areas... The empire has already collapsed.”

“It is an ownerless territory?”

“Yes. The north and south still haven’t figured out the situation and are defending their borders, but Western Xia is already showing signs of moving a large army. They will soon cross the western border.”

Liliana ate a spoonful of eggs and asked, “The variants in the west of the empire haven’t been cleaned up yet?”

“That is why I would like to make one suggestion.”

“I will give you permission to delay the subjugation of the variants in the west. Focus on protecting the survivors of that area. You don’t need to do the job of Western Xia.”

“Yes, I will do as Chief Tower Master says.”

It was obvious what would happen to the East Continent once the supreme empire disappeared.

The greatest nation on the East Continent was gone! This would be an era where a war to occupy the territory and resources would occur. It was clear that the countries who had been suppressed by the empire—the Bukhae Kingdom (North Sea) where there was almost no agricultural land, the people of Western Xia who held a long grudge due to the tributes, and so on—would gather their soldiers to take possession of the land.

It wasn’t a big deal for Liliana, but the majority of refugees were likely to be slaughtered or become slaves.

‘I didn’t defeat Lust to see this happen.’

Even if she couldn’t completely replace the empty seat of the empire, she needed an organization to fill the gap. That organization had been planned for since a long time ago.

“Sir Nobutsuna.”

“Yes, Lady Savior.”

In this situation, Nobutsuna was more suitable for dialogue than Suzuka, who had no experience with politics. He soon understood Liliana’s intent and opened his mouth, “Japan will treat the refugees of the former empire as if they are our own people. We will consolidate 20~30% of the old territory at the border.”

“I will give you time to discuss it with the officials. Choose someone appropriate to deal with it and send them to me.”

“As you wish! I will make sure they aren’t too greedy.”

Liliana received Nobutsuna and Suzuka’s words and looked back at Orta. Japan couldn’t miss the chaos that would come to this land. Power was needed. Liliana needed the strength of a nation, rather than the power of a transcendent. Meltor, which had a large number of troops and space gates, would be able to suppress three countries alone.

“White Tower Master. Our Meltor base will be in the Baekun Mountains, and we will follow the laws of the Fairy Dance Lee Family as they are the rulers of this area. It will work much better than the words of foreigners from another continent.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

They would need to talk over the details in a few weeks, but she said all she could say here. In the meantime, Liliana put down her empty bowl and turned her eyes to appreciate the scenery outside the window. No, the moment she turned her head...

“Chief Tower Master.” Despite finishing the story, Orta had something else to say.

“Why are you calling me?”

“His Majesty asked me to deliver a message to you.”

“His Majesty?” Liliana was surprised by Orta’s words.

Orta smiled through his mask. “In the East Continent, Meltor managed to occupy territory that is almost the size of a country. There was no need to wage a full-scale war, and we acquired land with a lot of resources and farmland. Most of this achievement is due to Chief Tower Master.”

“...I had no choice about it. What do you have to say?” Liliana frowned as there was no need to repeat the story.

Then Orta cut to the chase. “It is a simple evaluation of a meritorious deed. His Majesty made a suggestion.”


“Chief Tower Master has a position with a land. This means you have the right to have a manor. However, His Majesty can’t make Chief Tower Master a duch*ess when you deserve more than a duch*ess’s rank. Therefore, he had a good idea.”

The conclusion could easily be reached if she connected it with the words mentioned above.

As Orta spoke of the idea, Liliana realized what it was. “A royal duch*ess.”

Orta disregarded Liliana’s stiff expression and kept talking, “Chief Tower Master, His Majesty has said that he will raise you to the position of royal duch*ess. If you wish, you can be called a royal duch*ess, and the Miller family will be raised to a royal household.”

Chapter 378 - Through Adversity and Towards the Stars (2)

It was a truly shocking offer.

Royal duch*ess! The title belonged to the same level as a grand duch*ess, but the handling was very different. A grand duch*ess was a noble with great authority while a royal duch*ess was literally a queen. She wouldn’t be bound to the Meltor Kingdom but would wear the crown as the mistress of an independent state in a hierarchical relationship with Meltor. Moreover, since all the territories in the East Continent would be recognized as hers, it would be possible to build a kingdom that was larger than the Meltor Kingdom. It was a temptation that ordinary people couldn’t turn away from.


However, Liliana thought about it without shaking.

‘His Majesty knows... This isn’t an offer he would’ve thought of. Then the appointment of royal duch*ess must be something that the nobles gathered together and petitioned for.’

The loyalists in her home country would have a fit, but it was Meltor that would lose out if she became a royal duch*ess.

Liliana hadn’t lost her magic abilities, but she had a lot to deal with as Chief Tower Mistress. If she vacated her position, the work would accumulate in seconds and the necessary budget would have to increase. Additionally, compared to making a manor, the amount of money and labor required to establish a new kingdom was a totally different story. Meltor had just overcome a war and would be disturbed by financial difficulties again. The only ones to gain from a weakened kingdom were the corrupt officials.

‘...Well, it might be a suggestion for His Majesty to try and control me. He is a man who would weigh the gains and losses. Even if I accept the offer, he would’ve already prepared a backup method.’

The stupid nobles didn’t know it. Kurt III was certainly a wise king, but he didn’t have a meek mentality. Rather, he was a king who could be ruthless when needed. Since his youth, he had walked a bloody path. Kurt III was a monarch who knew how to draw a sword at any time. If Liliana accepted the offer, it was obvious that Orta would squash all the relevant nobles when he returned.

“Hahat.” Liliana thought this and looked ahead with a laugh. “You don’t need to listen to my answer, White Tower Master.”


“Do you need a pledge? I won’t become a royal duch*ess. So, please speak with ease.”

“Sigh, of course. I will deliver it to His Majesty,” Orta sighed and smiled after releasing his anxiety. In retrospect, he shouldn’t have acted on the spur of the moment. Liliana was a 9th circle magician, a transcendent located in legends.


As one of the few magicians who understood Liliana’s position, Orta realized that it was meaningless for her to seek wealth and power. This didn’t mean that a transcendent was abstinent. It was just that the laws of society or providence of the human world weren’t valid for Liliana.

‘What does a magician long for after achieving the 9th circle?’

If she wanted wealth, she could snatch it with force. If she wanted power, she could show off her strength. Orta was able to see it because he had fought a few times with transcendental existences. To Liliana, a nation and its army were just a bunch of weeds that could be wiped out at once. Another transcendent would be needed to fight against her. However, in the modern age, there was no longer anyone who could stop Liliana.

“...Chief Tower Mistress,” Orta asked as a mortal, not a tower master, “What are you going to do now?”

He wasn’t simply asking about tomorrow’s schedule. Liliana felt the weight of Orta’s words and looked up at the sky outside the window before replying, “I’m not sure.”

The girl who had shed sweat and tears in the academy’s library, wishing for a good reputation... She had dreamt of finding a beautiful girl and becoming a respectable sorceress. However, once all those wishes were fulfilled, the wish that remained was simple.

“I will love those who love me, use my strength to fulfill my responsibilities, live today like it is yesterday, and seek the truth as a sorceress.”

Some people might say that this conclusion was stupid. Why should she do nothing when she had the power to do anything? It was human nature to attain the things one desired with their own abilities. However, Liliana would laugh at their stupidity. A person who wielded their power just because they could was simply an idiot. There was no need for shallow and offensive desires. Her desire was to pursue infinite wisdom by exploring the laws of the world, as well as to love her family and lovers and to keep her friends alive.

“Isn’t it luxurious enough?” Liliana kept looking outside the window.

Once he heard Liliana’s wishes, Orta stood stiffly like his whole body had been struck by lightning.

Liliana could put the whole world under her feet but didn’t covet any power. She valued her own bonds and didn’t want to be higher than anyone else. Instead, she smiled comfortably in the morning sun, which would be the same today and tomorrow.

‘I see.’ Orta seemed to know why Kurt III wasn’t very worried about Liliana’s choice. The girl in front of Orta, Liliana Miller, was such a heroine.

“Once again, I salute you, Chief Tower Mistress,” Orta said politely with a sincere heart. He was someone with a quiet character, and the sincerity of a transcendent stirred him. Liliana unintentionally settled the atmosphere and looked over with a strange expression. ‘...?’

This day in the Baekun Mountains started with silence.

* * *

“Lili!” After breakfast, Veronica laughed from where she was lying on Liliana’s bed. “I’m really impressed. I knew you wouldn’t accept the proposal, but your words were so cool!”

“Eh? What?”

“I will love those who love me, use my strength to fulfill my responsibilities, live today like it is yesterday, and seek the truth as a sorceress? I should one day publish a book of Liliana’s sayings!”

“T-That...” Liliana’s face turned red, and she waved her hand. She hadn’t felt it when she said those words, but she became a bit embarrassed hearing them from someone else’s mouth. A quotation in a book? How would she endure the embarrassment if she later saw a book like ‘Liliana Miller’s Book of Sayings’ in a bookstore?

“I can’t do this?”


“Tch,” Veronica clicked her tongue at Liliana’s stubborn attitude and switched to another topic. “By the way, Lili, putting aside Orta’s story, what is the schedule after returning home? Do you intend to return to the central tower where work has piled up as usual?”

“Well, I would like to take a break. Would you like to take a vacation for one month?”

“Really?” Veronica blushed at the thought of going with her and couldn’t hide her joy. If any red tower magician was present, they would deny the reality. They couldn’t imagine her gentle expression and trembling voice.

‘Ah, that reminds me.’ Liliana was reminded of something she had wanted to talk about but had forgotten after becoming too busy.



“It might be a bit unexpected, but I’ve made you wait too long. When is the best time to schedule a wedding?”

“...” Veronica’s eyes widened at the words.

Some people might complain about Liliana not being able to read the atmosphere since she talked about a wedding so casually. However, Veronica’s reaction was more violent than her imagination.


Her red hair started burning, and the room filled with heat.

“Uwah, Becky! Becky? Veronica! Wake up!”

“―Ah.” Fortunately, Veronica regained her spirit and put out the flames. However, some black soot remained in a corner of the room. It was proof that the heat she emitted was attack magic. The red-faced Veronica remained silent as Liliana erased the traces with a restoration spell.


The meaning of the unknown words was as followed:

Marriage, marriage! Now she wouldn’t be an old spinster! Some people might call her a thief, but who cared! Liliana asked her to marry her! If anyone interfered, she would burn them! Ah, how should she answer? She couldn’t speak or breathe. Ah, too embarrassing!

This continued until Liliana put a hand on her shoulder. She barely regained her complexion, but there were still slight red stains on her cheeks. Veronica cited high-level magic formulas repeatedly and barely managed to calm herself down. “W-We! Where should we go on our honeymoon?”

No, she just looked okay outwardly. She was still panicking. Veronica finally burst out and stood up. “Waaaaah! I'm embarrassed! Why am I taking it so seriously at this age? Lili, I'm sorry but talk to me later! I’m not rejecting you. At any time, the wedding date will be good...”

“W-Wait a minute. Becky?”

“N-Next time! The next time! I need my heart to be prepared!”

Before Liliana could nod, Veronica quickly flew out of the room.

‘Why is the topic of a wedding so stimulating?’

She didn’t know despite being a 9th circle magician. Liliana was still in her mid-20s and didn’t understand everything in the world. Looking at Veronica’s empty space where the blankets were still crumpled, she couldn’t say anything for now.

「 Silence. 」

It was enough. The world killed all sound according to her will, and only Liliana’s breathing was heard in the room. All sound was blocked from going in and out of the invisible wall.


It was a bit late due to her chat with Veronica, but Liliana had originally returned to the room to have this conversation. Her foresight was warning her that the moment she asked this question, an irreversible flow would be created. This wasn’t unhappiness or bad luck; it was the inevitable law of causality. Even if she didn’t know this, it wouldn’t pass her by.

‘To be unaware...’

This feeling was a bit different. She felt that ignorance wouldn’t be good this time. It would not be much different from trying to cover the sky with her palm. If she ignored what was going to happen, she would delay the despair. However, it wasn’t a fundamental solution. Following that, Gluttony was woken up by Liliana’s call.


It seemed that Gluttony was unwilling to answer the question she knew Liliana would ask.


Liliana had no choice but to ask one question.

“Explain what Lust said. What is my destruction that will come soon?”


Gluttony was silent for a moment. She rarely expressed that she didn’t want to answer something. Nevertheless, Liliana kept waiting. The nerves of the two beings filled the wall of silence before Gluttony eventually spoke.

-Maybe she was talking about Wrath, Gluttony said, with her voice sounding resigned and helpless. -She is talking about that damn chunk of metal that receives a signal when the majority of Seven Sins are evicted.

“Chunk of metal?”

-That’s right. I have been banned from talking about it until Wrath is activated, and it is impossible to reveal its existence. To be precise, I had forgotten about it until this point. I only remembered when Lust was destroyed.

The only Seven Sins remaining in this material world, Wrath... It was good to know about its existence, but that still didn’t answer Liliana’s question. Why were the conditions regarding Wrath so restrictive?

-User, Gluttony didn’t answer the question directly, -How much do you know about astronomy?

“What? What are you suddenly saying?”

-Do you know what a comet is?

The concept of asteroids and meteorites were learned after reading Paracelsus’ books. Gluttony saw Liliana’s curiosity and started to explain with a long sigh, -Humans might not know it, but there is a comet that circles the world at an observable point every 120 years. In the Age of Mythology, this comet was called Deus, and there were a few religious groups who worshipped it as a destructive god with infinite power.


-...That comet is Wrath.

As Liliana froze with an ominous hunch, Gluttony’s words penetrated her flesh like a sharp blade.

-It’s a weapon that waits on the outskirts of the stars to destroy the planet when the signal comes.

This was the Seven Sins whose purpose of existence was focused on ‘destruction.’ Gluttony’s voice was rather dull as it added to its terrible explanation, -We call it Planet Buster.

Chapter 379 - Through Adversity and Towards the Stars (3)

“...!” Shocked by the unexpected truth, Lili was at a loss for words. Planet Buster—she was able to understand the fearsomeness of Wrath just by its absurd alias. Anyone with a little bit of knowledge about astronomy would agree.

Mages exploring the laws of this world had already known for centuries that this world was just one celestial body, and it could be deduced that every star shining in the night sky was tremendously huge. As the study about celestial bodies continued, the mages came to understand the greatness of the stars.

「 The ground we live on is just the shell of a star! 」The ground surface with an altitude of 0 meters and the bottom of the deepest sea were just the skin of a star. A mountain falling? Breaking the sea into two rivers? For a mortal, it might seem like the wrath of a god. However, the transcendental people with cosmic vision would merely sneer at this. The same was true for creating typhoons that would sweep over the whole world, destroying the crust of the continent and exploding all volcanoes.

“A grimoire that can destroy stars exist?” Lili muttered in a disbelieving voice. “No way.”

The thickness of the crust that humans and other creatures lived on ranged from several to hundreds of kilometers. Beyond the perception that the mantle was thousands of kilometers in thickness, there was the outer core and inner core of enormous energy.

Let’s calculate based on the laser that Fafnir fired in the past. This laser had penetrated through a few kilometers of sea and overturned the mantle as it pierced through the crust at the bottom of the deep sea. It reached a depth of at least a few hundred kilometers. However, the depth of this material world was at least 6,000 kilometers. ‘It is nothing other than a cat scratch.’

If the laser were swung horizontally, it would burn several countries. However, it couldn’t go through more than 2% of the world. The laser needed to be 60 times more powerful to destroy a star, and even that wasn’t certain. The durability of a planet became stronger as the depth increased. Putting aside the thousands of kilometers of mantle, the rotating core emitted an enormous magnetic force, blocking almost any energy interference. It couldn’t be broken with 600 times the power, let alone 60.

-I know that User can’t accept this easily. However, my words are true. Wrath is a weapon used to destroy any world that threatens our Seven Sins. Even the Dragon’s Paradise, which was dozens of times larger than this star, couldn’t bear the power.

“Dragon’s Paradise?”

-It was the dimension where dragons lived and where the dragon god, Bahamut, and his kin nurtured and managed the dragons of every dimension. That was also a dimension where the dragons gathered in the millions.

Lili’s eyebrows raised slightly at the interesting story.

-Maybe if Bahamut and his kin had gathered their strength at the same time, they could’ve prevented it. But the moment the dragon god left to manage another dimension, Wrath fell and the planet shattered.

“...Gluttony, I want to ask one thing.”


It was hard to be more surprised than this. Lili’s expression calmed, and she opened her mouth, “Wrath is referred to as a comet? What the hell is its size that it can exert such a ridiculous destructive power?”

She was well aware of the destructive power of a meteorite. No, she thought she was well aware. The ultimate magic of the summoning type was to call an asteroid from outer space. The remains of the Grand Canyon had been caused by a few pieces of meteorites dropping in the Age of Mythology.

Nevertheless, the destructive power of Wrath was beyond these specifications. Even if all life in this material world were extinguished, the power to collapse the star itself couldn’t even be imagined.

-Three kilometers.

Now, Lili could imagine it and feel despair.

-It is three kilometers in diameter and made of a special metal. Wrath ignores the laws of physics, and space-time magic doesn’t work against it either. It accelerates using a built-in engine and increases the penetrating power by rotation. Once it reaches the core of the planet, it absorbs and amplifies its power, becoming a supernova.


-The special material isn’t present on this planet and has been altered to not respond to any solvent. It collects information on the technology and resistance of the civilizations remaining on the planet from the Seven Sins and then pushes forward with more power.

That was truly a metal star. Studies showed that a stone-like meteorite around one kilometer in diameter could reset civilization once. What about a meteorite three kilometers in diameter, made out of a special metal and had various powers? It was hard to picture because the numbers were so huge, but Lili paled.

‘This… It can’t be blocked, even if there are transcendents gathered in three digits.’ It would be Doomsday.

-Cough! Well, don’t despair. I have thought about a way out.

“What?!” Lili raised her head as she was about to despair.

-It isn’t possible to stop the fall of Wrath itself, but it is possible to affect the timing and power of the ‘fall.’ I will delay the fall by using the purpose of my existence as an excuse and reduce its power to the point of only reducing civilization. If you make a shelter prior to the arrival and evacuate your people, there won’t be a problem.

“My people? Who else?”

-If you design a large shelter, you can protect as many as you want. However, I wouldn’t recommend it. As the number of people who know about the threat of Wrath grows, Wrath will recognize it as an increase in resistance and increase its destructive power. I can’t do anything about it either.

Lili understood Gluttony’s words and gritted her teeth instead of asking a question. Sometimes she forgot that Gluttony was also a grimoire. It didn’t care if humanity was destroyed or if a star was damaged. As long as it fulfilled its purpose of existence, it didn’t care if the world fell tomorrow. For Gluttony, the value of the whole human race wasn’t worth a single grimoire.

‘...No, wait a minute.’ At that moment, a flash went through Lili’s head. “Gluttony! Wrath exerts its power on the basis of the world’s technology or resistance?”

-That’s right.

“Then if only I am aware of the approach, will it remove most of the power to reset civilization?”

-...User, what are you thinking? Gluttony responded with confusion, but its subtle attitude meant ‘yes.’

Of course, it was too difficult and close to impossible, but... “Listen to me.”

Lili didn’t speak for long. It was because the idea that emerged spontaneously hadn’t been organized yet. However, the meaning was clearly conveyed. After listening to Lili speak for 10 minutes, Gluttony gave its opinion,

-I have to ask something. User, are you sane?

“I am sane. More than ever.”

-User’s plan is a gamble and pure foolishness. I would rather you be crazy.

“So, what is the prospect of it? Is it possible or not?”

This time, a few minutes passed before Gluttony responded heavily, -It is possible, though the odds are low enough to be meaningless.

“That is enough.” If it wasn’t a dead end, it could be overcome. Lili had always opened the way with that belief. Subsequently, she sighed and said, “Did you say you can slow down the fall time? What is the maximum time?”

-Considering the location at the present time and the movement speed... Four months. 3,048 hours. The error range is 8 hours and 13 minutes.

Lili nodded and muttered, “...It isn’t easy. I have to hurry.” There were four months before the world was destroyed. It wasn’t a long time. Still, there was a lot she could do. After finishing up the arrangement, she opened her two clenched fists. Long shadows stretched out in the sunshine outside the window. Lili was silent as she stared at the shimmering shadows of the willow leaves.

* * *

After three days of adjustment, the first round of negotiations was completed. Japan wanted farmland, which was scarce compared to its population, while the remnants of the empire, centered on the Fairy Dance Lee family, wanted a fortress area that was easy to protect from foreign invasion. Meltor would preempt some gold mines, land, and so on in exchange for strength.

‘Time is already flowing like this.’

Once both sides finished a satisfactory consultation, Lili realized it was time to return. Finally, she spoke with Lee Seol before leaving, “The secondary and tertiary groups will assist with the cleanup. Do you understand?”

Lee Seol held a scroll with her signature on it and answered with a bright smile, “Yes, Lili! Leave it to me!” Despite having lost her country, the Fairy Dance Lee family could be said to have gained the greatest benefit from this catastrophe. Lili had started a large-scale magician force here, and the power of the combat unit led by Lee Joonyoung was stronger and more trustworthy than any refugee group. They were an organization that was temporarily taking on the role of a ‘country,’ so they could perform the task of gathering refugees well.

“Yes, I believe in you.” Lili patted Lee Seol’s head a few times before turning toward the space gate. The personnel who were to accompany her had already been arranged. Lili saw one of them and said softly, “White Tower Master, who are you putting in charge of this base?”

“Elder Hesel of the Red Tower and Elder Ole of the Blue Tower are co-heads. There are some differences in personality, but I gave them the same permissions. They should coordinate well.”

“I understand.”

Orta knew the members of each tower and how to put the personnel in the right place, making him extremely competent in this area. Lili nodded without saying anything more. Orta wouldn’t be leaving for long anyway. After reporting to Kurt, Orta would return to the East Continent to be in charge here.

Then Lili handled the last issue. “Suzuka.”

“Yes, descendant of the founder,” Suzuka politely replied to her call.

“Shuten-doji won’t break his promise with me, but I don’t know about the rest of the youkai. In case of an emergency, you should place onmyōjis around the mountains where they are isolated.”

“I will do as you say.”

“Ah, and...” Lili pulled out a mirror. “Take back the Eight Mirrors and keep it in Seimei’s shrine. It is something that has no relationship with me.”

“T-Thank you.”

“The Eight Jade Magatamas were shattered without leaving one behind, and I have a place to use the Heavenly Sword. I’m sorry I can’t give them back.”

It wasn’t entirely as she said. She possessed foresight and could see it. The Eight Mirrors wasn’t necessary in the fight against Wrath but the Heavenly Sword was. However, there was nothing to say about the Eight Jade Magatamas that had broken in the fight with the heavenly demon.

Rather than being saddened, Suzuka just bowed deeper. “No. We aren’t blind to the wisdom of Founder Seimei, and he entrusted the three artifacts to you. Please give me whatever you want.”

“I’m thankful for your words. Give my well wishes to Nobutsuna.”

“...Be well.”

After the conversation with Suzuka, Lili approached her colleagues in front of the space gate. Veronica and Orta could open it, but only Lili could jump between continents without any after effects. She touched the magic crystal attached to the space gate and opened her mouth, 「 Central Tower, Opening Warp Gate No. 1. 」

Simultaneously, there was a dazzling light in every direction.

Hwaaak! Beyond the glare, a familiar landscape could be seen. The research tower of the central tower, the facility designed and built by Lili, was waiting for its owner’s return. Lili took one step ahead of everyone else and entered the space gate. “Let’s go back.” ...To the magic kingdom of Meltor.

Chapter 380 - The Marriage of the Century (1)

Wuuuong...! The space gate connected to the Baekun Mountains shone, and people started to emerge. Starting with Liliana at the front, Veronica, Aquilo, and the others traveled over thousands of kilometers back to Meltor. Once the last person emerged, Liliana cut off the supply of magic power that was being consumed with every second. 「Close.」 It was impressive to see the space gate close immediately.

“Eh? It takes a bit of time when I do it.” Veronica was surprised when she saw the space gate close in a matter of seconds.

Liliana answered with a smile, “It is due to the priority of the command authority. If users other than me use it, the power is reduced by a few percent. To be exact, I am the user with the ‘key’.”

When designing the structure of the central tower, including the space gates, Liliana had created ‘keys’ and designated several people as the sub-masters. There was a ring of pure silver on her right hand. It was the prohibited book, Lemegeton, that controlled all facilities in the central magic tower. Despite having lost close to 80% of its function, it was the prohibited book that had been made personally by King Solomon. There was no way to break through the security system.

[Ahem! I am a precious body!]

Liliana smiled at Goetia and spoke to the people nearby, “Now! Let’s disband. We have traveled a long way. Rest, or move if you have any work to do.” The people gathered around her started to disperse. Randolph and Titania were tired from the battle and moved toward a room to rest. Liliana hadn’t healed Aquilo completely, so she moved to the infirmary as she recommended. Only three people were left behind in the research laboratory.

“White Tower Master, please give your report to His Majesty first. I will visit you in the afternoon.”

“Yes, Chief Tower Master. I will do so.”

“Sorry to bother you, but I have a lot of work to do. I will leave it up to you.”

“It is nothing.” Orta was already accustomed to being overworked and left at the same pace as usual.

Liliana looked at his back with a bittersweet expression and opened her mouth, “Goetia, please call the Blue Tower and contact Sylvia.”

[Yes, Master. What business do you have?]

“Just a private matter. Is it so uncommon?”

[Yes… I have called her. She said she is coming.]

“Well done.”

Veronica watched her from the side and asked, “Lili, why Sylvia? I am also here... Do you have a story for us?”

“Yes. Please wait a bit.” She could only talk about it once Sylvia came. Veronica understood this and stepped back.

A few minutes passed by.

[Identifying visitor. Blue Tower Master Sylvia Adruncus. Opening door E-5.]

There was a machine sound, and the entrance to the research laboratory was opened. “Lili!” A woman with beautiful shining silver hair and feminine curves entered. It was Sylvia Adruncus, the master of the Blue Tower and one of the axes of the magic tower. She was about to plunge into Liliana’s arms but hesitated when she saw Veronica. However, Veronica just laughed and pulled Sylvia down.

“Aye, don’t be like that. What are you doing? Come here!”

“W-Wait a minute...!”

Without magic, Veronica’s strength couldn’t be blocked.

Ah! The three people’s noses struck each other as they became much closer together. Their warm, moist breaths mingled together. Sylvia’s face was red because she didn’t have much immunity to skin-ship. Furthermore, the place where she and Liliana shared love had been a dark room. Yet, in a bright place right now, their noses were now close enough to touch.

“Are you a bit more relaxed?”

“H-Huh? Ah, yes...”

It was counterproductive in a way. Sylvia returned to being a teenage girl and shook her head. Veronica saw her face but didn’t release her. Liliana realized this was the right atmosphere to talk and looked between the two of them.

“―Veronica, Sylvia. I have something to say.”

She had decided on what to do after hearing the reality of Wrath from Gluttony. It was so she could leave with no regrets. However, it was also something necessary to solidify her will.

“I’m sorry. Thank you. I love you.”

Liliana hadn’t spoken these words because she hadn’t been ready until now. It was really adorable as both women’s eyes widened due to the sudden confusion. She was relieved to see the eyes fill with delight a few minutes later. Then she blamed herself for waiting until now.

After a few deep breaths, she said, “Veronica, Sylvia Adruncus.” Liliana grasped the hands of the two women and barely spoke in a trembling voice, “Will you marry me?”

* * *

It was unknown to others, but there was another reason why Liliana didn’t accept the offer to be a royal duch*ess. The kingdom of Meltor was now in its second golden period. It might suffer financial difficulties building the Miller Grand Duchy, but it would be able to grow into a superpower in one or two generations. In fact, it might become better than Andras and the greatest empire in the East Continent.

‘In 300 years, it will be a nation with no opposition in the whole world... I can’t leave it alone if it blocks the development of all humanity.’

A number of wars had killed many masters. In a world where mana had started to diminish, it would be more difficult for masters to emerge. Let’s assume that both sword masters and great magicians had disappeared. Then what would dominate the flow of a war? It was a magician who could destroy dozens or hundreds of enemy troops in a single attack. In such a situation, the Meltor Kingdom had large-scale magic units and developed magic further than any other nation. So, they would have absolute power. It was the birth of a nation that would place the whole world under its feet.

‘Well, it is still okay.’

There was no concept of good and evil in human history. It didn’t matter if a hegemonic nation was born. The thing Liliana was worried about was a setback in civilization. If Meltor became a hegemonic nation as she predicted, all nations would be swept into a single magic civilization, and a magic civilization was confirmed to decline after centuries.

‘As long as I stay as the chief tower master, I can thoroughly prepare for this.’

It would be better if she could study magic engineering, which linked magic and science, or spread out into disciplines that could develop without magic. This was a blueprint that would cover almost a thousand years, but it wasn’t impossible for a transcendent who had overcome the frame of life. It was hard to separate what she could do and couldn’t do from one another.

Liliana drew the future and let out a deep sigh.

“Chief Tower Master, we’ve arrived.” A few steps ahead of her, a palace servant awakened Liliana from her thoughts. They had come all the way to the audience room where Kurt III was waiting.

“From here on, I will go alone.” Liliana opened the door without any hesitation. The king’s room wasn’t bright or dark. It was adjusted to the proper lighting with magic, and the light from the chandelier created faint shadows.

Liliana walked down the red carpet past the sculptures and arrived before the throne. “The Chief Tower Master, Liliana Miller. I am reporting that the eastern expedition has finished today, and I have returned to Capital Mana-vil.”

Kurt III nodded at the formal words. “Yes! I have heard about Chief Tower Master’s efforts from the White Tower Master earlier. I am relieved that you have come back without any problems.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

“Haha, I should be thankful. I didn’t do anything for Chief Tower Master.”

It made sense. The following group led by Orta had a great deal of success against the variants, but Liliana was the main protagonist who had ended the disaster. Without her, all of the group members would’ve been lost. The value of the mines and land obtained in the East Continent was so large that the people of Meltor wouldn’t have to pay taxes for the next 50 years.

“Do you really think so, Your Majesty?”

However, Liliana had a strange look, and Kurt III played along.

“Of course. I am even willing to bring out national treasures. However, I don’t think there is anything to help you now that you are a transcendent.”

“It seems so. Therefore, I would like to ask for help regarding something else. Can you please do me a favor?”

“Hoh, the Chief Tower Master wants something? It is rare.”

Liliana had refused even the position of royal duch*ess, yet she now wanted a favor. As such, Kurt III waited to find out what it was with an excited expression....

However, it was completely different from his expectations.

“What?” Kurt’s mouth gaped open with amazement as he heard the story from Liliana.

“I am going to marry the Red Tower Master and Blue Tower Master. I will do it in secret and want to ask for your cooperation.”

“...I know about Veronica, but since when have you been in a relationship with the Blue Tower Master? Did something happen in the East Continent?”

“Well, let’s say that.”

“Young people these days, your progress is very fast... I didn’t realize it, but I have become quite old.” Kurt III stared into the air due to this shocking news, but he soon recovered.

Liliana said to keep it confidential. Now that there was a nonaggression treaty with Andras and the enemies had disappeared, why did she want to keep it a secret from the outside? The world’s greatest magician stood firmly as the king questioned it.

“We’re keeping it a secret from everyone except Your Majesty, the tower masters, and a few guests.”

If she wanted to be luxurious, she could raise the scale as much as she liked. However, neither Liliana nor her two lovers wanted this. The guests were just her family, Vince, Randolph, and a few others. Sylvia and Veronica would also want to invite a few people too. Including them, the number of guests wouldn’t exceed 30.

Kurt III thought about it and asked, “...Don’t you need a holiday? How long would you like?”

Liliana answered with a smile. “It doesn’t need to be long.”

“I’ll give you three months. If the three tower masters are absent for more than that, the national projects will be shaken.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“By the way, the marriage of a 9th circle great magician and two tower masters... Looking at the brides and bride, it will be a bold stroke in the continent’s history.”

The half-resigned Kurt and Liliana faced each other, and the two people filled the room with laughter. Kurt was the first to stop laughing. “But you are marrying two women at the same time. Didn’t Veronica say anything?”

“She didn’t...?” Liliana smiled bitterly and opened up the front of her robe. Her abdomen clearly showed a fist mark where Veronica had punched her. There had been no killing intent in it, but the blow had contained her criticism. After the proposal and acceptance, the bride had been hit.

“Veronica’s jealous punch, it is eerie just imagining it.”

“No, it wasn’t jealousy.”

It was blaming her for her insensitivity in suggesting a three-person marriage in front of Sylvia without any consultation. Unlike Veronica who had been willing to accept Sylvia, Sylvia hadn’t been prepared for this situation. It was also part of her reflection that she couldn’t use healing magic.

“Then I am asking this favor of you, Your Majesty.”

“Well, leave it to me. I will do my best.”

After finishing the story, Liliana was about to leave the room when she remembered something and came back. She looked up at the throne and said, “Your Majesty.”

“What is it?”

“Can I take some jewelry from the royal treasury? I wish to find a gift for both of them.”

“...I will allow it.” The king maintained his steadfast expression and barely refrained from revealing his smile. It was true that he had gotten a bit nervous after Liliana became a transcendent. If a monster without any human emotions was born, the mortals would have to obey her.

However, Kurt III was no longer worried. A person who would ask for gifts for her lovers... Such a woman couldn’t be non-human.

Chapter 381 - The Marriage of the Century (2)―Kung. The door of the treasury closed behind Liliana. As the golden light pouring through the crack in the door was cut off, there was only one girl holding a small pouch left in the hallway of the royal palace. It was good up to when she got the permission of the king to enter the treasury. The glow of precious metals and the treasures piled higher than the height of some men caused even Liliana to feel in awe.

“Hah, it will take me around three hours to look through everything.”

However, this impression only lasted for a moment. Liliana was upset about having to spend hours searching through the mountains of gold. She couldn’t neglect a wedding gift, but she didn’t know anything about women’s decorations. Thus, she was forced to lean on someone’s advice.

[Please believe in me, Mistress! There might be a difference in trends between generations, but the aesthetics of the human species can’t be that different from how they were during the Age of Mythology! Magic King Solomon also entrusted the election of his brides’ gifts to me!]

Lemegeton’s ego, Ars Goetia, emerged like she had been waiting for this time. Liliana was a bit nervous since Goetia was more than 3,000 years old. However, she couldn’t ask the great people sleeping in Gluttony’s Hall of Fame. Of course, if she had foreseen what would happen next, she might’ve thought about it a bit longer.

‘I didn’t know I would dig up more than half of the treasure piles.’

If the level of discernment was proportional to the fuss, Goetia must be a very high-level appraiser. There was a necklace with an awkward color combination and a ring made of low purity precious metal. As a result of searching through the ornaments in the treasure piles while using Liliana’s analysis magic, only half a dozen jewelry passed Goetia’s standards.

[Believe in me! I’ll be sure the two of them will love it!]

“Well, it looks good to me.”

If there weren’t any gains in three hours, trusting Goetia would be a waste. Liliana thought this and pulled out two rings from her pocket—a ruby ring with a border of gold and a sapphire ring with a platinum border. She was satisfied because the colors reminded her of the eyes and hair of the two women—Veronica and Sylvia.

[Isn’t that right? Do you like it? I told you it would all be okay if you trust this Goetia! Let me take care of the dates and honeymoon too!]

“...Ars Goetia, stay silent until I say otherwise.”

[Oof oof!]

However, apart from having that moment of satisfaction, Liliana’s patience had reached its limit. She silenced Lemegeton with a few words of command and quickly left the treasury. It wouldn’t be a big disadvantage if someone saw her, but it wouldn’t be good to create rumors.

‘Oh, I should stop by my family.’

It would be strange to proceed with marriage without saying anything to her family. Liliana set the destination and moved a finger.


There was a distinctive sound, and space movement was used.

* * *

The Marquis Miller manor, located near the capital, was an unusual manor in the Meltor Kingdom.

It was a land that contained considerable power and authority but wasn’t subordinate to the nobles. Even if there was a fight against an enemy, the enemy would never invade the Miller Manor. There was a tendency to even avoid an argument with the Miller family.

However, there was no need to explain why.

It was due to the presence of Chief Tower Mistress, Liliana Miller. She was a war heroine who had ended the long war with Andras, the sorceress who had brought about the second golden period of Meltor. How could the nobles, already oppressed by the king and the magic towers, go against her authority? Their future would collapse if they made the slightest misstep.

Robinson, a knight of the Miller territory, thought so. “Today is peaceful. I hope these days will continue.”

“I agree. I didn’t know if I could continue being a knight.”

“Haha, I agree. I wanted to know what would happen when the northern war ended and a nonaggression treaty was signed with Andras...”

Once the age of war was over, there were people of certain occupations, the magicians and knights, that would lose a place to go. However, unlike magicians who had a lot to do besides combat, the knights only had places in armed forces. Even so, was it so easy to abandon the land of their birth and migrate? Despite the fear of the future, there were still a few knights left in Meltor. Fortunately, unlike their predictions, there were many ways to survive.

“This is thanks to Liliana.”

“Mm, yes.”

If they wanted peace, they had to prepare for war. Liliana had said that the end of the war didn’t mean peace for the whole world. As such, she thoroughly took care of the knights and soldiers who lost their jobs. Despite the end of the war, there was a lot of need for armed forces as security guards, border guards, and pioneers. Those who wanted to retire would receive a retirement payment corresponding to their merits. The rest were placed in each region according to their wishes. The same was true for the two knights guarding the door of the manor.

It was at this moment that...

Flash! Suddenly, there was a bright light.

Robinson and Gruber stared at the center of the flash. Their instincts from long periods of experience told them they would die if they went against the new arrival. However, they didn’t back down at all. The dazzling light was quickly lifted, and the figure of the person moving through space was revealed.

“Your reaction is good. It looks like you have been trained well.”

The knights’ eyes widened as they saw black hair, blue eyes, and an intricately embroidered dress. Unless they were seeing the same hallucinations, this person was...

“Knight Robinson Pater! I greet Chief Tower Mistress Liliana!”

“Knight Gruber Levian! I greet Chief Tower Mistress Liliana!”

The two knights quickly put away their swords and kneeled down. Setting aside her career as a war heroine, Liliana was the core of Meltor’s power.

She wasn’t a person they could raise their heads to.

Liliana received their greeting, “You’ve worked hard. Is it okay if I go in?”

“O-Of course! Ah, if you need a guide...!”

“No, it is okay. This isn’t my first time here.”

The faces of the two knights were sullen for some reason. Liliana opened the silver gate of the mansion and stepped into the courtyard. It was made with mithril, so it made almost no sound.


No, she heard a metal sound. She took a few steps and grasped the epicenter of the noise. It was coming from an empty space in the garden. Liliana was interested and glided there. She used a combination of Grease, Slide, and other magic. As she slid over like a raft drifting down a river, she soon faced an interesting sight.

Kakang! Kang! Kakang!

It was the sound of two swords colliding. As the two blades met each other, the leaves around them vibrated. This was a level of swordsmanship that didn’t seem perfect.

‘Hrmm, it is Leo’s lesson.’

Leonardo Miller, Liliana’s younger brother, was in the midst of fencing with Rebecca. Additionally, there was haze around his blade. It was definitely aura.

‘He is only 15 years old. Is he growing so quickly because he met a good teacher?’

Of course, the shape was still unclear, like a fog. However, it was still aura. Several years of training were required to reach this level. However, this wasn’t the case when he had been training with Rebecca who, like Leo, had the talent of a genius.

Kaaang! Leo’s sword bounced up with a single upswing, and the spar between the two ended.

“Ha! Hah! Hah! I-I lost.”

“Good work, Young Master.”

Unlike the sweaty Leo, Rebecca didn’t have a hair out of place or rough breathing. Liliana watched them before taking a step forward. Rebecca grasped Liliana’s position and cried out, “M-My Lady!”

She bent down onto one knee with an astonished expression. Liliana lightly waved her hand at her greeting and said hello to Rebecca and Leo.

“It has been a while, Rebecca and Leo.”

“Eh, Sister?! How long have you been here?”

“I just arrived. You have really improved. Learning how to use aura at this age... You might become a sword master before your ceremony of adulthood.”

“R-Really? Heheh, Sister Rebecca has taught me well.”

“No, it is thanks to Young Master’s talent and passion.”

Liliana smiled and held out her right hand to Rebecca. It was to see if her intuition was right.

“Rebecca, raise your sword. I’ll give you five blows.”

“...I understand.”

Before Leo could interrupt, Liliana and Rebecca moved.


Rebecca attacked with a sword that struck without hesitation. She believed in Liliana’s strength more than anyone else, so she used all her strength. However, despite using all her strength, she couldn’t touch a single strand of Liliana's hair. It was a knight’s duty to devote themselves to their lady.

Blue aura flew like flames and formed at the edge of the sword. This was a technique of the Clovis family that specialized in stabbing, unlike Randolph’s swordsmanship.

‘Fast. Randolph’s double swords are sharper.’

However, Liliana struggled with her speed. She deflected the incoming sword and struck the next two strikes with her fists. Liliana was already close to being a master in martial arts. The power of ether, which got thicker after becoming a transcendent, exceeded the aura blade. Rebecca had yet to become a sword master, so she had a hard time receiving the power. However...


Rebecca was pushed back, with her feet creating two troughs on the ground. She was obviously pushed back with power, yet the sword that stood up to the blow wasn’t shaky nor did she lose her center of gravity. It was a feat that wouldn’t be possible if she didn’t have master-level aura.

“Congratulations, Rebecca. Did you find the clue to the next level?”

“It is a shameful achievement that hasn’t woken up yet.”

“There is just one step left. I was worried that you wouldn’t reach it while teaching my brother.”

“Rather, I learned many things while teaching Young Master.”

It wasn’t uncommon for a teacher to realize what they were lacking when they raised a student. Now, Rebecca said it was the same for her. Perhaps it was a desire not to pass on blame to her master’s kin, but Liliana believed her. That’s why she spread out her left hand without hesitation. “This is a sword from the east. It is a gift.”

She took out the Wugou Sword and handed it to Rebecca. It was a curved blade in the form of a crescent moon. Rebecca instantly realized its value. “M-My Lady. I don’t think this is suitable for me. Thank you for your grace, but I can’t accept it.”

“There is no need to worry. It isn’t enough now, but you can use it after you have achieved your full potential. I think it is a good reward for teaching my brother and looking after my family.”

“My Lady...”

Liliana tapped the shoulders of the touched Rebecca and then hugged Leo, who was looking at them.

“This guy, you have grown a lot in a few months.”

“S-Sister! Put me down!”

“Didn’t you want me to do this every day when you were a child?”

“Sister Reb is watching! It is embarrassing!”

Liliana’s little brother blushed as he was carried on her shoulder into the mansion. Her parents were waiting. It was quite different from the humble and poor Miller Barony, but what difference was there when her whole family was gathered together? Liliana smiled brightly and walked with Leo and Rebecca.

She was thinking about how her family would soon grow.

Chapter 382 - The Marriage of the Century (3)

It was less than 10 minutes later. Liliana had carried Leo on one shoulder and entered the mansion with Rebecca. It was a house that she hadn’t been to in almost three months since the work of a Chief Tower Master overlapped with her travels to the east. However, the Miller Mansion had now become a mess due to Liliana’s words, which were like a bomb.

Her mother, Isabella Miller, regained her spirit first and asked, “Just now… what did you say? Say it again, a bit more slowly?”

Looking at her father who shrugged, Liliana said indifferently, “I am getting married.”

“It isn’t a joke?”

By default, a senior magician was good at hiding their feelings. It wasn’t something she wanted to hide, but she didn’t want to show her turbulent mind. Her parents thought it was a joke due to her expression, but Liliana was serious. Dennis, her father, took a few deep breaths before asking, “M-Married? You aren’t in a position to be dragged into an arranged marriage, but this is too sudden.”

“It is a normal love marriage. I’m just rushing because I don’t want to wait too long.”

“You should’ve given us some time...” It was a one-sided notice, making Isabella complain a bit. Even so, it was nice to see that her adult daughter had found a bride. Since childhood, Liliana had always acted older than her age. If she was planning this wedding, then she must feel affection for the bride.

“So, when is our daughter going to introduce us to the bride? Do we know her? Please tell us everything from now on.”

“Yes, your mother is right. Our family is in a very special position, so shouldn’t there be a meeting?”

The surprised faces of the couple filled with laughter. Their daughter was good looking and capable. However, she was so talented that it was hard to find her a bride. They had been watching her for years, hoping she would find someone to take care of her. They wouldn’t object if she chose a non-marriage, but they wanted a daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

“Hmm, this is the real deal.”

Her parents could tell without having to use foresight. Liliana coughed as she anticipated the reaction of the two people. Dennis’ and Isabella’s eyes shone with curiosity. Eventually, a second bomb was dropped from Liliana’s mouth, “She is the Red Tower Master, Veronica...”

“Oh! The rumor that you have a good relationship with her is true.”

“―And the master of the Blue Tower, Sylvia.”



The couple’s mouths dropped open as they were at a loss for words. It was a marriage involving two brides, and all three women were tower masters? This was an event that would receive great attention from all the kingdoms on the continent. If Liliana had ulterior motives, the Meltor Kingdom would one day be turned into the Miller Kingdom!

“Ah, you don’t need to worry about attention. I have already requested for it to be confidential.”

“R-Really? I’m glad. No, isn’t there another problem?”

Unlike the confused Isabella, Liliana’s response was calm. “I understand what you are concerned about, but it is okay. The magic towers are the pillars of the Meltor Kingdom, not a group of soldiers to be used at their disposal.”

“Umm, your words are true, but...”

“Well, if that happens, I can just give up the position of Chief Tower Master.”

Someone might laugh when hearing this, but there was no chance that the situation would flow this way. Other people might not know it, but Kurt III knew. For the 9th circle transcendent, the crown was just a piece of scrap metal to Liliana. However, her parents didn’t know this and could only think she had great determination.

“...Sigh, I get it. Your will is firm, so we won’t go against it anymore.”


Dennis patted Liliana’s shoulder with a friendly face, and Liliana stepped back with surprise from the warm atmosphere. However, her left arm was grabbed before she could move.

“I was worried because you were precocious as a child, but our Liliana is also a woman. I am surprised and impressed. Did you politely ask the two women for permission?”

“Huh? Ah, well...”

“Surely you didn’t hurt the two of them? I didn’t raise my daughter like that.”

It was a coincidence that she had been hit just after proposing marriage. Liliana couldn’t help sweating nervously as she struggled to answer the question. She thought it would be better to fight the heavenly demon one more time. Having finally escaped her parents’ questioning, an unexpected person appeared just as Liliana was heading to her room.

“Sister Lili!” Suddenly, Leonardo appeared and grabbed Liliana’s collar. “Sister! I heard from Mother! You are getting married to multiple people?”

“Leo, this...” Liliana tried to say it was only two people but then shut up. It was because there was one woman who was promised to her, but she couldn’t hold a wedding ceremony in the style of human society for her. However, Leo took the silence as acceptance and held Liliana’s waist. “No matter what, you can’t have Sister Reb!”

“...What?” Liliana looked down at Leo. “Sister Reb. Are you talking about Rebecca Clovis?”

“Huh? Is there another person in the house with that name?”

“...Pfft! Puhuhu!” Liliana couldn’t help laughing as she realized the situation. Then she whispered, “You... Do you like Rebecca?”

“Ah! Sister, I-I..!” Leo’s face turned red as he was held in Liliana’s arms. He was quite shy for someone who had yet to have the coming of age ceremony. “W-Why not? Sister said she would wait until I am older. That’s why Sister can’t take her!”

“Hahahaha! My little brother is already grown up. You don’t have to worry about me taking your beloved.”

“Really? Sister, really?”

Liliana ruffled her brother’s hair that was just as black as her own. Perhaps Rebecca had promised him without thinking, but Leo’s eyes were serious. Maybe his relationship with her might be quite interesting in ten years’ time. What would Randolph’s reaction be if he found out? Liliana foresaw that she wouldn’t be bored for at least a decade and laughed. It was a good day.

* * *

After a cheerful dinner, Liliana returned to a room and stared out the window. Was it because the mansion was built on a hill...? The view of the Miller territory was visible with one glance. At the outskirts of the estate, abundantly growing wheat fields were rustling, and warm light leaked from the homes of people who had finished their work today. There were no strays scattered around the streets, and the guards were patrolling the alleys.

“Even if it isn’t luxurious, everyone is living well. Well, the people weren’t starving even when we were in a barony.”

Her rustic peace-loving father, Dennis Miller, wasn’t an outstanding leader, but he was a good lord. He might not have the ability to make money or command troops, but he wasn’t lacking the ability to rule a territory. In fact, the expressions on the faces of the people wandering around the streets at night were bright.

“Times of peace.”

The warring history of the Northern Continent had come to an end. Andras and Meltor forgot their old grudges and were starting a new era. The scars left behind by the war were great, but the resilience of life went beyond them. Even if there were severe injuries, new flesh would grow. People returned to the devastated cities, built new homes, and grew crops in the devastated fields. It wasn’t possible to immediately erase a long history, but it would fade as generations flowed. The role of ‘fighters’ could be said to have ended.

-Not yet, a voice bluntly interrupted Liliana’s thoughts. -An existence that destroys civilization... There is a possibility that 99% of the human race will be annihilated if Wrath falls. If you can’t stop it, this village will disappear.

Liliana frowned at the unlucky words. “...Why are you mentioning the situation again?”

-Hmm, User seems to be too easygoing. I have to say it in case you have forgotten. Don’t forget.

“How can I forget? Why are you complaining?” She grunted in a dull voice.

Gluttony’s mouth moved on the palm of Liliana’s left hand, -It isn’t enough to reserve magic power and prepare countermeasures. Don’t you realize the seriousness of this time? Yet you are planning a wedding? Are you going to throw it all away and enjoy the end of your life?

“Hey, didn’t you say that you are sending my data in real time to Wrath? Why do I have to prepare more than I already have?”


Liliana’s point was correct, which caused Gluttony to groan and fall silent. It was because there wasn’t much of an answer to Wrath.

‘It is something that can’t be defeated using common strategies.’

Gluttony weakened the power that would destroy the planet and reset civilization, but it was a super destructive weapon that would perform its own reinforcement and crush any creature that resisted. Additionally, Liliana was registered as a user of the Seven Sins. So, Gluttony's and her data were being transmitted in real time. Whatever Liliana prepared, there was no way to hide it from Wrath as Gluttony was in her body.

Thus, she decided not to prepare anything. If she stored magic power, Wrath would increase its magic power. If she obtained artifacts, it would add more power to its output.

-...I acknowledge that you can’t act in a reasonable way. However, the strategy that User has set up as a countermeasure is ‘crazy.’

“I already know that. The problem is that no other method comes to mind. If you have a method that is more successful than my strategy, I will take that gamble straight away.”

There were no odds of success to be found even after she calculated it a few times. Strategies and preparations were pointless before a violent weapon that increased in strength in response to the opponent’s strength. It was a numbers game where the result couldn’t be reversed, even if she added or subtracted any variables.

In the end, Liliana had to accept those odds of 0%.

‘It will never miss whatever I prepared or any magic I develop. It is a weapon that grasps my limits thanks to the data it receives from Gluttony.’

The reasoning of a magician had already confirmed her death. There was no chance. Even if a god descended and even if she used Fafnir, Liliana Miller still had no power or means to block this destructive existence. Thus, Liliana chose madness. She abandoned the duty of a magician to maintain reason until any circ*mstances. Forgetting about resistance, she just looked at the future.

“What I need now isn’t preparations or research. If there is a grain of potential left, I will bet on it in the last moment.”

If she could awaken at that moment and go beyond the limitations that Wrath knew, there would be a light in the future.

“I need an instrument to help me jump over myself. Family, lovers, friends. It doesn’t matter. In preparation for the moment I clash with Wrath, I have to build up more bonds that allow me to go beyond the limits of Liliana Miller.”

She didn’t resign herself to it. She didn’t give up. She was in a hurry not to keep her fears away but to not leave behind any regrets. It was the context that hastened the wedding with the two people. Thus, she would love them more and dream of a future with them. In order to not give up and to overcome her limitations, Liliana decided to be faithful to her own life.

She was interested to see how Leonardo and Rebecca would progress, and she felt a sense of responsibility toward her parents. Everyone would live. This was for the tomorrow that she hadn’t seen. It was for a future that hadn’t arrived.

Even Liliana, who had cast off the bonds of cause and effect, couldn’t be freed from the cycle of life. No, she chose to be entangled. She was a transcendent who could escape to another dimension, but she refused to turn her back on this dimension and decided to fight against the destruction.

“I will smash Wrath.”

It was in order to protect the world where everyone lived and to live with the people who loved her. Liliana Miller clenched her fists while looking at the destruction that was still far away in the universe.

“―Definitely,” she vowed.

Chapter 383 - The Marriage of the Century (4)

A few days later, Meltor Palace was submerged in a strange atmosphere.

In the early morning, the officials of each department and the nobles in the vicinity of the capital were given a decree they didn’t understand. Furthermore, the information was really short. 『 For today, any entrance to the palace is prohibited. 』

Regardless of title or position, no one was allowed to cross the threshold of the palace without the king’s permission. However, this was Kurt III, the best king in Meltor’s history who had succeeded in growing the kingdom. As such, although there were a few nobles who questioned the sudden command, no one was dumb enough to oppose the edict. The central magic tower, which shared the duties of the palace officials, was exceptionally silent. Meanwhile, the palace corridors were empty.

Thump, thump.

However, there was the sound of footsteps in the corridor. There was no disturbance in the half-tempo as the sounds which were like those of a musical instrument arrived at a gorgeous door. The master of the footsteps pushed open the door without hesitation.


Was the door lacking a bit of oil? The door creaked open, and the people in the room turned to look at it. The middle-aged mother, Isabella Miller, raised her voice first, “Wow, you’re well dressed! I don’t know whose daughter you are but you are very beautiful. Isn’t that right?”

“Hahaha! How do you not know? It is our daughter.”

“Mother, Father.” Dressed in an elegant gown made of luxurious materials, Liliana laughed. She had expected these reactions, but knowing it in her mind was different from experiencing it. There was perfume dispersed all over the place, and the makeup on several faces was also unfamiliar. It was uncomfortable to wear the layered, tailored clothes, but it was a courtesy to endure such inconveniences on such days.

“Wait, your necklace is a bit crooked.” Isabella, who was appreciating the appearance of her great daughter, stepped toward Liliana and adjusted her collar. She straightened the slightly twisted necklace and then stepped back as she couldn’t see Lili’s face unless she raised her head. Liliana had been one handspan shorter than Isabella when she left for magic school, yet her little child was already getting married now. Somehow, she felt a lump in her throat.


“Oh, my.”

As Isabella’s tears fell involuntarily, Liliana wiped them with her thumb and looked at her with her pair of eyes that had been clear since childhood. There was the depth of a lake in them, and Isabella had to admit that her daughter had grown up. She was no longer a child to be pitied but one to be proud of.

Soon afterward, Isabella grabbed Liliana and whispered into her chest, “...Shouldn’t you live well? Be happy. Understood?”

“Yes, Mother.”

“I know that my daughter is very busy, but keep in mind that you shouldn’t be half-hearted toward your family.”

“Yes, I definitely won’t forget.”

After Isabella finished speaking, Dennis hugged Liliana and patted her on the back. The span of her father’s arms, which had seemed so wide when she was a child, was now narrow. It wasn’t only Isabella who became sentimental. Liliana too struggled not to shed any tears.

Dennis felt Liliana tremble and said in a calm voice, “From a long time ago, you were a very precocious child. I still remember your small body helping with the housework. You studied hard enough to pass the academy’s entrance exam despite no one teaching you. You also persevered for a few years until your talent woke up. You were such a good child.”

“Father, I...”

“You don’t need to say it. I know. I believe in you. I believe you will do well if you don’t worry. Still, you should often show your face to us. Think about a parent’s mind.”

“...Yes, I will visit often.”

Dennis gave Liliana one more firm hug before standing side by side with Isabella. The atmosphere was joyous but bitter. Their last job as parents was letting go of their grown child.

Knock knock.

At this moment, there came a knock like someone had just arrived outside the door.

“It seems like the ladies have arrived. Lili, open the door for them.”


Generally, a bride and groom wouldn’t see each other until the ceremony. However, this wedding ceremony was a bit different. Liliana slowly approached the door and pulled it open.

“Ah.” She froze as she saw the appearances of the two brides.

Veronica and Sylvia, the beauties with unique colored eyes and hair, greeted her in pure white wedding dresses. Was it due to the skill of the palace maids...? Veronica’s neck contrasted with her crimson hair and presented a bewitching beauty, while Sylvia had wintery, fairy-like white skin and moistened lips. Despite the abundant amount of lace, the feminine lines of the two women weren’t concealed, creating a tempting atmosphere.

“What, did you fall in love with us again?”

“Huhuhut, Lili. You have a funny expression.”

The two beauties seemed satisfied with her response as they grabbed Liliana’s arms with smiling faces. The thin lace didn’t obstruct the soft and warm texture, making her dizzy. Dennis and Isabella chuckled as they saw the three lovely people. For those who had no family, the parents-in-law were like new family members. So, the brides approached the Miller family, and they talked for a few minutes.

Then a servant entered the room. “Everything is ready, Chief Tower Master.”

The people in the room became pale and tense. They looked at their clothes and looked in the mirror to check their makeup. The reason why Kurt III had forbidden access to the palace at once was that it was now time for the wedding of Liliana Miller and her two brides.

* * *

Truth be told, Meltor’s palace wasn’t that gorgeous. The absence of luxuries was influenced by the practical nature of magicians, but the main reason was the war with Andras which had lasted for hundreds of years. They had needed funds to expand the armaments and raise soldiers, so their civilization had only advanced one or two steps. If they had spent money on the luxuries of the royal palace, Meltor would be ruined. However, today, they lay off on the frugality for a while.

“Ohh, His Majesty did quite well? The decorations of the palace are more attractive than those of the magic tower.”

Liliana and Sylvia nodded at Veronica’s surprised words.

The clean, white palace, which didn’t have great merit, had been transformed by the presence of a variety of statues and garlands which had come from an unknown place. Kurt III must’ve instructed workers to come to the palace today without anyone knowing.

Thump, thump, thump.

The three people walked leisurely inside the palace toward a special room in the palace where people were waiting.

One step and another step...

As if to enjoy this moment in life that they wouldn’t experience twice, the three of them walked without speaking. They could feel their body temperatures coming from the palms of their hands, and they could hear each other’s breaths as they were wrapped in calmness.

Finally, they looked at the door of the wedding hall.

“...Go?” Liliana asked her two brides without looking back. Sylvia’s silver hair shook on Liliana’s left side, while Veronica was warm on her right side. There was no need to speak, and their intentions were clear.


There was no need to use their hands. Telekinesis magic, the power that obeyed Liliana’s will, pushed at the pair of big doors. Then there was a massive noise, and the guests turned to look at the three people. There were only familiar faces present. After all, they had only invited people close to them.

There was Vince, the middle-aged magician who had a busy schedule, Randolph, the swordsman who changed from casual clothing into formalwear, and Titania, the high elf who had waited without returning to Elvenheim. The members of Quattro who had dissolved after the war in the north, William and Paragranum in the female avatar, were also present.

‘No, wait a minute. I thought Paragranum wasn’t invited?’

Liliana looked at her blankly, and she just shrugged. She had used her own method to be in this position. So, she ignored Para and carried on looking ahead. Liliana, Veronica, and Sylvia passed by the guests and family members, arriving at the podium.

“...Haha.” When Liliana saw it, she couldn’t help laughing. It wasn’t a sound that should be made at this place, but the two brides and other guests were laughing like they understood her reaction. After all, her reaction was natural.

“You look good, Chief Tower Master.”

It was because Kurt III, who wasn’t wearing his usual crown, was standing in the palace to officiate the wedding. Veronica snorted while Sylvia was just embarrassed because she didn’t know what was going on. Liliana thought the king’s appearance was absurd and asked, “Your Majesty, don’t tell me...?”

“If you don’t mind, I would like to officiate this marriage. What are the thoughts of the three tower masters?”

The bride and brides looked at each other, but Kurt didn’t seem willing to step down unless outright refused. In retrospect, it wasn’t like there was no precedent to this. The last time a marriage was officiated by a king had been several hundred years ago. The three people laughed and made their decision.

“Please look after us.”

“Yes! Of course.”

Pleased that she wasn’t refused, Kurt III laid her left hand on the book of laws with an excited expression. She placed one hand on the book of laws and one hand on her heart. It signified a sincere pledge to the laws and to the heart.

Kurt started to speak with a serious expression, “As time flows eternally, today we know that the fates of three people have flowed in one stream. They were born with different names, lived in different times, and met with different meanings. May their ends one day come together so that they may be beautifully completed in their own way.”

This was the officiating so far.

After completing the words of blessing, Kurt III turned to the three people and said, “You are the hero who stepped onto the path of magic and elevated your name. Will you swear to love and cherish your brides for the rest of your life?”

Liliana placed her right hand on her chest and answered firmly, “Yes, I swear.”

“You are the one with a dragon’s bloodline who has decided to live among humans. Will you swear to love and cherish your bride for the rest of your life?”

“Yes, I swear,” Veronica replied in an unusually polite voice.

“You who have been loved and raised as the family of a wise man—will you swear to love and cherish your bride for the rest of your life?”

There was no need to mention who the wise man was. Sylvia’s eyes were slightly red as she replied one beat late, “...Yes, I swear.”

Once the brides’ and bride’s vows were over, Kurt spread her hands over the open book of laws. It was time for the expected ritual at a wedding.

“Then can the brides and bride please give each other the kiss of oath.”

The ceremony was based on the idea of sharing the weight of the words with each other, but it didn’t have much weight. It was an event where the guests enjoyed seeing the shy bride and brides. Kurt and the guests smirked. Sylvia, who still wasn’t immune to skinship, was busy cooling down her red skin. However, there was someone with a ‘passionate’ pedigree in this place.


“Huh? Ah―”

She released their held hands and tugged on her waist. The force was strong, but the momentum was so great that Liliana couldn’t reject and was dragged into Veronica’s arms. In a flash, the lips of the two people touched each other, with their breaths and tongues entangling. It wasn’t a ceremonial act but a kiss that would be done by those in a relationship.

“Oh, my! It is really genuine!” Isabella laughed and clapped as she saw Veronica’s unbelievable kiss.

The partnerless male guests sighed and cleared their throats, while Dennis was relieved that he hadn’t brought Leo to the wedding. After nearly 10 seconds, the two mouths separated.

“Huhu, I ate well,” Veronica said, licking her lips like she had eaten something delicious. Then she whispered, “If you aren’t in a hurry, shall we do it once more?”


“If you keep hesitating, I will continue eating. Isn’t it good?”

From the beginning, it was a provocation. Liliana realized the meaning of Veronica’s words, while Sylvia barely maintained her courage as she stood before Liliana. This was Sylvia’s limit. Liliana smiled, held Sylvia’s cheeks, and kissed her.


She didn’t use her tongue like Veronica, but the kiss lasted a long time. That alone caused Sylvia to stop breathing, then she flushed red for other reasons. Once the kiss was over, the silent guests raised their hands and started to clap.

Clap clap clap clap clap! The sound of applause filled the palace.

The three people stood next to each other and bowed to the people who had come to the wedding. The wedding ceremony was completed. Liliana held her brides’ hands again and walked down the red carpet.

“Veronica, Sylvia.”

The two people turned at her call. She laughed and pulled them toward her by the waist.


“Ah, what?”

Veronica was playful while Sylvia was embarrassed. With the two beautiful brides in her arms, the mightiest sorceress of the material world proclaimed proudly, “Now, we can go anywhere and do anything. I will give you anything you want.”

She would show them all the scenery of the world and give them all the treasures of this world. The girl with the power to do so moved with self-interest for the first time. Liliana laughed as the eyes of her wives’ widened.

“Now, let’s go on our honeymoon.”

It was time to enjoy the springtime which wouldn’t come again.

Chapter 384 - The Marriage of the Century (5)


Every time a wave washed up against the sandy beach, a cloud of foam would burst and spray out. Drops of water were born from the low waves, and sunlight shone over the clouds. The aquamarine sea was so beautiful that it couldn’t be expressed in words. It was an attraction in a distant land. This was Piris, where all ships of the coastal kingdom, Soldun, passed by. It was the city with the most beautiful beach on the continent. During the civil war several years ago, this scenery had been unknown as Liliana had landed on an uninhabited island far from the beach. Many things had changed in a few years.

Liliana looked at the peaceful scene and raised a glass cup on the table to her lips. A refreshing lime-flavored liquid flowed down her esophagus.

"…Mm, this is good." Liliana didn’t like the bitter taste of alcohol, but this alcohol fit her taste well. Veronica laughed as she raised the glass at a similar timing. "Really? I know how to make this. If you want to have a drink when we get home, just say it."

"What? Becky, you know how to make co*cktails?"

"It is a small hobby. Don’t you know my temperament? I can’t get drunk, so I often drink alcohol. Few people know this, but there are some co*cktails that were named by me."

Maybe it was due to the excuse of taking it with food, but many people didn’t know that ‘alcohol’ was a deadly toxic substance to the body. The blood of a dragon, which broke down all types of poisons with its innate immunity, couldn’t leave that ingredient alone. However, putting aside the context, it was an interesting story. Veronica was someone who drank more and more of the co*cktails because she couldn’t get drunk.

Liliana laughed inwardly without showing it and looked at Sylvia.


She was concerned since Sylvia was hiccuping with a red face.

"Sylvia, are you okay? Would you like a cleansing spell?"

"Ah, hiccup. No, I’m fine. I like drinking and can use the cleansing spell afterward."

Sylvia was different from Veronica, whose expression didn’t change even after a few drinks. Cleansing magic was available, but Sylvia didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere. Clearly, she didn’t want to be treated as a child by Liliana and made excuses. Sylvia leaned against Liliana’s left shoulder, giving off a more bewitching allure than usual.

"Lili…" A lime-flavored voice reached her.

It had been several days since the wedding. At first, the young woman and her companions acted subtly, but they soon became familiar with each other’s presence. Liliana stroked Sylvia’s disheveled hair a few times and kissed her exposed forehead.

"What, are you playing alone? Huh?"

"―Becky, oof."

Veronica kissed Liliana's right shoulder and her earlobe, before moving to her lips. This was an embarrassing gesture of affection in bright daylight. It would be shameful if someone saw her act so blatantly, but fortunately, the area with the table that the three women were sitting at was of the deluxe class. So, they were the only ones in the room overlooking the seaside.

Veronica removed her lips and said in a deep voice, "Hua! It would be better if we were alone, but it isn’t bad to have three people. We have visited the beach of Piris. Where will we go next?"

In response to Veronica’s words, Sylvia asked, "Wouldn’t it be nice to wait for the night sea?"

"Well, is there anything other than a lighthouse on the sea at night? If you want a good night view, Austen’s capital of Edirne is good."

"Austen? I thought it was just a desert…"

The two of them had become sisters in a few days. Liliana watched their conversation with strange emotions.

Red and gold, blue and silver… From personality to appearance, there wasn’t one thing that matched. The relationship, which would’ve never become a close one without Liliana, was tangled up by ties of marriage, making the two women family.

‘There are many lessons to be learned from life, even if I am a transcendent who has realized the principles of the world.’

After the wedding ceremony, every day was new. It was like she was born again every day. Yesterday, they ate seafood dishes cooked in the East Continent. The day before yesterday, they visited sophisticated craft stores in the Andras Kingdom. As she promised to her brides, Liliana could go anywhere and do anything. When they thought about what they wanted to eat, they visited the place that day. When they thought about a place they wanted to go, they crossed the continent and the sea.

‘...Come to think of it, it is different from the books.’

If her past self in the academy had seen it, she would’ve sighed. Unlike during the days when she only saw magic, Liliana now had the luxury of seeing things apart from magic. Liliana looked between her two brides and smiled. "Now, where shall we go?"

Veronica and Sylvia responded like they had been waiting.

"Belfort Harbor! I have to pick up the pendant I ordered the day before."

"Then let’s go to Edirne. Sister says that the night view of Edirne is very good."

"Okay, then shall we get up?" Liliana left a few gold coins as a tip.

Then the three women raised their bodies from their chairs. It was a bonus to pretend to be drunk and hold each other. Liliana held the waists of Sylvia and Veronica lightly. They were walking down white marble stairs when they encountered an unexpected figure.



The half a head of white hair and wrinkled face made it possible to imagine the depths of the past years. The person’s attire was a mixture of eastern and western clothing and was quite unique. That was natural since the person was the head of a family who had moved from the East Continent to Soldun.

They had encountered Baek Jongmyung of the Baek Family.

"It has been a long time, Lord Baek."

Hearing Liliana’s greeting, Baek Jongmyung was speechless with surprise for a moment. Then he regained himself and greeted politely, "It has been a while, Lady Liliana. I didn’t know we would meet again in a place like this. Have you been well in the meantime?"

"It is as you can see. I am better than ever."

"Hahaha! A true heroine, it is good. Since there was no news that you came…" The quick-witted Baek Jongmyung gathered his eyebrows together in a humorous manner. "This Baek has taken up your precious time. I will not tell anyone about this, so please enjoy yourselves."

"Thank you."

"Huhu, it is a great grace that you are teaching my son. I am looking forward to the future." Baek Jongmyung bowed one more time and walked past them. He knew it would be difficult to get involved in the love affairs of young people.

Not long after Baek Jongmyung left, a huge burst of laughter emerged next to Liliana.

"Kuk! Ahahahaha!"

"Huhut, huhuhuhut!"

The two women on Liliana's arms laughed belatedly after Baek Jongmyung left. They couldn’t help it since the encounter had been so sudden. Each one of them was one of the top five sorceresses on the continent, so this was a story that might be talked about even 10 years later.

"I-It is really indecent."

The two women laughed while Liliana opened her mouth, 「 Transition, Belfort. 」There were still many places that the three people wanted to go, and time was flowing urgently. Magic flashed as she intended to relax once again. Their honeymoon was still far from over.


Two months passed by. It wasn’t a long or short period of time with the full moon rising up and descending four times. In the meantime, Liliana, Sylvia, and Veronica wandered around the entire continent, leaving countless memories. They saw a flickering aurora. They searched through sandy wind and found a city of mirage in the sky. They walked in the deep waters of the sea and found the volcanic crater where Brasmati resided, which only Veronica explored. There were numerous beautiful sights in the world, and the three women saw them again and again.

"The sky is already dark. Shall we go back?"

Even so, they returned to the same place whenever they wanted to rest.

"Yes, I’d love to take a bath."

"Let’s go. To our home."

Veronica and Sylvia nodded at Liliana’s words and grabbed her hands. The feelings weren’t as sharp as when she first experienced them, but the warm body temperatures of the two women were still conveyed to her.


They were now accustomed to the timing and closed their eyes. By the time the flash faded, the three women had already arrived at their destination. Then in front of Liliana’s party, somebody bowed. He wore plain clothes which had no wrinkles. With wrinkles and a white mustache that showed he had the wisdom of life, Armand, the owner of the gorgeous old house, greeted the return of the three women, "Welcome back, Mistress."

Liliana had never promised a certain time to return, so Armand came out at a really amazing timing. Was it his half a century worth of experience that made it possible for him to achieve? Having received Armand’s greeting, Liliana handed over her coat. "You got the right timing today, Armand. Do you really have foresight?"

"Huhu, it is just an old man’s intuition. Just like how farmers know if it won’t rain tomorrow and how merchants can smell money."

"Then there are too many sorceresses in the world. I hope I don’t lose my employee soon."

Armand smiled at the joke and clapped his hands, calling the maids to accompany Veronica and Sylvia. Similarly, the maids had considerable experience. The maids took off Veronica’s and Sylvia’s shoes with familiar movements, removing the dust and debris from their hair and clothing. They were afraid to even blink.

‘I am now quite familiar with it, but I can’t help feeling a sense of discomfort when looking out the window.’ Liliana gazed out the window with a subtle expression.

Their honeymoon home was located in the birthplace of the Miller family, while the Miller Barony was now under direct control of the royal family. Dennis Miller had become a marquis and moved with the residents to a new area. There was no good mining vein here, and the farmland wasn’t wide either. Thus, Kurt III had a villa built on this land.

- It is a place that holds great significance in its own way.

The king had then sent a few maids and a retired butler. Although Liliana had heard the story, she hadn’t known the villa had been transformed into a honeymoon house.


Liliana was following Armand’s instructions and heading to the bathroom when she turned back at the voice. Veronica and Sylvia stood on tiptoe at the same time and kissed her lips.

"You know that you are dealing with both of us tonight, right?"

"Are you planning to sleep alone?"

They were soft whispers, seemingly planned in advance.

"…Yes, I’ll be waiting."

Satisfied with Liliana’s soft answer, the two beautiful women smiled and stepped back. They then disappeared with the maids. Armand, who had been watching the exchange, said to Liliana, "There won’t be any servants walking around the bedroom tonight."

Liliana's eyebrows twitched as she asked, "Armand, what does that mean?"

"I’m just letting you know. Cough!"

Liliana looked at Armand before looking out the window and sighing. Was it because she felt that the stars in the night sky were brighter today? Her expression darkened as she looked at the stars. There were two months left until Wrath would fall to the ground. Liliana was reminded that the day of destruction was approaching.

The end of their happy days was near.

Chapter 385 - The Marriage of the Century (6)

There were the sounds of insects coming from somewhere. The noise tickling her ears woke her up. Then Liliana opened her eyes and gazed up at the ceiling. Beyond the glass ceiling, moonlight shone. Liliana blinked a few times and calculated the time. 'Not yet midnight.' She looked at the desk clock and saw that there were a few more hours until the sky would brighten. She tried to close her eyes again, but once she woke up, all drowsiness was cleared. Should she drink a glass of water? Liliana was about to raise her body but was forced to stop moving. It was due to the heavy weight on her shoulders.



Veronica and Sylvia... Even in the darkness, their hair colors shone. Their skin that wasn’t covered by the quilt was white and smooth. Liliana couldn’t help looking at their sleeping appearances, particularly at the dark marks made by her lips which remained near their necks. As her gaze heated up, Veronica opened her eyes and laughed with a whisper-like voice, “―At any rate, you are very sneaky.”

Sylvia hadn’t yet woken up, so Liliana replied in a soft voice, “Veronica, you aren’t sleeping?”

“Huh? No. You are looking at me with such playful eyes. How can I sleep well knowing this?”

“A playful girl...” Liliana tried to refute it.

However, Veronica lifted her blanket with a look like she knew everything. The only lighting present was from the moonlight and the stars. Ordinary people might not be able to see the dim shapes, but fortunately, Liliana wasn’t an ordinary person. Veronica’s curves, not covered by a single piece of clothing, drew her attention. She was rendered speechless and could only open her mouth.

Veronica giggled in a teasing manner at the sight. “Look, this is what I mean.”

She couldn’t win. Liliana smiled softly and raised her eyebrows. Veronica kissed her collarbone and abs as if to celebrate her victory. Although Liliana wasn’t ticklish, she couldn’t help laughing. She endured the prank for a while before holding Veronica’s hands and kissing her on the forehead.


“Lili is stopping me before I’m satisfied. How mean.”

“What if the bed almost completely bends?”

It sounded like a joke, but it really wasn’t. This bed, which never had a single person lay in it before the first day they arrived at the villa, had bent slightly over the course of two months. Despite being a bed made of solid iron and wood, its durability was like a cheap timber bunk.

Veronica’s face flushed red after hearing it. “Oh, no. I didn’t do it all alone, but it is my fault?”

“The number of times... Veronica is very committed.”


Liliana smirked as she took the initiative in this conversation. Her words were actually true. Despite being a 7th circle magician, Sylvia was still a human who trained herself. It was difficult to compete with Veronica in everyday life, not just combat. Above all, Veronica had inherited a red dragon’s blood and was famous for being faithful to her 'desires.' In the environment of their honeymoon house, her desires burned more intensely every night.

After exchanging playful words, the two people looked up at the same sky and were silent.

“...Is it time to go back?”

Liliana didn’t immediately answer Veronica’s question. However, her silence was a positive reply. It would be a tremendous loss if three tower masters were away for more than two months. Kurt said he would give three months of vacation, but this overloaded the entire kingdom.

“They were the most enjoyable two months of my life.”

Liliana was feeling burdened when Veronica leaned against her shoulder and said in a bright voice, “We could go anywhere and eat anything. It lasted two months, and Liliana is the best part.”

“Am I the adventurous one, or is it someone else?”

“Omo, you don’t know? I am a dragon.” Veronica playfully nibbled her earlobe. It was a charm that was closer to that of a cat than a dragon. Liliana tickled her chin and laughed.

Veronica stroked her belly and whispered, “Will it happen? Our baby.”

“I’m not sure.”

It was hard for Veronica to become pregnant due to her dragon blood. However, the story was different when her partner was Liliana, a transcendent who wasn’t bound by cause and effect. From then on, it was a matter of pure luck.

‘A baby…’ Liliana became a bit nervous at the unexpected thought of the birth of a life that would inherit her blood and surname. She knew it well in her mind, but it was hard thinking about it becoming real.

‘Me… A parent.’

She wondered what color the hair would be. Black? Red? Silver? It would be nice to have a child with their lovely coloring. A child with small limbs who would call her ‘Mother’… Her mouth twitched just thinking about it. This vision of the future was broken by Veronica’s words, “Lili. From now on, do you plan to go to that child?”


There was no separate explanation about who they were talking about. Ellenoa was unable to leave the Northern Great Forest while acting as Mitra’s Saintess, so she had to find her. With two months left until the fall of Wrath, Liliana planned to spend half of the time limit with Ellenoa. Hearing the expected answer, Veronica pinched her.


“A person with two people needs a third? You are really daring.”

“I love you, Veronica.”

“It’s fine, you... If you are sorry, hold me a bit harder. I won’t forget your arms...” She murmured in a lovable manner. Liliana gripped her shoulders. Her body came closer without any resistance, and hot heat was transmitted through their touching skin. It was a temptation that couldn’t be endured if they were alone. However, right after that, Liliana’s other shoulder became numb.


Sylvia looked at her with blurred eyes and punched her shoulder. Unlike her usual gentleness, her eyes were filled with fondness and a desire to monopolize. Veronica read her expression and laughed as she threw back the blanket. “Okay, my younger sister wants to do it first?”


“This is the last night of our honeymoon. Look at my strength!”

Liliana realized what she meant by this time, but it was already too late. The two beautiful women, Veronica and Sylvia, took the lead and knocked her down. Just before his resistance was broken, Liliana realized that Armand’s words were right. Other people shouldn’t hear these sounds.

* * *

The next day, breakfast at the Miller villa was late. The three people only emerged from the room after the sun was already in the middle of the sky. Unlike Liliana who looked worn out, the faces of the two brides were bright. Only Armand made a complicated expression when he saw the aftermath. He approached Liliana, who just finished breakfast, and handed her a small bottle. “Master, have some of this.”


“It is a popular remedy for fatigue in my industry. The effect isn’t large, but it is good for rapid physical exhaustion and malnutrition.”

“Sigh, I won’t refuse.”

It was different from consuming stamina or magic power. This refreshed the mind...? Still, it felt like something was empty when she drank the glass bottle that Armand gave her. After drinking, Liliana found some spare energy and thanked him.

“Thank you, Armand.”

“It is nothing. It is my duty as your butler.”

There was no fault in Armand’s behavior as a butler. Kurt hadn’t appointed him to this villa for no reason. Liliana wondered about Armand’s career and opened her mouth, “There will be no one in this villa for a while. In the meantime, run this villa as you wish. I completely trust you.”

“Huhu, this old man doesn’t deserve this.”

“Are you sure? I haven’t met a better employee than Armand. The king’s chamberlain won’t be able to do the work like you do,” Liliana finished their conversation with a heartfelt compliment.


“Please make a villa that I will visit one day with my parents. Please.”

“...I will do as Master commands.” Armand Gustain, the former chief servant of the palace, bowed down with a faint smile. The situation seemed to be pretty interesting for an old man.

“Then I’m going.” Liliana turned to the two people waiting for her and hugged them. Veronica and Sylvia—she liked them a lot before but they were now an indispensable part of her life. A ring shone on the ring finger of her left hand, and their heartbeats made her happy.

“Be well for me. Of course, don’t be any better than me, okay?”

“I’ll be angry if you don’t come back soon. For around half a year.”

The two of them gave her words of encouragement and complaints as they stepped away from Liliana. Veronica and Sylvia were returning to Meltor. She regretted the warmth that disappeared from her chest and reached out a hand.

“I’m too scared to do that. Then… 「 Transition. 」” At Liliana’s words, there was a flash of light.


While the two people moved to Mana-vil’s central tower, she continued teleporting without a break.

「 Transition, Northern Great Forest. 」

As always, the flash of light blinded the caster. Liliana passed through a gap in space where nothing could be seen, moving thousands of kilometers. If she wanted, she could move to another place inside here or she could stop the transition and go back. However, Liliana was silent and arrived as usual.


As soon as she arrived, the smell of a dark forest tickled her nose. The smell of life, the scent of the soil and vegetation mixed together, was so rich that it was difficult to sniff out anything else. Liliana slowly opened her eyes once she arrived. Some trees were the height of ordinary buildings while others were big enough to be half the height of the magic towers. This was proof that the vitality of the world tree had gone beyond its limit. It was at this moment that...

“...Eh?” Liliana’s eyes widened as she saw something.

There was something that shouldn’t exist here. She had set her arrival point at the outskirts of the forest and not the center so that the elves wouldn’t be surprised. As such, she wasn’t surprised by the forest that had been rejuvenated after several years. Then why...?


Mitra was the embodiment of the world tree.

[Hoing? Lili?]

Her height didn’t even reach her knees, and the bud on her head was like before she had grown up. Why had she degenerated instead of evolved? Having heard her voice, Mitra smiled widely. [Lili! Lili came!]

Mitra was still Mitra. Liliana was about to hug her when...

[Eh? Lili?]

[Hooing? Really Lili!]

[Lili! Lili!]

[No! Give to me!]

One, two, three... Soon, the Mitras, that seemed to number in the two digits or maybe over 100, started to flock. They were cute kids, but more than 100 of them had gathered. It was so overwhelming that Liliana was stunned. Her magical knowledge was useless as she didn’t know why Mitra had multiplied. Mitra grabbed his leg, Mitra climbed onto his shoulder, Mitra climbed onto her head before anyone else... Liliana was confused by the unfathomable sight.

[Lili! You finally came!] Her savior arrived. No, her savior was still Mitra. However, unlike the other Mitras, this Mitra was a teenage girl riding on something.

Liliana recognized the three wagging tails and exclaimed, “Tres? This is ridiculous!”

The number of tails was the same but the body was bigger...? The series of incomprehensible situations left Liliana feeling lost.

Chapter 386 - Forest that Leads to the Future (1)

The ecology of the Great Forest, where Elvenheim was located, was unique and mysterious. It was life flourishing between the Red Plateau and the ice-colored Arctic, where even weeds couldn’t be found. From an ecological point of view, it shouldn’t be possible, yet the rate of growth for the flora and fauna was unimaginable. However, everyone knew the cause—the world tree, Yggdrasil. In the old myths, its branches extended to distant stars. It was the source of life that fertilized the soil and allowed plants and animals to live here.

‘But aren’t the trees too big? They will block all sunlight and raindrops.’

Trees that couldn’t grow to 10 meters outside the Great Forest were around 25 to 50 meters tall inside it. Liliana had been concerned back when she flew above them, but according to Mitra, there was no problem. Due to the influence of the world tree, deficiencies wouldn’t occur because the plants received nutrients and moisture as one body. The reason why the forest remained unusually sized was that the world tree created an ecosystem that transcended the environment.

At this moment, Mitra puffed up her cheeks from a distance. [Lili, are you listening to my story?]

She noticed due to being connected to Liliana by the soul. Liliana was surprised by her words and replied without hesitation, “Ah, I heard it all. The power of Dmitra is a heavy burden on the world tree. Therefore, you concentrated your efforts on boosting the natural abilities of the forest by dividing your body into smaller ones?”

[Yes! I worked hard as Lili asked!]

After she demanded praise a few times, Lili stroked Mitra’s head and admired her idea. She knew that a god could fall to an ancient elemental after losing their divinity. However, after regaining her divinity, Mitra had turned part of her strength into ancient elementals. Moreover, the bodies also had the ability to act on their own. Liliana had thought that the speed of the forest’s growth was oddly strange after being disrupted by so many battles. That was actually all due to Mitra.

“You did a lot better than I thought. Great job, our Mitra.”

[Hoing! Hooing!] Mitra pushed her head against Lili’s hand as she was once again praised. She also let out her distinctive cheers. Anyway, she seemed to be ticklish at the top of her head, so Mitra was laughing too hard. Lili barely managed to place a finger against her mouth. “Mitra, I want to ask you one more thing.”


“You were riding on Tres. I remember that he was small a few months ago...” Lili looked down at her cloud-covered feet. There was a fox running while shaking his three tails. Tres couldn’t fly in Lili’s arms because he was too big but managed to keep up by running. Of course, Lili controlled the speed.

[Tres? Ah, Yellowy.]


[The fur color is like this, so he is Yellowy!]

The name was so tacky that Lili got chills. “Y-Yes. Yellowy. Why did Yellowy grow so suddenly?”

[Umm... Tiger Auntie taught him. Ah.] Mitra was reminded of something and started to chatter again. [That’s right. Yellowy said that this was his original size. Due to one aspect of his being a creature and the other aspect being a spirit, his mind needed to develop in order for his body to grow bigger.]

“...I see. The mental age was lower than his spiritual power. Thus, his body is slow to grow.”

[From now on~ the longer he lives, the bigger he will become!]

In fact, it was strange that a three-tailed fox would be the size of a dog. As Mitra explained, this was the right size. He wouldn’t get bigger or smaller for a while. Lili thought about it while moving unconsciously.

‘By the way, is ‘Tiger Auntie’ a nickname for the Tiger King?’

The Tiger King couldn’t complain since Mitra was the mountain god. ‘She didn’t like leaving the Baekun Mountains, but it seems like she is doing well.’

At that time, the Tiger King had lost a lot because of Lust and was humiliated. It wasn’t just the living creatures. The millions of variants had also destroyed the natural environment. Meltor had quickly regained control of the Baekun Mountains, but it had become a land where no spirits could live. The damage to the animals and plants was a secondary problem. The main problem was that the dragon vein itself was greatly damaged. In the end, the spirits were forced to choose the option of migrating.

“Mitra, what about the other spirits here? Are they doing well?”

[Yes! They were a bit awkward at first, but now they are fine. They often talk to the elves and have helped restore the forest.]

“Yes, help them to make it a second home.”

[Of course! If you live in this forest, everyone is a friend of Mitra’s!] Mitra’s bright smile was particularly dazzling today.

‘Let’s walk a bit before going to Elvenheim.’

After hearing Mitra’s story, Liliana didn’t perform space movement. Instead, she looked at all the changes that had occurred to the Great Forest. She looked at the forest which had burned in the fight against Laevateinn and the ground which had blackened in the battle against Jerem and Nídhöggur. The battles that had once threatened the world tree and Elvenheim were over, and the organisms in this forest were living for tomorrow.

“Eh? M-Mitra!”

“Mitra! Go eat potatoes!”

“These days, the raspberries are ripe!”

Sometimes the elves looked up at the sky and greeted Mitra.

“I-Is that?”

“She has come! Everybody say hello!”

“The sixth dancer, Ziavisida, greets you!”

They immediately recognized Liliana and showed a polite attitude. ‘...It is going well without me having to intervene. With Mitra, the elves, and the spirits working together, they will revive this forest in 15 years.’

No one else knew it but the role of the Northern Great Forest and the world tree was to control the resentment of several species. Sloth was dispelled, and the mana concentration of the material world was destined to decline over the centuries. The elves were more sensitive to the concentration of mana than humans and would find it difficult to live outside the Great Forest after around 500 years. There would be no problems with their daily activities, but they wouldn’t be able to use spiritual medicine and it would be easy for them to get sick. Thus, Elvenheim and the Great Forest had to remain.


Liliana drew out a distant future and realized that her feet had landed on the ground. She arrived at the point she had set as her destination.

“Um? Who?” Coincidentally, there was someone in this place. The person’s dark skin and silver hair belonged to the dark elves who were known to be extinct in the outside world. Additionally, he was one of only six high elves.

“It has been a while, Alucard. Has it been almost half a year?”

“...Liliana!” Alucard rose from his seat, approached Lili, and aimed his fist without hesitation. Lili’s abdomen was so strong that a loud noise was heard.


“You foolish child! Why did you go so far as to leave behind the child you promised to marry?”

“I-I’m sorry. I was a bit busy. That’s why I’ve come now.”

Sigh... Alucard kept grumbling, “You are the one driving the incidents every time, so you must’ve been caught up in something nasty. Of course, half a year isn’t that long for us elves, but you are human.”


“Don’t apologize to me. Be good to that child.”

Alucard’s words were right. Liliana could’ve stopped by once before her honeymoon. Lili scratched her head, a sign that she was reflecting.

“Ellenoa has many things to do today and will return in the evening. I also have a shift. It doesn’t matter wherever you go, but there is someone you should talk to.”

“Um? Who is it?”

The place where the two people were speaking was a viewing area where only the high elves could go. It was a branch of the world tree that overlooked Elvenheim. For the high elves who could grasp precise situations with Ratatoskr, this view was a useful facility. It was at this moment that…

“...Me,” a dreary voice spoke out from behind Liliana.



As always, her dull hair and half-hooded eyes reminded Lili of a student who stayed up all night studying. It was the high elf Naia, who was well-known for her wisdom and poor self-management. Alucard put down his book when he saw her. “You came at the right time. I am going.”

“Ah, work hard.”

“Yes. Naia, don’t fall asleep again.”



Naia’s head drooped, making Alucard sigh before he disappeared. Thus, only two people remained on the branch of the world tree.

“It has been a while, Naia.”

“...Yes, a while...”

Liliana greeted Naia first to try and resolve this awkward atmosphere, but it didn’t work. Naia sat in the chair where Alucard had just been sitting and stared blankly into empty air. If her eyelids weren’t moving occasionally, Lili might’ve thought that she had fallen asleep with her eyes open.

‘Why did you ask me to talk to this person, Alucard?’

Lili would rather talk to Alisa or Lumia. Just talking to Naia felt disturbing. Look at those blurry eyes. Was she going to fall asleep?

“Excuse me...”

However, breaking Liliana’s prediction, Naia turned her head and talked to her, “You... have become the ‘great one’… right?”

“Great one?”

“Border... surpassing… existence.”

Liliana’s eyes widened at the unexpected words. The other high elves didn’t show any signs of awareness, so how did Naia correctly point out that she was a transcendent? She was unable to hide the question in her blue eyes.

“...Don’t be, surprised. My clan can see another person’s ‘star’...”

“Star? What is that?”

“There is no clear notion. Vessel? Destiny, soul... I have never seen one before, so I am just guessing.”

As the conversation continued, Naia’s sleepy voice became sharper. She didn’t speak well normally. The unused vocal cords loosened, and a clear voice was heard. It was a voice that even the high elves would only hear once every few years. Naia gazed at Liliana with clearer eyes. “A being born as a mortal and overcoming her birth. A transcendent who can break the thread of fate. If you are such an existence, why?”

Naia’s eyes filled with mysterious colors as she seemed to penetrate Liliana’s heart. “Why are you ready to die?”

“...You can guess once but not twice.”

“Of course. The eyes of this old clan are just a mere trick in front of a ‘great person.’ There is no way to read you once you close your mind like you have now,” Naia said. However, she continued muttering like she was confident, “You were shaken when you first heard me? I saw it in the gap. I don’t know the meaning because it is uncertain, but ‘red star’―”

"Naia, stop." The words that were as sharp as a blade stopped Naia. It was because she realized Liliana’s words contained a ‘warning,’ not malice.

Naia understood through her intuition. “I see. Am I not supposed to know?”

“Well, something like that.”

“Okay, I understand. I will forget everything I said just now.”

“Thank you.”

If Naia had ignored the warning, Liliana was willing to erase her memories using forceful means. A high elf’s resistance to magic was ineffective against a 9th circle magician. However, she didn’t want to use such means against an acquaintance who wasn’t an enemy. Liliana was also very grateful that she knew to take precautions against something she hadn’t known about previously.

Naia’s eyes blurred again as she lost interest, but she said a few more words, “...Still, I am curious. Tell me when things are over. At this old age, I am always curious.”

Liliana accepted it.

* * *

The sun sank below the western horizon, and the cool night covered the land. Lili watched the light change to darkness from a place that was closer to the sky than the land. It was one of the many branches of the world tree. Among them, there were long branches which stretched out to make an observatory.

“Liliana!” Finally, Ellenoa finished her work for the day and called out to her.


“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming? You have been here for a few hours.” Ellenoa felt sorry to keep Lili waiting. She grabbed her sleeves with a pout.

Lili saw her expression and smiled. “It’s okay. For the time being, I will stay in Elvenheim.”

“Ah! I see. If you want to have a cup of warm tea...”

“―Before that, Ella.” Lili grabbed Ellenoa’s hand that was holding her sleeve. “There is something I want to talk about.”


The two of them looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. What did she read in her eyes? Ellenoa smiled and answered, “Shall we take a walk?”

Chapter 387 - Forest that Leads to the Future (2)

Liliana didn't say anything more. Naia was still looking up at the sky with a blank expression. The two people, Liliana and Ellenoa, left Naia and started climbing the world tree for a walk. The wide and round branches at the top of the world tree made it seem different from the world on the ground. They passed through the knothole that connected to another space, and the two people reached the height of white clouds.

“This place...?” It was a place that Liliana was seeing for the first time, despite having come to the world tree several times. Ellenoa walked a few steps ahead of her before slowing down. Then she shyly held Liliana’s hand and said, “The top of the world tree. Aside from you, there is only one other person allowed to access this height.”

“If the admission is controlled... there must be something special about this place.”

“Yes, the symbolic meaning is big,” Ellenoa said, pointing above her head as she spoke. “Do you see over there?”

“This...” Lili’s eyes shook when she saw where Ellenoa was pointing. It was because there was something hanging from the world tree that she had never seen before despite the world tree having green leaves in all four seasons. Instead of a bud, something with a roundish shape was hanging there.


There was a fruit on the world tree, Yggdrasil. In the past, Liliana had received a seed of the world tree and given it to Mitra, but she didn’t recall there being any fruit. It wasn’t comparable to those of the Age of Mythology, but the fruit of the world tree was like an elixir. Of course, most of them didn’t have seeds and the efficacy wasn’t as good. However, the fruit was even better than advanced potions.

“Yes, there are 80 years left until it is fully ripe. This isn’t a place that can be exposed to outsiders.”

“I see. Now I know why the path was so twisted.”

There was no great efficacy in fruit that wasn’t ripe, but that didn’t matter to those who were blinded by greed. It was right to hide it beyond the reach of other eyes.

‘There are at least four or more branches leading to the wrong place. Isn’t it much more difficult than a labyrinth in terms of trying to advance?’

It was insignificant for a transcendent who could freely read and write space and time, but this had an absolute effect on other people. A sorceress in this age who could access this road... Besides Liliana, it had to be a person who could read the space at one level higher than Orta.

In other words, this was the perfect place to enjoy themselves. It meant she was ready to talk. Ellenoa sat on a stump that looked like a chair and called out to Liliana, “Lili.”

Liliana sat down and faced her.

“Ella,” she used her nickname for Ellenoa. “Do you remember my promise?”

“Yes, of course. I remember every word.”

“...Dmitra’s Saintess, the one who revives the world tree. It is a burden I put on you, Ella. Heavy shackles bind you to the world tree until you fulfill that role.”

“Lili—” Ellenoa tried to say something, but Liliana held up a hand to stop her. She knew it was inevitable, and Ellenoa did as well. Unlike Ellenoa who casually accepted the role, Liliana felt really guilty. She wanted to free her sooner, even if she couldn’t reverse what had happened. Thus, Liliana had made a promise to herself and Ellenoa... for them to get married on the day these shackles were released.

“I’m sorry, Ella. I have something to say to you.”

Ellenoa’s face became as pale as wax once she heard her words. She couldn’t stop the words that followed as Liliana declared, “I have to break this promise.”

“...Ah, ahhh...!” Water filled Ellenoa’s eyes. Her lips, which were always curved in a gentle smile, opened with shock, and mournful sounds emerged. Her neutral beauty fell in despair, causing a stone to fill the chest of anyone who saw it. Liliana, who made her like this, wasn’t an exception.

“Ella.” She carefully grabbed Ellenoa’s hand, and she held onto Liliana like it was her last strand of hope. Then she started crying, “I-I don’t want to... Lili, promise, you promised...”


“Rejection, sob, Lili... I...!”

“Ella, just wait and relax. Yes?” Liliana was surprised by the reaction that was bigger than she had expected and pulled Ellenoa into her arms. The green hair buried in her chest moved several times, and her chest became moist. Ellenoa was crying as if the sky had collapsed. Liliana took a deep breath before whispering in a sweetly affectionate voice, “I’m not going to leave you.”

“...L-Lie, sob...”

Liliana felt a bit of regret because of her mistake. In retrospect, her words had caused a misunderstanding. She wanted to fix it, but Ellenoa shook her head, not wanting to listen to her. She could only choose partners once, and she didn’t want to be rejected twice. Liliana inevitably chose shock therapy.

“Ella.” She pulled off the two hands that were covering Ellenoa’s ears. “Let’s get married.”

“S-Sob...Yes, eh?”

“I can’t wait until then, so let’s get married right away.”

Ellenoa removed her face from Liliana’s chest, revealing wet eyes and a wide open mouth. The shock therapy turned out better than expected.

“Are you saying this sincerely?”

“Ella.” Liliana smiled and corrected her mistake. “I broke my promise because I proposed before your duties finished.”


“Ella, I need a connection with you so that I can think of this bond anytime and anywhere.”

Ellenoa stared blankly for five minutes once she heard these words. Then her white complexion became rosy again. Maybe it was due to the shock she received before, but she just realized that Liliana had proposed. To think she wanted to get married right away? Ellenoa wasn’t immune to this approach and blushed.

She reached out her hand in a different way. “P-Please wait a moment...”

The world tree responded to the high elf’s will and moved its branches. It was a branch where the fruit that needed 80 years to ripen hung. Ellenoa didn’t hesitate to pluck the fruit. Maybe the fruit was already loose or Ellenoa’s power was greater than Liliana thought, but the fruit burst and the fragrance covered her palm.

Ellenoa handed a piece to Liliana and explained why she took the fruit, “We elves don’t place a great deal of emphasis on ‘marriage’ like humans, and a big ceremony isn’t required. For us, it isn’t unusual for two different genders to come together to continue the bloodlines.”

“It is a wedding but not a wedding.”

“Yes, if two hearts are brought together, there is no need for formal rituals. Thus, we will have a very simple ‘wedding’ ceremony.”

That’s why Ellenoa grabbed this fruit.

“Two people will share one fruit, writing each other’s names with the seed before splitting it in half. An elf’s wedding requires planting the two seeds in a precious place.”

Liliana was convinced but asked Ellenoa about something she still didn’t understand, “Must it be the fruit of the world tree?”



“...I-It was nearby. Yes, I am selfish.” Ellenoa, who always seemed selfless, was currently overflowing with greed. She had learned she wasn’t special, but everyone wanted their wedding ceremony to be a bit more special. That’s why the atmosphere was playful. The two people faced each other and slowly put the fruit in their mouths. Liliana’s blue eyes and Ellenoa’s green eyes filled with unknown colors.

‘...It feels good.’

Maybe it was due to the neural network ‘Ratatoskr’ that they shared, but both Liliana and Ellenoa felt that their emotions crossed the boundaries of their bodies and mixed in each other’s minds. It seemed like Liliana Miller changed into Ellenoa, and Ellenoa changed into Liliana Miller. Maybe it was a prank by the world tree on the lovers who dared to use its body part in an act of affection.

“I love you, Ella.” Liliana was surprised by the words that slipped out.

“Yes, I love you too. Lili.”

Honest words flowed out of Liliana’s mouth, and there were more than ever before. The fruit wasn’t large and the seed was on Ellenoa’s side. She carved her name on the surface of the seed and placed it in Liliana’s hand. Liliana wrote her name next to ‘Ellenoa.’ Then the seed was broken into two pieces. Each of them got a piece, and the cozy wedding ceremony came to an end in just a few minutes.

Liliana placed the seed in her pocket and wondered where to plant it. Soon after, she got an answer.

‘The backyard of the Miller manor.’

The world tree could no longer be born. Even if a bud emerged from the seed that was split into two, it would be nothing more than a small tree. Nevertheless, it would be born with the power of the world tree to protect lives and enrich the soil. She hoped that her family would be a bit more secure.

“The night has deepened.”

Hearing Liliana’s words, Ellenoa nodded shyly. “Yes, shall we go down?”

“Let’s go down my way. I know where Ellenoa’s room is, but where am I sleeping?”



She held the treasured piece of seed and spoke in a soft voice. Liliana could barely hear it.

“N-Now Lili is my wife.”

Less than one minute after the relationship changed, Ellenoa’s face reddened as she tugged at Liliana’s collar. “I-I mean... You have to stay in my… room?”

In response to the courageous request of the new bride, Liliana embraced her. Just like Ellenoa’s, Liliana’s face was hot. The days when she rescued her from the Austen warriors who pretended to be slave merchants and from Superbia emerged again.

“...Let’s go.” She firmly held Ellenoa and entered the coordinates for the familiar space movement. Only the lonely sound of wind flowing through the branches of the world tree remained.

Chapter 388 - Forest that Leads to the Future (3)

A month passed by. Since the day she shared fruit with Ellenoa, Liliana had been staying in the Northern Great Forest, enjoying her daily life with the high elf. The time spent in the forest was longer than any time she had spent in the city. However, like a rippling stream, time never stopped flowing, and the time to part had come.

"Sigh..." Liliana sighed with deep regret at the thought of leaving. When had her body and mind ever been so calm? If the honeymoon with her two brides had been filled with new things, then life in Elvenheim was peace itself. Her days started with lively birdsong and ended with Ellenoa. The high elves treated her with respect and friendliness, calling her benefactor everywhere she went, even by elves harvesting crops and fruits.

‘It is a situation I can’t dream of if I am in Meltor... I don’t feel bad. Rather, I am coming to grips with my old memories.’

Now, Liliana was the greatest sorceress on the continent and Chief Tower Master. However, 20 years ago, she had been just another girl from the rural village—the Miller Barony.

The inhabitants of the land, which had no special products or farmland, lived by helping each other, regardless of status. Even those born noble weren’t different. Her mother, who had been suffering from poor health and weight loss, had worked to gather flour and potatoes.

It had been a territory where the title of ‘lord’ was hollow. Liliana had been born with a lot of love and had grown up without being crooked.

Crunch. She bit the apple a child had given her, savoring its taste.


Thanks to the elves’ long experience, the fertile soil of the Great Forest was incomparable to that of other regions. Liliana was eating the apple when someone returned.

"Liliana!" It was High Elf Ellenoa, more beautiful than a month ago. Was there an old saying that those in love became more beautiful?

Liliana greeted her and asked, "Ella, isn’t it okay to speak to me more casually now?"

“E-Even if you say that...”

Liliana had asked her many times already. Ellenoa liked her nickname of Ella, but she found it difficult to call Liliana by an informal name. However, there wasn’t a sense of distance now. Ellenoa wriggled her fingers and said, “...I am shy calling you so casually.”

It wasn’t a deliberate fox-like act. Liliana pulled Ellenoa into her arms.

“Omo!” Ellenoa’s eyes shone as she was pulled in. She looked more like a deer than a fox. A floral aroma came from her hair, and Liliana could feel her body temperature, feeling that Ellenoa's shyness might break with a tighter hug. Liliana moved her mouth closer and playfully bumped her nose against Ellenoa's.

“Ahaha, it tickles.”

“It is a penalty for calling my name with an honorific.”

“That—ahit. W-wait, ahahaha!”

In addition to her nose, she tickled Ellenoa's ears and waist. Ellenoa lost strength as she laughed, while Liliana held and supported her waist. The unique scent of vegetation surrounded their bodies. Ellenoa faced her and soon realized, “...You are leaving.”

“I’m sorry, Ella.”

“No, honestly, I already guessed.”

Ellenoa was a high elf and had a woman's senses. There was no way she could have been unaware. She could see it just looking at Liliana. There was a heavy burden on her shoulders—a weight that was difficult to fathom. Ellenoa didn’t possess the power to bear that burden. As such, Liliana was resolved to stand alone against the painful consequences that could happen to Elvenheim.

“Do you remember? The first time we met,” Ellenoa started, recalling the back alleys painted with blood and sin where they met. Then she continued, “You were much smaller than you are now, yet you didn’t step back from the monster that emerged from a nightmare. Eventually, you saved not only my life but the lives of everyone in this forest.”


“I was really worried. I was always the one being saved, and I wondered if I was qualified to be your spouse.”


“Therefore, please tell me, Liliana.” Her bright green eyes shone gently. “Can I be your strength?”

“Yes.” Liliana placed both hands on her face and nodded without hesitation. “Even now, you will be my strength in the future.”

Ellenoa stopped breathing for a moment as she listened to the words. Then she hugged her around the neck. “...Go safely, my love.”

It was something Liliana couldn’t promise. Therefore, she didn’t speak. She just kissed Ellenoa quietly. The moment Ellenoa realized the meaning of her silence, Liliana’s body was surrounded by a bright light, and she disappeared somewhere.

It was time to prepare for the end.

* * *

With one month left until Wrath would fall, Liliana left Elvenheim and literally moved around the whole world. Sipoto in the Kargas Kingdom, the ruins of the Lairon Kingdom, the Babarino Plains in the Soldun Kingdom where she had fought Pan Helliones...

Liliana left no stone unturned from the past events in her life. She had good conversations with the old man known as an ‘Old Books Maniac.’

-Oh, how are you? Tell me some stories.

Then she met Canis, who she had encountered as a client and customer at Bergen Academy.

-Kukukuk, the girl who used to run around is now a hero. I am living well thanks to you. There is no need to worry about me.

In addition to those, there were many other meetings. The friend who had abandoned Liliana after she failed, the current king of Andras...

They didn’t even take a day, but somehow she timed the meetings properly. In this one month that might be her last, Liliana spent the last week with her.

-Hmm, you came to see me. Isn’t this praiseworthy?

She was the evil dragon of the sea, Aquilo. The bond which had started from the Pirate Archipelago continued to this day. Aquilo was surprised by Liliana’s sudden visit but immediately responded to the conversation, recalling the time they confronted Pride and drank alcohol. She also showed her a pile of treasures.

-Please keep this in mind, Girl, Aquilo had said seriously as she left her lair.

-What do you mean by ‘in the future’?

-Girl, you are now an immortal, a transcendent being who can live for more than a thousand or ten thousand years. Perhaps there are few people in this world who will exist as long as you?

-...Maybe it is a future you can’t think about due to the upcoming death. If that day comes, can you be an old friend of this dragon?

Liliana hadn’t been able to deny it and left Aquilo. She had made a subtle expression, knowing that her atmosphere was strange. However, she hadn’t revealed the story about Wrath. The only one who noticed anything had been Naia.


Liliana had finished all the conversations. There was no one else she wanted to meet, and her heart wouldn’t waver. A sorceress was the strongest when her mind was perfectly clear.


A light flashed once, and Liliana’s surroundings became covered with snow and ice. This was the Arctic. It was the middle of the northern hemisphere. The cold was fine. Even a master-level sorceress could use her magic power to unconsciously change the surrounding temperature, let alone a transcendent.

“...Gluttony, how much time is left?”

Nevertheless, Liliana couldn’t help shaking.

-There isn’t much time left. There are exactly 11,489 seconds left until Wrath enters the planet’s atmosphere.

Once converted, that amount of time was 3 hours, 11 minutes, and 29 seconds. Immediately after that, the meteorite, capable of completely destroying civilization on this world, would fall. Liliana got goosebumps on her arms. Unlike her hardened mind, the foresight of inevitable death stimulated her body’s instincts. She gritted her teeth as she fought her unreasonable instincts.

‘Can I do it?’

As the frosty wind swept through Liliana, she gazed up at the sky. It didn’t matter if there was an earthquake or volcanic eruption. Either would be less threatening than the destruction falling from the sky. Some time later...

* * *

[Mission scheduled time, 972 seconds remaining.]

‘It’ was still in space—a silent space filled with cold air, as well as all types of electromagnetic waves and radiation. ‘It’ continued to travel at a speed of 10 kilometers per second, passing several planetary systems to carry out the task assigned to it.

It had a smooth silver surface. This sphere moving through outer space with an unknown force was Wrath of the Seven Sins.

[Activating the observation function, setting the drop point coordinates.]

Gluttony had spoken. There was no reason for it. It was half right, half wrong.

Wrath had very good thinking. It had the intelligence to identify the target before performing the mission and to carry out the destruction with maximum efficiency. Wrath had a calculation speed that could analyze navigational coordinates several light years away in dozens of seconds. It was never swept away by emotions or impulses.


In the interior of Wrath, which was several kilometers deep, its ‘eyes’ opened. Once used to their maximum, its eyes could observe supernovae hundreds of light years away in real time. Wrath would arrive at the planet in 16 minutes. It was only a matter of time until Wrath arrived at ‘Designated name: Earth.’

A crackling noise occurred a few times before the screen became clear as a new mirror. This was a technique difficult to understand even for the creator.

[Video Enlargement.]

Covered with ice and snow, the northern hemisphere of the planet was beautiful. However, for the emotionless grimoire, the scenery was nothing more than an investigation point. Wrath soon discovered a speck of dust on the observation video.

[―Identifying obstacles on the local planet and beginning the analysis.]

The video enlarged to 2x, 4x, 8x, until the object was large enough to be recognized. Red robes, black hair, and blue eyes—it was a common creature of the ‘human race.’ The amount of energy the human had was considerable, but she was an obstacle Wrath could easily crush.

[Uniqueness, Gluttony’s contractor.]

Wrath didn’t care. It didn’t worry about that even for a second as it decided to erase the unique presence. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a big loss if Gluttony was destroyed. Wrath’s priority was to neutralize the civilization that could threaten all of them. Then at that moment...

-...It is good. Chunk of scrap metal, the human that appeared on the observational video started to speak, -The welcome is a bit big but please accept it!

It was just after this that...

[A high energy reaction. Grade 2 boundary. Reacting to the presence of a dragon. Searching for the object name.]

An enormous heat swallowed Wrath’s body.

[...Fafnir’s ‘laser’ has hit the outer wall!]

Chapter 389 - Armageddon (1)

Around five minutes before the battle began, when there was still a gap of 10,000 kilometers, Liliana Miller was watching a breathtaking landscape. It was a scenery which couldn’t be glimpsed by ordinary humans unless civilization was several generations ahead of what it was now. The sky beyond the sky... It was an infinite space where the sun and moon shone regularly—the universe.

‘...This is the cradle of stars!’

This was a world that many pioneers had failed to return from. Liliana was filled with fear and joy as she gazed upon the magnificent scenery. Her material world was nothing more than a small crumb before this infinite space. Wasn’t this huge thing amazing by itself? Liliana desperately agreed with this point. She was reminded of words left behind in old books. When people looked at this universe without knowing anything, the small brain of a mortal wouldn’t be able to withstand its grandeur and size.

However, Gluttony’s tone was blasé as usual as she explained, -Well, it isn’t that special. There are phobias everywhere.

‘Like a phobia of heights?’

-It is a bit different. The fear of height arises from knowing what will happen when you fall from a high place. It is a reaction from learning rather than instincts. A similar phobia is… Yes, it is like thalassophobia (a fear of the sea). Cognitive dissonance is one of the reasons for that. It is different from knowing with your head and feeling with your body. The discomfort and anxiety of the things that can’t be seen are what cause the hair on the back of your neck to rise.

Fortunately, it wasn’t that bad for Liliana. She was able to regain her composure with simple mental focus. This ‘wasn’t’ her vision.

“...It will be soon.” Liliana was still standing on a glacier in the northern hemisphere as she watched the upcoming destruction. The shining pattern on her right hand was the key—the administrative rights to this material world. It was the responsibility and right of the guardian of the world, which had been handed to her by Dragon Lord Clipeus. The administrative rights were a force that couldn’t be used unless a global threat was getting close, but it had recognized Wrath’s approach for a long time. However, it wasn’t possible to use it to draw mana like last time.

‘It is likely that Wrath will interfere with everything in this material world. If so, it is over.’ It was breathtaking to use the administrative privilege to watch this scene from the perspective of the world. Fortunately, there was no sign that Wrath’s power was increasing. Liliana calmed her head and said quietly, “Gluttony, a count from ten.”


Detection magic was useless when the distance was thousands of kilometers. It depended on one of the Seven Sins, Gluttony. Color started to gradually disappear from Liliana’s eyes which were concentrating in earnest, and it seemed that time was slowing down. A monster was approaching at a speed of more than 10 kilometers per second. If there was even one second of error, she would lose 1 kilometer.


Liliana stopped breathing as Gluttony started counting.

-Nine, eight, seven, six...

As soon as the count reached five, Liliana aimed at the sky with her left hand. Just like how it had been mentioned before, there was a limit on the use of the administrative authority. However, this function was usable without any problems.

「 Opening the dimensional door with the authority of administrator ‘Liliana Miller.’ 」

This was a shortcut she had thought of a long time ago. A normal summoning would consume a great deal of power and magic. However, by becoming the administrator, Liliana could connect two dimensions in an instant at her own convenience.

Just after that...

「―Come, Fafnir! 」

The dragon, Fafnir, who guarded Muspelheim—in the past, it responded to Liliana’s call and wiped out Pride in seven seconds. The air whitened. Everything was burning up as the atmosphere of Muspelheim flowed into this material world. The minus 50 degrees Celsius Arctic didn’t shrink back from this heat.

『 Complete. The limit of activity in this dimension is 43 seconds. 』

As the dragon spoke in a loud voice, the sacred white flames were like a living sun. During the Age of Mythology, Fafnir had burned the world tree and created the place called the Red Plateau. Now, according to the will of the summoner, Fafnir turned its head toward where Wrath would fall.


The moment that Gluttony counted down to two...

“Fafnir, now!”

『 Obliterate. 』

At Liliana’s command, Fafnir opened its mouth and let out a breath that was like a ‘laser.’


In the aftermath, the glacier melted, and the blizzard turned to steam. The extreme heat caused a catastrophic event despite the breath not landing a direct hit. If this place wasn’t the northern hemisphere, it would’ve been visible to everyone. The pillar of light that shot up from the ground toward the sky seemed to cut straight through the night sky.

‘Okay, the speed is perfect!’

There was one second left in the countdown as Liliana’s vision filled with the light exiting the planet’s atmosphere. She managed to tune in her vision with the perspective of the planet using the administrative right. The moment her eyes came into contact with Wrath...

“It is good. Chunk of scrap metal!” Liliana shouted as she raised her left hand. “The welcome is a bit big but please accept it!”

She didn’t know if it was transmitted or not. Regardless, the laser crossed 10,000 kilometers and swallowed it up. This was the destructive laser that Fafnir had shot out with all its power. There was no noise. In the universe where there was no air, there was a fierce light. The laser caused an explosion once it came into contact with Wrath. Half of the continent would’ve been blown away if it had exploded in the material world. However, Liliana kept staring vigilantly at this scene.

[External wall damage. Checking the changes in physical properties from the 1st to 14th layer due to the superheat. Self-recovery. Running a separation sequence.]

Wrath wasn’t able to defend against the most powerful attack of Fafnir, the incarnation of Muspelheim. On the sphere that was several kilometers in diameter, a portion of its damaged outer wall peeled off like a snake’s skin. The unrecoverable part separated before the accumulated heat could be conducted further.

Even so, Wrath was neither surprised nor confused. In addition to the orichalcum that could endure the heat for a few seconds, it ran countermeasures against this laser.

[This laser is an eraser, a primitive type of ultra-high heat ray. The unique weakness of the ray-based attack means reducing heat conductivity will be effective. Repair. The dimensional boundary surface on the outer wall surface will block heat conduction.]

The surface of the huge silver Wrath turned blue.

[Summoning a dimensional boundary. Dimensional name ‘Cocytus’, width kept at 15 meters.]

The dimensional boundary that appeared on Wrath’s outer wall started to absorb most of the heat. As an absolute dimension like Muspelheim, the chill that overflowed from Cocytus canceled out the heat.

“That damn metal can...!” It was a wonderful response worthy of admiration if Wrath wasn’t the enemy of the world. Liliana was chilled by the swift action and realized that Fafnir could no longer help. Wrath moved through the terrible heat. 43 seconds. The dragon, which would’ve caused millions of victims on the material world, ended up being sent back with little profit.

“Kuk, I wasn’t expecting anything in any case!”

It wasn’t entirely as she said. No matter how great the power of the laser was, Wrath was still a destructive weapon that could crush a star. It was amazing that the outer wall was even slightly damaged. Liliana sympathized with the world since she could tune into the senses of the planet. Wind was blowing in the vacuum that was infinite space. It was a name for the waves generated by radiation, ultraviolet rays, and all types of other energies. Interstellar wind… Feeling the wind that couldn’t be felt with human senses, Liliana invoked the wind magic she had inherited from a senior—White Tower Master Heathcliff. Liliana read the sky with the body of a mortal and wielded the energy storm. Before she became a transcendent, the sky had been incomprehensible, but she could now handle this wind.

「 Together! Wind that flows between stars and planets! 」

She wouldn’t have been able to control it for one second without the administrative privilege. Liliana constantly suppressed the interstellar wind that was trying to escape her control while staring at Wrath, which had returned to silver again. The threat that was Fafnir had disappeared, so Wrath’s original outer wall was restored. It was in order to reduce the consumption of power as much as possible and to carry out an efficient ‘eradication.’

‘...Yes, keep looking down on me.‘

‘I will smash you to pieces!’

「 Supercell, activation. 」

Liliana released the reins of the interstellar wind. It had reached a terrifying scale despite having only gathered for a few seconds. She had no choice but to do so since she couldn’t control the overflowing forces in this limitless space. The sunlight that fed life in the material world and the phenomenon which caused the tides were just a fraction of the power that was present in the universe.

「 Aiolos’ withdrawal! 」

The starlight was distorted by Liliana’s hand gestures, and a tremendous power wound around Wrath. This was a power which would blow away the planet’s atmosphere if it hit kept striking the silver sphere.

Jjejeok! Jjejejeok!

Air currents gathered and made noise. Part of Wrath’s outer wall became like cracked pottery. The silver surface was split apart by the interstellar wind, revealing a rugged form. Liliana’s Supercell magic proved to be a valid blow.

[Sensing a large-scale pressure. Interstellar wind. Primitive magic that circulates compression and emission. It is suggested to form a vacuum area while simultaneously using repulsive force to offset the pressure. Repair.]

Wrath, however, responded as if it knew.

[Reflect Force is deployed, vacuum wave launched on the path.]

The power of the magic which controlled the interstellar wind was far superior to ultimate magic. However, its scale was so large that there was no room for sophisticated magic formulas. Simply generating a force field that dissipated the magic’s force meant that more than half the pressure disappeared. Once the ‘vacuum’ was turned toward Wrath’s path, the curtain made of interstellar wind tore, and a hole was created for Wrath.


The interstellar wind was torn apart. As Liliana coughed up a bit of blood from the recoil, she calculated Wrath’s accelerated path again.

“Dammit. I heard it was strong, but this is too dirty...!”

Liliana thought that at least 100 meters would be overcome with these attacks, but her calculations were already wrong. She gritted her teeth as she looked up at the sky. A star was falling rapidly. The brightness of it couldn’t be seen on the surface of the planet yet. However, if Wrath kept approaching at this speed, then it would be seen in five minutes. When Liliana thought about this, she missed a few seconds from hesitation.

‘Let’s go.’

Liliana’s body turned cobalt.

Forced Harmonization - Phase 2. Mode ‘INDRA’. It wasn’t lightning but the next step. This was plasma, something which would be classified as a class 4 material in a scientific civilization. Liliana passed through the atmosphere of the planet in an instant. The output and speed of plasma were better than those of lightning.

Kwarururung! There was a thunderous sound as Liliana rose into the sky. A plasma tail trailed behind her as she left the atmosphere in a matter of seconds, reaching Wrath that was thousands of kilometers away. Liliana was moving absurdly fast in an unobstructed space. It was at a speed of 100 kilometers per second or more.

‘I will blow it away!’

Shortly after that, Liliana rushed forth without the slightest deceleration and reached the silver sphere!

Chapter 390 - Armageddon (2)

Ku kwa kwa kwang!

In a space where sound didn’t exist, the normal roar wasn’t heard, but a powerful shock wave burst out from Liliana. This was the best of a 9th circle sorceress! The plasma body was empowered by accelerating spells and gaining power and speed. Its destructive power could carve out a mountain. It would be difficult for even an ancient dragon to survive if hit by this.

This was obvious.

‘Kuk! This is ridiculous!’

The moment that she clashed with Wrath’s silver outer wall, Liliana realized the absurdity of this. Her instincts told her that it was impossible to break through this outer wall with the collision of her accelerated plasma body. Indeed, her intuition was right without any errors.


At the point where Liliana collided, there was a crater with a radius of 20 meters on the outer wall. A few pieces of debris from the outer wall were thrown into space, and Wrath slowed down to 9.8 kilometers per second. This was the best result of Liliana’s preemptive attack. For a monster several kilometers in diameter, a crater with a radius of 20 meters was no different from an insect bite.

“No, not yet!”

However, Liliana didn’t feel despair at this extraordinary gap.

“I already knew you were such a monster!”

Liliana had heard it several times. Wrath was the final weapon of the Seven Sins and was a destruction that no one could prevent. It couldn’t be prevented or avoided. The only way to survive was to escape outside the planet.

“―I will smash you!”

Liliana had come here in order to overturn the hopeless future.


Magic power, which contained four elements, rose up around Liliana’s body. Abraxas, the most powerful attack magic she could use, formed and pushed at Wrath’s outer wall. The pressure of the wall reduced but didn’t disappear. Abraxas’ strength couldn’t stop it completely. Liliana quickly completed the fusion magic and reached out a hand.

Great magic Abraxas (ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ).

Divine Artefact Heavenly Sword.

She fused it with the Heavenly Sword, recreating the attack that had split apart Cheonju Castle.

Fusion Complete: Unprecedented God-Sword.

It was a force that was two or three times stronger than before.


If it had been possible to make noise, the unpleasant noise would’ve spread out over a few hundred meters. As soon as the Unprecedented God-Sword penetrated the outer wall, there was an unpleasant vibration in the area. That might have been due to Wrath’s defense function working or it might be a feature of the metal that made up the outer wall.

‘I don’t know!’

‘Don’t look at unnecessary situations.’ Liliana focused her concentration on the god-sword, trying to push it 30 meters deep. According to the characteristics of Wrath that Glutton had mentioned, Wrath would respond to this attack immediately. So, Liliana had to gain as much of an advantage as possible before Wrath pulled out the countermeasures. It wasn’t as exciting as cutting Cheonju Castle, but the god-sword continued to move forward.

The god-sword pierced through 30 meters and then several meters per second after that. Liliana didn’t know what this felt like to Wrath, but she knew it wouldn’t be pleasant!

[Detecting the attack of a divine weapon. Analyzing the properties of compressed magic power and the collapse of the four elements. The elements can’t be defended against. Suggesting the destruction of the divine weapon that is the medium. Repair.]

The logic circuit built into Wrath responded promptly to the means of attack.

[Generating a killer bot, fixing the force pattern of the core to ‘deicide.’ Command to move until the object is disarmed.] (TL: Deicide - killing/killer of a god)

This was the first time Wrath was encountering Liliana’s magic, but it had experience dealing with gods in countless ways. After detecting the divinity in the attack, Wrath summoned the weapon that was a god’s nemesis—Killer Bot. It was an autonomous maneuver-type weapon made by consuming a large portion of Wrath. In the past, the Killer Bot was designed to confront the gods and heroes who opposed Wrath.

[13 Sword Breakers are created.]

A design was instantly generated. Liliana sensed the situation one step ahead, but she was confused when she saw the monsters coming out of the hard outer wall. They had forms similar to humans, but instead of having hands, there were sickle-like blades similar to those of a praying mantis? The pale inanimate body was just one of the reasons for her confusion.

- Killer Bot! You must’ve made Wrath angry if it is already bringing this out.

“What is it?”

- Be vigilant. I don’t know how it is designed, but 13 of them can tear apart a grandmaster.

As Gluttony spoke, they moved.


They were fast because there was no air resistance. The killer bots moved at supersonic speed and were able to get past Liliana’s defense. Almost simultaneously, a gossamer-like web poured down. Liliana’s neck got shivers as she sensed her imminent death.

「 Time Acceleration! 」

If she focused on destroying the outer wall, she would be torn apart. Liliana read the future and accelerated her time by 30 times, escaping before she was completely surrounded and defeated. An acceleration of more than 20 times was unreasonable for her, but it was the only way to escape. One killer bot was as fast as Randolph Clovis.

‘The weapon—the blades for hands—are also irritating.’

Neither magic power nor aura could be felt, but there was an ominous feeling. The discomfort caused by her foresight told her to avoid the net. Liliana had escaped the net, but the killer bots moved again. They didn’t use a mechanical type of walking but a footwork that could be seen in martial arts.

Liliana’s brows furrowed. “They know how to use techniques? If I brought Gladio... No, then another one would’ve popped out. What annoying pieces of tin.”

There was no answer. No, their voices weren’t even heard. Liliana summoned the air stored in the vicinity of her mouth and breathed like she was on the ground. That’s how she was talking to herself. It was a type of self-suggestion to overcome the anxiety and fear filling her.


Liliana held Soul Calibre with her left hand and the Heavenly Sword with her right hand as she faced the killer bots.

“Hey, aren’t you coming?”

Whether or not Liliana’s words were transmitted, the killer bots understood the provocation.


The killer bots once again accelerated.

‘Ha, I’m sorry but I am already accustomed to this speed.’

However, a trick wouldn’t work twice on a sorceress. Supersonic? An attack that she couldn’t react to? It wasn’t necessary for her body to respond to that. She just needed to respond to the enemy’s speed. A magic circle with a radius of 10 meters appeared under Liliana’s feet. Six killer bots stepped forward while seven retreated. Were they trying to figure out Liliana’s intentions by putting in half the number first?

「 Time, 」 Liliana said solemnly as she raised her blades, 「 Return. 」

Simultaneously, the bodies of the six killer bots that ran into the magic circle were shattered. Liliana laughed at the terrible performance that didn’t include a regenerative power.

“I cut it three seconds ago. How does it feel to be a tiger moth?”

As mentioned earlier, the technique of interfering with the time axis wasn’t meaningful to a transcendental existence. It was because the resistance was so intense that the time magic was essentially invalidated. However, it was possible to use a technique like Time Acceleration which affected her body or a space other than the enemy. The trick that Liliana used was to cut the air in advance.

[Checking the use of time magic. Time Restore, which calls a few seconds to remove the six killer bots. Raising the enemy’s risk level by two stages. Give the ability to detect magic to the remaining seven killer bots. Create 13 identical objects.]

Nevertheless, Wrath just increased the number. The eyeballs on the flat faces of the killer bots emitted a red ray. It was an eye magic to detect time and space magic.

This was an evil eye that was more obvious than Orta’s.

“...It really turns things around.”

This was more difficult than fighting the heavenly demon. Liliana stopped thinking when she saw 13 killer bots emerge behind the already existing ones. Her purpose was to buy time before reaching the material world. She needed to clean up these cans as soon as possible.

Hidden technique.

Liliana crossed her two swords. “Boundary of Heaven and Earth.”

Lights protruded from the ends of the swords. The power of the technique wiped out five killer bots without a trace, and the remaining 15 killer bots ran through the gap. On the asteroid that was flying at 9.8 kilometers per second, the second match between a sorceress and the slaughtering machines began.

* * *


There was a sound as sword and sword collided. Liliana kicked the cut apart pieces of a killer bot and pulled back her right hand. A strange impact was accumulating on the right hand which held the Heavenly Sword. Was it a coincidence? Liliana thought about it as she stabbed Soul Calibre into the head of a killer bot.


The killer bot didn’t stop moving despite its head being split into two. Unlike humans, there was no brain. The persistence of the machines even after being cut into several pieces reminded her of the trolls. However, once Liliana used Hellfire, the movements stopped.

‘This is the 93rd one... They are easier to destroy than I thought, but if this continues, I won’t be able to block Wrath. What can I do?’

The killer bots were moderately threatening. She could somehow hold on when facing 20 at once. The problem was blocking Wrath. Wrath had slowed down for a bit, but it had now recovered to a speed of 10 kilometers per second. The crater on the surface caused by the plasma and Heavenly Sword were completely restored.


Whenever she tried to think, a few killer bots would interrupt her. Was it their role to hold onto Liliana’s ankles? Liliana stared at the glowing red light and pointed her sword.

「 Time Acceleration! 」

She made a swift cut. Time seemed to have stopped in the black and white world. In fact, her senses had accelerated so much that her optic nerves couldn’t distinguish color. Liliana drove the Heavenly Sword into the chest of the killer bot. Soul Calibre was a pretty good offensive tool but it wasn’t comparable to the cutting power of Heavenly Sword. The Heavenly Sword killed the machines in succession and searched for its next sacrifice.


Then the sharp blade broke at the midpoint.


The divine artifact was damaged. Liliana stopped at the unexpected situation, and two killer bots dug in through this gap. Their curved blades like those of a praying mantis danced around. The barrier Liliana had created reflexively was cut apart, and her red blood dripped down. It might’ve been a fatal wound if she hadn’t been using Time Acceleration.

[Confirming the destruction of the divine weapon. Continuing the battle by converting the killer bots into human form.]

Then the form of the killer bots changed. The two arms increased to six, taking the form of hands rather than blades. The killer bots resembled the asura that was seen in Buddhist mythology of the East, and they emitted a tremendous force.

“Hah,” Liliana laughed bitterly.

The Heavenly Sword had broken. One excellent means of attack had disappeared.

‘The impact that was accumulating before... It meant the Heavenly Sword being damaged. It happened every time the blade collided with these guys.’

She hadn’t known it but the killer bots made by Wrath had the power to destroy a ‘god.’ When touched, the god would lose strength, and if the exposure was constant, they would lose full strength. Wrath had destroyed a number of gods so far and was a natural enemy of the gods. It wasn’t something a sword which contained the power of a god could endure.

“But half still remains.”

Liliana watched the slow approach of the remaining killer bots and held the half blade that remained. It was a bit more difficult than before. Now that they had achieved their purpose of destroying the Heavenly Sword, it meant they would concentrate on killing her.

“Not yet, you cans!”

Liliana continued using the half remaining Heavenly Sword, instead of using magic to fill the gap. According to mythology, this god-sword was obtained from a demonic beast. The original name was Ame no Murakuma no Tsurugi, and it was obtained from the body of a serpent with eight heads. If so, it was possible to invoke the demonic beast using this sword.

「 Aura, the snake that made eight valleys with its head and tail. 」

The pattern on her right hand emitted light again. As long as she had the power to control this material world, no sacrifice was needed for Liliana’s summoning magic. All she needed was an intermediary for the summoning.

“Show yourself here! Yamata no Orochi!”

The Heavenly Sword in Liliana’s hand turned into a handful of dust. A gap was torn in the dimension, and a monster descended.


The eight-headed dragon, which spanned more than half the width of Wrath, let out a terrifying roar.

Chapter 391 - Armageddon (3)

The roar was heard even in outer space, where sound didn’t echo! Orochi’s roar wasn’t just loud. It also contained a physical pressure. The eight killer bots that got caught in the roar shattered, while the rest had their limbs twisted in a gruesome manner.

In the past, the old gods of Japan needed to work together to beat it. However, this power exceeded Liliana’s expectations.

‘Okay, I can reverse the situation.’

Liliana was shocked by this and smiled. She thought she could use it well if it was only a hydra, but Orochi’s strength was more than a dragon’s. The killer bots harassing it were crushed like cans. Even if another 30 appeared when 10 were broken, it was meaningless in the presence of Orochi. The surface area of one scale was wider than a small mansion. It was like there was a storm swirling around Orochi’s huge body as the bodies of the killer bots were torn into many pieces and thrown out into the universe.

■■■■―?! ■■■■■――!!?

Orochi was confused about being summoned before Wrath in outer space, but Liliana didn’t explain why. No, she never had any intention of holding the reins from the beginning.

‘I would’ve tried if the Heavenly Sword was still intact… but now I can’t afford to deal with Orochi. I will leave it alone to do its work!’

The killer bots were nothing but toys that Wrath controlled. The worst development was not being able to stop the material world from being destroyed by Wrath. Liliana took deep breaths as she rested for a few seconds, concentrating all the magic power of her nine circles.

“Gluttony, number 17.”


A hole appeared in the palm of her left hand, and an artifact in the inventory emerged through Gluttony’s mouth. It was a dagger made of a mysterious metal, with a bright crystal on the hilt. This was the favorite tool of the alchemist, Paracelsus—the Azoth Sword. The Azoth Sword was a legendary tool which omitted all alchemy processes.

「 Substance conversion. 」

The blade which accepted the magic shimmered with light. This was the magic Liliana had used to fight Paracelsus’s creature, Mercurius, a few years ago. The magic consumed the ‘Philosopher's Stone’ set in the hilt and turned any substance the dagger touched into another substance. It wasn’t a difficult spell for Liliana, but the Azoth Sword was being applied to ultimate magic.

「 Ars Magna. 」

At this chant, the blade shone.

「 Become water, Wrath! 」

As soon as the stone embedded in the hilt of the Azoth Sword shone with a golden radiance, a beam of light was fired from the blade. This was the light of the ultimate magic, matter conversion.


Surprisingly, the light worked on Wrath. The wall, which had seemed like an ultimate obstacle, shook and started to boil as it changed into water! It was because the vacuum of outer space lowered the boiling point. The surface of the outer wall evaporated quickly, causing holes that were 100 meters deep and gradually becoming deeper. The result was greater than that of the attacks Liliana had made using plasma and the Heavenly Sword.


As the object beneath it turned into a puddle, Orochi glared at Liliana. It didn’t know what this situation was, but it knew Liliana had called it here.


There was no desire to communicate. Instead, poisonous smoke emerged from Orochi’s eight heads. It was a poison that melted away at anything, without a distinction between inanimate objects and living things. This was closer to a ‘corrosive’ breath than poison. It dissolved cell walls, destroyed the molecular structure, and eroded the surface of the target.


However, despite its lethal force, the poisonous smoke was too slow. Liliana maintained a plasma state and pulled out of the range of the poisonous smoke without difficulty. Her nerves were accelerated, causing one second to feel like one minute. It gave her enough time to look at the water and the poisonous smoke.

‘Isn’t it much worse than I thought?’

Wrath’s outer wall and the space in this area were contaminated. Moreover, it wasn’t a material poison but a conceptual poison. Liliana couldn’t completely resist it in her plasma condition. The poison couldn’t be burned with force or blown away with wind. The only way to get rid of it would be to use ‘purification’ or a greater destructive power.

“...Why should I?”

However, Liliana had no intention of getting rid of this poison. Orochi’s poison, which could threaten a god, was melting even Wrath’s outer walls. Wrath would quickly come up with countermeasures but Liliana would let the poison cause as much damage as possible in the meantime. Liliana decided on her actions and extended her feet again.


She was a lightning bolt of an unidentified color, leaving an afterimage behind her. Orochi’s poison poured toward her, but it couldn’t keep up with the lightning. The outer wall of Wrath was abused as the two transcendent beings played tag. The substance conversion ray caused large holes in Wrath’s outer wall while the poison melted its surface.

[Reconfirming the damage situation. There is an urgent need for exclusion of the object.]

Finally, Wrath came out to counterattack.

[ (Damage 1) 312 meters worth of damage to outer wall due to Ray of Material Conversion. Minimize the interference of the light ray by changing the surface wall to glass. Recover the material lost using the other exterior walls. Emergency restoration.]

[(Damage 2) Persistent damage observed on the outer wall due to the toxic attack of Yamato no Orochi, a serpent dragon type. Remove contaminated areas. Urgent need to isolate the object. The entity is a demonic beast from this material world. Requires a physical attack. Repair.]

The logic circuits thought of an answer in a few seconds.

[Super Vibration Smash]

At this moment, Liliana realized that a reaper’s scythe was descending toward her neck. She predicted the future 0.03 seconds ahead and executed an emergency avoidance, 「―Dimensional Leave! 」Liliana’s body turned from plasma into a spiritual body.


The silver sphere, 3 kilometers in diameter, was now a little smaller and started to vibrate at an enormous speed! The frequency exceeded the limits of what could be measured. It was a super vibration, a vortex of power that crushed all objects it touched. The remnants of the killer bots left on the surface of the outer wall returned to a handful of dust. All the materials in Wrath’s resonance range were decomposed into atomic units.

Liliana and Orochi were no exception.


The impact of the few seconds it took to change from a plasma body to a spirit body tore at her. After taking a few bottles of potions, the blood rising in her throat disappeared. However, the damage done to Liliana wasn’t the problem.


Orochi was the greatest victim of this destruction.

■■■!? ■■■■■!!!

It was useless no matter how much poison it poured out. Wrath’s outer wall no longer melted. Even if it did attack the vibrating wall, it would only receive a shock back. The body of Yamato no Orochi exploded, with flesh and scales scattering everywhere. The more durable bones and skeletal muscles held out a bit longer.


However, every head exploded, causing a red blood mist to spread everywhere. A demonic beast from myths was destroyed with one counterattack.

‘Crazy...! Orochi couldn’t even last 10 seconds?’

If Liliana hadn’t become a spirit body, she would’ve died too. Plasma wasn’t immune to physical attacks and it was even more vulnerable to attacks that cut off the flow of electrons. Additionally, Wrath followed up with a second vibration attack.

[It has been confirmed that object name ‘Yamato no Orochi’ has been destroyed. Survival of object 1, escape to the Astral Plane. Searching for effective means to attack a spirit body―complete. Performing the wide-range Soul Stake.]

The ability to move between the spirit and reality states was fairly rare, but it wasn’t difficult for Wrath who had destroyed many worlds. If a physical attack didn’t work, Wrath would have to use other means. There were a number of attacks which allowed both physical and spiritual interference.


Liliana felt an eerie sense of foreboding while she ran through the air just as sharp awls emerged under her feet.

Like the killer bots that emerged from the surface of Wrath, this was a surprise attack that couldn’t be read.

Kkikikikik! An unpleasant metallic sound pierced Liliana’s eardrums.

‘No, it can’t be metal!’

It wasn’t a vibration of air. The noise resonated in the Astral World. The soul stakes clashed with each other, and the wavelengths tore at Liliana’s body. They were very difficult to endure, even if they weren’t direct strikes. Simultaneously, the soul stakes kept on appearing.


The silver spikes were bigger than lances, and they sprang up to skewer her. Liliana read the paths and evaded, but she couldn’t completely avoid a thousand awls springing up from the ground. Blood flowed from her shoulders, thighs, and sides.


It was blood, but it was white, not red. This was proof that the damage was dealt to Liliana’s soul. If this damage kept accumulating, restrictions might appear on her magic ability.

‘If I can’t avoid, then I can only attack!'

The translucent Liliana’s body shone brighter as she created two blades in both hands. Soul Calibre. The technique passed down by Reynolds Spencer became much stronger in this spirit body. If it was an object able to interfere with a spirit body, that meant the spirit body could also interfere with the object.


There was a sharp sound as several soul stakes broke. More than 100 soul stakes aimed for her, but she avoided half of them while breaking the rest. It was a perfect defense. The soul stakes specialized in spiritual attacks and were less durable than the killer bots, making them easier to destroy. However...

[Identifying a unique astral weapon. Please respond.]

Wrath’s database responded even to this.

[Refining a part of the spirit body, raising the durability of the ‘soul stakes’ to a proper level. Searching for defensive means to damage the astral weapon. Complete. Departed Soul Summoning. Release of a spirit corresponding to the target object and hom*ogeneous species.]

Wrath’s response wasn’t a killer bot or a silver stake. Instead, red swords started to emerge from Wrath’s surface. They were unlike Liliana’s green swords. The red swords, dark red like clotted blood, increased endlessly in number. They were evil spirits with human forms. Each spirit was on the level of Hipatia. 10... 132... 487... Liliana stopped counting once it went beyond 1,000.

“Only doing things I hate. Isn’t this a nasty personality?”

She didn’t know. Liliana could exercise physical force as ghosts and undead were vulnerable to holy swords. However, Soul Calibre embodied the soul of a user. If it clashed with the sword of the evil spirit, Soul Calibre would absorb the ‘dirtiness’ or ‘wicked desires.’ It wasn’t a big deal if she was facing a demon like Reynolds had done. The real problem was if Liliana continued maintaining her spirit body.

‘If a sword is stabbed into mud, it will dull and rust.’

Wrath’s move was an excellent counter to Soul Calibre.

‘Should I withdraw? If I use other means―’ Liliana stepped back and organized her thoughts. She still had a lot of means left.

The conversion had damaged Wrath quite heavily. If Liliana didn’t give it a chance to fill up the holes, the damage would accumulate. It was at this moment that...


Suddenly, the whole area was covered with bright flames, and Liliana’s field of view became a scene of white. She hadn’t received any impact or injuries, but she had to turn her eyes away from this shocking fact.

‘Flames? The surface is burning in space? No, don’t tell me―?!’

The meteorite was burning wildly because of the friction from the atmosphere. As the meteorite, which had enormous energy, collided with the air resistance of the planet’s atmosphere, it caused a combustion phenomenon. As she looked at the planet they were approaching, Liliana shouted, “Gluttony! Time remaining!”

-11 seconds until the entry of Wrath. Hurry, User, Gluttony said, with irritation rising in her blasé tone.

Liliana couldn’t do anything. As she stared at the evil spirits that filled her vision, she rushed without a chance.


The destruction had arrived at her world.

Chapter 392 - Armageddon (4)

The atmosphere had been broken through. Using the layer of hydrogen and helium as fuel, Wrath entered the planet’s atmosphere by burning its surface. The thickness of the atmosphere was around 1,000 kilometers. The speed started to decelerate after entering the zone where air resistance existed. However, it was clear that even if Wrath only moved at 2 kilometers per second, it would destroy all life on this planet. Before that, Lili had to reduce either Wrath’s speed or mass no matter what.

Kieeeeek! The cries of more than a thousand evil spirits rang out at once, echoing in Liliana's ears. Lili pushed away the pressure with Soul Calibre but realized it wasn’t a fundamental solution.

‘Kuk, there is no time to think of a way!’ 10 seconds were left. After entering the thermal layer, Wrath would burn far more intensely than right now. It would become visible to the people on Earth, and at that point, it would be all over. It was because Wrath’s destructive power would increase with the number of observers.

“Emergency order! In the name of the victor!” She unsealed the knot Seimei had left behind. “Yin and Yang Bind, release!”

The band on Liliana’s left arm was released. Her blood blackened, and the blood vessels bulged from all the magic power—the strength of the heavenly demon. It wouldn’t be hard to get rid of the evil spirits with just 20% of this power. In fact, as soon as this was released, the evil spirits were so afraid that they scattered in all directions.

‘No! This isn’t enough!’ Nine seconds were left. Lili needed to somehow deal an effective blow.

“...Darn.” There was one moment of hesitation before Liliana cried out, 「 Absorption Star Method, activate! 」

It was the ability to disassemble all the entities she made contact with into the smallest unit and then absorb that power. Lust’s final weapon and the strongest ability given to the heavenly demon revealed its teeth again. It wasn’t just in the material world. The mana in the atmosphere, as well as the seeds from soil, plants, and animals, were absorbed. This was the power of predation to eat everything, regardless of species, property, or system.

Kieeeeeeek-! Those who could threaten a city or a nation were just prey in front of this power. Lili's left arm stretched out and dragged in the evil spirits that were trying to escape. It was similar to a scene of water pouring down a drain. The evil spirits with a high density disintegrated into mana as soon as they reached her arm, filling the circles which had been drained after the previous battle. Lili’s magic power became saturated in just two or three seconds.

“Haaaap!” Lili concentrated all the overflowing magic power into her right arm. As she pushed all the power of her left arm into Soul Calibre, the emerald blade grew to a length of several hundred meters in a flash. It could be called a blessing in disguise. The pure power of the Absorption Star Method increased the power of Soul Calibre. Eating over a thousand high-level evil spirits was enough for that.

Synergy-Harmonize. Add the power of Abraxas to wreak havoc! Fusion Complete: Four Elements Exterminating Sword.

Once the fusion spell completed, Liliana jumped up and wielded the emerald blade that had become a pillar. The sword accelerated as the faint atmosphere separated. The sword’s length increased, making the sword’s speed increase as well. The edge of the blade broke through supersonic speed and cut the outer wall like it was butter.

Kakakakak! It pierced through properly. Lili felt the sensation and didn’t retreat, raising her magic power instead. She couldn’t miss this opportunity. Based on this resolution, she demonstrated more magic power than usual. This was her last chance since there were only 500 meters left until Wrath would become visible to the world. What if the 800-meter-long blade turned into a powder keg?

「 Sword, blow up! 」It penetrated deeply and exploded. Lili was unaware of it, but demolition was the simplest and most effective technique. The moment Wrath was about to enter the thermal layer, there was a big explosion.


The sky was torn. The air burst and a vacuum occurred, putting out the flames and making everything quiet.

Jjejejeok...! Jjeok...! The state of the sphere was miserable. In the spot where Soul Calibre had been stuck into the outer wall, more than one hundred meters of debris were scattered like a meteor shower. Wrath had lost more than one-third of its volume, and the orbit seemed to shake.

‘That’s it! At this rate, one more blow before it hits the ground―’ However, Lili wasn’t allowed even a moment of hope.

[The number of observers on the target planet is constantly increasing. 3... 9... 17... 30 people. Upgrading the available power based on the increase in hostility by two stages.]

The lost volume was restored, and Wrath started accelerating. It was now falling at a speed of 4 kilometers per second. As if the damage Lili dealt to it hadn’t existed from the beginning, Wrath’s outer wall became smooth and it fell to the ground.

This was when Liliana realized, ‘...Had it already expected this?’

Wrath had the highest logic circuits among the Seven Sins. It collected accurate data and could make future predictions using this data. If so, how easy would it be for Wrath to calculate the range of Liliana’s actions? It had guided the situation to this moment by expecting 'Liliana Miller's full power.' The killer bots, soul stakes, and evil spirits that it had sent out had just been paving stones to this moment.

Liliana had lost. Thinking this, she tried to deny it, “No, not yet! It isn’t over yet!”

The magic power she had absorbed was still overflowing. By rotating all nine circles, as well as using Gluttony’s functions and the assistance function of Goetia, Lili used six ultimate magic—lightning, storms, hellfire, blizzard, gravitational field, and space waves.

Jeeeong! The firepower, which could erase a mountain, struck the outer wall and bounced far away. The defense had increased to a different level from when they fought in outer space. The number of observers was still increasing, and Wrath’s output amplified significantly.

‘Limit...!’ Liliana couldn’t do her best. This wasn’t her best. She hadn’t used all the means she had and hadn’t revealed the depths of her creativity.

‘If I don’t exceed the limits...!’ Lili knew that she had to go beyond her limits. She knew that if she crossed the wall in her mind, a mouse could kill a lion. However, this world wasn’t so hospitable. Lili repeatedly made meaningless attempts as the number of observers who saw Wrath on the ground reached almost 10,000. Wrath’s surface became so hard that both the ultimate magic and Soul Calibre didn’t make a single scratch.

“Uwaaaaah!” Liliana became so desperate that she lost concentration for a moment.

Puk! A soul stake rose from the bottom and pierced her feet and thighs.

Peeok! Suddenly, two killer bots struck her defenseless sides and abdomen. Lili's remaining magic power was strong enough to stop the fatal attack. However, once her bones were broken and internal bleeding occurred, there would be no way to maintain her spiritual body. Her translucent body regained its physical form. Then...

[Second vibration activate.] It was the vibration that had destroyed Yamato no Orochi.

“Kuweeeeeek!” Finally, Lili was thrown off Wrath’s surface, with blood spraying from her eyes, nose, and mouth. It was a miracle that she didn’t die instantly. She was saved by the sheer force of kicking off the surface. The power of the super vibration was fearsome, but most of the power was consumed as Wrath fell by centimeters. Lili was no longer an obstacle, and Wrath kept moving forward.

“...Ah...ahh...!” She reached out to Wrath, but it had accelerated to 10 kilometers per second and was now out of her reach.

“...N-n...o...!” It was over. Liliana was convinced of the destruction of this material world as blood flowed from her eyes. Like ants in front of a flood, like a frog in front of lightning… In front of absolute ruin, Liliana was just a crumb, a crumb that fell apart once it was kicked.

-Not yet, User, Gluttony’s voice penetrated her body and mind. -Take your family, lovers, and a few other people to another dimension. Then return after Wrath is gone. Even if the civilized planet is reset, User’s power can restore the ecosystem within a hundred years.

It was exactly as Gluttony said. Wrath was still falling, and Liliana had a few minutes to escape from this world. If the fight couldn’t be won, then why shouldn’t she flee?

Her valuable family... The women she loved... Was it a sin to evacuate with them?

‘Ah.’ This was closer to the unconscious desires of a human than a cowardly judgment. In the future which was only filled with despair, a faint light shone through. Who would blame Liliana for thinking this before the imminent destruction?

Kiiing! However, right after that, a faint light sprang up from her right hand, and something flowed into her consciousness. The people that Liliana Miller thought was precious—her father, mother, and little brother, as well as Veronica, Ellenoa, and Sylvia...

Liliana’s eyes flinched. She felt a sudden sense of discomfort as their locations poured in. ‘...What?’ The discomfort was sensed from Sylvia’s location. There were two life reactions coming from her coordinates. Liliana was troubled for a moment before she received a shock like she had been hit by a hammer.

“...D-Don’t tell me.” She had no doubts about the precise location. The stirring of life was vividly conveyed from Sylvia Adruncus’s body. A child… Her child existed in a world that would soon be destroyed.

“―――――.” Lili reached out without speaking, pulling an elixir out of her inventory and pouring it into her mouth. Her shredded limbs recovered in an instant. After a few seconds, her body was restored to its original state, and Liliana gritted her teeth.

‘Run away? Leave this world?’ What would she tell her child who would be born in a few months? ‘Your mom abandoned her world and ran away?’ She didn’t want to. She would have to kneel down and bow her head in shame. Lili didn’t want to have her child live in the shadow of a shameful mother. Although she felt sorry for Sylvia, she had made up her mind… just like her grandfather, Blundell Adruncus, had once done. For those who were precious, Liliana’s life was trivial.

“Gluttony.” Hearing her voice, Liliana’s companion sighed. -...I knew you would eventually do this. It will fail.

“Just 0.1 seconds. It doesn’t matter if it is only 0.1 seconds. If I can maintain my consciousness for even a moment…” -It has a close to zero chance of success. It isn’t even 1%.

“Won’t you do anything for your purpose of existence?” Gluttony fell silent at those words, and Liliana immediately concentrated mentally. From now on, she would make a mad gamble. She awakened her sorcery, Forced Harmonization, and reached for the next level. Lili’s harmonization was able to ignore attributes, elements, and opposing forces, mixing them together. It was possible to even join with magic weapons or foreign bodies that weren’t of magic.

That’s why Liliana had a thought. ‘Maybe it is possible to assimilate with the concept of magic itself.’

Gluttony had heard the hypothesis a few months back and immediately responded, -It is impossible. No, you will die even if it is possible. ‘Why?’ -I didn’t want to let you know this, but the 10th circle comes from the source of magic. However, User wants to throw yourself into the center of this force. Do you want to dissolve in the infinite flow of information? -Simon Magus went through proper training and was well prepared, yet he failed at the 10th circle. Jumping into the source is a shortcut, but you will surely die.

That’s why Liliana had erased this shortcut. Now that she had found something more fearful than death, Liliana was able to choose this method without hesitation.

‘Let’s go.’

Her destination was the source of all the wisdom in the universe. Lili shook off her fears and took a step as she felt her body and soul moving beyond certain boundaries which were neither of time nor space. However, why did she feel that she was going away? Fate laughed at her as it created a path she couldn’t come back from.

Akashic Harmonize.

Shortly after that, Liliana Miller's life activity ceased.

Chapter 393 - Armageddon (5)

‘―Ahhh.’ Lili's voice didn’t emerge. Her lips didn’t open. She couldn’t move any fingers or feel the flow of magic through her heart. It was unfathomable for a sorceress who could cast spells. There was nothing in front of her eyes, and no sound reached her ears. All of her five senses were out of order as she fell into a calm feeling. No, there was nothing.

‘―Ahh.’ It was negative and meaningless. The boundaries of Lili's consciousness became increasingly blurry. There was a force that couldn’t be resisted. The fruits of 30 years of struggle were being released. She forgot the unimportant memories—the faces of her classmates at Bergen Academy, the contents of books, the information about the defective goods she bought from the black market dealer...

‘―Ah.’ Even if they didn’t matter, these memories were part of her. The pillars holding up the brick building started to shake. A page of the book called [Liliana Miller] was torn. She forgot someone whose name she didn’t know. Then she forgot landscapes and the distances she had walked. There was no room for resistance. As if an eraser was going through her brain, oblivion spread like wildfire as her 30 years were erased from the edges.

‘Ah.’ Lili sensed she had forgotten something precious. She had just lost something she shouldn’t have forgotten. It was like a big hole had been punctured in her body. Who was it? When she thought about it, she knew she had forgotten someone. She wanted to scream, but her mouth was forced shut and she couldn’t even wriggle around like a worm.

A fearful sense of futility filled her.

‘...’ As this swamp of nothingness rose to her throat, Lili realized she was the only thing left. Lili? No, that wasn't her name. Lili□. The moment she thought about it again, she lost more letters. Now she was on the brink of losing her name. Then she even forgot the last letter. □□□□. No, how many syllables were there? Something in the darkness of her body laughed loudly.

This was the end. The moment she stepped into the Akashic world, Liliana Miller no longer existed. It was an ending she had prepared for.

The determination of life, the power of a transcendent, wasn’t worth a penny here. It wasn’t a place where life could survive. In this infinite place, a finite consciousness wasn’t recognized. There were many people who came here, but no one went home.

This was the truth that every investigator was afraid of.

Even if only one drop was drunk, it was a source that could awaken a god’s wisdom. If the density of information was compared, it was no different from a star that had become a supernova while the ego of life was nothing but a lump of sugar. In the case of transcendents like Liliana, they might be the tip of an iceberg. However, the ending was still the same.

Simon Magus, the most powerful figure in the material world, hadn’t been able to bear a piece of this infinite wisdom and had melted away.


In the myths, there was a superglobal collection of information in which everything in the universe was recorded. If a transcendent obtained it, they could wield the omnipotent power without distinction between past, present, and future. The Akashic Records, or the Hollow Records—this collection of information was the last target of those who searched beyond the realm of a god, but only one person had reached it.

[...No, he didn’t get there.]

After that, he drowned. The information contained in the Akashic Records, the life of the universe, was overwhelming to any investigator. The same was true for the swordsman who could cut a star with a sword, as well as the apostles who dominated over dozens of planets.

No matter how strong they were, how could they bear all of the universe? Numerous transcendents had died due to their arrogance.

[It is a shame.]

It was said that 6,700 stars must multiply by 3,000 times to form one world. Multiplying that world by 3,000 times would form a great wide world, then multiplying the great wide world another 3,000 times would form the cosmos. However, even the cosmos was just dust. It was something that could be seen with the calculations. Even if someone managed to reach this infinity, it was impossible to maintain their ego. Someone eventually called it nirvana.

[Today, I have increased by ‘one’,] the sum of the universe, ‘Akashic’, muttered in a dry tone. [What did you come here hoping to find? Sublimation? Ugly desires? Well, good. No matter what you intended, it is meaningless. Everyone who is sullen, cowardly, humble, or arrogant becomes a few written letters...]

No one would know this. There was an independent self in the information collection, the Akashic Records which recorded the beginning and end of the universe. In retrospect, it wasn't unusual since it was a book containing all the wisdom in the world. It would be more strange if such an existence had no will. Akashic’s white body was like a spirit body, but it couldn’t be observed in any dimension. The form resembled Liliana Miller, because she was the last investigator it saw.

[I will see you.] Anything that Akashic, the incarnation of omniscience, wanted was achieved. In the middle of the universe, the black hole that would send everything back to naught was her residence. She always wanted to observe the person who had become part of ‘Akashic.’ It was her obligation to any investigators who reached her.

[Liliana Miller.]

Once she recited this name that was gone, Akashic traveled a few trillion light years to the relevant planet. It was 10 seconds after Wrath shook off Liliana. A three-kilometer-wide sphere made of a special metal was falling. Liliana’s previous moves were useless as it fell at a speed of 10 kilometers per second toward the planet.

Akashic wondered about the result and was able to see it immediately.

The moment the metal sphere hit the ground, more than 50 kilometers of the planet would be destroyed and 98.128% of the population exterminated. The intelligent civilization would be destroyed without a trace, and it would take at least 200,000 years for the destroyed ecosystem to recover to its current condition.

[It is a common thing.]

This was her short impression of the situation. Akashic watched emotionlessly as this world was soon to be destroyed. The Seven Sins, an autonomous research group which had been made by external investigators—in the whole universe, dozens of civilizations or stars were being destroyed by them this very second.

To celebrate the end of the investigator called Liliana Miller, Akashic kept watching.

[I am the one who records the end of creation. The weights of all life and death are the same. The truth is to be born and destroyed. It is something I can’t intervene in.]

She wouldn’t do anything even if she could. That would be ignorant, the incompetence of an almighty. It was possible for Akashic to bend a little finger and shake the physical laws of the entire universe, killing all living creatures or saving the dead. However, this action was meaningless. The guardian of the Akashic Records didn’t feel such an impulse.

[Hmm.] Therefore, she would observe this material world out of respect for the investigator.

[I will watch.]

She focused her attention on the planet that the investigator, Liliana Miller, had lived on.

Humans, elves, dragons, spirits, elementals... As all life forms in this material world came into view, Akashic penetrated into the reality of the collective. Unlike an omniscient entity, this was the essence of the Akashic Records. The power of recording observations was more familiar to her than any other authority.

Inside it, she found the name of ‘Liliana.’

-Lili, where are you? Where are you now? No way... right? Sylvia Adruncus, who recently became pregnant, held her belly and thought of Liliana.

Wrath was already close enough to be seen from the surface. A red color in the sky—it was a sight that made everyone on the planet convinced of their destruction.

-...Shouldn’t you return safely, Wife? Otherwise, I will be angry. Veronica instinctively searched for her whereabouts.

-Ahh, Lili...! This is what you were worried about...! Ellenoa belatedly realized why Liliana had been so nervous, and she looked up at the red meteorite with trembling eyes.

Many other people thought about Lili—the heroine of the northern continent and the greatest sorceress on the continents. Despite knowing it was ridiculous, they had faith that she would somehow do something.

-Daughter, please be safe. On the terrace of the mansion, Dennis Miller closed his eyes.

-...Sigh, if I knew the end would come today, I wouldn’t have slept last night. White Tower Master Orta sighed.

-Dammit, god dammit! I still haven’t gotten married! Randolph shouted as he swung his double swords.

[Five seconds left.]

Akashic turned away from Liliana Miller’s acquaintances to Wrath.

A falling meteorite was one of the most common disasters in the universe. As soon as the silver sphere with a diameter of three kilometers fell to the ground, this planet would become like a broken eggshell as the boundaries of land and sea disappeared. The magma flowing under the crust would explode like a fountain, and the blue sky would be filled with a red light, creating a hellish landscape.

Despite knowing all this, Akashic didn’t stop it. No, she knew she shouldn’t stop it. It was just a disaster occurring to a single civilization that Akashic was attracted to through a whim.


One second before the crash, shock waves ripped through the sky. The air was pushed down by the clouds and darkness covered the sky. The learned and unlearned both knew... This was the end of an absurd fate, the end which any religion described in one word—doomsday.

At the very last moment, Akashic’s little finger moved weakly.

* * *


The meteorite was destroyed. Its silver surface was crushed like an egg, and the entity called Planet Buster was shattered. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fragments were scattered. Before the fragments reached the ground, they went through an incomprehensible combustion and disappeared without a trace.

This was the futile end of Wrath, the last weapon of the Seven Sins.

[...Hrmm?] Akashic was surprised that she had destroyed Wrath. She was expressionless, but her tone went up one step higher. It was an impossible level of destruction. To think that it had accelerated through the distant universe to the surface of a planet, in order to destroy a meteorite? Furthermore, it saved the surface of the planet from the debris and restored the torn atmosphere. Akashic wasn’t something to be led by emotions.


This was a common thing. It was just one planet filled with civilization. She could observe dozen such places if she turned her gaze now. Had the story of one investigator attracted her? Akashic thoroughly denied this reasoning. So, why did she watch Liliana Miller’s planet? As Akashic was questioning her actions, the left hand of the omnipotent being gave her the answer.


Akashic nodded. She was surprised. Despite emotions existing in her, she was close to an inanimate object. In this case, she couldn’t help feeling shocked. Liliana Miller... Yes, it was such a name. Knowing that she and ‘Liliana’ had been separated, Akashic made a curious expression.

[Answer me. How could you survive inside of me?] Liliana Miller stood naked but with no injuries. She had returned from death and smiled bitterly.

“I didn’t survive. I died once, without a trace... and then I was reformed. It wasn’t due to my strength. People helped me.”

[Hoh.] Akashic was honestly interested. [I can easily find out but I want to hear it from your mouth. Can you tell me how it happened?]

“Yes. It is an honor to teach the Akashic Records something.” It was a feat which would never happen again in the history of the universe.

Chapter 394 - Armageddon (6)


Before explaining, Liliana spread open her hands, and a robe appeared out of nowhere, wrapping around her slender figure. Space wasn’t hot or cold, so this was a matter of atmosphere. Akashic saw through Liliana’s actions and felt in awe of her. [Denial of nothing? Reversing the phase of existence and non-existence. It is different from the recorded ‘Liliana Miller’.]

The robe hadn’t come from Liliana’s inventory, nor had it been made using existing materials. Creation magic had literally created the robe from nothing. It was one step beyond the realm of ultimate magic. Interfering with matter and non-matter was a metaphysical concept.

“It is pretty good for someone who just came back from the dead. Isn’t that right?” Liliana answered with a gentle smile.

It would be difficult to catch a clue about this, even if she studied hard for more than a thousand years. The creation spell she used just now was just a minor amusem*nt.

Liliana’s eyes widened as she stared at Akashic. “The throne of omnipotence... I didn’t know why it was called this, but now I know better than anyone else. A collection of dimensional information? That is ridiculous nonsense. It is just gathered information. It is the self-consciousness that can wield infinite power.”

The origin of this mystery was denied by the source. However, Akashic didn’t refute the remark. He just waited quietly without saying if this matter was true or false. In the face of omnipotence, no concept was absolute. Good and evil, justice and injustice, yin and yang...

It was possible to end the universe at this moment and restore it at the next. Liliana was convinced when she saw the true Akashic Records.

[So?] Akashic asked. [Who am I?]

Liliana gave an answer that any scholar would give the rest of their lives to hear, “The Will of the Cosmos.”

There were intelligent beings who called a planet ‘Earth.’ That was a world which had developed at least four steps more than Liliana’s material world. It was a place where scientific civilization had developed due to the absence of mana.

Fractal cosmology was a delusion that some of the world’s fools had come up with. It was some nonsense about the similarity between the body and natural phenomena, a fancy notion that this universe could be someone’s body and that their body was made up of hundreds of universes.

“It is a little different but you are the consciousness of this universe. You have no choice but to be omnipotent. All the laws that make up the universe are part of you. Magic, shamanism, aura, science, gods... No matter what path they choose, the investigator is the same. It is like saying that a river will lead to the sea and the stars to the galaxy.”

[Right.] Akashic nodded in confirmation for the first time. [Birth and death. The beginning and the end are the same. Destruction is also the same. You all come from me and will return to me.]

It was the same as the reincarnation cycle in Buddhism.

An investigator was a person who drowned in the power and wisdom they had longed for before meeting the end that would someday be met. They achieved this earnest desire by becoming one with Akashic, and they couldn’t return to what they originally were.

Therefore, Akashic requested from Liliana, [Answer me, Liliana Miller.]

A figure who climbed back from the brink of infinity opened her mouth, “Now, where should I start...”

The story wasn’t long.

* * *

The moment she stepped into the Akashic Records, Liliana realized her own stupidity. 0.1 seconds? 0.01 seconds? She couldn’t maintain her ego in the vortex for that long. Gluttony’s advice had been correct. Compared to the vastness of the universe, one planet was just a speck of dust. How light was the weight of the people living on it?

The moment she entered the Akashic Records, Liliana’s soul shattered and melted like butter in just a few seconds.


Liliana lost her ego and became a ghost, destined to wander for infinity.

The throne of omnipotence—it was a place where one second felt like one year and one centimeter felt like a galaxy. A place where all concepts were established and scattered, and the boundaries were meaningless... It was a place that suited the word ‘pāramitā.’

[Idiot,] someone at the other side of the river shot at Liliana. [You couldn’t even grasp the subject. I didn’t realize the person who received my teachings was so stupid.]

A person who had charred hair and eyes burning with indescribable wisdom gazed at the wreckage that was Liliana.

90% contempt and 10% pity… With these conflicting emotions, the existence picked up the wreckage. Based on the size of the wreckage, Liliana must’ve been torn into thousands of pieces.

The great man, Simon Magus, criticized Liliana coldly, [You would have gradually melted down in the normal way. Yet you rushed into the center, forcing your soul to be crushed. Just a few seconds would’ve been able to save the world.]

Of course, that wouldn’t have been possible. It had been less than 10 years since Liliana reached the 9th circle. Her original talent was insignificant, and she had borrowed the power of the grimoire Gluttony. Nevertheless, Simon had passed down his teachings to Liliana.

[...I can’t admit it.]

This loser was the one who had received his teachings? Simon Magus couldn’t accept reality. Therefore, he raised his voice and cried out without hesitation, [I, Simon Magus, calls you! All investigators from the material world, please gather here!]

Despite being fully assimilated into the Akashic Records, the investigators’ souls protected their egos. There was no practical use, but they could be considered as single cells in an organism. Simon Magus could also be said to be a part of Akashic. Most of them hadn’t been able to make this distinction and had melted down. However, some investigators had managed to maintain a degree of personality.

[What? Is there something interesting?] A handsome man with a somewhat languid expression walked out from somewhere. He wore 10 rings on his fingers and was called Solomon.

[What did you call me for, grand master?] Ahasverus, the great magician who had followed Simon Magus during his life, looked at Simon with a questioning expression.

In addition to those two investigators, many other investigators gathered beside Simon. Simon had been at the forefront of the Age of Mythology when investigators had been the most common. He had been stronger than anyone else. It was the same inside the Akashic Records.

Around 100 people gathered, then Simon opened his mouth.

[I know the situation.]




They were all part of Akashic. The investigators shared their observations in real time and nodded.

There was one person who spoke gruffly, [Yes, a crisis where our home will be crushed to pieces. So?]


[What does it have to do with us when we are just dust in the universe? I have no interest in peace or the lives of the living.]

It was half right, half wrong. Some people lived with a sense of justice. On the other hand, there were those who indulged in wealth, fame, and beauty. Investigators had weak ids and directions in life. Nothing could be done about the deaths of the living.

[I am the same.] Rather than denying it, Simon Magus accepted it. [Everyone who is gathered here will know. Living things are born, become old, get sick, and die. Nations will rise and fall, repeat the ebb and flow. A planet isn’t an exception.]

[...I know. Then why have you gathered us?]

[It is simple,] Simon Magus haughtily declared to the investigators with folded arms, [I don’t like it.]


[The fact that there is only one last investigator of this material world—I don’t like it.]

The investigators were stunned while Simon showed them the wreckage of Liliana on his palms. The life of the sorceress called Liliana Miller—her life was given to the investigators. Simon Magus told them his reasoning, [Can you stand it? The sorceress who defended the place you called home? She was ashamed to see her child and jumped into the Akashic Records.]



[I don’t know about you but I can’t admit it. I, Simon Magus, dedicated hundreds of years to exploring the truth. I gave up the honor of a human and lived while only exploring magic. But in an instant, she reached a level higher than me! The driving force of one young girl!]

It was an end without any profit, but Liliana Miller had reached deeper into the Akashic Records than anyone else. The dumbfounded investigators suddenly opened their mouths.

[P-Puhat, puhahahaha!] Solomon broke the silence with a loud laugh.

[Ahahaha! What, are you jealous of that kid? You gathered us here to show us that?]

[Right. Is this it?]

[You gathered us together to motivate us?]

The rest of the investigators nodded in agreement.

Then Simon spat at them, [What do you know? I do this because I want to. I know that it isn’t something I can do alone, but I will still try. Anyway, we are all garbage. We have just become cosmic voyeurs! I don’t care if you aren’t interested. I am Simon Magus! This fact won’t change even if I become the dust of the universe!]



This was different from the previous silence. After Simon’s speech, the investigators started to think about it with different facial expressions. There was an investigator who came to a conclusion sooner than anyone else.

[Okay, let’s try it.] The king of wisdom, Solomon raised a hand with a smile. [In any case, she seems to be someone who has a relationship with me.]


[That is right, but I can’t acknowledge her as my successor.]

The second applicant appeared soon. It was a young man with a neutral type of beauty and a golden tail behind him. He was the transcendent born from a grimoire and great youkai—the strongest onmyōji in history, Abe no Seimei. [She is the one who granted my wishes. I will also help.]

[Any important topic and I’m there. Anybody else?]

At that moment, a strange old voice was heard, [...I would also like to participate. Is it okay?]


The investigators turned their heads at the unfamiliar voice and saw an old man with an excellent physique. He had lost his life a few years ago and only recently regained his ego. The old man was Blundell Adruncus, a magician who had transcended the moment he breathed his last breath.

[You are new. Isn’t your ego still unstable? If things go wrong, you might not be able to regain your personality again.]

[It doesn’t matter. That rotten girl is giving me a great-grandchild.]

[Indeed, then I won’t refuse.]

There were four of them. Even a transcendent person felt the instinct to go with the flow. There were those who were bored, those who were interested, or those who felt jealous like Simon. With the exception of a few pessimists, the investigators stepped forward. Faust grunted in an awkward manner because he had no choice but to cooperate.

[I can’t forgive anyone who knows the pain of a child.]

[Go back and look after the child!]

[Aren’t you like a nagging wife? I bet that I’ll be back in 10 years.]

[...Weren’t you poisoned to death while cheating?]

[She is too young to end up this way.]

The hundreds of people added their voices, making it hard to hear. This was a rebellion of the investigators, led by Simon Magus. No, since they were also part of Akashic, it was more of a ‘deviation’ than ‘rebellion.’ How far could the single cells go?

Simon smiled on behalf of all investigators of the material world.

[Okay, I will twist a finger.]

Who knew? Simon Magus and the investigators were successful.

* * *

[······.] Akashic was speechless after hearing Liliana’s story. Was it checking the facts with its cells? Just as Liliana had this thought...

[Hah.] Akashic gave a small smile. [Interesting. There were movements inside me that I wasn’t aware of. Based on your explanation, it wasn’t you who destroyed Wrath.]


[It is mysterious. I didn’t manage the investigators who make up a part of me. There was no reason or need for it. The investigators who became one with me aren’t able to do anything. I didn’t think hundreds of investigators would cooperate for ‘another’.]

The transcendents were monsters with their own ego. They did things for their own sake, like the grimoires. There was someone who changed a country for an experiment and someone else who sacrificed their kin. Even Simon Magus had been unable to make them move until now.

[This is the first time.]

The investigators throughout the history of this planet had devoted themselves to one person and lent their strength. In retrospect, this had never happened before. Simon Magus was the one who had called for help, but the investigators were also part of the Akashic Records. It was possible to make ‘Akashic’ move if they gathered their strength. However, there was no case where this possibility had occurred.

[I’m glad I didn’t observe the future. This is so interesting I don’t know if I can see it again in the future. Liliana Miller, I will take the part of me that you took as an admission fee.]

“Yes, take it.” There was no reason to argue, so Liliana nodded without hesitation and looked at the blue star far away.

It was blue and green. A planet with an ecological environment like this material world was rare in the Akashic Records. The average planet’s environment was said to vary because the atmosphere was so thin, and there were extreme temperature changes. Collisions with asteroids were also frequent.

[Do you want to go back?]

Liliana immediately nodded at Akashic’s question, “Yes.”

[...There is no hesitation in your heart. Good. I will take it back. Before that, let me know one more thing,] Akashic opened her mouth with no expression. [When you became one with me, you were omnipotent. You would’ve realized it after the investigators restored your soul. Isn’t that right?]

“That’s right.”

[How can you give up that power? There are some investigators who came to me after training for a long time and didn’t lose consciousness for a while. But they were also attracted by the temptation of this omnipotence and became a part of ‘me.’ I’m sorry, but it is hard to say that your mental strength is higher than theirs.]

The pleasure born of being almighty was beyond imagination. They could go anywhere and do anything.

It was more addictive than drugs. Liliana thought for a moment and answered without difficulty, “I wasn’t looking for you or hoping for this.”

Akashic laughed and clapped for the first time. It was the answer she wanted to hear… that in this world, there was something more precious than omnipotence.

[...Indeed, indeed! Those who are left in this world are more important than omnipotence! Good. Let’s go back to your world, sorceress! I respect you for not choosing to sit on the omnipotent throne and return to dust again!] The jubilant Akashic said to Liliana. [A human has chosen to return to being a bug. Some people might say you are stupid but you did what no one else could. This spirit led to the investigators stepping forward. I will wait for our reunion one day, Liliana Miller!]

“Then we will meet again. Farewell, Akashic.”

[Huhahahaha! This is the first time someone has said this to me. I will see you again at the end of your life. Then, goodbye!]

There was a brilliant radiance, and Liliana closed her eyes.

* * *

“...Eh?” Liliana realized she was lying on the ground.

Chapter 395 - Goodbye, Dear Friend (1) In a silent and empty space, the cold wind of the northern hemisphere was blowing. Liliana looked up and around slowly. White... The whole world was a pure white because of a raging blizzard. Nevertheless, there was no problem recognizing where she was lying down. ‘...A crater?’ The radius was approximately two kilometers wide. If she looked down from the sky, she would see a round pit. Liliana was precisely at the center of it. There was a clear reason for trepidation. One of the Seven Sins, Wrath, had disappeared from this material world without a trace. However, look at this crater. It was a sign that the atmospheric pressure caused by Wrath’s fall had reached several kilometers and dug at the ground. ‘If even a small fragment had reached the surface... A disaster at an irrevocable level would’ve occurred.' At that moment... -...User? Gluttony, who had fallen asleep for an unknown reason, opened her mouth. “Gluttony.” -What happened? You were in space and just about to enter... It is strange. I don’t remember what happened next. I seem to have forgotten something. Why is User here, and where did Wrath disappear to? Liliana grasped the situation. Somehow, Gluttony didn’t have any memories of what happened after Liliana entered the Akashic Records. After struggling for a moment, Liliana changed her mind. Gluttony wasn’t an opponent she could trick with flimsy lies. Liliana had been with Gluttony for a long time and knew that well. “In a few simple words, it was successful.” -What? “Harmonization.” Gluttony was muttering to herself when she stopped. -...... There was just silence. It wasn’t because Gluttony couldn’t understand Liliana’s words but that she couldn’t accept them. This was more so because it was Gluttony. Numerous entities, including those who came to the material world, had challenged it countless times and had never been successful. This was the purpose of existence which none of the Seven Sins had ever achieved! Gluttony couldn’t feel that it was real. -I-Is this true? “Yes.” -User, this is Akasha you are talking about! “Yes? Ah, wait a minute. There is something I have to do before that.” Liliana turned away from Gluttony’s voice, which was trembling with amazement, and raised one hand, pointing it at the sky. Wrath had disappeared, but Liliana still needed to deal with the aftermath. ‘Hrmm, this is the feeling.’ Liliana closed her eyes and focused on herself. A strange wisdom was boiling in her body. It was the power she had gained directly from the source, the fragment of the Akashic Records that had been brought back as a by-product of restoring her soul. This wasn’t an ability to learn but the power to change magic. Nothing was impossible in front of her power. -What? The sky moved. The gigantic hole caused by Wrath falling was gradually being filled in. The cracks in the ozone layer recovered, and the atmosphere, which had been pushed away, returned. The darkness was lifted as the sky returned to normal. It took seven seconds. Liliana’s hand lowered after fixing the sky of the northern hemisphere. This was enough, even if it wasn’t perfect. As long as the damage wasn’t too bad, the world’s natural recovery ability would intervene. -Synchronizing with the planet’s atmosphere...?! That needs a different level of understanding compared to interfering with the interstellar wind...! “I don’t know even if you ask me. I just thought that things should be returned to what they were.” Gluttony responded with even more surprise, -...Akasha gave you strength? That miser? “The miser spent money. Otherwise, I would be dead.” -It is surprising. No, it is a profit beyond my imagination. I thought I would have to wait more than a thousand years. I never thought it would be shortened in this way. “A thousand years?” Liliana couldn't help asking. However, Gluttony didn’t reply. Like always, the silence was unpleasant. There was an unknown atmosphere between the sorceress and grimoire that shared one body. -User, Gluttony opened her mouth a few minutes later and spoke to her, -I have something to suggest. “What is it?” -Why don’t you release my 7th seal? Liliana’s eyes widened at the unexpected words. -It is possible if it is User who has come back from Akasha. No, it would be easy. The amount of information accumulated in my body is nothing compared to Akasha. “...Synchronizing with your body is the 7th stage?” -That’s right. My body that is scattered in many dimensions... Focus the power and information gathered by those terminals in one body. This is the sword that can capture Akasha’s throne of omnipotence. This is my purpose! The words were shocking, but Liliana was able to accept them without much confusion. If Gluttony’s final goal was the Akashic Records, then this process wasn’t unusual. The aim of becoming something was common everywhere. It was no exception for the Seven Sins. -No one has succeeded. I thought I wouldn’t be able to succeed. But User, you have defended yourself against the infinite vortex and can do it! Liliana measured it. She didn’t know how much information was stored in Gluttony’s main body, but she could faintly guess... It wasn’t an impossible story, as Gluttony said. This was a chance to gain absolute power, even if it wasn’t the Akashic Records. She also had a piece of Akashic’s wisdom and would be able to place one or two galaxies below her feet. However, Liliana firmly rejected the proposal, “I don’t want to.” -W-What? “I don’t want to. I won’t release your seal.” Gluttony was speechless. Then Liliana explained why she refused, “I can succeed as you said, but I also might fail. I’m not running away because I’m afraid to face the consequences. I just don’t want this, so I am stopping my feet.” -You don’t want to progress? “Yes. I realized it after entering the Akashic Records. Moving on is irreversible. If I release your seal and move onto the next stage... I will have to leave this life.” This was the biggest difference between Liliana Miller and the other investigators. She had no faith that she could do anything after becoming an omnipotent person. For instance, sacrificing her loved ones to become almighty… If she brought her lovers back to life after becoming omnipotent, had she lost anything? ‘This isn’t true.’ Even if her lovers didn’t remember anything, the almighty being would remember the past and feel alone. She couldn’t forget. As the incarnation of omniscience, anything forcibly forgotten would eventually rise up again. Therefore, those who had something to lose couldn’t become almighty. An almighty being must be perfect. Therefore, they had to throw away the things which would grab their ankles on the way. -Don’t weaken, User! Gluttony, however, dismissed it as feebleness. -One step ahead. Are you thinking of leaving the target before you alone? If you succeed, you can regain the life you gave up before. No, I am confident that it is possible! You can play with that prideful draconian or play with the sun and moon! “...That isn’t good, Gluttony.” Liliana let out a sigh. It was because she felt the boundaries of a perception that couldn’t be overcome. “I am Liliana Miller, a wife who married three women and a mother who will have a child... The most powerful witch in the current material world, the Chief Tower Mistress of Meltor. If nothing is left out, I am Liliana Miller.” -So? “You heard it and still don’t know. ‘Now’ won’t come back if I unleash the seal. I’m not talking about time. ‘I’ won’t come back.” Liliana wasn’t Gluttony or the Akashic Records. Would Liliana be the same as she was now if she made contact with a transcendent existence? She firmly believed it wouldn’t be the case. Liliana understood it when she had an overwhelming view of humans. The ‘price’ of existence was too high, and she wouldn’t be able to love a ‘lower status’ object. Even if she could feel something, it would be nothing but compassion or pity. “If I can reach it one day, I won’t come back. Then isn’t it better to cherish the present? That’s why I will refuse your offer.” -Trivial! Despite Liliana’s long persuasion, Gluttony wasn’t convinced. -The continuity of time is uncertain. Every minute that passes would decrease the clarity of information! You don’t want to leave your life now? It is unlikely that User will remember these feelings. They won’t last! “Well, I guess so.” -...User! They had incompatible ideas. A line was drawn between Liliana and Gluttony, who shared one body. If one more step was taken, an irreversible line would be crossed. The first one to cross that line was Gluttony. -I will suggest it one more time, User. Release my stage 7 seal right now. If it isn’t now, you won’t be able to reach it! There is no guarantee that the opportunity to surpass Akasha will come again until the end of the universe! Liliana hesitated one beat before smiling bitterly. “I refuse.” -...It is a pity. I wanted to maintain a good relationship with User. Then red eyes appeared in the palm of Liliana’s left hand. -From now on, I will have to eat User? Simultaneously, Gluttony’s mouth opened wide. It swallowed Liliana’s wrist, elbow, and moved upward. The power of Gluttony, ‘predation’, was trying to devour its contractor. Seook. Her left arm flew—Liliana's arm. Blood dripped down Soul Calibre in Liliana’s right arm as new flesh, bones, and nerves grew from the severed left arm. Liliana had cut off her left arm as soon as Gluttony revealed herself as an enemy. It was a quick response. However, Gluttony chuckled rather than panicking at the action. -Didn’t I already tell you, User? My contract is directly connected with you! There is no sense in cutting the connection point! “Let’s see?” Liliana didn’t raise a single eyebrow. Gluttony became startled as she belatedly realized an incongruity. -...N-No? Why is the contract broken? Liliana smiled bitterly at the panic. It was something Gluttony couldn’t know. The moment Liliana accessed the Akashic Records, her soul had been shattered and reassembled. No matter how strong Gluttony’s contract was, it couldn’t remain with a shattered soul. As such, Liliana’s left arm, which was the connection point, had been restored when her body was rebuilt. Therefore, Gluttony didn’t know that the contract had been cut off. However, Liliana had been thinking of signing the contract again if Gluttony lost her greed. ‘But it’s impossible.’ The grimoire lost her sense of reason now that her purpose of existence was right in front of her. In the end, Liliana settled her thoughts and prepared for battle. Gluttony felt magic power rising and cried out, -User! “No more,” Liliana spoke bitterly. There was a heavy silence for a moment before something like mud overflowed from the severed left arm containing Gluttony. The darkness which flowed from the left arm formed a body. The body’s shape resembled Liliana. Apart from the red eyes, the body’s height, hair, and skin were the same as Liliana’s. The two beings faced each other in a snowstorm. -...Liliana Miller! The fight to finish the relationship between the two of them began.

Chapter 396 - Goodbye, Dear Friend (2)


The magic power overflowing from both beings shook the earth. The outskirts of the crater collapsed, and the clouds were torn apart again. Liliana’s eyes shone just before the collision. Due to her contact with the Akashic Records, she was able to see a few dimensions higher. It was possible for her to peek at the power of the grimoire, Gluttony, who had separated from her.

‘Is it equivalent to ‘me’ before entering the Akashic Records? No, the grimoire has perfect arithmetic abilities and its other functions, so I should assume it is more than that.’

Gluttony was stronger than most transcendents. It couldn’t be compared to the ones they had fought in the swamp and might be even stronger than the heavenly demon. Nevertheless, Liliana didn’t feel any fear. The reason for that was very simple.

-You will regret your stupidity, Liliana Miller! Gluttony cried out furiously and stretched out both of her palms.

Memorize. All Slots Open. Nonuple Keraunos.

This was the ultimate magic Liliana had created personally. Nine of Gluttony emerged at the same time. It was a destruction which could crush a mountain and tear the sky. Only one second was required to complete the nine ultimate spells. Then the world was filled with a pale light as the lightning assault began.


The surface of the crater, unstable due to the aftermath of Wrath, collapsed with a loud roar. Meanwhile, the inside of the crater started to melt quickly, and the blizzard, which had raged for many years, was blown away. White lightning flashed and changed the ions in the atmosphere. Even adamantium would evaporate. The lightning bolts of huge power struck down tens of thousands of feet. They turned the heavens and the earth upside down, making a strange mark.

It wasn’t a power that could be safely handled even by a transcendent.

-Hmm. However, Gluttony stared ahead with calm, dark eyes. It might be in the form of a human but dust couldn’t block the vision of a grimoire. The Keraunos was perfectly aimed. This was the consequence of ranged attacks, but it didn’t mean much if the attack didn’t hit directly.

“Kuwabara kuwabara.” (TL: Knock on wood, said to especially ward off lightning)

There was no doubt that Liliana had survived without getting hurt. Gluttony grunted when she heard the spell and realized what the countermeasure was. -The lightning god’s blessing. Learning to avoid lightning from me—it gives a bad taste.

“If you knew, you shouldn’t have used it. Isn’t it no different from knowing the answer to a problem?”

-...If lightning doesn’t work, how about this?

Did Gluttony want to avoid communicating? Without responding to Liliana’s friendly words, Gluttony cast two spells—Hellfire and Absolute Zero. Just one of these great magics was enough to destroy an army. Liliana’s magic could be summed up in one word—Abraxas.

It was dangerous. Liliana had a carefree expression and moved her palm one beat late. There was no proper countermeasure to Abraxas, a magic that caused collapse. It could only be hit with a similar magic or offset. The two Abraxas clashed in the middle.


The space burst without a sound. The power of Abraxas overlapped twice and further extended the crater. The pit with a radius of two kilometers was enlarged to a radius of four kilometers, and the light was lifted.

‘It will come.’

Shortly afterward, Liliana sensed something. She sensed that Gluttony would aim for this moment. The flash of Abraxas wasn’t a real light but part of the collapse. Creatures based in the three dimensions couldn’t recognize this light with their five senses. However, the senses of the grimoires were different from life forms. If Gluttony could observe the dimensional vibrations, she wouldn’t miss the advantage of this moment.

‘Can it do it?’

Liliana’s nerves accelerated to 0.3 seconds and gave up on this thought.

Gluttony wasn’t an autonomous maneuver-type grimoire. There was a clear limit to the ability to act independently from its contractor. Gluttony would self-destruct if Liliana just ran around without fighting. If Liliana held on until it ran out of power, would it let go of its greed?

“That would be the ideal end.”

The moment Liliana mumbled that and smiled...


Gluttony soared high into the sky and created a magic circle. -You have forgotten what was on your left arm...!

A strong suction force was felt from the darkened body. It was neither wind or gravity. There was only one source of the ominous pull. It was the heavenly demon’s power which was tied to Liliana’s left arm—the inherent ability of the incarnation of disaster, the Absorption Star Method.


Subsequently, Liliana’s right hand shone. The moment the power of the Absorption Star Method was recognized, the management authority of the material world lent her its power. If she didn’t act soon, the world would dry up.

“No, I don’t need it.”

However, Liliana didn’t accept the power. Although Gluttony might’ve drawn a great deal of power through the Absorption Star Method, Liliana was confident enough to win at this stage. Gluttony tried to say something but realized it was stupid to give advice and shut her mouth. In any case, wasn’t this a fight where one of them might die?

-...It doesn’t matter.

Simultaneously, the entire sky was covered with a red magic circle.


It was ridiculous. Liliana was speechless since she knew that these magic circles were the ultimate magic launcher. This was hard even for a grimoire. It was obvious that Gluttony’s body had collapsed from the repulsive force. However, it didn’t deal significant damage to Gluttony, since it wasn’t a real body except for the left arm.

‘At least 15... If I had to guess, there are at least 23 spells.’

Would this magic transformation have been possible during the Age of Mythology? This was the unreasonable result of adding Liliana’s abilities together with a grimoire’s computing ability. From here on, Liliana had to do well. If she made a single mistake, she would die.


The sky was torn.

* * *

The battle after that wasn’t long, but it was fearsome enough to be reminiscent of those during the Age of Mythology. Even if all the power in this present material world were collected, it wouldn’t be able to hold against this firepower for 10 seconds. With a single lightning strike that created a cliff and a fire that ate the wind in the form of a dragon, this was a landscape where all types of natural disasters gathered in one place.

Blade of Chronos—a translucent sword was shot out at the speed of light. It was a magic that sealed any time and space it touched, a technique which sealed defense magic. During the Age of Mythology, some magicians had sealed gods with this. It was a magic that Liliana couldn’t use even though she knew about it, yet Gluttony seemed to have grasped the logic behind it.

「Instantaneous acceleration, 132 times!」

However, Liliana didn’t panic as she carried out her defenses. If it was an acceleration that the seal couldn’t follow, then the sealing sword would self-destruct. The translucent sword was squished and vanished. Without seeing the result, she immediately attacked with four ultimate spells.

Dimension Buster. Immovable Fire. Eternal Force Blizzard. Keraunos.

As the space burst, the ultimate magic of three attributes came into play. This retaliatory attack was really bloody. If she didn’t know how to deal with it, it would be a fatal blow. Without any delay, the energy of three attributes rushed into the space which was shattered by Dimension Buster.

Liliana envisioned some of her old ideas and put into action a magic she had never used before.

「Arcane Barrier!」

Even so, she quickly responded to the damaged space, restoring it by transferring space from elsewhere, while the three ultimate spells of different attributes were frozen at their space coordinates. It was a unique counter skill that could only be done by Liliana Miller.

Forced Harmonization.

Of course, this trick couldn’t control the ultimate magic. Additionally, the caster was an existence with unmatched computer power—Gluttony. Liliana’s actions were just a minor intervention. Gluttony twisted the normal circuit and let it go.


Without the intervention of Forced Harmonization, the magic of three attributes couldn’t coexist. Once Liliana’s Sorcery was lifted, the three spells trapped in the same coordinates exploded. It contained significant power. Liliana took a step forward without any fear. With this, Gluttony had exhausted 25 ultimate spells. It had the initiative and would continue the one-sided offensive.

‘...Is that what you thought?’

Liliana smiled calmly and spread open her right hand.

「Tathagata’s Hand.」

Gluttony floating in the sky was grasped firmly.


Gluttony’s black body froze as it was squeezed by the space around it. It tried to use space movement or time acceleration, but nothing worked. This magic had never been seen in the history of this material world! Liliana revealed the trick as Gluttony watched her with astonishment.

“Don’t be surprised. It is a power for a one-time use—the ability of a top-level deity that can’t be escaped.”

It was a technique used by the Great Sage, the Equal of Heaven. Liliana herself would have no way of escaping. Meanwhile, Gluttony was using the Absorption Star Method and was treated as an eternal presence, making the binding force ten times stronger.

-A magician relying on this trick instead of magic...!

“Didn’t you cover for your lacking magic with the Absorption Star Method? How about you surrender? Take a look at the seal.”

-Trivial nonsense! Gluttony fiercely shook off Liliana’s goodwill. -I will dissipate the strength of this seal. If I disassemble it with the Absorption Star Method and use it as my strength...!

“So... you still haven’t seen it?”

Liliana appeared behind Gluttony’s back with a single space movement and reached out without hesitation.

Yin and Yang Binding—it was the same technique as Seimei’s, but the intentions were a bit different. Seimei had been just a piece of a soul and he had been prepared for his extinction. However, it wasn’t as difficult for the present Liliana. She took a part of her soul and made it into a string, then she tied it around Gluttony’s left forearm.


Liliana cut it off just like when she cut off her own arm.

“I won’t miss this time.”


Liliana personally demonstrated the magic to Gluttony. She put a ‘time-binding sword’ into Gluttony’s left foot. The translucent sword sealed Gluttony to the spot. Actually, Liliana had been able to do this from the beginning. She could have overpowered Gluttony without giving it a chance to resist. However, Liliana had let this unnecessary fight go on.

“...Hey, my friend.”

It was the companion who had been with her for dozens of years, the existence that had raised the dunce of Bergen Academy to become the strongest sorceress of this material world... Liliana had known this would happen. She was confident in this fight. Still, she arrived at this moment due to her heart. For her who had seen another dimension, her past self was nothing. Liliana just mourned that the end was coming and dragged out the fight.


It wasn’t too late even now. She could sign the contract and go back to the previous state. Sadness and foolishness burned up inside of her. Liliana swallowed down these thoughts.

“I won, Gluttony.” There was remorse in Liliana’s voice.

Gluttony was silent and didn’t respond for a few seconds.

-Yes. Before long, she replied in the same voice as always, -...It is my defeat, Liliana Miller.

Chapter 397 - Goodbye, Dear Friend (3)

A quiet voice announced the end of the fight. Liliana stepped back and saw Gluttony stuck to the ground. Gluttony was caught in the ‘sword that sealed time.’ She had lost her Absorption Star Method and couldn’t lift a finger. Though Liliana’s body, which had lost her left arm, was wary of the possibility of resistance, Gluttony’s artificial body had already scattered into the air.

It was literally world-shaking. The fight between the two transcendent beings had caused the earth to shake wildly, triggering a localized earthquake. In a sense, it was fortunate that this was finished now. If Liliana hadn’t stopped the offensive and actually competed with the power of the management authority, the northern part of the continent would’ve been blown away.

Liliana closed her eyes for a brief moment and sighed deeply. ‘Almost half of the restored atmosphere has been blown away again. The glacier melted from the heat, causing the sea level to rise by a few meters. It won’t be fixed for a while.’

In the end, she had no room to complain. Liliana delayed thinking about reality and turned to Gluttony. The sky was crying out, and the earth was shaking. The end was approaching. Both of them knew this and didn’t speak. Time passed without a word. Eventually, the shaky ground and sky calmed down.


Finally, Gluttony opened her mouth and spoke calmly, -You are strong, User. You have surpassed my expectations.

"...Really?” Lili replied, her voice soft but unwavering.

-That’s right. You easily suppressed me without using my strength... There was no big difference between you and the heroes of the Age of Mythology. Most of them wouldn’t be my opponents unless they were like Simon Magus or Solomon.

It wasn’t an exaggeration. Lili’s clone, created by Gluttony, was stronger than it was originally. From the magic power and computing power through to the overwhelming amount of knowledge and magic linkage that fired spells in seconds, Lili’s clone had been a near-universal sorceress. Among the heroes of the Age of Mythology, approximately only 10 of them would be a match.

-Now you might be able to knock down Nídhöggur if he appears in the material world. Some preparations are needed, but you can be born as a new goddess on this planet.

“I don’t want to be a goddess.” Lili shook her head slightly, her voice filled with quiet determination.

-I know. You don’t even want to overthrow Akasha’s throne of omnipotence. You are such a person, Liliana Miller.

Liliana couldn’t say anything. It was a strange relationship from beginning to end, but Gluttony was the one who best understood her in this world, even more than the family members who were connected to her by blood or her lovers. The grimoire was a part of her that was so close she couldn’t speak about love. Gluttony knew everything. It was Liliana’s second soul and companion, the one who had reached out a hand of salvation to Liliana when she had fallen into inferiority.

“sh*t!” Thus, Liliana had to hesitate. She had already wasted a few minutes on the opponent whom she could finish off with one chant. No matter how powerful the ‘sword that binds time’ was, she couldn’t keep Gluttony in this state forever. It meant there wasn’t much time left to talk.

At that moment...

-Don’t hesitate, Gluttony opened her mouth before the hesitating Liliana. -Why are you so agitated? Why are you hesitating? Do you think that I’ve regained reason? No. This chance doesn’t exist. Once the binding power is lost, I will attack again.

“I know even if you don’t say this.”

-You have made your choice. You didn’t look at the end of all truths and decided to stay in this world. Continue to the end of this path without looking back. This is the responsibility of the winner.

“Hah,” Liliana laughed bitterly at the words. ‘Advising me to finish it off.’

It was really annoying that Gluttony was always right. Liliana didn’t hide her heart as she spoke in a sarcastic tone, “Why don’t you speak words of surrender instead of death? Why don’t you ask me to seal you or something like that?”

-Will you do it if I ask?


-The result is obvious, so there is no point. You wouldn’t want to see me like that either.

The penetrating words caused Liliana to bite her lips. Otherwise, a bad sound would emerge.

“...I still can’t get the final word in, dammit.”

-I won the argument. With this, it is 1:1?

“How funny.” Liliana couldn’t help laughing and realized that her heart had become lighter. The lingering attachment between the two of them was settled. It was clear that the shape of the sword holding onto Gluttony had become increasingly blurred.

“―Yes, let’s finish it.”

The two who met must now part. Liliana realized the inevitability of this and raised her palms. She couldn’t buy any more time. As her nine circles revolved and the magic power in her body boiled, a complicated magic circle rose from her palms as she spread them out. This was a magic that she had previously cast once by borrowing the power of others.

-Dimensional Banish? It is a decent way.

A Seven Sins grimoire wouldn’t disappear from this material world unless the host was destroyed. What if it had a defenseless structure like Lust? As such, in order to combat the grimoire, Liliana needed to pour out firepower like she had done with Pride or to banish it from the dimension like what had happened with Sloth.

Wuuuong… The space started vibrating. It was the sign that the circle around Gluttony was punching a hole in the dimension. Liliana was surprised since the speed was faster than she had expected. However, she soon realized why. ‘I see. Thanks to the experience with the Akashic Records, it seems I have learned how to deal with dimensional boundaries...?’

Liliana’s speed was two times faster than that of Simon Magus, who had spent 10 minutes to launch it. However, this didn’t mean that Liliana was a sorceress beyond Simon Magus’ level. The Akashic Records was the center of the most profound dimension in space. After blending with it, Liliana had reached another level of dimensional magic.

-Umm… At this time, the silent Gluttony spoke up. -I have something to say... but I can’t really remember. No, I don’t know how to say it.


-This is the first time I’ve had a contractor like this... I’m sorry that I’ve missed a good chance. I thought I understood human emotions, but I should analyze it again from the beginning...

It wasn’t a normal voice but a powerful one, and it sounded like a farewell rather than a complaint. Liliana bit her lips until blood flowed and focused on the magic circle. She didn’t want to show an ugly appearance while saying farewell. Subsequently, the banishment magic circle was completed without any mistakes.

“Goal, designated.”

The space around Gluttony distorted. No, it wasn’t the space but the dimension. The passage leading to the outer dimension opened its mouth, and everything inside it would disappear without a trace. The specified action of a finger snap was the key to start it. Liliana didn’t hesitate to snap two fingers. She didn’t look back as her friend had advised.


Before her mind could hesitate, her fingers moved.


Dimensional Banish—its magic circle started to vibrate at super speed. This was the preliminary work to tear apart the walls of the dimension.

Gluttony’s voice was almost inaudible due to the noise. -Ah, that’s right... Is this the feeling of ‘regret’...? It hasn’t been a long time. No, maybe that is why it is more...

Liliana didn’t answer.

-Meeting a lot of people up to today... talking to them... fighting... going to sleep... The ones who left the deepest impression... most of them occupied one corner of the storage space...

Again, Liliana didn’t answer.

-No... this isn’t what I wanted to say. Liliana Miller... you are the most mysterious of all the magicians I have contracted with... the greatest sorceress to the end. The journey with you... It was a special experience for me...


Gluttony’s voice was now muffled. Liliana wouldn’t be able to hear it unless she focused. So, she listened quietly. Her heart was whispering. Liliana couldn’t miss this moment, the end of a friend she wouldn’t meet again.


The final step of being expelled from the dimension was completed, cutting away the coordinates designated by the magic circle and blowing it outward. Now Gluttony’s voice was distorted like it was on a low frequency. -...The time that we have spent together... It, has, been, fun... Use..r.

Simultaneously, the banishment was carried out perfectly.


The space that had been torn off disappeared somewhere before returning to its original state. There was a pit on the ground, like something had been dug up. Nobody would know what had happened here just a moment ago. Liliana was the only exception.

“...Yes,” the words that she couldn’t suppress emerged after everything was over, “I also enjoyed it.”

It was all thanks to Gluttony that she could come here. She had gained strength, fame, and people who loved her, and she had saved the world. Liliana stood before the pit and looked at the sky. Due to the fight between the two beings, strange colors swayed over the northern hemisphere like an aurora. ‘Long... It wasn’t long...’ Liliana looked back on her journey. Gluttony advised her not to look back, but it had meant for Liliana not to feel regretful.

Liliana didn’t feel regretful. So, she looked back without hesitation on everything that had allowed her to reach this day.

She’d met a grimoire in a library.

She’d met a good teacher who had seen a talent she hadn’t had.

She’d overcome her inferiority complex and saved her home from danger.

She’d met the elves from fairytales and survived a monster.

She’d saved the world tree, made friends, and also met an evil dragon.

She’d killed a monster, jumped over a wall, and inherited a power.

She’d made bonds in distant lands and become the hero of a kingdom.

She’d thrown down the monster behind the empire.

She’d repelled an invader from another world and become protector of the world tree.

She’d defeated a disaster on the distant continent and a threat to the world.

She’d smashed a falling meteorite and rejected all truths.

And… she’d sent away a friend.


How was her life? Liliana asked herself. She remembered the day it had started and how she’d met many people. There were both good and bad people, along with bargaining, fighting, talking, pointing her sword, and talking again. Liliana had developed relationships with many of them.

‘One day, all of them will leave me. But not now.’ By denying omnipotence, she would enjoy the happiness she held on to. As a friend of hers had said, this was the right and responsibility of the winner. Liliana would follow these words.

‘Let’s live the right way...’ Just like she was always told. She inadvertently looked up and saw a shooting star streaking across the sky. Tomorrow would come as always.

Chapter 398 - Happy Ending (1)

Time passed by. Some people forgot, some people didn’t.

It was a memory of the day when a meteorite had fallen from the sky. A night sky had enveloped the whole world, and it had seemed like all life would end. From dragons to daylight, everything had been equal before the falling red meteorite. Doomsday—as soon as the myth became reality, nobody had been able to resist it and had to accept fate. On that day, infants and adults were equal, a farmer and a sword master were the same, and a human and dragon were no different. Before absolute destruction, all living things had lowered their eyes, afraid to even look at the sky.

A sword master’s aura blade? A great sorceress’s 7th circle magic? The abilities which the talented humans had trained all their lives had become no better than trash. It was like how the differences between a rabbit, a bear, and a tiger were all meaningless in front of a pouring landslide.

Only one sorceress had flown against the ruin. It was just like how long ago, Icarus had challenged the sun and crossed the sky. This young witch struggled to prevent the destruction that had yet to arrive, making her living body move beyond the boundary of the planet.

Then the old god-sword broke, and her five viscera burst. Nevertheless, she had fought without stopping. She had fought alone without telling anyone. Had it been like an egg hitting against a rock? The sorceress had continued to knock against it despite knowing what the results would be. Finally, she was exhausted and defeated. Then she was revived at the end. Like a phoenix reborn from ashes, she had eventually beaten the destruction.

Very few people knew about it. The vast majority of people didn’t. One sorceress had saved the world. Tomorrow shouldn’t have come. The skeptics, those who had intuition, and those who understood were silent—the people who had looked up at the red sky and trembled from an uneasy feeling soon forgot about this day. Thus, life went on. Just like yesterday, somebody died today while somebody else was born in this world.

Six months had passed since the day the meteorite fell.

* * *

New days constantly arrived in the world, as if the end hadn’t been one step away. The struggle between Liliana and the Seven Sins led to a transformation of the times. Just as yesterday and today were different, today and tomorrow were different.

First, let’s look at the happenings of the West Continent. Due to the empty land of Lairon in the center, a war of nerves began. It was difficult to occupy the land immediately after Lairon’s fall due to the undead that remained in the territory. However, after Jerem’s death, the land was ownerless.

"I will get payback for the persecution of our people!" The nomadic people crossed the western border of Lairon.

However, the people of Austen and Soldun, who lacked agricultural land due to a long drought, also started acting. After all, one of the largest and most fertile lands in the central region was abandoned without an owner. Any nation’s leader would covet it. It had been a few years since the end of the drought. After regaining its national strength, Austen claimed without any fear, "We should take at least one third!"

Meanwhile, King Elsid of Soldun scoffed at their request. It was ridiculous from his point of view. "Don’t make me laugh. It was our elites who got rid of the undead remaining in Lairon. If you covet the land, I will give you a chance to use the same bed as the zombies."

It was a declaration which left no room for compromise. Wasn’t it the same as Elsid saying Soldun would kill them? On the surface, Soldun was threatening a war. As such, Austen became very angry and soon called the army to show the majesty of the Sultan.

As the clouds of combat spread across the central part of the continent, Meltor was aghast and informed both countries, "We are the ones who killed the warlock who destroyed Lairon. Why are you guys fighting over the land?"

The central countries were dumbfounded by the absurd remark. They could push forward with force, but the present Meltor Kingdom was the greatest power that had reached its peak. The Meltor Kingdom had the 7th circle Blue Tower Master and White Tower Master, as well as the 8th circle sorceress Red Tower Master who had the lineage of a dragon. Above all, Meltor had the top sorceress and Chief Tower Master, Liliana Miller. It was doubtful that the other countries would last for several days if Meltor wanted to immediately unify the West Continent.

Consequently, the war was canceled just before it began. However, there was no break as things started happening in the East Continent. It was the aftermath of the devastation caused by Lust, the so-called Lust’s Apocalypse. The empire was bordered by all countries, and the land was so wide that it was hard to compare to Lairon. Furthermore, it was difficult for Meltor to reach out its strength.

Of course, if Liliana acted properly, she could destroy all invaders and rebuild the middle empire. However, if she did that, she would be no different from a dictator.

‘I need to combine the remnants of the empire with the youkai led by Shuten-doji in order to form an alliance.’

It was diplomatic of a country to be weak in front of the strong and strong in front of the weak. If they showed that they had the power to resist, the momentum of the other countries would be reduced. If they pretended that they couldn’t occupy the outskirts which were now difficult to defend, the predators’ greed would somehow be filled.

Liliana’s plan went well. The New Central Kingdom, based around the Fairy Dance Lee family, kept close to half its territory. It was unlike the Western Xia and the Bukhae Kingdom, which had moved without the help of others.

‘The situation of the East Continent isn’t stable yet but...’

Liliana was forced to leave without seeing the results. There was something more serious than the restoration of the world, which had been damaged by the Seven Sins. She moved across the sea to the other continent with one space movement. Liliana couldn’t waste even one minute or one second. She walked down a familiar corridor with a stiff expression.

Step, step.

As the sound of her footsteps echoed, someone on the other side of the hall heard it and raised their head. Then they looked at the approaching person with a look of bitter grief.

“You are late, my soul. You took more than an hour?” She tapped Liliana on the shoulder before lightly kissing her cheek. Her hair shone brightly today. It was Veronica, the second strongest person in this magic tower and master of the red tower. Her mood was softer than before as she whispered, “I guess there was a lot of work in the East Continent? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be late.”

Liliana kissed her and smiled wryly. “Well, that and I had one place to go first.”

“Is it a big deal?”

“You don’t have to worry.”

“You said the same thing about fighting that meteorite. You should specify if you are suddenly going to die like last time.”

“I understand, Becky.”

Liliana had nothing to say about this topic. Her soul had shattered when she entered the Akashic Records to fight against the falling Wrath. The problem was that Veronica was linked to her soul. As soon as Liliana fell into the Akashic Records, her heart had stopped before restarting. Even the contract of a Seven Sins contract had been cut off, so her soul had gotten damaged. Back when Liliana’s soul shattered and entered a dimension that was several levels higher, it had broken all of her contracts.

‘It is lucky I recovered the connection along with Gluttony or I would’ve regretted it.’

Thinking about it now, it was shocking. If it hadn’t been for the vitality of Veronica’s bloodline and Liliana’s quick perception, Veronica would’ve died. How stupid would it have been to save the world while losing a lover? Her body temperature which she felt belatedly was now even more precious.

After hugging her for a few seconds, Liliana asked, “Am I late?”

“By my standards.” Veronica smiled and patted her head. “If that old man was still alive, he would be trying to break your head right now.”

“...There are still others. How is Sylvia?”

“She’s fine. She has a slight fever but that is normal.”

“I see...” Liliana sighed with relief and flopped down onto the chair. It was an expression that she hadn’t shown when she dealt with a dragon, a demon, or even Wrath.

Veronica saw her expression and teased her, “Control your face. You look like you are possessed by an evil spirit. Won’t people misunderstand?”

“Sigh... I know but I can’t control it.” This was different from the trials Liliana had faced so far. “It is hard for me.”

It was hard to believe that every parent had gone through this once or several times. Having a clear enemy was much easier. Liliana couldn’t even imagine the trial that was going on beyond the shabby door. It wasn’t even close to how she’d felt when she fought Pride. When she fought Wrath, she had been desperate but hadn’t given up. This was the first time she had such a feeling of helplessness.

At that moment...

Creak. The door of the room containing Sylvia opened.


The medical magician saw the two tower masters when he exited and bowed. However, Liliana stopped him and asked desperately, “Sylvia, how is her body? Is there anything wrong?”

The medical magician was a bit surprised at Liliana’s desperate appearance. It was the attitude of a parent that could be seen everywhere. He had thought the Chief Tower Master would have more composure, but his prediction was wrong. It was different from what he had thought, which caused the medical magician to smile. So what if Liliana Miller was the strongest sorceress? She was also a mother.

“Don’t worry. She is a bit tired, but she is fine. And... you should hear this from the Blue Tower Master.”

“T-That’s right.” Liliana reddened as she glimpsed her own behavior with the benefit of hindsight. “Thank you for your hard work. Then... Becky?”

“I will wait a bit. The two of you should spend some time together.”

“...Becky, thank you.”

Thanks to Veronica stepping back, Liliana crossed the room to where Sylvia was. It was only a few steps but it felt like the other side of the universe. She barely maintained her steady pace.

“Lili, you came.” Sylvia sat on a wide bed, holding a white blanket.



Her mouth didn’t open well. Liliana silently took one step and then two steps toward her. The caregiver stepped back like she knew the thoughts in Liliana’s heart. Now there were only two people at the bed. Liliana stood still and waited for Sylvia’s words. Her face was a bit more worn than usual, but she was a few times brighter.

“Lili.” Sylvia showed her the fabric that was moving slightly. “Look, it is our child.”


Objectively speaking, it was hard to say that the child was beautiful. After all, as a newborn baby, it was wrinkled and red. However, Liliana’s vision blurred. Tears that she didn’t know had formed were spilling, dripping like melting ice. No words emerged as she embraced her child with trembling hands.


She thought that she had been born for this moment, the birth of the child who inherited Liliana’s and Sylvia’s blood. Liliana had been afraid of this moment. There were more people she had to protect at the risk of her life. She had hesitated for a bit because the burden on her shoulders had gotten heavier.

However, at this moment, Liliana forgot all her regrets.

“...Caregiver,” Liliana whispered so that the sleeping child wouldn’t wake up, “Give this leaf to Sylvia in a tea.”

“C-Chief Tower Master. Excuse me, but this leaf...?”

Even if Liliana was the Chief Tower Master, the caregiver couldn’t feed anything to a new mother when she didn’t know what effect it would have. Liliana smiled at the careful caregiver. “A bud of the world tree.”


“Hurry. The strength weakens quickly away from Elvenheim.”


The caregiver moved busily while Liliana looked down lovingly at her child. There was a faint breathing sound. The tiny body seemed like it would break when she touched it. Liliana barely suppressed the urge to hug the child as tightly as possible.

‘Open.’ Liliana placed an index finger to the child’s lips.

She wouldn’t have been late if she had come directly from the East Continent. However, the reason she was perceived as late had been to get ‘this.’ A clear drop of liquid flowed from the space connected to her fingertips. There were only a few drops, but that was a huge amount from an elf’s perspective. It hadn’t been easy for them to extract sap from the barely recovering world tree because they thought of the world tree as their ancestor.

Liliana once again glanced over the baby’s face. If a baby was fed this sap, they would grow up with the love of all the elementals and spirits. Indeed, it seemed as if the baby’s color improved.

“Lili.” Sylvia watched her from the side and held out both of her hands.

Liliana suppressed her regret and placed the baby back in Sylvia’s arms. Sylvia kissed the sleeping child’s forehead and looked at her with a profound gaze in her eyes. It was more loving than passionate. These were definitely the eyes of a ‘mother.’

“If you have a name that you’ve thought about, can you tell me?”


She had one. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that this person had contributed to Liliana’s victory—a pleasant old man who had always laughed energetically for his age. If possible, Liliana had wanted to end their wedding with getting the old man’s blessing. No, the old man might’ve laughed and cried. He was the person characterized by a white beard and a large staff.

The name Liliana had in mind drew inspiration from Blundell Adruncus. “Adellia.”

The meaning of the name was obvious to Sylvia as soon as she heard it. Her eyes widened like she was surprised. Then she smiled brightly. “It is a good name.”

Chapter 399 - Happy Ending (2)

Liliana wanted to stay longer with her first child, but she could see that Sylvia was tired despite drinking tea made from a leaf of the world tree. It wasn’t a medicine or magic after all. She kissed the foreheads of Sylvia and the sleeping Adellia, then she left the room.


Once she left the room, Veronica’s eyes widened from where she was waiting for her. What on earth was she seeing? She stretched out a hand and touched Liliana’s cheek. Her fingers touched the dry tear marks. “...Lili, you cried?”

Come to think of it, she hadn’t wiped them up. Liliana nodded lightly. Once she opened her mouth, it felt like her voice wouldn’t come out. Veronica didn’t tease her. Rather, she held Liliana's face affectionately and patted it slowly. The two women calmed down by sharing their body temperatures.

“Oh, I’m jealous.” Veronica had a faint smile on her face as she let out warm breaths. Her heart was affected when she saw this girl look so defenseless. She felt a bit envious that Sylvia had seen this face first. Veronica’s affection for Liliana, who truly loved her, was overwhelming.

She held Liliana's face and said playfully, “You will be hurt if you don’t cry when it is my turn. Understood?”

“Of course,” Liliana replied without any hesitation. This was a joy that she wouldn’t be able to get used to, no matter how many times she experienced it. It was a feeling she never knew before she became a parent. Despite extra weight being put on both of her shoulders, Liliana didn’t break from this weight.

“All of you are my treasures. I don’t intend to change this priority, even if the world is at risk.”

It was the reason why she had been able to refuse the Akashic Records and the throne of omnipotence. The role Clipeus had given to her was light compared to this. Adding a few things to her burden wouldn’t tilt the balance towards her leaving.

Veronica blushed at her words. She looked cute since it was unlike her. Then Liliana whispered in her ears, “Can I see Becky’s child next time?”

“I-I don’t know!” Veronica exclaimed, slipping out of Liliana’s eyes. Her eyes were big as she shouted, “Tonight is my turn, so don’t go anywhere!”

Liliana replied with a smirk, “I know. That is why I said it.”

“This beast!”

“Shouldn’t I say that about Becky?”

Veronica’s face was as red as a persimmon as she looked away. With her red dragon’s lineage, all her passion had been released after the wedding. As such, she wasn’t in a position to call Liliana a ‘beast.’ However, she stopped teasing her and spoke in a gentle voice, “Don’t stay for long because Sylvia is tired. Understood?”

Veronica nodded without saying anything. She felt like she would receive more damage the more she watched. After stroking Veronica’s red hair several times, Liliana turned and walked down the corridor. The sound of the door closing behind her was strange.

Liliana calmed her mood as she stepped out of the tower. She walked lightly.


Then she soon realized...

‘The world looks different.’

Liliana even welcomed the boiling hot sun. Her eyes were captivated by the rustling of unnamed flowers and by the fresh clouds floating in the sky. Was this the feeling of having the whole world? All riches and honors were useless.

“Sigh...” Liliana was happy for a moment before calling out behind her. She had been aware of the presence from before, but now the gap between the two of them was narrowed. “Paragranum, what is it?”

It was a pale blonde girl with two eyes like rubies and soft brown skin like chocolate. She was a beautiful girl who looked no different from a doll. With a smile that seemed like it was drawn in a picture, the grimoire that was the Yellow Tower Master spoke about something else instead of answering. “You are really interesting.”

Her red eyes glowed with dangerous interest. “Despite being a transcendent, you are faithful to keeping your human emotions. It was beyond my expectations that you would defeat Wrath and your contractor.”

“Don’t sugarcoat it.” Liliana looked back with no expression. “Why did you come here?”

“It is a regular report.”


Without any hand gestures or chants, a wall of silence surrounded the two of them. Paragranum’s mouth gaped open as she realized it, but Liliana didn’t respond at all.


“You really are unfriendly,” Paragranum said with a shrug. Then she finally explained, “I have built more than half the blueprints. It’s the beginning of a cornerstone of a civilization that combines science and magic. This will lead to the opening of schools that will spread the two disciplines throughout all of Meltor. It should take 10 years?”

“10 years until the starting point... It is a long way to go.”

“It can’t be helped. This country is already attached to the magic system. If you want to change the sheets, you either have to wait until they turn around or flip them all over.”

If Liliana went in a radical direction, she might see three times the progress. However, in that case, the civilization of this material world itself would be placed in Liliana’s palms. Yet if she didn’t intervene, they wouldn’t be able to become self-reliant, and there was the possibility of a big problem rising. Therefore, Liliana aimed for a gradual reform. The blueprints were just a light push for a new world order centered around Meltor.

‘I have too many things to do.’

She didn’t have time to enjoy Adellia being born. This was the reason why Liliana didn’t choose a radical way. There was no reason for her to gain wealth or power, nor did she want to take care of things she didn’t need to do. She also had no intention of making this world her own model garden. The people who lived in the present era should walk along this path themselves.

“Still, I think that magic engineering is fun. The world will be quite different after completing this plan. 1,000 years... No, will it be 1,500 years?”

“Maybe it needs that long,” Liliana confirmed Paragranum’s prediction. Then she added, “Tell me if there is anything you don’t like, especially considering the circ*mstances.”

“Huh? No, I’m fine. Creating a ‘human’ is just another means for my purpose of existence. In the first place, alchemy is the halfway point between magic and science.”

“Certainly, if you are sure.”

After 1,500 years, the mana level would be much lower than it was now due to Sloth. However, the utility of magic engineering was better than magic in certain fields. The alchemy grimoire, Paragranum, would show a higher synergy with it than anyone else. In the future where all masters would have disappeared, Liliana would be the only deterrent to control Paragranum.

“This is the end of my report.” Paragranum delivered some more reports before taking two steps back and staring at Liliana. It was like she was looking inside her. “The future world is interesting, but I am also curious about your future. Despite being able to reign, you choose not to reign. You also have no desire to leave this world. Isn’t that right?”


“Liliana Miller, the last transcendent of this world, how long can you insist on this life? I will be watching.”

Then Paragranum left in an instant.

‘Until when?’ Liliana gazed at the blonde who was moving further away from her. No matter the purpose behind her words, it didn’t feel like she was antagonizing her. It was purely curiosity and was quite meaningful. Perhaps the few words of this grimoire would stick with her until the end of this world.


Liliana left this spot and returned to the central tower.

* * *

Two months later, Sylvia’s state steadily improved after she giving birth to Adellia. Additionally, the distribution of the Lairon territory finally finished after six months of negotiations. In the process, there was strong resistance from the Austen Kingdom. However, they had to close their mouth after Liliana visited.

It was a prelude to the Age of Great Peace.

Envy’s death had resolved the long conflict in the northern part of the continent. The territory of Lairon, which could’ve been the seed of a dispute, was then divided among nations without a single armed conflict. Over the next 20 years, they would be too busy clearing the land to turn their eyes elsewhere.

In the southern part of the continent, the swamp was receding, and there was so empty space. However, it wasn’t easy to deal with because the monsters in the continent renewed their grip on this land. In particular, the southern kingdoms lacked strong combat power.

As long as this balance didn’t collapse, there would be at least one or two centuries of peace.

“On behalf of the Meltor Kingdom, I will declare to all countries!” In this unprecedented golden age of Meltor, Kurt III declared to the world, “From this day on, Meltor is no longer a kingdom! As a true magic empire, I declare that we are the Magic Empire of Meltor!”

The Magic Empire... Andras had been downgraded to a kingdom after being defeated in the war. Even the empire in the East Continent had collapsed. No nation objected to Meltor’s claim to becoming an empire. In the central square of Mana-vil, Kurt III, now an emperor, stood on the high podium and raised one hand to the cheering people. “Wait! The auspicious news doesn’t end here!”

Expectations filled the eyes of the people gathered in this square. It was already surprising that Meltor was reborn as an empire. Now there was something else? Kurt III raised the tension for a few seconds before glancing at someone standing by. Then he shouted in a voice that rang through the square, “You must know as well! The chief of the magic towers that oversees the whole of the Meltor Kingdom—no, the best sorceress of the empire!”

Liliana walked slowly and stood before Kurt III on stage.

“The hero who has built up countless achievements, the one who ended the war with Andras and whose reputation stretches to the East Continent...! I will give Chief Tower Master Liliana Miller a position worthy of these merits!”

At least thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands, of people forgot how to breathe as they looked at this scene. This was a day which would be written in Meltor’s history books and a day that they wouldn’t forget. It was Kurt III’s accession as the first emperor of Meltor and the appointment ceremony for Liliana Miller.

“Listen up, Liliana Miller.”

Liliana bowed slightly without kneeling. As a 9th circle sorceress, she was qualified to do so.

“Will you give wisdom to this Meltor as a teacher of the state? Will you be the pillar of the empire’s strength and honor?”


“Are you willing to become a companion of this Meltor Empire and pursue a future with it?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Kurt III smiled at the answer and pulled something out from under the podium. “Then all the people here will stand as witnesses! If you have eyes, look! If you have ears, listen! I, the first emperor of the Meltor Empire, will give my first imperial order!”

He held a luxurious item with a mysterious glowing gem hanging from its end. The item was 50 centimeters in length, and the magic power rising from its surface proved that its value was huge. It was a rod. The rod, known as a magician’s special weapon along with a staff and an orb, was a national treasure managed by the royal family.

“You will be treated as the head of our imperial court, a teacher, and a guardian. You can exercise any command equal to an imperial order in any domestic or foreign affairs. The leader of all magicians, the head of the magic towers, Liliana Miller! I, Kurt III, today appoint you as the Imperial Guardian!”

It was a position prepared only for Liliana.

“It is the glory of my life, Your Majesty.” Liliana politely stretched out her hands and accepted the rod. Feeling uncomfortable, she laughed. It had been more than half a year, yet she still couldn’t adapt to this. There was a faint smile on her face as Liliana raised her left hand up to the sky.

“Wahhhhh!” The roar of the crowd shook the heaven and earth.

Chapter 400 - Happy Ending (3)

‘There is a commotion.’

Cheers reverberated throughout all of Mana-vil. The whole castle seemed to be shaking. The pigeons sitting on the castle walls flew away, and the flags of each house fluttered vigorously. It was the day that the Meltor Empire was announced. After grabbing the rod which symbolized the Imperial Guardian, Liliana looked down at the landscape below her feet. The people currently looking up wouldn’t know about how a girl raised in a rural area had reached this place and what hardships she had overcome.

The world’s best sorceress was once the dunce of Bergen Academy...? It was a story that even she couldn’t have believed in those days. The sky, which she looked up at, was as blue as always and clear without any clouds. Emotions rose and sank quickly. She wasn’t so immature as to be swayed by this. Still, wasn’t it okay to return the cheers once?

“Um.” Liliana raised the rod in her right hand and aimed it at the sky.

The people who saw her movements became silent. They watched the best magician of this century with curious eyes, wondering what she would show on this auspicious day. Would it be fire? A lightning strike? This was the perception of those who didn’t know much about magicians. They thought Liliana wasn’t that different from the other great magicians.

‘Okay, this is fine.’ Liliana visualized it in a matter of seconds and carried out the magic. The gem at the end of the rod shone once before dimming. The central square fell silent, expecting something tremendous. However, nothing happened.

One of the disappointed people sighed and looked up. “...Eh?”

Then his loud exclamation shattered the heavy silence, “T-The sky! Look above you!”

People raised their heads as soon as his voice was heard. It wasn’t just the people gathered in the central square but the magicians around the stage as well. All the citizens of Mana-vil looked up at the sky, which had blackened. Like the sky from half a year ago, night had come despite the sunshine. However, unlike Doomsday, this night sky was beautiful. The blue sky still remained at the edge, a color border that decorated the night sky. Additionally, starlight shone in the warm darkness. Due to Liliana’s magic, the night sky was closer and clearer, captivating everyone’s eyes.

She was a sorceress who covered the sun in daytime and brought the night! This alone was enough to cause awe. However, Liliana’s magic didn’t end there.

“Ohh! The curtain of light in the sky...”

“These jewel-like lights... are really beautiful!”

“An aurora over Mana-vil...!”

There was a whirl of light where the color couldn’t be determined. Some people recognized it as an aurora, while others didn’t. However, everyone didn’t hesitate to admire it and rejoice. In front of Liliana’s magic, both the young and old were joyful. The aurora in the sky gathered in one place and started to draw several complex patterns.

Someone saw through the meaning and cried out in a loud voice, “That... is the flag of the empire!”

The first and most dramatically drawn pattern was the flag of Meltor. The eagles, spires, and crown pattern planted a flame in the hearts of the crowd. The next pattern consisted of the symbols that represented the magic towers.

Owl, owlet, crow, and osprey—when the four wise birds flew in the sky, the people became speechless. The symbols of the nation—the magic empire, Meltor—they would live as in the future were filling the sky.

“...Hooray!” Nobody knew who opened their mouths first.

“―The Imperial Guardian, hooray!”

Once one person cried out, the ten people around them also shouted. It wasn’t long until ten people grew to the hundreds, and hundreds grew to the thousands. The crowd in the central square cried out in one voice.

“Imperial Guardian, hooray!

“His Majesty the Emperor, hooray!

“Liliana Miller, hooray!

“The magic empire, hooray!”

The voices of the 10,000 people were almost like a storm. The passing wind was broken, and the surprised birds fell out of the tree. The patriotism and pride that resulted from Liliana’s magic inspired the people. Later, historians would assert: It was said that the endless glory of the Meltor Empire began with the first cheer.

* * *

The Imperial Guardian could speak on the same level as the emperor and be involved in any policy domestically and abroad. It was legally absurd, but Liliana’s transcendent power and achievements made the exception possible. In the first place, if she decided on something, who would dare argue against her? The position of Imperial Guardian was just a deception.

Of course, it seemed great for those who didn’t know the circ*mstances behind it. It did make it easier for Liliana to do her work.

“Sigh...” Liliana returned to her office on the top floor of the central magic tower and took off her scarf.

Despite obtaining a tremendous position, her work hadn’t changed much. Liliana was still mediating disputes between nations, dealing with the aftermath of wars, and stabilizing the unstable dimension. She wandered around the world from dawn to early evening and then checked the faces of Adellia and her partners.

Liliana buried herself in the armchair and whispered in a low voice, “Goetia, assistance.”

[Yes, Mistress,] a voice emerged from the ring on her right hand. [Aquilo has sent a message that she has normalized the water vein in Austen. Elvenheim said that the condition of the world tree will be normalized in approximately two or three months. In the East Continent, the Western Xia has dispatched reconnaissance troops across the border. Half of them were wiped out by the border guards in the south. The establishment of the Science Academy is 72% completed as scheduled. The screening of magicians who are suitable as researchers for the ‘magic engineering’ is delayed a bit.]

“...I see,” Liliana said and closed her eyes, summarizing the situation before replying, “I will return to talk to Aquilo directly. It is pleasing that the recovery of the world tree is twice as fast as expected. Mitra and the spirits added strength. I need to get some gifts.”

[Yes, I will act according to Mistress’s will.]

“But the Western Xia...” It was Baek Dongil’s native kingdom. Liliana could understand why the Baek Family left the East Continent. When did a person reveal their true colors? The leader of the Western Xia was filled with inferiority and jealousy. Now the leader had no more patience left to watch.

“Just leave it alone. The power of the South Kingdom and the New Central Kingdom isn’t bad. They will take care of it.”

[I understand.]

“And the lack of researchers for ‘magic engineering’... There aren’t many magicians interested in science? We can support it with the budget.”

Thanks to the 9th circle magic, Materials Conversion, money and materials wasn’t a problem. Additionally, the materials which were essential to magic engineering were steel and lead, not mithril or orichalcum. There were many studies that could be done with rare metals. However, there was still a long way to go from the beginning.

Goetia laughed at Liliana’s words and said, [The magicians of this age are only focused on magic. It is hard to study a new field.]

“It would be quite helpful for magic too... Well, it can’t be helped.” There was no point forcing magicians to participate. If she built an academy and taught people from childhood, the problem would be solved after one generation. This was a blueprint made for a thousand years. She could afford a margin of error that was one generation. Therefore, Liliana abandoned her impatience.

“Is there anything else to report?”

[Yes. There are a few more things, but I can handle them autonomously.]

“Okay, you have worked hard today. Get some rest.”

[I understand, Mistress. Please have a comfortable night.]

The blinding light of the ring stopped shining. Liliana took it off and placed it on the desk. The darkness that came in from outside the window cast shade over the small silver ring. It was the night view of Mana-vil with countless stars and lights.

‘It was quite busy today.’

Liliana sat in the chair and looked at the scenery as she thought back on this day. It was better to be busy than to be bored enough to yawn. If she didn’t enjoy life, then she wouldn’t be able to live for a long time. She calmly looked out the window at the lights and the people wandering below.

‘...How long can I carry on with my life?’

When there was no work to do, many thoughts were born. Liliana recalled the words that Paragranum had said a few months ago. She was different from the people down below. She would live endlessly, unlike the people caught on the wheel of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This was why transcendents left the world or went into hiding.

Those who lived finite lives and those who were immortal—there was a gap that couldn’t be narrowed down between the two.

Liliana could live like this for another 100 years. There would be no big problem after 200 years. But what about 1,000 years? 2,000 years? After everyone she loved died and she was alone in this world, it wouldn’t be possible to live like she did now and she would stop breathing.

Once she closed her eyes, the infinite vortex appeared in her mind. Right now, it was like she could grip omnipotence in her hands. It would be easy to lead all the surrounding people to transcendence and build a paradise that would remain until the end of the universe.

“Hah!” Liliana scoffed and shook off the temptation. “It isn’t funny.”

Even if her loved ones left, there would be children connected through her blood and name. It was the bond she’d created with Sylvia and Adellia which kept her in this world. Remembering the past and preparing for the promising future was the right way to live. It was against Liliana’s principles to fear the unfamiliar future and hold onto a past that should be let go.

Liliana sat back in her chair and said cheerfully, “We are born, born, born, and born again. But we can’t understand where life begins.”

Those were the words of a grand Buddhist master in the East.

“We will die, die, die, and die. But we won’t know the end of death.”

Even a transcendent who had seen a part of the truth couldn’t understand universal life and death. Liliana was the same despite having looked at Akashic. If she were asked why the universe existed, she would answer that she didn’t know. This answer was the truth of everything. The existence of life and death was an existence complete in itself.

“Without her, without him... As long as there are traces of them left in my descendants in the future...”

Liliana Miller wouldn’t forsake this world. She pledged this once more and picked up a book from her desk. There was no title, and the notebook had no words.


Life wasn’t meaningless. She wasn’t sleepy and there was still time left in the night, so Liliana didn’t hesitate to pick up a quill pen. She thought it wouldn’t be bad to write about her own life in print. It would be an autobiography. Liliana brought the tip of the pen to the notebook. There was a text that should precede the table of contents.

One title came to mind—[The Book Eating Magician.]

The palm of her left hand tingled. Liliana wrote the first chapter without disturbing the illusion. It was a story which began by meeting a bad book in the library.

...And that story wasn’t over yet.

The Book Eating Magician (female protagonist rewrite) - BattlerY (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.